#i have successfully wasted a whole afternoon and evening
mego42 · 4 years
Fic ask: I, U, X, Z And the idea of a sequel to I'd give her a HA! And a Hi-Ya! is amazing. I love outsider POV so much and Mick is the perfect character for outsider POV on Rio in particular (and you write it so well!)
ahhhh thank you!! I also looooove outsider pov and also writing mick (exactly 0 people are shocked) so now that i’ve had the thought realistically it’s only a matter of time.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
in reading, not really, i’m p open about being down to give almost anything a shot and have def read some off the wall shit just to see what was up. 
in writing, oh absolutely. there’s so much stuff I'm constantly tucking into fic because I love it. I don’t want to tell you what it is though bc if it starts sticking out too much I’ll have to stop and that’ll make me sad. plus, i feel like it tends to be fairly obvious bc it keeps showing up but maybe not! let me have my secrets okay? 
a lot of times I have to stop myself from not going too far down a rabbit hole with niche interests. I was just telling @foxmagpie about a lengthy monologue about old school printing presses @nickmillerscaulk gently encouraged me to remove from a chapter of song bc it was, um, intense and entirely plot adjacent (she was right and I knew she was gonna say that but I couldn’t stop myself from putting it into the first draft anyway bc OLD SCHOOL PRESSES ARE VERY COOL OKAY??????)
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
I feel like every version of this Q I’ve seen has started off with a note about how hard this question is to answer bc of talented the GG fandom is and I loathe to be so predictable but it’s true!!! it’s also awesome being relatively new to the fandom bc boy howdy do I have a backlist to work my way through. that said, three of my fav currently active, drop everything and read writers would be:
@sothischickshe has a beautifully unique voice and i adoooooore how she'll have me laughing so hard i’ve got tears in my eyes and then sucker punch me with some off the cuff emotionally devastating observation or perfectly captured character moment that takes my breath away. the combo of all of the above has led to some (extremely subtle) whole ass breakdowns over her stuff. plus she writes the truly bonkers lunacy of beth and rio’s dynamic in a way i deeply appreciate. points both awarded and taken away for more or less forcing me to develop a robe fetish so do with that what you will. 
@foxmagpie is the angst queen of my heart. she’s written some truly wrenching, overwhelmingly rich conflicts between beth and rio that i lose my entire mind over and i think about rio wrestling with his grief around his father’s death in the last chapter of little gifts on a semi-regular basis. i’m also so extremely impressed with delinquents. high school aus can be soooo tricky and tbh much of the time i don’t actually like them? but she’s done an incredible job of distilling the canon adult characters down into high school versions of themselves that are totally recognizable but also believably adapted which is a v neat trick. also, mar. 
@pynkhues has like, shoved me through the entire spectrum of human emotion time and time again with her fic and it’s at the point where I see she posted and basically start sweating like okay here we go gents lets go feel!!!! something!!!! i’m also desperately in awe of how she weaves thematic and emotional threads throughout her stories no matter how long or short they are. the way she structures her arcs is masterful and makes for a deeply satisfying reading experience on both a reader and a omg how did you do this let me break it apart and analyze level.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
mick (yes he’s also the character i want to protect), bc his suffering is always tied up in beth and rio being idiots and that’s v fun for me to write. also the combo of mick, annie, and ruby for the same reasons. 
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
I don’t think I could bring myself to write it bc deep down (or, like, realistically fairly surface level) I am a sap BUT in the right mood I loooooooooove to read it. It fucks me up so good and I find the experience of reading well done death fic maybe bizarrely cathartic? idk, obvs it depends on the circumstances. if I’m feeling fragile absolutely not, but sometimes it scratches a weird itch that nothing else does.
I don’t think there’s a specific character death I couldn’t tolerate but there are infinite ways a character death could be written I would be absolutely not about. I’m extremely not into stuff that’s transparently (or even obliquely) about punishing a character or like, a beloved character being killed off in like a set dressing sort of way. not about fridging as a general concept in any form. basically, I love death fic where it’s like, a character study of grief and really digs into the angst and emotion and makes me feel. idk how many times i have to tell you guys, i love pain.
fic asks fic asks fic fic fic asks (idek know what i’m doing here i’ve lost the plot)
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izloveshorses · 2 years
Nothing Is What it Was
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 |  chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | epilogue
For the record, Dmitry did not believe in ghosts. He didn't have the luxury. Until he started living with one.
chapter 1 under the cut, otherwise click the ao3 link above ^
She was walking for days.
Her feet were blistering. The soles of her shoes were wearing thin, the cold slithering through the split seams. And yet she kept walking. One step, and then another.
Because that was all she knew how to do.
Step, step, step.
Someone had to be waiting for her.
For the record, Dmitry did not believe in ghosts.
Or any of the weird superstitions many Russians feared, for that matter. He just couldn’t swallow any of it. It was a waste of time to wonder whether or not such things existed when he had to scrape for bread to put on the table. There were worse things to fear— hunger, arrest, the cold. Even when his father told him myths and fairytales he still had trouble accepting any of it into reality. Ghosts were obviously make believe. Angels were in the same category as ghosts, so those didn’t matter to him either. Pixies? He could scoff.
So that was why he was more than a little annoyed to discover he shared residency with a ghost.
“Oi! boy,” a man behind a booth whispered to him, gesturing to step closer. Dmitry did as told but rolled his eyes. He’d been trading at this market for fifteen odd years, you’d think by now they’d stop calling him boy. “I hear you’re shacking up in the old Yusupov Palace now, yes?”
Dmitry felt defensive for some reason. “It’s been abandoned for years, no one would think to look for me there.”
“You’re better off in the streets. That place is haunted, you know.”
“We’re all haunted.” Dmitry crossed his arms. The winter chill was making him impatient. “Me and that palace aren’t special.”
“I’m just warning you. They say she appears in mirrors by candlelight, scares the daylight out of any raiders of whatever’s left that’s worth anything.”
Dmitry sighed. He couldn’t afford rent at his old apartment anymore. The place where he grew up with his father was long gone now. He was, as they put it, out of options. A week ago he decided to crawl through a boarded doorway of the dusty palace and, once the fireplace was clean and the furniture dusted and the kitchen restocked, it wasn’t a bad place to live. Those who needed new travel papers knew where to find him, and the law enforcement still had no clue. So far no unwelcomed fool disturbed him. It was perfectly empty and quiet, just as he had wanted his whole life. “How much is that music box?” He said, pointing to a trinket on the counter that caught his eye, successfully changing the subject.
“Ah, it’s from the very palace you currently live in. They say it was Anastasia’s when she was a child!”
Dmitry rolled his eyes. Anastasia was a myth he believed in least of all. Still, there had to be something valuable about this, something imperial and old.
“I’m afraid I could never part with it.”
“How about…” Dmitry reached into his bag and pulled out his dinner— two cans of beans. The merchant lit up and snatched the cans from his hands and Dmitry nodded. No matter how many new political regimes fought for their chance at power, everything stayed the same for the folks here. Everyone was hungry. And he’d learned how to use that as leverage.
He made it home— or what passed as a home. After that first night of exploring the palace he mostly just stayed in the same handful of rooms: the kitchen for meals, the entry hall, and the theater, because it was the warmest. Business hadn’t been very great that day. He’d found more than he’d sold. But what he did find would hopefully bring him more business later, and he was expecting a couple clients the next afternoon to pick up their new travel papers he’d just finished. Or, needed to finish.
He emptied his loot by the couch where he slept, onto a vanity that had been stripped of anything remotely of value. Even the gold leaf gilding around the mirror was scraped away. He lit the lamp on his desk, poured a glass of vodka, and got to work, finalizing the papers before they were ready. The last few details were the most important so he had to stay alert before he could start sipping his drink, especially after not eating anything tonight.
Finally, with a yawn, he decided he had done the best he could making these exit visas as authentic as possible, and finished his drink. He was debating if he wanted to pour himself another one when he heard a faint noise down the hall. Odd. Narrowing his eyebrows he stood, silently, wondering if he should investigate or hide.
But the noise never amounted to anything else, so he figured it was just his imagination running amok after this afternoon in town. Served him right for letting a ghost story get to his head. Or for drinking too much. Or not enough.
He stood to return to the kitchen for another drink. But on his way through the hall with the gilded vanity and his belongings something made him tense.
“Hey!” he called to the figure standing before the mirror, realizing he hadn’t used his voice in hours.
The figure glanced up, eyes wide. She was small in frame, wearing a white blouse and a long skirt, hair braided back from her face. She wasn’t a threat.
“What are you doing here?”
She blinked as he marched closer. “You can see me?”
“Yes, I can see you,” Dmitry said, obviously. “And I know a lousy thief when I see one.”
“I’m no thief!”
“Why did you break into this palace, then? No one ever comes here.”
“You’re here. Are you a thief?”
“No.” He snatched the music box away from her reach, checking it to make sure nothing had changed. He didn’t trade his dinner for this just for it to be stolen by some hungry girl. “How did you get in?”
But when he looked up she was gone. Vanished. He glanced left and right, she hadn’t left a trace behind, not even a footprint. Maybe he scared her off. He marched through to the kitchen and carried on with preparing his drink. His stomach growled in an angry voice, but he didn’t have anything to eat tonight. He would have to rally in the morning and get to the bread lines early.
He made it back to the theater where he would sleep for the night. He glanced around again, looking for the intruder, but saw no sign of her, so he settled into the chaise and took a sip. Peace and quiet.
“What are you drinking?”
He choked on his drink, the alcohol on fire in his throat and nose. “Holy shit,” he coughed, “where the hell did you come from?”
She didn’t answer. She was standing in front of him, hands on her hips, looking very stern down her nose. His spine automatically prickled with defiance, his jaw hardening. Her skin was so pale she was almost transparent. This winter must’ve been harsh for more than just him, he supposed. “You can still see me? And hear me?”
“Yes? You’re standing right in front of me, aren’t you?”
“Maybe you can help me!”
He wiped what had spilled on his shirt. The stench was already burning his nose. “With what?”
“Figuring out what my problem is.”
“That’s easy: you’re not where you belong,” he dismissed.
She didn’t miss a beat. “I know. I need your help to get me there.”
He shook his head, wiped his nose, and stood. “Exit papers are expensive.”
The girl deflated, shoulders dropping slightly. “That’s not what I’m—”
“And you’ll have to wait in line, too.” He brushed past her to set his glass down on his desk, where the stack of papers was waiting for him to finish. “There’s a lot of people trying to get out of here. You need to have a special case for me to bump you up to the top of the queue.”
When he looked back her attention had drifted, her eyes wandering the vast room. There was something odd about the light hitting her, the way she almost shimmered. Her gaze was fixed on the stage while she spoke in a voice so sad he almost felt sorry for her. “I’ve been in this room before,” she said quietly, like she just now recognized it. “There was a play…”
He shook the small ounce of sympathy out of his head. “I don’t care. You’re trespassing.”
She blinked out of her daze, and when her gaze fixed on him he almost couldn’t hold it, a chill shooting through his entire body. “I can’t explain what I’ve been through or how I got here.”
“Who are you running from?” he asked, annoyed.
“I’m not running!” She marched forward, and this was the first instance of real anger from her. “I have no one to run from, that’s the problem! You’re the first person who’s spoken to me in years!”
He frowned at that. “It sounds like your problem has nothing to do with me.”
“You’re not listening—”
“Look, there has to be someone else in Petersburg who can help you, who can speak cryptic gibberish, whatever.” He moved, intending to guide her to the exit. “I’m sorry, but good luck—”
But when he expected to feel fabric on her back where he would guide her out of his life, he only felt air and a light tingle against his skin. He yanked his hand away and stared down at it and then back at her. What the hell…
Slowly it came together. The rumors about this palace. Her confusion that he could see her. The sudden vanishing and reappearing. The paleness of her skin. And currently, the lack of a shadow under her feet.
Finally it made sense. Or, he thought of something that could be the only possible explanation, at least. “You’re dead, aren’t you?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. But I’m definitely not alive.”
Dmitry didn’t really believe her at first.
She said the first thing she remembered was walking through snow and mud, but it was a complete wasteland, no one was around to help. And by the time she found a village everyone was ignoring her. Until she realized they couldn’t see or even hear her.
Something horrible had happened, but she couldn’t quite piece it together, especially after so many years of nothing. She could talk to other spirits, but they eventually drifted away, and those conversations were usually depressing, anyway. But something made her believe she wasn’t dead yet. She had survived whatever happened to her, and that propelled her West, and she just recently made it to St. Petersburg. Something familiar had pulled her to this palace. That very thing was drawing her to Paris, but she couldn’t go until she could get her body back. But she needed help getting her body…
Dmitry rubbed the skin on his nose between his eyes. The oil in the lamps were getting too low, it was too late in the night for him to properly wrap his head around this.
“I don’t know how you’re the only one who can see me. Are you a psychic?”
“No.” He rubbed his face, unamused. “Let me get this straight. Anya— that’s what you’re calling yourself, right?— you’ve been dead for a decade—”
“I’m not dead. If I was dead, I’d surely be elsewhere.”
“Right. So you’ve been… in limbo for a decade, just wandering around, and your actual body is… somewhere?”
“Yes. It’s somewhere in Siberia.”
“And how do you know it’s… how do you know you’re not… how the hell haven’t you died??”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. But I need someone to take me to a hospital or something, and maybe I can… whatever this is will end if I find it and get it to Paris.”
“Don’t you have a family that can do all of that?”
“No— I don’t know. I don’t remember who I was.”
He hummed and crossed his arms. “You’re forgetting one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“None of this is my problem.”
She scowled. “So, what am I supposed to do, then?”
“I don’t know, go talk to an actual psychic or something, walk into a church, whatever! I do know you don’t have any money, and I don’t work for free.”
“Or you help me out of the little bit of kindness in your heart, and I get out of your hair. You have to admit that’s the simplest solution.”
“Or you leave me alone.” He tried using his height as leverage, lifting his head to make himself taller, but she still managed to look down at him.
“I’m sorry, I’d hate to interfere with your exuberant social life.”
Irritation made his lips purse. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She was wandering around his desk— no, through his desk— with her fingers ghosting over pens and papers and stamps, but nothing moved. It was like she was some sort of projection, like what they used at the cinemas. “You’re a real jerk, you know.”
He laughed. “I’ve heard worse.”
Her gaze wasn’t icy anymore. She smiled, and somehow that was worse. “You know what?” Her hands rested on her hips. “Have you heard of the term poltergeist?”
Her smile widened. She made it to the moth-eaten loveseat near the fireplace. Somehow she didn’t go through it, but when she sat none of the cushions squished. “I’m not going anywhere until you agree to help me.”
“That’s not going to happen, I told you I’m sorry—”
“Fine! But since this has been the most… well, the only conversation I’ve gotten to have in years, I still have a lot to say.” She crossed her legs to prove her point. “And, lucky for you, I lose nothing but time.”
His nostrils flared. Fine, he smelled a challenge, and he knew she would have to give in eventually. He could make this space uninhabitable. “We’ll see about that.”
read more on ao3!
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Prompt: You say to Yandere BTS "Oh my god! Just shut up!"
A/N: Couldn't sleep, so I wrote this laying in bed. I hope it's not some sleep-deprived nonsense ^-^
Trigger warning: Yandere themes, violence, emotional manipulation, choking, non-con, D/s themes, examples of a bad D/s dynamic.
Alpha! Namjoon
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You scream it through your bedroom doorway. Storming to the railing of the stairs, you lean over and scream again. "Shut up!"
The sea of people on the ground floor go quiet. Only the music dares to keep making a sound in the background. You skulk back to your room, slamming the door loudly behind you. You had had a long, disappointing day. You were tired and grumpy, and moody and sad. But the dozens of uninvited pack members couldn't care less as their party raged on into the night.
Not allowing you enough time to even climb back into bed, Namjoon storms after you to address your outburst.
"Y/n, go downstairs right now and apologize." He orders.
"No." you mope. Feeling it's a wildly unfair request. All these people are in your house making so much noise when you're trying to sleep. How is it you that's in the wrong?
"Do you think I am asking you? I'm telling you. Get downstairs now." He says sternly. His strict tone making you even more emotional. You just wanted him to be on your side for this.
"But- But I," you sniffle, with tears in your eyes.
"No," Namjoon cuts you off. "I've asked you all afternoon what's wrong. And you wouldn't tell me. So right at this moment, I don't want to hear it. You have been disrespectful to me and my people. So you are going to put some more clothes on and cover-up, and you will go out there and apologize to every single person." He growls, leaving no room to argue. "And you will do it sincerely, or I will give you something to cry about."
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King! Seokjin
You didn't say it to his face. You would never be that stupid. But still, you clearly weren't smart enough. While gossiping to a friend, someone you thought was a confidant, you're complaining about a seemingly endless, boring meeting you had to serve today.
"And I just wanted to tell all of them; Oh my god! Just shut up!" You laugh. 
But hours later it's no longer a laughing matter.
"How did you enjoy serving me today, Princess?" Jin asks his tone giving nothing away of what he already knows.
"I enjoyed it. Thank you, your Majesty" You politely smile, thinking his question to be a kindness.
"I often find these meetings so dull. Many of the Lords do like to ramble on. Sometimes I would enjoy telling all of them to just shut up." He speaks the words so purposefully that you know at once you've been exposed.
"My Lord, I-"
"If you are smart you will not say another word." He speaks softly, with a grin on his face. "I want to thank you, Y/n.  I have an endless supply of other people I can hurt. Each one of them is freely at my disposal, but you are my favourite toy." He fills the space in front of you. "However, I am a man of my word. I swore to you that you will be unharmed if you are obedient, and I would not dare to break this vow. Of course, I have sorely missed playing with my beloved little dol, though."
Towering over you he sets off your instinct to get to your knees and grovel, begging his forgiveness for your carelessness. But that would only be a wasted effort.
"So thank you, Princess, for giving me the possibility to hear your pretty cries of pain again. I will make sure to use this opportunity to its fullest."
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Assassin! Yoongi
He had been in a hyper mood for 2 days straight. His energy and enthusiastic interaction was something you always craved, but you had never dealt with it this long before and you were losing your sanity and your composure.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You shout at him as your last nerve snaps.
"Okay, Y/n." He gives little to no reaction. "Remember you said this in a month from now when you're begging me to speak to you."
But it didn't take a month. In two weeks you were in tears apologizing. He left you free to roam the house, but he revoked all communication from you. The only times he gave you any attention, was when he forcibly made you stop doing something he didn't like. Or when he wanted you for sex. But still, he wouldn't utter a single word, only bending you over to take what he wanted.
After 5 weeks, just as you thought you'd never hear his voice again, he finally broke his silence. Only to break your heart.
"Listening to you these past few weeks, I realise how much you talk. It's time you take your own advice and shut up. Y/n, I don't want to hear a sound out of you until I say. 5 weeks was easy enough for me. So let's start with that, and then I'll see if I want to hear from you yet."
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Vampire! Hoseok
Hoseok was always so animated. Normally it didn't bother you, but he was talking and reacting through yet another movie and you were sick of it. It might have been because you were PMSing or maybe because Hoseok had forgotten to feed you all day, but when he yelled at the TV, you yelled at him.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" And right away you were teeming with regret.
"I'm sorry baby. Am I being too loud?" He laughs with an unexpectedly harmless reply. Playfully but roughly slapping his hand on your thigh. "I'll keep it down."
You're not dumb enough to think that your eruption would go unanswered. So you sit tensely, anxiously waiting to see how he will repay you.
"Baby," he whispers in your ear, after sitting in silence for 20 minutes. "You know I have very strong hearing right?" You nod nervously. Chewing your lip. "Well, your breathing is too loud and very distracting. I can hardly hear the movie. Can you please fix that?"
You know this is going to lead to something horrible, but you have no choice but to do as he says. For the next 10 minutes, you're completely distracted trying to inhale and exhale as softly and shallowly as possible.
"Hmm baby, it's really too much. I can't concentrate on the film." He stands, pulling his belt off. "Here let me help you."
He wraps his belt around your neck, pulling and setting it so tight that it's biting into your skin. Your throat constricting, barely letting you breathe.
As you wheeze and splutter and cough, he holds the end like a leash. Sitting back on the couch, he turns his focus back to the movie without letting you loosen the strap or get away. Your whole body is shaking, your eyes starting to roll back as you struggle to inhale. The belt is cruelly not tight enough to have you pass out though. Only allowing you to sit in your suffering. The sound of your gasping filling the room.
"Ahh, there you go baby. That's much better. Don't worry, it's just while we're watching movies. And there's only two more left in the trilogy."
