#then she and Norman meet up and have a talk
theitalianscribe · 4 months
Norman headcannons
In life, Norman was good at doing impressions. This carried over into his cyborg/android design with a program that lets him perfect replicate people's voices.
Building off the above point, Norman wasn't originally the one doing the company tapes. That person asked too many questions and thus were needed... elsewhere. Since he already was discreet and okay with all the shady stuff, Norman was put on voiceover detail.
Norman has/had a bird.
Norman having a bird probably works better in an au, but he has this bird, maybe a parrot, maybe a budgie, and it has a yellow head and its wings and chest are the same color. I picture them as pink or purple, but I'm having trouble finding birds with that coloring. When he meets the bird, Andrew/Morris is chuckling because Norman is wearing a jacket that happens to be the same color as the bird's and they look identical.
Just. Let Norman have a pet bird!
Also I have an AU where everyone is alive and in highschool. In that one, Watchful Eye Toys exists as a research company headed by Norman's parents and he is expected to take it over. (I wanted to ramble about this in the tags but I reached the tag limit so I am adding this back here as an extra bullet point.) He gives off heir to a big company and kind of sheltered vibes.
#welcome to Dreamworld#wtdw#welcome to dreamworld Norman#icy babbles#also i hc norman as demi amd pan#i have a storyline in my head where everyone is alive amd they are still in highschool#Sara and Norman start hanging out#amd people atart assuming that they are dating#Sara is like “well he's aesthetically attractions ve amd we get along and im supposed to be dating at this point#so might as well“#or when she was younger and everyone was talking about crushes people asked her who she had a crush on and Sara picked Norman#because i dont have one and people think I should have one so ill have a pretend crush on Norman#but after they agree to be a couple both are waiting for the sparks everyone talks about to happen but they never come#amd neither tells the other that they dont feel anything#then Norman thinks “I think this is the situation where we are supposed to kiss” so he does#and Sara has a panic attack and doesn't know why#so she pushes Norman and runs out#she has a conversation with someone. Right now Dream and I are thinking Celio#and Sara realizes that she is aroace or on the ace spectrum#then she and Norman meet up and have a talk#They stay friends#then after a while of being friends with Andrew Norman starts getting feelings#and he is so confused#he vents to Sara about this and Sara is like “welcome to the aspec club”#also around the time Sara and Norman started dating#Wiatt and Andrew are having an adventure where they find an underfed shapeshifter#Andrew's parents work at a vet clinic so Andrew helps with the animal healing and Wiatt helps with the magic#(shinanigans with this universe's Litho cause this Au's Wiatt to have trauma and magic capabilities to help a creature that feeds on magic)#and by the end Wiatt amd Andrew have shared custody of a shapeshifting scrimblo they name Oddity#because i love the idea that Amdrew and Wiatt have joint custody over Oddity like two dads on an amicable divorce and Oddity gets two houses
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blackwidownat2814 · 1 month
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x female reader, Tyler Owens x shy!reader, Tyler Owens x insecure!reader
Word Count: 1408
Summary: You begin your new job as a Tornado Wrangler (remotely), and meet most of the team. It isn't until you suffer a little mishap that you meet the man himself.
A/N: Thank you all so much for the wonderful response to the Prologue!!! I didn't think it'd be that much of a hit, so I was surprised with all the love. After finishing this chapter, I feel like it could've been part of the Prologue, but oh well. It's been a while since I've written as well, so bear with me. As always, thanks to my awesome beta, @buckysdollforlife, for their help with this and for creating the header for this story (I LOVE IT!!!!) and bestie, @13braincellsonly, for allowing me the use of their son's name and personality when I needed to come up with a horse. **All descriptions of Ziggy the horse were approved by his momma.** And as always, I will be cross-posting this to AO3. If you see this story anywhere besides AO3 or Tumblr, it's stolen.
City Girl Knows Her Stuff
You became a Wrangler near the end of the season that first year.  Kate picked you up at the airport with two members of the team: Lily and Dani.  Lily immediately pulled you into a hug, chatting a mile a minute about how excited she was to have you on the team.  Dani (perhaps picking up on your shyness) offered a handshake and big smile, welcoming you to Oklahoma.  Kate was more than happy to let Dani and Lily talk your ear off on the drive to Sapulpa, where you’d be staying with Cathy until you found a place.  She knew it was somewhat difficult for you to make friends, so she was happy to see you enjoying a conversation with two new friends.
You got to meet Dexter when he came by in the van to pick up Lily and Dani.  You thought he was funny and enjoyed some very science-centric conversations with him.  Before they all left, Lily let you take her drone for a spin.  You enjoyed it so much that for your birthday later that year, she gifted you a smaller drone that wasn’t quite like hers, but it had a small camera and small, tinny sounding speaker.  She even had it painted in your favorite color.  That would become one of your absolute favorite gifts.  It made you cry.
Like most storm chasers, you had to have a job in the off season, so you got a remote data analyst job with the NOAA offices in Norman and moved out to a place just out of Sapulpa.  This would allow you to visit Cathy at the farm and work on data in the barn workshop the Wranglers had set up.  You even got yourself a cat.  Abandoned due to his looks and runt status (according to the shelter), you snatched him up the first time you saw him.  Black cats didn’t scare you.  Life with Roach (you’d spent quite a bit of time watching The Witcher) was idyllic and you were happy.
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By the time you met Boone, the Wranglers felt like family…and Boone felt like the brother you never had.  Like Boone, you were an only child and didn’t have much of an extended family and it was a bit lonely in the beginning.  The difference, however, was that Boone was an outgoing guy and it was easy for him to make friends and talk to people he didn’t know, whereas that scared you half to death most of the time.  You loved his boisterous way of being, but you also appreciated that he (like Dani) could tell when your social battery had run down and turned it down and would sometimes sit with you in a quiet environment.  Sometimes he’d sit and nap while you read or he’d pick up the latest meteorological article (or sometimes the latest comic he picked up at the shop).  He didn’t even make fun of your nickname like others had before, so you trusted him.
The day of Cathy’s pre-tornado season bbq, while cleaning some dishes, you confessed to Boone that you were nervous about meeting the head tornado wrangler himself, Tyler Owens.
“T’s a sweetheart B, you got nothin’ to worry about.  Why are ya nervous?”
“Boone!  He doesn’t know me, what if he doesn’t think I’m a right fit for the team?  What if he doesn’t like how I do work?  Y’all are famous ‘round here, what if he gets irked by the fact that big crowds make me nervous and it takes me forever to become comfortable with people?  You know it’s not easy for me to talk to people I’ve never talked to before”, you cried in exasperation.
“B, imma need you to take a breath, okay?” Boone reassured you as he placed his hands on your shoulders.  “If Ty thought any of those things, I would definitely not be workin’ with ‘em.”
You were so busy trying to get yourself to relax that you missed Kate wandering into the kitchen.
“B, are you freakin’ out about meetin’ Tyler again?” she asked.  You and Boone nodded.  “Well, you don’t have to worry.  He won’t be able to come today, said he had to drive down to Texas to see his parents.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, sending some of your hair floating up.  “Good, I have time to relax about it.  Thanks Kate.”
“Thank Tyler’s parents.”
“Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Owens!” you said to no one in particular and dried your hands, as you looked over at your friends.  “See you two out there!”
Kate and Boone followed, but stayed on the porch, both taking twin sips from their beers.
“You think either of them has any idea what’s about to happen to ‘em?” Boone asked.
“Meaning that Tyler is going to become enamored the second she opens her mouth?”
“And that she’s going to have the same thing happen to her the second she comes into contact with that cocky cowboy swagger that he exudes when you meet him the first time?”
“No, I don’t think either of ‘em knows what’s coming.”
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A few days before the chasing season began, you brought Roach down to Cathy’s, where he would be staying while you were out with the Wranglers for your first season on the road.  
While there, you asked Cathy if you could saddle up your favorite of her horses, Zig, nicknamed Ziggy.  He wasn’t the brightest of the bunch; he was the type of horse you’d see in a video because someone thought he was dead but in actuality, he was just sleeping.  You swore that his mother, a horse named KJ, rolled her horse eyes every time someone caught him playing dead.
Ziggy may not have been the sharpest pitchfork in the barn, and may not have enjoyed doing much of anything besides looking dead when he slept, but he enjoyed riding through fields with you.  He knew whenever he saw you approaching with a bowl that he was about to get one of his favorite snacks: ice cubes with apple bits in them.  You put Ziggy’s snack bucket down so he could munch while you brushed him and got him saddled and ready to go for a ride.
When Ziggy let you know that he was done with his snack, you popped in your earbuds and shuffled your favorite classical music playlist on Spotify.  You found it was one of your favorite ways to relax.  After you climbed on Ziggy’s back, and kicked him into gear, you took off for the open fields near the road leading up to the farm.
You’d been out there for a while when you started hearing the faint rumble of an engine, but ignored it because trucks passed near this area all the time.  You probably shouldn’t have ignored it though, because when that modified-to-withstand-tornadoes red Dodge Ram 3500 turned on to the road and took off towards the main house, Ziggy took off after it.  By now, you shouldn’t have been surprised that he recognized the truck or the person in it, but you were…and because you were so thrown off by it, your hands (stupidly) had not been holding the reins.  And because you had not held on, you went flying off Ziggy’s back while he just followed the familiar truck.  Lucky for you, the fall didn’t cause you to go unconscious, but it did knock the wind out of you after you landed hard on your back.
As you attempted to take deep breaths, you heard someone yelling and running towards you, so you tried to sit up.  The voice yelled for you to not move, so you listened and stayed on the ground, with your eyes shut.  You just lay there, waiting.
All of a sudden:
“Are you okay?” the voice asked.  You knew that you knew who the voice belonged to but you were so thrown by being thrown that your brain wasn’t focusing.  You blinked your eyes open, and your vision swam before focusing on the most beautiful face.
“Are you okay, darlin’?” he asked as he helped you sit up.
“Did you black out?”
“Do you know where you are?”
“Cathy’s farm, in Sapulpa.”
“Do you know your name?”  He smiled when you told him.  “Where’d you come in from?”
“New York City.”
“Why are you here?”
“I’m the new data analyst for the Wranglers.”
“Well…looks like we got another city girl that knows her stuff.”
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Tagging: @ladybirdbeetle7 @omgbrianab @itsdesiree86 @avengersfan25 @keyrani @thedonswife13 @lonelyghosts-stuff
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amomentsescape · 6 months
hello! Are you ok?, I hope so ❤️ (by the way, your writing is wonderful)
I would like to make a request for Yandere Slashers with an S/O who is a mermaid, who usually kills people who dare to invade her lakes, and she kills these people by drowning.
(I'm sorry if there are any writing errors, English is not my first language, and I'm writing this using Google translate)
Slashers with Mermaid! Reader
Yandere! Slashers x Reader
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, Stu, Vincent, & Bo
A/N: I'm doing good, thank you <3 I hope you enjoy! (Also, I decided I'm going to remove Lester from the Slasher requests. I'm still very much open to writing for him when specified, but I feel like he doesn't quite fit in with all the other Slashers).
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Freddy Krueger
Meeting you was quite literally the best thing to ever happen in his undead life
He likes to team up with you, constantly coming up with different ways you both can contribute to someone's death
You pull them under, and they suddenly wake up in Freddy's world
Your dynamic is pretty ideal too
Whenever you sleep, you can visit him
And he has no issues with popping into your waters just to say hi
He does this quite often, in fact
He is very aware you can take care of yourself, but he still gets worried
You're his
He doesn't trust anyone being around you
Even if your only intention is to kill them immediately
He understands that where you are now is your home, but that won't stop him from doing whatever he can to have you live in his world
He can create the perfect environment for you
Miles and miles of nothing but water if your heart desires
Which hopefully it does
Since he isn't willing to wait much longer
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Michael Myers
He never thought creatures like you actually existed
But the moment he saw your strength and darkness, he was immediately drawn in against his better judgment
He visits more often then you think
He's always around, watching
You can feel eyes on you almost 90% of the day, but you never really know where it's coming from
He enjoys watching you swim and just relax
But he especially loves seeing you drag poor souls into the tide with you
There's something so twisted and yet magical about watching you kill
But this fascination is also paired with extreme jealousy
He hates seeing you touch other people
And he almost envies the way they get to be so close to you, even if it means their demise
He hopes to find a way to take you home with him for good one of these times
You told him you loved him, so you'd be happy as long as you're by his side
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Jason Voorhees
Out of all places to meet the love of your life, this one seemed especially unfortunate for Jason
But his feelings for you were strong enough to overrule his fear
He'll sit by the shore with you, hearing you talk and sing old tunes he's never heard before
He loves listening to your stories about the world underneath the current
But this always leaves him with such a deep feeling of sadness
He wants a life where you both can live together and share those memories
But he knows that's nearly impossible
He starts spending more time by the water side than the camp, finding that irresponsible teens like to be by the beach even more than the forest
You lure them in with your beauty and your words, and Jason finishes the job
He'll let you kill too if you really wish to, but he doesn't like the idea of those types of people being so close to you
He barely gets to touch you, so why should they get what he so desperately wants instead?
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Thomas Hewitt
In this desert like area of Texas, Thomas has to travel quite far to see you
But the one time he accidentally stumbled upon you, he was smitten
And you surprisingly didn't turn him into another victim like all the others
He was kind to you
And now, he brings you food and stops by as often as he possibly can
You've made him little necklaces out of bones and shells
He wears every single one of them
Your bond only gets stronger each time he comes to see you
But Thomas can only take so much
Why can't you be closer?
He knows the family would love you
And he could make you so happy
His bathtub is big enough for you, he's sure of it
He knows that you won't want to leave your own home for his, but he loves you and knows what will be best for you
He's just got to be patient
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Bubba Sawyer
His own family had to go on a search for him after he disappeared for a couple days
But he just couldn't help it
You make him so happy, and the more time he spent with you, the more difficult it became to leave your side
He's tried to jump in a few times to be with you, but you always persuade him out of it
He doesn't know how to swim, and you don't want him to end up like everyone else
That's when he decided that the best option would be to create your very own pond in his backyard!
That way, you could be with each other, and he would never have to say goodbye again
He hasn't told you this idea yet, but he's sure you'd be happy with it
This would also keep you from needing to kill anyone else
You're too beautiful to get your hands dirty
And it's unfair that they get to join you in the water when you won't let him do the same
He can make you super happy with his family, he's sure of it
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Brahms Heelshire
He hates this dynamic between you two
He wants you at home with him so you can take care of him, and he can keep you away from everyone else
No one should get to touch you or look at you besides him
He's actually tried to drag you out of the water before, but the prospect of accidentally killing you was enough to make him stop
He never knew he could envy a body of water as much as he does
It gets to hold you, touch you, and be with you at all times
He wants that too, so desperately
Because of you, he's gone from house dweller to nature enthusiast in just a matter of days
Even when you think he's at home, he's stalking around, watching you
He insists it's to keep you safe
In fact, you haven't had to drown anyone in quite a while
And you can thank Brahms for that
The moment he sees a single soul in the area, he drags them off and disposes of them before you even have a chance to see them
He wouldn't dare let you touch another being that isn't him
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Norman Bates
It honestly took him a really long time to believe that you were even real
He didn't think mermaids or sirens actually existed, so seeing you for the first time made him pinch himself to make sure this wasn't some weird dream
He also took a while to trust you since he didn't want to fall victim to your treacherous waters
But once he realized you were genuine, he dove straight in all at once
He visits you whenever he can for however long he can muster
Someone needs to run the motel, but God he wishes he could be with you 24/7
He's "jokingly" brought up the idea of you staying at the motel in a pool he could install for you
He just wants to keep an eye on you at all times
He constantly dreams of finding a way to make you human so you two can truly be together
Until you have two feet like him, it will never be enough
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Billy Loomis
Doesn't tell a single soul about you
Not even Stu
And it's not because he's embarrassed or wants to see other people
He's honestly just scared that others will either think he's insane or try to capture you
Visits you every day and makes sure to pack his swim trunks so he can join you in the water
Constantly admires you and wants to run his hands along your scales
He just thinks you're all around incredible
But he has this hidden level of anger towards the situation
He wants to walk around town with you, show you off
He wants you to join him on his sprees so you can see just how powerful he can be
And he hates the idea of not having eyes on you at all times
He knows you kill anyone who isn't him, but he doesn't want you getting that close to anyone in general
He spends his nights studying ways to get you to live with him
He'll find a way to have you all to himself, even if it ends up being the death of him
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Stu Macher
He actually first met you while you were seducing some poor soul to their death
And Stu was immediately enamored
He comes to see you whenever he can
He sometimes spends the weekend camping out along the shore just so he can spend more time with you
He thinks you're beautiful of course, but he can't help but fantasize what it would be like if you were human like him
You two come from very different worlds, but there's nothing that could keep you away from him
He likes to bring up the idea of mermaids and mythical creatures in casual conversations with people
How they react to it will determine whether they make his hit list
He likes to bring you jewelry and pretty objects from his victims, showing you items that you've never seen before
He talks about how one of these days, he's going to have a house built on the shore so he can be with you
And if you argue against it, he will shut down
The pent up frustration of not getting to sleep next to you every night makes his killings more brutal and his fantasies all the more darker
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Vincent Sinclair
Every time he comes to see you, he brings a new portrait or wax figure of you that he made
You flood his dreams and his mind 24/7
He honestly thinks he's under some sort of spell
He doesn't mind that you aren't human like him
He's always felt very different from everyone else, so it's nice for him to have someone he relates to
But his jealousy constantly gets the better of him
Anytime you tell him of some poor soul you drowned, he can't help but feel his blood boil
Even if it ends in their death, he hates the idea of you flirting or seducing these people
The only one who should be receiving that attention is him
Barely sleeps at night
He has snuck to the shore countless time without your knowledge, just watching you and making sure your stories line up with what he observes
Is overall obsessed even more than you know
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Bo Sinclair
If anyone saw you together, it would be enough to make them blush
The way you two can constantly flirt back and forth without any hesitation is otherworldly
You could have sworn he must have been a creature like you in a past life
He's so touchy when he's with you, not afraid to get his clothes wet in an effort to just be closer to you
He truly makes you feel accepted as you are and with where you live
But little do you know of his darker nature
He stalks the shore and kills off anyone that trespasses before you even have a chance to get to them
He doesn't need you looking at anyone but him
And he's already been renovating an old abandoned pool in Ambrose for you
You're going to finally be living with him like he's always wanted
You don't know this yet, but he's sure you'll be happy with the idea
It will be a great surprise
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insuke69 · 10 months
What's in a name?
✰⁂ Hobie brown × Rich!Osborn!reader
Part I, Part II
Synopsis: Osborn is almost a disgusting name because of the messed up things it has and the dirty money that holds it up by threads. And here is the child that sneaks out one night and meets a punk that goes directly against her father.
✩Warnings: cussing, Some angst, 'crybaby' reader, misunderstandings.
(mostly based on how earth-138 is)
Rated 13+(??).
✰5.7k words.
⚥Afab reader
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“Norman Osborn”
A name everyone has learned for the worst part, the name ‘Osborn’ has run though the streets of Camden through the blood and dirt that drips through its pristine and marble image, spoken like the candyman–as if it were uttered three times, they’d be cursed and face the consequences. The man who hated the poor and less fortunate that were scattered through England. The man who kept his paws clean by hiring those who needed the money, then turning them into the crooked police for the crimes he made them do. The cruel family man who’s destroyed homeless shelters and remade them into his own buildings for business, legal or not.
