#i have a love hate relationship with mista
sc0lippi · 4 months
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dicentsalve · 1 month
You shared your La Squadra headcanons... Now what about L' Unità speciale?
// also,, I love your work! It's interesting :)
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Thank you VERY much, bb!!!!! I don't know if this is the same person who asked me about my La Squadra hcs, but if this is, then I'm waiting for you in the bedroom in my new lace lingerie And it's ps2 colors again
● Squalo
Squalo is Tuscan, Tiziano is Sicilian and there are a couple of reasons for this: Tuscany is a treasure trove of the Renaissance and many precious artistic creations, and Tiziano is reference to the artist Also in Sicily is very I mean, is VERY common and in demand fish, and Squalo is literally a shark, as his stand
The accent in speech is almost undetectable, but he often uses the Tuscan dialect and actually pronounces “Tizzano”
He and Sale are brothers. Sale doesn't know that his appendix is ​​a member of the Boss’s elite guard, but believes that he simply found a rich friend in Tiziano, which he sometimes uses with gnashing of teeth. They are also the direct personification of jokes: - I fucked your mother! - We have the same mother, idiot.
Squalo has a Stand from birth and for this reason doesn't eat fish.
Living up to his name, he bites quite often, as sharks bite the object of their adoration as a sign of courtship. (But if think so, he only bites Tiz)
Squalo loves and often goes swimming, especially early in the morning or late in the evening, and carries Tiziano with him, who, in turn, doesn't like to swim, but loves to spend time on the shore, watching Squalo, who sometimes brings him beautiful shells or stones from the bottom.
Can't stand white wine.
He knows a lot of different and ridiculous facts about sea creatures and loves to tell them to Tiziano.
Regarding the Bucci gang, has a particular dislike for Mista (this hc is based on private comparisons between The Clash and Sex Pistols and disputes between fans)
Having a difficult relationship with parents.
● Tiziano
Has the softest, almost inaudible accent, especially to an unknowing interlocutor, which is also well disguised behind purring.
The great love of Sicilians for women played a certain role in his appearance, which gave him great attention from men in Sicily and beyond. From the women, by the way, too.
Tiziano damnably loves money and is ready to do anything if he is paid well for it.
He also doesn’t eat fish, but he didn’t do that even before the stand appeared, he’s just sick of it.
Tiziano values ​​his personal space very much and hates when it is violated against his will, but he himself does this quite often, if not constantly.
Is the information side of the Unità Speciale.
He has the habit of pampering and treating Squalo, who, in turn, is ashamed of this.
Not particularly talkative or smiling, but has a good command of the language. (In terms of speech patterns and traps for the interlocutor, but in a different sense too)
At home he has several plants, which he carefully cares for.
Father is a farmer. Doesn't maintain contact with his mother, but has a stable relationship with his father. (His dad also likes Squalo) Final screamer, but Tiziano and Squalo are just friends, at least officially (This turns me on even more)
● Carne
Carne is almost completely deaf. He can speak, but does so rather vaguely and quietly.
He's afraid of cats and I'm not going to explain it.
His height is 211. It seemed strange and illogical to me that since Carne is meant to be cannon fodder and the stand itself demands that he be killed in any case, he is very short. And the higher the cabinet, the louder it falls.
Regarding the work of Notorious B.I.G: Yes, Carne needs to be killed And he will die, then his soul in the form of a stand will crawl out of his body. However, when Notorious B.I.G. reaches the target and kills the victim, it returns to the owner’s body and restores the wounded parts.
● Cioccolata
Cioccolata is the last one who is also Sicilian for me and I'm ready to explain why: In the anime adaptation, Risotto (who, according the canon, is Sicilian), Tiziano and Cioccolata have a single, unique manner of speech, which is especially clearly heard from Cioccolata. I can’t explain it, but just listen to their voices and compare with the others, they have some kind of abruptness, “stammers” and breath before syllables.
Based on this, Cioccolata has the thickest accent.
As a child, Cioccolata wore braces, which he installed for himself. However, he still has a natural "unevenness" and his front teeth protrude slightly, causing his upper incisors to show through unless he consciously closes his lips.
He sleeps a lot, which can be attributed to his slight excitability and extreme emotionality at work, although otherwise he is quite calm and even silent.
During each new medical experiment, he tries not to repeat himself, because otherwise the process will no longer cause the same pleasure.
Despite certain inclinations, he still adheres to extreme sterility in his work.
● Secco
He has no fear of Cioccolata. In the sense that he is still afraid of him as a person and an unstable personality. However, he is not afraid, because he is firmly confident that Ciocco wont harm him.
He has a slightly sinewy, but large and elastic physique, broad shoulders, to which a significant contribution was made by the stand, which requires good training of the swimmer, and we all know what swimmers look like.
Due to the huge amount of sugar, he is very restless, nervous and twitchy.
After being with Cioccolata for a long time, he really began to forget and confuse some words or sounds.
He is a Neapolitan and knows every corner of Naples like the back of his hand, so he poses a much greater threat in pursuit here.
Cioccolata often kicks him out of the office or forces sits halfway under the floor, since Secco loves dirt.
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etherealzx · 2 years
can you write bucci gang cuddling reader (separately) and reader is tired and stressed out and falls asleep in their arms ? :3 GN reader x3
this is too cute! i want to cuddle them all :')
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Cuddles with the Bucci Gang (Seperate)
(cut for length :3)
☆ Bruno Bucciarrati ☆
He absolutely LOVES cuddling. He loves the intimacy and the innocence of it, plus he just loves being close to you ajkasdh
If he knows that you're tired or stressed out (or both), he will always try to get you to come cuddle with him
He loves hearing about your day, and the things you did.
Even if you had a bad day and just need to vent, he will be there to listen. He's an amazing listener, and he loves to listen to you.
He will let you rant about things that have been bothering you so that you can get the stress out of your system and relax
When you cuddle with him, he holds you close to him, and I mean CLOSE
He holds you tightly, like he's afraid to lose you
He's insanely warm. Like almost to the point where you need to rip the blankets off because he's too warm
He also smells like soft lavender, which makes you fall asleep almost instantly
He loves to watch you sleep, but not in a creepy way. He just thinks you look so peaceful and adorable while you sleep. He loves to see you comfortable and happy, because it makes him happy too.
☆Leone Abbacchio ☆
He also loves cuddling, but would rather die than admit it
If you mention it, he scoffs and tells you that he thinks its stupid and he doesn't see the point
He acts like he hates it because he thinks it would make him seem less manly if he admitted to liking it
Similar to Bruno, he likes the closeness. He loves being able to feel your warmth next to him, to hear your heartbeat, the weight of your body, and run his fingers through your hair
He loves that you feel safe enough with him to fall asleep in his arms
He wraps his strong arms around you, almost as if he's protecting you
He smells like expensive cologne and musk, making you grow addicted to his scent
He lets you use his big chest as a pillow while he holds you
He'll caress your hair while giving you small kisses on the top of your head
Thinks you look so beautiful in your sleep, it's the purest and most raw form of you :')
☆ Pannacotta Fugo ☆
Fugo isn't really used to physical affection, as he was never really shown any throughout his life
This is especially true when it comes to physical affection in a romantic relationship
He's very nervous when you come sit close to him, after a long and tiring day
He thinks that he's a danger to you, and worries about him or his borderline uncontrollable stand ability accidentally hurting you in some way
He loves to hear you talk about your day, and like Bruno he's a fantastic listener
He also gives amazing advice
If you lean into him, he will stiffen up at first
When he calms down, he leans into you as well, wrapping his arm around you
He's surprisingly warm
He loves the feeling of your body against his, its very comforting to him
If you fall asleep on him, it just makes his heart swell. The fact that you feel safe enough around him to sleep on him just makes him so happy
Once he gets used to you doing this with him, he'll start wanting to do it all the time :)
☆ Guido Mista ☆
Mista loves to touch you in any way he can, his love language is without a doubt physical touch
He will wrap his arms around your waist and carry you to the bed to come cuddle with him
Holds you close to him, he loves to be the big spoon (although he will let you be the big spoon if you want to, he really doesn't care as long as he's close to you)
He thinks its funny to fart on you and then pull the covers over your head
He'll run his fingers through your hair and kiss your neck and cheeks
Peppers kisses all over your face
He loves to listen to you talk about your day, especially when you have a funny story to tell
He also loves to tell you about his day, his story telling abilities can make anything sound interesting
Tries to tickle you and/or tease you while he cuddles you because he's a little stinker
When you fall asleep, he'll stroke your hair and listen to the little noises you make in your sleep. He thinks it's adorable and funny at the same time
If anyone Narancia dares to disturb your sleep, he'll threaten them with his Sex Pistols
☆ Narancia Ghirga ☆
Sweet baby omg. Like Mista, he loves physical affection
He'll constantly ask you to cuddle with him, and even if you don't feel like it you almost always give in bc you can't say no to that face
He'll hold you so tight he's almost squeezing you, you have to tell him to loosen up a little
He's just excited, he loves you, he can't help it!
