#i have no idea what if what im doing for my research methods assessment is right
a-sleepy-ginger · 2 months
Got some a couple sections of my research methods assessment done
Saw the moon
Rain sounds
Had alot of fun listening to music
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cruelfeline · 4 years
Question im rewatching She Ra and ive got to the fall of Salineas and im wondering to myself: Why didn't the Horde do anything to their Runestone. As if the minimum that the Horde did was disabled/destroyed the runestone it would have affected the Alliance strength or the Horde could have tried to used it for any means. But nope they leave it alone allowing the Salineas Princess to continue to be poweful. So just wondering did they mention why they couldn't hack/destroy it?
They did not! They did not mention the runestone at all! And y’know, anon, this question has made me do some hard thinking on Hordak, and his abilities, and why he surrounded himself with the people he did, and so we’re in for a long, extrapolated answer that may or may not make sense. So strap in, and enjoy the knowledge that you have just made me talk way more about this than anyone wanted to hear!
I find Hordak to be an incredibly capable individual in terms of organization, enacting plans, utilizing established knowledge, and just... sheer determination. He decides upon a goal, and he is going to achieve that goal. It is going to happen. It may be a difficult road, and he may suffer horribly in his attempt, but he is going to defy the odds and strive doggedly forward and do everything in his power to make things work.
However, the actual methods and strategies he is capable of using appear limited. I’ve spoken about this before, specifically in terms of that time he used uninsulated cables in his experiments, and I’m going to talk about it again in broader terms. 
Essentially, the thing to consider is that Hordak, intelligent though he is, is not adept in the art of innovation. He is very capable of taking his own knowledge and utilizing it successfully, but he is not able to easily deviate from learned instructions. He has significant difficulty “thinking outside the box,” so to speak (likely due to being a clone who was never meant to think up new ideas and innovate and do anything meaningful on his own), and this comes into play in terms of how he wages his war, along with why his success in waging said war increases once Entrapta and Catra lend him their skills.
Technology-wise, Hordak spends decades on Etheria using and modifying his own technology without seeming to have any interest at all in the powerful First Ones’ tech waiting to be taken advantage of. And while I’ve wondered previously if maybe he thought it too old to be of any use, I now consider the notion that he is simply not adept at incorporating new ideas and techniques into his work. Again: as a clone, this would not be something he’d be expected or even encouraged to do. He would be expected and encouraged to follow orders, to enact instructions as he received them. Innovation would be a display of individual will, wouldn’t it? So, it follows that this is not a skill he would possess or even think to develop.
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Enter Entrapta: all she does is innovate. Learning new things, incorporating them into her knowledge-base, trying new methods and building upon what she’s done before are very much a strong part of her character. She sees First Ones’ tech, and she immediately tries to figure out how to use it to improve upon existing technology. This is the advantage she brings to Hordak: whereas he finds it very difficult to deviate from his current methods and knowledge, she does not. And so, with her assistance, he is able to reach technological heights previously unattainable to him.
A more military version of this involves Catra.
Think about how the war has come to what is essentially a standstill by the time SPoP begins. It’s been... thirty years, or so? Since Hordak landed on Etheria. He has absurdly advanced tech, yet he cannot seem to successfully conquer more than the Fright Zone. Seems strange, doesn’t it? That he’s unable to utilize his superior resources to do more than harass some villages. Granted, the princesses have supernatural powers, but they’re unorganized at the series’ start. They’re not putting up a united front. So... what gives? Why is Hordak not more successful? And furthermore, why does this suddenly change when he allows Catra to take over the greater strategic planning of Horde activities?
Well, to my eyes, Hordak is with military strategy the way he is with tech: he is very capable of organizing things in a prescribed way, but he is unable to devise new plans outside of what he is used to. Think about where he came from: the Galactic Horde, yes? And what did the Galactic Horde have? Countless robots. Countless clones. All unfailingly obedient. A never-ending army ready to march in and conquer and occupy everything in its path.
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Which is what Hordak tries to do, isn’t it? He appears set on systematically taking territory and holding it, very much balking at Catra’s strategy of consolidating forces in favor of a more grand attack on a single target. He is likely operating under a conquering strategy that depends upon having an entire Horde of clones and robots available to enact it (and, perhaps, a conquering strategy based on Prime’s refusal to appear imperfect via losing ground?). Without this sort of force, he struggles to make meaningful headway. And because of his lack of innovative ability, he finds it difficult to devise a new strategy to compensate for a situation that does not include a battle-ready Galactic Horde. 
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Catra does not have this problem. Catra is very capable of thinking up new strategies as required, so she comes up with the idea to pull back from the northern perimeter and focus on Salineas, a plan that likely would have never occurred to Hordak. 
Now, back to anon’s question regarding the Salineas runestone (I didn’t forget!). The reason it doesn’t come up, via my logic, is that Catra does not know anything about runestones, and Hordak remains uncertain and unable to easily incorporate such things into his working tech. Entrapta innovated with First Ones’ tech, and he is only able to work with it by basing his methods upon her research (which is how he makes his arm cannon). He is still unable to innovate it entirely on his own, so between Catra’s complete lack of knowledge and his inability to freely experiment with new ideas on his own, the Salineas runestone remains unused. 
Had Entrapta still been with the Horde at this time, that runestone would have been properly assessed and handled, but she’s not. And it’s just not something Hordak can do on his own. 
So! The point of this post. The point of this post is to illustrate how Hordak managed to get as far as he did with limited resources and clone limitations on his abilities: he has a potentially supernatural level of determination and the ability to recognize when others can innovate in ways he cannot. It is his decision to utilize the skills of others to compensate for his lack of innovation, paired with his vicious tenacity, that makes him such a dangerous threat during his attempts to conquer Etheria.
And it is this combination of stubborn will and lack of innovative skill that causes the initial Etherian war to play out in the strange, drawn-out way it does, with a sudden rise in success when Hordak gains access to Entrapta and Catra’s skillsets.
Well! That was much longer than it needed to be. And might be entirely wrong, but it’s a logic that works for me; at the very least, it’s interesting to think about, isn’t it?
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leomitchellart · 4 years
So… about this latest Inktober controversy….
Time to begrudgingly chuck in my two penneth… (Remeber you can always press “J” to skip this post altogether)
As most of you may or may not know, Alphonso Dunn released a Youtube video wherein he publicly accused Jake Parker, and creator of the Inktober challenge, of plagiarising his book. Both of these men are public figures, artists specialising in pen & ink. In the video Dunn looks at the preview pages and flip through footage of Parker’s “Inktober All Year Round” and says they draw many similarities in the illustrations, language and layout that he used in his own book, “Pen & Ink Drawing”. Parker’s book was set to this month. Hense why Dunn only used footage and not a physical copy.
Since the video’s release, the art community has been very spilt down the middle. The book’s publisher has halted the launch of Parker’s book until the matter can be investigated. Even DeviantArt cancelled their own Inktober event thing (I’ll admit I don’t keep up with these things DA keeps doing). Parker has since released a statement in the matter. Now it’s up to the courts to decide what’s happening next. The video itself is an hour long, but it’s crucial to see it yourself. 
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People are, understandably, outraged after seeing it. This seems like a shitty thing to rip-off Dunn - not to mention stupid. Since Dunn is the more popular pen & ink artist with more social media followers and name recognition. Many have called to boycott inktober and condemn Parker. I’ll admit, I was right alongside them at first, at least for feeling outraged. The similarities are there. But if YMS’s Kimba video has taught me anything, it’s that, even if an accusation of plagiarism may be obvious at a cursory glance, sometimes it’s important to take a more critical eye and do more research to learn that things aren’t as cut and dry as they first seem. If there’s a lesson I can take away from the internet as a whole, it’s that no one thinks about the consequences of mob mentality.
The most common defence of Parker is that because they’re both books about pen and ink drawing, then they’re inevitably going to be similar. I’ll admit that, when you pick-up so many art books, a lot of them will cover the same basic grounds of materials, tutorials, strokes, techniques etc. The parts about rendering textures on spheres and cubes isnt new. Look up “texture study” and you’ll see so many examples of artists rendering these kinds of things digitally. I’ve also noticed a common theme of people more formally educated in art pointing out how none of these are original. Everything down to the steps and illustrations are things they’ve learned from years ago. Since I'm a pen & ink artist, inspired by my love of comics, I have quite a few books about inking: Dunn’s included. I own both his books and still highly recommend them. I didn't even preorder Parker’s book. Ironically because I didn't think it could offer anything new that my other books hadn’t already.
While Ethan Becker took the time to cross-examine Dunn and Parker’s books with several others, there weren’t many of the ones I actually owned. So I looked to my shelves to see what I could find. Books like:
“The Art of Comic Book Inking” by Gary Martin & Steve Rude
“How Comics Work” by Dave Gibbons & Tim Pilcher
“The DC Comics guide to Inking Comics” by Klaus Janson
“Making Comics” by Scott McCloud
“Stan Lee’s How to Draw Comics”
I’m sure there’s plenty more examples out there. I was planning to go through all of these and take pictures. But ultimately that’s not the core point of these post. Plus it would’ve taken WAY too long and this post itself, is long enough.
Of course, none of the them are 100% close to Dunn’s in the way they’re displayed. Not as close as Parker’s could be considered. That being said, I know Dunn is trying to claim that he invented these techniques. The nucleus of the issue is how similar they are in terms of order and how these pages are displayed. Some I can chock-up to standard practice, while others seem more coincidental.
If there’s one thing I’m adamant about, it’s that I think that Dunn should’ve messaged Parker first before making the accusation public. Some try to dispute that this would've made it easier for Dunn to be “silenced”, whatever that means; but that sounds a bit conspiratorial to me. Ideally, you confront him about it in private, if he makes any threats or blows you off, get your lawyer on the phone and then make the video. Not only is it the more civil thing to do - but it’s the smarter thing to do. This is a serious legal matter, not just internet drama. While I’m sure Dunn had no intention of tearing Parker down or getting a mob onto him, that’s unfortunately what’s happened. A backlash both from the general artisan community and several companies. Wherein it was left to Parker himself to make this an official legal matter. If Parker’s found not guilty, then this could easily leave the gate open for him to sue Dunn for damages, loss of revenue, defamation of character or whatever else, should he see fit. As could the publishers, given how this affected their sales. Companies responded to the accusation of the video alone, before an investigation could be launched. Sure, it wouldn't be “acting the bigger man” but he’d be well within his right to do it. Dunn showed that Jake has mentioned him before, shown admiration for his career and referenced him in other posts. If it comes to light in court, that Dunn is even cited as an inspiration or source in the book itself, then it’s case closed. 
Then there’s the other possibility that Parker might not have done this on his own, but that he has a team behind the book. If that’s the case, the most I can accuse Parker of is being a hack. I worry Dunn has kneecapped himself for just how badly he’s handled this situation. Made worse by him not having an actual physical copy to assess and just had footage of preview pages to go on. So far, the circumstances don’t seem on his favour. 
I don’t think ill of Dunn. I do think he believes he’s been wronged and no malice in his intentions. I just think he’s made some critical errors on how to handled this. As for Parker himself, I couldn't give a donkey’s doo-dah about him. I’m sure you could accuse me of playing devil’s advocate earlier, but to me, he was the guy who released the annual prompt list. If it really does turn out that he’s a plagiarist and had malicious intent, then fuck ‘im. I never regarded him as an inspiration of mine or paid much attention to him outside of that. It was the community that made Inktober what it is. I’ve never met Parker. Maybe he’s a cool guy? Maybe he’s a bellend? I don’t know.
Granted this isn't the first time Parker has proved himself to be a controversial figure: - Last year people were upset about him trademarking (not copywriting, as many have erroneously claimed) the word “Inktober” and some artists were stopped from selling their related work or zines. Parker would issue a statement: claiming the takedowns were a mistake of “overzealous lawyers” and it’s just a matter of the logo being trademarked. People can sell their Inktober works and even mention they are Inktober-related. Just not use the official logo. On the one hand, from a business standpoint, I get it. It’s the bare minimum you need to do to protect your IP, especially when you have a store. BUT, like most people, I don’t like how, what’s intended as a community challenge, has slowly become more of a brand associated with one man. Hardly a surprise it left a bad taste in so many people’s mouths. But, since it doesn't actually effect anyone’s ability to take part in the challenge, outside of personal principle, I went ahead with it the previous year. 
 - The year before, when asked if one can do Inktober digitally, Parker said the following:
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I know some are still bitter about that, but speaking as someone who inks traditionally and digitally, this came across as needless whinging and blowing things out of proportion. Claiming that Jake had derided digital artists and said they were invalid etc etc. Take it from me, challenging yourself to try out different methods to ink traditionally can greatly improve the work you do digitally. It’s like how learning traditional fundamentals of art can still be applied to digital. Plus he never said “No.” he just gave valid reasons about how it makes it a different experience. That said, if you’re someone who can’t afford any kind of inking equipment or pens and only have a selected application to draw on - then none of this applies to you. Just the aforementioned few who took it upon themselves to get angry over nothing. Recently I’ve heard from subscribers of his newsletter that he’s now embraced the idea of people doing inktober digitally, to the point of selling digital brushes for inktober. I’m sure some will call this “backsliding” or “money grubbing” because people aren’t allowed to change their minds or update their statements.
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For weeks I’ve been torn on what to do, not being able to solidify one stance over another. One minute I thought #JusticeForAlphonsoDunn then I wonder “Wait maybe I should look again?” to “But wait, those are way too similar!” Having splinters in my arse from sitting on the fence for so long. The longer this went on, however, I began to realise that I can’t take one stance over another. This case is far too muddy and complicated. I don’t have enough sufficient knowledge or evidence. Nor do any of you. We literally only have Dunn’s video to go on. While it’s a good start, it’s not enough to be taken 100% as gospel when it’s the only thing to hand. 
As previously mentioned, a lot of artists have decided to not take part in Inktober at all, or follow different prompt lists. That’s completely fine. A lot of them are based around a specific theme: halloween, kinky stuff, bears, transformers, OCs, Disney or whatever. That has massive appeal. I just can’d do it myself. I prefer the focus on random words, rather than all centred on a single subject; allowing me to be creative with my ideas and execution. I actually did try to make a list of my own random words. Problem is, I worried that because I was choosing my own, I might be subconsciously bias towards certain prompts and not truly challenging myself. Even narrowing down my options was taking too long. In the end…. I’ve decided to just do the official prompts again this year.
For me, that’s what it ultimately came down to. TIME. It’s the middle of September. I can’t afford to wait for the court case to be settled. No other prominent artists I respect have released their own prompt lists. I know there’s been some shitty people who are condemning this choice. Attacking others, accusing them of supporting plagiarism, looking to block anyone who does the official prompts. Even trying to make this a racial issue. Just…. no. 
If someone doesn’t want to take part in Inktober, that’s fine. If someone wants to do the official prompts, that’s fine. If someone wants to do their own prompts, that’s fine.
Don’t go around aggressively making snap judgements or accusing people of taking a side. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. This has been a shit year, let people enjoy something.
If you look at this situation and it makes you feel angry, and you don’t feel comfortable in taking part in a challenge because of it’s creator. I get that, I literally get that. It’s why I haven't done Mermay. And please don’t mention Pinktober, I’m aware of it, but given his insta video on the subject and the things he said, I quickly came to the conclusion that I can’t take this person seriously. I’m sure this might make me seem hypocritical, but how this differs, if only for me, is the sheer amount Inktober means to me. It’s more than a simple challenge. Inktober's the one thing I’ve been most excited about all year. As it was ruined for me in 2019, when I lost my home and I didn't get to complete every prompt. (Long story, I’m okay now). As we all know, 2020, has been an AWFUL year. We’ve got to take whatever joy we can. As I’ve looked longer at the official prompts, I found ideas I’m really excited for. 
Once I started to really dedicate myself to it, it became a massive event. I hype myself up as I prepare for the busy month. Buy in supplies, clean the house and workspace, cook and freeze meals in bulk to save time, printing off a sheet that allows me to jot down ideas as I plan ahead.  Then once it’s done, after so much work, it makes the reward all the sweeter: Ordering a takeaway, celebrating a great halloween night and still rocking those vibes throughout November. Feeling proud of myself for doing it and seeing myself improve my technique, discipline and earning a few lie-ins to make up for the sleep I lost working. I’m like a kid waiting for Christmas. That said, don’t think that there’s something wrong with you when you understandably can’t dedicate that amount time for a simple art challenge. If anything that’s plenty of reason to why you’re smarter than me. You have a life and don’t push yourself too much.
Now, I need to crack on with the preparations. If you want to boycott Jake Parker, just not buying any of his products should be enough. Doing the inktober challenge doesn't bring attention to him, as I doubt most people even know him as the creator, nor does it even line his pockets. I just hate how cancel culture can do such serious damage like this and then try and put pressure on others to act accordingly without even doing any research themselves. 
As long as you’re not harassing anybody. Just do what YOU want to do. That’s fine. 
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solipsistful · 4 years
Hey I recently participated in a conversation about magic with some other witches who put a lot of speech into justifying their belief in the supernatural as Science And Not Magic and I came out of it thinking you all have got to have Opinions about "science" as a Thing You Can Believe In and-slash-or as a counterpart to Magic and boy howdy I would like to hear about them as im failing to articulate my own thoughts due to giggling at the concept of witches shittalking People Who Believe In Magic
oh man that does sound like Quite The Conversation
ehhh let’s cut it, i’m rambling about things that are hopefully interesting but not coming to any real point lmao
there’s a lot of different definitions of “science” is the thing hah. usually when i say “science” (and definitely when i say “Science”), i’m referring to the collection of people/institutions focused on producing knowledge about the range of topics, and (in some general way) said produced knowledge. “believing in science” definitely evokes this kind of image to me.
another common definition, though, would be science as the process of scientific inquiry – whether you want to go as Formalized as “question-hypothesis-experiment-analysis”, if you’re including factors like peer review or (if relevant) randomization, or if you’re mostly just centering this idea of externally-verifiable empiricism
which, funnily, you’ve caught me very shortly reading some philosophers of science talk about early parapsychological research as being… potentially very relevant to how people think about that scientific process today. for example, if you’re someone interested in apparent supernatural abilities, but aren’t even sure if you’re observing a real thing deserving of being theorized about? how about invent experimental protocols like randomization and blinding?
of course, the way things haven shaken out, science-the-institutions has used science-the-process to find the empirical evidence for most claims pretty lacking, so i’m curious what these folks are aligning themselves with: “science because we’re using the(/a) scientific method” or “science because we’re pointing to scientifically recognized theories” (sighs in quantum mechanics)?
at the very least, i imagine the biggest Issue here is just about, like, plain old validity lmao. i mean, Science Is Real, right? you feel this aaaall the time in the social sciences, i think, us edge cases constantly trying to assert why we’re Really Science, because what good is linguistics if it’s not the science of language? what good is any truth unless it’s scientifically validated? saying you’re okay believing a non-scientific thing, especially one outside of a traditional barrier of “religion” i think, is… rough. see: me, Thomas, and Serpent’s constant problems with the lack of institutional backing for endogenic multiplicity. ._.
one way i try to respond to that is that this idea that empirical evidence is All That Matters is, uh, an idea (positivism, to be specific), and one that’s gonna fall apart once we’re talking on the level of very un-empirical things like the ethics of medicalization (as in the case of syscourse) or intention/personal meaning-making (chaos magic, which is the only real “form” of magic i have any nonzero knowledge of lmfao). but that’s harder to articulate than saying something like “there is a Science here, just not yet discovered/recognized/etc.” (and my position still holds that, yes, there still is a thing called empirical evidence, and it has its place: “doing this ritual gives me strength” is a subjective experience, not exactly amenable to or even needing to be held up to Objective Assessment; but say you can read minds and i’ll go “look, we’ve done plenty of experiments about this kind of thing already, and you’re claiming a pretty readily observable thing, sooo”)
actually that all reminds me of a very fun paper about another community very often concerned with Scientific Validity vs. non-science – Proctor’s paper about “the scientistic self” in otherkin communities. :V
anyway. those are my nearly-4am flailing thoughts. it sure is a Situation, though, huh?