“(Y/N) Osborn.”
Here she was. The daughter of this monster, the girl who receives bloody money that her father steals from the innocent, The daughter who people are afraid to even talk to out of fear of her dad, the girl who can’t refuse what she’s given because she understands how much worse it can be. That doesn’t stop her from still trying as much as she can. Sneaking out of her mansion most nights to try and get a taste of college parties. Whenever she goes out during the day with her dad’s black card, She spends it on clothes and gives it away to those she knows really needs it, always wearing a face-covering balaclava so her father doesn’t somehow find this out. Instead of the piano lessons she attended where her fingers gracefully flowed between those white elegant tiles to create beautiful classical music–she tried to learn the electric guitar, mostly teaching herself to the rhythmic sounds and rough rumble of the guitar that Hobie Brown wields.
“Hobie Brown“
A name recognized as well throughout Camdon but for the exact opposite reasons, a name that drips with earned respect, a firm rough hardwood image that's covered in stuck-out nails and splinters. A Punk that directly strives against fascists like Osborn, and who’s blood boils when he learns Osborn’s cruel plans to begin using the old Canals again–mostly to flush out the homeless that reside there, The homeless who Spiderpunk always seems to be visiting and helping out.
Oh. Spiderpunk. A name Y/N can recognise due to her father’s phone calls that she overhears late at night, a name she always hears that is spit out with venom through her fathers and his colleagues lips, the name she sees in bold graffiti almost daily on her dads main company building. Jet black graffiti and red with blue undertones that drip almost beautifully down the glass panes it was sprayed upon. She always bites back a grin smile whenever she hears her dad ranting about the punk he ever so clearly despises.
Rough Meeting.
It was one of those days, those days where you despised everything in your life–that was unlucky, bad luck of yours to have been born in this universe. Bad luck that you were the daughter of a sadistic monster, how you were seen as a monster for even being related to him.
These emotions burned through your veins, making your hands tense and chest heavy. These emotions pool in your eyes the moment you walk through your large white bedroom door and crash into your Jado Steel Style Rose-Gold Bed. Your tense body relaxing but messy black mascara tears flowing down your face. Nobody understood, it's like you were speaking their language on deaf ears that didn’t care to hear you out. They didn’t care to hear out the brat, The Spoiled girl who has her life handed to her, the brat that no matter how hard she tries-
Can’t prove anything to everyone who is dead set on her being a spoiled daddy’s girl.
With boiling tears drying upon your soft smooth skin, You get up and change out of the clothes your main ‘Maid’, Roxanne, had put out for you earlier for your Dads event of a damn Factory opening that was built over another destroyed shelter. Removing the ruffle black dress with small cute green ribbons to show off your dads company colors along for him to display his gorgeous daughter. It’s not like he cared for anyone's image besides his own anyways.
Glancing at the clock, you sigh and dip your head into the pillow again,
You take a calming breath and change into some jeans and a loose black tee after crying some more for a few moments, the shirt only allowed for you to wear at home since it wasn’t perfect and elegant enough for the Osborn image. Ugh. You enter your private marble bathroom to wash your face free of those streaks of ‘weakness’ as your dad would call it. 
“Hey! Uhm, Roxy?” You call out softly, your door soon opening with Roxanne standing by it and looking over at you expectantly.
“Yes, Miss?” Roxy said back in her usual calm and blank expression, her expression shifting ever so slightly at the sight of you wearing your usual clothing you do whenever you plan on sneaking out without Osborn knowing.
“Don’t let father see me going out, if he asks about me, tell him that I’m upset and tired from the event and to not disturb me.” you tell her as you reach under your bed to grab a shoebox where your balaclava, hoodie, and gloves are stored and hidden away. You wish you didn’t have to wear all this just to be an actually not-bad person, but you can’t risk angering your dad. He always told you to never dwell on what has to be done. 
“It’s a dog eat dog world, You can’t cry about others who don’t have the guts to do what has to be done.”
Those words are always playing in the back of your head, your own dad telling it to you soothingly to help stop your tears–when you were about eight. You were crying because you were thinking about the lives he’s ruined and took for you two. Well.. More like for Oscorp. 
You snap out of that memory as you clear your throat and put everything on to hide the safety of your identity while Roxy watches with that neutral face you’ve seen and known your whole life. She’s the closest thing you’ve ever had to a mother, by textbook definition because she brought you up with care and some affection. But your actual birth mom had died while giving birth to you, you never met her once besides the moment she passed with you in her arms. Since then, Your dad has seen you as if you were the last living part of her that he has besides memories and pictures of her. He's always telling you that you’re her spitting image but you just.. Can’t see it. Probably because she is always glowing and happy in her pictures with anyone, she had a normal college student experience with friends and parties, she didn’t have an overprotective dad. 
You roll the glove over your wrist, pausing ever so slightly at a white gold bracelet your dad gave you when you turned thirteen, with your grandmas and mother’s name engraved into it, and yours engraved below theirs. An important and old heirloom to your dad since he wants you to always remain in touch with your moms side of the family–not like your dad spent much time with his family anyways.
“When are you going to get over this phase?” You suddenly hear Roxy ask from behind you which makes you jump ever so slightly before subtly moving it a bit lower on your wrist so the bracelet chain does not get caught in the fabric of the gloves.
“You really want me to answer that?” You ask rhetorically before fixing the balaclava over your features while walking to your window and sitting on the sil, Kicking your legs out and looking out on the city and lowering sun before actually answering Roxy, realizing she sounded even a little.. Disappointed.. in you.
“The Osborn name has done- Irreversible damage, And I’m just trying to help out the people who need it, and pay for my dads actions with actual kindness.” Your tone is soft and a bit honest, you adjust your hands to push yourself out of the window before Roxy can even reply. 
Your thick black boots break your landing as you fall in the green fluffy grass garden that surrounds your mansion, rose bushes and flowers adding some color to it since your dad agreed it would look good for our image, as if it wasn’t soiled already.
You make your way out of your house and just walk, stopping by an old tree that stood beside the path from your house to the city. Your foot stands on a nook where the tree had a brach that went out and folded in itself and your hand stretched up into one of its hard woodend pockets until you feel a familiar fabric, you pull on it until the backpack falls out with your hand holding it by the handle and hopping off of the tree.
This was your secret backpack that you didn’t even want on your own property so you kept it safe in a tree. This bag contained little necessities along with spray paint, some basic tools, cash, and pepper spray. You keep walking down the path and arriving at the city, where the air was polluted and slightly hard to breathe while the rest of the city had occasional litter, trash, and shady looking people who make it seem like it's better to walk across the street to the other sidewalk. 
You usually went out at night to be able to put some of your art on display in the streets: You had a sketchbook full of small things that you usually spray-painted on canals, or outside the wall of abandoned buildings. You didn’t know what this secret ‘hobby’ was really called, you just walked the streets of the city until you found a good spot and started to make your art. 
Nothing was out of the ordinary until you walked past an alleyway and in the corner of your eye, you saw someone in dirty clothes wearing messed up jeans and a worn out jacket, sitting on the ground outside a little blue tent with a small fire in a bin that lights up some of the alley.
You come to a small halt and debate whether walking over to the person or leaving them alone, your vision focusing in the dim lighting and revealing the other few tents there, some of the tents zipped up and indicating that whoever is in there is sleeping, and some people standing around with a lit cigarette in their calloused hand.
You swallow that gut feeling to leave them alone and walk over to a gas station, buying some instant pizza, sandwiches, and food for the people you told yourself not to bother and walk back over to them with the plastic bag in hand. 
You approach the person you saw, but they look over at you and seem to tense and quickly stand as they face you.
“Hey! Hi, relax, I brought some things for you and your friends?” You said with a gentle soft tone as you stepped closer slowly since the vagabond seemed wary of you with their eyes locked on your face.
“Oh! Damn, I forgot, hang on.” You murmur as you reach up to pull your mask over your eyes to show your face so that the person would be less afraid of you, holding out the bag of food.
Their face changes into a grimace, as if disgusted at how you’re trying to help them out. Recognizing you as the creation they and their whole community despised due to the cruel name that comes after your first.
They grimace at you and stare at you as if you were the one trying to drive them out of the city. The one that’s destroying non-profit shelters, as if it were your company that’s dumping all kinds of waste to the community- but that didn’t seem to have any matter to them anyways. 
Staring at you like you were some Monster.
“You’re not welcome here.” The person murmurs with a coldness and genuine hatred in their tone, sharp like an icicle that cuts through your heart sharply. It’s not like you couldn’t understand that, they didn’t know anything about you besides what your dad has done.
Before you can respond, they continue as they walk closer to you with their hands fisted to their sides,
“You aren’t welcome anywhere around here, you don’t even know what has been going on here, ‘princess’. You’re just some brat who needs some kind of sick ego boost to try and make people love you and respect your image.” Each word spat like venomous cold spikes as they gesture one of their hands, as they get closer–you can see the other people in the alley look over and seem to tense up and get worried in some way.
“I know what my father does, I’m so s-” You begin as you take a step back, but being cut off be the person speaking louder with exasperation in their tone.
“No you don’t! You don’t have any idea what Norman is even doing to us! You just sit there and look pretty while your dad is ruining lives!” And if there weren’t other people around- well, if there weren't one of their friends, a girl with baggy jeans and a gray beanie holding them back, you don’t question what would’ve happened to you or what they would’ve done if that girl wasn’t holding them back. 
“Dude..” The girl whisper yelled as she pulled the person yelling at you away from you and closer to herself, “What the hell are you doing? Don’t piss her off because she’ll tell her dad and he’ll fuck over each and everyone in this damn alleyway.” and she swats them on the shoulder.
You really are just ‘daddy’s girl’.
You stay quiet and just place down the bag of treats and just walk off, out of the alleyway. Feeling the earlier emotions come to a boil once again as you fix the balaclava back on your face and walk down the pavement of the dimly lit street.
With your eyes prickling with tears and resurfaced emotions following, you decide to walk to a part to calm down as the hot watered sadness drips from your eyes, down your cheeks and soaking into the fabric covering your face.
You find yourself here. Late at night. Silently sobbing your eyes out on a cold metallic bench you vividly remember your dad showing it to you when you were a kid.
You were about seven and you had fallen off a swing set and scraped your knee badly, you still have it slightly scarred on your knee if you looked for it enough.
Hot tears because of the burning pain on your soft flesh, you were sitting in this exact spot as your small hands were holding up your black and white striped leggings with your leg up, and Roxy tending to your wound with your dad sitting right beside you with his hand on his shoulder.
“You were reckless, and your mistake cost you. You don’t want to be getting hurt,” He begins before gently taking your chin with his calloused hand and making you look at him through sniffled sobs, “and you can’t be showing this weakness unless you want it to hurt you later on.” Your dad continued as he wiped away your tears with his leathery thumb brushing against your babyfat-filled cheeks.
And Now.
Crying like now you always did, as if you didn’t change. Still that little girl who only knows one thing: how to cry.
You sit back and hold your legs with your face in your knees, it's like everything that has been being held in–caused by your father or not.. Was crashing down and flooding your eyes like a broken dam through a canal. The balaclava grew damp before you hear an odd THWAP sound which makes you raise your head and look in the direction of the sound.
You see a familiar man with his gaze focused on you, wearing what seems to be a red spandex suit below a torn blue t-shirt and black ripped jeans that accentuate his already skinny and lanky body with a spiked leather jacket over his shoulders with several pins that decorate the chest  and a spiked mohawk on his head.
Once you notice him approaching you quickly reach your hand under the balaclava to wipe your cheeks from the excess tears, internally grateful that your mask was already dark and the moisture from your tears won’t be too visible to this man.
“Excuse me? You- you alrigh’?” The man asks, his soft yet cockney voice immediately making you recall who this man specifically was: You’ve heard his booming words at protest rallies but never saw from who the vocal fighting came from because of your dad and his security quickly ushering you away to keep you safe–or to keep you unaware of your father’s negative popularity. 
You sniffle for a second before answering “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just been a shitty night.” while you clutch your bag a bit closer to you since he was still a stranger to you. He sees you tense and he chuckles while shaking his head and putting his hands into his pockets.
“Calm down there, ‘m just making sure you’re not some dealer tryna make bad lives worse.” He says jokingly as he glances at the bag you’re clutching, but also at your body language, “You’ve gotta understand how it looks for me, to find some masked person sitting in a bench in the crappy part of town.” His voice was playful yet gentle as if to calm you, he had some kind of charm that made him seem almost easy to talk to–especially since this is the first conversation you’ve had in a while that wasn’t swayed against you due to your name.
“And imagine how this looks for me, some dude walking up to me as I’m sat happily on a park bench.” You say back to him with a smirk under your mask.
“Touché.” He chuckled as he shook his head and stepped closer while offering his hand, “The Name’s Spiderpunk.” Once he introduced himself, you felt a splash of relief as he confirmed who he was. His name is said in his own way, in such a calm manner that contrasts the venomous words your father speaks of him when he thinks you can’t hear his disrespectful language. “And you are..?”
His body language is weirdly calm and relaxed, not at all judging you or making you uncomfortable.. Is that a green flag or a red one? You take and shake his gloved hand with yours. This was the only time a stranger wasn’t immediately hostile or rude to you, and you didn’t want to lose that. ..So what’s a little white lie?
“Emily.” You answer him with a soft nod. Your mothers name? Why say her name?
“Emily,” Spiderpunk echoed with a smile in his voice, “And uh.. Wha’s with the whole.. getup?” He asked as he gestured to you vaguely, mostly to your mask that's covering your face and only shows your dark eyes and long lashes, that were ever so slightly red and puffy because of the earlier crying.
“Don’t worry about it, just- lets just say my face around here is.. Disliked.” Because of my damn father. 
He nods slightly, if he has some kind of expression on his face then you can’t even tell what it is because of his mask, you open your mouth to at least try and ask about that but he continued without realizing he practically interrupted you: your face is equally as covered.
“And uh.. Not that I don’ believe ya for your word, but I’ll have ‘o check that bag.” He says while gesturing at your backpack that you're clutching against you.
What? What kind of request is that? It’s not like you’ve even done anything to prompt this question in the first place, and who is he to ask about the bag or something?
“What are you, a cop? Some kind of narc?” You ask with your tone slightly more hostile than you’d want it to be. It’s not like you’re hiding anything either, but you literally have money and spray paint: You can get in trouble for some vandalism you haven’t even done yet.
He pauses for a second, seeming genuinely offended that you accused him of being a cop, as if you called him something below the respect that even vermin have.
“No. Nothing of the sort, never compare me to a cop.” He tells you firmly before muttering under his breath, “fucking pigs.” and without warning, he thwips a white silky rope out of his wrist and it attaches itself to your bag and rips it from your grasp.
You find yourself staring at Spiderpunk as he starts to casually go through your bag as if it were nothing and like you fully offered it to him. He chuckles as he sees some of your spray paint, you hear the cans clink as he shoves his hand into it and checks everything out.
“Tha’s it? Here I was partly thinking you’re some dealer trying to make sure this part of camden stays ghetto, but nah,” He hands you back your bag–He seems mostly amused by the obvious grin in his voice, “You’re just a stree’ artist?”
Street artist? That's what it’s called? You always loved art ever since you were a kid–So your dad always provided you art lessons, good paint, expensive sketching pencils, but he always made you draw boring things like fruit bowls or paint sunsets. But you even one time helped him with ideas for the Oscorp logo! That was fun for you at the time before you knew the shit Oscorp was doing.
But you realize he was pretty much asking for you to confirm if you’re a street artist or not. “Yeah- Yeah, I’m a.. Street artist?” You respond as you take the bag back, not even knowing if you’re saying it right, but you shouldn’t rely on someone to teach you so you reword what you said with a bit more of a firm tone “Yeah. I’m a street artist, tonight I haven’t really done art though.”
He nods and stays quiet for a moment as he looks at your masked face before he looks around and holds out his hand for you as if to help you up.
“Come with me, I know a good spot where you can put up your stuff. I was on my way there anyway so I could show you.” He had this tone where you knew you could say no, swat his hand away and run, politely decline and leave, Something but.. 
You take his hand and stand before slinging your backpack handle over one of your shoulders. His mask hiding every bit of emotion he can possibly be showing besides the lenses over his eyes that squint slightly at an expression every once in a while but beyond that–you have to heavily rely on reading his tones and body language.
“Do you trust me?” He asked as he glanced over at you. He seemed like he wanted to do something and just wanted some of your approval. He seems strong and like he’s able to do a lot–and he leaves the decision all up to you.
With an unsure nod of your head, he pulls you closer and wraps his arm around your waist, "Hold on." He told you before shooting a web of his up to a building, your arms wrap around his neck–over his shoulders.
You shut your eyes tightly as you suddenly stop feeling the ground below your feet and cold air hitting and blowing against your body as you swing through the city and hold onto him for dear fucking life.
“My god, holy shit.” You say as you try not to yell but unable to be silent. Spiderpunk holds on to you with one strong slim arm around you and the other expertly shooting webs and slinging through the streets of Camden as if it's some common occurrence for him–well, it was.
Your vision is slightly blurred with the lights and the slight tears forming because of the dry wind blown against them. But before you know it–you’re on the ground again with a soft thud with Spiderpunk still holding onto you like it's nothing.
“You alrigh’?” He asks with some kind of smug tone that implies he somehow finds how you clung on to him amusing.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It's just that not everyone is used to slinging through the air.” You respond sarcastically as you let go of his with his hand on your waist lingering for a second before it falls to his side and his other arm raising his hand to gesture where you guys are and you feel your stomach drop once you see a familiar green logo- no, a familiar cut ribbon as well.
This is the new factory my dad opened.
Well, it wasn’t completely new that Spiderpunk was on his way to vandalize your dads newest business- how could you have forgotten? Your heart beats in your ribs as your eyes dart to the hidden cameras you know are there because your dad asked you to adjust them and help so you make sure they cover the whole area. “W-we shouldn't be here, at all.” you tell him as you grab his arm to keep him from getting too close to which he fully laughs while shaking his head and putting a hand over his eyes, Is this some sick joke to him?
“Didn’ think of you as the type to be afraid of Osborn. You’re full of surprises.” He coos while softly clutching his stomach teasingly.
“What? No! It’s just- there's security and-” You begin, before being cut off before he shoots webs in all directions and corners of the wall as though to cover the cameras- he over did some webs but they are definitely covered now.
“And we’re wearing masks. Osborn has nothing on us- and that sadistic fascist probably can pay someone to clean up. Bet this is worth pennies to him.” Spiderpunk scoffs, his voice full of disdain and genuine venom towards your father–and he doesn’t even know it.
Something about his words ring into your ears, it’s not like you didn’t know your dad was practically hated by everyone that wasn’t rich and privileged.
So why did this feel more.. real?
More true? 
As if watching these acts in person other than the news you secretly watch is more.. In your face about these situations?
You swallow a big gulp and nod and take out your bag and open it to show the spray paints. Spiderpunk’s lenses squint as if he were smiling at you.
“Good girl.” He teased
The rest of  the night is a bit of a blur. A blur full of laughter, smiling, story telling, and paint. Spiderpunk makes his usual tag on the building as you try to get the hang of using spray paint cans. Genuine laughs from Spiderpunk when you have a stupid yet funny comment, and a smile seen in your eyes when he has a joke. Something warm develops in your chest and cheeks by being in his playful presence, a bit foreign but it's a nice feeling. Like a warm hug..
