#i have a new job and orientation is long
kyunsies · 2 months
hi loves i have neglected mx info since i've been on vacation i will hopefully be back on a normal schedule soon <3
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catradoraism · 2 years
Hello how are you doing? I hope you are having a good day/evening
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alxclaremont · 2 months
i start my first day at work tomorrow and like. i don’t wanna
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eamour · 3 months
method · alter ego
many people which are now known as famous and popular celebrities have created their alter egos long ago. jennifer lopez' alter ego called lola, eminem's alter ego slim shady or mariah carey's alter ego mimi — they all serve one purpose: to extend one's self-image. in other words, becoming someone, which is exactly what we do when we manifest!
an alter ego — latin for "other i" — can be referred to as a secondary self, a hidden or even opposite side of one's self. it’s an alternative personality which is believed to be different from a person's actual or original personality. some even say it’s a better or enhanced version of oneself, possessing all characteristics which your first self desires or aspires to have. your alter ego is defined by everything you wish and intend it to be defined by. in manifestation terms, an alter ago is simply a different concept of self or state of mind which you can embody or identify with at all times.
creating an alter ego for yourself can be quite beneficial if you find it exhausting to embody your desired version of self all the time or experience difficulties representing or relating to a fixed state of self continuously or repeatedly. inventing and alter ego helps to be able to identify with a made up side of yourself without feeling the pressure or the need to show up as them every minute of the day, especially if they are inherently or drastically divergent than how you are normally.
on the other hand, it serves as a means to express yourself in a way that’s in contrast to how you usually are, reducing anxiety and inducing confidence instead. it guides you into thinking and expecting more of yourself naturally and get over your mental limitations and restrictions. your alter ego is an extension from who you are to who you could be. what you can’t do, your alter ego can!
let's create your alter ego together!
biography. give them a name. it does not have to be your exact first and last name. your alter ego's name could be your actual first name and a different last time, a nickname or variety of your first name or an entirely new name. you can continue by choosing their age, their sex, their birthday, their zodiac sign or even birth chart, deciding on their nationality, their political, sexual, spiritual or religious orientation,…
personality. define their personality. who are they? what do they know? what are they interested in? what do they like? what do they dislike? how do they talk? how do they walk? how do they look like? how do they dress? how do they behave? how do they treat others? what do they know? how do they think of themselves? how do they act? what do they think? what do they own? how does their home look like? what’s their social life like? do they have a routine? do they have a signature smell? do they own a motto they live by? or do they have a catch phrase they always use? who is in love with them? do they have a partner? do they have several lovers? who do they know? what is their family relationship like? do they have a best friend? are they in a friendgroup?…
now, we need to get to action. our next step is all about embodying and expressing. having an alter ego is one thing but showing up as them is another.
whenever you intend to become your alter ego and let them "take over yourself", your job is to get into the mindset of that specific alter ego. you need to let them live through you. let them be who they are while using your body as a "vessel". think about it, what would they do? how would they act? if you were to make a decision, how would they choose? what would they say? make it your aim to BE them.
with love, ella.
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coffeeman777 · 2 months
This is for all of my follwers/mutuals who are Christians:
I want to preface this by saying that what I'm about to share with you is only to ask you for prayer. I don't want favors, and I'm not looking for a handout. We need God to open a door for us, and so I beg you, please pray for us.
We moved to Florida coming on three years ago. We came here primarily because we believed God was leading us here. In various ways, we believed God confirmed His will for us, and so I left a great job and we sold a great house to move here. We have been opposed in every way imaginable since.
Days after moving down, Lisa and I were in a terrible car accident that we only walked away from by God's grace. We were rear-ended by an Edible Arrangements delivery truck on the highway, and Lisa sustained significant injuries that are still causing us major problems. The franchise owner was operating their delivery vehicle without insurance, and I've learned since that they shut down their Edible Arrangements franchise and took off, leaving us holding the bag.
I've been in armed security since I got out of the Marines, and in New Hampshire, that was enough to take care of myself and my family. But it isn't in Florida. The pay for most armed security gigs here is super low, and I haven't been able to find work comparable to what I had in New Hampshire. So I tried to change courses.
I earned my personal trainer certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, but couldn't make it as a trainer. I made the attempt to go back to college and get a degree and certification as a paramedic, but after months of jumping through hoops, that fell through. I went back to New Hampshire by myself and spent six months away from my family to try to earn enough money working both my old job and a second job, but that plan didn't work because hours were limited with both gigs, and each job wanted me to work overlapping hours; I couldn't make the schedules line up.
My incredibly generous parents-in-law offered to pay our bills so that I could come back to Florida and try a new plan. I went to a CDL training course to get into trucking. After the very long and very expensive process, I finally got my CDL-A. While I was working on that, a random disagreement between my health insurance company and the medical supplier that issued me my cpap (I have sleep apnea) resulted in the supplier demanding that I give them the machine back. It took from middle February to early June for me to get another cpap. The end result is that, as of today, I have just under two months of cpap usage data. I discovered only after getting my CDL that no trucking company will hire me with less than 90 days of cpap usage data.
I've been pre-hired and subsequently turned away from three different trucking companies since I got my CDL over the cpap nonsense (one of which told me that what I had for cpap usage was fine, only to tell me on the first day of orientation that it actually wasn't fine, and they had to let me go). It's going to be another month before I can get started with any trucking company, and I'm concerned that I'll have to go to refresher training, which will only increase the months of time I'll have to spend as a trainee with whatever company hires me, which means it will be a long time before I make enough money to survive.
My in-laws can't continue paying our bills, and although I've had a half dozen low paying jobs in this time just to be bringing in something, now I'm struggling to get anything. I've applied to more jobs than I can remember, and I can't get any traction. Not even Domino's will call me back. Our backs are up against a wall.
My first payment for the money I borrowed to pay for CDL school was due almost a month ago, and I haven't been able to pay it (I had to get financing because my GI Bill expired and the VA ignored my request for an extension). Rent is almost 2k a month. We can't afford groceries (we've been living off of food pantries).
I don't know what to do. I've been crying out to God for an open door, but so far nothing has happened. My in-laws are just about tapped out, and in my mind, the only thing worse than wrecking my own family financially is dragging them down with me.
Please pray for us. Please pray for God to give us an open door, or some understanding of what to do next. I know God didn't bring us here to let us die. God is good, and God keeps His promises. God is perfect, and righteous, and just in all His ways. God has promised that He will turn about all things for the good of them that love Him. I know God has not abandoned us, and that when the time is right, God will make a way.
I say again, I am not looking for favors or begging for money. I know all of us are really going through it right now. All I want from you is prayer. Please pray intensely for us.
Thanks, I love you all.
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Transferrable Skills Part 2
Transferrable Skills Masterlist
You don’t often use your MyFet beyond finding a group or conference to attend. You periodically clear out your messages, just in case an acquaintance wants to reach out. So you almost delete the message from the anonymous profile on autopilot, but the subject line intrigues you.
Interested in Distance Play, No Punishments - 14 Hrs Ago
Intrigued, you open it because… at least they read a little bit of your profile.
I noticed your profile because of your self-rope pictures. The rest of your profile is very interesting to me - specifically your engagement in solo play and dislike of punishment. I liked the post you made about obedience as an ongoing active choice.
I’m a man in my 30s with a classified job. I travel a lot, and I’m looking for someone to have a strictly long-distance arrangement with. I’m interested in: non-restrictive rope, obedience, behavior modification, praise. I’m sure there’s more, but I’ve written this message six times. Please let me know if you’re interested in discussing.
Well, that’s refreshingly straightforward and devoid of unsolicited smut. You read the message again, then click into his profile. G_987654321_ It’s… pretty bare. But if he’s got a classified job, that makes sense, right? Location: Antarctica. His age is listed as 33, and he’s listed himself as dominant and seeking acquaintances and play partners. Not interested in hookups, interested in casual nudity, obedience, praise. Hard limits of degradation and humiliation.
It’s not much more information than the message itself, but it’s more than some of the men who have asked if you want to meet up in private. You review his original message and bite your knuckle. Worst case scenario, he’s some troll who will call you a range of slurs and waste your time, and then you’ll block him. Best case scenario… he means what he says.
What are you looking for? Who, What, When, Where, and Why?
You send the message and log out of the app before you can chicken out. Your inner voice is grumbling (stupid stupid stupid), but that’s normal. You let yourself watch two and a half episodes of your latest show, and then make a hearty dinner.
You’re surprised when you pick your phone back up. One new message.
The whole time you’re cursing the app for glitching and logging you out and forgetting your password, you’re sure it’s not him. Most likely, it’s an event announcement from a friend or a bot. But you like going to events, so it’s worth it.
It’s a message. It’s from him.
Who: You and Me What: Praise-based, goal-oriented obedience play When: Twice weekly when we’re both available, but I won’t always be available. Sometimes weekly, sometimes a greater time between meet ups. Where: Virtual meetings. Video preferred, audio-only acceptable. First couple of discussions will be text based until I can get secure video set up. Why: Mutual relaxation and well being. Sexual connection preferred, but obviously not required.
Having a guide was helpful. Thank you.
Well… That’s something.
You follow Simon towards the fighting, which is not where you wanted to go. When you point this out, he barely acknowledges except to say “You don’t want to go the other way.” So you keep low and stay quiet and breathe like he told you to.
He leads you down a few halls and you don’t bother trying to remember the route. He seems to know where he’s going. One or twice he has you stop while he checks around a corner, but eventually, he herds you into a small conference room. You freeze when you see three men, but Simon drops the muzzle of his gun to the floor, so you must not be in too much danger.
“Who’s this then?” A man in tactical vest and boonie hat steps forward, and you sidle behind Simon before you know your feet are moving. He gives you a considering look before looking to Simon.
The man in question fishes you out from behind his and plants you in front of him with a heavy hand on your shoulder. “Found Bambi wandering the halls.”
Boonie Hat’s eyebrows pop up. “Bambi?”
“’Bout scared the piss out o’me,” Simon confirms.
“Well, that throws a wrench in things,” the other man says. “But there’s nothing for it. Stow her for now, we’ll keep her safe.”
Simon’s hand guides you to the other side of the large table and pushes you gently into a plush rolling chair. He puts his huge body between you and the others, who look at you curiously,
“Eyes up, li’l fawn,” he intones.
You aren’t sure how well you hide the flinch when you see the skull covering his face, again. He’s quiet as you look between his eyes, clasps his gloved hands in his lap so you can see them when you look over him.
There’s a lot of him to look over.
Now that you’re not moving, you can see the brown spots on the edge of his mask, flecked on his tactical vest. His thighs spread a bit beneath his black pants where they meet the table. His biceps bulge, which is a whole different experience in person than it is online. Theres a gun on his hip, and a knife. Two knives. Three. How many knives does a man need?
Enough for everyone’s throats. You have to bite back terrified giggles.
“You’re gonna stay ‘ere,” Simon tells you, interrupting your musing. Your horror must be plain on your face because he shushes you, again. “Shhh. Easy. This wing’s secure. Can’t keep you safe if I’m wonderin’ where you’ve wandered to. Acknowledge.”
“What if something goes wrong?” you blurt.
“You follow Price if you can't see or ‘ear me. ‘e's the Captain, outranks me,” Simon answers. He points to Boonie Hat, then to the black man, who smiles at you, and a white man with a mohawk, who looks at you like you’re the most fascinating thing he’s seen all day. “This is Gaz, that's Soap. You can't find the Captain, you sit tight and wait for one of them to retrieve you."
“Acknowledge, Bambi.”
You swallow back tears. “Please don’t leave me alone.”
“’M goin’ where the guns are,” he answers. “’S my job to take care of you, right? Acknowledge.”
It’s hard to get the words out, but you do. “Acknowledged. You have to take care of me.”
“’M not always going to be able to do that the way you want. Acknowledge.”
“Acknowledged. Not always the way I want.”
“’M gonna keep you safe as I can,” he says. “’Nd it’s okay that you’re scared. But this is my job. ‘S not a scene. So I can’t negotiate. Acknowledge.”
“It’s your job,” you say, taking a deep breath and letting it out. Unfortunately, you can feel the day catching up with you, and your eyes start to prickle. “It’s not a scene, we can’t negotiate right now. Acknowledged.”
The one called Gaz approaches from the other side of the table. “Ghost, we’ve got to get moving.”
Before you can integrate the realization that Simon is apparently called Ghost, the other one, Soap, peeks around Simon’s shoulder with a raised eyebrow. “This your bird, LT? Le’s get her tucked away, aye?”
Something about the way he asks if you are Simon’s bird, his girl, flips a switch in your brain. Because you’re not Simon’s girl. You’re not even supposed to have ever met in person. You’re an online sub, a weird, awkward, anxious person who couldn’t find an in person connection. And yeah, Simon-Also-Called-Ghost is an online Dom but apparently that’s because he’s running around Europe rescuing people from hostage situations!
It’s a little much.
You suck in a breath through your mouth as everything gets blurry with tears. Your whole body shakes with the sob that you try not to let out. You simultaneously want to lock every muscle in place and curl up on the ground to die.
A hiccup shakes you hard enough that you almost fall out of your chair.
Simon’s gloved hand grips the back of your head, and you’re guided to press your forehead against his thigh.
"Shhhhh," he whispers, and you can almost pretend that you’re listening to him in your ear from thousands of miles away. His pants are tough and scratchy, nothing like your pillow, but the steady pressure of his hand is so steadying. "It's okay. I know this isn't a scene, but the same rules apply. You feel overwhelmed, don’t know what to say, you hold up 4 fingers. No punishments for feeling something. Show me."
Holding up 4 fingers feels familiar. The way his hand cups the back of your skull doesn't. But it's still nice.
Sooner than you’d like, Simon guides you down off the chair and under the table. You can’t pay attention to the others, though you can see their boots on the other side of the room. Instead, you keep your eyes on his his right hand, stuck on the inane detail of skeleton themed gloves. Your dom wears skeleton gear to work. His work is killing some people and saving others.
That hand cups your chin and makes you look up into his face. His eyes are dark, piercing. His voice, when he speaks, sends shiver down your spine. “Stay. Acknowledge.”
You’re already about as low down as you can get, but you still duck your head as much as you can while keeping eye contact. “Acknowledged. Stay.”
His thumb caresses your cheek for a long moment. And then he’s standing. Chairs are pushed in to surround you, and four pairs of heavy boots dash from the room.
You curl up, hug yourself, and let the tears fall.
You wake up with a start. Your whole body hurts, shoulder and neck and hips tight like they haven’t been in a long time. And of course they are. You’re on the ground, lying under a conference table. Why the hell are you under a conference table? You’re not in college anymore, you’re too old for this shit.
And then you see a pair of huge boots round the edge of the table and remember.
Your heart is in your throat as two chairs are shifted away and a huge form drops into a crouch. A part of you flinches back from the mask, the tactical clothing, the blood you almost can’t see shining on his boot. But then you see those eyes and think, Oh. You came back for me.
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grindsta · 8 months
There are SO MANY features in The Sims 3 that I keep learning more and more each day, so I decided to start keeping track of all of them. Some of these I've known myself, but most of them come from Reddit and TS Forum.
I'll keep on updating everytime I find new things.
Features are under the cut!
You can sign autographs as a rock star by clicking on a random building (bookstore, theater, stadium, etc.) and make cash. You can only do it once a week and have them perform the action yourself (similar to the vaccination event you do as a doctor).
If you send a Sim to college, you can get a financial aid grant every 24 hours. Just click on the administration building and select “apply for financial aid”. The better your grades, the more money you’ll get.
Traveling to the past with ambition’s time machine, random events will change your household’s present. (Change careers or add family members).
Sims who reach the highest criminal career level glow red. This is bad for relationships with Sims with Good, Friendly, and Family Oriented traits.  Having maxed out the Charisma skill will mostly prevent it, or even throw “Jar of Friendship” potion at them. Although it is good for relationships with Sims with Evil and Insane traits.
When some rectangles of one (or more) skill is highlighted, it’s because it’s the requirement for the Sim job.
If you protest about low wages, you have the possibility of increasing the wages of everyone.
Parent Sims can have a wish for their kids to have specific careers.
You will get gifts for working on your job for 5 years.
 Singer Sims could sell their albums to other Sims.
 If you click on your Sim work building when they’re at work, you can demand a raise. but if their mood is bad or their relationship with their boss is bad, this can get them fired. You can also go out with your boss and ask for a promotion.
Sims can die while you’re lifeguarding.
Your Sim can get caught if they call in fake sick.
Sims in the medical career can follow up with patients by calling them.
You can fry beetles if you are an evil private investigator (if you have a magnifying glass).
Your Sim can be an evil politician.
Ghost hunters can “appease ghosts” at the graveyard.
Lifeguard and firefighter sims can “demonstrate CPR” on another Sim as a romantic action.
You can select what type of sandcastle to build if you have a high enough skill.
Your Sim can get tattooed and tattoo other Sims. It’s a hidden skill that, if low, tattoos will look like child drawings. You can also get the tattoo removed.
Some maids actually don’t do their work, you have to fire them so a new one comes up, and is, hopefully, better.
Most Maids will have at least neat and/or perfectionists, brave and flirty, or charismatic traits. Some Maids are also Kleptomaniacs. Exceptions to this are: Delicia Hoover from Bridgeport and Simon Swift from Barnacle Bay, they are Slobs, which means they will never actually clean your House.
Maids will quit if they see Bonehilda in your house.
Kids will gain skills if someone reads them skill books to sleep.
When a witch sim does their homework they accidentally get it done all at once by magic. They grab the blue notebook, but the green bar completes itself immediately and they look confused for a second. In case they fail to do homework by magic, their whole body gets burnt. 
When children and teens are asleep, you can click on them to select a dream, and then they’ll wake up with a moodlet related to it. While the moodlet is active, you can get a special moodlet if their dream comes true. While still sleeping, the game will notify if the dream turned into a nightmare and they will get a negative moodlet.
Toddlers and Kids can build hidden skills with certain toys.
You can put kids in time out and they will stand in a corner crying.
