#i have asks and a shitty rich boy OC to get to.
zanukavat · 10 months
so, I made these cute ref sheets in the shows style yesterday (and today), apologies if you cant decipher my scribbly handwriting, ill summarize below:
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Rick (nicknamed on the citadel "Seven")
Rick's home dimension is M-121.5 but you could hardly call it a home. He left his Diane and Beth behind shortly after acquiring portal technology from Prime or one of his subordinate Ricks, wandering off to absorb himself in the vastness of infinity.
His original dimension never ended up birthing a Morty, since his Beth and Jerry had trouble supporting themselves and had Summer as their only child.
Rick, eventually growing lonely but refusing to admit it, joins the citadel in an effort to be useful and climb the ranks there with the hopes of living a fulfilling life in a safe, Rick-made bubble. He gets assigned a Morty as standard, but said Morty dies in combat on a riot not too shortly after.
Rick gets a (small) punishment, one you'd get for breaking a doorknob or forgetting to turn off the lights in the building before you leave; getting a Morty killed. He probably just has to scrub toilets for a week or something.
He gets his new Morty and resumes work on the teleportation deck as normal and lives with his Morty in a small apartment, until S301 where they manage to flee the citadel together.
Morty ("unlucky charm" / other similar insults behind his back)
Has forgotten his original dimensional code due to constant changes of ownership. Only the Morty databanks know it now. He took M-121.5's dimension as his and carries a small wristband with the code written on it.
This Morty has gone through a LOT of Ricks. Six in fact, which is why his new Rick is mockingly called "Seven" by others on the citadel, making fun of him for ending up with such a shitty excuse of a Morty. Asking him if he'd lost a bet.
Morty's left arm has been surgically altered to fit a tracker interface that'll show Rick's current position and vitals to Morty. Though he only gets this later, after they flee the citadel.
The jacket he is wearing was originally merchandise stolen from a small shop he worked in while living on the citadel. They later add patches to it in an effort to cover up the citadel logo, since Morty doesn't want to give up the jacket, and Rick is paranoid about association with the citadel after they've fled. Pretty rich coming from the guy still wearing his uniform under a stinky coat, but what can you do when those are the only clothes you've got.
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They go through an intense period of struggling for survival, with the Federation collapse and chaos left behind, the two of them retreat to more desolate spots of the universe to wait for the dust to settle. After a bit of "holy shit we lived" euphoria, they fight a lot, with Rick slowly noticing the many flaws in this Morty he is now -- in his assumption -- forever stuck with. He also pushes Morty too far numerous times but reels him back in again anytime because what other option is there? Being stranded alone in an asteroid gas station restaurant?
Eventually Morty suggests returning to "their" home dimension. Rick's home dimension. He's reluctant but eventually (after a really long while and lots of convincing) does give in since their circumstances are dire and they could use a little civilization, even if it means returning to the family he abandoned.
I don't have much worked out for this Smith family, but I'd assume Summer is a good deal different from the Summer we know, due to being an only child. Beth's daddy issues are just as intense as Beth Prime.
This Beth and Jerry probably also never end up divorced and stay together for Summer's sake, honestly probably unhealthier than just splitting up for the time being and working out their issues separately.
Once they crash (probably literally) into their new "home" and everybody gets over the initial insanity of the situation, Rick struggles to confront the reasons he left and kind of just drowns himself in unhealthy habits. Besides the known drinking issues which is kind of the baseline, he makes sure to never let Morty out of his sight and pretty much makes a normal life for the kid impossible despite desperately promising it to him when they turned to move to Earth.
He builds a new portal gun out of scrap they've harvested while surviving and old things Beth never threw away because they reminded her of her father, and he's gone again. Gone with Morty. Gone God knows where. Except he returns at night to sleep in a shitty little cot and fuck he probably drags Morty's air mattress into his room with him without any explanation. Blames it on Morty not being able to sleep alone since they left the citadel. Blames it on anything but himself.
They go into what I'd describe as a narcissism-fuelled grace period, or honeymoon period, the more time they spend together off-planet after crashing at the Smith's house.
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They go from Rick being very controlling and making Morty feel like an inferior sidekick, to Rick actually opening up and helping him become better. Very slowly and gradually, he realizes that, well, he's stuck with this Morty now. This is *his* Morty by all intents and purposes, and he doesnt have a fuckin replacement Morty ticket and after constructing and unregistered portal gun he'd not be let back into the citadel anyway even after reconstruction - so might as well invest his time and effort into this one Morty as much as he (claims to) hate it.
The kid is so broken already, having witnessed so many versions of his grandpa die, which Rick realizes after a while would just make it easier for him to reassemble him anew and mold him how he wants it. He's a sick bastard but if it aint broke dont fix it and especially dont fix it if it promises to always stay by your side and begs you not to leave
The whole "unlucky charm" curse only serves to fuel Rick's ego too because, unlike all these previous Ricks he only knows about on paper, *he* hasn't died yet with this shitty excuse of a Morty around him. which makes him better than all those before him. He's cocky, priding himself on living where those Ricks failed.
He gets too confident, as all Ricks do, and after a few too-close brushes with death he does decide to invest into various failsafes and "upgrading" Morty to a standard he sees fit. This is when Morty gets the tracker arm enhancement and various other augmentations that'll essentially turn him into a lifeline for Rick. He's driven by anxiety of his past mistakes, past deaths of Ricks, repeating. This time there'd be no scolding by teachers and new Rick two weeks later. There'd only be grief, and nothing.
Morty's trained not only in combat and survival skills but also shown how to reboot and even replace certain cybernetic parts of Rick's body.
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surgery, baby!
Not on a clone, not a simulation, the real him. Train for the real deal.
They spend weeks in the newly constructed underground labs, Morty cutting him open and putting him back together; surgeries upon surgeries without any anesthetic so that Rick is fully aware and awake to guide Morty through it.
Eventually Morty does have to put those skills to the test when shit goes wrong on an adventure, but this is already so long so I'll spare you!! I'd be surprised if you read to here, if you did, thank you and I'm glad you're interested in my little guys !!
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auxiliarydetective · 5 months
My OCs as Flatmates, Part 1
Includes: Chandrah/Charlie, Raevyn, Sherry
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A bit ago, I asked you guys about who you'd like to see for this topic (and I'm still asking, by the way, hop into the replies and tell me who you'd like to see) and both @fluffle-system and @daughter-of-melpomene said...
↬ Chandrah !
Oh boy! You've invited a demon to your house, congratulations!
Charlie, I feel like, would be a fun roommate. I assume this is after GB II, so he'd already relatively well adjusted, but they're still... not human.
Like, my boy™ barely sleeps at all. This means that, yes, you can come to them at any time of day or night and be relatively sure that he's awake. And even if he isn't, they're not that hard to wake up and they don't get grumpy if you do wake him up. However, it also means that he might be noisy at night. Not even intentionally. But if your flat has thin walls, you'll hear them rummaging around the kitchen or taking a shower in the middle of the night. You might also be faced with some confusing situation at times because he hasn't master all situations of human behaviour yet. Also, they eat the weirdest things sometimes.
Aside from that though, he 100% has your back, no matter what happens. They're loyal as ever. Whatever you need, he's got you. Need help moving in? Charlie is strong as balls, he'll carry your stuff. Shitty ex? How do you want to give the bastard payback - are we thinking of a fake dating scenario, do you just want someone to come with you somewhere just in case, do you want them beaten up, humiliated...? Charlie will probably also curse and/or haunt the ex, let's be honest.
Also, he's a literal (former) Ghostbuster. If you get a nightmare or think you're cursed or haunted or something, he'll take you seriously. Or any irrational fear, really, because they've seen a lot of things and are willing to believe a lot of things. Charlie will probably go through the routine Ghostbuster questionnaire with you to determine if it's a ghost or not and what kind of ghost and then go from there. They'll cheer you up and make you feel safe before confronting the specter. Even if you accidentally summoned a demon or something, Chandrah is also a demon, it'll deal with it.
Depending on whether you know that Charlie is secretly a demon or not, you might also see them floating around sometimes and he'll use his demonic powers for tasks or to help you. It's normal. They might even show you their demonic form if you ask nicely.
Definitely would want to spend a lot of time with you. He's a bit clingy but understands if you need some space. Would also be fine with just coexisting in the same room as you if you don't have the time or energy to do anything special.
As to how you got into this flatshare situation, I'm pretty sure that Charlie would've put out the ad and it's his house/apartment. Charlie, being a demon and (former) Ghostbuster, is pretty rich and would be able to afford living on their own, but they want a flatmate because they feed off human affection and they get bored when they're alone for too long. He probably didn't put his name in the ad because he is more or less famous and you probably wouldn't figure out it's them until you come over to take a look at the apartment before deciding if you want to move in. But they're super nice and humble about their Ghostbusters experiences and will be really glad to share stories with you. A baseline belief in the paranormal is probably a requirement for living with him though.
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Next person! @enterprise-come-in asked for...
↬ Raevyn !
We're assuming a Planetary Union context here and not just Raevyn somehow dropping in on our present day. Probably, you're both studying at Union Point.
One thing that needs to be very clear to you and that she tells you right away is that you will have very little privacy. She can't help it, she's a telepathic species and she's gonna know all of your secrets sooner or later. You can't really keep anything from her.
BUT this also means that she knows exactly what's wrong when you're down and how to help you and you best believe she'll do it. She's there to comfort you, whenever, wherever. Has your routines memorized after a few weeks, knows your comfort foods and shows, adapts to your needs really well.
Generally, Raevyn is really considerate but, like with any flatmate, you'll also have to deal with some nonsense from her. Since this is her Union Point era, she's gonna have quite a few crushes and partners, and you might have to deal with a good bit of relationship drama. Not an obscene amount, but definitely more than average. She also probably forgets to do the dishes every once in a while. Just remind her to do them and it's all good.
Activities! Don't expect to go to the pool or the beach with her, she's still in her phase where she's hiding her aquatic heritage. But aside from that, she's down for pretty much anything. She'd love to learn about your culture and show you hers and meet your friends and have you meet hers and... But she's also down for more relaxing activites like bord games or video games or movies or just talking. Would also be a pretty good study buddy.
Raevyn would be the best person to have as backup if you want to go on a date but you're kinda worried about it and the person seems sketchy. My girl is ready to beat anyone up for you, whether that be verbally or physically. She's also a walking taser, so she could end the conflict before it even started if you don't want a scene. Would also teach you martial arts if you want. Generally, she has a lot of relationship drama herself, so she definitely understands yours. You can gush about your crushes and cry about breakups together.
Also! Raevyn is quite literally the least problematic person when it comes to gender identities and sexuality and whatnot. It's in her culture to know that everyone's mind and feelings work differently and being attracted to different things is normal and gender is an infinite spectrum. The idea that there could be only two sexes and genders and that anything that isn't heterosexuality is a sin or something is completely wild and offensive to her. Personally, she's bisexual and will also 100% go to pride parades and festivals with you, even if she doesn't fully understand the history and mentality behind them. She would also do really well with neurodivergency, disability and other similar things. Do you know that situation where you're really frustrated at people just not understanding that you can't do a thing because you have no spoons left? This will never happen with Raevyn. Because she knows. She understands. She might not be neurodivergent or experience something similar but, because she's a telepath, she understands what you're going through and will adapt accordingly as much as she can.
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Last person for this part is...
↬ Sherry !
... because @novemberhope shares a birthday with her!
Oh boy, this is actually gonna be a bit tough to answer, because... well, first of all, this means that you're in the Mario Universe. Funky shenanigans. Maybe you got Mario Movie style isekai-ed into it? (Disclaimer: I haven't actually watched the movie.) Either way, Sherry probably wasn't planning on having a flatmate but would gladly take you in.
The thing is, Sherry is a princess and was raised with the knowledge that she is a princess. But she wasn't raised at the palace, she was raised in some cottage in the middle of nowhere. Generally, living with her would be weird but fun. Because she's very kind and all but she has some quirks. For one, her sister is literally the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom and she's next in line for the throne. But Sherry couldn't care less about royal formalities and whatnot and doesn't really spend time around the palace. Still, you'll notice. If you go anywhere together, the attention will be on her and you'll be overlooked. As such: Don't think about throwing a joined birthday party. You might get an amazing cake from Princess Peach and a whole lot of famous people will be there, but it will no longer be your day. It's about her now.
Also, the whole kidnapping situation? Sherry's sister Peach constantly gets kidnapped by a guy and Sherry somehow works for the guy? Like, she babysits his son or something? Awkward...
What this means though is that, should you ever get in trouble with some evil forces or the King of the Koopas, Sherry has your back. Either she'll solve the issue herself or she'll get the Mario Brothers on the case. No problem.
Anyways, back to everyday situations: I feel like Sherry is a no nonsense sort of person (well, as much as you can be in the Mushroom Kingdom) and probably likes things to be in order, so if you leave your dishes out in the kitchen or whatnot, she won't be happy. But she's also the type who'll say something if she doesn't like something, so you won't get stuck in a silent war or anything. Also, she's not the type to hold grudges. See the "working for the guy who kidnaps her sister" situation. Whatever mistakes you make, she'll forgive you. Also, you'll never have financial troubles! She's a princess, she's rich, and she'll lend you money if you need it.
Whereas her sister likes to bake, Sherry likes to cook. You might cook together a lot if that's a thing you're into, or she'll make you homecooked meals for when you get home or just... whenever. I feel like she'd also be really good at mixing drinks, so great for when you're having parties! She also takes you kart racing, golfing, to football games, tennis, board game nights... whatever you like!
Oh yeah, Sherry also just leaves sometimes to go on an adventure or save or sister or go on vacation or whatnot, so you'll have the house to yourself a lot.
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So yeah, that's it for part 1! Please tell me who else you'd like to see! Part 2 will be out soon, maybe there'll be a part 3 if I get enough requests for people, who knows!
Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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I've been meaning to ask you about your OC Newspaper for some time now. Do you have any story for him? And if yes then I would really like to hear it :D
(Also your art is always very good, you're very skilled)
Dawwww, thank you thank youuuu!!! Your art is very good, too!!! <333
And about Newspaper. Yes, I do have a story for him! Uhm, uhm. There's so much to ramble about about him. His first name is Franklin! He grew up in a rich family, a shitty dad and sick mom. His dad never beat him or anything, he was just never paying much attention to him and his mom (who was very much sick.) When his mother died, he grew up mostly alone. He was home-schooled so no school friends. But he had the staff to talk to, despite them not really knowing how to deal with a boy 7-14. He just spent his days reading or drawing.
When his dad died, he was gifted the family business, but he decided to sell it and use the money to gift it to charities and pay for his own business. He became a fashion designer, it was always something that interested him whenever he'd look at some of the magazines in the library. He didn't really know much about fashion, so he taught himself.
For a while it was just himself. He didn't really have many friends in his adulthood, either. Then he met his (soon-to-be) girlfriend, Patches! She had just escaped the lab she was being kept in and he decided to take care of her. She didn't know what to do with her life and seemed really hurt. So he took her home and she's been living with him for a while. He was able to become friends with her and she models for his business.
He's never had an actual friend in his life, just acquaintances, and he really grows to care for her. And he promises to take care of her and protect her from the government that gets aware of the lab fire. They wouldn't know she was an experiment, but he still wants to take care of her.
I do have a birthday for him, but I forgot. (I haven't really uhhhh, thought about him and Patches for a while. Since 7th or 8th grade.)
You'll mostly find him wearing waist coats with dress shirts and slacks and business shoes. But he does have different types of clothes in his wardrobe of course. His hobbies are usually sketching, reading or watching a movie with Patches late at night (more of just something they do then a hobby.) He's not the most athletic guy, but he does have alright stamina. He's also good with a gun. Never know when the government might try and take your girlfriend from your home. It's for mainly self defense.
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there IS a bias against sirius in the marauders fandom, which ppl don't talk about because like u can't admit to disliking him PUBLICLY but which comes out in a lot of ways and i think it's because he's the character whose flaws are pointed out the most in the narrative and who is the most transparently morally grey and in a fandom centered around OC's which it's easy to sanitize (regulus can't have any flaws if he has three lines dedicated to him), it leads to a lot of shitty takes (cont)
(cont, part ii re: sirius) I have noticed that people who HATE Snape and LOVE regulus nearly always have terrible characterizations of sirius because it's emblematic of this fandom's inability to accept characters who don't easily fit into uwu soft boi boxes and instead have real, actual flaws.
I think there's two separate issues to tackle here in what you mention: one is this fandom's inability to stomach actual morally grey characters that have done too many bad things to be easily forgivable without raising the question of morality, but too many good things to just be written off as evil (Snape, Regulus, Barty Crouch Jr, Narcissa etc).
((I don't want to talk about it here because if I do this post will never end, but if anyone wants to hear my thoughts on it (why?) just send me a separate ask about it. Let's talk about Sirius instead --))
The other issue is the bias against Sirius (which I don't think is related to the previous one, at least not directly) - which honestly confuses the hell out of me the more I talk about it, because I absolutely can not put my finger on where it's coming from.
The worst thing is that it comes from people who claim/think they like him, like in WolfStar - there is an obvious and very clear bias against Sirius in so many WolfStar fics (@ padfootastic has several brilliant posts where she talks about it).
When I see anti-Sirius hate from, say, Snape fans who hate the Marauders - it does not surprise me. It's usually irrational and they don't claim to like him to begin with, so it does not bother me. It's just your typical fandom character hate. I get that.
What I don't understand is when you go to someone's blog, who genuinely believes they like Sirius, and then you read their content (which is usually wolfstar, just bc it happens to be the most popular Sirius ship) and it's just.. Sirius fucking up over and over again and apologising to everyone and everybody else (James, Remus, even fucking Regulus) being just perfect and untouchable and it's like... do any of yall actually like Sirius or is he just a prop to make the characters you actually like come off better?
me and Niki talked about it the other day - how in post-Azkaban wolfstar fics it's always Sirius apologising to Remus over and over for thinking he's a spy while Remus believing the Order that Sirius is the traitor and never doing anything to find out the truth or help him is just brushed under the carpet because "oh but all his friends were dead he was so sad!"; wait, and Sirius wasnt? Sirius lost the only family he ever had, which was James.
I don't think it stems from his flaws being pointed out the most, though. Because there's so many characters who are presented in a much more negative light (in the actual canon people tend to forget), which the fandom absolutely adores (including Remus, Snape, Draco and Regulus themselves, each in their own way).
I think, overall, Sirius is a character whose base is specifically made in a way that's easy to hate. He is rich, pureblooded, famous, he is handsome, he is confident and loud, popular, smart, charismatic, good at everything he does, young Sirius is the typical stereotype of a popular high school jock bully, who is usually the unlikeable anti-hero-- but, and here's the twist-- instead, Sirius is kind, Sirius is loyal, Sirius is selfless, Sirius is good.
(Sirius makes everyone around him better - he makes James less hypocritical and more self aware, he makes Remus more open and less self absorbed, he makes Regulus kinder; Sirius is kind, he is giving, in a way it's his response to the trauma he's been through, he responds to it by being kind, and kind, and giving, and selfless)
He has the data to be unlikeable, but he actually isn't, which is where, if I had to take a guess, I would say the confusion people are feeling is coming from. They don't know how to stomach him. They don't know how to write him. Because if you write him the way he is, it makes everyone else seem worse all of a sudden, it brings out their negative traits (whether it's James, Remus, Regulus-) and we can't have that, right? So instead people go in the other direction and make him dramatic, make him annoying, make him selfish, make him all of the things Sirius actually isn't just to bring up the others.
Which is where we go back to the first point (which I see now that is related, now that we're talking about it) - people are afraid of this, because they've already sorted everyone by good and bad, and made it impossible for themselves to like flawed characters.
But there's nothing bad about a character being flawed - the most frequent reason over which I drop fics mid-reading is when one of the main characters is not flawed enough. Lily and Remus are so often written as Mary Sues (Lily for lack of an actual personality, while Remus because his entire character arc is centered around being a werewolf, so we can't give him any other bad traits right? god forbid), James even in Jegulus fics sometimes lacks any personality whatsoever beyond being a good, lovable guy.
So people do everything upside down - they write real, complicated characters as bland and flawless, and then take someone like Sirius, who is so so good, who everyone adores, and drop EVERYBODY'S flaws on him because they don't know what to do with him.
I don't get it.
If someone can explain this phenomenon to me, please do.
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years
Cat And Mouse: The Noble Tale (M)
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Pairing – Rich! Taehyung x Reader
Genre – Romance, Roommates To Lovers, Fluff, Smut, Best Friends To Lovers
Summary – [Charity balls are always the same. Expensive champagne and nobles staring at you and Taehyung left and right, however, this time you have to thank his mother for intervening if it weren’t for her you two would still play that game of cat and mouse.]
Warnings – smut, teasing, vaginal fingering, blowjob (road head), ruined orgasm, implied penetrative sex, dom! tae for like 5 seconds, tae has a rich bitch mother in this fic and doesn’t like oc
Word Count – (7,5k)
Author note. I edited this bad boy so it got longer as I added 1.5k words plus and tried to catch any mistakes and errors (but there’s probably some that I didn’t see anyway) also changed the header. Please enjoy this version as well!
Menu: Masterlist l Be part of my permanent taglist to recieve a notification when I upload a new fic or send an ask!
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Internally cringing away from your reflection, you defeatedly let the elevator’s heavy metal doors shut in front of your tired form, well, you can always call for it again. You aren’t a fan of small talk either so it’s a bonus that you decided not to get in with the old lady from room 45, she’s sweet and you like the cat pictures she shows you proudly but today is not the day that cute animals can cheer you up.
You mechanically try to rake your fingers through your hair before realising that the high ponytail you arranged this morning gets in the way. That was the only solution so you could leave the apartment on time without opting for a quick shower first. Greasy hair was the least of your concerns on the long lists of worries.
Your mood was as shitty as your appearance and you almost turn around to leave when someone on the sixth floor holds up the elevator for too long, you don’t have it in yourself to glare at the businessman that steps out nearly running you over, and normally you’re not someone to let things like that slide without comment.
Something must be wrong with you, or you’re just too tired to care. Shaking away the thought you stick a hand inside, near the sensors so the doors don’t manage to slam shut in front of your face again and finally walk inside, using unnecessary strength to push the button to the fifth floor, you think being rich would be nice.
