#i have a storyline in my head where everyone is alive amd they are still in highschool
theitalianscribe · 4 months
Norman headcannons
In life, Norman was good at doing impressions. This carried over into his cyborg/android design with a program that lets him perfect replicate people's voices.
Building off the above point, Norman wasn't originally the one doing the company tapes. That person asked too many questions and thus were needed... elsewhere. Since he already was discreet and okay with all the shady stuff, Norman was put on voiceover detail.
Norman has/had a bird.
Norman having a bird probably works better in an au, but he has this bird, maybe a parrot, maybe a budgie, and it has a yellow head and its wings and chest are the same color. I picture them as pink or purple, but I'm having trouble finding birds with that coloring. When he meets the bird, Andrew/Morris is chuckling because Norman is wearing a jacket that happens to be the same color as the bird's and they look identical.
Just. Let Norman have a pet bird!
Also I have an AU where everyone is alive and in highschool. In that one, Watchful Eye Toys exists as a research company headed by Norman's parents and he is expected to take it over. (I wanted to ramble about this in the tags but I reached the tag limit so I am adding this back here as an extra bullet point.) He gives off heir to a big company and kind of sheltered vibes.
#welcome to Dreamworld#wtdw#welcome to dreamworld Norman#icy babbles#also i hc norman as demi amd pan#i have a storyline in my head where everyone is alive amd they are still in highschool#Sara and Norman start hanging out#amd people atart assuming that they are dating#Sara is like “well he's aesthetically attractions ve amd we get along and im supposed to be dating at this point#so might as well“#or when she was younger and everyone was talking about crushes people asked her who she had a crush on and Sara picked Norman#because i dont have one and people think I should have one so ill have a pretend crush on Norman#but after they agree to be a couple both are waiting for the sparks everyone talks about to happen but they never come#amd neither tells the other that they dont feel anything#then Norman thinks “I think this is the situation where we are supposed to kiss” so he does#and Sara has a panic attack and doesn't know why#so she pushes Norman and runs out#she has a conversation with someone. Right now Dream and I are thinking Celio#and Sara realizes that she is aroace or on the ace spectrum#then she and Norman meet up and have a talk#They stay friends#then after a while of being friends with Andrew Norman starts getting feelings#and he is so confused#he vents to Sara about this and Sara is like “welcome to the aspec club”#also around the time Sara and Norman started dating#Wiatt and Andrew are having an adventure where they find an underfed shapeshifter#Andrew's parents work at a vet clinic so Andrew helps with the animal healing and Wiatt helps with the magic#(shinanigans with this universe's Litho cause this Au's Wiatt to have trauma and magic capabilities to help a creature that feeds on magic)#and by the end Wiatt amd Andrew have shared custody of a shapeshifting scrimblo they name Oddity#because i love the idea that Amdrew and Wiatt have joint custody over Oddity like two dads on an amicable divorce and Oddity gets two houses
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nbrook29 · 5 years
J2 JIBCON10 Panel Summary
Sammyhale usually does this, but since she said she won't be able to, I decided to put it all together :)
They tease JDM is joining them.
Jared is trying to speak Italian.
J2 put their heads in a heart balloon and then Jensen rolls his eyes 😂
Jensen looks SO GOOD.
We speak English goodly - jarpad
Misha has a year of delivering pizza - jensenackles
Jensen just said they will be here next year!
"Everything is 'buon'!" - Jensen
And Jensen is in his usual BROTHERS mood already
What are you gonna miss the most about these characters? - JA: Jared said it best. We won't. They are a part of us forever.
They will continue to carry these characters after the show has ended.
JP: How do you say see you later in Italian? JA: Arrivederci JP: You don't know what that means, you're just saying that [asks the crowd] CROWD: Arrivederci JA: 😎
What comes after SPN for J2? What genre would they want to direct? Jensen thinks comedy is the hardest. He doesn't know if he would ever want to attempt that.
Jared about directing: I said no not never
JA: I hope you guys will help us keep Sam and Dean alive forever.
Jared's microphone keeps turning off and he goes "I think it's probably Misha. I think it's Misha.
Jared would feel more comfortable directing sci-fi. It's more formulaic.
Jensen would like to direct action adventure things.
Jensen hasn't planned what he wants to do after SPN. He's going to see where the wind takes him. He never was a type of guy to know exactly what he wants to do.
Jensen wants to bring some of our past writers back for s15.