He's super warm, like your own personal toaster oven
Loves to get under a big pile of blankets and pillows while he cuddles you
He'll tell you all kinds of sweet things about how pretty/handsome he thinks you are, how much he loves you, and how cool and funny you are
Loves to kiss your cheeks and forehead
If you fall asleep while cuddling with Nara, he tries so so so hard to stay still and not wake you up. He knows that you need the rest and he wants to make sure that you're as comfortable as possible
☆ Giorno Giovanna ☆
Giorno's love language is words of affirmation. However, I don't think he would mind cuddling at all!
Giorno will hold you close to him while you lay your head on his chest
He'll ask you if it's okay if he touches you, and if you're comfortable like this, and if you need anything
He'll ask you to tell him all about your day. He wants to hear every little detail, listening intently
Like Fugo, he gives really good advice
He'll always tell you that he's proud of you, even on days when you're not proud of yourself
He's surprisingly comfortable to lay on, his chest is much softer than it seems
He smells like lavender, it makes you sleepy just from laying there
His soft voice, his sweet scent, and the way he plants soft kisses on you as he holds you are the perfect combination to put you in a deep, peaceful sleep
He'll kiss your nose and brush your hair out of your face as you sleep
He loves to see you comfortable and peaceful like this, it makes him feel so warm inside
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heatwa-ves · 4 months
pls yap abt ur fave jojo part 🎤
yippeeeee ^_^ okay so from fav to least fav it's 5/6/4/2/3/1 to me 4 and 2 are interchangeable. I haven't finished part 6 yet I have only a few episodes left but I don't want it to be over so I keep putting off finishing it...
part 5 is my fav because I just love the main cast sososososososoooo much it's definitely the strongest main cast of any of the parts imo I find them all so interesting and compelling and it's hard to choose a fav (it's fugo tho. sobs dies etc) the relationships between the characters are so good as well...
also trish I LOVE trish. she's everything she's such an interesting character I do wish she had more moments like her first scenes where she's an annoying teen and I would've loveedddddd a scene where she lashes out at the rest of the cast and kind of hates them because of everything she's been through she's suddenly taken from her life and thrown into a world of violence and it's not fair and she should've been allowed to be mad about it!! she does have a lot of really good moments tho ofc the part where she awakens her stand and everything leading up to it (on that note spice girl should've been used more I can only think of maybe two instances where she was used??) and also another fav is in the cioccolata fight where she talks to narancia about bruno it's really nice characterisation for all of them + you see more of narancias blind faith in bruno that ultimately leads to his death. semi related naratrish is really cute guys . ... straight people rights.
another trish moment I am deeply obsessed with is the purple haze feedback bonus chapter which is her visiting brunos grave and speaking with his mother. makes me stupid emotional. her becoming a singer post canon is soooooooo important music is a pretty big theme in the relationships between the main cast most importantly in this case is when fugo says (roughly paraphrased) "how can you throw your life away for this girl you barely know, you don't even know what music she likes" (fun fact in phf fugo goes on to talk about how he's not too fond of women he hates his mother and he doesn't like trish 😭)
ANYWAYYY wait I'm gonna talk about music more because. I'm sick. so there's stuff like abbacchio having headphones on in the first scene we see him and narancia having a stereo on the boat and then ofc the torture dance... it's fun and silly but also it's like. they're just kids. sobs. music is their thing all the characters have a listed favourite artist all the stands are named after music!!! and then my fav part this scene in phf .
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so yeah trish becoming a singer is both a connection with her mother because they used to sing together and connection with the people who died so she would have a chance to live and a chance to move from her father's influence and have a bright future. I do wonder if she stays in contact with the survivors post canon I like to think she does with mista at least. maybe not giorno at first because that's all too raw and also I think he would discourage contact between them for her safety but maybe eventually. also another trish scene I like (well. She's not actually present for it) is right before the finale where bruno is dying and he can't tell people apart and he talks to doppio thinking it's trish and he promises her she can stay in his house if she has nowhere to go because he knows he won't make it home and he never does and she wasn't even there to hear him say that to her. sobs. I saw a hc that post canon she gets a tattoo around her wrist of a zipper in memory and I really like that idea
also it's insane to me that she is the ONLY female character in part 5. What? Huh? jojo had never been good with women leading up to this but I thought we were finally getting somewhere with diu and reimi yukako tomoko shinobu aya yuyas three weed smoking gfs etc but no. we're back to one again. she's a really good character but still. One. sheila doesn't count she's not in the main part. how are none of la squadra women. I hate la squadra but I would've taken it. I would've hated diavolo slightly less if he was a woman. but no. just one. well the intelligent among us (me) will know and understand that mista is butch but well. araki doesn't know that. Ah well at least we get jolyne next part. Also I just found out apparently giorno was meant to be a girl but arakis editor made him change it.. sigh.
speaking of la squadra can I just express how much I hate them. they're so annoying the only one I can tolerate is illuso and that's because man in the mirror & purple haze is my absolute fav part of golden wind and also he's somewhat interesting in his relationship with sheila and then her relationship with fugo in that he killed the man she had her heart set on taking revenge on because he killed her sister and forced her down the path to the mafia. I can't stand risotto he looks like a tokyo ghoul reject and yet everyone on tumblr dot com wants his dick. why. where is the appeal. he pisses me offfff and also it doesn't help that his stand at least the way it appears in the anime makes me like physically uncomfortable which is a little bit embarrassing it's a really cool stand I just can't watch the episode without feeling sick . and his name is RISOTTO how can you want a man named risotto. that would kill the mood in bed so fucking fast you can't call him that 😭😭😭😭 anyway I hate him moving on. I also hate diavolo and doppio sorry guys they're annoying and diavolo pisses me off bc his hair looks like a dragon fruit . the torture time loop was cruel tho giorno . just put him out of his misery. his lace shirt thing is cute tho at the very least. so yeah my main issue with part 5 is aside from the main cast I really don't like any of the other characters wait no. scratch that. I like squalo and tiziano they're cute. I hate all the others tho. melone is the worst by far to me and it bothers me how many people like him. he shows up sexually assaults a woman and then dies there is nothing to like. wait I take that back there is one thing to like and it's the tadashi harada x jojo thing LOOK. melone is the last one but can we talk about bruno?????? Hello???????????????????? im obsessed
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Anywayyyyy I talked about trish for a bit so now im gonna talk about the other characters hopefully this won't be too long but. well. I like to talk. can u believe I was gonna talk about some of my opinions on other parts on this post it would be so long 💀 my endless hatred for part 3 can be a topic for another time
first of all bruno 💖 sorry to anyone who was following me in november of last year I swear I'm not normally Like That he's just the exception. combination of that fuckass bob and titty window and . everything . anyway I calmed down now only because I got my fix by actually watching the show not hoping mutuals would take pity on me and rb art of him onto the dash. i was so excited to see him and his narrative exceeded my expectations by far. died and came back wrong??? walking corpse that is slowly decaying??? saviour complex????? forced to grow up too fast???? I love thinking about his life in the mafia pre fugo as well as the early days of his own team... his relationships with all the other characters are sooooo interesting to me especially giorno I've talked about them before here
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I love sticky fingers it's soooo cool he should use it more for making severed.hands come out of random kids mouths like he did in episode one. let him be a fucking freak again. not a fan of the stand design tho sadly but I guess they can't all be winners 😓 I think it's the blue it kinda throws me off like that's notttt the vibes. but what do I know. also shoutout to the actual album sticky fingers it fucks hard and no I definitely did not start listening to it because I was sick over bruno that is not why I listened to it at all. (it totally is)
I also love abbacchio sm like acab but.. at least he's not a cop anymore. shoutout to suicidal characters always my favs . I don't really know how to talk about him without just going ouughghhj he makes me sick in the head. he joined passione to have something to die for.. and he ended up dying not for passione but for his own cause (well. bruno's cause but he's so devoted to bruno that he'd do anything. let's talk about "I only feel at ease when im with you". Hello? phf also implies he's straight which????? this is Mr "I only feel anything if I'm following the orders of men superior to me" we're talking about. bdsm could save him)
he's haunted by the ghost of his past and well without getting too into my interpretation of stands I think it would be so cool if pre passione moody blues isn't fully there yet but he can see her in the corner of his eye sometimes in the form of his dead partner. speaking of moody blues she's soooooo cool most fuckable stand by far. I mean what who said that. she has such an awesome ability I wish it was used more she's so interesting to me bc her ability is the literal manifestation of his inability to move on from the past I like to think about their relationship.. to me stands have varying levels of sentience randing from like. power outlet. to echoes act 3. and moody blues idk I think she has some level of sentience. i think she stands there looking creepy and wet to get her point across and it works. anyway my endless thoughts on stands is a topic for another time back to abbacchio.
