#so she pushes Norman and runs out
theitalianscribe · 4 months
Norman headcannons
In life, Norman was good at doing impressions. This carried over into his cyborg/android design with a program that lets him perfect replicate people's voices.
Building off the above point, Norman wasn't originally the one doing the company tapes. That person asked too many questions and thus were needed... elsewhere. Since he already was discreet and okay with all the shady stuff, Norman was put on voiceover detail.
Norman has/had a bird.
Norman having a bird probably works better in an au, but he has this bird, maybe a parrot, maybe a budgie, and it has a yellow head and its wings and chest are the same color. I picture them as pink or purple, but I'm having trouble finding birds with that coloring. When he meets the bird, Andrew/Morris is chuckling because Norman is wearing a jacket that happens to be the same color as the bird's and they look identical.
Just. Let Norman have a pet bird!
Also I have an AU where everyone is alive and in highschool. In that one, Watchful Eye Toys exists as a research company headed by Norman's parents and he is expected to take it over. (I wanted to ramble about this in the tags but I reached the tag limit so I am adding this back here as an extra bullet point.) He gives off heir to a big company and kind of sheltered vibes.
#welcome to Dreamworld#wtdw#welcome to dreamworld Norman#icy babbles#also i hc norman as demi amd pan#i have a storyline in my head where everyone is alive amd they are still in highschool#Sara and Norman start hanging out#amd people atart assuming that they are dating#Sara is like “well he's aesthetically attractions ve amd we get along and im supposed to be dating at this point#so might as well“#or when she was younger and everyone was talking about crushes people asked her who she had a crush on and Sara picked Norman#because i dont have one and people think I should have one so ill have a pretend crush on Norman#but after they agree to be a couple both are waiting for the sparks everyone talks about to happen but they never come#amd neither tells the other that they dont feel anything#then Norman thinks “I think this is the situation where we are supposed to kiss” so he does#and Sara has a panic attack and doesn't know why#so she pushes Norman and runs out#she has a conversation with someone. Right now Dream and I are thinking Celio#and Sara realizes that she is aroace or on the ace spectrum#then she and Norman meet up and have a talk#They stay friends#then after a while of being friends with Andrew Norman starts getting feelings#and he is so confused#he vents to Sara about this and Sara is like “welcome to the aspec club”#also around the time Sara and Norman started dating#Wiatt and Andrew are having an adventure where they find an underfed shapeshifter#Andrew's parents work at a vet clinic so Andrew helps with the animal healing and Wiatt helps with the magic#(shinanigans with this universe's Litho cause this Au's Wiatt to have trauma and magic capabilities to help a creature that feeds on magic)#and by the end Wiatt amd Andrew have shared custody of a shapeshifting scrimblo they name Oddity#because i love the idea that Amdrew and Wiatt have joint custody over Oddity like two dads on an amicable divorce and Oddity gets two houses
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hybbart · 1 year
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Day 1904: The spread of sculk is too much to just clean. After salvaging what they could, the ranch is taken down...
Bonus short story below.
Jimmy watched as the last of the house blazed in the twilight. Around the edges of the flames Pearl and Sausage marched, searching for anything flammable that might catch. It was the beginning of winter, and the constant rains had kept everything soaked, but they couldn’t risk it in the middle of the forest. Lizzie had stayed closer as well, securing the last of their belongings to take away in the morning. It was only a few metres down the driveway, but the ranchers couldn’t even get that far.
Tango let out a low growl. His grip on Jimmy’s sleeve tightened, pulling the thick fabric further over his eyes. Puffing up his feathers, Jimmy pulled his rancher closer into his side. Tango only stayed because of Jimmy, and because he couldn’t bring himself to leave the ranch behind. It was what he’d said yesterday, before the first burning. But he couldn’t watch. He could barely help them clear it out before the sledgehammers came in. Sparks flickered through his hair in lieu of tears in his eyes as he kept his face buried.
Jimmy, though… He was entranced. Every crack in the beams that cause a burst of sparks or shift in the wind that billowed the smoke in a new direction. The smoke made his eyes water, but none fell. Maybe he’d finally grown numb. Maybe it looked too different. There was a pile of flaming rubble where his home once was, his first home, but his chest only felt hollow. All that was left with a twitch in his wing, the desire to run and keep far away.
Pity in her eyes, Lizzie approached them from the trailer. Reins were pushed into Jimmy’s hand against his protest. “Take a horse and head back to my house before it gets dark.” She said.
“No arguing.” Despite the firmness of her words her voice was low and sad. “You need to sleep in a real bed, Sausage is going to stay here tonight. The last of your things will be fine overnight with us.”
Even after years, Jimmy was never able to argue with Lizzie when she said something reasonable, and he’d given up trying. Jimmy glanced to Tango, who was still hiding from the world in Jimmy’s sleeve. A small tug on his hem was all he got in response. “We’ll be back in the morning with more water.” He assured. They rounded up Bullseye and began the long, quiet ride to Lizzie’s. 
By the time they arrived it was dark, the home illuminated from within the kitchen. Though half the house was cloaked in tarps to save unfinished work from the rain, they’d moved into the completed half already. A bit of smart planning on Scar and Joel’s part.
One of the kids must have spotted their lantern, as the door opened before the ranchers could get down from their horse. Tom came rushing up with Revy on his tail. He took Bullseye's reins from them and led him to the cow pen. It was more cramped than it should be, since the rain had flooded the rancher’s outer pastures. Revy whined and licked at Tango’s hand until he gave the dog a weak pat.
Joel shouted something after him before guiding the men inside. “We just started eating if you want to sit down.” He explained as he took Jimmy’s coat. One glance at Tango was enough to answer.
“I’ll grab some in a bit.” Jimmy tried to smile gratefully, but it came out as a grimace. Joel let them be with a nod, hand held out to the hall down which Sausage’s room awaited.
It was colourful, though the furniture was rudimentary, with a mattress stolen from Scar’s hospital. The bed so much smaller than they’d gotten used to, but Jimmy doubted it would matter for tonight. Norman and Flick waited on the windowsill, and Joel had already set up Jimmy’s breathing machine. It took some coaxing to get Tango to change out of his coveralls - which went into a plastic bag to be washed separate - and take off his arm. Even more coaxing was needed to get him to let go long enough for Jimmy to also change. When Jimmy turned back around the blazeborn had Revy wrapped up in his lap instead. The dog’s tail beat against the bed, happy to be held, but whining, nonetheless.
“Do you think you can eat?” Jimmy asked quietly. Tango didn’t respond. He grabbed only one bowl from the kitchen, unsure he could eat much either without it coming back up. Smoke still clung to their skin and hair, dragging them back to the ranch every time it filled their nostrils, but it was much too dark to run a hot bath. Still, Jimmy knew he had to eat something, even if it was in silence.
Tango migrated behind Jimmy at the end of the bed, tail wrapping around the avian’s waist. Its tuft flicking with agitation. Jimmy could feel the heat rolling off his rancher. “It’s not fair.” He rasped.
Jimmy’s wings flattened. “It was an old wood house. It would have had a mold problem eventually unless we rebuilt completely.”
“But why did it have to be sculk!” He snapped, tail sparkling in Jimmy’s lap. Jimmy tried to smooth it down, but it had little effect. “Why’d it have to make it here?”
There wasn’t an answer, not one Jimmy could provide. Maybe Doc or Zed could explain. It was probably in the well and washing into the surrounding water supply now. Would it be washed away? They should have listened to Grian’s worries back when Jimmy’s feathers had been infected somewhere. Or, maybe, back when they’d first found that infested corpse, they should have done something more. It didn’t matter now that their home was already gone. When nowhere felt safe.
His wings itched while his rancher bristled. Tango couldn’t cry, but he was made to fume. “Why aren’t you angry?”
“There’s no one to be angry at.” Jimmy shrugged. 
“The stupid sculk! The idiots who let it loose! The world!” The bed creaked as Tango kicked off it to pace the small room. Revy whimpered, shifting his nose into Jimmy’s lap. “It’s been half a decade. It was supposed to get better. We live out in the middle of nowhere. And the end of the world still found us! We build our own home and make our own food and do everything we can, and it still comes and finds us!” The blazeborn was consumed in his spiral. Flames burst like firecrackers along his tail, startling Flick when it whipped past the poor cat. 
“Tango…” Jimmy sighed, giving the man a miserable look. When he continued to pace, threatening to scorch their hosts’ possessions, Jimmy finally put a hand up in front to stop him.
A hiss escaped Tango, narrowed eyes glaring at the hand which proceeded to latch onto his shirt and drag him off course. Tango tried to shake it off, but Jimmy kept his hold. “It’s not fair that there’s nothing to fight back against.” He lamented, voice cracking. “I just have to sit here and hope tomorrow it doesn’t get in your wings, or start growing into Revy’s brain, or infest another basement! That it doesn’t get everywhere and take everything. At least the stupid zombie I can punch in the face!” By the end his voice was so shrill and watery Jimmy could barely understand it.
“Me and Revenge are okay. We’re right here.” Jimmy assured, pulling Tango back down beside him. 
It made something finally break. Tango curled into himself across Jimmy’s lap, heaving dryly. Talons raked gently through the blazeborn’s hair. Between sobs Tango mumbled incomprehensibly while Jimmy cooed to keep himself from crying as well. There were too many things roiling just beneath his impulse control. If he let one out, the rest would follow, he was sure. So, he focused on Tango. His rancher needed him.
“I don’t think we’d win if it was someone you had to fight, to be honest.” He whispered half-jokingly as the sobs died down.
Tango stilled, then slumped further into Jimmy’s chest. “I could at least try, instead of this.”
Jimmy hummed. Even if they could, Jimmy wasn’t so sure he would in the moment, and he knew Tango wasn’t all that dissimilar. Unlike Joel or the downtowners, their talent was for running and hiding. That wasn’t the point though, Jimmy knew, so he didn’t argue. “What do we do in the spring?” He asked instead.
“… I dunno.” Tango mulled, head tilted out to look at his thoughts. “It’s not safe to rebuild there.”
“Scar has most of the grain safe, and Lizzie has our animals. We could find another plot, there’s plenty around.” Though, most of them had been stripped of their valuable supplies and building materials over the years or rotted away from lack of care. But the land was still good, and they and Pearl didn’t need much room. 
Would Pearl stay with them? They’d lived with her much longer than without her – if the time before her arrival weren’t so chaotic, he might not recall so well what it was like without her – but she always seemed to keep her distance. A guest, even after she was given her own room. Having someone there to take care of things even when they couldn’t let them grow the ranch to almost thirty cattle, but without her...
That Lizzie’s family would have their own ranch soon was the only thing that calmed the nervous itch in his wings recently.
“We’d have to move closer.” Tango’s voice cut through his thoughts.
He was no longer curled up, though he hadn’t bothered to remove himself from Jimmy. There was that look in his eyes, where his brain was moving far too fast for Jimmy to keep up. At least it had occupied him with something other than the sculk and fire. “We can’t rebuild around the ranch, we won’t know how bad the infection around it is until next winter, and the water probably isn’t safe. If we rebuilt we’d have to move further west down the mountains towards the city, OR-” Tango raised his hand before Jimmy could protest. “We move closer to the hospital, somewhere around here, or maybe further into the interior on the other side.” 
Jimmy clamped up. They’d all had more than a few conversations about this, between them and the hospital, other settlements, and over the radio. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Keep spread out. Far enough that, if something happens, everyone else is safe, but close enough to reach neighbours relatively quick. Like a long chain snaking across the mountains. By now everyone had horses or bikes and access to the recap radio, and it helped them cover more resources. A farm needed land, anyways, especially to keep up with how many people there now were within the network. 
That thought seemed too much right now, though. He could feel the ash in his wings turning to lead. Losing the ranch didn’t just affect them. The cattle were saved but almost all their stores were gone, including two cows’ worth of beef that was to be sent out. It would take weeks, if not the whole season, to get things back in motion, in the months they were relied on most. Would people starve? Would the sculk spread from the ranch? It was a responsibility that seemed natural and seamless just weeks ago, but now felt suffocating.
“I’m not sure-” Jimmy finally replied. “I’m not sure I can rebuild the ranch right now.” Flashes of the burning rubble filled his mind, along with that numbness he’d felt. There was at least three months before they could begin, plenty of time to get over it. But right now… “I don’t even know if I want to.”
He expected perhaps a gasp or shouting from Tango. ‘We’re the ranchers!’ Maybe. But the blazeborn, to Jimmy’s surprise, nodded. Laughed, even. “We’ve been running one for years, why’s it feel impossible now?”
It was probably just nerves. Anxiety. In a few weeks it would wear away. But for now, Jimmy leaned his head against the top of Tango’s and entertained other things. “We could move back to the hospital.”
“That’d drive you insane, and Revy would kill Grian.” Tango chuckled. 
So would you, Jimmy thought. He was sure if Tango had to see more sculk every day he would lose it. “What about visiting Gem and Impulse then?” He suggested instead. “I heard they’ve been doing a lot of forestry. It might be good to learn from them. Or we could finally go to the coast.”
“We never did make it that far, did we?” Tango recalled. “… Why not both? Go back up the mountain and race back down until we hit the coast. Maybe find some more people outside the recap’s range and bring them in.”
“If they’ve survived this long then I doubt they’d want to move now.” 
“They might. Or maybe we can help extend the radio range for them.”
Jimmy smiled. “Maybe we should go east, instead. Find a ranch in the prairies. Be real cowboys.”
“Never been out there, even before all this.” Tango relaxed back against Jimmy, patting his leg for Revenge to come lay across. “You could stretch your wings.”
“That sounds nice.” He admitted with a sigh.
The pair continued to chatter, naming everything and everywhere. Making plans they’d likely never use. Anything to take their mind off the ranch. Just for one night.
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wasawattpadkid · 2 years
Part - 6
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: ⚠️ explicit 18+ ⚠️ murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, oral fem!receiving, borderline degradation, orgasm dinial, bondage (hands being bound), blatant Billy x Stu stuff
Part 1
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Stu pressed his face into Billy's shoulder running from the sunlight. "It's too early." He whined pulling his friend closer to him. Billy held him for a moment forgetting where they were. "Shit, where is she?" He pushed Stu away pulling the covers off himself. Stu dragged a pillow over his head hoping to drown out the light. Billy got out of bed heading down the stairs to the kitchen. The smell of food filled the air hitting him the moment he left your room.
"Morning sleepy head. How do you like your eggs?" You smiled at his current state. His hair was messy and his eyes were dark with sleep. "Uh over medium?" 'This couldn't be real' he thought to himself. It was all adding up now the house, the absent parents, you, it wasn't real. Some really realistic and very long dream. Maybe he was in a coma? If you were real you'd be almost as fucked up as him.
"Did you know you snore just a tiny bit?" You asked as you flipped his eggs. "I don't snore. Must've been Stu." He took a drink of the prefilled glass of orange juice in front of him. "It was definitely you. I kept waking up with your face in my neck and your snores were really loud next to my ear." Was that embarrassment he was feeling? "Sorry about that." He paused thinking of his next words. "So you're not mad that we slept in bed with you?" Bacon, eggs, and a perfect pancake laid next to each other on the plate. You nodded thinking that would be enough.
