#i have some things cooking but i need more inspo
rontra · 3 days
My hand never seems to actually translate the ideas that are spinning up in my brain. how do you get it all out? any advice? just draw more? do i need to use more references? your art is just so beatiful you are one of my top inspos.
ah first of all thank you very much! i'm honored! 😳
(long post incoming lol)
to answer the question though, i don't think i sufficiently translate what's in my mind and i frequently let myself down! but it's important not to let that Stop you. i think overall it's sort of multifaceted and different for everyone--theres no single answer i can give you that will guaranteed work for you--but for me personally i think it mainly comes down to Derangement, DISCRETION!!, Discipline, & Diet
before i say anything more though it's important also to remember that making visual art (in our case drawings/comics) is training like 2 or 3 separate skills (depending on how you divide them). the HAND represents your current drawing ability & technique; what your drawing hand is physically able to produce when you set pen to paper. the BRAIN is the creative engine that cooks up your ideas and thinks of ways to assemble them. and the EYE represents your ability to recognize what art looks like and how it "should" look. when your brain is thinking of ideas and your hand can't capture them, that is not because you're "bad" at it: it means your eye skill is currently outpacing your hand skill. your ability to discern art, to see things like proportions and anatomy and composition and whatever else is going on, is currently stronger than your ability to draw them yourself. this is not a flaw. this is not a flaw. this is not a flaw!!!! but it does mean your hands' ability to capture what your brain has imagined will let your eyes down until your hands catch up. once they do--by studying, practicing your technique, using references, and gaining confidence--your eye skill will then begin to outpace it again. this cycle, the dance between the two skills, is why you might sometimes feel yourself suddenly "getting good" at art, then just as suddenly plateauing or "getting worse"; you are training different parts of what makes art happen. there is nothing wrong with this. you are improving even when it doesnt feel like it--even when it feels like THE LITERAL OPPOSITE is happening. because you're improving different skills!
(and of course as your eye skill develops you will look back at previous stages of development and go "HOW COULD I NOT SEE HOW BAD THIS LOOKS!"--and yeah. that's the thing; you probably, rather literally, couldn't see it! you only think it looks bad now because you've improved your "eye" skill. you should try to be proud of that feeling, even though it also likely sucks and is embarrassing to you at the same time. there's posts, even recent ones, that i go "i cant believe i thought that looked OK enough to post PUBLICLY" and it is embarrassing for me! but all it means is that i'm better at what i do now...so it doesn't get me down too badly. you gotta shrug that stuff off.)
with that out of the way, my four evil councilmen are as follows:
DERANGEMENT: find something you are not normal about. this can be anything (whether it's a topic that interests you, The Character, a medium, a damn color palette...anything!), as long as it captures your mind and motivates you to create. your brain should be spinning up ideas like crazy and your only choice is to draw them. because once you have Derangement the only thing that feels worse than Making Something Subpar is sitting around Not Making Anything At All. you should be interested in what you draw. you should ideally love it, even if you don't love your own art yet. once you know what motivates you, let that simmer until you have no choice but to draw even if you're scared it'll turn out bad. and hey--there will probably (unless you become some kind of Art God) always be parts you think should've turned out better in some way, however:
DISCRETION!!: realistically nobody NEEDS to know what parts of a piece you're unhappy with. it's valuable to have friends/art partners/mentors/whatever that you can comfortably check in with and go "i dont like [part], what do you think" and get feedback, but that's for YOU. for the audience at large, maybe people will notice, maybe they won't, but as an artist you are constantly growing and you will very likely be constantly looking back at past pieces (even just days or hours old sometimes) and going "what the hell was i thinking? how did i not see [error/s], or why didn't i go for [different idea/finish/color palette/etc]?". getting hung up on this will probably either light a fire under you or demotivate you completely depending on your particular brain soup. for me it can go either way depending on where i'm at in my current hand/eye development phase. but i try not to fixate on it. it's enough to observe it and take notes for next time. every drawing is part of your growth and you have to make wonky art in order to occasionally make something that satisfies your eyes. in the meantime, don't beat yourself up or put yourself down. you are gaining experience and technical know-how, and spotting things you'd like to work on for next time; especially if you're sharing this work and other people are telling you they like what you made, there's no need to undercut this by dwelling on the rough parts so much that you can't enjoy it. the important thing is that you made it.
DISCIPLINE: you made it, it's done, now make something new. do it again from the top! you're right: Drawing A Lot is absolutely the key to Drawing Better. it is also usually an evil curse that reveals How Bad You Drew 3 Months Ago. but you have no choice, if you want to hone your skills and improve the Brain Image -> Art Image translation. you have to do it even when it sucks. do it bored, do it scared, but you have to do it or you'll never get anywhere. when improving yourself, you have to draw a lot to see change, and this is the part that sucks, right? feeling like you're not really getting anywhere or like you'll never capture what's in your mind. you can do studies where you collect references and focus in on ironing out something that's bothering you (such as, like, specific objects, perspectives, clothing details, anatomy pieces, light and shadow, etc etc); this can help crack the malaise for sure... learning how to use references is good, as well as whatever tools are available to you (in your medium/software). How To Do This is sort of a different post, but it does help (and sometimes annoyingly so; there's been rare but very annoying moments in my career where i will be simply looking at a picture and idly make an observation that cracks a style/anatomy problem i've had for Years and im always like COME ON!!! hahaha--but yes looking at references and studying them "like an artist" definitely helps, even when it's not as miraculous as that). overall work smarter and nail down the stuff you're unsure about, then incorporate what you've learned into your art style until it looks a way you like. you will likely have to just grind it out sometimes, and often this grind will not feel particularly fun. but you can Dog Medication Salami Pocket yourself into it if you're drawing something you're sufficiently Deranged about. <- this is what diesel is always doing with those women (LOL)
also, Output. you do have to Be Making Stuff in order to finish stuff. for example for comic projects like adastra or failteacher au, if i can draw ~1 page a day, the update will be complete in no time. but i have to draw that 1 page every day to make it happen, even if i feel off or lack confidence about what i'm making. of course i'm not saying you shouldn't take breaks; you NEED to take breaks, set your goals to your own level, and listen to yourself (and don't get some kind of wrist problem like me please). but the point im trying to make is that if you can make yourself sit down and do it even though you're scared it'll turn out bad, (or, hell, even if this part of your project is Simply Boring), then you can do it anytime. this is important too. but you will probably still sometimes feel stuck if you try to work and grind all the time.
DIET: regularly, but especially when you're stuck in a rut, step away from your craft and enrich your diet. you have to play just as much as you have to work. for example, i am always ALWAYS reading comics. at any given time i probably have 1-4 (sometimes more) tabs open of different comics i am simultaneously reading!!!! i read webcomics, webtoons, manga, DC--any demographic or genre, i take random recs from people and just go read them. whatever medium you're in, you have to take in what other people are doing with it, you have to let them teach and inspire you. you have to branch out and look at genres and styles you usually don't. unwind and look at comics, at illustrations, at design, at animation, at video games. enjoy them as an audience, but look at them like an artist too. when you like something, pause and examine (as both an artist and audience) why you like it. (vice versa: if you don't like something, you can try to figure out why that is!) let other people's ideas and habits flow over you. you have to relax and enrich your mind, to refresh your creativity and motivation. this is crucial. when you come back, you'll feel refreshed and ready to go, and your big brain cauldron of tools + ideas + techniques will be all shiny and bubbling. it's just as important to experience art as it is to make it. i really can't stress that enough!!!!
i talk about comics specifically here because right now obviously i am making a lot of comics (adastra, failteachers). i often feel like i get stuck in boring page layouts and can't think of how to panel something. and honestly sometimes a basic layout that just Gets Through The Scene is simply sufficient (after all, not everything has to be a Groundbreaking New Masterpiece; we would all get fatigued by that!)--or otherwise a "boring layout" is just what i have to put down in order to put down anything at all. but in both cases, reading comics and taking in what people are doing with their layouts makes me feel refreshed and i can return to my own work all rested and bright-eyed. everything we read and watch and take in is added to our "mental library" for the brain to reference when it's time to create something. it is just as enriching and important to experience someone else's art and perspective, and to enjoy a diverse range of impressions. you are always learning and observing, so try to pay attention--it's feeding your brain... :j
(and now, hopefully, your enriched Diet has added fertilizer for your Derangement, and the entire council can take their turn again from the top of the order. HDFHBJFS)
well, overall, like i said at the top, there's no One Solution or really Single Piece Of Advice i can offer you. but i hope maybe you got something out of it anyway. everyone's a bit different and everyone's ideal workflow and journey is different too. but don't give up, keep at it, and...GOOD LUCK!!! 🫡🫡🫡
& always remember: in the end, making something YOU like, that looks good to YOU and fulfills YOUR goals, is more important than making something "perfect" (if such a thing even exists). as long as YOU'RE enjoying making your art (yes, even when making the art is hell and sucks!), that's all that matters. 🤝
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supercutofbuck · 3 months
kind of in the mood to write some buddie fics… so if someone has an idea or maybe a prompt my inbox is open… just saying… just putting it out there…
(for past fic reference: shutupheather )
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 10 days
imagine u n emily cooking together on ig live and everyone loves it when ur telling her off, she’s always getting in the way, or just straight up being a menace LMFAOOKO
FAVORITE ANNOYANCE | e.engstler x reader
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prompt: emily being really fucking annoying while y'all are trying to cook.
author notes: i need to write for more basketball players so here you go taytay 🩷 enjoy it!
contains: emily engstler x shorter!reader, fluff, emily needs her ass beat, annoying as a love language, bad pizza making describing, inspo from this tiktok
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"heyy guys!" you say, setting up your phone against a vase on the kitchen island. emily have just got back from practice and was obviously starving so she begged you to cook. you obliged but only because she has to help you. what a dumb idea that would end up being.
you squint your eyes as you look at the number of people coming into the live. emily comes up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist. she pecks the side of your face before saying, "hi babe. hi chat."
"ew, don't say chat. you sound like some teenage streamer," you make a face of disgust before laughing. emily just shrugs. turning you to face her instead of the phone.
"but baby, that's what you call it," she blinks at you. acting confused until you stand on your tippy toes to peck her lips. emily pecks you back, licking her lips afterwards before looking at your phone screen. you move away from the kitchen island to go to the fridge. your body barely still in frame. emily looks at the comments coming through on the live, chuckling at a few.
"what we about to do? cook-" before emily could finish her sentence fully, you chim in. coming into the frame fully, holding the tomatoes needed to make the pizza sauce. "we are about to cook because emily was starving so bad and was just so hungry. go ahead, tell them what you told me when you came home," your tone sounds annoyed but there is obvious fondness underneath.
"aye, the chat said stop being mean to me," emily crosses her arms across her chest as she looks at you.
"the chat should be on my side."
"thought chat was for teenage streamers?"
"dear god, be quiet before i don't cook and go to bed. you can do this all on your own if you want."
"what? babeee, noo," the american player moves to pull you close by the waist. leaning down to kiss the top of your head; a usual emily apology. obviously you accept it. a bashful smile on your lips as you try to push her away but those muscles of hers aren't just for show, keeping you close easily.
emily sighs before shaking her head, "okay, chat. when i came home i begged my beautiful amazing so spectacular girlfriend to cook for me and cried when she said she didn't feel like it. even though i know how to cook, but it's just better when she does it." the confession makes the live explode with comments. with most making fun of emily (lovingly) and some relating to the feeling of wanting your girlfriend to do things for you.
a playfully smug smile sits on your lips, "there. she admitted it guys, she can't live without me."
"i didn't say all that.."
"i will stab you with this knife i'm about to grab," you gesture to the knife block on the counters behind you two. emily immediately starts talking to the chat, "i told y'all she's always threatening me."
"only when you're bad, babes," you chuckle. getting out of her grasp to grab two knives from the knife block. setting one down in front of emily, slapping her hand when she tries to grab it.
"no touching until i get the cutting boards," you set down your knife. opening the counter to grab two cutting boards (all while emily stands there with her arms crossed). putting them onto the island, one in front of emily and one in front of you. then you grab the tomatoes, setting them near your phone. not too close though so you two can still see the comments coming in.
"now you can touch."
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emily and you get into a small routine of cutting the tomatoes. answering questions at the same time with the basketball player answering most of them.
"i don't know who keeps asking what we're cooking, but guys c'mon now.. i said it so many times. we're making pizza," emily sighs. halfway through with her tomato pile, she decides it's the best time to bother you while you're focused on finishing yours.
"babe, chat said why is my hair up even though i'm in my own home. should i tell them how you hate my hair and told me you would cut it off if i bought it anywhere near your kitchen?" she smiles at you like she didn't just say the most out of pocket lie ever. you give her a warning glare, not even answering her before going back to cutting. however, of course emily couldn't be satisfied with that. she needs a reaction so she starts to poke you in the shoulder.
you don't answer her.
another glare.
"all i know is that if you keep touching me, i'm going to cut off your hand. now stop being childish and finish chopping those tomatoes before nobody will be eating tonight," you finally answer. slapping her hand away. she doesn't even flinch, just smiling.
"my girlfriend is being mean to me again." she turns her attention to the camera, a great relief to you. obviously the chat comes to her defense again but you tell them off by threatening to end the live all together.
the two of you continue to make the pizza. eventually you get out the small roll of cheese out of the fridge, forcing emily to grate it. while you smash the tomatoes up for the sauce.
emily is still answering more comments and she's having fun with it too:
ilovelesbians178 who do you wish would visit you more?
"hailey. that blonde chick never come over here, but it's okay, i know she's all superstar now."
emilysdutchbraids is your natural hair color actually blonde or what
"uh, i always say my hair is naturally blonde with dark roots but i might be lying.. nobody gotta know."
y/n&emilyop why is your tall strong ass the one grating cheese while y/n's tiny self is smashing the tomatoes?
emily starts laughing so hard that you look over at her. she gives you a look back before shaking her head, "yeah, nah, i don't know why i'm the one grating cheese. this is really not a good fit for me, huh?"
you look at her again, your brows furrowed as you stand there confused.
"ems, what are you talking about?" your arms are crossed across your chest. you come closer to her, looking at your phone to check the live comments. emily tries to turn you away from looking at the screen, laughing, "nothing, baby. people just don't get why your tinsy pinsy self is smashing tomatoes while my giant self is grating cheese."
the playful mocking in her tone makes you gasp. quick to slap her shoulder, she lets out an ow!
"babyyy, i didn't do anything," her tone sounds sad but emily is literally smiling at you and is so close to laughing that you can hear in her voice. "i was just reading the comments," is her excuse.
you slap her shoulder again before moving away from her. "yeah, sure. you're so innocent and totally didn't read it out on purpose. shut up and make the dough since you're so big and strong," you get out the ingredients needed or at least try to as emily follows you around the kitchen like a lost puppy. if you're trying to grab the oil out of the cabinet? she's blocking it. you're trying to get the yeast out? again emily is there blocking it. you try to push her away, hitting her on the shoulder again but she always just laughs.
"i get way worse fouls in games than that little hit, baby," she smirks at you. normally that smirk would be so attractive but you are so blinded by irritation but right now you are this close to kicking emily out of the kitchen.
you decide to go a different route than hitting. going straight for her stomach as you tickle her. emily nearly screams in surprise, almost knocking over a bunch of stuff, you two should have been cleaned, off of the counter as she tries to get away from you.
you stick out your tongue at her once she gets away. coming back over to your phone to check the comments.
"emily acts like a bad ass kid. oh, yeah, we all know that," you say. giggling once emily comes back close to you, her arms crossed across her chest.
"and i don't know why she's next to me right now trying to manipulate me into saying a compliment. you can cross your arms until the day you die, miss pretzel," you sass. laughing once she tries to tickle you but you dodge out of the way.
"babe, it's not fair! you got me!"
"you were in the way!"
"nuh uh."
"nuh huh!"
emily lets out a long sigh, frowning at your phone screen. "my girlfriend literally hates me right now guys," she says.
"do not. now be quiet and help me finish making this pizza. it's getting late." emily listens to you, finally taking the cooking seriously.
it takes way quicker now to finish up making the pizza that emily is acting like she got some sense. finally, emily moves away from the island so that she can slide the pizza in the oven while you talk to the live.
"alright guys, we are about to go lay on the couch and wait for this pizza to cook. emily has drained all of the energy out of me so i'm ending the live here. love you guys! thanks for paying attention to emily's annoying ass and me." emily is able to get in a wave before you cut off the live. shaking your head as you turn to face her. leaning against the kitchen island.
"what is it, baby?" she comes close, grabbing onto your hips.
"you're sleeping on the couch tonight," you say. leaning away once she tries to kiss you. easily getting out of her grasp this time, starting to walk over to the living room. emily still stands in the kitchen with her arms now crossed across her chest.
"and you can stop doing that crossing your arms across your chest shit! it doesn't work, baby," you shout, looking over your shoulder at her.
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author notes: this was actually mad fun to write 💪🏽💪🏽 hopefully you liked it because i put some effort into it.
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pedge-page · 3 months
I really love and laugh over your Joel and Preggo. I was wondering about Joel and his mother-in-law. How does Preggo get along with her mother? Maybe mother-in-law who lives out of town comes for a quick visit ? I leave to you what the dynamics or what directions “the mother-in-law” could be!
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: Mother-in-Law
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^some inspo photos of Pedro with friend or his family. Momma is touchy but it's nonsexual. He's just eating it up.
Warnings: angry sex turns soft, brief oral F receiving, getting caught (not sexy), favoritism war
18+ ONLY
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You remember when your parents used to hate Joel. From the moment you announced your engagement, they frowned. Why not someone who has a more stable job? Went to college? Doesn't have white in his beard already in his 30s?
But when you refused to back down, they begrudgingly put up with him. And he went above and beyond to impress them. Gifts, kind gestures, helping around their house and treating them to nice dinners. 