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Playboy! Jimin
He was telling you over and over how sorry he was. How he didn't mean to kiss that girl. That he was drinking. And that she kissed him. It was every excuse and lie he had spouted 100 times before.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You yelled at him. And for a moment it worked. He sat in stunned silence. But as you got off the bed to leave, taking your car keys with you, he chased after you.
"Where are you going?"
"Out Jimin. I need some time alone to think." You scowl.
But he refuses, blocking the door. Holding his arms to either side to barricade you in.
"No, you can't leave! I said I'm sorry."
"Fuck off Jimin, your apologies mean nothing." You say shoving him.
He doesn't accept that. With a roar, he grabs your shoulders throwing you down onto the bed. Quickly straddling you, using far too much force to keep you pinned beneath him. Tearing off the pillowcases, he makes some shoddy but effective restraints. Tying you to the bars on the headboard.
Ignoring your screams and how you struggle he starts to kiss down your neck, pulling at your clothes, rubbing his hands down your body.
"I'm gonna make you feel good Y/n. I'll show you that I only want you, then you'll have to forgive me." He says sounding desperate and unhinged.
You cry and yell for him to stop, trying to buck him off you, but his hand covers your mouth, his other successfully tearing down your panties from under your dress.
"Don't fight me, Angel. Just let me in. And I'll prove I love you the most."
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Dom! Taehyung
Finally, Taehyung had agreed to spend some time with you in a social environment. He and you went out to a movie and dinner with some of your friends. They were vanilla friends though, so as an exception, for the day he loosened a lot of the restrictions and formalities you normally had in place.
You, however, you were getting a little too relaxed. While you joked with you're friends, you started to speak to him the same manner. As you and he were playfully arguing about trivia facts you realized you were losing the debate.
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" You joke. But in the company of your friends or not, Taehyung was not about to let you disrespect him. Even in jest.
"Is that how you should talk to me girl?" He asks loudly and in front of everyone, bringing the group conversation to a grinding halt.
His change in tone and his use of the possessive pet name, right away have you back in your place.
"No," you whisper. The sting of embarrassment hot upon your cheeks.
"No, what?" He pushes it.
You can't stand to look up. All of the attention is on the two of you. And even in your peripheral, you can see your friends looking at you judgementally, wide-eyed and in shock.
And he was making it worse by having you use his title around them.
"No, Sir." you surrender, your head hung low.
"Shouldn't you also apologise to the other people at the table? For interrupting our night with your rudeness." He keeps piling on one shame after the other. Stretching out the ordeal.
"No, it's fine." One of your friends tries to laugh off the awkwardness and speed the discussion away from this point. "She doesn't have to."
"Y/n," He prompts you, disregarding what your friend had said.
Thoroughly humiliated, you can't imagine how you are going to repair these relationships or explain this treatment away.
"I'm sorry for interrupting the night with my rudeness." you swallow heavily, hands shaking.
"Good girl. Now mind your mouth. Before you make me embarrass you further."
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Mafia! Jungkook
"Oh my god! Just shut up!" you say in a hushed voice. More of a prayer said to yourself than an actual demand you expected Jungkook to hear.
"What did you just say to me?" he lowers the phone, gawking at you.
You really didn't mean to, it just slipped out. He was talking on the phone, going into too graphic detail about how he and his men dealt with a threat recently. You couldn't handle the gruesome details he was recanting anymore and the words just fell out.
"What did you just say? Did you just tell me to shut up?" He repeats again through your nonreply. His tongue running through the inside of his cheek, his jaw and muscles tensing. His voice jumping rapidly from stunned to aggressive.
You're at home alone with him, so you weren't paying much mind to what you were saying. But this afternoon he's been dealing with work. And right now he isn't Kookie, no the person in front of you is Jeon Jungkook. The temperamental Mafia head, who would as likely hit you as he would speak to you.
"I'm sorry," you squeak.
"You're sorry?" He scoffs, slamming the phone down. "If you had said it and meant it, that would be one thing. I could respect that. But you really just can't control your stupid little mouth can you."
"I-" you start a defence, or more a plea for mercy.
"Shut the fuck up!" He growls leaning forward in his seat making you flinch back. Darting his hand out he grabs you by the hair, pulling you back to where you were. "Don't flinch. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna help you." He smiles.
You wriggle in his clutches, mewling the same trifle apologies under your breath.
"Shhh, my brainless little Kitten. I'm gonna give you a gift." He smirks. "For your own safety, you don't need to talk for the rest of the day. I just need you to come when I call. Sit on my lap when I tell you. And purr for me like a good little pussy." Grabbing your arm harshly, he yanks you off your chair and onto the ground. "There you go, where you belong." He laughs. "You think you can remember to do all that? I know you can. Otherwise, I'll buy you a kat collar to remind you how my Kitten should behave."
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hajimine · 4 years
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synopsis: for as long as you can remember, you and Semi Eita have always hated each other—but a couple of tender glances and one too many bottles of beer later, you find out that maybe you were looking at it the wrong way this whole time.
genre: fluff, (kinda) enemies to lovers, musician!au, mutual pining but they’re both idiots, jealousy, etc.
warnings: alcohol + intoxication (nothing bad happens), slight suggestive themes, vulgar language, kinda fast paced?
wc: ~2.5k
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to: @archivednikes happy birthday shawdy <3
special thanks to: @rintaroll for beta-ing & telling me a lil bit about how bands work and stuff bc idk shit lol :,)
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“Semi, get your ass moving,” you huff. “You’re gonna make me late.”
He gives you a smug look and raises a slitted eyebrow. “Did something crawl up your ass and died? What’s up with you?”
You exhale heavily through your nose and stare at him, unimpressed.
“We gotta catch the afternoon train if you wanna reach the venue in time for our gig. This is a really good opportunity for me, don’t you dare mess it up.” you say, gathering the last of your things for the trip.
There is a tingling sensation crawling down your spine, as if someone is staring at you. You look over your shoulder curiously, opening your mouth to utter another snarky remark to get your partner to stop gawking around and get ready.
But the intensity behind his gaze caught you by surprise.
Those hazel eyes of his—ones that are usually sharp and cold—held a sort of softness in them as he looks at you. When you caught him staring, his gaze did not falter one bit.
You couldn’t stop your eyes from traveling down the perfect slope of his nose, continuing down to his pouty lips.
As much as you hate him, you can’t deny that Semi Eita is an attractive man. Heck, even the word attractive isn’t enough to express how infuriatingly hot he is.
Your gaze stays on his lips for a second too long. Have they always looked this soft and inviting?
The dry cough from the opposite side of the room is the only thing that managed to break you out of this trance. Semi Eita’s trance.
Your manager stands by the door, tapping her foot on the wooden tiles impatiently.
“Now, lovebirds,” she narrows her eyes, “Save the PDA for tonight, yeah? We’ve got a schedule to follow.”
You roll your eyes at her, cheeks uncomfortably warm. And just like that, the strange yet tender moment you shared with Semi dissipated into thin air.
You don’t know if you should take pity on the gray-haired singer or if you should laugh at him.
Currently, Semi’s head is bowed down in shame as he gets an earful from his manager in the middle of a crowded train.
You see, the four of you should’ve arrived at the venue by now. Both your managers are very strict about schedules, and they planned to arrive at the bar two hours before the agreed time.
Thankfully, his bandmates have been a little more punctual than him and have successfully boarded the 4pm train. But Mr. Popular right here just had to stop every few minutes to take pictures with every single fan he met on the way to the station.
“It’s half past five now,” his manager whisper-shouts, “Do you know what that means?”
Semi tries to give her an awkward smile to calm her down. It doesn’t work.
“It’s rush hour! What if we won’t reach the bar in time? It could ruin both your careers, do you know that?” she glares at Semi once again, but there is less bite in her voice now.
“I’m sorry,” Semi starts, plastering a charming smile on his face, “I only wanted to be nice to the fans. Wouldn’t make too good of an impression if I just ignored them, no?”
His manager sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, exasperated. She motions for Semi to stop talking with a wave of her hand.
The singer grins, and out of the corner of your eyes, you can sense his sharp gaze on you once more.
You try to ignore it.
When your group reaches the bar, Semi’s bandmates are almost done preparing themselves for the gig.
The bar is dimly lit and cool, the multitudes of warm overhead lighting being the only source of light in the room. It’s not too busy tonight, you observe. Some people still donned their work clothes, perhaps rushing over to the bar right after a long day at work—mingling around with friends to let loose for a little and enjoy themselves.
“Dude, where were you?” Aito asks, eyebrows turned downwards in a frown.
Semi pats the guitarist on the side of his head, “Relax, we’ve got plenty of time to prepare.”
Aito rolls his eyes, completely used to his bandmate’s antics.
“Whatever,” he huffs. “By the way, are we gonna have a little after party later?”
“Uh,” Semi’s eyes flicker towards you for one second, then back to Aito, “I dunno man, might be too tired to get wasted tonight.”
The guitarist narrows his eyes. He didn’t miss the way Semi’s gaze lingered on you.
“Y/N,” Aito smirks. “You coming to the after party?”
You were listening to their conversation this whole time, finding the whole exchange quite amusing.
“Eh, I don’t see why not,” you smile sweetly, “It’s gonna be even better now that this dude isn’t coming anyways.” You pointed your thumb at the vocalist.
From where he’s standing, you hear Semi scoff.
“Y’know what?” he sneers, “On second thought, I am going. How does that make you feel, huh?”
You shrug, feigning indifference.
“I literally do not care.”
“Piss off.”
Aito throws his head back in laughter, shaking his head as he walks away from the scene, muttering about people being too clueless and dense for their own damn good.
You adjusted your equipment bag on your shoulder, exhaling loudly to try and calm your heart down.
It is in moments like these that you remember why you decided to go forth with this career path, no matter how rocky it may be.
Adrenaline courses through your veins as you sing the lyrics of you and Semi’s song; every ounce of the jittery nerves you had just a few moments ago long gone.
There’s nobody else in this world that can ever take your place
Some of the customers are listening intently, others just nodding along to the song, and the rest not even listening at all.
You could hear your heartbeat thumping loudly against your chest, the sweat trickling down your forehead and into your eyes making it harder for you to see the crowd.
And when the day’s all done and dusted, all I ever need is to be in your arms again
You whip your head towards Semi, just like the countless times you rehearsed this song together.
“It shows chemistry,” your manager had said, “play it up for the crowd, will ya?”
The butterflies in your stomach flutters about restlessly when you notice that Semi has been looking at you this whole time.
His eyes—sharp and intense—held your gaze, unabashed. Steady. Sure.
Will you stay tonight? ‘Cause baby you’re all that I need, and you’re all that I want.
And in that moment, with your eyes locked on each other, the world seems to stop.
Nothing else matters, Semi’s lopsided smile says, only you.
The performance flew by in the blink of an eye, and it’s a little past midnight now. As promised, your managers held a little after party in the shared lounge of your penthouse suite.
It’s not as fancy as it sounds, you smile to yourself. There are suspicious stains on the gray carpet, and the furniture smells vaguely of cigarette smoke and sweat.
Bottles of beers have already littered the floor and glass table, and you haven’t even started drinking.
“Duuuude,” Yuuto slurs, “Why are ya so tense for?”
The bassist points at you and Semi, eyelids drooping as he tries his best to keep them open.
“C’mon guys,” Aito clasps his shoulders and massages them roughly, “Relax a little, we did amazing tonight.”
Semi shrugs his friend’s hands away, annoyed. He snatches an unopened bottle of beer from the cooler and opens the cap with his teeth.
You gulp. He hands you the bottle wordlessly before grabbing another one for himself, chugging it down quickly. You mirror his actions, hoping that the alcohol can dull the annoying fluttering in your stomach that refuses to leave ever since the two of you shared that intimate moment on stage.
For fuck’s sake, what’s going on with me?
Your trick works, in a way. Your stomach feels pleasantly warm now, and your breathing has finally evened out. Another unopened bottle of beer lays invitingly on the couch and you reach for it, opting for a bottle opener instead of doing it like Semi.
“Bro,” Yuuto grins at the singer, drool threatening to leave the corner of his mouth, “Did’ya see that blonde chick in the front row? She was hardcore eye-fucking you dude.”
“Ah,” Semi takes another swig of his beer, a cute flush blossoming in his cheeks.
Wait, what. Cute?
“She gave me her number when we were gathering up our stuff.” He runs his hand through his hair.
“You gonna hit her up or what?” Aito teases, smirking.
The singer shrugs, “Maybe, I dunno.”
Your breath hitches, and Aito’s smirk widens. You raise your eyebrows at him, silently telling him to fuck off.
“Where’s Kai?” you hear Semi ask. Come to think of it, you haven’t seen the drummer since after the show was over.
“Oh,” the guitarist laughs, “Fucker left us for some girl he saw in the bar. Might see him tomorrow morning, might not. Who knows?”
The vocalist hums and walks over to where you’re sitting, plopping down on the old couch.
“The managers?” Semi casually drapes his arm on the back of the sofa. You feel yourself tensing as your heart races uncontrollably, and the singer looks over at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
Aito scratches the back of his neck, quickly losing interest in the conversation.
“They decided to sleep in early. Long day, I guess.”
Semi nods and rests his head on the top of the couch, exposing his defined jawline. His eyelashes look so pretty from this angle, they’re long and fluttery and they almost…
“Eita, are you gonna hit that blonde girl up or nah?” Aito provokes, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You clench your teeth and reach for yet another bottle—your fourth one this past hour. Or fifth. You don’t bother counting. Semi looks over at you again, but this time his eyes holds a sort of concern in them. You scoff to yourself.
“Uh,” the singer looks at his friend weirdly, “Why are you so insistent on this? I did say maybe didn’t I?”
Aito laughs. You almost recoil in disgust.
“Oh nothing,” he chuckles, “It’s just that she’s really hot and she’s your type so—”
You stand up abruptly, knocking over some empty beer bottles by accident. The regret is immediate. You can feel the acid in your stomach traveling up your esophagus, tickling the back of your throat.
Semi quickly stands up when you clasp a hand over your mouth, trying your best to hold it together.
“Shit,” he mutters, “You okay?”
He rubs tiny circles on the small of your back, an action that’s supposed to be soothing but instead causes tingles to run up and down your spine. You shiver.
Another wave of nausea hits before you could respond, causing your knees to almost give out under you.
“Whoa there, angel,” Semi wraps his arm around your waist, holding you flush to his side to support your weight.
You groan softly as your head spins uncomfortably. Droplets of cold sweat is starting to form on your forehead, adding another layer of discomfort upon you.
“You wanna go to your bedroom?” Semi murmurs close to your ear. You shiver again. At this, Semi thought that you’re freezing so he drapes his leather jacket on your shoulders, holding you close.
You nod weakly as you try to blink the black spots in your vision away.
From somewhere around the room, you hear Aito snicker, “Stay safe!”
You turn your head around to give him a deathly glare, but all you see is a big blob of blurriness.
Semi takes the key card from your bag and pushes the door open, placing your duffel bag on the floor after
He guides you to the bathroom—with gentleness you rarely see from him—and sets the toilet cover down so you can sit on it while he wets a towel with the running tap water.
“You still feel dizzy?” he asks, voice soft.
You stare at his fingers as he wrings the towel and shakes your head.
Semi holds out the cloth and pats your forehead with it, the coolness allowing you to feel a little more refreshed.
“Do you want me to make you some tea?” he wipes the back of your neck carefully.
Shit. Has he always been this thoughtful?
You shake your head again, telling him that you just want to go to sleep.
He sighs and gives you a half-smile, holding out his arm to help you to the bed.
Semi still has it in him to give you a little but of privacy as you wiggle out of your tight jeans, looking away until you slip under the covers.
He helps you pull the plush white comforter closer to your chest, tucking you in.
Your mind doesn’t feel as hazy as it was a few hours ago, but the leftover alcohol coursing through your veins gave you a sort of boost to your impulses.
“Eita,” you whisper, reaching out towards the singer, “Stay?”
The singer halts in his steps and turns to look at you.
“Uh, I don’t know Y/N,” he starts, “You’re drunk right now.”
“No I’m not,” you say, steady voice proving your point. “Please?”
Semi glances over at the door and sighs. He chewed on his lower lip for a few seconds before sighing again.
You’re struggling to open your eyes when you wake up, the harsh sunlight streaming into the room completely unfiltered.
Drunk you completely forgot to close the blinds, it seems.
You groan audibly, wanting to pull the covers above your head to hide yourself from this cruel world.
You freeze. Why can you feel someone’s soft breaths on the crown of your head?
Nervously, you reach out in front of you, eyes still shut closed. Oh no.
You force your eyes open, grimacing from the sudden brightness. Your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. Semi Eita, your supposed nemesis, is sleeping soundly a few inches away from you, arms wrapped around your waist.
What the hell happened last night?
A small squeak leaves your mouth as you fully realize the situation you’re in. The small noise wakes Semi up from his slumber, causing him to slowly open his eyes, squinting at the bright light.
“Morning, angel,” he croaks, voice raspy with sleep.
My god does he look pretty in the morning.
You stay there, frozen and unblinking. All the words at the tip of your tongue seem to disappear from existence.
Semi blinks, sitting up quickly.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he rubs his eyes vigorously, “I should’ve said no when you asked me to stay. Fuck, you were drunk and I—”
You grab the back of his neck and pull him closer to you, a small smile gracing your lips.
Your thumb grazes Semi’s bottom lip, dragging it down every so slightly before releasing it, enjoying the way he seems to unravel under your touch.
“Shut up and kiss me, will you?” you murmur, trying to keep your cool as your heart hammers against your chest loudly.
At this, Semi breaks out of his reverie and laughs, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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a/n: if you’ve made it this far, please feel free to let me know what you think about this fic! and please REBLOG IF YOU ENJOYED mwah <3
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© HAJIMINE — all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim any of my works as your own, thank you.
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imagineaworld · 3 years
evening shift - iii | b.b
pairing : bucky barnes x reader
summary : another evening shift leads to bucky coming to y/n’s rescue
word count : 1.1k
warnings : swearing, attempted assault (may be triggering given recent real world events to pls be cautious), teensy bit of violence
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Bucky woke up early on Monday, ripped from his sleep by a nightmare that often plagued his mind. He sat up like lightning, panting to catch his breath. He looked at the time: 5:47 am. 
At least he managed to get some sleep, he supposed. Now all he needed to do was pass the time until 4 pm, when he would head to the bar where Y/N works to hand in his resume.
Making the most of the relatively empty streets, he decided to go for a run, at least until the sun rose. 
Monday afternoons were always quiet. Not many people go out for drinks on Monday afternoons, so Y/N wasn't particularly busy when Bucky eventually strolled in around 4 and took a seat at the bar.
"Hey, you," Y/N smiled, seeming genuinely happy to see him. "How's that resume?"
Bucky handed her the sheet of paper that had his resume printed on it. "Ready."
Y/N's eyes scanned the paper. "Looking good," she said. "Want me to pass it on?"
Bucky nodded, bouncing his leg on the barstool. 
He watched Y/N disappear through the staff-only door with his resume and anxiously awaited her return. 
He thought about what would happen if he actually got this job. Y/N would be his coworker, perhaps they could even become friends. Or were they already friends? Maybe Y/N thought they were. Or she was just being nice and Bucky was reading into things too much.
She returned shortly after, looking rather put out. She noticed Bucky's concerned look. "Everything's fine with the resume," she reassured. "I've been asked to stay a bit later, which is a bit...shit."
"I'll stick around, if you want," Bucky replied. "Keep you company."
"I'd like that, although there are only so many drinks I can give you on the house," she joked.
Bucky took twenty dollars out of his pocket, sliding it across the bar towards her. "For the coffee and for your help."
Y/N shook her head. "Coffee was on the house and you don't have to pay me for being your friend, Bucky."
So they were friends. He hadn't really had a friend since Steve. Especially not a girl friend. And she had said his name... God, his name sounded so good when it came from her lips. 
He tried not to think about Steve, or the way Y/N said his name. "Then I will have a cup of your finest coffee and you can keep the change."
She laughed but took the money. She took the amount for the coffee and put the rest of it in the tips jar. Bucky scowled.
"I'll get you that coffee."
The hours passed by and the sun had set. The bar was busier now, with more people having some drinks after work. Bucky had been sat talking with Y/N all afternoon and into the evening.
He learned her favourite colour and that she had an older brother. She survived the Blip but her brother didn't, so technically she was the older sibling now. But growing up, she had been the younger sibling.
Bucky had successfully avoided answering too many questions about himself. He made sure he didn't lie though, he hated the idea of lying to her.
