#i hate being an adult tho it’s like there’s too many things you have to do that you never have the time to do the shit you want to do like
jemmo · 2 years
welp the end has come summer is over i return to the real world tomorrow i can no longer pretend it’s not happening.
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kodamaghost00 · 5 months
30 Roxanne Wolf Headcanons
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This post will contain: NSFW,Sfw,Fluff,Smut
It’s also Genderless for the girls,gays and theys! You are a Technician in these scenarios!
Let’s begin!
She’d call you “Champ” or “Cutie”. She would call you other nicknames based on your name too.
You’re the only one who’s allowed to touch her hair and tail. Everyone knows that.
She likes watching Adult Cartoons such as Helluva boss or Hazbin Hotel.
She purrs while you cuddle her.
Her love language is being mean to you. She’ll tease you with “idiot” and “baby” just to see you get pissed off.
She’s aggressive and dominant in bed. No matter if you want to be in control.
She’s also very jealous and protective of you. If she sees you simping for anyone she’ll make you regret that by loving you all night.
Even though she LOVES to talk about herself she’d never stop you from talking about your day.
You help her often with her makeup and she also helps you out with the Parts and services stuff. Like moving around heavy boxes.
When you do maintenance on her she almost bit you once. She apologized over and over again but in the after hours you still heard her blaming herself.
She said to you once “I am the best. But you’re a close second, champ.” She smiled sweetly at you and you did the same. It was her own way of saying she loves you.
You,Chica and Roxy also have many fun memories! Since Chica is Roxy’s best friend you three love each others company.
Roxy is definitely into BDSM. She loves to see you drool over her. The desperation in your eyes turns her on badly.
There was a time before you two were close. You heard her often doubting herself. You knocked on the door to her green room “Roxy? Are you alright?” She looked at the door, hesitating to say something.
She just screamed in frustration “YES IM FINE. NOW GO AWAY!”. You stand there not wanting to go away just yet. “Look Roxy… I don’t want you to feel forced to anything but…” you had a small pause “You can always talk to me y’know?”
She was hesitant but as soon as she heard you walk away she sprinted to the door and opened it. “…Can you come in for a second…?” wich you did. She talked about her doubts while her head lays on your lap and you caressed her hair.
She has a hilarious laugh wich makes you laugh along every time.
She initiated your first kiss. She pinned you against a wall with a leg between your thighs. She looks at your lips then to your eyes. Your heart is racing. “May I?” She asks. You quickly nod and you guys kiss.
She hates it when you make her wait too long. She loves trying out other aesthetics and fashion styles. But she enjoys her original look the most.
“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?” You ask her as she cuddles you. “Let me think…. Yes. Definitely yes cutie~” you blush as she nuzzles her snout into your neck. She loves making playlists for you. It’s a simple thing but it means so much to her since she only does it for her loved ones.
If she ever sees you wearing her merch she’ll stand in front of you flabbergasted. Mouth gaping. Drooling. “It looks so much better on you champ…”
She loves to show you off to the others. She’ll make everyone jealous cause she’s the one who gets to love you.
Even tho she is mean to everyone she has a love for the older kiddos (9-12 years old). She enjoys pep talking them into having more self esteem.
You guys cuddle so much that you even fell asleep in her arms one time… you basically missed a whole shift-
You enjoy her overprotective attitude. Once a Karen tried to attack you and she jumped and grabbed you. Holding you close to her chest she growled at the Karen.”Back off lady.”
She fixes her hair and makeup every hour to look perfect.
In her solos on stage she always sings Rock songs.
Once you told her that you were insecure about yourself and she just looked at you in disbelief and said “You? You mean the only person who’s on my level of pretty? Nha, I don’t think you should worry about anything cutie.”
Perfect! Now that I’ve done the main 4 I might do the other ones next? Let’s see how it goes. And once again thank you all for reading my post. Have a wonderful day/night!
- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
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gilly-moon · 4 months
(SPOILER ALERT! I Did Not Like It)
It has been 16 long years since I first picked up The Lightning Thief, and once again...I am faced with an adaption of one of my favorite books that is so painfully disappointing. And now that the tv show is completely out, it's time to purge the collection of thoughts I compiled on it:
Starting on one of the (few) positives, the cast was incredible. I know for a FACT that they are all wonderfully talented individuals, and I aim all of my gripes with their acting at the directors and writers.
So much telling. So little showing. Stop explaining the plot and the mythology to me. SHOW it to me. Explain later only when necessary.
And yet, some things weren't explained at all! I know, as someone who read the books, what blue food means to Sally and Percy. But the show never explains its significance. To the unknowing watcher, it's just a weird quirk, not a small rebellion between a woman and her kid against the life they're stuck in. It baffles me what the writers chose to over explain versus under explain. There's no clear reason for either behavior, and it permeates the writing in a bad way.
There's also a lot of the kids just being dragged from point A to point B by an outside force, rather than their own actions. They never really felt alone or even in danger on their quest, because gods kept showing up to help them along. I did not like that.
These kids aren't allowed to be kids. I stg you could make them teens or young adults and the dialogue/their actions would be the same. That's not good.
Why do they always have all of the information!!!?? They immediately know it's Medusa. Echidna introduces herself and they immediately know who she is and that it's a Chimera in her bag. They immediately know what the Lotus casino is. Why? It makes the stakes feel so low, rather than the mad dash scramble in the books that happens a lot when characters have to remember the myths and how to beat a monster mid-fight. And it makes all these scenarios so boring!!!
Also so many of the fight/chase scenes were boring or anticlimactic. The only good ones I can think of were in the first two episodes, and then one with Ares. Someone actually slipped in some good choreo in those few fights, but completely forgot to add it in to....the rest of the show....
There's very little about the show that feels magical. CG is used, obviously, but at times it feels like they should've gone further with it, or used it even more, and they just....didn't. The visuals end up feeling clunky and not very cohesive, with zero whimsy. Hate to make this comparison, but the Harry Potter movies were VERY good at showing the lines between the magical world and the muggle world, and the tension that occurs when the two interact. There is....none of that in the PJO series. Zip. Zero. And the mythological CG that is there is more often than not static or boring.
Break for a positive! I actually really liked that Percy was learning mythology from Mythomagic. The show wasn't really consistent on that point - saying it was his mom instead most of the time - but that was such a fun and clever way to work in the card game and make it plot-relevant. As someone with ADHD, I can confirm I would also learn mythology WAY better if it was for my favorite game.