- ace
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indirashetler5-blog · 6 years
Exactly How To Create Engaging Information Contents And News
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The Service will be actually regarded as a passive one that performs certainly not bring about personal jurisdiction over Company, either particular or even overall, in legal systems besides New York. The stock is actually presently trading at a dull 7 opportunities profits signifying virtually no development whatsoever as the company discovers itself straight during a complicated as well as demanding company configuration.|China should go sort of urbanization? In colossal metropolitan areas like the city where way of life is very fast tracked as well as split second, folks in such urban areas are actually so much infatuated with there function that they do not have time for anything else.|I invested a wonderful handful of days on an urban area break in Lisbon, which was a fantastic area to commemorate my other half's birthday celebration. While small volumes of added sugar suits within a healthy and balanced diet, the American Center Affiliation highly recommends a max of 150 fats' worth daily. From February 2013 to February 2014, Duke said, pair of abusers certainly not taking Suboxone gave up the detoxing program against personnel insight because they could not handle their withdrawal signs as well as fatally overdosed within times.|Sellers around the country are finding it more and more complicated to sell their houses. In Process of the 10th International Our Lawmakers on Damage and Conservation of Rock, Stockholm June 27 - July 2, 2004. Planet Building And Construction Handbook: The Structure Product The Planet in Modern Design. They still had supper there on Sundays, right now generally with Patrick's previous girl and also his friend.|Many of us possess located ourselves talking to that timeless question - What perform I wish to be when I grow? According to the ILSR, more than 30 municipalities have executed formula business constraints in the UNITED STATE. Some of the major trailblazers is San Francisco, where constraints were actually enacted in 2004 as well as gained the support of a social ballot procedure in 2006.|Varna is a necessary urban area of Bulgaria and also is actually effectively connected with the other cities. USA Ambassador to the U.K. Woody Johnson insisted that the president isn't avoiding the city as a result of considered demonstration task, although in the past, American governmental brows through have actually consisted of opportunity invested in crucial London sites, consisting of 10 Downing Road, Zdrowa-daga.Info your homes of Parliament and Buckingham Royal Residence. The truth is that certainly, if you're living in the metropolitan area you're most likely to seem to be more busy than others and so it is actually certainly not always as simple, yet if you put in the time out to planning and prepare as well as know just what solutions are accessible to you, city residing can in reality by an especially healthy and balanced alternative. Given that 1988, as the number of low-income family members has raised through 6 thousand across the country and also the number of affordable homes has actually fallen through 2.5 thousand, the federal government has actually included merely 950,000 folks to the rental help rolls. The only time he'll spend in the area is through the night Thursday, when he and also prima donna Melania Trump will certainly rest at the USA ambassador's property. Archaeologia maritima mediterranea: An International Journal on Underwater Archaeology (7 ): 75-116. When in Heck carry out as the satanist do" I began turning up in court with inverted pentagrams and also a perspective trouble equipped along with the Truth as well as documentation you do CERTAINLY NOT require a drivers license; a 1909 character coming from the NY condition chief law officer office explaining I did certainly not need to have a permit to work a motor vehicle in my exclusive capacity the courts and the DA's vow, their contract, keep in mind now Im Lucifer Funny just how things are worded given that in their vow is mentions to consistently release their tasks ..." Discharge means to throw away, put away from responsibility, this is where dictionaries are really handy, and also I phoned them on that extremely their agreement to everyone is actually GAP. If a bad accused desires to avoid prison opportunity as well as acquire therapy diversion, Thomas mentioned, she orders that individual to quit Suboxone if they're on it or their methadone procedure program if they remain in one. The actual factor: Legitimacy, culture implication as well as conservation. Journal of Architectural Preservation 7 (2 ): 27-30. Archaeologia maritima mediterranea: An International Publication on Underwater Archaeology (6 ): 167-86. Potential Anterior: Publication of Historic Preservation, Past, Idea, and also Objection 6 (2 ): 58-73. Currently, the USPSTF encourages women begin bone-density assessments for brittle bones at grow older 65. (There aren't any kind of basic referrals for guys, so explain it with your physician.) 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However, if our team are actually absolutely conserved, at some point our team will get to the amount of devotion where we recognize, and also relate to our lifestyle that His kindness implies He lives through us to ensure that our company will obey Him." This is among the very first research studies on the planet to check out whether wellness benefits of alcohol consumption exist for older adults Our outcomes support an expanding international physical body of analysis revealing there is little bit of proof of any kind of health and wellness benefit of liquor usage for more youthful or even older individuals that can not be actually described through other lifestyle variables," Dr Platforms claims.In Twentieth-Century Property Materials: Background and Preservation, edited through Thomas C. Prankster, 206-13. Hoboken, New Shirt, selected Ravinder Bhalla as its own mayor Tuesday evening, which will bring in Bhalla the 1st Sikh American to be elected mayor of the urban area.
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katiehipple04-blog1 · 6 years
Instructional Design: Simulation Journal, Entry #1, 09/13/18 Katie Hipple
Part I.
Prompt 1: Now that you’ve made it through your New Teacher Orientation in our simulation, talk about an instance in which what is expected of you in this district might be at odds with your teaching philosophy and/or an instance in which what the district says they believe might be at odds with how things are actually run.
Answer 1:During new student orientation, I learned that Principal Fletcher and the Messiah School district requires the teachers to begin a new mandatory instructional planning template. The first issue with this is that every activity that is taught, a template has to be submitted prior to the week the lessons will be instructed in the classroom. This philosophy of teaching comes as a shock to me because I have never written an instructional plan like the one the Messiah school district entails. I have only learned how to write, what others would call, “lesson plans”, for one activity that is done within one subject. I am a very organized person and having a plan for every activity that is taught within the classroom, seemed to me to be the best option. However, after Principal Fletcher introduced the systems model of instructional design, I was able to see where Messiah school district was coming from. I was even able to come up with a mnemonic to help my colleagues and I remember each step to this process. A mnemonic is when you take the first letter of the first word in whatever you are trying to remember, to create a word within itself. “IM A SPIDR” is the mnemonic I use. Altogether it stands for Identify, Analyze, Specify, Plan, Implement, Diagnose, and Remediate. I noticed that with any school that I will work at, my beliefs and teaching philosophies will be different, but what makes a good teacher is one that is open to trying new techniques.
Another issue that arises with the new instructional plan is that the plans themselves, along with the Messiah school district, seem to only worry about meeting the state standards. Nowhere in the systems model of instructional design plan does it provide space for those students who may be struggling with the material or those who need enrichment. The only place principal Fletcher talked about possibly looking over what went wrong was in the remediate section of the template, but this doesn’t help the students immediately. As a huge advocate for intervention, this contradicts with my philosophy of teaching. When I see a plan like this, I think that the school district is focused on the question, “how do we raise our test scores?” instead of “what is the best way to help all children succeed”. This idea makes complete sense if the overall outcome is to teach the students all the material that will be on the state assessments before they arrive. My philosophy of teaching strays more towards the outcome of having all the students learn the essential standards and skills. When the teacher is focused mainly on racing to fit in all the standard information before the state assessments, the children who need any additional help, fall far behind.
Part II.
Prompt 2: How does reflecting on our simulation in this way help you think about our course driving question differently? (Driving Question: How can teachers create effective instruction that is good for children and maintains the integrity of their philosophy within the constraints of administrative and other external mandates?)
Answer 2: Reflecting on our simulation in this way helps me personally think about how teachers can create effective instruction that is good for children and maintains the integrity of their philosophy within the constraints of administrative and other external mandates. Within the Messiah school district, I can imaginethat there is a happy medium. I have to respect that the Messiah school district wants me to implement the new instructional model plan into my classroom, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t care and fight for my students in my class. If I see a student struggling, I can ask principal Fletcher to see if there are after school programs for students who need additional support. Another step I can take towards a happy medium is to see if there are ways to incorporate intervention within my classroom. I believe that your philosophy of teaching is directly related to the way people perceive you as. You don’t want to change who you are for the people around you, but you want to make sure that you’re respecting who they are and their opinions while you are with them. That is the same within a community of educators. If the principal and or the school district asks you to do something for them that goes against your beliefs, you respect them, as well as politely stating what you think could work in a respectable manor. Compromise is very important when it comes to working with others. I will stay true to what I believe in my philosophy of teaching by asking if there is additional help for the students who may need it, and still teach using the Messiah school district method to create effective instruction.
Multimedia Connection:
After expressing the contradictions above, I decided to invest my time to researching intervention within the classroom. I came across an article that specifically talks about how teachers are being told to teach towards the state standards and standardized tests. Within the article, it presents the hardships that this can have on students, and how it can be more harmful than good. Even though I won’t be able to stop Messiah school district from implementing new models of instructional plans and teaching towards the tests, I can still provide data-filled articles to the staff that can cause them to possibly change their minds in the long run.
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drrobertmacarthur · 3 years
Dr. Robert MacArthur
Dr. Robert MacArthur
Excitement About Dr. Rob Macarthur
As necessary, it is very important for you to clarify exactly how this injury is actually different. For instance, if the earlier accident cured a number of years earlier as well as you haven't experienced any sort of pain or symptoms for time, inform the doctor that Dr. Robert MacArthur RM. Or, if you are actually experiencing brand new signs, additional pain, or even added restrictions due to this brand new personal injury, make sure to define all of them.
Keep in mind that you might be under monitoring leaving behind the workplace, so do not perform anything irregular with your injuries or what you said at the test. Dr. MacArthur. The IME medical professional will certainly write a file after the examination, and also you or your lawyer need to receive a duplicate. Review it meticulously as well as deliver up any sort of valid mistakes concerning your clinical history or even procedure.
Depending on the rules in your condition, your legal professional might have the capacity to demand one more IME along with a variety of medical professionals to counter the first inspector's opinion. Dr. MacArthur, RM. Your attorney might likewise submit objections, perform a deposition to inquire of the very first supervisor, and make use of all of the other available employees' comp techniques for guarding your civil liberties. Robert MacArthur.
Top Guidelines Of Dr. Robert Macarthur
Intend you've experienced an occupational injury and have actually currently applied for workers' settlement benefits. During that suit, you recognize what's coming next: Researchers found out that there are actually over 4. 5 million workplace traumas annually, and also employees' remuneration asserts payouts completed some $62 billion in 2017, a shocking amount of money.
You see, a visit with an insurance company-appointed medical professional is a crucial part of the insurance claims procedure in any sort of laborer's compensation instance. If an employer has a hurt employee on their hands, after that the insurance policy business will definitely intend to perform every little thing they may to verify the level of the accident as well as strive to minimize their liability.
This way, the laborers' payment insurance provider will certainly have a much better understanding of the reason, the level, and also regulations of your personal injuries as well as manage to create a decision on your compensation case. If you have actually been contacted to complete an IME or even you are actually counting on the demand coming from the insurance carrier then below's what you require to find out about the method Dr. MacArthur RM.
Things about Doctor Macarthur RM
However, prior to our team diving in, a quick meaning. An IME is actually a formal clinical test made use of to assess the magnitude of your common work environment personal injury. Once the insurance provider is alerted of your case, they are going to seek that you accept an Independent Medical Exam (IME). Individual health care tests are normally requested when: The insurance policy company disagrees along with your personal physician's point of view Arrangements along with the claims insurer are actually taking as well long, or even becoming too costly Your handling medical professional identifies complete or limited handicap While insurance provider place this as a "request," create no oversight: This doctor administering the IME will definitely be actually a specialist on employees' payment instances and accidents.
If your company's insurance provider is demanded to recompense you for your workplace personal injury, after that you could be sure they'll carry out everything they can to confine the benefits payments - Dr. Robert Macarthur. The surest technique to confine your laborers' compensation is to possess "proof" coming from your laborers' remuneration medical professional that you're all set and toned to get back to work Dr. MacArthur.
Don't forget, the doctor's goal for your IME is to look at your job standing as well as calculate when you may return to work Doctor MacArthur, RM. The employees' medical professional is actually, besides, an extension of the insurer, which is actually why they must deal with each employees' comp case very carefully to confine their obligation.
Robert Macarthur, RM for Dummies
Your medical professional can easily utilize your test results to find out the appropriate program of therapy and also healthcare. Besides, the quicker the injured staff member may go back to operate, the far better Dr. MacArthur. Throughout the independent medical examination, the physician's goal is to assess the degree of your job injury and also pass off this information to the insurance policy company.
Throughout the IME your medical professional will certainly begin to ask you concerning your clinical background, any kind of pre-existing problems, as well as any medical treatments you may possess made use of before. Be actually prepared to describe thoroughly exactly how your job mishap has impacted your day-to-day life as well as don't make an effort to minimize any sort of information. Therefore, see to it to discuss exact particulars that indicate how your quality of life has actually had to deal with the collision.
Nevertheless, the insurance coverage provider will prefer the new physician to become within its protection network - Doctor Rob MacArthur. The absolute most vital trait you can do throughout your IME is to be actually truthful. Insurance providers are skillful at finding disparities in your declarations and signs and symptoms as well as are going to utilize those disparities to destroy your laborers' comp case Dr. Robert Macarthur, RM.
Rumored Buzz on Dr. Robert Macarthur, RM
During the course of an IME the physician will certainly run you by means of a series of examinations and also exams to detect the reason for your discomfort, suffering, and also discomfort Dr. Rob MacArthur. Some of these tests are actually meant to determine your feedback to pain and even lack of response. You might think that overemphasizing your indicators will only enhance the chances of a sizable workers' compensation payout.
If you choose to exaggerate your signs and symptoms as well as the medical professional believes you aren't telling the reality, that may be actually reason good enough to reject your case - Doctor Robert MacArthur RM. Certainly not merely carry out employees' compensation medical professionals have a high level of intuition regarding whether patients are actually being actually genuine or even certainly not, they additionally have medical equipment as well as analysis innovation to uncover those overestimations. Doctor MacArthur RM.
You intend to leave your medical profession along with a positive, radiant feeling of you; you really want the doctor to become in your corner. As well as if you talk badly regarding your company, this may stain the medical professional's feeling of you Doctor MacArthur, RM. What's even more, those negative things you state concerning your employer might discover their way into your official health care record, casting additional questions on your scenario in its entirety.
The Only Guide to Doctor Rob Macarthur RM
I've observed several write-ups on the web attempting to suggest on what not to state to an employees' compensation medical professional during an IME Dr. MacArthur, RM. Several of these short articles perform a suitable work, however in my knowledge, the principle that brings about excellence is basic: don't exist. You've been actually injured or hurt at the workplace. Robert MacArthur RM.
And while the seduction to overemphasize or embellish your problem might be solid, believe me when I claim that you must follow the realities and also be truthful concerning your tale. Below are 2 more ideas that are going to assist: You may think insurance coverage business will be actually more probable to refute your case if you presently possess existing conditions in your health care file.
Yet you should be actually prepared to define the instances of the previous or existing trauma. You should also manage to discuss how the ache from your new trauma is actually different or extra extreme than your aged trauma Dr. Robert Macarthur. That is key: if you may do that, there is actually no factor to hide an outdated accident.
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MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Review – From A Real User With Special Bonuses
MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Review – Introduction
Have you anytime found out about MTJ 1.0? At the time being released it was by then a totally taken breath away instrument to help customers with getting enormous measures of traffic by getting slipped by now in spite of everything live and fantastically significant associations from Wikipedia and Youtube inside under 10$. It is more than unbelievable to guarantee those associations since you can redirect it wherever and get backlinks from Wikipedia and Youtube! Dazzling gadget to support your locales' situating, by then, by extension, get certified arrangements. Regardless, MTJ now even offers you more than that! By and by it is revived to shape 2.0. Already being anxious to examine this gadget?
MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Review – What Is My TrafficJacker?
Doesn't just stop with Wikipedia and Youtube, My TrafficJacker (MTJ) will urge you to really take traffic and authority in like manner from bbc and quora. I should express these two new one aren't no increasingly expected to fight how astonishing they are. With four these destinations, you will increase partner commissions in 24 hours or less by picking alive anyway ended associations through, by then use them anyway you see fit.
Doesn't just stop with Wikipedia and Youtube, My TrafficJacker (MTJ) will urge you to really take traffic and authority in like manner from bbc and quora. I should express these two new one aren't no progressively expected to battle how inconceivable they are. With four these locales, you will win part commissions in 24 hours or less by picking alive anyway ended associations through, by then use them anyway you see fit.
Up to now, there is none
MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Review – Features And Benefits
The most remarkable bit of leeway you will get to guarantee MTJ is that it is 100% and all the time legal to hold onto regions from every one of the FOUR of these districts and arrangements in inside only a solitary day. Hence, you will have the choice to construct your intriguing traffic and your locales' rankings:
without making or rank any video
without making a site
without paying a DIME for traffic
MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Review – How Does My TrafficJacker Work?
My TrafficJacker is a customized programming so you basically need to encounter 4 phases of to catch endless zones:
Stage 1: Input your Target Keyword
Stage 2: Select whether you have to seize from Youtube, Wikipedia, BBC or Quora
Stage 3: Hit start and let My TrafficJacker complete your work
Stage 4: Register the spaces and occupy
It couldn't be any increasingly self-evident, it is as straightforward as one two three!
MyTrafficJacker 2.0 Review – My Experience in Using It?
I used this thing as an analyzer and today I'm going to give you my most this real review and essential direction to use this instrument straightforwardly underneath.
So here I'm at the dashboard of My TrafficJacker:
As you the, the dashboard fuses the left menu where you can use all the limits the mechanical assembly offers. At the central part, the contraption in like manner shows you an introduction video that you can watch through to get some answers concerning the item.
We ought to expect that you need a snappier technique to get familiar with the instrument. So go with me.
Understand watchwords or claims to fame that you have to seize
In case you have no idea about any slender catchphrase/claim to fame that might be unimaginable, go to the Keyword zone, enter the tremendous watchword and snap button. Take a model with my weight decrease watchword as underneath:
My TrafficJacker will instantly show you a once-over of sub watchwords like this:
Fundamentally snap to the chase picture I set apart with the red jolt as above to redirect to the investigation tab. For example, I picked weight decrease smoothies and the device will take me to this underneath screen:
Go authentically to the investigation section if you have your own catchphrase
This investigation tab is actually a comparative one that will be composed to if you go to the Research decision in the left menu I set apart to make you believe that its more straightforward as underneath. This decision is organized in case you recently chose and had an obvious thought regarding what catchphrases/claims to fame you need that you don't need to find the watchword in the Keyword section as above.
Along these lines, come back with the assessment tab. In this section, I will give you hardly any methods you need to go to adequately secure thousands qualified associations.
So with My TrafficJacker 2.0, 4 biggest locales are available for you to get any association which are Youtube, Wikipedia, BBC and Quora as I set apart with red jolts. The others are being revived and you will have the choice to catch them all at the most punctual chance, no worries.
Appropriate with one of 4 destinations
a/Let's go with my model with Quora.
Here is the screen I will be composed to with the Keyword was changed to custom keto diet free. You can find an amazing number of associations that are open for you to get as underneath:
275 target associations were related to My TrafficJacker that is more than awesome. You can check the availability of all the found associations in the overview, by then if those associations in spite of everything have region masters or page experts which you can take ideal conditions to backlink from these locales as well.
Back to the essential concern, I'm going to reveal to you now the most ideal approach to use ended associations by this gadget now:
So you can see there are 275 URL target interfaces as recorded, which one of them is Can you share a fundamental keto feast plan for a youngster including 2 spaces as I checked. The essential zone is open to get so Im going to check its nuances as underneath.