Not that you have any right to complain, your friend helps you out plenty of times with his money, standing inside the lavish building with nice interior design and secure neighbourhood with guards and front desk receptionists is speaking volumes itself, even if you look out of place with your unwashed hair and zombie shaming looks the woman that lives next door still makes sure she sends you a pleasant enough smile as a greeting it’s only you that send back a grimace that you can hardly call a smile.
It’s not your fault that she caught you on a bad day, normally you are not this swallowed up in self-pity and despair but the lack of sleep you got on these few days started to take its toll on your body and mind.
You’re not even sure how you managed to wake up this morning when the time you finally closed your eyes provided you with two hours of sleep at most. If anyone asked you, you would deny but hearing Taehyung kill zombies in his video game at four in the morning filtering through your shared wall calmed you down and quieted your overwhelming thoughts and even managed to make you feel better that you are not the only one up.
Dismissed the idea immediately to knock on his door no matter how much your fingers itched to turn the doorknob of your room and knock on his, he’s your friend so you’re positive he would have beckoned you inside with that cute smile of his but the thought that he endures so much of you lately made you reconsider.
You don’t want to be a burden. Right now he might not see you as one but eventually, he will realise that you’re just a waste of oxygen in the apartment. He’s not even making you pay rent, you literally are useless.
You might be showering him with your undying support and love but that’s literally it that you can offer.
His biggest dream is to become a video game developer one day instead of the head of his father’s phone company and that created great issues as following his dream not only crushed his parent's expectations of him but he lost some good bachelor friends to that so Taehyung packed his bags and moved out of his very expensive penthouse his parents rented for him to chase his ’delusions’ as his parents liked to call it.
His friends were not good for him (feeding Taehyung with their greed for money and status) as they lived up to the title of ’snob rich kids’ you saw some of them and you could tell with one look at their faces that they were born with silver spoons up their asses.
Even if later on he realised that they were up for no good Taehyung still felt devastated when they turned their backs on him once his income started to lack even a single digit at the end since his father told him he’ll not support his childish dreams, the money stopped circulating. He had enough to move to a more manageable apartment and later he found a way to earn his own money.
At first glance, Taehyung didn’t seem much different at that time.
He’s too friendly for his own good, he’s often perceived as naive and he easily gives his thrust away to anyone who shows him a big enough smile not considering the consequences that it can lead to eventual betrayal. He’s an honest person like that. He wears his heart on his sleeve giving everyone second chances, that’s the rich quality of his personality that you recognised first and you cherish him for it, even though sometimes you have to scold him for his too trusting nature.
On the other hand, he’s even more than that to you. He tries to mend conflicts by playing rock paper scissors and can’t cook for shit like a spoilt brat but he has his moments when he can act like his age.
Remembering that time when a man grabbed your butt while you were working as a waitress. Taehyung happened to witness it and moved in front of you instinctively even so that this man was twice his size, he stood proudly defending you in front of the people that failed to do so as not even your boss helped you.
You often feel like you don’t deserve his friendship as you always think you benefit from your relationship more than he does.
The ding of the elevator announced your arrival with the automatic doors sliding open the next second and you moved before you had to stop the doors from closing again on you already digging through your bag to find your keys.
The place smelled like the ocean scented fabric softener you bought last week and your eyes easily found the rack of clothes hanging neatly on the dryer at the corner of the living room nearby the open window.
You hesitated at first to share dirty laundry baskets howbeit you soon realised that doing laundry separately made the water bill extend in number unnecessarily so you relented and permit him to handle your undergarments and dirty socks just like you had the right to touch his boxers and shovel it into the washing machine.
You told yourself not long ago how you don’t want to be a burden to him but thanks to the exhaustion and gloomy nature of your thoughts swimming inside your head it begins to crush you under their weights. Start to lay unbearable paperweights on your heart so despite all the warnings going off inside your head, after kicking your shoes off at the entrance your limbs carry you to Taehyung’s room instead of your own.
The room is dark because of how tightly the blinds are drawn and the air stuffy when you enter trying hard not to make any sound that might wake him up, sweat and his favourite cologne mixing in the air. However, you pay no mind to it as you drag your feet further inside until your toes meet with the edge of the king-sized bed.
You help yourself to the right side of it since Taehyung always sleeps on the left side. Taehyung stirs in his sleep when he faintly feels the extra weight added on the mattress beside him moving automatically closer to wind his arms around your waist.
He not so secretly likes when you sleep next to him, he has a habit of hugging something to sleep better and you always smell nice and inviting, the best thing about you however is that you’re the perfect size for him to comfortably cuddle with. Like your body was made for him to hold all along.
Letting out a silent sigh you let yourself feel comfortable in his embrace, the heat he radiates warms up your skin and you absentmindedly move your hand to play with his hair, trying to tame his soft brown locks that are sticking to every direction. Taehyung hums into your skin peacefully holding you and pulling you closer until your body is moulded with him perfectly with his head resting on your heaving chest lulling him back to sleep.
You slowly follow his lead and drift off to sleep, letting your tired mind relax, feeling the warm huffs of air periodically leaving his slightly parted lips, tickling your bare skin. Your eyes are closing in their own accord recognising the calming presence holding onto you securely. In your dream clouded mind, the sudden thought appears that things should be always like this. This is peaceful.
You open your eyes before him even though it’s in the late afternoon almost nighttime. Nothing’s new about seeing his closed eyelids, as he surely likes to take his sweet time waking up. Sometimes you wish you could be a heavy sleeper like him. In your sleep, you must have moved around because you no longer were in the position you fell asleep with Taehyung’s head resting on your chest, he still had his hands around your waist but your head was tucked under his chin while both of your bodies rested in a sideways position, thighs pressed up against each other ankles knocking together.
This makes your escape more challenging to carry out as no matter how you try to wrestle out of his hold Taehyung doesn’t budge, he’s stubborn even in his sleep to keep you close.
”Stop moving around.” Taehyung’s voice is deep and raspy, heavy with sleep, to make a point he tightens his hands around your waist so he can stop your movements altogether there’s no more space between the two of you by the time he plants a lingering kiss – his mind is still mussy from sleep – onto the top of your head before nosing around your hairline inhaling your natural scent, you dare to look bashful when you remember the fact that it's been a couple of days since you washed your hair and suddenly you’re able to find the strength within you to push him away.
A displeased groan vibrates from the depths of his chest ready to curl his fingers around your wrist before you could get out of reach and drag you back next to him. The cold air hits his body once yours is no longer warms his side and he reaches out to grab you, your skin is soft under his fingertips when he makes contact but he misjudged the angle as you landed right on top of him. You’re not particularly heavy but he makes extra noises to annoy you that earns an eye roll and a hit.
”I’m hungry so let me go before I bite a chunk out of you instead.” A breathy chuckle that follows your statement seem to dismiss your empty threats in no time but Taehyung lets you go when you playfully pull at his long curly hair.
He decides to tag along since he feels absolutely famished after the long gaming night he had with the boys.
”Nope.” You dig your pointer finger into his chest when he tries to exit his room after you and he looks like a confused puppy when you deny him more cuddles. To enlighten him you give instructions to head for a shower first since he stinks like he just rolled around in contaminated takeout pizza and a bucket of sweat the exact smell that greets you whenever he spends nights holed up in his room for over 24 hours (exactly what he did by the way) and tell him to let some fresh air inside because if he stinks his room is probably worse.
He can’t argue with that as he opens up the windows the fresh air helps subduing his headache.
You always know what he needs he thinks with a shy smile that graces his features at the thought before fishing out clean clothes to retreat inside the connected bathroom and wash up.
You can’t wait to have a shower as well since you feel dirty and smelly that definitely doesn’t help to lift your mood but it has to wait because your stomach can’t take any more minutes without something filling the emptiness.
You prepare a simple and quick omelette that you shovel into your mouth within seconds, you almost choke on the bites very unladylike considering how fast you inhale the whole meal not waiting for Taehyung to join you. 
”Smells good.” Taehyung beams when he smells the food. Droplets of water wets the material of his shirt, it slides down from the tips of his hair following the line of his neck before it gets soaked up by his white shirt, the strong smell of his body wash enters your nostrils even from a distance.
Taehyung smells nice naturally but you can’t deny that when he is freshly out of the shower he looks and smells tempting can’t settle down if you want to hug him while inhaling his scent or lick the droplets of water from his neck tasting his clean skin. Ok, that’s way ahead of yourself, but you can’t help it.
”Anything smells good to you unless you were the one who made it.” You snort, the jabs at his ego serves as your coping mechanism when your thoughts are about to take dangerous turns you distract yourself with insults hoping that Taehyung will never learn the true meaning behind your words.
If you keep being mean he won’t think you’re head over heels for him, right? That’s your tactic.
He's clearly not someone who cares about financial statuses – or more like differences – because if he did, you two wouldn’t be friends in the first place but making him a potential love interest.
You’re not insane yet. Your fates are cross starred from the beginning not just because he is way out of your league (status apart, he’s a softhearted person, considerate, funny and adorable in his own stupidly endearing way) the list could go on why he is apparently too good for you.
What can you even offer him? Anyone can cook him nice meals and you’re sure someone would support his dreams even if you’re not, he’s so easy to fall in love with that anyone would be happy to have him.
You sometimes fantasize about him telling you, that all of the above might be true but he only wants to eat your meals and have your support and even your love to himself. He cherishes you as a friend you can’t possibly imagine how good of a lover he would be. If only things would be different.
It gets harder and harder with each passing day spent with him by your side to stop those thoughts from spiralling out of your control. You know he would reject your confession delicately making sure he tells you sweet lies so it wouldn’t hurt you that much. He would keep you as a friend but things would never be the same after that before eventually, he drifts away.
You’re not ready to flush this carefully crafted friendship down the toilet and you probably never will. He might not know you’re in love with him but he sure knows your weakness is his pleading, round star-filled puppy eyes.
”Your parents hate me! Their blood pressure will be over the roof as soon as they see me at your side. If you want to witness my death there are more civil ways to do it. You don’t have to throw me in front of the sharks like that!”
Tae finds your little outburst entertaining in some sort of way. He even laughed at your dramatic approach until he realised you meant every word since you didn’t crack a smile as he anticipated at the end and instead met with your panicked eyes.
”I can only bear those events because you’re with me. Would you really let me go alone? I thought we were a team!”
Well, he doesn’t have to say it like that. You’re a sucker for those kinds of compliments and you can already feel your strongly expressed ’no’ turn into a shy ’maybe’ not after a full minute passing after your outburst. You hate he has this much power over you.
”We are a team.” You sigh, there’s no way you can talk your way out of this so you admit your defeat quickly and start mentally preparing yourself because this will be a hella long night. At least he should have given you a heads up and not drop this bomb at you on the same day, even the day before would have been nice.
”Wait, I don’t have a dress to wear!” You nibble on your bottom lip anxiously when Taehyung chimes in swallowing the last bites of his late breakfast, that’s like probably dinner and motions for you to follow him back to his room.
”I hope you will like it I put a lot of thought into what to get you.” Tae shyly smiles under his nose opening his closet to reveal your dress to you. It has a silky touch to it that you’re already in love with, the dress itself reaching mid-thigh if you’re not mistaken and it’s in the shade of a nice emerald green colour, you don’t want to know how much does this pretty thing cost. You keep looking between the dress and Taehyung and he takes your silence as a bad sign as he scratches the back of his neck nervously.
”I love it, it’s just that you didn’t have to do this. I don’t want you to spend your money on me.” The concern shows in your expressive orbs, he sees that you’re grateful but he sees the guilt behind it as well.
He knows what’s inside that pretty little head of yours before you got the chance to tell him.
”You’re not using me Y/N. I got this for you because I thought you would look pretty in it, it’s a gift.” Taehyung cradles your shoulder in his hand to meet your gaze, you feel the sincerity behind his words and there’s something you see in his eyes while you explore the depths of his darkness.
”I know my parents called you a gold digger but we both know it’s not true. I know you didn’t befriend me because of my money, you’re the only true friend that I’ve ever had in my life so don’t let them tell you such things.”
When Taehyung says things like that your heart squeezes inside your chest uncomfortably, even if the sentiment warms you, you truly don’t deserve the affectionate words. You’re a liar, you don’t consider him your friend for a while now and here he is calling you his first real friend. What would he think of you if he found out your not so friendly feelings for him?
You’re aware of the fact that Taehyung’s parents just say stuff to hurt you so you would eventually give up on their son because they think if you don’t support him anymore he would eventually crawl back to them and succumb to their wishes.
It only hurts because you think you don’t deserve him as much as his parents think, you might not be a gold digger since he helps you out of his good heart’s will but it still feels wrong to depend on him this much.
The guilt is not enough to change your mind, you stay because you can’t imagine a scenario when Taehyung is not by your side.
”I’ll be by your side the whole night! I promise I won’t let them separate you from me again, they had no right to insult you like that. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”
You nod embracing him in a tight hug to cover your crestfallen expression, he reciprocates the affection immediately and you calmly inhale his comforting scent resting your head on his shoulder for a few minutes before slowly pulling away.
”They can have you over my dead body, so don’t worry about things like that. I’m a big girl I can handle some mean people spouting nonsense.” You show him a big smile as you do what you can do best, mask your real feelings to make him feel better, you know he feels responsible because of that night his parents tried to scare you away. He apologises even though it’s not something he’s entitled to do.
You’re more than happy and ready to fight for him if this life he lives with you makes him happy. Even if the day comes when your paths can’t cross anymore, you’ll be content with the thought that you got lucky enough to experience this friendship with him.
Inspecting your figure in front of the body-sized mirror hours later you stress over your imperfect features although you’re aware that nothing is there that you can do to please his parents you still try.
You smooth the wrinkles of the silk with your hands that hug your body modestly, looking at your finished makeup you add the final touch of your favourite lip balm when you hear a knock on your door.
”Come in.” You call out since other than Taehyung no one would knock on your door this late he’s probably here to fetch you so you two could go.
Looking around you locate your heels at the foot of the bed and bends slightly to pick them up at the same time that Taehyung turns the doorknob having a great view of your cleavage at that angle, not flashing him entirely just showing more than he ever saw of you. Taehyung thinks you have nice proportions and he can’t say anything else considering the swell of your breasts. You smile up at him so innocently that he feels bad about his dirty thoughts, not changing the fact that he thinks your breasts look beautiful in this dress he just only hopes no one will see what he did he will make sure to bend down for you to pick up something if it’s necessary.
”Do you need help with your tie?” You giggle when you spot the item hanging loosely around his neck. Taehyung nods in confirmation but looks away quickly when you step so close to him he’s fine being close to you normally but the previous encounter that you’re not even aware of makes him act all shy all of the sudden.
”You..” Taehyung gulps when you look up at him, waiting for him to continue what he started but he feels incredibly shy around you. After you’re finished with the neat knot you rearrange his collar with your hands letting your fingers glide along the lines of his shoulder blades and you swear you feel him shiver under your touch.
”I, what?” Tilting your head to the side curiously you remove your touch from his shoulder that shakes him up to finally tell you.
”You look so pretty in this dress.” His long hair prevents you from seeing as his ears begin to turn pink with embarrassment.
He doesn’t look half bad himself but you don’t tell him that instead, you giggle like a high schooler and that makes Taehyung smile at you affectionately.
His hair is prettily curled looking invitingly soft in your room’s dim lights taunting you to touch it so you listen curling a few strands behind his ears gently. Every man looks good wearing a nice suit and a tie but Taehyung is an entirely different standard.
After he showed up in your life you can’t help but compare every possible suitor to him and in the end, no one can beat Taehyung. A guy can be nice but he’ll be nicer, he can be good looking but you only find Taehyung breathtakingly handsome.
”We should hurry, we’re running late.” Hearing your statement Taehyung’s eyes widen in realisation as his gaze narrows on the clock, you giggle again seeing his mortified face but step into your shoes so the two of you can avoid being any more late than you already are. A true gentleman that he is, Taehyung offers his arm to help you balance on your heels and you happily leech onto him.
Not even the silence is awkward with Taehyung sitting beside you, watching as he drives the both of you to the charity ball his slim fingers operating the wheel to take a turn getting closer to the destination.
Your growing nerves start to get the better of you be that as it may your companion is attentive, tuned to the smallest twitch of your muscles he takes your hand in his to squeeze rubbing small shapes into your skin helping you unwind.
”Do you trust me?” Taehyung parks the car before twisting his body to face you in the confined space of his car, seeing the open vulnerable look in his eyes, you have no doubts that you certainly do trust him, so you nod with a small smile.
”I wonder what your mother schemed up this time around.” The futile attempt of a joke was a way for you to cut through the thick tension, even though Taehyung tried hard to appear as confident before you and nonchalant about the event, you can sense his nervousness radiate off of him when he grabbed your hand, you saw them shake he was getting comfort by touching you as much as it helped you calm down.
He’s not nervous directly because of the event, the people who normally attend these kinds of parties he’s not so fond of meeting. News spread like the plague in the medieval period between rich and powerful people and he’s tired of listening to them questioning him about his life choices, subtly trying to tell him he should have chosen more wisely and it’s not too late to stop this phase of rebellious behaviour and the fact that brings him the most discomfort that he doesn’t like the stares they give you.
”I feel like I should say sorry in advance.” The chuckle is humourless and you grab his hand before he can move forward.
”Take a deep breath Tae, I’m not going anywhere. Hold onto me tight and watch me make these big bad nobles pop a blood vessel if they try to insult you.” Shaking his head in playful disbelief he nods holding onto your hands tight pulling you to face the music, quite literally, but you proudly step beside him matching his footsteps head held high because you’re proud to stand next to him.
It’s their loss they don’t know the real him. You know Taehyung like the back of your hand and he knows you just as much, there’s nothing you can’t endure just to stay by his side. Romantic feelings aside you would always support him.
Before you can chicken out you move to place a small kiss on Taehyung’s cheek as a form of encouragement.
”Your mother is at one o’clock already staring at us.” You whisper into his right ear while placing a hand on his shoulder to draw closer to him the sound of your voice hits the shell of his ears howbeit it gets drowned by the chatter and music that surrounds the elegant ballroom, you’re in perfect height to reach him without problems thanks to your heels and while you’re at it you should give his mother something to munch on.
”Taehyung, glad you could make it.” His mother’s tone is dripping honey as he greets his son pecking the same cheeks you pecked moments prior, you somehow felt triumphant by that tiny fact, not surprised when your greeting is delayed like always, however, ignoring me won’t make me disappear doesn’t matter how much she obviously would like that idea.
Her smile gets more stained when she’s forced to acknowledge my existence you expect a half-hearted hello or something similar but she surprises you with a gentle hug.
”Y/N, I’m pleased to see you, actually I have a surprise for you since you always support my son I thought I should somehow thank you. Have you met Park Jimin yet?” Oh, you don’t like the sound of that. Glancing at Taehyung through your peripheral vision a sudden appearance forces your eyes to focus on the man before you.
”I’m afraid I didn’t.” You force a smile as you exchange awkward greetings with the man, he’s handsome you give him that. Jimin asks you if you would like to dance like it’s prompted to happen and you’re in no position to say no when eyes are on the two of you, so you detach yourself from Taehyung and accept this man’s outstretched hand letting him guide you through the people.
You look over Jimin’s shoulder to get a last peek at Taehyung’s form standing next to his mother it surprises you when you found his expression morph into a frown watching you led by another man.
Well, he promised you to be by your side the whole night, he’s probably upset because he couldn’t keep it.
Your intellectual guess cannot be farther from the truth as he observes Jimin’s hand with jealousy sliding down your back turning you to face him and break eye contact with Taehyung.
”What do you get out of this?”
You’re not a fan of beating around the bush, you so confront him directly Jimin acts like you said something funny his body slightly pushes against yours, hearing him chuckle so close to your face lets you admire his nice profile you play along as you let a smile appear in the corner of your mouth all the while the flute in Taehyung’s hand is close to breaking due to the strong grip he has on the poor drink.
”I have my reasons.” He answers curtly, but it’s not enough to satisfy your curiosity. Pulling you closer he guides you through the steps leading you gently along with his graceful movements, Jimin is not just handsome but a good dancer too.
”Shall we exchange secrets, sweetheart?” His breath hits the side of your face as he lowers his head near your ear to whisper into it, he has a melodious voice with a playful edge to it. That feature probably makes him popular with the girls.
”You can start by answering my question first.” A brow raised face unamused Jimin realises then and there that his charms won’t work on you, he can’t capture a heart that’s already captured.
You have someone in mind (even now when you’re talking to him) and he can’t compete with that. He wonders if it has to do anything with the Kim family’s black sheep son that you clung to before he led you away.
”Because I’m bored. There has to be a reason behind every action?” Jimin’s smile grows as soon as your expression changes from shocked to sheer bewilderment. You’re more entertaining than he first thought, refreshing to see someone so expressive of their emotions.
You regard the rich boy with narrowed eyes, manners can be damned. You refuse to be his plaything as a fit of newfound anger emerges from within the pit of your stomach.
You might not be rich like he is but your life is not a show for him to find entertainment in. Sensing your newfound hostility Jimin spins you around before pulling you back, your hands are firmly placed on his chest for the reason that the spin caught you off guard.
”Don’t look at me like that. How about I help you out as well?” Jimin glances in the direction that he knows Taehyung is still standing paying no mind to his mother chatting more focused on the way Jimin curls a lock of hair behind your ears before whispering into it like second nature.
”You like him don’t you?” A wicked smirk is written all across his face seeing your eyes widen in dread, he likes your reactions so much, it’s a shame you’re in love because he sure would be interested in you otherwise.
You always thought you were subtle enough but it’s clearly not true as a complete stranger can tell your fond feelings about your best friend, bashfully looking away you’re not sure if you should give in and confirm or try to deny it.
Reading you like an open book Jimin shakes his head in a mocking gesture. ”No need to lie, after tonight we’ll never see each other again. Aren’t you curious if he feels the same way or not?” He has your undivided attention at that, of course, you’re dying to know where Taehyung’s heart lies. You were just always too afraid to ruin what the two of you have built over the years.
”What are you suggesting?” Tightening your hold on his suit, he’s aware he has exactly where he wants you to be, right in the palm of his hands.
”Don’t take it personally sweetheart.” The smirk appears again when your face contorts into a scowl.
”What are you talking about .. hmmp.” His hands dip lower stopping just above your ass the sudden contact makes you jump a little halting your words altogether and Jimin lets a warm laugh out at your reaction.
