#scarlet witch headcanon
Magical BFFs 👯‍♀️ | Wanda Maximoff HC
Link to my Marvel masterlist
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Being a sorcerer/sorceress and Wanda’s best would look like:
You two are literally the chaos twins (not in regards to chaos magic, but you’re just a handful when together). You more than likely met either after the events of Ultron where you both were recruited to the Avengers. Your rooms were on the same floor so you saw each other a lot whether it be in the kitchen or the living room. In the beginning you didn’t say much, but it soon grew into small conversations.
Over time you two realized you had a lot in common. Both of you had abilities that regular humans were hesitant of, lost family, and were pretty much on your own. Yeah you had the Sanctum and other sorcerers, but you never really connected with them much. Wanda could understand you, and you could do the same for her. “Ever felt like you’re on a tight rope with people on either side, but you know if you were to fall there’s a chance no one would be there to save you?” “That sounds like everyday of my life.”
If you were a fan of sitcoms than TV night was the best time for you two, but if you weren’t then you’d make the sacrifice for her in exchange for Wanda watching something you liked the next time. The classics were a must like ‘I Love Lucy,’ and ‘The Dike Van Dyke Show.” You’ll grab some popcorn with sodas or milkshakes and spend hours watching until you either finish a season or fall asleep on the couch.
When it came time to training, you two were often paired together. No one else in the Avengers had magic other than Loki (but even then the God was not a good teacher and was often MIA) so you had to wing it. Wanda of course wielded a different type of magic than you and therefore it was often offensive sparring you’d engage in. You never saw Wanda say or perform incantations, so you were clueless as to what her magic was. All you knew was it came from the Mind Stone.
A game you both loved to do on a day off or break from missions was to spin to globe and have one of your fingers land on a random place. Wherever it landed on, you’d conjure a portal to the location and you guys would spend the entire day there having fun. “We went to Rome last month, I kinda wanna go to somewhere in South America.” “Then aim for that—but remember no cheating! No using powers to slow the globe.”
Wanda loved to make you Sokovian dishes to try out. Now that her country was gone and the population was scattered, she wanted to keep her culture alive by creating traditional meals and share them with you. Everything she made was like heaven to your tastebuds. “Wanda, darling, Vision is a lucky to have you.” “One, he doesn’t eat. And two *blushes* we’re not together.” “Suuuure you’re not *wink*.”
You guys did everything you could that best friends did even though you rarely got time off and were bound to the compound. You’d drive into the city for shopping or catching a movie. Sometimes you’d get stopped for photos and autographs which you welcomed warmly with a smile. Going to bookstores was a must at least once a month so you could gather books for your little book club you had which you made all the Avengers take part in. “I thought we’d agreed we would not be doing another romance novel, Y/n, Maximoff.” “Yes that was true, Loki, but this is a historical romance and the one last week was contemporary.” “I frankly enjoyed this story.” “Thank you, Vision.”
Like most best friends, you both would lend each other clothes, books, makeup if you wore it, etc, etc. Thankfully living together on the same floor meant you could not use excuses if you didn’t return it. Although you may have lost one of her earrings on a mission, and Wanda spilled coffee on a T-shirt you gave her. When something like that happened you two always replaced it.
Of course, when one of you gets into a relationship the other is first to know. It wasn’t a surprise when Wanda and Vision finally labeled the thing going between them. “I always knew it was a matter of time.” When it came to you, dating was something you didn’t prioritize, but if it happened it happened. “What’s up with you and that CIA guy?” “Ross? Oh nothing, he’s just a friend.” “You said the same about that one sorcerer. What was his name again? Steph—.” “It was a mistake to get involve with someone at the Sanctum. But I won’t deny the man is hot as fuck.” “and what about Sharon Cater?” “Now that, that was a lost chance I can only hope would get a second one.”
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anyaeras · 2 months
❥・Domme!Mommy!Wanda head cannons
[sometimes I just think about her]
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♡ Soft head cannons-
❥・mommy Wanda's love language was words of affirmation, yet she also enjoyed physical touch, such as holding you, soft back rubs and running her hand through your hair. You being a cuddler, she finds it adorable
❥・She wasn't a big cook, but she loved to bake, often she was ask for you help making some sweet treats.
❥・ When she was reading on the sofa she would always welcome you to lay you head on her lap, she would read and randomly run her fingers through your hair.
❥・Late nights she loved to watch sitcoms, overtime she would get you to also fall in love with the cute television programs
❥・Wanda was protective, she made sure you were taken care of always. She got very good at reading your emotions and made sure to try and keep them in check.
❥・ Even though she was protective, she was also very possessive, anytime you guys went to one of Tony's parties her jealousy would spike.
❥・ She loved to pick out your clothes, better if she could put you in her own sweaters. She knew you liked the smell of them anyway.
❥・She uses flower bomb perfume by viktor and rolf
❥・ Wanda Loves baths, she would add lavender salts when she would take baths, sometimes she would ask you to join her.
❥・she found when you had an attitude funny, knowing she could easily change your mood.
❥・Wanda had a huge mommy kink obviously, she loved when you called her mommy in and out of bed, it made her feel things in the best way.
❥・ Praising, she was soft and would praise you when you were doing a good job. Eating her out? "So good for me baby" "keep going детка, so pretty you are"
❥・ Mommy Wanda used pet names A LOT, she could never run out as she always added a pet name when speaking to you.
❥・ She had a dark side, sometimes she just needed to rut her strap into you, taking out her stress as you moaned and squirm under her.
❥・ She loved to get you begging and whining for her touch. Wanda thought it was hot to see you beg for her to play with you.
❥・ She loved to dress you up in pretty lacy bras and panties.
❥・She was positive, and would sometimes leave marks just for you to look back at them.
❥・ Praising you while fucking you in front of a mirror so you can see yourself being mommy's slut
❥・ Oral fixation, she would put her fingers in your mouth just for fun, forcing you to suck.
