#i had just buy 4 first books which mean ... these two seasons ?
lightcreators · 11 months
Inside following weeks I'll be even more invested inside my replies for @thenightmareofyourdrems & @fclieadeuxx ... for had listened to inner desire & actually decided to deal with 2 millions of words of Wheel of Time books who had been in my wishlist since a while ... meanwhile catch up season 2 !
I never say no to built meta files over something who have many. Surprise will be if reading end up as traumatizing as Death Cure book edition ( where I'm also traumatized by the movie, so used trump card to Rewrite Canon For Fix It) !
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timdrakesbussy · 3 months
Do you have a Stardew fic recommendation list?
Oh, sure!
1. Stick Season by laststardrop | (Shane/Harvey) | Rated M
Harvey was two years into medical school when his boyfriend of three years up left him without a proper goodbye. Five year later, he finds him again.
2. No Place Like Home by Ash_Fountain | Multi (mainly Alex/Penny) | Rated E
[…] An AU where Penny buys the abandoned farm in order to build her own life. This fic follows several points of view, allowing for the drama of some of Stardew's younger citizens to unfold.
3. Things We Don’t Mean by maxRebo | (Alex/Sebastian) | Rated E
Sebastian has a complicated life. He’s been pining over his best friend for years and Sam loves him, too… just, not the way he wants. One day he finds some solace at the spa with someone he would never expect. Life doesn’t get less complicated after that.
4. In the Moonlight by UrsulaNoodles | (Emily/Shane) | Rated E
Shane's life has gone to hell, and he spends most of his nights sulking at the Stardrop Saloon, but Emily's positivity and friendship keep him afloat. He never meant to develop feelings for her, and he convinced himself that she didn’t feel the same way, but a night alone in Cindersap Forest has him thinking otherwise.
5. the wilderness farm map raises a lot of questions by eke | Multi (but mainly Shane/Male Farmer and Marlon/Marnie) | Rated M
6. Lighthouse on the Shore by CharalampidisGruber | (Alex/Sebastian) | Rated M
There's a small house in Pelican Town. Like every home in Pelican Town, this house keeps secrets. Tonight is no different when Sebastian shows up drenched on Alex's doorstep needing someone.
7. I Think I Love the Boy Next Door by animeboysruinedmylife | (Haley/Sam) | Rated M
Haley's not being dramatic, but the worst thing that ever happened to her was Sam moving in next door. She could tell from the second she first saw him that he’d be a pain in her ass. That smug little people-pleasing face. Gelled-up hair. Scuffed-up shoes like some kind of wannabe skater boy. She’s always been a good judge of character, even back then, and time has only proven her right.
8. Splinters by BlueberryFarmingForever | (Male Farmer/Others) | Rated T
The actions of a highly indecisive farmer from Robin's point of view.
9. In Your Eyes by Mouse_213 | (Sam/Sebastian) | Rated E
[…] Seb has his secret reasons for disliking Sam. Deeply rooted anger and anxiety whenever he sees Sam’s bright green eyes that Seb can’t even bring himself to tell Abigail about. And it seems like lately, all Sam wants to do is shove his way into Seb’s private, fiercely-protected life and become his friend. What’s he supposed to do now?
10. Things We Don’t Say by maxRebo | (Haley/Abigail) | Rated E
It's no secret that Haley and Abby have never gotten along. When a surprise coupling overlaps their social circles, they're forced to rely on each other for the sake of their best friends, and come to terms with what the tension between them is really all about.
11. on the (re)founding of rome by Sinister_Queer | (Alex/Sebastian) | Rated E
Sebastian remembers, in technicolor detail, the moment he first saw Alex. […] This is a story about falling in love. This is a story about re-building Rome. (Or: a jock and a goth fall in love)
12. i found nowhere (it got to know me) by szemkel | (Sam/Sebastian) | Rated E
The worst part of living in the city wasn’t the smog, the stench of car exhaust or the constant noise of traffic coming in through the opened windows; it wasn’t Sebastian’s current diet, made up mostly by instant noodles and delivery takeaways; it wasn’t the gray, soulless concrete which greeted his eyes wherever he went, either, and it wasn’t the berserk hoards of teenagers wandering about the streets every evening. To put it shortly, the worst part of living in the city wasn’t anything he had been warned about before moving there. The worst part of living in the city was the absence of Sam.
13. Book of Caroline by J_Unlimited | (Caroline/Male Player) | Rated E
For as long as Caroline could remember, she’s lived her life for others. Saddled with an unsatisfying life, she looks to the new farmer for comfort. Will he be the spark that Caroline needs to set herself free?
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pub-lius · 10 months
back back back again with the lafayette content (lafayette pt. 5)
you know the drill, here's pt. 4, gay people
Where we left off, Lafayette had just had a very exciting campaign in Rhode Island (the most exciting thing to ever happen in Rhode Island), but now what? Nothing. Nothing is happening. I'm not joking, he was bored for several months.
So, here's the real question, how would you, as a little French man in America who somehow obtained the title of major general, handle your boredom? Correct! You would duel Lord Carlisle, the head of the British peace commission.
Or at least, you'd try. Lafayette challenged Carlisle, but Carlisle fucking ignored him. Because obviously.
So when that fell through, Lafayette decided to just. go home. Not permanently, but for a visit. I mean, he was only gone for like a shit ton of time, and had left behind his pregnant wife without a real explanation, and in that time his eldest daughter, Henriette, had DIED. So, it was about time to go home. And when he was contemplating this, he checked how much money he had left, and realized he was broke and was like yeah it's time to go home.
In addition to this, he also wanted to apologize to the king since he kinda fled the country against direct orders and nearly started a war with England. One of Lafayette's main goals in life was to fight under the French flag, and he couldn't really do that unless the king liked him. So, he got a letter of recommendation and the promise of a ceremonial sword from Benjamin Franklin, and headed home to France.
Back, back, back again (in France)
Everyone was SO HAPPY to see Lafayette in France, and I would be too. Lafayette went to Versailles and was like "heeyyy King Louis XVI, my favorite king of all time, I'm really sorry for fleeing the country despite direct orders not to and nearly starting a war with England, do you forgive me?" and King Louis XVI put him on house arrest. But, to be fair, that is a very mild punishment, considering what he did was somewhat akin to treason.
Also, fun fact for the frev/Marie Antoinette girlies who know about her relationship with Lafayette during the French Revolution, she actually intervened on his behalf, which allowed him to buy a command of a regiment of the King's Dragoons! Which is like a huge favor because that command cost him 80,000 livres, which in modern US dollars is what the scholars call a shit ton.
This new popularity in France allowed him to aid the American cause in France by corresponding with French and American dignitaries, advocating the wants and needs of one side to the other. He actually played a vital role in this area, and John Adams, who did absolutely fuck all, got jealous and started beef with him for no fucking reason.
Lafayette didn't forget about his military ambitions, and was apart of a plan to attack the English mainland with John Paul Jones. This didn't work out and Lafayette was greatly disappointed (again), but it would never have been supported by France, so idrk what they expected. Fun fact, this was one of the many ideas Benjamin Franklin and Lafayette came up with together, along with a kinda gruesome children's book.
In the meantime, Lafayette daydreamed about being sent back to America in charge of the French naval forces he helped to negotiate. As you expected, he was very disappointed when they were put under the command of Rochambeau, who was just overall more qualified for the job.
While he was in France, he engaged in some ~aristocratic adventures in the arts and sciences~, and that's not an innuendo, he almost joined Franz Mezmer's cult. This is, actually, the first of two times he almost JOINED A FUCKING CULT. The second time was an Amish cult. So. There's that.
(If necessary, I can employ my boyfriend to explain how Lafayette was exactly the kind of person to get roped into a cult.)
In America Again! (This time it's Serious)
Lafayette returned in a bleak season of the war in which many of the Continental officers (Washington included) were itching for a major engagement with the British, and planned a French-American attack at some large British occupied area, hopefully with a good port.
The ideal place seemed to be New York City, and Lafayette was fixated on that. He was hoping he could have a major command in the attack. And, you guessed it, was super disappointed when he was ordered to march to Virginia to join General Greene. He was present for most of the Virginia campaign, and his main target was the traitor, Benedict Arnold.
PLOT TWIST that major attack was never in New York, but would actually be at Cornwallis' station in Yorktown, Virginia. Lafayette commanded the major Continental infantry forces that kept Cornwallis pinned at Yorktown while the commands under Washington, Rochambeau, and Admiral de Grasse surrounded him in a violent siege.
The one catch-up was that the trenches they were digging couldn't fully surround the British reinforcements due to two redoubts, 9 and 10. Lafayette's American command (led by Colonel Alexander Hamilton with his own command and Colonel John Laurens with a division under Greene) partnered with a division under Rochambeau to attack the redoubts, which led the British to surrender.
One of my favorite little details about the Revolution is that, at the surrender, the British troops refused to look at the American soldiers, so Lafayette told his band to start blasting Yankee Doodle to get their attention. Absolute icon.
I'm gonna cut this one a little early since this is the end of Lafayette's involvement in the American Revolution, and the French Revolution will require WAAYYY more attention. See you in part 6, gay people
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blysse-and-blunder · 4 months
In lieu of a long weekend
sunday, may 19, 2024 ~ 11:30pm
technically tomorrow is a day off but the nice thing about grad school is that means essentially nothing for me, and tonight still feels like a sunday night—but it was a beautiful, mostly work-free weekend up until now
reading i forget now whether i mentioned this in my last ilcb, but last month i listened to the audiobook of jenn lyons’ the ruin of kings, which means that now it’s time for the sequel! started these huge fantasy epics on the recommendation of @booksmithereens, who has yet to steer me wrong—but i will say that upon first getting started, I didn’t especially follow (or care) all that much about most of the world building, especially since trok starts in with a lot of slavery and physical / sexual violence. upon second read-through, because i did go back with the ebook as soon as i finished listening to trok the first time, i think i was able to take more pleasure from the characters’ dialogue—there are very funny moments—and from the originality of certain features of the series’ take on deities and magic. i’m 28% through the audio book of the second novel, the name of all things, and i adore that we’ve got a new snarky editor leaving footnotes and editorializing comments, and that we have a new female pov character who really adds to the (intentionally) one-dimensional view of her we were given in the first one. these are good companion books for when i’m toiling in the hollow knight mines (have i explained how i have hacked boss fights for myself by turning off the game sound and instead relaxing, listening to an audiobook, and just getting to focus on the visuals—the flow state this induces can last for. hours. and has yet to get old), and they are another worthy entry in the dragons/magic/demons/swords/prophecy type fantasy canon.
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watching finally finished (screaming, cringing, laughing, etc) season one of the white lotus with g and @hematiterings. all things considered, an easier ending than i feared, weirdly? i lost count of full-body cringe reactions (from sheer gut-churning dialogue, not the way kids use ‘cringe’ these days) at like 10, and then we started season two (which we’ve all seen the first few episodes of) and the counter had to start over at the beginning. still fun though. still fun.
also watched the first three-four episodes of dungeon meshi! which i thought were excellent, but i now have just enough context to be really actually affected by casual spoilers, so i may have to blacklist it here on the blue hellsite for now, and watched episode 4 of house of the dragon this evening whilst folding my laundry. i am holding out for when this show introduces the new lead actresses because I have seen their interview in gifs going around and i would like to see it. so far though, i’m distressed by the politics and bored by the action, as is to be expected from a game of thrones show.
listening hmmm chappelle roan Hot to Go has been stuck in my head for a while now so let’s go with that. initially I thought the lyrics to most of her new album really didn’t live up to pink ping club (see my 2021?2? Ilcb where i went on at *length* about how good that song is) but you know what, we’re capable of admitting when we’re wrong and this is one of those times. H! O! T! T! O! G-O!
playing i got the sharp shadow charm in hollow knight today! Nosk and the enraged guardian have been kicking my ass by turns. i had so much geo I had been carefully carrying around and reclaiming every time i died because millibelle had her career pivot and closed my account 😝 and i finally lost it today. Alas. but since there was nothing i could buy at any of the three vendors i visited, it was all going to end up in the fountain anyway.
making this was a little while ago now, but i finally did it, i made a recipe following a b. dylan hollis video! the coffee loaf from 1959– surprisingly, i had all of the ingredients on hand (including powdered milk?!) and i was so excited by this that I didn’t stop to ask whether i *should* make this caffeinated baked good. recipe worked well, the consistency was great and all, but a single square inch of it and i feel like i’ve single-handedly drunk a pot of strong coffee. this is a me problem, i’ll grant you, but it is amusing to me that i’ve made a cake I physically cannot eat too much of in a single sitting. it is drying out in the fridge as we speak. heart palpitations aside, i am proud of it though.
working on it occurred to me today to look back at the timeline i made for myself at the beginning of the month, and i’m four days past the first deadline on it without having even really touched the chapter itself. blargh. sent two emails yesterday, and two that had been worrying me the day before, and worked a bit on the newsletter today. chipping away at things.
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kolbisneat · 1 year
It’s getting nicer out but I’m still spending plenty of time indoors watching and reading things, don’t you worry.
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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) It’s been years since I’ve gone back to this and it really is one of the best superhero movies ever made, right? I hope the next one succeeds and it leads to more animated features. It just...you can do so much more. Sure the live-action superhero movies have a lot of animation but they’re bound by our physics and the uncanny valley and it’s just not the same.
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Ted Lasso (Episode 3.01 to 3.03) Glad to be back. It’s been interesting seeing the online rise, then fall, then rise again of support for this show but honestly, who cares? Do you like watching it? Great. Do I like watching it? Absolutely. It’s a project that was planned from season 1 and it shows and I wish more media was approached in this way.
