#goodbye summer of doing nothing I miss you already
jemmo · 2 years
welp the end has come summer is over i return to the real world tomorrow i can no longer pretend it’s not happening.
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
quinn hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n is Quinn’s little secret.
specific lyrics: “what started in beautiful rooms; ends with meetings in parking lots” and “you wanna scream, don't call me ‘kid’, don't call me ‘baby’, look at this godforsaken mess that you made me” and “look at this idiotic fool that you made me” and “for you, i would ruin myself, a million little times”
warnings: cheating, 18+ content in the middle, ANGST!
notes: you will not think highly of the Quinn in this fic. i know i’m supposed to be writing the Speak Now Fic List— bear with me. this was written as a way to get out of my writers block.
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i can always stop.
i can.
i have freewill to refuse his advances.
i think.
but the stolen stares, the weight of his body against mine, the feeling that comes with knowing he wants me in the way i’ve longed for him to want me, it’s an addiction.
a drug that i just can’t quit, despite how dirty and used i feel afterwards. despite having to sneak away with my hood up and my head down.
the high of being his, just for a moment, outweighs the inevitable self-criticism in the aftermath.
because that’s the thing about illicit affairs; they make you hate yourself a million little times.
i’ve barely just climbed off of him, my back skimming the mattress, before he’s already standing from my bed.
my eyes follow his movements, the fluidity and grace of flowing through steps he’s done a million times before.
his dress shirt buttoned back on, his suit pants following, his tie lazily swung around his neck and his suit jacket pulled over to complete the look.
while i’m tangled in my thin sheet, still recovering, he’s fixing his hair in the mirror above my dresser and letting his own eyes graze his neck for marks. finding none, as i know better than to make myself known on his skin.
never seen, never heard, always secret. no marks, never wear perfume nor lipstick, never leave any trace of existence. a ghost above all else.
his eyes lock with mine in the mirror, catching my longing stare with his indifferent one.
“i’ve gotta go. you watching the game?” he knows the answer, he always knows.
“yeah, Quinny, i’ll be watching.” my cheeks flush. “i always do.”
“good. i’ll try and score a goal for you.” he winks in the reflection, my heartbeat picking up as it does every time. “bye, baby.”
there’s no goodbye kisses, no whispered sweet nothings, just quirked lips and the sound of my bedroom door shutting behind him.
it’s not long until the bliss wears off, leaving me with nothing but self-depreciating thoughts. no one to blame but myself.
he has a girlfriend.
one who isn’t you.
aren’t you ashamed?
aren’t you disgusted with yourself?
don’t you deserve better?
although, maybe not.
my phone buzzes on the nightstand beside me, an incoming call from my best friend, and despite feeling like an idiotic fool and a betrayal of my own morality, i accept the call.
“hey, Lukey!” false cheer drips from my tongue, but just like every other time, i know he won’t know the difference. “to what do i owe the pleasure of your call?”
“hey, y/n/n!” Luke’s chuckle crackles over the speaker of my phone. “i just wanted to talk, i’ve been missing you extra the past few days. i want my movie buddy.”
“i miss you too, Lukey.”
god, if only he knew how badly i’ve fucked up without him to lead me the right way.
“don’t you have Jack now to watch movies with?” i question, shaking off the urge to confess my sins. to ask for his forgiveness and plead for him to talk some sense into my love-riddled mind.
“it’s not the same. he doesn’t pay attention to the little details as well as we do.” i can hear his pout through the phone, making me giggle.
“just one more month, then we’ll have the whole summer to watch as many movies as we want.” i remind him.
“yeah, one more month.” he replies, solemnly. “anyways, UBC is still treating you good, right? no chance you’d wanna transfer to, i don’t know, Rutgers or Princeton?”
i chuckle at his lame attempt at convincing me to leave my dream school.
“i’m sorry, moose; but UBC is still where my heart lies.” oh, if only he knew just what, or rather who, the reason was for that.
“yeah, alright. it was worth a shot.” he sighs. “and Quinny’s taking good care of you, right?”
i my throat closes up and i choke on the air in my lungs.
“what?” i ask him, sitting up in my bed and pulling the sheet closer to my body.
“Quinn.” he repeats. “he promised he’d look after you. has he?”
“oh, yeah. yeah, he’s been checking in on me. making sure i’m okay.” i guess that’s one way to put what we’ve been doing.
“good. i’d have to kill him if he let you get hurt.”
my feet have barely touched the ground outside of my car before the lake house door is flung open. my best friend bounds out of the house, his middle brother hot on his trail, attempting to speak to him about something long forgotten by Luke.
“YOU’RE HERE!” Luke’s arms are flung around my waist, hoisting me up in the air and spinning me around.
the melody of my laugh mingles in the air as my arms wrap around his neck.
“Lukey, put me down, i already feel sorta car sick! it was a very long drive.” despite the fact that my words are true, i can’t wipe the smile off my face from being reunited with my best friend.
my feet finally fall flat on the ground as Luke backs up to look at my face, his fingers grazing all over it, more specifically the under eye bags from stress and sleepless nights.
“i thought you said you were doing great? what are these?! they’re new!”
his concern is heartwarming but before i can respond, i notice all the people behind him on the lake house porch. Jack, their friends, and most importantly, Quinn. the real reason for my newly spotted dark circles.
i muster up a chuckle, rolling my eyes.
“they’re designer. they come with the UBC tuition.” i stress, hoping he buys the ‘i’ve just been working myself to the bone with schoolwork’ excuse.
“checks out. you’ve always been my little nerd.” he grins, slinging an arm around my shoulder and turning towards the porch. “aren’t you guys gonna come say hi?”
“didn’t wanna impose on your moment.” Jack jokes, hopping down the porch steps to pull me from Luke’s grasp and into a hug.
“hey, bubby. welcome back.” he smiles, ruffling my hair mid hug. i step on his foot in retaliation, making him push me back so he could check on his white sneakers.
“it’s good to be back, bubba.” i grin as he rolls his eyes.
“hey kid, long time no see.” my head snaps over to look at Quinn, who smirks at me with a knowing look.
we saw each other three days ago, the day before he flew out to Michigan.
“hey, Quinny.” a bashful smile takes over my lips and my heart beats overtime, the natural reaction when i’m in his vicinity.
“no.” Luke speaks, pulling me into his chest protectively. “you don’t get to ‘hi’ her. you got her all year. this is my turn.”
his words make me blush and i pat his chest.
“don’t worry Lukey, this is our time.” i reassure him. “i but i would like to go inside now.”
“yeah, right.” he nods, letting me push away from him. the guys all head back into the house, leaving me to open my trunk and grab my bag.
a strong hand encases mine on the handle of my suitcase, soft lips i know all too well grazing the shell of my ear.
“i hope Luke doesn’t mind sharing.” Quinn leaves me frozen behind him, taking my bag and my breath with him.
beats of time pass before i follow suit, closing my trunk and locking my car before jogging up the porch steps and into the house.
this will be one hell of a summer. literally.
“i’m going for a run.”
my words are spoken through Luke’s shut bedroom door, followed by the opening of said door.
“a run?” he asks me, sleep still prominent in his face from his mid-afternoon nap. “since when do you run?”
“i started running when i was in Vancouver. i thought i told you that?” the lie is like a sour candy on my tongue, spit out quickly as though another second of these words in my mouth would make me sick.
“oh, okay. how long will you be gone? i’ll have the movie set up for when you get back.”
“i shouldn’t be too long. like an hour at most.” i tell him, tightening my ponytail.
“you’ll actually probably be all sweaty when you get back. just wake me back up when you get back and i’ll get the movie ready while you shower.”
sweaty and flushed, for sure.
“Quinn, please.” my heavy pants turn to pleads, begging Quinn to get me over the edge. his hands hold mine behind my back as i grind my hips against his.
unable to risk being caught at the lake house, our rendezvous settings have downgraded from my bedroom back in vancouver. to the parking lot of a field, only a 15 minute walk from the house.
“you want me to make you come?” his words cause a shiver down my spine, my head nodding at rapid speed. “use your words, baby. say it.”
“i want you to make me come.” i beg. that’s all it takes for him to flip us over, my body laid across his back seat as he thrusts into me, hooking one of my legs over his shoulder.
“fuck, you’re so wet baby. feel so good squeezing my cock.” i clench around him, his dirty whispers echoing in my head as the coil in my stomach tightens. he angles his hips, thrusting up into the spot that makes my eyes roll back.
“right there.” i gasp, my hands coming up to grip his shoulders. i’m careful not to dig my nails into his skin. careful to never leave any sort of marks. his right hand trails down my body, settling on my stomach.
“right there?” he teases, repeating his previous move, all while pushing one hand down on my stomach. my legs shake, and i clench around him one final time before the pressure relieves and i achieve my orgasm.
Quinn thrusts a few more times, riding me through my high and chasing his before his hips stutter and he pulls out, painting my stomach with his release.
the glass windows are fogged, the car hot and reeking of sex, the only sound being our heavy breathing as we gather ourselves again.
my eyes flutter, my energy spent.
“hey, baby.” Quinn’s hand snakes onto my thigh, shaking it slightly. “you should go. Luke is probably waiting for you.”
i nod. i know he’s right, but it still stings, being dismissed so quickly.
i wipe my stomach with a napkin from his glovebox before slipping my biker shorts back on and pulling my tank top back over my head.
“i’ll see you at the house.” he bids me goodbye, as i slip out of his car, starting my walk back to the house.
aren’t you sick of this?
don’t you feel guilty for lying to your best friend?
for betraying him like this?
don’t you think you can do better?
that you deserve better than clandestine meetings?
than being someone’s ‘other woman’?
than being tossed aside the second he’s done with you?
i’m done.
“alright, you ready?” Luke asks, plopping down on the couch cushion beside me, a bowl of popcorn clutched in his hand.
“yeah, press play, moose.” Luke is just about to hit play on the netflix movie when the front door swings open. Quinn steps into the house, shutting the door before noticing us on the couch.
“hey.” he gives us a nod, walking towards the stairs. “oh, Olivia is flying in tomorrow morning.”
my heart stops, my muscles tensing.
Quinn’s girlfriend.
the one we’ve been sneaking around for four months.
“oh cool, what time?” Luke is oblivious to my silent panic.
“six a.m, so i’m heading to sleep. night, Luke. night, kid.”
there it is again. that stupid nickname. ‘kid’.
Quinn heads up the stairs and i hear the faint sound of his bedroom door shutting.
my head snaps over to Luke.
“hey, i gotta go get something from my room, i’ll be right back.” i pat his leg before rising from my seat, making my way towards the stairs.
“oh, okay.” he nods, getting on his phone as i walk up the stairs.
i come to a stop outside of Quinn’s door, debating knocking before i decide not to, in order to not raise suspicion from Luke.
i swing the door open, slipping in before quickly shutting it behind me.
Quinn sits on the foot of his bed, head rising from looking at his phone. his brows furrow before he raises one in questioning.
“didn’t get enough of me earlier?” he teases. “aren’t you and Luke watching a movie? i don’t think we can have a quickie right now-”
“we’re done.” his lips snap shut, whether in shock, or disbelief, or just plain speechlessness, i’m not sure. but he’s silent, so i continue. “no more meetings. no more.”
my heart aches in my chest, my throat getting tighter and tears bubble up in my eyes.
i thought it would be easy to stop.
i used to tell myself i could do it whenever i wanted. but now, i know it’s not true.
there was no ‘last time’, only this afternoon. no soft goodbyes. i’ll be stuck seeing him for the rest of my life. he’s a mistake that i became all too comfortable with. with him, i let my morals wash away like a drawing in sand. but i was done hating myself, thinking so low of myself for my forbidden actions.
he chuckles as if i told him a joke, as if i didn’t just tell him we were over. standing from the bed and prowling towards me, his hand raises to cup my cheek.
“what are you talking about, baby?”
it’s always ‘baby’ in secret. ‘kid’ while in company. he makes me feel so stupid, like i’m a child; naive and small.
“don’t call me ‘baby’.” i swat his hand away from my cheek. “and don’t call me ‘kid’, either. do you not know my name?
“do you not know the name of the girl you’ve been fucking in secret for the past four months? that you’ve known since you were ten?”
his nostrils flare, stepping back as though i’ve slapped him.
“i know your name, y/n.” his words drip with venom, his lips press together into a straight line. “they’re just nicknames.”
“they’re cruel.” i spit. “you know what you’re doing. i’ve made myself available to you for too long. i’ve let you use me and throw me to the side as if i’m nothing. i’ve become something i never would’ve imagined i would be-”
“no! this is my turn to talk. look at this godforsaken mess that you made me. i’m actively lying to my best friend, your brother. i’ve become the ‘other woman’. a title i would’ve smacked myself for, just six months ago. i’ve lost my sense of morality. i’ve become someone that i don’t even recognize; because of you. so, i’m done.
“i will not be your secret anymore. i deserve more. i deserve better than someone who keeps me hidden. who dismisses me mere minutes after using my body.”
tear tracks stain my cheeks, my face feels tighter under the salty liquid and i quickly wipe them away.
“you’re right.” my lips part slightly, my gaze fixating on the man in front of me.
he seems genuine. his eyes glistening with pity and an unrecognizable emotion.
“i’m sorry. you deserve better.” he tells me, nodding his head solemnly.
“i do.” i reply. “and i’ve been rejecting everyone that is interested because i’ve been hoping and praying to any higher power that you would love me the way that i’ve loved you since i was sixteen, but that’s not gonna happen, is it?”
he shakes his head ‘no’ and i can’t even hold it against him, because at least he’s finally being honest with me.
i bite my lower lip, nodding dejectedly and gripping the doorknob behind me.
“for you, i’ve ruined myself a million times.”
i slip out the door, padding back down the stairs and leaving the man i love, and our illicit affairs behind me.
Luke’s head rises when i return, his eyebrow raised and his lips parted, surely ready to question what took me so long. but with one glance at my tear stained face and bloodshot eyes, his mouth closes, his arms opening instead.
i drop onto the couch, burying my face into his neck. his arms wrap around me tightly, one hand holding the back of my head as the other rubs my back.
“i know.” he whispers. “it’s okay. i know.”
his words are mumbled against the shell of my ear and the emotion with which their spoken confirms that he knew what i’d been doing. they only succeed in making me feel even more guilty. all this time, i thought i’d been doing a pretty good job of hiding our meetings this summer, but my best friend is smart, catching on a lot more than i realized.
“i’m so sorry, Lukey.” i sob, my apology muffled by his skin.
“it’s okay. and i promise, it’ll be okay, y/n/n. i’ve got you.”
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risuola · 10 months
I dunno the correct process for making a request but here goes!! I LOVE YOUR STUFF I HAVE BEEN BLESSED.
Smut for Nanami Kento, any AU, fem reader, with 58, 81 and 85 as prompts!!
Thank you so much and have a lovely day!!
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As time passed, you noticed Kento became more and more distant. You loved him, oh so much, and you wanted to give him freedom. Six months after you broke up with him, he's standing at your doorstep.
cw: smut, possible spoilers? – most likely inaccuracies in the timeline, unprotected sex, oral (m. receiving), clit play, bits of angst, alcohol and meds usage briefly mentioned, minor injury + blood mentioned, violence mentioned, reader discretion is advised — 4,3k words
PROMPTS: 58. I miss doing nothing with you. 81. You think that this is easy for me? 85. I think I’ve lost my mind.
a/n: thank you! 🩶 it turned out to be a little long, but what can I say... I like writing long. anyway, hope you like it!
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There was a time in your life when you felt like the luckiest woman in the whole universe. Every single one of your days was overflowing with happiness and gratitude, as if you were high on all the love you held in your heart. Two years of this feeling made you lost in the dream; the sun was brighter then, the birds were singing more vibrantly, and the long summer nights seemed to never end as you spent each and every one of them in the embrace of Nanami Kento. He was a man written by a woman – kind and gentle, but with a roughness hidden inside the breathtaking shell of attractiveness. His voice could make any woman's knees buckle, and you were lucky enough to fall asleep and wake up to that alluring tone. Those two years have made you blind.
A year ago, things began to change, but you didn't notice how Kento began to seek some personal space, distancing himself from your ever-loving embrace. He started working overtime, which he hated more than anything else, but you had no reason not to believe him when he told you time after time that he had to stay at the office for extra hours. Then he would often be tired, prying from your touch, and the long, passionate kisses would turn into quick pecks on the cheek. Countless nights you spent looking at the empty space in the bed, crying silently while Nanami slept on the couch. Cold pillows and unscathed covers made you realize that he didn't love you anymore, and it was already too late.
July 3rd, 2022 Exactly six months ago, you welcomed Nanami home for the last time, with all your things already moved out of the apartment that had been the source of your happiness. "What is it?" he asked then, looking around the empty spaces that had once been filled with memories, and you took his face into your cold, trembling hands. "Today is your birthday, my love," you began, doing everything not to crumble to pieces, "I want to give you back your freedom." He answered with silence, which you took as acceptance. "You have dinner in the kitchen, please eat well. I left you a small gift as well. Take care of yourself, be happy, okay?" you smiled, but your eyes betrayed you as tears gathered along your lash line, but you blinked them away and exhaled, your breath quivering and your heart drumming in your chest so hard you thought it would burst through your ribcage. "I think I've taken everything that's mine. All I'm leaving is my love."
Standing on your tippy toes, you kissed Nanami's lips for the last time, smoothed the soft skin of his cheeks and inhaled his musky scent for the last time. All of it was your last with him. The last goodbye you whispered against his mouth as a tear rolled down your cheek, and then you left the apartment. You remember how his hand slid down your arm as you walked past him, but he didn't stop you. Your fingertips brushed against his, but he didn't try to grab you. You made it through the Uber ride, even exchanging a few forced jokes with the driver, but when the doors to your new apartment closed behind you, you broke down. First night you spent on the floor, crying yourself to exhaustion in the cold emptiness.
January 3rd, 2023 Today, on the six-month anniversary of the worst day of your life, you look up at the sky and smile softly as the lone tear rolls down your cold-flushed cheek. Holding onto the paper cup filled with hot coffee, you can't help but wonder if he's happier now. People say time flies, but for you, the last few months have been torturous as you spent day after day trying to numb yourself with busy life, alcohol, and dulling meds. Nothing really seemed to help, no matter what you did or swallowed, nothing was able to free you from the heartache, as if the eternal love you had for Nanami had become one with your soul. So you stopped searching for a way to heal by force and allowed yourself to go through it, with all the sleepless nights, used tissues and missed meals.
Now, as you sit on the bench in the crowded park, you look out at the people rushing through the January coldness, and when your eyes land on a couple so lovely and affectionate, your mind wanders back into the memories. Many cold days, just like this one, you spent with Nanami, shamelessly stealing his warmth and hiding in the safe embrace of his strong arms. Those days were your favorite, the low temperatures gave you more reasons to never part from him, and he always made sure you stayed warm. He was so gentle with you, carrying you like a princess and holding your hands with care as he planted endless kisses all over your reddened cheeks and knuckles. Today, on the third day of the new year, you sit alone, the only source of heat being the coffee, which is now more lukewarm than anything else.
Exhaling, you finish your drink and stand up, throwing away the empty cup and entering the crowded alleys, moving forward with no destination, taking in the aura of Tokyo before leaving for good. It's been a few weeks since you decided to move somewhere else in the world, somewhere far away from where everything reminds you of how happy you used to be, but it's only now that you've finally found the strength to book tickets. With them printed in your apartment, you felt a little lighter, knowing that you're about to start a new chapter, one that will hopefully be brighter and happier. With new streets you've never walked through, with new people you've never talked to, with new cafes, new bakeries, new lakes and parks. You hoped to leave the sadness behind and start living again, not just pretending to be alive, but could you really do that anywhere in the world, when the sky and the stars and the moon and the sun that witnessed all the love you shared with Kento remain the same?
January 7th, 2023 Last night in your apartment, you sit down in the empty space, next to the few boxes that are left and yet to be taken by your father to be stored in their house and later shipped to your new home. One night is all that separates you from the anxiety-driving mixture of airports, flights, and a new life you've put so much hope into. One more night, and maybe you'll be able to find sparks of happiness again. Maybe the unknown will take up enough of your headspace that you'll start appreciating what you have instead of mourning what you've lost. Maybe.
"Cheers to new life," you mutter to yourself as you raise a half-full glass of cheap red wine into the air and take a sip. The unpleasant, tart taste twists your features for a second and you exhale deeply. "Fucking new life, my ass."
As the glass shatters against the wall where you just threw it, you groan to the heavens and despite all intentions to leave it as it is, you get up, grab a cloth and a bag and kneel down to pick up all the pieces and clean the red puddle from the wood before it stains it permanently. It gets tiring quickly, you don't have anything to sweep the floor with, you don't even have a bowl to rinse the cloth in, and as you shuffle between the living room and the kitchen, you make more mess than it's worth.
With a soft groan, you toss the cloth into the sink when you hear a knock at the door. Neighbors, you think. They probably heard the sound of breaking glass and were disturbed, just as they have been bothered by every little sound during the six months you have lived there.
There were so many things that Nanami wanted and needed to tell you, and yet nothing came to his mind when he thought about how to even start the conversation. As he stood in an empty hallway looking at your doors, he wondered if you’d even open them. Maybe you'll know it's him, maybe you'll recognize the way he knocked, or you'll look through the peephole and just pretend you're not home. But the door opened, with an almost angry swing, and when he looked down at you, his heart stopped at the sight.