❥・when you are really being a brat, she was get mean with you back, making sure you knew mommy was in charge.
❥・ Sometimes when she was really in the mood she would ride a strap she put on you, or maybe even let you fuck her, guiding you showing you just how to fuck her the right way.
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annmaximoff18 · 19 days
Wanda, writing: How I defeated Kamar-Taj and saved my children with the power of love
Wanda: Chapter 1: The power of love
Wanda: The first step in my journey was realizing that it is impossible to defeat Kamar-Taj with the power of love.
Wanda: Chapter 2: The Power of Incredible Violence
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wandaslittlelove · 3 months
Destined Part 1
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Warnings for this chapter: None?
Series Masterlist
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I sighed as I heard a loud knock on my front door. Grabbing the bag of flour I made my way to the door assuming it was just my neighbor Marcy wanting some for baking again. The girl never seemed to have any and always came over for mine which I didn’t mind. I just started buying more when I would go to the store. 
“Marcy hun you should really just-” I froze as I saw Strange on the other side of the door and a young girl stood next to him.
“y/n nice to see you.” He spoke. With a sigh I sat the flour down on the small table by the door before inviting them in.
“Tea?” I asked while making my way into the kitchen as they both followed after me. The young girl politely nodded her head and took a seat at the island along with Strange who sat a very old looking book down on the countertop.
It was silent for a minute. The only sound being me getting down three mugs and the teapot whistling on the stove. 
I sat the tea in front of the two along with some sugar as I took to standing across from them.
“What do you need Strange?” My tone came out more bitter than I wanted it to but I couldn’t help it. After I left what remained of the Avengers I had hoped I would never have to see his face or any of theirs ever again. That's why I moved to Ohio so that I would be away from the never ending drama that is New York and to be close to my sister's grave.
“I- We need your help. This Is America Chavez. She’s able to travel the multiverse.” With those words I choked on my tea.
“The multiverse?” I questioned not trusting my ears to have heard the right thing.
“Yes. You know about it?” He asks as he and the girl, America, looked at each other.
“Vision often talked of his theories during movie nights” The word Vision seemed to make me scowl remembering how he got the life with the person I had loved. The person who was supposed to be my wife. 
“You said Wanda said the same thing” This was the first time the girl had spoken and the way she said Wanda had made your whole body shiver. It was as if she was scared of the woman.
“You spoke to her?” I hadn’t heard anything of her since that night I left. I expected to at least see something about her on the news but she never came up. 
“Yeah. She’s after me. She’s been sending these weird creatures after me to take my powers.” America explained as she fiddled with the mug.
“She has the dark hold y/n” The words caused me to stiffen. I had only heard of the dark hold a few times while I was studying with Strange but I knew it was nothing good. It was described as the book of the damned and anyone who touched it became corrupted. “I need your help in protecting America. Yours and Wanda’s magic are almost complete opposites. While hers is chaos magic while yours is Order magic.” The two shared another look as if they both knew something I didn’t. I watched as Strange opened the book he had brought and flipped to a page. “With the help of the darkhold Wanda has become the Scarlet Witch. Everything anyone had ever known about her is written in this book like a prophecy.” I nodded as I listened to his words. “It also speaks of yours.” He slides the book over to me and setting my tea down I quickly read the page he had opened to. 
The Scarlet Witch bringer of chaos and the White Fawn bringer of life and creation:
The Scarlet Witch is not born; she is forged. She has no coven or need for incantation. Her power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. It is her destiny to destroy the world. 
The White Fawn is the opposite of the chaos bringer. She is born to counteract the actions of the Scarlet Witch. Her destiny is to heal the wounds, love, and calm the Chaos Witch.
My eyes scanned the page three more times before I slammed the book shut. I watched as America jumped in her seat and I sent her an apologetic smile as I slid the book back to Strange. 
“That can’t be right or it can’t be me. Wanda does not love me. I will not let my destiny be what is written in some book. What is she even after in the multiverse?” My question seemed to keep Strange quiet for a moment before he spoke.
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Tag List: @alexawynters @username23345 @casquinhaa @idontknow-llol
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fandomhcs · 3 months
dating wanda maximoff would include:
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dating one of the most powerful people in the universe is definitely a trip, let me tell you.
wanda values quality time above most other love languages so expect to be sharing each other’s spaces most of the time. she could spend all of her time reading in the corner with you across the room from her reading or scrolling through your phone.
that said, she loves when you choose to join her in whatever she’s doing. read with her, ask her about whatever magic she’s learning now, or bring her tea and curl up beside her while she’s watching an old sitcom on the couch. she’ll melt.
she loves any kind of date night. whether it’s staying in and ordering pizza or going out to a new restaurant and an arcade, wanda just gets this warm gooey feeling whenever you two get to spend a night with no interruptions. she loves the more stereotypical date nights, the things she’s seen in shows and movies. finally having someone to experience the things she considers normal with is so, so special to her. take her to a movie and a cute dinner, take her dancing, take her stargazing. make her feel like she's in a movie and she'll melt.
wanda is forever grateful to you and thankful for the love you’ve brought into her life. joining the avengers, meeting you, finding control and strength in her powers? at one point in her life everything she has now seemed impossible. for so long it was just her and pietro against the world, now she has a family again. and more than that? she isn’t afraid of her own power.
her powers used to be something she feared. she was terrified to lose control, terrified to learn the limits of her powers. terrified that there may not be limits. but you’ve never once been scared of her. all the things she’s done, all the things she can do, you’ve never shown fear. you trust her, completely. and she has vowed to make sure every single day that your trust in her is never misplaced.
and an upside to that means she’s constantly practicing her magic. the red swirls of her magic are fascinating, and even now you can’t help but stare as a book hovers in the air before her while wanda’s hands are occupied cooking dinner. her magic is beautiful, no matter what the rest of the world may say.
you’ll catch her meditating three feet in the air, magic curling around her gently weaving itself through her hair. can’t reach something on a high shelf? you can hear wanda giggle at your struggle before whatever you need is floating towards you. cleaning is a breeze when your girlfriend can levitate the couch while you sweep the dust bunnies out from under it.