At one point you two actually get to painting, with a practice ‘drawing’ being a little spider like the one he has on the back of his jacket. “Aw, nice! Am I like your muse?” He coos as he looks at the art you’re making with a hand on his hip.
You chuckle as you glance at him then look away to focus on the spider itself, “Like it? It looks l-” You pause and cut yourself off at the sound of a camera and a light flashing. Your head whips towards the sound and you see Spiderpunk took a polaroid picture of you.
You watch as the picture prints and he shakes it while it develops before giving it to you with a squinted lensed smile again. You see the picture is of you with your back turned and the spray paint can in your hand while it decorates the blank gray wall it's on.
“Keep i’, let it be a reminder of the time you met Spiderpunk.” He comments playfully as he picks up another spray paint can and goes to the free spot of the wall beside you which makes you laugh and shake your head while he chuckles softly.
But then you think of a question that ends up erupting from your throat as you put the picture into your jean pocket.
“Hey, Spiderpunk..” You begin as you spray a line of your paint, leaving a streak of black since you’re starting on the outline.
“Yeah?” He responds as he holds his own spray paint can in one spot to create the little dripage to give his tag the right style.
“Why do you hate Osborn so much? I mean, I dislike him too, but do you have a specific reason to hate him?” 
Spiderpunk pauses slightly but keeps his gaze to the wall instead of looking at you.
“He is ruining lives and screwing people over for his own selfish gains. He’s a fascist twa’ that likes the power trip. And I can’t stand his pompous daugh’er either.” He answers while going back to what he was doing with his paint.
At this, you’re the one who pauses and keeps your gaze away. Before you can ask a little follow up–your phone goes off and you check it with eyes going wide once you see the time.
How long have you two been spray painting? You have to seriously get home before Roxy worries- 
Or before your dad finds out you’re gone.
“I have to get the hell home- like.. Right fucking now.” You say as you scramble to grab your things and shove the almost empty paint cans into your bag, suddenly aware of what can happen to you if you arrive late- Roxy is always giving passive aggressive threats of telling on you to Osborn if you arrive home late.
Spiderpunk gets confused at how you suddenly have an urge to leave but helps you pick up your stuff anyway. “Heh, did you sneak out or something..?” He asks with a chuckle but is mostly curious as to why you’re leaving in such a hurry now.
You breathlessly chuckle before zipping up your bag. “Yeah, something like that.. Can you-” You cut yourself off as you realize you were about to ask him to take you home. Obviously he can’t know who you are- you cant lose this friendship.. Or whatever this is.
“Take me over to the park you found me. Now. ..please.” You say as you sling your bag over your shoulder and wrap your arms around his neck again–even if this time his body is warmer and there's something there that makes your heartbeat a little faster.
“Wow, and I was ‘bout to ask if you were sick of me already.” He coos teasingly before putting his arm around your waist, and with a secure grip you’re swinging through the air again.
You roll your eyes and hold onto him, he comes to a stop at the park and leaves you exactly where he found you-
On the bench.
You awkwardly say your goodbyes before bolting away in the direction you first came, you hastily put your backpack back into the tree and make your way through the dark garden. You smile to yourself as you think back on everything that you and that masked punk did tonight.
You climb up the tree beside your window and jump into your warm bedroom where the only lighting was the bathroom light you probably forgot to turn off and the hallway light outside your bedroom door peeking in from below the wooden barrier.
You kick off your boots and start removing your mask as you walk back over to where the shoebox under your bed hides. You enter your dimly lit room and see it just how you left it. You take a breath of relief and smile to yourself like an idiot as you think about Spiderpunk, walking to your bed as you remove the balaclava from your face and put it into the box along with your gloves and the picture.
Once you close the box and safely hide it under your bed, your dad suddenly bursts through your bedroom door and Roxy behind him.
“No! Mr. Osborn, She’s-” Roxy was saying to your dad before she looks at you and stares daggers for a moment before continuing more calmly, “See, sir? She’s right here.” 
She had been distracting your dad while you were gone and you definitely owed her something since she was busting her ass. Your Dad seems like he was fuming but his gaze softened when he saw his daughter in her room like roxy had been saying to him.
“Hey, sweetie.” He greeted, almost awkward because of his aggressive entry. “It’s late, you should go to bed.” Osborn says as he walked over to you kissed you on the forehead.
“Yeah, I was just about to do that.” You retort in the usual chipper tone you used with him so he really had no idea of all the things you did against his back.
The next morning you go downstairs to your kitchen but overhear your dad livid on a call, so you stand by the door and listen in without making yourself known.
“What?! What do you mean he already hit the damn new factory at Elm street?” He practically roars but keeps mind to his volume since he thinks you’re asleep.
You smile to yourself as he begins ranting about Spiderpunk, the grin widening once he says something that made your heart pump slightly faster.
“A second one? Who the hell does he think he is, bringing some kind of date to ruin my work.”
___ @eyesxxyou .... I did it.
I'll make part 2 if this does well since I also have sm shit to do now that I have a job.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 10 months
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Here you will find the full list of my works for Daryl Dixon and other characters portrayed by Norman Reedus. [Main masterlist]
Requests are OPEN
⬇️ Masterlist under the cut! ⬇️ [My Ao3]
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★ indicates smut, 18+ content.
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Paintings & Picture frames [Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7]
No apocalypse AU. Daryl and reader are studying at the same college and are assigned orientation project parters. [ONGOING, HIATUS]
Wings [Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6]
Judith plays matchmaker by stealing your jacket and making it match Daryl’s
Records of forgotten times
Digging through old music brings back sad memories, but also happy talks of the future.
Sinful ★
Father Daryl enjoys some private moments with the not-really nun.
You're chilling on the couch watching your favorite show. Daryl joins you because he wants to learn about your interests.
Shielded (Fantasy AU)
Everyone openly shows and uses their powers, except for Daryl. Until you get hurt.
Bad ideas ★
During a laundry round while home alone you find some ..'used' items of Daryl's to fuck yourself with and now have to work through the concequences.
Girlfriend [Pt.1] [Pt.2]
Daryl is in a sucky relationship but doesn't see it at first. Reader helps him see and later shows him how a good partnership works.
Hunters Ink
One tattoo leads to many more when you fall head over heels with the artist.
Creep (modern AU)
Finding an apartment in this new town was easy, but now you needed a job.
Daisy chains
Daryl gets separated after the prison attack. He comes across a home for him and his kid to hole up in. Your home.
Requested : "Could you do a Daryl x reader where at first he doesn’t like her, and she tries to get to know why hes so mean to her? Maybe he yells at her and then some comfort after?"
Rough times
Requested: Hi! Would you be willing to maybe do a one shot with Daryl x reader in a pre established relationship but the reader is pregnant with a child that doesn't belong to him and she isn't proud of? (non-con if you're comfortable with that) Some angst about the reader being worried he won't love her once he finds out 👀
The fun has just begun
Two men snatch you away for some fun. Before they even get anywhere you and Daryl have turned the tables and have some fun of your own. CW: Torture
Forest Guardian [pt.1] [pt.2]
You plan a week long vacation to a luxury cabin. Luxury is nowhere near what you find.
Not your usual undead Vamp!AU
Which undead do you choose? The ones outside, or the one in front of you?
Breakfast ★ Vamp!AU
Locked in a bathroom stall with a hungry vampire was not how you planned to spent your time hiding from a herd.
Period cramp relief
Photographer Daryl
Different kinds of sex w/ Daryl
You needed Daryl for something
"Hey buddy, what are you doing here?"
"Carol gave me some cookies to share!"
Rick and Daryl go out on a run
Old man Daryl
Showing Daryl how beautiful he is ★
Worshipping Daryl's worn body
Daryl read you like a book ★ Vamp!AU
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🐺Were!Daryl 🦊Were!Reader
Shared interests [Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] ★
Grimes!reader. Your father shares information about the man he considers his brother in support of your interests. Those interests take a different turn than he expected..
🐺Monsters among us [Pt.1] [Pt.2]
Your water breaks in the middle of nowhere but you find the prison in time for them to help you. There you meet the man of your nightmares. CW: childbirth
🐺🦊Feral for you [Pt.1] [Pt.2★]
Request. Daryl develops a crush on a soft and sweet lady, afraid to ask you out and ruin your sweetness, only to learn later on your have a feral side as well,
🐺 His girls (xOFCs)
Alexandria's new residents find a dog. And his very handsome owner.
🐺 Full moon meetings
You get stuck in the woods, surrounded by walkers and are saved by ..something.
🐺 Night shifts
During a night shift with Rick he sends you to investigate movement in the woods, knowing it would end with two of his group members coming home together.
🐺 Dog person ★
You’re Dog’s new favorite human and Daryl gets jealous. Lucky for him you’re also good with his dog-side.
🐺 Creature Feature ★
After overhearing your spilled dirty little secret of old world fantasies, Daryl suddenly feels like he does have a chance to get you into bed with him.
🐺 Unexpected
This can be read as a continuation of Dog Person. Reader is pregnant with Daryl’s pups and has to hide it from the community until they can leave for Daryl’s cabin. CW: childbirth
🐺 Roses for the ones left behind
Daryl gets taken and leaves a pregnant reader, not knowing her child and partner aren’t human. CW: childbirth
🐺 New comforts ★ alt. ending ★
No one needed to know that sex between the two of you was for human Daryl only. Alt.: Rick now knows.
🐺 Witch hunt
Thanks to an emotional slip-up you almost risk your home in Alexandria.
🐺 Arrows & Rags
You help a wounded creature who leads you back to its den, where you find the one person you thought you had lost in the walker attack.
🐺 Why didn't you tell me?
You follow Daryl into the woods on the one night he asked you to stay away.
🐺🦊 The softer the skin, the sharper the teeth
Request. WereDaryl and Glen find a she wolf (in human form) out and talk to her about coming to the prison. She and Daryl are mates
🐺 Shame
Your most private moments are shared with the intent to drive you away. And it amost worked.
🐺 Not a monster
Request. Beauty and the Beast inspired fic. Set during Alexandria times.
🐺 Domesticated
Request. Cuddling in bed, like mundane little moments in their relationship
🐺 Bath time
Daryl's distaste for showers rubbed off on his children.
🐺 Forbidden ★
Strickt parents and werewolves don't mix, so you run.
🐺🦊 Found
Daryl finds a young girl and takes her home. He adopts her and learns she's a wolf too.
🐺 Savior ★
You show a little too much interest in Negan's new prisoner so he uses you as a test subject. CW: Non-con, forced impreg
🐺 King of the cage
In the apocalypse, entertainment is hard to come by. Until you hear of underground groups fighting with anything nonhuman.. CW: Descriptive violence and murder.
🐺King and his Queen ★
[KING series pt.2] After Daryl's match he gets treated like royalty by his loving partner.
🐺 Instincts [Pt.1] [Pt.2]
Daryl finds a woman with her newborn pup, taking them into the group. Slowly their bond grows stronger.
🐺 Rules of Nature
Daryl gets hurt on a simple hunting trip and reader patches him up.
🐺 Get rid of it
You and Daryl never fought, until you did. Daryl relives old traumas while you stay at Hilltop.
🦊 The bridge home
Daryl has to introduce his exraordinary girlfriend by accident. (teeny bit of smut at the start)
🐺 Monster outside the walls
A warning about a monster outside of the Alexandrian walls takes a weird turn as new residents turn out to be trouble.
🐺 Demons are a girl's best friend ★
You hide from the rain in a church, not knowing a very interesting beast already claimed the place as his home.
🦊 Daryl was out on a hunt > Daryl liked being around her > Daryl has never been so proud
🐺 Daryl hated full moon these days.
🐺 You, Carol and Daryl go out on a run.
🐺 "Man, 's colder than a witch's tit."
🐺 You and Daryl had a great life.
🐺 Daryl came home early today.
🐺 Daryl saves you
🐺 You were all sitting around the bonfire
🐺 Daryl came home from a run. (xOFCs)
🐺 Cramps
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The adventures of Daryl the werewolf and his witch girlfriend.
Inked Sigils. ★
Fate brought you together. Spells finally brought you family
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Bored ★
You tagged along with your boyfriend who ‘just needed a minute’, but you were so bored..
Momma's boy ★
You find your boyfriend all alone and desperate in your apartment, so you help him out. Again.
Help wanted ★
Request "Fuck me if I’m wrong but scud just being pounced on by a desperate werewolf girl in heat would kinda be hot"
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Warm & fuzzy
You just love him. It doesn’t matter what the others think
Much fun indeed ★
A summary of what being with the biker has thought you over time.
A biker's true loves ★
Request: can you do a story with funny sonny before his teeth got all messed up, younger and with female reader. super smutty. then maybe time jump and they are still together even after his looks have changed?
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Coming soon??
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Double Stuffed ★ Daryl/Scud/reader
It's your birthday so you get to have twice the fun!
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sadlynotthevoid · 3 months
Hey, I have an idea for a crack crossover AU.
Yesterday I was searching for funny doofenshmirtz images and came across a set of screenshots of him, Vanessa and Norman. And I thought "Doofenshmirtz has to be the best fictional father to ever exist".
Then, "I wish Jason had a father like him. Wait—"
Anyways, I think a crossover AU where Doofenshmirtz adopts post-resurrection Jason woukd be a good idea.
They're on a train or something at a foreign country,
Doofenshmirtz: —And that's how I ended up here. What about you?
Teenage Jason, absolutely confused by this guy who suddenly started talking about his life story but having no idea what normal socialization is: *blinks* I'm in a world tour training to kill a guy.
Doofenshmirtz: Kill?! ...Isn't that too harsh?
Jason: He killed me first. Slowly.
Doofenshmirtz: Oh. Well, I guess that's fair— Wait, you died? Are you like a zombie or more like time traveler?
Perry: *breaks through the roof* Krrrr.
Doofenshmirtz: Perry the Platypus!
Jason: What the fuck.
Doofenshmirtz: Hey, there's no need to be so rude. *Turns to Perry* This is Jason, there was a mistake and we ended up in the same cabin. Jason, this is Perry the Platypus, my nemesis.
Jason: Nice to meet you.
Perry: Krrr. *To Doofenshmirtz* Krr, krrrr?
Doofenshmirtz: Oh, no. He's not part of my evil plan. Actually, you arrive early. I haven't even started yet. We were just talking to kill time— That reminds me, he says a guy killed him once. Which is really creepy. I mean, look at him!
Perry: *looks at the teenage baby-faced Jason, sitting there reading his book*
Doofenshmirtz: He must be younger than Vanessa! And that was before now. What kind of person goes around killing children? Doesn't that sound like something you guys should take care of?
Perry: ...Krrr. *raises a finger and takes out his phone* Krr. Krrr, krr. Krr krrrr krrr krr, krrr?
[indistinguishable Mayor noises]
Perry: Krrr. *Hangs call* *back to Doofenshmirtz* Krr krr krrrr krrr.
Doofenshmirtz: What do you mean there's a jurisdiction issue with Gotham? There are people killing kids there!
Perry: Krrr krr. *Exasperated sigh*
Jason, behind his book: Yup, that sounds like Gotham. No wonder even spy organizations are wary to get near her. Some say she's cursed.
Doofenshmirtz: You speak platypus?!
Vanessa, entering home: Dad, I'm back! Dad?—
Jason, drinking tea in the kitchen: Hi.
Vanessa: Hi, you are one of dad's friends?
Jason: *shruggs* I dunno. He kidnapped me from my training trip. Says I'm too young or something. I don't think so, but the platypus took his side.
Vanessa: Ah. And where are they anyways?
Jason: They left an hour ago. Something about Gotham's jurisdiction issue. I'm waiting to see who wins, burocrats or a spiteful scientist and his martial artist platypus best friend.
Vanessa: Cool. ...$5 say dad tires them until they give up.
Jason: $10 say the platypus guy punches someone in the face.
Vanessa: Deal.
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daysofyellowroses · 8 months
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richie jerimovich x afab single mom reader | 4.6k | tw: smoking, language, little bit of smut
this story basically came from me listening to norman fucking rockwell and radio by lana del rey (my robbed queen) on repeat, two songs that don't have a ton to do with this story but I was vibing to them and thinking about the fact that I actually really find richie attractive and this story just came out
“Alright, I'll see you later thanks so much!”
You hurried down the steps of your house, jiggling the keys in your hand til you found the key fob for the car and unlocked it. Your bag was tossed into the passenger seat, and you quickly started the car.
When you pulled up in the crowded car park, you checked the time and let out a sigh. Five minutes late. Of course. You grabbed your bag and headed straight into the building, adjusting your coat as you slipped into the auditorium. 
There was a group standing at the back, but you scanned over the seats anyway, spotting an empty one and quietly sitting down, smiling as you saw Richie sitting in the next seat looking like he was struggling not to fall asleep.
“Hey,” You whispered, resting your bag in your lap. “Did I miss anything?”
“Oh, hey,” Richie smiled a little, sitting up and gesturing to the stage. “Nah, you didn't miss anything except this jabroni talking shit about lunch menus.”
“The usual then,” You nodded, looking at the stage. “His voice just drains me. I nearly fell out of my seat when he was talking to me at the last parent's evening. At least it would have rescued me.”
Richie laughed a little, rubbing his jaw and letting out a yawn.
“I hate these things. Can't they just send a letter home with the kids saying whatever all this is?”
“I wish.” You sighed, glancing over to Richie. You were a little surprised to see him, usually it was Tiff who came to these meetings, sat beside you in boredom. Maybe she wasn't feeling well or something, it was a rare occurrence for Richie to show his face at any school event that didn't directly involve Eva.
“Before I forget,” You looked back to your bag, reaching into it. “I have something for you. Here we are.”
You pulled out a folded slip of paper, handing it over to Richie with a smile.
“What's this?” Richie raised a brow with a grin as he unfolded the paper. “To Richie, you are invited to Mia's fifth birthday party on Saturday at 1pm..”
He looked over to you, holding up the colorful invite. “This is so adorable, really. Eva is so excited for the party, she spent an hour telling me about it the other night.”
You smiled as you watched Richie look back at the invite before carefully folding it.
“Honestly I think Mia would be happy if Eva was the only person to show up,” You grinned. “she keeps asking if she'll definitely be there. And she wanted to make sure you and Tiff got invites, she doesn't really understand that parents don't need invites, but I think in her mind if she invites you both then Eva will definitely be there.”
“That's fucking precious,” Richie smiled, looking over to you. “I'll be there, I got Eva on Saturday. But I think Tiff is..away, this weekend.”
You reached out to gently touch Richie's arm, giving him a warm smile. 
“But you'll be there, thank god. I'm gonna need someone to talk to because I can't deal with the mommy cult.”
Richie nodded, letting out a chuckle before looking to the stage.
“You know, I'm pretty sure he was the principal when I went here. And he was still giving the same speech.”
You let out a laugh that was louder than you intended, covering your mouth when a couple of heads turned to look at you and the principal craned his neck forward to see the cause.
“Please hold all comments until the Q&A,” He frowned, looking over the top of his glasses. “As I was saying..”
“Q&A?” Richie muttered, slinking back in his seat. “What is this, Cannes fucking film festival?”
A long hour later, you and Richie slipped outside for a smoke as soon as the meeting ended, avoiding any run-ins with the mommy cult that always seemed so keen to recruit you. 
“That was torture,” You sighed, reaching into your bag for a light. “I hate that man, honestly.”
“Me too,” Richie nodded, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and holding it out to you. “He hates me too though, since I called him a jumped up little fucker.”
You laughed as you slid out a cigarette, placing it between your lips and flicking your lighter.
