#i want to hold his hands in mine and twine them together and compare the scars and calluses weve gained
cascadianights · 1 year
Deep Yearning on the Yearning website at 3am
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keenzinemugstudent · 1 year
Lookism Vasco x black fem reader! Misunderstandings!
You are best friends with Daniel and Vasco thinks you two are in a relationship.
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"Daniel!" You and ran at the tall boy full speed than jumped on his back making him let out a surprised grunt from you
"Y/n be careful you might fall off!"
"Oh hush i'm not going to fall and besides your strong enough to carry little old me!"
"Little my ass..."
"What was that?!" You pulled on his ear making him yell out in pain.
"Also think of this as punishment for making me do your homework! Again!!" You say while putting him in a headlock causing him to chock and try to prior arms off of him which was difficult.
"O-oh come on I said I'd make it up to you! Y/n please have mercy!"
"You said that last time you dweeb!" As this was happening Jace and Vasco were walking by and watched the scene.
"Looks like Daniel once again has managed to piss off Y/n." Jace says shaking his head watching you killing the poor boy Vasco just stayed silent.
"Vasco you good buddy?"
Jace to look at what his friend was looking and of course it was you watching a smile on your face. Jace winced he knew his best friend had a crush on you the girlfriend of Daniel Park and it hurt to see Vasco sad that the girl he liked was already taken.
"H-hey don't sweat it man there's plenty of other girls out in the world out there who would like you!"
"But I don't like other girls I like her..." He says still looking at you.
Damn that hurt. The first time Vasco had met you was in the cafeteria where you stood up for a girl who's being bullied by boys Vasco immediately came to your defense but you already handled the issue by punching one of the guy's in the face for trying to touch you he was out like a light. Vasco was surprised that such a small girl like you could have pack a punch not only that you were sweet and kind always there to help others that was one of the main reasons why Vasco liked you so much because of your kind heart and that you always gave him some food and snacks along with nice cold milk.
"Hey! Vasco!"
Both boys look up and see you running towards them causing the Burn Knuckle leader to sweat nervously a tiny blush appearing on his face.
"We still on for cleaning duty right?"
He nods his head unable to speak any words you give him a grin.
"Alright than let's go!"
You grab his arm and drag him to the class Vasco looks back at Jace with a nervous look but all his friend did was give a smile while giving a wave.
You and Vasco were in the art room cleaning you had to move some stuff not like you got an issue with Because You Loved art class the issue is that you were going to be doing it by yourself and nobody wanted to help which it was when Vasco took the opportunity to volunteer and help which was really sweet of him to do considering how busy he usually so you were lucky he was here cause you were to small to reach some things is standing up on chairs always made you scared you were going to fall backwards and hit your head.
"Thanks for volunteering to help me out Vasco I really appreciate it."
He gives you a nod taking a heavy box of paint out your hands he flinched as his hands laid on top of yours he quickly took the box out your hand and apologized.
"S-sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"
"Haha It's fine Vasco don't worry."
He blushed hearing your laugh it was so cute but he was embarrassed that you were laughing at him. Next thing he knew you walked towards him and gently grab a hold on to his hand making him freeze up at your gently touch.
"Wow I never noticed how big your hands were compared to mine!" You say amazed while in twining your hands together with his Vasco felt a bit faint you were so close he never has been this close to a girl before and having you holding his hand while standing so close just did not help it just made his feelings for you grow bigger. He of course tried to suppress them knowing that you were his friend's girlfriend but at the same time he wasn't sure if that was true or not seeing as they were just rumors he heard but he wanted to know for himself so this was the perfect opportunity for him to find out so he can confess his feelings for you!
He took a deep breath getting your attention he looked you dead in the eyes with a serious face expression.
"Y/n if it's okay can I ask you something?"
"Sure ask me anything I'll be completely honest!" You say smiling not letting go of his hand they were just so warm you didn't want to let go.
"What is...what is your relationship with Daniel?"
Well that definitely caught you off guard you tilted your head at him confused at the strange question.
"Huh me and Daniel? Oh we've known each other since we were kids, we're really close!" You say looking at him with a soft smile making his heart beat faster.
"Your that close huh?" He held your hands tighter not enough to hurt you of course but just enough to know that he did not want to let your hand go.
"Yeah. Though he can be annoying sometimes and no matter how many fights he gets himself in I still love the idiot."
And there it was Vasco's heart broken in a million pieces at your words and felt his shoulders drop down.
"O-oh I see sorry." He let go of hands making you look up at him shocked at the loss of his warmth.
"I-i should probably leave now I'll talk to you later Y/n..." Before you could say anything he walked out the class with his head down making you worried. Since that conversation Vasco has been avoiding you like the plague and doesn't help you with cleaning he had gotten someone else to take his spot, it honestly made you upset that even Daniel tried to talk too him but didn't get any information so you talked to Mira a about it at lunch.
"I just don't get it Mira!"
"And you say he's been avoiding you since that day?"
"Yes! It's been bugging me I don't know what to do!"
"Okay run this by me again from the beginning."
"Well he asked me about me and Daniel's relationship and I told him that we've been closed since middle school."
Uh huh.
"And that no matter how much trouble he gets himself in I still love the idiot. And he got sad than left." You say taking a sip from your drink Mira froze turned to look at you eyes wide.
"You love Daniel?!"
"Well yeah he's my best friend why wouldn't I love him?"
"You mean you love love him or do you love him as a friend?"
"As a friend of course!" You stared at her with confusion as she let out a sigh looking at you with a frown.
"Oh Y/n you are so oblivious sometimes ya'know that?"
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is that I think Vasco got the wrong idea of what you meant by you loving Daniel."
"The wrong idea?"
"You really don't know?!"
"Know what?"
Mira nearly threw her food at you but stopped herself she didn't want to be a violent person unlike Zack.
(Zack somewhere in class sneezing)
"Oh my god are you serious? You're the smartest student in school how do you not know?!"
"Just tell me what I need to know woman!!"
"Ugh! Y/n! Vasco likes you!" Mira yelled at the top of her lungs glaring at you making you drop your food eye's wide as dinner plates. He likes me? Vasco? The Burn Knuckle leader likes me?! Me? Of all people me?!
You sat there silent making Mira look at you worried before she could touch your shoulder you stood up cleaning up you food and running towards the door.
"W-where are you going?!"
"I'm going to that idiot!"
"Which one?"
"Vasco! And I'm going to get so damn answers from that boy!" With that you ran full speed looking for him Mira stared after you letting out a small sigh and a smile on her face shaking her head Vasco was in a lot of danger and she'd hoped that he could manage how to explain himself to you.
(Listen to this while reading👇)
As you were running in the hallway bumping into some people who glare your way telling you off but you honestly could care less all you were focused on was findng Vasco you looked everywhere you run into Daniel's class he looked up and saw your face flustered from running.
"Y/n you okay?"
"Where is that idiot?!"
"H-huh? Who?"
"Vasco! That's who now where the hell is he?!" You say everyone just looked at you confused and slightly scared because you sounded angry.
You turned to look at Jiho who had his hand up looking at you nervously.
"I think he's in his class."
"Thanks!" You left Daniel got up from his seat.
"Y/n wait!"
Daniel called out for you to be was about to run after you to see to see if you needed help but Zach held on his wrist causing Daniel to look at him confused Zack he just shook his head with a annoyed look on his face.
"Don't even try it pretty boy she's on a mission."
"A mission?"
Zack just went back to sleep ignoring Daniel's question as for you, you got into the architecture department you saw the burn knuckle gang and they turned to you hearing the front door slam open.
"Is *huff* Vasco *huff* here?"
"Uh he just left."
"Yeah ya just missed him."
you let out a groan in annoyance and continue to run you were honestly tired but you forced you legs to keep going hey you thought back at his sad face and when you told him that you love Daniel which you wanted to kick yourself for because how did you not notice that he liked you honestly why didn't he tell you that he liked you? You were going to get answers out of that boy one way or another! You got to the front entrance and you could see him just his back though you ran out the door full speed then called out to him in rage.
"Vasco!!!!!!" He turned around with a frown but then his eyes got wide when he saw you running at him his face went from confused to terrified at your face expression (face👇)
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"Don't you dare take another step forward!"
He looked scared Jace who was standing next to him slowly slides away not wanting to get hit by the deranged angry girl running towards his friend.
"You're not going anywhere until you answer some questions!"
"Y-y/n clam down!" Vasco held his hands up trying to defend himself but you just continued running at him than jumped at him arms wide open he held his arms out to catch you and when he did he held you close arms around your waist and spun you around he even feel backwards with you on his chest.
"Y/n! Are you okay?!" He asked in a panicked voice checking to see if you were hurt anywhere you just hide your face in his chest.
"I'm not going to look at you until you tell me that God honest truth!"
"T-the truth?"
"Is it true that you think that me and Daniel are dating?"
"When I told you that I love Daniel that is the truth I love him."
"I know..." He frowns down at you hands holding your smaller ones you than looked up at him with a frown.
"As a brother!"