Toys can go on the crib.
Babies can get diaper rash if using the changing station from The Sims 3 Store.
If you take a child of the bouncer, they get bratty and mad.
Children can hold a bear while talking to an adult.
Kids can read the newspapers to see what baked goods sell better.
When you get robbed children can get the lifetime wish to become a cop or a thief. They can also want to become a doctor after seeing someone dying or getting a new sibling, become a musician after seeing someone jam, become a creature robot cross-breeder after seeing a ghost. become a firefighter after a house fire, become a magician after seeing a sim use their magic, become a singer while singing with their imaginary friend.
Child witch Sims have stabilizers on their brooms.
Kids can get sick from prison food.
Your Sim can chat with toddlers through their Teddy Bears.
Parents can play with their toddlers in the ocean.
Children inherit the effects of some Genie Wishes.
Your Sim can get detention if they slack off in school.
You can create custom and random baby DNA at the hospital.
Children can fight teens. 
Parents will have a higher friendship level with their baby with an at home birth than a hospital birth.
Inappropriate sims can take sponge baths from a sink.
Your Sim can have a hidden trait called “advanced art training” earned by completing the “Skilled Painting” opportunity acquired through working in the art appraiser career. Sims with this trait can paint paintings of any skill level (0 to 9), instead of paintings appropriate only to their painting skill level.
Bookworm sims can join the book club by computer and get mailed books.
Unlucky Sims can’t die. But they can die of transmutation and leave a golden statue.
Party Animals Sims can dance on top of the counter.
Mermaids with the Evil trait can spawn sharks.
Sims with the Green Thumb Trait can Revive Dead Plants.
Brave Sims can ask for a raise.
Frugal Sims will cut coupons from the newspaper.
Daredevil Sims can “play with fire”, and will stick their hands in the fire and pull them back out until their fun motive is full.
If your Sim has the hydrophobic trait they cannot Woohoo or Try for Baby in the shower.
Being in Bot mode (Bot fan trait) will keep your sim from aging.
Sims with the daredevil trait can eat bugs.
Sims who have the childish trait have the option to read a toddler’s book like any other. Others will get the message “Sim can only read this book to a toddler.”
The Good trait Sims could accuse of being meanspirited.
Sims with the Good trait can donate to charity.
Sims with the “Never Nude” trait shower in their bathing clothes.
If you click on a negative need moodlet, the game will have the sim do the activity to fill that need.
If you gift your child Sims too many times in a row, they get a “spoiled” moodlet.
The creepy magical gnome (the one that kinda looks like a devil) will sometimes spawn next to your Sims bed at night with glowing red eyes. Your Sims can get a creeped out moodlet.
Buy a baby, toddler, or child a teddy bear because it gives them a special moodlet when they sleep while having it in their inventory.
You get a moodlet when you have a blog and something from the blog’s theme happens in your Sims real life.
The “rejuvenated” and “completely at ease” moodlet prevents the horrified noodlet from exploring the catacombs.
Sims can make snow angels face down, and when they do, they get the frosty face moodlet.
Mourning over the dead Sim’s gravestone would reduce the negative effect of “Mourning” moodlet.
If you send too many secret admirers texts to the wrong Sim, they will receive a negative “being stalked” moodlet.
You get a moodlet saying “Brrrr! This is cold!” when your Sim sits on ice furniture.
When swimming in the snow you will get a moodlet saying “Polar Bear Club”.
You can woohoo or make out behind the scenes at the theater hall if you have two romantically involved Sims visit at the same time. It works for any rabbit hole you can visit (town hall, military base, science lab…).
Using the Time Machine to Try for a Baby in the past will result in a biological teen showing up later that day.
Try Online Dating on the computer.
If your Sim is dating someone and that someone is dating someone else, you can tell them they are cheating.
Sims gets a fertility boost after getting a romantic massage.
Sims can get kicked out of theaters for woohooing.
You can give a cinnamon kiss when you flavored your food with it.
If a Sim marries a plumbot the creator of said plumbot officially becomes their parent-in-law.
If your Sim feels betrayed from an unfaithful marriage they can rebound kiss.
To make money, go to the science skill tree until you have enough skill to take samples from gems, and then clone them using the science station.
Adopt a bunch of dogs or have a werewolf Sim and make them hunt.
Go through the trash of wealthy households.
Experiment on bugs until you get a plasma bug then sample and clone it. A cat with high-level Hunting skills will also catch them occasionally.
Master the Martial Arts skill and break space rocks on the board breaker and get lots of valuable gems.
Paintings appreciate in value over time and are the best sold when the Sim dies.
Miner holes are treasure chests. You can also make several holes into a cave system. 
If you have a philosopher’s stone, you can turn pretty much anything into gold. You run the risk of your sim turning into gold and therefore dying. However, if you have a death flower in your inventory you don’t die and you get to keep the gold statue of your sim - making tones of money because of it.
If you’re cooking food and have a pet, you can throw scraps to them that they will eat.
You can have a rock as a pet.
You can breed fish.
If a pet bowl is outside, any other animal can eat from it.
Gnomes can encourage and discourage cats and dogs on your lot.
Your Sim can pet their dog while they are lying on the couch.
Horses will eat and destroy the newspaper.
When pet birds die, their bodies don’t disappear, they lay there until cleaned up.
Two small dogs can eat from the automatic feeder at once.
Pets can eat garden plants.
Dogs can howl and cats can meow along with instruments.
Your Sim can drop a fish from your inventory onto the ground and their cat can eat it.
If your Sim dog uses the guard-the-house interaction, it will actually bark at any strays that happen to come by your door.
Foals will get a negative moodlet if their mother isn’t around. However, if a Sim gives lots of love and feeds it when it’s hungry, in a couple of days the moodlet changes to a positive one saying that it’s not missing the mother anymore because of all the care you provided
There are only two graveyards in the game with fully unique and custom graves, and no generic ones. They are the graveyards of Sunset Valley and Riverview. Appaloosa Plains is unique in that it has a pet graveyard.
Burning, electrocution, and starvation are by far the most common causes of death among the preexisting graves, with old age being surprisingly common. 
If you make a ghost Sim as a playable Sim and have them paint, all their paintings will get the Simoleon bonus to value from the painter being dead.
Your pets can save your Sim from death.
You can have funerals when a Sim from your household dies.
Small tombstone: Dies before 75,000 lifetime happiness points. Medium tombstone: Dies between 75,000 and 149,000 lifetime happiness points. Large tombstone: Dies at 150,000 and above lifetime happiness points.
Sims Graves have different emblems on them depicting how they died; flames, hands reaching out of water, shark jaws, etc. 
You can discover islands on Island Paradiso.
Isla Paradiso is full of hidden chests on secret islands.
Sunlight charm spell changes a wolf to their human form.
Some Supernatural portraits & paintings (marked with purple border in Build Buy) change during a Full Moon.
Vampires can raid the hospital and the grocery store. 
When out in the ocean, the Kraken can appear. It can attack and sink your Sims small houseboat. It can spawn into Sunset Valley & Lucky Palms if you go out to the furthest point of the water.
If you have a microphone from university life in your inventory, your Sim can greet other Sims by shouting in their face.
You can plant cheese and eggs.
You can upgrade umbrellas.
You can store elixirs in the fridge.
You can waterski.
Sims can mess up an alchemy spell and become a toad.
Birthday cakes can catch on fire.
There are types of objects that aren’t in the catalog that you can make in the toy machine.
If your sims mess up the weather stone, it can rain flowers.
You can open a tab at a bar and if you can’t pay it, they will add it to your bills.
Aliens can steal space rocks from the science lab.
If you steal someone’s clothes after skinny dipping, they’re too mortified to go again.
If your sims are on fire, they can put themselves out in a shower or bathtub. They also put themselves out in dive wells from World Adventures and if you have a shower in a can.
You can upload your Sim sketches and paintings to the digital frames.
Sims can send thank you notes after receiving wedding gifts.
You can place snack bowls on island countertops.
You can announce aptitude test results to other sims.
Not all adult sims get a Midlife Crisis and there are variables involved.
You can go to therapy during a midlife crisis.
Sims who have body hair can get it waxed.
If you place a professional bar at a gym, with a mixologist, they can make protein shakes for your sims and a weird wheat grass-type drinks, graveyards have the tombstone topper and others. The library has basic drinks but one is “alien brain” and is a skill drink and stacks on the library moodlet and the supernatural bonus, so reading skill books takes way less time. 
Sim can free criminals from jail with the mining tool.
Celebrities can’t be abducted by aliens.
You can throw herbs at the fireplace, and it will give you a moodlet that varies depending on what herb you have.
Selling objects in the Consignment store is something you can improve over time.
Your Sim can sue people for slander at City Hall when you’re a celebrity and they spread rumors about you.
You can get arrested for harvesting someone else's plants.
The stones at the bottom of the fishbowl change depending on what you put in it.
Artistic, Can’t Stand Art, Computer Whiz, Evil, Genius, Gloomy, Insane, Neurotic, and Virtuoso Sims all have different and unique painting styles.
Fish can spontaneously breed if you put them in fish tanks.
If you are being robbed, and the police come to put the burglar in handcuffs by their car, while they search your house, you can click on the burglar to set them free. They will even thank you for doing so, promising to make it up to you, although they never do.
Cats can jump onto Sim’s lap and they can pet them.
You can drag the greeting card into a big digital frame.
You can get a “wrong number” call.
Clones will be attracted to the cloned Sim.
Cats can sleep on newspapers.
Sims can get a dirtbag reputation if caught cheating. If caught a lot of times, they get a slimeball reputation.
You can “Play in Sand” in the spots where you painted the terrain with sand.
If you have a big dog and a puppy or a cat and a kitten, they can cuddle together in a big pet bed.
Different bars will serve different food depending on the lot type. You can get onion rings, nachos, and hot wings at the normal lower-tier bars but olive platters and shrimp cocktails are reserved for fancy places like exclusive lounges, vampire lounges, and art galleries. 
Sims can get sick eating bar food at the lower-end bars.
You can preview a house before you buy it by clicking on the magnifying glass.
Sims can chat on the bunkbed and interact on the playpen.
Try using “Disco tags” in the cheats menu (Ctrl+Shift+C) and go to the map view.
Sims can read lying on the beach towel.
You can style the time machine.
Bonehilda will fight robbers.
Hydrophobic sims won’t accept a fishbowl as a gift.
Simbots have 0’s and 1’s instead of zzz’s.
Male Sims can leave the toilet sit up.
Sunglasses have the reflex of the world.
There are 6 types of snowman - classic, evil, tragic clown, hockey, Grim Reaper, and alien.
With no couch, sims will play video games sitting on the ground.
There’s a city in the background of the university world.
Sims can have different sitting positions.
When your Sim spouse dies and comes back to life, they come back divorced.
Horses can ride boats.
When Plumbots pee themselves, oil is what gets on the floor.
If you place a rubber duck on the bathtub, Sims play with it while they bathe. If you place “World’s Brew Bubble Bath”, they will have a bubble bath.
You can change the colors of the street lights.
You get a popup when a pregnant Sim enters a costume party (it reveals the number of hours left for the pregnancy to end).
Store items come with new skills.
You can expand the inventory and relationship tab by dragging it.
Your Sim only earns LHP when your Sims mood is in the “bubble” on the Mood Meter,
If a Sim’s mood drops all the way to the bottom (-100), the Sim may simply refuse to do anything, even if directed to by the player. You can send them on vacation but if they become depressed on their vacation, it will be necessary to send them home.
The volcano in Sunlit Tides can erupt.
Ants crawl in and out of a public picnic basket carrying food.
Every time a Sims learning the Painting skill sells a painting directly from the easel there is a 20% chance that the painting will replace a wall decoration item in the local art gallery.
You can spy on neighbors with tab mode.
Your Sims can get bitten by mosquitos.
Sims can chat with other sims while cooking.
Friends can bring their kids over to play with yours.
Resort Staff NPCs sweep the floors of the resort.
Sims can get nauseous from foods with herbs.
Sims with the Asian Culture trait use chopsticks to eat rather than knives and forks.
Ghosts can swim in swimming pools but you can’t see their body under the surface of the water.
You can double-click on the save file you want to play on the main menu screen and it will start the game.
When you have the cheapest washing machine and your Sim tries to stop it from shaking, you will get a “Victory Over Washer” moodlet.
Magic gnomes spawn at random when you do related activities.
The trash bed in buydebug makes you stinky.
If you put your bird cage outside it might fly away.
The doors on cars matter, if a car has 2 doors, 2 Sims will get in, if a car has 4 doors, 4 (or 5) Sims get in. Also, babies and toddlers will be held by their parents inside the car.
You can wax your Sims, and when you do, their body hair will appear again after a while.
If lightning strikes vehicles during a storm, it will completely destroyed them.
If a Sim is performing an interaction related to a trait, the trait will be highlighted.
You can get a graduation gnome that “hides in your books” during university classes.
You can drag the whole palette to other objects so they get the same style.
You can swap patterns by dragging one of them onto the dividing line next to the other.
You can randomize patterns + colors by right-clicking on the swatches.
Right-clicking on the color above the color wheel, the game will give you a more appealing color (a different shade) than the one you have selected.
Right-clicking the icons at the top of CAS randomizes that part of clothing you are on.
You can have hairstyles in different outfits.
Plants change in size as you place them.
You can make custom object collections.
If you typed in the cheat moveobjects on you can move sims by just clicking on them (on Build Buy mode).
You can set seasonal decor on your home lot to auto-change if you place the debug marker and then decorate accordingly.
 If you press alt when building a foundation, you can change the height of it.
You can paint ceilings.
If you play with NRAAS Story Progression, no vampires or celebs will be in your town unless you specifically say you want them.
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sits-bound · 2 months
One year of fanbinding!
I keep thinking "I'm really new at this still" but I guess after a year, it's like, you don't have a puppy anymore, you have a dog. So now I'm in the dog phase of this hobby.
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(I didn't make all of these, some were acquired in exchanges.)
In the past year, I have made around 54 books. (For the purposes of my sanity, I am not counting journals or sketchbooks, nor am I counting author/artist copies if the design was the same.)
54 books! In 52 weeks! That's basically a book a week!
Which binds are my favorites?
Ooh, that's hard. I tried to limit myself here, but these all are very special to me.
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And I can't choose just one of these:
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Honorable mention goes to this one, but I didn't design the typeset, so I can't take all the credit. But I do love the cover.
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What's my favorite part of making books?
It's not surprising to me that typesetting is my favorite part. I designed a book for a local museum in 2007, and loved the process. Before that, I wanted to work in editorial design (I had a few jobs doing that in and after college, but that was in the olden days.)
I enjoy the part of physically creating the book too, but I find it a bit more frustrating. I'm not detail-oriented enough to make sure everything is perfect, and then I get frustrated when an endpaper is glued on slightly crookedly, or my text block isn't perfectly square. (Not that I have anyone to blame but myself!) That said, holding a completed book in my hands is the most satisfying feeling, after actually reading said book. I feel so smug when I'm reading a book I created.
I have a lot of imposter syndrome when it comes to the actual designing of covers. I know my strengths lie in manipulating existing content instead of creating it from scratch. So I need to stop comparing myself to other creators, and just do my best. We all have different styles, I tell myself.
What's next?
I'd like to learn how to sew endbands for once and for all. I have tried and given up in disgust so many times. I have watched so many videos and read many tutorials, and I just need someone to come to my house and show me in person.
I also would like to try to learn how to draw, a bit. I know I'll never be great at it, but I've also never tried to learn. I will be off work for a few months later this summer/fall, and I'd like to use that time taking some classes. Even if I could just draw designs to use on my covers, I'd be happy. I don't expect to be able to draw things or people.
I wanted to take up this hobby for a long time before I actually did it. I read through @armoredsuperheavy's guide like eighteen times before I worked up the courage to actually use it. So my advice to all of the people who tag my posts with "i wish i could do this" and "i want to do this"…do it!
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defrosted69 · 7 months
A line Hook to you
(Danielle Marsh x Male Reader)
A/N: Its been a long time but here's something to you guys. Enjoy!
Note: 7k words
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“The invisible string theory is the idea that the universe itself is stitched together with unseen threads, all of which lead us to our destinies.”
You sighed as you finally clocked out of work with your back aching with a pocking pain. Working on heavy machinery for a good 9 hour shift isn't really ideal for you body who's used to be so athletic and is used in locomotive motion. But time just keeps on going forward, not backward so changes will be applied in life. And before you know it, from writing and sleeping at the back of the class to having to deal in fixing heavy engines and inspecting them everyday to make sure they work properly.
"Why the long face? Come, The old guys are going for a drink tonight. You should come with Y/N"
A pat on the shoulder made you sighed as you heard his voice. Despite this heavy loaded schedule and work you had, there was always a friend that keeps you laughing and knows to make your frown upside down and uplift your spirits.
"Ah I'll pass this one Sunoo. Since tomorrow is Sunday, I'll enjoy my 1 day break"
"Oh Bummer. But I understand since I'll pass with them as well."
"Huh? How come?"
"The last time I joined them, they cause a ruckus in a bar. Remember how our pay got cutted because Boss preety much used our checks to pay up their damage."
You chuckled remembering that fragment of your memory like it was yesterday. It was quite funny because despite how Sunoo claim they are, they were actually great seniors to you. When you were still new to the company, they knew you lacked experience when it comes to the actual field so they were open to teaching you stuff you were confused with. And the funny thing is here is that you were above them when it comes to terms relating to work.
Cause you see, the seniors are all mechanics and car parts specialists but you on the other hand are their supervisor. You graduated in college with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and it wasn't that long when you landed a job in this medium sized delivery company. Of course they were first surprised to see that their supervisor was new and unexperienced but you gained their respect when you had to show them on solving a problem in the Pistons of the engine.
Pistons are one thing to fix but to make adjustments on the fly and make the engine working twice as powerful as before made their jaw at Awe. If most of of them before didn't believe in geniuses, we'll you just debunked their belief.