At 7 pm, she had gone through the staff-only door and re-emerged with a jacket and a bag slung over her shoulder. 
"I'm off," she announced to Bucky, heading around from behind the bar. 
"Why not stay for a drink?" He suggested.
He would never have done it if he hadn't seen that man at the other end of the bar watching Y/N the whole time he's been there. Something about him wasn't right, Bucky thought. And with the number of drinks Y/N had made for him, he was very drunk too.
"I'd love to," Y/N said, causing butterflies in Bucky's stomach. "But I have to get home to feed my cat, he's probably wasting away by now."
"Oh," was all Bucky said.
"But if I could get your number, we could arrange drinks another time?" She proposed.
She wanted his number. She wanted to get drinks with him. More butterflies. Bucky fumbled in his pocket to pull out his phone and handed it to Y/N to put her number in.
"There," she said, handing Bucky his phone back. "Just send me a text and I'll have your number."
He sent a quick "Hi :)" text and they said goodbye. But he couldn't shake that uneasy feeling in his stomach, no matter how many butterflies replaced them.
Y/N was cold. She hadn't anticipated having to walk home in the dark and cold. Arms wrapped tightly around her body, she walked a different way home than she usually would, sticking to the main, well-lit streets.
"Hey, baby, where you going?" A voice called out from behind her.
Dread flooded her body but she kept walking, picking up her pace a little. She could hear the footsteps behind her getting closer and closer. A hand reached out to grab her wrist, pulling her to a halt.
"Where you off too, hm?" It was the man from the bar, she'd been serving him drinks all night. The smell of booze was radiating off him.
Y/N tried to pull herself free but the man had an iron grip on her poor wrist. She began to panic, her breathing quickening as she debated what to do. 
She could run, but he would follow her. Then he would know where she lived. If she didn't run home, where else could she run? What if she ran into someone else with wicked intentions?
"Hey!" Another voice called out. Bucky. He stepped closer, into the light of the streetlamp. "Hey man, back off."
The man let go of Y/N's wrist and she backed away. "Why? Is she your girl?" He challenged Bucky. Bucky didn't answer. "Cos if she's not, then she's fair game."
The man's words enraged Bucky. He lashed out, landing a punch square on the man's jaw and knocking him to the ground. 
Bucky stepped over the man's figure. "You okay, Y/N?" He asked, gently taking her wrist to inspect for injuries.
YN snatched her wrist back. "Were you following me?"
"I was following him," Bucky clarified, motioning to the unconscious man on the floor. "I saw him eyeing you up at the bar. That's why I asked you to stay. And then I watched him follow you as you left."
And here Y/N thought Bucky just wanted to have some drinks with her. "Oh," she said. "Thank you."
"Are you okay?" He asked again, ignoring her thanks. 
She shook her head. He could tell she wasn't okay, her eyes looked bewildered and her shoulders went up and down rapidly as she breathed. 
Bucky extended his arms. "May I?" 
Y/N nodded, stepping closer to Bucky as he wrapped his arms around her shaking figure.
"You're okay now," he whispered to her softly. He could smell her perfume, the same floral scent as before. "Let me walk you home, hm?"
"Okay," she said, pulling away and wiping her eyes with her sleeve.
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: just random shower thoughts 💀✋ you can slide by my ask box if you want me to do others too, ranging from aot, jjk, haikyuu charas. this was so fun to make >< happy reading!
bf!erwin x gn!reader, gf!hange x gn!reader, bf!armin x gn!reader, bf!levi x gn!reader
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-erwin smith
you run up to your shared room without saying anything, startling him in the process. he looks at you as your phone suddenly burst loud music you can dance too.
you set up the phone in front of him, hitting start and dragging him to stand up. poor erwin looks so confused the whole time, once the timer went off you look up at him and started hyping him up "let's go love! you can do it~"
you start pumping your fist in the air, body grooving encouraging him to bust out a move. as soon as he got the message he did not hold back and started grooving with you, you can't help but burst out laughing holding your stomach.
i kid you not, erwin started dancing like the goddamn old man he is. istg, he most likely did the thing with the hands and knees switching. though, his moves are adorable but still it's too hard not laughing about it.
-hange zoe
you rushed towards hange after seeing her get inside your shared apartment, "what? babe something wrong?" you didn't say anything adjusting the phone on the counter so both of you can fit in frame.
hange peeks at the camera, confusion written all over her face. she looks so cute, she almost looks like a lost puppy while glancing at you. once the timer ended you started shouting a sequence of "oh" and "go baby" hyping her up.
seems to be effective since hange didn't waste time pulling up her sleeves and smirking at you then back at the camera, she started dancing. smugness written all over her facials, i swear i just know she can throw it back-- fite me fjbfkfnf
long story short, hange does everything with passion as long as you're her hypeperson. she becomes so extra whenever you shout her name and 'oooh' at her.
-armin arlert
armin was peacefully lounging in the living room while watching a show that's currently airing on television when you suddenly came in front of him successfully getting his attention.
"you need something, darling?" he mumbles reaching out to you but you didn't come close to him instead he heard the sudden burst of music from your phone. you turn and face him with a smirk plastered on your lips, "show me your moves sir"
armin furiously blushes, he stumbles with his words, not knowing what to do and how to react. poor baby looks so confused, you started swaying your body with the beat motioning him to follow your movements. he stood beside you stiff as hell, he doesn't know what to do but after a few seconds of encouragement he begin to get a hang of it.
his body loosened up and followed the beat. his dancing skills? phenomenal. this boy has been hiding his talent from all of you and you're glad you're the one to bring that out of him, his movements flows smoothly. he even nails every facial expressions!
-levi ackerman
he was sipping his afternoon black tea out on the balcony, enjoying the view and relaxing atmosphere. until you come and set you phone by the window, both of you in frame on your phone.
you smiled at the camera that's counting down and look back at levi who's now looking at you and your phone with his brows furrowed. "what?" he simply asked, you took his hand in yours swaying your hips lightly to the beat.
"show me your moves?" you pleaded looking into his eyes, he stifle a chuckle. "really? you're asking me?" he raised a brow at you, you pulled your best puppy dog eyes.
"oh come on!" he clicks his tongue looking to the side, "just this once?" you whined at him, you look back at your phone and see that there's still a reasonable amount of seconds left. you tried pulling him up which he did without resistance, he grumbles under his breath "shouldn't have told you about that"
the song comes to its climax, the beat getting slower and intense. you let go of levi's hand standing aside just a little off the frame, your reaction still visible by the camera. he bops his head to the beat, getting familiar with it.
once he did, he looks at the camera for a second before holding eye contact with you, his movements nonchalant and moves so little but damn that smirk, holy shit. your jaw dropped, speechless. he just did that! plus the seductiveness he holds, god forbid everyone will pounce on him--
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
tag list; @lumpiang-toge @gabi-moureira
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Try Not To Fall In Love
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Summary: Being forced into marriage is never an exciting idea simply because you are getting married to someone not out of pure love. So when he was forced to marry a girl he doesn't know, he desperately gets help from his friend, hoping his friend could save him from the arranged marriage.
Theme: fake dating au, strangers to lovers
Genre: fluff, tinge of angst
Warnings: none
WC: 6.6k
Pairing: Bestfriend's Friend!Hoseok x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! I got this idea the other day while I was listening to a song by Keshi called Summer, where there was a line in the song which goes, "3 months is all we got, try not to fall in love" so I wrote this before I lost the feel of it ✌
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“Shoot, what am I gonna do? My parents are setting me up for marriage with this… I don’t know, this spoiled brat whose parents apparently owns the famous clothing brand in Korea. Ugh, I hate her! I don’t wanna be married to some spoiled girl who only thinks about herself.” Hoseok groans in frustration as he paces around Namjoon’s living room.
Hoseok’s parents were power and money hungry. They thrive to be rich but forgets that the safer alternative was to work hard for it instead of taking a short way out. Since Hoseok was an only son, they used him as a pawn by planning to marry him off to the daughter of the most wealthiest family in the country.
He despised this whole plan.
Namjoon could only frown as he didn’t know what to do for his friend.
“Can’t you like maybe, I don’t know? Tell your parents you’re not interested in her or something?” Namjoon asked.
“Yeah, unless you want me to waste my breath then yeah sure I’ll make that excuse to them. They’re going to make me marry her no matter what I say! Shit! I hate this!” Hoseok growled as he plopped on the couch and threw a pillow across the room, making Namjoon scold him for throwing a tantrum.
Hoseok mumbled an apology as the room fell quiet. Just then, it was as though something clicked in the back of Namjoon’s mind. He snapped his fingers and shot up from the couch instantly, shocking the poor boy.
“I know! How about you get a fake girlfriend? That way your parent’s can’t say anything right?” Namjoon exclaimed as if it was the most brilliant plan ever.
“What do you want me to do if they ask me to break up with this fake girlfriend? Joon, I’m telling you. My parents can be hella desperate, they'd do literally anything to make their plan work.” Hoseok sighed again.
“Look, if you get a fake girlfriend, treat her like a real girlfriend. That way, when they see how much you care and love each other, your parents won’t bother you with arranging a marriage for you ever again. There! Problem solved.” Namjoon shrugged, only for Hoseok to roll his eyes.
“Okay fine, sure. But the problem is, who am I gonna ask to help me with the plan? You know I don’t have any close female friends…” Hoseok frowned worriedly at his older friend before the male smirked.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got that covered.” Namjoon said with a satisfied smirk on his face.
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You were just typing away your codings for your assignment when a familiar figure stood in front of you on the other side of that wooden table. You glanced up and were immediately greeted by your best friend, Namjoon.
“What is it now, Namjoon? I already told you the group project is not discussable with members outside your group.” You sighed, earning a blabber from him.
“Yeah yeah whatever. Listen. I need you to do me a favour.” Namjoon began, rendering you curious.
“With what?” You asked.
“I need you to be a fake girlfriend for a few weeks.”
“What? Why do you need a fake girlfriend? Having girl trouble again?” You chuckled at your successful mock directed to him.
“Shut up. Anyways, not me. It’s for my friend.”
Your eyebrow was raised in confusion, staring at him with so much doubt.
“Yeah, I don’t know about that.” You said but he was quick to stop you.
“What? Why?”
“Namjoon, for one, I don’t know who your friend is. And two, this might be a little risky…”
“Why do you say that?”
“Most of the time when two people get into these fake relationships, they often end up being awkward and are close to opposite from what they hoped to turn out.”
“Y/N come on! Please! He’s really in need of help, his parents are forcing him to marry a girl he doesn’t even know and love. Just help him this once, will you? After all of this ends, I promise I’ll make it up to you.” Namjoon begged as you stared at him with worry in your eyes and he could clearly see it.
After much thought, you decided to help out simply because if you were in this person’s shoes, you would also dread the idea of being forced into marriage.
You just hope this plan turns out successful.
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It was a Saturday afternoon and Namjoon had texted you earlier saying to meet his friend for lunch to discuss how you want the plan to go. Namjoon gave you the address of the cafe and told you to find a guy with dirt blonde hair and black long sleeved shirt. You didn’t want to have a bad first impression for yourself so you opted to dress slightly nicer instead of your usual sweatpants and oversized sweater.
You chose a simple denim skinny jeans, fitted cropped top with a cardigan to go over. Once you made it to the cafe, your eyes skimmed over the entire interior of the cafe.
You noticed that the cafe was filled with people but out of pure luck, there was only one guy seated near the windows alone and was exactly as Namjoon described him to be. With that, you made your way to him, noticing the two cups on the table. You assumed he bought a drink for you to not get kicked out of the cafe.
He was handsome. You definitely never met him before. Which makes things slightly harder considering this means you would have a lot to learn about this guy if you had to pretend to be his girlfriend for the next few weeks.
Right when you were a foot away from the table, his eyes glanced up from his phone only to lock eyes with yours. For a moment, you saw the way his cute brown eyes sparkled.
“Hi, are you Hoseok?” You asked as he nodded.
“I assume you are Y/N?”
“In the flesh.” You joked, only for him to crack into a smile that seemed too adorable. You took a seat after he gestured for you to sit down. Both of you went silent for a split second before you spoke up.
“How long have you waited?”
“Not too long, I think close to about 10 minutes?”
“Oh, sorry. I got stuck in traffic for a bit.” You apologized knowing you were in fact late.
“No, it’s fine…” Hoseok smiled as his eyes glanced around your face for a second while you looked down at the cup to see that it was a Hazelnut Latte, your favourite.
“I bought Hazelnut Latte with almond milk for you. Not gonna lie, I had to get help from Namjoon on what you usually drink. Didn’t want to buy the wrong one on a first meet.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. You giggled at his confession, finding it extremely endearing how he asked Namjoon what your favourite drink was.
“Anything is fine honestly, I’m not picky but I guess I can say this is the perfect pick.” You smiled when you saw the corner of his lips curled up sharply.
The two of you began chatting more comfortably with each other, getting to know the other in slight depth so that you would know what to say if someone questions you about the other. You later found out he was your age and that he owns a puppy named Mickey. He was a dancer and he likes to rap when he’s bored.
You also found out that he and Namjoon have been friends since high school. Which means he’s known Namjoon longer than you have.
A few minutes later, you both decided to lay out the plan for his fake girlfriend project. You went through the basic stuff, saying what you can or can’t do in public, all that kind of stuff.
After brainstorming and exchanging ideas or thoughts on the plan, you smiled before saying the one thing that both of you had to try to be mutual about.
“Whatever we do, let’s try not to fall in love with each other.”
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Your first few weeks of fake dating went well. Hoseok and you managed to act like a legit couple in public. He would drive you to campus every morning, hold hands as you walked around the campus grounds, sit with you during his free period, have lunch with you and Namjoon on days where your lunch schedules are in sync, walk you to your classes with his arm on your waist, basically everything a couple would do.
Of course, not to forget the little kisses he gives you after every walk, before every separation, in between chats, but those kisses were anywhere but your lips for you both agreed to avoid lip kisses.
Everything was going well so far and despite the little butterflies you sometimes get whenever he holds you or kisses you a certain way, you tried your best to remind yourself this was all temporary.
Besides, you were only doing this to practice so that when you do in fact go over to meet his parents, they would believe that you are dating their son.
Nobody would believe someone is dating if they saw an awkward couple who doesn’t know what to do around the other.
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It was a Tuesday afternoon and you were having lunch with Namjoon and Hoseok when the latter sighed deeply the minute he sat down beside you with his own tray of food.
“Hoseok? What’s wrong?” You asked as Namjoon eyed his friend worriedly.
“My mum’s inviting that girl’s family over this weekend to our family dinner. All my relatives are gonna be there…” He said hesitantly as he avoided your eyes. Hoseok was currently picking his food, not actually eating it.
So you gently placed your hand on top of his that was on the table, successfully gaining his attention when he turned to look at you.
“Hey, you’re gonna be fine. Don’t worry too much, okay?” You tried reassuring him but it looks like he was too stressed out about it.
“I know… It’s just… The last thing I wanna do is to humiliate myself in front of everyone, or even worse, humiliate you. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this mess in the first place.” Hoseok said as he began to have second thoughts.
Before you could respond, he got up abruptly while slinging his bag strap over his shoulder.
“Sorry, I have to go.” He apologized as he began to walk away. You turned to Namjoon who looked just as confused as you were. Namjoon told you to go after him and that was exactly what you did.
Hoseok had just left the cafeteria hall and was making his way towards the Dance Studio building when you ran after him.
You grabbed his hand to stop him and once you were standing in front of him, you took in a breath to speak.
“Hoseok, listen to me. Everything’s gonna be fine. No one’s gonna humiliate anyone. Don’t stress out too much okay? It’ll be fine.” You tried to reassure him but it looks like he was still having doubts about it.
“Y/N, the plan was to bring you home with just my parents and that girl around, not my entire family. I don’t want you to get hurt if they say anything bad about you, about us… We really shouldn’t have done this, I’m sorry for bringing you into this.” Hoseok apologized again but you weren’t having any of it.
With that being said, you cupped his face and caressed his cheeks with your thumbs, not caring about the looks you got from the students that were currently passing by your two figures in the middle of the hallway.
“That’s not gonna happen… Okay? We’re going through this together. No matter what. We have to finish what we started. Besides, if there’s anyone during that gathering who I trust would keep me safe, it’s you.”
Your words hit him deeply and he couldn’t agree more. It has been 3 weeks since you started this whole fake dating thing. And if he were to be completely honest, the very last agreement you made right before all this started in which you said ‘try not to fall in love with each other’, this statement has been washed down the drain since the first week of your fake dating.
After the third day of practicing your fake relationship, he realized that you were an amazing person. You were so humble, kind, selfless, down-to-earth, basically everything a guy dreams of. Seeing how sweet you were with such a genuine heart, makes him go all fuzzy and warm for you.
It was only after the first week of that fake relationship that Hoseok realized, maybe he really was falling in love with you.
With that being said, Hoseok leaned into your hands as you watched his frown get replaced by a smile and soon, he wrapped his fingers around your wrist gently to say, “Okay… Let’s show them how love should really be.”
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Weekend finally rolled around and you were currently getting ready for Hoseok’s family dinner. You opted to wear a beautiful lavender laced sleeveless dress with a pretty round neck, where the hem of the dress stops just past your knees. You were going to pair it with your nude heels. You style your hair to a pretty low bun with your bangs framing your face in a middle parting.
You kept your makeup at a bare minimum since that was just your personal preference. You were just packing your important belongings into your purse when you heard the doorbell ring.
You abandoned your purse for a second as you jogged to your front door. Once you opened it, you nearly got your breath stolen by how handsome he looked.
He was wearing a white button down formal shirt, the first few buttons undone, his sleeves rolled up to his forearms, pairing that with a tie loosely hanging around his neck. He wore black jeans with the shirt tucked in, along with a pair of black loafers.
Not to mention his hair being styled in a way that his forehead is shown but at the same time, his fringe flops down with a slight volume so that it’s not too flat.
He looks really good.
“Hey gorgeous.” He smirked upon seeing your outfit.
You couldn’t stop the blush forming on your cheeks but you were quick to respond to him to avoid getting teased by him.
“Hey handsome. Give me a second to get my purse!” You said as you jogged back into your apartment, hearing his soft chuckle behind you. After you grabbed your purse, phone and house keys, you strapped your heels on and soon left the apartment. You made sure to lock your door before walking down the hall with him.
Both of you were talking about random topics when you felt him slide an arm around your waist. For some reason, this made you jump while your breath hitched in your throat a little too loud.
Hoseok chuckled at your reaction, clearly not expecting you to react that way especially since you were always relaxed when he does that out of the blue on campus.
“You okay? You seem jumpy…” Hoseok asked worriedly before his eyes searched for yours desperately.
“Uh, y-yeah… I’m just nervous I guess.” You laughed, earning a soft squeeze to your side before he kissed your temple gently like he always does.
“Don’t be. I promise nobody’s gonna hurt you… I won’t let that happen.” Hoseok’s voice gradually got lower until he whispered those last words to you. It made your heart flip and your stomach swirl from both anxiety and adrenaline.
The drive to his family home was about 40 minutes but you enjoyed the entire ride there. Hoseok made you laugh quite a few times, both of you singing along to the songs on his playlist, you played around with his things in his car, him glancing over at you every now and then only to smile every time he catches you doing something silly or was just laughing at something he said.
Gosh he was sickly in love with you.
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He finally managed to park in his parent’s driveway along with a few other cars that probably belonged to the other guests. You got out of his car, suddenly feeling nervous all over again. Hoseok noticed the way you were stuck in place beside his passenger car door, making him walk over to you.
“Hey, relax. We’re gonna be fine. You said that yourself didn’t you?” Hoseok smiles as he cups your face softly while he caresses your cheeks with his thumbs.
You slowly nodded up at him, watching as he plants a soft kiss to your forehead.
Of course this was all for the fake relationship at the end of the day, but was all of this gestures really fake though?
Both of you walked towards the front door with your left hand in his, fingers intertwined while your right hand wrapped itself around his left forearm to hold him close to you. Hoseok stopped in front of the door before turning to you and whispered, “Are you ready?”
“Ready if you are.” You gave him a weak smile and soon, he pushed the door open.
You made it inside without anyone greeting you at the door since it was in fact his house anyway. However, the minute you entered the living room, you instantly squeezed Hoseok’s hand lightly. Clearly overwhelmed by the number of people who were gathered there.
“Oh! Hoseok dear! You’re here!” One of the middle aged ladies said with a smile.