wanda does try to stay out of your head, though. she refuses to abuse your privacy and read your mind without consent. she struggles with this when she hears you having a nightmare at night, or whenever you won’t come to her with a problem. but she never breaks, instead forcing herself to be patient with you and let you come to her when you can. and you do, once you’re ready. there is nothing you could ever tell her about your fears, your pain, your anger that would ever make her feel any differently about you. whatever you think of yourself, wanda sees you as you are. she sees your faults, yes. but she sees the good in you above everything else. whenever you may feel insecure, she’s right beside you with a warm hug and constant reassurance.
you both balance each other. on your bad days, wanda is right there to comfort you however you need. and you do the same for her. both of you keep an eye on each other, boost each other’s spirits on your bad days, and remind each other that you two are a team. no matter what may come, you two are on each other’s side.
the cabin she has in multiverse of madness? that's her ideal home with you. a warm, inviting place the two of you can fill with plants and books. something cozy and hidden away from the rest of the world. she'd be free to practice her magic away from prying eyes, plus having a garden or an orchard is a dream of hers.
however, if you're stuck in an apartment? wanda will make it a home for you. she'll find cool art to post up on your walls, intricate tapestries that she could stare at for hours. candles and knick knacks, little trinkets bought on your dates together. she'd love to decorate a space with you, to make it reflect both of your personalities.
just?? build a home with her. build a future, build a family. it's all she wants, really. she wants a life with you more than anything else in the world, even more than being a hero. she'd rather live a comfortable, peaceful life with you.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Clingy Wanda Maximoff head canons
Needed some Wanda snuggles! What can I say? Let’s get into it!
When Wanda wakes up feeling especially clingy, she wraps her arms tightly around you and nuzzles her face into your neck. It’s the coziest feeling in the world, and you can’t help the smile on your face as you bury your fingers in her soft hair. She’s very good at snuggling.
If Wanda wants even more attention, she creates what you affectionately call the ‘Wanda Bubble’. It’s her way of staying close to you throughout the day and not letting you stray too far. Whether you’re watching TV, cooking, or just lounging around, she finds a way to stay physically connected. Playing with your hair or resting her head on your shoulder are her personal favorites… A couple of times she’s even climbed onto your back like a koala while you take care of a few things around the house T^T
Wanda has this sweet habit of leaving little surprises for you. It could be a heartfelt note on your pillow or a cup of your favorite coffee waiting for you in the kitchen. It means the world to see how she shows her love even when you two are apart.
Sometimes, Wanda pouts playfully when she needs affection. It’s okay, though. She’s so adorable and you’d never be able resist giving her all the cuddles she wants… And when her lower lip starts to wobble? You fix it with a kiss.
Wanda also loves to hear reassurances and affirmations from you. While I definitely think that physical touch is her favorite way to receive affection, affirmations are a close second. You remind her how much you love her, how special she is to you, and how lucky you are to have her in your life. Her little cheeks turn rosy as she listens to your soothing voice.
Wanda insists on having movie marathons with you. You both curl up on the couch, surrounded by blankets and pillows, and she lies her head on your chest, sighing contentedly. She often lets you pick the movies… But to be honest, she rarely pays full attention to the screen anyway. Having you close is all she really focuses on.
Wanda is never shy about showing affection in public, especially when she’s feeling clingy with you. Holding hands has become the norm, no matter where you two are. She loves intertwining your fingers as you walk, shop, or even just sit at a cafe. Oh, yeah. The 'Wanda Bubble’ follows you just about everywhere…
While Wanda admittedly does the majority of the cooking for you both, when she’s feeling a little vulnerable, she asks you to make her favorite comfort foods. You both share a meal together and then she curls up in your arms, seeking that extra bit of warmth and love from you.
It brings you a deep sense of satisfaction to know that you bring her so much comfort. You’d do anything for her.
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Sorry for rambling but I can't just thinking about this and I need people to listen to me I see Wanda smut fics all the time but I can't find post about analyzing and appreciating her character ( I see other fandoms do it with their fav characters I want one with Wanda too) Everything about Wanda's character is making me so freaking sad like i hate that half of her fans only care about her powers and that she's hot... she's more than that..I know it's fiction and it's not that serious but she makes me insane
She has every reason to be angry and be a Villain. because she didn't ask to suffer she didn't ask to be powerful and when she try to do something good and she did, the government put her in the raft everyone acts like she throws the bomb on the building on purpose when it's the only way to save Captain America and everyone around them. People blamed her for her own suffering and blamed her for a tragedy she didn't even cause, She can never come home because the house where all of her happy memories is made doesn't exist. She tried do everything to prove to everyone that she is good and it's not enough. The girl who only wanted people to accept her, the girl who only wanted to be love, the girl who wanted to be good, wasn't good enough
Her and Pietro is trapped under the rubbles of her own house for 2 days, no cause I can't imagine what that must be like? They know their parents are dead. They don't know if they are going to survive. They don't know if someone is going to come rescue them. And when they got rescued. They probably did not have given the chance to grieve their parents. Her parents body are probably unrecognizable and were buried in a mass grave, They are force to grow up too quickly and they have no choice but to accept it.
The reason she ends up so checked out of reality is probably that horrible things keep happening to her, and she has no choice but to go "ok" and move on from that. The moment she first appeared, the way she behave and act it's obvious she have aggression issues and emotional maturity. She used to go to rallies and protests because the government of her country sucks, (shown in aou) and she grew up with her brother, who probably tried to do everything to stop both of them from starving to death. She joined Hydra because she thought she'd be doing something that would help her and her brother, she didn't join them because she agreed with them. ( It's literally implied that hydra is pretending to be shield and is recruiting volunteers)
She did not throw that bomb on that building on purpose; she's trying to save Steve and the people around her. She literally saved a lot of people's lives there, but people keep focusing on her mistake.