But since then, you had a good relationship with all of them and you got more wisdom from them since most of them are family oriented now and others have unique experiences that preety much makes you amazed and inspired by them.
"Well where you heading too then Sunoo?"
"Duh I'm gonna watch my Drama. That's the only reason why I have Netflix."
"Right. I completely forgot about that."
Kim Sunoo was your very loyal and emotional friend. Everyone in the company knows he's the golden retriever of the bunch since he's just all smiles especially most of the times. But don't let that distract you that he's one of the best employees the company has. Despite only finishing highschool, he worked hard to understand how the engine works and he had to prove everyone why he's also one of a kind. Despite the two of you being born in the same year, Sunoo has more experience and knowledge when it comes to the company and working experience.
But he is also an open armed person meaning he's not afraid to help you whenever you were need. There was a time your window in the apartment got cracked because of a storm, and you couldn't go to work. Sunoo came after the storm passing with tools for replacing windows and he actually gave you a free window without even costing you any expenses at all. All he wants was to see you at work since it's been a while since he's had someone his age to talk too.
"Well enjoy your stranger things drama or whatever it is. I'll see You at work on Monday man."
"Yeah Man see you in Monday."
He waved you goodbye as he went on the opposite of your direction of where you were going. The night was very chilly and the sky was clear as the day. Looking up, the moon was shining brightly with its stars twinkling next to it creating a perfect harmony in the sky. You were used to walking to your apartment since it's usually just 15 minute walk from home and you could admire the beauty of the building around and scenery.
But something had to ruin the beauty of what your eyes admire as couples walk past you showing their affection to their love one as if the sidewalk was their hallway to act all flirty with each other. You had no objection to people being extra PDA with each other since you'll be getting a good show but it just throw you off.
Perhaps since you've never had a female in your life, you've become the bitter old man who gets angry when youngsters and couples exhibit their love in front of you. It seemed like salt was thrown at you, as the cosmos is continuously reminding you of how lonely you are in this world. So taking deep breath, you decided to take a small detour and feed your stomach a bit after all, you didn't have proper lunch since the company cafeteria is serving nothing but sandwiches and energy drinks. And you were never a fan of energy drink especially after that small incident you had when you drinked an energy drink despite only having 2 hours sleep.
You really though you were gonna die when your heart felt heavy and you started breathing heavily. Luckily for you, that attack only lasted for 5 seconds before everything returned to normal but you were glad it didn't lead to something worse.
So after taking a detour of going to your favorite ramen shop, your stomach grumbled one more time reminding you to eat already or you might faint from starvation. Entering the place, there wasn't much people around since it was night time already which you preferred more than a jam packed day time. So ordering your usual bowl, you took your food to your favorite spot, near the window side on a single chair.
That place has hold a significant place in your heart because ever since Highschool that seat has always been your spot admiring the sunset, the cars, the people but more importantly, it's because that solo space gave you sanctuary to the problems of life.
So anticipating it to be unoccupied, you froze when your eyes saw a woman with a smirk showing how proud she was in her position as she spoke.
"I knew you would be here. The Invisible string really is true!"
You were confused at to what she was saying yet she smiled and stood up and immediately taking over your personal space as she got close to you with her eyes glittering like stars.
"I meant to say is that fate us brought us here together. Because I need your signature right here"
She pointed with her pen a piece of paper in a clipboard which had a few signature of some people as well but, it was smudged and the paper looked like it was dried from air after being soaked in water.
"Is this paper dried up?"
"Ohh eer… Dont mind that. Just sign it please. For my extra credit in college. Pleeese Mr. Pleeeese."
She began begging you like a wild Woman as other people anf some staff look at the two of you weirdly. Thier Stares somewhat made you feel embarrassed of her so without even hesitation, you signed whatever was in that clipboard hoping to end this already. Once you wrote down your signature and name, she smiled brightly and giggled cutely.
"Thank you Mr. I'm sure I'll see you again in the sidewalk. See you next week again. Bye bye Mister~"
She happily waved at you and giggled her way away of the restaurant leaving you perplexed and with so many questions than answers.
"Who the heck is she?"
Danielle extended her arms out and giggled joyfully as the sun caressed her face. She was overjoyed once again since she would finally receive additional credit for her completed assignment. That signature from last night was what she needed the most since she was finally able to obtain 100 signatures on her paper, which wasn't easy given the time constraint their professor had set. 5 days to get 100 signatures isn't as easy as it seems. So she was pleased to receive her final signature from someone she knows well.
After doing her usual morning routines, Danielle smiled happily as she leaves her dorm with a sense of happiness amd joy filling her body right now. The sky was clear and the air was perfect for her for a walk so with that she did. She began walking to her university humming her favorite song along the way. The common sidewalk that she has been walking was so colorful in her eyes right now and everything was so just blooming.
"What a wonderful day to eh mate?"
She asked herself as she giggled to herself. Yet among the busy people walking tbe familiar sidewalk, her eyes were looking for a guy who she was very thankful since the first day of her college days. As she keeps looking for that man, from a far and from someone's perspective, she looked like a mole appearing in and out of the crowd of people trying to look for you.
That's right, there was a reason why she waited for you at that restaurant last night although it was mostly just her guess and it was completely coincidental that the events unfolded that night. Never in a million years would she would have known that the stars aligned just to answer her wish to make her last signature poetic. She betted on herself that someone special will sign the last space on her paper and boy was she right.
At the very last second, just when she just admitted that everything isn't a fairy tale and her stupid brain admitted that ideal scenarios will come to reality was a slap and a wake up call for her. But you pulled at the very last second and helped her once again. Just remembering the first interaction you had with her made her blush and squeal in delight which earned a few confused and weird looks from the people.
"Shit. I'm public I forgot.."
Danielle giggled as she continued her walk to university. Although she didn't see you today, she understands that you would have left your place earlier considering your a working adult and she's just a college student yet, in her eyes and brain, she's as equal to your status in society which further more pushes her agenda that the invisible string theory exist. Because there must be some kind of connection in which you would be a part of her huge life. After all, Your first encounter with her was during her first time being in the city.
Being a college student means that you have to choose a college to go to and unfortunately for her, her desired course was far away from her city and her family. And of course, that sucks and is hard to understand but Danielle knew that this was a huge chapter of her life and as much as she didn't want to get away from the hugs of her parents, she had to let go of the meantime and travel to an another city with no friends, no nothing at her silos disposals.
She was starting at level 0 where everything had reseted for her but that didn't stopped her to be productive and she continued to encourage herself everyday that what she's doing is the best for her family and for herself. Life may be hard but you have to got an iron will to keep up with the waves of life and keep on moving forward with a stronger resolve to finish college.
Now is where her first encounter with you was. She wasn't sure if you had remember it but you were the guy who picked up her wallet when she had dropped it on the sidewalk where you and her were usually walking. Although she was to be blamed of why she had let go of her wallet because, she choose to admire than to keep her valuable in check within her reach. Honestly, the moment she realized her wallet was gone from her elbow immediately made her feel a cold shiver down her neck.
Everything she needs in collage allowances was in that wallet filling with bank cards and IDs for her to use in public to identifying her. But more importantly she didn't want a handful of earing coming from her sister about her losing her Wallet. But as soon as she turned around, you stood there returning her wallet back at her.
There was this weird trait for Danielle in where she remembers the people's face of those who showed her kindness so it wasn't such a suprise why she would remember you but if she recalled your reaction the other night, she knew she fucked up big time and leaving a good impression of her.
"Gaahh! Why did I spew that nonsense infront of him!"
Daneille ruffled her hair in embarrassment and irritation from herself for acting like a complete fool to the person…
She might have caught feelings for.
In Danielle's defense for this such claims is that she is attracted to people who shows her kindness even if it's just a small one. So despite meeting you before, Her total times of meeting you was 3 times in total considering the other night. Since the guys who were nice to her was absolutely no one. She was often mocked for being an aussie or her accent was made off back in middle school. They weren't that rampant back in high school yet as time moves forward, that claims are now reversed.
"Morning Dani. Did we sleep well?"
Lily Morrow asked her friend who wore a bright proud smile as she walks with Danielle to campus. Hearing her voice snapped her in her characther emission fantasy about which you were glad because everyone in school would know how much of an idiot she is sometimes.
"I slept well. I'm sure I'll get my credit today hehe."
Danielle smiled brightly as the two of then catches up their weekend drama as Danielle happily explained to Lily what she felt during that time as Lily was on full mode listening to every details eh spoke out off. But as soon as that was done, Danielle proceed to the teachers office as Lily went to attend her class. Danielle carefully knocked before entering the room where her professor was waiting for her.
"Ah Ms. Marsh. I assume you brought in your task I have given you?"
"Yes sir."
Danielle pulled out her clipboard along with it was the signed paper yet it didn't take 10 seconds, her progress was returned to her. And that slowly made her confidence shatter into millions of pieces.
"I'm sorry Ms. Marsh but I can't accept this paper."
"But sir, I completed the 100 signatures under 5 days."
Her professor sighed as He knew this was the reaction of Danielle once he rejected her paper. It's not that like her report was not significant to her course but what irks him, was how obvious that her paper had gotten wet or soaked to be more exact.
"I know Ms. Marsh but you gotta understand. Your already in your 3rd year and yet you can't understand simple instructions. I had given you a clean paper to work on and you returned it to me like a wet Wipes dried up?"
"But sir-"
"I don't wanna hear it but I'll give you on last chance to get that extra credit you want."
Danielle was now in full effect to listening to her professor because she needs to pass this subject without enrolling it next semester. It would be such a waste of time and year of she didn't take college seriously.
" I'm gonna give you another paper but this time it's only 75 person BUT, I need you to pass this in Wednesday."
Danielle widen her eyes knowing that getting 75 signatures in 3 days isn't gonna be easy since her college schedule for this semester was absolute trash. But if it means to pass this subject she would do it. So Danielle accepted it and he handed her a new copy. She thanked him as once she leaves the room, Danielle let out a frustrated groan from her as her task was easy enough yet hard to execute.
Although she still has 2 days to work on it and she could easily fill in that 75 person mark, the requirement for that is people outside of the campus and not students. She wouldn't break a sweat if it was just students since it would be very easy. But for strangers? It might be very difficult for her considering that she doesn't know strangers at all and sometimes they could have intentions and very bad at one.
"What do I do?"
The sun was slowly shining down as you clocked out earlier today. It was quite a suprise for everyone when the boss announced that today would be an early work off day since he had something to do. It was very odd since Mondays are usually a busy day at the company with a lot of the trucks being used as transport for its services. But if it means more time for you to relax and sleep in your bed.
Yes, the bed is your best place to relax and just forget about the reality of things especially in the adult world. Rest is the most important factor because it's an escape for you from all the troubles of society and life itself.
Upon changing into your casual wear, Sunoo got your attention once again as he smiled at you.
"Whats your plan now? It's still quite early."
"Why? You wanna watch porn or something?"
"Nah I just love sleeping."
Sunoo nodded his head in understanding but you can tell from his body language that he was itching to tell you something so not wanting to make him look like a fool anymore, you decide to break his bubble.
"What? What are you trying to tell me?"
Sunoo chuckled in embarrassment as he got caught by your keen observation but then again, that's what makes you stand out from the rest of the guys working in the company and its the reason why your his supervisor. Your eyes always managed to observe every small detail and remembers them which leads to new adjustment and improvement of the engine. And mind you, it's no ordinary engine, it's a truck engine. Those who big and carry a lot of horse power.
"Well you see. My friend hooked me up and he said we need a third player and I was thinking you-"
Sunoo gave up now. Once you set your decision on one thing it means you wouldn't change your perspective on that decision. And he knows your not into relationship as of the moment as far as he knows. But that thought made him question you.
"Say Y/N, why don't you go on a date now? I mean your finished in college right? You have a good job now so why not right?"
"I don't think I'm ready for it. The responsibility of taking care of someone is a Challange especially since I can't even take care of myself."
Although the real reason why you don't want a girlfriend right now is because you thought you don't deserve to be loved after all, one rejection back in the past really pushed you way back into not stepping into the world of romance. The pain of rejection and seeing that girl choose the wrong girl will never be not funny and painful for you.
"I guess your right. But there's nothing wrong in at least trying something new right?"
"It's not new to me, I already have been in that position before."
"Then why stop at one and live a life of repeating cycle when you can add new things in your cycle of life."
You wanted to speak up but you decided to take in what Sunoo said. There was no hint of any lies in his words as they were all pointing at you about your daily life. Yes it was a repeating cycle of sleep-work-eat-repeat and that's it. Nothing was really getting in between your daily cycle of life which was kinda boring in a sense.
But boring life is what you have been accustomed to and somewhat that's what you like to live in. But is that all there is in your life now since your really crossing the late 20s now. At the age of 25 where many people get married and have a family, your still wondering what your life's purpose is. As you walk the familiar street towards you apartment, the question still lingered on your head.
What do you really wanna do?
A simple question yet it has so many possible wrong answers depending on how you read into it. For you, you definetly have no proper answer at all to that question because you yourself was finding that purpose since College and even now, that you have a proper job, that question still lingering on your mind and time wasn't helping you since people your age have already figured out their path in life. Yet for you, you were still trying to pick up the pieces together and look for that glue that connects everything together yet, you couldn't find it.
Sighing was the only response you could get out of your problem but your bubble of thoughts were popped open when you heard a soft voice of sobbing and sniffing from someone. Of course your not that person to mind someone's business but when your eyes landed on the side and saw a familiar girl with her head down, back reciprocating in a deep breathing motion, and her hands cover her eyes. You just sighed at the scene.
Your legs wanted to keep moving forward and ignore her but the voice of Sunoo once again entered your brain. Will you be stuck to mediocrity forever in your life? Will you never cross that path of change that is really needed in your life right now?
"You alright Miss?"
Taking a huge step forward, you kneel down on her level and what you saw is something you didn't know would happen. Danielle literally looked at you with tears and snott coming out of her nose as if she just had the biggest heartbreak of her life. Her mascara was all smudge down on her eyes and it was preety disastrous seeing her Iike this. But one part of you wanted to laugh at her face right now but you took every ounce of your spiritual being not to laugh at her and try to understand her situation.
"M-Mister? The guy from the ramen restaurant? The one I always see in this sidewalk?"
"Yeah but how come I have many nicknames?"
Danielle sat up as you handed her your handkerchief thinking she would wipe her tears away but no, she used it to blow off the snot she had and that made you froze up. She cleaned her nose and felt her cheeks blushing red mad after realizing what she has done.
"Oh no I didn't mean to make your handkerchief all disgusting. I'll.. Umm.. I'll wash it for you."
Danielle began to panic as she didn't know what she would do since she didn't want to look like a complete fool to you after all. You saw the panic in her eyes which was a little puffy from all her crying. After snapping out of your shocked state, you shook your head.
"No need. It's fine, I mean handkerchief are used for wiping stuff anyway."
"Naur but still. I'll wash it for you. As an Aussie, I promise to make it smelling like a jasmine flower."
"You don't have too."
"Naur I'll-"
A large lion roared in her belly and as you look at Danielle's face, the color red slowly took over her face as she looked away covering her face and groaning in embarrassment. There's was no way this day could have gotten worse in Danielle's books but it just got worst. The last on her list is to embarrass herself to someone she looks up and this was a sign that today wasn't her day.
You chuckled at her stomach and your laugher was the hidden laughter that you have been keeping since earlier after seeing her face. Danielle immediately looked back at you with a glare which you immediately stopped your laughing but her glaring and with a few tears was amusing to look at. Maybe a little to adorable in your book.
"Stop laughing!"
"I'm sorry the timing was just to perfect. I'm sorry."
But despite your words, you still couldn't control your laughing and this only made Danielle form more tears in her eyes and seeing her glaring while her lips quivering being mad, embarrassed and sad made you shut up at your action.
"Okay I'll stop. Sorry"
You were genuinely apologizing for your action yet Danielle continued to pout glaring at you trying to intimidate you which is failing exponentially because all this is doing is letting you see an adorable Australian pout cutely at you because she doesn't know how to get mad to people. Knowing that she won't stop pouting and glaring at you, you had to take an action to this one.
"Alright. Let's get something to eat instead so your stomach doesn't roar anymore and perhaps we can talk there about what bothering you. Is that fine with you?"
Danielle didn't reply to you but nodded her head. So taking that as her answer you stood up from the bench with Danielle trailing behind you. Honestly speaking, most people would have just ignored her or to be exact, Danielle should be calling for the police or be at least questioning your true intentions to her but no she didn't. And that though in turns question you why Danielle, trust a stranger like you because as far as you can remember, you don't know her at all except the other night where you first met her, in that restaurant.
But as you were thinking about Danielle, She was silently wiping her makeup and adding new ones. She pulled out her lip tint and applied it on her lips by a small portion. Next she made sure her eyelashes stand out and adding a few blush and powder on her face was the final touch. Using her phone camera as her mirror, she smirked seeing how preety she is as she knows she needs to look preety infront of you right now. Because we don't know when will be the next time you two will meet like this.
Upon arriving at the Restaurant you ordered your favorite meal as you turned back to ask her about her dish.
"So What do you want-"
You got cut off by your own words as Danielle looked nothing like what you saw earlier. Infront of you was a beautiful woman who shined bright as the sun. Her sweet smile was so warm and her headband was the icing on the top as you stood there not knowing what to say next.
"Hmm? I'll have what you have hehe."
She smiled and turned her to the side which really made you stare at her for a good while before the cashier snapped you out of your trance. You order two of what you were having as you paid and choose a seat for the two of you. Unlike before, when you would just sit alone in your favorite place, you have to look for a new place since you have company.
"Let's sit there."
You looked at her a bit shocked because the place she picked for the two of you to sit was where you always sit. Danielle grabbed an extra chair and sat opposite to you smiling happily. It felt weird having to share a seat with someone when you were usually alone in that seat. But nevertheless, you sat down as well on your favorite seat.
"So what made you like a mess earlier?"
You spoke up first trying to break the ice between you two as Danielle spoke up.
"Ugh just my signature getting rejected"
"Huh. Was it that the paper I signed the other night soaked?"