"I told you if it got too cold you could climb in bed with me." You sat his plate down making sure to leave him syrup. "Can I have a second plate? I don't like my eggs to touch my other food." You raised your eyebrows with a nod. "Sure thing." You handed him a saucer plate that came with the set. "How much do you remember last night?" You remembered all of it. The little tired act you pulled was a sham. A test is what you'd call it. Luckily they passed. "Listen Billy, I don't care about whatever's going on between you and Stu. This doesn't change anything." Billy could laugh. "You think I'm a homo?" His face was plastered with a sort of dumbfounded expression. "No, I just think you're Billy."
"I'm not like that. Stu's always been the one to bat for both teams." You pursed your lips with a nod. "All I'm saying is, you don't have to lie or hide. We've all got secrets and I'm not going to judge you in the slightest." You were wrong. But Billy focused on the underlining meaning of all you said. "What if I told you I was psychotic?" Billy asked no sign of a joke. "I'd tell you I was too." He bit off a piece of bacon. "And what if I said I was a stalker?" You laughed. "Me too. When I walk by a classroom I know you or Stu's in I look for you both just to watch you for a second, that's stalker behavior."
Billy almost choked on his food. God you really were innocent. "What's so funny?" You said laughing along side him. "Okay... What if... I said I've murdered people." You frowned. Does he really think he's that bad? "You're not a murderer." You said as you poured syrup on your pancake. "I know, but if I was what would you say?" You actually thought about it. Four days you've known him now, that's not enough to constitute a prison sentence for harboring a fugitive. "There's a reason for everything. I'd ask you why you did it."
"There's not always a reason, a "motive." I mean did Norman Bates have a motive? Did they ever really decide why Hannibal Lector liked to eat people?" The food in your mouth didn't seem as good as before. "Your logic is flawed Billy. Norman killed his mother because she was abusive and neglectful when was a child. That's motive. He murdered every woman he found attractive because his Mother's personality would be jealous and she needed Norman all to herself. Motive. And he murdered that cop because he didn't want to be caught. Once again motive." Billy sat wide eyes staring at you.
"Oh and Hannibal Lector was also abused as a child. In the book it says his sister was killed by some men who had taken Hannibal and his sister captive. They murdered his sister in front of him and then cooked her eventually serving pieces of her to Hannibal. You could look at it like a revenge plot that's motive or later on he shows obvious signs of narcissism. He thinks he is above everyone so eating them really isn't a problem. We eat animals because we think our lives mean more right?" Billy just nodded.
"Okay so if Hannibal thinks he is better and his life means more than everyone around him then is it really even cannibalism to him? He's completely detached so that's also motive. He's simply hunting his next meal like we would a pig or a cow." You took a drink of your orange juice waiting for a response. Billy was speechless. "You're not the only one who knows stuff Billy." You spoke finishing off your food. "I'm beginning to realize that."
Stu finally came downstairs and he finished up everything that was left over from your talk with Billy. "Do you always cook like this?" Stu asked wiping his mouth with a napkin. You washed dishes as the boys sat at the table. "When my dad is home I do. I don't really need to fix a whole meal if I'm the only one here." That made Stu think of what it was like for you here all alone. He hated being home alone it was like he was 10 years old and scared of the dark. Every little noise would make him paranoid. It wasn't until Billy moved in that he felt safe. Maybe you just needed someone to make you feel safe?
Stu had pulled out the deck of cards begging you and Stu to play rummy with him. That was an hour ago. "She is kicking our asses." Stu said as you shuffled the cards again. "Ooh okay I've got a question. Do guys try to create fake scenarios before they go to bed?" Both boys looked confused as you dealt the cards. "Like girls, before we go to bed we'll think of our crush or an actor and we'll plan out our own little movie in our head." You grew uncomfortable with the fear you sounded insane. "I've fantasized about things before bed." Stu said and Billy nodded in agreement.
"No that's not the same thing. Like you and Tatum. Do you plan little dates and stuff like that in your head?" Stu made a "pfft" noise looking at Billy who was smiling. "He's never taken her on a date. They just run around together." Your jaw dropped. "I have got to tell her to raise her standards." Stu sat down his cards interested in the conversation. "Okay Ms. Crocker what are you standards? I'm guessing you're very Catholic." He laughed and you made a face at him.
"First of all the guy I'm with has to take me out every once in awhile. Bring me flowers, write me notes, anything really to show he still cares." Billy didn't believe that. You might want that in some romanticized version of them but you knew that it wasn't realistic. "I've known you for almost a week and I can already tell you fall in love with anyone who gives you 5 seconds of attention."
You acted shocked at the incredibly correct description of you. "Whatever. Can't a girl want someone to take her out and show her off? I'm a prize and I will be treated as such." Billy finished of his drink sitting the glass down with a click. "Until the first guy that comes along says he liked your outfit and then you're ready for marriage." You really couldn't argue with that. "Yeah pretty much."
"I'm bored. Winning time after time does get a little old." You said putting down your cards. "We could play truth or dare." Billy looked between you and Stu deciding to do whatever you wanted to do. Truth or dare was a kids game. One you were skilled at playing. "I'm game unless Billy's chicken." You elbowed him playfully. "I never say no to a game."
You and the boys moved to the living room floor. Stu laid on his stomach, his chin resting on his palms. Billy however was sat criss cross his posture straight and on edge. "You go first since it's your house." Stu suggested. "Um okay. Stu, truth or dare?" He kicked his feet in thought. "Dare." You hated thinking of dares it was the hardest part of the game.
"I dare you to put on lipstick." Billy breathed out a laugh. "Do I get to pick the color?" Stu asked not at all phased by the dare. "Sure let me go grab my makeup bag. You jumped up running to your bathroom. Just as fast you ran back to the living room. "I've got pink, red, maroon, black, and orange."
"I'm about to waste my turn on making you wear the black." Billy said, surprised you owned such a color. "I went through a phase." You laughed as Stu grabbed the red. You gave him the compact you brought in letting him slowly smear on the waxy pigment. "How do I look?" He flipped his imaginary long hair. "Actually you pull it off." You said staring at his lips for a little too long. "Billy, truth or dare?"
Billy looked at Stu not ready for him to pick a dare. "Truth." You once again saw a silent conversation playing across their eyes. "Have you ever made a sex tape?" Stu said looking his friend up and down. "I knew you'd eventually bring up sex." You huffed with a laugh. "I have not. I'm more of a picture man myself." Billy locked eyes with you making your cheeks grow hot. "Truth or dare Y/n?" You didn't feel at ease by picking either of those. Go big or go home was what your grandparents always said.
"Dare." Stu proceeded to make the "ooh" sound as if someone just got into trouble. "I dare you to play the rest of this game with your hands tied." If your face wasn't hot before it was burning now. "Now that's a dare baby!" Stu shouted kicking his feet like a school girl. You looked around the room for something to get the job done. You grabbed a scarf sitting on the end table by the couch. "Which one of you knows how to tie a knot?" Both boys volunteered but Billy was the one to actually do it. "Don't rip it, it's vintage." Billy rolled his eyes roughly tugging your arms towards him. His quickness in wrapping your wrists was making you wonder how many times he's done this before.
"There you are." He marveled at his work for a moment. You pulled back resting your bound hands in your lap. "My turn!" You cheered. "Wait, you're not going to try to get out of it? See if the knot is good?" Billy expected you to pull at the knot with your teeth just to show him you could. Thinking back to the little race you had at the mall you seemed like the type to try to show people up. That was one thing about you he didn't care for. "No? You told me to keep my hands tied for the rest of the game."
You saw his pupils dilate just a little. It was like catching lighting in a bottle to you. Billy liked the fact you mindlessly followed orders. You were a smart girl but you were dumb for him. "Truth or dare?" You asked Stu ready to continue the game. "Um... Hmm... Let me think?" His sarcasm made you bite your lip to stop from smiling. "Dare." You had one in mind already and it was hazardous. If this didn't go as planned it wouldn't be good for anyone in the room. On the flip side of that if this went how you were sure it would you three would be great friends from here on out.
"I dare you to sit on Billy's lap for the next round." Stu snapped his neck turning to Billy but the brooding boy kept his eyes on you. Billy wanted to know your angle. The reason you did things. You said it yourself everyone has a reason for doing something. What was yours? "Is that alright man?" Stu asked and Billy nodded with a huff. "Just get over here." Stu didn't need to be told twice. He mouthed a quick "thank you" making you smile. You saw Billy's eyes shut in what could be perceived as pain as Stu wiggled around trying to get comfortable. "Stop. Moving." Billy placed his hand on Stu's thigh keeping him still.
"It's my turn right?" Billy asked while he leaned back, one arm propping him up off the ground. "Sure is." Stu quipped. "Truth or dare?" At this point you'd look like a chicken if you said truth. "Dare." Billy's tongue swiped over his teeth before he spoke. "I want you and Stu-y here to make out." He smacked his friends back borderline hurting him. You didn't plan for that and by the looks of it neither did Stu. "I can't leave your lap remember?" The boy on his lap spoke. "You don't have to, she can crawl over." He spoke matter of factly. "I don't remember being dared anything." You challenged. "You said you wanted us to make out. That might say something about you but it's not a dare."
"You're a smartass." He spit playfully. "I dare you and Stu to make out. Is that better sweetheart?" Billy spoke the last word with a condescending tone. Which given the context, you'd pay to hear it again. "Perfect." You crawled over to the boys sitting back on the heels of your feet. Stu leaned down whispering an affirmation. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." You weren't sure if the sudden sweet nature was because of where he was sitting or if it's always been there and you just haven't noticed.
A silent nod was all he needed to press his lips against yours. Stu was scared to move. He had that feeling you only get when you're about to drop off the highest spot on a rollercoaster. He wasn't quite sure where to go from here. You moved your lips against his showing him you were okay. Gently his hand cupped your jaw the same way he did with Tatum the other night. This wasn't commanding however he was simply holding you in the best way he could. Billy grunted as Stu's hips began to move again subconsciously.
The polite kisses became hungry as he pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth. A soft moan could be heard coming from you. Billy had seen enough. He grabbed his friends shoulders pulling him back. You caught your breath as you looked at the ground. Stu's face was bright crimson in embarrassment but Billy couldn't ignore the love drunk expression on his partners face. You were done playing truth or dare. "Can you untie me?" You held out your hands towards Billy trying to ignore the obvious tent in his pants. Slowly he made his way over to you crawling like a predator stalking it's prey.
"No, the dare was you had to keep them tied till the end of the game." You shook your head with an awkward laugh. "Well truth or dare is over." His face was a breath away from yours. "You're right but our game isn't over." Stu watched as Billy pressed his lips onto yours. You picked up right where you left off with Stu. In a way the short haired boy felt cheated on. He felt he went through a whole relationship with you in that one little kiss and now he watched his best friend take what was never his to begin with.
Billy hovered over you as he laid you back against the floor. Pulling his lips away he noticed how every single person here had rid lipstick smeared along thier face. "Stu come here, I need your help." You turned your head watching your friend fumble over towards the both of you. "Keep her busy like you were earlier. Can you do that for me baby?" Billy asked as his hand held Stu's chin. He nodded earning a gentle tap on the cheek from his friend. "Good boy." You watched their whole dynamic change right in front of you. Suddenly all Billy had was pet names and Stu was practically silent.
Stu was waiting for something but he wasn't sure what. "Please..." You whispered pushing him a step further. He leaned his head down kissing your neck. Softly at first leaving a small trail of kisses across your collarbones. Then he began licking and sucking at the skin trying not to leave a mark. Small sounds fought their way up your throat presenting themself like a gift from God to Stu. You really didn't care where Billy went as long as Stu continued what he was doing.
He nibbled at your earlobe forcing you to rub your thighs together. You barley felt your shorts being slipped down your legs. Little kisses began at your ankles slowly trailing up your legs. The higher they got the sloppier they became. "You're not even trying to win the game." Billy shook his head expecting more from you. "What.. are the rules?" You moaned out Stu now marking up your chest. With a laugh Billy said, "You know I hadn't even thought about that." God he was a prick and you were a horrible person for thinking it made him hotter.
Stu lifted your top pulling it above your breasts. "You're so pretty..." He said without thought. Somehow that word meant more than all the other words in that moment. "You're not too bad yourself handsome." He looked at the floor with a big grin on his face. With a quick shake of his head he went back to work. Your tied up hands played with his hair as he swirled his tounge around your hot skin. Billy ran a finger up the middle of your panties, the unexpected feeling making your hips jolt. "Guess foreplay really does work." Your head tossed back with a suffocated moan as Stu tugged gently at your nipples. One being teased by his teeth just to be soothed by his tounge seconds later.
Billy squatted next to Stu just watching your face contort in pleasure. "If you weren't such a prude I could totally see you as one of those Victoria's Secret models." He spoke running his hand along your cheek. Billy grabbed the back of Stu's shirt peeling him off of you to your dissatisfaction. "Why don't you show her your hidden talent hmm?" The sinister smile on Stu face made your stomach twist and pussy throb. Billy stayed next to you watching as Stu pulled off your panties. "Toss em'." Billy spoke catching the underwear after his friend pitched them. He waved the damp fabric above you. "How important are these to you?" Stu began kissing and biting your thighs not leaving much room for you to talk. "You can have them!" You blurted as your hands tugged at Stu's hair. "That's sweet of you. I was going to take them anyways but thanks for the permission."
Stu ran his long tongue up your folds making the world stop for a second. His hands pulled your thighs further apart giving him more room to work. "His tongue is by far one of my favorite things about him." Billy's finger traced your throat slowly making his way to your breasts. He pinched your nipple between his fingers making your back arch up off the ground. "Fuck!" You cried and Billy smiled. Your grip on Stu's hair became almost painful but he couldn't care less.
Your thighs wrapped around his face as you crossed your ankles on his back. "Don't kill him, I need him for this next part." Billy laughed. His thumb pulled at your lip debating on where all this should go. "Stu! Babe, please! Don't stop. Seriously don't fucking move just keep doing that." Your fear of that building pleasure disappearing was recognized by everyone in the room. "Stu stop." Billy commanded and you gave him a crazed look. "Please don't I'm begging you." Stu's eyes looked up between the both of you not sure who to obey. "Baby I mean it. Stop." The pressure was gone and so was any sort of happiness. "I'm going to kill you." You spat at the men.
"You're really scary." Billy scoffed waving at Stu to come over to him. Without any sort of warning to either you or Stu, Billy pressed his lips against the boy's. Billy's tongue swirled around tasting you secondhand. Your brain was fried. You were not longer mad but you were sure to explode. A knock came at the front door scaring the shit out of you and Stu. "Oh for fuck's sake." Billy groaned pushing his friend back.
"Y/n?" At that voice Billy's face grew pale. "Stu help her with her clothes now." You wanted to cry. "Why the fuck are they here?" Stu whispered everyone panicking at the same time. "Please open up!" Sydney called out as Tatum continued banging on the door. Once you had your clothes on the two boys ran towards the stairs. "Shit my hands you idiots!" You whisper yelled making Billy run to you quickly untying the knots. "You've got lipstick all over you." Billy said smiling at the markings. "God damnit!" You ran upstairs grabbing a makeup wipe off your desk. You frantically rubbed your neck running back downstairs. "Here." Billy said snatching the wipe from you. He wiped the color from your face making sure to get most of it off your chest. "Better?" You asked. "It's gone." With a smack on your ass, Billy ran up to your room following Stu. You reeked of sex and you looked like it too.
"Coming!" You yelled running around trying to find something to spray the air with. Air freshener filled the room and thankfully covered you. Quickly you fixed your hair and opened the door. "Yeah?" Tatum pushed past you walking into the living room where a horrible display of debauchery had just occurred. "Okay." You said as Sydney followed her friend. "The killer called me last night." Sydney said on the brink of tears. "He's a fucking psychopath. He told her he'd kill her like he killed her mother." Tatum said, quickly apologizing to Sydney for the graphic rehash.