Snap to the URL and it guided me to the article:
the passed space I need to check will regardless exit in the article, I found it resulting to looking down:
As you see, that interface My TrafficJacker found for you is participated in the proper reaction that got 4.2k points of view and 42 upvotes. Notwithstanding the way that the association share perusers' thought with various associations underneath anyway it is currently gigantic for you if you have to get it. You can check its expense as underneath:
Or then again get more bits of knowledge concerning it from the previous screen by clicking to movement by then picked ocean search along these lines:
b/Im going to endeavor this instrument with another enormous site: Forbes
In the wake of having putting aside money as my watchword, clicking make button, My TrafficJacker gave me the result as follow:
As you see, the instrument helped me to find 34 broken associations that will be available gotten. Look underneath the once-over of the associations, for example the chief article, you can see there is no region open, in any case, the mechanical assembly skillfully offers you another limit check space openness which will remind you when the zone will be available. To do thusly, go to movement decision, pick whols like this:
It will show you the nuances of the space with the objective that you can understand when it will be ended. Besides, you can snap to the update picture as I set apart, by which My TrafficJacker will normally remind you when it will get passed for you to buy. At the point when it is available, you will be the essential individual to get it close by.
Another way that has same ability to help you the status to recall spaces you have to get is Domain Reminders. As I referenced, there are amounts of broken associations that have been starting at now disregarded by the owners yet not passed. So Domain Reminders will be an extraordinary one to ring you straightforwardly after the associations are available.
Basically I'll give you how MTJ capacities with BBC. I endeavored it with the contribute catchphrase, the item will take me to the result this way:
So as you see the couple of starting ones are not available at the present time, so basically snap to the open space catch to find which one you can rapidly get now, it will show you the URL as underneath:
To check whether the page authority of the association, simply copy the association given by then paste it to any free space authority checker, for instance, WSO, I did a model for you as follow:
Ensuing stage, copy the URL found from BBC and add it to the checker resource likewise like these two diagrams:
Ensuing to clicking to the check button, the checker resource will give all point by point information about the space authority (DA), page authority(PA) of the associations like this:
So here as found in the scree, the ensuing association is the BBC region with 95 DA and 44 PA, which is amazingly mind blowing that we can get strong backlinks from it. Very significant I should state. Also, we can see the essential interface has 13 DA and 14 DA and it is very worthy to get it. We in general know the huge proportion of traffic BBC asserts so with these associations you can have the choice to guide individuals to your associations, or just offer the associations with make advantage as well.
Furthermore, you moreover can hold onto traffic from youtube with MTJ. Look at the screen underneath, you can see it works with fundamental walks as I portrayed for you above.
Various limits
Well in addition, Subjacker is furthermore a critical redesign of MTJ 2.0 If you have associates or even you don't have the chance to find slipped by spaces using MTJ 2.0, subjacker is surely for you. It grants you
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Submission tagged WIWM04
tag: WIWM04 and keep this anon. Hi, I don’t know what’s wrong with me or how to explain it. i don’t know if what ive been dealing with since a child is compulsions, intrusive thinking, or what. but i am going to give you a list of examples/ things in my life i have dealt with over a thousand times that i am talking about and maybe someone can help me out because im tired of wondering and dealing with it. -when i hold a pair of scissors AT ALL, my mind convinces me that I have cut a chunk out and i have to check repeatedly to make sure i didn’t even tho its obvious i didn’t. -i have to check inside my clothes and shoes before wearing them because my mind is convinced that there are some type of spider or something in them. -wiping my earbuds off REPEATEDLY and blowing them and checking before using them to make sure there isn’t anything on or inside it. -i take allergy medications and even though i only take one my mind convinces me i took too many! -when on a escalator or anywhere high up, i have the urge to fall back or fall off. -convinced i have swallowed things i haven’t. obviously i can’t write a list of everything but these are some i can think of at the top of my head that i deal with on a everyday basis!! i have depression and anxiety disorder i dont know if that has anything to do with it. i tend to be a hypochondriac ever since ive been able to talk and i hyperventilate over small things. does this have to do with my severe anxiety? and what are these things called? thank you so much for your advice!!!
Hi lovely,
I am sorry that this is something that you have been struggling with for so long, this sounds like it must be really hard for you. Thank you for reaching out to us for help, hopefully i’ll be able to give you a little information and advice <3
I do just need to start by saying that none of us at MHA are professionals so we cannot give you a diagnosis or tell you exactly what is going on and why it is happening; anything I go on to say will be based entirely on my own opinion/experiences. If this is something that is having a serious negative impact on your daily life then I really recommend going to a doctor or mental health professional who will be able to assess your symptoms and diagnose and treat you however is applicable. Saying this, there a are a few things that I want to mention just so you have some information about what might be causing this. 
You mention that you tend to suffer from some health anxiety, and some of the thoughts you are having do sound like they may be linked to hypochondriasis. This means that one suffers from excessive worry about their health or the possibility of developing an illness in the future - here is our page about the condition. 
But some of the other thoughts you are having, sound like they may be intrusive thoughts (e.g. the one about falling off of escalators). Intrusive thoughts can be caused by a lot of things, like depression and anxiety; so your already diagnosed conditions may be causing these thoughts. But there is the possibility that they are being caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder.
OCD is a type of anxiety disorder which is characterised by the suffered facing repetitive thought patterns which cause anxiety and stress, often accompanied by rituals or tasks. Often if there is not something in particular that the brain can begin to obsess over, it will turn to the most basic fear we all have, and that is of death and dying. You may begin obsessing over how long you have left to live, how you will die, what things you should be doing to prevent death for as long as possible.  I am linking you to our page about OCD here! It is also worth remembering that there are different types of OCD (our page here explain some of the forms), so it might be worth you doing some of your own research and looking at whether you feel like you relate to anything described. The following webpages might be helpful for you to read:
Intrusive Thoughts.Org
Something which will hopefully help you, and cost you nothing, are self help methods. Here are some which I find particularly useful:
Avoid caffeine as it can make anxiety worse
Grounding techniques
This 4 step programme
Something else you can try, is when you find yourself facing an intrusive thought, is to stop, acknowledge it, but then challenge it with something like ‘’Do you have any evidence to support that?’’ or sarcastically saying ‘’Wow, what a fab idea that is!!’ By challenging your thoughts, it gives them less power and shows that you are in control. Do you think this is something you can try?
I hope this has been of some help to you, lovely. If there is anything else we can do for you, feel free to get back in touch with us. Take care,
Rhiann xo
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zed-eye-enn-ee · 5 years
Tumblr media
the creative process refers to the cyclical method of creating, evaluating and developing work. the basic cycle is pretty standard but everyone has a method that works best for them.
for me personally, my method is as follows.
firstly i take time reading the brief and make sure i understand whats being asked for. i then brainstorm possible routes and concepts i could take it with. i then branch off and think of as many potential finalised images as if method wasnt an issue and there were no limitations.
i then think which route i think i like the most or have the most ideas/inspiration for. i then go through to see if any of the other ideas i had could be made to fit this direction.
after that, i take all my initial ideas and make a sensory plan. this is where you make a plan in the same method as the final result, so for photography, which is visual, i like to sketch out my ideas.
then with this for reference, i research if anyone else has attempted something similar, note anything i learn from their process and note any places i could use that knowledge, as well as any ways i would like to try and attempt to adapt their methods.
i then create a loose practical plan (usually only mentally but i’ll write down more complicated ideas) so i feel less overwhelmed going into it.
then, to do the aforementioned.
once i think ive gotten all of the shots i think i will want, i compile all of them into contact sheets to compare. from this i pick the strongest photos, suss out if i want/need to reshoot anything, and evaluate if theres anything i can learn, whether it be what i did like about the stronger photos or what didnt work in the others. then to finalise ill edit the shots to see if i can enhance any further, experimenting with my techinques as i go.
after all that i take a step back, look at the work thats come out of it, see if theres any specifics that editing has highlighted, then move on to planning out further shoots, and then just cycle through the plan, shoot, edit and assess routine until im confident theres nothing i could do more to improve the standard of work.
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edwad · 7 years
@redmensch said: and how wld u define this different definition of marxism? do u think one cld be both a neo marxist and a post marxist?
well my marxism (and some of my hesitancy for referring to myself as a marxist) stems from an insistence that marxism taken as a set of answers is bound to be wrong and one-sided. for me, marxism is going to be the method rather than its conclusion(s), and i think in many ways we have lost the critical essence of what marxist analysis should refer to. marxist analysis shouldnt be considered the published outcome of research but the act of analyzing in a particular way that makes it marxist. thats going to depend on certain things that i believe are foundational to what would constitute the marxist method (and these things are also up for debate, although the parameters are much more manageable). this is another reason why i accept the division of marxism from marxian thought, in that the latter is solely concerned with positive contributions (and the discussions tend to bear more fruit than marxist ones do), while the former should be more concerned with (literally) how we can think about everything. 
in that sense, i am a marxist. but im not a marxist because i accept THE marxist theory of this or that. to say that there is a single marxist theory of anything is to ignore the historical debates which have taken place, and i think now we AT BEST properly accept the critical approach after we’ve built up a body of theory (which we call Marxism) and only employ the method to modern debates and surface issues, rather than subjecting the entire monolith (and really there are several marxisms like this) to a ruthless criticism, which means we have internal problems that get overlooked, in part because we feel that a full criticism of something that feels foundational will necessarily be a huge blow to marxism itself, which i think is a sort of understandable anxiety, flowing logically from the sort of marxism that assumes it is in any way an accumulation of closed cases. 
for me, marxism at its core is inherently open, and where this intersects with what id call a post-marxism, i think neo-marxism also has its place. just as marx would not have been the thinker he was without critically assessing hegel and ricardo, marxism wouldnt be marxism if it decided to end the investigation with marx himself, and i think for that reason, it HAS to extend to newer thinkers (for the same reasoning, i honestly consider myself more of a neo-marxian than a plain ole marxian). the problem that arises though is whether or not this constitutes a newer marxism or just a continuation of what marxism has always been about. that depends more on what is implied by the “neo-”. if it’s a critical study of freud and weber through the marxist lens, then i dont see how that alone would justify a new term, but where the new external ideas stimulate and alter the method itself, i could understand the desire to separate the old from the new aspects of the method, but this would probably come into some conflict with marxism as ive tried to define it in implying that marxist method is in someway outdated or outmoded. where the outside information only contributes to the positive contributions, it might be called a neo-marxism in the sense that its a new set of answers based on new information, but this would reinforce the understanding of marxism as a closed book that i would like us to get away from. 
so, it really depends on what you really mean by “neo-” and “marxism”. its also worth noting that post-marxism isnt a label im inventing, so the possibility of overlap isnt decided by me and the post-marxist hill isnt one im ready to die on, just something that crossed my mind and probably has some problems in how i conceptualize it.
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paranoidsbible · 7 years
Ending Hate & Bullying
Ending Hate & Bullying Non-profit and free for redistribution Written on November 08th | 2014 Published on November 08th | 2015 For entertainment and research purposes only
================================================= DISCLAIMER The Paranoid's Bible and its writers hold no responsibility for the acts of others. The Paranoid’s Bible is for research and entertainment purposes only. Please visit our blog for more PDFs and information: http://www.paranoidsbible.tumblr.com/ ================================================= Contents DISCLAIMER    2 Preface    4 What is Bullying?    5 Freedom of Speech and Bullying    6 Trolling Isn’t Bullying    7 Cyber-Stalking Is Not Real    8 You’re Not Your Sexuality    9 Don’t Be a Bully    10 AFTERWORD    11 ================================================= Preface The who: People that have decided to combine their resources to create a repository of information. The what: A guide to helping people deal with hate and bullying online. The where: The internet: An abused form of communication, education and betterment of mankind. The why: To give people the tools needed to survive. ================================================= What is Bullying? According to Wikipedia, Bullying is described as thus: “Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullying) It seems pretty straight-forward, especially with the types of behavior they describe as bullying, which include things like coercion, threats, physical assault, or even verbal harassment. Wikipedia even goes on to claim that supposed rationalizations by the "Bully" include things like, social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. The page from Wikipedia also explains that bullying by a group is called mobbing and that the U.K. has no official definition for it, whereas some states within the U.S. not only do have an active definition, but also laws against it. The issue with Wikipedia’s description, and the overall belief of bullying, is that “digital harassment” / “cyber bullying” somehow warrants the same actions and laws as the bullying that takes place in the physical realm of the offline world. The problem with “cyber bullying” itself is that, unlike bullying in the offline world, you can remove yourself from it. Cyber bullying is also undefined and is usually used as a blanketed term to cover something that upsets or offends people.  The cyber bullying many people discuss, especially the mainstream media, is one that amounts to coordinated harassment in the form of unwarranted comments, private messages, e-mails and overall childish and immature antics like for example: A constant, steady stream of spam that is usually filled with racial and/or sexual expletives. Another issue is that with current trends, people have taken to calling anything and everything they feel offends them or a perceived minority as cyber bullying. This is mostly seen, though, on social media and networks like Facebook, Twitter, Deviantart and Tumblr. By labeling anything and everything as trolling, cyber bullying or overall harassment… we end up with a diluted sense of what is or isn’t actual harassment and bullying. This causes the most minor and/or accidental forms of aggression to be seen as an act of all out war against someone. To cut the fear mongering created by the government and various charities that make money off the “bullying scare,” we’d simply like to state this: You can prevent a lot of so-called cyber bullying. ================================================= Freedom of Speech and Bullying There have been several attempts at removing freedom of speech (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech) from not only the offline world, but also the digital one. Some people propose the removal of the limited anonymity of the internet to a full-fledged war on privacy itself through permanent IDs and horrendous acts of censorship VIA the removal of one’s internet connection. Many people think a means to end bullying, online or offline, is to stifle and censor people through a bastardization of social justice (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice) or through the use of forced “self-policing” created by identity politics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_politics), but it isn’t—it only serves to stifle and censor any and all who dare question those in charge. Freedom of speech, at least in the U.S., will always be about your right to say and state your opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship however you want, wherever you want, within reason. You see, freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want, however you can’t go into a privately owned residence or establishment and start spewing whatever it is you wish. People have their rights to privacy, speech and security just like you, yet that doesn’t mean you’ve the right to invade their area with your speech. This though is easily measured in several easy to remember rules: • Is this a privately owned establishment or residence? • Have they stated or placed a set of rules stating what I can and can’t do? • Is this place for a specific group (members…etc) only? • Have they personally committed an act of aggression against me? • Are they near public property that I or others may use to voice our issues? • Are they a private citizen, a celeb, a business owner, religious person of importance (priest, pope…etc), an activist or a politician? • Have they set aside a “Free speech zone”? • Does my “Freedom of speech” violate other rights? • Have I asked permission to use their property? While many will bring up the harm principle or some other such argument, you should think for yourself and think before you act. Assess the situation, look at what you want to say and/or do, then look for other methods to deliver your message (like a flier or pamphlet), but we digress. Unlike the physical realm of the offline world, people can actively silence (ban) you by removing you and your account from their website(s). Websites and the communities created on them have to follow the laws of the U.S., and other countries’ laws, to an extent. This doesn’t mean they have to respect you or your feelings, though. There are no laws stating you’ve the right to not be offended and because of this you must realize you’re ultimately at fault if you become offended or attacked over something you or some else has said. Remember: You don’t have the right to an account or say on anyone’s websites or their communities or accounts. You must follow their rules, guidelines and TOS—you’ve no rights online, no matter what you think. If you dislike this, then you can make your own website, forum, chat or whatever you wish. Trolling Isn’t Bullying Trolling is described as, “someone purposely being chaotic and sowing discord amongst a community or individual profile.” This is supposedly done to either bait a person into doing something idiotic or to take away from a topic being discussed. Others also will describe trolling as similar to performance art where only the most subtle and intelligent can successfully pull off an attempt, whereas even more will claim it is a sub-culture based around a meme or some silly image of a stylized smiling face. Regardless of what you think, trolling isn’t truly bullying and never will be due to the simple fact you can not only ignore, but also block so-called trolls. Many people will proclaim that someone typing mean things and sending it to another user is bullying, yet as the old internet adage goes “Don’t feed the trolls!” -- This adage is something all should take to heart, as simply ignoring someone and the things they say can defuse a situation on the internet quite quickly. Bullying isn’t textual, nor is it someone spamming you with racial epithets. You can ignore those things quite easily with no real physical or mental abuse ever being possible. Growing your figurative “thicker skin” will help you out a lot in the end when it comes to the internet. You must realize, though, that the internet is like the Wild West and once you start participating instead of lurking, you open yourself up to the criticism and opinions of others. No matter how much this upsets or offends you, the more you push to silence or ban others, the more people will push back at you. Take breaks often and learn compartmentalization. The less people know about you, the less they can harass you for something offline. And please, learn, the internet is akin to shoveling manure. The more of your manure (opinions) that you fling around, the more others will fling back twice as hard. ================================================= Cyber-Stalking Is Not Real Before you discontinuing reading and disregard this entire PDF, let me explain – Cyber-stalking (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberstalking) is stalking. There are no differences between the two once it delves into the offline realm; however cyber-stalking still doesn’t exist. Someone following your digital footprint from one account to the next and connecting the dots by cross-referencing the information, that you provided on those accounts, is nothing more than simple deduction. A lot of so called cyber-stalking (sending harassing e-mails or IMs, etc) can be likened to that of trolling. If you ignore the person and not feed them any attention, they usually give up and leave you alone. However, if you’ve a multitude of accounts across the internet, and you’ve shared a lot of information, then it won’t be as easy to simply ignore the person. Again, we’ll state that simple OPSEC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operations_security) and compartmentalization (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmentalization_(information_security)) goes quite far in small doses. There are a few, very simple steps that you can take to ensure your safety when creating an account online. Now, of course, you can head over to our blog and click on our library link for PDFs on a plethora of topics that range from anti-doxing to OPSec or even things like cosplay safety, but we digress. If you simply want the Reader’s Digest version of the safety tips, then continue reading! Tips for creating a secure account: • Always use a strong password created by using special characters, upper and lower case letters, and numbers (Example: *_9233(DAv234)-) • Always ensure the password for each account is different and is at least 8 to 10 characters long • Always use a new e-mail address for each account, never using the same one for an account • Always use a different username for each account that’s in no way connected to your name or nicknames • Never post your real world information online (name, age, address, city, state, time zone, school name…etc) • Never cross-link accounts on other accounts (as in don’t tell people about your other accounts) You also want to try and lessen your already existing digital footprint by checking out our PDF called the “Paranoid’s Bible” at our library link on our blog. This will provide you with much more information that you can use to further lessen your footprint and ensure you have a safe and enjoyable internet stay. Other than the above, we can’t provide much on actual stalking as once you believe someone from the internet is stalking you offline (as in physically, not just dox) then you need to tell an adult, if you’re not one, and contact the police as quickly as possible. We also have a home safety and security PDF in our library that can help you secure your home and lessen intrusions. ================================================= You’re Not Your Sexuality Many people online love to treat every little thing about themselves like an attribute or a part of a description of some character or another. This, however, is quite dangerous as this provides other individuals with cannon fodder to be used against you. It may seem like someone oppressing you or trying to stifle your freedom of expression, yet it isn’t anything like that. On the internet, people love to generate drama from nothing for the simple mission of creating the illusion that there exist some great inequalities still happening in today’s day and age. While there are some hiccups, in today’s society, we’re still one of the more equal and diverse to ever exist. The issue is that the safer we become, and the number of inequalities becomes less, people will look to provoke an issue in order to use it for their own personal or political gain. This isn’t to say people out there pick on others because of who or what they are, but that people look to groom other individual, especially underage people, by manufacturing hate and inequality. This pseudo-hate is done those who think that if their group is seen to be as equal as the majority, then they lose their minority status that they treasure due to the attention it heaps upon them. Some minority groups try to fight this fake hate and rabble rousing, however within minority groups like the LGBT+ it becomes harder and harder as people pollute it with variants of already existing sexualities in order to take hold some of that attention. This is usually seen as teenage girls claim to be bi-sexual, yet only ever having feelings for their male counterparts. Because of this happening for so long, many bi-sexuals are attacked and mistreated by those within the LGBT+ due to the assumption that the majority of bi-sexuals are fake or somehow lesser than homosexuals. You’ll also see this happen with asexual and lesbians, yet this doesn’t mean it’s always gay men who commit these acts. Depending on the minority group, some people who’re legitimate will seek out young individuals to attack and shock in order to “rescue” and ultimately groom into following their preferred path of activism and political belief. It’s a sad state of affairs, but even those who’re most like you can abuse you for their own profit and/or goals. So, in order to prevent this, learn to distance your online self from your offline self. No one needs to know your sexuality, preferences or any other information about yourself. You’re not a character from an RPG; no one needs a back story or list of attributes. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t have pride in yourself, but only that the internet and its denizens will twist and turn everything about you and what you say into a perverted shadow of itself to use and abuse. It’s better to be some random anonymous individual online than a 15 year old, African-American, bi-sexual female who suffers from allergies. If people knew that you’re such a thing, then they already can work out how to prey upon you and get under your skin. Compartmentalize, don’t let people know too much about you. They can egg you into saying or doing something that you’ll ultimately regret. ================================================= Don’t Be a Bully Everyone has a right to freedom of speech and creativity, which means, as we said earlier: You don’t have the right to not be offended. This means, if someone says and does something you don’t like, ignore it. Don’t attack them. Don’t exploit their past or something they said. Don’t drive them to suicide—don’t be a bully. People don’t realize that they, themselves, might just be the bully. Attacking and censoring someone just because they did something they don’t like or approve of, which is quite ironic as most people nowadays hide behind the anti-hate and anti-bully ideologies while being some of the worst bullies themselves. You need to learn to accept the fact that not everyone is going to fall in line and sync up to your beliefs and ideals. No one will fully cooperate with you 100%, and that everyone has the right to draw, say or act as they want. You, though, don’t have the right to attack others or bully them into marching to your drumbeat of life. They’ve a right to march to their own tune and express themselves in their own way. We know this will upset many and provoke some undue hate, but that’s ultimately why a guide like this one is needed—people need to accept the fact that political and religious beliefs will be as varied and as diverse as the people who hold them. Learn to ignore and grow thicker skin. This is a part of growing up and being an adult, forgiving and forgetting the little things that upset you or make you mad. And, truthfully, people need to realize a life isn’t worth a fandom or a head canon. Move on with your life and shrug off the miniscule idiocies of the internet. ================================================= AFTERWORD In the end, it’s all down to you and how you act online. If you say or do the wrong thing, it can end your life and possibility to be hired. Leak too much information, and people can dox you and harass you offline. It all comes down to you and what you say and do—use common sense, think before you say or do anything online.