“He is though,” You murmured, handing your light to Richie and exhaling.
“He definitely hates me too. I can feel it. Sorry I can't bring anything more exciting than rice crispy squares to bake sales, I have a fucking life.”
You let out a sigh as you flicked your cigarette, glancing over to Richie and laughing.
“Sorry, I don't mean to get all..uppity. How's everything with you? I heard the Beef is getting a makeover?”
“Yeah,” Richie nodded, exhaling smoke and resting his hand on his pocket. “It's uh..it's all good, yeah. Chaotic, but that's to be expected right?”
“Right,” You smiled, pulling your coat a little tighter. “It must be exciting though, knowing you're about to start something new.”
“Mm,” Richie nodded, taking a long drag on his cigarette. “I guess I'm just not letting myself get too excited just yet. Just in case.”
“That's fair,” You agreed, taking a drag of your cigarette and glancing over your shoulder as you heard voices coming from the front door of the school. “But I think it will work out. Gut instinct, I'm never wrong.”
Richie laughed softly, smiling as he looked over to you.
“I'll have to borrow some of your faith, I got this..thing coming up that I'm-”
“Oh my gosh, there you are!”
You raised a brow as you heard a voice behind you, turning around and forcing yourself to smile as you spotted one of the ringleaders of the mommy cult. Perfectly styled hair, flawless makeup, a coat that cost more than your mortgage, and a very fake smile on her face.
“Hey Sarah,” You smiled widely, your mouth hurting a little. “How are you?”
You heard Richie scoff behind you and tried not to laugh.
“Ugh, I'm such a mess right now,” Sarah sighed, tossing her long curls over her shoulder. “I just had to throw something on to come to this, I was just so busy all day.”
“Mm,” You nodded, biting your tongue hard. If spending your husband's money and fucking your PT was a career she'd be the CEO. “Yeah, it's..it's tough.”
“I know,” Sarah smiled, touching your arm. “I meant to catch up with you at the gates this morning but you just looked so..frantic.”
Sorry we can't all turn up at the school gates in designer gym wear with a perfect ponytail and a decaf latte, you thought to yourself, forcing the smile to stay on your face.
“But I wanted to check in with you,” Sarah continued. “About Saturday. Will you be serving food? Drinks? Cake?”
“Will I be serving food, drinks and cake at my five year old daughter's birthday party?” You raised a brow, tilting your head slightly with a smile. “Yes, yes I will be doing that.”
“Okay, awesome,” Sarah smiled. “Well Tabitha isn't eating meat, dairy or preservatives at the moment, just so you're aware..but please don't let that interfere with your plans, I can always just bring something for her myself.”
“Awesome,” You smiled, your cheeks starting to ache. “Well I have to be off but I'll see you Saturday, can't wait.”
Once Sarah had walked away you let out a deep sigh before turning back to Richie and taking a long drag on your cigarette.
“Well that was..awesome,” He grinned. “free entertainment.”
“For you maybe,” You sighed, laughing as you flicked your depleted cigarette away. Richie reached for the box and you shook your head. “God I can't stand that fucking woman. You know her precious Tabitha was eating hot dogs and cake at the birthday party last weekend. Funny how she always seems to develop new eating habits when I'm the one throwing the party.”
“Hey, don't let her get to you,” Richie insisted, gently touching your shoulder. “The party is gonna be awesome, the food is going to be great, if you need anything at all just hit me up, alright?”
“Stop being so sweet, I'll cry,” You laughed softly, gently squeezing Richie's arm. “But thank you. I appreciate it.”
Richie waved his hand with a smile, shaking his head. 
“Don't mention it. I gotta get going but I will see you Saturday, right? Gonna be awesome,” He teased in a high pitched voice.
“Oh fuck off.” You grinned, walking over to your and being unable to stop the smile the whole ride home.
For the rest of the week, you found yourself excited and nervous for the party, when usually you were totally calm. The past four had been a breeze, blow up some balloons, play music, serve cake. But this one had you feeling more on edge. 
On the morning of the party, you tried to relax yourself. Your best friend had come over to help you set up, and very sweetly entertained Mia while you got everything set up. You laughed when your best friend pointed out that your house looked more like a meeting of the Taylor Swift fan club than a birthday party, but Mia was a girl who knew what she wanted. 
Once everything was ready, you ran to have a shower and get changed before the first guests arrived, taking a little extra time with your hair and makeup but not too much because there was no need for full drag for a child's birthday party.
To your surprise/relief, the party seemed to be a hit. Mia and Eva were glued together the moment Eva arrived, the two of them running off into the house giggling, leaving you alone in the hallway with Richie.
“That's her day made,” You smiled, embracing Richie in a hug. “Thanks for coming.”
“My pleasure,” Richie gently stroked your back before you moved apart, holding out a large pink gift bag. “Got somewhere I can leave this?”
“Of course, come on through,” You smiled, heading into the living room where the coffee table was already starting to get full. You told yourself you had probably given the equivalent amount of gifts over the past few months between all the other kids parties but it still felt like too much. “You can just leave it with the others.”
“I would say what it is,” Richie smiled, setting the bag down before turning back to you. “But I don't know. Some teddy bear looking thing that's got some whole backstory, apparently.”
“They all have a backstory now,” You grinned. “I can't keep up. Do you want a drink? Something to eat?”
“Sounds good,” Richie nodded, gesturing to the door. “After you.”
A couple of hours, half of Taylor Swifts's back catalogue, dozens of hot dogs, endless cupcakes, and a couple of sneaky beers later, you were feeling much more relaxed. 
For the most part, you'd managed to avoid Sarah and the mommy cult, who mostly stood in a circle, one hot uneaten cupcake between them. There were some lunch boxes with half eaten salads in them, and you were sure there wasn't a crumb of cake left.
You were in the kitchen with your best friend, showing her some of the pictures you'd taken of the day when Richie came in, giving you a nod.
“Oh, perfect timing,” You smiled, holding out your phone to Richie. “How cute is this photo of the girls? I think I'm gonna have to get it framed.”
“Let's see,” Richie smiled, walking closer and accepting your phone. “Well look at that..that's possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen.”
“I'm gonna have to take off,” Your best friend smiled knowingly at you as you raised a brow. “It was a great day, honestly.”
As she was leaving you got a ‘He’s fucking cute’ mouthed at you and you had to bite your tongue.
“I know it's corny but I hope they're best friends forever,” You smiled as Richie handed your phone back. “they're so sweet together.”
“That is so corny,” Richie rolled his eyes with a grin. “But I get it. Even if it is really corny.”
“Shut up and get me another beer,” You raised a brow with a smile. “I should have you thrown out for being so rude to the host.”
“Alright, alright,” Richie held his hands up, walking backwards to the fridge. “I'm truly, truly sorry, you've been an amazing host, really.”
“Thanks,” You smiled, setting down your empty beer bottle. “I was weirdly stressed over all this but..I think it turned out okay? The cake was good, wasn't it? Like, it was okay?”
“Okay? It was out of this fucking world,” Richie opened the fridge, getting two beers from the bottom drawer. “Truly. You made it yourself right?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, accepting the beer Richie handed you with a smile. “I always make Mia's cake. Chocolate cake with peanut butter cups on top, it was what I asked for when I was five. Well, I asked for peanut butter cups instead of a cake but my mom compromised. It would be so much easier to just buy a cake, but..I just feel like I need to overcompensate because..”
“Because her dad is a bum,” Richie muttered, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “Sorry, that was..inappropriate. Forget I said that.”
You smiled as you opened your beer, watching Richie look like he wanted the ground to swallow him. 
“It's okay,” You insisted. “I've called him a lot worse. But I'm glad that the cake went over well.”
“Absolutely,” Richie nodded, taking a sip of his beer before glancing to the door. “Listen, before I forget..I actually have an extra gift for Mia. But I thought I should run it by you first.”
“Oh?” You set your beer down, resting your hands back on the counter. “What is it?”
“These,” Richie reached into his back pocket, pulling out an envelope and handing it over to you. “I managed to pull some strings.”
“What is this?” You smiled, turning the envelope and slowly peeling it open. You let out a gasp as you saw what was inside, carefully taking out a ticket to the Eras tour, looking back into the envelope and seeing three more.
“This is..”
You took a deep breath, laughing after a moment. 
“Richie..have you been walking around all day with these in your pocket?”
“Well..yeah?” Richie frowned, gesturing to the tickets. “I don't know if Mia still likes Taylor Swift but Eva really wanted to go to the concert and I figured if Eva likes Taylor Swift then Mia likes Taylor Swift, probably, and I thought it might be weird or a lot if I took them on my own and I don't even know if you're a Taylor Swift fan but I mean who isn't, really, and I-”
“Richie,” You held your hand up. “This is going to be her favorite gift of all time, it is unbelievably generous of you. I can't thank you enough, truly. This is..amazing, I can't wait to show her.”
Richie was silent for a moment, a smile stuck on his face.
“Don't mention it, happy to do it.”
You waited until all the other guests had left before you sat Eva and Mia down and got them to close their eyes, placing the tickets in their hands. You were pretty sure your hearing wouldn't come back for a solid day or two, you'd never heard screams so loud. 
While the girls played together, Richie helped you clean up, despite your insistence he was a guest and didn't need to.
You were standing on a stepladder taking down deflated balloons, handing them to Richie who was putting them in a trash bag.
“Oh shit, did I tell you about the soft launch?” He asked.
“The what now?” You raised a brow, glancing down at Richie. “What's a soft launch?”
“Like a..trial opening, for the restaurant,” Richie explained. “For family and friends. Just so we can see how it will go.”
“Oh,” You nodded, looking back to the balloons. “I get you. That's exciting, when is that happening?”
“Next Friday night,” Richie held the bag open as you dropped more balloons in. “You should come. Bring a friend, have a night out. I can put you down, if you want?”
You couldn't help but smile at the hopefulness in his voice, turning to look at him and leaning down a little.
“I want that very much,” You murmured softly, lightly biting your lip as you watched him take a breath and lean in closer. You felt your heart race, the scent of his cologne engulfing you and making you want to grab him and jump into his arms when you heard an excited shriek and quickly pulled back, clearing your throat and smiling as the girls came running back into the room. 
When you waved Richie and Eva goodbye, you let out a deep breath as you closed the front door, your heart still racing.
The week that followed was the longest of your life. Days went too slow and too fast. You spent your lunch breaks frantically searching for an outfit for the restaurant launch, sending endless links to your best friend for approval. You went back and forth on whether you should get your hair and makeup done professionally or if that was too much, but what if the restaurant was going to be fancy? You wanted to look the part after all.
When Friday came you raced home from work, changed into sweatpants and a comfortable baggy t-shirt before taking Mia to your friend's house, offering a thousand thank yous for the babysitting and a thousand promises to take them out to the Bear next time.
When you got home your best friend was just pulling up, and you quickly pulled her into the house.
You settled on allowing your bestie to do your hair and makeup, which proved to be the perfect choice when you couldn't stop looking at yourself in the mirror.
The dress you'd ordered hung in the closet, waiting to be worn. It was quite simple, black and mid-length, but still elegant and just a little bougie because..how often can you say you're going to a restaurant opening?
You looked up from the mirror, smiling through the nerves.
When you were walking around the corner to the restaurant, you raised a brow as you saw a line down the block, linking arms with your bestie as you went to join the queue.
“So,” Your bestie looked over to you with a grin. “You're definitely fucking him tonight, right?”
“What?” You laughed, slightly nervously, looking over to your bestie. “Don't be ridiculous, we're just friends.”
“Mm, okay,” Your bestie nodded. “you tell yourself that.”
You rolled your eyes and gave your bestie a nudge, the two of you bursting out laughing.
When you reached the front of the queue, you felt a fresh wave of nerves hit you as you walked into the restaurant. It looked incredible, totally different than it had before. You were just getting used to it when another new sight hit you, one that almost had your jaw on the floor.
“Ladies, welcome to the Bear,” Richie smiled, appearing in front of you in a suit, with a new cologne that had you feeling on edge already. He clicked his fingers and there was a waitress beside you both offering to take your coats. 
“You are in for an incredible evening, when you're ready follow me and I'll take you to your table.”
“Oh yeah,” Your bestie whispered to you as Richie led you to a table. “you're definitely fucking him.”
You slowly relaxed as the evening went on, enjoying having a rare night out. The wine was heavenly, the food was incredible, and having Richie drop by to check in on you was the cherry on the cake.
At some point he disappeared from the floor for a while, and you found yourself missing him, but focused on having some quality time with your bestie.
When you finished dinner, you felt like you wouldn't be able to move for a week, a wonderful feeling. You couldn't believe it when Richie appeared, coming over to your table with a tray in his hand, a plate covered with a cloche.
“Dessert, ladies,” He smiled. “enjoy.”
“Oh I honestly couldn't eat another-”
Your hand flew over your heart as Richie set the plate down, lifting off the cloche to reveal a large peanut butter cup with caramel drizzled around it.
“Thank you,” You managed after a moment, looking up to Richie. “I love it.”
“My pleasure,” Richie gave you a wink. “Enjoy.”
“Alright, smile,” Your bestie grinned, taking her phone. “I need a photo of this.”
After the perfect dessert, you felt like you were riding on a high, catching Richie's eye from across the restaurant and giving him a smile before looking back to your best friend. 
“I'll be right back.”
You got up and went to the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror and taking a deep breath. You smoothed out your dress, did a little over the shoulder look before spritzing on a little extra perfume and heading back out. You bumped into Richie almost immediately, taking a step back with a smile.
“Careful, I might think you were waiting for me,” You teased. “Thank you again for that dessert, and for everything..it's amazing.”
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Richie nodded, looking down for a moment before looking back up with a smile and a raised brow. “Something on my face?”
“No,” You smiled, gently touching his tie. “Just..admiring this new look.”
“Yeah,” You nodded. “Listen, I know you're probably gonna be going out to celebrate after this and I am being extremely presumptuous but I've had a bottle of wine so I can say this..”
You took a deep breath, looking away for a moment before looking back to Richie.
“If you're around, later..you know where I am.”
You walked away before he could respond, your heart thundering in your chest. You and your bestie collected your coats and decided to go have one more drink somewhere before heading home in an Uber, your head on her shoulder. 
You waved her off when you got dropped home, heading inside and checking your phone. Your friend who was babysitting Mia asked how the night had been, you sent a quick reply before heading upstairs to change. 
You put on some comfortable pajamas but kept your nice underwear on, just in case. You took your makeup off and did your usual nighttime routine before heading down to the living room and getting comfortable on the couch. 
An hour later you had a knock on the front door, smiling to yourself and getting up from the couch. You opened the door to find Richie on the other side, his head in his head.
“I just hit on your elderly neighbor,” He groaned. “I got the wrong door and said some things..can I come in?”
“Get in before Mr. Williams calls the police,” You grinned, taking Richie's arm and pulling him inside. “There's gonna be rumors about a late night deviant.”
“Hey, less of that,” Richie grinned, closing the door behind him. “I'm a lot of things but I'm not a deviant.”
“So what do you call terrorizing elderly men at night?” You teased. “Because I can think of a few words..like..”
You muffled a laugh as Richie put his hand over your mouth, gently moving your hand to his wrist and giving him your best doe eyes.
“Very funny,” Richie grinned, lowering his hand. “How you feeling? Alright?”
“Me? I'm feeling great,” You smiled, gently taking Richie's hand and guiding him to the stairs. “Let me show you.”
You raised a brow as Richie didn't follow you, turning back to look at him. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Richie nodded, clearing his throat. “I just uh..we don't have to just..” He gestured to the stairs and you couldn't stop smiling.
“So you came over to..talk?” You raised a brow with a grin. “watch TV? Have a cup of coffee?”
“Well, not..” 
“Richie,” You smiled, stepping closer to him. “Just spit it out.”
“Right,” He nodded. “Okay, I just..I really want to go upstairs but I don't want you to think I just came over for that like..I'm not that kinda guy, we can go for like a real date, see how this-”
“Richie,” You placed your hand over his mouth, raising a brow. “I know. I'm not like that, I know you're a decent guy. We got all the time in the world for dates, but right now I really need you to take me upstairs and fuck my actual brains out.”
You slowly moved your hand, smiling as Richie immediately closed the gap between you, his arms wrapping around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. He tasted like cigarettes and whiskey and you couldn't get enough, letting out a gasp as his hands moved down and he picked you up with ease. 
You weren't sure how you had the patience to get upstairs, but the moment you got Richie into your bedroom you couldn't wait much longer, letting out a moan as he threw you onto the bed and immediately began tugging your pajamas off. 
“Fuck,” He groaned, pulling back and looking down at you. “Were you..did you have these on all night?”
“Yeah,” You murmured softly, your hands holding Richie's tie and tugging him down for a kiss. “Am I keeping them on?”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
You lifted your legs, giving Richie a preview of how wet you were, meeting his eyes as he slowly peeled off your pants, tossing them over his shoulder. 
“Waiting for an invitation?” You grinned, laying back and resting your arms by the pillows. 
“Such a pillow princess,” Richie grinned, sitting up and undoing his tie. “didn't expect it.”
“You think so?” You raised a brow, moving your hand down between your legs. “Might have to start without you if you're taking so long..”
You grinned as Richie practically tore off the rest of his clothes, letting out a soft hum as your fingers dipped into your wet warmth, reaching your other hand out to Richie.
“Come on..don't keep me waiting all night.”
“Are you always so bratty?” Richie grinned, climbing onto the bed and watching you closely.
“Sometimes,” You murmured softly, meeting Richie's eyes. “But you can talk, with that pillow princess comment,” You moved quickly, straddling Richie's waist and holding his hands above his head. 
“Maybe I should let you do all the work, for being so rude.”
“Fuck,” Richie muttered, shifting his hips a little. “just say the word and you got it..”
“That so?” You smirked softly. “Might just have to put that to the test..”
“Yes ma'am.” Richie murmured, smirking as he sat up, kissing you deeply and pushing you down onto your back as you let out an excited squeak.
In the morning you texted a picture of a sleeping Richie to your best friend, captioned ‘We're just friends’
Two weeks later you and Richie stumbled upon Sarah's laundry room and made excellent use of the washing machine.
Six months later the two of you take your girls to the concert, holding them up on your shoulders. Richie teases you for singing along and you choose not to point out his hypocrisy, as he belts out every word. He leans in to kiss you and the girls shriek excitedly, you kiss him back and feel like everything will be just fine.
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emeryhiro · 2 months
My Thoughts on TBOC SDCC Panel & Interviews
First off, I felt like a kid again watching Melissa and Norman on an SDCC panel for the first time and was overwhelmed by so many positive emotions ♡
Regarding what was covered during the panel and what I'll be sharing my thoughts on, in this post, I'm going to try to keep it brief and only talk about things that are new to me compared to what I heard during the Tribeca panel and in my thoughts post on it [here].
Zabel on his responsibility with the show:
Firstly, Zabel is actually pretty funny, and every time he speaks about the show I find myself trusting him more and more and feeling more confident that he knows what he's doing. I especially loved how he said, and I quote:
"There is a responsibility to live up to the standards of The Walking Dead, the standards that Norman and Melissa had as actors creating these characters. So that's the part where you wanna make sure that you don't let anybody down, you don't let the fans down, you don't let the actors down, you don't let the history of the show down. You have to at least try to maintain the same standard and hopefully maybe even push it forward."