But oh boy, the SECOND your Facebook friends let it slip that you were expecting, your parents flipped on a dime.
Joel was now their favorite child. 
And your mom was—
“I hope she makes that famous apple pie of-hers,” Joel says, a bounce in his voice as the two of you drive to your Mom’s house for the weekend. 
Your upper lip gets caught on your teeth as you scowl at his more-than-she-deserves giddy smile. “What about my apple pie?”
“You don’t make apple pie.”
True. "Well. If I did..."
“—Then it would be the best.”
“You’re just saying that because I expect you to. You probably would hate it.”
Joel opens his mouth but hesitates for a moment. “I don’t know how you want me to respond here. We’re talking about a fictional pie you’ve never made.”
Grrr fuck this man and his logic.
He tries to alleviate the subject—maybe you wanted to give baking HIM an apple pie a go? ”She did buy me that Kitchen-aide mixer..."
You shake your head. Not this again… “No, she bought it for me!"
"It was my Christmas gift she gave me.”
"Why would she get you a NICE kitchen aide thousand dollar mixer, when you don't even BAKE??? PLUS I'm her actual DAUGHTER??"
Joel just shrugs. It pains you but you will never admit it's most likely true. Your mom bought it for HIM and you got breast pumps and a barf blanket. She used to get you the over the top nice things, and Joel would get socks. But now…
Your mom always loved you, probably a bit more than most. Sometimes it was overbearing, but that’s how she is. She’s nurturing, caring, always cooking and taking care of everyone, running a million miles a minute yet still having time to tell you everything is going to be ok after you stubbed your toe and cried about a broken nail. 
Though, she also expected to be treated like royalty by Dad. Momma knew her worth, knew her value to the family and Dad would grovel if he didn’t give her exactly what she wanted the moment she wanted it.
You’re glad that Joel doesn’t have to deal with a nagging wife who needs to tend to her ridiculous wants and emotional turmoil whenever it falls over less he be beheaded for his insolence.
You narrow your eyes at your bopping himbo Joel now, completely unaware of your thoughts as he jams to the radio. 
What a lucky guy he is.
When you pull up outside the old ranch home, Joel hops out and smells the air like it’s the Bahamas.
He helps you down from the passenger side of the truck before you both jump at the sound of your Mom screeching from the porch.
His eyes crinkle in a warm smile as the little yet fiery woman you call Mom comes rushing towards you two like a marathon speed walker, pumping her arms at a whopping 1 mile per hour.
He opens his arms and as your mother wraps herself in his embrace. “Hey you!”
“Oooooh! Ohhh you’re so thin!” 
You raise your eyebrow. Joel’s no heavy weight champion, but he’s got a dad bod ready to rival any of the neighbors—a body that you LOVE more than anything else as it is.
Finally seeing you behind him, she shoves Joel aside and wraps you up in his warm hug. “MY BABYGIRL!!!!”
That’s right, let’s remember the pregnant one here please!
Your mom is the same height as you, but that doesn’t stop her from getting on her tip toes to kiss your forehead like she always did since the day you were born. She marvels at the size of your belly, filled with excitement and wonder and familiarity. “Oh my gosh look how much you’ve grown already, are you sure it’s not twins??? I have twins on my uncle’s side so its entirely possible—oh my gosh you’re so—“
Please don’t say fat please don’t say fat…
“SKINNY! JOEL! Have you not been feeding her????”
You snicker and throw your arm around her shoulders. “That’s what I’VE been saying. Momma, he’s been limiting snack time.”
Joel rolls his eyes. The two of you ganging up on him wasn’t in the cards just 5 seconds ago when he was sweet Joely.
 “My poor starving baby starving my baby’s baby!” she muses, forces Joel to bend at the knee for her fat wet kiss on his scruffy cheek before rubbing her kisses into your head on the other side.
“Come, come in! I’ve made—“
“Pie?” Joel pipes up, his eyes tilted eagerly towards the overly touchy woman suffocating you both.
You roll your eyes, already smelling the apple and cinnamon in the air. Of COURSE she would make his favorite pie. She runs inside to set the table.
Joel starts unpacking the truck but you cross your arms and tap your foot.
He towers over you with a duffel slumped over his shoulder. “—Not that shit."
“I'm just saying, she’s nice to you all the sudden. It’s weird—“
“Don’t start.” He interrupts, slamming the trunk with a startling bang. Those biceps look fucking delicious rippling under his tight tight shirt— "Just want her to think I'm good for ya. Not tryin' to replace you."
You scoff him, as if anyone else could pull a man like that except you. 
But Joel can still feel that tension radiating off you, knowing you won’t truly acknowledge what’s bothering you until it blows into something ridiculous.
“Jooeellyyyy?” your mother shouts from the kitchen window.
“JoElLeY” you mimic with annoyance. “I used to be the only one with cute nicknames, ya know. You used to just be ‘J guy-my-daughter-is-dating’. And that even AFTER we got married.”
He chuckles before giving you a peck on the lips and guiding your waddling self inside. Joel doesn’t want you thinking that he would ever choose your mom over you, of course not! 
Just, for the now, being on her favorable side was something he had been working towards for years. You would just have to put up with her lipstick stains on his cheek and endless praise from his mouth of her fabulous cooking for this the weekend.
Your mom zips around the kitchen, going off about the new nail salon down the road, the garden beds that can’t keep the chipmunks away, and how your old ultrasounds to compare baby sizes.
Joel watches the way she waddles. It’s EXACTLY as you do, and he starts to think maybe it’s not the pregnancy that is giving you such a signature walk. You both sit down at the table together and sigh, biting into a cookie and making a nasty face before putting it back on the tray.
Oh wow.
Joel has to hide his smirk. You claimed so often how you were NOTHING like your mom. Your mom was pushy, demanding, filled to the brim with extra energy that would come out of no where—ironically all the things that defined you but obviously was not obvious to his wife yet. 
Maybe it’s the slight difference between you two is exactly how Joel can relate to Momma—showing love through acts service. Your mom is constantly working around the kitchen, cleaning, cooking, and it has nothing to do with expectations. He can see the little smile on her face, the skip in her step—she loves taking care of her people. She likes that you whine because only she can make your favorite coffee cake the exact way you like it. That you credit your own excellent laundry folding skills thanks to her methods that prevent wrinkles without ironing. How she always had the BEST soups for when you’re sick as if they cured like medicine itself, even if its just poured from a can—its done so with love.
There’s a unique bond between mother and daughter that Joel gets to witness. It’s not self serving either. There’s a sense of personal gratitude in being able to care for someone that makes their world worth living in.
Other times you can be a total bitch but honestly? That’s just pregnancy talk.
“It’s a girl, isn’t it? Grandmother’s just know these things—“
“Mom, I called you a few weeks ago and told you it was a girl. You didn’t just guess—“
“Just as you had predicted!” Joel jumps in. “Grandmother’s intuition is a real thing, and this sweet }Cookie’s got it.” He winks towards her and sips the lovely tea she had made him.
Your mom begins to favor his conversation over yours. “And names…?” She asks expectedly.
“Yours is definitely in the mix!” Joel boasts.
She clasps her hands together, not seeing the deathstare you were giving him. Momma’s name was only in the mix for MIDDLE names, not firsts. You both had agreed you wanted your baby to have her own unique first that belonged to just her. 
He ignores you for now, hoping you can see the ‘please forgive me’, in his pupils as your mom goes to hug and kiss his messy hair like a bird feeding its young in the nest.
You clear your throat, eager to get her hands off your man and back on to the one actually giving her the grandbaby. “I think it’s time we settle down in our room. Right Momma?”
“Oh, you know your way up, I wanted to show Joel some of my new kitchenware—I just couldn’t decide what to buy so I got everything, knowing you’d be by this weekend! Come on, you can pick the ones you like.”
She grasps his hand and guides him, side to side with her piddled feet, into the next room and leaving you alone.
The blunt edges of your chewed up nails dig into Joel’s meaty chest. there are wrinkles in your forehead from how tightly concentrated you are at riding back and forth on his cock, your belly dragging along his and hips slamming down aggressively as you ride him with the pent up fury of the day.
Joel’s got a mix of emotions: your tight pussy sucking him in, kissing your cervix with each swallow, deep and delicious in that tight heat, plus the sheer feel and sight of you so pregnant yet fucking him so furiously while he lies back and takes it all in, trying not to cum too soon—but also knowing you’re more angry than you are thinking about the sex you’re having, and you’re going to injure yourself by all this energy not driving you anywhere closer to an orgasm, and he knows  he has to works out the knot in your brain before you can let the knot in your tummy snap.
“Why are you so upset?” He asks as his head rubs up along the pillow from each bounce of your body atop him.
“M—m not—upset,” you stammer, your fingers gripping his flesh even harder and slamming yourself down on his cock like you want to hurt it.
You’re sweating, visibly aggravated and probably in pain but refuse to quit.
Maybe you need this, but as he glances down at your bulging pregnant belly that is also being shaken up like a martini, he decides that his unborn baby doesn’t need brain damage too from your furious fucking.
Joel’s hands glide up along your flexed arms until he’s cupping your cheeks gently, wiping the tear that is building along your eyelashes. You slow your pace until you’re just sitting on top, impaled on his cock and letting out an exhausted huff.
“So why are you upset?” He asks calmly.
“You’re MY husband,” you say, and though your voice is full of confidence at the statement, it quivers just a bit at the end. 
Joel knew you would be pent up. That your mom was too touchy with him, and in his good faith to keep her good favor, he leaned in and let her butter him up, gave her the attention and kisses and hugs she asked for, and now its getting to you, and you’re jealous of your own mother—
“--and I’m HER daughter. But now she’s acting like you’re her favorite child too, even though I’m the one giving the grandbaby here, I used to be her favorite kid! Just me! I used to be the one BEGGGING her to give ya a chance but now suddenly she’s also loving you, out of the fucking BLUE,  like you’re all special when IT SHOULD JUST BE ME—.”
He blinks for a second, and you squeeze your walls around him as if signaling you’ll cut it off if he dare try to act confused. 
“Wait, are you jealous… of me?” 
Your eyes drift away, just in time for Joel to have the worst fucking reaction by chuckling so hard that the two of you are rolling over to your side.
He wipes his reddened face and calms his breathing so he can talk.
“That why you’re fuckin’ me like you wanna break me?” 
Maybe you did want to make a point to anyone who might be in the house about the hierarchy over who’s got right’s to loving Joel…specifically, to make that clear TO Joel himself. 
He scootches as close as he can, despite the big baby between your middles, and rubs his nose along yours, his palm brushing your cheek and centering your focus entirely on him.
“I’d shoot myself if I had to spend more than just this weekend with your mom. She’s nice, but I couldn’t EVER stand around bein’ pinched in the cheeks like that. Always doting on my ass all day, tryin’ to service me and make me feel like a spoiled porcelain doll that needed nurturin’ like a baby 24/7. I’d feel like a useless fuck. I think she n’ I are kinda alike in that. Wantin’ to take care of what’s ours.”
You snort in the boogers pooling in your nostrils. 
“Look, It’s nice gettin’ praise, THAT you could give me more of.”
“I don’t wanna talk about my mom when you’re inside me.”
“Then lets talk about you being a momma while I’m inside you.”
“Yeah… but I liked being the only one she adored. Now I gotta share?? With you????”
You nod shyly but agree. “I do appreciate you. I’ll try better to show it.”
“Nah, don’t want you to change. N’ I need you to listen to this because I know you’re gonna leave some details out intentionally when you go tattlin’ to Maria—but being pregnant with you has been the best adventure we’ve been on so far. You keep me on my toes and keep life interesting. I like the smile on your face when I give ya something only I can give. The dance you do when you get your little cookie dough milkshake thing, and the pout you make when I tell ya no, and you get all cute on me and do some ridiculous shit that I can’t deny you anymore cuz fuck, I want you happy sooo bad, and I wanna be the one that does it. YOU make me feel special.”
He smiles, stroking the hair away from your eyes. “Think of it this way: when did she suddenly start showin’ me some special treatment? When I put a baby in your belly. That’s it. She’s happy to be getting a grand kid, and she knows I’m officially stuck with you so might as well get used to it. I’m here to stay. “Ya spent so long tryin’ to get her to like me. She does now. Job well done! You don’t have to stress anymore. No need to get all greedy, baby though I know that’s just your thing,” he teases, rubbing his knee along your thighs to part them again.
You furl your lower lip out in a childish pout. “I think the baby is making me possessive over my belongings.”
“Oh? I’m a belonging now?” He wiggles his eyes brows. Slightly more relaxed, he takes advantage and smoothes his palm down your arm, behind your waist to squeeze your ass.
He’s about to pull you in for a victory kiss when your eyes shoot open.
“Wait… am I… the useless spoiled porcelain doll that needs nurturing 24/7 that you have to dote on all day??????”
“No! No you’re not useless!”
He’s offering a sweet smile, rubbing your shoulder with encouragement as a pregnant pause fills the air.
“…you got anything else you wanna deny in that or just that one part.”
He licks his lips before flipping you on your back and sliding down between your legs.
“You know what the BEST pie is?”
T h e o n e  b e t w e e n  m y l  e g s, you mouth out into the air, your belly conveniently keeping your lips out of frame as Joel spread your pussy and blows cool air on your nub.
“S’the one between your legs,” he whispers sensually against your thigh, nipping it and growling before dragging the tip of his nose through your slit, inhaling your scent.
You smile and cover your face with both hands. He’s cheesy, but he’s a keeper. 
and maybe, just maybe, worth sharing the love with.
The love that is quickly about to be snuffed out for the both of you as your mom opens the door and begins asking "Joel did you want the red one or the blue--AH!"
Joel and you both frantically cover your lower half, his head accidetanlly bumping into your belly at the same you to strain your back trying to sit up.
she slams the door closed but calls out through the wood: "Oh that is NOT appropriate for the baby!" before stammering away.
Joel just chuckles into your breasts. "How does she think I got the baby in you?"
You shake your head and smack him, trying to feel more ashamed then amused right now.
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More Momma in Law and Sarah
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aureatchi · 4 months
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⚕ ᡣ𐭩 . ° . AND IF THERE WAS A PLACE I HAD TO CHOOSE…IT’D BE IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT. (bedroom session) ft. dazai, chuuya, fyodor, akutagawa, sigma
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— how the bsd men treat you when you’re sick. (& more)
a/n. started writing when i was sick djsjsja. tagging my moots who were under the weather anytime this month <3 to them & anyone else unwell, feel better soon !!
info. fem!reader. fluff. established relationships. light angst & hospital in akutagawa’s. chuuya plays the guitar. you play the piano in fyodor’s. sigma’s a chef. some inspo from RED for dazai & fyodor’s (our hcs!)
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DAZAI will cuddle with you anyway, even when you are buried under bundles of blankets. he still thinks you need a little more warmth…and you look just too cute wrapped up in what resembles an igloo to not nuzzle with you! however, don’t be surprised when he blames you for making him sick once you recover, as if it wasn’t his fault.
“A-choo!” Your eyes were watery, you felt too cold for your liking, and it was harder than usual to breathe through your nose. Your sneeze made you sit up in discomfort, and you hastily pulled the covers toward you.
“‘Bella? Are you alright?” Dazai sat up next, meeting your eyes as you turned your face toward him.
He noticed how flushed your cheeks were and how watery your eyes were as you frowned—no, the first thought Dazai had wasn’t Oh no! You’re sick!
“Aw, love! You look so cute!” And he tackled you back down.
“Osamu!” you shouted as he lay practically atop you, squeezing you like a teddy bear.
“‘Samu!” you repeated once more. “You’re going to suffocate me!”
“You feel so cold, though, darling!” His reply was muffled as he buried his face into your neck.
“It’s like you’re trying to get yourself sick!”
He sat the both of you back up.
“H-huh? What’d you mean? Why would anyone willingly get sick?”
“Oh, I’m not sure either!” you exclaimed. “Maybe so you can use it as an excuse to skip wor-“
You sneezed again, interrupting your statement, seeing through Dazai’s plan.
“Bless you ‘bella!” he replied, a bit too excited. “What were you saying?”
“I. Was-” you sneezed again. And then twice. And then thrice.
“Aw, my poor baby!” Dazai spoke in his infantile voice. “Looks like you’re super sick…don’t you worry your pretty head about that. I have a solution.”
“Yes, please,” you responded—as best as you could with him pinching your cheeks—thinking Dazai would finally get up and bring you medicine so you didn’t have to do it yourself. That was, in fact, a terrible assumption.
“You trust me so well you didn’t even wait for me to tell you!”
He then proceeded to pepper your entire face with kisses.
“Get-well kisses! They work better than medicine, trust me. Because these ones are made from lo-ove~.”
“Osamu!” you shouted. “You’re really going to get sick!”
“Do you really think I care, pretty?” He moved his face so his nose was touching yours. “I’ll tell you a secret. I know why I’d get willingly sick. So that I’ll be taken care of by my favorite girl in the world-“
“You’re so stupid!” you facepalmed. “You see being ill as a reward?”
“Yeah, I’ll make you believe so by the end of the day,” he winked. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Thankfully, Dazai did give you medicine to clear your stuffy nose. And then he told you to stay in bed while he would prepare you…breakfast.
“Oh no,” you said, knowing well that you mostly cooked the meals for a reason. Dazai was good at many things, but there were exceptions. He wasn’t the worst cook, but he certainly wasn’t the best.
“Wait, please trust me on this one!” he pleaded before you could get up. “I promise you I won’t burn the house down.”
The brunette was staring at you with dramatic puppy-dog eyes, and you were too tired to object any further.
“You have to make sure it’s edible, too,” you glumly replied.
It felt like almost an hour passed. You started to get worried—was he really struggling with cooking you something? You imagined the kitchen would be a chaotic nightmare by now, and it was enough to make you want to check on him.
