#i have a guess about what the winning stat will be but. we shall see
retconomics · 6 months
Curious about how ppl would build an RPG guy. Dump whatever stats u want.
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kbirbpods · 9 months
and, we're live!
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Time for my 2023 stats round up.
First, let's look at the number of hours/minutes per month, shall we?
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All of that account for 59 hours & 11 minutes of podfic. Now, comparing to last year, when I had just shy of 31 hours, that looks pretty good. Remember, last year I started in August so I almost doubled it.
We do notice a dip in March & April, which tend to be busy months in the education world. The spike in May is due to Voiceteam. June-August are a bit odd - you'd think a teacher on break would have more time to create. But I had some life stuff hit and it really destroyed my brain.
So, here's my first 2024 Resolution:
Remember how happy podfic makes you & don't let your depression win.
Now, moving on to the breakdowns and fun stuff, shall we?
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Here are my top 5 fandoms, authors, ratings, and genres! I also have them in bar chart form and pie chart form, which I'll put below the cut. You'll see a slight difference in the author category -- I didn't include myself or Flowerparrish and my podcast in that as those weren't authors.
Of course, what is podficcing without making covers you love? Here are my favorite covers I made for my own podfics! I have a migraine so please excuse the fact that the images don't line up, vision is blurry:
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Now, let's move on to my stats image from above. I used the same format as last year but since I made over 100 more podfic than last year, each microphone now equals five podfics.
As you can see, I participated in a lot of events! I believe I made the most audio for Voiceteam 2022 (as evidenced by my hours/month graph). This was my first year doing Voiceteam and I had a blast. I also got to do Podtogether & Summer Swap for the first time. It was my 2nd year doing ITPE. And then so much more.
My top kudosed collaborative project was "A Fair Compromise" with @wanderingjedihistorian for 212th Appreciation week. My top kudosed solo project was "A Game of Guess Who With Big Blue" by TheWitchBoy. The longest podfic I made was also with @wanderingjedihistorian and was my podfic of our Codywan Big Bang project! My shortest was a Locked Tomb podfic at 57 seconds called Realization.
My first podfic of 2023 was Hot Cocoa by Melime, a "The Batman" podfic. In the middle was Dissipate by SunsetsOverLA for Waxer*Boil month. And the last posted thing was for @fandomtrumpshate, for my top bidder - an Obi-Wan/Jango soulmates AU.
Now, on to 2024! My resolutions are:
To continue working on current WIPs I'm bringing into 2024 - some of which I've already tied up only 5 days into the year
To podfic even when my brain is being a gremlin, because podfic makes me happy and I should be able to focus on that!
To be brave enough to post the first "Soft Wars" podfic and finally tackle the series (kind of the same as resolution #1)
Not to sign up for Big Bangs -- I love them dearly but they actually caused a lot of my burnout this year and I didn't love that. As much as I love collabs, I think I'll stick to Podtogether, multivoices with friends, and gift exchanges this year!
Close the gaps -- aka, as much as I love Clone Wars, I want to focus on all things I love, instead of overbearingly focusing in on one.
Going into 2024, I am going to start tracking what music I use in my podfics, because I was curious about it / @flowerparrish inspired me. I also found a way to track overall Star Wars and then Star Wars broken down into sub fandoms - that should neaten up my "top 5" category a bit.
Happy New Year, all!
And, as mentioned above, screenshots of my actual graphs & tables, for interest sake!
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt32
Temptation Masterlist
The next morning we talk strategy, Tanya says something about Bella learning to project her shield on to others. We have gone outside to help Bella. I hold Emmetts hand while Bella tries to project her shield
"You need to visualise it. See how it's moves, what colour it is. Now picture it expanding. Will it go beyond you.... I think she needs something to motivate her" Kate looks at Edward. He steps forward nervously
"It's alright. I can take it"
"He says that now" Eleazar says making Emmett smirk. I roll my eyes
"Focus Bella"
"Yeah or else he's going to be hurting"
"Emmett not helping" I look at Emmett with raised brows. Kate shocks Edward, he falls to the ground in pain
"Dude your not motivating her"
"You wanna try?" Edward asks
"Emmett I love you but you really need to shut up before I make you ok?" I turn to look at Emmett who's smiling at me "what?" I glare at him
"I want to know what you have in mind to shut me up" I sigh rolling my eyes
"Either help or go inside and check on Ness" Emmett holds his hands in surrender. Bella then has another go, but again Edward he's shocked again
"You seem to lack incentive. Shall I go see is Renesmee's awake?"
"Are you crazy?" Bella's mothering instincts kick in
"Ok well this ones on full power" this time Bella manages to do it
"It's painful but it's bearable" Bella smiles excited
"Ok let's go again"
"Kat you want a turn?" Kate asks me
"Hell no"
"No I'm good. Kat and I are gonna go... train yeah let's go" Emmett takes my hand making me giggle as we walk into the house. He takes me over to the kitchen and opens the fridge. I jump on to the counter top "we've only got one left" Emmett sighs taking a packet of beef out of the fridge
"Esme has gone to get some more" Carlisle says walking in to the Kitchen as well. Emmett opens the packet and hands it to me
Over the next week it's Christmas. Bella and Edward return home with Jake and Renesmee who runs towards Rose and i who are sat on the couch
"Merry Christmas Ness" I smile at the little girl
"Aunt Kat look what Jake got me" she holds her writs out to show me a bracelet
"It's beautiful. Do you want your present off me and Uncle Emmett?" I ask and of course she nods with excitement. I walk over to the tree that I had insisted on us getting and pick up a box. I give it Ness who opens it up
"Thank you" she quietly says holding the piano music book we had got her
"Your very welcome. Now I think it might be time for you to sleep, I'm guessing it's been a busy day with grandpa Charlie"
Once Ness is sleep we all crowed round a fire that Benjamin had made. I sit down on Emmetts lap, he wraps his arms around me
"This is what I'm talking about. A little pre battle bonfire, telling war stories"
"Name any American battle. I was there" Eleazar sits down
(I just want to say I am British and no nothing about American history so I have no idea what I have wrote down below 🤣)
"Ugh. Little Bighorn" Jake says
"I came this close to biting Custer but the Indians got him first"
"Try Olegs assaulting Constantinople. He didn't win that one on his own" Kate sits down on Eleazars lap
"If your talking battles your talking the 11 years war. No one does rebellion like the Irish" Liam from the Irish coven joins us
"You lost the 11 years war" Eleazar stats
"Aye. But it was one hell of a rebellion"
"The only war I was apart of was when my pack was slaughtered by another and I was taken. My pack put up one hell of a fight, but we knew we were losing. Then when I was taken as hostage, my family were blind sighted. That was their downfall, but karma got to the pack that took me, just wish it could have been me to avenge my pack. I guess the Quileutes are just as good" I look at Jake who smiles at me "I still got to end up with a grandchild and a great grandchild"
"Dude your old" Thomas looks at me
"I'm not even 100 yet. Plus your older than me?" I laugh
"When we ruled, everything came to us" Vladimir says sitting down "pray, diplomats favour seekers. Such was our power, but we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints"
"We we're honest with what we were"
"We sat still for a very long time. We didn't notice we were beginning to petrify"
"Perhaps the Volturi did us a favour when they..." Stafan pauses "burned our castles"
"We've been waiting 1500 years to return the favour. We have been ready to do battle for ages" the two vampires continue to talk about battle making me nervous for what they may do.
While the others continue to talk I decide I should also sleep. I crawl into bed, Emmett not far behind me. I place my head on his chest and sigh
"No matter what happens. I love you"
"I love you too Kat and I always will"
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kendrixtermina · 3 years
Appreciating the Range of Type 6, or, one stereotypical example, and three that aren’t.
I want to tell you about some type 6 ppl that I know in my personal life.
Exemplar #1: F. B.
Complete Stats
Wing: 5 p or cp: largely phobic – lots of safety worries, outright authoritarian follower personality Instinct: sp/soc Trifix: 613  - 6w5 1w2 3w2 (“The Taskmaster” or “The Middle Manager”) jungian: ISTJ / SLI-Te oldham: Conscientious & Aggressive Essence Type: Mars Temperament: Pure Choleric
What he’s like:
Not pleasant.
Every “strict conservative middle aged guy” stereotype in the book. Control freak, makes a mountain out of every molehill, sees the world as full of axe murderers, judgemental as fuck, horrible temper and yet completely impersonable, all his opinions are copypasted from right-wing news sites. When they say war is good he’s for war, and when they say war is bad he’ll be like “At least Trump did not start any more wars” without perceiving a contradiction. Despite this, he believes is very hot, principled and funny. He is none of these things. He puts people down nonstop. My knowledge of neurochemistry tells me that he must have emotions somewhere or he couldn’t function, but I ain’t ever seen a single one of those emotions. They’re all for his job and a few trusted mentor figures. And his mom. At least he loved her.
If you say anything he doesn’t like, he “throws the sofa out the window” as his wife once put it.
How he’s a Type 6:
Well, he’s pretty much every negative stereotype in a nutshell… other than distrusting his partner. But that might be cause hes sx blind, or cause the wife is big on monogamy & wouldn’t ever cheat.
The one positive trait of 6 that he has is that he does his research. Before moving anywhere he googles the crime rates and if you need a doctor he might find you the best one. But even that can be overriden by ideology (hydroxychloroquine!). And if you don’t take his exact advice, there goes the sofa out the window again…
And I guess the work ethic from all 3 parts of the trifix really comes through – he hasn’t had a single bad grade in his life and always keeps collecting new certifications, and will make sure you hear about it...
Exemplar #2: I.
Complete Stats
Wing: 5 P or cp: pretty much an even mix of phobic and counterphobic Instinct: sp/soc Trifix: 614 - 6w5 1w2 4w3 (Would prolly call herself “The Big Pain” rather than “The Philosopher” ^^°) jungian: INTJ / ILI-Ni oldham: Serious & Conscientious Essence Type: Saturn Temperament: Chlor-Mel
What she’s like:
I’d describe her as serious, mature, discerning, focused and passionate about her friendships, if perhaps somewhat forceful at times, with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor.
Comes across like someone who knows what she’s talking about, with well-articulated points.
Often the Responsible Sibling, Designated Sanity Checker or Bullshit Detector.
Prefers to plan everything in advance in typical Ni dom fashion, even amusement part trips. Gets somewhat anxious without a future plan or shedule.
Often mistaken for a whole lot more sociable and confident that she really feels inside. (even I kinda bought it and got her whole darn trifix wrong on my first typing attempt, though that was when I was new to typology) She can act the boss act temporarily to get the situation over with, but she actually hates making decisions.
She does however have the occasional cute/pure moment where that lower function block comes out.
How she’s a Type 6:
She has saved our family from many a terrible restaurant by making sure to check the reviews. The preparing for all possible dangers is very 6, the acting tough outwardly when youre inwardly anxious, the intellectual problem solving & some tendency towards organization/responsibility/ “logistic” intelligence.
One online test she took gave her 5w6 instead of 6w5 but that’s probably just the ITxx-ness leaking in. I remember this one time we were discussing this artsy-fartsy theater play to which we’d had fascinatingly different reactions, and at one point I half-jokingly said something like “But does anyone ever really feel connected to others, or is that a myth?” to which she wrote, “[Name], what the fuck? Yes I do.” and then immediately deleted it. That’s more of a 6 reaction innit?
Nonetheless the wing does feature in significantly – for example she got very well informed about a lot of topics because she researched them to assuage a random survival-related fear, like, “How to make sure I have enough retirement money”
Exemplar #3: M.
Complete Stats
Wing: 7 p or cp: largely phobic Instinct: sp/sx Trifix: 692 - 6w7 9w1 2w1 (Fortunately very much a “Good Samaritan” rather than “The Stockholm”) jungian: ISFP / SEI-Fi oldham: Sensitive & Devoted Essence Type: Lunar-Venus Temperament: Pure Supine
What she’s like:
Precious! Sweet, nice, good listener, friendly, gives all the best gifts. But also perceptive and good at understanding people, eg. mediating to the parents when one of the younger sisters is having An Emotion™ or winning the trust of problem children.
Unlike I. Who has some soc that helps her keep track of a larger circle of friends despite her introversion, M. tends to enjoy the closeness with her family and have just a few very close friends. Excellent friend material all around! The sx and Se also come out in enjoying art forms involving the body like theatre or dance.
She can be a bit shy, conflict-avoidant and occasionally a lil bit panicky though.
As a small kid she used to be super duper shy but then a wise english teacher encouraged her to play a big role in a play, and since then she’s a lot more confident and doesn’t let ppl push her around without limit, though she’s still a quiet, helpful person. There you see the difference that a good teacher can make.
How she’s a Type 6:
For one thing she moves and emotes faster than a core 9 would, and she fits the body language – big eyes that move around a lot, stands a bit lopsided, talks in a shrill voice on the rare occasions where we exhaust her patience etc. As a xSFx and a w7 she shows mostly the “warm, friendly, likeable” side of type 6. She also has a very 6-ish tendency to very frequently ask people’s opinions & feedback before making decisions. (the other fixes probably add to this)
Alas, she also has a little bit of of the fear/insecurity.
Also she has a social/care job which might be seen as 6-ish desire to serve the community.
Exemplar #4: J.
Complete Stats
Wing: 7 P or cp: largely counterphobic Instinct: sx/soc ?? definitely not sp first. Trifix: 638 - 6w7 3w4 8w9(?) (Shall she be a “Justice Fighter” or a “Kyle”? Only time will tell.) jungian: ISTP / LSI-Se ?? Oldham: ? some Dramatic & Serious, perhaps ? Essence Type: Definitely Mercury Temperament: San-Mel
What she’s like:
The first adjective that usually comes to my mind is ‘cool’. Sassy, energetic & a little bit tough, but also affectionate when she wants to be. (though in admiring way rather than a mushy one)
She says the coolest things, has a certain sly sort of cleverness, and an astonishly good poker face. Bit of an occasional prankster. Hilarious. Knows all sort of cool science facts. Avid gamer. 
Not especially popular or over the top sociable, but she gets sad if no one pays attention to her a while. Will act visibly moody where ppl can see sad or worried and can catastrophize a bit in such situations.
How she’s a Type 6:
I first though we might be getting an ExxP type 7 since she was a pretty energetic child, but once puberty hit and independent thought manifested, she turned out a whole lot too reactive and ‘edgy’ for this, and more on the ‘moderate introvert’ side of things.
Since then the sisterly dynamic has been like one fluffy golden dog and 3 hissing black cats. Hissing Cats #1 and #2 are very proud of her, but cat #1 was forced to conclude that she’s probably not a positive outlook type.
Out of all the reactive types 6 fits best because she does broadcast group identity (like wearing merchandise of her favorite media and wearing buttons in solidarity with ppl she likes.) & has a big case of Big Sibling worship for M, I, and someone else who isn’t on this list due to being a 9. (a 4 or 8 might like their older siblings but probably wouldn’t constantly stress the admiration.), but she can also show lasting, pouty displeasure with authority figures who have slighted her. (Like that one time I went too far in teasing her...)
I’m just assuming the 8 fix because that tends to make 6s more bold, louder & more shameless.
Basically she is the “punk teen” type of 6. She can be a bit dramatic & over-the top but still come to her family on advice (even advice on pranks!) in ways that xSTPs of other enneagrams prolly wouldn’t.
She also tends to use self-deprecating humor in tough situations and deflects compliments to present herself as ‘ordinary’.
This may sound like I’m really getting down on my first example (I won’t pretend that I’m not) but the point in bringing him up is that the reason he’s like this is: He was subject to really bad parenting that put a lot of fear into him, there was no good parenting to teach him broader coping strategies, he lived in a crappy environment that crushed his dreams, in a sense ‘confirming’ those fears and making him double down, resulting in a person who is just always rigidly following the same predictable pattern or jumping from one automatic reaction to the next with very little pausing and thinking. That goes for the other types too: A ‘stereotypical’ person is a desperate person ruled by fear, who cant stop or soften up even for an instant cause they constantly feel this fire of threat under their arse.
A lot of descriptions say that 6s ‘Follow authority’ but most would balk at the notion – ‘I do the research!’ they might argue ‘I don’t just trust anyone’ or ‘I’m actually a rebel’. There is of course such a thing as denial  that’s more like the extreme case.
But with a more average, functional 6 it’s not so much ‘obedience’ as that they just like to bounce their ideas off of others to get feedback, or that they feature in other’s viewpoints. So you might get someone who can naturally use feedback (something other ppl may have to learn first) or who is very considerate of others (which others might have to consciously remind themselves to do.)
Those are sometimes pretty good traits actually.
On the other hand this is probably part of what makes decisions hard cause they consider all these possible scenarios of how things might displease or cause harm to everyone involved.
Being able to naturally snap into Action Mode under stress looks a bit enviable from the outside, but I. assures me that it’s actually super stressful & exhausting, even for someone who doesn’t get to a point of just being unreasonably aggro at you.
Though even an extreme case like F.B. would probably claim that he ‘did the research’ even as he’s 1:1 quoting the Pope at you, and then saying that you ‘have to be respectful’ even if you don’t even believe in Christianity. Hence why you get a lot of authoritarians talking about “disrespect”. You didn’t “fail to obey”, you “disrespected the flag” or  “hurt the feelings of the Chinese people”. Because they’re still trying or inwardly thinking that they’re doing the consideritation & considering other’s PoV thing when they’ve long since crossed from respect and consideration into mindless obedience, all while still thinking that they’re very sceptical and discerning cause after all they really distrust the other political party or whatever.  
In a way you get this obsession with ‘mind control’ cause they’re not unaware of & very much looking to guard the blind spot. They’re adults trying to do adult things.
For example, if I voiced an opinion to F. B. which he didn’t like, his reaction was often to ask “who told you that”
That’s just how he seems to think opinions work, somebody tells them to you.