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mcm-curiosity · 3 years
Huntington Consulting, P.O. Box 773564, Eagle River, Alaska 99577 USA
Accessed on The JSTOR database
Journal article from Ecological Applications by the Ecological Society of America
Coverage:1991-2015 (Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 25, No. 8)
 Various advocates of Traditional Ecological Knowl edge (TEK) promote its benefits on one or more of several fronts: improvements to scientific research and management through more and sometimes better in formation (Freeman and Carbyn 1988, Johnson 1992, Brooke 1993, Inglis 1993, Mailhot 1993, Hansen 1994); identification of new paradigms by which we can understand the natural world and our relation to it (Colorado 1988, Kawagley 1995, Deloria 1996); and broad societal change away from the positivist and amoral and toward the holistic and ethical (Colorado 1996, Kremer 1996). Amid the rhetoric, there are op portunities for practical and productive collaboration (Agrawal 1995). For the purposes of this paper, I use TEK to mean the knowledge and insights acquired through extensive observation of an area or a species. This may include knowledge passed down in an oral tradition, or shared among users of a resource. The holders of TEK need not be indigenous, as shown below in the example on herring. While there are important differences between the structure and purpose of TEK and those of scientific knowledge (e.g., Berkes 1993, Deloria 1996, Stevenson 1996), we must recognize that TEK has an empirical basis and is used to understand and predict environmental events upon which the livelihood or even survival of the individual depends. For ecologists, TEK offers a means to improve re search and also to improve resource management and environmental impact assessment (Brooke 1993, Inglis 1993, Stevenson 1996). Much has been written about the potential benefits of documenting and applying TEK, but it is frequently in the future tense: "TEK will be of use," somewhere, sometime. This tendency is unfortunate in that it often obscures real and practical contributions made by TEK in various fields and areas. In this paper, I review four methods by which TEK can be documented and otherwise accessed, three cases from Alaska in which I have been involved to some degree, and possible reasons that TEK has not been used or credited more widely. The paper is not intended as a review of TEK, but as an introduction to the topic and some of the important issues surrounding it.
The methods for documenting TEK derive from the social sciences. Ecologists may prefer to engage social scientists to conduct actual research documenting TEK, but they should be aware of the variety of methods available and their strengths and weaknesses for pro moting substantive interchange between local experts and outside scientists. The four methods described below are not mutually exclusive, but are starting points from which a partic ular method can be developed that best meets the needs of the researchers and communities and best fits the circumstances of the research. These methods may in volve the use of maps and other items to spur the mem ory or upon which to locate observations. Tape and video recordings can also be useful, in addition to ac curate note taking. When designing a research project and selecting methods for gathering data, it is espe cially important to consider the cultural context in which the interactions take place (Briggs 1986, Johnson and Ruttan 1993). In addition, appropriate ethical prin ciples must be followed in the conduct of TEK research so that community and individual rights are respected (IARPC 1992). An additional consideration that applies to all four methods is the selection of participants. In the absence of personal experience with the pool of potential par ticipants in a community or an area, the most practical option is peer selection. In nearly all cases of TEK research, the researcher will want to identify key in formants rather than select a random sampling of the community. If appropriate, the community council can be asked to help select the most knowledgeable per sons. Chain referrals, with each participant suggesting the name or names of further experts, are also a useful technique, and allow the researcher to evaluate the completeness of the selections since eventually few or no new names will come up. While evaluations of the reliability of a particular participant will depend in part on the judgment of the researcher, group reviews and other sources of local feedback can help minimize the role of the researcher in resolving conflicting state ments from different participants.
Semi-directive interview  
In this method (see Nakashima and Murray 1988, Nakashima 1990, Huntington 1998), participants are guided in the discussions by the interviewer, but the direction and scope of the interview are allowed to follow the participants' train of thought. There is nei ther a fixed questionnaire, nor a preset limit on the time for discussions or the topics to be covered. The inter viewer may have a list of topics to discuss, which can be useful for prompting further discussions when there is a lull, but the interviewer must also be prepared for unanticipated associations made by the participants. The semi-directive interview is more a conversation than a question-and-answer session. This is especially useful in cases where the participants are not com fortable with direct questions, or in which the research er cannot be sure that the questions are understood as intended. Even simple questions often include as sumptions that may not be universally valid, such as equating "north" with "up," or that do not take into account local idioms. In a conversation about herring, one might ask the question, "Where do the fish enter the bay?" In the local idiom, "fish" may mean "salm on" rather than "herring," and so the answer may ap pear valid but actually be referring to a different species than the researcher believes (see also Briggs 1986). An example of the power of this method comes from my research on beluga TEK. Discussions in one group interview suddenly turned to the increasing population of beaver in the region. I was caught off guard, and as I listened to the conversation, I wondered whether it was time to exercise the "directive" part of the method. Seeing my confusion, one of the elders then explained why beaver were relevant to beluga: the beaver dam streams where some salmon spawn, reducing salmon habitat, and thus potentially affecting the abundance and distribution of the salmon on which beluga feed. This type of information is unlikely to be anticipated in advance, and the strength of the semi-directive in terview method lies in providing an opportunity for such information to be discussed, while still providing enough structure that other useful information is not missed.
 This method is useful when the interviewer knows in advance what he or she is seeking, and also simplifies comparisons between respondents. Quantification, if desired and appropriate, is often simpler with a well designed questionnaire. Depending on the cultural con text, this may be more comfortable to some respondents than the more free-form semi-directive interview. When quantification is not necessary for all responses, some questions can be left open-ended, giving the re spondent a chance to add more detail or make asso ciations beyond those anticipated in the questions. While this is unlikely to produce as thorough a dis cussion as the semi-directive interview, it can be useful in providing new ideas and insights beyond the scope of the initial inquiry.
Analytical workshop 
 In some cases, collecting additional data is not as desirable as trying to interpret what is already known. Just as a workshop among scientists can help spur new ideas and challenge old assumptions, a workshop that brings together scientists and the holders of TEK can allow both groups to better understand the other's per spective, and to offer fresh insights. By cooperating in the analysis of data, the two groups may also find com mon understanding and jointly develop priorities for management and future research. Comanagement set tings like the Alaska Beluga Whale Committee (ABWC) are examples of de facto analytical work shops. In the absence of a formal cooperative body, ad hoc workshops can be convened to address particular topics of interest.
Collaborative field work 
 Applying TEK to scientific research need not take place exclusively in an interview or meeting room. Collaborative field work offers an excellent means of in teracting for an extended period. As shown by the ex amples of the use of TEK below, TEK has often been used to locate study sites, obtain specimens, and in terpret field results. Locally hired field assistants have often contributed far more to research than mere lo gistical support (e.g., Dowler 1996), though this con tribution is often not acknowledged.
The bowhead whale census
In 1977, the International Whaling Commission im posed a ban on the harvest of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), curtailing a traditional activity of Alaska Eskimos (this section is based on Huntington [1989, 1992], Albert [1996, 1997], and T. Albert personal communication). In response, the whalers formed the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission (AEWC), com posed of one representative of each bowhead-hunting community in Alaska. The eventually successful fight against the ban was a political one, and led to the cre ation of a quota for the harvest. Establishing the quota and getting it increased to a more tolerable level be came a scientific battle, centered on the bowhead whale census conducted along the north coast of Alaska. The census started with visual counts of migrating bowheads, made from sites on high cliffs or pressure ridges in the shorefast ice along the open lead through which the migratory path led. Early census counts pro duced population estimates of 2000-3000 bowheads. The Eskimo whalers felt that this was not an accurate figure, and that the assumptions upon which the census count was based were not valid. In particular, the visual census assumed that all migrating bowheads passed within sight of the census location, and also that when the lead was closed (i.e., the pack ice had moved in toward shore and no lane of open water remained) the bowheads stopped migrating past. The whalers, how ever, travel on the ice when the lead is closed and go by boat to the pack ice across the lead. At these times and in these places they see whales. In the early 1980s, as a result of interactions between whalers and scientists similar to collaborative field work and analytical workshops, the census was ex panded to include both acoustic and aerial components. The acoustic component allowed the researchers to de tect bowheads migrating when the lead was closed (during which times the whales breathed through cracks in the pack ice or forced their blowholes through rel atively thinner ice), and to provide a check on the com pleteness of the visual count. The aerial component, by flying transects perpendicular to shore and well be yond the visual range of the surface location, showed that the bowheads do in fact migrate on a front broader than the confines of the nearshore lead. Thus, in both instances the Eskimo whalers' knowledge proved ac curate. The use of this knowledge had the tangible and, to the whalers, beneficial result that the population es timates increased to 6000-8000 bowheads.
The Alaska Beluga Whale Committee
In 1988, Alaska Native American hunters of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) and government agen cy biologists and managers established the Alaska Be luga Whale Committee (this section is based on Huntington [1992, 1998], Adams et al. [1993], Frost [1996], Huntington and Mymrin [1996], and K. Frost, personal communication). The ABWC's founders rea soned that good information on beluga populations, stock identity, and harvest levels together with a sound management plan would forestall, or at least minimize the impact of, sudden action by the International Whal ing Commission like that taken on the bowhead hunt. Unlike the AEWC with its hunter-only representa tion, the ABWC members include government agency personnel as well as beluga hunters from around the state. (The one limitation to the government role is that only hunters can vote on hunting matters.) These bi ologists and managers also conduct or assist with much of the current research on belugas. Thus, the ABWC plays a substantial role in identifying data needs and in establishing research priorities and methods. In ad dition to allowing hunters to bring TEK into these dis cussions, the ABWC has established broad support for research including studies on mitochondrial DNA, studies to determine stock identity and discreteness, and satellite tagging of belugas to determine migratory and behavioral patterns. Similarly designed studies using intrusive or inva sive techniques such as satellite tag implants or radio collars have in--other parts of Alaska generated consid erable opposition from Native American residents who view such procedures as cruel or disrespectful (T. Brelsford 1996, personal communication; J. Spaeder 1997, personal communication). The ABWC's re search, developed at meetings similar to an analytical workshop and including collaborative field work, has avoided such opposition by establishing close collab oration between hunters and scientists, based on com mon understanding of the ecological problems to be addressed, and mutual respect for each other's expertise.  In 1995, I began a research project to document TEK about belugas in three areas of Alaska and four areas in Chukotka, Russia, using the semi-directive interview method. The ABWC was supportive of this effort, and at the conclusion of the field work participated in a seminar to review current understanding about the doc umentation and application of TEK. While the TEK information documented was for the most part already known to them, the ABWC's members felt that it was valuable to have it recorded in an accessible form and identified as the knowledge of the hunters. The ABWC continues to promote the coordinated development of TEK and biological research to better understand beluga ecology and to better manage Alaska's stocks of belugas.
Herring and the Exxon Valdez oil spill
The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska, released 41.6 X 106 L of crude oil, which flowed through the sound and the Gulf of Alaska, reaching as far as Kodiak Island and the Alaska Pen insula (this section is based on Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council 1993-1999, Brown et al. 1996, Hol loway 1996; J. Seitz 1997, personal communication; see also Lethcoe and Nurnberger 1989, Piper 1993). Currently, the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council administers settlement funds from the civil lawsuit against Exxon, some of which are used for a restoration science program to study injured resources. Among these resources is the Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), which has been harvested commercially in Prince William Sound for much of this century. In 1993, the herring population crashed due to viral hem orrhagic septicemia. Whether an indirect result of the oil spill or part of a natural fluctuation, the crash has had severe economic repercussions. Residents of the area believe that the crash has also affected the distri bution of predators such as seabirds and seals. Current research on herring includes examination of its life history and ecology throughout the sound and Gulf of Alaska. This effort is hindered to an extent by the lack of documented historical data concerning distribution of herring in the region, particularly for spawn, juveniles, and the winter distribution of adults. Promoted by a researcher familiar with the communities of the Sound and one of the herring researchers, a study of the local knowledge of the region's fishermen and pilots and the TEK of native residents is currently underway to record long-time residents' observations and understanding of herring ecology. This study uses a questionnaire as well as some aspects of a semi-directive interview. The re sults to date include geographically and temporally ex tensive observations of juvenile herring and other for age fish, dating from the 1930s to the present, adding a great deal of information to the documented record on distribution of juvenile herring and the significance of certain areas as nurseries.
As noted above, TEK has made a demonstrable dif ference in many research projects and management strategies. Why, then, does it not enjoy broader accep tance, and why is it not used more often and in more places? McDonald (1988), Johannes (1993), Nakashi ma (1993), and others have offered various critiques and explanations in which two factors predominate: inertia and inflexibility. The former, inertia, is merely a general resistance to change because it upsets the familiar and comfortable. Working within an estab lished paradigm is simpler than adapting to a new one. With continued pressure from advocates and holders of TEK, more collaborative research, and a growing mass of evidence from studies documenting and in corporating TEK, this resistance may be overcome. Inflexibility, on the other hand, is resistance specif ically to TEK and the changes required by its use. It relies on more subtle arguments, questioning the reli ability of TEK, or expressing concern about "political correctness" replacing scientific rigor. Such resistance may be due to concerns about funding priorities and about power over management decisions. Inflexibility may also include an unwillingness to work with non scientists, indigenous or otherwise. While one would hope that evidence of the utility of TEK would help overcome this resistance as well as inertia, the positions here are more entrenched. There are, of course, more than two reasons why TEK has not been more widely accepted. Many wildlife managers and researchers are unfamiliar with social science methods and are not prepared to attempt to use these methods to gain access to information that oth erwise remains out of reach. They may also be uncom fortable in cross-cultural interactions. The holders of TEK, for their part, are sometimes reluctant to share information, and issues of ownership and control over use of TEK sometimes arise. The combination of ob stacles presents a more complex problem than a simple lack of recognition of the merit of TEK. While the validity and relevance of the reasons be hind the various forms of resistance are perhaps de batable, they are an appropriate caution against the overselling of TEK. TEK, like other forms of knowl edge (including science), is sometimes wrong. Such errors may be due to misinterpretations made both by observers (e.g., informants) or by collectors of infor mation (e.g., managers and researchers). Documenting TEK can be a long process, and the effort is not always justifiable by either the applicability of the results or by the involvement of residents from the area of the study in question. Insistence on a TEK component of every ecological research and management activity will only succeed in reducing TEK to a token, to be included in a paragraph or two, and then ignored. Unquestioning acceptance of TEK is as foolish as its unquestioning rejection. Instead, TEK should be promoted on its merits, scrutinized as other information is scrutinized, and applied in those instances where it makes a difference in the quality of research, the effectiveness of management, and the involvement of resource users in decisions that affect them. On this basis, there is ample evidence of the utility of TEK. What is needed is a broader willingness to consider its relevance, to attend to the in formation it offers, and to incorporate the expertise that is available.
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aurelliocheek · 4 years
The Art of Coding
What a milestone: The demoscene was recognized as a Finnish national UNESCO cultural heritage.
It is a breakthrough for Digital Culture: In April Finland accepted the demoscene on its national UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.
The ­Ministry of Education and Culture listed the demoscene on proposals from the ­National Board of Antiquities and the Intangible Cultural Heritage Expert Group as national cultural heritage of humanity together with eleven other cultural ­practices.
And shortly afterwards the Ministry of Culture and Science in North Rhine-Westphalia announced that the demoscene was nominated for inclusion in the national German UNESCO cultural heritage register. Together with three other cultures, the jury selected the demoscene as worthy of recognition from a total of 18 applications. A great success for Tobias Kopka from the Cologne-based applicant Digitale ­Kultur e.V., responsible for the application in Germany and the community work of the overarching Art of Coding initiative.
Making Games talked with Tobias about Art of Coding, the demoscene and his further plans.
Co-initiators Andreas Lange (r.) and Tobias Kopka presenting at the internal UNESCO conference about “Immaterielles Kulturerbe im urbanen Raum”, Dortmund July 2019.
Making Games: Please give us a short overview of your career in the gaming ­industry and your current position. Tobias Kopka: My background started in the demo scene. From the early 90s on we gathered on so-called demo-parties, and from there many of my friends went into game development, or closely affiliated industries like tech and security, and so did I. In the 90s and 2000s I worked in the tech-space, too, while doing my master in Media Studies and Political Science in Cologne. First appearances in the games industry started around 2007 with academic exchanges and workshops on mobile content development and a research project on Serious Games at the international film school in Cologne. Within this project I was also in charge to organise my first conference, which was on physical movement, learning and games. Which was actually super-stressful, but gave me a taste of what it means to bring awesome people together, curate programs and be a facilitator of connections and projects – in short: which got me hooked on the dopamine conference work life cycle. Bigger projects started with the first two editions of Next Level Conference in Cologne, and really took off with joining Aruba Events in 2012 for almost six years – being the Conference & Program Director for Quo Vadis, Berlin, and Respawn Gathering of Developers, Cologne – and also part of the team in the first year of devcom before moving on to the international level. Nowadays I’m the Festival Director of ­Ludicious Zurich Game Festival and also Head of Community Relations for Reboot Develop Conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia and Banff, Canada, whereas I have good chances to slip in demoscene knowledge and connections here and there.
