#i have had enough of retail
1337wtfomgbbq · 1 year
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vlasdygoth · 10 months
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sergle · 1 year
no lie are you donating or selling your bras cos im a 34i and need smth to carry these treacherous thangs
I'm actually going to be going thru my pile of bras at some point and seeing if anyone here wants em!
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captainimprobable · 1 month
God. Working again actually feels so good. At my last job I wasn't doing anything for anyone, it was pointless busywork. Now I feel like I'm doing something for people which is so nice! I know I'm just a barista, but at the beginning of the pandemic baristas were a bright spot for me, and I made so many people smile today! And a few of them thanked me for spelling their names right, which was nice! And I was keeping busy! I wasnt sitting on my ass! Sure, a part of me wishes I was, but it's just kinda nice to feel like my day wasn't wasted.
If this job paid me a livable wage I would genuinely be so so so happy.
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benevolenterrancy · 1 year
Ianto in this? And maybe Tosh in a tux to play on Dinner and a Show?
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Would love to know what undercover mission requires this get-up and how Ianto drew the short straw
(Owen isn't pictured as he immediately laughed himself sick upon seeing Ianto and had to be sent for a lie down)
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
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i hope they fight (can’t read past this point)
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black-silverwolf · 20 days
Does the whole Working with people makes you realize how stupid people are include my coworkers
Oh my god
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kozidraws · 10 months
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gobbluthbutagirl · 1 month
crazy how if you google “how many job applications per week” (which you probably shouldn’t google anyway) you get one result saying doing 2-3 a day is good, one result saying doing 5-10 a day is good, and one result saying doing 11-20 a day is good. So basically, do whatever the hell you want forever
#my thing is. HOW many of these jobs are real. HOW many of these places are actually hiring#one of the 2 i did today made you answer like 15 different questions about whether you’ve ever been late for work. ummmm.no#my plan is to apply at least 20 jobs over the next ummm week or two or so#and keep in mind these are all like nothingburger minimum wage retail jobs designed for stupid individuals such as myself#and if NONE of these places want me then i will know that the job market right now is probably bad for realsies#and so between like september 14-21 i will know if i should be looking for a place to stay for october#or looking for a plane ticket back so i don’t waste money chasing something that won’t happen#and IF it’s option B then i will make my brother hire me at dunkin for a few months until a) the job market improves#or b) i have enough money saved up that i could convince some landlord to rent to me while unemployed#because my thing about the money is like. i still have everything i saved when i worked at target#and i still remember what i endured in order to save all that money. so i absolutely am not dipping into that money#until i KNOW my life is headed in the right direction#and also when i got the job at target that was literally the 4th job i applied to in like 3 months#so if i apply to like 2 dozen jobs and none of them pan out then i’ll Know the timing is wrong. the market is bad#anyway pay me no mind i’ve only been back on the west coast 24 hours#i just had to go ahead and think through every possibility before my head asploded. Her ass did not fucking sleep last night your honor
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isilienelenihin · 2 months
I forgot to hit "confirm" when I made my grocery pickup order and now it's not going to be ready for another 4 hours and y'all know I am FIGHTING the urge to just scroll through Tumblr for that whole time because picking up groceries was item #3 on my list of things to do for the day and skipping items is ILLEGAL.
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averagemrfox · 2 months
Big news I went to the supermarket today. Everybody clap
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silverislander · 3 months
wish i could just. work at a bookstore
#all of the bookstores around here are owned by indigo and they dont take resumes. you have to apply online#and you can only apply for specific positions in specific locations when those positions open#and they are Never open. ive been checking back nearly every day for almost four months now#and it kills me bc i KNOW i would be good at it and i wouldnt mind doing it it might even be nice#like. yes its still min wage and yes its still customer service/retail at its core but at least its smth i fucking like#id be great at giving book recommendations. i like organizing shelves well enough#i practically know the layout of the store like the back of my hand already considering i go there so often and have my whole life#just please let me do smth i care abt even a little bit. please#working at the grocery store is Fine. its objectively fine#i dont enjoy it but everyone is really nice and i know what im doing#but i dont want to do this forever. i dont even want to be doing it now#a man came in the other day talking abt how i could be the manager someday if i keep at it and i genuinely dread that future#i do not want to get stuck here. i cannot get stuck here forever#levi.txt#i got told my whole life that if i just went to university got ok grades and did Any degree id get a decent job and start my life#and i did it! and now im working the exact same job i had before i had any experience or a degree#and im having to consider starting over and getting another fucking degree in the HOPES itll help at all#i keep having to downgrade any hope i have for the future over and over and it is insanely fucking demoralizing#the least i can want rn is a job at a fucking bookstore
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caimitos · 6 months
thinking abt quitting my job 🤗
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allyouzombies · 8 months
guess who's back in their compassion fatigue for library patrons era!!!