Danielle scratched the back of her head guilty of what she did as you sighed and Chuckled a bit. No wonder you found the quality of the paper before weird. It was soaked the dried up quickly.
"So what are you doing now?"
"Well now I have to do another one. But only 75 people signature this time and it's due on Wednesday"
"Oh so your boss needs it?"
"Boss? Naur my professer need it."
"Naur? You australian?"
You smiled by her energetic response as the two of you shared a laughter together. This was quite a surprise for you because unlike a few of those times when meeting a new person, it was always about business and there was no feeling or sense of friendship that could brew between yet with Danielle, there was no such thing like that. It felt like you have known her since you were in highschool. An old friend kind of vibe.
"Can I see those papers miss…"
"Danielle! Danielle Marsh. 22 years old, college student studying management… And hopefully the one you call baby girl.."
Danielle mumbled the last part and you didn't even get a whip of what she said in the last line because Danielle quickly showed her the papers in which your attention went through.
True to her words, it did need 75 signature from strangers and somehow you felt bad for her knowing she had limited time to do this task. Then a light bulb of an idea popped into your head but will you really take that risk of getting out of your comfort zone to help someone?
Once again, the words of Sunoo echoed in your head making you choose the light bulb of your idea. It will be risky but at this point, you just trusted your guts and went with it.
"I'll help you out. By tomorrow afternoon this should be all signed up."
Danielle gasped covering her mouth with her hands as she couldn't believe your making a move on her. As crazy as it sounds, to Danielle's checklist, this was her first strike that the guy was perfect for her. Of course you didn't know this as you read her expression as shocked but what you didn't know was that she gasped because she thought you were making a move on her by helping her.
"R-Really? You'll help me?"
"Yeah sure since my last signature was wasted. I want it this time to be for good use."
"Oh thank you so much.. Err…"
"Y/N. Just call me Y/N"
"Thank you Y/N."
Out of nowhere, Danielle stood up and hugged you with her face deep in your chest. That action made your heart race so fast as you were sure Danielle could hear it. You were about to push her away when a sudden calmness washed over you when you saw Danielle looking up to you sweetly. It really felt weird seeing someone like her keep you so calm and relaxed without even trying. Add in her cute smile and eyes that see your reflection.
True to your words, you managed to get 75 signature from everyone in the company. You even got your boss to sign because Sunoo told everyone a fake lie. Sunoo must have heard it wrong but in reality, he heard it correctly. You were trying to help Danielle with her signature and he began spreading the word that you helping your secret girlfriend in college and everyone ended up signing it so fast to the point your boss even gave you his blessing.
Of course this made you a little annoyed how they signed it just to show their support for you but that also makes you happy that the people your working with was supportive of you. And perhaps it could also be a sign they want you to have a girlfriend already. So since you already have Danielle's contact on your phone you called her and not even a second in she already answered it in a heartbeat.
You told her that you'll be meeting her in the bench on the familiar sidewalk to which she agreed upon. So as the time to leave for work had arrive, you excused yourself to leave early which your boss was all okay about it. So you left work not even realizing your still wearing your work polo with the logo of your company on it. You sat there waiting for Danielle and it didn't take long before Danielle arrived.
Her bright smile once again shined as you couldn't get enough of her smiling beauty.
"Heyya Y/N, you look like a hard working man hehe~"
You blushed in embarrassment realizing that you were still in your work polo as you chuckled about it. Usually you would just brush off the compliment but when it comes to Danielle, somehow those compliments hit your heart in a bullseye accuracy.
"Oh.. Umm thanks Danielle. Ah right, here's the paper"
You handed her her project and truth be told, you did keep your promise as Danielle look so shocked and happy upon seeing the Paper filled with signatures.
"You really did do it! Thank you so much!!"
Danielle leaped unto you forcing you to catch her in your arms as she hugged you tightly. You were already blushing because this is the second time you hugged her and it felt so right to have her in your arms. She giggled as she buried her face on your chest and you really didn't want to let her go but it would very awkward to just keep on hugging her this long. So as you were letting her go, Danielle felt your arms getting loose so she hugged you tighter hoping you would get the signal that she didn't want you to let her go. She didn't care if she wanted to be clingy, because she IS clingy.
"Who said you can let go? Hmph! Meanie.."
Danielle looked up at you with a pout as you chuckled and sigh as you decided to hug her again. And just like that, Danielle was once again happy.
"I need to repay you somehow Y/N."
"You don't have to Danielle It's fine."
"Naur it's not. You helped me alot. I know, I'll make you lunch from now on and you can't say Naur okay?"
She placed a finger on your mouth shutting you up as she giggled and smiled.
"Please? Preety pleaseeee?"
"Well I guess that wouldn't hurt."
Danielle giggled as she once again buried her face on your chest and at this point, you were getting accustomed to her Being a clingy girl and a sweet sunshine.
Waking up to get to work again wasn't something new you to yet this time it felt more postive in a sense your actually eager to work today. There was that postive aura around you right now and you couldn't help but smile as you looked at yourself in the mirror looking alright. You checked your watch as you stepped out of the door, only to be greeted by ms. Sunshine.
"Morning Y/N. I made you lunch as I promised hehehe~"
Danielle was holding a packed lunch but what caught your eye was her wearing an apron in her clothes and it looked like she just went to a slug fest with so many stains all over her apron. You felt a huge burning sensation growing up your cheeks as you felt embarrassed and happy by her gesture.
"You didn't have too Danielle. I told you I don't-"
Danielle got up close to you placing a finger up your mouth shutting you up as she giggled and puffed her cheeks.
"I told you didn't I? I promised to make you lunch until then. So just please accept it."
Knowing that she went through hell to make you a lunch box and it shows in her apron and in her hands because there are 4 bandaids in her fingers which she was trying to hide under the lunch box. Seeing her and the fact she mafe effort for you just show how serious she is when it comes to keeping her word so you accepted it. And boy the way your fingers brushed against her, Danielle's cheeks burned red and her heart rushed so fast.
"Thanks Danielle. I'm sure I'll enjoy it."
"Hehehe~ Goodluck at work today."
She waved goodbye at you waved back and walked towards your workplace. As you walk your mind couldn't believe that you actually got a free lunch and you didn't have to suffer from the horrible lunch at work and not to disrespect the lunch lady there, but the food they are serving their are so limited and so small. Yes it's delicious but the portion is so small your stomach would be asking for more. So having a packed lunch from someone isn't just a good reason to avoid the cafeteria at work but it also means that someone cares for you.
And immediately that thought made you smile a little and blush as you couldn't believe your own thoughts.
"Gosh what are you doing to me Danielle."
As you look at the packed lunch you saw a sticky note on the top of the cover that says
"You need a lot of vitamin ME"
Which made you chuckle in amusement by her Witty jokes and it was the perfect quote to start the day ahead of you. And this continued on as Danielle continued to make you lunch every morning with witty jokes which are subtle hints of her feelings for you such as the quotes like:
"I am yours, No refund"
"You must be a camera because you make me smile"
"You know it's hard to find a girl who's so smart, cute, preety and top it all, an aussie. So don't Lose me got it mate?"
And there is one quote which really was your favorite of them all as it says:
"Don't you look away, don't pass me by Anything you want, babe, tell me what do you need"
Danielle knew that sending that quote was risky but she was ready to risk it all for you and when you read that quote your heart raced and a huge blush appear on your face. You usually sit away from the crowd in the cafeteria since you got lunch from Danielle and you didn't want to make any rumors about your life and you didn't want anyone to know about Danielle. Except for one guy.
"Gotcha you bastard. Who packed you lunch huh?"
Sunoo finally caught gist of you as you usually spend lunch with him so when you started to isolate from him, he began to raise an eyebrow and this only made him more believe that your doing something fishy which he believes is related to your relationship status. And he could be right.
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Don't lie, you can't cook shit. So who made you lunch? Your girlfriend?"
"I don't have a-"
"Or perhaps your dating someone?"
"I don't-"
"You like her don't you?"
"I…. I….. Yeah.. I think I have fallen for Danielle"
"Wait.. Wait so you DO have someone?!"
Sunoo couldn't believe it. His theory was proven right and your walls just crumbled and it was all Danielle's fault. She broke that protective wall of yours that you kept away from romance yet Danielle, pushed through and got it broken down. Her efforts didn't go in vain because you noticed it upon yourself too.
"So the reason you work so hard and happy was because of her dude?"
"Am I really showing happiness at work?"
"Duh. You have been more brighter for the past few weeks compared to the last few months or even when you started here. You were so non chalant and bland yet now, you seem to be shining brightly."
Danielle's bright personality has finally rubbed into you as you couldn't believe the postive impact she has brought upon you and to others.
"But what if she hates me or-"
"Dude, she made you lunch just once?"
"No she's been making me lunch for the past few weeks."
"Fucking marry her and don't ever let her go dipshit."
Sunoo shook you as he said this and you decided to take his words once again. Danielle has nothing but sweet and a ball of sunshine for you. Your usual cycle of repeating boring process has come to an end with Danielle now in that mix. Everyday seems so enjoyable now and you look forward to it more than before.
But are you really ready to take that risk to love again? Will it finally clicked this time and wouldn't end in vain? This questions has been running rampant on your mind as the day goes by. The moment you clocked out of work, you saw the sunset setting and you took in all what have happened for the past few weeks and there you already found your answer.
Just as the universe seems to be setting you up, you got a messaged from Danielle that says,
"I made you dinner. I made too much earlier Lol"
The perfect scenario was upon you and a sudden hit of nostalgia rushed in your mind making you smile a little but instead of leaving in pain, you were optimistic something good was gonna happen so you rushed out of the company wearing your suit and the winds pass you by.
Danielle on the other hand was patiently waiting infront of your door with a bowl and a sticky note which was her last. Because today she was gonna do it. She had consoled Lily about today and it was the day of confession. Her heart couldn't keep it in anymore as it just screams your name everytime she sees you or everytime she makes you lunch. She needs to let her heart speak now and that last sticky note is the last one that speaks her heart.
But she didn't have to wait long as you walked up the stairs and there she stood and as if she was in a painting, the sunset behind her gave her the perfect complimentary to her beauty as ger white Capri sun dress and twin tails just makes so picture perfect. You Stared at her in Awe for a couple of seconds before walking up to her quite nervous and scared. Scared that history may repeat itself again.
"Hey Danielle. That's a huge pot."
"Oh right sorry I made too much earlier. Hehehe."
Her sweet smile really got you smiling and attracted to her and you wished this girl would be in your arms right now. But how will you pull the trigger on what you wanted to say? Anxiety was slowly beginning to creep up to you and it makes you so-
"Ah, I have one last note for you Y/N."
"Last note?"
Danielle nodded and that made you feel so sad and devastated. It felt like the ride was about to end with her and you would go back to your usual boring repetitive cycle. Danielle turned the cover of the pot with the note that says..
"Baby your my special one, cause you're the one I like"
Danielle stared right straight into your eyes not wanting you break eye contact because tonight was gonna be big for her. Her heart was racing quick and her hands were sweating but she took one deep breath as she let her heart do the talking.
"Y/N. You have been such a great person to me. You have helped me a lot of times now and I really am thankful for that. I thought I was crazy at first but I didn't expect that the person I fell in love with was within my view all this time."
You stayed silent listening to her as your heart was pounding so fast.
"We walk the same sidewalk everyday yet before I wasn't aware of you but ever since I saw you, my eyes was all locked in you. Because in that sea of people, I only have my eyes set on you."
"So before I… Before we have our… Meal.. Which I hope is not the last time we see each other because I don't want to make things awkward.. Umm.. I.. I.. I just wanna say-"
"Yeah I fell for you too Danielle. A lot."
"I love you-Wait what?"
You stunned Danielle so fast her eyes went so wide like the sunset as you chuckled at her reaction. Hearing her words was enough to confirm that your heart and her heart screamed the same song called love.
"My life has always been a repeating a cycle but I thought that was enough for me. Until you came into my life and change that. Everyday I See a reason to keep me smiling and motivated to work because you, you Danielle make my world so bright."
Danielle just stared at you with the most loving look as if she was ready to melt under your touch and you decided to do just that. You cup her cheeks and kissed her forehead and said the words that stopped Danielle.
"I love you Danielle."
As soon as those words was spoken Danielle placed the pot on the floor let and hugged you tightly and began bombarding your cheeks with kisses.
"You don't know how much I was holding myself to not kiss your cheeks. Now I can kiss you as much as I can. Hehe~"
You laughed whole heartedly as you let Danielle kiss your cheeks so much as you really felt the love coming from her. Despite having a painful memory of heartbreak, Danielle was the reminder that change is the only permanent thing in the world. But more importantly, Love wins all.
"You know my co-workers will be shocked that your in college."
"Naur they won't. Besides, My friends will be proud I have such a working adult boyfriend. Who will understand my craziness."
"Oh believe me, I have seen more crazier things Danielle."
"Prove it to me babe. Hehe~"
With a smirk, you carried Danielle, princess style making her blush and laugh as you two entered your apartment but aside from being so happy where the strings between you two has finally connected, the pot of food was left outside.
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bouquetface · 1 month
Solar Return Observations 3
Accuracy influenced by entire chart
This can sometimes indicate resolving issues. Venus can offer a harmonious energy. You or someone else may effectively communicate to create solution.
House placement is important as well - EX: In 3rd, it could be with a childhood friend, siblings/cousin, neighbour. You or them could reach out to resolve past problems.
In a social house like 7th, 5th, 11th, 1st, this can indicate a new romantic interest.
In 11th, 10th or 2nd this can indicate a blessing in finances, reputation, or long term goals.
In 10th, you may be promoted. You may find a new source of income. You may be better perceived. A boost in reputation or status.
In 2nd, you may purchase one or many new possession. You may find a new source of income. You may receive help in finances.
However, keep in mind entire chart influences accuracy. For example, SR VENUS conjunct NATAL VENUS in 2nd H opposite Jupiter. This can manifest as making purchases that you can’t afford. Venus can feel indulgent. If you’re not disciplined in finances, Jupiter in 8th may expand your debt/what you owe.
SR Lilith in 9th
Usually I don’t put too much focus on asteroids in SR. However, I have seen this many times in the charts of friend’s in the year they dropped out.
This can manifest as being the “outcast”. You may not feel you belong while travelling. You may feel you don’t belong while enrolled in a uni or other type of higher educational program.
This can result in unintentional or intentional weight loss. South Node can create decrease. In my experience, this can be a year where you focus less on yourself. You don’t even realize you aren’t getting enough sleep and/or food. Your focus is on your relationship’s with other people (romantic, business, platonic). Since SR NORTH NODE would be in 7th, this can be due to changes in relationships with others.
This is can be a difficult placement. Be careful to not act on any impulsive or negative thoughts. You may experience a lot of emotional distress. Mars can be quick to act.
You may rely on other people’s finances as well. A negative manifestation of this would be stealing money or a possession from someone else.
SR Jupiter in 5th
This can indicate you or someone else is expecting a child.
You may meet new romantic interests.
You may find new hobbies. You can teach others about these hobbies/recreational activities.
The negative manifestation is you may find there is a lot of drama in your life this year. You may want to check aspects & natal jupiter placement for more insight. Example: If natal Jupiter is 10th, possibly this drama is regarding the workplace or authority figures.
This can leave you feeling mentally or physically depleted. The reasons may be unknown to you. A mystery illness. Negative emotion lurking behind you for possibly unknown reasons.
North node would be in 6th if you have this placement. This suggests you may be inspired to focus on fixing your health. You may join a gym or find other ways to be active. You may create an entirely new routine. You may get a pet to help your mental health.
A negative manifestation would be changes in daily life possibly on the job that negatively affect your mental or physical well-being.
SR MARS conjunct ASC
This can make you prone to accidents. You could develop a rash. You may find scars on your body or face. You may struggle with more frequent breakouts.
The positive manifestation is you are more energized. You could be more active this year. You could be more assertive and action orientated. This may lead to more arguments.
SR MARS conjunct MC
This can indicate your being seen as more assertive. You may go for leadership roles in the workplace. This can indicate hostility in the workplace and in regard to your reputation/status.
ex: Let’s say SR MC is conjunct URANUS & SR MARS is conjunct MC. This seriously indicates a tough work year. You may unexpectedly be fired or quit.
This indicates a transformative event that is fated. This event may lead to receiving more power or status. However, if badly placed it can be a loss of power & status.
To find in which area of life it will occur, check for the house. EX:
4th H : You may move. You may experience a death in the family.
6th: You may experience the death of a pet. You may be diagnosed with an illness or disorder.
3rd: You may move neighbourhood. You may get a new vehicle. Your relationships with siblings, cousins, childhood friends and even neighbours may change.
SR Saturn conjunct Neptune
This transit will kick your ass if you have been doing any shady shit - lying, cheating, stealing, going behind people's back, etc. The consequences are unavoidable. I have seen people who have this in their SR be exposed, shamed and left.
If you aren't doing any of that, it can still be tough. You may find other's around you are exposed. They could have been going behind your back.
Depending on house & sign, the experience will force you to mature. You can get a hard reality check if you haven't been actually working toward you goals. Saturn will bring experiences that make it hard for Neptune to keep you in a dream state. Saturn wants you to create a solid plan and start working toward your dreams.
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leilanihours · 2 months
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pairing: morgan cheli x cheerleader!reader
word count: 966
warnings: none !
summary: morgan gets a little lost at orientation, but luckily has you to help her out.
⭑ from lani: i kinda love the idea of morgan being a shy little cutie so heres this even tho i have a gazillion requests to get done 😣
masterlist !
"HUSTLE, LADIES, HUSTLE!" our team manager, alyssa, yells as she hurriedly directs us to the front of gampel pavilion.
it was bright and early on the uconn campus, the place buzzing with excitement as new and returning students began making their way to the arena for orientation activities.
as the faces of the school's athletics, the cheer team as well as the women's basketball team had been asked to be part of welcoming the students.
it just so happened that your team was running objectively late and was now rushing to the assigned table for introductions.