You were there, wearing a large, black t-shirt that had most likely been his own many months ago, but what Nanami immediately noticed were the bright red stains all over your hands, a few traces on your legs and even on your cheek. His mind went blank at the bloody image, his heart sank and all he could focus on was that you were hurt.
"What happened?" he asks immediately, reaching for your hands to examine them, but you pull them away taking a step back.
"Kento?" you mouth, no voice leaving your throat as you stare at the all-too-familiar frame at your doorstep. Of all people, he was the last one you wanted to see that night, right before leaving. All hope shattered as you realized just by seeing him that you'll never be able to get over him, no matter where you try to run away, he'll always be a part of your soul, he'll always have a part of your heart. "What are you doing here?"
"Can we talk? I know you're leaving tomorrow," he says, and you immediately ask, "Who told you?"
"Your friend. Listen, there are things I have to tell you, I have to explain what happened."
"Kento... why are you making this so hard for me?" you sigh, your voice almost a whisper as you let him in by stepping aside. "I have a flight tomorrow; I should rest now."
“You think that this is easy for me? That losing you was easy for me?" his voice flares up for a moment before he forces it back down. "Please, just let me explain, then you can do whatever you want."
"Alright," you nod, noticing that his eyes once again landing on your covered in red hands. "It's wine. I spilled it."
"You're bleeding."
"It's wine, I'm telling you..." you try to argue, but he grabs your hand and it’s only now that you realize that you are, in fact, bleeding. A few shards of glass are embedded in your flesh, ruby streaks mixing with wine stains, but you don't even feel it and for a moment it scares you how much you desensitized yourself to pain.
“Let me,” Nanami pulls you gently towards the kitchen, where he makes you sit on the chair as he kneels down in front of you, beginning to pull the pieces out with chapsticks – the only thing that you had left in the kitchen to later have some instant ramen.
“I don’t understand why would you come here, Kento. It’s been half a year.”
“I know. But I can’t just let you leave like that.”
“I have everything set up already, I have a flight-ticket, a house and work arranged. Tomorrow I’ll be homeless in Japan.”
“You have a home, don’t act like you don’t know where it is.”
You shake your head at his words, sighing and looking away as he works on picking up the shards from your palm. He caresses you gently whist he cleans your wounds and you feel like you're burning from every place he's touching you. It hurts physically to feel his fingers holding you so tenderly and you can feel the tears already gathering in your eyes. He is your home and the thought of leaving him is suffocating you. It began killing you the day you left on his birthday, and you don't even know how you managed to push through those six months.
“Nanami… All I ever wanted for you is to be happy.”
“Do I look happy to you?”, he lifts his eyes to yours, and all you can see is devastating loneliness that lingers inside his brown irises. In the dim light of your kitchen, you can see his darkened undereyes and the tiredness painted across his features. “Y/n, please, just listen to me.”
As Nanami’s finished with your hand, he wraps his tie around it, the one that you’ve always jokingly called atrocious and he’s unbothered by ruining it. He stays on his knees, enclosing both of your palms inside his own, much bigger and as you feel him, you could swear his fingers are trembling.
“I lied to you. Over a year ago I left my office job,” he began and already you were confused, but he stopped you from speaking up. “I’ve always been… different. There are things in this world that are called curses. Spiritual beings manifested from cursed energy, a result of negative emotions that flow out of humans. They are harmful to society; they are violently taking lives. Regular people can’t see them, you most likely can’t see them as well, but there are those who call themselves jujutsu sorcerers. They see curses, fight them, exorcise.”
“Are you one of them?”
“I am. I studied at Jujutsu high here in Tokyo, but after losing my classmate I left and tried to live a normal life as a salesman. Wanted to earn enough money to retire at 40 and then have a peaceful life in some kind of paradise. But I hated the office more than I hated sorcery so one year ago I got back to fighting curses. Then I began distancing myself from you. Every time you asked so sweetly how was my day, I couldn’t bring myself to tell you that I just got home from the bloody murder scene. I thought it’s better for you to not know all of that, I wanted to keep you safe. It also felt wrong to lay down in bed with you, to touch or kiss you when just hour before, my hands were red. I couldn’t sleep with you when my body was bruised and I had no idea how to explain this to you.”
You stayed silent, taking in his words, watching his expression change from shame to guilt, through sadness and lost.
“When you had told me you’re leaving, I thought it might be better for you to find someone else. That you’ll be safer with someone else. The thought of you getting hurt by a curse because of me terrified me.”
“Wouldn’t I be safer if a sorcerer was there with me…?”, you ask and he exhales.
“Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know. I’m sorry, y/n,” Nanami lowers his head, planting a kiss on top of your knuckles. “I’m so sorry. Please don’t leave. Don’t leave me. I miss you, I miss doing nothing with you, I miss everything. I should have never let you go; you are the sun in my life, without you I feel like I live in darkness.”
“I don’t understand much of what you just said to me, Kento,” you admit, sighing and releasing one of your hands from his hold only to cup his face and he leans into your touch immediately. “about the curses, I guess I’m just a regular person, but I love you with every fiber of my existence, no matter if you’re a normie, a sorcerer or whatever else.”
You feel him deflate, like the tension left his body the second you said you still love him and you can’t help but smile softly while smoothing over his cheekbone. So many months you dreamt about touching him once again, feeling his supple skin underneath your fingertips and taste his lips. You longed for him, for everything Nanami Kento was and now you were finally able to have him back.
“I love you just as much,” he mutters against the pulse on your wrist, kissing the delicate skin tenderly. “Please, come home with me. Come back to our home.”
“If you promise me that you won’t hide things like this from me. I might not understand any of this, but if what you’re doing is that emotionally wrenching, I want to be the safe space you can come home to,” you coo, tears washing over your eyes and you fall down to your knees, bones hitting the cold tiles painfully but you don’t care, as you cup his face in your palms. Unable to wait any more second, you press your lips onto his, gently at first, but when he molds his own against yours instantaneously, you lose it.
All you can feel in your body is want, you need him now, there. You need him closer, on you, inside you. You want to taste him, feel him, breathe him in, and that's all you've wanted for the last six months, constantly trying to convince yourself that it will pass.
"Need you to fuck me," you mumble against his mouth, pushing him to sit back as you climb onto his lap.
"God, I want nothing more," he whispers, his huge palms already on your butt, squeezing the tender flesh, and you can't hold back a smile as a breathy groan escapes his throat when you roll your hips, running your pussy precisely over his bulging crotch. The rough fabric of his pants pushes easily through the thin, dotted cotton of your panties, making you gasp as it teases your clit. "Fuck you and take you home."
"Please do," you almost cry as his long fingers slip underneath your underwear, landing directly over the sensitive bud, only to slide lower along your folds, collecting the slick and he smirks at how wet and needy you are for him. Another crashing kiss takes your breath away and you squeeze his shoulders to keep yourself from dizziness. All of your thoughts are kissed away, leaving your mind focused only on the man beneath you, and you reach down, quickly, almost impatiently, undoing the belt, button and zipper of his pants. You're burning with anticipation and lust, already intoxicated by the taste of his lips and the way his tongue dances with yours.
Cold air hits Nanami's cock as you pull him out of the restrictive cage of his boxers, and he purrs into your mouth as you wrap your dainty fingers around his fat girth, pumping him even harder than he already is. Unable to focus on anything but the pleasure of your cold palm stroking his length, he pulls away from the kiss and uses his one free hand to pull up your blouse and you obey, letting go of his dick just for a second to undress. He lifts you up with ease to remove your panties as well, and as you sit back on his lap, completely bare and so beautiful, he takes a second to admire the view. The dim kitchen lights give you a blurry aura, your figure lit from behind, with only reflections sparkling in your eyes and bouncing off the curves of your front.
"You are so divine," he breathes out, his rough palms running over your naked form and you chuckle at the act of worship. It's always been like this – every time Nanami would see you naked, he'd act as if you were the most beautiful sight in the world and he was seeing you for the first time.
"And I am yours," you grin, kissing his lips passionately as you roll your hips so that the underside of his stiff shaft strokes between your wet folds. Your juices rub over him as you swallow a grunt that rumbles in his throat as you tease him.
Done with your games, Kento takes you by the hips and you surrender to the strength he holds you with as he aims the angry, leaking head at your entrance. You can feel him stretching your hole as you slowly lower yourself to take him completely. Panting from the mind-numbing sensation of fullness, you rest your forehead against his.
"You're making me lose my mind," he whispers, helping you move your pelvis. "No, I think I've already lost my mind."
"I love you too."
It's slow and sensual, no rush is needed where there's so much emotion. You feel one of Kento's hands all over your body; his thumb finds your clit and skillfully rolls over it, adding another layer to your pleasure and instantly making your pussy twitch and squeeze. You lower your head onto his shoulder, forcing your fingers to cooperate, you fiddle with his button-up shirt to get more access to his skin, to his toned body, but your hands shake as you moan against the side of his neck.
His name slips from your lips like a prayer and he loses composure at the feel of your walls squeezing him so delightfully. You're taking him so well, swallowing every inch, allowing his blunt head to kiss your cervix again and again as his practiced fingers roll over your swollen bundle of nerves. You pick up the pace, holding him close as you smear sloppy, wet kisses all along his collar bones.
The room spins around the two of you, every flex of your pussy leaving Nanami breathless as you whimper louder, overwhelmed by the approaching orgasm. The abuse on your clit pushes you over the edge so quickly, and he encourages you with praise and pet names. "Don't hold it, babygirl," he commands, taking in the feel of your trembling body, your arched back, your flushed cheeks, and those sweet sounds. The melody that makes him proud, that makes him never want to hear anything but your pleasured sounds and it amazes him how easily he loses his composure when he's with you.
Usually, Nanami is nothing but a stoic, reserved man, confident in his steps and never putting too much emotion into anything, but you're able to turn him into a panting mess. You can make him stutter, act irresponsibly, forget his own name. You're the one who makes him smile, you're the one who brings joy and pleasure into his life, and if it weren't for you, he might have already given up chasing happiness.
"Kento, ah-" you call his name, blissfully dazed; your voice shuddering as your words sink into his skin, your lips brush against his neck and he mumbles affirmations under his breath, feeling his cock flex and harden even more, hugged by the tight embrace of your squelching pussy. Unable to speak coherently, his head falls back against the kitchen island, breathless moans and lust driven whimpers leaving his mouth as he keeps your hips moving, helping you ride out your orgasm, feeling himself getting closer and closer to his own. His mind goes blank, an echo of your heavy pants filling his ears, and the way your long nails scratch along his biceps and chest muscles drives him completely insane.
You bite your lower lip, grounding yourself as the overstimulation gets the better of you. After such a long break from his cock, it almost feels too much, the sheer size and girth of it making you see stars.
"Let me taste you," you ask, but it comes out as a plea and he can't refuse when you ask so nicely, so he lets go of your hips. Quickly you reposition yourself to kneel between his legs and kiss your way down, moving your knees back across the cold tiles. With your ass sticking up, you lower yourself to envelop your fingers around his slick with your juices member, pumping him at the base while you add your spit to the concoction of fluids. He's already throbbing and flexing in your grasp as you take him in your mouth; your tongue swirls around the head and strokes along the length.
You lick and suck, moving your head up and down, lightly grazing his cock with your teeth. Nanami throws his head back, his hands landing on top of your head where he gathers your hair into a makeshift pony as you work your magic. The wet, warm feeling of your mouth, mixed with the skillful dance of your tongue makes him dizzy and the way he sucks in his breath above you makes you happy. You love Nanami in a state of chaos and disorder.
"So... perfect..." he mutters, words breaking as he speaks, and you take him deeper, pressing the tip of his cock against your throat, and as you hum, the vibration of your vocal cords sends him over the edge. His grip on your hair tightens, the veins around his girth bulging and you know he's so close. As you continue to deepthroat him, you pick up the pace of your hand at the base of his dick and use your other hand to massage his balls. You feel his thigh muscles flex against your shoulders and he pushes your head down as he cums. Tears roll down your cheeks from the sudden pressure on your throat, but you obey until he lets go and you can guide him through his release. Nanami's cum fills your mouth, smearing all around as you milk him dry, sucking every last drop like it's nectar, savoring it before you swallow.
 Your movements slow down, you lick him few more times, gently pumping the length until he pulls you up into a tight embrace of his strong arms. You lean against his chest, his heartbeat right beneath your ear, and you close your eyes to listen to its melody. You don't know how long the two of you have been lying in silence on your kitchen floor, and frankly, you don't need to know as long as it's Nanami Kento you're with.
"Let's get cleaned up and I'll take you home," he finally says, the words pressed against the top of your head as he plants soft kisses there and all you can do is agree.
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ghostofhyuck · 3 months
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NCT Dream as Angsty Day6 songs
AN: It's Day6 comeback and I just missed them so so much!! Just a small tmi, I used to write songfics for Stray Kids using Day6's songs, so writing this kinda reminds me of my old fics. (All of them are deleted now, unfortunately.)
Mark Lee ; I Smile
Mark just reminds me of I Smile so so much. It feels like ex-lovers who crossed paths once again. One is happy while the other one is not, wasn't able to move on properly and while he sees you happy with someone else, he tries to be supportive of you!! Mark will congratulate you even though it feels bitter for him, and will give you an assuring smile so that the frown on your face could turn upside down. 
Huang Renjun ; You were beautiful
Of course Renjun's You Were Beautiful I MEAN look at this beautiful creature and tell me that he doesn't suit YWB??? He's that lover that you once had. Your relationship with him was the very best, and was everything that you want BUT sometimes, relationship do not work out and unfortunately, it didn't work out with you and Renjun. So the only thing you can do is reminisce the beautiful memories of him. 
Lee Jeno ; Letting Go
Already crying with this one BUT Jeno's Letting Go. It's just. It suits him so much, like a last goodbye to someone that has been very very dear to you. All the time you had together, all the things you two had done, will be gone in just a simple goodbye. You know it's hard for both of you, but it's for the best to just let go of each other even though there's a small hope inside you two that wanted to try again, but chose not to. 
Lee Donghyuck ; I Would
This one felt like regret and rage. It suits Haechan so much because I feel like he's very emotional when it comes to relationships especially on fights. I Would sounds like someone regretting letting go of someone because of a petty mistake. Now he could do nothing but to yearn and he wanted to win you back, but he can't because he felt like he already lost even though he hasn't started yet. 
Na Jaemin ; I Loved You
I Loved you = Jaemin. End of discussion. Jaemin felt like a first love whom slowly drifted away from you. It sounds like a first love that hit you hard like a truck, (really.) but that's the problem! Jaemin doesn't reciprocate your feelings. You're in an unrequited love with him, and it took you YEARS to moved on from him. But fate loves to play games because at the moment that you lost your feelings to Jaemin, he suddenly began noticing you. 
Zhong Chenle ; Goodbye Winter
In contrast to Chenle's summer vibe, he suits Goodbye Winter so much. He reminds you of winter, the day you two broke up after the many trials you two had. You remember how cold it was, on the outside of your apartment as you talked to him. Tears streaming on your face, and you can see the pain in his eyes too. You two agreed that this is the end, and at the first fall of snow, you two shared a hug before he leaves you there. 
Park Jisung ; First Time
Yes First Time is lively BUT let me tell you, the lyrics are just something else. First Time suits Jisung so much because it feels nostalgic. Like a childhood friend who was separated and found each other again. The problem is, Jisung doesn't remember you at all. And while you yearn from afar, Jisung is completely clueless about you. It hurts but there's nothing you can do at all, so at the end, you let go at the idea of having your childhood friend back.
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gray-doesnt-write · 7 months
“Goodnight” | Aaron Hotchner x Agent Reader
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Pairing: SSA Aaron Hotchner x Agent Reader
Summary: late nights and goodbye kisses. Just a little drabble.
Warnings: Damn is used. That's it.
Notes: Masterlist
The office was silent besides the ticking of the clock , the hands moving closer and closer to the 12 at the top. It was just Hotch and one of the agents on his team , Y/n L/n , left in the office now quiet. It wasn't a surprise to Hotch to still see Y/n there. Y/n had quite the tendency to stay late after hours , much like Hotch did. After this case however , concern was needed. To put it gently , this previous case was hard emotionally on everyone in the team , yet there sat Y/n still , a blank expression on their face as their pen scratched against the paper in front of them.
"Go home , Agent L/n , it's late." Hotch's voice breaks the silence , he stands in front of his office , leaning against the railing as he looks down at Kai in the bullpen.
Y/n looked up at him , there was a small yet tired smile on their face. "You're still here though , seems almost hypocritical."
A smirk tugs on the corner of Hotch's lips , though he doesn't let it through. He remains standing there , looking down. "Well I'm your boss , it's my job. Go home , L/n."
"Not until you do , I won't."
A dangerous game to play with your boss , Hotch could already see how this little back and forth is going to play out. He'd insist they should go on home , they deny doing it until Hotch goes home too and the cycle repeats till one of them breaks. The question was if Hotch was just going to play into Y/n's game. "Fine then , stay there. I don't care." The smirk seemed to make its reappearance.
"That's a lie and you and I both know it," Y/n chuckles , shaking their head.
"Fine , but you have to walk me to the door." Hotch says , smiling as he stops leaning against the rail , standing up and stretching some.
The cold night air nipped at Y/n and Hotch's skin as Hotch walks Y/n to their car , right outside the BAU. He couldn't help but take glances at Y/n in the cold weather. Their cheeks and nose had a pink tint to them like a natural blush from the cold and their lips were dry. Y/n didn't seem to mind at the moment as they pull their coat closer to them , their hands stuff in their coat pocket. Hotch finally speaks up as they walk slowly. "Not a fan of the cold?"
It doesn't take Y/n long at all to shake their head. "Not at all. Snow , I can deal with , but when it's just cold , nothing else , no. I miss summer." Y/n sighs , their breath visible in the air. Hotch leaves it at that.
He opens Y/n's car door for them , smiling a bit. "Be safe , and get some sleep for the love of God."
Y/n chuckles a bit , smiling as well. God , their smile… "will do Hotch , will do." Just before Hotch turns to walk away , a cold hand takes a hold of his arm. "Oh and Hotch?"
He turns , facing them. "Agent L/n?"
They place a soft kiss on his lips , a small smile on their face. "Goodnight," they say before taking a seat in their car , cranking it before backing out. Hotch is left there for a moment , the smile still on his lips as he watches them leave. Damn.
Word count ; 581
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Don't expect a call | Xavier Thorpe x Addams!Reader
Summary: Your and Xavier's relationship unexpectedly turn into something else over the summer
Word count: 1.9k
Request: 6, 9, 22 with xavier please!! I'm dying to see what you will write with them, knowing how awesome your works in general are! Have a good day 💜 ‘‘Would you just shut up and kiss me already.’‘ + “I wasn’t done kissing you.” + ‘’How can you be so blind?’’
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Following the death of Principal Weems, the rest of the semester was canceled and everyone went home. Students and parents crowded the hall with their suitcases, making it difficult to navigate. Lurch would be picking you and Wednesday up, but you needed to find your sister first.
Your shoulder was still tender from the arrow you took during the battle against Crackstone, but it was healing well. There will undoubtedly be a scar, but nothing too noticeable.
Your eyes searched for a pink blob, figuring Wednesday would be with Enid. Since the battle, the two have been attached to the hip.
During your search, your eyes fell on Xavier at the top of the stairs, leaning against the railing. He waved and you lifted your eyebrows. What could he want?
The heels of your shoes clicked as you walked up the stairs and made your way to Xavier. You and him had started on the wrong foot at your arrival at Nevermore, but you were good now.
A smile grew on his face when you appeared in his sightline, happy to see you were on your two feet and well. He tried to visit you at the infirmary, but you were already gone when he showed up.
''I heard you're a free man now,'' you said flatly.
Xavier nodded once. ''Yep. All charges dismissed.''
Although you weren't the one who wrongly framed him, you felt a little responsible for the time he spent behind bars. Wednesday needed to apologize for what she put him through. Those days and nights he spent in the small cell must've been long, sad and lonely — even for a solitaire like Xavier.
''I got you something. It's a thank you for taking that arrow for me. You didn't have to do that.'' He handed you a black box with a matching ribbon, trying to conceal how smitten he was for you. ''Welcome to the 21st century, Addams.''
You opened the top, impressed by the fancy wrapping, and revealed the small object inside the box: a brand new and shiny cell phone. Your eyes shifted to the gift giver.
''My number's in there already.''
''It's bold of you to assume I would need it.'' You closed the box. ''I hope you don't expect me to call you.''
Xavier shook his head. He would be waiting forever. ''No. Never. But I'd settle for a text, though.''
''Goodbye, Xavier.''
For the first weeks of being home, you ignored every one of his texts. You made it look like you didn't care, but deep down you were very happy to get a message from him. Thing kept telling you it was rude to not answer and that you should text him back, but Xavier knew to expect nothing from you. You doubted he was offended by your silence.
After a full month of silence, you started giving him short answers once in a while. He was surprised the first time you replied. He even sent you a shocked emoji of his face. But you had to tell him that the quote he was reciting was wrong.
And, you were starting to miss him. Just a little.