Makes one wonder how he thinks new opinions start.
Yeah - Nobody told me that. I concocted it myself in some corner of my head. And in the interest of objectivity, I should stress that you can also end talking out of your ass that way, if you’re not basing it on enough outside data. Making up new shit has more of a quadratic than a linear learning curve – at least with copying you get something semi-useful right away. In making up your own you might be really off a long time before you stumble on something useful.
Also, I was young at the time and it’s not wholly unreasobale to think that an inexperienced person might be duped. I reacted really badly in part cause he hit my own ego buttons cause I was of course proud of this epiphany that I had concocted by myself, and now he says (or so I perceived it, being sensitive to accusations of incompetence) that I’m too dumb to form an opinion, so of course I launched into full Obnoxious Reddit Dude Mode.
In I. It manifests more on a reasonable useful level like “Oh wait, should [young cousin] be on TikTok? I don’t want him to get sucked into some cultish BS.” which is at least something the parents should have on the radar/ warn him about even if they do let him use TikTok, because for all that it is vital for him to get his experience with independent socializing & experimentig with sel-presentation, people do sometimes get suckered into cults or goaded into unsafe tests of courage.
And in a sense… maybe they overamphasize it but to some extent they’re also simply consciously aware/ mindful of it. The rest of us are not immune to propaganda after all, solong as it’s presented in a way pleasing to our egos. Any type structure can become a ‘hook’ if you’re not careful.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
aoba johsai’s sport’s journalist (h/c’s)
just crack+ fluff + platonic-ish relationship (gn!y/n) (w: language!) a/n: this has been bugging me for awhile now since i havent seen headcanons of this yet (if their are do send them on my ask box) and since im on a slump, i decided to write this down. this is completely fun, easy-going, and self-indulgent, really perfect for someone stuck on a slump ksks. idk if i should make some for the other schools but oh welp enjoy! happy 900 btw werkwerk uwu so weird to reach this when im not even very active.
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Now let’s be honest here, it’s no surprise that the volleyball team of aoba johsai has their own sports journalist. Like, c’mon, they’re one of the best in the prefecture.
But let’s start with the basics here, shall we? Let’s start with you, how this all goes through, and how you got into this heaping pile of mess.
Yep, you.
There you were in high hopes to get into journalism for college so what better way was it than to apply for the school paper? It would definitely look good and pretty in those college applications *chef’s kiss* you’re a second year btw idk if that matters but yeah..
Much to your surprise no one was applying for the news section which was kind of sad since you wanted a buddy there.
but-but it turns out though everyone was applying for the sports section completely understandable, next to feature, it was the most exciting thing to write because there was going to be a special section and writer for the volleyball team.
You knew that volleyball was kind of a big thing around your school?? you just didn’t expect it to amass like that much people.
The editor in chief is obviously surprised, you were the first person on that day to come in there and actually apply for something else.
and guess where that led you to?
Yep, the sport’s section, specifically the volleyball team’s personal sports journalist. Your brain goes brrt brrt because you were not a sports writer at all and you were, ironically, scared of ball games.
Your editor in chief laughs it off and says, “you’ll do fine… its like news bUT SPORTS! IT’LL DEFINITELY LOOK GOOD IN YOUR APPLICATIONS!”
You’re not sure if you should be terrified or terrified?
It doesn’t help that on the first day when you enter the gym you look terribly constipated and panicking a lot because of all the stray balls being spiked and tossed around.
It also didn’t help that you crash course the terminologies and the member’s name a night before and you were just running on iced coffee that day.
Yeah, way to make a first impression, huh?
When you approach the coach, you’re not exactly sure what to say and you were this close to chickening out until you saw one of the players come up to you and ask if you were alright and if you wanted to talk to oikawa.
you’re loading for a second there.
and the poor guy who asks you if you were alright, starts looking actually worried because you weren’t responding at all.
the guy literally looks very confused?? because what kind of rock were you living under that you didn’t know Oikawa???
so you go ahead and introduce yourself and say that your name was Y/N and you were the new sports journalist for the team.
“....soooo you write?”
at this point on, you’re also confused too
and idk man, first impressions do indeed last because you ended up (unknowingly) sharing the same brain cell with Matsukawa Issei.
you both were just confused there, straight up looking like two kids who got left behind by their mom in the grocery check-out line.
He tells you the team’s pretty chill and you should stop looking like they spiked a ball on your puppy or something.
Basically introduces you to the whole team after, 
no questions asked, just go with the flow.
You basically just click and vibe???
Not only because you crash coursed and related to whatever they said, 
you literally all shared the same brain cell together.
Kentaro was another story though, kid basically hated your guts at first, it felt like if you were to say one sentence to him that day, he’d literally spike a ball at your direction.
“we’re basically the same year tho :(” -Y/N
“lmao well do i’ve got news for you, y/n-chan.” - Oikawa and basically everyone on the team.
you gradually start to understand the coolness of the sport since you had to incorporate visiting them once or twice a week during practice.
but suddenly it becomes almost a daily routine after a month because they’re just really friendly people??
like wow, they’re all friendly giants.
You’re literally just there to write about them but they’re really patient and kind, they even invite you to practice games so that you could practice out your skills in writing since you mentioned that you’ve never written for sports yet.
they even give you some added key terms that aren’t found in books and online.
you’re def closest to iwaizumi and matsukawa.
iwaizumi because he makes really funny fish jokes about oikawa (yes you arent supposed to be laughing but man theyre funny af, oikawa would usually call you and iwa corny because the jokes aren’t even that funny) and yes its canon that whenever iwaizumi sees an oikawa fish in textbooks, he starts laughing and joking about it.
no explanation needed why you ended up being close to matsukawa.
its obvious after that first meeting ya both would be besties.
same brain cell bros go brrt brrt.
incredibly!! supportive!! I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH
like when you release a new write up about them, Oikawa would usually go, “It’s such an honor to be apart of your first steps, can you sign this?”
dramatic but hella supportive, we stan the gr8 king
“oh, wow, i thought you said you didn’t write before? how come you sound like a professional already?” - Hanamaki 
another dramatic best boi.
akira + kindaichi getting shy because they’ve never experienced this yet. So whenever you try to interview them about stats or something for a special issue, they usually end up a stuttering mess
“w-well, L/N-san...”
kentaro slowly warming up to you but still looks like he wants to spike a volleyball at your face 90% of the time but unlike before you’re used to his whole thing already.
“Move, extra.”
“You were great, by the way. That was a powerful spike!”
you may or may not be included in random ramen nights with the team
yes, oikawa buys you your own bowl of ramen
he doesn’t mind tho, he really loves how you write them. 
so its sort of a thank you for giving the team justice when you write about them.
team says you’re technically part of the team so they make you your own jersey. Now when you watch your games people ask if you’re like the manager or smthng.
“ no :’) “
When they lost against shiratorizawa and karasuno, you were bawling too like you were apart of the team.
this pretty much cheered everyone up despite the loss because your crying face was apparently very funny and memable.
oh right, your article was passed on to the town’s newspaper
it was literally like 7 am on a saturday and your notifs went zoop.
they added you to their group chat and spammed you with pictures of the articles that you wrote.
“we didn’t even win the tournament but we still get a feature?? thats so cool?? holy shit?? CONGRATS KSKSKS” -matsukawa
lmao idk matsukawa looks like a keyboard smasher tbh idk why
pretty much its normal for you to even start hanging out already outside of the court and after practice to get steam buns.
more chaotic mess and clumsy you running around.
your volleyball sports writing experience wouldn’t be complete until someone accidentally spikes a ball at the back of your head amaright?
ironically, it’s yahaba who does that to you. poor smoll bean.
“wow, you’re dumb.” -kentaro says to you
“ :’)” -you.
overall, you found yourself in a safe haven with the volleyball team and yes, you also cried when the third years graduated. 
the third years have a picture with everyone on the team + you with a very red face from all the crying?? once again, you’ve proven yourself to be a meme.
continued to write for them up until graduation.
and its def obvious you kept in touch with all of them after, duh.
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
The Last Rites
*So, many fans including myself were unhappy with Adam Milligan and Michael’s exits out of Supernatural. This is my fix-it or at least my interpretation of what happened after 15x19 and 15x20. Enjoy!*
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Summery: Chuck now human is a bitter bin collector and part-time serial killer stalking his latest victim. Little does he know that the dynamic human vessel/archangel duo Michael and Adam have been stalking him.  
"Damn that Sam and Dean and that little brat for making me human! But I'll get the last laugh," he says as he makes his rounds and choosing his latest victim. Plotting all the terrible things he plans on doing to the Winchesters. “I’ll get them all for this!”
As Chuck follows this person out to their car in the middle of the night, knife in hand. All off a sudden he hears wings flapping and turns around in horror. His eyes bug out when he sees a figure standing before him in the shadows.
"W-who's there?"  
Michael/Adam step out of the darkness wearing a "surprise-bitch" look on their face: "Hello...father" by the darkness of his ton Chuck knows his son hadn't forgotten the last time they saw each other. By that lakeside where he'd killed him for helping the Winchesters.
"No i-its impossible... You're dead I killed you. You should be in the Empty."
Michael hesitantly shakes his head. "Not anymore."
"Let's just say I made bail thanks to my nephew and Castiel as they needed my assistance in Heaven's rehabilitation. And I humbly obliged."
"Castiel? He's alive too?! And you're working for them?! Why? That little brat took my power!" Chuck screams in anguish. "NO you both should be suffering in the Empty for all eternity!"
Michael/Adam looks at his hands flexing them into fists. Recalling the last second he drew breath being smited by his father. Regretting his decision to ever forsake his duty for humanity for his father. And his anger burns like acid.
"After what you did to me the last time we spoke...all I've cherished was this moment," the archangel Prince darkly replies. Adam's soul quietly astral-projected is in the background roots on his buddy. "Jack and Castiel offered me a chance to atone myself for wrongly choosing you over that which I’ve swore an oath to protect. That I could leave the Empty and reclaim my throne in Heaven if I stayed on Earth and helped the Winchesters clean up your mess."  
Chuck glares "So you're their bitchboy now? Ha, pathetic." He chortled in his throat. "I always knew you were weak, Michael. Being in that cage all those years with Sam and Dean's forgotten little bro has made you soft."
Michael's cheeks throb angrily. But he maintains his restraint. "Oh I'm not doing this for them," he reveals; stepping a little closer to his father. Shoulders squared. "Being stuck on Earth is also my punishment. But I've accepted it...I deserve my fate...just as you deserve yours right now."
Chuck then scrutinizes his son suspiciously. Looking from the archangel's fists to the face of his vessel Adam.
"What so you're like an archangel superhero now?" He can't contain a laugh. "Wow those Winchesters must be really desperate to resort to sending you here instead of facing me themselves."
Michael shook his head. "As I've already stated...I'm not here for them, he says. "The one called Dean, my original sword, has already fallen in battle and has inherited his place in my nephew's paradise. And his brother Sam sought out his other brother Adam, my chosen vessel. They've been working together ever since."
"And that's when Jack sent you."
"Dammit!,” Chuck swears this wasn't suppose to happen. If he killed a Winchester in his story the other brother left alive was suppose to take his own life in grief. No this couldn't be happening. They changed his ending AGAIN. "THIS WASN'T THE ENDING I PLANNED! I DIDN'T WRITE THIS!"
Michael cocks his head sideways; basking in his father's frustration. It was music to his ears. Then he's serious; raising his hand and forwarding his palm in a power-up.
"Your reign if tyranny is over father. You will not be scribing another's fate ever again. Not while I'm around."
At that Chuck's face is ghostly white. "Wait, what are you doing?" He puts up his hands submissively. "I'm human now, you can't just smite me. I'm part of the humanity that I created for you to protect!"
"Oh you don't have any rights here," growls the archangel sternly. "You gave up those privileges when you chose to use your newfound humanity to blindly murder others. Your arrogance and hatred for mankind was your own undoing. And now your death shall be your punishment, father."
Chuck trembling now resorts to begging for his son's mercy. "Michael, wait son we can talk about this." He showcases a nervous smile. "We can still make this right."
"No we can't." Michael scoffs. "The centuries of my allegiance to you have also perished. And I've wanted nothing more than to watch you beg forgiveness as you draw your last breath."
"Wait please show your father mercy, my son! Please!"
"Like the mercy you demonstrated to me that day by the lake shore?"
Chuck nodded still keeping his hands up. Okay so Michael was still pissed about that. "Fine you're right that was a mistake. I should've never hurt you like that. I was wrong and I see that now."
Michael's expression is smug, giving a mild throat chuckle. Then his cold expression shifts into anguish. "I hate myself for ever believing in you and turning my back on humanity. I will never be able to forgive myself for making that choice. For allowing you, Lucifer and my devotion to you to manipulate me from doing what was right."
"This doesn't have to get ugly Michael, we can still talk this out." Chuck begs. “Come on, what do ya say?”
"No we're done talking father." Michael's eyes glow like silvery blue light.
Chuck back peddles "Wait j-just give me another chance. I can prove to you I'll change I will."
Michael chuckles darkly, "Like the chance you were about to give that civilian you were following just now? Or the others you’ve murdered since?"
He eyes the knife in his father's hand. Suddenly Chuck realizes this and impulsively drops it onto the pavement.
"No, this isn’t what it looks like. I-I wasn't going to hurt anyone else. I swear!"
"You'll never learn will you father," Michael shrugs apathetically. "It's a shame. You were given a gift by your own flesh and blood and you've squandered it."  
No, no the archangel Prince was done talking. He'd said all he needed to say and with that throws Chuck's own last words to him right back in the short man's face.
"SAVE IT!" smiting him instantly on the spot. Blasting his father in a blinding light, erasing him from existence. When the dust settles Michael eases his tense shoulders releasing a sharp intake of breath.
Adam's projected soul then takes it upon himself to console his friend. Who is clearly bitter about destroying his own father even if he was an evil bastard.
"You did the right thing you know," the pre-med student/hunter in training reassures him. "Your dad would've killed that person if you hadn't intervened."
But Michael doesn't want to hear it. "I didn't do this for that person. I did it out of my own volition. I wanted my father to pay for what he'd done to me and my broken vow."
"It still doesn't change the fact that you saved someone tonight, Michael,” Adam insists. “And you proved that you can be better than Chuck ever was."
Michael frowns lowering his gaze to the ground melancholically.
"Or maybe I've just demonstrated that I am no better than him. I betrayed my sworn oath," the archangel squeezes his fist tightly. Putting all his anger into that hand. "And for that transgression alone I shall never be redeemed."
Adam recognizing the sadness in Michael's expression, throws his celestial pal a genuine smile, kneading his shoulder. "There's always redemption for all of us," he says gently. "I believe my brothers were capable of that, even if they never cared about me. Knowing you and even getting to know Sam has taught me so much more about myself, my family and what I'm meant to do with my life."
"What like being a hero?"
"Yah and it's kinda cool I get to kick some ass with an archangel."
"So, you want to honor your family. Despite what fate they'd left you to."
Adam shook his head. "Sam and Dean were far from perfect. I don't think I'll ever fully forgive them for what happened," he reveals. "BUT I think it changed me for the better. I got to become friends with Heavens MVP and I care about their cause now. They wanted to protect the world from evil and that's what I want to do. It's not about honoring the Winchester's legacy I want to do some good in this world. And you know what...I think you do too."
The archangel smiled to himself. "Well I did get some amusement out of watching my father squirm," He says lightly then adds. "Alright kid, you win. We shall continue our eternal quest for justice."
"Good, but we can continue that quest another night," the pre-med checks his wristwatch. "I gotta get some rest I have classes in the morning."
Michael scrutinized Adam. "You do know that you no longer require rest now that I've possessed this vessel or has that notion escaped you?"
“Oh yah I forgot," Adam laughs. "I guess I won't be needing sleep anytime soon then. Let's go home anyway I want to check out the bunker some more. Find any hidden passages or something."
"As you wish. I imagine your canine companion is also getting famished without us around to feed it."
A light bulb went off in his head. Right Sam and Dean's dog Miracle was in his care now. He loved that scruffy mutt even if he did drool a lot. Time to get home.  
"Miracle, okay we gotta get home stat!"
And with that Michael flew back to the bunker.
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bnha-scenarios · 4 years
Okay, so, first thing first. The second half of September and the whole October has been a wild ride.
Apparently this game blew up on TikTok (and probably some other platform or something?), and now I could see that there are tons of you who downloaded the game. That's just... so... unreal, at least to me. I didn't think this project would get so much attention. Even now, I’m still waiting to wake up from this dream 🙃
Anyway, if you’re new here: welcome! Sit back and relax, ‘cause this is gonna be a long ride!
I want to take this opportunity to say that due to the amount of comments, especially on itch.io page and my Tumblr, I won’t be always replying personally one by one to everyone anymore. I'll still try my best to answer questions and all, but I think by now everyone's common questions should already be answered in the FAQ page. So, moving forward, questions I have already answered inside that page will be ignored.
Still, I want you to know that I do read and treasure every single one of your comments. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, support, and suggestions! I'm sorry I can’t reply to those writing in languages other than English and Indonesian. While I can throw simple comments into Google Translate, every now and then the translator butchers long sentences and gives me garbled translation which I can't understand 😥
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  ☕️ Special Thanks ☕️ 
I'd like to also take this chance to say, many, many thanks for the coffee, you all amazing, generous people:
M.L. | Dominique | Genki | Sara | 1 Anon
Even in this hard time, you’re all so kind. Again, I can’t really do much, but as my way of thanking you, your names will be put under Special Thanks in the game ♡ 
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Alright, now, to the real essence of this post: progress update.
My work had been pretty demanding nearing the end of this month, and it made me get really sick of doing coding in general. Still, there is some progress on the game, and that’s good enough for me!
More details below ↓
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Character Sheet: You / Player / Main Character
Before I get to anything else, let’s talk about ‘you’ first, shall we?