Melissa, on her return to the show:
It was wonderful hearing her speak about how much she missed Carol and how excited she is about, and I quote:
"getting to go forward in France, where [Norman] set the roots, thank you very much. I had some things I had to do"
and how France will be a catalyst for all sorts of changes for Daryl and Carol.
I love how much she said she enjoyed the role of an EP, and I have no doubt she's brilliant in it. My main thought here is that I really hope that, like Lauren and Danai, she also has the chance to direct an episode in season 3, because whatever she touches will end up being Gold.
Norman on Daryl and Carol's bond:
I loved how he described their bond as cosmic and beyond tangible. Carol can sense that there's something wrong with Daryl even from across an ocean and vice versa, which is so true to their characters. They don't need to say a single word for the other to understand everything they're thinking and feeling.
Also, when he said:
"He's starting to lose that feeling cause he's been there so long,"
Melissa's face and reaction had me laughing out loud. What do you mean, Norman? Can you please elaborate on that for us?
If I had to guess what he means, I'd say it links to Daryl's self-esteem and his idea of self-worth. As I've mentioned before, it's obvious to me that the longer Daryl has been away from Carol, the more he's regressing into his old self and habits, and I think this feeds into that. I think he doesn't believe he's worth being loved, searching for, or crossing the Atlantic for. And that sense of security and confidence that he'd built with his family in America is slowly climbing away.
In comparison, Carol has always been one of, if not the strongest, characters on the show. Yes, she is struggling without Daryl, but the moment she's told his life is in danger, she has this overpowering sense of motivation and strength that she'll do anything to save him.
Norman on his favourite scene (The Reunion):
The words he used to describe the reunion scene and how he felt about it really had me in a puddle... especially the comparison he makes at the end, and I quote:
"When we meet, when that finally happens, there's a build to that that happens, and we worked really hard to make that scene what it was, and that kind of was fireworks going off inside me"
This is the sweetest description of the scene, and I don't know if my heart can handle it.
Additional moments I loved:
I love how both Melissa and Norman keep checking on Louis to make sure he's okay.
Norman calling Melissa his partner in crime, describing how excited he was for her to come back, watching her work, and Melissa's reactions to his words 😭❤️‍🩹
Overall, I just love how they appreciate, support, and genuinely love each other so much ♡♡♡
Thank you for taking the time to read this. We're so close to having them back on our screens, and I'm so overwhelmed by the excitement for the new season!!
I'd love to read all of your thoughts on the trailer and panel, whether in response to this post or a post of your own; I can't wait to read it ♡♡♡
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cjonesjr · 4 months
・﹒・ from vault 32 [2]
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Summary: You got approved for a marriage partner from Vault 31 after not finding a suitable boyfriend in your own. After meeting your future husband, and standing ready to saw your vows, you both agree to call it off. But they couldn't not have a wedding- so you chose his cousin.
Warnings: 18+, arranged marriage
Pairing: Norman MacLean x GN!reader
Parts: Part 1
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"No" Everyone gasped as they heard you deny your marriage, however it was a pathetic denial. So you spoke again, properly speaking to everyone.
"No- this won't work out. He doesn't want to marry me, I don't want to marry him. I-I thought this was going to be the happiest day of my life but...it isn't exactly how I imagined it...ha" Everyone went into a frenzy, talking to each other on what to do since this never happened. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you looked back at Chet, he was sweating bullets from how nervous he was.
"Y-yeah. We should just call it off, ya know?" He smiled awkwardly as he turned to finally speak, but they still all spoke with each other. A minute passed before the overseer- Lucy and Norm's dad- told everyone to hush as he stood up.
"As this has not happened before, we had to discuss what to do. And we have come to a conclusion. We can call this off for you Chet, but for you ____, we can find a more suitable husband for you and reschedule" A few people sighed and groaned, claiming they didn't want to leave without going through a wedding today. Well- you would give them a wedding today. Looking at Norm, you knew this was going to work out.
"We don't have to reschedule- I'll just marry him" You nodded your chin forward to further clear up that you meant Norm. Everyone gasped again as they couldn't believe it was him, he also looked slightly alarmed as he pointed to himself to further confirm. But everyone started to push him up out of his chair and to the stage and didn't stop until he was in front of you, consequently pushing Chet off and onto the grass.
"If you don't want to do this, you don't have to, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that" You cringed as you realized that you didn't give him much of a choice and laughed weakly.
"No, no, it's ok...I actually think you're really cute" God he was so adorable your heart was going to explode as pink dusted his cheeks.
"I think you're really cute too" Biting your lip, the officiate restated the vows. Your heart was beating fast again, but this time it was from excitement. Well- it was equal excitement and anxiousness.
"Norman MacLean, do you take ___ to be your lawfully wedded spouse?" Norm just looked at you for a few seconds before saying his final confirmation about this.
"I do" Why did that make your heart flutter so much? Sure- you had hoped your wedding day with your future husband would make you happy, but even if you didn't know him much yet, you chose him, and he chose you back.
"And do you, ___, take Norman MacLean to be your lawfully wedded husband?" This time, you didn't say no.
"I do"
"You may now kiss" You wasted no time pulling him in, kissing him passionately as he kissed back. He wasn't fully prepared for how aggressive you were, but his hands made their way to your waist as you heard everyone whop and cheer. After a bit, you pulled away panting but not all the way as you leaned up to his ear and made sure he heard something only you wanted him to hear.
"I can't wait to take every piece of clothing off you tonight" At that- his already red face grew redder as he stared at you with wide eyes. You saw his father throw his arm around his son who was still processing everything and what you told him as the man congratulated him and Chet thanked him for saving him from a marriage he didn't want. Your parents then came up and hugged you, mother crying and father failing not to cry. However, you couldn't stop staring at your now-husband. You then saw Lucy as she came up to you and she had on a soft smile.
"I know you'll take care of him, but if you hurt him-"
"I know, I know, I won't. Don't worry Lucy, I'll take really good care of him" You reassured her, finding her protectiveness so sweet, and looked at Norm as he looked back at you. Your new life had just started and it was with a man you had a feeling was the right choice.
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Fatal Attraction
Chapter Four
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Warnings: Angst. Fluff. Slight Smut
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @belatrixdragon (Please comment or DM if you want to be added to my taglist)
Y/N's hand rested on Wanda's hip as they had her backed up against the bookshelves in their office. Her heart rate picked up as they took her lips fiercely. A moan escaped her as they grazed the skin beneath her blouse. They forced their tongue past her parted lips as her arms wrapped around their neck, keeping them close as their hand soon traveled beneath her skirt pushing her underwear to the side, fingers slowly running through her folds as the two sighed at the feeling.
"So wet for me." They husked out as she only nodded, sighing as they applied pressure to her clit. Wanda gripped their jaw, pulling their lips to meet hers in a lustful kiss, moaning as they thrust two fingers inside of her.
"Wanda?" She was soon shaken awake by a worried Jarvis. "Are you ok? You were gasping and whimpering in your sleep."
"Nightmare." She muttered as she moved to get out of bed. "I'm going to get some water." Without another word, she left the room. Standing looking out of the window, watching as the city remained asleep as her mind went back to her dream.
She wondered why she had a dream like that, especially as she slept beside her husband who she was supposed to love wholeheartedly. Y/N was her boss, nothing more than that.
"You didn't come back to bed." Jarvis stated as he woke up, Wanda was already showered and dressed for the day.
"I couldn't get back to sleep." She told him. "My mind was on overdrive."
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked her as she laughed.
"You want to listen to my thoughts for once?" She spoke harshly as he just scoffed. "You never wanted to hear my thoughts before so why now?"
"I'm sorry for trying to be better." He snarled as she grabbed her bag and coat.
"I'm going to work." She told him.
"What about breakfast?" He asked her as she shook her head.
"You know how to use a stove. Ingredients are in the cupboard." She fastened her coat. "Try not to burn our home down." With that she left an angered Jarvis in her wake. He slammed his hand down on the counter as he glared at the empty countertops. He had noticed that since she had been working, he has had to fend for himself more and more, especially on days where he returned home earlier than herself.
"Are you ok?" Y/N asked her as she sat down.
"Yeah." She whispered as she thanked them for the hot beverage. "You don't have much on today." She informed them as she handed them the file.
"No. It's just the new Antibiotic observation." They told her as they leaned on her desk. "So, are you ok?"
"Yeah." She shrugged as she sat back. "I guess it's just marriage problems you know." They listened to her intently. "We have been drifting apart as of late because we both have different views of how our lives should be right now." She took a sip of her coffee before she continued. "He wants to hurry and have children and I am not ready for that. I am only 22 and that is a huge commitment I am not ready for."
"No one is truly ready to become a parent." They admitted as she scoffed. "Look, I am not agreeing with your husband but if you ever find yourself in that predicament." They sighed as they looked away for a moment. "My father wasn't ready for me until I was old enough to look after myself. I was the bastard child he never truly wanted until I was 18." They admitted. "I was an affair baby and his wife didn't want him or my half brother to have anything to do with me. But she never knew of my name nor my mother's."
"Norman was your father." Wanda whispered, putting two and two together.
"He was." They confirmed. "Once I graduated high school, top of my class, he took me under his wing. Had me shadow him, every meeting, every project testing, he even paid for my college and when he was retiring signed over the company to me. Harry never wanted anything to do with it." They stood up. "I still think it was a sympathy tactic because of the accident."
"Accident?" Wanda questioned as Y/N shook their head.
"That is a story for another day darling." They told her as they fixed their suit. "Come on, we have work to do." She hurriedly followed them to the elevator, a new sense of respect building within her for the cold Y/N Y/L/N.
Wanda watched as Y/N helped with the formula for the new antibiotic they were trying to manufacture, although the science of it all flew over her head, she couldn't help but admire them as they worked effortlessly.
"The Charity Gala." Y/N brought up as Gwen looked at them. "Would you like to accompany me? My assistant is otherwise occupied and I am lonely." They smirked as Gwen laughed.
"Of course." She told them. "I will be your fake date for one night, of course you are still insufferable." The two chuckled as Y/N wiped their hands.
"Try that formula and get back to me on the progress." They said as they grabbed their jacket, leading Wanda out of the lab. Silently making their way back to their office. "You can call it a day if you want to." They told Wanda who nodded silently.
"Thank you." She spoke softly as they titled their head in confusion. "For being someone I can confide in. I don't really have that with Jarvis."
"I will be here whenever you need to talk Wanda." They told her softly, considering the 10 year age difference, she was taken by their compassion, something they must have gotten from their mother. "Now go home, meet up with some friends and I'll see you tomorrow."
"What happened with the Glider accident?" She asked them as she followed them into their office, earning a chuckle from them.
"Eager aren't we?" They smiled as they poured two drinks again, gesturing for her to join them on the sofa.
"It's just, I have been thinking about it all morning and I am intrigued." She told them honestly.
"Well, as you know the Glider was supposed to be a military project." They told her. "Norman had a tendency to want to test out all of the weapons himself and I happened to be shadowing him that day. He lost control and everything happened so fast." She watched as they started to unbutton their shirt, showing her the scars they received. "I was impaled. I had never seen Norman Osborn worry so much as he did at that moment. Fear was all I saw when I looked into his eyes as he frantically tried to help me." They finished their drink before continuing. "Fear of losing something or someone can change a person, especially seeing it first hand so he changed everything. I became the heir of Oscorp before he started to lose his mind." Wanda's fingers mindlessly moved to graze over their scars, her breath caught in her chest as she felt their skin beneath her fingertips.
Wanda looked up into their intense gaze, her hand pressing flat against their stomach as she slowly leaned in, neither of them fighting as their lips touched. A soft passionate kiss as Wanda sighed, their tongue slipping past her lips as she moaned. Before she could get completely lost in them, she snapped back to reality.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered as she moved away from them like they would burn her. They shook their head as they started to fasten their shirt.
"It was my fault Wanda. What I did before hand was inappropriate." They told her as she bit her lip, her eyes stinging as she thought about the kiss the two had just shared. Every ounce of her being wanted to kiss them again but her morals had her leave the office. Y/N sighed as she left, groaning as they punched the wall beside them. They were angry with themselves, they knew better than to lead her on. She was married and their assistant, they shouldn't have allowed the lines to blur so suddenly.
Wanda found herself outside of Natasha's apartment, knocking frantically before the door opened.
"I kissed my boss." She started as Nat nodded, closing the door and heading straight for the wine.
"So, straight to it." Nat stated as she poured two glasses. "What about Jarvis?"
"I know I love him." Wanda told her. "But lately we have been on two completely different chapters. He wants to start a family and I don't."
"When was the last time you had sex?" Nat asked her as Wanda shook her head. "Maybe you blurred the lines with your boss because you need to get some."
"I can't." Wanda whispered as she looked at her friend. "I'm afraid he will try and trap me and I can't cope with that."
"There are other options Wanda. What about birth control?" She questioned.
"We're on the same health insurance, so he will find out." Wanda told her.
"Then I don't know." She sighed in defeat as she watched her friend finish her drink. "I guess you just need to figure this out."
"I know that." She yelled. "I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't go into work and face my boss because I kissed them, I have even dreamt of them in a way I should dream about Jarvis and he is a whole other story." She sighed as she started a second glass. "I don't know what to do." She was at a loss within her own mind.
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mcbride · 22 days
Daryl Dixon Rewatch S1E05 - Deux Amours
i know i am late on this one, but life is hard, so the delay absolutely has nothing to do with fandom shenanigans and/or Zabel's words, which i will also address later in this post cause i love to prove him wrong as i unmask his own bag of tricks. stay with me! lovely carylers of mine, if you're wallowing in negativity, that is your prerogative, but this post is not for you.
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this ep starts with the song "j'ai deux amours" (i have two loves), which is mostly about multiculturalism in a way you embrace the differences and become stronger together. Daryl is not quite there yet... he does not believe in God or faith, he only relies on himself... more after the jump...
Daryl is trying so hard to teach Laurent everything he can to help him survive this world. he is right, the kid is too sheltered, it's a miracle he hasn't become walker food.
Taking a break from my rewatch to address the elephant in the room. Zabel's interview. first we don't have the context of the question he is answering because what it sounds to me like he is saying is that he ain't changing the Caryl narrative, he ain't taking the romance route out of nowhere, he is just simply keeping up with the characters and honoring who they already are, who they seems to want to be and how important they already became to each other.
No, caryl isn't gonna fall in love cause they reunited after being separated for couple of months, their relationship is much more than that. they ain't gonna kiss and bang cause that's easy. there's so much history there. they are already completely irrevocably in love with each other. it's clear, but you have to rely on what the show is giving you. it's right there in front of your eyes.
as for not playing the TV's book of tricks, i am gonna pretend the "happy ending " voiceover and the talk about pigeons always returning home for the one (a gf) who waits never happened. so let's focus only on this episode alone, and expose Zabel's own CARYL book of tricks:
Daryl misses "a lady named Carol," she's different from all the people mentioned before, she is special, cause she is a lady. i see what you did there, Z.
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Laurent says Daryl misses Isa too. BANG. bait, bait, bait. Carol vs. Isa. IS THIS the typical trick to mislead and misdirect, causing doubt in the viewer... i may not like it, but there's nothing more stereotypical in that book of tricks, than Daryl having options (and there's plenty: Connie, Isa...), but only one woman (Carol) truly holds is heart.
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in flashbacks, Daryl meets a young man TJ who is also working for fuel so he can go back to his girlfriend (not to his mother, or sister, or business associate!!). WHAT A COINCIDENCE Daryl also getting fuel so he can go back home (to Carol!) and guess what, TJ's also planning to runaway with his girl, but they are going to California instead of New Mexico.
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Azlan tried to convince Daryl to embrace the people he met and their cause, but he be like "I MADE A PROMISE" and causes just ain't his thing.
Daryl can't sleep thinking about the last time he talked to Carol on the radio... which was like two weeks ago! stop being so dramatic!
finally, it is revealed Daryl promised Carol to come back home asap on the radio, but not after asking her THREE FUCKING TIMES if she was okay. dude, we get it, your Carol-sense was tingling with worry just cause she sounded contemplative. she's fine! but she misses you. HE PROMISED CAROL he'd be back!
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the most cathartic scene comes next, (well played Norman Reedus!) Daryl is livid, furious, and downright abusive to Laurent after he cut off their boat, delaying his delivery to the Nest, and Daryl's hope of keeping his promise. it ain't pretty, but it's viscerally Daryl. he stops himself from going down that hole, and hugs the heck out of that kid.
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Laurent has no doubt that as soon as Daryl finishes his mission, he will leave. no matter what.
when it's revealed TJ is now a walker and will never see the love of his life ever again (tragic plss!), that Daryl hero complex comes out - he did not help TJ and bad things happened - and he punches a dude. and now it's his turn to not make it back to his girl cause he ends up on a fucking boat to France. i see what you done there, too, Z.
it's the end of the ep and i didn't even sweat to make everything happening to Daryl about Carol.... sometimes things are exactly what they seem.
Daryl is captured again... that happens every other episode FFS!!
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Genet's voice over Daryl facing dead as he's entering the arena and flashback to almost turning into walker fodder on the boat: "We have all felt lost at times, far from the life we knew. Deprived of the people we loved [....] But we did not give up. In the name of all those we loved." Daryl will fight for his life, and he will fight for Carol, in the name of the promise he made to return home. and that was beautiful...
and that's it! (my apologies if my thoughts got a bit messy, but my brain is total mush! i dunno if i explained it as well as i wanted to, but i tried!)
so, i kinda loved this episode, it was just a bit tooo long for me! PS. i am going to finish by saying something what most people don't want to hear/accept. Melissa is a grown ass woman capable of making her own decision. she straight fucking left the whole spinoff, no one forced her to do anything (who says otherwise is lying to you) so do not think for one moment she didn't come back on her own terms. with that said, whatever is meant to happen or not happen in terms of caryl, i sleep really well knowing it is exactly what they want to happen, both Norman AND MELISSA! and i would watch the platonic buddy adventures of Carol and Daryl for fucking forever! except that's not what i think is happening, and no, i ain't reading interviews (good or bad!), i'm just paying attention to what is being shown on screen. feel free to tl;dr me!!!
see y'all next week for ep 6!!! THE FINALE!!!
28 days left until the premiere of THE BOOK OF CAROL!!!!!
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yourimagines · 4 months
How you met fluff P.2
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: fluff
Part 1
Jon Bernthal:
You were invited by him to his podcast.
"I'm so happy to have you here, I'm a big fan of you y/n." He says on the podcast. you blushed at him.
"I'm honored to be here, Big fan of your work and i'm very grateful for being here." He smiles and leans a bit back in his seat.
"Well, I'm happy to invited you more often then." He winked at you, causing you to giggle. Fans went crazy over this one and wanted to see more interactions between the two of you. So you did got invited more often on his podcast.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan:
You met him at a comic con. You were a big fan of his work and decided to buy an autograph from him.
“Hello, nice to see you here y/n.” He said with a grin on his face.
“Hello, nice to see you too.” You said shyly as you gave him your Negan funko pop.
“You collect those?” He was surprised to see you with a Funko pop.
“Yes, I’m secretly a big geek. I have tons of those pops at home.” You admitted shameful.
He shook his head and told you he likes it and was hoping he could see your collection one day. He was secretly a big fan of your work as well and wants to know you better. You agreed on that, you texted him later that day through Instagram, sending him a picture from your geek room at home. You both met up weeks later at your house, giving him a full house tour.
Lauren Cohan:
You met her through social media. She sensed you a message as she saw your photos.
