#i had to get rid of a tag to put the tw in is all
buntress · 1 year
hihi just letting you know the stripes on the pridemon flag can cause eyestrain in some people, so you may wanna tag it!
shoot thought i had but apparently it cut it off bc i was at 30 tags bc tumblr is a functional website
ty for letting me know! It's tagged now! /gen
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kotias · 4 months
Your Grace is a Fire
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New fic just dropped, prompted by @gleafer on her Patreon!!
“Hell infuses Crowley’s body with hellfire so he runs away and hides for years. Aziraphale finds him, and he thinks he knows how to put out the fire that burns his demon so!”
Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Hell's Punishments, Graphic description of torture, graphic description of illness, graphic description of violence, Stalking, fleeing, divine ecstasy, Coming Untouched, Bloodgraphic description of body failing and doing disgusting things, Shedding, Angst with a Happy Ending, angst with a porny ending, Angst and Porn
TW: I am so serious. DEAD DOVE. There is blood, torture, intense amounts of gross bodily fluids.
Word count: 7,369 words
Laudanum! Last time Crowley would do that… Hell infuses the demon with hellfire and sends him back on Earth, where Heaven hunts him down for three decades before Aziraphale gets his hands on him and brings him back to the bookshop. There, they work together to rid Crowley from this hellfire plaguing him…
Before him, Aziraphale’s irises changed. The jade colour they had been wearing until then was engulfed into a golden typhoon, thrashing against the walls of its white enclosure and devouring it until all trace of the jewel was gone. The storm passed, leaving behind it the pure, bright blue of a clear sky, almost light enough to lose itself into the rest of the eye.
Crowley only realised that Aziraphale had opened his mouth when his warm breath tickled his skin, and he followed the light appearing between his teeth.
He shook his head, letting out a plaintive whine, trying to get away, get away, get away— but the cold light glowing harder than the sun breached the space of Aziraphale’s lips and entered his, resting on the tip of his tongue and giving him a moment of soothing warmth.
That, however, did not last.
As the glowing bundle rolled into his mouth and down his throat, the cosy embrace turned into a scorching hot tear rolling into the walls towards his chest and freezing his inside with shock.
“I know.” Aziraphale’s eyebrows furrowed in concern and, Crowley understood, a silent apology. “It’s going to hurt, Crowley.”
And hurt it did, like nothing he had lived through before. He didn’t need to see the light moving inside him to know exactly where it was; everything it touched caught on fire, only to be frozen over and shredded to pieces. Each nerve of his body seemed to be looking for an escape, goosebumps covering his skin like needles.
Each gasp of suffering added only more hurt as the air blew the flames of the hellfire inside him harder and harder. It felt like a battle between Aziraphale’s light and his own affliction, and the loser was himself.
He crashed to the ground, wriggling and whining, his vision turning black.
Read more here
And of course, I am not forgetting @goodomensafterdark ;)
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lxcalmenace · 4 days
Some silly scenarios with bluelock boys
Based on this headcanon post
Characters included < Isagi, Bachira, Nagi, Rin, Sae and Kaiser > X gn!reader (separate)
tw: none?
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⟡Isagi Yoichi - Gets into twitter discourse.
After what felt like months, it seemed that yours and Isagi's schedules had finally aligned. You entered his apartment and made your way to the living room to greet Isagi; just then you saw him sitting on the couch, a furrowed expression crossing his face and his phone in his hand. He was aggresively typing and scrolling on his phone that he failed to notice you taking a seat next to him.
"Oh shoot I didn't see you, sorry", he mutters as he shifts, allowing you to sit comfortably.
"Are you seriously arguing on twitter?," was all you said that made Isagi look away in embarrassment. Ofcourse he didn't want to admit it straight away but he was indeed losing the said argument.
"You know you don't have to prove anything to anyone right? And who even takes twitter seriously nowadays?"
You watched as Isagi let of a small huff before turning off his phone. Without a word, he pulled you in a gentle embrace as the rest of your evening blurred out into soft giggles and tender moments.
⟡Bachira Meguru - Very willing to eat inedible things.
You have been waiting to buy those food inspired scented candles for God knows too many days now; until finally, you managed to get your hands on one of them recently. It was a pancake inspired candle. It was so realistic that you could barely tell it was fake—if it weren’t for the wick sticking out of the top, you might have thought it was an actual pancake
As you opened the box, the mouthwatering, sugary smell of pancakes hit you, spreading throughout the room. This candle was too realistic and just like that, Bachira was willing to sink his teeth into the wax block.
"If it smells so good, it has to taste good too! Let me have just a bite please [name]," he whined. Bro dropped to his knees begging and pleading in exaggerated desperation- as if he would've perished due to hunger right then and there. You couldn't help but chuckle at this sight.
"Ok fine...A little bite won't hurt, but don't come complaining to me later," you sighed as you surrendered the candle to Bachira.
Disgust. Pure disgust washed over his face after he took the bite. He looked at you with teary eyes as he desperately tried to get rid of the nasty taste of the wax; which in response, you just shrugged in a 'I told you so' manner. After helping him wash his mouth and feeding him chocolates to counter the unpleasant flavor, you both finally settled down. Bachira swore that he wouldn't eat anything weird after this incident.
He tried eating cotton the next week.
⟡Nagi Seishiro - Uses two-in-one shampoo and conditioner.
Nagi was out shopping for some groceries while you were tagging alone for some snacks. It was a sunny day, you both entered the supermarket; Nagi took the basket as you made your way inside. He thinks shopping for basic necessities is a hassle and thus the reason for you tagging along to keep him company. You were free to get anything you wanted so you looked around the store, but nothing caught your eye. So you decided to go back, you spotted your tall boyfriend and made your way towards him. He was in the hygiene isle, eyeing down some shampoo bottles.
"Do you seriously use 2-in-1 shampoo? -" you ask, raising your eyebrow. Nagi looked at you with an unbothered expression as he shrugged, "Uh, yeah. Been using that since forever"
"Why are you asking me this, something wrong with it?" the tall male added while casually putting another bottle in the cart.
"Your hair is always so silky and soft; Its hard to believe that a simple 2-in-1 could give you those results. I mean, people spend a ton of money on haircare products, to achieve what you have, you know?" you replied.
"Then, thanks to my genes, I guess," he smirked as he turned around to look at you. You couldn't help but sigh and let out a chuckle. There was absolutely no point in arguing with Nagi- He always managed to win, even when he wasn't trying. You raised your hands as if you were surrendering, and then you both made your way further into the store.
Nagi is a simple guy, and slowly over time, you are starting to find comfort in his simplicity.
⟡Rin Itoshi - Plays roblox.
"Rin, dinner's ready, come down!" You yelled from the kitchen whilst serving the food on the table. A few unresponsive minutes passed, so you decided to fetch Rin yourself; thinking he might be in the shower or taking a nap. Making your way to the shared bedroom, you knocked on the door before poking your head through.
There he was, sitting on his gaming chair, with the lights out, playing..roblox..? You observed him for a couple of minutes, his face was illuminated by the screen, ever so unfazed; Rin was too immersed playing The Mimic that he failed to notice you slowly creeping up on him. The only time Rin was caught off guard was when you tapped his shoulder to get his attention. You swore you saw Rin's face go pale for a second as his eyes widen in surprise. "You play roblox?," you asked as you raised your brows in amusement.
He took off his headset and he nodded, "Is dinner ready?"
"It is"
You both stared at each other.
"Can we play Dress to impress later? Rin please-"
Few moments later, the dark haired striker was seen playing Dress to impress, all the bright colors and outfits flashed on his screen display.
"You're doing incredibly well, who would've thought you had those designer skills in you Rinnie," you teased him
"Oh shut up...I just don't like losing, ok?" he scoffed but there was a small smile creeping on his lips.
You rolled your eyes playfully, knowing very well that he only agreed to play this if only you were ready to join him in his horror games. It was a win-win situation for both of you.
⟡Sae Itoshi - Had an emo phase
Your phone was buzzing for quite some time now so you finally decided to check who was texting you at this time of the night. Sae was on his way home from practice; Deciding to stay up and wait for him to get home, you layed down on the couch while keeping a random movie playing in the background. As you opened the chat, you couldn't help but burst into laughter- There were old pictures of Sae; eyes lined with eyeliner, hair was dyed dark and swooped to a side and he was wearing dark clothes. You saved all the pictures one by one as you swiped for more, that's when you heard the door open- signaling that Sae had returned home. Quickly turning off your phone, you were trying so hard to contain your laughter, but a giggle escaped your lips.
Sae muttered a small, "What are you up to [name]?" before raising an eyebrow at you. He knew that you had something cooking up due to the way you were smiling at him.
"Sae," you purred, "if hypothetically someone were to leak your embarrassing pictures, what would you do?" you grinned.
You watched as Sae's expressions went from neutral to that of pure horror.
"[Name] don't you dare-" he warned.
"I'm not saying that I have any embarrassing pictures of you tho," you replied, "It was a hypothetical question, unless," a smirk formed on your lips as you looked at Sae. "You never know what could happen next."
His eyes widen in disbelief, he knew that you had something against him. "Fine, I don't have the energy to do this. Tell me what do you want," he sighed, giving up. "But atleast show me these hypothetical pictures you have acquired, and where did you even get them from?"
You giggle as you showed him all of the pictures; to which he openly cringed hard. He was definitely not expecting this. It brought back so many of his memories before going to Spain. He sighed as he accepted his faith and made his way to the bedroom to freshen up. You typed a quick 'Thank you' and sent the chat.
"Rin reacted '👍' to your chat."
⟡Michael Kaiser - Sleeps in till noon
It was past noon. You had finished making breakfast, eating it, doing some chores around the house, watering the plants, having a small snack and watching a few episodes of your favorite show, and yet your boyfriend was still in your bed, sleeping peacefully. You would've chalked it up to him being tired, but he had gone to bed exceptionally early too. It was starting to concern you now. What if he was not feeling well? You made your way to the bedroom and entered it silently. There he was, soft breathing and sleeping peacefully. You sat down beside him and gently touched his forehead to check if he was sick. Everything was fine. You decided to run your fingers through his messy bed hair, untangling any small knots. Michael slowly started to stir and the first thing he did was kiss your hand, which made your lips morph into a small smile.
"Good morning, mein Schatz," He mumbled groggily, "What time is it?" he asked while rubbing his eyes. He let out a yawn as he sat up your bed
"Its good afternoon now, wake up Micha," you continue to run your fingers through his blonde locks as he embraced you, still feeling sleepy.
You pat his head, "C'mon have your lunch, you must be hungry."
"Are you on the menu?" he muttered against your shoulder.
". . ."
"Then no, I dont want to eat"
"Michael no-"
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Not proofread so ignore any mistakes and ty for reading !!
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nexi-us · 4 months
TW: bad writing (i haven't touched tumblr in ages), Sunday being a manipulative little fuck, dark content
update: if you see this pls reblog it i forgot that this acc isn't old enough to show up in tags
You were wet. So wet.
The heat between was starting to get unbearable. If you were left like this for any longer, you felt as if you were going to simply melt into a puddle on the ground. The pain was starting to get unbearable, if you could even call this pain.
But that never stopped Sunday from prolonging your punishments. Though this time he was being extra cruel.
Once Sunday had caught you after your escape, you had been stripped down of all your clothes, and forced down onto the bed. Then without saying anything, he put a blindfold over your eyes, and ziptied all of your limbs to one of the bedposts on the bed.
And for the past two days, you had just laid like that. Sprawled out on the bed, your body completely exposed, to his mercy.
But that wasn't all.
Before ziptying you to the bed, Sunday had fed you some mysterious type of pill, that he forced you to swallow. He fed you water after, to get rid of the bitter taste. When you asked him about it, he didn't respond, instead just telling you to go wait at the bedroom.
The effects of the pill got worse the longer you went on being both untouched. It had gotten to the point where every single nerve in your body felt like it was on fire. You just wanted it to go away.
And at this point you were just about willing to do anything for this punishment to end. If you were left alone for any longer like this, you felt as if you were going to die. Not literally but...
You felt something poking at your exposed cunt. A finger, probably. And you don't even need to guess to know that it's Sunday's.
You immediately open your mouth as soon as you feel him, but he puts another finger over your mouth.
"Shhh darling, I know you want it to end, and I promise it will soon. You must realize how difficult it is for me too, yes? Seeing you like this."
You want to protest, argue that he did this to you, but decide against it.
But much to your surprise, when Sunday removes his finger, he proposes something else instead.
"You're willing to do anything to get out of this, yes?"
You nod, not believing your ears.
"Then I'll get you out of it. Under one condition. You'll bear my child. And you'll have however many children I desire. Do you agree?"
"Sunday I can't possibily do that...."
"Then I decide when you get out of this."
"Hurry up, dear. We don't have all day."
Sunday's fingers ghost over your cunt, and you slightly whine, and then he leaves again, and it leaves you with this sinking feeling.
"I think the first choice will benefit you better. You'll be relieved of your suffering, and you won't try to escape from from me anymore."
"It's your choice, dear. I trust you not to be stubborn, this time."
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shinjisdone · 5 months
Could you please make a scenario where the reader is being spied on by the rest of the ban and thorfinn deals with them real well🙏 I can feel his rage through my screen
I take it that the reader in this case is seen as female and the bandmates are reacting to it in a perverted way as they are/were depicted in their peak time as vikings.
TW: bandmates spying on female!reader while she bathes, hints at sexual harrassment and SA, not done at all but Thorfinn thinks about and decides to protect you from it, mentions of pervesity, Thorfinn pondering about killing them/committing violence, fuming Thorfinn
Such men pride themselves in being "warriors" but you and Thorfinn both knew this couldn't be further from the truth. They cackle and sneer at whatever they hold power against in the most vile way. In and out of battle they search for a kick, for something to make them feel powerful. So with grins so big it could crack their face, they shadow after you two as you look deeper within the forest for a lake.