“Yes Aunt Ju, I’m here and I brought my girlfriend with me if you all don’t mind. I figured it’s a perfect time to introduce her to all my family.” Hoseok said proudly, making you feel slightly safe in his arms.
Just then, a voice sounded from behind you and it wasn’t exactly pleasant.
“How dare you bring an outsider to our family dinner! She’s not invited! And who said you’re dating this low life girl? You’re getting married to Lena!” Who you could only assume to be Hoseok’s mother, said in full disgust as she glares and looks at you from head to toe.
Hoseok’s body shook with rage as he frowned at his mother, ready to shoot her down with his words if he had to.
“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t be with, mom. Why should I marry someone who doesn’t mean a single thing to me when I can live happily with the girl of my dreams?”
“Nonsense! I am your mother so you have to listen to my decisions!” You were afraid of what might happen next so you tugged Hoseok’s hand a little to gain his attention. Luckily, he felt it so he glanced down at you for a second and the moment he locked eyes with you, he immediately softened.
He took a deep breath before turning back to his mother and smiled, “Yes, you are my mother. But I get to decide who I want to marry for it is my life and not yours.”
His mother’s face distorts into an offended scowl. She watched as her son brought you over to the rest of his family in the living room.
Upon sitting down, one of Hoseok’s cousin’s greeted you with a hug as she began talking to you.
“Hi dear! What’s your name?” She asked.
“Hi, I’m Y/N, you?”
“I’m Seori. It’s nice to meet you!”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” For the first time that night, you smiled genuinely as Seori warmed up to you pretty quick. Though from the corner of your eye, you could see a girl who hadn’t kept her gaze off you from the minute you entered the room.
For this reason alone, you could only guess that she was Lena, the girl who Hoseok was supposed to marry.
You were just chatting with Seori about Hoseok’s old habits when she suddenly leaned in to whisper something surprising to you.
“Honestly, I’m rooting for you instead of that rich girl. She’s such a brat. Hoseok is definitely too good for her.” Seori smiled, making you chuckle. You couldn’t believe Hoseok’s cousin was actually agreeing with you being her cousin’s partner even though she only just met you.
“Oh… Thanks… I guess?” You said awkwardly, earning a laugh from her.
“No really! She’s such a spoiled brat. I don’t understand why my aunt is dying for Hoseok to marry her. Blegh…” Seori faked a gag at the end.
Just then, your eyes travelled over to the other side of the room, only to find Lena shooting daggers into your skull. You got uncomfortable under her intense gaze which caused you to fidget in your seat. Unfortunately, Hoseok noticed this so he turned to you and whispered carefully.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“H-Huh? Oh, n-nothing. I’m fine.” You smiled at him as he frowned knowing you were lying but he decided to just trust you so he snuck a quick kiss to your cheek before smiling at you.
Why is your heart racing?
An hour went by, Hoseok kept you close to him at all times, making sure Lena or his mother never got too close to you.
You were just talking to Seori and Wooyoung, another one of Hoseok’s cousins when you excused yourself to go to the washroom. You made it down the hall and was about to enter the bathroom when you heard bickerings from one of the rooms.
As bad as you know it would be to eavesdrop, you got even curious when you recognized one of the voices to be Hoseok’s.
The closer you got, the clearer those voices were. However, your heart wasn’t ready for what you were about to hear.
“I want you to break up with that stupid girl and marry Lena!”
“No mom! What the hell? You can’t do this to me!”
“I’m your mother! And I demand you to leave that lowlife brat or else, I won’t take you as my son anymore! You choose. Outsider or Family.” His mom threatened him as she began to walk towards the door.
For some reason, you couldn’t seem to move. Your feet were glued to the ground as your eyes pooled with tears at the brim.
The moment his mother pulled the door open harshly, you flinched.
The tears on your eyes were now falling freely down your cheeks. You locked eyes with Hoseok for a brief moment before you looked back at his mother who had a satisfied wicked smile on her face.
“So, you heard right? Break up with my son if you love him and care about him still being a part of this family.”
Hoseok was frozen behind her as he watched you carefully for your next words. You two were supposed to be strong for each other. You were supposed to come out of this family dinner hand in hand with a proud smile on your face. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the outcome tonight.
So with one shaky breath, you locked eyes with his mother while your tears streamed down your face, giving her exactly what she wanted.
“Okay. I promise I’ll leave your son alone from now on. This will be the last time you see me in his life, if that’s what you want Ma’am.”
“Good. Now leave. You don’t belong here.”
With that, you gave her a weak smile before you turned in your heels and ran. Hoseok was going to run after you but his mother stopped him.
Your running figure caught everyone’s attention as Seori and Wooyoung called out to you desperately but all you did was run to the front door and left. A few seconds later, Hoseok was seen running down the hall and was about to go to the front door when Hoseok’s mother yelled his name.
He stopped in his tracks, only for her to threaten him again.
“Jung Hoseok! Don’t you dare go after that girl!”
“Why?! Why not mom?! Why can’t I go after the one girl that I love?! Tell me mom! Tell me!”
“You don’t love her…” She scoffed, trying to convince herself that her son isn’t capable of finding love on his own.
“What do you know about love mom? You call marrying someone I don’t know, someone I’ve never talked to, someone I’ve never met before, love? If that’s what you call love, then I don’t want to be a part of it. In all my life, I’ve never known what is the true meaning of love besides a family’s love. And now I know…” He paused to take a deep breath before he continued.
“Call me insane, but I am in love with her. I am madly in love with the girl who you just blatantly threatened to break up with me. It’s such a low move of you to threaten an innocent girl when all she did was love me.” Hoseok said as he turned and was about to leave when his mother threatened him again.
“If you step out of this house right now just to go after that brat, you are never to step foot in this house ever again.”
With that being said, Hoseok turned around and gave her a sad smile. He knew the decision he was going to make. He knew it would probably change his life forever. And yet, not a single ounce of regret was lingering in him when he said the next few words.
“And let the girl I truly love slip out of my hands for good? I’m sorry mom, but I don’t think so.” Hoseok said and with that, he left.
Hoseok’s father had to hold his wife back from slaughtering her son as Seori and Wooyoung cheered for their cousin while Lena was just fuming in her seat.
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Hoseok arrived at your apartment building, running up to your unit level only to pound his fist against your door. He waited a few seconds but all he got was silence. He tried a few more times and still no response. He panicked as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think of where else you could go.
Just then, it was as though something clicked in his brain that made him rush back to his car and soon drove off to the one possible place you could have gone to.
After a few more minutes on the road, Hoseok practically leaped out of his car and soon sprinted up the apartment steps not bothering to wait for the lift.
Once he was on level 4 where Namjoon’s apartment unit was, he gave it a few knocks.
It was currently 10:40pm so he knew damn well that Namjoon was still awake. Hoseok’s mind was currently running amuck as he tapped his foot impatiently against the ground.
Just then, the door opened to reveal Namjoon who looked worried for something, or perhaps someone.
“Joon ah! Please tell me she’s here…” Hoseok whispered desperately as his eyes pleaded for Namjoon to give him the answer he really wanted. Of course, Namjoon could never lie to his friend. Which is why Namjoon lets out a sigh of relief before smiling at the latter.
“She’s in my room.”
With that being said, Hoseok quickly kicked his shoes off only to walk towards Namjoon’s room carefully so as to not scare you.
Once he was standing in front of the door, he skipped the knocking and went straight ahead to open it.
The moment he did, his heart shattered upon seeing you sit on Namjoon’s bed with your knees up to your chest while you hugged them. You had your face buried in your arms as your soft cries echoed around the room.
Hoseok softly entered the room, closing the door behind him as he carefully made his way to you.
“Joonie… Why am I feeling this way? Why am I so sad? This is fake, isn’t it? All this is fake… So why does my heart hurt so bad?” You whispered in between sobs but still not looking up. You felt the mattress dip beside you which means someone had just climbed into bed with you.
Except, you just assumed it was Namjoon. Little did you know, you were wrong.
“Maybe because our feelings weren’t fake.”
His familiar gentle voice caught you off guard as you slowly brought your head up only to gasp when you locked eyes with Hoseok’s soft ones. He was smiling down at you, and yet, you could see how broken he was.
“H-Hoseok… W-Wha… What are you doing here?” Your voice was weak as you stuttered over your words.
“I left… I couldn’t let you leave.”
“N-No…” You croaked out. “N-No… No… What about your family? Hoseok, did you not hear what your mom said?”
With that being said, Hoseok gently cups your face with both hands as he shushes you to calm you down.
“Shh… Shh… It’s okay. I know what she said. But it doesn’t matter because what’s important is that we’re together.” He smiled as he kissed the tip of your nose, wiping your tears away with his thumbs.
“Hoseok…” Your voice was barely a whisper, earning a soft ‘shh’ from him yet again.
“I don’t care what she said. I don’t care what any of my family says. It's my life so I make my decisions. And right now, I’m so glad I left. That way I can show you just how much I truly care for you…” Hoseok paused as he slowly leaned closer to you until his lips were just an inch apart from yours, foreheads touching gently before he took one shaky breath and finally expressed his feelings for you wholeheartedly.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Your heart was pounding against your chest as you closed your eyes, afraid to look him in the eye. Finally, with one small breath, you whispered your reply for his little confession.
“I love you too, Hoseok.”
And just like that, Hoseok smiled as he caressed your cheeks before he kissed you on the lips.
Your heart almost jumps out of your chest as you slide your hands around his waist. He kissed you so sweetly, you nearly allowed yourself to fall on him. Hoseok pulls away with a soft sound, keeping one hand on your cheek while the other rests on your neck.
He kept his forehead gently against yours as his lips purposely brushed over your lips. You could hear his nervous breaths, only for him to whisper against your lips.
“Let me love you properly this time. You’re all that I want.”
With that, you couldn’t help but giggle feeling your heart full again. You loved him. You don’t know what you did to deserve him. Nevertheless, you promised to love him back equally.
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7 months had passed without any of you realizing. Hoseok has been staying with Namjoon ever since that unfortunate incident with his parents, more specifically his mother. Hoseok hasn’t talked to his parents ever since, simply fulfilling her request if he decided to leave the house that night.
You were in a stable relationship with Hoseok in which he has shown you more love than what he was capable of giving you previously when you were fake dating.
He showered you with so much love, it makes your heart melt every single time.
It was a gloomy Saturday afternoon. You went over to Namjoon’s place to hangout with him and your boyfriend. Upon your arrival, Hoseok seemed too excited as he quickly tackled you down onto the sofa whilst he tickled the life out of you.
You had to beg him to stop as you ended up panting for air. You were just cuddling with Hoseok on the couch while Namjoon sat on the huge bean bag chair at the corner while you all watched the movie.
You were just drawing random patterns onto Hoseok’s clothed chest, earning soft kisses at the top of your head when you heard the doorbell ring.
All of you glanced around at each other, only for Hoseok to ask his roommate if he ordered anything.
Upon Namjoon saying no, the male stood up and made his way to the door. You and Hoseok continued watching the show while Namjoon went to answer the door. A few seconds later, you heard Namjoon’s voice calling to Hoseok from the end of the hallway but for some reason, his voice sounded a little suspicious.
You definitely didn’t expect this.
“Uh, Seok ah, you might wanna pause the movie.” Namjoon warned as you both turned around. The minute you locked eyes with Hoseok’s parents, you immediately tensed up whilst he sat up straighter in an alert stance.
“Mom. Dad.” Hoseok whispered under his breath as the two of them smiled at their son.
You could feel the tension rising as Hoseok’s body became stiff. To avoid making things worse, you carefully got up and excused yourself.
Before you could leave, Hoseok grabbed your wrist as his eyes were begging for you to stay.
“You should talk to them.” You whispered as you looked at his parents and soon gave them a small nod before you and Namjoon left them to head to Namjoon’s bedroom.
You closed the door behind you and the minute you were inside, you couldn’t help but let out a shaky sigh. Pressing your back against the door, you slid down to the ground until you were seated on the floor. Namjoon frowned as he went over to you, pulling you into a warm hug as he caressed the back of your head comfortingly.
Meanwhile, Hoseok's parents took a seat on the same couch he was in except there was a huge gap between Hoseok and his mom.
“My dear son, how are you sweetheart?” His mom smiled sadly, knowing Hoseok probably still held a grudge on her.
“I’m fine…” Hoseok said coldly, unsure of how to react.
“How’s school? Everything okay?” His dad asked.
“Yeah. I’m coping okay. Nothing out of the ordinary for me as usual.” Hoseok shrugged as he looked everywhere but his parents. Just then, his mother was the first to apologize.
“I’m really sorry for the way I acted that night… I… I wasn’t thinking.”
Hoseok finally looked at his mom with a deep frown on his face.
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I shouldn’t have treated Y/N that way and that I shouldn’t have made those threats to you and her when I should be happy that you found love and that you were genuinely happy to be with her… I’m so sorry, dear.” His mother started to tear up as Hoseok’s heart immediately softened for her.
Of course he couldn’t hate her.
He could never hate his mother.
So when she began to cry, Hoseok scooted closer to hug her, rubbing her back soothingly to calm her down. His father simply smiled as he patted Hoseok’s back a few times for he wasn’t a man of affection. No doubt, he still loves his family dearly.
A few minutes later, Hoseok pulled away from his mother, only for the lady to sniffle and ask, “Can I see her? I want to see the girl who’s been making my son so happy.” She smiled as Hoseok nodded.
He soon got up, making his way to Namjoon’s bedroom. He gave it a few knocks before opening it, only to find Namjoon and you seated on his bed facing each other, placing a game of rock paper scissors. You were just laughing at Namjoon’s mistake when you heard the door creak open and soon, you met Hoseok’s soft eyes.
“Hey…” Hoseok said as he stepped inside briefly to walk to you and Namjoon.
“How’s everything?” Namjoon asked with a weak smile, only for Hoseok to speak up.
“We made up…”
“Oh? That’s amazing.” Namjoon sighed in relief but then Hoseok looked at you and placed a soft hand on your thigh.
“But now my mom wants to see you.” Immediately, your breath hitched in your throat.
What if she still hates you?
Hoseok could sense your worries so he squeezed your thigh softly and soon reassured you that if anything goes wrong, he’ll be there to protect you. With his words of affirmation, you both finally left the room with Namjoon flopping onto his bed.
You walked behind Hoseok while he laced his fingers with yours. The minute you came into the living room, you locked eyes with his mother and for some reason, her words from that night came haunting you back.
You unconsciously hid behind Hoseok and his mother saw this.
However, the frown on her face couldn’t easily be mistaken for anything else. She knew she would leave this effect on you, but maybe not to this extent. And for that, she feels bad.
Seeing how you wouldn’t budge from behind him, Hoseok gently tugs you forward while he whispers to you, “It’s okay… I’m here…”
This was enough to give you some moral support as you carefully sat down on the couch beside his mother.
“Hi dear, how are you?” She asked as you saw a brand new tear threatening to roll down her cheeks.
“I-I’m good, Ma’am.”
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not here to yell at you… I’m here to say sorry. I know what I said to you that night wasn’t right. And I know that I can’t take back whatever I said. And I totally understand if you don’t forgive me. All I wanna say is thank you for making my son happy. I can see that he truly loves you. I’m sorry once again.” She smiled as the tear finally rolled down her cheek.
All the while, you were still holding Hoseok’s hand as he sat closely behind you but his fingers were laced with yours on your lap while his right hand gently caressed your sides to calm your nerves down.
For some reason, you could see the sincerity behind her apology. Which is why you reached for her hand afterwards and spoke up.
“I forgive you.”
His mother stared at you in shock, surprised that you forgave her despite all the things she said to you.
“You… really forgive me?”
“I understand that all you wanted was the best for your child. And I couldn’t blame you for that. But apart from that, I’m thankful that you finally approve of my relationship with your son. I love him so much but I dread to see him being torn apart from his family.” You said.
His mother couldn’t help but cry harder as you offered her a hug to which she openly accepted.
You rubbed her back to soothe her nerves only to hear her say, “Hoseok did an excellent job at choosing the right girl.”
You pulled away to find her smiling at you before glancing past your shoulder to look at her son with a look that Hoseok seemed to understand. His parents soon took their leave, while you went back to join Namjoon after saying goodbye to Hoseok’s parents.
Hoseok was just standing by the door to say bye to his parents when his mother cups his face and whispers, “Don’t lose her, no matter what people say. She’s a keeper.”
With that being said, she kissed his forehead and soon left.
Hoseok couldn’t agree more with his mother’s sentence, knowing that he would never let go of you that easily nor would he lose you because of other people’s words. He won’t ever let those things happen.
And that’s exactly what he’s going to do.
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uwua3 · 4 years
puppy love!
🌸💌 usui masumi
summary: masumi adopts a dog at the end
dedication: kmf anon 💍 — masumi loves you so much!
warnings: enemies to lovers (very light mention), falling, swearing
author’s note: i decided to write this adorable fluffy piece for my friend about masumi & reader volunteering at an animal shelter together~ (꒪ω꒪υ) please enjoy this puppy love ft. a very cute dog who plays matchmaker between you two!
word count: 3,859
music: this side of paradise – coyote theory
let’s make one thing clear: masumi didn’t like dogs
they were too loud, they ran around all the time, and they were way more trouble than they were worth. masumi didn’t like dogs, dogs didn’t like masumi, it was a mutual understanding
so how did masumi end up adopting a dog? well, it involved a park, a dog gone wild, and one veterinarian-to-be at an animal shelter
like every day after school, masumi took the shortest route to the mankai dorms: straight through veludo way’s park during its busiest hour
unfortunately, it was crowded nearly every time his acting sessions were finished. kids played silly childhood games before eventually crying about a boo-boo only a mother’s kiss could fix. teens masumi couldn’t relate to held picnics with their friends to savor the last fleeting memories of their youth. even grown elderly were practicing their afternoon yoga on decade-old mats. overall, every single age group was present right when masumi needed to head home
it was nothing soundproof headphones couldn’t fix with his volume turned up (it was no longer at maximum, he winced at the memory of how loud his music was as a moody teenager) (now, he was a moody young adult, but still)
but, maybe if he didn’t have such high quality headphones, he’d be able to hear a very alarmed voice call out to him and the sound of four paws running
“sir! watch out for—”
masumi quickly was knocked off-balance, his headphones flew off his ears and were replaced by the texture of a wet tongue. gross... masumi cringed as he tried to keep hold of a wriggling, fluffy mess and its wagging tail slapping his face
“oh my gosh, i’m so sorry for chocolate!” masumi tried to keep his eyes open as two black eyes and a happy grin greeted him. this... was chocolate?
“chocolate?” masumi murmured, to which the rather large chihuahua barked back a reply as if it understood. a figure blocked the sunlight streaming down upon the duo, a flash of a white coat momentarily distracting him from the constant panting from the dog in his arms
“ah... i’m sorry once again. she’s usually never like this, i promise.” you promised, bending down to reach for chocolate. yet, when you attempted to gather her entire being, you struggled as chocolate seemingly clung to masumi with a whine
masumi couldn’t even complain as he stared at you with wide eyes. who were you and how did he not know you yet? he was so distracted by your presence that he almost forgot there was a dog desperately attempting to lick his face all over
you were about to call for chocolate before you met masumi’s eyes, pausing before a light blush settled across your face. why was he looking at you like that?
“a-are you okay, sir? did you hit your head on the way down?” you waved your hand in front of masumi’s face before he snapped back to reality, blinking as he held out chocolate to you
“no, i’m fine. but... uh, your dog won’t let go of me.”
you held onto chocolate’s stubby legs and pulled. she didn’t even budge as she started growling at the mere threat of being removed from this stranger. you raised both of your hands defensively, trying to appear like you were totally okay with chocolate practically being attached at the hip with a random person in the park
“i... honestly don’t know why she’s doing this. she hates people, well, except me.”
masumi didn’t find that hard to believe. who wouldn’t like you? barely a few minutes into meeting you and he wanted to know everything about you
“she’s not my dog, by the way. i volunteer at the local animal shelter nearby.” when you introduced yourself, masumi barely registered he was suddenly holding your hand and hoisting himself off the ground (it seemed impossible, but chocolate cuddled into him even more)
“are you interested in adoption?” masumi was thinking anything but that
“it’s—” “she.” masumi blinked again, looking back down at chocolate then you. “uh... no but she, she’s... nice?”
you couldn’t help but laugh, successfully prying chocolate off in the meantime as you didn’t have it in you to be upset with his half-assed attempt. “you don’t like dogs, i assume?”