"alyssa, chill, we're already here," you offer, placing a hand on her shoulder in comfort.
"i'll chill once i see you guys smiling and talking to other students, alright?"
"yeah, about that," you say with furrowed eyebrows, "is that all we're here to do? sit there and look pretty?"
"yes and no," alyssa answers, "your job is to get people excited for the school year by informing them about the various classes and activites uconn has to offer."
you snort at her formal tone, "first of all, can you talk normally? i'm not coach, i'm your friend. and second of all, don't they already know what we have to offer? isn't that why they applied and why they're even here?"
"look," she sighs, "all i know is what's on my clipboard, alright? you went through orientation last year so just improv to get people happy, okay? okay," she smiles before quickly walking away.
now you're left standing alone clad in your navy blue cheer uniform. the connecticut sun engulfed the campus, it's subtle warmth offering peace on such a chaotic day.
speaking of chaotic..
"shit! i'm so sorry!" you hear a voice yelp as you're suddenly urged forward by a presence momentarily knocking you off your feet.
turning around, you're faced with a brunette girl, her cheeks pink in embarrassment as she begins blurting out a rushed apology.
"hey, it's okay," you smile calmly, placing an hand on her arm to calm her, "i'm okay. are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm okay," she sighs, "i just need to find the women's basketball team, i was supposed to meet up with them like ten minutes ago.
"oh i gotchu," you shrug as you grab her hand and pull her to follow you, "i'm on cheer and i'm pretty sure our table is next to theirs."
"thank you so much," she breathes out in relief.
"you looking to manage or something?" you ask, knowing that they don't exactly have tryouts at the division one level.
"uh no, i'm on the team actually," she replies, slightly fumbling her words as she becomes hyper aware of your hand wrapped around hers.
"oh really? that's what's up," you compliment.
"yeah, it's pretty cool," she says shyly.
she's now walking next to you, her hand still intertwined with yours. you observe her nervous behavior as she looks around the swarm of students and activities.
you couldn't lie, the girl was cute. you noticed the light freckles littered across her face, the curls at the ends of her brown hair, her bright hazel eyes highlighted with long lashes.
and her shy personality made her that much cuter. you felt a smile creep onto your face as you admired her. and only now did you realize you didn't even know her name.
"i'm y/n, by the way," you introduce, snapping her out of her trance.
"morgan," she grins, "are you a freshman too?"
"sophomore, actually," you answer, "you're a freshman?"
"you couldn't tell?" she mutters.
"hey," you say softly as the two of you begin to approach your respective teams, "you're doing great, okay? don't sweat it too much. you have amazing teammates to help you out. and me, of course."
"yeah, me," you giggle, "you're my favorite player now and you'll be seeing me a lot during the season."
"right," she remembers, "thanks, y/n."
"anytime, morgie," you grin as you release her hand and make your way over to your own team and a very angry alyssa.
the brunette stood there frozen at the sound of the nickname. as she stared at you smiling with the rest of the cheerleaders, she thought you were gorgeous, the perfect girl. she never would've worked up the courage to talk to you if you hadn't been so kind to help her.
"yo, morgan!" the freshman hears, "you good?"
she turns around and is met with her teammate aubrey, "yeah, i'm good," she says trying to hold back a smile.
"was that y/n you were talking to?" she asks with a teasing smirk.
"you know her?"
"girl, the whole team does!" she laughs, "she's one of kk's close friends."
"got it," morgan nods, turning back around to glance at you one last time.
she finds you already looking in her direction, her cheeks warming at the eye contact. you smile as you raise a hand to wave, giggling when the girl excitedly waves back.
aubrey laughs at the sight of her younger teammate looking like a lovestruck high schooler.
"you like her?" she asks with a nudge to the freshman.
"what? no, i don't!" morgan laughs nervously.
lying was not her strong suit.
"right," aubrey drags with narrowed eyes, "i'll have kk play matchmaker later tonight, but right now we gotta take some pictures."
"yeah, we're hanging out with the cheer team at ted's one last time before school starts up, i think."
all morgan could do was smile at the thought of getting to talk to you, hear your sweet voice, get to know you better. she wasn't exactly sure what her goal for the night was, but once she figured that out, she would be determined to see it through. especially if it involved you.
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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warabidakihime · 3 months
Rules and Roses Chapter 2
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★ characters: kibutsuji muzan x reader x akaza
★ plot summary: Kibutsuji Muzan has finally decided to expand his empire, and the way he intends to do so is by running for the highest political position. With you, his darling wife, at his side, he believes he can achieve and have everything the world has to offer. He is, after all, the Phoenix of Phario.
★ fic playlist: sometimes, same day, as time stops, wolf’s song (this is also the vision board for the fic). 
★ content warnings : implied violence and abuse, profanities, toxic relationships, smut.
★ Previous Chapter
first of all, i am so sorry for taking so long to update this story. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
life happened and i got sooo busy. the time i uploaded this fic was when i just started at my new workplace and shortly after a few weeks, i was already preoccupied with work. at first, i was laser-focused on getting used to my new work and the culture. then later on, i found myself playing a more important role in the office that required my undivided attention lol. besides that, so many things happened in my personal life as well that i didn't have the time and energy to write.
btw i'm now a writer by profession as well so oftentimes i would feel drained af after writing corporate write-ups. tbh, i also got hit by writer's block, especially for this fic because the plot i have in mind for it is lowkey intricate, and for the most part, i haven't decided on what route i should take story-wise. so during those 2 years, i was constantly trying to reconstruct the story in my head, and here we are!
i'm back but i'm not so sure about updating regularly as i'm still incredibly busy, but i will do my best! the latest kny seasons inspired me to write again (aka my crush for muzan lol).
hopefully, everyone is still here to read this. ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
as always, comments and kudos are highly appreciated!
happy reading!
"Can you outline your key policy platforms should you be elected President of Phario? Given your extensive background in the human resource industry as well as your rich connections owing to your business ventures in Obelisk Kibutsuji, do you first plan to address the pressing issue of the national unemployment rate?"
"Indeed, that's correct. As President, one of my top priorities will be to strengthen our nation's workforce, which is crucial for advancing our economy. I have a comprehensive plan focused on job creation, vocational training, and support for small businesses. These initiatives will not only reduce unemployment but also stimulate innovation and competitiveness within our economy.
I also aim to implement policies that ensure equal access to education, equipping our citizens with the skills needed for the evolving job market. Healthcare reform is high on my agenda. I'll ensure healthcare assistance is accessible to everyone, public hospitals are well-maintained, and healthcare workers are fairly compensated and protected by the state in any dire situations. Additionally, I'll push for technological advancements and infrastructure development to attract both local and foreign investments.
Addressing social issues is equally important, and as a devoted ally of these communities, I'm committed to fighting all forms of discrimination, especially against women and the LGBTQ+ community. We must ensure everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or identity, has equal opportunities and protections under the law.
Moreover, I'll advocate for the rights and welfare of people with disabilities, ensuring they have access to the necessary resources and support to lead fulfilling lives. This includes improving accessibility in public spaces and promoting inclusive employment practices.
Animal welfare will also be a significant focus. We need to enact and enforce laws that protect animals from abuse and ensure humane treatment.
Lastly, I'll champion the rights of minorities and immigrants. Our nation is built on the strength of its diversity, and it's imperative we create an inclusive society where everyone feels valued and respected. This includes reforming immigration policies to be fair and humane and implementing programs that support the integration and empowerment of minority communities.
In essence, my administration will be dedicated to creating a sustainable and inclusive economic environment where every Pharian has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to our nation's progress."
Muzan stood confidently at the podium, a modest yet proud smile gracing his face after addressing a journalist's question amidst a room bustling with media personnel.
Today was the day where presidential candidates shared their platforms, which also served as an open forum for engaging with the press and fielding inquiries on a wide array of topics—from current events to personal matters.
With his seasoned composure before cameras and crowds, Muzan navigated the spotlight effortlessly. His articulate delivery drew admiration from all corners as he outlined his plans for the presidency, filling you with pride as you watched from the audience.
Among the attendees, your smile beamed with pride and unconditional support for him. Akaza, who is sitting right beside you, maintained a stoic demeanor outwardly, though inwardly, he couldn't deny a hint of impressed regard. Muzan's comprehensive platform and commanding presence left an undeniable impact on him.
Eloquence had always been Muzan's forte, a skill honed through years of being a businessman and somewhat of a public figure, as among his peers and in the business landscape in general, he is well-revered and widely celebrated.
Beyond his ability to articulate ideas, he possessed a magnetic charisma—an invaluable trait for navigating the intricate world of politics and public service.
Several hours later, the policy speech slash press conference finally ended, and now you were on your way to meet up with Muzan at the lobby of the hotel where the gathering was held when a few journalists spotted you among the sea of people who were also exiting the function room.
Akaza was right behind you and is also on full alert, an important instruction your husband told him when he appointed him as your personal bodyguard a few years back. Committed to his duty, he stood there in a stance where he is ready to take action should anything happen that is out of the ordinary.
Mics were stretched out and placed within just a few inches of your face, and one of them took the liberty to ask you a question: "What are your thoughts on Kibutsuji Muzan's campaign platforms?” 
Very much like your husband, you also wore a modest yet confident smile on your face as you held eye contact with the journalist who asked you that question before displaying your own version of eloquence as you answered,
"To say that I am proud while listening to him share and advocate for the causes he wholeheartedly believed in would be the biggest understatement of the decade," you said with a fond chuckle before continuing, "even before he filed for his candidacy and even way before he became the man we all know now, he has always been outspoken about these things. He would always share with me his desire of making significant changes in the world, hoping no more children would have to endure what he did. As many of you know, Muzan, my dear husband, came from very humble beginnings, and unlike me, he has faced challenges far beyond my own. His vision and intuition surpass that of most, and so, as cliché as it may sound, his words and strong convictions carry a weight and authenticity that are strong enough to enable him in doing the impossible and inspire others to believe that a better future is within our grasp."
Akaza listened intently to your answer, finding himself captivated by your words. The way you addressed the press made you sound like a candidate yourself who's also sharing her platform. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming surge of pride as he continued to absorb your statements.
The journalists surrounding you mirrored his sentiment, clearly impressed by your response—no surprise from the esteemed Ballerina Queen of Phario.
It had been quite some time since you last entertained interviews, having retired and chosen to stay away from public engagements.
"Among the plethora of initiatives he wishes to take action on once he's elected, what resonated with you the most?"
You paused, contemplating the list of campaigns your husband had presented earlier. Just as you were about to respond, an arm encircled your waist and gave it a tender squeeze.
It was Muzan.
"Knowing my wife's love for animals, I'm certain she's most excited about what I have planned for animal welfare," Muzan interjected warmly.
You playfully rolled your eyes, eliciting amusement from not only your husband and your respective bodyguards but also the press. "You say that as if it's a bad thing," you quipped.
Muzan chuckled fondly. "Not at all, my love. Your passion for animals is one of the many reasons I fell for you."
The same journalist who had asked you the second question now directed his attention to Muzan, eager for his response. "Based on the most recent public survey, you're likely the most favored candidate to win the elections. What can you say about that, Sir Kibutsuji?"
Muzan smiled bashfully at the reporter, his eyes reflecting a mix of humility and determination. "I'm incredibly honored and thankful that our fellow countrymen have placed such faith and confidence in me. It's a humbling reminder of the trust they have in our vision for a brighter future. This campaign has always been about bringing real change to Phario, addressing the pressing issues our nation faces with innovative solutions and inclusive policies. The support we're seeing reflects not just my efforts, but the collective desire of our people for progress and unity."
He paused briefly, his gaze sweeping across the room, before continuing with renewed conviction, "Though I would like to emphasize that I don't take this trust lightly, it actually fuels my commitment to serve with integrity and purpose, to listen to the voices of every Pharian, and to lead with compassion and foresight."
By now, the press was highly satisfied with the answers both of you had given, granting you the freedom to depart. Clearly spent after the eventful day, you exchanged farewells and well-wishes before going your separate ways.
With Muzan's arm still draped around your waist, he guided you towards the grand entrance of the hotel. Meanwhile, Akaza made his way to the basement parking lot to retrieve your car, preparing to drive you both home. Kokushibo remained close to Muzan, ensuring your security as you awaited the car's arrival.
Turning to Muzan, unfazed by the bustling activity around you, you placed a tender kiss on his lips, smiling warmly. "Great job out there, my love. You did so well today. I'm incredibly proud of you."
Clearly elated, Muzan mirrored your smile and returned your affection with a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Thank you, darling. Your support means everything to me."
"Truly, I was beaming throughout your speech. You were absolutely amazing. Phario is fortunate to have such an admirable leader like you," you praised sincerely.
Right there and then, Muzan couldn't help but raise his eyebrow and playfully smile at you, prompting a confused raise of your own eyebrow.
"What's that look for?" you asked.
Muzan shook his head with a playful smirk before replying, "You're not showing favoritism now, are you, my love? I know you adore me, but let's keep it fair, hmm?" he teased, his tone light-hearted and affectionate.
You rolled your eyes at his playful accusation. "Ha-ha. Very funny, Muzan. I'll take it back, then."
Muzan laughed wholeheartedly, drawing attention once again. "I was just joking!" He then smiled warmly at you, his eyes reflecting pride. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "Hearing that from you means more than any applause, you know?"
You reached out to pinch his cheeks. "You play too much sometimes, you know?" you said with a chuckle before continuing, "But like I said, hearing you speak today—and in all those times you shared your aspirations with me from when we were students up to now, as you finally have the opportunity to make all come true—it's evident how deeply committed you are. Beyond your skills and capabilities, your passion is what makes you so compelling, Muzan. It's what makes me believe in you, too."
Minutes later, while waiting by the entrance, Akaza finally pulled up with the car. You and Muzan bid farewell to those around you before stepping into the comfort of your vehicle.
As the city lights blurred past the windows, you reflected on the day's events.
"You know," you began, glancing at Muzan beside you, "I have a feeling your speech today touched more hearts than just mine."
Muzan smiled softly, intertwining his fingers with yours. 
"I hope so. Though the election is still months away, and who knows how things might shift, that's why I don't want to take any of this for granted. I'm in this for the long haul. You'll be there with me, won't you?"
He looked over to you, and in that moment, despite his big words, he looked absolutely adorable, with his ruby eyes shining at you and his lips slightly pouty as he waited for your response, which you gladly provided through the means of placing yet another sweet and passionate kiss on his lips and squeezing his hand reassuringly. 
"I'll always be here for you, Muzan, through every challenge and triumph."
"I love you," he whispered lovingly, his expression sincere and heartfelt.
"And I love you," you replied with equal affection.
With a comforting squeeze of your hand, you nestled against Muzan's shoulder, feeling a sense of contentment as the car navigated through familiar streets towards home.
Meanwhile, in the driver's seat, Akaza's face remained unreadable. He was outwardly indifferent to the tender exchange between you and Muzan, but inwardly, he was seething with rage.
You think you're so clever, spouting all those promises and pretty words, playing the saint for the public eye. But I see through you. You're nothing but a manipulative snake, a liar wrapped in a facade of righteousness.
His gaze hardened and his grip on the wheel tightened as he stared ahead, the streetlights casting shadows on his determined expression.
One day, your mask will slip. 
I will fucking rip it off your face, even if it's the last thing I do.
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gothcsz · 4 months
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Dusk | No outbreak!Joel x Fem!Reader | ~8.2k wc | Explicit. Minors DNI.
Summary: You become a park ranger at a national park in California after breaking up with your ex. You meet Joel Miller, the chief ranger there, and find yourself absolutely smitten over him.
Tags: smut, attempted assault (not by joel), unprotected p in v sex, fingering, oral (f recieving), no use of Y/N, reader is a professor, other shit i’m probably forgetting.
A/N: i wrote this during a long car ride in my notes app so i’m NAWT liable for any mistakes xoxo this is also my first attempt at writing joel so i hope i did our man justice 😋
You’ve always been an outdoorsy person. Girl scout as a child, camp counselor in your teens, camp manager in your twenties— and not to mention the plenty of solo camping trips you’ve taken and the amount of hikes you’ve trekked.
Then there’s your full time job as wildlife biology professor in New York.
Being out in nature is the only time you ever feel true, serene peace. Who would have thought? It keeps you healthy and entertained. Most of the hobbies you indulge in and skills you have revolve around being outdoors.
Becoming a park ranger had never been part of your plans, per se, but after a really messy engagement that ended with the wedding being postponed indefinitely and then being overwhelmed by your friends and family afterwards; you needed an out.
The offer to become a ranger at a national park in California came at the perfect time. You didn’t hesitate to sign on to the job, especially since it was being offered to you by a long-time close friend you had met online through a Hiking Tips & More! Facebook group.
So you packed as much as you needed and booked your flight from upstate New York to California.
You’d be stationed there for the summer and the pay was decent. Whatever, you weren’t too hung up on that detail since you are financially stable enough to take the pay cut for the next few months.
After going through the motions of getting registered and settling in at the local lodge themed motel, you use an afternoon to just take everything in. You’ve never had the pleasure to visit any of the parks on the west coast so this experience is extra exciting for you.
You’re already prepared yourself to do some birdwatching and to brush up on your botany knowledge.
Before you are assigned a location and station, it’s required for you to attend an orientation of sorts for the new cohort of rangers working for the summer.
The intent is to go over routines and day-to-day tasks. Most of the job you already know from when you got your certification before going to graduate school. You thought you would have the time to become a ranger then, but life had humbled you quickly so the certification was never put to use.
Until now.
It’s around 7 in the morning when you arrive to the meeting room at the national park. Others linger around but you make a beeline towards the coffee machine; absolutely needing your caffeine fix for the morning.
Definitely don’t forget to bring that with you. You went quite feral without caffeine— god forbid any man, or bear, come across you before you’ve had your cup of coffee.
You fix the drink as you always take it, realizing you’ve just emptied what was left in the glass container.
Not wanting to be the asshole that left everyone else with no coffee, you rummage through the cupboards until you find the container with the grounds and you brew more, doing your good deed for the day.