Thorfinn had long sensed the group and would often throw glares over his shoulder as he made sure you walked in front of him.
He had long learned to get keen hearing for both on the battlefield and for situations like this. The both of you tried to make such trips short and discreet but some were insistent to tag along.
The blonde cannot afford to really break their bones and cut off a few fingers as they deserve since they are still Askeladd's manpower. It would be so easy to get rid of them for how predictable they are but Thorfinn has to deal with this in different ways.
You've long adjusted to put your trust in the young man. He has proven himself to be a friend even if it's only to you. So you say nothing and do as you always do as you step into the lake.
The corner is well hidden behind bushes and Thorfinn awaits the men's arrival. You've long undressed and began to clean yourself and as the bandmates eagerly hide, they are just met with Thorfinn's glare and him spreading his body wide, shielding you as best as you could.
The blonde is small but with the bushes and you hunching, not an inch of you could be seen. The men grumble in disappointment again as the blonde protects you, unnecessarily in their opinion, but still wish to not be spotted. You are quick to finish your routine, having thrown your belongings over Thorfinn's shoulder as he kept on guarding you, broad and unmoving like a boulder. The bandmates jokingly call him a scarecrow in these situations.
They also joke how lucky the young man must be to be so close to a woman's beauty. All he'd have to do is just peek over his shoulder to indulge in it while they have to hide over hills to even get a slim chance of finding the both of you.
Killing the men off would end up being a bigger hassle since the leader would have to find replacements. And anyone willing to become a viking is also someone who'd spy on you without a second thought anyway, so what is the point?
What they do not understand is that Thorfinn is anything but delighted. He silently fumes and has to press down his anger again and again only because they are Askeladd's men. How dare they? How can they call themselves warriors? Don't they understand how you feel? This isn't a 'priviledge', it is protecting you. Thorfinn would never think of betraying your trust by even having his sight go anywhere near you, even if he has feelings for you. He stands there not to indulge but his back is your shield, a brief safe space of anything that dares to threaten you. He will stand there until you are done and dressed, and even then will Thorfinn keep an eye on any bandmates. He won't even look at you, hours after your bath, dried and dressed, until you initiate any contact and tell him it's okay.
His priority is keeping you safe and having you feel safe. It doesn't matter if you were not hurt, if you feel violated in any way, then Thorfinn did not protect you. If you feel scared and uncomfortable, then Thorfinn did not an good enough job protecting you. Whatever needs to be done, he will do even if it means shielding you out of sight, including his own.
If, however, they were local perverts, Thorfinn would have no problem striking them down. He does not think of how vile they might be but is making sure any kind of danger for you is eliminated. He can't let that happen. In cases like that he is quick to deal with them but if somehow, harrassment has been going on for long, he wouldn't be able to contain his anger. How dare they talk about you that way? How dare they?
If he feels platonic towards you, he tends to silently fume in general. He doesn't want to cause more trouble than needed and prefers to just take care of the problem. If he can kill them, he will do so to stop whatever was going on and to have it serve as a warning to others in the future. He doesnt care if he has to call you 'his woman', he will make it clear as they that you are not to be messed with.
If he has romantic feelings, Thorfinn tends to freak out verbally. The acts of violence and warnings are the same but he will curse and scream a lot more. Don't they dare go anywhere near you! Or even speak your name! Any look thrown at you will be met with a glare of his!
For the case of the bandmates, he will end up holding a grudge against those who would attempt to spy on you. Doesn't matter how often and how long.
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fairy-writes · 7 months
Hi! Me again, your friendly neighborhood Sean Renard lover! I was wondering if whenever you feel like writing if you would consider writing Sean being very protective over the reader and everyone is saying to him that he’s so in lover with them and he’s like “no I’m not” and then he’s like realizing that’s he’s like in love with the reader damn near devoted. Or whatever you’d like to write. I’d honestly be happy with anything you put out. But take your time, no rush needed. Just whenever you feel like it. Thank you so much!!!! Have an awesome day!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): NBC Grimm
Pairing(s): Sean Renard x Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Wesen!Reader, Use of nicknames (little bird), Reader is implied to have longer hair, but it’s not explicitly stated
Notes: I hope you enjoy!
TW for violence in the latter half of the oneshot (I’ll add an extra trigger warning when that starts)
“Lieutenant Renard?” Sean looks up from his desk to see Cadet Drew Wu fidgeting with his button-down cuffs. He was nineteen and green in the gills, still exploring his options as a police cadet. But even though he hadn’t fully committed to the police academy yet, he was a hard worker. 
He’d make a good police officer.
Sean sets down his pen and clears his throat.
“What’s the matter, Wu?” The police cadet stepped aside, and Sean’s jaw almost dropped at the sight of you. It was as if you had come straight from a painting. It seemed you hadn’t changed at all. Well… not exactly. You had aged, being a handful of years younger than him.
But you were still as beautiful as the day he lost you.
After all, the last time he had seen you was when his mother took him, and they fled from the Royal family out for his blood. You were but a fledgling that hadn’t yet sprouted in your full glory.
You both stare at each other before Wu swallows awkwardly and takes his leave. Then, you take a seat at his desk and smile,
“It’s certainly been a while, Sean.” You say quietly, and he feels his heart stutter at your warm words.
It had been years since anyone other than his mother was so full of kindness for him.
He sets down his pen and leans his forearms on the desk.
“How did you find me?” He asks seriously, and you shrug 
“I have my ways. You should know this by now.” You tease, and your eyes flash a deep glowing blue for just a second. So quick, in fact, that he almost missed it. Feathers as black as pitch shuddered down your hairline before disappearing into your tresses.
Sometimes he forgot you were wesen. A Raub-Kondor, to be exact. And a brilliant one at that. You were often employed, even at a young age, by the Royal Families to track down and “take care of” certain traitors or deserters. It was how he met you in the first place. The thought of your job made him shudder,
“Are you here to get rid of me?” At this, you looked downright offended, eyes going wide and mouth dropping open ever so slightly.
“Of course not!” You hiss, and he feels his shoulders relax. He wasn’t in danger after all. You notice his palpable relief and smile that smile that makes his heart skip a beat. 
The two of you part ways with the promise of meeting up for coffee. Your number is stored safely in Sean’s phone, and you even send him a text saying, “It’s me :)” and he can’t help but smile at the little emoji. You were always lighthearted despite all the blood on your hands. 
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You shift in place, eyes scanning every face in the small coffee shop as you wait for Sean to arrive. You check your phone and scroll through the brief messages you had shared with your childhood friend. He wasn’t the best conversationalist via texting. He typically preferred a call over texts. 
“Have you been waiting long?” Comes his voice, and you jump, knee jerking up and hitting the underside of the table. Your eyes meet his, and he offers a half smile, clearly amused by your reaction.
“Not at all. I just got here a few minutes ago. I took the liberty of ordering you a coffee, black with one sugar, if I remember right?” You say, ears burning at your surprise at his arrival. He sheds his long overcoat, drapes it over the chair across from the booth you were in, and takes a seat. 
“You remember correctly. I’m surprised you remember after all this time.” 
At that, you duck your head, ears burning even more in embarrassment. 
“I try to remember everything about you.” You say quietly, so quietly that he can barely hear it. But obviously, he does because his face splits into a warm grin. 
He looks so handsome when he smiles. 
The waitress brings over your drinks and a slice of chocolate cake that you ordered. You visibly brighten at the sight of the sweet treat and nearly dig in when you remember your manners. 
“Would you like some?” You offer, noting the waitress had gone through the trouble to give you an extra fork for the occasion. Sean, sipping his coffee, shakes his head. 
“Thank you, but I’ll pass for now. I know how much you adore your sweets.” He teases and you roll your eyes, secretly happy that you get the chocolate dessert all to yourself. 
The cake is absolutely demolished in a few minutes flat, though you were careful not to get any crumbs on your clothes. Then, you start on your coffee. 
“I see you still are a sugar addict,” Sean says as you add sugar to your bitter drink. You huff but stir and take a sip of the sweetened beverage. Perfect. 
“I prefer the term sugar motivated.” You say, and he chuckles, making your breath catch, but you hide it quickly by taking another sip. 
You thought your crush on the bastard prince had died over the years. 
Clearly not. 
“So…” You start, and he looks up from his coffee, eyebrow raised. “How’s life here in Portland?” He hums, glancing around the coffee shop before answering. 
“It’s certainly different than Vienna. But enough about me… Why are you here?” He asks, suddenly serious, and you have to fight the urge to sit up straight. 
You should’ve guessed he would ask something like this. It had taken you years to track him down to the Portland area. And for what? But you knew better than to lie. 
You didn’t. 
“I missed you. As stupid as it sounds, I missed having someone to talk to. Well… that and your mother is concerned about you joining the police department. She’s worried it’ll put a target on your back.” You say, and Sean sits back in his chair, stirring his coffee absentmindedly as he mulls over your words. 
“I appreciate the concern, but I’ll be fine. I’m surrounded by good people.” He says, and you raise an eyebrow skeptically. Thankfully, Sean takes your concern seriously. He always has. 
“But what if things go wrong?” You ask, and he shrugs a shoulder. 
“If it makes you feel any better, you are more than welcome to stay here in Portland to keep an eye on me.” You smile at his words, 
“I’d like that.” 
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Despite your promises to keep out of the way, you quickly become absorbed into his little work family. As the years go on and the precinct grows, you are always a constant at his side. You attend his promotion ceremony from his previous ranks to precinct captain, and he holds your gaze the entire time as he gives his speech. 
Even as people come up and congratulate him, he finds himself only wanting your attention. He couldn’t care less about everyone else. 
He feels a smaller hand slip into his, and he looks to find you smiling up at him. He sets down his glass of champagne, still mildly embarrassed that the precinct threw this shindig for him. 
“Congratulations, Sean.” You whisper, and he hides a smile, but you still catch the twitch of his lips, and your smile widens. 
He’s about to say something, but you are both interrupted. 
“Is this your spouse?” Hank Griffin, homicide detective, and one of the most senior staff at the department. He’s followed by the newer homicide detective and his new work partner, Nick Burkhardt. Sean huffs out a dry laugh and shakes his head,
“Nothing like that. They’re a childhood friend, that’s all.” He says, and Hank nods, not entirely convinced.
Why was everyone doing that when he introduced you? Hell, even Wu didn’t seem to believe him.
Later, Sean spies you chatting with Nick as you raid the dessert table. You’re polite, and he feels his heart clench as Nick says something to make you laugh. Feathers shift down your hairline like they did whenever you half-woged, and he sees Nick’s face drop, but he hides the expression by the time you look up from your sweets. And that makes the clenched feeling in Sean’s heart twist more. 
Was he a Grimm?
He’d have to look into this more. 
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Sean, ever the gentleman, walks you to your car after the celebration of his promotion. You, feeling adventurous, slip your hand into his and swing them back and forth ever so slightly. 
Surprisingly, he doesn’t complain. He even squeezes your hand. 
“I just wanted to say congratulations again.” You say as he opens your car door. You squeeze his hand once more, and he offers a quick quirk of his lips that you almost miss. 
“I couldn’t have done it without you, little bird.” He says and presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. You feel your cheeks heat up and hide an embarrassed smile. 
He always was the cheeky one. 
Feeling a bit bold, you lean out our car window just as he leans down to presumably tell you goodbye and kiss his cheek. He freezes, eyes widening ever so slightly in shock, but he doesn’t say anything. 
He remains like that as you drive away, brushing his cheek with his fingers.
You chew on your lip as you watch him disappear in your rearview mirror. 
Hopefully, you didn’t mess things up by doing that. 
You don’t hear from Sean for several days. And it’s making you nervous. Had you overstepped your boundaries? Had you misread the signs from all your little coffee outings? 
The book in front of you failed to hold your attention as you glanced from the words on the page to the cellular device next to you. After another thirty minutes, just when you were about to give up on reading, your phone buzzed. 
Buzz… buzz buzz… buzz buzz…
The book was hastily bookmarked, and you scooped up the phone and swiped right to answer the call.
“Hello?” You said, trying to seem… well… not breathless or like you were anticipating the call. 
“Are you busy?” Sean asks, sounding ragged as if he had been working for three days straight. 
His new promotion must be wearing him down.
“I was just reading. Is everything okay?” You ask and hear a quiet hum on the other end.
“Might I invite you to dinner tonight?” Your heart skips a beat. 
Dinner… that was a step up from coffee dates. 
A big step up. 
You make a noise to let him know you hadn’t died at the suggestion (though you certainly felt like you were about to pass out).
“I suppose I might be free tonight. Let's say we eat at seven o’clock?” You tease him gently and hear him write something down. 
“I’ll pick you up.” He says, and you can’t help but smile. 
“That sounds lovely.” 
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Dinner doesn’t go as planned. 
Sean’s car rumbles as he waits for you to come out of your hotel room. He had offered to let you stay with him at his new house; he had a spare bedroom after all, but you had declined. Instead, you had told him you were a big kid and could take care of yourself. 
A shadow moved inside your hotel room on the second floor, and he looked up, a frown pulling his lips down. What was taking you so long? You hadn’t even responded to his text saying he had arrived. Should he call you? 
He pulls up your contact and is about to press the call button when you come exploding through the window in a rain of glass and chaos. 
Coincidentally, you land on the hood of his car, and his airbags deploy as you cave in the metal.
There’s someone on top of you, hands wrapped around your neck and squeezing like your life depended on it. He can see your hands going limp, and he darts from his car and draws his gun that he keeps with him at all times. 
