#i have a pretty house loving mom and dad and three siblings and yet ive never felt so alone
his-littlefox · 29 days
#im so sick of living in a religious house :((#im sure its the reason for almost all my mental health problems and i cant even discuss it#i wanna respect my religion sm bc my familys believes in it sm but idk how long id be able to take it#i dont even realize how completely drained and numb ive become until im not at home#i have a pretty house loving mom and dad and three siblings and yet ive never felt so alone#its like i dont even know the girl who lives here#she feels nothing she reacts at nothing even talking feels like a chore to her#honestly i miss myself#i miss everything about me#religious values stupid expectations the constant judgment and need to mold me into something#im so tired of it 😭😭#i just wanna live plsss#i dont know when my life will even begin#when will i have a life that’s my own??#without a thousand ppl weighing it down#no one here lets me live 😭😭#sometimes i wish id get kidnapped or smth#or id get lost#but i dont wanna hurt my mom and dad i love them sm!!#every night i hope to wake up somewhere else in a pretty fairytale <33#im sure it’ll happen someday!!#sometimes im so sure itll happen the next day but it hasn’t yet…#i believe in magic and miracles#but sometimes the constant negativity of my home weighs me down so much :((#i know i just have to keep believing to escape!!#maybe my hope isn’t strong enough yet but i know it will be someday!!#ik id one day wake up in a cute life <3#i try so hard to be happy here but ughh sometimes i need to rant#daphnie rambles 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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generallybarzy · 4 years
smile like sunshine iv
Tuesday: ~ 7.9k I’M SO SORRY
previous chapters: i // ii // iii
an: I HAD WRITERS BLOCK BUT THEN IT ALL HIT ME AT ONCE. I thought it was gonna be a short filler chapter but.... 7.9k words later here we are... I realized that I probably should’ve given mc a real name and stuff because it’s so specific about certain details, but it’s too late to change that, so we’ll all have to deal with it unfortunately. Also, from here on out there is a warning for nsfw thoughts! Anyway, enjoy! @thirteenisles!!
summary: Much, much different from yesterday, today is the yearly fishing trip, so you and Mat are- unfortunately- apart for a good part of the day. Mat and your father come to a silent agreement and you look for a distraction in an old flame to keep you from falling more in love with your friend. Mat doesn’t like sharing this place in your mind with anyone else...
It’s the summer of ‘19, eleven years after you first met Mat, and things are bound to be a little different this time around. 
You woke up the next day with a smile on your face, giddy and excited before you even opened your eyes. You had fallen asleep happy and tired and full of warmth the night before, cuddled up against Mat’s side as he drove back to the beach house. He only woke you with soft whispers when it was time to undress for bed; you woke up in his arms realizing he had carried you all the way from the car to your room. So, your mind raced with images of Mat- his smile, his laughter, his eyes, his body- it was all overwhelming enough to stir up passionate dreams about him. Dreams about his skin against yours, weightless in the water, his big hands on you, his body hovering over top of yours, his dark hair falling into his eyes as he moved on top of you... 
Rolling over in bed and trying to control yourself, you opened your phone and went into your gallery, into the folder of all your pictures of Mat from yesterday that you would continue to fill throughout the week. 
And though you’d only been apart from him for the eight hours of sleep, you needed to see him in person.
Mat was in the room across the hall, drifting in and out of sleep with a smile on his face as he thought back to yesterday. He reached over to the bedside table so he could scroll through his own phone. You had asked him yesterday to take a picture of you for your Instagram, posing for him and smiling with the ocean in the background, and he couldn’t look away from them. You looked so good yesterday in that little bikini, all spread out on the paddleboard and soaking up the sunlight, and, as much as he wanted to keep his head out of the gutters around you, there was just something about you. If only you knew the effect you had on him.
“Kids, get up! We’ve got a lot planned for today!” 
He jumped, hearing your mother’s voice in the hall outside your rooms, and sat up a little bit more in bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He had to admit, this trip would be a little bit more fun if your family wasn’t here as well; if every day could be like yesterday. But hoping to be alone with you for every second of the day was a fantasy, and he knew it. He was still technically intruding on your family vacation.
There was a knock at his door, and for a horrible moment, he thought it was one of your parents before your voice sounded from the other side. “Mat? It’s me.” 
“Yeah, come in.” If only he was ready for what he was about to see. Yeah, he saw you in a bikini yesterday, but this was just as good… You walked into his room in a little tank top and booty shorts, what you had slept in, your messy hair thrown up in a bun. He didn’t want to stare too much, but were you braless? Yeah, you definitely were. He shuffled around under the sheets, making sure you wouldn’t be able to see what you were doing to him. He was lucky you knocked first, or who knows what he could’ve been doing?
Seeing Mat lying in bed was… a sight. His dark hair was haloing around his head on the pillow, he was tangled in the white sheets, and half of his upper chest and arms were exposed and already looking beautifully tanned. “You’ll never guess what today is.”
Mat ran a hand through his hair and let out a puff of air. “Your birthday’s tomorrow, so I have no idea.” 
“It’s the family fishing trip! Remember that?”
Oh, he remembers it. He remembers going out onto the water in a rented boat with his dad and yours, watching in amazement at the huge fish they caught in the ocean. He remembers playing with you on the little dock, daring you to jump from it and into the ocean. Of course, your parents always stopped you from doing that. “No way, you still do that?” 
“Yup, it’s tradition.”
“The same place every year?” 
“Same place.” 
“Maybe this year you won’t be too afraid to jump off the dock.” He smirked, and it was a sight that flooded heat all the way through your body.
“Shut up, Mat! I wasn’t afraid to, my parents just never let me!” He laughed at that, sitting up and letting the sheets fall off his bare chest. “And you know that, too! You just love to get on my nerves.” Oh, that was only one of many things he’d love to do to you.  
“Maybe. But you brought me on this trip anyway.”  
“Don’t make me regret that, Maty.” You swatted his bare leg away from you as he stretched out in bed, and he couldn’t help but smile at the touch. “Get up, we gotta get ready for today. I’ve got a feeling it’s gonna be pretty fun.” And when you turned and left, Mat had to bite his lip to hold back any reaction to the way your legs looked in those shorts. He tossed his head back to his pillow and stared up at the ceiling.
Yeah, today was gonna be fun.
Back when you and Mat first met, your parents and his immediately got along. He had begged and begged his parents to talk to yours and let him go along on the family fishing trip, mostly because you had cried to him and told him you didn’t want to be alone. Of course, they had to go meet your parents first and come along, but when they finally agreed that Mat could come along, you were over the moon. 
 Since you reconnected almost a year ago, Mat had told his parents about you. He called them the day after you approached him in the bar, when he went out to lunch with you to talk, the moment he knew he was going to try and befriend you again. He was excited when he called them, asking in a frenzy if they still remembered that girl he hung out with the summer of 2008. Of course, they remembered her, they had told him, she was the first crush he ever had. "Oh, your first girlfriend!" his mom had exclaimed. "Mom!" Flustered, Mat shook off those words. No, you were nothing more than friends. 
That’s what he had thought, anyway, up until a few months ago. 
Now, after being alone with you yesterday, he knew: this was much more than friendship.
The place your dad went to go fishing every year was a cute empty spot of beach, with deep water and a small dock where you and your siblings and friends always used to play. Where you used to play with Mat, that summer, when he dared you to jump in but you were too scared. Where you continued to come back to years after until Mat was just a fading memory and your parents urged you to meet new friends. And where, years later, you had your first kiss, with some random boy you met three days before and who you thought was cute.  
“This is where it all began.” You spread your arms wide in a flourish, presenting the dock to Mat when you arrived. He glanced around- yes, this was where it all began. 
“It definitely looks a lot smaller than when we were kids.” 
“Yeah, probably because we grew up.” 
“Aww, if we grew up does that mean I can’t push you in anymore?” 
“Don’t even think about it, Barzal.” Before Mat had the chance to even try to push you in, you were cut off by the sound of an approaching boat out on the water. “Bet, Mat. Wanna push me into the water in front of my dad? I dare you.” He smiled and held up his hands in surrender. Usually, your dad took your brother along with him, but this year it seemed he had other plans. 
“You like to fish, Mathew?”
“Uh,” he glanced at you for help, obviously not yet sure how to talk to your dad. 
“Yeah, he’s pretty good at fishing.”
“Great! Hop on. We’ll have some one-on-one time.”
“Okay, cool.” The moment he turned away, Mat whispered to you: “He’s going to throw me off the boat.”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Mat. He doesn’t hate you. You’ll probably just talk about fish or sports.” 
“But don’t you want me here with you?”
“I’ll be fine alone for a bit.”
Mat couldn’t lie- he wasn’t the happiest at how this day was gonna pan out. He wanted one-on-one time with you, not your dad. They had already had that talk at the motel when he ever so kindly told him not to make a move on his daughter, so he wasn’t sure what else could happen. But if this is what he had to go through to get on your dad’s good side, he was gonna try his hardest. So here he sat, kinda awkwardly, next to him, a fishing rod in his hands. 
“So, Mathew, You were gone with (Y/N) yesterday...”
“Uhh, yeah.” 
“What’d the two of you do?” 
He was at a loss for words. What could he say?  “Oh, just uhh, took a drive down to another beach, had lunch.”
“Hmm. But you didn’t try anything?” 
“No, no nothing!”
“I hope not. Otherwise, we’d really have a problem.” Mat couldn’t find a way to respond to that. As much as he wanted to make a move, he knew here wasn’t the ideal place to do it. No, he’d wait until he wasn’t sharing a roof with your father. “Mathew, I still remember what you said at the motel.” Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Of course, he did. “But you understand where I’m coming from, don’t you?” 
“I- I‘m not sure.”
“You seem like an… okay, guy. A good friend to her. But I’ve seen plenty of guys who seemed okay and ended up breaking her heart. I won’t let that happen again.” Mat wanted to tell him that it wasn’t up to him to decide who his daughter could date, but he knew that that might be the dumbest possible thing to say, so he held his tongue. “I know what young, professional athletes are like. While I respect the sport, you’re not the type of guy I want my daughter with.” He didn’t like the idea that you’d had your heart broken before. He never wanted to do that to you, and your father just had a way of making him doubt himself. 
“I understand.” Mat’s eyes drifted to where you stood down on the sand, barely able to make out your form from this distance, as he wondered what you were doing. 
You were collecting shells, walking side by side with your sister, and catching up with a little bit of girl talk. 
“Sooo, this Mat guy?” 
“Yeah?” You couldn’t help the smile that was pulling onto your face at just the sound of his name. “What about him?”
“Well, he’s an NHL player, first of all.” 
“He’s a lot more than that.” And he was. It may sound strange to others, but he meant everything to you. Ever since that summer where he had been your refuge, he’d been the one you thought about to calm down. He’d been your happy memory. He’d been the dream you could only hope you never forgot. And he became so much more in the past few months. It was a little weird at first when your roommate teased you about your “summer romance” with this boy you didn’t even know, but suddenly you didn’t want to deny it. Maybe this time around, you would come back with an even better story than before. 
“Yeah. He’s also pretty hot.”
“Trust me, I know.” You weren’t shallow, but yeah, the cherry on top was how attractive he just happened to be.
“What are you two? Friends? Maybe moooore?”
“No, no, no, just friends.” Your answer was quick- almost too quick- as if you were trying to cover something up. A silence fell between you and you realized just how in denial you sounded. “But he just means a lot to me, ya know? You heard the story about how we met, right? Mom’s obsessed with telling it.”
“Yeah, of course. If you ask me, kinda sounds like looooove.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Seriously, if this were a movie, I’d watch the shit out of it. Imagine the ratings a plot like that would get! It’s like a teen summer romance but... wholesome and cute! I’m sure everyone has a childhood friend they became separated from. Imagine reading this summary: A boy and girl meet and become best friends only to be separated after one summer of romance-” 
“Ew, don’t say romance! We were like, ten.”
“-After a summer of almost-romance where they were obviously in love even if their little brains couldn’t comprehend it. They reconnect years later, only to realize what they felt all those years ago was much more than friendship.” 
You laughed, but couldn’t help imagining how that story would end. What was your sister, a psychic? “Okay, that’s not quite how it goes, but can we just… stop talking about him? It’s weird.” For the last few months, there had been a weird feeling in your chest whenever you discussed your relationship with Mat. Okay, maybe- just maybe- you had a little crush. A tiny crush. Nothing that meant anything, nothing that wouldn’t be easy to get over. It sucked to have a crush on one of your best friends, to have a crush on the boy you brought along on this trip to use as a distraction from everything else. 
You glanced out to where you could barely see Mat’s figure on the boat with your father. His features were indistinguishable, but you could see the outline of his body and the dark swoop of hair on his head standing out against the blue sky. It wasn’t like Mat was interested in you at all, he was an NHL player, a star at that. He probably had countless girl’s numbers lined up in his contacts that he could date at any given moment, there’s no way he’d settle for a childhood friend he’d only known for a year. Just because he came on this trip with you and promised to be your distraction, didn’t mean he liked you like that. No, if anything, he was here for nostalgia- for looking back on that summer when you were carefree children- not because he had any type of romantic feelings for you. Not because he loved you. Yet, despite this, you couldn’t seem to control yourself around him.
You desperately needed a distraction from Mat, or else you’d end up doing something you couldn’t come back from. 
You dropped your gaze to the sand to look for any pretty, unbroken shells hiding among the piles beneath your feet. The tide had come in high earlier this morning, leaving behind a mess of little shards of broken shells and rocks. Maybe, if you were lucky, you’d find one that was whole. 
“Ooh, look at this one!” Your sister held up a pretty shell, still in one piece, colored all the shades of a sunset. 
“Oh, man that’s pretty! I wish I could’ve found one that nice.”
“Don’t look too hard. It was right in front of you the whole time.”
You walked silently, pondering over her words, and searching for something better when a third voice spoke up from a little distance in front of you.  
“No way, (Y/N)?”
It was a voice you’d never thought you’d hear again, but when you looked up towards it, you realized this trip might just get a lot more interesting. Your sister nudged you and made her exit, knowing exactly who this was and wanting to give you alone time with him. 
Maybe this was exactly what you needed to take your mind off of Mat.
Back in 2008, when you were only ten years old, you thought the world of Mat. You thought he was the coolest person you knew, at the beach or at home. He was your closest friend, but for some reason, neither of your young brains realized that you should get each other’s parent’s phone numbers or addresses so you could keep in touch. You left the beach that year with nothing on your mind but Mat, and your parent’s loved to tease you to this day that he was the only person you talked about for months. When next summer rolled around, you were pouty and angry that he was nowhere to be found. And that continued for years to come. 
Slowly, over the years you went on family vacations in that same house, you began, with your parent’s urging, to try and push your memories of Mat to the back of your mind and make new friends with the local kids your age. And slowly, you began to forget about Mat. Or, that’s how you thought it would happen. Sure, there were times you went without thinking of him for a while, but something would always end up reminding you of him. But you pushed it aside. He’s long gone, you’d told yourself, no point in dwelling on the past. None of your new friends could compare to the fun Mat had been, but they were great friends, and now you were young teenagers having fun, getting into trouble together, and experiencing all your firsts together.
This guy- Kyle- was one of those firsts. 
