#i hate that i had to overcome it
halinski · 1 year
I used to be embarrassed that i used to be selectively mute as a child
Now i tell anyone everyone like some kind of shield/badge
I exist with this and survive, bite me
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Firstly, this isn't me vagueposting, just me gathering my thoughts (I feel passionately about these points).
If Sarcean and Anharion are a allegory for queer trauma and the collar is unveiled to be Sarcean's compulsion wholesale, it renders the Light's campaign against him as righteous regardless of how hypocritical the Light is revealed to be.
It turns his relationship with Anharion into something that was not a relationship at all. Not love at all. It makes it into a sordid sexual fascination. Just as the Light says it was. If the Light represents antiqueer religious and societal pressures within this queer allegory then the story cannot be a pro-queer narrative if that sentiment becomes something tangibly true.
Sarcean can be terrible to everyone else in the world but not to Anharion because their relationship, within this allegory, is what they are fighting to protect. A place to be, to exist. To surrender to each other. To love each other in peace. Without condemnation and judgement. Without constantly being besieged.
Is Will not looking for that very thing? An oasis. One person he can be his entire self with. Is James not as angry as their past selves? Not as vindictive? "I'll show them an abomination!" Perhaps, if that's the case, Anharion and Sarcean also liked to put on a show. Rub their relationship in the faces of the Light. They'll show them. Sarcean cannot be the sole puppeteer of all that queer fury without it becoming an abuse narrative. Once it becomes an abuse narrative, and the Light's campaign becomes a righteous one, the queer allegories start to fall apart.
If Sarcean represents the urges you suppress to conform to a cruelly narrow but socially dominant interpretation of 'goodness' then Will's triumph isn't in suppressing those urges, it's in embracing them. If Will becomes but another good boy suppressing his dark urges for the Light then he's buying into the dominant social narrative. The aforementioned antiqueer one. He may as well marry a nice girl from a respectable family, never once ordering her around.
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constantvariations · 5 months
I could go on for days about how Aang's conflict between his pacifistic ideology and his duty as Avatar was poorly handled, but my gripe can be easily summarized by this line from Lord Ravencraft's video on Animorphs:
If the end result of your moral choice is still injustice, slavery, and death, then you have to ask yourself what's the point in making the moral choice in the first place?
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maigetheplatypus57 · 17 days
Honestly dungeon meshi fans were not kidding when they say that the show helps them have a better relationship with food... the recent episodes with izutsumi have encouraged me to start adding more vegetables to my meals (or at least not pick them out from dishes...)
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 months
#oh wow...#i just had an oh shit fuck moment#wow#i usually complain about the one therapist i had in my entire life and how she wouldn't just listen to what i was saying#if it didn't fit her textbook definition of whatever she was thinking at the time#and how i talked to her about my anxiety and how that made me feel and she would only focus on how i acted#so the example i gave her was the one time i went into a shop to buy something by myself#because my mom didn't want to go in for me and arguing with my mom in front of the shop in public and then inevitably have to#go in myself either way was way worse to me#because of the embarrassement of arguing in public. the fact that my mom was gonna spend the entire walk home telling me how i have to#''just suck it up and learn and just overcome my anxiety because i don't have a problem'' or whatever#and then having to go into the shop where the lady had been watching me from inside the entire time how i clearly didn't want to go in#and possibly be even more awkward with teary eyes because of the anxiety and awkwardness i already bring to the table any day...#all of those things that were going inside my head were trumped by the fact that i did go in and did buy what i needed#although my heart was coming out of my chest the entire time... all that didn't matter to my therapist because in her words:#''if you had anxiety. you simply wouldn't have gone in''#which is ridiculous#but anyways... i just had an epiphany... that was masking wasn't it?#forcing myself to do something that brings me major discomfort to make my mother and the shop lady not judge me?#pretend i'm a normal human being just doing normal things instead of someone who's about to have a heart attack buying embroidery thread?#panicking the entire time because i wasn't prepeared and hadn't scripted the entire transaction in my head?#yet still going in and putting on my ''normal person'' mask to try to seem like i wasn't just dying seconds ago (and still was)?#isn't that literally what masking is?!#and the ''autism specialist'' ass therapist was like ''if you did it then you don't have a problem''#when i'm literally telling her how much of a problem it actually WAS?!#you know what's the best part about all this#that when i told my mom after i left that therapist that she didn't listen to me because [insert everything above]#my mom's response was ''well sometimes therapist will say things that you don't want to hear but you have to accept them''....#same woman who's always saying how much she hates therapists because they ''will say whatever and pretend they know shit''#ok so it's only The Truth when I tell you it isn't...