Billy and Stu stood there completely taken aback. "I thought you said you had to plan around this!" Stu snapped. "We did- we do! Why would you call Syd last night? Are you that fucking dumb?" Billy poked Stu understandably pissed about being blindsided by his best friend. "I went to sleep last night unlike you. Don't blame this shit on me because it backfired." They argued back and forth while you talked to the girls downstairs. "Okay so what do we do?" You asked hoping for a good answer. "You could stay at my place till this bastard's caught. My mom doesn't want you staying here by yourself."
You sat your head in your hands ready to cry. You didn't know what to do or who to trust. "I couldn't intrude like that." You said as Sydney sat down next to you on the couch. More so you didn't know what to do with the two men stashed in your bedroom. "That's crazy. We'd rather have you intrude than be murdered." Sydney said resting her hand on your knee. Tatum just nodded. "We're not taking no for an answer." The blonde said.
"I'll meet you all over at your place. I've got some stuff to do before I go." You shouted down the stairs hearing the front door close behind them. "What's going on?" Billy played dumb. "There's a serial killer running around that's what. You two need to get home and stay safe." You grabbed a bag from your closet packing clothes. "Where are you going?" Stu asked a little sad at the outcome of today. "I'm going to Tatum's place for a bit." Billy and Stu just stood there watching you angrily pack away your things. This was their fault. You were scared because of them. It genuinely made them both feel like shit.
"There's a spare key under the rock in the flower pot outside. Get your car and make sure to lock the place up when you leave." You didn't mean to be short with them or make them think you were mad. You enjoyed your time with them but you realized after they ran off and hid that this wasn't real. You had romanticized another situation that would never in a million years be real.
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Part 7
Taglist: @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @bluedevilss @life-of-music3 @blkroyalty1 @littleblondesoprano @imobsessedreader @knifes0ldier @nicciekawegosblog
(If your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
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starshipsofstarlord · 9 months
summary -> daryl becomes bemused by y/n and her affections towards him. also the story of how daryl ‘found’ his vest (0.6k)
warnings -> fluff, prison era (season 3) set, unestablished relationship but there be feelings, blood, 3rd person
daryl dixon // norman reedus works main masterlist
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She was an outsider, even though she had travelled all this way with them from Atlanta, all the group of survivors knew was her name, and that she could kill walkers.
Nowhere they had rested felt like home, until they cleared out the prison, and y/n began to open herself up more, they all did. This could be their haven from the horrors that lay outside the fences, all they had to do was maintain their respite when it came to collecting supplies, and enforce the barriers when it was needed.
However what Daryl had found peculiar was that she lingered around him like an angel, he stared shocked at her as she walked towards him, a spattering of blood painting her face.
They were all infected in this new world, it wasn’t news that they had just learnt, but the redneck felt his eyes grow wide as he looked at her, and she wore a smile, as though she hadn’t previously been fighting off the undead as she entered the manually opened gates.
“How was the run?” Daryl asked her as she tilted her head at him, shaking her head as she dropped her satchel to the ground, and she burrowed through its contents as though her life depended on it.
“I’d say pretty good,” she replied, feeling giddy and nervous as she finally retracted the fabric, holding the article in her hands. “I got you something, I saw it and I thought of you.”
Nobody had ever thought of him, Daryl grew bemused as she handed him the gift, examining it in his hands as the shock did anything but wear off. Merle had only brought him a present once, and that was when he was a kid, he had nothing of value apart from the crossbow that he carried everywhere.
“Ya didn’ have to.” He quietly spoke, turning the vest around, viewing the pair of wings that were created upon the back. It was almost ornamental, it felt wrong to wear something so meaningful in the bloodshed of the apocalypse, but y/n appeared to not want to take no for an answer.
“Try it on! I didn’t scavenge it for you to just gawk at it!” She encouraged him, watching as the brooding man grunted, and shrugged his crossbow off, y/n happily taking it from him as he pulled the fabric over his shoulders. “It fits perfectly!”
In the old world, a woman being so excited over the littlest of things would have annoyed him, most of the female population did, especially those that Merle ran after, but he found comfort in it. She wanted him to be happy! It was a first for him to experience, and he had many of those left.
The vest hugged his shoulders in just the right way, and a warmth ran across his stuttering chest as he looked at y/n with his deep cerulean eyes, wondering why she had thought of him and risked her life to get him something so simple yet unique.
“Yeah, ‘t does.” He found himself agreeing with her, a small smile scoping on his lips as he struggled to push her away. “Thanks.” He curtly nodded, unsure of how to handle such a kind situation, however y/n had other plans.
She, still swinging his empty crossbow in her right hand to the side, engulfed him in a hug, that had his heart pausing for a couple of moments. But he found himself wrapping her in his arms, never wanting to let her go.
He’d be okay if he could stay in the scene forever, holding her in his embrace, however it would never last. Nothing good ever did… but maybe, just maybe things would have a better outcome than he’d predicted in the past.
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cloudbug08 · 3 months
Hey! I saw you were taking requests. Please could you write a cute Daryl x reader where the reader is a cowgirl? Maybe she’s sassy and rough like him or really sweet and the polar opposite - whatever you want to write for the storyline is up to you … I just love the visual of Daryl and a cowgirl! Thanks :D
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Love to love you
Daryl Dixon x farmersdaughter!reader
AN: The reader is an adult, none of that creepy Daryl bs round here partner
Norman always looks a bit like a little kitten when he squints so I obv had to include that
I really love the farmers daughter/cowgirl idea, it's been my dream for years to move to the US and buy a few acres of land, build a cabin and settle down with my partner and a dog, I’ve always wanted a horse aswell (even though I’m incredibly scared of the idea of riding them 😭) so I took advantage of that in this one. Love yall hope yall enjoy!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・ ☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ・*:.。. .。.:*・゜
You relish in the feeling of damp summer mud in your hands, smiling at the worms squirming through it, you scoop out a small portion of dirt to accommodate a small potted butterfly weed you had been caring for since you found it in a small gardening centre when the apocalypse had first dawned, but it had overgrown its pot, time for you to properly plant it.
Hoping it’s seeds would mature and spread so you could transfer them when they had grown fully, you look up when a shadow is cast over you, confused as to where the warm sunlight had gone
You look up, Daryl is stood over you, sucking in the smoke from a Marlboro, his forehead is scuffed with dirt as he kitten squints at you, you smile brightly at your friend
“Hi Dar”
He puffs the smoke out through his nose
“Wha’ ya doin’”
You look back at your muddy hands, before you shovel dirt back onto the seams where you planted the flower
“Plantin’ a flower”
“Well, cause it’s pretty”
You go to wipe your mucky hands on your dress before he grabs your wrist and stops you
“Don’t get your nice clothes all dirty”
He helps you up before pulling a red cloth from his back pocket, the one you distinctly remember him wiping his bike down with, he wipes the dirt off of your hands, his own are rough and warm as they hold yours gently, as though he’s afraid to hurt you.
You feel your cheeks and forehead heat up as he concentrates on cleaning your hands
“Done, clean”
He squints at you again, you shake out your nerves and muster all your courage
“Thanks Daryl”
You smile at him, leaning up to press a small kiss to his cheek, before you’re trotting away, trying to hide your heated face.
When inside you peek through your lace curtains, shy with a light feeling in your belly, feeling like a teenage girl who just saw her crush.
☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆
You’re panting, Dolly, your mare whinnies when you tap against her sides, trying to get her to hurry up, you belt jingles when she bounds over tree roots, you listen for grunts and gurgles, tracking the noise to where your lover must be.
Dolly slows down when you come to a clearing, you pull on her reigns, swinging her around to see a minimally wounded Daryl wrestling with a walker, you unclip your colt, a present from your father that was only meant for display, evident in the beautiful hand carved detailing running up the barrel and grip, the bullet rings out, loud, Daryl pushes the creature away, before he struggles to stand, a gash in his leg bleeding sluggishly.
You sheath the revolver, reaching a shaky hand out to the gruff man, he takes it, swinging his uninjured leg over your mares hips, she nickers, displeased, you pet a hand over her neck, turning back to smile at Daryl
“She thinks you’re heavy”
He wraps a large hand around your hip
You cover his hand with your own before taking off with a ‘yah’ Dolly takes off, back home, You relish in the feeling of him gripping tighter
“Still scared of horses?”
You ask over the wind
“Not scared, not my fault they’re too damn jumpy”
You laugh, Before long Dolly is trotting into the stables, you hop off, smiling when Daryl grips your hand, using you to push himself off of the mares back, trailing behind you as you drag him into the cabin you call home, you settle him on your worn couch, propping his injured leg up on a pillow after managing to wrestle his jeans off.
He listens to you pat around your small home, squinting and smiling to himself everytime you stop to pull your frilled socks back up, grunting a laugh when you start to stumble from only standing on one leg.
You pad over holding a med kit and pulling out thread, a needle, disinfectant for the needle, antiseptic and bandages
“Don’t be wasting any bandages on me doll, wrap it up with the rag”
He points to the weathered red rag that hangs from his discarded jeans, your eyebrows crinkle, angrily
“No, n’ I ain’t wasting nothin’, you need em, not that gross old rag, An’ you’ll get an infection, that would be even harder to take care of”
He squints at you, displeased, but not fuming so you take that as your cue to get to work, threading the needle, you dap away at the dirt and blood that had crusted over the wound.
When you pierce the skin with the needle he tenses but remains surprisingly silent while you’re stitching him up, you swipe antiseptic cream over the closed up gash before wrapping it.
“Try not to strain it, don’t need you poppin’ the stitches”
He grunts, gingerly standing to pull his jeans back on, you smile when he notices the frayed hole in the leg of his pants
“I’ll wash and stitch the jeans up tomorrow too”
He nods, padding over to you, leaning down to press a kiss on your lips
“Thanks, babydoll”
You smile at the nickname
“No problem handsome, wanna help me with dinner?”
He grunts, following along behind you like a puppy.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・ ☆*:.。. o .。.:*☆ ・*:.。. .。.:*・゜
Sorry it’s a shorter oneshot this time yall, I hope this suited the request, thank yall for reading, reblogs are greatly appreciated, much love <3
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Fatal Attraction
Chapter Four
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Warnings: Angst. Fluff. Slight Smut
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @belatrixdragon (Please comment or DM if you want to be added to my taglist)
Y/N's hand rested on Wanda's hip as they had her backed up against the bookshelves in their office. Her heart rate picked up as they took her lips fiercely. A moan escaped her as they grazed the skin beneath her blouse. They forced their tongue past her parted lips as her arms wrapped around their neck, keeping them close as their hand soon traveled beneath her skirt pushing her underwear to the side, fingers slowly running through her folds as the two sighed at the feeling.
"So wet for me." They husked out as she only nodded, sighing as they applied pressure to her clit. Wanda gripped their jaw, pulling their lips to meet hers in a lustful kiss, moaning as they thrust two fingers inside of her.
"Wanda?" She was soon shaken awake by a worried Jarvis. "Are you ok? You were gasping and whimpering in your sleep."
"Nightmare." She muttered as she moved to get out of bed. "I'm going to get some water." Without another word, she left the room. Standing looking out of the window, watching as the city remained asleep as her mind went back to her dream.
She wondered why she had a dream like that, especially as she slept beside her husband who she was supposed to love wholeheartedly. Y/N was her boss, nothing more than that.
"You didn't come back to bed." Jarvis stated as he woke up, Wanda was already showered and dressed for the day.
"I couldn't get back to sleep." She told him. "My mind was on overdrive."
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked her as she laughed.
"You want to listen to my thoughts for once?" She spoke harshly as he just scoffed. "You never wanted to hear my thoughts before so why now?"
"I'm sorry for trying to be better." He snarled as she grabbed her bag and coat.
"I'm going to work." She told him.
"What about breakfast?" He asked her as she shook her head.
"You know how to use a stove. Ingredients are in the cupboard." She fastened her coat. "Try not to burn our home down." With that she left an angered Jarvis in her wake. He slammed his hand down on the counter as he glared at the empty countertops. He had noticed that since she had been working, he has had to fend for himself more and more, especially on days where he returned home earlier than herself.
"Are you ok?" Y/N asked her as she sat down.
"Yeah." She whispered as she thanked them for the hot beverage. "You don't have much on today." She informed them as she handed them the file.
"No. It's just the new Antibiotic observation." They told her as they leaned on her desk. "So, are you ok?"
"Yeah." She shrugged as she sat back. "I guess it's just marriage problems you know." They listened to her intently. "We have been drifting apart as of late because we both have different views of how our lives should be right now." She took a sip of her coffee before she continued. "He wants to hurry and have children and I am not ready for that. I am only 22 and that is a huge commitment I am not ready for."
"No one is truly ready to become a parent." They admitted as she scoffed. "Look, I am not agreeing with your husband but if you ever find yourself in that predicament." They sighed as they looked away for a moment. "My father wasn't ready for me until I was old enough to look after myself. I was the bastard child he never truly wanted until I was 18." They admitted. "I was an affair baby and his wife didn't want him or my half brother to have anything to do with me. But she never knew of my name nor my mother's."
"Norman was your father." Wanda whispered, putting two and two together.
"He was." They confirmed. "Once I graduated high school, top of my class, he took me under his wing. Had me shadow him, every meeting, every project testing, he even paid for my college and when he was retiring signed over the company to me. Harry never wanted anything to do with it." They stood up. "I still think it was a sympathy tactic because of the accident."
"Accident?" Wanda questioned as Y/N shook their head.
"That is a story for another day darling." They told her as they fixed their suit. "Come on, we have work to do." She hurriedly followed them to the elevator, a new sense of respect building within her for the cold Y/N Y/L/N.
Wanda watched as Y/N helped with the formula for the new antibiotic they were trying to manufacture, although the science of it all flew over her head, she couldn't help but admire them as they worked effortlessly.
"The Charity Gala." Y/N brought up as Gwen looked at them. "Would you like to accompany me? My assistant is otherwise occupied and I am lonely." They smirked as Gwen laughed.
"Of course." She told them. "I will be your fake date for one night, of course you are still insufferable." The two chuckled as Y/N wiped their hands.
"Try that formula and get back to me on the progress." They said as they grabbed their jacket, leading Wanda out of the lab. Silently making their way back to their office. "You can call it a day if you want to." They told Wanda who nodded silently.
"Thank you." She spoke softly as they titled their head in confusion. "For being someone I can confide in. I don't really have that with Jarvis."
"I will be here whenever you need to talk Wanda." They told her softly, considering the 10 year age difference, she was taken by their compassion, something they must have gotten from their mother. "Now go home, meet up with some friends and I'll see you tomorrow."
"What happened with the Glider accident?" She asked them as she followed them into their office, earning a chuckle from them.
"Eager aren't we?" They smiled as they poured two drinks again, gesturing for her to join them on the sofa.
"It's just, I have been thinking about it all morning and I am intrigued." She told them honestly.
"Well, as you know the Glider was supposed to be a military project." They told her. "Norman had a tendency to want to test out all of the weapons himself and I happened to be shadowing him that day. He lost control and everything happened so fast." She watched as they started to unbutton their shirt, showing her the scars they received. "I was impaled. I had never seen Norman Osborn worry so much as he did at that moment. Fear was all I saw when I looked into his eyes as he frantically tried to help me." They finished their drink before continuing. "Fear of losing something or someone can change a person, especially seeing it first hand so he changed everything. I became the heir of Oscorp before he started to lose his mind." Wanda's fingers mindlessly moved to graze over their scars, her breath caught in her chest as she felt their skin beneath her fingertips.