One late evening, you found yourself looking him up on social media. There were mostly artsy pictures of tubes of paint and dirty brushes, paintings, a garden you assumed to be in his backyard, and the most recent, a selfie of him and Ajax. According to the posting date, it had been taken a few days ago. You noticed Xavier's hair had gotten longer. He was now able to do a full ponytail without having shorter pieces falling out at the front.
He looked handsome.
Summer came, and so did Enid. After begging her parents to let her take a flight across the country to visit you and Wednesday — mostly Wednesday —, they finally agreed. Her mom said it was her reward for finally wolfing out, which sounded wrong to your ears.
Your parents were surprised when they saw her coming out of the Addams' black Cadillac, looking the exact opposite of their daughters, but they grew fond of her very quickly. After two days, she was already part of the family.
While Wednesday was slowly and secretly falling for the sweet werewolf who favored the color pink, you caught yourself developing feelings for Xavier. He had taught you how to make video calls and it was so much better than texting.
''What is this called again?'' you asked, seeing Xavier's face through the small screen.
''Oh. Yes.'' You always forgot the name. ''I like this.'' I like seeing you.
Xavier smiled, his dimples poking through his cheeks.
You began talking about the black dahlias you grew in your mother's greenhouse and although Xavier didn't know shit about plants and flowers, he listened to everything you had to say. He loved listening to your voice.
As summer went on, it was getting more and more difficult for him to hide his feelings. Even through a screen. He was falling hard for you. But you didn't like him that way and, although he deeply wished you would feel the same, he respected that. He liked you so much that he just wanted to be around you — or in your life —, including being okay with being placed in the friendzone, even if that was obviously the last place he wanted to be.
The leaves began changing colors and Lurch drove the Addams clan to the academy. A single black dahlia rested on your lap, which earned a confused look from your sister. If you wanted to bring flowers to your dorm, wouldn't it have been more practical to bring a pot?
You ignored her question and went back to looking out the window until the gates of Nevermore Academy came in sight. A strange feeling bubbled in your stomach and your mother didn't fail to notice the slight twitch of your lips.
After saying goodbye to your parents and Pugsley, Wednesday left to find Enid and your eyes searched the quad for Xavier. You spotted his best friend, and found the green eyed artist by his side.
A small smile curled on your lips, but you quickly composed yourself. To make up, you gave a death stare to the first year boy on your right. He quickly hung his head down. It wasn't nice, but you had a reputation to maintain.
Raising your eyes back to Xavier, you watched as he laughed at something Ajax must have said. It was nice to see him in person and not trapped in a tiny phone screen.
You smoothed your dress and went to him. ''Hi.''
Xavier's attention snapped the second you opened your mouth, a melody to his ears. ''Hi,'' he greeted back, trying to fight the smile on his face but failing.
Beside him, Ajax bit back a snicker, then excused himself.
''This is for you,'' you said, handing him the black dahlia you were holding. ''Grown in my personal greenhouse.''
A soft flush coloring his cheeks. Xavier acted standoffish with everyone, but you had him wrapped around your little finger.
A misogynist would be offended, saying men offer flowers to women. Not Xavier.
He accepted the single flower and twirled it between his fingers. ‘’It’s beautiful. Looks more a deep burgundy and a deep mahogany than black, though.’’
You scoffed lightly. ‘’Trying to impress me with your artist vocabulary?’’
‘’Is it working?’’
The corner of his mouth curled.
He would never admit it out loud, but Xavier loved when you’re mean to him. Your blunt honesty and one-liners that knocked people off their pedestals was part of your personality and he found it endearing.
Xavier's phone alarm went off and his smile fell. He fished the device out of his pocket, then read the reminder with a disappointed face. ‘’I gotta go. I have a video appointment with my therapist in ten minutes.’’
You didn't want him to leave, but you couldn't hold him back.
‘’Okay. I'll see you later.’’
‘’Do you...want to walk with me to the dormitory?’’ Xavier asked, holding his breath as he waited for your answer.
You gave him a single nod and headed toward the right aisle of the Academy.
As you were walking, Xavier’s arm could brush yours from time to time. Each time it did, you felt spiders in your stomach. You could smell his cologne too. A mix of pine and something else you couldn't decipher.
‘’After Dr. Kinbott's death and everything that followed, my father was quick to find me a new therapist. An expensive one that would fix all of his son’s crazies in the most secrecy.’’ Xavier scoffed, shaking his head at his father's terrible parenting. ’’She’s been helping me deal with the aftermath of my arrest and put order into my thoughts. I thought my life would go back to how it was before I got arrested, but it didn’t. Although I was proven innocent, some still believe I murdered those people.’’
‘’Tyler was the monster—’’ you quickly said.
‘’I know.’’ He dropped his head, his next words quieter. ‘’But I guess it’s easier to believe an outcast did it than the sheriff’s ‘normie’ son...’’
This made your heart ache for Xavier. He may be obstinate and irrational at times, but he would never murder somebody. Especially not Rowan, who he used to call his roommate and friend. They had a fallout a little before his death, but nothing that would have pushed Xavier to kill him.
If you heard anyone say something bad about him, they better run or they'll know what you're capable of. The Addams were known to be crazy, but you preferred to say wildly devoted to the ones you love — whether it be a friend, a family member or a lover. There's nothing you wouldn't do to defend or protect the ones you cared about.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you reached the boys' dormitory.
That walk was over way too soon.
‘’Xavier?’’ He shifted his green eyes down at you, your height difference more apparent when you were standing close. ‘’Before we part, there's something I need to tell you.’’
He drew his eyebrows, a wash of concern over his face. ‘’I’m listening.’’
‘’This summer has been revealing for me. I found in you a friend I didn't know I needed. I've always been a lonely person and I'm comfortable that way, but it's nice to have a friend. But as the days and weeks went by, I found myself looking forward to your every text and call and sometimes, I never wanted them to end,’’ you admitted transparently. ‘’It took me a while to figure out why I was feeling that way and why I always had spiders in my stomach every time someone mentioned your name. Xavier, I…I think I want us to be more than friends. I don’t know if that’s how I’m supposed to say it, but—’’
Just like in those horrifying normies rom-coms, Xavier crashed his lips on yours, interrupting you with a kiss.
You took a few seconds to react, not expecting him to do this, but then responded to his kiss, standing on your tiptoes and curling a hand behind his neck to pull him closer. Xavier’s lips moved over yours with extreme softness, kissing you the way he always wanted to.
You pulled back for air, finding yourself smiling when seeing a smudge of your lipstick on his face. It wasn’t that noticeable, but you liked that it was there. ‘’I've never been in love before, so I cannot promise you I'll be a perfect lover—’’
Xavier shook his head. ‘’I don't care. Perfect is boring anyway.’’ He held back a grin, pressing his forehead against yours. ''I prefer spooky and kooky.''
Wednesday taglist: @sofiaadler @partyfly @hoodforcalum @thelilacmourning @ellessecretobsession @su-alteza-emia @achoo—uu @not-leaprvt @xaviersgf @peterparkerdilf @roadworkaheadisurehopeitdoes @dragon-chica @coldtacozinepanda @wrldofsage @eddiemunsonsluvrrr @capriaura @officialsaturn @babyfiva @maevaomizzolo @kelloggs-world @whosljt @ajpanda181 @belovedrey @emerycrt @elizabitchsshit @heaven-hiding @lilithlikestoread @est-liber @moonisu @dessxoxsworld @parker-nite @bellblake121890 @vesperazhier @kaldurahms-lover @beeebo234 @nephilimsss @mayuphoenix @sweetheartlizzie07 @watermelon-18 @snixx2088 @555stargirl555 @robinscardigan @chumchum19 @lilttblog @aphex2winn @heizenka @mystargirl-interlude @hwrtsiren @babygirljay20 @wildflowerlyss @strangersomeone @openfandoms @charlottelaffin @iheartmaddyperez @starless-starkov @ali-r3n  @poppet05  @ell0ra-br3kk3r
 @rhaenyraswife  @teaganthemorningstar  @aphex2winn @moompie  @ifevilwhyhot @oliviah-25 @spenglerslime @wetwilliam02 @yellowcupcakes @haileyismoo @theyslayallday @wrldofsage @manofworm @rhydianissuperior @supersanelyromantic @nicangel13 @toylewestinnyc @meme-queen-1999 @rottenstyx @mxxny-lupin @idli-dosa @silenzju @ar40s @sweeterheartxamerica @renaissancewhxre @jordierama @lilppsblog @harrystylesfp  @katsuki420 @ravenssh1t @izzy-laufeyson @iluvwomenblog @kenzi-woycehoski @arunaposeidondottie @liidiaaag  @lilaconner @katsukis1wife @momoewn  @amithesimpoffandoms @chaotic-fangirl-blog @hawkegfs  @lyxrix @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure @lucassinclairsgf @youdontneedtoknowthisinformation @aabananaa @starrrslove @marissapearle @sshesang @scarxvodka  @xoxo-zainab @illf4iry  @yourfavdummy @leoluvsur-pappy @kcskye123 @wenvierismycomfort @pedrosprincess @luvvtxinityy @targaryenmoony @icarly23 
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz
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bedsyandco · 8 months
frozen four
note: it's time for luke to leave for Jersey so it's time to say goodbye
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Luke was devastated after the frozen four loss. All the guys were, but Luke especially because everything was about to change. Luke had said goodbye to all the guys already, being set to leave the arena. The only person he still had to see was Violet. Nothing could’ve prepared Luke for how much this would hurt. Even though he knows he’s not saying goodbye forever, the idea of going to live in another state while he leaves her in Michigan, just feels wrong.
He takes a moment to just observe her where she was standing and talking to his mom. Brown waves hanging down her back and he smiles at the sleeves of his jersey rolled up about five times around her wrists.
“Hey you,” she says when he wraps his arms around her waist from behind, burying his face in her neck and tightening his arms around her, squeezing tight.
“Mom you mind giving us a moment?” Luke asks and Ellen simply sends Violet a small, sad smile kissing both of them on the head before giving them some space.
"Do you remember the summer of freshman year? We had talked about you coming to the lake house but then your parents surprised you with a trip to Italy. I was so sad," Luke says, and Violet loops her arms around his neck and she turns around to look at him.
"So was I. I remember I asked my mom if we could leave Daxton at home and take you instead. She wasn't very impressed by that suggestion." Violet says and she smiles when she sees him laugh. 
"Those three weeks were the longest we've ever been apart. Even in the summers after that, we've never been apart longer than 21 days. I don't know how I'm gonna survive not having you there with me," Luke says, and she presses a kiss over his heart, resting her chin on his chest and looking at him. 
"It's only gonna be a little while, and then you'll be back in Michigan for the summer. I'm so proud of you, Luke. Everything you've accomplished at the program and at Michigan and everything you're gonna accomplish in Jersey. My little superstar. You inspire me every day," she says softly, and Luke can't speak, his throat tight with emotion, so he just kisses her forehead. 
Luke doesn’t say anything for a minute, just tracing the “L” against her collarbone before asking, "You wanna get in my suitcase?"
"I totally would but I just finished packing it and there's no way I'm unpacking all of that," 
"You're gonna watch when I play my first game right?" Luke asks  
"Is that even a question…I'm your number 1 fan Lukey, of course I'm gonna watch." 
"You know that I love you right?" Luke asks and her heart beats a little faster. 
"You're the most important woman in my life, the most important person really, tied with my mom of course," he continues and her eyes tear up. 
"I love you too, more than you know." she says, a lot more than he knows.
"Don't cry baby," he says, kissing her tears away but that just makes her cry harder. 
"I'm gonna miss you," violet says, and he cups both her cheeks gently, laying a little kiss on her red nose. 
"I already miss you, but I'm gonna see you soon, okay? I'm gonna be back in a few weeks and it'll be like I never left," Luke says, pulling her into a big hug.
"We have to go Luke," Ellen says from a few feet away, not wanting to interrupt but knowing there wasn't any more time to give you. 
“You sure you don’t want me to come with you to the airport?” violet asks and luke nods
“I won’t be able to leave if you come with me. Having you there would just make it harder to leave. Which is crazy, because I can’t imagine it getting any harder to leave than it is right now,” luke says, letting out a shuddering breath and violet wipes her tears. it’s to no use though because as soon as she wipes them, new ones just replace them.
“You’re killing me here Vi. Gonna need you to stop crying or I won’t be able to walk away,” Luke says and Violet tilts her head back, letting out a deep breath
“I’m so happy for you Luke,” she says, failing at stopping her tears
“Yeah, I’ve never seen you happier,” Luke replies dryly and she giggles
“We have to go Luke,” Ellen says softly and Luke nods, ever so gently wiping violet’s tears with his thumbs and pecking her face all over.
“I love you,” violet says again softly and luke rests his forehead on hers, wanting to hear the words again. to feel them. to taste them.
“I love you,” Luke replies, gently touching his nose to hers and she smiles slightly which is a huge win in luke’s book
all around them people are watching, even some of the guys that came out of the locker room
“man this is depressing,” ethan says and dylan nods, agreeing
“I’ve never seen Violet cry this much,” dylan says
“I’ve never seen Violet at all. it’s kinda scary actually,” Mark says
violet detaches herself from Luke and walks over to dylan’s side, resting her head on his shoulder as they watch luke walk out of the arena.
violet doesn’t wanna be alone, so she sneaks into Dylan’s hotel room that night, and they watch secretariat together, unable to recount the hundreds of time they’ve watched this movie with luke.
later when violet has cried so much her eyes has swollen shut, Dylan's phone vibrates, and he picks it up seeing a text from Luke. 
"Take care of my girl. Love you guys." 
214 notes · View notes
supernovafics · 1 year
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 5.3k words
summary: in which during the summer of ‘84 steve visits family in chicago and meets you at a record store. the two of you immediately have a sort of pull towards one another and decide to start something that’s only meant to be a summer fling. as the end of summer nears, you realize that you may be in way too deep, and you take a step back from it all. however, maybe things can actually work out in the end for you two? or maybe not
warnings: explicit language, implied smut, some fluff, a lot of angst
author’s note: very much inspired by the song “end of beginning” by djo (the entire decide album fully makes me wanna sell my soul lmao) this started out as such a small idea and then somehow expanded to being over 5k words…. hope you enjoy! lol ((already working on a part two so don’t hate me for how this ends :0))
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
It was pretty obvious that you were avoiding Steve like the plague. Phone calls to your home were left unanswered, messages from him that were relayed to you by your parents were left unresponded to, and when he showed up at your house looking for you, you told your parents to tell him that you weren’t home. 
However, if anyone were to call you out on your current behavior, you would deny it. 
Because technically, everything was completely fine between you and Steve.
There was no defining moment that made you start avoiding him. In fact, the day before you stopped talking to him, the two of you had spent the night watching a movie at the tiny old theater in the next town over. Well, actually, “watching” was an overstatement because you two mainly did other things that did not involve really paying attention to the two-hour movie. 
And although that entire night had been good, great even, you still spent the next three days avoiding Steve. It was an impulsive decision, but it was also one that you knew, or at least felt like, was the right one.  
You were starting to like him too much, and that concerned you because he was leaving Chicago in less than a week to go back to Indiana, which meant that what you and he had going on was going to be over. 
It was a fact that both of you were well aware of and had agreed upon at the start of the summer. 
However, as it got closer to that date, the thought of actually having to let him go and end things felt painful. Therefore, you decided that the “going cold turkey” idea was the best way to protect yourself. And although a part of you missed Steve, you forced yourself not to think about him. 
However, it turned out that not thinking about someone was much easier to do when they weren’t standing right in front of you, which Steve currently was. 
Now that you truly thought about it, you could see that it was only a matter of time before he showed up at your job. The record store was where you met him in the first place, and he practically knew your schedule as if it were his own since he had picked you up at the end of almost all of your shifts for the past month and a half. 
Your mind and heart felt conflicting things at this specific moment. As much as your heart wanted to see him, your mind knew that he was only making things harder. A tearful, heartbreaking goodbye was what you truly wanted to avoid. 
It was then that you wished that the store was much more crowded than it actually was because since there was barely anyone browsing around, it made it easy for Steve to walk up to the front counter, which you stood behind.
“Can we talk?” He asked, and instead of meeting his gaze, you busied yourself with grabbing the Hall and Oates vinyl that someone was going to buy, but ultimately decided not to, and moving to place it back on its rightful shelf. 
“There’s nothing to talk about,” You ultimately told him, still evading his eyes and beginning to pick through the shelf even though there wasn’t anything to organize or fix on it. 
“I think there’s a lot to talk about, actually.”
You finally looked at him, and when you saw the look on his face that was a mix of confusion and sadness, for a moment, you finally felt bad for not talking to him and giving him no explanation as to why. 
“I have to do some stocking in the back,” You told Steve, knowing that he would be able to easily read between the lines of what you said. 
He knew exactly what that “code” meant, but with what had happened the last few days he wasn’t sure if he should follow you to the back room. The last time the two of you had been there was a week ago, and in Steve’s mind, things were much clearer then, than what they were like now. 
You placed a bell and sign on the counter that said, “Ring if you need help,” and then began heading to the back. When Steve didn’t start following you, you looked at him. “You coming?”
He gave you a small nod and finally moved, following you the few feet to the room that said Employees Only. He softly shut the door behind you both, and you flicked on the light switch that turned on the one light bulb hanging in the middle of the room that did almost nothing to provide the space with any light. 
Maybe coming back here wasn’t the best idea because being in the place that surprisingly held pretty fond memories of you and Steve made it feel way too easy to fall back into the dynamic you’d become so used to with him. It almost felt like second nature to slot your lips against his in the barely lit room, and you really wished you could allow yourself to do it. 
“Where have you been these past couple of days?” Steve asked, pulling you out of your conflicting thoughts.
A silence lingered for a brief moment as you thought of what to say in response to that. Ultimately, you settled with, “I’ve been… busy.”
“I leave in four days,” He said, reminding you of a fact you truly wanted to forget about. His face softened, and you had to pull your eyes away from his. “Is there any way you can be not busy?”
“The fact that you’re leaving in four days is exactly why I’ve been making myself busy,” You muttered, but Steve heard you clearly. 
A confused look crossed his face.“What do you mean?”
A small sigh fell from your lips, and it was funny because, at that moment, you wanted to tell him nothing but also everything circling your mind. “I– I know what we agreed on at the beginning of the summer, but it’s just… I don’t know. It just feels so hard now? In the beginning, it was so easy, and I honestly liked that we had an “expiration date” set for this, but it all just feels so different now. Because I can feel myself liking you way too much, and I simultaneously love and hate that because you’re the first person I’ve ever truly liked. But you’re leaving, so obviously, I can’t allow myself to like you too much because I would be an idiot if I did, and I would just end up hurting more than I already do right now. And the thought of having to say goodbye to you makes me actually wanna throw up.” 
You knew that you were rambling at that point and that you should stop because what you were saying probably wasn’t making a lot of sense. But Steve had always been insanely easy to talk to, so it was pretty understandable why you were word-vomiting all over him. “So yeah, that’s why I’ve been avoiding you like the plague for the past few days, and I would’ve continued if you hadn't shown up here.”
During the entirety of your ramble, your eyes were looking everywhere except for Steve, and when you finally let your gaze land on him, you noticed a certain look on his face. “Why the hell are you smiling right now?”
Your incredulous tone only somehow made Steve smile wider. “Because for the past three days, I thought you hated me for some reason. But now I know it’s the exact opposite.”
“Honestly, I wish I hated you,” You told him. The statement was mostly a lie. “It would make things so much easier for me.”
“Well, I’m really glad you don’t,” He said softly and moved a bit closer to you, placing his hands on either side of your waist. 
You almost leaned into his touch, as you’d done what felt like a million times before, but you refrained from doing so and instead backed up a bit. “Steve…”
You could feel yourself slowly falling back down that hole of wanting him, and although it was a path that could only lead to heartbreak, your motivation to push him away and never talk to him again was declining. 
Still, you managed to find your voice at that moment. “You should go.”
Steve disregarded your words because he could hear how much you didn’t mean them and instead asked a question of his own. “Am I really the first person you ever really liked?”
You could feel your heart hammering in your chest, and you suddenly felt annoyed by all of your previous honesty. But you also wanted to roll your eyes at the question because Steve knew the answer; he knew pretty much everything about you. “You know how I was before we started this.”
For most of your life, you had always been completely content with being alone romantically and having only a handful of friends you loved and would die for. There was never anyone that made you want to step out of the bubble you created for yourself. Somehow Steve was the exception. 
However, the immediate pull you felt toward him wasn’t enough to change you. Instead, it was your best friend Vanessa, who also worked at the record store, that noticed how you were around Steve and gave you the much-needed nudge to actually attempt to pursue something with him. Because just the idea of you having feelings for him had felt utterly foreign to you. 
“You randomly came into the picture and changed everything for me. And I think I’ll probably always be grateful for that,” You said after a brief stretch of silence. “But, I can’t allow myself to see you again after we leave this room. It’s too fucking hard for me.”
In the beginning, you convinced yourself that a situation like this couldn’t lead to heartbreak because of the fact that the ending was set. However, now you thought that maybe that made things worse because everything you felt for Steve was still right there, and it also wasn’t gonna go away any time soon. 
“I don’t wanna end things.” 
“Me neither, but you leave in four—”
“I don’t want this to be over,” He interrupted you. “I want to make it work with us when I go back.” 
