#i have noticed some creators that used to have amazing cc but then started to skimp out and become lazy. its a shame
graysbullshit · 10 months
Translating this thread on twitter because I feel like a lot of people need to read it.
It's pretty long though...
"Warning: contructive opnion/criticism about the qsmp!!!!
note: nothing here is hate to the ccs/adms, please dont bother me
The english in the qsmp is dull.
I have been noticing this for a while and, talking to my non-english speaker friends (unlike myself), some have already distanced themselves from the server content because of this.
the idea of the qsmp is a global server, but this shouldn't be based soly in their nationality, but also the languages spoken in the server. And recently all we've seen is english being spoken 24/7, and of course this comes from the ease of comunicstion and speed, but we have a PERFECTLY good translator for that.
what frustated me more recently in purgatory was that, despite brigging AMAZING dynamics between the players, it reduced completely the spoken languages to english again. Because of the mini-events and distance that the creators are from each other, making the tool of amazing and automatic translation useless since it doesnt translate from a distance. And don't get me wrong, even quackity himself said he noticed he was doing more lives in english because of the "nature of the event".
When the owner of the server says this you see the problem.
anyway, second point, empanada
bagi is the pov I watch the most after my main (cellbit and morning crew) and, my god, how i LOVE this pov for being a brazillian that, for hanging out by herself, usually can speak portuguese. It's a relief. A breath of fresh air in the middle of english in weight [idk if this is a expression in english, but it means 'a lot'] from every direction
only for her to get an egg that doesn't speaks her language.
don't get me wrong, em is lovely and i'm VERY happy that niki will be able to speak german with her daughter. But at the same time, the language she does lives in is english. Just like all the other mothers.
Would it really be that hard to find an adm from a country that speaks portuguese? it doesn't even have to be brazillian. Portugal, Angola, Guiné-Bissau, Cabo Verde, Moçambique, even Macau.
I GUARANTEE you that there is a lot of people that speak portuguese that would join the QSMP team with a huge smile.
It's just dull to have a participant that came to represent the brazillian language and culture and speak portuguese 100% of the time in live because her daughter doesn't understand her language [I feel like this also goes for Ironmouse].
And I'm not saying necessarily for the creators, but for the people watching.
I started watching qsmp because of the brazillian streamers that I like, obviously, but also because I LOVE the server's idea, the cultural exchange and the linguistic trade.
The language is the main aspect of any culture and the linguistic erasure >CURRENTLY< in the qsmp makes me sad.
I was watching the old vods and it's weird to notice that — at least the brazillians— used to speak more portuguese when the translator was worse than now that it works perfectly.
It's just a bit disappointing to see a project that was made to break linguistic barriers end up keeping them through the sovereignty of the english language.
(after that, I have NO issues with the cultural aspect. The cultural exchange is made with mastery.)"
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Link to the post is here.
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thesims4asoiaf · 9 months
how do you handle the modern aspects of the roleplay in game? and what sort of house do you use? honestly this fascinates me i wish i could watch videos of your gameplay, id love to do something similar but have no idea where to start!
Hello! First of all, thank you for the curiosity, it makes me so happy to know people are interested on my save file! I’ve been asked before my hiatus to record my gameplay and many times to start a YouTube channel, and I’ll try my hardest to get that done, promise.
There are many amazing cc creators that make base game substitutes, I’ll make a list full of them, but here are some examples: Phones into books, pens into quills, underwear to vintage undergarments, guitars to a sort of Gittern, pc into a loom (my fave).
There are also some mods that ADD new medieval hobbies and such. There’s a medieval cookbook mod I’ll link on the list that adds all sorts of medieval food only accessible by added medieval cooking methods- from gruel to all sorts of breads and meats!
I started with a handful of houses, and slowly added more when I noticed I could juggle them along. I don’t play with all the houses all the time, especially since most of them are full of gaps at this point, which I end up using to my advantage and create or let the game itself add drama to the houses and write them into the trees if needed. Start small, don’t force world building if you are frustrated, cool off then add whatever you feel you can manage! The dates I added on the trees are extremely useful for when I need to update houses (I pretty much jumped the dance out of frustration with hotd lol, so I’m having to make sure all of the houses catch up, and the dates help me see who’s alive, dead and how old they are).
Im terrible at building lol, so I take builds from the gallery and alter them as much as I need (Usually ALOT since I have to add house colors and try to make the surroundings somewhat similar to the books).
I end up having to use my imagination a lot; Larys, for example, has a medical boot and crane accessory but doesn’t walk with it since the game doesn’t have any mobile disabilities. Dragons are especially complicated since I was eager to switch them over to horses, but that was honestly a head ache since I’m not used to horses, but I had a great time using the dogs as dragons, only big issue is that they take up house space.
That’s about it! If you have anymore questions, feel free to send them my way! I’ll start trying to record and edit videos explaining and showing my gameplay, but I won’t ever be able to regularly stream or record proper gameplay videos. Thanks again for the curiosity :)
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Hi Bunny!! I absolutely ADORE the asylum series and have been rewatching again since the end of Season 2.. I’m just wondering if you know the kitchen set you used in Nolan’s mansion? Just watched the scene where the butler gets electrified and noticed how much I love the kitchen😭 If not don’t worry just thought i’d ask🥰 Hope you’re okay and I cannot wait until the start of season 3🥹
aw thank you that makes me so happy to hear! :)
I am 99% sure that set is the iconique kitchen basic set by buggybooz! An amazing set with tons of recolors and repo'd objects and stuff people have made! The recolors in Nolan's kitchen are the white and metal recolor that come with her original set. Here is the original buggybooz post so you can download the necessary meshes: http://buggybooz.blogspot.com/2008/03/kitchenbasic-up-to-date.html
And then I use these edited versions by hafiseazale that make the shelves shiftable and add slots to some of the pieces! https://hafiseazale.dreamwidth.org/13893.html
Also check out my buggybooz board on my pinterest and I have pinned the recolors I use for the set!
Thanks for your sweet message, I'm so glad you enjoy the series! <3
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dyoreos · 2 years
But why are you so mad at creators doing early access tho? You were also one of them when you were still active
@gloomiee answered something similar to this question here and @yooniesim said here, also. Please take a read. I fully stand by their words.
I wouldn't fully say I'm mad at early access creators. I'm more just disappointed. I'm disappointed with how some creators really showed their asses by throwing tantrums and saying disgusting things at the possible news that early access was not allowed, creators acting like they suddenly couldn't read, creators saying their cc is early access only for it to be locked for months or even years, creators doxxing their patrons, creators insulting their supporters and threatening to leave just because they can't make money off the community anymore, and so on and so forth. I didn't and still don't understand why creators, especially the well-known ones with like 500+ patrons, couldn't come to a conclusion and say, "hmm, maybe early access is causing more harm than good to the sims community" and should just accept donations here on out. Because honestly, if your cc is really good and if patrons truly loved your creations AND you as a person, they would continue to pledge to you and donate, whether they get other benefits or not. Being uncertain about that kind of just proves that a creator doesn't think their cc is good enough.
The reason why I stopped doing early access was because constantly pushing out a certain amount of cc every month burned the hell out of me and made me lose motivation to continue on. I lost the fun in creating due to pressure and wanting to give back to patrons that paid to support me. I know I'm not the only cc creator that felt this way in the past and/or currently feels this way now. I've seen a few early access creators taking breaks due to this exact reason. When creating cc starts to feel like a chore then it's no longer fun. I feel a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. I may go back to only making my cc packs early access (because those take me a long ass time), but I’m still not sure yet. I’m fine with donations, overall.
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mack3030 · 2 years
Hi there, I just wanted to thank you for continuing to be a positive voice for the community. After I started reading your blog, I began to pay closer attention to which creators I downloaded CC from and I even ceased supporting several of them after realizing how predatory, rule breaking and unreasonable their business practices truly were. You and your blog have really opened my eyes to how dangerous some of the behaviors that run rampant in the CC community are to not only myself but to others as well.