Wanda had done so many good things because she was good despite every reason not to. If she is "evil" from the beginning she would have not side with the avengers and just run away after learning Ultron's real plan
She would have not tried so hard to stop the bombs in Lagos if she did not care about other people's life. she save Natasha's and okoye's life, She did everything she could to stop thanos, she did everything the team ordered her to do.
She doesn't want to kill vision because she's afraid of being alone. Westview happened because she couldn't take it anymore. If She is evil she would have not the of people of that town go
"Why didn't she go to therapy?"
Girl, I don't think therapists in the "M*rvel" can help her. You know how people there react to her. If she goes to a therapist, it will probably make her worse. She wants Vision back because he's the only one who understands and truly loves her, and he treats her better than most people there.
She wants her sons back because they make her feel normal and human.They probably reminds her of her life when she is young before everything went horrible. And I don't want to her that "ThEy ArE nOt rEaL" bullshit, They are real to her, she gave birth them. She feels them kicking in her stomach, she touch them she cooks for them, change their diapers, made memories with them, they are not just objects or toys to her, they are her children, she gave life to them, they have souls, they just don't have a physical body
No cause Wanda is happy in Edinburg with vision, those are probably the times where she feels real happiness and thanos ruined everything.
If thanos didn't come, Wanda and vision will be have a real marriage and probably have adopted real children.
Wanda only want people to accept her, she only wanted to be treated like a human being, she doesn't care about being powerful. All of the crimes she committed happened because ever since she's a little she suffered, and I don't care if there are other people who suffers than her, people process trauma differently.
the way Wanda is influenced with something dark and evil and all of she ever wanted is to hug her sons again, she did not want to rule the entire universe she didn't want anything all she ever wanted is to be with her family
Wanda realize she have the power to do everything she wants (darkhold influ.)
that she has a will and that she can make her self happy and I love her for trying.b and I do think she makes stupid and horrible decisions, but so do I, and that's okay;
She's been a hero, a victim, and a villain. because the writers and the shitty universe she's in, don't know what to make of her they accidentally created a character with so many potential and they don't know what to do next and they just killed her off because they think she's not as important like the rest, and majority of her fans just cares about her powers, they only care that she can "solo" people hated Wanda's character because of that. People won't look deeper into her character because the people that claimed to love her also weaponized her. She is doomed by the narrative, ruined by her some of her "fans" and we might not see her again because the universe she's in sucks.
rahhh I am losing it over a fictional woman who has been dead for (?)2 years :(
sorry again for yapping to much I just love this woman so much, my English is not that great sorry if some words are use incorrectly and I am half asleep while typing this so sorry for typos... goodnight
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cieric-of-chaos · 2 months
I feel like the Scarlet Witch fandom is dying; it's not the same anymore. Please, I want to go back to 2020 to early 2023. I need more people talking about Wanda. I need more Wanda edits. I need more of us talking about Wanda like she's our wild pet hamster. I miss when normal posts about Wanda get more than 100 notes, not just smut fics. I want to see different content every time I look at the Scarlet Witch tags. I wish everyone in this fandom acted like every other fandom. Please put her in a jar and shake her...Put her in a microwave and watch her spin. God, I miss her so much. I feel like a child whose mother never returns home. I miss my angry, pathetic woman. She's such a wet cat. She's so horrible. I love her so much. She has so much potential. I hate you, Kevin Feige and Michael Waldron. All of you can disagree with me all you want, but she's literally the most interesting M*rv*l character. I am literally so scared of being completely obsessed with something new because I am afraid I am going to forget about her. I am so dramatic... I am scared of falling out of love...
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4maximilf · 7 months
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did this a while ago
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lives-in-midgard · 4 months
Valentine's Day With Wanda
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
A/N: Hey everyone! This is a headcanon of how I imagine a Valentine's day with Wanda could be like. I hope you enjoy! 💗
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You woke up cuddling with Wanda.
You kissed her cheek and started to play with her hair.
After a few minutes Wanda woke up as well and you stayed in bed for a while.
Then you had pancakes for breakfast and Wanda told you that she has a little surprise planned for today.
She told you to wait in the living room while she got everything she needed.
She came back with a blanket, a picknick basket and the most beautiful smile.
While listening to your and Wanda’s favorite playlist, she drove to the direction of the beach.
You walked down the street while holding hands.
After a while you found a place that sold flower bouquets.
Wanda walked closer and bought one for you and you bought one for her.
Then you walked down to the beach, sat down on the blanket, and enjoyed the view with each other by your side.
After a while Wanda opened the basket and showed you everything, she gave into it.
There were cupcakes that looked like hearts, drinks and everything you liked.
You also had a little surprise for her.
It were two-piece heart necklaces. One necklace is for Wanda and the other one for you, so that when you put it together it is a heart.
Wanda loved your surprise, and you enjoyed the sunset at the beach.
You and Wanda kissed and you told her how much you love her.
When you came home you cuddled, watched a movie and were really happy because you had such a wonderful day together.
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @yelenasdiary | @youralphawolf72
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munsonshire · 2 months
Wanda Maximoff as your girlfriend
Pairing: Wanda x reader Warnings: Noting, just fluff Main Masterlist Wanda Masterlist
You're the most important person in her life and she reminds you of it in a daily basis
You try to help her overcome all of her trauma
She's very loyal
She will always protect you, even if that means too harsh measures to stop you from fighting with the Avengers
She's not jealous
She will always apologize first after a fight
She's a good listener
You shouldn't mention Pietro to her, she gets so sad (obviously)
Likes to cook for you
Pietro didn't like you at first, in the end he did though
She's very protective over you
You were dating before Ultron
She found it very cute when you were jealous of Vision paying attention to her
If you had powers she would've helped you control them
She trusts you a lot
She loves physical contact, so hugs, piggyback rides and kisses are usual of her
She makes sure you're okay
She would do anything for you
She tries to use her powers only for good reasons to avoid scaring you
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selfcestmovies · 5 months
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Madness fit Wanda Maximoff like a glove. The more her power grew, the more easily she could lose herself.