Ok back to the negatives - Wtf is up with the portrayal of the gods? For one, they're boring to look at. Nothing about their designs makes them feel 'godly' and while that's ok with some gods (Hermes for one, tho I have issues with his weird beige sweat suit look) why is Ares just some regular ass biker dude? Where are the flaming eyes?? And radical skin-leather bike?? He couldn't even have a CUSTOM bike with red bloody paint and boar heads and chain link handles or something???
And the gods are way too fucking nice. Sorry. I don't have an issue with Hermes being nice but. Ares having a heart-to-heart with Grover? When his presence is supposed to stir everyone up into a rage? And Hephaestus sees Annabeth refuse to give up on her friend and just goes 'awww, ok, you and Percy can go, and take my rival's shield back to him too cause I'm just so nice.' Sorry, no. I'm fine with gods being helpful - Hephaestus helps (reluctantly) in the later books. But it was at a price! A favor for a favor! Not a 'get out of jail free' card just because he was moved by normal ass human compassion!!
Hades gets his own bullet point because who the fuck was that. As a child of Hades, I'm offended that this sweet fruity guy just wanders up and goes 'hey, how's it going, wanna snack?' like, that is NOT my dad. My dad had skeleton soldiers filling his halls and a garden of jewels and a voice so loud it rattled the whole Underworld. Whoever that was in the show was a pathetic imitation.
The point of the first series is to work up to Percy throwing it in the gods' faces how awful and neglectful they've been of demigods and specifically their own children. Demanding that they do better. But if they're already showing compassion and 'humanity' in the context of the first book/first season of the tv show....Percy starts running out of ammo against the gods. There's no coherent story progression where Percy spends years seeing the worst of the gods and the best of them at very distinct, important times of his life and his story. It no longer feels like a massive change they have to make in the system, something that deserves a godly favor for Percy to demand of them. Luke no longer feels like his fury at the gods is wholly justified. The whole series begins to crumble because the gods already have a good reason for being how they are, rather than being thoroughly selfish assholes who only dote on demigods when they do something really cool. And the exceptions are presented at intelligent moments that prove to Percy when he most needs it that the gods can be better, they just need a forceful push to get there.
That being said, where was Percy getting the info that the other gods were feeling scared and abused by Zeus? I love the balls on this kid, but like...when did he make these assumptions and why? That whole scene felt really unearned.
Also Olympus was BORING. And EMPTY. And DARK. It looked like we were just back in the Underworld. Which. The Underworld was fucking boring too. Some neat visuals, sure, but put that in some high fantasy show. Not this one.
One last positive before my final point - there were some pretty good jokes scattered around. Not nearly enough, but I did really enjoy the Dionysus introduction and a handful of lines from Percy. Also releasing the animals in Vegas - Grover being like 'oh, you were worried about the humans' got me good.
The final word that kept spinning through my head after finishing episode 8 was: Pathetic. Luke's betrayal was pathetic. No deadly scorpion. No commitment to that period of time in the books we were convinced he really was evil. And Gabe just stumbling on the package with Medusa's head in it? PATHETIC. Percy outright asked his mom if she was being abused in the book, and she took fate into her own hands to statue-ify that bastard. But no. The show was through-and-through just a pathetic, watered-down version of an incredibly fun, emotional, brutal, exciting series of books. I know there was a lot of heart behind this production, but I did not feel it at all. But what else should I have expected from modern Disney?
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elliespuns · 20 days
I understand you, I'm also disappointed with the actress choices. Bella because: 1) she doesn't even resemble ellie a bit, 2) I agree that she's a great actress but there are so many great actresses out there that could have convince us more that she's ellie (and no, I love ashley but Idc what she said about bella, she has her opinion and we have ours. End.)
And I also don't really like the actress choice for dina, for the same reasons someone have put it out. It's like they chose the whitest-looking latina girl to be dina and that's it (who by the way doesn't even looks like dina), amd something I really like in HBO is that they give chance to new or not-recognized-yet actors: Daenerys from Game of Thrones is an example for that, she have never acted before game of thrones but HBO really had a gold finger when they chose her. Same with pedro pascal, game of thrones was the spotlight he needed to be more famous. But Isabela? I have seen that girl so many times, I'm already tired of her face. And even tho she doesn't resemble a little girl, she doesn't look like an young adult either, watching them and bella is gonna by like watching some teenage netflix movie. (like bella) Where are the unexpected choices, the originality?
Nothing will get out of my head that katie Douglas or Kaitlyn Dever. For Dina, Paolina Van Kleef or Melissa Barrera would have been good choices - and I bet there was even better options if they had made the effort to search.
As I said so many times, I don't mind that Bella doesn't look anything like Ellie (even though I am aware of that), because I think they are a great actress and they've done an excellent job at what they've been given. 
What I always had a problem with was what the creators did to Ellie as a character. They made her a completely different person in some aspects, and there are some things I just can't forgive the creators for because I know they did it to foreshadow what was coming, and it was just lazy writing and nothing else.
The best part about the game was that we got this sweetheart of a girl with a foul mouth to fall in love with only to find out what a strong, badass, killing machine she's going to turn into in a few years. Nobody prepared us for it, and it was one of the best things about Part 1 connecting Part 2. What they did in the show was basically spoiling S2 Ellie for us with the 'violent heart' comment, which she doesn't have in the first place, but okay, let those who never played the game believe it. 
I remember being happy about Isabela getting the role because, when I looked her up, she seemed like a good choice for Dina. Then I found out some people were having real problems with this choice because the actress was not Jewish and wanted Dina to be portrayed by someone who is to embrace the role. This was something I never considered before because I wasn't educated enough on the subject, but still, I was not here to hate or dislike this choice. I am entitled to have an opinion, and the only opinion I've ever had was that in some way Isabela looks too young, and it would be better if they made her look a bit older for the later parts (I can't really imagine her looking so young in Ellie and Dina's farm era). But then again, if they'll give us some scenes of Ellie and Dina meeting when they arrived in Jackson, then her young appearance is perfect for the role of 16 year old Dina.
I don't know Isabela Merced at all. I never really heard of her until they cast her as Dina. So, (again) I won't judge. I have no idea what she is like as an actress, so I'll wait to see what she's going to give us in the show. 
Hopefully they'll make the girls look a little older, because who's gonna believe that these 'kids' are going to be able to take down everyone who gets in their way on their own?