Wanda looked up into their intense gaze, her hand pressing flat against their stomach as she slowly leaned in, neither of them fighting as their lips touched. A soft passionate kiss as Wanda sighed, their tongue slipping past her lips as she moaned. Before she could get completely lost in them, she snapped back to reality.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered as she moved away from them like they would burn her. They shook their head as they started to fasten their shirt.
"It was my fault Wanda. What I did before hand was inappropriate." They told her as she bit her lip, her eyes stinging as she thought about the kiss the two had just shared. Every ounce of her being wanted to kiss them again but her morals had her leave the office. Y/N sighed as she left, groaning as they punched the wall beside them. They were angry with themselves, they knew better than to lead her on. She was married and their assistant, they shouldn't have allowed the lines to blur so suddenly.
Wanda found herself outside of Natasha's apartment, knocking frantically before the door opened.
"I kissed my boss." She started as Nat nodded, closing the door and heading straight for the wine.
"So, straight to it." Nat stated as she poured two glasses. "What about Jarvis?"
"I know I love him." Wanda told her. "But lately we have been on two completely different chapters. He wants to start a family and I don't."
"When was the last time you had sex?" Nat asked her as Wanda shook her head. "Maybe you blurred the lines with your boss because you need to get some."
"I can't." Wanda whispered as she looked at her friend. "I'm afraid he will try and trap me and I can't cope with that."
"There are other options Wanda. What about birth control?" She questioned.
"We're on the same health insurance, so he will find out." Wanda told her.
"Then I don't know." She sighed in defeat as she watched her friend finish her drink. "I guess you just need to figure this out."
"I know that." She yelled. "I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't go into work and face my boss because I kissed them, I have even dreamt of them in a way I should dream about Jarvis and he is a whole other story." She sighed as she started a second glass. "I don't know what to do." She was at a loss within her own mind.
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yuttikkele · 5 months
starring the lovely... the iconic... COFFEE BEAN GANG!!!
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These are my go-to designs for the Spider-Man characters, but I also have my own AU just for them!
When I was redesigning the Coffee Bean Gang (again), I ended up conjuring a whole new plot. So, I present to you: the Spider-Delinquents AU! I have also dubbed this universe Earth-3974.
Synopsis: The government is overly corrupt and controlling. Peter finds himself wrapped up in legal troubles and gets sent to New York’s Holly Springs Institution of Correction, or just Holly Springs Reform School, after an accident involving Oscorp, Harry Osborn, and a fist fight. There, he sees how unjust the system is, and he and his newfound friends (Harry, Gwen, MJ, and Flash) work to put a stop to it.
Under the cut I have a little backstory for each of the characters leading up to how they got sent to Holly Springs Reform School!
Peter: After a trip to Oscorp, Peter starts to feel woozy. As he’s stumbling around trying to get home, he runs into Harry Osborn, literally. Harry pushes back, and the two get into a brawl that completely destroys the location they’re at. Unable to pay his debts and marked as a troublemaker by the government, Peter is sent to Holly Springs Reform School.
Peter starts out at Midtown High, where he is, of course, bullied by Flash Thompson. He doesn't have any friends while at Midtown, not because he's a nerd, but because he has a superiority complex and thinks he's too good for the kids who have the same interests as him, and nobody likes him because of it. Actually the closest thing he has to a friend at Midtown IS Flash, yeesh. Once he gets humbled, schooled by Uncle Ben, and surrounded by the people he thought he was above, Peter learns to be a better person and actually make friends. He will now die for those friends. Also Peter has heterochromia for no reason other than it looks cool. He says he's a skater boy but homeboy has no clue how to skate.
MJ: MJ grew up with an abusive dad and an unstable mother. By the age of 5, both of her parents lost custody of her. Instead of an orphanage, the government enrolled MJ in a reform school to “prevent her from turning out like her parents.” She is the kid who has been there the longest despite doing nothing to get sent there. Since she grew up there, Holly Springs is the only place MJ knows as home.
I always see complaints about MJ adaptations and how they're so distant from how she is in the comics. WELL, sorry to all the MJ purgers, but in my AU, MJ acts the most unlike her comic book counterpart. Instead of an extroverted, smooth, cool gal who slays the day away and can get any man she wants, this MJ is a shy, clumsy weirdo with little to no social skills. Since she wasn't around her parents for too long, MJ does not fear romantic relationships; however, being raised in a reform school, MJ has problems connecting with anyone in general. She can be described as the neighbor's kid who no one wants to play with because she's weird, but she's actually really nice. She has an undying optimism and hope that even the worst people can become good. Her personality is similar to Marina lida from Splatoon if that helps get the point across. While MJ and Peter become good friends, they do not ever feel romantic attraction towards each other in this AU. MJ is, however, a chronic piner and has a huge crush, you'll never guess who.
Harry: Harry was minding his own business (actually, tending to his FATHER’S business that he was assigned to do) when all of a sudden, he’s shoved to the ground. Looking around, he finds the culprit. Surely, this guy does not know that Harry is an Osborn, and Osborns do NOT get pushed around. Harry lunges back at him, and a fight ensues. After destroying the entire location, Harry is sentenced to reform school, and while his dad could easily pay off the judge, Norman thinks this experience will make Harry into a man.
Harry is an entitled rich kid who doesn't really know how to make friends. He hasn't really had to try since he's been able to entertain himself just fine with the money he has. Harry loves his dad and tries to do everything he says, but he usually falls short of Norman Osborn's extremely high expectations. Plus, he's starting to question if everything his dad says really has any merit. Regardless, he doesn't want to let his dad down and tarnish their family name, so he'll keep trying to become the man his father always wanted him to be.
Gwen: After not getting enough attention from her dad, Gwen starts to feel a defiance toward law authorities. This defiance only grows upon learning what work keeps her dad from coming home at night. Using her intellect, Gwen commits petty crimes in abstruse ways just to mess with the cops. She becomes particularly skilled with mechanics, metalwork, and chemicals. But, even the most careful artists make mistakes, and Gwen gets caught. Her dad, who surprisingly looks sad, has no choice but to turn her in.
Gwen and Harry do NOT get along. At all. It's probably because Gwen is a goth and Harry is the textbook definition of a prep. They're forced to get along but ooooh they do not like each other. They still become great friends, but the goth vs prep hostility is always there. Gwen dates Peter in this universe, but she breaks up with him before she can die. People know not to mess with her because she is very capable (another reason why she does not die), and she WILL haunt your nightmares. Everyone finds her creepy and scary besides MJ.
Flash: Actually, Flash doesn’t attend Holly Springs Reform School. Flash goes to Midtown High, Peter’s previous school. Though Flash bullies Peter, he doesn’t actually mean him any harm. So, when Flash hears Peter is being sent to H. Springs, he’s worried he tipped Pete over the edge. This scares Flash, worried he’s become like his father, and leads to him bettering himself. Little does Flash know he’s not done with Peter just yet.
Flash won't tell anyone this, lest it tarnish his bad boy persona, but he worked hard and bought his car with his own money. Since his no-good father is out of his life, Flash realizes there is no reason for him to be like his dad and pick on others to make himself seem better, so he starts his journey of improvement. Basically, Flash is in his healing arc while everyone else is in their "going thru it" arc. Flash's healing arc is interrupted by being dragged into whatever mess the rest of the gang's got themselves into.
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that-left-turn · 23 days
But the studio isn’t pushing romantic caryl. They’ve played them as soulmate friends. And I believe them now. After the bad promo and zabel’s comments idk why some of us are trying to retcon what’s in front of us. I won’t watch and be disrespected.
I’d describe what the studio’s peddling as ‘ambiguous Caryl.’ The romance is there if you choose to interpret the tea leaves one way, or Caryl are just the bestest of buddies if you’d rather see it the other way. AMC has always tried to cast as wide a net as possible, often to the detriment of both the quality of the show and the viewership they could’ve had if they’d made some definitive choices.
I think a lot of fans try to retcon the show's marketing because they’ve made a large emotional investment in Caryl—understandable since they’re two of the best developed characters on television, and there’s very limited understanding of how a TV production is run. After the last two years, people want things to be hopeful, so they curate a narrative that puts a positive spin on the promotion. There are probably also fans who didn’t watch S1 and haven’t seen anything else that Zabel has showrun, so they don’t know his style or how he writes women.
AMC wants Carylers to watch the show. They’ve spent the last few weeks promoting specifically to that demographic. I’m not saying they’re pro romantic Caryl, but they’re anti something which’ll nuke their Caryl audience out of existence. Zabel’s quote doesn’t serve AMC. They want you to watch, even if they give you nothing and telling you upfront that they’ll give you nothing will result in less viewers and less money. That’s why they’ve spent 14 years playing coy with all factions of fandom.
I wish fans would look at the bigger picture. Some other EP wants reunions (and is probably pitching shows to AMC) only to have Norman shoot down any questions about Rick with a joke. He’s not interested. Norman’s also been pretty vocal lately in hyping Melissa and Carol. He’s buffering her with the fans at the shoot, etc. That’s all part of the job and yes, it serves him too, but who doesn’t benefit from a successful S2 and/or Caryl and McReedus chemistry being well-received?
AMC has paid quite a bit of money to have Melissa return and they want to see that investment pay off. They won’t pick up an actor’s option—her deal is for two seasons—if that actor doesn’t bring viewers, engagement and acclaim because they have to offer her more money. Who stands to gain and what is to be gained, if ratings don’t increase from S1? It’s a low-key way to sabotage an actor you don’t want on your show and there are three EPs who resent Melissa being foisted upon them. All three have their own reasons for it.
I think that’s where things currently stand. Choosing not to watch helps a misogynist agenda and choosing to watch sends a message to AMC that they don’t have to respect their viewers. It’s important that Melissa gets the praise she deserves and doesn’t get scapegoated, so I would suggest that fans are vocal about the reasons for their choice. No matter what your choice is.
Just, please, don’t pretend that Zabel’s anyone’s ally or that Melissa’s EP title overrules whatever he says. Unless she specifically goes on the record to say that she wants Caryl to be platonic soulmates and nothing else, don't assume that her silence or deference to someone who’s her boss means she agrees with his decisions. She's not free to speak her mind at work events and even behind closed doors, it's hard to openly oppose men with fragile egos who hold the power.
I'm not trying to dictate what anyone should do. I just want there to be less misinformation, so Caryl fans can make informed decisions for themselves.
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wenwenbittercake · 2 years
Chapter 9: Comfort, Warmth, Love🍒✨
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(TW: slight NSFW, violence, kidnapping, older man, Stockholm Syndrome.)
The clock ticks and minutes pass. No clue of Norman around the house. You start to feel anxious with the passing minutes. You wonder what you did wrong. Maybe you were going too fast or you read the situation wrong. Either way, you are left torn with embarrassment after what just happened. You can’t believe yourself that you pushed his buttons that far. You contemplate on what to do next. Times like these when the world goes silent, when there is no comfort or warmth, makes you want to run out of the dam house, far away back to the comfort of your own house, your own room, in your own bed. You start to try sliding your foot off the cuff. The soft clothes that were preventing you from getting hurt helps your efforts. Your feet start to slowly slide off. Finally, your efforts paid off. Your foot went loose from the cuffs. Now, you can finally be set free.
Norman stormed out of the house without thinking. His heart was racing from what happened. What has he done? He wonders himself as his feet carry him to the usual groceries store around the corner. He counted his steps carefully and almost knew the place by hard so it wasn’t hard for him to find it. He went in looking for one thing that can help him drown his guilt. Booze.
He went out of the store grabbing a couple of beers. He walked home thinking to himself how someone like you could ever love someone, not a monster like him? It is apparent that he has fallen quite in love with you over the months. He pushed all of these sinful feelings down into the depth inside him but that kiss brought out everything he tried so hard to forget. He drinks on the patio of his house, trying to drown out the thoughts he had when he heard the clanks of your cuffs. They didn’t sound like the usual sound it made when you move. The suspicions he had earlier started to bubble up and become a reality. No way you’re fooling this old man that easily.
Your heart was pounding like crazy. You grab the door handle of the backyard to open but it was locked. It won’t budge even when you rattle it hard. You have no time. All the windows were barricaded with iron rods, the only choice you have now is the front door that he obviously forgot to lock when Norman stormed out. So, you ran to the front door, the only chance to escape from all of this fucked up mess you wined up into. As you were about to open the door, the door slammed open with force on its own. On the other side, is a sight you dread to see. Norman comes in slow and steady, he slams the door behind him and takes a deep breath.
“Y/N, you almost got me there with that act of yours.”
You are totally fucked. You slowly step back as he tries to close his distance with you.
“Now, you’re going to pay.” He almost grabbed you, but you’re fast. You aren’t so weak anymore. You ran straight upstairs, hoping there might be a window that isn’t barricaded.
Your heart sinks when you realize there aren't any open windows. You didn’t lose hope as there is one room that is closed shut. You can hear Norman’s heavy footsteps climbing up the stairs. You waste no time but throw yourself into that room. You slam the door behind you shut, locking it from the inside. As you enter the room, you realize whose room it was. Pink walls and girlish accessories confirmed that it was Evelyn’s room, before she moved for Uni. Your heart sinks as you realize the window is as barricaded as the other. You drop to the floor, losing all hopes. Maybe death might not be more merciful than living in a cage of a house and feeling all these feelings that you’re too ashamed to admit.
Not long, the door of Evelyn’s room slammed open. Norman didn’t even give you a minute to explain, or maybe there isn’t any explanation needed when he grabs the back of your hair, making you face him. You are on your knees with your hands trying to pry your hair out of Norman’s death grip. Norman’s expression is mixed with anger and betrayal. Your heart breaks everything when you see him like this knowing you are the cause of this. Your heart breaks even though he’s the one who will be the cause of your death.
“After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me? By lying and deceiving me?” He tries to sound threatening but his efforts fail as it only sounds like a man who’s hurt.
“No I wasn’t-“
“Enough!” He pulls your hair harder making you arch your back slightly.
“How long did you plan to deceive me? You really think I’m a fool? You really expect me to believe you to love an old man like me?”
You sob, partly from the pain and partly from the cruel words that come out of his mouth.
“How could you Y/N? After everything we’ve been through. I-I thought you would be different” His voice starts to quiet down. Like a forest fire that died down. His grip on your hair softens. You can’t take seeing him like this. Defeated.
Norman doesn’t want to do this, after building something with you, now you’re just breaking it like nothing. You try to leave him. After everyone he knows leaving him from his life, he thought you would be different. He felt defeated. As his heart was about to go ice cold, a pair of warm arms reached out to him. The warmth of your small arms wraps themselves around his neck, pulling toward you. He can’t help but fall into your embrace.
“I-I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to escape, I-I was worried because you were taking too long. Besides, you’re blind, and it’s already dark, s-so I thought something bad happened to you.” You can’t believe you could make up bullshit like this on the spot, but it worked.
It worked marvelously. Norman seems to buy what you said. He let out a sigh of relief. Same goes for you. His shoulders untensed under your touch. Everything went silent again, like the moments after a storm everything felt at peace.