Natasha was trying to help. Her love and adoration kept the Scarlet Witch grounded, most of the time — but even for the Black Widow, there were limits to her influence.
A mission gone awry sends Wanda into a spiral unlike any other, deep into the recesses of her mind while risking incalculable harm to herself and the world around her. Natasha was the only one equipped to save her — both inside, and out.
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nev3rfound · 11 months
few more hours? : w.m
with wanda heading out on another mission, the pair of you decide to make the most of the night you have (just fluff my friends) 1k wc
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop
feedback is appreciated!
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“Are you sure you have to go?” You pout, hearing Wanda chuckle to herself whilst she finishes plating dinner for you both. “I mean, Tony already has Steve with him, does he really need both of you?” You continue with your weak argument, knowing it was futile. 
Turning around with a frown, Wanda places the dishes in front of you both. “Y/n,” She trails off as you lower your gaze, nodding before she can finish her sentence. 
“I know, I know.” You mutter, Wanda squeezes your hand lightly, the cool feeling of her rings into your palms soothing your thoughts temporarily.
“I just miss you when you have to go on these missions, that’s all. They just seem to be more frequent than before.” You shrug it off, not wanting to make a big deal of it, especially not tonight. 
Resting her hand on your chin, she lifts your head up to meet her gaze. “Hey,” Sadness tinges her voice as her eyes meet yours. “I’ll be gone for a week, that’s all.” She tries to assert, watching you nod. “But I’m here tonight, so let’s make the most of it, yeah?” 
You smile half-heartedly, unable to stay sad for too long when she’s around. “Alright, I’ll find the facemasks.” Sparing her a kiss, you rush off to find the resources you'll need, leaving Wanda to shake her head at your antics.
"And you like things like this? Singing and dancing?" Wanda tries to furrow her brows, though the mask sets them in place whilst the film plays on. "I just don't get the appeal, my love." She huffs.
Rolling your eyes, you remove yourself from her embrace. "Well, I grew up on these kinds of films, just like you did watching sitcoms, you know?" You explain, yet Wanda still remains unconvinced. "You know, I think I still remember a dance or two," With a smirk, you rise to your feet despite Wanda's protests.
"It's okay, I believe you." She protests, but you simply shake your head and stand alongside the screen as the film comes to the final scene.
"I might be a bit rusty, so don't judge." Wanda squirms at your stretches, and without warning, you start to dance along to the end sequence; evening going as far as to sing along. "-all in this together." Your voice croaks, nothing quite like the in-tune version from the screen.
Standing up, Wanda tugs your hand, bringing you into her lap back on the sofa.
Puffing lightly, your eyes gleam up to her. "So, whatcha think of that?" You ask, trying to hide your growing smile at her evident disdain.
"That was certainly," Wanda pauses. "something." She nudges your side, feeling you squirm beneath her.
"You know, when we first met I thought you were, well, intimidating." Now, looking up into her eyes, all you see is the joy she radiates. To think how far from the truth you originally were. "I'm pretty sure Clint had to force me over to at least say hi." You groan, thinking back to that memory.
Bringing her hand to your cheek, Wanda laughs quietly at that memory. "I remember it a little differently," She shrugs. "but I am glad you did say hi all those years ago, darling." Leaning in, her lips brush over yours sweetly, trying to memorise every movement.
Patting your thigh, you moan in annoyance as she pulls away. "I wanna take this off," She motions to her face, the mask how having cracked in several places. "so we can get back to that."
"I won't argue with you there, babe." You reply, following her into the bathroom.
Returning to the sofa, Wanda opens her arms for you to curl into her embrace as she drapes a blanket over you both. With a hum, you bury your face into her chest, blissfully ignorant to the film having restarted whilst you were out of the room.
Running her fingers through your hair, you're unable to resist the lull of sleep coursing over your eyes.
Sensing you're drifting off, Wanda hums quietly. "You know, when I first saw you, I thought 'How can something be so beautiful in real life'." Reminiscing, Wanda glances down, hearing you snore lightly. "And it's something I still wonder to this day, even if she snores."
The musical continues to play on in the background as Wanda's eyes begin to grow heavy and eventually rests her head on yours, sleep overcoming her.
Yawning loudly, the warmth across your back causes you to stir. "Wan?" Lifting your head up, you wish your phone was within reach as Wanda's mouth hangs wide open whilst she remains asleep. "Babe, what time is it?"
Without warning, Wanda wakes up on high alert. Such high alert that she shoves you off of her and only realizes at the sound of a thud below her. "Shit, Y/n, you okay?" Quick to help you up, Wanda peppers kisses across your face.
"That's one way to wake up." You respond, reaching for your phone, eyes widening causing Wanda to tense. "Now I don't want to panic you," You trail off, too late to stop Wanda from grabbing your phone.
Swearing profusely, Wanda begins to rush around the room, collecting her belongings. "Tony is going to kill me." Wanda yells, frantically redressing which you have to admit, is an amusing sight.
The redhead furiously flips her hair out of her face with a huff. "Wan, it's fine, I'll text Tony, and say you overslept." You reason, but Wanda shakes her head.
"I'm never going to live this down." She groans loudly, now having gathered her items she hurries back to your side.
Bringing your arms to wrap around her neck, you allow Wanda a moment to catch herself before kissing her. Your lips mold together, a sense of longing interlacing into both of you before you pull away first. "I'm gonna miss you." You admit, resting your forehead against hers.
"You better keep out of trouble 'til I get back, okay?" Wanda jokes, squeezing you tightly, wishing she didn't have to let go.
"I can't make any promises. But stay safe, and keep Tony in line." You add, giving her one last kiss before she rushes for the door, hearing her phone ringing as she departs.
Now standing alone in the absence of Wanda, your gaze catches sight of her hoodie over the back of the sofa.
