#i have a req i’ll finish it soon but
zairene · 6 months
if i do somehow start writing for aot and it becomes a phase on my blog i’m mostly gonna write levi imma be honest
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cherry-leclerc · 3 months
stolen sweethearts ☆ cl16
genre: humor, angst, yearning, pining after three years so maybe slowburn??, fluff, second chances, whipped!charles
word count: 4.3k
Everything that leads to your wedding day and ends up with a knock on your door from your ex-boyfreind and an infamous letter.
req!...longer than intended, whoops! enjoy, anons :)
inspired by this !
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“You’re making a mistake—”
Your eye twitches in the slightest, glossy lips curling into a snarl. “Shut up and be quiet.”
Looking down at your boyfriend, dressed in Armani from head to toe and a blank expression, you wince apologetically. You grasp his hand tighter, knuckles becoming white, and smile widely, tears brimming the corner of your eyes. “Not you, honey!” A wet chuckle escapes when he visibly relaxes. “Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes.”
The engagement party was a pleasant surprise, filled with congratulations and early wedding gifts. It also brought out a large group of your friends from hibernation. “Felicidades,” Carlos says with a teasing smirk. “I truly never thought I’d see the day you settle.” 
You bit the air. “Ha ha. That was the old me. New me is a completely changed woman thanks to true unconditional love. It’s crazy, try it out some time,” you shoot back. 
The Spaniard simply scowls and bows away, returning to his earlier conversation. You consider yourself lucky—as if you committed a successful heist and somehow got away with it. He was handsome, with bright eyes, dark hair, and tempting lips. There truly wasn’t a single flaw to your now fiancé. And if there were, no one ironically saw it but Lando.
“You’re making a—”
“Mistake?” you finish off his sentence, sighing and rubbing your temples. “So you say.” You were in the middle of ordering yourself another piña colada when he hounded you like a madman. The Brit blows out with a tired expression, as if he were giving up on all of humanity. 
“Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes.” Angling your head to aim a dirty glare, you silently flip him off as he uses your earlier words against you. 
“Aren’t you tired, Lan? It’s been three years, let it go.”
The blue eyed boy musters a threatening look and then rips your sweet treat away from your grip, immediately claiming ownership. Your brows fly up with an offended scoff. He chugs it all down before shaking his curls adamantly. “No, I will not let it go. Bloody hell, you’re one stubborn gal—you can’t go through with this.”
For the shortest second, a ray of hesitance strikes your face when you spot your fiancé, happily indulging in a round of shots with Carlos, Max, and Daniel. The group laughs with amusement over something he says. Your lips wobble, turning back to your friend, shooting lasers. “Why not? And please don’t say—”
“Charles.” Somehow, even with the mention of his name, your world still manages to spin off its axis, alarming your remaining sanity. Last time you saw the Monegasque was quite the day, ending with regretful words and inferior decisions. Lando grimaces when you let out a shaky breath. “You know you haven’t gotten over him. And I can guarantee you that this…” He spins his index finger around the flashing room. “Will not make the difference you're hoping it will.”
Have you made your Christmas list? I told you I need it at least two weeks prior. I work well under pressure, but for God’s sake, honey, this is too much. Charles chuckles, cleaning his pair of Ray Bans against the hem of your skirt. You sigh. 
Oui. Making his way over to his duffel bag, he retreats a crumpled up piece of paper. Oh, um, shit. The green eyed boy cringes with embarrassment, pouting modestly. You swallow the giggle sliding up your throat when he frowns furthermore. I swear I had it! It must've gotten crushed with all my stuff. You know what? Charles strolls over to the flight of stairs. I’ll just make a new one, give me a sec. 
As soon as he leaves, you yawn, stretching out like a cat. You can’t help the fluffy feeling; Christmas always adds to it. But something about this one felt distinctively different and you couldn’t place the reason why. 
Your orbs flicker across the dimly lit room before falling back to the thin piece of paper. Patting your palms on your thighs, you get up and delicately open it up, curiosity overflowing. It shouldn’t have mattered, he was going to re-write it anyways. 
His calligraphy had always been messy, and yet you always—somehow—understood; from the start of his sentences to the final dot. But this had to be the one and only time you wish you weren’t so comprehensive. 
I’ve been thinking about us
A lot recently, actually
I’ve had some thoughts over these past few weeks and
I think we should just end things.
You bat your eyes, already feeling the pressure forming behind, stinging harshly. Was this meant for you? For you to find? Had it been intentional the moment he pulled out the fucking note? Would he just not come back and was it all an excuse?
But he does. And his pale face answers all of your questions. 
Oh fuck, what have you done?
Rage fuels within you as you briskly brush away the acid sliding down your burgundy cheeks, heat rushing through your body. What have I done? What the fuck is this bullshit, Charles? 
The Monegasque instantly rushes over, trying to get ahold of the piece of paper. You rapidly pull it away and force a step back as you let out a wet chuckle. He winces at the cold sound. Why would you do that? Why did you do that?
So you’re not denying it? You wrote this? You knew he had, his writing was imprinted into your brain like a manuscript you had professionally studied endless hours.
His skin only loses more color with every passing second. I’m not trying to blame you! I did. I did write that—but that was so long ago, you have to believe me, and I can explain! He kneels down, silently pleading you to bless him with a spare minute. Just let me explain it all to you. 
I never took you for a poet, you bitterly spit out as you continue skimming through the full page. You have a lot on your mind—a lot. Scanning his desperate state, you can’t help but let out a soft whimper, scrunching your nose. 
I’m not, shit. He grips your thighs from where he is and lets out a set of shaky breaths. Do you remember when—
I don't want to remember, you let out. I just simply want to forget. 
He can creepily hear the way your heart is breaking and how his follows along with every word, puncturing his soul. You don’t even notice his coming arm, taking half of the note away and you irritatedly pull back, causing it to rip in half. 
That does it, bullying you down to the floor where you start to cry. Out of anger, out of betrayal, out of everything. The green eyed boy tries to soothe you, mumbling into your hair but you’re too busy zoning out that you don’t catch a single confession.
Charles flinches; you can feel it as he presses close to you. What?
He almost doesn’t recognize you when you furiously push him off, crawling back with a sense of suffocation. Pain crosses his eyes as he watches you create distance. I don’t want you anymore. I don’t want you here anymore—leave.
Anyone who knows Charles would know that he never gave up. He either spoke down on himself and pitied for a while, but never ever gave up. So this was a first. A tough pill to swallow.
If that's what you want me to do, then…okay. He stands up firmly, but inside he’s terrified that his limbs might call out for the day. But I love you. So don’t ever ask me to stop. And he walks out of your life after evilly twisting the knife.
With a new note and ring box deep inside his pocket.
Despaired eyes flicker over to where Charles eases into a conversation with Carmen and George, occasionally clenching his jaw. You hadn’t invited him—that’s just absurd—but he had gotten word from blabbermouth Pierre and you didn’t have the solidity to say no. From the looks of it, he didn’t want to be here either.
“Well I’ve got news for you, my dear friend, I love Hudson, so climb on board because this is happening…” Your voice trails off the second your ex looks up, as if he felt your eyes drawn onto him. Normally they’re dazzling and filled with joy, but the unfamiliar injured expression is like a punch to the gut. Your conscience calls you out on it, slapping you back into reality. Turning to Lando, you purse your lips tightly. “Who even is Charles?”
“God! When I saw Charles had showed up I just wanted to dig up a hole and never come out! Who would willingly go to their exes' engagement party?” Like a spinning top, you fume at Kika whose eyes shine at the sight of you, even after barking. “You should have warned me Pierre would do that. God, I hate that jerk sometimes.”
The Portuguese hums. “Me too…” You flick a questionable brow. Kika giggles, fixing your white gown, feathering it out like a dove. “I know, I should have! Bad friend, bad friend,” she childishly says. You can’t help rolling your eyes, returning your attention back to your reflection. “But if we’re being truthful here, someone should have warned Charles.” 
“What are you talking about?”
Taking a quick sip of the complimentary champagne, she nods enthusiastically. “No one gave him a heads up. He thought it was just any other ordinary party—nowhere near a proposal.” 
Your stomach churns, mortification taking over at the sudden report. Charles’ reaction was odd, but you couldn’t help filling up with satisfaction, climbing onto your high horse when you saw it. Never in a million years did you ever consider that being a surprise to him too. Hellooo? Coughing awkwardly, you swat her hand far away. Kika yelps. 
“Yeah, well he deserves it.” You chug down the rest of her drink in a matter of seconds. Her wide eyes grow larger as she nervously giggles. “No one ever gave me a warning either.”
You were never one for being superstitious, but if anyone ever taught you something valuable, then it would be to never make contact with the groom before the wedding ceremony. He probably didn’t know any better—it of course wasn’t intentional—but that doesn’t stop your heartbeat from spiking up when you spot your fiancé sauntering over to where to stand.
“What are you doing here?” you hiss. Hudson furrows his thick brow. What are you talking about? I came to see you. You look fucking hot by the way. Squeezing your eyes shut, you shoo him, expensive jewelry clinking against one another. “Listen, that’s sweet and all, but you need to leave or else you’re going to ruin it!” You already did, the devil on your shoulder growls. You try relaxing, but can still feel the tenseness shifting between your shoulder blades. “Hudson, I’m dead serious, go.”
The stubborn brunette raises his arms in defense, mouthing a quick wow and walking back out. Were you being a tad bit colder than intended? Was there a better way to deal with the unwanted interaction? Yes. Probably. That’s what you tried to convince yourself because you knew the longer you pondered, the quicker you would realize that Lando was right.
You were making a mistake. 
Charles isn’t any better off. He twists and turns the entire night, debating whether he should attend the occasion he knew would most likely make him flat line, but the curiosity definitely got to him. He always wondered what type of dress you would exclusively choose, perfect in every detail. Your hair, your heels. Your smile. Because they weren’t all the same. There was the kind that would sort of slip to a subtle, shy frown when he would compliment you, so he often saw lots of those. Or the kind that would cause your eyes to crinkle—he witnessed those when he would tickle you half to death, laughing loudly as tears would start to form. What he would kill to see you beam back at him once again…
But naturally, he talked himself out of it. What good does it do for him? The following morning, as he blinks strangely at the white wall, he starts to reminisce to himself. Like your first date—which was originally for both Carlos and Isa—but you both weaseled your way in. Or the time he taught you how to skate; only to remember he doesn’t know how to skate. He kept apologizing as the doctor secured your arm with a bright pink cast, but you only laughed, begging him to be the first to sign it. You were probably high off of meds, but still. 
A peculiar feeling washes over as he spots an old shoe box. He almost dashes out of the arctic room when he realizes what it holds, but deliberately crunches down to open it. 
And he knows what to do.
“He wants to see you,” Lily shrieks, peeking out into the hallway, then jumping back in. The teal dress was doing wonders for her skin tone, but you couldn’t help the agitation. Tell him I don’t want to see him. We have a whole lifetime to do that, you groan, slipping onto your heels. 
Your bridesmaid clicks her tongue, widening the entrance as you hold back a much needed gasp. “I think you should tell him yourself…”
“I only need a minute,” Charles stammers, a thin layer of sweat coating his sharp nose. You’re too afraid to speak, so you robotically nod as you watch everyone scurry out, giving you two privacy. The twenty-six year old shyly gets closer, gently pinching a piece of paper in between his clammy grip. Your heart stops. “I walked beneath a ladder…on my way here,” he clarifies. You blink, long lashes fluttering like a fan. “I don’t think I’ll ever learn.”
If I had known you were this manly, I would’ve married you a lifetime ago. It slips out like a force of nature before you can stop yourself as your boyfriend halts from his task. The day was soon ending, late November, and you were both working together on painting the bedroom your dream shade. He had tried talking you out of it because it was simply—just white— but you had hounded him until he agreed. Now he stands here with a white coloring staining his dark gray shirt and you’ve never been happier.
Is that something you might want? Charles tries to play it cool, picking up from where he left off, lips itching into a goofy grin. To get married?
You’re almost glad he’s not facing you since you're as bright as a tomato. I won’t lie, I’ve definitely thought about it. You take a sip of water, suddenly caught with a dry throat. Could be nice. 
The Monegaque flips around to face you, placing the paint roller down and strolling over to where you sit criss-cross. You visibly gulp; electricity slipping into the small room. It would be, wouldn’t it? His pink lips ghost over yours as you lean in a bit. 
Could kiss you anytime I want… Kiss. Fuck you anytime I want… Another kiss. My fucking dream.