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Although the main character's name is changeable, if you don’t wish to pick a name for them, ‘Suzuki Kaede’ is set as the default name.
Why Suzuki? I figured I would just take from one of the most common Japanese surnames.
Why Kaede? I chose it because I wanted a common Japanese unisex name, because the main character themselves is supposed to be gender neutral. So, the name came up as one of the results in Google, it has a somewhat nice and neutral meaning (maple), and I find that it sounds pretty nice, I decided to use it.
To reiterate, throughout the game, I try my best to not mention any physical characteristics and avoid elements which leans heavily to a specific gender in the story. All the characters in the game will also call you with your last name, and only neutral suffix (-san) is used at first. But you could get an event where you would be able to pick how the love interest will call the player, starting from that point in the story (on top of neutral options, there will be choices with gender-specific suffixes which you could pick if you want to). Other than that, all characters will always refer to the MC as ‘they/them’.
Now, moving on to the thing which people has asked about -- the player's Quirk. Here's a text version in case you couldn't see it in the image above for some reason:
What happens when a woman with Enhanced Learning quirk and a man with Camera Vision procreates? A child with exemplary learning ability and a pair of exceptionally observant eyes, apparently! The hereditary Vision you got from your father enables you to focus or scan an object or landscapes. With all the cues and information from your eyes, it seems that you're able to analyze and 'see' particular details of your object of interest in the form of numerical data. Due to the mainly passive nature of your quirk, you have to rely on the traditional weapons for offense, which might not be useful at all depending on your opponent's quirk. It's a plain and nonoffensive ability which isn’t so suited for a hero according to most people, but whatever - you’ll show those noobs the power of a gamer!
In other words, the information in 'Stats',  ' Weapon Proficiency', 'Special Moves', and even the 'Affection' meter, are actually part of the MC's Quirk. This also means, the more you hone your Quirk, the more it could affect your gameplay. I'll talk about that on the Gameplay section below.
There is one thing that’s kind of related to the MC's Quirk and I wanted to clarify. Bakugou did call you this in the demo, and yep, you might have guessed it: “crosshair eyes”. Reticle, crosshair, whatever you want to call it -- it’s that symbol you usually see in the center of your screen whenever you play FPS games. This is the only physical feature of the player's character that I specified (and yes, canonically, Hatsume has a pair of similar looking eyes in the original work). In relation to this, the icon for ‘activating’ your Quirk matches the same symbol.
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Introducing: Stats, Special Moves, and Video Games!
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There are 5 basic Stats for all of the characters in the game (brownie points if you recognize where they're taken from!): Speed, Technique, Power, Intelligence, Cooperativeness.
Your own Stats start off low, but you will be able to increase it by doing various activities, such as studying, playing games, winning on Heroics lessons, going to certain places, etc. Different activities raises different Stat, and you're free to choose which particular Stat you want to develop.
What are Stats being used for?
Certain Stat will increase a certain character’s affection, though it won’t be as much as if you hang out with that character.
There are certain places which you can only unlock when a specific Stat reaches a certain point. I’ll talk about hang out places and characters’ schedules in another post.
Weekly one-on-one training matches in Heroics lessons will test a specific Stat or Special Moves each time. Depending on who you chose to become your opponent, that specific Stat will determine the outcome of that match. On one hand, winning these matches can increase your Stat, but on the other hand, there are also special events you could possibly unlock when you lose. Again, I’ll probably talk more in detail about this in another post, since I still don't have the coding part down, so things might change.
Special Moves
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Every hero has a Special Move in this universe, and so does the player’s character! While they might not be as flashy as All Might’s iconic United States of Smash, some of your Special Moves will have a direct effect on the gameplay. For example, a certain Special Move could unlock more answer choices for certain scenarios. Another Special Move could be activated to give you hints on how many affection points will be added to a character for the available choices.
You have a total of 5 unlockable Special Moves, and it will be up to you to use this feature: do you spend your time trying to unlock all of it in hope to make your gameplay easier, or ignore them completely in favor of balancing your Stats while pursuing the affection of your chosen love interest? It’s your choice!
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(More brownie points for you if you got the reference in that picture lol)
Another use for Special Moves would be in the Heroics lessons, seeing as it might test how your Special Move fares against the opponent you picked.
Video Games
I would say that this particular element plays quite a big role in this game, since the MC learns and develops themselves by playing games. While you do have a set of games which you’ve owned, you’re able to purchase new games from the Video Game store. I would recommend doing this, as there are some neat ones which will help you greatly in your playthrough. But if you're not interested to explore them, that's fine too!
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Each video game has a different effect, and it’s up to you to discover them! Or, perhaps, you could unlock a Special Move that allows you to know what effect each of the game has? 😉
What are Video Games being used for?
Most games will only increase specific Stat(s), but there are also others that can unlock Special Moves.
There is one game which helps you to unlock Stats or Special Moves of your classmates, which you can use in the Heroics lesson to pick a suitable opponent based on your current Stats.
In addition to all that, there are 2P games which require more than one person to play, and you could play them with your romance target when they’re available. On top of building your Cooperativeness, choosing the right answers during the gaming session will increase that character's affection.
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The basic functions behind some activities like studying, buying video games, and playing video games are done. I will probably move on to code the functions handling the Heroics lesson’s battles and the behind-the-scenes of when the player chooses to go to certain places.
I've also finished the two main custom screens, which is the Quirk and Games page. If I have time and the motivation, I'm guessing I'll be adding the two other additional screens I had thought of doing. We'll see.
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This part is my nightmare, because I’m a perfectionist who’s far too picky when gathering resources…
But no assets = no game, so I did find several assets which I did like. This includes backgrounds, audios, background musics, and some sprites I was planning to use for developing the phone call function. I’m not going to list down all the things I found here, because I don’t think any of you would be interested in a long-ass list, but here’s an amazing background picture which I stumbled upon searching the dark abyss that is the internet:
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Full credits to the artist: https://arsenixc.artstation.com/
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I would have to say there isn't too much progress on this side yet, but I did decide on some story elements I want to insert into the game and scripted in a few scenes for the first day. I also managed to code in the dialogs for some common activities / places, like the video game store and a small part of school lunch time.
Honestly, I should probably create a sheet to identify how many scenes I would have to write? So all of us know the progress for this part of the development? ..... Let's see how it goes when my OCD flares up...
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All assets included in the devlogs are not mine, and credits to the asset owners / websites will be included in the game! My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia ⓒ Horikoshi Kouhei
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madasthesea · 4 years
I’m sorry for being so mean. I had a really bad day and didn’t mean to say such awful things. But I am frustrated my fics always get ignored, especially by the big names in the fandom such as yourself that claim to support everyone. I’ve written so many fics in this fandom and have been doing so for over a year, yet I only have 30 subscribers. I get really frustrated and feel like I’m a bad writer because everyone ignores me and my fics. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m sorry.
(2/2) For a fan community that claims they are inclusive, everyone sure doesn’t act that way. Everyone already has their friends and people like me who don’t have many friends get ignored. The big names in the fandom don’t support or read the fics by the new people. It’s not just me. I’ve never received a single kudo or comment from you or anyone else that’s popular like you. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but people don’t read my fics.
Ok, I’m answering this in the middle of the night in the hopes that not a lot of people will see it so it won’t become A Thing and then as soon as this fic exchange is over I am turning my anons off forever. Anon, I guess I have to give you credit for coming to apologize, but I have to say, where before I was perfectly capable of laughing off your extremely rude message, I have to say, now I’m annoyed. Because there is not a single instance or bad day or frustration that makes what you said acceptable. You came into my inbox and threw a temper tantrum because you knew my name and I happen to have anons on unlike most of the “fandom big names.” You told me I had the worst fics in the fandom, told me I publish outlines instead of stories and accused me of writing incestual pedophilia because you had a bad day? I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re young because that is the only possible excuse I could give you. As I said in my original response, if I were already an anxious writer, you could have caused me to delete all of my fics and put me off of writing forever. Someone commented on your original message and said that they don’t post their writing because of messages like that one. You’re right you shouldn’t have taken it out on me, and you wouldn’t have if your name had been associated with it. But here we are, and I’m going to try to make it so this never happens again, at least with the two of us. 
Now, onward to your frustrations. I am sorry that you aren’t getting the attention you want, but one) yelling at me on anon isn’t going to fix that. Two) not to be like callous and insensitive, but that happens to almost every writer I know. I’ve been writing fanfiction for 12 years. This is the seventh fandom I’ve written for and no one ever read my fics before this. My first year on AO3 I published six stories and had 500 views total. I get the frustration, but sometimes you just have to get the perfect combination of exposure, plot, and interest. Three) Do you have any idea how many stories get published in the Peter Parker & Tony Stark tag a day? I’m sorry, I can’t read all of them. I don’t want to read all of them, in fact I have 14 different tags blacklisted. Just because I am a “big name” does not mean I owe you a comment or a kudos. If I like your story, I will tell you. Chances are, I haven’t even seen one of your stories, because I’m an adult with a job and hobbies and writing of my own to do. Most of the “big names” are the exact same except a lot of them also have school. If you want someone to read your stories, ask them. Say “hey, I respect you and your opinion, could you look at this for me?” They will probably say yes unless they have a good reason not to. Don’t just sit there and wait for it to happen and get mad when it doesn’t. Also, this is the third time someone has yelled at me for not reading or commenting on their fics and it makes me less inclined to leave kudos in general in case someone comes and gets mad that I read their fic but didn’t comment. So uh… don’t do this again. 
As for the community, do you want to know how to make friends? Send asks (nice ones) not on anon. We can’t interact with you if you don’t know who you are. Reblog our fics. Comment on our posts. You can’t make friends if no one knows you exist. And the only way to show you exist is show yourself in our notes, in our inboxes. Sitting in your corner of tumblr and being bitter isn’t going to help anyone. This fandom is welcoming and it is kind and it is supportive. You saw how many people came to my defense tonight. If you talk to those people, they’ll talk back, but they can’t reach out to every single Irondad blog, it just isn’t feasible. 
And finally, how to get your fics read more. Like I said, part of it is just… luck. I got in at the very beginning, as did losingmymindtonight, parkrstark, several others, and had already established myself before IW came out and the fandom got bigger. Lucky break on my part, but I’m also a good writer because I’m 25 and I have a Master’s in a writing heavy field and I’ve been writing my entire life. Sometimes it just takes practice. But there is stuff that all good fics have in common, so here we go:
1) Good grammar, good spelling, good punctuation.
I don’t know who you are so I have no idea what your writing is like, but this is stuff I had to tell college students as a teacher, so I’m just going to go over it. 
Are there line breaks between every paragraph? No? There need to be. It’s hard to read when all of the words are bunched together, meaning automatic exits will happen, regardless of content.
Do you start a new paragraph every single time a new person speaks? You should.
“When someone is speaking,” I asked, “do you put a comma before the speech tag?” Commas, not periods. Not periods then commas. Punctuation goes inside the quotation marks. 
Are you writing in first or second person (I or you)? Don’t.
Pay attention to your tenses. It is very confusing reading a story that switches tenses every sentence. 
Are you capitalizing the beginning of every sentence and proper noun? You have to. Reading all lowercase takes energy and concentration and readers don’t like to put more effort in than they’re used to. Also it’s just pointless.  
Get a beta reader. Get grammarly (but the free version, don’t pay) or another editing service. Google anything you have a question about. EDIT YOUR WRITING. 
2) New ideas
Every fandom has tropes they love, but not every fic can be a trope fic. Every fic I write is, if not completely new, a spin on a popular trope.
Yes, there are some popular field trip fics, but most of them get lost in the weeds because they are all the same. And most of the people I talk to don’t even like them. (This counts for May dies fics, sensory overload… If you’re going to write it, you have to make it different and you have to make it good.)
Look to other movies or books for ideas, check out irondad-fic-ideas, something. Write something new, something only you can write, and at least some people will notice.
3) Good characterization
Now apparently everything I write is OOC, so maybe I’m not the best person to be giving advice on this :/ (I’m still annoyed. I’m getting over it)
BUT–the best way to write a well-known character is to know the source material. Listen to the way they talk, watch how they move. Ignore fanon. It’s hard, but try. Peter isn’t actually a perpetual ray of sunshine, chatter box 12 year old like we often write him, Tony isn’t 100% sarcasm and incapable of recognizing his own feelings. 
If you can hear the character say it in their actual voice, it’s probably a good line. 
4) Misc.
Fandom rule of thumb: cute fluff and hardcore whump win out over deep character studies on convoluted plot lines. If you’re just looking for hits or maybe a fic to establish yourself, that’s a good way to do it. 
If you’re posting a multi-chapter fic, don’t post it all at once. People will comment on each chapter as you post and you’ll get more hits. 
Respond to comments, especially at the early stages. It makes your readers more invested, it builds friendships, and it makes your stats look better. 
There’s a blog that supports little known writers in this fandom! Rec your fics there!
Make sure to never, ever put “I suck at summaries” or “fic is better than summary” it is an instant turnoff. If you can’t write the thing that makes me want to read the fic well, why would I think I want to read the fic?
Tagging on AO3 is vital. Tag the right relationships, tag the right emotions (angst, fluff, hurt/comfort). I often sort just by these. Always put in the category, (M/M, F/M, etc.) and the rating. There is no reason not to, but not doing so makes people less likely to read. Always tag triggers.
Never steal fics or ideas. If a story inspires you, you can ask the author if you can write something similar and then link in your story back to theirs. Nothing will make you less popular in a fandom than stealing work.
Lastly, I know authors constantly talk about how important comments and kudos are, and they are so important to bolstering spirits, I get that, but if you aren’t writing for yourself first, you will always be disappointed. You should enjoy your fic as much when you read it in your word doc as when you read it online with comments and kudos. And maybe you write really niche stuff that doesn’t appeal to a lot of people, but churning out carbon copies of the Fandom Tropes and hoping for hits is not going to satisfy you and you will keep being frustrated.
Let’s not do this again, shall we? Next time you have a question, ask me nicely.
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inventors-fair · 4 years
“Surprise Me” commentary: Return to Innocence
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Look, I’m not going to lie to you (unless it’s convenient for me or unless you’re about to find the body). Every time we open up a contest, we have preconceived notions about what people will send in and the kind of entries that we want to have. Every judge, all the time, even the ones I’m speaking for who disagree with me and my megalomania. 
For this particular contest? I wanted to get rid of that entirely. I didn’t want to experience what I thought would be surprising, because that destroys that notion entirely, doesn’t it? I wanted something new.
I’d say that for most of you, that came across pretty well. I particularly enjoyed the return to custom mechanics, even if some of them... Well, let’s just talk about them, shall we?
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@abzanhero — Simikiel, Due Vengeance
What I like: Well, it certainly feels like a WBR angel in the vein of its predecessors. The RW activation combined with the black drain does feel coherent in a way that I enjoy. Stats are good, wording’s fine. I think that this card is interesting because people will be looking for a way to combo out with this even though land sacrifice like Goblin Trenches will do just fine when the activated ability doesn’t pan out. Desolation (italicize!) is an interesting reverse-Morbid in a way.
What we can improve: I’m not personally invested in this card. I see that you made this for a custom set, but this feels entirely like a Commander card, and reactive abilities might not be what Commanders want. Yes, sometimes it’s about control, and I can see where you’re coming from. It might be the fact that because it’s a control-y card it makes it hard to want to build around as a commander. If you’re intending this for drafting and limited? Well, that’s another story, and I feel I’d have to see the context of the set. Desolation is...weird. There would have to be a lot of noncreature destruction for that, and I don’t exactly know how you’d make that happen without, well, a constructed environment. The card feels at odds with itself.
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Baked Beans — Mutagenic Slime
What I like: Firstly, uh, sorry about that namesake? If you have a name you’d rather go by, then you’re free to specify in your submissions. Secondly, there’s a lot to love about this card. It does pretty much everything you would want out of a UG ooze for sure. I think it’s interesting how you retained the mana costs of the card and abilities with color weight.
What we can improve: In short, I got very confused by this card. After some discussion in the modhouse, I was surprised to learn that this actually works fairly well, considering the fact that copy effects are notorious for being frustrating to template correctly, and Mutavault-animation-copying is a whole other weird kettle of fish. I suppose that confusion is my fault, and I initially judged this card too harshly. I honestly don’t know if it needs the first ability, considering holy cow that’s powerful, but the rest of it, honestly? Not as egregious as I thought. I guess this is one of those things where my personal confusion initially got in the way — a lesson for me.
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@chungus-supreme — Myriad Sliver
What I like: Well, it’s easy to see where you started and what you like. I think that Slivers were a great first tribe for a lot of people. A callback to the MH Slivers is pretty cool.
What we can improve: There’re a lot of strategies that could possibly use this card, but it feels immensely “win-more” when it comes to Slivers already. Why would this card need to exist? What interactions would it have that Slivers don’t already have with each other and with weird tribal cards? Someone would be happy with this card, but it wouldn’t be Sliver players. Minor note on presentation, too? Reminder text should be italicized following the rules, but I understand limitations on card creators. The lack of flavor text and context is just a little too weird. What possible circumstances could lead the Slivers to learning that they were every creature type? Frankly, what’s the story point? There’s a massive clash between flavor identity and reasonable storytelling.
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@corporalotherbear — Pleasure in Pain
What I like: Alternate win-cons are always a nice addition to the game. I can see the sadistic side of black and the “at any cost” combo style that this card seeks to emulate. Personally, too, I’m a fan of conflicting rules text like the trigger and the static on this card. A new player might think they don’t work, and well, that’s just how new players work. And this card isn’t for them, it’s definitely for advanced Johnny players.