Blowing against the mug before bringing it up to your lips, you savor the taste and let out a content hum.
“Was that the last of it?”
Your attention immediately flits up at the sound of the deep, southern drawl that’s like honey to your ears.
Before you stands a unit of a man: tall, broad— rugged. He’s obviously older, the salt and pepper colors of his hair and beard complimenting both smile lines and frown wrinkles on his face.
Oh, he’s handsome as hell.
“U-Uh no— yes… Well I just put more in. Should be ready soon.” You flash him a small smile, mentally kicking yourself for stuttering like a fool. Suddenly, you’re aware of how unflattering the park ranger uniform looks on you.
He can’t say the same, clearly, since the collared shirt hugs him snugly across his triceps and shoulders, stretching across the broadness of his chest. There’s a few pins attached to his front, and that’s when you catch the golden glint of his metallic name tag.
J. Miller
He just nods in response, his gaze fixated on you, “I recognize most people here.… but not you. This your first rodeo as a ranger?”
Now it’s your turn to nod, “Yes, but not my first rodeo in the field. I got my certification a few years back but never got the chance to use it.”
He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, the smell of the fresh brewing coffee hitting your senses. “Ah— I see. Figured you were new. I woulda definitely remembered a pretty face like yours.”
This has you blushing, hard, and biting down softly on your bottom lip. You can’t remember the last time someone had so openly flirted with you like this.
Your asshole of an ex-fiance quit complimenting you shortly after getting engaged. Come to think of it, most of the problems and red flags started happening after you got the ring on your finger.
Ugh, focus! You scold yourself. You have an attractive, out of your league man flirting with you and you’re here thinking of your shitty ex.
“Thank you. I think I would have remembered a face like mine, too.” You’ve never been good at receiving compliments, so you do what you do best and use humor to navigate the conversation.
He chuckles and immediately you’re wanting to hear more of that sound. It’s deep yet comforting and now you’re wondering if you’re being a weirdo for being attracted to a man’s laugh (amongst other things) like this.
You make small talk standing by the coffee machine as more people begin to trickle in. He tells you his name is Joel and that he’s been a park ranger for twenty years and a chief ranger for ten. He has a daughter named Sarah who’s in college further down in the state and you can tell just how much he cares about her by the way he dotes on her.
No mention of a wife or girlfriend, though. You don’t see a band on his finger… there’s no way this man is just walking around single like this.
In return, you tell him your name and some of your background (sans the trainwreck engagement) and he’s fascinated by the fact that you’re a professor.
His interest in you has butterflies fluttering in your stomach and it doesn’t help that he’s got the sexiest little Texan accent you’ve ever heard. Each word sending you deeper and deeper into this crush that has blossomed seemingly out of nowhere for a man you’ve just met.
Amidst the conversation that flows naturally between the two of you, there’s an aura of flirtation and attraction that the both of you seem to be reciprocating. Or at least you are. Hopefully you’re not reading this wrong.
Please don’t let me be reading this wrong.
It’s not until you both have finished your coffee that everyone arrives and he has to excuse himself.
Apparently he’s leading the orientation.
The entire time he’s giving his presentations and demonstrating safety procedures, you can’t help but ogle him.
He fits this career so well with how carries himself. Confident, steadfast, knowledgeable, fucking sexy. You just want to run your fingers through his curly, thick hair and tug on it while you ride the daylights out of him.
This sudden intrusive thought has you clenching your thighs together and that’s enough to get your focus back on the meeting and not how you want him to demolish you.
His forearm flexes, the veins protruding, as he demonstrates how to tie a tight and secure knot; his fingers moving dexterously against the rope.
Damn your dry spell and this attractive ass man.
The orientation concludes with everyone getting their assigned areas and tasks. Your folder is labeled 125.
“We’re on a two week on two week off schedule. You’ll spend two weeks manning your station before there’s a shift change. Daily tasks will be given during mornin’ check-ins along with any other pivotal information. Each camp has a binder with any additional information you will need alongside a long list of phone numbers and radio codes in case somethin’ goes awry. First shift report back here at 6 sharp tomorrow mornin’. Any further questions can be directed towards me or my partner Tommy.”
“Brother,” Tommy, who has been leaning against the wall this entire time, interjects with a playful grin and this has your brows quirking in both amusement and intrigue. He works with his younger brother. How cute.
“Yeah, yeah. That too.” Though it’s gruff, you can clearly pick up the lighthearted tone in Joel’s reply.
You want to stick around and talk with him some more, but you don’t want to come off as annoying so the second you’re all dismissed— you’re the first to be out of the room.
It’s not till you’re further down the hall that you hear your name being called out and turn to see Joel lightly jogging to catch up.
“I’m not in trouble, am I?” You ask teasingly and you catch the small smile that tugs at his lips.
“Not at all. Just wanted to make sure you were okay with your assignment.” You hadn’t even looked at the folder that he had passed to you during the meeting. It had all the information about your post.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You open the file and see a small map with your area circled in red sharpie. You see the surnames of all the other park rangers littered about on the page; and then you see Miller written by the fire lookout closest to yours.
“I gave you a smaller area since it’s your first time out here and all,” He scratches at his jaw, as if he’s almost nervous to be telling you this, “Once you get the hang of it, which ‘m sure will be in no time, I’ll put ya somewhere more… challengin’.”
It’s sweet, this gesture of his. Easing you into the job. If it had been anyone else, you would have defended your skillset and wit and demanded to be put somewhere ‘challenging’, but since it’s Joel you don’t think twice about it.
“Sounds like a plan. Thanks for this.” You smile up at him as you close the folder and he matches the expression, making him look boyish as his sweet brown eyes catch yours.
“No problem, darlin’. See you tomorrow mornin’?”
Or we can go back to my motel room, get to know each other a little bit better?
“See you tomorrow morning.”
⛰️ 🏕️ 🪓 🐻 ☀️
You finish packing the rest of your things before heading out for your first shift on the job.
Taking one last look at yourself in the mirror, you straighten out your uniform and fix your neatly braided hair before exiting the stuffy motel room.
You wouldn’t be so hung up on your appearance had it not been for the attractive DILF that’s suddenly overtaken every inch of your mind.
You haven’t stopped thinking about him since meeting him yesterday. He seems so sweet and kind; but also with a ruggedness that makes you wonder what kind of lover he is.
Is he a giver or does he only focus on getting himself off? Does he bite and leave marks? Does he prefer his women being bent over or on top of him?
Yeah, you definitely need to go outside and touch some grass.
This entire experience feels like a new beginning, a chance to reinvent yourself before flying back home and starting the new semester.
Your cab takes longer than expected to arrive at the motel, which in turn makes you late to showing up at the meeting spot.
When you burst through the doors, breathing heavily, your heart sinks at the sight of an empty room and you berate yourself for not allotting extra time for mishaps.
“Thought you got cold feet.”
You jump in your spot and whip around to face the handsome jump scare.
Joel is leaning against the counter on the back wall, arms crossed over his chest making the fabric of his button up shirt stretch obscenely over his toned upper body.
“Can’t be too jumpy out in the woods, darlin’. ‘S how you get got.”
“Fuck— sorry. My cab ran late, which isn’t an excuse for my tardiness but—”
He chuckles with a shake of his head and that has the rest of your words hitching in your throat.
“Relax, s’okay. All is right. Everyone else is already situated out there. Figured I’d hang back in case you showed. Didn’t really think you’d bail. Don’t seem like the type.”
You’re relieved, to say the least, that he’s taking mercy on you despite not liking the fact that he has to.
You’re a professional, running late is out of character for you. Even if it was due to a circumstance you couldn’t control.
You let your shoulders drop, pairing the action with a soft sigh. “Thank you. It won’t happen again. I’m more than ready to start the day.”
He studies you for a brief moment with an unreadable expression and it makes you self conscious. Is there something on my face? Is my hair sticking out somewhere?
“Okay. C’mon, let me drive you to your station.” He pushes himself off the counter and you follow him out of the cabin-styled building and to his ranger truck that has the park’s name printed on it in bold letters.
“Nice ride.” You say as you slide into the cab of the truck, setting your large backpack in the back seat.
He mutters out a brief thanks before starting the vehicle and pulling out into the rocky terrain of the park.
You can’t help the look of awe on your face as you stick your head out of the rolled down window to take in the view.
The picturesque peak of the mountain ranges surrounded by lush greenery is breathtaking and it only makes you more excited to have some alone time in the midst of it all.
What you don’t see, though, is the way Joel keeps stealing glances at you. He thinks you’re so beautiful, especially with how entranced you are by the natural setting.
You finally make it to the small area of your camp and he helps you settle in to the small structure that’ll be your home for the next two weeks.
It consists of a twin bed, bedside table, a small desk with your equipment on it and a lamp.
Very home-y. You really only got the place for the view.
“Thanks for the ride… and for waiting for me back there.” You tell him, adjusting the backpack strap against your shoulder.
“S’not a problem at all. I’m posted up a few miles north so that makes us neighbors.”
“Well, if I need some sugar or something— I’ll make sure to stop by.” You tease and this gets a chuckle out of him which has your heart soaring.
“Alright, sugar, you radio me or anyone else if you need anythin’’.”
“I will.”
⛰️ 🏕️ 🪓 🐻 ☀️
The first week goes by like a breeze. You spend most of your days hiking around your assigned area to make sure everything is as normal as it can be out here.
You tend to your daily tasks, listening along to your audiobooks. Taking in the scenery. You even find the time to explore some of the various native flowers and plants that bloom here.
It’s peaceful and exactly what you needed.
You come to discover that while you were already attracted to the sound of Joel’s deep, honeyed southern voice; you were even more attracted to it over the distortion of the radio.
Every morning you’re greeted by it during task assignments and when he gives the weather forecast for the day.
Every afternoon you hear it when he checks-in through the walkie talkie.
Every night you hear it when he does roll call to make sure everyone is alright and present.
Those are the only times you’re able to really communicate with him. You’re both so busy dealing with the job during the day then bone tired by night to really make anything out of the attraction that lingers.
And boy does it linger. You’ve never been this worked up over a man… like ever. Even with your ex the infatuation had never been this intense.
The sex with him was fine. Normal. Vanilla. The lovers you had before him were all a variation of the same thing.
So the bar was in hell— literally. That’s probably why you’re so obsessed with wanting Joel Miller to fucking destroy you.
You’re on the way back to your camp for the day when you come across a clearing, four men camping out of various tents.
“Park ranger here. Just making my rounds. Are you guys well?”
You smile politely at them, watching as they eye you up and down then suddenly— you’re feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.
“Better now. You out here all alone, sweetheart?”
You clock the pervy tone in his voice immediately, clenching your jaw but trying to keep an aura of professionalism.
You’re required to carry a gun and a taser, for obvious reasons, but not once did you ever think you would actually have to use it.
Yet with the way these men are staring at you like you’re a piece of meat— you’re really resisting the urge to let your hand hover over the weapon.
“Heading back to my partner now. You guys have a good night.” You lie with a forced smile that pains your lips as you turn from them, wanting to put as much distance between you and them as you can.
No way are you revealing that you are, in fact, alone with the nearest help being miles away.
“Oh c’mon, baby, stay a while.” A different man calls out and you can hear them following after you.
Your stomach bottoms out at the thought of them actually following you all the way back to your camp. Your location is marked on most of the maps that are posted around the area, in case of emergencies, but now you’re hyperaware that they could just go look for it and find you in no time.
Swallowing thickly, you trek forward and continue to ignore their catcalls until suddenly one of them has got a tight hold on your forearm and yanks you back against his chest.
You let out a squeal of surprise mixed with fear. Your only saving grace right now is your giant backpack since it keeps you from being flush against him.
“Get your hands off me!” You struggle against his iron grip, trying to use your free hand to reach for your weapon but he twists the arm he does have in his hold, and it renders you immobile.
You wince at the pain, adrenaline coursing through you as you hear his three other friends join and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what demise you’re about to meet.
You’re so fucking afraid so you channel that fear to kickstart your flight or fight— choosing both as you lift your foot then slam it down harshly against your captors foot.
Thank god for these heavy ass hiking boots.
The hit does enough to loosen his grip on you just enough for you to shimmy out; using the fleeting seconds you have to knee him in the balls before you take off running.
You hear them screaming profanities at you, calling you a “cunt” “bitch” “whore” amongst many other things. They’re relentless as you hear twigs snapping and leaves crushing beneath their running footsteps.
Your backpack is hindering you at this point so you unbuckle the straps that run across your chest and discard of it quickly, changing course to try and throw them off your trail.
You don’t know how long you run or where you run to, now completely lost as the last hint of sunlight disappears behind the mountains.
You don’t hear anyone chasing after you anymore but you’re not stupid enough to stop and check, so you do the next best thing which is to change your route again before finding solace behind a Giant sequoia tree.
Taking deep breaths to calm your racing heart, you slowly peek around the hefty trunk to see if they were still chasing after you.
They’re not.
Allowing yourself to feel relief, you lean back against the tree and close your eyes to keep the tears away.
Don’t cry— not now. You’re not completely out of the woods yet… ha!
You shake your head at your conscience, hands shaking as they reach for your walkie talkie to seek the help of the only man you want around you right now.
“Call to 121 from 125. Over.”
“121 to 125 on frequency 9. Over.”
You switch frequencies and immediately break procedure once you know it’s just you and Joel on the call.
“J-Joel? Do you copy? Over.”
Immediately he responds, worry evident in his voice.
“What’s goin’ on? Are you okay? Over.”
You take a second to calm down so you can concisely explain your situation.
“I was chased through the forest by a group of campers. I got disoriented, lost my bag, and now I-I’m lost and it’s so dark out. I need you to come find me. Or lead me to you… Over.”
“What do you see around you? Any distinctive characteristics? A trail? Over.”
He’s on high alert, getting methodical and procedural to suppress the rage he feels as your voice garbles through his walkie talkie.
You look around in desperation, flashlight in hand as you try to find anything that’ll pinpoint your location.
Letting out a frustrated groan, you weigh your options. You can walk around until you find something useful or stay put and wait who knows how long for Joel or those band of heathens to get to you.
He urgently calls your name through the walkie talkie when you don’t respond in a timely manner and you quickly snap out of your thoughts.
“N-No. Nothing. I’m going to keep walking until I find something. Over.”
“No. You have to stay put. ‘S dangerous out here at night. I’ll come to you. Over.”
“It’s dangerous during the day, too. I’m going. I’ll reach out to you when I find something… over and out.”
You don’t give him a chance to respond as you turn your walkie off, the batteries were already running low earlier in the day so you have to limit your use on it before you’re left stranded and walkie talkie-less.
There were extra batteries in your backpack… fuck men and their ability to ruin everything.
You walk through the pitch black forest with your chin held high, faking bravery to avoid succumbing to the fear that’s rattling in your bones.
The mosquitos bite at you, insects chirping about, and in the distance you can hear a coyote howl.
If you don’t survive tonight because of men then you won’t survive because of mother nature.
You wipe the sweat from your forehead, your exhaustion slowly catching up to you.
However, your ears perk at a low rumbling noise and your flashlight snaps in the direction in which you think you hear it coming from, your feet carrying you towards the source.
You damn near burst out in tears of joy once you see the large and beautiful waterfall that flows into the river below.
You radio Joel again, skipping the pleasantries and telling him your location.
You plop down on a bench that’s on the trail, overlooking the astounding scenery and finally you let out a sigh of actual relief. What a way to end your first official week as a park ranger.
About twenty minutes later you see his large silhouette booking it towards you, taking in your disheveled appearance once he’s close enough.
“Jesus fuckin’ christ, sugar, what the hell happened to you?”
He envelops you in his arms and you finally allow yourself to let a few tears seep out of your eyes and they land on the fabric of his shirt.
His smell, his touch are comforting as all hell and you find yourself melting into his embrace.
You feel safe. Protected.
“Just assholes being assholes. I ditched them, though. Barely. I should’ve been smarter and ran—“
He shushes you as you begin to victim blame yourself, pulling you from his chest so he can get a better look at your figure, trying to see if you were physically hurt.
Thank god you weren’t.
“All that matters now s’that you’re safe and with me, alright? ‘M west of here. ‘Bout a twenty minute hike. Can you make it?”
You can’t help but snort, blushing as his concerned expression flashes with frustration.
You’ve hiked through the Appalachian mountains— you can definitely do a mere twenty minutes. But you understand that he’s just trying to gauge how shaken up you are and is genuinely concerned about you.
“Yeah, I can make it.”
He pulls you into his chest once more and you inhale deeply, taking in his natural musk and how deliciously it pairs with the faintness of his cologne.
“Alright— let’s go.”
His chest rumbles as he speaks and you don’t want to leave the confines of his strong hold but you must. You’re ready to get this day over with.
You spill the details of your hectic predicament on the hike back to the fire tower he is stationed at. You can feel the energy radiating from his broad figure, his anger palpable as you describe the four men who had ganged up on you.
His strong jaw clenches, fists balling at his sides but he remains silent until you’ve finished.
You can only imagine what’s going on through his head… you can’t help but find his irritation alluring.
“If I had to ballpark it, I’d say they were roughly ten minutes north from my station. I know exactly where that clearing is.”
“You’ll stay with me tonight ‘n tomorrow after mornin’ announcements we’ll get back to your neck of the woods ‘n I’ll deal with those assholes myself.”
Your teeth sink in to your lower lip, his statement holding so much conviction that it makes your clit throb.
Then it sinks in: you’re staying the night with him… and you’re all sweaty and gross from the long fucking day you’ve had.
This would have been a much more enticing, ripe, and overall erotic scenario had today’s event not transpired.
“Not trying to sound pampered or anything but do you mind if I shower?”
“How on earth does that make you pampered? ‘S a shower, darlin’, and after the day you had today you need one.”
“You saying that I stink?”
“If the shoe fits…”
You elbow him softly as you both chuckle, not even realizing that you’ve gravitated closer towards one another.
Unlike your station, the fire lookout tower is much bigger and it sits higher up on the mountain. Large windows run all around the structure giving whoever’s inside a full 360° view of this side of the forest.