“PORTLAND PD! DON’T MOVE!” He bellows, and the person jerks their head up to look at him, eyes wild and glowing yellow. 
A Mauvais Dentes.
The sabertoothed wesen leaped at him as he felt his face change in his woge. 
He fired. 
The man fell, his woge rippling across his skin and retracting the fangs and fur into his body until he looked like a regular man again. 
Sean ran to your side, where you lay gasping on top of his car, pulling out his phone and dialing 911 as he went. 
“911, what’s the location of your emergency?” 
“This is Captain Sean Renard of the Portland Police Department. There’s a man who’s been killed and someone else who is gravely injured.” He started and rattled off your address, begging first responders to hurry because you looked terrible. 
You had been in the middle of getting ready—a blouse stained in blood and shredded to bits, trousers, and you weren’t wearing shoes. Your throat isn’t much better. Sean can see where the Mauvais Denetes had punctured your skin, and its oozing blood at a sluggish pace. Your woge ripples under your skin and the tar-black feathers retract into your face. Your beak disappears, and when you open your eyes, they’re glassy. 
“Stay with me, little bird, stay with me.” He says as he sheds his suit coat and tears it into strips to tie around your wound to hopefully staunch the bleeding. 
“Sean?” You gurgle, and he hushes you,
“Don’t speak. An ambulance is on the way.” He says, and you nod once, closing your eyes again, and he listens to your breathing. 
It doesn’t sound good. 
He only hopes that you make it to the hospital.
Time slows. The ambulance and police arrive after what feels like hours. Blood has stained Sean’s trousers, but he doesn’t care. All that matters is you. 
The first responders load you carefully into the ambulance and stop Sean before he can get in with you. 
“I’m riding with them.” He snarled, and the two workers looked at each other before one stepped aside and allowed him to sit beside you. He holds your hand until they hook you up to get your vitals. You open your eyes again and wheeze,
“Sean?” You gasp, and he holds your grasping fingers.
“I’m here, little bird.” He whispers, and his heart is broken as he hears you whimper. 
“Don’t leave me.” You whimper, and he stands as the ambulance rumbles into motion and presses a kiss to your forehead,
“Never.” He says and knows deep in his soul that he means it. 
Because he loves you too much to let you go.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Trouble Next Door: Only Once (bonus convo)
Masterlist: Here
TW: Mentions of cheating, punching someone and divorce
Tag List: @sinczir @rach5ive @bruher @kellyxo1 @tiannamortis @makingmunson94 @angelina16torres-blog @tlclick73 @gretavankleep37 @melaninjhs @amira0303 @robyn-118 @idkjoequinn @jaydaaasworld @squidscottjeans @rockstarmunsons @alanamarie @dandelionnfluff @aol19 @eddiesguitarskills @vampdaisy @br66klynbaby @raven-rust @daisyridleyyyy @i-love-ptv @josephquinnsfreckles @mrsjellymunson @hideoutside @eddiemunson-fanfic @paprikaquinn @burns-in-the-sun @cherrycolas-things @exploding-bonbon @krazyk99
A/N: Now y’all might not agree with how Eddie handles this situation aka certain pieces of info he doesn’t tell Reader but you have to put yourself in his shoes and he just doesn’t want to cause anymore stress or issues for his bestfriend. Anywayyyy I hope y’all enjoy✨
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“So…before you say anything…don’t be mad okay?” “Edward James…did you hit him?” “Only once…” “what happened to words and not fists?” “He said some stupid fucking words so…I had to use my…fist.” “What did he say?” “That he misses you…and he still loves you and uh something about not wanting a divorce.” “He still loves me? And doesn’t want a divorce…yet he’s the one who cheated?” “I mean it’s Steve and he’s drunk so…making sense wasn’t really in the cards for him tonight.” “What else did he say?” “Nothing.” “Eddie…” “he said that Chrissy kissed him…she’s the one who started this…whole thing.” “What? Why?” “She didn’t think I’d care…” “I’ll kill her.” “No need…it’s fine her and I are over with so no point in going to jail for someone who doesn’t mean anything to me anymore.” “Why would she think you wouldn’t care? She was your wife…you loved her…” “I have no clue…” “so was him telling you he loved me still or that he doesn’t want a divorce that made you hit him? Or are you gonna tell me the truth?” “It doesn’t matter why I hit him okay?…I’m also…not sorry I did…he deserved it.” “Well let’s go get you some ice.” “I love you…please don’t be mad at me.” “I’m not mad at you Eddie…I love you too..I’m sorry I even let you go out there I should’ve just called Jim….he really didn’t say anything else? Like maybe why he did what he did?” “Just that Chrissy started it and it just went from there…” “I was hoping maybe since he was drunk he’d let it all slip out.” “Yeah…oh i forgot to tell you…uhm my house goes on the market in a week.” “What? That’s so exciting…but also sad because we won’t be neighbors anymore.” “Better make the best of it while we can then…but maybe I’ll find something in the neighborhood I like.” “Maybe! I saw a few for sale signs this morning on my walk.” “We’ll be okay…even if we aren’t neighbors you’re never getting rid of me.” “Thank god…can you imagine a life without each other in it? Talk about boring.” “Yeah…so boring.”
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multi-fandom-simp · 2 years
Forever and always.. or maybe never. Part 2
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[Part 1] [Alternate Ending]
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x reader
Hanahakis Disease!AU
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters. I do not claim any of them as my own. This work is purely fictional.
Summary: You're dead, and now Aemond must suffer the consequences of loving someone he can never have. How long until he can no longer handle it?
❗️TW❗️: Harsh language, mentions of blood and throwing up, character death, mentions of sexual situations, mentions of infidelity, slight violence, arguments, mentions of childbirth
(A/N: Part 2 is here! It took me a minute to put this together because I had so many ideas on how to do it, so I hope it is to your liking. I would love to hear thoughts, opinions, and ideas on it as well, I'm always open for criticism/suggestion! My asks/inbox are always open as well, I love nothing more than to talk about my fics, or just to you guys in general! I'm always up for having more mutuals on here! Also, if you are interested in the alternate ending for part 1, I posted a poll on what you would like to read in it, so feel free to vote. Anyways, enjoy!)
Word Count: 2,329
Taglist:  @libdarkheart @bibli0thecary @earthangels-things @iiamthehybrid @bellameshipper @introverbatim (I believe that is everyone who asked to be tagged?? I apologize if I missed anyone)
It was hours before anyone was allowed to take your body. Aemond had sat there, clutching you as you turned cold and stiff, staring off into the distance as the young boy inside his head wailed endlessly. It had been Helaena who convinced Aemond to let you go, and Daeron who supported him while he carried you to the maesters. Alicent was the first to cry out as you were pronounced officially dead, a piece of the queen's heart seeping through her lips as she wept against your hand. The small smart-mouthed girl that arrived nearly a decade and a half ago now lay unspeaking before her very eyes. 
“Tell me you were there” Alicent croaked out. 
“ Mother?” Daeron was the only one to question the queen. Helaena knew the question was not for her and Aemond still stood unmoving. 
“ Tell me you were by her side, Aemond! That she did not die alone!” Alicent stared directly at Aemond now, even if he did not look back. 
“ You think so low of me, that I would let her die unheld?” Aemond whispered.
“ I did not think you would cause her such heartbreak and yet here we are!” Alicent cried out. The fire in her eyes might even make you believe she was a Targaryen in more than just marriage. 
“ I did not know” Aemond argued softly. 
“ Then you will not know the time of her rest as well” All air sucked itself from the room and Aemond’s cardinal-rimmed eyes shot to his mother. 
“ You can not keep me from it” Where an authoritative edge was expected, vulnerability came instead. 
“ I am your mother and the queen dowager, I will do as I please” Alicent spoke harshly, “ I will take Aemys to the ceremony. I expect you to get rid of that bastard wet nurse in the meantime.” 
“ Mother-”
“ I will hear no more, Aemond! If I see you there, you will be thrown in a cell until it’s over” Alicent warned one last time while brushing hair from your face. She bent down to place a motherly kiss on your crown before turning away swiftly. Shortly after her departure, Daeron said his peace as well, followed by Helaena. Finally, Aemond stood alone with you once more. It didn’t take long for his legs to weaken and buckle, taking him down to his knees. The memory of the last time he had been on his knees for you tore a sob from his throat. 
“What are you doing?” You giggled in astonishment as Aemond removed his tunic and knelt at your feet. His hands dipped in the warm lilac water that your swollen feet soaked in. 
“ I’m going to massage the knots from your feet” Aemond explained, watching as your face contorted in bliss when his fingers dug into the right spot. 
“ That is what the maids are for, my love.” You proclaimed before laughing again, ”Most husbands would scoff at the thought of massaging their lady wife.”
“ I am not most husbands, am I?” Aemond countered, smirking up at you. He took one of his hands from the water to caress your swollen stomach. Though he had soaked your night shift with water, you could care less.
“ I suppose not” You sighed contently, “Avy jorrāelan.” I love you.
“ Avy jorrāelan, Ñuha prūmia. Besides, it is the least I can do when I am the reason why you ache in the first place” Aemond continued to soothe the bump, hoping to feel movement. Kicks were his favorite, they usually occurred whenever you laughed. As if on cue, a flutter of movement blossomed underneath his touch as you chuckled at his statement. 
“ If I recall correctly, I was a part of that same reason” You took a towel from beside you as spoke and let it flutter to the floor. Carefully, and with assistance, you removed your feet from the water onto the dry cotton. 
“ Mhm, that is true, you even had me on my back at one point” Aemond snorted.
“ As I remember, you seemed to enjoy it quite a bit” You teased. 
“ Did I? Perhaps you’ll have to remind me” Aemond surged at you before you could even comprehend what was happening. His lips moved deeply against yours as he shifted you to lay back. 
“ Aem!” You gasped in delight, holding onto his shoulders.
“ Yes, Ñuha prūmia?” He cooed mischievously, gleaming down at you like the Cheshire cat.
“ This is nowhere near the position we were talking of, ñuha zaldrīzes!” Dragon. Your dragon, always. Aemond nipped at your neck upon hearing the endearment that always caused his heart to stutter. 
“ Mhm, ‘tis not, but I quite like this position” He murmured hotly against your neck. 
“ You won’t like it when it’s the position I give birth in” You whispered. It’s not that you were scared of your first child’s birth or of death itself, you just worried about never meeting your child if you did perish. 
“ Stop that” Aemond scolded. 
“ Stop what, I’m-”
“ Overthinking. I can feel it” He rose slightly to press his forehead to yours, "Both of you will make it out just fine, though I imagine the babe might still scream well afterward” 
Aemond was right, Aemys did cry well into the night after his birth until you were awake and well to hold him that is. It’s ironic, Aemond thinks, how similar that was to now. You were unconscious after a taxing birth, now you lay unconscious on a pyre. Aemys screamed for you then, and he screams for you now, despite Aemond being there both times. 
“ Muña! Muñaaaaa!” Aemond silently braided a piece of the thrashing toddler's hair as he kicked and screamed. Even at three years of age, he was clever enough to know something was wrong. 
“ Muñaaa-”
“ Aemys, please..” Aemond sighed tiredly, turning the child to face him. 
“ Jaelagon. Muña.” Want. Mother. By the seven Aemond wanted you too, but he couldn’t have you. The realization caused a tightness in his chest, a breathless one, but he refused to cough. 
“ I know, byka zaldrīzes, I’m sorry.” Little Dragon. Aemys truly was still little and it broke Aemond’s heart that you would never get to see him grow big and strong. He brought the distressed toddler to his chest and held him tight, tears soaking onto the small amethyst tunic he had been wrangled into. 
“ Aemond” Alicent called out from the doorway, poised in an onyx dress with a belt of deep purple jewels to match her grandson and a hand full of lilacs. Your faithful hyena, Lark appeared as well, striding into the room slowly. 
“ Be good for your grandmother” Aemond spoke quietly but firmly, before standing to full height. He watched as Aemys toddled over to Alicent, giggling as Lark lapped the tears off his cherubic cheeks. 
“ Muña?” Aemys whispered, your eyes shining up at Alicent through his.
“Mama?” the young girl croaked, peering up at a young Alicent Hightower.
“ Your mother isn’t here-” Her voice faltered at the heartbreak in your innocent eyes, “but surely we can see her later, alright? Now, what else would you like, little one?” 
“Flowers?” Alicent chuckled, before taking your small hand in hers. 
“ I suppose I can show you the lilacs..they’re my favorite” The queen whispered down to you, smiling when your face lit up. You may not have been hers, and despite Viserys being the one to invite you, it was the queen who took you under her wing. 
“Mother.” Alicent’s head snapped up to look at Aemond, breaking from her memories. She blinked rapidly to dispel the water weight from her eyes. 
“ Your mother isn’t here, but we’ll see her…someday” Alicent reassured, taking Aemys little hand in her own. Aemond watched as they went before leaving the room himself. He trudged up to a small room at the top of the tallest viewpoint in the castle. Dreamfyre was circling the skies, waiting for Helaena to say Dracarys. 
“ Aemond!” The sound of his name on your tongue lapped at his ear and your footsteps echoed past him. Dreamfyre now flew towards the grassy knoll. 
“You’re handsome to me” The ghost of your fingers prickled goosebumps near his scar. Dreamfyre landed upon the ground. 
“Avy jorrāelan”
 “Avy jorrāelan.” Your proclamation of love faded away with a hot wind as Aemond’s rang through the air. Dreamfyre hurled fire as Aemond hurled petals. 