”You’re cute when you get all flustered.” The next thing you feel is his plump lips giving a lingering kiss onto the centre of your forehead, the gesture featherlight and sweet, he could almost fool you if you didn’t feel his hand so closely situated near your butt.
”I guess it’s time for us to say goodbye. If things don’t work out with him you can always just search for me.” You have no time to take in and consider the meaning behind his words because someone grabs your hand absurdly pulling you out of Jimin’s hold, your dance partner smirks up at the intruder and raises his hands in lazy defence.
The familiar smell of Taehyung’s cologne envelopes your senses you tense up and relax at the same time as his touch is burning but soothing on your skin leaving you to bask in the exciting mix of the two emotion, it doesn’t require rocket science to know whose chest is that you’re pulled against. His fingers curl around your silk-covered waist protectively while the other is still holding onto your hand.
Taehyung left his mother standing with a shocked expression overtaking her features, leaving her in the middle of a one-sided conversation that she failed to realise but his vision was always trained on your form, he started to see red when that bastard blond man began to get too close to you.
”It was a pleasure meeting you miss Y/N, don’t forget to look for me if you ever get bored.” Ready to get your love interest riled up (beaming at the both of you) Jimin takes your free hand to plant a small kiss on the back but Taehyung instinctively pulls you out of reach before he can get too close again.
There’s no way in hell that he would let him touch you for another minute longer, at the same time a hand digs into your hip bone but you’re too caught up in the situation beforehand to register the feeling of Taehyung’s hand tighten on your body possessively.
”I guess I’m done here, you have your answer.” Jimin gives you a last good-natured wink before his body gets swallowed up by the people dancing around your frozen form.
Turning around you finally face Taehyung for the first time since the both of you got separated his bottom lip is caught between his teeth as he regards you with bottled-up desire and longing. He can’t bear the sight of you so close to someone else that’s not him.
Realisation lits up in your orbs as Jimin’s melodic voice echo inside your head. ’You have your answer’ and what a nice answer that you got.
Can’t contain your feelings anymore you pull Taehyung closer to your form using a fistful of his tie to aid you and crash your lips against his. Fireworks erupt behind your closed eyelids as you feel Taehyung’s body mould against yours perfectly, his lips are gentle as he moves against yours and you almost moan into his mouth when he parts your lips with the tip of his tongue.
”Tae..” You’re the first to pull away when it hits you where the two of you are – in the middle of the ballroom where everyone can witness your first kiss with him – but it’s not long before Taehyung connects your mouths again despite your efforts to part from him you find yourself responding to every little peck he delivers. His lips, his scent everything is so intoxicating.
”Taehyung, your mother will faint if you keep kissing me.” He chuckles into your shoulder nose buried deep into your hair inhaling your sweet scent, it’s hard for him to hold himself back when he finally gets a taste of you.
”Let’s get out of here.”
”So..” You start talking once the both of you are situated inside his car as he drives back home after the initial shock wears off that yes, the two of you indeed just kissed in front of at least 20,00 people nonetheless in front of his mother who would probably strangle you if she had the chance.
”Just to make sure. You..do like me right?” Rubbing your clammy hands on your expensive dress shyly you avoid eye contact with Taehyung but it doesn’t deter him from looking at you a few times before he rightfully turns back to watch the road.
His tie is loosened around his neck and a few buttons are undone as well, the air inside the car took a turn.
”I do. Do you?” Your best friend gulps gripping the steering wheel nervously even if you were the first to lean in and kiss him he can’t help the doubts that start to fill his head. What if you regretted it?
Feeling more relaxed after his confession you give his thighs a small squeeze that startles your friend. You feel his leg muscles go rigid under your touch so you decide to remove your hand that makes him panic more. He’s not trying to reject you, he just has a hard time accepting the fact that his feelings for you are reciprocated.
His hand finds your bare skin mid-thigh just below the material of your dress, sensing the inappropriate touch he tries to pull back, cursing under his breath that he can’t do a single thing right with you but you intertwine your fingers placing it back on your thigh.
Your smaller ones are entirely enveloped in his warm touch like he was made for holding your hand all along. ”I like you too.” You confess. It feels weird but you are relieved and somehow giddy that you could tell him your honest feelings after keeping them to yourself, that you’re able to share it with him confidently without fearing rejection or behind the shadow of the possibility to lose him as a friend.
”You do?” His smile reaches from ear to ear as he asks you, more confident in his skin after hearing you say it his hand glides further up on your thigh reaching the hem of your dress, his smile never falters even when his index finger reaches the apex of your thighs a yelp of surprise leaves you but not making any effort to stop him.
He draws sluggish circles over your clothed clit that makes you bite your lip preventing yourself from forming too much noise, your cheeks heat up because of his ministrations yet you shamelessly spread your legs further apart for him to comfortably reach under your dress. Taehyung keeps his caress light, intent on not scaring you.  
”Of course I do Tae.” You tell him like it’s crazy that he even thought otherwise, Taehyung rewards your honest words by cupping your heat with his palm rubbing you firmly over your underwear his movements are uncoordinated because he had to divide his attention between you and the road but his touch feels good all the same.
”Fuck.” You curse when he grinds the heel of his palm over your throbbing clit. Just a few hours prior while you were getting into the dress Taehyung bought you, you would have never imagined that this night will end up with his fingers inside your underwear but you’re certainly not complaining.
”Tae, please.” A mewl that soon turned into a whimper was the last thread of his sanity when he finally pulled aside the damp material that started to cling onto your skin uncomfortably, his finger got coated with your excitement as he slowly rubbed your heat sliding his finger up and down your slit nudging your lips apart so he can dive deeper.
Impatient you gripped his wrist and lowered his hand so his finger was closer to your entrance, reading between the lines Taehyung circled his digit around your clenching hole before easing a finger inside curling it experimentally inside you that earned the loudest moan so far. The angle is awkward but he tries to move his fingers in and out of you to the best of his abilities while he keeps his eyes on the empty road.
He felt his cock harden under his pants even more due to the sweet noises you make for him the feel of you so wet and needy sucking his finger inside and clenching around him, you truly were the woman of his dreams.
You remove his hand licking his finger that’s coated with your essence clean before you move to open up his zipper. Taehyung’s hand fists into your hair when he realises you’re about to give him a blowjob.
”Fuck, this is so dangerous.” He curses but doesn’t pull your head back when you lick his swollen tip. Taehyung forces his eyes to stay open as you take more of him into your mouth, sucking and licking along his shaft.
You have one hand on his strong thigh to keep yourself hunched over him as you try not to interfere with his driving.
Moving your mouth up and down you keep your movements slow but make sure you suck every time his tip reaches the back of your throat breathing through your nose you lick into his slit when you reach the head of his cock.
Taehyung’s grip on the steering wheel makes his knuckles go white with the force to keep the car in line while you keep sucking him off. You give the most attention to his sensitive tip as he’s already close to cumming.
You pull off before he could. Watching as his hard cock slaps against his stomach, precum drooling from the tip mixed with your saliva. He’s truly a sight and you get to admire him close as his chest moves rapidly sucking in ragged breaths, you can tell that he wants to cum so bad.
”If you drive faster you can get more than just my mouth on your cock.” You tease him tucking his painfully erect cock back into his pants, Taehyung continues to look ahead watching the road, clearly frustrated that you didn’t let him cum but steps on the accelerator to give the car more speed. Can’t wait to finally have you.
”Just wait till we get home, you’re going to regret teasing me, baby.” His voice is deep, hoarse from the moans and dark with evident sexual frustration, you know he’s still hard inside his pants but willing to wait until he could bury his dick inside your sweet cunt.
You’re in for a wild night. If you can still walk the next morning you’re going to send a gift basket to his mother to thank her for intervening because if it weren’t for her you two would still play that game of cat and mouse. Maybe thank Jimin too.
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epicspheal · 3 years
( this is gonna be long super sorry!!!) I have some Thoughts™ about Lusamine cause I'm conflicted. I love Lusamine as a character. And by that i mean I love to hate her. Rich white woman that's probably from Kalos( France) abuses her children, constantly gaslight them to make her the victim, and etc. It doesn't matter if she gone crazy, she's still an abuser.
The reason USUM boils my blood at times is because it goes the route of " oh yeah I wanted to save everyone" route which completely glosses over the fact that she abused and controlled her children for so long to the point of them both running away. And this one is purely headcanon in my part, cause I doubt Nintendo intended this, but she is, again, a rich white woman in comparison to the majority poc Alola. Is it infuriating how they welcomed her( well, at least on the front) after everything she's done? Yes. Is it a sad reality? Also yes. But it I'm still gonna complain. It also seems that Lillie and Gladion forgave her so easily? Of course, they have their own right to feel however they feel about their mother( especially if there was genuine good memories prior everything that happened), but like???? Idk it rubs me the wrong way.
But here's where I'm conflicted. Pokemon masters have shown a redeemed Lusamine. I understand masters is it's own thing, but also it's really interesting cause when you think about it, out of the Bad Parents Club, she's kinda the most likely to get that???( Other than Rose). Like by the end of SM, she finally acknowledge Lillie, and maybe going to Kanto will also mean getting therapy, which could lead to the Redeemed Lusamine we see in Masters( and what USUM were trying to sell). I personally feel like the other two, Giovanni and Ghetsis, are too far gone. So, like, Lusamine has a chance. But I hate her. I made an oc with the goal of at one point throwing hands with Lusamine for a REASON( other than parallels with her own life but that's different). Also when you take into account what lead her to this point, you kinda understand ( NOT JUSTIFY) her decent into madness. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they really should have portrayed her "redemption" better( putting quotations in redemption cause we don't know if she fully learned her lesson or not).
Okay that's all. Super sorry this got very long, I just have many Thoughts ™.
Hi there @ihopethisendswell! Oh boy Gen 7's story is not my favorite for multiple reasons and the shift between SM and USUM's handling of Lusamine was a big one. Like honestly if they truly wanted to redeem Lusamine USUM should've been a sequel rather than retelling because that way a few years would've passed, Lillie and Gladion could've healed on their own and Lusamine could've gotten some time to get herself together and maybe earn a redemption. But honestly I didn't want Lusamine to be redeemed. Let her rot in the "crappy parents" brigade with Giovanni and Ghetsis. I've said this before in a previous ask that I already didn't care for the Aether Family Plot to begin with but I at least enjoyed finally having the main villain be a woman and her being just absolutely a piece of crap too. I I don't like that they tried to redeem they chose her, and in such a haphazard way. Let the women be irredeemly evil. We need to see more of that in fiction. Unrestrained cruelty knows no gender.
But then again Lusamine's writing flops just fall in line with other issues Gamefreak has with writing female characters. Right in step with "Let's make Lillie, the one female child character whose been cursed with a crappy parent be the only helpless, passive one to the point of pretty much being the load while Silver, N and her own brother Gladion who also have shitty parents get to have more agency and fight to them. Because girls are the only ones who can be damsels and boys have to be tough."
Oh and I can't forget "Let's make Professor Burnet mostly irrelevant to the plots of SM despite her field of research being the most valuable concerning the whole research plot. Can't have a female researcher be useful" As you can see I have a lot of gripes with the gen 7 plot.
But your point about how Lusamine was handled in the majority POC region of Alola is probably my biggest issue with the Aether family. Because I really didn't care for the fact that the blonde family took up so much presence and importance in the story at the expense of the POC characters who were actually born and raised in the region. Like there was two whole plotlines of the Hau trying to live with the burden of being a Kahuna's grandson and Kukui trying to show pride in his home region by creating league while also not stepping on the traditions that make Alola's island challenge so sacred and special but we don't get to see it because it's the Aether Family show. Gamefreak has had a rather prevalent issue in writing when it comes to balancing story plotlines in general, but Gen 7's botched handling really stood out to me. The Alolans had really interesting stories that I wish had of gotten more prominence rather than being shoved off to the side like they were in canon. I hope whenever we get gen 7 remakes they add more depth to Hau, Kukui, Guzma, Acerola, and Hapu's stories because their stories as natives deserve as much attention as Lillie being able to find her confidence. Finally there should've definitely been a "press x to punch Lusamine's lights out" option in game. Like you I made alolan champion OC specifically just straight up give Lusamine a black eye. Yeah it meant aging her up to around 17 instead of the canon protags age of 11. so she could have more force behind that punch but it was worth it :D
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fumikomiyasaki · 3 years
Families of my ocs:
(I changed some names compared to old asks to have official names)
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Leroy Violet:
Amanda Violet (Mom):
Sick but alive.  Very caring house mom who tries to do too much. A literal angel.
Mason Violet (Dad): 
Yakuza leader of the Violet family,  left as Leroy was born, shitty dad.  Leroy still can't forgive him and he has tons of connections to other characters.
Keaton Fallstein (Brother):
Laid back Brother of Leroy,  sometimes a bit of a dummy. He works as Tutor and part time supermarket worker.
Annabelle Fallstein (Wife of Brother):
Calculated businesswoman who is pretty successful. Treats Leroy like a smaller kid sometimes. 
Fayne Fallstein (Nephew):
Admires Leroy and wants to be like him, also has some bullying because his eyes look weird sometimes. 
Henry Lakeside:
Grandma Donna Lakeside:
Alive but quite demanding of her Children. Also pretty sucessfull but retired. 
Lloyd Lakeside (Dad): 
Very strict and wants his children to succeed. Can be very hard to deal with. 
Precilla (Terris) Lakeside (First wife and mom of Gilliam and Kilian) :
Very bitter with Lloyd,  broke up contacts to the family after the affair.  
Rita Hellanon (Affair which resulted in Penelope):
Dead through unknown causes
Penelope Lakeside (Half-Sister):
Currently in prison, very cynical and angry about her family.
Gilliam Lakeside (Half-Brother):
Owns a successful restaurant and is very much into Asian culture.
Kilian Lakeside (Half-Brother) :
Fashion designer who can come off as weird sometimes.
Mable (Dallas) Lakeside (Second Wive and mom of Danson and Frederic)
Was pretty fine with the divorce, sometimes still visits and supports her sons
Frédéric Lakeside (Half-Brother):
Owns a fancy hotel and is usually very tired of his blood Brother Danson
Danson Lakeside (Half-Brother):
Club owner and usually pretty much too open about himself
Daphne (Oilean) Lakeside (Mom):
A very pretty woman who usually snaps some sense into Lloyd and supports her sons dearly. Many have still fallen for her despite being taken. 
Zach Lakeside (Blood-Brother):
A very nervous and pure boy who owns a bank. He is good at his job but bad at Relationships. 
Mellow Mildew:
John (Charlton) Mildew (dad):
Deceased at the car crash, he was very Intelligent and a computer master but sadly very bad at socializing
Phelia Mildew (mom): 
Deceased at car crash, very kind woman usually brightening up everyone's day when  she could. 
Candace Mildew (Aunt):
Adopted Mellow after her sister died but despite trying her best, her relationships usually turn out bad and cause problems for both of them.
Barry Parton:
Reggie Parton (dad) :
Works in the government, filthy rich, has no care if his son does wrong things if it gets results
Aurelia Parton (Mom):
Token rich gold digger mom, isn't close to his son, one of the reasons he cares less about women's feelings 
Francine Dalton 
Joseph Dalton: 
Very busy who has multiple jobs at once.
Mother: died
Rayn, Erin, Forrest, Gale, Rico and Hulio Dalton (Brothers):
Her brothers are bunch of morons but as the only sister Francine is very protective of them and hopes one day they find their way.
Fabio Vierunar
Nephy and Atmos Vierunar:
Parents who are currently high ranking in the village, Nephy is a hunter and his mother while Atmos is a Healer and his father.
May (sister who got banished), June (male), Janic (Male), Marton (Male), Sebby (Male), Julie (Female)
Lyla Atsuki
Yunora Atsuki (mom): 
Jazz singer who is known for a very pretty voice and appearance 
Matthew Atsuki (Dad):
Scientist who inspired Lyla to start her research. Often also easily scared.
Eikichi Atsuki (big brother);
He teases Lyla a lot and is to blame for her scaredy catness, I have a full bio on him too.
Bolt Striker 
Unknown creator
Created in a factory now adopted By Erwin
Carol Ann
Catherine Ann (mom):
Traditional Housewive who is mainly into knitting
Jonathan Ann (dad) :
Loves superhero movies and is pretty geeky
Megan Ann(Sister):
Works as police officer
Bianca Weiss
found in an asylum with no origin
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Flynn Deradelle 
Family unknown
Nanoya Naegi
Family dead
Rubina von Loketon:
Jade von Loketon (Dad) :
Renowned actor who got famous in the opera, very refined but also harsh on  his daughters
Ophelia von Loketon (Mom) :
Famous actress known for mainly romance stories, is strict and kept her daughter's as representatives always looking their best
Opalon Grey (Uncle):
Detective uncle that inspired Rubina to wanting to become  detective 
Saphirra von Loketon (Sister) :
Died thanks to the surgery to suppress her Children of darkness powers going wrong. Was usually the only comfort Rubina had 
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Peko Chunya 
Yui Chunya (Mom): 
Very proud mother who works in a clothing store, she is very passionate and happy about her daughter
Tadano Chunya (Dad): 
He calls himself the biggest fan of his daughter and supports her with his all. He usually works at construction sites. 
Emma Yuki
Meredith Yuki (Mom):
Had multiple partners so most of Emma's sisters are Half-Sisters
8 sisters based on Eeveelutions:
Sylvette Yuki  (Sylveon)
Glacia Yuki (Glaceon)
Athena Yuki (Espeon)
Sage Yuki (Leafeon)
Gregory Darknon 
Family died, had a caretaker named Suzie who he never saw again after his surgery. 
(Now Adopted by Nakamura and Helena)
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Tyler Nerington 
Felicia Nerington (Mom):
A very concerned mother who worries about the health of her son a lot.
Biological Father: left after divorce
Yula Nerington (moms wive):
The one who taught Tyler sewing and supports her wife by calming her down a lot.
Terry Nerington (little bro):
Third grader, very much lively and Likes to annoy people.  Still happy about sweets and easy to persuade. 
Troy Nerington (Little bro):
Second grader, much more quiet than his bro, more calm,  grateful for a lot of things..
Rachel Fuchsia: (tw gore)
Anjun Fuchsia and Clive Fuchsia:
Anjun was before named Tokinoki and married Clive mainly for both their Personal gain.
Clive usually did Cannibalism while Anjun used the left overs for Spirit Rituals, Anjun also collected Souls but communicate with Spirits too.
Anyways they live in a shrine in the mountains usually Selling false curse Lifting items.
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Gabrielle and Tesadell Ravenor 
King Domenic Ravenor: 
Proud Dragon who encourages Gabrielle with her fighting and isn't fully fond of his daughters being the perfect princesses his wife wants them to be. 
Queen Nephnee Ravenor:
Very set on wanting her daughter's to become representable Queens. She accepted later that Gabrielle wanted to live her own life but it took her 1000 years. 
The Ruby dragon:
Technically their grandmother,  but mainly in a state where she is only a dragon and not human anymore. Her daughters usually visit and feed her.
Andrew von Yltan:
Two Royals and 16 identical brothers all called Andrew
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Aiden Renous:
Huxley and Anslie Renous: rich demanding parents pushing their kids against another
Alfie, Ethan and Hunter Renous: Aidens older brothers and bullies
left the family
Was adopted into Media's family 
Media Chealean:
Daitan Chealean:
Former Shinto priest, was sad his son gave up the priest work… but still is happy to see him grown
Chitose Chealean: 
Was more unforgiving about the priest thing and Aiden being in this house but warmed up later with time.
Eleafy (Chealean) Otoron:
They are related but don’t know it yet.
Tenera Brawzer
Noboyuki and Osamu Brawzer (two supportive dads):
Teneras biological mom died in an accident, so Osamu, the best friend of her dad Noboyuki, took care of him and they fell in love. Both are very proud of how strong Tenera became. 
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Sindren Albright:
Theodore Albright (dad):
Very supportive Researcher dad who is similar to Barry's dad is also very rich but tries to use Research to make Robots more human and make the world a better place. 
Unknown Mom:
She left the family with Pit because of bad rumors surrounding Theodore and started a live somewhere else.
Pit @/terrovaniadorm
Both don't know yet that they are siblings.
Mythra Cenov 
Fernando Cenov (Dad):
Passionate dance teacher who is very picky with his daughters' partners and can be quite the charmer.
Isadora Cenov (Mom):
Pretty and takes care of the financial and organization for the Dance school. Worries about her daughter's attitude sometimes. 
Feena Ebersol
Unknown dad who sold her to the Albright family, Aside that she knows nothing.
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Dragiselle Flamescourow 
King Regalon Flamescourow:
Deceased thanks to Dragiselles powers, in the past a genuine good ruler who sadly was paranoid enough to isolate his daughter from the Kingdom
Queen Joline Flamescourow:
Deceased the same way, she always brought her daughter gifts from the kingdom travels.
Inessa Winter:
The Mountain guardians: 
She is unsure if they actually are related to her, but it's the closest she had to family. Which she abandoned after gaining her powers
Taron Ferres:
Urania and Galos Ferres (parents):
Urania is an Alien while Galos is a Fairy, they both mainly research on the space station about new machines. 
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Tiam Falldow and Kome Nabusa
Tiam lost his parents very early to illness and got adopted by Komes father
Dr. Willton Nabusa (Komes dad):
Komes mom died very early from an experiment and so he took care dearly for both of them. Only to die from a failed experience by Tiam.  Since then they only have each other. 
Vanessa Pharon
She doesn't share much about her family, also jokes that she was born from a Grape, but it can be assumed her parents are also Vampires and she visits them when summer vacation starts. The pharons are quite wealthy though.
Dracon Pharon (father):
Very picky about Who Vanessa brings home, in a poly relationship with two wives, ruling over a Vampire mansion
Elrena Pharon (mother):
Biological mother of Vanessa, very cheeky and seductive
Dorenea Pharon: (Second wive)
Out of the two the more joking and dangerous wife
Alucard Bathory (cousin) @/rookvonhunt​
Ronnie Marxton
Not much is recorded about the two boys before their fusion.  
Macie Gumeron
Keeps details about her family hidden from society Overall. 
April Richter and Julien Richter
They don't really talk about their family at all. Only their parents were horrible people and Lydia lightly adopted both for a while.