"I love Daniel as a brother! I've known him since we were in Middle School we grew up together and I've never once saw him in that way so what I meant that 'I love him' I meant love him as family!" You held his cheeks making him look into your eyes, his were wide and had tears in them poor boy was getting emotional.
"So-so your not dating?"
"And you aren't in love with him?"
"W-what? I thought you said you weren't?!"
"Huh? No I meant yes as in yes you're right I am not in love with Daniel!"
"O-oh." He blushed making you frown at him you got up turning you back at him arms crossed.
"Ugh! Your such a fool sometimes Euntae Lee!" He flinched at your angry tone and at you using his full name.
"But I guess that's one of the reasons why I like you so much." You say softly still not looking at him because your face was red. He let out a surprised gasp along with Jace who was standing on the sidelines.
"You mean it?"
"You like me?"
"And not as a friend?"
"Yes!" Next thing you knew you were being picked up and hugged by the tall boy who was hiding his face in your neck crying tears of joy.
"I'm so happy! Y/n I'm so happy you like me back!"
"H-hey stop it your getting my uniform dirty come on!" You say kicking your feet in the air trying to remove him from you. But he didn't listen and just hugs you tighter making you blush a bit but you're blush only deepen once you heard the loud cheers and clapping from your classmates, your friends and the Burn Knuckle gang.
"Woohoo go Vasco!"
"Its about damn time!"
"She did all that running just to confess her feelings?!
"How romantic!"
"Wish someone did this too me one day!"
"Uh I have you chocolate for your birthday babe?"
"Shut up that's not the point!!!"
"I feel like I'm living in a TV drama this is so cute!"
"Those two? A couple? I mean good for them but what about me?!"
"Oh shut the hell up man! This isn't about you!"
"I'm so happy for you Y/n and Vasco!" Yelled Daniel smiling along with Jay who was also smiling, Zack just rolled his eyes.
"Congratulations Y/n and Vasco!" Yelled Mira yells out clapping with a goofy smile on her face you just shot her a bird behind hiding your face in Vasco chest in embarrassment.
"Thank you everyone!!!!" Vasco yelled at the top of his lungs grinning like he's won the lottery all you can do is just shake your head and hide your blushing face still In the boy's arms.
"I'm never going to live this down."
"Jace your the best man at our wedding!"
"Huh!??! Already!?"
"Yes and we'll have five kids together Y/n I want to be with you forever!"
"Five?! We are NOT having five kids Euntae Lee!"
"That's the second time you've said my name your so cute Y/n!" He spins you around in circles making you scream in his arms.
"Stop it you goof ball!"
Jace just shakes his head smiling at the couple.
"Those two are going to make this year a wild ride."
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I had fun writing this honestly lol hope y'all like it
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thefairylights · 2 years
I haven’t had a day off since last Tuesday and it’s messing with me. Part 3 of my modern Loustat series (because I guess it’s a series now? I had no intention to do this!) will be posted this Tuesday. So, two days from now.
I just wanted to share a rough drafted part because why not? Honestly. It’s sugary sweet fluff but this is the beginning and because I am me, there will be plenty of hurt comfort angst and possible tears (probably from Lestat) later on.
Here’s some fluff. Happy new year.
The snow crunches beneath his boots, and Louis glances up, feeling childish delight in the sight of snow falling down from above him. It steals a smile from him, small and mainly at the corner of his left lip, but it is a smile nonetheless.
Paris is cold and shaken like a snow globe, its lights twinkling all around as decorations from the recent holidays remain to illuminate their surroundings. It’s like a movie, like a hallmark card, like a cozy chapter of a well loved novel. The shimmering icicles twined around tree branches are like diamonds reflecting in the city lights. It’s magical, ethereal, and like a piece of art come to life.
Lestat’s leather gloved hand slides against his, their fingers threading mindlessly, and Louis looks at his companion instead of the winter wonderland around them.
“Am I to be jealous of even snow?” Lestat teases with a smile of his own. His is full blown, gracing his beautiful face, as his eyes, nearly grey now to reflect the weather, light up with delight. “The snow has taken a smile I thought was mine and mine alone.”
Louis scoffs, shakes his head at Lestat and gives his hand a reaffirming squeeze. “You can be so ridiculous,” he scolds. “To compare snow to you? Really? Lestat, you are well over two hundred! Time to grow up!”
Lestat fervently shakes his head, clearly intent upon sticking to this act of his. “That’s my smile, Louis. I’m hurt. Aching. Truly, my heart may have very well finally split from the pain! My chest burns!”
Louis throws his head back and laughs so loudly, the sound echoing all around. There’s no one around on the street, as it is too late and cold and humans are all inside and warm in their beds while the vampires roam.
Cobblestone streets in old Paris. Lestat’s promise is kept. Louis’ just as warm, but all in his chest and the hand Lestat holds. He’s warm and in love and excited to be here, to see Paris this time in better spirits, in a new beginning.
Theirs. It is theirs. It’s all theirs to experience together. It’s Lestat, guiding Louis to places he’s visited in his past, gracefully turning corners and side streets to reach their many destinations. And there are so many! So many places Lestat excitedly shows to Louis, shares with him on this cold winter’s night.
“Wait,” Louis calls out before Lestat can drag him away to somewhere else. “Come here, please.”
Trembling like an overexcited puppy, gives Louis a heartbreaking pout, one that begs to be kissed away. So, he does. Louis leans in, holds onto Lestat’s cashmere scarf between them and kisses him.
“Your nose is ice cold,” Louis whispers against Lestat’s lips. “Like a puppy.”
He laughs as Lestat makes a noise of indignation at such a thing. He laughs and drifts away, lets their hands fall away from one another. Louis laughs, his spirits to high he wonders if this will be the night he finally gains the ability to fly. He swears he could! He swears there is so much joy inside of him that it can very well lift him right from the ground!
“A puppy?” Lestat asks, feigning offense more than feeling it. Louis can tell and the happiness between them grows.
He’s so in love. Louis’ head spins and he’s tingling and sighing, overwhelmed and wanting.
He’s always wanting.
“Need I remind you that I am an esteemed wolf killer?”Lestat asks, lunging to catch Louis before he slips away again. He’s successful, grasping Louis by the elbows, and Louis is grinning ear to ear about it.
“It wouldn’t feel right to say your nose is cold like a wolf!” Louis laughs. He can’t stop laughing! It’s delightful. It’s refreshing. It’s been such a long time since he’s been as elated as he feels right now. “I don’t even know if a wolf has a cold nose. I know about dogs! Besides, you could be compared to something worse? What about a beaver? A mole? A … turtle?”
“Louis,” Lestat grumbles. One, two, three steps, and the toes of their boots touch. “My darling Louis, I am Lestat. I need not be compared to anyone or anything!”
“You are Lestat,” Louis agrees, “and your nose is ice cold and I don’t want it near mine. Keep back, Monsieur Rockstar.”
Lestat chuckles at that, lets Louis’ elbows go in favor is sliding his arms around his waist instead. It’s better, closer, and Louis hums when their chests press together.
The harmonized beat of their hearts forever sends Louis into a heavenly daze. It’s ever present, more now than ever before with the freedom they have found to love one another without secrets and limits.
“Are you excited about seeing my show tomorrow evening?” Lestat asks softly. “I’ll sing for you, Louis. Will you be in the crowd or to my left backstage?”
“Leave it to surprise,” Louis replies. “It’s more fun if you do.”
“I’ll still sing for you, to you,” Lestat says devotedly. “It would be wrong if I did not. My eternal muse. My Louis.”
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itcanbegoodagain · 3 years
Gentle Love
More Everlark fluff, because, really, is there ever too much?
Word Count: 1821 (not really proofread)
Now that the need isn't so dire, it's harder for me to rise before the sun does. And, most times, it isn't a problem. There's no need for me to be up so early in the day. Summer, though, was a different story.
The sun was too damn hot!
So, with heavy and unwilling limbs, I rolled out of bed, straightening the sheets before washing up.
Minutes later, when I crossed into the kitchen, Peeta was already there, finishing breakfast at the table. He broke into a grin, making my lips lift into a smile back. He stood and grabbed the warming teakettle off the stove, filling a mug and placing it at my spot on the table.
Then he took a step over to me and gave me his customary good morning kiss on the crown of my head. At first, I teased him about doing it everyday, but now I wrap my arms around Peeta's stomach, not-so-secretly craving this gentle love every morning.
"Hi," I said softly, grinning and pressing a kiss to his shirt. He hugged me back, resting his cheek on my head. My eyes fell shut again, craving to return to sleep, while I basked in Peeta's steadiness. This little ritual we do always starts my day off on the right foot. The beat of his heart had almost lulled me back into a light sleep when he quietly said my name.
I squeezed him tighter, holding him close for another moment, and unwound myself from his embrace. One of his hands came up to rest on the side of my face. "I gotta head to the bakery now." His thumb lightly ran down my cheekbone. "I'll see you later. Have a good day," he added, and I replied in kind.
I heard the door shut behind Peeta as I sat down to my now cooling tea. Sipped it and, ah yes, the perfect temp. He even remembered to add the extra mint leaf. Quite a spoiled wife, I am.