J2 talked with Andrew and Bob at the end of s14 amd Jensen mentioned a few things he would like to see. He said that the current writers would be pissed off 😂
Jared mentioned Robbie!!!!
Jared mentions Kripke!
What storyline would you like to develop? JA: Bringing some of the old writers back. Bringing people back who have helped us get to where we are. I think we may do some of that.
Getting old writers would be hard because they are so busy, but they are still family.
He thinks they are teed up to do some of it, if they are available and it is logistical. If it's capable. There is no animosity - they would all love to come back.
Someone yelled "what about Crowley?" JA: He's not a writer. But sure we'd love Sheppard to come back and do an episode. And Robbie.
Jared sticks hand into a mouth (it's a thingy on stage 😂): I enjoy Misha's company.
Jensen is apprehensive about putting his hand in the Mouth of Truth.
Now he is doing it. You say sth and it bites you if you lie. "This will be the 10th and final Jibcon." It bit him. "I don't like that shit."
JA: That is some old saliva. JP: Was it Misha?
How would Sam and Dean want SPN to end? Jared doesn't want the characters to know they are winding down. They always do what they have to in order to keep fighting.
Jared called himself a Slytherin.
Jensen wants to go back to season 1. Bo angels, no demons. Everyone goes back to heaven and hell. It goes back to just monsters. JP: So no Misha. *crowd boos* JA: Cas can stay.
They want to teach the next generation of hunters. But he doesn't think it will happen.
Jared is talking about their families.
If the Pearl from episode 300 existed, what would it gave J2? Jared hopes the people around him would know how much they mean to him. Jensen hopes everyone would know and understand what true happiness is. We would solve a lot of problems in the world.
Jared is trying to speak Italian (and speaks Spanish). Jensen just patted his thigh and told him to stop 😂
Funny pet stories? JA: we have 1 dog now, we had to give Oscar to Gino. Icarus is 13 years old and he is still chasing squirrels and birds like he is 2. But no funny stories. He's just part of the family. He's Jensen's buddy.
Jared got a new dog. His funny animal stories relate to him using them as a cover up for why a room might smell funny.
January 20 we have a new German Shepard pup named Coda, had to say goodbye to our 16 year old 😭
Jensen spins the wheel and it lands on DRINK. "Hey look we got apple juice!"
"You are good friends and you influence each other..."
What have J2 learned from each other? A ton of things. They have experienced.a lot of thing together. JA: There is no one else on this earth who understands what my life is like over the last 14 years more than he does.
J2 getting soft about their friendship.
Jensen talking about how special and unique his friendship with Jared is.
JP stripping.
Jared learned how to pack his clothes without wrinkling them from Jensen.
Jensen is teaching us how to pack a shirt. JP: Now we need pants.
Jensen would talk shit at Jared for years about how Jared packed his stuff and then finally relented and taught him. Another friend of Jensen's asked him the same and he made him an instructional video.
Jensen packs very light because he gets angry when he brings sth and doesn't end up using it. Everything has to have a purpose.
Jensen hates when security takes stuff out of his bag. He will have steam coming out of his ears because his bag is like a puzzle for him.
"What is this, like unicorn blood?!" - Jensen about the wine.
JP: Heh, mine doesn't have glitter.
Jensen is upset about the glitter in his wine.
Jensen drank that glass of wine like a shot.
When Jared was in Brazil with Clif and they got stuck in traffic jam there was a bottle of wine in the car and they were trying to open it. The car behind them honked and a guy held a corkscrew out of his window.
Credit: deansamfreak, sweetheartdean, heartsandthumbs, mishasdiary, jennlafleur, alohacowboy, groovygirl88, 1waywardsister, mishdad
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Tortured Soul: A Harry Potter Fanfiction. My Reaction After 2 Years.
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This post will be full of spoilers for my fanfiction. So here’s a link if you want to read it.
Tortured Soul
Each Paragraph is a about a single chapter.
I couldn't spell Lucius for the life of me. Rip into him Athens. This was probably one of the first Fanfic I was truly proud of. The twins are quite protective of her. I started it out in the second year because I felt like starting out in the first year is kind of pointless to her story.
At least they took it super well. Yes, call Lockhart out on lies. Don't you dare memory charm her.
When the Gryffindors have an attack Slytherin. Draco has been punched by his cousin. Athens is in shock over the Chamber of Secrets. The Golden Trio just found out who her father is. She just told them what was in the Chamber. She just figured out she's a parseltounge.