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insane-weasel · 5 months
I think as writers we should hold funerals for our WIPs more often.
Dearly beloved, gather us here today where this fic of some middle-aged man getting rawdogged and this other fanfic about the importance of friendship are laid to rest, because the author got really distracted playing that new video game.
We celebrate what could have been, cut-and-recycle those really good lines or ideas, because I swear I'm going to use them, I swear! And drag this poor document not to the great recycling bin or trash, but to the "graveyard" folder because sometimes I like to commune with the dead.
#fanfic#Writing#I just had to throw out 5k words of a one shot over something I can't change/control but I never delete old WIPs#I do just put them in a folder and still backup that folder with my other files#Yes some of my earlier ideas were horrendous but also there's a part of me still there in each of them#Sometimes it's less about the writing and more about who I was I want to sometimes revisit#Who was the teen girl writing gore at 15 and what would she think of today's writing#Who was the insecure fearful loveless boy who over expressed his masculinity online and wrote tough lonely guy characters#I don't want to be them anymore but when I hate myself sometimes it's nice to read what I've written#You hear the problems you never thought youd overcome in the author notes or in the subject and those fears and pain#You also see the first time you wrote a subject#I wish I hadn't deleted lots of my writing from when I was very young#Some I did because it legitimately could cause or encourage harm if left online#But I think I always smile when I see the old “this year is 8th grade” because by golly#Still think it's hilarious I got really into writing in middle school because I was jealous of someone else's writing ability in 6th grade#I can remember the exact moment I looked at my 2 page story and was filled with jealousy because they wrote 12 pages and my story felt so..#I remember going home and going 'i know I can write something good!' and people will like it!#And then like while looking for some place to upload writing I found fanfic
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dropthecop · 5 months
why did my boromir post get notes i'm scared
#my roommate requested Boromir Tags Rant in the replies of that post so i suppose i will put that here#BASICALLY it all boils down (in my brain) to people hating this dude for like. getting mind controlled. like it was NOT HIS FAULT‼️#local man tries to take and use an object that specifically influences people to want to take and use it; mord at 5#like ?????#thats the whole POINT of the ring that's the whole reason FRODO had to carry it. he was one of the few people who was super resistant to th#thrall and influence of it#boromir is Just Some Guy (i mean he's like royalty sorta-kinda or whatever but he's just human he doesnt have any special Ring Resistance)#it's NATURAL that he would be tempted#like we SAW what it did to bilbo. we saw him being possessive of it and using it more than he should etc. but when it's bilbo then#apparently people suddenly gain thinking skills and realize that he was being influenced by an outside force#but when it's boromir suddenly its a moral failing???? america explain#plus also like. he was overcome for all of 2 minutes. and as soon as he realized what happened he CRIED bc he was so disgusted w his action#NOT TO MENTION SACRIFICING HIS LIFE FOR MERRY AND PIPPIN#NOT TO MENTION THAT EVEN WHILE INFLUENCED BY EVIL RING 5000 HE STILL ONLY EVER WANTED TO USE THE POWER FOR THE GOOD OF HIS PEOPLE#NOT TO MENTION [gestures at everything to do with faramir]#like. think for 4 seconds. use your brain. would an evil man cry after realizing he was influenced into doing something bad#would an selfish evil man sacrifice his life to save 2 funny hobbits#anyway i like him#also from like an out-of-universe perspective boromir trying to take the ring shows the power of the ring. it shows that it was able to#overcome even this Good Guy Character. you are not supposed to read/see that scene and take away from it ''boromir is bad''#you are supposed to take away from it ''wow the ring is SO POWERFUL that it could even influence such a good guy as boromir''#THATS MY OPINION ANYWAY#OH ALSO WE SAW FRODO GET INFLUENCED BY IT. ngl i forgot that happened for a minute. but EVEN FRODO caved for a bit#theres a reason why boromir's death is framed as a tragedy. it's not a bad guy getting what he deserved#it's a good man who will be missed and who died too soon#do you Really think aragorn would have kissed his forehead if he was evil. come on.#AND LIKE PIPPIN SWEARING FEALTY TO DENETHOR OVER IT??? that's a whole other can of worms but AUGH. pippin..........#Absolutely Agonizing.#can't be bothered to fix the grammar mistakes in this sowwy#my post