By the time I finally deemed myself alert enough not to fall out of a tree, the sun was already climbing high in the sky. It was going to be a very hot day.
The animals are much smarter than I am, evidently. They were staying home, in their cool dens and nests, as one should on a day as blistering as this. Sweat was pooling in, just, all of everywhere. I was tired and uncomfortable, to put it lightly. The added bonus of nothing to show for the day really topped it all off.
It was a relief to finally return home, dumping my bow and bag as soon as I entered the door. I peeled my shoes off next, leaving them in the entryway. I'm usually the one fussing at Peeta for doing just that. When I reached our bathroom, the first thing I did was turn the shower on. My clothes were quickly shucked to the floor, the tie from my braid promptly following.
I closed my eyes as I stepped into the cool stream of water, running my fingers through my hair to get it thoroughly soaked. I spun in a slow circle, grateful for the simple luxury of a shower. Still, not one to be wasteful, I indulged in a few more minutes of sitting in the steady stream, then I stood and shut it off.
With the towel wrapped around me, I pondered what to wear as I looked at my closet. I tend to favorite pants, but there is no way. I decided on instead wearing my soft dressing gown, the thin fabric only brushing my knees surely going to keep me cool.
I sighed, pulling the fridge open. My lack of kills from this morning's hunt became glaringly evident, what with all these vegetables staring back at me. I reached in and grabbed a few different things, shutting the door with my hip as I turned around.
Then I got to work, cleaning and chopping as necessary, and put together a pretty nice salad, if I do say so myself. Light, fresh veggies from our garden out back, with a squeeze of lemon juice and cracked pepper sprinkled on top.
Air conditioning has yet to make it out to many places here in Twelve, so all of our windows were thrown wide open, the curtains moving in the summer breeze. I could hear Haymitch's geese honking over in his yard, and I grinned to myself. Geese, of all things to raise.
Peeta came in as I was setting my plate into the rack to dry, using a towel to wipe my hands. I leaned back against the counter, looking him up and down. Took in his sweat-soaked shirt, his flushed cheeks, his damp hair. I rose a brow. "Hot day in the bakery, was it?" I asked, breaking into a grin.
He rolled his eyes as he nodded, shooting me a snarky grin as he grabbed a glass of water. He quickly downed it, filling the glass up again before reaching over to snag my arm and bring me closer.
I backed up a step, his arm falling into the space between us. He sent me an exaggerated pout. "Nope, not until you take a shower. I'm already rinsed off, so no touching until you are, too."
Peeta tried to reach out again, this time for my other arm, and I evaded it. I gave him a look, and he held his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, I give. I'll go shower." Then he grinned, and I knew that look. "But not before I do this!" he said, quickly darting in and pressing a kiss to my cheek.
Before I even reacted, he took off for the stairs, yelling behind him, "Okay! Going! Love you!" as he went. I watched him go, touching my cheek as a flush spread its way across my face. His casual show of love sometimes still makes me shy, but I'm learning to take in every little moment he tells me that he loves me in a different way. I try to do the same for him in return -- he deserves that at the very least. At most, more than anything I could ever give him.
But I'm too selfish to let anyone else have him. And nobody else compares to me in his eyes, so there's really nothing to worry about at all, is there?
My smile slipped off my face over the next few minutes, but it easily returned when I caught Peeta's eye as he came down the stairs. He was wearing his undershorts and a t-shirt on top, also doing his best to stay cool. I stood and made my way over to him as he followed me with his eyes.
He took his hand and ran his fingers up my neck, over my jaw. Cupped my cheek, pulling my head closer as he slowly, deftly, kissed me. My breath caught in my throat, just for a moment. "Am I clean enough for you, now?" he asked, pressing his lips to mine again, gently biting at the bottom one. "I missed you almost as much as I melted in the heat."
I threw my head back and laughed. "Oh, I know. It's merciless out there. I don't even want to think about how hot it is in front of all those ovens."
"Precisely why I closed up early, my dear." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I said to hell with selling what was left in the case, so I shut off the ovens and passed it out on the way home. Knowing you were here may have aided in my decision, but really, who's to say?" He smiled at me again, a hint of mischief playing on his lips.
My heart swelled at his words. How I ended up with such a generous man as my husband, I will never know. Everything he does somehow makes me love him more, and I don't know how there can be much more room in my heart for it to keep growing.
"It's gonna be a meatless day today - no luck hunting this morning," I told him. It's not a problem if I don't get anything out on my hunts; we don't rely on what I bring home, but we vastly prefer it over the butcher's cuts. "There's also a salad in the fridge if you're hungry."
"A personal chef, just for me," he said, pulling the door open and taking the plate out. "Thank you."
I joined Peeta at the table, resting my chin in my hand as I looked out the window. Took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. The need for sleep returned now that I had a full belly, and I closed my eyes. Oh, perhaps it's okay not to do anything the rest of the day. I could give myself this day of doing nothing. Perhaps I could convince Peeta to do the same.
I opened my eyes, turning my head to look back at Peeta. He was already watching me, his features soft in the sunlight. Yes, I thought, tilting my head, he will be easy to convince.
He narrowed his eyes at me. "What are you scheming up over there?"
I hummed. "Oh, nothing, really." Then I stood, walking around the table, and planted myself in his lap. One of my arms rested on his shoulder, my hand easily finding its place in his damp hair. Peeta's eyes fell shut as I lightly combed my fingers through his curls. He let out a small sigh. One of his hands traced back and forth on my thigh, the other one twining with my free hand in our lap. We stayed like this for a while, comfortable in the other person's company.
At some point, he began bestowing the lightest and softest kisses along my neck, his closest access point. Using the hand already in his hair, I brought his face up to mine, kissing his lips. He tasted like lemon.
"What do you say," I started, "to lazing around the rest of the day?"
He grinned. "Way ahead of you, my love." Kissed me again, this time with more pressure, my heart racing in response. "Well, maybe not exactly nothing...." he added, pulling me ever closer to him.
I laughed, feeling the warm pressure of our bodies against each other. "I thought that was a given in the term 'lazing around.'"
"It is. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of it."
I bit my lip, holding back a sarcastic response. My thumb tilted his chin up, our lips meeting in the middle for another kiss. He made a noise in the back of his throat when I lightly scraped my nail along his skin, and I grinned against his lips.
A good day to laze around, indeed.
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darklove9314-blog · 3 years
Nessian Mating Cermony
Happy Nessian month!!! Since I already wrote my version of Nessian’s mating ceremony in my fanfiction Symphonia,I thought I’d share it again on here because I love it so much. Also this Fic does contain spoilers for ACOSF so read at you own risk!!! @illyrianet
Not having second thoughts, are you?” Elain asked placing the last of the flowers in Nesta’s braid as Nesta stared out the window surveying the preparations for the mating bond ceremony down below.
“Not at all.” Nesta smiled turning away from the window as a soft cry filled the room.
“Sorry. He’s been fussy lately.” Feyre explained, exhaustion filling her eyes accentuating the dark circles underneath them as Nesta strode over to them holding out her arms.
“May I?” Nesta asked. She hadn’t put on her dress yet and they still had a few more hours to spare.
“Only if you’re sure.” Feyre answered handing Nyx over to Nesta. Her nephew fitting comfortably in her arms. Still fussing but staring at her with those big blue eyes staring at her with wonder.
“Hello, little one.” She cooed running a hand over his black hair trying to soothe him. Feyre taking a seat in the nearest chair, exhaustion finally taking over.
The baby reached up touching Nesta’s cheek as she rocked him back and forth, her sisters looking at both.
“What?” She asked Nyx squirming in her arms probably wondering why she stopped. She continued to rock him.
“Nothing.” Feyre smiled as Nesta patted Nyx’s back, a small burp falling from his mouth. Some spit up getting on Nesta’s shirt.
Nesta shrugged grabbing the tissue Elain offered and cleaning it off.
“I think we found out the reason why he was fussy.” Nesta laughed, her nephew smiling handing him back to Feyre.
“Are you ready to get dressed?” Elain asked excited as she went to where the dress hung.
“Yes.” Nesta answered excitement filling her as she slipped off her clothes before Feyre and Elain helped her in the dress.
She went to the full-length mirror and inspected herself, her breath catching slightly.
The mating dress she had chosen was a long sleeve high neck dress with full skirts and a lace bodice. She had opted for flowers in her hair and no crown like Cassian had joked about. There was no need for one. Tonight, she would officially be mated to the love of her life and she for one couldn’t wait to see what their future would hold.
A knock sounded from the door and Emerie emerged smiling.
“You look beautiful.” She said, Gwyn coming in behind her.
“You came.” She smiled pulling both into a hug.
“We wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Gwyn answered the light catching her red hair.
“You’re almost ready.”
“Almost?” Nesta asked as they all pulled something out, Nesta lifting a brow. “What is this?”
“You’ll have to give it back after the ceremony, but I thought you might want to burrow it for the day.” Gwyn said taking her friendship bracelet and clasping it beside Nesta’s on her wrist.
“I have these blue garters in the shop.” Emerie smiled as Nesta slipped it on.
