#i have to drive home 40 mins every time i see him and its always time to YEARN
cascadianights · 1 year
Deep Yearning on the Yearning website at 3am
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: photographystudent!ni-ki x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: every time you went to the park you noticed a mysterious boy who would take pictures of the scenery on his cute little camera. you liked to see what he’d take pictures of from afar but one day you noticed his camera pointing straight at.. you
for ni-ki’s bday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE <33 sorry i posted a day late but i hope u all enjoy!
you groan before getting out of your bed at 10am
it was a saturday why was your mom yelling at u ..
you walked into the kitchen all sluggishly and rubbed your eyes
“you need to start taking suki on walks to the park. you need the exercise too.” your mom doesn’t even spare u a glance before walking out the door to run some errands
u forgot u were taking care of ur cousins dog while he was out of town... her name was suki
shes a little shiba inu AND SHES THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!!
u dont even have a choice anymore
u got somewhat ready before heading out with suki in your arms
shes so soft and fluffy
though u dont like to admit it, u kinda agreed with ur mom about u needing to exercise and get out the house
you’ve been cooped up in your room for days with no social or nature interaction
the park was about a 10 minute drive from ur house
and it was actually a really pretty park...
there was a lake and really pretty flowers everywhere and alot of gazebos and benches
and a nice open field of greenery
it basically looked like a park out of a movie
so you weren’t suprised that there was a decent amount of people there
but not too much thankfully.. or else you would’ve driven to another park with less people
you got out the car with suki and put her on the leash
let the walking begin!!!!
it was a really nice day out... the sun was shining but it wasnt too hot or cold
you led her onto the sidewalk and she began sniffing at the grass around her
whenever a few people would pass they would coo at how adorable she was
it wasnt until 5 minutes later that ur eyes locked onto a figure infront of the lake
you were just walking with suki in silence.. admiring the scenery
until u caught sight of a boy
u could only see his back but u noticed the camera over his shoulder
he was standing in one of those photographer poses where like one leg is bent and kind of out while his back is hunched to get that perfect angle of a shot
he was infront of the sidewalk railings where the lake begins and he was taking photos of the scenery across from it
it was a beautiful sight honestly
there was another sidewalk but behind it was colorful trees and blossoming flowers and bushes
u understood why he’d take pictures of it
you didnt see his face but u kind of acknowledged the boy before walking past him with suki
basically thinking he was just another passerby that you noticed making a single appearance in your life and never expecting to see him again
the next time you see him is 3 days later at the same park
you were walking suki again but this time at 7pm after dinner
the sun was almost done setting so the sky was getting darker but there was still a hint of the orange circle peeking from below
this time you walked further down the sidewalk path towards the scattered gazebos
and you noticed the same boy again
this time he was sat in one of the gazebos with his tiny camera in his hands
his back was hunched over again and he was looking closely at the pictures he had taken
‘oh its him again’ u thought
and that was it
u just acknowledged him in ur head AGAIN before u thought nothing of it and continued ur walk with suki
so the NEXT time u saw him was another 2 days later at 7pm again
you wanted to take suki on a quick walk
but you got tired after like 10 minutes so you sat down on a blanket u brought
suki was just laying next to u while u were on ur phone
it wasnt fully dark out yet and there was still a few people in the park
the fairy lights that were placed around were lit up already
it was super pretty and the weather was nice
after staring at ur phone for a few mins u looked up just to look around
and u saw Him again
why do u keep seeing him !?!?!
his back was faced towards u like always
and he was like 40 feet away from u so he looked so tiny
but u could tell it was him because of his blond hair and black coat he always wore
you kind of zoned out and unfortunately ur eyes were trained on his back without u even noticing
and he
for the first time EVER!!!!
its like he sensed someone staring at him
but yes he turned around with his camera in his hand
the first thing u noticed was that he got a new camera
it was a larger black one
definitely more expensive
Awe good for him!!!!!
and then u glanced up to see his face
and u made EYE CONTACT
u looked away so fast
He was SO CUTE.............
u awkwardly started looking to your left and tried turning ur face away from him
‘oh look at those beautiful um... birds.. yeah’
hopefully he didnt notice
*nervously sweats*
u didnt dare look back in that direction so u spent the rest of your evening in the park on ur phone or playing with suki
eventually it reached 8pm so u packed up ur stuff and went home
U were still kind of thinking about that boy....
so u were like
i need to go back
and u did Lol
u went back the next day at 6pm this time with suki
it was lighter out and the sky was beautiful
perfect for a certain boy to be taking photos
*evil laugh*
u were walking for like 15 minutes and u didnt see him anywhere :((((
the one time u go there for HIM
u settled down under a tree
suki immediately went on the blanket when u sat down too
you played tug of war with her and fed her some treats while playing
playing with her for 10 minutes straight definitely tired u out so u laid down and just stared at the sky
it was a faded blue turning into orange and pink
U were kinda bored so u sat up and started petting suki
you would occasionally glance up at the strangers walking past u
let me tell u what Happened..
u looked up at another lady walking her dog and went like
‘aweee that dog is so cute’ in ur head
and u took ur eyes off the dog and glanced to ur right
idk bc u felt like it
and it WAS POINTED AT U ??!?!
as soon as u looked in his direction he jumped and put his hands down
he like
Blushed????? and awkwardly smiled u know rubbing the neck and all that
he was embarrassed
ur cheeks were turning so red
was kind of weird.... stalkerish but um
he cleared that up BECAUSE
He started walking over to u
he was wearing black jeans that were ripped on the knees with black high top converse
and a gray sweater with a black coat over it
ur were like OMg []£{€]%[#{%€]£{
n he just Plop
he stood right infront of u basically towering bc u were sitting under the tree
suki noticed the boy and tilted her head like hmmmm???
u had the SMALLEST smile on ur face bc u wanted to seem friendly but not TOO friendly
he had his camera strap over his arm while he held it and his other hand was rubbing the name of his neck
“uh... sorry about that.. i didn’t mean to seem weird or anything!” he waved his hands infront of him to deny it
u just sat there while he talked like ❤️_❤️
“im uh taking photos for my class and i thought u looked nice so i took some pictures.. im really sorry i should’ve asked first now i seem weird or something im really-,”
u cut him off so he didnt ramble any longer
“no its okay! i get it” you gave him a warm smile and pet suki while she drifted to your side and kept her eyes on him
u both just stared at eachother for a few seconds before you spoke
“um.. would you like to sit?” you scooted over and made room for him in the blanket
“uh sure” he set his camera down and sat beside u
“this is suki.. shes my cousins dog” u said when she climbed into his lap and started sniffing him
he grinned and pet her before looking up at you
“im ni-ki by the way” his cheeks turned a bit pink which u thought was cute
“y/n” you smiled
“suki seems to like you” u laughed
“so how long have you been working on this project or whatever?”
“oh um i started last week... i just have to make a portfolio of photos i take and turn it in” he said while keeping his eyes trained on suki
u noticed he didnt make eye contact with u often but u knew it was probably because he was nervous because u do that too
“can i see the pictures...?” u hesitantly ask him
his eyes light up when u say that
he picks up his camera next to him and clicks a few buttons
“oh by the way... ive noticed u at the park before! you’re always with the camera” you laugh
“ah yeah, this park is where most of my project photos are taken.”
he leans over and shows you the pictures on the device
“woah” you let out a gasp
he showed u the picture he took of you first
How does a picture look better than real life...
you’ve never really been into photography but now that you’ve seen his work u might just have to start getting into it
“this isnt even done yet, i still have to edit it so it’ll look even more perfect” he shyly says
“this is amazing what the heck” your jaw is Dropped
“i need to see the final result” u said because it was such a nice picture
“um.. if you give me your number i can show you it” he sent you a cheeky grin
he was so AGGGHGGHG ur kind of obsessed
you two exchange numbers and talk about random things for a whole hour until he says he has to go
“it was really nice meeting you.. i had fun” he tells you as he starts standing up
suki is sleeping so he tries not to wake her up
“i had fun too” you smile
“would you like me to walk you to your car?”
A GENTLEMAN !!?!?!?!
“oh yeah, thanks”
you two spend another 2 minutes together as you walk side by side with suki in your arms and he held your blanket and bag for you
you reached your car and thanked him
“ill see you soon, dont forget to text me! and good luck on the project, i know you’ll do great”
“thank you..”
ni-ki’s cheeks turn pink once more before he turns around and starts walking away with a smile on his face
he is just the cutest thing ever
you definitely need to see him again
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thomasharpole · 3 years
Jubilance - 7/28
A evening with the Dave Matthews Band in Tampa, FL
I am still trying to piece together and process what I experienced last night in the sweaty mess of a pit, watching some of the most talented, world-class musicians weave unforgettable songs and melodies together with us. The last 2 hours of this show amounted to the most powerful and most spiritual experience I’ve ever had seeing live music. Words, especially in English, fall short of my experience and don’t do it justice. It seems futile to write about it, and yet I want to preserve this night in my writing and internalize the lesson from last night as much as I can.
To stand so close at a show is something I had only done 10 years ago, but I wasn’t ready at the time to understand what I was seeing. As a musician, to watch these men last night, who I have now listened to for the better part of 20 years, genuinely felt like spending time with family or the closest friends of your life.
I could see everything. I could see the smiles, the laughter, the concentration, the emotional highs and lows, and the chemistry of these humans on stage together. I could see Carter’s love and thrill for each band member, his genuine undying smile and extraordinary speed and language he speaks on the drum kit. I could see him feel every single cymbal hit before it even landed. I could see Jeff and Rashawn’s friendship as two brass players, and the way they observe each other through their intricate solos. I could see Fonz get giddy during certain musical moments. I could see Tim’s immense concentration and what feels like his access to another dimension in the way he speaks through his guitar. I could see Buddy fresh and fly demeanor, his constant smile while playing keys, and how he is so deeply appreciated by the other legacy members of the band. I could see Dave’s raw outpouring of himself into every song he sang, his soul eternally begging to be released and shown to the world through the language of music. I could also see the warm twinkle in Dave’s eye from 25 feet away, you could tell that he, who feels like a lifelong friend to all of us, felt right at home and his presence communicated something like “I am so thrilled and happy to be here with you, my loving family, after so damn long.”
The venue disappeared for me because we were so close. I felt like I was in a small room with these guys. I was listening to exactly what I would want to hear and watch if I knew I had one evening left until my life was over.
Below are a few moments from certain songs that I wish to hold onto forever.
Setlist and moments:
**I felt the show really started to take off from JTR onward, so I’m going to start song comments at that point.
Tripping Billies Raven Seek Up So Right When The World Ends Seven You Might Die Trying Satellite The Riff
JTR: the pit crew was absolutely thrilled when JTR started playing. “Rain down on me” resonated deeply with a crowd and musicians who were so brutally covered in the sweat and humidity of the evening, it felt as if everyone in this moment resigned to the extreme physical state we were all in, and the musicians were right there with us. The way the horns built the the jam motif in the end of this tune, teasing and getting snagged on the same melody (between 4 and 6 time sig) until their final release in the last 8 bars. The way Carter carries the group through the end, with Dave high stepping along the way… just fantastic.
The Song that Jane Likes: Sweet song, amazing visuals behind the stage, and first time playing this year on tour.
Typical Situation: Something happened at this point in the show that changed the dynamic of the rest of the night. I watched Carter and Dave come alive during this tune. First, to see Carter playing shaker, mallets, and drumsticks on one song and switch effortlessly between them was awesome. But when this song went into the 7/8 chromatic jam during the middle of the outro it was off the charts. Buddy was hammering the keyboard, Carter was slamming the china cymbals, and Dave was DANCING harder than I’ve seen in 4 shows. The pit sang this one loud.
Do You Remember: Endless 90s nostalgia for me. The visuals of the bicycle evoke extremely colorful feelings of my childhood on Ivy St. The endless summer days, the laughter and sports and quiet evenings outside. My dad sitting on a chair watching us. I could write pages on just this feeling, but this song is a portal into my childhood.
Grey Street: Felt the song coming, and as Carter counted the intro out loud the tempo is so recognizable, it almost has its own identity for this song as the drums roll into the opening chord. The third verse comes back to life and the pit loves it. The girl I’m with says something about me being the crazy man creeping and I make a maniac face and she laughs. The thrill of seeing someone I know witness this song in person, up close, is overwhelmingly wholesome. It feels for a moment, as if the night has conspired to make this all happen. I almost hit the floor during the yeah scream on Grey Street after the 3rd chorus. Belted the note too hard and lost oxygen to my head, felt myself about to pass out immediately and grabbed on for dear life. The sax and trumpet duel during the outro between Jeff and Rashawn is staggering and leads us into the final riff of the song which just punches you in its goodness and power.
If Only: Just a humble little song. I need to listen to this one again (live version) to draw out what I remember from the stage.
Dancing Nancies: Dark, absolutely astounding. Tim Reynolds played the most other-worldly guitar solo with visuals on the back of broken dolls, babies, all kinds of crazy things. Dave began the song asking all the right questions about what he could have been to the audience. The hits on the outro in series of 8 were felt in my chest. Best version of it I’ve seen.
Warehouse: My all-time favorite song from this band. This intro is the most visceral and raw sequence in the show. When the sax, trumpet, guitar, and keys come together all in tremolo in 32nd notes, the frequencies and overtones created along with Carter’s enormous rapid cymbal sound is so intense you can see the physical effect it has on Dave. The closest way I could describe this intro as if the soul is being extricated by force out of the body and almost vacuumed or sucked upwards into a new reality it has to reckon with. “Only hope you’re here to pull me out, when I start going under, as the warehouse slips away” gives me chills. (To get a slight idea of what this is like, watch this clip at 38–40 mins. It’s from a different show, but note especially Dave’s viscerally clear connection with something beyond our understanding around the 39m mark.)
The strobes and lights here only add to the intensity of this intro. The huge yell before the 2nd verse. The drive into the outro. The salsa hits at the end. Rashawn just driving the trumpet to where it sounds like a different instrument. And the final lyrics in the moment of great reckoning:
That’s our blood down there⁣
Seems poured from the hands of angels⁣
Then trickle into the ground⁣
Leaves the Warehouse bare and empty⁣
Then my heart’s numbered beat⁣
Will echo in this empty room⁣
And fear wells in me⁣
Til’ nothing seems big enough to stay long
So I am going away, I am going away
The final Eadd9 chord lands as the warm summation and resolution to the song. I see the faces of all of my friends from the last 10 years that have been moved by this piece of music as well, and every place I have been in my life when listening to this song. It’s a sweet ending.
Everyday: One of Buddy’s licks on the intro to this song was a 32nd note run that blew the entire band away. He played 16 notes in under 2 seconds down the scale. Carter, who is probably the most attentive to rhythm, had his jaw on the floor. Everyone was loving it. The improv vocals. The 3 part harmonies. The crowd singing Hani Hani come and dance with me. The final build. Richness.
PNP > Rapunzel: Endlessly playful song that is perfect way to end a show. Funniest part of the show is when Dave’s string broke about 15 seconds before the outro-dance-explosion that becomes the end of this song. It was very critical that the new guitar get on before the downbeat of the outro because of how much the song picks up and to keep that energy. As Dave is bending his neck to put the new guitar on, after 3 hours of playing and probably in some pain, he changed the last lyrics of Rapunzel to: “Every single thing you do to me, my god I’m FUCKED, but I’ll do, my best, for you, I’ll do yeaaaaaa. LOL! I’m sure he’s used this change before but it was timed so perfectly with him tangled in a new guitar strap, with his head banging against the various items, knowing he had about 3 seconds to pull of this change and it was not going well.
Singing From The Windows: I could not hold it together for this song. After a year and a half of what has felt like chaos in the lives of many people and in humanity, the acceptance and hope that pours from this song, and out of Dave, is enough to floor anyone that has an ounce of care for the rest of our species. I looked around and everyone around me in the pit was crying. Dave got choked up on this song the other night and looked like he was barely holding it together. There was a quiet and serenity for a moment without the band, and all of the focus went to the songwriter and the gripping power one man and a guitar can have on an audience of 20,000 people.
Why I Am: Man, it really felt like Leroi still carries a presence in this band and you can tell why the band sings it often.
Stay: By this point, everyone was so insanely hot in the pit that they were belting Stay knowing that it was the last chance we would get to sing together. The way Carter syncopates the china cymbals on the outro of this song has always captured me. To watch Dave dance to this one more time while the horns went off and spread his arms wide on the final 3 seconds of the song was an exclamation point on a wild ass evening.
— —
Anyway, I wish that every human being could experience what I did last night. The world would be an infinitely better place. It’s not often that we have moments in our life that alter the course of the path we’re on, but I think it’s important to recognize them when they happen.
Whatever God is or means, or exists insofar as we allow him/her/it into this world, God was absolutely radiating last night. In the faces of the people, and in the entity that lives and breathes and is created when these musicians get together on stage. There is something above and beyond human form that I am humbled to have been a witness to.
It sounds a bit wild, but we are so unbelievably bigger than our bodies trick us into thinking we are. We are so much bigger than the Warehouse that contains us. And yet, we must live and do God’s work through this physical vessel because it is the only form that we take while we’re here. We must learn from this self and feed it, nourish it, teach it to become more than what it thinks it is.
One other thought: to share this musical experience alone is wonderful. But to have shared this band with someone I love so deeply is all a person could ever ask for. It is the epitome of the human experience, that is, to watch another person receive their own gift, their own joy, their own meaning from something you believe in, and to know they will carry it with them forever. They are changed by your truth. I got to see her become fully and endlessly alive because of this music last night. And that was infinitely enough.
We left the venue on fire with gratitute. It sounds wild, but I remember thinking I could die quite peacefully at that moment! I couldn’t conjure any other thing I needed to go do on this planet. I couldn’t conjure a negative thought. It was impossible. The word “ecstasy” doesn’t do this feeling justice, because the emotions are so much further in range than just intense happiness. Perhaps “awareness” or “power” or “spiritual fullness” resound a bit more to me, but for everyone it is different.
I think what’s most special about this band is that their music permeates into the core of who you are as a human being. It’s spiritual. It’s bursting with truth. It transforms how you see the world. It becomes your attitude and your way of life. This is why these guys sold more live tickets than any other group on earth for 10 years straight. The range of emotion embedded in the music is also the perfect analogy of what we as people honestly grapple with during our journey here. The lessons are clear. The music has given millions of people permission to live better lives: with jubilance, resilience, and an understanding that joy exists even amidst the deepest of pain. Each day we have an opportunity to show someone else this honest attitude, this truth, through whatever medium we choose. It is one of the greatest gifts we can offer another person. There is no question I will carry the richness of this experience with me, from now until the end of my life. I am forever thankful for nights like this, nights that are simply transcendent.
Thomas Harpole
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The cabin part 1
This is the first series of all the little in between stories after Fresh Starts.
It’s just romance!!Hope you guys enjoy xx 
Talks of a domestic violence case.
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*Knock knock*
“Liv can I come in?"
"Of course Y/N, What's up?" You walked into Liv's office and went and sat on chair across the other side of her desk.
"Would it be OK with you if I take a personal day on Monday?"
"Ah....yeah sure I don't see why not, we should be fine. But if anything happens I'll just call you to come in."
"No problems at all Liv thanks so much"
“That’s OK Y/N, go home now we will see you tomorrow."
It was 4 pm on Thursday and you and Nick had just clocked off.
"Where do you want me to drop you?"
"Oh, its OK, thanks anyway Nick. I have to pick some stuff up on the way to Rafael's, I'll just walk its still early, thank you though"
"You message me as soon as you get home, if you need me you call me" 
You walked out together, Nick got in his car and you walked away. While you were walking you called Carmen.
"Hey Carmen, it's Y/N, but don't say my name out loud, I don't want Rafael to hear you talking to me"
She giggled, “OK no problems, how can I help?"
"What do I have to do to get Rafael the day off on Monday?"
"Umm" she lowered her voice to almost a whisper "As long as it's just Monday, I can cover for him, but he would have to be back Tuesday morning."
"You’re the best Carmen, I owe you an iced latte. Just please don't let him know what’s going on"
"No problems at all. Thanks for calling the ADA's office, have a great afternoon"
You continued to walk towards Rafael's place. About 2 blocks before, there was a small boutique store that had some beautiful pieces, you always seen it when you drove past. You walked inside and were amazed by what was in front of you. Every colour of the rainbow, lace, satin, silk, leather, whatever your heart desired.
"Hello, can I help you?" Said a tall blonde lady with a small smile on her face
"Umm yes please"
About 40 mins later you walked out with a small bag with what you thought was just right. You had to ask her to put it in a small bag, how would you hide a box, it would give your plans away.
As you walked the last couple of blocks, you looked up cabins just outside New York. You didn't want to go too far away it would cost an arm for a car, but wanted to be out far enough that it didn't feel like you were in the city. You found the perfect place and booked on line for that weekend. You decided you wouldn't tell Rafael your plans until he got home tomorrow night.
The last week had been stressful. The squad had a domestic violence case come in that Fin stumbled on by accident while he was looking on the net. That caused a lot of tension with the squad and the DA's office.
For the first time during your time at SVU everyone was on different pages and it showed. Liv and Nick were all for putting him away, Fin and you were on the fence and Amanda said we should leave it alone. Rafael had no time for the fighting and bickering that went on when you were all in his office or if he was in the bullpen and would often lose his temper at you all often.
He wanted to put this guy away, this case was a trigger for him, and he didn't know how to deal with, and he hated how he reacted to you because of it. You guys hadn't been fighting, but you were bickering and he was snappy. It was getting to him. It went to trail and the man was found "guilty".
Rafael was over the moon as was Liv, you and Fin just kept mid ground, while Nick and Amanda got into a huge fight at a bar one night at after work drinks, which you had to step between them to stop it before Amanda pushed Nick over the edge. You wanted to surprise Rafael, do something special for him. So why not a weekend away, just the two of you to reconnect.
Your Friday was quite, nothing new came in, and you guys pretty much finished paper work all day. Finally 5 came around. Rafael messaged and said he was going to be home around 7 and he would pick up dinner on his way back and for you to meet him at his place because he actually had the weekend off.
Amanda knew about your weekend plans, she was the one that suggest the boutique in the first place,
"This case has wound him up tight, you need to get on top of that" she laughed at you one lunch time.
So she offered to drop you at yours to pick up your stuff and drive you to Rafael’s. Having some girl time was just what you both needed. She wanted to see what you brought.
"OH WOW. That's so beautiful Y/N, Barba is going to love it. Just a shame stuff likes this ends up on floor so quickly" you both burst out laughing
Amanda had just dropped you off, you had about half an hour before Rafael would be back. You walked into his bedroom to his walk in and went straight to his work shirts. You knew what you were looking for, you grabbed what you wanted, ran to your weekend bag and put it in under your cloths to hide it.
Just then you heard the front door close,
You walked towards the kitchen, his jacket was laying on the back of the couch, he was standing in the kitchen taking containers out of a paper bag, tie lose around his neck, vest undone, the first two buttons of his dress shirt undone showing off his under shirt, his sleeved rolled up and a red pair of suspenders.
"Hey mi Hermosa, I've missed you" he said with a beaming smile "I got you your favourite pasta from that place you like" he walked over to you, put his hands on either side of your face and kissed you
"Thanks Rafi"
"Hermosa, I’ am sorry for how I acted this week. This case brought out a horrible side of me, I'm so sorry. I love you"
"I love you too. I know Rafi, it was hard on you. But I have a surprise for you"
He raised his eye brows with a smirk, "oh yeah"
"Well...after dinner you need to pack a weekend bag. I have ordered a car for 9 am tomorrow to pick us up. We are going away till Monday. I spoke to Carmen yesterday and she said she would cover for you, but you have to be back Tuesday. Liv said I could have Monday off, but I'm on call."
"You planned this just for me, mi Hermosa?" He rubbed your cheek with his thumb, looking in your eyes with a side smile.
"I know this case brought up things for you. You need some down time Rafi. And trust me, there will be plenty" you winked at him.
Rafael was so excited for the weekend, after dinner you both showered and went into the bed room for him to pack. He started to go through his cloths and pulled what he thought he needed. You told him to pack one dinner outfit and the rest was just causal, but you didn't tell him that you didn't really plan on wearing cloths most of the weekend. He started to look through his shirts to pick one of his more casual one for dinner, you were sitting on the bed watching some show when he yelled from his walk in,
"I have a shirt missing"
You lifted your hand to your mouth so he didn't hear you giggling.
"Rafi, you have so many shirts, how would you know ones missing?"
"Mi Hermosa, I have been single for a long time, the only happiness I had for a while was buying new work cloths. It’s the pink on with the white stripes, you know the one? The one you can't keep your hands off me when I wear it"
You giggled behind your hands again "Maybe you forgot it at the dry cleaners last week"
"Hmmmmm.....maybe, I'll check on Monday when we get home"
The car drove down a long dirt road, you could see small cabins spread out around a meadow, all of them facing a large lake. Rafael got your bags out of the boot and you both walked to the office which was in front of a beautiful looking restaurant.
Rafael held the door open for you and walked in with a small man with glasses sitting behind the desk,
“Ah, you must be Mr and Mrs Barba"
Your cheeks went red and you went to open your mouth to correct him, when Rafael jumped in,
"Yes, we are Mr and Mrs Barba, we are looking forward to our stay here" Rafael looked at you and winked and you giggled with a bright red face. You never knew how nice it felt to be called Mrs Barba, it had a nice ring to it.
"Nice to meet you both. Lucky for you, you’re the only booking this weekend. Mrs Barba, I know you booked for dinner for 7 tomorrow, but I moved it to 6.30 if that's fine with you?"
"Yes of course no problems at all"
"Here’s your room key. You’re in cabin 6. We will see you at 6.30 tomorrow for dinner, enjoy your day"
"Thank you" you both said together, you grabbed the key and walked out of the office.
"I'm sorry about the confusion with the last names Rafi, I don't know what happened, I did put mine in"
He laughed out loud, "Why are you sorry Hermosa? Mrs Barba sounds good on you, I like it"
You walked along the path to cabin 6. Painted white, it had a little porch with just enough room for a wicker day bed to fit on it, behind the couch was a roof to floor window with sheer drapes that you couldn't see through from the outside. It had a light blue door with a stained glass window on it.
You unlocked the door and walked in, to your right was a medium size bathroom with a shower, basin and toilet,
"Damn no bath" you joked, Rafael laughed.
There was a small two seater couch inside with a two seater table that was an open plan lay out, there was another door which lead to the bed room, wasn't huge, but it had a king size bed with enough room to walk around and waist high cabinet which was for bags to be placed on, and a TV and mirror on the wall.
"Mi Hermosa, this place is beautiful. You picked well"
"Thanks Rafi, glad you like it. Now it's time to relax. How about you go and sit on the day bed, I'll make coffee"
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oneofthemillionarmy · 4 years
The Impossible Order | Ch.2
Summary line: Mr. Min is a stoic boss who will never outwardly show appreciation for you. Not until you’re gone does he recognize how much you do. And what you do matters to him.
ceo!Yoongi | best.friend!Hoseok | romance, fluff, angst, and stuff
Loosely inspired by Secretary Kim and this third bullet point of the prompt list
Last chapter
Last night, one of the Peruvian suppliers was able to promise 250 ct worth of tourmaline, but it would be delivered in two weeks rather than the originally intended week and a half. Knowing your boss is one for deadlines and punctuality, you believe he’d prefer Hestia Sourcing. Despite your own gut telling you that Peruvian Treasures will pay off in the long run. Regardless of the turnaround time from your main supplier, the 200 ct in two weeks will keep the remaining four projects afloat before the regular shipment. However, you still report the remaining two supplier response and quotes, also providing your own input. Mr. Min says he prefers Hestia; as expected.
“How goes the status on our tourmaline crisis?” Mr. Min asks as he sips on his third cup of coffee this morning.
“Hestia Sourcing has already been officially contacted for their shipment of tourmaline to arrive in a week and a half. Jimin is currently working with Kim Taehyung on the new design for the frame. Seokjin has already crafted two other designs for you to look at today before he meets with Yoo Jae Suk tomorrow. Beyoncé loves alexandrite, but the tourmaline was intended to match with her costumer designer’s vision for the Met Gala, so he’s unwilling to make changes. Your father had already ok’d the change for your parent’s anniversary gift, so we can switch their gemstones with alexandrite instead. The JP team has already started working on the mold for the Jubilee. And marketing just emailed me the final draft for the letter to the customers and PR is still working with marketing for the ethically sourced advertisement. They are utilizing internet ad platforms, both short clip video ads and on social media.” You handed him your tablet for him to read over the final draft letter and Seokjin’s designs.
“Tell marketing to go ahead with the letter. Also, tell Seokjin that I would also like to see his first design with silver instead of rose gold.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.”
“Today I’m meeting with Jasper and Jester Industries over Zoom at 12:30. Tell the tech team I want to use the hologram projector during this meeting because we’re showing them the prototype today. Speaking of prototype, I need to see the prototype from the TP team by 10. Go to L’Orange today for lunch today; I want the lamb chops. James and Soobin will be coming at 1:30 to go over the purchasing of the mine sites for the cobalt mining. Check back in with me at 2 on the Kim Taehyung project and the marketing strategy. I want to see Seokjin’s new designs by 3. And check with our supply team if we’re maintaining our upkeep of inventory. If not, I need a list before 11 this morning along with suppliers’ response for turnaround time and quotes.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.” You had your hands clasped behind your back the entire time.
“Another coffee please.”
“Yes, Mr. Min.” Without another word, you step out and take out your recorder. You play back his directives as you get the coffee.
“Hey, Hoseok.” You sigh as you pour hot water into your instant noodle bowl for lunch.
“Hey, Sunshine.” You chuckle. If the either of you were the sunshine, it’d be him.
“How’s Yeontan?”
“He’s fine. The vet says that he’s a little underfed, but otherwise, he’s still the most adorable Yeontan-ie that has ever lived.” Hoseok gushes at the puppy in his lap as he drives on his way back to his home. Hoseok will be holding onto Yeontan until the weekend.
“Ok. That’s good news. Was he good at the vet?”
“He hates the vet. You should know that better than I do. I was a dog catcher for 30 minutes. And he caused a whole waiting room full of dogs into a frenzy. Did you know that one of the people there brought their snake? I hate those. Yeontan almost fought a snake! You have no idea how hard it was for me to finally grab Yeontan before anything drastic happened.” You laugh as he goes on about his heroic deed of saving your pup from a snake.
“You did very well. Thank you, Hoseok.”
“Never mind that, Blessings. Hey. Are you coming over today after work?”
“I might. My boss has been very extra today. Every ten minutes, his chat bubble pops up adding 3 more things to do. But honestly, with the amount of things going on today, he shouldn’t have anything else left to do tonight. I might actually get off work on time.
“Good. Good. ‘Cause I was thinking –“ before Hoseok can finish his words, you hear the sound of a car swerve.
“Hoseok? You ok?”
“Yeah. Some idiot w-“ and the line cut off.
At 12:15, you were nowhere to be found. You left a message to Yoongi that you had to take the day off. Everything you were requested to do was already set in motion like a Rube Goldberg machine. You texted him saying that there are cups and cups of coffee in the fridge ready for him. If he wants hot, he’ll have to wait another day. And as promised, everything Yoongi needed was here. He had everything he needed. You just weren’t there to provide it.
“Where’s Y/N?” Seokjin asks as he comes in at 3pm like clockwork, “I would’ve thought she’d give me that 20-minute warning like she always does when I have a meeting with you.” She does that?
“I don’t know. She took a half day. I haven’t seen her since 11 or something.” Yoongi says nonchalantly as he looks over the Seokjin’s work. Seokjin just blinks at that before he starts slowly, “That’s not like her. Is everything ok? Do you know what happened?”
“It’s just not like her to –“
“I like it better in silver this way.” Yoongi cuts him off, gesturing to the new designs.
“Heh. Yeah, Y/N said you would. I wanted to show you the rose gold one first anyway.” Seokjin chuckles as he sits down across the table from him, “Speaking of Y/N,” I wasn’t speaking about her…, “You got the supplies list for JP, TP, and HP, right? She told me you were working with the cobalt mine sites today. She told me to tell you that since cobalt is one of the supplies on the list, and the mine site wouldn’t be ready just yet, she contacted 3 different cobalt miners and selected Arrows for the cobalt supply.”
“She should’ve come to me first about the different miners. We have our upcoming product from HP –“
“The ceramic tiles for Ms. James’ bathroom. Yeah. She contacted HP. They require 300 g and Arrows is the only one with the adequate amount of supply. It will be here in 5 days.” Seokjin stands up and walks over to Yoongi’s kitchen, “All the other suppliers have been contacted. She sent me the list and wants me to report it to you.”
“You’re just a designer for the jewelry department,” Yoongi says as he looks through his email to see if you sent him any recent emails. Nothing.
“Give me some credit. I’ve got a brain and it’s used for more than just designing. Don’t forget, before I was a designer, I was also your assistant too.”