Thank you so much. Notes like this remind me why I do what I do. :) It's really funny how certain people seem to act like I'm the toxic and predatory one when I literally make no money doing this. In fact, I've risked my own safety, and yes, even the safety of my income to do this. [I have written before about previous attempts that people have made to make me lose my job.] One thing that has always been really interesting to me, especially as of late, is how the paywaller community is engaging in behavior that seems very much like MLMs. A few examples of how they are similar: - Toxic positivity culture. You aren't allowed to say anything negative against them or else you're a "hater", or "toxic". - Title/Name Manipulation Calling themselves a "business" or "brand" when in reality they are nothing more than someone selling something that isn't fully their own creation/intellectual property. - Selling a fake reality Just like how people in MLMs try to sell the reality that their life has been changed by their product and that everything is **wonderful and amazing**, you'll find paywallers often do the same thing. Either through their "virtual" sims life, or by trying to portray themselves as a more successful brand/larger team than they actually are. - Using cult-like manipulation/control tactics to control members of their patreons and/or friend groups. If you read Steve Hassan's BITE Model of Authoritarian Control, you'll notice a LOT of behaviors that paywallers engage in. While not ALL of them are possible due to the unique situation we have in the Sims 4 CC community, you'll find that quite a few of them are commonly used with paywalling simmers. MLMs, Cults, Authoritarian Regimes, and yes...paywallers all use some of the tactics in this model to try to control people. So if you needed some 🚩🚩🚩's to look for...there are a few good ones here. Thank you so much for the encouragement, again. I really hope that you continue to read and learn and grow. I know I have been. I keep hoping that my posts will cause other people to speak out and talk about what they have seen. Because the more people talk about this, the more chance there is for real change to happen. Because right now, EA is doing nothing to regulate the community, so the community has to regulate itself. And honestly, we're doing a pretty piss poor job of it. And frankly, with sims 5 on the eventual horizon, I fear that all we're doing as a community is basically saying: Oh yes! We're 100% fine with paying through the nose for extra content for the sims, especially in some sort of player marketplace! Which frankly, I don't think would bode well for us having a sharing, collaborative, and low-cost community in the sims 5. Instead, I think they'd probably end up going more for a secondlife-esque marketplace with EA getting a cut. And frankly, the players would lose out on that because they'd have to pay for next to everything. The only way something like that won't happen is if it is blatently obvious to EA/the sims team that the community wouldn't stand for it. And well....
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But one benefit of the eventual sims 5 is that maybe paywallers will leave sims 4 alone...(finally). [One can hope, right?] Have an epic day/night!
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melsie-sims · 3 years
Holy Crap!! 400 Followers!?
Wow wow wow! I’m so appreciative of all the support and I can’t wait to share more sims content with you in the future! I’ve been having so much fun lately with the game and y’all are definitely a big part of that.  
I had other plans to celebrate reaching 400 followers but I need some more time for that little present... so instead here are some links to mods I use and CC creators that I love!
Those of you that follow my BACC have probably noticed I only use my played households as town population. That means no EA townies for me! I achieve that with Zero’s No Random Townies. It’s a completely free and up to date alternative to NPCC and it hasn’t given me any issues so far!
Kids and teens cannot go to school until the education career has been unlocked. I added an extra rule that there has to be a teacher in the education career as well, otherwise kids and teens have to remain at home. Did you know you can have sims quit school with MCCC? You go to the MC Career module and enable “Kids/Teens Quit School”. You can disable it once you have schools unlocked! 
Want some personality mods? I have a TON!
Remember Sims 2 lifetime aspirations? You can have them as traits in Sims 4 with MissyHissy’s Personality Mod.  It has custom whims and everything! I add them to all of my teen+ sims. You can also get her Hobby Mod which works similarly and is also based on Sims 2 hobbies. 
I also use a lot of Lumpinou’s mods. You can check them all out by clicking that link. I use First Impressions. Along with Wonderful Whims’ attraction system, it’s how I usually decide on which couples I want to pair up. WW handles the physical attraction but Lumpinou has your back for compatible personalities!  
I use Lumpinou’s Woohoo Wellness for pregnancies and babies. It’s more or less PG-13 so you can use it and not burn your eyes out. There are a few things that may be triggering so skip the rest of this paragraph if you don’t want to read about them. There is the chance of getting an STI, and your pregnant sims can get abortions. The one issue I noticed is that it’s not compatible with risky woohoo. Your sims will likely get pregnant if they don’t use protection... regardless of the risky woohoo percentage. I learned that the hard way.
I also use Lumpinou’s No Strings mod for friends with benefits. When your sims decide to be FWBs they can do romance options without developing a romance bar. It’s how Jericho and Andy started out their relationship! 
I have Zerbu’s All Worlds are Residential which I will be using when I unlock more worlds in my BACC. I’ll have the ability to move in sims to Granite Falls as well as other worlds that are usually only for vacations. 
I probably have 90% of LittleMissSam’s mods. They’re a must-have for me so I highly recommend looking through them if you’d like to spice up your game (or just fix annoying EA bugs). Some of my favorites are, in no particular order: SimDa Dating App, More Woodworks, Advanced Birth Certificate, Ultrasound Scan, Train Puppies, Retail Overhaul, First Love and Foster Family.
CC Creators I highly recommend:
Clumsyalienn (Lots of great cc! I love the boho aesthetic!) 
Rope’s Workshop (All of your male cc needs!) 
Rusty-Sims (More wonderful cc!) 
Marsosims (Awesome hairs!) 
SaurusSims (A lot of quality cc, including for children and tots!)
SheSpeaksSimlish (Lots of cute stuff! Afro textured hairs & ethnic clothes!) 
Simiracle (A whole butt load of amazing cc! All sorted to make things easy to download!)
RenoraSims (Just so much stuff! I love it all so much!)
CandySims (Another great creator with lots of stuff, mostly for females)
Message me if you want more recs, from cc creators to gameplay simblrs! I have a TON I’d love to share with you!
So that’s it for my little 400 follower gift! It’s not much, but I hope I’ve managed to help out at least one of you guys to spice up your game or maybe even find a new cc creator you weren’t aware of.  
Check out the free stuff I put over on my new Patreon (hopefully I’ll fill it up with a bit more cc soon!). Check out my Discord channel where we often post cc links.
Love y’all! 
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raspberryberyl · 3 years
Dsmp Analysis: Lore 1/29 Saving Michael
Analysis and notes for the Dream smp lore streams from Tubbo, Technoblade, and Eret from January 28th and 29th.
We were all very excited when the Tubbo and Technoblade team up for Michael was teased, and we ended up getting Eret to join their team and the Streams did not disappoint. 
These stream or overall stream story together, was so wonderful and important. We got an unlikely gang of allies banding together for a common Goal of saving Michael and bringing an end to Sam’s destruction. Not only did we have a fun journey and stream in that goal, but we got so many heartfelt and important moments for the story moving forward.
Just slight heads up, some slight TW for some of the stuff I’ll say about Tubbo, warnings are in bold.
 Get ready for a long one, cause I have a lot of character analysis.
To start off we’ll go over Eret’s stream from the 28th.
- c!Eret started by telling us once more about how they saved Michael. Sapnap and George were going to kill Michael, and so Eret came and moved him to a safe location. 
- Eret then tells us they only other person they entrusted with Michael's location was Sam. We know that later Sam came and stole Michael from that safe place, to hold as a hostage against Ranboo, and then killed Ranboo after Dream didn’t return to the prison.
- Eret visits where Michael was supposed to be, and confirms that Sam did indeed kidnap Michael. Leaving a note telling Eret that he was moving him somewhere else, and that it was for “the greater good.”
- Eret expresses their anger, and feeling betrayed by Sam, and vows that She will kill Sam for what he’s done. That Sam has been making far to many mistakes, and needs to pay for both Ranboo and Michael.
- Eret spends the rest of the stream preparing and gearing up making the ultimate Kill Sam weapons.
- Other notes: 
         - Eret talks a lot about how they really hope this is their chance to redeem themselves. (I also really hope this is cc!Eret’s opportunity to do the lore and ‘Zuko’ arc they wanted to do.) 