Picking up the soft fabric, you slip it on over yourself, wrapping your arms tightly before curling back up on the sofa. With a content sigh, you can't help but wish Wanda was the one holding you in her arms, rather than her hoodie.
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limarieb · 9 months
wanda maximoff headcanons [01]
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Warnings: brief mention of loss (it is canon compliant…), brief mention of internalized homophobia
A/N: these headcanons are canon-compliant and are independent of my one-shots and such. please let me know if you want more of my headcanons (compliant or non-compliant) thru this link — i have so many lol.
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when you first meet her, it was after coming home from the fallout in Sokovia. the two of you never crossed paths on the ground, but you knew she was powerful from the burst of energy you felt when Pietro had fallen (you did not know this until later, though).
you hesitated on introducing yourself and trying to get to know her at first. part of you wanted to give her space, given the course of recent events, but the other part of you could not help but be utterly fascinated by her.
therefore, the first time the two of you spoke was two days after returning to the compound. Wanda had limited herself to her bedroom and brief appearances in the kitchen and the training room. in a moment of bravery, you decided you were finally going to formally introduce yourself and put your best foot forward.
you spent that morning researching Sokovian cuisine. you were not the best cook, but you were not the worst either. thus, you settled on a relatively simply dish and decided to make two servings: one for you, the other of your new teammate.
it is shocking that you do not drop the two dishes on your way to her bedroom. shaking from anxiety, your knuckles barely tap the door. you wonder if she could even hear you knocking. before you can knock again, though, the door is cracked open.
Wanda is surprised to see you on the other side. it is not that she is inherently opposed to your presence; it's just that she does not know you very well. to say she does not like strangers, especially within the confines of her bedroom, was an understatement.
however, her eyes drift downwards from your face, and she notes the dishes in your hands. the familiar smell is comforting. two days ago, it would have probably made her sob; today, though, she is able to provide a soft smile with her tears contained. so, she widens the door and allows you to enter.
you take the chance to walk into her room cautiously (not because you are afraid of her but because you are afraid of scaring her in some way). Wanda watches your actions closely, almost quizzically, as you set the dishes on a nearby desk, finally turning to face her.
the two of you bonded on some level that night. you told her some stories from your past, from growing up in the States to your journey with joining SHIELD. Wanda did not share as much in return (and you understand why); but when she did mention some part of her past, you listened attentively.
as weeks pass, the two of you only grow closer and closer. you watched her favorite sitcoms together, and she made dinner for the two of you each week. most times, she would choose a Sokovian dish, and you loved each one.
(when you moan from the delicious meal and tell her as such, she smiles, and a soft blush floods her cheeks. you were too engrossed in the food to notice.)
your favorite thing that you introduced her to was spotify. from a young age, you loved music. there was something about certain songs that made you feel something like nothing else could. so, you made sure to download it for her and show her how to use it.
(you made her a playlist titled "for my little witch," inspired by the nickname you recently branded her with. each morning, Wanda would listen to each song you added throughout the previous day.)
her current favorite artists include taylor swift, phoebe bridgers, lorde, and fiona apple.
Wanda starts to develop feelings — romantic feelings — for you about two months after you had come to her door with dinner. at first, she wonders if it is simply codependency — perhaps she was merely attached to you due to the fact you made an effort to get close to her earlier than others on the team?
however, she knows it is more than friendship (at least, on her end) when she watched you lay out the food items out on the blanket. the sun was in the process of going down, creating this hazy orange appearance in the sky. you had decided that day to take her out for a picnic, except this time, you were preparing all of the foods — more specifically, you were preparing all of the foods you grew up with as a child. there was something about the glint in your eye when placing the ham and cheese sandwiches on the blanket that made Wanda's heart skip a beat.
(that does not mean she was keen to accept her feelings at first. given her upbringing in eastern europe during the 90s, she was always taught a woman should only feel this way with a man. moreover, it is not like she had much experience in the romance department due to her years with HYDRA. she gets over this issue somehow, having this odd, albeit vivid, dream one night of her talking to Pietro about you, about her feelings for you. 'i did not see that coming,' he had said. 'you falling for an avenger? wow. she sounds nice, though.' he noticed her apprehension. 'it is okay to let yourself be happy, Wanda, even if it is with her. that is all i could ever want for you.')
(it is safe to say she cried the following morning.)
she begins to wonder if you feel the same once you add a few new songs to the playlist one day: 'sparks fly,' 'we fell in love in october,' '400 lux,' 'crush culture,' and 'you are in love.'
(she definitely does not lay in her bed that next morning with butterflies floating throughout her entire body about what this could possibly mean.)
you were a coward. you knew you could not confess your ever-growing feelings for Wanda verbally, afraid you would spill your guts out if you even tried. so, you opted to do it the only way you knew how: hint at your feelings through the songs you added. retrospectively, it was so stupid.
thankfully, Wanda was not, and she got the hint. though she was often relatively quiet, she could be unusually confident around you. maybe it was your constant awkwardness around her (which she found endearing and, sometimes, entertaining). she decided she would bring it up later went the two of you had your weekly dinner in her room.
"so, i listened to the songs you added yesterday."
"oh? what um- what did you think?"
"i liked them..."
(you stayed silent, continuing to eat the food she made, still shocked that she was bringing it up right now.)
"... i couldn't help but notice they all had a common theme, though."
"if i didn't know better, i would think this was your way of saying something... to me."
you began rambling, apologizing if you made her uncomfortable and promising to not do anything like that again. before you can get very far, however, she stops you by grabbing your hand, weaving her fingers between yours, and squeezing it.
(your mind is screaming at how soft her hands are. then, it is screaming at the fact that she is holding your hand.)
Wanda does not say anything, looking directly into your eyes.
she takes this as her chance to lean closer toward you, noses lightly brushing. knowing you would not be the one to officially break the distance (not only were you a coward, but you were a 'self-proclaimed believer in chivalry'), Wanda finally leans forward enough that your lips graze hers, softly but surely.
it only lasts for a few seconds before she pulls away with a smile on her face, but those were the best few seconds of your life thus far.