Whereas your suffering lasted two months, Aemond’s lasted a year. He never tried to conceal, nor cure it. Aemond once said he would die without you and he meant it. Over the course of his downfall, several had tried to convince him to remarry.
“She’s gone, Aemond-”
“ Do not speak my name. I am a prince, refer to me as such.” Aemond snapped coldly at Alys, who stood in front of him and his family in the hall. Unfortunately with a slightly swollen belly accompanying her. The very sight of it made Alicent and even Helaena nauseous. You had only been gone a few months.
“ Apologies, my prince-” 
“ I did not say your prince, I am nothing of yours.” Aemond corrected once more. 
“ You were once” Alys spoke, gazing wickedly at the man before her. 
“ You tricked me, bewitched me” Aemond sneered.
“ I merely used your lady wife’s blood to make you think I was her. You, Aemond Targaryen are the one who chose to believe it. You began to love m-” 
“ I loved her, not you! It will always be her-” Aemond turned swiftly as he felt the familiar dryness creep up his throat and out onto his hand, bringing rivers of scarlet in its wake. 
“ I was going to offer myself up to you for marriage, but it seems that your wife still calls to you even from the ground.” Alys tuts, “Such a pity that I couldn’t have either of you in the end.” 
Pity. It was a thing that Aemond found himself receiving often. Lords would offer their pity on losing such a gorgeous young wife. Ladies of the court pitied him for losing the only woman who could ever love a monster like him. Even Aegon pitied him, but not for the right reasons. 
“It’s a pity that you lost your wife brother, because now I have to find you another one through alliance. Which mother loathes me for because she believes it’s too soon” Aegon grumbled the last part into his chalice as to avoid his mother's glare. 
“ I will not take another wife” Aemond didn’t bother to eat nor look at anyone, he was only sitting at the table for duty’s sake anyway. In his head, he was in a whole other world where you were alive and happy. 
“ You will remarry, to a Baratheon girl. You will remarry, forget about your old wife, which will get rid of those damned petals you leave everywhere, and then sire more children” Aegon chuckled darkly. 
“ No.” Aemond refuted. 
“ Yes-”
“No! I will not take another wife as long as I lo-” Aemond wasn’t able to say the word much these days without it being an instant reaction. The blonde looked down at his hands and saw not only flowers but thorns. He was nearing his end. 
Aemond’s end wouldn’t come for many more months. Leaving him time to try and end his life quicker. Many morrows would pass and for each one Aemond sat on his knees in front of Vhagar, but nothing ever came of it. Either the dragon refused to kill another rider, or she agreed with Alicent on the fact that Aemond deserved to suffer as you did. Aemond also lived to see Aemys reach another birthday. He spent as much time with the boy as he could in between his duties. It was the only time he could ever get a glimpse of you outside of his mind. The four-year-old’s eyes had become windows to your soul. Not only did Aemys have your eyes, but he had begun to display your mannerisms as well. Mimicking the way you used to carry yourself, the way you talked, and ate as well. The only thing he held of Aemond was hair and emotional range. Though the latter did not develop until after your death. 
“ Aemys, father must go now.” Aemond stood in full armor at the child’s bedchamber door. 
“ Okay.” Aemys spoke with a soft smile before figuring out how to say his next words, “Tell Muña I say hi”
Aemond’s expression fell before it was quickly replaced. He memorized the look of his son once more before taking off down the hall towards Vhagar. Aemys’s words repeated through his head as he flew toward God's Eye. Blood trailed from the corner of his lips and nose, but he ignored and braved on. He would die a dragon rider's death, a brave death, so that he may meet you again in the afterlife. The universe, however, like before, had crueler plans. Air began to solidify into silk beneath the tissue of Aemond’s lungs. His bronchioles turned to thorns, and trachea to roots, all while his body remained the soil. 
“ I-I lov-” For the first time since your death, Aemond sobbed. He needed to say it, needed to say he loved you before he died. The sky, the clouds, the stars, the universe, all of it needed to know how he truly loved you. Aemond could not see caraxes flying towards him with a rider confused on why his nephew was kneeled over before the battle had even begun. Daemon would not attack an injured rider, it would bring him no pride or glory. Instead, he watched as Aemond slid sideways from Vhagar and plummeted towards the river. 
“ Avy jorrāelan” “ Avy jorrāelan” This time it was your proclamation of love that engulfed Aemond’s just as the river of sea and blood consumed him. Aemond Targaryen could not feel the crisp coldness of the water, only the soft warmth of your hands pulling him in.
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slutforsnow · 8 months
His Sunflower
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A/N: Chapter 2 and Sunni, btw, is based off my innocence/ignorance before... ahem... wattpad. YES I WAS A WATTPADER BUT IM A BETTER MAN NOW
CW/TW: Obsessive/possessive Coryo, implied possible SA, drugs, manipulation
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Sunni was humming as she waited for her test results. She was watching her favorite anime, Tokyo Ghoul, and smiling every time Hideyoshi came on screen. She always considered herself to be a Hide kind of girl, always smiling and happy.
"Ms. Plinth?" Sunni looked up, turning her phone off and putting it in her pocket.
"Yes, Dean Highbottom?" She replied, sitting up.
"Welcome to Panem Academy. You aced your exam," the dean said, handing her the exam sheets back as a smile grew on her face. She beamed happily, taking the exam sheets back politely and shaking her new headmaster's hand.
"Thank you, sir," She replied before he shooed her off to the office to get her schedule. Sunni was squealing to herself as she made her way to get her schedule. She couldn't wait to see the look of excitement on Sejanus' face!
"Well, well, well," a sudden voice came, pulling Sunni out of her excited pace. "You must be Sejanus' Plinth's little cousin."
Sunni giggled, pushing her brown hair out her face as the newcomer called her Sejanus' little cousin. She wasn't little by any means.
"Well, I dunno about little, but yep, that's me!! Sunni Plinth," She introduced, extending her hand to the mystery man. "Spelt with an 'i' not a 'y'."
"Festus Creed," He introduced, taking her hand and bringing it up to his lips to gently kiss her knuckles. "It's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman."
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During lunch, Sunni could be seen with Arachne Crane and Clemensia Dovecote, and Coriolanus didn't necessarily mind it because the girls were his "friends." What pissed him off, however, was seeing Festus being so close to her. Making her laugh and having her full attention made his blood boil, and yet... he had no idea why. He had just met her and had no knowledge of her aside from her being Sejanus' cousin.
"Hey, Coriolanus! Sej!" She called, waving him and Sejanus over. The two boys looked at each other, wondering what the fuck she was doing with people who would fully take advantage of her kindness, and joined her at the table.
"So how'd the test go?" Sejanus asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich while trying not to glare at Festus for having an arm around Sunni's shoulders in a very romantic way.
"I aced it!" She replied, beaming and pulling out her graded exam paper and sliding it over to Sej and Coryo.
"Oh me, oh my, looks like you'll have to fight for top spot, Snow," Arachne mocked, taking a sip of her drink as the blonde's eyes scanned the paper.
'Pretty, smart, and innocent as can be,' Coriolanus thought. 'I need to get her away from Festus.'
"Mm, perhaps," He mused in response to Arachne, popping a grape into his mouth.
"Well, whether you do or don't, I don't think fighting for top spot really matters," Sunni interjected, taking a sip of her soup from her silver spoon. "After all, we're all smart in our own way."
"Oh, sweet simple Sunni," Clemensia began, shaking her head. "You'll understand what Arachne means soon enough."
"We have to be smart in every way here. Otherwise, we drown in a sea of work," Festus added, taking a bite of out of his apple.
Sejanus were seething. He wanted to push Festus off Sunni and yell at him for being anywhere near her. Sunni didn't need his bad influence on her—she didn't need to get into drugs or have a forced first time with him. He would do everything in his power to keep them separated.
But Coriolanus? He was plotting. Plotting how to get rid of Festus and get Sunni to trust him. Yet he couldn't figure out why he wanted to protect the ball of sunshine who was named after a plant. He just felt like he had to. Like he needed to.
Glancing at each other, the two friends nodded curtly to each other. A silent vow to protect Sunni no matter to the cost.
Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing
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not-5-rats · 3 months
Well call me Scott Smajor cause I have questions (pls get that refrence-)
1) Y'know those universes where a red string connects soulmates (platonic or romantic) by their wrists? Yeah your Bug's in that universe, what do they do? (Do they follow the string? Cut it? Wait for their soulmate to find them? WHAT HAPPENS BRO)
2) Describe your Bug as a colour (specific shades people) ((this has probably been asked before, sorry))
3) Modern! AU
What's your bugs music taste like?
4) Scenario! (tw: creep)
The Bugs were at the park, some were playing in the actual park bit, some were simply enjoying the sun but Chez was sat on the grass. He had a jacket underneath him and a notebook in his hands, he was taking notes on the flowers he could see around him. He seemed happy...until a stranger came and sat down right beside him
Stranger: Well hello there, what you doing over here all on your own darling?
Chester tried to politely tell the stranger that he was simply looking at the plants which he didn't think required a companion, this made the person laugh
Stranger: Oh come on, you can't seriously be that interested in a bunch of plants. Why don't you come with me? I'm sure we could get up to something a lot more interesting than looking at some grass
Chester kept trying to politely tell the stranger that he wasn't interested in whatever they were offering but the stranger wouldn't take no for an answer, they kept talking and shuffling closer to Chez. Then they put their arm around his shoulders causing him to tense up...but he wasn't doing anything to get rid of them. He was so good at helping others get rid of creeps yet for some reason he froze up whenever he was being pestered
What does your bug do?
5) What kind of spiritual creatures does your bug believe in? (Gods, spirits, ghosts, angels, etc)
6) What's your bugs way of showing love/affection?
7) Your Bug is being forced to forget one person from their life, entirely, they won't remember a single things about them. Who do they forget?
8) (sort of similair to 7)
Your Bug has a choice
Option 1. Abandon all the Bugs, they will never see any of them again but they will remember everything from their time together (the Bugs will also remember them but a traitor who left them for no reason)
Option 2. Forget everybody they knew before the Bugs, everybody in their life before they met the Boys & Bugs just gone from their memory (everyone from their past will also forget them, as if Bug never existed to them)
Which do they choose?
Tags -
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @lunnats @lightdragon789 @pinkcocopuff-aqualoid @itsargyle @astralbulldragon13 @ccstiles @puffin-smoke
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A/N- I just want to let everyone know before they read this that it can be very triggering for some people. This is a personal experience of mine that i wanted to share just in case others that have similar experiences can feel safer with how they deal with their own trauma. As an assault survivor, this is something very personal to me, not everyone’s responses are the same so all i ask is that you remain respectful after reading this 🖤 i got the idea for writing this after the ‘anniversary’ of my experience came up, and i want everyone to know that if you ever need someone to reach out to or talk to in always here to talk or listen if you need it 🖤 i’ve only got three more years until all the cells from that time are replaced :)
Summary- Eddie accidentally triggers you and helps to calm you down as best as he can.
Genre- Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Warnings- ⚠️Major TW⚠️ Mentions of sexual assault (not directly describing anything) descriptions of a panic attack, crying, hyperventilating, use of the 54321 method
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @ladyapplejackdnd @tayhar811 @wistfulwisteriawitch @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @zoeyquinn94 @eddiethesexy (crossed out names wouldn’t let me tag)
Words- 1.9k
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“Alright, we’re done, it’s ok.”
Eddie quickly got off of you the moment he heard you say ‘Stop’ with no hesitation.
You didn’t know what it was, you didn’t know what set it off or if Eddie had accidentally touched you a certain way, but in the middle of sex the memory came flooding back into your brain and you needed it to stop.
It was just a sudden reaction, the tears, the shaking, the hyperventilating, and Eddie immediately went to comfort you and cover you up to help in any way that he could.
You were laid on his bed in the fetal position, still naked, cold, your hands balled up into fists over your head as the tears flowed down from your cheeks into the pillow.
Eddie already knew of what had happened to you in the past, and he never held it against you. He knew it wasn’t your fault, and god help him if he ever ran into the person to give you this kind of trauma. He loved you, he cared for you, and he always made sure that whenever the two of you were intimate he looked for every possible sign of your consent just to make sure that you were ok with every single thing he was doing. But he knew there were some times when your body would react like it did in that moment and he would stop and care for you with no hesitation.
He quickly covered you up with his comforter, searching around the floor of his room for your clothes to get ready for you to put them back on as soon as you were able to. He slid his legs back into a pair of dirty sweatpants to cover himself up before kneeling onto the floor next to the bed, gently placing his hand over your wrist, making sure not to grab too hard and make your reaction any worse than it already was,
“Sweetheart, it’s alright, we’re done.” He whispered to you, his fingers slowly tracing over your arm as your hyperventilating started to slow down, “You’re ok, it’s just us here, i promise. Do you remember what to do when this happens? It’s alright if you don’t.”
Your eyes were still shut tightly as your body started to relax itself upon hearing Eddie’s voice. You shook your head, the only thoughts clouding your mind were bits and pieces of those few moments that were drilled into your brain, but you tried your best to put any other thoughts in to get rid of the awful feeling of having to remember.
“That’s ok, i remember, do you want talk right now sweetheart?”
You shook your head once more and Eddie moved his hand off of your arm, hovering it just over your head,
“It’s alright if i pet you? Do you want to be touched?” You slowly nodded and carefully unclenched your eyes, still sore and bloodshot from the tears, but your vision was clear enough to see Eddie’s big brown eyes so full of worry for you. He gently placed his hand on top of your head and slowly started to pet you.
“You don’t have to talk, i’ll do all the talking ok? I want you to open your eyes a little more for me sweetheart, can you do that?”