You moan against his touch, melting away like an ice cream sundae. I-I-I really think we could do it; be married. You had been together for so long now, you’re honestly surprised you hadn’t had this conversation any sooner. I would choose that exact same shade for my dress, you squeal, pointing at the wet wall. He hums. Not eggshell, not timid white—whipped cream, if you will.
Ahhhh, smart girl, he teases, nipping at your bottom lip. You practice this shit when I’m not around?
You laugh. I’ve been taught all kinds of tones from birth. My father was a painter himself, remember?
Of course I do, mon amour. He only created the best piece of art yet, he announces with a cheshire smile, watercolor eyes pointing down at you. You blush. 
You’re such a klutz, you would probably do something stupid like walk underneath a ladder on our wedding day. You only do it every time, you say, wiggling out of his grip as he tickles you. 
I swear I don't do that shit on purpose, it just happens, okay?
Pressing your nose against his, you cozily sigh. As long as we don’t see eachother until the actual ceremony, then I won’t be too upset. 
Is that a promise?
You nod. That’s a fucking vow.
“You called it.”
Shifting uncomfortably, you chuckle when you nearly tip over. “Yeah, you’ve always been like that, but don’t think about it too much—it’s not like it’s your wedding.”
He clenches his sharp jaw. “Sure, but bad luck is bad luck, no? And I think I’m quite familiar with it.”
His words shouldn’t impact you so much years laters, but they do. Perhaps it’s due to his sorrowful stare, or his anxious tick, but it kills you just the same way it did that December night. You let out a light shudder, blinking away tears. “What do you want, Charles?”
“I wrote you a letter.”
God—a heartfelt note is the last thing you wanted and today was not the day to receive it either. Or ever. Not when it came from him. “I’m sorry, but it’s a bit too late for that. I’m about to be a married woman in approximately an hour.” You narrow your neat brows, flawless makeup shimmering against the sunbeams. “What gives you the right to walk back into my life, get shit off your chest for your own sake, and just for you to do what? Leave?” 
You’re not being fair; not completely, but you can't help it. For the longest time, you thought you were over it, but clearly not. Charles licks his rosy lips, closing the gap between you two. “This isn’t something I just came up with.” He extends his arm out. “I wrote this three years ago.”
You inhale sharply, suspiciously eyeing the white paper. Please, just read it. Back then you could never turn him down, as much as you tried…
And it appears like today wasn’t any different.
It’s almost hilarious to think about how much you cried on your proposal date and how much you are now. You were a light rain at best when Hudson got down on one knee, but Charles stands here, tall, and you’re a complete waterfall. 
“Y-you were going to ask me to…” A headache comes rolling in as you let out a wet cry. “This isn’t true; it isn’t real. You wrote this today and came here to fuck with me.”
The Monegasque shakes his head in panic, blood painting his higher cheekbones. “No—listen; the first letter you found, I did write that.” You grimace. “But I swear I took it back immediately. It’s just that you were getting so much hate during that time, and you would always cry, and then you’d say you were never crying…You were in a really dark place. Do you remember?”
How could you not? You knew not everyone was going to love you for dating one of the top Formula One drivers, but you never expected to read such brutal messages either. They were descriptive, and cruel, and ruthless, and it crushed you more than you’d like to admit. Which was fucking stupid since there was always a rather large community that loved and adored you, and Charles loved and adored you—and yet.
You release a shaky breath, desperately rubbing your eyelids. Lily would probably throw a fit at your now snotty and smudged makeup, but you couldn’t really think too deeply about any of that right now. “What does that have to do with anything?”
The brunette cradles your face and you hate when you lean into his warm touch. “I just wanted all of that to end; for you to feel better. And I could never actually say the words, so I drafted a letter, and I’m so fucking sorry, mon amour.” The tides crash inside your chest, getting harder to breathe. “It has been my biggest regret. Hurting you.”
He did more than hurt you; he broke you completely. Like a porcelain doll, like a trophy, like a mirrorball; it ruined you. But you know he knows that when his eyes slowly turn red. “But then I thought to myself, it doesn’t have to be that way! W-we could restrict comments, I could post something and stand up for the woman I love, and I could reassure her by vowing the most sacred thing there could ever exist…And I sat down and wrote this letter.”
If you thought Charles loved you before, then you’re a fool. He was utterly infatuated, devoted, obsessed and drowning in fervor. This letter may be old, slightly cutting loose around the edges, but it’s pinned as straight as can be. Not like the last.
“My only mistake was writing the first, and to even consider giving up on us. My best decision has been writing the second, and promising to stick by you the way I knew I was put on this Earth to do.” Charles carefully draws you in closer. “But I know nothing could ever fix the shit I’ve put you through, but I’m begging for the chance to try.” He kisses your temple and you relax against his lips. “I’m fucking desperate—just one.”
He slips out his original ring box and shines the gem back at you. It’s smaller than the one Hudson had given you, thinner too.
But it has you written all over.
A dizzy spell hovers over as you blink hastily. Charles doesn’t dare to breathe, waiting for you. “This isn’t…I just…” You bite your lower lip, glossy orbs flickering towards the band and then back at him. “Thank you for taking the time to apologize and clear things up; I really needed that, but I can’t do this.” You step out of his embrace, immediately freezing as if you were spending a winter in Iceland. His heart palpitates hysterically, green eyes skimming your features. “This isn’t what I had in mind—this isn’t what’s supposed to happen,” you press sternly.
“You’re right; it’s not.” Though you had just said the same, hearing him repeat it jams the knife deeper into your heart. You can hear chaos ensuing down the hallway, your friends chirping happily at one another. Contrary to what was going on in here. “It’s not because you can’t marry him. Because you know you don’t love him the way you say you do.” He laughs. “You tolerate him at best! I saw the way you avoided him getting down on one knee that day. You kept running off until you couldn’t anymore.” You burn up. “And who was the first person you looked for as he slipped that ring onto your finger? Me.”
“You’re paying too much attention to detail,” you retort, almost snarling.
 “Sure, and that’s eggshell.”
It’s like a slap to the face. Your blurry vision focuses onto your dress for a second before snapping back up. “It’s whipped cream. The way I wanted.”
The Monegasque rolls his watercolor eyes, nostrils fuming. “Open up your eyes and see—It’s. Eggshell. Nothing about this is anything you ever dreamt of for your wedding! From your dress, to your ring, to your fucking fiancé!” He huffs. “This ring is all I could have afforded back then, but I would have sold my heart to get you a fucking star if that’s what you wanted…But you’ve always liked the simpler things. You always said you didn’t need a huge diamond to prove your devotion. Look at you now,” he says, signaling to your ring that swallows your hand whole. “All of this is fake.”
You’re sobbing now. You’re bubbling with anger. Because he was here, with you, out of all days. Because he was still the same man who broke your heart and stitched it back up. 
Because he was right.
Brushing your nose with the back of your hand, you stare up weakly, defeated. “What do you want me to do?” you whisper, brows drawn together as he folds over completely over your goddess state.
“Don’t marry him and come with me.”
Though you knew that was what he wanted from the moment he walked past the door, it still knocked the last breath you held. 
Things were never easy with him. There were constant fights—but that never seemed to matter by the end of the day. There was constant hate—but you always braved through it because you needed him. 
And he steadied you. Charles was the first one to apologize, even if the majority of arguments weren’t his fault. Charles was the one who despite crushing his own heart, he wrote that letter to keep you untouched from his fans, from the media.
The letter hurt; like a motherfucker—and it would take a while to forgive…
But there’s no one else you would rather work through with it than with him.
Smiling softly, you nod, almost as if you can’t believe you’re actually doing this. Charles lets out a heavy exhale, laughing as he hugs you tightly, leaving you like a fish out on land. But you’re giggling through it all. “I have to talk to Hudson first, oh God, I have to talk to his family…” you shriek, pale and mortified.
“You know,” he starts. “We could skip all of that and just—”
“No,” you coldly press. Charles’ brows fly up. “I have to do this.” Distancing yourself from him, you wobble to the wooden door before looking back at the handsome man who stands proudly with his neat suit. Butterflies expand freely. “You’ll still be here when I get back, right?”
With a single hand pressed against his heart, he nods, as if you held the keys to all gates. “I’ll be wherever you need me to be from now on.” With that, you grin, eyes crinkling and exit the room.
What happened to your makeup? Lily squeals when she spots you running down the hallway, tripping over her tall heels as Alex catches her. There better be a reasonable explanation to this!
taglist: @blueflorals @starmanv @coolio2195 @lovrsm @weekendlusting@chanshintien @brune77e @myownwritings @timmychalametsstuff @milasexutoire@alesainz @c-losur3 @darleneslane @togazzo @urfavnoirette @namgification @lpab @d3kstar @val-writes
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moneymartin · 2 months
・❥・- one more?
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summary: kate comes home tired and needy :( part two to this fic. build up drabble to part three
warnings: none! fluff cause its kate :3 this is kinda shorter than the last one soz. again, every divider is a skip. most are constant cuz im lazy. didn’t know how to end oops!!!
rpf dont read it if ur uncomfy thx
a/n: all yjs reqs r still itw soooo they’ll be out soon poopies 🙄 also my single part drabble for kate is lowk marinating in my drafts and i don’t have the motivation to finish it…
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its been 5 months since you and kate finally ended up together. pretty long, right? but you two never really got the hang of this thing, especially after remembering how long those feelings between you two had been brewing up for. it was still hard for you to show up to her games and practice due to soccer season, and the second it ended, you showed up to nearly every single one of them.
“i really can’t come this time, baby, i told you!” you grumble while kate drags you across the dorm. they had their practice game at carver today but you couldn’t make it, which made kate upset. “dilanni is gonna kill me if i don’t show up.” your soccer team needed to show up together for this fundraiser, and it was during the offseason. fucking lame. you hated letting her down all the time but some things like this just needed to be done.
kate’s fingers grip at your sweater sleeve, her eyes soft, and lips slightly pouting. “can you please just say you feel sick!? you’ll finish quicker than i will and it’s not like they won’t let you in.” she begs and tugs a little at it. her height makes you a little overwhelmed but she’s slightly bent at the knees and trying to make herself seem smaller than she really is. “kate, its just practice. its not like its the final fours yet.” you sigh and make her stand up straight. your eyes dart to hers and you bring your hands up to cup her face. the way she leans into your touch makes your face flush up like never before.
“yeah, but you always show out! i know we’re still trying to keep this on the down low still but i love pointing at you in the crowd before i make a shot during our practices.” she complains, trying to pull her head away from your hands but you keep her in place like a vice. your thumb brushes up against her face and she sighs under her breath. all those shots that she makes have all been for you ever since. and you didn’t even know that. everything she did on the court was meant for you. “i’ll make a deal with you, okay?” your words make her feel a little bit better and she nods ecstatically.
“when you get back we can do whateverrrr you want to make you feel better about me not showing up. does that sound good?” you propose, the idea crossing your mind after you realize that she just wants to spend that time with you while her teammates try to piece together this big puzzle. none of them know other than caitlin, and they’re completely unaware of you and kate’s relationship. “yes! okay, deal! deal deal deal…!” she blurts out and smiles stupidly, leaning her head towards you again as a sign that she wants a kiss.
you give it and let go of her face, wrapping your arms around her waist quickly and pressing another big kiss to her cheek. “don’t work yourself too hard out there.” you breathe out and pat her back before letting go of it. “this fundraiser should only be an hour, trust me.” kate just shrugs and smiles again, less big but you still know that she’s pretty happy at your little proposition for when she gets back. the moment you walk out of that door, her face drops and she rubs awkwardly at the back of her neck. she’s alone now, and doesn’t know what to do. you’ve been with her for every game and every practice so she’s lost most of her motivation to go. “aw, dang it..”
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after your little fundraiser, you come home exhausted and dreary when you realize kate is gone too. you two are exactly the same person, lost without one another. it’s cute but sometimes it’s hard. this whole relationship thing is such a different concept and it makes your head hurt. the lock clicks on the door and you dig through your closet, finding a pair of pjs and some small shirt kate likes seeing you wear for ‘some reason’. which is what she says every time you ask.
a quick change and your casual clothes scatter across the floor before you basically face plant into the pillows. a warm feeling fills up your body while you fall asleep, a feeling that seems different still without kate. you two always sleep and take naps together so this is another thing you have to get yourself used to.
the stupid fundraiser ran longer than it should have. at least another 30-45 minutes extra and you weren’t very prepared for it. kids were all over the place too and you were somewhat on babysitting duty? according to your teammates. you stood with all the kids for at least an hour and the questions they asked you were probably the stupidest things ever.
