#i have other issues with that post as well but that bit especially is pissing me off tonight
qualitystart · 5 months
not in the mood to fight on someone else's post today but the idea that $35k is "enough" compensation for pro women's hockey players is fucking laughable even with the housing stipend
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cerise-grenadine · 2 months
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so, when @dearestdo3 posted her lovely Pokémon drawing, it made me want to sketch my old team too! well, i should say teamS because i couldn’t choose in the end 😩
so here’s the roundup: (it’s more of what team would represent him rather than who he’d pick of course 🤭) (and it's my AU!Snape so no Lily or does involved)
Young angry Death Eater Sev.
Corvisquire — his patronus is a raven, and although at this age he wouldn’t be able to cast one, i still had to include one bc it represents him quite well. (not too fond of other raven Pokémon, i hesitated with Corviknight but find him too sturdy/metal-looking)
Seviper — he obviously needs a snake Pokémon. not my fave snake design but i usually pick this one for two reasons: can’t ignore that he’s called SEViper, and i like that he is canonically Zangoose’s rival who reminds me of McGonagall/Gryffindor :D
Alolan Marowak — this Sev has traumatic mommy issues so Cubone is a nice pick, and the sinister witchy Ghost evolution is 👌🏻 (tried to draw him in an agressive action pose and failed miserably alas, so he’s just waiting ominously)
Duskull — i had to pick at least one Death Eater Pokémon, so the death mark one it is.
Absol — he’s just there for the gloomy emo vibe 🤌🏻
Crobat — well. he’s a BAT. a COOL BAT.
thought about drawing a Voldie-Serperior in the background and then got lazy so please imagine he's there 😌
Chiller adult Sev. pissed off by his work and moldy voldy coming back, but overall has been working on his issues and is much more in control of himself. healthier habits and hobbies.
Seviper & Corvisquire are still there bc they’re very representative of him
Gloom — i wanted a poison Pokémon for potion reasons. Gloom and her oozing seemed an interesting pick — especially since i accidently gave his gf a Bellossom
Hatterene — she’s so witchy and so gender ✨i felt she was not unlike his adult self, solitary, a bit sinister, magical and graceful.
Umbreon — he’s here for the emo vibes but chiller than Absol
Sinistea — magical tea for the magic British school. again chill vibes but also a little bit dark — fits Sev.
Muireann. what can i say, she’s all fluff and love and music
Blissey — she’s nurturing, she’s caring, she’s wholesome.
Vulpix — she’s also young and fiery
Gourgeist — Gourgeist is a redhead jack-o-lantern, and in French she’s named after banshees, so she made sense in the team of an Irish witch.
Wooloo — a wee happy lamb! also they have the same hairdo.
Bellossom & Meloetta are both here for musical reasons: Muireann is a dancer and singer and music is one of the most important things in her life — she’d have musical Pokémon.
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the purpose of this post is for me to figure some stuff out so i'm open to feedback and discussion
disclaimer: i love Halsin, he's my precious bear man
but damn i am pissed
i started to really dig into the epilogue, specifically that last morning after the brain goodbye scene in the room at the inn where he says he has nine wagons of kids and he will aid the people in Thaniel's realm
sadly i can't find any footage of what he says when Tav goes "oh a community built with your own hands, i'd love to see that" (or something to that extent) bc i think that is the one option that nullifies the goodbye and i think? he just asks if Tav is sure and then happy end bells
but even so
the interaction practically starts with "why does this sound like you're saying goodbye?" - oh that's because he is. at least for now. but Tav can visit, he's very eager for them to visit - and then narrator is like a tenday later Tav went to the commune and then the party invite stuff, not important
and I'm like....
it just hit me how - yes, Halsin has abandonment issues and he wants to help those orphans and all the homeless refugees and all the great stuff but like…… HOW DARE YOU DECIDE FOR ME THAT I DON'T WANNA GO WITH YOU????
watching that on a loop three times seriously hit me hard and i don't like it (as in me, personally, not in the sense that it's bad writing or it makes no sense for him to do that, maybe it does - if somebody can help me wrap my head around that, I would be super grateful bc atm I'm stuck in my own emotional reaction to Halsin making decisions for me)
in my head Tav's response to that should be: fuck you, i don't want to visit - fuck that! i wanna go with you and move in with you bc I love you but i guess you don't really want that huh? oh you do? then I guess we are at an impasse, huh?
bottom line is - what do I want to do with it in my fic?
i could ignore it bc i kinda wanna, i don't want them fighting like that
on the other hand it would be great to have this devolve into a conflict, bc i already sprinkled a few tiny bits of them saying not the best things but then the other kinda steps past it or around it and they are fine, but it would add some realism for them to have a serious disagreement about their (joint) future and about communicating and making decisions and could be something to be revisited as a work in progress for them to grow into as their relationship keeps going
i don't mind exploring difficult shit in my fics, i already decided to commit and give Tav my trauma and it was very cathartic just drafting that bit, and this turning into a conflict could play into that I suppose, could work really well
I guess my problem is the dissonance between Halsin doing that unintentionally bc of his own issues and him generally being very considerate and respectful of others, especially Tav imo, he was perfectly happy to follow their decisions as a leader but now I guess they are no longer the leader and this is his thing, his commune, his new purpose in life and ofc he could never be selfishly happy when he could be doing good things for strangers but like.... i can't grasp that step how from that he goes into "therefore I shall not offer this as a choice for them but instead make that a foregone conclusion that this is goodbye, at least for now" - is it bc asking means risk of rejection and he'd rather reject himself to spare them both the interaction?
sorry this got rambly XD but anyway - thoughts?
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thesupernaturalhouse · 3 months
Right so- Emily's personality ir charlies design for the hazbins Fallen au?? Which should I talk about first??
Let's go with Emily-
Alright! So, Emily is still her cheery self but also due to the nature of the au defiantly isnt all niave and trusting and stuff
In this au, she's learning about seras lies from others, which I think would give her trust issues. I also made her more, angry
I imagine in the au she holds grudges a lot more, mainly against alastor, and has more of a silent anger type personality- here's a small snippet of the pilot for the au
Emily: alright so now we watch *Katie starts throwing insults* ...oookay- vaggie, spear, down *gently holding said spears tip down
Vaggie: wha- but, come onn
Emily: no 'come onn' I don't think you scaring people with you angelic spear is a good ide- *Katie says soenthifn homophobic* .....neveemind *releases spear* do whatever you want ant. I want that bitch to fear for her life
Or it'd go something like that, I'll work out any kinks when I start writing the story, first I wanna awake an episode layout whoch is harder then it loks- I have the ideas but I need it in a list so- jsut gotta sort through all that
Like she isn't like Vaggie, spear raised, but not like Charlie, easy to forgive.