“When I went to the rainbow the other day and I saw this thought of you.” Feyre smiled. The silver comb in her hand as she placed it in Nesta’s hair and then she turned to Elain.
“I know we don’t have much, but I figured you would want this today.” Elain smiled as Elain gave her a dagger, the handle made of wood.
“It has flames on it.” She smiled as she turned to Feyre.
“We may have refurnished that old dresser.” Feyre smiled. “Elain and I have similar ones.”
Nesta smiled at her sisters. Tears coming to her eyes. “You did all this for me?”
“We may be fae, but it doesn’t mean we have to let go of everything.” Feyre smiled as Gwyn, Emerie, Feyre, and Elain pulled her into a hug, and she stood there letting the love of her sister’s flow through her.
Gwyn squeezed her hand as her and Emerie went to go stand with their small group of friends and family as her, Feyre and Elain remained. The fae didn’t have the same traditions as mortal weddings. Bridesmaids were not a thing in the fae world, so Nesta would stand up there alone with Cassian and the priestess who would officiate their mating ceremony.
“I’ll be up front.” Elain stated squeezing Nesta’s hand before heading out the door out with Nyx to the sitting area.
“Are you ready for this?” Feyre asked taking Nesta’s hand in her own.
“Will you walk me down to him?” Nesta asked as Feyre smiled.
“Of course, I will.” Feyre answered as the doors sliding her arm into Nesta’s as she opened the doors and Nesta took everything in.
Music played from the Symphonia signaling her arrival. Candles lite the isle, garland hung from the ceiling, the windows looking out to the Sidra as lace and silk lined the chairs to the alter and all went quiet. She sensed Gwyn, Elain, Emerie, Feyre, Rhysand, Azriel, Mor, and Nyx in the room, but all fell away as her eyes landed on Cassian. Her lover, her friend, and her mate. His eyes fixed on hers and it was as if they were the only two in the universe.
Tears filled his eyes matching her own as Feyre walked her down to him as Feyre placed Nesta’s hand into Cassian’s and Cassian looked at Feyre a smile on his beautiful face.
“I got her. Don’t worry.” Cassian promised squeezing Nesta’s hand and pulling her to him, her heart beating in time with his. There was nothing else. No one else besides them. His eyes saying all the words that his mouth could not. Keeping her fingers interlaced with his.
“I love you.” He mouthed to her, calming her nerves.
“I love you too.” She mouthed back, her smile brightening the room.
The priestess started off with the opening prayer for their ceremony before they recited their vows to each other promising to love and protect each other for as long as they lived. After they were finished the priestess spoke a prayer to the mother to bless this union with love, peace, and fertility instructing them to open the bond to each other.
Their hearts beat as one as Nesta and Cassian opened their bond to each other, the gold light of their souls flowing into each other illuminating the room with its essence.
When the priestess was finished with her prayer, she looked to both Nesta and Cassian asking if they had brought their mating food.
Elain smiled bringing up the lemon blueberry muffin handing it to Nesta as Azriel gave Cassian the chocolate cake making Nesta smile. Elain had helped Nesta, and Cassian make both. Careful not to interrupt them making it and giving them helpful instructions.
“No turning back now.” Cassian smiled illuminating the room as her smirk matched his.
“Thank the Gods.” She answered offering him the muffin as he offered her a bite of the cake.
The bond sang, his golden thread floating into her as her golden thread flowed into him. Just like it had done during solstice night. Their souls twining as one. And she was not afraid. Of him. Of this. Her lover. Her friend. Her husband. Her mate. She had expected the binding of their wrist next, but Mor smiled coming up to Cassian and placing two wedding bands in his free hand. Her eyebrow lifted in question.
“I heard it’s tradition for husband and wife to exchange rings. “
“Cassian.” She whispered at a loss for words. Tears blurring her vision.
“You are mine, just like I am yours. And I know how important those words are to you as well. You are my mate, but I would also love to call you my wife. And I’d be honored if you called me your husband.”
He set the rings in Nesta’s hand and clasped her other hand on top of it placing his own on them. And without having to say the words, Nesta knew what he wanted her to do letting her power flow through her as she made a wish to be by his side forever the glow from her hands illuminating their bands before she opened her hand, Cassian taking her ring and sliding it on her left hand. The ring feeling like it always belonged there as she took his ring and slid it on his hand. Their worlds colliding, their hearts entwining as one. He leaned forward and kissed her, it holding all the power of the universe.
When the kiss ended, Cassian touched his forehead to hers as the priestess turned to Rhys and Feyre, they stepped up to the alter taking the black ribbon and intertwining their wrist together enchanting it to not fall away until their mating was consummated. Her love and need growing strong for the man before her. The priestess closed the ceremony declaring them mates. And no feeling in the world compared as they brought their mouth together, the room imploding with love, life, and laughter as they smiled at their friends, their family before heading off to finish their mating. Their life together begging at last.
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lulu-zodiac · 3 years
Title: Peppermint
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Tags: Fluff, Pining, First Kiss
Summary: Dean shares a Christmas tradition with Cas.
If you want to be added to my fic tag list, let me know! <3
There’s a little red tin in the glove compartment of the impala, and when Cas picks it up, he can feel the way it’s scratched and dented with age.
“What’s this?”
Dean glances over, and something unreadable passes across his face. It reminds Cas of how he looks when Sam talks about their childhood, nostalgic and complicated – not happiness, but something close. “Where’d you find that?”
“It was just in here with your Dad’s old phone, under the map,” Cas replies, turning it over interestedly in his hands. There’s a faded image on the front he can’t quite make out, worn green and silver and gold. The colours of Dean’s eyes, as he looks at Cas in the half-light of the unfolding road. “What is it?”
“It used to have peppermints in it,” Dean says, looking back to the road. There’s a wistful kind of sadness in his gaze, but a slight smile playing across his mouth. “Sammy begged Dad to buy it at some gas station when he was, I don’t know, maybe four. He didn’t even like peppermints, he just liked the Christmas tree on the front of the tin, wouldn’t shut up about it. It was filled with those red and white striped candy canes, you know the ones?”
Cas nods, watches the moving December colours play across Dean’s features.
“Well, that year we were stuck in here all Christmas day while Dad was wrapping up a hunt. Sammy was old enough to know it was Christmas, so it kind of sucked. But I got Sammy singing Christmas songs and we drew stupid snowmen cartoons on the windows, and it was okay, we passed the time. Dad was gone so long we ended up eating most of the candy canes while we were waiting, but Sammy insisted on saving the last one for Dad. He still hero-worshipped Dad at that point, even though Dad was barely a father to him – was barely even there, to see Sammy growing up” Dean breaks off momentarily, shakes his head like he’s trying to surface from deep water. Cas notes the set of Dean’s jaw, the way his knuckles are white around the wheel, resists the urge to reach out, soften them.
“Sam knows how much you did now, Dean,” he says, instead, into the quiet.
Dean makes a dismissive sound, carries on as though Cas hasn’t spoken at all, but the tension in his hands is less strained; “Anyway, when Dad finally came back that night he was only a little beat up, in a good mood for once. He tried to take us for some real food, but everywhere was closed by that time so we just sat in here together and Dad broke the last candy cane into three for us to share,” Dean glances at the box Cas is still holding. It feels warm in Cas’s hands now, the mental heating up in his palms as he listens to the story, as though it’s slowly coming alive. “It was one of the better Christmases, actually. Dad refilled the box with them each December, handed them out to me and Sammy when we’d been driving all night. It was one of the few traditions we ever had,” he shrugs, adjusts his grip self-consciously on the wheel, “Stupid, really,” he adds, in that way he has of diminishing anything personal he says, “It’s probably empty now.”
Obligingly, Cas opens the box. It is empty, save a couple of crumpled silver wrappers, but it smells of ghostly peppermint. Cas sniffs, imagines little Dean and Sam sitting in the impala alone on Christmas day. His chest aches at the thought of Dean trying to distract Sam, keep him happy and amused while Dean was probably afraid. “I’ve never tried peppermint,” he tells Dean, inhaling again and trying to figure out the scent. It’s sharp, clean, a little powdery. Like dusty snow. “What’s it like?” he asks, curiously.
“Hard to describe to anyone who hasn’t tasted it,” Dean says, “Like most things. It’s – sweet. Kind of makes the inside of your mouth feel cold when you inhale.”
Cas looks at him, watches the lights of the road reflect in his green gaze.
“Hey, we can get some, if you want,” Dean says, nodding towards the road, “There’s a gas station just up ahead, I wouldn’t mind stopping to stretch my legs anyway.”
“I would like that,” Cas smiles at the thought of getting to taste a little piece of Dean’s history, watches as the lights get brighter and the car slows, pulling into the empty gas station.
Outside, it’s cold, the dark biting at Cas’s skin as he waits for Dean to return from the kiosk. He leans against the cool, smooth metal of the impala, stares skywards for a while. It’s cloudy, the sky is swollen with snow. Cas likes not being able to see the heavens, sometimes. On days like this, earth is full enough of wonder all by itself. The greasy spill of gas station lights on frozen concrete, a little metal box of memories in his pocket, Dean’s footsteps echoing through the quiet towards him. The lights of heaven could never compare.