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the sound of the door opening is what wakes you up, fingers instinctively rubbing your eyes and sitting up. you’re met with the sight of kate rummaging sluggishly through her backpack and taking out clothes. she mumbles out a small ‘hi’ and yawns, walking into the bathroom. the sound of the shower hits your ears and you just lay back down, trying to keep yourself awake to fulfill that proposal you made earlier.
a few moments after the shower turns off, the bathroom door opens and your mattress shifts in weight, a few drops of water coaxing you to open up your eyes. kate is sitting on the edge of the bed and she tucks herself in, burying her face into your neck. “how was practice?” you mutter, moving her wet strands of hair to sprawl out on the bed. she grumbles into your neck instead of instantly responding. “tiring, huh?” you ask.
“extremely.” she whispers breathily and looks up at you. kate’s eyes are slightly droopy and her lips are pursed. your arm wraps itself around her back and you tilt her head up with your hand, making her look up at you as you start rubbing her temples gently. kate’s eyes are opening and closing continuously while your fingers continue to massage her head and she huffs heavily a few times.
you push kate’s head into your neck again and slide your hands onto her shoulders, patting them gently to make her fall asleep easier. she doesn’t though. instead, she hoists her head up and quickly locks her lips with yours, grabbing your waist and holding herself up with her arms. her fingers are gripping at the bedsheets tight and she’s kissing you a little bit too hard. not that you mind, of course. “mmmf.. hey?” you pant and pull away from the kiss, making eye contact with kate and realizing where she’s placed her hands.
“i’m just kissing you.” kate mumbles and doesn’t even bother waiting for you to finish catching your breath. she kisses you again, propping herself up on her elbows and grabbing your arms to wrap around her waist. “y- yeah! but like… let me get a breather at least.” you laugh quietly. you’re still trying to catch your breath and the more you try to get away, the more persistent she becomes. “c’mon. you’re just sleepy, baby. get your butt to bed and you’ll be alllll good in the morning.” you smile and push her shoulders down.
kate ends up falling onto your body and her nose brushes up against your cheek, her lips running up and down your neck as she starts kissing all over it. “one more..” she rasps out and slides her hands underneath your shirt. she starts to claw your back a few times, whining into your neck when you try to push her away. “kate, please.” you grunt and pull back, nearly falling off of the edge of the bed.
her face is the same one as earlier. her big, pretty blue eyes going soft and her lips pouting. she looks like a sad puppy and you hate it. you hate how you can’t say no to it. “just one more! this is the last one and i’ll sleep, i swear.” kate spits out and tilts her head to the side. she yawns, her eyes getting watery and now you know that it’s basically over for you. “i can’t.” you mutter. “yes, you can. it’s just one more kiss, babe. please?!”
“all you have to do is give me one, and i’ll sleep!”
“you say this all the time! you’re gonna say that you’ll ‘sleep after’ but the second my lips land on yours, you’re gonna act like an animal.”
“that’s not true.”
“oh, yeah? watch.”
you cup her cheeks and she grabs your waist gently, your lips going in for one quick one. when she feels how warm you are and how much you’re trying to really prove a point, she just helps your claim anyways. kate’s lips are against yours again, kissing hungrily.
i mean, she’s practically eating away at your face.
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tastesousweet · 2 months
⭒ blurb : calling hamzah your “friend”
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bf!hamzah x poc!reader
summary : headcannons/blurb based on the tiktok trend of calling your partner “friend”
mickey speaks : since ppl really liked my first lil blurb imma just play out all my tt fantasies with our fake bf :D also pls send me any hamzah reqs my brain is very empty lmfao!!!!
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you prop your phone up against the vase of flowers on your dining room table, capturing both you and hamzah in frame.
“guysss!! look my friend brought me takeout hibachi for dinner tonight!” you squeal and lift the styrofoam box to show off your meal.
hamzah doesn’t catch it the first time, he’s honestly tweaking because he stopped to get you both dinner right after the gym.
he feels starved but maintains composure and a smile for your tiktok bit
“i just got the basic fried rice, veggies, and chicken. i think my friend got the same, hamzah what’d you get?”
his eyebrows pinch in confusion for a second, “uh yeah, i got the same as you.”
“okay first bites! i’ll have my friend go first” you can’t help but smile when you grab the phone and start to record hamzah, but he’s paused holding his fork in the air.
“why do you keep saying that?” he softly asks through a laugh.
“callin’ me your friend?”
“are we not friends...?" "i mean yeah sure but like not just that?" "you're confusing me, just take your bite please we’re gonna run out of time on this”
he nods his head compliantly and exaggerates a hum of “mmm!” after his bite before taking your phone to film yours.
“okay friend, your turn!” he loudly mocks with a wide grin.
you try not to laugh while taking a bite yourself
“it's actually so good, i needed this right now.”
you now record the both of you, “okay my friend and i are gonna finish this and then we’ll be back with more bestie activities!”
as soon as you say 'friend' again hamzah leaves the frame to chuckle through the amount of food in his mouth.
“right, best friend?” you urge some more
he swallows and pettily glances from side to side, “where's the best friend at???”
“okay he’s trippin’ but we’ll be back”
you're both in your bathroom now, hamzah reads over the packaging of two sheet face masks while you pull your hair away from your face with a fuzzy cat-eared headband.
"'kay, now we're gonna do these face masks together, because hamzah’s such a good friend!” you hold and rub his arm.
he puffs his lips and closes his eyes in defeat while shaking his head, “stop,” he looks down at you, noticing your headband, “that’s cute,” he flicks one of the cat ears on your headband.
“you look like one of those get ready with me girls; you'd be like,” he mockingly pretends to push his hair back, “‘get ready with me to lie on the internet!’”
you laugh with him and add to the joke as well, "get ready with me to kill my boy-friend! my friend!" your eyes widen and you try hide the embarrassment.
hamzah quite literally points and laughs, "look at you! even you know you're a damn lie! girl, get outta here!"
cuts to a clip where it’s just hamzah talking to your phone as he shifts the mask around on his face, “i don’t even know if i’m doin’ this right, bruh.” he looks into the camera, “oh hell nah, i look crazy!”
“it feels so weird…” he taps at the slick, cold mask some more before coming close to the camera again, “guys im having a fucking identity crisis. why’s my girlfriend gaslighting me right now?"
“like, i didn’t even know that girls knew how to do that…comment down below right now and give me tips on how to understand women.”
“okay i found one, look how cute!” you’re back and holding another fuzzy headband with a bow in the middle.
hamzah laughs, “i love you, but im not wearing that.”
in the next clip of course he’s wearing it, “aw don't we look so cute?”
finally cuts to a clip of you later that night throwing yourself next to him in bed and flipping the camera to record him as he plays candy crush, curled under the comforter. “hi babbyyyyy! i was joking about the friend thing i know you’re my boyfriend.”
“i know you know i’m your boyfriend,” he distractedly mumbles, laying on his side while continuing to move his thumb around his phone screen.
you flip the camera once more as you wrap an arm around him and squish your face on top of his hooded head. he looks into the camera and smirks to himself when he sees your sweet face.
he sticks his tongue out obnoxiously, yells “goodnight vlog!!!” and covers your phone's camera with his hand forcing a loud cackle out of you.
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elaci · 2 months
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Honey Honey
Your lover Valeria insists sweet pet names don't suit her, you disagree.
This is a birthday gift for my sister-from-another-ister @lotties-ashwagandha go and wish her hbd for seven years of good luck, and also check out her valeria fics xxxx
Valeria Garza x reader | req rules ⁞ request here
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“No Honey?” You parrot, fingers carding lazily through your Valerias hair. “Why no Honey?”
A scoff, and a gentle jab to the ribs through your pyjama top. The warmth of Valerias body is a privilege not once lost on you, to be so close to someone so feared, it’s narcotic. Still, she inhales as if your presence is the gift of life, and speaks through pursed lips.
“Honey is sweet, domestic. I am not.”
“You’re sweet to me,” you try, laying a hand on her arm and resting your cheek against it. There's a warm silence between you, an understanding that really, Valeria isn't sweet. You know there's a knife under her pillow and a gun in the bedside drawer, and you know she’s felt the warmth of blood on her hands before. You wonder how it compares to the warmth of your skin.
Valeria scoffs again, and rolls over to face you more intimately. A nail drags slowly up the skin of your arm to your neck, and is soon replaced by the gentle pillow of her lips. She hums against your pulse, an attempt at distracting you.
“Leave the nicknames to me, hm amor?” A kiss made short by a smile.
You close your eyes, bathing in the light of a love so soft for just a moment longer than you should. You want to argue your case, explain until your vocal cords snap just how sweet of a name your Valeria deserves to be called. You’d sing praises of her gentle side until the sun collapsed, if she’d allow it.
“I wish you’d let me dote on you,” you hum, voice ghosting away as her hands lower from your neck to your chest, and soon after to your waist.
Valeria, her touch burning, whispers into the air that feels a little heavier than before.
“I wish you’d shut up and let me have you.”
And of course, because she can be so sweet, you oblige her every wish.
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Something catches, and you find yourself pending every waking hour trying to prove that the sweet honeyed love of Valeria Garza is worth vocalising. It starts the morning after, when you open your eyes to find Valeria already gazing over you. Sex-toussled hair and tired eyes, a domestic beauty clings to her, you take a moment to appreciate the sight before opening your mouth to speak.
“Morning,” you offer, “Honey.”
Silence, and then a startled look from your lover. She flashes a knowing smile at you, and then forces her lips into a scowl. A feather pillow hits you with a thud.
“Don’t start this,” you hear Valeria groan as she hauls herself out of bed. “I’ll leave you.”
An empty threat, one that brings a smile to your lips as you watch her sulk off to the shower. Despite the want to join her, you manage through her outrageously large home and find the kitchen.
You could still get lost in this place. Your bare feet against the tiles soothe the heat from your ministries last night, but the scent of your love doesn’t ever subside. As you boil some water and watch the world go by through the kitchen window, you’re dealt her scent that lingers on  your clothes. Rough cedar cologne she wears in place of perfume, but a hint of vanilla that peaks through from the lotion she uses. Again, narcotic.
You’re so lost in thought that you don’t notice Valeria creeping into the kitchen behind you. You jump when she wraps her arms around your waist and sits her chin on your shoulder, her wet hair sticking to your bruised neck.
“Watch your back even here,” she growls. “I have idiots working for me.”
The house is empty for the next few days as Valeria deals with a big upcoming import, but she chides nonetheless. Self defence has been drilled into you since your first date, she had once claimed her love language to be keeping you alive and in one piece. 
“Thanks for the heart attack,” you roll your eyes, and smile as the water finishes boiling. “Tea or coffee, hon?”
“Mm, coffee,” Valeria kisses your shoulder, and then catches on to your wording. In one fluid motion, she spins you around and has your back pressed against the sharp edge of the counter.
Something dark in her eyes. “No Honey.”
Valeria takes her coffee black and bitter. She bites, and bares teeth at anyone who tries to sweeten her up. A life of excessive hardship and dark sour days leaves little room for sweetness– you know that. You also know your lover, like the back of your hand. You could rebuild her with your eyes closed. She is sweeter than most.
You reach to the side as best you can with Valeria’s arms caging you in, and grab the honey jar you keep for tea. Valeria watches with a frown as you pop off the lid, and dip your finger into the nectar, bringing it to your lips.
If it weren’t to prove a point, the sight would seem sensual. Maybe in another life you’d use the example to initiate a long night with Valeria, but as you clean your finger of the honey, your focus is on her heart rather than body.
“Not half as sweet–” you press a chaste kiss to her unexpecting lips, “–as this.”
“You’re crazy,” Valeria tsks. 
“And you, underneath that shell of rain and woes, are a sweetheart.”
She rolls her eyes, but ultimately concedes to your tooth-rotting doting. Her forehead presses against yours, and another kiss is shared between you.
“So you know,” Valeria’s voice is quiet. “I will kill anyone who hears you call me that.”
Another lie. There's a soft part of her that loves showing off your affections. Still, you play along, and speak gently in the quiet morning light of your love–
“Yes, Honey.”
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synthetickitsune · 2 months
omg i woke up and saw your post about requests and came running!! you alr know i need all the angst in my life so can i please req dk + come back to me if he hurts you” 🥺🫶🏻
thx for helping me realize i write mostly angst for sunshine boy and continuing the tradition 🫶🏻 akjddsk
DK (SVT) | “Come back to me if he hurts you.” angst | 0.7k | gn!reader
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He stares at you, processing. It feels - well, there’s no way to put how it feels. His chest is hollow. He has no parallel to draw, so he just… stares.