It is really important to remember c!Eret’s history. Back in the early L’manburg Eret betrayed their L’manburgians, trapping them in the Final Control room, where they met their end. Eret did this though because they wanted the war to end, they thought they thought what they were doing was for the greater good. They did not know L’manburg would be blown up, or that everyone would loose their lives, Eret was not told this. In Eret’s mind the deal with Dream was that they gathered L’manburg somewhere where they’d have no choice to surrender, the war would end, things would become better, and an Eret would happen to get the smp crown as well as knowing their friends may feel betrayed. Sadly in reality it becoming much worse. Because to Dream the deal was, “I give you crown, you bring me L’manburg so I kill them” 
So everyone left of L’manburg at the time lost their first lives, and felt hated and betrayal for Eret. (It’s also sorta something to take notice of that if Eret didn’t do this, Tommy wouldn’t have done to duel and lost his second life right away, he wouldn’t have given up the disks for their independence. It was because of Erets initial betrayal that Wilbur didn’t trust anyone when he was spiraling in Pogtopia. It’s all chain events, and Eret’s betray was one of the causes.) So ever since then Eret has just been trying to make it up to everyone they failed and hurt. Trying to gain that trust back. In Pogtopia vs Manburg Eret gave up the crown to help. Eret’s redemption/forgiveness arc may be slow, but I think that makes it more real, and it’s an amazing story watching Eret try to do what they can to gain back their friend’s trust. 
       - c!Eret also mentions several times that “this must be how it feels to be betrayed.” They’re not really the same levels of betrayal as what Eret did, but betrayal non the less. We don’t invalidate that.
Ok now on to the main event, the Streams from all three creators January 29th.
- The beginning of Eret and Technoblade’s streams are them preparing, gathering materials. I think it’s important to recognize Techno’s willing to work with others, with Tubbo, for Ranboo and for his son. Ranboo trusted him with the map of Micheal, his last words, and Techno is going to carry out his dying wish. Technoblade showed a lot of growth I’d call it, in this stream. Technoblade makes his way to Snowchester, while Eret prepares themself for when they need to talk to Tubbo and Techno about the situation.
(Loved the Spiderman Far from home refrence Techno made in his stream XD. And Techno also recounted that he has actually met Michael before, when he found him in his hiding spot in the nether, and Techno protected him from a Ghast attack)
- Meanwhile Tubbo’s stream opens with him just asking what went wrong. Tubbo says he is a mess, his vaults have been robbed, he has no materials, and he’s lost both Ranboo and Michael. 
 Tubbo’s skin is one of the first things I want to comment about. Now it’s not too different from his usual Snowchester skin, but it has added white flowers now. A lot of people are interpreting these flowers as white carnations. which symbolize mourning, young death, love, purity, and loyalty. I am absolutely all for this bandwagon
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 Next a bit onTubbo’s character. Just like everyone one else, has been through so much. Tubbo was also manipulated by Dream, and being president was quite hard and potentially traumatic on him. Tubbo just never seems to catch a break, from early L’maburg, Pogtopia, Presidency, loosing Tommy to exile, thinking Tommy was dead, finding Tommy was alive but against him, their fight at the ruined community house, Doomsday loosing his nation again, the disc finale where he was prepared to die to make it up to Tommy, the nukes(which we’ll get back to), Tommy actually dying to Dream, and then now Ranboo having been killed as well as Michael being kidnapped. 
It’s really sad, but ever since right before Exile, Tommy and Tubbo’s relationship hasn’t been the same. They still haven't communicated, and Tubbo doesn’t communicate to anyone. In Tubbo’s hard time, he was able to turn to Ranboo though, and then they adopted a son together. Through this Tubbo had so much, but things were still holding him back, he didn’t feel completely happy, and he felt no purpose. 
TW for death now. If you are unaware, the Nuke plot for Tubbo’s character was originally introduced as a potential end for his character. cc!Tubbo didn’t know what was next for c!Tubbo, so started setting up a potential “bittersweet ending” as he called it. Where c!Tubbo couldn’t handle his pain or the evil of the server and so would use the dead man’s switch to nuke himself and potentially someone else. (this is the missing nuke story that we haven't gotten a conclusion or really any answers to...) Cc!Tubbo decided to wait on the nuke plot though, wait and see if maybe there was more his character could do, mirroring real life where someone in this case would wait it out a bit. So if we look at this with c!Tubbo, he was contemplating, but decided to give it a while and see if things improved, and he had his family to care for and love. Skip to now where he doesn’t have his family, doesn’t have Tommy completely, doesn’t really have anyone.
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-Ok back to the main stream now. So Tubbo is reflecting on the present, what happened, and Snowchester itself. Snowchester that he built has a safe haven, a commune, his escape from the rest of the smp and the pains of the past. Tubbo walks around asking again what went wrong, and reminiscing on the memories. Ranboo, Jack, Foolish, Michael. (Tubbo mentions the nukes, and he says he decommissioned them and shot them away, not wanting anyone to steal another.  Which made me very happy as it meant c!Tubbo was doing better.) 
- So after some remembering and planning from Tubbo, Technobalde shows up at his door. They get into action right away and start talking about what they should do first. Techno says they should follow their first lead, the chest Eret originally left for Tubbo telling him that they had protected Michael. With their lead, they decided to make their way to the castle to get some answers from Eret.
- While on their way, a couple things happen.
Tubbo doesn’t have any weapons or armor, and so Techno lends him the Ranboo axe, which is very important to Techno.
Tubbo has a great bit the whole stream about being in shock and the five stages of grief about Ranboo’s death
Tubbo and Techno get into a really great conversation about revenge. Tubbo actually apologizes to Technoblade for the execution, and Technoblade tells him it’s all good. Technoblade admits to having some issues and faults to when he spawned the withers. They basically call it even, and say they need to turn over a new leaf to work together. They have a really great mature conversation about the cycle of revenge, and how it never ends, you’re never happy, and that you just have to stop. Stop history from repeating itself. They then go on to say they’ve learned from the past, but they are definitely going to go get some revenge right now on whoever has stolen Michael.
Tubbo and Technoblade do not know the full story, and so are preparing to potentially fight Eret.
- So they get to the castle and Tubbo starts demanding Eret tell him what's going on. Eret tells their side, about how they were protecting Michael, but messed up by trusting Sam, who kidnapped Michael. Tubbo right off the bat is frustrated that Eret trusted sam “now why would you do that! He’s a prison warden.” I’m sensing this could be anger from Tommy’s death among other things. They agree to all team up.
- So they need to go after Sam, and Technoblade gets out some books Dream gave him that had information on people (Sam and Quackity) and Techno finds Sam’s address in the book, so they start making their way to go save Michael and make Sam pay.
Now for one of my favorite parts of the stream, the apologies.
- It starts with them coming to the realization that this rag tag team are all enemies. Eret and Techno are the people that look Tubbo’s cannon lives. Eret is a king, and Techno is an anarchist. And Tubbo can be dangerous when he wants to be so look out.
- upon this realization, Tubbo steps back and tries to make sure this isn’t some trap against him. To assure Tubbo of their trustworthiness, Tubbo asks for an apology, and they apologize.
Now the big thing to remember about Tubbo, is that he tries to act logically and not emotionally. Tubbo hides and conceals his emotions and feelings. Tubbo accepts apologies, for the sake of moving on, but doesn’t forget. Tubbo has self worth issues that made themselves known in the early snowchester building, when he himself compared himself to schlatt. He has constantly had people using him and comparing him to schlatt, that he shuts his emotions down so he doesn’t have to deal with them. Tubbo struggles with communication, he doesn’t tell Ranboo a lot of things. Tubbo just moves on. He takes your apology, acts like he forgives, but he doesn’t truly forgive or forget. Our main points of this is directly after the festival, where Tubbo says he forgives Technoblade, so they don’t have to face conflict among them. Then when revived wilbur finds Tubbo on L’manburgs anniversary, Tubbo “forgives” Wilbur, but will not forget or trust wilbur.
- Techno’s Apology
Technoblade, the blade, apologizes, and I just see so much character development in this stream. Many streams of course, they just make themselves really known when you get Techno apologizing or whenever it’s about Ranboo.
Techno apologizes for the festival. He says he’s been thinking about it, and realizes it was his fault. He says it still wasn’t right/kind for Wilbur and the pogtopia team to throw him in their with no back up or support, but he should have done better. He actually calls his actions pathetic.
One of the big arguments I’ve seen against Techno actions in the festival is that he was on Pogtopia’s side of course, and Killed Tubbo at Schlatt’s orders. You could tell Techno was nervous, and the peerpressure and voices were getting to him, he tried to stall. But the main point is, that he listened and obeyed a government when he killed Tubbo. If he was an anarchist he should be willing to die for his beliefs and not be afraid to face the crowd at the festival. Rather die then obey. Techno actually addresses this in his apology, and it was amazing. (Techno also says he won’t make the mistake of not dying for his beliefs again, which to me is also kinda scary for what that could imply.)