I do imagine she bites her tounge however if you ask for her hienst's opinion, she will NOT hold back. I think once she and Husk become more of a father-daughter duo, he starts rubbing off on her, and she starts blurting some ruder things out
He is so proud of his little(200k year+) girl
It's probably the most evident when I have her tell of Alastor- which will also be one instance of her being super protective over her found family.....listen I know yall love Alastor i do to, but I think he fandom over hypes him, and so does he himself, and I want Emily to kinda call him out, and threaten him in this au
But that'll be another post :)
Remember how I said charlie and slaviathen are like Ron and Tammy 2 but without all the sex? Yeah, well, then Emily is Diane! Vaggie is to but vaggie mostly focuses on getting them out and stuff. Emily and slaviathen just have passive aggressive argument and comments thrown at each other
"Always a pleasure to meet you charlies friends" "*strained smile* always a pleasure seaweed hair stranger" "oooo-Kay let's go- and let charlie Dela with this"
Why vaggie is passive with sleviathan and Emily is the protective one? Honestly idk but I think it's funny :) maybe it's cause Vaggie knows Charlie doesn't tale shit from slaviathen one bit so lets her gaurd down more because she knows charlie has it, so she's more passive or smth
Emily meanwhiem can't STAND being talked down to so absurd bites back no matter what. Which is also why her breaking point would be Katie calling them a slur.
She hates being talk down to, which stems form her years in heaven being treated as a child by almost everybody, good intentions or not it was still always so condescending to her. Especially when it was from Sera or the other heaven born and elder/arch angles
So she definitely internalized that, remember how I said she was often referred to as 'lucifers replacement' by many elder angles?? Yeah, that's where it MOSTLY stems from
She'd also have resentment and hatred for lucifer because of it all, like "I never want to meet whoever the fuck lucifer is" kinds mentality, it's due to this that she refused to search him uo and relaize he was her girlfriends, one of them, DAD
So the dad beat dad episode is...fun!! Emily gets piss drunk with HER dad, husk after realizing the short man in the middle of the living room is lucifer
It's after that whole song at the beginning happens does she realize he's lucifer, cause charlies only referred to him as dad so-
......I should start drafting a psot for her and Peter's relationship- mlm and wlw solidarityyyy
She also be a lot more sexual active I think because liek heaven is restricted so being in hell with norestricrions she definitely is THRIVING on that freedom
I have a scene planned out for when Angle takes them to that bdsm club that involved her buying black silk stuff because why not-
Anyways, the finale change in Emily, I think, for her personality that is would be she absolutely take sfter a more Sloth like sin
"Screw both of you I'm sleeping in!" She absolutely HATES waking up early in the morning, especially if it's after a night of certain events. Vaggie will throw clothes at her and force her to get up. Charlie will already be downstairs full of energy-
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raythekiller · 1 year
Hihi! May I request headcanons for EJ, Jeff, and Toby describing their relationships with others creeps? Who theyre closest, who they dislike the most etc. Thank you!
🗒 ❛ Relationship With Other Creeps HC ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack
#Notes: I tapped a little bit into their relationships on my last post but here's a little more in-depth about it. also i only mentioned Sally in EJ's part but I like to think everyone has a soft spot for her <3
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
It's a little hard for this motherfucker to get along with anyone for... Obvious reasons. Most people in the manor can't stand him and the feeling's mutual, but he gets along fine with Ben and Toby. Mostly Ben, he actually bullies Toby a bit because he thinks he's weird, but Ben befriended him and now they're a trio.
He especially doesn't like Nina and Jane (obviously). Other than that, he likes to bother EJ whenever he gets the chance just to try to get him pissed off for once (which never works and he gets punished by Slenderman).
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
Again, gets along with mainly Jeff and Ben, though he's slightly icky about Jeff. It's more the type of superficial friendship where you mess around together but don't actually trust each other with secrets and stuff. He does trust and vents to Ben quite often, though. He has the opposite kind of friendship with Hoodie, where Hoodie helps him with his issues all the time but they don't really hang out much. Cool uncle situation going on. He also hangs out with Nina quite often.
He basically only doesn't get along with Masky, and trust me, he tried to. Masky just treats him badly because of jealousy and there's not much he can do to make the situation better, and eventually he started disliking him just as much.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
He's extremely quiet and introverted, so he doesn't really interact much to have many relationships around the manor, good or bad. He does hang out with Jane quite a lot (normally having some debate or reading books like the two nerds they are) and he adores Sally. Definitely lets her dress him up as a princess when they have tea parties. Most people actually like him since he cooks some amazing stuff for everyone, but they don't really know him on a personal level.
He doesn't like Jeff for constantly bothering him and pretends he doesn't like Toby and Ben as well since they're kind of a package deal, but he actually doesn't mind the other two when Jeff isn't around to rile them up and they're just acting normal. He actually wishes he could befriend Toby, since he thinks he's a good kid, but doesn't want to seem weird about it.
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mageknight14 · 4 months
I think what’s interesting about Neku as a protag is that while I’ve seen some people talk about how he’s one of the deeper/most complex characters in the franchise, I’d argue that he’s actually one of the most straightforward characters in the TWEWY duology-and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. That’s not to suggest that he doesn’t have depth, far from it. His trauma and the way that he goes about in trying to dissociate from others while still genuinely loving them deep down, even if he says otherwise, is genuinely interesting to see in action, especially in how he approaches his relationships. But compared to the others, I don’t find him as fascinating to explore in comparison to, say, Shoka, Joshua, Sho, Kanon, Motoi, Shiba, Mr. H, or even Rindo as a protag, even if his reappearance in NEO as well as how he tries to keep his trauma/emotions under wraps is still interesting to see in action.
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That said, he’s still one of my faves for how much he embodies TWEWY’s themes in general, his development just being great to see in action, and the impact he has on the people around him in various ways. In a series where a lot of the characters like to hide parts about themselves and how those affect the relationships around them, Neku in the first game is blunt to a tee, almost to a fault, and confrontational, which makes him the perfect receptacle for the themes/lessons the game imparts on him. We're privy to almost every single one of his thoughts, feelings, and emotions throughout the game, to the point that it almost becomes a first-person narration at times. He hates lying and it shows because when the characters have doubts about themselves, he’s the perfect guy for the job of setting them straight instead of trying to dart around the issue, getting them to look at themselves and try to press forward anyway.
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This is also part of what makes Rindo such an effective foil to him as a protagonist. Like I said in another post, while Rindo SEEMS more socially well-adjusted compared to Neku on a surface-level, once you look into his actions and mindset, you can see that he's also quite the dysfunctional mess. Whereas Neku is blunt, brutally honest, and incredibly confrontational, Rindo is much more passive, self-contradictory, and incredibly insecure about himself and the people around him, which feeds into how he puts people at arm's length, including his supposed best friend. The kid can't even tackle a simple-ass puzzle without needing to consult his online friend first or ask them about their identity because he's afraid of rocking the boat. Whereas Neku is alone AWAY from the crowd, Rindo is alone IN the crowd.
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This also extends to their inner thoughts, where Neku will let us, the player, view into his mind and have him lay out exactly what he's feeling, the conclusions he comes to, and be confident enough in what he's feeling to then express himself in exactly that manner (with some exceptions such as some of his interactions with Joshua, which is justified because he doesn't want to risk anything happening to Shiki if their partnership goes south so he tries to keep what he says in check, even if it internally kills him inside, and even then he still spills out how PISSED he is with Joshua towards the end.)