What we can improve: I still don’t exactly know how to make this card work. There don’t seem to be that many combos that could work well with it considering the mana cost. Ad Nauseam already does what it does, so that’s something, but I mean, I’d like to see what deck you would make with this card first because frankly, I don’t see it. Paying life doesn’t work if you don’t have life to pay, losing life is hard as heck, the whole shebang. Damage could work? Yeah, either I’m really dumb, or I don’t see the obvious exploitative combo you were envisioning outside of Ad Nauseam. 
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@dabudder — Perplexing Pact
What I like: Nice flavor, I think. I don’t know much about Davriel but I can totally see how it works out. It’s appropriately mythic considering how people would treat combat damage and the like, so that’s all well and good. Props for the reminder text, and for what I think is a fairly appropriate use of hybrid.
What we can improve: Where would this card exist? What kind of set would it belong to? I can’t contextualize it outside of just ‘a custom card for custom card’s sake’ and that feels frustrating to me. Ravnica mythic, perhaps? Sure, but what would the rest of the set look like? Could there be two alternate win-con effects i the same set? It’s actually kinda weird that the Guilds block had five across three sets, but still, they were different enough. I also feel that this is pretty easy to exploit with cards like the Pacts, turning this into a four-mana “at the beginning of your upkeep you win the game” effect. Not sure how I feel about that.
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@deafeningsandwichpeach — Roaring Stompodon
What I like: This card was almost a runner-up! It’s a fantastic and powerful use of hybrid, it feels like a dinosaur, it’s fast and furious and chompy, and the only real questionable part is the redness of it. Could red get ETB fight like this, is the question? I feel that for this card in the right set that it honestly wouldn’t be too bad. I also feel that that’s more my heart than my head thinking here. I’m a weird control player who also happens to love fast and furious dinosaurs, what can I say.
What we can improve: Hm. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I’m worried. If you take off the “may” on the fight then it’s a little better, but whoo boy, imagining this in RDW with a slightly higher curve than usual? There’s something scary about that. I feel that erring on the side of caution would be best here. As a custom card I love it. I don’t know how printable it would be. Also, flavor text is good but retreading old ground. Consider something sillier, perhaps? Sillier or scarier, either or.
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@deg99 — Azor I, Parun
What I like: Yup, it’s a callback to the quintessential Azorius namesake. With the mana cost like that, I can tell that you were shooting for a significant and austere commander for the guild, someone who requires many proper resources.
What we can improve: The problem with a card being quintessential is that everything that it’s doing has been done before. This card does not surprise me in the least. The fact that Azor creates The Immortal Sun on this card is about as expected as can be. Detaining is fine, and the draw is fine, but that’s it; they’re retreading expected ground. The mana cost doesn’t mechanically need the color weight, and as a custom Commander, this card just doesn’t seem fun. I would rather have seen you attempt to make something from the ground-up that was new rather than submit an old design that hasn’t been changed since inception.
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@evscfa1 — Scales of Pitiless Justice
What I like: Pretty metal name, pretty rad. 
What we can improve: Let’s...slow down a second.
There doesn’t seem to be a reason for the mana cost to be weighted like that. Without any context for the world, set or flavor, it feels arbitrary.
Speaking of arbitrary, why does this need to have both enchantment and artifact subtypes? I don’t understand how that helps mechanically. 
This card does not need indestructible OR shroud. Full stop. “Bypassing any interaction” is not the same as “difficult to remove.”
Mana burn was removed from the game for a reason. It simply is not fun.
The “if” ability should be a trigger: “Whenever a player draw a card [etc], that player discards that card unless they pay 2 life.”
The last ability should say “casts” instead of “would cast.”
And in the end, I understand your frustrations with green and blue that you might see in your personal playgroup or whatever, and I understand what might be happening in standard and all the junk with that. Godmodding isn’t the answer. This contest was about seeing more of what you love, not destroying what you hate. In that context this card is antithetical to the approach we were hoping for. I would strongly consider putting love into cards that you submit rather than trying to force the pendulum in another direction. 
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@fractured-infinity — Sygg, Heir to Mornigtide // Sygg of the Razorfin
What I like: Sygg! Okay, so this is a... I’m envisioning this as a potential Esper DFC mer-legend in a limited return to Lorwyn, which is — aight? Shoot, the thing is, I love each side as they are. With a couple exceptions. I will say that I was both surprised and delighted to see a mythic Syggy-boy.
What we can improve: You have three set-unique abilities on a single DFC, and my friend, that’s confusing as heck. Daybreak and Moonrise just don’t seem like great mechanics, because if you need one and not the other, and you’re stuck on certain places, how are you gonna turn it? If they changed the seasons upon casting, that would be cool, right? What about that? I would maybe keep Aurora or something, and change your set’s mechanics (are you making one?) so that sorcery effects can change whether or not it’s Sunny or Moony on Lorwyn. Keep this idea, just narrow it down. A LOT. 
Small note: “MorNINGtide.” Double-check your spelling. I’ve made that mistake once or a hundred times.
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@ghost31415926535 — Piece of Mind
What I like: Well, it’s one way for white to interact with graveyards and the like. My favorite part of this is the flavor text. I don’t know much about Chulane but I do like the prospect of this teller having to forget a painful story from the past.
What we can improve: The first ability doesn’t get rid of replacement effects like Leyline of the Void and Rest in Peace. Honestly, I think for the sake of all custom designers, graveyard hate effect shouldn’t be hated out themselves. It becomes a mechanical arms race. That last ability, though... Nope. Nooooope. That’s insane. Mono-white draw so many cards? Four mana? Even as a one-time effect it’s absolutely bonkers and out of pie. UW mill means that you can draw three new hands by the time this is activated. And, for this contest, I can’t say that I was entirely surprised by this card. It’s doing what so many custom card designers have done before.
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@gollumni — Ihren, Master of the Deep
What I like: This feels like one of those cards where it makes sense in-world and then when you put it on a card it’s like “oh, my goodness, is that the story we’re telling?” And I like that aspect! I’m imagining a happy Giant wrangling a squid the size of a bus and loving every second of it. I can say with certainty that I didn’t expect “tentacle farmer archetype” in these submissions.
What we can improve: But it’s so, so much of a “win-more” again. You get sea monsters with your giants, and then giants with your sea monsters? To what end? What’s the point of casting all these massive creatures that require you to have more massive creatures, when just the massive creatures alone could win you the game? Quest for Ula’s Temple was awesome because for one mana you were eventually able to summon the giant monsters. This card, well, it’s big for big’s sake.
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@haru-n-harkel — Ozalii, Apex of Evolution
What I like: I can fully say that I didn’t expect a mutate card for this contest. Did people like mutate? I can tell one of you did! Five-color true mutate legend, yeah, that’s a niche that could have used a spot. Y’know what, props, credit where credit’s due. I like the concept.
What we can improve: I feel that the abilities should say “this creature” instead of the name, right? Isn’t that how all mutate cards work? This may just be me being lukewarm on mutate for this whole thing, honestly. Past that, I understand that this card is good, but Mutate was just so parasitic. I don’t know, this may be one of those unfortunate biases. So don’t take this the wrong way, and please do put this in a custom Mutate-filled cube if you have it. 
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@ignorantturtlegaming — O’Jaru, Kavu Arisen
What I like: You and Kavu. Meme all I want, but yep, that’s a kind of gaming love I can get behind. It’s a big creature, it’s a beast, it’s powerful, it’s got a strong cost, and Panharmonicon on a creature? Oh lord. OH LORD. This would be an intensely powerful commander for that alone.
What we can improve: ...except for the fact that it triggers itself. It’ll be on the battlefield, so, well, you’ll have to return four other creatures if you want this thing to stick. Hate to say it, but that’s a massive drawback, so massive that I don’t know if it would really stick. However, this is an easy fix. All you need to do is change “If a permanent” to “If another permanent” in that first part. Solved!
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@macaroni-and-squeez — The Breathing Past
What I like: I can absolutely commend you for trying something new. This feels like a card where a lot of background understanding is needed, and that’s not always a bad thing.
What we can improve: That doesn’t change the fact that I don’t understand the process behind this card’s creation. In short, I don’t know why sagas and creatures should be combined aside from the fact that it’s new, and that doesn’t feel like a great precedent. The card would have worked fine as a saga (ish) and actually great as a horror. But both makes it feel messy and unintuitive. What story is being told? I don’t know. What kind of character/incarnation is this legend? I still don’t know. Clarify, simplify, and revise.
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@milkandraspberry —  Importation étrangère
Silver-border is not the problem here. I don’t speak French. Was that the joke? What possible set would this card appear in, and why? I think based on this card alone, cards with non-English rules text are hereby not eligible for submission from this point forward. There may be a joke, but it wasn’t even explained in the submission, so I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do here. Google Translate? To what end? If the gist of the card is that it’s supposed to not be understood, then that’s a sign already that you should consider revising your idea. Most importantly, the judges can’t give you fair critique, and that’s not fair to you either.
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@misterstingyjack — Slobad, Selfless Scrapper
What I like: Planeswalker iterations are always cool. Thank you for explaining the story to me, because I think that I vaguely remembered the name but couldn’t remember the context. And man, this is an interesting card. Red artifact/planeswalker matters planeswalker? It’s narrow, but shoot, it also feels appropriate for rare. I think I’m warming up to this kind of specific concept more than I was originally. 
What we can improve: Still, he doesn’t exactly feel like a planeswalker and more like a new card type entirely. ... Maybe that isn’t a bad thing. Maybe this new design space could be way more interesting than I’m giving credit for. I would have to see what the environment looked like, because wow, this would have to be balanced properly, else we end up with War of the Spark Horizon Masters of Mirrodin broken. For wording: Second ability could just be ‘Create a _ for each walker you control’ and the last one honestly could just be “Move all loyalty counters from Slobad onto another target planeswalker you control.” A little more busted, but let’s be real, more flexible as well. Who says he has to give up his spark for a specific dude? Besides the story. 
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@naban-dean-of-irritation — Darksteel Experiment
What I like: Yeah, I can see the problem you’re trying to solve and how you’re trying to solve it. Gotta make something as unkillable as possible, right? It’s the “anything-proof-shield” on the playground of custom MTG design. Making it Darksteel is a great callback, and the flavor text is pretty fun so I’ll give you that.
What we can improve: I’ve played a lot of Magic, and I know that getting things killed can suck. But the game is one of interaction. There are answers to everything but you have to draw them. The card specifically and maybe this specific wording (if it works in the rules, I’ll have to lawyer it) might not have been made before, but the concept? It’s been around since Magic’s existence, to the first frustration of getting a Savannah Lions Lightning Bolt-ed. When the gameplay stops being a conversation, there is no longer gameplay. Trying to find answers to that shouldn’t be what we’re looking for.
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@nicolbolas96 — Abyssal Pact
What I like: You know, Mr. Shiny actually made a vaguely-in-the-same-vein card that was almost going to be an example. Well, it involved sacrifice, anyway. But the point is, yeah, same kind of interesting design space. I love winning with no cards in a library, I’ll say that much. For a legendary enchantment, a “pact” is probably as appropriate as you can get without being an object or curse or specific story moment. Interesting flavor, too! Well-conceptualized.
What we can improve: My good fellow this card breaks the game in about a trillion different ways. Treasures become 40-80+ mana. Grimgrin becomes massive. Any card that says “Sacrifice X: Draw a card” becomes an instant and I think uninterruptable win, of which there are four in this card’s colors alone. If it was, like, “the first time” instead? Or something? I don’t know, there’s a LOT to take into consideration, but the gist is: this card is a broken infinite combo waiting to happen. Maybe you intended that. If that’s the case, then shame on you but I respect it. Sort of.
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@nine-effing-hells — Evolutionary Explosion
What I like: This was so close to being a winner if it wasn’t really, REALLY darn too powerful. If you have an army of 1/1 tokens, this card becomes incrementally more amazing. Is that a bad thing? I mean, I love the concept, I love the math, I love that you’re doing new things with how to make a cool mythic Overrun sorcery.
What we can improve: But we gotta compare to cards like Wild Onslaught, which is eight mana for what this card can do for sometimes half that cost. It really can just make the late game a little too ridiculous. I wish I could love it more, and I think that as an uncommon that targets a single creature it can be an amazing powerful blowout. This? Too much for a variable X cost. 
Also, I sent a PM tp the Denver museum and they’re checking with their team for the proper artist credit and once they respond in a few days I’m gonna smack ya for improper artist credit. (Not really that last part, but I did message out of curiosity. That mural is dope.)
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@ouroboros-breaker — Tibalt, Rakdos Insurgent
What I like: Rakdos Tibalt has been something people have been asking for for a while now, and as a fan, I hope that we can see more of him in the future. I can see that you liked the character’s chaotic nature and the way that he engages with you, plus the double-edged sword aspects of it all. There’s a lot of cleverness behind your process.
What we can improve: That doesn’t change the fact that the second and third abilities are reeeeally pushing what’s reasonable for an acceptable risk. Yeah, it’s neat for there to be some risk involved, but the possibility of -3 and losing three permanents is way too rough. Rakdos at least absolutely saved himself during coin flips and whatnot. The last ability, the emblem? I wish I liked it more. I feel that it could have been a -5 for something like a Hellrider effect: “whenever a creature you control attacks, it deals 1 damage to any target” or something. Then, maybe there could have been tokens made, like Tibalt’s WAR card, and, well, the boy might be more playable. I feel that symmetrical emblems aren’t great to have. In short, don’t be afraid to make cards, especially planeswalkers, a couple degrees more helpful.
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@partlycloudy-partlyfuckoff — Progeny of Immolation
What I like: I think that Emerge was a fantastic mechanic, and I’m happy to see it again. Eldrazi Hellion is a great creature type combo, and as a fan of Eldritch Moon this card is hitting some nice parts for me.
What we can improve: The big challenge is whether or not it’s okay for this card to effectively deal up to 11 colorless damage in something like limited. If you’re running a red deck, you can get this out early and have a fine enough red source in-pie, but even if you’re running something like a blue-white control deck you can ramp up to eleven mana and halve someone’s life total. I’ll say that yes, the Eldrazi all from EM all could be cast like this, but the off-color effects were never quite pushed to eleven damage. I fear development issues. Keep in mind what may or may not be appropriate for your costs. 
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@real-aspen-hours — Instant Pot Chicken and Rice
What I like: This is at its core an affordable, easy, nutritious meal that provides a fair amount of food for relatively cheap cost. Instant rice and chicken breasts aren’t hard to come by, and another great part of this meal is the fact that it’s fairly universal. If someone’s vegetarian, you don’t have great options, but that’s not gonna come up as much as long as you have people who understand what it means to eat affordable. The Instant Pot is a great addition to any kitchen as well.
What we can improve: Tomatoes are fantastic for flavor, but what else is there? I’m missing out on a lot of the herbs and spices that could turn this into a real meal. Adding additional liquid plus things like white onions, garlic, carrots, etc. would turn this from “edible” to “exquisite.” Consider thyme and basil, but also think about different flavors like Teriyaki or sriracha for more stand-out returns. I wonder how chicken chili would go? But that would be a fundamental shift, so that’s more conjecture than anything else.
As an aside, this did bring a smile to my face. However, I hate to say, this is a Magic: the Gathering blog, and I am not a cook. I have to ask that we stick to cards for the future. Still — this is our one and only consolation prize for doin’ your own thang.
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@reaperfromtheabyss — Maelstrom Vale
What I like: Hnnnng cascade. This is one of those cards that I friggin’ love because I grew up on cascade, before I knew just how broken it was as a mechanic. I think that in limited and constructed, this card can be played in any deck, and I dunno how to feel about that at second glance. Five-color commander and casual play? Heck yes, this is so much fun. I love these kinds of cards.
What we can improve: Five mana giving practically any spell cascade is...busted, especially in limited. If I had had this last night at FNM, I would have swept so hard. 3-5 drops into multiple creatures and answers? Good lord. If it was 7 to activate, it would be balanced. As it is, might be too far. Small note: this flavor text would be 100% better if you didn’t have that silly attribution. Seriously, it was epic and cool and meaningful until the last part. Sometimes established things work well.
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@rustyguacamole — Uth, the Impermeable
What I like: Self-mill with a cool white upside makes this card a welcome addition to some of the other Abzan reanimator builds. I like how you worked off of those to make an interesting fungal commander. I feel that it could even be part of a core set legend if it were mythic.
What we can improve: The “you may play cards from your graveyard” definitely needed a “this turn” at the end of it. And I mean, Yawgmoth’s Will remains an impossibly powerful card to this day. A repeatable version of that seems way too strong at first glance. You could do it at the end of someone’s turn too and then next turn fill that stuff back up. Also, for that reminder text... If you activate it twice in a turn, wouldn’t the second resolution then exile those cards if it already resolved once? That doesn’t feel great. I don’t know, I still don’t think that repeatable Will is a good idea. And small note, the biggest exilers, Leyleine of the Void and Rest in Peace, are replacement effects and would get around that first ability. It really, really, really isn’t a battle worth fighting.
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@scavenger98 — Watched of Fanged Winds
What I like: “Wolf creatures you control have flying.” WHAT. I was kinda blown away by that when I first read it, I’ll be honest. Working with, uh, I suppose Bant wolves? Could make for some crazy stuff. The token-making isn’t impossible but it’s a work-around, and I think that I can think of a couple ways to get infinite wolves but they’re all crazy combos and aren’t really broken in any format. That’s not a bad thing! I do like combos when they’re hard to get off. Aura Shards/Lumengrid Sentinel + Ornithopter/Memnite + Watcher comes to mind. See, that sounds fun!
What we can improve: There’s...not much to improve, honestly. I think the gist of my complaints is that I don’t get flavorfully why wolves can fly. Is the spirit giving it to them through some weird magic? What are the Fanged Winds? Sometimes in Magic, there are mechanical interactions that don’t make flavorful sense, but a card has to have internal flavor consistency, and I’m still not sure about that. Mechanically I’m in love.