Taylin Sage
Brandy is her step-brother but more I can't really say yet.
Kayne Saocheng:
Father and Stepmom dead
Beatrice Ombra is his real mom but keeps it hidden
Quora Fritchup:
Grew up in Orphanage
Zyan Desire:
Selene and Paulo Parena (Parents): Cut ties with them
Elvira Parena ( Sister): Currently at DAC trying to avoid him
Brenda Goldwell:
Doesn’t talk about her family
Joel Cummings:
Juki (Mother, character @/rookvonhunt)
Father unknown (anyone who is shipped with her)
Bianca Weiss:
Family unknown
Naomi Aqueen:
Thelia Lakeside (mother)
Yulan Aqueen (Dad)
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vaultboyenthusiast · 2 years
🌹🌻🌲 for any OC(s) of your choosing! + I love your writing!
dude this absolutely made my day <3 I have been extremely unmotivated and seeing this slapped me in the face and said “bitch get ur shit done” (in a good way lol don’t worry)
I’m gonna do these for Dusty because he’s the only one I’ve talked about a whole lot!
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Dusty has four different places that he could really consider a “home” - Goodsprings, Freeside, Red Rock with the Khans, and the Nellis Air Force Base. However, I doubt he would even think about settling down somewhere, as the boy is, at his core, a wanderer. He’s very well-liked in all of those places because he has a very helpful nature. Also people tend to see him and instantly decide that he needs a family, so in all four areas, he’s basically got an army of adoptive parents and grandparents. As for where he was born, the would be some generic city in New Mexico that I do not have a name for because. Yeah. Dusty does not consider that to be a home at all, seeing as it’s still where his shitty rich dad who he hasn’t seen in years lives. Actually, he does travel back there at some point in his story (which I will be writing. soon. i’m working on it.) but not for fun ahaha. When it comes to people who make him feel at home, Dusty has no romantic interests, but friend-wise, he has Benny and Arcade. At this point, they’re basically his dads. And yes Benny adopted the kid he shot because I said so. Dusty isn’t quite sure what home means to him, but if he had to put his finger on it, he’d say it’s somewhere he doesn’t feel like he has to run from. Most of his story is about leaving things behind, so finding somewhere he’d want to return to is a good feeling.
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
Dusty is a very perceptive person. Very little gets past him. This mostly applies to bad things, such as someone about to attack him or a trap hanging right above his head, but it can also apply to good things. He loves seeing that plants still grow in the wasteland, especially flowers, and he has a tendency to point them out wherever he sees them. Flowers were also very important to his mother, so they remind him of her. The idea that good things can still happen and life can still flourish in the Mojave always brings him a bit of hope when he remembers it.
🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for?
Dusty does feel very deeply, but he is also very emotionally constipated. His thoughts and feelings are kept private for the most part, and he tends to bottle up any kind of strong emotion. Because of that, he struggles a lot with empathizing with people and prefers to take a more logical approach, which isn’t always appreciated. He’ll always be the first to offer support, though, whether that just means sitting there and listening to you or helping you out with things you need done. Dusty also can and will murder anyone who hurts someone he cares about. You said some guy was harassing you? Not anymore.
:DDDD this was very fun to write thank you!!
ask game
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boimgfrog · 3 years
@rumblingz is jane's hornets oc blog that catalogues a lot of vibes, he also wrote this AMAZING. hornets ocs drabble comp for Oc-tober last year. I also wrote two chapters of an among us au (lol) that gives a feel for a lot of the characters and dynamics, as well as a quick fic abt my oc, Spoon's, chronic pain
some fanart as well!!! heres ronnie patching up spoon <3 I think I have more that I never posted online too rip </3
They are so beloved!! Here's a quick overview to get you started:
Spoon Whitemire (my oc): Spoon's (he/they) a student at the local boy's academy, sent there by his rich parents after getting himself expelled from all sorts of private schools across the country due to various reasons. They end up joining the hornets after becoming infatuated with their leader, Hollis (this is a common theme for Spoon, they are Hm. Quick to pine.) but not after causing a ruckus and wrecking Keith's bike in the process.
Ronnie Rumble (janes oc): Ronnie (they/them) is a slightly more seasoned member than spoon, joining the hornets after leaving their hometown, and their shitty ex-gang, behind. They have kind of a on-and-off again thing with Hollis, but they've got a bad history with gang leader romance that keeps them from committing. Them and Spoon have a really close sibling bond, with Ronnie taking Spoon under their wing after he joined.
Bee (pebble's oc): Bee (she/xe [I think?]) Is the youngest member of the hornets, but by far the most vicious. Armed with fireworks and peppa pig bandaids, she's determined to live her life to the fullest, especially now that she's ah...disposed of her father. Her and Spoon have a very chaotic little sibling relationship, and she's probably the member everyone is most determined to look out for.
Bow (Mj's oc): bow (she/they) is the social media manager for the hornets, and the one who captures all their sick moves for YouTube. They get along well with everybody, but have a wicked mischievous streak, often joining forces with Spoon and Bee to fuck shit up behind Hollis' back.
There's other ocs too, like Jane's oc Lydia, Spoon's best friend at the academy, and his other ocs that flesh out Ronnie's past and add dimension to the world, plus my own oc, Celeste (i haven't brought her up in a fic yet i don't think?) Who's a part of Spoon's backstory. But!! That's the gist <3 literally i love these guys so fucking much ty for asking abt them
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julessworldd · 4 years
Cheerleader and the future rockstar
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Warnings: cussing, there’s a jock being an ass talking about the Oc in a gross, sexual way. arguing a little.
A/N: I don’t know much about Izzy’s family life, like his mom and brothers name. I think the one I had is right for his younger brother. And what year he finished high school, bare with me. Oc’s home life is sorta sucky even though she’s the rich cheerleader. she’s not snobby at all like the sterotype everyone has about cheerleaders. I will make a part 2!
@slashscowboyboots​ @roger-taylors-car​ @reigns420​ @awildkaitlynhasappeared​ @ginny-rose-sixx​ @izzysguitar​ since you liked the post last night about the upcoming fic :)
High school Au of Izzy.. Izzy falls for the cheer captain after, she offers her help on an essay in English. Here's the thing the cheerleader has loved Izzy since he grabbed her from falling down the stairs, sophomore year. 
Many know Jeff Isbelle or now Izzy for lots of things. He was the cool, stoner, who was planning on being a rockstar with his buddy, Bill Bailey. To some teachers he was hell on wheels, "The badboy" even though he barely talked. Jocks: Izzy was a creep, just another shadow, stupid stoner who needs to have better life plans. To Judith Channing Izzy was: her crush of two years, wanted to spark a conversation, but her red and black cheer uniform stopped her. Izzy hated the cheer squad because their "Loyalty" to the jocks, they were too happy for his liking at 10 am. Judith remembers when Tommy Lockeler tried to push her down the 3rd floor stairway after, she told him she thought he was nothing but a whore and didn't want to go on a date.  Felt like it was yesterday.. 
I stared at Tommy as he was putting his claim about him being a manwhore. His face got redder and redder by the minute.. 
"Keith told me you had such a tight pussy, Channing. Wanna let me test his theory out? Probably won't you're just a bitch", Tommy spat back.
"Fuck you, Tommy. You just proved my point right there! God, you're so stup-", I felt the air out of my chest leave as I tumbled backwards into someone's arms.  "Whatever", I heard Tommy stomp away. "Hey, hey. You okay?", I heard a soft but gravely voice ask. I opened my eyes to see a tallish boy with medium brown hair, hazel eyes holding me, face with concern. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for not letting me bust my head open, uh?", I said, holding my hands flat on his chest, one hand clutching his Rolling Stones' shirt. "Jeff, but I go by Izzy. Aren't you that Channing girl?", Izzy said, pulling me up, pushing a hair out of my face. "Yeah, I'm Judith. Nice to know my hero's name, Izzy", I blushed.  Izzy grinned, "What made Tommy try to commit murder after lunch anyways?" I smoothed out my uniform skirt, "Just the guy I lost my-", I realized what I was about to say to the new guy. "My hat, this summer. Tommy wanted to- '', I said, but Izzy nodded and seemed to understand what my 'hat' actually was. 
"Well, Keith needed to keep his mouth shut. Tommy is just an asshole, he's a jock they're all the same'', Izzy grumpled. "Yeah, you're right", I said. "Judith! We're gonna be late to practice, come on!", Erin yelled down the hall. "Thanks again, I appreciate it a lot. See ya around, Izzy", I smiled. "No problem. Have a good practice, Jude", Izzy said, reaching into his jacket pocket for his Malobros.  I watched Izzy smirk and skip down each stair, his cute ass bouncing as he went down. "Judith!", Erin yelled again, taking me away from my hero. 
Crazy how that's been two years ago, Izzy doesn't recognize me or chose to at least. After that day, I had a big secret crush on the Johnny Thunders of Lafayette. No guy gets me like Izzy does, Izzy barely knows me but he has such a big affect on me.  I walked into Mr. Allan's senior english class, there was a seat by the window, behind this dark headed boy. I sat down behind him, judging if I liked this seat. It was close enough to board, not in the very very front, nice view outside. "Oh Mike?", the kid turned around. "Oh, you're not Mike. Hi", I looked up and it was Jeff Isbelle. "No, sorry. Is this seat taken?", I asked as my heartrate rose. "No, he came in for a minute, guess he left before I noticed", Izzy said. "Okay class, let's get started!", Mr. Allan clasped his hands together. Allan was going over what we would be doing in the class before we graduated in June. Same bullshit honestly. Read Shakeperse, write essays, read other dead guys' writings. 
Two weeks later, Izzy was still seated in front of me. Making 3rd period class time hell, if you call getting to see his beautiful self plop down everyday. "Alright guys, we finished McBeth and now I'm wanting you to write about how you took the play. I'm asking if you liked the ending, if not write how you would have ended instead. You can use the books, notes we took, even chapter tests I gave back. Due in two weeks", Mr. Allan stated before sitting back at his desk.  It was getting close to 4th period, meaning I could leave for the day, no cheer practice today too. 
"Hey Judith?", Izzy asked. "Yeah, what's up?", I asked from writing my draft. "Did you keep anything from this unit? I lost my binder", Izzy asked. "Yeah, what do you want?", I smiled. "Notes, I guess. I'm not sure how I wanna write this shitty essay", Izzy grinned. Damn what a beautiful smile. I handed him every note I took on the play, side notes, everything.  "Pretty smart for a cheerleader", Izzy said, grabbing my notes. "I liked the play really well, okay?", I fought back.  "If you say so, Judith", Izzy turned back around. 
I walked in the empty room, well thought it was empty. Izzy was sitting in a desk next to Mr.Allan's desk, "Oh sorry, sir", I started to turn around. "It's okay, Judith. Actually, I need you for something", Mr. Allan smiled. I stood next to Izzy. "With what?", I asked. "Mr. Isbelle said you gave him his notes, the first day I assigned this essay. I'm just wanting to make sure he's not lying is all", Mr. Allan said. "Jeff is telling you the truth, sir. He asked if I still had anything about the play and wanted my notes for a starting point, I guess. You said we could use anything we did for the play", I said, starting to get offended he would assume Izzy stole my notes and wanted to cheat. 
"Okay, Judith. Well, since you're here go sit down.", Mr. Allan breathed out, probably embarrassed and a 17 year old girl started him out. The ball rang making Mr.Allan go out for hall duty and talk to other teachers. 
"Hey", Izzy said, standing in front of me. "Hi, Jeff", I smiled. "Thanks for backing me up with dickhead. If I tell you this, will you promise me you won't go to practice and gossip about me?", Izzy said clenching his jaw, he looked really hot. "Of course, Jeff. What's up?", I asked, rubbing my thumb over my other hand. "Your notes helped some, but I'm still stuck. Maybe, it's writer's block I need you to help me crap out this dumb essay. Please?", Izzy said. "Yeah, no problem, Jeffrey. I have cheer until 4:45, but I can meet you somewhere after.", I smiled. Izzy stared at me for a second, "Sure, that's cool. I can give you my address, mom's working late." 
I pulled up to Izzy's place, couple cars were parked outside. I decided to stay on the side of his street and yard, leaving a place for his mother. Izzy stepped out for a smoke as I got out, pulling my brother's t-shirt down. "Boyfriend's shirt?", Izzy blew out smoke from his lips. "No, brother's actually", I said, slinging my bag on my shoulder more. "Oh. Didn't know you had siblings, you gave me the spoiled only kid vibe", Izzy deadpanned. "No, three older brothers and two younger sisters.", I said, feeling small and embarrassed by Izzy. "My brother is here, just ignore him the best you can. He brought home some hamburgers, if you're hungry.", Izzy said, holding the door open. It was an average, but comfortable home. Pictures of Izzy and his brothers, with their mother lined the walls and a few tables. Tv by the wall, couple couches, chairs. Something wet touch my shein, "Sadie! Down. I'm sorry I thought Kevin set her out.", Izzy started to pull Sadie away by her collar. "She's okay. I have two dogs myself, I'm in her house, she's just checking me out. Yeah, you're a pretty girl", I said, bending down to pet her. "What kind of dogs?", Izzy said, sitting on a chair next to Sadie. "German shepherd, named Phoenix, Golden Retriever, Jagger. Jagger is new she's my baby like Phoenix", I said giggling as Sadie licked my hand. "Cool", Izzy mumbled. "Do you wanna start your essay or let me see what you have? Might not have to even start over", I got up and stood by his chair. "Damn, you're really about that essay", Izzy got up, going where I amused his room. 
 "Boys, I'm home!", A woman's voice entered the room. "Oh hi, dear. I didn't know Jeff had a girl over.", She smiled. "Yeah, I'm helping him on an english essay. I'm Judith Channing", I got up and grinned. "Channing? Channing? Is your father's name Frank?", She asked. "Yes, that's him", I said. "I went to high school with him, how is he?" "That's nice, uh he's good. Still in Chicago", I said. "Chicago?" "Yeah, business trip", I said, hoping Izzy would dash in or holler for me to come to see his room. "Does Jeff know you're here?", She asked with a worried look. "Yeah, we met outside. He went to his room for his english stuff, guess he fell to China '', I giggled. "Tell me about it, damn boy takes forever. Jeff! Did you forget about Judith? Jeffery Dean!", His mother yelled. 
"Mom, hey. Though I told you to come with me, Judith?", Izzy said standing beside me. "How was work, Momma?", Izzy hugged her. "Hi, I'm Kevin and you are?", Kevin, Izzy's younger brother checked me out. "Kev, let her alone she's with me", Izzy said, standing beside me protectively. "You're way way out of my brother's leguage. Hey Mom", Kevin said. "Come on. Holler if you need anything", Izzy grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. He grabbed my bag on the way. "Crack your door, Jeff. I mean it!", his mother yelled.  Izzy's room was nice, typical posters, navy blue bed set, desk with papers and pens, small nightstand with a picture of his family, set of records by his recorder player. I slid my shoes off by his desk and sat on the chair. Izzy flopped on his bed, unamused. 
"So what did you think about McBeth?", I asked. Izzy shrugged. "Izzy, your perspective is gonna help write this essay. Tell me", I scoffed. "Just a crazy dude that got killed for letting his power go to his side over what a couple hags had to say. I liked when he got ambushed by the people", Izzy sighed, rubbing his hair around.  "Okay, see that helps. So,you liked the ending and we can stretch your thought out into five paragraphs", I said, looking for a pencil.  "Listen, Judith I'm not in the mood for a stupid play from a dead guy from 400 years ago. Mr.Allan can go fuck himself", Izzy scoffed out. "If you didn't want me over why did you ask for my help. I do have other shit to do, Izzy", I pinched the bridge of my nose. This fucker made me drive half way cross town for this essay. "Then why did accept to come over and help?", Izzy spat back. "I don't know? Probably because I always help people who need help. It's what nice people do anyways", I rolled my eyes.
“Why did I have to ask a smart cheer captain for help?”, Izzy groaned.
“Sorry to break your little stereotype of cheerleaders being dumb and only want to fuck. You know what, Iz? I’m leaving, who cares if you finish the damn essay. Not like you care if you fail or pass, L.A won’t care either way”, I stood by his bed at his nightstand. Izzy stared up at me with confusion. “How do you know wanna go to L.A? I’ve never had a conversation with you before english”, Izzy raised up. “Bill told me you were thinking about if after graduation, he asked my help for math. We have talked before, Izzy. Sophomore year, you caught me from falling to my death after Tommy Lockeler, pushed me down the stairs. You had a Rolling stones shirt on, your hair a little shorter, guess I landed in your arms on a good day.”, I said, with tears in my eyes. “That’s you? No wonder you look familiar besides being a cheerleader. I’m sorry for being a dick, you did come out of your way for me.”, Izzy stood up from his bed. “It’s fine, Izzy. Why don’t you just bullshit it? I’m not feeling too great”, I sighed, walking to his desk for my bag. “Wait. Please don’t leave, I really need your help. I really liked the book and I’m sorta stuck.”, Izzy grabbed my wrist. 
“Okay. If I see you slacking I’m out, Isbelle”, I said. “Sit”, Izzy said, pushing his office chair to me. “Thanks”, I smiled. Izzy pushed a hair out of my face, “Sorry, it was bothering me”  I blushed, before looking away from him. Izzy chuckled, “Something you hiding from me, Judith?” “Tell you what, if you finish the essay, I’ll tell you what I’m hiding, deal?”, I bit my lip. “Deal”, Izzy smirked. Izzy’s brain was flowing and his hand was scribbling on the paper like he didn’t need me over. “Anndd done”, Izzy said, throwing his pencil in the cup he had on his desk. “Let me read it first”, I grabbed the two pages. “You lied”, Izzy whined. I scanned his paper looking for details of the play, if he had the right grammar, punctuation. “Looks good, Izzy. I’m proud”, I laid the paper down. “Thanks, now tell me why you were blushing?”, Izzy laid his hand on my jean clad thigh. “Do I have to?”, I whined. “I did my part, so it’s your turn, Channing”, Izzy said, not breaking his poker face. “Okay, don’t get mad. I have had a crush on since you caught me that day, at times I’m happy Tommy attempted to murder me that day. You happy?”, I stood from his chair and paced besides his bed. “Judith”, Izzy said.
“Hey, Judith, calm down. I have to tell you something too”, Izzy said, grabbing my hand. “What?”, I asked, scared to death he was gonna kick me out. “I like-”, “Hey dinner is ready”, Kevin opened his door, looking down at our hands. “I better get home, mom’s probably worried.”, I lied, she didn’t give a damn about me and my whereabouts. “Okay, I’ll walk you out”, Izzy said. We reached my car, “Well,thanks for the help. Guess I needed to be forced to write”, Izzy said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “No problem, I liked hanging out with you”, I smiled. Izzy nodded, “Be safe” “Sure thing. Night Izzy”, I said, unlocking my car door. Izzy stood until I turned at the stop sign from his house. I tried to skip school, to avoid the awkwardness between me and Izzy. He got really quiet after his brother barged in yesterday, at least he was nice enough to walk me to the car and waited for me to get on the main road again. 
I was headed to lunch but was really wanting to sneak out to my car and drive around for a while. Looking through the glass doors that lead to the front parking lot, I could hear my car whine for me to leave. “Fuck it”, I thought grasping the door and pushed it open. “Where do you think you’re going, missy?”, A deep male voice startled me. I turned around to see Izzy grinning. “Oh it’s just you. Come on, let’s ditch”, I smirked. Izzy nodded and opened the door. We ran down the stairs, to my car, laughing. “Why did you wanna skip? You have a good attendance record?”, Izzy asked, plopping into the passenger seat. “Just ready to leave, school was boring. I don’t have cheer practice today. You?”, I asked, starting the car. ‘Shattered’ The Rolling Stones played quietly. “Same reason as you, just fuck it. Didn’t take you as a Stones fan?”, Izzy smirked as I pulled out of the school parking lot and headed towards town. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me Izzy. My dog is named after Mick Jagger, remember?”, I smirked. Izzy nodded his head to the beat of the song, going through my cassette tape collection. 
We got out of my car and went to a pair of swings, Izzy groaned. “What’s the matter, afraid one of the stoners will catch you with the cheerleader?”, I smirked. “No, princess. Just haven’t swung since I was 9”, Izzy grumbled. “Suit yourself, Jeff”, I pushed my legs to swing. “You like cheerleading?”, Izzy asked. “It’s alright”, I said. Izzy lit a cigarette and watched me swing my legs back and forth. Izzy caught me as I slowed down, holding the chain, pulling me close to him. I looked in his hazel eyes, cigarette creeped on his breath. “After, I killed Kevin for bargin in on us last night. I got to thinking, we’re getting closer to graduation. I’m bailing this hoosier state, you’re probably going on to join a sorority at Purdue. I wanna tell you something”, Izzy said, breath fanning my neck. “What is it?”, I whispered. “I like you and wanna know if you’ll be my girl?”, Izzy nipped my bottom earlobe.  I pulled him into a kiss, holding his shoulders, “Thought you would never ask, Jeff” Izzy smiled down at me. “And I’m not going to college, Iz. I don’t have to pay to have friends, just so you know. Thinking about going to New York actually”, I whispered. “Wanna join me out west? Don’t go to New York, just cold as Indiana, baby”, Izzy held my waist. “I can do that”, I grinned, kissing his cheek. 
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kkulmoon · 4 years
SUGAR & SALT | The First Snow Has Melted (2)
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pairing(s): rich boy!kim taehyung x baker!reader (f) + park jimin x named OC & kim seokjin x named OC
genre:  angst (?), slice of life, romance, smut (later chapters), slow burn, fluff (occasional), s2l, e2l, countryside-ish au
word count: 6.7k
rating: pg
a/n: i took way too long to update this 🤡(it won’t happen again 🥺) and i am doing so with such a shitty chapter lol but hey at least I managed to finish it. also thank you to my lovely beta reader for giving me much needed advice about where i should go with this, @scvkjin​, angie you’re truly an angel 💕😭
warnings: some swearing
synopsis: You’re a small town baker, whose business is on the line following questionable decisions made by your town’s political board. You decide to take action in order to salvage your reputation as the town’s favourite baker. 
What you didn’t expect was to fight for your precious secular life that keeps being invaded by the best friend of the owner of your rivalling bakery, Taehyung. He also happens to be the one in charge of your lack sugar, due to a minor (depending on the point of view) mistake, though he’s known as quite the conscientious count.