Norman’s large hands sooth your back, you didn’t know a gentle touch like this could break you apart so easily. You start breaking down crying your heart out while hiding your face in the crook of his neck. Norman gives comforting rubs on your shoulders and backs ushering apologies. You hold Norman’s face now calm and even apologetic with your soft hands.
“I-I wasn’t lying. I swear. I do love you really.” Norman’s face looks skeptical, almost doubtful at your words.
“How could you say that knowing how I look? I’m old Y/N. I may not be able to fulfill all your needs a young man could do.”
“No, no Norman, you had already given me something no man in this world had given me.”
His eyes look expectantly at your next words.
“Comfort, warmth, Love.”
This word melts Norman’s heart. He realizes you do feel the same way as he does. Since the moment you enter his stone cold heart. All these feelings arise in him, which he thought would never happen.
“And I’m pretty sure you can satisfy all my wants and needs better than any man in this world.”
Norman let out a scoff.
“It is true.”
“How would you be so sure?”
“I don’t know, you show me.” Norman is definitely surprised by these words that came out of your mouth.
You guide Noman to the bed of Evelyn. Do you really plan on sleeping with her dad on her own bed? What would Evelyn say? You wonder. You sat on the bed, slowly untying the ribbon on your cotton dress. He seems to be observing your movement, you know he can sense every moment you make, every breath you take he knows.
He holds your cheeks so gently indifference to what he did a few minutes ago. Kissing you softly, the taste of beer linger in his kiss, his beard tickles your cheeks during the kiss causing you to giggle. Norman didn’t know he would ever hear your giggle after everything. He chuckles and pulls you onto his laps. Holding you close like you might slip out of his hold any time.
“Norman.” You call out softly within your racing heart.
“Yes, love.” You blush at the new nickname you got.
“I want you to see me.” Norman looks at you with a confused look.
“Like this.” You take his hand and guide it along your face.
“I want you to know how I look before you sleep with me.” He gets what you mean, and his hands travel along your face, your hair, your neck, your collarbone.
Memorizing every inch of your body. The heat on the palm of his hands makes knots in your stomach. Burning you to the core.
Next morning, you woke up in Evelyn's bed. Your body is sore from the events last night. An arm holds you tight with your back pressed against Norman. You shift, turning to face him. He looks peaceful in his sleep. His face all relaxes and even snoring a bit. You giggled at yourself. You decided to cuddle up in his arms a bit with your head on his chest. You wonder what would happen in the future as you chose to walk this path. You close your eyes, blinding yourself from reality, drowning yourself more in this false sense of peace.
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(Thank you everyone for making this far, this has been quite a journey. I appreciate everyone who has been supporting me till this far. I don’t think I could keep on writing this far if it isn’t for you guys. Till then, see you next time. Adios.)
Chapter👉 1 🍒 2 🍒3 🍒4 🍒5 🍒6 🍒7 🍒8 🍒
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captain-writes · 1 year
If you’re taking prompts, can you do something with Jimmy overworking himself to the point of exhaustion and the other empires step in? I love sickfics with hurt/comfort.
Did I write this in less than an hour? Yes. It was wonderful. I've also posted the oneshot here on my Ao3 account!! Thanks so much for the prompt!
Jimmy wasn't sure quite what had happened, but he knew that he hadn't been in his bed with his cats sleeping on him the last time he opened his eyes.
Even more, he knew that no one lived with him, so the sounds of people downstairs and the smells of food coming from his kitchen were unusual and somewhat startling. He didn't quite have the energy to panic about it, however. So he pulled himself out of bed and began padding down the stairs, Norman cradled in his arms as Flick scampered along behind him.
Coming down to the base of the staircase, Jimmy blinked as he took in the sight of Sausage and Scott cooking in his kitchen as Lizzie and Joel played with Hermes in his living room. Shelby, Katherine, and Joey were sat on his couch near them as they seemed to be repairing his armor, which caused him to realize that the familiar weight of the protective gear wasn't pushing him down. Pixlriffs and Fwhip were going through some sort of paperwork over at his kitchen table. False was tinkering with his elytra and chatting with both of them. Gem and Oli had joined Sausage and Scott in the kitchen, but instead of cooking, they were pulling things out of storage and putting them back, presumably to sort the items.
"What are you all doing here?"
"Jimmy!" The rulers seemed to clamor over themselves to acknowledge the sheriff, causing the man to pull back from the attention. As he stepped back, his ankle caught the lowest stair, causing him to slip backward and land on his butt, now propped up by the fact that he was sitting on the third stair up from the floor.
"Everyone give him some space," Fwhip instructed, the man's voice carrying an edge that they didn't often see from the admin. "Jimmy, I found you collapsed out by the train. We were worried."
"Collapsed?" After a moment of thought, the story didn't surprise Jimmy as much as it should have. He had been over near the train earlier to deal with a few tasks that had cropped up, but he couldn't remember ever leaving the area.
"Have you been feeling okay, Sheriff?" Gem asked gently, approaching slowly and putting the back of her hand on Jimmy's forehead. The cool feel of her hand was soothing and Jimmy's eyes slipped shut only for him to hear: "Oh, Jimmy, you're burning up."
"I'll be fine. I've got stuff to do, gotta finish Tumble Town."
Gem frowned, unseen by the man in front of her, "You shouldn't be pushing yourself, Jimmy. You need to rest. If you've got a fever, you're not going to get better unless you allow yourself time to heal."
"Don't have time though. Already behind, not going to finish at this rate."
"What do you need to finish? If we can help, then maybe you could rest?" Katherine offered.
Jimmy frowned, a moment of uncertainty as he tried to figure out what to say, "Need to... need, uh, I have a list. It's in my vest pocket?"
Shelby recovered the article of clothing from the pile of garments that she sat next to, pulling a set of papers out of the pocket. It was then that everyone realized that it was not one page, but several, filled completely with to-do lists and duties that the sheriff had taken on.
Flipping through the pages, the witch finally looked up at Jimmy with concern etched into her features, "When do you find time to sleep, Jimmy?"
"But I just did?"
"You passed out!"
"But, I was sleeping? I had things to do, empire to run. You know how it is," Jimmy's nonchalance only seemed to concern his fellow rulers more, which confused him greatly.
"Jimmy, look at me?" Pix requested, drawing the younger man's attention his way. "Your health is always more important than your empire. Or anything else. You were collapsed on the ground in the middle of the day in the mesa. That can be dangerous."
"I have to finish my work though?"
"Jimmy, most of us don't even do all the things on this list. And you have things listed to do in other empires to help us."
"I'm the Sheriff. I have to make sure that everyone else's empires are safe and their citizens are doing well. Chromia's had a pillager problem recently and there's a spider nest that I haven't cleared out yet near the Eversea."
“You apparently also check in on some of our villagers at least once a week. And you have a task listed here that just says ‘double food supply’. Has Tumble Town been having trouble getting food?”
“Doesn’t really rain a lot here, crops don’t grow super well. We’ve got enough, but there’s some new families that have moved in and Lyra and Sara both had children last season. We’ve got more mouths to feed, but it’s been a bad harvest so far. Not really looking good going forward.”
“Oh Jimmy, you know I’ve got extra food. Dawn had a good harvest this year, we could easily help you!”
“Right. Yeah,” Jimmy agreed, though the vibrancy seemed to drop out of his voice.
Scott blinked, set down the utensils in his hand, and left the kitchen. He grabbed Jimmy’s chin with just enough force to direct the man’s movements, but not enough to hurt, moving the man’s gaze upward.
“You are not failing your empire. You are not failing us. You are doing everything you can and that’s enough. You don’t have to do extra things to make up for whatever you think you’re not doing. Jimmy, you are doing so well. But we’re worried because you’re doing so much extra that it’s hurting you.”
Jimmy searched Scott’s eyes for some hint as to the level of honesty that the collector was showing. Finding no sign of a lie, Jimmy began to blink back the tears of exhaustion that were finally making their appearance, the sheriff unable to hold them back any longer.
“Scott, I’m so tired.” The sheriff's words were weak, but the admittance and honesty rang loudly through the already quiet house.
Scott smiled gently, “Go rest, we’ve got you.”
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
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This is all because this photo and @minervadashwood fault (thank you, i love you my friend) always have the best ideas when I'm in my dirty mood 🤣
So here it goes.
Hope you all like it!!
Saint or Evil.
Norman Reedus x Shy Plus Size!Reder.
One shot. Request(?)
Warnings: we have a naughty Norman Reedus. A lot of dirty talk and thoughts. Vibrator Bluetooth devise. Smut. Fluff.
Words: 6000 aprox.
Summary: Sunday dinner with your super religious family with a naughty boyfriend who will make the whole situation anything but decent.
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @thefemininemystiquee @green-eyedladywrites @hail-yourselves @ruinedbythehobbit @xxtinasxxblog @ravenwings73 @spenciepoo338 @b-tchymoon @minervadashwood @darylssluttt @let-love-bleeds-red @ravendixon @livingdeadblondequeen @bringinsexybackk69
"Church..." He says, lying on the bed, on his side, one hand resting on his head. "Are you serious?" A chuckle escapes his mouth.
"Of course I'm serious, Norman." You scold him, pacing back and forth across the room, looking for the clothes you're going to wear. "You know how my family is." You sigh sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling your dark stockings up your short, thick legs.
Norman follows your every move, his eyes roaming your body, his teeth clawing at the tip of his tongue, holding back the desire to rip your clothes off again and force you to stay in bed with him. He loves watching the tight garment hold back your full thighs, those he loves to lose himself between, devouring your tight, secret core, feeling you imprison him there, choking him with your delicious scent, getting him to cum without touching him. He growls low crawling across the bed until he reaches you, his mouth starting to run down the back of your neck, towards your ear, licking its contours, biting your lobe.
"Norman..." You whisper wanting to push him away.
"Come on... you know staying here is more fun." He speaks softly against your ear.
"I-it's my church...I have to go..." You try to sound responsible and hear him laugh.
"If only your church could hear all those naughty little noises and moans you make when you have my cock inside you..." He says in his dark voice and you feel a shiver as your face lights up red.
"Norman, please, d-don't talk like that..." You ask him and stand up quickly knowing that if you stand there one more second you will succumb to his sinful desires.
He is not offended, nor is he angry, his gaze still has that dark, lust-filled gleam. You are shy. You're still shy despite the time you've been together. Norman likes that innocence that never quite leaves you, those nerves that invade you every time he touches you, how you melt in his arms and how you beg for more even though sometimes you're not able to look him in the eye.
"Okay, I'll walk you out." He says at last and you smile gratefully. "But first I need to take a cold shower." He rises from the bed and uncovers his hard cock. You squeeze your thighs together and swallow nervously, your eyes sparkle hungrily and he smiles. "Believe me I'd love to ruin that pretty lipstick of yours, honey, but we don't have time."
Norman scores a point in his favor as he walks to the bathroom, leaving you in the room red-faced with embarrassment, trembling from your own arousal.
You and Norman have been neighbors all your lives, growing up, his mother went to the same church as your family, they weren't very devout, but they always participated when they could. You knew your parents didn't like to have too much to do with them, after all Norman's mother was a divorced woman, without a man to help her take care of her son, forcing her to work late into the night 'God only knows what that woman does when she's not at home' you had heard your mother say on more than one occasion. However, that didn't stop you and Norman from becoming friends. The scandal was huge in your house, how could you be friends with him? He was hanging out with friends that were not going to do you any good, you knew that, you were sure Norman had tried drugs stronger than alcohol and even tobacco, but he never forced you to follow in his footsteps, your friendship was decent in your parents' eyes, he took care of you and you, most of the time, helped him with his studies.
Norman was the typical handsome boy at school, the one all the girls wanted to get his attention, athletic and good at sports, though always too lazy to take it seriously. With his blond hair and blue eyes he made all the girls pine for him. In high school things didn't change much, his hair darkened to an ashy blond, almost brownish tone, but far from being a problem, his attractiveness increased. It never escaped your notice that Norman was popular, there was always a new girl or two clinging to his arm when he started a new course or even term, but one day you were unable to curb your curiosity.
It happened after an accident in high school. You were looking for one of your teachers to discuss some terms about the work he had given you when you opened the door to the empty classroom. Norman was there, leaning against the bookshelf at the end of the room, his head thrown back as his hand was lost in the long locks of hair of a classmate who was kneeling between his legs, sucking his...
"Oh God!" an exclamation of surprise escaped you. Norman lifted his head like a spring.
"Oh shit!" he shouted in response pushing the girl away from himself.
"Oh God, I'm sorry!" You screamed again, your eyes falling to his crotch as he tried to hide it in his pants. "Oh God!" You closed your eyes and covered your face with the folder in your hands.
"Wait!" He called out to you, but you had already closed the door and ran out of there, feeling your whole body burning.
It had always been different for you. Whatever experience your friend might have had with girls, you were nil with reference to men. Your body had never conformed to the canons of beauty that society considered 'correct', short, rounded face, thick arms and legs, wide hips and a soft and plump stomach, you always tried to have a regulated diet, being careful with what you ate, but your complexion was like that and you were never going to get the body of those girls that Norman liked so much.
Still, when Norman showed up at your house to apologize for what you had seen, you shook your head and clenched your hands, nervous.
"Did it feel good?" you plucked up the courage to ask him and he looked at you in surprise.
"W-what that girl was doing... W-when she had your c-cock in her... mouth..." You finished the sentence between sighs, your face red and your hands sweating copiously.
"Fuck..." Norman was a teenager, and like the vast majority of them, he was able to control his spontaneous erections. "S-sorry..." He apologized as he saw your gaze fall on his crotch. "I-I just didn't think you were capable of saying 'cock'" He said sincerely and you both laughed in embarrassment at the whole situation.
"So?" you insisted and he nodded.
"Yes, it did feel good..."
"D-do you think I could do it too? M-make some guy feel g-good..." You finished the sentence and Norman was breathing heavily through his nose.
Despite your embarrassment and shyness, he could see the curiosity and desire in your gaze, in the way you'd licked your lips as you finished the sentence. All of that made him want you right then and there.
"Do you want to try it?" He asked you in a husky voice, his hand took yours and placed it on his hard crotch.
After that time, there were others, never anything important, nothing serious, something sporadic, an unspoken agreement between you. Norman taught you to explore your body, which could possibly seem ironic, but you had never touched yourself, never explored your body in that way, you had always felt it as something that was wrong, a mistake, in your parents' words 'something sinful' but he showed you how wrong you were.
"Knowing and loving yourself is no sin." He told you one day that your tears had betrayed you. "And you know what, I love being the one to prove it to you."
Regardless of how you might feel after that, the confidence you managed to acquire was sometimes destroyed in one crushing blow. Often by your own parents. You knew they loved you, that they wanted the best for you, but sometimes their words were like daggers.
"You should watch what you eat." Your mother once said when you were having dinner with Norman and his mother. Despite all the previous inconveniences, in the end the two women had become friends. "If you keep this up no one is going to love you."
You paused, sitting in your seat, eyes filling with tears, feeling your breathing quicken with extreme violence. You were being overcome by an anxiety attack that you knew you were going to be unable to control.
"That's silly." You heard Norman's voice next to you. "I love the way she is. She's the perfect girlfriend."
It wasn't his words that cut your breath, but his hand squeezing yours, silently conveying his support and strength, keeping you from crumbling in front of them, your mother from winning with her cruel words.
Norman's mother congratulated you, but when they left your house, scandal soon followed. Your father couldn't believe that you had let a man like Norman lay a hand on you, your mother kept praying and pacing back and forth believing that something evil had possessed you, you assured them a thousand times that Norman was a good boy, that he respected you and made you feel safe and protected.