Spy x Family (Episode 1.08 to 1.25) Okay needed to shift my expectations with this one. I really thought we’d get more of Yor and her assassin life. She’s kinda just a background character to Loid and Anya and that feels like a missed opportunity.
The Great (Episode 2.09 to 2.10) Great cap to the season. Full arcs for characters, a satisfying resolution and yet still enough of a hook to get me excited for the third season. Just some gorgeous, funny, dramatic television. Big fan.
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Why everything you buy is worse now and How America’s richest donate their money by Vox Okay the first one really helped explain why stuff seems to be lower quality and it’s not just “better back in my day” sorta stuff. It’s just chasing that elusive profit, you know? And seeing the stats on how the wealthy donate was eye-opening. Taxes seem good. VIDEO (Worse Now) VIDEO (Richest Donations)
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AI and Image Generation (Everything is a Remix Part 4) by Kirby Ferguson I’ve always appreciated the Everything is a Remix series and this only reinforces that. A measured response to AI image generation and what that means, why it’s flawed, and what happens next. VIDEO THE FULL PROJECT
What Does Glass Onion Have to Do with US? by Vivian Strange Okay a lengthy one but worth it. A new perspective on Glass Onion, a refresher on why I really liked US, and a really great connection between the two. Also a really great breakdown of the murder mystery as a genre as well and why it’s having a resurgence. All around great stuff. VIDEO
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Arabian Nights (Companion Library Edition) (Page 124 of 244) Thrifted this and for some reason never knew it was a collection of short stories? Which seems obvious now. Anyway I’m sooooo slow at really short story collections but they’ve been interesting to read. Something about the translation feels like a slog to actually read but the stories included are a lot of fun. 
Wonderland Revisited and the Games Alice Played There by Keith Sheppard (Complete) I’m super picky when it comes to adaptations of Carroll’s works. Many take Wonderland and make it dark, twisted, and mature (meh) but I find the more interesting take is one that continues with the same momentum. This one doesn’t quite work in capturing the spirit of the original books for me but there’s a lot of really great ideas in here.
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Superman for all Seasons by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale (Complete) Having loved their Batman books I picked this up and, being younger and dumber, didn’t like it at the time. Where was the action? Where were the villains? I was naive. Going back to this I really appreciate the study of Superman, the narrative through the supporting cast, and the struggles that can’t be resolved through punching. Man Loeb & Sale were a team.
Fantastic Four: Full Circle by Alex Ross (Complete) As an one-off story, this delivers everything I’d want out of an FF adventure: group banter, weird worlds, and lots of mumbo jumbo science. Plus I mean the artwork is truly humbling. I had to read it twice and I still only 80% understand it all but that’s not a complaint. Totally worth picking up if you have even a passing interest in the Fantastic Four.
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Ultimate Spider-Man Volume 5 & 6 by by Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Bagley, and more  (Complete) Decided to pick up with my reread of the Ultimate Spider-Man series again and woof I forgot how much I didn’t like volume 5. The first half is an Ultimates story that I STILL find too wordy, and the movie tie-in of the second half never quite clicked. I dunno maybe there are too many losses and not enough wins for Parker in this one? Volume 6, however, is great. It has one of the most frustrating deaths in the series but it really explores the aftermath and impact. And introducing Johnny Storm and using him as the reason Spider-Man gets back into the hero stuff is really great. Spider-Man doesn’t need to solve all problems with punches and this book gets that.
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Wild Planet by The B-52s (1980) After listening to a greatest hits album on repeat as a kid, I’m going back to the early stuff. Can’t get Private Idaho out of my head.
FREE I.H.: This Is Not the One You've Been Waiting For by Illuminati Hotties (2020) They always pop up in lists when I search for “more stuff like Sleigh Bells” but it finally clicked for me after listening to content//bedtime. Love this album.
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Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Whoa okay so my weekly group just fled the land of the Fairies after some drama with the Queen of the realm (you can read about it here) and then my Mof1 game ALSO had some Fairy drama involving the Queen. Apparently she’s a dramatic lady.
And that’s it. See you in April!
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
Choices Review: America's Most Eligible
I've decided to take on the challenge of giving my reviews of the Choices books I've played, whether I have a lot to say about it or not. I'll pick a series I'm a fan of: America's Most Eligible.
For those who don't know, book 1 of the series has you playing a last-minute contestant for a reality TV show where the winner wins $100,000. Book 2 focuses on you returning for All-Stars season (which, like many all-stars TV shows, mostly brings back the most recent cast), and book 3 focuses on a wedding competition starring you and your LI versus two enemies that definitely aren't in love.
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Book 1 was AWESOME: it was sexy and your choices mattered--but there were issues, in my opinion. The boy next door from last season (I'll just use his default name: "Adam") is supposed to be the bad boy. Occasionally he's seen brooding, but I never really bought into his tough guy act since he's a sweetheart IRL. I get that this is because we spend a lot of time with him off stage, but I wish it was sold a bit better, especially if he's trying to keep himself from crushing on MC--which brings me to another thing. Regardless of if you like him or not, you'll find he has an interest in you, be it platonic or romantic. If you're into him, it feels like love at first sight. If not, it can come off as creepy. I was into him, so it didn't matter, but I realized how weird the situation would be be if I wasn't. This is because the same is said for Jen, a member of the crew who shadows you and advises you on what to do on the show. She means well, but she's not supposed to take a romantic interest in you at the risk of her job. It's especially disturbing when she tries to subvert this by suggesting you practice kissing her for a kissing competition on the show. Along with this, the "your choices mattered" statement I made is kind of untrue. If you make a LOT of choices that please your castmates, they'll become allies, and thus they'll vote for you to win. But the issue is that this takes FOREVER, and thus your only way to win is by doing a unanimous vote. If you have two or less allies (which I did), this costs 50 diamonds, making it one of the most expensive choices on the app! Someone let me know if they had enough allies to only have to pay 15 diamonds.
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As for book 2, it was pretty much the same, just with a few new characters, though more insanity and less sexiness. Doing an all-stars season, you meet some new faces, but unlike the previous season, where you could make out/sleep with several of your castmates, it's just condensed to your 4 main love interests and two other characters (one of them being a new face). As such, the passion doesn't feel as naughty and feels a bit more streamlined. Then towards the end of the book, one of the villains gives you a somewhat sympathetic backstory. While they brush it off, you can take it how you want. It's felt kind of out of place, given this feels out of nowhere and undeserved. And AGAIN, you can't win unless you buy your way to a unanimous vote. Overall, it was a fair successor, but not quite as good.
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For the final book, you and the LI you chose to marry compete with another duo in a wedding version of AME. Since you're locking it down, the sexy moments are reduced, despite the fact that I'm sure AME would encourage infidelity and last hurrah's for ratings. I was EXTREMELY disappointed by we get a broad stroke of MC's life outside the show. Their mom is featured and they pick from multiple options on whether their dad is involved in their life or not. They also get a fill-in-the-blank profession that makes it feel even more inconsequential. It was a shame that we couldn't get a chapter of two of MC at their job or with their family for a better fleshed-out backstory. Possibly worst of all, the writers of the book decided to make the two new romantic lovers from book 2 become serious love interests who have feelings for you. I have to mention who they are before I dive in deeper: Bianca and Slater. Bianca as a love interest makes sense since she was there since book 1, but it feels weird if you chose to eliminate her early and spent most of your time with Teagan instead in book 1, only for Bianca to replace her in book 2. Along with this, Slater being in love with MC feels like it was just made to create drama; they're very playful in book 2 to the point where it's difficult to see them wanting to lock down MC after all the issues between them. And the writers decide to make it a rough decision; in contrast to "Red Carpet Diaries" where you're allowed to get married and have an open relationship, polygamy and open relationships are not an option here. It's very disappointing, especially when this is supposedly intended to be blackmail material against you at the last minute.
Overall, I love the series, but the quality did seem to go down with time. Book 3 feels completely different in tone, and doesn't sizzle like the previous books. But hey, it was GOC and interesting, so I can't be too upset!
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Yuri has arrived!
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But, you'll tell me, you didn't update us on getting the fourth volume!
And yeah... I still haven't got it 😅 a local book and comics shop had the fifth volume available and said it had limited supply, so in order to not bother with shipping and looking out for it in the mail, I decided to order 5 now even as I wait for 4 to arrive. I was informed today that 4 was just dispatched, so it will probably arrive in a couple weeks.
And I had a LOT of trouble finding 4 in the first place. I got the first volumes from Book Depository, which has now closed down, and I don't want to use amazon so I searched far and wide and I found only one bookstore that had it available and did overseas shipping. It wasn't even available in the shop where I got 5 from. So I was like, if it's gonna be that hard finding 5 later, better buy it now that it's available and I can just go and pick it up from the store instead of depending on the mail system.
So for now my collection looks like this.
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It's getting there! I'm so happy to see it grow!
And this continues to be absolutely hilarious. Even more seeing it in printed form 😂
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Though that means two volumes in one month, so I may try and restrain myself and buy 6 in August, first because I want to save up money for a possible move next fall, and second because I'd like to get 7 after the new season starts.
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cerealmonster15 · 5 months
What month was each twst boy born in :^)
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HELP damn i mightve had exactly 5 if i couldve cheated with the twins LOL. you said one of these bitches had a bday near yours and idr which one it was, and that you kept mixing them up w/silver but i do NOT remember when his bday was when i looked that up either!!!
cater - feb 4
trey - oct 25
jade [and floyd] - nov 5
riddle - aug 24
azul - feb, and im pretty sure he's a pisces so that puts him at late feb... feb... 24? or am i just saying that bc riddles 24 is over there LOL uhhh. no. feb 22. 23?? 23. oh god im doubting it the more i think about it but i know hes a pisces in feb at least!!! whatever ill say feb22 idk!!!
vil - april
ruggie - april [i know this bc i know azul is in feb w/ cater and once i made a post about birthstones for cater and vil, and i had noticed tecnically azul and ruggie were in the same slots with them jsdklfdjsl and diamond is for april/you mentioned vil being 2 months after cater like Yesterday LOL] [HE ALSO LITERALLY JUST HAD A BDAY BUT I DIDNT REMEMBER THAT TIL LATER IN MY GUESSING LOL]
i cant fuckin remember many others so it's guessing time, but i AM going to use a zodiac chart for characters whose bday i dont remember but zodiac i do [thats like. 2 more LOL]
jamil - his bday book ending with riddle so he had to come before riddle but technically after aug 24... i thought for some reason they were both aug bdays but now im not sure LOL ...and i had it backwards earlier when i was gonna say like aug 8 so um. i feel like hes either like aug 30 or sept like 2 or 8 o rwhatever LOL.. um. um. im gonna go sept.
i know ortho and leona are Leo zodiacs bc they are my friend's zodiac buddies but i CANT REMEMBER which months they were. i feel like ortho was maybe july...??? leona can be august idk LOL. if i got them both wrong i want half a bonus for at least knowing their zodiac KFLJDSKLJFSD
ummm. fuck. i remember looking the other day and that lilia and malleus were in dec and jan but i forget who was where LOL umm. one of them i was like "oh wasnt he like a new years day baby" but then i failed to actually check jkdsjfldksjf i THINK lilia was january, im gonna guess jan1- WAIT YES JAN 1 bc i think it was actual lore that he doesnt know his actual birthday, so he just picked that one. jan 1 for lilia blease. december was malleus.
opens list of characters uhh who else is left
ace- fuck if i know. i think hes a summer baby? floyd were you taking zodiacs into account when you named him crabby, is he a cancer... uhh let's go with july idk
juice beloved son juice spade: SOBBING AND SCREAMING ABOUT HOW I DONT HAVE A DAMN CLUE DESPITE HAVING TWO OF HIS BDAY CARDS IN MY GAME!!!!!!!!!!!! wait. engtwst is still cycling through the bloom cards rn. i have his first two but i dont THINK we've gotten his bloom card yet, and i know engtwst started with cater in terms of bday cards and so he started off our bloom cards. that means juice's bday is not feb thru april 27... that only helps a little LOL bc i already knew the only ones in those months um um. hmm. god i remember standing in target when i was summoning for one of those cards but idr what time of year it was bc i was buying recycle bags and thats not a seasonal purchase!!!! um. september?????
jack: uhhhhh ummm uhhhh uhhhh. i dont know. december???
kalim: I DONT KNOWW!!!!!!!! juuuuuuuuuuuuuune?
epel: im in hell i dont know LOL these are truly random guesses. uh god what month havent i said yet. may?
rook: 🧍 ....december???
idia: another i feel like i just looked up and forgot lol. uh. january?
silver: did lilia make one up for u too.... what day did he find u idk man ummmm u feel like a summer bday. surely if i keep saying june ill catch someone. june again!!!!!
sebek....................... wait a second. i was wrong earlier. broom sebek is def in the game bc my friend just got him fairly recentlyish [which means his bday was somewhat recentlyish!!!] so either i cant remember where we are in the bday cards in engtwst bc i usually dont summon for them lol, or sebek is also between feb and april and i just forgot about him bc i didnt mention - wait no. i forgot march existed. he feels like he could be feb but i have to stick to my guns bc i didnt mention him in the birthstone thing so im going with march for sebek!!!!!
ok thanks bye!!!
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bylightofdawn · 2 years
My work decided randomly at the end of last year that they were going to move the cap for PTO from 100 hours to 80.
I am a very dedicated (read stupidly obsessed with being dependable and diligent worker bee) Capricorn that exudes so much Capricorn energy you can prolly read it from orbit so suffice to it so say I have over 100 hours of banked PTO and was at risk of losing 20 some odd-hours. This is after I took two vacations last year so yeah I was kinda not happy with this new policy.