It’s absolutely stunning. You can only imagine how it looks during the day.
You look out from your spot on the wraparound porch as he unlocks the door then beckons you inside.
Yeah, this place is much nicer than yours. Probably because fire lookout shifts are usually more long term than normal park ranger ones.
There’s a small bathroom— with a shower—- in the far corner, along with a bed and some other miscellaneous furnishings.
Maybe you can sell your old place and move up here. The view is much nicer, anyways.
You laugh to yourself, lost in your own inner monologue and Joel looks at you funny.
“You good?”
Embarrassed slightly, you just nod. “Yeah, just a long day.”
His warm eyes convey the message ‘I understand’ and you instinctively smile.
“Sooo about that shower…”
“Uh, yeah, help yourself. Everythin’ you need should be in there. We get hot water up here so that shouldn’t be an issue. Holler if you need anythin’. Imma try ‘n find you somethin’ to wear.”
You thank him softly, trying not to look too desperate for a hot shower as you cross the room and close the bathroom door behind you.
Letting the shower run, you begin to strip from your clothes, cringing at how grossly and sticky you feel from sweating your ass off all day.
You feel all the tension leaving your body as you step beneath the shower head and the hot droplets of water hit your skin.
You swear this is the best shower you’ve ever taken. Why? Because you peeped Joel’s toiletries in there and decided to use his body wash and shampoo so now you smell like him.
There’s three rhythmic knocks at the door followed by his deep voice.
“Found some clothes. Can I come in ‘n put ‘em by the sink?”
You swallow thickly. Despite there being a shower curtain separating the two of you, you feel nervous about him coming in while you’re naked.
Not because of him but because of you. He’s got you all riled up without even knowing it.
“Or I can leave ‘em out here?”
“It’s fine, Joel, you can come in.”
There’s a hesitant pause before you hear the door opening, then his large shadow passing through and setting the small pile of clothes by the sink.
His eyes fall to the floor where you’ve left your heap of dirty clothes, seeing the feminine printing of your pink underwear peeking from below the khaki material of the shorts you’d been wearing. The matching bra not too far away.
He’s fucked— unbelievably fucked.
Joel hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you since you first met. Your smile unlike anything he’s ever seen before, your eyes a shade that makes him want to get lost in them forever, your voice a tune he wants stuck in his head all the time.
You’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen and that’s quite the statement considering he’s surrounded by breathtaking sights all the time.
He’s crushing hard despite only barely knowing you for a week.
Then there’s that underlying, primal tension that simmers when you get too close. So it doesn’t help that’s he’s getting an eyeful of your discarded garments then is aware that you’re fully naked, smelling like him, on the other side of the shower curtain.
He stands in front of the shower, half tempted to just yank back the material and join you, fully clothed, just to fuck you against the wall.
No, he can’t think like this. Especially after the day you’ve had.
So he pushes those salacious thoughts away before leaving without saying a word.
You held your breath during the entirety of that silent and brief moment there.
You could feel his hesitation, really, and mentally yelled at him to give in to the temptation and have his way with you right here in the shower.
But he doesn’t hear you, obviously, and you begrudgingly finish your shower after he leaves.
You re-enter the main room dressed in an oversized national park tee and a pair of his boxers.
His cock stirs at the sight of you in his clothes and the smell of him on your skin. He has to look away before you catch him staring and label him as a creep.
“S’not much but I made you somethin’ to eat.” He’s at the kitchenette, all the fixings to make a grilled cheese strewn about the tiny area as he holds up a paper plate with your dinner on it.
Your stomach grumbles on cue, as if remembering that you haven’t eaten since lunch.
And just like that shower— the grilled cheese is the best grilled cheese you’ve ever eaten. Not because you were starving; but because Joel had made it for you out of the kindness of his heart.
Your standards are way too low if you think a man making you a grilled cheese sandwich is the most thoughtful thing in the world.
You two finish up quickly and begin getting situated for bed.
He’s being a gentlemen by giving up his bed to you while he takes refuge in his sleeping bag on the opposite side of the room.
You tried to fight him on it (to no avail) and now you’re both wide awake, laying in silence as the night passes by.
You toss and turn on the small bed, all of the sudden not exhausted like you had been on the walk up here. You can hear Joel shuffling around too and you let out a sigh.
“Can’t sleep?” His voice cuts through the darkness and you shake your head before remembering he can’t see you.
“No. I guess I’m still on go mode after everything.”
“Need anythin’ to help you sleep?”
Yeah, you. Just come over here and fuck me one good time—- I’ll sleep like a fucking rock.
You let out a small whine at the fantasy, your brain pulling cruel tricks on you as images of him tying the rope into a knot flash through your mind… they’re suddenly distorted and now he’s tying your wrists to the bedpost with the same adroitness from before.
“Y’okay sugar?”
Too lost in your wet daydream, you hadn’t realized your prolonged silence. Your thighs rub together, your slickness smearing over your folds.
“Just fine.”
Another pregnant pause before you hear him shuffling then his heavy footsteps nearing the bed.
You sit up straight once he’s near, the moonlight pouring in from the large windows cascading over half of his face and he’s got this look in his eyes that make you want to pounce on him.
“Y’sure there ain’t anythin’ I can do to make you feel better?”
His words drip with sensuality, a double entendre that knocks down the last wall of your self control.
“I can think of a thing or two.”
He stands tall over you, your eyes darkened with lust as you look up at him through your lashes.
It’s a ravishing sight, his fingers come down to brush some of your damp hair from your face and his thumb strokes affectionally against your cheek.
“Like what, baby?”
Oh, where do you start? A kiss, right? But you’re eye level with his hardening bulge and taking him down your throat has wetness pooling at your core.
But you really want to kiss him.
“Kiss me, Joel.”
And he does, bending himself over to hungrily smash his lips against yours.
You don’t hold back the whine at the feeling, your lips moving against each others in pure desperation as your tongue swirls around his before licking into his mouth.
You don’t know where this newfound confidence is coming from but you don’t do anything to deter from it.
You continue to make out, hot and heavy, as he crawls into the too small bed with you, pinning your body beneath his as he holds himself up with his strong forearms on either side of you.
Your hands eagerly run all over where you can reach. Squeezing his triceps, tracing down to his chest then digging your nails into his shoulders.
Joel grunts against your lips, breaking away so the two of you can catch your breath. His forehead falls against yours and you smile up at him.
“What you all smiley for?”
“Have you seen yourself? You’re something worth smiling over.”
He chases after your lips again and you’re back to making out like a pair of horny teenagers. Your fingers run along his warm skin beneath the fabric of his t-shirt, feeling how chiseled yet soft he is. You feel some of his chest hair and then you get curious so your hand falls lower until it’s at the band of his sleeping pants.
The hair there is coarser and you salivate at the thought of nuzzling your nose against the patch as you take him fully into your mouth.
Eager to feel his skin pressed up against yours, you tug at the hem of his shirt and he gets the hint, pulling back to discard of it quickly.
You inhale sharply at the sight of his bare torso, much more attractive than the mental image you’d been painting since you met.
“You are so hot.”
He exhales through his nose in a silent laugh before he descend on you again, except this time he doesn’t reconnect your lips.
His hands softly caress your body through his clothes, cupping your breasts and kneading them. This has you canting your head back and arching into his touch, moaning sweetly at how good it feels
“S’all you, gorgeous. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
This has you moaning louder as his fingers pinch your pebbled nipples and you begin rocking your hips against nothing just to relieve some of the pressure that’s built up against your core.
“Joel, please…” You whimper out, wanting him to rip these clothes off you and devour you entirely.
He knows what you want and what kind of man would he be to deny such a pretty little thing of feeling good?
He quickly undresses you and you’re so lost in the moment that you aren’t even plagued with self consciousness.
Every touch, every stroke and caress has you feeling flawless as he begins to kiss at your neck, his pouty lips sucking a small mark beneath your jaw and you hiss his name out of excitement.
His lips continue their assault against your neck before trailing down to your chest and between your breasts.
His large, calloused hand runs up and down your sides before he hooks his fingers under the band of his boxers that you’re currently still in, slowly pulling the fabric down.
“Ya sure about this? We can stop if you want to.”
“If you stop right now I might just kill you.”
He smirks against your chest, letting his curved nose run along the swell of your breast before his tongue darts out to kitten lick at your sensitive nipple.
You shudder and then he’s taking the nub into his mouth, sucking on it before letting his tongue flicker over it repeatedly.
“Oh fuck, baby, that feels so good.”
With your lower half now fully exposed, he massages your thighs and you spread them wider to allow him to rest against you comfortably.
He continues to give your tits attention but now he’s paired it with the sensation of him running his thumb against your obscenely wet slit.
Your hips buck up involuntarily at his touch and he pulls back from your chest to look up at you.
“Be patient, sugar, I promise imma make you feel good.” He husks out, just as turned on as you are, as he turns his head towards your other breast to begin lavishing it in the same attention he’d just given its twin.
His thumb dips between your puffy folds, gathering your arousal before he’s swirling it around your needy clit.
You bite your lip, eyes fluttering close as you allow yourself to get lost in the pleasure of this foreplay. You’ve never been with a man who was this attuned to your body; touching you in all the right places and having you make sounds you’ve never made before.
Your nipple falls from his mouth with a soft and wet pop as his lips trail down your abdomen, kissing the smooth skin along the way.
He reaches your mound, those chocolate brown eyes of his staring up at you as his hands find purchase on the backs of your thighs, spreading you wider for him so his broad frame can fit in between them.
“You’re s’wet, darlin’. Bet you taste fuckin’ sweet too.”
Your fingers reach down to run through his hair, lust blooming in your stare.
“Why don’t you find out?”
He groans, lowering his head until you can feel his warm breath against your throbbing cunt. With your fingers still intertwined in his hair, you tug him closer to you— dying to feel his touch where you need him most.
Usually, Joel would drag this out more. Tease you until you’re a puddled mess and begging for him to take you however he pleased.
But he’s drunk on you. His mind clouded with nothing but the vision of your naked body sprawled before him and your sheer eagerness to use him to get off.
It’s hot and exhilarating— which is why he wastes no time in attaching his mouth to your pussy, groaning as your arousal floods his mouth.
“Oh my god!” Your back arches off the bed, grip on his curls tight as he begins to eat you out like a starved and barbaric man.
His tongue flicks across your clit one, two times before exploring the rest of your cunt. The wet noises coming from his ministrations echo through the room and they only spur you further into your orgasm.
“So fuckin’ sweet, baby. I could die a happy man right in between these beautiful legs.”
Joel kisses and nips at your inner thighs before diving back in. His tongue flattens against your cunt as he takes long, broad swipes before his lips wrap around your sensitive nub and he sucks on it. Harshly.
A scream of pleasure rips from your throat at the action, hips moving against his face as his nose bumps against your clit when his tongue moves down to plunge into your tight hole.
He licks the inside of you, allowing you to rock your hips as your stomach tightens with your climax not too far away.
Sensing this, Joel brings two of his thick fingers up to your core, lubing them up with your wetness before he slides them in. The slight burn from the stretch is enough to have you seeing fucking stars.
“Just like that Joel please don’t stop.”
You don’t care if you sound needy or desperate— the whole reason you’re here in California is to experience something new and to forget about how shitty your romantic life has been in the past.
Joel’s doing an amazing job making you forget, his rough fingers pumping in and out of you as his mouth kisses your pussy.
“C’mon baby. I can feel how fuckin’ close ya are, sugar. Let go.”
His fingers curl inside you, brushing up against that spot that has you cursing out a litany of expletives as you clench around him tightly and cum harder than you ever have in your entire life.
Your fingernails dig into his scalp, grounding you as your orgasm quite literally has your soul leaving your body.
Your release coats his digits, mouth, and jaw as he eats you out through it. Your chest rises and falls rapidly as you attempt to catch your breath, twitching at the oversensitivity between your thighs.
“Did so good, baby. Look so fuckin’ pretty comin’ undone like that.” He mutters against your ear, once again hovering over you before your mouths meet in a passionate kiss.
You can taste yourself on his lips and tongue, and it’s enough to spark another flame of arousal in your lower belly. Your legs wrap around his waist as his painfully hard erection presses up against your freshly fucked cunt.
“I want you to fuck me, Joel, please.” Your nose brushes up against his, giving him your best fuck me eyes in which he has no choice but to comply.
He shimmies out of his sweat pants, his swollen cock bouncing slightly as it’s exposed and your eyes widen as you look down to see just how fucking big he is.
Oh fuck, is it even going to fit?
“You okay, babygirl?”
You nod, eagerly. “Better than okay. I can’t wait to feel you inside of me.”
Your hand comes down to stroke him a few times, loving the way he groans out your name before swatting your hand away.
“Fuck— wait. I don’t have a condom.” He mutters and you quickly pull him down to you before he shifts away from between your legs.
“It’s okay. I’m on the pill and haven’t been with anyone in months.”
You have no problem with him going in raw, you actually prefer it since you want to feel every ridge and vein of his cock as he pounds into you.
However; if he’s been giving it out to the masses then maybe you should reconsider letting him fuck you… but he doesn’t seem like the type to whore out like that and you pray that’s the case.
“Me either. ‘M clean ‘n I don’t get much action out here.”
“Then what are you waiting for?”
He laughs, actually laughs in your face and you can’t help but find this moment endearing.
“M’gonna have to instill some patience into ya, sweetheart. You’re a needy little thing.”
There’s a snarky reply on the tip of your tongue but it dies there as he sinks into you, the bulbous head of his cock stretching you out deliciously as your fleshy walls flutter around him.
“Fuck,” You both groan out in unison, relishing in how good it feels to be lost in each other like this.
He hasn’t bottomed out yet and you already feel so full.
“So big, Joel.” You purr out, feeling him twitch inside of you at the praise.
He rocks his hips into yours, finally burying himself fully inside of your cunt and you whimper at the feeling.
He stills, letting you adjust to his ginormous fucking cock, whispering sweet words into your ear as he peppers soft kisses against your neck and shoulder.
“You can move now. Please.” You roll your hips, crying out like a pornstar when the head just barely brushes against your cervix.
“Oh sugar you’re gonna have to keep those noises to yourself if you want to enjoy this for longer than two strokes.”
It makes you giddy knowing you have such an effect on him.
“Can’t help but express how good it feels.”
His hips cant back, cock sliding through your wet walls as he begins to thrust back into you. His movements start slow and patient, but once there’s enough of yours wetness coating the both of you; he readjusts you on the small bed and begins to set a ruthless pace.
“Yesyesyes, oh my god just like that!”
He sits back on his haunches, meaty hands gripping onto your hips for dear life as he fucks you harshly, the rusted springs of the bed crying out at the harsh movements.
“Play with your tits, baby, show me how much you like bein’ fucked like this.”
Not needing to be told twice, your hands come down to do as instructed; twisting and pulling at your nipples which heightens your arousal even more.
They bounce against your hold as he screws you with all the passion in the world. You’re hoping his rough touch against your hips leaves bruises. It’d be a lovely memory of this moment and how it’s not just a dream you’re having.
The sound of skin slapping against skin mingled with your respective sighs and moans of pleasure swirl around in the air, both of your bodies glistening with sweat from your coital activities.
He looks so sexy over you like this, the curls at the base of his neck sticking to his skin with sweat, eyes focused on your folds as your pussy stretches each time he fucks into you, tongue just barely peeking out between his lips in concentration.
You want to feel his lips on you as you cum for the second time tonight, so you reach for him and whine out his name and he happily complies, leaning over and crashing his lips onto yours.
Your tongues intertwine and you nibble on his lower lip as his hands move your legs to rest over his shoulders.
The change of angle is enough to topple you over the edge, and you cum with an aggressive shout of his name followed by your nails raking down the taut skin of his back.
His thrusts don’t relent as he continues to fuck you, and you’re too disoriented and caught up in pure bliss to do anything about it.
“Mmm baby cum inside me. I want you to fill me up and paint my walls with your cum, Joel, pretty please.”
You use that tone again, the porny one that had him almost coming prematurely. You pair it with a tight squeeze of your walls and that does it.
His thrusts stutter and he grunts huskily against your neck as he fills you up with his spend. You play with his hair as he comes down from his own climax, placing kisses against the crown of his head.
You both lay in a comfortable silence, him still buried inside of you while he holds himself up on his forearms.
“That was amazing.” You’re the first one to breach the quiet, “But I’m gonna need you to let my legs down. I don’t want to cramp folded up like a lawn chair like this.”
He chuckles against your sweaty skin, placing a kiss to your jaw before he pulls back and tentatively moves your legs off of his broad shoulders.
Joel pulls his cock out of you and you shudder at the loss, feeling his cum slowly dripping out and down your slit.
“Such a pretty sight.” He mumbles, bringing his fingers down to collect some of your mixed release before pumping it back inside of you.
You whine in protest, “Joel she’s sensitive. She just took one hell of a pounding.”
Though you clench around his fingers, your body contradicts your words.
“S’okay, sugar, I’ll take good care of her.”
And he does, god does he take good care of her and you for the remainder of the night.
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eevees-hobbies · 1 month
Like Magnets Do (Fem!Reader x Hayato Suo) - NSFW
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Synopsis: Who wouldn’t want to work at a bookstore for the Summer?! But there’s just something about your boss, Hayato Suo, that rubs you the right kind of way. Sure, he’s an asshole, but the bookish types usually are! Enjoy your Summer job, and please try not to entice your boss!
Content Warning: Fem!Reader x Hayato Suo. I do not condone the actions written in this story. As always, this is a piece of fiction, so please consume responsibly and mind the content warnings. Obsession, mention of stalking, boss-employee relationship (NO!), flirting/sexual activity at work (NO!!), fingering, panties in mouth, dominant/submissive play. Reader likes it all. Minors Do Not Interact.
Author’s Note: Part of the Help Wanted: @interstellar-inn collab event. This man is really hard to write 2K words for but this was a welcome exercise in brevity! Thank you to @suosgirl for reminding me of Suo’s tumultuous relationship with reader’s panties.