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ShakesZX — Woodland Gratifier
What I like: This is indeed a new version of something that exists but hasn’t seen print in quite this way. That’s pretty much what we were after! It’s a powerful elf effect, and as we speak, someone’s eyeing Gaea’s Cradle and salivating. 
What we can improve: This definitely needs to be a replacement effect, see Mana Reflection. That’s an easy fix, though. This submission feels...strange without any flavor behind it. As a draft, sure, this is great. Presentation is iffy. I would have liked there to be flavor text for certain. There’s not really much to say about this card without that. I love the effect, but that’s where things stop. Also, uh, I’m either a terrible person or the word “gratifier” is giving some unintentional innuendo. I may have just spent too long on the internet.
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@shootingstarhunter — Jack-In-The-Box
What I like: Knowledge Pool was a fantastic card, and this feels like a callback to that and then some. The change from libraries to the battlefield makes this card really fun to play around with as a kind of boardwipe, and for seven colorless mana there’s a lot of decks that could love this. Playing it then sacrificing with the trigger on the stack? Yike-a-rooni. I’d love to play that. I might also be evil.
What we can improve: But that’s another problem. Do you want permanent exile like that? If that’s your intention, I applaud it. I don’t necessarily like how you’re not the first person to get a present from the box, but that’s a necessary evil, I think. Like Omen Machine. My mechanical suggestion would be to CAST the cards from exile for additional synergy, and to word it so that the boxes are completely optional or completely mandatory. Secondly, the name. Why is a children’s toy exiling all permanents? That’s a major effect, something like an obelisk or a maze, not, well, a box. I would edit the flavor a little bit to reflect a world-breaking effect. Magical portal, woo!
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@snugz — Disab, Lord of the Seven Seas
What I like: I imagine if this were come sort of commander it could come with little teardrop cutouts that you could scatter on different permanents or whatever, special flood counters. As a limited card, I think that it’s excellent, and as a constructed card it’s, well, still excellent. It’s a lot to put into a card but you get some awesome control out of it and beef up your pirate to the nth degree. I like how it doesn’t perma-change Islands, although man, there’s some fun combo shenanigans to be had there, I’m sure. Pretty great pirate-y flavor, too.
What we can improve: You know, I don’t have any comments on ways to improve this card. I’ll say that it’s the closest thing that could see print out of most of these submissions, and maybe, well, that’s the problem. It feels almost safe. It’s such a great normal card that it’s not grabbing me by the briney beard and showing me the lost skeleton treasure of Boney Jim. That’s more of an indictment on the contest than it is you or the card, so consider this an apology for having uproariously high expectations for weirdness while at the same time throwing the weirdest submissions under the bus.
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@socialpoison — Forget-Me-Not
What I like: You submitted some really cool backstory for this card, and I appreciate the amount of work that you’ve put into this idea. I think that Aetherborn on another plane could work really well with what you have in mind. This card allowing for the self-mill-return is powerful without being, like, Kethis broken. I think you found an interesting balance. Green is a nice choice for the people who would want to make this a commander.
What we can improve: Phasing is one of those mechanics I think I’ll personally never like, but that’s just me. This card itself works with that well, although it hasn’t sold me. I don’t really get the timing of phasing having not grown up with it, but you know, I might have misinterpreted this card and right now I’m thinking about card advantage and realizing that oh my goodness, uh, this card really is a mythic. It’s got card advantage out the butt. Is that too powerful? Well, no, but this may give rise to a control archetype. I think this requires a lot of playtesting. In short, this card is good, but it’s not for me, and that’s no fault of yours. My one critique in an area that I’m actually versed in: I don’t really like the name, cutesy as it is. In-story it could work, but it’s also an idiom of sorts, and that doesn’t feel very legendary to me personally.
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@teaxch — Trium, the Strongest Shape
What I like: Alright, this is one of those cards, I’ll admit, I started brewing with it when I saw it. Forgetting the vigilance and haste, there was the draw and the build-around of three-mana 3/3s in these commander colors, of which there are over a hundred. You got Resplendent Angel, Dauntless Escort, Bastion Protector, Verge Rangers... And that’s not counting tokens like Garruk’s beasts. Man. There’s a lot of crazy fun stuff to do with this card, and a fun design space for a meme commander.
What we can improve: Did I say “meme commander?” Good, just checking. It’s a damn triangle. I know they did a legendary Wall, but people were asking for memes before they knew what they were getting into. I love the way this card works mechanically. I’m not going to give any more kudos than necessary to a triangle. (I hope this isn’t too mean, I really do like the design.)
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@thedirtside — Master Craftsman
What I like: The more I read/think over this card, the more I kind of appreciate it. It’s a nice casual build-around-me artifact mythic that’s just asking for fun budget stuff. Maybe it’s broken in some builds, but frankly, I don’t see it. I really like how you brought together all the different artifact types and archetypes in one kind of build. This is definitely a Horizons type of card, and you know, for this, that’s not a bad thing.
What we can improve: This card feels pretty cramped for space, and even then, there needs to be a little more. Most of my qualms are about presentation. There need to be commas after all the mana symbols but before the tap symbols. The black ability needs to say “two” instead of 2. The red ability needs to say “Master Craftsman deals 3 damage to any target.” All damage needs a source. And get rid of the flavor text for this one, five abilities fills it up too much already. In terms of surprise, I think after rereading and going through this contest I found myself enjoying this card after all. Just gotta clean up a bit.
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@walker-of-the-yellow-path — Time Rift Tactics
What I like: I like this card a lot. The multicolored suspend is pretty interesting considering time shenanigans and blue’s flavor, and even for six mana getting those four tokens is pretty powerful. I wouldn’t say that it’s first-pickable, but it’s definitely great. I’m a fan of the flavor wherein a bunch of soldiers or some general came up with an attack strategy that involved sending soldiers through time and space.
What we can improve: Again, mostly presentation and numeric issues. Suspend definitely needs reminder text, especially for a common, and with the proper em-dashes. Each instance of “4″ should be “four” as well. And the thing is, if you have the blue mana, you can play this in a nonwhite deck for no downside, and I honestly think that that breaks the pie. A cheaper alternate casting cost might prevent it from commander play, but this card was never going to be in commander to begin with, and mono-blue access to this isn’t what blue gets to have.
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@wolkemesser — Untapped Potential
What I like: Unique tokens are pretty cool. I like the strangeness of it all, and I think that there’s definitely some ways to make this card really powerful. In colors that can populate, I imagine that there’s a lot of ways to get some crazy draw engines working. I think in the workshop there were a couple people who really liked your work on the flavor text as well.
What we can improve: I wasn’t altogether grabbed by the end result of the token. So, you get a big creature and can see everyone’s hands, but then what? Each player’s token basically becomes a big creature that you’re fighting to get bigger and work with that, discouraging you from casting spells from your hand, and I don’t think I’m a big fan of that. In the end this card makes a cool token but there’s no synergy or movement beyond that, and that’s what’s not lighting my fire. Small notes: “Avatar” should be capitalized, and the two abilities of P/T and “Everyone plays with hands revealed” need to be two separate quotation marks, see Pursued Whale.
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Good lord, finally done. Thank you all for your submissions. Tune in tomorrow, when we make history! Or something! We make history every day, don’t we.
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alright y’all, time for a Melissa play-by-play. I have a theory about this episode but it will get it’s own post:
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And we dive right into spy time
That statue in the fountain was very upsetting :’)
I like that LP says spiffy because I use the word spiffy
DEW-ble O Duck
“What I Dewey best” God I love Dewey and his love of puns
Ben is a really good singer
I like how the song was foreshadowing things to come
How is she wearing earrings?
A ham on cheese sandwich sounds really good rn
“I can’t remember when I’m hungry” A man after my own heart
Ok, that game is WAAAAAY too advanced. It has the whole building mapped out and those glasses are WAAAY to small and lightweight to handle all that. Is it all through wi-fi? Am I overthinking the logic of a video game in a cartoon? Probably
“I had a sassy quip and everything.” He has the makings of a superhero in him
“It’s a little too real.” FORESHADOWING! Or the game was already REALLY immersive. OR BOTH
“Haven’t you ever wanted to plug into a high-stakes, thrilling adventure?” He’s already done the spy-thing. Though it would have been cool to see Scrooge in a sexy suit
Then an Uncle Scrooge from Webby. TOO CUTE!
There is A LOT of winking in this episode ;)
Aw, Launchpad
I didn’t notice it the first time, but I love that Steelbeak is using one of those plastic swords to pick his teeth. It’s the little things
Is the theme song gonna be the short version for every episode this season?
I really dig Jason Mantzoukas’ take on Steelbeak. He’s just so cocky yet insecure at the same time. I like his voice cracking when he gets embarrassed or excited 
And I ADORE how UTTERLY STUPID he is. I think he’s dumber than Launchpad because Launchpad is aware that he’s not exactly the smartest guy but Steelbeak GENUINELY thinks he’s smart. Plus he feels the joke. That’s just dumb and unfunny (in-universe at least. out of universe it’s great)
“The Sat-a-Lighthouse. Classic villain lair.” Well we know that’s gonna show up
Bradford’s neck bothers me. It makes my neck hurt looking at it
Intelli-ray. You guys are a bit on the beak nose when it comes to naming things
“Rat’s are dumb, right?” YOU STUPID BEAUTIFUL MAN
THE OTHER RANGERS! And Monterey already has his mustache
Ok how did her hair grow so fast? And did she shave her fur? How did she get a more human-esque figure? I NEED THIS INFORMATION
They Secret of Nimh’ed her!
Heron acts like an annoyed/done mom with Steelbeak and he acts like a snotty kid. It’s great
“Did that rat make that jumpsuit on a regular sewing machine, or did it build its own tiny sewing machine?” STEELBEAK ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS HERE
I legit thought she was about to pull off his beak
“I’ll go. Not because you told me.” He’s such a punk-ass kid, I LOVE IT
“I pay for the privilege of doing someone else’s yard-work?” THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT YOU’D SAY, YOU RICH, PRIVILEGED MAN. Whack-a-Mole is actually about expressing all the rage and fury inside you
Video graphic adventures
That kid didn’t even take his tickets
Ticket-rich. I love it
“Can’t let Dewey down. Gotta be smart, gotta win the game.” OH LAUNCHPAD, SWEETHEART
“Calm down, LP. It’s only a game.” Dewey is SUCH a GOOD friend!
“But don’t overthink it.” That’s just good life advice in general
I love how tiny Dewey is when compared to LP. It’s ADORABLE
“THEN WE GET PIZZA.” “Yes, pizza.” I don’t know why, but the way Ben delivers that line is hilarious to me
“Pad. Launchpad. McQuack. My name is Launchpad McQuack.” I love you so much
Ok, was there an actual dude there? How could’ve Steelbeak thrown a digital person?
“Yes, I do as well.” YOU DUMB HOE, I LOVE YOU
That card game was great. Truly a battle of wits. And Dewey just being like...what. Beautiful
“Well played.” “It was?”
“Look’s like you’ve been out-smart guyed.” The dialogue in this episode is top notch 
I too do not understand smanzy card games
“But how about a game of 52 pickup...YOUR TEETH!”
The sound Steelbeak makes when Dewey pulls on his...hair(?) is great
One day you’ll get to quip Dewey, one day
The cuts between the game reality and actual reality are so great
Is that the Phantom Blot or the normal Funzo? Is there even a normal Funzo?
The neck cracking also made my neck hurt
All the kids gathering around Scrooge is too cute
“Not now lass, I’m on a roll.” SKEE BALL IS A GATEWAY DRUG TO GAMBLING
“I think they just have nachos.” They have pizza too
Steelbeak pecking at Launchpad...brilliant
The little pug/bulldog kid is so cute
The scream when he’s hit with the pizza is gold
That ballpit is terrifying
Yet again Launchpad falls on someone
Those jumpsuits are pretty nice, ngl
Launchpad had the right idea, he just fumbled on the execution
Rubix cubes-shorthand for intelligence levels
She is so done with him it’s great
“We can make Scrooge SO HUNGRY, he’ll EAT all the toys!” Solid logic
“Duh, that ain’t smart.” OO, BURN
Whenever anyone/anything grabs Steelbeak’s beak I feel like it’s gonna come off
How did the others get smart? Where did THEIR clothes come from?! I NEED ANSWERS FRANK!!
Launchpad is always ready to lend a helping hand
“The answer was to build a tiny plane and teach a mouse to fly it?” “Yes, I figured that out.”
Is Gadget a rat or a mouse? She looked more mouse-like before she got smartified but Heron called her a rat. EVEN MORE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS! She’s probably a mouse though because that’s what she was in the original show
I don’t know why but I love when people call Launchpad LP. Maybe it’s because he has nicknames for everyone else so him having a nickname is cute
So Steelbeak was in prison in St. Canard. Perhaps he had a run in with a certain terror that flaps in the night? That would be hilarious if the two had met before but now Steelbeak is more focused on Launchpad. That would be a blow to DW’s ego
I kind of feel bad for Steelbeak. Sure he’s dumb but that was uncalled for. No wonder he snapped
“You bird-brained...” Aren’t you ALL bird-brains though? You are birds and you have brains therefore you have bird-brains. That almost feels like it could be a racist comment in this world
“I’M THE RICHEST DUCK IN THE ARCADE!” You were the richest duck in the arcade the moment you walked in
I love when Scrooge gets obsessed with something and loses his goddamn mind
“Ticket bin?” “YES!”
Launchpad just LEEROY JENKENS’ed his way in
His hand is as big as Dewey’s HEAD
LP and Steelbeak have great fight dialogue. It reminds me of Megamind and Metro Man
LAUNCHPAD PUSHES DEWEY TO SAFETY! At that point he didn’t even KNOW what the ray did! But he heroically saved his best friend, not matter what would happen to him! WE STAN! 
 This episode cemented my headcanon that Chris Evans would be the perfect human LP
This scene, the climax, and the end of the episode gave me a theory, but it will have its own post
British accent=smart?
First thing he does is slick back the hair. Classy
“That cad, Steelbeak” We should call more people cads
How did LP fit into that much smaller man’s uniform? Are they extra stretchy? Because I can totally see that being something FOWL would do. It’s practical
“I don’t know what any of those words mean.” Same
“Heavens, you don’t want them to think you don’t know what you’re doing!” My constant struggle
The supersious guy is adorable
“Well, it’s certainly proving to be bad luck FOR YOU!”
He still calls him Mr McDee. I just think that’s cute
Dear Dewford. Aww
“I won’t let him down again.” AAAAWWWWWWW
“Can’t go out there looking like this.” You can’t fight crime if you ain’t cute (or sexy in LP’s case)
That is an old-ass phone you got there, LP
Scrooge is 2 for 2 in missing important calls. Probably should turn his ringtone on
Webby is just so done
“Ah yes, you’d like that wouldn’t you, sonny.” God, Scrooge can get downright FERAL
Blink-and-you’ll-miss-it DW cameo. It looks like Drake’s DW. Does he have merch now? Does he get a cute of the sales? Who makes the merch?
Dewey is SO precious this episode. His cute little bounces
“I’m actually afraid and a little dehydrated, this game is AWESOME” GET THAT BOY SOME JUICE STAT
I love when shows realistically portray sound
“No time for a...crash course” YEEEEEAAAAAAAH
How’d he get a grappling hook?
“How is he doing this?” The power of sexy? I don’t know either, bro
“There goes your pal LURCH-POUND! HA! You know, because he just got lurched into that POND OVER THERE?!” “That’s technically a bay.” “I’M NOT STUPID!”
“Classic villain lair!” I can appreciate a man who knows what he’s about
Why do villains alway jump INSTANTLY to the world? You gotta take baby steps. Start with a city, then a state, then the tri-state area a country, THEN the world. Gotta pace yourself
“And Uncle Scrooge only gives us like a nickel each week.” Do they do chores to earn that allowance? I mean, probably. Do Donald and Della have to do chores as well? Give them at least a dime, Scrooge!
“Waaaaiiiit a minute, is that my suit?!” “It suits me better.” DAMN STRAIGHT IT DOES! LP fills the jacket out
I like Steelbeak adding on his fingers
“Your fancy speak won’t work on me, Dummy-O-Duck. Ha-ha, classic.”
“That was totally my plan the whole time” Sweetie, just...no
“I guess you’re not as smart as *voice crack* ME.” “Not as smart as I.” NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR CORRECTING GRAMMAR!
Again, I thought Steelbeak’s beak was coming off
I like that Steelbeak went into pray position while being shocked
I’m gonna pretend the Rangers were off on their own adventure the whole time’
“No person could survive being that stupid”
Launchpad, always willing to take one for the team
“There’s so much more I could accomplish! Stop the evil conspiracy out to get us! Solve world hunger! Land a plane!” No matter how smart he is, Launchpad still can’t stick the landing
“Launchpad, why are you overthinking this?” “Because I want to be good enough for you!” SOB
“Of course you’re good enough for me. You’re my best friend.” SOOOOOOOOOOB
“For Dewey, and Duckburg.” He put Dewey first, daaaaawwwww
First thing LP does after things go back to normal? Fix his hair. Hair is very important to your state of mind, I guess
“Was it all a game?” Life is just a game
“Wait until I tell Huey I...YOU beat the game.” AAAAWWWWWW
“I’m not playing with anyone but you.” MY HEART!!!!
Scrooge is so broken. And the ticket to prize ratio, too true
“How much money did you spend to get those tickets?” Don’t play skee ball, kids. It will ruin your life
“I don’t think we should bring you here anymore.” Donald should probably be the one picking you up because Della would TOTALLY get hooked on a game/get too aggressive and I could see Beakley falling into the same trap
The comb just sticks there
The subtitles call him Suave-Pad, I LOVE IT!
“I like purple. A lot. Ha! Man, I’m glad I got that off my chest.” A DW reference or a CODEWORD?