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anonbinaryweirdo · 7 months
i am not okay. I found old screenshots of my babies from like ???? two??? years ago
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josmora still gives me so much LIFE
#josh n shamora !!!#malewife x girlboss#im gonna hc for a little#josh was a mommas boy snd probably had bad daddy issues‚ which would explain why hes so fragile and sensitive#funfacto; josh died due to drowning‚ so i would like to think that Oliver tries to help him overcome his fear of deep water#it takes a while but he's not that afraid of it anymore !!#notice how shamoras the one carrying the groceries and josh is staring straight into the sun#that should sum up their dynamic perfectly i think#“wife who hates everyone except her husband”#funfacto 2; shamoras cause of death was being pushed off a building (i vividly remember this. im so sure it was this.)#so shes deathly afraid of heights now probably#but will get on an amusement park ride for joshs sake because he needs someones hand to hold#and its either Lucy's or Shamora's#but he also makes sure she's alright the whole ride too !! he doesnt want her to have ant kind of panic attack#so he ensures that shes okay the whole ride#josh is a cinnamon roll with a mixture of “could kill you / is just a cinnamon roll”#shamora looks like she could kill you and WOULD kill you#the black hair streaks are because all dead ocs have them !! i think it was an earlier hc that they couldnt dye over it.#this is because alexandra dyed her hair blue‚ but the streak wouldnt dye(?)#holy shit im rambling im so sorryKSJKSDJ#oc talk !#ALSO SUNSHINE X SUNSHINE PROTECTOR HOW COULD I FORGET#AND ITS ALSO FUCKING MOON X MOON PROTECTOR IDK THE PROPER NAME
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vxmpirehunterd · 1 year
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{Been radio silent due to today being the day of my Step Dad's birthday since his passing in 2021. I've been lurking and will get to replies later--just mourning right now.}
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da-proti-toku-grem · 8 days
the fair of the city where i live is approaching and it's making me feel so anxious. it always makes me anxious but after i had that panic attack at my hometown's fair a few weeks ago it's making me even more anxious and fuck i really don't want to go.............
#like. if i had a panic attack at a *town* fair imagine how it's going to be when it's a city#it's like 10 times bigger and i'm not exaggerating#i know that if i think like that it's probably going to be worse if i go but i just can't NOT think about it#and i wish i could just. not go#but my dad always insists on going at least one day (even if he doesn't like it that much either)#and when he says i have to go i *have* to go and if i complain he'll get mad and then i'll get more anxious and we don't need that here#and they hit me with the “how are you going to overcome your 'fears' if you don't try and face them?” and just oughhhhh#i'm trying to do that but THAT is not the way i think#like. if having even the smallest social interaction makes you super anxious#i don't think that going to a fair where you'ee going to be surrounded but thousands of people (most of them drunk) is a good starter tbh#but idk maybe i'm just crazy and everyone around me knows how to deal with my problems more than me :)))))#maca speaks#i've also been awake for around 20 hours now after only 4 hours of sleep so probably that is making me overthink more than usual too#god i just hate that i *know* i'm overthinking and i *know* it makes it worse but i just. can't stop doing anyways#and i feel like an attention seeker every time i do one of this posts but writing my thoughts down here kinda help a bit so....#sorry anyone who reads about my stupid problems every time i post smth#i'm gonna try to sleep again. let's see if it works out this time 😃
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moripartylove · 8 months
I did my first presentation at a conference today and I was so nervous!!! But I made it through without issues, phew
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pyrriax · 7 months
peace and love on planet earth.