“I really like those pictures, did you make them?” You were smiling like an idiot at your phone.
“Yes I did 🙈” You couldn’t believe it that Lauren noticed you. You both talked for hours about everything and at some point she asked you out, to meet each other in person. You agreed and met up for the first time at a small cute restaurant.
Melissa McBride:
You met Melissa through your friend Norman. He had invited you both to his birthday dinner and she made the first move as you were a bit nervous about meeting all of his co workers.
“You look good tonight, I’m sorry I don’t think we met properly. I’m Melissa.” She gave you a sweet smile as she sat in front of you.
“Oh thank you, you look good as well. I’m y/n.” You both smiled at each other and tried to have a normal conversation but it was more smiling than anything else. She was nervous but so were you. Norman noticed that and helped you guys out, making sure you saw each other more often.
Danai Gurira:
You met her at a new Marvel project.
"Hi." You said as you sat down next to her at the table reading.
"Hello, I don't think we met each other." She reached her hand out for you to take it, you gladly accepted it and shook her hand.
"I think we have, I'm Y/n nice to meet you." You smiled at her and she smiled back at you.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Danai. I think we will get along just fine." She laughs as she points at the script.
"I think we will, we have too." You knew what she meant and joked back. one of the first jokes in your friendship that will blossom to something even more.
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katsukikisses · 2 months
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birds of a feather: chapter one [hawks x reader]
chapter summary: despite being across-the-street neighbors for a year, you and takami keigo have never spoken. today, with the assistance of an unfortunate thunderstorm, that changes.
chapter tags: childhood friends; neighbors trope; alternating povs; conveniently timed thunderstorms and even more conveniently lost keys.
cw: potentially neglectful parenting
prefer to read on ao3? here!
table of contents | next chapter
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“Yours is the first face that I saw, Think I was blind before I met you." — Bright Eyes, First Day of My Life
Keigo’s mother didn’t like him talking to the human kids. 
She never said it outright, but he could tell she wasn’t a fan of his friendships with them. She would furrow her brow whenever he mentioned a human classmate, or tap her foot anxiously when he took too long saying goodbye at the bus stop. Of course, interacting with humans was inevitable in Kyushu, where they comprised the majority of the population. But just because you can’t avoid them at school, his mother would tell him, doesn’t mean you need to bring them home. Do you understand? 
Keigo understood perfectly. His mom was subtly enforcing a “no shop talk” policy—with “shop” referring to “humans”, clearly. He didn’t mind this too much, considering his friendships with his human classmates were largely confined to the bounds of their school. He never went to any of their houses and they certainly didn’t come to his—Keigo was not one of those boys who liked to disobey their mothers. 
There was one thing that threatened the sanctity of the no shop talk policy, though: their next-door neighbors, the LNs. Consisting of LN Akemi and Hikaru, their seven-year-old child, and the family dog, Keigo thought the LNs looked like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. They were nice, normal, and human —everything Keigo and his mother weren’t. 
They were also, annoyingly, hellbent on befriending Keigo and his mother. When they first moved into the neighborhood a year ago, they’d sent you, their child, over with a tray of baked goods and an invitation to dinner. Keigo’s mother had graciously declined, citing her busy work schedule, but Akemi and Hikaru didn’t stop trying. To this day, whenever Keigo would run into them in the street, they hounded him relentlessly about coming over for tea, meeting up for dinner, or—worst of all—arranging a playdate between you and him.
“We promise she doesn’t bite,” your mother told Keigo once, when she’d caught him on his way to the park. “You guys are the same age, and you’re already at the same school—wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend in your class?”
She’d looked at him hopefully, as if his response would make or break her day. Keigo felt bad about declining, again. 
“Sorry, LN-san,” Keigo had responded, and quickly made up some excuse about being busy or going out of town that day. “Maybe next time, though.”
It wasn't as though Keigo disliked you—he didn’t know you well enough to pass judgment on that. He simply understood how important it was to his mother that they keep humans out of their lives. That was why, whenever he saw you crop up in the window opposite his house every day, despondently watching the other kids playing in the street, he resisted the urge to go over and take LN-san up on her offer. 
Instead, he closed the blinds and turned away.
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Your mother wished you would try harder to befriend the Takami boy. 
You knew this because she voiced it frequently: at the dinner table, in the car, and especially whenever she caught you sitting by the window. 
“Really?” she would say, exasperated, before launching into a lecture about your lack of social skills. You’d usually tune her out, having heard the speech enough times to recite it from memory. It always followed the same script: she wanted you to stop staring out the window like a bedridden patient, to go out and play with the kids on your street—maybe invite one over for dinner. She wanted you to make a friend.
Well, that’s easier said than done. And it’s not as if you’ve never tried —in fact, you think you’ve tried harder to make friends than any other seven-year-old alive. You lent pencils to your table mates and didn’t mind when they didn’t give them back. You always packed an extra bento in case someone wanted to share and did your best to contribute to lunchtime conversations. You were even content being the dog in a game of House. But despite all your efforts, no one seemed all too eager to play with you, and they certainly never invited you back for a second round of make-believe. After a while, you got tired of rejection, and it became easier to stop trying altogether.
Of course, if you made any of these points to your mother, she would only bring up Keigo in response. So what if the kids at school take longer to warm up to? you could practically hear her say, You have a built-in best friend right across the street! Never mind that Keigo was one of the kids at school and never bothered to seek you out, either. He had his own friends: a rambunctious, mischievous group of boys who liked to chase girls and argue with teachers. And although Keigo himself never partook in his friends’ antics, he somehow got in the most trouble out of all of them. You suspect it was his eyes, naturally lidded, which gave the impression that he was bored or impudent—something no teacher would take kindly to. You didn’t feel too bad for him, though, considering he always managed to get off the hook with just a tilt of the head and a pretty smile…
You furiously shook your head, clearing your mind of any thoughts of Keigo. You didn’t know why you were thinking about his eyes or his smile, seeing as he practically refused to acknowledge you as neighbors, much less as classmates. That, in your eyes, made him just as bad as the other kids at school. 
Reminded of your sad social situation, you turned to face the window, ready to resume people-watching. All that faced you, however, was an empty street. Looking up, you spotted dark, heavy thunderclouds rolling in from the distance, and quickly surmised that everyone’s parents had probably called them home before the storm. You sighed, disappointed. Guess I won't be having fun watching other people have fun, today. 
You were about to climb down from your window perch—a small nook in the wall that doubled as your lookout point—when you spotted a flash of yellow and red in your periphery. Speak of the devil, you thought wryly. Keigo was rushing down the street, no doubt trying to beat the rain. When he reached his house, he began rifling through his pockets madly, before freezing, dropping to his knees, and then upturning the doormat. His wings were raising and ruffling in a way that betrayed his agitation, and, after sprawling his hands across every inch up the mat, he rose slowly. You couldn’t make out his expression from your room, but you couldn't imagine it was a happy one. 
The wind was picking up now, and the rain clouds were practically on top of you. Glancing back down at Keigo, you saw that he was attempting to squeeze himself under the sliver of roof hanging off the house. His wings were raised protectively over his head, as if they could shield him from lightning bolts. 
Yeah, he would definitely die out there. 
Without another thought, you jumped down from your perch and ran out of your room. You rushed down the steps, taking them two at a time, until you reached the foyer and threw open the front door. 
“Hey!” you shouted across the street. You had to raise your voice substantially to be heard over the howling wind. “Come inside!”
Keigo looked over at you, brows furrowed. “What?” he yelled back.
“Come inside my house!” you repeated, “There’s a storm coming!”
Mentally, you berated yourself. He could clearly see it was storming—it was why he was camped out in front of his own house in the first place! Why couldn’t you think of something more clever to say? 
“No, thanks,” Keigo hollered, “I’m good out here.” 
Well, perhaps it wouldn’t have mattered how articulately you’d phrased your invite—even when you were trying to save their lives, people weren’t interested in spending time with you. Still, you couldn’t just leave Keigo out there. 
“Just come in!” you shouted, getting frustrated, “You are not okay out there!”
As if to prove your point, rain began falling from the sky in heavy sheets. Keigo was soaked within seconds, and even you were getting splashed from your doorway. 
Keigo looked hesitantly at his house, then toward the sky—which was only spewing out more rain—and then at you, across the street. A crack of thunder in the distance finalized his decision. With one last backward glance, Keigo rushed across the street, his wings flapping lightly behind him. As soon as he made it through the doorway, you slammed the door shut behind him. 
“Um…thank you.”
You turned to face the boy standing in your foyer. While running across the street, Keigo had only gotten further drenched, and water was quickly collecting in a small puddle around his feet. His hair, usually golden and fluffy-looking, was now plastered to his forehead in a brown clump, and his wings drooped with the weight of the water. 
“You’re welcome,” you replied stiffly. You didn’t have much practice talking to other kids your age, so you were lost on what you were supposed to say in a situation like this. The weather, you decided, was immediately out.  
Before you could humiliate yourself by blurting out something ridiculous, a violent shiver racked Keigo’s body. You realized the air conditioning was blasting his wet clothes on full force, and quickly jumped into action—he definitely wouldn’t be friends with you if you let him catch pneumonia on your watch.
“Ah, I’m sorry!” you apologized, “You must be cold. Here, follow me.” Without thinking, you grabbed Keigo’s hand and started pulling him up the steps. He briefly tensed in your hold, before relaxing and allowing himself to be guided by you. You guided him to your room where you began pulling out spare towels from your drawers and throwing them on your bed. “Use those to get dry.”
You turned around, expecting to see him toweling off, but instead, he was inspecting the posters on your wall. 
You flushed as you realized what was happening: you were having someone over for the first time, and they were judging your room. Was this a test to see if you’re cool? Would he decide if you’re worthy of being friends with after this?
Keigo noticed you watching him and pulled back from the wall. “Sorry, I was just seeing what kind of stuff you’re into.” 
“Oh,” you said awkwardly, “That’s fine.”
He grabbed the towels off the bed and quickly began drying off. He was still shivering slightly, which concerned you—your mother warned you to always dry off with a towel after getting out of the pool, lest you get sick. You anxiously wondered if too much time had passed between Keigo getting rained on and toweling off.
“So, how did you know I was locked out?” Keigo asked, dragging you out of your thoughts. 
“Oh, I saw you from the window,” you answered immediately, before realizing how creepy you sounded. “I mean, um, I was passing by the window and I happened to see you at the door, since, you know, we’re neighbors and—”
“‘S fine,” Keigo cut you off. “I know that you like to be by the window. I’ve seen you up there, sometimes.”
“Oh,” you said dumbly, “You have?”
“Yeah, you’re always watching the other kids.”
His reply elicited an embarrassed squawk from you. “I’m not watching the other kids!” you exclaimed, “I’m—I’m scouting ! I’m looking to see if anyone here is cool enough to be my friend. That’s why I have to watch them…in action.”
Keigo dragged the towel through his hair, flattening it to his forehead. He peered at you skeptically through a golden curl. “...Sure. Whatever you say.”
“It’s true!” you insisted, becoming defensive, “And it’s not like you would know, seeing as no one here’s good enough for you to play with!” 
Keigo paused at this, one hand still fisted in a towel, but you barreled on, unable to stop. “Whenever I’m watch— scouting the street, I see the way you turn down everyone’s invites. You have all these friends at school, but refuse to hang out with anyone in your neighborhood! Guess you’re just too cool for us, huh?”
(Of course, you didn’t really care whether he hung out with the kids on your street or not. You were referring more to the fact that he’d rejected every play date your mother proposed and completely ignored you at school—but he didn't need to know about that).
“I…I don’t hang out with our neighbors because my mom prefers me to go straight home after school,” Keigo spoke slowly, as if trying to choose his words carefully. “And plus, I don’t think I’d get along with them too well. We’re… different.”
At this, he switched from toweling off his hair to his wings, drawing your attention to the red plumage. They looked darker when wet, you noticed. 
“You mean, because you’re a hybrid?” you asked tentatively.
Keigo’s back stiffened, causing his wings to raise minutely. The motion sent tiny droplets of rain flying across your room. 
“Yeah, that’s what I mean,” he responded. His face was blank—too blank. “Humans and hybrids are different.” 
“How so?” you inquired, before immediately backtracking.“I mean, obviously we’re different, physically. But at the end of the day, we’re all just people.”
He fixed you with a searching look. “Are we, though?”
You were stumped. “I mean, yeah. We both eat food and breathe oxygen. We both go to school and watch TV. I don’t see how we’re that different, you and I.”
Your neighbor blinked curiously at you. The clouded sky outside did little to brighten up your room, and, against the shadowy backdrop of your curtains, Keigo’s eyes appeared luminescent. He shook out his wings—now dried—and turned away from you. 
“You watch TV?”
“Um, yeah, I do,” you replied, confused again. Was your conversation about hybrids over? Talking to Keigo was kind of hard. “Do you…want to watch something?”
Keigo turned back around to you, finally. “Sure,” his lips quirked up minutely—half of his usual smile, and even less than the kind he’d deploy to get out of trouble with teachers. Still, you’d take it. 
“Okay,” you smiled back, relieved. You led the way out of your room and into the living room. “So, we have Nickelodeon and Disney, or we can watch a movie…”
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LN Akemi didn’t ask for much in life. 
Not anymore, that is. When she was younger, she wished for many things: a stable job, a beautiful house, and a lovely family. In her thirties, she acquired all those things, and believed that, at last, she could spend her wishes on superfluous and material things.
Oh, how wrong she was.
The thing no one tells you about having a child is that their problems become your problems. Now, instead of wishing for a promotion at work, Akemi found herself wishing you would recover quickly from your cold. Instead of wishing for more clients at the firm, she wished you would do well on your Geography test.
Most of all, Akemi wished you would make a friend. 
She saw the way you stared out the window: cheeks pressed against the panes, hungrily drinking in the sight of children running in the streets. As if you could live through their joy, their experiences. She saw the way you packed extra lunches and pens, returning each day with an unshared bento (yet missing stationary). She wished you wouldn’t have to look out the window. She wished you wouldn’t lose your pens. 
Akemi didn’t understand why you had such trouble making friends. She knew that all mothers tended to regard their children as perfect, but you were truly the closest thing there was. You were kind, intelligent, and funny in a way that she didn't really get—so why did none of these brats want to hang out with her child? 
Regardless of the answer, Akemi found herself making wishes for you whenever the opportunity arose. An eyelash blown off the cheek, a penny tossed in the fountain—she must’ve made hundreds by the time you hit the second grade. Which was why she couldn’t help but squeal when she returned from work one evening and found Takami Keigo sitting on the couch with you, watching a re-run of Phineas and Ferb. 
“Oh!” she dropped her grocery bags in surprise, spilling produce across the floor. “I didn’t realize you were having a friend over, dear!” 
You stuck your head over the couch and gave her a look that said, Don’t make it sound like I never have friends over. “Yeah, Keigo-kun was locked out of his house during the storm, so I invited him in.”
Akemi could've wept from joy. A blessing in disguise! 
“Hello, LN-san,” Keigo got up from the couch and bowed respectfully. Akemi almost squealed again. “I’m really grateful that LN-chan invited me over. I won’t intrude any longer, though—I’ll head home now.”
“Oh, no, honey,” Akemi quickly said, “You’re not intruding at all! Why don’t you stay for dinner? I was just about to get started.” 
“Yeah, stay for dinner,” you agreed. “Plus, didn't you say your mom's still at work? You’d be locked out, anyway.”
Keigo shrugged. “Yeah, but I can go over the fence and hang out in the backyard or something. It’s my fault for forgetting my keys.” 
Both you and your mother frowned at this, but Keigo didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves and headed over to the kitchen, where he began gathering up Akemi’s dropped groceries. 
“Let me help you with dinner,” he insisted. 
Akemi could feel her eyes welling up. This was more than anything she could’ve ever asked for. “Oh, aren’t you just the sweetest!” she gushed, “No, that’s quite all right, dear. Please, continue watching your show.”
The young hybrid nodded at this, but continued to help her put away the groceries, anyway. Not wanting to be outdone in your home, you also meandered over to the kitchen, picking up a rogue head of broccoli along the way. 
“Keigo-kun,” you began, nervously turning over the produce in your hands, “If your mom doesn’t come back until really late, do you want to spend the night here?” 
Keigo looked conflicted. “I don’t know. I’ve never had a sleepover before—like I said, my mom doesn’t really like me going to others’ houses.”
Akemi couldn’t help but silently agree with Keigo’s mom’s decision. You never knew what could happen at a sleepover, especially as a hybrid…
“Well, we could ask her for permission,” you suggested, “Do you have her phone number?” 
Your new friend looked uncomfortable with the direction the conversation had taken. “Um, yeah, but I don’t know if she’d be able to pick up. She’s really busy at her job.”
At this, Akemi could not help but feel a little concerned. What kind of job doesn’t allow a mother to answer a call from their child? Plus, a glance at the clock on the wall told her it was nearing eight in the evening. How long did Takami-san work for? 
“Well, why don’t we do this,” she deftly interrupted their conversation, “Keigo-kun, we’ll plan as though you’re spending the night for now. Y/N can set up sleeping bags in the living room, and I’ll go grab you a change of clothes—I believe we have some that’ll fit you nicely, from the last time my nephews visited. When your mom returns from her job, I’ll go over and explain the situation, and you can decide if you want to stay or not. Does that sound good?” 
You looked at Keigo hopefully. The hybrid turned toward you, catching the optimistic look on your face. “Sounds good,” he agreed after a moment’s hesitation.
You cheered, tossing the head of broccoli in the air in favor of dashing upstairs to find the sleeping bags. Keigo smiled, picking up the abused vegetable, and resumed helping Akemi sort through the groceries. 
“Thank you for letting me stay, LN-san,” he said earnestly. 
For the nth time that day, Akemi held back a squeal. He was just too cute! “Of course, Keigo-kun. I’m glad that you and Y/N are getting along—I told you she doesn’t bite, right?”
From upstairs, there was a heavy thump, followed by a soft “Frick!”
Keigo’s mouth quirked up in a wry smile. “Yeah, definitely no bite.”
Akemi held back a smile herself. “I better go help her wrangle the sleeping bags. Please make yourself at home here, Keigo.”
The young hybrid gave her an appreciative look, before continuing to dutifully sort through her groceries. As Akemi headed upstairs, she couldn’t help but feel deeply satisfied by the outcome of her wishes. 
Next Chapter
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author's note: I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I've had this idea for a while so I'm excited to share it. Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed it, please let me know what you thought in the comments. Constructive criticism is always welcome :)
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Bathena: First argument from season 4 resurfaces in season 7
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Unpopular opinion: Bathena's arc in season 7 seems to be related to their future as retirees and it's a repeat of the argument they had in season 4.
Please understand, I'm not saying they will retire at the end of season 7 but I am saying it's possible they're being setup to start thinking about it so they can prepare in advance. If they are then Bobby will have to pick someone to train to be the next captain of the 118 and Athena may have to train someone to take over the region/territory she covers as a field sergeant.
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Based solely on the conversation they had with Norman and Lola during their first dinner on the ship, along with Athena's fear of being alone with Bobby because she's not sure what they'll have to discuss when there's "no chaos" (her words to Frank), it appears their first argument that began in 4x12 and carried over into 4x13 and 4x14 has resurfaced in 7x1.
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In 4x12, when Bobby was hyped about finding the treasure, Athena asked him where his interest in it came from and the last answer that he gave her was "We can even decide to retire". She looked at him and replied, "Retire? I thought you loved your job." He said, "I do but jobs like ours... nobody does them forever." He was correct because their jobs as a captain and a sergeant are demanding and they won't last forever. People can age out of them and sometimes employees are forced out for ReAsOnS.