Soooooo I requested that time off before it expires on the 15th and ya girl now has 5 whole days back to back off starting tomorrow.
I'd originally planned to make a trip to Houston but sadly, I can't afford it thanks to getting the plague after my last mini vacation in December and my check on the 31st wasn't what I was expecting it to me.
Which, eh no big deal I'll just enjoy this time and do a staycation instead for the next 5 days.
I'm going to do some spring cleaning and rearranging of my apartment. My mother has been trying to fob some furniture off on me for years so I've decided to get rid of this 96 inch metal baker's rack that was housing all of my dvds and various fandom crap like lose figures and the like.
On Sunday, i went through all my DVD's BluRays etc, took them all out of the boxes and recycled them and started to put them into a binder. I had to buy a BIGGER one because 270 something wasn'r enough. All together with some DVD's being doubled up like bluray/dvs combos. I filled up a 400 space binder.
What. The. Fuck.
And that's not counting the things I didn't get rid of because it was specialty cases or things like my Red vs Blue and Star Wars stuff or ANY Of my many, many TV shows. I think I'm going to get a separate binder for those and then keep the cases but put them in a box to free up space so I can hopefully get shit down to one book shelf so I can get a small couch or love seat in my living room.
That ain't happening tomorrow though. Tomorrow is me time, I am going to play video games, read and write and then start cracking on that stuff on Monday.
The only thing that could make this vacation better was if I could get a massage or something stupidly self-indulgent like that.
So here's crossing my fingers and hoping I make some head-way in my new JasPlo fic. I'm debating breaking my own rules and posting things as I write rather than once I've finished just to see if the stress of keeping people waiting would be enough to motivate hibernating motivation or if the stress would just make me not want to write at all.
I mean is it really the end of the world if I have a WIP that hasn't been touched in six months? I dunno. I feel like my own innate sense of guilt would eat at me and I'd prolly crater like a house of cards the first time I get some shithead self-entitled comment asking why I haven't updated.
Which, LBR prolly won't happen cause how many people are going to be reading some super rarepair fic to begin with and I don't think I attract that sort of attention so no way that would even happen.
Most of the time I just feel like I'm putting stuff out into the void. Which, I'm not complaining about but I just really doubt that sort of scenario would happen.
But....you tell that to my guilt complex. I was definitely catholic in another life and have apparently carried said guilt into my next life.
Useless Edit: I ended up getting 90% of my tv series in the binder that held 270 something dvds. When did I buy all this shit that realistically I will never watch again because I own a chunk of them on digital now anyway.
I’m going to see if I can sell the random Smallvile seasons 4-10 and random Naruto seasons at Half Priced books since I’m well past my Naruto phase and what’s her faces sexual assault scandals kinda ruined the show for me forever. Same reason I got rid of all of my Kevin Spacey dvds when I was going through my dvds. But I forgot I bought both seasons do BBC’s Musketeers and I lowkey kinda want to rewatch it now. I also forgot I had seasons 1-4 of Scrubs which is one of my lowkey favorite series ever. I’m kinda excited by the things that got kinda lost in my collection. I found my Dark Angel series and kinda want to add that to the list as well
So series wise I’m pretty set. I don’t know if I’ll be watching any of my dvd or blu rays though. I plan on taking my binder of movies over to my moms house since she doesn’t know how to run Netflix ffs so the know she will get some use out of them. Or at least more than me.
I guess this semi counts as a declutter, yes? Pffft
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gwenivere · 2 years
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✰          META  /  HEADCANON          :          MISCELLANEOUS   INFORMATION.
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guinevere jones  (  the series , not the character  )  is a fantasy television series and a series of four novels created by elizabeth stewart .   it revolves around the adventures of the title character as she uses magic to fight evil , while at the same time dealing with problems and difficulties of high school .   the show debuted in canada on may 4 , 2002 on ytv and ten days later in australia . it ran for twenty-six episodes over two seasons , and was later adapted into four novels published by random house australia .   as the show is on the verge of being considered lost media , only a few clips and episodes online remaining , my blog is mostly novelization and headcanon based .   below is some information about gwen , things i consider important and other more mundane .   the following is a combination of my own personal headcanons , but also information available in the novels .
gwen jones was born on november 2nd 1984 , in toronto , ontario , canada .   since her birthday and specific birth place were never stated in the books , i have decided to give her the same birthday and birth place as her actress , tamara hope / lindeman .   gwen is a scorpio , a sign many joke suits her well as she is unpredictable and passionate .
gwen's first name was decided by her father , and her second by karen .   as stated in the book , her father was the one who suggested they call her gwen , aware that his daughter would turn out to be guinevere's newest reincarnation .   karen gave her the second name amanda after her own mother .   latin in origin , the name is a feminine form of the saint's name amandus , from the word amandus , future passive participle of amāre (  "to love"  )  :  thus meaning "who/which is to be loved" .   this second name and the fact she does not disclose it is the reason why she believed amanda , in choices / love and other magic , when she claimed she was karen's sister , in spite of being usually cautious .
karen wasn't at first aware of patrick's plan and association with morgan .   when she realized it , she immediately went on the run , giving birth to gwen while in toronto .   after the birth of her daughter , they kept on moving all over canada , finally moving to australia when gwen turned fourteen years old .
because she was constantly on the run her entire life , gwen has a difficult time forming emotional attachment towards anyone but her mother .   since it was always the two of them , she had learned very early on not to get attached , although she knew she would never have the time to .   as a result , she can seem cold and detached , unless her mother is mentioned .   by the end of her series , however , she has formed attachments to many people , including her group of friends as well as her foster family , kathy included .
after the events of the show / books , the jones decide to stay in australia rather than return to canada   .   this means gwen continues to attend griffin secondary school , close to melbourne .   although she uses australian expressions , she speaks with a canadian accent , and occasionally uses words specific to toronto .   karen also makes sure to rent a flat close to the rosens , since both her and gwen consider harve , louise and kathy as part of their family .   staying close to the rosens also allows gwen to remain close to her friends , which she is grateful for .
because they were constantly on the run and had to move often , gwen has very few personal possessions , mostly clothes .   she is used to having little , but feels like it is just one more reason as to why she is different from other girls her age .   as a result , she tends to wear the same clothes over and over again , even though harve and louise make sure to buy her clothes whenever they can .
speaking of her foster family , gwen warmed up easier to harve than louise , although she comes to love and appreciate them both .   there are two reasons for this  :  first , since harve is a man , she didn't feel like he would come and try to take karen's position away .   since she was always told she simply did not have a father , the idea of a father figure through foster care made her feel a little more normal , unlike a mother which she already had .   the second reason is because harve made it clear from the get go that she didn't have to be kathy's older sister if she didn't want to , something she appreciated .   upon understanding louise had no intention of replacing karen , gwen also warmed up to her , coming to view them as part of her family by the end of the series .
albeit she doesn't put too much effort in it , gwen's favorite subject in school is english , and particularly literature .   she is a good writer and can easily express her ideas on paper , however , her handwriting is particularly messy , which o' leary exploits in order to gain her trust .   the fact she recognizes it is difficult to read , as well as her inhability to buy a computer for herself is why she takes o' leary's offer to give her his without giving a second thought , albeit she argues with him she shouldn't take it based on moral principles .
because they moved all over canada , and because it is part of the curiculum , gwen can speak french on a conversational level .   she is by no means an expert , but having french classes and having lived in québec and new brunswick a couple of times , she can understand a good portion of it .    however , she cannot understand complicated words , certain expressions as well as some accents .
gwen is not particularly knowledgable when it comes to modern popular culture  .   since she only ever really hung out with her mother until she befriended tasha and the rest of her friends in australia , she has no clue what is popular with kids her age .   she tries to keep up with trends in an attempt to be / seem as normal as possible in spite of her circumstances , but it is difficult for her to do so when she is continually on the move and does not get the time to go to the movies , concerts , etc.   some find this lack of understanding charming and proof of her being mature , but gwen finds it shameful as it is yet another reminder she is not like everyone else .   this lack of knowledge is also why she didn't know about king arthur's legend and guinevere until moving to australia and meeting both tasha and merlin .
though she has a crush on josh first and then michael , gwen isn't a particularly romantic person .   she experiences attraction the same way other heterosexual girls her age do , but has yet to figure out she is pansexual .   since she has difficulty forming emotional attachments , she never really had the time to develop crushes and date until josh .   she also views romance as a total waste of time , which is one of the few things that seperates her from the original guinevere .
while it is hinted in the series , gwen's attraction to michael is not merely because of the fact he might be lancelot's reincarnation .   she just thinks he is a kind and gentle soul underneath the brooding and anger , and their past also makes it easier for her to relate to him .   suggesting she merely likes him because of lancelot is the best way to make her angry , and also part of the reason why she doesn't pursue a relationship with him .
also , having met tamara lindeman myself and witnessed this , gwen is of average height for her age .   she currently is five feet two , but will go on to grow up to five feet six .
and that covers everything i have to say for now   .   the reason why i sound a bit zealous at times through this post is that i wish to offer my followers a nuanced portrayal of one of my favorite characters of all times while honoring elizabeth's creation and its meaning for the author and the actress who acted as gwen .   it’s , after all , the least i can do if you ask me .
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hakesbrother · 2 years
Central El Paso Homes For Sale Central El Paso Actual Property
The researchers ranked cities in accordance with the share of latest home purchases that had been single-family in 2021. In the event of a tie, the city with the larger variety of single-family home purchases was ranked higher. Researchers also calculated the median sale value for single-family homes, the share of all owner-occupied homes that el paso homes for sale are single-family, and the total number of owner-occupied single-family homes. According to Redfin, the trend is intensifying because of a surge in development during the pandemic and a latest slowdown in present owners putting their homes up for sale.
The perfect mix of magnificence and effectivity. This 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home with a 2-car... This distinctive elegant home has so much to offer, positioned in the el paso homes for sale northeast space of El Paso this home has all new stainless steel home equipment, beautiful new granite counter tops...
Some of those homes are Hot Homes, that means they're prone to sell shortly. Tons of potential on this three bed room 2 toilet home in Bloomington! Newer AC, appliances, and an outsized 2 automotive storage. This dataset is seasonal, which is why Redfin compares the Q with previous third quarters. The share usually hits an annual peak within the first quarter and troughs within the Q2 or Q3.
I advocate all my friends and family to Care Free Homes as a end result of I know they are going to be handled proper and fairly. CareFree Homes makes the entire home shopping for course of seamless, whether it’s signing your contract or booking a guaranty appointment, the CareFree Homes group has it covered. Blend Lab’s third-quarter loss was pushed by a decline in mortgage banking and its title insurance coverage enterprise revenue, which occurred despite an uptick in client banking revenue. Torres stated that builders in El Paso are in the midst of planting “a ton” of new housing expansions that can more than likely be scooped up in early 2021. Cimarron is positioned on the foothills of the beautiful Franklin Mountains in a brand new and quick rising area of west El Paso. Get in contact with us today to learn extra about the home constructing process.
Here you'll find a way to elevate your own chickens, large lot, 2 bedrooms, two baths plus extra area for use as play... Walk into this beautiful one story home and be welcomed by not only an attractive open floor plan ,but in addition a beautiful kitchen that is outfitted with st... Nice cozy home positioned on far east El Paso close to colleges, buying, just a few minutes from highway el paso homes for sale 375. This beautiful 3bedrrom 2bath home features a welcoming residing r... The data referring to actual property for sale on this web site comes in part from the IDX Program of the Greater El Paso Association of REALTORS®. The broker providing these data believes them to be right, however advises interested events to verify them earlier than relying on them in a purchase determination.
This property is situated between I-10 and Doniphan, with ease entry to Transmountain, I-10, Sata Teresa Bridge. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 half bathroom, with two grasp bedro... Custom built modern one story family home with all of the upgrades. This magnificent home options an open idea floor plan with a surprising connoisseur kitchen - full w...
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cocochannel00 · 4 years
Things that Husband!Harry would definitely do (a thread)
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(If you don’t think that Tiny Desk Harry doesn’t give off mad husband!harry vibes - he looks so fluffy- then we can’t be friends)
- He’d sneak into your room the night before the wedding because he missed you even though he knows its bad luck and when you’re mad at him for it he would just smile and place a kiss on your forehead and say “I don’t need any luck, I just need you”
- At your wedding reception he would walk around the room introducing you to everyone as “my wife” as if they didn’t already know who you were 
- During your wedding dinner he’d spend the whole night whispering dirty jokes in your ear trying to make you laugh because he knew that even though it was your wedding day you were still spooked by all of the attention
- On your first year anniversary Harry wanted to surprise you by making you breakfast in bed so he started making pancakes as you slept. You woke up to the sound of your fire alarm going off and Harry blowing the smoke off a pan with a pillow. He’d give you a sheepish smile before mumbling a “maybe we get takeout this year?”