Hogwarts knows she's a parseltounge now. People are saying she's Voldy Moldy's daughter. And I made an oops. I had him say his name not "he-who-must-not-be-named". Ope she used Draco's full name. He's the one who told the school, that little shit. Fred just got called out for having a crush on Athens.
Athens is big depresso because since secret got out everyone has been treating her like shit, except Fred and George. Athens has been petrified. The spelling mistakes tho.
The Balisk is dead is the cure has been brewed. Okay, Dumbledore, straight to the point then. She's got scars tho and Dumbledore's worried? Why did I write that? He put Harry in abusive home and didn't even try to get him out. Her mother wants to see her.
She is officially in our third year. If I was rewriting it I probably would have separated each year by acts just to make it more organized. When Dumbledore trust Athens. Yeah that is funny a little more daughter getting along with the son of the people he killed. The twins just found out about the cruciatus curse and they're pissed. So in this chapter Fred finally asked Athens out on a date and she accepts but fun fact, this story was supposed to actually have the love interest speed Draco but then I realized that was incest and I was like oh it'll just be one of the Weasley twins, it'll be fine. Because I was more worried about the storyline and then I was the love interest.
Did I give Athens an evil twin sister? yes I did. It's spices things up. I forgot I made her have a death wish. Athens calling her cousin out on his bullshit.
Lucius lying out his ass. Her twin is alive. Samara really is an evil twin. She has the makings of a serial killer. I still hate Snape. Especially when it comes to Neville. He parents were tourtured by Bellatrix Lestrange, Athens' mother, and his boggart is his potions teacher. Athens boggart is her sister. Remus is worried af. She has proof  of Sirius's innocence. Draco is so protective of her. She had a nightmare amd woke up bloody.
How would it have even had been possible for Samara to cast to killing curse on her when she was nine? Samara got in jer head and attacked her. Like Dumbledore would actually care lmao. Bellatrix still wants to see her daughter. She's going to do it. First date with Fred.
Lucius's supervising the conversation. It's one of those join or I kill everyone you love situations. Dumbledore wants to her to become a double agent. The twins don't like the idea of it at all. Fred and Athens are dating now. Horcruxes.
She got rid of the diadem, with quite a bit of ease, surprisingly. She has a 10/10 relationship with the twins.  She knows Remus is a werewolf.
She just met Sirius and he asked her to tell the truth about him to Harry. Harry can be an idiot sometimes. Athens received a summons by the ministry.
We are starting out with emotion warning. Ron just found out Scabbers is Pettigrew. I feel bad for the boy. Snape said something he probably shouldn't have... Fred took her wand. I love Athens' respond to, "You are a disappointment to your father." "Good, I love to disappoint him." I love that. Samara just killed her sister, through her mind. Dumbledore's speech about her death though. Not Draco rallying everyone against Voldemort because Athens is dead.
So, Death in this story is kinda an OC that is also in another one of my stories, Avenging Riverdale, I had an odd idea to try and connect my stories through this singular entity. Lucius Malfoy didn't even show up to the funeral. She's a tiger. That didn't age well in the Carol Baskin era. Everyone is shook. She had a nightmare about what fully happened when she died.
Her secret is out. Sirius you did know. That I'm not Sirius I'm Athens lmao.
That nightmare, damn. And another one. Fred ad George are there after Sirius contacted them. She had another nightmare.
Why did I put so much on Athens's plate? Another nightmare. She had a meeting with her mother.
Quidditch World Cup. The first have is basically fluff. Until she gets kidnapped. Molly is turning against her.
Hi Samara. Athens has been gone a week. She escaped. There are a few things jn this chapter if I were to rewrite it.
The two other schools show up. Mad eye (Barty Crouch Jr) is about to get an ass whooping by Athens. Tbh I would pay for that.
Dobby has a glock. Dobby is Thugg. (I'm sorry. I had to Dobby appeared.) She told them because she had to. I forgot I made Samara the Champion for Beauxbatons amd for Hogwarts best make it 3 with Cedric, Harry and Athens. Athens is seeing red, thank Merlin for Harry tho. I italicize and bolded calmly. Another nightmare. I hate Rita Skeeter with a burning passion. She walked out of the interview because all she wanted to talk about was her family.