The information shouldn’t come as a surprise. He’s heard through the grapevine that you began dating again. Honestly, should he even care? He does. But should he? Does he have any right to care? The split was amicable, mutual. Friendly even. You’re friends still. You seem happy. He’s genuinely happy that you are happy, so why…
“Seok? Are you alright?” your panicked voice and slowly approaching hand make him wake up and flinch away. He feels his face soften from whatever grimace he was making upon seeing your hurt expression.
“Sorry, yeah,” he clears his throat, “I’m alright. Uh, so things are good, yeah?”
He tries hard to ignore your face morphing into a mask of indifference.
“Yeah, things are good,” you repeat.
The silence that follows is awkward and stretches on. He wants to break it but he has no idea how.
“This was a mistake, wasn’t it?” you laugh, but it sounds empty as you hide your face in your hands, “I don’t know why I told you.”
“Hey,” he protests way too quickly and his hand immediately shoots to your shoulder, and he pulls it back just as quickly. You turn towards him and frown. It’s unusual to see him so serious. “I want you to tell me. You’re my friend.”
Your smile is sad. He hates it.
“We’re more than that, Min,” you sigh. It’s quiet again and he’s just as helpless.
“I guess I want to tell you everything - would that be cruel?” you meet his eyes again, but all he sees is the anxious way you fidget with a loose thread on your pants, “I guess I just want to know if you think we’ll work out. You’re the one who’d be the best judge of that.”
“I’m the worst one to be the judge of that,” he corrects you, his voice slipping into his comedic persona easily, “Seeing how things turned out.”
You do laugh and some of the unpleasant feelings lift off his shoulders. He doesn’t know what would be the best or most appropriate thing to say next. He’s not sure how he’s supposed to feel. All he knows is he has to start talking or this will be very pathetic very soon.
“I’m really happy for you, sorry,” he smiles, blinking away some of the moisture in his eyes, “I don’t know why this-” he motions vaguely to his face, “Happened.”
You chuckle, but looking at you, your eyes are wet too. 
“I get it,” you nod, “I’m so scared it’ll end wrong again.”
He sighs. As if he didn’t know the feeling intimately well. 
“Did-” he stops himself before he can finish, thinking better of it, but you push for it anyway. “Did I do something? Something so bad it makes you afraid now?”
“Oh god, Min, no,” you rush to reassure him and end up grabbing his hand in both of yours. You bite your lit. This isn’t exactly how you expected the talk to go. “If anything you loved me too well. So I’m afraid I won’t feel love like that again. Or that I’ll fuck up and lose it.”
“You couldn’t ever fuck up like that,” he laughs - the idea alone is so ridiculous, “Because you’re the kind of person nobody would want to lose.”
You shake your head, leaning into him with a laugh. He’s warm against your side. It feels comfortable. Comfortable like it used to feel even before you dated, like it did when you were together too. You missed being this comfortable with Seokmin after the breakup. 
Things change, but maybe they don’t need to be all that different. You have too much history to let go. And all of it is good - as much as humanly possible.
“Come back to me if he hurts you,” he outstretches his pinky to you. You huff, but there’s a wobbly grin on your face anyway when you promise with your own.
“You got it, Min.”
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nyctoaerah · 2 months
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╰┈➤𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒: Satoru’s sister started to have an unusual cravings for blood after managing to tame habakiri, and Suguru is there to help her.
╰┈➤𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: vampirism (lmfao), sexual stuff, cannibalism (habakiri), blood
╰┈➤𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Yandere! Suguru Geto x Fem! Gojo’s Sister! Reader
╰┈➤𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: just a sneakpeek cause i still haven't written the chapter 11 of idiosyncrasies, and this oneshot is in between the timeline of chapter 14-15 and it's a smut one at that LMAO💀 so i probs won't upload it until i finish chapter 14 of idiosyncrasies pookie. And HELP, the new fic i was talking about on quotev is devil in disguise, and i already posted it on tumblr but not in quotev HAHHA. Also, this might be confusing if you guys haven't read the chapter 9 of idiosyncrasies/haven't read idiosyncrasies. I SWEAR, I’LL DO THE OTHER REQS SOON.😭 I just did this one ‘cause i’ve already wrote some of it. Also, hearts and reblogs are greatly appreciated<3
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The crimson rivulets of his blood trickles down your chin, the exquisite taste of the sanguine liquid staining your lips. Your teeth bore small smudges of red, smearing them like fallen blood on freshly fallen snow.
Using his unoccupied hand, he cradled your chin, his thumb and middle finger. His forefinger to brushed away the residual droplets of blood on the curve of your lips and wiped them away from your chin too.
“Never thought that you had such an appetite for blood...” he murmured, sensing your touch descending down from his shoulders and going southward on his abdomen. Your fingers sought purchase on his firm abdominal muscles.
“I have an idea as to why you have it though...”
“It’s because you’re habakiri’s owner, isn’t it?” Suguru murmurs, the memory of how you had managed to subdue the bloodthirsty sword, to make it submit to your will without it killing you still lingers in his mind. But perhaps, in doing so, you had inadvertently sated its voracious appetite, if only momentarily.
Your body tenses imperceptibly at his observation, and he responds with a knowing smile, his touch gentle against your skin.
“There’s no shame in it, you know?” he reassures in a hushed tone, his thumb tracing the curve of your lower lip, coaxing it to part slightly.
“And why is that so?”
Curiosity colors your words as you inquire.
“You two share the same traits, that ensures that it won’t eat you, after all, it won’t turn on his master.” he muses with a faint hum, his gaze unwavering.
“Furthermore,” he interjects with a teasing tone,
“It makes you look like a vampire...” He says.
“And.. fuck, it might seem weird but vampires are sexy in my point of view.” He confessed, a laugh bubbling on his throat.
“Hm? ‘s that so?” You asked hesitantly.
“Doesn’t it scare you?”
“Nope, Your predilection doesn’t scare me in the slightest,” he whispered softly, nibbling pensively at his lower lip as his gaze remained fixed upon you.
“In fact, I found it rather... alluring,” he admitted in a low voice.
“Do you truly not mind, then?” you inquired, though his assurance had already been vocalized.
“I don’t.”
“You don’t?...” You questioned, your voice wavering in uncertainty.
“You’re too pure for your own well, Geto,” you sighed, shaking your head disapprovingly. 
The unexpected reaction that Suguru received was far from the jubilation he had expected.
Is the pessimistic trait a common trait inherited on the Gojo clan?
Suguru thought, he wanted to release an exasperated groan; you were single-handedly sabotaging the moment once again. Though he cherished your idiosyncrasies, he longed for you to simply revel in the present moment.
Just as he prepared to interject, your hand abandoned its place on his abdomen, navigating its way to his cheek, tenderly caressing the contours of his face. Once again, your mixed signals were a labyrinth he struggled to navigate. 
“You’re seriously letting a bloodthirsty woman in your bed, Geto?”
Your brows furrowed in a contemplative manner, your delicate fingers caressing his cheek as you tip your head to the side, a look of utter confusion etched upon your features.
he implores softly.
“Call me Suguru,” he insists, clasping your hand tenderly and drawing it nearer to his warm cheek.
“Suguru,” you repeat in a gentle whisper, the syllables of his name effortlessly gliding off your tongue.
A contented smile graces his lips as he nods in approval.
“That's it,” he affirms with a quiet hum of satisfaction.
“You haven’t answered my question yet, Suguru..”
You venture forth with your query, your voice barely above a murmur, as his gaze meets yours.
“Ah, about that?”
He inquired, a single eyebrow arching in intrigue as he watched your hand slipping away from his,  The warmth of your touch lingered on his cheek before your fingers finding their way to the bulb of muscle at the neck base, caressing it softly, before your hand pressed onto the twin punctures that you left on his neck.
“I would.” He breathed out sincerely.
“doesn't matter if you're a monster or not...” he whispered.
“I don't mind having a monster in my bed if it’s you,”
Your expression softened at his words before a sharp yelp escaped your lips as he firmly seized your hips, deftly maneuvering to shift his weight and flipping your positions easily so that he’s the one on top of you now.
Your breath caught in your throat, a soft gasp escaping your lips as you sank into the softness of the pillow, your silken tresses sprawling across the expanse of the mattress, you could basically feel the rapid drumming of your heart within your ribcage.
“Want you so bad...” he whispered.
A shiver ran through you, your gaze fixated on his form as he leaned in, lips parted, his teeth grazing his lower lip with a fervor that drew forth an errant droplet of crimson, tracing a path down his chin.
Your pupils dilated at the sight, fingers twitching.
“Suguru...” The word fell from your lips, the syllables laced with a hint of restraint.
“You started it...” he mumbled, brows twitching as he looked at you.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this..” He says in a low voice.
“What were you even thinking?... Climbing onto my lap, biting me, kissing me.. tasting me without thinking that there’s no consequences to that...”
His fingers threaded through the strands of your hair, a gentle tug coaxing you even closer until your lips were mere inches apart. 
“So, come now,” he murmured, a sly grin tugged at the corner of his lips as his onyx colored eyes bore into you.
“Finish what you started, Angel.”
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mountainficss · 4 months
also ahhh i hope this isn’t too soon after the last req i sent it but could i please req hard dom seungkwan with creampie/cum stuffing and multiple rounds? and it gets really messy?
: 🍊 hehe
!! mentions of: hard dom!seungkwan, cream pie, multiple orgasms, edging, degradation, finger sucking, rough sex
kwannie would fuck you so gooddd omg :(
the first round he’d take it slow, would kind of ease you into it and edge you a bit just because he likes to see you squirm and writhe. your whimpers would do nothing but spur him on, fucking you at a painfully slow pace just to make it harder for you. the wet sound of seungkwan sliding into your core would make you blush, your arousal coating his length completely and allowing him to slide in with no resistance. he’d whisper the nastiest things to you, causing you to clench around him.
“you’re so messy. aren’t you embarrassed?”
“aww, want me to be rough with you? am i going too slow?”
“take it like a good slut. i’ll fuck you right if you cum for me.”
you’d end up cumming all over his cock with sweet moans, the slow thrusts causing your orgasm to bubble up slowly and steadily. he’d coo lovingly, cupping your face with one hand and rubbing your cheek with his thumb. he’d pull his length almost completely out, and would unexpectedly push back in hard. you’d yelp in surprise as his hips snap into yours, the harsh thrust catching you by complete surprise. “did you think i was done?” he’d scoff, his thrusts picking up in speed as he licks his thumb and glides it along your clit. “you can take another. i’ll fucking make you.” you’d moan uncontrollably from the overstimulation, the feeling of him pounding into you already bringing you close to your climax. he’d lean down and litter bites and marks all over your shoulders, adding to the overwhelming pleasure. you loved it when he was rough with you, the feeling of him fucking you dumb would never fail to make you cum numerous times around him. your second orgasm wouldn’t build up slowly this time, oh no. this one would be intense, he’d practically force your climax from you with how hard he was fucking you. your body would have no choice but to take everything he was giving you, your hole tightening around him and sucking him in greedily. the sounds that would escape you would be loud and desperate as you cum around him for the second time ;( he couldn’t help but finish inside you, filling your wet heat with his seed. he’d still, dragging his length out slowly and fucking back into you once, just to push his cum into your hole. “so dirty,” he’d mock, smearing your arousal with his fingers and shoving them into your mouth. you’d suck them clean, drooling all over his fingers absentmindedly. “aww, i really fucked you stupid huh?” he’d tease meanly, shoving them in deeper and causing you to gag on them. “drooling all over my fingers. cute.” you’d flash him a dazed smile, eyes full of lust despite having cum multiple times. he’d reach a hand down once again, rubbing two fingers across your bud and feeling you jolt harshly at the touch. he’d pull his fingers out of your mouth, grabbing his cock and twisting his fist around it using your spit as lubricant. you’d squirm underneath him, but he’d just smirk and continue his movements. “you’re cumming again,” he’d command, stuffing two of his fingers inside of your twitching hole. “wanna see you make another mess for me.” <333
taglist: @imprettyweird (pls lmk what you’re okay with being tagged in bby, i’d feel so bad if i spammed you every time i posted 😳)
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nivisdreaming · 1 year
Red Light, Green Light
Summary: Despite feeling the need to call the safe-word, reader decides to push themselves past their own limits for Eddie’s sake. Eddie is less than a fan of this idea.
WC: ~800
Req: Reader saying “green” instead of using a safeword because they are trying to put Eddie’s needs before theirs. (i am. big dumb and had to delete the original ask because i posted it too soon on accident. anon i am very sorry!!)