For this apology, it is easier for Tubbo is accept because he can see where Techno was coming from in a sense. He can understand there were a lot of people, that Techno felt pressured. Techno didn’t just decided to do this, he was ordered to. Tubbo has also felt pressured to so things, been used, and so can share a little understanding with Techno.
- Eret’s Apology
“I thought that betraying L’manburg would, would help make everything go back to peace. And I learned, I learned I was wrong.”
 Eret simply says. Eret has been trying to apologize for a whole year plus now, so there’s not too much to say on it. Eret could have brought up to Tubbo how Dream was involved, but they took responsibility and kept is short. 
Later in the stream Tubbo expresses how he still hasn’t forgotten and still can't trust Eret yet, but it’s to new beginnings. It is harder for Tubbo to forgive Eret because of a few reasons. 1.Eret was his friend and he got betrayed. While with Techno, Tubbo barley knew him, so it didn’t hurt as much. 2. Tubbo can’t sympathize with Eret. Can’t relate. Maybe they could relate about Dream manipulating and pulling their hands, but they haven't spoken about it. 3.To Tubbo’s pov, Eret did it all to his own violation, Eret made the choice, and chose to betray and Kill them. Tubbo knows Techno was pressured into doing what he did, while Eret was not and it could have been prevented.
Later in the stream Tubbo and Eret talk about tnt droppers they were making in early L’manburg days but c!Dream told them off. They reminisce on the good old days, and Tubbo realizes they were making the tnt weapons the day before Eret’s betrayal. It was awkward and hilarious. (This stream was just full of fun moments and I can’t list them all)
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Then during/ at the very end of his apology, Technoblade says this, “It’s just, you see the thing is.” “Where I come from Tubbo, people don’t have multiple lives Tubbo.” Now if this isn’t foreshadowing I don’t know what is. I am very excited for whatever Technoblade is planning. He says this, and we also have whatever secret build he’s building.
I have several thoughts about this line.
Techno says “where I come from” Which makes it seem like he’s saying he too has only one life. In George’s “Kill the smp” stream, that was a dream, Techno also says “No George, don’t take my 1 cannon life” Now that could have been joking, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Also early on in the smp when cc!Wilbur was making a reddit post about all the member’s lives, Technoblade said he didn’t want to say. Seems like things are leading to Techno having one cannon life. Be it because he lost some, or he only ever had one. This also could lead into the theory some people are having of the hostile mobs having different life systems.
When he says “where I come from...” This could be implying some new backstory with some piglins, or as some have theorized, it could be referencing a past smp. We have had parts of other smps being cannon, such as Earth smp. So if it is referencing a past smp or Minecraft thing, well I can’t think of anywhere “one life” would be prominent. There is Minecraft Monday I suppose.
So after a little heart to heart, they set off for real to go get Sam. (They pass by Eryn and Tubbo asked who he is. Tubbo clearly hasn’t left Snowchester in a while, and good cc!Tubbo for staying in characters and not knowing Eryn.) 
 -They set sea for Sam’s location, and it’s full of more funny conversations. Tubbo mentions how Techno never left an Uber rating when they took him for his execution. Just another great reoccurring joke in this stream.
They get to the island and Sam spots them. Sam approaches them full netherite and weapons dawn, so it’s clear he knows it’s time for a fight and he’s willing to do it. Tubbo goes forward first and demands Sam tells him where Michael is. Sam is confused about why they are all together, and says he told Eret that he was keeping Michael safe, and that he needed Michael. He refuses to let Tubbo see his son. They yell at him for kidnaping a baby and for Killing Ranboo, asking him why, and he still won’t tell us, just that he “needed to”. Sam keeps trying to say he’s in the right without elaborating, and so starts the rescue team calling him a super villain. 
Sam says he took Michael to control Ranboo, so he could use Ranboo to control Techno, so he could control Dream and keep Dream in the prison. He mentions how he originally arrested Techno cause he know Techno would have broken Dream out, and Techno says he might not have though, if anything Sam sped up the process. Innocent until proven guilty.  Now when Sam took Ranboo Sam seemed really harsh, so I do think he is hiding another maybe real reason that Ranboo was in the prison. I just want to believe Sam is smarter then this -_-
They attack and get Sam to surrender, it’s them three against him and not a lot of space to run. He gives his armor to them and they think of what he will have to do to repent for his crimes. Tubbo says death is not right. He says death is too good for him, (I’d also like to believe that they are also slightly realizing that death is not the answer.) they need him to repent for what he’s done. Eret and Techno give the final say to Tubbo, it was his kid and husband after all. “He may have been my disciple, but he was your husband” -Techno. (This is really great that they are giving him the command and control, Tubbo definitely deserves this.) And so Tubbo decides the best thing will be to turn this case around, and trap Sam in his own prison.
Sam first shows them where Michael is and that he’s safe, and they decide they’ll come back and take Michael home after they’ve dealt with Sam.
So They take Sam. They tell him either he comes with them to the prison and locks himself up basically, or they kill him. He decides to go to the prison. They only thing they allow him to keep on him is a watch. They take him to the prison in boats, and it’s another funny Uber joke for a bit. (Now during the stream I was very suspicious of Sam. In the end we got what he was doing, but it wasn’t what I thought. I’m not going to go too far into it, saving it for the Sam prison streams, but I’d still like to shortly mention it here. Sam has multiple bodies, whether that be robot’s or clones, or whatever it is, we know he has multiple hims, that do things on the server. It’s a secret of his, and the only one who knows is Boomer. Just some food for thought, could Sam just escape with this body things? How does it work?)
A lot of the stream from here is just bringing Sam to prison and our usual long process of getting him in, then transporting Michael, but there were still important bits. 
- another nice fun moment of them talking about home this whole things was a lot like a super hero backstory for Michael. That he could totally turn into a super hero now. It reminds me of the talk Ranboo and Techno had in that one stream, Techno mentor stream :’)
- Sam tries to get them to set him free by paying them back with Techno and Ranboo’s items, but they say no. Tubbo acquires all of Ranboo’s items, only leaving a few though. One of the items he acquired was the Memory book, and the chat really wanted him to read it. It would have been interesting, but it’s great of Tubbo to respect his husband’s privacy. 
- While going through the guards passages Tubbo finds the contract books. I think we only see books signed by Bad and Ranboo. Two of these Ranboo books are from when he was Enderwalking. The ender language doesn’t say anything special, just “I hereby assume, signed Ranboo.”
-  While walking through the prison Sam is trying very hard to slow them down and be a menace. Pushing buttons, not cooperating, taking his time. He asks if any of them have fire res. Once they get to the entrance to the main cell, Sam brings out his watch, and tells them it’s midnights, and that this was his plan. They keycards reset everyday at midnight, and Sam is the only one that can reactivate them. So now the “Revengers” are also stuck with him in the prison with no way out. They can’t use Techno’s exit because they don’t have fire res potions. They choose to ignore him for the time being and put him in the cell. 
It’s rather short, they just put him in and then start trying to get out of the prison. Techno chooses the tnt way, just blowing up anything in their way. It makes for an easy escape for them, but it is breaking the prison and making it less fortified and secure. 
Once they get to the main entrance hall again, they realize they can’t blow their way out of this one, and so one of them has to stay to work the door. Eret volunteers due to having a statis chamber nearby at one of their towers. 
So Tubbo and Techno get out of the prison and make their way to the tower. They say some more about sam being a villain, and Techno says even he knows not to kidnap a baby. They pass L’maburg, and Techno comments on how “things are healing.” Tubbo starts singing the anthem, and Techno says he doesn’t know the lyrics. Tubbo also comments on how easy it felt to capture Sam, does Techno think he could be tricking them.
They get to the tower and teleport Eret to them, who says they were a bit scared they’d be left behind. The gang then comments once more on their unlikely team, A King, an Anarchist, and a kid they both killed who has nukes. And they decide to give it a name while on their way back to retrieve Michael. So on their way, Tubbo dubs them, “The revengers”. 
They also comment on how they can’t get back in the prison. And is Sam going to automatically get food... They can’t get in, and didn’t really think about how Dream was brought food. 
Tubbo speeds his way there, in a rush to retrieve his son. And then they decide to take him to Techno’s house, due to it being closer, and cause Tubbo’s house is compromised. They make their way there working nicely together to safely transport Michael.