"If he laid a hand on you...!" Started your father threateningly.
"Dad I swear to God he's never touched me!"
Well, it wasn't the first time you swore in vain either.
Years have passed after all that, you were not a couple all that time, college was your parents' priority and you had to accept the destiny and the future they wanted for you, but you could not refuse, Norman for his part followed his free spirit, photography is his passion since he was a child, how many pictures he took while you were together, all saved and protected with infinite affection, so his future was destined to the whole world, going from there to here, discovering every corner, every new and perfect place.
However, when your lives coincided again, everything went back to where it started, you resumed your relationship and you have never been separated again.
You sigh. It's been four years and you're happy.
"Are you okay?" Norman asks you, driving beside you, one of his hands letting go of the steering wheel and holding yours.
"Y-yeah, just... rambling between memories." You shake your head and smile.
"I hope good ones... with me on top of you, mostly." He jokes and you chuckle softly.
"And why not me on top of you?" you dare to reply and even he looks surprised.
"Oh, girl, don't go there or we won't get to that stupid church ever."
"Norman!" You scold him but can't stop laughing.
When you stop the car in the parking lot, your parents are already waiting for you at the church door. Norman kisses your cheek with incredible affection, you get out of the car and walk to your parents whom you hug and kiss as you greet.
"You showed up with the hippie..." Growls your father and you roll your eyes.
"Good to see you, sir." He ignores his words, Norman, maybe he wears his hair longer than your father would like, but he never responds to your father's criticisms. "Mom, beautiful as ever." He says to your mother and kisses her lovingly on the cheek.
"Hello, Norman." She greets him, blushing a little. They may not like the way he looks, but your mother is no fool and knows how attractive he is. "It's good to see you around."
"I had work, but she said she had to come and I wanted to tag along, so I could see you guys." He lies so naturally that you almost believe him too. For a second you wonder if he won't spontaneously combust as soon as he walks through the church doors.
"Always so attentive..." Smiles your mother and you bite back an incredulous laugh.
"Let's go inside or start the mass without us." Admonishes your father, cutting off the conversation.
Norman walks to the door, holding it to let you through first. Before your parents' eyes his movements are calculated in detail. Always one step away from you, his hands behind his back, always giving you your space, never touching you under any circumstances and of course, the kisses on the cheek when your father is near.
As you enter the church, Norman takes off his sunglasses and leaves them hanging from the collar of his shirt. Your parents sit in one of the pews, you next to them and Norman next to you. You look at him again, his blue eyes riveted straight ahead, down the aisle, he nibbles his lip, scratching at his skin, his hands are tangled between his legs, he has a relaxed, calm posture. Mentally you thank him once again for being there, because you know he is doing it only for you.
He is not interested in these things.
An hour and a half. A long and boring hour and a half has lasted the mass, even you have been bored and normally you endure the whole sermon without looking away, but this time even for you it has been too much. You look at Norman beside you, his jaw has tightened a little, his relaxed and loose arms are now crossed over his chest, his fists clenched, impatient to get out of there, the nervous nibble on his lip has turned into a grimace of utter boredom with cheeks puffed out with restrained air. You regret taking him with you, he wasn't obligated, you could have insisted that he wait for you at his house, but you wanted to go with him that your parents would see that you were still very happy.
"You can go in peace." Ends the priest his sermon.
"Praise the Lord." You recite in response and Norman makes a relieved gesture.
You rise from your seats and leave the church after saying goodbye to the reverend, walk to the parking lot where you have the cars parked and say goodbye to your parents with a hug, again Norman remains in the background, one step removed, squeezes your father's hand in farewell and kisses your mother's cheek.
"Are you coming home for lunch?"
"We can't, we're meeting friends." Norman says apologetically to your mother.
"I hope the party doesn't go on too long." Your father then speaks. "We're having family dinner tonight, like we do every Sunday." He reminds him and Norman nods.
"Of course." He smiles wryly. "We'll be there, sir." He looks at you with a soft smile. "We should get going now."
"Yeah, sure. See you tonight." You say goodbye again and walk to your car.
"The most boring hour and a half of my life." You hear him say as you walk away.
"I'm sorry, Norman..." You apologize sincerely.
"Next time I plan to fuck you right there to add excitement to the fucking sermon." He finishes saying and your skin crawls with goose bumps.
"I'm serious." He hisses getting into the car. "And don't even think you're off the hook." He tells you as you sit down next to him.
"Oh yes, honey, I plan to punish you for making me waste an hour and a half of my life when we could have been at home having so much more fun." He assures you and you two drive away from the parking lot.
You trust him completely, so when he talks about "punishing you" you know he's not going to hurt you, that it's not a real punishment, however, this time you almost prefer that he yelled at you or even threatened you to this. You hold onto the edge of the dressing table feeling your legs tremble as Norman's fingers very slowly leave you. His mouth kisses your neck and bites the hollow of your shoulder making you sigh.
"How are you feeling?" he asks and you turn to look at him.
"No. You know what I mean, how does it feel?"
"Fine." You repeat, nodding your head. "It's strange, b-but it's no different than when..." Your cheeks take on a reddish hue again. "W-when I use a tampon."
"Good." He smiles and kisses you very slowly, caressing your cheeks. "You're going to be a good girl for me, aren't you?" you swallow nervously and nod.
"Y-you won't do anything crazy, w-won't you, Norman?" you almost plead with him and you see how he smiles mischievously and you know you're not going to get out of it.
"Don't provoke me, sweetheart, you're going to be my little slut tonight." He kisses you again and brushes your lips with his thumb. "Come on, your parents are waiting us for dinner."
You close your eyes when, as you move, you feel the device inside you vibrate and gasp holding tightly to the dresser. Norman smiles at the sight of you and lifts up his cell phone, on it is an app that keeps the vibrator connected and moving. You look at him fearfully and he puts the cell phone in his pocket.
"Norman, please..."
But he doesn't say anything, he holds you by the waist and the two of you walk out of your apartment without letting go of the feeling of that thing vibrating very slowly inside you.
On the way to your parents' house, Norman tests the different speeds of the device inside you. There is a scale of 1 to 5 intensity, at 1 you feel nothing extraordinary and 5 has made you scream in pain, so loud that Norman has had to stop the car to make sure you are okay, that he hasn't hurt you. He may want to torture you a little, make you spend an awkward evening with your parents as revenge for that morning at mass, but he would never go to the extreme of you getting hurt, one way or another.
Still Norman is surprised that your tolerance level is 3, it's pretty high and even though your legs won't stop shaking, you do your best to make sure no sound comes out of your mouth. Norman is proud of you and a little proud of himself, he knows he can't call himself a hero but in a way he freed you from the future your parents wanted for you, there was nothing wrong with being a submissive and quiet housewife mother, but he always knew you could have so much more and although in the earthly you had followed your parents' study plans, in the mental and spiritual, Norman always tried to set you free.
"You still have it inside?" He asks with a husky voice.
"You didn't let me pull it out." You protest.
"Good girl, now smile at your father, my little slut" He says putting his hand in your low back, coming inside your parents' house.
You leave your coats in the hallway as you let your parents know you have arrived. Your father's voice sounds from the living room, you want to go over there, but Norman stops you before you can move.
"Wait honey, one more thing." He whispers in your ear. "If you cum with the vibrator on...I'll tell your father that his beloved daughter is a little slut." He looks at you with intensity and again your body trembles, but not from the device. "I promise I will reward you, my little..."
"Watch where you put your hands, kiddo." You hear your father's voice and separate from Norman quickly.
"Good evening, sir." He is greeted by your boyfriend and smiles in a carefree manner.
"Hi, honey go to the kitchen; your mother needs you." He commends you, you nod and head there, on the short walk you feel the device speed up inside you and stumble over your own feet. "Hey, are you okay?" your father looks at you worriedly and you quickly nod your head.
"Y-yeah, I-I tripped." You shake your head and then walk away until you are lost in the kitchen.
You help your mother with dinner, you talk about the day you spent with your friends, you have to make something up because you didn't meet anyone that morning, Norman had made it up, if only your mother really knew what you were doing for real... remembering it your insides tighten and the vibrations become more intense, forcing you to stay still until you can regain your composure. Norman has said you can't cum and you're going to do your best to obey.
Dinner goes as smoothly as can be considering that Norman keeps changing the speed of the device over and over again, making your legs shake. Every time the device moves, presses a different place inside you, it reminds you of the times Norman has made you tremble, you remember the times his fingers have lost themselves inside you, touching your insides, discovering how you like it, how you feel every time his fingers twist and touch that perfect spot that gets you to melt. It reminds you of his cock, always pushing you to the limit, teaching you new ways to make you moan.
"For the love of God..." You gasp unconsciously.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" your mother asks and you freeze.
"Y-yes, it's just..." You swallow trying to compose yourself, you feel Norman's intense gaze on you, as well as those of your parents. "Y-you have to teach me how to make this recipe, t-this is delicious." You lie, somewhat, but you see your mother relax and smile broadly.
"How silly, you scared me." She gets up from the table and gets lost in the kitchen.
Your father also takes the opportunity to go to the living room for a moment, leaving you alone at the table. You need to breathe several times when you feel your boyfriend's hand on yours.
"How wet are you?" he asks in a whisper.
"This is torture..." You tell him and he smiles broadly.
"Remember you can't cum." He warns you and you feel his hand lose itself between your thighs.
Your mouth opens in a muffled moan, you spread your legs apart and let him touch you, even your stockings are soaked. Norman hums approvingly and pulls his hand away holding you by the nape of your neck, he leans over you and kisses you on the temple.
"My good, good, little whore." He whispers in your ear.
"What had I said about your hands, kiddo?" You hear your father again and you throat clears trying to calm down, but Norman drags the chair a little more towards you, now his hand again on yours.
"About that... there's something I want to talk about."
"What is it Norman?" your mother asks worriedly.
"Do you hear that?" suddenly your father puts you on alert. "Don't you hear a buzzing sound?" he asks worriedly and you turn pale.
It's not possible, it's not possible that your father is listening to the vibrator you're wearing. You've always heard your mother say he has incredible hearing, but it can't be. You keep shaking, Norman keeps playing with your insides and your clit is so needy that you're sure you're going to explode at any moment. Suddenly, everything stops.
"I'm sorry." Norman speaks next to you and picks up the phone. "It was my cell phone, sorry."
"No phones allowed at the table while we're eating dinner, kiddo." Grunts your father and he nods.
"I know, sir, but something very important I had on my hands, I couldn't leave it."
"And you're done?"
"Yes, I'm done." He looks at you and smiles. "For now." Of course your parents don't detect that obscene gleam in his eye, but you do and gasp, releasing all the air you were holding in.
"What did you want to tell us, Norman?" your mother asks, bringing you back to reality and he smiles, his hand squeezing yours.
"I wanted to talk to you about something important." He looks at them intensely. "I wanted to make this official and, formally ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."
Your heart freezes, not from the vibrator in your pussy, but from his words. You stare at him with wide eyes, your parents are speechless, but Norman doesn't move an inch, his eyes are completely riveted on your father who seems to be challenging him with his own gaze. Your mother is the first to react, a scream escapes from her mouth raising her hands to the sky and she gets up to run to you and hug you. You are still in shock when you feel your mother's body against yours. Your father finally seems to give in and stands up too, holding Norman's hand. He stands up too and squeezes it tightly.
"I hope you make my little girl very happy, but I'm warning you, Reedus, if she comes, just once, crying home; you're a dead man." He assures him, Norman has to bite his tongue to keep from telling him how many different ways he has learned to make you happy, nods his head and releases his hand.
"I'll keep that in mind, sir. Thank you."
"Honey, we're finally going to have grandchildren." Your mother says jubilantly and Norman laughs softly.
Your mother releases you from her embrace and he holds your hand sliding a beautiful ring onto your finger.
"What do you say, beautiful, will you marry me?"
Arriving at Norman's house becomes torture, the device may no longer move inside you, but your body is at its limit, you have endured all this time as Norman has asked you to, but now that you are home, you can't take it anymore.
Once the door closes, your bodies collide, you kiss each other intensely, Norman's hands hold your face, his fingers tangle in your hairstyle letting your hair dance free at last, his mouth devours you and you give him access to his tongue, you moan desperately and press yourself against him.
"Please... please... please..." You gasp in whispers. "I-I've been good, I-I've been a good s-slut, I haven't cum..." You remind him still shaking, clinging tightly to his arms.
"I know, I know..." He whispers too, shushing you, trying to calm you down. "You've done so well, you're such a good girl." He priases you, kissing you more slowly this time.
"Please, Norman, please..." You beg resting your forehead on his chest and he smiles stroking your hair.
"I told you I'd make it up to you, didn't I? Let me see how wet you are." He asks and reaches under your skirt.
It's a brush, barely exerting pressure on your stockings, the hard seam digging into your swollen, needy muscle. Your eyes roll into your eyelids and a huge spasm shakes your body as you moan desperately against his jacket, you collapse onto his body, your knees unable to hold you any longer. After so much waiting, you have cum with a single rub. Norman is surprised as he can feel his wet fingers through the fabric, he's never gotten you to squirt and now... he wants to do it again.
"I'm sorry..." He hears you say and again a smile comes across his face.
"No, you have nothing to apologize for, you did great." He pulls you away from him a little and kisses you. "You've put up with a lot, haven't you? Now I'm going to give you my prize, but I need you to undress for me, beautiful." He caresses your rounded cheek, tucking your hair behind your ear as you nod your head.
Norman settles onto the couch in his living room, unbuttons his shirt a little and leaves his blazer on a chair, he needs to be comfortable for what's to come. In a way, this also feels like a victory for himself. You've always felt uncomfortable in your own skin, kids can be very cruel at certain ages and your mother wasn't nice either. The first few times you started with all that, you wouldn't let Norman see you, light off, dimmed, or with clothes on, no matter how many times he tried, he could touch you and enjoy you touching him, but always with barriers. Until one day he got fed up and couldn't take it anymore.
It was at his house, when his mother was not home, he took you to his room and asked you to trust him, you had always done it, it was nothing new for you, but when his hands started to unbutton your pants the fears came back to you. Norman made love to you that day in front of a mirror, forcing you to look at yourself, forcing you to feel with every nook and cranny of your being. Whispering words in your ear.
"Look at you, you're beautiful." "You are perfect." "See how your body enjoys this." "Feel how your whole being takes me to the limit..." "Because fuck... you don't know how much it turns me on to see you..."
Maybe it wasn't instantly, maybe it wasn't a successful change right away, but every time you were together, Norman got you to strip a little more for him, without having to ask.
And now you're there, in front of him, without a single garment covering you, yes, it's still hard for you not to want to cover yourself, because he knows that this shyness and this way of thinking that your parents engraved in fire in you, will never disappear completely, but he admires, he adores how strong you are, how much you want to fight against it. Norman runs through your body with his gaze, you are trembling, not only because of the excitement that invades you, the device inside you moves again, very slowly, Norman has turned it on while you were taking off your clothes.
"Come here." He says in a hoarse voice feeling his pants squeeze painfully tight.