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Meanwhile, in NEO, while we do play as Rindo and get the majority of the story through his perspective, we don’t get to see his inner thoughts/turmoil as much as Neku’s…because he DOESN’T want to recognize his issues, instead trying to rely on everyone else to solve his problems for him so that they can take the fallout in case something goes wrong and a lot of it shows through his actions/outspoken dialogue instead. Nagi’s Dive and Haz’s conversation with him are some of the only times someone directly calls him out on his flaws within the main story but when you pay attention to how he acts, his flaws pop up quite a bit. For example, how he claims that An0ther's quote of "never miss your chance to make a friend" is one of his favorite quotes yet he balks at the idea of recruiting other potential team members as well as grimace at the concept of the first game's Reaper's Game.
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So we have a guy who’s constantly internally struggling with himself while putting on a cold/blunt persona because he doesn’t want to get hurt and recognizing that maybe he’s wrong on a point and letting us in on how he's feeling a vast majority of the time in his head versus a guy who constantly bitches and moans internally while passively going along with everything in spite of himself, constantly self-contradicting/being hypocritical without recognizing himself as such until he gets a much needed wake-up call later and I think that’s really interesting.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
I did see that you're getting a bit tired of TADC asks, so feel free to put this on the back burner or ignore it entirely. That said, the TADC cast w/ a reader who has anger issues. (The reader isn't mean or a jerk, they just have emotions that are difficult to control so they can be prone to lashing out.)
TADC cast x reader who has anger issues!
uuhuhuh! this post is mostly just a lot of the characters and the reader communicating and all that because we love a thriving relationship in this house!! so apologies if some of the segments come off as.... repeating.. written as neither romantic or platonic, up to you really
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very good at taking you away from the situation thats making you angry; i mean the dude can teleport, so getting you away from somewhere is not an issue for him... however, if you would rather he make up some excuse so its less.. embarrassing..? (this goes for other instances of intense emotion/overstimulation! bro is a king!) he will make up a scenario where youre needed elsewhere so it naturally look like you.... have to be needed... you know? basically a "mom can you say no to this so i can say you said no because i dont want to do this social thing with someone?" energy. or maybe im weird... probably defends himself if you lash out at him, but he wont lash out back. just pushing that hes not the reason youre upset (of course if this is a scenario where hes innocent) he cares about you a lot and he doesnt like seeing you this way, so its likely that hes going to power through it and help you calm down and find a solution... though if you need alone time, youre going to have to tell him as he might not be able to pick up on your body language and hints
probably a little intimated when you get heated about something. should stress that shes not scared of you but you can get a little intense. tries to make a list of things to help you with regulating your emotions... though given that pomni seems to be more of an anxious person rather than an angry on, some of her stuff may not work... maybe? breathing exercises definitely work, as well as detaching yourself from the scene... actually, i think pomni might be pretty solid with calming you down. as for lashing out, i dont think she would be able to stop herself from getting at least a little bit offended, especially if shes just trying to help. please be sure to apologize to her and make it up to her, lashing out at innocent parties isnt okay. hell, lashing out at guilty parties isnt okay too sometimes (this is more of a case by case thing, obviously)
very patient but i dont think she would stand for you lashing out at her when shes trying to help. very careful about not pissing you off and stresses communication between the two of you and is able to read when you need some alone time. to the lashing out thing, if you (verbally) attack her for no reason its definitely going to hurt but she knows better than to respond with anger... maybe... really depends on how shes doing and what you said. will either anger you further or make you see youre kind of being an ass to an innocent party, you know?
thinks... pretty good if you need someone to rant or vent to, very open and always offers an ear to you. tries to come up with solutions so you can avoid situations where you become angry, as well as coming up with stress relieving activities to calm you down. 10/10 love ragatha
honestly between all the characters hes going to be the one whos going to be pushing your buttons the most. sure he cares about you, but youre not totally immune to his bullshit, you know? like yeah hes less annoying when it comes to you, but he still acts like a douchebag most of the time and pranks you every now and then. i think thats an issue for another post, though, soooooo.... so basically you getting irritated and eventually totally pissed off with jax isnt that rare of an occurrence and since jax isnt the most emotionally mature hes probably going to make a joke of it until he kind of. realizes hes actually causing issues. then he finally drops it and leaves you be. smart enough to know that you need some time to cool off, will at least make an attempt to apologize or make it up to you. probably the worst out of the bunch to have as a partner since he hardly takes shit seriously or with care... this is all coming from someone who enjoys jax, buuuuuuuuuut yk?
honestly the king of comfort, and i think this still applies to non-sadness/anxiety emotions. would be taken aback when you lash out at him? yes, but he will try not to be offended. bros mind is clear when he notices youre so much as slightly upset and hes working on trying to find a solution. takes you to his pillow fort. i dont think he would ask for an apology if you lash out at him unless you say something truly horrible; feels as though you were vulnerable and werent in the right frame of mind... honestly really understanding about it because he cares about you a lot, you know? not much else to be said; tries to dethatch you from the thing thats setting you off, tries to calm you down, and takes verbal lashings with grace.. though i do think some of his patience may chip if its a constant thing. but i think thats a side thing because anyones patience and understanding can only go so far, and ultimately this is an issue the reader themselves is going to have to work on
the most likely to argue back with you if you needlessly lash out at them. zooble takes no bullshit, and if theyre trying to help you and you get onto them for trying to be a good partner/friend then they arent going to be nice about it. like i think they would say some stuff back, before sulking off. this one is definitely going to need to take a lot of time. its not so much that zooble does bad with conflict in the case of "they shut down" its more a "they can possibly instigate it due to them getting caught in their own emotions" soooooo.... you BOTH are going to need to talk about this and smooth it over if you want the relationship to last. communication and shit is key, guys. obviously this can get very heated and drawn out if zooble was innocent and just trying to help, even more so than if zooble was actually the problem. because in that case, then zooble can understand that they did something wrong and at least deserved it a little... but if they actually did nothing and were just trying to help you? no, thats not going to slide with them...
okay now gangle is the "freezes up and perhaps even flees" when there is conflict, so if you lash out at her shes probably going to get really upset (like sad and feel guilty) even if she knows that she has done nothing wrong and youre upset at something else. not so much as she SUCKS at offering a distraction or means of calming you down, but she.... isnt the best at calming down a really ticked off person.... might just wait for you to cool down... if you said something mean to her please remember to apologize because knowing gangle, shes not going to ask for one out of fear that she might be pushing, or she might outright believe she doesnt deserve one. though i think that might be self projection WHOOPSIE
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In a hole; still digging
Something I didn't mention in two prior posts about Luts: as I've said (ad nauseum), I've been a BJD collector for a few years now. With BJD collecting, there's a lot of - let's call it opaqueness. Den of Angels used to be the foremost authority on all things BJD, and honestly, while there have been tons of theories as to why the forum has lost popularity, I would point to one major factor: when image hosting stopped being free on Photobucket. Seems like as soon as Photobucket ended that particular perk, folks moved to free spaces like Instagram.
