#contructive criticism
graysbullshit · 7 months
Translating this thread on twitter because I feel like a lot of people need to read it.
It's pretty long though...
"Warning: contructive opnion/criticism about the qsmp!!!!
note: nothing here is hate to the ccs/adms, please dont bother me
The english in the qsmp is dull.
I have been noticing this for a while and, talking to my non-english speaker friends (unlike myself), some have already distanced themselves from the server content because of this.
the idea of the qsmp is a global server, but this shouldn't be based soly in their nationality, but also the languages spoken in the server. And recently all we've seen is english being spoken 24/7, and of course this comes from the ease of comunicstion and speed, but we have a PERFECTLY good translator for that.
what frustated me more recently in purgatory was that, despite brigging AMAZING dynamics between the players, it reduced completely the spoken languages to english again. Because of the mini-events and distance that the creators are from each other, making the tool of amazing and automatic translation useless since it doesnt translate from a distance. And don't get me wrong, even quackity himself said he noticed he was doing more lives in english because of the "nature of the event".
When the owner of the server says this you see the problem.
anyway, second point, empanada
bagi is the pov I watch the most after my main (cellbit and morning crew) and, my god, how i LOVE this pov for being a brazillian that, for hanging out by herself, usually can speak portuguese. It's a relief. A breath of fresh air in the middle of english in weight [idk if this is a expression in english, but it means 'a lot'] from every direction
only for her to get an egg that doesn't speaks her language.
don't get me wrong, em is lovely and i'm VERY happy that niki will be able to speak german with her daughter. But at the same time, the language she does lives in is english. Just like all the other mothers.
Would it really be that hard to find an adm from a country that speaks portuguese? it doesn't even have to be brazillian. Portugal, Angola, Guiné-Bissau, Cabo Verde, Moçambique, even Macau.
I GUARANTEE you that there is a lot of people that speak portuguese that would join the QSMP team with a huge smile.
It's just dull to have a participant that came to represent the brazillian language and culture and speak portuguese 100% of the time in live because her daughter doesn't understand her language [I feel like this also goes for Ironmouse].
And I'm not saying necessarily for the creators, but for the people watching.
I started watching qsmp because of the brazillian streamers that I like, obviously, but also because I LOVE the server's idea, the cultural exchange and the linguistic trade.
The language is the main aspect of any culture and the linguistic erasure >CURRENTLY< in the qsmp makes me sad.
I was watching the old vods and it's weird to notice that — at least the brazillians— used to speak more portuguese when the translator was worse than now that it works perfectly.
It's just a bit disappointing to see a project that was made to break linguistic barriers end up keeping them through the sovereignty of the english language.
(after that, I have NO issues with the cultural aspect. The cultural exchange is made with mastery.)"
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Link to the post is here.
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I'll be turning this in for a peer workshop but I'm nervous so before I submit it can anyone tell me if I even have anything to work from here? I've never written a poem before and Idk if I even have a good starting point. Can I please get some cc or advice?
The Escape and Return
Worn-out shoes sit by the storm door,
Its squeal a siren
Warning me of your leaving.
Big brown eyes
Dart around and land on mine
The glass in the window
Instantly a brick wall
You saw me cry before you turned-
Running for the ally.
This yard was once so full of life;
A sacred comfort.
Now every corner is filled with death;
The rotting crabapple tree.
Your escape
wrapped me in grief,
Filled me with anger.
Turned skies grey.
It was snowing when you came back
As something else entirely.
I couldn’t even see
Your breath in the cold dry air
Because you no longer
Held warmth.
And being in your arms
Made me miss you more
Than anything.
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//I'm not a big account. Like, none of my accounts receive many interactions or anything, but I wanna say
//this is an rp community, we all have our own headcanons about the pokemon world and we all have ideas to complement it, but it doesn't mean everyone has to accept said ideas
//this isn't just a thing here btw, there will always be hate everywhere you look and it feels redundant to make this post, but if I didn't say anything, I'd end up feeling like a shitbag that does nothing to help the people that need said help
//don't force people into your own headcanons, don't force people to interact with blogs they don't want to
//and most important of all, if you don't like what you are seeing
//simple and easy
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prince-peachie · 5 months
probably an unpopular opinion but people really should refrain from correcting artist’s artworks
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thattripleabattery · 1 year
You either die a sherlock bbc fan or live long enough to see yourself become a fan of the great mouse detective (otherwise known as the best sherlock iteration)
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grainofsaltadvice · 3 months
When is it okay to give up on something or someone?