You walk slowly towards him, he takes your hand and makes you sit on his lap. His mouth kisses you, runs over your skin, the tip of his tongue tracing a small path to your nipples, licks, sucks, nibbles harmlessly and catches inside his mouth when he hears you moan. He takes his time, there is no hurry at all, there never has been, but today less than ever, he wants to run you through as you deserve, he wants to tear the presence of your parents from your mind with kisses, bites, whatever it takes. His mouth closes over your throat and kisses, sucks and licks your skin, a moan escapes your mouth, as he pulls away, a reddish mark begins to form and he smiles in satisfaction. Your gazes meet, your eyes are cloudy with pleasure, nervousness and desire overtaking you, his eyes are charged with lust and need.
"Tell me something, babe." He says, his lips sealing his touch against your chest again. "Now that we're engaged...I don't need Daddy's permission to fuck you senseless anymore, do I?"
"Norman!" you groan in protest and arousal as his fingers enter you without warning.
"Yeah, I thought so." He gasps and wraps his arm around your lower back to move you and lay you down on the couch.
You've always been amazed at how easily he can manipulate you at his whim, you know you're no lightweight, but he always manages to direct you smoothly.
Without removing his fingers, which he moves inside you, twists and spreads open, he leans over your body and his mouth catches your cruelly neglected clit. As he has done with your nipples; he licks, sucks and bites your tremendously sensitive button, his tongue running along your folds, his mouth filling with more than just drool. You arch up on the couch, his name escaping your mouth between moans, your hands clutching his head and tugging on his hair as you feel his mouth and fingers take you over the edge again.
"Norman! Norman!" you cry out desperately, the stream of pleasure so intense that your legs won't stop shaking, you squirt again.
This time the liquid falls into Norman's mouth, which causes his own arousal to increase, he grunts rolling his eyes, his mouth drinking directly from you, his fingers squeezing so hard into the soft flesh of your waist that it hurts, but you will only be aware of it the next day when you see the red marks on your skin.
His fingers move again feeling you contract against them, still spasming from your orgasm, but he is searching for something. He catches the vibrator string and pulls it out of you, very slowly hearing you sigh, your pussy contracting at the empty sensation. It won't be for long though.
"I'm going to fuck you so good, baby..." He whispers running his fingers through your wetness, watching your breathing quicken. "You heard your mother, she wants grandchildren." He teases, but at the same time waits for your own response.
"Then don't even think about pull it out." You reply, spreading your legs further apart.
"Fuck, girl..." He roars and gets up from the couch.
He throws his shoes nowhere and gets rid of his pants and boxers, strokes his cock in his hand, head red, spitting pre-cum, but still able to hold on to go to the bedroom and fuck you like you deserve. You sit on the couch, licking your lips and look at him intently, Norman reads your intentions and smiles half-sideways. He walks back up to you and holds your chin, brushes the tip of his cock against your lips and you open your mouth, leaving a wet kiss on it.
"Fuck... remember the first time you gave me a blowjob?" He asks between clenched teeth, squeezing the base of his cock, doing his best not to cum right there.
You shiver, stick out the tip of your tongue and lazily lick the cleft of his glans, collecting the leaking liquid. Norman hisses as your lips close over his tip and he ducks his head, he needs to see you, needs to see how your lips envelop him, how you hollow your cheeks and how you slowly engulf his length, resting your hands on his thighs that are also trembling with desire. Your head moves in a gentle pumping, up and down, your tongue flicks across him and your lips tighten once more as you reach his head, to slide back almost all the way down, your saliva dripping onto his balls.
"F-fuck..." He huffs in a raspy voice and holds you down to stop you. "Get up." He asks and holding you by the hand, leads you up to his room.
The kisses are again desperate, insane, Norman's hands run all over you and at the same time that lack of focus on himself manages to calm him down. He pushes your body against the door, holds you there as he devours your mouth, again and again, his tongue fucking your mouth. You tangle your hands in his hair, your leg goes up to his waist and he pushes his hips against you, not entering, just rubbing against your core. Again he guides you without much effort, you lie down on the bed and Norman has you position yourself on top of him.
"Come on, girl, fuck me." He grunts and his hand spanks you.
You gasp, but you settle on top of him, hold his cock and slowly sit, sliding inside you until you're sitting on top of him again. Norman closes his eyes and bites his lip, you sigh, rest your hands on his chest and rock your hips very slowly, accommodating yourself to his size, watching as he opens his mouth in a muffled moan and his hands claw at your thighs. There, watching him completely at your mercy, you suddenly feel powerful, important and loved. The ring glistens on your finger and for a few seconds your eyes fill with tears, but you pull yourself together, lean your body back, gripping his knees, Norman repositioning himself under you to make you more comfortable and you increase the speed of your hips.
"Oh fuck, that's..." He grunts under you, feeling his cock slide in and out, by the rhythm of your hips. "Shit, you feel so good..." His hands run up your legs, squeezing your wide hips and back down to your thighs, you moan, speeding up some more. "Yes, come on, milk me like only you know how, my little slut."
"Norman!" you moan again, bouncing on top of him. "H-help me." You ask feeling your arms start to go limp.
Norman grins beneath you, his fingers grip your waist, digs his heels into the mattress and begins to fuck you at an insane pace. You both moan and scream loudly, his cock ruining you every time he hits that precise spot, your head drowning in pleasure. Norman feels his legs shaking again and knows he's reaching his own limit. He stops and joins in, hugging your body, surrounding you with his whole being, moving your hips on his cock again, relentlessly until he finally explodes inside you, vibrating each time your pussy clenches and sends a new wave of pleasure to his balls, he embraces you, keeps you glued to his body, his face hidden in your neck, his hot, erratic breath gives you goosebumps, he feels your nails digging into the skin of his shoulders, it hurts, but he certainly isn't going to complain.
Slowly you both catch your breath, you separate a little to look at him and share a slow, tired kiss. Your eyes stay more closed than open and Norman smiles, pushing your hair away from your face again. How he loves to see you like this, wild, alive, free.
"Hold on a little, okay?" he asks you in whispers. "I'm going to run you a bath." He offers but you are only able to hum in a nod.
He smiles leaving a kiss on your forehead, carefully pulls out of you and lays you on the bed, you curl into a ball, hugging the pillow, sinking your nose into it. You love the Norman smell it gives off.
He gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom, regulates the temperature and puts the plug in so that it fills up, he also puts in one of those scented pills that you like so much, he doesn't like so much, he feels like a lollipop after getting out of the water, but that night he can make an exception. When the bathtub is full, he comes out to find you, you've fallen asleep, hugging his bed, he smiles, his heart hammering hard in his chest, he could spend his life admiring you and never get tired of it. His smile grows wider when he notices the ring on your finger.
A lifetime of admiring you. He could definitely do it now.
The End.
Okay!! I hope you liked it!!
See you in the next stories!!
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chefboyar-zeee · 7 months
A Star Is Born - Born That Way
Opening Thoughts/ Remarks
How is the film related to the social context of the country during the film’s production? 
The film takes place in post war America. Employment was shifting a lot post World war II, and a lot more money was being allocated to film and the world of Hollywood to hopefully allow people to escape their realities. Women were being made to be stars, so the plot of this film is a reflection of that, although the original was made almost 20 years prior. Although it is not a large plot point, segregation was being challenged and eventually destroyed during the mid 1950s during the release. There are Black characters, but only on camera when performing as part of an ensemble. There was also an emphasis on the nuclear family, encouraging people to conform to standards set by the American government. 
In what ways are the performance spaces separated from the narrative spaces in the film? 
They’re interconnected. Like discussed in the reading, Patullo talks about the integrated narrative and spectacle. Something that relates and drives the narrative and plot, but does not explicitly draw on the character’s film experiences.
“You gotta have me. Go with you. All the time” is the line Esther sings when escorting Norman off stage. I think this is very indicative of the relationship between the two throughout the film.
Esther sings this after meeting Norman and him offering her dinner to which she declined. The song isn’t from Esther to Norman but it seems rather fitting for their circumstances, especially after admitting that he is a nice man, drunk or sober - her being the only one who views him that way at this point in the film.
How is spectacle integrated into the film’s narrative? 
I think disorderly conduct is the film’s first use of spectacle in the way that it distracts from what audiences should be experiencing as a pleasant, entertainment. Instead of focusing on the performers, the audience in the film and of the film now shift their focus to a drunk man. This is that integration into the narrative. Esther as a character is definitely the most spectacle aspect of the narrative. Her life and career because something for audiences in the film and watching the film to gawk at, judge, and form opinions on. The choices she makes career wise and personality are intended to be analyzed and publicized to push her narrative and character development. The film relies on it. 
With the exception of the opening dance, Esther performs a lot in red, either symbolically showcasing her relationship with success or failure. Her signature lip is also red. Like in the film preview, she runs around pleading with producers, agents, and managers in a grey dress with red linings and runs into several rooms where she is turned away, wearing red and some neutral colors.
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What is the role of dance and movement in relation to the film’s narrative and spectacle?  
Dance is less of a narrative for this film, but there is a lot of significance in the movement. When they are dancing, it usually is a matter of spectacle or to distract from what the characters are saying. This makes sense because although the dancing is the subject of that scene, the dancers aren’t the spectacle, the story in the song is. 
Pattulo says in the reading that the second type of musical attempts to bridge the gap between narrative and number, aiming for integration of spectacle into the film’s primary narrative structure. I believe, at times, this is the intention with the use of performances to demonstrate narrative. 
The first mention of dance and there’s a public performance, seems to be spectacle as there are women in pinked out traditional Native American regalia and feathered outfits. There is somewhat of a rodeo happening where people are riding, standing on, jumping around horses, along with dancers doing ballet, modern. The women are wearing red feathers and intense red makeup and cowboy hats. The chaos of the scene seems to be a proper introduction to Norman’s character and his restless and relentless energy and “do anything i want attitude” he is drunk and ensues chaos on stage for all the performers. Because he is a spoiled celebrity, he constantly gets enabled in excuse of him being that star. 
Large dance numbers with huge productions are used in this film as a spectacle to either project the mood of the scene or to distract, and somewhat, project the feelings of the characters at the moment.
In what ways does impossibility within the film ensure the audience escapes from reality?    
There is a segment of scenes where the director uses audio over literal film pictures. It occurs during moments between between when Esther and Norman meet. Upon researching, I think now it was because of the scenes being cut from the original film after re releasing in theaters a shorter version, by 30 minutes.
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They use it very interestingly, and I am still uncertain about the intention here. For weeks, Esther finds another job while Norman leaves the set of his film in efforts to find her. I am gathering that time has stopped for these two. Although Esther feels this new fire under her ass, she’s without the man that put it there. Norman can not be satisfied until he has seen what’s become of her. 
Contradictory to the question, the film ensures the audiences in immersed into the reality of the movie/Hollywood industry. The film is strategic about showing the trials and tribulations of Hollywood as Esther is transitioning into her new role. She visibly struggles to adjust and acclimate to the speed of “the business.” they show a lot of set designing, and behind the scenes rehearsals. I suppose this shows the impossibility of their public lives and their relationship with their celebrity. As people, we tend to put celebrities in a box that they live in in our brains.
Discussion Questions
Does it feel backstage for this musical to use predominantly song over dance/movement to push the narrative?
Consider the film's portrayal of fame and celebrity culture in the 1950s. How does it reflect the societal attitudes towards stardom during that time? Are there parallels or differences with contemporary views on fame and spectacle?
Do the musical numbers serve as spectacle alone, or do they deepen our understanding of the characters and their emotional journeys?
Thank you for listening!!!
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#oxyfilmmusical @theuncannyprofessoro
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
my angsty bob's burgers au that's like a character study for bob and louise (specifically how they enable each other's worst traits as linda pointed out) <3
when louise is three years old, gene is five and tina is seven linda goes to pick up gene and tina from school and gets into a car accident where all three of them are killed. bob was working at the restaurant and louise was w/ him
obviously they both take it pretty hard, since bob lost two of his kids and louise lost her mom and her siblings :( bob tries to keep it together for louise & continues running the restaurant and taking care of her while struggling with grief. he doesn't want to be like his dad and emotionally shut out louise or avoid all discussion of her dead family so he really TRIES to be there for her and vunerable and talk about her siblings and mom but it's hard and louise was already not a very social kid. they end up being pretty isolated from their community and mostly keep to themselves without having any friends or family to rely on. outcast type vibes </3 very similar to norman bates and his mom in bates motel (but less incest and murder-y). but louise is DEFINITELY a daddy's girl and has a very strong connection to him (and fear of losing him)
linda's family (and especially gayle) are obviously devastated without her and don't really talk to louise or bob anymore bcuz they're just a living reminder of what they lost. gayle didn't get along super well with louise to begin with
big bob tries to be there to support bob and louise bcuz he's been where they are, but it's hard on him too, losing two of his grandkids after he already lost his wife. and without linda there to repair their relationship and keep things friendly they eventually fall out of touch w/ each other
bob doesn't really talk to people or socialize outside of the bare minimum with his customers, and louise doesn't have her older siblings to push her outside her comfort zone or anybody to look up to and emulate other than bob so she becomes a social outcast herself & the kids at her school are scared of her and think she's weird and creepy (she def leans into the personality of s1 and s2 louise a little more with the voodoo/horror type stuff. she's got serial killer vibes tbh)
louise is creepy and generally keeps to herself but she's also just mean and pushy and rude to other people. she becomes a bit of a bully esp to the weirder kids like andy and ollie without her siblings around to morally guide her and remind her to be kind. bob definitely tries his hardest but parenting and grief is Hard especially with being a single parent and there's only so much he can do..... there's a little bit of disconnect between them. so when teachers from school call bob and tell him that louise is being kinda pushy and rude to kids on the playground he's just like "well she's louise. thats how she is" and doesn't challenge her as much as he probably should esp w/ the grief and trauma in her life, he feels like he has to go easy on her and let her get away with things she otherwise wouldn't have
teddy still eats regularly at bob's burgers of course but he doesn't exactly. make conversation with bob and without linda around he doesn't feel welcomed as a friend, he's more of just a regular customer who comes around a few times a week for a burger. definitely not bob's best friend
louise was so young when linda, gene and tina died that she doesn't remember them at all by the time she's her canon age in the show. she knows she HAD siblings and she's seen pictures of them but she can't remember what they sounded like or their personalities, sometimes it freaks her out and she imagines what they would say to her if they were still around. it's just hard for her :( and especially without her relationship with linda to show her the complexity of womanhood i think she has some more internalized misogyny. a lot of mental health issues and trips to mr frond's office (which she HATES)
because linda died after louise was already in preschool she did sew louise's ears for her before she died and they're her last keepsake from her mom, so of course she wears them all the time and has an even stronger emotional attachment to them. bob's pretty good at sewing and knitting so he fixes them up for her whenever they're torn
louise got tina's bedroom (previously their shared bedroom) all to herself after they died while bob stayed in his and linda's old bedroom. gene's bedroom becomes like a weird office/storage space that they dont really use for anything they just keep some of tina and gene's old things in there like his keyboard etc. louise's closet bedroom remains a closet lmao but louise does end up with a pretty cool bedroom when she's older
louise would eventually become friends with rudy in this au because he's like the first person to show her the kindness and empathy that her siblings would have if they'd been alive, and he's not scared of her. this au would mostly be about their developing relationship and louise trying to become a more social and less.... aggresive person??
bob could probably learn something from her too. it's so hard to lose your family and losing children is the hardest thing ever but you can't stay in that grief for the rest of your life. especially when you DO have a surviving child to take care of and love as hard as that might be sometimes (he's not neglecting her or anything but neither of them really..... moved on emotionally after the accident. bob probably doesn't drive bcuz he's scared of hurting her, and he's definitely overprotective of louise because he doesnt want to lose the only person in the world he's still alive for)
probably not gonna do anything serious with this au but it's something I do think about from time to time. also on a lighter note these messages w/ @goldendoodlerlockerlove
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 5 months
Ok so first off. This au started with BANTIM because my friend kept making Splatoon jokes and I was like hmmmm what if.