Once they get Micheal to Ranboo’s house, Techno notices something in the window, they look up and see that it’s ghostboo. (And know that none of these characters knew there was a GhostRanboo at this point.) He walks out, and Techno is at a loss of words, but he ends us saying “Ranboo, we got him, we got your son. I understood the message Ranboo.” Displaying once more the close bond between them and that Techno would do whatever he could to fulfil Ranboo’s dying wish.
To us the audience ghostboo is a lot quieter, but the others don’t know that, and I think it could just be Ghostboo being happy that Michael is safe. I’m happy his not complete apathy like he appeared. He was really gentle and it was sweet.
Tubbo comments on how he went through the five stages of grief for nothing, but I’d say i’s till totally valid, these ghosts are quite different. They ask ghostboo how he’s here, and he tells them he doesn’t know, but that yes he is still dead.
They then successfully get Michael in the house, and the mission is complete. Tubbo gives Ghostboo his belongings, including his memory book, and the revengers go to the sell out bell to celebrate.
And WITH That, the stream is over :)
It was a crazy fun stream, brought us laughs, serious discussions and conversations, bloopers, foreshadowing for future lore, and a group of newly friends/allies. 
I really look forward to whatever these characters and creators have in store for us next. Especially the Techno lore because that's been confirmed to be happening. 
I had more thoughts after this stream, but those will be addressed, soon, next time when we revise the current streams from Sam’s time in the prison. 
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madeofcc · 3 years
November update !
Hey dear followers and welcome to the new souls who starts following me recently. You’re all a blessing and I hope you’ll enjoy my content.
As usual in the beginning of a month, here’s a little update of what’s happening and what happened/ will happen during October/November . There’s two update : one about my life in general and the other about my blog and content.
Check below if you want to know
This time I’ll start with the life update as I have more to say on this ^^
Life update : My favourite month of the year just ended few hours ago and October this year was pretty nice, though a bit surprising.  As usual, the spooky halloween vibes filled me with joy and the colours of this season makes me feel comfortable. It’s also finally the season in which I can finally wear my clothes, as I’m totally a autumn/winter person (though I love summer, it’s just my body who can’t dea with global warming in general XD).
I also signed up for 2 more months at work so I’ll have a job ‘til the end of the year which is awesome but also frustrating because I love everyone there and I really feel good but I know that this is temporary and I’m already stressing a bit about being unemployed again in January but anyway ... We also got more work from usual because it’s the end of the year and I do extra hours to support the team (not everydays though, but still). So considering this and adding all the daily task I need to do at home (cooking, cleaning, stretching to stay healthy and all ...) I barely go out even though I finally have the money to do some stuffs XD I decided to use some extra money this weekend because I really needed to relax a little so I went to see the last Wes Anderson movie : The French Dispatch (Not my favourite of him even though it’s still beautifull and a good tribute to France, its depressed part and its colours, with an awesome cast ) and bought the Uni pack because I got it very cheap (around 7€ which is almost the price I pay for my break lunch when I work so I didn’t hesitated a lot).
Now I just need some time to actually test and play it (I only got into the CAS yet and let’s say that I was surprised to noticed two things : 1 : This pack has one of the best CAS for everyday outfit - 2 : I already had most of the outfit because of cc creators XD ). I saw some things around the Buy/Build but not everything yet, I’ll discover it fully when I’ll play it. That’s why I’m announcing .... That I’m taking a little break from posting after ASG is done ! Don’t worry though, I’ll still be around liking all your stuff and commenting/reblog but I won’t post much content except from some edits and maybe the Asami gameplay. So I guess now it’s time to talk about the blog as I already started.
Blog Update : So, if you didn’t read the life part, know that I’m taking a break from story telling after Another Side is ending. As usual, my plans couldn’t have been made in time (the story was supposed to end this week but I still have more to tell) so I want to end it the way I wanted through November, without the stress of daily content. That way the chapters will be longer and should be better (I hope so). I hope you, dear reader, won’t mind it and will still follow the story like you did before. We’re coming to the final part of it so a lot of revelations and twists are coming ! What are your thoughts so far by the way ? Do you like the story ? Who is your favourite character ? What do you think happened to Bella ? Don’t hesitate to share all your thoughts through the comments or my ask/dm’s, I always love to see people reacting to my stories ^^
About Simblreen, this year has been one of the best and it has also been fun to noticed that some exclusive creators still kept exclusive while the free ones did their best and way far more in terms of quality and content ! Thank you all so so much for all the amazing sims/ cc / buy / build / edits / little games / stories you have created for this event. You really did an amazing work, and some are already iconic (I think I’ll die for those Skeleton dress and Desert Boots by @xldkx​ ) so again, thank you all so so much for making this community a better place for a lot of us :) I have to admit that I got a little overwhelmed the first week so I decided to wait for the treats to be public even though I loved everything that I got from everyone >< Did you noticed we were trending ? No ? You were also to shock by the world on fire because of Harry fucking styles wearing another little girl dress like they’ve never seen a man wearing a dress before ? Well, now you know :p This community rocks !
Going back to my regular content now . I still have more treats to come ! As I told you, I want to share the cast of ASG so more characters will be available and I’ll include the link directly in the chapter so you all could find it. So far, you can find : Alex on the Main page of the story / Cass’ at the end of Chapter 13 / Malick on Chapter 14 (sentence : Malick? Are you still there ?)/ The Goths (2000′s version) will be public. There’s 4 characters left though, but I will update this post later when the story will end.
As I said earlier, when ASG ends, I’ll take a little break and have planned to come back with Destiny Harbour season 2 in 2022. Between November and December, I think I will try to actually play the game a little and discover the Uni pack that I bought especially to make Destiny a lawyer. So I hesitating between playing the pack with the DH crew, Asami or a new family ... I actually still didn’t really play with the DH characters and wanted to do it when the story will be over but we’ll see. For now I need to focus on ASG and not the possible fun I might later playing ^^ I also need an external harddrive so I can finally have more storage capicity on my computer to finally learn how to make my own poses and why not try to make a render once ?!  But again, we’ll see ...