it's canon that he's the most physically strong of the team I would love if he had some fights. before starting the show I had only seen his design a couple times and I was sooooo convinced he had a long black morticia addams ass dress and nothing compared to my disappointment when I realised it was a coat thing. the purple lipstick is everything. I think a lot about his life post police pre passione as well as early passione days. finally obligatory mention that I like bruabba but I think it's most fun if it's onesided. abbacchio is 1000000% in love with bruno like that's not even debatable but I don't think it's reciprocated 💖 actually this reminds me there's one araki interview where he's asked if abbacchio loves bruno and he says something along the lines of "NO???? THEYRE NOT LIKE THAT. dio is tho. did you know dio is bisexual did you know dio likes men. sexually. did you know dio has awesome gay sex. abbacchio is straight tho" I wish I could find it again because it's so funny to me
I love narancia. have I mentioned that I love narancia. I love narancia. what can I even say other than I love narancia. best character araki has ever made 10/10 no notes I sobbed when he died. going into the last few episodes I knew two people were gonna die and I knew one of them would be bruno and I was just hoping narancia wouldn't die. and then he did and I was inconsolable uaaagghhhhhh giorno growing flowers over him.... he just wanted to go home.... he wanted to see fugo again.... the scene with fugo where he thinks he sees aerosmith I'll kill myself AFGHHHH. the scene in venice where he can't decide whether to go or stay.... him realising the similarities between him and trish... his backstory... his character design... he's literally perfect. did u know I love him. what else can I even say.
now mista. well you see. um. read this . I just think he's neat. I love his relationship with fugo especially post canon like. they were friends!!! I think they were both closer to narancia than to eachother but regardless they were friends and then fugos "betrayal" not that it was a betrayal but to mista it felt like that. especially because he then lost his best friend and can't help but think if fugo was here maybe that wouldn't have happened. and I think fugo has the same feelings if he was there maybe they wouldn't have lost so many people. and this drives a huge rift into their relationship you can see how they are at the start of phf that's another scene I really like and I think it would take a really long time for them especially mista to be in a place where they can consider eachother friends again and even when they do it will never be the same as it once was. also the sex pistols are great I love them.
now giorno. yesterday on instagram I discovered that there's a sizable minority of people who think he's boring 😭 and I feel the need to defend him. he's literally my little brother I love him . he's such a funny character he's fifteen and a mafia boss and his dad is an evil semi immortal bisexual vampire and that's not even the weirdest member of his family. he wears hot pink heart cutout suits. he's fine with robbery and gang violence and murder but draws the line at drug use. he's so serious that it's silly. he's fifteen. boy why are you running italys criminal underworld go hand in your homework
but then he's also an incredibly tragic character he has never ever been close to anyone all he's known is loneliness. and you expect me not to burst into tears????? he wasn't even particularly close with any of passione they were friendly aside from abbacchio because abbacchio is a bitch ass hater who has nothing better to do than pick fights with teenagers (he should meet rohan.. worlds most insufferable yaoi. gay sex would fix everything wrong with both of them so idk maybe they could help eachother out but they would absolutely hate eachother. Anyway.) the closest he is with any of the others is bruno like I talked about earlier but again they only knew eachother for a week or so and their relationship is founded on and primarily revolves around a shared goal. I do picture him getting very close with fugo post canon I would've loved them to have more interactions in canon but the final scene of phf fed me well so I can't complain too much. their personalities work well together I think whether romantically or not they can be the companionship they both desperately need.
not the point but his mother is also a deeply fascinating character to me I wanna see inside her brain. there's her understandable frustration at the loss of her youth due to a child she never planned for and lack of a support system but that frustration leads to complete apathy towards her baby. I don't think she's deliberately malicious she just doesn't care. I don't think she ignores him all the time she probably has moments where she plays with him or shows him to her friends like aww look how cute my baby is but more often than not she leaves him completely alone and that apathy is just cruel. her lack of care then develops into her turning a blind eye to her husband abusing him which okay maybe she didn't notice at first but it gets to a point where you can't not notice. so she just ignores it and tells herself it's strong parenting or whatever and continues gallivanting around living her best life like she doesn't even have a kid. she's awful but I can understand what led her to this point. maam let me into your head I wanna examine it
back to giorno let's talk about gold experience. one of the most interesting abilities in the entire series to me and it's used in such versatile ways similar to crazy diamond which I really like. the ability to Literally Create Life is sooooo everything don't even get me started on religious motifs. in the first fight against bruno gold experience is used to imbue more life into him and iirc that ability is never used again which is a shame. araki loves doing interesting things in the first fight and never addressing them again. I'm looking at you kakyoin. anyway cool stand moving on
now fugo!! so before going into part 5 I had some level of knowledge of the characters from tumblr + friends but I didn't really know anything about him and as I watched he was just kinda there I had no real opinion other than thinking the strawberry theme was cute but then we got to man in the mirror and I was like oh shit. I see the vision. the scene in venice where he chooses to stay behind is soooo good but I was expecting for the whole second half that he would come back and I was really surprised that he didn't but in retrospect that was definitely a good choice even tho im sad we didn't see more of him. his final scene where it cuts to him alone in naples for a minute is sooooo agjghhjhn and then of course there's phf. we'll get to that
I read that araki initially intended for fugo to be a spy for diavolo and giorno would've had to kill him and while that's interesting I'm glad it's not what he went with I think what we actually got is so much more tragic because no one is really in the wrong? but they hurt eachother and fugo has to live with the fact that he lost his friends because he wasn't there and nothing will ever be the same. It will definitely be hard for him post canon especially without bruno because bruno was the first person aside from his grandmother who he was close to and he lost them both!!!! bruno is the one who saved him and bruno is the one who told him they can't survive outside of passione and bruno is the one who told him his loyalty is to passione first and foremost so the events in venice feel even worse to fugo it feels like bruno betrayed him rather than him betraying the rest of them. it's not that fugo doesn't care for the others because he's put himself at risk for them before (man in the mirror etc) but he's very intelligent and rational and when he's not angry he will evaluate the risks of a situation before acting. and here he just can't fathom why bruno and the others would throw everything they have away for a suicide mission to protect one random girl. and then when it's just him and narancia and he feels like shit but at least narancia is there except then he goes on his whole trish is me and I am trish thing and leaves too and fugo just has to watch the boat leave!!!! there's a part in phf which I have to quote because I reached image limit
"Thinking too much...that's why I couldn 't get on the boat! The thought surprised him. He couldn 't get on the boat. Not 'didn't', but 'couldn't.' Was it true? Had he actually wanted to get on the boat? Had he wanted to go with the others? Deep down? But if that's true... That didn't sound like him at all. Buccellati had scouted him, counted on him to stay calm, pick the logical option, minimize losses. No, wait...wait...
The wheels were spinning now. Why hadn't he been able to get on the boat? Because nobody had expected him to. Who hadn't expected him to? Buccellati. But Buccellati had told them to get on the boat... No. No, he didn't say that.
"I won't order you to come with me. I won't even wish for it." Those were his words. That's why Narancia had begged him to order him on board.
So I...took him at his word? Since it wasn't an order, I... Without direct orders, he was expected to chose the course with less peril. Take no unnecessary action until the next opportunity was made clear. Was that why he'd been frozen to the spot? He’d felt like he’d made up his own mind, but had he really been robotically conforming to the common sense drilled into his head since he was born?"
agh. explodes. another thing I find really interesting is how he used to take on orders privately that he knew would hurt bruno and then eventually got abbacchio to help and he's been doing this since he was what. fourteen? thirteen? bruno had been in the mafia almost six years at that point he's reached a point where he's mostly desensitized to murder so what sort of shit would he not be able to take mentally? it's that which fugo took upon himself to do at such a young age what the FUCK.
fugo is so compelling to me he's a kid who's been hurt so much by everyone in his life and he doesn't know how to cope with that and he's so angry at the world and he can't control how he reacts so he lashes out at everyone. he reminds me a bit of my oc rayaan they're both so traumatised and react with anger because what else can they do. except rayaan then has to come to terms with being gay and in love with his roommate slash best friend who is Not Interested and meanwhile all fugos friends die. anyway. his stand is the physical manifestation of his own anger and self loathing and no wonder he hates it!!! can't imagine the pain of your soul being laid bare in front of you and all it can do is hurt. I think he internalises that to a degree his hatred of purple haze reflects his hatred of himself and the world but to a greater level because this is all the worst parts of him. BUT!!!!! at the end of phf when he bites the virus capsule murolo says "Stands reflect the owner's personality, when there's a shift in the psyche, the stand changes too." and then there's this passage which is everything to me
"Purple Haze. His own alter ego. A reflection of his own mind. Another Pannacotta Fugo. It was staring at him.
And for the first time, Fugo stared back. Had its eyes always looked like this? He felt the eyes had been more lonely, before.
Or was that an emotion he’d forgotten somewhere along the way?
Like the bacteria that fill our world, existing without our help, rebuffing all attempts to get rid of them. Something you didn't want, but were, for some reason, certain you could never be free of. A shadow of conflicted emotion.
It looked down at him, and he looked up at it. When he could no longer believe anything, and had nowhere else to go, it would always be at his side. Neither of them said anything."
he's grown so much!!!!! Im stupid emotional rn I need to reread phf in full it's what got me so obsessed with fugo as a character it's sooooo good. the ending... fugo calling giorno giogio... this illustration... the chapter title being "the soldier in love" which of course is referencing trish's song but also you can't tell me that's not talking about fugo especially combined with the final lines???? "I am yours, our giogio" and "Half a step," he said. "If you can't take a step forward, then I'll step halfway to you. Everything hinges on your decision, but if grief anchors your feet, then let me share it."