But the moment you decided to get up, the door opened with Dazai bringing in a bowl of hot soup. Surprisingly, you could smell the aroma—and it was good.
“You really underestimated me, ‘bella?” Dazai smirked as he placed the bowl on a portable bed tray. “Bon appétit!”
“I haven’t even tried it yet,” you smiled back. “It might be the worst soup I’ve ever had.”
It wasn’t bad. You hated to admit it, but it tasted delicious.
“The virus must’ve affected my taste buds, too,” you chuckled. “Because for someone whose forte isn’t cooking, this tastes really good.”
Dazai wiped his head with a phew! “I actually…put in a lot of effort. I wanted to make sure I did it all right for you. Sorry it took so long.”
You wanted to hug him. You found it so adorable that he had really taken his time to make you something.
“Awe, thanks, Osamu,” you responded. “This was really sweet.”
“So…do I get a few kisses and back rubs as a thank you?” he asked.
“Sorry, back rubs? I’m the one sick; you should be the one giving me them!”
Dazai ended up giving you the massages in exchange for continuing to cling to you without complaint. You accepted and were defeated at this point—the man really wasn’t going anywhere.
He continued to stay with you until you felt better, and very unsurprisingly he spoiled your recovery celebration by becoming sick himself.
“Heh…” he mumbled as you looked at the thermometer with a frown. Contradicting was Dazai with a large smile, despite just finding out he had a fever.
“Your turn, ‘bella!” he exclaimed. “I already called Kunikida saying I’m going to be out for another week! This almost beats a vacation.”
“What? Any time spent with you feels just as amazing. And this is just a result of how well I’ve taken care of you.”
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CHUUYA wants to make your recovery as comfortable and entertaining as possible—he doesn’t want his darling feeling mopey the entire time. after all, enjoying something distracts one from the botherations of being sick, right?
You hadn’t done as much as you would’ve liked today. Unfortunately, you were sick, but not to the point where you had to visit a doctor or were stuck in bed. It was an inconvenient gray area, where you were still able to do things but accompanied by the mild symptoms of a cold.
“Nah, doll, you’re just a workaholic.”
Chuuya laughed as you pouted while trying to do your laundry. Just because you were sick didn’t mean you should skip your chores. You would probably still go to work the next day, too—as long as you weren’t dying, you’d be alright.
You sort of felt like you were, though. You were overcome by a haze of debilitation, whether you wanted to admit it or not. But you couldn’t just sit around all day.
“I’m fine though, Chuu,” you replied, but a contradicting sneeze immediately followed.
“Your nose is saying something different,” he replied, handing you a tissue. “If you’re so bored, how ‘bout we do something actually fun? And won’t exhaust the life out of you?”
“Well, what are you thinking?” you asked, curious as you wiped your nose.
Chuuya had you sat by the table with a bowl and a box of cornstarch.
“Out of all people, it was Q who showed me this.” You raised an eyebrow. “Don’t worry, baby, it’s not dangerous. It’s weird, but I can’t deny this entrances me.”
Chuuya poured some cornstarch into the container and added a cup of water. “It gets a little messy, but…” he started combining the contents until it became a gooey mixture.
You started giggling. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t the sort of crafts experiment you did as a kid.
“Chuu, this is quicksand. You’ve never made it before?”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Quicksand? Nope. But look—if you play around with it, it becomes solid—isn’t that amazing? But if you let it go-“
“It turns back into liquid, yes,” you replied before you sneezed again.
“It’s so weird! What kinda manipulation is this?
You couldn’t help but laugh at how the Port Mafia executive was captivated by such a simple science project. You watched as he played around with the oobleck.
You realized you could live this day simply as well. You proceeded to make your own cool mixture as well.
“You got some on your face,” Chuuya said a little after you were finished with your venture and were washing your hands.
“Where?” you asked, about to touch your head.
“Right here,” you felt his thumb gently rub your cheek and then move around your neck to tug you closer.
“Just kidding.” He stole a kiss in its place.
Chuuya sat down on the edge of the bed with his guitar. It was late afternoon, and you decided for once a very needed nap. But not before your lover entertained you with one more thing.
“I’m gonna give ya a little performance.”
He strung his guitar several times and ensured everything was correctly tuned.
Your widened eyes in curiosity made his heart warm. You were so enamored with everything he did—just as he was utterly obsessed with you.
He started playing a familiar tune. Your favorite song. You immediately smiled despite your oncoming headache.
“One day, I think I’ll write my own song for you,” Chuuya said. “You work so hard, how couldn’t you be the inspiration of a ballad?”
You cherished times like these. Even though you were sick, you had the company of the soft, sweetheart side of the Mafia Executive.
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FYODOR is full of surprises, and you falling ill is no exception. unexpectedly, he decides to let go of his schemes and responsibilities for the day, to make sure you’re feeling better.
He could already tell by your unusual exhaustion yesterday evening. You didn’t do anything that required more exertion than usual, and it was too frigid in the year for you to feel so hot.
Fyodor already knew you wouldn’t feel so good when you woke up the following day. Your cheeks were flushed, and your head was pounding. It even ached to sit up. It was the worst combination.
Feverishly, you sneezed. A tissue was immediately placed over your nose.
“Blow, milaya.”
You looked up at Fyodor, who was standing by the bed. His amethyst gaze fell upon you—his usual amalgam of tranquility and complacency looked a bit different today…was there a hint of concern shining through his eyes?
You took the tissue from his hands and blew your nose.
“You’re supposed to be at work, no?”
You tried your hardest not to get sick because of this reason. You would be another hassle on Fyodor’s list of endeavors. You hated the thought of contributing, especially when he was already stressed and occasionally neglected his own needs with what he already had to do.
“You would really expect me to when I had to carry you to bed last night?”
The previous evening was a blur. Sometime after dinner, the weather immediately flew over you, and all your energy just drained out.
“Ah.” You sneezed again into the tissue. “Well, I think I’ll be fine on my own. I know you have a lot on your hands. I can take care of myse-“
“Please believe me. You’re not being a burden,” Fyodor cut you off and directly addressed the point you had been dancing around. His hand found yours and started to massage your fingers. He felt ice cold against you—or perhaps, you were on fire.
“Is your throat sore? I’ll make you some tea.”
He didn’t leave you alone for too long. Fyodor returned with a cup of hot ginger tea that you immediately took, desperate for some relief for your throat. Your nose was quickly soothed by the warm, sharp aroma of the ginger as you held the mug close to your mouth.
If there was one thing you learned, there was a type of tea for every occasion. Fyodor had an entire cabinet dedicated to those beverages—all precisely arranged.
“Is it alright?” Fyodor asked as you sipped, the liquid alleviating the soreness in your throat.
“Yes, of course,” you replied. “Maybe after I can try to get up…” your voice trailed off as you struggled even to shift your position.
“What’s wrong?” Fyodor moved beside you again as you frowned.
“I feel really sore. Like I ran a marathon without stretching at all yesterday,” you dryly chuckled, even though that had not been the case at all. Your whole body ached; it felt uncomfortable to move anything, and you felt awfully weak.
Fyodor didn’t respond for a moment, thinking.
“You can still entertain yourself without moving. Do you want to read? I’ll bring you to the living room.”
You curtly nodded your head and picked out one of the many books on the large shelf before Fyodor carried you to the sofa in the next room.
“Stay on my lap,” he said, holding you by your waist when you tried to move away.
“I don’t want you to get sick too,” you replied, confused.
“I won’t, don’t worry. Besides, I’m doing a favor for you.”
He motioned for you to enjoy your book and not pay attention to him. So you did as he said—you flipped to the page you left off on and tried to immerse yourself in the plot.
It got easy to do so and lose track of reality because Fyodor started to massage you—hands moving in circular motions on your shoulders to ease and relax the pain on your joints.
You felt both too hot and cold alone on your bed earlier. But here, in the embrace of your lover, you could see the end of your little tunnel of fever.
“Thank you, Fedya,” you whispered sometime after.
He got up to do something on his own a little later, but not before tucking you into the softest blankets you owned on the couch. He admired you for a moment right after—a touch of amusement in his eyes.
“What’s so funny?” you asked with a pout. You felt like you were made into a burrito.
Fyodor had thought the same.
“Milashka,” he simply smiled.
You thought he went away to attend to the business he was able to at home—Fyodor was infamous for being a workaholic after all, but you were surprised once again when amidst your reading, you heard a melody coming from the other room. Rich and resonant, you realized he was practicing his cello.
You placed your book down and freed yourself from the warm blankets before making your way over to the next room, disregarding the dull pain that still accompanied you.
Fyodor didn’t pause as you entered and sat down on the piano’s stool. You opened the cover and placed your fingers on the keys before smoothly joining in with the composition you had secretly been learning while he was away so you could play with him.
He probably suspected it anyway, but you still smiled and felt a little pride as you harmonized with him without error—and while sick.
There was a moment of silence after the final note. You felt at peace. The tune made you sleepy.
Fyodor stepped towards you, and you lifted your head to meet his gaze.
“You played it perfectly, lyubov,” he said before kissing your forehead. “How about a nap now as a reward?”
After a glass of water and an adjustment of the heater, Fyodor tucked you back under the covers. He checked your temperature with the back of his palm, and he was appeased to find that your fever had noticeably gone down.
You suddenly giggled, catching Fyodor off guard.
“Why are you giggling?”
“I had an observation,” you chirped. You wanted to tell him it was evident he had been stealing physical affection from you throughout the day and that he wasn’t sly, but alas, exhaustion had overcome you again.
You took his own hand in yours. “Wash your hands after,” you whispered before placing a kiss on his fingertips. “This was nice. I feel better because of you staying.”
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AKUTAGAWA feels that the roles have been reversed because it is usually him who is sick, and you helping him get better. however, this time it’s you, and so he wants to repay all the care and love you showed him. for once, not to prove something, but to show proof of your adoration towards him.
You didn’t want Akutagawa to visit you that day. You had sent him a text earlier that you were sick—your pneumonia was so severe that you were admitted to the hospital. He immediately rushed over right after.
You told him he didn’t have to—truthfully, half of your heart didn’t want him to because of his already weakened immune system and his tendency to get sick easily.
Yet he still showed up at your bedside with a “get-better” box and pink tulips, a mask covering half his face.
“Ryu, I appreciate this so much,” you told him, a cough accompanying your statement. “But I promise you don’t need to stay—I don’t want you to get sick too.”
He didn’t respond before striding over to the sink as if he were in his own house, grabbing a vase and filling it with water. You watched him trim your flowers, place them in the container, and then putting it on the counter.
“You’re in the hospital. Do you think I could just go about my day like my girlfriend isn’t sick?”
Even though his tone was straightforward, his hand gently brushed away the hair covering your eyes.
He was visibly bothered. He hated seeing you in the hospital gown, lying on the bed. He hated the IV line attached to you and the distant beeps! of your vitals. Akutagawa went through this experience more often than not, and if not painful, it was always irritating and unpleasant.
He would never want you going through this, even once.
“Are you comfortable? Should I move you to one of the VIP rooms?”
“That’s not necessary, thank you though,” you replied. You noticed the exhaustive distress in his argentine eyes.
“I’m going to be okay, Ryu,” you reassured him. “I promise. Just don’t touch me for now.”
Akutagawa nodded. “Are you hungry? Is there anything you’re craving?”
“I want…something sweet,” you bashfully replied. “All the hospital food was savory…they missed a dessert.”
You could see the corners of his mouth slightly lift up—an unlikely smile, especially in a place like this. “No explanations are needed. I’ll be back.”
He returned with one of the sweets you always picked up whenever you went grocery shopping and a couple of figs for himself. Akutagawa didn’t like sugary things that much, but this fruit he could eat for days. He indeed ate one a day—you were able to observe how long he would be gone on a mission based on how many figs he brought with him.
Akutagawa had brought two today. Was he planning to stay with you overnight? You knew he hated the hospitals—he would never willingly go to one.
Yet here he was, pulling up a chair by your bedside.
“I brought a book,” he said. “Can I read to you?”
“Of course,” you replied. “I didn’t feel like using the TV here anyway, so nothing’s been entertaining.”
The onyx-haired pulled out a book from his coat.
“Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval forest,” he started.
When Akutagawa was sick, you often read him children’s stories to combat his restlessness. He was calmed by your voice and fell asleep faster than any over-the-counter medication ever worked.
The first time you had found him in the hospital before you were even in a relationship with him, you introduced him to The Little Prince. At first, he scoffed and turned his back the other way, pretending not to listen. But his furrowed brows relaxed, and his frown lifted as you continued with the story—the theme of the openmindedness of children compared to adults, loneliness, love, and loss all gave him something to think about.
Eventually, the book became a source of comfort and light to Akutagawa, and now he had his own copy.
"‘And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.’” By the time Akutagawa had gotten to that part, you had dozed off into a nap.
When you finally awoke, the curtains were closed, and the only source of light came from an ambient lamp on the nightstand. And in this night, you also felt a soft pressure on your legs—Akutagawa’s head. He had fallen asleep too, with the book still flipped to a page.
You felt both adoration and woe in your heart. He was sacrificing comfort and possibly his health for you. You desperately felt the need to stroke through his white-tipped raven hair, but you didn’t want to heighten any more chances.
You fell asleep again after minutes of watching your lover’s chest delicately rise and fall, just as he carried his true self without his violent front.
Akutagawa stayed until you woke up the following day. He went out to do some errands and then returned with a small gift for you he picked up during the day. That was the routine he followed for the next three days, always content to find you better than the previous day until you were all better.
A nurse came in with a final evaluation and discharged you. You changed into new clothes Akutagawa had brought you before running up and embracing him.
He hugged you back tightly, relieved that you were finally out. He turned to the vase of the pink tulips, which were starting to wither.
“Just in time,” he said.
“The get-well-soon flowers,” you giggled, taking your first good look at them. You loved how he knew of flower symbolism.
“Let’s get out of here,” Akutagawa said, holding out his hand for yours to take. “I despise dwelling in this place any longer.”
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SIGMA is worried sick, even though you’re the one sick. how could he not, especially when he isn’t with you? are you feeling alright? drinking enough water? eating well?
“You’re sick?” Sigma asked over the phone.
“Is it my fault? I mean, I was feeling unwell last week, but I got better in a day, so I didn’t think it was that serious…”
“No, it wasn’t; please don’t worry,” you replied. You hated when your lover blamed your problems on himself. “But yeah, it sucks. I even lost my smell! I can’t smell anything.”
“Really?” You sensed his worry through the call.
“Do you need to go to a doctor? I can pick you up and take you there—or I can call the doctor to your house if you’d prefer that-“
“No, it’s okay! It’s not that serious; I’ll be fine in a few days,” you said. “I just wanted to let you know because I won’t be able to see you for a week. But don’t worry about me. I’ll update you.”
“Oh, I see,” Sigma responded. “Alright then.”
Firstly, Sigma was most definitely worried. Secondly, you couldn’t smell? He knew how much you loved the dulcet scents of the desserts he created and the delicate fragrances of your favorite flowers. You must’ve been even a little upset when you realized that sense was gone.
Of course, he wasn’t going to leave you to battle the viruses alone, despite you having just said you didn’t plan to see him until you got better. So, the part lilac, part pearly-haired immediately set out to plan a sweet surprise for you.
The next day, Sigma showed up at your front door with a homemade bento box and a few bags of groceries.
“What are you doing here?”
“I at least have to check if you’re eating well.”
One thing that hadn’t changed since meeting Sigma was the butterflies in your stomach feeling. He always showed nothing but ultimate consideration and compassion towards you, treating you like royalty.
“I’m trying,” you replied honestly. “Everything tastes the same. I can’t smell any of it.”
“Maybe it’ll be more appealing if the food looks nice.” With that, he walked to the dining table.
“You haven’t had lunch yet?” You nodded, expectably to him.
“Sit down, love.” He pulled out one of the chairs. You followed him, taking a seat as he prepared your meal—putting a placemat on the table and setting the bento box on top.
You opened the container, and you were revealed with an assortment of the prettiest foods. For the first time this week, you were hungry.
The ones that caught your eye the most were the rice balls decorated to look like chibi versions of you and Sigma. A part of you didn’t want to ruin something so cute.
“What—this is so cute, Sigma! You’re so creative,” you complimented him. “It’s like you cook with magic.”
You noticed Sigma’s cheeks tint a rosy pink. “T-thank you. Go ahead and eat while I prepare your dessert.”
“Dessert?” you asked as you eyed the remaining grocery bags he was holding.
“You’re going to bake here?” You weren’t complaining, but you wondered why he didn’t decide to do it at his place.
“Yeah. That way, it’ll taste the best. Everything tastes the best when it’s freshly baked.”
You ended up eating everything. Sigma’s cooking never failed to impress you, even for a previously sated stomach.
“I finished!” you exclaimed, earning a smile from Sigma in the kitchen.
You hadn’t paid attention to what he was making in the meantime. He had put the tray of mystery into the oven a few minutes ago, so you were unable to see what it was.
“It’ll be done in twenty minutes,” Sigma said, walking over to you and taking your hand. “Was it good?”
“Very tasty; I’m full now,” you replied, looking up at him. His ashen eyes shone a gleam of fondness once he made eye contact with you, causing him to fluster again. He was so cute—at times, Sigma still acted like a schoolboy with a crush on you.
“You know your body makes room for dessert,” he noted coyly.
He guided you to stand up, and as you did, a familiar scent softly breezed past you.
The smell of your favorite muffin—and the smell of Sigma’s kitchen. It was faint, but it was there. Your eyes widened in wonder.
“Wait, Sigma—I can smell this!”
Even though it was a bit dramatic, you were cheerful to finally be able to smell any thing after a couple of days. You spun with Sigma around the room in delight. Surrounded by the aroma that made you feel truly at home and the sunrays through the windows, you started to dance together.