The summer you turned seventeen, there was a new guy among your beachy friend-group. He was your age, and he could already drive, and that made his curly, blonde, surfer boy look even more attractive to all the girls who knew him. As much as you hated to admit today, you weren’t an exception. Yeah, you thought he was cute. No, there wasn’t much about him beyond that, as shallow as it was, but at least he had seemed to care about you that night when he walked you away from the other teens, partying and drinking and walked you out to the dock and kissed you under the stars. He had said all the right things that night, and a few nights later, and later, and later.
You went that whole summer thinking that the two of you were together, but apparently, you’d missed the memo that he was seeing other girls, too. He’d promised he didn’t mean to hurt you but learning that it wasn’t the two of you, learning that he was with other girls too and the whole summer had been a lie made your self-esteem plummet. It hurt like hell, being your first heartbreak, and it was the worst possible way to end a beach trip tradition. 
But he wasn’t a bad guy, not really. He was a young, stupid, teenage boy, right? And he said he didn’t mean to hurt you. No reason to hate him. 
Now, almost exactly four years since you met him, he walked next to you down the beach as you combed for shells, a quietness settling over you. It wasn't a comfortable silence like with Mat, but something uneasy, something tense and awkward. Why was he here? Was it appropriate to just… walk up to your ex and start chatting like old friends? Maybe he was just trying to be civil, courteous- if that’s what this was, you… hesitantly respected that. It probably took as much courage as when you approached Mat for the first time- both times. But, if he was looking for something more…
“So, you been dating at all?”
“Sure I have. I mean, it’s been...almost four years?” Truthfully, you’ve barely been dating. Nothing serious, at least. But you knew it would sound so sad if he was the last “serious” relationship you had. 
“You disappeared after what happened between us. For four years. I thought maybe you couldn’t face me afterward or something.”
“No.” You bit your tongue, not really wanting to bring up old bad blood or reopen old scars. “Life just got in the way. After that year I had a job, then I was moving out, going to college. Just didn’t have time to come down anymore.”
“That sucks. We’ve all really missed you down here.” 
“Yeah.” He smiled, dropping an arm around your shoulder. You knew he didn’t mean it in a romantic way, it was such a thing he would do, and it wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before. “We’re actually having a party on Friday. Think you can make it?” Could you make it? It was going to be the night before you had to leave, your last night on the beach, and as much as you wanted to do something alone with Mat, you knew it was inappropriate to cling on him as if he was something more than a friend. As if he was yours. But you needed to take a step back before you did something you couldn’t take back. 
Maybe this was the perfect distraction from Mat.
“I’ll be there.”
After their first discussion, Mat had fallen in and out of uncomfortable small talk with your father for what felt like hours. And now, as they got ready to head back to shore for a quick lunch, he could confirm that he was one hundred percent still not on his good side.  It seemed like no matter what he tried, your father didn’t want anything to do with him. Maybe it was best this way, indifference is better than hate, isn’t it?
“Huh?” Mat looked up when your father swore next to him. He was glaring up the shoreline as they approached the dock, out to where you were. And then he noticed, with a jolt to his heart, that you weren’t alone out there. Standing next to you in the sand was a generic-looking douchebag surfer dude. He was standing way, way too close to you for his comfort, with an arm thrown over your shoulders like you were old buddies. “Who’s that?” 
“It’s not really any of your business, is it?” He glanced over and, for a moment, Mat regretted asking anything, not wanting to stir up any drama. “But... seeing as you’re here as her friend, maybe you can talk some sense into her.” 
“About what?”
“It’s not my place to tell you about her private stuff but… that boy. Trouble.” He shook his head, preparing to dock the boat. “Mathew, I don’t dislike you. You mean a lot to (Y/N) as a friend, and I don’t want you to ruin that. If things didn’t work out between you two, she would be devastated. I’ve seen her heartbroken, but if it was because of you, it’d be so much worse. She could barely function without you after that summer, so if things ended completely between you two...”
Mat couldn’t help but smile when your father said he didn’t dislike him. That was a start, at least. But the thought of you having your heart broken was something he didn’t want to think about. The thought you being heartbroken because of him was something he didn’t want to think about. “I know.” And he did. He understood because he would feel the same way. If things went awkward and sour between the two of you, he would hate himself. He would be lost. Reconnecting after ten years and then losing you all together would hurt even more than if he’d never found you- if you were still only a fond memory he thought back to. If he lost you, he wouldn’t even know what to do. He needed you.
“But, that being said, you’re better than any other guy she’s cared about. Especially that boy. I respect that.” He stepped onto the dock and cast one look back at him. “Look out for her this week. As a friend.” 
“I will.” 
“Starting now.” He motioned down the beach where you stood with the boy, his arm around you, pulling you much too close to his body. 
It felt good to know that at least your father didn’t hate him. He respected him, even. It felt good to know that both men had the same ideas when it came to your safety and were able to come to a silent agreement. And if all they could bond over was their need to protect you, he could take that. Because you were all that mattered to him. 
He all but jogged down the beach to you, his heart throbbing at the sight of you smiling and laughing with someone other than him. His blood boiled. He hated that you were so familiar and comfortable with this guy, but he took comfort in the fact that your dad felt the same way, that at least they were on the same page about that. What could he be saying that was making you this happy? Who could he be who was stealing your attention away from him? That should be him, with his arm around you, making your eyes sparkle in laughter. What was this tightening feeling in his chest? 
Why was Mat so jealous of him?
“Who’s this?”
You looked up from where you were practically hanging on the blonde boy’s arm and met eyes with Mat. Your Mat, your best friend. The man you were trying to forget about. And you had forgotten about him for a few minutes, falling back into the memory of your summer romance at seventeen instead of thinking of Mat, with his pretty dark swoops of hair and high cheekbones, those shimmering hazel eyes and that dazzling smile… and the fact that he was shirtless and shining all pretty and golden in the sunlight. The way he made you laugh until there were tears in your eyes and your sides ached, the way he made your heart pound erratically when he hugged you and when he threw his arm over your shoulders.
And suddenly you realized your ex couldn’t compare to Mat at all, no matter how much you needed a distraction. 
“Mat, this is Kyle. Kyle, this is my friend, Mat.”
“Hey.” The other guy spoke up, and somehow, he sounded exactly like Mat expected him to sound. Like a fucking douchebag.
“Hey.” Mat couldn’t hide how unenthusiastic he was when he greeted the man, and you noticed. It was awkward, you were sandwiched between two shirtless men, one your ex- who you were trying to use as a distraction- and one your best friend- who you were hopelessly crushing on and needed a distraction from- and all three of you waited and waited until Mat finally spoke up. “So, how do you know each other?”
“We, uhh, we dated when we were younger.” 
“Oh?” Mat wasn’t a fan of the way his heart ached when those words left your lips. Of course, you had other boyfriends, you were stunning, borderline perfect. Everyone must want you. You’re not mine, you’re not mine, I know. “You did?”
“Yeah, actually…” Kyle tossed his curly hair out of his face and had Mat rolling his eyes. “We met down here a few years ago. And that dock over there?” He gestured vaguely in the direction of the dock, pulling you against him. “First kiss.” Mat’s muscles tensed, his jaw went tight and his fists closed- he hated the idea that this dock was anyone else’s special place with you. Okay, maybe it was a bit selfish, but he thought this was just a little secret between the two of you, and then this guy had to show up and ruin it? “Best first kiss a girl could get, huh?” He looked at you with a cheeky, smirk...
...But it wasn’t as cute as Mat’s.
“Yeah, it was good.” 
Mat knew it was stupid and unrealistic of him to think he’d always had you all to himself. You’d only known each other for that one summer, and had been separated for ten years, so of course, you eventually found someone other than him. But he couldn’t deny how much it pained his heart to know that somebody else had been closer to you than he had. To know that someone else had taken his place. To know that you weren’t even his to begin with. This guy had held you, kissed you, taken Mat off of your mind, and Mat hated how it felt to know that. “Cool, cool. Well, I think it’s time to head back for lunch, (y/n).”
“Ah, shit, really?” he pulled you tight against him in a quick side hug and kissed the top of your head. Part of you wished, for a moment, that he was Mat instead. “See ya. Remember, Friday!”
“Yep, Friday!” 
Mat couldn’t help but roll his eyes again, watching him leave. He came on this trip with you and you were ditching him for your ex? Shit, it was so tough being just your friend. “What’s Friday?” His voice came out more strained and forced than he wanted it to.
“A party with my old friends.”
“You’re going?”
“Yeah, they’re my friends, so why not?” Mat couldn’t help but feel a little bit betrayed, but he knew this was your vacation, and you were kind enough to invite him along, so he couldn’t tell you what you could and couldn’t do. Just friends, just friends, just friends, he told himself. 
“Well, I still get you to myself tomorrow, right? For your birthday?” 
“Of course you do. Why, are you planning something?”
“Duh, what else is a best friend for?” He pulled you against him to walk down the beach and you smiled at the familiar scent of him, the familiar warmth of his body. Being in his arms was so much better than being in Kyle’s arms. He shrugged, sucking up his pride to tease you about your ex-boyfriend. “Sooo... you and surfer dude, huh? Didn’t know you were into that type.” He laughed again, nudging you with his elbow and smirking. 
His smirk was a lot cuter than your ex’s. 
“Shut up!” You laughed at the teasing lilt in his voice. There was your Mat, happy and smiling. His heart lit up again. Yeah, he could make you laugh so much better than anyone else could. He would always take pride in that. “I know, I know, it’s embarrassing, but listen! We were only seventeen, he could drive already…”
“Ooh, sexy.”
“I’m serious, the ability to drive is pretty hot, right?”
You laughed, “Mat! I get it, I get it, it was a dumb summer fling, okay? There actually isn’t much more to him personality-wise. He’s not better than you.” 
“Of course he’s not.” As cocky as Mat played it off, he was really thankful. Thankful you still preferred him over your ex-boyfriend. Thankful he still held a special place in your head, in your heart, even, that no one else ever would. “I mean, have you seen me?”
“I have.” Your eyes skimmed the length of his body. You’d seen him, alright. “You wanna hit the waves before lunch?” You traced your fingers down his arm and grabbed his big hand in yours.
“How could I say no?”
So, with his hand in yours, you ran to the water, shedding the sheer cover-up you’d been wearing over your swimsuit and shrieking when the waves splashed up against you. As usual, Mat dared you to follow him out further than you would’ve like to have gone. The gleam in his eyes was something you weren’t unfamiliar with, the same gleam he got when he was beating you at a game or when you dared him to do something. He wasn’t one to back down until he won, and that was rubbing off on you. His confidence was rubbing off on you. Something about him made you feel so brave. 
“I’m guessing you’re not gonna tell me what we’re doing tomorrow?
“Of course not. It’s a surprise. What type of friend would I be if I gave away the surprise?” He dodged the water you splashed towards him and half hopped, half swam backward in the water. You had wadded out to an area that was deep enough for neither of you to be able to stand very well, and as much as you hated being out here, you felt safe as long as Mat was next to you. He splashed you back in retaliation only to be immediately hit from behind by a wave, laughing the whole time he went down at the shriek you let out when he got your hair wet. 
You laughed as he went under. “That’s what you get, Barzal!” After a few seconds without seeing him resurface, you started to worry, your breath caught in your throat. Should he have been up by now? Did he get the breath knocked out of him and couldn’t come up? Did he get pulled out further? “Mat? Mat, hey, where’d you go, buddy?” Your breath was shallow, your mind fuzzy, and your heartbeat quickened as you took a few strides forward, turning and glancing over the rippling surface of the water, trying to find any sign of him, any movement, any trace of his dark hair, but there was nothing. 
Not until a pair of arms underwater grabbed your waist from behind and lifted you. 
He was still laughing, still teasing you, thinking he had just played a funny trick on you and you hadn’t been in the middle of freaking out and panicking that your best friend had probably drowned. 
“Shit, Mat. Oh my god.” You turned in his arms and pulled yourself against him, cheeks warming up at the feeling of his wet, bare skin against yours, his muscles taut, and his skin slick beneath your fingertips. He’s okay, he’s safe, he’s alive. You brought your hands up around his shoulders, pushing black strands of wet hair out of his eyes as he continued to laugh. You smacked his shoulder, suddenly angry that he would even joke about drowning. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. “You’re a dick! That wasn’t funny!”
Mat must have noticed the way your nails were digging into the flesh of his biceps, holding him for dear life with an urgent look in your eyes because he stopped laughing almost immediately when he noticed your concern. “Hey, hey.” His voice dropped to the gentle, reassuring tone that always made you emotional. The voice he broke out when you got hurt and he was there as a friend to pick up the pieces. The same voice he’d used all those years ago when you started crying over a crab he had thrown at you. “Look, I’m fine.”
“But I didn’t know that two seconds ago!”
“I’m sorry. I was just messing around. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I know. I’m just glad you’re alive.” You took deep breaths, your head dropping to rest on his wet shoulder, your face pressed against the crook of his neck. It took you a few moments to understand how intimate this was: you were wrapped up together under the water, still in his arms with your feet listed off the sandy floor, pressed chest to chest with your arms wrapped over his shoulders. What you had intended to be a friendly hug became so much more when you were wet and weightless and almost bare, pressed against each other. You sighed and pulled back from him, dropping down to your feet but keeping your hands on his shoulders so stay still. He was your anchor out here. “You know, you don’t have to go pretending to drown just because you’re jealous of my ex and want my attention back.”
“What?” he scoffed, trying to play it off cool. Okay, maybe it was true that he was looking for a little bit of your attention, but he’d never admit that. Friends don’t get jealous of their friend’s ex-boyfriends. “I’m not jealous.” 
“Really? You didn’t seem like your friendly self when you were talking to him. And your eyes look pretty green right now, so I’d say that’s probably because of the green monster.” You teased, poking at his face.
“He’s your ex, do you want me to treat him like a friend?”
“Well, he was also my friend, so you don’t need to be so hostile towards him. But I get it. It’s okay to be jealous. I get jealous of your friends, sometimes.”
“You do? Why?”
“They’ve gotten to spend more time with you than I did. They probably mean a lot more. You have friends you’ve known for years, and I’m not one of them. We only knew each other that summer and then this past year. I wish we would’ve been friends longer.” 
“You don’t have to be jealous of them, though. I actually feel like we’ve known each other since then. I thought back to you a lot, wondering what you were up to...”
“Probably thinking of you.” You smiled, your heart swelling at the thought that between growing up and getting into the NHL, Mat still thought of you every now and then. “I feel so lucky to have found you” You closed your mouth, letting your words settle in the air between the two of you. “You don’t have to be jealous either. Kyle wasn’t that great. Not cooler than our time together.”
“No?” He added a chuckle to try and lighten the mood. “I thought he was the cool kid who could drive?”
“No.” You dropped your gaze to the ocean, turning away from Mat. “We may have had a little… romance thing, but he cheated on me.” Mat’s eyes went soft, his eyebrows furrowing up at the idea of you having your heart broken like that. He knew much too well what it felt like to be lied to and cheated on, so to imagine you suffering through that without him there to help pick up the pieces for you was too much. “Well, no,” You shook your head. “I guess he didn’t really cheat. Only kinda. It was just a summer fling to him, but I thought it was something more. I was just dumb and naive I guess.”
“Hey,” His hands lifted to your shoulders momentarily, turning you to look up at him. “That’s really shitty anyway. He hurt you.” 
“Yeah. He did. And you'd never hurt me.” Your fingers, much without your permission, glided down the lengths of his wet arms to cover his hands with yours. “See? You don’t need to be jealous. You’re so much cooler. You mean more to me than he ever did. Nothing- no one- can ever top that summer. No one can ever top how much you mean to me. You're my friend.” 