You were rendered speechless for a brief moment at his words. Too many things started running through your mind, and although your immediate thought was to let yourself smile at his statement, there was a question that you knew you needed to ask. “What about Nancy?” 
Her name felt foreign on your lips because, for the entire summer, you kept her pushed to the back of your mind. 
Steve told you about her, and the fact that they were on a break for the summer, once you and he grew closer, which was something that happened insanely fast. And that was where the arrangement between you two started. 
Nancy was a big reason why you now saw the “summer fling” you agreed on with Steve as doomed from the start. 
The life Steve was living with you while he was in Chicago for the summer wasn’t his real life. He was always, always going to go back to Indiana and pick things up right where he and his girlfriend had left them off.
That is what you kept telling yourself, and that upsetting thought only aided in your need to avoid him for his last week in Chicago. Maybe that assumption was wrong, though. 
“I’ve barely thought about her the entire summer,” Steve said, and you could hear the honesty dripping from his words. “And when I have, it’s only been about how to end things for good with her because I only want to be with you.” 
His words contradicted everything you convinced yourself of, and you didn’t know how to respond to that. Your mind was running in a million different directions, allowing no coherent sentences to form. The only thing you could say at that moment was, “Oh?”
“Yes, and I know that we’ll be able to make this work,” Steve began explaining, and you forced your mind to shut off for a moment and solely listen to him. “We’ll both be seniors, so our schedules with school won’t be too bad, and we probably won’t have a shit ton of classes. Also, the drive is only three hours, which will be like five for you to do since you’re a bad driver, but that’s still not too crazy. I’ll happily drive up here most weekends. And then there are the holidays too.”
For the first time since the conversation with Steve started, you smiled. Not at the bad driving comment; in fact, you gave him a light shove for saying that. But, it was endearing hearing how certain he was of the fact that the two of you could actually make things work, even though you’d be in two different states.
“You’ve been thinking about this a lot, huh?” You asked, a smile still planted on your face as you shifted closer to him and let your arms circle loosely around his neck. 
His hands found their rightful place on your waist and squeezed lightly. “Yes, and I wanted to say it that night at the movies, but you just wanted to make out with me the entire time, so it was hard to get a serious word out.” 
You could hear the jokiness in his tone, but you still rolled your eyes. “Oh, shut up. You were the one that initiated it right when the lights went low, and the previews started.”
“And then you just couldn’t get enough of me, baby,” He said before fully closing the space between you two and slotting his lips against yours. 
You had wanted to laugh at his previous words or give your own sarcastic comment back, but you let all of that melt away, and instead, you simply kissed him back; something that had been done many times in that back room. 
One of Steve’s hands was cupping your cheek while the other slipped under the t-shirt you were wearing, and feeling his cool hand against your warm skin sent a slight shiver down your spine. Your hands found a home in his hair, and you loved hearing the low groan erupt from his throat when you gave it a light tug. 
The two of you were so lost in the kiss and making up for the time lost since you hadn’t seen each other in days, that neither of you heard the door open or saw Vanessa open it.  
“Y/N, what do–” The rest of her question stopped short when she saw the two of you. She had known that you had been avoiding Steve for the past few days but refrained from calling you out. However, at that moment, she gave you a look that said, “You better explain everything when we’re alone,” and you gave her a small nod before shutting your eyes in embarrassment. Surprisingly, in the many times you’d brought Steve back there, something like this had never happened before. “Oh, um, sorry to interrupt… this. As you were.”
The door softly clicked shut, and when Steve leaned in to kiss you again, you immediately pulled back, detaching yourself from him and letting your hands fall limp at your sides. Your body was on fire at that moment, but you refrained from doing anything about it.
“Nope. No more of this right now,” You told him. The embarrassment from the situation had yet to wear off and allow you to continue kissing him, even though you had been thoroughly enjoying it. “I’ll see you tonight, though?”
“You’re not gonna start avoiding me again?” Steve asked, and you knew he was mostly kidding, but you could also hear a tad bit of seriousness behind his words, which made sense to you. However, things were completely different now. You actually surprisingly felt hopeful about what was to come instead of dreading the next four days before he left. 
You looked up at him and leaned in to press a quick kiss to his lips. “Never.”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
It wasn’t surprising that you were the first one to wake up. For some reason, your body would never allow you to sleep too far past nine o’clock, no matter what you’d done the night before. 
You carefully detangled yourself from Steve’s warm body, not wanting him to wake up just yet, and headed to your bathroom. Once you finished brushing your teeth and showering, you slipped the grey t-shirt that Steve had shown up in last night back on your body because you loved how it looked and felt on you. 
When you walked back into your room, you mentally saved the image of Steve in your bed. It wasn’t the first time you’d snuck him into your room, but it would be the last for a while. And you were glad that your parents were gone for the weekend at some business conference so that you didn’t even have to sneak him in this last time. 
Steve looked peaceful, and you didn’t want to have to wake him, but it was his last day in Chicago, and you wanted to make every hour count before he left that night. 
You slipped back into the bed and faced him on his side. You ran a hand through his hair and pressed soft kisses on both of his cheeks, his nose, and then his forehead before finally landing on his lips. 
He was surprisingly quick to kiss you back, and you smiled, which allowed Steve to deepen the kiss further before he abruptly pulled back. “Mm, minty.”
“I wish I could say the same for you,” You joked, and he immediately poked your side, which made you laugh. You leaned in to kiss him again to show him that you really didn’t care about his morning breath.
Steve’s hand trailed under your, his, t-shirt and began rubbing your bare side in small circles. You sighed contently into the kiss at the feeling of his warm touch, and you wanted to move even closer to him, but you had to force yourself to pull away before things moved further, as they had last night.
You pushed some of his hair away from his eyes, and then your hand lingered on his cheek. “You leave tonight.”
He gave you a small nod. “Yeah.”
“So, we need to get up now,” You told him. “I have a lot of things I wanna do with you today.”
Steve let out a soft groan before turning his head a bit so that he could kiss the inside of your palm. “Why can’t we just do more of this?”
“Because I want to be disgustingly cheesy and sentimental with you today and just drive around and go to a bunch of the places we’d always go to this summer.”
He smiled at your words. “You’re never cheesy and sentimental.”
“You bring out this cute side of me, Harrington,” You told him and pressed a quick kiss to his nose. “Also, I’m gonna force you to finally try deep dish from my favorite place.” 
“You’re evil,” He said before finally sitting up in the bed. His gaze suddenly shifted away from you and instead focused downward as he ran a nervous hand through his hair. “But, um, last night… Last night was good, right?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his sudden shyness. “Yes, very good.”
During that summer, you’d done everything else with him, so last night was kind of the final piece of the puzzle. It was honestly a bit surprising that it'd taken this long. And although you never necessarily cared too much about your virginity and losing it, you were glad that your first time had at least been with someone that you truly cared a lot about, and you knew he felt the same way toward you. 
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure,” Steve said with a nod as he continued to expertly avoid eye contact with you. “Because I know we’ve done a lot of stuff, but I just wanted to make sure that last night was good and everything, y’know? And that it was great for you and how you wanted it to be for your first time and–”
You stopped his rambling by pressing your lips against his. “I know. Everything was great, don’t stress. And I’d happily do it again with you right now if you weren’t leaving tonight and there wasn’t a bunch of other stuff I wanted to do with you today.”
He smiled at that and muttered out a soft “Okay,” before giving you a kiss on the cheek and getting out of bed to head to your bathroom. 
You slipped on a pair of dark denim jeans and your old pair of black Converses. When Steve exited the bathroom, you silently admired him and the fact that he was only currently in his boxers, and you resisted the urge to go up and wrap your arms around him and kiss him for what felt like the thousandth time that morning. 
“As great as you look in my t-shirt, I need it back,” He told you as he pulled on his jeans. 
You were quick to shake your head. “Nope, it’s mine now. But…” You walked over to your dresser and started rummaging through the second drawer until you found the band tee you were looking for. The shirt was pretty oversized on you, so you knew that it would more than likely fit Steve just fine. “You can borrow this.”
Steve slipped the shirt over his head. “This is also mine now. Although I do feel like a fraud since I’ve never listened to the band before.”
“If anyone asks your favorite song from them, just say, ‘Anything from their first album. I can’t decide which one,’” You said as you moved toward him, now allowing yourself to wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Got it,” He nodded and smiled as his arms circled around your waist. 
You pressed your lips against his, giving him a quick peck, before finally forcing the two of you to leave your house. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Although it was one of those days that you knew you’d remember forever, it saddened you how quickly it all flew by. 
From going back to the park where you and Steve played basketball during one of your first few hangouts with each other (and you surprisingly beat him, but you knew that he let you win) to laughing at how much he hated the deep dish pizza you finally convinced him to try. And then next thing you both knew, it was night, and you were sitting in the driveway of the house he and his family had been staying at for the summer. 
A comfortable silence that felt sad, at least on your end, lingered in the car as music softly played, and Steve held your hand in his lap and traced mindless circles on your palm. 
When he looked over at you, he intertwined your hand with his and pulled it up to his lips to kiss it. “Don’t have that look. Remember, this is only the end of the beginning. I know I’m leaving now, but we’ll have so much more time together. Once I’m back in Indiana, we’ll figure out the best time for us to see each other again, okay? You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
You smiled and laughed at his last statement before leaning over the center console and pressing your lips against his. The position was entirely uncomfortable, but at that moment, you didn’t care.
“I have something for you,” You told him when you pulled away and then reached into the backseat and grabbed the brown paper bag that you had been looking for, which was folded at the top to hide the contents inside. It was upsettingly the only thing in your house that could double as a last minute gift bag. 
Steve eyed the paper bag for a moment before his eyes lifted to yours. “You packed me lunch?”
“Shut up, no,” You said with a small laugh. “Just open it.” 
He unfolded the top of the bag and looked inside. His gaze met yours again for a brief moment before he pulled out the five cassette tapes that were inside the bag. “No, these are all your favorites.”
You could only smile at him. “Yes, I know and I’m not giving them to you, just letting you borrow them for the time being until I see you again. Mainly because you told me you never listened to these albums before, and I have a feeling you’ll like most of them. And when you do listen to them, you’ll think about me, which is a small plus.”
He placed the tapes back in the bag and then leaned in to kiss your cheek. “I’ll always be thinking about you. Also, I now feel like an idiot because I didn’t get you anything.”
“I don’t care. This was a last minute thing I thought of anyway,” You said with a small shrug. “But, I’m now expecting a really big gift when you come back.” You kissed his lips. “And I’m only slightly kidding.”
He laughed, and you smiled, wishing that you had a camera to take a picture of him and the two of you at that moment. It was that right time when the sun was starting to set and made everything look just perfect. You desperately wanted to have so many more perfect moments like that one with Steve, and the only thing that could curb your sadness at that moment was remembering the fact that, eventually, you would. 
You glanced at the time it said on the dashboard. “You should go before I get sad again, and I want this goodbye to end as happily as it can.”
Steve nodded and then leaned in to slot his lips against yours one more time. “See you soon.”
“See you soon,” You nodded back and watched as he opened the car door, grabbed the paper bag, and stepped out. “Wait.” 
You quickly got out on your side and rushed over to where he was now standing by the shut passenger side door, staring at you curiously. You wrapped your arms around him almost immediately, and Steve didn’t hesitate to hug you back and hold you tight against him. 
No words were said, mainly because no words needed to be said as you simply held each other and let the tender action speak for itself. Your eyes screwed shut, and you forced yourself not to cry because even though it felt like it, you knew that it wasn’t goodbye forever. 
You pushed up on your toes and kissed him for what you knew would be the final time for a while. It was a slow kiss that was long and drawn out, and you would’ve kept it going forever if it wasn’t for you needing to catch your breath after about a minute. 
“Okay, I just needed to do that real quick,” You told him, still pretty breathless.
“I’m really glad you did,” Steve said softly before pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
You returned to your car and watched as he gave you a wave and smile and then walked inside the house. You sat idly for a moment, simply looking at the red door he just stepped into and closed behind him, before forcing yourself to drive away. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Hours later, you were sat on the couch in your living room, mindlessly scrolling through television channels, unable to settle on anything, when you heard the phone ring. You almost didn’t answer because you weren’t necessarily in the mood to, but you decided against it when you realized it was probably your parents.  
“Hi,” Steve said, and you could hear the smile in his tone. “We’re stopped at a gas station right now, and I just wanted to hear your voice real quick.”
“That’s very disgustingly cheesy and sentimental of you,” You told him, letting a smile take over your features. 
“You bring out this cute side of me, Y/L/N,” He said, and you laughed a bit. “Okay, I gotta go, my mom’s giving me a look. I’ll call you when I’m home.”
And when the phone rang a few hours later, around two in the morning, you were smiling as you answered it on only the second ring. You talked for over an hour about nothing but also everything, and the only thing that made either of you want to hang up was the fact that you both were insanely tired and could barely keep your eyes open. 
You both said your goodbyes, which lingered longer than expected because neither of you truly wanted to hang up. And finally, things ended with Steve saying, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
That “tomorrow” call never came, and you let a week pass before you allowed yourself to get worried and nervous. It didn’t take long for you to want to start overthinking things, but you tried your hardest to refrain from doing so. However, you failed miserably. 
You called his house on the ninth day, and when the call connected, you immediately breathed out a sigh of relief. However, when a male voice that wasn’t Steve’s, and instead it was his dad’s, said, “Hello?” your immediate relief was wiped away. 
“Hi, is Steve home?” You asked. You were sat cross-legged on your bed and nervously playing with the phone cord. After a week of radio silence, you were essentially questioning everything that you had just felt so certain and sure of. Even though, when it came to Steve, you had almost never been nervous, right then, you truly couldn’t help it. 
“No, he’s out right now,” His dad answered, and you were about to simply say “Thanks” and then hang up, but you could hear the phone being pulled away a bit as if he was talking to someone else but still wanting to keep you on the line. “He’s out with Nancy, right? Was it this? Their third date this week?”
You assumed he was talking to his wife, Steve’s mom, and you couldn’t hear her response to his questions, but you knew it didn’t matter; you had heard everything you needed to, which was actually more than enough. You hung up without saying anything else, mainly because words couldn’t form in your throat right then. 
Although you’d never gotten in a fight with anyone, what you were feeling in that moment felt equivalent to a punch in the gut. You truly wanted to pretend that none of this was happening while simultaneously screaming and crying.
However, you didn’t do any of that because the only thing circling your mind right then was one of Steve’s final words to you. “Remember, this is only the end of the beginning.”
Turned out he was wrong and a liar; more so the second one. It wasn’t the end of the beginning for the two of you. Apparently, it was only just the end. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
let me know ur thoughts<333
(((part two here!)))
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risingoftime · 1 year
can you do a riri fic where she says move your hand/ being aggressive during yk 🤭
𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖘 | 𝖗𝖎𝖗𝖎 𝖔 𝖋𝖊𝖒!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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synopsis:  Riri had just returned to her hometown after her time at Wakanda and MIT. After her school year of stress, she’s looking forward to finally spending the summer with her childhood best friend. Yet, the feelings she ran away from all return once she’s with her again.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: smut, friends to lovers, implied cheating, fingering, softdom!riri, overstimulation, strap use!, min plot, cursing, multiple positions, strap riding, mutual orgasm.
18+ | minors do not interact
➴ feel free to send me more thots
The knocking on my window jolted me awake. Quickly wiping away the drool from my lips, I saw Riri staring back at me. I almost pushed her over when I whipped open the car door. Enfolding her in my arms, I squeezed her body close to mine and spun around. The scent wavering off her skin made me more entranced with Riri—a sweet vanilla and saffron cologne she always wore, her signature. Her head rested on my shoulder, and we stood momentarily until I pulled away to get a better look at my best friend. Riri had never been the girly type growing up. She used to always wear her hair out in a heap of curls and wore clothes that accentuated her masculine features. Riri claimed it was “easier” to wear loose clothing when working in the garage. Today, she kept her hair braided in straight-back cornrows, allowing me to see her face, unlike before. That wasn’t the only change that I noticed about her. She had a restless look, bags under her eyes and an unreadable emotion that I couldn’t place.
“I’ve missed you so much!” I shook her as I said so. Riri had just rolled her eyes in response with the same goofy smile she had when we were kids. “Yeah, I could see that. I waited at the terminal for almost an hour, ringing off your phone as you drooled on yourself.” Sneaking a peak at the time, I saw 4:47 pm flash across my iPhone. 
“I’m so sorry! How did you even find me?” 
“I can’t miss this bright ass red car you built with my Dad. It’s a sight for sore eyes. Is that the Cuda you’ve always been talking about? I didn’t know you finished  it.” Riri trailed her fingers on the car's tail and popped my trunk to begin putting her bags inside. The car has been my dream for as long as I can remember. It’s a 72 Plymouth Cuda that Mr. Williams and I restored to ride like new. I’ve spent my spare time outside university lecturers working in the shop. So this car was just a perk. 
“Yeah, and if you’ve been listening to me during our calls, you’d know that already.” 
I flicked Riri in the temple of her head, opened the passenger door for her to enter, and hopped in shortly after. Before starting the engine, I told her, “We have a lot to catch up on.” 
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Riri took her time before driving to my house, and I expected nothing less. From the looks of it, Riri needed those moments with her family to unwind. Either way, it gave me more time to prepare for her to sleep over. Since she’s been gone, I’ve moved into my parent's basement after they renovated the house. So not only did I have a bigger room, but I also had a living space and my bathroom away from my younger siblings, which meant more privacy when I had company. And I wanted Riri all to myself tonight without interruption, to talk, of course. 
I don’t know when I developed feelings for Riri, but I assume they had always laid dormant, waiting patiently to be known. It arose during our first goodbye when Riri had to leave for MIT. My throat felt thick, like it was hard to swallow, and my chest hurt at the sight of her packed bags in front of her house. The feeling was foreign to me as I had never felt strongly about anyone in that way before. Not even for my past ex-boyfriends. I never truly cared who came and left as long as I had Riri by my side. So naturally, when she left for school, I was distraught. I tried to convince her to stay in our city and work for our Dad’s mechanic shop, but I knew in my heart that she was destined for more. Her mind was one of her best qualities. Since she was a child, it was unmistakable that Riri was a scientific protege. I couldn’t live with myself if I were the reason why she never went after her dreams and aspirations. Yet now, as she came back home for summer break, I was unsure how I would go another year without her near. 
I waited patiently in my living room and assessed the space around me. I lit candles, and Riri’s favourite snacks, hidden from my curious siblings, were now perfectly arranged on my coffee table. Since childhood, we’ve been inseparable, literally. Both of our Dads had been best friends since college and decided to move their families to the same neighbourhood. Riri and I ended up doing everything together because of it. We went to the same school, played in the same soccer league, visited our Dads at their mechanic shop, and rode our bikes whenever the weather allowed. Sunday dinners would either be at hers or mine, and if we were lucky, we could convince our parents to let us order takeout. I can’t remember a time as a kid without Riri not being too far behind. She captivated all of my dearest memories. I felt the same—nerves and excitement from the airport. Riri would be here any minute now, and I couldn’t stop watching the clock. Our calls and texts had been less frequent this year as Riri’s workload and responsibilities were never-ending, making me even more impatient to see her finally. 
Heavy footsteps descended the staircase, and I instantly knew who it was before I could see the face behind the wall. “Riri, I still don’t understand how you’re 5ft and walk as if you’re a grown man,” I laughed. Riri looked down at her feet-covered Nike socks once she entered the basement and shrugged nonchalantly before making a beeline toward the snacks on the table. Her eyes instantly lit up once she saw the arrangements of sweet and sour candy from our childhood.  
“No way! I didn’t even know these were still sold in stores,” she squealed. 
Riri hugged me before opening the snacks, beginning with the gummy worms. She sorted the candies by colour, leaving two piles for her and me. I never minded this because they all tasted similar to me, but not Riri; she’s always adamant about them tasting different. Reaching forward, I grabbed one from what I assumed was my pile, which Riri claimed to dislike. 
“Cheers?” I turned to her on the couch, holding the worm in my hand to reach her halfway, and bumped mine against hers before biting off the gummy. 
“I never understood why we always used to do that as kids. Looking back, we thought it was so cool, but it’s corny now that we’re older” Riri smiled in between bites and held a handful of the worms in her lap. Although she appeared to be different, deep down, Riri was still the person I called my best friend. 
“Aren’t all traditions a bit corny?” I asked. 
“I guess… But what did I miss while I was gone? You said we needed to catch up.” 
Stretching out my legs in front of me, I reached forward to grab the wine bottle and poured myself a glass. “Yeah, we do. But first, you need to tell me why you’ve been MIA at MIT. It’s not like you not return my calls or texts. And now? You show up like everything is normal. Did you forget I know you like the back of my hand?” I raised my eyebrow at Riri, beckoning her to respond. She pursed her lips as if she was in deep thought about what to say. The silence stretched between us until she broke. 
“I wish I could tell you, I do. Just know that I wasn’t purposefully ignoring you. Can we call it even? It’s not like you haven’t done the same in the past.”
“Speaking of, how’s Jayden?”  The smirk on her face returned when she brought up my ex. 
“First of all, Jayden and I are irrelevant; second of all, why do you keep changing the subject? Does this have something to do with Princess Shuri visiting your dorms?” 