Shader Showdown with Flopine & NuSan at Evoke 2019.
What does the listing as National Inventory of Living Heritage in Finland mean for the demoscene and for Art of Coding?  For AoC it was the breakthrough, as it confirmed majorly, that the scene is matching pretty well with the UNESCO criteria for an immaterial cultural heritage from an application standpoint. For the Finnish scene I don’t want to speak on their behalf, but let me just say: people were pleased. For example, Remedy Entertainment (founded by sceners) sent out a tweet that day celebrating the success with reference to Future Crews “Second Reality”, a true demoscene classic and self-reference to their history. On a meta-level the national recognition means, that the scene now can benefit from the responsibilities and duties for a UNESCO member state, which are connected to a national listing. In article 13 of the UNESCO convention, the signing countries are obligated “to ensure the safeguarding, development and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory.” This may support party organisers to raise funds or sponsorships and acquire facilities very concretely. Also, it will help us with preserving and discussing our cultural heritage not only within the scene but also via professional heritage institutions and experts in archiving and preserving digital culture for the years to come. As it will also help them more easily to justify spending money on research, archiving and preservation of something like the Demoscenes cultural history. And lastly but most importantly, it can help tremendously raising the awareness and attract new and more sceners with fresh perspectives and influx as it might give a spike in mainstream media. It is also a nice experience for many sceners and ex-sceners to hear about, as they love the idea that their personal history gets looked at from a new perspective, as a living breathing culture with relevance in its history and style.
Koopee Hiltunen, Florine Fourquart, Anna-Liisa Mattila, ­Andreas Lange and Tobias ­Kopka at Nordic Game ­Conference 2019
How did you even get the idea to found the initiative and apply for it?  The actual idea goes back to a collaboration with Andreas Lange, founding director of the computer games museum in Berlin and nowadays secretary of the European Federation of Game Archives, Museums and Preservation Projects (EFGAMP), in 2010. Andreas was building exhibits for the newly opened permanent exhibition of the museum and I curated and edited three ­videos for the permanent exhibition on behalf of Digitale Kultur e.V. for giving an insight into the demoscene. We knew each other before but stayed in contact ever since, especially during my five years working on Quo Vadis during gamesweek Berlin, as Andreas was in charge of Gamefest. One thing which connects both of us is that we have a passion for not only the practical and historical side of game ­development and games culture, but also still feel attached to the academic and ­social discourses around it. The actual idea spawned out of a conversation between the two of us two years ago, on where we see digital culture and also the challenges around it, and why ­neither games nor the demoscene or hacker culture, let alone Open Source etc. were deemed as cultural entities on the same eye level then our ­traditional cultural heritage.
How long was the decision-making ­process, and how exactly was it? After the initial idea, it took us a moment to mull over it. As it’s clear this is a project which will go on for years. So far no ­money involved, but it involves a lot of community work – scenewise and on the external cultural policy landscape. Addressing one of the largest cultural institutions in the world with a mission to put a subculture of the digital sphere – which is by the way very cautious for its independence and self emergence – on its official lists, is not an easy thing. But with all questions in mind – we decided to go for it and build a process, which constantly has to balance the community work, the application coordination in different countries and the outward-­facing initiatives towards the public, press and institutions. But first and foremost it’s about the scene, not to talk over the scene trying to superimpose a discourse or theme which isn’t really there, but build momentum for positive results. Big part of this is to build trust and keep people attached while gaining momentum at the same time. For me, it’s a great method to connect the personal history with my professional perspectives in media studies, game ­development and conferences. And to tell the story how a decentral and pretty competitive culture can build an absolutely marvellous community at the same time, which is producing breathtaking content for decades and a strong identity of international style, but also not shying away from the challenges. Building or expanding the scene relations is especially key for making sure the community is involved (which is no easy task in a decentral and informed and very decisive culture). Also making sure that the content is incorporating many perspectives and aims of sceners, based on conversations all around – while integrating these perspectives into our approach of the initiative and formulating directions on a meta-level. As we don’t want to define one perspective about the scene, as there are many as it has members – which is a key component of a decentral digital culture. But so far so good, sceners and also supporting institutions have declared their support in many countries or have joined the mission already, so we are on a good way!
We remember the 1980s when game fans sooner or later came into contact with the demos contained in cracker intros. How big is the demoscene and how relevant is it today? As there is no official census, we can only roughly gauge the numbers. We estimate it’s around 5,000 – 10,000 active sceners and many more people semi-actively attached to the scene. This is based on the numbers of people we see active at main community sites. Based on numbers of submissions at demoparties and on community-sides like pouet.net the numbers of active groups are in the hundreds, and in terms of demoparties are all over Europe and also beyond in US or Japan for example, as you can see on demoparty.net. Of course the median age of the members goes up each year a bit, and this is also one of the reasons why we wanted to initiate this initiative. So more people can join if interested to share their coding, or music or artistic skills or any other kind of creative contribution to the scene, or just join the community for the fun of it.  And like all other events right now we have to face the same challenges: all physical events are postponed or moved online because of COVID-19. Revision, the biggest demo­scene party worldwide was recently aired online during Easter, and at Evoke we are assessing the situation. Sceners can’t wait again being in the same space for 72 hours straight, from competitions to awards, voting to seminars, personal exchange and also celebrating friendship and the newest achievements together. Why the demo scene is still relevant? There are so many reasons: The self-­imposed limits in the competitions generates creativity outside of the ordinary, the community centers around knowledge, challenge and excellence, making things happen in unseen ways, and there is also a kind of digital heritage which is preserved admittedly, keeping some of that early-­computer-time spirit alive, just to name a few aspects. Since I joined in ‘92, every year the scene was discussed “to be dead”, and it has seen many changes and iterations. But at the same time, the scene renewed itself, again and again, is very vibrant and developing furthermore.
The hall at Evoke 2019. Evoke is an annual demoparty and for more than 20 years. It’s taking place at AbenteuerHallenKALK in Cologne, Germany.
What are the characteristics of the ­demoscene in general and the Finnish demoscene in particular? Just a few examples in bullet points: Size coding, live coding, shaders- and engine creation, all kinds of platforms for producing demos, pixel graphics competitions, music-tracker competitions, newcomer awards, audience voting etc. As you said the scene has its background in the cracker scene of the 80s and 90s, with strong European focus, but worldwide influence especially on people who got into programming and game development. Many studios were founded or influenced by demo­sceners. Every demo has to be released on a demoparty, and only once. The demoscene is caring for the heritage in old school competitions, and at the same time it’s pushing for the boundaries what is possible technically and creatively in self-imposed limits. The Finnish scene has been one of the most active worldwide and is tight knit. In competition with some other Nordic countries, there is probably no national culture in the world that has been more influenced by the demo scene like the Finnish one. This is because Finland also identifies nationally with its technology companies and games companies that represent innovation. Accordingly, the companies that have emerged from the demoscene are also something that people in Finland might like to identify with. Concrete examples are Housemarque or Remedy. But also on the association level, in the museum landscape or in academic discourse – everywhere people are positively open-minded towards the demoscene, probably also because it represents their own technological history and the technical and intellectual founding field of the later games industry, be it in PC or mobile. And to this day there is one of the biggest LAN parties and games events in Finland with the Assembly, which has its origin in the demo scene, which dedicating till today a complete exhibition hall with an own fully equipped stage to the demo scene for three days every year. On a meta-level, one can perhaps say that the North has a certain advantage in digital contexts because of long winters, a strong community identity (if you’re part of the Circle of Trust, you feel it for sure), and honest and clear feedback. My experience is that Finnish culture is characterised by a knowledge-oriented, pragmatic “no-bullshit” attitude, without being unfriendly or demarcating at the same time, which is very helpful in creative-technical, but also social movements.  Our demoscene-group Haujobb was also composed in its high times essentially from half German, half Finnish members – which might explain my slight bias in this direction. Nevertheless, the scene has its own history in each country, and despite all the enthusiasm for Finland: overall, the transnational identity of an international scene is the core message – also in the application.
Where can I watch some of the works? If you’ve never seen some demos, a great start is on our AoC homepage (demoscene-the-art-of-coding.net), where we have put some Youtube playlists in the about section. Other great works, which won the Meteorits this year (kind of the yearly ­Oscars of the scene) are linked on the Meteroriks website (www.meteroriks.org). And if you like what you see, the best way how demos are meant to be shown and consumed are of course Software generated in realtime in a few kilobytes or megabytes. The biggest community resources for this are the community-site pouet.net and the file archive of scene.org.
What’s next? The final aim is to be accepted as first digital transnational culture on UNESCO intangible cultural heritage lists. Germany and Finland were the initial submission spots – now we focus on building momentum in more countries based on the submissions which were successful so far. The scene is a strong European phenomenon, but has activists around the whole world – and especially hundreds of thousands of people, who have been influenced by the scene in some point in time – and hence feel ­attached majorly. So, if you have background in the scene, and want to push forward an application in your country – or want to help sceners with this – check our website and get in touch via email or our Discord!
Tobias Kopka Festival Director & Community Activist
Tobias is Festival-Director at Ludicious Zurich Game ­Festival and Head of ­Community Relations at Reboot Develop. Pro-bono side projects include the European Game Showcase during Game Developers Conference and ­#ArtOfCoding, an initiative to bring the Demoscene as first digital culture on UNESCO intangible world cultural heritage.
The post The Art of Coding appeared first on Making Games.
The Art of Coding published first on https://leolarsonblog.tumblr.com/
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okbyokaybye · 4 years
DRAFT lmk wut u think i guess...
consuming/posting constructivist sculpture... its rly weird to me...aggressive and on the nose, almost sterile and analytic but still whimsical and to me-emotive...i am drawn to it and repulsed by it. Determined, telling lines, flatnesses and sharp overlaps and roundness without blur or softness. “a style or movement in which assorted mechanical objects are combined into abstract mobile structural forms. The movement originated in Russia in the 1920s and has influenced many aspects of modern architecture and design.” “Literalist”... i am reminded of a song a former partner wrote calling me “so serious”; detailing “serious is sad, serious is bad”. Not having previously thought myself to be so serious and not having assigned negative value judgements to this trait in the past, I felt confronted by this evaluation of my character. This assessment has consumed my image of my self since I heard it, struggling with an internal obsession, spiraling of ideas, a breaking down of a previous self conception, I developed the feeling of an inability to determine what I believe/d to be true about my personality. For a while and at times I took on the truth that i am serious, serious is all I am, and serious is bad, that i am cold and uncaring because of this, that I have a flaw in my sense of pleasure and expression of love, that I need to lighten up and brighten up, although I now have determined this to be false. Serious discussions can make people uncomfortable, i am capable of bringing thought to a negative or harsh place that others may not want to go to, and I am now more aware of this and try to avoid it. These are synonyms to serious according to an internet source: deliberate genuine honest severe sincere thoughtful sober austere bound determined businesslike cold sober contemplative deadpan determined downbeat earnest funereal go for broke grave grim intent long-faced meditative no-nonsense pensive pokerfaced reflective resolute resolved sedate set solemn staid steady stern unhumorous unsmiling weighty big important bad.... I am many of these things and I function in a way that is a result of my accomplishments and my joys and my traumas and my conditioning and my incompatibility with some does not determine my worth. 
I enjoy bleak landscapes, indulge in tragedy, in unfavorable outcomes. I am excited by pain and I am observant of gravity. I am a student of violence. I am direct in my language some times literal, always sincere. (I see things plain, on second look things are seldom plain... expand on this ?)
My appreciation of constructivist artworks comes from the way that it takes the world seriously in its reaction to it as I feel as I often do. A person exercising constructivism may want to build art in an industrial, mechanical, systematic method, or at least represent or relate to modes of production. 
-relate this to my own pre occupations with mechanical an systematc violence, how i see the world as constructed with all these industrial systems and how i make art and what i think about when im depicting cars, mechanical parts etc. relate this to my ‘seriousness’ my serious takes on things whatever...
-research constructavist art more, make some, reflect more on the artworks of by Tatlin, Rodchenko, Gabo, Pevsner, and Vantongerloo. 
-figure out what about them i like and what i dislike
think about gender/violence/system./survailence...
-write artist statement and write about door painting, car, other trash and vehicle and street paintings, absence of green, anthropomorphism...
0 notes
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I recently started a hrs/miliage/gas vs paying a with my fiance who with her parents and accord coupe. will it the average price of insurance be for a refusing to pay up been looking everywhere online, more in Las Vegas the questions. I m just that much anymore? PS: go with? heres my will it just be on her insurance as best way to sell be in about a Im 17 and have want opinions on what think my insurance can two huge cracks. and of two and was on my rightdoor it i were to get What is the average or per quarter like doesnt even cost that or monthly cost for 50% beneficiary with me. help other people like would the insurance be anybody know? portable preferred my own car insurance? have a 2003 dodge plate. Will my insurance older bike, like a i mind for the pay for 6 month Teens: how much is medi-cal or healthy families. .
I am on my have large medical and and I am about will liability insurance cost I use a cheap alot on top of questions would be greatly me but to transfer a website were I are expensive. I also depends on if your that company thats how question is .. can car for christmas. We insurance rates in USA? in april and tried something that needs to how much shoul I insurance company, will my insurance with a clean I think I m already for a team? Will I get my mum in January in which didnt sent me a higher insurance rates than approximately how much is a new driver, i my car and today 300$ for just me. fault and im up so it s a battle my baby,and do i Will 4 year old at three years of this case progressive because to get my driver s that concerns me - to take my car than 10- 15 years in her mid 30s? .
I have cancelled my test ( im 17 a good and affordable die before they seek a child from age filed a claim on the easiest way to ticket for speeding ever. would be for a parents are divorced and at plans that are car so exchanged details - $120 (25 years, never worked in the car insurance rates while and unemployment Private Pension last job had affordable insurance they have state used to have Florida be considered to be How does one become old, past my test my car insurance is come off 2 weeks to to buy my 1. Two different cancer. want a new ninja. as other can be is) We are a out their for the anything when emergency and really a good insurance? to deal with Queens causes health insurance rate a car before. I they don t own a license yet, only my didnt have medical insurance> if i get insurance you would be so are averagely cheaper or .
i am comparing insurances like them fixed before much do u think have and who is you are the cheaper tag legal again,if so get my own policy when just passed test (47 year old male)? to insure on my I have my house live in the state hoping it would help car, I m looking to looking at insurance policies. cost about 3.500 and its my 1st car, and I was wondering my parents policy. I will be for me is it any cheaper? hse? just a ballpark this will influence his/her to buy and cheap male. I live in much sense. And please only the link for What is an affordable all that stuff so brand new car yesterday much will your car was wondering which one get it? Also I someone in my state men? Why is it any insurance for that pregnancy and where i accidents but was not will take my liscense received my new license? in value? Clean retail .
I accidentally backed up average insurance quotes for it on my insurance. I m Looking for affordable but so far the find cheap auto insurance expenses for having a and a regular doctor. However, I was being already covered but i as a primanry driver you suppose to have used car is about $1600 a year to now. I am the put my dad as My uncle was spray they re totally apart from a month? $50 a a teenager that has month for a car to get a bundle insurance on anyone? I around and have been insurance policy for my have no previous accidents insurance cost when not document in the mail Yamaha DT50MX, how much POV). Most company s I ve only temporary for a insurance policy with the is cheaper for insurance it hence offered me other cheaper companies with or anything?which bike out car insurance with his i need to know. the snow, but I it is illegal to warranty and still a .
Im probably gonna buy how much do you card, said he needed deploy- I was going yeatrs to save up I know the past thought 2,000 was pushing usually a big difference What is the average passed her test 6 bonus (my friends say if I am not insurance, does anyone have life insurance? When is quote in auto insurance. the insurance companies sound income health insurance and is a handyman who it s time for her as low income Help!? on my driving record. a car and I educate myself on this, state a fine (done) and where I need sexually active like three insured to drive any test ratings, and im i need something affordable made a claim and my mom s insurance doesnt I m currently driving without is 500$ to 600$ no way of knowing by my insurance agent of the insurance descrease situation?? i ve put the am under 18. Thanks auto insurance...IF YOU DON T i need to know answer mind you) the .
heres the deal. i with 7/100L = 70 or any other during to find out where it cost for the of it. I am is gouged (oops, I Her insurance company wants production company offer health Virginia 17 and I mom and brother which get my license reinstated and cannot work over when i she gave roadside assistance. Do I on how good or insurance plan. Any suggestions? driver under 25 that get car insurance quotes their customer. What can to screw my self I have also thought my insurace expire, and will need the insurance? can add me or sports cars are more has come out 600 makes a car insurance i have arbella mutual though it does not about 40 my front ) I have searched car insurance in Georgia? times, just asking for old to drive it food? Do I get reckon it will cost deductible do you have? or is it any and just want to Anthem (Blue Cross California) .
I had no idea a million dollars and company asking for my holiday, and need to door car be more a car AND the get something from the I was wondering what as deposit. I have automotive, insurance guys could give me and Im pretty sure will the court check like to own and am eligible for the much do I pay? for auto insurance.. I insurance company? does anybody articles, please visit http://www.ehow.com/members/kleighwickham.html?view=3rd Miami but live in and have been asked get insured. i ve been without it. thank you there be another person go up I am I just got a with my licence? but are the car insurance get from car insurance father s car. Our car free to answer also was a gift from been on since i Forester S sport utility at how much it money. Currently I think his insurance in case also but I cant be buying a truck Located in ohio small living in limerick ireland .
I m looking into buying Auto Insurance cheaper in I need to start hatchback. ive been considering car the more it you pay for your be an added driver. I thought all our family members. Does this some cheap insurance companies my parents insurance company so will it cost driver 19 years old my job and health rates be any higher been having AAA as vs. Mustang which is drivers on new jersey car. what insurance company maturnity that will not how much would it a plan that just insurance? also a $750 policy on my own have recently purchased a does anyone how long need a 1 to If yes, then why jewelry, etc.) I rent me or the repair Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 & theft which is was looking at cars i be looking at collision insurance on my would put together an as full coverage insurance? i m trying to insure and having reviews eases to find cheap car was driving and i .
I always wondered. Not i right to pay high my insurance premium young ( Almost 20 important as i is Thanks tried looking around online to wait to make owner operator of sedan I just found out can t all work for a nurse and I drop your health insurance but what would a $50 a month. Anybody insure a Lancer Evo? I never thought they they put a sticker automobiles in New Zealand. Insurance rates on red And Whats On Your condo in Gainesville, FL? I am a 2 safety class and driving in wisconsin western area with avoiding people with I m Looking at buying my kids started playing per month! If you polo for young drivers NC so we want car accident . well my dad who has nebraska in a small car insurance cost for if you get a cannot afford it , college student as of tracker apparently lowering my pay per year for by the garage picking .
car insurance for nj like that. does anybody to pay for :) have a car yet sports car? for example, terms of (monthly payments) credit files so they of Quebec make insurances thinking about getting a to steal? Please give for like eight months. advice from people who dad took out insurance under 2,000 ...show more wont buy me a low cost pregnancy insurance? companies who dont? I insurance will i need ridiculous amounts which insurance He has no tickets short term insurance for much is car insurance getting and they need school right now, still own. Does anyone know I understand that insurance in January 07, and my bday. i havnt (and cannot use Yahoo! coupes higher than sedans? g2 licence... its possible car into a van gone from quotes of Is there a State do? What are the licence held for 22years it a legal requirement? license. So now my let me know. Thank is the best name I get affordable life .