But I digress. The point is - this is a seriously niche hobby, and information is thin on the ground. Sometimes, you have to take clues from patterns you see, and after collecting for a few years, I've learned to view deviations from those patterns with a bit of suspicion.
For example: when a company only shows pictures of a doll's face fully painted (no blank photos), and the face is always pointed downwards, I will no longer buy. I need to see front and side/profile pictures of the blank sculpt. Otherwise, I'll get a head with a jarring feature (usually a poorly sculpted nose) that I do NOT like.
If the doll is always dressed, or posed with fancy fabric or props that conceal the joints (especially the knees), I will no longer buy. Chances are decent I'm going to get a doll that doesn't pose well.
Another pattern I've noticed is that the big, established companies tend to sell only their own dolls, and no one else's. Some examples:
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Dreaming Doll:
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There are two reasons I never ordered a doll directly from Luts. 1) There wasn't a sculpt that I just had to have, and damn the consequences (i.e., price).
2) I hesitated because...:
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Luts has a "Brand Doll" tab that looks like a doll dealer tab. That's a LOT of brands that aren't Luts. I've seen doll dealers that carry fewer brands.
One of the things I've been told repeatedly is that doll companies are more like studios or machine shops. You are dealing directly with the people who make the dolls. Frequently, it's a 3-4 person operation. They tend to be a little rougher around the edges, and there isn't a dedicated customer service department. (Which is why folks who need customer service should order from dealers.)
So... how does Luts have time to be a dealer for all these other doll companies, and make their own dolls?
Even though I am almost certainly hated by Luts doll collectors, I would like to assert AGAIN that Luts makes gorgeous dolls. I just disagree with how the newer bodies are engineered. Considering the numerous other brands Luts offers for sale on their website? I don't think I'm alone.
Others are likely afraid to say anything bad (small hobby - word travels fast - people get pissed). I OTOH am a cranky old broad who has no issue throwing my big bull ass around the BJD china shop.
Volks is the OG of BJDs. Volks is the GOAT of BJDs. Volks invented BJDs. Volks started life as a hobby company, and BJDs were incorporated into the business. If you're brand spanking new to the hobby and willing to drop a grand or two on a new doll, Volks offers the BEST new collector experience. My first Volks purchase was a dress, and I was stunned by the thought and care that went into the construction. I watched someone unbox a new doll from Volks, and when I then saw a used, complete SD one-off doll on Mandarake for under $600, I snapped it up. It was from 2009 and worth every penny of what I paid.
I completely understand why some people are loyal to and buy from Volks only. Buying a new Volks doll is like buying a new luxury car. Other companies... well, they're a bit more like DIY kit cars sometimes. Which I like! But I don't recommend for new collectors.
I don't shill for Volks because of the price. That's a lot of cheddar to expect from someone who knows nothing about these dolls.
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lavernius · 28 days
Use this ask as a prompt to talk abt Restoration :3 I always like reading your posts w/ your thoughts
Thank you! Heads up for the usual "I'm super RVB critical" disclaimer but here are my assorted thoughts.
RVB: RESTORATION SPOILERS under cut, very rambly, TLDR at the end.
The premise was interesting! I think I (personally) would've appreciated it way more if it had actually followed RVB13 directly, but that's beyond anyone's control. Tucker becoming the Meta is great, it would've been nice to see a real-time progression into it. Kinda sucked that Tucker himself didn't get as much focus as a character, but they probably didn't have time to squeeze in anything past Sigma mentally torturing him and Tucker's passing comments about not wanting to help him.
The animation was okay. I won't flame it because they were probably on a time crunch/low on crew, but some parts of it looked worse than others. Action sequences looked pretty good though.
They were trying to do a "final encore" thing by bringing back some old characters (even as cameos), which is, like. Fun? But I feel like focusing so much on Freelancer seasons (with Niner, Wash's hallucinations, Tex, the Meta) snubbed Chorus, which is fine, but a little sad to have the final season reflect on people from the past but not show any Chorusan past Grey. It's RVB, though, so the cast is way too huge for that shit to work out smoothly anyway.
Sarge's death sucked. I think I laughed through the whole thing because I was so baffled. It was expected, and while the comedy of it all fit him well, I just don't think it was good as like. His last ride, you know? He didn't die a valiant death, the comedy lead up was an "oh god don't do it like THIS please" moment for me. Subversion is fun but falls flatter in the very last installment of a show that's been going on for two decades. I kinda? liked that Grif was mourning it, but because his death was so lackluster the entire "This is the end for me" speech didn't grab me.
Seeing as she's my favorite Blue, I'm very happy they brought Sheila back, but bringing characters back randomly without…much explanation (did they explain that? Maybe I missed it) felt weird to me. I loooved Sheila's bits in the season but it felt like a forced cameo. Niner was similar, even if people wanted her back, but at least she had Sheila to explain her presence. Making FLISS and Sheila the same person was a crazy move I need to write a dissertation on though.
Speaking of feeling forced, half of Grif and Simmons's conversations felt so ingenuine. Like they were shoehorned in to MAKE them bicker and not natural. I knew (the second the season was announced) that they weren't going to do shit for Grimmons, but for ONCE I didn't really find…ANY of their interactions especially riveting. Simmons letting Grif leave was HILARIOUS from a meta standpoint. Physically splitting them up at the end as one last fuck you to the gay people.
Caboose felt better than he does most seasons. Still an ableist mess in some places but I loved his IDGAF attitude. The big Meta fight was just fun for him. He just wanted to win. He was fucking with Lopez on purpose, speaking Spanish and misunderstanding him. He should've been more of a little shit earlier on. His voice acting sounded good! Inflection is always annoying but it felt less…egregious this time?
Donut got fucking robbed?! Kai too?! What was the point of giving them development. There were so many places where Donut would've been great to have in! Throwing the memory unit at Tex as a parallel to their BGC rivalry, helping Wash through his problems, IDK. Sucks.
When the fuck did Doc die. Why him. (< Rhetorical questions.) Wash mental health stuff is awesome, though, I love psychotic Wash, even if the portrayal was a little predictable (to someone who was paying attention. I was thinking about Lopez) and imperfect. I'm kinda glad his issues were focused on without him being a major character. PISSED Carolina only showed up on his behalf and stuck around for his sake, can't a girl live for herself sometimes…
Ummm. Lopez was there. I want to wring him like a wet towel. He's medicated as fuck and got to talk to someone who speaks Spanish…and his WIFE was there…I'm so glad he was having as best a time he could and SOOOO glad they wrote him out early like I anticipated (just personally because I love-hate him, but it was cheap). Go on an adventure with Sheila gayboy. Run away from all of this.
TLDR: Overall, solid 7/10. I went into it expecting a 5-6, but was pleasantly surprised by it overall. It felt VERY forced in a lot of places, the pacing felt bizarre sometimes, I still don't even know where exactly this is placed in the overall timeline (and I don't care), but they did some fun things. I'm so glad it's over I hope I never have to see official RVB content again.