And I think that’s all :) It was longer than I thought. I hope that you all had a great October month and if you’re new, know that Simblreen lasts all year long on my page so I also hope you all had a great Simblreen this year :D
Take very good care of you and if you need anything I’m here. Thank you all so so much ♥
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raventons · 5 years
The list of names
*scary music playing* Ok, guys, in the light of American Middle Eastern policy, that has once again brought me to tears, I decided to do something a bit happier (this is me trying to influence my followers to read the news and fight for the right thing and all that jazz). I’ve got a lot of asks recently, mostly from people new to the world of CC, about which creators are the best, so I’ve made this little list of the creators I download and use the most. This is not in any way a complete collection, I might have forgotten someone (and there’s also plenty of creators I haven’t discovered yet). Also, these are all build creators, mainly creating alpha CC. Please feel free to add to this list. Also also, the description I’ve used for the artists are totally my own making, so if you are a creator and feel like I am describing your work in an unfair way, go ahead and punch me in the face.  If I was a new simmer, I would check out these creators:  Retired: MXIMS - Makes modern, real life furniture with the best quality. Has many downloads left on their website.  MINCSIMS - Similar to MXIMS (with some amazing collabs), also with a beautiful talent for doors and windows. Not many objects left in orbit, but google is your friend.  DAER0N - Done everything from noodles to palms, but the recent Daer0n I would describe as gold, dark and modern, with 3D modeling skills out of this world. Retired, and much of the old stuff is gone, but some can be found at bloomingrosy.  DOX - Similar to Daer0n with a slightly stricter, more wooden approach. The most underrated one of the retired giants. Has some downloads left on their website. ANBS - Super clean aesthetic. Modern, real life furniture. Many downloads left on their website. SLYD - Mostly known as a CAS creator, but has the amazing shoes and bags available as decor. All downloads left on the website.  HVIKIS - Wallpapers and wall art. All downloads left on the website. VIIKIITA - Recolors to die for. Not many objects left in orbit, but google is your friend. Active (I think. I hope. I don’t know):  ARSBOTANICA - Previously simshamlet. Does really lovely, vintage aesthetic perfume bottles and amazing flowers. SLOX - A personal favorite. Modern, I’d say. And realistic. But often with objects you didn’t even know you needed, that ends up being the main inspiration for the whole build. Like some folded shirts, or a stack of books. 13PUMPKIN -  A long with Artvitalex this is the best wood creator in the community. The sets are kind of like “small-lovely-family-home”-style, but can be used in big, modern builds with equally outstanding results.  WONDYMOON - My by far most used creator. The most organized one too, I’d say. All sets match eachother, and are easy to find (and are all named by elements, this guy is a rock star). PYSZNYDESIGN - The Kilburn set is to die for.  MEINKATZ - Literally replicas of real life furniture, with their history and all. Honestly the coolest thing ever. Also, a really nice person.  PRALINESIMS - The best floor and wall creator, hands down. I don’t know if this is really the person I should tag tho, so I’ll tag @cross-design​ and hope for the best because I honestly still don’t know who is who. I love them both tho. THE TSR GIANTS: SEVERINKA, KARDOFE, UNG999, SIMMAN123, PILAR, ARTVITALEX, ANGELA, DOT, BUFFSUMM, SHINO and NYNAEVE - Yes, a lot of the creators I mention here are active on TSR and a lot of my TSR giants are active elsewhere, but I still, maybe arbitrary, like to put these under the TSR flag because they represent that wonderful vibe of big sets, certain room types and signature colors. PEACEMAKER - a true legend. Some of the CC is borderline MM, but that is what makes them so perfect. They go with both themes. MIO - This is the first creator I downloaded from and they will always have a special place in my heart. Brilliant conversions, flower sets, seating, everything.  NOVVVAS - A way too humble person that claims she is not the best in the game, when she truly is out of this world. RIGHTHEARTED - who I have been referring to as neiden my whole life because I am an idiot.  TINGELINGLATER - Does a lot of things but blessed all of us with windows and since then I am in love.  ANYE - Pinkbox Anye, to be correct. Lovely person. Lovely sets. Unique eyes. Adore this one.  FOREVERDESIGNS - Will literally transform your bedroom. And kitchen. And life.  BLACKMOJITOS - Build sets and sexy, stunning posters (and a basket every now and then). Also up for commissions, I just noticed. Go throw money at her. She is amazing.  KAI-HANA - Has a totally unique style, where everything is alpha, but still has a beautiful, clayish touch to it. Underrated.  AROUNDTHESIMS - A bit on the MM side, so if you’re looking for that MM/alpha mix, this is for you. Extremely productive. Does everything and more.  CHERRY-SIMS - A part from the CC, this is also the best picture editor I’ve ever seen. I am a huge fan!  CONCEPTDESIGN - Did someone say trees? YUMIA - Soft flowers, old school touch, vintage AGGRESSIVEKITTEN - Literally killed half the community with the recent brutalism set, which without a doubt will be voted best CC of 2020. Also, where else would you go for both beautiful, vintage objects AND a tarot card reading? Weirdly obsessed with seals. Makes amazing lots. I love you.  DSCO - I gave up trying to spell this creators full name after the sixth attempt. I would describe the CC as cute. But not in the condescending (that I could spell) way. More in a bad-ass-I-need-all-of-these-objects-kind-of-way! KKB - My ignorant and uneducated ass wants to call it Korean, and I am sorry if this isn’t the right way to describe anything. Soft, pastel but at the same time very cool, with rattan and wood.  DR GREENIE - Former Green Girl. Mostly MM, but has made some of my most used decor objects.  HELEN - Extremely productive. Does everything.  NIKADEMA - Has made my favorite sink!  PQSIMS - Makes sets. Usually light wood.  LUNATICAVILLAGE (2SIS) - Another underrated favorite. Everyone should go here and show as much love as possible! LAVI3ENROSE - A creator that entered my world quite recently. Art deco. Bronze. Gold. And the best wrapped Christmas presents of 2019.  DDAENG SIMS - Another giant that recently changed their name (used to be dreamteamsims).  FELIXANDRE - The best historical creator (as in making epic shit that would create the most wonderful castle). Sometimes a bit on the MM side with the furniture, and that contrast makes it, in my eyes, even better.  SIMCREDIBLE - Sets. Color matching. Often light and modern. I use their decor stones in every single one of my .  SOLORIYA - MM creator. But even for us alpha bitches there are wonderful stuff (I think this is the case for most MM artists, I just don’t know so many of them).  XELENN - Also does literally everything. One can scroll this blog for hours.  OWL-PLUMBOB - Amazing build objects.  SANOYSIMS - A long with MXIMS, I’d say this is one of the most “realistic” artists.  WINNER9 - To me, this creator is all about the amazing wall art. But of course they make other stunning objects too. Marble tables, anyone? SJAMBOKSIM - My most used concrete walls (and I use concrete A LOT).  AIFIRSA - Totally different style from everyone else. Absolutely love this aesthetic.  VIVIAN STUDIO - This sounds weird, but their onions are the best object in my game. Don’t judge.  HEURRS - A quite new creator who blew my mind with some recent candles and earned my first reblog since 456 BC. Love you.  I am forgetting so, so many. Please, I sometimes can’t even remember my own name, so don’t feel hurt if I missed you. PLEASE comment your favorite creators below! Where would you advice new simmers to start looking for good CC?  Love you guys!!!
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jhan-jy · 4 years
Dream SMP War; Thoughts
Well its finally time for me to write this, after collecting all the events in my head and finishing my classes. Let me just start of with congratulations to the creators for making an exciting and memorable story of a simple smp, especially Wilbur who might as well be the director of the roleplay.  I loved the direction and the way the smp was made to be a glorified roleplay center. The stories were in different categories of amazing, we got angst, comedy, filler episodes and more. Everyone had fun, even the viewers had fun with the journey in the smp. I love Wilbur and I hope he comes back after his well deserved break. Also for viewers to watch his streams even if its not smp related >:0 
TLDR: I LOVED ALL OF IT and I wouldn’t ask for more from the creators, but I’m just suggesting a better route for the story? Kinda like a divergence au?
Okay, am I done with the praise? Yes.
TW: Mentions of Abuse, Suicide, Bombing, Killing and Dying in general.
(PS. This is for the characters not the ccs, I know they chill)
Now heres some of the things I didn’t like about the finale. Don’t get me wrong, Schlatt’s death had a poetic ring to it, but it didn’t have any support to hold as emotionally impactful to the audience. For the most part, I love Schlatt’s acting! He really gave emotion when he had his last ramble before dying, thinking Fundy was still with him before realizing he also switched sides and he just, beats him up in rage.
I mean, Schlatt actually had a very convincing sob story of an elected tyrant who has no one left, drinking away his problems until he died of a miserable death. It made you feel bad for him, but only just for that one minute.
We know Schlatt’s character had always been a drinker, that was one of his traits.
We also see him being manipulative and straight up abusive, but you know what?
Even with all characteristics Schlatt had shown to the audience, I still don’t get his depressing state of defeat. Its opposite to someone who was able to make Tubbo decorate his funeral or how Schlatt was able to make Quackity stay before the divorce. 
Like come on- He just DRINKS?!!?? No plan at all? 
Gear was given to him, people were trying to protect him, literally he was being an idiot according to Dream. 
He could’ve had a better purpose on his final days before dying. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about Pogtopia being rigged with tnt. Schlatt could’ve hidden in Pogtopia while the battle begins outside, with troops looking for him.
He could’ve pushed the button to blow up Pogtopia.
HECK EVEN BETTER IDEA; Schlatt could have just stayed there until they come looking for him in Pogtopia, did his ramble about being left alone and all the shit to stall them. 
Notice how they didn’t immediately kill him? He could’ve taken advantage of that, as they get cooped up in Pogtopia, where a push of a button could detonate the tnt. SUICIDE BOMBING everyone near. No one kills him, he was miserable until the end but this time, he actually fucking did something.
We know Wilbur would’ve pushed the button to blow up Manburg anyway, he could still do it. Give a speech about forgetting the horrors of the past, finally gaining freedom or some shit. Everything would still go according to what happened in the stream, except Schlatt had purpose and closure. 
I’m sorry, I went on a ramble of what ifs and what could’ve happened for Schlatt because as good as a villain he is, his final moments were just anti-climatic in general, even with the poetic death.
Another thing I would like to include is that Schlatt didn’t die of a heart attack maybe? His drinking could’ve poisoned him or something, him being totally careless and drinking a potion of poison would be much better than a heart attack. 