Tumblr media
and THIS LINE??? "Only one person could do something about that. You. Pannacotta Fugo - you were the only person who could do something about this threat. The only person who can change your stand is you." literally what the fuck. sobs dies etc. not to sound insane but I love fugo so much his growth as a person makes me sooooooo emotional. In his last fight in phf he goes "Sheila is me, her anger is my anger" and I think that's a really nice line to summarise his character growth he's now understanding what made narancia chase after the boat sheila is also someone he doesn't know well just like trish was but he decides to risk everything to protect and fight for her he's grown so much in such a short period of time. And I love him.
And with that I'm done!! I still have more to say of course but this is enough for now 💖 very quickly summary of my opinion on other parts
1. I'm gonna be honest all I remember about part 1 is it sent me and my friend down a rabbit hole of those thomas jefferson miku binder esque politician drawings.
2. I like joseph sorry everyone. caejose my world. araki doing gods work by putting them both in cute little crop tops half the time
3. part 3 pisses me off I have so much to say about it but that's a rant for another time. shoutout to holly kujo I luv her
4. I wasn't vibing with part 4 at first it's very slice of life which isn't my preferred genre but after kira shows up it gets REALLY good. I love josuke he's my baby brother fr. I love shinobu
6. jolyne save me FF save me jolyne save me FF save me etc. excited but also scared to finish it 💖
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Got any headcanons about team Bucciarati and their relationships/thoughts on the members of La Squadra? :eyes:
Yes!!! I love this ask! This is gonna take place in my everyone lives au, that most of my headcanons take place in. SPOILER WARNING btw
this one is kind of long.
-firstly, Trish hates them all and for good reason.
-secondly, Bruno has an issue with their morals when it comes to selling drugs. Because drugs are like, his least favorite thing. They call him no drugs Bruno.
-Thirdly, they all adore Sorbet and Gelato!
- Giorno gets along with formaggio alright, he thinks he is a piece of shit though. But he finds his shrinking stand to be very interesting and they have combined their powers together before to make a tiny jungle.
-Narancia and Mista are best buddies with Formaggio, and they cause chaos all the time. Narancia and Formaggio have a little rivalry going on though because of their fight, but they’re pals because they are all dumbasses.
-Fugo hates him because when Fugo gets upset about something, Formaggio will activate his stand to make him small so his yelling is higher pitched.
-Abbacchio doesn’t like when Formaggio is around because he makes the loud ones even louder. He has a special pair of noose cancelling headphones for when he visits.
-Bruno doesn’t really talk to or like Formaggio.
-Giorno respects him for the fight they had and the determination he showed. Hates his guts though.
-Illuso can’t forgive Giorno, Fugo, or Abbacchio for causing him to go through so much pain. He doesn’t know if he blames Giorno or Fugo more for getting infected so bad with Purple haze. Those three don’t really like Illuso that much, Giorno is the only one that at least respects him out of the trio.
-Bruno thinks his stand is neat because he likes other dimension stands.
-Trish thinks his hair is ugly.
-Prosciutto likes Narancia because he reminds him a little bit of a braver Pesci. Pesci doesn’t like Narancia because he is jealous of him/thinks his big bro likes him more (which isn’t true). Narancia won’t forget how prosciutto made him look like a rotten grape.
-Mista likes Prosciutto because he shot him three times in the head, if it had been four times his ghost would hate him. He thinks Pesci looks like a pineapple.
-Abbacchio thinks Prosciutto is wonderful because he was the cause of “the best nap of his life” when he was in the turtle on the train. Like sure it almost cost him his life, but to be able to sleep like that again.
-Bruno doesn’t think Pesci is anything like Narancia, but can see where prosciutto is coming from. Bruno didn’t like Pesci at first, and is often irritated with him. But he does have a soft spot for him now.
-I think they all hate Melone to be honest.
GHIACCO: (or however you spell his name)
-Fugo and him talk about their anger issues and pet peeves, and Fugo gives him advice about how to control your anger better. They surprisingly get along alright, but if they are both upset at each other it is bad.
-Mista likes to irritate him. Narancia irritates him, but not on purpose.
-He and Giorno and Fugo went ice skating one time, he made the ice rink. It was summer. People were confused.
-Abbacchio doesn’t like him, there can be only one best dressed goth in town.
-Bruno respects him and likes how he cares about his team. Risotto likes Bruno, but what is up with that haircut? When his team complains to him about something he will say “well at least you aren’t working for a guy with an ugly haircut like bucciarati” and someone from his team responds with “yeah, but we get the ugly hat …”.
-Risotto likes Narancia because of how he “let him” use his stand that one time. Narancia thinks Risotto has a better outfit than Abbacchio, but he won’t say it.
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fugos-lil-fork · 2 years
Some Random Mista Headcanons! (Some r kinda NOT SFW)
Has definitely thought about getting a navel piercing
I wouldn't say he's really clingy?( At least not in the level i hc Nara to be where he'd definitely want/need to know where his s/o is at, at all times in fear of them suddenly abandoning him-) But like, Mista does like it/feels relieved when his s/o updates him on where they're at/what they're doing just bc of y'know, mafia- And he's been left a bit traumatize by witnessing what had happened to the woman he saved, that he's afraid anyone he loves could suddenly have that happened to them and he, or someone like him, wont be there to save/help them.
Bc of that, I also think he absolutely hates ppl that get too handsy immediately. It's not jealousy, he's just genuinely afraid of his loved one being taken advantage of/being forced into do something they don't want to do.
Mf turns every game between him and s/o into a stripping game 💀
Absolutely adores PDA- (obviously I mean, I hc that mans has a thing for fucking in public so why wouldn't he love PDA?-)
I hc that this boi grew up with multiple siblings- Which is a reason why he's so over his stand. They just remind him of his siblings and bc he has younger siblings, he knows how to take care of them.
He loves the beach... Just that-
Mista keeps condoms in his boots. He sometimes accidentally pulls them out instead of his bullets 💀
The pistols always snitch on him, how he's feeling, and embarrassing shit he's done/said.
Definitely owns thongs-
He definitely has a playlist for when he wants to get down and dirty either with himself or someone else-
Ik this man's gropes his s/o on a regular basis 💀 Just a quick grab, squeeze, or smack of certain areas 😭
I ACTUALLY GIVE CREDIT TO MY FRIEND FOR THIS ONE- He hc that when Mista's desperately lonely and depressed about his s/o being away for so long, he goes as far as fucking his own pillow 💀 (that poor innocent pillow, #JusticeForMista'sPillow)
Kinda rare for him to call his s/o by their name. He absolutely prefers to use pet names/endearing names.
Man's jerks off twice a day, maybe three if wakes up to morning wood-
Definitely owns porn magazines (mf stole them tho-)
He owns two tube tops-
He has a BIG family. Aside from having a couple siblings, his older siblings have children. Has quite a bit of aunts and uncles as well as cousins. Yet, no one knows about his "profession". He simply tells them he works for a company that requires his to travel quite a bit. And whatever scars they're able to point out on him he shrugs them off as scars from guys trying to mug him.
He has a genuinely wholesome relationship with his family. The only reason they hadn't been able to bail him out of jail when he was thrown in it was because they didn't have the money to do so. However, they're all extremely proud of him for saving the woman.
He "worked" at a small family business growing up. (Worked, in quotes, bc he mostly goofed around or just lounged around in the back lmao-)
Has a family tradition where his entire family meets up at one of their homes just so they can all see and bond with each other. Obviously, he always goes, and has dragged the Bucci gang to it before. (Fugo and Abbacchio agreed that never again- Narancia loved how sweet and fun everyone was- And everyone demanded for Bruno return next time-)
He isn't sure if he wants children or not (biologically or otherwise) because he, obviously, loves the energy his big ass family brings. But, he also understands the reality of his line of work. Though, his family constantly pressure him to have kids one day.
✨Bi King✨
He's never out right said he's fruity to his family- He's heavily implied it to them. Some of them understand and actually accept him (bc they been knew ever since he started dressing himself up-) but others still don't get it and think he only gets pussy- (those who don't understand r actually the ones that pressure him the most to have kids 💀)
His mom and dad have known since day one that he also liked dick-
His siblings bet on whether he's gonna end up marrying a guy or a girl (some bet he's gonna stay a hoe and never get married-)
Spoils his family thanks to Mafia money
Sweats SUPER easily, that's the real reason he gets rlly stinky
Despite being naturally really warm, he loves warm clothing even during the summer (another reason as to why he gets stinky so quickly/easily)
Has absolutely no clue how to match outfits- He just throws on the first items he sees and since he considers his clothing nice/attractive clothing, he figures it all matches/goes together (it doesn't.)
Man's sleeps ONLY with boxers (or butt-naked-) and no blankets. Only uses the thinnest blanket known to man in the winter-
Absolute sucker for men in fancy ass suits. He somehow finds them as sexy as lingerie
Y'know how u fall asleep one place then wake up in your room? It's him. He's the one carrying you to bed whenever you fall asleep somewhere else-
He gossips a shit ton. But he's slightly better at keeping secrets than Narancia- The only reason he'd tell is if he's bored and wants to start up ✨drama✨ or the person who the secret came from pissed him off and he decides to expose them
Pretends to be in serious pain when he's not just so he could hog his s/o's undivided attention and they can shower him with physical affection-
He owns a motorcycle but only uses it on his days off when he goes out and to show it off
He's a soar loser- If he loses at a game he'd definitely start being like "Yeah... This game isn't really fun. Let's do something else"
Loves to leave bite marks on his s/o's thighs, neck, and shoulders
Needs to take at least one nap a day with his s/o, doesn't matter how long it is. He n e e d s it-
Can and does stick other stuff into his pants when he gets tired of holding them instead of using his pockets like a normal person
One of his favorite animated movies is definitely Sausage Party 😭
Every time he has sex in a multiple of four, he gets an STI 💀
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incorrectinfinity · 2 months
Jojo rankings because I don't think I actually shared my opinions on these before. Fuck it we ball.