“You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked, a bit concerned you were spinning around while feeling unwell.
“Yes,” you reassured him, drawing Sigma into an embrace. “I’m just thrilled right now. I think you’re cooking does have magic.”
The muffins were out and looked mouthwatering. Sigma took the first one from the tray and peeled down the wrapper.
“First taste is yours,” he said, taking your palm and placing the pastry in your hand.
“Today, I’ll be Sigma’s food critic,” you joked among the two of you. “He’s baked my favorite muffin—I’m rea-ally picky about this dessert, for your information. So I’m going to be really harsh on this review…”
Catching him off guard, you ate the entire sweet in one bite. You started laughing when Sigma abruptly gasped.
“Mm! That was delicious!” you declared, trying to sound like you were trying this for the first time. However, it contradicted the way you were reaching for a second one. Sigma had made this for you hundreds of times before—there was never one time you refused a muffin from him.
“Eleven out of ten!”
“And so are you,” Sigma added, bopping you on the nose. “If my cuisine does involve magic, then I hope that the food works better than medicine.”
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bea’s acoustic songs are always so calming & pretty; in my mind, this is what chuuya plays for me. <3
i saw you said you were sick on the dash this month, i’m glad you’re feeling better by now/feel better soon, this is for you <3 @lovedazai @cheriiyaya @chuuyrr @osaemu @atlasnessie
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i heard if you rb, your fav will give you get-well kisses until you feel better !! reblogs are cherished; they are what support me the most <3
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© AUREATCHI 2024. no reposts or translations. do not steal. dividers by cafekitsune.
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saekkas · 1 year
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summary: dates with michael kaiser are fun, more so when they turn into a three-hour sanrio shopping spree.
notes: this is my attempt at spoiling him <3 also big thanks to @mirahua for the inspo! go ahead and *grabby grabby*
[wc: 915]
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"do you really need to buy that much?" you honestly don't know what you're looking at, and you honestly don't know whether to be concerned or amused. "you're going to rob this whole store clean."
currently, it's the beginning of july, and kaiser, being the lovely boyfriend that he is, insisted on taking you out to the mall. window shopping, he called it.
more correctly, you're taking him shopping. especially with the way he's currently filling up your trolley with sanrio plushies.
"stop judging." kaiser glares, all pout and no bite. in his hand is a small cinnamoroll plush, one that looks suspiciously like him with blue eyes and blue star patterns on its ear.
he's holding it with such love and care, and you have to stop yourself from snorting when he lifts it so that they're face-to-face. "besides, how can you resist? he looks exactly like me!"
"that's exactly why i can resist."
your words catch his attention, and he scowls, playfully hitting your face with the plush toy's hand. "how dare you!"
"i'm kidding," you laugh, nudging him back with the hand that's not pushing the trolley. "but when i see headlines of you robbing a miniso, i'm totally sending them to ness."
his lips aren't the only one smiling. his eyes are bright, his shoulders seemingly light. your boyfriend looks like a child here, comfortably in his element, even with the people staring oddly at him.
it makes you happy that he's happy. it's enlightening to see the mikka that could be. the mikka that should be.
"yeah, yeah, whatever." even his words hold a sweet lilt to them, and you can't even bring yourself to complain when he throws a hello kitty themed soda can into the trolley. "i think i'm done."
you quirk an eyebrow, giggling as you survey every item he's managed to throw in. "aren't you forgetting something?"
you watch the flurry of emotions that pass through his face. confusion, confusion, and more confusion.
his eyes stray behind you, brightening as he extends a hand to show another sanrio plushy, this one modeled with him beside it.
"no," you laugh, wrestling the very cute toy out of his hand. "you've bought enough already!"
he pouts, and it's eerily similar to the toy he was holding earlier. "but don't you want a mini me at our house? a very special, limited addition mini me, part of the sanrio collaboration?"
"nice try but we should get the thing we actually came here for." you hold back a squeal when he tilts his head, looking oddly lost.
his cheeks have grown in lately, courtesy of your cooking, and now he's looking too much like baby mikka from the photos his mom showed when you came over. too cute to say no to.
"the very special, very limited addition hello kitty headband you wanted?" you watch as he perks up at the words, making a beeline to the other side of the shop right after.
you discreetly throw the plushy into the trolly as he leaves.
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you suppose bringing your big baby of a boyfriend has its perks. not only does he come with a black card, but his fans are everywhere, letting him cut through the ridiculously long line of adults holding onto stuffed sanrio dolls.
"you should do some fanservice," you hum, holding onto a bag as he holds onto another, your free hands intertwined together. "blow some kisses or something."
there's a ruckus of screams as kaiser does just that, a smug smirk on his lips as he waves to his fans, tugging you to the exit with him. "they love me."
"careful, there." the screaming doesn't stop, not until you're both out of the mall and in the parking lot.
even then, there are a group of girls following you both around, smiling and giggling shyly, trying to catch his attention. "your head's going to become so big it won't fit through our door."
"why are you so mean?" he whines, pinching your cheek when you both finally get into his car. "don't you love me too?"
"nope." the words are out of your mouth in a second and he glares, taking your hand to squeeze it tightly. he backs out of the space, a hand on the wheel and the other in yours but the pout on his lips never fade.
you sigh. "okay. fine. i love you too."
he squeezes your hand every few seconds after that, his head turning back and forth, torn between wanting to look at you and having to look at the street.
when the car meets a red light, he steps on the breaks, leaning over the console to kiss your cheek. "what are you reading?"
you quickly show him your phone, laughing when his jaw falls at the headline written on the screen.
"the nerve," he grumbles, continuing to glare at the street when you take your phone back. "what's wrong with me collecting? can't people have a hobby these days?"
he stares when you show him your phone again, this time of a comment someone posted on the article.
user mirahua: can't believe i actually simp for this blue painted red flag. can't believe he looks like hello kitty too. i hate hello kitty.
kaiser can only grumble, muttering curse words under his breath as you laugh the rest of the way home.
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kcrossvine-art · 10 months
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Heya folks! Its been a bit, food insecurity is a bitch, but today on the quest of cooking our way through Lord of the Rings we're gonna be making a dish exclusively mentioned in the 2007 MMO-
We will be making a Rohan Pasty! 
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes into a Rohans Pasty?” YOU MIGHT ASKBasics. Meat n potatoes of your meat-in-dough food. .
All-purpose flour
Baking powder
Vegetable oil
Olive oil
Ground beef
Garlic salt
Ground cumin
Chili powder
Dried oregano
Waxy potato
White onion
"A delicious local pastry filled with beef and potatoes."- LOTRO Rohan is a kingdom of humans in middle-earth, and the description point towards a cornish pasty (yes, pasty not pastry). Oddly enough the image is more of an empanada but you win some you lose some. This heritage informs much of the shape and ingredients of this dish, however we're opting to cook most of the ingredients before adding them in, contrary to going in raw as a cornish pasty calls for. I chose to deviate here because cooking beforehand allows more seasoning to be crammed in. The english hate seasoning.
AND, “what does a Rohans Pasty taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASK
Tastes like the best pot pie youve had, less soggy
Excellent for an after-rugby/martial arts/soccer dinner
The potatoes are foundational
Despite needing the least work
Pasta salad (cucumber, olives, pepperocini) would pair well as a side
And would also pair well with beer
This meal bears the gold star sticker of not having any major issues! Hooray! Maybe its increased comfortability in the kitchen, or maybe its because of how very simple this one is. Chopped roasted bell pepper might be good in the filling in the future.
Get the dough ready ahead of time- its mentioned in the recipe below but i also wanted to say a foreword here that it needs to sit in the fridge for a few hours. Just so ya dont get everything out and realise itd take too long for dinner tonight. Speaking of dough, i feel like it could have more flavor added to it. Its bland and although its not part of the tradition of the meal its based off of, cornish meat pasty, it might be nice to add some spices like cumin or black pepper to the flour. 
The meal reheats perfect- wrap in papertowl and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds per pasty.
When picking your potatoes make sure theyre "new" potatoes (baby ones) or whichever potato with the least amount of starch you can get. Its important for it to cook inside the pasty that it not have too much lest it get Mushy Bad.
Another thing about its real-life inspo; Cornish pastys were workers food, stuff you could carry into the mines, stuff thatd reheat well. You could hold the crust with your dirty hands and throw it away once you ate the rest. I always feel partial to these foods. Although I'd still eat the dirty crust.
This recipe earns a solid 8/10 (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) 
Dough Ingredients:
370g all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
74g vegetable oil
240g warm water
Filling Ingredients:
2 tablespoons(ish) olive oil
1 pound ground beef
2 tablespoons tomato paste
Garlic salt to taste
Ground cumin to taste
Chili powder to taste
Dried oregano to taste
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 white onion, diced
Combine flour, salt and baking powder.
Add oil and water into mixer with dough hook running at medium speed. Mix for 1 minute, stopping several times to scrape the sides of the bowl.
When mixture comes together and begins to form a ball, decrease mixing speed to low. Continue to mix just until dough is smooth.
Take the dough ball, safely wrap it, and transfer to fridge. Let sit for at minimum 2 hours.
For the meat, get a large skillet, and add some olive oil over medium heat. Add the ground beef and garlic salt, cook until the beef is cooked completely.
Drain the beef and set aside.
In the same pan, add the garlic, onions, cumin, chili powder, oregano, and salt.
Cook until the onions are softened but not brown, 10 to 15 minutes. Re-add the beef and cook over low heat for about 5 more minutes.
Back to the dough, transfer dough from fridge to well-floured work surface. Roll into log and divide into 10 equal portions. 
Preheat oven to 350f.
Form each piece into a ball and flatten each with a rolling pin.
Add a layer of diced potatos down the middle of the pastys. Add the meat filling to each. Fold the sides of the dough up to seal on top in the middle.
Gently turn the pasty on its side and crimp the edge, alternating a braid pattern. Use knife to cut an "X" shaped slit in the top. Repeat for each pasty.
Place the pastys on a greased baking sheet. Lightly coat each pasty with an eggwash using a basting brush.
Cook for about 50 minutes, or until golden brown, and let cool!
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sstormyskyess · 2 months
Still Woozy
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author's note: i was listening to my still woozy playlist and got the inspo to write some headcanons based on the songs i thought fit the boys! also wanted to write my first piece with alejandro so here it is 👍 [side note: all the songs refer to a woman/fem listener but for the sake of this, the reader is gn!]
cw: nothing, just fluff!
word count: 800+
TF-141 + Alejandro x GN!Reader
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Simon “Ghost” Riley [Cooks]
♡ Ghost is a little clueless when it comes to romance and the things that come with it, having been in a toxic home for his younger years. Most of his ideas about romantic relationships come from the very few movies/shows featuring happy couples he’s seen, so his ideas on how to handle a real relationship are scarce and sometimes a bit misconstrued.
♡ But once he finds the one he loves, he’s ready and willing to try his best at figuring things out as he goes. Regardless, he’ll still be fairly lost in the early stages of a relationship.
♡ But don’t get it mistaken—if he’s in a relationship, he’s absolutely head over heels in love, and he’ll do his very best to keep everything working smoothly, even if that means messing up every now and then. He would rather die than hurt you, so be prepared for him to be asking a ton of questions; you may need to reassure him frequently to remind him that just him trying is enough.
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John “Soap” MacTavish [Get By]
♡ Soap is a bit of a goofball in a committed romantic relationship, but it’s all for the sake of his partner because he lives to see them happy more than anything else.
♡ He loves to see you happy and practically any time he notices you not feeling your best, he’ll do what he can to bring your spirits up, whether that be taking you out on a nice, fancy date or just staying in and getting you to spare some time for yourself. He has a special place in his mind to remember all of the things that make you smile, like your favorite foods/restaurants and the media you like to engage with.
♡ As referenced in the song, though, he’s made a fool of himself for the sake of cheering you up a few times. It makes you feel bad, but it is quite funny watching him do the silliest things to make you laugh.
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick [Get Down]
♡ Gaz is a very dedicated partner and he would do damn near anything for them. He’s made it clear to you on multiple occasions that he can handle pampering you with anything you please, even if you tell him you don’t want to overwork him.
♡ He’s by no means a materialistic person, but he loves to spend his money on you. When he’s on leave, he loves taking you on vacations, big or small. He’ll buy you any little thing you may have your eyes on or have mentioned wanting in the past, because what else will he do with the money he gets from his job? After all, before you came into his life, he was a fairly frugal man, only spending money on what’s really necessary. Now, though, you’re his only real necessity, meaning you get spoiled one way or another.
♡ He also loves it when you get clingy and adores when you’re all over him like your life depends on it. It never gets overbearing for him and he wouldn’t trade the world for your love and attention.
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John Price [Wolfcat]
♡ Despite being a rigidly authoritative person outside his home, when Price is alone with his partner in the safety of his own home, he is absolutely whipped. He’s a homebody at heart and he loves filling a domestic role in his intimate relationships.
♡ He’s most certainly a quality time enjoyer and he spends a good amount of time planning little activities for the two of you to engage in while he’s home on leave. He’ll try to mask it as him simply trying to keep himself occupied in place of the strict schedule he’s accustomed to on base, but it’s obvious to anyone that knows him well enough that he’s obsessed with being by your side.
♡ Not to mention, he loves a partner that can put him in his place when needed, since he knows he can be a little headstrong and stubborn. Disagreements turn into arguments, but he knows when to shut up with you because you’re very good at reminding him that he’s not invulnerable to being wrong.
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Alejandro Vargas [Habit]
♡ Alejandro is a romantic man even if his work often comes first. But, if he had it his way, he would be spending all his waking moments with his partner. His carefully manufactured distance between his work and family has him feeling insecure about the stability of his relationships, but he always comes back to you, no matter what happens.
♡ He doesn’t fall in love quickly, always wanting to make sure that he’s making a sound decision on who he’s going to lavish with his affections. But he’ll be glued to you once he’s finally comfortable in his choice to settle down with you. He doesn’t do frivolity; everything he does is done with purpose and his love life is no different.
♡ He’ll also put in extra effort for you to have a good support system while he’s away so you never feel lonely, likely with his family. He has plenty of family to go around and he’ll use that to his advantage to keep you comfortable even without him in your presence.
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neverinadream · 4 months
Here's To Doing The Unexpected
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Summary: Christian tries to do the unexpected
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Nope
Song Inspo: Vienna - Billy Joel
Warnings: small talk of pregnancy, husband!christian
Notes: i'm trying to clean out the drafts 🫣 it's small, it's not that great, but i didn't want to waffle and end up turning it into something i don't end up posting. anyway, here's something that isn't smut. feedback is always appreciated
"Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" You tease, the kitchen smelling unexpectedly good, with Christian at the counter, a dishcloth tossed over one shoulder, looking like he had stepped out of an episode of The Bear. His mouth mimes the lyrics to Luke Combs 'Forever After All,' as he crushes a glove of garlic under the blade of his knife. You didn't even know he knew how to do that.
You step further into the kitchen, his cheeks twitching at your hand unconsciously sliding across the small of his back as you come to stand on his other side to inspect what he was doing. There's a pot of homemade sauce simmering on the stovetop behind you, the rich smell of tomatoes perfuming the air, and before you were ingredients like eggs, flour and butter. The typical stuff you needed to make fresh pasta.
This certainly wasn't Christian usual level of cooking when it came to doing anything in the kitchen. Normally, it was quick and simple meals, the ones he knew he wouldn't burn, and sometimes went in a microwave. Or, it was making Rice Krispies buns with your baby cousins, leaving the counters covered in the melted chocolate and stray pieces of Rice Krispies that never made it into the mixing bowl.
"I'm amazed," you tease him some more, feeling his laughter ripple through his body as you rest your head against his arm.
"Amazed that I haven't burnt the place down?" Christian laughs as you mumble 'no comment' under your breath. He turns and tips his head, brushing his lips lightly against the top of your head. His hand comes down to touch your bump, soothing his thumb over your round belly like it was his secret way of saying hello to. "This move was all about trying new things, right?" He crushes another glove of garlic, sliding it off the knife with the side of his finger. "So, I'm trying to not burn the kitchen down."
"Oh." You look up through your eyelashes, catching your bottom lip between your teeth to trap the giggle that desperately wants to escape. "I thought you meant we would be trying new things in...you know...the..."
"Dirty girl," he shakes his head, talking over you as your voice trails off.
"Yeah," your hand drops to give his bum a cheeky pinch, "and you love me for it."
He sets the knife down, wiping his hand quickly on the end of the dishcloth, before turning to face you. He's left chasing your lips, your body jerking back as the smell of garlic still lingers on his fingers. His brows rise to meet his hairline. "What?" He laughs, finally caressing your face. His thumb traces the shape of your cheek and he dips his eyes to look into yours. "Can't I kiss my beautiful, glowing wife?"
"You can kiss your 'beautiful, glowing wife' - which dramatic much? - when you're fingers no longer smell of garlic." You scrunch your nose. "Seriously, how does it not bother you?"
"Because I'm not six months pregnant." He sneaks a kiss to your temple and takes a few steps over to the sink. "You know, you don't seem to complain when my fingers smell like you," he cheekily says over the sound of the tap, lathering his hands in lemon-scented soap. You roll your eyes, your cheeks flooding with warmth at his crude joke. "Though, it has been a while," he turns the tap off, "I think I might have forgotten what you smell like."
"What's the matter?" You tease him with a perfectly mischievous smile. "You got blue balls?"
"As a matter of fact, yes." He wraps his arms around you, landing a kiss against your jaw. "I miss touching you," he whispers, sliding his hands up and down your sides, dipping to kiss down the column of your neck, "I miss you touching me."
"Christian?" He hums, half acknowledging you, too distracted by the softness of your skin. "The sauce is boiling over."