“How did you find out about that?” Riri exclaimed. Her body turned frigid, and her posture was upright and tense. She was unaware when others kept tabs on her, probably how she got involved with Wakandan royalty. 
“You’re roommate MJ told me. I still have her number from when I visited you last time.” The bitter taste remained in my mouth from having to go as low as contacting Riri’s MIT friends to know why she had been airing my calls. After all, I’m her best friend. I should know about what’s going on in her life. But, instead, time and distance felt like it was driving us further apart. It felt like a knife had stabbed me in my chest. 
“Look, I would’ve told you everything if I could. It’s just complicated,” Riri sighed. 
“Yeah, I know you would. I was just worried about you. Next time, give me a heads up before you disappear like that again.” 
“You were worried about me?” Her facial features perked up at the thought. 
“Of course, I worry about you! You drove me to the point of tracking down your fucking roommate. That’s such a stupid question to ask me, Riri.” To my surprise, the girl had the nerve to laugh. 
“It’s so hard for me to take you seriously when you talk like that. You’re cute when you’re upset.” 
“I won’t be so cute when I shove my foot up your ass.” The smile on her face grew more prominent, and what was said next made my mouth drop in shock. 
“Careful. I might be into that shit.” 
I felt my heart race at the thought of what kinks Riri might have. She’s never been the most forthcoming about her sexual escapades. Riri hasn’t ever told me about her dating life. I just always assumed she didn’t have one. But her comment piqued my interest. 
“Oh really, so what are you into? MJ?” I asked. 
“MJ has a boyfriend, and what I like… I don’t think that she could handle that.”
 I narrowed my eyes at her, “handle what? Riri, you’re 5ft.” Her legs were spread out before her, taking up more space as she got comfortable. It was playful banter, but I could feel my head spinning from our conversation's whirlwind and the implications of Riri’s sexual escapades. I wasn’t used to being on the other side of this. Usually, I would be the one spilling all of the juicy secrets. A part of me was bothered that she had another life that she had never alluded to. One that was kept between the sheets. 
“You'd be surprised. I could make you forget about that sorry ass Jayden’s name.” Her cockiness always ticked me off, yet now I was outright embarrassed. I had been more than forthcoming with Riri about Jay’s weak ass stroke game, and now she was throwing it back in my face. 
“It wasn’t like he was that memorable anyways,” I retorted. I ignored Riri’s suggestion, unsure if it was wise to venture and explore that side of our relationship. It wasn’t that I hadn’t noticed the tension or stolen glances that were exchanged between us. I was just scared to make the first move.
 “And I doubt you could have me hooked on you just like that. For all I know, you’re a holy virgin.” I held a poker face to conceal my beating heart and the jittery nerves that kept my body on edge. Riri’s eyes raked over my body, and suddenly my clothing felt invisible. 
“Give me five minutes. That’s all I need to get you begging for me.”
 Picturing what Riri’s hands were capable of with me underneath her. I’ve watched her work in the shop, observing how her nimble fingers can reach all the tricky spots to complete a job. I couldn't help but now wonder what they were capable of.  I bit my lip to distract myself from the oncoming images that shadowed my rational thoughts.
“Five minutes,” she repeated, “and I'll compensate for all the stress I caused.” 
Riri could tell my mind was turning and debating what to say next. She closed the space between us. I looked down at our legs and how hers brushed against mine. With every move, Riri had made my body even more hyper-aware of what would happen. Her fingers trailed along my legs, hinting at her intentions. My breath hitched at the contact. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had sex or a good fuck. Jayden was a pretty boy but wasn’t good for anything else but to look at. He kept me company for the time being until what I wanted flew in. Now that it was in front of me, I was unsure if I had the confidence to take it. 
“If we do this, Riri, I can’t forget it happened.” 
“Neither can I, and I don’t want to.”  Riri’s hand brushed against my cheek, and my breath hitched as her face approached nearer. I could smell the candy on her, the sugar remnants still on Riri’s lips. I craved to know what it would feel like to be the one who could lick it off. I felt the familiar wet spot between my legs from the mere thought of having Riri’s body against mine. Once her lips met mine, all my thoughts drifted away and were replaced by lustful impulses. It began soft and tentative, as if we were kids again, unsure of the other. Riri’s full lips were unbelievably soft as I lightly bit her bottom lip, encouraging her to open up further for my tongue to slip inside. The taste of sugar invigorated my senses, awakening every cell in my body and urging me to wrap my arms around Riri’s waist. I pressed myself towards her until our bodies were flushed against each other. I was practically on top of her at this point. I only paused between our heated makeout to bring my legs on either side of Riri to straddle her. I had been so distracted earlier that I hadn’t noticed the bulge between her legs. My mind began to reel at the realization of what it might be that I was feeling underneath me. Moving my hips in search of any friction that it could provide, I could feel myself begin to feel desperate, almost ready to beg for Riri to rub her fingers along my pussy. 
“Let’s go to my bedroom,” I said, sounding husky and breathless. 
Riri nodded in response and picked me up to stand upright from the couch. I guided her along the corridor to my room, and she wasted no time throwing me onto the bed. My eyes were wide from the shock of her strength. I noted how her back flexed when she removed her sweater and the light happy trail that led down to the band of her boxers once she turned to face me. My eyes lingered on the outline of her strap. Riri’s gaze met mine, then smirked, clearly aware of where I was looking. 
“Take off your clothes.”
Slowly, I lifted my shirt to reveal the pushup bra underneath. Stealing a glance at Riri, I could decipher the temptation and desire that lay dormant as she licked her lips. She looked as if she was ready to pounce at any second, making me want to move aggravatingly slowly. I tried to make her wait like she had done to me. Moving to the edge of the bed, I discarded the pants I wore onto the floor. I looked up at Riri for a sign of what may happen next. She stood between my legs and brought her hand to wrap around my neck, forcing my head back. I had completely submitted myself to her, trusting her fully. Riri applied pressure on either side of my neck, and when my mouth parted from the new sensation, she connected her lips to mine and slipped her tongue inside—breathing in each other’s air as her fingers circled the thin fabric that barely kept my lower lips covered. Riri’s fingertips rubbed my clit in an aggravatingly slow motion. I bucked my hips forward, urging her to increase her speed. At this moment, I didn’t want anything more than to be consumed by Riri’s presence. 
“Open your legs wider,” Riri commanded. 
I did as I was told, pushing my thighs further apart to permit more accessible access to my throbbing center. Riri dived deeper, teasing the entrance of my pussy, only allowing a fraction of her index and middle finger to thrust inside. The moan that escaped from me was sinful. 
“Riri, please” 
“Please, what?” she replied. 
“Please stop playing with me” My voice came out a pitch higher and sounded whiny. 
“Your wish is my command, Princess.”
Riri repositioned herself so that her bottom half was flush against mine while she moved her fingers further inside. She used her hips to guide her hand to apply pressure. I could feel myself get wetter the longer she continued. The sounds of my pussy filled the room, leaving no secret to what was happening in my bedroom. Riri left sloppy kisses on my collarbone to my neck until she reached my ear, only pausing to whisper, “Can I put it in?” I knew what she was referring to and nodded my head. I didn’t trust myself to be able to get the words out. 
“Use your words.”
“Yes, what?” Frustration briefly overtook me, and I was reminded that I was telling my childhood best friend to fuck me. I suddenly felt shy as I said, “Yes, Riri, please put it in.” 
“See, now, was that so hard to say?” 
I didn’t answer her question and watched Riri instead as she removed her pants and briefs to reveal an opaque pink dildo attached to her strap. Not the colour that I was expecting, but the size surprised me. It could’ve at least been 7 inches bigger than Jayden, that’s for sure. Riri held the pink dick in her hand and slowly glided it along my pussy, taking extra time to rub the tip against my clit before lowering it inside and stretching me out. Riri went slow at first until her full length was inside. My legs had already begun to shake from the new sensation that I felt from the girth of the dildo. 
“How does it feel, baby?” Riri began to grind her hips while thrusting in and out of my pussy. Her pace remained unhurried. She was enjoying watching my facial expressions with a sultry smile. When I didn’t respond immediately, Riri began increasing her tempo, and I couldn’t silence the escaping moan. “Fuck- so good,” I sighed.  She kept pounding inside me until my broken cries turned into gasps. I slyly moved my hands down to her torso to slow her down. Instead, Riri grabbed my hands and pinned them down onto the mattress. 
“C'mon, you can take it.” Riri’s lips hovered over mine, keeping eye contact throughout. I am completely and utterly lost in her trance. I’m convinced she wants to leave her mark, leave me so drunk off of her that I wouldn’t be able to think of glancing at another man. “Riri, I can’t; I’m going to cum” I whispered. I sigh into her kiss as Riri swirls her tongue around mine and wraps my legs around her waist to lock her closer. She released my hands to wrap her arms around me and flipped us over in the bed, so I was now on top of her. 
“Ride it out, baby girl” Riri kept her hands around my waist to keep me in place. I took my time to adjust to the new position that she had put us in and bobbed my hips on the strap, loving how deep it could go and fill my hole. I began desperately grinding in search of more. It brought felicity that I had not known before, so intensely that I hadn’t noticed how loud I was getting with each movement. “Shhh, baby,” Riri growled. “Shit,” we didn’t have the house to ourselves. I bit my lip as a reminder to remain quiet while I felt the orgasm take over me and my fluids slipping down onto the harness she wore. My core began to contract, and my legs began to tremble as I whimpered in her ear. “I’m cumming, Riri.” 
"Yeah?" Riri planted her feet on the mattress, balancing myself on top of her before she began thrusting upwards. 
“I’m not done yet,” she said. 
My pussy gripped around her as she kissed my G-spot with each thrust, pushing me to my next peak. "I can feel it on my clit" Her low voice was shaky, and it turned me on even more at the thought of her getting off from fucking me and using me like a toy. It sent a wave of urgency and need to make her cum. I was pinned against her and unable to free myself from her grip. “Keep bouncing on it, baby” Riri’s mouth was open agape, and she struggled to keep her eyes open as her small sighs of euphoria became moans. “Mmph.” Riri was unrelenting in chasing her high. My pussy got wetter from watching her face conform to a blissed-out state. 
“I’m so close, don’t move” Her voice was staggered and pleading. 
“Me too,” I replied. 
The last thing I saw was Riri’s eyes rolling back until my orgasm overtook me. I didn’t care who would hear as we moaned in each other’s mouths, breathing in the same air. My head spun out from cumming so hard. Riri’s legs collapsed, making the bed squeak from the sudden movement. When I opened my eyes, Riri analyzed me with a peaceful expression. 
“What? Why are you staring at me?” I asked. 
“You’re so beautiful” She smiled the same smile that she had at the airport earlier. I gave her a side eye and tried to shake my body off her, but her firm hold on me remained. 
“Aren’t you going to let me go?” I asked. 
“Not after you gave me great sex like that. I’m ready to go for round two,” Riri stated. 
“Round two?” I shrieked.
It was apparent that what had just occurred between us was longer than five minutes, but I couldn’t stop. Once I kissed Riri, I had already gained an insatiable appetite for her. I was left yearning for more and more. While lying there with Riri, I wondered what had I gotten myself into? 
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Sweet kiss, sweet blood (5)
[ dark vampire! • Aemond x female ]
[ warnings: fingering, smut, angst, kissing, drinking blood ]
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[description: A centuries-old vampire lives in Victorian England, bored and discouraged. His old friend sends him a letter, inviting him to his new country house. Aemond arrives there to rest. Next to the property, there is a small chapel, visited by the faithful. It turns out that at night, a young lady prays in it. Sexual tension, profanation, murder, blood drinking.]
I owe the idea for this wonderful series to: @qyburnsghost
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
After what he said everyone around him froze in shock. He thought he was a goddamn imbecile. He wondered how he could say something like that without thinking, without planning. The words flew out of his mouth before he could process them.
However, he decided, surprised at himself, that he would not back down from them. He wanted to see what would happen. His gaze darted to the side, Criston stared at him enraged, his mouth pressed into a tight line. Mr. Whaterfield didn't know what to say for a moment, completely bewildered.
"But… but ser, my daughter is already engaged." He mumbled, pale, not expecting this turn of events. Aemond smirked at his words.
“As far as I know, your daughter did not agree to marry Pastor Smith.” He said low.
Mr. Whaterfield shot a quick, reproving glance at his daughter who looked down in horror. Her entire body was trembling. Aemond thought, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, that he had just given her a nervous breakdown. There was nothing he could do about it.
He had to have her for himself.
"I… everything's already settled…" Mr. Whaterfield said uncertainly, but Aemond cut him off mid-sentence.
"I don't want her dowry. I don't lack money. I have properties in several towns and villages. I can give you one as a summer residence. I will gladly introduce you to the salons in London. You can even meet the royal family there. Consider my proposal together with your daughter. Have a nice day." He said succinctly, as he put the top hat on his head and started walking towards his horse.
Criston followed him in shock, bidding everyone a quick goodbye. He caught up with him after a while on horseback, blocking his way, looking at him enraged.
"Have you completely lost your mind? What did you not understand about my request not to pay attention to us? Now the whole Mantfield will gossip about us!" He growled, enraged, his vampire fangs gleaming in the sun. Aemond was not impressed. He thought maybe it was better.
“Proposal is a human thing.” He grunted low, looking away, unfazed. Criston laughed at his words, looking at him in disbelief.
"Are you mad? Are you going to marry her?" He asked amused, coming closer to him. "When are you going to tell her she won't have children with you? That you won't share the autumn of your life with her because you'll never grow old? That instead of soup for dinner you'd be happy to suck the blood from her neck?"
Aemond stared at him with pursed lips. He skirted him on horseback, moving unhurriedly towards his mansion. Behind him, he heard a loud, drawn-out sound of rage escape from Criston's mouth.
"You bastard!" He shouted after him.
Aemond had never been so eager for night to fall. Criston didn't speak to him, locked in his bedroom. He decided that was even better. He had hoped that Miss Whaterfield would come to the chapel, if only to talk to him about his proposal. He had to be alone with her, he felt that he couldn't take it anymore.
In the evening he was sitting on the sill again, looking out the window. His whole body was tense with anticipation and desire. He felt his manhood harden at the thought of her, standing in front of him again in her nightgown. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself from touching her this time.
From tasting her.
He froze as he saw a warm glow of light in the undergrowth. His mouth parted, his breath quickening, as he saw her figure slowly emerge from behind the trees, heading for the chapel.
He got up at once, wearing nothing but nightgown tucked into black trousers and boots. He wanted to see her as soon as possible. He practically ran through the park. He felt himself pumped up by some strange, unknown energy.
As he entered, Miss Whaterfield gave him a sharp look, pulling the shawl that was wrapped around her shoulders more tightly around her. She frowned and pursed her lips at the sight of him.
"You're an impudent bastard." She said angry, desperate, hurt. "You think you can just come and buy me?"
She stared at her intensely, his jaw clenching at the unpleasant tone of her voice. He narrowed his eye, his gaze dangerous, glittering. She swallowed at the sight, taking a step back.
“I had to make your father an offer. He is a materialist who deeply believes in God and will do what is more profitable to him. Is he not?” He asked, and she shuddered at his words, her gaze full of pain. He knew, looking at her, that though she didn't want to admit it, she agreed with him.
"My opinion doesn't matter?" She asked quietly, pressing her lips together. He took a step closer to her, but she took a step back toward the altar.
“Your opinion is of the greatest importance. He's just not to interfere." He grunted, as he took another step toward her like a wolf lurking among lingers on a deer. He decided he wasn't going to let her slip away this time.
He will enclose her in his claws and devour her.
She swallowed hard, her hands tightening on the fabric of her shawl as she stepped back again, her back suddenly hitting the stone altar bench. She stared at him with wide eyes.
"I'm not going to marry you. Nor pastor Smith. You both deserve each other." She whispered, her lip quivering slightly, her eyebrows twisted in pain.
Aemond pursed his lips at her words, feeling as if a needle had been driven into his body. He didn't like the feeling. He smiled menacingly, animally, finally standing over her, looking down at her.
“Say one word and I will leave. You will never see me again.” He purred, looking at her expectantly.
He saw her whole jaw quiver, her body shivering, but not from the cold. He saw the hesitation in her gaze, the pain, and something else. He thought with satisfaction that she was a complete mess.
"Say it." He hissed, coming so close to her that their bodies were practically touching. She breathed raggedly, terrified, looking pleadingly at him, tears welling up in her eyes.
She didn't want it.
She didn't want him to leave.
She drew in a sharp breath and shivered as he ran his cold fingers over her cheek. His thumb parted her lower lip slightly, revealing her fleshy, soft, pink texture. He waited for her to tell him to stop, but she couldn't make any sound.
He could feel how fast her heart was beating, how intensely her hot blood was pumping all over her body. He thought that a moment more and he would taste her, sink his fangs into her neck.
He wanted to try something else with her first.
His free hand touched her thigh, hidden under her nightgown. He felt her shudder, gasping for breath, looking at him imploringly, terrified. His fingers lifted the thin fabric of her chemise, brushing over her warm skin, gliding up to her buttocks. He heard her swallow hard, her mouth parted in disbelief.
"I'm going to touch you there. I won't hurt you." He whispered low, looking at her with determined, thirsty eye.
Her lips parted wider in a helpless moan as his hand slid between her warm thighs. His fingers ran over her hot, juicy entrance, throbbing and quivering. He sighed at the sensation, his mouth gaping in delight at her condition.
Her hand tightened on his arm, as if to hold him back, but there was no certainty in that grip. He rested his forehead against hers, looking at her softly.
"Easy." He murmured, his fingers starting to glide painfully slowly in a circular motion around her pearl, spreading her wetness over her throbbing skin.
She moaned softly, surprised and terrified by the pleasure that his touch brought her, her thighs trembling all over. Her grip on his arm loosened, her breathing quickened. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her nipples peeking out from under her chemise, hard and perky. He licked his lips at the sight.
"Just like that. Let me take care of you." He whispered.
He leaned lower and brushed his cold lips against hers, full, soft, hot, swollen with desire. His fingers between her thighs quickened their movements, pressing her harder. His other hand from her cheek slid down and tightened in her hair.
He kissed her greedily, almost animal, sucking her lips, wetting them with his saliva and tongue, making her moan sweetly into his mouth.
Her hands tightened on the material of his chemise, the sensation making it increasingly difficult for her to stand on her feet. A short, low moan escaped his throat as he felt her thighs part slightly for him.
He kissed her long and sticky, their lips wet with their shared liquids. Her scent made his head spin, he could feel her blood pulsing through her veins, all for him. His manhood was all hard.
He sped up the caresses, feeling that he wouldn't last much longer. His finger, massaging her clit began to tease her entrance from time to time.
She moaned helplessly into his mouth, shivers of pleasure ran down her spine as she felt it, not taking her lips off of him. He slid the tip of his finger into her, and she froze, horrified, gasping for air.
"Shhh. It's okay." He purred reassuringly, sliding his finger deeper into her, his nose brushing over hers.
They both gasped as he pushed him all the way in, then began to slide him in and out with the loud, wet, shameless click of her moisture. He felt her fleshy, hot structure tighten around his finger.
He knew, more or less, where every woman's pleasure spot was. When at last he found what he was looking for, and the tip of his finger began to press on that wonderful point, Miss Whaterfield began to moan louder, her body convulsing in search of fulfillment. He suspected that she had never touched herself before and did not know what was happening to her.
"Hold on just a little longer. It will be over soon." He whispered tenderly, feeling her walls tighten around his finger faster and faster, his mouth greedily pressing and caressing hers.
She gasped and moaned helplessly in front of him, burying her face into his, her nose brushing his cheek, seeking comfort, feeling something coming.
"I…please…" She mumbled in horror, her eyes cloudy, her mouth parted wide in a deep, ragged breath, her heart beating like crazy.
As she felt an unexpected, intense wave of unfamiliar pleasure rush through her suddenly, she threw her head to the side in embarrassment, squeezing her eyes shut and moaning sweetly, holding the fabric of his chemise tight, rising and falling on his finger.
"Just like that. You've done so well." He purred contentedly, kissing her temple.
He felt the waves of orgasm coursing through her body, his finger still moving deep inside her. His lips moved lower, down her cheek, to her neck. He parted his lips, feeling the pulse of her artery under his fangs.
"Do not scream." He said softly and dug into her soft, hot skin. He took one sip, then a second, then a third.
Pleasure clouded her mind for a moment, numbing her to any pain. She didn't know what was happening to her, her body froze completely in silent terror and horror.
The taste of her made him shiver all over, his breathing quickening. Her blood was like her kisses, sweet and juicy, deliciously filling like no other that he had ever tasted. He took another sip and pressed his fingers hard into her hair. He promised himself four sips, no more.
He didn't want to kill her.
He broke away from her with difficulty, his fangs sticking out, trembling all over, feeling that instead of quenching his thirst he only made it stronger. He ran his tongue over here neck where there were now two small holes. Her blood was slowly dripping right onto her white nightgown.
He lifted his face, streams of her blood flowing from the corners of his mouth which he licked off with his tongue. She stared at him, her mouth and eyes wide open in a mixture of sensation, pleasure, pain and horror, making her eyes roll back. Her body suddenly go soft, and she slumped in his arms.