Part ranks (for the record I think every part has its own merits and good bits, and I don't hate any of them)
1. Diamond is Unbreakable
2. Golden Wind/Vento Aureo (I CAN FIX HER)
3. Steel Ball Run
4. Stardust Crusaders
5. Stone Ocean
6. Battle Tendency
7. Jojolion (I CAN FIX HER TOO)
8. Phantom Blood
The Jojolands would be in-between sbr and sdc as of writing
JoJo ranks (again, do not hate any JoJo)
1. Giorno Giovanna
2. Josuke Higashikata
3. Jolyne Cujoh
4. Johnny Joestar
5. Jonathan Joestar
6. Joseph Joestar
7. Gappy Higashikata
8. Jotaro Kujo (only in sdc, otherwise he is very beloved to me)
Jodio would be between Jolyne and Johnny, Dragona would be between Johnny and Jonathan
JoBro ranks
1. Yasuho Hirose
2. Okuyasu Nijimura & Koichi Hirose
3. Bruno Bucciarati & Guido Mista
4. Gyro Zeppelli
5. Ermes Costello & FF
6. Noriaki Kakyoin & Jean Pierre Polnareff
7. Robert E.O. Speedwagon (I AM SO SORRY)
8. Ceasar Zeppelli
Usagi & Paco would go between Gyro and Ermes & FF
JoFoe ranks (ok I actually hate some of these guys lol)
1. Yoshikage Kira
2. Dio Brando/DIO
3. Enrico Pucci
4. Kars
5. Funny Valentine (I hate him because he is an asshole in a not-fun way)
6. Diavolo (I hate him because he sucks as a villain)
7. Tooru (I hate him because Jojolion's ending is a mess)
For fun: What I actually ship (ranked by brainrot levels)
0. Jotaro x Therapy (MY OTP FOREVER)
1. Jonathan x Erina (they are the perfect tragedy and very under appreciated)
2. Gappy x Yasuho
3. Bruno x Abbacchio
4. Josuke x Okuyasu
5. Yukako x Koichi
6. Johnny x Gyro
7. Jolyne x Ermes x FF
8. Polnareff x Avdol
9. Jotaro x Kakyoin
10. Fugo x Narancia (depends on the day)
11. Paco x Charmingman (it's funny)
Also I appreciate Pucci x DIO as purely Pucci being in love with DIO one sidedly, not as a mutual relationship. I have a similar feeling towards Jonathan x Speedwagon but for different reasons. Oh and I did not add Caesar x Joseph because I swear to god I cannot remember Caesar's personality or even what he does it literally drives me insane idk how I did that 💀.
FOR RAGE: Ships I generally dislike for non-obvious reasons (most hatred -> least)
1. Hot Pants x Diego (Hot Pants is a very interesting and complex female character with a rich backstory and compelling ideals which is incredibly rare in jjba. Diego is a cunning and and tragic antagonist who was built upon his predecessor and made into such an insanely complex yet entertaining new form. This ship takes both of these characters and reduces them into nothing, especially Hot Pants. The scene shown as romantic between them gives me the ick. They both seem to mildly dislike eachother outside of their alliance and once they have that alliance I do not see any kind of chemistry. I could've disregarder this ship as nothing, a fandom shipper concoction that I would've simply ignored, EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT PUTTING THESE TWO IN A ROMANCE REDUCES THEM BOTH. I AM A DINOPANTS HATER THROUGH AND THROUGH.)
2. Jolyne x Anasui (the difference between this ship and Yukako x Koichi to me is that Yukako is a 15 year old who changed for the better and fully admitted to being crazy while Anasui is a grown man WHO HAS MURDERED TWO PEOPLE WITHOUT REMORSE. JOLYNE RUN.)
3. Fugo x Giorno (Giorno is aroace to me, also I read The Scene and I can see where people are coming from but I don't get it personally, sorry. On a different note this ship is weirdly popular considering that it was spawned from a single scene in a non-canon light novel so idk what happened there, no hate in that particular statement just intense curiosity)
4. Kira x Diavolo (I get that these two are recluses but that makes them getting together make even less sense to me lol)
5. Trish x Giorno (aroace Gio truther and I see them as the ultimate brotp ever)
6. Dragona x Usagi (aroace Dragona truther)
7. Jotaro x Tonio (I don't understand this one at all but I kinda find it funny so points there ig)
8. Jonathan x Speedwagon (I don't actually hate this one, but I see it much differently from how the majority of the fandom does. Jonathan is straight to me, but Speedwagon is very gay and very in love with Jonathan. The yearning is one sided, another perfect tragedy. The reason why this ship is here is because it overshadows Erina entirely due to its popularity, and has kinda made Erina a niche character in the fandom which makes me sad)
Btw if you ship these things idgaf you are free to do how you please as long as you don't mischaracterize Hot Pants in your lil Dinopants whatevers please I beg of you
Ok, rankings over. Nobody asked for this but when inspiration strikes, I write stupid stuff.
Last updated 8/9/24
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shrimpychipz · 9 months
*sigh* back at it again with Fugo hcs 
@freds-omuthoughts hear me ramble about strawberry baby boy if you’d like
Vicious cycle all over again I’m either brainrotting or dead 😔
age regresses 100% 
me thinks he never got a childhood and wants to feel like a kid again
His little age is probably from 0-6
Probably has multiple CGs 
Main CGs are Mista and/or Giorno 
Has asked Bruno to be his CG for a short while 
Hate love relationship with diapers
It’s embarrassing for him to wear them but their super convenient especially since he’s the type to get so absorbed in whatever he’s doing at the moment and will ignore all signs of him needing to go to the bathroom
Also HATES using public bathrooms 
He’s terrified of being vulnerable like that in public even if it is in the containment of a bathroom he is most definitely not going to use it in public if he has to go
If he’s regressing, his CG might have a shot at padding him
he’s either accepting that this will help him while he’s in this current state of mind or just tired and will do anything to prevent him from feeling bad from holding it
But if he isn’t padded he’s going to be so prone to accidents wet and messy
TOTALLY lactose intolerant and has a sensitive tummy
And by sensitive I mean SENSITIVE 
cannot have dairy or anything spicy or it’s going to be hell for him 
also can’t eat too much at a time or too quickly 
Surprisingly gluten doesn’t ruin his tum as much
Gets fussy when his tummy hurts or if he needs to go potty
If he’s in the comfort of his home, he might wear diapers around the house to prevent any messes even if he’s not currently regressing
Hates having accidents. It ruins him every time
He’s quiet about it too among all the noise and chaos of the gang it takes a while to notice when he’s had an accident 
I imagine the first time the (whole) gang learnt he was regressing it was because he had an accident 
Like they were probably at libeccios (again sidetracking libeccios is the trattoria of ever for housing these chaotic gangsters) and having their usual obnoxious loud conversations while Fugo was sitting there quietly groaning in pain, tummy cramping as he messes, muttering under his breath for it to stop
Mista notices when fugo starts quietly crying, goes into full CG mode and picks him up, comforting him as he takes him into the washroom to clean up
Fugo then comes back (padded courtesy of Mista to prevent more accidents) and explains to the gang that he’s an age regressor and obviously no one shames him because surprise surprise THEY ALL GET IT (Narancia and Abbacchio both regress too and Bruno technically already knew from the start)
Narancia probably has done stuff like take Fugo out to get ice cream, or buy him cake and out of curtesy he doesn’t turn it down and eats it anyway (it comes back to bite him later)
Also hates it when he wets himself
it gets all sticky and weird when it dries and he just *full body shudders* 
Will hold it for as long as possible 
Probably has been sick with a uti before 
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davyjoneslockr · 2 years
For the headcanon thing: Mista 😎
(For this)
Sorry this took so long, I've been busy but I'm working on answering all the stuff in my ask box so don’t worry :]
Headcanon A:  realistic
Okay maybe not ~super~ realistic but whatever. He was raised by nuns. He was the product of a very short-lived fling between his mother, an immigrant, and his father, The Entire Horse himself. He was born after his father left, and his mother died due to health complications soon after - having no family in Italy, and worried at the prospect of her son growing up as an orphan without moral guidance, she arranged to have him taken in by the convent of the Catholic church she attended.
This had both good and bad impacts on Mista. He quickly came to love the women raising him as his family, and he found comfort in both the reliable structure of day-to-day life and in his faith, which he carries with him into adulthood. At the same time, being raised in such a strongly Catholic environment while having undiagnosed OCD did not always mix well, especially when he got intrusive thoughts, or developed maladaptive beliefs tied to religion ("God will hate me if I do X arbitrary thing," "I will be divinely punished if I don't do Y compulsive action," etc).