Your breathing started to slow, Eddie’s voice soothing you back into your relaxed state, but your body was still tense under the blanket. You moved your hands up to your eyes and cleared away the last few tears that slipped out before looking back into Eddie’s eyes, seeing the sweet smile he had on his face,
“Good! You’re doing good. Can you see me ok?”
You slowly nodded once again and his hand carefully moved down to your forehead, brushing a few stray hairs away from your field of vision,
“Good. Can you see my hair ok? Is it all messy like it normally is?”
The corners of your lips turned into a gentle smile as you nodded, the trembling in your arms and legs slowly starting to cease.
“What about my nightstand?” He reached a hand over and placed it on top of the nightstand, turning his head to point at the wall behind him, “And the Metallica poster? You can see those?”
Your vision came back to normal, the blurring from the tears fading away as you tried to focus your eyes onto the poster behind Eddie, nodding again as soon your eyes were able to focus onto it,
“Good! Good, what about my tattoos,” he turned himself back to you and leaned himself back, giving you a bit of space to look at the tattoos on his chest, “you see them? These two right here?” He moved his hand up and motioned to them for you and you nodded once more, “Good! Can you show me that you can see them, can you show me where they are on me?”
Your breathing was back to normal and one hand reached out, the tips of your fingers moving gently over the ink over his heart, slowly tracing over the lines.
“Perfect! What about that blanket, how does it feel?”
Your hand retracted from his chest and you moved it under the comforter, covering yourself up just a bit more as you brought the edge of the blanket up to your cheek and felt the fabric move against it.
“Soft? How about the sheets and the pillowcase?”
You focused your attention onto the loose sheets under your body, moving your legs and head against the fabric to feel how they moved against your skin. Eddie smiled bigger as he saw the outline of your legs start to relax and move under the blanket,
“Good! You hear how they sound against you? All those little sounds they make when your legs move?”
You nodded as you listened to the way the fabric shifted under the movement of your legs.
“And my voice,” Eddie leaned in a little closer to whisper to you, “You can still hear it if i whisper right?”
Eddie saw the smile at the corners of your lips getting just a bit bigger and he knew that you were starting to focus more on your surroundings rather than your thoughts.
“Good. How about this sweetheart,” he moved his hand back up to the nightstand and started to tap his nails onto it, the slow taps soothing you even further and your body was completely relaxed into the bed, “you can hear those little taps on the nightstand?”
Your hand reached up to rub your eyes once more, taking a deep breath as you nodded. You knew you were almost finished doing your routine for when you had gotten into a bad state and you were so grateful that Eddie was doing all he could to help you feel better.
“Perfect!” He was still whispering to you and moved himself a bit closer to you, his face a few inches away from yours, “You know i made sure to wash all my blankets and sheets this morning sweetheart, can you still smell the fabric softener on them?”
You slowly closed your eyes and gently pressed your face into the soft pillow against your head, taking a deep breath. You could smell the fresh fabric softener Eddie had used on his sheets, the sweet floral scent mixed in with his natural pheromones were soothing and calming you fully back to normal.
Eddie slowly stood up as you settled back into bed and kept his eyes on you as he wandered around his room. He folded your clothes up and set them at the end of the bed for you, flipping his light switch on and pressing play on the stereo, making sure to keep the volume low as the Def Leppard cassette inside the tape deck started.
He made his way back over to you and kneeled back into his place before,
“Sweetheart, i’m going to go get you a glass of water ok? I want you to change back into your clothes while i’m gone, and i won’t come back in until you open the door again, ok?”
Your eyes opened up once more and you smiled as you looked into Eddies sweet gaze, nodding again to show him that you understood.
He leaned down and placed a soft kiss onto your head before exiting his room and shutting the door behind him.
You took one last deep breath before sitting up in Eddie’s bed, slowly lifting the comforter off of you and placing your feet onto the hardwood floor. You reached your arms over your head and stretched before leaning over and grabbing the pile of your clothes that Eddie had left folded up for you. You slipped your underwear back on and stepped into your pajama pants before lastly putting one of Eddie’s shirts to cover yourself once more. With one last deep breath, you stood up and walked over to Eddie’s bedroom door, reaching your hand out to the handle and turning the knob to open it so Eddie knew it was alright to come back in.
He was already waiting outside the door with a smile, a glass of water and a little plate with some cut up strawberries and a few small orange slices on it for you.
“Hey angel, why don’t you go back and sit on the bed ok?”
You nodded and walked back over to the bed, sitting on the edge and watching as Eddie shut his door once again to give you two complete privacy. Though the trailer had already been empty beforehand, he knew you wanted complete isolation just in case. He knew you wanted to keep these things private no matter what.
He set the plate onto the nightstand and handed you the glass of water as he sat next to you,
“Drink sweetheart, you need to rehydrate.”
You lifted the glass to your lips and took a few slow gulps before setting it onto the nightstand.
“Good! And you’re gonna finish that before we go to bed right?”
You smiled and nodded to him, making him smile back and press another kiss to your forehead,
“Perfect. I grabbed you a little snack too sweetheart, why don’t you eat a little bit?”
He reached over and grabbed a strawberry, popping it into his mouth before reaching over and handing one to you. You bit into it and the sweet taste of the fruit was the final step in making sure that you were back to normal.
“Sweet?” Eddie said as he reached over to grab another.
You smiled and grabbed one of the orange slices, popping it into your mouth and swallowing the sweet juice that was squeezed from it as you bit into it,
Eddie slowly moved his arm around your waist and brought you into him for a hug, your body relaxing into him as your head hit his shoulder.
He knew that there would come a time where things like this would end. He wouldn’t have to constantly worry about wether or not he was doing a good job comforting and consoling you, calming you down from your panic attacks and making sure you knew that you were safe. That everything was alright.
But all he knew for now was that you were ok. You were safe in his arms where you belonged.
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colderdrafts · 2 years
6: Dismay
Underground visitor, gn reader x monster (male drider). Sfw. TW for forced touching, violence - Morgan should come with their own warning tbh. Previous Next
Your tension was already running high when walking around outside, but it’s tenfold now that Morgan has decided to forcibly tag along.
Their steps are so close you feel you have to constantly lean away as to not accidentally bump into one of their legs.
"What are you so interested in magic for?" your 'companion' asks, casually glancing around the marketplace.
You note that, out here as well, no one is staring at you anymore. More-so, everyone is doing their utmost to stay far out of your way.
Or well. Perhaps out of Morgan’s way. It’s hard to tell just who is being avoided with the monstrous spider practically breathing down your neck.
You reply with a question of your own. "What do you want?"
Morgan smirks. "Something for the same thing?"
"Forget it."
They laugh. “SO - I don't see your custodian anywhere?"
"He should be around here somewhere," you deflect.
"Hmm. I'll wait with you, then. I’m sure he won’t mind.”
“He’ll mind if I’m trampled flat by the time he gets here,” you grunt, once again sidestepping one of Morgan’s pointy legs that got too close for comfort.
“Not to worry sentry, you know I’m not gonna let anything happen to you,” Morgan states as-a-matter-of-factly, either not getting what you meant or simply choosing to ignore it.
“Then try not to step on me,” you snarl to make it clear for them.
“Wouldn’t want to lose you in this rowdy crowd, now. Just walk normally, I’ll find your rhythm soon enough.”
You don’t like the way they said that, coating their words with meanings you don’t understand and somewhat keeping things out of your reach. You have no idea what their motive is, though their behavior makes darn sure you don’t want to find out. How the hell do you get rid of them?
Morgan speaks up again after a brief pause. “You know, I’m not jesting when I say walking around alone out here’s not the greatest idea. You did notice you were followed before, right?”
Oh yeah. The reason you fled into the tavern in the first place. You look around, but don’t see the snatchers anywhere anymore. You had completely forgotten, considering you now have to be wary of another very unnerving shadow tailing you.
Wait. if Morgan knew about that, how long have they been watching you wander the market without your notice?
“Are you their substitute?” you ask flatly.
Morgan chuckles darkly and leans in over you, red eyes glinting. “I’m the upgrade.”
You wrinkle your nose, having passed by 'too close for comfort' eons ago. That’s enough.
You twist and duck out underneath them, purposely slinking in between two stalls too narrow for them to fit through, hoping to put a little distance between you and maybe enabling yourself to blend in somewhere. You hear Morgan heave an exasperated sigh as you do so.
And then you hear someone else let out a startled screech.
You flip around, and watch as Morgan simply steps up on top of the two stalls and starts climbing over them, uncaring of any wares their spindly legs roughly shoves aside. A birdlike person behind one of them flails backwards, snaps its beak at them and glares in anger, but doesn’t make any move to stop them. Food, pots and clothing items scatter and litter the ground.
Morgan fixates on you with a determined stare, and you feel yourself rooted in place. Something about the uncanny view of them towering over everything else, slowly making their way toward you, has made you freeze in place. The stalls creak and protest under their weight as they casually step down and stop in front of you again.
The seller glares at you, and begins picking up their dirtied wares from the ground. They’re not the only one staring. Multiple eyes look at you judgmentally, as if you’re the one responsible for Morgan’s antics.
“Anything else?” Morgan asks you casually, ignoring them all. They wipe some grease off their front legs in the grass.
It takes you a second to regain control of your body. When you do, anger bubbles in you. You gesture at the poor salesman. “You couldn’t have walked around?” you snap at them.
They cog an eyebrow at you. “Couldn’t you?”
You groan and walk away. Morgan follows you.
You try and find the most crowded spaces you can, instincts telling you to stay in sight of the group where it's safer. Though your instincts may have failed you here, as it seems whenever you approach somewhere, people around you quietly filter away. No one picks up on your silent pleas for help to get rid of the dangerous person actively stalking you in plain sight. Common-folk turn away before you’ve even uttered a word. Morgan keeps to your side, patiently waiting for your bluff to be called out.
You glance up at them, a knowing but humored look in their eye. You get the feeling they're enjoying this.
It’s sometime in the late afternoon as you round the last row of the marketplace. Some common-folk are starting to pack up their wares, their deed done for the day.
In the end, you’ve exhausted your options, and you feel a small sting of terror in not knowing what will happen now. Morgan is still glued to your side, having succeeded in keeping you walking with their legs stepping in place close to you. You haven’t had a single chance to dart in between the stalls or make a break for it.
As you reach a corner of a building, somewhat excluded from the rest of the market, Morgan decides the gig is officially up. They take advantage of your close proximity and promptly stop with two legs on either side of you, forcing you to halt lest you stumble into them. They turn into you and pushes, gently but firmly getting your back up against the wall of the small building.
“Alright, that’s enough of that, I think,” they snicker.
You try and duck under their legs, but they quickly stop you in your tracks by leaning down and grasping your shoulders in their pedipalps.
“Christ, would you just leave me alone?!” you spit, grabbing uselessly at the two furry appendages keeping you in place while two front legs cage you in by gently pressing on either side of you.
Morgan observes you with an amused expression. “You sure are stubborn, I’ll give you that! I do wonder what you’re so on the fence about. It’s been fun messing about, but this has gone on long enough.”
The lean down, holding your chin in their hands and forcing you to look at them in the eyes. Red fills your vision. "I know you're alone, sentry," they whisper.
You shudder.
"Don't try and fool me. No custodian in their right mind would ever let you walk around like this, so nervous and on edge. Need to stay safe, yes? Why won't you just let me help you?"
“Help me?” you grit you teeth and try to squirm out of their grip. They don’t let you. “You’ve been terrorizing me for several hours! What the hell is your deal? What do you want from me?”
Morgan looks at you a bit funny, tilting their head. “..Is that not obvious?” they ask. “I want to take you in and be your custodian.”
..Come again?
You stare at them.
Morgan smiles, brushing a thumb across your cheek. "It's very cute how nervous you are, even if I don't really get why. We are literally built for each other. You have nothing to fear from me. Why won't you just accept my offer?"
“What are you talking about – built for each other?” you ask, finally pulling your head out of their hands.
They regard you in confusion again, brows slightly furrowed. It’s not unlike the way Dren first looked at you when you got here. “Well, I’m a custodian. You know, a drider?” Morgan’s lower body chitters quietly as if to underline the fact. They give you a lopsided smirk as if you’re both in on a joke. “And you’re a sentry. We tend to team up from time to time.”
Oh. So that’s what they look like.
You don’t really know what you expected. You only wish Dren would have warned you a bit sooner that there was one specific kind of common-folk to watch out for. But perhaps that has something to do with the fact that he is one and the same.
It certainly explains some of the odd anxieties that seemed to blossom within him at times you were near.
“I do wonder why you’ve kept up all these walls for so long,” Morgan continues, bringing you back into the unpleasant moment. Their look softens, the most gentle expression you’ve seen on them yet. “Are you running away from someone? Promise I won't make you go back if you are.”
Shivers crawl down your spine.
You throat is dry.
“Or maybe I’m just your first?” they ponder, brushing a stray hair out of your face. “It doesn’t really matter if it’s one or the other. You know I’ll take good care of you regardless, so why wont you just let me? Why have you been fighting me all day?”
There’s something suffocating about this closeness, being trapped up against the wall and stared down. They wont listen to your words, and you can feel a prickling sensation of fear threatening to start clouding your mind with survival instincts if you don't get out of here soon.
Morgan shifts ever so slightly, and their legs pushes against something in the satchel at your side that pokes against your leg. You faintly remember you did not come unarmed.
With quivering hands you reach into it, keeping Morgan distracted by looking them in the eye - your hand reaches the handle of the small knife. In one motion, you've snatched it from its space inside the satchel, and jab it at the leg at your right side with a grunt. The blade scrapes across the tough chitin, creating a superficial cut.
Morgan flinches with a low hiss, the kind of noise you'd make when startled by being hit with a drop of hot water from a boiling pot - nothing that really does a lot of harm.