She passed out.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @avgdusterfan @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @random-ocity @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @snh96 @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @aemondsfavouritebastard @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @bellameshipper
Others: @talesofoldandnew @toodlesxcuddles @padfooteyes @iloveallmyboys
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thorfemmes · 1 year
Now in Technicolor
part ii: "I found I could say things with color that I couldn't say any other way"
a/n: Surprise, I'm alive! This update has been a long time coming. I posted part one back in January, and then hit writer's block, and then my semester started, and then time just slipped away. but I'm on summer break so hopefully I should be able to write more! My ask box is always open for requests, headcannons, or just some fun chats about our favorite characters. I hope you enjoy!
read part i here
as always, reblogs, likes, and feedback are greatly appreciated!
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Rated 18+: fem!reader x steddie, possible smut in the future, slight suggestive language (literally barely there), anxiety, brief mentions of nail biting and skin picking as nervous habits
Word Count: 2,667 words
When Steve woke up that Sunday morning he hadn't expected much. He had been called in to cover a shift last minute so he was dragging his feet all morning, upset that he had to miss out on breakfast with Robin and her new friend.
He quietly shrugged on the starchy green vest and crawled over his side of the bed to kiss Eddie goodbye.
Eddie groaned. "D'ya have to go? You weren't supposed to be scheduled," Eddie mumbled into his pillow, not opening his eyes.
Steve smiled softly. "I have to, baby. I called out last week so this shift will ensure a full paycheck for me".
"It's not my fault you called out".
"Oh definitely not. It's never your fault when you want to spend the day in bed".
Eddie opened one eye and smirked at Steve. "You weren't complaining when I fu-".
"Okay Eddie! I've gotta go, handsome. I'll see you this afternoon, yeah?"
"Of course. Bring home the bacon, babe!"
When Steve got off of work, he hadn't expected much. He stopped by Eddie's favorite Chinese restaurant and picked up food for an early dinner. Some Jade beef with extra steamed rice and a couple new movies sounded like a perfect night in for them.
When he got home, the front porch light wasn't on but Eddie's van was parked in the driveway.
"Hey Eds? I'm home," He shrugged off the vest and threw his keys in the dish on the front table. He walked into the kitchen and set the food on the counter. "Eddie?"
He heard a grunt come from the living room. He found Eddie sitting on the couch, his face in his hands and his leg bouncing up and down. Steve kneeled down in front of him and slowly rested his hands on Eddie's leg.
"What's wrong, Eddie?"
Eddie looked at Steve, eyes wide with stress. "I went to breakfast with Robin and Nancy this morning," Steve nodded. "And I met their new friend, Y/N. When we met, color flooded the rest of my vision".
Steve took a deep breath. "Okay..."
"I'm just… not sure what to do. I gave her my phone number so we could talk, but I wanted to talk to you. What does this mean for us?"
Steve glanced over Eddie's face. His eyes were glassy and his bottom lip was chewed raw. "Baby we've talked about this, it was bound to happen to one of us. Nothing is going to change unless all of us want it to. I still love you, do you still love me?"
Eddie's eyebrows furrowed. "Of course! It's just that, what if she's not your missing soulmate? Or what if she doesn't want me in her life since we're already together?"
"Then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Did she say anything about us when you brought it up?"
Eddie shook his head. "No, not really. But she was cool with Robin and Nancy so I'm assuming she's cool with us. It's just different, obviously".
"Obviously," Steve smiled softly. "Let's just give her some time to settle. We can't worry about something that hasn't happened yet. You just met her today, I haven't even met her yet. Let's just relax and eat the Chinese food that I brought home before it gets cold. Whatever happens is meant to happen, it's out of our control now".
Eddie took a deep breath to steady himself. "Okay Stevie, it's your turn to pick the movie tonight". Steve reached up and gave him a quick kiss before heading to the kitchen.
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Across town, Y/N was eerily quiet. She had been since breakfast. Rather than heading home, she headed for the nearest Goodwill and went straight to the book section. Scanning the shelves, she came across a book meant for newly found soulmates. One that could help her identify the colors around her. She quickly picked up the book, along with one on color theory (though truth be told she had no idea what that meant) and went to the register, thankful that it was a bored teenager ringing her up rather than a chatty old lady that would no doubt question her purchases.
She drove home, probably faster than she should have. She quickly ran into her apartment, locking the door behind her. She scanned her living room, now blotched with color. Various unnamed shades poked through her vision, overwhelming her. She wasn't sure if it was the colors that were overstimulating her, or the newfound knowledge that she had more than one soulmate wandering the earth. For most people, finally finding a soulmate was easy. You meet, you get to know each other, you fall in love, the end. What was she supposed to do with a soulmate that was already in love with someone else, with his soulmate. A soulmate that wasn't her. All of this made her head pound. She threw the book on the couch and made her way to the kitchen. She rummaged through her cabinets until she found some ibuprofen. A nap and a handful of Advil will do her some good.
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Eddie hadn't heard from Y/N in almost two weeks. He had gone back and forth debating whether he should ask Robin for her phone number, but ultimately decided not to. It was up to her to reach out to him, and in her own time. Though truth be told life carried on as normal. Steve continued to complain about the middle schoolers trying to sneak rated R movies out of the store, Eddie continued to bar back at a local restaurant, and the two boys continued to build their lives together. The only thing that has changed is Eddie's ability to fully see color. He could tell Steve what matched and what didn't. He encouraged him to wear more yellows and browns that looked great with his slight tan and rosy cheeks. He also stopped Steve from wearing that god awful orange polo shirt with the green vest because c'mon Stevie, you have to know what an eyesore that is, even with your limited colored vision.
When she finally did call, Eddie wasn't home. Steve was getting out of the shower that evening, greeted by the shrill rings of their telephone. Sitting down on the bed still in his towel, he answered with a simple hello?
"Hi, is Eddie there?" A soft voice came through the phone.
"No he's not, may I ask who's calling?"
"Oh! Um, it's Y/N".
Steve stood up a little straighter. "Hey Y/N, it's Steve". The other end went silent. "Hello?"
She cleared her throat. "Hey, yeah. I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to pick up, but now that I'm thinking about it, it makes perfect sense. Of course you guys live together, you're soulmates, why wouldn't you? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called. Please tell Eddie I won't bug him again, I-"
"Hey, hey slow down. You're perfectly fine, there's no reason to worry. Eddie's just at work, but I can tell him you called?"
She nodded, "Yeah, that would be great. Thank you".
"Of course. And hey, Y/N? I meant what I said, there's nothing to worry about. We're both excited to get to know you -if that's what you want".
"Thank you, I appreciate it. Let me give you my number".
After the phone call with her, Steve called Eddie at work.
"Hey baby, is something wrong?" Eddie was a bit worried. The last and only time Steve had called him at work was to let him know that he wouldn't be home for dinner because he was in the ER with Lucas who had a broken nose after a basketball incident.
"Yeah everything's okay. I just wanted to let you know that Y/N called. I'm not sure when you'll be home, so I wanted to let you know before I head to bed".
Eddie let out a slow breath. "Okay, thank you for letting me know. Sleep well, Stevie".
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It was well past midnight when Eddie got home. He quietly meandered around the house, peeking through the pantry and fridge for a late night snack. He grabbed the quart of juice from the fridge and drank straight from the carton, something Steve would've chided him for. Nothing they had in the house sounded all that appealing to him, but his attention was quickly drawn away from eating by an empty envelope with Steve's chicken scratch on it.
Y/N's phone number, it read. Give her a call when you're ready, she's just as nervous as you. Xoxo.
Eddie let out a small laugh at the sign off. The microwave read 1:37 am, surely it was too late to call her? Something urged him to though, a small voice in the back of his head inviting him to the telephone in their living room. He sat down on the arm of the couch and pressed her number into the dial pad. Eddie immediately regretted the decision until she picked up after two rings.
"Hello?" She sounded almost hesitant, wondering who on earth was calling at this hour.
"H-hey," He cleared his throat. "Hey, it's Eddie".
"Hey Eddie," She whispered.
"How are you doing?" He cringed inwardly. Was he supposed to make small talk or cut to the chase?
She huffed out a small laugh, "I'm doing well, you?"
"I'm doing well," He paused. "This is awkward, right? It's not just me?"
"It's a little awkward, yeah. Um, what are you doing up so late?"
"I just got off work, I hope I didn't wake you up or anything".
She shook her head in response. "No, don't even worry about it. I couldn't sleep anyways. What do you do for work?"
"I bar back at Paolo's down on 10th street".
"Oh! I've been meaning to try that place. Is the food any good? I know there's a town-wide debate on whether Enzo's or Paolo's is better".
Eddie smiled again. "The food’s really good, but I may be biased. Enzo's was a little too stuffy for me. They wanted me to cut my hair and cover up my tattoos even though I work in the back of the house".
"Yeah, that sucks. I'm glad you found a place that works for you".
A minute passed by before either person talked.
"So I-".
"I think-"
They fumbled over each other's words.
"You first," Eddie said.
"I've been thinking, and I'd like to get to know you a little better. And Steve if he's comfortable with it. I'd like to have my soulmate -or one of them, I guess -be a part of my life".
Eddie sat up a little straighter on the air chair. "I'd like that, I'd like that a lot. Steve and I are both off on Thursday if you'd like to meet then? Just something easy like over coffee".
"Something easy, I'd like that. I get out of class around 2:00 pm, so maybe we could meet at 3:00 pm? I go to school outside of Hawkins so it'll give me time to drive over to you guys".
"Sounds perfect, sweetheart".
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Eddie was going to have a heart attack. His anxiety was bouncing off the walls leading up to his meeting with Y/N. What does one wear to introduce one of your soulmates to your other soulmate? What if your soulmates hate each other? What if Steve isn't her missing soulmate? The mental gymnastics of even processing that he has to introduce two separate soulmates to each other was exhausting. Before it was all hypothetical; He didn't know if she wanted to be in his life, in fact he had assumed not since he hadn't heard from her. But now? Now Eddie had to face reality and jump over this hurdle.
Steve, on the other hand, was calm and collected. Almost too calm for Eddie's liking. He just went about his day normally. Sat and drank his coffee and watched the morning news. He got dressed without a second thought. He was eerily calm. Even on the drive to the coffee shop, Steve calmly drove with a supportive hand on Eddie's thigh. Meanwhile, Eddie was biting his nails down to the quick.
Across town, Y/N had already arrived. She bolted out of class and ended up getting there 20 minutes early. She saved a table near the back of the cafe. She debated whether she should order or wait for the boys, but ultimately decided to wait. To be completely honest, Y/N had no idea how she was going to stomach a drink during this meeting. She didn't know if she was more anxious about seeing Eddie again or meeting Steve. Selfishly, she hoped Steve was her other soulmate. It would make everyone's life easier. And if he wasn’t her other soulmate? Well, that’s a whole separate shitstorm to navigate. Let’s not get caught up on that right now. You have enough stress bottled up as is. Any more might shatter the glass.
She was jolted from her racing thoughts by the bell on the cafe’s door ringing out. She looked up and saw Eddie holding open the door for another man. A slightly shorter, more muscular man that was just as handsome as Eddie.
She quickly waved them over and stood up to greet them. “Hey Eddie, it’s nice to see you again”.
Eddie offered a soft smile. “Yeah, same. This is Steve. Steve, this is Y/N”.
She offered a small wave, too nervous to shake his hand and confirm their soulmate status so early in their meeting. Steve understood, keeping his hands tucked into the back pockets of his jeans. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N”.
“Cool,” Eddie cleared his throat. “So, I’m going to go order for us. Y/N, do you want anything?”
“Oh, it’s okay! I can go with and order”.
“Please, I insist”.
She looked into his soft eyes, getting nothing but kindness back from him. Chancing a glance at Steve, she received the same look of patience and kindness from the man. She nodded and told him her order.
With Eddie standing in a line across the room, there was no longer a buffer between Steve and Y/N. Steve quietly motioned back to the table. They sat down, an intimidating silence fell over them. She picked at the skin around her thumbnail while Steve’s leg bounced -both of them filled with nerves. It was Steve who finally broke the silence.
“So, uh,” He started. She quickly looked up at him, giving her full attention. “Robin and Eddie tell me that you’re in school? Well, mostly Robin, but yeah”.
She nodded with a soft smile. “Yeah I am. I’m almost done, thankfully”.
“Cool, cool”. Another silence fell over them.
“H-how,” She cleared her throat, when did it get so dry? “How did you and Eddie meet?”
“Technically, through mutual friends. We had crossed paths in high school, but we really didn’t talk to each other until after I graduated. I was kind of a dick in high school, so we wouldn’t have gotten along much anyway”.
“The universe has a weird way of doing that. Throwing people into our lives when we least expect it”.
Steve smiled. “Yeah, yeah it does”.
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The rest of their coffee date went rather smoothly. Y/N learned a lot about Steve and Eddie, and vice versa. She learned about Eddie's uncle, Wayne, who raised him as his own from a young age; and, that he had an affinity for thrash metal -especially Metallica and Anthrax -fantasy books, and DnD. She learned about Steve's upbringing and that while his parents were in his life, they were never truly involved or all that interested in actually being a parent. Steve's music taste varied, loving anything from the Beastie Boys to Simple Minds to Bruce Springsteen; and, while he would never openly admit it to anyone else, he secretly loved Tiffany's music. They learned about your family and your relationship with them. They thought it was interesting that you chose Hawkins of all places to settle down for college. Your music taste was also eclectic, but Eddie continually teased you about liking Madonna (Steve had to hold his tongue from calling Eddie out on loving "Vogue" and her Like a Prayer album). When it was finally time for them to part, Eddie offered a small hug, to which Y/N softly accepted. When they separated, she turned and offered a shaky hand out to Steve. He took a deep breath and shook her hand.
Time seemed to stand still again. Color flooded the rest of their vision. What was once murky grays and blobs of pigment quickly became a full painting with every shade imaginable.
Eddie looked at the two of you, hope sparkling in his eyes. “Well?”
Y/N and Steve shared a grin.
“Well, life just got a whole lot easier for the three of us”.
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thank you so much for reading! more to come soon! <333
taglist: @alexxavicry @marvelous-musicals @kbakery @sillypurplemurple @munsonology @sidthedollface2 @sunnygrey99 @sigh-mon-says @pastelbabygirl19 @sleepy-bunny @bethanysnow @sllooney @cottagecori @saramelaniemoon @bestofbucky @luvrsbian @shotgunhallelujah @tiannamortis @hazydespair (please lmk if I missed you!)
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 4 months
Somewhere Between Hello and Goodbye | Ch. 3: The Lucky Day
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Warning: This chapter contains mentions of an eating disorder and depression, please read with caution as topics may be triggering.
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a/n: Alexa, play Daddy's Home <3 Anywho, OC's spiralling summer was inspired by Bella's montage of passing seasons in Twilight ... I'm sorry, but I need to preface that OC will be going through it this whole season, I have already cried thrice. Also, a side question, can you guys actually play the songs I post for these chapters? Meaning, does Tumblr let yall do that or am I trippin? Because I truly think they add a lot to the overall experience. If not, please let me know, then maybe I'll just turn them into a Spotify playlist.
Sleep has become my escape. A temporary withdrawal from reality in which I live to remember everything Jungkook has forgotten. Sleeping through each passing day, I know that at least in my dreams we are still together. In my dreams, I will always find my way back to you, Koo. Even if you don’t remember it, the moon knows that we were once in love. It hears my helpless cries at night and feels every atom of my being that misses you, fearing the idea of us becoming strangers once again. 
It’s as if my happiness was erased with his departure. Holding my hand through each step of the way, he showed me the beauty in life and ended up being the one to take it all away when my fearing heart failed to reciprocate the painfully obvious love tethered between us. Now, my life is dull and pointless. How can I love someone else when every night I dream of you, Koo?
Swallowing pills to mute the sound of my heart beating for his barest touch, I’ve become lost in my own mind, haunted by everlasting thoughts. Although I thought I would be able to at least pretend to be happy for the sake of my family, it’s all become too much. Thus, it was only a matter of days, before my deteriorating behaviour sparked concern in my parents, fueling tension in the air we shared. It all started with fatigue, which then transformed into chronic sleep and in the end began to affect my eating habits. Feeling nauseous from the mere thought of food, I’ve grown to dissociate myself from it. I was hungry, but I couldn’t eat. And, as my hope slowly diminished, so did the number on the scale. 
“Mira, you have to eat,” my mom’s voice echoes in my ear as my eyes fixate on the plate of steamed broccoli in front of me. 
“I’m not hungry, I told you,” I sigh, swallowing down the lie with some water. 
“Mira, honey, please talk to us. What’s wrong?” my dad asks softly, placing his hand on top of mine. Hearing the trembles in his words, my eyes swell with tears before I shake myself out of it.
“I’m fine … just feeling a bit under the weather,”
“The sun has been at its highest peak this whole time, what’s seasonal about this?” my mom tries to remain composed as she shifts her chair closer to mine. 
“Talk to me, honey. What’s gotten into you? You were so excited to come back,” her hands caress my tangled hair as I nibble on the dead skin on my lip. 
“Mira, you’ve been silent since you came, and now you won’t even eat. Your mom and I can’t bear to see you like this,” 
“Come back home, Miraya. We can find another university here,”
“No. It’s not that. I’m fine, I swear. I just … I just need this break to end already, so I can focus on my studies again. That’ll keep my mind occupied,” I whisper softly, attempting to fake a smile as my empty gaze searches their scattering eyes. Recently, that's how most of our conversations ended. With helpless promises feeding my delusions. However, with each passing day, I come to realise that promises are nothing more than sweet lies. If it weren’t true, I wouldn’t have to find excuses for the aching feeling in my heart, but rather, melt in the overflowing passion of Jungkook’s burning love. 
Excusing myself, I throw away the cold plate of food and head back to my room, one which was once filled with laughter and a carefree sense of ambition. The same walls that watched me cry out of happiness upon receiving my acceptance letter just a few months ago are the ones that now echo my pathetic cries for help. Every inch of this room has become cold and numb, and I’m afraid that there is no more warmth in me that could fix this. 
Crouched in a fetal position as my body shivers under the floral duvet my mom gifted me as a welcome present, I dial Jimin’s phone number. It has been weeks since he moved back to Busan, but I have yet to receive any updates from him about Jungkook. In hindsight, maybe, it’s for the best, but if silence is the thing that'll save me then why do I still hold onto the smallest glimpse of hope for us? Even if it means walking across a minefield of rejected possibilities that would ultimately send me into a never-ending spiral, why do I still care?
“How is he?” I ask with hesitation. 
“Different. He’s different.” Jimin replies softly. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, he seems distant. Which is fair, I guess. But, he doesn’t quite seem to remember me,” 
“At all?” my voice shakes as I choke up. 
“Well no, he is still able to recover our memories from when we were kids, but recent events are very blurry,” Jimin goes on. 
I, was recent to Jungkook. We, were recent to him. Four months, that's how long I've known Koo, but I’ve been missing him for the last seven. Each day I daydream, reminiscing our memories, feeling the void in my heart knowing that I’ve been without him longer than I’ve been with him. Maybe, Mrs. Jeon was right. I would be lying if I said that a little part of me didn’t think that the reason for her ultimatum was purely based on a simple dislike of me. You know? Like, she didn’t see me as a good match for her son? Because, even then, her disapproval of my character would have been an easier pill to swallow than knowing that now, in Koo’s empty eyes, I’m no longer his Peaches, but a stranger. God, it hurts to even say it out loud let alone accept it. I can’t accept it, but I have to now, don’t I?
“Please take care of him for me Jiminah,” I manage to let out, wiping the tears rolling down my face. 
“I will Mira, don’t worry. I’ll see you soon, okay?” 
“See you,” I end the call, throwing my phone across the bed, my puffy eyes irritated by the brightness. 
That night was especially hard. Although my body was desperately wanting to succumb to the exhaustion, my mind wouldn't shut up. It kept replaying our memories, reminding me of the things I should have said. The words Koo never heard, but deserved to.
Hugging my mom, her trembling hands tighten their hold on my sweater as I take in the smell of her perfume for the last time. I missed her a lot, and the guilt of putting my parents through that torture has been eating me alive this whole summer. All they wanted was to see their daughter smile and I failed to fulfill even the simplest of their wishes. If only they knew how much I wanted to smile again. 
“Mira, I’m telling you again, we can find another university here,” my mom says with teary eyes. 
“Just say yes, and we’ll deal with all the transfer stuff, honey,” my dad joins, caressing my palms, as I let out a soft chuckle before shaking my head no. 
“That’s not fair. You guys didn’t raise a quitter,” I manage to let out, feeling my throat tighten from the build-up of emotions. 
“You’re right, we didn’t. But, even the strongest soldier needs a shoulder to cry on. Remember that we are and always will be by your side, Miraya,”
“Call us as soon as you land, love,” 
Passing through the airport security, I wave to my family my last goodbyes before heading to my gate. Am I excited to come back to Seoul? I don’t really have a choice, do I? That God-awful Nursing degree won’t finish itself, so yeah, I kind of have to go back. But, I know that school isn’t the only thing pulling me back. I know I can’t, but I still wish to see Jungkook, even from afar, it doesn’t matter. All I want now is to know that he is doing well.  