- During the holidays he’d hang mistletoe all around your house and force you to kiss him at every one. “Look love it’s mistletoe, you know what that means” he’d state with a grin. “Harry I just kissed you literally 2 minutes ago in the other room” you’d grumble “Doesn’t matter love, it’s mistletoe and those are the rules. Now come here and kiss your husband”
- Anytime the two of you would get into any sort of major fight where you would say “I hate you” he would shoot back “Well I love you so I guess you’re stuck with me” before going to sulk on the couch
- Whenever you went to his shows or stayed with him on tour he would force you to sit back stage and watch him from the wings so he could watch your reaction to his corny jokes and steal a kiss from you in between sets and on his bathroom breaks
- You agreed to be the designated drive for your group for a night out so Harry gets drunk and becomes extra clingy. He spends the entire night stuck to your side, shoving his face in your neck whispering “I’m going to marry you one day” to which you’d remind him quietly that you were already married. He’d then nod thoughtfully and mumbled “Well then I’m going to marry you again just in case” 
- One night you would be tossing and turning in bed unable to sleep and you would accidentally wake up Harry. You’d apologies because you knew he had to wake up early the next day, but he would just shush you with a quick peck before repositioning you so that you could lay your head on his chest. He’d then softly start humming the tune to one of the new songs he was working on until you’d fall asleep
- Harry would convince you that he was capable of building the Ikea coat rack the two of you had bought for your new home on his own so you’d go into the room next door to take a nap. When you woke up and hour later you found him laying on the floor facetiming Mitch as he tried to figure out why the last piece wasn’t fitting properly only for you to look at it and realize he had built half of it backwards
- Harry would come home late from one his movie shoots and would mumble a quick hello as he walked in through the door. You’d be sitting on the couch watching and episode of Dateline and he would throw himself next to you and lay his head on your lap. You’d start running your hands through his hair as you finished watching the last couple of minutes of the episode before asking Harry how his day was only to realize he had passed out on your lap and was now quietly snoring, a small trail of drool slowly coming out of his mouth
- The next season of your favorite show Handmaid’s Tale had come out so you and Harry started watching it. Every five minutes Harry would ask you a question about the show until mid way through you looked at him and bursted out “Harry if you ask me one more question about the show I’m sending you to our room”. Harry would pout at you and sink into the couch, grumbling about how it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember what happened last season before he shoved some popcorn into his mouth
- You’d need to go shopping at Target one day to get some decorations for your niece's birthday party and Harry would decide to come along. “This is our list Harry, we’re not buying anything that’s not on the list” you’d say in the car before getting out, but it would be hopeless because every other aisle Harry would pick something up and say “babe we need to get this” and you would stare at him and say “is it on the list?” and he would grumble a no before sulking back down the aisle to put it back
- On road trips when he let you pick the music he would grumble when you would change the song every 30 seconds. “Love just choose a song, it’s not that difficult, gave you the bloody playlist” he’d state as you would continue to skip through the songs mumbling “I’m tired of that song though, just wanted to hear the chorus”. “Is that what you do with my songs too, just skip all the good parts to get to the bloody chorus?” he’d ask mockingly as you gave him a sheepish smile and mumbled a “sometimes” before finally picking a song
- It would be nearly 4 am and you would still be awake reading your book in bed as Harry slept soundly next to you. You could feel the tears running down your face as the main character just had their heartbroken and a soft sniffle left your nose which caused Harry to startle awake. “Babe what time is it?” he’d mumble as you continue reading, paying him no mind. He’d turn on his phone and groan as he saw the 4 flash at him before turning to see the tears on your face. “Oh no love did she get her heartbroken again? Sure they’ll get back together by the end” he’d state, knowing this was your third rom-com book of the month. You’d mumble a yes as Harry gently dog eared the page before you could protest. He turned off your lamp before tucking you into his side, pulling the covers up to your chin, letting you crying into his chest over your fictional characters
- You and Harry going to your 15th high school reunion together and he gets jealous when he sees you talking to your ex-boyfriend from when you were 16. He’d come up behind you and wrap an arm around your waist while placing a kiss to the side of your temple before reaching out his free hand to introduce himself. “Hello I’m Harry. The Husband” he’d say as he shook your ex’s hand just a little tighter then necessary
- Harry would be overly invested in your work place gossip so when the two of you would have dinner together he would constantly ask questions about what happened with your coworkers that day. “So did Stacy and Justin get caught yet or does Janet still have no idea? Did Kathleen ever get that promotion? If I ever see Garrett I’m going to punch him”
-  He’d force you to wake up early with him so the two of you could workout together in your home gym, but you’d just sit on the floor against the mirror in your workout clothes staring at him. After several attempts at trying to get you to stretch with him he’d give up and say “If you’re not gonna workout at least give me some motivation babe” so he’d do his abs workout in front of you and every time he came up from a sit-up you’d give him a kiss
- Harry would come down with a cold and he would turn into a 5 year old boy and try to milk it for everything it’s worth. “Think the doctor mentioned that cuddles would really help with my headache, love.” “Harry I don’t think that’s what the doctor said” you’d reply as you placed a cold wash cloth on his forehead. “Don’t think I would have forgotten such an important order from her. Now, come here I want to cuddle my wife” 
- He’d come home from the studio fidgeting with his beat-up blue iPod in his hand as you were finishing up a quick dinner for the two of you. He would gently place the iPod on the counter next to you as he poured himself a drink to calm his nerves. You’d stare at it for a minute before asking “Is it finished? Can I listen?”. He’d nod before you gave him a quick kiss and took the device to the living room, leaving him there with his thoughts. An hour later you came back into the kitchen, tears streaming down your face as you ran up to hug him. “Liked it?” he’d ask nervously, this being the first time you’d heard the finished album. “Absolutely loved it” you’d whisper back causing Harry to release a deep breath before taking your face in his hands and kissing you roughly
- He’d start every award acceptance speech with “I’d like to first thank my wife for always supporting me” and then try to catch your eye in the crowd, giving you a soft smile that was only meant for you before going on to thank everyone else
- “We need an intervention Harry. Why are your suits in my side of the closet?” you asked as you came down stairs with one of Harry’s Gucci suits. “I was running out of space and I didn’t think you would notice” he replied with a blush. “Well I did so either you move them or I’m throwing them out” “Love but they’re Gucci you can’t just-” “Ah ah ah I don’t care. My side of the closet” you’d state before dropping the suit in his lap and walking back upstairs
So many others come to mind but these are just a couple that came to mind. I’ll probably do a Dad!Harry version at some point as well 
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caffeinatedseri · 4 years
Dead Apple Light Novel
Recently, I decided to buy LN 5, Dead Apple, purely because I’m a sucker for all of BSD’s light novels, so this post will revolve around what I took away from this novel. 
Dead Apple is Canon
Since the story jumps around in the timeline a lot, I had originally thought that Dead Apple took place outside of canon (especially with Atsushi’s flashback). 
However, a particular part of Asagiri’s afterword stuck out to me:
Now, allow me a moment to discuss some of the particulars of Dead Apple. Chronologically, the story takes place after the second season of the anime — in other words, after the war with the Guild, which puts Dead Apple somewhere between the ninth and tenth volumes of the manga. 
The novel also ended up affecting the main story in numerous ways, and I’m sure this new experience will continue to influence my future work as well.
It’s not unusual for a light novel to insert itself into the main timeline (see 55 Minutes which takes place in the 10th volume), but it’s nice to have confirmation that the same applies to Dead Apple. 
Of course, just because a work isn’t canon compliant (see BEAST), doesn’t mean that it has no potential for further analysis or it doesn’t bring any added complexity to the main plot. Regardless, this post serves as somewhat of a precursor to my other posts concerning Dead Apple since I have a tendency to talk about it a lot, and I’d like to establish a basis for a lot of my posts. 
Differences between the Movie and Light Novel
In the afterword of the light novel, Hiro Iwahata (the author of this LN) said:
“Furthermore, I worked on this book under Asagiri’s supervision, meaning there are several lines in certain scenes that differ from the movie. It might even be fun comparing the two!  Nothing would make me happier than the fans enjoying this novel alongside the movie.”
As per Iwahata’s request, I went into the light novel, looking for differences between it and the movie. However, the novel is surprisingly, almost identical to the movie (maybe not surprising considering it is a “movie novelization”).
Because the differences are so miniscule, I believe they hold an even greater significance, since Asagiri must have wanted to change these specific details for a certain reason. 
Some of the differences I talk about might be unimportant, but I did my best to catch everything that was changed from the movie.
1. The movie doesn’t mention SKK as a part of the Dragon’s Head Conflict, but the novel says, “Some fought under the alias Twin Dark.” 
This probably means that SKK became a pair either before the Dragon’s Head Conflict or during (although I’m pretty sure that the “organization” they destroyed over night was Shibusawa’s organization).
2. When Dazai says that he would’ve continued killing people in the mafia if it weren’t for Oda, Atsushi has little to no reaction in the movie; I would describe it as maybe a hesitant or concerned feeling.
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In the novel, Atsushi has a more outward reaction.
““Huh...?!” Atsushi was baffled. He had no idea whether that was true. What did Dazai mean by that? (...) The melancholy Atsushi felt from Dazai had disappeared, and Dazai continued to speak in his usual lighthearted manner.”
Not only does he react verbally, but the novel also adds an inner monologue (mainly for Atsushi) that can’t be portrayed as well in movie format. 
To me, this change highlights how Atsushi sees Dazai purely as a good person; he reacts in such a startled manner because he believes that Dazai is too good of a person to be in the mafia killing people (which we know Atsushi hates). This trend reoccurs throughout the story, of Atsushi turning a blind eye to Dazai’s “bad side.”
3. This one isn’t at all the movie’s fault, but the novel gives a lot more clues as to what the “dead apple” and the dagger in the apple motif represents.
The first time it appears is when Kunikida and Tanizaki meet the Special Division’s agent, but they find out that he’s already dead.
“It [the apple] was, without a doubt, a simple fruit... save for the fact that there was a knife sticking out of it as if to condemn the taste of sin. A blade had been driven into the symbol of original sin. A dreary, ominous aura, oozed from the ripe fruit like venom. 
Throughout the novel, it seems to associate the “dead apple” motif with Fyodor pretty strongly, especially since this paragraph ties in Fyodor’s ideals nicely with the symbolism of the apple and dagger.
The apple represents sin, the very first sin — which you could interpret as sin at its purest — while the dagger represents the condemning of such sin. However, the apple can also potentially symbolize life, while the dagger stabbing into life can mean death. 
Fyodor’s ideals revolve around “removing the sin” of ability users (represented by an apple in this case) but he does so through manipulation. The dagger is associated with stealth and deception, which is fitting with what Fyodor does to “remove the sin” of ability users.
However, he’s also taking the lives of ability users in this process, hence stabbing the apple, coincidentally committing another sin in his attempt to relinquish all sin.
4. In the “Snow White” Oda and Dazai flashback, everything is identical to the movie (word for word), but there is some additional narration.
“It was an alarming sight — Dazai sounded like he was in a trance. It was as if he was ignoring all this world had to offer while in pursuit of something else.”
I’ve talked about this particular scene before here, but the gist is that Dazai was discreetly talking about himself while referring to Snow White. 
Dazai joined the mafia because he believed that the violence (or true human nature) would give him a reason to live, but we already know that this kind of thinking was flawed.  Thus, this line most likely means that Dazai was ignoring all of the “good” qualities of the world while pursuing a reason to live, which inevitably wouldn’t work. 
5. Right after the flashback, when Dazai takes the pill, the novel really sells the act of “Dazai walking towards his death and going to the evil side.” 
Personally, this scene in the movie felt more open to interpretation after you’ve seen the ending. You could say that Dazai took the antidote and said “Being on the side that saves people is more beautiful,” because his plan is to continue living to save more people. 
However, the novel throws away any possible double meaning with this paragraph:
“Dazai then reached for the pill with his bandaged hand, neatly picked it up, and slowly brought it to his lips — just like Snow White and the sweet, poisoned apple. The venomous red-and-pure-white-pill disappeared inside his mouth.”
After Dazai’s tangent on how Snow White could’ve committed suicide out of despair, the narration compares him directly to Snow White. With the added venomous pill stated outright, it only further cements the idea that Dazai’s actually committing suicide here.
I don’t particularly like this change, because it feels like this moment was set up entirely just to divert the audience’s expectations, rather than it be a standalone scene that makes sense when considering the rest of the story. (It might not necessarily be a change, possibly just a rough translation from movie to novel). 
6. When Atsushi wakes up from his nightmare, there’s some additional inner monologue:
Everything’s okay. I’m not the same person I was when I lived at the orphanage. I have friends. I have a place where I belong — the Armed Detective Agency. Things are different now.
The anime (and in turn the movie) tends to downplay the effects of Atsushi’s trauma — probably due to the limitations of anime — but regardless the novel portrays it much better with how Atsushi’s trauma affects practically every aspect of his life. 
7. I thought Fukuzawa’s ability only gave his subordinates control over their abilities, but the novel says:
“Yukichi Fukuzawa and his skill, All Men are Equal, a peculiar ability that allowed him to suppress and control his subordinates’ skills.”
Does this mean that Fukuzawa could control and suppress all of the agency’s abilities? It could be a weird translation, but it seems oddly specific.
8. This detail isn’t actually a novel exclusive, but it is an extremely small detail that I missed while watching the movie, so I figured I would add it here too.
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“the phantom’s notebook had the word Compromise written on the cover. A copy of himself that didn’t follow ideals but made compromises was an abomination to Kunikida.”
Considering how abilities act as the shadow to every character in this story, this is a nice detail that shows how Kunikida’s inner desire is to compromise, because carrying such heavy ideals is undoubtedly a burden. However, because he holds onto his ideals so strongly, it becomes his biggest weakness AND his biggest strength.
9. There’s a super small detail added to this scene with Dazai, Fyodor, and Shibusawa. When Dazai suggests that Shibusawa could be saved by an angel or a demon, the following exchange occurs:
“Hmm... Maybe an angel?” Dazai picked up the skull on the table. “Or maybe a demon?” “It’s obvious what both of your true intentions are, if you ask me.” The third man mirthfully cackled and took the skull from Dazai’s hand.
In the movie, Dazai doesn’t pick up anything, so as a result Fyodor doesn’t take anything from Dazai either. 
Because Fyodor walked into the scene after Dazai suggested that an angel or demon would save Shibusawa, I strongly suspect that this was foreshadowing future events in which Fyodor does “save” Shibusawa by giving him his memories back.