Just some like. Info on who is what first off (all colours listed are their original colours, now everyone except Henry and Joey has black ink)
Joey Drew: inkling (purple)
Henry Stein: inkling (yellow)
Sammy Lawrence: octoling (green)
Jack Fain: salmonid
Susie Campbell: inkling (light blue)
Norman Polk: eel (laser eyes) (red)
Daniel “Buddy” Lewick: atlantic wolffish
Bertrum Piedmont: spider crab
Lacey Benton: inkling (pink)
Wally Franks: cleaner wrasse
Allison Pendle: angelfish
Thomas Connors: octarian (brown)
(I don't talk about a lot of these guys much, but Wally is the janitor, Jack is the lyricist, Allison replaced Susie as Alice's voice actor, Thomas helped build the ink machine, and Lacey was Bertrum's assistant. In this au Allison and Tom voice Alice and Boris respectively for the news, which is animated after Joey takes over.)
Ok so the main plot is Joey still runs an animation studio, and it's still kind of falling through and losing money and Joey is mad about this. Also, Henry left the studio like four years prior which made him real mad. So he decided to start experimenting with stuff to bring his cartoons to life, and he actually succeeds after finding some remaining crystals that haven't dissolved and using them to bring Bendy, Alice and Boris to life (Bendy is a cat, Alice is a rabbit, and Boris is a wolf. For reasons.) but this wasn't enough for Joey so he got Tom to help him build the ink machine. He also stole the great Zapfish to power it but whatever that doesn't matter. Anyways Joey used the ink machine to slowly sap colour from the inky guys, turning their coloured parts black and pretty much mind controlling them. He has all the colours in a giant ball in his evil lair. Also, the Ink Demon is a manifestation of the lack of colour, it is the opposite of the colour ball. Yeah :3
So anyways. Henry hasn't left his house in four years nor has he watched the news in also four years. He has been really sad because he misses his friend and feels bad for leaving Joey Drew Studios. Anyways his wife tells him to go get milk and he says ok and pretty much as soon as he leaves Bendy jumps out at him and tells Henry he ran away from Joey because Joey was being evil and stealing colours and Henry needs to go stop him or everything will be bad. (Important to note: instead of black, Henry is still greyscale but his ink is white) So Henry is like ok and goes with Bendy to the studio where Joey seems him coming and promptly ejects him to Bendyland.
So the first area is the theme park! Here the enemies are mostly like. Squid tentacles. Kinda similar to octarians but not sentient they are just kinda there. Lacey is also there, and she's attacking Henry just to try and get him to leave because it's not safe here and Henry is just like yeah I wish I could leave. He tries to escape but his exit is blocked by Bertrum who is like. Actually just a giant crab right now he's also attached to the floor. So Henry fights him and Bertrum mostly just has cool spinny attacks. But yeah Henry wins and Lacey jumps down to tend to Bertrum's wounds and Henry leaves Bendyland.
The next stage is the City Square. You see this part introduces Buddy (who gives you weapons and tips) and also the greyscale Inklings, who are just like. Black instead of bright colours and wear goggles that make it look like their eyes are glowing. They also attack you. Henry fights his way to the news station and asks Allison and Tom what's going on and Allison is like oh yeah hi so Joey's kinda crazy. Anyways you really shouldn't be here if we don't attack you Joey will probably do something bad to us. So that boss fight takes place on set, and theres like. A ring of water that Henry has to jump over and Allison and Tom just send waves of enemies at Henry, starting with just regular ol' tentacles enemies and then tentacles that try and push you into the water then greyscale Inklings. So Henry wins and Allison is like cool good job, you are obviously the right guy for this job and you can go do this. So Henry keeps going.
Henry is just in a different part of Inktopolis now, heading towards the entertainment district which is where the studio is. This part is real similar to the last part, except the whole place is completely drowned in ink, and this time the boss is Norman Polk, who used to be either an inkling or octoling but is now a giant eel with glowing eyes that eats people. His fight mostly takes place on platforms that you can like. Jump to and shoot from since the whole this is surrounded by ink and Norman is like. Swimming in the ink. Norman starts by going under the ink and jumping out at Henry and trying to bite him, then spraying ink at him, then submerging the platforms and making Henry swim while he tries to bodyslam Henry. Henry gets out though,
The final area before the studio is the entertainment district. Here you are not only attacked by greyscale Inklings carrying guns, they also have musical instruments that spray ink at you. The music here also seems more personal. So Henry makes his way to the big ol' stage at the very end of the long, winding street, and has to fight the band that has made all the music he has been hearing up to this point (Sammy, Susie and Jack). They are all up high, sitting on fake clouds suspended from the ceiling. Sammy monologues a bit but Jack ends up jumping down first. His section is mostly him setting up turrets to attack Henry until Henry takes him out. Sammy then jumps down and plays a violin, doing this funky pied piper thing and summoning the greyscale band members to attack Henry until he takes Sammy out. Susie's part mostly takes place in the air as she'll drop down for about a minute to use a singing attack, then she'll jump up to the fake clouds and snipe at Henry. So yeah he defeats them and FINALLY he can get to the studio.
Henry goes into the studio and is faced with all the enemies he had faced before just more. There's also a mini boss, the Butcher Gang (technically there are three of them but they make one mini boss) but other then that it's the same. He makes his way to Joey's "lair", and confronts him. Joey monologues about how it's so much better now that he holds all this power and blah blah blah evil stuff and starts egging on the Ink Demon to attack Henry. The floor is actually mostly covered in rainbow ink. Also. You see the stages of this fight mirror the previous boss battles. The first stage has a lot of spinning and stabbing, the second stage is fighting through hordes of enemies, the third stage the Ink Demon tries to bodyslam Henry, and the fourth stage Joey snipes at you from above. Joey also has sprinklers that make certain areas untouchable. Anyways. Henry is getting overwhelmed and really regretting going in alone, but just when all hope seems lost...everyone he defeated and saved shows up! You see. Jack, Sammy and Susie are armed with The Old Song (this universe's version of the Calamari Inkantation) and help bolster Henry. The power of it also breaks Joey's gun somehow so he has to go down onto the floor (he was previously in a control booth) and use a roller to attack Henry. Joey also absorbs the giant or of colour he had so he can be more powerful. His ink is rainbow now. Anyways Henry ends up overpowering Joey and the Ink Demon ends up eating Joey, which causes it to explode because it technically destroyed the colour ball keeping it alive. So yeah! Colour and sentience is restored and everyone goes home!
But you see. There's also lore around this! You see in Joey Drew Studios you can see a lot of things branded Aperture. This is because Joey and Cave were buddies and had an alliance. Cave was actually spared from the greyscaleing because he was giving Joey power eggs so that's. Something. Anyways! Below is a list of all the canon companies we have thus far (Inkwell Studios is the rival company to Joey Drew Studios, and it's the company that "made" Cuphead so that's why no employees are listed)
Mann CO.
The Administrator: horrorboros
Miss Pauling: inkling (lavender)
Saxton Hale: cohock
Mister Bidwell: chum
Mister Reddy: chum
Jerry: inkling
Spy: inkling
Scout: inkling
Pyro: seahorse
Solider: octarian
Demoman: pistol shrimp
Heavy: cohock
Medic: cleaner shrimp
Sniper: octoling (raised by salmonids)
Engineer: hermit crab
Redmond Mann: inkling
Blutarch Mann: inkling
Grey’s Gravel CO.
Grey Mann: inkling (grey)
Olivia Mann: inkling (olive)
Cave Johnson: inkling (orange)
Caroline: octoling (blue)
Doug Rattman: sea urchin
Black Mesa
Breen: octoling (ice blue)
Judith: octoling (green)
Colette: inkling (maroon)
Gina: octoling (ivory)
Gordon: clownfish
Barney: blue lobster
Kleiner: sea anemone
Eli: parrotfish
Azian: swordfish
Magnussen: flying fish
Russel: steel eel
Inkwell Studios
Joey Drew Studios
So yeah. Aperture does the salmon runs and it is actually even more messed up because a) there are just salmonids. Living among everyone. And b) Cave does hire salmonids for testing. But yeah you see he was friends with Saxton, but Saxton didn't like him anymore because he was preying on the weak and Saxton has an actual moral code so like. He stopped beings friends with Cave and Cave was like ok then! There's nothing stopping me from stealing eggs then! So he does that. Caroline hates this but she's terrified to be put of a job.
Nothing really happens at Black Mesa luckily, they just do funky science and come up with cool new stuff. Colette and Gina also have a band together because Decay Girls goes hard as a band name. Speaking of bands, Aperture has an orchestra that's entirely it's test subjects, both RED and BLU are bands in their own rights, and Saxton, Bidwell, Reddy, Jerry and Miss Pauling all play salmonid type music and are directed by The Administrator.
Also the story of the Team Fortress comics does still happen, Grey still attacks Mann CO. with robots, ends up killing his brothers, then steals Mann CO. from Saxton by exploiting Saxton's moral code that won't let him fight a child. So yeah that whole thing happens. It happens kind of far away though so it's not catastrophic.
So anyways salmonid territory is the Australia equivalent, and golden eggs are the australium equivalent (australium is gold that can extend your life, make you stronger, do all sorts of stuff.) Sniper was raised by salmonids, so he had believed for years he is one and was really devestated when he found out he wasn't. He was even more devestated when he found out his biological parents were using golden eggs to try and power their rockets (Sniper had previously developed a grudge towards Spy as he believes Spy has participated in salmon runs. So yeah. He doesn't like filthy child thieves). Heavy comforts him and tells him that even if he is an octoling on the outside, he is a salmonid on the inside. Then the Classic Mercs show up and shoot Sniper so like.
But yeah that's what's shaking.
Does. Does your friend have a Tumblr by any chance? They seem like one of the coolest people ever and I’d like to meet them if possible.
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 115
Chapter 115: “Jin and Hayato”
Understandable that Ray is still on edge about seeing other humans since the Ratri attacked them, but he pushes that unease aside once his leader gives the order. It’s nice the three of them each take out one of the wild demons though Emma could’ve easily done so herself like she did in ch100.
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They’re both precious boys but not exactly the smartest team Norman could’ve sent out to search for the escapees. Easily forgiven though since they make such a fun first impression which is very much needed after the last couple chapters.
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Makes me wonder if they knew to look for children with IDs on their neck because they saw Norman’s or because he simply told them what to look for. Probably the latter. Also love Jin’s cute owl pin.
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If you think you’re a big escapee fan, then these boys will surely give you a run for your money.
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Keyword: “yet,” because when those powerful people and the boss are away at the capital many chapters in the future, take a lucky guess on what happens.
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I know I praise the fullscore trio for knowing each other so well but this moment between Ray & Don is pretty great too with how they purposefully give Jin & Hayato the wrong information to see if they will correct them, thus proving the duo to be legit. This whole meetup happens so fast that I doubt Ray nor Don had time to plot out this misdirect, so the fact they came up with it on the spot was pretty neat.
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TPN give-my-favorites-a-break challenge. Difficulty level: extreme.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Congrats, both of you are now accepted into the family.
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End of volume 13.
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youtubeyouniversity · 3 months
Welcome to the University Jacob!
You have 72 hours to create your account and send a ask to the main!
Name(What you will like to be called): Cation
Age: 26
Timezone: Mountain
Activity level: Variable with school year (I work for schools, more busy during the weekdays during school year)
Url: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/jacobalpharadxsquidx
Youtubers name/channel: Alpharad (Jacob Rabon)
Age(age in the Rp 19- 25): 23 (he dropped out when he was 18 and now he’s coming back to finish what he started)
Major: Cinematography and Japanese
Content(beauty, gaming, vlog, etc): Gaming
Secret/ Why they are here: ACCEPTED
Background: Jacob Rabon was born in Norman, Oklahoma, and found an early interest in film as a child. He took video editing and cinematography classes in high school and community college, aiming to be an editor of some kind, but due to the limitations of creative freedom in that line of work, he left college to pursue making videos instead. He started his youtube career at around 18 with videos featuring flagship Nintendo titles, such as Mario, Smash Bros, Splatoon, Pokemon, among many more franchises beyond Nintendo as well like Sonic or Among Us. Most of his content involved challenges, running jokes, or speed runs. He’s been involved both as a player and a host of various Smash Bros esports events, and he’s dabbled in music as well. He streams often now, but he still posts edited or narrated videos of challenges, travelling, or events that he’s done in recent times.        
Para Sample:(Has to be at least 2 paragraphs or 10-14 sentences)
            Jacob absently scrolled through the games on his switch while he waited for the mail to arrive. He had the console propped up in the windowsill so he could see the mail truck arrive above his view of the switch’s tiny screen. Having eventually selected Splatoon, he played with his pro-controller, guiding his Octoling character around the warm-up range, popping the target practice balloons with deadly precision. He had been playing the game off camera to wind down basically every day, but he certainly couldn’t be bad at a game he played every day, could he? Well, he knew for sure he was far from the best, but at least he was far from the worst too. Maybe if the university has a splatoon team, he could play for them maybe? First things first he’d need to get that letter.
Jacob got another match, he was just playing turf war, something he could easily abandon and without worry for his rankings. His Octoling popped out up on top of her spanwer, armed with the vanilla octobrush (of course Jacob used a girl Octoling, they’re irresistibly adorable he couldn’t resist). Eager to dive on the enemy team, Jacob launched his Octoling as far forward as possible from spawn, rushing her down towards the middle of the stage with her brush inking a thin line of paint behind. From here Jacob guided his Octoling into a series of clever shark attacks on his opponents: hiding in a corner of his team’s color ink, and then striking an enemy from behind as they pass by, successfully splatting several opponents in sequence. He pushed the boundary of his team’s coverage as he killed one after another. Soon his special was fully charged, zipcaster, which would let him his zip and cling to walls like Spider-Man and rain ink down from the sky unto his next victims. The enemy team was pushed back up against their spawning grounds, and when Jacob saw that his foes entered danger, he used his zipcaster, changing his Octoling into a glowing bullet of color as she flew high up above. She lept from her high perch, the special already down to 80% and swung her brush, splatting one, then two enemies. Down to 60% he soared her back into the sky, the spot where his Octoling had just been painted the enemy team’s color in the instant after he flew. From an alternate angle, Jacob brought her back down into the fray, splatting a third opponent, leaving just one left. Hitting 20% and severely damaged by enemy paint, Jacob decided to take a risk. He pushed his Octoling further, flying directly into the last opponent. The contact splatted the opponent, but not without Jacob taking a fatal splash of ink at the same time, trading with the last opponent and earning a full team wipeout. A flash of white struck from the corner of Jacob’s eye.
The mail truck had pulled up to his mailbox and was inserting one white envelope inside. With the enemy team heavily endangered and wiped out, with ten seconds on the clock, Jacob dropped his controller to his chair as he flew out the door to get the letter. He came back inside with the letter ripped open and the words “accepted” gleamed from inside. He smiled and picked up his controller, clicking the “keep going” button that appeared on his victory screen. If the university had a Splatoon team, he will need to practice a lot with more than just turf war. 
Secret Password: Chicken Nuggets
Additional Comments: the live splatoon 3 commentary has me DEAD - Lee
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