Eventually, it gets to be too much, and he decides to run away in his mid teens. For a while, he thought about returning, but going to prison and joining Bucciarati's gang took him in a different direction. While he claims he doesn't need to go back now, since he has a new family who he loves more than anything, there's a part of him that's afraid to go back. After everything he's done since leaving, he's not sure he'd be able to face the women who raised him - people he'd considered unbreakably virtuous and pure. He doesn't let it show, but deep down, he struggles with a lot of good old Catholic Guilt.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Likewise maybe this is actually realistic but I don't care it's funny. He's a stoner. He goes behind Bucciarati's back and uses his Epic Mafia Connections to buy weed. Probably makes his own edibles, which he has to hide from Bruno in increasingly ridiculous ways. "Yeah no Bucciarati don't worry I always keep cookies in my sock drawer. It's uh. So the others can't steal them y'know. No you can't have one. Why does it smell bad in here? It's uh. Giorno turned my shoe into a skunk earlier. Yeah he does that a lot. That's a normal thing he does. Please leave now."
Narancia's also a stoner on the same level (love wins <3) and Fugo will partake occasionally if it's with them. A lot of their dumbest debates start this way, because Mista is convinced that he is super smart and philosophical when he's high (he's not) and he always raises the most fake deep questions ever. They try to listen to music together while they’re high, but they always end up arguing because Fugo wants to listen to Are You Experienced or Surrealistic Pillow or something, while Mista’s weed music is just like. Jimmy Buffett and The Beach Boys. If it's just him and Narancia, they usually end up cuddling and rambling to each other until they decide some word or phrase is funny. They will then just sit and say it over and over, echoing each other, and giggling like idiots until they fall asleep snuggled together.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Okay if you’ve seen at least one (1) of my posts before you’ll know this but. Mista takes a long time to recover from the events of Vento Aureo.
For starters, his relationship with Giorno is basically shattered. Even though he initially saw him as a younger brother figure, he loses all trust in him after discovering Bucciarati’s body, and he truly, genuinely hates him for a long time afterwards. He doesn’t bother caring for someone who showed him no sympathy in the aftermath of his loved ones’ deaths, and it’s only his desire for stability that keeps him loyal to his cause. They do make up eventually, but it takes years, and while they’re polite with each other, they’re never quite friends again.
He fights with Fugo a lot when he returns, too, but unlike with Giorno, they eventually rekindle their friendship. In fact, it’s arguably stronger now, after they’ve lost nearly everyone they loved. It’s always haunting, though, when they’re alone together, and there’s an ever-present void, an empty space that another person used to fill. Still, they lean on each other - and even though it stings when Fugo and Giorno fall in love, Mista grins and bears it. At least Fugo gets to have a happy ending.
Mista, on the other hand, doesn’t. He goes through a number of flings, hooks up with people here and there, but he never falls in love again after Narancia dies. He keeps telling himself he needs to get over it - what kind of person can’t get over the equivalent of their high school sweetheart? - but his mind, subtly or unsubtly, is always fixated on the way he loved him. He finds that the romantic comedies he used to love are hard to watch, nowadays; even if it’s just a movie, it’s painful seeing something that had once been so close, but is now far, far from his reach.
He grieves, and he processes his trauma, and he grows to live with it, eventually. But he’s never the same carefree, jovial person he used to be.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Listen. I’m sick of seeing fanart where he’s a generic white skinny anime boy with short straight hair and a six pack. The Mista who lives in my head has textured curls and body/facial hair and is a little chubby and I’ll never change my mind on that.
Oh also y’know all that stuff I said about Narancia being dead? Yeah fuck that. They live in Mista’s apartment together and eventually they buy a house in the countryside, and it’s disorganized and cluttered but it’s their home. They play their music loud and dance together in the kitchen, and they grow old and love each other even more as the years go by. I don’t know if they’d have a kid, but if they did, I could see them having a son, and Mista would sing to him every night, and they’d frantically call each other into the room so they could watch his first steps, or hear his first word, or see something he built out of toy blocks. They’d be the coolest uncles to Fugio daughter also. Idk man they just deserved to find peace and happiness I think.
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notsomajestic · 2 years
Your top 5 favorite fanfics!
I chose my favourites from five different fandoms! I really should start bookmarking more; I had to go back through the ship tags for some of these…
Fics and their summaries under the cut~
hearts and bones (28237 words) by honey_wheeler Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Underage Relationships: Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell Characters: Renly Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, Robert Baratheon, Margaery Tyrell Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Falling In Love Summary:
Loras is gliding the razor carefully over his chin now. Renly hates this part; Loras is too close for too long, concentrating on his task with a focus that makes it too easy to stare at him. And Renly has done far too much staring. He could probably provide a tally of Loras’s eyelashes by now (a staggering lot), or identify which side of his lower lip Loras bites when he’s concentrating (the left), or number the tawny flecks in his eyes (eight in one eye, five in the other). He could probably even find the freckle just under Loras’s eyebrow in the dark. With his tongue. Gods.
RIBBONS (104397 words) by LNRlavish Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Leone Abbacchio/Bruno Buccellati Characters: Leone Abbacchio, Bruno Buccellati, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo Additional Tags: Slow Build, Slow Burn, Getting to Know Each Other, Self-Esteem Issues, References to Depression, Pre-Canon, Mystery, Gangsters, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Internalized Homophobia, Closeted Character, Internal Monologue, Internal Conflict, Canon-Typical Violence, Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Smut, Light Angst, Gritty, Playing Fast and Loose with Stands, Abbacchio Feels, Fashion!, Unreliable Narrator, Bruno Whump, Abbacchio Has Anxiety, And possibly PTSD, Drug Abuse, Awkward Tension, Torture, Dance Dance Revolution - Freeform, Explicit Sexual Content, Low-key turned High-key Praise Kink Summary:
Bruno Buccellati seems to enjoy picking up strays from the gutter. He shouldn’t have bothered with Abbacchio. The Ribbons, Napoli underbelly thugs, drag them down together, and tie them closer than he ever thought possible.
The Revenant (4268 words) by Lycaste Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Megatron/Starscream Characters: Megatron, Starscream Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Sticky Sex, Dysfunctional Relationships, Rape/Non-con Elements, Reclaiming, Dominance, complicated relationships on barren asteroids, Kink Meme, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot Summary:
Megatron clearly needed a different tactic this time. He'd already subjugated Starscream physically, to do so again would send him further down the spiral of resentment and despair. To turn Starscream's universe into a pleasure-drenched haze of capitulation, Megatron just needed to employ some patience. After all, there was more than one way to possess another mech.
Bon(d)ing sessions (15442 words) by Papy_1412 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Reiner Braun/Eren Yeager Characters: Reiner Braun, Eren Yeager Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Explicit Sexual Content, Dubious Consent, Marathon Sex, Switching, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Wet & Messy, Bondage, Nipple Play, Coming Untouched, Multiple Orgasms, Come Eating, Dom/sub, Humiliation, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, First Time Blow Jobs, Snowballing, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Unhealthy Relationships, Mental Health Issues, Suicidal Thoughts, Just typical Reiner stuff, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Bottom Reiner Braun, Character Study, Internalized Homophobia Summary:
“Hey Eren, I get it, I have a fat dick — but stop staring like that. It’s embarrassing.” “S-Sorry,” he slurred. “It’s just…” The gulp that resonated between them gave him a chill. He suddenly wasn’t so sure he wanted to hear his reasons. “The first time, you told me I should think about things that made me hard. And it’s right in front of me now.”
hide your head in the sand (19502 words) by ichinoseharu Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Free! Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Matsuoka Rin/Yamazaki Sousuke Characters: Yamazaki Sousuke, Matsuoka Rin Summary:
He smiles easily at Sousuke as he draws closer and then reaches out to nudge him in the shoulder with a fist. When Rin looks up through the curtain of his windblown fringe though, Sousuke’s eyes are dark and unfathomable. He's looking right at Rin, and Rin can’t properly put words to it, but he feels a little like an errant fly caught in a spider’s web. It's unsettling.
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Fugo for the character ask game!!
First impression- tbh he was just some guy. The fork stabber, if you will. My first watch through of VA was very much trying to understand the stands and plot and much less character analysis than usual.
Impression now- THAT MY BOY!!! Fugo is one of my fav characters to overthink about and I love trying to imagine him when he first joined Passione. PHF is so so so important and his false detachment from those important to him and his acceptance of ourpy haze and his break down when the death of his family hits him- AAAAAAAAH!!!!! The guy ever.
Favorite moment- Giorno on the ground, screaming, and fugo goes “you have earned my respect!!!!” And then thinks to himself how cool Giorno is while Giorno is in fact the least cool looking at the moment (but I do also love when he gets frustrated driving and is clearly putting effort into calming down)
Idea for a story- Fugo and Abbas first mission together!!! God they are so brothers who hate/love each other it’s so funny especially with little baby fugo pulling rank on a full grown man
Unpopular opinion- Fugo is never mean or teasing towards nara on purpose he respects him so so much and he and nara are close because nara knows he never means it when he has outbursts (he is however mean to mista on purpose)
Favorite relationship- I like FuGio as a romantic ship but I think nara and Fugos friendship is so so layered and interesting
Favorite headcannon- Fugo was Abbas #1 hater at first because he was jealous of Bruno’s attention
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moon-lv3r · 2 years
studying with you ~🍊
🦋 category: established relationship, fluff, one-shot
🦋 characters: narancia
🦋 summary: the year end tests are coming right up and you still haven't got the hang of a math topic, worse still, your boyfriend is an idiot when it comes to math and his friend, fugo, is too busy to be tutoring the both of you (reader is not a stand user)
🦋 warnings: nil
🦋 notes: so im in kind of a bad mental head space and i need things to help distract myself so i figured that i should try and write an one-shot for my beloved comfort character <3 hopefully it helps to clear my head bc everything has been shit. also i am too lazy to proof read so deal with the grammatical errors, english isnt my first language
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“I hate this!” You whined as you flipped through your notebook filled with numbers and formulas. Math was never easy to revise for and you were just getting really stressed out. Having a dumbass for a boyfriend doesn’t make it better, but at least he could make you laugh.