“they don’t usually like me, that’s all.” masumi lied smoothly, forgetting he just had an anti-social dog attack him like they were family. you raised an eyebrow at that obvious fib, but didn’t press anymore after getting a secure hold on the dog’s leash
“of course. well, i’m sorry again for chocolate, mr...?” you trailed off, half paying attention and half struggling to keep the dog from running towards masumi
“it’s masumi, usui masumi.” he said, subconsciously stepping away whenever chocolate lunged towards his ankles. you frowned at this but didn’t mention it, apologizing again before taking your leave
was this it? was this the last time he was going to see you?
masumi watched as chocolate kept looking back at him with her pleading eyes. why did that little dog like him so much? he didn’t even have any food on him...
maybe, dogs weren’t so bad after all... especially if you were there
“wait!” masumi called out this time, jogging up to the bench where you were gathering all the daily necessities when walking a dog. you almost let out a sigh of relief when chocolate became masumi’s issue to handle
masumi didn’t know what exactly made him detour his normal schedule even more, but here he was, taking up every excuse to talk to you. you, with the large chihuahua
“do you need any more volunteers at the shelter?”
you couldn’t believe what you were hearing, you almost let go of chocolate’s leash again! trying to figure out whether this was a revenge prank or not, you couldn’t tell based off masumi’s serious expression
“what? i thought you didn’t like dogs?”
“no. i love animals!”
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masumi didn’t love animals, especially dogs
but, of course, an animal shelter always needed more volunteers. after getting a very hesitant reference from you, they didn’t even do a background check on masumi before taking him in. apparently, “corg-key to your heart!” had been understaffed. lucky him!
conveniently you and masumi were scheduled around the same times for training, meaning his impulsive commitment wasn’t a huge waste of time. except, there was one thing
chocolate wouldn’t leave his side ever since his first day of volunteering
it’s like masumi was made of every food possible and chocolate was a hungry person looking for a buffet. it was impossible to separate the two, even when you were there!
(you pretended it didn’t hurt when you were no longer chocolate’s favorite, but it was very obvious)
apparently, ever since you started volunteering years ago, chocolate had already been there. she was practically ancient now and was still looking for her forever home
but she had never grown to like anyone, making it hard for people to adopt her. she only liked you (and now masumi)
so volunteering at veludo way’s animal shelter, “corg-key to your heart”, wasn’t on his to-do list, but here he was. all because of you who he wanted to get to know more
but... that was becoming hard when you were suddenly competing against him for chocolate’s love & devotion
but, not only did he adopt a dog, but he had won the key to your heart as well. all it took was four simple steps!
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#1 — clean the cages
masumi had never smelt anything worse in his entire life. walking into the back of an animal shelter made him stumble back from how awful the stench was. you strolled in, apron on, as if it was nothing, greeting the animals by name at the beginning of the day
“what are you doing?” masumi pinched his nose closed, narrowing his eyes at the sudden barking when they sensed there was a new person in the room. you rolled your eyes at how wimpish he was being, ruffling a dog’s fur as you gestured towards the cleaning gear in the back
“these cages won’t clean themselves, you know.” you tossed a sponge and bucket at masumi, who caught it easily, much to your dismay. when he glanced at both of them, you tilted your head as he seemed confused
“have you never scrubbed the floor before?” — “wh-of course i have!” — “doubt.”
masumi pressed himself to the wall as you let all the dogs out, letting them run out into the field so they could get their morning meal time in. he huffed as you laughed, knowing you didn’t warn him on purpose
“get to cleaning or we’ll have to smell this forever.” you didn’t have to tell masumi twice before he started scrubbing, holding his breath for a minute at a time
after making the beds, sweeping, and cleaning up any other messes, you turned around to ask about the floors before seeing masumi nudge chocolate away. she had somehow escaped from her pack to sit by his side, to which he ignored
this was so unfair! you love chocolate! she was your favorite but she was completely ignoring you for someone who didn’t even like dogs!
when masumi looked up, he tried to smile but you looked away, suddenly very annoyed. masumi frowned, glaring at chocolate and her giant eyes
damn it! he was almost going to have a moment with you, but chocolate blew it! why did she keep getting in between you two...
masumi quickly became the only person capable of floor duty since chocolate would trail after him obediently
you mumbled about how masumi didn’t even deserve that love! how could anyone even love him like that anyways?
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#2 — dog walks
masumi by no means was inactive. he was the typical athlete; he could throw a ball, run a mile, swim laps, anything under the sun. but, walking multiple dogs at once was a whole different league of its own
no one told him he’d have to make sure ten different leashes didn’t wrap around his legs and cause him to fall over. nor did he think all these dogs had this much strength to drag him over every square inch of the park he frequented on the way home. unfortunately, he was beginning to spend way too much time outside
masumi didn’t know how, but he’s been getting better at remembering everyone’s names. the dogs had their own distinct personalities and appearances, with a coordinating rainbow of leashes
apparently, you found this very amusing. at first, masumi only walked chocolate to get practice in, but he’s unfortunately leveled up to even more dogs. you got back chocolate, but you began to understand why her attention always went back to masumi
even if he wouldn’t admit it, masumi was a natural with dogs. he remembered their favorite treats like it was nothing and had a guiding presence, making even the most hyperactive breeds calm down every now and then. masumi was fast enough to catch any rogue dog and threw every frisbee far enough to catch their breath
masumi figured out you weren’t as annoyed at him when you had chocolate, so he was 100% willing to manhandle hundred-pound dogs to get your satisfaction
even if it meant falling over in the middle of the field when the dogs decided to merry-go-round his legs
when you looked up from your spot underneath the tree, you tried your best to stifle your laughter seeing masumi fall for the second time in this lifetime
when masumi dug himself out of the pile of dogs happy to be with him, he was faced with an open hand and a teasing smile on your face
“having fun down there?” you joked, before masumi took your hand, about to pull himself up before freezing. you wish you weren’t so obvious with how much you stared at him right then and there
both of you caught each other’s gaze, seemingly lost in each other’s eyes before you realized there was one less leash in your possession
“wait... where’s chocolate?!” (after a moment of panic on your end, all masumi had to do was call her name and she ran over. it’s like she planned this whole thing on purpose...)
you two made sure not to touch again to avoid another distraction, even if your shoulders and hands kept brushing on the way back to the shelter. whenever you two exchanged leashes, all you two could remember was the accidental hand hold
walking the dogs with masumi became much more difficult all of a sudden. if you looked at him, you wouldn’t be able to look away. masumi didn’t question why you stopped meeting his eye
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#3 — welcoming homes
chocolate had been at the “corg-key to your heart!” shelter for the past decade or so
but, you were allowed to take her home every weekend so she could get a break from everything. when it was your daily time with chocolate, you exited the break room only to find masumi already with her
masumi, who was always reluctant to get too close to any of the animals, seemed to throw caution to the wind as he slowly patted chocolate. she laid in his lap, her head propped up on his thigh as she sighed contentedly
you knew you were always jealous of masumi and chocolate’s instant connection but this time, you felt an indescribable amount of feelings seeing your best girl with your favorite co-volunteer (did you just think that? when did that happen?!)
masumi looked up from his seat on the floor, a red hue tinting his cheeks as he looked away, unsure of what to do next. “sorry, seems like she doesn’t want to move.” masumi looked anything but sorry but you let it slide
you sat next to the pair, reaching over to fondly massage chocolate’s ears. she leaned into your touch and your heart practically melted at the sight. you were so consumed by love you didn’t notice masumi’s small smile at your affection
“today’s my day to take her home. though, i don’t know how she’ll react without you.” you laughed, knowing it was going to be hell to separate these two
somehow, someway, masumi and chocolate had become the ultimate duo. after chocolate laying on masumi scrubbing all those floors, the park playtimes (which were the only time she moved more than a few feet ever), and everything in between, they began to become friends
(yes, it was cute. yes, you were still envious. though, this time, you didn’t know of who)
“then you should let me visit tomorrow.” masumi suddenly said, his words rushed as if he didn’t mean to say them. you paused, unable to comprehend the fact masumi wanted to come to your house
“u-uh... why?” you watched as masumi ducked his head, fiddling with chocolate’s collar as if embarrassed. you had never seen him react so physically, you wondered if you were reading too much into things
“chocolate will miss me. plus, i... i want to see you outside of work, too.”
ba-dump! your heart swelled up with love again, this time a very childish and innocent type that came with crushes. did you like masumi? was this okay to feel when you two were technically not even official friends?
“fine. but, make sure to bring something as a gift for chocolate or i’ll kick you out.”
“i’ll bring her favorite treat, promise.”
when you brought chocolate home, you stared at her as she lounged around
“i don’t like him... right?”
even chocolate seemed unconvinced, and she was a dog
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masumi somehow knew chocolate’s favorite treat, believe it or not
when he showed up with that premium type of ham, it made you feel some type of way. how much did he know about chocolate? about you? just how perceptive was masumi actually?
“i know we weren’t apart long, but... here, take this.” when masumi gave you a box of your own favorite food as well, you felt everything in your system shut down as you tried to comprehend how he knew this. when you thought about it some more and realized you also knew masumi’s favorites, you blanked
did you two just skip the friends part completely? how did you already know this much about a total stranger?
“t-thank you, come in!” when you invited masumi in, he seemed to fit right in. it didn’t take long before chocolate was all over him, immediately leaping into his arms and ignoring the ham completely (until she came face to face with it, then she couldn’t resist)
you two spent the majority of saturday’s afternoon together, retelling horror stories and all the craziness that came with the week’s volunteer work. unlike before when masumi was disinterested, his eyes lit up as he recounted his encounters with the animals
you leaned forward, eager to see him talk so enthusiastically about a subject you loved. when masumi finished questioning how active the dogs were, he did a double take when he noticed your stare
were you looking at him the same way he looked at you? masumi held in his breath, eyes flickering down to your lips then back up. before you two could move, chocolate barked, demanding more attention from both her closest workers
you two quickly snapped out of it, going back to coddling chocolate and making sure she was taken care of
next, you two decided it was time for her walk. as you held the leash, masumi walked ahead to make sure there were no sticks or stones in her path. chocolate trotted happily, enjoying the views of the quieter parts of veludo way
you two held easy conversation, the words flowing naturally and the tension that came with work faded away. you almost forgot why you were always irritated with one another at the beginning. as you were about to say something, chocolate stopped
you lost your footing and tripped over chocolate, about to crash land before a pair of strong arms caught you. you understood how all those dogs didn’t get away as masumi made sure you were okay, holding you up as you stared up at him
(chocolate sat there satisfied, looking at her two favorites and making sure to hide her smug face)
“be careful next time, i don’t want to see you hurt.” masumi revealed almost in a whisper, his voice soft as you nodded meekly. unlike before, you two didn’t separate in a flustered rush. instead, when you forced yourself off his chest, masumi took your free hand like it was second nature
“i’ll make sure you don’t fall again so don’t let go.”
when you looked down at your conjoined hands, you were certain you had fallen without him noticing
if only you knew masumi had fallen for you the moment chocolate knocked him over
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#4 — fundraiser
you and masumi were workers at the animal shelter’s fundraiser of the month. each month, “corg-key to your heart!” promoted their animals to the public in order to raise adoption rates
you two arrived to find yourselves where it all started: the park. at the center of it all were colorful posters advertising the pets and a pristine white booth guaranteed to be stained by grass in a few hours
for the past few weeks, you both have been passing out flyers and posting news on social media to attract potential adopters. not only did that, but the funds would be helpful for the electricity and food bill coming up
turning up to a forming crowd was nothing short of excitement. you both sat down at the booth, clipboards ready and energy buzzing in the air over the possibility of the pets finding their forever homes
as the blue sky passed by and the conversation in veludo way’s park grew, you and masumi worked together to make sure this fundraiser would be better than the last
“come meet our furry friends! you’ll find your best friend here at ‘corg-key to your heart!’” — “you’ll love these dogs and cats! come meet them today!”
although both of you were typically more on the quiet side, you and masumi made sure to attract as much attention as possible for the animals. slowly but surely, people began stepping up and asking questions about the pets
everything was going smoothly. you and masumi went on & on about all the traits about each animal you both have grown to know and love, donations were coming in at a consistent rate, and the staff were managing the excited dogs well. everything was great, until...
“how about this one?” a man had come up to the pair, gesturing towards one of the few dogs who wasn’t receiving that much attention. chocolate pouted in her cage, eagerly looking for someone to play with as she wagged her tail
masumi stopped himself from frowning, instead crossing his arms and forcing his voice to remain neutral. he couldn’t let down the animal shelter like this
“her name is chocolate. she’s a 13-year-old chihuahua who loves food and sleeping more than anything.” after going into a whole spiel about how wonderful chocolate was, the man seemed even more convinced that she was the one
“well, is she up for adoption?” you were about to respond with an enthusiastic ‘yes!’ before masumi shook his head, putting on fake sympathy as he shrugged
“no, she’s not. you just missed her, sorry.”
when the man went away, you dropped your customer service smile and slapped masumi’s arm. “hey!” masumi quickly lowered his tone, looking around to make sure no one was disturbed
“why did you say that?! chocolate has been looking for a home for so long now. she could’ve had an owner!”
“but, i want to be her owner.”
you couldn’t believe it, you were unsure of how to respond. was this real life? did masumi actually just say he wanted to adopt chocolate—
“yes, i am interested in adoption. i know if she went away with him, we’d never see her again. i always want to be with her, i’ll adopt her.”
you threw your arms around him, pulling masumi into a tight hug. a part of you was sad you’d see chocolate off, but now this meant you two would be able to see one another even more! this was the best-case scenario!
“masumi, thank you so much! i’m so happy, i could kiss you right now!”
silence (even if the park was crowded). then, masumi leaned back just like that saturday walk back then
“then, kiss me.”
when you met him halfway, masumi realized maybe he didn’t dislike dogs as much as he thought
you were too loud, you ran around with the dogs all the time, and you were way more trouble than you were worth. but, masumi likes you, you like him, it was a mutual understanding now
dogs weren’t so bad. after all, masumi had to thank a certain dog for making him fall for you at the park
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Celebrity crush - Tom Holland
just a little something i thought about today!
word count: 3.1k
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“So this is how it’s gonna go. We’ll give you two options to choose from, you’ll say who you would rather choose to be your man, we’ll keep him and you’ll get a new face on the other side. Clear?” Ellen explains the game of ‘Who’d you rather’ to you as you nervously sit in the comfortable armchair. You shoot the audience a nervous look nodding your head.
“Sounds cool,” you clear your throat bracing yourself to whatever is about to come.
“Great, let’s see our first candidates!” she announces and you turn to the huge screen behind you when two faces appear next to each other. “We have Liam Hemsworth and Ansel Elgort. Who do you choose?”
“Um, tough start, I’ll go with Liam,” you say nodding to yourself. You’re satisfied with your choice.
“Alright next up we have Liam and…” Ansel’s face disappears and it’s replaced by a photo of Dylan Minnette.” Liam and Dylan!”
“Dylan is a cute guy, but I think I’ll stick with Liam.”
“Okay, Liam stays. Let’s see the next one,” Ellen nods and Dylan’s face is now replaced by Harry Styles. “Oh my! Harry or Liam?”
“Oh definitely Harry,” you say before you could even stop yourself from talking and the audience laughs, but totally agrees with your choice. “Just look at him! And I think you purposely used a picture where he has long hair. That was iconic.”
“He really did have all the looks,” Ellen agrees. “Okay, so we have lost Liam, now we are rolling with Harry. Let’s see the next contestant.”
As the picture changes on the screen your answer comes faster than you could even think about who you want to choose.
“Tom!” you snap immediately as Tom Holland’s photo appears on the big screen and the audience starts clapping at your fast response.
It’s been an open secret in your team that your absolute number one celebrity crush is none other than Spider-Man himself. You’ve seen all of his movies numerous times and on your latest birthday your friends even put a shirtless photo of him to your cake. You obviously didn’t post that one, but it did take a better place in your heart than the other, plain one.
“That was… pretty fast,” Ellen smirks at you and you can feel your cheeks growing warm at how unfiltered you were.
“I’m just a big fan of his,” you tell her, but your face gives you away.
“Who isn’t? Okay, let’s see the next one. Tom or Nick Jonas?”
“Tom,” you say without even giving Nick a second thought.
“Seems like we are picking up the pace of the game. Alright, Tom or… Zac Efron?”
Ellen laughs at your eagerness to keep Tom, but she keeps going for two more rounds where you keep choosing Tom over Cole Sprouse and Taron Egerton, until his photo finally moves over to the middle as the winner.
“So I guess we have a winner over here. You didn’t seem to be willing to even look at anyone after Tom.”
“I told you, I’m a big fan of his,” you tell her with a shy, but flirty smile as you fix your designer dress and cross your legs.
“Have you—Have you ever met him?”
“Unfortunately not yet, but I’m hoping our paths will eventually cross. I’m a Spidey fan, seen all the movies and he is definitely my favorite so far.”
“What would you tell him if he was here now?”
You are quick to turn around and check he is not creeping his way up to you right now. You can never know what Ellen has in store for you, she is the queen of surprises when it comes to her show.
“He is not here, don’t worry,” she laughs as you sit back with a relieved sigh.
“I had to make sure,” you chuckle. “Anyway, my message to him is that if he ever wants to come and see my show, I can get him a free backstage pass,” you say and then flirtatiously wink at the nearest camera as the audience starts cheering.
“Tom, I hope you’re watching this and you are gonna take the next step. Y/N is waiting for you!” Ellen smirks before moving on with the second part of your interview.
Few days after the taping the interview finally airs and the internet goes crazy over your crush on Tom Holland. Your fans even make memes and montages of the two of you, some of them make you laugh hard when you are scrolling through your feed on your rehearsal.
To be honest, you thought it would be the end of the story, you quickly moved on since you had a sold out show next Saturday and you were in and out of rehearsals in the upcoming days, not even paying a second thought to what went down at the interview.
Saturday afternoon you are sitting at makeup when Rita, your manager walks in with the widest grin on her face you’ve ever seen.
“What’s gotten you so happy?”
“Guess who I just gave three passes to?”
You think to yourself, but don’t really have a valid guess. Unfortunately, Rita doesn’t want to give out the information that easily.
“Okay, if you can’t guess you’ll have to see it yourself. Pay extra attention to the VIP sector on the right tonight,” she hints before walking out.
“Rita! You can’t just not tell me!” you shout after her, but she is gone.
She successfully made you go crazy over who is going to be in the audience tonight, but also made sure no one gives you the info before the start, so you have to see it during the show.
“I fucking hate you,” you growl at her as you stand behind the stage, getting ready to start. The intro is already playing and the hairstylist is finishing up your hair one last time.
“Make sure to put extra effort into the Harder choreo today,” Rita winks at you and you scoff at her. Harder is one of your steamiest songs, and the dance you perform on stage is definitely a hot one where you truly feel like a badass woman in your tight, revealing costume.
The show starts off great, the crowd is going crazy and you are grateful to be with your fans tonight, but your eyes keep wandering over to the side where you are supposed to see the mysterious guest, but the lights are too bright for you to see anything other than pitch black. All lights are dimmed when Harder comes on and the red lights give just the perfect heated atmosphere the song needs. You’re wearing your skintight bodysuit and knee high boots, hair let down as you do your sexy dance with your female dancers in the back. In the middle of the song you go over to the right side where you are supposed to do a short routine on a chair, one of your favorite parts in the whole show. Singing the lines you sit down to the chair that was already waiting for you and just as you open your knees wide your eyes meet a familiar gaze and you almost forget to sing.
Tom Holland is standing in the VIP section with his pass hanging from his neck, he has his two brothers with him, but you pay little attention to them as you keep performing with your eyes glued to his handsome face.
Taking Rita’s advice you make sure the rest of the choreography is as sexy and heated as possible and you occasionally keep glancing in Tom’s direction who seems to be enjoying the show. It gives you the boost to bring the best out of yourself, he is smirking with amusement in his eyes and you catch him say something to his brothers from time to time who just nod in agreement. You’d die to know what his words were, but you can only hope he’ll come backstage after the show and you can ask him yourself.
By the end of the concert you are bursting from energy and this show will definitely be in your top ten for the rest of your life. You’re panting but grinning widely as you run off the stage and do a quick group hug with your dancers, something you never miss after every show as an appreciation and celebration of the good work you just did.
As you head to your dressing room you spot your manager who has a devilish smile on her face and you almost start lashing out on her, but then none other than Tom Holland shows up coming from the arena. You stop in your way as your eyes meet, eyebrows running up on your forehead when you see the big bouquet of flowers in his hands. He gifts you with a soft, shy smile, the one you’ve seen so many times on the big screen, but it’s a thousand times sweeter in real life.