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secretelia · 4 months
I wanted to do a HOFAS Review bc i've seen so many opinions of this book... Beware spoilers!
Okey, first of all, my rating for this book: 4.5 ⭐️ I LOVED IT!
Sorry to everyone who hated it, i just couldn't. I loved it! Even tho i do have some things to say. Let's start on the story itself (plot, writing style...):
The plot to me was good, even tho at some points a lil bit too dense. But I really enjoyed seeing how the whole story that started in book one ended. I really liked how everything was tied up and how all those things that appeared in book one actually made sense now in book three. Again, at some points it became difficult to follow, but in the end everything made sense.
Bryce and Hunt's romantic story. I love them! Bryce was a little annoying at some point, but i totally get what she was trying to say/do. It's unfair to say that she doesn't care for Hunt bc she looked past his trauma. She didn't! She was dealing with a lot of stuff and maybe her first reaction wasn't good, but she realized her mistake and just asked him to finish what he started! Plus, all of you saying they don't have a connection... Be fucking for real. Their love is so pure and so mature! They're adults navigating difficult times and it SHOWS.
Ruhn and Lidia uggggggh absolutely love them! To me, Lidia was THE character on this book. Love her development, her relationship with Ruhn and overall her character. I wished we would have had a lil bit more of Ruhn pov, tho.
Tharion i love u idc what everyone says you're my fav fish<3
I really liked that it wasn't a different pov each chapter and that it was mostly bryce's and hunt's pov. But sometimes it got weird the pov changing in the middle of the chapter, it was like "wait what?" kinda situation. But overall I enjoyed it.
The ACOTAR crossover!!!! Loved it! Love to see that Nesta and Azriel became good friends and I looooooooove to see Nesta as a warrior. So powerful! She's my baby and I'm so excited bc it looks like we're getting another acotar book for her, can't fucking wait. I would have liked a little bit more of Feyre and also I was expecting for them to go help Bryce and have an epic final battle scene with the ACOTAR characters, but i'm not mad that didn't happen.
Now, for the things i didn't like:
Ithan's pov. Sorry, it was just boring! Let it go already omg... So annoying. Plus i didn't get the whole sigrid situation. It just felt like Sarah didn't remeber she existed in CC2 and didn't know what to do with her in CC3. All that "new fendyr heir" talk over and over again just to have her killed? Don' get it! It seemed like she would be Ithan's love interest and suddenly we have another character out of the blue named perry that's being set up with him... Weird.
Ariadne? What happened to her? She left the vyper queen and poof, gone. She appears at the end to tell tharion that going back to the meat market is a stupid decision and then disappears again... Ok. It was weird.
Sathia! What happened to her? Again, it seemed like the character was bothering Sarah and she didn't know what to do with her... So she set up the whole ex situation and byebye. And Flynn didn't even think to ask where the fuck his sister was? It was just so random.
This is just a curiosity, but i realized that Bryce said Rhys looked exactly like Ruhn, but then Ember didn't say anything about it when she first met Rhys... Sarah just probs forgot but i found it weird.
That bonus chapter with nesta and ember... OMG a lot of thoughts on that. I love Nesta, but I'm mad about Rhys tearing her apart, like he just knows that feyre would have done exactly the same thing as nesta, cmon😭 Also i love Cas, even though i'm a lil mad that he always sides with rhys so boldly and i would love for nesta to address that on the next acotar book.
Overall, it was a good book and i really enjoyed it!
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kandyzee · 3 months
HEY GUYS, THIS IS A MASSIVE RANT. I SENT MY FRIEND, thought u guys might wanna see it too 😜 cause it's about the Gallagher sisters, mainly 😘😘 IT PROBS DONR ALL MAKE SENSE anywayyy
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Something I really like in shameless is how well the woman characters are written. The ones that we are meant to hate (Karen and sammi) are very good at making us hate them without their actions making no sense yk. They ain't just doing crazy shit so that u hate them they are just deeply flawed people. When Karen has her whole emo phase that makes sense to me. She's a clearly mental ill girl who has suffered alot. Yeah she cuts her hair and dyes it she makes bad choices but in a way that makes sense for her. I hate sammi for what she did to Ian and mickey but she had a reason. Sammi had her child taken away from her ofc she's gonna act a irrationally.
I reallyyy like Debbie and Fiona. They get alot of hate but I really think that'd because they don't take time to understand the characters. They aren't made to be hated but they are strong minded woman so ofc they get hate. One of the main cristisms of Debbie's character is that she is unappreciative, selfie and a bad mother . Debbie is a little rude, but the other stuff just makes no sense. Fiona gives alot of raise her siblings and Debbie shows she values that from the start of the show. She is constantly trying to look out for fiona because even at a young age she understood that fiona didn't have anyone to help her. Debbie (same as fiona) takes on alot of responsibility from a young age. You would think that the person who went through something that fiona can very much relate to would understand her right? It's crazy to me that so many people don't think that. The fact that Debbie takes on so much responsibility shows she isn't selfie and it shows she values fiona because she has always be willing to help. Debbie does do bad things ofc that's the point of the show but if u compare it to some of the male characters (like Frank who has done terrible things) the hate she gets is extremely disproportionate.
Fiona gets alot of hate for her relationships and that she is always "demanding praise". There is alot of valid criticism of fionas parenting that can be made such as her reactions to Ian being in a relationship with Jimmy Steve's dad or the fact she left Liam when she leaves the show. First I wanna talk about how she is "always demanding praise". I think that is very easily explained as that she didn't get any her whole childhood. Fiona had to start looking after her siblings as younge as 5 and even then she had to hear Frank dismiss her work for years. We know fiona was good at track and was in team at school but she had to drop out of school so she no longer had academic validation either. To her she had to give up everything to raise her siblings her childhood was taken from her it makes sense she wants to feel appropriated. Now the more interesting one to me. How fiona handles relationships, this will be alot of me guessing what her childhood was like cause we get hardly enough information
Fiona from the first season is presented as a 'slut' (I HATE THAT WORD) and given that she did have so much adult responsibility as a little girl I don't think it's far off to think that she falls into the "girl who thinks she's mature for her age and dated older men" pit. The fact that she so thinks Ian and ned is "just sex" enough tho ned is fucking dinosaur kinda strengthens that idea for me. She thinks it's normal for Ian because it was normal for her. Given that fiona wasn't getting parental or academic validation I can see her finding it through sex and less than healthy relationships. That why i think she goes back to Jimmy Steve when she knows he's not good for her, thats why she sleeps with her boss and his brother. Unhealthy and bad relationships are what she grew up with.