You both sat in uncomfortable silence, mutually hating that sentence. There was no way you were just friends. This wasn’t platonic at all.  Friends didn’t cuddle each other in motel rooms; friends didn’t hold each other underwater; friends didn’t daydream about making out with each other; friends didn’t get jealous of their friend’s exes; friends didn’t have hot, wet dreams about each other almost every night; friends didn’t nearly kiss every single day. So were you really just friends?
"Yeah." As much as Mat hated being "the friend", he was going to try his hardest to live up to that if that's what you wanted from him. And even if that’s all he’d ever be, he would learn to accept it. It was better than not having you at all. "I might even be your best friend ever, right?" 
"We'll see about that. You've got a lot of competition." He laughed with you. Oh, if only you know how much he didn't want to be your friend. If only he knew how much you wanted him to kiss you. 
 “Well, was that enough serious talk for today?”
“Yeah,” You huffed a sigh, brushing off the thoughts in your head. “I think it was.”
Your gaze dropped from those pretty hazel eyes, shimmering golden and green in the sunlight, across the immaculate structure of his cheekbones and jaw, right to his pretty pink lips. If only you could know what it felt like to have them against yours- would they be soft or rough?- to have his hot tongue in your mouth, his hands grabbing your waist, touching you all over, pulling you onto his lap. What you wouldn’t give to feel his mouth making it’s way down your body, leaving wet kisses and sucking on tender skin, leaving marks on your throat, your hips, the insides of your thighs. To feel his nose rub against you as his tongue dipped, lapped, caressed…
Mat watched you, the look in your eyes, all the walls about your past broken down, and at that very moment, he knew something. He would be your friend as long as you needed, he would be there for you to pick up the pieces and listen to your problems, he’d keep you safe, he’d do what a best friend should do. But, fuck. Fuck, he loved you. He loved you, he loved you, he loved you, and he wasn’t sure how long he could keep it to himself.  This was so bad. 
He broke apart from you, removing his hands from where they’d been resting on your shoulders under your own soft hands, taking a few strides back in the water, and trying to regain some platonic boundaries between the two of you. That was all you were, right? Friends.
“Woah, where are you running off too, Mat?” Your laugh rang in his ear, pretty and perfect, and you.
“I-” He gestured back to the shore. “I think lunch is ready onshore. I’m kinda hungry.”
“Alright.” You pressed your hand into his and his heart leaped at the simple affection. It’s not like you hadn’t held hands before, but this time it felt… different. “Let’s head back then, Maty.”
Damn it, you have me wrapped around your finger, babe.
The day passed much too quickly for either of your taste and before you knew it the sun was dipping low in the sky, signaling the end of your long day. You wanted to spend the rest of time here in the sun, your feet digging into the sandy bottom of the ocean with the waves splashing around you; you wanted to spend the rest of time wrapped up in each other’s arms, caught up in each other’s eyes, frozen in time as you held on for dear life in your own little bubble separate from the rest of the world; daydreaming about kissing and fingers running through each other’s hair. You wanted to spend the rest of time dreaming of holding each other without worrying that the other didn’t feel the same. 
But it wasn’t quite over yet.
You were sitting alone on the dock, working away at braiding the bracelet you were finishing up for Mat when you heard footsteps behind you and looked up to find him, his hair sun-dried and fluffy in the breeze and a fresh drink in his hand. “Wow, that’s really coming along, huh?” His voice was a blanket of familiarity washing over you. You would never get tired of hearing it.
“Yeah, it is.” You smiled up at him. “When you want something hard enough, you really gotta work for it.” You reached up to grab his empty hand, wrapping the bracelet around his wrist to see how much more you had to get done. Your fingers lingered on his skin for a few moments longer than they should have, and you both noticed the delicate change in atmosphere before you pulled away completely.
“You mind if I join you here?”
“Anytime, Mat.”
So he sat down next to you, watching the colors fade from the sky and dipping his toes in the water with you and closing his eyes in pure bliss. You were both warm and smelled of saltwater and sunscreen, your breath tasting of the lemonade you had had after dinner, and whatever alcoholic drink Mat was currently sipping on; your cheeks and nose were still slightly rosy from the sun, faces hurting from smiling and laughing too much with him. If this wasn’t the perfect recreation of your first family trip with him all those years ago, you weren’t sure what was. 
Everything was soft and quiet until Mat spoke up from next to you. “You know, sunsets on the east coast aren’t that cool.”
“Ouch!” You mocked offense, bringing a hand to your heart. ”Wow, I invite you on this vacation with me and all you can do is insult it? I’ll rethink ever bringing you back.” He threw his head back in a cackle- the one you loved so much.
“No, I just mean… it’s cooler seeing the sunset over the ocean, don’t you think?” 
You shrugged. “I don’t know, don’t really wanna inflate your ego any more.”
He chuckled a bit more, always a welcomed sound in your ears. “Guess I gotta take you out west then, try to convince you.” 
“Yeah, really. I’ll take you to Vancouver with me when I go home. We can head to the beach from there. My mom would love to meet you.” 
“You told your parents about me?”
“Of course. I told them all about you after we caught up. They remember you, they even still have pictures of us somewhere. They’d love you.” 
There was something about that moment... He was shirtless, the sun was going down behind him and casting a pretty halo around his head, his eyes held yours intensely, with unanswered questions. You tried to ignore the way his skin glistened in the light, the way his thick thighs were spreading out deliciously as he sat, the way you were sitting so close to him that the outside of your bare thigh was touching his, the way you were leaning back on your hands with your pinky loosely tangled with his. There was something about that moment, talking about his family and how much they’d love to meet you, how there are still pictures floating around of you and Mat as children, of the one summer that changed everything for you. There was something about that moment that almost had you leaning in.  
“Kids, we’re heading home!”
You turned away from him quickly, scooting your leg away and pulling your hand from his. Maybe hearing your mother’s voice was what pulled you back into reality. You couldn’t kiss him. Not now.
“Yeah, yeah!!” You pulled yourself up off the dock, extending a hand to help Mat up, and smiling when his big palm touched yours, warm and soft. “We’re coming!” 
This wasn’t how you wanted the day to end, but maybe it was for the best.
You could break the boundaries of friendship, push the limits to your relationship with Mat, stick your toe in and test the waters, but was it worth it? Maybe you should just try to avoid your feelings for him. Maybe it would be best to suffer in silence for the rest of your life. Shove those feelings down inside of you and swallow your words only to spend your nights dreaming of how it would feel to sleep next to him, to roll over into his arms. Maybe it was best to love him from afar. Rather that than ruin what was an amazing friendship. 
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surveysonfleek · 3 years
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? yes, i have! its one of my favourite cities
What did you have for breakfast this morning? i had scrambled eggs and hash browns
Do you have any loose change in your pocket? no pockets and i hardly ever leave things in my pockets
Do you like Taylor Swift? i dont mind her, she has some catchy songs
What’s your favorite Disney Channel movie? camp rock haha
If you met your favorite celebrity, would you be calm or star struck? id try to stay calm, id probably be super nervous just being in their presence though
Are there any lights on in the room you’re in? nope, its day time
What’s your favorite subject in school? it was visual arts
What’s your favorite holiday? christmas, it always means ill have a week or two off work!
Do you ever have to do yard work? nope
Is your school close to your house? ive been out of school for a longggg time but it was a 5-10 min drive
Speaking of school, how did you get there today? -
Do you think Bad Romance is a catchy song, or an annoying one? its a good song! i dont love it but im not surprised at how massive it got
Do you use perfect grammar online? honestly, in my previous surveys i would but now i cant be bothered. i use perfect grammar day to day when working so i just sorta wna chill and not focus too much when i do these now
Are you currently using a laptop? yes
Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? most likely, i used to love downloading them back in the limewire days
Did/do you listen to Britney Spears songs? i loooooved britney when she first blew up. and i still do! i dont listen to her stuff too heavily anymore but i still love it
Is it a windy day? nope
In the past week, have you ridden in a taxi? no
What shorthand do you use the most? if were talking about typing, i still text/chat people with ‘u’ instead of ‘you’
Do you ever wish on stars at night? no, ive never seen a shooting star
What color are your eyes? brown
What album is the current song you’re listening to off of? not listening to music, i have the tv on while doing this
What are you doing after you finish this? not sure, maybe another survey
In your opinion, what song is the most overplayed right now? i havent listened to the radio in forever
Are you in a band? no
How clean is your bedroom? pretty clean!
Is there a pen within reaching distance of you? no
Are you sitting at a desk? no, im in bed lol
Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? male
Do you normally shut your bedroom door before you go to sleep? of course ol
Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge? i feel lik ei have once but i do not remember anything about it 
Would you ever dye your hair a different color? yes
Are there any framed pictures in the room you’re in? yes
Have you ever been to a Broadway show? not in broadway... ive seen the musicals lion king and aladdin in my city though
Do you watch So You Think You Can Dance? i did when it first came out
What’s your favorite movie soundtrack? none really stand out to me
Do you prefer group or individual work? individual, id rather just count on myself
Do you have a key to anything besides your house? car
Are you wearing anything with stripes? nope
What time did you go to sleep last night? i think 1am
Did anyone tell you you were beautiful today? no
What show did you last watch? american horror story
Do you think you’ll do anymore surveys today? maybe one more
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? run and raisin
When was the last time you stayed home from school sick? years ago when i actually attended school lol
Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? i probably could, i just wouldnt have the patience
If you could run a red light and not get caught, would you? nah. id rather not risk mine or others’ lives
Do you like to listen to music as you do your homework? i dont have homework
Did you think Adam Lambert’s AMA performance was really that controversial? i dont recall, this survey is probably really old
Do any bands flat-out annoy you? nah, i just dont listen to them
Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? yes
Was today a birthday for any of your friends? yes actually! ill need to greet him
When was the last time you rode in a limo? never been in one :(
Do you take naps daily? no. i wish!
Do you still make Christmas lists? yes haha
Do you watch the show Dexter? i did. apparently theyre rebooting it which is exciting! the ending was pretty trash
What’s the background on your phone? its a dark cityscape of nyc
When were/will you be a a sophomore in high school? -
Are you scared of any animals? cockroaches. also i live in australia so while im not afraid of snakes and spiders, im pretty mindful of them
Have you ever been to any sort of convention? yup! ive been to sexpo and a wedding expo lol
Which song did you last listen to on repeat? probably a kehlani song
Where do you want to live when you grow up? around here still
Are you currently using a blanket? yep
Are there any songs that make you cry? not really
How many siblings do you have? one
What are you doing this weekend? its saturday today. im doing nothing. tomorrow im going on a picnic with friends
Do you prefer swimming at the beach or in a pool? pool, its so much more comfortable than a beach lol
When was the last time you had a haircut? hmm... maybe june?
Which musical instrument do you think sounds the prettiest? a harp!
Are you in band or chorus at your school? no
Do you know what you want for Christmas? nope. i dont ‘need’ anything.
Do you watch fireworks on New Year’s Eve? most of the time!
Is your birthday within the next three months? no
How long is the song you’re listening to? not listening to music
Are you anticipating anything this week? yeah, kinda waiting to see if were going ahead with buying some land
Is your mom or dad the older parent? my dad
Have you taken the SATs yet? -
Do you watch anything on E? i dont have e
Are you going to get off the computer now that you’ve finished this? nah maybe one more survey lol
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bazzledazzled · 6 years
I’m not going to lie to you I am 100% pulling these headcanons from the spam of messages i sent @waywardpadaleski​ but I saw Voltron Hogwarts AUs floating around and I decided to make headcanons because I love this idea ive also doodled stuff and may post some or write something just not rn
pretty much the houses just go with their lions— but lance is special snowflake im sorry i know i sound like one of those uber annoying lance stans that shove da boi down everyones throats i cant help it i love him but bare with me this makes sense
Okay so Keith is in Gryffindor because ofc he would
Pidge is Slytherin
Hunk is Hufflepuff
Allura is totally a Ravenclaw
What about Lance, you ask? Well u know how JK Rowling said that there’s things called “Hat Stalls” where people took longer than 5 min to get sorted???
Ye well Lance is one of THOSE
It would work with canon if you think about it because he kinda is stuck between the red lion and the blue lion and like-- I know keef is the same way with the black lion but shush
the sorting hats dilemma is that he’s smart and has the means to excel in Ravenclaw, but at the same time he’s outrageously brave like a Gryffindor
So the hat doesn’t know what to put him in
Then the sorting hat comes to the conclusion that while he could do great in Ravenclaw, he wouldn’t reach his full potential unless he was a Gryffindor (*COUGH* LIKE CANON)
Sooooo-- Pidge is like a year or two behind Hunk, Lance, and Keith because y’know, shes younger and stuff and she kinda gets into the group because of her older brother
So Matt is a Ravenclaw and him and Shiro are besties ofc
(Shiros Gryffindor sorry I forgot to mention it)
Matt was also a Hat Stall because when i was thinking about his house i couldn’t decide between Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor
But he’s Ravenclaw cuz it fits in with an Adashi thing im gonna bring up later
Shiro is also Keith’s older brother, they’re not biological siblings, its just Keefs dad was friends with shiros parents and when he passed away the Shiroganes adopted him 
Shiro is ANNOYED because Keith and Lance are always fighting with each other in the commons and he just wants to read his book in peace
Now here comes the Adashi
Okay okay so Adam is Ravenclaw
I know we barely know anything about Adam (*glares at s7*) BUT based on stuff and how the fanon Adam is, I’m saying he’s Ravenclaw
So anyways
Let’s get to Quidditch because that’s part of the Adashi part of this AU
Keef is a Gryffindor Seeker because like-- he go vroom
I lowkey am making Lance a Keeper not only cuz he would be good at it but also cuz of those cheesy shirts that say things like “He’s a Keeper” and “She’s a Catch” 
Shiro is a Chaser
Pidge and Hunk I think would be Beaters???? Idk
OH! James Griffin is also a Slytherin Seeker byeeee
Adam is the Ravenclaw Keeper
Headcanon is if theres one thing Lance and Adam have in common, its that they can make people flustered very easily 
So ya know what Adam does, much to Shiro’s annoyance???
He flirts with him
Whenever they have games that are Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor Adam will flirt with Shiro, winking at him, yelling stuff across the field, making Shiro so flustered he can’t throw straight (pun intended)
One time Adam gets Shiro so flustered he drops the ball
Matt, a Beater, high fives him
OH! Also Allura is a Chaser and she’s like the best Chaser in the school FITE ME
Okay thats enough of quidditch 
Okay so as for family lineage and stuff
Shiro, Lance, and Hunk are muggleborns
They just are
Shiro’s parents knew about Magic because of keef and were surprised when they found out Shiro was a wizard
Lance is the only wizard in his family and he gets homesick a lot because he’s the only one who goes to Hogwarts and he misses his siblings and stuff
But he always brings niece and nephew home stuff from Hogsmade that he thinks they’ll like 
Hunk, Lance, and Shiro meet because Hogwarts started a club during the summer for Muggleborns where they can meet and talk about concerns with Hogwarts and magic and stuff with other muggleborns that are older
So Lance and Hunk soon become really close friends and Shiro is kinda their advisor and stuff
Keith is a Halfblood, which makes sense because i mean he’s half galra on the show so
His mom was a witch, and idk if im going to have her run away for something or die?? I mean I kinda want her to run away cuz of something so they can be reunited but i have no idea what it would be unless this was during the time of harry potter and it had something to do with Voldemort but i kinda want to stay away from all that so ye
Pidge and Matt are purebloods
But they’re not the stuck up purebloods
They’re literally the Weasleys 
Sam has a fascination with muggle technology that Pidge and Matt share
So like, they have a lot of fancy tech
Pidge and Matt snuck a DS on campus and play Zelda at meals
Allura is probably a Pureblood but shes way less snooty, maybe even compared to her parents
As for teachers
Coran is Herbology teacher or something???