That’s a trick question. There isn’t a definite answer for a question like this. Every circumstance is different for every person and every situation, therefore it would be unfair to answer such a deep and intrinsic question with one answer.
So then…what do we do? How would we know when we can give up?
The answer is, any time. You can give up at any time you like! I know this isn’t what one normally hears. Some people may even frown upon such an answer. Modern society values resilience and stubbornness so it’s difficult to accept such an answer as ‘give up anytime’ since it is a contradiction to what we’ve been taught. Which is to never give up.
But it is okay. It is okay to give up on something or even someone. Sometimes there is nothing more to give. Other times, it is not worth it. There may be times that you may be pursuing a career, a job, or a person and realize that this isn’t what you want anymore. You may think it’s honorable to keep going despite your lack of passion for it, or you may think that you can’t give up no matter what. But you’re just hurting yourself.
And I'm not saying give up when it’s hard. I'm saying, give up when it’s something you truly do not want anymore. Think of your end goal, think of the struggle, the sacrifices it took for you to get here and then think of the rest of the work you still have to put in to get to your goal. And ask yourself, is it worth it? If yes, keep going! If not, it might be time to reevaluate your decisions and your life.
As I’ve said before, every person and situation is different. This is just a general thing. There may be other circumstances that aren’t so easy. But I truly believe you can persevere and sometimes that may be giving up.
Giving up doesn’t mean giving up on everything and never trying again, it means giving up the things that you no longer want and try something else. Who knows, giving up could lead you to better and brighter things.
You can give up, but I hope you do not give up on yourself <3
English version
Spanish version
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french-toadt · 14 days
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★ ayra starr ★
been obsessed with ayra starr recently so i decided to do some graphic design with her pic!
do not repost without credit please x
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thatguykaboom · 2 months
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Screenshot redraws
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With old oc
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Beta designs
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Hair crisis bc he just looks like kevin
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I have no name ideas for him…
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lumiose-resident · 1 year
I'll probably snap one of these days and just write the fanfic of Diantha starting out as a pokemon trainer that I've been envisioning for a while
Even though I have zero confidence in my writing capabilities. I must scratch this itch
As for now, guess I'll just lay down some of the thing's I've thought out. It'll start with Diantha being 14, a lot of the current gym leaders are either toddlers or just haven't taken up the job. So lots of OCs. Only 1 that'll be an important character, though. It's gonna be a childhood friend or cousin of Diantha's. Or maybe even a rival. Not decided, as of yet. Same for some of the e4, regarding OCs.
Since Diantha is an actress, we'll be going around the pokemon world, not just Kalos. So expect to meet cross regional characters. A lot of them.
I'll probably pick and choose stuff I like from different pokemon media. Including the anime and maybe even Pokespe. None of the game protags will exist. If they do, they'll atleast not be the one man armies they're shown to be, or even impact the world as largely as they usually do. And they probably won't be champions. Ash will exist but he's a baby at the moment. Red and Blue will definitely not exist, Gary will. Serena will like anime version but also not?? Like I said, Imma mix and match what I like.
As for ships..... will depend on whether I'm satisfied by my romance writing. Highly possible that there won't be any ships that'll get major screentime.
I'll post here when I actually get around to writing it.
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ms-all-sunday · 5 months
if anybody would like to send in constructive criticism for my fanfiction that would be great no matter how old it is i just kind of am winging it in regards to what makes good op fanfiction. i know more what that means now (after the great holiday fanfiction binge of 2023) but i would still like somebody other than me to look at my fanfiction and access where it's at quality wise. i write so weirdly that i dont think i myself can pin down where I'm at from a functional perspective to the degree i want. i want some direction
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
Your fics are very exclusive
m sorry to hear that! i try my best to make my works as inclusive as i know how, but pls let me know what i can do better to fix that!!