The novel adds more to this foreshadowing by having Dazai pick up the skull before it’s taken by Fyodor — essentially having Fyodor take the cards out of Dazai’s hands and put them in his favor. 
It’s also worth pointing out that the skull is also the object that Fyodor uses to revive Shibusawa into a supernatural ghost of some sorts at the end of the story.
10. This may be just a difference in translations but in the movie, Shibusawa refers to Fyodor as “Demon Fyodor-kun”, whereas in the novel Fyodor is called “Fyodor the Conjurer.” (Ango uses the Conjurer title as well).
In western esotericism, a conjurer is a person who summons supernatural beings, like spirits, demons, or God.
This slightly changes the connotation of Fyodor’s title from a inhuman being of pure malicious intent to just a human who summons these otherworldly beings. This idea also aligns with Shibusawa’s revival, since he’s some sort of supernatural ghost that was “summoned” by Fyodor. 
11. Skipping past the parts where Kyouka and Akutagawa regain their abilities, and Chuuya talks to Ango in the government facility, (since they have little to no changes between the movie and the novel) there is a somewhat significant detail changed in Draconia once again with Dazai and Fyodor.
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In the novel, this glowing ball of energy from the movie is actually described as an apple: 
The two lights melted into one and spun until they formed a juicy sphere. They had produced a single apple — a juicy, poisoned apple red as blood.
It birthed a skill — and an extremely powerful one at that — the ability to absorb. Every last crystal adorning Draconia’s walls was sucked into the apple with intense force. Ten — a hundred — a thousand — two thousand — every last one was greedily devoured by the apple...
The apple swelled as it absorbed the numerous crystals until the red light became hotter than the surface of hell.
Since the “dead apple” motif aligns with Fyodor’s character, we can assume that the apple is representative of sin, and sin is associated with abilities, as Fyodor believes.
This strange poisoned apple is made of abilities and has an ability (the ability to absorb), and it commits a sin (greed) in its devouring of other abilities; it’s also hotter than “hell”, which is a very specific connection that leads me to this idea:
My theory is that a normal apple represents life, while a poisoned apple (or dead apple), indicative of a stained, impure life, represents sin. Fyodor believes abilities are akin to sin (what a clever rhyme), therefore all of their lives are sinful.
12. This is arguably the most insignificant change of this entire post, but I feel obligated to put it here regardless since it was different from the movie. When the Special Division detects the singularity of Shibusawa’s dragon form in the novel, it says:
“Abnormal values for singularity are increasing! They’re twice — no, 2.5 times higher than they were six years ago.”
In the movie, the number is five times higher instead.
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Why did this number change? Is it significant? I honestly have no idea (I’m surprised I even caught this), but it’s there and I had to document it anyways. 
13. The novel adds this narration for Shibusawa when he gets his memories back and he’s in the orphanage’s room with Atsushi:
“Shibusawa clearly recalled the events from six years ago. Fyodor had enticed him to go to the orphanage where he tortured a young Atsushi... until Atsushi fought back and killed him.”
There’s two things to take away from this: Fyodor had known Shibusawa for at least six years, and Fyodor had been planning the events of Dead Apple since at least six years ago. 
I find it hard to believe that Fyodor’s plan was thwarted by Dazai, because of how Fyodor demonstrated his ability to plan ahead in the main series, but I’m not sure what the long term effects of this plan could be. If Shibusawa succeeded, then it could’ve aligned with the DOA’s goals, but once again I don’t think Fyodor’s plan was actually foiled.
14. Super minor once again, but right after Shibusawa gets revived, the last sentence of chapter 5 is,
“Nobody would ever see the smile on Fyodor’s face.” 
Honestly, I think this was just added to create an ominous tone, but it’s a nice detail regardless.
15. As the red fog spreads across Yokohama, there’s a good part of exposition that connects the “dead apple” motif to Fyodor once again:
“After the red fog devoured the earth, the planet would undoubtedly look like a floating red apple from space. There would be no humans left on its surface, nor any signs they ever existed. It would be a true paradise, and with that, the Dead Apple would finally be complete. A dead planet covered in red fog — that was what Fyodor had planned and sought out.
Nothing other than death could wash away the original sin of man, so it was only fitting for the sin, which started with a fruit, to end with one as well. 
It’s pretty long, but I like the way this passage is written, more specifically the last part since it fits well with the sinful poisoned apple idea.
It also aligns with Fyodor’s ideals of creating a true paradise, free of ability users. However, if Fyodor had planned to have the Earth covered in fog, that could mean that his plan was actually stopped by Dazai and Atsushi in the end.
16. Shibusawa has a few additional lines of dialogue when he talks to Atsushi in their final fight.
“The dragon and tiger... I see now why they are called rivals.”
The dragon and tiger have their roots in Chinese Buddhism, but to go further into that topic would make this already lengthy post even longer.
“Don’t get the wrong idea, though. I’m not blaming you for what happened.”
This line is a brief moment of weakness for Shibusawa, which is interesting in contrast to his strong will to kill Atsushi. Just as Atsushi learned to accept the past and the tiger’s ferocity, Shibusawa shares the same attitude by separating the blame from himself to just simply accepting the past for what happened.
17. In the aftermath of the last fight against Shibusawa, Atsushi and Kyouka meet up with Dazai.
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Kyouka asks, “Are you sure this is what you wanted?” which prompts two different responses in the movie and novel respectively.
In the movie, Atsushi says, “Just as Shibusawa was able to forget that he’d been killed before, I think Dazai can put his past behind him again. But this is fine.”
In the novel, Atsushi says:
“... I could probably seal away this memory just like how I’d forgotten I’d killed him before. But... I’m okay with this.”
I interpreted Kyouka’s question in the movie to be questioning Dazai’s loyalties, as he did betray everyone, and Atsushi responded in Dazai’s defense because he trusts him.
However, the novel does change Atsushi’s response to focus on himself rather than Dazai, which in turn changes the implications of Kyouka’s question. 
Kyouka seems to be asking Atsushi whether he was okay with killing Shibusawa, and Atsushi responds by acknowledging that he did kill Shibusawa, and that’s okay. (a very clear development from the beginning of the story when he believed it was unnecessary to kill anyone, and he didn’t want to kill anyone)
18. In the epilogue, Ango talks about the underlying motivations behind the “Dead Apple” case. This change could be attributed to translation differences (like many others in this post), but the connotation does slightly differ from movie to novel. 
In the movie, Ango says, “How is a man like Shibusawa, so intelligent that others look like alien creatures to him, to act, to be destroyed, or to be saved?”
In the novel, Ango says:
“Perhaps the two of them [Dazai and Fyodor] just wanted to get a glimpse of someone like them... Perhaps they wanted to see what he would do and how he would meet his demise... or perhaps how he would be saved.”
The movie simply poses a broad question of what would happen to Shibusawa, a person alienated from the rest of society. 
The novel changes this to focus on Dazai and Fyodor’s perspective — two irredeemable aliens from society just like Shibusawa — executing this grand scheme out of curiosity to see what would happen to someone of the likes of them, and if there’s a possibility for redemption.
19. This is the final difference on this list, and it’s quite a large change. In Fyodor’s monologue at the very end of the story, he has a completely different tone from the movie to novel.
In the movie, Fyodor says, “But in order to end this world, rife with crime and punishment, I do need that book.”
The novel says: 
Glittering high-rises and stately brick buildings stood side by side in this port city with its countless citizens who struggled against crime and punishment. “I think I’ve taken a liking to this city myself..”  Fyodor took a bite of the apple in his hand, and the juicy nectar ran down his delicate fingers. “You’d all better be on your best behavior until next time.”
The reference to the book may have been removed for consistency with the main series, as the book is a part of the DOA’s plan (or more specifically Fukuchi). 
It also seems like Fyodor has grown fond of the city, and no longer wants Yokohama to be destroyed, so it’s still possible that his plan deterred from what he had originally intended.
Beyond that, I’m not entirely sure why crime and punishment was mentioned, or why there’s such an ominous tone to his ending statement, but that’s up to personal interpretation. 
That concludes the long list of extremely specific and minor differences between the Dead Apple movie and light novel! 
Overall, I would say it’s worth checking out the light novel if you don’t have a strong grasp of the Dead Apple story, because it definitely presents the small intricacies of the plot in a more comprehensible way. 
On a side note, the manga adaptation has a lot of noticeable differences from the movie and light novel, mostly with the addition of entirely new scenes (which you can read @buraihatranslations​ — what a shameless self plug). I would highly recommend reading it as those extra scenes are very amusing, to say the least without giving any spoilers.
Honestly, this post was a lot longer than I intended, but I hope you enjoyed it regardless. Thank you for reading!
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 1 Episode 6: Remorse Is the Poison of Life
1. Diana having to run through the dark with nothing but a lantern and quite reasonably tripping. I never really thought about how dark it would actually be out because there’s always light.., somewhere in a modern city. It’s dark but you can usually still see
2. Every time Anne and Diana are separated they end up reunited during some great tragedy and are like “I missed you so much!!” Like yeah that’s great but. Please focus
3. It’s terrifying how easily children could die before modern medicine. They still can die very easily and that’s still terrifying but back then there was no quick fixes or easily accessible help
4. “It’s an old wives tale.” “I might be one but not the other. Evidently one doesn’t have to be either thing to know it.”
5. Anne knowing how to treat croup because all of Mrs. Hammond’s sets of twins had it
6. “I was supposed to be a boy but when I wasn’t, they decided to keep and raise me.” “How extraordinary!”
7. Minnie May almost choking to death on her own phlegm and Anne ultimately saving her because there’s no way the doctor would’ve made it all the way from Soencervale in time
8. “I believe I need a brandy.”
9. It’s really interesting how much of the script comes straight from the book
10. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are white frosts, aren’t you?”
11. John Blythe’s love for adventure and how Gilbert undoubtedly sees it in Anne
12. Eliza apologizing for how she misjudged Anne
13. “My darling Diana”
14. “I can’t tie myself down to anything so unromantic as dishes at this thrilling moment!”
15. “Even aunt Josephine said she’d like to see you again, and she doesn’t like anyone.”
16. “Shes disinclined to stay home alone since her companion passed away.” “Her companion?” “Her best friend forever and ever.”
17. “Aunt Josephine never married. Neither of them did, they lived with each other their whole lives.” “I’d live with you forever if I could. But I know you’ll leave me the date you get married to some wealthy and handsome gentleman. I hate him already.” “How’s Gilbert?”
18. “It’s very likely Gilbert’s father isn’t going to get well, so it’s more than possible that when Gilbert finally comes back to school… he’ll be an orphan.”
19. The cut from that conversation to John Blythe’s funeral
20. Matthew grabbing Marilla’s arm because he knows how much john meant to her
21. Gilbert watching the snowflakes melt in his hand
22. Marilla’s flashback
23. Young Marilla teasing john
24. Him giving her the same hair ribbon she later gifts to Anne
25. Anne and Gilbert being just like their parents, mirroring their romance and yet achieving the love Marilla and John could never have
26. Anne trying to make Gilbert feel better but making it seem like it’s about her. I often find it hard to articulate my relation to others in a way that does sound like I’m relating and not like I’m making it about me
27. Aunt Josephine on a stroll in the woods
28. Anne’s ranting about her “extensive knowledge of being an orphan”
29. Her calling Gilbert a dumb boy and refusing to think about him
30. “Romance is a pesky business. No sense to be made of it.”
31. “May I enter your humble abode.” About Anne’s run down little shed
32. “I couldn’t be less interested in Gil- that boy!”
33. “Let your ambitions and your aspirations be your guide.” “But I have so many!”
34. “I’ve always wanted to be a bride, but I don’t really expect to be a wife.” “Interesting!” “So you see the conundrum.” “I do. I have the following thoughts to offer. First, you can get married any time in your life, if you choose to do so.” “That’s true-“ “And two, if you choose a career, you can buy a white dress yourself, have it made to order and wear it whenever you want.” “Why didn’t I think of that!? I love that idea! I’m going to be my own woman!” “I’m a proponent for making ones own way in the world.”
35. “If you become a doctor, perhaps you can discover a cure for old age.”
36. Anne calling aunt Josephine her new role model, as well as Marilla and Matthew
37. “I’m going to be the heroine of my own story.”
38. Marilla finding an old letter from John
39. The theme Unrequited Love playing during this scene
40. It’s fascinating when you come to recognize the instrumentals by name, the names actually have a lot of double meanings in relation to the show. Fire in The Town not only plays when there’s an actual fire, but also when Anne’s rumors about prissy set the town ablaze
41. “If the key to a mans heart is through his stomach-“ “Which it is!” “Then, we have to make sure that this is the best shepherds pie that Gilbert has ever had.”
42. Anne wanting a boy to loved for her brain and personality rather than her abilities to keep a home
43. “Don’t you think Gilbert looks even more handsome now that he’s sad?” “I didn’t notice.”
44. I just noticed aunt Josephines mourning clothes, I know she was grieving but I didn’t put two and two together
45. “Take the boy the godforsaken pie before I suffer a mental collapse.”
46. Anne rambling excitedly about Jane Eyre.
47. Anne almost spoiling the book, just like Gertrude used to do
48. Anne suddenly breaking down over death. I’ve done that before, far more frequently in middle school when I realized that we all die someday
49. “It must be awful beyond measure to lose someone that you love deeply. In a split second, a heartbeat, they’re gone forever… and there is nothing you can do to change it or bring them back…”
50. “Anne? You’re crying on the potatoes.”
51. “There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘I’m sorry for your loss’, Ruby. And I’m going to say it because I am.” “You’re just going to make it worse if you say that. His father!! Just died!!!” “That’s what people say when someone dies.” “I don’t want you to upset him.” “He’s already upset because his father just died!”