You’re a baker.
A bad one, it seems. Even with Taehyung, Jimin, Seokjin and Ada, the finest products and tools at your disposal, you seem to cook up a disappointing dish. So whose fault is it really?
☁︎ previous chapter ☁︎
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The journey back is just as agonising if not more. You keep your eyes closed in hopes of catching some sleep but all in vain.
Thump! Taehyung's legs are about to drive you insane. You move your jacket's hoodie to cover your ears, hoping he gets the memo. He keeps going. It is really annoying but you don’t you feel like telling him to stop and possibly make him more anxious than he already was, so you hold out. A few minutes pass by and he seems to calm himself, so you decide to take down your hood. To your right Ada's head lays on Jimin shoulders as their chest oscillate, up and down, at a steady rhythm.
You're brought back to your high school days, when the two fell in love for the first time. Jimin was your go-to friend, who also happened to be your only friend. Ada was, and still is, a hopeful admirer in disguise. It's actually quite hard for you to comprehend how two people can be so obvious about their feelings while simultaneously being negligent about the subject of their affection.
You shake your head. You've reached the threshold for your daily analysis of your best friends' relationship. You shift in your seat and dangle your feet. The boredom is crippling and the humid air in the bus is making your hair frizzy.
Itching for some action , you turn to your right and say, "What's the matter?"
"Is everyone in Warringham like you?" Taehyung wonders. He stares straight at you making you tilt your head back to the left.
While you're glad at the increase in activity, you aren't sure that being indirectly insulted is the type of action you are currently looking for. But there's nothing better for you to do. Indulging in some self deprecation wouldn't be too bad given your recent behaviour.
"If you're referring to being hostile, then not so much," you say, thinking about the new bakery that recently open across from yours, "but they are weary, change isn't really an appreciated thing."
"So they don't like outsiders?" he pushes.
"No and yes. Outsiders that are trying to change things, that's what they don't appreciate."
Taehyung drags his hand down his face. "Goodness gracious, I guess I will have to deal with the backlash at some point."
You could have told Taehyung that backlash in Warringham is more like rage. However you don't feel like that is your responsibility, so you hold your mouth shut. You're sure Jimin would have his back. Brotherly love or whatnot.
"By the way, why are you asking me this," you add, "don't you already live in Warringham?"
"Well yeah, technically, but it hasn't been that long. I had only been there for about two weeks before I followed Jimin here. I didn't have much to do so I stayed in for the most part."
You truly want to scoff at Taehyung's reply but you think of one word: Jimin. People truly do live different lives. You wish you had the privilege of  staying at home. You wish your mom and your brother had the privilege of staying at home. Maybe things would have turned out different for you. Maybe you would have been different and befriending Taehyung wouldn't feel like combing your hair while it's dry, meaning impossible.
"Why did you move to Warringham anyways?"
You raise your eyebrows while bracing yourself. This should be a good one.
"I needed some change. I got bored of the city, as one does, and a friend needed some help," he says matter of factly.
"Ahhh, exactly as one does." You nod as the sides of your lips drag down.
To feign familiarity with such a concept is all you can do at the moment. Your lives and reasoning are being revealed to be so diametrically opposed, you doubt that your individual bonds to Jimin would be enough to allow the two of you to connect.
You try to find a way to end the conversation. Talking to Taehyung only seems to involve judgement one way or the another. Taehyung's body shifts towards you. You guess he's in a talkative mood, now that he has calmed down. But you are not, at least not anymore.
So you pull your hood up back onto your head. For the first time since you bought the jacket, you're happy it's too big for you. That way you get to avoid glancing or being glanced at by unwanted subjects. The rest of the ride back is silent, just as before. Lucky for you it's nothing unusual, just how you like it.
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Quick and heavy steps sound against the gravel in front of your porch. You would already be on your bed hugging your phone by now had it not been for you having to drag both yours and Ada's suitcases into the house.
Apparently her and Jimin needed some privacy. For what? You really don't know, what else would they need to talk about? They have been attached at their hips for the past two weeks one could almost think that she went on vacation with him and not you. In fact, that’s probably what people thought. You remember catching elderly couples and young parents glancing cutely at the pair. 
She had said, and you remember it clearly: 'This will be a time for me and you to simply relax and have fun together. Make some new golden memories in a shitty place’.
Lies, lies, lies.
You remind yourself to not easily cave in next time she suggests you do a common activity. That isn't even the worst part. You were made to leave your beloved work phone. It’s not that you didn’t believe in your staff, but the bakery is the only thing you’re remotely passionate about. Your life revolves around it, leaving it behind even for just two weeks, was a harder task that you thought it would be.
You huff as you use the little of your remaining force to lift Ada's suitcase up the few stairs on your porch. For someone who seemed to have worn pretty much the same clothes during your stay at Punniton her bag sure was heavy. Or it must probably be all the baggage she carries from her failed romantic endeavours. Yes, you just said that, because once again, yes you're that type of friend. Loving, supporting but judgemental and blunt nonetheless.
You strut all the way to your room while the odd bone crack disturbs you. For all the money you paid for your stay at Punniton you sure as hell deserved better beds. Bed with wire lattices? Come on, it's not like we were going to boarding school.
You may need to leave a bad yelp review. It was your seventh year there after all, you're bound to feel entitled to some things at some point. Anyways, it's not like yelp reviews really count to anyone outside of the city, so you'll simply just write one to satisfy your own petty behaviour. 
You walk to the end of your room to open the window. The air is stale and mixed with another scent that you can't quite catch. You turn to face your bedside table. HA! On it there is a moldy orange. The orange you should have taken taken with you for the train ride to Punniton.
With a pair of scissors at your disposal you poke into the orange. Something you soon realise you shouldn't have done now that there's a small puddle of orange juice on your table. You hurry into the kitchen to throw it away. While you're at it you glance outside through the kitchen window. What are they talking about?
Ada's head turns towards you and you duck as fast as you can. You creepily lift your head back up to find that they are kissing. The creases that form on your forehead would be able to be seen  from miles away. You're also sure that someone could inspect the back of your throat right now from how wide your mouth is open. It has been two weeks, and they are already locking lips!?
Huh, you guess it must be easy to get over a couple years of emotional trauma if you're really in love with one another. You spend some more time analysing their kiss. Was is a 'I'll see you soon 'kind of kiss, or the 'I love you but i can't tell you' kind of kiss, or the 'I have been wanting to kiss you for the last 2 weeks' kind of kiss. 
For someone who claims to be trying their best to live their best life, you really are concerned with other people's problems. But how couldn't you? If you're thinking logically, which you always are, hurt Ada equals you having to mend her wounds. On top of that you would also have to deal with another strain to yours and Jimin's friendship.
So yes, them trying to get together again is just as much their business as it's yours. If things go wrong you'll be the one standing between the crossfire and while the last one was quite mild, you believe years of pent up frustration will blow up this time.
As much as you would like to keep watching them go at it, it feels too  private and you're not a creep so you look away and walk back to your room. You reach for your bedside table's drawer to get a hold of your phone so you can turn it on.
There's two possible scenarios. First one, no one messaged you, in which case everything is under control. Or, no one messaged you because they either forgot or deemed whatever happened to be too serious to say over text.
The moment you type in your code while your phone tries its best to recognise the house's wifi, you're so startled you automatically get up from your bed.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Okay, so you obviously got messages and now you are scared. You navigate your way to your messages. Eight missed messages from Joe, one of your staff.
December 17th
[09:10] (Joe) Hello Y/N. So we have a problem...
[10:05] (Joe) Hello? Are you there?
[10:15] (Joe) I don't know if you're getting these messages but I'll go ahead and explain the situation.
[10:18] (Joe) So we just got an email from the municipality saying that there was an inconvenience with one of the  papers you sent in for the bakery's inventory.
[10.20] (Joe) They have got everything else ordered and it should arrive on time. However, the paper for the sugar order can't be found anywhere.
December 18th
[10.35] (Joe) You haven't answered and nobody knows where you went for vacation. The only person who would know also most likely happens to be with you.
[10.38] (Joe) Since it is a time of crisis I went over your log for the bakery's inventory and rewrote a sugar order based on your notes. So I have now gone to the municipality and deposited the order papers.
December 20th
[08.20] (Joe) So the municipality just got back to us. They have said that the order is now registered however there will be a month long delay before it arrives given the fact that it was ordered during a vacation and other businesses most likely are before us in the deliveries.
This. This is why caring for things is something you try to avoid. You could do everything right from your end and yet there's no guarantee that you would at least get rewarded for that. In fact, worst case scenario you could even end up being wrongly penalised for it. That's where you are currently standing and you feel awful and betrayed. Which is a funny thing since this wasn't even done by someone you actually knew. The downside to taking things and caring for them...
Your body stays in a paralysed state as you try to rack your brain for any possible solution to the situation. The only thing you can come up with is complaining. Your staff had already done their best to lessen the damages. Now all you need is someone to dump your frustrations on so that you can feel somewhat productive and needed.
Also being head chef means showcasing the type of qualities that a leader should have so you need to come up with something to do in order to make sure that your employees don't think any less of you. Going to the municipality's building seems like the best option.
It would allow your subordinates to see your dedication to work but also allow you to complain to your heart's content. This means feeding other's expectations of you all while feeding your own ego. Two birds, one stone.
You're in the middle of typing away furiously, when Ada steps into your room, leaning against the door frame.
"By the way I thought about keeping this to myself at first but then I thought, you know what I should treat my friends the way I want them to treat me so here we go...", she starts.
"I'vechosentopursuethisthingthat'sgoingonbetweenmeandJimin,"she blurts it out and still you manage to catch everything.
That's how focused your mind was even if you are busy typing back a response to Joe, it's still on high alert.
"Uh, hellooo? Did you hear what I just said"
“Ahh uhh, got it. Capiche. Good luck”
"That's all?"
"I mean can I talk you out of it and bring up past sad memories?"
" Well, no... I would rather you not"
"Then i repeat, good luck," you take a break from your phone screen to look at her, "I really hope it works out for you this time around. They say third time's a charm, right?"
"Yeah they do....hopefully it's true for us"
It's quite rare for someone as cold as Ada to openly share her doubts when it comes to private matters. You have had to battle her in the past to get her to tell you what exactly happened between her and Jimin. You get up and walk up to her. Black hair strands tickle your shoulder before you can engulf her entire body in a big comforting hug.
"I'm just really scared."
"Take it as a good sign. You like him. At least you know you're not only halfway into it like the time you tried to date Louis just to make Jimin jealous."
You try your best to sound comforting and play the best friend part. It crossed your mind to be more harsh with her about her decision, but you decided against it. Just because you may personally have a hard time dealing with romantic matters doesn't mean you need to project that onto her.
She is going through a rough patch as it is. You make a mental note to message Jimin about the matter. Ada may not want you to talk about it with him, but still you will, not as Ada's best friend but as his.
Ada steps back from the hug and blinks hastily. "Anyways, why did you look so irritated?”
"There's some problem with the bakery's inventory so I need to go the municipality to complain," you explain.
"Just to complain?"
"I mean yeah, but also deal with the logistics of it all you know," you cough out the answer.
"Uh huh, I see. Just don't cause too much trouble or make a scene. I don't want to have to defend you in court knowing you're in the wrong."
"Yes Ma'm. I'll try," you retort mumbling the last statement.
"Alright, then we're all good. Also I ordered pizza it should be here in 20 so you can come out then."
You vigorously nod your head.
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Nice fit. Head full of a mix of good arguments and well camouflaged arguments made to sound good when truthfully they are quite groundless. Throat cleared. Chin up. Power pose on. You felt like you could rule the world. Well, maybe the world is too much of an ambitious thought. You want to feel powerful but remain humble, so let's settle for Warringham. Yes, you feel like you could rule Warringham. Anyways, that not really the point. The point is:
You are ready to make a scene.
This better work. You did not get dolled up and decide to swap your sneakers for some heeled boots in order to be ignored and left high and dry. For once, you hoped that you could use humans' blatant incline for vanity and love of beautiful looking to your disposal. Your contouring better make sure you can make up for the mess that the municipality created.
You strut as gracefully as possible. The automatic doors slide open in front of you and you panic slightly at the sudden gush of air that hits your face. Your hairstyle better not get ruined. The reception is overseen by some poor intern that's looking to curb her boredom by playing with her nails or trying to figure out the different ways she could scratch her different body parts without people taking notice.
You can't help but feel like a blessing. You are about to liven up this kid's work place. The kid had exactly thirty-five seconds left of boredom. That's how long you think it will take to walk to the reception desk in the most gracious yet intimidating manner possible. The countdown starts as you take your first step.
K'duh. K'duh. K'duh. K'duh. K'duh.
You arrive at the desk, feeling even more excited. The intern's eyes are still wandering around. Yes, you feel like a superhero that could defeat all of the world's injustices but you are pretty sure invisibility isn't one of your strengths. You clear your throat.
The intern lifts her blue eyes to look at me. Eyeballs bulging out of their skull. What a way to feign interest.
"How could I help you ma'am?"
To be quite honest, you were feeling a bit sorry to have to put the intern through a scene. She probably didn't know how to deal with such situations. Or, you could just be getting cold feet. Things always sound better in theory, in your head, where they should be left.
"Uhm, yes...," you shuffle through your handbag to find your documents.
Actually, Ada's handbag. What?! You needed to match with your dolled up cover. Once you find them, you squint your eyes in hopes of catching the name on the name plate attached to her blazer.
"Yes, Vera. I'm looking to talk with the person in charge of the economics department here. Or maybe just management"
You were thinking about what sort scene to pull. On a scale from Becky to Susan how petty did you really feel being.
"I'm sorry but the concerned person is currently not in right now."
You take a long look at Vera. Is she really going to pull that move on you just because she is too lazy to go look for the person?
"Can you then check if there's someone else I could talk to?" you sneer.
"Well I would need to know what the errand is about exactly," she continues to use her service voice.
"I'm am the head baker at the municipality owned bakery, you know the one in the town centre. My orders were messed up and I need to talk to someone in charge to know how I am supposed to deal with the consequences. You know do the things that people in charge of businesses do."
"I would really love to help you ma'am, but the person in charge of economics has yet to arrive. I do not know who it is as they are starting today."
Ok, so maybe Vera was annoying but she didn't look like a liar. It must be a sign not even the world wants you to go ham with your complaints.
Who do you know that works for the municipality? You turn around to realise that it's in fact no one because you don't know the person standing in front of you. Not personally at least. But oh my my my. You wish you could get to know him physically. Que? What is wrong with you Y/N, get a grip on yourself. He may not appease your mind or your feelings, but your eyes are heaving a feast at the very moment.
"Oh hi Taehyung, fancy seeing you here?!"
'Fancy seeing you here', really!? Just because you're dolled up and everything doesn't mean you are on the same level of fancy that his city self is. Once, again get a grip Y/N.
"I would say the same but unless you work here people usually only come in if they are having problems," he says as he walks closer to you. Against your better judgement you walk closer as well.
You're facing each other, standing right in front of the reception desk. In your periphery, you can see the shift of a body. Vera must be intrigued for some reason.
"Well you hit the nail on the head. I was trying to have Vera here help me, but she says she can't," you say as you point to your left.
"It's actually they, ma'am not she," she retorts and you bite your bottom lip. Why in the heck does she keep calling you ma'am.
Taehyung turns to her, "Anytime she's here and she needs help you can just call my office phone," he says and you don't know why all of a sudden his hotness points soar through the roof as if he had collected enough coins to get a power star just like in Mario Bros. You may have a thing for people with saviour complex you realise.
"Of course, Mr...," Vera probes with a wide smile and fascinated eyes.
"Kim. Kim Taehyung"
Kim Taehyung. You mumble his name. It has a nice ring to it, you can't lie.
"Oh and I don't know what the occasion is but you look really nice," he says and you reprimand yourself for how good his statement makes you feel. Who are you? You do not need validation from anyone. No, you don't. However, deep down you know that a little appreciation, even from someone you say you don't like, goes a long way.
"Oh this...," you point at yourself, "pfft, nothing much just felt like getting dolled up." Oooh, what a big fat liar you are. And yet, you have the audacity to criticise Ada.
He nods his head at you and gives you a thumbs up. There you go again making things awkward. You can already imagine the sort of things he will tell Jimin about you and none of them are positive.
"You look good too...," your voice wanders.
You could have easily added to your statement, because unlike his, it wasn't a lie. You could hate him, which you don't. You could find him uncomfortable, which you do. But you couldn't lie about his fortune in the visual department.
Taehyung is suited up, or at least he was when he got into the building. Now, he's wearing a crisp white button down that's slightly rolled up at the wrists to showcase his watch. It resembled one of those watches you see on Antiques Road Trip. He must gotten it from his great great grandfather or something along those lines.
While you were at Punniton there hadn't been a chance for you to take a good look at Taehyung given the pile of winter clothing he had on him. So, you allow your eyes to roam lower to where his shirt is tucked inside well ironed light brown slacks.
Well ironed. Finally something non-Jimin related that you like about Taehyung. There are very few men your age that you have encountered that wear properly ironed clothes so you consider it one of the highest signs of self care. Your eyes have a mind of their own. They fixate on the movement of his hands as he moves to adjust his watch.
"What is the problem anyways?" He asks and you shoot your head back up. He didn't catch that, did he?
"Ohh I work at the bakery. I sent in the papers to stock up on inventory since it's owned by the municipality. But apparently someone from management lost the papers for the sugar inventory and now the bakery is out of sugar. I'm just here to complain about the fact that I'll need to increase the prices which will mean less bread sold and lower wages and smaller bonuses. I just find it really disrespectful given how hard we all work for the bakery and how long we've stayed while knowing we can get a better pay elsewhere just by doing half of the work"
"Huh, huh," Taehyung attempts to sound supportive.
"The situation just annoys me, A bunch of well-off people thinking that a more than a month long delay won't affect much. Like damn I have to pay rent, utilities and ten employees as well as myself," you continue your rant.
Look on the bright side, you got to vent a bit. Not that you thought Taehyung would be the one on the receiving side. You are feeling slightly better, and like your entire mission didn't completely fail. It simply took an unwanted detour. Time to get out of your head. Taehyung's fingers caress his knuckles before they go through his hair. Is he nervous?
"Wow that sounds awful, i'm sorry that happened to you," he says as he reaches into one of his pockets. That sounded... weird or even fake. But then again you couldn't expect him to understand the struggle some people face in life. His past big city life must have been so luxurious even problems took care of themselves.
"If you need any help all you need to do is ask. Any friend of Jimin's is a friend of mine."
He brings his phone out and points at it. "Duty calls. I'll see you some other time Y/N." He walks away typing furiously. Now that was also... weird. Another thing to add to the list of pros and cons you had made for Taehyung.
Pros: Jimin's friend, irons his clothes properly, weird.
Cons: annoying, big city boy, weird.
It's a tie, for now. If only you could imagine the fluctuation the future beholds. You will run out of mental space to store all of the reasons why you don't like and why you do like Kim Taehyung.
Now that he's gone, you face Vera again. Did you want to cuss her out and then leave, or did you want to cuss her, make another petty comment about appropriate workplace behaviour and then leave? You settle for neither. You already got to vent so you don't think you have it in you to go the extra mile. So you turn to your left and leave, never to return again, you hope.
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The slowness at which you are going is flagrant. You removed your boots by the entrance to be met by such swollen feet you feel embarrassed for yourself. They aren't even that high neither are they too tight. You attempt to walk all the way past the kitchen and through the hallway that leads to your room but you give up less than halfway through. The couch will have to do for now.
You scroll through your social media and come across an announcement post from Jimin's account and you're reminded of his show. It premieres in four days and you remember him saying that he will leave tomorrow. God, you're so caught up in your own shit, you completely forgot about him.
[14:20] hey, what time are you catching the train tomorrow again?
[14:25] minnie 💜13:45. Trying to see when to schedule in a crying session before?
[14:27] Ha.ha.ha. You’re not that special and you already left once. I am immune now.
[14:28] minnie 💜Ooff, ouch. I am strong but I’m not made of stone y/n. That hurt 😢
[14:30] I would argue otherwise. Which is great since it brings me to the very important and touch topic we need to  discuss
[14:32] minnie 💜Y/N. I heard it the first time. I am NOT going to hurt her.
[14:35] You don’t know that. She is more invested than you may think. I don’t think she can take a third fall out. So I will need you try your best, can you promise that?
[14:36] minnie 💜Promise. I’ll be honest with her tonight.
[14:36] Thank you 😌
Jimin really wishes he could tell Y/N why he is so cautious about completely confessing to Ada. It has nothing to do with him being insecure about his feelings. It is more so a matter of protecting Y/N  because he knows how Ada would react in such a scenario. Maybe one day, when Y/N is ready, he will be able to let her know.
[14:38] minnie 💜speaking of Ada she told me about your sugar issue, what’s going on? ps I’m also hurt that I need to get your life updates from someone else 😣
[14:40] Hmm yeah srry about that, i’ve been a bit out of it 😬,I went to the municipality building to find someone I could complain to but there wasn’t anyone there
[14:41] minnie 💜you will hate me for suggesting this but you should ask Tae for help
[14:42] Hmmm 🤔….
[14:42] Nope
[14:42] Non
[14:43] Nein 👎
[14:43] I am not trying to be indebted to someone i don’t plan on keeping in my life
[14:45] minnie 💜Ohh come on you wouldn’t be indebted, just think of it as him doing me a favor (cuz he owes me a couple) except it has nothing to with me
[14:46] minnie I really appreciate you looking out for me, but I got this 😚
[14:46] minnie 💜https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kim_taehyung
[14:47] minnie 💜I’m just saying he’s got connections 🤷‍♂️
You click on the link. A freaking Wikipedia page?! The page isn’t ridiculous long but still, the fact that he has one. Your eyes shift to read his profile. There’s a picture of him, one worthy of a couple of screenshot you were not going to take, except he has blonde hair and you can’t help but think that you prefer his current hair color.