I’m not sure how, but as soon as my head rested against the seat my body shut down, falling into a much-needed sleep. I probably would have slept through the whole 12-hour flight if it weren’t for the bright beams of sunlight penetrating through my heavy eyelids. Taking a glimpse out the airplane window, I no longer saw snowy mountains but rather blossoming fields of greenery scattered within the busy cities of Korea. And, as the captain went through his ending speech, a flood of international students lined up near the exit, eager to get back into their previously established routine. It’s funny because I was sitting next to one of my cohort members from last semester, but we were both too tired to even realise. 
Nonetheless, putting my passport and ticket back into my carry on, I rolled my luggage down the escalator before a familiar voice called out my name. Searching the crowd of strangers filled with overwhelmed emotions, my eyes stop at a particular boxy smile. 
“Long time no see, Flip-flops!” Tae shouted across the hall, before waving me down to where he was standing with Jiah and Jimin who were just as excited about my arrival. Feeling my eyes swell with tears, I couldn’t help but laugh at his cute, little dance as he pulled me into a warm hug. 
“Tae, I’m certain you just don’t know my actual name,” I say with a grin, looking up at his sparkling eyes. 
“Of course, I do MJ,” he grins, rubbing the top of my head. Ha ha ha, isn’t he just a comedian? For context, my government name is Mira Jean … hence, the birth of MJ. 
“That’s enough, let us hug her too,” Jiah chuckles, opening her arms as my body virtually melts into her embrace. With tears rolling down our faces, her grip tightens around my form as she lets out a sudden gasp. 
“Mira! My goodness, why are you so small?” she asks with a concerned tone, her wide eyes scanning my body. Although, I always managed to maintain my normal weight, I guess, not eating properly for 3 months left its mark on the way I looked. As the numbers on the scale decreased, I became more and more fixated on the protrusion of my bones. I hated the feeling, but, I also couldn’t stop. Because I couldn’t get myself to eat, I relied on baggy clothes to create an illusion that would satisfy people’s perception of me. Unfortunately, I failed to fool Jiah as she saw right through the act. 
“I just stopped eating so much junk food, I’m fine. Trust me, this is a good thing Jiah, now I can finally fit into my favourite pair of jeans,” I try to laugh the pain away, caressing her hands as her furrowed eyebrows slowly release their tension. She isn’t convinced but also, doesn’t want to create a scene in public. I know that follow-up questions will be brought up along the way, but for now, my attention is focused on looking for someone who I know isn’t there. It’s silly, but before spotting Tae, a little part of me hoped to see Jungkook. To witness his sparkling doe eyes and bunny teeth, once again, like the good old times.  
“Okay, it’s settled, we are all going to my favourite Korean BBQ place,” Jimin exclaims, giving me a quick wink before grabbing both of the luggage out of my hands, and handing one to Tae. And, as Jiah intertwines her hands with mine, we exchange soft smiles exiting the airport as my skin finally feels the fresh, humid air of Seoul. Stopping mid-walk, I let out a deep sigh of relief. I hated every second of my summer, it was nothing short of pure torture but, at least, it too passed. 
“You’re good?” Tae whispers, softened gaze focused on my flushed cheeks. 
“Yeah,” I say softly, taking another deep breath as his arm caresses my shoulder. 
“He’s fine, Mira,” his words pierce through my ears as I unconsciously shoot him an alarming look. 
“You’ve heard from him?” I rush my words, anticipating his answer as my chest heaves up. 
“No, but I can feel your pain,” his tone is quieter now, eyes still searching mine. 
“I’m fine, Tae,” I mumble under my breath, lowering my head in fear of breaking down in front of them. 
“Just know that I’m always here for you, okay?” he says, pressing a soft kiss on my head before wrapping his arm around my shoulders. If only he could hear the way I’m screaming inside. The way I’m calling out for help. For someone to find hope in my hopeless state of mind. If only he knew how much I miss Jungkook. 
“Okay,” I whisper.
“Following the tradition, I will be hosting my annual house party before school beats all of our asses,” Jimin chuckles, caressing Jiah’s hand as their eyes focus on each other. Forcing down some dumpling soup into my system, I feel nauseous, but can’t risk growing Jiah's suspicion more, so I attempt to eat as little as possible without her noticing. 
“So, Mira, please come. Jungkook will be there as well,” Jimin continues with a soft smile which slowly fades upon noticing my gaze drop. Letting go of my spoon, my fingernails dig into my cold palms, as I’m back at square one. How am I supposed to face him when I can’t even handle the mere mention of his name? It’s not fair. None of them know about Mrs. Jeon’s ultimatum, and I fear that I can’t just simply tell them. So, I gulp down the pain and manage to put on another act, one that I seem to have mastered over the summer. 
“Mira, you’re okay?” Jiah asks, gently rubbing my forearm. 
“Yeah, sorry, I’m a bit jet-lagged. Sure, of course, I’ll come,” I reply with a reassuring smile, before looking at Tae. I recognize the sadness in his eyes because I see it in my own every passing minute. But, I can’t let him in. I can’t betray Mrs. Jeon’s trust, again. Even if it means that I have to betray my own heart.
We’ve been walking around the mall for probably 3 hours now and Jiah has yet to find something with that wow factor, meanwhile, I have already found 4 of the nearest exits. The party is set for tonight, and although I have already agreed to come, I can’t get myself to actually face the consequences. I can’t go, what was I thinking. What? Did I think everything was going to be fine once Jungkook saw me? Mira, he doesn’t remember you. 
“Jiah, you know, I really don’t think I should go tonight?” I say, slowly walking in circles as she eyes another mini dress. 
“What? Why?” she stutters, going through racks of possible options. 
“I’m just not feeling well,” I lie, fiddling with my fingers to calm down the nerves. 
“Mira, is something wrong?” Jiah stops what she’s doing before walking closer to my anxious self. 
“I’m fine, really,” I lie again. 
“You don’t look fine. You barely eat, barely sleep, barely talk to me,” she exclaims with a  tone firmer than before. 
“Then stop looking. Please, can everyone just leave me alone? I’m just tired, okay?” I burst, feeling everyone’s eyes on my distressed self. 
“Okay, I’m sorry. What do you need?” she says gently, reaching out her hands.  
“I just need space,” I whisper, crossing my arms in front of my burning chest. 
“Fine, I’ll give you some space. Please call me when you’re ready,” Jiah’s words cut deep as she walked out of the store, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The ones I’ve been trying to run away from this whole time. I can’t even get mad at her. She is only trying to help, but how can she when I keep shutting everyone out? It’s all my fault, I know. I just hope that this isn’t how it ends. I hope I don’t push everyone away, and someone sees right through the mask I put on. Because I’m so lost. I don’t know what to do or who to talk to.
Locking the door behind me I plop onto my bed before finally resting my heavy eyes. And, within minutes, I’m passed out again. I think, I've grown to become eternally tired, no matter how much I sleep, there is just no end to this fatigue. Moving restlessly, I pull the white cover over my shivering body before hearing my phone ring. 
“Ugh, what is it now?” I grunt, squinting from the screen brightness as a small gasp escapes my parted lips. It was 8 pm already. How is that possible? I swear, I just laid my head. But, no, apparently I’ve been asleep for the last 5 hours. 
“Hello?” I manage to let out. 
“Flip-flops? Where are you?” Tae screams through the loud music in the background. 
“Tae, I’m home. What happened?” 
“Mira hurry, Jiah is drunk. You need to come pick her up,” he exclaims with panic in his voice. 
“What? Where’s Jimin? Can he not drive her?” I stutter, lifting myself off of the bed before putting my hoodie back on. 
“You want him to drive under the influence? Of course, he is drunk too,” 
“Well, why can’t you drive them?” I whine, almost pleading. 
“Who said I wasn’t drunk either?” he chuckles, sending me a flying kiss through the phone. 
“Fine, I’ll be there in a bit. Keep an eye on Jiah,” I sigh before grabbing my keys and ID. 
Thankfully, Jimin’s place wasn’t that far from our dormitory so, the ride there was only 10-ish minutes. Nonetheless, I could feel my heartbeat in my throat. And, as the driver finally pulled up to the apartment complex I practically ran inside. Following the sound of loud music, I made my way through the crowd of people who clearly had a little too much fun, as the alcohol in their system could be detected from the next block. 
“Flip-flops!” Tae exclaimed with a big grin. Stopping in my tracks, my eyes diverted to Jiah, who was standing beside him with absolutely no sign of a hangover. In fact, she looked better than ever in her new mini-dress. 
“What? You lied?” I snap, eyebrows furrowing more and more with each step I take towards them. 
“How else was I supposed to get you to come?” Tae chuckles, trying to rub my head before I push his hand away. 
“Get off me,” my tone is harsh as I lower my piercing gaze, shaking my head in disbelief. 
“Oh! Mira, there you are,” I could hear Jimin’s voice getting closer before turning my flushed face. And with that, it felt like time stopped altogether. There was nothing and no one in the room except for him and I. Koo and I. Feeling my gaze soften, I choke up from the rush of emotions in my throat. 
“Hi, I’m Jungkook. It’s nice to meet you,” he says with a warm smile, reaching out his hand as if meeting me for the first time. Before replying, I take a moment to analyze his face. The one I dreamed about every night and the one that caused me so much pain. He looks the same, except, his eyes no longer sparkle like they used to. I guess, we got that in common. 
“Hi …I’m Mira,” I let out a soft smile, before reaching out my own hand. 
“Yah, Kook, you already know her, you guys were best friends,” Jimin chuckles, patting Jungkook’s back.
“Oh, I’m sorry, please forgive me. I'm still trying to piece everything back together,” Koo says, covering his mouth before shutting his eyes from embarrassment. 
Feeling my throat tighten, I quickly excuse myself, before rushing out of the packed room towards the nearest fire escape. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but why does it feel like I’m going to pass out? It’s as if all the air was knocked out of my lungs. Feeling lightheaded I hold onto the railing and close my eyes for a moment. I can’t believe it. Koo, I saw you but you didn’t see me. You saw a stranger. And, suddenly, there I was, alone again, realizing that everything I feared had come true.
Regaining my composure, I decide to walk back to the party before my eyes are met with his. 
“Not a party animal, huh?” Jungkook grins, stopping in his tracks as his arm leans against the wall. 
“It’s my day off,” I let out a small chuckle, unable to keep his eye contact. 
“So … we were best friends?” he asks softly, hands fidgeting with the chains on his belt. 
“Yeah …” I nod slightly, nibbling on my lips. 
“It’s funny because I don’t remember anything from last year. I could barely recognize my own dad for a while. Jimin helped me a lot, he basically recalled sparknotes of my past for me,” he laughs. Oh, how I missed his laugh.  
“You really don’t remember anything?” I finally look up, searching his scattering eyes. 
“No, not one bit,” his muffled words are interrupted by the growling sound coming from my stomach, as I let out an awkward smile. 
“Oh, are you hungry?” he grins, bunny teeth on full display, as my gaze softens again. 
“No, no, no, I’m fine. I think I’m gonna head home now,” I shake my hands, zipping my hoodie before attempting to walk past him. 
“No, it’s fine, I’ll drive. I’m starving as well,” Jungkook assures, gently pulling onto the fabric as my heart sinks to my feet.
I knew I shouldn’t, but I agreed. I couldn’t say no to Koo. Not, after all the sleepless nights I’ve spent missing his mere presence. And, as we entered the nearest restaurant, everything felt real. He felt real. Even if he couldn’t feel it, my heart was beating for the both of us. For our first hellos, last goodbyes and everything in between. Just for tonight, I wanted to pretend like nothing happened. 
“Oh, look, Mira, they have a special deal on shrimp dumplings, do you like them?” his voice, brings me back to reality as I mute the thoughts running through my head. 
“Yeah, my mom made them for me all the time when I was little,” I smile. 
“Then, I guess it’s your lucky day,” he chuckles with a satisfied grin, before calling one of the waiters. 
“I guess, it is,” I say softly, feeling my throat tighten as I struggle to swallow the lie. Searching his naive eyes my own swell with tears while my body shifts restlessly in the seat. Desperately wanting to cave into the emotions, my mind is haunted by the thoughts of Mrs. Jeon’s letter. And, as I close my eyes for a moment, all I can see are the painful reminders of our enforced distance. Don’t call … Don’t write … Don’t interact. Yet, here we are, here you are, Koo. Live in the flesh, separated by a table and the forgotten story of our past. So close, yet so far that it physically hurts. To him, I’m just another piece of the puzzle that would fill the void in his memories. But, to me, he is the only piece that could make me whole again. 
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Sports Fic
I don't celebrate Superbowl Sunday, but still, here are stories inspired by sports:
Sports featured more or less prominently!
Completed; Summaries from AO3
you, just like heaven by theworldunseen
Jaime is an All Star pitcher on the King's Landing Crowns, and Brienne is the girl he gives free tickets to and sleeps with sometimes. That's it, she tells herself. And yet.
With All Your Faults by sea_spirit
In 1943, small-town slugger Brienne Tarth is recruited to play for Tywin Lannister’s newest business venture: the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. There, she meets Jaime, a maimed former Major League pitcher who’s been talked into managing one of his father’s teams. She can't stand her arrogant coach, and he is definitely not interested in his annoyingly principled star player. They don't like each other at all, really...until they do.
Loosely inspired by "A League of Their Own," with slightly less baseball and lots more love story.
Diamond in the Rough by cardinalgirl75
All Brienne Tarth's ever wanted to do was play baseball. All the world's ever given her is scorn for thinking a woman could be as good as a man--until she's drafted by the King's Landing Royals. Now she's got a chance to make her wildest dreams come true.
Jaime Lannister overcame a rocky start to his career to become the premiere pitcher for the King's Landing Royals. He thinks a woman playing professional baseball is ludicrous--until he meets Brienne Tarth.
Stealing Home by PrettyThief
It was cold, he was warm, she'd polished off a very tall beer, and the night was full of happiness. Besides, they were friendly colleagues now, so surely there was no harm in a platonic hug between two fans.
Coaches Jaime Lannister and Brienne Tarth find themselves seated together watching the losingest team in baseball, Brienne's beloved Storm's End Stags, compete in the final game of the World Series.
these warm summer evenings where we once and again shall meet by sdwolfpup
This summer, the fourth since they'd parted after college, Jaime's coming for a month, and Brienne's already dreading having to say goodbye at the end of it. But there's no alternative, because they're simply baseball buddies, no matter how many nights Brienne might fall asleep talking to Jaime on the phone about work or how often he texts her random non-baseball thoughts during the day. Regardless of too-long hugs and extended vacation stays.
It's been eight years since they met. She's sure she's missed her chance to try to make it anything more, so she's going to be happy with the time she gets. Just as soon as she stops dreaming about him.
Right Off the Bat by hillaryschu
to be read in 90s Movie Trailer RomCom Voice
Meet Jaime. He used to be the most infamous player in Major League baseball but a career-ending injury brought him back into the family business. He hates it. What he doesn’t hate is coaching the best Little League team in Kings Landing.
Meet Brienne. After her father’s death, she left behind a successful career in women’s competitive fastpitch to start over. She’s trying to balance life and love in a new city, all while coaching a down-and-out Little League team.
In a world where everyone is looking to connect, Jaime and Brienne discover the best way to meet someone is to never meet at all. What they don’t realize, is that they already have.
This fanfic exchange season, follow along with Brienne and Jaime as they take to one another on Twitter and battle on the ballfield. Then find out what happens when those worlds collide.
(a You’ve Got Mail AU)
Change-up by Lady_in_Red
Jaime is used to reading signs and changing his play accordingly, but baseball and relationships are two entirely different games.
Formula 1
Heart Full of Gasoline by sdwolfpup
Jaime Lannister is a Formula 1 driver with a sordid past, dubious future, and nothing left to lose as he hits the far edge of his career. He thinks all he wants is the world championship title he’s never quite been able to reach and to finally give up smoking. What he finds to his great surprise is what he really wants might be Brienne Tarth.
Brienne Tarth is an unknown mechanic eager to make the jump to the big time of Formula 1. When Jaime hires her as Chief Mechanic for his team of misfits, she discovers she’s ready for the work, but is she ready for Jaime?
Bull Riding
Fever by Lady_in_Red
As a professional bull rider, Jaime Lannister cheated death, eight seconds at a time, for more than a decade. When his luck finally runs out, Brienne Tarth becomes his unlikely savior. A slow-burn romance set against a backdrop of dangerous sports and pop culture geekery in a Westeros-flavored United States.
What he loves might kill him But he's got no choice, he's a different breed With a voice down deep inside That's screamin' he was born to ride - "The Fever," Garth Brooks
I Owe It All To You by theworldunseen
Fresh off another World Cup title with the United States Women's National Team and heading into retirement, Brienne Tarth lets her friends convince her to join the newest cast of Dancing With The Stars. Mostly she doesn't want to embarrass herself. When the show pairs her with veteran dancer Jaime Lannister, she gets even more than she bargained for.
when the sun shine, we shine together by cardinalgirl75
Brienne spent one incredible weekend with hockey superstar Jaime Lannister, only for him to break her heart when it was over. Four years later, she's moved on with her life and made a name for herself as the lead choreographer for one of the hottest shows on television--Lip Sync Battle. The last thing in the world she wants is for the show's creator to announce that he's pursuing Jaime to be one of the contestants.
Grand Slam by LadyRhiyana
In which Jaime and Brienne play tennis, fool around, and fall in love.
Football (Soccer)
Playing Defense by RestedAbandon
Jaime and Brienne are always on opposite sides of the field, until they're not.
Kiss Cam by SeeThemFlying
Jaime and his girlfriend Cersei go to see a football game.
There's a kiss cam.
Jaime doesn't kiss Cersei.
This Is The One by disappointed_turtle
Jaime, Brienne, football, feminism, friendship, dogs, cake, sex. Good things, basically. No one is getting crushed by bricks after a wildly unbelievable 'relapse' in this story. No one is ending up celibate and having to spend their life playing the diplomat between lots of men who have failed upwards. Modern universe, this world. It'll probably be quite crude. Title from The Stone Roses song. I'll update very soon as it's almost finished.
Football (American)
Stannis Baratheon, Fantasy Football League Commissioner by ikkiM
Stannis Baratheon is the new Fantasy Football League Commissioner.
This is completely an exercise in fun. If you're looking for heavy angst or a deep exploration of the characters, this fic is not for you. If you are looking to have a laugh, come on in.
My Best Friend is the Centerfold by PrettyThief
Five years since last they spoke, Brienne does not expect to see her old best friend, Jaime Lannister, modeling underwear on her social media feed.
Swimming/Football (American)
Beast and the Beast by SigilBroken
This is unfinished but it is great until it stops
Make Love Your Goal by lionswench
When the arrogant, widely-reviled and recently-relieved war veteran Jaime Lannister starts pulling the reins at his father's factory, he finds himself tiptoeing around the ire that munitionette Brienne Tarth seems to reserve only for him.
Careful to contain the explosive potential between the two of them, Jaime gradually begins to win Brienne over with a little help from the beautiful game. If a war can momentarily cease for a bit of football, surely a bit of workplace bickering can too, right?
A retelling of the history of Dick, Kerr Ladies FC with slightly less football, and many more feelings.
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vbbaby-girl · 12 days
Summer of ‘73
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So Barty invited her over for the summer
Maybe not the whole thing
But like two weeks at least
And she said she’d ask Matron
(i’m gonna make a separate post about how she and Remus grew up and clear some things up btw)
And after some convincing, she was able to go for the two weeks before the last week of summer
So like the second half of August
She’s really excited, especially because Barty said his mom was taking them to their beach house
She Floos for the first time, which she hated
"I'm not kidding Barty if i ever have to do that again I'm going to puke all over you"
'Wait until you Portkey"
Mrs. Crouch is so happy that Barty (finally) has a friend and makes them a full breakfast
Waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit bowls
She even had three cups of English Breakfast tea out for them
Luna thanked her, telling her it was worthy of Hogwarts
But inside she was crying because no adult had ever really been that happy to see her
After eating a hearty breakfast, Barty leads her upstairs to her room, which is right next to his
Luna is 100% a planner, she had an assignment notebook literally only used for scheduling her schoolwork
So she sits Barty down and makes them (vaguely) plan their two weeks
In the mornings, they go to the beach so they can get some sun
In the afternoons, they go to the town nearby, which is full of wizards
It was midday by the time they got to leave the house, so they visited the town
In her mind, Luna made a map of all the best places
A diner, an ice cream shop, a record store, and a theater
They find out ticket times, but nothing that good is playing
After walking around a bit longer, they go back to the beach house and have dinner (which Luna inhales)
They stay up all night just talking, its mainly Barty ranting about things and Luna adding on
They eventually end up sleeping on Barty's bed together (it's huge i asked evan)
When they got up, they hit up the beach
At first Barty was scared to get into the water
"It's gonna mess up my hair"
"Not as long as you wet your hair before"
After explaining how hair is like a sponge ("it doesnt soak up the salt water if the clean water is already in it"), she and Barty got in the water
It was pretty fun, some of the local boys set up a net and got a ball
It became a pretty heated volleyball game, and Luna picked it up quickly after watching them play a set
Lunch was sandwiches, then onto the town
Barty was mystified by records, so Luna took him to the music shop to show him
Led Zepplin, Elton John, The Beatles, Elvis, Fleetwood Mac
The Eagles, Queen, and David Bowie had all released albums quite recently, and Luna was vibrating at a chance to even touch the records
Barty had found out he missed her birthday, so he bought all three of the new albums for her
She refused to accept them, so he kept them, but made sure to tell her she was free to use them whenever she wanted
The following days looked the same
A couple times Luna just tanned because "My ancestors would scream at how pale I am"
Barty rolled his eyes and kept playing volleyball
Also one of the locals tried flirted with Luna
Barty will not let it rest
Always teasing her
Final goodbyes were emotional
For Barty
"I'm going to miss you so much" (with tears in his eyes)
"I'm literally seeing you in a week???"