Samara admitted Athens is more powerful and Voldy Moldy wants Athens by his side more then Samara because she happens to be more powerful than him too. Samara just said that she's not going to make it out of school year alive. Draco made badges. She just found out dragons was the first task. why is she just so chill about the fact that a teacher just turned her cousin into the ferret. When Dumbledore uses you as a confidential informant. He wants her graduate early because he wants her to take the lead finding the horcruxes.
CHARLIE. Athens questioning if this is torture and the dragons. Athens turned the dragon to a bird. She partied all night with the Slytherins. Now she's hungover. Pansy making fun of Athens for being a lightweight.
Athens asking Harry not to tell Sirius about her getting drunk. Fred and Athens going to the Yule Ball together. Another nightmare. Athens giving Draco a task.
We love a prank. Wait, I don't remember who asked Samara to the Yule Ball. Athens Bertha Riddle. Samara Dean Riddle. They had an argument in front of everyone. The whole great Hall. Crabbe was the one to ask Samara to the dance. Fred is missing. Champions meeting without Samara.
She told Cedric about the nightmare. He didn't believe her and now he's dead. Voldemort is back. Letters from Athens.
Samara is dead. Dobby to the rescue. Everyone is asking about the letters.
The proper good-bye. She went to the Dumbledore's Army meeting. Yes, verbally kill Umbitch.
Christmas. Warning Sirius about his death. Bellatrix called Samara's death collateral damage. Athens is so salty. She died again, saving Sirius. Bellatrix is laughing.
Athens really just came back from the dead and was like I got to get out of here. Damn right your loyalties lie with your friends. Dumbledore deciding to bring Harry on the hunt for horcruxes. Dumbledore has accepted his death. I made an oops. So one of the Athens nightmares was Dumbledore's death and it included her sister so I kind of copied and pasted the scene for getting that her sister was in there so you have a little Cameo from her sister in there.
They are looking for the locket. It's her birthday. She received a warning from Draco.
So Samara's there? That does get annoying. Something bad happens and people immediately look at you, getting ready to point the finger. Ah yes the tiny scar. The Ministry has fallen.
Harry and Ron really under estimate Athens and Hermione sometimes. The fight at the Café. They ended up at the house where the ring was destroyed.
Athens is getting pissed at Ron. Athens just punched him in the nose. Now she plans to drink 100 year old Fire Whiskey. Another nightmare. Athens is having enough of their petty bullshit. Fred was going to propose at the wedding.
Ron is leaving. Godric's Hollow. Creepy old lady Ms. Bagshot.
Her biggest fear is her father killing Fred. Ron's back and has the sword of Godric Gryffindor. To the Lovegood house. Athens defending Luna. The Tale of The Three Brothers. Athens proving Hermione wrong and that the Deathly Hallows exist.
Murderous Athens though. Samara isn't alive. They had someone drink a polyjuice potion to freak Athens out. Athens insulting the snatchers is hilarious. Malfoy Manor. Athens being kind of worried about Draco. Athens lying about finding the sword just so Hermione doesn't get tortured. She just died from being tortured by her mother. Death is a sassy bitch. Only death she didn't see coming, Dobby's.
Fred and George are at the beach house. Athens is grieving. Athens is now Fred's fiance. Athens is right you never make a deal with the goblin. She is dreading dressing like her mother so much. When Athens inherited her mother's hair. She's scaring Ron with how good she is acting like her mother.
The thief's downfall, luckily Athens looks so much like her mother. She just scared herself. Sometimes I forget she can technically talk to dragons like she did for her first task. That Doctor who reference though. They got out safely but Voldemort knows that they broke into the bank. They are going to finish this tonight. Dumbledore's brother, Abuerfourth. Athens and Hermione are going to kill the Carrows.
Draco has been helpful. Snape knows that they're there Athens and Harry were spotted in hogsmeade. "Am I late?" I love Athens. Draco standing up for his cousin. It's time to go fight the last battle in the second wizard war.
"Fred said be careful. This is not being careful" she just killed herself to talk to death. Fred just died. She really just called her father the biggest idiot she ever met. When death raises Fred from the dead. "That is fiance thank you very much." Voldemort is dead. Athens won the duel.
When Fred, George and Draco become close because of you. The wedding. I love them so much. Athens is pregnant? Athens is pregnant. It was female twins.
Overall, it was good. One of my better books. But I should've put a trigger warning. So 7/10.
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