#HELLO IT'S ME SIGMUND FRAUD!#i've had one other Episode like this since being in libraries and it's so exhausting#and it makes me hate myself! i suddenly can't DEAL when interacting w/people who have mental illnesses that manifest in this that or the#or the other way. i stop caring about patrons' sob stories or hard days or legitimate crises or whatever else#i'm just angry all the goddamn time about being a brick wall for others' rage and sadness and issues when i'm a fucking book person who also#who also helps with technology. i cant handle my own fucking mental illnesses on any given day sometimes and absorbing others' hardships#when i'm not trained not equipped not PAID ENOUGH and having my own spirals and episodes...it is SO MUVH#i feel evil and heartless when i suddenly stop caring and am actively angry at patrons#this isn't even a carer type of work that i do!#and yet compassion fatigue in librarians is apparently super common. we're like retail workers minus patrons spending money at our#at our establishments. people are extra mean because of the tax dollars shit and the whole 'fulfilling gaps in social services' shit#losing my compassion for others a second time os fucking terrible. i don't want to he so angry and hateful. i don't wamt to be so checked#so checked out of others' suffering if the others are in front of me. it feels gross#and as ashamed as i am to say it? it weighs on me and makes me feel WORSE and so SELFISH#ann with an ie#and i am still tuned into global issues and care and am horrified#but things and people in front of me just...cease to register
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livvyofthelake · 8 months
to be fair o haven’t given him much opportunity but alex is not helping in the falling asleep war. why is my body incapable of fucking relaxing. i physically cannot un-tense myself rn and frankly it’s making me wish i was just dead. and if i don’t sleep now then i’ll get tired at work and come home and nap at 6pm. which will only make me not tired again when actual nighttime comes around and i won’t sleep AGAIN. like ok do i just kill my self or what
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gothamcityneedsme · 10 months
that job post has me thinking like. god im so relieved im at where i am right now. i had a feeling while working on my education degree and having a lot of field experience that i may not actually want to work in the field. i was cautious. i considered changing my major to journalism (or a few other things) but ultimately didn't because i didn't want to get trapped in college forever + was on a scholarship tied to my degree + was double majoring (which I knew would look good in the future). so i didn't change my major and kept working, got through my student teaching (which was. a fucking nightmare era of my life jesus christ. if i wasn't already hesitating on this, like, student teaching was a 100% certainty moment for me).
then once i was out i took a gap year to recollect my sanity after student teaching, and i also moved out (i was able to do both of these things thanks to my money from my military training. 25+ weeks of pay that i didn't spend added up to enough for me to do those things).
and THEN i started job hunting for the 'boring office job' concept that i had first considered swapping my plans to in college. i started retail part time while i kept up my other job hunting, landed a sort of crappy job but one that paid a little better and wasn't too terrible. got laid off from that one so started hunting again as soon as they announced the layoffs, got lucky with a company i had been planning to apply for a job at in a few years or so anyways (wanted more general experience under my belt, but layoffs prevented that). got the job right before covid, and while i technically work at another company now, that's still the job i have. 100% work from home now, doing the same stuff, and it's mostly writing emails/scheduling payments/reviewing ledgers/etc.
it pays well and doesn't follow me after work hours, the timing is flexible and i can write or do some gaming on the clock because i tend towards bursts of productivity where i do a lot in an hour then sort of chill for a bit before doing more. i stay on top of my responsibilities so i have a lot of wiggle room since i'm not behind on anything (i only get behind when we swap regions up and i get assigned states that prior analysts didn't properly keep clean, lol, but even then a few weeks of dedicated work gets that shit down easy).
idk man. i'm just rambling about my life, this is stuff i think about a lot, because by god i am thankful things went this direction. even if i do lose this job, i am pretty comfortable in this field now so i feel that i could search within this field to find work that would suit me. i'm getting paid more than i ever would as a teacher or anything else, i have so much flexibility, and i'm even closing on a house (today!).
i still have a lot of worries, i need to save up money again (house deposit) and pay back my parents (house deposit). and i still have huge student loans i'm working on paying that eat up a lot of my monthly income, but im so excited to be paying towards a mortgage instead of rent, and someday my loans will be paid off
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