This kinda makes me wanna talk about how Debbie and fiona are just so similar. They have lots of shared experiences and often make the same mistakes/ choices. Debbie also finds herself in unhealthy relationships. Plus, they are both queer (ik fiona isn't canon, but we all remember Jasmine fiona is defo bi ). Fiona sadly is unable to keep her little sister from becomes in some ways like her. I think Debbie sees that. she has always understood fiona, so when she's starting to take a more "motherly " roll for the Gallaghers, she probably sees that she's the "new fiona". Unlike fiona tho Debbie has a real chance of giving franny a better life than her, franny doesn't have to grow up in a home where every one is fighting for themselves as much as they fight for each other. Franny won't take up so much responsibility like fiona and Debbie. THIS IS WHY SAYING DEBBIE IS A BAD MOTHER IS FUCKING STUPID.
ANYWAY, fiona isn't a perfect parent because she's not a parent. She's an older sister. She can't fill that role even if she did do everything right. Debbie isnt selfie, she grew up too fast and understands fiona to a level where that's enough, she doesn't always need to outwardly tell fiona "she's so thankful" "she's so proud" because she just gets it. Karen and sammi are well written characters.
Ofc I like Karen a whole lot more than I sammi. Karen actually means so much to me. She's gets even more hate then Debbie like ik that's the purpose of her character but I feel like they hating her for the wrong reasons. AND THUS IS ME ONLY TALKING ABOUT FI AND DEBBIE SO TELL ME IF U WANT TO KNOW ABOUT MANDY AND SVET OR LIKE KAREN MORE
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fallen-gabrielle · 28 days
Presidential AU doodles dump
I'm gonna throw all of my doodles I made so far for the presidential AU. There's some spoilers for the fic (that is still under work) so beware 👀
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This is a redesign for Adult!Abigail Lincoln/Prisoner 5 because I absolutely HATE what they did to her in the episode >:V She wears a prisoner outfit and it is blue indeed. She misses an eye (you can "thank" Nigel for that).
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This is Lucy, Nigel and Rachel's daughter. She has powers like her father.
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I designed 86 and 60's daughter (yes i know i misspelled the name, it was late, and i'm too lazy to take another picture)
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Leopold misses the days his family was whole. While he is brave most of the time, he still cries about his missing mom. Shirley, while his family being massively dysfunctional, still wishes for them to be normal.
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Some more angst for Shirley. His parents are not that much concerned about him tho (well, at first 👀)
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At first, Shirley will hate to have similar powers to his dad, but at some point he will learn to accept them. Also, Wrath!Nigel for your soul 👀 And he will really really not be happy once he'll find out about Lizzie lying to him for all these years. Shirley will sneak into her prison to free her and have a bittersweet/wholesome moment with her.
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Some self retrospective for Nigel 👀
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After a long walk of character development, Nigel got his redemption arc. You really don't want to be his enemy in this precised moment. Not telling who it is. Big spoil. Surprise. My lips are sealed.
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I'm keeping the whole NIgel/Kuki stuff for the end. You have the Fix the Tie™ "secret" sign (pretty much everybody would be able to pick them up, they're not that discreet). So many things are happening at the White House.
Next is the implied kinky stuff, so it's going under the cut. It's still not that bad but just in case people really don't want to see the implied stuff, I'm taking precautions.
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Just a regular family dinner at the White House.
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jitterbugjive · 2 months
I hate that people can easily find the stupid and shitty things I said and did over 5 years ago and jump to the conclusion that that's who I am, and there's no easy way for anyone to see all the efforts I've been making since then to NOT be that person. It's hard to find all my apologies and explanations because I didn't tag them all properly. I've tried time and time again to explain that I was mimicking the behavior bad adults gave me when I was growing up and that no one really called me out on that behavior until it was too late. I've tried to explain that since then I've been going through extensive therapy to separate bad learned behavior from who I want to actually be. There's so much more to this whole story than what one small chunk of the internet is making it out to be. People who actually know me know that this has been eating me up constantly and that I am always living in fear of losing everything to this drama.
especially since some of that info takes quotes out of context, jumps to conclusions that aren't true, or flat out lies about what certain artworks are depicting or meaning to convey (Like claiming a grown ass adult is a child even tho I have proof the character looks totally different as an adult than as a child, or claiming that a shock piece meant to make people reel back in horror was a fetish when it was not at all that)
It takes clips of things without the full picture and puts words in my mouth.
Here's a little something about how I used to talk about sore subjects: I would make a controversial sounding statement, but then I would explain myself in a way that would show the statement wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be. A lot of the time they just take that bad statement and paste it for the world to see, without giving any of that context of me explaining why I said that and why it's not what it sounds like.
I wish people were smart enough to spot cherry picking when they see it, but they just aren't. They'll see one sentence, and someone saying "look they're supporting this bad thing" and that's all they need to think that's what it is. People aren't smart enough to really ask questions and try to understand a situation, all they want is face value to tell them how to think and feel.
People aren't going to bother to listen to me because I'm "the bad guy" and I'll "say anything to cover my ass".
Listen, if I was really that horrible of a person, don't you think there would be more evidence out there that is very clear and blunt and not just making assumptions on what a thing means?
I'm never gonna sit here and say what I said and did wasn't wrong, it was, but it was not done because I was trying to be a terrible person or prey on anyone. It was because I was insanely misguided by someone who groomed me for 5 years since childhood and then abused me for another 3 in a really toxic relationship. And then I never got HELP for it, I never got therapy to cope with it, I never even realized until way later that 'holy shit this person was 7 years older than me and was taking advantage of me the whole time'. Like I knew they were abusive but adults being friends with children was so normalized in my head, and throughout my life many adults or older kids exposed me to things I shouldn't have been and it skewed in my head what was appropriate behavior or not. Or what was okay to draw or not. And a lot of my opinions were formed around this adult who convinced me things like loli/shota were fine as long as they were strictly made up, and he fed me a lot of nonsense about what does and doesn't make a predator to cover his own ass. I was seriously fucked up almost beyond repair for a long time.