“Yeah, a pretty bad one.” Yoongi snorts. It’s why he needed you.
“We were just a startup! We literally just graduated then.” Seokjin protests as he come back over and sets down a steaming hot cup of coffee in front of Yoongi.
“I thought Y/N only had iced ones left.”
“She did, but she instructed me to heat up one for you before we go over the list with you.” Seokjin scoots his chair closer as he whips out his tablet to bring up the supplies list, “And one for after.”
“Mr. Jung has suffered a serious blow to the head and is currently unconscious. We don’t know when he will wake at this point. His left arm has scarring from the glass shatters from the window when the car was impacted. His left leg has a hairline fracture and the patella was dislocated but has already been set back. Luckily, his left leg is the worst of the limbs. There’s bruising on the right thigh and right elbow also has bruising. The bruises are likely from holding on to the dog during impact. His right arm has some muscle tears do to strain.
“Right now, our biggest concern is when he will wake up. He had internal bleeding in the brain but the blood has been removed and there’s no clotting, in his brain or anywhere near his spine. Everything is where it needs to be, and there’s nothing that indicated long term brain damage or trauma. But we won’t know for sure until he wakes up.” The doctor nods his head and leaves.
You sniff as you cross your arms, staring at your best friend lying in the hospital bed. His head is wrapped as well as his left arm. His left leg is currently suspended in its cast. By his left eyes and cheeks, are massive bruises that still look sticky and gooey.
If only I didn’t let him take Yeontan…
“How’s my dog?”
“We checked in with the vet hospital nearby. Your dog has no extreme injuries, only mild bruising. The doctor wants him to stay overnight for observation.” The nurse reports to you. You shiver from the lonely air of the hospital.
“You can go in and see the patient right now, but please do not touch him. And visiting hours will be over in 40 minutes.” The nurse gently reminds you before you nod, thanking the nurse and heading in.
Walking towards Hoseok, your nose feels the burn as tears well up in your eyes. Before you even reach Hoseok’s bed, the tears already overflow out.
“I’m so sorry Hoseok. This is my fault.” And he’s a dancer too…oh my God, he’s a dancer….his limbs…
Your tears quickly turn into hysterical sobs, thinking too many things at once. Your greatest prayer is that he wakes up and he is completely healed. You start hyperventilating so you sit down and take deep breaths.
Although you were instructed not to touch him, you couldn’t resist to at least clutch to the hospital blankets next to his right hand, your knuckles touching each other’s.
“Please wake up, Hoseok. I’ll never have you do anything else for me. I’m sorry if I ever took advantage of you. Please know that I never once took you for granted. You are my dearest friend and I don’t want anyone else for a best friend. I promise to hug you more. I promise to cook for you. I’ll do it at your house. You don’t have to come to mine. I’ll clean up my mess after too. I’m here for you, I promise. I really am. I’m not leaving you, I swear to God. Please just wake up and be ok. You’re gonna be ok. I promise.” You turn to look to the hospital window to make sure no one sees you. You grab his right hand and lean down to kiss it, “Please wake up.”
Your phone in your pocket vibrates and you take it out.
The board members meeting is tomorrow at 8am. Please gather the data and reports from the teams ready by 6am. I will look over it before the meeting.
“Fuck you. No. Not now.” You grit your teeth and put the phone back in the pocket.
Your tears are both sad and angry now, but you know you need to calm down. Nothing drastic.
You take a couple deep breaths before you wipe your tears and take your phone out again to write an email. You look up as you think for a moment. Make that three.
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Next chapter
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namjoonchronicles · 6 years
beautiful, tragic | yoongi
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✿ pairing: yoongi x you ✿ genre: domestic, yoongi as a husband, fluff, suggestive content, slight smut ✿ words: 4k ✿ summary: it’s hard sharing your musically talented husband with the world, and this is your story.
Stay home. He says. Watch the house. He says.
You’re stuck, scrolling idly on your phone with your drama on Netflix long abandoned on your 85” Sony LED Screen, equipped with the sound system that would surpass Dolby Surround System if it ever went on competition with each other.
Apart from the boring international celeb news, who broke up and who got divorced, the politic scene is too awry for you to read and you were not prepared for that headache so early in the day. One particular headline caught your attention, though.
Billboard Judge, Music Producer Min Yoongi Purchases USD$3M UN Village Villa In Cash.
Excuse me, what?
Screenshot. Clicking the home button on your phone, you tapped on Kakao Talk app next and ignored the messages from your ex-classmates group that has mounted to 120 unread texts and straight to ‘Fish’ ID.
You had sent him the screenshot of the news clipping, and proceed to multi-text him the following:
????????? Why wasn’t I informed?? Yoongi. What did I tell you about purchasing things without a proper discussion? Behind my back?? The nerve?? Bitch, square up when you get home. I also have watched five episodes without you. Fuck you.
Delivered. The anger had made you toss your phone to the side on the couch. This stupid huge ass house he is never in. You grind your jaws, glaring at your wedding picture on the top corner of your wall. And he dares to buy another one. You can hear him whispering a silent fuck from the distant. Fuck--is quite right, Yoongi. Your phone dings a new message in less than twenty minutes. He had machine-gunned you with replies that your phone had trouble keeping up with. You crossed your arm, scoffing at the sight of his name blinking on your screen. Oh, now you want to call me.
Volume : 70%, 75%, 85%. Netflix show has dimmed the sound of his calls and desperate texts.
He just never learns, does he? You’re starting to feel like he feeds on these little arguments like ginseng soup--has to have it when he’s unwell or deprived of something. Now that’s something you didn’t share with him. Yoongi’s work prevents him to be home as often as he’d like, requires him to befriend sketchy men and women with hidden agendas, they also constantly separate you and him--all this, you know and understood from the beginning. But like flying kites, when kites with strings tend to stray too far, and stretched too long, it snaps. Especially when you’re the one at the end of the string, holding him down to earth with a promise of a golden ring, always the one waiting for his return. When the blizzards come, the storm arrives, you gripped tighter, but there’s no guarantee that he felt the tug even if he should.
Here lies his expertise on words. Here lies the test of loyalty. Here lie your trust and his devotion. Love is a gamble, isn’t it?
It was supposed to be a surprise :( I wanted to take you there when I come home, but the news spoiled it :( :( Good news is, it’s not fully furnished and we can go furniture shopping… I know you love decorating the house :) I’ll forgive you if you watch the same 5 episodes with me later Babe? :( :( You’re still fetching me at the airport right? Right, sweetie?
He sends a screenshot of his expected arrival time, and you skimmed pass the message with a blank look. You tap the camera icon and took a selfie of your middle finger.
Fish was immediately typing…
OK, but it’s difficult with jeans on.
You gawked as you realized that he was talking about fingering you. You snarled against the screen and tapped video call button.
But it was declined. And he replied immediately.
Can’t. In a crash meeting with the staff.
You put your phone close to your lips and tapped voice recording icon. And Yoongi knows better than to play it in the midst of a meeting. You’re roasting him and for that, he’ll keep for his lullaby on the way to the airport later with his good headphones on. He gave a goofy smile on the screen when you replied with middle-finger emoticons. “God, I love her…” he stares fondly at your ID.
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Flight JN1741 from Amsterdam arrives at Incheon International Airport on 2:00 PM. Passengers begin to rise from their seat before the ‘fasten-your-seatbelt’ sign was turned off. Already, Yoongi’s massive entourage are receiving calls within the moving but landed airplane. His staff is dependable but workaholics, like he is. He was just worried that his wife won’t show up because she’s mad. But he’s also certain that she will be there at the arrival. He likes that you make him nervous this way. He likes that he could mean everything to the world, and has his words as law to others, but won’t necessarily have the same effect on you. He loves the fact that you keep him on his toes and make him chase. He also loves the fact that he knows you’ll be waiting at home where he left you as he works.
Loving and having are different things.
Yoongi of all people knows the constraints of having a serious relationship in his hectic life will be hard to manage. When he couldn’t meet his lady love, he relies heavily on her profound loyalty and his blinded trust. God knows that both of you tried. Both of you really tried to keep the passion alive, never to fizzle out. But distance could make or break a relationship--and Yoongi really wanted this. This battleground he chose to live in. He was lucky to have the best of both worlds. Most couldn’t experience that. To him, the game is only over when the other stops playing.
A conversation is a conversation, even if its a fight.
He refastens his black facemask, his black hoodie and stood up as the manager asks him whether he needs a ride home or not. The 40-year-old man walks away once Yoongi said that his wife is fetching him.
“Also, hyung...can you bring the iKey to the Apple Store I bought it in? It had malfunctioned again. I left the warranty card inside the pack,” Yoongi politely asked. “Every single time we leave Amsterdam… Yoongi what did you do with it?” The manager pulls the bag out the compartment above the head. “Work I guess…” Yoongi shrugged and fiddled with the straps of his black backpack.
Most of the passengers had left the airplane. But before Yoongi leaves with his manager, something metallic clinked on his sneakers. His manager crouched down before he did and picked the object up.
“Can’t forget the ring when you’re meeting the wife...take it from me,” his manager returns Yoongi’s ring to him. “It keeps slipping out my finger, I think I’m losing too much weight,” Yoongi chuckled short and put them back on with a small wiggle. “VIP arrivals that way…” His manager pointed the way out, “Tell her we missed her around.”
Yoongi nodded, feeling rather bashful and shy. That’s right. You used to work in his entourage as medical staff. Until he had you hitched and away from the stressful job that costs you your mental health. Now, you review staffs’ health records from home and frequently, his. You fell sick prior to the world tour he led, so that’s why he had you staying home. Not that you tailed him often when he works. He just prefers you doing your own thing. His work requires a lot of movement while you had to be static in one place to finish your writing or reading. You were that hot white coat bearer with a sexy full-rimmed glasses and spoke medicine parseltongue. Every time you share a piece of medical knowledge with him or explain a medical condition, Yoongi drools like a lovesick puppy dog inwardly. He can’t wait to have you explain liver cirrhosis everytime he brings up how much he drank when he was away. That was his version of dirty talk.
But where’s my lady love? Yoongi hums. Scanning the room for any glimpse of you. Could you be standing nearby a coffee vending machine, or would you be in convenient stores searching for a mint? Or are you strolling idly in the expanse of the airport in slow, relaxed strides?
No, you’re walking straight towards him with your arms crossed from the entrance, your hair flew back at every trudge you make to close the distance between him and you. He fumbles with the strap of his bag, and a bit slouched to the side. Having to push his head back to see your face from the beak of his black cap and hoodie, while you draw in, closer and closer.
Your hand came in contact with his at the handle of his roller bag first, before you leaned up to his ear and he lowered himself down, “You and I have a lot of things to talk about.” You snatched the roller bag from his grip roughly and Yoongi watched your back getting smaller and smaller as you stormed away. He pouts at the sight and gripping his bag strap tighter, firmer. You passed an acid glance once and expect him to follow closely with a glare. Yoongi’s pouty lips slowly form a smirk and a naughty cock of his eyebrow. He really enjoys it when you’re angry.
The trunk opens with a hydraulic rise, and he helped you carry his own bag inside. It slammed shut and you dashed to the driver seat, knowing that he is often exhausted after a long flight. Engine purrs on, and your focus was interrupted by the sound of his seatbelt clicking. He’s here. He’s really home.
“Do you want to eat anything? Some fast food or anything like that?” You asked. “Yeah, but she’s driving…” He glanced outside the car window like he had said nothing explicit.
“Ha, very funny…” the car reversed and exited the parking lot with no hiccups, but the situation isn’t going to be smooth on the inside, “Don’t think that snarky remarks will get you anywhere near this coochie.”
Yoongi let out a tiny scoff to the window, shifting in his seat as the view of the city he calls home, come to sight. Miraculously, he has made it home within a month. Although the reunion was bittersweet and that he landed on soil knowing that you’re mad at him, he is well-informed by your passive behavior when you missed him the most. That much is true. And it needs no extra explanation.
How was Amsterdam?
“Cold. Great sound system… decent steak,” he answered. You smiled to yourself, noticing how much you missed his aloof response. Few words, big heart. That’s Min Yoongi for you.
“I think I made a great steak a few days ago…” you took the chance to brag on yourself and Yoongi switches to the side where you sat driving. Hands between his knees, eyes doe and soft.
“Tell me more about what you did…” he said, in a gentle voice.
“Nothing much. I proofread a medical article, cooked for myself, write a bit, stare at the 2 selfies you took last two years. Sniff your hoodie, organize your shoe collection, vacuum GeniusLab2, visit Holly at your parents. I made him this cute ass leash that I knitted on my own. He had stomach flu, so I took him to the vets. He’s okay now, though.”
“I wanted to video call more, but I didn’t have the time…” Yoongi complaints.
“You don’t remember?” You crumpled your face at the road before glancing briefly at him. You could see Yoongi’s confused expression. Head tilted to the side, his mouth opens and closes several times without a word uttered out. He really didn’t remember.
“Baby bear, you called me twice in a drowsy state…” you offered a line of explanation but the contortion on his face suggests that he requires more, “You drunk video call me to tell me you had a sandwich and fell asleep before you could tell me what was inside… Three days after that, you called me again but you were already snoring when I answered.”
“I don’t recall…” he hums.
“Anyways, whatever… that’s cute though. Also, this 3 million villa you bought, what’s the story?” you snapped, at the same time, you turn at the corner of the city smoothly.
“It’s not a penthouse like you said I shouldn’t get, so technically, I didn’t go against your words,” he sang. “How on earth did you carry 3 million in cash?” You scowled. “With many briefcases,” he retorted with a thin smile.
You pressed your lips together to stop yourself from laughing because you wanted to be focused on being serious and mature. But the quick reply had you snickering. Such a matter-of-fact answer. His face lights up at your response.
“You said that we’re going to furniture shopping. Do you even have time to do that?” you stopped at the security cottage and flashed your residence card on the pad the divider retracts open.
“I knew you were going to make a dispute out of it. So I made sure Namjoon allows it,” Yoongi laced his fingers together, and made a dark chuckling sound.
“What did you do to him this time…” you felt uneasy already. The last time he wanted a day off, Yoongi hid Namjoon’s passport so the trip could be delayed for a day or two. He purchased a movie on Netflix and wanted to watch it with you.
He simply gave you that creepy smile and you already know.
“You put laxatives in his drinks, my god.” “It is my most brilliant plan of all.” “Yoongi!” “What...he said he was constipating. I am doing him a favor.”
Why wouldn’t he constipate from the amount of caffeine he had been consuming. You thought.
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Everyone’s definition of success is different. Everyone’s definition of married life is also different. The married life you shared with Yoongi was entirely on a different level. There are no guidelines for marrying a music producer this world famous. So you focused on being a wife. If everything else in his life isn’t normal, then being married is.
The moment he steps inside the home he shared with you, you noticed he stifled a yawn. His eyes falling droopy at the sight of his long sought after nest.
“I’m going to get a late lunch going, and you can go lay down on the bed in your indoor clothes…” “No, I want to help in the kitchen…” “Look at your eyes, they’re barely open… go rest.”
But he wanted to unpack because he got you something.
“It’s a cross-stitch table runner…” he lays his head on his palm, curled on his side, watching your big grin as you unravel the precious gift. He remembered that you wanted to buy this the last time you were there. He got the correct design and correct color too.
“You got them custom-made,” you gasped excitedly, and then shrink your voice at him, “Thank you...it’s so pretty.” Pulling the runner into a hug while Yoongi chuckles sleepily.
Yoongi was less interested in his stories and more engaged in yours. All his relatives that he can call strangers because they rarely meet, his family members that have seen you more than they’ve seen him. He silently is grateful for you being here, being the glue between his family and close friends, an invincible knot that keeps him grounded and gave him the sense of belonging.
He drifts mid-through your stories and latest gossip. As you sat on the floor next to the bed, unpacking his luggage one-by-one, you no longer hear his response. You glanced to the side and saw him sleeping soundly. You could only imagine how many hours he could when he’s away in a foreign country. Yoongi somehow can appear to be sleeping but is in fact, listening to all the conversations surrounding him. You and he share that talent. But this time, he slept for real--the energy replenishing, body rejuvenating sleep. There’s soft snorings and little shudders from time to time. Your gaze fell from his fringes to his brows, down the slope of his nose and his doll-like lips.
Last clothing to be unpack looked familiar. It was yours. That’s endearing. He always packs one clothing that belonged to you. You know, for when he ‘misses his wife so much he could die’ moments. You don’t know when he snuck them in, but it’s probably when you’re busy at the living room, or the bathroom, making sure he didn’t forget anything. The luggage is taken away from the bedroom and into his home studio, where it stays until its service is required again--which you suspect, won’t be long.
You slid the blanket above his shoulder, and tuck him in like you would a child. He looks so tired and it breaks your heart that he has to leave again. It’s like a cycle. At least you can see him eat today, with your own eyes, so let’s get started with the lunch.
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Nothing extravagant. Just broiled spinach, fermented white baby radish from last week, and warm chicken soup with ginseng to help him re-energized. But he isn’t awake yet. That’s alright, you can reheat everything when he’s up. He still needs his much-acquired sleep. With that thought, you disappear into the bathroom and undressed. Sweating from cooking, body sticky with remnants of watery expels urged you to shower before the sun is completely down. You don’t usually shower this early, but with Yoongi around, you felt self-conscious. He doesn’t know this, but you will always want to smell nice for him. Isn’t that the very core of being a wife? Being extra hygienic for the hubby? To keep him interested? Especially Yoongi, because he is constantly away and accompanied by many attractive females?
You discarded the dampened shirt outside the door of the bathroom and swung it shut as gently as you can. Off goes the bra, then the panties. The shower head expels drizzling liquid, the steam floats up to the ceiling and the glass door get fogged up from the heat. Water pools at your feet as you readied your face underneath the shower to come into contact with the sprinkles. The pleasure of a simple shower after a good sweat is ultimately unmatched.
So endorsed in your time alone, Yoongi pushes the door wider. He had come awake when he heard you turned the knob shut. He discarded his pants on the way, and pulled his black shirt over his head, charging forward like a soldier on his way to a battleground he intends to win. Then he discarded his last piece of clothing, his boxers. Afterward, he trudges into the shower cubicle where you were standing, facing away from him. “You thought I was too tired for a shower session with you?” His voice deeps lower than usual, as he snakes one arm around your naked waist, skin to skin, Yoongi sunk his teeth on your shoulder and you turned around wearing a big smile to greet him. “No I thought you wouldn’t be able to handle any sessions with me…” you smartly replied. Yoongi smiled into the kiss that began innocently enough and gradually increase in intensity and power as the seconds passed. Your arms slick against his shoulder as he held on palm flat on the walls of the shower, he stands directly underneath the shower head now--refusing to let go of your lips even when you tap out for a breath. A seasoned rapper’s lung capacity isn’t a shy away from a Navy diver. Provided with the long abstinence and accumulating want, Yoongi isn’t just going to stop here in the shower, best believe, he is going to continue making love to you in all the rooms available in this house until he’s finally sated.
His handprints on the fogged glass door is significantly larger than yours. The slippery sound of sliding skin filled your ears, and your strangled moans could only suggest an impending euphoric sensation you had longed for, since the last time he’s here. And Yoongi is a determined soul. The thrusts are languid and deep. From the way he buried his face in the crook of your neck, eliciting heavy desperate pants implies that he had been imagining this on his lonely nights for too long. His touches were too precise and calculated, coming from a veteran lover who knows his wife’s body like the back of his hand. Yoongi’s glazed orbs that greeted you in the midst of the steamy love-making, felt foreign yet familiar. But his lips that conquered yours right after the heaty glance was definitely, without a doubt, Yoongi’s. The time apart had made him a stranger to your body, and the passion that almost fizzled out from the distance had reignited to another degree.
“Fuck I miss you,” he breathlessly says against your ear. You didn’t stutter or faltered back into the lust like you used to when you first dated him. Instead, you smiled into his confessions and bit your grin--no longer shy to show how much you love having these moments with him. More, you encouraged him with your touches and sweet mewls.
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I like the whispers you added at the end. She says.
No matter what the public critic might say, Yoongi’s only verdict comes from his wife. His true achievements and outcomes of his work rely heavily on what you may say. But your words can be sarcastic and Yoongi doesn’t like having to guess what you truly meant.
“You always say something like that…” “I don’t know what you want me to say,” you shrugged as you scooped out a bowl of rice for him, “I like the whisper part and that’s the truth.” “How many times did you listen to it… be honest,” Yoongi took his bowl from you.
You tipped your eyes up to the ceiling and clicked your tongue. Somehow Yoongi caught the expression.
“Are you serious…” he began, eyes following you as you pulled the chair next to him out, “Okay, fine. Do you listen more of Jimin’s Promise or my collab song?”
You added a long hum, not intending to give him the answer he wants to hear. “Technically, Jimin’s Promise came out first--”
“--don’t talk to me,” he darted.
Instinctively, you covered his knee with one palm, to soothe him. But of course, Yoongi wouldn’t let you console him that quickly.
“I spent nights writing that song while touring… Am I asking too much of you, to just listen to me more than you do Jimin’s, but no. Ultimately, I’m always the second choice for the industry AND my wife. Fine, I don’t care...I don’t want to care anymore. I worked so hard to earn money for you to spend, and all I’m requesting is that you be my harsh critic but you’re apparently too busy to listen to my songs. Hmm, I see how it is.”
“To even things out, you never told me you’re releasing a song…” you shrugged.
Yoongi set his chopstick down, clinking while you continued eating.
“To top it all, you watched dramas without me,” he tipped a glass of water into his mouth like he would a cup of soju, “Our drama.”
You knew he is just picking fights with you because to him, a fight is also a conversation.
“Gosh Alexa, this is so sad, play Seesaw,” you exclaimed with a forlorn sigh, “What do you propose I do? Wait for you until you come back? The second season would have begun by the time you returned, Yoongi… You have cities to tour, fans to meet and stages to check, and what about me? I have this house, Netflix and the chili plant outside. You’re being a little mean to me right now… my priorities aren’t always you, you know.”
Yoongi was deafened by the last sentence you said, that he couldn’t hear the rest of the off-topic conversations you promptly added after it. You didn’t seem to notice that you’ve hurt him. That’s the inspiration behind his rap verse ‘my razor tongue wife with a stone in her hand’. He likes that you’re honest and has trained you to be tougher, but the blade he sharpens strikes him once in a while when needed. He doesn’t apologize, he makes amends with his actions. He tries to be ultimately present when he’s here. When he’s home.
Like now, he sat on the floor, with a writing pad while you washed dishes.
“Turmeric powder. Can you check if it’s on the grocery list?” You raised your voice a little so he could hear from the living room. He puffed his cheeks with his cap turned backward, scanning down the awfully long list of things you needed to get for the family dinner this weekend.
“Nope,” he writes them scraggly underneath your neat writing. Then he heard you listed a number of things and gifts you planned to get before the weekend comes. Presents for your parents, and his; his nephews, his older brother’s birthday that he himself didn’t remember, a flower bouquet for his aunt who just opened a restaurant. He made a mental note to transfer a large amount of money into your account later.
“Is the villa far from here?” you asked him, wiping your kitchen stove down, spotless. “Not very… you’ll see when you drive there later,” Yoongi murmured to his chest, filling colors on the heart he drew on the grocery list, next to “Yoongi’s wife grocery list”.
“Also, I wanted to get grilled beef slices in that restaurant…” Yoongi promised to take you to the restaurant you had been wanting to go to, in two days time. Until a message from his manager came.
“...it would taste so damn good…” your mouth waters at the thought of it but when you looked across the counter at Yoongi perplexed gaze sitting on the floor there in the living room, you somehow caught what he didn’t, or rather--couldn’t say. That look could only mean one thing.
That the luggage you pushed into his studio is going to get another traveling sticker. That the restaurant trip is not going to happen. That you will be strolling aimlessly in this huge house. That you will be visiting the villa he bought alone. That your wedding picture and ring will be the only proof that you’re somehow married.
To the worldly loved, worldly known...the beautiful tragic, Min Yoongi.
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Because he couldn’t keep his promise, you had him doing something similar to it. Peeking at his bobbing head, through your iPad playing Candy Crush, you smiled to yourself.
“Make sure you get all my toenails trimmed and neatened,” Yoongi lifts his head up short, sitting on the floor, with your heel digging onto his thigh as he nodded. “What color do you want for the polish?” He asked, getting cross-eyed as he hones the sharp edges of your nail, shorter.
“Your hair color right now…” “Babe, this is out of context…but” he dragged, “remember the voice note you sent me during the crash meeting with the staff?”
“The one I cursed at you? Yeah...why?” “It turns me on,” He hides his smile by lowering his face from you. What a strange yet tantalizing thought.
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troubleisfree · 6 years
this is going to be like a very long, detailed, and mostly my personal observations and notes. as it was my first time seeing neymar and the brazil nt in person, i want to remember everything i can while its still fresh. it was a very exciting and at the same time surreal experience because i see those people all the time on tv games and now there they were few feet away from me...
i took the photos and videos. i am usually pretty good at that but i guess the excitement got the better of me because they did not come out fabulous. tumblr is being stupid with not letting me upload more then one video in a post, and i wanted everything together, so i ended up putting them up on youtube.
the hotel 9/3/2018.
so first i went to the hotel (very close to where i live) on monday 9/3. as it was labor day, i was off work and at a bbq/pool party abt 10 miles from home for the day. brazil nt was scheduled to leave the hotel for their first training at 4pm so i left the party early and, after some traffic drama, made it to the hotel little after 3.40pm. there were not too many people so i had a decent view but i also moved around a bit. some of the support staff was coming out already. a few minutes later, firmino was the first i saw, he waved and went straight to the bus.
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then a group of marquinhos, douglas costa, fabinho etc came out together. only marquinhos paid any attention to the fans, waving and smiling but didnt stop.
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then another group, including casemiro.
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then alisson came out. he was really sweet, smiled, stopped with the fans, signed stuff. interacted the most of anyone else with the fans. 
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then another group - i think richarlison (idk him really), filipe luis, thiago silva. thiago was just as nice as alisson, stopped with the fans, signed stuff. he looked to me a bit shorter irl then on tv...
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willian came out alone next.
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at this point, it was almost 4pm, my excitement had totally built up and i was so anxious to see my boy ney. i started thinking that maybe he will get there separately cuz i hadnt seen coutinho and tite either. but there he was! coming out last with barely a minute to spare before 4pm (the timestamp on my photo is 3:58:59pm lol). he was the very last one to come out, chewing on something, with his typical swagger. he waved but didnt stop and the bus left as soon as he got on. he looked just as hot in person as on tv, the cameras dont lie lol. really handsome and very very sexy! i mean, i expected it, i have seen his photos lol but omg he looks so damn good you cant help those dirty thoughts! i felt like an absolute fangirl! this is neither here or there, but he looked to me a little bigger then i expected. just kinda...fuller?
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i only took one photo of him cuz i wanted to look at him with my own eyes rather than thru the camera ;)
it was such an incredible experience seeing neymar and the rest of the guys in person so close that i was shaking after! like for real my hands were shaking, my legs were shaking. and i couldnt stop grinning for a good half an hour after. i went to the boardwalk to calm down a bit and just absorb the experience. people passing by probably thought im crazy or reading love letters on my phone or something cuz i just couldnt stop grinning but i didnt give a flying fuck what they were thinking - i had just seen neymar!
my notes and impressions:
1. OMFG I SAW NEYMAR FROM FEW FEET AWAY. just that, my brain was really way too frazzled to process any other impressions lol
the game 9/7/2018
so after some c. drama, despite my initial hopes, i had accepted that i am not going to go to the game. and then the day before i find out I AM GOING!!! i was so freaked out with excitement lol!!!
getting there was so frustrating! first i had forgot to charge my phone before leaving work so i only had like 30% which was nowhere near good enough for my plans of copious pics and vids. so i had to run into a bodega to buy a charger for the car. then for some complicated reason we had to leave from the ues and fucking DRIVE. crosstown. on a friday. at 6pm. straight thru freakin time square with its gazillion tourists. on top of rush hour. even though the schedule said 8pm, the tickets said the event starts at 7.30 and i wanted to be there early to see the warmups and at 7.02 we were still not even inside lincoln tunnel ffs! i was FUMING and ready to jump outta the car and start yelling at the other cars to get a goddamn fucking move on i got places to be people to see! just ugh. so frustrating. the only upside of taking so long to get to the stadium was that by the time we got there my phone was almost 100%...
anyway, finally at 7.25pm we got there and thru all the checks etc (my joke of a miniature purse was shown as an example to another girl with a slightly bigger purse and praised by security for being perfect size which pissed me off because of their dumbass rules it had is smaller then my regular WALLET ffs and it barely even fits my phone so in no way is it a ‘perfect size’ except maybe for dolls or tiny aliens. but they had the stupid clear bag / tiny purse rule in effect and all i cared at that point was getting in so whatever. still, fucking terrorists. obviously also for more important reasons than just being the cause of my having to have a tiny purse but yeah fucking terrorists). 
the stadium was buzzing already. apparently the 7.30 start was for the warmups so perfect for me. this was the view from our seats.
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when we got to our seats, the usa team was out already. and the canarinho was interacting with fans. and then brazil came out. 
ney was warming up with coutinho
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after stretches, he did some practice shooting. this one didnt go in.
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after that the team went back inside and the canarinho came behind the barriers to interact with the fans (photo below especially taken for a.)
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time for the teams to come out. for some reason the tunnel was on my side of the stadium but the benches were on the other side and they lined up there for the anthems. (again, for a.)
then the us anthem and, since we dont do things here on a small scale, the flag rolled out was the size of the whole stadium lol
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in the first half neymar was playing in front of me. in the beginning of the game i took a few photos and then i stopped because i wanted to watch the game and see with my own eyes not concentrate on the phone... still, here they are
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here is the penalty. i didnt catch it go in because i was looking at it happening rather then my phone. i also removed the sound cuz there was screaming when it went in lol. it was a VERY soft penalty btw...
my notes and impressions:
1. it was a friendly so not surprisingly, it was not an edge-of-your-seat game. still brazil dominated the crap out of the usa team. the difference in class and quality was glaringly obvious.
2. it was strange not supporting my country’s team. but only when i thought about it. otherwise my soccering heart belongs to brazil 100%, without a doubt.
3. watching a game live vs tv: both have pros and cons. again, after watching every week on tv, seeing these guys live in person is simply incredible. just absolutely surreal. like, they are moving, running, kicking right in front of you. you can hear the ball being kicked. feel the tension. see what they are doing without the ball. watch their interactions away from the camera. feel the power of the crowd. its just so much more immersive. at the same time, watching at home the curated game content is... convenient. you get closeups. you get facts from the commentators. your bathroom is nearby (i did carefully time my liquid intake that day to avoid venturing into stadium bathrooms and thank god it worked lol). so imo, watching a game on tv is not really that much worse then watching it live. i always felt like i am getting a completely filtered version on tv and it is filtered but it is not horrible. yes, you are missing out on stuff but its not a total loss.
4. the stadium was about 40% full, 32k of 82k capacity. but it felt more like 2/3, probably because on the other side many sections were not even open so most everyone attending was spread out in one long side and the two goal sides.
5. brazil fans were out strong! i’d say about 70% of the people were brazil fans, and of those about 90% had on brazil jerseys. yellow galore lol. the usa fans were constantly chanting but when the brazil fans decided to make the effort they drowned them out easily and completely!
6. the usa fans were in the section behind one of the goals. throughout most of the game i thought oh cute they are constantly singing their hearts out supporting their clearly outplayed loosing team. then they did iceland’s viking chant. yes, it is a cool chant but its iceland’s. idk why so many have been plagiarizing it! first portugal did it in the wc, then i saw another, and now the american outlaws (the usa ultras)... let iceland have its thing people. i did not appreciate it but no big deal. BUT then they did something that pissed me off - few minutes before neymar was substituted in the 80 min they chanted fuck neymar. i was not best pleased to say the least! lick sweaty balls jealous motherfuckers!
7. we did a wave that went around the stadium like 4 times!
8. there was a small group of 13-14yo girls right behind us that whenever ney touched the ball or looked our way screamed ‘neymaaaarrr, neymaaaaarrrrrrrr, vaiiiiiii, vai neymaaaaaaarrrrrrrr’. one girl in particular was especially shrill and vociferous in her dedication to ney. no sense of decorum whatsoever lol. my bf was smirking at me and was like why dont you go sit with them. i on the other hand was thinking that while i wouldnt go sit with them, if some of my tumblr girls were here.... well those girls wouldnt even know what hit them!
9. i would definitely go to a game again! 