52. “We hope you like shepherds pie.” “Everyone LIKES shepherds pie 😡. We hope it’s a comfort to you, Gilbert.🥰”
53. Anne telling “but I would make a terrible wife!” And running out.
54. Matthew offering to help Gilbert get his farm back in order
55. Gilbert not wanting to be a farmer but having an entire farm shoved off on him when his only family does, despite being… 14 at most? 15 maybe?
56. Matthew losing all his crops when the Dal Marie sank
57. Billy wanting Gilbert back to control the “ugly orphan” and Gilbert defending Anne
58. “She’s smart, deal with it.”
59. Gilbert telling billy to read a book for once
60. “I’ll give you a tip, okay? I’m not your bud. And if you ever hassle Anne again, you’ll regret it.”
61. “What’s your problem?” “Ask me that again. No, seriously. Go ahead.” “Why you gotta be like that?” “Ask me!” “…what’s your problem?”
62. Gilbert throwing his stuff at billy to preoccupy his hands and THEN punching him straight in his stupid face
63. The boys are fighting!!!! And rolling around in the snow too that’s kind of funny looking
64. Gilbert beating billy in that fight
65. Marilla telling Gilbert about his father
66. All of Gilbert’s siblings died
67. Gilbert’s father taking him to Alberta before he died, where Gilbert was born
68. “You resemble him in many ways.”
69. “He asked you to go?” I’ll always be grateful to him for thinking I’d be brave enough. Obligation… can be a prison.”
70. Anne trying to write a letter to Gilbert apologizing for what she said
71. Anne visiting aunt Josephine for advice and accidentally interrupting her grieving
72. “Emotion is rarely convenient and often intolerable, but I find at the moment that I don’t mind it.”
73. “Grief is the price you pay for live, you see. So it’s alright.”
74. “You and I are not the marrying kind.” “Ah, but I was, in my way. And we had a full and wonderful life together, and I gave no regrets. That’s all you really have to decide Anne, to live a life without regrets.”
75. Anne kissing aunt Josephine on the cheek and running off to live said life
76. No Matthew don’t make that loan deal!!!
77. Anne sprinting to Gilbert’s house bit for the first time of many to come, being too late to reach him.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 3 years
"There's no place like gnome."
Stranger Things 3: The Game.
Gnomes 1-10. 🧙‍♂️
It's no secret that the Duffers take a lot of inspirations from Pop Culture. From the most well known movies to the more obscure comics, they are always able to sneak a reference somewhere everytime. And they are also able to make it connected to the story.
I've bragged about how the Stranger Things expanded universe in media is one of the best out there compared to many others. I think that the Duffers, the writers or people in the highest places of the marketing are really paying attention to what comes out of the ST franchise because there is no way to have such content with so many details without someone looking into them.
And ST3: The Game is a very good example of that.
So let's start! The first 10 Gnomes out of 50 that you have to find in the game.
"There's elements that could please those who makes metas/analyzes or theories. Especially things related to possible future plot points, easter eggs, references in previous seasons mainly season 3 like unsolved mysteries or unanswered questions and for future seasons such as season 4 like foreshadowing or teasers, trailers or as of lately the sneak peek."
If you have anything you'd like to add, might think I have missed or think it might be referencing something else don't hesitate to share it by commenting or reblogging.
(Say thanks to @hawkinsschoolcounselor for having helped me with some of them. )
Gnome #1: Johnny
"He's here... with an axe."
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Overall plot:
"The film's central character is Jack Torrance, an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic who accepts a position as the off-season caretaker of the isolated historic Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies. Wintering over with Jack are his wife, Wendy Torrance, and young son, Danny Torrance. Danny is gifted with "the shining", psychic abilities that enable him to see into the hotel's horrific past. The hotel cook, Dick Hallorann, also has this ability and is able to communicate with Danny telepathically. The hotel had a previous winter caretaker who went insane and killed his family and himself. After a winter storm leaves the Torrances snowbound, Jack's sanity deteriorates due to the influence of the supernatural forces that inhabit the hotel, placing his wife and son in danger."
So I assume a lot of you know The Shining by Stanley Kubrick. A movie which was adapted from the novel of the same name by Stephen King in 1977.
There's a lot of things that could have served as an inspiration for ST.
A boy/child who has psychic abilities = Eleven has psychic abilities such as telekinesis. Will has his True Sight which consist in seeing what the MF was seeing and feeling.
Now there's also the theme of family and parenthood that is also a big theme in Stranger Things. Especially abusive parenthood such as Brenner, Lonnie and even Hopper to a smaller degree.
In Shining, Jack tries to kill his family with an axe due to supernatural forces that are in the hotel but there's a difference between King and Kubrick. While King specifically said that Jack was heavily influenced by the Hotel, Kubrick shows that Jack always had that sinister violence in him even before they arrived at the hotel.
It's interesting to draw a parallel to Billy and Will, both characters called William who tried to kill their families and other people while being possessed. But Billy compared to Will was shown to have been abusive even before that. Dacre Montgomery also said that he was inspired by Jack Nicholson's performance in the Shining for his character Billy.
Joyce and Jonathan were shown to get ready to fight the monsters by taking an axe.
It's also interesting to note that Jack dies in the snow while a blizzard is happening outside the hotel. Much like the storm of the Mindflayer who is in the Upside Down, the same Mindflayer who "likes it cold". While in the book, the Overlook explodes and burn.
(Cold vs Fire much like everything Upside Down related not liking Fire.)
Also "Johnny" = "Jonathan", it's kind of similar and Jonathan did wield an axe before. Maybe this is teasing parts of Jonathan storyline next seasons ?
The gnome was also found in Mike's basement, Mike who wants to be a writer when he's older just like Jack.
Let's just hope that Jonathan and Mike don't get the same fate as Jack.
Gnome #2: Christine
"Two bright, beaming lights for eyes."
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Overall plot:
"Written by Bill Phillips and based on Stephen King's 1983 novel of the same title, the movie follows the changes in the lives of Arnie Cunningham, an awkward and unpopular teenager, his friends, his family, and his teenage enemies in Rockbridge, California after Arnie buys a classic red and white 1958 Plymouth Fury named Christine, licence number CQB 241, a car that seems to have a jealous, possessive personality – and a mind of its own, which has a bad influence on Arnie. After working on a car in a junkyard owned by Will Darnell, Arnie drops his glasses, starts dressing like a 1950's greaser and develops an arrogant and paranoid personality. He than decides to invite and date the most beautiful girl in highschool, Leigh, who will soon become the next victim of Christine."
I was actually quite surprised by how this story parallels Stranger Things a lot.
First off, Christine is very much like The Mindflayer, a dangerous supernatural being set out to destroy anyone who is in her way, the people who tries to take the things that she thinks belongs to her or threatens her. This is very much relevant to The Mindflayer who after being hurt by the Fire created by the Hawkins Lab was upset and attacked everyone he could. Or as Will putted "Not me, everyone else."
This is very much like Christine who tried to kill Leigh because she was taking her place in the life of Arnie. Christine also tried to kill the bullies of Arnie who after a conflit with him, tried to destroy the car which angered Christine heavily.
The Mindflayer has been described someone who views himself as superior to other species and wants to conquer them, even if it's not his real "goal", the description fits anyone who is possessive and paranoid.
Both the MF and Christine are associated with the color red. Red storm = red color of the car.
Arnie ressembles Will and Billy alot. Will is an awkward and unpopular teenager who after being possessed by the Mindflayer became very different and more violent. Billy was shown to be paranoid, jealous, violent and his look even ressembles the one Arnie takes after repairing Christine.
Both of these boys have the same name as Will Darnell, the owner of a junkyard. Just like the boys in Season 1 who takes shelter in a junkyard, or in season 2 where they fight the Demodogs.
Billy dies, killed by the Mindflayer just like Arnie who was completely possessed by Christine who tried to kill Leigh and Dennis, his best friend after they tried to destroy the car when they realised the supernatural nature of it.
Billy's car ressembles a lot Christine with those lights on. Especially with shots like in the Void or at Starcourt during the night.
Chrissy, a new character that will be in season 4, the most popular girl in Hawkins High like Leigh, has a name that is the diminutive of Christine. It is said that under the perfect surface lies a dark secret. Much like the car Christine, while a beauty is actually a dangerous supernatural being. We'll see if the both of them actually connects in the show.
Also it is set in California where Billy and Max come from and has been rumored by many people due to set leaks (The Surfer Boy Pizza Van.) that it is where the Byers went. I won't get into it in this post but this could be a tease or hint of that IF the set leaks ARE true and not fake to mess with people and the fandom.
Arnie also dies in a car crash having been completely possessed by the evil powers of Christine which is something we see in the sneak peek of ST4. It also reminds of Carrie who has a bully named Chris who she kills in a car crash with her boyfriend Billy aka William.
So will someone die from that car crash ? Who is it ? Chrissy, Joyce, Lonnie ? We can only speculate.
The gnome is also found outside the Wheeler's house where Karen lives near the community pool where Billy works and where the car of Billy is located during the first few chapters of the game. Again, a "bad boy" hitting on the beautiful girl in town. (with a lot of creepy subtext all over it.)
Gnome #3: Doc
"Always mumbling something about being late."
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Overall plot:
"Set in 1985, in the town of Hill Valley, California, the story follows Marty McFly, a teenager accidentally sent back to 1955 in a time-traveling DeLorean automobile built by his eccentric scientist friend Doctor Emmett "Doc" Brown. Trapped in the past, Marty inadvertently prevents his future parents' meeting—threatening his very existence—and is forced to reconcile the pair and somehow get back to the future."
So I don't think I need to explain why this is here given how much it has been shown and mentioned in season 3. But few things are interesting here, the fact that California is mentioned is a big deal for me again. I know you are aware of the set leaks just as I am aware, if we can trust them than this could be a hint of that location.
Next, we have the theme of Time. Now ever since ST4 was announced, clocks and times have been a key feature in the promotion. Who know what this might mean but again, we're not going to develop that in the post.
There is also the whole funny scenes of Robin realising that indeed Marty's mother had tried to "bang" her own son. Now given the nature of the shown, certain images in the show during certain events and certain stories, you know to what it connects and to which theories it connects. Won't develop further on it but it can be used as an element that can go into those theories.
The gnome is also found outside of Starcourt Mall where Robin and Steve talk about "Back to the Future". It is also where Billy has his "Back to te Future" moment with his car going extremely fast just like the DeLorean.
Gnome #4: Indiana
"Master of Adventure."
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Overall plot:
"After arriving in India, Indiana Jones is asked by desperate villagers to find a mystical stone and rescue their children from a Thuggee cult practicing child slavery, black magic, and ritualistic human sacrifice in honor of the goddess, Kali."
Fun fact, on Twitter for ST3 promo, a parody poster of this same movie has been posted here of the official ST account.
Jim is obviously Indiana Jones, the look speaks for itself and when he is in the Tunnels in season 2, there's a lot of Indiana Jones imagery.
And of course Kali as 008, a Hindu goddess but as we will see here, it parallels more the Mindflayer.
In 1935, Indiana Jones survives a murder attempt by Lao Che, a crime boss in Shanghai who has hired him to retrieve the remains of Emperor Nurhaci. With his young orphaned Chinese sidekick, Short Round, and the nightclub singer, Willie Scott, in tow, Indy flees Shanghai on a cargo aircraft. While the three of them are asleep, the pilots (employed by Lao Che) dump the fuel and escape via parachute, leaving the plane to crash over the Himalayas. The three narrowly manage to survive by jumping out of the plane on an inflatable raft.
(I wonder if this could be something we see in season 4 with Hopper where he tries to escape on a plane and ends up crashing somewhere or is betrayed by someone who he asked the help of. Now it's a trio and in season 3, Jim, Joyce, Alexei and Murray are the main group that fits this trio. Jim for all the fighting and crazy shit, Joyce and Alexei are kind of like Short Round, they are the sidekicks of Hopper. Murray the role of Willie Scott since she speaks Chinese and him Russian and that Jim just like Indy finds annoying sometimes. Alexei is also kind of like Willie since he kinda goes along with them.
But if we also look at season 2, El is alot like Short Round since she is kind of an orphan too and has a father figure later on. It could also be Will since Hopper is with him a lot of times through season 2. Also Willie did felt out of her element like Alexei because of course he is Russian. Willie in itself doesn't have a lot in common with Joyce but still it's another connection to Will since she has a name close to the one of her sons. Something that does fit a bit more is Jim and Hopper both escaping death, of course Hopper at the end of season 3 but also during season 3 at the farm where he's being shot at by Gregori and than the car doesn't work and explodes and they have to make their way through the forest.
Willie Scott could also be referenced when El disguise herself as this pretty blonde girl in season 1.
Now however, Scoop Troops does fit certain parts of these trio. All the fighting with Steve like Indiana Jones but Robin got his brain because she cracked the code. Dustin and Erica are kinda like short round (especially Dustin who has kind of the same hat as short round.) and are referenced with all the others as children by Robin. Steve doesn't feel in his element like Willie with the three of them who are nerds just like Erica who also doesn't want to accept it. And Robin just like Willie speaks some languages.)
They ride down the mountain slopes and fall into a raging river, eventually arriving at the village of Mayapore in northern India. The villagers plead for their aid in retrieving the sacred stone (shivalinga) stolen from their shrine, along with their missing children, by evil forces in the nearby Pankot Palace. Indy agrees to do so, hypothesizing that the stone is one of the five Sankara stones given by the gods to help humanity fight evil. (It's kinda like Alexei who turns his back on the Russians, for his life of course and agrees to help Hopper close the gate to save Hawkins and their kids before monsters start to appear or may attack one of their kids. Now the stone could be something similar to the promethium or the two keys who opens the gate and is a highly valuable ressource. It also may be the Flayed who are needed to create the monster for the Mindflayer.)