I have a warning on my blog now that minors shouldn't be following me, I make it a point to not ever work with minors on projects or talk to a minor in any capacity beyond a fan to artist relationship. I understand now that it is my responsibility as a NSFW artist that I simply cannot have minors as friends. And being much older now I don't even want minors as friends anyway. When I was in my early 20s the age gap didn't feel as bad but I'm definitely feeling it now and I just don't want to deal with minors any more.
I'm not a danger to anyone, I'm not spewing apologetics for horrible people, I've been doing my best to be a much better and more informed person
And I have no easy way to prove any of it in a way that will matter
I'm only talking about this now because once again I was kicked out of something because someone found that old info and that was all it took. No one cares about my side of things.
And I don't know if this will ever go away
I don't know if I'll ever find any amount of comfortable success because I can't get rid of this shit and on the internet it doesn't matter how long ago you did something or how much you've changed, you did it and therefor you're bad forever.
I hate this shit so much.
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sholmeser · 6 months
THANK YOU finally someone here has a good take regarding the "haha barok and kazuma violently hate each other" thing?? ppl insisting that their dynamic post-game is always gonna keep being the exact same as when they're at their most extreme emotional states just... baffles me, especially since they're literally shown to be civil to each other right afterwards. it's Right There! idk why so many ppl ignore this! in general their circumstances are so unique that it's a huge disservice to boil them down just to being haters.. like yeah they're gonna be huge mess after everything, but not in the way that fandom usually potrays them. if kazuma fully hated the guy i don't think he'd insist on keeping the apprenticeship the way he did in game. sorry if any of this makes no sense, i have too much bottled up rage regarding fandom nonsense. nuance and character growth are nonexistent to people here
also scrolled through your other posts a tiny bit and i feel you, it truly is hard to be in this fandom and not be an as//ry liker, especially if you're a kazuma enjoyer. difficulty level: impossible. you're not alone tho! :')
sorry for leaving this in your inbox, hope you have a nice day/night!!
ANON….THANK U…..i feel like a big problem with the dgs fandom in particular is that they dont really consider how 2-5 affects character dynamics post-canon? because all the change is right there. ive talked about this but its like portraying kazuma’s relationship with ryuunosuke as Exactly The Same post-canon when it would be DRASTICALLY different despite them still loving each other very much, because ryuunosuke now sees all of kazuma. he was only seeing a very small part of who he was before, and his entire perception of his best friend got dismantled and replaced by a completely different one in a really short period of time.
the exact same is true for kazuma and barok: they have despised each other so deeply and irrevocably for a DECADE and now suddenly they have to accept the fact that nobody really did anything wrong. kazuma tried to send barok to his death, but he was doing it out of grief and rage built up over ten years. barok convicted genshin and that led to him dying, but he was young and naïve and grieving and being manipulated by stronghart the entire time. genshin killed klint but he did so honorably. klint was a murderer but all he wanted was to make his home a better place for the people in it. its all so complicated and nobody is completely innocent or completely at fault. everyone did something wrong for good reasons and everyone did something good for the wrong reasons. it’s too nuanced of a situation for them to truly go on hating each other the way they used to, because they’re both MATURE ADULTS who can understand the intricacies of the situation.
do i think they dunk on each other post-canon? i mean. yes. obviously. do i think they HATE each other, still, to this inane degree? no. obviously. their relationship is going to be strained. there’s literally no way that it wouldn’t be. but they respect each other, they hold each other in high regard, and they’re respectful. and it sucks because these changes in dynamics are literally SHOWN at the end of 2-5 but people just like. cant. comprehend them. like i just don’t get it. also if kazuma is going to hate anyone in the cast its going to be herlock like he fucking SHIPPED HIS AMNESIAC CORPSE TO CHINA and never apologized for it i would NOT be letting that go anytime soon
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loiswasadevil · 6 months
youre such a terrible fucking troll. youve got a lazy backstory, you "dont know" where your money comes from, you dont know what happened to your mom (tbh thats plausible, but unlikely), like youre seriously so bad at this HAHAHA. good run tho. i know you wont answer this bc you cant disprove, but u made me laugh so much. thank u frfr
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triocat · 2 years
Unpopular opinion
Khan is my favorite character and way too many people hate him.
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Look, I understand that he did do bad things like locking Uzi out for dead and caring about doors more than his daughter. But honestly, he could’ve been worst.
He did appear on that poster about how Uzi was a disappointment, but what we saw in his actions makes me think that was just a gag or even one of the other drones twisting his opinions about Uzi. In “Heartbeat” they did show that some of the adult worker drones do hate Uzi, whose to say that the other drones labeled that way on purpose?
I think there’s more his character than we originally thought. On that same poster about him talking about his daughter. If you look on the top of the text it said that Khan is a GUEST SPEAKER. The other posters talks about how he the top drone of the year, he is the mascot of the WDF, and he created the doors that protects them all from the disassembly drones. Heck! Thad says that drones usually associate Uzi with him! All of this leads me to a possible theory about Khan place in the colony.
He’s the highest rank drone in the whole colony! He’s top dog or at least a famous celebrity! (That’s just theory tho but still)
What does high level of status usually mean in a colony? High amount of responsibility.
He’s probably drowning in work and everyone looks up to him for protecting them from the disassembly drones. A lot of pressure is put onto him, so it’s kinda reasonable that he would be obsessed with doors thanks to that pressure. What’s also interesting is that the drones DO expect him to constantly work on the doors rather than spending time with his daughter, so there’s a possibility that he’s being somewhat guilted tripped to work.
Then there’s the whole case about shutting his daughter out. He’s mostly experienced with door and the only time he was known to fight is by a vague hint when he said that he put his wife out of her misery and when he threatened to install a door on the teacher’s face. No other drone except for Uzi has even survived an encounter with a disassembly drone, so of course he didn’t know what to do. He only knew that closing that door would save the rest of the colony but his daughter would pay the price.
Then when he saw Uzi after the fight, he doesn’t really respond at all. He definitely felt guilty for what he has done and lets his daughter call him out because he does believe he deserves it. Of course, this event was used as a joke in “Heartbeat” when he said “I left her for dead once.” But even after that comment he defended his daughter when the teacher even suggested that she was damaged. He is actively trying to do better in few minutes/seconds of screen time he has. In the pilot episode, even though later on we learned that the drones are dumb; I still think it’s sweet that he trusted his daughter words when she said that she wanted to check on door one even after he knew she does lie to his face”
I wanna make this clear. I DO understand that all of this doesn’t wipe out all the bad stuff he did. He’s a flawed character with little backstory and some of his decisions are questionable but I don’t think he deserves the level of hate people have for him.