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lunar-rcp · 2 months
may i request Mountain Rescue Team hcs? 🏔
. . . ★ ˙ Mountain Rescue Team headcanons! ⛰️ ̟ !!  . . .
⏱️ ; tumblr deleted my post. sighs.. but here you go! since an another person asked for hcs as well, i'll be sure to do a part 2.
⋆.˚✮ 🧡 . . Mark !
⋆ I always imagine that Mark is the ‘leader’ of the team. Although, he wouldn't really consider himself one despite coming up with the idea of the team. He rather sees the team as their own leaders.
⋆ He doesn't show this side around others too often, but in reality he can be pretty goofy with the MRT. He loves to tease Bucky and Carey and sometimes just likes to lovingly annoy them.
⋆ Mark cares for his appearance. Maybe a little too much for his own good. Bucky has caught him staring into the mirror admiring himself at 6 am.
⋆ Mark is the only one who can actually calm down Bucky. The two had met since childhood, and if it weren't for him Bucky would probably have a harder time dealing with his anger issues.
⋆ Insanely good at card games and board games, especially chess & crazy eights. He especially loves to go against Roy, the RCT and MRT are terrified when they go against each other.
⋆.˚✮ 💛 . . Bucky !
⋆  Really short-tempered. Bucky has a hard time managing his anger, this ends up him snapping on anyone who slightly pisses him off. He feels really bad however when he calms down.
⋆ He doesn't know how to convey his emotions into words, so he can be pretty blunt and a bit too brutally honest at times. However, this doesn't mean he doesn't have a good heart. He's more good with actions than with words.
⋆ Bucky has an incredible soft side, he doesn't exactly admit it but he cares for his own team so much.
⋆ REALLY flexible. He can do like 5 backflips in a row with ease or do the splits without any trouble. Hence the reason why he also climbs the most.
⋆ Still tends to bicker with Helly. Often, you'd probably see them bickering over the most random things ever. However, he does have a little bit of a soft spot for the helicopter (i imagine he's good with taking care of kids, as much as he would hate to admit it)
⋆.˚✮ 💙 Carey !
⋆ The oldest and wisest of the team. He's also the one who gets the most involved with the MRT tech. Before that, Bucky and Mark were struggling to make their tech together.
⋆ Sometimes gets a little jealous of the others as he's too big to join other activities. 
⋆ Back onto that, he does hang out with Helly and Droney during those times. They all sulk over how they can't be like their vehicle friends.
 ⋆ Can speak multiple languages. He's the most fluent in English, Japanese, German; & Korean. However, he himself did come out of Korea.
⋆ He was the last to join the team. Before that, he was actually on his own. He was honestly very lonely during that time, as some ‘peers’ found him to be a ‘know-it-all’. Bucky and Mark tell him that they are glad to have someone like him, tho! He's very grateful.
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dr3amofagame · 6 months
like as far as the finale streams go, there's quite a bit that we can say preeeetty definitively were lies. c!dream literally goes into this whole thing like "this is the part where we monologue at you" to c!tommy, which is taking the credibility of literally everything he's saying and cutting it at LEAST by 80%
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(me too tubbo)
the saw trap, rather definitively, was 100% bullshit top to bottom. i mean, come on now. dream literally gives him steak that they could've used to depress the pressure plate, and he's completely unsurprised about the two of them surviving. plus he literally added a bonus "WE'RE DOING THIS BECAUSE WE'RE EVIL" thing. like, laughably fake.
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along those same lines, i mean, the "we killed vikk and lazar in every possible way for months" doesn't seem credible in the slightest. first of all, what months? unless they were doing so post-prison (and they continued to do so...after they supposedly found out about revivals causing instability???) -- and the whole point of bringing that up in the first place was pretty much just to set up for the saw trap. any and all death experimentation seems kinda limited by the fact that XD was apparently getting pissed over it
speaking of which, have we considered how funny it is that like there's a good chance that fewer problems were caused by the revival experiments compared to like. foolish dying from fall damage while building. bc foolish SURE DID DIE A LOT
i also want to bring up the "bring an army here to fight against us" moment just because it's ... so overt. i don't think it's a lie, but was dream like more than heavy-handed in hinting at what he wanted tommy and tubbo to do? holy shit yea
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like, it's giving "talking about putting c!tommy in the prison" levels of overt.
the rest of it gets...a little murkier though, and in part because c!dream seems to at least, to some degree, contradict himself? i mean, what he says about death being permanent is SUCH a glaring example of this
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like, he's clearly got some strong opinions on the permanence of death and revivals that he brings up. a lot. but at the same time, death being impermanent is also a problem...
...and specifically, a problem in the eyes of the god here. which is accurate--we've seen XD specifically make a whole Thing about how he needs souls, how he needs death. (though it does look like he's also kinda...beholden? to something? when he mentions that too, which is interesting.)
and look, here, too, when talking about death:
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like i think it's pretty undeniable that c!dream...doesn't. actually want people to die. he's got an issue with this whole death thing. like--look at what he says, even, about the fact that they have to kill everyone? he literally calls it a problem. hell, when he could, by all means, technically get "closer" to his goals by killing c!clingy, he doesn't take it. he even revives tommy after killing him.
he's very explicit about not wanting death in the final stream, as we see here:
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i've seen a few interpretations about what dream wanted being to, essentially, become immortal with punz after killing everyone. and i always didn't really agree, though i couldn't pinpoint specifics either--for one, the specific point of "only you two will be left" is something that tubbo points out first, not either dream nor punz. further, when dream mentions who would be left after "killing everyone," he actually specifically doesn't say that it's about the dream and punz show and the dream and punz show only--it's a choice of "join us in our research or die."
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further...well, it's rather antithetical to what have been c!dream's stated motivations the entire time, right? dream doesn't want peace on the server in terms of just having like one (1) other person around that agrees with him or whatever. and again, there have been some mentioned contradictions just from these two streams alone. but looking at the contents of these last two streams again, and especially looking at the focus c!dream has on "everyone living forever and being friends and being invincible and the server being completely vanilla again" plus the return of mr. "end justifies the means", i can 100% see some kind of plan where--facing an immediate world reset--c!punz and c!dream decide to go for plan "kill people to appease the god while gathering anyone that's willing to do research with us to Figure Out How To Fix Things." the emphasis that c!dream presents on death not mattering, calling the revive book the "greatest thing" that's happened to the server, even, going "yeah it might hurt, but we can go back" seem to suggest that everyone that was babyjailed in limbo in the meantime would then be able to be revived after they idfk kill god or whatever.
like. i don't think they actually have Too Much of a plan, though we don't know that much bc we don't know how much their research went into. hell, we don't even know how much XD is actually involved in all of this! the events that trigger everything that happens looks to be almost completely out of punz and dream's control--they didn't seem to expect or even know about the nuke, they weren't involved in the egg hatching, and they weren't with eret and foolish fighting XD. all they did was...well punz revives dream and dream kills and revives tommy. (which, ironically, also what they literally said they shouldn't have done because it's what caused the instability????) -- as i pointed out in the last post, i'd say a degree of like "this is inevitable nothing matters" definitely affects c!dream in these streams, with the end of the world kind of happening around him. but as for whatever goal he DID seem to be working towards, the idea of doing research + wanting knowledge + murder for like, an actual purpose that aligns with earlier stated goals (preserving the server and making it so that people can live in peace without being haunted by death and pain and destruction) feels like it reads relatively well with what we know about 1) XD having to do with the reset, and the server being a cycle that involves worlds coming into existence and ending over and and over and over again and 2) what c!dream says in these streams, specifically referring to his stated end goal of living forever with everyone and not simply striving for immortality in its own right
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payidaresque · 1 year
The New Editor tips and tricks (sort of)
So, i got a lot of interesting activity with my recent poll regarding what editor content makers actually use, and i noticed that some people (well, most actually) really struggle while using it. And as i'm using it for some time now, i found some ways or actually making it work better/be less annoying. Please note that this is in no way an attempt to try to force anyne to start using it, this post is desinged to be a help post for those who may not know how some of its functions work, and maybe an informative post for others, and maybe make content maker's life a little bit easier, and that's it!!!