The trio receive a warm welcome at Pankot Palace and are allowed to stay for the night as guests, attending a lavish, but revolting, banquet hosted by the young Maharajah. The officials rebuff Indy's theory that the Thuggee cult is responsible for their troubles. Later that night, Indy is attacked by an assassin. After Indy kills him, he discovers a series of tunnels hidden behind a statue and sets out to explore them, overcoming a number of booby-traps.
(This could be like when Hopper, Joyce and Murray disguised themselves as Russian soldiers but was than discovered by Grigori who attacks them.
The tunnels could be both groups discovering that there is a secret russian base underground and a gate which explains why there are monsters again in Hawkins but it also be the Source, Brimborn Steel Works, where the Mindflayer is lurking underground where he has cult-like followers who makes sacrifices for him to grow bigger and bigger.
It's also like the Tunnels in season 2 who explains why the soil of Hawkins seemed to literally rot. )
The trio reach an underground temple where the Thuggees worship Kali with human sacrifice. They discover that the Thuggees now possess three of the Sankara stones and have enslaved the children to search for the last two, hidden in the palace catacombs. As Indy tries to retrieve the stones, he, Willie, and Shorty are captured. Thuggee high priest Mola Ram forces Indy to drink a potion that puts him into a trance-like state in which he mindlessly serves the cult. (It's very much like Robin and Steve who after discovering the gate are catched by the Russians and than drugged to answer their questions. But also like the Flayed who drinks the chemicals and serves the Mindflayer like a mindless cult.)
Willie is prepared for sacrifice, while Shorty is put to work in the mines with the other children. Shorty escapes and returns to the temple, where he first frees Indy and, later, the Maharajah from the effects of the potion. Indy saves Willie and retrieves the stones. After freeing the children, Indy fights a hulking overseer and leaves him to be killed by a rock crusher. (Basically Dustin saves Steve and Robin. Willie being prepared for sacrifice is kind of like El prepared for sacrifice by Billy in 3x08 but also frees Billy from the effects of the Mindflayer by making him remember his mother, a pretty blonde woman like Willie and sacrifices himself. And Hopper fights Gregori, a "hulking overseer" and kills him.)
The trio escape from the temple, pursued by Thuggees, and barely escape Mola Ram's attempt to flood them out. They are again ambushed by Mola Ram and his henchmen on a rope bridge above a crocodile-infested river. Indy cuts the bridge, causing several of the henchmen to fall to the crocodiles and leaving the survivors to hang on for their lives. As Mola Ram and Indy struggle, Indy invokes the name of Shiva, causing the stones to glow red-hot and burn through Indy's satchel. Two of them fall out; Mola Ram tries to catch the third, but burns his hand and falls from the bridge and into the river, where he, too, is eaten by the crocodiles. (This can be connected to all the kids fighting in Hawkins with the Spider Monster. But the bridge could also fit for the key in the secret base where Hopper and Gregori fights. The gruesome death of Mola Ram is similar to the gruesome death that Gregori has.)
Indy catches the stone safely and climbs up just as a company of British Indian Army riflemen, sent by the Maharajah, arrive and open fire against the Thuggees to drive them away; the surviving Thuggees are soon cornered and arrested by more soldiers. Indy, Willie, and Shorty return safely to Mayapore with the stone and the missing children. (While it may end well in the movie, we know Billy and multiple people die, the Thuggees unlike the Russians have been captured while the Russians where all able to flee before the US Army arrives and Hopper is presumed dead. Only the children in both stories are alive but are probably traumatized for life.)
All in all we can see that this movie might have had a big influence on the plot of season 3 through many characters and more. It may have some hints about possible events for Hopper in season 4 or even beyond but that's about it for. It's a nice package of comparaisons and references though.
The gnome is found in the Hawkins Community Pool where Billy is. The same Billy who obeys mindlessly the Mindflayer and sacrifices people to it. Just like the Thuggees with Kali.
Gnome #5: Chunk
"Posed in some odd dance maneuver."
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Overall plot:
"In the film, a band of kids who live in the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, attempt to save their homes from foreclosure and, in doing so, they discover an old treasure map that takes them on an adventure to unearth the long-lost fortune of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary 17th-century pirate. During the adventure, they are chased by a family of criminals who want the treasure for themselves."
So first, let's get this out of the way, Sean Astin who play Bob Newby, our beloved who plays a character named Mikey.
The Goonies is a 1985 American adventure comedy film co-produced and directed by Richard Donner from a screenplay by Chris Columbus, based on a story by executive producer Steven Spielberg. In the film, kids who live in the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, attempt to save their homes from foreclosure and, in doing so, they discover an old treasure map that takes them on an adventure to unearth the long-lost fortune of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary 17th-century pirate. During the adventure, they are chased by a family of criminals who want the treasure for themselves.
I wonder if this might hint at some Season 4 plot right here. The Hawkins gang faces the threat of Hawkins becoming a literal ghost down and might need to find something to save it. Also Willy like William, again Will is still there.
The Goonies include optimist lead Goonie Mikey Walsh, his older brother Brandon, the inventive Data, the talkative Mouth, and the overweight klutz Chunk.
Rummaging through the Walshes' attic, they come across a 1632 doubloon and an old treasure map purporting to lead to the treasure of legendary pirate "One-Eyed Willy", believed to be located somewhere nearby. Mikey considers One-Eyed Willy to be the original Goonie. (It kinda reminds me of Mike who got mad at Max in season 2 and told her they didn't need another party member. And he mentionned Will first right after him.)
The kids overpower and bind Brandon and make their way to an abandoned restaurant on the coast that coincides with the map; Brandon soon follows alongside Andy, a cheerleader with a crush on him ( there has been cheerleaders that have been reported in season 4 such as Chrissy.); and Stef, Andy's friend. The group quickly discovers the derelict restaurant is a hideout of the Fratelli crime family: Francis, Jake, and their mother. (Maybe it is both a reference to the Russians in season 3 who have a hideout under the mall who have many restaurants. Or the Lab who OBVIOUSLY does a lot of illegal activities. )
The Goonies find a tunnel in the basement and follow it (like the tunnels made by the Mindflayer in season 2), but when Chunk flags down a motorist to go to the sheriff’s station, he gets abducted by the assailants and imprisoned with their hulking, deformed, younger brother Sloth. (This is obviously like Dustin who befriends Dart in season 2, a literal Demogorgon in the making.)
The Fratellis interrogate Chunk until he reveals where the Goonies have gone, and begin pursuit. Chunk is left behind with Sloth, but befriends him. After Sloth frees both of them, Chunk calls the sheriff, and both follow the trail of the Fratellis. (This is very reminiscent of Hopper in season 1 who gets interrogated by Lab agents or Steve and Robin by the Russians.)
The Goonies evade several deadly booby traps along the tunnels, while staying ahead of the Fratellis. Finally, they reach the grotto where Willy's pirate ship, the Inferno, is anchored. (Will also has a ship, the rainbow ship he drew for Joyce, also Inferno literally means Hell just like what Hawkins has been called.)
The group discovers the ship is filled with treasure, and they start filling their pockets, but Mikey warns them not to take any on a set of scales in front of Willy, considering that to be their tribute to him. As they leave the ship, the assailants appear and strip them of their loot. They start to bind the Goonies and make them walk the plank, until Chunk arrives with Sloth and distracts the assailants long enough for the Goonies to jump overboard and swim to safety. (It's the opposite of the season 2 finale, where Dustin has to distract Dart so that the other could pass through the tunnels.)
The Fratellis proceed to grab all the treasure they can, including those on Willy's scales; this triggers another booby trap that causes the grotto to cave in. With Sloth's help, the Goonies and Fratellis barely escape.
The two groups emerge on Astoria's beach, where they reunite with the Goonies' families and the police. The Fratellis are arrested, but Chunk prevents Sloth from also being taken; he invites Sloth to live with him, which Sloth accepts. ("Unfortunately", Dart compared to Sloth probably died.)
As the kids describe their adventure to their parents, the Walshes' housekeeper, Rosalita, discovers that Mikey's marble bag is filled with gems he took from the ship and had not been seized by the Fratellis. Mikey's father triumphantly rips up the foreclosure papers, declaring they have enough money to negate the foreclosure. As the Goonies celebrate, they see the Inferno, having broken free of the grotto, sailing off on its own in the distance. (Could it be hinting at a possible happy ending for Stranger Things ?)
So Fratellis, is similar to fratello which means "brother, fellow, neighbor" which perhaps could be a reference to the Mindflayer who is kind of our neighbor since he is basically in the same places but in the Upside Down. The Mindflayer also has been paralleled to Billy and other abusive father figures. Billy who is the brother of Max. He has also been paralleled to Kali through his anger and him attacking people who hurted him or might hurt him. Could in itself The Mindflayer should be taken or seen as some sort of family figure ? Maybe him being always associated with Will The Wise especially in 2x04 or someone who has the name Will like Billy is a connection. The same Billy who also parallels Russians who just like the Fratellis have secret hideouts.
Though the Fratellis are more motivated by greed which fits Brenner, Lonnie (who tried to use his son's death to gain money.) or Russians most.
Now Willy, Willy is a captain. Maybe it could be hinting at the fact that Will has more importance to the story than we think. There's also Inferno, "Hell" which is Hawkins but also the name of the ship. And Will has a rainbow ship... Could Hawkins be the ship of Will where his adventures are taking place ?
As for the dance... well as you've seen upper in the post: it's the "Truffle Shuffle Dance". It's something that Chunk has to do before entering Mikey's house. It's similar to what Dustin do at the beginning of season 1 to the bullies when he makes his bones crack due to his medical condition, cleidocranial dysplasia.
As for where this gnome is located, it's in Weathertop where Cerebro is located which is fitting since Dustin has a lot of Goonies as inspiration for his character.
Gnome #6: Elvis
"He's not dead!"
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"Elvis Aaron Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977), also known simply as Elvis, was an American singer and actor. Dubbed the "King of Rock and Roll", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century. His energized interpretations of songs and sexually provocative performance style, combined with a singularly potent mix of influences across color lines during a transformative era in race relations, led him to both great success and initial controversy." - Wikipedia.
It is a lot known that people in the 80's thought that Elvis Presley was still alive due to his status and the aura he had as a celebrity. However, no matter how appealing this myth may be, he died of an excessive usage of prescription drugs which reminds me of Nancy who said she thought Tom was on drugs when he fired her and Jonathan while he an the Flayed were drinking chemicals. He also died in 1977, the same year "Heroes" by David Bowie came out which is a song that was used two times when we thought a character died when he was actually alive which are Will and Hopper. Will and Hopper both have a lot of rock in their Spotify playlist.
Also, I personally think that Steve has kind of an Elvis Presley aura to him especially in season 1. After all, Steve has a nickname "King Steve" and Elvis Presley is often nicknamed "The King" and both were popular with girls.
Fun fact: Dacre Montgomery who plays Billy who literally becomes the new "King" of Hawkins will play in the biographical music drama "Elvis" about Elvis Presley where he will play a character called "Steve Binder".
Also actor David Harbour also got married with singer Lily Allen by Elvis in Las Vegas.
It's also found hidden behind bushes near the Public Library. Maybe indicating that Elvis is still out there in the world and hiding.
Which also may be a reference to Brenner who has a similar haircut but also about the novel "Suspicious Minds", a prequel of ST taking place in the Lab when Brenner was doing his sinister experiments which is the same title as one of the songs of Elvis. Like Elvis, Brenner is still out there, hiding in Hawkins.
Gnome #7: Jack
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull gnome."
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Again another reference to Shining. So what you are seeing here is a proverb, it means:  "It means that without time off from work, a person becomes both bored and boring."
In Shining, it represents Jack's slow descent into madness. But it could be a reference to Joyce, Jonathan and Nancy who all work their asses off and don't take a lot of time for themselves and so don't have the time to explore anything else than work which also cause for them not to be there when Will got kidnapped. It may also represent Jonathan's words to Nancy in season 1 where he "called out" the boring life she will have and that she will live like her parents so in this case the proverb becomes about societal norms.
Mike just like Jack is an aspiring writer, Mike just like other members of his family falls into these societal norms that are expected like work and overworking in this instance which makes them boring in the eyes of people like Jonathan. "No play" may also reference D&D which Mike started to ignore in season 3 and worried more pointless and superficial things.
Again, hope it doesn't foreshadow anything for these two characters.
This gnome is found in the Library which is fitting considering Jack wants to be a writer.
Gnome #8: Flynn (Flynn Rider from "Tangled" (2010))
"Looks like he rides well."
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Overall plot of Tangled (2010):
"The film tells the story of Rapunzel, a lost, young princess with magical long blonde hair who yearns to leave her secluded tower. Against her abusive foster mother's wishes who kidnappee her when she was young, she accepts the aid of an intruder to take her out into the world which she has never seen."
This story is literally what the boys was arguing about at the end of season 1.
1)The lost knight...
Flynn Rider is actually the son of a king and queen that were from a kingdom that got destroyed by a powerful opal. He was evacuated and placed in an orphanage. He made his reputation as thief.
So Mike and El both parallels this guy, well Mike is a palladin in D&D and he is the son of a wealthy family so he is basically a night. El however also lost her parents like him and has more attributes of a knight in season 1 than Mike.
Flynn is arrogant, which Mike can be a bit sometimes but the both of them can be extremely courageous and care a lot about the people they care about though they are not very strong, nor athletic. Maybe Flynn a bit more.