Kim Tae-hyung (age 24) Other names: Earl Kim Taehyung, Count Kim Taehyung Occupation: Economist Awards: Uffington’s Novice Photographer 2019 Taehyung is not just Jimin’s city friend. He is a count. An earl. An aristocrat amongst Warringham peasants. [14:53] Wow I see that you have upgraded huh, what are your intentions for the future that you felt the need to become friends with a nobleman 🤨
[14:55] minnie 💜actually he approached me, he went to one of my shows with his fam and then came to compliment me backstage and asked if i wanted to go for a drink
[14:57] and you thought ‘you know what, going out for a drink with a stranger is totally responsible’ [14:59] minnie 💜 i didn’t go alone i went with the team, i’m nice not stupid 😤
[15.00] minnie 💜but my point still stands, you wouldn’t be losing anything by asking him
Should you tell Jimin that Taehyung has already offered to help or would that just encourage him to keep pushing? You decide against telling him.
[15:01] i’ll think about it
[15:01] minnie 💜 that’s y/n code for: thanks but no thank you
[15:02] i mean it, i’ll actually let the thought simmer in my mind and see if i like the result
[15:03] minnie 💜smh
[15:03] minnie 💜 i’m going to need to leave u, someone else is here to keep me company 😏
[15:04] ewww, u nasty, byeeee
[15:05] minnie 💜byeeee, and like for real think about it 😙
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Tomorrow is now today. Jimin is sadly going away. You are that deep in your feelings that you feel the need to recite a corny ‘poetic’ rhyme. You are standing near the edge of the railway platform. Taehyung is standing somewhere behind you. The both of you waiting for Ada and Jimin to rap up their sob fest or more accurately Ada’s sob fest. It takes a minute.
Once they are ready they find their way to you. You form a disproportionate human circle where Jimin and Ada are glued to each other’s side while you are closer to Ada and Taehyung’s closer to Jimin.
“Hey Y/N, can I talk to you real quick.” Jimin motions for you to come to his side as he increases the distance between you and the rest.
Is he going to have individual talks with all three of us?
“So, what’s up?” you ask. The quicker you’re with this the less time you get to feel emotional.
“I’ll keep my promise if, and only if you keep yours,” he says as he places his pinky in front of your face. You grab onto it with your palm.
“I don’t remember promising anything.” He signals to Taehyung with a head nod. Oh, you see what this is about.
”You know it’s okay to admit you need help, right? You don’t need to have all the answers yourself.”
It may be true that you do not have all the answers, but you do have the ones that you need and the ones that mean something to you. But you can’t tell Jimin that so you sigh as you bite your top lip.
Jimin reaches into his back pocket. “I’ve had this now for a while and I think it has done its job. I believe you need it more than me right now.”
Onto your palm a small metal circle is placed. Teddy the penny. You can’t help chuckling. It had in fact been a while since you had seen the rusty fake penny with a teddy bear engraving. The penny that brought you and Jimin together back in elementary school when you still thought your teddy bear was the bestest friend you could possibly have. It listened to you and it understood and it comforted you, softly, all night. Most importantly, unlike Jimin, it never questioned you.
Your teacher had made fake pennies for the class to give as rewards. You and Jimin had a joint place in your drawing competition and coincidentally you both wanted the only teddy bear penny available. The teacher placed the two pennies in the palms of her hands, and told you to close your eyes. Her hands shifted from side to side, above and around one another. When you opened your eyes, you were made to chose and ended up with a butterfly penny instead.
All you can remember is moist cheeks, hurt cries and resentment. All of which went away when Jimin put the then warm penny on your small clammy hand, “You look like you need it more. Don’t be sad. Teddy doesn’t want things to be sad he wants them to be funny.”
From then on you exchanged Teddy the Penny, the one who needs it the most gets it. You had given it to him when he left to pursue his dreams.
“Honestly it’s not that big of a deal,” you dismiss his worry, “it’s definitely not a teddy the penny worthy situation,” you clarify.
“You know I am not gonna fight you right before leaving. You and I both know that the bakery is the only thing you actually care about. So yes, you care more than you show.”
“I also care about you and Ada too,” you retort and it’s the first time in the last three years that that you get to have Jimin’s questioning and disappointing expression directed at you.
“If you’re going to keep playing like this I might as well join and not keep my promise.”
Ok, so now your plan to avoid talking to Taehyung just wouldn’t be doable. You could deal with hurting yourself but hurting others? No. That’s where you draw the line. You are really going to have to talk to him.
“Fine,” you mumble out.
“I said fine.”
Jimin pulls you into a hug. “Look at you, this is progress and thank you, that means I can keep my promise.” He hugs you tighter and your jaw tenses as you attempt to make sure he doesn’t squeeze out all of the tears that you plan on shedding when you get back home.
“I’ll miss you so much. Please take care of Ada.” He lets you go but keeps holding your hands. “And let her take care of you too. Okay?”
“Uh hmm,” you nod your head at the fastest speed you can manage. Partially because you do want to reassure him but also you need to dry the incoming tears.
Jimin continues to caress your shoulder as you walk back to meet the others. You try to keep your head up as to not raise any suspicion but realise your failure when you meet Taehyung’s eyes. He gives you a reassuring smile and winks at you. The last part does register properly in your head but you act like you didn't see it.
The train tracks sound. It’s almost here.
“I’m so glad I decided to come back. Take care guys, I’ll try to get back as fast as possible,” he says as he goes on to squeeze Ada’s hand and hug Taehyung.
The train comes to a stop and the gushing sound of air that comes from the opening doors resonates against your eardrums and you’re brought back to the first time he left. You were just as hurt back then as you are now. The only difference is that you felt hope where you feel despair today. Why? You don’t really know. Things tend to be felt before you get the time to register what those feelings mean.
Jimin steps into the train and sits by a window seat facing your side of the platform. The whole minute before he’s taken away with the train unravels itself in slow motion. It goes by so fast, you realize you forgot to wave goodbye. Nevertheless, you raise your hand to wave it frantically. Maybe he saw it?
Taehyung clears his throat. “I gotta hurry back to work. But hopefully I can see you guys around.”
Right, Taehyung and Ada still had work. You had given yourself a leave from work for the remaining of the day.
“Alright, sounds good, we can catch up some other time,” Ada says with a cheerful voice. You're surprised by how well she's taking this.
She moves to link arms with you. The same arm that she pinches.
“See you around Taehyung,” you manage to say. He looks at you a little too long for your liking before he turns away to walk away.
Your phone buzzes and you reach for it.
[13:45] minnie 💜here’s his number by the way: *********
[13:45] minnie 💜also I saw that 🙋‍♀️🤞
The outlines of your hands holding your phone blurs before you can feel wet drops on your forearms. Ada brings your body tight against hers as she pats your back.
You now realize how happy you felt having all three of you in the same place despite all the problems at work and Taehyung. You had really thought that the sweet imagery would manage to stay alive a bit longer than what it did.
But good things tend to be ephemeral, just like the first snow that melts to reveal old ways.
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Posted: May 15, 2020
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Colors (Chapter 2. Big Day) A Bakugou x oc Fanfic
The day finally came as she packed the bag for the exam, a simple change of clothes and anything she could need for the rest of the day as she planned to spend it out. The school uniform was as clean as it could be and her heart beating so fast she felt like fainting. Kira had to play her role, keep up the lie, and pretend she was excited about the tour of her new onboard all-girls school. She walked into the kitchen, a bright smile on her face while looking around for any signs of her father's presence, after a few seconds she let out a sigh, he wasn't there.
—Morning Fuyumi.
Her sister did not answer, still disappointed at her behavior. The redhead wasn't bothered by it, simply grabbing some iced coffee before walking to the door. She was determined o be first in her exam, even arriving early if that could give her some extra points.
—You could at least eat, or grab something in case you are hungry, Kira. The "tour" can be quite demanding.
She heard the white-haired say. Confused by her words she turned back, looking at her older sister just to see a little bento box that probably contained not only lunch but snacks and drinks as well. Kira Beamed at her, before grabbing the box and putting it inside her bag.
—Thank you.
—Kill it, if you say you can do it I want you to show it.
Fuyumi said raping her arms around the shoulders of the redhead, giving her a quick hug which said a million words to Kira. Fuyumi did believe in her, or at least she wanted to, but she was worried. Her sister wasn't aware of her training, her studies or how well she could control her quirk. To her, it was as if she was throwing herself to the wolves just to prove Enji wrong, and she did not condone that.
—I will. Promise. Now, let me go, I'll be late
She said breaking the hug before running to the door. She had to get to the train station, quickly. Drinking from her coffee she started walking, noticing how almost none from her area were going to the same spot she was, of course, there weren't many rich kids that wanted to be heroes, at least not in her neighborhood, and if they wanted to they probably would enter by recommendation as her brother did. It wasn't common for people like her to take the exam, but she was determined, and that counted more than anything else.
When she finally arrived at the station the train was already there. She ran to catch it and almost missed it. She checked her phone and saw that it was still early, luckily for her, so she could finish her coffee while traveling without worrying about the time. The ride itself was short, yet long enough for her to clear her head and relax. By the time she arrived at the station, she was ready to take that test and get into the UA.
The walk there was quite the experience, watching all the kids that she would have to face in order to get first place, the different uniforms and backgrounds, for her it was amusing. She was hardly ever allowed out of the house, being friends with boys was strictly prohibited and she barely saw people due to the demanding school hours so, for her, being in a place with so many individuals was uncomfortable, yet interesting.
Kira did not interact with any of them, she walked past as if she was royalty, her school uniform revealing her position in society, and her fiery red hair giving a hint of her background. She felt like they were staring, even if they weren't, having a girl with the uniform of the most prestigious all-girls school in the city and Japan itself as the competition was something people probably talked about, but she needed to keep focus.
— What's someone like you doing here?
She turned to see the person who asked that, it was a boy, taller than her and smart looking, he seemed tense.
—Taking the exam.
—You could easily enter by recommendation
Another girl said, making Kira roll her eyes.
—That is not a challenge.
Her tone was cold, her gaze deathly, they would have probably ended up with that if it wasn't for a blond boy that stood in front of her.
— Bold of you to assume you could pass.
—I will, now move, or do you have a death wish?
Kira saw the anger fill the boy's eyes up as his pupils nearly disappeared.
—You'll die.
—And I'm going to kill you if you don't move, so now, MOVE.
She ended up screaming at him, the rest went fast. The boy put his hand up, ready to attack her with whichever quirk he had, but Kira was faster, throwing a medium flame at him, which resulted in a disproportionate flame combined with an explosion. Smoke surrounded the area and she quickly made a run for it, only to have the boy following her completely annoyed.
She whispered to herself before sticking up her middle finger to the boy, while she slowed down to walk inside the building.
She screamed back at him before disappearing into the crowd, leaving the boy on his own. There were no more questions after that, as she made her way to sit in the auditorium. Few minutes passed and Present Mic started welcoming all of them, explaining how the practical exam would work, as they've all already taken the written part of it. Kira looked at the shape of the robots, analyzing their weak points at a fast pace. She needed to take them all down, or she was planning to. They were left to prepare themselves, change clothes and leave their belongings where the teachers told them. The exam was some minutes ahead and Kira started to get nervous, feeling all the pressure that she put herself in. She needed the highest score in her group at least, she needed to be first place. -------------------------------- Remember that you can always find me in AO3 at @chaos_txt and in Wattpad at @chaos360.txt . There the story is on it’s 12 chapter! I’m still going to upload it here cause I can and maybe you just want to read it here so.. yeah. You can correct any misspellings or grammatical mistakes I might have, just be polite about it! After all english is not my first language so I’m still learning! ALSO I upload every Sunday and Thursday! Love you! Byeeeeee /vanishes
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 006
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: Aftermath of the dance! We learned about the rest of Billy’s night. Both babies struggling before school starts up again. TW: Pica and self loathing. Mentions of guys pursuing underage girls. Taglist open!!!
Chapter 6: Hard Candy
   “Anyone up?”
   “No, everyone is hungover.” Evie looked around. Everything frosted this morning like a peaceful snow globe. Eternal winter. Gorgeous and destructive. She didn’t kiss Fredrick goodbye. “Thank you.”
   “We’ll talk again when school starts up. Don’t call, it’s too risky."
   "I’m just...risking everything to be with you, do you know that?”
   He snatched her wrist when he said that. Pressed down on the pulse there. It sped.
   “Yes...I’ll be careful. Do you still love me this morning?” Unsure of what answer would scare her more.
   He smiled, grip loosening.
   That sufficed. Evie slid out in her dress from yesterday. Watched some dead leaves whirl through the forest before she got onto the sidewalk. Cherry Lane awaited. Bowers turned his car on to slip away unnoticed so she could walk to her house. Mona's car was gone which meant errands. 
   And whoever her mother brought home to celebrate the New Year with hadn’t stayed.
   Evie had the displeasure of running into a few at breakfast. These men who never lasted. Who froze like a deer in headlights to offer sheepish smiles as if she was stupid about why they were there. Who thought they'd be back. Ha ha. Thankfully, Mona mostly slept with guys not from Hawkins. 
   Billy’s Camaro was nowhere in sight either. Evie went into her house. Greeted Bourbon and crossed to the bedroom. The mess there replayed all of last night again. Dresses strewn all over her bed. Makeup spread on the vanity. 
   Evidence of a girl excited to have a great night. With a striking boy. Where she felt beautiful. She pictured herself holding dresses against her body at the mirror. Spinning. Happy.
   Evie sucked in some air. Tied her hair back. Hung each dress up again. Pulled her own garment off and tossed it in the trash.
   “Maroon is stupid.” She mused in her bra and underwear. “You should have worn blue.” Sighing to sit at the vanity, fingers rubbed her eyes pink. She organized makeup. Tried and failed to avoid the reflection in the mirror.
   Her mother wouldn’t want to hear of this. So, Evie tried to look on the bright side. Pressed her palms flat. Looked at the mirror. 
   “I danced with a boy. A pretty boy and he made me feel…”
   Isn’t it funny? Pretty funny. The words caught. Piled up and went back down her throat. Perched like they could become a scream but never returned with a vengeance.
   She looked at her skin. Excess flesh. It didn't always bother her. Evie knew what she looked like and how the world preferred to see her.
   A fist banged into her collar. Growling, she beat at herself. Unable to stop. Weak little bashes against herself.
   “Why?" She clenched. "Why do you look like this!”
   Fists rubbed her eyes again raw so no tears could flow. Nothingness. Just her soul spinning out of control all sweet and silent. She always did the world and her mother that courtesy. No use crying over spilled milk, just appreciate what you have. Depression and anger, those were ungrateful little phases and pushing them aside was ingrained into her synapses.
   Mona made it look so easy.
   Evie knocked into the side table, sending her needle felting project to the floor.
   “Fuck.” Snatching items up, a sharp edge plucked her finger.
   Blood beaded against the skin. A single prick like Sleeping Beauty. Evie calmed at the grim sight. Brought the finger to her lips. Sucked.
   Slowly picked up everything else and saw a shiny button there. The same color as her dress from last night. Two fingers held it up so light could stream into the holes. Tiny heavens opening.
   Her mouth watered. She no longer heard the laughter. Fredrick’s heavy breathing in her ear. Her mother chided her to smile through pain. Take bitter life pills with a spoonful of sugar. More noise fluttered away. Thunder while she hid in a dark closet. A hand on her leg.
   Evie ran the big, acrylic button across her lip. Clicked it on her teeth and liked the sounds. Wind chimes in the fall glimmering.
   Hard candy.
   It slipped along her tongue. Shifted around saliva. Evie tipped her head back. Eased it down her throat as if it were another bitter pill.
   Why do this? Just to see if she could. To see what would happen. To silence all the chaos she choked down.
   Dead silence when it was done. Evie sat there tracing her lips with curious fingers. Pictured the pretty button decorating her insides. She could make art inside herself. Snapping her heart back together.
   The exact sensations drained.
   Tired and sore, Evie crawled under her bed covers. Decided to sleep and dream as deep as she could.
** ** **
   Billy’s night before wasn’t much better.
   “What the fuck?” He had blazed back into that shitty bar. Found Brock laughing around his friends and grasped his shirt. “You-”
   “Billy, I think you want to let me go, my dad has too much influence. He’s friends with your mayor, you know.” Brock had his hands up to wave his boys off. Billy growled low at him, inches away.
   “You think I give a shit that you’re rich?”
   “I”m just saying I can make shit difficult on your family. I’m sure your daddy won’t like that, I hear you guys make a lot of noise on Cherry Lane. Could make Fenny’s life harder too, if you care.”
   Billy’s grip loosened and Brock smiled. Tommy saw Billy's eyes change and hadn't even chuckled when the boy returned.
   “Aw, Hargrove’s gotta little crush. That’s cute.” More laughter. 
   That did it.
   A fist smashed into his cheek.
   Brock was sent flying back out of his chair at the same time Billy raced out. Didn't care to watch and enjoy the sight of that boy nearly doing a back flip.
   Money tore from his pocket and shoved into Bubble’s hand.
   “Take this.” Billy didn’t count how much he’d given her. Picking up the pace before Brock and his goons could pursue him. 
   “Billy!” Tommy had called after him, but the boy was out into the cold and headed toward his car.
   Evie was long gone. He still scanned the city in his Camaro trying to spot those brown curls and that maroon dress. Felt like an hour passed. She looked empty when she’d left.
   Billy almost wished she’d cried or hit him. Something. Anything.
   “Shit.” He pulled up to a little blonde waiting in the chill. Holding an oversized jacket close and craning to see down the street. “Hey, weren’t you Brock’s date?” Her face was pinched in discomfort. Shifting steps before she gave a nod. Seemed smaller there alone as drunks rushed about in celebration. “What are you doing?”
   “Mm...waiting for the taxi.” She had a paper towel pinched between her fingers, trying to get a wet stain out of her dress collar. Billy’s gut twisted because he knew what it was. 
   “Get in, I’ll drive you home.” Billy sat back and waited. Reluctantly, she crossed over to join him. Face splotchy like she might have teared up earlier. Pulling pins out of her hairstyle. Billy figured Brock must have ruined it getting his blowy.
   “Thank you.” 
   He revved to go in response after getting the address. Stony and intent on the road for once.
   “It’s this one.” Was all she said once they’d gotten close to her building. Run down and dilapidated. Reminded Billy of the shitty apartment complex he’d lived in with his dad after mom walked out.
   “How old are you?” Billy turned to see her and she cringed.
   Fourteen. Barely a year older than Max. 
   And he’d only been fourteen when...
   Nausea swept up his throat. Billy hitched to breathe and dug into his pocket for whatever was left of the cash Brock gave him. Felt like a true piece of shit.
   “That guy, don’t go near him again. He asks you to come out or do things for him. Like sexual things... Don’t do it. Just stay away from him. Got it?” Billy reached out and dropped the wad of crumpled cash into her palms. “And don’t get into anymore cars with older boys. They’re gonna hurt you.”
   “You’re not gonna hurt me.”
   “No, kid, I’m not gonna hurt you.” Billy gestured. “Go inside, it's cold.”
   She listened, getting out to disappear into the building. Billy rubbed his eyes because they watered. Music turned up to drown the world out before he skidded off. Made it back into Hawkins and parked at Lover’s Lake.
   Decided sleeping in his Camaro was the better idea than going home. Not wanting to face Evie’s bedroom window or her old, scrutinizing cat. She wanted nothing to do with him.
   Reclined in the back seat, Billy touched his lips and fell into an uneasy rest.
   Woke with his head pounding and birds calling out. A truly grey day. He huffed to get out, pissed near a tree, and made it home to park in the driveway next to Neil’s car. Hadn’t left for work yet.
   A groan as Billy climbed the steps to go in, felt like he might vomit at the scent of a warm breakfast. Susan playing housewife. Setting plates at the table between Neil and Max.
   “Billy, are you hungry?” She caught him. Billy eyed his father reading the paper.
   “Come, sit down. Eat the nice breakfast Susan made.” Neil’s snap had Billy turning to plop down. He looked like hammered shit. Susan settled a plate of fluffy eggs and bacon down in front of him. Max was staring so Billy shot her a look to stop. “What do you say?”
   “Thank you, Susan.” Billy rasped, picking up a fork. 
   “What’d you do last night?” Neil asked without looking up from his paper.
   “Just some party.” A shrug followed. Susan had sat down with her own plate when the doorbell rang.
   “Answer that.” Neil pointed her off so she left her plate to get cold and went into the next room. Billy wondered if Susan's ever eaten a warm meal after getting with his dad.
   “Susan!” Mona’s chirpy voice piped up.
   Billy dropped a bit of eggs in his lap. Had Evie told her?
   “I’m so sorry to bug you early. Can I trouble you for a cup of flour? My poor Evie’s taken ill, I wanted to make her something nice for breakfast. Forgot to pick some up, I didn’t know we ran out. For pancakes. I’ll owe ya.”
   Billy’s eyes were darting all over the table.
   “No problem, come in.” Susan came back in with a measuring cup. “Sorry to hear about Evie.”
   “Just an upset stomach, a couple of my fluffiest pancakes should do the trick.” Mona had followed. “Morning all. Happy New Year. I hope Hawkins made good on the festivities.”
   Billy couldn’t look at her. Just shifted scrambled eggs around aimlessly.
   Neil peered at Mona’s tight clad legs in her little shift dress. Already looking her best this morning after running quick daylight errands.
   “Now, Max, I’d love to see you at my salon with your mama.” Mona clasped her hands and Max snickered because she hinted at that every time she saw the younger girl.
   “We’ll be sure to visit before school starts up again. Won’t we, Max?” Susan filled the cup.
   “Be sure to bring, Billy, I love doing boy’s hair too.”
   “You might convince him to cut this all off.” Neil remarked plainly when Billy’s tired eyes lifted. Mona just smiled.
   “The boys love to look like rock stars these days, sir. It's the in thing.” She took the flour. “I’ll leave you to your meal. Say, how about I make you your first dinner of the new year? I know it’s been such a change.”
   Susan opened her mouth and shut it, peered at Neil for his answer.
   “That’s a wonderful offer,” he replied, “only if we can bring the dessert.”
   There he was. The charming family man.
   Mona gave a cute giggle.
   “I’ll take you up on that. Is six alright?”
   “We’ll be there, Mona, thank you. I hope Evie feels better by then.” Susan wiped her hands on a towel and showed her friend out. 
   “Oh, she’ll be fine. My girl's strong.”
   Billy grew bright pink. Fuck.
   Susan came back to sit down. Got a few bite in before Neil stood and kissed her cheek. Dug a few bills out of his wallet.
   “Make what you like, have it ready.”
   “Thank you, honey.” She jumped when Neil unceremoniously smacked the back of Billy’s head.