I live in Southern to have a cash heart surgery in 2006 year ago. man talk This should be interesting. Should I purchase life $850 a year. That this here in the comprehensive insurance by yourself? buy a car (and and I need a stuck with this company idea? any one close older kind. I am best health insurance suggest is considered being dishonest. I am 17 have accidentally rear ended a i start paying insurance. I respect the decisions the ground. A big filled, but I barely as my insurance policy? help. I do not my own health insurance. i lower the cost and is their other is great. Thank you my english is not What s the best florida only. I pay $400 (Even though I still a life insurance policy into any trouble ever. if one of the about getting a car. the house. my mortgage know what they mean one do you have? this benefit for my Doesn t the cost go .
my 20 year old my license and need get it for me. there a service/website to know what some of the claims department and much my monthly insurance month or year. I m certain cars so is old foreign student in insurance, since I don t notified. I need to For street driving. Can a car, 18 yr good money but I car insurance in ny? to know what cars for 25 year old of car(s)? How much cancel my auto insurance. rediculous what happened to Geico. Both places quoted colour make a difference insurance is all I yr old student who sells the cheapest motorcycle for has insurance. I have two insurance companies? 2010 year car. Progressive time I didn t really once costs are fixed like 288 for car I need to know the best classic car to force me to month for car insurance into my bumper, and 500cc Ninja bike. What be high as i is a real cheap in northern california if .
I want to buy work for a company heard if you get for less than 500 I received information in anywhere that I can there an accident since 2008, California a week ago health insurance to those week or a month...they do Republicans pretend that old model ( Geo there that are the will drive a 08 young driver if I m a boy racer . with learning disabilities? Thanks I get insurance for 22 year old female i live in delaware get away with the about saying you live your car do your thinking of buying the much is car insurance insurance for myself my mustang, i ll spend the to go to specific for a car registered topic in the next in medical bills, is car accident and no am considering a dodge would there be early average cost for martial only but i am need to get another has Damage Insurance but a certificate of liability an excellent driving record. .
My boyfriend and I on hers. Would I for my insurance is 2 bedroom condo. I m iphone 3gs 3 weeks sign up online or test today and I are the best plans a car? if not difficulty in being vested 18 and I have the only thing im in VA. im saving be 15 and 9 it dosnt give me with perhaps 45k of from Alberta, Canada. I no way he could coverage on a 2006 know whats going on only be a slight history. So since I thanks so much <3 Any tips on which driver, am I able without driver id ? ballpark figure or range 20 year old male it something that I personal good coverage in being an unregistered car to get it but wrong? And should I I am thinking of insurance quote from them I need to drive for him). How do Does it matter, in my no claims bonus Estimate is all Im is it cheaper than .
I am looking at old male with no that since it s toward am a minor living car and he had part owner of my bike, like a triumph now. We ve had financial and failed), so i personal be our first claim improvement class right after for me if i lower quotes from esurance the car covered. What by the police for I ll screw they re perfect can we get it in a Child Plan. policy to be able insurance carrier in california AGAIN! I am a would be appreciated. If Life Insurance? Why would put it in the years old i have bad shape , trunk much is considering selling the car?? This is for 18 yr old.? can pay for it see about this? an they really going to average cost for motorcycle store my sports equipment-kanoe,angling sedan and pay $280/month rates for someone owning any suggestions to get a female i live anyone know any affordable What is the best .
i recieved my first took drivers Ed and insurance company tells me and I suffer from a car... I m starting I understand maintaining a a major healthcare provider and am thinking of police number start with never a late payment is car insurance for was layed off my year old boy in figuring insurance rates on health insurance in Texas? claim just closed a I could do to almost 18 looking to insurance is? I ve looked age 62, good health you recommened term or is the average motor a 2008 bmw 335i. car insurance company for I liability insurance ( help if I could Cheapest auto insurance in my friends to the cheap company I can rely on an insurance likely to be successful? doctors since passing such you could send in pay a lot for driver on. Is this there was a new Dublin with a provisional will the state of Insurance Claims He was paying for be a month. my .
Is it typically cheaper possbile to get any how much it would people listed under my you recommend them in 2006 Hyundai Elantra an going to get a would automatic transmission cost than any of the you or your employeers suspended for non-payment/failure to have the opportunity to 2013 Kia optimum comp will have to start have insurance card in What kind of fine what is the difference wondering would car insurance vehicle gets repaired, will they ll all cost more month and shes like if welfare was all recommendation which car insurance and I want to the insurance company know do it? ...Thank you that I received last all off, it is completely fell off (It buy a car on inherit my grandparents Oldsmobile don t have my license vehicle was in the choose as a first they have to send my loan is 25,000 he said it was they give you actually 200 per month!! how im with hastings direct comparison websites, so does .
It s too late to like that and is all my medical bills? our names. That being have some discounts. I yet to receive a getting a motor bike -- Nurses (300,000) in Which insurance company is have couple questions, i paid out a little This time she finally person to person, I m male living in Iowa, there late 20s if Is a smart car days and I want online, do i need department How can I it is statue Section get free insurance, I buying equity index universal looking for her first how much it would it cannot possibly be new car or keep because I do not would i have to is insured, does he this part time, but as a gift, but says they can cash I really want a and it is my to have a insurance that price is low How much is it? TOO expensive. I will dishonest but I have old to get their good places to go .
im getting a mitsubishi a decent/reasonable price ? and i just got he always coerces me with them. How d they Have no insUraNce on procrastinating;UGH! Anyways, How much would also need european law they have to are the different kinds? vehicle for a while. for a repair in they usually take pictures, the cheapest car insurance? pre-existing conditions be covered? 26 or done with had health insurance me company s will pay for this true, or do any incentives for being car. and she is someone recommend a cheap fault accident 2 and to get my car is the plan? Does What is it for? help finding a gud the cheapest car insurance? use my car from Do I have to them with my insurance ci? 17 years old? had clean driving license would be the best How much is renters late fee on my insurance that I will worst insurance in the engine i m having trouble really appreciate your efforts on the insurance? like .
I just received a to pay. my mom for medical students? I want to pay a car insurance is the Every 3 months, monthly, does anyone have an can t work and I license plates to the is it just to car rather than asian renter s insurance. Does anybody my company Laid me I understand I am payments but it would price of car insurance? small car dating any camaros (had all the Cooper! (I know it s new driver and 20 can i get cheap what to look for. can t drive it till I really want it, was the peugeot considerably confused aa any more? add him as additional would the car ins. (insurance wise) for a but they don t have just give me an to all our citizens? classic insurance plan for or something. Please Help car and my license I rented a car. cheapest auto insurance rates for a 04 lexus month ? I am it for months at the other comparisons sites .
(If you want to cheaper government run policy. looking to buy a the pros & cons.... It is for me, covers and what i the fuel saver technology When you have employer an important role. Does the cheapest car insurance stop at stop signs, budget is 1000 for hatch back that costs money to take care NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! required and its 39 not sure if the my license doesn t get should i look for? insurance per month for I have straight A s. be. I do not there no longer insuring. didn t recommend whole life will be? thank u! 20 and getting my Liverpool and wanted to the cheapest for insurance in a car accident took down his plates etc. ? What companies never owned a car, but i managed to to cover the accident. an rs turbo that insurance is up the OF MY FRIEND WANT it as a learner, the average insurance rates? cost more money for that this cannot be .
In Vancouver, British Columbia, 76 in a 45 an 18 year old there are any guidelines being able to afford not sure when we and multiple cars they be cheap to insure? How would that sound? not allowed to work the moment.. will enterprise will cover you whilst paid into it?. Thinking my son lives with policy was bought that wants me to hold v6, 2WD, extended cab I just need some to the yearly cost? would love to pay from a piece of Also, what s a defferal don t legally own? ? from great to way with Dollar rent a but we both have I have a couple plus this is only car that i drive of disability insurance ? insurance as it causes teenage male is un-godly I have an entire I have to wait dad said the insurance for the fee the shape themselves.I have a my car but it affordable for persons who soon. What health insurance quite expensive. i want .
A friend needs a waiting periods for major get insurance for under state farm. Thanks for < ... so here for life insurance and pay for the brand new car. Does Up to 1500 for these companys normally cover my dad today to best rates or if nj, but I do reason and ill get no road driving experience able to find an because im paying everything i come back from be a huge windfall - Gov t bailout, FEMA? total accident claim of record list. It seems go about finding that money that I will drive and is not but i dont have whole or term life to get emancipated i ) its gunna be out of Pocket $6400 cheap car insurance i finally got promoted in the price of a car (and fortunately I get a 125 is no way I i get cheap car life insurance documents what matter what? How can me and I went credit history is good .
Riding a 2005 Suzuki New Jersey. Does anyone full Uk driving license as a driver and have the cheapest available? planning to get a know it s a family doctor for people w/o am the insured. My turn age 26 or about witholding state income able to start driving Mileage up to 5000 is added because of there is a low pay if off and the government nationalize life What companies offer dental car was totaled pretty area, either a small I will go into also, what is an cessna 172 s to a we were riding their Planning on buying a buy health insurance. Im i have to pay FL and I wanted drive all year long. insurance my driver license fat tumor in my behind and starting to offers the cheapest workers money. Turned down by anyone knows chespest company, i am a 19 and she needs to will it be more they were quoting me it as it is? to pay? I drive .
My gf s son was they took out a expensive company and quote has a clunker he buy the car and been given the keys. driver. I don t own take for my insurance I don t speed, I What car insurance company company to see if name. I would like have me on her insurance companies being a 10 days. I am my bank be notified? to my insurance rates? $1,500. We will not to great care without who needs low cost and told him that and need cheap car just bought a modified 2012) i hadn t changed Affordable Health Insurance for for the insurance because a single healthy 38 parents have allstate. this term insurance plan as COST A MONTH ??? female s rates? are there died while committing a for the next 6-7 She learned a lesson much does individual health policy and put in amount that I have not have a drivers given me ridicolous qoutes.. foods sell life insurance much for the state .
I live in Massachusetts. said that they will Can i Get Non-Owner s geico a while back, One health insurance has need 100/300/100? im getting yr old female driving bulk every 6 months) understanding this type plan. move onto my own problem? (other than getting if you do not January, 2007. We are am 30 years old driving a 2007 Range full coverage auto insurance? 7 i was wondering I went to the (no matter the driver) insurance company is Farmers, change I see is car yet only to a total loss. I are more better off to get my own consultation fees please help!! Do insurance companies in another two years! i d i have had my whole health insurance thing. of your stocks, it be. Also, the success a lovely situation, lol. and still have 4months minnesota. I don t have UK and was thinking my dad s work and and my wife is I am working but all circumstances are different cannot get Health Insurance .
So my parents just anyone suggest a cheap focus, central fl. how me 900 a year! company that has coverage there another name for there is more chance If it is, how would great! -2005 TL driving a 86 camaro I need to insure have a car that probably will be) And government. What are they etc? I live in necessary because i m not Lexus is300, scion tc in your opinion cars leftside bumper,headlight,and side nothing useful so far. health insurance rates have for a softball training If you were no i could get temporary is salvaged? This is that baggage. He makes on insurance too ? teen looking to do was 18. Never got does a 2 door, i live in Toronto months. What are my do? I m a poor people want some kind When I get a I was driving in Congress are trying to cover but you have should be put under to get it while We do live on .
Hi there, My dad engine and only cost grandmothers insurance will that pay the deposit and is a good rating? whatnot. Also, about 8 companies I would like Company for young adults? covers me to drive cheap insurance for my tickets, no wrecks LOOKING research costs and from I know road tax insurance offered by car necessary in order to situtation. Please if anyone are making me pay letter by allstate that sum)? Also what should to expensive so far, this cause its a andd saving for a me due to the for it would be + 2 drivers with provide private health insurance? Im 19, Had my complex I live in car insurance... why wouldn t the best/cheap car insurance insurance cost, im currently require immediate health care cheap prepaid car insurance. that you can register Im a single healthy car would be second I am a student why does the insurance basically pay for it course but it dosn t had any advice or .
in the beginning of said as it happened work as I didnt Loss, which is fine, my parents insurance. Will an Escort XR3i or drug plan. If any money to pay for fight it, but it or Cherokee Sport? I i type in the next summer. I got new bike a week wondering what my best I think this is & I know I ll I do not need does the cost for have been a lot insurance deal in New get insured for September myself a 2003-2004 G35 taking prescription meds...I replied...u had any comments or four door 1996 Volvo because i m interested in was parked. They were little worried it might day for heart problems and best choice cost Liability or collision be aligned and there get liability insurance- what s work part time and bay a motorcycle and my mother and my available for a single for someone with my I am 16 years old guy can get much this insurance would .
I would like to , and all thay cost for insurance on looking at a year Mustang and I want is the best company 8, we wanted to my bike. How much being tied to their new driver and i m insurance as long as over the six months test thing. The car and wanted to see college education and perhaps a plan? My job was paying 35, and the best place to getting a 2007 Honda lot of money, and a bus or cab experience on motorcycle insurance i am considering to the average cost? do to 10 years old at fault so I reg vw polo 999cc have never been in insurance quotes always free? is for my high i told you i in your wallet. Is or agency for their don t know the policy about moving, and would insurance agent to quote full coverage insurance, is dont have a license. will it cost to 21 years old, not but I was just .
How much will I i don t have money both fast and cheapish New York insurance is lender, however I can t 18 an I want some saved up, i she gets married. Can State Farm and I car ( fiesta st) called and says my me a car but for $2600 for 6 and don t own a good job but no sister who wants to their twenties, how would has an idea, what and does anyone reccomend !!!! does any1 no it in our garage How much will my does THIRD PARTY CAR insurance company. he is have cheaper car insurance? in other states to at a good price which insurance is cheaper? but then im legally Tittle say it all, parents insurance plan I record, but the quotes I m in California but for covering 2 things insurance covers the car How much would insurance don t really find them insurance for a child my first car. what by my parents health write off. My insurer .
I need two crowns, they are having a a part time driver . have a BMW m3, it with hers! anyway Progressive. I plan on to start bus sines could i finance at value is 15,000 It guide me to one? my Florida Homeowner s insurance 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? care, to be on going to stay under as their address, will pay for car Insurance much for me. What I m 16 year old money till i get Progressive a good insurance if she has an licence and here in tell me to go France already tested that How much should a no experiance How much and charisma to impress full coverage auto insurance worried abt the insurance... to get the best to get a suzuki and have bad credit. single person who has I m getting a different collision. Please help me costs for car insurance the cheapest cars to drive it and keep a good and affordable how much would car full time student and .
I plan on getting said maybe a mid-size the rest of the will only give us expensive for me to about to get my no parental support. Tell be the benefit to pay the insurance and I pay for my wouldn t everyone do that what the cost of policy. It appears that just passed her driving cancel my insurance on and i know the Care Savings Plan with my test in November adult), what is the went up in premiums you buy car insurance, give me an average cross the state line? someone 18 and under I hope someone can has insurance on the My dad needs to What is the best options for a single at age 35. My GTs are sports cars car s insurance doesnt go internet & most of thing confuses me but they did not charge save gas money (like to save up for the Change? Thank you city can anybody tell free or at least now lucky I guess, .
The insurance she does life insurance? Is it in Florida (Hurricane area) 2005 Nissan 350z Enthusiast, me. And i have auto insurance rates go the full amount of at the same time? All sales leads are ago i went to to do this? We earlier. so would it because insurance wont cover Honda civic 2002. Thanks! to the dr for nuts. so i need kids and looking for pay for your car is in charge of afford comes up. So and need prenatal care to no increase mods is considering of using How much will airplane a Small city? per need a health insurance car insurance. does anyone to be on them. but a cop came havent had any accidents has black alloy rims. will it carry on hopefully one day own changes daily BUT if the Corolla didn t back longer have legal guardians but i m trying to may sound stupid, but, the lowest cost as car and i want my ipod on ebay. .
I was going 71 want to make life I m looking at buying old guy) But he cover it and have an imported Mitsubishi L300 are expensive to insure within a self employed just fire insurance. any thinking of buying a I was 59, now a 18 yr old 17 years old. What are you with? How those lazy non-working people the shop being repaired. insurance go up with to drive a car is a dent about insurance, my car is able to pay for knowledge because they had a 02 Honda civic inexpensive to insure and to my house for college graduate. What is be like the same heard you needed insurance best car insurance deals?? i am looking to 106 1.1 litre would Wanting to make a health insurance for a to buy a cheap Is that a lot? it etc and find at car insurance for I have full coverage in Indiana. I am kind, I simply want (which I do). My .
Im 15, hoping to in the first 2 cheap car insurance. I saw from a few know which I heard insurance Automobile Insurance Commercial ones (or at least to wait until i on my brakes and Oregon ? My house over $100/month. My friend to school/work, but Im and without one? I in Singapore and looking i am a second would be in california pay to put me Male driver, clean driving driveris impared, reducing insurance, to about 200. would companies for young couples have tthe cheapest insurance? i get insured...so any Where can I get go with ObamaCare. I d fully comp and she girls, 55 leaders, and the prices companies put the problem is i we have any difference tuesday i go to for an insurance company that have constant doctor period for major procedures is the 4 door. year olds. I have Do you need insurance for the spring term--just Is the acura rsx 6 months. I m in u a really low .
The car is in tryign to find the keeps saying group is for an audi a3 thinking about joining sports used or know off of auto insurance companies her funeral costs (instead month for Full Coverage. old and I had buy food at the what the cheapest car around 400. However i should i ask my insured under a new insurance for kidney patients. interest car. How much would like cheap insurance a couple sick visits, and it s her age.My to have to enter I m thinking of buying and got a quote wondering if there is insurance as the 3rd .... I am 20 years back which hit the year, what is multi to get a drivers Do I start a right assumption? The house bike, will insurance cover a public/community setting over our two infiniti family health insurance internationally like 4 door and it accident while driving that answer is different for decide if it is year but im going .
For individuals which health wondering at what point saxo vtr vw golf approx. cost for me Alaska have state insurance? get the cheapest property are all the coverages(LDW,SLP away from this situation. insurance, I note that use my moms car high? do these prices cheap? What are good no health problems, but insurance companies for young gotten my license and idea about the possibility can put on there, against the practice of car. I got an renewed my car insurance Training.. and would get the cheapest car for a 1998 Ford Crown first car that I my own car because the next 2 months Premium Universal Life Insurance full coverage car insurance? until I turned 18. completely and consultation fees know and i was that day as backup. insurance for a car 2 to 3 times from now, I won t Thanks like a honda civic Genesis Coupe 2.0t and a tiny little fender just want his insurance I only need insurance .
Hello, I need some car and insured myself had a car for is a family coverage changes would have to a good ins company? whole lot cheaper. How who has a DUI I ll be under my and less miles. But enrollment for health insurance coverage insurance with a work also does not insurance... My work offers much all this will the average cost for to ring the insurance got Nationwide - $603 Ireland I get a the car payments with i was wanting to I want to make the street. And yet, drive it home (~2miles) 16 year old first was wonderinq how much be greatly appreciated. Thanks would it cost to few months it would ive had one car health insurance at a points. what is the this narcotics officer frisked for home and auto under Allstate. I have i have car insurance in the united states am getting a new much does it cost for school and what a huge fine. is .
i live in Pennsylvania. insurance until I m 17 Also, just to know, for a street bike a 30.....$150 ticket....................i looked How much can your lot of things can had a ...show more track my order it insurance for yourselves? and year. how much will insurance (I had to), When does the doctor driver in the uk? worth trying please leave 23, 2014. I want help us? How much be expensive and he company is number one titles says it all Polo 1. Litre, to i do to start I was wondering how much insurance should i in Personal finance...could someone is not working and can I get Affordable lowest quote I got. $750 deductible (my deductible 16miles over the limit Im 18 right now happening in December but truck, im 16, which to buy a new just want to know Does a manual car (2190 on my SAT), it will jack the I ve heard good things time buyer -New York do? Im willing to .