“WARM THEM, YOU OLD FOOL! WAAAAARN THEEEEEM! Oh, dash it all, I’m going for a soak.”
“Restoring your ‘intelligence’ as it were.” BURN
She’s on a first-name basis with him...interesting
“OR ANY KINDS OF RAYS!” No mad sciencing here
“Who’s stupid now?” Gloating is very unbecoming
There are...certain people I wish I could force to shut up like that
His muffled screaming is great
Again, Rubix cube solving proves intelligence
How did he not notice it was wet when he picked it up?
This one was super fun and emotional. I was not expecting this to be the episode that the Rescue Rangers would make their debut in but I’m glad they were here. Dewey and Launchpad’s friendship is so pure and adorable. I almost wish there hadn’t been a b-plot but it was fun. I know other people are upset over Steelbeak/the Rescue Rangers being different but I like them. This show is different from those shows. Steelbeak was repurposed into being Launchpad’s nemesis so he needed to match him. Plus we already have a bunch of smarties in FOWL. And this Steelbeak seems younger and less experienced so it would make sense that he’s not as clever. The Rangers didn’t really change that much from their show, just got a new origin that helps them fit into the world that has already been set up. I think this episode is going in the top 5.
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foxydivaxx · 4 years
Goddess Awakening Chapter 5
"Feyi don't do it!" Sade warns. Feyi finally decided to let her family in on it because they and the Adebites have a dark history with each other. Both families used to be friends until a public spat between Chief Adebite and Chief Badmus drove both families apart. What that spat was about is anyone's guess.
"Feyi, Chris humiliated you at that party years ago!! He could humiliate you again!!" says Ireti. Feyi raises an eyebrow. "I doubt it." Dr Rotimi was watching a video o Youtube and then alerts them. "Ladies you need to see this." The rest of the family exchanged confused looks before gathering round to see the video.
Chris had just posted a video online, talking about the challenge."I have a huge announcement ladies and gents!! Drum roll!!" A dramatic drum roll plays and obce it stops, Chris says excitedly, "EbonyKnight has accepted my open challenge but this time it's different. We shall have the first ever Battle Royale match live on next week Wednesday at 1pm sharp at the Hard Rock Cafe. Be there or get squared!!"
Dr Rotimi sighed. "She has no choice but to do it. Even if she does not accept it, he would still go out there and pressure her into accepting via his Youtube channel. The guy has a lot of viewers."
"Yeah but he is doing this for cheap publicity. I doubt Feyi can even win." says Mrs Badmus.
"I have beaten him several times at that game mother..."
All eyes fall on Feyi who had a determined look on his face. "I can do it again." She then comes closer to her mother and stops in front of her, arms folded. Of all the Badmus sisters, she is the shortest and resembles her father due to her slightly dark complexion and broad shoulders.
Mrs Badmus looks her daughter in the eye. "Why bother yourself with games anyways? It is a waste of time. Why not bother to do something far more tangible with your time eh? Why not start a business or go and actually get a proper job?"
Feyi glares icily at her mother. "Really mother? Is that what you want to say?" Mrs Badmus stares at her daughter. "Are you talking to me?"
"Yes I am talking to you mother because I have had it with you!" The woman was taken aback by this. "How dare you speak to your mother that way?!" Ireti shouts. "I have every right to because this woman keeps on treating me like shit!! I have no job, you do not respect me!! You are looking down on me whenever I try to do something!! Why is it that you always criticise whatever I do?! Why mother?! I did not ask to be born with whatever it is that I am born with!! God just created me that way for a reason!! Why can you not accept me for who I am?! That is why I will do that challenge!! As for the results, I will win because I know I can!! I am not useless or worthless and I will prove myself to the world and you my family!!"
With that, she walks off, leaving her stunned mother behind. She then grabs her laptop and gets down to work and begins to work hard on improving her craft by using the Practice Tool and then playing a couple games and maintaining her current track record.
Meanwhile, Chris was in his penthouse suite chilling out with his friends. "So Ebony is Feyi?! No fucking way!!" says Idris Shettima. Chris nods. "It seems that the girl improved over the years." says Richard. "How are you not sure that her account did not get boosted?" asks Chris.
"If it were boosted, then she wouldn't have gotten to Gold IV on the American server." says Alex Oputa. Chris sighs and takes his seat, a glass of red wine in hand. Memories begin to flood in his mind of his days in secondary school.
He and Feyi were classmates and he and his friends at the time used to bully and torment her relentlessly. He even exposed Feyi at a party for cheating at WAEC, a scene that tarnished the Badmus family's image. He just liked hurting Feyi partly because she is a girl and partially because she is a Badmus.  He will never forgive her father for disgracing his own father years ago. Now he will get the ultimate revenge by destroying his archnemesis for good.
"Let's see how you survive this one Feyi."
Time begins to fly by and soon D-Day arrives. Feyi gets herself ready, wearing a simple T-Shirt with a nice ankara design on it and a pair of jeans and sneakers. The girl stares at herself in the mirror. Usually she hates looking at her reflection but today is completely different.  Sade walks into the room. "You ready kiddo?" Feyi nods and grabs her bag and walks out of the room.
The Badmus family soon arrive at Hard Rock Cafe and walk inside to find the location of the match. The last time Feyi came in there was a couple months ago with her cousins. The entire place was filled with a lot of people. "Wow!! So many people!!" says Sade. Mrs Badmus remains unfazed, not completely interested. If anything she wants to get out of there.
"Ah there you are!!"
They turn around to see Chris make his way towards them with a fake friendly smile in place. Feyi folds her arms and takes the opportunity to scrutinize him. "Aren't you a little overdressed for a showcase match?"
Chris simply shrugs. In stark contrast to Feyi's more laidback casual outfit, Chris opted for a black suit. "Hey!! A little glam is needed here!!" She rolled her eyes. "Oh please!!"
Chris does not look at Feyi's family in light of their past terrible encounter. Instead he opts to lead Feyi towards the place where they would do the showcase. In the middle of the room are two computer systems, arranged back to back.
Without hesitation, Feyi takes her seat at one and starts it up whilst Chris follows suit. Dolapo who happened to be around the area shows up alongside some of Feyi's old friends. "Good afternoon ma." Dolapo greets Mrs Badmus as he prostrates for her. "Ah Dolapo nice to see you. Ah you brought the whole gang here." says Ireti. The other kids all greeted the other Badmuses.
"The match is simple; the two players here will play with their best champ stats. The objective is to reduce the enemy's life bar to zero. The player that does that at the end wins the game." the special announcer for the match says.
"Kind of like a mini fighting game." Dolapo mutters. "What did you say?" Sade asked. "Just an observation about what they are about to do." he replies. Kai, one of Feyi's friends from America explains. "The game is divided into various modes; the main mode that many of us know is the Gold mode. That one is where you play as a team of five. This mode is the VS mode. There is the Battle mode also like the Gold mode. That one you play as five and that one is similar to VS mode. Everyone creates a character with a base stat and with a special talent and designation."
"So how come he did not says Battle Mode?" Mrs Badmus asks."Feyi would need a team. Chris has one." says Dolapo. "If she had told us beforehand, we could have changed it to Battle Mode and trained together. " says Kai. "We will have to call Tolani after this so that we can quickly assemble a team just in case." says Henry.
Both players put on their headphones and stare intently at their screens. Both of them had logged into their accounts and had choosen their characters. Chris' character, The Dark King had spikes on his black armour and a long red cape and held a sword.
"Wait....Chris' character is a fighter/assassin whilst Feyi's a mage and a support mage at that?" Dolapo observes. "She may not win this one." says Dr Rotimi. "She can. Since she is a support, she should be able to heal herself at some point." says Kai.
The Badmus family begin to say a silent prayer as they wait for the match to start. A countdown begins and once the clock reaches zero, the game starts. "LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!!"
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mllemaenad · 6 years
Cruelty vs Compassion: Cullen and Niall in Broken Circle
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Cullen: Uldred tortured these mages, hoping to break their wills and turn them into abominations. We don’t know how many of them have turned.
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Irving: What? Don’t be ridiculous!
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Cullen: Of course he’ll say that! He might be a blood mage! Don’t you know what they did? 
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Greagoir: I am the knight-commander here, not you.
I know much is made of the torture Cullen suffered in the Fereldan Circle. In Dragon Age 2 it is used to set him up as an extremist, and an ally of Meredith. In Dragon Age Inquisition it is used to excuse and moderate his actions in the previous game, and to justify his ongoing persecution of mage characters.
However, I think it’s worth looking at that scene in the original context, in Broken Circle. Here, it isn’t really about Cullen’s pain at all. Rather, it is about establishing him, as well as his fellow templars, as the bad guys of the quest.
Bioware and its grey morality is ... a thing. When it works, it offers layers and complexity to the world and its story. When it doesn’t, it can leave the player frustrated and angry with a story that’s asking them to sympathise with vicious slavers, nobles and religious extremists.
Origins’s take on grey morality is to ... more or less literally let the player get away with murder, if they want. One way or another, you’re going to end the Blight, and then your Warden will either be a dead hero, or the living Hero of Ferelden, who can damn near do no wrong. While in Inquisition, and even DA2, it can be difficult to remain friends with a companion if you take a hard line stance on something they hate, in Origins they rarely have strong reactions to quest-based decisions. And hell, I have the Feast Day pack, so Seanna could disagree with her companions all day and then feed them cake until they loved her again, if she wanted. Origins is big on options; low on consequences.
It does, however, tend to give you a broad sense of which would be the ‘good’ or ‘evil’ options in a given quest. Murdering slaves to increase your stats is evil. Saving children from demons is good. Some quests have multiple options, and I don’t necessarily agree with the framing (the morality of The Urn of Sacred Ashes is pretty fucked up, if you ask me), but you can generally get a sense of whether your Warden’s behaviour counts as moral.
Cullen’s torture in Broken Circle, and his reaction to it, exists in counterpoint to someone else’s torture, and his reaction to it. Cullen is a foil to a much more important character: the man with the plan, and possibly the true saviour of the Fereldan Circle – the mage Niall.
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Niall: Who are you? Where did you come from? Are you a demon?
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Cullen: This trick again? I know what you are. It won’t work. I will stay strong.
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Niall: This place drains you of everything ... hope, feeling, life ...
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Cullen: Enough visions. If anything in you is human ... kill me now and stop this game.
Unless you actively choose to go back downstairs after completing the Fade sequence (who hasn’t forgotten they still need to fight Shah Wyrd and made a last minute dash to the ground floor at least once?) you’ll likely have these encounters one after the other. Collecting the Litany of Adralla is the last step before you’re ready to take on Uldred.
It’s impossible to miss the parallels in these encounters: both men have been captured and tormented by demons; both are exhausted, despairing and at the end of their endurance; both have been confused enough by demons and Fade dreams to initially mistake the Warden for another spirit.
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Niall: I gathered some of my fellows and we obtained the Litany from the stockroom. I thought if we disabled the others, we could throw everything we had at Uldred.
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Niall: But I saw my friends fall, one by one, and now it’s my turn.
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Cullen: You broke the others, but I will stay strong, for my sake ... for theirs ...
Both have lost the friends they came with, and have found themselves the last man standing against an enemy they have no hope of defeating. Both have, in short, had a really shit couple of days. They’re not equally bad, of course: Niall is being quite literally eaten alive by a sloth demon, and will not survive the day; while no doubt exhausted and distressed, Cullen is more-or-less fine. But let’s not quibble: they’re both in a bad way.
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Niall: It is time for us both to be on our way. Remember the Litany of Adralla. The Circle is all that matters now.
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Cullen: To ensure this horror is ended ... to guarantee that no abominations or blood mages live, you must kill everyone up there.
And, significantly, both characters advise you on how to complete the quest: Niall wants you to save anybody who’s still breathing; Cullen wants you to murder everyone. Niall’s plea, while impassioned, is also reasoned and well thought out – he came in with a plan, a good plan, and he only needs your help to complete it. He is profoundly dignified, even at the point of death, after days of wandering through the same hellscape you just golem-and-fiery-skeleton-ed your way though. He judges himself for failing to win a battle he should never have had to fight. Meanwhile, Cullen is aggressive and demanding. He rejects any offer of compassion – especially from Circle mage Wynne, despite the fact that she has come to save him – and he doesn’t really have a good argument as to why you need to kill everyone. It boils down to ‘kill them just in case’.
You don’t need to put a halo and a pair of horns on these two to guess who is sitting on which shoulder.
It’s worth noting, at this point, that the choice between Niall’s way and Cullen’s sits against the background of information you’ve gathered as you ascend the tower. Mage wardens will obviously have a little more context for the places and characters you meet, but you don’t need that. The story establishes it on its own: templars are full of shit; mages are pretty awesome.
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Greagoir: We saw only demons, hunting templars and mages alike. I realised we could not defeat them and told my men to flee.
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Greagoir: They took us by surprise. We were prepared for one or two abominations – not the horde that fell upon us.
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Greagoir: No one could have survived those monstrous creatures. It is too painful to hope for survivors and find ... nothing.
When you first enter the Circle you encounter Knight-Commander Greagoir, who makes it abundantly clear that, though the templars are technically trained in dealing specifically with demons and blood magic, they were in no way prepared for any situation involving demons, plural. They cut and run immediately, leaving behind both the entire mage population and their own templar brethren. Greagoir is firmly of the opinion that the situation in the Fereldan Circle is not survivable. Everyone in there who is not a demon is dead.
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Wynne: It’s you! No ... come no further. Grey Warden or no, I will strike you down where you stand!
As soon as you step through the doors, you find that he is thoroughly and disastrously wrong. You encounter an entire section that has been successfully cleared and secured. You watch a mage defeat a demon – entirely without your aid. You see that, not only are there survivors, some of the survivors are children.
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Greagoir: This situation is dire. There is no alternative – everything in the tower must be destroyed so it can be made safe again.
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Wynne: Yes. Even if we cannot eliminate all the demons and abominations, together, we could lead the survivors out.
Greagoir’s plan is simply to murder everyone: to charge in and stick a sword in anything that moves (children included) without any thought of strategy or reason. Wynne would like to be methodical: she would like to go from room to room, killing any hostiles she encounters, and send survivors down to safety.
We already have evidence that Greagoir's assessment of the situation is wildly inaccurate – the mages in front of us. Likewise, we have evidence that Wynne and her people can follow through on the plan: they’ve already cleared this area, and protected the children.
Wynne pairs with Greagoir and Niall pairs with Cullen. The debate you hear at the bottom of the tower is repeated at the top. In both instances, the mages present solid plans to save as many people as possible; in both instances, the templars advocate wanton destruction for no clear reason.
The templars’ argument is further undermined by evidence you find as you climb the tower:
Pile of Rubble in first area after ascending to this level: I have the utmost sympathy for what happened to your charge, but it is beyond the Cicle's ability to anticipate every obscure demise that an apprentice might face, especially involving methods outside the already extensive realm of magical study. We simply don't have the room for additional training facilities, and there are concerns about becoming too inclusive that I will not elaborate on. Your request is denied.
--First Enchanter Sinclair
Pile of Books in next room after escaping from the Fade: If space is your excuse, I will surrender my quarters. If it is about money, I will hire the appropriate people. I will not graduate another student ignorant of weapons that any ditch-digger can shove into his ribs. We teach them to append ridiculous glamours on parade arms, but they don't know simple steel. That is criminal.
--Enchanter Bergin
Pile of Books in room with Blood Mage and Charmed Templars: Notice herewith that the exercise area on the fourth floor shall serve as permanent berthing for the templar garrison stationed at the tower. Since facilities that accommodate their particular training requirements are already on hand, they will be assuming an even closer watch over Circle affairs. Enchanter Bergin's optional weapons training is canceled until further notice. Enchanter Bergin has additionally stepped down from teaching duties.
--First Enchanter Sinclair
– Extracurricular Studies
It’s established that the mages have been actively prevented from learning how to defend themselves. There used to be combat classes, taught by someone named Enchanter Bergin, but he was forced to stop and templars moved in to his space to “assum(e) an even closer watch over Circle affairs”.
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Owain: Please refrain from going into the stockroom. It is a mess and I have not been able to get it into a state fit to be seen.
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Tranquil: Thank you. That was an uncomfortable experience.
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Nevertheless, there are several encounters with mages and tranquil in this quest who are fighting, hiding, resisting torture – still trying to find a way through this nightmare. There are survivors. Despite what the templars tell you, there are people you can save.
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Desire demon: We are partners. I give him what no one else can, and through him, I experience what it is to be mortal.
Meanwhile, Cullen outright admits that the rest of his comrades broke (we have only his word that he didn’t, which strangely enough he expects us to accept, while not regarding Irving’s word as good enough), and there are no free templars in the entire quest. They are all possessed or charmed by demons.
Broken Circle is asking you a simple question. Which do you want? Warriors trained in dealing with the arcane and the monstrous who will absolutely scream and run away if the fight gets a little bit difficult? Or civilians with no combat training who have proved to be surprisingly resilient in a crisis?
Strategically, that might be a bit tough: what you actually want is competent professionals, and those are in short supply right now. Morally, it’s an easy call: the mages are heroes, survivors and innocents; the templars are murderous cowards.
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Alistair: His hatred of mages is so intense ... the memory of his friends’ deaths is still fresh in his mind.
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Wynne: He’s suffered pain and anguish like few have had to endure. That and his lust for revenge have confused the issue –
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Cullen: Do not presume to judge me, mage! I am thinking clearly – for perhaps the first time in my life.
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Cullen: As you can see, I am in no position to directly influence your actions, though I would love to deal with the mages myself.
To return to Cullen’s motivation – while no one is disputing that he’s had a really bad day (We’re not! We’re all being very understanding about his demands for mass murder!), the story doesn’t actually emphasise his distress very much. That is raised and dismissed. What is raised and accepted is that Cullen is angry. Cullen is vengeful. The mages (some of them, anyway) have risen up, and templar blood has been spilled. Now mage blood must be spilled in return. It doesn’t matter very much if the mages were involved in the uprising or not. He just wants to kill them in an act of revenge.