“Eh I’ve failed this topic like a hundred times! Fugo keeps explaining it to me but I don’t get it. What is a minor sector?” Narancia whined along. “Can’t you just get a ruler and measure around it?”
You would’ve burst out laughing if it wasn’t for the fact that you two were in a library and the librarian just so happened to be a cranky old man. Narancia always called him the “balding old fart” and said that Mista probably has the same hairstyle as the old fart. “That’s not how math works Narancia, or else I wouldn’t be in school.”
You have always been the top student in your class but recent stress has taken a toll on you. Sleepless nights, inability to focus, terrible headaches were all draining you. It was hard keeping up with expectations. Narancia was the only person that would let you relax and make you feel comfortable, which was the reason why the both of you were a thing. He just made you so happy.
The clock ticks while you and Narancia continued reading. Narancia was only three pages in when he gave up for good and took a short nap. His brain never works well with him. You have been doing math questions and checking the answers, each time you got a question wrong was an ego-crushing moment. You just felt like you weren’t good enough.
“Eh y/n, I just realised you haven’t eaten anything, how about we head over to the canteen for a break?” Narancia yawned, you didn’t even realised that he had woken up.
“No buts y/n! We are taking a break!” He cut you off while gently shutting your book and quietly making your way out. There was no way you were going to study alone so you decided to follow. There were barely anyone at the canteen so the queues were short and you were able to get your lunch rather quickly.
It took you a while to realise that Narancia only asked for a break because he noticed that you have been pushing yourself too hard and started to skip meals in order to study. This boy never fails to bring a smile up on your face.
Narancia decided that it would be a good time to ramble on and on about his life while eating three packets of snacks, all at once. He loved mixing up his snacks. “And there was this one time when Gio—”
The ringing of the school bell ended Narancia’s sentence before he could even finish. This was usually the timing when all of the students having extra lessons get released. Narancia looked mad while you laughed, urging him to continue. “Wait I forgot what I wanted to say… Damn it! Piece of shit!” Narancia swore loudly.
People started to fill the canteen and many of them had heard Narancia cursing loudly, sending judging looks towards the both of you. Most of the students found Narancia and Fugo weird anyway. Their style was enough to ensure that the people at school would make fun of them. They were also friends with Giorno, another student with weird style and skipped school for a whole week. Nobody believed that they were in the mafia until they were spotted with Bruno Bucciarati, the leader of Passione.
You decided to quickly finish your meal and head back towards your dorm with Narancia happily skipping his way with you. He was such a smiley boy. Your dorm was on one of the lower levels so it didn’t take long for the both of you to arrive. The moment you opened your door and entered, Narancia immediately jumped onto the couch. “So soft,” he mumbled while grinning.
He looked like a sweet gentle boy right there and then, completely different from his first day of school. A group of boys started making fun of him for being small and scrawny, thinking he would be an easy target, but somehow, those boys ended up getting shot in the leg after Narancia muttered something along the lines of “Aerosmith”. Fugo started lecturing him about using “stands” in public. You had no idea what all of that meant. Either way, the school deemed Narancia as innocent since they didn’t find any evidence of Narancia owning a gun. Those boys stayed the furthest away from Narancia after that. If somebody told you that you could be dating a boy who magically got people shot, you wouldn’t have brought it.
“Ghirga!” You shouted, “our exams are starting.” Narancia never liked it when someone called him by his surname.
“Oi y/n don’t call me that!” He retaliated. “Dumb (your surname).”
“Says the one with 0 out of 10 for a math test,” you replied.
“How am I supposed to know what is y=mx+c?” Narancia immediately defended himself from your sudden insult at his intelligence.
“Mhm,” you mumbled. “Come here Narancia, I am going to teach you.”
Narancia reluctantly got off your couch and joined you at the coffee table. He looked extremely focus while you taught him some math. Math was that one subject that seems to be impossible to understand but you always managed to understand it just a bit, enough to top your class. He “huh-ed” at almost everything and asked more questions rather than solving any. You were very patient however, telling him formulas, giving him tips, and even ways to remember formulas easily. Narancia seemed to be the type to learn better if you let him learn at his own pace and include funny things while teaching.
“Ah so y=mx+c is the formula for gradient?” Narancia asked.
“Not just any line,” you replied. “You need to be specific.”
“Straight lines! Because Bucciarati and Abbacchio are not straight so y=mx+c wouldn’t apply to them!” Narancia finished.
“That’s right!” You smiled. “You’re so smart Narancia, I knew you would get it!”
Narancia smiled back, “you sound just like Fugo. You know, I think you might be a better teacher. Fugo isn’t as good as you when it comes to teaching.”
“I am telling Fugo,” you chanted, trying to exit your dorm to look for Fugo. It was obviously a joke but you loved to tease that idiot.
“Wa— Get back! Y/n no—” Narancia practically jumped and chased after you. “Fugo’ll kill me!”
He fell for it.
“Come and get me then!” You panted as the both of you ran around your dorm, being careful enough not to topple anything over. It had caught you completely off-guard when Narancia jumped you from behind, tackling you onto the soft ground while giggling.
“Got you y/n,” Narancia grinned proudly. “Please don’t tell Fugo I said that.”
“Don’t worry I won’t,” you reassured him.
The very next day, Fugo was confused as to why you were laughing so hard when you, him and Narancia were all having breakfast together at the canteen. Giorno was confused as well when he joined you three for lunch.
Neither you nor Narancia ever told Fugo about what Narancia had said. Even Giorno was in on the joke after a while, Fugo remained clueless. Nevertheless, at least Narancia’s math improved. Even though he still failed the math exam.
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silvernyxchariot · 2 years
Some Ghiaccio Thoughts
No, not horny thots today. 😤 Ya Nasties.
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I kept wondering to myself why I liked Ghiaccio so much. Kept looking at why others liked Ghiaccio. At first, I had Prosciutto on my radar, but that went POOF. There wasn’t a zing ⚡ there. But, I think I get it now. I think we can all agree that Ghiaccio being so expressive with what’s on his mind is actually quite sexy. You don’t have to guess what’s on his mind. You can tell him something and get immediate feedback. It’s not a game. It’s refreshingly honest; harsh honesty, however. It can be damaging under certain circumstances.
Luckily, he has the saving grace of the fan fiction writers who write Ghiaccio as fully aware of his explosive personality and subsequently seeks therapy to better himself for his relationships. You guys are the best. 💜 We love character👏development👏 in this house. I hate it when people dwindle Ghiaccio down to just “my angry little meow meow.” Like, yes I use it as a joke, but please elaborate with sensible words and less nonsensical bullshit. Coupled with his athleticism while using White Album, he’s quite the catch. OMG, have you seen how toned his legs are. You can see his muscles under the fabric even in All Star Battle R. 😭 Like, I want him to strangle me with those legs.
Yes the man will make my cry if he started wailing on me and screeching like a banshee, but it’s also endearing because that is the opposite of me. You know that saying, “opposites attract,” I’m finding that to be somewhat true in my cases; what with me x Doflamingo or Szayelaporro (both rather flamboyant, narcistic, and cruel men) and my Bisexual Goth x Golden Retriever self ship with Polnareff.
Imagine a dedicated boyfriend, an ice demon in your home. That big scary partner that goes off simply because you gave them the okay. On top of that, he despises ignorance just based on his Venezia rant and hyperfixation on linguistics. For example, how many of you physically sigh, groan, or flinch when someone says "Nuhrooto" instead of Naruto... Yeah, that never sat well with me either. Call the damn thing what it's supposed to be! 💥💥 Don't worry because in the long run, Ghiaccio understands you.
Risotto’s stoicism and Prosciutto’s manly chivalry is also quite attractive, there’s no wonder why they are so popular, but not in the same way Ghiaccio is popular. I googled "popularity poll la squadra" and in the ones I saw, it had him rank top 3 each time. Ghiaccio is intelligent, outspoken, analytical, and straight up brutal. You can see his pride and subsequent loyalty to the hitman team where he exclaims that they deserve way more respect; he knows his worth. It's a little too over confident when he claims White Album is the paragon of perfection, but he battles really well, even creating Gently Weeps on the spot when he fights Mista. He doesn't panic in the face of adversity and to translate that into a relationship... Hand me the lil ice boy.