Word Count: 2.0K
Story banner by me. Dividers by Saradika.
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You were ecstatic when you saw the “Help Wanted” sign on your college campus indicating that your favorite small business bookstore needed help for the Summer. Being surrounded by literature and like-minded bookworms was a life-long fantasy that was only a paper application away–yeah, paper.
Red Flag #1:
You filled out said application and were immediately called for an interview that day.
Red Flag #2:
You interviewed with the owner of the store, an older gentleman who rushed you through your answers to very simplistic questions: “Do you read?” “Do you know how to sweep?” To your non-surpise, you were hired on the spot.
The Reddest Flag of Them All:
On your first day, you asked a colleague about the whereabouts of the older gentleman who had hired you. They simply gave you a look of pity as they counted down their register to clock out. 
“Oh, you must have interviewed with Bill. Bill doesn’t really “manage” the bookstore. He pops in occasionally, sure, but we report to something else.”
You tilted your head at his word choice. Something else? At seeing your confusion, your co-worker gave you a pat on the shoulder and dropped a bomb that you weren’t expecting on your first day. 
“Doesn’t matter. It’s my last day anyway. Now you can deal with him.” As he concluded his dramatic sentence, the bell that indicated someone had entered the store jingled softly, and the most breathtakingly handsome man strolled in.
You put on your best customer-friendly smile, and as he approached you, your heartbeat thundered in time with the resounding tempo of his footsteps. He gave you a small smile, his eye closed, the other covered by an eyepatch, and he opened his mouth.
“Ah, you must be the newest meat. We’ll see how long you last.”
How’s that for an orientation?
The weeks that followed were like going through your own version of hell. Your new boss, who you had learned was named Hayato Suo, was a complete asshole. You could feel him breathing down your neck as he criticized your filing technique or how you couldn’t immediately identify the name of a book that a customer wanted. He had a snarky remark for everything, but worst of all was not how he spoke to you but how fucking attractive he was. 
You constantly found your eyes lingering on how he smiled at customers upon helping them with daunting requests or how his fingers would stroke the spine of books as he determined if they were worth pulling from the shelf. And despite your best effort–and you really fucking tried—you found yourself developing a bit of a crush on your asshole of a boss.
To you, Suo was just a simple Summer crush. There was no way your boss could ever be into you, right?
You wouldn’t know this because of his calm demeanor, but the first time Suo laid his eyes on you, he nearly had to remind himself to breathe. To Suo, everything about you is simply perfect. His attraction to you felt natural, and it also felt painfully inevitable. Not recognizing the immediate pull he had to you would be like denying himself of oxygen, which was a fact that had him often drumming his fingers against his desk in annoyance. 
But instead of pushing you away, Suo felt himself gravitating towards you every chance he could. He often stalked closely behind you to monitor the way you put away books in an attempt to catch the intoxicating scent of your hair. 
Your voice, which sounded of gospel, had him tuning into the conversations you had with customers–his eyes narrowing as other students would enter the bookstore just to steal away the precious time you had together. Never mind that they may or may not have been flirting; they were simply a hindrance during a time when Suo needed to bond with you. They were an obstacle that limited his ability to make you see the truth: that you two were perfect for one another.
And Suo was painfully aware that he only had you for the Summer when, in actuality, he wanted a lifetime. Time was of the essence, so he needed to act fast.
Suo was solely responsible for the schedule, so he ensured all your shifts included working alongside him. If Suo was opening the following day, he saw you bright and early—never mind that he was pushing a cup of coffee in your hand that was your exact order down to the amount of sugar you liked; he was just very observant, ok? 
If Suo were closing, he’d insist on walking you to your car because you could never be too safe, and he wanted to make sure that you were going home alone because if you were going home with any gentlemen, it should be him.
Next were the light touches. 
When you would attempt to reach a book that was far too high for your reach—and maybe he was the one who sent you to that particular section in search of that novel knowing you’d have trouble–semantics! He’d watch as you’d outstretch your body, the way your curves beckoned to him, his eyes sweeping over you with lustful satisfaction that made the hair on the back of his neck stand. He’d slowly walk up behind you, lean against you to the point that the heat from your bodies entangled one another, and place a seemingly innocent hand on the small of your back and retrieve the book.
As you looked over your shoulder at his unexpected proximity, your eyes catching his, you couldn’t help but notice the look in his eyes. Something in the pit of your stomach told you that maybe you should run–or at the very least call HR because you were most certainly in the jaws of something predatory–but there were two issues: there was no HR department, and you kind of had a thing for men that looked at you like you were something to be devoured.
It all came to a boiling point one night while you both closed the store.
As you were wiping down one of the display tables, you couldn’t help but feel eyes on you. You made a show of bending over further to give him a better view of your backside. You hadn’t thought he took the bait until you felt hot breath on the back of your neck and a sharp, strained voice in your ear.
“You do that on purpose, don’t you?” Long fingers curled around your hips as you felt him pushing you against the table. You, being the asshole that you are, decided to do the worst thing you could do to someone who doesn’t take teasing well–you laughed.
“Do what on purpose? Whatever hard-on you have for me is your problem.”
“You think so? You don’t think I catch you staring at me? You don’t think I see how you look at me? You’re insatiably filthy.”
“You haven’t seen insatiable, Suo, and I don’t think you could handle me at ‘insatiable.’”
Suo’s eyes widened slightly as he realized he had misunderstood you all along–you weren’t as innocent as you looked, which made him far more excited. His gaze darkened as he leaned forward, pressing his erection against the valley of your fabric-clad ass in your skirt. “I’m going to have fun breaking you tonight. Finish closing up and meet me in my office when you’re done.”
As your eyes wandered to the ‘We are Open” sign facing into the store's interior, you briefly contemplated an alternative universe where you hung up your apron and left the bookstore, never to return. But that alternative universe sounded boring, and if you weren’t being threatened by intense sexual undertones from your remarkably hot Summer boss, were you genuinely having a good time? 
No, of course not.
As you finished your duties, you cautiously pushed the door open to Suo’s office. He sat at his desk, and instead of appearing stern and upset, he seemed almost pleased, which frightened you more. He lifted a finger and pointed to the middle of the rug as he walked around his desk. 
Your eyes flickered between the rug in front of you and him. As you hesitated, Suo was on you in an instant, pushing you up against the wall, his fingers digging into your thighs as the nearby items on shelves clattered to the floor,
He leaned in, his breath hot and ragged against your neck. “You’re still willing to play these silly games with me? Despite this magnetic pull between us?”
“I’m not going to ask you again.” Suo suddenly pulls away, strides back to his desk, and leans against it as he looks at you with a neutral expression. And despite every fiber in your being telling you to not make this easy for him, you feel your legs moving your body to the center of the rug.
It must be that damn magnetic pull he was talking about earlier.
As you lowered yourself to the floor, you were stopped in a crouching position as Suo's voice halted your movement. “Your hesitancy from earlier has cost you the privilege of wearing panties. Take them off and give them to me.”
Your eyes shot up to his, and you saw unwavering and unbridled absolution in his eyes. You shivered as you hiked up your skirt and hooked your fingers around the hem of your panties. You maintained eye contact with him as you tossed them to him. His eyes narrowed as he caught them, but he said nothing of your continued bratty attitude. 
“Now crawl to me.”
Like a good girl, you follow his orders, and he offers you a hand–a kind gesture that puts you on edge. As he pulls you up, he presses your underwear to your lips, and once again, like a good girl, you obey by opening your mouth. 
He gives you a pleased smile before leaning in; his lips pressed to your ear as he poses a demand. “Tell me that you need me to touch you. Tell me that you want this, bunny.”
As you give him a muffled whine of approval, you feel the heat rising to your cheeks as he tilts his head in mock confusion. Fine, you think, I’ll just fucking show you. You hike one leg up on the desk, effectively pinning him in and allowing him the inability to deny that this is something you want.
And with the urgency of someone who has been dreaming of this very moment with you, Suo pulls your skirt up and slips his fingers inside your heat. And at first, he’s gentle, but as your muffled moans spur him on, he can’t help how he curls his fingers to hit your g-spot or the way he simultaneously rubs his palm against your swollen and aching clit. He watches you with such intensity that it makes you feel akin to being under a microscope. You can feel him studying you, committing every expression and involuntary movement to memory. 
His fingers explore you hungrily; he flicks his wrist, and his eyes stay locked onto your face as he finds the spot he knows that can make you shatter. His kisses along your jaw feel scalding, and you can feel the upward twitch of his lips as your eyes roll back for him.
He wants to see you at your most vulnerable and your most beautiful. He wants to see you unravel in the messiest of ways for him. And when you finally climax, he lets out a shaky breath, an indication that he’s so very close to losing control of himself—and all for you.
“There you go, bunny. You’re so much more tolerable when you have that look on your face.”
With a snort, you adjust your clothes as Suo’s intense gaze lingers. His voice sounds level as he speaks, “Semester starts Monday, but I can adjust your schedule to accommodate your classes…” 
And while you hadn’t intended for this Summer job to be anything but a quick and easy way to make money, you truly can’t deny the force of the pull you feel for him. 
“That sounds great, boss.”
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imissylou · 11 months
Herbs and Spices Legacy Challenge
By Sunny & Missy
Hello! This is the first challenge my friend and I created. I had lots of fun making this challenge and I hope you enjoy it as well. I created this in only a day so there may be things that need to be added or taken away once I go through the challenge myself. Happy Simming!
This is an 8 generation Legacy Challenge. The gender and style is completely up to you (except generation 2). Complete all goals before moving onto the next generation. Make sure you look ahead each generation because some may overlap with each other (start as a teen or teen goals). I will create a base game version in the future, but for right now just skip or make up a new rule if you don't have a pack. We will be adding colour's (yes we’re Canadian), no they don't make sense with the herbs and spices, but it's fun so that's what we're going to do!! I'm playing this for the first time so things may change, please let me know if there's any mistakes or if you think of anything to add to this challenge.
You can either start off with 0 money like the original legacy challenge or start out with starting funds, whichever is more fun for you!
You don't have to level up skills to level 10, unless the job states otherwise.
Complete job career, unless stated otherwise
Complete the aspiration each generation, unless stated otherwise
Cheats are fine if it makes the challenge more fun for you, otherwise try not to make yourself have an advantage over others, cc is fine
Must complete each goal for each gen, then you can go to the next generation, You can choose to do the optional goals
I suggest life span on normal or long, short if you want stress and a challenge!
This doesn't need to be a berry challenge, but if you want to you can make everything their fav colour!! 
if you play this challenge please use #herbsandspiceslegacy
Have Fun!!
The link for the full challenge can be found below!! The first Gen will be below the cut, just to see if you like it!
Here's a google doc
Generation 1 - Paprika
You always loved kids, your job as a teacher fulfilled your needs as wanting to be a Parent, you fell in love with a noncommittle person, you thought you could change them, but one day they were gone, you still had something to remind you of them. you were pregnant! Now you're going to be the best parent ever, who needs two parents anyways.
*Aspiration: Super Parent
*Traits: Family Oriented (choose others)
*Skills: Research and debate, logic, and Charisma 
*Job: Teacher (Any Branch)
*Fav Colour: Red
*complete the teacher career
*Complete Aspiration
*Must have a male Child (you can cheat this or have a trans sim)
*Have 1 child, be super involved in their life
*Have your kid have high confidence
*Achieve either the close or supportive family dynamic with your child
*Never date or marry
Optional goals
*Master all your skills
*Get the single and loving it lifestyle
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taro-pdf · 2 months
Humans are Deathworlders, but they can be Friends, too.
Context: the main alien is Feja, xe/xer, an adult 4th gender tuscia (bipedal beings that communicate mainly through frequencies higher than humans do. Theyhave 5 sexes and 5 main societal gender roles)
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Feja didn’t get along well with xer crewmates. It was always hard to communicate cross-species, and even harder when most of them were humans and couldn’t hear you. That’s why, when they stopped to pick up a group of even more humans in the Acrux solar system, Feja wasn’t exactly excited.
The humans’ voices were low, loud, rumbles in as they boarded, speaking of things Feja didn’t know about and couldn’t share. But xe had to do xer job, which involved initiating a small group of new humans who would share the same sort of tasks as xer. Not that xe wanted to share tasks with beings who drank poison for fun and kept predators as pets, but xer job was xer job.
“Hello, welcome to the Yenna,” xe paused, allowing a few seconds for the translator to work. It was always so awkward to wait. And sometimes older translators wouldn’t pick up xer voice correctly at all. “My name is Feja, xe/xer, tuscia, and I will be orienting you to your roles and responsibilities. You should have already received a brief. If you have any questions about that, please let me know.”
One of the humans’ mouths let out a few rumbles, followed by Feja’s translator repeating their words to xer, “Are their Uni-10 translators provided? I missed some of what you said.” 
Feja smiled and the human’s eyebrows scrunched. From previous experience, xe knew that it was confused, probably not used to tuscia body language. Feja let out a small hiss, but replied, “We don’t provide translators, but if communication is an issue, I can transfer you to a different group.” 
A pause, a low rumble, and then, “I think that’d be best. Thanks for being flexible!” 
The other humans in Feja’s group had better translators, and xe was able to finish xer initiation protocol with few issues. Slightly exhausted, xe started to walk back to xer room. Why did xe ever sign up for this? Why didn’t xe apply to somewhere where beings could actually converse with xer without a translator? And why, oh why did xe have to work with so many deathworlders?
Turning into a narrow corridor, Feja saw a human, looking at a number on their watch, then the signs next to each door, apparently trying to find a match. Their long white hair was plaited and reached their waist, and they were wearing a blue tunic that contrasted with their tan skin. It was too narrow to slip past, so Feja clacked xer mouth—a sound that xe knew humans could hear—but the human didn’t turn. Instead, they tried to open another door that also didn’t open, evidently not theirs . Feja clacked louder, to no response. As the human tried the next door, xe got rudely close and clacked once more. The human jumped, then turned and waved. Lucky not angrily— humans could take Feja down in a second. They looked down to their watch and started typing something.
Hey! I’m Kell, they/them, human, and new on board the Yenna, but not a traveler. The text was transmitted directly to Feja’s watch, and xe was surprised to see it was in universal language, not a human one that would have needed further translation. I’ve been hired as a tech assistant, so I should get my own room, but my initiation guide didn’t tell me where it was, and I’m having trouble with these numbers. Does the ship use a different language?
Not an uncommon problem for those first on board. Why didn’t their initiator tell them that?
“Most written text on the signs is in the captain’s birth tongue,” Feja explained. Kell tapped their glasses and captions scrolled across their screen as they looked at xer. “It’s Suav, and probably not in your translator’s database. You can add it, or you could use Anglu, which is close enough that it picks up most things.”
Kell nodded and switched their watch to Anglu, then translated a plaque on the wall. Seeing the results, they hit their forehead with their fist, thumb out. Feja startled, neck ruff raised.
“Are you alright?” Xe asked, cocking xer head. Even with how durable humans were, most of them didn’t hit themselves. Faja’s words scrolled across Kell’s glasses, then they laughed. 
I’m fine. That was sign language; I was calling myself stupid because I’m about 100 doors and a floor away. They looked up and chuckled.
“Sign language? Like the Ruq’?”
Yeah, though the Ruq’ never evolved ears. Mine just don’t work, I’m what humans call Deaf. I grew up with signs.
“So you sign to your fellow humans?”
Ha! Kell raised a lip—a sign of a negative emotion, though Faja wasn’t sure which one. I wish. I’ve only met a few who know any, and then usually not the same one I use. I text to talk to most beings. That’s why I’m in tech and not navigation.
“But you use the Universal Interplanetary Language, not Human, and that’s quite a feat of learning. Surely you had a choice in your occupation, especially considering how you’re a human…” Feja shifted on xer feet. The human-other ratio on board Yenna was unusually high, but that was because they specialized in human transport. Humans easily got jobs as medics, security, or anything else, especially as almost every intergalaxy ship had at least one. But most beings didn’t want to so much as be near the same fleet with so many of such a volatile species. Humans were known for their adaptability, cunning, and ferocity after all. 
When you can’t communicate with most people, you have to do what makes it easiest, and for me that was making sure to limit translation times as much as possible. 
Feja winced at xer own thoughts of Kell’s possible violent nature. Xe looked down at xer messages, a wall of one-way texts, and winced again. Xe typed back, that’s my reason for learning UPL, too. Receiving the text, Kell’s eyes widened. 
You stopped speaking? My translator can write your words out for me.
Feja smiled. It didn’t seem fair. We can keep a record of what I say, too.
 Thanks. Kell blinked and shook their head. That’s not something I even thought of.
I know what it’s like when it’s more work to communicate. The humans tend to avoid me. Faja recalled the human who requested a new group earlier that day.
Me too. Kell had a look on their face that Feja felt often. 
I’ll walk you to your room. I can read Suav numbers, at least. What’s yours?
Kell brightened and checked their brief. It should be 470. 
Alright, that’d be down this hallway. It’s a relief, Faja thought, that they aren’t pushing me away.
A few steps later, Faja’s watch buzzed. Xe looked down.
Hey Faja, how many languages do you know? Kell looked at them and Faja stared. Human’s colors were usually so dull, but xer eyes were drawn to the vibrant green of Kell’s, a color rarely seen in space. Shaking xer head to focus, xe counted the languages xe knew.
Three fluently, five partially. They’re fun to learn, though it doesn’t mean much when no one on board can hear me.
Kell thought for a second, started typing, paused, then sent their message. They peered at xer from behind their hair.
Language isn’t always about hearing. Have you thought about learning sign language?
It was Faja’s turn to pause. Kell fidgeted with a button on their watch. This human was making an effort to bond… with xer. Even though xe was a different species, and even though xe couldn’t offer any career advancement or connections. Xe closed xer eyes and inhaled. Maybe, just maybe, xe would make their first friend on board. It really wasn’t a question, then, was it? This deathworlder wasn’t so bad.
Xe typed xer reply: 
I’d love too.
Based on a post by @bunnyycat, this is the edited version post-a-good-nights-sleep. Image description in alt.
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