TL:DR- Khan Doorman isn’t as bad as people make him out to be, and is actually a fairly decent guy having severe issues that he’s trying to work through.
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
Congratulations you have gotten me on the hating Stolas boat
Honestly I just wish they wrote the characters better because characters like Millie are really flat but has so much potential in her
But with the Stella stuff I don't think there's really anything you can do to make me like her because in my eyes at least Stolas and Stella have a mutually toxic relationship and they would both do better getting out of it and getting some fleshing out of their characters away from each other
Like if they had a proper breakup and addressed their issues then it could've been a good and interesting scene but it was just a song and then an argument for no reason
I'm a sucker for the song tho they had no business making Stolas' songs that fucking good and then making him such a shitty character
And there's such a big issue with the female characters being flat or just villains like come on do better with our girls
And through all this I still love the show
Hello m’dear welcome aboard 🏴‍☠️ I shall answer you in parts
Female characters 🚺: you are spitting facts and after how Seeing Stars handled Via and Loona it’s been explosively awful. I’ll always insist that Exes and Oohs should have been about Millie’s ex, her family life, develop more of her past, set the story in wrath. Even keep the inheritance and arranged marriage plot since Millie abandoned the farm, except it’s her sister being married off.
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Stella 🦢: liking a character or not is completely subjective and she’s been written as a hate sink (when the writer deliberately forces hate feelings onto a character) I kindve enjoy their toxic bickering actually. ⬇️⬇️ I like them in this scene and in Seeing Stars they were also pretty funny to laugh at rather than with
But yeah in Stolas’ Pity Circus? Stella is a kindergarten level written “abuser” who is not even half as morally bankrupt as our main characters especially not stolas himself
Owl in a Cage without the guilt: Have you ever heard it slowed down?
Now imagine him singing…slightly strained, slightly off key, passionately, breaking and voice cracking
teeming with spilled scorn and rage, filled with delusions of being led on unjustly by a temptress (but a guy)
Bring back the golden chains imagery, blitzos disgusted, offended, and terrified expressions cast into heart eyes by stolas’ red lenses (literal and figurative)
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Clutching his beloved imp doll and singing to it as if it were his actual impish little plaything
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Now that is a fucking thrilling villain song right there.
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⬆️ A children’s movie by the way, no reason an adult series can’t handle something dark like this. And who doesn’t find the insanity and disgusting passion of Hellfire an incredible performance?
As it is Stolas Speaks is just a massive waste of potential and gaslighting of the audience, DARVO the song.
🚨 Triggering - substance abuse 🚨
And please please for the love of anything don’t show your characters taking too many pills and then also being alcoholic without at least ten warnings and disclaimers on why you should never ever do these things—are they even going to comment on how the mood altering substances effect his energy and personality? Probably not. In which case the pills are nothing more than dramatic eye candy to rip rather than tug on the heartstrings, which makes the song even more sickening for me.
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goldenlavendered · 2 months
welcome to my enclosure I have many thoughts and doodles abt lila (shipping mostly)
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[ID in ALT!]
hc dump under cut (it gets LONGG lol)
anthro au specific but since my Skid & Lila are both cats, some nights they'll just sit in total darkness (bc cats can see in the dark). it is great and enriching for both of them.
adding onto that, ever since Pump started coming over they added some glow in the dark star stickers along the walls to help him find his way around :)
Lila is transfem to me . I don't need proof or elaboration this is just something I know in my heart /lh
she probably started transitioning pretty young, which is something she feels lucky for. her parents were supportive ^_^ !!
that being said, her parents were rather protective, and she didn't get out too much as a youngin.
-- that is why she was so lax with Skid going outside. she was kind of overcorrecting for that.
She was probably deep into alt fashion in college (elaborated on later)
Shipping Opinions:
I am just some guy on the internet, if you like a ship I don't, that's great and I love that for you! Live your life.
Goldenlavender (x Jaune): gestures at url. I think it is funny. also.
I feel like they've quietly been pining for a very long time now, but they've both been friends for so long and don't want things to change.
there's something quiet and unstated, but definitely there between them. they don't kiss or anything, but they hold each other really close and aren't too shy about being affectionate. you know?
women who are best friends.
also ross would finally have a parent who can pass off as a natural reason why he has black hair. he is beating the hair dye allegations!!!!!!
Grapecandy (x Kevin): I'll be honest right now. I keep thinking Kevin's, like, 17.
He isn't, I think. But I literally didn't even think of him as being a suitable option for her for a while LMAO
I think I can sum up all of the wagegang x Lila thoughts here: It just doesn't compel me, unfortunately. I don't see their potential dynamic as being particularly funny, or spawning interesting drama. Shrugs. Sorry!
specifically w Kevin though I think they would break up as soon as Skid is brought up LMAO. like he doesn't hate the kid but he isn't ready to be a stepfather imo.
(x Bob): Do they have a ship name? Anyw the age gap isn't my main issue with it. Lila's in her late 20s at the youngest, and they're both adults. I don't think anyone means tiny witch Lila when they bring this ship up anyways
nor is the stalking or attempted murder. I had a creepypasta phase, these behaviors are obviously Very Bad irl but they can be interesting to see in fiction. morbid curiosity and whatever.
My main issue is that their potential relationship is so much more interesting if it isn't romantic, you know? Like, how do they know each other? What was he to her? Why did she react so strongly to seeing him in her past? She seems eager to try to reject the idea that the man in the photo is him, but why? Was he important to her? Did she care about him?
TL;DR: I want more fics abt these two's relationship, but specifically non-romantically.
Deadflowers (x Patty): Not sure about this ship name. I don't see this one often. Anyw, I don't actually have any thoughts on Patty, so this is going to be super short.
I think they might have a nice time together on a date, but I don't think it could be anything serious.
Though, if they did.. overworked x overworked means they'll have to take care of the other, even tho it'll mean they call each other hypocrites for working so much all the time.
I could see it as a background/dressing ship, but not really as the focus of anything. sorry girls
Poisonwine (x Skid's Dad): I want to know more from onscreen canon first!!! But I think they could be super interesting!!!
The tweet that implies that he didn't care bout Lila is. hROUUUGH (<- thang whose heart is breaking). He didn't care, but did she know that? Did she care? I feel like she did..