If you're intrested, please read below. And please pass it along so more people can see it! Thank you. Warning: image/gif heavy!!!
Add more images after you already added some This is useful if you want to add a gif to one side only. If your making a comparison gifset, for example. After you added your gifs, click on the space between them until you see a blue line, and then hit enter. This is useful because you don't need to drag your gif all around, and if it's added to one side, it sticks to one side only. The same applies to the other side
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Reorder gifs The most handy way would be by dragging them by those 4 squares thingy. The blue lines may be distracting, but think of it as the guides as to where your content will be placed
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Double check What I mean by that is this: when i add my gifs, they usually added into text editor itself, so in order to be sure, I take a gif, and drag it one level above, like this:
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Obviously, the new editor needs a hell lot of work before getting implemented permanently, but i hope this will be at least of some help for those who strugling. There's a lot of issues with text formatting as well, maybe it's the matter of a habbit that i don't find it very hard as of uploading/rearranging gifs anymore, my main issue with it, personally, is that it makes my content look ugly for others (surprisingly, they look as intended to me, i checked it like several times before). I do understand that staff needs to update the code that was written over a decade ago, and it's important to think of it from the technical side of things too, because it may be that the old code is outdated, so they simply can't use it anymore, even if they wanted to, cause you know, progress is never sleeps, in every aspect of life, especially such a complicated thing as programming and coding
What i'm trying to say is, that as a content maker myself (i've been making content, mainly gifs, for over 7 years on here), i understand the frustration. Trust me, it pisses me off too. What staff can do tho, is fix the existing bugs
Don't just complain. Explain. Angry tags in reblogs won't help the case. Send them feedback/tickets telling what issues you personally have with the new editor, preferably with screenshots/gifs to show off the problem, so they know it's not just words but actually see the problem. And try to be as detailed as possible. The new editor kinda sucks, but it's nothing that can't be fixed And maybe they'll listen to us
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reverseflashes · 10 months
I’m trying to write a story or at least a short one. Where Constantine and Raven cross paths with the Rogues. I have a pretty good idea for it but even though I’ve read comics. I still don’t fully understand them I need an idea about there personality and fighting style. I’m hoping that with your help and a few other Rogue fans. I can get a better idea. Cause finding proper information is like finding a needle in a haystack for them. Constantine is literally the easiest out of all of them.😭
I really hope for good information. I want to do right by them.🥺
Anyway my chosen Rogue’s are… Captain Cold, Heatwave, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and Trickster (Axel Walker).
Basically the ones in comics right now.
P.S. I’m also mad about Owen. He had so much potential.
Every time I checked my inbox and saw this meage on top, I reminded myself to answer it some time the same day. And every time, I forgot. I don't even know where to begin to apologize, nonnie, especially it's been exactly a month since you've sent me this. I hope, if you are still around, and if you see this, you can forgive me. And if you are pissed at me, then you are completely right too I'M SO SORRY I SWEAR
To be honest, I can read every issue every Rogues member has ever appeared in (and for some members, I did lol) and still would not be good at answering questions like this. I'll tag few blogs I know post about the Rogues at the end of my response and tag this properly so that more people will see it and hopefully share their opinions as well. :)
I apologize in advance if this is very scattered, all over the place but I've never been very good at explaining stuff like this so... yeah.
I'm assuming the fight takes between John&Raven and the Rogues.
The Rogues are Flash's villains. And Flash has superspeed; and having superspeed comes with infinite amount of skills and abilities. There is really nothing a speedster can't do. So how does the Rogues, a bunch of non-powered criminals (except for Mark, if we want to go into a bit detail lol) with only their gadgets and costumes keep up with him? How can a speedster like Barry Allen can struggle against the Rogues sometimes?
The answer is that the Rogues have the advantage of planning their heists in advance. Excessive planning, may I add! Rogues don't have to keep up with Flash's whereabouts, because Flash will always go where the Rogues exactly want him. But the Flash doesn't have the advantage of always anticipating the Rogues' next move. There are so many other reasons of course but no need to go into more details. So, in your story, whether the Rogues plans the fight with John and Raven ahead or if it occurs completely spontaneous, I believe the Rogues wouldn't be caught off guard. I mean, they fight speedsters on a weekly basis, so it is hard for them to get intimitated by anyone else.
Now another thing, and I don't know if it's just me or if it is a fandom thing, but I always got the impression that Rogues hate magic. Like I always believed that to be a fact. They don't like it at all. Maybe "superpowers" is what they really don't like but I guess, to them, it's all the same.
Len in The Flash #750
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Rogues don't want to get involved in anything that is above their paygrade. They hate their plans getting out of control and things getting messy and magic IS messy, that is an understatement. So you can use this in the story; they will fight John and Raven if they have to, but they won't care about winning. Of course, they CAN win the fight, but if you use the canon fact that the Rogues never faced John and Raven before in your story, then I assume winning wouldn't be their priority. They'll buy themselves time while putting the capes through their paces (damn right 😎).
You can focus on the Rogues' gadgets as well. In my personal opinion, Mirror Gun is the most powerful and dangerous out of all of them: it can open portals, it can create duplicates, it can fire bolts of light energy, IT CAN HYPNOTIZE AND MIND CONTROL PEOPLE, it can be used to transmute objects into glass, it can be used for dimensional travel, it can trap people inside those mirror dimensions etc... (SOURCES: here and here)
Here is a panel of Sam blinding Wonder Woman with his Mirror Gun. Justice League America #158
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I put this panel especially because Wonder Woman is heavily affiliated with magic.
You can find more info on their gadgets on the internet, and if you'd like, I can look into it and send you some links if I can find anything.
I was gonna mention Hartley and his flute too but I realized that he isn't in the Rogues in your story so I'll skip that.
And lastly, I'd recommend you read New Year's Evil: Rogues, a one-shot where the Rogues are in the land of Zhutan searching for a powerful sun disk of Meshta (the creator god of the Saravistraism- DC’s version of Zoroastrianism) to make their souls eternally free from Neron (DC’s version of Satan). It involves heavy supernatural themes so maybe it helps.