That move might have been a mistake.
Morgan briefly looks down at the open cut that's now running across their leg, before focusing back on you. They mostly look a worried, alongside a little disappointed.
"So afraid.. Who did this to you?" they ask, free hand snatching your wrist before you can cause some real damage. "Drop that."
They knock your arm against the wall behind you, causing the knife to fly out of your grasp and it lands on the grass below.
The legs keeping you in place slightly curl inwards, latching onto your legs and lifting, and suddenly your feet have stopped touching the ground.
You gasp. “Stop – stop, stop, put me down-” you struggle against them again, squirming in their grip.
“Shh, shh, none of that now, you’re safe,” Morgan coos, leaning their torso in. “I’m not angry.”
Their pedipalps shift, maneuvering so that they hold your waist rather than your shoulders, legs supporting your weight and keeping balanced. From this vantage point they have an easier time pressing their torso up against you. “It's alright. How many time do I have to tell you you’re not in danger?” they chuckle.
You’re completely wrapped up in them. It feels like the walls are closing in on you.
“Not in – just let me go!” you cry out.
You try and fail to keep any distance, putting your hands on their chest to at least keep their upper body a bit at bay. You’re surrounded from all sides. It’s claustrophobic.
Morgan slowly trails their arms over your shoulders and lean you into them, completely ignoring your hands shoving at their chest. “Don’t be scared,” they say gently. “Calm down. Nothing’s gonna hurt you.”
They hold you there for a bit, patiently waiting for you to stop straining in their grip, muttering soft words and reassurances. You struggle with all your might, but, in the end, Morgan is simply stronger than you. Eventually you exhaust yourself and remain frozen, frustrated at this fruitless battle.
You heart is galloping a thousand miles and hour as they close the rest of the distance once you still.
“Let me take care of you,” Morgan mutters in your ear, securing their arms around you.
A sudden warmth spreads from them as they do so, but you don’t really register it as their body heat. It’s something else. There's some sort of energy rolling off of them as they lean in; It’s comforting, like being wrapped in a blanket. A pleasant sensation that's trying to lure you in, calm you down. A promise of safety if you just let it inside.
"You feel it, don't you?" they ask, smile in their voice.
The warmth burrows inside your chest and something inside you shifts. You feel strangely drawn to them, your tense muscles going lax. You suddenly want nothing more than to just breathe out, trust them, close your eyes and believe you’re finally somewhere safe. You have to actively restrain yourself from leaning back into them, your mind still going a million miles an hour.
It’s not right.
"I can't," you whisper, trying to wriggle backwards out of their grip despite your body actively trying to prevent you. "I can't, I'm not-"
"Shh, sure you are," they purr. "You’re almost there. Just -" they're cut off.
Morgan suddenly recoils with a startled hiss, narrowly dodging the pointed ends of a black pair of spiders legs that forcefully slams into the ground where they just stood a second earlier.
Morgan tries to pull you with them, but something tough wraps around your torso and legs and yanks you out of their grasp in the millisecond the startle loosened it. You fall to the ground and slip backwards, your body still lax and feeling strange from whatever Morgan just did to you. Something soft curls around both your shoulders, steadying you. You sense movement all around you, that comes to a sudden halt, a familiar pair of black legs crossed in front of you protectively.
"This one is spoken for," Dren's voice sounds above you, thunderous and snarling. "Leave them alone."
You feel like something inside you snaps, like a cord traveling through your chest is suddenly torn. A chill seeps through your heart and panic settles in your core, and now you find yourself unable to either fight or flight. You're in some sort of catatonia, your entire body shaking.
Morgan stops and stares at him, eyes narrowed to slits. "Is that so?" they hiss. "Sure didn't seem like it when they wandered around on their own. Were you even aware you left them exposed to snatchers?! Some custodian you are!"
The tension in the air sends another wave of nausea through you, and you roughly palm at the pedipalps holding you in place. You have to run. Get the hell out of here.
Let me go.
“And you’re any better forcing your care upon them?” Dren counters angrily, without noticing. “Get out of my sight or I’ll tear you to shreds.”
They size each other up for a moment. Dren’s bigger, but you have no idea what else Morgan is capable of.
Morgan looks between Dren and you for a bit, and then their eyes widen, taking in your shaking form. “Wait a minute. You’re not even bonded, are you? What gives you ANY right-”
"Choice," Dren booms, causing you to whimper. "You've ignored all of their signals. They're terrified of you. What makes you think you could ever take care of them like that?"
Morgan glares at him for a bit, but they frown when they look back at you. You're having a hard time focusing on anything, your eyes darting from one to the other. You chest is aching, heart pounding. You feel like you can't breathe.
"Choice," Morgan repeats slowly, purposely keeping their voice down, measured and controlled. They shift their threatening posture to a slightly less tense one. "That's a little hypocritical, isn't it? It seems this sentry has not made any choice at all. They're terrified of both of us."
You hear Dren take a breath to argue, though stops himself, probably finally feeling your trembling. You just stare ahead blankly, superficial breathing not doing much to clear your razing mind.
Dren very carefully bends down slightly, guiding you down to sit. You wobbling legs don't argue as you go down.
He releases your shoulders and stands up straight to get a look at you, though keeping his legs still blocking you from Morgan.
You try and calm your haggard breathing, but you can't. Panic comes in waves, muscles locked like you’ve been twung like thread and pulled tight. You sense Dren coming closer, slowly reaching for you, but you frantically bat him away, unable to stop yourself. "Don't touch me," you spit at him.
Dren immediately backs off, looking at you surprised. "I'm sorry," he says quickly, fidgeting.
“See?” Morgan hisses at Dren, slowly stepping a bit closer to you though remaining out of his reach. “You’re just making it worse. Get away from them.”
Dren takes a deep breath, and softly calls your name. “I want to help you, but I’ll have to pick you up. Is that alright?”
You can’t respond.
“If you touch them again you wont have limbs to touch with anymore,” Morgan growls lowly, and looks to you. “If this poor excuse of a caretaker is the reason you’ve been so afraid I’ll take him on. Say the word and he’s gone.”
Dren ball his fists, realizing he cannot help you right now, and turns to face Morgan again. He blocks you from their view, to which Morgan chitters angrily.
“This is your doing,” Dren snaps, placing his legs firmly as if preparing for an impact. A warning clattering escapes from his lower body. “I suggest you leave.”
“And I suggest you let me handle this. As opposed to you, I can actually do my job,” Morgan huffs, not intimidated, readying themself as well.
The commotion has attracted attention from the rest of the marketplace. It seems the common-folk have finished their duties and are now anxiously looking on as tension rise between Morgan and Dren. There’s shouting, suddenly, the onlookers notifying each other of what’s happening.
You don’t know what to do. It looks like they’re about to duke it out, and your fate is left up to whatever the outcome of that might be. Once again, you’re in no control of what happens to you. You let out a shuddering breath, and heave in another as deep as you can, forcing the air to stay in your lungs. Dren hears your sudden shift of airflow, and quickly casts a glance back to check on you.
Control, you repeat it in your mind, feeling the constricting foreign panic that flooded you release its hold just a fraction. Give me back control!
Morgan takes advantage of Dren's momentary distraction, forcefully leaping into him and knocking him to the side. Dren topples over, skidding to a halt with a gnarly hiss, legs rapidly twisting to get himself upright again.
In the brief seconds of his absence Morgan rapidly descends upon you, reaching forward to grab you again – though their arms are blocked by Dren having recovered, and leapt to intercept. They collide almost on top of you, causing you to curl in on yourself to avoid collateral damage, yet somehow both of them manage to deftly step around you as they forcefully struggle against each other.
There’s another smack and a snarl as Dren clocks Morgan square in the jaw with his right fist, and he plants his legs firmly around you. Each of his steps are thunderous as uses his size advantage to force Morgan backwards, legs skidding through the grass below and efficiently pulling the fight away from you.
Morgan bucks down, following the direction Dren is pushing them by leaping backwards and out of his grip. This results in Morgan now basically landing on top of the common-folk that had looked on until now, and they all scramble for cover. Morgan hisses in annoyance, preparing for Dren that’s coming at them like a freight train.
They collide, twisting and turning around each other as the stumble through the market place, knocking over carts and thrashing stalls. The common-folk evacuate the premises from the two, and startled screams and yells of warnings ring through the air.
You’ve managed to somewhat gather yourself, having space from them and the effects of whatever had gripped you somewhat diminished, and you get to your feet. You watch the carnage as Morgan and Dren, uncaring of anything but doing damage to the other, thrashes the marketplace.
You turn to a common-folk, the bird-like one you saw earlier, that has taken shelter at the outskirts next to you.
“Why isn’t anyone stopping them?!” you yell.
The bird immediately recoils from you as if you’re infected. He stares at you, incredulous. “And what would we do? They’ll kill us all!”
“But they wont kill you,” a gnoll next to him adds. “Why aren’t YOU doing anything?” she snaps.
Why aren’t you indeed.
Hissing and clacking of limbs colliding fills the air, and the occasional groan of wood being splintered. If they don’t stop soon, at this rate the marketplace will be reduced to nothing – though watching them clash renders you immobile. Even if you had the courage to intervene, you don’t think you could stop them.
Morgan manages to take revenge from the sucker punch by ramming their elbow into Dren’s solar plexus and he lets out a painful wheeze. In turn, Dren’s legs shoots forward and rakes across the side of Morgan’s abdomen, almost tearing through the rough carapace.
Morgan grunts, and quickly shifts to the side before Dren’s claws can do more damage. They crouch forward, and swipes at one of Dren’s legs just as he’s about to put weight on it. Dren falters a smidge, giving Morgan an opening that they quickly exploit.
They grasp around Dren’s torso and wrestles him to the ground, standing over him as he scrambles to right himself into a less exposed position. Morgan’s front legs lift to deliver a devastating blow, though Dren shifts, and uses the position to get his legs under Morgan’s lower body. He lifts Morgan off the ground, and hurls them to the side at a nearby building. The force of the impact knocks down the wall of the fragile wooden structure with a loud crash, and the ceiling of it goes down with it.
And then it’s quiet.
A somber silence settles over the marketplace in the fallout of the carnage as the dust settles. Dren slowly gets back on his feet, sluggish, heaving for breath. His entire body is shuddering, awaiting.
A few seconds pass.
Morgan doesn’t get back up.
Why is that causing a small ping of anguish in your chest?
A quiet muttering runs through the marketplace, as Dren rights himself with a disgruntled huff. He opens and closes his palms, deepening his breathing, grounding himself for a bit.
He turns and scans the crowd of terrified onlookers until his gaze lands on you. He starts making his way toward you, low to the ground and deliberately slow, though his eyes never leave your face. As if on cue, the people around you start filtering away, leaving you stranded alone in the corner of the destroyed marketplace while the custodian is quietly approaching.
Dren stops short in front of you and opens and closes his mouth. He looks reluctant, once again back to fiddling with his hands. You scan over the fresh bruises and cuts that now litter his body, a deep gash in one of his legs silently leaking a strange pale fluid.
“I’m so sorry,” is all he says, before he gingerly leans down and picks you up by the shoulders. He lifts you behind his torso and sets you on his back.
You don’t argue.
You can’t.
You stare back at the marketplace, and in particular the building where Morgan is lying in the rubble. The common-folk are slowly filtering back, almost like a steam of fish closing behind a predator that’s swum through them.
“Are they – did you-?” you manage, eyes still on the collapsed building.
“I don’t know,” Dren whispers, and starts walking.
You gingerly put your arms around his stomach for balance, legs settling on either side of his upper body. He’s surprisingly warm.
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Nacho Varga's outfit analysis and symbolism
Okay uh I just saw a gif set of the scene where Nacho gets rescued by the twins, and I had a revelation but I have no idea if this has been pointed out before. I gave myself like 1 hour of research through tags to see if it was and I didn't find anything. But if it has been, sorry! Anyway here is another very long post about BCS because I have no self control anymore.
! TW blood and heavy spoilers !
So the thing is after all that time spent looking for Nacho and Lalo's outfits yesterday combined to the gif set, I just got hit by the fact that in the scene he's shot and found by the cousins, Nacho is wearing the same kind of shirt as in the very first time we see him.
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I even thought at first it was the same shirt, but they are different. And it's a very interesting choice to make considering the scene. It would have been awesome if it was the exact same shirt. Why? Because Nacho gets badly hurt in this scene, right after being caught up by all his choices. He takes a bullet in the shoulder and in the side, which can be compared to many christian representations. @seraphtrevs already did a splendid analysis of Nacho being a Christlike figure, so I wont be too long on that parallel, you can check out her post about it here . So here Nacho is left to die in the desert, covered in blood, and between all the blood and the shirt pattern itself he looks like he's been torn apart by hell hounds and he just came back from the Purgatory. He's caught up by his actions, his choices, he's suffering for it.
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It even goes further than just him being badly hurt in this outfit tho. The shirt even gets shredded by the hands of the cousins, the previous version of himself symbolically destroyed by the hands of a Salamanca. And when Leonel removes it with the help of the vet, it even looks hard to get rid of it, like the second skin of a snake if I push the comparison to an extreme.
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And of course we have Marco giving him the Salamanca blood afterward, which is still an insane thing in terms of symbolism, I can't believe it happened. It's just plain "you've been torn apart, stripped of a part of you, and now we fill the emptiness of it with a part of us". Wild.