(she had vowed to never read your mind without permission, but your mind is practically screaming past its mental walls and into hers: 'oh my god. oh my god. she kissed me. she actually kissed me.')
she chuckles at your internal response and leans forward to place a peck on your lips before grabbing the (now) empty and dirty dishes from dinner and taking them back to the kitchen. in her exit, she leaves you in her room, dumbfounded but ecstatic at what had just occurred.
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raccoonfallsharder · 13 days
the raccoon, the witch, & the roadtrip.✮part five. montana.
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angst, comfort, friendship, & fluff for @hibatasblog rocket & wanda | part 5/7 | word count: 1975.
what makes a person a monster?
During a watch party for Avengers: Endgame on Twitter, Markus revealed the idea to team Wanda with the Guardian of the Galaxy captain actually made it into several versions of the film's script. "We had whole drafts with Wanda on a road trip with Rocket," Markus wrote, "but after the Vision plot in Infinity War, nothing we came up with was anything but wheel spinning for her character." CBR
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Wanda hadn’t felt much like talking since they’d left the bar. She can’t possibly describe the lurch in her lungs when she’d woken alone in the room, and found Rocket—
She peels it apart when they get in the car: silent, lost in her thoughts. Rocket doesn’t turn on his music right away, and when she casts a sideways glance at him, he looks vaguely uncomfortable: shifting in his seat, clenching and unclenching his fists. He looks like he wants to be taking something apart, inventing something new — anything to take his mind off whatever’s eating him inside. 
After the scene in the bar, when the bartender had poured Rocket’s drink so shakily that the mouth of the bottle had clanked against the glass tumbler, Wanda had sat beside her companion quietly. The bartender had wisely left the bottle behind, and then had gotten to work with the rest of the wide-eyed, ashen hotel staff to clean up the glass that had been broken in the altercation. She’d watched her furry colleague bemusedly as he sulked over his liquor, and had tried to tell herself that she had only been concerned because Rocket had been missing, and she’d known that someone walking around looking like a sentient raccoon could only get in trouble, no matter how well-intentioned and well-behaved he’d been attempting to be.
She had tried to tell herself it was just concern for a missing hero in a cruel world.
But her reaction had been too visceral to keep herself convinced. As she’d unfolded the truth of herself, wincing, she’d had to acknowledge that the way fear had suddenly ripped through her belly had been all too similar to the ache she’d felt when she’d lost Pietro: screaming hollowly at the root of her lungs, at the vagus nerve laced against her heart. A shrieking void in the center of a fiery cyclone. It had been an agony of terror: to think her new, small, sarcastic friend had been taken from her like everyone else.
When she’d seen him — safe, but on the verge of becoming a victim of his own temper — she’d wrapped her power around him as carefully as she knew how. And when she’d realized what was happening, her own temper had surged: some strange combination of fire and ice. 
She’s so tired of people being treated as less-than, of lives being overlooked. 
Especially the lives she loves. 
Rocket still doesn’t speak. They make their way through a number of national forests before he even hesitantly reaches out to fuss with the music again. She says nothing as something mellow spills from the speakers, but she can feel her shoulders ease. It takes another hour before his feet are kicking again, and he’s humming something low and husking along with the lyrics. 
“Uh, hey,” he says at last, his voice rasping as the sun begins to cast a melting-gold crust over the edge of the trees ahead of them, light hitting the western crest of the world and sprawling upward in sprays of topaz and rose and aquamarine. “Thanks for — I dunno. Sorry for fucking up at the last place. And thanks for, uh, stepping in.” He shifts next to her, one shoulder hitching uncomfortably. She watches from her periphery as his lip curls in a clenched-jaw grimace, like he’s tasted something sour. 
She weighs that quietly. 
“I was as angry as you were, once I understood what was happening,” she admits.
The wince lingering in the corner of his mouth and eyelids softens. “Saw that,” he acknowledges after a long minute, spooled with the crooning tones of whomever’s singing from the zune now. “Don’t know — I think only Nebs has ever, uh. Stuck up for me like that.” His voice sounds parched and cracked and starved, like he’s not certain what he’s trying to say. Like maybe the words feel disloyal, somehow, to his absent friends. Something answering cracks open in her ribs. She knows he loved the rest of the Guardians — Pete, he’d mentioned, referring to the owner of the zune. Gamora, whom Wanda has gathered had been sacrificed to Thanos’ goals, just like Vis. But it hurts her to think that Rocket’s little adopted family wouldn’t have been just as offended on his behalf as she had been. Or maybe they would have been, and he just doesn’t realize it. Either way, it hurts. It hurts to think that he believes no-one would have been moved to intercede, to demand respect on his behalf, or to offer comfort.
Pietro would have devastated anyone whom he’d perceived as treating her as inferior. And in his own gentle, wise way, Vis would have fought for her as well. 
At least he has Nebula, now, she thinks, and a space inside her loosens. She hasn’t spoken with the awkward blue cyborg — not anymore than she’s spoken to anyone else on the team, preferring to stay off to the side, needing to observe. But knowing that Rocket feels like “Nebs” would step in for him allows some of the tension in her neck and shoulders to ease.
“You — you got a lot of power,” Rocket says tentatively. “As much as Danvers, maybe.”
She feels herself go watchful and wary again. The silence is heavy in the little car, even smothering the faint music trailing from the speakers. 
“Or more,” she admits at last, quietly.
He acknowledges her addition with a mild grunt and a nod.
“Ya know, the Guardians of the Galaxy numbers are lookin’ pretty slim these days,” he says musingly. “F’you ever wanna get off this planet. Could find a spot for you, prob’ly.” He slants her a taunting grin. “Pretty sure we’re more fun than the Avengers. Less stuffy and judgy, too.”
She can’t help the delicate snort that scrapes up the back of her throat, edged with laughter. And here she’d been worried that he was scared of her. Instead, twice in two days, now, he’s made her laugh.