His head snaps back, eyes widening as his homemade sauce boils over the side of the pot and sizzles as it hits the stovetop. "Shit!" He launches forward, taking the pan off the ring, trying to wipe up some of the spilt sauce before any more damage could be done. "Shit. Shit. Fuck-" You cover your nose as a slightly charred smell permeates the air and watch his shoulders drop. "So much for trying to do something nice."
"Hey-" You take short strides across the kitchen and wrap your arms around his middle. On instinct, he reaches for your hands, rubbing his thumb across the back of your wrist. "It's okay," you kiss the back of his shoulder and press your cheek against it, "you know I've never really been one to like grand gestures, anyway."
"I know." He tucks his head back, a show of disappointment in himself lingering in his eyes. "I just wanted to do something nice before Bubbles comes along."
You lift your head. "Bubbles?"
"It's nothing," he mumbles, "just something to call them whilst we wait to meet them."
"Bubbles," you repeat, taking a step back and shrugging your shoulders, "I like it; better than calling them 'Baby' all the time." A frown stretches across your lips, turning your head to look at the preparation he had already done. He really was trying to make this Valentine's Day special for both of you. "You know, I think we could still salvage this," you tell him, swinging your head back around to look at him.
He lifts his brows. "We can?"
You crane your head to look around him. "Maybe even that, too," you add, pointing to the pan.
"Uh, no," he shakes his head, "that is not possible." He nudges the pot back with his elbow. "I wouldn't even feed that to my worst enemy."
You wink and quickly kiss him on the cheek. "We'll see about that, baby."
Football Taglist: @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @brasiliangp @chilwellspulisic @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @landoslover @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @kathb59 @emcv1427 @gagaslonina @afterpills @pulisicsgirl @ricciardhoe3
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pauline-sunshine · 8 days
Guilty as sin?
rbr! Sebastian Vettel x Fem! Reader
inspo: guilty as sin?, by taylor swift
Warnings: mentions of masturbation
Word count: 1656
A/N: I apologize for any errors! English is not my first language. Enjoy!
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Even the toughest people need to catch their breath at least for a second. Especially when their lives move at 230 km/h. That’s when a summer break becomes quite handy.
At this point, your life seemed to be perfect. You love your job at Red Bull, Sebastian is fighting for another title. You have the opportunity to support him at every race. You are his friend and he feels comfortable sharing personal things with you. Sometime he sends you his favorite songs because he wants you to listen to them or teaches you german slang. What’s to wish for, right?
For this summer break Luis and his girlfriend Liz invited some drivers, wags and buddies to their villa. It was a week vacation for everyone to have fun with friends by the pool. And it would’ve been fun indeed if you didn’t have a major 1 yearlong crush on Sebastian Vettel. It was easier to bottle up all your feelings when you both were at work but now…seeing how freaking adorable he is, observing his natural behavior, his good humor being mixed with his high intelligence and looks. It was just way too much for your poor little heart.
Well, long story short, you were just in love with this man. He was the object of your desires and dreams. It took you less than a second to become all wet and start whispering his name while touching yourself imagining it was him. Everything, even the smallest interactions with the driver made you a complete mess and after you would spend hours imagining things you would do if he was yours.
The vacation was going as planned. The weather favored you and it was another day by the poolside. You were sitting there reading a book and sunbathing while others were swimming.
“Y/N, please, come to the pool. I need you to win Luis” pleaded Sebastian.
“Seb, sorry, I’m not in a mood for all your water fights” you quickly looked up to him.
“Is that a no, schatz?”
“It is a no, Seb, and stop calling me that unless you tell me what that means” trying not to pay too much attention you just casually continued reading as the loud splashes were your calming background music.
“And what about this?” You heard the whisper in your ear and felt cold wet hands finding their way from your hips to the waist. You gasped at this cold touch and the next thing you remember is finding yourself in the pool in Sebastian’s embrace, which was accompanied by his laugh as a reaction to your screams.
Needless to say, shower that day took you a bit longer. As you were recalling his hands leaving trace on your skin, your labored breath mixed with his name upon your lips.
“Jees, it has been raining science the night” Liz spoke as she was staring to the window
“No pool today, I guess” answered Luis as he hugged the girl from behind and gave her a kiss on her head.
During the day everyone was trying their best to occupy themselves. Boys were having a passionate discussion about their season; the ladies were chatting in the kitchen while cooking dinner.
“So, you and Seb, huh?” inquired Liz being supported by other wags smiles.   
“Oh, giiirls, seriously, stop. We’re just good friends” you laughed.
“Well, maybe you consider him as a friend but he’s definitely not. Luis told me one day how he just couldn’t shut up talking about you”
“Liz, what do you mean?”
“Are you truly don’t see how he looks at you, he is just…well…different around you. Softer and more caring, and we know that usually he’s a super energized pain in the ass” explained Hamilton’s girlfriend.
At this moment your eyes were wider than the planet Earth. Are they serious or just using your feelings to have fun? The fact that the dinner was ready saved you from continuing this conversation.
As you were setting the table you caught yourself daydreaming, fixing your gaze on the german driver, and replaying what Liz told you. Is there even the slightest chance you two could be together? Right now, you felt so privileged just by looking at him. Yes, this was Sebastin without his car, race suit and image he had to show. It was just Seb with his soft naturally curvy hair, wearing a bit worn out t-shirt. There was something so soft and so cozy about the way he looked. It was just the man you loved.
“The dinner is served!” Liz called everyone to the dining hall.
Men came to the room filling it with loud voices. The big wooden table, decorated with long white candles burning, mixed with a view of rainy gray skies peeking through big windows. The combination was bringing unsensible touch of warmth and calmness.
“Smells so good,” Sebastian exclaimed with a smile, “schatz, did I tell you look great today?” he now approached you fixing his gaze on yours “do you mind if I sit with you?”
After the dinner you found yourself looking at the piano. It was standing in the corner of the living room next to the big couch. You’ve noticed it on the first day of your arrival but never got to play. Now seemed to be the perfect time as almost everyone left to their rooms and some stayed at the dining hall.
But it didn’t go as planned. Obviously. As you were in the middle of playing you heard a voice which made you stop.
“Y/n, you are a woman of many talents!” Liz was applauding as you turned to her.
“Oh, I really didn’t want to disturb anyone” you apologized.
“Are you joooking?! That was amazing!” she continued, “EVERYONE go down here!”
Eventually the room filled with people. They were sitting next to you with expressions of pure joy and excitement on their faces.
“Can you sing something for us?” Luis asked.
“Well, there’s a song that I really like at the moment, I think it would sound great with the piano,” and you started playing.  
As you got to play firs notes you smiled because you new the reason why this particular song was playing non stop in your mind and this exact reason was sitting in this room. Every line, every single word screamed “it’s him”.
Drowning in the Blue Nile
He sent me "Downtown Lights"
That was the song you two were obsessing over recently and wondering how come the band was so underrated.
Crashing into him tonight, he's a paradox
I'm seeing visions
Am I bad, or mad, or wise?
Sebastian Vettel made your life filled with joy and laughter yet he was so out of reach for you with your unrequited love. You would imagine you two being together which made you drowning in your visions. Were you bad or mad for thinking about that? Were you wise for bottling it all up when he was actually close to you?
What if he's written "Mine" on my upper thigh only in my mind?
One slip and falling back into the hedge maze
Oh, what a way to die
Sometimes just thinking that you were only his was enough because your heart belonged to Sebastian.
I keep recalling things we never did
Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our tryst
Without ever touching his skin
How can I be guilty as sin?
On the days you knew Sebastian were coming to the Red Bull headquarters you were running to the office just to see him, to make sure he is happy and alright.
If long suffering propriety is what they want from me
They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly
I choose you and me, religiously
Your friends told you a million times during this year to go out more, go on dates but it wasn’t for you. Even if you gave some guy a chance you would quicky realize his not even close to Seb. They were not funny, not clever, they just weren’t as good enough as him. He was always at the back of your mind.
He sent me “Downtown Lights”
I hadn't heard it in a while
Am I allowed to cry?
As you were singing the last lines your eyes met Sebastian’s and he smiled back at you.
The room exploded with applause. You played a couple of songs more and then all of your friend group was just sitting in the living room and chatting for a little longer.
“Good night, everyone” you wished as you were leaving the room and going upstairs to your bedroom.
You mind was a mess after realizing what song you just sang.
“Was it too bold to sing that song? Does he know something now? But it was just a song and moreover it isn’t even my song. Can we call it a good cover version except a love confession to Sebastian?”
As you were beating yourself up and pacing around the bedroom, the door opened and Sebastian entered.
“How come you never told me you knew how to play piano?” he questioned cutting the distance between you two.
“I don’t know, it just didn’t come up, I suppose. You know, we don’t have pianos standing around the paddock,” you beamed and slightly bit your lip.
He smiled, “I guess you have a point”, he came even closer to you, “I actually wanted to ask if you’d agree to be piano to my guitar.”
He realized everything during the time Y/N was playing a piano. His feelings are mutual. He couldn’t help but smile when you were singing. Still, it amazed him how you had more courage to confess than him. You always fascinated him, to be honest.
“What?” the only thing you could say with a completely blank mind, which was caused by his question.
Sebastian shortened the distance and you felt how the man intertwined your fingers.
“I love you, schatz,” he grabbed you by the waist and left a soft kiss on your smiling lips.
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luvanniiee · 8 months
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[ateez drabbles]
• pairings : ateez x gn!reader (individual though) hongjoong x reader , seonghwa x reader , yunho x reader , yeosang x reader , san x reader , mingi x reader , wooyoung x reader , jongho x reader
• synopsis: they work hard as idols to provide for you. they sacrificed a lot of things ……. even spending time with you. so this is what they do when they come home from touring!
• warnings : slight angst , smut mdni! , sex is mentioned but i dont go too much into detail. pet names, suggestive as fck,
• a/n : i hope you guys enjoy this , i might do a txt version or twice ! let me know! anyways thanks for all the support bookies !! okay ima not talk too much, just enjoy! oh wait also you might wanna listen to “tonight” by summer walker, that was the inspo for this!! okay byee
• story under the cut!
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he had just come home from a 2 month tour. literally felt like hell for both of you. hongjoong felt like he couldn’t properly focus on his work , he missed you in more ways than you wouldve ever thought. but now he was home , in your arms. you cooked his favorite meal , and showered together , and put his favorite movie on, but he wasn’t interested in that. he was eyeing you like a piece of meat. take a picture , itll last longer. you said to him as you turned to him. im not interested in the movie anymore baby, i want you. i need you. please i just wanna make up for lost time. he said, need was dripping like honey in his voice. you felt your cheeks heat up. this was a first, usually you would be the one who was desperate for a touch. but he seemed like he would explode in the next 2 seconds if he didnt feel some sort of you. ive been on the road too long , tonight i wanna have good fun! he said as he pushed you down on the couch.
after playing catch up , you were left with drool coming from the sides of your mouth , legs shaking , and hongjoong still wanting more
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you pace to get ready , seonghwa is coming home today. normally you would be happy, well you are happy that hes coming home, and he’ll be able to touch you the way youve been trying to touch yourself. but thats what your scared about. see prior to this , you broke one of his rules. absolutely no touching unless 1. youve asked and 2. hes given you permission. you were on the phone with him, and hes busy talking about how excited he was to see you, until you let out a small moan on the phone. what was that? he asked. oh..uh..nothing! you said. i hope my baby isnt touching themselves without daddy’s permission. he teased, he knew you were touching yourself to his voice. so he told you that he was going to punish you for breaking a rule. and thats how you are in this situation now. just then the door opens, revealing an angry and horny seonghwa. he only stepped forward to close the door behind him. his eyes burning holes through yours. oh…hey baby… you said trying to ease some tension. is that my name? do you need me to remind you honey? does daddy need to teach you a lesson and punish you? he said in a teasing low tone.
after that, you were covered in love marks, tears , sweat , legs are shaking hard from the times hes made you cum over and over. but after it all, he still kissed you and gave you the best aftercare ever, and even told you about the things hes seen while on tour until you fell asleep in his arms.
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normally, yunho doesnt make the first move. but being away from you for 2 months really drove him crazy. you and yunho were supposed to be playing a board game. but as you were moving your peice, you kinda realized that the game was no longer yunhos interest. his eyes were on yours, eye fucking you. he wanted to fuck you as soon as he stepped in the house. but he dared himself to see how long he can go before actually losing his mind. you okay? you asked. he nodded lightly then stood up to walk over next to you. he started to kiss your neck leaving marks on you. fuck i cant hold back anymore. yunho moaned out as he laid you down. he leaned over you and started kissing you. soon it turned into a lazy makeout. then you started to thrust your hips forward for an ease in the ache between your legs. fuck baby please. please let me make up for lost time. he said as he looked in your eyes. it only took a nod for him to go absolutely insane.
afterwards, he cleaned you up. did you still wanna play the game? you asked. not really , but i do wanna play with you again. he smirked. one hell of a night for both of you.
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although he has a reserved and calm demeanor, on the inside yeosang knew he has too pent up to be calm. there was a welcome home dinner for him. his parents and yours all at one table, welcoming yeosang home from his tour. it literally took everything in him to not kick everyone out and have his way. the way you looked as you took a sip of your drink, the way you would lick your lips clean, it drove him up the wall. excuse me. he said as he excused himself out of the room. he went to the bathroom to wipe his face. he had to do something to distract himself. just then you opened the door and the. locked it behind you. you want it as much as i do dont you? he said. you just stepped forward and kissed him. it didnt take long until he was stripping himself and stripping you too. you both started to feel on each other. then he bent you over the sink, and forced you to look in the mirror.
after that you walked out, both parents gone. but there was a note. ‘if yall are gonna fuck, at least have the decency to give us the boot.’ both of you visibly embarrassed but laughed it off later.
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you and san were just chillin on the couch. tv was background noise at this point. both of you wanted to so desperately feel each other after a long time. but the thing is, you both want to see who will cave first. san was the dominant one in this relationship so obviously hes gonna try to out wait you and make you cave first. you just wanted to push his buttons. you looked at his side profile, admiring the way his jaw would tense here and there. he took a deep breath and looked at you. you know you want me baby. he teased. you knew if you touched him first, you would not only lose a bet but you would be in for a shitload of teasing. oh san, youve been gone for 2 months, all pent up. only having to use your hand to relieve yourself. i had a vibrator. so i think you need me more. you cocked back. your reply shocked him but it also made him mad. so all he did was pull his pants down, licked his hand and started pumping himself. you cant lie, you really wanted to taste him. but youll be teased.
fuck it. you decide and replace his hand with your mouth.
you should play this game more often, you thought.
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mingi has just come home that day. you and him spent the entire day hugging and kissing each other. you couldnt get enough of him, you missed his scent. so when night time came, it was about dinner time. you cooked his favorite food and you even volunteered to clean the dishes. but he insisted that he helped you. so you didnt turn him down and as you washed he rinsed. you started to lean over the sink to relieve some of the pressure in your lower back. so water was splashing on you as you washed. he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. the way your hands were moving in the water, the look of concentration, it was a bit much for him. it took a lot for him to restrain himself from doing you right then. so he waited until later that night.
baby… mingi would whine. yes? you replied. please, i need you to touch me. i miss your body so much. please i cant hold back anymore. he confessed. who were you to deny him? so you started by kissing him slowly, then marking him, touching him softly. he couldnt take this slow pace much longer. baby… i cant wait. he moaned slightly. so he flipped you on your back, he starter to grind his hips into you to relieve some pressure. you both moaned at the contact. want this? please tell me you want me as much as i need you. he whined. it turned you on because of how submissive he sounded. you nodded and thats all it took for him.
after that, he started to talk about how good the tour was, how much fun he had with his bandmates, all while youre laying there with your legs shaking like crazy, and your eyes could barely stay open.
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this man just couldnt wait to hear you. wooyoung had some friends over, but he was starting to regret it. the more he sat next to you, inhaled your scent, it made him crazy. there was a movie on, and all his friends were watching it. you tried to watch, but all his teasing touches were really distracting you. sometimes his hands would slide a little too close to your pussy. you let out a loud sigh that sounded almost like a soft moan. his friends would glance occasionally, but wooyoung would tell them that it was because you were “yawning because your tired”. but soon after all the teasing, he finally touched you. he started to rub you, drawing small quick circles over your clit. you had to excuse the moans that would slip a little as a yawn or something. but when he started going faster, you couldnt contain it anymore. so you put your head in his neck, and bite down softly to quiet yourself. wooyoung could hear your small moans and whimpers as you came on his fingers.
in the dark it looked like you were resting your head in him. if only they knew about the dirty things that were happening under the cover you had across your lap.
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it all starterd with a facetime call. you were wearing one of his shirts. he was on his way home from the airport when you started teasing him. flashing him and giggling afterwards, or moaning his name, just teasing him to the point of no return. but when he got home, it wasnt funny anymore. all the teasing you did to him made him sexually frustrated. the smile on your face disappeared when he opened the door and said strip. you wanted to retaliate but there was no way you were gonna do that. no way you were gonna fuel his fire by bratting even more. so you did as told. bad girl, teasing me like that. jongho said. his voice was dripping with lust, making it deeper. it turned you on. im sorry, i just uh wanted to play a little. you said as your voice cracked a little. oh you wanna play? ill play with you. he said teasingly.
to make a long story short, one of the best nights you’ve had.
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©️ luvanniiee on tumblr !!
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berberriescorner · 9 months
Until The Cops Come Knocking
Characters: Kevin Atwater x Black!Reader.
Summary:  A simple house call turns into a pleasant surprise.
Warnings: Let’s see, just a smidge of spice. Fluffiness and flirtation included. There are a few sprinkles of profanity. There may be instances where you cackle loudly.
Word Count: 2,700+.
A/N: I know. You’re shocked I took time away from my baby daddy, Rio. It’s just something about Atwater and Halstead, though. Wait until you see what else I’m cooking up for those two. I honestly couldn’t tell you how this random idea came about. That’s the joy of being a Libra. My imagination just keeps going and going. IT’S LIBRA SZN BABY♎️! Enjoy my sweet lovelies.