Alfor is Defense against the Dark Arts maybe??? I don’t know either him or Zarkon 
Haggar is obviously the potions teacher
Everyone hates Lotor cuz his parents are teachers and he’s a teachers pet
But back to Haggar in potions
So she’s like the slytherin head thing or whatever they were
so yknow she’s biased
and it doesnt help that her son is also slytherin
(also Zarkon is a Gryffindor sorryyyyy)
(This also could play into keith or lance’s story by them being compared to Zarkon or something and it unsettling them)
(This just in-- I think Zarkon should be the voldemort)
(oh shoot im getting sidetracked with imagining zarkon as voldemort and lance as harry potter)
So ofc she sees that Lance and Keith are always at each others throat
and makes them potions partnets
because it makes it easier for them to get in trouble because they keep fighting and then she can take points from gryffindor 
The one day they are tasked with making Amortentia, right??
Oh god this is so mcfreaking cliche im sorry
So Keef and Lonce are there, both tired from studying or something so already they’re cranky and half asleep
So they’re making the potion right?
And lance just coughs, a look of disgust on his face
“What?” Keef says. Lance plugs his nose.
“U stink, Keith.” And throughout potions class Lance keeps complaining that Keith smells really bad or something or he used too much cologne idk
Ofc like Pidge is in that class and shes snickering
Lance turns to her like “WHAT IS IT PIDGE” 
She asks him if he knows what the potion is supposed to do
He’s just like “It makes people fall in love with u.”
“Yes but what else?” Both keith and Lance stare at her blankly. She explains that when u smell it you smell what u love most
Both keef and lances eyes widen
For the first time in forever they’re quite the entire period
Keith has a gay panic
Lance has a bi panic
they are disasters
Shiro confronts pidge after that day
“Pidge what did u do to keef and lonce they’re broken”
Pidge is all like, “Excuse me????”
“They’re being nice to each other.” 
Hunk, who is also there, just snorts
“Pls explain this to me,” Shiro says, exasperated
Pidge explains the Amortentia scene
Shiro just laughs because of course they were in love with each other
(it lowkey reminds him of him and Adam)
(okay now i have theories that the reason why they made Adam shiro’s boyfriend is because its meant to mirror OTHER ships in voltron *cough* KLANCE and its foreshadowing or something i mean adam does look like lance and shiro and keith are sorta similar)
(shut up candy back to the AU)
Hunk admits that Lance has had a crush on keeth for like ever but he keeps saying its just a rivalry thing
Actual conversation between the two:
“And what’s up with his hair?? It’s like straight out of the 80′s and he has all the bangs over his eyes like an EMO like why is he trying to hide his eyes?” Lance blushes because he’s thinking about how beautiful Keefs eyes are. “Like why? Why is his hair like that i dont understand?? And what does he do to it why is it so soft???”
“You’ve touched his hair?”
“Yeah I was trying to see if I’m taller than him yet” Hunk was just confused but then Lance kept talking about keiths hair and he let it slip when it was like, almost 3am that keiths hair made him look pretty and lance would never be able to make that look good on himself, then immediately said something about the one time keef blew something up in first year because hes an idiot as a coverup
So hunk has known for some time
Even when lance didn’t know
So for the next couple weeks keith and lance act kinda weird around each other
because they don’t know how to handle feelings
they mostly avoid each other, standing on opposite ends of the room and glaring at each other
but of course that doesnt help them at all because for some reason they share a room
(oh my god they were roommates)
The rest of the boys in the room are angry because of all the sexual tension its giving them anxiety and they started sleeping in the commons
I actually have no idea who the other three boys would be because one of them couldnt be shiro because hes older and everyone else is in different houses so
At one point keith just blurts “Whats wrong with you?”
Lance gets all defensive because he takes it in a different way than Keith meant and thought Keith was saying he was flawed or something and he was broken and...
heres the langst
Lance just starts to get upset and is yelling saying nothing is wrong with him and he almost starts to cry because he’s just so confused and doesn’t know whats going on and he feels like hes not good enough for Gryffindor and
He has a lot of emotions
And he says all this, starting to ramble through tears, pouring all of his emotions out
Keef is shook
he doesn’t know what to do Lance never acted like this in front of him before and he’s never seen lance like this, so self conscious and doubting himself 
Keith doesn’t know how lance could even think these things because in his eyes-- lance is perfect
Lance has always been so much better at magic than he was
and He’s so confident and such a good Keeper 
He gingerly touches Lance’s shoulder. 
“Lance I--” Keith doesn’t know what words to say, but apparently he doesn’t need to say any
Lance wraps his arms around him, burying his face in his shoulder, sniffling
Keith is surprised at first because u know keef
He doesn’t know how to react when someone hugs him
He gently hugs lance back, resting his head on Lances and running his fingers through his hair
Lance calms down, his breathing slowing and seeming more relaxed
when he does, keith tries his best to tell him how great he thinks lance is and how hes jealous and all that
Lance pulls away, rubbing his eyes. 
“You mean it?” Keith nods solemnly, not looking at Lance. Lance touches his cheek, causing him to look back up, his brows knit together in confusion
Lance doesn’t know why, but he kisses him
(*klance fangirl in me starts screaming*)
and just??? the moment feels perfect to both of them? This was someone they always thought of as a rival, were always jealous of, and were always thinking about. They never truely understood their feelings for each other, until now
Shiro doesn’t comment when they walk into the dinning hall the next morning holding hands
But Pidge sure does 
Okay im trying to think of more headcanons involving people other than Shiro, Keith, and Lance because i love all the characters and they deserve attention
Hunk makes friends with two other Hufflepuff girls 
he he he yall know who it is
Shay and Romelle have been friends since they were first years and Shay yelled at Lotor for making fun of Romelle
they’ve been besties ever since
Hunk meets Shay and Romelle in Herbology because in like maybe 5th year or something Hufflepuff house was taught Herbology with the Slytherins. Every year before that it was either with Ravenclaw or Gryffindor so he would pair with Lance, Keith, Allura, or Shiro
Pidge was a year or two bellow him so they didn’t have classes together in case u were wondering
For the specific thing they needed a group of three and even though Hunk is a pretty nice guy and can make friends with everyone, everyone sorta had their trio
Because ofc he can find a PARTNER that was left out of their group of three, but suddenly they’re paired off in threes and there’s no sad loner who has no friends. 
Shay and Romelle have an opening in their group
Hunk goes to work with them
They’re honestly the cinnamon roll squad and when Hunk introduces them to his friends Lance and Pidge immediately nickname them that 
Hunk quickly falls in love with Shay
Like deeply in love
He’s always complimenting her and laughing at what she says
Romelle keeps trying to tell Shay that he likes her but Shay just goes “he’s just a nice person, Elle”
The Yule ball comes around ofc
and at this point Lance and Keith are dating
This is probably around.... Sixth year I want to say? 
So here’s the line up 
Keith and Lance go to the dance together
Shiro asks Adam in like this grand way and Adam is just like “wait we weren’t going together before??”
Matt doesn’t have a date but he invites Pidge because she threatened him (she wants to take pictures of Klance and Adashi acting cute and coupley to use as blackmail and Matt supports it)
Hunk starts freaking out because he really really really wants to ask Shay but he doesn’t know how
Lance gives him a pep talk, saying that she obviously likes him of course she’ll say yes
Hunk is still nervous
Lance is all like “C’mon asking your crush out isnt that bad if she says no she says no, but if she says yes then you get an awesome date.” 
“Says the one who had a crush on his boyfriend since second year and covered it up as a rivalry.” Lance looks offended.
“You need to stop hanging out with Pidge.” 
Lance decides to be Hunks wingman and starts asking Shay things like “You planning on going to the Yule Ball?” and “What do you think of Hunk?” He sees that she is very much interested and repots this to Hunk
He helps Hunk come up with a way to ask her
And its like the sweetest thing Romelle is in on it and she gives some stupid excuse as to why she cant study for herbology with them 
then her and lance hide behind a bookshelf, giggling
Hunk gets super flustered
But he manages to ask her
Shay also gets really flustered
But says yes
oof okay thats three of my big ships canon now for the fourth. 
When Hunk first introduces Allura to Romelle, her first thought is “Her. I want to date Her.” 
Now Lance and Allura have already come out to each other as bi disasters
It actually happened when Lance got with Keith and they were talking about him, doing facials (they take care of their skin with each other fite me) 
And Lance is just like “Yeah so I guess I like guys and girls” and allura is like “YOU CAN DO THAT” and lance is like “yeah????” and hes not sure if shes being biphobic or what and hes scared for like 0.1 second
and then allura just goes “Oh my god lonce i think i like guys and girls too”
And then they just start laughing
I guess I should also mention that they dated at one point too???
I don’t think it would’ve been super long, but probably around 3rd year they dated and thats actually probably how Allura got introduced to the Squad??
Lance first saw her when he finally joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team 
He got picked to be a Keeper the second year
So their first game is against ravenclaw
And he’s pretty good for the most part
And then all of a sudden he sees allura flying towards him and she looks so beautiful and how can she be so beautiful and--
She just scored a goal
and he was staring dumbly at her
So Lance and Allura’s relationship kind of developed like it did in the show with Lance flirting with her and Allura being annoyed to them becoming friends and eventually mutual crush
Allura’s actually the one to ask Lance out
They date for a while and theyre actually a really cute couple
(I may be a hardcore Klancer but I do find Allurlance cute on the occasion)
But after a bit... it kinda fades away?? I don’t know they just start to feel like when they kiss its not... not how they thought it would be??
They slowly start to realize that they kinda just want to be friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend
It just adds stress that they don’t want and they want to be able to tell each other anything without having to worry about stuff
so they break up soon after they start dating
but they dont?? feel too broken up about it???
The feeling was mutual
Plus they like each other much more as friends than romantic partners
They’re like the ultumate brotp 
Now they give each other facials every thursday
so allura finds out that she has a crush on Romelle
and who does she go to?
Ofc its lance hes a successful bi with a boyfriend
So he pretty much teaches her how to flirt
like seriously he teaches her how to flirt
And Allura makes it her duty to flirt with Romelle at every possibly oppertunity
Making Romelle freak out because how is she supposed to read this does she want to date Allura or????
They don’t really go any further for a while, its just allura slipping in little things every now and again or blowing kisses at romelle in the stands as she scores a goal
When the Yule ball rolls around, both Allura and Romelle dont have dates (Lotor asked Allura to the dance because they kissed one time in a game of spin the bottle and she responded with judoflipping him)
But they have fun
Everyone has fun actually
Its amazing and fluffy
(i feel like i should write a snapshot of this so i can finally write a fic that isnt centered around klance)
And a slow song comes on
Hunk and Shay awkwardly dance with each other, blushing brightly
Lance and Keith have their heads pressed together, Lance kissing Keith’s nose as they dance and making keith so flustered he stumbles and they both fall to the floor laughing
Adam and Shiro are that couple everyone is jealous of because theyre so perfect?? Like they have matching outfits and they dance gracefully and they kiss at just the right moments??
Pidge and Matt are god knows where probably videotaping the whole thing
And Allura kinda jokingly goes, “Well I guess then we should dance too.” And Romelle surprises her by taking her hand, pulling her onto the dancefloor
and freaking allura is actually really flustered and she’s blushing, having a hard time looking at Romelle
(romelle is having a hard time looking at her to fsajndvjhaio)
They’re both blushing. 
At the end of the song theyre much closer to each other than they started
They look up at each other
And then Romelle squeezes her eyes tight and kisses allura
It barely lasts for a second
Allura is shook
Romelle is in Lesbian Painc
Allura is in Bi Panic
Nobody seems to have noticed
but both girls are dying
And then allura just timidly asks, “Can you-- can you do that again?”
Pidge walks up to them kissing and just goes, “Oh thank god I thought I was going to have to force you two to kiss”
Because pidge oversees everything and knows everyones crushes that theyre too stupid to see
I feel bad for pidge i don’t really know what big moments she should have???
I feel like shes a trouble maker though
Not like cruel pranks or something 
But she likes to play jokes on people
A lot of the times that person is Lance
A lot of the time Keith is in on it
I also feel like eventually Allura and Romelle start to join her??
She recruits them for some big thing
Idk what
Its probably like a surprise for either Klance’s anniversary or Adashi’s 
And they love this way of life
Romelle betrays the cinnamon roll squad and goes to the dark side
Also a little more about pidge
She was almost a Hat Stall
Her two houses were Slytherin and Ravenclaw
But at like 4 min and 43 seconds the hat announced slytherin
her family is actually a mix of slytherins and ravenclaws
her dad and brother are ravenclaws
her mom is slytherin
Lances rivalry with Keith started because Keith bought the last of the candy he wanted on the train
And during like 7th year when they’re cuddling or something and Keith is like “why did u start this rivalry” and lance says it’s because he took the candy and Keith is SHOOK and goes “I would have shared if u asked”
and yeah i may add but heres most of the headcanons i came up with
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Hello My Name Is...
We all know of the infamous “Hello My Name Is” name tag, and see it everywhere. Whether it’s at a work function, party, reunion, or just even on the shelf at the store. So I would like to start out with just that.
Hello my name is Cassidy Frenak!
Although it can be hard to get to know someone though social media, I am going to try my best to let you all know the real me! I may look like your average basic girl from the outside, but deep down I am a lot more than that. Yes I love all my shoes, purses, and clothes but that does not make up who I am as a person.
To start, I am 21 years old and I am from Rochester MI. I grew up in Macomb MI with divorced parents. My parents separated when I was pretty young so it never really affected me in the way that would upset me. I only have one biological sister and her name is Jenna (3 years older than me). Luckily my parents separation gave me more siblings. My dad and my step mom have been together since I was 4 or 5. That gave me two step sisters Emily (2 years younger than me) and Lindsay (1 year older than me). If anyone ever asked me who they were I would 100% say they are my sisters and not step sisters. we’ve been through everything together, so I consider them my real sisters. On the other hand, my mom got remarried as well but not until I was older. My step dad has 4 girls and 1 boy, and if Im being honest, we’re not all that close. It’s just one of those things that you have to learn to accept when you’re in a blended family.
Now, less about my family… what about all the pets??? At my moms house I have two Maltipoos named Cherry and Blossom. At my dads house I have a Shitzu Poodle and his name is Chewie, but I like to call him Bubby. Although having three dogs is great, it just wasn’t enough for the animal lover inside me. To top it all off I have a pet bunny and her name is Chanel.
Right now I am a senior here at CMU. I am currently an Information Technology major, but I used to be a business student. I always thought I wanted to do something in business, but it turns out I wasn’t really a fan of it once I started taking the classes. My whole life I’ve always been pretty tech savy and never really realized that it could be something that I could use in my career. I know I would like to do something in the IT field, but I am not sure what that is yet. What I can tell you is that I do not plan on doing and career that involves coding. Ive taken two java classes and a c# class, and coding is just not my thing.