Tags: NSFW, smut to fluff, overstimulation, dom!eddie, sub!reader, fem!reader, safeword use, aftercare, excessive use of petnames, 2nd person, hurt/comfort
“You can take it baby, just lay there and look pretty for me,” Eddie grunts and ruts into you hard, his tip slamming up against your cervix, “almost done with you, I’ll fill you up nice and full so you can feel like a perfect little toy all day, okay sweet girl?” He pulls all the way out with a groan, flipping you onto your back so he can wipe the tears from your cheeks. He lines himself back up with you, but makes no move to push back in. “What’s your color baby?”
Your head throbs when you try to open your mouth to respond. It snaps shut, jaw clenching as Eddie’s hands soothe up and down your sides, attempting to relax you. Usually, this type of action would have you melting into him, but all the nerve endings where he touches feel as if his fingertips are leaving burning hot scratches instead of gentle caresses. You fight back the urge to flinch away, entire body running on overload.
“Green…” you mumble, not able to hold eye contact as your eyelids helplessly flutter open and shut. You can feel the tremble of your lips, the utterance of your safe word trying to force its way from tongue, but you resist. With how sensitive you feel, you can easily detect the throb of Eddie’s cock against you, and the tension of his lower abdomen, telling you he’s oh so close to finishing. You know it’ll just be a little longer, and you want so badly to please him. The instinct to serve sends your submissive headspace into overdrive, overriding the pulsing overstimulation of the moment and shoving you into continuing.
You clench your fists where they curl into the bed sheets, bracing yourself for the impacting of Eddie slamming back into you, but it doesn’t come. Quite the opposite actually, as the sensation of Eddie’s skin against yours halts almost instantaneously, his warmth still lingering but without the fire of direct contact.
“Red. I’m calling red.” Eddie’s voice is hushed with a slight shake to it, as if he is struggling to keep it from breaking. You manage to peel your eyes open, and to your surprise he stands at the foot of the bed, boxers in the process of being pulled back on. “We’re done for the night. I’m going to go grab water, stay where you are.” He exits the room and is back by the time you’ve mustered enough strength to prop yourself upright against the pillows, muscles screaming at the light exertion.
He kneels down at the bedside, uncaps the water bottle, and holds it in front of you. “Drink.” You obey, allowing him to press the bottle to your lips and feed you a few sips. “Am I okay to touch you, or do you want me to stay over here?” He places the bottle on the nightstand. You take a moment to allow your fuzzy mind to process his words, and settle on the sensation cold sweat of rolling down the back of your neck.
“Bath?” You make grabby hands in his direction. “For the both of us?” The concerned look in his eyes breaks at your words, and he’s quick to swoop in and lift you bridal style. He places a kiss to your forehead as you nuzzle into his broad chest.
Your whispers tickle his skin as he walks, “Why’d you call ‘red’, sir?” He sets you on the edge of the bathtub as he runs the water, letting it warm up. He holds out two different types of bubble bath, and you happily point to the more colorful option of the two.
You’re beginning to wonder if maybe he didn’t hear your question, because by the time the bubble bath is fully run and he’s sitting down behind you in it, he still hasn’t replied. But, after settling with his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder, he whispers back, equally as soft.
“You were saying ‘yes’ because you thought it was what I wanted to hear, and that makes it about as good as a ‘no’, baby girl. Doesn’t matter what state I’m in, or either of us is in, if someone isn’t enjoying it anymore it’s no longer playtime.” He gives you a gentle squeeze, “Next time, don’t make me safe-word for you. Please? I know you wanna be good, but the happiest I could ever be is when you are happy too.”
You nod your head and lean back into his chest, his words washing away your discomfort just as much as the warm water. You feel the weight from your shoulders lift, and the soft glow of contentment takes its place.
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xodarling · 1 year
heyyy since ur reqs were open and u wanted hsr requests, i wanted to try and do so 🤭🤭🤭
so may i request a sub himeko x dom reader where himeko unknowingly lactates out of nowhere while she’s getting fingered?-
or if u arent up to write for lactation, what about sub himeko who accidentally passes out from exhaustion after orgasming too much?
tysm and have a great day/night!!! 🤧
D.I.Y SLEEP AID - xodarling
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includes: sub!himeko NAHH RLLY😱😱😱, vibrator, bondage, lactation, nipple play, fingering, gn!reader, lowercase writing, usage of y/n, passing out, massaging, pet names (dear, darling), forced orgasm
a/n: why not both😜😜😜😜😜😜
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a long and exhausted sigh rang its way throughout the room alongside a thump against a mattress. “rough day?” you asked as you sat on the bed on your phone, himeko, your girlfriend, replied with a whiny sound of agreement.
himeko now placed her head on your lap, her starting to close on themselves. himeko, though people always saw her as a very composed individual, always became a soft whiny mess when it was just the two of you; and you found it adorable.
“c’mere, hime, i’ll help you relax.” you smile at her. she was now sitting in front of you with her back facing you, her white dress on the ground leaving her naked in front of you. you place your hands on her ribcage before softly circling your thumbs to ease the tension she was feeling.
it was no surprise to you when himeko complained about her constant back pain to you, especially when she has a very large chest, so you tried your hardest to relieve it.
now, you really tried to help her, you really did! but you just couldn’t help yourself when there was a whimpering, naked himeko in front of you. your hands that were previously massaging her back slowly made their way to himeko’s tits.
a pinch on one of her nipples pulled himeko out of that relaxing state she was in. she opened her mouth to question what you were doing but you silenced her with a soft kiss below her ear, “shh, hun, i said i’ll help you relax.”
one hand playing with one of her nipples, the other gently playing with her chest. her tits feel very heavy, heavier than usual, you ignore it and continue with your ‘massage’.
soon, the hand that was massaging himeko’s chest slowly went down, all the way to her cunt, which was dripping. you found it adorable, the way himeko got all worked up over you just playing with her tits.
“dear, please.” himeko grabbed your wrist, keeping it there not letting you pull away, “i’m not gonna tease you, himeko, don’t worry.” you kissed the crown of her head to reassure her.
now that she let go of your hand, you start to softly play with her clit, making himeko let out a little whine. the way one of your hands diligently playing with one of her nipples and the other toying around with her clit made himeko feel so good; you always made her feel so good.
once you felt as though you teased her clit enough, you gently pushed in two of your fingers inside her dripping cunt. the way you softly scissored your fingers inside her cunt was torturous, as much as himeko loved how soft and gentle you treated her she wanted to be ruined.
“y/n.. my dear, please.” her hands had a painful grip on your thighs, you knew what she wanted and you wouldn’t be a good partner if you didn’t give her what she wanted.
you started moving your fingers at an animalistic pace, the sounds of himeko’s slick getting louder as your fingers prodded against her walls. himeko’s eyes shot open the moment the onslaught of pleasure was brought onto her, the feeling of your fingers inside of her and the feeling of you playing with her nipples was no doubt bringing her closer and closer to her orgasm.
after one specific tug on her nipple and one very hard thrust inside of her himeko yelped out, “darling! i’m-” before she finish her sentence, the most intense wave of pleasure washed over her entire body.
once her hips started bucking into the air, you started to notice that himeko started to lactate. you don’t even think she noticed, but the way that white liquid shot out and pooled up on her stomach turned you even more.
once himeko’s orgasm subsided, her face burned red when she realized the mess she made. before she could mutter out an apology you pushed her off and left the room leaving himeko by herself.
when she heard the door close she almost started to cry, she really thought you left because you were disgusted, but her worries were silenced when she heard the door open again.
you quickly went back to the bedside and grabbed himeko’s arms before tying both of them to the bed frame. “darling, what are you doing?” she asked pulling against the ropes confirming that she was stuck.
you pulled out a vibrator you got and shoved it inside of her, it was a 2-in-1 vibrator which would make himeko feel twice the amount of pleasure. “do it again.” you muttered against her nipple as you turned on the vibrator to max setting.
“gimme one more.” you whispered, the way you sucked her nipple practically begging for her start lactating the way she did not long ago. himeko felt an orgasm approach at an extremely rapid pace, her walls clamping down against the vibrator in anticipation.
himeko threw her head back once that tight knot inside her snapped, her hips once again started to buck into the air as her nipple started flooding your mouth.
before both of you knew it, that ‘one more’ turned into two more then three. now, you switched from her chest to her stomach, resting your head against it looking at her facial expressions.
himeko felt her nth orgasm starting to approach, “please.. no more.” himeko croaks, false statement obviously, she wants you to keep going. “just one more, hime, you can do it.” she shook her head in response.
her eyes were starting to feel heavy, she couldn’t do it, she can’t take it anymore. vibration after vibration brought her closer and closer to her release, it her legs were sore from all the shaking and the ropes surely left bruises on her wrists.
“cum for me, himeko.” you leaned up and whispered in her ear, she couldn’t hold it anymore, with her eyes rolled back to her skull himeko came once again. her legs lifted up from the bed from the pleasure that was coursing itself through her body,
her voice now hoarse due to the moans she has been letting out throughout the night, yet she still was yelping and screaming out for you. leaning up you smash your lips against hers, swallowing all of the sounds the girl under you was making.
both of your tongues fought inside each other’s mouths before himeko’s completely went slack. you move away from her lips, to a completely knocked out himeko and you can’t help but smile.
untying the rope around her wrists, revealing those marks that it left all over her wrists, you lean down kiss and softly kiss her forehead as you started get on cleaning the rest of her up.
as you clean her thighs and stomach you take a mental note to keep doing those ‘massages’ of yours.
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randomlifex · 5 months
He gave you his sweater
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Go Kyungjun x fem!reader
Plot:so pretty and talented, always in everyone’s thoughts…but what happens when Wooram confesses his feelings? Someone’s not happy about it…
This story is based on two requests: req 1-req 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No lessons, students running from a classroom to another with boxes and decorations in their hands. It meant only one thing:concert day!
Like every other year, your school had organised a concert to celebrate the beginning of the winter break.
It was rehearsal day, and you were particularly nervous since, apparently, you were the main performer of the night.
Your music teacher used to say that your talent in singing and playing piano was a blessing from even together with your graceful beauty, so he had decided that you would’ve been the star of the event.
You greeted a few of your classmates approaching you as soon as you stepped in the school hallway; then you ran to the theatre where everything was already set.
“Hi yn!” Wooram smiled at you when he saw you sitting at the piano
“Hi” you replied
“Are you ready for tonight?”
“Yes! Just…a little nervous” you fixed your hair, starting to play.
You were so lost in music that you didn’t notice the boy grabbing his camera and starting recording you; nor you noticed how he was mesmerised by your movements.
It was nothing new, to be honest, that was everyone’s reaction anytime they saw you playing; however you had never bragged about it nor made it your biggest flex. You were pretty down to earth and all you cared about was your passion.
A passion that, apparently, lead everyone to you…including the bully of the school: Go Kyungjun, whose attitude softened anytime you smiled to him or simply said hi.
So, when he saw you playing, he couldn’t avoid stopping by to enjoy a preview of the concert. His mind was lost in your music; his eyes followed any single swish of your hair and movements of your hands, even the smallest, even the least noticeable shake of your shoulders.
You looked like an angel, he thought, and his heart was beating so fast. Everything was perfect, there was only one detail off:that jerk of Park Wooram staring at you with the eyes of a puppy who had just fell in love.
Nauseous and mad, it made Kyungjun nauseous and mad. He knew half of the boys had a crush on you, but he didn’t care that much since they were all too shy to approach you, including Wooram. Or at least, that was what he thought; his mind had changed not that long ago when he noticed how he slowly started to be constantly around you, helping you anytime you needed something and making you laugh all day.
Kyungjun’s jaw clenched thinking at a possible love story between you and a boy who wasn’t him, especially if the boy in question was Park Wooram. You deserved way better than a frog who thought he was special just because he owned a camera.
“Brilliant!” Wooram exclaimed as soon as you had finished playing, making Kyungjun startle.
You bowed, smiling and thanking your classmate who stepped on the stage to talk to you.
“I think you’re ready for tonight”
“I’m not sure actually, I’m so scared to mess something up”
“You don’t have to worry -he put some strands of your hair behind your hear- you will nail it”
“Thank you” you said, sneezing
“Are you okay? Be careful or you’ll get a cold! You have to perform”
“Oh it’s okay, don’t worry. It’s just cold in here, that’s why I sneezed” you laughed
“Got you” Wooram smiled, taking off his sweater to slide it on your shoulders.
At the sight, Kyungjun stepped in the theatre, faking a cough.