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Song Inspo💞:
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Boot-covered footsteps thumped down the winding stairwell of the run-down apartment building. The creaking door of the entrance swung open as both detectives released an exhausted and irritated breath. Both men took in their surroundings as they approached the large pickup truck they arrived in. Seeing nothing lurking about, Jay slid into the driver’s side as Kevin took residence in the passenger seat. The men released another irritated sigh before Halstead spoke, “This damn case has us running in circles. There has got to be something we’re missing here.”
“These dead ends are wasting valuable time. If we don’t get a hold of things soon, this sick psycho will slip through our fingers. For all we know, he could be halfway to Mexico by now. None of these witnesses are going to cooperate.”
“We’ll figure something out. We just have to find a way to convince them we can protect them and their families from this monster. We should wrap this up for the night, though. We’re both too tired to follow up on any more pointless leads. I say we head back to the precinct, check in with the team, and call it a night.”
The men agree it’s probably the best bet as Jay turns over the engine. As they begin the journey back to the precinct, a call comes in over the radio. There are multiple reports of a noise complaint about a party at a property in a neighborhood only minutes from their current location. Atwater shrugs his shoulders at Halstead.
“I mean, we are only five minutes away. Might as well check it out real quick.”
“It’s probably some spoiled-ass rich kid throwing a kegger,” Jay responds. “Let’s just get this over with,” he chuckles, shaking his head.
“It’s strange. This address sounds familiar. Have we ever answered any calls or done investigative work on this street,” Kevin questioned.
“I feel like I’ve been here with Haley or Voight, but I can’t say for sure.”
Kevin gave him a slight head nod as his phone vibrated in his left pocket. Checking the notification brings a small smile to his face. Atwater’s eyebrows twist in confusion as he reads the message. Jay glanced in his direction, laughing at his friend's facial expression.
“Bro? Are you good? If you stare at that screen any harder, it may glitch,” he joked. “What’s wrong? Are you in the dog house or something? And please don’t hit me with that, “who says I’m dating anyone nonsense.” The girls are on to you. You’ve been missing happy hour for months now. Giving us the excuse that you’re tired. You’ve turned down every woman within the last four months.”
Kevin ignored most of what Jay said, returning to the initial question. 
“It’s this text, bro. Either words are missing, or I’m being butt-texted. Is that even a thing,” he asked, still puzzled.
Before Jay could respond, another text came through. Kevin read the three-word text and guffawed. His tongue wet his bottom lip before the bottom lip tucked between his teeth. He was fighting the heat from the three words on his screen.
Mamas🤤😈🫶🏾: need fuck daddy
Baeee🙈💓🫶🏾: Oh! That’s how you’re feeling, mamas? I thought you were out with your girls tonight.
Mamas🤤😈🫶🏾: M so tips feels so goods need daddy😩🤤.
Baeee🙈💓🫶🏾: Drop your location, baby. I’ll come to get you. I’ll scoop you when I finish up here. Stay put, love.
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“I see you’ve deciphered the message. What’s up,” Jay asked.
“It’s nothing, dog. It’s just a little inside joke. You wouldn’t get it,” Kevin lied.
“Your reply sounds suspicious as hell. I would question it further, but we’ve arrived at our destination.”
“Damn! You can hear the music from the gate entrance. Don’t they have security? It is a gated community.”
“They’ve visited this house twice already. They told neighbors to call the authorities a third time.”
“This should be fun,” Atwater responded dryly.
Jay was the first one to approach the door. With a gentle nod, both men positioned their hands on their holsters, and Halstead gave a firm knock. 
“Sounds like a bunch of drunk women,” Kevin whispered quickly, releasing a small laugh.
“Dear Lord. It sounds like we’re about to interrupt girls' night. Brace yourself, brother, if these women are as drunk as they sound. It could get a little handsy.”
“If one finger lands on you. Upton’s going to kill you. You have to stop falling for your coworkers, Halstead. You take the term work wife too seriously,” Kevin jokes.
The door swings open, halting Jay from giving a rebuttal. Both men angle their heads down, spotting a redhead who is no more than four foot eleven. Her gaze creeps over the detectives slowly as she mumbles, “Good Lord. Money well spent.”
Jay and Kevin look at each other, confused by her words. They identify themselves, but it goes ignored. Another woman joins the redhead. She appears to be Filipino and just as tiny as her friend. Kevin starts to identify himself, but both women turn toward the rest of the group.
The redhead purrs, “Ladies, get your ones ready. The entertainment is here!”
Both detectives look flabbergasted as they try and correct them. The ladies are seriously inebriated. None of the words leaving the detectives’ mouths are getting through. Red continues, “Ms. Maid of Honor! Do us the honors and get the Bride-to-be ready for her lap dance!”
Her fellow tiny friend squeezes between both men, pulling them inside the house.
“Wait a minute, sweetheart,” Jay tries to reason.
“Hold on there, ma’am. You’re mistaken,” Kevin interjects.
Surrounded by a pack of drunk and lust-filled women, Jay attempts to talk over the boisterous crowd, “Ladies! Let’s keep things calm-.” He’s thrown off as someone grabs his ass. “Come now, ladies. Let’s keep things civilized and respectful.”
Kevin cackles as Jay’s face starts to redden. That is until one of the women starts running her hand up and down the veins of his forearm. The women begin catcalling them, going on about how sexy they are. “If I would’ve known they were sending strippers this fucking sexy. I would’ve paid double. Cuff me, Mr. Officer,” the redhead panted.
Kevin stepped back and politely removed the thirsty woman’s hand from his person. He started to reiterate that they were the actual police. Those words stuck in his throat as he felt dainty arms wrap around his waist. As if that hadn’t thrown him off guard, the unidentified woman began thrusting her hips, humping from the back. Just as he was about to turn around and reprimand the stranger, he heard a familiar voice. To Kevin’s surprise, he turns around to find you, his tipsy girlfriend smiling and slapping his ass. Jay looked at his friend in shock as his face lit up with laughter at your slurred words.
“This ain’t no strippaaa! Back off, you thirsty bald-headed hoes! I’m just joking. Not really. This MY MUTHAFUCKIN’ MAN! My man, my man, my man, my man! We go together. Real bad.”
“Okay, Yung Miami. You need a break from TikTok, baby,” Kevin teased.
Jay, assuming his friend was enduring harassment, attempted to diffuse the situation and calm you down. Kevin releases a deep chuckle, patting Halstead on the back.
“It’s all good, bro. Shortie can touch me however she wants,” he insists, licking his lips and staring at you with hungry eyes. “You lit, ain’t you, mamas?”
Halstead looks on in complete and utter confusion. “She’s beautiful, man, but don’t forget we’re on the clock. Voight would have our asses for indulging in this.”
Atwater smirks at Jay as he shrugs his shoulders. His eyes travel back to your face. Kevin reaches out, placing his hand on your waist. He tugs at you, pulling you into a quick peck.
“Relax, Halstead. Little mama’s telling the truth.” 
Jay, looking at him puzzled, waited for Kevin to explain. 
“Halstead, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend. We’ve been dating for the last six months. It’s an odd way for you to find out, but yeah. Jay, this my lady.” 
Embarrassed, you released a tiny giggle, burying yourself into Kevin’s side. Pulling back, you looked at him in a lust-filled, drunken haze. 
“Hiii baby,” you slurred, smiling ear to ear.
Kevin smiled back, biting his lip, “Wassup, beautiful? Listen, we hate to break up a wonderful time, mamas, but it’s pretty noisy. As a courtesy to the neighbors, could you tell the crew to simmer down a little bit,” he said in that tone that always made you shiver. 
“Okay, baby,” you smiled, nibbling your lip.
Atwater leaned in closer, whispering in your ear, “Yeah? You can do that for Daddy?”
Releasing a shaky breath, you nodded yes in reply.
“That’s my good girl.”
Jay looked at Atwater with raised eyebrows as you settled the girls down.
“Very impressive. Teach me your ways, bro.”
“No can do, brotha. If it’s in you, it’s in you. Can’t be taught, my man,” Kevin boasted.
You managed to calm the girls down. They all relocated to the kitchen to make a fresh batch of margaritas. Your best friends, who had answered the door, instructed you to find out if Kevin’s partner was single. They trotted off heartbroken after telling them Kevin had mentioned a girlfriend to you before.
You stumbled back to your chuckling boyfriend, who wrapped you in another bear hug. Pulling away, he looked at you like you had been caught red-handed.
“I know you’re the maid of honor, but did I hear the word strippers? Yes, I’m almost certain that’s come up several times since we arrived. You don’t need all that swinging in your face. Come on, my little drunken love. We’re taking you home. Your little ass is about to pass out. How much alcohol have you had?” 
“I’ll go,” you stand on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear, “If you take me home and put me to sleep, just the way I like.” You finish, biting his ear playfully. 
“That can be arranged…for tomorrow. I want you sober, mamas.”
Kevin laughs at your drunken pout. “You’ll be out like a light before we make it to the house. It’s going to be alright, love. Sleep it off some, and I promise I’ll break you off afterward.”
“Let’s go so I can get you back to your car, bro. You’re not having sex in my truck,” Jay joked, but at the same time, he was serious.
“Halstead, be easy on the jokes now. I’d hate to have to inform Hailey about the many times you got groped tonight.”
Kevin gingerly swept you from Jay’s truck, transferring you to his own. He managed to buckle you into the front seat and nearly made it out of the parking lot unnoticed. His head shot back with an exasperated sigh as the exit to the precinct flew open.
“Nice try, Atwater. We want to meet your gorgeous lady friend Halstead’s exact words. Better watch your girl, Kev,” Burgess taunted. 
Hailey followed close behind, hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. “You honestly think Jay was going to keep your secret? Not a chance, Atwater. Before you try to snitch, I already know how he was treated like a sexy piece of meat tonight,” Hailey sassed.
Kevin shushed the women and directed their attention to your sleeping frame. “You two can give her the third degree another time. I’m taking my little party animal home,” he whispered, looking at you with adoring eyes. “I’ll bring her by the precinct to formally introduce her soon. Just not tonight, ladies.”
“Bachelorette parties are the best. I’m looking forward to mine,” Upton sighed.
“Jay should be worried if Burgess is throwing it. I’ll see you two tomorrow. Let me get my sleepy baby to a comfortable bed.”
You had slept the entire ride to and from the precinct. Kevin carried you into his home, taking you straight to the master bathroom. You began to stir as he placed you on top of the vanity.
“How long was I out,” you groaned.
“About an hour,” his lips brushed against your forehead. “Do you think you can handle showering on your own? Or do you want me to help you, love?”
“I want cuddles in the shower. Shit! I don’t have my overnight bag. What about my hair,” you whined.
“You gon’ be good, sweetheart. One second.”
Kevin started opening cabinets and sitting items next to you on the vanity. His face spread into a shy smile when he saw you holding back tears.
“Why the watery eyes, mamas?”
“Two things. First of all, sir. Bless your parents. I’ve never had a man love me this way. Baby, you went and bought all my hair care products.”
The both of you looked lovingly at the pile on the counter. Kevin had purchased every single product you had in your bathroom. Everything you usually brought with you lay there.
“What was the second thing?”
“I’m an emotional drunk.”
“Yeah, I kind of guessed that,” he chuckled. “You can sleep in my clothes. I’d prefer you slept naked, but that’s up to you,” he licked his lips.
“That depends.”
“If I’ve sobered up enough for you to slide up in it,” you purred.
“I’d say you’re thinking pretty clearly, love. Let’s get cleaned up. I’m starving, and I got a taste for something sweet.”
“Yeah,” you questioned breathlessly.
Kevin stepped between your thighs, kissing you hungrily. Releasing your lips a few moments later, his hand brushed against the outside of your shorts. “Yeah. It’s nice, soft, juicy, and delicious. You gon’ give me a taste, love?”
“Start the shower before I come all over this counter.”
Hours later, the two of you lay in bed panting and satiated. The room rested in a comfortable silence. Your head rested on Kevin’s chest as his fingertips drew patterns against your naked skin. His lips left a litany of kisses across your temple. He pulled in a breath before speaking.
“Baby girl,” he whispered.
“Move in with me. I want to build a life with you. I know it’s only been six months-.”
“I wanted to ask you another question, though,” he playfully scolded, giving your butt a light tap. 
You looked at him and smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry, continue, baby. Either way, the answer is yes.”
“Cool. So we’re getting married then?”
“Ye-wait. What?”
Kevin flipped you both. Lying on top of you, he brushed the hair from your face.
“Marry me, mamas? I know it’s way too soon-.”
You kissed him to shut him up. It lasted long enough to calm his fluttering heart.
Without another word, he kissed you hard, stealing your breath. Tender touches morphed into desperate touches. In an instant, the room filled with pants and moans as he slipped back into you. Thrust mirroring thrust, as Kevin drove you to the brink of ecstasy until your tired body would no longer allow it. He littered your face with kisses as the both of you whispered words of affirmation until sleep claimed you both.
The aching in your bladder woke you as the morning sun crept into the bedroom. Not wanting to wake your sleeping giant, you wiggled free. Tip-toeing into the bathroom, you quickly relieved yourself and washed your hands. You unboxed one of the toothbrushes Kevin bought, quietly falling into your morning routine. Standing in the mirror brushing your teeth, your free hand brushed curls from your face, and you froze. The toothbrush dangled in your mouth as you stared into the mirror, shock written on your face. Hand frozen mid-air, you gawked at the beautiful diamond sparkling on your ring finger. You startled as a voice sounded behind you. Kevin stood in the doorway, muscles rippling, in all his naked glory, staring at you in the mirror. He walked up behind you, pressing his chest to your back, and whispered against your neck, “I always come prepared, baby girl. Notice it’s the correct size and the cut you like. Do I know my woman or what,” he bragged, finishing with kisses to your throat.
Throwing a finger in the air, you quickly rinsed your mouth and toothbrush. You placed the brush in the holder as you spun around, snatching Kevin’s hand. Pulling him back toward the bedroom, he questioned, “Where are we going, love?”
“Back to bed. I’m going to suck the soul out of you. Then I’m taking my ass to the kitchen and cooking you breakfast in bed.”
Fuck I love this woman.
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Hope you enjoyed it, my sweet babies! Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114 @nightlywords7 @amorestevens @sunshine-flower @boomclapxox @astoldbychae
@skyesthebomb @tbugger01 @thatbrowngruul
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sorchathered · 4 months
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Sacred New Beginnings
Chapter 5
A/N- this is NOT a finale guys! After much deliberation I decided I have too much to say for only 3 chapters, so we are on this train until I’m ready to give it up! 😂
Summary- it’s the morning after Mav and Penny’s wedding, and there are revelations to unpack as new drama unfolds.
Song inspo- Sunday kind of love- Etta James, You send me- Sam Cooke, Ironic- Alanis Morissette, Karma- Taylor Swift
Pairing- Jake Seresin x reader (oc Stormy)
Warnings- language, drinking, smut (wrap it up kids) minors dni.
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Bradley wakes up to one of the worst hangovers he’s had in his adult life. He made it home and proceeded to drain most of his liquor cabinet after the wedding, it had been a bad day all around and seeing you and Jake wrapped up in each others arms after years of worrying was the icing on the cake. He knew logically he had no room to be pissed off, you knew everything now and there would be no salvaging your love life. He had hoped to explain it himself, maybe find a way to convince you it was nothing but in reality he knew that wasn’t the case. He’d continued a relationship with Mirage after you left, whether or not it was just sex didn’t really matter, he’d slept with someone else. His therapist had told him weeks ago that he believed Bradley was in love with the idea of love and having a family, less in the people he was in relationships with and while it had hurt to hear he knew somewhere in him it was true.
He’d loved the attention and adoration from his partners, and some part of him had loved Stormy once; but the two of you disagreed fundamentally on so many things. You were career driven, he wanted you to retire in the next 5 years so you could start a family, he wanted to stay in California and you had always dreamed of settling down south near your grandmother’s old home. When he’d seen you becoming more successful than him it had set a fire in him and he used it to burn your relationship to the ground. He didn’t deserve you, and he certainly didn’t get to dictate who you chose to be with after him.
As he stumbled through the house to let out his dog he appraised the damage. His clothes were scattered everywhere, liquor cabinet raided and somehow he’d left the fridge open. He was a mess right now, if his mother could see him she’d be so disappointed. He finally finds his phone in the couch cushions, messages and missed calls from Nat and Rueben clogging his notifications. He couldn’t dig into all of that right now, so he just called Nat to let him know he was ok, yanking the phone from his ear as she screamed into the phone.
“Jesus dude I was asleep what the hell is wrong? You have a key you could’ve just come over if it’s that serious, who died?”
“Bradley. You haven’t been on instagram today have you?”
“No, but I already know about Jake and Stormy so if they went instagram official I’d rather not-“
“Wait what?! Never mind that’s not what this is about. You need to go to Mirage’s profile, right now.”
Bradley scrolls through the app and clicks on her profile, expecting to see she decided to stop waiting on him and find a boyfriend now or something stupid like that, only to be met with a carousel of photos. Pictures of the two of them, and at the end a picture of a pregnancy test, two pink lines confirming something he never dreamed of. Not only had she hard launched them, but she also told the world he was going to be a father…without confirming with him first. He was fucked.
Meanwhile on the other side of North Island Jake is waking up to his version of heaven. His bed may be empty but he can hear the soft sound of you singing, and the smell of coffee and pancakes has him wandering down the hall. Your hair is in a messy knot, you’ve got one of his Texas longhorn t shirts on and you and Patsy Cline are crooning “Walking after midnight.” Flitting back and forth between chopping fruit and flipping pancakes, you sway to the song (your grandmother’s favorite) and he’s sure this is the best morning of his life. He sneaks up behind you to spin you and you shriek and giggle, swatting him with the spatula as he kisses your cheeks and forehead.