Honestly Im not sure what I hope to accomplish with this blog. I guess it will be a good learning experience for me, and maybe teach me the do’s and dont’s of social media by showing me how to use it professionally.
Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog post, and I look forward to talking to you all throughout this course!
And just remember:
Hello My Name Is…
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
surveys 062.
What battery percentage is your phone on right now? It’s at 55%
Do any medical afflictions run in your family? Yeppppppppppp
Who did you last talk to and what did you say? i sent a comma to kile. I can’t communicate to him anymore but it’s kind of my way of saying I’m here presently and available to read your messages. it probably annoys him and I should stop. 
What's your favourite Mexican dish? pork tacos from mama marias
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yes. many times.
How far do you live from New York City? uhhhhh google says 12.5 hours. not too bad.
How often do you talk to your parents? mom usually every day. dad maybe 2x a year
What was the weather like in your town today? lets google. it was 92 today
Are there any phrases or words that you say a lot? talk to me goose, comin’ in hot, that’s ridiculous, sup homie
How many boyfriends or girlfriends have you ever had? ehgghghg
Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? Yeah, many times.
What was the last movie you saw and who did you watch it with? serendipity 
What's the name of your first real boyfriend or girlfriend? I would say John
Do you clean your ears daily? Not daily, but every couple days.
What accent do you have? midwestern.
What scent of air freshener do you keep in your bathroom? It varies. usually a tree scent of some sort
Have you ever dated a model? No.
What's the best job you've ever had? hmm. babysitting an infant for like 2 hours 3x a week and making like 260 bucks a week.
How about the worst? nannying for a family where the dad was constantly trying to hit on me.
Do you have naturally straight hair? No, pretty curly.
What is your ultimate goal in life? To continuously find beauty in every day 
Have you ever visited someone in prison? nope
What months were you and your siblings born in? july, august, august, january
Do you write down your passwords in a physical place to prevent losing them? ahahhahahaha ummm a few of them. i am often in a “forgot your password?” situation
What are your three favourite vegetables? broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes
How many times a day do you check Facebook or any other social network? its SEVERELY decreased since not being on my phone with kile. looking at my phone usually brings me sadness, because i seldom have any word from him. so I just leave it alone.
When was the last time you had a blocked nose? idk.. 5-6 months ago
Who is your favourite comedian? I am not really sure, I dont follow many comedians
What colour are the socks you're wearing today? havent worn any yet
What did you have for dinner last night? steak
What was the last concert you went to? I want to say relient k
Are you an ugly crier? not really no
What scent is the soap or body wash you use in the shower? I’m on vacation so the scent is like a lavendarish scent which is not my style at all.
Have you ever had sex in/on a vehicle? kind of. -.- not by choice.
Who do you live with? mom & gram
What letter does your street name begin with? numbers
Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows? absolutely I do.
When was the last time you ate at McDonald's? A few weeks ago.
What's your favourite Popsicle flavour? blue
Who was the last person you sent a Facebook message to and what did you say? i havent got a clue. I never go on FB
Do you have any injuries at the moment? yes. one of which is my shoulder and its reallyyyyyyy bugging me
Have you ever been to an ophthalmologist? the eye dr i used to go to was both opthamologist and optometrist so yes
Do you own any animal print clothes? oh probably.
Are you tall, short or average? Would you change this? im tall. I would, maybe it’d be less off-putting to others
When was the last time you went to a drug store/pharmacy? gosh, like a week ago.
Do you ever binge-watch TV shows? just the same ones ive watched for years
Have you ever mustered up the courage to tell someone how you feel only to be rejected? uhhh, no I can’t say I have. 
Do you keep your files and documents organised in one place? somewhat.
What's your favourite sweet treat to bake? my infamous cookies
Are you good at flirting and letting people know you're interested? ill be real honest, I am so slow to fall for someone that it takes some time for me.
What did you have for breakfast today? toast (gf) and eggs
Do you prefer sweet or savoury breakfasts? Sweet
Do you like chick-flicks? heck’n yea
Have you ever taken an acting class? no. not interested
When was the last time you watched one of your favourite movies? yesterday
How often do you use Youtube? seldom. 
What's the coolest thing you've ever dressed up as for Halloween? i dont really do that.
Are you ignoring anyone right now? yeah :( </3
How do you usually style your hair? It’s always up in a messy bun. especially with the heat. but I might chop it off this fall idk.
Do you have any tattoos? Tell me about them. Nope. i wonder if kile will ever get his
Have you ever worked in a store while someone shoplifted there? more times than I could count.
When was the last time you used a stove? tonight with a GF zucchini pizza
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to eat? mushrooms
Are you sitting, standing or laying (or something else) right now? I’m laying on my bed.
How many hours per week do you typically work? --
What was the last pill or tablet you took? probably headache meds or tummy meds on the day of my flight
How far away from your house is the closest grocery store? like 1.4 miles
Have you ever lived in university/college campus housing? Nope.
Who was the last person you complimented? uhhh maybe a sibling
Are you the type of person to take naps, even if you've slept plenty? I WISH
Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment? im trying not to, but im not successful yet
The age old question: dogs or cats? STOP ASKING ME TO MAKE A DECISION ON THIS
When was the last time you saw your best friend? ugh. i don’t think ill ever see him. He sent me a picture today, it was really nice to see his face.
Have you ever been fired from a job? Why? nope.
Are you tired right now? eh, not terribly.
Do you like spring rolls? I do.
What do you live on in terms of a street, road, crescent, place, court etc? street
How many purses or handbags do you own? like 5
Do you get along with all your aunts and uncles? no. some of them I never ever developed relationships with because their parents hated my dad.
Have you ever eavesdropped and heard something you didn't want to hear? Yeah gahhhh i hate that
When was the last time you used a pen, pencil or marker? uhhh yesterday I think
What's your favourite type of curry? None.
Do you often go to do or say something and then just forget? not often
Have you ever had casual sex? Noooooooo. not my thing
What was the last thing you paid for with cash? clothes
What's the last letter of your middle name? h
If your phone rang right now from a number you don't know, would you answer? Nope. I hardly answer for numbers I know
How long is your hair? middle of my back
What was your first pet's name and how did you pick that? Millie. I didn’t have anything to do with that, I was a baby.
Do you drink diet or regular soda? diet. I don’t like the taste of regular.
Have you ever been to Europe? No, but I’d love to go.
Do you worry about your own health? I try not to.
Who did you last make plans with, and what plans did you make? family. 
Can you smell anything right now? Not at the moment, no
How old were you when you got your first cell phone? I was 18 or 19
When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes? ooo boy, its been a minute. I need new shoes, and I also need to get rid of old shoes.
Do you like fruit and vegetable combo juices? not at all. maybe I need to revisit them.
Have you ever been on a spring break trip? Yep yep
Would you rather be warmer or colder right now? colder always.
How tall are your highest heels? I have like 4″ heels but I shouldn’t be wearing them anymore
What's your favourite flavour of frosting? omfg i want frosting so bad. any flavor
When did you wake up today? I fell asleep around 430am and then woke up around 545 my time. 
Do you change your appearance often? I mean, hair color yeah.
What colour are the street signs in your town/suburb? Green
How many people do you work with? --
What was the last thing you ate? piece of chocolate.
Do you have any plans for three hours in the future? either this or sleeping
Has anyone ever made a comment about your weight that offended or upset you? people have definitely made comments about my weight before. just leave me aloneeeeeeeeee.
---- i wish i really was the most important thing on the planet to you. :( maybe then you’d have picked me? </3
0 notes
were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The College Years - Sophomore Year (Chapter 30) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “The Booty Call Boy”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Malia Tate & Reader/OFC
Warnings: Cursing, mention of sex.
Author’s Note: Malia was not getting enough love or attention in this fic, and I think she’s hilarious sooooo.
Summary: Stiles and Y/N fill in Scott on their theory about who summoned the rabisu to Beacon Hills, only for Scott to divulge a startling secret about the summoner's connection with the Pack.
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Chapter Thirty - Chapter Thirty-One
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Stiles had his weight pressed firmly against both Scott and the rolling stand that held his IV drip, as they did laps in the hall around the hospital. It had been eight days since he was attacked outside of his house; ending up in the hospital with deep defensive wounds on his hands, forearms, and shin, a broken wrist, a lacerated liver, a perforated intestine, a massive loss in blood, and a swollen brain that had left him in a coma for four days. In the four days since he had been awake, Stiles and Y/N had figured out what had been attacking Beacon Hills: a demon from Ancient Mesopotamian mythology called a rabisu.
"So you think that Sam Wirths summoned the rabisu to Beacon Hills?" Scott asked, as he escorted his best friend around the hospital.
"I don't think, Scott, I know. He fits the bill. You know I have an eye for evil and this kid screams ‘evil’."
"He went to Beacon Hills High with you guys, and then he went off to Berkeley and was literally in my Mesopotamia class with me, Scott. It has to be him." You said, as you walked along with them.
"Okay well if it was Sam, then we should talk to Malia." Scott suggested.
"Why should we talk to Malia about Sam? We talked to him so little in high school that my Dad didn't even think to mention that he was the one who had died. Did she even know him? He was so quiet.. she would've walked all over him with her little coyote paws." Stiles joked.
"Yea, she knew him. You remember.. they hooked up for a couple of months during our first semester. He lived next door to Malia and Cora." Scott told the two of them.
Stiles stopped in his tracks, leaning heavily on the IV drip. "Malia dated Sam last year?!"
"How did you not know about this?" Scott asked, turning around to look at his friend, raising his hands in the air.
"Why would I know about that? It's not like Malia and I are incredibly close anymore, not since we broke up." Stiles said, glaring at Scott.
"Okay, why don't we just get Malia down here and see what she knows?" You suggested, as you took Stiles' elbow and continued leading him down the hall back to his room.
Scott and Melissa helped Stiles get back into his hospital bed. Stiles had made the hospital room his own: taping the crime scene photos, lamassu stencils, and pictures of you and him and the Pack to the wall next to his bed.
"Well, kiddo, you took three laps around the floor and your vitals are still good, I think Dr. Dunbar might release you tomorrow morning." Melissa said as she looked at Stiles' heart rate monitor.
"Thank god. I am going crazy being trapped inside here. I hate waiting around to hear that the next part of the plan has worked and no one has gotten hurt. I mean, when everyone was out painting the lamassu's last night, it was nerve-racking. My nerves were severely racked." Stiles rambled on to Melissa.
"I know how you feel, Stiles, but I've gotta tell you, just because you won't be here, doesn't mean that you'll be out there with them. You had three major surgeries just over a week ago, your arm is broken, and you were in a coma five days ago. You're gonna be confined to your house on bedrest for at least another month." Melissa broke the bad news to Stiles.
"Another month, Mom?" Scott asked from next to Stiles' bed.
"I don't know what to tell you guys, I don't make the rules, I just pass them along to the Sheriff." Melissa grinned and walked out of the room, letting Malia in as she opened the door.
"Okay what's going on? Stiles said it was life and death... and yet you're here eating Jell-O." Malia looked at Stiles, comfortably sitting in bed, wearing a t-shirt, sweatpants and hospital socks, and eating a cherry Jell-O cup.
Stiles put the gelatin treat down on the table, and pushed the button that placed the bed in a more upright position. "It is life or death, Malia. What happened between you and Sam Wirths?"
"Okay, I'm leaving." Malia turned on her heels.
"Malia! Malia wait." Scott ran over and closed the door. "What Stiles should have started with was that Sam was the guy who Sheriff Stilinski and Parrish found in his house with his heart ripped out."
"I know. I heard. Did you guys not know it was him? It’s not surprising, he was pretty weak... and annoying. I thought about killing him sometimes." Malia shrugged, took Stiles' Jell-O cup off his table, and sat down on the chair, putting her feet up on the edge of Stiles' bed. Stiles' jaw dropped and he looked around for similar outrage. "Why does any of this matter though? Parrish said that he didn't think it had anything to do with the attacks." Malia said in between mouthfuls of Jell-O.
"Well, I think it does. The rabisu need someone to summon them and we think that person was Sam." Stiles clarified.
"Makes sense, I mean, he was in that Mesopotamia class with Y/n, right?" Malia asked, nonchalantly.
"Oh my god, seriously?! Yes, yes he was, Malia. You never thought to mention that to anyone in the past few days?" Stiles raised his voice, frustration apparent in his tone.
"I thought Y/n would know. They were in the same class."
"Y/n didn't go to Beacon Hills with us, how would she have known who he was?!" Stiles yelled.
"Okay, alright... Malia, can you just tell us what happened between you and Sam?" You interjected, trying to stop the ex's from bickering.
"Or really anything about Sam, I didn't really know him in high school. Did he have a bad relationship with his parents or a sibling, or do you think he was just messing around with the stuff that he learned about in class and he got caught up in something he didn't understand?" Scott asked Malia.
"No, I mean, we didn't talk much, but when he would, he never said anything bad about his family or anything." Malia said, throwing the empty cup into the trash by the door. "And, I don't know, he had only been in the class with Y/n for a month when I dumped him."
"So you dumped him? Were there bad feelings about all of this?" You asked the blunt were-coyote.
"I don't know... Listen, I was in Comm 101 with Sam last Fall and he recognized me from Beacon Hills and he started sitting next to me. He followed me around like a puppy dog, and had a big crush on me. When I found out that his dick was big, I started having sex with him pretty regularly." Malia explained.
"Oh my god." Stiles threw his hands up in the air and rolled his eyes.
Malia looked at you and mouthed the word 'huge'. She then extended her hands from each other to demonstrate how big Sam's penis was. "Okay.. yea." You snickered. "Then what happened?"
"One night I let him be on top, and when I orgasmed, I lost it a little and my eyes turned blue, and I guess that he saw."
Scott cut her off. "Wait, wait, he saw your eyes?"
"Yea, only for a second, but then I had to explain to him what I was, well what we all were-" Malia continued.
"Jesus, Malia, you never thought to mention any of this?" Stiles asked.
"I'm telling you now." Malia replied, matter-of-factly. Stiles slumped in his bed and began biting at his thumb. "Then he became kind of obsessed with the whole supernatural thing, and he was all like 'let me be part of the pack, I could be useful to you all, I love you, blah blah blah' and as good as the sex was, that got really annoying after a few weeks, so I dumped him."
"WOW." Stiles yelled.
"Uh, yea... okay, was he pissed? I'm assuming he was pissed." You asked.
"Yea, I guess. He sent me some really pathetic hand-written letters saying he had gone to therapy and was doing poorly in his classes, but he was learning more about the supernatural and he still loved me and he just wanted to be with me and help the Pack and oh my god, he sent me like twelve of those and they were so irritating."
"That sounds unstable." Scott said, a worried look taking over his face.
"He lived next door to you, right? Did you ever run into him?" You asked.
"Yea, he'd wait for me sometimes, but that stopped when I started bringing Eric home to have sex with... The last time I saw him, he was waiting outside my apartment the day I moved out. He was all 'I'll see you this summer in Beacon Hills, maybe if something comes up this summer that the Pack is having trouble with, I could help.' And I just lost it on the little loser. I was like, 'Sam, you don't even know how many things we've come up against and defeated with ease without ever needing your help. Just get away from me, it's becoming pathetic.' and I left."
"That was harsh." Scott said.
"That was progress." Stiles corrected.
"Okay, well, Sam sounds..." You began.
"I think fucking crazy is the word you're looking for, Y/n." Stiles interrupted. You raised your eyebrows and nodded slightly. "I need to talk to my Dad and see what kind of stuff they found at Sam's house."