Another thing:
No one questions the abuse Fundy gets from everybody, and thats another issue.People have little to no respect for Fundy. This guy grew up in L’manburg, the place his father built to protect him. Now its gone, blown to smithereens by his own father, who not only said he despised Fundy but also left without saying goodbye. His “fiance”, Dream, sided with the enemy and has almost no care for Fundy. Dream was the one to provide tnt to blow up Manburg. Keep in mind, Manburg wad supposed to blow up during the festival, where Fundy was still acting as a spy. Which means he would have died, his “fiance” would be the indirect cause of his death. And dont even get me started with the last Schaltt scene where he repeated smashes his bottle to Fundy, damaging him even with netherite armor. This man needs to feel happiness and warmth for once, or else he’s gonna become another antagonist in the story. (Which would actually be great tbh ^^)  Theres also Eret’s situation. He gained power and kingship through betraying L’manburg. That was his reward for betraying L’manburg guys.. now its been stripped away, leaving him with nothing at all. Pogtopians dont trust him a lot, they still see him as the first traitor. The Cain to the Abel in this story.  The betrayal he committed is now pointless and dull, he gained nothing in siding back with Pogtopia. His “friends” dont welcome him like they used to, and he knows why. Right now, he’s on a path to redemption. Eret just got recently given the redemption arc pass and is now trying to do good. I hope he succeeds in his endeavors. Other characters should be given their chance to shine. I feel like with Wilbur gone, people are gonna depend on Tommy and Tubbo for a new plot. And as much as I love them, more people should be given the spotlight. Remember the little Dreamon hunters thing? Ya that but with other people doing other plots! I feel like people need to be recognized outside the stereotype the viewers place on them. An idea would be having Niki Nihachu train with other people, Techno perhaps? Or maybe just chill times of building and redstone. Dont forget the draining the ocean thing, Im sure they’re gonna come back to that. I dont really have any other nitpick of how the story went. The only thing that bothered me was Schlatt’s death and how fast it went. Anyways- This is just my opinion! I still loved the war and the storyline! This is just me nitpicking on stuff- 
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It’s taken me a week to get these guys perfect (for how I imagine them) I’ve got 15gb of CC and it totals 6214 files. I downloaded sims from TSR and the Gallery that looked like a good starting point, then spent the last week changing the features however I needed to and using different CC to do the rest. I also kept hunting for better outfits etc. I just noticed Feyre’s shoes weren’t changed - I’ll do this and then re-upload soon!
My Feyre sim is actually more like a Feyre/Aelin mash-up - she usually has Aelin’s hair and she has eyes that would be brilliant Ashryver eyes if they had the golden inner circle.
I honestly don’t know which sims I used as bases and I’ve changed so much on them I might have a hard time figuring out what they looked like before. I DO know that Rhysand is on the gallery as a pack with Az and Cass (I didn’t use the Az and Cass from there though). I can try figure out CC in this pic when I have more time if people want me to :)
Thank you so much to the amazing CC creators, you’re the best!
I’m waiting on some poses from the amazing Simunderstood, and then they’ll be cosplaying Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Hunger Games, famous pop stars and loads more!
I have some new CC with outfits to try out over the next week too, which I’ll upload :) I have a Rowan sim already, so may start with ToG soon! Although, he has VERY light blonde hair, because the CC wasn’t in silver but is perfect!
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criquette-was-here · 4 years
Some replies
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@annachibi​ said:
I'm giggling at the names that are Simlish-inspired like Gerbit and Fretishe, and I've just noticed Forewheel Drive LOL I love it! *Phorewheel haha
Ah, yes. Coming up with street names is fun. I hate to figure it out in a random, casual way that take place most of the time I create a new lot, so having a map with all the street names already in place beforehand is very handy. And of course I had to have something like Phorewheel Drive in Feverfew. There’s also Wright End by the way. And there’s a street in Leftbank overlooking Feverfew and it is called Feverview (lol!) XD
Anonymous said:
hi again, not sure why the 1st part of my ask disappeared. (1) thank you so much for sharing Feverfew with us!! i haven't downloaded it yet, but the pictures look amazing. your dedication and attention to detail are unbelievable and i'm in awe of your work! question: have you thought about creating your own lot impostor textures for lots in Feverfew (like you once described in a tutorial)? and do you think there's a possibility for a mod that stops these textures from updating when saving a lot?
Hey anon! Yes, tumblr can play tricks sometimes. You’re most welcome! Lot imposter do have a modding potential for improvement, but as always, it takes time. May be in the next five years we’ll have better imposters! Who knows :)
Anonymous said:
Hi! Feverfew is beautiful! However, I have an issue with the individual garage roofs flashing blue. Any way I can fix it?
Hey anon! Garage roofs flashing blue means you need both Bus transit sets. Old and extended one.
@youdonelostyourmind said:
THANK YOU for Feverfew - what a great relief it must be to have this beautiful project finally done! Big congrats, you so deserve it, this really is the nicest thing to come out of 2020.
Thank you so much! I wish you a wonderful 2021 too!
Anonymous said:
Hello! I love Feverfew, to start. Haha. When I open River Seasonne and lower the walls completely, the garden windows appear bright blue as if I’m missing a mesh. I have defaults for garden walls but am unsure if that could be the cause. Do you have input? Thank you for taking a moment to read!
Hello anon! Yes, I know about that issue, but that will be fixed (along with some other minor issues) in the first update for lot mode CC I’m preparing. But we’ll have to wait for it a little bit I’m afraid :I
Anonymous said:
This might be a stupid question, but how do you get neighbourhood deco so close to roads? I can never seem to get it close, which makes my neighbourhoods look strange. I hope you don't mind me asking, you are the master of decorating neighbourhoods, after all.
Hey anon! I don’t mind at all! Well, all the neighborhood decorations I make, are free from placement restrictions. Unfortunately, not every neighborhood deco creator thinks about that when making their content and that only can be fixed via SimPE by editing the .xml file in the package. The process is described in this little article that can be found in my field notes. As for the Maxis original neigbhorhood decorations, there’s a fix that allows them to be placed everywhere, including lots.
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maxismixsims4 · 4 years
Hey guys!
Thank you all for 100 followers! That's 10x more people that I know irl (ik it's kinda sad). Just wanted to say thank you, this blog isn't really that big or professional and there are so many better blogs for Sims 4 cc.
I started this blog because I liked using mm and alpha cc both but I noticed that some blogs that reblogged both had a lot more alpha cc than mm and I didn't like going through multiple blogs (mainly because I'm lazy haha). I also wanted to find some smaller creators and give their amazing cc a go as well.
Ok none of you are probably even reading this but thank you for sticking around. And also I'm sorry that my blog is very unorganized and that I use the tumblr default theme, I'm just very bad at using tumblr and too dumb to figure it out. Have a good day and bye! More reblogs tomorrow!
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pickledtiarax · 5 years
Hello will you share any of your builds or rooms. I love how they look and I am amazed by your creativity. I respect the creators TOU but it would be amazing if you could share the files needed and your builds.
Hi @rosecheck, thank you so much for your kind words! I have been thinking of sharing something, either a room or a smaller build like a penthouse apartment. Just reached 800 followers so for the big 1000 I would like to do something to celebrate and thank everyone. A big thank you to everyone who has followed so far, I really appreciate it!
If I do offer something I would only include cc with the artists’ permission via their TOUs or items from dead sites. Anything else I would provide links. Unless it was super vital to the design I would also try to not use pay items, if I did it would again be a link to the creator’s website. Given my maximalist design style and love of clutter this could take a lot of time to prep, I work a full time job and my time is limited in the evenings, mornings before I can barely function, I am surprised I am writing this now and not tonight. 
I would want the lot or room to be fully playable, this would require testing and readjustments. I notice during some of my builds the sim is confused for lack of a better word and does not know where to go on free will. This might due to my liberal use of move objects on. 
This is a hobby for me and I think once you begin offering downloads it starts to become something else and I do not want the pressure. I am WCIF friendly because I do not have any downloads, I want to give back in some way and I know it can be frustrating when you see that great cc and can not find it. 
I can not make any promises but I will see if I can either use an older build that I tweak or create something new. Thank you for your question, I love to engage with everyone!
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tatschu · 6 years
Bloomingrosysims is looking for Creators!
Hi Dears!
After my decision to create for bloomingrosysims, we - the Creators and Admins - noticed, that we could need more Creators for our Download Section.
We have some amazing Creators:
new Meshes and convertions:
- DaerOn, with her very high Quality Meshes. You see someting on Pinterest or somewhere else? She create it for you. Also she convert CC from Sims 2 and Sims 3 to Sims 4.
- Anidup, with her amazing Meshes and convertions. Her taste is awesome.