“Morning Tex, how’d you sleep?” You say with a big grin, running your free hand over his tanned torso and you catch him close his eyes and shiver into your touch.
“Mm, I’ll be honest darlin’ might have been the best night of sleep in my whole life, ‘cept I woke up alone and almost thought you were a dream.” He plucks the spatula from your hand and hip bumps you away from the stove, taking over your spot cooking and you make your way to the coffee pot to pour him a mug.
“I uh- I cancelled my flight for this afternoon” you’re trying to be nonchalant about it but you can tell by the way his head snaps up he is holding on to your every word.
“And I may have asked Uncle Beau for a favor and extended my leave for the rest of the week… I hope that’s ok, I’m not ready to leave you yet.”
You look a little nervous as he turns the stove off and looks at you, but he takes two big strides and yanks you into his arms, pulling at your (his) shirt and kissing you hard and you know you had nothing to worry about.
You both laugh into each other’s mouths, he’s hoisted you into his arms and delicately places you on the kitchen table, rucking your shirt above your breasts as he nips and sucks on the exposed skin.
“Jake- breakfast” you breathe out and he grins up at you between your thighs
“I want you for breakfast first baby, then we can have pancakes. Be a good girl and take it ok?”
He brings you to your release three times before he lets you up, grabbing the plates from the counter and sitting you in his lap. Between bites you reach into his shorts and pull him free lining yourself up with him and he hisses into your mouth.
“What’re you up to sweet thing?”
“Shhh, wanna be close baby, need you”
You take turns feeding each other while you slowly rock yourself on Jake, and it definitely is the best morning either of you have ever had.
Neither of you had even touched your phones since you left the wedding the night before, it was nearing 5 pm and you had spent the day watching movies and letting Jake fuck you in every room of his house, finally deciding the two of you needed to eat you dragged yourself to his room to get your phone off the charger to order takeout. When you turned your phone on you were bombarded with notifications, nearly deciding to just turn it back off once you noticed you had a notification from Bradley. You ordered dinner and continued to ignore the overwhelming amount of messages, annoyance etched on your face when you came back to the living room, and Jake reached for your phone already knowing you wouldn’t want to pop the perfect bubble of the day.
“You don’t have to look at any of this shit today if you don’t want to y/n, we can worry about it tomorrow.”
You sighed and ran your hand over your face, it wasn’t that easy even if he tried to make it that way. “Will you just look for me? Tell Nat I’m not interested in hashing out the drama tonight and we can talk at lunch.”
He nodded and scrolled through, but as you watched his face you immediately knew something was wrong.
“Ok maybe you do need to tell me, what happened? Is someone hurt?”
He shook his head but looked almost nauseous, so you yanked the phone from his hands, he didn’t even bother to try and keep it from you.
On the screen was almost 30 messages from Phoenix, begging you not to check instagram. It had been hours since her last message but she seemed insistent that you call her first. She picked up on the first ring, screeching into the phone before you could say anything.
“Jesus! Where the fuck have you been Stormy? I had half a mind to come over to Hangman’s to beat the door down.”
“We decided to shut our phones off, sorry Tash. What is wrong? Please tell me everyone is ok.”
“Everyone’s safe, it’s not that kind of emergency. But it’s not good y/n. Bradley apparently saw the two of you last night, and then…”
“Then what? What Nat?”
“Y/n…Mirage is pregnant.”
You knew it was the wrong way to respond, Jake had dropped his fork right out of his mouth at Nat’s declaration; that definitely seemed like more of a normal response. You on the other hand looked unhinged as doubled over in laughter, gasping for air as tears poured from your eyes.
“Seresin, what’s happening? Is- is she laughing?”
Jake looks at you like you have 3 heads but still manages to take your phone from your shaking form,
“Yeah Phoenix it looks like it”
“Do we need to be worried?”
“Too soon to tell, let me figure this shit out and we’ll call you later.”
He hangs up and takes your hand, you’re coming down from it now as you swipe the tears from your face, still trying to stifle giggles.
“Oh God,” you gasp out “I’m so sorry, but you seriously can’t make this shit up can you?” You erupt into another round of giggles and now Jake can’t help but join in, this really is a shitshow.
Finally you settle and he looks at you with concern, but you wave him off and move your take out boxes to the coffee table as you scoot into his lap. Running your hands through his hair you lean in to kiss him and as much as he doesn’t want to he pulls back to get you to look at him.
“I’ll let you bury yourself in me if you need baby but you still gotta talk to me ok? What’s going on in that pretty head?”
You shake your head at him and peck his lips, you knew he wouldn’t let you get away with pushing it aside.
“Is it strange that I almost feel bad for him? He’s burned his whole world down, knowing what I know now I would never want to be around him let alone with him again, and while I have thrived in his absence he just keeps ruining his life. I don’t miss him, but I pity him. Does that make sense?”
It’s definitely not the response he expected, he thought you’d be hurt and that it would rehash all the emotional damage you’d dealt with, he can’t help but be impressed.
“You’re taking this a whole lot better than I thought sugar, I gotta be honest.”
You pull him close as you straddle his hips, running your nose along his cheekbone and press kisses to his face.
“Like I told you, I don’t miss him. I don’t want him. I want you. This isn’t avoidance Jake, I moved on and I want to spend the rest of my life with you if that’s what you want too. So can we stop worrying about Rooster and his emotional bullshit and just go back to being us?”
He lets you take the lead, settling into the couch with you and switching the long forgotten movie back on, whatever his wingman’s problems are don’t include him after all. He’s got bigger things on his mind, like getting you back to San Diego or requesting a transfer to Pensacola. Maybe getting the two of you a bigger house with a yard, a dog or two and a backyard big enough to fill with your own kids. As he falls asleep trapped under your warm embrace visions of what could be dance behind his eyes, and he makes a mental note to ask his mother for Grandma Seresin’s engagement ring.
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Jake Seresin Masterlist
Thanks so much to @sailor-aviator, @mamachasesmayhem, and @bobgasm for talking me through this chapter!!
Tagging- @mamamaystbr @mamachasesmayhem @bobgasm @attapullman @roosterforme @pinkdaisies9285 @djs8891 @jessicab1991 @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @mygyn @angelbabyyy99 @86laura11 @shanimallina87 @floydsglasses @jostan456 @kmc1989 @dempy @its-the-pilot @mrsevans90 @purelyfiction @nouis-bum
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
staying in
Author’s Note: feeling cheesy and silly and lazy. ☺️😝🥱
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staying in
Hashira x Reader, Kamaboko x Reader
Word Count: ~900
CW: mild sexual content
Song Inspo: Low Key by Russell Dickerson
An evening in consists of…
… almost getting scammed by an astrology website with Zenitsu, before finally agreeing that the free version is fine, and who believes in astrology anyway? Clearly, you’re made for each other (despite there being some ~areas of conflict between your charts). 
… board games with Inosuke until one of you rage quits, and the other has to convince them to: stop sulking in the bathroom, and play again. Who rage quits usually depends on the game, and you’re much better at goading him into another round than he is at bribing you.
… a quiet stroll out with Gyomei, so not exactly staying in, but still more peaceful and mindful than going to a bar or attending an event. He compares your presence to the radiant fullness of the moon, and you tuck a fallen flower behind his ear. “How do you know what the moon feels like?” He doesn’t quite know how to explain gentle, mystical tug of moonrise, so he settles for, “I can feel you, and that is more than enough.”
… cleaning and redecorating Kaburamura’s cage with Obanai. It’s a little gross, and a lot of a fun. From teasing him for his obvious doting, “Does Kaburamura really need six donut cozies?” to being flat out rejected, “Sooo that’s a no to body painting? It’s safe for humans! How could it not be safe for snakes?” You end up falling asleep as he dutifully photographs Kaburamura curled up on your shoulder #guess I’ll finish cleaning by myself.
… doing Tanjirou’s make up, and him doing yours. If you don’t own any make up, then you go on a field trip (minimal budget). You randomly pick themes (old fashioned via “from a hat” or modern via “app for raffle draw”), set a time limit, and then send photos of your final looks to your Hashira + Kamaboko group chat to decide on a winner.
… making the most outlandish cocktails (or mocktails) you can think of with Mitsuri. They have to be intricate, original, AND taste delicious (~just okay suffices too), or you put on a pair of socks. By the end of the evening, you’re drunk (or sugar high) as heck, and have at least four pairs of socks on.
… a project with Shinobu. Whether that’s tackling a Lego set, making candles, or deep cleaning a specific room (likely the kitchen or bathroom), the laughter is ever constant, frustration to be expected, and resulting pride and excitement at the final product a worthy reward — not to mention the way she kisses you afterward! *happy sigh*
… cooking with Kyojuro #bet you didn’t see that coming #sarcasm intended teehee. Sometimes it’s complicated, hours long endeavors; other times it’s spaghetti; and there’s always take out if your fancy Huntsman pie doesn’t go to plan. He’s almost unbearably efficient when it comes to cooking tidily, and chops vegetables so quickly that you just marvel at how his fingers are intact.
… watching a movie with Sanemi. This includes: ~arguing over which movie to watch for a solid hour (give or take), another twenty minutes for snack prep, and another half an hour to spontaneously design and build a pillow fort (for the optimal movie watching experience, of course). Even when it’s a movie he swears he despises, he’ll still stay awake through the whole damn thing because it matters to you, and you matter to him.
… creating scavenger hunts for each other with Muichiro. You roll dice to determine who gets to claim which room(s) and in what order, set up your hunts, and then hunt (duh)! Winner gets to choose dinner (or dessert if you already ate dinner), and loser gets to cook aforementioned dinner (or dessert). You usually win, but he notices when you begin making his clues easier, and promptly informs you that he’d rather lose honestly than win on Easy Mode. “Your happy noises whenever I feed you are prize enough for me.”
… planning your future with Giyuu. It’s easy to get caught up in the mayhem of Life™, so evenings in are a grounding, intimate opportunity to reconnect and recenter with him. From cuddling on the couch to dancing in the kitchen to watching the moon’s traverse through your favorite window, you discuss current stressors, recent successes, and your gratitude for each other. It may seem simple, but it’s the little things that fit most snugly in your hearts. “Where do you see us in a year? Five years? A decade?” you ask. His answer remains constant: “Together.”
… reading with Tengen. He’ll read to you, or you to him; you’ll share a book, or the couch, or the bed; and you alternate who gets up to brew more tea. If you prefer audio books, then he’ll occasionally eavesdrop, and when it’s your turn to be on tea duty, you more often than not return to a cute sticky note (with dramatic commentary regarding the chapter you’re on) bookmarking your page.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Challenge Accepted (Buddy Daddies)
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*runs in and cartwheels into a candy apple display* HI-*crashes* I'm a little sleep deprived as of writing this intro but we're gonna run with it! Heyo everyone! I bring you today some good ol' Buddy Daddies! Besides writing sentence starters and dabbles for them- I haven't had the chance to write a full fic yet. That changes today!
Huge huge thank you to @thatbigbisexual29 for this brilliant idea- Thank you for giving me the inspo I needed and patience to finally write this thing! :D I hope y'all like it!
Summary: Miri comes home and asks a world changing question: Which of her two Papa's is tougher? Kazuki comes up with a grand plan to find out!
“Which one of you is tougher?”
The question made both men pause, Kazuki standing by the counter while Rei sat comfortably against the couch. Sharing a look, the blonde turned to their daughter with a huffed laugh. “What do you mean?”
“Taiga said his papa was super tough! He said both his mama and his papa are tough!” She stood up, raising her arms over her head in emphasis. “I told him my papa’s are tough too, but then he asked which one was more!”
“What did you tell him?” Rei asked. Kazuki shot him a look. They really shouldn’t encourage this-
“I told him Papa Rei’s tougher!” She beamed, making her other papa gap in shock. Rei barely fought down a smirk.
“What? Papa Rei? Tougher? I’m so much tougher!” Kazuki scurried over, flexing his biceps. “Your Papa Kazuki can carry both you and Rei whenever we need to get somewhere quickly!”
“I can do that too.” Rei pointed out, earning another look.
“Plus, who’s the one who gets all the critters out when they wander in?”
“Papa Rei.” Miri said just as Rei said “Me.”
Kazuki blanched. Okay- maybe Rei was better than him at catching bugs. “Well…I can cook!” “And we have stomachs of steel because of it.” Rei shrugged. Miri patted her belly in emphasis.
“Oh you- You love my cooking!” Kazuki rolled his eyes. “We’re not getting anywhere with this. What we need is a proper competition.”
“Oh?” Miri and Rei asked at the same time, one more tired than the other.
“Yeah! A challenge to see who’s the toughest papa!” The blonde grinned, rolling up his sleeves. “And I know just how we’re gonna figure it out!”
“Come on, Rei- you know you wanna break.” Kazuki cooed with devilish delight down at the squirming brunette beneath him, fingers creeping up his shirt and trailing along the curve of his belly. “Just say you give up, and it’ll all be over.”
The assassin merely flattened his lips in response, raising his quivering chin against the relentless waves of sensitivity threatening to drown him. “N-No! N-Never! Mmm!” He arched, the arms behind his head flexing but never quite dropping.
It was admittedly rather childish; the whole tickling thing. Still-There wasn’t much more the two could compete on given the circumstances. Both were similar in terms of speed and agility; and testing things like defusing a bomb and firing aim were simply undoable with Miri in the picture.
And yet- it was effective; Kazuki could feel Rei’s resistance slowly melt away with each flick of his fingers, the way his muscles tightened like bowstrings as the blonde traced over a particularly ticklish spot. He could have ended it all there- gone straight for Rei’s armpits and had him shooting his arms down with a shriek.
But that wasn’t much fun now, was it?
“So stubborn~ What a tough guy you are.” Kazuki cooed, giggling when Rei tried to glare. “Nah ah ah- no faces like that!” He raked his fingers higher, giving his bottom ribs a scratch. “Give me a smile.”
“Mmmph!” Rei’s eyes widened, cheeks puffing as he arched. Behind him, Kazuki could hear the sound of shuffling feet as Rei dug his heels into the sofa cushions.
“What? Nothing to say, tough guy?” Kazuki grinned, widening his fingers and slowly walking them up and down Rei’s ribcage. “Cat got your tongue? Or are you just scared when you open your mouth you’re gonna be laughing? I’d laugh too- especially with these tickly fingers walking up and down my ribs, getting closer and closer to my armpits but nooooooot quite touching them.” He prodded along the brunette’s upper ribs, nearly making Rei shoot his arms down. “I can feel them pounding against your chest- the laughter within you. They’re gonna burst out soon- might as well let it go~”
Rei shook his head, eyes squeezed shut as his arms twitched, the veins in his neck strained with effort. His hair had fallen into his eyes, hiding the mist forming in the corners. He was starting to rival a tomato in color. For a moment, Kazuki was worried he’d actually explode.
Well- better help him let it out before he does.
“And a one, and a two and a-” Kazuki lifted his hands up for dramatic pause, giving Rei a second to breathe. Once he was normal colored again, he shot his hands into his armpits.
“GEHAHHAHAHA!” Rei all but shrieked, arms shooting down to block out Kazuki’s hands.
“Oo, we’re halfway there! Tickle tickle tickle Rei!” Kazuki cackled, hanging on for dear life as the brunette thrashed and twisted beneath him, feet kicking and knees banging into his back. “Do you give in? Huh, do ya, do ya?”
“Ahehahahhahahahahahha! F-Fuuhuhuhuhuhuhu! Screehhehehehhw yohohohoohohu, Kahahhahahahzukihihihihiihihi!” Rei howled, covering his face with his hands as he howled in mirth. Tsking, the blonde snatched a wrist, easily pushing it back above Rei’s head as his fingers carried on wiggling into his armpit. “NO FHAHHHAHHAHAHIR!”
“Say you give up! Say it! Say it!” Kazuki teased. “I won’t stop until you do!”
“AHEHHEHHEHHEHEHE!” Rei made a whining sound at the threat, his free hand coming up to loosely grab Kazuki’s shirt. The older hitman was starting to feel a tad guilty- Rei was too stubborn for his own good. He was about to pull back and let him breathe when he finally heard it.
“FIHIHIHIHINE! FIHIHIIHIHNE YOU WIHIIHIHIHHN!” Rei cried out, tapping against Kazuki’s chest. “I GIHIHIHIVE UP!”
“Ha-HA!” Kazuki cheered, releasing Rei from his tickly attack and throwing his arms up in glee. “Take THAT! I win! I got you to give up!” He looked over, grinning from ear to ear. “Did you see that Miri? Miri…?”
The little girl was no longer by their side- at some point she had wandered away to doodle. Currently she was passed out against her artwork, snoring softly with her blue crown clutched in her little hand.
“Oh man, and after I put in all that effort to beat you!” Kazuki pouted, letting out a sigh. He was so put out by the lack of his audience he failed to feel Rei sitting up.
“Who said anything about beating me?” He growled, making the blonde squeak with wide eyes. “YOU haven’t gone yet.”
“Oh- oh no- I shouldn’t- Miri fell asleep you know? I should take her to bed-” Kazuki went to run, but Rei was faster, grabbing him and shoving him into the cushions. Immediately fingers were against his belly, making him arch and squeal like a pig. “Rehehehehehehehhei plehahahahhahahse!”
“Please what? Keep tickling you? Okay.” Rei jeered, eyes dangerous as he attacked every soft spot he could reach. “I won’t stop tickling you until you give up!”
Miri snoozed on, a little smile on her face as her dreams became ones of her and her papas, laughing as they ran through a field of tickly flowers.
Thanks for reading!