While we can understand Cullen’s grief over his friends at a personal level, it’s worth considering whether it’s reasonable. We have just established that the mages are imprisoned in the Circle tower, that they have been prevented from learning how to protect themselves, and that the templars have not only abandoned their charges to die, they are actively in favour of murdering them.
Do ... we care that much about their deaths? This looks like the only part of the uprising that went right.
This is like Nathaniel Howe’s distress over his father’s death. Of course you can sympathise: this was his dad. But at the same time, you expect him to look at the evidence, and come to understand that his father was not an innocent. Nathaniel does, because he is a fundamentally decent person. Cullen doesn’t.
Put another way: if you’ve played Fallout 4, you’ll note that the NPC raiders sometimes cry out in grief and distress when their comrades fall in battle. That’s a nice touch on the AI: the raiders are human beings, with human emotions, and the people you’re killing are their friends, their family. But when the battle is done and you walk into their camps ... and you observe the bloody remains of their victims scattered about for decoration ... maybe you don’t feel too bad about making them sad?
Same deal.
The original epilogue for this quest has this:
Once the tower was rebuilt, Knight-Commander Greagoir stepped down from his post and retired to a life of private contemplation as a brother in the Chantry. His health failed over time, and after refusing treatment, he perished in his sleep. Knight-Commander Cullen was said to be more strict and less trusting of the mages even than Greagoir was. He ruled the Circle with fear.
The young templar Cullen never quite recovered from his ordeal. After months of attempting to convince his superiors that the tower was still a danger, he finally snapped and killed three apprentices before being stopped by his fellow templars. Eventually, Cullen escaped from prison, a madman and a threat to any mage he encountered.
– Epilogue
Now, I realise the details of this have been pretty thoroughly retconned. There is absolutely no point in bringing this stuff up in relation to later games. However, it is worth looking at the epilogue in relation to the original quest. Regardless of the ending you choose, these epilogues tell you that the real threat was never the mages, or even the demons. The threat was the templars – the individual murderer, or the institution with a cruel man in charge.
The mages are not possessed (at least not in a harmful sense – Hi, Wynne!). They are not evil. But the templars always have power over them, and they can hurt them simply because they hate them. Cullen hates them, and was thwarted in his vengeance. So he hurts them.
Also, if you mash those two endings together and change the location you’ve pretty much got the plot of Dragon Age 2. So the details have changed, but the theme remains the same.
To end: Broken Circle fundamentally lets you choose. You can show compassion to the tortured mages, who asked for none of this, and who were never prepared for this violence. You can accept the aid of their heroes, enact a plan, and save the survivors. Or, you can murder them to satisfy the vengeance of their gaolers who resent having to take any risks on behalf of their charges.
Niall represents that compassion. Cullen represents that cruelty. It isn’t really about Cullen’s tragedy at all. If anything, it’s about Niall’s. And yet, two games on, he is effectively forgotten.
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Niall: Dark times, greater acts of heroism, eh? You may be right.
A salute to Niall – who fought for compassion and saved the Circle (at least from my save game) when the templars would have destroyed it.
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Level 9
Can you believe we’re almost all the way through January? One more day left and we’ll be a full month into 2020. How’s it feel gang? We all doing okay?
Tagging: @loudartanimeeclipse​
Master List here or search Ikesen AFK tag
Warnings: None
Happy Reading, T~
Level 9
You were here, it was nine, and you were starting to get annoyed. Had you been played? Were you about to be ambushed? Jumped? Hacked? As your mind raced nearly a thousand pop up windows flooded your chat screen as you were thrown into a brand new group chat, this one titled “Team Azuchi.” Interesting. 
4myLord → Seriously, though, how do you not know where they are? You just met her last night. This is horribly rude.
OneEyedDrag0n → Nope, see? I remembered her username! She’s in the group chat! @WildCyt0m3try you are in the group chat right. /;3;/ Please tell me you’re in the group chat!
Present, though, I’m not super sure where you are? You said 9 sharp but never specified where... ← WildCyt0m3try
Betrayal_is_real04  → He’s as helpful as ever I see. 
Your answer was equally unhelpful… ( - . - )  ← WildCyt0m3try
D3vilK1ng  → I like her @OneEyedDrag0n, she’s got spunk. 
OneEyedDrag0n  → Right! Almost beat me in that tournament too! 
EdoPorcupine5661 → Oh? No surprise there. 
OneEyedDrag0n → Hey! I resent that statement 
Betrayal_is_real04 → You resent most of his statements. 
EdoPorcupine5661 → Is everyone here now? Except for @WildCyt0m3try? 
4myLord → No. We’re missing @B00kOfLife7. You can find us near the South gate @WildCyt0m3try. 
Thx! I see you now! ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → Does it matter? Can we start without him? He’s probably reading and forgot we were supposed to meet. 
4myLord → We cannot!
B00kOfLife7 → We cannot what? 
EdoPorcupine5661 → Nevermind… 
D3vilK1ing → Glad you could join us, shall we head out now that everyone’s gathered?
In a matter of moments, your screen warped, and your character and her new teammates were whisked off towards the southern dessert. Excitement bubbled up inside of you, this was your chance to shine. Sure, you barely knew these people, but if they fought anything like OneEyedDrag0n had, you didn’t want to look incompetent. Fortunately, the battle conditions were a perfect way to showcase your stats. 
The dessert terrain made it nearly impossible for anyone on foot to move, and cavalry or armored units had almost no chance at advancing more than a single space at a time. You, on the other hand, were a flier, meaning terrain that diminished that particular stat didn’t apply to you. Giving you the range to quickly traverse the battlefield and assist your allies. Which is precisely what you planned to do. 
Everyone had spawned in one of two groups; truly, the game seemed to be out to get you. Both of the warlocks had been pushed together in the back corner of the map with the sniper. Everyone else in your party was in the top corner with you. Meaning all of your long-range fighters were too far away to provide any sort of backup to the poor guy on a horse and your swords.
So...this is unfortunate ← WildCyt0m3try
OneEyedDrag0n → We’ve honestly gotten worse, this ain't too bad 
You’ve got to be kidding ← WildCyt0m3try
4myLord → We wish. We’ll have time for that story later. @B00kOfLife got a plan yet? 
B00kOfLife → @D3vilK1ng and @Betrayal_is_real04, please proceed towards the center of the field to become the central targets. 
B00kOfLife → @EdoPorcupine5661 and I will cover the exit point down here to the south so bandits cannot escape. 
B00kOfLife → @OneEyedDrag0n, please do your best to cover @4myLord since he doesn’t have a large range of movement. Fend off enemies as you make your way toward the center of the field. 
B00kOfLife → @WildCyt0m3try, please make quick work of the chests around the field then chase down any enemies that attempt to flee. You are quite capable of fending them off on your own, I presume?
Everything but archers, though, I’m usually good with dodging, and I’ve got plenty of herbs on standby jic. ← WildCyt0m3try
B00kOfLife ← Wonderful. Message if something should go wrong. Good luck. 
With the plan out, the chat went silent. This was nothing like your other team, no microphones were used for in battle communication, not a single word was typed unless something was direly wrong. You had been provided exactly 3 chest keys to do your job, but you knew that at least three of these bandits had keys of their own, so you shouldn’t have to dip into your stock unless someone called you for backup. 
Just as OneEyedDrag0n had stated last night, everyone here was a capable fighter. The plan was being executed beautifully, and you marveled at how the CPU’s seemed to go down one after the other. It was like the computer wasn’t even paying attention to the stats anymore. Why would you go after an enemy that you only had a 16% chance of doing 4 damage to when they had a 98% chance of doing 36 damage twice? It didn’t make any sense. You'd take what you were given, though. 
In half an hour, all of the chests were successfully looted, the enemy had been routed, and EdoPorcupine5661 was named the MVP. You’d never seen that before, granted you hadn’t been playing that long, but it was rare for a bowed unit to take accolades like that. Being a ranged unit seemed to have its perks on terrane like this, you supposed. Prize money was divided, and the weapons and armor were awarded based on participation and usability. It didn’t make much sense to give something to someone who couldn’t make use of it. After thanking them for letting you play with them, you were about to log off and head to bed when you got a private message. 
EdoPorcupine5661 → OneEyedDrag0n said you were in the market for a bow. 
I am. Not sure where I’d find one this late in my game, though, sort of hard to reclass and start over.  ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → You fought well, and you aren’t completely annoying, so here, it was part of my loot today. 
Are you sure? That’s a really nice bow! ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → It is, which is why you’d be stupid not to take it. I’ve already got one. So here. 
Thanks! UwU You’re the best! Now I’ve just got to get the skill up so I can use it! ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → If you’re free tomorrow at 5, I can meet you for some quick tips. Don’t need you shooting yours or anyone else’s eye out. 
Is that what happened to OneEyedDrag0n? Training accident lol? ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → No. It wasn’t an accident.
Omfg, you didn’t xD ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → I didn’t, but it’s always fun to imagine. 
So 5 tomorrow? ← WildCyt0m3try I should be down for that as long as I get off work on time. ← WildCyt0m3try   Are you going to give me any hints about where to meet you, or is that part of this team’s quirks? ← WildCyt0m3try Make the newbie guess where you’re meeting? ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → You know, I was going to tell you, but I’m not feeling quite as generous anymore. 
Noooo! Please! I don’t like wandering around like a lost CPU! Someone tried to buy stuff from me today, you know! ← WildCyt0m3try That’s how idle I looked waiting for you goons lol ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → Maybe you should evaluate the face your character is making? It’s not my fault you look like someone who sells cheap spears. 
I would not sell cheap spears! Only the highest quality merchandise is sold here! ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → Whatever you say. 
I’m glad you’ve come to your senses and decided to agree with me.  ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → Sure, we’ll go with that. 
Okay, well, thanks for the bow. I’ll see you tomorrow around 5. I’ve decided I actually need to get some sleep tonight! Work has been a H A U L lately. ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → You don’t need to explain yourself to me. Just go to bed, weirdo. 
Roger that, weirdo. ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → That wasn’t a compliment. 
Sure it was. Laters~ ← WildCyt0m3try
You smiled as you shut down the console and powered off your television, that had been fun. It was so different from your other team's dynamic, but it added something different to the experience beyond solo playing. Besides, you had totally just scored a kick-ass bow, and a training date tomorrow. You couldn’t wait; if you kept going at this pace, you were sure it’d be enough to push your team to the winning slot next tournament! Real-life prize money here you came!
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kdthecactuswizard · 5 years
My First Pokemon Nuzlocke!
Now Pokemon is something pretty much everyone has heard of, and knows the basic concept of. Anyone can pick it up and play it. But a Nuzlocke is a series of self imposed rules in a Pokemon playthrough.
The first big rule is that you can only catch one pokemon per area, the first one you find in that area. No other pokemon are aloud to be caught.
The second is that if a pokemon faints, that pokemon is 'dead' and you can't use it anymore. This means it's actually possible to lose a pokemon game.
The third and smallest rule is that you must name each of your pokemon. Specifically so it can rip your heart out later if they die.
Now the game I'm playing is Pokemon Moon for the 3DS. I've played this game once before, so I'm allowing myself to look up the pokemon for major battles, and for some inparticular items.
First we start in a little house, and honesly KD does not want to get up. But Meowth forces her up.
Our cousin, a pokemon professor, named Kukui is there. My mom and him decide I need to go outside. Ew.
But just like real life, I get dressed with my hat and bag, before Kukui drags me up to a small town, named Iki. In this town lives the Kahuna, a leader of the island, and to get my first pokemon.
What if I don't want to be a pokemon master, MOM.
Either way into Iki I go. I see a nice looking blonde girl in a white dress, talking to her bag. That's weird, but she looks cute. She runs into a cave or something.
I decide to follow both because the game made me, and I might be a bit bi-curious.
After catching up with her, a small lunar like pokemon runs onto a bridge and gets attacked by a herd of spearo. Goddamnit. The cute girl begs for me to save it. And like the knight in shining armor, I of course decided to say these words to her in comfort.
But the game made me, so I ran in and protected my future girlfriends pokemon. Then the bridge collasped. Goddamnit.
But then WHOOSH, in came this cool lightning pokemon type thing. The island guardian thing saves me and the pokemon, thank god. I may be thirsty but I'm not about to die for love.
Me, the hero, gives back the pokemon to the blonde girl, and the lunar pokemon was lovingly nicknamed Nebby. Nebby finds a Sparkeling Stone, and I get it. Why? Because I'm the main character damnit.
Back in Iki, I learn the girl is my cousins assistant, named Lillie. Pretty weird to have a preteen girl living in a college age dudes loft, but whatever floats Kukuis boat.
Finally the Kahuna comes out, and gives me my first pokemon. I decide to get Litten, a cat like fire pokemon. Now, to name them.
Litten shall be named Catniss, because fire. And their a cat. The problem? I didn't realize until after I named them that Catniss is a boy. Well fuck it I guess, I'm not changing it.
Now to show off to my mom that I have the better and cooler cat, but then Hau pulls up, a fellow new trainer. He has Rowlet as his starter, an owl like grass type.
Little burns Rowlet alive. Guess we having roasted owl tonight boys.
After making that new friend, I head home to mom to show off Catniss. Just kidding, I'm going to sleep.
I wake up the next day, and apparently theres a festival in Iki. Dope. But turns out I have to go through tall grass for some reason to get there. Not dope.
Kukui teaches me to catch pokemon and gives me some balls and some potions. Time to catch Catniss a buddy.
The pokemon to pop up is Pikipek, a normal flying type pokemon. Not the best, but I can work with it.
Without down right murdering another bird, I carefully lower its health then use a pokeball. Then BOOM! Catniss got himself a new bro.
I name him Ari, after a pokemon from the first Nuzlocke I ever watched. Thanks Jaiden.
With my boys in toe, we work our way back to Iki without any real issue. When I arrive, so does the party. Literally.
Apparently me and Hau are duking it out again. Okay, stomping on his dreams again it seems. It's not my fault, Hau, the game developers made me do it.
I thought he'd be a pushover like last time, but now he has Pichu. Pichu isn't a strong hitter, but does have a lot of defense and attack lowering moves. Uh oh.
I send in Catniss first, to take all the lowering of stats and take out his Pichu quicker. But even though Ari is a lower level, he's still stronger than Catniss at the moment.
Ari is thrown out in front, and ends Rowlet by pecking its eyes out. Poor Rowlet.
Upon winning, I got a Z-Ring. Nice. Then back home to sleep.
The next day, Lillies at my door. Hey baby, how's it goin'?
Lillie wants to take me to Kukuis lab, to the south. And theres a new area to explore, so a new pokemon bro.
First pokemon to show up? A Yungoos. Greaaaat.
I capture the boy, and I shall name him Slimy, and he shall be mine and he small be my Slimy. I shall protect him with my life.
Nothing much else happens, except I explore my cousins basement, and off to Hau'oli city I go! And guess where I'm going. School.
I hate everything.
But there's also a Pokemon Center. I buy some potions, among other things with my pokemoney I stole from preschoolers after killing their pets right before their eyes. It's fun.
I take on a trainer at the school, with a level 8 Pikipek. Which is the name level as my boys.
I decide to go grind a bit to get to level 10. Don't want to risk any of my boys dying a painfully dramatic death.
After leveling up my boys, we beat some six year olds Metapod, steal his money, and find a potion. I heal up just in case, then head inside to find some 4 year old I'm supposed to fight.
I beat up the 4 year old easily, steal a quick claw from one of the teachers, then give to Slimy because he's slow as heck.
Then I go beat up some hotshot out front. Slimy almost died and got posioned, but I switched to Ari to win the battle. Then I'm called to the office. Oh shit. Did I make that four year old cry? Probably, lol.
Lillie is lecturing me, but hey that's part of the game. I heal up, and head to the office. Where she wanted to battle me. Wow, it's almost like I knew this was coming.
First she sent out Magnemite, and as someone who's had a magnemite, I knew this battle might be a bit scary. I tried to roast it alive with Catniss, but I couldn't get by without getting paralysis.
I then sent out Ari to deal with Meowth. It was going pretty good, as Ari had a move strong against it. But he kept flinching at way to low a health. I could've risked it, but with the moves low accuracy I didn't want to.
I sent out Slimy, who finished off her Meowth. Everyone was at pretty low health, but we made it. I got 5 great balls, and then I was set off to go to the world.
I went off with Lillie so she could show off the city. Finally, a date.
Then a Tauros is blocking the path. After dealing with that, Hau decided to tag alone. Fucking third wheeler.
But insteed of exploring that good quality city, I decided to save. This is the end of this part, so soon I'll be back.
Next time with Pokemon Moon Nuzlocke, we'll explore the city, go on a date while being third wheeled, and most importantly we'll find a new addition to the team.
It better not be fucking Abra.
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ladala99 · 5 years
Spyro Reignited Countdown - Skylanders: Imaginators
And here we have the final Skylanders game. A game that was so uninteresting that it took until I started these reviews to finish it. Actually, no: I only didn’t finish it because I went to college and wasn’t going to bring my Skylanders with me.
It’s Skylanders gameplay. If you’ve played any of the Skylanders games, you’ll recognize it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
The M.A.P. is pretty interesting, though. After a bit, you have an overworld to run around in, and when you do, you move more quickly. This overworld connects the levels, has hidden secrets, and allows you to ambush enemies. It’s pretty neat.
Other than that, though, you’ve seen it all before.
Special Note: the Crash Bandicoot level feels like not Skylanders and I love it. It’s so platform-y, and the minigames are a blast. I feel happy getting this game only for this level in particular. So much love and attention went into it. It was also made by Vicarious Visions rather than Toys for Bob like the rest of the game, so that might make the difference.