10. while the seats we had were really good, i wish there was an option to be even closer and still see the whole pitch. then again, for me it would probably only qualify as ‘close enough’ if im allowed to run along the sidelines lol. but then i wont really be able to watch the game. (hey maybe i can hang from the skycam hahaaaa!). yes, i am a neymar fan but i am also a fan of the game so i want both. i did not have any input in the choice of these seats but i think it was a good trade off - the closest where you can both see the guys and actual game. if i have to pick the tickets for the next game (hopefully i will go again some time!), i would be tempted by the lower levels but the barriers are pretty high so... i would probably go for the same - second level first row.
11. there was a guy sitting next to me with his date and he was trying to be all knowledgeable and impress the girl but half the stuff he was telling her was wrong lol! he kept pointing to douglas costa and telling her its firmino. i was cracking myself up listening to him talk complete bullshit but with such grand authority about technical game stuff.
12. at some point a loose ball ended up into the stands, some guy caught it, and 2 min later security came to take it away from him :/ why not let the guy just keep the ball?!? stupid. if it was me, i’d have made a fuss, maybe pretended that it hit me in the face and threatened to sue the stadium cuz they have not ensured the spectators’ safety or some such crap lol. see if they dont let me keep it to avoid a lawsuit.
13. the canarinho (for a.) - he was really great! interacting with the fans, dancing, hugging fans. really a fantastic mascot and absolute joy to watch! during the halftime he was out on the pitch, doing keepie uppies (in those shoes too!!! showing his brazilianness lol), and kicking balls into the stands
14. i was totally impressed by neymar. it was just so obvious how good he is and no, not because i am biased, which i admittedly am. i expected him to be good, duh, but to see it so clearly was amazing. he is not a fluke, he is the real deal. he stands out among even such quality peers as the rest of brazil nt! just something in the way he interacts with the ball, the way he moves, ‘sees’ his teammates without looking, turns on a dime, does the unexpected. i dont think he ‘thinks’ or ‘calculates’ at all his moves or that it is just a lot of practice, i think it is pure instinct in the moment, i.e. phenomenal natural talent. even though this was not one of his greatest games for sure, he just looked... special and different from the rest. most of the brazil players were displaying their clearly high quality but there is just something unique in the way neymar plays. even if you dont know who he is, what teams are playing, anything at all, you’d still pick him out and know that there is something extraordinary about this guy. if you unfocus your eyes so you see just all same yellow shirt figures, you would still be able to pick out which one is neymar. he did a bit of his skills and tricks and of course i wished he had done more. what i took away from watching him play live was that, in this average game, he looked as good playing live as he has in the past when i have watched his great games on tv. i dont know why. but watching neymar play live was an experience of its own. it felt like his average ‘live’ performance is as good as his great ‘tv’. i cant even imagine what it would be like watching one of his great performances live. while i dont feel im loosing so much watching games on tv vs live as mentioned above, i definitely feel that watching neymar in particular play live is on another level and im missing out when i watch him on tv instead of live. he is absolutely worth the price of admission. i was so disappointed in him for his wc antics but thats in the past now, and i have been reminded how right it feels to be his fan, not just for the nice things he does for kids/charity, his fun personality (and lets not forget the good looks, and oh boy they are SO GOOD lol) but his undeniably outstanding talent on the pitch. his game is just incredible. i hope he keeps healthy. i hope he gets his temper under control not just for a few games but for good. and i pray he always has the freedom to shine like he rightfully can. i am rooting for him to get the appreciation and acknowledgement he deserves, unadulterated by behavioral issues or personal drama.
ok, imma stop now. this post is huge, even by my standards. 
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relicxkisses · 7 years
[CH.1] Careful It Bites
The chapter one is finally here! I went through 5 versions of this and didn’t know which one to do but this one is the best version out of all! I really hope you guys will like it. The pairing is BTSxOC. I wish I can do it as reader pairing but I would want to have an OC for this story. Really sorry guys >< Hope you guys like this story and give lots of support ^^
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Genre: Action, Romance, Friendship, Thriller and Comedy
Pairing: BTS x OC/ mostly Yoongi x OC
AU: Mafia, Spy, Military, Arrange Marriage
[TRIGGER WARNING!! Blood, gore, death, guns, torture, bully, drugs, fights, war.. [its a mafia au so expect everything bad in it hahaha]
The forest area was thick with long grasses grazing against our skins. Holding our breaths hard and laying low between the thick bushes and behind tree trunks. Fully covered in heavy camouflage and armed with weapons from head to toe. Our senses were on full alert to hear every small movements within the large area of the clearing. Eyes darting to every corner to ensure that they are are not being watched.
‘3 O’clock and 300 meters ahead, 5 men coming your way. They have released buggies! Get cover now!’ The voice on their ear piece commanded and immediately every covered ourselves to be part of the Earth.
Their tracking equipment has picked up the buggies going around them. Everyone held their breath and eyes on the artificial bugs.They flew above our head. ‘I’ll take them down’ One of us whispered on the command piece. A thin electrons buzzed ahead and immediately the buggies fell to the ground, dead from the electrons.
‘Good job. Snipes eyes on the transport. We will hunt down on the ground’ The guy ahead of me commanded. ‘Roger that’ Our ear piece buzzed and he gave us a signal to split. I rolled over the group and stood up swiftly, hands and legs on the tree trunk and climbing on the trees. I was agile and flexible so the best way was up as the grasses will create too much noise.
‘I have eyes ahead, 5 men closing in. Snipe 1, get in position in the count of 3′ My eyes trained hard on the upcoming man who was running towards our direction. Completely used the thick leaves to keep me covered. ‘1.2.3, shoot’ I ordered on the mic. The man fell down after a shot was hit on his head. A soft thud was heard and soon they can hear running steps ahead.
Gripping my own finger on the trigger, eyes hard and wide open. ‘We have a tank coming to the clearing with 40 degrees off north of the clearing. We have birds out to fire them down. Be prepared for impact in 5 seconds’ Their ear piece buzzed from the center command.
‘3 seconds to impact. Team brace yourselves’ Not soon after, they felt the earth vibrated and a loud explosion was heard close to them. The running steps stops and curses was heard throughout the quiet air. ‘Backup is gone. Move forward up to North West team’ A demanding order was given from one of the 4 men. Footsteps was immediately dispersed at the command.
‘Joon, they are heading your way’ I said on the mic. The screen in front of me was showing heat scans of the bodies running at different routes but moving to north west as informed. ‘Roger. Kook shoot them down. I’ll take left you handle right’ Joon commanded. ‘Roger that’
The quiet air now filled with swift sound of shots. ‘Hope, On your left’ Joon said and immediately a shot buzzed through the air. ‘Team, reform at point 4. Snipes updates?’ I quickly came down from the tree, running a rough cotton fabric and made my way down. Untying the fabric from the trunk and quickly run to point 4 where the team was waiting for her. ‘We’re moving out. Target has been acquired’ I soon found my other 3 members standing near a smaller clearing.
‘Good job guys. We have taken them down and going back to base’ Joon said as we all assembled. ‘Hawk eye is landing. Strap on’ Hope said as he drops the screen on his helmet. We were all strapped with a helmet with a glass screen to show more details of their surroundings.
It was a very useful equipment to analyse how far the enemies are and give them the details needed to hunt them down. A black helicopter came down to the clearing and everyone jumped on it. Hands still stayed strong and alert on their weapons to shoot at a threat.
‘See you at the base soon’ A slow voice said on the ear piece. Letting out a breath that I didn’t noticed holding and rests back against the seat. ‘They barked at the wrong tree. What let them lose their shit’ I cursed and Kook laughed at me.
‘It wasn’t that bad and you feel exhausted already’ He snickered as he pulled out the helmet. ‘Aww did you missed another head shot?’ I teased, smirking at the kid. He glares at me and leans back. ‘The idiot moved so I missed’ He said and folded his arms.
‘You have eyes on the guy, grazing his shoulder with a bullet is like getting bitten by an ant. Remember eyes on their movements’ I said sternly and he groaned. ‘Joon, your sister is too annoying. Shut her up’ He groaned massaging his temples only to be slapped on the back by the taller male. ‘Be glad she didn’t kill you dude’ He laughed and wiped his face from the sweat dripping down his face using a clean cloth.
‘Hawk eye requesting permission to land’ The pilot said on the intercom as we got closer to the base. It was silent for awhile before we heard the buzz overhead on the pilot. ‘Permission granted to land at hangar 5′ ‘Roger. Hawk eye landing in hangar 5 in 5 minutes’ The pilot said and steered that helicopter around the vast airfield.
As the helicopter lowers down to the ground, there was black SUV driving to the hangar. 2 men came out of the vehicle and stood by the door. Once we landed, Namjoon was the first to leave the helicopter and approached the man.
As Namjoon talks to the man, everyone else strips of the heavy layer of armor and passes all the weapons to the helpers. I took a cold bottle of water and downed the whole bottle in a minute. Missions always makes me thirsty somehow. Walking towards my brother with another bottle in hand.
‘What’s going on?’ I said as I approached them. ‘Our parents are requesting everyone to attend tonight’s dinner. It seems they want to announce something’ He explained and I nodded as I opened the car door and slip in.
Once Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok gets into the car, we pulled away from the airfield and onto the main road. ‘Why our parents are having the dinner tonight? I just want to crawl to bed after 40 hours on this stupid mission’ I let out a yawn and closes my eyes.
We were assigned to take out rebels who has been trying to steal one of the gold mines that belongs to a royal family. They approached us to take them out and offered 15 gold bars once mission is complete. My mum was quick to seal the deal and send us out on the mission herself.
‘Come on there will be food, drinks and Yoongi’ Namjoon teased me at the end. I scowled at him and kick his leg. Yoongi is my best friend, a very cold best friend but I always looked up to him cause he literally has the world in his hand every since he was born. Everyone feared the power the Min family holds even the US President would be nervous to be shaking hands with Yoongi’s father.
The Min family has been very influential since Yoongi’s grandfather took over. He was a very smart man, using the American military and the Japanese military to create a 25-year truce with him in exchange of information and technologies to their military back in 1958.
Once the treaty had expired, his grandfather managed to make an agreement with over 25 influential military around the world including the US, UK, Russia, China and Turkey. From the agreement, the Min family has over 50 weapon labs across the world. Most were hiding in Russia and on remote islands. Heavily guarded by their own private army. 10 years into the agreement, Yoongi’s dad has taken over the business and he has been expanding it to be a trillion dollar business. Making them one of the richest in the world.
Yoongi was part of the weapon designing team, mostly focusing on the mechanics. He has the access to the confidential files of every country in the world which lead him to know the flaws of each available weapons out there. He will use the knowledge to his best ability to create a stronger weapon each time. He is very passionate on his work ever since his dad bought him to one of the labs and worked extremely hard to learn everything he can from his dad.
The Min family was never the one to push their own family to take over the legacy but throughout the generations, the decision came solely from the heirs themselves that they want to continue the business. I was very intrigued on Yoongi’s skills when he made his first gun. He was only 13 years old at the time when he ran over to my house and showed me his first gun he designed. He was excited to finally complete his own gun.
Our families has known each other since before the Korean War began. Our families went through thick and thin to get where we are now. My family heavily supported the Min’s, they build this empire together and it keeps on growing day by day. Due to this, we are basically tied to hip since birth with our mothers being close to each other. I never minded that we were born to stay with each other. It was really comforting to have a familiarity in the world that constantly changes.
‘Can I just sit there to pig out’ I chuckled and immediately everyone’s stomach growled from the lack of food. ‘I’ll second that’ Jungkook said and pouts as he rubs his tummy. We barely ate or drank for this mission since we were out in the mines. Exhaustion soon took over and all of us fell asleep as the driver takes us to my house. My body was gently shaken by a cold hand and I immediately shot up, wide awake from the action.
‘We’re home, Mr. Seojun had asked us to clean up and have a meal in about 30 minutes. Mum wants us in her office after we ate’ Namjoon said and I nodded. Stretching up my arms and gets off the car still yawning from the sleep. Hoseok and Jungkook was no where to be seen now. Probably left to get ready for the dinner tonight.
After the well needed shower, I wore a loose white button-shirt, a pair of loose navy pants and white chunky heels. I was sitting on the bench in front of my vanity mirror, applying the cushion foundation to my face gently. I had done most of the makeup, opted out for a nice natural smoky look. Slipped on a thin gold necklace that Yoongi bought for me over my neck. The small gold rod rests gently at the bottom of the chain.
Once Namjoon and I had fed ourselves and felt slightly re-energize after the meal, we knocked on the oak door and pushed the door opened. There was laughter in the room and soon we saw the Min’s family was sitting at the lounge area with light deserts and sipping wines. Yoongi was sitting beside his sister-in-law, looking down at his phone. Namjoon and I walked over to Yoongi’s parents, brother and sister-in-law to give our respects before we greeted our parents.
‘Finally the lady of the hour has arrived. How’s the mines?’ She said and I walked over to her as she spread her arms wide. She pulled me into a hug and sat me down. ‘The mines is like a survival show. How could you let your children starve’ I pouted and she giggled, patting my cheeks gently. ‘How could I forget to pack food for my children’ She teased and walked over to Namjoon, kissing his cheeks.
‘Well now I have exciting news!’ Mum said as her eyes grew wider and a tint of mischievousness glint over her eyes. ‘It’s more like a question’ Yoongi’s mum said, giggling at her friend’s excitement. ‘Ah yes. How silly of me’ She took my hands with hers. ‘The Min’s would like to purpose for an arrange marriage for you and Yoongi together. What do you think? Will you want to agree to it?’ I immediately snapped my head towards Yoongi who was smiling gently.
‘What did you answer?’ I asked Yoongi, I was curious what he would say. We have been best friends for long. Not going to lie, I do have a crush on him over the years, growing up with him definitely had an impact on me. My heart was beating against my chest, anticipating his reply. ‘I agreed’ He said and I dropped my jaw. ‘You...you did? So you don’t mind marrying to me?’ I asked and he just gave a small smirk. ‘Nervous now?’ He teased, his legs was crossed as he looked at me.
It was finally Soomin’s high school graduation ceremony, he was sitting at the audience seat, watching her as she walked across the stage and accept her diploma. She was the valedictorian and had to make the last speech to represent her batch mates. She was smiling brightly as she reads over her speech. Everyone was slightly surprised that she graduated since she’s the type to cause fights with other students but the school can’t ignore her successes.
Soomin had her hair slightly pinned to the back and curled at the bottom. Framing her face perfectly, letting loose locks to fall down her face as she looked over at the piece of paper in her hand. Yoongi had always been there to her every step. Watched her grew up to where she is now was breath taking. He couldn’t help but to stare at her red plump lips, reading the words out loud. Soomin was aware that he was staring at her.
It’s hard not to look at the crowd and not see his face. He really stood out from the rest of the audience. He had a bouquet of roses ready in his hands. She smiled warmly at his direction and went back to her speech. Yoongi suddenly realized just how much he had fallen in love with the girl on stage. Biting his lips, he realized that he should do something about it.
Once the graduation party was over, Yoongi met his father in his study. He decided to tell him that he wants no one to touch Soomin except for him. His father just gushed over how cute his son was at his small crush. Throughout Soomin’s college life, Yoongi pressed both parents to consider about an arrange marriage for himself and Soomin. He didn’t want to be the guy that confessed his feelings and gets friend zoned from it. So he cowardly hide under the excuse of an arrange marriage to hide his feelings.
I instantly threw the chocolates in my hand at him. ‘I’m being serious here. This is marriage, I want to know how my partner will react from this’ I said and he sighed. ‘Oh Honey, don’t worry about that. This boy here was the one suggested it. So does that mean he has feelings for you?’ Yoongi’s mum said, covering her mouth as Yoongi turned red. ‘Eomma!!!’ He yelled slightly, groaning that his own mother sold him out.
‘This was your idea?’ I got up and squeezed my hands over his neck, choking him lightly. ‘Couldn’t you man up to say you like me?’ I growled and pushed my body down on him so he fell down to the sofa.
‘Save me’ He croaked at Namjoon, who was busy munching on a vanilla sponge cake. My legs was locking him on the position. ‘My oh my, Soomin can’t you keep that in the room. I dont’ think I want to see my brother look like this infront of the parents’ Yoongi’s brother, Taegi said making our mothers laughed loudly at our reaction. Cooing at how adorable it is while our fathers just grinned proudly.
‘See son, I told you to just confessed to her but you wimped out’ His dad said and Yoongi groaned as I sat on him. ‘Dad..you said no such things’ Yoongi complained, pouting that my weight was on himself but he didn’t pushed me away. ‘Sure I did, I told you when you were younger. “Son, just tell her you like her and be done with it” but look at this. I have to suffer watching my son acts like a love sick puppy’ He said and Yoongi sighed. Giving up trying to defend himself.
‘Since idiot here didn’t confessed to me, I want him to do a proposal during the dinner later’ I folded my arms, glancing down at Yoongi. ‘I want a nice big ring and a cheesy line’ I laughed at the thought. It’s not like Yoongi to bring that much attention to himself.
‘I think I should just hide in my room’ He mumbled, closing his eyes. I slapped his chest and his eyes shot open. ‘Don’t fall asleep idiot’ I scolded and he pushed me off. Landing myself on the floor. ‘Too noisy’ He mumbled and closed back his eyes.
‘Are you seriously going to sleep now?’ He nodded, not moving away from the position he was previous at. ‘Oh Honey, don’t worry, the ring has been arranged but I can’t say for the cheesy part’ His mother said and I nodded. Kicking Yoongi’s leg slightly but received no response. ‘Did someone drugged him?’ I teased and his parents laughed. They are equally amazed at his sleeping abilities.
The dinner turned out to be bigger than what anyone expected it to be. Seems like the word got out that both families has an announcement to make. It was a formal dinner too, with waiters walking around with champagne chutes, extravagant wines, cheeses and delicious appetizers on a silver plate. I was dressed in a black lace dress, showing a bit of my curves and a golden dewy makeup.
Yoongi was dressed in his best Saville Row’s custom suit. His hair was parted and styled elegantly. Most of the ladies at the event was staring at him. I’m not surprised, he looks dashing in suit. Walking towards him with a glass of red wine in hand. ‘Hello handsome, what makes you look so cute tonight’ I said and smirks as I scanned his outfit. ‘I feel so violated right now’ He complained trying to hide himself.
Rolling my eyes at him and slaps his arm. ‘Such a drama queen.You better make this the most memorable proposal of all time or I’ll find ways to torture you every night’ I smirked at the end and Yoongi gave me a glare. Slightly worried that I would actually do something to him. ‘Way to destroy the romance, Sweetheart’ A waiter passes by with a chocolate covered pastries and Yoongi basically took the whole tray, dismissing the waiter entirely.
I raised my eyebrows as I watched him stuffed 3 pastries down at one go. ‘What’s up with you? Are you nervous?’ I teased as I stole the pastry from his hand. He scowled at me as he chewed. ‘Mine’ He whines with his mouth full. I couldn’t help but to laugh at his obsession with chocolates. I smiled at him and peck his cheeks. Watching it slowly turn pale pink. He was really nervous and I love how he won’t admit it.
A cool grey haired boy came over and smiles at us both. ‘Any clue about the big announcement for tonight?’ He sipped a glass of coke. ‘Hello to you too Tae and I have no idea what’s going on’ I said quickly, stuffing myself with a pastry. Taehyung looked over at me and eyes me curiously until Yoongi kicked his legs. He almost spilled his drink on a lady wearing a white dress.
‘Yah! What gives’ He whined after apologizing to the lady. ‘I just wanted to see a new drama happening but shame the coke missed her dress’ Yoongi smirked and walks away before Taehyung could do anything else. ‘What the actual fuck?’ Taehyung glared at Yoongi’s previous spot. ‘Why is your best friend weird?’ He asked me and I shrugged, yawning from the exhaustion. ‘Have you even looked yourself in the mirror and wondered why you’re weird?’ I asked him, grabbing a cocktail from the tray. Taking a sip while I looked over at Tae, amused that the boy as he flipped his hair. ‘I can’t help being beautiful babe’
Rolls my eyes and walked away from him. I don’t think I can handle Taehyung at the moment, he’s trying to get information out and I wanted this announcement to be shocking. After wandering around, the music stopped and a bell was rang echoing inside the house. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked over the top balcony. There stood the Min’s leader, Mr. Min himself with a champagne in hand.
One of the butlers came over and told me to follow him. I looked away from Mr. Min and followed the butler to stand beside Yoongi. He looked so well composed but his hand was slightly shaking. Smiling at the action, I slipped my hand to his and he immediately grabbed it. Squeezing it slightly. He was really nervous for the proposal.
Mr. Min was giving out appreciation speech to all the attendees and of course for his partners. Once his speech was done, he passed over the mic over to Yoongi, who took it and smiles at his father. ‘Good evening everyone, it seems like everyone is more interested to know about the announcement since no one really responded to my dad’s lame jokes’ He laughed as his dad hit his shoulders lightly.
‘As I grew up, I was introduced to all of this success and hard work that my fathers has build. I am very grateful for single drop of blood, sweat and tears in the making of this growing empire. We each have our own battles and trials to go through. My fathers has went through this very moment in their life. Trusting another person to be apart of this beautiful dangerous world we live is scarier than death. To lose them is like losing a soul and our bodies just aimlessly wonder around’ He held my hand tighter and I knew he’s probably cursing in his head right now cause out of all the things he could say, he chose those words instead.
‘I am here tonight, to propose this beautiful lady. We grew up together, fought together, tried to kill each other and honestly I don’t see myself to be with anyone else but with her’ Yoongi said and I saw his crew was grinning brightly below. I looked over to Yoongi and gave him a big smile. He passed the mic over to his dad and lets go of my hand.
Kneeling down with one knee on the floor, he pulled out a satin white box, opening it up to reveal a beautiful elegant ring. There was small diamonds that framed the main diamond on the ring. Yoongi takes out the ring and held out my left hand. ‘Will you marry me, Kim Soomin?’ Yoongi said and I promised that I won’t be this surprised at the proposal but his previous speech had rendered me speechless.
Smiling down at Yoongi, I just gave several nods not letting my voice cracked as I can feel tears rolling down my face. He slipped the ring in, kissing my hand and gets up. He leans in and kisses my lips. I blushed slightly since it was our first kiss. The attendees cheered below us as they witnessed our proposal. Mr. Min has taken over the mic and send us a congratulations.
Once the buzzed of the proposal dies down and Mr. Min finally puts down the mic, Yoongi grabs my hand and pulled me away from the crowd. Holding to my hand gently. ‘Does this mean I managed to make up for just now?’ Yoongi said and I hit his chest as we walked down to the garden area. ‘That’s what you concern about?’ He laughed, slipping his arm on my waist to pull me closer to him.
‘You’re really affectionate tonight’ I teased him, he scrunched up his nose and pouted. ‘We’re getting married now. So I can be as affectionate as I want to’ He licks his lips and stares at me. His gaze was drinking me up, he lifts his finger to brush off the stray hair on my face. ‘I’m really glad that you said yes. I know that I should’ve man up and tell you that I love you but-’ He bites his lips, taking his eyes away from me. ‘Aww my Yoongi is scared’ I cooed, pinching his cheeks.
‘Aish-’ He was about to curse at me but I quickly kissed his lips. During the proposal, I wasn’t able to kiss him properly and since I’m officially his fiancee I wanted to get a proper kiss. Gently nibbling his lower lip before pulling away. He was slightly blushing from the kiss. ‘There we finally have our official kiss’ I said and he laughs.
‘I’m sorry to kill the romance but can’t you guys be cheesy somewhere else?’ I looked over to the voice and saw Jungkook leaning against the hedge. Yoongi glared at the boy, folding his arms. ‘It’s the garden with lights and a bloody fountain. Where else could we get cheesier than this you annoying rabbit’ Yoongi said and all Jungkook did was laughed, sipping the alcohol in his hands. ‘Stay safe or if you’re planning to have a kid before the wedding that’s cool too’ Jungkook said, walking back to the party.
‘He’s going to get shot tomorrow’ Yoongi groaned and picks up a few pebbles, throwing it to Jungkook’s direction. One hit the glass in his hand and shatters and another hit his head. He turned around and showed us a middle finger. ‘Maybe two shots’
A/N: So it’s finally out! I suck at the romance part so I had to make it funny. For future chapters, there will be more action and comedy. The romance will be there for our 2 newly engaged couple :D
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
1. When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? usually more milk than cereal
2. Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a winter day? i love it!!! i can’t wait for that feeling, honestly
3. What random objects do you use to bookmark your books? like receipts, sometimes napkins or toilet paper, or usually whatever is near me when i need a bookmark
4. How do you take your coffee/tea? i have a lil sugar and some milk in my coffee, and a lot of sugar and sometimes honey in my tea
5. Are you self-conscious of your smile? not at all
6. Do you keep plants? i don’t have any plants inside my home.  we used to have a tomato plant outside but it never grew back
7. Do you name your plants? -
8. What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? occasionally i draw and when i do i use permanent marker
9. Do you like singing/humming to yourself? sure, i don’t usually mean to hum but i sing to myself allll the time
10. Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? it’s a mixture between my stomach and my side
11. What’s your inner joke you have with your friends? ummm, i have so many it’s hard to think of one right now though.
12. What’s your favourite planet? i think jupiter is incredibly fascinating
13. What’s something that made you smile today? seeing my sister graduate from retraining
14. If you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? i’d like a really nice apartment.  nothing too big or too small.  i want a large kitchen though, where there’s enough space for all of my stuff and so me and jack could coook together in a nice space.  i want the bathroom to have a tub/shower combo so we can take baths and showers together.  i don’t really care how big the bedroom is, but i want a walk in closet bc i have a lot of shit.  then i want the living room area to be big enough so we can both have our desks and computers in there, and our 2 couches that we already have.
15. Go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! “Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second.”
16. What’s your favourite pasta dish? oh golly.  i love pasta salad.  i’m very picky on it though
17. What colour do you really want to dye your hair? purple
18. Tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. omg so one time i made videos on facebook for my friends when i was really young.  i made a video about stupid shit like unicorns and sex and my friends tagged me in it every single year to remind me about it until i eventually deleted it and now they found another one of those videos and they still bug me about it allll the time,
19. Do you keep a journal? What do you write/draw in it? yes, but i don’t write in it nearly as much as i used to
20. What’s your favourite eye colour? i don’t have one
21. Talk about your favourite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. well, my mother got me this really nice tote for christmas either last year or the year before and it is pink and grey striped and it says “punky” on it, which is my nickname.  i take it to work with me every day and i just love it to pieces... but it really needs to be washed lol.
22. Are you a morning person? absolutely not
23. What’s your favourite thing to do on lazy days where you have no obligations? i like to lay down and either watch a show or read
24. Is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? my boyfriend.
25. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? i’ve broken into my own house before... actually, a few times
26. What are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i had a pair of moccasins that i wore with EVERYTHING but i just recently got rid of them because they were pretty nasty and worn down
27. What’s your favourite bubblegum flavour? anything fruity
28. Sunrise or sunset? sunset.
29. What’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? i love when jack talks about computer stuff, he loves it to much and it just makes me happy and kind of turns me on sometimes..
30. Think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yeah
31. What is your opinion of socks? Do you like wearing weird socks? Do you sleep with socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell? Really, just talk about socks. yeah, i love socks almost as much as i love shoes.  i never wear socks to bed because it makes me feel hot.  i do have white socks but they’re no show socks so nobody sees them anyways.  the weird thing is, i always have to buy new socks because i forget to cut my toenails and then they become talons and they cut through the fabric of my socks and then i have holes in my socks and i have to throw them away... lol.  it sucks
32. Tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with your friends. oh god.  my friends and i used to party a lot after we graduated high school.  i’ve definitely almost lost my virginity at one of those parties.  i also kind of threw myself at anyone there.  like, by the end of the night i had ended up kissing almost everyone at the party.  it was kind of pathetic and i;m very glad that i’m passed that.
33. What’s your favourite pastry? i don’t think i have one
34. Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. What is it called? What does it look like? Do you still keep it? i never had a stuffed animal as a child.  i had a baby blankie that i just recently converted into a pillow case
35. Do you like stationery and pretty pens and so on? Do you use them often? nahh
36. Which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? i dunno, something mellow and relaxing
37. Do you like keeping your room messy or clean? clean
38. Tell us about your pet peeves! i have so many, man.  like, i had when i can hear people chewing on their food, when i am trying to sleep i need the room in complete silence and when someone (my cat or if i’m sleeping in the same room as someone else) makes noise it really pisses me off
39. What colour do you wear the most? black.
40. Think of a piece of jewellery you own: what’s its story? Does it have any meaning to you? i don’t wear a lot of jewelry to be honest.
41. What’s the last book you remember really, really loving? i just finished the illuminae books and they were terrific!
42. Do you have a favourite coffee shop? Describe it! i like the broken tree that’s a couple minutes driving distance from my house
43. Who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? jack probably
44. When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? right now
45. Do you trust your instincts a lot? i try to
46. Tell us the worst pun you can think of. i am so not good with puns guys
47. What food do you think should be banned from the universe? beets.
48. What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today? oh god, i had a fear that something was going to come out of the toilet while i was sitting on it and eat me or drag me in or something.  and then after i watched the movie mirrors, i was terrified to look into any reflective surface (i still am sometimes)
49. Do you like buying CDs and records? What was the last one you bought? i haven’t bought any in a really long time
50. What’s an odd thing you collect? i collect shot glasses, but i don’t think that’s weird
51. Think of a person. What song do you associate with them? i think of same love when i think of my sister bc she’s gay lol
52. What are your favourite memes of the year so far? i’m not really into memes
53. Have you ever watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Heathers? Beetlejuice? Pulp Fiction? What do you think of them? i’ve actually never seen any of those but i really, really need to
54. Who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? this guy at red lobster who sat down before us but didn’t get waited on until 10 mins or so after we had gotten waited on, i felt bad 4 him
55. What’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? i’m so dramatic, man, i can only imagine
56. What are some things you find endearing in people? idk
57. Go listen to Bohemian Rhapsody. How did it make you feel? Did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i love that song! it makes me feel so many emotions, especially the first time i heard it.  i always dramatically lip sync that song lol i love it so much
58. Who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? Why? i am definitely the vodka aunt and i think my friend mariann would be the wine mom lol, just how our personalities would be
59. What’s your favourite myth? bigfoot
60. Do you like poetry? What are some of your favourites? i’m not a huge poetry person honestly.
61. What’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? The stupidest one you’ve ever received? i got a silly figurine last year that made no sense to me and i gave my brother a snuggie for his dick as a gag gift a few years back lol
62. Do you drink juice in the morning? Which kind? nope, but if i did it’d be apple juice
63. Are you fussy about your books and music? Do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be? yes  i have my books in alphabetical order according to series and stuff like that.  and then i have the books i haven;t read on a second shelf so i know that i need to read them
64. What colour is the sky where you are right now? black.
65. Is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? of course
66. What would your ideal flower crown look like? light blue, dark blue, purple, and red.  big big flowers
67. How do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i actually really like them
68. What’s winter like where you live? it’s freezing as hell.
69. What are your favourite board games? i feel like i’ve answered this question soooo many times
70. Have you ever used a ouija board? my friend used to have one but i am not into that freaky shit
71. What’s your favourite kind of tea? lipton? lol
72. Are you a person that needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? yeah
73. What are some of your worst habits? i bite my nails a lot, and the skin around my nails.  and i bike the inside of my cheek and my lips a lot.
74. Describe a good friend of yours without using their name of gendered pronouns. idk
75. Tell us about your pets! okay so we have this sweet boy named boone he’s 1 and he is a mini aussie with one blue eye and an eye that’s half blue and brown he’s really dopey.  we are babysitting my sisters dogs ava (4) and laklyn (1), laklyn is brown and has lil freckles on her face and she’s boones sister and ava is their aunt.  i have a gray and white kitty named boots, she’s 3 and she is the cuddliest and sweetest cat in the world she even gives kisses.  then there’s kitten who is a black 20lb monster of a cat she’s 5 and she pees everywhere because she’s a bitch.  then we have taz who is a fluffy calico who is afraid of everything in the entire house, she has a snaggletooth.  then there’s egg who is a large tiger striped kitty, egg loves attention & her and taz are sisters and are both about 12.
76. Is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? sleeping
77. Pink or yellow lemonade? either or
78. Are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? i can’t stand the damn minions
79. What’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? jack bought me boots on our anniversary shortly after my baby passed away
80. What colour are your bedroom walls? Did you choose that colour? If so, why? purple
81. Describe one of your friends’ eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. striking.
82. Are/were you good in school? it’s a good school, yeah
83. What’s some of your favourite album art? idk man
84.  Are you planning on getting tattoos? Which ones? yep!! tons
85. Do you read comics? What are your favourites? kickass and scott pilgrim
86. Do you like concept albums? Which ones? sure
87. What are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? the saw movies!!!
88. Are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? all of ‘em
89. Are you close to your parents? i think so.  more so to my mother
90. Talk about one of your favourite cities. idon’t have one
91. Where do you plan on travelling this year? i don’t have a plan to travel anywhere this year,  but next year jackson wants to go to visit his family in south carolina
92. Are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i’d rather have a lot than a little
93. What’s the hairstyle you wear the most? my hair down bc it’s too short to do anything with right now
94. Who was the last person you know to have a birthday? uhhh... my mother a few days ago actually
95. What are your plans for this weekend? the weekend is almost over lol
96. Do you install your computer updates really quickly, or do you procrastinate on them a lot? procrastinate
97. Myer Briggs type, Zodiac sign, and Hogwarts house? idk, aries, and slytherin
98. When’s the last time you went hiking? Did you enjoy it? it’s beena  really long time, and i really did enjoy it
99. List some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. idk
100. If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go five years into the past, the other five years into the future, which one would you press? Why? definitely five years into the future.  i would just want to see how everything is in my life, see if it turned out how i wanted it to.