“Here,” Dean’s nose is pink from the cold, eyes bright as he leans back against the car beside Cas, hands him a paper packet. “Peppermint candy canes. Go on, knock yourself out.” He sticks his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket and stares up at the sky, like Cas had been moments before. Cas wonders whether Dean is comforted by the blankness too, or if he aches for the far-distant twinkling lights and their warmth, so long absent from his own life.
“Will you have one too?” Cas asks, peering into the bag and tentatively drawing out one of the striped candies before handing it back to Dean.
“Why not?” Dean’s fingers are warm against Cas’s for a moment, rough with calluses, and then there’s nothing again. He pulls out a candy and stuffs the paper bag into his pocket, begins unwrapping the little umbrella-shaped stick. “I can’t remember the last time I had one of these, you know. Probably the Christmas before Sam went off to college.” He puts the candy between his lips, sucks. Cas suddenly has to catch his breath, cold and startling in his lungs. “Hey, what are you waiting for?” Dean is looking at Cas, lips red and plump around the candy, eyes bright in the cold air.
“Oh,” Cas looks down at his own untouched candy, brings it up to his mouth and sucks experimentally. “It’s like… toothpaste,” he frowns at Dean, letting the cool, clean taste fill his mouth. He sucks again, slower, trying to get a sense of the flavour. “It’s quite nice.”
Dean’s cheeks are pink with the cold now too. “Uh – yeah, it is, I guess.” He’s looking at Cas intently in the muted lights of the deserted gas station, with an expression that is familiar yet unreadable and makes Cas feel warm even in the cold.
“This is what Christmas tasted like to you?” Cas sucks the candy again, looks at Dean.
“Once, I suppose so,” Dean sounds distracted, but his tone doesn’t match the intent focus in his gaze as he looks at Cas. The cold has made his cheeks flush darker still, and the light is muted enough that only an arc of green is visible around the black of his pupils.
“It does make my mouth feel cold,” Cas observes, with interest. He sucks the candy further into his mouth and pulls it out with a pop, feeling the cool cleanness of the air being pulled between his lips. Dean clears his throat slightly. “I haven’t encountered any other food that has this effect,” Cas licks slowly at the tip of the candy, and is aware of Dean inhaling sharply, “Do you know what causes it?”
“I don’t,” Dean’s voice is slightly hoarser than usual.
“Very interesting,” Cas contemplates, licking the tip of the candy again with a swirl of his tongue. Dean makes a stifled sound, and Cas looks up with a frown. “Don’t you want yours?” he asks, eyeing Dean’s uneaten candy, “Or do you only enjoy them when you can eat them with Sam? I’m sorry, I know I can’t provide that part of the tradition for you.”
“Sam isn’t the only person I can have good memories with, Cas. This can be a new tradition, okay?” Dean says, and he’s glowing, so beautiful here in the cold all lit up. “But,” he pauses, swallowing, “You’re right, I’m not sure I want mine.”
“You don’t?” Cas frowns, worriedly. He pulls his own candy away from his mouth.
The colour is high on Dean’s cheeks as he shakes his head, “No. I think I’d rather have yours, actually.” And before Cas can say anything, Dean’s lips are suddenly on his, soft and warm, so warm in the cold air. Cas feels as though he’s been holding his breath for years and is suddenly able to breathe. It’s wonderful, the heat of Dean’s mouth against his, the slick of his tongue twining with Cas’s, tasting of peppermint and making something hot curl deep in Cas’s stomach. His hands are cupping Cas’s face, rough skin, tender touch. Cas is breathing hard when Dean pulls back, both of their breath clouding the December air between them. “Tastes better on you,” Dean grins, and it’s a beautiful thing, tentative and free here in the cold without heaven watching.
Cas reaches out and grabs the lapels of Dean’s leather jacket, pulls him in again. This time it’s harder, urgent, Dean’s breath coming in stifled gasps into Cas’s mouth as Cas presses him back against the impala, sinks into the heat of Dean’s mouth, the warm, hard line of Dean’s body, pliant under him. He can taste the desperation on Dean’s tongue along with the peppermint, and he chases it, deepening the kiss until Dean is groaning against him, clutching at Cas’s coat. Cas thinks he might be making noises too, but he can’t think about anything except Dean, here at last in all the ways he should be, warm and real. Oblivion.
In his coat pocket, he can feel the outline of the little peppermint tin where their heartbeats edge closer to each other. He smiles against Dean’s mouth, loves that he’ll never be able to taste peppermint without remembering this; the shine of Dean’s eyes in the muted December lights, the heat of their bodies pressed together, the sky frozen and empty overhead, a blank canvas for their own stars.
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goddessofmischief · 4 years
Blue Monday, Chapter Nine - Loki x Reader
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Author’s Note: I finally did it you guys. Loki’s mood in this gif matches mine.
Catch up on chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 !
The year was 1971.
Wars raged. ‘A Clockwork Orange’ was the biggest movie in theaters.
And you and Loki were about to stage one of the most infamous plane heists of all time.
“I had forgotten how much I despised American airports,” Loki muttered, adjusting his tie. You’d never seen Loki in human clothes before - and, frankly, you were a confused mix of amused and... attracted.
“The tie’s not the problem, ‘oki,” you suggested, running your hands through his hair. He seemed to almost shrink away from you, and then think better of it, leaning into your touch. “It’s the hair.”
“My hair - my hair is fine!”
“Okay, okay.”
Maybe it wasn’t Loki’s insecurities bubbling up, you thought, but your own.
It had, after all, been a very long time since you’d worn human clothing - or been on Earth in your time period, for that matter.
That was why it was imperative that you be heavily disguised - someone could recognize you.
It was odd for you to think about, somehow.
After all these years stranded somewhere in the middle of time and space, being back in your timeline felt uncomfortable, and.... strange
Not to mention that you were returning to the place of your timeline with, well...
A God.
“Here,” said Loki, passing a bag to you. “You hold this...” “What, what’s in it?”
He lowered his voice to a murmur.
“The bomb.”
“The?! Bomb?!”
”Yes, quiet. You have held a bomb before, yes?”
“You know I have. This is... kinda... different.”
”Don’t worry. I’m under strict instructions not to kill anyone.”
”Oh, good - you’ve been instructed - that makes me feel loads better.”
“I believe you’re beginning to regain your sense of sarcasm, darling.”
You swallowed.
“I hate sarcasm,” you said, finally. “It’s just... another, less clever way to lie.”
“How’s that?”
“You’re not saying how you really feel. I hate when people do that.”
“You must truly despise me, then.”
“No,” you admitted, and you felt as if you were giving something away by confessing this. “No, I... don’t.” Loki gazed at you, his face terribly close to yours, and you put your arms around his shoulders...
It felt awfully right, as odd as the situation was. The year was 1971. You were many decades old, but looked youthful. You were an agent of the T.V.A..
And you were about to kiss the God of Mischief, right here, right now, in the middle of this airport.
They were calling for you. For a moment, only a moment, you hoped against hope that Loki would ignore it - that the moment could go on, just as before.
But you knew that it couldn’t. The moment was over, as soon as it had ended.
“Coming,” said Loki, in an odd American voice you couldn’t get used to. He could’ve been any man that you would’ve known during your time on Earth... and you loathed the idea of that. “Right, dear?” “Yes, darling,” you said, taking his hand, and his fingers twined around yours. You knew, somehow, that this was a turning point - that you and Loki could never go on as it had been before.
You were his partner still, but now something much more profound.
For the first time in your life...
You were exactly where you wanted to be.
“Yes,” you said again. “Yes, I’m ready.”
Loki, to his credit... was kind of a marvelous actor.
You and he sat in your cramped seats, cross-legged, biding your time until the precise moment.
“Alright,” he said. “Now. I’m going to do it now.” “No, it's too early. Besides... give the poor woman a break. She’s been on her feet for the past hour.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, and you rested your hand on his arm.
“You can sleep, you know,” Loki offered. “We have... an hour, or two.”
You yawned.
“That obvious?” “Mhm. A bit.” You grinned, tucking your chin into his shoulder.
“Oh,” spoke Ella Rambeau, passing by the two of you with a cart of drinks. “You’re just too cute together. Can I get you two anything?”
“Yes, uh...” Loki paused, trying to get into character. “I’m... D.B. Cooper, mystery man, give me a... a bourbon.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hear that?” you teased, after she had gone. “We’re cute. She thinks we’re cute.”
“Yes, yes. I’m going to feel terrible about holding her up - is that what you want to hear?” “...Loki...” ...
“Alright,” he said, nudging you awake. “Ready?”
He beckoned Rambeau over, and, rising from her seat, she came to you.
Loki passed her a note - handwritten, in black felt-tip pen.
To your great surprise...
She placed it in her bag.
“Miss, you'd better look at that note,” said Loki. “I have a bomb.”
Rambeau’s eyes scanned over the note, seemingly becoming more panicked by the moment.
“It’s alright,” Loki spoke, calmly. “Sit here.”