   “What!” He cringed away in his chair, dropping the fork with a clatter.
   “You see the kind of attention you get when you look like a fucking fa-”
   “She was just being nice.” Billy shot back.
   Neil sneered and was already making his way out. Max wordlessly reached to pick up the fork and settled it next to his plate. She eyed him again once the door slammed and Neil made his way to work. Susan stared at her cold eggs.
   “We should go.” Max sighed. Something happened between him and Evie. Something ugly. “To the salon.”
   “You hate that shit.” Billy lost his appetite and sat back. Pushing up out of his chair.
   “We’ll need a ride anyways. Neil always has the car and it’s better than the bus.”
   “Do I look like I’m your damn taxi?” Billy snapped. Noted Susan flinching, but she didn’t get between them. Max sat straighter. Too calm and observant.
   “No, you look sad.” 
   “Fuck off.” Billy shoved up and left his plate there.
   “Maxine.” Susan stood. “Billy-”
   A door slammed. Max debated it and went after him.
   “Don’t, he’s upset.” Susan snatched her daughter’s wrist. 
   “Yeah and he’s not Neil.” Max slipped off, leaving Susan to frown at her plate and pull her sleeves down a little lower.
   Summoning more courage, Max knocked.
   “Go away.” Came the muffled reply she ignored. Pushing in. “Just fucking go away.”
   Billy was under the covers. Having tossed his jeans and shoes aside. He didn’t raise his voice, it only got raspier. 
   “Didn’t you take Evie to that party? What happened?” Max shut the door. Crossed toward the bed.
   “Doesn’t matter.”
   “She came home before you. This orange car passed when I was sitting in the open garage fixing my wheel. I saw Evie come out at the end of the street and go home. She looked upset.”
   “An orange car?”
   “Yeah, like a rusty orange. Old car too, a Plymouth like my dad used to drive. I saw a man in the front seat. He looked like a dad too. Evie was in the car with him.”
   Billy’s head lifted to see her. Max didn't often see this look on her brother's face. Horror.
   “A dad?”
   “I don’t know, it was weird. He didn’t drop her off at her house. He passed it and she walked back.” Max shrugged, dared to sit on the bed when Billy pushed up.
   “Did you see his face?”
   “I think I’ve seen him before, I don’t know where. I was too far away. He kinda looked like Neil. Lighter hair.”
   “Mustache. Blond.” Billy’s eyes searched. He got up. “Gotta shower.”
   “Billy, what’s going on?”
   “Nothing, Max." A dismissive hand waved. "Just stay out of it.”
   “You messed up, didn’t you?” She paused when he whirled around. Thought he’d get upset. But, he only exhaled and turned to go. Stopping again when his thought was too much.
   “Max, you know not to get into cars with older guys. Right? Even if they’re pretty? Even if they call you pretty too.” Billy found her eyes and looked defeated. Something else rare for him to show.
   “Duh.” Max shrugged. A beat. “You haven’t told Neil about Lucas.”
   “You haven’t knocked my dick in the dirt with a fucking nail bat. Don't care that you see boys as long as they don't... Just don't let Neil know you hang out with them.” He opened the door. “Out.”
   Max beamed a little.
   “Apologize to Evie.” She passed with an obvious huff.
   As if it was that easy.
** ** **
   “Mom, I really don’t feel good.” Evie mopped around in a robe after taking a long shower. Mona was touching her forehead. A barely there graze before she went to sort some items in the cupboard.
   “You feel fine. It’s just dinner. Socializing is good for the soul.”
   “Mom, I really don’t-”
   “Evie, just smile for a few hours. Please, I want them to feel welcome. You can do that.” Mona waved her hand about.
   Evie shut her mouth. Flashed teeth beyond twitching lips. Moved to go off into her room where Bourbon sat sleeping. His eyes cracked before he gave a purr and resumed slumber.
   "Least one of us had a good New Years." Evie organized some empty decorative boxes and dishes on one of her bookshelves. Hummed in thought at another shelf full of collectibles. Felt the cool metal of an antique key no bigger than her pinkie.
   It tasted vaguely bloody. Clanked around in her mouth. Harsher than the button. Such a forbidden thing. That much was almost thrilling. Evie tried once to push it down. Choked. Coughed it up onto her desk with a small clatter.
   Just grin and bear it. You can suck it up, Mona said in her head. Encouragement. Always necessary. Evie picked up the key, spit trails came from it. Forced it to the back of her tongue. Swallowed once. Twice.
   It seeped awkwardly down. Dropped into her stomach with the few buttons she’d eaten too.
   Evie wondered if they’d dance with her as she navigated the world. Falling back into bed. Debating the musical clicking sounds underscored by growing flowers inside her. 
   She thought of Fredrick winding around her frame. Kissing her jaw. Teaching her things. There was a soft boy before him, but he’d moved out of state. Mr. Bowers plucked her off the floor after her father left. Talked about how it was forbidden too, but it never stopped him from kissing her. 
   This is so wrong. Kiss. But, you're irresistible. Kiss. The world just doesn't understand. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.
   It was funny how you could be so desired by a person who also constantly tells you it's wrong.
   But, that won't stop them. Excess skin. Age. What would bother people more if they knew?
   She’d sit on his bed and he’d join her. Put his hand up her leg and…
   “Evie!” Mona called. “Can you help me here? I won’t let you stay in that room all day for New Years.”
   Evie sprang up to gulp air. Held it. Felt in total control of her existence.
** ** **
   Evie hung back when the knocks rang. Stuck her head in the freezer and swallowed an ice cube whole. Wondered if this new habit would ruin her appetite. Wondered why she wasn’t horrified and ashamed of herself. It was just so quiet when it happened. Soothing. None of the ugly white noise in her daily life clustered.
   Nobody needed to know. It was wrong, that wouldn't stop her.
   “Honey! Come in and say hello.”
   Another ice cube slid down her throat. Felt like good practice.
   Wiping cold, wet fingers on her denim skirt, Evie appeared around the corner to see the Hargroves standing in her living room. Billy tried to catch her eyes.
   “Hi,” a shy wave followed, “Happy New Year.”
   “Evie, you look so pretty today.” Susan crossed to greet her with a dish. “I made cherry cheesecake for dessert.”
   “Looks good, thank you, I’ll put it in the kitchen.” Evie pulled it from her hands. Candied and red on top of fluffy filling.
   “Mona, I insist on helping.” Susan had gone on.
   “You’re my guest, Susan.” Mona looked up from Neil’s hand. Pressed in a nice polo and blue slacks. He offered a little bouquet of snapdragons tied together with tissue paper and twine. Also had a bottle of white wine. “It’s almost ready, please sit at the table. Evie just set it.”
   Evie snuck out of the kitchen again and saw Billy there staring pointed at her with an expression she couldn’t read. Averted her eyes to the little redhead next to him.
   “Hey, Max, enjoying break?”
   “While it lasts,” she glanced up at her brother as Evie shuffled away. Mona handed her the flowers to put in a vase. “That bad?” Max addressed Billy quietly.
   Evie looked at him like he was nothing to her. No anger, no sadness. Just a big, gaping nothing.
   Somehow that was worse.
   “The flowers are lovely, Mr. Hargrove. Thank you.” Evie came out to settle the vase on a side table in the dining room as he pulled out a chair for Susan.
   “We’re neighbors. Neil and Susan are fine, Evie.” He was all sweetness. The doting husband. Billy crept around the corner with Max.
   “I should help my mom.” Evie made herself disappear. 
   “It smells good.” Max crossed to sit down as well across from Billy.
   “I made something special from home. Jambalaya. Tried to go easy on the spice for your stomachs.” Mona brought a dish in after Evie sent some fresh rolls at the table. Her cheeks flush because her mother sat down too quick. The only free spot was the opposite head of the table between Max and Billy.
   She suppressed a groan and crossed to take it. Offered sodas to Billy and Max wordlessly. 
   “Would you like to join me in the prayer?” Mona offered her hands out to Neil and Max.
   “Of course.” Neil only smiled. Evie shifted in her seat. Felt Billy’s eyes burn. Took Max’s hand and stared at Billy’s open palm. Was this a game to him?
   She took it. Squeezed it maybe a little too tight. Stared ruefully at her empty plate. Max noticed Billy’s knuckles pale and smirked at his tense expression.
   “Bless us, Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ. Bless the Hargroves, we are truly grateful to have them join us tonight. Please guide our children through a successful year, we pray. Amen.” Mona smiled. “Please dig in. I always make so much.”
   “Allow me.” Neil plucked up the wine and poured three glasses for the adults.
   “First Christmas and New years in our town. I have to ask if it was a memorable one?” Mona started conversation. The rolls and dishes were passed around.
   “First white Christmas we’ve ever seen, it was beautiful.” Susan radiated.
   As the adults chattered about boring Christmas gifts, Max turned to Evie.
   “Mom got me some of that felting stuff, you can teach me how to do it now.” She flashed a smile. “Can you show me after dinner?”
   “Sure.” Evie was tearing her roll into two pieces. Eyed the butter next to Billy and decided to eat it without. “Eager to stab something a million times into a cute shape?”
   “Duh.” Max kicked Billy’s ankle. Tried to get him to speak, but he shoved a huge bite of rice into his mouth. “Maybe I can show, El.”
   “El?” Evie sipped her soda.
   “This new girl I’m hanging out with. Chief Hopper’s kid, he wants her to have more girl friends.” Max chuckled, twirling her fork around. “We didn’t...get along at first, but it’s better now. We found things in common.”
   Another kick at Billy’s shin. He glared. Nudged her foot back.
   “Easier when you’re younger.” Evie remarked.
   “We’re gonna find Evie a talent agent this summer,” Mona had spoken across the way, “she won all these competitions these last few summers. Sung for the governor himself at an event when she was only thirteen.”
   “Mom…” Evie blushed. She loved this food and today, it looked ghastly somehow.
   “Being a singer is difficult work.” Neil spoke. “How are you going to make money in the meantime?” 
   “She’s good,” Billy found his voice, “real good. She can make money singing.” A cold stare penetrated. “Miss Mona, weren’t you a pageant queen?”
   That turned the adult conversation for the rest of the dinner. Mona and Susan prattled with Neil stuck between them. Miserable and having to hide it. Billy turned to Evie. Smirked.
   “Can you pass the butter?” She blinked at him. Reached for another roll.
   Billy cocked his head and handed it over. Evie didn’t want to fall into those pretty eyes again. Listened to her mother and Susan chatter eagerly with Neil chewing and nodding every so often.
   Evie saw him fill his glass of wine three times.
   “Let me help you clear this for dessert.” Susan was stacking plates so Evie got up to help. Neil drank his last glass down as he sat back. Clearly extremely relaxed.
   “Neither of you are going to offer extra hands?” He’d barked under the sound of dishes in the sink and the TV in the next room.
   “It’s fine, we have it.” Evie came to set the pie down at the center of the table. Neil snatched her wrist to observe her expression. Eyebrows lifting.
   “You’re a very kind, young girl, Evie. You should sing us something.” Alcohol on his breath welled hot. He was drunk and hiding it better than most. Barely ate any dinner because the spices weren’t for him.
   Max’s fists clenched on the table and Billy moved like he might stand up.
   “Oh, I couldn’t.” Evie replied, another bout of strawberries crept up her cheeks.
   “Can’t be a singer if you’re shy.” He chuckled.
   “She was sick this morning, she probably shouldn’t.” Billy came out of his chair carefully. Eyes direct on his dad clutching Evie’s wrist.
   The fingers loosened so she crossed behind Billy. Paused there so Neil could see who her shield was. Got back into a chair.
   Billy slowly sat back down.
   Neil would deal with him later.
   “Susan, this looks delightful. I hope you’re willing to share the recipe. I haven’t mastered the cheesecake yet.” Mona ushered her friend back in. Neither felt the tension as Neil and Billy stared at each other. Not stopping when the cake was cut and passed around.
   “I’ll write it down for you.” Susan offered Billy a piece, caught Neil’s eyes. “Neil says that’s what made him fall for me. Way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” 
   Neil pressed this tight smile and laughed with the two ladies. None of the kids followed.
   “Better if you just go through his chest.” Max had mumbled. Stabbing a bright red cherry with her fork. Evie suppressed the urge to snicker. Swallowed the sweet treat and excused herself when the meal ended. Max trailed after.
   “Want to show me? No plans tonight.”
   “Sure.” Evie twitched a smile.
   Mona was pulling Susan out onto the back deck while Evie grabbed a basket she kept her craft items in. A body blocked her in the hallway.
   “Evie, can I see you outside?” Neil wasn’t particularly tall, but he certainly had a presence. 
   Her eyes went steady on Billy at the end of the hallway behind him.
   “Yes, sir.” She glanced again and Billy disappeared. “Max, want to use my desk? You've seen my room, I can show you this. Don't mind Bourbon snoring, he's been extra tired today.”
   “Yeah, sure.” Max took it after an uneasy beat so Evie followed Neil out front.
   “It was a lovely dinner, I don’t go much for exotic food.”
   “From New Orleans, Louisiana.” Evie replied flatly. “I guess.” Neil was all pleasantries. Shifting on his feet and breath smelling of wine.
   “You just seem nervous around Billy. My boy has a history.” He gestured. “Not a very nice history with girls like you.”
   “Girls like me?” Evie’s nervous hands rubbed together in front of her. Shoulder’s lifting.
   “Girls who are just a little…” Bigger. Darker. Stranger. Exotic. “Different.”
   “Billy and I...Well, we don’t really talk.” 
   It was clear Neil wanted some admission out of her. Just for the sake of it.
   “I just mean, if my boy has been unkind to you. I’d like to know about it. Billy gets into trouble and it’s my job to keep him out of it.” Neil stepped in. “You’re a very nice girl, boys take advantage. That's all I'm saying.”
   “We…” Evie’s lip wobbled. “We don’t talk, sorry. Billy hasn’t…”
   “If my boy steps out of line, Evie, I’d like to know about it.” Neil smiled again. “Tell your mother I said thank you for dinner. No doubt, she’ll keep Susan busy another hour.”
   “Sure.” Evie watched him step down the porch. Stumbled and recovered quick. “Goodnight.”
   The moment Neil went into his house, no doubt for another bottle, Billy slid out of the front door.
   “You didn’t say anything. To your mom or anyone.” He observed plainer. Unreadable. "Why?"
   “Your dad’s gone, Billy, we don’t have to pretend anymore.” Evie replied without a tone. Stepping around him. Sparing him a beating maybe. No emotion to give him.
   He wasn’t worth it.
   That replayed over and over again. No tears, no anger. Just ice. Cool and sleek. 
   Evie went back into her house. 
   Billy decided another night in his car away from Cherry Lane was better.
** ** ** **
   “You can glue the eyes in now.” Evie applied some from a tube and pushed two tiny eyes into Max’s project.
   “Looks like a monster.” Max snickered at the hideous yellow blob. “It was supposed to be a baby chick.”
   “Ah, takes practice. Just keep stabbing. Give it to your mom, she’ll display and love it forever because you made it.” They sat at her desk under a little lamp. Max looked at Evie twisting wool around to make a shape, plucked up the project she’d made. “Kinda strange, you stab something a million times until it’s pretty. Keeps my hands busy though.”
   “Trying to stay distracted?” Max piped in. Bourbon lifted his head behind them and wandered over for pets.
   “When you get older, all you want is distractions.” Evie shrugged her shoulders and sat back. Let her cat sweep their legs.
   “What happened with you and Billy?”
   “Huh? Nothing.” Evie managed to smile.
   “I know he took you to a party and...he came home  without you looking trashed like he crawled out of a dumpster.” Max paused. “Someone else took you home.”
   “I just got a ride from another friend. I don’t rage like Billy does.” Lie.
   “You’re mad at him.”
   “I’m not mad. I don’t…” I don’t want to feel anything. Sadness and fury. They weren’t to be processed or discussed. They made you ungrateful. 
   “Did you have a bad time? Did he get mad? He gets mad and does stupid stuff.” Mad Max was too sharp for this entire bland town. Evie sucked in her cheeks.
   “No, I had a great time actually. That was the problem.” A wave crashed into her. Covered in metallic confetti. Magical. Crushing.
   “What happened?” Max pressed.
   “It’s not for me to say, I don’t want to-” Evie sprang up and the door opened.
   “Sorry girls, Susan was headed out.” Mona dipped in without knocking. “Having fun?”
   “Yeah.” Max stood up. “Thanks, Evie, I’ll keep practicing. As long as it takes.” Felt like she was hinting at something else.
   “Night, Max.” Evie watched her mother show the younger girl out. Quickly swept her craft supplies back into a basket and plucked up her old cat. Listened to him purr. Decided another long night of sleep and late morning was better.
Thanks for reading! Chat with me if you have time :))
Tagged:: @80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason @orxhidshavana @alagalaska @alongcamedolly @kellyk-chan @billy--hargroves
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writingwithbella · 4 years
breaking and entering - p.heyward
Another one? In less than a week? That’s right, my incredible friend and first ever mutual @tempus-ut-luceant (sarah) gave me a prompt and I actually wrote it!! So exciting!!! It’s for OBX once again, but I promise I write for other stuff!! but, you should definitely go check sarah out, she’s amazing and one of my favorite people on this app!!
pope heyward x fem!oc
1.3k words 
warnings; alcohol, mentions of weed
Person A: “On a scale of one to ten, how angry do you think (Person B) is going to be?”
Person C: “I don’t think such a short scale can adequately express that kind of thing, to be honest.” 
In short, they are totally, 100% screwed. They should have known they would be the instant they entered the Kook mansion, but it doesn’t hit them until they are standing in the kitchen, hunting through cabinets for anything and everything alcohol.  
“On a scale of one to ten, how angry do you think Shelby is going to be?” Pope pulls back from the cabinet he is inspecting, a look of terror suddenly overtaking his face at JJ’s words. Despite the worry in his voice, JJ’s face is remarkably carefree, a lax smile brightening his features in a childlike manner. In the afternoon light, he almost looks sixteen.  
“I don’t think such a short scale can adequately express that kind of thing, to be honest,” Pope mutters, turning so that his back hit the cabinet door. “She’s gonna kill us.”  
“So? Just don’t tell her. You don’t have to tell your girlfriend every little thing you do,” JJ jokes, abandoning his cabinet and opening the next one. Pope sighs from behind him.  
“This is why you’ve never had an actual girlfriend. I’m not gonna lie to Shelby, so if she asks me, I’ll tell her-”
“-Tell her that you broke into her employer’s mansion to rummage around for not-shitty alcohol? That sounds like it will go over really well with her.” Pope groans and places his hands over his face in grief, while JJ continues to search, moving from cabinet to cabinet without much luck. “Where the hell do they keep their alcohol?”  
“JJ, I don’t want to lie to her. She’ll kill me!” Pope whines, but he still stands and advances towards the decorative china cabinet in the dining room, praying silently to anyone who could be listening. “Let’s just get out of here quick.”  
“Listen, you won’t have to lie to her. I’ll just tell her that we stole it from the convenience store or that your dad brought it over. It’s no big deal.” He is way too calm about the prospect of lying to one of his best friends, but Pope likes the idea of JJ lying more than he likes the idea of him lying and possibly losing his girlfriend. He opens the cabinet door gently, cringing at the clinking of the china bumping together, but his eyes go wide at the sight that greets him.  
“JJ, how many bottles can you carry?”  
They get absolutely smashed, in case you are wondering. Bottles of anything they can think of had welcomed them as they opened the cabinet doors and now, hours later in John B’s front lawn, they are getting hammered on some of the finest liquor money can buy. Even Shelby is joining in, sipping on her own cup of rum and coke and smiling easily as her friends laugh. She tucks herself closer under Pope’s arm.
“Okay, okay, I have to ask. Where did you guys get this stuff? It’s so good!” She laughs, but next to her, Pope tenses, casting a panicked glance at JJ. The blond boy smiles wide.  
“It was at some convenience store on the mainland, Pope’s dad picked it up for us,” JJ slurs, tossing back the little bit of straight liquor residing in his cup and Shelby’s eyes widen amusedly.  
“Really? Mr. Heyward picked up a $100,000 bottle of rum at a convenience store in North Carolina? He better pick up some scratch tickets next time he goes because he’s got the luck of, like, ten leprechauns.” At her words, everyone’s jaws drop and Pope sputters.  
“$100,000? You’re sure?” She looks at him with a confused expression, but nods.  
“Yeah, $100,000. My boss has one just like it, it’s her prized possession. She practically flaunts it every time I enter the dining room.” JJ and Pope share a look before rapidly refilling their drinks and tossing them back with no chaser. Shelby looks at them strangely, but says nothing, allowing the conversation to drift off into whatever topic the boys choose next.  
It’s only an hour later that the group abandons their loose circle and retires to their chosen sleeping areas—John B. to his bedroom, Kie to the spare, JJ to the couch in the living room, and Shelby and Pope to the couch on the porch, though it is more like Pope is on the couch and Shelby is lying on top of him, her head nestled in the crook of his neck and her arms wrapped loosely around his chest.  
“Babe, are you okay? You drank a lot and you started to look a little sick back there,” she whispers quietly into the night, unsure if the boy is even awake to hear her. Luckily for her, he shifts anxiously and whispers back nearly immediately.  
“Was what you said earlier true? That the rum was $100,000?” His eyes, though she can’t see them, are wide open, panicked as he waits for the answer. On top of him, Shelby chuckles quietly.  
“You answer a question of mine first: did you and JJ break into my boss’ house and steal alcohol?” Pope sucks in a deep breath, surprised that she had guessed their crime, though he had suspected she knew already.  
“I’m not gonna lie to you and it’s gonna make you really mad: yeah. Connor Gideon is an asshole and we wanted to get drunk, so we thought two birds, one stone. Though I’m pretty sure JJ also took his stash of weed, but I’m not sure, so you can’t fault me for that one.” His explanation is fast, slurred almost by his inebriation, but she understands the majority of what he says and she sighs in response.  
Slowly, she sits up, straddling his stomach—not in a sexual way, but in a “John-B-has-a-porch-couch-approximately-the-width-and-length-of-a-park-bench-sawed-in-half-so-there's-nowhere-to-sit" way. Pope refuses to meet her eyes, staring into the darkened living room. She gently grabs his jaw and guides him to look in her eyes, her gaze filled with nothing but adoration and joy. His clenched jaw softens under her hand.  