"Was there anything else, Malia?" Scott asked, worried of what her answer would be.
"Nah, I think that was it." Malia folded her hands behind her head and pushed Stiles' leg towards the middle of the bed with her foot.
"Ow! Okay, wow. Can she leave now?" Stiles complained to Scott. Scott nodded and walked out with Malia.
You walked over and sat on Stiles' bed. "Your dick is definitely bigger than Sam's." You told Stiles with a grin.
"Damn right."He pouted. “She ate my Jell-O...”
29 <- - > 31
@alexhmak @dontstopxx @iloveteenwolf24 @chivesoup @vampirepinary @parislight @surpeme-bean @snek-shit @mayahart02 @fuxkdean @teenage-dirtbagbaby @sorrynotsorrylovesome @dylrider @iknowisoundcrazy @l4life @ivette29 @5secsxofamnesia @lovelydob @vogue-sweetie @awkwarddly @therealmrshale @twentyone-souls @xmadwonderland @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @inkedaztec @sunshineystilinski @eccentricxem @lightbreaksthrough @ninja-stiles @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @amethystmerm4id @completebandgeek @rhyxn @teamwolf2411 @acc3ssdenied @girlwiththerubyslippers @theneverendingracetrack @the-vampire-diaries-all-the-way @im-very-odd33 @vmach29 @sokkasbae255 @hirafth @caitsymichelle13 @dailyburritos @lolaversuslipstick @mieczzyslaw @atlas-of-the-world @anonimereader06 @bunnyboo10154 @itsamberh @hypothetical-cynicism @sp00der-m00n @molesandmischief
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mysticallooney-blog · 5 years
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One Day 
Alvarado, K., Bayas, C., Dela Cruz, P., Guinto, M., Medina, K.
Damon- Criminal Investigator out to find the murderer of his family
Ace- Best friend of Damon and also his partner
The story takes place at present time
The story happens at the Philippine city Metro Manila
Meet Damon
Damon was what you would call an average kid, He attended school, Had a best friend named Ace, And he loves his family. But an event that will shape his entire life is going to happen with or without him even noticing it.
Damon's family house
The whole family is having a dinner except for Damon who is out of the house.
DAMON'S FATHER : oh that must be DAMON! I'll go and open it.
door opens
(gunshot was heard)
DAMON'S MOTHER : *screams* what is that!?                                                                                      
DAMON is that you?
(Footsteps getting near the kitchen)
(another 2 gunshots was heard)
The footsteps began to vanish as the gunman exits the doorway. The house went silent like nothing happened.
door opening
DAMON : I'm hom- (shocked) Dad! DAD!! Who did this!!? MOM? MOOOOM!!.  Arghhhhh! (screaming while holding the lifeless bodies) NOOOOOOOO!
Three days passed and the funeral of the whole family of DAMON was held at the cemetery
DAMON: *crying * I will find whoever did this to all of you and i promise that I will show no mercy once I found out who did it  *making a fist*.
Ace holds the shoulder of DAMON
Ace      : Dont worry buddy we will find the bastard who Did this then will make him pay for doing it to uncle and the your family
DAMON:  thank you ACE! Thank you!, you're the only one that i got now.
After what happened DAMON and ACE became inseparable. DAMON became more motivated to seek justice for his family, Eventually turning to become a criminal investigator with Ace as his partner. Damon would never forget what Ace had done for him and he was thankful for having such a great friend
~6 years later~
Damon and Ace are now qualified detectives, infact the is one of the best the agency has to offer closing every case they come upon. After proving their worth to the organization, Damon asks his boss if he could choose the case they went on next and the boss agreed. Naturally Damon picked the murder of his family and this shocked the boss
BOSS: You know I cant give you a case that your related to you right?
DAMON (In a begging voice): Please boss its the reason Im even with the police in the first place here to begin with.
BOSS:*sigh* Look Damon your our best investigator so I expected you to know how stupid that demand was
DAMON: Ace is there to to make sure I wont go out of bounds, which I never have by the way
BOSS: “…” *whisper* If I hear so much as a whisper of that I allowed this, Your both fired…
Ill send Ace the file
DAMON: Thank you sir
Leaves office
Damon’s house
DAMON: roams around the kitchen
DAMON: There”s got to be a clue here somewhere clues here such as fingerprints or even guns that are used and more
ACE: looks at Damon
ACE: what time did it happen?
DAMON: continues to look at the file
DAMON: around 8pm, while they were having dinner
ACE: hmm do you know someone who hates or have hatred to your family?
DAMON: I don’t know, everything happened so unpredictable.
Damon sighs and sits at the chair
Ace sits, facing Damon
Damon inspects the photographs of room again and found a bullet
DAMON: look what we got here, it’s a bullet
ACE: looks at Damon what kind of bullet?
DAMON: it’s a 22 LR bullet, most popular type of bullet that can be bought in any caliber markets. Our killer is a rookie
ACE: How’d you say so?
looks at Damon with frustration plastered on his face
DAMON: Since this is the cheapest type of bullet that can be bought anywhere, he must be someone who can’t provide to buy a more expensive bullet.
ACE: silence
DAMON: maybe the killer was closer to our family, maybe he knows my family very well, because like us. But who? My family doesn’t even know a lot of people here.
ACE: Yeah, and people in our neighborhood are few compared to other villages.
DAMON: do you think the killer was closer to our family? But how come? Damon; teary eyed my family has been good to everyone.
ACE: We’ll get to know why once we catch who he is.
ACE: walks towards Damon, pats his shoulder
ACE: We’ll get to know his answers.
DAMON:*a sighs* I’m not surrendering this case, not until I die.
ACE: of course, I’ll help you there
~That Night~
Ace walks home with a worried expression
ACE: Damon cant know who killed his parents, beacuse if that happens what will happen to me….
~6 years ago~
Ace was a special kid, that was the nicest way to describe him. Normally he would just be seen around Damon and that was it it. But in reality the more you look into his character the stranger it gets. Ive only him display one kind of emotion and it was a faint smile he would only show when he was with my son. Needless to say I was pretty cautious of him for quite some time but eventually decided that it was probably just his quirk.
WIFE: (calling from downstairs) Dear can you help arrange the table?
HUSBAND: Don’t worry Im already on my way down
Arranging the table
HUSBAND: Say where is Damon?
Finishing cooking
WIFE: I had him run an errand at Ace’s house
HUSBAND: You know Ace’s parents?
WIFE: Oh didn’t you know ?
HUSBAND: About what exactly?
WIFE: Ace’s parents rarely stay at their house
WIFE: Who knows? Not even their neighbors know where his parents runoff to
HUSBAND:I guess that would explain it
WIFE: Explain what exactly?
HUSBAND: The kid always struck me as odd you
WIFE: I don’t know if your just messing with me or your actually being serious
HUSBAND: You don’t think it seems strange that Ace always shows up to pick up Damon and never looks at anyone else? Heck I bet he dosen’t even know our names!
WIFE: Your just being paranoid
DAMON'S FATHER : oh that must be DAMON! I'll go and open it.
~Present Time~
MAN: Delivery for mister Damon about some murder case files
DAMON: Thats strange, I Thought boss gave all the files already?
MAN: Well either you or the boss forgot, Just sign here
DAMON: Sure Sure
DAMON: Hmm so somebody already investigated the case when it first popped up
Reading through files
DAMON: It seems he abandoned the case due to some health related problems
More reading
DAMON: He also pinpointed various suspects which fit the profile Ace and I had yesterday
Stops at unpictured suspect
Damon: But it seems he wasn’t able to interview this kid because he was a minor and had a mental disorder…
In the office, DAMON sitting in his chair while holding the envelope given to him by his Boss that holds the evidence who killed his parents. Damon opened the envelope and pulled out the papers then begun reading the evidence and couldn’t believe what he was reading.
DAMON: Ho – How can this be?
Damon grabbed the other papers in shock. He kept rereading and tousling with the papers in denial with the information he has read.
DAMON: No! This can’t be true. It can’t be him. He can never do this!
Damon dash out of his office and straight to his boss to get answers with what was really happening. He sprinted inside the office of his boss.
DAMON: What’s this?!
Damon threw the papers at the desk of his boss.
(grabbed the papers in confusion)
Explain to me why that piece of paper is pointing out that my friend killed my parents! BOSS This is all the information that was obtain from one of my investigators.
DAMON: This can’t be true! Ace can never do this to me, he — he’s not the guy. Your investigator probably got it wrong and got all mixed up. Please tell me all of this isn’t true
BOSS: I hired one of my best investigators to do this. I know that this is all shocking news but I’m sorry. He couldn’t get it wrong.
DAMON: I — I have to go
Damon went out of the office and straight to his office. Damon sits on his chair in complete shock, not knowing what to do and feel about the situation. He begun contemplating whether to confront his Ace or not.
DAMON: What am I supposed to do? I can’t believe this is all happening. We’ve been friends since we were a child. His parents are my parents and my parents was his. I treated him as my brother. How could he do all this? Why would he do this?  I have to do something.
Damon reached out to grab his phone and call Ace.
DAMON:Ace, I need to talk to you
With Damon still absorbing what he discovered, he immediately called Ace.
ACE: What’s it all about bro? is it that urgent? *laughs*
DAMON: Really urgent. *husky and cold tone*
ACE: All right all right. Kill the vibe bro, It’s very unusual of you.
DAMON: Meet me at my parents grave.
ACE: Okay bro, be there at 5 see you.
*drops the call without listening to what Ace was saying*
How could he act all so innocent when in reality he murdered my parents!
*stomps his desk and throws all his paper works*
DAMON: Unbelievable! I’ve been the kindest living creature to my parents murderer.
*confused with all his thoughts laughs sarcastically*
*Leaving the office bringing with him his gun*  *Calling Ace over the phone*
ACE: Okay bro chill! I’m on my way! You have to tell me what  you're up to it’s making me crazy.
DAMON: You’re making me insane. *Drops the call once again*
ACE: What the hell is happening, he’s making me paranoid! Why can’t he tell me this instant! *Worried and scared tone*
ACE: That was one of the happiest yet most crucial moment of my life brother! *chuckles* How I wish I could turn back time. *sighs*
DAMON: Yeah right, I hope I never met you. *looks a far*
ACE: What do you mean? I’m your best friend you can’t say that. Stop that vibe bro, it’s too much it’s not funny anymore.
DAMON: You think it’s funny? *Pulls out his gun making Ace stumble a bit* How could you do this to me? Acting so kind and generous to me after murdering y parents?
ACE: Be careful with that gun Damon. What are you talking about? Who killed who?
DAMON: Can you stop that non sense! Stop denying! I hired someone to track down who killed my parents all those evidences led us to you. *Crying but  still keeps manly attitude*
ACE: *Damon strangles Ace pointing the trigger to his forehead*
Brother you can’t do this to me right? I know you’re a good man. *Scared*
DAMON: *Chuckles* Of course, you’re so dear to me I can’t kill you. *sobbing really hard* All this time I was protecting my parents killer, all this time I was with the person I want take revenge with, I was with my best friend and sadly were my parents killer. *sobs hard but manages to pull off a smile to Ace*
ACE: I’m sorry Damon. I don’t know what else to say just please put the gun down and forgive me its been years please, I’m a changed man now. *pleading*
DAMON: I wont kill you don’t you worry my dear best friend *Laughs sarcastically* I’m just gonna hurt you really really bad till you rot yourself to hell and repent forever without my forgiveness.
*Damon pulls the trigger killing himself on the spot leaving Ace speechless and emotionless*
No! Brother please hang in there you can’t do this to me.
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 9:34 pm
Welcome to “8 Questions With…….”
So…I’m going to be honest with you here. When I read our next guest’s story,I cried. Now there be many of you already leaving this interview but hear me out. Alfred Carter IV’s story is one that you need to hear because its proof positive that mountains can be climbed even when you’re hanging on by the fingernails. Alfred has done quite amount of living in a short time,a gifted football player,smart student in the classroom,being cast in two big budgeted films and being forced to climb that damn mountain…but Alfred has planted his flag and moved on. So now this talented actor/musician,forged by fire,is intent on making his mark in life. I have zero doubt that whatever path Alfred takes in the future,he will make that path his own and something great will result because of it. Personally,I can’t wait to see where takes us. But for now…..let’s go ask Alfred Carter IV his eight questions……
  Please introduce yourself and tell us about your latest project. 
What’s up everybody, my name is Alfred Carter IV and I am an Actor/Writer/Musician from New Orleans, Louisiana and I currently live in Phoenix, Arizona.     The latest project that I completed was a voice over for an environmental campaign that is set to air on Pandora as well as radio.     Even more recent is the finalization of a feature length script for a film based on my college experience mixed in with a little action, drama, and comedy. I am in the process of sorting some things out and then I will start pitching the idea to investors, etc. It will definitely be an entertaining movie to say the least, something for sports fans and non-sports fans alike.
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What was your house like growing up? What are your fondest memories growing up? 
Growing up my house was like a musical mixed with a funny reality television show. My dad was a police officer but could’ve been on Saturday Night Live and my mom was a nurse but could’ve been a professional singer. It was always fun, we were always singing, joking and around having fun. We didn’t really play video games growing up, this caused us to be creative and use our imagination. I credit a lot of my creativity to the way I was brought up.     As far as my fondest memories growing up I have so many of them, my top ones would be when each of my younger siblings were born. Another would be this time when my mom checked me out of school and we went to lunch and then went to fly kites at the park. Another would be the times I’d wrestle around with my dad like Mufasa and Simba in the Lion King. 
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You played college football, which school did you play for and what was that experience like?What were your three favorite subjects to study?
I played Division-1 college football for Nicholls State University in Louisiana and the experience was like no other. I appreciate the free education that was provided but it definitely came at a cost. People think that the life of a student-athlete is so glamorous but it’s not all that it seems. Although my time as a college football player completely revolved around football I still had fun times though.     My favorite subjects to study were actually all electives. They were Fine Arts Survey, History of Music: Rock n Roll, and Psychology. 
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Your career got off to a promising start by being featured in two big films but then tragedy struck, can you share what happened?
My first role was as a stunt-actor was in Lee Daniels’ The Butler. One day I got an email from a former NFL player turned stuntman that I used to train with inviting me to go on an audition.    My scene was very cool and fun it even made the movie trailer! Unfortunately, the scene itself got cut from the actual film due to the violence involved in it, it was a gun fight with the police.    My second role was as a stunt-actor in When the Game Stands Tall, directed by Thomas Carter. I found out about this role from someone I met on the set of Lee Daniels’ The Butler. This goes to show you that it is important to not only network but to have proper set etiquette because people are always watching how you conduct yourself. We finished shooting all of the football scenes for When the Game Stands Tall in the Summer of 2013 and in December of 2013 my life literally changed forever. My brother and I were headed home after going to the John Mayer concert in New Orleans an we were in a terrible car accident.    I was in the Intensive Care Unit for a week with a broken back, torn my hip, and ruptured my intestines which resulted in me having to get to use a colostomy bag for nine months. To make all of this even worse my brother, Andrew, didn’t survive the accident. It was crazy and didn’t seem real for the longest. My brother and I were literally best friends. We did everything together, went everywhere together, made music together, and we had a ton of plans together. My life was literally turned upside down. 
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Where did your journey take you as you recovered from your injuries? 