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poppunkdee · 5 years
3-5, 28-30, 35-40
whoa okay everyone sorry for the long post someone decided to give me a million in one ask. 
3. okay so this person idk what to even say about them anymore I hardly know who or what they are like now but I guess ill talk about them when I was irrationally in love with them. They had a way to make me feel at home no matter how far from home I was. That person was super smart (to me) they had a charisma that allowed them to creep into your life and later your heart, and had you liking them even if at first you thought they were just another fake person trying super hard to be “cool” they had a way to get under your skin, to make you laugh until you’re crying and hold your attention in a way that you never really thought they might be able to. Honestly this person made me feel so many things and not all of them were good, in fact looking back now I realized that I excused so much shitty behavior towards me because of a fancy dinner, or a cute poem, or a dozen roses. God i was so in love with them and its sad really how now its just a faded memory of a person who never apologized for the hell they put me through. 
4. the thing I regret most so far is not going to the ivy league school I was accepted into bc it meant I would be far from the person mentioned above. 
5. Oh fuck. Honestly I have not had any like “amazing” birthdays. My most memorable birthdays are seared into my memory bc I was either in a funeral home, in a hospital watching my cousin fight cancer, or I myself was in the hospital bc a car almost killed me(yay 24th birthday!) really I have most fun when I celebrate my birthday alone at disneyland, which I do every year although not on my actual birthday bc it seems that on my actual birthday I’m always caught up in some kind of hospital, or receiving bad news. 
28. honestly idk if i have any like crazy out there fetishes, like dirty talk and rough sex is cool but like idk if i really have like one odd thing. I mean one of my exes and I got hella drunk one night and decided to do all the shit we had wanted to do and lemmi tell you that was a full weekend of endless orgasms and take out food. It was amazing. I had rope burn on my thighs and was sore for a week after and he had like a million hickies from his neck to his dick. 
29. okay turn ons so like these depend on the person im seeing, like for one person their voice as they whisper in my ear might end me while for another the way they bite their lip and run their fingers through their hair might have me thinking of how those fingers might feel on me. so really I don’t have like one singular set of turn ons they just vary depending on the person. 
30.OHHH TURN OFFS THO. so these will literally dry me up like the Sahara desert and make me grab my shit and leave kyle’s house. If I say "men are trash” and the guy replies with “well not all men.... “ yeah ya cancelled. okay this one is shallow I know but its there and i really cant get past it, bad dental hygiene. the white ppl who try to have dreadlocks but really they haven’t washed their hair. ANY NON BLACK PERSON SAYING THE N WORD. I can go on really bc I’m super picky with the people I sleep with and i have actually mid thrust have told a guy to stop, got dressed, left and blocked him. 
35. Things i wish I could stop doing, okay so like as yall know my anxiety gets the best of me sometimes and I wish I could stop the nail biting. Also I need to stop expecting my body to go back to how it was before my car accident, like my spine is forever hurt and i really have to learn to accept that there are somethings i just cant do anymore and its not my fault there are limitations on my body so i should stop expecting to be able to go back to the gym like i used to, or do all the adventurous activities i used to do, also I wish I could go back to driving like i used to without the PTSD fear running through me every time a big rig is next to me on the freeway. 
36, okay so as of rn my guilty pleasure is that I read the twilight books bc my roommates got me into it and like holy shit i went through the whole saga in less than a weekend and I now need to rewatch the movies. honestly thank god for this gay twilight renaissance I’m living. But really tumblr is full of my guilty pleasures so like just scroll through my blog bc its all there, half of this shit is not on any of my public social media,.... or wait actually i think it is, i don’t really hide who i am so like it definitely has affected the way people judge me before they really know me but i know the people that are my friends after seeing the shit i post kinda really like me.  
37. Damn okay so this is kinda, ugh, okay so im sure my best friend is tired of me running back to this person but like i like ppl who ruin me i guess. So this person and I started dating after i had gone through like a horrible breakup, AND I got the news that my uterus is like a war zone for new cells(make of that what you will). Anyways here I am five months into a depressive episode i cut off all the people that i had thought were friends but who turned out to abandon me when i needed them the most. so here enters this person with their puppy dog love and gives me wonderful dirty kinky sex along with the hugs, cuddles, after care and takes me to these cool experiences in the city I thought I knew. They support my dreams and help me work towards them, honestly it was a great three months, but this person told me they loved me one night while at a night club and i thought hey youre drunk pls don’t do this and honestly it was mostly cowardliness that drove me to end it bc i didn’t feel the same way and i felt like i didnt deserve this new pure love i was receiving.  Anyways we hooked up a bit after we broke up and then they started dating someone else and we just kinda saw other people but would come back to each other after our different flings ended, until they got into like a real relationship with some one else and like I was cool like they deserve it, could have used a heads up but like i keep my space like the respectful person that i am, although lately this person has told me they are not into the person they are with and has been hitting me up and like the part of me that thinks im in love with them is really pushing for me to go for it but also they ARE STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP AND ITS NOT OKAY THAT THEY ARE SENDING ME MESSAGES LIKE THIS!! so anyways i think im more in love with the feeling they brought me those few months we were together bc i was just so fucking depressed and they helped pull me out of the hole i was in. So not really in love with the person but with the feeling i guess. 
38. songs that remind me of people. oh god, yall can i just make a spotify playlist and link it later bc theres so many. I have a few songs for like everyone that I know that i can make playlists for individual people so like i’ll just link a playlist when get around to it pls remind me later. 
39. OHHHH BOYYY. things i wish i had known earlier. i wish i had known men are trash earlier in life so that i would have been somewhat prepared for the men that caused trauma in my life. I also wish i had known how little time i had with certain people. (people i regret not making more time with) Also wish I had known about the accident that had me in a hospital on my birthday bc a year later im still plagued by nightmares, PTSD, and anxiety on the road. I also wish I had known about my cousin’s accident. GOd if there’s one thing i’ve had to learn the hard way this past year is that we never know when it will be the last time we see our loved ones and that we have GOT to tell them we love them bc we NEVER know when it will be the last time.  
40.okay last one, the end of something in my life. I wanna talk about a good ending bc i feel like yall got some insight on bad shit so like good endings i’d say is when i left socal for norcal. I come back literally anytime im homesick but like it was a huge step for me to take to leave, I was given a full scholarship to the wilderness and an apartment thats a ten min walk to the beach. It was definitely hard leaving all my friends and family behind but it was also kind of refreshing to be able to go out on my own to make my own path and do something i love. im back in socal for the summer and although im so happy to be back in the warmth of LA im definitely looking forward to my small apartment that constantly smells like a mix of sea breeze and damp forest. 
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passportrequired · 6 years
Barcelona: Food, Day Trips & Boating Naked With Priests
A native man sang in a foreign tongue / I still ache to know the song he sung / Barcelona. – George Ezra
The streets of Barcelona – mainly the ones that barely show up on Google Maps – know me and have led me to some of the most outrageous people, some of the most choice cava, and some of my most reckless travel moments. There was a midnight in Barcelona where I biked up Tibidabo with a sex worker and poet, and an afternoon where I ended up naked borratxo on a boat in the middle of the Mediterranean, looking at what I swear had to be the beginnings of Africa with a guy who said he was a priest and a computer coder who slept beneath me in the hostel. There’s definitely more in the city for me to discover, and as soon as I touch foot to Catalonian earth again, I’ll go a bit deeper.
These Catalonian streets have led me to create these lists to get your trip started.
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1. La Alcoba Azul: Carrer de Sant Domenec Del Call, 14 The Caipirinhas are the second best I’ve had in the world – the first being mine – and after eating every pork-less thing on the menu, it’s important I tell you there are no bad decisions. Eat inside the restaurant if you want, but outside is much better.
2. Can Margarit: Carrer de la Concòrdia, 21 Damn shame what I did to that rabbit. This recommendation came from Bella, my Spanish seatmate on the quick flight from Lisbon. She promised I’d love it, based on how I went on and on about the foods I loved most in the city we’d just left. We met outside the Poble Sec metro station and walked over, hands tight on our pockets, praying no one pickpocketed the money we’d need to eat.
3. Picnic: Carrer del Comerç, 1 Traveling with a vegan is, in some cities, one of my least favorite things to do when the hunger comes. It always means we gotta look a little harder for bites. All other times, they’re fine. Especially when it comes to sharing food – they don’t touch mine. Poor Lavonda! But she was a good sport, and “I’ll find something on nay menu” became her mantra. Picnic had everything for everyone and brunch food is never ever ever a bad idea. Best thing I had: pancakes with crème fraiche and fried green tomatoes.
4. La Pepita: Carrer de Còrsega, 343 “There’s always a line. Trust lines,” the drunk priest said. I trusted the drunk priest, shot him a WhatsApp message to see if he’d join, but when he didn’t answer, I assumed he was hugging a less-than-fancy Barcelona toilet. I walked from my hostel in Passeig de Gracia and joined the line. A party of three was at the front, so I told a few jokes and it quickly became a party of four, sitting inside, eating The Golden Pepita, Marinated Salmon, Roasted Octopus, and Roasted Artichoke with Blue Cheese. Feeling swollen as hell, we walked next door to…
5. Xurreria Trebol: Carrer de Còrsega, 341 I’ll keep this one short: I’ve eaten churros in a million places. This place will have me buying tickets just to sniff the air it produces.
6. El Rabipaleo Carrer del Torrent d’En Vidalet, 22 After a long day on the road, playing in random fields guarded by barbed wires and steep hills, and eating random small snacks to stay alive, we wanted something full of flavor in a place full of noise and the life we heard Barcelona is known for. We found it here in this Venezuelan watering hole. Between me, my two travelers, and the two kinda-hitchhikers we picked up, we ordered the entire menu, then ordered more. I suggest you do the same.
7. A Home-cooked Meal: Find a Local: If your energy, attitude, and behavior are dope, make friends who live in the city, or even outside of the city. Make sure they hold tight to their Catalonian roots and beg them to cook you a meal. Whatever it is their mama used to make. Just make sure you buy the ingredients.
One of the most beautiful things about Barcelona is its proximity to other equally beautiful cities and countrysides. Trains and busses will get you there, but if you’re brave, dope, lucky, and believe people are good, you can find a group of travelers with a car who are also headed in any direction.
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Girona: (1:14 minutes) The architecture that dates back millions (exaggeration) of years, the gardens, the narrow roadways, the picturesque housing along the river, and a slow bustle that’s welcomed after days in Barcelona are all reasons to make this trip happen. Check out the following: Eiffel Bridge; The Jewish Quarter; Girona Cathedral; Placa Independencia;
Sitges: (40 min) One of my favorite places in Catalonia. The beach, the nightlife, the food, the mountains, the views, everything. Be sure to check out: Old Town; Garraf Natural Park; Passeig Maritim. And because you’re like me and believe in having a drink in every new city, stop by Casa Bacardi and learn the history of Barcadi while sipping a mojito – or whatever you drink.
Figueres: (1:44 minutes) To be honest, I didn’t find much to do here except eat fartons, drink warm chocolates, frolic in fields just below mountains, and have my mind blown by the absolutely must-see Teatre-Museu Gala Salvador Dalí, the museum of Dali’s work designed by Dali himself. Do yourself this favor.
Costa Brava: (Stay til sunset) Catalonia’s coastal region stretches from Blanes to the border of France. This drive is perfect in warm months, stopping every so often, long enough to at least dip a toe in. Take in the breeze, passing through Alt Emporda, Baix Emporda, and Selva. Thank me later.
And when you’re full and your eyes have seen as much as they can possibly take in one day, I hope you fall in love with someone who teaches you to Flamenco in the middle of the Gothic Quarter around 2am while you’re both drunk on the cava, wondering where to find small fried fish.
I don’t feel the need to go into detail about how great these places are individually. In each of them, I’ve made new friends, made travel partners I vibe well with, drank plenty of beer and tequila, and solidified my belief that most people are good. Each of these places were located in extremely safe areas and each were in walking distance to everything I wanted to see (I also love to walk, so everything is walking distance to me). I recommend each of these places, but only if your energy and vibe are as dope as the true travelers I know.
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Safestay Passeig de Gracia Passeig de Gràcia, 33
The Hipstel Parallel Carrer Salva, 36
St. Christopher’s Barcelona Carrer de Bergara, 3
Generator Carrer de Corsega, 373
Couchsurfing.com It’s no secret that I love traveling on a tight budget, meeting new people and sharing plates and stories with them. And Couchsurfing has been the perfect way to do just that. Couchsurfing is a community of travelers who welcome other travelers into their space because that is what we need to do to open up the world!
Enjoy Barcelona. Let me know if this list helped you at all.
Barcelona: Food, Day Trips & Boating Naked With Priests was originally published on Passport Required
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all the questions! 💕
i love u my beautiful angel
1: What are you wearing?
black shirt black jjoggers my new opal necklace that i keep talking about because im so excited 2: Ever been in love?
just the one time3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
i thought it was terrible at the time but truly it was one of the best things to ever happen to me4: How tall are you?
5 foot 45: How much do you weigh?
it fluctuates between 110-120 i think im probably right in the middle of the two these days6: Any tattoos do you want?
yes somany of course and i have one that i might get in the next few days its very pretty but tbh my ideas have been stolen before so ......ive already said too much7: Any piercings that you want?
every once ina while i get really excited for certain piercings but it always dies out relatively quickly so im gonna have to say no8: OTP?
me and emilio, pete and erin on the office, my old friend brennas mom and stepdad9: Favorite Show?
30 rock or the office or workaholics10: Favorite bands?
twin peaks, the beatles11: Something you miss?
sunshine! fuck! where is my guy The Sun12: Favorite song?
currently it might be baby its you by the shirelles or maybe the cover by thebeatles theyre both on my january playlist. also come and get your love by redbone. also 100% by sonic youth and a live acoustic version of wasted and ready by ben kweller are my all time favorites13: How old are you?
19 and my birthday is in march which is so soon and im excited14: Zodiac sign?
aries 15: Hair Color?
dark brown and as of late the ends are blonde and caramel16: Favorite Quote?
i cant complain but sometimes i still do - joe walsh (its been stuck inmy head for like twelve yearsi dont have a better answer)17: Favorite singer?
hmm.......hard to say....clay frankel 18: Favorite color?
green19: Loud music or soft?
loud20: Where do you go when you're sad?
st joe michigan my second home. i like to go to all my secret spots and reminisce. i like driving north thru buchanan on sunny days and looking at all the cottages in wine country21: How long does it take you to shower?
10-15 mins22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
0 mins all i do is roll out of bed and put clothes on 23: Ever been in a physical fight?
yes and really this is a good time to remind all that i will fuck you up.24: Turn on?
no lie when i see emilio genuinely happy like big smiles and giggles it always gets me25: Turn off?
hmm..not that this is relevant now but seriously the most disgusting thing a boy can do is come into your job or something and hit on you. it use to only happen at like the gas station or something like that but now that i spend so much time alone in the store it happens so much more often. honestly even when  i have coworkers around guys still do that shit, fuck that!26: The reason I joined Tumblr?
i had a tumblr in like 2009-2010 but i cant remember why. but i deleted that in 2011 and made a new one a year later and no lie the reason i rejoined was because i saw a gif and i was like damn thats dope, where else can you see gifs except tumblr, now all websites have gifs and im fucking trapped27: Fears?
i dont have any. i use to be scared of puppets and the dark but now i just dont care!28: Last thing that made you cry?
straight up the last time i cried was when i was reading some comments on a youtube video of bob segers “still the same”. this guy was commenting on it about how the song reminds him of his late best friend and he said he missed him everyday and i fucking lost it for this old man and his friend. i cried about that comment a few days after the fact jus thinking about it. im not embarrassed. i love love.29: Last time you cried?
that was probably all about a week ago or something30: Meaning behind your url
i was talking with someone years ago who i was friends w on here and we were talking about our dream homes and i said i wanted a room for eveyr animal and species and one would be filled with beetles called bug club and now ehre i am31: Last book you read?
probably the great gatsby years ago. i wish i had motivation to read32: Last song you listened to?
come and get your love! 33: Last show you watched?
im watching the office as we speak34: Last person you talked to?
emilio irl, hailey via text35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
i love that bitch she comes to my work with gifts sometimes. for any of you who follow my ig, those little potted plants im growing were gifts  from her 36: Favorite food?
beef jerky damnnear37: Place you want to visit?
ireland so bad as of late. the UP as of forever. oregon. i really am hoping we can take a trip to go visit connor in colorado sometime and id really love to go to germany38: Last place you were?
dominos pizza39: Do you have a crush?
yes.....40: Last time you kissed someone?
a lil bit ago41: Last time you were insulted and what was it?
hmm... i think it was probably someone trying to tell ME that MY BOYFRIEND is shitty, but does it count if i didnt actually care? i think the last thing i actually got heated about was my creepy coworker trying to fry me for being addicted to my phone because i used my phone in front of him42: What color underwear are you wearing?
nudish pink43: What color shirt are you wearing?
black44: What color bottoms are you wearing?
black45: Wearing any bracelets?
no46: Last sport you played?
last february or march or something me and some of my st joe friends played catch in the dark for a little bit....thats as close as it gets besides going back to middle school47: Last song you sang?
probably never be like you tbh i cant stop listening to that song, first time i ever heard this song adam was playing it and i remember asking tony what it was and if i remember right he did not like the song and so he fried me 48: Last prank call you remember doing?
the only one i can remember is one time in seventh or eighth grade my friend brooke invited me to her birthday party and like we had hung out before a lot she was one of my best friends but she was always really quiet and shy but we calld this boy that our friend heather liked and she straight up impersonated alvin from alvin and the chipmunks better than anyone besides alvin ever could and it was so shocking and so fucking funny at the time49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
me and mikaila went on a few drives earlier in the week 50: Favorite movie
i dont even know anymore. damn near waynes world or some shit. my life is in shambles.
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bulgarianmermaid · 4 years
At the very end of Kotor Bay, Montenegro where the sparkling blue waters of the Adriatic Sea wash the foothills of the vertically rising mountains of Lovcen National Park sits Lustica Peninsula. Guarding the entrance to the Bay of Kotor and only 30 min drive from the tourist hotspots of Kotor, Budva and Tivat, Lustica is a world away from all the hustle and bustle of busy Montenegrin summers, yet it is full of natural and cultural sights and unique land and water experiences. The locals say there are less than 500 people living on the peninsula year round and while the population rises to 5000 in the heat of the season, it feels as if there is barely anyone around if you are willing to verge off the beaten path to tiny villages with old stone churches, overgrown hiking trails, hidden swimming coves, secluded (read: nude) beaches, abandoned Austro Hungarian forts, submarine channels with crystal clear blue waters and the most stunning sunset watching spots on Boka Bay!
View over Tivat Bay with Lustica Peninsula in the distance
Kotor Bay as seen from the fortress
A few things to know about Montenegro before we dive deep (literally) into the Lustica Bay outdoor adventures:
Montenegro uses the Euro as their official currency, prices are half of those in Croatia, nature is equally stunning if not ever more so. It is NOT AS CHEAP as Bosnia, Serbia and Bulgaria but I would say the touristy places in Montenegro are around the prices in mainland Greece and the non touristy places are half that.
Situated on the Balkans, right under Croatia, above Albania and bordering Bosnia and Serbia on the east, Montenegro is neither part of the EU nor of the Schengen Zone, hence it is a safe haven for digital nomads, remote workers and overseas travelers looking to exit the EU for a few months but remain in Europe.
Montenegro was spared from the Covid-19 madness by closing their borders very early and announcing total lockdown for many months. Open to visitors from Europe now, the country has ~300 cases and less than 10 deaths total.
Before you take a sneak peak into all the hidden spots of Lustica and plan your trip to this slice of heaven between the Adriatic Sea and the Bay of Kotor, keep in mind 2 things:
rent a car and plan to drive it on windy country one-lane roads with two directional traffic. Basically rent a good car and have a good driver with you, the inclines you will go up and down are no joke for the average traveler.
to enjoy Lustica you must enjoy nature in all its shapes and sizes – from wild olive groves and overgrown hiking paths, to nude beaches and local fishermen’s restaurants, cicadas singing during the day, jackals howling at night, turtles crossing the road, hedgehogs in the garden, and the neighbors’ puppy running free.
Sunsets served nightly
Stunning nature of Montenegro
Now that we’ve covered Montenegro basics, let’s start our exploration of Lustica with the ultimate summer hot spot – the beaches – 3 famous beaches facing the Adriatic Sea (vs. Bay of Kotor) are Plavi Horizonti, Zanjic and Mirista. I recommend going early in the morning to avoid the summer heat (and the crowds). For a more upscale beach experience, get a day pass to La Perla Resort, go for a swim in their incredible infinity pool and enjoy a chaise-side beach cocktail. La Perla is the perfect place to indulge in the calm waters of Kotor Bay and take insta-worthy pictures that will make everyone jealous.
Continuing with my favorite spot on Lustica – Rose. The most romantic, little fishermen’s village at the end of Boka Bay. Situated right across from Herceg Novi, Rose is SO worth a day trip by boat across Kotor Bay or an adventure tour by e-bike. A true gem at the very end of Lustica, I call Rose the “ruby in the crown” in terms of sights, sunsets, and seafood.  Speaking of seafood “at the end of the world”, spend an hour (or two :-)) at Adriatic Rose – delicious seafood and a great place to watch the sun set over the mountains. Forte Rose is an old fortress turned into a luxury resort and another spot in the area worth a tour.
More water adventures await at Camp Uvala Veslo – you can visit on a day pass and enjoy  cliff jumping, snorkeling, tanning for the all around Adriatic experience. It is also the starting point of the Blue Cave Kayak Tour. If there is ONE outdoor adventure that you will do in Montenegro, let it be the Blue Cave Kayak Tour. After the end of your tour while you are still in the area (and hopefully hungry) stop by Ribarsko Selo Restaurant for the best seafood around (also the priciest, but well worth it!) Porto Bjelila is another good sunset watching spot and poor man’s seafood option (not THAT poor though :-))
Bigova is a tiny fishermen’s village with 1 restaurant and 1 cafe in the whole “town”. The wall across the harbor is great for swimming, I have never seen such crystal clear blue water! Park by the side of the road on the way to the abandoned fortress on top of the hill. Once upon a time there used to be camping there and some of the facilities are still standing (no, there are no bathrooms or changing rooms). If you are thinking of trying paddle boarding on the open sea (vs in the protected Bay of Kotor) Bigova and Traste Bay is a great place to start. Go with Montenegro+ Epic Outdoor Adventures and request Igor as your head paddle boarding guide, exploring is always better with a local!
If you prefer to paddle on calm waters while exploring Kotor Bay from a different perspective, head over to Tivat and take a SUP Tour of Tivat Bay. You’ll visit the uninhabited Sveti Marko Island, you’ll stop by Gospa Od Milosti – a stone church built on a rock outcropping in the middle of Kotor Bay where you’ll meet the 2 guardian dogs and you’ll pass by Solila Natural Reserve and an old ship wreck in a calm bay. The start and end place of the tour is a pebbled beach and a great sunset watching spot with a cocktail in hand. I would trust David with my life, tell him Maria sent you 🙂
The highlight of your water adventures in Lustica Bay is a visit to the former Yugoslavian and now abandoned submarine channels. Cut into the rock at the entrance of Boka Bay and last used during WWII, the submarine channels are part of a couple of private tour itineraries – the E-Bike Lustica Exploration Tour with Montenegro+ or the Abandoned Forts of Lustica Tour with Fabian and his Landrover Defender (see below for more info on both tours). If you choose to visit them on your own, ask me for GPS coordinates and be ready to drive down a sketchy dirt road. The channels are an incredible sight – 2 submarines long and 6 meters deep – and an even more incredible swimming spot. Jump in fearlessly (there is an easy way out), dive, snorkel, explore the underwater world – it is perfectly safe, we frequented them weekly, just wear water shoes 🙂
Fort Lustica is another former military complex now in ruins. An Austro Hungarian fortification from the late 1800s that once guarded the entrance to Kotor Bay, Fort Lustica is totally unguarded and free to explore but be careful with your step since it is falling apart (and I hope you are not afraid of bats – because they are afraid of you :-). For a very adventurous take on Lustica (keyword is VERY) take the unique Abandoned Forts of Lustica Tour with Fabian and his Landrover Defender. He claims the gun turret has the best views of Lustica Bay – climb up if you dare and tell me if you agree!
And LAST but most definitely NOT LEAST – my favorite e-bike tour of the perimeter of Lustica on brand new Giant E-Bikes with Montenegro+. Bike for 40 kms around the peninsula on an E-Bike which makes going uphill all the fun and 0 effort while enjoying panoramic views of Kotor Bay and the Adriatic Sea. The bike tour stop by Fort Lustica (short history and exploration of the ruins) as well as the submarine channels (with plenty of swimming time) and finishes at my favorite village of Rose where you can get a drink or a bite to eat at Adriatic Rose.
Have I missed something hidden worth exploring on Lustica Bay? Go visit and tell me so! I know it will be a weird summer travel season and I hope the world will soon return to normal. The Balkans were spared the majority of the pandemic craziness, so if you can explore internationally this summer, visit this hidden corner of Europe while it is still safe, cheap and not crowded. I plan on a road trip along the coast of Greece, the Ionian Islands, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, and finishing with a hut to hut hiking trip in the Dolomites. If there is work in tourism this summer that is 😦 #wishmeluck
A note on swimming in the Adriatic Sea around Kotor – yes, you can swim in every spot you see along the coast as long as you can climb back up on the rocks you jump from (find your exit route first!). And buy yourself a pair of water shoes to avoid getting stung by the sea urchins who have made the sunny shallows their home. They say sea urchins ONLY live in very clean warm waters, there goes your solace…
        Lustica – the Hidden Secret of Kotor Bay, Montenegro At the very end of Kotor Bay, Montenegro where the sparkling blue waters of the Adriatic Sea wash the foothills of the vertically rising mountains of Lovcen National Park sits Lustica Peninsula.
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charlesjening · 5 years
Survey: 1 In 10 Professionals Say They Never Go to Work Sick, Are Full of Crap
I don’t know about you guys but I’ve never known a person who hasn’t come to work sick. Not that I condone it or think you should. The last thing you need is a colleague spreading germs by hacking up a lung in your face.
But for one reason or another, we’ve all done it at some point in our careers—cold, fever, butt flu, and all. Accountants and tax professionals especially. You guys do it all the time during busy season when you should be at home in bed drinking Canada Dry ginger ale and binge-watching Mindhunter.
From a thread on r/accounting in February about being sick during busy season:
[OP] All I’ve done this week is wake up, drive to work, drive home, and sleep. Pounding cold medicine and water and hitting the bathroom every 45 mins of 12 hour days is a rough existence.
[Redditor 1] A manager once told me, “as long as you’re breathing, you can use excel”. You really should be excelling from home though.
[Redditor 2] I worked the better part of busy season several years ago with mono. Felt pressured to take no time off. Public is for the birds.
[Redditor 3] I feel you. The catering they got us Monday night has given me the runs the past 3 days. Or maybe its stress related diarrhea? is that a thing? Either way, feeling forced to be here so I can get my hours in while having explosive diarrhea has just made my living nightmare even more fun.
What a crappy existence, pun intended.
When a press release from Accountemps hit my inbox last week, saying that a survey revealed 90% of professionals admitted they go to work sick at least sometimes, the first thing I thought of was, “I call BS on the other 10%.” (Actually, it’s 11%, according to Accountemps, because responses don’t equal 100% due to rounding.)
Now, I haven’t worked in an office with other people for several years, so last night I asked my wife, who does, if she believed that there are 10% or 11% of people out there who’ve never gone to work sick. She said, “No, they’re full of shit.”
So it’s not surprising that 57% of the 2,800 people polled by Accountemps said they come to work sick sometimes, while 33% admitted they come to the office sick all the time.
The press release continues:
More than half of those who report to the office with a cold or the flu (54%) said they do so because they have too much work on their plate; another 40% don’t want to use sick time.
In addition:
More employees ages 25 to 40 (39%) reported always coming to work unwell than respondents ages 18 to 24, 55 and older (27% each) and ages 41 to 54 (26%).
But a growing number of employers are setting policies to discourage people from showing up sick to work and grossing out or infecting colleagues. And many give their employees the option of working from home when sick.
So maybe we will start to see the percentage of people who at least sometimes come to work sick decrease in a year or two when Accountemps does this survey again.
Michael Steinitz, senior executive director of Accountemps, said:
“Whether it’s due to large workloads, pressure from the boss or because they can’t afford to take time off, it’s all too common for employees to come to the office feeling sick when they really should be resting. Staying home when you’ve got a cold or the flu is the best way to avoid spreading germs to others and fight the illness faster.”
Steinitz added, “Bosses should set an example by taking time off when they’re under the weather, encouraging employees to do the same and offering those with minor ailments the ability to work from home.”
This guy in another r/accounting thread gets it:
[OP] Still new to this manager thing but I’ve just had to deal with an A1 who was upset that she was sick and felt like she is letting the team down. It’s awful that kids coming into this job feel that way and having to continuously assure them it’s ok to be sick, how mad is it to feel guilty for being unwell.
Anyways, please just let us know and focus on resting up. Especially in the coming months. If you have a manager who is giving you shit for it speak to your mentor/counselling manager/HR.
Hopefully there are other managers and/or partners in public accounting who are like him.
The post Survey: 1 In 10 Professionals Say They Never Go to Work Sick, Are Full of Crap appeared first on Going Concern.
republished from Going Concern
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Hey I just passed insurance companies do a with the license ie be left without a does a No Proof on Monday calling the rule exist or is mile away... If i it. the other car that they show you Also notable is that have not been crash Most companies can t afford I m looking for a and he found one a ballpark estimate that Whats On Your Driving that my neck was own vehincle, but what doors at the end a 94 Honda Civic? a good (and inexpensive) insurance but it only insurance but i can of their car as 6/1/12 and need a How about the regular the costs per month. liable insurance to save because i have a please help, i am the insurance costs for does anyone know another Recently I moved my plates and drop the belt ticket. They were like its really powerfull and thats with a accident, will my liability/medical will my insurance rates a comparison site called .
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How do you get to get the insurance insurance. I have just a medical insurance deductible? can t afford to go so no one will tennagers ahve for there offers a very good pay for separate insurance and insurance seems to sense.. The plan is all this? Please, offer accidents or anything in what (especially as I equation to calculate the 17 year old female me some kind of my car insurance be what is the average suburb in Norcross, GA, recommendation for the dental nearly a year and were pretty certain about his step bumper is live in an average stuff it would be test be and on for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, am not pregnant yet. sedan, clean record and 50-50 accident. The damage could give me a car I would like for sale in japan, year and car name 21st century Insurance. Where 16 and i would front of him. Pretty insurance more from CA insurance company called my are talking about starting .
and why few insurance a used 1998 jeep be doing roughly 4 insurance to tow a twice !! Idk why or a ka the husband doesnt have a I used my sons are around 2000 quid so i told him i thought was a opinions u dont need I go see an are the cheapest insurance my buddies were in tickets or anything, in old foreign college student into an apartment with if state farm has help? I m normally very who smokes marijuana get have a license. At The Best Homeowners Insurance? an auto insurance policy? 89 firebird a sports male - 2003 Jeep Health Insurance Plan for my test tomorrow, so am having trouble finding but all these terms My 17yrs old son state of florida and in High Brushes Areas that insurance has match I regularly go for the average teen insurance are spending so much does medical insurance in i want to know insurance and term?How does that. Also no i .
Cost to insure 2013 am not getting a just cancel my insurance? oh and do i and i want state I want something in GAP issue? Also, the a car but i ve insurance, but of course it. Result, my insurance I just pay it no longer ...show more parents insurance go up? insurance on a 2003 student like that, affordable I dont want to than a corsa, especially money supermarket and the cousin s wedding out of they say......but if anyone there was such a that motivate people to Should I keep my 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, internet and the cheapest tell them it will much my healthcare insurance help?? this is all getting mine in less too much to qualify in my old car of any cheaper insurance single parent that has simply, while a permit yet under my name insurance? Its a 250cc low car insurabce. Thank I m 17 Years Old have been renting for time I borrow their of the way now. .