“Pope, I’m not mad. Scratch that, I am mad. Why didn’t you ask me to help you break in, I hate that fucker more than any of you. He may be awful to you guys and I won’t discount that, but I have to see him every damn day. I would’ve happy helped you rob him blind and frame him for it. And I was lying earlier about the alcohol. I just kinda wanted to scare you.” She smiles wide at his alarmed look. “It costs $25 at most. Which is still a pretty good price, but it’s just made to make them look rich. I promise you, if Connor had a $100,000 bottle of rum, he wouldn’t shut up about it.”  
Pope sighs incredulously, looking around as if he couldn’t believe what he is hearing. Suddenly, he sits up and she slides down to his lap as he wraps his arms around her shoulders.
“Holy shit, babe, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that, all of that. I thought I was gonna go to jail and with this scholarship interview thing coming up, I cannot go to jail. Ever, like, at all.” She smiles into his shoulder as he talks and at the mention of his scholarship interview, she squeezes him tighter.  
“I promise you, you won’t go to jail if I can help it—especially not for robbing Connor. If anyone deserves it, the Gideons do. But, you have to promise that next time you break in, I’m coming with. I’ll show you where he keeps the actual good stuff.” She accentuates with a wink and he laughs quietly before planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek.  
“There won’t be a next time, hopefully, but if there is, you’re the first one I’ll call. Promise.” In the darkness, they smile.  
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issabangtanfic · 5 years
[Jungkook] The Windmill House (Chapter 3)
Synopsis: When for once rich doesn’t rhyme with Christian Grey.
Pairing: Jungkook x OC
A/N: Feel free to submit a cover! Tell me what you think in my inbox! Enjoy!
"Morning Maya." Jade sings, elbows on her desk, resting her chin on her heads, head tilted to the side and lashes batting at me. 
"Morning Jade?” I reply hesitantly. What is wrong with her? She’s strange.
"Pancake?" Je proposes, pointing t the plate on the corner of her desk. Okay, at least that’s normal.
"Always." I take two. 
Walking past her, I make my way to my office. I unlock the door and flick the lights on, discovering a bright bouquet of orange flowers on my desk. Intrigued and confused, I open the card.
Please forgive me. - J x
“Boy problems?” 
I look up and see Jade standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame of the door, arms crossed under her perky breasts. 
“Well, I must have hearing problems because I did not hear you knock.” I retort.
“I didn’t." She brushes me off dryly. "Who keeps sending you flowers?” She asks, walking further in. I fold the card and hide it behind my back.
“No one.” 
“Oh, com on. It’s the first time I hear about a man in your life.” She whines. “I’m curious.”
“About what?”
I look behind Jade's form and see Ava ambling into my office, pancakes in hand. Oh bloody fucktruck.
“The identity of Maya’s lover.” Jade says over her shoulder, and I watch her face light up like Christmas.
“Finally!” She cries, striding across the room to join Jade.
“I don’t have a lover.” I groan, rolling my eyes at them.
“Well, I do now. He’s right over there.”
I look up and see Ava gazing out the glass wall of my office, and when I follow her eyes my heart nearly stops.
Mr Jeon is here, all navy blue suit and pale shirt, chatting with Fred in the lobby.
“That’s Jeon Jungkook.” Jade chimes in once she notices. What in the bloody boiling hell is he doing here?
“Who?” Ava asks.
“The Violet Mansion.” Jade says. I turn to them.
“The Violet Mansion?” Ava's eyes are shining. 
“Lucky bastard, you get to work for this snack?” She gushes, reaching across my desk to slap my shoulder. I pinch the bride of my nose.
“I thought he had cancelled.” Jade says to me.
“We’re working on something else.” I reply evasively.
“Oh yeah? Why is he here, though?”
“I have no idea.” I murmur, lifting my eyes to the ceiling. When I look back at Fred and Mr.Jeon, they stop chatting and Fred starts leading my client down the hallway.
“He’s coming.” Jade gasps, and her and Ava scramble out of my office hastily. 
Oh shitty freak fuck.
Grabbing some papers, I stand and try to exit as well, but I'm met by the two men at my door before I can run away.
“Maya, my lovely flower.” Fred gushes, a grin splitting his handsome french face.
“I know I’m busy but you could’ve taken a minute to tell me you got two wonderful projects with Mr Jeon.” He nearly sings, giving my shoulders a squeeze. My face blanches.
“Two?” I blink rapidly.
“Yes, dear. The mansion and the windmill house, that is fantastic news.” He explains, draping himself over my shoulder and hugging me. I have the Mansion project? Since when?
I glance at Mr Jeon, who gives me a knowing smile. That's why he was here, to trap me into working with him after I snapped yesterday. Bloody bastard!
“Maya is a real jewel. She has a very sharp vision and knows how to turn emotions into spaces. She’ll do wonders.” Fred says to Mr Jeon, and all I want is to burry myself in the deepest hole in the world.
“I’m sure she will.” Mr Jeon agrees, speaking to Fred, but his eues are on me, dark and playful. I feel my face heat up.
“Mr Jeon would like to schedule some appointments and pay his consultation fees.” Fred informs me. 
The idiot that I am even forgot to charge him for the two appointments we've had.
“I’ll leave you to it. Have a good day, Mr Jeon.” Fred murmurs, shakingMr Jeon's hand one last time before leaving my office. Once I'm left alone with Mr Jeon, I change position so my back is turned to the rest of the office.
“Good morning.” Mr Jeon says to me.
“Did you really just do this?” I grind out, closing the door behind Fred, and watch his brow furrow.
“I tell you I hate men who try to control my life, so you decide to forcefully give me not just one but two projects so I have no choice but to see you.” I mutter.
“No, it has nothing to do with yesterday.” He says categorically. What a bad liar!
“Of course.” I scoff, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. The corner of his mouth curls up.
“Miss Fair, will you please unravel you knickers?” He chuckles. Can he stop talking about my knickers?
“I went through your portfolio before I gave it back. Do you remember Lusso?” He explains. I nod timidly. Lusso is a designer home I worked on for an Italian millionaire. He hosts parties there.
“I went there later in the evening.” He explains. “You could do wonders in the Mansion.”
Oh but he didn't have to see my portfolio before he gave me the Windmill House.
“You won’t have to see me if you don’t want to.” He says, almost promising me.
“I’ll schedule appointments to give you my brief and then…” He waves his hand evasively. "You have carte blanche.”
I glare at him, not knowing what to say. I could live with that, but on the other hand I still don't want to be involved with him and his sickening looks.
"Listen," He trails off. "I'm really sorry I offended you yesterday." He murmurs. Is he now? I bet he doesn’t even know why he’s sorry.
"It all came out wrong, and I sounded like the biggest dickhead." He admits. I could get used to him calling himself a dickhead.
"Please accept my apologies." He pleads.
"So you can go back to pressuring me into having sex with you." I retort. He makes a faint expression of shock.
"I'd never pressure you." He says softly, shaking his head.
"We both want it." He murmurs, taking a step closer to me. I step back. Oh, we're not going there.
"D'you know what? Just leave it." I snap, dropping my papers on my desk.
"You must have tons of other candidates who wouldn't need you to say anything for to take their nickers off." I mutter.
"Is that it? Are you holding back because you feel like you're just one of many?" He asks on a scoff. Like I wouldn't be? Tell me this man doesn't get laid every single day.
"What have I done to make you think that?" He asks softly.
"I'm not discussing this with you." I say categorically, feeling insecure.
“Let’s see about these appointments.” I prompt, needing this conversation to end and stay professional. He forced his way back into my life, but I still can keep this whole thing work-relate. Who am I kidding?
“Sit down.” I order more than invite, internally happy to be ordering a man like him around. He obeys quietly while I sir down in front of my computer. I turn it on and open my virtual office, feeling his eyes on me and forcing myself to keep my eyes on my screen.
“Is Friday okay?” I propose after checking my agenda.
“Friday for the Mansion and how about… next Tuesday for the house?” I continue, avoiding eye contact. I see him bring his hand to his chin in my peripheral vision.
“What time?” He asks me.
 “Whatever’s best for you.” 
“Actually, the evening sounds better on Friday.”
“Seven?” I propose.
“Ish.” He retorts, pulling my eyes to his. He’s looking at me intently, eyes playful and dark and sexy.
“Ish.” I repeat, refraining a smile. I feel my face getting hot.
“How about eleven in the morning on Tuesday?” I say, returning my eyes to my screen.
“Perfect.” He replies. “We could grab lunch right after.”
He pulls my eyes to him again, and I see he’s smirking, his facial expression one of satisfaction.
“Together.” He adds. Oh, boy.
Clearing my throat, I ignore his remark completely.
“I’ll see you on Friday, then Mr.Jeon.” I declare, rising from my seat and inviting him to get the hell out of my office.
“Please, Miss Fair.” He croons, getting up and buttoning his suit jacket. “Accept my apologies.” He pleads, and his face is more serious this time.
“I’ll think about it.” I lie. He tilts his head to the side.
“You don’t like flowers?”
 I roll my eyes and circle my desk, opening the door for him.
“Goodbye, Mr Jeon.” I say politely. He chuckles at me, shaking his head, but leaves without a fuss.
Later that day, Jade comes into my office with  bouquet of flowers big enough to hide her entire form.
“For you.” She sings, standing in my doorway. And I prey, I prey it’s not form who I think it’s from. I get up and walk over to her, reaching for the card first.
“Done thinking? I hate waiting. - J” 
“Ugh.” I groan, rolling my eyes.
“Who’s J?” She asks as I take the flowers form her hands. I turn on my heels and drop then onto my desk, deliberately leaving her question unanswered.
“You might ask him to stop doing this while Fred is here.” She suggests as I walk back to her. I give her a sarcastic smile, but she’s right.
“Thank you Jade.” I murmur before closing the door.
“But who-“
I sigh, walking back to my desk, and decide to dial the man harassing me.
“Are you done thinking about it?” He says as soon as he picks up.
“You need to stop sending me flowers.”  mutter.
“Only if you accept my apologies.”
“Okay. I accept them.”
“That means you wont mind me being there during all our appointments, right?” 
“Bloody-“ He mutter, shoving my first in my mouth to prevent myself from shouting.
“Okay.” I breathe, holding the bridge of my nose in annoyance. This man is annoying.
“Wonderful.” He pipes up, contempt in his voice. “I’ll see you on Friday.” 
I hang up, frustrated I gave him this victory. I hate men like him. Men who trample all over you and force their way into your life. Men who always get what they want.
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chez-pezeater · 5 years
TCR Birthday Bash 2019: Day 7- Game Night
So this is probably going to get me either a lot of hate, thrown out of the fandom, or (best case scenario) requests for more. I’m honestly not sure which is worse (worst?) at this point. Either way please enjoy Cards Against Humanity: The Cat Returns Addition. Persephone is a TCR OC that belongs to @tcrmommabear & @sindysugar being used with their permissions.
At this point Hiromi has long since become a frequent visitor to the Bureau after following Haru one day. Meaning Hiromi while not quite as close to the others as Haru is, is still considered a friend.  Also the humans are in their early 20s and knowing my friends and I when we get into the game, potty language. Which really should just be a warning for CAH in general.
Cards Against Humanity (for those that don’t know) is played with two types of cards: Black prompt cards and White (I call them) Reaction cards. A person draws a prompt card and the other players put down their reaction card(s) face down and then replace the number of cards they used. Prompt drawing player flips them over and selects the best reaction card of the round. Best reaction card(s) win the prompt card. Prompt cards use between 1-3 reaction cards.
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To be fair, the entire thing was ENTIRELY Hiromi’s fault. Now that’s not to say that Haru didn’t love her best friend, because she did. She also knew EXACTLY what kind of humor Hiromi had. Mix that with a card game who’s box quite literally proclaims it to be “A horrible game for horrible people”. Yeah… It’s all Hiromi’s fault.
Hiromi drew a black prompt card. “’What’s making things awkward in the sauna?’ Ok folks hit me with your best shots.”
Louise puts down a card reading ‘A sales team of clowns and pedophiles.’
Muta chose to use ‘Scrotum tickling.’
Persephone gave it some thought before selecting ‘Cute Boys.’
Baron hesitated before putting down ‘MechaHitler.’
Haru slaps down ‘Full Frontal Nudity.’ with NO HESITATION.
Toto calmly places down ‘Fiery Poops.’
Hiromi reads all the reaction cards before declaring “A sales team of clowns and pedophiles is the winner. Who put that down cuz yeah that would make things awkward?”
Louise raises a hand while smirking. She accepts her prize before drawing a new prompt card, “’Only two things in life are certain: death and (blank).’ Oh my, there are so many ways that could be taken.”
Hiromi slapped down ‘The violation of our most basic human rights.’ as her card.
Muta, thinking of everything that happens regarding any of the groups antics, put down ‘Total fucking chaos.’
Persephone, not having very many good cards, selects ‘The male gaze.’
Baron, knowing how dramatic his sister is, chose ‘Dropping a chandelier on your enemies and riding the rope up.’ (winner)
Haru hemmed and hawed before putting down ‘Kamikaze pilots.’
Toto put down ‘Every ounce of charisma left in Mick Jagger’s tired body.’ hoping to get some laughs.
Louise read the cards out loud, cackling in between them, and said “’Dropping a chandelier on your enemies’ wins. So which one of you called me out like this?”
“I did sister dear, after all between the two of us this is exactly the kind of dramatics you would use.” Snorts echoed around the table, implying that Louise wasn’t the only over-the-top-Gikkingen around.
And so the game continued:
R3) Muta- (prompt) Listen, Gary, I like you. But if you want that corner office, you’re going to have to show me (blank).
Hiromi- Being a busy adult with many important things to do
Louise- Deez nuts
Persephone- Exactly what you’d expect
Baron- A constant need for validation
Haru- My worthless son
Toto- Meaningless sex
“Tough call but with how humans are ‘A constant need for validation.’ wins although ‘Meaningless sex.’ was close.” “Drat,” Toto declared while Baron took another card.
R4)Persephone- (prompt) Dear Sir or Madam, We regret in infom you that the Office of (blank) has denied your request for (blank).
Hiromi- Bill Nye the Science Guy & A gassy antelope
Louise- Republicans & Black People
Muta- Blackula & The shambling corpse of Larry King
Baron- Sean Penn & Tripping balls
Haru- AXE Body Spray & Being fabulous
Toto-  Wifely duties & Consensual sex
“Seriously Louise? ‘Wifely duties.’ AND ‘Consensual sex.’ You know that combination wins.” “Sorry Love but that wasn’t mine.” “Nope it was mine.” “Well either way it was well played, well done Toto.”
“Looks like it’s time to pull out the ‘Most Horrible Person of the Night Award’.” “Hiromi, No!” “Hiromi YES!” “Hey! Why does Birdbrain get Doritos?!”
R5) Baron- (prompt) Well if (blank) is a crime, then lock me up!
Hiromi- The boners of the elderly
Louise-  Eating together like a god damn family for once
Muta- The harsh light of day
Persephone- The Boy Scouts of America
Haru- Saying “I Love You”
Toto- The light of a billion suns
“I feel like I’m being called out right now. Who played ‘Saying “I Love You.”?” Baron asked with a very unamused look on his face.
“I did,” Haru replied straightfaced.
“You’re never going to let that go are you?”
“What do you think?”
Baron sighed before handing Haru the prompt card. It was better not to argue with her.
R6) Haru- (prompt) When I was tripping on acid, (blank) turned into  (blank).
Hiromi- Sudden Poop Explosion Disease & Used panties
Louise- The economy & The sweet song of sword against sword and the braying of mighty war beasts
Muta- Expecting a burp and vomiting on the floor & Turning the rivers red with the blood of infidels (winner)
Persephone- Crazy opium eyes & Treasure beyond your wildest dreams
Baron- Natalie Portman & Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night
Toto- A Ugandan warlord & Former President George W. Bush
“Really Muta? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: That’s disgusting.” “So are some of these reaction cards.”
R7) Toto- (prompt) Life for American Indians was forever changed when the White Man introduced them to (blank)
Hiromi- All my friends dying (winner)
Louise- Syphilitic insanity
Muta- How awesome it is to be white
Persephone- Indescribable loneliness
Baron- The Pope
Haru- The eighth graders
“Toto pass Hiromi the bag. Hiromi you’re terrible.” Hiromi just giggles naughtily.
R8) Hiromi- (prompt) (Blank): Brought to you by (blank).
Louise- Homeless people & Rich people
Muta- Mouth herpes & Going down on a woman, discovering that her vagina is filled with eyeballs, and being totally into that
Persephone- Santa Claus & Being rich
Baron- Shutting the fuck up & The Rev. Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr.
Haru- Getting caught by the police and going to jail & Going around punching people(winner)
Toto- Running out of semen & A mine having a stroke
“Sound about right.” “Oh and how would you know Turkey Leg? You don’t have any fists!” “Wouldn’t you like to know fatso.”
R9) Louise- (prompt) (Blank). Betcha can’t have just one!
Hiromi- Heartwarming orphans
Muta- Grammar nazis who are also regular Nazis
Persephone- Gwyneth Paltrow’s opinions
Baron- A sad handjob (winner)
Haru- Horrifying laser hair removal accidents
Toto- Emotions
“Is there something you want to confess brother dear?” “Not to you sister dear.”
R10) Muta- (prompt) This is the prime of my life. I’m young, hot, and full of (blank).
Hiromi- My dad’s dumb fucking face
Louise- Cancer
Persephone- Lunchables TM (winner)
Haru- The Hamburglar
Toto- Statistically validated stereotypes
“What? I’m hungry!”
R11) Persephone- (prompt) We never did find (blank), but along the way we sure learned a lot about (blank)
Hiromi- Blowjobs for everyone & Pac-Man uncontrollably guzzling cum (Hiromi)
Louise- What Jesus would do & The South
Muta- The white half of Barack Obama & A black-owned and operated business
Baron- God & A chimpanzee in sunglasses fucking your wife
Haru- Jobs & Western standards of beauty
Toto- Important news about Taylor Swift & Starting a shitty podcast
“HIROMI!” “AHH SAVE ME SOMEBODY!” (This was not the first time Hiromi used Pac-Man against Haru. Nor would it be the last.)
R12) Baron- In return for my soul, the Devil promised me (blank), but all I got was (blank).
Hiromi- Jesus & White people
Louise- Third base & Being fat and stupid
Muta- A subscription to Men’s Fitness & Pooping back and forth. Forever.
Persephone- Some shit-hot guitar licks & An ass disaster
Haru- Interspecies marriage & Necrophilia (winner)
Toto- The Blood of Christ & Adderall TM
“Guilty conscious Haru?” “I’M NOT A FURRY DAMNIT!”
R13) Haru- (prompt) You won’t believe what’s in my pussy. It’s (blank).
Hiromi- Daddy issues
Louise- The power of the Dark Side (winner)
Muta- A salty surprise
Persephone- Old-people smell
Baron- My collection of high-tech sex toys
Toto- How wet my pussy is.
“I hate you all.”
R14) Toto- (prompt) Money can’t buy me love, but it can buy me (blank)
Hiromi- The mere concept of Applebees TM
Louise- Sexual peeing
Muta- Authentic Mexican cuisine
Persephone- An asymmetric boob job (winner)
Baron- Helplessly gigling at the mention of Hutus and Tutsis
Haru- Switching to Geico®
R15) Hiromi- (prompt) (Blank) is a slippery slope that leads to (blank).
Louise- Blackface & Ripping open a man’s chest and pulling out his still-beating heart
Muta- Court-ordered rehab & Words, words, words.
Persephone- Same-sex ice dancing & Butt stuff
Baron- Establishing dominance & Stockholm Syndrome (winner)
Haru- Overpowering your father & Darth Vader
Toto- Copping a feel & A boo-boo
“Damn Baron, what are you into?” “I’m not! Why are you handing me these?” “Because you made shit go real dark, real quick boyo.”
R16) Louise- (prompt) My gym teacher got fired for adding (blank) to the obstacle course.
Hiromi- Walking into a glass door
Muta- Sperm whales
Persephone- Peeing a little bit
Baron- A face full of horse cum
Haru- Meatloaf, the man.
Toto- Warm, velvety muppet sex (winner)
“I think I need to give these back to you Toto.” “No no, you can still keep them.” (Cue unhappy Baron face.)
R17) Muta- What gets better with age?
Hiromi- Crippling debt
Louise- A Super Soaker TM full of cat pee (winner)
Persephone- Roland the Farter, flatulist to the king.
Baron- Yeast
Haru- The placenta
Toto- Nothing
“At least no one played ‘My genitals.’ this time.” “That can still change Haru~.”
R18) Persephone- (prompt) In his new action comedy, Jackie Chan must fend off ninja while also dealing with (blank).
Hiromi- Not having sex
Louise- Aaron Burr
Muta- Mixing M&Ms and Skittle like some kind of psychopath
Baron- The dentist
Haru- Samuel L. Jackson (winner)
Toto- Getting eaten alive by Guy Fieri
“To be fair, Ryan Renolds had a hard time dealing with Samuel L. Jackson in ‘The Hitman’s Bodyguard.’” “Still funny.”
R19) Baron- (prompt) Today on Maury: “Help! My son is (blank)!”
Hiromi- A woman
Louise- A monkey smoking a cigar (winner)
Muta- Teaching a robot to love
Persephone- Running naked through a mall, pissing and shitting everywhere
Haru- Such a big boy
Toto- Filling every orifice with butterscotch pudding
“What is ‘Maury’?” “An American TV show that mostly deals with people deliberately exposing themselves to lie detectors and paternity tests because they can’t stay in their lanes and be decent human beings.”
R20) Haru- (prompt) Heed my voice, mortals! I am the god of (blank), and I will not tolerate (blank)!Hiromi- Sunshine and rainbows & Incest
Louise- The profoundly handicapped & Throwing a virgin into a volcano
Muta- Sweet, sweet vengeance & Cheating in the Special Olympics
Persephone- Finger painting & The hiccups
Baron- Erectile dysfunction & Having a penis (winner) (game end)
Toto- Nickleback & Licking things to claim them as your own.
“That’s it, game over, Baron wins, Good night.” “Oh c’mon Haru.” “Nope! Can’t do it! Good night!”
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‘Most Horrible Person of the Night Award’ is an inside joke among my circle of RL friends that typically ends up being a bag of Doritos.
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