Recolors, Walls, Floors:
- Sooky, with her stunning and breathtaking recolors. Guys, she is blessed with an amazing Talent with her recolor skills.
- Tilly Tiger, with her high quality Walls and Floors, Terrains and recolors. I love her Stuff!
- Ivyrose, with beautiful recolors. So unique and special. Just amazing!
- Ehm...yes, and me :)
- Broomhilda, she make here and than beautiful and cute Sims 2 Stuff.
- Lorry, blessed with an awesome Talent all around building, furnishing and decorating! Her Houses are to die for!
- Suzanne7000, so Talented with building and decorating Houses. I love them!
- and again: Tilly Tiger, her Houses are amazing, and her landscaping/Exterior Skills are to die for!
You see, we have a few amazing Talents in our Forum. And we all try our best to give Gifts/CC all few Days to our Community.
But we are growing!
And we are always looking for Creators who love what they do, to have fun to create and like it to be a Part of an awesome forum community, which is more like a family :)
It doesn’t matter if you Mesh, convert or recolor! We are mainly a Sims 4 Forum, but we are hardly looking for Sims 2 and Sims 3 Creators as well. Because we want to give ALL Sims Players CC for their Game :)
Come and visit our Download Section HERE. All Downloads are FREE, NO Membership needed, NO ads, NO adf.ly and NO waiting time!
If you like to be a Part of our community, you just need to register for free. What we have for our Members:
- Getting started - Forum Info and guides
- Say Hello - We wold love to meet you!
- General chatter - Talk about everything not related to Sims here
- Sims Gossip - A Place to talk about Sims and share your Finds
- Portfolios - Share your Pictures here! We would love to see what you create!
- Help Centre - Got a question, or need some help?
- Gift Box - Gifts/CC from Members for Members
- Creative Studio - Learning to create? Have questions? Need Tutorials?
- Challenges - Join in with our Fun challenges! These are NOT contests, but to enjoy, be inspired and learn new skills!
If you like what you see, and want to be a Part of bloomingrosysims - as Creator or just to talk as Member - please feel free to contact one of our Admins there: Tilly Tiger and Anidup. For more Infos just click at the “Join us” link at the top of the page!
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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spoookyyyy season, lmao I tried answering as many as I could but now I am going to be deleting the rest of my inbox so sorry if I didn’t get to answer you :( also WCIFs are on hiatus rn but you can find a lot of the stuff I use on my cc finds blog
Anonymous said: hey, have you ever thought about making a blackpink inspired hair?            
Most of my hairs start off being K-Pop inspired and then don’t look like what I was trying to achieve, so if I tried making one it wouldn’t look right once I finished it haha, I have a hair based off Lisa though!
Anonymous said: are all of your hairs also male compatible? there's a guy sim i want to make who has shoulder length hair and one of yours would be great to use
I never check that since I make them for female sims, but if you change some tags in S4S you should be able to check the hair you want yourself :D
Anonymous said: would you be ok with people converting your hair?       
Sure! I plan on converting some hairs eventually but if other people do it then I don’t mind at all. Just credit me obvi and link to the original post
Anonymous said: Hey, I love your CC (especially the hairs) and your sims are so beautiful! However, I noticed that so far you only uploaded your female sims (not that I’m complaining, they’re all gorgeous!) but I was just wondering if you could upload one or two male sims sometime? They look amazing too!            
I actually have had my male model sim in my drafts since JANUARY ready to post, I just need to get his tray files haha. Will try to do it soon! Also ty
Anonymous said: Have you posted your female "model" for everything on the sims 4 gallery?
yeah they’re on the gallery! Aharris00britney is my origin ID
Anonymous said: hiya, i was wondering if you created your own hair textures or if you used ea's (or anyone else's textures)? thanks!            
I use EA textures as bases and usually edit them somehow by combining different ones together when needed.
@ellebellsims​ said: Hello! Tysm for all the lovely hairs you provide for us! I end up using at least one of your hairs for every household in my game, haha. I had two quick questions.. the first, for someone that has limited abilities in making recolors (and never with hair before) how difficult is it to add an ombre accessory or recolor for one of your hairs? Also, how difficult would it be to convert for kids?    
Recolors are really easy to do, there are tons of tutorials on YouTube that will help with that. Ombre accessories are a bit challenging but hopefully I can get a tutorial for those out one day. Converting to kids is really simple if you know Blender basics, you can use my converting to adults tutorial to get an idea of how a conversion would work.        
Anonymous said: You had a obession with the flowers lmao            
lmao, very true!
Anonymous said: wcif the ice cream in this post? /post/174729716466/icecreamedit            
the ice cream was drawn in by @ayoshi-sims​ :( so it isn’t a real thing
@wholegrainsims​ said: hey there! i saw in your about that your favorite show is game of thrones! mine too! also your hair that’s coming out on 9/30 looks like a mm cersei hair & i’ve been dying for some mm got cc! looking forward to it!            
omg true! I didn’t even think of Cersei while making it lmao, thank you for pointing that out to me :D
Anonymous said: O M G  your selfie in the 57 facts tag was the most adorable thing ever. You're like insanely handsome?? I am shook???
Anonymous said: how does you feel being extremely beautiful?          
@theforgottensimblr​ said: omg, just saw your post at the fire alarm and I just have to say that you are so cute. That's it, you're cute. Hope you're having a good day        
Anonymous said: YOU ARE SO BOOTIFUL      
Anonymous said: You are a very beautiful human being. I like your face and personality very much.❤️                  
haha thank you guys! I don’t find myself that attractive of a person so the compliments helps keep me from being super self conscious :P thank you again <3 very much appreciated
Anonymous said: not sims related, but opinions on the most recent bts comeback?            
I don’t keep up with a lot of the boy group comebacks, but I listened to it and thought it was okay? I am pretty strictly into girl groups/female singers though so I’m not the best person to ask about it haha
Anonymous said: hi austin!! i just wanted to say i love your creations and you are one of the most amazing hair creators out there! but i had a quick question: will you ever put your "dean" hair model available for download? 
I don’t know if he is saved, but if he is I will try to put him for download!
Anonymous said: ok so i have a question if you dont mind, i feel like it's kind of stupid but how do you manage to move parts of the hair mesh in edit mode without the part you selected like 'seperating' from the part you didn't select and making a big ass gap in the mesh? like does that make sense? when i try to edit shit in edit mode i cant ever bc the faces separate from eachother when i try to translate a part of it or make it smaller, etc. if this makes sense, thank you if not im sorry im just stupid.            
REMOVE DOUBLES!!!! lmao that is the only way you will get anything done in edit mode. Proportional Edit Tool and Removing doubles from the entire mesh makes it a lot easier than sculpt mode. Make sure to split edges later though
@bishyouknowit​ said: I just recently went cc free and now I see your new hairs and I just wanna download all the hairs I had from you again and put them back in my game. I love your stuff so much!! ❤❤❤❤❤
aww thank you!! I am glad you like my cc <3 good luck staying cc free haha I could neverrrr
@bangtansabotage​ said: who's your loona bias?        
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Kim Lip <3 then Yves, Jinsoul, and Hyunjin
Anonymous said: Absolutely love the content you're coming out with! You're so talented. 💝
thank you so much <3 glad you are enjoying my cc as much as I enjoy making it :P
Anonymous said: Is it wrong I forgot you were a guy?            
Yes.... LMAO egfdbv I am joking :P It is fine you forgot, it isn’t like I am posting a selfie everyday showing off my radiating masculinity sfdcfbvb which I don’t even have
Anonymous said: you’re very good 👌🏼
at what 👀👀 ****** ***?
Anonymous said: Do you put your things up on Simsdom? because I just found you Em hair on there            
I don’t :( but as long as they are linking to my post and not to the download link there isn’t much I can do.
Anonymous said: Columbus never set food in North America, he landed on various Caribbean islands. Also, Delaware was the first state.
take that up with my history teacher from like 2nd grade ok rwedffvb
Anonymous said: you're in virginia? I go to college in virginia too but i'm from missouri!! it's cool to think that one of my favorite content creators is so close to me! much love!!!!           
ooooo exciting!!! I go to Radford lmao it is like 30 minutes from Virginia Tech
Anonymous said: Yooo! You're from VA! Ive never met anyone online from VA except from me!
omg that is crazy you’ve never met anyone from here before haha, I have only met like one or two so makes sense I guess
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