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menalez · 1 year
Hi! Do you think you could explain how gender critical people can support body autonomy in cases like abortion but not transition? I know you believe that medical transition doesn't change someone's gender. But under the ideals of body autonomy, would you support a woman taking T if she still called herself a woman instead of a calling herself a trans man?
And in general, I know radfems are anti-plastic surgery, but wouldn't that too fall under one's body autonomy?
I'm just trying to figure out radfem and gc ideas but I'm running into some inconsistencies.
honestly i was a bit baffled by this ask and couldn't help but feel like its bait bc ... how is cosmetic surgery that is harming your body, incredibly expensive, and done as a result of self-hatred the same as not wanting to carry a baby & go thru the risks of pregnancy for 9 months? to me these are such blatantly, fundamentally different things. but let me assume this isn't bait and you're asking in good faith and address your points.
I know you believe that medical transition doesn't change someone's gender.
this shows a complete lack of understanding on what beliefs i even hold. i don't think medical transition "doesn't change someone's gender" i know it doesn't change a person's *SEX*. this difference is very crucial. gender = gender roles, gendered expectations, etc. it is a social construct. it has nothing to do with anything medical nor biological, its a social contruct that varies across time and cultures.
But under the ideals of body autonomy, would you support a woman taking T if she still called herself a woman instead of a calling herself a trans man?
why would i support the act of taking synthetic hormones which are actively harming your health just as long as you Identify a certain way? it doesn't matter to me what you call yourself. i'm critical of medical transition because it is costly, harmful, and rooted in questionable beliefs. i'm critical of how readily it is promoted. i am critical of how profitable it is to pharmaceutical and medical industries. i am critical of how little research is being put into ensuring the safety of it as well as research into other methods of dealing with sex dysphoria. whether you call yourself a man or a woman is the least of my concerns.
you use the term bodily autonomy, but you seem to be under the belief that bodily autonomy = a person gets to do whatever they want with their body and their choices are always above any criticism or analysis and it does not matter how much their choices are harming them or others. by that logic, if you don't support an anorexic woman starving herself or getting a liposuction, you are against her bodily autonomy because you are not allowing her full agency over her body. by that logic, if a woman tells you she wants to get a BBL or have implants put in, you need to validate and encourage that choice because to question harming your body is to oppose bodily autonomy. but that is not what bodily autonomy is. here is a definition:
Body autonomy is defined as the ability of one person to demonstrate power and agency over choices concerning their own bodies. These choices must be made without fear, threat, violence or coercion from others.
Body autonomy allows individuals the freedom to make their own choices about their bodies. This is significant to a person’s health and wellbeing.
now, if there is a group of people being told that they need to transition ASAP and being told constantly that without transition they will kill themselves, is that or is that not going to instill fear? because if i was told that i need to take an action as early as possible, lest my life be miserable and doomed, then im going to want to urgently take such an action out of fear. if parents are being told "do you prefer to have a dead daughter or a living son?" or w/e, is that not coercion and threats?
moreover, we know taking synthetic hormones for cosmetic purposes can be extremely harmful for one's health. women with high levels of testosterone naturally suffer from a lot of health consequences as a result, nevermind people who alter their body's hormones. this is fundamentally different from a woman choosing to get an abortion because a pregnancy is costly, risky, has health consequences, and will impact her entire life for at least the next 18 years of her life.
that said, i'm not blaming people who do pursue cosmetic procedures or artificial hormones and i'm not against them. i am against the industries promoting this and making it difficult to even have a conversation on this, even pushing against research that does not benefit their financial interests. i am against the promotion of cosmetic surgery as necessary, healthy, and somehow healthcare. i think that there NEEDS to be more research into medical transition, the impacts it has on health, its usefulness and helpfulness, and alternative treatments. the lack of such research and the lack of constructive conversation on this topic is where my concerns lie. not with identity politics like what someone calls themselves while harming their bodies.
so ultimately, i'm not understanding what you think is an inconsistency here. questioning profitable industries and cosmetic surgery which are modern inventions rooted in amplifying people's, namely women's, insecurities for the sake of profit is not at all the same as an abortion and it's worrying to me that you don't see the difference. providing blind affirmation to every choice an individual makes is not bodily autonomy, its individualism and liberalism to another degree. bodily autonomy is allowing individuals the right to make informed, healthy, decisions for themselves. a woman deciding she does not want to go through 9 months of pregnancy and 18 years of child-rearing is not the same as a woman deciding she hates her body and thus MUST get a boob job (which ultimately harms this person's health rather than helping), or someone deciding they hate their sex and thus MUST get surgeries to pass for a different sex (which also ultimately negatively impacts the person's health, even if it provides some psychological relief which potentially could've been gained via a different approach like therapy).