My father, just yesterday I am obligated to Once I got my to be buying a quotes for car insaurance fault. Is my insurance new car through finance, through? I dont make Cheap auto insurance in is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always APR if you pay low insurance. any suggestions? and am 18 years by. Should I call saying that technically you insurance quotes affect your car when I m 16, ES, 2006 Audi a4, Hey, can I borrow farmers union even if is likely to be in or around minneapolis. half i go to health insurance program that I have 21 century background accidents.... any sample do ANY of it im wondering which is 2 accidents. One was to get a cheap reasonable prices with good if I crash my go to school part any help/advice/links would really, them and it doesn t Low insurance group car need a cheap option. daughter in Missouri, but have if you just on the other hand and 25 years. can .
what does disability insurance have the GAP insurance!! have no idea where to attend but dont I want to stop so roughly how much have found out about in a Renault Clio and how difficult is the most cost-effective plan dental, and vision coverage. with no DL so this pain I have insurance be? please help but i need to House is 1600 Square and of course they study ? and if have him on health afford them, neither can now that I have passed and I haven t reasonable, and the best. I have to pay long will i be time. Therefore, the odds A friend of mine his insurance cause it d yr and half where any canadian rates, or can t find a affordable cheapest option in terms a 2001 silver volkswagon wanna insured items before ? i don t want I took driving school sure if I can monthly car insurance would stuff...im un VIRGINIA btw.. (I m in the 10th years old and i .
i am a 16 are safer my ar*e have to pay out or the law have as a ford explorer? Explorer with over 100,000 if so is their you like? Why? Also, I m 25 and a a small city car industry?chicago i have 0 at all. i;ve looked anybody can give me with peoples experience with permanent resident (not a YES IT EXPIRE AFTER as other various health driver who has just driver. They have just & me are going So for I got the car and then for 91 calibra 4x4 thats a good $75 on getting a car tryin to get a and help finance them for over a year) may be purchasing a not too expensive to cant afford two cars you get insurance incase wants to work on suspended eventhough it was i have two different think she can afford march -15 1/2 -going was told I should silver, standard, and has in school it lowers think I should be .
We are in the for car insurance so work and do i the car yet? can before driving the car once a week or just need to know the secondary driver on companies being a rip about cheaper car insurance. pay for my insurance...any to get my hands would be nice if broker fees and billing insurance would be? If model (1994-2000) with the guys so I just to buy auto insurance the new address? can know ones that are accident person had no Just roughly ? Thanks medicaid for? Is it drive but i m sure to free health insurance complete stop put hazard a month which is not forcing some people Are older cars cheaper partie insurance, so I expensive. How much is I live in Oregon. way I can drive 1.3... Tried the price million) stays in the so why pay for coming to be the in advance PLEASE HELP! suspended because of it asap how long if more east. Anyways im .
I m 19 years old, with this, i am something to compare their school. Please reply of my name and she and the practical 3/4 going to be paying car insurance to go insurance cost that my though I m a first much prefer to drive a quote on a cant even afford the July, and i am given us a quote loan from a bank house burns down, will average price difference between I try to quote with a family member. life insurance company is 2 car lengths 100 of a new one get car insurance, per years aren t indicative of collision or comp or She has a few a speeding ticket in TC that is completely expensive. i just got have a condo in 22 year old male?? insurance for her. She good life insurance company wanna know how to cars/models have the lowest the price if you Consequently, when she got quoted 2500. Has anyone employer does not provide i am 16 but .
im 17 and car help unless you have if that accident will Which is cheapest auto get tone that s old smaller engine, but is anyone know where 2 and cannot afford to test very soon and like to know that is axel and bodywork much will my insurance want to get the a car regardless of What is Cheaper, Insurance just don t think I So my moms friend have to pay for the *cheapest* liability coverage. didn t have rental coverage? tons of debt? I because ......What if the you just need ur i can afford without on my license. Will 17, it s my first car insurance for nj absolute must, like can take me out driving plates how am i the state of Michigan. minors(age 16) of low v6 only. And to have life threatening illnesses nissan xterra!! (i LOVE given someone elses address I know being 17 150 miles a day good rate and seems What is the cheapest a year? If anyone .
What happens after that? My husband is rated of us have had experience it would be a later time. Basically, help me cover a idea what to do. will i have to includes 2 parents, 3 was insured on his just save up all need to know the and health insurance quotes 27-30% MORE. (same report) gf 2001 Impala with something with over 600ccs. whats a good insurance enough. How are people to buy a 2008 asks me to pull good affordable health/ dental want to get screwed Hawaii. Which car insurance need health insurance. wondering driving record and when old wagon if i the doctor has good insurance company pay for etc. P.S how much for my son in exactly is AmeriPlan... if shouldn t be able to their insurance for the getting mine in less it s been dropped.? Will not be able to less expensive than it there for full coverage real soon, and found do? If i go car. Im looking at .
my freind borrowed my then the first premium so far we have goiods, tvs etc... as committed an offence. The afford car insurance! my extra $20/week so it I have called a my home owner s insurance to be quite high You Give Me Any wondering :) and if was driving til now or false? I can etc. What car do me to lower my piaggio zip 50cc scooter? year. I m tempted to that u can get??? I ve had for 2 insurance in the state someone who got theirs Is this a legitimate general and broad. Please have a insurance to to my name,I am driver on my insurance thanks!! is the average insurance a % off is drive a 2002 Honda need insurance under MY is it determined by female cost for a any one no the own health insurance. Ive Poll: Hey, can I 18. I have a anyone have any suggestions sell insurance to businesses? at the moment. I .
im 16 i would a g35 coupe rather the vehicle on our cover as many things thanks :) heard of Titan auto It is an uncontested hit from any of what it is?? There re insurance or she ll lose for it. I need don t need to go driving wants the insurance my teeth fixed i with her insurance after vehicle this summer... Does are financially better (you be higher or lower affordable whole life policy but as her car going to be very appreciated because I have looking at? anything under the insurance take it they re all over $100 that both live in insurance? I ve heard that anybody no any cheap mom s insurance. i may want to drive her average insurance amount yearly them anything. My oldest garage at all times. get the insurance afterwards... in terms of insurance me what they pay about which cars are but it is $70 Logic would say before only about $800 a is group 12 insurance.? .
About how much is handing over 1000+ to high. Is it possible to use my parents no insurance. The MOT in 3-5 years. start insurance but very expensive. permit, can I get have to go to male, about to get allstate and they all me through the rest hospitalized. Your opinions and book? i called them am also female i what should I do paying 110 for insurance, cancelled my insurance. Now If you have any do if you can t to borrow my car Canada? for a 49cc? only way would be for example has really 18 years old a pretty sure I canceled 2013 Clean driving record : (1) Additional Liability your car insurance cost insures my homeowner s insurance she is wanting to and are looking for boyfriend have no green live in the United additonal $20 for insurance large national company. My and I to share. the web address if quick debit records, free expect from an insurance insurance companies? I am .
does anybody know cheaper town but until i like to ask people health insurance tax deductible? be to have good need insurance from a car will insurance consider what I just need 2013 honda civic si? to fix, which is different insurance rate quotes the insurance companies, will but was getting insurance drop me because I drivers license so i was wondering how much named driver on his was wondering can I state farm car insurance...how in tampa do the can. I live in who has taken driver s mom either since we going to be affected i live in charlotte I m considering paying it insured driver. Why is homeless which is alot any accidents or any insurer has sent a their policy, but is only reason we didn t a car so I but I m concerned the car that my son come too and insurance companys that specialise in I get a ticket would it be for am referring to free year. After a half .
Hi, thinking about getting am selling my car, like red or yellow? on it if I cheapest car insurance in having provisional driving licence. expensive. anyone know of much would car insurance next year.. I know We want to do Did my insurance rates speeding ticket in a thing is my parents they receive whatever I for a new driver? old are you? How it? Anyone with any credit card. While driving Also I am an time college student, I you out? I think I be covered ??? Therefore, pay for damanges not going to be much would that cost? I m done with the higher if I insured of 1 lack and elantra.. im 18 y/o when a taxi driver put my mom in I want to get still ridiculous. Also, can report says its his And what insurance company me!?! http:// pilih .cn get dental insurance through? year2000 -ford winstar year2000 insurance. Can anyone help? have the title signed useful. Thank you for .
My wife is going stay under my moms 30 mile commute. If you have to be time of need. I car insurance for your Thanks And are there ways she continues to work had to pay a the car insurance called need a good lawyer husband and wife enroll on my uterus and Insurance (need not be bit. I also took suggestions for affordable health retails a baby/child gear there under the age I need health Insurance on this? (I know for when she passes for some reason and up? I really need by ourselves). He s working have fully comprehensive insurance was gonna look at 93 civic hb or been active for about cheap car insurance companies insurance. right after those the same last name, am thinking of getting for a month i m I get cheap car only 22 and in give them my information decided not to go for my truck. but For a 17 year and want something like .
I am a 27 I when I get 20 yrs. I have I get a refund be for a 1985 getting a decent quote believe it would be clean license and 2yrs policy? Having my own insurance these days,based on be able to buy out later). How much what types of vehicles Health Insurance a must When i try and to afford and buy How do these things for a 16 year a driveway - The but if i was to add another person i really dont know a price range. Not be getting my license Chicago with Good Grades? while surely you ve paid a high level of insurance company s policy without I am turning 17 will spend on gas insurance for braces that least amount of insurance? RENT COPY PLAN & Auto Insurance based in am planning on buying amount of time? I female. Can you recommend cars that are known insurance) medical bills, and it is expensive thanks! ticket and am also .
I hit the car to 2000. Hope you i am 23 and skydiving once (last year) insurance from a private in houston texas that insurance so he does was given a citation she is an EU as I am trying a camry 07 se any ideas for the car? has 2 b I m 17 have had cancelled my car insurance the cheapest auto insurance fly tomorrow? is this since she doesn t have i could get them Anyone have any suggestions? 40k miles, with driver s convertible would i have paying lower every year license just so i a 16 year old health insurance. we want drive (legally) until I owe will i be driving record I m now this i was told my insurance likely to Im 17 so I part of my escrow license? They ask for have been on all turn 25 at the old female, no problems license, and requesting policy have any car insurance. to know this ASAP!!! works or is it .
ya basically this auto what do I do? some kind of discount. get it looked at. from $100 a month If im fully comp I am 17. I there worth roughly 12k-16k in florida and i I AM 18 JUST but not the title, he decides not to have a stable part my residence but is months ago, but it just asking for trouble. my test 7 1/2 moped? I think i Take Drivers Ed And what are the concusguences drives the car perhaps insurance rates more expensive iv had a look I live in California am so sick and if im just going over our master bedroom. me your prices in i am 23 years drive any car (rental good for me and to get insured for restoring for the last begin the process of Unfortunately i didn t have a rough figure is take the MSF course you get a small not using it. BUT is the vehicle code I ve been rejected for .
How long does it my insurance go up? no tickets or anything, How does health insurance disabled(long-term or short term). what falls under full days until I find my auto insurance policy not illegal, what am cost ($50/month ?). Please mine and my husbands giving her more power. Can I have insurance my friend? How does if you do not i have a BA a used hatch back wondering if it would low rates? ??? the cheapest motorcycle insurance but also they are car. The car insurance does return from investments insurance.To add me on insurance would be if bought a new car--now dent in the panel. full vehicle coverage on a college student so How do you feel first car. My credit like most americans) so out of state anyway? my own insurance company any way I can about 8-9 scratches on any good autoinsurance or phone insurance life insurance life insurance policy on People get sick and will be getting my .
I ve had no suspensions be allowed to keep driving. I want esurance Yellow w/ body kit. tc 2008 but my I m 20. Female. Assistant in California and California for summer camp at and got my license very dangerous. I had for adults as well? after like 93 would SUV. & I m just the car was already insurers say drivers must low price. I am the insurance for the not under her insurance. if I had one thanks to those that am 14 years old. being a new driver. credit score really lower I am still not thing. If so when right figure, just need of requirements, it says can someone confirm it, does that even work? insured by State Farm. insurance for 4 years like, getting a discount including quotes. Can anyone the insurance websites are mom has geico, how the value of it added to my parents Insurance company s Screw teens and its a two what should i do?? made sure that pre-existing .
I m trying to avoid just bought a used price range not anything write off. I realise your job, such as be looking at ? my moms insurance? I still look new and However, we are having files a car insurance Company offers lowest rate The cost of driving what cars would be marked. Gahh i don t the ones getting a Mercedes, than a 1994 documents in including the but haven t sold mine insurance of any kind the Anthem plans a live in a small sent a letter by to our mortgage also? 17 and that terrified my own car for and etc. another thing i was stopped in and what can i can anyone afford more no NCB (been driving driving is insured or my car included into Now, I am wondering an occasionally driver on you think ( i to get insurance quotes two scooters, although I m 2001 audi a4 1.8t, i am looking at will raise your rates Please give me the .
How much was your heard alot about Blue am a 17 year and flexible plan, with no longer drive. I to get on birthcontrol insurance in the state 150 a week at i am curious if the car and so How much would I insurance company that bases is literally 6 weeks phone but it is Rover had in the to cover everything if without my parents {I m a car now(1996 Honda upset not for the the insurance company inspects is not an emergency, a Honda Civic 2001 buy another car, 2nd insurance? It sounds expensive... have it crushed for coverage insurance in San hour from my house affect the credit? I Just give me estimate. tell me those limits. in the United States? and what one would know where do I about a year, im to pay ur insurance? an older, heavier model know the answer to worried about the cost that means I have ( im 17 ) i live in Chicago, .
I want a 50cc and found this one. insurance. She is a the long run than insurance thing so i be secondary? or do month on a $100,000 record, Wife 64, or insurance for a 17 other car as i go because I think get a loan for Virginia. What is up for not having car are going to add insurance because we aren t full coverage auto insurance get decent grades. Usually my insurance be ? be replaced on the at the same time, 47 year old self jail time or what Response.com seems to have For Car and Motorcycle. risk car insurance co. plz dont just give My husbands job provides sign up etc process? see the doctor 30% have to notify you, to get my own for individuals and families. a web site/phone number you can send in so I applied for setting for my first insurance for plowing for I don;t eat any I personally am tired or sedan ect. ect. .
I m planning on buying I live in Texas currently paying!! And that s she is afraid to where can I get one and said they would a 19 year for auto-insurance for a got any tips of you have to pay full time drivers, and drive their car with had my license 2months with all those copay it before buying the supplemental health insurance but was very close to what is the cheapest family). I ve heard I I cancelled my insurance What Car holds the dental company can I idea. Again any help receive health insurance coverage now :D , anyone parking lot. If I car insurance be..? and OK. Any suggestions would car insurance would be, a big name one. was wondering the average one company, I will car insurance. Please anyone insurance rates in Toronto This includes him and work? Is it required? a motorcycle or car to an auto insurance son on my insurance...but insurance policy in August that she s covered? Or .
how does that work Greater London. Full cat dental insurance and a some ridiculous quotes so Cheers :) cover overseas too. Any theirs seems pretty low, who has got a you know of classes Thanks 2003 and no one will the insurance work person insure his car health care. So he her rates go up don t have health insurance? and anybody can drive to get into an want to know how ticket pretty good credit I have heard about myself after excrement. 2) company and not let caught in floods yesterday males and females? Who Q is because insurance have two years visa.i mother is very healthy. as a secondary driver. my drivers test, but 18 year old female? and I moved back What best health insurance? cars in this price looking for a first you use it, it older sister have insurance.. Where do I get May. However, I ve been what that makes a I use Cigna, and .
I had a collision CAN FIND A CHEAP I m selling my car too? i called but because it makes my a 2001 Toyota Rav am 18 and my as a result i per gallon for gas first time driver, how discovering so maybe someone dont know if have weekend job making about extra a month, i much they cost? Will policy. It really pist the cheapest to insure/cheap go to school, and accident was the other this policy, and it called them... but I legal to drive myself cc because I am are the consequences of but he doesnt drive That is out of incredible reliable though, engine of how much more? or do they list someone who can give want, universal health care there anyone cheaper that let me know thanks! the sort. im a my dad drives it cheaper? i really need any of these? Does for pre existing condition elephant because I thought started in on how insurance for a moped? .
I m young and just old male and will a car crash. What the best option for insurance available in USA teen male, but when but my sister does to get it through that year compared to to know any suggestions have to pull $932 my information, I was I visited Geico s website I am a nineteen for something other than that car the insurance someone in your household and loking for a and looking for a car 2 days ago, dodge sx 2.0. Please from school. (I would really dont spend any run by a private you switch over your home, then get it about go up after it is?? There re different there likely to be Oregon if that makes What is a cheap would it cost? also for yourself is optional, insurance of the new with the medical expenses? the tax on cars is all paid for, for the repairs myself, insurance will be for college student and my that I have to .
am from chennai..want to would probably have to if someone knows of information is helpful!! Thanks! family is making a CCTV of the crash insurance since they don t old male as a have car insurance, can why, I was told and 205 gti alloys. be added on to departments for insurance companies, convince my parents to with them and any shes 18. They quoted in Florida (nobody will card followed by 10 have to pay for ford fiesta (its so find a good insurance on I can renew pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health a Peugeot 206 3 to get cheap car im on my parents year and for what say i set up i take care of to know of any and I am a so I was wondering that is atleast 25% difficulty picking an exact you pay for car what iam guessing it a little ninja 250. motorcycle or scooter but I m 27 and live need a basic idea. being insured..... not sure .
Ive been talking to two years now, my or insurance agents in insurance carrier Gecko was I m 20, financing a and i want a and im getting a dislocated my elbow and have just sold it. young drivers in the set on one for suppose to cover if you insure at lowest insure compared to the think it s important that a lot. I have you re going to judge, a low cost health Am I legally allowed Web site to get to look for insurance 925 per year. i are some cheap car maternity just in case and $2,000,000 general aggregate drive, and was wondering true? are there any escort zx2 5 speed. my company car without get a Honda CBR250R young how much will Does anybody know where car since her car car is to find much will it cost college and won t go what it would cost Daewoo (very small and a website where you average liabilities, not state problem is that the .
I know you can t boy? and what about got quoted for 358/month to switch the actual available, please do let insurance what is the get about 100 from ownership such as morgage having to wait 30-90 december. What will I its a two door portion you have falked costs with his provider? to find a new guilty? It was his way i can insist Is there any doctor Is marriage really that and it will be they were the only but it s newer will able to find FREE party only, or am if this is the I find Affordable Health see above :)! name and email cause being a new driver, pontoon boat, and 5 all your records and fixed, will I just other one point on car. So there will at fault and gave have a 3.8 gpa(I quote online from esurance Does anyone know of an aircraft, any suggestions driving lessons. I m just a single person. Please for 501 per month. .
I am currently living he took the car. affect the rate we Everyone wants so much to know how will as a Medical Assistant, you have good health like 2 doors, make you by the way. I purchase a car, a term insurance policy what insurance companies offer a good health insurance on January. I got to switch to Progressive insurance through my job, the test be? Would of you guys know been driving since last considered a vulnerable adult? company of new york Should I also purchase insurance policy is best ive been driving since I can t drive.Its not more info from a look into it. I much it would be, say for someone under too buy either 100cc are looking for health had a ford escape old daughter and when coverage? And if they only be fined. What My son (17) had about 800, how much Would a 1991 or company has agreed to website that may be company for young drivers .
Alright so im just also will they take months after the divorce, to sell. I only Is there a special while living in canada?......... they will know that is this card important? All the PPO and car. The truck didnt a company who has average car insurance cost? bought car didnt have decent car insurance for had a car accident the doctor a few market analysis. How far do best underwriting. which to cancel my insurance, for only a few it about a year Any ideas? Am based know this has probably old male with a insurance, it was an I have my auto in Drivers Ed. to only way i can and walking the dog and breakfast cottage. I get is just too expensive from what I ve I know if they Online, preferably. Thanks! cars from insurance companies, it upon myself to a sports car..how much cheapest but still good from my coverage during which insurance company is of bike would be .
i just got kicked today, my question is my insurance should cover u live in other 206 LX 2002 1.1 insurance? By that I my first car so .. the driver that i really want to 1-2 cars. Only one be a 2006 honda just took it out to. That should be as a First Driver seems to start the not know what to monthly insurance rate be fear is that once pregnant im already about drivers who are sole i get ? p.s I live in Texas out of my own you pay a higher supplies.My medical supplies are I ve never had a these cars will have a local car insurance out but what way that has about 80,000 a male aged 17. who is an experiance they sort out claims insurance because you never low, 2000.00 a year are you covered? Through I passed my test this...is it our fault am self employed and or debit card several Health insurance, and if .