He gets over it the second they see each other in the platform
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taglist: my fav tortured poet @gardenofrunar
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bedsyandco · 5 months
“I don’t want you to go,” luke says, his fingers tracing mindless patterns on her legs as his head rests on her stomach.
“I know, I don’t wanna go either, but I have to,” violet replies, both her hands playing with luke’s curls.
“It’s okay, it’s only a few more months and then we won’t have to say goodbye anymore,” luke says softly and Violet’s hands still, the words on the tip of her tongue but not knowing how to tell him.
“what is it?” luke asks, looking up and seeing the expression on her face. he knows, just by looking at her that there’s something she’s not telling him.
“i’ve been thinking that maybe i should hold off on moving for just another year and-“ her words getting halted when luke sits up suddenly
“you don’t wanna move to jersey?” luke asks, his frown deepening
“i don’t wanna move to jersey yet,” she answers, putting emphasis on the last word.
“but we talked about this. you said you wanted to wait until Daxton graduates and moves away. he’s moving to boston this summer,” luke says, not understanding where this was coming from.
“i know but i wanna finish my degree at michigan,” violet responds
“why can’t you finish your degree here? i mean the courses should be the same,” luke says and violet sighs standing up from the bed.
“i don’t wanna move before i finish my degree luke. i wanna graduate there. that’s always been my plan,” she says, making it clear that this wasn’t really up for negotiation.
“but you said that you’d move when daxton leaves,” luke argues
“i said i’d think about it. and i did think about it, and I decided it’s best for me to stay in michigan and finish my degree,” violet says, her tone impatient
“what about what’s best for us?” luke asks raising his voice a little, standing up from the bed and walking closer to her, but there was still a reasonable distance between them, physically and emotionally.
“we’re already doing long distance,” violet argues
“yeah and it fucking sucks!” luke yells
“I know. You think you’re the only one that doesn’t like doing long distance? You’re not even the one flying back and forth every three weeks luke, I am.” Violet replies firmly, her voice loud but not yelling.
“you wouldn’t have to fly back and forth if you would just move here, like you said you were going to. You also said you were going to call me at least once a day and that also isn’t happening, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’re not keeping your word on this either,” luke says and Violet feels a little pang in her stomach, wrapping her arms around herself and just looking at Luke for a few seconds.
“I’m a full time student Luke, with a job, and friends and family. I have a schedule I need to follow and I’m sorry that schedule doesn’t always revolve around you. I’m doing the best that I can. A relationship is about compromise and sacrifice you know?” Violet says
“I’m already sacrificing-“ Luke starts and Violet raises her eyebrow at him.
“what exactly are you sacrificing luke? please say it, you obviously wanted to a second ago,” Violet asks
“Nothing. We should go, your flight leaves in a couple of hours,” luke mumbles
“no what are you sacrificing? do you feel like you’re missing out on something? sacrificing all the hookups you could be having on the road instead of waiting for your girlfriend to text you back? because if that’s the case then I wouldn’t want you to have to struggle with those sacrifices any longer,” Violet says, her voice trembling a little.
“Violet-,” luke says reaching for her but she pulls away.
“no. I don’t know what’s gotten into you but you need to do some re-evaluating and decide if those sacrifices are worth it. This is all I can offer you right now Luke, take it or leave it.” Violet says, grabbing her packed suitcase and her phone and opening the bed room door. At the last second she turns around seeing Luke sit on the bed with his head in his hands.
“You know I’m making sacrifices for you too. I’m going to be sacrificing a whole lot in my future to be with you, and support you through the career you chose. And I’m willing to do that happily because I love you and I wanna be with you. All I’m asking for is a little bit of time Luke, a few extra months.” Violet says and walks back to where he’s sitting, standing between his legs as he cups the back of them, running them up and down soothingly.
“you have a right to be upset luke, your feelings are valid and I’m sorry, this really does suck. but it’s temporary and I promise we’ll make it work. I’m gonna ask Jack to drive me to the airport. Take some time to think about what I said okay? and we’ll talk about it some more. I love you,” Violet says kissing his forehead and making her way out of his room and finding Jack already standing at the door waiting for her.
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juicycoutureheaux · 11 months
Fixer Upper: An AU Sheriff!Leon Kennedy x Reader Fic
Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3
Hey y’all!! I’m back again! I’d like to thank all those who left such nice things to say about the other chapters. This story is going to be a bit longer than anticipated, but that just means more details and drama (oooh!) lol. Again there are some TW, in this chapter. (Mention of suicide). I’d like to think @alewesker & @angelscoda for all their encouragement! You both are amazing and keep me motivated! If you haven’t checked out their blogs you totally should!
You learn that the sharp dressed, curt man that greeted you and Suzanne was none other than Buckley Richards, who worked as a private stylist to Jackie Bouvier Kennedy and Lily Pulitzer.
He was a force in the dressing room, ordering his assistants to grab different fabric swatches of all different colors and textures; comparing them to your skin to see what shade best suited you.
He didn’t hold back his facial expressions either, especially when something was less than flattering.
“No, No!” he would exclaim, commanding the whole studio’s attention. “She is not a winter, she is a summer! I do not want to see those colors again!”
You felt totally detached from your body, it felt like they were dressing up a doll and you despised it. You began to dread your future, because you knew it was going to be filled with nothing but superficial moments and people.
The studio assistants picked you apart, scrubbing your face, your fingernails, just about every bit of your body.
By the end of the 8 hour session, you had been taught how to apply your makeup in “the right way,” the correct way to style your long hair and how to dress for every occasion.
When you looked in the mirror, you were dressed in a prim, but stylish outfit; your hair was pinned behind your ears revealing your now “acceptable” face; your already long dark eyelashes were enhanced by mascara, cheeks now rosy with the help of some light rouge, and your nails were now shined.
It felt as if a stranger was looking back at you. You never saw a problem or cared about your looks before today. Mama and daddy always told you that you didn’t need makeup or a fancy haircut; but, according to Buckley and Miss Suzanne, they were dead wrong.
“Finally, underneath it all, a beautiful girl!” Buckley exclaimed, grabbing you by the arm and leading you to your future mother in law.
“Y/n, you look absolutely stunning!” Suzanne squealed. “You are going to be the perfect wife for my boy! The public will just love you when you make your debut at the party!”
You just smiled a polite, but forced smile. They didn’t seem to notice. The heaviness in your stomach started to creep its way up into your throat; it was starting to consume you.
You were following behind Buckley and Suzanne all the way back to the town car, where the chauffeur was putting away all the shopping in the spacious trunk.
You said your goodbyes to Buckley and thanked him for his hard work.
“Suzanne, you’ve always had the best taste, Y/N is quite the catch.” With that he hugged Suzanne one last time and returned to the boutique.
As he was leaving, Suzanne turned to you. “We’ve invested A LOT into you my dear, I hope that you keep that in mind when Patrick gets into his *way.” She said, pointedly annunciating the last words.
“Just know that it's a part of marriage that we all go through, but think of all the benefits of being married to a man like Patrick! You’ll never be bored ever again!”
“You’re right,” you thought to yourself, “I’ll never be bored because I'll be busy chasing my husband all over the city.”
You decided to keep that thought to yourself.
The chauffeur opened the door open for you and Miss Suzanne. Miss Suzanne got in effortlessly and gracefully. Your head felt like it weighed like 1,000 pounds, and it must have shown. As you made your way into the car the Chauffeur lifted your chin up by his two fingers.
“Chin up madam, you’re going to be the wife of a very important man.”
You looked up sadly and settled in the backseat of the car, praying for silence on the way home.
You arrived home at just about dusk. The cicadas were buzzing as the oranges and reds of the sunset stretched out lazily over the horizon.
You thought what it must be like to be a part of the colors of the horizon. You knew the hues were caused by scattering the different light rays; but even then you wondered if there was something sentient behind those sunsets.
If there were, did they know how beautiful and admired they were by those on Earth, or did they look down upon your kind in envy like you looked up at them right now? You wanted to be free, emancipated from your situation, you wanted to be as vast and colorful as the rays in the sky.
Miss Suzanne insisted her chauffeur take your bags in for you as it wasn’t lady like for you to bring in your own shopping. She followed you in with a good sized gift bag; you immediately knew who it was for.
You could tell your mother was waiting excitedly by the door, by how quick she answered. She ushered you all into the foyer.
“Thank you for letting me borrow your daughter for the day, she is just the sweetest thing. I had to bring you something back for my appreciation.” Suzanne said to your mother holding up the large bag from the boutique.
You looked on miserably as your mother pulled out an expensive cocktail dress and an even more expensive looking pair of shoes.
“Suzanne, I don’t know what to say!” Your mother stuttered.
“You don’t have to say anything darling! This is my thank you for letting me have your daughter. I want you two to look your best at the engagement party.”
Your mother had her back turned to you when she and Suzanne shared a friendly embrace. Suzanne winked at you and you acknowledged it as a warning. She had your mama wrapped around her finger and you would be foolish to back out of your engagement to Patrick.
Your mother said her goodbyes and you received a peck on the cheek from Suzanne.
You watched the fancy town car roll away down the dirt road as your mother was showing off her new cocktail dress and shoes to the rest of the family.
“Suzanne is just the sweetest isn’t she, Y/N? You are so lucky you have such a generous woman as your mother in law.”
“Future mother in law.” You corrected her bitterly.
“Oh Y/N don’t be so sour. You have what other girls would kill for. You have to see your blessing!”
“I’m sorry Mama, you’re right.” you said obediently. You were getting used to resigning over your power, maybe it would be easier with time.
You ran up the stairs and into the restroom. You began to take off your makeup with the cold cream you knew your mama had in the cabinet. The mascara and lipstick now melted in a way that contorted your face so much that you looked like a ghoul. You scrubbed until your eyelashes felt soft and your skin was dry.
Your face may have been red and raw, but at least you looked like yourself, or your old self.
You stayed in your small room, hearing the bustling sounds of the house beneath you. Your mother was talking excitedly to Mary-Anne, as daddy and Hank were discussing sports. You wondered if Patrick and his family even interacted with each other at all.
What would they talk about? You came to the realization that you and Patrick had nothing in common at all. When you would go out together and ride in his car, all he talked about was himself. You were so enthralled with the fact that someone like him would even talk to you, that you ignored the fact he was so shallow.
You started to shake, you felt yourself detach from your body. You had to get out of the house, you had to leave. You didn’t know where to go, you had completely sold your life for the happiness of others. You couldn’t run away, they would find you and it would be an embarrassment, more shame.
The only way out you could think of was the unthinkable. If you passed away in an accident, sure your family would miss you, but they wouldn’t have to worry about you. They would just have to worry about putting fresh flowers on your grave or telling Hank & Mary-Anne’s baby about you and how you would almost* marry the most important man in town. To your niece or nephew you would live on as a princess in a fairytale; but fairytales weren’t real and you wouldn’t have a happy ending.
Patrick and his mother could find another, more qualified girl to fix his image, someone that grew up in the right family, who knew all the right etiquette and had all the right clothes.
You had convinced yourself, it was the perfect plan and maybe you would find yourself in the sunset looking back down on the earth, where you longed to be.
There was a fresh dew on the vegetation growing along the path, that brushed up against your bare legs as your bicycle made its way through the tall grass. You were riding as fast as you could, the crickets and frogs making their presence known by their various chirps.
You could see the lake just ahead, you wanted to take one last final obstructed look at the stars before you would join them. You had daddy’s sleeping pills he had been taking since he came home from the war and a bottle of whiskey that he thought no one else knew about. It was wrong taking them from him, but it was the only peaceful way you thought of going.
“It would be like falling asleep,” you had convinced yourself. “I’ll drink the whiskey till I’m drunk and throw the bottle into the water. They’ll just think I went for a swim and drowned.”
You parked your bicycle against the tree, and sat upon the soft grass at the embankment overlooking the deep blue void. As you sat closer to the shore, the wind had started picking you up, like it was a friend, drawing you closer.
The moon was the only source of light out in the wilderness and its brightness called to you, mockingly as if she longed for you to join her out in the vast nothingness, where you could be free.
You waited for an untraceable amount of time, the night was clear, the air was cool and you felt like you were finally where you needed to be. You had begun drinking, the bitter taste of the liquor was unfamiliar and stung your throat. You drink until you become unsteady and sleepy, the breeze feels like it is moving through you, like strings attached to a puppet.
You felt ready enough to unscrew the lid from the pill bottle and empty its contents into your mouth. You were fiddling with the lid for what felt like years when you were spooked by bright lights creeping up behind you. You froze in a stupor as you heard a car door open and shut, followed by heavy footsteps.
You made out the silhouette of a man in the darkness, he didn’t seem to notice you as he walked closer to the edge of the embankment. You saw him bring his fingers to push his hair back behind his face as he let out a sigh and lit a cigarette.
You were focusing on the orange ember of the end of the cigarette and didn’t realize the man had spotted you.
“Y/N?” The familiar voice spoke to you, softly.
You looked up through watery eyes and met the sharp blues of Leon’s.
You couldn’t find the words to speak as he moved closer to you. He found a place next to you and sat down.
“What are you doing out here?” His voice is gentle, just above a whisper.
You couldn’t speak, you just let the tears flow. Your body was still languid and you felt like all your energy was flowing out with your tears.
Leon wrapped an arm around you and you let him, you didn’t realize how cold you were until you felt the warmth from his body on yours.
He smelled of aftershave and tobacco, you leaned in closer to take in all of him.
You started to calm down after being in the embrace for a while, the liquid heat in your belly from the whiskey became soothing after a while.
Leon laid you down so your head was laid on his lap, your long hair was spread out over his legs; the moment was intimate and comforting. You had never felt this kind of comfort before. You were thinking of just drifting off to sleep in his embrace, but he began to speak.
“It's not worth it, Y/N.” he mumbled.
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting.
“These pills, the alcohol, I know what you came to do.”
You shifted uncomfortably, and turned your head away from him. He began stroking your hair again.
“I had an older sister,” he said, softer.
You looked up and acknowledged that you were listening.
“She was caring, she was vibrant, she was smart,” he paused. “It’s a memory now.”
You raised yourself so your torsos were intertwined, making comfortable eye contact.
“What happened to her, Leon?”
“She married someone that didn’t respect her, someone that wanted to own her, treat her like property. It started off small like the altercation you had with your fiance.” Adding emphasis to the word “altercation.”
“He was just awful to her, would cheat on her, come home drunk. After a while, she finally made a plan to leave him because she had had enough. The night before she was to leave he found out and killed her.” Leon was stoic and she could see the tenseness in his jaw.
“He would have rather snuffed out her light than see her be happy, he took my only living family away. The pain was unbearable, I wanted him to suffer.”
You reached out to caress his face; he surprised you by holding your hand to his face. You wanted to kiss him, to take his pain away.
“I decided the best way to get revenge was to prevent what happened to her, to anyone else.”
“Leon, I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say.”
He took his hand away from yours, and wiped the tears from his eyes.
“Patrick is trouble, Y/N. I know you know, otherwise you wouldn’t be out here doing something so stupid.” He raised his voice, he was angry, but it sounded like there was hurt in his voice.
Your cheeks turned red from embarrassment, his words stung.
“I didn’t know what else to do, Leon! I feel so trapped, you think I want this kind of life?” You were sobbing. You were full of despair and anguish; you had been holding it in for a long time.
“I know you don’t,” he lowered his voice again and began to rub your back gently. “I know you really don’t want to die either.”
“What am I going to do?” It was a rhetorical question.
“You’re not marrying that asshole.”
“Leon, I wish it were that easy! My mother, she’s over the moon! They’ve already spent so much money on me, I could never repay them in my wildest dreams.”
“They’re manipulating you into staying! Will your mother’s feelings matter when he’s beating the shit out of you? Or when he cheats every night and leaves you alone with your children? When he makes a complete fool out of you in public? Is that really what you want?”
You just began to cry, the sobs escaping from your mouth with so much force, they sounded like choking hiccups.
Leon pulled you closer and let you cry into his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so rough with you, Y/N.”
You gripped his shirt and looked up at him, face red and eyes bloodshot.
“I needed that reality check. It's true, I just don’t know if I'm brave enough to leave.”
“I’m going to help you.”
You looked at him surprised. “Leon, why would you help me?”
“Because, Y/n, you’re innocent in all this. You deserve better and you deserve to be happy,”
You smiled an effortless smile. You laid your hand down on top of his. Your heart was beating out of your chest; You no longer felt helpless, this new sensation, you couldn’t quite place it.
He cupped your head behind your ear, his fingers holding your hair out of your face.
“You’re beautiful when you smile.”
You blushed and tried to turn your face away; instead, Leon moved in closer,keeping you in place. You searched his baby blues, for a hint of what he was thinking. He didn’t keep you waiting long before he moved his face closer and enveloped you in an intoxicating kiss.
It was sweet, not like the wanton kiss Patrick had given you before; this was full of fervor. The feeling of his lips meeting yours was akin to actual sparks. The current of electricity reverberated through your body, as you wrapped your arms around his neck instinctively, closing the space between your bodies.
Leon, without breaking the two of you apart, gently laid you down again on the soft grass. He had moved from your lips to the nape of your neck, the feeling causing you to feel a fire in your belly as he caressed your sides.
You had never experienced pleasure like this before, never in your wildest dreams would you have thought a man like Leon would be attracted to you in that way.
You began to panic, you were kissing a man that wasn’t your fiancé, and you were scared. You enjoyed it too much, if Leon had wanted to take it further you would have let him. He was making you feel too good; your mother had always warned you that things that felt too good to be true, were.
“Leon, please, I can’t do this.”
His body went stiff and moved off you immediately.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me, I’m so sorry, I feel awful.”
“Leon, don’t.” You said gently cradling his face in your hands, your thumb stroking his cheek. “I want you so bad; but I've been promised to Patrick.” You could tell by the wounded look on his face your words pained him.
“It’s obvious you’re too good for him, even though he treats you cruelly.” You flinched at his words, he was right.
“What are we going to do?” You whispered, still holding on to him
He pushed the loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“I know for a fact the Armstrongs are doing shady business dealings, how do you think he got funding for his political campaign this year?”
You thought about it for a second. You knew they came from family money and they lived in a small town, but it really never occurred to you that their dealings could be illegal.
“So you want to blackmail Patrick? That’s your idea?” You said incredulously.
“You should know I didn’t come out here to just work as the Sheriff of a small town. I’m here because I AM investigating The Armstrongs and their associates.”
“Why are you telling me this? I’m engaged to one of the family members.” You were shaking now, was everyone just going to pull the rug from under you? You pulled away from him.
“I know, because you don’t want this. I know for a fact if you had any other choice, you would take it.”
You stare at him, annoyed, but he was right. No wonder he was sent down here.
“Are you using me to get information then? I’m not okay with that, Leon.”
“Of course not!” He looked like the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. “I figured you were an innocent bystander in all of this.”
Your shoulders relaxed, you realized you had accused him of something horrible.
“Leon, I’m sorry, I just didn’t know what to think, I’ve just pulled every which way and I just want to be told the truth.”
“Y/n, I promise, I wouldn’t lie to you to hurt you.”
“That’s all I ask.”
The two of you shared a chaste kiss, and he drove you back to the long driveway of the farm.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you up to the house?” Leon had his right hand over your headrest.
“The lights and noise from the car would probably wake up my family. I don’t think I’d ever be allowed out of the house again if they saw I snuck out and you drove me home.”
“Good point.”
You both said your goodbyes and you walked slowly up the dirt road to the house.
You stopped in your tracks when you saw your daddy sitting on the steps of the house and he had his eyes locked on you.
You swallowed hard and decided to face the music. You walked right up to him.
“There she is, prancing in like I wouldn’t notice she snuck out. Where the hell have you been?”
“I had to get out of the house daddy, I’m sorry it felt like I was suffocating, I’m scared.” You said and sat down next to him.
You loved your daddy, he was always there for you. It felt like recently with this Patrick mess your relationship was suffering.
Your daddy’s face softened up and he put his arm around you.
“My magnolia, I know you’re going through a lot, it’s killing me. I wish your mother wasn’t pushing you so hard.” He held you close. You felt like a little girl, safe in your father’s arms, he hadn’t called you Magnolia in a long time. It was his nickname for you since you were little.
You remembered when the boys first started to bully you at school and your daddy would hug you while you cried. He would comfort you and the next day when the boys would start again, he’d stand at the school bus stop with his shotgun and point at them.
They never messed with his “magnolia” again after that.
You wish daddy could make the Armstrongs go away. She just wanted to work her little job, maybe meet someone on her own. Leon, she wouldn’t mind dating him, he was everything an actual gentleman should be.
“Do you think you could talk to mama? I don’t think I want to marry Patrick, daddy.” You said weakly.
“I’ll try magnolia.” He said. “We should head in before Mama wakes up and yells at the both of us.”
You exchanged a hug and went back into the farmhouse feeling better off.
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