Also fun coincidence Flynn = Finn, the name of the actor who plays Mike. (almost the same name).
Both him and El run into each other in the woods. Just like Flynn who discover Rapunzel while trying to enter Rapunzel's tower but is knocked out by her who is none other than the...
2)The proud princess...
Well first Rapunzel = Eleven. Both of these girls have magical powers and are used by an abusive and evil parental figure who needs them for their own interest, Mother Gothel used the powers of Rapunzel to stay young forever (like an addiction, a drug) and Martin Brenner aka "Papa". They are both locked away somewhere. El in the lab and Rapunzel in the tower which they both seeked to escape out of. Both believed that these parental figures loved them while it was not true. El also has long blond hair in season 1 like Rapunzel. And both quickly form a relationship with a boy they just met. Both don't know who their real parents are and wants to find them. While Rapunzel has long blonde hair, El had a shaved head.
Also in season 2, El is locked in a cabin in the woods because of Hopper because he believe it is not safe out there which is exactly what Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel. Just like her El disobeys and seeks to discover who her true parents are.
Rapunzel seeks to know what are those floating lights that always appear on her birthday, it is actually her parents who are the king and queen of a kingdom not so far away that do that every year hoping one day she will come back to her. She is a "lost princess". It is very similar to Terry Ives who was communicating through the lights to El.
Rapunzel's power comes out of something that is also connected to something famous in ST.
3) Weird flowers in the cave...
Rapunzel's power come from a flower called "Sundrop flower". = Sunflower which is said by Terry Ives.
This flower can pretty much heal anything including mortal wounds. The Queen got pregnant with Rapunzel but was also terribly sick so she took this flower to heal herself and while doing so, Rapunzel got this ability.
This is very reminiscent of Terry Ives who was pregnant with El and took part in the MKUltra experiences that gave her these powers including certain drugs. She is also "ill" in a way as she is now stuck in a loop. At least from what we saw.
But Rapunzel also parallels another character.
Will Byers. Will could communicate through lights to his mother, just like the parents of Rapunzel and Terry Ives.
The weird flowers could be referencing the sort of vines that entered inside of him in the Upside Down which gave him his "now-memories".
Both had abusive parental figure that would lock them somewhere for whatever reason. (Lonnie with Will in his trunk.)
(Also Hopper may have tried to separate Mike and El but he wasn't like what a Lonnie or Brenner would have been. This is why yes, the situation in season 2 parallels but Hopper truly wished good for El while Brenner and Mother Gothel didn't care for any of these two.)
Same is for Lonnie, he doesn't care about Will.
Since Will is a cleric, both him and Rapunzel have the same time of power. Powers that El doesn't have:
To heal the sick and injured
To revive the dead
To work as a shield
Given this story, it may hint at the fact that Brenner and Lonnie may try to take El and Will for their own greed and purposes.
Since Rapunzel parallels both Will and El, you know what that means for Flynn who parallels Mike.
Flynn in the movie is stabbed by Mother Gothel and dies before cutting the hair of Rapunzel killing Mother Gothel in the process. Rapunzel mourns him and one of his tears heal him.
If Flynn parallels Mike, than something bad could happen to him. If Will does have powers and has feelings for Mike, a supposed death may reveal his powers.
And if he has the same powers as his cleric role, than he could heal those who get hurt or even bring the dead back to life.
If Lonnie sees Mike around Will, given he is homophobic. He may try to hurt him so that he doesn't go near Will again which could lead to him being in grave danger.
Of course all of that is just speculation.
This gnome was found on the parking lot of Starcourt where El decided to break up with Mike and we saw Will smiling in the background.
Also I don't know but... "Looks like he rides well", I mean there's certain undertones to that which are... I don't know how to process that but from what you've just read, Mike apparently rides well. I mean I have nothing against gay sex jokes but still...
Even if it's unintentional, it's how it'll sound on the internet.
Gnome #9: David
"At 399, he's the oldest gnome around."
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So this gnome was already in the first ST official mobile game. And this reminds me a lot of The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit but also and of course; Dungeons & Dragons.
The World of David the Gnome, originally titled David, el Gnomo (also known as David, the Gnome), is a Spanish animated television series based on the children's book The Secret Book of Gnomes, by the Dutch author Wil Huygen and illustrator Rien Poortvliet. The series was originally created in Spain by BRB Internacional (who were also responsible for the Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds franchise (Like Dart in season 2 and Mike, Lucas and Dustin where very much like the Three Musketeers in season 1.) and other cartoons such as Bobobobs and Around the World with Willy Fog)
The series presents the gnomes as a kind species, of 15 centimetres (6 inches) of height, and between 250 and 300 grams (8 and 10 ounces) of weight depending on gnome body mass. According to their habitat, different types of gnomes are distinguished: the ones of the forest, the ones of the garden, the ones of the farm, the ones of the house, the ones of the dunes, those of Siberia (David = David Harbour = Hopper = Hopper is in Russia), and nomadic "gypsy" gnomes (commonly looked down upon by other gnomes). A gnome's lifespan is usually 400 years, though there is one example of a couple in the Balkans living 550 years.
Gnomes such as the main characters live in pairs in comfortable caves or holes under trees [kinda like Hobbits] (in their case in the company of a pair of mice and a cricket). Their diet is mostly vegetarian. They are helped by the animals of the forest (kinda like Radagast who is the password to Castle Byers who is located in the woods) when travelling long distances or when they need to arrive quickly at a specific location. Gnomes work in various ways to repair the damage inevitably caused by humans. They also have the power of telepathy and mind control. (kinda like El or the Mindflayer, or even Galadriel in The Lord Of The Rings.)
Their main enemies are the trolls, malevolent and clumsy creatures who always make trouble for the other inhabitants of the forest, as well as gnome poachers. They have supernatural powers that are really strong but they have a weakness, if the sunlight gets on them, they turn to stone.(could be referencing all the Upside Down creatures who don't like sunlight and everything hot.) [Also very much like the Hobbit.] Also one of the trolls was voiced by someone who had the name Henderson, like Dustin Henderson. I also think it references a comic where some bullies attack Will and Mike calls them trolls.
Here are the most important characters:
David is a gnome of the forest. David is 399 years old, making him the oldest gnome around (since gnomes live no more than 400 years exactly, except Franklin, the gnome from the west, who lived 550 years), although he possesses exceptional constitution. David is a doctor, and he uses his knowledge of many fields, such as hypnosis and acupuncture, to heal his patients, usually animals, such as his faithful friend Swift the fox, or other gnomes. David also befriends a bird that, when he whistles, immediately arrives to quickly transport him to wherever necessary. For longer trips, he sometimes travels in a basket attached to the neck of the bird. (It may be a reference to clerics who are known to heal their allies and travelling with birds reminds me of Gandald who sometimes has the help of Eagles in some stories.)
Paul is David's twin brother. Not only does Paul have a normal moustache in contrast to David's handlebar moustache but his jumper is a darker shade of blue, he has a bigger nose, his gnome hat is dark blue whereas David's is red, and his trousers and boots are an inverse of David's: David's trousers are brown and his boots are beige, while Paul wears beige trousers and dark boots. (Of course this is a reference to Will and El who have been compared a lot of times throughout the show and who a lot of people in the fandom consider them siblings and twins, Will has a lot of Red in his wardrobe while El has a lot of blue.)
This gnome was found in a secret Russian base underground in Weathertop where Dustin discovers the Russian transmission coming from their main base located under the mall like a cave (like where gnome lives.). There are also gnomes in Siberia and having the name David, the name of Hopper's actor creates a connection since right now Hopper is in Russia. It may also be a nod to the group of kids who are all little gnomes running around the forest with their magical powers.
Gnome #10: Baskin
"Robin's favorite gnome."
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Now this is a funny one.
This is a reference to the famous Baskin-Robbins which is a chain of ice cream restaurants that did special ice creams for Season 3 because of Scoops Ahoy. It is Robin's favorite gnome because they literally share the same name.
Baskin could also be a reference to the film of the same name where Five police officers, Remzi, Arda, Yavuz, Apo, and Seyfi, are dining at a restaurant, during which they have a discussion. Their meal is interrupted when they receive a distress call from Inceagac, a town known for being the focus of strange rumors. During the trip Seyfi has a terrifying vision of a bloody figure and accidentally drives their van into the water. Stranded, the officers eventually make their way to Inceagac, where they find themselves in an abandoned building (back in the Ottoman days, this used to be a police station), captured by cult members and are subjected to a number of increasingly bizarre and surreal scenarios. In the end, they realize they have all inadvertently wandered into Hell.
It has alot of similiraties with stories like Silent Hills or Hellraiser, two stories that inspired Stranger Things especially Hellraiser for Stranger Things 4. And it fully embraces the satanic imagery and themes which is something we are going to see with the satanic panic and also has the theme of time, dreams and visions.
We'll see how much season 4 decides to use those sort of elements in the show.
Well this gnome is easy to find. It's in the Scoops Ahoy parlor next to Robin. USS Butterscotch seems to be very popular there
Gnomes 11 - 20 coming soon.
57 notes · View notes
docholligay · 3 years
Clueless non-cooking American-raised answer: what even is a pot roast? Like, it's a phrase I saw in books sometimes, I think? But I don't really know what it means in terms of what it does to the meat and I have no idea if I've eaten it. (Basically this is me saying that I'm pretty sure plenty of your teenagers will have no idea.)
I need you to know, and I mean this in a very loving teasing sort of way, I legitimately laughed out loud at "What even is a pot roast?"
I'm using your ask to thank everyone for their VERY helpful comments, and yes, a lot of the appeal for me of doing the pot roast is that it's really easy, reasonably priced for a beef dish, but looks nice and the leftovers are FABULOUSLY reusable in a variety of ways, which for me is the big thing--I remember when I was experiencing food insecurity the thing I hated the MOST was eating leftovers for several days in a row, because it was cheaper to make a LOT of one thing. I think everyone who has experienced a rough go of things has certain things that remind them so powerfully of the experience that it sets them off in ways that are admittedly goofy, and mine is eating leftovers. HATE.
ANYWAY, pot roast! It's easy, sexy, and can be had very cheaply, especially if you manage to shop a sale!
What you need is a cheap cut of meat--there's no "pot roast cut" but what you usually want to use are the tough cheap cuts that work really well for long cooking, so your rump roasts, your chuck roasts (usually what I buy), a 7 bone roast if you have a roaster big enough makes MARVELOUS pot roast and the bones make EXCEPTIONAL broth afterward. I used to recommend brisket, because brisket used to be cheap before every useless-ass barbecue dad decided that he wanted to be ~special and skilled~ but still just make MEAT instead of learning to cook pastry or something LIKE A LADY and so went and bought a Traeger to use to make subpar wastes of beef 3 times a year. SO brisket's expensive now.
Cheap cut of meat --no less than 3 pounds
beef broth (2 cups, save the other 2 cups for later in the week)
I can't tell the kids to use a heavy brown ale, but use a can of heavy brown ale. Alternatively, red wine is the classic choice, but I'm happiest with my brown ale.
Tomato paste (save the rest of the can for beef stroganoff later in the week)
seasoning: I'm going to have to figure out how to simplify, simplify for these kids without many resources, so I list these from contribute the most to contribute the least
- salt and pepper
Worcestershire sauce
-bay leaf
-of course you can fuck around with whatever it is you like!
Sliced onions
potatoes cut into big chunks (Yukon golds do best)
Carrots cut into big chunks
Mushrooms are also very good in this
about 2 tbsp butter and 4 tbsp flour(ish)
Equipment: a dutch oven or deep roaster, depending on what you have and the size of your roast.
1. Heat your oven to 325. Low and slow is the way we're going here. This doesn't take a ton of ACTIVE time, but it takes a lot of cooking time.
2. Put salt and pepper all over your roast. Lightly dust it with about half of your flour. (When I do this for the teens, I will explain WHY we're doing all this to help teach them techniques they can hopefully crossapply) Then toss your dutch oven or roaster on the stovetop, and throw some olive oil or canola oil or whatever the fuck you have in that bad boy. Sear on all sides, with a nice deep golden crust. Take it out of the pan and toss it on a plate for a minute.
3. Put your onions in the pan and saute them, remembering to give them a little salt. Deglazing time! Throw your can of ale (or cup of red wine if you're a traditionalist) into the pan, making sure to scrape up the bits of detritus on the bottom of the pan, that's where the good stuff is.
4. Toss the beef broth and all of your flavorings in the pot. Set the roast back in the pot.
5. Cover with the lid, or tin foil, depending on what you've got. Toss it in the oven for about an hour and forty five minutes. Play video games! Read a book! Do chores! Whatever! The great thing about this is that so much of the cook time doesn't involve you at all.
6. After the time has passed, put the root vegetables into the pan with the roast, making sure to nestle them around and get good braising action in the liquid. Cover it back up and put it back into the oven for ROUGHLY one and a half to two hours. The great thing about this is YOU DON'T USE A THERMOMETER. (another reason I picked it) You cook it until it's fork tender! That is, easily flakes with a fork.
7. Take it out of the pot when its done and shred it with forks, knives, your hands. Put you pot back on the stovetop, we're going to make gravy.
8. Make a thickening paste--take your butter and flour and mash it into a paste, and then add that to the pot, cooking for a few minutes to thicken (You can also use cornstarch to thicken, if you prefer. Remember cornstarch CANNOT be added straight to hot liquids, and has to be mixed with a bit of water first)
9. Serve! Put some meat and vegetables on a plate and cover with gravy. Some people choose to put all the meat back into the pot and coat with gravy before serving--I don't like to do that because I feel it limits my leftover options.
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