“Kyungjun!” you waved at him, making Wooram turn around. You couldn’t see it, but a disappointment expression had just appeared on his face
“Am I interrupting something? -the bully glared at the other boy- I just wanted to compliment you”
“No, it’s okay -Wooram said- I’ll talk to you later yn. Do you mind meeting me during lunchtime? I’ve got something important to tell you”.
You nodded, greeting Wooram who walked away.
Kyungjun looked at him, then he turned to you:
“My hoodie’s warmer than that… you know” he cleared his throat
“It’s okay, I’m almost done here anyway, I’ll come back later during the evening, but what about you? What are you doing here?” you smiled, resting your chin on the palm of your hand. Kyungjun gulped, pretending that everything was fine, but there were so many things going in his mind at such a pretty sight.
“Nothing to be honest, I stopped by because I heard you playing”
That comment made your heart flatter. Everyone was scared of Kyungjun, but with you he was always nice. He wasn’t a sunshine, nor the friendliest or least intimidating person on earth…but between you two there was something that clicked.
“I understand. Well, I can play again for you before meeting Wooram -you paused- I wonder what he has to tell me” you furrowed your eyebrows
“You can’t imagine it?” Kyungjun mumbled, without looking at you
“Excuse me?” you asked
“Nothing. Let me hear you one more time”
You sighed, playing your song again; then, once you were done, you met with Wooram.
You were sitting at the desk of an empty class when the boy appeared. He greeted you with a smile and then sat next to you.
“Hello -you bit your sandwich- thank you for the sweater” you gave the object back to its owner
“Anytime you need”
“What do you wanna talk about?” you asked
“Well…it’s really important to me” he held your hand.
In that moment something inside you clicked as fear started growing:how could you not understand that?! The jokes, the compliments, the sweater…“fuck” you thought, how could you get out of that situation without hurting him? You were sure Wooram had feelings for you, but you didn’t have any for him. Maybe for someone else…but just maybe.
“Are you sure we have to talk about it right now then? You know it’s a busy day, I don’t have that much time…” you tried to get away with an excuse, but you failed
“It won’t take that long yn, I just need to tell you the truth -he breathed in and out- I really like you…and not in a friendly way, if you get it. I can’t get you out of my mind, you’re always so beautiful, talented and kind. I love you yn, and I’ve been thinking about this for a while:would you like to become my girlfriend?” Wooram leaned in, waiting for your answer.
What the fuck could you tell him now?! Thoughts started rushing in your mind, they were as fast as horses running a race:you could barely catch one.
“I…I need to think about it -you unwillingly spat out- you know we haven’t been that close for so long…I need to know people well before rushing into a relationship” you hoped he understood,avoiding being hurt; and, most of all, you hoped he would’ve forgotten about that stupid idea…but it never happened.
In the next days he kept texting you, asking if you had an answer, or if he had to do something more to know each other better. The situation was getting stressful, so stressful that you ended up venting with the first person you had around: Go Kyungjun. The two of you were pretty close after all, so it came out naturally…but so did his reaction.
“Oh really? You didn’t expect that? Don’t act dumb yn” the boy scoffed, he was mad
“Excuse me?! -you raised your voice, thankfully no one was around- how could I get that?!”
“Really?! Like…do I have to explain that to you?! Didn’t you notice how he looked at you? Or that constantly being nice? Come on, no one acts like that with someone they don’t like”
“That’s bullshit! Everyone is nice to me,what am I supposed to think? That everyone is in love with me?” you crossed your arms, rolling your eyes
“Bingo! Welcome between us little yn!” Kyungjun growled, mumbling something against Wooram after that
“What have you just said?!” you demanded
“You heard”
“No, not that stupid idea of yours, the thing after that”
“Spit it out”
The brunette rolled his eyes:
“I said that I can’t stand him. He’s a fucking idiot”
“There aren’t many people that you like Kyungjun, it’s nothing new”
“No you don’t get me…he really gets on my nerves. He’s just an annoying jerk who feels like God while recording the first thing he sees. Embarrassing” his jaw was clenched and his arms crossed.
You stared at him fir a while, giggling as soon as you understood everything.
“Are you jealous of Wooram?” you demanded
“Me? Jealous of him? Freaking hell,no”
“Then why you hate him so much? -you paused, stepping closer- come on, tell me”
“I just hate his attitude. As I said before, who he thinks he is?! Even when he gave you his sweater. That was so dumb, he’s not your boyfriend…he’s just an idiot” Kyungjun scoffed, shrugging his shoulders. He didn’t realise what he had just said, it took him a while, but then he realised he had fucked up.
You tilted your head, laughing; then you connected all the dots:
“Are you jealous of how he acts with me? No way! You really are!” you exclaimed
“I am not”
“I’m not jealous of him. Why would I be?!” Kyungjun rose his voice
“You tell me!” you bit back.
The silence fell in the classroom as your eyes were chained to the boy’s, the tips of your noses almost brushing against each for how much close the two of you were.
“So?” you suddenly whispered, Kyungjun bit his lip
“Nothing” he faked it again.
You rolled your eyes, giving up
“Whatever -you mumbled- I’m done wasting time” you turned around, ready to leave, when Kyungjun grabbed your waist, making you sit on the desk.
“Where are you going?” he asked, you faces were, once again, extremely close…so close that you could feel his warm breath caressing your cheeks
“Dealing with Wooram, what am I supposed to do? He’s been texting me nonstop. I’m t-“
You had no time to end the sentence that the boy slammed his lips against yours. His thumb rested on your chin while his free hand slid up, along your thigh, resting on your hip
“There’s one thing you have to do- Kyungjun whispered with his lips stained by your pinky lipstick- tell him that you’ve got a boyfriend and he shouldn’t mess with him”
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sadesluvr · 6 months
Idk if you can do requests, and I don't know what you into buuuuut~
College student femreader, William as dormitory janitor and reader welcomes her on her room in a lone night
*runs away laughing like Skeletor*
A/N: TY for being patient on this req fill Anon!! I hope you like it! :) Warning: Steve is a bit of a perv in this - Read at your own discretion. Reader is in their early 20’s. Minors DNI.
Cawthon Hall, second floor, Room 113. Steve knew where you lived like the back of his hand. He didn’t frequent that particular block often, but when he did he knew he was always in for a treat. He’d seen you from your window as he cleared the bins early in the morning, sometimes peppy and ready to face the day, and other times sluggish. He didn’t care what state you were in though, just the fact that your thighs were always exposed since you slept in nothing more than an oversized sweatshirt. He’d spent countless nights, or even quickies in his car, jerking himself off to the thought of burying his head between them, and, eventually, grabbing onto them as he fucked you.
You’d seen Steve too. You didn’t really know his name until you’d seen his badge, but you knew he was certainly older, with large rimmed glasses and greying facial hair. His hands were large but veiny, clearly indicating experience and maturity. To be honest, you were rather missing maturity in your life.
Things were going steady with your boyfriend Chad. He was well liked; the head of his fraternity and the football team, and the relationship was fun, but it didn’t really have a destination. You weren't looking to be married anytime soon, but a bit of stability outside of frat parties would’ve been a plus.
“So…I’ll see you later, yeah?” Chad said, stretching as he pulled on his jacket.
“You’re not staying?” you whined, fixing the blankets around yourself. You’d just come off your high (in both ways), and was hoping for a little bit of emotional intimacy. Chad wasn’t distant, just clueless. 
“I can’t stay baby,” he said softly, softly pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Big game tomorrow. Coach is taking us to the stadium and I gotta be outside my dorm to meet him,”
You huffed, blowing him a small, somewhat sarcastic kiss as you watched him leave. You heard him mutter to someone in the hallway, and whilst you immediately brushed it off, the sound of wood scraping against the wall shook you from your thoughts.
You abruptly opened the door, only to find that Steve was outside, fumbling around with his cart. Your eyes locked, and you could tell that he was undressing what was left of you with his eyes. Pulling the sweater tighter around you, you raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry to disturb you, Miss,” he said with a dorky smile. “Just finishing up my rounds,”
“I haven’t seen you here before…” you said sceptically.
“This is my usual route,” he said affirmatively. “You’re never home so early. Out dancing, I presume,”
“Hm,” you hummed, watching him as he got back to work. “Well, keep it down. I’m trying to sleep,” you said curtly, and now it was the man’s turn to cock a brow. He laughed knowingly, and waved a hand dismissively.
“You of all people should be worried about volume. I’m fairly certain you woke up the entire hall with your screeching,”
Realisation sunk in, and your eyes widened in fear, which Steve seemed to enjoy. Composing yourself, you scoffed.
“Whatever. Just because I’m getting some, and your dick dried up in the 60s,”
“How old do you think I am, young lady?” He chided, setting down his equipment, and inching closer towards you. You hadn’t noticed his full height - over six feet, for certain - and his slightly dirty overalls, a distinct pale yellow colour which for some reason made him more attractive. You stumbled back slightly, retreating into your room, but cocked your head and stared at him, eyes half lidded and slightly red from their high.
He was beginning to grin, and dimples spread across his cheeks.
“Old enough to be a grandpa…” you smirked, watching as he leant against the doorframe, the material of his trousers shifting so that you could see his bulge.
“Oh really?” he laughed. “Well, this grandpa knows that he could fuck you better than that boyfriend of yours,”
You didn’t miss a beat.
“Better not leave me hanging then, hm?”
Steve smirked as he shut your door, blue eyes lighting up as you realised you had no escape. At this time, everyone was either out or sleeping. In short, no one would hear you scream. He took your face in his hands, gazing at you predatorily before he kissed you, groaning as he began to slide his hands up the side of your body, reaching under your shirt to cup your breasts.
“Such a pretty thing,” he muttered. “I’ve been dreaming of what you’d taste like,”
He chuckled when you gasped, your shock swallowed by his never-ending kiss. With a squeeze of your breasts he pulled away and instructed you to get on your knees.
You knelt on the rug beside your bed, licking your lips in anticipation as you watched him zip down his overalls - leaving him in a purple top and boxers - before pulling out his cock. It looked over five inches, with a good length and girth to it. He lazily jerked himself off before running his thick head across your lips, giving you the way to take him in your hands. Holding him still, you swirled your tongue over his tip, holding the taste of his salty precum in your mouth before you swallowed him further. 
Steve threw his head back in pleasure, looking down at you through his glasses in admiration. He couldn’t help but begin to pump himself in and out of your mouth, grunting at the way you whimpered as you began to choke and strain your jaw.
“You’re even better at this than I expected,” he hummed. “Looks like your boyfriend has trained you well…”
You moaned at the fact, peering up at the older man through your lashes. He cupped your cheek and steadied himself before fucking into you further, making your eyes water and mouth fill with spit, only making him thrust harder. He was so desperate; so perverted that he hadn’t even given you the chance to suck him off on your own terms.
Soon, your nose became buried in the man’s happy trail, inhaling his musky scent. Spluttering, you pulled away, lips raw and throat suddenly dry as you gasped for air. Steve hummed as he watched you compose yourself, and tutted.
“Oh, too rough am I?” He purred. “Looks like your boyfriend has been too sweet to you. Don’t worry doll, I’ll straighten you out,” he chided. “Spread those legs for me,”
Hastily, you climbed onto the bed, pulling the thin material of your shorts down your legs along with your panties. Just as you began to prop yourself up, Steve drew your legs to the edge of the surface, face lightening up as he took in your wet, desperate pussy.
He licked his lips and adjusted his glasses as he rubbed your thighs, fingertips brushing over your folds before he shoved his face inside of you. He lapped eagerly at your lips, grip firm on your legs as his long, skilful tongue explored you in a way Chad had never done so before. 
You moaned as his beard tickled you, your juices coating the strands as he motorboated your cunt.
“You taste better than I thought,” he said, flicking his tongue on your sensitive bud. “So fucking sweet…”
It wasn’t long before you came, practically humping yourself on his face as he cleaned you up. Even between layers of skin and sweat you could feel him smile between your thighs.
Smug bastard.
“It’s my turn, baby,” he grinned, planting a sloppy kiss on your lips before rising to his full height, positioning his pelvis between your legs, wrapping your own around his waist securely. He stared down at you hungrily, and you could tell he was ready to fucking devour you - but found it within him to reluctantly roll on the condom that you’d given him. They were still at the side of your bed from your session with Chad. 
Steve pressed his tip against your entrance, but not before rolling it against your sensitive folds teasingly. He chuckled when you whined, body desperate and wanting, and pushed himself inside of you, making sure to sheath himself to the hilt in your wet cunt. You clung onto the sheets at the sensation of Steve’s mature cock filling you up, and the older man was equally as pleased to see (and feel) how your pussy stretched around his dick. 