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austinbutlerslovers · 7 months
a possessive and yandere austin butler with zero social media. Smut and jealousy and angsty. Super yandere. Thank you so much. My bday is in a few days and like i have some wishes that i have been praying come true so i would love your kind hearted blessings. Tysm!!!
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~*Austin’s Angst *~
Austin is stressed all of his movies are on hold and he fears for his future. He traps you in his house and physically neglects you for days all consumed in worry with his work. You finally have enough and he can either please you or push you away.
Label mature 18+
Established relationship living together
Angst• yandere • arguing •jealousy • coercion• sub Austin (if you squint) •orgasm female • simultaneous orgasm•after care • fluffy fluff domestic ending
Inspo by request : I’ve never heard of Yandere this is my first time writing it wish me luck 🤭 thank you for the request Happy Birthday 🎂
(Spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, repeat words etc)
~*Austins Angst *~
Austin was in a mood lately all of his recent projects being halted and the writers strike effectively cutting him off from the movies he so passionately starred in. It would be an understatement to say it wasn’t affecting things at home.
Most days he would have a chef come by and cook all your meals and a runner collect your day to day items while he wandered the house on the phone with his agent and his team figuring out what he should be doing. Adding to the stress was the social media aspect which he avoided entirely wanting to dedicate himself completely to his craft. It made his team scramble to come up with unique ways to use others to promote his content without involving him.
He didn’t want to go out in public, he didn’t want to be seen or photographed. If you tried to leave or go out for anything the security system would alert his phone and he’d hold his phone call or stop his task to come and ensure that you would remain in the house.
Most nights he was too stressed or anxious to be playful or sweet. You two would have deep discussions on the importance of acting and how to “find more truth” and when you thought the writers strike in Hollywood would end. He would usually fall asleep with his arms wrapped around you wanting to feel completely comforted as he slept.
You could tell he was hurting and stressed about his career and he was spiraling so obsessed with worry you couldn’t figure out how to pull him out of it. All he wanted to do was watch his favorite old movies, read books, and talk on the phone stressing over his job.
After 5 days you were pretty wound up, you decided you could get out for a little while as he slept. He had his arm draped over you affectionately you gently put it on the bed were you were resting and snuck out to the bathroom.
You brush your teeth then turn on the shower it is instantly set to temperature. You step in and daze off enjoying the feeling of the water washing over you emptying your mind of any worrisome thoughts. As you exfoliate with your sea sponge it becomes overwhelming clear that you need a relief the sadness finally hitting you being so wound up in him you were forgetting yourself. You rinse off all over and turn the shower off.
As your dry off you stare at your reflection in the floor to ceiling mirror overlooking your soft skin and beautiful legs, you lean in closer framing your hands on your pretty face. You wondered why he hadn’t touched you in days you definitely needed to be satisfied.
He was never in the mood this week growing cold or changing the subject when you tried sneaking in longer kisses or trailing your hand across his lap during his movies. He would take your hand, kiss it then hold onto it so you couldn’t try any more tricks.
It made you feel a little pain in your chest as you thought about it, you shrugged it off and decided to plan a workout to get rid of the tension in your body. You checked your clock it was 7:24 am you could easily book the 9:00am yoga class under your gym membership. You clicked a few agreements on the phone app and you were set.
You went into the walk in closet and picked out a white 2 piece sports bra and legging set. Putting these on always made you feel so sexy you looked like an angel in white you pulled your hair up into a pony tail and posed in the mirror, turning to the side the fabric accentuating your ass.
You picked a white bag to match and quietly snuck down to the kitchen to fill your water bottle and find your keys and AirPods. Once you set foot at the bottom of the stairs you heard the shower start in the master bedroom, your heart freezes, he’s up and now you don’t know if you should tell him a quick bye or invite him to join you.
You go to the kitchen and gather your things as you mull over the ways of telling him pass through your mind. You press the dispense button on the filtered water maker waiting patiently as it takes a moment to fill all the way up to the 1 liter mark.
Austin’s voice startles you breaking the silence “Where are you going?” You look to the stairs surprised to see him shirtless wearing only low riding sweatpants his hair still slightly wet from the shower.
“Good morning Austin I thought I would go out to do yoga” your voice sounds so high and feeble when in your mind you meant to say it normally obviously his mood was affecting you.
“We have a gym” he motions his hand aiming in the direction. He continues down the stairs and begins staring at you intently, looking you over inspecting what you have on. “You’re wearing the white one?” He asks stepping in closely sliding his finger under the strap of your sports bra releasing it with a snap,you lightly wince “you know this one is my favorite” he confesses. You smile at him weakly.
“Who are you meeting” he asks starkly with an inquisitive look on his face, he crosses his arms tilting his head down to scan you for deception with both his eyebrows raised.
Your face instantly falls to shock, with his tone almost insinuating you’re not just going to work out.
“Austin I booked a class!” you rush to show him the screen on your phone.
“Cancel it” he says nonchalantly walking away to the espresso maker.
“Austin! “ you whine
He whips his head around stunned by your back talk “Is your yoga class more important or is what I want more important ?” He snaps
Your mouth drops It’s dawning on you he’s in a really bad mood you’ve never seen him in before. He’s down right cold and possessive it’s making your patience wear thin your skin is boiling as you finally speak up.
“I’ve been watching you mope around for days, you won’t let me go shopping you won’t let me drive to pick up groceries and now I can’t even work out?! What is it with you?” You drop your bag on the counter in a huff the contents clattering inside.
He just stares at you so many thoughts running through his head but he can’t form the words yet. He does know one thing, he looks at you his eyes softening begging to be seen but you turn your head away in anger “ Don’t be upset with me…I don’t want you to leave me please … I’m sorry…” his voice trails off he thinks he sounds so pathetic he wishes he could take it back.
“You don’t want me to leave you Austin? Where exactly am I going you won’t even let me leave the house! What are you talking about? Like breakup with you ? Why would you even say that?” you spew questions at him you are now very upset and confused.
He’s not talking anymore he rest back holding the countertop staring at the floor with a complex look on his face.
After a long moment of silence you grow impatient the clock ticking until your class starts. “ I’m going to my class” you pick up your bag but he’s quicker pulling it off your shoulder and back to the counter hooking your elbow before you can even storm off. “Austin!” you snap at him for holding you back. He puts his hands on your waist guiding you back “let’s just talk” he lets go of your waist and motions for you to calm down.
You cross your arms the look of impatience resonating through your entire body. He places his left hand on the counter and looks down to the floor he sighs pinching the bridge of his nose with his right hand in stress.
“ …My entire world is crumbling, everything I built everything I stand for is falling apart right in front of my eyes.” He rubs his hand over his mouth and chin stressing more “This house my movies nothing is guaranteed I could lose it all at any second I could over extend myself I could go broke the next movie I make could be a flop do you understand?” his eyes piercing into yours now.
You put your head up a bit defiantly of course you understand but he’s so extreme “Your movies are great people will love them, the strike can’t last forever Austin and if you want we can get a smaller house I just want you to be comfortable, I know it’s stressful now I know it’s uncertain but I’m your partner l’ll support you no matter what, I’ll love you no matter what” you release your crossed arms to cup your hands on his face. You see a change in his eyes like you unlocked something in his mind that takes a weight off his shoulders.
He places his left hand on yours holding his face “I don’t want to lose you like this I feel like I'm constantly making mistakes and you’re just getting fed up...” he starts confessing.
You wait in silence as he processes his feelings
“I just feel like if we go out right now you’ll easily find another actor or businessman or musician who’s going to fall for you just as hard as I have and he’s going to offer you something I don’t have or something better and I can’t let that happen I need you, I need you here with me even now you just set so many of my fears at ease in one second I need that so much “
He gently breaks your hold on his face to grab your shoulders “Please just stay with me until I feel better and things will go back to normal I promise.” His eyes are staring intently into yours trying to convey hes being honest.
You mull over his words and come up with one response “ Austin do you know why I want to leave the house and work out?”
He scoffs “yea to go to that fancy celebrity yoga studio and ‘network’ with new people”
“No Austin I’m going because my body is so physically stressed from you right now I can’t even think straight. You don’t show me any affection, do you know how detrimental that is for me? I love your touch your kisses your laugh, I miss them so much... you’ve been distancing from me for days I’ve wanted you so many times and you won’t let me have you” you plead to him your eyes full of longing.
His eyes look shocked as he starts connecting the dots “I didn’t realize I……” he starts but you cut him short.
“Austin…every time I try you literally block me why would you do that? You’re on your phone or you’re too into your movie or you just fall asleep on me exhausted it’s always some little thing to ignore me”
“I would never ignore you” he responds resolute staring at you sternly.
“Show me … show me you want me” you cross your arms over your chest daring him (secretly wanting this all along and getting a rush seeing how he will make it up to you)
He approaches you slowly and gets down on his knees directly infront of you his arms falling at his sides his head bowed shocking you completely. You feel so bad he is resorting to such desperate measures you almost tell him to stand but it’s so hot your brain over rides that and you just go with it.
He places his hands at your hips and softly plants kisses across your thighs on your leggings gently reaching and cupping your ass in his hands. He trails his fingerstips up your waistline pulling your leggings lower from your hips down your legs until you step out of them one foot at a time.
Once you’re free he nuzzles his nose to your covered pussy and looks up at you just kissing your panties. You bring your hand up to cover your mouth silently enjoying this a little too much all your stress out the window getting exactly what you wanted from him all along and he’s the most submissive you’ve ever seen.
He stands up infront of you tugging the bottom of your sports top hinting that he wants it off. You lift your arms and he slides it up and off exposing your breasts. The house is so silent as you stand in front of each other.
“Austin if you don’t want to..” your voice trails off as he stares in your eyes while hooking his thumbs into your panties sliding them down he kneels and helps you step out of them. He stands up and holds your waist picking you up easily and placing you down on the kitchen counter. Your breath hitches in your throat your already getting so wet for him your body and mind in utter confusion of guilt vs pleasure.
He stands between your legs placing his left hand on your hip to steady you. He kisses onto your neck softly as he guides his hand down between your legs running his finger tips along your pussy. You toss your head back needing his touch so badly but your heart is feeling so guilty not even sure if he wants this.
“Austin” you say his name as he starts circling his middle finger on your wet entrance “Austin please” you grab onto his shoulder making him look at you and he stops.
Your panting he already turned you on so much you’re unsure what to say. He looks at your eyes then your lips then back to your eyes again not sure why you stopped him then it clicks “ I want this” he says locking eyes with you and plunging his finger deep inside you making you choke out a moan and involuntarily clench on him.
He slides his finger in and out of you curling it at the end touching the squishy spot inside that instantly calms you down and has you finally begin to start sweetly moaning for him the guilt lifting completely.
You rest back leaning on your arms for support your palms flat on the counter. He leans into you catching his mouth onto yours licking your tongues together. He pulls away and gently bites your lower lip before devouring your mouth again.
He continues his deep hunger filled kisses while gently fingering you he pulls one finger out and slides two back in slowly rocking your wet pussy on his hand. You break away from his kiss too aroused to concentrate. Your panting heavily and spreading your legs wider enjoying the feeling of what his deft fingers can do, coursing waves of pleasure through your entire body.
He softly smiles staring at you intently your eyes are closed tightly your brows knitted together your mouth open and panting your chest rising and falling you are so beautiful to him, so precious even, he wants to pleasure you so well that the thought of you leaving him never crosses your mind.
He pulls his fingers out completely wet with your slick and lightly brushes them up and down against your clit then your tight entrance alternating teasingly. You tremble slightly the urge to cum igniting in your core.
He holds your left thigh and kneels down from the countertop between your spread legs he latches his mouth on your clit sucking it while sliding his fingers back into you.
You arc your back and let out a high moan the dual sensations edging you perfectly close to having an orgasm. His tongue now lapping your clit as his fingers easily sliding in and out of you its so pornographic your at your breaking point. You peek down at him with his eyes closed hungrily enjoying your pussy licking your clit as his fingers wetly plunge in and out of you. You let out a cycle of moans that repeatedly increase until your body tenses and you orgasm squeezing his fingers inside of you as you cum.
He stands up and looks you in the eyes leaning in closer and pumping his fingers into you a few more times making you cry out as liquid releases from your core onto his fingers and pooling on the counter. He slowly pulls his wet fingers out of you and sucks them off savoring the taste.
You are slightly shaking in after shock. He stands and turns to the counter behind him, you see his stiff cock bound in his sweat pants and immediately arousal fills you again. He returns next to you holding a paper towel to the automatic sink , he wets it and wipes between your legs with one end and wipes the counter with the other discarding it in the hidden panel trash bin.
He grabs your waist and swiftly pulls you off the counter to stand flush against him his dick between your parted legs resting against your pussy. You’re staring into his eyes not saying anything afraid to break the bond of him connecting with you again.
Instead you rest your head against his chest and close your eyes inhaling his scent holding him tightly against his chiseled pecs. He wraps his strong arms around yours and gathers your pony tail in his hand behind you playfully pulling it down by the end making you look up at him.
“Is that all you wanted?” His voice full of lust now a smirk across his face.
“ I want more ” you confess releasing your hold around him lightly dragging your nails down his nipples making his cock twitch, you bite your lower lip looking innocently up and him.
His smile gets bigger “window or counter top” he asks. You peer over at the giant floor to ceiling panel window over looking the pool and garden “window” you say in a hushed tone.
He walks ahead of you taking you by the hand leading you until you get to the window then switches you around infront of him and presses your back against it placing his hands above you on the glass trapping you in with his body.
He reaches his right hand down and holds your jaw tilting your face up to kiss his lips.
He releases you and takes a few steps backing away admiring you with his hand on his chin. With the giant garden and pool behind your naked form you look like a painting, he captures the image in his mind. He motions with his finger signaling for you to turn around.
You comply and turn around pressing your chest to the glass the cold temperature making your nipples perk instantly. You place your hands up and on to the glass at the sides of your head. You peer over your shoulder and see him stepping out of his sweat pants kicking them to the side and grabbing ahold of his large erect cock stroking it while staring at you.
“Spread your legs for me” he asks and you take a step wider on each side your so exposed and so aroused waiting for him. He comes to stand behind you and wraps his right arm around your waist placing his left hand ontop of yours on the glass making you sigh into him your breath making fog on the glass as you close your eyes.
He takes his right hand down between your legs and holds your pussy. He leans his head onto yours “ you’re absolutely soaked” he whispers in your ear, you can hear the smile in his voice as he traces circles around your entrance with his fingers. “Austin please…” you beg him pressing your ass against his cock you hear him suck in a breath as he regains his thought.
“I wanted to take my time with because you *just* miss me *so* much” he says teasingly toying with you making fun of your argument.
You smile and turn the tables on his cockiness you flip around beneath him and lift your right leg hooking it around his waist pulling him to you, your pussy lips wet and slightly parted at this angle.
He Iunges forward immediately kissing you grabbing your hips lifting you slightly with your back pressed to the window and lowering you onto his cock. You both moan in unison. He’s on fire for you like this. He holds your right leg up for leverage and places his right hand on your waist slowly pulling you fully onto his cock. You both moan again as he fills you to capacity.
He smiles at you devilishly as he begins working his dick into you gauging how hard and fast he wants to take you in this position he opts for fast and close pulling your hip and leg onto him and thrusting up into you powerfully. You grab onto his neck holding fast for dear life as he thrusts you hard smacking into your pussy making it squeeze his cock repeatedly a blank expression on your face as you moan and suddenly orgasm for him. He bounces you off of each thrust satisfying your core completely making you rock back against him feeling so good from your high.
His abs are tightening his body tensing the position so good your slick cum now covering his length making everything wetter and tighter at the same time driving him over the edge he deeply moans holding you harder on his cock. “ oh fuck!” he yells out “I’m gonna“ he moans the last part busting his load inside you holding onto you pushing his hips forward draining his cum deeply inside of you with his final thrusts.
He rests back trying to catch his breath “That was …incredible” he says panting as his chest wildly expands with each inhale . His pupils are dancing as he looks at you. As you remove your leg from around his waist you quickly squeeze your knees together. “ Austin the cum!” you say a little panicked he always empties so much into you. He runs and grabs paper towels handing them to you and you place them between your thighs collecting it.
He takes the paper towels making them into a ball and goes to discard it in the trash bin then washes his hands. You stand straight and stretch your arms up feeling so much better. He comes over seeing his chance and rushes to tickle you “ Austin!” You yell out as you laugh “ how could you! “ you are twitching around as he continues his assault. He stops and grabs you in a bear hug. “Are you hungry?” He asks already knowing your answer “ I’m starving babe “ you admit
“Let’s cook breakfast together!” he says excitedly.
You both head to the kitchen he unhooks two chef aprons in the walk in pantry handing one to you. You smile watching him put his on. He ties it behind him at the waist showing his biceps and muscular shoulders he makes the apron look so tiny. He’s such a sexy chef.
“I’m thinking breakfast sandwich you toast and butter the English muffins with a slice of cheese I’ll do the eggs and bacon” he orders “right away chef” you say with a giggle he’s being so commanding in such an endearing way. You two work together finally plating the meal using each others finished items.
You keep your aprons on and head to the den facing the pool. You sit together on the plushy love seat your legs overlapping as you eat the sandwiches. You finish and put your hand out for Austin’s plate you take both to the kitchen. He leans his head back to watch you sway with only an apron on as you carry the dishes to the kitchen. He captures the image in his mind.
“Hey do you want to go for a walk on the trails?” You hear him say from the den “Really we haven’t done that in forever! Yea! “ you say excitedly rinsing and placing the dishes in the sink. You take off your apron hooking it back in the pantry. He returns to the kitchen and places his apron with yours. “Wear the white outfit” he says with a grin as he walks through the kitchen completely naked and heads upstairs to get ready. You grab your white out fit from the floor never making it to your work out but Austin was going outside and he was in such a happy mood and that made everything better. You follow him upstairs to get ready and go on a hike to start your day with him.
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