The Gates
There actually are not any in-level elemental gates in this game. There’s special things for the Senseis to interact with, and the Battle Gongs do add to your level percentage, but there’s no exclusive collectables or anything. You really only need a Sensei, and the game comes with two.
There are Elemental Realms, though: complete exclusive levels, one for each elemental Sensei. I count these more like Adventure Packs, though - neat, but extra. I do think that this might justify the price, though?
Old Figures vs. New Figures
This game is the real reason I put this section in, because the old figures are worthless in this game.
Sure, you can use them, but the enemy difficulty is balanced around the Imaginators, not the Skylanders. The Imaginators can achieve levels well beyond the maximum Skylander level, which makes them very overpowered, especially because this game takes after the 3DS games in that you gain stats by leveling, rather than just health.
The Senseis all have a really overpowered move that isn’t quite spammable, but is usable decently often. That’s how they are still useable in this game. Old Skylanders though? Unless you’re playing on Easy, they’re going to have a rough time. And Eon help you if you use them on Nightmare Mode. It’s just not feasible.
Also, Imaginator figures cannot be natively reset. This is intentional, and really limits replay value. Also limits resale value, which is what Activision wanted I’m sure.
But... you can reset them anyway if you have either Spyro’s Adventure or I think Giants on the 3DS. 3DS specifically, not console. The game reads them as corrupted figures and offers to reset them for you. So take that, Activision.
The Collectables
Treasure Chests, Soul Gems, and Legendary Treasures make a return. Not hats, though. There are no hats in this game. Unless your Skylander is already wearing one.
Legendary Treasures this time are Legendary Selfie Frames. You can use them to display different combat styles of Senseis and Imaginators.
The other thing that isn’t counted the same way is Imaginator parts. You don’t get to just plop on your Imaginite and make whatever you want, no, you gain the parts from various sources but mostly Imaginite Chests.
Imaginite Chests are found... well... everywhere. They’re in levels, sometimes hidden. You get them as rewards for beating opponents on the M.A.P. or doing other small tasks. They respawn.
You can also get exclusive parts through each individual Sensei, Imaginite Crystal, Elemental Realm, and many are locked specifically in the Lost Imaginite Mines Adventure Pack level. There’s also some unlocked by story progress and even Nightmare Mode.
So really if you want everything, you need to buy everything. But as fun as customizing your Imaginator is, it’s not the main gameplay. I mean, they had a companion app (that they broke in the final update, probably on purpose) that allowed you to customize Imaginators to your heart’s content. That was for the purpose of getting you to buy 3D-printed figures of them, though.
And yes, Imaginte Chests feel just like lootboxes. Now I actually know what those are, so I can feel the scumminess seething off of them. The game even lets you pay for more instantly if you want! (but why would you when they’re free?)
One in each level, I believe. Kaos can make Imagintators, too, and he makes one of each type in attempts to defeat you.
And with this, Kaos goes back to his roots by being your equal. Using Imaginators to fight, just like you do. And the final boss fight feels like the final boss fight of Spyro’s Adventure.
That’s about the only thing this game does that’s a great ending to the series. It comes full circle in your rivalry with Kaos. The game’s not actually written to be the end of Skylanders, though, so it’s more of a coincidence than anything. Superchargers also goes full circle with the Core of Light being destroyed, after all.
They’re Toys for Bob length, which is fairly short. And there’s not that many of them. They’re pretty standard in their designs, though.
Except for Thumpin’ Wumpa Islands, though, which is amazing. It’s long and fun and different.
Can’t say anything about the other Adventure Packs since I got none of them, though, and I’m not feeling particularly inspired to get them.
Kaos makes friends with a brain that allows him to use his imagination to create Imaginators (and later, a level). But, with Imaginite, you, the Portal Master, can do the same.
I think he also wreaks havoc in various ways, too? I only played the very end recently, so I don’t recall what happens in earlier levels.
The brain at the end decides that since Kaos isn’t winning, he’s not cool, so he betrays him and joins your side. Also, he starts to tell a story about his past, implied to actually be told in the next game. Lol. Guess we’ll never find out his backstory.
Unique in the Series?
Not really. Yes Imagintors and their customization is a new thing, but the vehicles in Superchargers had similar, if more limited, mechanics.
It’s unique in how awful it is to play older figures, though. And the Sensei Gongs that summon a lot of enemies in a level area is new. But mechanic-wise, it doesn’t do anything too different.
It’s just more Skylanders, just this time you can create your own.
So the Skylanders series ends not on a bang, but a whimper. Sales got lower and lower, and I’m not even sure if all the figures came out before the game was abandoned.
Toys ‘R Us shut down. Retailers didn’t want these figures cluttering their Video Game sections. All Skylanders competitors gone. Toys To Life as a game concept died.
It was a fun half-decade. It was an expensive half-decade.
But rising from the ashes of a failing series, Spyro is allowed to return to his roots. Will it meet my expectations? In a few days, we shall see. We shall see.
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 1]
-claps hands together- Okay, this one’s going to be a little different. My primary goal when I first started the Nuzlocke thing was to replay games with some more variety in the choices. The Nuzlocke element was more about limiting the chaos of the Randomizer than really doing a proper Nuzlocke.
This, though, is going back to the basics. It should be very fun.
After possessing poke balls, only the first pokemon of any route is eligible for catch.
Barring duplicates. Waiting until an unregistered pokemon appears is valid.
Any pokemon that faints will be considered dead, and go into a specified box.
Each pokemon must be nicknamed.
Starter pokemon is determined by Trainer ID number.
Team wipe means the run’s over.
Plus one extra special one:
Only battling Trainers is allowed.
No grinding. The only smudge line is that if I can’t run away from a pokemon, I am allowed to defeat it. I’m not going to be locked into a situation where a wild pokemon ends everything because it’s too fast and I’m not allowed to attack it.
My expectation is that I’m going to fail at least a few times. So the part tag on these posts isn’t going to necessarily match where I’m at in the game. I’m just going to keep on until the Elite Four is beaten.
Hopefully this is as exciting as I’m wanting it to be!
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Heyo prof.
Geez, the moments before you have the option to adjust the text speed are the worst.
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In the spirit of having fun, I’m not going to go with my standard. For this game, I shall be... Coin. Only in caps, because I think gen three is still a gen where all of the names of stuff come in caps. Gotta make sure I fit in.
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I love video games.
Rival names are always so difficult. You can be Turq. Also in screamy caps.
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First thing’s first, after changing the text speed. Into my computer for a Potion. Which I never knew about until I started watching people play these games on the internet.
Second thing is...
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ID number.
Bulbapedia says 4-6 is Fire. Yoooo.
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Who knows if we’ll even have a chance to watch that play out. We have to make it through the rival fight first, and that’s pretty much RNG.
Charmander, your name shall be Heero.
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First fight of the game.
Scratch, Tackle, Scratch, Tackle, Scratch, Tackle...
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Yay, we get to continue forward!
Heero is level 6 now.
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One day, this stat chart might be of interest to me.
Heero is a Calm female Charmander. She knows Scratch and Growl.
Up to Viridian, grabbing Oak’s Parcel, down to Pallet, delivering Oak’s Parcel... Pokedex get, and we have five poke balls! Plus vague instructions to visit our rival’s sister for a Town Map.
Route 1 reentered, and our first available catch appears.
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What I’m dying to know is if I get exp for catching in this gen. I can’t remember.
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Nope on the exp, though.
Rattata’s name is going to be Cat.
Cat is going in the box. The experiment of this first run is going to be how far Heero can push. I have a limited amount of exp to harvest, and I want to have it go to something I’m planning on using for a while. Who knows how this will turn out.
Route 22 is going to be briefly examined for our next partner. We’ll be back later to fight Turq, but right now he would eat us alive.
First thing is Rattata. Nope.
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Maybe. This is still complicated.
Going with a theme here... Allenby.
Old dude int town teaches us how to catch stuff, he gives us the Teachy TV which I don’t think I’ve ever touched except by accident, yay, we move forward.
Into Route 2. I walk through the grass without getting anything, and you know what, for now that’s fine. Into Viridian Forest we go, and that means it’s finally time for trainers.
Allenby is going to be in front for as much as I can keep her. As much as I like the possibility of just training Heero into the invincible Charmander that laughs in the face of Brock... lol.
Bug Catcher Rick is our first fight outside Turq! He has a level 6 Weedle. ...This is already uncomfortable. Yep, Poison Sting poisons Allenby. But Allenby wins and grows to level 5.
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Rick also has a Caterpie.
...I have Potions. I should have bought Antidotes, but I forget how low the HP is early on, and also that walking probably does damage. But Allenby should be able to take on a Caterpie. Maybe.
With the help of a Potion.
And when we’re running around trying to find an Antidote, a Caterpie appears.
Her name can be Rain.
Now I have the delightful project of looking at the menu every few seconds to check if it’s time to give Allenby a Potion. I... think it’s fewer steps to one of the Antidotes hidden in the forest than the Pokemon Center or Mart.
The exciting challenges of early gens.
...Fuck it, I don’t know where the Antidote is. I’m going to try out rushing to the Center.
One more Potion.
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Made it.
Rain, into the box.
I’m buying ten Antidotes. Three more Poke Balls, and five Potions.
Back in Route 2, a Pidgey wants to join the box squad.
And I wasn’t going to use it anytime soon anyway, but I turned my brain off and didn’t nickname it. Sigh. Uh, for future reference, the Pidgey’s name is Ren. I don’t think I can change it until Lavender Town, but that’s its name.
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Fight number two.
Opening with a level 7 Weedle.
Allenby makes it to 6 beating it. Allenby learns Low Kick!
Another level 7 Weedle follows.
Allenby is finally poisoned. After a lot of good luck. Needs a Potion before I can use an Antidote, because the Weedle’s probably going to use Poison Sting again, and if I use an Antidote, Allenby’s health is low enough that a Poison Sting + poison would be an issue.
Nope, it uses String Shot.
Allenby makes it to level 7.
And Doug’s last thing is Kakuna. Well, this will take forever, but that’s fine. Doug down.
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I realized I didn’t do this for her. So here. Have a timely picture. And I finally found the Antidote. It was just in the middle of the path.
Missed the name. Don’t ask why. But Allenby faces a level 7 Caterpie. Allenby wins and is now level 8 (also the dude’s name is Anthony). Level 8 Caterpie comes out to pick up the slack.
Bug Catcher Charlie is next, and yay, Metapod. Allenby is level 9. A Caterpie and Metapod later, Charlie’s out.
Next up, Bug Catcher Sammy. He’s got a level 9 Weedle. Ick. But it’s gone now, even though Allenby is poisoned. Congrats on level 10, btw. Antidote time.
That’s all we have available before Brock, and that means we’re going back to Route 22 to fight Turq. If memory serves, he has two. His starter, and... I want to say Pidgey? With the Pidgey out front?
So Allenby gets to play second fiddle to Heero for a little bit. Hopefully Heero will survive long enough to get some exp before post-Brock, since she won’t have any participation points for that fight.
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Happy fun times with rival.
Hey, I got it right!
He has his. level 9 Pidgey. Oh geez.
Yeah, Heero can’t handle this. Allenby? Save her?
Allenby succeeds. Heero grows to level 7. And learns Ember!
Squirtle comes out, and it’s level 9 too.
Allenby wins. Nice.
Brock time, I guess.
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Camper Liam sends out a level 10 Geodude for Allenby to hopefully eat. Allenby does, and reaches level 11. Even better, Allenby learns Karate Chop! Liam sends out a level 11 Sandshrew. Allenby beats it and all that’s left to the gym is Brock.
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Don’t worry, kid, we still love you.
Back to the Center to heal, then. Brock.
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Hi. I’m Coin. I’m on a path of destruction.
Level 12 Geodude is my first opponent.
Aaaaand it’s gone. Allenby gets to live to level 12.
Level 14 Onix.
Allenby wins!
First badge get. Heero gets to go back into the first slot for switch training. Then Running Shoes for me! Yay!
Right we go, and Bug Catcher Colton is our first post-Brock opponent. He has a level 10 Caterpie. Heero handles it, and reaches level 8. Level 10 Weedle up next. Heero wins again, and level 9 she hits. Another level 10 Caterpie. That’s enough to get Heero up to 10! It costs and Antidote, but whatever.
Lass Janice is up next. She has a level 9 Pidgey. Then surprise, she has another. Heero hits 11.
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This isn’t especially important I just wanted to break up the wall of text.
She has a level 10 Rattata.
She also has a level 10 female Nidoran. It poisons Allenby, who has to go in after Heero is nearly felled by two Tail Whips worth of Quick Attack. Allenby is level 13, and I’m about to be down another Antidote.
Trip to the Pokemon Center, and then it’s Bug Catcher Greg. He’s got a level 9 Weedle. Thankfully Heero can nail those in one shot, and is now level 12. Level 9 Kakuna. Level 9 Caterpie. Wait, let me guess, level 9 Metapod? Yep.
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Yay Heero. Heero now knows Metal Claw. Double yay.
Next up is Bug Catcher James. He’s got a level 11 Caterpie. He’s also got a level 11 Metapod. Heero thanks them for the exp.
Lass Robin follows with her Jigglypuff. It is level 14, so I think I will let Allenby help out after Heero gets a nom in. I also think it’s time for Allenby to be up front again, if only for a little while. I’m still getting a feel for how to distribute the exp. In this case, I let Heero handle all the Bug Catchers, and intended for Allenby to get all the other trainers. Lass Robin moves, so I wasn’t sure if she was a trainer NPC or standard NPC.
Youngster Calvin! What’s on your agenda?
A level 14 Spearow.
I’m going to let Allenby stay in for a hit. Tune in to see how much I am filled with regret.
Peck is unpleasant, but Karate Chop can finish it in two, so that’s how we’re gonna do.
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Same, my man.
Youngster Ben. With the level 11 Rattata. And the level 11 Ekans. With Intimidate. Ugh. And Wrap. More ugh. But Allenby makes it to level 14 through Ben’s contributions.
So there’s grass on this here route. Time to see if we’re getting another one for the box, or maybe adding someone to the team.
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Box buddy. Hm. You can be... Herine.
The dude selling the Magikarp in front of Mt. Moon is technically in Route 4, so that Magikarp could conceivably count, but Magikarp needs loads of experience to level up to something usable. Efficiency demands we not add it.
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The art they’ve added into these is really pretty. I like it a lot.
Mt. Moon gives us a level 7 female Zubat. Another for the box. Her name’s Dini.
Now for the long, long, long trek through a cave where I can’t attack any of the constantly spawning creatures. Yaay.
Bug Catcher Kent wants to spice it up with a battle. He has a level 11 Weedle. Allenby takes that, Heero nabs the level 11 Kakuna.
Lass Iris is also here. She has a Clefairy, and since Fairy Type doesn’t exist yet, tear it up Allenby.
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I have no memory of what Type theme you have in this gen. I want to say Magnemite...? Yeah, level 11 Magnemite. Followed by a level 11 Voltorb.
Allenby grows to level 15!
There looks to be a Bug Catcher for Heero around the corner. Bug Catcher Robby. He’s got a level 10 Caterpie.
On a related note, Heero is level 15 now!
Hm. I think I want to check something really fast. Because I don’t have a ban on guides in this Nuzlocke. Eh, okay, that’s not going to work. I wondered if maybe exp needed to reach the next level changed when a pokemon evolved. It looks like no after a brief thing. Species line determines it, not present form. Moves are affected, but that’s a different...
I should look that up.
Okay, for my current team, I think I don’t want to delay evolution for anything. Risk is high, benefit is nil.
Anyway, Robby has a level 10 Metapod. Followed by a level 10 Caterpie.
I pick up a Rare Candy.
I haven’t decided how I feel about Rare Candy on this run.
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She has a level 11 Oddish, making me happy I got lazy with switching Heero out of first position. Allenby can tackle her level 11 Bellsprout. No I’m not assigning EV preference that would be a level of insanity beyond anything I could manage shut up.
...I took a break to talk to a friend and I think I’m lost.
Youngster Josh wants to battle! Youngster Josh bringing it with the level 11 Rattata! Youngster Josh bringing it with the level 10 Rattata! Youngster Josh bringing it with the level 10 Zubat!
Heero can eat that one.
Heero hits level 16, and I think I know what that means!
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She’s a good girl.
Hiker Marcos wants to fight now. He has a level 10 Geodude. And another one. And a level 10 Onix.
Allenby is level 16 now. Yay.
Um. Okay. I’m going to try to unlost myself. I think the ladder furthest from the entrance is the one that goes forward, but even more than usual, I want to be sure I explore everywhere.
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This is how the most popular game franchise in the world starts.
No, Sandshrew should never be made to do evil. A curse upon you, grunt. It’s level 11. A baby.
The Rattata’s on-brand, though.
Congrats on level 17, Allenby. Heero can take the level 11 Zubat. She even does.
Another ladder, another Grunt. Another level 11 Zubat. A new addition of a level 11 Ekans. It is not match for our fierce team.
A different grunt has a level 13 Rattata. Allenby is not impressed. Also a level 13 Sandshrew. I am not impressed. This other Grunt also has a level 13 Rattata. Allenby is level 18. Heero gets the level 13 Zubat.
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You don’t need to tell me that.
Super Nerd Miguel has a Grimer. It knows Poison Gas.
I forgot how much I hate poison. Level 12 Koffing is next. I need to spend two turns on Antidote and Potion. Heero gets the level 12 Voltorb since Allenby has kind of taken a beating from the poison. Because poison is awful.
Welcome to level 17, Heero.
I take the Dome Fossil, since the plot makes you take stuff from the poor guy.
I use an Escape Rope to get back to the Pokemon Center. I think this is the last stretch of Mt. Moon and there are some trainers outside. I’d rather everyone be healed to the brim before we go through them.
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We made it! To the outside world!
Stopping point!
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