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timeacola · 9 months
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F1 drivers ranked based on whether they fuck or not. Contructive criticism is welcome.
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genderisareligion · 4 months
I really despise how the trans movement uses black women, women who have undergone hysterectomies, women who are infertile and intersex women to validate themselves.
They’re all females and they’re not comparable to a transgender male who has undergone hormone treatment and surgeries and who is choosing to present as a woman and live as such. I just don’t see any point in denying reality when it’s not beneficial to any side.
I was very much pro before and I still believe that transwomen should be included in the women category, but I just don’t like how the female sex has been modified and erased in the name of inclusion.
We can coexist while accepting our differences. You can’t even say adult human female that you’re immediately labeled a nazi…I’m just feeling so conflicted about it all.
You are not alone. I’ve seen many gender critical women say that they started off completely supportive of trans rights, and despite what trigger happy “Everyone I don’t like is Hitler” genderists would have you believe, most are still in favor of those that are actually rights, as am I, like freedom from violence for being GNC, shelter, safe spaces and access to the same healthcare as anyone else
But the problem is that gender identity is a nebulous concept with oppressive contructs and no physical location in the body despite being called innate more and more. What I do think actually exists is sex dysphoria (which genderists just call gender dysphoria now), but like you say, call it that, acknowledge that every single cell in our bodies is sexed so SRS isn’t really doing what Big Pharma says it is (which some transmeds and transsexual identified people are fine knowing), or acknowledge detransitioners and medical malpractice in the name of trying to help, and you’re a pariah 
Criticism does not equal hate, I wish more people got that. Criticizing gender as a whole for the damage it’s done to the world does not equal hating all gender subscribers 
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hbowardaily · 4 months
I was thrilled to see you hired new creator people for the blog because the two old creators who stayed are not creative or hasn't published anything for weeks. I don't want to seem inpolite imo fans can give contructive criticism about a blog that was made for them. Fingers crossed new creators will publish often because they are talented and they can elevate the blog to a new level.
Hi anon!
Reading your ask I had to realize, that you don't really understand how this blog works, so if you don't mind I will explain a few things for you.
First of all no one is "hired" for this blog, being a member is not a job and nobody is getting paid for it. Everyone has the chance to apply if they want to and they can leave any time. We are only doing this in our free time for fun, next to our irl problems and responsibilities. All of our members will post when they feel like it and they can post whatever they want to.
We are not an official blog paid by anyone, the blog was made for the members just as much as for our followers, because we are all fans here. Besides if this is your opinion of our members and creators, then this blog was never made for you and you should just unfollow us.
When someone becomes a member they are only expected to make a creation once a month, yet in the past three years so many original content was made for the blog, that our queue could run only on those posts for two months without adding the same post twice. However it is not the blog's goal to only post our own content, we want to signal boost all the amazing creators of our beloved fandom, that is why we are making so many events.
Last but not least, I could not find the constructive criticism anywhere in this ask, so feel free to contact me (@supervalcsi) directly if you really want to offer some suggestions.
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plasmometer · 5 months
i'll hop on the positivity train, not only to spite anon, but because your art deserves a lot of praise: your interpretation of the human (and xenos) form is really unique while still demonstrating a strong grasp of anatomy (it's not easy to do both!). your character design for your OCs is obviously well thought out, to the tinest details in their clothing, face, and expressions. your color palettes are thematically appropriate for 40k while still being vibrant and pleasing. your jokes are objectively funny. your responses to shitty anons are great. you simply cannot lose.
i dare anon to post their art and ask for criticism of it, contructive and otherwise.
thank you so much! these words are warming my heart anon doesn't know that their words are not only missing the point entirely, but start a chain of events that brings so much love and kindness in my life. and i always value and appreciate kindness
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