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To make a long story short, she said she planned to be on those streets (being a sergeant) until they forced her off them and Bobby was taken aback by her response then replied, "Somebody almost did" and he was talking about Jeffrey. They continued to talk but Bobby learned from the things she said that she had been offered retirement after 3x17 but she turned it down. He went on to explain that he didn't know about it and well... their communications or lack thereof, continued until it turned into a huge argument in 4x13 that went into 4x14. The only thing that stopped them from continuing was Hen's call to Bobby about Eddie getting shot.
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They made up in 4x14 and they didn't discuss it again.
Fast forward three years and here they are again, faced with the real possibility that the day is coming when they'll have to retire. This is NOT about ageism or anything like that but it is about them being realistic. Everyone at the 118, Maddie and Athena are all seven years older than they were back in season 1 (Eddie and Maddie didn't join the cast until a year later but they're all older than they were) and Bobby had a point when he told his wife that jobs like theirs don't go on forever. Most LAFD and LAPD civil servants have the option to retire and collect their pensions at the age of 55 so it's an option.
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Athena's explanation to Frank illustrated how she's afraid of the way their communications will be after they don't have their jobs to discuss anymore and she also mentioned how she's afraid to talk to Bobby about it.
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Bobby believes she's avoiding him (she was) and it affected him so much he went to an AA meeting.
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IMO, Norman and Lola are on the ship too as a way to show Bobby and Athena that retirement can be a good thing but they'll have to plan for it like Norman and Lola did. Reminder, they just kept popping up everywhere they went and Athena said she didn't like them. It could be because they remind her of their future. (TM is a genius for establishing their retirement arc this way.) Norman and Lola are happy and enjoying their lives while living on a cruise ship. While Bobby and Athena don't have to do what they did, their storylines do parallel especially since Norman specifically said he was a retired dry cleaner from Encino, CA and he wasn't a rich guy who had lots of bitcoin and he doesn't have a dongle. That was a direct callback to 4x12 when Bobby wanted to find the treasure so they could setup trusts for the kids, remodel their kitchen and guess what else? Retire!
After Lola finally got Norman's attention in 2x8, they've been inseparable. Also, don't forget Lola said she spent 18 years raising their kids and then Norman stopped seeing her. He really didn't because he was just going on with life but she thought he did. She explained that he came to see her everyday while she was in jail and they've continued to communicate ever since and now they can't stay away from each other.
Bobby and Athena spent most of 7x1 not communicating but when they got into their "crime fighting mode" after assuming Norman had killed Lola, like they've done before when they were investigating the owner who burned down his restaurant in season 2 and the casino heist in season 5, they were unstoppable. He's a fire captain so he knows fires and she's a field sergeant which means she knows crime and investigations, therefore, they're an awesome duo who could combine their skillsets and build an empire. IMO, they would make an awesome private investigations team but I digress.
Reminder, they're empty nesters now and when they're not at work, they spend most of their time talking about it. All of their friends are at work too and we never see them hanging out with other couples like Norman and Lola so maybe this is a good thing. Also, if they don't plan now, what are they going to do when they actually do retire?
Only they can answer that question or they'll end up like the first couple in the episode who had the fighter jet land inside of their home, onery, frustrated and angry.
Disclaimer: facing retirement is a real fear for some people because they didn't/don't prepare or discuss what they want to do after their jobs end. Some people make their jobs their life and when it's over, they don't know what to do with themselves. That's why work/life balance is important along with setting boundaries with an employer.
There's an old saying, "I work to live, I don't live to work" and it's true.
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muzaktomyears · 10 months
Mimi and Paul
I immediately wrote Mimi of the news [of John leaving Yoko]. “If your news re: Y. is sound, well that’ll please me I can tell you. It’s his only hope of getting on an even keel again,” she responded.
Someone had sent her recently taken pictures of John and they made her sad. She thought he looked lost somehow and might be wishing The Beatles would get back together. It was those times she thought he missed all the happy times the group had together. He began phoning her again and had told her that Paul was coming over and that he would be seeing him. She hoped that happier times would be coming out of their meeting.
Mimi seemed to hear from John on a somewhat regular basis again while he was separated from Yoko. If he didn’t phone, he wrote and she was always pleased when she heard from him. He seemed much more like his old self, she thought, and he had continued hopes that he and Paul might get back together again.
Mimi had talked to John (before the Paul [getting arrested in Japan] news had broken) and determined that he would never tour again. He and Paul had just spoken on the phone and Paul had been complaining “how hard the tour was”. So John had asked him “why the hell do you do it then?” The honest answer, according to Mimi, was that he simply could not give up the publicity.
“…I was talking to Neil Aspinall – Apple. He too is furious about the book ‘Shout’, such a pathetic liar for money. I had a good ‘shout’ about Paul too. Behold! A couple of hours later a phone call from Paul! He was nervous of me… I told you… many excuses. Thought I was annoyed with him. And so I was. Also Paul seriously thinking of going after Philip Norman over ‘Shout’. If ever I see Philip Norman I’ll pitch into him. Paul advised me not to do it myself. It is monstrous that this scandal monger can write such things.”
[re: Paul ringing in April] Mimi had truly been upset that he’d not called her before then and she had bent Neil Aspinall’s ear one Sunday afternoon. Two hours later all was forgiven with a phone call from Paul. She said she scolded him, telling him he should have known she wasn’t thinking of any ridiculous slight he might have been worried about. It had been John who had been killed and Paul should have known she was thinking of nothing else. I don’t know what he said but they both cried, she said, and any resentment was gone.
She said she could hear children in the background and asked him if all those were his. “Yeah, we’re like rabbits around here.”
They discussed the book Shout! by Philip Norman and how they resented parts of it. He told her not to get involved and that he would handle it, though what he intended on doing or what he actually did, I have no idea. Since Norman is now writing a biography on Paul and claims to have received a rather conceptual OK, I would assume all is forgiven there as well.
Before ringing off, Paul said he would be down to visit her one day; something she was still waiting to see happen.
The Guitar’s All Right as a Hobby, John, Kathy Burns (2014)
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: neteyam x augustine (na'vi/avatar oc, she/her)
summary: augustine follows her father’s wishes and travels to the metkayina clan. there, she is reunited with the sully’s.
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; avatar twow spoilers; complicated family dynamics, near death experience, fluffy fluff young love, slow burn, etc.
word count: ~6.8k
• part 1 • eywa’s choice • series •
note: y'all i'm low-key obsessed with avatar rn and i can't get this out of my head. i did a lot of research for this one and included some links if you need it! please note there is canon divergence obvi within this story, as well as both characters being 18 and 19 years old (i.e., 4 years after twow). here is some young love, coming your way! also did not make this gif ♥️
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"Augustine," Spider calls out as he rushes into the gardens behind the old military base. "You out here?" Augustine stands from her bed. "Spider!" she says as rushes to the edge of her treehouse beside the greenery. She peers down, hopeful to land her eyes upon him.
She watches as the man, whom she considered as her brother, ran up to the base of the tree. His dirty blonde dreaded hair being held back behind his oxygen mask. She has not seen him in what feels like forever. After he joined the Sully clan, things had changed. Although a spark races in her heart, she is wary. Unsure of who they are to each other now. Is he still her brother? Is she his sister?
"You coming down any time soon?" Spider asks as he places his hands upon his hips with a smirk. Augustine laughs, shaking off her nerves, as she jumps down from the tree. She lands gracefully upon the soft soil. A smile sprawls across her face. "This soon enough?" she asks with amusement in her voice.
Spider rolls his eyes and scoffs as he turns around. "It must be nice to be eight feet tall. That was barely a jump, huh?" he asks. "Aw, are you jealous, brother?" Augustine taunts. He shakes his head while releasing a chuckle. "Norm's calling for you. It's dinner time," he shares as he turns to make his way back to the research buildings. "Race you there," she suggests with a smile.
Augustine's feet dig deeply within the dirt as she pushes off the ground. Spider groans and rushes quickly behind his Na'vi sister. She slows her pace giving him the slightest chance. As she rushes through the airlock chamber, she laughs until he runs right behind her. "Maybe one of these days you'll beat me," she giggles. He rolls his eyes as she grabs hold of her mask. She hooks the gas mask around her neck. The machine hooked onto her shorts.
As she walks in, Augustine is met with the several scientists and doctors that took part in raising her. The love of her family is filled with appreciation. Spider runs off to mess around with Dr. Patel. She grins as she looks over her beautiful family.
"Gusty!" Norman says with open arms. It was always nice to see him in his true form. His shaggy hair and crooked smile always left her hopeful. His avatar did not do him justice when it came to her favorites of his quirks. "Hello papa," she says as she falls into his embrace. "How are you, sweetie?" he asks as he grips hard around her back. Despite him being at least six feet, it is still quite hilarious how much she towers over him.
“Doin' good! I’m surprised to see Spider here,” she mentions quickly as she turns to look his way within his embrace. Her father peers over towards him. His body language uncomfortable. It intrigues her. “Yeah, let’s have some dinner first,” he says as he guides her towards the table. “What’s wrong, dad?” she asks as he lowers his hands. “We can talk about it over dinner,” her father suggests with a shifty smile.
“Hm, I think I want to talk about it now,” Augustine says as she sits down across from him. She stares at him with a skeptical look and a “no bullshit” type of attitude. He meets her stubbornness with laughter. “Oh Ewya, you are just as fiery as your mother,” her father mutters.
Her mother, Ewtoä, was born of the Tayrangi clan - a true Na’vi. Augustine has been told stories of her mother all her life. How strong of a warrior she was. How intelligent she was in leading strategies and maneuvers. How she would stand beside Toruk Makto and often be his right hand in battle, especially after Tsu'tey's death. Toruk Makto would often share how great she would have been in the Jarhead clan he spoke of.
Ewtoä was beautiful, inspirational. Her father met her in the first war against the sky people. They rushed in together on the ground as Toruk Makto and Neyteri attacked from the skies. She helped get her father’s avatar to safety after he had been shot. Soon, Augustine came along. However, she never got to meet her mother. She died in childbirth despite all the doctors' efforts. Father was devastated.
After years had passed, father slipped up and recklessly shared that her mother never wanted children. All in good spirits. He told a story of how she always intended to be a warrior and that being a mother may complicate things. Augustine did not mind being an accident, but she did mind being the one who brought her mother to Ewya. Ewtoä, an incredible warrior, killed by her unwanted child. It ripped a whole in her heart that she has yet to repair.
"Father, please. Why is Spider here?" Augustine places her hand upon his. "Is everything alright?" she asks with worry. Her father sighs as he places his hand atop hers. "I want you to go back with him - to the Metkayina clan," he sheepishly answers. His eyes to the table's surface.
Her brows pushed together as pain rains through her face. "You mean to Toruk Makto," she says with her lips pulled in disgust. She quickly takes her hand from him and stands. Spider and Dr. Patel watch from afar. She could hear Spider mumble, "I knew she wasn't going to take it well."
Augustine growls as she paces back and forth in annoyance. Her ears flatten as she tries to process her father's request. "Hey, no. Not Toruk Makto. Your uncle - Uncle Jake," her father corrects as he stands and places a calm hand upon her shoulder. She rolls her eyes and shakes off his hand. "I'm an alien. They will not accept me," she yells as she throws her four fingers up towards her father. "Sweet girl, you know Na'vi. And they accepted the Sully's," her father attempts to soothe as he reaches out once more but pulls back.
"They lived along the Omatikaya. I haven't lived with the forest people in 5 years. Anything I learned is long gone," Augustine says under her breath. "I mean look at me now! I wear clothes!" Spider bursts into laughter on the other side of the room. She quickly turns and rushes him. He jumps up onto the desk as he defends himself. A hiss seething through his teeth. She stands before him, bent down and ready to pounce. She returns a hiss in his direction. How dare he laugh at her? "Look at you. You still have Na'vi in you," he says with a smile as his body relaxes. She groans as she turns her back towards him.
"Augustine," her father whispers. "You are a great warrior. Just because time has passed does not mean that you will not remember. You still have your ikran." He places a hesitant hand to her cheek. "I haven't seen Nei in so long. She will be angry, as she should," she mumbles under her breath as she attempts to pull away.
"The sky people are going to come back. The avatars will be back." She leans into his palm. "I want you to be able to protect yourself," he mutters. "Gusty, I need you to be safe." She whines, "I am safe here. You brought me here to be safe after the sky people came the second time!" He shakes his head, as he guides her into a hug. "You aren't, sweet girl," he whispers against her cheek. She pulls away as tears flood her eyes. "I can't keep you safe anymore."
Augustine looks down as the tears fall from her cheeks. "I will go," she whispers with a nod. "Thank you," her father says was he sighs in relief. "When?" she asks with a crack to her voice. "After dinner, Gus," Spider replies quietly as he steps down from the table. She turns towards him and winces. "After dinner," she repeats as she slowly sits on the chair.
The dinner was silent and solemn. After their meal, Augustine rushes towards her home. She packs her favorite clothes from when she was with the tree people, as well as her favorite memories. The makeshift arrow that her father made her when she was a child. The flying visor that her mother wore into all her battles. "You don't want to bring your human clothes?" Spider asks with a laugh. She turns towards him and playfully pushes against his chest with a chuckle. "I don't want to look more like an alien than I already am," she mutters with insecurity. "Kiri and Lo'ak have four fingers. You will never be alone. Never again," he says with a sunken smile. "Thank you, brother," she says.
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The trip to the reefs was long. For some reason, the journey was unable to wait until morning. The SA-2 fearlessly flew through the night sky. The cool air blows Augustine's hair aside and continues to fly right into her face. Spider holds back laughs as he watches her struggle. She forgot about the chill in the air with her clothes. She catches glimpses of her father watching her. His eyes water as he sniffles against the rushing wind. Her heart aches for him, but she knows that this is what he wants.
Finally, as the sun rises over the horizon, the vehicle lands atop the sanded surface. She takes in sharp breaths of air, attempting to calm herself. The nerves sending painful shocks throughout her body. Her eyes are fixed upon her hands, as they rest between squeezed thighs. Would the Metkayina accept her? Would Kiri, Lo'ak, Neteyam, Tuk remember her? It has been so long.
Spider quickly jumps off the SA-2 and rushes towards a blue form. Augustine notices the sweet smile and quickly recognizes her childhood friend, Kiri. Excitement bursts through her chest. She has not seen her since she was fourteen years old. She continues to watch as her arms wrap around Spider. They hold in an embrace that leaves her mind reeling. Spider and Kiri? she thinks. She watches as the two smile and rush off towards the pods. A part of her heart hurts as Kiri did not greet her.
"Gusty," her father says as he comes into view. He holds his hand out. Augustine grabs hold of him as she steps outside the vehicle. She hooks her backpack over her shoulder. "We have to say goodbye," he says as he holds back a sob. Her thoughts disperse as she immediately looks at her father. "Father, I-," she starts as tears stream down her cheeks. "It's okay, sweet girl," he says as he wipes away her tears. "You will be safe here."
"Norm," a booming voice came from behind her. Father turns, wiping away his own tears. "Sully," he says with higher affect as he opens his arms for an embrace. Augustine recognizes the man as Toruk Makto. She immediately gestures a greeting as he looks her way. His hardened face gazes deep into her soul. "Augustine," he says with a nod and returns the gesture. "Toruk Makto," she responds with a quick gulp.
He laughs as he puts a firm hand on her father's shoulder. "No one's called me that in years," he smiles. "You can call me Jake." He places his hand out for what she recognizes as a handshake. She learned of a handshake from father, but never had the opportunity to do so. She hesitantly extends her hand and feels Jake’s fingers wrap around her’s. He shakes her hand and lets go immediately. She is not sure how she feels about the interaction. Jake smiles. “You've grown so much since I last saw you,” he happily states as he looks over her. She recognizes Neytiri gracefully joining at his side. An involuntary smile grows upon her face.
Augustine's father comes back into view. “I see you,” her father says as he gestures towards her. His hands tightly gripping onto hers. She nods and clears her throat. “I see you, papa,” she replies as she pulls him into a hug. “I love you,” he mumbles against her ear. “I love you. Please come back for me,” she whimpers in his arms. “I will. I cannot wait to see the wonderful, strong warrior you were always meant to be,” he smiles as he pulls away. “Just like your mother.” She nods, holding back tears. “Yes, father.” And with that, her father got back onto the SA-2. With tears in her eyes, she watches as the pilot pulls away. Her father waving goodbye until he was out of sight.
Augustine feels a gentle hand upon her shoulder. “Augustine,” she hears a sweet voice say. She turns to see Neytiri, someone whom she loves greatly. A soft smile grows upon her face. Her brows slightly push together in concern. “We welcome you to our home, Augustine," she says as she places a hand to her chest. She gestures a welcome as she bows. "I see you, Neytiri. Thank you for your welcome," she beams. "May I hug you?" she asks with a smile. They both happily embrace each other.
As they release, Neytiri walks around her with a smirk. She scans her body, brushing her hand through her long straight locks. “Lor,” she says. Augustine blushes as she recognizes the Na'vi word for beautiful. “How was your ride over?” Jake asks as he wraps his arm around his mate's. “Windy,” she answers with a chuckle. The two laugh alongside her. Their amusement seems genuine, but she remains nervous.
“How's your Na'vi?” he asks as he guides the trio towards the pods. "I never stopped speaking it," she answers as she gracefully switches to the Na'vi language. She never had the option to not practice the language. Her father loved it greatly.
With Jake’s direction, Augustine walks through the lands of the Metkayina. She was not able to notice its beauty before as she was so focused on her father’s departure. She remembers that she has never once been more than an hour or two away from her father. Yet, now her father travels farther and farther from where she stands. She tries to get the thought from her mind, but feels a tightness in her chest as she struggles to maintain her breath.
The water is a shade of greenish blue that she is not familiar with. Lighter, more calm. The ground beneath her feet soft and malleable. She can feel it’s warmth through her toes. The sun pleasant against her skin. She notes the other Na’vi, the sea reef people. Their skin matching the ocean’s color. Their hair curlier and thick. They are beautiful. Their faces are oval and sweet. Their tails thick, resembling the fish she has seen in the forest’s ponds.
They watch her. Their eyes baring holes deep within her skin. She could not discern if they were interested or if they were disapproving. As she peers through the crowds, she begins to worry about her Na'vi fluency. Does she remember? Does she remember the Na'vi people's traditions? Her people's? She continues follow along the Sully leaders until they approach a pod. “Everyone’s been so excited to see you,” Jake says with a genuine smile. He walks through the threshold and gestures for her to enter.
“Everyone?” Augustine mutters to herself as she bends down to walk into the space. The first thing she sees, or feels, is Kiri rushing towards her with a hug. She feels happiness, something she has yet to feel for some time. “Gus, it’s been so long!” she exclaims. She and Kiri have had a special bond since birth. After all, they are both heavily inspired by Dr. Grace Augustine. “Kiri, I’ve missed you so much,” she says with a grin as she pulls away. Her hands still gently holding her forearms. “I’ve missed you so much!” Kiri smiles as she pulls her in once more for a stronger embrace.
“Hey, move along, sis. Don’t hold her up,” a boy says as he pushes his arm between the two girls. “Lo’ak,” Augustine smirks as she wraps her arms around his neck. “Gusty,” he chuckles as he wraps his arms at her back. “Where have you been, girl?” he asks. “Where have you been? Last I checked, you were the one who left,” she taunts as her brows raise. He laughs as he playfully punches her shoulder and steps away.