My journey to recovery was tough to say the least. Growing up in a house where Faith was a big part of our lives made it even harder for me to be able to grasp why this even happened. To say that I was completely shaken up and torn down to my core in every aspect of who I was would be an understatement. There were a few times when I just wanted to give up because I legitimately felt like I had nothing to live for. If it weren’t for my family and my Faith, there’s no way I would’ve made it back from where was at that time. My journey to recovery was beautiful because not only did I heal physically but I healed mentally and spiritually as well. This accident caused me to slow down from the pace in which I was living and reflect on a lot of things that I never gave much thought to before.     In 2015 I was presented with an opportunity to do missionary work and I initially shut it down but there was this tugging within me that I just couldn’t ignore. I went on mission for two year and it was amazing. While on mission I gave so much of myself but the crazy thing about it is that I gained so much more in return. I would’ve never grown as much as I did had I not stepped outside of my comfort zone and become apart of something greater than myself.
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    When did you move to Arizona and how have you found the acting community to be so far?
I moved to Arizona in January of 2018 and I have found the acting community to be pretty cool and supportive. Arizona is a beautiful state with beautiful scenery and beautiful people from all over the world, it’s a shame there isn’t more filming being done here. 
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Which aspect of acting do you like most? How would you describe your style of acting?
The aspect I love the most about acting is being able to transfer my energy and emotions from other aspects of myself into my performance, the feeling is amazing!     If I had to describe my style of acting I would say that it is most like Meisner. I enjoy this style most because it seems the most natural to me and it allows me to be myself yet not myself as myself but myself as the character that I am portraying.  
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Improv seems so challenging, what do you use  to get into the “moment” so quickly? 
I love Improv! I am a natural born artist so improvisation is pretty easy for me, its like a game, its fun!  As far as getting into the moment, I just release my inhibitions by taking majority of what I’ve learned as an adult and toss it aside. Then I dig deep within myself, find my inner child, wake him up, and get to work!
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If you were at an audition and a follow actor who going for the same part asked for your help, would you do or not and why?
   Of course I’d help! I would help not only because I would want someone to help me but because it’s about being an artist, a true artist is someone who shares their art. A lot of times actors get caught up in thinking that it is all about them and it’s really not, the movie goes on either way. My mindset is this, if the role is for me then I’ll get it, if not, then I won’t. It is what it is.
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  What do you enjoy about modeling? How did you get into it?
So I never actually intended to do modeling I just kind of stumbled into it. Some one asked me if I could model their fashion line and I did it and it just kind of went from there. As far as what I enjoy about modeling, it would be networking and meeting new people as well as getting free gear.  
What does “peace” mean to you?
Peace to me is remaining in the present moment and allowing myself to appreciate the beauty in every aspect of life that surrounds me on every step of my journey. Not stressing about the past or worrying about the future but remaining calm and learning along the way to prepare for the next level of our journey. 
The cheetah and I are flying in to watch you film your new film but we are a day early and now you are playing tour guide,what are we doing? 
So if you flew into Phoenix a day early and we had time, we could go up to Sedona, it’s one of my top 3 favorite places in Arizona, it’s beautiful. If we decided to stay closer to the city of Phoenix we could go grab a bite to eat at one of my favorite spots in Downtown Phoenix called Trapp Haus BBQ. After that we could just see what would be going on for that day. If it were the first Friday of the month we could go to First Friday in Downtown Phoenix.      If we were back in New Orleans though, we would have to go to Drago’s Seafood Restaurant and get some chargrilled oysters. Then we could hit the French Quarter for a bit and then maybe grab a drink and walk to the river and watch the riverboats and the sunset. After that we’d go to Frenchman Street and catch some live music.
  I like to thank Alfred very much for sharing his story with us. As you can see,he is an incredible human being who has overcome tremendous and life-altering challenges to get where he is now and quite honestly,I can’t see anything stopping him in his quest to become a household name. I mean,he already is in mine….. You can follow Alfred’s career by heading over to his website. Inside you can find his various social media sites which I hope you’ll follow.
Its doing a interview like this that reminds me how much I love doing this series and am grateful for the people who will sit down virtually with me and talk about lives. I hope you enjoy meeting these people as much as I do.
If you have a story that you want to share,no matter what it is,please reach out and let’s talk. This format is open to anyone and anybody that is a human being.
Feel free to drop a comment below,we would to get some feed back!!
8 Questions with …………actor/musician Alfred Carter IV Its 9:34 pm Welcome to "8 Questions With......." So...I'm going to be honest with you here. When I read our next guest's story,I cried.
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ltwilliamhavers · 7 years
HEY UH SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO DO THIS AAAH BUT UM contact, psyche, chessboard, hobby, and interiors for the oc ask meme??? I'm sot sure if it's like. rating all of them on a scale for some or if I give u a single one to answer for?? if I have to choose someone then jamila? gosh I wanna know about all of them ALSO IM SORRY IF THIS IS TOO MANY QUESTIONS AAH I couldn't choose haha,,,,, I hope you're having a good day!!!!!
aaa no problem! i’ll do all of my characters lol,,
lets do a read more so i can explain my characters and THEN do all the questions!
well first off: all of these characters are superheroes! they basically protect their city (new york. somewhere in there i havent really decided yet) from monsters and this demon named kaal (who i have not drawn yet so…. technically she doesn’t exist. and none of the characters really know she exist either. so thats fun.)
in their superhero form they have different names to protect their identity (even they don’t each other’s real identities!), they each have a different elemental power and a different weapon, AND they each have different jewelry that gives them their powers and superhero outfits.
naomi dao: she’s a vietnamese highschool student! (she’s in the same grade as the other three! specifically they’re all in their junior year) she has the power of hydrokinesis, which is the power of being able to control water. her weapon is a staff, her jewelry is earrings, her superhero name is aqua and her eyes turn green when in her superhero form. she’s basically the leader of the group.
selena hayes: she’s mixed (black and white if you wanna get specific) and she has the power of pyrokinesis which is the ability to control fire! her weapon is a whip, her jewelry is a ring, her superhero name is flare, and the tips of her hair and her eyes turn a golden orange in her superhero from!
jamila bajwa: she’s middle eastern and muslim, and she has the power of aerokinesis (the ability to control air) and holographic projection (the ability to create holograms). i gave her another superpower because i thought just air manipulation was kinda lame. her weapon is a bow an arrow, her superhero name is air, and her jewelry is a necklace!
holly suake: she’s native american and of the cherokee tribe, and her power is chlorokinesis (the ability to control plants). her weapon is a sword, her jewelry is a bracelet, her superhero name is earth, and her eyes turn green in her superhero form.
anyway that was a lot. time to move on from talking about my overpowered mary-sue ocs and GET INTO SOME QUESTIONS HEYO!
naomi: naomi is kinda closed off ESPECIALLY as aqua. she kinda acts as like a leader and doesn’t really want to get attached to any of the others. so… nah. she’s not really affectionate.
selena: i’d say she’s the most affectionate out of everyone, but she’s not crazy affectionate. like when they win a super huge battle, or she’s just feeling really happy, she will hug tackle people (usually to aquas dismay.) she’ll put her arm around people and she’s definitely pretty optimistic!
jamila: she is a muslim character and i DO need to look more into this- from what ive researched i’ve seen that muslim women are usually not affectionate towards men, but idk about women? since everyone on the team is a girl. i’d say jamila is average affectionate! she’d cheer people on and give people high fives and stuff like that, but i don’t really see her as a hug type of person.
holly: i’d say she’s the same with selena! if she sees selena hug tackle someone on the team she will most likely do the same or join the dogpile. she’d probably do the pick-up hug where she also spins them in the air while going like ‘YEAH WE DID IT!!’
naomi: naomi tries to remain stoic and brave as aqua- but as naomi she’s as emotional as everyone else! (i don’t mean like she’s crying every five seconds. i mean that the amount of emotions everyone else shows she’d show the same amount.) naomi is also strategically just like holly- but it’s not unlikely that you would find her just jumping into battle with no second thought. at the beginning of the story, i’d say she’s pretty good mentally but later- thanks to kaal- she’s like crazy messed up. i’ll probably go into that later but uh. not right now. just know that kaal is straight up evil.
selena: selena is crazy smart! even though she knows it’s probably best to think through things strategically, she always goes with her gut instinct because she trusts herself. selena is also pretty emotional both as selena and flare- she will openly share what she is feeling.
jamila: jamila isn’t really ‘we have to plan this out to the t’ but shes also not the type to just run straight into danger. she is a little more strategic than not, but when need be she will do what she thinks is the right decision in that moment. jamila is average with her emotions too.
holly: holly is super strategical! she’s basically the character that would start talking about the plan, look up like ten seconds later and all the others would already be gone. she’d probably just facepalm and go join the others to make sure they don’t do anything really stupid and die.
as stated in the last question- holly and naomi are the most strategical of the group!
naomi: well the whole ‘what do they love? what captivates them?’ is like WAY too deep for me so. i’m just gonna list their hobbies. naomi plays softball and she’s really good at it!
selena: selena is part of like stem and robotic clubs, so she enjoys making robots and competing in robotic competitions.
jamila: along with naomi, she is an athletic type! except that she doesn’t play softball, she plays soccer and is baller at it.
holly: holly is musical! she mostly focuses on violin, but she knows the general basics of most other instruments like piano, guitar, etc.
naomi: naomi lives in a rather big house with her two moms so she’s doin pretty good. naomi seems like the type to hang up pictures of her family so she probably has tons of pictures of her chillin with her moms (no siblings- she’s an only child.)
selena: selena totally hangs up all the school awards she gets. you just walk in and you see medals from robotics competitions, papers of showing academic excellence and probably some perfect attendance awards up there. selena also has an older brother in college so she probably has a funny pic of them hanging up somewhere.
jamila: jamila enjoys lookin good and feelin nice, so she probably has tons of face cleansers, lotions, makeups and bathbombs (of the sort) ALL up in her bathroom. she keeps everything pretty neat and tidy- but it’s not like EVERYTHING HAS TO BE IN ITS PLACE ALWAYS. she just gets anxious when things around her are cluttered, so her house is pretty neat. (she is also an only child.)
holly: holly lives with her single mother and her twin younger brothers (her dad had died when she was young) so her house is usually very busy due to the 13 year old brothers and all the childrens hobbies- and they do only have one mom. the house is filled with soccer gear (the brother’s) and musical things with holly. sometimes the house is a mess due to the younger brothers, but it’s never absolutely terrible. holly has posters up in her room of bands and celebrities that she likes.
whoops lol. i just needed to talk about my ocs i guess
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yumikoflare · 7 years
wowie this is a loooong meme - thanks for the tag @wildricebear more like wild loser bear...........
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people. (putting it under the cut bc it’s 100+ questions!)
1. What is your nickname? i go by yumi! my rl nickname has the same amount of letters 🤔
2. What is your zodiac sign? aqua sun / scorp moon
3. What is your favorite book series? not gonna lie i havent read any book series in a looong time but my fav manga series is fukigen na mononokean!
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? ofc, i believe in both!
5. Who is your favorite author? errr i honestly don’t have one ahaha but sunrisesongs has some reaaaally nice poetry if that counts
6. What is your current favorite song? rn i’m a huuuge fan of kenshi yonezu’s suna no wakusei, namely the soramafu cover!
7. What is your favorite word? uhh don’t have one.. but the word ‘warmth’ has always struck a chord in me?
8. What was the last song you listened to? i think it was ra ra rasputin b/c someone at band was playing it on his phone LOL
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? i don’t watch tv oops  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can’t think of anime recs either smhhh
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? i don’t watch movies if i’m feeling down but i remember enjoying the intern?
11. Do you play video games? mmm a little bit.. i play overwatch and sometimes osu and ive played a couple of mmorpgs here and there 
12. What is your biggest fear? losing my purpose and passion
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i’m a good friend! i think that counts
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my lack of patience and intolerance to trials
15. What is your favorite season? winter!!!!!!
16. Are you in a relationship? nah
17. What is something you miss from your childhood? honestly? i don’t miss much in particular from my childhood other than that Sweet Naive Bliss™ because things have been getting better in my life since then so
18. Who is your best friend? nizh, swirl, mari, gil, noah, sam, laura, kayla come to mind
19. What is your eye color? dark brown
20. What is your hair color? dark brown
21. Who is someone you love? all my friends...........
22. Who is someone you trust? the friends i listed earlier!!!
23. Who is someone you think about often? honestly as of recently myself bc im working on bettering myself LOL but other than that, i think of noah kinda often?
24. Are you currently excited about/for something? uuuuhhhh not particularly
25. What is your biggest obsession? currently overwatch
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child? probably spongebob aldsakdsla
27. Do you have any unusual phobias? mmmmmm not sure but my anxiety makes a lot of small things scary so
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? both!!!!
29. What is your favorite hobby? honestly not sure... i like writing but recently i’ve been very into photo and video editing so!!!
30. What was the last book you read? probably the hiding place
31. What was the last movie you watched? goosebumps i think? watched it at home w/ my mom bc she hadnt seen it before
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any? [[[the sound of me, panicked, aggressively slamming my mallets into a timpani can be heard in the distance]]]
33. What is your favorite animal? dogs.... i love dogs
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? hm i rly like yamiiino, kaiami, tofuvi, star-plasma, and zandraart!
35. What superpower do you wish you had? healing factor!!!
36. When and where do you feel most at peace? idk, whenever really, surrounded in my closest friends; either that or doing something i love alone
37. What makes you smile? my friends...... also getting praised......
38. What sports do you play, if any? FUNNY JOKE i cant sports
39. What is your favorite drink? hell....... i love lots of different types of teas (black, green, jasmine, honey, etc) and im also a sucker for matcha... and i also like ice blended drinks... and (virgin bc im underage) mojitos.... and smoothies.......... fdgkjkdf i love drinks a lot ok
40. Are you afraid of heights? yes 10000%
41. What is your biggest pet peeve? close-mindedness and intolerance to other ppl/ideas/etc + having to waste resources
42. Have you ever been to a concert? only one! was a mayday parade concert earlier this year
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? like everything LOL a singer and an author were prob my biggest ones tho
44. What fictional world would you like to live in? HONESTLY the fukigen na mononokean world would be cool to live in... 
45. What is something you worry about? i simultaneously really like and dread band asdlsakdas
46. Are you scared of the dark? yup orz
47. Do you like to sing? heck yea!!!! singing is so good.....
48. Have you ever skipped school? no bc im a goody two-shoes™ 
49. What is your favorite place on the planet? i dunno! i don’t have one! the world’s so big there’s so many places i still have yet to go!!!
50. Where would you like to live? honestly idk i’m happy with where i am now LOL
51. Do you have any pets? i wish......... i want a doggo so bad but my sister and i are allergic
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? i don’t feel like either but i’m closer to a night owl
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? both..... the sky is a goddess and im in love with her.....
54. Do you know how to drive? i’m an anxious minor who is too afraid to get near the wheel LOL
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones bc earbuds always fall outta my ears and its a Pain
56. Have you ever had braces? nope B)
57. What is your favorite genre of music? ummmmm i don’t have a fav bc i’m kinda flexible but i like alt rock? and j-rock/j-pop?
58. Who is your hero? to be completely honest idk if i have one LOL im my own hero™ B))))
59. Do you read comic books? nah
60. What makes you the most angry? probably the same as #41 as well as like myself?? bc i get frustrated with myself v often and that concept makes me angry asdsa;ldas
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? nizh wrote “i like real books but i’m so lazy that i’m more likely to read digital” and i am in agreement
62. What is your favorite subject in school? errrrrrrrr i suppose la? but i’m abt to enter some new classes and learn under totally new teachers so idk it’s bound to change!