“Hey!” he greets you waving in your way, as if you haven’t seen him. You don’t see anyone else in the room, to be quite honest.
“Hi! I… didn’t know you were coming tonight,” you admit tugging your hair behind your ear and you wish you felt less sweaty and smelly. You can only hope it’s not as bad as you think.
“I took your invitation serious,” he chuckles making you smile.
“I honestly didn’t think you’d ever see that, sorry if it was… too silly or something,” you tell him with a nervous laugh. It wasn’t in your plans to face him so fast after you admitted to the whole world that you have a fat crush on him.
“Well, it was hard not to see it when literally everyone was tagging me in posts about it.” He then realizes the flowers are still in his hands and steps closer. “Oh, I brought these for you. I hope it’s not too big of a cliché, but I wanted to give you something after the show.”
“That’s so sweet, thank you!” you tell him completely touched by the gesture as he hands you the beautiful bouquet. “Did you like the show?” you innocently ask, his look imprinted in your mind as he watched you in awe from the audience.
“It was fantastic! Really, mind-blowing. All the dancing and everything, I didn’t even know where to look.”
“Well, I saw you looking at me pretty often,” you flirt and hope you’re not being too bold. But there’s no way you are wasting this chance with Tom Fucking Holland, your all-time favorite Spider-Man and #ManCrushMonday. Though you haven’t posted about the latter, but you definitely thought about it before.
His cheeks turn red as he laughs nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, it was hard not to look when you were so breathtaking, to be honest.”
You can’t stop yourself from smiling like a teenage girl at the compliment. Even an idiot could feel that there is in fact something between the two of you and you truly hope he is feeling the same and it’s not just your crush talking from you.
“Hey, you guys should take a picture together,” Harry suggests and you suddenly feel ashamed you haven’t even acknowledged the twins’ presence.
“Oh, yeah, sure! But you guys should come too!” you tell him, but Tom is quick to differ.
“No!” he protests and you give him a surprised look before he corrects himself. “I mean—Let’s take one alone and then with the boys.”
“Okay,” you smile, and judging from the laugh his brothers try to hide you know his reasoning behind it. “I’m sorry if I’m sweaty and all,” you apologize as he stands next to you, curling an arm around your waist while you do the same and hold the flowers with your other arm.
“I think I’m just as sweaty after that show you just put out,” he admits and you can’t hold you laughter back.
Harry takes a few shots of the two of you before he and Sam joins you and a crew member takes a few group photos.
“Well, thank you for coming, I’m glad we got to finally meet,” you tell them, thinking about how you don’t want to part your ways so soon, but you have to start getting ready to leave.
“Me too, it was something to remember forever,” he admits with that same shy smile. “Hey, so I heard the big news that you’ll be performing at the Oscars!”
“Yes, it’s unbelievable! I’m so nervous just thinking about it!” you admit. It’s kind of an understatement, you’ve been practically shitting yourself ever since Rita broke the news for you that you’d be one of the performers at literally one of the biggest events all year.
“Congrats and… I guess we’ll meet in a week then.” The smile on his lips lets you know he is counting on seeing you on another occasion and you are happy he is on the same page as you.
“I guess,” you nod chuckling.
“Would it be too straight forward if I asked for your number maybe? Just to make sure we will meet that night.”
“Strictly for that reason,” you nod with a playful smirk as he hands you his phone and you type your number in quickly.
“I can’t wait to see you again,” he tells you as you hug goodbye to all three of the boys.
“Same here,” you nod before turning around and heading back to your dressing room.
 The Oscars is just as nerve-wrecking as exciting it is for you. It’s you first time doing such a huge performance and you definitely don’t want to be remembered for giving the worst show of all times. You smile your way through the red carpet even though you could break down in tears any minute. You’ve never felt this nervous before and you don’t like the effect it has on your mindset.
Sitting in your dressing room you are getting ready since your performance is just twenty minutes away. Your glam and outfit is completely done, but you just don’t feel the same in your thoughts.
From a sudden idea you send a text to Tom. It’s been an entire week since the show he attended and he texted you before you could even get back to your dressing room and you’ve been going back and forth ever since. He even FaceTimed you one night and you had a two hours long conversation about the most random things. Tom is easy to talk to and this is exactly how you imagined him. Your crush on him has just grown since you met him in real life. In this moment you feel like he is the person you want to talk to, but you doubt he even has his phone on him.
For your biggest surprise a reply arrives just seconds later.
“I’m on my way to you.”
It takes you a few moments to process that he indeed just left his seat at the Oscars to come and calm your nerves. Just about two minutes later there’s a soft knock on the door and after you call out, Tom appears in his perfectly fitted suit, looking better than ever and for a split second you forget everything and just think about how damn good he looks in a suit. When you return to reality panic sets back in and Tom can see it all in your eyes.
“Hey! Why are you so upset?” he gently asks as he steps closer to you taking your hands in his.
“I’m just so fucking nervous, what if I mess it up?”
“You won’t.”
“How do you know?” you whine, already seeing the worst things happen to you out there.
“I just know. I know, because you are literally the best. No one else deserves more to be here than you, alright? They asked you for a reason.”
“I’m just so scared something goes wrong,” you sigh, head hanging low, but he is quick to lift your chin up and make you look in his eyes.
“Everything will be alright. And if something do happen… I’ll just jump up to the table and pull my pants down so everyone will look at me and forget about what you messed up,” he tells you in an attempt to make you laugh and it works.
“That would be pretty funny.”
“Yeah? Do you want me to do it anyway?” he asks chuckling.
“No, keep your pants up,” you tell him shaking your head.
The door opens and an assistant pops his head inside.
“Y/N, we need to go, you are starting in five.” You nod your head and turn back to Tom.
“Can you come with me?” you ask him.
“Of course! Do you want me to stay at the side and wait for you?” You nod again, still feeling a little lost, but way better than before Tom arrived. “Alright. Let’s go then,” he smiles at you and the two of you walk out hand in hand.
He walks you all the way to the stage where you get your mic and earpiece, telling you encouraging words all along, calming your nerves as if it was his magical power.
“You got this,” he tells you, squeezing your hand one last time before you head out to the stage.
He was right, you got this. The song you performed was an excellent choice and the audience seemed to love the visuals and the dance. You get a standing ovation at the end and you almost start crying right there. You rush off the stage and immediately spot Tom still standing at the same spot you left him, his eyes and smile filled with pride and glory and your legs are just pushing your forward until you are in his arms, holding him tight, squeezing him happily as you squeal joyfully.
You lean back and your eyes move down to his lips the same time his gaze travels down to yours. In just a heartbeat you lean forward and your lips meet in a sweet, victorious kiss you’ve been waiting for so long. You melt into his lips, fingers tangled in his perfectly made hair as his palms lay flat on your bare back where the dress is not covering your shivering skin.
It takes quite some time for the two of you to let go of each other, one of you always goes in for just one more kiss as the backstage is rushing around you, people are running wildly to get everything in place when the show returns after the commercial break. Yet you just stand there with Tom, completely lost in each other.
“I think…” he starts quietly, a smirk hiding in his lips, “I think we owe Ellen a thank you,” he says making you laugh.
“Definitely,” you nod before pressing your lips back to his.
general/forever taglist for Tom Holland
i do separate taglists for different people, but not for different works of mine! if you ask to be on my Tom taglist, you’ll be tagged in all of my Tom fics!
@zaahidahhh​ @shawn-youth​  @wildflower-cth​ @imaginashawnns​ @haute-shawn  @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @cutepenguin1​ @madatmendes @harrysleftchelseaboot​ @sunflower6why​
if you’d like to be taken off or added to the list, please let me know!
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atsunflower · 4 years
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Rated: SFW
Author notes: *sigh* for the third time the damned app ate up the tags. This one took me too long and I'm excited for write about my man suna again. This is also pretty different from what I'm used to write, but why not? Please enjoy your reading.
Warnings: cursing, substance usage/mentions, break-ups and me trynna be funny.
I – Cancel me.
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He looked at them with expectation as the beats smoothly faded, indicating the song's ending. 
If he were to be honest, the pair before him was a pain in the ass, but their opinion was that important because, when it came to music, they were the best at it. He felt no shame nor jealousy in admitting it.
"Dunno, the hook sounds like a Vice headline ta me." The bleach-haired male said, hearring the song's outro blaring through the studio speakers.
"Isn't it a Kid Milli reference, tho?" The other asked while munching a chip. He frowned at them, not understanding their point.
"Whatever. You two are no help anyways." Hearring their bullshit, the brunette already regretted this collab. He paused the queued song, turning to the other two with a blank stare.
The twins before him snickered, knowing they successfully hit a nerve. They couldn't help it, provoking Suna was one of their favorite hobbies.
"The song is good, but I gotta tell ya this butt hurt phase of yers is pretty lame." The faux-blond opened his mouth again, spinning around the studio with the desk chair. 
"Fuck you, Atsumu" He snapped, almost giving in to the desire of decking them both on the face.
"Tsumu's right, ya Lil Peep wannabe. Can't believe this break up ended up that bad." Osamu said in mockery, throwing the empty Lay's wrapper at him. He scoffed, disposing the wrapper on the bin before getting back at the screen to look at the FL studio interface.
"It's not that I have a broken heart. I just wanna know what's wrong with my life" He shrugged, blindly tacting over the desk in search of his Juul.
"Yeah Samu, he's just grieving over those fancy ass Dior Jordans. Sunarin is incapable of mundane things like a broken heart." His blond friend was partially right.
Suna Rintaro was many things: alt model, music producer, cloud artist and a decent volleyball player that almost went pro. But if there was something he could never be, it was a lucky man on love matters.
With his fair share of failed relationships, the artist could never pinpoint when things went wrong. It would always be the same: he would meet a girl, they would have a good time and then, the chick would turn out demanding as fuck.
In the end, every single one of them would slap him across the face and leave his life banging the front door shut like crazy — last week, it was Mika who broke things off, but not before setting his limited edition pair of jordans on fire. He would never get over those sneakers.
"Good for him, those kicks were kinda ugly." Osamu said in a bored manner. Suna felt his soul leaving his body.
"The hell, Osamu?" He was ready to fight, deeply offended by the attack at his taste in fashion.
"Yo, you two." Atsumu butted in, checking something on his phone "Y'all are drifting away from our problem."
"That is?" The other brother asked.
"Cheer up Sunarin before he fucks up with the Album." If Suna had the energy, he would kick both Miyas out of his studio "And I gotta the perfect thing. Let's hang out at Akagi's tonight, he just invited us." The already distressed musician felt the soul leaving his body for the second time that afternoon. He was sure both twins wished his death.
"Not a fucking chance. Last time I went there I almost died because of that weird stuff we smoked." 
"Aw, Sunarin, Kita'll be there too." The faux-blonde tried to persuade. The mention of their older, responsible and straight edge friend made Suna look at them with interest. But he needed more, though. Based on the last experience, he didn't have the will to risk his life going to Akagi's house once again. A shiver descended his spine as the male recalled how much he threw up that night.
"Suna, man, I gotta agree with Tsumu. Yer feelings are showing in your music." Osamu said as if he was some kind of genius.
"Isn't art about it, tho?" He deadpanned "Expressing feelings and shit?" He asked, staring them dead in the eye. The males before him shivered because of its intensity. Suna snickered.
"Man says art, but most of his songs are about the Nikes on his feet and the Tesla in his garage." Atsumu mocked "What the fuck?" The blonde barely dodged the moleskine thrown at him.
"Don't chew on me when you do the same, asshat. This is called character development." As unnerving the twins were, he felt a whole lot better in their company "Just lemme produce my sad stuff in peace."
"Cut us some slack, ya dumbfuck. We're just worried about ya." Osamu protested " 'Sides, no wonder no girl sticks by yer side. You know what the chicks find sexy? Seizing the means of production, not yer dumb car."
"You two are so la—" The musician was interrupted mid sentence, startled by the blond figure clutching his phone with enthusiasm.
"Oi Samu," Atsumu's loud voice startled the other two, as he excitedly fisted the air.
"What the fuck?" Suna asked, dropping the Juul on the floor.
"She'll be there tonight." The blond said, looking at his brother with a new wave of joy.
"The fuck? She who?" The brunette frowned.
"Ya gotta go and find out, man." The gray haired twin said with a knowing smile, matching his brother's excitement.
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The night out felt somewhat draining. The booze, the music and the company were great, but his lack of energy was a mood killer.
Cheer me up my ass, Suna cursed internally as he observed everyone getting wasted all over the place. He grimaced at the sight, realizing the meeting with the twins was enough social interaction for the day.
He didn't know what's gotten into him. The male knew it wasn't necessarily caused by the break up, but he couldn't help the feeling down.
Right now, life just felt lowkey suffocating. 
Being a public figure meant being under the spotlights the most of time.
People talked.
People assumed.
Media was all over him, ready to catch a scandall.
And of fucking course his name was on gossip headlines. It even occupied a spot on twitter trending topics for a day or so.
"Fuck me." He said before the lukewarm beer went down his throat.
"Sunarin!" He heard Atsumu shouting from his right "I want you to meet someone!" And only now he noticed the blond had his left arm over a girl's shoulders.
Oh, that's the one they were talking about, maybe? the brunette realized. What's the hype, tho? He asked himself, eyeing your figure.
"[Name], this is Suna. Sunarin, this is [Name], best girl ever and the mastermind behind the visuals of mine and Samu's last album" The bleach-haired male said with a proud smirk, ruffling your hair. You were obviously shy.
How cute, the brunette thought.
"Dumbass, don't embarrass me in front of others!" You nudged the Miya with your elbow "Nice to meet you, I saw your name on TMZ last week—" You said beaming and he grunted.
I take it back. Not cute at all, the man internally screamed, not ready to talk about the recent events. He didn't even want to listen to the rest of your speech, your cheery voice went through his ears in a white noise.
"And this makes me really excited for your album. The interview about the collab with dumb and dumber was lit." You continued, the words were genuine and you seemed really interested "And I also relate on a spiritual level because I know working with them is hell."
Oh, she's talking about the album. He realized in relief.
"Yo, I heard good things about you too. The design of their album was hella sick, even though they two suck ass." Suna snickered when he heard Atsumu protesting. You only left out a giggle, joining him on the teasing.
The blond kept ranting about how bad of friends the two of you were.
"I didn't introduce y'all ta gang up on me. Bye, I'm finding another company. Ya two suck." The blonde Miya said, leaving only you and Suna in the sofa area.
"Uh, so…" He drifted off, trying to start some small talk
"Yeah..." You both giggled at the awkwardness "Not enjoying the night?"
"Too much happening right now. Lots of people talking shit 'bout me." He sipped the beer, grimacing at the stale taste of the drink "Hope they cancel me already. So all this shit dies down." Suna looked away, suddenly shy for opening up to a stranger.
"You're a famous guy and the break-up wasn't that scandalous. It'll be over eventually, just beware the sneaker cult." Your amusement was comfort enough. You didn't make intrusive questions about the events and merely joked it off. He felt so worn out by the situation but, at least, your presence wasn't overbearring.
"How is it everyone knows about the jordans?" You shrugged it off, laughing at the distressed face he mocked. Sighing in relief, Suna couldn't deny how refreshing your presence was. Not to be a jerk, but usually, the girls either were all over him or judged every single move he made. You were just that easygoing.
"Well, I don't think you came here to sulk on the sofa all night long. Why don't we join them by the pool and down some shots?" You hopped off of your seat, pointing to the glass doors. All the boys were waving at you two and suddenly, Suna felt a wave of joy run down his body.
Atsumu was right. Best girl ever.
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At some point of the night, everything became about you.
All he could hear was the sound of your voice and all the time, his eyes were drawn to your figure. He couldn't figure out a reason for it, but the rapper wasn't complaining either.
A sharp pang at the side of Suna's head broke the trance he was in. Osamu had a shit eating grin on his face, eyeing the ravenette with amusement.
"We told ya so." The younger twin mused whilst he handed a long neck of vodka to the other.
"Stop. This is dumb."
"Yer dumb. But you ain't that dumb ta dare ta mess with her." The gray-haired Miya squinted at him, menacingly pointing the bottle in his hand at the brunette. The latter shrugged it off, opening his drink.
"Nah, I'm good." And he meant it.
But how could he explain the situation he was in?
Lips and hands wandered over the expanse of his skin. Everything was too hot and too good at the same time. Overwhelming, even.
He wanted more, more and more. There wasn't enough of you.
And if it wasn't unfair enough, his body felt lethargic. He was desperate, but couldn't keep up with the rhythm you imposed. Be it the alcohol or the stress, his body gave up and blacked out, even before you could undress each other.
In the morning after, a pounding headache woke him up. Suna didn't dare to open his eyes, but the morning breath fanning over his face was unbearable.
"I can't believe a cutie like you have a stinky breath like this." The complaint came out in a raspy voice, accompanied by an annoyed grunt.
Someone snickered on the other side of the room.
"Man, I didn't know you had the hots fer Samu." Atsumu was somewhere across the room, laughing at him.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" Hearing the other, Suna's body jolted, dizziness made his head spin in the process. He felt sick in the stomach and the morning light made his eyes sting. "When did I get back here?" The male looked around, realizing he was sprawled over Akagi's floor, right beside Osamu, who didn't even squirm at the loud voices in the room.
"What do ya mean? We never left" Atsumu frowned, uncaping a water bottle he was holding "Ya puked on Kita and passed out. The boys were too wasted ta drag yer sorry ass back home so we all crashed here." The blonde was dumbfounded, trying to figure out how wasted Suna got last night.
Suna wanted to know too. After all, there was no way the events envolving you were a product of his drunk mind.
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• Suna's artist name is yosemite.
• He has a Tesla Model S because of Frank Ocean.
• He takes his Nikes very seriously.
• No, not all of his songs are about the car and the kicks.
• He and the Miya twins got a sports scholarship because of volleyball, but they dropped out of school to make music.
• The three of them created Inarizaki, the label they're making music under. Kita and Aran manage it.
• Both Miya twins are beatmakers and music producers. They recently debuted as artists and now are making a collab EP with Suna, thus Atsumu's concern about the album.
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asperrusual · 3 years
i finally finished 3h over a year after i got it so the current mood is "very grateful someone's still making good shitposts about this game" thank u
well like said not to long ago, my hyperfixation for this game has yet to fade away since it launched. if there is no content than i simply must feed myself!!!!!! dozens of plot bunnies i have no faith in my ability to write notwithstanding
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oho, finally!! i've been waiting for someone to inquire about my Horse-Hater-Hubert-Headcanon... personally I see it like this:
Hubert acquired his fear of horses and heights all in the span of one afternoon.
Once upon a time, before Marquis Vestra senior tore his son's self-worth to shreds, Hubert had told his father that he had wanted to take up flying lessons... all for the sake of better protecting Lady Edelgard and not out of a unseemly, selfish audacity to desire something for himself, of course.
Historically, Ministers of the Imperial Household have primarily held certifications for classes specializing in dark magic or assassination but the Marquis could see the benefit in taking on a class far removed from either, if for nothing else, the element of surprise. So he had told his son very well, that he would arrange for him to begin taking lessons with the castle's wyvern master as soon as possible.
To which Hubert corrected him that, no actually, he'd like to train as a pegasus knight.
He had held a fascination for them for some time but what had really cinched the decision had been a recent outing with both his lady and Ferdinand where the young von Aegir had been lording the progress he'd been making in his horsemanship over Edelgard—and this time, unfortunately, it hadn't simply been empty boasting. Not willing to let that insult to his lady stand, Hubert had been inspired to humble him by mastering the one horse Ferdinand had not been able to claim to ride.
What Hubert's tutors at the time had somehow failed to mention—or perhaps glossed over in his lessons—was the whole supposed distaste pegasi held for men. The Marquis, assuming he had to have known this, had stared at his son for a moment before flatly telling him he would not be wasting valuable resources and time trying to do the impossible and dismissed him and any argument to the contrary.
Hubert, fuming, had stormed out to the castle stables. There, a pegasus knight fresh from patrol had left her mount outside for a moment while she discussed something with a fellow guard. In Hubert's rational seven year old mind, he thought he might prove himself by successfully mounting the creature himself, with or without help. Ferdinand had been riding horses since he could walk, after all; how hard could one with wings possibly be? The animal hadn't been wary at Hubert approaching it and had even let him pet it, but when he had made to mount it, it shied away from him. Trying again only made it stamp its feet irritably. Frustrated at the stubbornness of the dumb animal, it took a minute for Hubert to realize the creature—now ignoring him and beginning to graze—had had its back to a very climbable stack of crates. And, well, he was only seven at the time—he couldn't be expected to make fully rational decisions.