There's no way Lila doesn't know about the cult. I'm a believer that she was a part of it herself until he died (the robes, "Remember Lila") ...Did she join because of her own beliefs, or because her husband was in it? Did he have to coerce her at all?
I think he was a good dad to Skid.
You may notice this is a lot of me dancing around what I actually think they're like. That's because I don't want to really solidify any specific readings of what's going on here. I am embracing the future with open arms!!
they're t4t tho this is non-negotiable /silly
RoyalPurple (x Carmen): this was supposed to have its' own section but now I'm making a fic with them so just. wait a minute there HAHAHA /silly
(& Streber): this is a Specifically platonic headcanon but I like to think they ve gone to the same university. They're definitely in diff strands, Streber to Engineering and Lila to Architecture, but they could've met through an org and just been pals.
They weren't suuper close or anything, but they were birds of a feather. Girl who goes to class with chokers and giant boots, and guy dressed like a victorian fantasy LARPer.
I think she sent him flowers or a get well card in the hospital :) [miserable hand shake between them abt being personally victimized by Bob]
The Ships That Don't Have Doodles
these will just be single bullet points!
(x F. Gregor): same comments as wagegang x Lila; doesn't compel me. Nothing's wrong with it, I just don't see it.
(x Dexter): this is only funny to me because I draw Lila and co as cats in the Anthro AU. he calls her a stupid bitch, we can move on.
(x Jack): I could see a onesided crush from his side, like "the lady who keeps calling is kinda cute" but I don't know if I could see it getting serious. she can give him a smooch if he wants, as a treat.
(x John): ok this one could actually be really cute. eatyourmaker's post abt Skid and John getting along is super adorable and I could maybe imagine Lila hitting it off with him after seeing how much he cares for Skid. maybe Skid plays matchmaker. this could work. I like it.
(x Ignacio): in the deleted scenes she tried to beat a teen to death for calling Skid a dumbass, I don't think she could get over the threats.
(x Fat Thief/Thin Thief): this could be funny if she was still mad at them for breaking in repeatedly. she doesn't seem threatened by them just irritated LMAO
(x Frank): childhood friends who don't really talk but are chill with each other. they're funny. I don't feel the romance tho. S&P's cool uncle
(x Pump & Susie's Parents): Pump & Susie officially get Skid as a brother AND they finally have one (1) parent who isn't always absent, just sometimes absent. other than as a background detail tho there's nothing here.
(x Mayor Evermore): they would ignore each other on the street on purpose
(x Moloch): he didnt get to but he WOULD call her a bitch.
(x Richard): poor man's Lila x Carmen
(x Spider): please let my girl beat the spiderfucker allegations.
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ryctone · 2 months
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Happy (late) birthday to Meringue Cookie who belongs to @minecraftninjerkid! The OC ever /pos. Didn't really know what to do so I drew her with her interdimensional half-brother (My beloved child Liege Waffle Cookie who I also put thru the horrors /j). I did the math and I realized that Liege Waffle would be older than Meri, that'd make for an interesting dynamic...
I also thought of a silly little alternate universe were they exist together, feel free to ignore tho 🥺.
So, if my memory serves right; Meri was born back when the old Vanilla Kingdom was already a thing, and since Liege Waffle was born around the time Pure Vanilla obtained his Soul Jam—meaning WAY before he was even a king yet—that'd make Liege Waffle at LEAST an older teen/young adult when White Lily reunites with the other Ancient heroes and announces she had Meri. Liege Waffle's mom (Apricot Cookie) had already passed away years ago and while PV loved her dearly, has unearthed the feelings he once had for WL, so he accepts the child and WL into his family.
Now, since Liege Waffle already had a lot of self-esteem issues by this point, with his father busy running the kingdom to make time for him and Liege not really connecting with the other heirs of the Ancients (Dark Choco and Royalberry)... Now, he has to deal with his apparent 'half-sister' that appeared quite literally out of nowhere, he view Meri as his 'replacement' and absolutely hated her guts for just existing in his home— he felt more alone than ever.
He didn't attend the weeding.
Liege Waffle spends the next few years at the Wafflebot Hangar and/or his personal laboratory tending to his inventions like he had always done, refusing to acknowledge WL as his 'mom' or even Meri as his 'sister' for that matter; PV tried to tell him he was acting unreasonable rude and that all of them were family now, but Liege Waffle continued to disregard them, and continued inventing more Wafflebots.
One day, little Meri managed to sneak into Liege Waffle's personal laboratory and breaks a prototype he was creating by accident. That made Liege finally snap at her and basically yelled "We may have the same father, but you aren't my sister and never was!". Meri runs in tears and next thing he knew he was being scolded like a child by PV and WL.
Around this time he also takes in Strawberry Crepe as his apprentice and just so happens that Meri stopped trying to get close to the Wafflebot Hangar to actually meet them... Mmh...
Then, the first Sugar Flare happened.
For the first time in forever, Liege Waffle feels another emotion towards Meri that isn't hate or spitefulness... But pity.
He sees how everyone starts to hate her—or rather, FEAR her, because of something even she doesn't understand. Almost like... Him. Everyone only sees him as a Wafflebot creating machine rather than a prince, only a tool that creates weapons to defend their home.
She was like him.
However, he realizes that a bit too late, because the Dark Flour War took everything away.
He has the fight™ with PV and gets send away with some other Vanillians to be put '''safely''' in a cryogenic pot and Meri gets put in the Moonstone that sealed Dark Enchantress.
While Meri would later get freed by Gingerbrave and co. and then her adventures as Emissary of Earthbread would unfold, Liege Waffle would remain in his frozen state inside the cryogenic chamber for much longer.
By the time he got found by Black Raisin, Espresso and Strawberry Crepe (between the end of Cookie Odyssey and the beginning of Dragon Quest) Meri would be fully grown and no longer the child he despised so much.
Probably many other things happen, probably his grudge against her would grow because of how important she had become while he got buried into obscurity. But, in the end... I think they could reconcile.
They'll be fine.