Also, Teen Titans: Cold Case might be a good read. There is a fight between Teen Titans and the Rogues and although magic isn't in the center, Rogues fight against members Cyborg, Red Devil and Wonder Girl (Cassie). (And Vic and Tim actually admit that they couldn't take the Rogues!)
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And most importantly, they fight as a TEAM and a FAMILY. Their diverse skills and abilities complete each other, thanks years of working and planning and fighting together side by side.
Soooo yeah. I'm pretty sure I forgot half the things I was gonna add and forty thousand anecdotes but that's why I'll tag some of the awesome people in the Rogues fandom underneath this so that they can add their own opinions as well. If they want, of course, no pressure! Please feel free to ignore this.
Thank you so very very very much for your message nonnie. And I'm so so so very sorry for taking so long to answer it. I hope I made it up to you a little.
@gorogues @tricksterrune @t-bombs @longitudinalwaveme @belphegor1982 @saltywithsarcasm @smartshipfriday my brain is all over the place rn i can't think of anyone else but if you see this in the search or on your dash pls feel free to reblog it and share your opinions <33
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
talk shop tuesday - you once mentioned the 'Robby Lawrence' AU and I would love love love to know more about that, and how Johnny having been present in Robby's life would change things in this 'verse (beyond Robby getting some decent parental figures in his life for once).
Oooh there’s a deep cut 😅 last time I talked about that was a couple years back! Here’s the initial post about it if anyone’s curious.
This is also a bit longer than I expected (even tho I only hit some of the highlights 😅) so the rest is below the cut:
So Johnny being more present in Robby's life would also probably improve things with Shannon, because really, I think a lot of Robby's issues with Shannon had to do with the fact that she was trying her level best but she wasn't prepared to be a single mom. She was relying on Johnny to help parent Robby, and of course that never happened in canon—Johnny kept letting her down. But with Johnny more present, I think the two of them would be on better terms with each other and with Robby! They wouldn't be together as a couple, but they're co-parents and friends, and they love Robby, and Robby loves them. So from the jump, there's a more stable relationship.
Also, I mentioned he meets Sam in elementary school* and they strike up a friendship. A one-sided, Shirbert-esque academic rivalry at first (serious from Sam's end, not so much from Robby's end), but then it becomes more playful over time. As a result, Robby also has Daniel and Amanda as...maybe or maybe not parental figures, but definitely trusted adults. Especially Amanda—I love how much those two just get each other, and of course I gotta keep it in this AU idea.
Robby gets pulled into the Miyagi-Do stuff much earlier—Johnny's wary about it, but he and Daniel have resolved their differences by now (especially since Shannon and Amanda are best friends and keep glaring at them whenever they start fighting, so they've been lovingly bullied into reconciling), so Johnny trusts Daniel with Robby. And he sees Robby flourish—he was always a fairly happy kid since meeting Sam, but with karate in particular, it's like a sort of calmness follows him everywhere. Johnny even sits in on a few of Robby's classes, claiming it's to "keep an eye on them", but everyone knows it's because Johnny's kinda warming up to the idea of this more meditative style of karate. (It helps him too. He and Robby practice sparring, and they develop an in-between style of CK and MD together.)
Obviously Robby would be friends with Sam's friends too...well, at least Aisha, Demetri, and Eli**. Yasmine and Moon would rub him the wrong way, and he and Sam would argue a lot about it. Aisha, Demetri, and Eli cut ties with her, and Robby does too, telling Sam, "the girl I knew, who kept trying to befriend the loner new kid and didn't stop until it worked, would never side with the girl bullying her best friend. Come talk to me when you've gotten your head on straight." (Though of course, Robby jumps to her defense when the Kyler rumors pop up, frowning at Aisha when she says something snide. Miguel attacks Kyler before Robby can, and for that, Robby can admit the new kid is pretty cool.)
And he and Anthony would have kind of a...not a brotherly relationship at first, but a tentative respect relationship, that sort of evolves into a brotherly one over the years (when Anthony starts bullying Kenny, Robby's the one who drags him away by the ear and demands to know "what the hell do you think you're doing, Anthony LaRusso" and nips that rivalry in the bud, thank you very much)
Hmm what else...oh! Johnny opens Cobra Kai at the start of canon, Daniel gets pissed about it, but not as pissed as canon—remember, he knows Johnny here. So instead of doing something underhanded, he calls Johnny and demands to know what he thinks he's doing. Reminds him what Kreese did. Johnny snaps back that he doesn't need a reminder, and that it's a free country, he can do what he wants. Daniel has never spoken about KK3, but Johnny's always suspected there was something else, something about '85 that Daniel's not mentioning. He pries a little, but Daniel gets defensive. Tells him to be careful and hangs up. So that part's just slightly changed—it just means no underhanded tricks, more communication for them.
Oh and ofc regarding the romances, there wouldn't be any love triangle nonsense. Miguel would be jealous of Robby from way earlier (because remember, Robby jumped to Sam's verbal defense first), but Robby would say "no, dude, she's like a sister/best friend to me. Ask her out if you want. But...if my dad tries to give you advice, maybe take it with a grain of salt." (Miguel takes her to golf 'n stuff anyway, and Robby figures that's for the best. Casual is better for a first date). And of course with no jealousy nonsense, Miguel and Sam don't break up, so there's no Sam/Robby and Miguel/Tory in s2.
And, actually, Robby and Aisha are both the first to befriend Tory. Now, of course, Robby and Aisha both feel similarly about Sam—they both cut ties with her at the same time and both made amends with her at the same time. But also, Robby's always been the type to defuse the tension (this is a canon trait of his, which would likely carry over more here due to Daniel, Amanda, and Shannon's collective influences). So when Sam starts making accusations and Tory starts getting heated, Robby steps between them, tells them both to calm down, and tells Sam to explain what's going on. So she does, and Robby ropes Tory and Aisha into helping Sam (doesn't take too much convincing for the latter—remember, Aisha forgave Sam in 1x10). They find Amanda's wallet, all is well...and Sam apologizes for making assumptions. Tory's not sure what to make of her, so she just nods (as a result of this, they become friends much earlier).
There's probably more that would change, but these are the big things I can think of 😅 I...did not expect to get hooked on this idea again, but I so am. Thanks for the ask!
*Sam's an Encino kid, but she goes to public school, as Robby probably would too. So that's where they meet.
**Demetri, Eli, Aisha, and Sam all being childhood best friends is a long-standing headcanon of mine, so ofc it would be present here
talk shop tuesday!
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Post S4Ep5 where I think Tom and Greg are going to go from here:
So alot of people have been complaining that Tom and Greg have both been pretty sidelined in the past few episodes, and while I agree, I think they will be having more significant storylines in the last half of the season. Specifically, I think we are going to see a betrayal arc between the two them.
The set up for it has been made pretty clear with the recent episode: Greg is starting to get into good graces of Ken (+Roman) while Tom is getting pulled in by Shiv.