The ensuing "flight" had only lasted about a minute and the pegasus hadn't managed to buck him off the entire time it took for the knights to get it to land but the impression it left on him was decidedly long-lasting.
At least him killing his father later on meant one less person outside of himself and Edelgard is left to remember the humiliating incident.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
Today in Tolkien - March 2nd
The beginning of the full-scale war between Saruman and his neighbours. (It ends two days later, because Saruman is a poseur.)
Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli come to Meduseld and free Théoden from the deceptions of Saruman; the Rohirrim led by Théoden ride out to reinforce their western front.
The beginning of the Second Battle of the Fords of Isen
Entmoot ends and the Ents, with Merry and Pippin, march on Isengard
I’m very pleased that this project got me to read “The Battles of the Fords of Isen” in Unfinished Tales, because it gives me a far better appreciation of how barely-in-time the Fellowship is. One additional day of delay and Saruman’s forces could have overrun Rohan and already been near to Edoras on the 3rd; it could have fallen, Gondor wouldn’t have had their arrival to break the siege of Minas Tirith, and even if Frodo had still succeeded in destroying the Ring, both Rohan and Gondor could have been ruined.
Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, who have ridden though much of the night (Gandalf is, rightly, in a hurry), arrive at Edoras in the morning. They meet a cold welcome from Théoden and Wormtongue, but Gandalf, using small amounts of magic for dramatic effect but relying mainly on good advuice, gets through to Théoden and breaks Wormtongue’s power over the king. Wormtongue is exposed as a traitor and spy and dismissed (refusing the offer to ride to battle at Théoden’s side), and rides for Isengard. Eómer is released from prison. Over a thousand Rohirrim ride out from Edoras in the early afternoon, leaving Eówyn in charge of leading the civilians who remain to the Hold of Dunharrow (in the mountains a little above Edoras). They ride west for five hours, all afternoon and into the night, but by the time they make camp for the night have still covered less than half the dustance between Edoras and the Fords of Isen. For them, the night passes uneventfully; but at the Fords of Isen, the war for Rohan begins.
At the Fords of Isen, at the start of this day, most of Grimbold’s infantry are on the western side of the fords in the earth-forts that guard the crossing; Grimbold and the remnants of Théodred’s cavalry are on the east side. Elfhelm, who regards the Fords as unimportant because Saruman can send forces down either side of the river, has his cavalry stationed further east where they can charge the flank of any enemy army coming down the east bank and drive them into the river before they reach the Fords.
Before noon, a strong force of Saruman’s best troops (but only a small part of his entire army) attack the west bank of the Fords. The outnumbered defenders resist strongly, but when a group of Uruks get past them and begin crossing the Fords, Grimbold crosses from the east bank and pushes them back for a time. However, Saruman’s commander there throws in more troops, and Grimbold and all his forces are pushed back across the Isen around sunset, still holding the east bank (which has a steep slope up from the river, making it hard for Saruman’s forces to attack across the Fords).
Near midnight a large army of Saruman’s (but still less than half of his entire forces) comes down the west bank and takes the Fords and the east bank, surrounding Grimbold’s forces, who make a shieldwall around their camp. Grimbold realizes that the greatest value his forces can provide is to send all the men who can break out of the encirclement to reinforce Helm’s Deep. He therefore opens the shieldwall and sends what cavalry he has east under the command of Dúnhere (nephew of Erkenbrand); they successfully break out and, due to the darkness, are able to escape, as well as to cover Grimbold’s retreat via a swift sortie that confuses the enemy. Grimbold’s men are scattered but survive, going south of the road, while Saruman’s forces take the southward road to Helm’s Deep.
The majority of Saruman’s forces, meanwhile, go down the east shore of Isen, moving slower than the western force due to rougher terrain; and they are preceded by wolfriders. The wolfriders attack Elfhelm (who is stationed some ways east of the Isen intending to charge any attacking army and drive them east against the river) at night and by surprise, scattering his forces. Elfhelm gathers what he can of his men and retreats eastward.
Erkenbrand (I’m not at all clear which army he is with, but he’s the overall commander of the forces at the Fords of Isen and Helm’s Deep) draws off what men he can towards Helm’s Deep, but they do not reach the stronghold.
Now we move to the Ents, Merry, and Pippin. The Entmoot continues through much of the day, though they are close to deciding; at sunrise the ent-voices “rise to a great clamour and then die down again.” In the afternoon, the whole forest goes silent. Then, “with a crash came a great ringing shout: ra-hoom-rah!” and the song of the Ents begins as they start their march for Isengard in late afternoon. [Clamiavi de Profundus do a phenomenal rendition of the song (Though Isengard be strong and hard, as cold as stone and bare as bone / We go, we go, we go to war, to hew the stone and break the door!)]
Treebeard mentions that the Ents of Fangorn have not gotten roused like this since “the Wars of Sauron and the Men of the Sea” (I have no idea whether he means the Númenoreans reinforcing Gil-galad during the War of the Elves and Sauron, or if he means the war between Ar-Pharazon and Sauron, or if he means the Last Alliance, but either way I’m curious to know more.)
The Ents have left Fangorn by dusk, and the Huorns are following them: “Where the dim bare slopes that they had crossed should lie, [Pippin] thought he saw groves of trees. Could it be that the trees of Fangorn were awake, and the forest was rising, marching over the hills to war?”
Not long after midnight, the Ents have come to Isengard. They see a great army march off, as Saruman empties Isengard of all his forces, sending them south against Rohan; Merry estimates their number as at least ten thousand. This is Saruman’s second army, that goes down the east shore of the Isen to attack Elfhelm. Some Huorns begin to move south in pursuit of the orc-army, while the remainder encircle Isengard.
The Ents attack Isengard in the night, right after the army has marched off. They destroy the gates of Isengard in about five minutes, and then destroy a large part of the south wall Saruman, who was at the gate to watch his army march out, only narrowly manages to escape Quickbeam and get back insude Orthanc. He sets some machinery working that causes flame to come out of vents and shafts in Isengard, and some of the Ents are badly burned, but that only makes the remaining Ents much angrier, and they spend the remainder of the night flattening Isengard.
So, on the night of the 2nd-3rd, both sides of the war suffer a major defeat - the Rohirrim at the Fords of Isen, and Saruman because all his base are belong to Ents.
Meanwhile, Frodo, Sam, and Gollum have finished their journey through the Dead Marshes and reached a desolate desert plain.
When day came at last the hobbits were surprised to see how much closer the ominous mountains had already drawn. The air was now clearer and colder, and though still far off, the walls of Mordor were no longer a cloudy menace on the edge of sight, but as grim black towers they frowned across a dismal waste. The marshes were at an end, dying away into dead peats and wide flats of dry cracked mud. The land ahead rose in long shallow slopes, barren and pitiless, towards the desert that lay at Sauron’s gate.
While the grey light lasted, they cowered under a black stone like works, shrinking, lest the winged terror should pass and spy them with its cruel eyes.
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haillenarte · 4 years
white day 2020;
Here is a full translation of the (thus far) Japanese-exclusive White Day 2020 Developer’s Blog post.
First, the dry translator’s disclaimers: I acknowledge that this post is four months old. Once upon a time, I was the sort of fan translator who would have rushed to get this done within a week of its posting, but in this case, I was busy with the Ishgardian Restoration Skybuilders’ Ranking when it was first posted, and then after that... well, I just busied myself with other things. I was tempted to skip doing this one completely, but then I felt obligated to complete the series given that I’d translated the post from 2018, so... goodbye to my Saturday morning and afternoon, I suppose.
This post is intended as a polished translation on par with official content. As such, I have taken certain liberties with the text: though it was originally in more or less a script format, I embellished it to make it a prose post consistent with other English developer’s blog posts. Most of the moogle’s narration was invented by me in order to preserve humor and narrative flow. This is nothing that the localization team itself does not do. I can assure you that the core details remain essentially intact and untouched.
If you would prefer to read a more literal take on this text, I am sure that more than a few rough translations exist of it already, so please look for someone else’s post if you want something that’s more of a word-for-word take.
Special thanks to the person I trust best to write Urianger’s dialogue for helping me with Urianger’s dialogue, and then to a second good friend for Elizabethan grammar-checking the both of us!
Happy White Day, Kupo!
March 13, 2020
It’s ever so nice to speak with you again, kupo!
Do you remember me from the last report, perchance? ‘Tis I, the ever-industrious deputy postmoogle’s apprentice! The rising star that’s, ahem, still training to become a full-fledged postmoogle... kupopo...
This Valentione’s Day — like every Valentione’s Day — we postmoogles were once again entrusted with delivering confessions of love all throughout the realm. So I’m here to give you an exclusive rundown on how my deliveries unfolded, kupo!
First, I tapped into my considerable experience as an aspiring postmoogle to... erm... take care of the most difficult delivery on my list before all the rest. A-As any professional would, obviously!
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Oh, it was such a relief that he was asleep when I dropped by, kupopo... I thought my heart was going to thump straight out of my fluffy chest! My paws might have been severed... my pom plucked...
Honestly, I was of the distinct opinion that I had done more than my fair share of the year’s work after that, kupo, but of course I tirelessly flew away to my next destination without complaint!
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The second set of Valentione’s Day packages in my delivery satchel were meant for Lord Hien of Doma!
Lord Hien greeted me himself, kupo, friendly as ever. "Ah, the postmaster — right on time as always!” he said, a little breathlessly. “You have my thanks. Would you just leave your deliveries on that table so that they come to no harm?”
What harm? I was more a bit confused, but then I realized that he was in the middle of some sort of... game?
He was running around, being chased by the leader of the Buduga clan, kupo. I suppose they were in the middle of an extremely spirited game of tag! How fun! I remember when I was a young moogle playing tag with my friends, floating in circles with the wind in my whiskers... Oh, for those halcyon days! 
Daidukul received a fair bit of stuff from his admirers, too, kupo. More than Magnai, that’s for sure...
Then Isse looked at me as I was laying out everyone’s packages. “Oh, the postmoogle’s arrived?” he asked. “Um, by any chance, are you the one who delivered the year-end gifts from last time? I meant to give my thanks to the person who sent me something then...”
Of course, I told him that would be perfectly fine!
After all, even when it’s not Valentione’s Day, it’s the responsibility of a delivery moogle — or delivery person — to ensure that all the tender feelings they’ve been entrusted with reach their intended recipients. That’s why there’s no better job for me than being a postmoogle!
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After my business in Doma was concluded, I flew back to Eorzea, kupo.
I’m a real go-getter — and someone really ought to tell the deputy postmoogle of my great work ethic — so I darted straight to the Black Shroud to unload my paws of all the packages I had for the people there. And what luck! As fortune would have it, I met one of my delivery targets on the road: Sanson Smyth!
“Happy Valentione’s Day, Sanson!” I chirped. “I have some very special deliveries for you and your usual companion!”
“Companion?” Sanson repeated. He sounded a little incredulous. “Er, no, that’s not quite right — it would really be more accurate to call him a vexing subordinate... Regardless, if it is Guydelot you seek, he is no doubt at his usual tavern. Would you like me to walk there with you?”
Oh, but of course I did, kupo! Sanson’s such a thoughtful, helpful man, isn’t he? It was so very nice of him to ask.
Taverns are where travelers go to rest, so they seem like such wonderful places to meet other people, kupo...
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Once I’d finished with my deliveries in the Shroud, I let the cool northern winds carry me straight to Ishgard, kupo. And what change it’s gone through! The city was just bustling with the reconstruction effort!
I told Edmont (Count Edmont? Lord Edmont? So confusing!) that I’d come to deliver joyful tidings of love to everyone in House Fortemps again, kupo!
And to Ser Aymeric as well, of course!
And... well, I had a whole sack of things to give to Estinien, but just like last time, he wasn’t anywhere to be found. Since writing his name on it and leaving it by the window seemed to work last Valentione’s Day, I asked Aymeric if I should do the same this year, but... kupopo... He didn’t quite seem to approve of the idea. 
“We’ve received word from our men afield that Estinien may no longer be operating in Ishgard,” Aymeric explained, “so it may not be enough merely to leave his gifts by the nearest window and expect him to come across them.”
My pom drooped a bit at this pronouncement, kupo. After all, how was I going to deliver Estinien’s presents if even the Ishgardians couldn’t find him? Was it all hopeless, kupo?! All those packages to be returned to their senders... What a waste!
“No, well... Another report indicated some success in luring him with the scent of roasted kraken, seared by dragon’s breath. We might try that, if you’d like.”
I thought that seemed like a reasonable suggestion, but Edmont looked a little concerned. “Ser Aymeric, do you truly think — ?” he began, but then he seemed to change his mind. “...No, forget that I spoke. That being said, the restoration of the Firmament is proceeding apace, so I would exercise caution around undue use of fire...”
Well, I am nothing if not a cautious moogle, so I very carefully cooked up some delicious grilled kraken over an open fire, kupo. We postmoogles truly go above and beyond for our work!
I left his packages with the salted cephalopod as it was roasting, so I’ll bet he was thrilled to find everything set up for him!
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I didn’t forget to make deliveries to this place either, kupo.
Whenever I come here, the atmosphere of the room feels so... so holy, kupo. As if the very air is clear... but empty, too. Do you know what I mean?
I cleaned up my posture before I left, kupo, and then it was off to finish the rest of the deliveries!
I had successfully shared everyone’s expressions of love with all sorts of people in Eorzea, and now it was time for... um... the impossible, kupo. You see, I still had a whole stack of especially challenging deliveries to make to the First!
We moogles have a lot of special tricks up our poms, kupo, but even I can’t possibly visit another shard without a bit of help... 
I really hadn’t the foggiest idea how to get there, so I wound up consulting the helpful folks at the Eighteenth Floor to ask them how I could get to the First!
And do you know what? They were so nice, kupo! They said that because Valentione’s Day was such a special day, and because they wanted to accommodate everyone’s heartfelt feelings, they’d let me use a special door that would take me safely to the First. Though it was not without... stipulations...
They handed me an enchanted pocket watch and said that if I failed to return before the hand on the watch made a full turn around the clock, I’d never be able to go back to Eorzea again, kupo.
Terrifying! Utterly terrifying! What other job would possibly ask you to put your existence as you know it on the line, kupo?!
But I am, as I’ve said, a professional beyond compare... so I made up my mind and zipped right through that door!
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...I admit, I passed out and lost consciousness as I was traveling between the worlds, kupo. But when I came to, I was in a beautiful purple forest, and I could vaguely hear someone calling for me!
So I bounced back into the air and fluttered off to the Crystal Tower, kupo!
Naturally, the first First resident I delivered packages to was the Crystal Exarch. I had things to give him as the Crystal Exarch, and... other things to give him, too, kupo. Presents from a different time, from when he went by a different name. 
Now, I must admit, I’ve never quite understood his situation, but I did dutifully deliver his Valentione’s Day gifts each and every year! I simply wasn’t able to enter the Crystal Tower, so I would leave them at the entrance, kupo. I told him this, and then I asked him if he’d received them.
...But he didn’t answer me, kupo! He just started crying!
What was a poor moogle to do? I mean, you’ll notice our paws aren’t exactly great for wiping tears away. Had I made a terrible mistake after all? Should I not have done that?
“No,” the Exarch said, shaking his head. “No, you... you have done nothing wrong, little moogle. Forgive me. Let us move on. We must needs formulate a plan to keep you safe as you navigate this shard.“
I was very grateful to have made the acquaintance of such a cooperative colleague, kupo! With his help, I charted a path through Norvrandt that would let me finish my deliveries in time.
Next time, though, I hope I’m given a bit more time to take in the sights. I still think of those beautiful flowers in Il Mheg, and all the sights and sounds in that luxurious seaside city, Eulmore...
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The Scions of the Seventh Dawn were there on some sort of business trip, I suppose, and of course they received as many gifts as ever, kupopo. I was very pleased to meet young Ryne for the first time, though!
She was delighted to meet me too, I do believe, and when I explained to her what Valentione’s Day was all about, she smiled and said, “It’s so wonderful that there are such beautiful holidays on the Source!”
“I’m sure Norvrandt will begin celebrating its own holidays before long, now that it isn’t under threat of the Light,” Thancred told her. “If you want, you can start a holiday of your own, with your friends.”
“That’s true,” Ryne giggled.
Urianger was especially pleased to see Ryne smile, kupo! Er, what was it he said again? “Pray enjoy thy gifts, to the delight of those who give thee affection.” Something like that, kupo? And also, um... “Have care lest thou shouldst cross paths with pixies and their kin, for therein lieth a penchant for mischief most troublesome.”
Yes, that was it, kupo!
Seeing everyone smile made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy too, kupo. I realize I’m always warm and fuzzy, but I mean extraordinarily so!
After ensuring that all of my packages arrived in the hands of their recipients on land, I then had to travel all the way to the bottom of the deep blue sea. It still boggles my mind that people on the First live beneath the ocean waves, kupo!
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It took me some time to find someone who would respond to me, but I managed it eventually. “Why, hello there!” I said. “Yes, you, the tall fellow over there! Do you know where I might find someone by the name of Emet-Selch? I’ve a long story that I haven’t the time to tell, but to cut it all short, I have a pile of presents that I must see into his hands!”
I couldn’t quite make out the tall fellow’s face behind his mask, but I got the impression that he was smiling at me, kupo. “You are troubled, little one. Yes, I understand... If you would deliver these glad tidings to him, then let me give you a helping hand. Here.”
I couldn’t believe my eyes, kupo! With a snap of his fingers, the tall man made all my packages for Emet-Selch disappear into bits of light!
This wasn’t in any of the procedural manuals the deputy postmoogle made me memorize back-to-front, so I admit I might have panicked a little bit... but the tall fellow calmed me down soon enough.
“Even sweet gifts such as those you bear are only masses of aether,” he explained. “Once reduced to their base components, they will go to where he is — where all life eventually arrives. Be at ease, child. Whatever his faults in character, our lord of the dead and king of the underworld is an exceedingly clever man. No matter how vast the sea of life may be, he will surely be able to pluck his presents from the aetherial flow... supposing he desires to do so, that is.”
Now, I didn’t truly understand the finer points of this explanation, kupo... but the masked man seemed sincere about getting those gifts to Emet-Selch, so I decided to believe that he hadn’t done any harm.
I wanted to thank him for his help, but then he was gone in the blink of an eye! Even though I was in the middle of speaking with him when he vanished!
The citizens of that place are so mysterious, kupopo...
After all that was said and done, kupo, I had one final delivery to make. Just one last addressee to track down, and then I’d be finished, kupo!
And I really put my all into it. I swear upon my postmoogle’s cap and bag! I looked everywhere, every mountain high and valley low, but I simply couldn’t track him down.
The time left on my pocket watch was starting to run out, kupo, so I had to accept defeat. Disappointed, dragging my drooping pom behind me, I made my way back to the door between worlds, which already looked like it was in danger of disappearing, and leapt through the gates...
Mayhap I had cut it so close to the last second that something went wrong, kupo?
I passed out again, and when I came to, I was rolling around on an unfamiliar grassy knoll... while someone was poking at me to wake up, kupo!
What luck! What incredible luck! It was the very person I’d been searching for, for all that time, up until the very last second — Ardbert!
I almost cried and threw myself at him, I was so happy! To think that I would find him like this! “Ardbert, Ardbert!” I said, like he was an old friend. “I finally found you! I had all these presents to give you, kupo!”
He laughed and took it all in stride, though this must have been greatly puzzling to him. “What’s this? Another reward for the quest we just finished?”
“No, it’s not, kupo!” I replied, perhaps a little more crossly than I should have. “Here, this is for you! Take this, and this, and this! It’s all yours, kupo! Each package represents someone’s feelings for you, kupo! Everyone loves you so much!”
“Careful, now — oh, these look delicious!” he exclaimed, affably embarrassed as he sorted through the boxes I was admittedly pelting him with. “And this is all for me? You’re sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure, kupo! Eat them all up and have more faith in yourself, Ardbert!”
His eyes crinkled at their corners when he smiled. “Hahah! You’ve got a point. Then I’ll share these with my friends just over there. My thanks for bringing them all this way here, postmoogle. You’ve done a great job.”
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I don’t quite remember what happened after that, kupo...
When I came to, I was lying on the counter of the Seventh Heaven, evidently having dozed off next to that Wandering Minstrel fellow. At first, I thought perhaps meeting Ardbert in that strange world had been nothing but a dream, but when I checked my postmoogle’s bag, I realized that it was much lighter, kupo!