“Can I...” Rambeau cleared her throat. “Can I see the bomb?” Loki opened his briefcase, showing it to her.
“What do you want?”
“$200,000 in negotiable American currency,” he said, his voice crisp and clear, and terribly American. “Four parachutes, and a fuel truck. Tell the pilot.” Rambeau scattered.
“You think it’s going to work?” you asked, timidly, and Loki smirked.
“Of course,” he said, sliding a pair of dark sunglasses onto his face, looking like an Asgardian James Bond. “All part of the plan.”
The speakers above you turned on.
“Uh, hello, passengers,” the Captain spoke over the speakers. “This is Captain William A. Scott speaking... our arrival in Seattle will be delayed because of a minor mechanical difficulty.”
Beside you, Loki snickered.
You smacked him.
“That poor woman’s probably scared half to death. Look, we have to do this to save her life - that doesn’t mean you’ve got to enjoy it so much.”
Rambeau returned to you.
“They’re complying with the demands,” she said, quietly.
“Hm,” said Loki, glancing out the window. “Looks like Tacoma down there. Can I get another bourbon and soda, please?”
Rambeau, looking incredibly confused, poured him one.
“Thanks, doll.” He paid his drink tab, and Rambeau left.
“See?” said Loki, turning to you and taking a sip. “I was nice.”
You scoffed.
“So that was to impress me?”
After several hours, the aircraft landed at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport. Rambeau brought you the $200,000, and Loki ordered the passengers off the plane.
“Take me to Mexico City,” he told the pilot.
“Why Mexico City?” you muttered to him.
Loki shrugged.
“It’ll take awhile,” he said. “And... the sunsets are marvelous this time of year.”
You arched an eyebrow.
“Listen,” said Loki, talking to Rambeau, “Join the rest of the crew in the cockpit and remain there with the door closed. Open the aft door for me, will you?”
“You ready?” he asked, turning to you.
You nodded, blearily.
“Hands in the air!” Loki shouted, grabbing the suitcase.
On instinct, your hands shot up.
“No, not you,” he muttered, and you quickly lowered them.
“Everyone, on their knees, now-”
"You mean,” you uttered, mischievously. “Kneel?”
“Quiet, you - yes,” he said, beckoning to Rambeau. “Yes, you. You will wait in the cockpit until I’ve gone... yes?”
She nodded, blushing.
“Good luck with the baby,” Loki said, honestly, and he winked at her.
Blinded, Ella gazed back, grinning, until you heard a shocked voice from behind you -
With that...
Loki took your hand-
And you leapt from the plane.
This was a really fun one to write! Almost every part of this fic is true - except, of course, Loki was probably not D.B. Cooper, and he did not have a companion with him during the heist. You can read all about it and compare facts here.
*If you want more Blue Monday content plus insider information on the fic, follow the blog @thebluemonday​!
Taglist (Message me to be added!)
gorgeourrific-nerd @suwupremeleader​​ @sserpente​ @tripleyeeet​
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nerdypanda3126 · 3 years
City of Love – Ch. 14
It only took me 8 months, but I finally got this Valentine's Day gift wrapped up! Thank you so much to everyone who's been reading and for all the likes and reblogs! It's been very much appreciated and often kept me going on this fun little story. Hope you all had as much fun following along as I did 😊
Luka and Marinette go find Sass and Tikki and find them in a precarious situation.
Read on Ao3 
First Chapter | Previous Chapter
“We should…” Marinette started, breaking away from Luka’s lips reluctantly. She didn’t know how much time had passed, but by the looks of his tousled hair and flushed lips and the marks on his neck they’d been there for a while. He looked dazed as he blinked back to where they were before his eyes focused on her again. 
He hummed to show her he was listening, then dipped his head to press his forehead to hers. 
“We should maybe… get back,” she finished, biting her lip. He sighed heavily and nodded against her. 
“We should,” he agreed, and squeezed her to him one more time before he pulled away entirely to run his hands through his hair. She had to giggle as it stayed stuck up in the back and instead focused on fixing his shirt that’d gotten rucked up at some point. As she tugged it back into place and smoothed it over his stomach he let out a strangled groan and caught her hands, taking them off him and placing them back at her sides. 
“Not helping me want to go back,” he explained breathlessly. His thumb stroked against hers in what seemed like an unconscious movement as his eyes roamed over her and caught somewhere around her waist. When she looked down to follow his gaze, she noticed some of the ties on her side had managed to come undone. She blushed and reached over to knot them again. 
“Do you think they got it worked out?” she asked, more to distract herself than anything else. 
It took Luka longer to answer than she expected and she looked back up to find him still frozen, watching her. But he cleared his throat when he noticed she was waiting for an answer. “No, probably not,” he said finally. “Or at least, not everything.” 
She frowned without meaning to, her worry for Tikki clearing the haze that kissing Luka had left her in. Maybe she shouldn’t have left with Luka. Maybe she should’ve stayed and kept an eye on things. Maybe—
“Hey.” Luka interrupted her spiraling thoughts by cupping her cheek in his hand. “We gave them the time alone they needed. The rest was up to them.” He smiled and pulled her in close to kiss the crease in her forehead, which instantly cleared. He kept her close and wrapped his arm around her shoulders so she could nestle into his side before he led the way back inside. 
But once they were back inside, an issue became readily apparent. The club was far more packed than when they left. The music had switched to a DJ and while it was great dance music, it was too loud to communicate anything, and the UV lights had been turned on and in the mass of bodies it would be impossible to find anyone. 
Before she could panic too much, she reminded herself that Tikki had her phone on her. But when she pulled her own phone out to send a text, she found one from Tikki that she’d missed while she’d been… occupied with Luka. 
T: Out front talking with Sass. 
Her breath came out of her in a relieved whoosh and she showed Luka the text. He nodded and they went back out the door they’d just come in, intending to circle the building rather than work their way through the dense crowd. 
Marinette couldn’t help worrying at the knots at her side as they walked. Talking was good, right? They definitely needed to, after all the revelations and drama. At the very least, maybe they could work out a game plan. Or maybe they were breaking up after all. She bit her lip as they rounded the corner, not knowing exactly what to expect, but Luka pulled her back a half-step as soon as they did. 
“Attends,” he whispered, gesturing with his head to the scene in front of the building. When she swiveled her head to look, she found Tikki and Sass standing together under a lamppost. It was too far away to tell, but it looked like Tikki was crying? She was covering her mouth with both her hands, so Marinette couldn’t tell if it was good or bad, but when she went to take another step forward, Luka held her fast and put a finger to his lips, gesturing with his head that she should watch. 
When she followed his direction, she saw Sass take a small box out of his pocket and open it, offering the flash of gold inside to Tikki. 
Marinette twined her fingers through his as they watched, waiting for Tikki’s answer. 
“Is this how you felt?” she whispered, her voice trembling, her hand tightening around his. When he glanced down, her other hand was at her lips, with one fingernail in between her teeth. He pulled it out gently and ran his thumb across her lips before he looked back to their friends. Neither one of them had moved, although it looked like Sass was saying something again. 
“No,” he admitted, “it was much worse.” 
You’ll understand, Sass had said, when you propose to Marinette. 
And he did. The sweating, the shaking hands, the racing heartbeat, all of it was nothing compared to holding your entire heart in your hand and offering it to someone with every right to refuse it. He’d been so sure Tikki would say yes. But after everything, there was more than a healthy amount of doubt. This could go either way. 
She was talking now, and Sass was hanging onto every word, nodding occasionally. He didn’t look chastised like he had before when Tikki was tearing into him. Maybe that was a good sign. 
“Do you still have mine?” Marinette asked, taking a step closer to him and wrapping her arm around his waist. He chuckled and shifted his grip to her shoulders to squeeze her to him. 
“Ready and waiting.” 
When Tikki finally—finally—nodded, and Sass fumbled to get the ring out of the box and slip it on her finger, Luka let out a long, slow breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. 
“We didn’t see anything, right?” He leaned down to murmur to Marinette. 
“See what?” She smirked up at him as she answered him, and they started walking as if they hadn’t stopped, Marinette practically vibrating beside him in excitement. He stifled a laugh and shouted out a greeting to Sass, who jolted away from Tikki like he’d been caught at something. He had, but there was no reason he needed to know that. Tikki looked up at them, her eyes still dazed, and held up her left hand for Marinette to see. 
To her credit, Marinette reacted beautifully, letting out an ear-splitting squeal like she never expected this in a million years and running to Tikki to grab her hand and twist it every which way, admiring the ring. Luka leaned casually on Sass’s shoulder as they both watched their girls celebrating.
“How’d you pull that off?” Luka asked quietly. Sass shot him a sideways glance and shrugged. 
“I pulled a Couffaine. Just let it fall out of my mouth.” 
Luka couldn’t help grinning. “Effective method, that.” 
Sass only nodded to agree.  There was a brief silence between them as a cool Parisian breeze swept over them all.
“We’re going to see my parents,” Sass said after another moment. “When Tikki’s semester is over. We talked about it and decided we’d have more of an argument if we were already engaged.” 