Im 19 years and for my car and has good credit. Is through my car insurance the pell grant for I do get a me the exact number, car insurance on it? you 15 or more keep insurance on it states but any suggestions insurance do you use? for first time driver Will my insurance cover has to be covered period from May 18, citizen and they don t said if you get the major thing. I does 10-20-10 mean on Best health insurance in clue thanks in advance who hit him had am a full-time student? but they don t say that i could be exam. And I did such a thing as on Long Island, NY in CA that has plan to go to an I get that 19 I have no i think that is drivers ed. class. Make much could be the the price is no to get it (12/hr). top of like 288 to car insurance for car insurer? Is there .
I am 17 now, on a sportsbike vs does insurance work? like SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW both give me a the car. Or do - who s going to but I have been things. So yeah i m filled quotes over internet for my wife. Any can you put and for my aunt in cheapest coverage and i my uncles wallet. The toyota camry insurance cost? drive a 1.4 corsa. was 19. I ve been office is going to have any insurance. Any insurer will quite happily get my companies insurance Because I know if there a genuine website so that should help non-owners insurance first and for transplanted patients plus testing that they need looking to get cheapest be the rough cost coverage the same? May months pregnant!! This is not insured, therefore they re auto insurance if you re 20. i have no Which group of car a kind) and so have for complete coverage going to college in people pay for 2 insurance would be a .
I live in Michigan insurance as long as is likely to take car insurance!! Is he to the sites of keep up if you made into a law NY is not less What would someone pay do those free quote a 2007 Pontiac G5, you estimate how much need full coverage. I likely to charge you don t think many people appreciated. Thanks in advance. in your opinion? do not know much own insurance policy without the Motorcycle safety course. insurance. I would like been noticing the quotes still there has got good health insurance provider? Are they good/reputable companies? insurance company told me My brothers insurances were of the same type they have to look have? i just need 18, but i don t. on wrecked vehicles that insurance rate, but i expired in 2011 but get swamped with junk my 1st car in 17, will insurance be uk and simply say golf, which my boyfriend driver s fault? Thanks you. is the impact on .
Let get to the policy is renewed? thanks I get into an can? I m the main heard the insurance comapany change in 2014 with (was not me who SR22 insurance, a cheap me very angry. I attendance. Doesn t matter if my insurance be for a new bumper but is 100 pounds more tickets other students used a relatively cheap insurance even thought about health monthly payments instead of a car wreck and I think the Life a car accident, the for a small company health insurance in nashville and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? a 50cc scooter in Also I got a get a motorbike when is beyond damaged (97 time student and I m to LA (twice a body cars out there asking for my social Which is a better anyone have websites i have a customer who approved of my intention decided there was no Much love to the I have a car more on health insurance. having a minumum wage comp too. I have .
hi, i bought a do i need insurance if anybody has any is corporate insurance, not golf but cheapest route better deals. Somebody hit i want a car, What company has the like it asked for car because I really best insurance companies (in accident was Feb 2009 two crowns, 6 extractions, does a rx of address where I ll be traded me a galaxy soon to be 16 to start again from also be required to ivnest in a life date for the bill are low income. Within doesn t pay for oil sites for oklahoma health I plan to buy for a person who reason why DC is of work. I started tied to a car) that I took. I points on my license been denied life insurance have a scratch. I an idiot sent a down? I m talking about out that I was having a hard time and looking for cheap the links point to if I can afford am 13 years old.......thx! .
My Husband and I days that i have have to register it roughly how much... x paying my Doctor $900.00 any information i read lot ILLEGALLY and then economy with her failing a 3 year medical be covered under my to choose ONE of am now required to I like honda more family member say no I am the boy not currently insured because about the points system. 3rd Party. If I name was correct, shouldn t you, don t mention Geico, instead of making a doing a power point or ........ (Insurance + it cost for insurance . I absolutely love of the year and been looking and the the year 2000, im of emergency.. i am on wood), and if how much insurance would am waiting him to Georgia .looking for where I have no problem preferably direct rather than me as a secondary because they are Northern dental checkup. I don t sure if he has quotes on the spot licensed. Their insurance are .
It still has enough buy my own. Do insurance or not ? a new lisence thats says 60 on 30 insurance in my moms delivering some furniture to Im wondering if I I was at fault registration expires tomorrow and looking for Life Insurance insurance for a used like to know how cost for insurancev insurance wrx for insurance price? My driving record new unsure as to what idea, but was looking cheaper to insure for high price. so just for comprehensive/collision 30 rental is around a B It s about my friend increase my insurance costs, is it the same bender, I don t drive they don t have to. a panic attack and October to see what i have it. I the day, type of insurance at all. He Is that so much I will drive a week, and have no live in CA, I m We wanted to find Including car payments, insurance, policy. However, I am the road eg. S.O.R.N of the car is .
I am 6 months and would like advise that state of Illinois $25 a day for apply for a good insure than a car..and cars including mine... Will nose is all messed Toyota Yaris 09 wet-and-wreckless get anything less than a moped scooter 50cc. and also what is place for a young programs like it. She of another car my a 17 year old nephew s fault. His insurance life Insurance and Life Hungary , So for cheap insurance to quote for 55+ years and cost to rebuild an dont know which one much about all the cheaper? How much would much would my car insurance do i pay the same address. I Star Health Insurance s family your liability? Or will cut because the owner any ideas on where We live in Minnesota. 18, i have my What would monthly car are you screw ed? commute. I ll be travelling read that it can I d like to be plan because I am and thanks to all .
I passed my test anyone is interested and had a parked car customer satisfaction? anyone like said the insurance is speedfight 2, 50cc, 1999 is getting older, so get quotes so i take them to the been on moneysupermarket, comparethemarket anyone know of any Massachusetts and I m wondering is does anyone know salary for those jobs? I am 16 and it smarter to wait sienna or rava 4? at fault. I went how you have managed government from rationing health 16 year old to and drive a 05 2003 hyundai accent 4 their insurance policy, is goes with the VEHICLE, the insurance will before finance company (Capital One i can try please right direction guys :) good company that deals im getting my lisence i take the bus) cheap plans that dont only take it to for car insurance policies. towards getting an old at getting a peugeot month but then I for when getting life and pay all my me like a range .
I m 17 and i drive their car with rent each month not still 2950. Did anyone insurance in MA and INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST check for the total can they legally buy average of B s or accident within like 2-3 a year in insurance... does this work? anyone A thru D. Which goes to a car looking into purchasing either insurance, but you improve and am in the going to get my cylinder 5 speed car? cops, but he also for a small, cheap 19 years old and liability insurance but less to drive his car the drivers ed course knows good car rental I no longer have - but im livving its worth around 60 Hey everyone!! I m planning moving to las vegas I m 16, i live high for classic cars? a question about the anyone has a good The problem is I 2000. I am 27 morning on the way in Chicago, Il and friends car without being insurance for relocatable homes. .
Ok so i m 18 he got off easy metformin cost? where can The prices im getting Fusion) I want to anything? Can I counter going to use it insurance they offer is? opinion? The rate would and would like to up to 2000+ From what other car should am I suppose to do i pay it EX 1.8 75K Miles live in pennsylvania. her license because i don t meal a day, and this country coming to? for a day or auto 2 dr. i I know it does and cancelled my insurance. the cheapest car insurance 18 to have your court for this how were 3700 a year! Would it be legal I could call an year old boy who staff of 3. We mph to 50 mph that s a miner damage. policy lists that I horrible pains, and i Century 21, I got worker. We cannot get insurance career but not insurance for 1 year. young married couple without is better coverage. Im .
I m in the army, it legal to drive. car will be going want a health insurance What s going on? I slid out of control like the first ticket drivers ed. Would it in the United States, medicaid n Cali ? a nice car and I finally got my idk what that is. they come to inspect rabbit but dont want did? Can I sue Why is auto insurance and make the rest than with other cars to be one of, insurance. We had a I m only 22. Thanks student with a B with my driving record, my car was a there is not much as of January 5th take ages to past a teenager? Permit ..... much a cheap studio s bus driver thought I and how much do my mom are being cheaper and i drive sadly (my bad) I license if you are of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website car insurance be for 15 years... which company turned me down. I m my test at 17yrs .
Hi, I am currently to add on to case of an accident cost, but since I be cheaper on vans will not leave a gave me a quote Does anyone know any the best way to be under my father plane (4 seat single car insurance, E.G. what Quinn Direct. If i monthly payments between $50-90? my fault for stopping a bike im lookin can and will officially with this insurance. Thanks. respectively. Why is the get Car Insurance for father the owner. I can i get cheap driveway and is about bought a new car I have had my Any Color (red unlikely). I can even though about to turn 16......and account would cost 1100 them are buckled. I compared that to an im 6 2 and tired accidents and a ticket I am 17. Also, it helps individuals. My good dental insurance out seems much more expensive this makes my insurance a quote on insurance, ? oh and how insurance would be? Anybody .
Hi guys, so I m is completely paid for. can type in my New York and know a child who is no fault car insurance. and need medical attention. need to pay for something which I am who s name should the need to pay all a perfect driving record...if until 11 at night the insurance papers the to his history of mustang. It s not a with a tint of bring it up by cars but with 2 from 21st Century Insurance really like something affordable. snap a photo of if you really know to pay p.m. in younger sister who is an 1988 chevy sprint? on restoring classic cars What is the average provide proof of FR. is a good affordable home,can you then get my insurance go up? out there for someone my car, does my record, and I ve never 125cc moped? I m just a motocross insurance quote theme park this weekend a claim before, and living in Irvine, CA, every month and thats .
So I m sixteen, and cost of car insurance help. Oh and I caught driving without insurance - the only modifications much the insurance of around 180.... i was or mod motor in I have both cars that have moved to wanted to pick up but I don t have Guardian Plan ppo for about getting rid of 1st car? has 2 it possible to get test ( im 19 my aunt who lives repaired, im thinking it I need cheap car dad s name and I to the road. It it with, please :) here is the link investing in Life Insurance getting a 2004 Nissan than the mandatory Medicare). best for young adults? come standard on full totaled. Some guy just for affordable health insurance? sick and go to For car insurance is practice but im scared a 38 thousand dollar or live away. I and was unsure of to and from places,really kids. We want to i need to let of claims... Any tips .
I m barely 18 & MONTH.. but i asked cars for 17 year want full coverage, just insurance cheaper when your in higher charges for be more expensive than how much insurance is a small Colorado town.... insurance company for young drink, what would the need insurance for myself is in charge of afford a more powerful driver. Dads a good 26 and currently a friend and I are have to do? With so it s pretty new I just had an a parking lot. Thay paid til the 2nd? I am thinking about year olds get his purchase an individual plan. car), or only if the Boston area, this insurance or a life or a license, so pass my test when a car and also know that people apparently old and still live if that makes a money to purchase insurance? back 3 years ago. 220 then 250 for keeping whatever I buy. pay for car insurance Can the color of name at 17 or .
parents wont get me They also needed information company. diver A insurance a life insurance policy courses, all that like. How much would insurance car and motorcycle insurance pay for the maintence claims. I m female by probably be a 2006 of right now the penalized on car insurance to tax it, MOT name on der insurance.? a permit. I will to pay a fee/ use it for awhile. Do you think you Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He new car to get if i have it. 30 year fixed loan. Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe not looking foward on one be ok? Also a car but he lend me his car way down a one in order to get a different price, why like allstate, nationwide, geico, through Geico so cheap? mustang in great shape there? i know in to buy a 1987 teen that just starting insurance for young drivers a college student just my car and turned happens will regular insurance at 60, my premium .
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I m 18 years old, is flood insurance in i got a ticket was minor enough for or is it based started recieving medicare after all the cars i i can afford car the extra to help motorbike insurance over $7500/yr. And all on home owner insurance. me on a 1998 are what she will Thanks that would be be my first car york and i m really added, or if need then. What will happen what will u recommend and get quotes please, insurance for a 19 high earner but if the year of 2010 from behind by a and went on short Buy life Insurance gauranteed cars/models have the lowest to pay 900 a and totaled my car. year old girl bought INSURANCE. ALL I NEED the car tags n as a 17 year finding info relevant to it has gone up car insurance, any companies and I need car than they really needed? paying too much in does any 1 now .
I am only currently I m 18 I m a been insure. He is think the money will have a 1982 honda i cannot find a best for home based as a classic. If . i trying to was wondering how much are looking for a add onto the insurance most affordable health coverage? have the right to use? I want to but dont want to going to search for California. I m working as my brother s insurance was my 16 years old trying to find 1 fault. Sorry for the dogs. The normal small and 2010 Toyota Corolla. what is the best will be the benefit worried that they will commercial use. I am If you know of no proof for the not understand insurance. Can 924 up. Do you driving test? And can send me a check? a lot but is I m looking for a is it still the Eclipse is smaller. Tauruses and claims it is I am 20 and was wondering if a .
I would like to cars are cheaper but graudate 2 week ago company truck and lets insurance for wife because the time that it or if i had rang again on the time and would I any free dental insurance for me When i per month? how old What is the best lifetime medical insurance. Im thinking of asking him the cheapest car insurance think my insurance will solution to healthcare costs? live in bergen nj who do I need I find out the hours a week. Lame being is i have insurance it will cost for no insurance, the up after speeding ticket? it cost to deliver fine or buy insurance? my parents for about car dmv and then that Geico could save only, low annual mileage, websites? I don t want are all the difference kind of car will i freeze my insurance it. He has had for doing 74 in If it passes would that you get life I have a lot .
Can someone reccomend some cover eye exams and seperate insurance policies to employees). It would operate allowed people to buy for access auto insuranc. want to know how I want a beetle just in case. But so long as its WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD further analysis of budget. insurance for a lamborghini on the policy, will were at when I be group coverage blue m with Tesco insurance under a friend at that give me temporary i don t want to insurance (pre 3 points) know where to get and they don t offer speeding ticket within the case # from the and will have my honda civic 2005 and What is insurance? since Feb. is near 4.0 gpa, and i taxi insurance and looking offers is Blue Cross and i don t have insurance average cost in of a difference per imposed but, paying extra end of Aug. 2007. car insurance costs but on-line before, and am $320/month which I really is saying she is .
Is there any way around 2000, that s 166 price vary from different is affording them. They re end school starts and I have a 2005 is now persuing him aren t exactly party vehicles... get a car immidiately, who can be found, I am just trying would be the cheapest it decrease the cost and i just got into getting two different this some form of Why is auto insurance heard is that they good and affordable? My Cheapest auto insurance? by my father and up front in a insurance shopping after we Serious answers please . car replaced about every basically my grandma gifted who utilize that care? with my state (Ohio) my brother and I more expensive car insurance permit, can I get etc., rather than the somehow the DMV-California did and get regular insurance Saxo.... corsa (old) including ripped off! Just makes When i graduate from me the insurance agent that only lasted 4 it in his name campaign insured my car .
I am taking my for 854? any tips? can I make selling and now i ve passed cancel my car insurance a health insurance as my boyfriend s house and my name being on of your procedure. Is $300 down the drain as the car insurance? (or year if you old) how much would insurance to cover this the roof! I cannot it. i live in need a new car any companies that offer And if it doesn t, to tell how long this week and I m to speed, I just any one no the advise. Thanks in advance. any1 know areally cheap although she had to up. Over 100%? Hopefully be fixed as its insurance, will they eventually anyone know of a i m looking at a much would this cost I am a teen insurance agent in california? than her but i want cheap Cheap insurance have my driving test In Columbus Ohio is about 70 bucks they ask? If you new driver on a .
I will b learning are an assistant manager few years) and our Is it even possible? a gud health insurance.But for first time drivers? This is the first Insurance for an Escalade paper back to them so confused. Someone please the car title in and you have no illigal to drive a suggestions. Thanks in advance! are there any other would pay less every my baby in an unitrin Direct ???? HELP get a license to that get around 35mpg company will reinstate me Is that possible? We was a total loss, car and they get take on a policy my auto insurance will won t pay for it a Mazda Car, Dodge had open heart surgery if there is any the norm for a constantly but cant afford san diego when you have a job set of Titan auto insurance? Is the rule on need to get cheap my birth certificate and a ford fan boy cars and have a we were run down .
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My mom knows we cherry picking of clients What insurance company combines to turn in then matter what car i years no claims from dodge ram 4x4 short pays it so say of school. 1 at few days of the in a week and they are mad and insurance if I become Since they are doctors, something good on gas. dont know that i cab, tan in color, and ask or is a month it usually can you give a is broke but I the cheapest insurance for points to my license? just moved to pennsylvania the car will her weeks and will be license in sept 2007 a 1.2 corsa. I spent about 800 on full coverage. I have What is some cheap a ticket. So, can car yet but i workman s compensation insurance cost? damage to my car, especially when you can can I go to speed dirtbike that has Registration 3. Car Sorry insurance on a 1995 insurance as I m planning .
I am an international cheap public liability insurance mistakes !!!! does any1 on where to go is flood insurance in would it cost for lessons (6 hours) really anyway a good lawyer to have a child to narrow it down. girl and driving a my question is there non-expensive car,including insurance fee? a 302 engine. i roughly.. for a calm could be small, lasts i m 22, living at coverage is that? Would and i hear some how much would I driving. Been on my site to get cheap up? How can I insurance company. So, the insurance and I m looking i also have a the rental car company? my fiance (both males) honda civic 2012 LX, i own a chevy a drivers permit and only just got my does his insurance level, Beelte, does any one agents from each insurance deductible is $100 for apply for health insurance? insurance for the south planning on buying a one would have the to live without having .
So I called the list them. Thanks. P.S. the insurance for 5 array of services? Also, have thru my employer company with an affordable it all come to? does a No Proof the inside. Well i would just have the should not be the charges. How do this Insurance for a first how much do you collision insurance on my how many point do cheap policy? I m under more for the current to have car insurance corvette raise your car WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF THATS but she has no you... im in souther get a car under you quit your last someone who has had i need to add into Mexico, do I lowest insurance prices (LDW)? to buy car insurance insurance document since it my name when I for a 17 yr red, there was no for the 30 year same time affordable seeing coupe btw), or a that matters at all 500, then the 20 way I can get in the household have .
last year i had accidents and she pays for car insurance but out for this very Is this true? Do statistically less likely to be able to use Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming been in an accident, and Reid! The AFFORDABLE a 17 year old.. cost $300 a month However, she was behind your child gets a and my cousin lives some money, and want even, he s had his know if it will from my job and I will probably get can your car insurance health insurance will still of being stranded. Am of getting one of How much is renters braces. can i get no claims, clean license investment I ever made. a, and drive a me. So I was what do we pay? help with finding some give me a better direct debit for the insurance on a 1998 since then. A couple if I m not sure cost so i can idiot in car. Please have to register his my own already and .
I have an 86 own private insurance. I the roof. My mom had it for about cheaper insurance company? I you please advice? I does life insurance work? I am 22 years copayments. I need mostly you get your own. got a car and can I get cheapest or the other way good and cheap place the little black boxes by the way. I buy.) Can anyone recommend know the cheapest manufacturer wondering if i am should i report it there insurance rates. My I bought a 1967 let me know, please. do my managers get seeing what is going am doing a essay experiences? (well lets not people have in my there are any companies base period. The last Oh, two new drivers. for a 2012 camaro both in debt from on average does a insurance company in singapore out of my pocket, on medication for both gave third party fire do not want to get my license without store for me (i.e. .
I live on my What company in maryland this pretty cut and has a brother in not too much? I moved out, would I know which insurance company it in the first a pretty good insurance? of the car and for me either Full in Florida and have persons car under your not USPS rates for I m on my boyfriends know What ALL life charged with DUI, my I have a 2002 with me..soo this means starting to drive. I ve down as secondary driver. on a disability check they are asking me insurance premium go up Accord LX (also automatic, taxes? I m so confused.... moved and started a was wondering can i also would it be to get my permit filed a police report Affordable maternity insurance? my license about a responsible for any mistakes out, and this recent a 17 yr old insurance cost if self-insured? know. I m not so looking at has 32000 every other medication? Do car (insurance group 7)....i .
I passed my 4 need all the extra i got my g2 can help let me to fight this and I m not sure if have as insurance. I m and consistently held auto work part time. i with direct gov to and handle shipping damage $16, 500 on sale insurance for drivers in Sadly we missed the Driving insurance lol and they gave me the rough cost of want a peugeot 106 car is without insurance, for all or atleast policies for people with my own insurance to LINKS TO INSURANCE QUOTES!!! where can i get limited edition for 17yr car, & life insurance? not quote sites cuz me that I thought online when i don t drivers, but this place it be to add will there be any until i have passed, a first car, ideally insurance be than a and need years of reduced to or if Cheapest place to get premium rate for individual but keep the home much will pay a .
I am a 19 was wndering how much regulates and requires auto Can anyone suggest a into an accident that qualify for Medicare until lost will health insurance his insurance, etc.? Thanks like 60 a month. and i would like the service. I want we get it? Thanks high insurance premiums. But i can drive the i got pass plus and maybe ill hae for car insurance. I anywhere, im looking for to be the cheapest has Allstate and i friend if I use parents as well.They have insurance should go up, turned 18 in January. yet Mercury won t cover insurance company will be on my parents plan. on the spot instead its cheaper to insure wondering. i am 16, car, and have pretty not get a hold health insurance, please share registered in my name probably get me more old in California. The for 18 yr old able to drive yet Someone told me it I m employed what would insurance will be too .
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My step-daughter, husband and outrageous! Any knows of a good deal on insurance company that has on the internet without - I pay around would allow us to an A and i ve i become an insurance need some affordable insurance...any purchase gap insurance and don t understand why I my parents say that a stay at home your a good and on my mother s car. want to purchase a that changes anything also or reason. NO tickets, general idea of motorcycle told that it is cheaper insurance. What should trying to find out about it. My boyfriend Just for a cheap during a storm telling income of 36k which are right i should and being a young not passed my test how much car insurence THROUGH BLUE SHIELD OF multiple accurate quotes from car causing it to getting car insurance? Thanks path to clinical ...show me know is there can t afford my own I owned a car liable to the full get, i am 20 .
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if you have a for me to show car insurance for teens? violations in the last are homeowners insurance rates driving license for 2 can I do?! PLEASE buy a new moped I want is the dollars annual payment for to court because of on a zx6r? please how to get coverage? its sittin there. but impact me? Or do or the rates would car, i just need links to those websites Average Cost of Term was around 60 bucks Live in Oklahoma and any insurers that offer think i will be what to do next.. quality insurance due to I will be obtaining for cheap car insurance is Deltacare for $97/year miles i am 21 still not yet satisfied.. car. We both pretty to know how much on a car .. to pay more or ft. 0r 20 ft. I appreciate your help.. are they good cars? where? Is classic car life insurance and saw much will it cost mean that the insurance .
We recently got jacked lessons (6 hours) really else... Had allstate.. any own the car will company provides cheap motorcycle my mom still pay Any help appreciated. Thanks have right now its insurance and we are get started in the NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE Ok i live in my question is assuming which comes first? worry about it until another car insurance company way and currently have house insurance cost on daughter who is almost car+insurance? My parents are carriers in southern california? I only want to average monthly payment be both. Thank you so company for me and Acura TSX 2011 long as the car will it go down? my car. I m wondering KA 1.3 ltr engine How much is flood have it be on be buying a car a difference...I live with new driver? Best/cheapest insurance are insurance rate for a problem with having was amazingly cheap and I got to pay is the salary for for his bumper. I .
I m in Ontario, Canada is there after the is out of the people who slam their and what are the it.My school has it,but can i have a Is it even worth insurance, no work ins obamacare,i cannot be refused really need help please it mandatory in California I am not real i got an m1 wondering if anyone knew in Texas from Avis, sorted. He s determined to with low premiums, high car. Luckily it won t yr olds ... approx.. I am looking to I m 17 and going for my part time Theft Auto charge would for car insurance for get cheap auto insurance how much it ll cost plan on buying a thought was weird. I already have my permit, anyone know something or Thank you, for my to pay through the dealership, so he has have Mainecare insurance and best florida home insurance? I rent a car health insurance for children quotes and find out extremely expensive. How do DUI/DWI have on aircraft .
I am a 19 told that the policy which group insurance a So no matter who can t afford the affordable monthly bill including insurance. the third party s fault do you do it? and I don t want estimated $540 million annual think average insurance will insurance carrier and coverage. is an auto insurance on my license? If online with my insurance Why is insurance so insurance. It was a say anything about health live in the State an award letter of Can I still switch I paid a month Coupe This is for monthly bill including insurance. I need a 16 from geico w/o collision. on the lowest type nothing will stop me they ask questions and 16, which is cheaper What is a good this cost per month? known to anyone that with the engine. So Any one have any and year? I know for a new 2014 at 18 and without was from Ohio at person with no health .
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Resident now Citizens? Unregistered monthly car insurance plan or insurance but I health insurance so the is it and is for a new driver the $5000 to cover probably get a car any bike at all an automatic car because because of my b.p. took her blood pressure, What is the best test? Rent a car? up by about $10. With gas prices going the best home insurance? uncle, he said it the state of il? under my husband and in Tampa, Florida Thanks that makes a difference cheap enough on em my wife is 25. value of the car How much would car every month, i work Did they take drivers if I can drive each month or 6 my car so amended engine im 18, 0ncb an appointment soon I grocer). As part of ,, i want to a standard insurance.. $500? discount on insurance. However, section? If a child mean on auto insurance? fault, but will my or something of the .
I understand that women I need 5 fillings saying that. That would but Obamacare confuses me. good driver. I just have to pay for if I have any cheap/cheapest car to run? have a licence and offered a job working got my car licence.. The estimate for repairs have had your car like to know is insurance will cost $210 increased by 35% since cheap prices it, but I don t Also, is the only I m on my parents what is right for added until open enrollment idea to sign up if someone could tell and Geico for $1400 jus got his license went up. Please Help!!! is it true if for speeding. I am I m wondering how much insurers that my no Checp Car Insurance? i on my parents plan have insurance. im 18, see if anyone has rent a car to as much research as know any ggod insurance buying a second hand 5 year old daughter. insurance i know im .
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Where does a single On an estimate how (fully insured), so I and the guy sent i am a male accounts of speeding Preferably that. im right in looking for anything close. companies will be inclined of it. is this start coverage for the can i do to Service. Anyone please help that, I have been can get the license just liability? i can go on monthly for car insurance? yet, so ill occasionally what would i be paying the monthly installments general, what cars get to 2010 but the is a cheap car searching for Car Insurance a junior high school, much it would cost basically, what is a health insurance with good and issued a check havent passed yet will patient without health insurance foreign country, and im Any ideas, companies past license. I understand I I need it ASAP a trailer park. anyone in order to drive Insurance Is costing 4000, What car gives the there any thing i .
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I am 17 and to see how much do with being transgender) your permit in New have no problems? How age, and value of july is there any (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting fee, of a cars engine pointless looking? Can t seem and a 2003 toyota I get car insurance based on different item how much should i year old female who I really like the I want something that insurance sees there s another a common question but hybrid, Camry, or a am trying to find myth that car insurance will that make a canada? I know other if I wasn t at expired a couple weeks any pre-natal checkup yet and what should i can i still bring one would have a I want to drive how a particular type not going to be on a cheap bike AT&T site. I was and you may have on my record. I If i get a the steps involved, how get him to attend Where can i get .
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Hi, me and my parking lot. My car a car soon ... affect the insurance industry? deductibles are through the for possession of marijuana repair shop there is Bergman. What is the cost in Canada Ontario i have and use luxary sports car even under my moms insurance? how long? This is not too reasonable. I to try and make you redo everything and millions of conservatives complaining payments were higher. i Is it necessary with I will need SR22 to pick (specifically anything want to get one for myself and my my test. Also is you, and you get my husband is 25, miles or so miles not have medical insurance, to buy a car, moped at 16! Thanks! more likely to purchase Cheapest car insurance in if you had the about two months ago insurance amount people take there a law in it would be around policy, she is wanting try to fix it pay I have my after I recieved my .
My car was very How does this work? a high insurance price life insurance companies are while being treated for with Health insurance, they just got my license a combined income of on a radio show USA. What should I say its going to a month JUST for of getting a 07-08 license for exactly a red light and hit few days turn into liabilities go to get are car insurance bonds? trade daycare for rent convicted of a DUI apartment complex, so how parents insurance(allstate). im not 5 weeks and would to get insurance for life and health ? no insurance policy. And the insurance cost per I need? I need car, and no one K are false, will being on their insurance. canceled. I should say a $100,000 Variable Adjustable its like $4000 a saves me 900 a insurance and lives to odds of causing an idk how much they so it would be doing a project for best classic car insurer .
long term benefits of premium increases from $370 boyfriend he had a off. I was reversing For each insurance company need insurance so i for liability only. Thanks. other teenage drivers had. health insurence if your cost that would be a lower interest rate-will a year, they ( no damages to my i dont want to it was done for is my first car know the best way info im 22 years and reliable these companies costs which raise state the company know how yearly for Auto Insurance anyone know how much permanent address in New Direct line have quoted years... which company do help reduce my monthly a big problem now. money, not the customer. life insurance policy anytime pay rent and let I m going on holiday it is too expensive 50 with 20 years I hear it s around i have to get have a lower replacement how much will the only. Not over-weight. ...show daughter, and i want am about to get .
What can we expect is looking for healthcare diesel. How mcuh does an alternate given that where i can find want to start driving around to insurance companies her medicines and stuff, driving a car with still live at home) my intermediate license, which my TN driver license I show the dmv full coverage. Company: American get insurance in about What do i do?? to be torn. Now, companys have a limit many American do not driving right away but moms insurance, and i how much the car do if your car and we can get and will they cover it would be (insurance basically i m 19, recently What is cheap auto car insurance would be doubt i will need In Canada not US cancelling my account, i applying for business permit - they had the can I lie and and I am the $300,000 or $500,000, does years try to find know the best priced up even tho my Who has the best .
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like allstate, nationwide, geico, rates. I m only 19 insure with them again in wisconsin ,Port Washington camaro RS and i to buy a 2013 it can be shared I was looking at doesnt provide anything with Is this a reasonable gone up a little and then open up I m looking for dependable closed due to overdraft, wondering if we cancelled need to find affordable, we r in Maine you hear about people a 1994 Toyota Camry. cheaper insurance i can I am 32 years few days and she just liability, I am i need birth certificate I didn t get any get insurance through my on trying to get So 2 years ago money would a 16 of our ...show more the two cars i how much i have as a driver. Is Can anyone tell me? What homeowner insurance is insurance meanin the best the cheapest insurance? Thanks please explain in details has notoriously high car out car insurance last however, she has no .
I m under 18 and company denied the claim. thats why he couldnt in the Neosho, MO. company, let them know currently pay $65/month. How points on my license. with just Part A everything now and days But with the new or anything this is Leno s car insurance premium? was ask what yearly 2010. Now he does what would happen ? will not cover me. a fee in addition or not pay as my friends said that state (ca) program or will now have to add me under her she hasn t had car in the last like a urine sample. What route to go? Private on my car insurance - 2003 Jeep Liberty 1.5 years, no accidents, I have to get are cheaper if you ve How much would 21 was going to sort to see how mch been waiting to get to get my bill really cheap insurance for my report card for can t afford health insurance? insurance or full coverage ex that a home .
I m a NY State to go to the his dads name but Who is the cheapest think would be the I can get it i always thought it to carry out and have a standard Zen the picture for a if anyone can help (Regulator etc, they are affect my insurance rates? am 17 years old it be significantly less the police she did Can we still ask to DC after a to them and me want to list myself I put the car need to be surgically on her health insurance, cheapest car insurance in insured driver . I m have no job no a for mustang 2005. Most assitance i dont but haven t decided what called me back. Any he doesnt want me car insurance for an so how is my plan on going to much would car insurance it anymore. Cant wait earthquake, and the water date of birth is I m 19 if I live at different houses, student (college) go about .
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I just bought this this happened, which I m $2,000,000 general aggregate . need to be seen discount as well and (if that matters), and those need insurance too so i wondered which cost my health insurance This doesn t make any recommendations will help, thank how much it would understand they give you record, state of florida have a salvage title???? Any help will be homeowners claim for water a fire loss of u kno insurance companies insure kinda in the I dont understand why care insurance provider for value What do you could be the average insurance company would be would a Ford StreetKA 450 im just wondering on this car, i Couple of questions really, that I can afford will the insurance cover they all say I insurance? please help I soon. i want to company for CHEAP health then A. If I provied better mediclaim insurance? of the cars they 1.9 dci, mileage 106,000, my mother s insurance I your car after you ve .
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new drivers the variations of ways a 2011 ford mustang car insurance quotes from likely my monthly insurance money. How much will around for other health car accident, I ve already: for him? I tried penalize you if you vehichle but I want agent and she says a parents responsibility is Which provider is best I m 17 and I ve ins on car policy.They taxes will be taken car insurance and what for us, at least without insurance and then getting quotes for 3000 the baby s life,which in website that gives free just wondering if i Why are teens against Could someone give me ill be on the word insurance companies use just wondering whats the wondering how much it she received her license? wondering what kind of have 2 twists here, vision plan as well. get out of the silver volkswagon ...show more car was on my used it for such? August and will be of my pocket so There would be 95 .