Meager commentary, this last bit, but it’s something that has been bothering me, people making fun of Ghiaccio’s shoes. Coupled with his thick rimmed red glasses, they give his appearance good balance. Araki mentioned that he gave Ghiaccio red glassed to highlight his face and eyes because they get lost when Ghaiccio uses White Album. It’s a good detail. Ghiaccio’s attire is essentially black & white with his blue hair. Araki could have given Ghiaccio blue or grey shoes to match the rest of his attire, but that splash of red brings it full circle. The rest of Ghiaccio is monotonous and my attention is immediately brought down to his shoes, but I’m not just staring at that bright red. My eyes are brought up to his face where his glasses are.
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The Quinzel Effect
When I buzzed, you could hear her squeal through the glass wall. I opened the door to a-- kind of dressed Harleen.
"Heya, Jonny! Whatcha doin' down here? Come to gossip? Or play doctor?"
"Harley, how you doin'? I'm actually here to ask some questions."
"Oh," Harleen chuckled, "Advice? Startin' to sound like Red."
I hesitated, "Eh, close, I s'pose. I wanna know sum about-- you."
Harley chuckled, "Hittin' on me? That's barely professional Dr. Crane!"
"Not like that, Harley," I approached the cell and pulled a metal chair away from the wall, "It's more about-- feelin'."
"Feelin'?" Harley was taken aback, "Jon, is this you trying to open up?"
"It workin'?"
"It's-- a start."
I sighed, "Fine, Crowley wants me to be more-- honest. I don't know where to start."
"I wanna know why she-- I don't know how to phrase it."
"Cares?" Harley folded her arms, sitting down on her bed, "Loves you?"
"You think she-"
"Think? Don't you also have a psych degree?"
"I ain't ever been good at-- this kinda stuff. At least, regardin' me."
"What did Eddie say to you?"
"Wha' d'ya mean?"
"You wouldn't voluntarily come down here, Jonny."
I scoffed, "He didn't say nuthin'."
"He told you to come to me because you feel like you're Crowley's Mista J, don'tcha?"
"That degree didn' go to waste."
"You're here because you wanna know why I loved Mister J, so you might know why Crowley loves you."
"Well, sorry, Jonny. I was a good-for-nuthin-outta-my-gourd-run-of-the-mill basketcase masochist who was manipulated into submission by a psychopathic sadist with a batman fetish."
"You think I manipulate her?"
"No, Mista J manipulated me," Harley laid on her side and propped her head up on her palm, "Crowley thinks you're a lot like her. It's different. She forgives ya, sure, but she doesn't think you're infallible."
"I don't understand."
"And I don't expect you to. That's somethin' you have to ask Crowley, not me."
"How do you-"
"You see how she looks at you? Remember that time in the cafeteria? When she pulled the straw off of you, or when she smiled at you while you were eatin'? A doctor doesn't care like that, a friend doesn't even care like that."
I averted my gaze from Harley's blue eyes.
"Tell me about Crowley and you. When she first came here, you two already knew each other for a long time, didn't ya?"
"GCU. She was in her early 20s."
"Oh, lots of history!"
"She was in my class," I chuckled quietly, "Top of it and everything. Two of us begin there, she would stay after class and even volunteer for whatever I needed help with. She loved to stick around. I remember she admired me then, which, for what I was doin' here, felt undeserved."
"What were you doing here?"
"I was revisiting fear toxin, experimenting alongside Strange on the concoction and some of his own projects." I sighed, "I was having some-- complications with Diane back then."
"Diane, your ex-wife?"
"Yeah," I leaned forward and folded my hands, "Crowley became the only real reprieve of my day, the only thing I looked forward to. Eventually, her being in my class grew somewhat scarce."
I brushed auburn hair back, "She was engaged to some-- boy, back then. William, I think? I don't remember. I remember her chasing him around like a little neglected puppy. He didn't give a damn about her. I won't deny I grew rather possessive of her by then-- I hated seeing her chase a kid that didn't have the balls to admit her relationship with her professor scared him."
I chuckled dryly, leaning back in the chair, "I kinda stalked the kid."
"This goin' where I think it's goin'?"
"Probably," I said, "I found out the boy was distancing himself from Crowley because he had another partner-- actually, Crowley had become a sidepiece to him. So I did what that itch in my mind wanted me to do."
"Oh, Scarecrow."
I nodded. "I took the boy to the barn for days. Kept him there. Injection after injection. He let me refine my toxin; he became my first mistake."
I sighed, pinching the skin between my eyes, "Crowley's friends got privy to the idea I may have had sum to do with it. A few approached me, sure, but Crowley never did."
"She had skeletons in her closet too though," I chuckled, "I mean, she knew where I lived-- where my barn was. Ion tell anyone where my barn is."
"Crowley's got a little stalker in her?"
I snickered, readjusting in my seat, "I s'pose."
"I guess Crowley's always had a thing for ya Jonny-boy."
I sighed, and massaged my temples, "But I came here to find out why."
Harley groaned loudly, "It's a feeling Jonny! You're literally a feelings doctor!"
"I'm a psychopharmacologist."
"You're a psychiatrist and a psychology professor!"
"Still more of a chemist."
"Yeah, a Fear Toxicologist."
I gave a dry chuckle.
"The satisfying answer you're lookin' for is somethin' you're gonna have to ask Crowley directly."
"You saw how I tried to ask you."
"Yeah, terribly."
"I can't just ask Crowley."
"You mean to tell me you can kiss her but not talk about your feelings with her?"
"How do you-"
"I can read, Jon," Harley snickered, "That woman writes everything online."
"Jonny, talk to her when she gets back. For real, for once."
I sighed and stood up, "Well, it's been enlightening, Dr. Quinzel."
"Always a pleasure Jon-Jon," She chuckled, "And, quit bein' a stranger, wouldja?"
I gave a halfhearted smile and turned on my heel. "See you soon, Harley."
Notes, Harley Quinn: Good friend. Means well.
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syunkiss · 1 month
HIII !!! I saw u like jjba. Can I ask for your opinions on the bucciarati team ships? Yes. All of them 😈
oh yeah baby I love those asks :3 (tell me if I missed any)
fugonara: first one... I AM NOT SHIPPER OF THEM BUT THEYRE SOOO........ SOSOSOSSOOOO... YK? Yk what I mean?? also they remind me of 15!soukoku a bit for some very specific reasons /pos /very positive
naramis: I'M ALSO NOT A BIG FAN (i like it less than fugonara) but NOTHING AGAISNT THEm, also i saw some people saying its weird bcus mista is 18 but 17-18 age range is not bad
naragio: I don't really like this one but there's no actual reason to it. I just prefer them platonically !!
naratrish: I REALLY SEING THEM AS SIBLINGS but I also like thinking narancia has a little crush in trish. I don't really ship them tho yk in my mind Trish is a lesbain ((intentional typo))
narancia x anyone else (bruno / abbachio) : fucking NO 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️
giomis: also a nuh uh for me🙅‍♂️🚫 (because of the age difference)
giotrish: THEY ARE SOOOOO CUTEEEE platonically . I don't have anything agaisn't the ship tho I just don't like it for reasons
futrish: I DUNNO nothing agaisn't this one but I also see them as siblings
fumis: nuh uh uh no uh nuh uh 🚫 nope. Nuh uh
fubruno: i really hope this one doesn't actually exist. but if it does. get away from me. get AWAY (i dont like it. I hate it. also theyre mother and son and fugo is 16 and bruno is 20)
fuabba: why would you. why would you even. yk? why? answer me /neg (i hate it. i dont like it. abbacchio is 21 and fugo is 16)
brugio: no. no. Nno. Nuh uh. No. Hard no. Hard fucking no. Get away. Get away from me. Sir please don't breathe the same air as me fucking DON'T💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️ /neg /vneg /very negative (i hate brugio more than I hate ny own life)
brutrish: skibidi toilet is less of a toilet than this (theyre mother and daughter canon /hc (also trish is 15)) i hate it sm and im not sorry
brumis: this one is. Okay. I have nothing agaisnt it but I also don't ship it. i prefer seeing them as brothers/mother and son too
bruabba: NO WORDS can express the sense of loss I feel as the result of the terrible tragedy that is their relationship. No words can express how much I love them. Normal time expressions aren't enough to express how much I love them. And how I much I love the way they are and how much I love that they exist. I love t4t bruabba and I love bruabba as a whole itself. I love everything about bruabba and I love when they met, I love their interactions, I love their existence, I love them I love them I would give everything I have (except for my dogs) to see them happy. I love them. I want them I'm crazy for them. Let bruno be happy with his gongeous goth husband/wife forever that's literally everything I want ♡!!!
abbagio: If abbagio has 1 million haters I am one of them. If abbagio has 1000 haters I am one of them. If abbagio has 100 haters I am one of them. If abbagio has 10 haters I am one of them. If abbagio has 5 haters I am one of them. If abbagio has 1 hater this one is me. And if abbagio has 0 haters I don't exist. There are not enough words in any language that can express how much I hate it. Not enough words. Not. Enough. Words.
abbatrish: same thing as abbagio
abbanara: same thing as abbatrish
abbamis: not illegal or wrong I just dislike any ship with Abbacchio that is not bruabba but this one is on thin ice because its not illegal
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quiznak-ofgrayskull · 3 months
I have a love hate relationship with how some people write Mista bc he’s hilarious but also he’s so much more than that actually. It only bothers me if I think about it too much. And only because I’m too lazy to write my own fics rn.
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