"Augustine," she hears a familiar comforting voice call. She looks up to note Neteyam's large golden eyes. He looks the same as she remembers. However, he now proudly wears a tattoo upon his right shoulder of a fish found in the forest lands. "Neteyam," she answers with a nod. He smiles and stands beside Lo'ak. Things have always been rather odd between Neteyam and Augustine. They have never spent time alone together and only in a group with each other’s siblings. She did not expect anything more from the eldest of the Sully's.
A small figure rushes from the other side of the tent. “Auggie!” she yelps. She bounces and smirks as she crashes into Augustine's torso. "Tuk?" she asks in surprise. She places her hands upon her shoulders, placing some space between their two bodies. "You've gotten so tall!" The Sully clan bursts into laughter as Tuk blushes. "You are so beautiful, little one," she shares as she pinches her round cheeks. Neytiri and Kiri smile in the back as their hands collide.
She cannot explain the amount of happiness rushing through her body. The people she has loved so much remember her. Remember her despite the many years that have passed. Her greatest fear is just that - fear. No longer having the possibility of being fact. "I've missed you all," she shares as she looks over the family. They return smiles her way. She notes a stranger beside Lo'ak.
"And who is this?" Augustine asks curiously as she gestures a welcome towards the girl. Her skin matches that of the sea. Her hair curly and long. She was gorgeous. Lo'ak smiles as he steps forward. "This is Tsireya, my-" he introduces. "Reya," she says as she returns a welcoming gesture. "It is wonderful to meet you, Reya," she replies with a grin. She is elated to see Lo'ak so happy.
"Let's eat," Jake announces as he rubs his hands together. The family sits down as they laugh over a delicious meal. "What have you been doing for the last couple years?" Lo'ak asks between bites. Augustine laughs as she bumps against Kiri's happy shoulder. "I've been studying under my father. Learning the human, I mean - sky people's medicinal ways," she shares. "A healer," Neytiri beams proudly as she nods towards her. "Yes, a healer," she agrees. "I had a few more years to learn," she mumbles on. Her smile falls as she realizes that she may never return to her studies.
"My mother is the healer of the Metkayina," Reya shares with a genuine smile. "Yes, Ronal the Tsahik," Kiri added. "She saved me once, you know?" Augustine turns towards her in shock. "What have you been doing that you may need a Tsahik?" she asks with worry. Kiri laughs with her siblings as Neytiri and Jake eat with emotionless expressions.
"Remember when Norm came to visit us?" Lo'ak asks with amusement. "Yes," she inquires. "I remember getting into a huge fight with my dad because he wouldn't let me go with him." Neteyam smiles as he drags his words, "He was coming to heal Kiri." Augustine turns towards her once again with wide eyes. "Kiri! It was that bad? Are you okay?" she asks as she pulls at her arms, analyzing her body. "Yes, yes, I am fine, Gusty," she answers with a giggle. "Thank Eywa," Neytiri and Augustine say in unison.
After much time laughing and reminiscing over childhood stories, Jake gathers the clan's attention. "Augustine, you are here to recall your training as an Omatikaya warrior. You will also train as a Metkayina," Jake announces. Led by Neytiri, the Sully's click their tongues and make sharp encouraging and excited sounds. The sounds she missed dearly. "Neteyam will teach you the way," he adds. Neteyam's head raises. His brows push together in confusion. He must not have been aware she notes. "Yes, sir,” he says in a quiet tone. His chin pinned to his chest as he looks down. Almost like he was a nantang submissive to his alpha. Underneath his obedience, she could sense annoyance and anger.
Augustine's brows furrow as she looks down at her legs. She swallows as she feels her first pain within the ocean's islands. "Let's get some sleep. We're starting early tomorrow," Jake directs as he stands. He grabs hold of Neytiri's hand, supporting her as she raises. The Sully's stand promptly and move to their designated beds. Lo'ak holds both Reya's hands as he whispers his gentle goodbyes.
Augustine lays in her bed, snuggling up on the netting above the warm salty seas. As silence fills the home, she struggles to keep her mind from her family, from her home, from her father. She holds back sobs as she curls tighter into herself. Tears stream down her face. "I will make you proud, father," she whispers to herself before falling asleep.
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"Wake up, Augustine," she feels a gentle hand upon her shoulder. She turns to see Neteyam kneeling beside where she rests. She feels the netting sink beneath his weight. "I'm getting up," she murmurs. "Now," he says sternly. He abruptly raises from the floor. Enough to shake her as she remains on her side. She turns to watch him walk away as she pulls her lip. Somehow she has annoyed the eldest of the Sully's. She could not even make it a single day.
As she stands, Augustine stumbles on her feet atop the netting. She quickly maintains her balance as she opens her arms to the side. She smiles, proud that she did not fall. As she looks up, she notices Neteyam peering back at her with a blank stare. He rolls his eyes before walking out the pod’s entrance. She shakes her head and grumpily follows behind him. She does not remember him being so pissy.
He leads her through the different families’ pods. She smiles as she watches mothers nuzzle against their little ones, siblings play fighting, families enjoying a meal. It reminds her of her own childhood and spending time with the growing Sully clan when she was barely ten.
“Hurry,” Neteyam says as he grabs hold of her wrist. The grasp is not tight or painful but Augustine did not enjoy being touched. She quickly pulls her hand from him, giving him a stare. How dare he think he has the right to touch her after being so rude to her? He peers back at her. His face showing a hurt expression that confused her. He gestures for her to follow along as he quickens his step.
Neteyam leads her to the marketplace. It is bustling with Na’vi. It puts a huge smile upon her face. She smells in the delicious food cooking. She listens to the beautiful music, filled with pronounced drums. She closes her eyes to take it all in, all her senses but sight. She has missed this. Every fiber of her being missed her people. She understood why father ripped her away from them then. Just as she understands why he ripped her away from him now.
As she slowly opens her eyes, Augustine notes several Na’vi watching her. Looking around, she recognizes a variety of faces - disgust, interest, annoyance. That is when she catches Neteyam’s eyes. For once, they seem welcoming. Like he had been staring at her the entire time. Not with disgust, interest, or annoyance. What was it?
Once their eyes met, that welcome disappeared and was replaced with annoyance again. “Let’s go, Augustine,” he says firmly as he runs off past the market. She awkwardly smiles as she looks around once more. She clears her throat and runs after him.
Neteyam leads her to a secluded beach away from the bustling crowds. She watches as he walks into the ocean. The water hitting his ankles as he closes his eyes and leans his head back. He must enjoy the water, she thinks to herself. “The first thing you need to learn is how to breathe,” he begins as he gestures for her to join him. “Good thing I already know how to do that,” she laughs to herself. He clearly is not amused.
Augustine quickly joins him in the ocean. She feels the warm water hit her shins. She wiggles her toes into the sand. She smiles as she realizes she enjoys the water too. He walks in deeper without looking back at her. She instinctually follows him. He then yells out a call, similar to those when one calls upon their ikran.
Suddenly, a dark mass rushes through the water. Panic floods Augustine’s chest. She drops down into a crouch, the water now at her knees. Her ears fall back and she hisses as her fists raise. Neteyam begins to laugh hysterically, practically falling over into the water. She slowly raises in confusion as the mass floats beside him.
“Are you ready, warrior princess?” He asks with chuckles interrupting his words. She rolls her eyes as she walks closer. She notices it’s beauty, it’s soft eyes and quick movements. “This is ilu,” he says as he smooths his hand over the mass. His tone now calm and serious. She hesitantly follows his lead and touches it. It is slimy under her touch but so soft.
“It is like Pa’li,” Neteyam adds as he reaches for his tswin. He swiftly makes a tsaheylu. His pupils widen as he holds tighter against his ilu. He breathes out, alongside the beautiful creature. “Come,” he gestures for Augustine to get on top. “I’ll go behind you,” she mutters under her breath.
“Trust me, she is quite fast. You will want to be in front so you are not thrown off,” he says. “Unless the warrior princess has something to prove?” he taunts with a raise of his brow. “I have nothing to prove to you, Neteyam,” she says sternly as she kicks her leg over the ilu’s body. He scoffs as he gets on behind her. His arms wrap around her to hold the notch in front. She holds onto a lower notch. She feels the warmth of his chest on her back.
Neteyam pulls down his visor. He says, “If you need air, just tap my hand.” In surprise, she tries to turn around and knocks her head back into his chin. “Oh, sorry,” she winces. He shakes off the pain with a sigh. “We are going under the water with ilu?” she asks hesitantly. “Yes, take a deep breath,” he says as he slowly takes in air. She immediately imitates him to take in as much air as she can. He nods and leans forward, prompting her to lean forward as well.
The ilu dives underneath the ocean’s surface. Augustine feels the speed of the water through her face and hair. Neteyam is smacked with a face full of hair due to high speeds. Her eyes flutter as they struggle to remain open. But, oh Eywa, what she sees? She wishes she could see it for the first time over and over again.
The reefs are colors of purple, blue, pink, and yellow. It’s vibrancy reminds her of home and the forests surrounding it. Whether her body wants to or not, Augustine’s eyes widen as they swim over a large vast of oceanic space. She can no longer see the ground. She smiles at the sight of gorgeous creatures she has never seen before. Her grin grows as she watches some creatures flash like twinkling lights. She could not help but think of and thank Ewya.
But suddenly her body begins to panic. Her chest tightens and constricts. Nerves and electric shock run through her veins. She needs air. Augustine taps Neteyam’s hand. He immediately brushes her off and gestures for her to stay down. She gestures “no” and smacks his hand again. She could feel him shaking his head “no” as he continues forward.
The stress of her body going into survival mode is incredibly painful. She is desperate to make it stop. She digs her nails into one of his hands. He pulls back as he winces. She lets go of her notch and swims up. Due to the ilu’s speed, she tumbles behind in its current. She struggles to find which way is up as she begins to feel her heart beat in her ears.
Finally, she swims up and breaches the water. The air sucked in burns her lungs. She struggles to get another breath. Neteyam appears from the ocean atop his ilu. “What the hell was that?” he asks, annoyed. “What?!” she yells breathless. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “No, Neteyam! Don’t roll your eyes at me again. You were trying to kill me,” she utters. Anger replaces the pain in her body.
“You were fine. You had a few more minutes,” he whispers under his breath. “You know what? I’m done,” she says as she begins to swim back to the shore. “Oh common, Augustine,” he whines. “Don’t be like that.” As she paddles forward, she lifts her hand to flip him off. She could hear a grunt and rushing water.
“Augustine, we can’t stop now,” Neteyam says as his ilu swims beside her. She receives comfort from feeling the ground. Her hair sticks against her back, chest, and neck. “And why is that, Neteyam? It’s not like you wanted to train me. You’ve been acting like a dick this entire time,” she says as she crosses her arms on her chest.
He growls in annoyance as he shakes his head. He takes a breath and looks back at her. “I can’t fail my dad,” he mumbles. His energy completely shifts as his eyes meet the ocean waves. “I’m still not sure how that explains why you’ve been acting like a dick?” she asks with a raise of his brow.
His face deadpans as he stares her way. “I had plans,” he whines. “I was going to hunt with the greatest warriors today.” He splashes the water away from the pairing. Now this is the Neteyam that she remembers. Always “woe is me” and focused on the responsibilities expected of him by his family. “This was the first time I have been invited since I received my rites,” he mutters. “He knew how important this is to me.” He takes a breath. “But it is not a priority to the family.”
Augustine watches over him as his body language loudly displays defeat. “I am sorry I have been a ‘dick’,” he says with hand quotations. “I am sorry that you weren’t able to go on the hunt,” she genuinely shares. He nods and mumbles, “Thanks.”
She watches, confused, as he sighs and smiles. “Should we continue?” he asks. “Um, no. It’s your turn again,” she demands. He creates his own mixture of scoffing and laughing. “My turn to what?” he asks amusingly. “You have another thing to apologize for,” she replies with her hand gesturing out in annoyance. “What?” he smirks. “You just tried to kill me!” she yells.
“I did not try to kill you,” Neteyam answers with a taunting singsong voice. “Then what the hell was that?” she asks in another yell. He snorts at her reaction. “I wanted to see how long you could hold your breath. To see where we are starting,” he chuckles. “Okay well, why would you tell me to tap on your hand when I need air and not let me get air?” she asks as she splashes water towards him.
“Hey!” he laughs. “I knew you could hold out a little longer.” Augustine huffs as she resumes her walk towards shore. “Okay, okay, Augustine,” he pleads. “Part of it was that I knew you could hold your breath a bit longer, but the other part was for you to feel your body underwater.”
Neteyam climbs off of his ilu as he walks towards her. He flicks his visor up gracefully. She watches him with suspicious eyes. “How your body tells - screams for air,” he says. “When to trust yourself.” He places his hand upon her chest. He places his other to his own. His palm warm and comforting. She surprisingly does not want him to leave. “The first signs of when you may need air.” He looks up, finally noticing his hand’s placement. He quickly pulls from her.
“It hurt,” Augustine shares as her eyes peer down at his hand by his side. Neteyam watches her with a hurt glance and furrowed brows. “I’m sorry I hurt you,” he whispers to her. “Finally, an apology,” she murmurs back with a growing smile. He puffs out air as he pulls away from the intimate moment. “Can we continue now?” he asks with a nod towards the ocean.
Augustine shrugs and abruptly runs towards his ilu. She laughs as she hears Neteyam running behind her. He splashes all along the way as she hops on and grabs hold of a notch. As he sits behind her, he chuckles to himself. “Where did you even learn the word, ‘dick?’” he asks. “Kiri,” she smiles back towards him. “Of course you did,” he grumbles as he pulls down his visor.
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After hours of training in the blue green oceans, Augustine was able to extend her underwater diving for another minute. She hates to admit it but Neteyam is quite the teacher. She has to continue practicing but she learned deep breathing comes from the belly and not the chest.
She flutters her legs as she floats face down on the surface of the water. Neteyam points to each new sea creature and whispers their name into her ear. She wants to know more. She wants to know everything. She catches herself jealous of the Sully’s. That they have had four years of this beauty, while she had five living in the old military compound.
Augustine hates to admit it, but she had forgotten how beautiful Ewya was. She was able to appreciate the All-Mother in the surrounding trees, bushes, flowers. However, she rarely saw Ewya’s creatures. To see the beauty in the moving and living forest. She is thankful for her time in the forest. She is thankful for her time now in the ocean.
Neteyam began to trust her a bit more with every passing hour. He provides her more space as they both dive deeper into the ocean. Their explorations remain individual, but parallel. Only small shared looks here and there past the sun rays within the clear blue water.
A fish caught Augustine’s eye. It is thin, like a wall. Eyes on either side, like a Pa’li. It is pale white, like the ocean floor. She has not seen it before. She looks to find Neteyam, hoping he may know it’s name. His back is turned towards her as he dives deeper. She peers back down at the creature as it begins to swim away. She wants to see more.
She quickly breaches the water. She takes a deep breath from her stomach and submerges. She gracefully swims towards the fish, leaving enough space to just observe and not disturb. The fish reminds her of something but she could not put her finger on it. It is swift as it moves through the water. It leaves little ripples behind its fins. They are so strong that she can feel them from off in the distance.
The fish sneaks into a large pink and red colored coral reef. The opening just as thin as it. Augustine makes a face in frustration. She is not ready to say goodbye to this gift from Ewya. She swims around the reef to find another opening. All she needs is a small space between the corals, but they are so dense. She just wants to see - to learn more.
She continues to swim around the creature’s home, hoping for a mere glimpse. She feels tingles atop her skull. Her body’s earliest sign, communicating for a breath of air. Yet, she is determined. Trust yourself, she thinks of Neteyam’s words. A little bit more. She flutters her feet, attempting to make as little waves as possible.
Finally, Augustine sees it. A smile grows upon her face. She watches as the thin creature curls around in its secluded space within the coral. Miniature versions of it circle around the space. A mother and her family. She swims closer to the coral. Her hands carefully placed against its sharp edges. Ewya is beautiful. She is lucky to see her again in these creatures.
She begins to feel lightheaded. Her body’s second sign. She will not ignore it this time. With a sweet smile, she pulls away from the gorgeous underwater structure. Her face looks up as she begins to kick the water below her. Happiness fills her. She wishes for nothing more than to experience this day once more.
As her hands almost reach the surface, Augustine feels a pain in her back side. She turns to realize that the bush of her tail had been caught between the grooves of the coral. She swims back quickly to separate herself. Only to realize that the thick bits of her hair were puzzlingly tangled deep within the corals.
She begins to panic. Her chest tightens greatly. She tries to clear her head as she focuses on the complex mystery before her. She tries to untangle. She tries to pull. She feels the pain with each tug. One last brutal tug opens her mouth as she attempts to scream. The last of her breath gone. Now, it is time to panic. She pulls harder and harder. She watches as blood floats above her tail. The pain is unbearable. Not anything she would have expected. Not an agony she has ever experienced before.
She feels pain bubble to her scalp. The third sign. She gives it one last tug, giving all of her effort. She knows this might be her last chance. Luckily, she is free. The red liquid floating through the water. Pushing through the pain of her tail, the pain of her body, she pushes once again. Pushing to get to the surface. She prepares herself for the pain of the large gasp of air once breaching.
Augustine kicks and kicks and … her body stops. It has used all of its energy. She watches as her body lays just a few meters away from the surface. Her body has given up, yet her mind still screams. She screams for a breath. Then the distance between the air and water grew larger. Her lightheadedness increased. Before she knew it, she fell asleep.
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Augustine chokes on the sea water. As she struggles to cough up the liquid in her lungs, her hands involuntarily grip beneath her. She feels the warmth of the grains in her palms. Like a wave, she begins to feel her senses return. She hears her name called repeatedly. She sees Neteyam above her with worried eyes. She feels his braids tickle her chin as he floats directly over her.
“Augustine!” he yells as he places his hands onto her cheeks. She takes in the breath of air she had imagined. It hurts, like she imagined. With a few more coughs, she raises. He helps her up and pins the side of her face to his chest. “Neteyam,” she whispers through pained wind pipes. “Thank you, Ewya,” he murmurs under his breath as he rocks both their bodies.
He abruptly pulls her away to stare into her eyes. “Are you okay?” he asks with worry rippled throughout his face. “Yes,” she whispers. “Are you sure?” he asks hastily. His fingers furiously pushing away the wet hair in her face. “Yes, I am sure,” she says louder, despite the pain in her throat.
Augustine raises her eyes to Neteyam’s once again. The worry is still clear in his face as his hands smush her cheeks. His eyes rapidly switch between her own. “I thought I lost you,” he mumbles underneath his breath. She watches him with confused eyes. Her mind remains foggy. She attempts to grasp onto reality by placing her hand upon his, as it cups her cheek.
His eyes move to different aspects of her face. She wonders if he is looking for other areas where she may be hurt. His gaze falls upon her lips. Slowly, he leans towards her. Before she is able to realize what is happening, he presses his lips upon her’s. The warmth of his soft lips against her mouth is another memory she wishes she could experience again. She leans into his embrace. Her hand gripping onto his.
Neteyam pulls away. His eyes fall to the sand, as his hands lower. Despite the near death experiences, Augustine wants nothing more than to repeat today’s first experiences.
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note: whatcha think? I hope you liked it! let me know if you want to see a part two! comment if you'd like to join the taglist ♥️
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