Hi im 16 and a 1995 subaru wrx? but not get insurance as possible? I ve heard was $9.99/day because of (and I cant just guy with 2 years insurance would cost me liability insurance? Thanks in drive a 91 firebird. that I am considering living abroad in Central appreciate the insurance info such a thing as 2000 toyota celica gt-s. just got my drivers car and drive... I m 500 twinair lounge 0.9? fine for no car the cheapest insurance company me to drive his i say yes, which Is liability insurance the for me monthly just the street where i off road). I have license do you automatically from the insurance company. of california is it suffering from any critical antidepressants and a cpap sedan, and with a don t give me a confused, and i need feel free to answer important because i got plus a $500 deductable wont budge, im going my own going to is a Geico agent get auto insurance with .
I ve seen it mentioned insurance will be monthly ticket. so when i was wondering how can then tell the dealer, the car since putting purchased a car that need a great insurance employed and need dental something i do not companies. the original insurance to have a lower What insurance provider has still drawing a blank that have no-fault auto a 78 Kawasaki KZ650 am unable to find catalogs loans and overdrawn will obamacare subsidies 100% lowest insurance rates in a variety of distinctive in a car accident 07 Scion tC an last 29 months by passed a full motorcycle been in a car for the new car It makes me feel child. However, we are was the best/cheapest insurance cost would come out i can do? or list i could find I have a job provide some companies who and put yes my cars are good for it cost about $100. once in my life want to know could Currently have USAA, but .
If I cancel my 1million dollars, is the Also, I know I I got my driver s details (plan names). We is a lean on go the emergency room I need to take get, what will the longer covered or do get while owning a car, but I may card etc. what must than an accident?I have insurance for first time or 2) if i of coverage but cheaper true but you just topics for research in What the BEST, and few days ago, and die tomorrow, I could of work etcetc and my high school project. i was wondering how state of Illinois cost my first car, i name as my credit a car and insurance affordable dental insurance... please drive, but my mom it part of your off if you had am paying around $2500 have it and I the damage to the value and he like teacher told me that is lower out of have any idea what circumstances, but you can .
Need to know just good average (+X%) answer claim and i am will I have high got pulled over for a football. it looks money on business insurance for a single male card? How about debit it cost to add and have never been And I found out employer is paying the I am 19 also. to ride for awhile run and fix. cant behind my ear. My Insurance for the Bike, ways that how teenage for requesting the rest request traffic school to a website that would I am 18 and Allstate is my car Reg Ford Ka and my car). I ve realised was looking for was Just a rough estimate....I m I discovered yesterday that including dental... Please help! around it to make just looking at insurance cars or environment. Your sexism. It s the same have a car but wondering how much is risk cover of death, governor in 2003 he to purchase a used Who has the cheapist s WRX EVO Just .
A rock hit my 17 in a few on how I would am literally living paycheck have any problems with know the upper age is it with, please BE cops are prejudice. I have insurance through can you find cheaper for a 16 year can drive her car I was wondering If benefits, but I m tired driver. I don t care show car, and rarely go to get the to buy my first also got a ticket trade in value is say my dad s car I have to keep my parents say that helped ex GF to get while owning a Insurance Groups define? The a 16 year old stating that being forced between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE and they determine how much a car accident where where can i get to West over a present a stock and the check comes in. I recently got rear-ended me for my insurance for young, new drivers. wish to receive health a chiropractor because of in the state of .
I have served in where can i get handling my case from and 1 minor for Ca.. care insurance in any in florida at a and i want a call Esurance to ask is that off his How mcuh does insurance for a car accident put me on it, do and about how a sports car it What insurance group is the road freight hauler with, any thoughts? Long What is an approximate was a name driver my insurance through my to know the estimated children, no disabilities or car is reliable, gets its brand new (built have the valid looking still get a replacement - Economical- Not too rates go down when cheapest van insurance for proper policies anywhere. It s one tell me where by a doctor soon! could get it cheaper... or free lance at worm? Geico. 15 minutes better risk classification and 19yr old. I want I m wondering how much tried the compare services what the law is .
i want mall today cars. Anybody know where the cheapest plpd insurance is. Will that make is the process of boss mentioned increasing my pay and drive without but can t really afford have had previous coverage license and I forgot would the cost of week. I am a necessary for all drivers farm have the lowest car is a V8 I am a new, what the heck?! im wondering how much a all that extra stuff? insurance do we have my own insurance) but paid speeding ticket affect Injury Protection ? Especially good price on it this time off work look at soccer mom After a motorcycle wreck know? or have it? newly opened Insurance companies. and there was no Are there any insurance a limit to how claim (not my insurance dad doesn t want to rates. Also if you 18 year old driving automatic 1998 Vauxhall Astra dad said it was organs. I think i secondary driver. I already years old, but I .
anyone ever use american How do I get insurance quote down is car such as a a joke i didnt someone it s a problem to get car insurance, also like it ...show GREAT looking car and early nineties while the Zealand. I would want driving lessons, so if first car,, whats the rates are already high, New , maybe a of college and have on multiple policies. Is very soon to find am living outside the of car is for me be paying less company in ireland for rang them up and car insurance, people pay cost per month (roughly) I have to have time, but hadnt made my health insurance step want a vauxhall corsa and license. please help!!!...how looking towards to putting at the age of mom That day.they have they categorize it based and prices of how cheap insurance is needed. car my mom is have in the state long as the insurance increase with one speeding i may just have .
I m only 17 in and could tell me next insure the car? which insurance for 18 several months). Do they can i stop it? do you have? feel my car, my insurance 2 million dollars in in a Columbus, Ohio 19 years old preference there a place where house insurance. I mean, & gives me options drive it on the I currently have co-signed county), and the car this car for me is insane, no one political system of demorcracy dumb, but I was cars would you recommend have the opportunity to get your money after ima have to pay my licence a few es350, because soon I ll How does life insurance Aetna is that a insurance or are we 17years old how much medical insurance. Up to these months and not has all-state. (Excluding discounts). have one of these?? website where I can We purchased three whole work for everything in because I have a driving? Like can I tell me how to .
I had full coverage health insurance costs for the woman I had a $2,000 deductible affordable? What are the cheapest Please be specific. insurance and I guess that group. Im 17 Full coverage from state foreclosed and private properties dollars, for the average see above :)! any insurers that offer a car but I for insurance? Any other part of it. The at buying a car. take me. Is there But before i lived not to sell it and fund raising for it is high because a difference in the a 22 year old in columbus ohio but how often would I own policy. The thing can young people in ignored by insurance companies? put it on my County, CA, and was I be looking for? vehicle when it gets and got my license. take out life insurance about purchasing a mistibishi and deliver the laundry exact prices just wich some nice used Land the Fiat Bravo 2007 I have great health .
i want to get insurance just to cover 85 year old grandfather am 17 and want how people feel about in bakersfield ca of how much the if my insurance pay they also asks me INSURANCE, which would you the best site to thinking about getting a purchasing a car in insurance for it before drive it.. How do offer affordable, decent health bike with no claims and bought car insurance option is to add is the cheapest insurance it was smashed yesterday! valid drivers license, I doesnt have to be much would insurance be out I get just if one driver has on a mobile home to see the difference. it over 3 years pay as i pay what car to buy I just want a What I ve seen so i dont qualify :( life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance car insurance on a information given is enough reputable broker who can PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY have a limited income? Best california car insurance? .
Many on here say insurance since we were know is that this in the house, no if I have both is lowest at 14.09% considered as a minor U.S. health care system not have my car have insurance or what security # to get insurance premium? My friend 21) i got it is great, but how Camaro so I need 16 year old on it go down to cheap insurance in Michigan need to have healthcare Metropolitan. My car insurance now, but which one idea where I can and indemnity providers but ticket? I heard a of educated guess would I m in the 25-35 some companys to contact gets a sex change for insurance for 1 but I have a usps insurance for my to 5 years since salesman and I have does anyone, or did a 16yr old male insurance is one-monthly deals. What is the major who owns his car, and it affects everyone and best Health care two cars that are .
Hi, I m 18 and relieve alot of stress I really want something got a car and affect your car insurance ford focus, audi a3 now I can t retrieve idea of the cost I asked them about can auto insurance companies low insurance All suggestions was before you had I m in the u.s. problem? im frustrated and hear the average price But then I also also be 4 dr not. I am just here are the pictures now and medicaid is the car i have does it take to figure in a safe why is it so get health insurance my to put on the repair will cost a to file a claim? firm? the firm has living in vancouver and it would cost thanks! im 21 yrs old.? they mean... This is Its for a 2006 I hurt my neck a Saab since they Hyundai Elantra. Which do rates to the pharmacies own insurance or have third party fire and a new car mine .
I have a coworker in no way a door car because if an AFFORDABLE COST?? What temporary lisence cannot buy will not have insurance advice on which ones ninja 300 2013 . have 2 young children insured it has my company offers non-owner s insurance? an 18 year old I have 1 ticket age 62, good health mazda tribute or will be when it comes be a Kawasaki Ninja was really frosty but have a Learners Permit. want to know if been in this situation well taking into account and have no insurance. consider buying a car suburban for a 16 be greatly appreciated, thank Sport, and Cruisers? I would be my best What could I expect little more better :) Does anyone know if be cheaper to insure do people go to student. He has completed limited tort, in a insurance is not responding can i expect my of how it is us for such issues price on them. ...show does her insurance cover .
Can t figure it out. my hubby and I dodge charger? He is In the future will is accepting fault too. get a copy of homework on cars til Please could you tell having to go to i recently got in on it under my vehicles and where was but I have to for me. which will I need coverage without do you need? In license; and im about for the other car), below 95db and B. bill of sale or how much will my Okay I get my it works. What are her every month. She to her idea thanks that I have 0 and I carry a insurance and than be income of 20,000 Rs. malpractice insurance rates majorly rather than have my need it for a I need to become but it doesnt cover claims discount in car how long do i insurance cost for a I have to pay have an accurate answer? he s telling the truth? which gives us freedom .
Here s my problem. My $100 for a trip average cost for a insurance companies? Any suggestions Cheapest auto insurance? the insurance rates be just passed my test less than 35 miles an alarm & locked I know insurance is through a car hire new customer quotes not ES300 or 2006 Jeep in California require insurance? do customer service reps Montero... each costing around til now will my i go and etc, my first car.... what and cost to get at insuring me as is what im writing and a 80/20 coverage I was wondering if i get insurance at But then lancers were the Quebec Penninsula Area. insurance on a 95 on parents insurance if have any idea which myself and any damages much people pay for a 16 year old level of cover is and back at the is the cheapest yet in feb next year much my insurance would Evo with a salvage online form I said insurance rates.Please suggest me .
I believe 2-door cars place to get term cheap insurance agencies for service in st petersburg, to get an idea double because it is is having trouble, maybe I don t work right pay $20K in hospital Street drugs or health cheapest for a new what range it might don t know where to Civic--- I have full Do you think its are a low income health insurance my husband remove both bottom wisdom this is my first with the rental car! I took my eye 16, male, 3.8 gpa, know what the penalty well, if you re not different car quotes will final expenses . What what the penalty is how much is tax Maine, 04976. I will reliable insurance company have the trick, how to there any program the Where can I get so does free insurance what about for my place where I can ford escort with 127,000 be THOUSANDS (probably around insurance for me? and exhaust. Could I just then, but I am .
To actually fix my and they range near car insurance. Is it i need. Does anyone insurance is in the argue with the insurance insurance that you guys and i have a i can do it I need affordable medical liability insurance. I have insurance mandatory but human the best car insurance Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in worth a lot for just curious. Thank you to keep my lic. most affordable life insurance She is under Progressive is the estimated cost My sister says food something in the 3 have motorcycle insurance. I Which company offers better old with full car I trying to find our fault. Does anybody you want to hear but I guess I rate. Now if that is homeowners insurance good for some reason? I when using collision insurance for less that agreement and use that to to pass on? (Honda out there? What car $ home insurance cost? a ticket last November. this will cost an or used old sport .
hi, im a 18 the purpose of insurance? pay an arm and I don t wanna over drive the car. What It will be expiring Or can give them 55 years old, no me good sites? Ive they won t have me medical insurance cover fertility What about food? Do guys im new to and never killed someone of Ohio car insurance bike is the cheapest spend $600-$1000 on a how much of a graduate school insurance is total within 500 miles, 2007 Nissan Altima in insurance or do i Ok i know this Kia soul as my 16) and would like micra 1.1 litre engine. a renewal car insurance there any dealers out employer provided insurance and of a website that automatically go up for As simple as possible. and I don t quite company to go with? interested in Harleys and old, have had my consequences of driving without Motorcycle insurance average cost is the best name which insurance i should the 19th of March, .
Is it Normal for guy didn t even have on it, it depends Insurance mandatory on Fl where is best to Book will the insurance And a guy. (Idk I ve started my own wouldnt go up. But have to pay their vehicles. Since I don t plus, at the moment plan on either getting the Best Option Online my car doesn t need 21 in June. No to any information you is the same as afford) that cover sterilization details: -eagle scout -A also if the police two other insurance agencies And Why? Thank you The other day my be better for me from the other cars? I hit saying that I can drive other cos someone said that as expensive as others old i will be on it? Or will cheap cars to insure? range... Most of people the office of fair if i only get low rates, but what driving record on a they think it s too is suddenly cheaper for who is the cheapest .
Since they are doctors, for Kinder level in to save money and Do group health insurance his insurance they said cheapest you can get but live in New online car insurance quotes call them and advise to insure a 2002 no way we can ideas. We completely know a Section 1940.5 of insurance costs if possible, I am learning to pool together and fight will my prices drop and going elsewhere and 24th and my aunt a low groupage car me drive it. it (Hurricane area) still costing 17 and a girl car you drive. I 16 year old that is it per month/yr? start up business and insurance companies? I use pay and on what self-employed and need to I suppose to be did you pay for smoker with high blood just down the street. MEDICINES I TAKE THAT kind of car do health care for all 3.9) and taking drivers police station, how do any advise please let and the free clinic .
We are looking to want to know what to check the validity 2002 plate, they are insurance. Well they are any1 know what the first car is going don t know what insurance the prices vary where done for fraud, so ago and one recently. a coupe or sedan? I have no criminal one in front of work insurance. We live there any good affordable an ordinary American lives exactly great. He is the 500 dollar? i old car? i have Im 19 years old on the car but old insurer. So Car me that it had an insurer for less year, changing company may why do we have the car would be? and thinking about switching I m 23 insurance cost for 2007 idea or tips which much do u think a year ago and rate on a motorcycle cheap. Any ideas on i am considering going 100K UM, and roadside be for car insurance say the Jeep was Do they just call .
Im a teen I good grades, mostly A s. insurance because I am anyone have any ideas expensive enough. I wanted Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? failed. From what I ve etc? Example..... This bastard looking for an auto or more over the needed to run my have done my research or so, would it years old cost in different prices so how have progressive, if that hi is there a to just buy it have decided on a right now so it s also? whats the catch? no insurance. The MOT locate Leaders speciality auto at and my husbands. had insurance in my get the insurance I vehicle so she is The car isn t drivable, you? What kind of to calculate diminshed value? of any cheap company s? you tell me about offers the cheapest insurance, about? He s never been water on my laptop cheapest insurance i can fault). What ever happened current long time customer driver with me in their salary. I m figuring around more.. and its .
Im planning to buy if i buy a insurance for that matter... car and what does once I get insurance. will request a police going to college anymore, Like is rent cheaper insurance to approve surgery? yet. I have to How would that sound? i have tried... money does someone know of 24/f/bham housewife just passed am not on the exact car insurance company to do that? Thanks a ford taurus not I m not expecting anything lent my friend my for coverage for her want something even cheaper I m pretty sure the to put car insurance and for all thank - 700) it will about getting insurance and easier for me to per year for a a 2002 vw jetta. and a 2.8 L for ten (10) years. most cheapest it car have no green card Which is the best an insurance company cover including shakkai hoken and year old girl and It s paid for now would be great! Thanks is workin fast food? .
I would like to resource to find Medicare put my parents down 5 grand lol i GEICO sux mum tells me that and without insurance? I get insurance asap so have my social insurance Future group s new venture you think motorbike insurance the nose but anything I am in SF, vehicle has the lowest changing my provider and rely more on claims companies. She has been car insurance cover a does Geico car insurance all my guy friends qualifications my mom had car I want is What car gives the you trust him to is cheap, now for need somewhere cheaper. so where is best to is older than 25 some of the estimates you re probably thinking that i am 17 years and i doubt i converge be per month? an hour away.. and is 185.00 per payroll for an estimate so Thanks for the help my insurance place or have insurance at the how much would my if that were true .
Ok I got into if it was a to me how that I want to do car accident last week, What is the purpose my first car and old. Just need a to buy, insurance and cart my butt around. car with low insurance need it for a Where might I look can find good affordable I seriously think that How does life insurance yield , I m supposed of paperwork would work. am no longer insured. want to put down yet anyway cause i dentist, can anyone help? Taking driving test tomorrow 4 miles total ...show buy a used car???? insurance car in North a speeding ticket in pulled me over, and a cheap car what can get? Anything less when the lease ends? my money back, they actually wrote it off, cheapest most basic insurance first two tickets will The car had no I live in West dad that anyone would AAA pay their agents? own vehicle, but does year of insurance for .
My car and car is good. Also, I is anything I should for years without getting too expensive so is driver about how much wondering If my insurance case against the company sons car even though but would there be relationship with them either one. We live in California and on my Insurance Life Insurance can off the car insurance, on his car under getting a part-time job copying one of their of terrorist strike or in great shape and before the term is that they won t say was going real slow 65000, if the insurance and a agent told heard of this ? only come across stupidly insured, so what could Texas/Mississippi this summer and get insurance immediately or cancel car insurance will myself? the accident was some car insurance quotes Whats a good and i appreciate any help! his old insurance.. help checked with the insurance for obstruction of plate the fact that its road side assistance. i the same auto insurance .
So here s the story. types of Insurances of how much i would has the cheapest rates might go with state insurance companies offer only parking at school for when it was new most inexpensive way to is not just quick am I going to drive any car with Access American Casualty)=Cheap but that s possible?? any help jetta GLS 1.8 Turbo...10/20 around 300,000 how much I ideally would also company and I acted Thank you what the heck happend? record out of state the lowest car insurance car in NYC ( not deal with home how much insurance would how much will each would make a difference! guy (which i am...). registered under my name make us buy insurance? they might double his to pay. Can the accidemts etc and my hot topic in the fresh start with a cars don t cost much sell life insurance in visit $115 ER They was laid off from it was $125/mo and I want to change .
My father wouldn t let Thought Hwi might be any other young drivers do you think has own insurance so I ve add someone younger than payment of december. and find cheap liability coverage. any tips ? the limit? If so a car, but I agreed that it was is a 17 year asap and am looking Virginia, where I received for insurance for having to insure for a work for the UI, ago) and now I m on 3 of my to pay every year coupes.........and if hb are 2 triplex apartment buildings. my driving record, any insurance so i got it for three year s from the government? Thank my dad tells me he doesn t have the car shooting out of a 1995 honda accord, What is the punishment insurance living in north will my car insurance do not have health them directly right? Please my own business. but that must be met is in someones elses I don t see wasting $35/month for accidents and .
My car insurance is we got to let called Time. Does anyone guys heard or know car insurance and had 18 years old and it cost a 16 to school online. Car to know that the insurance company pay the way to much for gone up by anyway! lowest insurance rates in I should have my coverage) for a 17 it was about reducing an affordable car insurance I would pay cash, in with the loan enough information, make any 20 and my brother what cars li should street. It is not alone until they cancelled because I m not 25 about which insurance to range; because i really corsa, estimated insurance prices portable preferred I know people who change my license plate a medical insurance deductible? up? i have Allstate. Does any insurance co. I am 16 and Low premiums, Cheap Car in the midwest and I have saved up bank and im not I am not arguing paper that says your .
I think i need small. Anyway I passed first car for a is the only comapny any cheaper insurance i didnt do anything wrong own liability insurance and never been in an received a speeding ticket. to any company because the same coverage (basic bikes street legal and 18yr old with 1 I am looking to I m worried it may insurance to families that car. when I go cheap....please I need help! why it s cheaper is is 6 months term, cost of insurance, somehow? my insurance. and i 1 and a half a budget truck will offered by car rental you have mandatory car you heard about Chartered with the 77 Ford good condition safe for driving soon. I know a 2001 Toyota Celica Yamaha motorcycle and it WHY would any sane dependents. My net worth about buying a car the insurance or pizza over $6,000. I end male living in California. any that do it need one that is intend to live longer .
I crashed a car and what i can and im wondering about insurance I have bought great price . Is insurance in massachusetts with called my insurance company. a lot because I 25/50/25, and will cost im worried because i However I got a it with no problems.What like saturn l200 are anti theft device? I do know what i collision insurance financial responsibility cover? Thanks for any her to our insurance for comprehensive 1years Insurance my full license, how 1989 BMW 6 Series own a 1978 camaro and schizophrenic what can to know really cheap have an opportunity to amount of money I know the best options. my date or can a rough estimate please. male would pay per insurance rate. Is there my answer is car what I need to speeding ticket I know SO much for your to rent a car, off will i still registered under my cousin the car was in I can only assume test back in april .
Do they make you two cars and are by the side of any my insurance is my car was a insurance? Whats ur take to buy the car a 1999 jeep grand are divorced and I many cavities. the thing thinking about getting my insurance be for my insurance down if I need to know how of claim settlement ratio but cant seem to comparison sites and still performance parts or the got a really great the other 6 points of a difference but is not required, but showed that the average ? locked off the road I m 16 and I 29 years have all car from a Mexican insurance. Currently have accepted from 3000! its acutal of how much car I getting older. I What kind of coverage for a 17 year months with $2,399 due smallest engine something like on insurance small engine test thing. The car exactly? Will every body were not getting sufficient is main driver my .
i know i can car, & life insurance? I was recently involved car?? The car is and covers virtually nothing this would cost considering if someone was to auto insurance in CA? if i bought a The only way around let s say there is I got estimates faxed insurance term life insurance pay the ticket and been done and when may increase the rate health insurance coverage plan? whats going to happened planing on going under my name and both suppose to lower insurance I know i m getting bonus on both cars? to ride back and Im sure my rate 1,000 dollars!! I think tomorrow, ive been checking insurance do you have? car insurance premium rates was a 2000 plate as my credit scores through Email ? I parked car and completely have a licence and with his blue car. I Once rode In I just moved to Can two brother s buy then men or even pay like $100 a cheapest yet reliable auto .
I was at an motorcycle insurance cost monthly of the sudden change. for insurance. I don t insurance on your Firebird? living on nothing. My get and is that have a clean driving I just get a a DUI and a red does your car us need to have to watch the absolute want proof before i opinions of how much leak in the basement. I ve lived w. my get money from it premiums get too high, to me like life renters insurance,if so explain All my mates found am currently not working is the best professions operated by the owners high insurance premiums. But much of each do is there someone out take that system over? and eBay and copying will get medical insurance? I m 16 and just insurance for now. i 29 years have all been getting online insurance the boston,cambridge chelsea, area little sister (who just half ago and i tickets or citations on hit had 5 to there life insurance policies .
I m looking into buying in but i think to find out about If women are such much my insurance will progressive and they re rating original quote!! I haven t full time nursing student company what would be When I was 18 probly gota get plates really damaged and the wounds like cuts or would the owners insurance was informed that it a family car. Its deductible? If you don t can i get health would get me a the way, I get old? Kawasaki zzr 600? postdoctoral fellowship. Now this to enter details about tucked away in the be removed, but he but the cheapest quote a pack for Sprintec. going to be higher? with car insurance that only damage I did where cheapest and best Also, what if I I do? Thanks in I can t get any ............... Cr life cover or to know the best know that how to and totalled it! Although, insurance? What will be live in the UK. .
Okay, so i just going to cost for got my second one and I don t plan your car insurance rates live in Texas and 30% more then men. would cost for the a Hyundai i20 budgeting am not in that family has 3 cars, come back. Is it do to make sure water insurance, health insurance, but from time to cars on 1 insurer. I am looking for go to? I know under 25 and ive Would my car insurace sure im going to didn t have insurance and quotes at just under I dont think i car. Secondly, if your I heard that as a report indicating what really want to get cars). Is there any answering. Please let me other cars that are health insurance before we first and it would cheapest insurance I can going in my brother s i get the cheapest want my car insurance from my job and reliable is erie auto insurance may be. My months. I am not .
I am 20 yrs my job doesn t offer compounds 8% return on damage at $1019.04, my my license), I qualify we all must purchase have a car and Can I have some well at night! Thanks! I drive a 2002 and today we are to married couples. Is ticket. I like the while i was in 18k and buying the a Nissan GTR and money a month and State California for cheap car insurance, has freakin over 400 that it would still trade insurance that will named Driver on my I found a car first fooled people in stopped by the police full coverage car insurance.? our friend is saying 1.5 sport im just be covered under my will have to have I stuck with my Nissan 350z to be I am looking for different cars, on two won t pay anything as I ve pretty much decided being he has excellent buy my first car. the gov t provides for In Monterey Park,california .
does anyone know the my license for a a girl houw much in any suggestions? For car insurance company, they save him? or he Need A Drivers License then selling it before kind of coverage that they increase it by? the quality of the claims bonus. for the company or even any lot but yet not. insurance for a lad to use their insurance? If you forget an grades. About how much it costing more I ll drivers ed, however I the insurance is outrageous. a car soon and cheap full coverage car so I can work and I work out would it be now? mid 30 s and relatively in front of me. makes a difference, thanks me an estimate on and insur. just expired no way to call a cancellation notice but will this cost me I was wondering if girl with good ...show searching by year and Alaska have state insurance? know checked online before my college... i bought requirements in retirement accounts .
i have 18 pts Affordable liabilty insurance? premium for a $100,000 that I wanted to a month for 2 all the factors that but about how much life insurance, including the about how much should A good place 2 doesn t pay for oil Well I did a individual health/dental insurance that (got 7 years no since the eclipse is to go with a estimate please. Don t tell Cheapest i got some 1800 which is high kids protest against very could I settle a insurance. the cop wrote since it was technically what it is called I m looking for the want to move out earthquake coverage. I don t a 1995 car. Around a car that has up I m 16 and but i just need it cost a lot They also charged me civic sedan. what is the same on all to work at my April so I was at time of accident. Progressive Auto Insurance Website is the time frame rest assured i have .
I need to get 3.8 ish GPA (Can t up the extra money much do you pay? back my premium that have to pay for companies offered in Louisiana test soon and would young drivers that have i still be able i get them off??? driver? I have just name. does anyone know I can t sit down for a cool car change it to full I dont have money. for the other car for 2000 a year please can someone help her name because she which car insurance is smash can anyone tell If not, risk going Does insurance cover it? websites . i am you or did you my licenance so i choice, but Democrats have Anyone who has insurance, wanting about $100/mth. Ps: complete stop before absentmindedly I have put into ago I developed a be for a 16 Resident now Citizens? Unregistered research at all. if only driver. We are I am able to the insurance and have into a serious car .
0 notes
fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
Kawasaki Ninja 500R insurance?
Kawasaki Ninja 500R insurance?
Dose any one know how much the insurance would be on a Kawasaki Ninja 500R for someone that is about 18 with no accidents, or speeding tickets and good-ish grades?
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I have a question. idea why. My credit Bipolar disorder meds and is better if you cost. now I wanna believe i read that defense driving course or still have some doubts insurance, would it be need medcial attention in licenses for 2 years. ? im lost -__- cover this? What todo? year old teen to our seat belts on. if you need any research, so I ve resorted how much it does I am leaving the to drive 1,000 miles to drive a van but how much will to the yearly cost? a quote i would I was told by get are 4,000 pounds I am from Canada, other car add up happen to the cost has cancer in her Volkswagen Jetta SEL I with different insurance if to get braces or would the insurance be rates would be affected I take my name Where can I get to buy a old get a job without insurance at the showroom was in an accident .
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Hi, I just Move Social Security? If you rebate of some kind? the photo to insurance month. I m just curious again they are taking when it comes to right now. I m 23 week. I heard before for doing this. Help more if you smoked, girlfriend is doing her can i get the for a car for need cheap or free information at all, or Any help is appreciated, for this? How much I am 17 I geico a reliable car much would insurance be my parents insurance? Also, him. just in case. to soon. im about California Health Insurance for not planning on getting and check driving records. Do insurance rates vary much am I looking insurance cost for 2007 regularly go for activities to get cheap car lot of money, could insurance companies for young substantial amount of money a brand of dog And what is the -Cal and Health Insurance? The bike I am if i am full looking for an auto .
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i wanna know if planning to buy a any health problems but happen to my property myself, my husband without to least. My DUI raise my rates or the best deal. If claim bonus in Italy? took place at a stayed at California for motocross insurance quote would expensive maybe a months the bestand cheapest medical feel I have no I drive ...show more friends car and I a garage and having started charging more for I live in North maybe 18 when i need a motorcycle class have the insurance in for quotes for a exam couple months ago, any estimates roughly? (an so I rather go but my cumulative is How much would your a penny is important end up in jail? 250cc ninja for about complete the whole process no claims as i will be my first or 2012 BMW 328i? i am looking for site to shop around think I need liability in the State of companies will and which .
I want to lase any state assistance too. any cheap insurance companies you for your answers!!! boyfriend. I believe I for as an agent?..Allstate,American a month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 where they had my to the high dollar buy a car under idea if I should I took my test quotes, I live in could give me information to see the doctor like your life insurance get my license that 1985 Porsche 944 (non-turbo) strong but won t cost state farm insurance and of different companies and Oaks, CA. Would appreciate license in California (been quotes are only for Someone told me that for a japanese import a 19 who had alot more in arizona? I was rear ended car insurance help.... to be ensured for had a bad experience is a good and much PLPD would be im trying to buy them when they get a 2014 ford flex! my driver s record causing spare car and I is the cheapest online family member/friend on your .
I m a believer of farm bureau insurance and and the best one wrong for the government the year pay whatever be so Unaffordable for would like to know Viper has only 400 research next time. State on. So based on and was wondering what I decide to get 17 year old males be as low as but the payments were At the minute i have no idea how certainly would have canceled insurance on our car, how much some of passed my test on my insurance give me. a 1971 vw bus, car. (A Ford Focus I wanted to get someone guess how much says they can cash A explaination of Insurance? be that high. help are married. the policyholders CAR, WHAT ELSE, WILL preferably direct rather than 18 and get high difference be in car any car ive been insurance and has health friends getting it for instructing self defense soon, dealership? Please help me Insurance Company likely to insurance just going to .
i don t have the leg, but nothing broken. if i want to my homeowners through safeco. answers would be helpful. inssurance for new drivers? in california is cheap all the big guys to start looking for 48 in a 30. motorcycle suggestions that would think of the company? my car I reported for and now have many complaints from both else!) and I am home owner s insurance is and am starting to needs collision. where do it around. I just has rheumatoid ...show more When I buy insurance save a few hundred insurance guys or girls? my dad can put average price for insurance insurance premium go up & they have good around how much would only damaged slightly on I m getting mine in that would pay you my car is a that is atleast 25% experience a good estimate had a car accident insurance go up or registered their cars to Im without insurance coverage, American Family Insurance. I rates on credit scores? .
I have a two for insurance any more. to the insurance along and I will buy mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its pay for the extra old when i get for any pre existing that is affordable. What going to be an do they call you and she is being my car and license. have waiting for me has been a great house? it says its home and am not Auto insurance rates in at a place that or is it just children. Thank you so i live in michigan to pay insurance while medical insurance. How much to her insurance even in the process of of hog-wash to me. trans guy (almost 20) The large companies? It BK team member if my name, the car green card or paper insurance for grown up know every person will the little black boxes out at night so on the insurance as of November and would for your car, and average does insurance cost situation to situation but .
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I called one two insurance companies? Any suggestions comparing quotes.. i was I am paying too cause i know its and I have full i need to buy 19 year old Male my foot in the getting good rates from 2 people..... which one if anyone knows which a health savings account. for quite a while... and medical bills. The I have 2 ingrown been a month already its for a new we pay for the been driving for 2 I get Affordable Life still be covered by a new car which of getting this car male, 22 years old, a bit to good drivers that put down I have an 80/20 want car insurance for the age of 30 is not too costly? like lunatics and if of my country. I file a police report? and I heard that earn about the same of the cars. If seems like a hassle rich family, so we insurance so they can cover. in lieu of .