Once you’d taken all of him he began to move himself in and out of you, enamoured in the way your slick juices coated his cock, glistening against the material of the condom. 
“How’s it feel to be stretched out?” he said mockingly. “Bet your little boyfriend isn’t as big as me, huh? Fuck, doll, this pussy is just how I imagined…” he rambled, hair clinging to his forehead as his thighs made contact with your own, balls slapping against your pussy. Through your high you couldn't formulate a response, but your mouth remained agape as you whined, biting your lip at the fulfilling pressure. Apparently this was the type of maturity you were looking for - Steve was pleasuring you in ways you hadn’t even known existed.
“I’m gonna let you in on a little secret,” he chuckled, stabilising himself with your own body, angling your hips upright. “Let’s just say that there was an accident with your keys once. I happened to run into a copy, and, well, I may have taken some things that don’t belong to me…” 
Your eyes widened, and Steve’s own met your gaze at your nightstand where you kept your panties. He laughed for what felt like the millionth time; this time coming from deep within his chest and running off his tongue like poison. 
You hated the way your stomach knotted up at the fact. How long had he been stalking you? Why hadn’t you noticed before?
Biting your lip, Steve placed a large hand down on your stomach as his thrusts got faster and shallower, building himself up to his crescendo as he rocked his hips into you with one last deep push. He let out a guttural groan as he came, eyes shut and shaking as he filled the condom with his hot cum, wishing that it were your raw pussy instead.
Perhaps next time he’d paint himself all over your face.
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@lvlymicha @melanie-moonlight-tonight @dumb-dumb-idiot-girl
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senp1i · 10 months
Hey it’s my birthday tomorrow so I wanted to request a yunjin from le sserafim x male reader smut where it’s readers birthday they wake up and have morning sex then she cooks breakfast for him in his shirt then they have a party and after everyone leaves they have sex
a/n: firstly happy birthday, hope you have a great year ahead secondly sorry man, my keyboard literally dipped while I was writing your req, I’ll try my best to finish the rest and post it within a few days as soon as I get my hands on my new keyboard, it’s a whole thing and the delivery process is crap, sadly I can’t write stories on my phone, the iphone x keyboard will take hours for me to even get 500 words in. Again sorry and happy birthday. Hope you like it, if not then lmk, I’ll try to rewrite it from the get go.
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Yunjin slowly opened her eyes as the morning sunlight filtered through the bedroom window. She turned to look at Y/N still sleeping peacefully beside her. *He looks so handsome even when he's asleep.* She thought to herself as she watched him sleep.
She propped herself up on one elbow and gazed lovingly at his face, reaching out to gently brush aside a lock of hair that had fallen over his eyes. Leaning in, she placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Happy birthday, my love," she whispered tenderly.
Y/N stirred slightly at her touch but didn't wake. Yunjin smiled to herself. *I have the perfect gift to wake him up* She murmured to herself. Her hand traveled slowly down his bare chest, coming to rest on the waistband of his pajama pants. Sliding her hand beneath the pant, she gently wrapped her fingers around his growing morning wood. Y/N sighed contentedly in his sleep as she began to slowly stroke him.
After a few moments, Y/N's breathing quickened and his eyes fluttered open to meet Yunjin's gaze. "Good morning," she said with a mischievous smile. "Did you sleep well?" Without waiting for an answer, she lowered her head and took him fully into her warm, wet mouth. Y/N groaned at the sudden heat, having yet to fully come out of his sleepy state, yet his hands instinctively came to rest on the back of Yunjin's head. She set a steady rhythm, hollowing her cheeks with each bob of her head.
Y/N's fingers tangled in Yunjin's hair as pleasure coursed through his body. "Jen..." he moaned, his hips starting to jerk in time with her bobbing. The sound of her name on his lips only urged Yunjin on further. She swirled her tongue around his tip before taking him deep into her throat. Y/N cried out, unable to hold back any longer. With a few more hard sucks, he found his release, spilling himself down Yunjin's throat.
She swallowed every last drop, then kissed her way back up his body until her lips met his. Y/N kissed her deeply, tasting himself on her tongue. "That was...- well quite an epic way to wake up," he breathed, caressing her cheek. "But now it's your turn." Yunjin gasped in surprise as Y/N suddenly flipped her onto her back, his hands making quick work of her shorts, the oversized shirt she had on of Y/N rose higher on her torso, showing her midriff. She parted her legs willingly as his mouth lowered to her dripping folds.
Y/N feasted on her like a man starving, his tongue moving in and out, almost in an in-human pace between her slick folds. Yunjin cried out, her hands grasping at the sheets as waves of pleasure washed over her. Two of his fingers joined his tongue, pumping in and out of her tight cave. "Y/N..fuck... don't stop..." she moaned, her hips grinding against his face. The familiar pool of heat was building quickly in her abdomen. When Y/N curled his fingers to hit the sweet spot of her, she fell apart, her walls clenching around him as she peaked harder than ever before. Y/N continued as she came prolonging it, but soon even his fingers couldn't keep up.
Y/N kissed his way back up her heaving torso, kissing the part where the shirt hiked up, then her neck, to finally capturing her lips in a searing kiss. "Happy birthday to me," he said grinning, nuzzling her neck. Yunjin laughed breathlessly, holding him close. "I love you," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. "I love you too," Y/N replied, his eyes filled with warmth. "Now, how about some breakfast in bed to celebrate?"
Yunjin shaked her head and gazed fondly at Y/N, caressing his cheek. "Let's make this birthday truly memorable first and then breakfast," she said with a playful glint in her eyes.
Sliding her hand down his chiseled upper body, she gripped his growing dick again, firmly. Y/N inhaled sharply at her touch, desire swirling in his eyes.
In a swift motion, Yunjin flipped him onto his back and straddled him, throwing the overasized shirt somewhere in the room, as she began grinding her wet folds against his length. Coating it with her nectar and mixing the previous saliva,  Y/N gripped her waist tightly, gazing up at her with complete want.
Leaning down, with her hands on this chest nails slighting digging, Yunjin whispered huskily in his ear - "I'm going to ride you so hard, you'll feel me for weeks." Without waiting for a response, she reached behind and firmly impaled herself on his throbbing cock in one smooth stroke.
Throwing her head back in pleasure, Yunjin began moving her hips in figure eights, riding him relentlessly. Y/N grasped her bouncing breasts, pinching her hard nipples between his fingers. "Fuck Yunjin, slow down" Y/N said in between his sharp breath intakes, still sensitive from the blowjob she gave him.
Yunjin reached down to massage her swollen clit, sending even more pleasure to course through her body. Y/N gripped her hips tightly, meeting her movements with hard, deep strokes of his own.
The bed creaked violently with their movements, sounding as though it'll break any second. Skin slapped against skin, mingling with their constant moans , groans and sighs.
Yunjin felt his cock throbbing and twitching wildly inside her as he got close to cumming. With a few final hard rolls of her hips, her walls clenched tightly around him, milking his orgasm from him.
Y/N released inside her with a raspy groan, his fingers digging almost painfully into her hips, leaving crescents and deep marks of his hands. Spent and tired, Yunjin collapsed onto his heaving chest, kissing him deeply. "Happy birthday, baby."
a/n; would appreciate feedback, I don’t really know Yunjin, or how she talks/behaves all that well so it may not be accurate but also feedback on the writing would be heavily appreciated since this is my second smut lol.
Next part; https://www.tumblr.com/t4ke-1/725622457426460672/birthday-continuation?source=share
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rubyreduji · 9 months
HI JJ!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY 3K!!!!!! im sorry it took so long to send an ask <\3 BUT I WAS WONDERING 💭 if i could req a short bff!vernon fluff drabble? where he’s kinda nervous about confessing or something silly like that 😅 it literally can be a short 200 word scene, idc!!! I LAUV U SAUR MUCH AND U DESERVE EVERYTHING GOOD!! im so proud of u, ur so wonderful <33333
— sleepover event now over!! 🧸️
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summary: vernon knows you two will be best friends no matter what, so why is it so hard to tell you he likes you?
tags: fluff, best friend!au, gn reader wc: 1.4k an: hi star sar thank you for the request this is so cute :((( (also a great break from smut adjskla) ily. side note why is this man so hard to find photos for
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Vernon doesn’t think he’s ever sweat this much in his life.
His whole body is hot as his heartbeat quickens in his chest, the rumbling of the organ banging against his ribcage deafening in his ears. His hands shake as he glances at you across the table.
You look cute today, but then again you look cute everyday. You did your hair up for today and even slid some rings on your fingers before leaving your house. You look over and notice Vernon staring so you shoot him a smile. It takes Vernon a second too long to process this and smile back.
Shit, he has got to calm down. If nothing else but to stop sweating, because it is not an attractive look on him.
“Nonie,” you say, startling him slightly. “You’ve barely touched your ice cream.” You nod at the cup of chocolate ice cream melting in front of him, only a few bites taken out of it. You on the other hand have half of your cone gone.
“Oh,” Vernon mutters, staring down at the bowl as well. “Sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing? You’re the one who paid.” You take another lick of your cone. “What’s wrong? You’ve been off since I picked you up.”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Vernon lies, his voice cracking a bit in the middle. You narrow your eyes at him before flicking your eyes to his ears.
“You’re lying,” you say matter of factly. “Your ears only get red when you’re lying. Or when you’re nervous.”
Vernon doesn’t want to tell you he’s both nervous and lying, so he instead lies even more. “You’re right, sorry. I think my stomach is just upsetting me a bit. I ate something weird for lunch.” It’s really only half a lie, because his stomach is in complete knots right now, you just don’t need to know why.
Well, you do. That’s the whole point of this outing. But Vernon can’t tell you just yet, not like this.
“Oh no,” you frown at Vernon, deeming him to be sincere enough. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“No!” Vernon shouts, causing a few glares to be shot his way from the other ice cream parlor tenants. You also stare at him curiously. “Sorry I just, no, I’ll be okay. I want to spend time with you.”
You laugh easily, the light sound gliding through the air and forcing Vernon’s heart to clench. “We see each other every day.”
“That’s different,” Vernon says, ducking his head. “This is just us, without any obligations or other people to bother us.”
In Vernon’s opinion you’re too popular, too many people vying for your attention, him included. That’s why he does his best to spend time with you like this, doing whatever you want to do, because all that matters to Vernon is being able to be with you, your full attention on him.
“I do agree it’s nice when it’s just us,” you say, smiling at your best friend. “How about this? I’ll finish my ice cream and then we can go walk around the shops, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Vernon says.
It doesn’t take long for you to finish your ice cream, and even though Vernon is anti-food waste, his stomach absolutely would not be able to keep the sugary confection down even if he tried. As soon as you step out of the ice cream parlor your hand finds Vernon’s, grasping at him to tug him along with you.
Though the act of holding hands isn’t new to you two, the feel of your warm hand against his still makes Vernon’s mouth go dry. He can’t focus on what you’re saying to him, too busy trying to figure out if you can feel how clammy his hand is.
Even if you can feel it, you don’t mention it, pulling Vernon along as you ramble on about life and things you see in the shop windows and how the weather is just perfect today for being outside. The whole time Vernon makes small comments, letting you know he’s listening. Every so often he steals glances at you, watching as your face lights up as you talk about whatever topic comes to your mind. The sun glows against your skin, like it was made to shine for you, but maybe Vernon’s just a bit biased.
Vernon isn’t sure when he fell in love with you, but isn’t that how it always is?
You two have been best friends for years now, after an unassigned assigned seat stealing incident in the 10th grade. It wasn’t instantaneous, you two shared some mutual friends and would hang out casually after class, and then before Vernon knew it you two were together nearly every day of the week. You two would go shopping on weekends or go to each other’s houses to study on school nights. You two unknowingly integrated so seamlessly into each other’s lives to the point where his mother calls you “hun” and your father calls him “son”. 
Going off to college didn’t change that, and now you two are living in the same city once again, pursuing your dreams together. And somewhere in all of that Vernon just…happened to fall in love with you. Somewhere between late night grocery trips and early morning sunrise watching and crying through final exams and cuddling during movie nights and taking pottery classes because you think it’ll be fun and yeah, Vernon really should have seen this coming.
He knows it’s cliche, but he isn’t that upset about it, because now he gets to be in love with you, his favorite person in the world. The only issue now is telling you that. The thing that’s been bothering him the whole day.
In reality, even if you don’t reciprocate him back, it’s not going to change anything. Vernon knows you two will stay best friends and will continue to hold hands while walking through stores and eat burgers together at two am, but maybe that’s what scares Vernon the most. The idea that you won’t like him back and he will never be able to get over you because how could he when you let him lay his head on your lap while late night talking or when you invite him over to dinner just to make sure he’s actually eating something that’s not chewy noodles and burnt toast.