63. Do you have any siblings? ye, one older sister
64. What was the last thing you bought? a flowy cardigan from yesterday!!!! im lov it.... i might post a pic of it
65. How tall are you? 5′1′’ and 3/8 sdfkjsdijeiwjeje
66. Can you cook? yo i wish..................
67. What are three things that you love? my friends, music, food/drinks LOL
68. What are three things that you hate? same as #41 and a third thing would prob be conflict?? idk
69. What is your sexual orientation? as far as i know i experience no sexual attraction (asexual) and i experience romantic attraction to anyone and everyone (panromantic) so!
70. Where do you currently live? socal
71. Who was the last person you texted? probably nizh
72. When was the last time you cried? mmmm maybe a week or two ago... i cant recall exactly when so thats good
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber? oooohhh.. im super mainstream but i love arikadou LOL also zylbrad, seagull, and etika
74. Do you like to take selfies? i do! i usually only take selfies like every once in awhile when im feeling cute and when i do i take A Lot
75. What is your favorite app? i lov line camera?? also google photos makes things mucho convenient
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? tbh i find my relationship with my parents to be closer than a lot of my friends’ so :0
77. What is your favorite foreign accent? i dunno! french accents are pretty cool
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? japan! also the philippines
79. What is your favorite number? idk but i like 5 and 8
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? both freak me out but the ocean is pretty interesting
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not in the slightest LOLOL
82. Are you allergic to anything? intolerant to eggs, pretty allergic to any type of nuts so that sucks, n i got those Seasonal Allergies
83. Can you wiggle your ears? NO I HAVENT READ HARRY POTTER
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? umm idk how often LOL whenever i think im wrong..?? which is somewhat frequently?
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forests are lovely
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? honestly idk......... i remember my dad said smth about how you don’t always have to forgive everyone and by saying ‘it’s okay’ permits the other person to repeat the same action, so i choose my words rly carefully now bc of that :o
87. Are you a good liar? kinda half n half... depends on what i’m lying abt
88. What is your Hogwarts House? iiiiii forgot but it was either ravenclaw or hufflepuff... mightve been the former
89. Do you talk to yourself? YEAH especially when i’m practicing music or video editing
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert
91. Do you keep a journal/diary? as of very recently yes bc my therapist recommended me to do so :0
92. Do you believe in second chances? usually in most circumstances
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change? oh yeah definitely, anyone is capable of change, it just depends on their attitude towards it
94. Are you ticklish? yes i hate it
95. Have you ever been on a plane? yep, to san francisco and sacramento and i guess once to texas but that was before i could remember so
96. Do you have any piercings? nope and i don’t rly want any tbh
97. What fictional character do you wish was real? i have nooo idea there’s a lot of thought i’d have to put into this question LOL
98. Do you have any tattoos? nah but if i did they’d be veeeery simplistic
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? probably when i decided 1-2 years ago that i wanted to get my life back on track so i could become a person i could love and ive been making progress little by little ever since then
100. Do you believe in karma? mmmmm not reaaallyyyy..... like maybe a little bit but
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts? its ya girl almost legally blind and wearing contacts
102. Do you want children? not sure yet but probably
103. Who is the smartest person you know? no clue omg there are lots of smart ppl in this world
104. What is your most embarrassing memory? sometime in grade school i was sitting at the edge of a playground slide pleading for my friend not to push me down bc i rly had to pee but she did and i literally just pissed all over the slide and we just stared at each other for a long time and that was just........ Very Bad - I HAVE ANOTHER BAD MEMORY THOUGH it wasnt even long ago kill me??? i was at my friend’s house for dinner and her parents asked what my sister was studying and my sister just recently got into college and i had a veeeeeeeery vague grasp on what she was studying so i literally said ‘food and tectonics’ and i wanNA MCDIE BC I MEANT DIETETICS NOT T E C T O N I C S
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? mmm not a real one.. most ive done is stayed up til 6amish with nizh before goin to sleep  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like i’m definitely capable of doing it i just don’t want to
106. What color are most of your clothes? dunno? i have a fairly colorful wardrobe but i almost always wear something w/ black if i’m not going for an all light outfit
107. Do you like adventures? depends on where to bc im very cautious LOL
108. Have you ever been on TV? nope
109. How old are you? how old is ur moM!! dab dab haha xd
110. What is your favorite quote? one of my favs is “there are no happy endings, endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle and a very happy start” by shel silverstein; i have a few others but thats the first that comes to mind
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory tbhhhh
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you? umm not badly but ive been mildly disappointed by a few LOL
113. What is your favorite scent? that clean/fresh linen smell?? and also lavender and then light stuff like eucalyptus mint
114. Random fact you know? the duck-billed platypus can’t keep its eyes open underwater, so it finds its prey by using sensors in its bill that detect electrical impulses n then they strike! theyre pretty cool animals..
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships? nizh said “hard. just, really hard. not sure if it’s worth it” and i also agree
IT IS OVER wow ok 20 ppl is kind of a lot and this is a loooot of questions so im only gonna tag a tiny bit of ppl (dont have to do it if u dont wanna!): @dunmerhealer | @aftertaste-of-memes | @inspiringnokias yeah that’s it LOL this is just Hella Long so idk how many ppl would be up for doin this so ye  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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seablu · 7 years
Do 1-50 ho
1: what is your name and does it mean anything?my name is olivia, it just means olive
2: how long have you known your best friend?15 years! wow omg
3: what position do you normally sleep in?on my side cuddling a pillow usually
4: were you a part of any “clique” in high school?only at one school, i was totally in the super angsty kids club that sat against the wall (aka “the emo wall” or “the wall of shame”) at lunch and played guitars.
5: who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?ms. komori! i didn’t have the option to take japanese at my first 3 high schools, so when i got to my 4th one my senior year, i was in a freshman class she was teaching. they were awful to her but she still tried her absolute best to teach them and make sure they knew she cared about them as individuals. she talked a lot about the importance of mental health and self care & always made sure her class was a safe space for everyone, always had food in case anyone hadn’t eaten, made sure to ask if she wasn’t sure if somebody was okay.. basically she was just a literal angel always. that was so long wow,,, yeah i love her
6: do you wish to travel a lot?yes, 100%
7: did you participate in any sports while in school?not really, but marching band did kinda feel like a sport sometimes lol
8: show a sample of your handwriting:i would, but i am on a plane and i have no pen
9: have you ever given blood?no! i always wanted to, but they always told me i didn’t weigh enough
10: do you like the way that you grew up?not really but i’m still lucky
11: do you like your siblings? why or why not?my brother doesn’t really have a personality yet so idk
12: how did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?our dads were both pilots for eagle at the time & we were three, and they decided to get us together so they took us to chuck e cheese. honestly i have no idea how we became best friends cause she stole my tokens and i’m pretty sure I punched her?? but i haven’t seen her since the deep end of my scene phase in 9th grade and she’s finally coming to see me IN 4 DAYS
13: name one movie that made you cry.gran torino ooh shite
14: do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?both
15: things about someone that you find attractive?literally everything abt the person that sent me this ask
16: what song are you currently listening to?general tso what by jank
17: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?my nose, once by flip-turning directly into the wall during my big freestyle relay at state (i still won) and once again at a concert. i was watching emmure from barricade and some fucker behind me literally threw a crowdsurfer, and he landed right on me, so my face went directly into the metal barricade & re-broke my nose. i then went straight to the pit and got punched to top it all off! (i had 2 black eyes at school for like a week and a half & all my teachers thought someone was beating me)
18: a random memory from you childhood:i forced my parents to let me dress up as bob the builder for halloween when i was four
19: where did you grow up?ft. worth texas & ardmore oklahoma
20: what was the last thing you watched on tv?the office
21: do you think you’d make a good parent?yes but i have to get all the crazy out of my system first
22: would you like to meet any of your tumblr friends in person?no bc i don’t have any
22: what was the last dream you remember having?i went back to one of my old high schools to watch a football game and there were only 3 people in the marching band
23: when is your birthday?july 23rd, exactly one week from today!
24: how many pillows do you sleep with?two or three
25: do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?i was prescribed some last year but i lost them a few months ago, i only really needed them cause they were supposed to help with my migraines but they didn’t anyway
26: what color is your hair?dark brown
27: name 5 facts about your appearance:i’m short & tiny, i have really pale skin, my hands are oddly big, i have a few freckles in summer & i have 0 hips
28: what is your favorite soda?this peach soda i tried overseas oh my goodness gracious
29: what is a strange talent that you have?idk i can play the french horn
30: how’s the weather right now?looks real dry over new mexico rn
31: why did one of your friendships end?because he made me very uncomfortable & did a lot of really creepy, inappropriate things i won’t go into on the internet
32: who do you miss right now? the person that sent this ask
33: why did your last relationship end?bc i found out he didn’t love me at all and was just using me.
34: are you still figuring out who you are?absolutely
35: have you ever been admitted to a hospital? why?quite a few times, yeah. a variety of reasons but the most recent time was because i had a super violent bug and needed to be put on an IV
36: what is your favorite restaurant?i don’t think i have one
37: what is word that you always seem to spell wrong?annihilate
38: would ever adopt kids?absolutely
39: what is your favorite kind of pizza?classic pepperoni
40: what was your first thought when you woke up this morning?i was in a hotel room with my family and my half asleep mind thought my mom’s snoring was a weedeater
41: when was the last time you got really really happy and why?earlier this month when i stayed a few days with @manilla-folder cause i’ve missed him for so long and he’s my favorite person in the world
42: what’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?someone dared me to eat a fish eye in japan and i did it.
43: how do you start a conversation?.. i usually do not
44: what’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?the japanese house
45: do you come from a family “of money?”not really, nope
46: do you have a bucket list?yes
47: what is your favorite series of books?i don’t have one, all my favorites are novels
48: when was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?one of the days when i was laying around with @manilla-folder , i don't even remember what he said but oh my god he was so funny and i couldn’t breathe
49: where do you go when you’re sad?to my bed or on long drives
50: 5 random facts about yourself:i love outer space, i can’t do a backflip, my cat is missing one of his front teeth, i want to live in japan one day, and my favorite color is light pink.
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reviewkidoodle · 5 years
Best Purchases of 2018
Here’s the post I’ve been meaning to write for a month and a half. Last year I started my now annual “Best Purchases” post from the previous year. I figure having certain items long enough warrants enough time to give them a fair review. Some of the items on this year’s list were purchased in 2018 although we didn’t start using them till this year but I’m still including them because I love them so much.
One || Our Patio Set
These pieces were individual purchases (two separate loveseats and a chair set which included the coffee table) so you could purchase as many or as few as the pieces as you’d like. After months of use they were very comfortable and I didn’t notice any adverse wear on the cushions (except from kids bringing food over to them). The cushions stayed the perfect firmness and we had only one or two spots where the wicker popped up… I was nervous there was going to be a lot more with four kids!
I’d HIGHLY recommend this set. I’d also highly recommend these covers for them, they are a little big which makes putting them on a breeze (no struggling to put ones that fit them like a glove on).
        You can read the full post about the patio set here.
Two and Three || Apron Front Sink and Bridge Faucet
While we bought these months ago we’ve only been using them for a few weeks but so far I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. They both feel really sturdy and well-made. The sink has SO MUCH ROOM IN IT and I love that it came with a grate to protect the bottom of the sink. The prices on these two items are really affordable in comparison to similar items.
Four|| DW Home Gardenia Candle
If my home had a signature scent this would be it. I find all my DW Home Gardenia candles at Marshalls but in case you can’t here is the link to the Amazon one. It’s about $8 more than you’ll spend on it at Marshalls.
Five || Therapedic Weighted Blanket
Therapedic sent me some products in October or November that they wanted help getting the word out about. I just needed to do an Instagram post and a stories about them but I can’t stop talking about them (you’ll see another one of the items made the list in the clothing section). This weighted blanket is so different from anything we’ve ever had but we love it. I think I sleep better and deeper, it keeps me SO warm and generally is one of my favorite blankets EVER. The first few nights are so weird and I hate when it’s laying on my throat but otherwise it’s INCREDIBLE. My guess is that it’ll be a colder weather item for our bed because it really keeps you warm. The downside to it is that it’s pricey but I’d say it’s highly worth it (we have the large size which weighs 20 pounds but I’d get the extra large if you are putting it on a queen bed like we are).
Six|| J. Crew Chambray Dress
I wore this dress on repeat all summer. This unfortunately isn’t the best photo but it was so comfortable and was great to transition from spring to summer and summer to fall. It’s 50% off now too. (There are a lot of dresses from J. Crew Factory that are 50% off now that I’m in love with…)
This dress is almost identical, it just has scalloped sleeves instead of a tie on them.
Seven || Make + Model Joggers
I asked my sister for these pants for my birthday. When she got them about four months ago they had different colors but I’m in love with them. I wear them constantly. They are ridiculously soft and comfy. There are two downsides: the ride pretty low (careful sitting down!) and they pill very easily (I think mine show the pills easily because they are a very light blue so I’d highly recommend the dark blue or black joggers).
Eight || Jo Malone Orange Blossom Perfume
You’ve read my ravings about this perfume before. My mom and dad gave this to me for my birthday this year because I finally ran out of my original bottle and I’ve been in love with it for about eight years since I started using it. The smallest sized bottle lasts me for years.
Nine || Therapedic Memory Foam Slippers
I have worn these slippers EVERY SINGLE DAY since I got them, including this very second. They are under $20, so comfy and really keep my feet warm! (Though Therapedic sent me these free of charge I do not have to promote them… I’m only doing it because they are easily one of my favorite new things from this year.)
Ten || Siblings without Rivalry and Crazy Rich Asians
The fact is not lost on me that I’m recommending two completely different books in the same sentence. Crazy Rich Asians is hysterical and fluffy and about so much stuff that doesn’t matter. There are a few trashy parts but for the most part it’s pretty clean. If you want a good book to escape in this is it… I loved it so much I just started Rich People Problems (also hysterical but haven’t read China Rich Girlfriend yet).
Siblings without Rivalry is amazing. It is making me rethink everything about how I interact with the kids, how I want them to interact together and what I saw in front of them and about them that might be hurting them.
        Eleven || Our Double Stroller(s)
This is the stroller that I take everywhere with us (it’s not our jogging stroller which I really adore though (sidenote: we have the single and double BOB jogging stroller and I cannot recommend them highly enough, they’ve last us YEARS, the expensive price is 100% worth it)). This is the stroller that gets us through Target and the grocery store. You’d be surprised at how many groceries you can fit underneath this thing… We chose it because it had great reviews and was pretty affordable!
Everyday stroller
Bob Stroller
Lastly, bonus item:
I got the a Mariposa platter just like this about two years ago and I am in LOVE with it and use it all the time. They are normally VERY expensive but I found the almost identical one to ours for $20 on Amazon, I don’t know if it’s a mistake Amazon made in pricing because they are normally $150ish but I just bought one for $20 this morning and there are only 10 left I think. It would make SUCH a good gift!
Have a great day and don’t forget to check out these posts (especially if you still have coffee in that mug to enjoy!):
2017 Best Purchases
Our Countertop Install
Our Updated House Tour
 The post Best Purchases of 2018 appeared first on Migonis Home.
Best Purchases of 2018 posted first on aireloomreview.blogspot.com
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