Regular laughter seems like such a distant memory. It is a distant memory, and a frail one. She’d had it before the Stark industries mortar shell, and then again in her time with Vis — but certainly not since. 
Other than that first time she’d seen him bickering with Nebula on the compound lawn.
“Not that every part of this planet sucks,” Rocket admits grudgingly from beside her. The last flickers of sun-gold ricochet off the distant line of tree and mountain, settling into a rosy-lavender and hydrangea-blue. “This section’s kinda nice, if you’re into that sort of thing. Reminds me of specifical parts a’ Berhert or Foresteria.”
She considers the Montana terrain. “Are you into that sort of thing?”
He smirks. “Not enough places to get into trouble for me,” he says with a sideways toss of his head. “No gambling. Or booze.” He pauses to waggle his brows at her, so exaggerated that she can see the gesture even in her periphery. “Or tail.”
This time, when she laughs, it hasn’t crawled up her spine: it’s as bright as it had been the other day, so merry in the air that it’s utterly foreign to her ears.
“You are ridiculous,” she tells him, but he only gifts her a shit-eating grin.
“What about you?” he asks. “You ever think about runnin’ away from Terra? Come hang out with the cool kids in the stars?”
She snorts again and glances sideways at him in the melting velvet shadows. How does the space inside Natasha’s car, with its ruined dashboard and sound system, feel so much easier than anywhere she’s ever been in the past five years? How does it feel so much easier than anywhere she’s ever been at all, unless it was with Vis?
“Not exactly,” she says quietly.
“Not exactly?”
She hesitates and chews the inside of her lip at the corner of her mouth. 
“I think about making a place for myself,” she admits after a handful of quiet breaths. The song on the zune blurs into something new. “A place where… where things are the way they’re supposed to be.”
The quiet expands. Doubles.
“Whaddaya mean?” her companion asks at last. There’s tension in his voice, but it’s surprisingly quiet. As soft as she imagines his fur.
She hesitates. “I could — I think I could do it. Make a place — like in the old TV shows. Somewhere perfect, where people can be happy. Where I can be happy.”
The silence drawls through the music, and she can feel Rocket’s anxiety. She’d been silly to think he might be scared of her before, because now she can feel it — crackling and tense. But… it’s also careful. Testing. Cautious. She knows if she’d said something like this to any one of the Avengers, they’d probably try to lock her up immediately. They don’t understand her magic, and they don’t understand her. And they certainly don’t understand her pain. 
After all, they’ve always been able to look away.
And while she can tell that Rocket doesn’t like what she’s shared — the dangerous little truth she’s laid out between their armrests — somehow, she doesn’t feel judged.
“I get that,” he says at last, his voice grudging and slow. “Wanting that. Me myself, I never had the — I never had the power to sort of…  reshape the galaxy into what I wanted.” He pauses, and she can feel him gathering his thoughts in the dusk like the fireflies that used to litter the Sokovian summer grasses. When he speaks again, his voice has grown as dark as the world outside their car: grim and solemn and hard. “But I definitely been one a’ the poor morons who got caught up in someone else’s idea of perfect, and I can promise — you try to tie other people up like that, and you’re only gonna become somebody’s nightmare.”
She takes her eyes off the road, even though she shouldn’t — not here, in the dusk and the trees and the mountains. Her eyes find his in the shadows: glowing red to glowing red. She flicks her gaze over him: the broad shoulders that should be sloped inward, the opposable thumbs where there should only be dexterous fingers, the hard-packed muscle where she would expect a soft layer of fat. She’d decided that maybe he was an alien — and perhaps that’s true — but now she realizes there’s more to it than just that. 
Someone’s shaped him into this.
Who was your nightmare? she thinks, and remembers Ultron again. Trying to reshape the world. It’s not the first time in the last five years that her fantasies of recreating a small slice of the world have given her pause — but it is the first time that the uneasiness has outweighed the solace. 
Then she thinks of the labs. Of Hydra, yes — and the other one. The one she still isn’t sure if she remembered or dreamed up.
Rocket clears his throat, as if he knows she’s wondering what happened to make him the way he is. 
“Take that asshole Thanos,” he mutters at last, and there’s a darkness to his tone that matches her own midnight vortex of thoughts when it comes to the Mad Titan. “So frickin’ committed to what he thought would make the universe better, that he killed half of it and broke everybody else.” Her companion scowls and mutters something in a language she doesn’t understand, but it doesn’t matter, because his words have already opened up a pit in her belly: pinching and frightened.
“I wouldn’t be killing anyone,” she says, and she’s surprised by the stubbornness in her voice. It makes her flinch, and that cramp in her belly tightens apprehensively — but she goes on anyway. Trying to convince herself, she realizes, even as she speaks. “I’d give them perfect lives. I’d make them be happy.”
He lifts his head and even though her eyes are back on the road, she feels his heavy, quiet, steady stare. 
“Can’t make anybody be anything, witch.” He clears his throat, and his eyes release her. “Not without making yourself a frickin’  monster.”
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sometimes i fuck around with comics-canon and throw it into my mcu fanfics so uh be ready for that with the next chapter. we're gettin weird
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romanoffshouse · 8 months
Celebrating Halloween with the Maximoff Family:
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Going shopping for Halloween decorations
You decorate the entire house together
Dressing up in costumes
Putting an amount of effort into planning your costume
Wanda and you are wearing matching costumes
Having a scary movie marathon
Making caramel apples
Picking pumpkins and carving pumpkins together with the kids
You go trick-or-treating with the kids
Visiting a Haunted House
Getting lost and found in a corn maze
Apples bobbing
Baking Halloween cookies
Street treat in the town
Wanda and you get scared while watching horror movies together
Laying wide awake at night after watching a horror movie that left you unnerved
Telling each other spooky stories
Baking a pumpkin pie together
Decorating the yard with creepy ghosts
Throwing a Halloween party at home and inviting some of the other Avengers
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