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nerves-nebula · 9 months
I've been into the ARG/Unfiction genre since like. 2015. And literally I've understood the hype around almost every unfiction project to some degree, EXCEPT for Mandela catalogue. Like. I've never understood the hype. Maybe it's just because I found it to feel very formulaic but like. Some of the faces used for this that are meant to be slightly unsettling are just,, not perfectly proportional and are badly lit?? Like literally that's it. Like there are real people who look like that. Fix the lighting and it's just gonna look like your neighbor of something. It's not very scary
But also like, for real? On your points abt how the series itself gives off A Lot if proto-fascistic messaging,
when I first watched it I was like "oh! That's the point! This is abt how fascist governments use media like TV to influence and misinform the public in service to facism and paranoia. Like these doppelgangers aren't actually real! They're just made up boogiemen to incentivize the public to turn on their neighbors/to attack people who are disfigured or disabled" and I thought that I finally was maybe getting why people found it interesting and that I had judged it too harshly
And then it wasn't that and instead was like "yeah no. There IS a secret boogeyman group who aren't (side eye to that) who are gonna steal your children via television (even Bigger side eye), and nearly off of them are just like, slightly photoshopped pictures of Real People but now they're just disfigured/disabled/literally just slightly non proportional features
This series could be very cool, but its just a thematic mess and is (intentionally or not) communicating a lot of facistic/eugenic sentiments
Idk if this anon is well phrased but like. You're so right it's unreal
LIKE. what is the POINT. half the "scary" ppl look like someone I'd see on the bus. the intruder looks like the homeless guy who asked me for bus fair a while back.
CRUCIALLY I don't think any of the bigotry was intentional, however it's SO thoroughly interwoven into Alex's worldview and the world he's created that it's like. at the fucking center of everything. it's insane to me how full grown adults analyze it on youtube and somehow manage to do that without comparing and compiling all the tropes it uses to make its point (whatever it's point even IS)
whenever me & my friend talk about it we somehow manage to keep tripping into different kinds of bigotry!! we'll be talking about ableism and how Adam's arc is very similar to many changeling tropes, which were (and to some extent still are, see: Star Children/Indigo Children) often used to abuse neurodivergent or mentally ill/disabled children. and we'll realize that Adam arc ALSO mirrors the Tragic Mulatto storyline too and it's like wow!! Two in one! you've done it so bad!!
a lot of the issues with it are small little things that could be excused as a coincidence- EXCEPT THERE'S SO MANY LITTLE THINGS THAT IT BECOMES IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE.
it's like- ok imagine this: you're having an interaction with someone and they do a microaggression at you, right? not outwardly bigoted, just kind of ignorant. and you're like, ok. fine. nobody is perfect, they probably didn't mean any harm. it's not worth kicking up a fuss about.
but if it keeps happening EVERY SINGLE TIME you talk to this person, it starts to build inside you and it's like. it's hard to even say why you hate them because you'd need to drag out every shitty tiny thing they've said and at that point you feel like maybe you're just being petty- BUT IT'S NOT PETTY IF IT HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE TIME AAA
ok sorry i started writing an essay again. i think my bud's gonna like this tho he's gonna be so happy other people did actually notice
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levinbolts · 9 months
we bought a zoo ass roundup under the cut (aka introducing 80% of my and my partner’s pets)
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sebastian (sebby!). 10yo. the favorite and is very aware he is the favorite. shy around strangers but very sweet and clingy with people he’s familiar with. if one of us is on the bed, he has to be on or touching one of us at all times. very chatty and trills to his name being called every time. will literally let us move and toss him around without complaint he’s so chill. very mean to other cats when there’s treats or catnip involved.
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sherlock (sherl!). 9yo. absolute chonker of a cat (20lbs). loves head rubs and belly scratches and WILL demand them if you’re in his sight longer than 5 seconds. announces every time he uses the litter box?? so we’ll know??? has his head in the food bowl or asleep on a pillow 99% of the time. only meows when he’s going to the litter box or wants pets.
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prompto (prommy!). 3yo. MENACE. wants to play all the time and will swipe at you if you walk past him too many times in a short time span. thinks any small sudden noise is a toy and will run over to pounce on it every time. teeniest tiniest meow i have ever heard oh my god it’s so cute. likes to snuggle and suckles on patches of his own fur while he does it?? but then he falls asleep while he’s doing it and it’s real cute.
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misty (mismis, ms. miss!). oldest animal in the house at 14yo. can’t see very well at all, so we think she’s going blind. very sweet and loves to be around people. comes running in to say hi when she hears us in the kitchen or living room. also loves head and belly scratches. does NOT like other cats so she doesn’t come in the bedroom even though she really wants to :(. we’re worried she’s on her way out.
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rumlow (rum, rummy, rumple!) the only dog ! 3yo. clingiest dog i’ve ever met. literally has to be up someone’s ass at all times if he can see or hear them or he’ll die (whine and bark nonstop). thinks he’s a teeny tiny puppy still and not a 90lbs adult dog and tries to climb into people’s laps. has a big scary bark but is so sweet and lets the cats bully him (he’s terrified of prompto). neediest animal in the house honestly.
BIRDS (idk exactly how old any of them are so they won’t have ages)
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matcha. my personal favorite of all the birds (i got to name him). chatty chatty chatty. knows how to say a lot of things but his favorites are “pretty bird” “pretty boy” and “gimme kiss”. he will actually give kisses if you put your finger up to the cage (sometimes he’ll bite instead if he’s hungry or cranky tho so you win some, you lose some). loves to be around people. WILL try to take your phone if he sees it, whether he can carry it or not. loves to splish splash take a bath.
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bucky. sweetest of all the birds honestly. only has one little foot so he hops around everywhere. loves the color red and will sing to you if you have something red in front of him. knows the andy griffith theme and the addams family theme. loves head pets. the best flier of all the birds, though he doesn’t do it much. mostly just wants to be held.
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pineapple. used to be in the same cage as bucky but bucky didn’t like her so we moved them. she’s still obsessed with him though and spends most of her time staring at him from across the room. pretends to be mean but mellows out after a couple head pets. terrible and landing when she flies and just smacks into shit. the only other bird that likes her is ramen noodle.
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ramen noodle. hates everything but his bell toy and pineapple (who doesn’t even like him). very quietly mimics all the other birds and they hate it. usually if the other birds are screeching and we can’t tell why it’s because of him. idk he doesn’t do much else.
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apple jack(lyn). i couldn’t get a good picture of her because she’s a bitch and wouldn’t be still. meanest bird of all time. yells at anyone that walks in the room. will try to bite you if you come within 8 feet of her cage. obsessed with her little bell ball toy and will get PISSED if you touch it for any reason. we thought she was a boy but when we found out she wasn’t, she became apple jacklyn instead of apple jack.
you’ve already met snapple in my last ask so i won’t put him here but he looks very similar to apple jacklyn
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