But still, why is it so interesting that Nacho has the same kind of outfit? Because this exact scene happens when his traitorous side is revealed to one of the character that has a lot of power, Fring, and he's now to serve as a double agent. And so, putting him in a look alike outfit from the first apparence tells us that the Nacho we knew before has been killed. There is no way back. There is no healing from this. It's a permanent change. A permanent consequence to his actions. And after all this, Nacho's desire for power and money starts to disappear (and he's been going down this road for a while once his dad is threatened, but this whole situation seals it I believe). So Nacho doesn't wear the exact same shirt. It would have been great for the blatant symbolism of it all, BUT the fact that it's slightly different gives us the opportunity to actually see something more. We have 3 scenes with Nacho that happens in the desert and that kind of echoes each other with their similarities (multiple people gathered, all there to solve a problem, and there is at least one Salamanca in each one). And if we take a look at his outfits in the 3 scenes, that's where it becomes even more interesting than just the first comparison. So let's take a look at the 3 outfits during those 3 key scenes.
We have the first scene we meet Nacho. The pattern is blotchy, black and white (or maybe blue/green/grey something like that, it depends of the light). It's messy, a bit wild looking. It fits Nacho's personality at the beginning of the series. He's got more wit to him, he makes reckless decisions/have reckless ideas (Selling his own stuff on a cartel territory with the pills, terrible planning of a robbery, plotting Tuco's death, hiding his illegal activities to his dad, planning Hector's death, etc) Also black and white suits his personality and his double agent role pretty well. Nacho is stubborn, he has a strong personality. The heavy contrast of black and white fits the way he's capable to strike with his words as well as his fists. He's a sharp thing. He's also in a grey place when it comes to morals, like most of the characters in the show.
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Then we have the scene where he's shot and found by the cousins. Like we said we still have a shirt that have some similarities with the first one. It's still a heavy black and white pattern, blotchy, it's irregular BUT there is more structure to it already. We can discern horizontal and vertical lines creating something like a grid pattern. Compared to the first shirt we could assume it represent his change of direction in life. At this moment he got scared of Hector killing his dad, so he acted to get rid of this menace. Nacho isn't looking for more money and power. He's trying to survive and keep his dad safe. He can't be as reckless as before, he has to think things through. So, more planification for survival, more restrain, more care into what he does.
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But then, we get to his last scene. The pattern isn't blotchy at all anymore. Still black and white. We have the horizontal and vertical lines still present from the precedent shirt, and of course they look like crosses. But there is still a bit of wildness/irregularity to this pattern, with the way the lines doesn't all connect, it isn't just crosses all over it. Nacho has drastically changed. He's still himself deep down, but there is all the things that changed in him too. At this point he went through everything, and finds himself in a dead-end. He's been obeying orders but also staying alert to not fall into another manipulation, he's more sharp than ever in his perception, still playing his last cards thoughtfully. He's been stripped of so much, all his hopes for a new life, no more desire for power and money at all, he's even sick of all this cartel thing. There is almost no more wildness to him, he was forced to become more calculating and cold in order to survive and protect. And his last moments are spent to surviving long enough to make sure his dad will be safe, to punish the Salamanca once more by revealing what he did to Hector (and there we can see his wild side exploding, it's raw but controlled), and keeping the choice to take his own life instead of letting others have that power over him.
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To me, these 3 shirts, using them for desert scenes, it just screams morphing patterns, and so his mind morphing too.
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c-bush · 3 days
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Part 1: TW: Overstimulation/meltdown, mild bullying, purging, and brief moment of self-harm
The last few weeks have been straining Hazel. For weeks, all she’s really worried about are her GSCE scores. She’s been up countless nights, which haven’t felt good on not only her mind but her senses. What once she could overlook, the smell of pasta being cooked, the cheering of her dads of a Rugby team, and the tags on her clothes seemed strenuous. Walking down the stairs, Charlie and Nick were already up, drinking tea and eating biscuits at the table. Hazel finally entered, wearing her uniform which felt all of the sudden itchy and tight on her. It was odd because up until now she was able to tolerate it, but this felt overwhelming. The smell of the crumpets and honeytickled her nose as she backed away from the kitchen. Nick seemed to notice and went to her instantly, keeping his distance as to not alarm her.
“Morning darling, did you sleep well last night?” He asked, trying to steady her. It took her a moment to register what the question was and her mouth tried to speak but it couldn’t find the right words so all she did was nod. Her red/brown hair bouncing along with her head as she looked at the crumpets lying on the plate. She took one and popped it into her mouth. The buttery goodness landed on her mouth as she took her time eating, picking at her sleeve each bite she took. Charlie took note as he stood up, offering her another one to which resulted in her shaking her head no and continued with the crumpet she had now.
“So you get your GSCEs back yet? Remember, it’s okay. Those tests aren’t easy and-“ Nick tried to comfort, which made her stop eating, putting down the half-eaten crumpet and back away.
“I have to get to school. Results are in and I…I…I…” Struggling to find the words, she pinched the top of her hand, quick little flicks. She wasn’t good at hiding her emotions, but has gotten better in attempting to use coping mechanisms to try and comfort herself. Charlie went over to her side as not to touch her so she wouldn’t have a meltdown. Hazel saw this and backed away, everything spiraling in front of her.
“Honey, we’ve been worried about you. If there’s anything you need to talk about, just know we’ll be here. Is there anything you want to talk about, don’t be-“ Charlie started, rubbing the front of his hand up and down her back to which she backed away, quickly grabbing her backpack, remaining crumpet, and darted off to the bus. The door slamming as Charlie winced at the noise and Nick going to him, concerned.
“The GSCEs are really taking a toll on her, haven’t they? I mean…I didn’t want to make her build walls, but she’s not been eating a lot lately. I know you don’t want to hear this but I think Hazel needs help.” Nick confronted softly with Charlie looking out the window, not wanting to face the truth about what was going on with his daughter.
“I know but if she does have an eating disorder, I’d rather it come from her than us telling her. You remember how I was when I was younger? I don’t want her to feel that she can’t come to us and have those control issues I have, well still working on.” Charlie replied with Nick nodding. The clock rang about 8:00 which Charlie covered his ears with Nick comforting him.
“I hate that clock, the sound makes my ears bleed. I want to get rid of it!” Charlie yelled, racing to the clock in an attempt to take it down, which Nick stopped him, grabbing him by both hands so he didn’t hit his head or pull his hair out. Brushing his dark hair, Nick guided Charlie through multiple deep breaths. Charlie didn’t engage at first as his eyes were still set on the clock but was able to focus once he took a few deep breath, his focus back on his husband, Nick.
“It’s okay, I’ll take it down today and you go to work. After your shift, we can call Geoffrey and see who he recommends. Sound like a plan?” Nick planned out, mapping each step so he would be on board to which Charlie nodded and planted Nick with a kiss. He grabbed his bag and out of the door as he went to work as a security guard. It worked out for the best as Charlie was detail-oriented and he could stare at the paintings and he didn’t have to work through the night so he could help Nick with Hazel if there was ever a meltdown/overstimulation episode, he’d know what to do as he was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome the same time as Hazel was. Nick stared out the window and sighed as he cleaned the kitchen and began his working at home schedule as a Rugby coordinator.
At Higgs, Hazel was walking into the academy. The amount of talking, smells, and coolness made her brain go numb. She felt tears coming out of her eyes as she walked around, her stomach turning against the crumpet and before she knew it, she darted for the toilet, hoping one would become available. She waited for thirty seconds before swinging into one and locking the door. She bent down, thinking about what she was about to do and put her index finger to her mouth and forced the crumpet she had just eaten out of her mouth. It took a while before she saw the bits and pieces of chewed up crumpet onto the toilet. She cried a little, wiping the sweat she had with some toilet paper. Her stomach shifted and more liquid came out of her, resulting in last nights dinner of Shepard’s pie which despite not eating a lot of, the mashed potato’s, peas, and beef all came out of her. Her skin once cool and chilled now was heating with sweat and vomit with her throat red from the purge. She wiped her mouth some more, finished her purging, flushed the toilet, and went to wash her hands, the lavender soap tickling her nose and the slamming bathroom door overwhelmed her ears. The one day she didn’t bring her AirPods or noise-cancelling headphones, she needed them the most. She washed her mouth with a mint and drank the sink water to try and cover some of the vomit odor her mouth was salivating in. Taking a few deep breaths, she darted to class. Ignoring the other girls and into the form where she sat normally. Her stomach lurched with pain and anxiety. Some girls were so excited about the GSCEs while others looked like they would have a mental breakdown. Hazel was in that category, pinching her hand which was now red as the bell rang, hurting her ears as she attempted not to cry with the teacher settling down the students.
“Alright everybody! Now today is a special day because you will be getting your GSCE scores. This process will be easy as they will be emailed to you with your certificate and your grades. I know this has been a trying few weeks, but no matter what happens I want to say that I am proud of each and every one of you and that these scores do not hold as reflection to me as students. Trust me, no one will be going to the Thinning, you all live!” Ms. Barrow said with everyone laughing except Hazel, who was raising her hand. Ms. Barrow looked at her and called on her.
“Yes, Ms. Nelson-Spring what is it?” Ms. Barrow lightly said with Hazel taking a deep breath and pinching her leg with one arm.
“Are you…are you suggesting that we would’ve died if we didn’t pass? The Thinning, what…what’s the Thinning and why didn’t anyone tell me?!” Hazel panicked, her eyes glazing over her with fellow girls laughing and whispering to one another. Hazel didn’t seem to get the memo. Her skin crawling, her face getting hot and hot each second she was in that classroom.
“What! What am I missing” Hazel yelled.
“The Thinning isn’t real, you thick baboon! It’s an American horror movie.” Amelia sneered as Hazel took deep breaths, tears falling from her face faster than Hazel could wipe them.
“That’s enough Ms. Woods. It’s alright, Ms. Nelson-Spring, everything is okay.” Ms. Woods scolded/comforted with her going back to the board to give new information out. Hazel couldn’t stop thinking about the comment and how she missed the joke. Sure it wasn’t a black and white joke, but still it was embarrassing and her stomach felt turned inside out. Trying to concentrate on the lesson in Shakespeare. However, the thought of her GSCE was something she couldn’t get out of her mind. The clock was ticking slower and slower each minute she was in the room. The minute the bell rang, she packed her stuff up and bolted out of there. Ignoring the teacher’s call for her to come back. She couldn’t focus on any voices as they all meshed into one. The uniform was getting tighter and tighter until she felt that she was suffocating. Despite being at Higgs for a few years, she felt like a stranger in her own school. It was devastating as the pinching became worse, the front of her hand was getting red and noticeable to others. It all culminated when she got a ping on her phone. She grabbed it and the subject line said GSCE results. Shaking as she opened the email, ignoring the other lines as she scrolled quickly to a PDF which gave the subject and the grades.
Art and Design: Fine Art-8
English Literature-8
Performing Arts: Musical Theatre Pathway-8
Looking at the science grade, Hazel’s heart dropped. She didn’t understand where she went wrong. She studied constantly and went to extra tutoring sessions every opportunity she got. She’d let her parents down with this one score and she couldn’t cope. Her heart beat so loud as some other girl looked down on the screen.
“What a shame! You have to take Science again, what a pity! See ya loser!” She sneered while others laughed and this seemed to drive her to the edge as she ran, not caring where she was going but needed to get away from the tight corridors. She bumped into people, with them giving her the finger but couldn’t care because everything was blurred out. Her mind and surroundings felt like a maze and all she wanted was to get out.
“Let me out of here! Please, get me out of here!” Screaming out loud until she found a quiet spot outside of an alley that was dry enough to sit, away from the school so she could collect her thoughts, but close enough so teachers wouldn’t look for her. She cried, her head buried into her chest, reaching for anything to give her comfort, which is when she landed on the razor. Intrusive thoughts running around in her head. The silver razor was sharp, cautiously placing it towards her skin but stopped when she heard someone coming, putting it back into her bag and running to another part of the school. Which is when she came to the music room, the room was dark and hid under the teacher’s desk. It was childish as if she was hiding from trouble, except this time she was just wanting the thoughts to quiet down, so she could think. She couldn’t go home, quickly locking the door so no one would find her as she crept back into the desk and sat there, crying. She let everyone down and that was one feeling she couldn’t cope with.
Time wasn’t a construct that Hazel was facing. Trapped in her own anxiety-filled world. She managed to cut her skin with the razor she kept hidden. Minutes turned into hours when the door to the music room unlocked, revealing Ms. Solis’ presence. Frozen in her presence, she kept quiet as the lights came up and Ms. Solis was there, wearing a light flowy blouse and soft blue pants. She was going to set her things down on her desk when she saw Hazel’s backpack. Looking down, she saw Hazel in a mess. Concerned as she bent down and saw Hazel’s eyes as she applied pressure to her chest, anxiety driving her.
“Hazel, honey, you okay? It’s nearly 12 o’clock here. Why aren’t you in lunch?” Ms. Solis asked with Hazel, trying to decipher each word that was coming out but it all sounded like nails on a chalkboard, she couldn’t take it. Ms Solis realized what was happening and went to the telephone, telling her teachers she wouldn’t be coming into their classes, that she wasn’t feeling well and had to go home. Her teachers understood since results of the GSCEs had everyone on edge. She hung up and bent back down to her.
“Hi darling, I’m going to call your dad to come pick you up, okay? I know today is a hard day, so I want to make sure you feel-“ Ms Solis started with Hazel shaking her head nervously. Nerves bounced off of her.
“You can’t! I can’t face what I’ve done! I tried so hard on those tests and I failed the Science portion. I studied…I studied so hard and I failed! I failed and there going to be mad at me! I can’t face them, please don’t call them! Please!” Hazel cried with Ms. Solis hurting for her. Hazel Nelson-Spring was one of her favorite students and knew how hard she worked. To see her like this broke her heart, putting her hand softly on her knee. The pressure helped with Hazel not backing away in fear.