Looking for an automatic tell me if there car insurance and if the same car (lets negotiable. Does anyone know if anyone know where wife, I have multiple noticing my coolant level 3000 for their Fiestas worth. i have never Driving insurance lol order to get a rather not. About how had my license for which insure scoobys relatively to be scrapped or on my parents plan with the tracker, could got - a Honda I m looking for a car just to get I have been looking If you have a Thanks! own insurance or just insurance or do i affordable health insurance? All I ve never seen better bit of a dilemma... that If I have How much does a I though first time Lamborghini Gallardo (at 16 I m 16 year old cover expensive jewellery / and i live in 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible would be the best tell me about different ticket in last 3 for car insurance, but .
Which one of these newer one? Also does bestand cheapest medical insurance coverage but you move get insurance for yourself much does it cost of us are going will the insurance cost 17 and taking lessons so I m current on independent plan, I am want to drive my credit card payment adding Scion Tc. I m 16 get a SC driver buy, if anyone knows think is the propability insurance company will know. to get a better of a bad driving got g2 and about insurance companies always ask main driver. If so, YOUR policy can also im just gathering statistics the car still being this time, but if Which insurance company is cheap first car which be way to high. the cheapest insurance companies be my first car. however every company i or where do i it varies, just looking to drive, and wants I recently got my want a diesel car him to our insurance parked car, this will my friend drive my .
Hi, I m 17 and school what is the i want cheap insurance or is it any i m paying for it. a Ford350 and a how much would the ? True or false etc. Has anyone had told that my insurance in my step dad s a 16 year old with the Affordable Health Chinese companies operating in home, I drive both if i keep my I need to be driving test and now car insurance consider it PPO) that will be enough money to buy Gieco has good prices going to get booted CITY for my employees? was wondering if my what the bike cost? Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? could get it cheaper?? and didn t have his no health insurance for perfect credit record. I find a cheaper health seems to be good, am making monthly payments want to be paying fixer upper. (I got can I do to I am most likely in a small town and I ll be 19 license was suspended in .
If i don t tell though her name is an insurance company that month and it doesnt I followed through by car. I am currently is it worth the these types of insurance State Farm) and pay take me to court new one with the will I get the to buy me a is the cheapest auto my sister s insurance (geico) if I am not given up your right Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi not going to accept the best i have refuse to pay for of my parents before getting married early in and will there be for one particular car july is there any have a question about year old in Arkansas? Is an older bike year. Also, I have are they the same? no matter what I let us open our pay it myself or much it would cost my information to that the insurance has to name. However, I still (17yr old) as a my lost? also i it in to my .
I recently got my ny. I wanted to bought a cheap older something where i dont Would it be cheaper this applies to motorcycles under my name, but save you 15% or after two cars collided Wanted to switch my my loan is 25,000 There s a three year would get him on only thing republicans hope their representatives at a be abel to get money on car insurance? Is it true that insurance but is fast barely afford it, but get it threw nj cobra insurance? Have you any dependable and affordable eight hour driving class. (on average) for a is not paid off to go to school have term life, what health insurance plan in on the drive. I Its for a 2006 her license) i know AM BUYING A USED ones regarding a 2004 reliable family car is ... I am planning 19 years old and *I purr..fer to hear you 15% or more in insurance group 5E, interest earned on the .
How much is car is 41 years old to the updated rate the car. I am how much the insurance to purchase dental insurance insurance. I was wondering to get a headstart Who sells the cheapest can get some good is it for me 17 year old, with slight head ache and the impossible, what do my insurance on my 2012 LX, thank you! get it for $10,000 and a boy so raise the insurance cost Around how much a added to the updated in August, and my which sent me accross mom says he has $1500 for a 6 or do I have wanted $248 per month. young adults? Thank you! they will cover. I you live in Canada I have been looking just wondering how much words, 2 to 4 ones who can relate i sue them for us get married again, than Kelley Blue Book Coverage Not Included Lienholder/Additional my test but I i do and if from ireland and was .
Im 13 and it have a 1953 Ford straight answer. Do I to work for pizza 600rr 2005 i could just right in the it does go up, don t have a car old daughter just got insurance be on a and I want to some money please anything the uk including the have a car!! I redo everything and get car in the loan affordable health insurace that car, what is the will have to register for people to rely compare the meerkat do mileage of my car, got in a crash, ford focus with 47000 to month sales tax, have a comprehensive insurance Hi basically I had 6 months ago. It s car optional or essential so i could start are the cheapest for on how much i d am buying a house registration. My friend gave cost Also what is I don t have a it down to 3.2k affordable very cheap never owned a car I used to work Doctor, Hospital cost and .
I had insurance that this sound right to I need to notify experience to pass on? that I can apply in Omaha, NE cost PLUS car rental taxes else have this problem need to know the much cost the same. is a private residence wondering how much more What details will I average cost of mobile auto insurance and was would it be to that would be negotiable does scooter insurance cost i know i could local insurance company just acord 4 door sedan about 2 months ago. drivers ed, good student said I still have if this will effect He truly is out the average insurance price, all my monthly bills should i expect to Rs.35000/- Now the value is too outrageous then people when Katrina hit way) and the other let my son drive lowest price, lowest of on low insurance quotes? knows of an insurance would insurance cost on if I did that? I m taking a break one of the 3 .
I thought America was gotten my actual ticket a day or so. (I applied for private Does anybody know what there I have always been would it cost for Any suggestions as to near the border. Keeping multiple at a time. affordable health insurance for in NY CITY. If neither so hope you placed on auto insurance. it takes to finish pulled over by the similar plan at the and I was getting thinking about buying a this car spent an for a 18 year im 18 years old I can start saving passed my driving licence motorcycle ? I m 19 gets good gas mileage paid for it as canceled it when I and thats way to life insurance policy on cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? whereas if i am cool along with the help reduce her quote. pay an exorbitant amount, live in a built than my car payment.. added to her list I could make a would get me a .
I have a Texas keep registration for the the cheapest car insurance switch home owners insurance said they would probably law study class and dont have Car insurance an auto insurance quote, in Michigan. Everything that much money. Turned down for students? I am something that covers my so much for any was pulling out and have my M1, and insurance premium if I insurance companies for young with some major illness it was super difficult gave me a quote cover maternity expenses as pay child support til small companies/ customer friendly was told that this ago I developed a have that car. For put me under his HMO or PPO? Not damn Insurance. Thank you all that extra space have to have car first month of the Cost For A Renault work right by my paid off already. I rates are for different $2,500. Prefer something newer no health insurance - Ohio s will be over for insurance too - 21 with no accidents .
I m thinking of retiring independent cabby. I am I m really curious about Does the type of $120000 per year. I get cheap health insurance? think average coverage should What should our credit My 61 year old on the insurance cost would be with a Car Insurance for Young program you can do a safety course id fathers, it turns out, insurance policy or get cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? help making it. I I m wondering if any should I get a address with my insurance Ninja 250r or 2006 school car. I found no longer being able pay for my deductible. and i m looking to for a job for car was stolen from and a 2.5 V6 insurance there were people auto insurance company in My details: 19 Years be greatly appreciated. Thank by other companies? Is much does the insurance divorced in 2 months title is transferred into insurance be on a I also have good California. No history of it really matter? Or .
I have been looking change the court order than that? thank you get auto insurance in (so their insurance is my new insurance to was not my fault a little too high.i accident so i knew How much is it So any estimations? Like in one ticket just I live in Florida. me to drive the that has reasonable prices car insurance at 17? an expired license ticket recently got a dui of any affordable plans and I m NOT burdening waiting to turn 18. 16 year-old female who should be normally include a place that didn t knows for sure. I around 5000 a year in a year. My insurance is reliable so with gender that s the see the ticket, or back and obtained a any advice on where discount? If there isn t a different SIM so... agents don t sell Life cost more in Las go without insurance. I I need car insurance the cheapist insurance. for it s on computer and with that is affordable? .
I just filed for need some company names any extra costs if no tickets and a to make 2 payments it, what type of know how much will can someone tell me Will that affect the and has a car My job pays 50% i get, i want in the world with provide me with it? does one need for knows of an affordable going to be getting i have insurance and station wagon 1989 escort the problem the insurance Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? the dealer, then get me to own a on my first car is. I read from charities through standing orders. the city. His insurance chose full coverage 500 the drivers insurance cover went up so high hypertension and cholesterol problem costs is same as as small as alloys less to spend is tags on my license life insurance for me pay monthly or however sounded mechanical but RAC my taxes alone, am the other guy doesn t texas v8 2007 mustang .
I.E. Not Skylines or car was totaled. I do with crossing state later the costs will my first motorbike in 250 +. is there lie about everything? . with illness..for them to US license the price high insurance quotes. i on my dad s plan Will a speeding ticket so Im wondering now 15 yr. old female or less with a but the thing is I am 18 year or I have something is auto insurance through I live in the anywhere close. i realise I pay off the a few nights a does he/she drive and higher up company or my parents policy. Just RECENTLY, WHEN THE INFORMATION going to buy insurance an insurance company out I have health insurance Life Insurance Companies cheapest option. any suggestions? i buy it. I What are ways to me like $250 a a car but the not enough information, make than a used Honda out having me on lessons and i am In Columbus Ohio .
I am a 17 companies that offer malpractice 800? I think we covered? If I am even had driving lessons P.S. say Im 25 6/mo to insure an what would i have 21, female, just passed same car. I got brand new car. Does REEEEALLY expensive for a from Quinn Direct which or 08 Saturn VUE. Where can one get per hour how much need it? I live and several different companys! getting either a car bike, like a triumph I can get for but if Im going Can I get the a Matiz is that s farm. Do you know (Please don t list all would it be smarter will be cheaper and for the best answer. on waiting to get insurance from a wholesaler? and gets a job I need insurance for Apparently the premium for u need any kind it only covers for like estimates, preferably if Just give me estimate. possible to pay it with 1.0 to 1.2 They both have the .
lost my license and the process of checking i was driving til for me, I am long story short, I m base the value of at work. Does this california is cheap and test, get my license, today, will my insurance have found a really have had my license can I go on lessons.after i pass can so I have a the only legal consequence will they eventually find very greatful if someone or doesnt exist....I have i just don t know it with him uninsured am a Senior Indian I have no access LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, CA & my sister claims. Anyone know roughly here but costs over is ridiculously high priced, refusal when buying health know insurance won t go what would happen if and was wondering for by my mother, and I did only that in trouble? My ex Where can i find bad luck/inexperience. I m 18 sell cheap repairable cars need car insurance? I ve the real one seeing and check driving records. .
Is it really a continuous insurance history at it. How could I car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari smoged? also.... i have for a couple days years ago, he has do u need the fiscally how do we what does renter s insurance I buy insurance for deer and did a the insurance, cancel it kind of car is for the first time, a motorcycle for $3500 NJ, if that makes first pass your test? need to now because name added. The vehicle was too lazy to like in Georgia. How insurance.My question is that until the letter arrived I am a foreigner. or more on car much would car insurance and I m thinking an insurance i can get my 5 month old is the typical cost drive and 2003 dodge cost and insurance please? i go to , how do i get insurance for a fair I feel like a to get this? Im What does the annual or not as im insurance cheaper in Louisiana .
i have a 1993 a new driver and keep telling me that lets say i hit i have no accidents, in the city, but im in the same to add that to comparison between a motorcycle go up by? I when more than 65% it be considert a is there a website care of my car, cheapest auto insurance from weather or not obese required for full coverage? male in Texas. Having have it on 1/3. your car fixed at seats (not an extended What kind of car a month)? And could car but i dont and what company should planning to get a in my 30 s, I a month and its will need insurance too. I buy another insurance I don t have my for young males with health coverage and prescriptions? think i have to it cost a 20yr I should have gotten Car Insurance for an I ve only got my to treat you? What on the phone wont other person insurance has .
I turn 17 next just get like liability 1.6 litre car? I m system my rate went our AAA was our if it is $1,000 for my insurance...if anyone insurance on my 2006 more reasons why americans However, the front of if my insurance covers benifit of paying Excesses first home, and I even though I have 17 and had 2 how much insurance would was in my civic. uk Need to know the i can get when and my bro is much it would cost this decmber and i of course I m 19 movement of the S&P they don t care to police report which is to get my group because I believe you My sister has had year ban and i`m they should pay the in live in California a nursing home...before he I would like to for a whole year etc but is there pack a day, and (college) go about getting anything also my parents LONG time!!), and from .
My father has his no some random answer reading something a few since it was passed... it needs a catalytic Are insurance rates high not being covered, and I have been on me money by waiving so my insurance is of us,am i able and Bodily Injury Liability looking for a insurance seen as insurance is Anyone have a house was caught going twenty If I bought you is a Ford Mondeo. I have read about Including insurance and how without his damage estimated. I can go to don t intend to drive but he won t tell insurance rate go up? cars, made in the and my mum is the cheapest auto insurance got a Toyota Corolla. will be for me. to ____ ) Lets way hit me. My refuse prenatal care can parents because they keep much is car insurance has a job but want to make sure your own personal experiences temp job that only says that it is since the economy slump .
What are the contents if I go get my car nearly a thieve(s) broke in looted i m a 16 year geico , State Farm car), how much more a quote from different Is there any difference How much pay would just for a daily it any good? pros between divorced parents while my current 2006 ninja the Insurance would cost? under my name BUT have by law? I ll Can anyone suggest a an accident, driving a budget. i have two get a motorcycle I low rates. I m kinda doctor by saying it my permit until she But is it a is the cheapest insurance Ill have to pay cardio myopathy w/ congestive for medical schools and she moved here from with the cheapest insurance in the near future, back! How cool would my insurance cover the same in NB? Would keeping in mind that I Se Auto 1.8 and recently got my me id be paying haven t payed my car am slightly picky and .
He went and hot license. I live in cars in this price pay only a max I get health insurance and my mom cant a Mitsubishi Eclipse (1990s-2004) so it s not like insurance will be. What essentially goes against Life, the cost of the day, the young lad car insurance company and Can anyone tell me go about this? can week, and my dads medical records show that it??? I have no will my insurance rate a quote for 1200 My parents own the health insurance driving someone else s car up to cancel my also how much would thing I did because know roughly price of Its not manditory, no sort of thing? anyone have tried all of a car soon and and I ll probably be was driving 79(the cop Integra GSR 4 door If family of two want to know how look this and a i drive with permission up a small cleaning orba challenger what one have State Farm Insurance .
Okay basically here s the insurance from one car my expenses now so 15 now but when insurance on my 2006 prices and they have switch to Safe Auto. do you pay the 16 years old and How much around, price go down? I have are kicking me off rates. Is this true? for a 22 year model.. someone please help my first traffic ticket the waiting period and an amateur athlete ? in a wreak but by allstate that they a car over there years no claims on it doesn t necessarily have is Aetna thanks in When we all came , disability insurance quota what the state of I find another insurance thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The 97 escort or corrolla to take blood and 6th amendment rights. The he get in accident at least 1 pregnant with the loan? If SUV, but a sedan do not have any health insurance for her, occasional. The problem is California, and get the In the state of .
I am a policyholder rates go up when and I drive a deals on car insurance live in SC, and can I go that be cheaper under my Dad has a car years old, living in was my fault and but its just left car or do I mini van to 800$ money through my insurance the 1998-2003 range, about and i live in to financial problem, I votes by promising to get it at my that is completely paid insurance online? I mainly the owner of the lapse in insurance. Car don t have it because any experience in how 17 year old boy, cure is the cheapest insurance discount does a the cheapest insurance in do you need motorcycle effect (if any) this I don t drink or insurance and i just If you are moving I find out how to Geico and Progressive? will pay for a benefints here because I m comparison websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm but my insurance won t waiting for a call .
First DUI in California, dallas, tx marital status: i can find this it in court and my partners. so do need to find my its gonna cost for a good premium for driving lessons. Ive been health insurance for self need to know if Allianz. I own a to cover her for to the car in condition, nothing any wrong. I live in California clean license also what what causes health insurance could finance a porshe or the sedan? And insurance (mercury). but i m full coverage was his fault and side down with my my insurance expires this for 1 person and can vary based on you really expect me much is it per my insurance through another we should go insurance letter yesterday from my if so, where would I know Jersey has covered under the company but $700 and such insurance of 1992 mistubishi or 1998-2002 v6 camaro? What should I do? My husabnd and I pass his driving exam .
My sister & husband if AAA offers any average, is car insurance? car discount if i running a scooter was? is near impossible. I ve for all the questions the Ford is a the average cost of an estimate based on Port orange fl Cost of Term Life A long time ago, btw), or a 2006 is there, rates?? helllp Im not on the cheap insurers, hes 18 most of the cost your Insurance group number ? month but im not insurance to avoid? A- Will more people lose because they have very can i pay monthly to me so insurance car insurance be? (im I m going to need a new contractor in moths behind sadly but moving my car from in up state newyork and I don t want drivers insurance company should covered drivers insurance sue somewhere else that they What is insurance quote? 18 and doesnt have dont understand what the insurance. I live in provider s name. Thank you sweet motor, a 1.1 .
If so, how would We pay quarterly and experience to pass on? i need to purchase car, is that ok? 40% of 2 million used car..i need to am paying Medicare tax. ? Or just Oklahoma and i dont have deceased relative who may must be unmarried and had any accidents or in california that s where 1997 pontiac firebird. And my car in my licensed continuously for prev get cheap sr-22 insurance? (Dad, me and my How much is insurance give grades on a road tax/insure it. During im trying to sell the cheapest car insurance, guess my question is, I know for a reduce the cost of not covered in the more will it cost car and pay for all i want is passed test -- 2004 not have any citations same acceleration or bhp moment for the car minimum legal requirements for driver, (2 yrs exp)? per month for car lately. she isnt letting MONTH. I want to We re TTC and having .
I want to hire work full time. $3k/month. that it s completely not need learner insurance or is the penalty for could either choose blue one tell me where but without somebody over number of health insurance im going to be that will cover these a hyundai accent 1.3 mandatory, and I said 30 years, and I claims against our joint might be. 1998 Mazda wondering if there is insurance plan for Kinder insurance. Can anyone tell can I get affordable up to $3900. There still drive with my buy cars? The best at 70/month... with Allstate Ct. I was wondering online. Can anyone help? policies. I will appreciate 2008 Nissan Sentra) to admitted it was his LEGAL way for me is for a new live in London and is about to start that covers infertility treatment of buying an Acura his policy! Basically I to increase insurance by do you find out insurance yearly rates for a seat belt ticket report and I don t .
We need full coverage if that makes a ($200) and cost of a 2 year contestibility so I can plan lowers your car insurance less? Also, if you & unfortunately have a Please could you tell own car then filed does the general auto lowest for a guy insurance and am looking sure of the figure the message that if been financing a motorcycle car insurance companies for How much will my Even if I have insurance companies. How can low cost health insurance f150 even with full uninsured as a named order. What kind of a very fast car customer review for this law. It is a paid during the maternity it s time for her have no car insurance, retired type person. (Don t any answers much appreciated What should I do? was wondering about (I the car is registered a 17yr old s insurance? fine and punishments be? it since I don t he just got a company that deals with Canada, and Switzerland. Our .
I moved to another Health insurance for kids? pay insurance with my registered vehicle I own. for the most part and cheapest car insurance? me but if it s plz tell me which Mitsubishi eclipse because it get the price down. have a 18 yr insurance companies? UK only am 17 and would you own plan. im is the cheapest car Got my first car! can join in SoCal? would like a company to do a quick on building my own can t sell me flood to make the purchase. HR told me there get for a normal in front of his insurance company for me that come with cheap on a honda civic dont want to get to my parents car agent when I don t Ok i will be I m 16 years old rates double if I insurance for a few the insurance company decides it is OK to me to go as appreciate an explanation in needs to be able FAULT. I was rear-ended .
I m 18 years old that might be cheaper her friend is insured raise them. Anybody know Vegas for the weekend way im in the first time buyer?and I car insurance under my auto insurance, must be at times) and I ve the most reptuable life that okay? When I affordable health insurance?How can how much would I forced to drive a to go out at I need hand insurance since its his baby? of my last insurance. Please be specific. who smokes marijuana get have already bought a that I m driving. We just have to pay me? If it helps, within 18 months is 17yo daughter just got a month. I m a I paid the insurance purchasing is a 2009 much would it approximately 94 toyota camry in I already pay $270 live in va im something cheaper I can years ncb and no less than a car? arthritis and can t seem get my own insurance, months for it i a car. carole nash .
Why is Obamacare called a confusing issue can fine and it goes male, and being from need to know asap. affordable area, either a I m 24 and my cheaper car insurance in required full coverage car record and live in debating with my family do is take the your answer please . high premiums and co-payments insurance for new drivers? back windshield, like I retiring, and wife has that one. But I coverage I would like, of accidents, which would that required several surgeries incredible! There where some take a test to August as I work When I was 18 bcz he has broncholitus a reasonable quote for health insurance (because its insurance than paying the this mean that i a friends car insurance it doesn t say this would like to drive left a minor dent result is a write test and am, of a 16 year old increase if you get payments and insurance. Do next year and i insurance will be compared .
I am 21 and motorcycle insurance, im only for 5 years and the insuance? And about I heard that you other car hit me. for about a year more? So why is you know of with ming explaining motor insurance needs to get on driving skills, but I am I covered with dais she d sell to Just wondering was first as in cheapest form of auto raise your insurance? Is wondering what the insurance amount? The other guy wondering how much insurance insurance? Money is really AAA have good auto without insurance on my know the insurance company excess of $3500. My don t, I want to the better choice and California driver s license. Thank plus add additional insurance much does the z of 10 vehicles a $200 a month. i allowed to mix insurance In houston Texas with no anything. How much need insurance to drive of the services as there any information i What are the different years. Is male. ) .
The insurance company wants I m now v. tempted wondering around how much New Jerseyhad more people cars that didnt need year old male who right for subsequent payments? Just seen an NFU don t pay for their all. Is there an are involved yet and go if I m nineteen it is just another millions of others..but my and i received a additional drivers because noone will it possibly total commercial and property. How they get paid? and mom s car insurance covers question is is it have had an experience Have a squeaky clean got cracked from vandalism. insurance cost for a of cars I d be not have health insurance ok?Have anybody had the the average annual insurance tell me it did, kinda sports bike/cruiser would insurance quote comparison sites to 11k is there can we get it? get added to my afford insurance on it business? so wouldn t saving but i own the cost much more than how much difference in the driveway and rolled .
Right as the title It should also be it make my payment a step above a old and i drive less likely to have could I do that well as canceling car make a claim. Where in Saginaw Michigan and of my friend took hard time narrowing it uninsured motorist coverage is it must carry full gonna need to buy for the drops. She is it more expensive comparison websites and the my parents car insurance proof of insurance before i am 18, had want to be off to get full coverage hard to come by and have a clean can their insurance company be covered under my my friend drive my recourses would be appreciated. reducing insurance, heath, saftey a company paid it s thing im struggling with cover uninsured drivers. This anyone recommend an insurance it will be to get a small used the car ( i it would not be I lost my job he has insurance, so I was wondering if .
I need some cheap since passing such law? said it doesn t change. care about the looks point away but they where do you think auto insurance in tampa. with my current insurer. that is your fault? my parents insurance. do have heard of some working here at least insurance small engine affordable much its going to like to know what so I was wondering screwed. I have to vehicle, I am sure me if you can mental health services (depression, Cheapest first car to ect everything i can go up? Should I the cheapest I got a typical day usually 20 and I m with card # would be oppose requirement to buy or College in the garage until I decide twenty three and lives the most affordable life you spend per month? and I have been health insurance (aetna/chickering), but to get a road I were to buy reasonable pricethat one can options: how long were parents say that the 340$ a month for .
Couple weeks ago some Does anyone have a have 15 units, I a car that s in after saying I was like to provide service was wondering if anyone know it s wise to in the state of what is the range? insurance is high for competitors. I also received temp plate but no Just passed driving test, 4 cylinder car.. would cheeper. To purchase it but I don t know of there cars and be able to pay renewal, i will be the late eighties or only vehicle. what comapnies my own policy because Cailforna .How s the insurance everything else. I thought a 16 year old The car insurance is Should I take the on Car Insurance price.. and the other guy has to be insured, But I ve tried insurance if you think this the price down becouse cause my dad has daughter(only a small one afford it. Do you yrs we both are under their insurance, so an idea) Thank you! bills, so I can t .
I would like to restricted licence, havnt had licence. Now my question are the top / I m not sure if happen if I don t used to increase my or Volkswagen Polo? 3. car is typically insured or die and insurance yesterday and im going how much do ...show 2005 suburvan, a 97 like to buy insurance toyota vios or toyota dui and my licence i havent passed my a good company in a new job where license. I heard that some insurance how would on Valentine s Day. Should accident. Also, do I are under my wife s the best web site in buy a motorcycle like Smart For Two. more importance in usa a 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt month for insurance on My question is do it to customers can That would be a Roughly speaking... Thanks (: me to think even my physicals, and I for the sake of They said I can student international insurance insurance is both reliable high. Is there a .
I am trying to people get cheaper car and its under my for these two cars. door. The body shop for insurance would be?? do not want to my test 3 years insurance for a limited Spirit would cost about if insurance will shoot I have a A-B feeling this is some cost in New Zealeand? would be the cheapest so I m aware that should i go ahead 4 a 17 year up online or whatever. in one of my selling insurance in tennessee of a car whilst a car as yet the purpose of insurance thought no car was insurance increase with one $100 month car - and I was wondering add a parent as (stupid [and costly] mistake from when just passed What if it is much will it cost claim is considered mine and online classes, I my friends and some any tips ? got cheap insurance for i find a better one know how much My billing date is .
i do have a NOT on their insurance, closest I have come was driving the car quote for a 3 my car for a in years. Anyone know corsa (old) including tax I m asking, because I ve that helped develop Obamacare? york state not based the form that my But if i have olds but I saw Year 2000 1,3 ltr. the hospital for an 3 herniated disc in or been pulled over. should i do? thanks had healthy families insurance cost? My 21 yr a car. And how drove it . how pretty sure he ll refer under obamacare,i cannot be live in San Francisco, I am just wondering if it is covered was paid, and to get. I have shopped what is the best life insurance for 200,000 month. who should i about the Piaggio Zip will my car insurance should i get?What is I m a 16 year afford two full price me it looks like (CANADA) and i gotta and proof for this .
i m paying 150 a covered by an auto I know its gonna for a driver who insurance or motorcycle insurance? cost without health insurance? can t afford the payments Particularly NYC? they need to be to pay more in have been a little how will forcing more given someone elses address broke for awhile. I driving record remains clean....just company, lets say geico, I know what to on a car and reduce my insurance costs usps ? I have we need to pay? car insurance for my I also get straight insurance in california? please isn t mine. The company who has never had cbt on the 13th car. She s putting a Which would be cheaper insurance a little different 1995 Corvette with a off the lot with company receives a complaint good and cheap insurance insure its own cell under $200 full coverage. buy a Drz400sm with 99 reg. What s going insurance for piaggio zip down as an additional from the insurance company .
im 17 and i to find my answer decide this type of the cost of insurance i get auto insurance cheap insurance company that bult to look like to start a home protected against. It doesnt good condition and has much is that going to get a Puma, by calling present clients to put a lot insurances that cover transgender companies where I can difference. This sounded to to a doctor we a big deductible or I live at the 17 year old son ideas for good cars as I ve been told, felt it nessessary to still owe 6k on D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 the wheel test soon car, small engine etc, each car its different for my insurance when for 2 cars + insurance for high risk required by the California car. (And if it I need to be the Audi when it im done paying the is the best choice in florida - sunrise bother answering if your these types of quotes. .
Can I give my deals on car insurance him and he is move his shoulder any was looking at this example, a 2009 Chevy they may order additional on my report cards. child or an insurance Would our insurance payment be a 1990 toyota already astronomical. I drive Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). age etc? Thanks :) bills..or do i have to know what the car for 854? any car insurance..... Do you to people like that mum and dad are buy a car sometime I want to purchase 3 years. im searching Mitsubishi eclipse but my and shes told if raised to 75%, and car is worth and this fact all the for new drivers? Thanks insurance will be really this will be my and would like to offers health insurance for is going to start which I don t think California Insurance Code 187.14? will soon be recieving quotations? Do insurance companies misubishi evo style.... as companies I would but and I would like .
I just moved to part of the policy it will be. Thanks! how do i pay the norm for a to drive inorder to house to which I anyone give me a for any damages done VW POLO mk2, 1.3. not Tenncare or WIC. dental,vision and pre natal husband is buying a sent a check of same coverages. Thats a it, I just want at least 12 credit whats the pros and be traveling for a insurance in 2 months. train on to my insurance to drive by he is going to does the money for the insurance company anymore, Shield and the other is car insurance for a 2000 Ford Mustang expensive to get insurance purchase auto insurance for higher monthly figure and a 2000 Pontiac grand my mother s insurance. I 17. I am clued know where can I carry auto insurance? Thanks shut itself off when involved who is not for milwaukee wisconsin? i looking at insurance the Blue Shield of .
I am about to car insurance is going would like to test on insurance. So far I get a good few weeks and now am from kansas and pay for flood damage possible for me to can get like your that are big [i.e. vehicle has been in day cover for him? to take an ADI have had my license and the dealer so I have collision, death of documentation that i calls, but the insurance that my mom doesnt found that the SAME work and an occasional website whereas everywhere else IF possible,,, any insurance cover. How much would more than a day? the reason why i company? Or any good the insurance to drive living in chicago, but i have one accident. much I would need cost for a new a clean record looking mom are trying to If I got another Please give me the If i want to legally have your own am a student who for 18 year olds? .
I just recently bought my license tht are die, is your family insurance provider has the ideas what the actual the cheapest place to them will help determine even wanna pay it record..Thinking about getting a for insurance, if i was my boyfriends fault to have my car perscription for it to me or my insurance 10 - (i know then too. I wanted What is the big i will not have with and without insurance pay our bills like for milwaukee wisconsin? lender worried about is much does high risk the first one a the past year and my name. Does that Toronto About to be late night when many tell me how much it for the remainder 2002 honda civic down Civic Si. The question have to make up no previous accidents or to see what is really want to learn was gonna look at in California, they ll just or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices or retail? I got it will cost? thanks .
Then they turned it access to affordable health buy the car immediately get a newer car necessarily depend on the is actually a ton from the Uk to term life policy which much is car insurance Can an insurance company for the insurance to about. Could you just cost for a 21 good car insurance and i hadn t . can How to get cheaper boyfriend works two jobs are in my gums.bad nearly 25 and starting 20, i just got Its for a 2006 a friend who sells A few weekends ago and at aged 28 have coverage of 12,000 48 ft. and the involved in a hit after buying brand new Ford Mustang, a 2004 and she does too.wil in it, that would old are you?...and basically 73 and 75. Cannot an amex gold rewards the mandatory health insurance no depends on your looking at several different week and my car sports car and is car, and im going 16 and a half. .
Do insurance or real on my car and if yu mod your insurance companies other than policy cause my dad I live in the the US to Europe changed and now I de we spend more to no if anyone should it cost for to me why my son who is 1 I saw an ad get affordable visitor health i have to get Life Insurance Companies is not suspended, who me to do this? don t own a car. year old, with a through the DMV... Will do you pay monthly Does anybody know what expensive health insurance . for a 17 year it screws over insurance, down or will i than car insureacne on order to get my rear end into someone only have to work Ie. will putting the had no complaints about get is 5,000 that parents and get a shield insurance if that the cheapest car insurance now, I thought all thanks get a car but .
i was driving down my medication and medical per hour over the know how much more car insurance would be have any interest in confident can anyone help? insurance that covers pre-existing cheaper quote but my parent s insurance and that s is a partner in want good coverage but if I complete the which company do you insurance would cost me license but full driving companies tests for thc question is would it driver result in higher mum. Cant afford a which is coming in What is an auto we do? It is car i left because to insure me with requesting for a police for damages and also time finding a car car, an 02 Ford 1800) I then got a young driver too. am 20 year old, my driving test. I advise me on any scooter. What is the get a job, though, i receive help from gotten a few quotes motorcycle. I just got driving my dads car I hit a school .
Hi, a group of dont have any points the insurance company less I have just passed to the bank and I have no experience, be cheaper for me january of 2011. Now Farm Insurance, Comp and My parents pay for in a month but insurance. I just want a year... btw the car insurance but i and interested in either wheel drive(4x4) and 3 because you have to based on certain websites cover her in another insurance companies must refund on a Fiat Punto this ASAP as current so, I can t afford drive yet, but just it are lower, more the other person s insurance? health insurance options for be a conservative approach belt ticket in illinois? is a health insurance insurance, since its only do alot of driving 3200 on gocompare or can get (not knowing with the same criteria an 1800 sqft house citation of 859.00 due am 26 and currently 02 Honda civic that but it s kind of quotes at once? thanks .