He can’t not tell you though, because what if you do like him back, and it’s perfect and amazing and Vernon gets his happily ever after. So he has to tell you.
You’re looking at something in a window of an antique shop when Vernon starts to feel that suffocating feeling again, the sun suddenly becoming a bit too hot as his heart starts to race in his chest. He wants to spend everyday with you like this. He wants to call you his and you to call him yours.
“Vernon?” You’re his best friend. “Are you okay?” What if something bad happens? “Hey!” What if something good happens?
“I LIKE YOU!” Vernon shouts, the words spilling from his lips like he physically can’t keep them in anymore. His breathing stills as he stares at you, the only sound he hears being the hammering of his heart trying to escape his chest.
You start to giggle, your face lighting up in glee as you smack his shoulder. “You’re a dumbass, you know that? That’s what’s been stressing you out all day?” Vernon can only nod slightly. “I like you too, stupid. I thought you knew that.”
Like a weight being lifted off Vernon’s chest, he can finally breathe again. “How was I supposed to know that?!”
“You’re my best friend, I thought we knew everything about each other. I certainly knew you liked me.”
“Then why didn’t you say anything?” Vernon whines. 
“Why didn’t you?” You shoot back.
“I just did!” Vernon counters and you start to giggle once more. You tug at Vernon’s hand, pulling him closer to you to lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek. Vernon feels his face heat up.
“And I’m glad you did.”
“But that means you have to plan the first date,” Vernon tells you. You gasp.
“That is not what that means! You confessed first, so you plan the date.”
“Like you don’t have a million date ideas already planned out,” Vernon retorts and you huff.
“Fine, I’ll plan the first date, but I better now hear any complaints.”
Vernon just grins and wraps his arms around you. “If it’s you? There’s nothing in the world I could complain about.”
It’s your turn to become flustered, sputtering out a “whatever.”
Vernon laughs and presses a kiss to your head. Of course he had nothing to worry about, after all, it’s you.
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natspookie · 10 months
book worm
warnings, …stalker nat? LOL
an, kinda bad but i had the idea??? also, i’m working with the reqs soon!!!
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it was rare natasha had time to go out for leisure, more so, to shop. but here she was, natasha romanoff shopping at thrift shops and markets.
this one road in new york was slammed with sellers and all sorts of things to buy.
natasha had bought a few vests she thought yelena would like, also some for her to match. she’d bought little trinkets to fill her room up. she had been dragging her shopping bags for about two hours when she reached the end of the market, a book stall.
hundreds of books were stacker on top of each other but the one of top caught natasha’s eye.
pride and prejudice
in the red room, sure natasha had read books. well.. books how to seduce men, and basic knowledge. but never for her own enjoyment.
she picked the book up, flipped through its pages seeing annotations here and there but she didn’t mind, handing the shop owner a couple of dollars before she made her journey back to the compound.
it was a quiet weekend at the avengers compound, not much missions. “hey nat! ohhh, what did you get?” wanda immediately eyed the eco bags on natasha’s wrist.
“just saw like a flea market or some thrifting- i don’t know honestly.” “the one near that shawarma shop we go to?” “precisely. i also got you this lamp, you said you broke yours”
natasha handed wanda a clear pink tinted lamp with crystals hanging from the top. “oh nat i love it! thank you!” wanda jumped across the couch and hugged natasha “no problem, witchy” natasha laughed, making her way to her room.
she took a quick shower before unloading all the things she got on her carpet. she put all of yelena’s things in one bag and started to put her things in her laundry bin.
when everything was sorted, she picked up the book and sat on her bed.
it was a book with good condition considering she paid 2 dollars for it. she got her reading glasses out and started to flip through the pages, immediately seeing clean and beautiful cursive black writing.
on the cover page it says, “01/01/2023 my love, i have my whole heart to give to you and it starts by the pages of this book. with little annotations, i hope you love this book as i do you.
all the love, y/n”
love was never in the cards for natasha but boy, would it not be nice to receive this.
as natasha ventured through the pages of this book, she found a certain comfort in the cursive writing she knew she was not meant to read.
little comments like “i bet she’s as beautiful as you” “you remind me of this line” “i want us to experience this” were enough to get her hooked till dinner time.
“nat, dinner” wanda knocks on the door before rushing to the kitchen. natasha had made it more than halfway through the book.
she reached the confession in the rain and one writing in red caught her eye. “no love is ever the same. but know my love for you is bursting with all kinds to give” natasha had fallen in love with the words from a person she doesn’t even know.
she made her way to dinner, nose nuzzled in the book. “nat, you read classic romance?” yelena points out “mhm” natasha sets the book down, remembering her page.
“i got you vests and left them in your closet” natasha stabs a french fry before eating it as natasha does a little ‘yes’ air fist.
natasha didn’t stick around for dinner conversation. instead, she grabbed a milk tea in the refrigerator and retreated to her room to read.
it was 1 in the morning when natasha finished, reaching the last blank page. the words took her by surprise.
it’s been 9 months without you, you didn’t read this book. i’ll be giving this to the book shop down the block and you will never read the words i longed for you to hear. i hope you’re happy with your new life, truly.
to whoever is reading this,
i wish you a love as strong as darcy and elizabeth. you’ll get there;)
all the love,
natasha shut the book with a deep breath. along the pages, she had been looking forward to that annotation in the end. natasha took it as a sign to sleep with all the excessive thinking.
yet all the black cursive words swirled around in her head that night, painting numerous people to who could be the face of these carefully said words.
the next morning natasha went on a personal mission to find you. why? she doesn’t know.
she realized an hour in that it was pointless looking for a y/n if she doesn’t even know what you look like. hence, her going back go the market.
she asked the seller when the book came in and if he knew who.
“oh yes, around last week monday a young woman with (y/h/c) donated a whole stack of books! only that one had annotations though” natasha nodded and thanked the man before going back to the compound after getting shawarma.
natasha accessed the city cctv footage from last week monday and saw you struggle with a pile of books.
you turned before turning back to the person and walking the other way. nataha rewinded the footage and paused it when you turned, she knew what you looked like now!
natasha ran face scanners and finds you — y/n y/l/n.
fresh graduate and working at a little cafe not too far from the market.
natasha didn’t really have a plan so when she stepped foot in the cafe. but when she saw you, she immediately lost track of her words.
“hey, what can i get you?” you smiled at natasha “um- a drink” natasha said as you laughed “what kind of drink?” “coffee” “black coffee?” natasha nodded
“alright, can i have a name?” you grabbed the cup and a marker “natasha” “thanks, that’ll be 3 dollars” natasha handed you the money. “i got that book” you tilted your head at her “pride and prejudice.. the one by the market” you sighed
“oh. yeah… sorry for the annotations” you laughed “no! i actually loved them. you have a great way of words” “thank you.. did you stalk me here to say that or something” you joked, putting the drink in front of her. “sort of” natasha shrugged and you paused
“that was a joke but… thanks?” “i mean this in the nicest and less creepy way but i really was curious by you. as i said, i was kind of enthralled by your words.” “are you saying you want to take me out on a date, natasha?”
“hoping to do so” natasha leans on her heels. “7 o’clock.. don’t be late or be a stalker” you chuckled, walking back to the counter “you bet”
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toldthatdevil · 10 months
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Broken Bones | Mama!Nat x Little!Reader
pairings: Mama!Natasha Romanoff x Little!Reader
warnings: hospital visit, broken bones (not graphic/descriptive)
content: Mama nat comforts you through the visit of your hospital trip after breaking your arm
a/n: thank you for this req anon, this actually inspired me to write something else so I can’t wait to finish it but I hope you enjoy this in the meantime!
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The early evening sun cast a warm, golden glow over the backyard. Armed with a jar you crept through the tall grass, concentration in full swing as you tried to locate the source of the blinking lights in your yard. 
Natasha’s heart swelled swelled with love as she watched you creep up on an unsuspecting firefly, only to leap out a few moments later, cupping your hands together in the air.
You could feel the tiny insect fluttering around securely inside your hands, quickly you placed the bug inside the jar and screwed the lid on tight.
“I caught one, mama! Look!” You yelled as you held the jar high above your head.
You could barely contain the excitement, you had caught your first firefly and there was only one person on this earth you wanted to share this moment with. Holding the jar close to your chest, you ran as fast as possible toward your mama.
Too focused on reaching the patio, you didn’t even see the uneven patch of grass that caused you to go falling to the ground.
Natasha’s heart skipped a beat as she shot to her feet, her instincts propelling her forward. “Y/n!” She called out to you, her voice tinged with concern as she rushed to your side.
You lay on the grass, your arm cradled close to your chest in pain as tears began to well up in your eyes. Natasha’s heart clenched at the sight of you.
“Baby, are you okay?” Natasha’s voice a mix of urgency and tenderness as she knelt beside you.
You could feel your bottom lip quiver as a tear began to roll down your cheek. “Mama, it hurts.”
Natasha gathered you as carefully as she could into her arms, her presence immediately bringing you a wash of comfort despite the pain. “Shh, I’ve got you,” she murmured, her words soothing.
She carried you back towards the house and set you down softly onto the patio bench. “Can you let mama take a look?” 
You shook your head no, holding your arm tighter to you, a rush of pain shooting through your body as you turned away from Natasha. 
“Lovebug, I need to take a look, make sure you’re okay, I promise I’ll be gentle.” She tried to reason with you, her words soft.
It took a few moments and some more words of encouragement before you allowed Natasha to get a good look. She gently examined your arm, her brows furrowed as she saw swelling near your wrist. As soon as she touched it you screamed out in pain.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay baby, it’s okay.”
Natasha didn’t like the way you arm looked, now starting to bloom a dark bruise by your wrist. She decided you had to go to the hospital.
With help from your mommy, she scooped you up again from the bench and made her way through the house and carefully into the car. Strapping you gently into your seat she made careful work not to touch your arm.
Once at the hospital Natasha made sure that you were seen to as quickly as possible. They had given you some medicine to help with the pain whilst waiting to attend to your arm.
Before long, a nurse appeared, calling out your name. You looked up at your mama who gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before standing up.
“We’re ready,” she said, her voice steady.
Together, you followed the nurse down the hallway to the examination room, not once letting go of Natasha’s hand.
You sat yourself on the examination table so the nurse could better examine your arm, asking questions and taking notes as he went. You needed an x-ray for the nurse to determine that your arm was broken upon the impact of your fall. If it wasn’t for Natasha by your side, whispering soothing words and giving you all the comfort you needed, you probably would have panicked at the news.
“We’re going to put a cast on your arm to help it heal properly,” the nurse explained, his tone soft and gentle. “It might feel a bit strange, but it won’t hurt a bit.”
Usually you would be listening to every word but now you were to focused on watching Natasha’s face to determine if this was a good or bad thing.
As the nurse began to work, your brows furrowed a mix of curiosity and apprehension. “You’re doing so good lovebug,” Natasha said, her voice soft and encouraging.
Natasha reached out and brushed a strand of hair from your forehead. “Remember to keep taking deep breaths, it’ll be over before you know it,” she whispered.
You nodded, fingers clenching the edge of the examination table. The nurse worked quickly but meticulously, ensuring that the cast was fixed snugly and securely. Your face scrunched up as the material set, a mixture of discomfort and relief on your features.
“And done!” The nurse announced, his smile warm. “You were very brave, y/n”
You gave the nurse a small smile, the tension in your shoulders easing as the casting was finally done. The nurse cleaned up and exited the room, leaving you and Natasha alone for a few moments.
“Thank you for being with me, mama,” You said softly into the quiet.
Crouching down to your level, Natasha pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I’ll always be here for you, no matter what,” she said, her voice filled with unwavering love.
With the all-clear to leave the hospital, Natasha grabbed your belongings along with something else you didn’t quite see.
“Can I see your arm baby?” Natasha asked, her lips showing a small smile.
You obliged with her request, holding out your casted arm carefully for her.
Natasha took your arm and pulled out a black marker. With a steady hand, she began to write on your cast, her touch gentle yet purposeful. You watched as the marker left behind a trail of black ink, mesmerised by each stroke of the pen.
“Mama’s bravest baby” Natasha read aloud as she finished, her voice soft but filled with conviction. She looked up at you before giving you one more kiss on your cheek, "Now, let's go home."
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Please do not copy or repost my work anywhere. Feedback is always welcome as are re-blogs, comments, and likes. If you think I've missed any important tags, as always please let me know :)
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