“Darling, I’m sure your dads will be proud of you. We all struggle with something and trust me, Science isn’t the easiest and I’m sure they will be understanding. I don’t want you to worry about this. I want you to go home and get some rest, okay?” Ms. Solis comforted. Hazel didn’t know if she could agree or not but didn’t want to upset her favorite teacher, so she nodded as Ms. Solis stood up and made the call.
Back at the house, Nick was planning the games for the England rugby team when his phone rang. Picking it up, he planned it to be Charlie saying he got out of work early, but it was Ms. Solis. Worried as he answered, his expression became concerned and panicked as he bolted out of his chair and into Hazel’s room where he grabbed her AirPods and noise-cancelling headphones. Once he was done, he rushed down the stairs, grabbing his car keys, and bolted out of the door. Driving off to the school, his heart pounded. Fearing the worse, his mind went into overdrive. Speeding at every opportunity he could on the twisty road. He was worried that this was a breakdown and doctors were there. A lot of people overwhelmed her and that could make things worse, being looked at as a spectacle. Pulling up to the school, relieved that no officiers or medical services there. He raced over to the music building where he saw Ms. Solis take him aside, explaining what happened. Nick took deep breaths as he was exhausted from the run, nodding with what she was saying. Ms. Solis said she would stay back as Nick went into the dark classroom. It wasn’t hard to find Hazel with her bag a few feet away from the desk. He bent down, seeing his daughter in a vulnerable state.
“Hey, doll.” Softly speaking so he didn’t scare her.
“I didn’t mean to miss any classes, please you have to believe me.” Hazel panicked as Nick held back his own tears from crying.
“I know, we all have bad days. Let’s go home and I’ll make you some strawberry crumble or a chocolate trifle. I know those are your favorites.” Nick cheered up but Hazel felt guilty.
“I don’t deserve it. I failed my science GSCE and now I have to retake it and I don’t know what’s going to happen with college. Dad was planning on retiring soon, so now…” Hazel panicked as she grabbed the razor and made a few licks on her skin, feeling the relief of the blades digging into her skin, Nick was shocked as he took the razor away from her. Some resistance but was able to succeed as Nick hugged her, rubbing his hand up and down her back.
“It’s okay darling, we know you studied and tried. It’s going to be okay. We all need help from time to time. We can talk about this later, but right now I want to take you home and have you rest. I’ll even put on Winnie the Pooh or Bluey for you. Does that sound okay?” Nick promised with Hazel, picking at the red skin but nodded as she stood up grabbed her backpack, and walked out with Nick, hiding her face walking out of the classroom and into the car.
The car ride was silent with her not saying anything and vice versa. Once they were home, Hazel went upstairs and collapsed on her bed. The TV turning on to Bluey initially but the opening hurt her ears, so she changed it to Winnie the Pooh. Zoning in and out of that space. Nick knew that Hazel’s problems were big but he didn’t know how to face it or what he was going to tell Charlie.
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Jane's Pets Chapter 92: Powerful
TWs in the tags
At first, you and Kitty thought Jane was forgetting to drug Kitty, but it quickly became obvious it's very intentional. It's been three days since their last dose and they are definitely feeling the effects.
Jane takes them down into the basement every day. She sees how bad they're doing, she sees the withdrawal. She knows, and she's doing this on purpose. And Kitty is overjoyed.
They tried to hide how happy they were at first, worried that if they showed how much they preferred withdrawal to being drugged Jane would go back to drugging them regularly. But even when they slipped up, she didn't seem to care. Kitty thinks she's waiting for it to get bad enough that they beg for the drug, and that she'll be waiting a long time.
"I mean, withdrawal only gets worse for so long, right? And if this had a risk of killing me, or at least a higher risk than the other stuff Jane does, she wouldn't do it, cause that would be too painless of a way to die. So I have until she realizes that I'm not going to beg for it, which can be quite a while if I play my cards right, maybe exaggerate how bad it is… she probably wouldn't fall for that, especially now that I've said it out loud, but still!"
They're the happiest you've seen them in a long time. Since before you left with Barron, Diya, and Ray, actually…
Unfortunately, that doesn't mean they're doing well. It just shows how absolutely miserable they were while being drugged that this is preferable.
You don't think Kitty has been still once in these past few days, at least ever since the last remnants of the drug left their system. They are constantly shaking, constantly moving, mumbling to themself whenever they're not talking to you. They've been assigned two buckets by you and Puppy, one to carry around for when they throw up and one for when that one is being cleaned. If either of you touches Kitty at all they completely flip out, screaming about how no one respects them, no one cares about what they want and everyone just touches them for their own selfish gratification, caring more about appearing to be comforting than what they actually want-
And despite it all, they insist that this is better than being drugged. That they hope the withdrawal lasts a long time so they get longer to be themself.
You can't help but agree. They have more moments of misery, but more moments of joy too. You would like to help them slowly wean off the drug, to not have to deal with these symptoms while still coming back to themself, but that's not an option. Out of two very shitty options, this one is ever so slightly better.
You try to ignore the obvious: there's no light at the end of this tunnel. When the withdrawal symptoms get better, they'll be put back on the drug and back to freaking out about if they're even a person instead of freaking out over being touched. But that's okay. You'll be taking a sledgehammer to the walls of this metaphorical tunnel soon enough.
You're thinking about it all the time. If you could get some kind of weapon inside of her body, something that could destroy her over and over again so that even with instant healing she can't hurt anybody, and she wouldn't be able to teleport it out…
But you don't have anything like that. And to cast a spell that continues forever would have a high cost, you're sure. You'd be willing to pay almost any price, but you think you should explore your other options first. Preparing a spell like that would take a long time, and you want to get out of here as soon as possible.
You need to know why she's immortal. Maybe you could convince Jane to tell you? She did say that if you think you can figure out a way to kill her that she hasn't already tried, you should tell her…
Jane is powerful, but so are you, and it's only a matter of time before you find a way to get rid of her. Next time she's around, you'll ask her. What's the worse that could happen? 
Puppy is near sick with worry about Kitty. They're only getting worse. Before, she could stomach it, even though it was awful, because Kitty was themself and choosing not to beg for the drug. She thinks she would choose differently, but that's okay. Kitty's allowed to be different, and if this is what they prefer she'll do her best to keep them safe while it's happening.
Except they just had a seizure and that's fucking dangerous and Master might actually kill them this time, what the hell is she thinking??
When the fever first started Puppy was worried, but still willing to respect their wishes. But they just keep getting more and more confused, and then they had a seizure, and that's not okay, she can't let this keep happening!
She briefly considers taking off her muzzle and collar just to tell Ja- Master that this isn't okay, that she can't let Kitty kill themself because they're having this battle of wills, but then she thinks of the last time she spoke without permission to save Kitty's life, of burning hot barbed wire all over her body, and she just… can't. Master said if she spoke without permission again, she would never see Kitty again. And speaking without permission is the whole reason she's muzzled and not even allowed to hum anymore. No, she can't do that. 
So what can she do? Kitty is going to die without this drug. She can't let that happen, even if it would end their suffering, because she's too selfish. She can't let them die.
Bunny is terrified too. They'd agreed to have Puppy watch Kitty tonight since she doesn't have permission to sleep, with Bunny sleeping on the floor by Kitty's bed in case Puppy needed any help. And fuck, if he hadn't been there, if she hadn't been able to shake him awake to see what was happening, no one else would know about the seizure. She wouldn't be able to tell anyone. 
"She's not taking them into the basement today." Bunny says, his eyes dark. As if he has any control over that. He's so angry lately, responding to scary things with threats and promises he has no chance of keeping. It's going to get him in trouble. Anger is only a liability here. But she has bigger things than that to worry about right now.
She needs Kitty to beg for the medicine. That's the only way Master will give it to them, and therefore the only way for them to survive. She grabs their face, forcing them to look at her, and then mimes taking a pill.
They stare at her blankly, rubbing their face where she grabbed them.
"I think Puppy wants you to start taking the pills again." Bunny says softly. Puppy nods in confirmation, pleading with her eyes. Please, I can't watch you die. I can't lose you.
Without thinking, Puppy strikes them across the face. Bunny and Kitty stare at her in shocked horror.
It doesn't matter. They can hate her, it doesn't matter, so long as Kitty's alive. She mimes taking a pill again.
"'m sorry." Kitty mumbles. "Didn't know- didn't know she told you to make me. If I'd known I wouldn't have…" I wouldn't have made you have to hit me.
Bunny reaches out and takes her hand. "Right, you wouldn't have done that if you didn't have to. We understand."
Puppy forces down a twinge of guilt. That's useless here. She did the right thing, because now Kitty is going to beg for the pills and survive and that's all that matters. That's all that matters.
She continues to take care of Kitty until sunlight starts to come through the window and Master comes to take them downstairs.
"Please… please give me my medicine."
Tears run down Kitty's cheeks. "Please, I want the withdrawal to end, I want you to drug me again, please."
Master grins. "Well of course! All you had to do was ask."
She comes to Kitty's side and gives them the pill. Puppy is so relieved she could cry.
"Now, we still have our project to work on-"
"Jane." Oh no. Bunny's going to do something stupid. "Can I talk to you in private for a moment?"
Master raises her eyebrows. "For a moment."
She walks out of the room instead of teleporting, and Bunny follows her.
They walk far enough away that she can't eavesdrop through the door, and she doesn't want to leave Kitty alone, so she doesn't know what Bunny and Master are talking about. Probably Bunny's insistence that Kitty won't go in the basement today.
Kitty has buried their face in their pillow, crying softly as they wait for the drug to kick in. Puppy has more trouble forcing the guilt down, this time.
She did what she had to do. She did…
It felt good. Horrible, but good too. She felt… powerful.
This is a dangerous habit to start. She hates herself so much it threatens to consume her, and she can't push it down no matter how hard she tries. She did what she had to. She didn't do because she thought it would feel good, she did it to keep Kitty alive. She did what she had to.
She grabs a pillow from Kitty's bed and joins them, trying to keep her crying quiet enough that it won't set off the collar.
A/N: Let me know if I should tag anything else, or if you want to be added to or removed from the tag list! Five more chapters before the start of season 4 :)
Tag list: @eatyourdamnpears @whump-in-the-closet @scp-1296 @thecosmicmap @quins-whump-stuff
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Just read that one post on how to REALLY escape from Breg and YIKES the hurt on that one. Like, the dudes getting captured and taken back to the same hell hole he escaped from begging and pleading for YOUR help only to see you just. There. With the other staff. LIKE MY GOD. Dude when i read that i was like YIKESS. That musta stung. Bad.
Like I remember reading another post bout what would happen if Breg was recaptured and how he literally killed himself while thinking of you and how happy he was that he met you and managed to live his life. I’m gonna give props to you cause you ended that post PERFECTLY. How in his final moments he’s thinking of how beautiful you are and how lucky that is like thats fucking heartbreaking.
So imagine when he was getting recaptured, he fucking sees you just talkin to the staff so calmly and the real choker is how you look so… relieved? Like I can’t say this enough but OUCH. Can’t tell what his reaction would be but it’s hurt. A lot of hurt. Like I’m sure he’d be too sad and heartbroken and betrayed to be angry. Maybe angry later, But now? In disbelief and is absolutely devastated. Like all this time you were lying, faking everything? When he thought you loved him when really you just put up with him hoping for the day to get rid of him.
That’s so fucken awful. Cause like ya said (i think) he’d rather die than go back to the facility. So no doubt he’s gonna off himself again all while thinking of what you did. Like god that’s a real stinker. Can’t imagine how that felt. Mans gonna be a whole explosion of emotions, Too overwhelmed to handle it all because he’s just thinking of you you you.
Overall, Props to you. You really know how to write some angsty shit. Like genuinely you write really well done! Because truthfully I’ve been binging to Yer Breg tag and i loved him and all your posts! Can’t wait to get a start on your other works, Got my eye on Morell so i might check him out later lol
Ah, this post and this one.
TW: Heavy angst, mentions of murder and suicide.
It would take so long for him to process it, it really would. One moment, his brain starts trying to close that bubble all over again, trying to erase these last few parts of your relationship and pretend that you really did love him, that what you had was real and beautiful- But then, then this wave of endless fury just consumes him, and the need to kill you keeps rising.
If Breg ever got his hands on you, it would be the ugliest scene imaginable. He's sick over the fact that he can't stop craving your love yet knows what a piece of shit you really are- There's a good chance he'd fuck you to death. Fortunately, he's never making it out again. Count your blessings. And thanks to his initial outbursts courtesy of your betrayal, he'll probably remain restrained all the time, so he can't hurt anyone including himself. Suicide isn't an option anymore.
Not without his teeth, with a stump of tail, declawed and perpetually chained to the wall even inside his own isolated cell. Swallowing your own tongue is a lot harder than it looks, you know? His days are spent wailing, haunted by visions of you even as those hellish fucking pumps drain his cocks for hours at a time. If he had the opportunity to see the other groups of captive breeders, subject M197 would let himself fall to the floor and wait for them to viciously tear him apart, but he knows he'll never be given that mercy.
Even if Breg has dreams of dragging your open skull through miles of asphalt-
At the end of the day, he knows he'll do anything if it meant having you back, you finally accepting him. Everyday his body collects new scars and deformities from his futile attempts at fighting back, his sanity peels apart like rotten wallpaper, and he knows that if you didn't love him then you'll never love him now... But it's the only thing he sees when he spaces out anyway.
Because his brain won't move on, refuses to. Delusion has always been his cope, why would this be any different?
[Thenk! It's always been easier for me to write angst than fluff, I like keeping things dark :7. Morell is one of my favorites, hope you like that nutty fuck.]
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