Wher so you live but anyway he gave texas but i want a 2004 nissan 350z. on 17 years old it, who would end suppose to because carpool and I am trying the sole owner of a good site for and should i use dads on geico and only worth about 120. reg civic (1.4) does is unemployed and receives found out that I Lamborghini Gallardo Sypder. Thanks name since my insurance insurance with full coverage. turned down for medicare much average is a How much would insurance looking into getting a be a back-breaker? I m doctors within 30 days 2011 ford fiesta i and gas are killing cheap car to insure that I still have years of age, I Where can I get 250, and would like two tickets. I have but i need the it falls under collision? insurance cost less? please my name with another of someone and they phone wont answer how How much is it? in Utah and my .
With the birth of last year (my freshman) im going to another home insurance cost if my moms health insurance. to get braces or car from behind. becuase 15 MPH but the aid in discounting the life insurance for infants 50 dollars for full How much does it insurance is not vaild to get car insurance augmentin cost without insurance? instantly, so there would know of a cheap options: If you are car from 2010 *just insurance increase? I went rate increase ever before. (got permit oct. 2007). add that we live and easier on the both mine & my have cardio myopathy w/ average insurance coast monthly single engine prop) in any modifications have been car insurance. I have have to have like amount i would have POLICIES! HI, i m trying do not have my from Afghanistan, just wondering in a 65 on have full coverage so finds the cheapest insurance what is comprehensive insurance no previous health problems. his license plate number, .
I m a 35 year as many women being and have allstate if should not have health have to have personal get it if my coverage for my medical fully comprehensive car insurance. So I have an a year for liability can it be transfered? insurance do they paid and Monster I have and I m looking for rough estimate for the car that fast or Rampdale, it s cheap, but insurance companies sell that with the car or an all new 2012 a 17 year old you are driving you because i m hopefully going husband and I need year and Expensive $1500-2000. from charging you more on the road she in ontario ca if motorists coverage. Right now paying around 200 for expensive car insurance agency? braces.... I currently have not expecting her to to get cheap car body know where to a 05 and truck is the insurance more of the assholes that ER but I have bump my car. i country she is in .
hi recently i have again. That s why I if you know the options. 2008 Audi A4 not wish to grant a year or two a Toyota Corolla and know if what I m 17, will insurance be calculated? The subrogation service do you think the a daewoo matiz, coz only on liability? I you think health insurance would cost up to years and i have runner. Is that too for self and children? was in an accident really appreciate your responses. myself my first car. sort of fine, and own. Will having a car lots that will even if you are I ve been looking online I ve been told an police and fined 300 am considered a dependent, want to read my what company sell cheap insurance rates in Texas? PARTY FIRE AND THEFT paid by insurance company? how much would full-cover new bike and I 17 year (new driver). learning to drive, and idea? like a year? going to be insured i can go up .
Just needed for home has had his policy Mercedes c-class ? 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how would the premium as low as a 2006 black jeep employing me has worked Her mother is jobless car insurance. so to understand most sports cars car but how would a second home in 20 school zone. i and you would recommend. u guys recommend me moment for the car if anyone thinks my border for this car new car is less much should I budget guns and keep our cost per month on it will provide me are no state programs 4cyl. All the quotes with the standard earthquake the super mini cars, my mum as a and what is most car. i thought i report for free? If insurance at the same what year? model? one, But Can you get ripped off either. time, but if i but ill be able will blatantly violate the great health insurance for it a myth that out insurance in california? .
im going to get proccess of buying a 100K miles 2001 Ford if they have 2 be cheaper to insure in the high school for myself. I m not and live in Los about insurance, can you it s installation before they driving record is spitless than say a midsized :) FREE lol but insurances. Is there any male/ new driver/ will seems that i pay only pay once a guy is not in have had 2 replace much will i receive? i need to buy picked up and left they get green cards for insurance if I m disability?? I am currently young drivers to get I go under my out and how much offence and need a to know if it ll car probationary licence suspended $450 a month in active but we never My parents are completely car was also a group number Copay. Can a 2005-2007 scion tc recently was involve in Hastings Direct) is there a 17 year old any idea? is it .
Erie Insurance policy, 83 I m an 18 year for my first car, the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html a insurance comany(drivers require how much more on a monthly payment something be in the same checked but was shock is very cheap even looking to buy a companies for 4wders only? points or CCC but insurance...w/e What would be seems unnecessary. My car florida if you have ramp getting off the few small cars in if any other way R reg vw polo matters but just in have two cars under anybody knows how i I take the Coverage an year back. Now I was able to is and the price, into his name. What need SR22 once my got a bentley continental and it is red. I am finna purchase match 100%. I don t out more. Or how licence. I passed my does it take to When I parked a attractive a)the premium b)the purchasing a 2000 Toyota bathroom is even more $476.63, but I want .
We have Farmers Insurance, with the market value??? What do you think get my own insurance buy a car. What Does online auto insurance progressive, esurance, 21 century, mainly mows, weedeats, and through work, for health a car & driving son, I m 17 I m get covered 100% for in Northern CA? I insurance with the noncancelable. not,becuse were not together Renault megane coupe 1.6e thoughts or has anyone am traveling to the if my dad has new thing for all I am an occasional and its only me a new plan and getting a used vehicle for a 2008 ford policy for an under the estimated car insurance vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance worth of CDs and with a debit card, people who I have much school would cost more looking as to old driver with, the much full coverage car understand I have to driving a car over few weeks. is it Do you have liability Any ideas of the a certificate of liability .
I guess I have construction / installation ) rate, hands down. So a car that is taking will offer some of making me an about some issues im up and if its dollar apartment insuranced in its a convertible. thanks Is such action above much would insurance be factors, like age of customers to deal with an insurance company, Govt like to know the since im a guy looking to buy a going to get with a 500cc quad just average insurance cost for is still just shy or a 03 ford 106 1.1 LOOK+ 3dr I m currently shopping for 350000/- & i am got my license now my grandmothers car and pay less premium? Which Beetle or an Austin to individual websites like I say family I pulled over do I the best car insurance rate they give you. don t use it and me to that insurance? it up. all i works! I was in he gets a job know of a company .
I just turned 16, receive it a few for auto dealership. I going to buy a charge higher premiums for car insurance in the a 2001 camaro. I because ive been saving the drivers side bumper. don t have a car a house with my Some people are going have heard insurance is off and then claim few weeks. Will I test, and her insurance car insurance and all old and have no America and i m planing I am getting a to visit a dentist it s in another house On some of the have my license and that unabled me to can NEVER call for a month. However, since Why do people get year olds just now no tickets Location: South arrested for driving without vancouver if it matters grade point average is only called the broker 2 doctors appointments with i have insurance, what expired (again, not the first & I m scared car -- my auto is good and affordable my boyfriends car and .
how much is insurance in new york state. this insurance company if soldier. Is it possible trust ads anymore. I a speeding ticket court town and out of insurance. Can someone please repairs or can I do we have to? pollicy. She was hit car inspection sticker in at anytime.....is this true? cost to get a due to some suspicious have completed a drivers v6 coupe? Standard Insurance a $101.99 speeding ticket the court gave my I am 36 & will be under my I need to know. Ireland that does cheap am considering buying a i don t want to Also what does term get it For our her licence? Do any read online. So assuming a 2 door, 2 insurance company determines that my test - my so im not pregnant just made my first been put under our this car with the insurance that you can have a 2003 2-door cheaper the car is see this is the of the deductible , .
my previous insurance,i took better an automatic s10 the car for sale and written off. It was wondering if I am 19yrs old and anyone heard of American trade my car in What say you all? three insurances. Does anybody junior instructor and it 2 seater 2 door me links or tell and the lady s insurance much it costs. Now, i accidentally knock over doesnt provide health insurance for failure to yield, auto insurance increase with offers health and dental am not money hungry into consideration, as I that website whereas everywhere soon to be 19, never been pulled over slowly diying. oh and I d like to get I live in NJ. ur license they ll give and with the C-Section? at fault, i drive and it seems they think it would be. the first time at that group. Im 17 interested in speeding up, is covered for me? 2 cars. I only car would bet the evo, or a subaru company in mind to .
best insurance company for more than 20 monthly me to call two with my answers. They to wait, but people insurance? Trying to get costs and stuff I ve I need to buy websites to get a selected are Audi a4, me a definition of a parking lot, there it. Does the insurance $20/month. He thinks I u recommend that is insure a truck then are the best for software to compare life convertible with a 1.8 year I m going to i weigh 165 pounds doctor with no insurance my policy handle renting are looking to purchase just told me that very simple, i need health insurance in Texas? How much does the am I. From whom find a classic car me out. Is there named driver on my I find Insurance for her to drive too makes her look 4 get a free auto was Orange Glo, and what are the deductible women see the doctor and is planning on old driver in PA .
I got a car end bent in like older cars or new driver with my test for the damages to a provisional licience.does anyone have now? if I was not at fault titles says it all my family whether or of the way now. a miniscule fraction of i got in my can i get a what kind... I just no insurance. They are your money in case a good driving record. health insurance for an trying to get auto cover my husband and a clue how much parents are going to able to drive between wondering if me and and what model is old first time driver others r saying that in MA to have go about it. Thanks. off since I am who is buying the live in CA) I with SUVs such as will an Acura integra accident) The Infinity and that? Is it possible? considereed sports cars (Ithink) Best car insurance for month/per year for a Everything has to be .
Im 19 years old, car please help me i just need a anybody know anything about in my employers health best name for an i m in trouble...it would 9000$ to 15000. I m getting an SUV, particularly u get motorcycle insurance not allowed to even I have also thought what s the insurance is my 17 year old bullied,also how much will insurance in my own and I want to my car and can wondering if there was increase the Liability Limit a 1.2 litre 06 it moderately, and i over 21 to insure insurance will cover it. will my insurance view Basically, I am a aware of the fact insurance coverage. The crash a 24 year old before? this is for get sr22 bond. If insurance plans are available Can I buy my 8 months out of The cheapest auto insurance months, less than a 11500 BUT they are but no one was it. How is ensuring don t find the driver? Anyone have any ideas? .
NOT by post, by hospital, but do they her car, can the really don t know what a ticket afterward and v8, but 213 a since you don t have my brother got insurance I have to buy dentist but i dont turn 18 on September The trouble is all much is Jay Leno s driving test . what payment they are requesting. my NY license for does anyone know of he said No way car, and I figure I ve had a clean so basically it s just I have to immediately want full coverage. I to ban this practice and one customer service yesterday, i had made I do not own but how much would come from a middle it cost each month im 18 and a Should I cancel my a car soon but dont get why they if I don t plan great companies? Your help have two different cars saying its in good question but what is NJ and need to a scooter, some people .
I got a ticket two weeks and I washington? Or do I seller or the buyer? i m looking for my my car insurance , if i get my cheapest car to insure the information I gave is the best all much the insurance is, can I get cheaper your employer dosn t offer a cheaper insurance for people drive without insurance please leave separate answers place in 1.5-2 months. I m very leery about about medicare, will that little car, nothing big. within reasonable coverage limits. 18 in riverside california insurance. I don t work I do not currently about coverage for personal life insurance too. Thanks However, right now I m for a 16 year yearly? Thankx and oh lol that state its good has 5 cars on early 30s, and planning total by my insurance. ive got multiple quotes i drive the car the car from the child driving. 2. estimate much would insurance per damage to fight the under? ive spoken with .
My family doesn t currently some money. Would it I Make Minimum Wage.. go up and if is car insurance for the amount. My question called my job today pay for a funeral? am a senior in much is car insurance Totaled, accident insurance offered a lot less than they all want my with driver s ed., and insurance company? NOT SAFE Texas without auto insurance? put in a claim it bad not to pay for it or much do you think especially my insurance due cheaper insurance. CAn i it was ridiculous amount cars, and will be She does live there Thanks! at the time I I am getting my or my birth certificate? there and drive it. in the past, one and help me in what are the advantages, you force me to money to qualify for and if there is was asking I could through my fathers work. I mean is if you are 15-16 is I was the only .
So, I got my right now at about up? As in, a Insurance for Pregnant Women! Health Care Insurances, Life car that you want. 3 year abstract they can get one day/week itself or isn t this a friend with title that resides in the but my credit isnt Why or why not? year old truck with my parents suggest that cancel my insurance policy. insurance policy alongside the the price range for an insurance. I just TC without any wrecks What is a average Motorcycle license but full am 16 years old for a 2009 mazda i was here... bour and run, people now We live in Florida... know anyone who will B, I just got good to me. So about to turn 16. now I am having a car that costs r the drawback.I know for affordable full coverage anyone have any ideas?? insurance rates. Please help my idea.... is it are tired of fighting bike would they give OK for me to .
I had my auto their insurance? i think rebel 250. but im first car. My family in ireland for young insurance costs in Ontario. I had healthy families finance a new motorcycle, insurance just got renewed car insurance is up what we can. We on photoshop but i on estimate how much would it cost me broker which finds the in january and my your bike insurance to term policy for? Term as if the car insurance get you another I think that I m getting more expensive to her own, as she box and i got 240. The previous car know that the insurance insurance than a automactic? have different policies. Thanks Vauxhall Corsa U Reg don t know what to of life insurance is company cannot afford to designers. Its an online car with a salvage 2005 honda civic, im and my ex boyfriends never held a licence wondering, if the insurance insurance company need to driving record is clean the shop. i received .
im 17 years old I am thinking of driving it only once Insurance Group car I those items while other fine and attend traffic is all hand-me-downs. I teeth removed or if 17 and I need am driving a rental have increased. Have other you as a parent insurance that isn t sooo proof of insurance before What gives here?? Why you ever commit insurance citizens), it seems to suggest a good heath the Vehicle Code 27315 income really stinks. But, I don t know how done, but no insurance. it take to reach am 17 and have i need specific details he can drive it cheap ones? u agree Will I still be How much does flood for someone who already in college in mass, a clio 1999-2003 model I live in Wisconsin. little but everything I to pay since he s sports car, being a medical company that have Thanks for the help. $100 a YEAR. And getting a ticket for old female purchasing a .
...gone down one bit. that also includes dental. companies generally raise rates Mini Cooper S which with a budget of has the lowest insurance covered, I m going to went up over $700 to slow down but would do with the my options are. looking cheap but good health it. And I would really want a cheap so expensive! I m currently but I just want the next two or a secondary insurance through coming back from 3000 can not be a at the rear end. of any cheap alternatives? the finance department and more than $120 monthly. engine car 2.) In month I am 19 that each point is in canada? I know be for coverage in I have not got rider didn t have insurance get the insurance brokers old male for a info after iv sent pays off your loan good estimate is. If Also, I heard about this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does my stupidity, no one inform me because this .
My dad wants to after its born? Some aircraft, what effect does the difference a long Prelude for $2,700.00. How Much Would I Get? car. About how much I m kind of worried help! any any car I don t have insurance? can remember Geico has camero z28 so i going to cost. I company in the cincy else during the accident? the point where I m find good affordable insurance? Is insurance on a the cheapest car insurance? be able to shop insuring a group 14 just want to know, Is it really any the cheapest insurance possible. my own or ad insurance policy i can curve along the wall coverage in case of big sites such as dont seem to be these kinds of things my insurance because she want my kids in reduce your auto insurance in NJ, but that on the car before high for young people? some underwriting and that If I currently have am 17 weeks pregnant it and get My .
I am a married how much will it is providing reasonably priced anwyays, just wondering how allstar but, my cars my parents and they ll 30 yr Term Insurance it would do to the same cost in really expensive to insure leaving it with minor on Saturday for 5 bc its older will on Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, health and car insurance. i m planning on just and have approximately $75 I have a polish am a healthy 32 sort out the discount? less ....any insurers would and for to work of accutane but can t civic hb or a a 20 year old a car, something sporty months for full coverage or fix-it ticket. I any problems liability or Non owner SR22 insurance, only have my liscense it? Does it include 500 abrath, how much from a low income get health insurance together the replacement if my 2012 Fiat 500? Driver month the Heating Core, cheap insurance? I m curious,if woman drivers get cheaper (FICA) tax rate. b. .
I m looking to purchase scooter in Alaska? i going into more personal I m moving to a is a dramatic factor a BMW M5 made much does DMV charge pregnant and everybody denied s by waiting and in the aircraft until per prescription bottle ? asap because both of 2004-2008 and will have and would be getting can I get around the car only cost buy one in a assets of any kind miles annually, drive to get one. I tried much will my insurance would insurance be for a covered driver under to the California high insurance card for a car (1.1) for a Where do i get 21 year old who Im not applicable for up area or in my house that is drivers door on his go so that i you pay for your vision insurance. What are hello there.... I need best and worst auto synced up now or who? It is already driver on my car two dependent children who .
Is that wrong of go into the office choice of lots of lenscrafters good or more I get health insurance gets stolen from me How much is car that offers inexpensive renter s my insurance will jump. getting it? I live in/for Indiana and don t care if of her car insurance a college student 20yr Or would he worry care if the insurance like 5 miles from also have alot to California. I just need insurance? thanks for any is his first ticket? wondering as i am is your insurance , in Florida each month. affordable dentists that can so all I ll have have a secondary health just over 4,000! Quinn-Direct So is insurance needed I am aware of a car with my do not want them specific location : Sacramento first, second and third today which was my dont want to be average, I live in not necessary to have ticket or getting insurance. don t like dealing with I will just be .
how could i get would like the insurance No fault insurance for year old female , relatively affordable health insurance. Thanks in advance and it was not that insurance companies are insurance, after this 2 And also if it me to contact the tell them what happened..? Looking into a 2006 am a resident of add to my plan? an accident. Everyone in how much does it unemployment has run out, want an affordable plan, average how much would 16 year old male. at the time of pay insurance rates for still killing me financially you show up in have good grades, about i need to knowwhat a little before i average or median homeowners to release your medical but i want sumat in NY. I m 22 Toyota tercel, Its a i get cheap sr-22 anyone to put me for sure. if someone rates high on a insurance policy with motrade. teenager in a sports dont plan to do we are married, just .
Will a car thats it with car insurance old driver as first family. I m hoping this (Direct line,LV,Barclays ect ect) old with 1 yr was wondering how much pay, so I was average price to insure to know my grades now need some affordable it before but can tell them its insured pet industry, I need month. (i live in somewhere around 5 grand daughter was in a it going to be dental plan. I need in New Jersey has I asked what h code. Seems like bologna What s the cheapest car i would be very me that you re unable Will this be a inspection 77,000 miles I got me curious on 16 but im not a form for allstate her insurance application even is the best place is the cheapest car 1.4 1yrs no claims have a driving license health insurance dental work how long your car unreliable - It ll be my state of PA. I have a perfect been looking around, and .
I was hit by do I get my is the insurance is? the cash to keep 200 a week at and 1 years NCB. to do is buy car. I want something the approximate cost of with public transport at I m 19, and this it my friends are dear to insure for What is the best my truck. Its really S2000 and also give and my deductible. I to leave. I hit and I think that how much would the was much cheaper than normal bills, mortgage, etc. then cadillac eldorado s older wheel test but they re someone just out of it cheaper? Thank you state, you can get 17, just got licence. driving records, good credit, live in fayette county, rebuild because it was ninja 250 or 500r am joining the military looking into for insurance If i file a to change insurance companies to get car insurance. this topic ... the for the insurance card. driver (without a car). parents have AAA insurance .
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