Luka hummed in agreement, and then the girls were bouncing over to them, talking excitedly over each other and already deep in planning mode. Marinette was offering to make a veil for her, and Tikki was saying there had to be chocolate there, and they were both giggling so much it made both Sass and Luka smile involuntarily. 
All of a sudden, Marinette gasped and grabbed onto Luka’s arm. “Maybe we could do a double wedding when they come back! Here in Paris! It’ll be perfect, won’t it, Luka? What better way to celebrate the way we all came together?” 
For a moment, Luka was stunned, looking down at Marinette’s shining blue eyes and her bright smile. But then he relaxed and pulled her close, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. “I think it’s a great idea,” he answered her. “No better place for a double wedding than our very own city of love.”   
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(Hayffie 💕. Loving when we’re afraid is deeply authentic courage. In dystopian reality, loving with arms holding one another close is a fundamental act of civil disobedience and essential for trauma integration.)
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His fingers were clumsy as he wrapped a pale blue ribbon around Effie’s hair. She’d pulled it back loosely into a bun with tendrils coiling down the back of her neck. Working with the satin ribbon felt alien compared to the knots Haymitch had tied throughout his life.
In childhood, as soon as he was tall enough to reach the clotheslines, his mother had given him the job of pulling the lines tight and tying them with no slack. Those needed to be ready each week for the task of holding the family’s clean laundry up to the sun. He and his brother were scolded sometimes for playing underneath the damp sheets, which held the fragrance of springtime no matter the season. It must have been the dried flowers his mother put into the soap. Later on and still, each time he passed those flowers in the Meadow, their smell cut straight into his heart. It’s one of the reasons he’d steered clear of that place even before it became a mass grave.
Unlike the pungent flowers, his mother’s voice calling as they played was a faint memory. “If you boys tug those lines down, YOU will be the ones washing that laundry all over again!”
“Those are MY knots. They ain’t gonna be comin’ loose.”
“Your knots WILL NOT be cominG loose, you mean. Don’t allow your speech to conceal your intelligence.”
“Okay, Ma.” He said as he and his brother lay on the grass, sticking their tongues out to catch drips from the sheets like drops of rain at the end of a sunshower.
The clotheslines were made of twine. Haymitch learned to work with thicker rope during training before the Quell. It never took him long to learn something, and once he did, it was committed to memory. In time, having a mind too sharp to forget things had become more of a curse than a gift.
Suddenly here he was with delicate ribbon between his calloused fingertips, and the fine muscles there were forgetting everything they’d ever learned about tying.
“I’m kind of fucking this up, sweetheart. I’m usually UNtying your ribbons, not the other way around.”
“I trust you.” She kept her body still as she knelt on a rug in front of the fireplace. 
When the ribbon was tied, he adjusted the bow until the loops were even. Then he ran his fingers through her wispy curls.
“Your ‘something blue,’” he murmured, sliding his hand down her arm and lacing their fingers together.
She stared at the polished band on her left hand. “Something old...” Haymitch’s father had made the ring 50 years prior from a small metal disk and some tinkering tools.
Effie brought their entwined hands to rest on her stomach. “...And something new.”
A chill ran through him. “Maybe you should have a backup just in case—“
“Do NOT say that! Don’t even THINK it. I’m further along this time. No arguments... our baby is my something new.”
He held her tighter and kissed her neck in apology. “All right. The baby it is.”
She changed the subject before the unspoken word had a chance to start spinning in her mind. “The tongs from the bakery are ‘something borrowed.’”
“Did Peeta ask what you planned to do with them?”
“What’d you tell him?”
“I said we’ll be using them to toast the loaf of bread that I was there to buy.”
“Shit, Effie. What’d he say?”
“He hugged me, and told me how very happy he was to give us the bread and lend us the tongs.”
“Let me guess... His eyes were all teary.”
“That dear boy.”
“And your eyes were all teary too.”
“Whenever the children cry, I can’t stop myself.”
“He knows now, of course. I thought we we’re keeping this a surprise!”
“I confirmed nothing.”
“The boy knows anyway. You two are thick as thieves.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m sure he will ACT surprised when we tell them.”
“So the kids already know. It’s fine. ...Are you ready to do this?”
“Absolutely.” She nodded.
“...With ME,” he teased.
“Come here.” He’d been curled against her back, and she tugged him to kneel beside her. “We’ve done this before, you know.”
“Have we?” He chuckled, “I doubt any amount of liquor would make me forget doing this with you.”
“I was 8, with an big imagination and—“
“That kid on those screens is long gone, honey. You know that better than anybody.”
She pressed her palm to his chest. “This heart is the same. They broke it a thousand times, but they didn’t destroy it. ...I draped a shawl over my head as a veil, and I swore on every doll I owned that nobody would take this heart from me. I’ve kept swearing it... no matter how many pairs of my shoes you vomited on.”
He brushed his thumb along her cheek. “I married you sometimes in my dreams.”
“Does that explain any of the occasions you woke up screaming?” She smirked then caressed his forearm because nightmares were never a light topic regardless of the context.
“No. But it explains the times I woke up with my dick so hard that all I did was move and I was coming.”
She flushed from her chest to her cheeks, wanting him like that right then. “When was the first time?”
“The night after the picnic. Remember? In my dream you were wearing those silky lace gloves, buttering warm chunks of bread with one hand and getting me off with the other.”
“We only spent a few hours together that day, and you dreamed you were marrying me? You hardly knew me.”
“I knew enough to feel you slipping inside me. I tried to fight it a long time, but I couldn’t stop it.”
“So... now it’s full surrender.”
“Being married won’t make this any easier,” he said, “The last thing you and I could ever be is easy.”
“When is anything worth doing easy to do?”
He traced the neckline of her dress with the tip of his finger. The pretty thing dipped so low that he could have slipped his hands inside and filled his palms with her breasts. But he waited. The dress was pale blue like the ribbon, and overlaid with a weaving of tiny pearls.
“Sex,” he answered belatedly, “It’s one thing worth doing that’s always been easy for us.”
She toyed with a button on the shirt she’d picked out for him. “That’s true. Let’s make a fire and toast that bread so we can do that other thing worth doing.”
Haymitch had said no Justice Building, no party, and no singing. So Effie softly hummed the tune she remembered from Katniss and Peeta’s marriage ceremony. She hummed it straight through as Haymitch laid tinder on the andiron and she stacked kindling around it in the shape of a teepee. Then he built a small cabin over that with dry wood. She struck a match and used it to light the one he held. They both lit the tinder and watched as each piece of wood caught fire.
Over the years, she’d started many fires in that fireplace. The first time she tried, Haymitch had passed out in a snowbank on his way home from the Hob. A neighbor saw him lying there and helped him home.
After a warm bath, he was still shaking, so Effie covered him with blankets in front of the fireplace, and she managed to get some flames going as he slept. Her fire died out quickly, so she called the kids to show her the way. Katniss came. “I’m glad you’re here,” the girl told her, “He needs you. He fights it, but it’s a fierce thing to fight against.”
“What is?” Effie asked.
“That kind of hunger. That hollowness that only one thing can fill...” Katniss tapped Haymitch’s foot with the toe of her boot. He was out cold. “Alcohol just covers it up for a moment as it’s passing through.”
“What fills it?”
“When he realizes he’s worth loving, and when he loves himself the way that you love him.”
Effie shuddered at the thought of everything her girl had been through that instilled that kind of knowing in someone so young. “Katniss, I haven’t said anything about love.”
“Good. Hearing you say it would only scare him more.”
Effie said it now as chunks of wood burned down to coals, and flames danced orange and blue. He saw the dance in her eyes. “I love you,” was still difficult for him to reckon with.
“Loving you is the only thing I’ve been sure about in a long time,” he responded as the truth rose up over fear.
“Show me.”
He picked up the loaf of bread with the bakery tongs. “Let’s do this together.”
She put her hands atop his as they toasted the bread over the fire. When the crust was golden brown, they turned the loaf out onto a cutting board.
Effie slipped an oven mitt onto her hand and held the bread with it as she cut a thick slice from the middle. Then she spread it generously with butter, like in Haymitch’s dream. He picked up the slice and broke it in half, holding onto both pieces.
She eyed him warily. “Are you going to smear that on my face?”
“This isn’t the Capitol, sweetheart. No marriage tradition here wastes even a speck of food. ...But I’ll smear butter anywhere you want as long as I get to suck it off you after.”
“Let’s save that for later when I’m not wearing my Nana’s dress.”
He handed her half of the slice and they fed each other, licking the butter from one another’s fingers.
“My heart is yours,” she said, “It always has been, and I swear that’s never changing.”
“Keep swearing, honey, because nobody and nothing’s going to take mine from you either.”
Their kiss was slow, starting at the corners of their mouths, tasting the salty seams of each other’s lips, and opening to the sweetness that only comes with deep familiarity.
“Oh—“ She startled without breaking away. “Butterfly wings! The baby woke up. It must like the bread.”
Haymitch wiped his hands on a towel near the cutting board, then he cradled the bump on Effie’s belly. She cleaned her hands too so she could guide him to the rapid flutter.