this fic is. going places.
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taiwantalk · 6 months
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vvitchering · 1 year
tbh with how lazy the writers are, it just makes it seem like Din can maybe learn to be ok with a droid on friendlier terms.... but when given enough incentive, he backslides to generalizing them. He's fine with showing aggression towards them despite their obvious discomfort. If he were really open minded, he would have readily accepted working with other droids instead of insisting they revive the one droid whose memory was likely already fried from destruction. This "growth" for Din seems like an afterthought and at this point I don't buy it anymore.
The thing is, we’ve already seen evidence of Din moving past his issues with droids in general. His initial mistrust of IG-11 is completely turned around when IG not only saves Grogu’s life, but everyone else’s. He allows IG to remove his helmet, which is the real clincher for me. IG might not have actually been alive, but Din allowing a droid to see his face and render life-saving first aid was HUGE for him, imo.
Some other smaller instances are his interactions with Peli’s pit droids, which he previously wouldn’t allow anywhere near him or the ship. He shows back up for repairs and immediately allows their help. They also assist him directly when he’s repairing the N1 in TBOBF and he’s perfectly civil and gracious to them.
I think his insistence in wanting IG-11 back in S3 makes perfect sense. IG is his friend, someone who protected him and his son at the cost of its own life, so Din knows it’s a trustworthy companion. Of course he’d want someone he already knows and trusts with him on an important journey. And besides that, I think he’s been carrying some guilt ever since IG’s death and when he saw parts of it were recovered, he jumped at the chance to bring it back and give it another shot at life. That all seems very much in character for Din.
Where this all falls apart, imo, is when we see him interact with the droids in last week’s episode. He’s harsh, blunt, and aggressive with all of them. Exactly the way he would have acted towards them in early S1 before he’d had any change of heart. This was bad enough, but what really sold the regression for me was his reaction (or non-reaction) to the battle droids. Those were the same model that attacked his planet and orphaned him. I was expecting a more intense or traumatic reaction to them, not just more of the generalized “I hate droids again for some reason” hate. He HAS a valid reason to still have trauma regarding battle droids specifically and the writers missed out on an amazing opportunity to delve back into Din’s past by simply having him flippantly kick and yell at them.
Din was cheated out of a lot of growth opportunities this season by shitty writing but his droid phobia was already addressed and resolved in past seasons. There wasn’t any reason for them to write it back into Din’s character.
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sunnibits · 1 year
bruh if my brain doesn’t stop pulling this nonsense I swear I’m gonna lose it. be normal girl!!!!
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thatonecode · 1 year
dc comics being obsessed with rewriting itself and making retcons and wanting everyone to believe that the batfam ARE family but also having several instances where these characters have tried and GOTTEN CLOSE TO killing each other and not really doing a whole lot to address that
vs dc fans who are some of The Most stubborn fans i’ve seen (/pos) who are like No you DONT get to retcon that they hated eachother because it makes it SOOO much more interesting at family dinners and also because now i can write a full fix-it with proper communication and addressing everything you’re too scared to . this is my handpicked canon based on hundreds of iterations of characters over THOUSANDS of comics and i don’t care what you do next because i’ll just ignore it if i don’t like it at best and rewrite it if i don’t like it at worst
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