We have been seeing a turn for Tom and Gregs relationship. Tom’s focus on Greg seems to pale compare to previous seasons where he was practically obsessed with Greg. They both have no power now that Logan is dead. However, Tom still treats Greg like a little bit of a lackey despite not having much power himself (he made Greg tell Kerry she is not fit to be anchor so she wouldn’t be mad at Tom and Logan, he told Greg to act like an idiot in front of the Matsson and the swedes so that Tom looks better in comparison). However, in those instances Tom can’t maintain that fickle power over Greg—Logan dies and Kerry is ousted from the inner circle so it doesn’t matter if Greg pissed her off, Greg looked like an idiot in front of Matsson but Matsson was intrigued by Greg since he is family and cares even less about Tom. Along with that, while Tom has been floundering to find footing in the shifting power dynamics, Greg is actually doing somewhat well (despite coming off incredibly cringey). He knows about Ken and Roman intentionally trying to tank the deal, he was getting along with and dancing with the girl that Matsson has been sending litres of blood to (sidenote: Matsson is such a hilariously weird fucking freak), he established some rapport with Marcia who may or may not be the administrator of Logan’s trust (it is never confirmed but we will probably find out soon). Also—Greg was somehow able to not only find out Matsson’s weird sex habits, but confirm the kill list as well as how many people are on it which is kind of impressive if you think about how much the other Waystar co. was struggling to talk with Gojo people. Greg’s big skill is that he is easily able to gather information, especially since no one expects him to actually use the things he learns since he sounds like such an idiot. (Also someone pointed out that Greg actually has all the necessary information to figure out that Ken was involved with the waiters death in S1).
With that in mind, Greg is probably going to become more valuable to Ken (+ Roman) as he continues to accumulate more valuable information.
We also have to remember that while this is happening, Tom has now once again gotten into the clutches of Shiv. Shiv is willing to let Tom back into her life because she knows that she can control him—the only reason he still has a job is because of her, plus she knows that baby has potential to emotional devastate Tom. And considering how this is a existing pattern in their relationship, we can expect for Shiv to in fact do something to devastate Tom. If we follow where that pattern goes, then Tom will turn around and throw that devastation right back at Greg.
Tom and Greg’s relationship can’t exist without Tom and Shiv’s. And the way Tom treats Greg is a reflection of his unhappiness with how Shiv treats him. A big issue in the Tom and Shiv relationship is that she had cheated on him and then blindsided him with an open relationship. So now that Greg has been openly having casual sex with numerous women, there is a strong likelihood that Tom will berate Greg for this when his relationship with Shiv reaches the fallout point. Tom has already been shown to annoyed with Greg’s sex life numerous times throughout the season, so combined with heightened emotions, it is pretty feasible that he will outright blow up on Greg.
With that—there is a possibility that they can link this back to the compulsory heterosexuality that has been hinted within the season. Logan brings up Greg’s gay dad in episode one—which is a odd call back if it is not going to be utilized later. Before that scene, Greg’s dad was just an offhand comment made in season 1. It would make way more sense to bring up Ewan disinheriting Greg since that was something that happened more recently and it occurred in the same season where Logan’s relationship with his kids suffered. Along with that, it is a bit odd that we are getting so much focus on Greg being interested in women and hooking up etc. He brings it up constantly as if he wants to remind people that he is indeed heterosexual yet we never get any indication that he is ever had sex with them? In the first episode he just rumages with the girl and it is implied that he didn’t even come. In the recent episode he makes a point about wanting to meet women yet is only seen dancing (pretty platonically) with one in a group setting.
So here is where we are at: Tom will probably throw Greg’s slut era in his face, if the show is actually trying to make Greg being closeted and trying to pretend to be heterosexual then Greg will probably fall into a crisis because of this, and finally Greg’s betrayal of Tom seems imminent.
BUT, I don’t think Greg will actually betray Tom. It seems way too obvious of a move and utterly predictable, especially since Greg has already betrayed Tom on like three separate occasions. Rather, I think Greg is going to be in a position where he has to choose between the Roys, his heterosexuality, the power and Tom and he will choose Tom. Early on, people speculated that the reason that Greg is looking at his own reflection in the posters is because he is going to have a moment where he recognizes how far down the hole he has gotten. Greg is slimier than ever this season, which I personally think makes having to chose whether or not the stay in this world more compelling—it only really feels like a big choice when he is actually despicable, otherwise the stakes just aren’t there. There has always been more hope for Tom and Greg to get out because at the end of the day they are outsiders to this world. And maybe they will realize that they are the only people to care about the other in this fucking family.
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randomnameless · 8 months
Do you think that it's out-of-character/a retcon for Edelgard to know from the start that Alear's a dragon but not take any issue with that because she sees them as a benelovent and kind person?
It seems like a pretty blatant attempt on IS' part to whitewash Edelgard's speciesism away by rewriting it so that she doesn't have any issues with dragons and only hated Rhea because she thought she was a bad leader imo; it's at least consistent with her Hopes characterization, where that aspect of her personality also got scrubbed away, but i still really dislike just how hard IS has been working to remove her biggest character flaws in every game she's been in post-3H.
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You are a child of the goddess. You must not be allowed power over the people!
Benevolent or not (I mean, she says this to Flayn, a cleric!), children of the goddess should not rule over the people because they are children of the goddess ; aka, regardless of their actions, pointy ears cannot have power over round ears, period.
And bear in mind, this quote isn't from CF, but from either SS or VW, aka routes not centered on her (and supposed to be more neutral than AM where she is the final boss).
Supreme Leader doesn't like pointy ears, period. In CF, she develops a bit more (especially in the non Pat'd version), but she thinks they have no human understanding/feelings, and refuses to even consider the idea of "coexistence", the "masquerading as humans" part comes to mind, and ultimately her question being roughly should humans be led by inhumans or not? And if you exclude inhumans because they are, non humans, rather than excluding them based on their actions, well, the issue is not their actions (or lack of), but their nature.
So yes, our Supreme Leader would have had qualms about Alear and the existence of a Divine Dragon, while she knows how to not spout her racist/specist theory at the wrong time, it generally makes no sense for her to be chummy with Alear.
(bear in mind Supreme Leader is the only Lord who has no support with a Nabatean!)
FWIW, Heroes doubled down on her specism while mumbling something about "Gods" (but then, F!Edel talks to Mila the lizard lady, and not to Ashera or Yune!) but yes, if Supreme Leader has to be an emblem and exist alongside Corn, Miccy, Ike, Leif, Celica, - well, any of the FE Lords, she had to be heavily retconned because her views can't match at all with theirs.
The Fodlan Emblem though was pretty much decried everywhere for this, and also the fake "uwu we're all fwends" when Supreme Leader tried to ice the two others in FE16, and shits on their countries or their characters at any given occasion.
Nopes scrubbed off the specism, but only because Nopes doesn't fully explore her reasoning like Tru Piss does, there's no occasion to rant about evil pointy ears and explain why they suck to a party who... follows her because they want to be paid (Barney).
However, given how in Golden Shower, she outed Nabateans as "not being what they seem" to convince Clout - I'd say it still exists and is still one of her reasons to want to get rid of the CoS and Rhea : her ears are pointy.
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