So I really had met him, and I really had completed all my deliveries!
This year’s Valentione’s Day deliveries were arduous and difficult, kupo, but at the end of the day, I really did have a lot of fun. 
I delivered all of your love to everyone else, kupo... and now I’m here to deliver their love back to you!
One more time, for everyone’s sake: Happy White Day, kupo!
266 notes · View notes
omgrachwrites · 4 years
In The Rain - Dean Thomas
Pairing: Dean Thomas x Reader
Prompt: Dancing in the rain
Summary: After an exhausting day at work, you take a week off to spend time with your husband.
Warnings: teeny bit of angst, fluff, fluff and more fluff!
Words: 1294
A/N: This is for @sleep-i-ness​‘ 500 writing challenge, congratulations again honey! Hope you guys all enjoy this and please let me know what you think, I love you all! xxx
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A million and one thoughts and feelings raced through your mind – hurt, anger, fear and determination – as you shivered in your boyfriend’s warm arms. You lifted the glass of Firewhisky that Aberforth had offered around to your lips and took a generous swallow. You winced at the strong taste of it but you relished the way that it warmed your insides as it slid down your throat.
You gazed up at your beautiful boyfriend Dean who was nursing his own glass of Firewhisky, he gave you a dimpled grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes and he pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. You smiled at the gentle touch of his lips. You couldn’t believe that you had almost lost him, Dean was a Muggleborn so he was safer going on the run than going back to school. There had been radio silence from him for months, you feared he was dead. You didn’t know what you would have done if you had lost him.
“How are you feeling?” he asked you, his brown eyes were filled with worry as he searched your face.
“I’m scared,” you admitted in a hushed whisper, biting your lip, “we’re only 17 and we’re going to die. There were so many things that I wanted to do, I wanted to become an Auror, get married and start a family. Merlin, I even wanted to dance in the rain and now, now I won’t be able to do any of it. We’re going to lose Dean, just know that if we do die tomorrow, know that I love you,” you couldn’t stop the tears that were now freely streaming down your face and the sobs that wracked your body. You felt hollow and empty.
Dean stroked your hair and held you until you stopped shaking, “I love you too Y/N but we’re going to win, you’ll see,” he murmured into your hair and you hoped that he was right.
Sighing, you tapped your quill against your piece of parchment, staring into space, leaving your report half finished. You preferred to throw yourself into work while Dean was away playing Quidditch so you were too busy to miss him, you hated missing him. However, you couldn’t deny it was taking a toll on you, you loved your job but you were beginning to feel exhausted.
A snicker startled you out of your thoughts and you smiled bashfully as Harry walked into your office, “Merlin, Y/N, you’ve been here for nearly twelve hours. Please go home, you must be exhausted.”
You nodded as you picked up your quill, “I will, I promise. I just need to finish this report off.”
Harry nodded as he adjusted his glasses, “good, you’re not coming into work tomorrow either.”
A feeling of panic shot through you as you stared at Harry with wide eyes. What had you done wrong? “Why, is everything alright?”
“Relax Y/N,” Harry chuckled, holding up his hands in defence, “I would never fire one of my best Aurors. Dean comes home tomorrow right?” you nodded as you breathed a sigh of relief, “I’m going to give you a week off starting from tomorrow, a week for you to spend with your husband.”
You smiled and flushed, you had to admit that it sounded amazing, a whole week off to do nothing, you looked down at your report before you looked back up at Harry, “thank you Harry, I’ll leave my report on your desk,” you were so looking forward to this week off and you clearly needed it.
“Sounds good, goodnight Y/N. I hope you enjoy your week off.”
You all but stumbled through the front door of your home as you could barely keep your eyes open. How you managed to successfully apparate, you had no idea. You kicked your uncomfortable shoes off and that was when you noticed your tired looking husband smiling at you from where he was sitting on the couch.
You felt a thrill wrack your body as you saw him, “you’re home early Dean.”
You grinned sleepily as he walked towards you and kissed you gently, “I got home about an hour ago, because I wanted to see you as soon as I could.”
“I love you,” you beamed, your heart melting before you yawned, “can we please go to bed?” you murmured.
Dean laughed as he lifted you into his arms and you rested your head in the crook of his neck, “let’s go my love, we’ve both earned it.”
It was a blessing that you could be off work and you could be able to spend time with your husband. You spent all of your mornings lazing around in bed, wrapped up warmly beneath the sheets. Most of your afternoons were spent going on long country walks and visiting friends and family. You were just so happy to spend your time with Dean. Every night, you cooked dinner together and it was so nice for you to have a home cooked meal. When Dean was away you usually got takeaway food and you were starting to get sick of it.
One rainy cold afternoon, you were lounging on the window seat wrapped up in a thick blanket with your head buried in a book and you had your free hand wrapped around a steaming mug of hot chocolate.
“Y/N?” Dean called out.
“Hmm?” you hummed, not looking up, “hey!” you exclaimed as he plucked the book out of your hands.
Dean laughed as he kissed your nose and held the book just out of your reach, “come outside with me.”
“Umm,” you raised an eyebrow as you gestured outside, “it’s pouring if you hadn’t noticed and it must be freezing outside, I’m not going out there. Are you crazy?” you scoffed, reaching for your book.
“Do you trust me Y/N?” he asked with a smile and you rolled your eyes with a giggle.
“Then please come with me. Please Y/N, it’ll be worth it, I promise,” he smiled and you sighed, giving up as you let him lead you outside.
You gasped as the cold rain hit your skin and you wrapped your arms around yourself as you shivered, “what are we doing out here?” you felt goose bumps rise on your skin.
Dean rubbed the back of his neck as he grinned at you with a sheepish look, “remember that night before the battle? You told me that you wanted to dance in the rain.”
You sighed happily as warmth spread throughout your body and you wrapped your arms around his neck, you loved him so much, “you are crazy Mr Thomas.”
Dean nodded, raising an eyebrow, “true, I’m crazy for you.”
You giggled as you gazed up at him adoringly as you danced in the garden in the pouring down rain. He spun you around and dipped you, giving you long passionate kisses, it was better than you ever thought it could be. The both of you danced around the garden until you were both soaking and Dean’s white shirt was see through and you retired inside to get in the bath together.
However, you and Dean both paid for it a couple of days later when the two of you wound up in bed sick. It didn’t matter though; you had loved your beautiful husband for over ten year. He was worth getting sick for, he was worth dying for. He was worth it.
“You know,” you started nervously, “I also wanted to start a family,” you bit your lip as you were snuggled into his chest.
You felt his chest rumble with laughter as he looked down at you, “well then, there’s not a moment to waste,” you giggled as he leaned over you and kissed you.
@sleep-i-ness​ @smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​
45 notes · View notes
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a memory
cw: graphic description of a dead body, death in general
[everything's on ao3 too]
It was when his mother called him back to the house with an unfamiliar urgency in her voice that Eli knew he was now without a father.
He’d been playing out in the meadows with his dog for most of the day and was now resting in the shadow of the great oak tree, plucking daisies apart and tossing pebbles over the neighbor’s fence as far as he could.
He knew he should have been there by his side, but it was so, so hard.
Dad had already looked horrible when they had washed him and changed the sheets that morning, pale and drained, and he’d been too weak to even groan when they had rolled him onto his side.
After breakfast, Eli’s mother had gathered his sisters and him in the kitchen and carefully explained that daddy would likely be gone by nightfall, maybe sooner, and that they should try and make his last hours as pleasant as possible.
She had then sat down by his bedside and held her husband’s hand while Millie and Ada settled on the other side of the mattress and took turns telling him about their adventures down by the creek or in the neighbor’s garden. Eli had dropped in every now and then, but truth be told he found it unbearable to see his father like this, the man who had always been full of energy and kindness reduced to a sickly, sweating, empty shell, neither fully conscious nor fully unconscious.
So when he heard his mother’s call now, this was all the confirmation he needed. She wouldn’t have left his side if he was still alive. Eli told Sammy to stay put and hesitantly made his way over to the house, kicking off his too-big shoes by the door.
The bedroom door was open, the stink of sickness still heavy in the air.
It was too loud in the room. Ada sat weeping in a corner, his mother was sniffing into her handkerchief, bombarded with questions by Millie, who was far too young to fully grasp what was going on.
They shouldn’t be this loud. Barefoot, Eli walked up to the bed. Despite being a coffinmaker’s son, he hadn’t seen a great deal of dead bodies before, and especially not those of people he held dear. First thing he saw was a strangely shriveled hand resting on the white sheets. Eli could still make out some wood dust under the fingernails from when his dad had labored in his workshop a mere week ago, and in that moment he knew that this image would follow him for the rest of his life.
Eli thought that he looked very lonely in the big bed.
And why was his hand so wrinkly? He was barely 30. Granted, the rest of his father looked older too, the greyish skin pulled tightly over his skull, hollow cheeks, sunken eyes half open still, a flash of blue in the light of the afternoon sun seeping through the window.
Eli slowly reached out and followed the outline of his dad’s index finger with his own. A few days ago he would have sworn that he knew this hand by touch alone, anywhere, anytime, but now he wasn’t so sure.
“And now?” he asked into the room, too loud, every sound was too loud.
His mother went and opened the window (“For his soul to go on.”), then took Eli’s right hand and Millie his left, and like this they quietly stood in front of the bed for a while, until Millie grew bored and joined her sister in the corner, attempting to make her laugh through the tears, to little avail. Eli looked up to his mother. She held her head low, eyes closed, black braid falling over her shoulder. Her lips were moving, but he couldn’t make out what she said, and he didn’t want to. Maybe she was praying, though he had never known his parents to be particularly religious. Maybe she was just saying her farewells. She squeezed his hand a few times as if to make sure he was still there, and Eli didn’t know what to do. What to say to his mother, to his father, the soul was surely gone by now anyway? How long could it take one to float the short distance from the bed over to the window?
He watched some dust specks dance in the sun, watched his sisters, anything to not look at the gaunt figure on the bed again, until the feeling of nausea he had successfully suppressed until now threatened to overcome him. Gasping, he broke free from his mother’s grip and made for the door, ran barefoot out into the fields, ran, ran, ran until his sides ached and his lungs felt like they might burst any moment.
Then he bent over and threw up his breakfast and the weight of a hundred stones in his stomach was finally gone.
He wiped his mouth and called for Sammy and together they made their way back to the old oak. In the distance he could see the neighbors working away in their vegetable garden and for a moment he wondered if he should tell them, but why would they care, and what could he say to make them understand?
He sat down on one of the tree’s knobby roots and began picking at his nail beds until they bled. He had heard from some classmates the final words of advice their dying fathers had given them: You’re the man of the house now, and take care of your mother, or alternatively the baby, or the business.
His father had said no such things.
He hadn’t said anything at all.
Within a week he had wasted away, and here Eli sat and would give anything for a handful of words from him, hoarsely uttered into his ear, preferably I’ve some gold buried up in the hills, or I never told you about your millionaire auntie in Saint Denis, or I’m proud of you, son.
It didn’t even matter, he just wanted to hear his voice one more time.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to focus on the tickling of grass between his toes, or the birdsong, or the flock of ravens over by the scarecrow, and eventually he resorted to scratching Sammy’s ears, made the soft fur his anchor.
What was a town without its coffinmaker?
Soon someone else would come and step in, a total stranger, and Eli wondered if his family would be allowed to stay in the little house that was connected to the workshop, but he knew it was unlikely.
Just last night he had dreamt that his father had bought him his first pocket watch at the general store, a beautiful silver thing, engraved with all kinds of flowers and vines. That would never happen now, but it reminded him of something.
“Come on,” he said more to himself than to Sammy, and in the warm light of the setting sun boy and dog ran down to the creek.
When Eli returned to the house, it was already dark.
He found the bedroom empty except for Millie, who sat on the floor and played with a wooden horse figurine.
“Where’s dad?” he asked.
“Mom and the doctor brought him to the workshop.”
Of course they did. They had no immediate family nearby that would want to come and see him, so why keep him in the bedroom any longer than necessary. He could see the reasoning behind that, he really could, but the fact that he was just gone so quickly and now laying in the cool, dark workshop all alone still felt like a slap in the face.
Eli looked down at the bluebells he had picked by the stream and laid them out on the nightstand when a strange thought struck him.
He will be buried in one of his own coffins.
Nausea clumped his intestines again. What if it would be one of the coffins he, Eli, had so eagerly helped to build? Had he polished a coffin lid, unsuspecting that it would later rot together with the ruins of his father, the ruins of his childhood?
Business had been going well lately, not good enough to put a significant amount of money aside, but good enough to feed a family of five, a dog and a mule, and Eli had often skipped school to help out in the workshop. A few weeks back, his father had even started to make allusions to Eli continuing the business one day, making him beam with pride.
But not so soon!
He was ten years old (though eleven next month) and could barely count to 100, let alone spell out more than his and his sisters’ names. He couldn’t build a coffin, he couldn’t even lift a plank of wood on his own. He was scared of the saws and the hammers and the nails, because he had seen what had happened to his dad’s left hand.
On the nightstand next to the flowers he saw his father’s old pocket watch, ticking on despite all. The chain was twisted, but the case was as polished as ever. He reached out to it but pulled back before the cool metal could touch his fingertips. He should wash his hands first.
“Where’s mom?” he asked, but Millie was lost in a world of her own.
He found his mother by the kitchen fire, cradling Ada in her lap and swinging gently back and forth in the rocking chair dad had built for her as a wedding gift. Ada was half asleep, exhausted from crying, and his mother had buried her face in her daughter’s curly hair, eyes closed, soft.
“Mom?” Eli stopped in the doorway, not wanting to disrupt.
She looked up, her eyes puffy and red, her braid mostly undone.
“Oh Elijah. I’m so sorry. Where have you been?” Her voice was too much.
“I--” he shrugged.
“Come here,” she said, and he did, slowly, the floor was like sand, like it wanted to swallow him whole.
And when he finally made it, when he fell into his mother’s warm arms, huddling against his little sister, something deep inside of him came loose, and he began to sob and shake and couldn’t make it stop.
And his mother stroked his narrow back and kissed the crown of his head and said It’s gonna be all right, we’ll be fine again and again and again, and as much as he wanted to, Eli didn’t believe a single word.
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filthfichunter · 4 years
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Decided to upload one of the scenes/ideas not originally included. You can read the whole thing on AO3 here
Coda to Peace and Quiet
Chapter Warnings for: Object insertion, belly bulge (see tags and previous chapter warnings) my writing style is best described as flinging words at a wall and seeing what sticks. Not beta read sorry!
This could stand alone, the basic scenario from chapter one: Geralt using a drugged unconscious Jaskier.
Part of the reason Geralt had started on the whole enterprise was to get some rest for himself. While fucking the unconscious bard as often as he wanted had started out invigorating, it had become  almost obligatory. 
Geralt didn't want to fuck his bard every night, but after his initial reticence was burned away it seemed a shame to waste the opportunity.
The potion ingredients weren't cheap.
Undressing Jaskier, propping his lax body up in some accommodating pose and fucking untill he was ready for sleep himself had become stale. 
Geralt wasnt uncreative. There had been variety in the way he tupped his friend. Including inventiveness that came about from afternoons on the Path blocking out the worst of Jaskier's chatter with fantasies about fucking. And contemplation about the logistics involved in carrying them out.
Some didn't require much extra in way of material. A log the right heigh and sturdiness. Rope enough to get Jaskier strung upsidedown from an overhanging tree limb. A treat to bribe Roach into taking two passangers on a trotting midnight path round and round the campsite, Jaskier jolting up and down impaled on Geralt's cock.
As a Witcher he had many tools at his disposal.
Some required additional clean up time to consider. It had taken half the morning after to clean, and repolish the length of silver chain he kept for securing shapeshifters.
It had been worth the bother. 
On that night he hadn't been interesting in fucking Jaskier. Instead he had decided to see how many links of the enchanted silver chain he could feed past the rim of Jaskier's puffy (no longer virginal looking) asshole. 
Each link was as thick as two of Geralt's fingers held together and as long as an egg stood on its end, not a challenge when compared to the other things Geralt had successfully stuffed into the bard already.
And all that before you took into account the size of Geralt cock, which the bard was taking regularly with minimal preperation required at that point.
The challenge came in the sheer number of links available. The chain measured nearly fifteen feet and was heavy enough (and valuable enough) that it normally lived in a special enchanted pack attached to Roach's saddle.
The special pack was also treated on the inside so that the silver chain was less likely to tarnish, a slick film covering the surface.
Jaskier's ass was spread open and pointed up to the sky, his head and upper back touching the ground while his knees rested bent near his ears shoulder width apart. Geralt had heard the pose called a plough, and had put name and form to function using it on numerous occasions for fucking.
It gave the best vantage point for seeing what could be stuffed into that much beloved body.
The bright cold silver almost sparkled in the moonlight as Geralt pressed link after link down into Jaskier's depths. He had an upclose view as the weight of the chain drew the length deeper and deeper.
The first few had been easy. The puffy wrinkled rim opened over the widest part of the chain link before reflexively clenching tight from the chill of the metal.
Jaskier's rim fluttered open-close open-close with each new addition. Between the weight of the links and the contractions of over worked muscle each new silver link seemed to almost be pulled down one after the next.
A little past a quarter of the way there was a wave of muscular spams that rolled through Jaskier's usually pliant body. Geralt had to stop and massage the lightly haired belly. His little toy was likely cramping from the weight and unusual pressure being placed against his insides.
If he pressed down hard enough into the soft vulnerable flesh of Jaskier's body he could almost feel where the hard metal chain was starting to bunch up. He could hear the faint rubbing of silver against silver with his Witcher hearing. The dull rasping metallic sound audible even through the layers of flesh, muscle and skin.
At the midway point Geralt had to start adding more pressure behind each new insertion. Each new link pushed the last link deeper, but there was only so much space to start with.
The constant hard pressure of the metal links moving across and up against his prostate had Jaskier's cock leaking a near steady burble of clear seminal fluid. The bard's cock was only halfway to hard, more flacid than not, but from that point on Geralt made it a point to include it in the deep massaging rub. The belly was noticeably more pooched out than when he'd started.
He developed a routine. He would push a link in, run his fingers around the sweetly swollen rim of Jaskier's asshole (bisected by the chain still remaining), and then make a circuit with his hands over the rest of his favorite parts on display.
He would roll his knuckles, deeply pushing hard along the seam of perineum, cup and squeeze Jaskier's not unsurprisingly large testicles, ring his fingers around the full blown erection for a few pumps before turning his attention to palpating under his friends belly button, up over abdominals and back down to his asshole. He'd push in the next link and repeat.
Over and over untill with a good 18 or 20 inches still left Geralt decided it would probably be safer to stop.
The last link was only half way inside, the widest part of it kept pushing out and back into Jaskier along with his breathing. He was overful, burdened by the odd position and the heft of feet of silver resting inside his body.
Insertion done with Geralt sat back onto his knees and prepared the main part of the evening. Sure to wear his friend out so that the next days peace was guaranteed. A sore tired bard would welcome a chance to doze on the back of Roach and wouldn't sing, or compose verse, he would just be docile and thankful to Geralt for the kindness.
His favorite variety of Buttercup.
He quickly rolled the bard over onto his back. In that position the swell in his belly was obvious. The taut stretched skin appeared almost embossed by the chain visibly straining against it's over full container.
Geralt took the very last link in the silver chain and staked a long 'U' shaped stake through it and into the hard sod covered ground. Jaskier wouldn't be going anywhere.
The thing about enchanted silver is that it reacted much like his medallion, vibrating in the presence of specific spells.
Geralt cast Quent, erecting a protective circle around his friend. Immediately the entire length of the chain began to writh and vibrate. Jaskier's confused over stimulated, and overwhelmed body tripped over into a climax, cum spurting out on to a belly vibrating from within.
Three or four links had been forced out of Jaskier's ass by the contractions of his channel. He'd likely push more out with each following orgasm too.
The slick seed of Jaskier's release danced rapidly up and down, it looked like a rain puddle disturbed by the passage of a herd of trampling horses, or left over wine dancing within a goblet, disturbed by the loud noise of a banquet hall.
Geralt added his own cum to the oscillating mess.
The spell should last untill dawn. Meanwhile he could rest and still have time to retrieve the chain, clean it, pack it, and then quietly meditate before the potion wore off and Jaskier regained consciousness.
I have one or two other outlines for the other cut scenes, let me know if there is interest! 1) spectral black dog with ectoplasm jizz, 2) hair removal, Geralt shaving 🪒/magic-ing Jaskier hairless, 3) shoot me a prompt and I'll see what inspires
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