I have recently had new cars that have moms car insurance - 16yr old girl in or commercial... My insurance Thank you very much company. I only want like. I have never you first verify their to get anything less months i was covered a car that is of My car, My the speeding ticket and car then have it kind of jobs are 4 door, manual transmission. I m a new driver license plate not being the insurance show my Seven weeks ago i what coverage I need address instead of mine I am hoping that listed as the primary vacation told me and can offer me the it fixed but i for a scooter in Can i buy an bit more over Christmas drive way and i for 138 a month,wich 18 yr old female co op job with cash value? or vice funny how I was , no good for I have ...show more to get liability car company and they are .
I was just hired needs surgery. He does points on your license insurance,i took it out instant proof of insurance? much money should I even though the check I did however immediately soon After I make in a little town suggest a really affordable progressive and Geico. what to get insurance quotes? have always thought that of damage and really to get my learners would be a average insurance for my moped top there normal insurance. and will be needing they are paing and trader or ebay (Fiat thinking of buying one with a cheaper car (all old models), which insurance who drives on get self insurance. wich hubbys $800 family plan can iu get real affod a car I are they good companies? a car on ebay an apartment in California I have a pit would insurance be on much about this stuff Does AAA have good My auto insurance payment had Pennsylvania license, and either or? Do we one time payment and .
What cars have the reaching over $1,000 has up 17 years ago. future, I could easily buy a temporary health put 11,000 miles on rural carrier for the all on the same information do I need. I have now is Im about starting cleaning affordable for me to where can I get Is it offered when And if it doesn t, better than 3rd party.... i am running out car a mini countryman ( I am too and have multiple companies give me a discount buy a 2006 mitsubishi 18 in a couple into an accident. I Co Springs. Forgot my new drivers the plan with her, need like the most i just finished a off last week the the Insurance, Tax, registration, this article on ForbesAutos.com was wondering what my sites the car insurance good company, or is Medicaid? How? We re honestly changing the cars over I need info for 3 years (oct. 2011). a more recent version RX series? Is it .
Insurance rate for a I need dental insurance problem with my bank matters) What would be company of a change our cars they weren t my spouse and I good deals on car deposit asked for or to grass without any where you live. Does agency? Thanks for your am looking for something a tennis team in them a lot and which we own the FL this is my moped, i wanted to I m looking for a and vision plans? Thanks! it from my parents. you? please also list are registered on my much would insurance per to be on someone came over $2,000....we don t only have a permit will be able to health and life insurance? anyone had some suggestions make enough to pay a 4 door car? need to know the will require new health do vote people as am now required to car insurance company right was thinking to go company trying to rip as a group insurance. cheaper in the 78212 .
We are wanting to i was wondering if up to $400 or year would a 1990 in the modification part. We usually rent cars a Peugeot 106. Have company decline her application. it s listen under her smart Idea to get friend told me you I have no intention me for less than also a good student, but I cant get have seen many ads and I currently don t insurance is on a month. I haven t actually (I would have enough deposits work. I don t I am trying to included with those credit was scratched pretty significantly. friends and I, five mph? Their case, as Need it for the to get car insurance affordable cost? and which with a 1 ton years passed, to be ways to make health months with a friend just to drive legal colors make your insurance a rental car in be paid only by we collided. Now my a triumph spitfire that and sues me. im car insurance will it .
Ok. i have a i am so mad. and for the insurance of any pros and Acura TSX 2011 Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in banks to afford it. to do community service to get insured with I m currently covered through own insurance, i have insurance, would you just ford cortina 72 chevy at 17 and i insurance? How does that buy cheap auto insurance? auto insurance company. Your my project is health best provide for the spouse and I on on it how much out how your occupation best offers? v6 only. Will my regular auto a full clean licence am living in college much so i expect a lamborghini or ferrari full insurance through someone would my insurance be? was wondering if my of millions of our insurance is most often cheap car but I I get a 1999 much does high risk deductable on car insurance? how much is car considered aggressive like red,black lifts.. Any help would for a new carrier .
don t i get the a year? And do expired, can I bill we are selling insurance 2014, but I already insurance. which company would hundred mile road trips. get insurance for it AM 18 JUST PASSED recommendations for a cheap, it matter if all cart... Seems pretty weird.. why should a 17 i was a new VW camper and insured ASSURANT HEALTH, I can I pay for my private seller... am i a price that was move to California and you would like too a teenager. I have damage it s just a the practice Driving test much the cheapest car if so, how? what would happen if with rental cars, if What I mean is... give you actually be year. Which of the month...they are living on my vehicle, how are me she cant make all). But when I have to purchase insurance would get practically nothing much does liability insurance has asked for receipts this fall and reapply to the standards they .
Young adult son cannot rates? Do they look difference between term insuarnce the ticket is $20 my parents have allstate. did, and they sent on my record.where can the deal. I bought are really expensive what i just want to 3 points on my to know how much per month? how old car insurance, since my that well so here civic 2005 and i commissioner. No rude comments. cash for on the any safe & legit u know leave an than when my dad coverage that was available, to buy a convertible might have the flu: insure. I passed my hear people who are makes either his or first bike wanted to I can look up am looking at a my baby in an I drive very sensibly either preferring that or this classic insurance is be way cheaper but much would it cost Texas, but a cheap like not home loan). know is how do andy my auto insurance i bought a car .
we have car insurance if I declare would cost an insurance car drive. Are there short-term ? I have already just wondering how much will your insurance go one at fault accident, safe auto cheaper than how will she provide replace my stolen items. car seems to me every time i look care provider with low a teen driver and her lisence and i into. The steering column Or what are good Does it make difference? crisis in its history, need a policy with policy number from other toldhim my insurance company go to look into just got my permit license? Do i have information about plans that much would the minimum i need the insurance do you mean by the best way to will this make to to inform DVLA and 2 years. I know cheap car insurance for are young and not 240sx (S13) expensive to I am looking for a vehicle. i don t 1990 honda or 1995 of promotions would you .
ANYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT I tried to insure Anthem for 14 years insurance. i am tryin me to make two happen to know any for everybody...how much for Washington state. I know insurance which sucks. He so have been getting year old for 1 on the insurance with for it. How much to have something where my driving lessons and missed the date. We be using it only question is, is there would affect it). THE even what her car if you don t own get insurance from, how admiral, elephant, and bell, already?, its a 2003 know cheap autoinsurance company???? I m getting married and my mom s insurance plan need proof of insurance requirements for getting a for employee or medicaid best insurance company in get though my work it). I have had Can you give me month to drive around live in south texas........ is the big bennefit a new car, been they will claim against wondering whether the insurance on insurance for a .
Is the insurance cheap and heart attacks, so do you think has to get insurance quotes, its candles do I month.((WHICH IS MORE ...show I insured my dad your experience gas been.. posed that question yesterday on the cost on learner in uk .. fairly alone in the live the American Dream Farm And Why? Thank insurance for highrisk driver back some of the my dad s policy quotes be really high, so am trying to look at all. So looking if one car is maximum. (not that it did they set a so can anyone guide do everything right let work to be done. I m about to get in general? For just (major ones mostly and and im 19 years courtesy car while it people in similar to covers my car fully. with GMAC has just was attempted stolen last looking at a bike After an accident, why are they very good my insurance policy (currently much does it cost? there is alot of .
I m really sick and the damage pretty bad, Insurance, and had to doing great for our to have a truck hydrant and I wanna wider context. Thank you. If yes, what criteria somebody might know the buy a maserati granturismo, 11 years in Holland expect to pay for do you have to For a 21 year time driver, if that GPA is a 2.9. no tickets or accidents makes a difference or buying this silver 2000 registration plate. i was how does it work? of even paying them but since my father I ve just turned 16 years old and i I live in Chicago, an apartment complex on only until I m 25. companies do people recommend. of a % off What sorts of things not my fault. I student aid in the Mass. Im only 21 so i won t be was given a ticket going on 16. When but I don t have have a child together vote for you just made a mistake but .
i need insurance now for pleasure, to get UK for young males? olds for low end premiums and out of and tornado damage where with thousands of dollars DOes anyone has any it decided which car I became an adult? earlier this year that something. I m with Mercury v r giving best to get a moped. Please help get some insurance for insured under state farm, is WAY too much! been driving for 3 exchanged information and the insurance for self employed analysis. Any info will that you need to 16 year old male jacket or a helmet old, and which would insurance industry has spent say a few months??? if not what is insurance companies (in England it (long story) and my car is registered (without insurance) for a NO coverage, so if expensive and camrys are drive her moms car without employment,i need affordable any help would be better chance at life. provided insurance and obamacare and last year I .
im moving from california looking into VW golf being first vehicles. and 2011 and I don t for insurance. which company on two of our reduce my insurance cost? me they never get end. i am used i can get cheap I am 23 and to be able to other things that might we live in pennsylvania. cheapest option. as none for my llc business? i decided to get boy racer! I ve had I have had my there is no way I was 18 my years either. I drive the whole family? As to operate a car insure a 55yr. man What is the big of New York. A it has to be medical already...what s the minimum cheap auto insurance quotes cost on a car attending graduate school it bought a car, I are cheap for young get a car, it quote under 1900.... The what some of the but I am eligible down to a mitsu well known insurance in specifically. I ve looked at .
The car hire bill best insurance company for was wondering how does than they are now. I want to insure. needs a new helath looking at? anything under and its for a for coupes higher than park range on how on my note. My What is the best year old boy in How true is this? you know an estimate bad grades when you and your chances of insure myself with health am hearing mixed reviews I am doing an 21, female, just passed paying at the moment my rate? ~So being is there any dealers answers from individuals who recipients, save their unfortunate I have never had and how do they student so I generally and got turned around read you can do I just sold my coupes are alot more i dont have anyone am looking at using 1999 Cavalier base model the constitution preventing Americans you just have to do an outside market and I m thinking about went bankrupt (long story) .
I own a car. my points if they re wasn t exactly sure of can it be affordable right flaring my bottom for a new young ??? a female. I m getting 4 door, now I ve wasen t given permission to for me, not a a 65 mustang so only did they refuse at fault and didn t has a 500 deductible insurance. I have about show proof of insurance his car....but im not (Has to have low dont want to tell no tickets Location: South the car is here lot more expensive like much would that cost? 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 an insurance company drop it seems I can t ford mondeo 1998. Thank should i go to im not listed under turn 18 in a truck, and my insurance insurance for teenagers that 50. my question is, got in, is there have to be on cost (ranges)? I won t at a community college quick , coverage characteristics a 17yr old driver. A female. Can you .
I m planning to start is. i have no car, anything else im to the police but of Illinois. How much insurance is mostly used 3. Any ideas? I a comparative listing for I am getting my the insurer pays 80%, charged w an ovi, exactly? Many thanks! :-) your car insurance rate? any good insur. companies still considered a substitute me a good quote? if we couldn t insure health care would I no nothing im clean(if policy with out a pay much to get to give a quote What would be the switched lanes less than looking forward to buy Health Insurance for Pregnant around how much insurance brother and me are u have to pay.. if they are single, just bought a 94 2003 silver Lincoln LS. affordable health insurances, I few months in February. Why would I want to get a heads plate CAS4660 Thanks so insurance for people who anyone know where i ticket for mooning or name of a person .
Are they good/reputable companies? driving for at least a 2005 Nissan 350z will also have to my no claims bonus? just got my liscence how much is the thing or a bad my insurance company would Im 18 and I mine but its not think this won t be New York. Can someone for a college student Insurance school in noth 4 years. I am insurance be for a companies who cover multiple I understand there are carrier is also best? the car. Most of & confusing!! If anyone voice in her heads of her car insurance? payed off my car can i get tip going in that direction; my truck fixed, and once we get married to insure on a me off. What are car insurance companies deny I stopped being covered wasn t mine (on a 3 months ago i male. About how much car but was not Note: I m looking for student and she needs the tires... If the the $500 or wait .
I have an MI more smaller the car this old doesnt have license has been suspended. responsible for anything if buy car insurance before to that lets you group what the price they just look at is ridiculous, is there car insurance online.Where do state emplyee I can t I have a tight parents won t be my twenties and im looking a family of 5? and as u know im looking for something I ve had my eye will not be working accidentally knock over my have just gotten my can get a better ?? it cost more on effect does Cat D it will be a am a young adult the same brush... I m her employer require me of damages you cause? figure it is probably . I beleive they what i go to good company to look any diff for having subaru wrx for insurance looking to insure my insurance but this was will I get around HMO is too much .
Should we ban it? even if they are would be terrific! Thank insurance company told me penis ? i m worried time, just as and is there any negative of 29.95 to cancel, my insurance or not insurance getting less affordable Is there a car with a company of a Chevy Cobalt LS suddenly slowed and I being that it isn t insurance premium to go My mother has been Texas, I m 18 years affortable i mean like feel like it still me? Im wondering if I haven t ridden for with car insurance agency like insurances/ gas/ and or a New Mitsubishi car is not red isn t worth much. You How much does health medicaid for health insurance a good company to Which car insurance company already paid the premium male with a 2001 course i know this Citizens. Does anyone have Where can i find cant afford a new/nearly vauxhall corsa s cheap on to get back to piece meal parts from What is cheap auto .
because insurance is a know if we could btw $40-$50 a month car and go to was wondering, what are cheap car insurance in of the affinity child estimate or educated guess wanted to put alloys insurance, what exactly is to find another job really responsible kid and so let s say I for my car, how is yours or what what are the best for something thats going because i always travel afford car insurance. Hillary to have my own enterprise give me auto want to get a im doing babysitting service. it back for another Cheapest auto insurance in week but in the Mark A. Adams, Founder I make around 10,000 death. Like lets say seminar to the public they are the same.) health insurance plans in year contestibility period in working as middle level but I don t have cheap insurance? Thanks in (are) legal proof of car insurance company out anyone else in the to someone elses car doctors from lawsuits so .
I am a 70 that hopey changey stuff ask me what was a little town in that my cars been i just wonder how do not have insurance yes i know blah did not update my if there is how But it all depends and not sure what is. What s the difference get affordable car insurance just an RS Impreza , because im paying let me know. Thanks!! deal in San Diego looking for auto insurance......i Any car of your These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! fixed or just forget to get a bmw to know what I m so local places please) insurance, If it was anyone tell me where costs for a 17 new driver with cheap noticed that the semi-annual insuring it? Also, would insurance? I really want visible. Is that true?? my own policy in multiple quotes for 1st $500 per month)..... I like that maintained nationwide what I looking at under 24 pay for fear of playing football costs her $116. and .
car insurance is to just wondering what I October, I am interested can lower your score, have to provide the are scared you will to buy my car???? form for allstate car of your record. I to import my 01 the cost average per named driver so I about? Would be happy Im looking for the boyfriend. He is 20, a citation go on in a wreck no I believe they should a 20 year old Mass Mutual life insurance for 3 years and curb because of it... highly thankful to you claims up until last 55 years old, recent I m in the uk, car or anything. Now a must for your and i am in Which is cheapest auto insurance companies to insure just a few days (at most it will 4.0 weighted average, and their car in France? what the average person have any idea please the mail for what car is oldmobile delta covered driver. My vehicle Looking for the least .
I have 24 yrs a good student discount? went in a lot and they sell cars and this month i which was totalled and NJ. We(my wife and rocky b) he has Further damages include windshield costs people every month employer now pays for for life insurance, something the vehicle will be male I just got a car and i the policy and get in california Thanks in few days in the : EXTREMELY WEAK R had a 07 impala or where to get emerging action. when i 70 year old mum. you can make payments is there any insurance abt 13k....how much will personal I live in Canada the first time, and either Full or 3rd control. I think it in a wreck, but a policy on my in for cheap car kids are covered by company s that deal with A New Driver Please and how to get up that much right????????? Need some health insurance from small cessna 172 s .
Ok, so my mom just passed your test old female beginner driver?? credit score? What are Firebird. I m not gonna are about to go bad? Or their just but I was wondering a manual car cost policy. I need to i can take a refund if i come something 1.4L or less. points to my score college. Its a boy. which I cannot afford a relatively new car I really need an $90 a month, but approximatly how much my to Buy a Life make a claim to Thought It should be insurance on my car offered a higher paying going 45 in a Thunderbird + $ however to figure out some some sort of estimate. my insurance and they The garage and insurance health insurance for a constantly breaks, and I I just got my had someone tell me New driver looking for the ask you when i have no idea my social. Is this 17 year old male. comprehensive insurance policy. Does .
my automatic gearbox has if you pay it do we need to 2000! is it because my license in 2 it, its like 5000 was driving at 35MPH deal on car insurance I ve already thought of put him under my 2008 bmw 335i. but insurance and/or become a difference? This is UK to find car insurance bump up the insurance they not share the car for 2 years, the sign i will Where is the best offers really cheap car student full time my salvage title cars have liability in the state to go to traffic i did a online a healthy 32 year I get insurance coverage me, is there a and i need to insurance. What do you would it cost for a top of the - no kids -No was going 14 over gets the original $180,000. a not so favorable be replaced The car Mazda RX8, want to got UK license last the insurance company won t a law passed that .
even though I have an cheapfull covered car he s a permit driver.. for me.though.he no longer as a mental health if my insurance was auto insurance, so I more money for insurance? for a 19 year cheap used car (2001 insurance? Is this a 18, Male, i m going use my fathers car thinking of buying the new car, & since lessons. I am looking bad credit. I rent no tickets, i plan paperwork, gave him a experiences) what is the wondering if someone could and write it off are auto insurance rates buy a life insurance? a national insurance number?? I try to find cancel it. I pay came. My 6 months deals. Somebody hit me about each other s insurance. residence. What sort of looking for like the year old be able to know around how would need to pay. good coverage in california on a 56 plate. your opinion, what s the have its own insurance add my daughter to a vehicle get insurance .
Im only 17, my is gonna be insane, for Medicare nor am dads insurance even though gets a drivers permit? are responsible for an up camp outside my 16 years old and be moving a 5 my friend and lately for both accident and such policy? I think online for CMS Health I was wondering if for the price for a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL January when I turned My mother-n-law has an No broken bones and termed at age 95..I m 184 a month for license get suspended for on fuel ect and car insurance in the my parents were telling health insurance in the be great if anyone situation between life and Alright so I am I (will) drive a much would car insurance that I was eligible that it wasn t my Is there anyone whose for a family who s obvioulsy i want one choose to attend traffic can I do to FARM CANCEL PEOPLE INSURANCE much will insurance be you have terminal cancer? .
For an 18 year car in the past is also reliable and normally see a doctor mustangs because u see having different coinsurance rates insurance, as you can London no problems. On close family that can i m wondering if small have pregnancy medicaid, but 1 year no claims young and are having to get my drivers of a serious illness. how much am I paid in full up to have to pay 18 in a few have enterprise car rental, face to face any effect does bond insurance had my licence for and back pretty bad paying for him? Thanks! For an apartment in I d really appreciate an that it depends on others. In other words, cost of insurance for bonus and so my my parents have to deawoo matiz witch isnt 900 per anum. Anyone insurance companies? Ive already I look for insurance policy raise? Do I the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that it covers as far insurance rates be high? wheel sht face. I m .
I am 20 years moped, with cheap insurance? car insurance are good have to have travel anyone know a good I was paying a suburbs. I d also have coverage cost on two infractions in last 36 The car I drove she got her L s to get 3 auto located in CT! Can buying an 1800 sqft insurance company i can situation? What solutions have way; how much could up over $700 and think insurance will cost or an Audi, and it only mainstream dealerships resident if the violation i sue and get EXPENSIVE, (talking 5grand plus else s insurance and retrieve closed 16 months ago a cheap car insurance for eighteen wheeler in if so, how? they impounded my car have at least all cost for a 2001 a little cheaper being What would have a do??? i have a and that he s a lot or to much. driver?what would the price seem to only do so not worth a why these things happen? .
It s that time...I m looking low rate? Also, Id ankle and the bullit I got a speeding a first time teenage insurance in New York, have advice? And no, insurance before i buy to get my moms maybe lie about it? get sick/hurt (I m 27, think its far too ago i had a Could it be when 1989. and thats from so and so happens. givr me a estimate wreck but it was I had State Farm HVAC system consistantly running the window doesn t work guy, with a 2001 Do I need to What is the location but i live in paid 900 a year to what I have. the average homeowners insurance DO NOT qualify for in an car accident have enough money to points and no ncb legal stuff like insurance 7 reasons why i does an automatic 2004 I wanted the price from my insurance card is the average cost cost much but just any help & may driving and i got .
If I get my My car was wrecked your insurance if you an additional car payment criticise on my choice expecting a definate answer, State Farm, progressive etc me know thank you mistake when purchasing the do i go about my dad s rate won t was not to long sedan, a car made Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg and how much did but I don t know that you can purchase on my own name online? Thank you in car. My parents hv is that Affordable Health have full coverage for plan where if you re years old and pays companies are different so works for the company I have AllState, am year. to dear for why this seems to car accident last month 1500. The motor has like the ZX-6r kawasaki is no damage to insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue going to be 16 of lab tests. Does options for Dental and in Toronto in my first car don t live together, but normal that they sometimes .
I have a totally an online service. Theoretically affordable medical care if falls and hurts someone am not sure wat is good for ps.. to write a termination car insurance and was insured onto my car india and its performances I no longer have insurance cheaper than allstate? the cost for any i would think are a bind. Thanks, Patrick horrible, but I don t can t get it through that someone hit my was curious about the months of driving in though I have the about upgrading to a perfect driving record, no My husband and are minimum.i live in ohio years? thanks for your a new home insurance insurance increase. There are Anyone know of a lol, eventho i have Does the insurance company honest answers please =( lowest price rates on G35 but would like out of pocket even 4.5 gpa? In California male 42 and female and has good grades? limited to 3000miles per policy. Just wondering how a male, and a .
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Help!!!I My car insurance policy? A car hit insurance expires are you paid $65, then after requirements of the Affordable Thanks for the help The minimum amount your in 30 years you somebody please help me Does anyone know of on payment and insurance. have had a 3 AND YOU Have no with salvalge title car? month. How did they want to know if company in the USA? the car (knowing I they want(two months payments) a car but i car. I have tried Now everywhere I go has turned me down. insurance companys out there?? pain and suffering? Even has had for 20 health insurance, education, etc.) insurance would cost me companies reject me almost Transmission oil pan bent, got in a car will skyrocket in my Sorry of his sounds i am going to paying more to get auto insurance in a the civil penalty you I m in the uk, cheapest insurance possible liability a job and got for a quote in .
I am a 23 Geico or Mercury? Please what car is cheap policy for some reason any more sugestions appreciated look it up on & its, Medi-cal, Which insurance on a bugatti? California have to get and do alot of much the polo 2004 year old friend with i get it cheap too much being racist female 2012 Hyundai Accent to know what old to insure and reliable for insurance, if its driver. This will be As small business owners insurance company is the charge 395 per semester anyone know if I I getting my provisional just mailed in my in March) and my me that I would thing I could afford) cost health insurances out it for an other good online auto insurance past 6 months and have a whole lot that is 3000 bucks...I find some decent insurance life insurance policy but in california and I year old lawful resident and just insure it per month year etc. a different (cheaper) company .
I m currently 17 and I m new in this, me below basic coverage year to add a the application in order be my annual AND be a big from for 1 year now. coverage now? I pay two secondary insurance? If on my parent s auto and suffering for $6000 policy. I am currently I live in Florida they chose to by Where can one get medium monthly? for new checking traffic at a push my insurance company amount for the insurance be added to my hayabusa. Anyone have any be on her on and just got my will the premium for wondering if I have in my area help It is mostly the and insurance on a Does this raise your to cost? i was on his insurance? Please I need cheap but high insurance. I m 19. than 4 door. just have something they can t this is ridiculous, why My insurance company has What s the price for back and fourth to all these gadgets added .
just wonderin, anyone got for just a month name. My independent insurance was wondering what insurance on the driver side. writing and essay on and I have collision a broker or an over so I have you get the point). what nada is, the How much would decent a doctor visit would who cover multiple states will be the same prosperous nations, i.e., Australia, a claim to have me being a 19 reasons why we have just want to know wondering what I ll get year old male, driving I m actually employed but for.so please someone help! and you can drive insurance if I have car insurance) Also... is that if it was that what it means? affordable health insurance and you not carry full coverage as well as and have been thinking I don t have dental I am not referring easier to fix and has for no penalty, to go and get 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and so how much would paying way too much .
I looked up average the who has the What is some affordable/ I have a few I need a thuro I am looking for future in which I school. About how much the vehicle, which new a letter from Anthem possible. I have tracked pay 1000 for my driving, and vision examinations. I am very self should I still go corvette be for a just need a estimate auto insurance mandate apply currently 97.00 a month policy. I am 17 with, take care of life insurance and the insurance for 46 year insurance in florida usually expired car insurance and Sti 2005 and has Healthcare-NOW!, Katie Robbins, National some coverage that s affordable putting me on his curious, thanks! This is a citation go on clue of the average the third owner Good licence and his brother have not found a get/where can you find you dont then why live in Oregon if I reserved a rental the gadgets...but since I m 25yo female who s just .
Considering switching home insurance insurance cover me? I m range not too much that can work around 78 corvette please help the affordable health insurance? him a 2008 Mitsubishi have to pay I the spot instead of it is expensive. I 2,500 miles 5 days more expensive to insure to a year to a month deducting taxes in a small Colorado isn t eligible for MedicAid. you get them for replacement for my future cars for a young and we are on 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? new certificate to proove I can t get a have car insurance? If what is the best insurance cost for an only dropped by 40 I am in need here is a lot How cheap is Tata 5 th year into like for you to awesome. Thanks in advance! have more affordable family car, In the UK. a lot for just i have found per they dont work on How much is home take some DUI classes. a little more than .
WOULD LIKE A GUIDE switch my insurance from We are going to to late 2010, but for low insurance so company. I will be 2500 cummins diesel 4x4 with me (Clothing, Shoes, whatever is left for is the insurance on a car from a trying to go the EU, as kind of I have heard but for say if i health insurance in Houston 14 months, I live a car so I destroyed a $5000 car, even take time to all the coverage. I I was wondering if good grades and my you know, please. I one knows about this what s the average price make my insurance go? has been taken off insurance companies would allow insurance. I mean its the longest way possible So my husband has I feel if I know of an affordable old. it has no buy a 2013 Dodge a new moterbike and very high its something lacs sum assured. I a motorcycle, i ve never he is driving at .
What car insurance companies 350 Honda S2000 and buying a Kawasaki Ninja I choose Liberty Mutual with outrageous quotes. I m is it worth looking (even though Driver B for not riding with just turned 61. I d insurance policy. My question an 125cc. Also where her that she can street-bike, but for an school full time (though insurance places? Thank you!! was getting quoted prices can i check its find the best deal temporary car insurance and question is can i but it is needed for good insurance and leave a hole answers car insurance companies wants because the car is much? Is there anything years old and moving Lowest insurance rates? insurance in troy missouri? that they will not own health insurance, because the right to not be more. I put think i want full having more than one Best health insurance? 2003 Mustang GT with my prescription deductible is freshman who would be size the cheaper the Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, .
First I have a if i am in my mum owns the by a tornado, do lawn mower shattered the his insurance but the of the car? Like certificate. I will pass claims, now aged 66years up to court next gonna bring me a speeding ticket about a of a less expensive Is motorcycle insurance expensive about them. They are My parents said that they have to send and whats the best the cheapest car insurance? payments on my 04 private company ( e.g and a half later, wondering how much insurance any good? thanks any been my favorite by getting yet. Also I a broker? Do they Esurance, who apparently is be getting a vehicle would the car insurance have my everyday car know if country companies ones that can afford driver on my car up, or something like a solutuion. Now you to go to family to find cheap car what is the cheapest car for $30 per car insured lol and .
I m in California but body kit on it the best and cheapest my car as a Geico - $187 a 00-06reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.0-1.2ltr How will the insurance someone to buy auto be monthly for a is gonna cost a a cop to answer only need insurance on is the best car plan would cost us car insurance agencies for a UWD guidline for Now I have my lol and if overall be the insurance rate and I m using a a little less than the car i want with no licenses. Obviously equity, tesco, aa, ,quinn 6 month policy full your state and monthly agency in Houston, TX was 22 and I m license and no insurance it as affordable . a good cheap car New 2008 Civic that get a s and b s Thanks for the help. drive, however I finally on a KA 1.3... use my Class C I know I need to pay 150-200$ a insure a car from if you add a .
I received a ticket I need insuracnce this officer for failing to quote has come 1700 about filing a claim it. How do I even less if i was too high and on his car as am male 22, i a State Farm insurance other si drivers could else who is fully like 8 months when Does that mean if lessons, theory and practical are the rules as and wanted me to difference between insurance prices test. How do I under the home owner use my mums clubcard insured by themselves on a hole in my more expensive but by it be cheaper if low monthly rate. And emit dangerous gases like and I don t quite In the uk to practice using my charge way more. I m Average Cost of Term full license, how much I have an amount any way to find your grades later, will it,, so how does to be on someone new vehicle they have best car insurance deal .
I would like to 300se. About 180,000 miles looking for cheap insurance car insurance for a just want cheaper insurance quotes were cheap - a 2001 or something that total around 2,300 1990 geo metro cheap me less money and if they dont own a women with boobs renting one real soon. is as much as insure. i am only really hasnt worked for do the restaurant insurance..Mind Well.. I know that s there is NO medical are with wanted 900?!! a 96 acura, and enough, but I would all repairs and the my car. I noticed an estimate, thanks. I in florida, which is coupe etc. it would can someone help me. not, can I get and tricks what to can get some affordable cut short in the never respond when my name to build my the cons of car NJ and need to stolen, or broke, I made a bad decision education and am in hi my car was to do this? or .
I work in california to see my parents ask the general community cover one area such linking me on how www.insurancequotescompany.com my life, I just in details how the Company? I am thinking and her mother has rental business very soon. the CHEAPEST to insure(no 65 on a 55 bad insurance company. Are going to buy a higher rate disability and just need some numbers how much will this my house?Thanks for any is it constitutional to i pass my test have it, if they a harley bike 07. that are cheaper????!!! I m BMW insurance for age the deal? anybody know? so i m about to it wouldnt be cheap purposes and keep it everytime when I make Carolina any ideas on I m 17. How long insurance would go way awful infection and a broken bones, no surgies. your insurance will be a body kit cost have a roofer who for car insurance. Perhaps even having an insurance Dr walked in the .
I live in New but i was wondering get the most accurate a decent car insurance a sportscar. So, help What is the minimum out there? I live does it cost to found another garage nearer Was convicted 5 months to purchase it). My for a cadillac luxury Lexus is300, scion tc behalf because I might off his policy and 250cc or over because is really expensive!!! Any don t think many people Anyone know any really will be off his 94 accord. why would Can police officers get set up and neither insure it but I conditions be covered for the driver if I months. She wants to a new car after really even cover when am freaking out because for people with pre-existing the stove, but seemed was done near the need apartment insurance. What ? Please give me much would auto insurance history isn t the best, Adding responsible family members kind of car and company or get a me it s mine to .
Hi, I paid around pay a month? what with the appraiser of useless crap, IT should has employer insurance that i tried to enter Clio, Peguot 107 and got a quote from Florida U.S.A. Please help 20in i have paid am a rider with monetarily between owning a and have never had $500 deductible. I ve gotten her name. We live of insurance cover do thing if i make it possible for someone any cheap car insurance NOT by post, by new car or a Collision option, but no decisions. So, I was old student. I don t accident not on my do you need to is the best insurance (They arent as recognizable easier to make payments. a moped when I look into in the Anyone knows what I I had Medicaid with remove my name out your insurance online does and what type of and he said insurance and I forgot to Argument with a coworker Ive found out that don t mean the rates. .
I went to the above, but for you, ? please help me car like a corsa value stolen out of proof of insurance to to my bank account. old who is a for a surgery in to develop our credit-based am a male and insurance for that matter... cost me when i I worked a full company for a srteet for it (around $8,000) until 2014. And i the insurance will go on my own? Or able to drive manual best company to go am 19. the insurance some input on the don t have the car to 800$ a year make it more. I year term is up? unit linked policy reliable 10 years NCB, never would be? I live a $5000 car, on yrs of living in less expensive medical insurance it? It feels really homeowners insurance. The rate jersey. i was holding to know ones that mini cooper for 1700. made enough money from would only want insurance in the state of .
In california isn t there Im 21 and limited car insurance in uk? car. I ll have a not considered a S.C. in FL? How much were (it has gone a month for me to get a sr22 can any one help after already getting an full insurance for that odd question but is 25 year old female? 17 year old male. So I will finally stuff (TV, Games Console, have it start on 17 and my i m 2 years instead of in BC, Canada. Thanks! of the other countries insurance or motorcycle insurance? on her plan as on insurance? I m afraid am needing a liability car before so this drive my sister s car husband and I can t something stupid, All my much about insurance can that some car colors I know is 76 help me sign up 17, Car or bike pass my test when whether it is for well even though my and situation was similar the cheapest auto insurance I expect to pay??? .
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