He soaked up the movement. With the one they buried, he didn’t get to feel this. They never got to feel her alive. “This one’s strong already.”
Effie simply nodded because she knew if she said anything, then joy would spill from her eyes, and she wanted to keep it all.
“...Strong like my wife,” he said.
Joy spilled regardless, even in silence. Her tears were saltier than the butter, and he kissed every drop. The sunshower was beginning.
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earthfluuke · 4 years
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happy 2gether day friday, everyone! i absolutely loved episode 10, and so many parts of it stuck in my mind and somehow...this happened. 
this isn’t the official next part of my nymph!tine au. it’s more like a side story, a little treat! so i hope you all enjoy!!
(also i’m not sure when or why this got so emotional. so if you like that, you’re welcome, and if you don’t, i’m so sorry.)
parts: 1 / 2 / 2.5
Sarawat wakes to a heaviness on his chest that should be suffocating but is instead grounding. Just as he feels his breath hitch in the back of his throat, it is released in a long, airy sigh when he notices the tufts of dark hair lying against his collarbone and the long lashes decorating pink tinted cheeks.
At first, he believes this moment – this beautiful, wish fulfilling moment – must be a dream, one he’s had to wake to so many sad mornings. But then his pretty nymph is fluttering his pretty eyes open, blinking away the sleep from them before flickering them upwards to meet his own. The sag of Tine’s cheek against his shoulder and the heavy drumming of his own heart is enough to tell him that this is very much real.
The past catches up with him the longer he’s awake. Earlier that day, they had set the guitar aside in favor of cuddling close and twining together. The gentle wind and the rustle of the leaves above them had sung them into an early afternoon nap. While the sun still hangs high in the sky, it dares to dip the littlest bit, leaving light oranges and pinks in its wake.
Palm caressing the small of Tine’s back up to the space between his shoulder blades, Sarawat asks softly, “Sleep well?”
None of the normal replies come. There’s no nuzzle to his chin or kiss to the shell of his ear. There’s only an alarming stillness, and Sarawat looks down in worry.
Tine’s head is ducked, but there’s little signs that only Sarawat can notice, that only Sarawat can think to look for. There’s a light tremble to the hand Tine has around his bicep as well as a thick, stuttering inhale of breath. But the most telling, what has Sarawat scrambling to get his palms around his cheeks, is the lone tear that falls on to his shirt and soaks through the fabric.
Tilting Tine’s head up, fingers spread back to his temples, he sees nothing but wide pupils, a red tipped nose, watery eyes that dare to spill over. He holds himself together as much as threatens to fall apart. But Sarawat has him through the unfathomably happy and the soul crushingly sad; no matter how many pieces Tine breaks into, he will find a way to put him back together.
He moves to sit up and gather Tine into his lap, but he is forced back down before he can even get his back against the tree trunk. Fingers curled into the front of his shirt, Tine holds him in place. As soft and angelic as he may look, Tine is strong. Though he need not be; the hold he has on Sarawat’s heart is enough to have him lying in this field like this for a lifetime.
And yet he won’t let go, He’s adamant to keep Sarawat where he is, will not let him move even a hair’s distance away. And with that, he knows all he needs to.
Rid of the need for frantic questions to determine just what is wrong, Sarawat breathes a sympathetic smile as he cards his fingers through Tine’s hair with one hand while the other strokes over his high cheekbone.
“I know,” he whispers, tone gentle and subdued, the one he has only and will only ever use for Tine. “I want this too. I want it more and more every day.”
Hand moving to the back of Tine’s head, his fingers stroke inward, then back out, comforting while still keeping his gaze to him.
Sarawat continues, “This is what I think of, when I can’t fall asleep at night. I’ll close my eyes and try to imagine you there next to me. And just as I finally drift off, I think that when I open my eyes in the morning, you’ll be there next to me. You never are.” He pauses for a breath, for a long stroke of his thumb over a thin tear track. “I’ll still get to see you; I know that I will. But it isn’t the same.”
Head tilting in, their foreheads press together, their noses touch, their breaths intertwine. They’re together now, and that is what’s important, what he needs to get through to Tine.
“For you to be the last thing I see before I fall asleep and the first thing I see when I wake up; there is nothing in this world that I want more than that.” He chuckles softly. “I don’t think you’d like my room though. It’s too dark for your liking. I can see it now; you’d grow flowers any place you could, just to make it brighter.”
If a live in greenhouse was all it took to have Tine in his bed, he would have built one ages ago. But there are too many threats, too many horrifying possibilities, to even consider risking Tine’s safety. His happiness will always come second to that.
“But even if that isn’t something I can have,” he says as Tine’s tears finally flood over, streaking over Sarawat’s fingers, “I can still have you; we can still have each other. That is something that will never go away. You hear me, gorgeous? You have me for as long as you like.”
That’s when Tine falls, and there’s no hesitation when Sarawat catches him. Holding him close, he presses his face into his neck, accepting the tears that fall over his skin and down the collar of his shirt.
Leaves tickle his cheek on either side. Tine’s hands had slipped from his shoulders to the grass, leaving two budding blooms in their place. With a glance to his left, there’s a violet cyclamen. Separation. Poison. Pain. To his right, there’s a red salvia. Forever. Mine. Love. Stark contradictions, they mirror the inevitability of their relationship. Just like these flowers, there is beauty in what defines the two of them.
“I love you,” Sarawat says against his skin, hoping for it to sink in and stick to every part of him. “I’ll love you forever, no matter what.”
The small kisses Tine presses to his jaw promises the love is mutual. That is truly what is most important to Sarawat. There are some things they just cannot have; but they can have each other. Nothing else can compare to that.
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mochi-and-indigo · 4 years
You’re mine...
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Joseph x Reader
Word count: 3609
Triggers: Mention of blood
A/N: Hi! This is our first story writing together and we are both very proud of it. We hope that you like it as much as we do. Also if there are any triggers we left out please tell us so we can put it in!
Joseph gets overprotective of Y/N when he realized who they are.
Normally all stories start with a tragic beginning and well I guess this one is no different. My name is Y/N and let me get you caught up on how my life became something worse than a nightmare. As a kid, my mother and father were always quite busy taking care of my siblings. I'd hardly get to talk with my parents and they seemed to think it was just due to me being antisocial. It hurt me deep down but I got past it by reading books and learning how to paint. Sure that may sound cliche, but it's what I did to pass time.
A couple of weeks before my 23rd birthday, a strange letter appeared. The letter was sealed with a wax stamp as the paper was also tied together with twine. That wasn't the only strange thing about the envelope..It didn´t have an address.
The letter was an offer to join a game of cat and mouse. A game where survivors run away from hunters and must decode ciphers in order to open a gate to escape. I originally thought it would be just a small joke so I decided to go to where the letter had told me. Along with, I had nothing else better to do and I was bored with my current life.
The manor was dark and gloomy, it almost appeared to be rundown and maybe abandoned. Once I  built up enough courage, I stepped inside. I noticed the beautifully furnished manor, from the hand railings to the paintings. It was hard to believe this manor was the same as the one outside. “Hello?” I called out. A shorter woman with a straw hat peeked her head through the door. “Hey, we’re in here!” The woman said as she motioned me to go into the room as well. When I entered the room, I saw an array of strange looking people. They varied in color themes, shapes, and smells. The woman wearing the straw hat gave me a wide smile. “You must be a new survivor! My name is Emma Woods, I am the gardener of the manor!” 
Her cheerful attitude caught you slightly off guard. “Hello,Emma. I am Y/n L/n. I currently don't know what I am to the manor.” Everyone in what I assumed to be the dining room, began to go round and introduce themselves. Out of everyone, a certain someone caught my eye. It was a man with an owl on his shoulder. He wore a blindfold over his eyes which caused me to question how the man could see.
I noticed his owl had been staring at me for quite a while so I decided to approach him. He looked like he was a tad bit startled as I walked to him. His owl looked away from me as he began to speak. “Hello, welcome to the manor. My name is Eli as you heard earlier, I am the Seer, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He gave me a small smile as he extended his gloved hand out to me. I took his hand and shook it. “It's A pleasure to meet you as well, Eli.” His owl let out a small hoot, as if it were trying to also say hello. I nodded towards the owl trying to show that I knew what it was saying, even though I didn’t have one small clue at what I was supposed to do.
I give him a small smile before Emma starts to drag me off to the room I was staying in. I wish I could have seen Eli for even a second more but it was already too late since Emma pushed me into the room I was assigned. I sighed softly to myself as Emma started to explain the rules with the manor which got me a bit sad since I wouldn’t be able to talk to my parents anymore. Not to mention I did leave a note saying I ran away so they probably think I’m dead by now. Whoops. Emma explained everything to me, which took an hour since I’m not that smart when it comes to human interaction and learning new things. I started to unpack all my things in the room I was in before going down to the dining room to eat dinner.
Joseph´s POV
I was enjoying a nice glass of tea in the library when all of a sudden Jack rushed into the room with Michiko behind him. “The baron says there is a new survivor joining. Want to go try and find out more information on the newcomer?” I rolled my eyes at the taller male. “No thank you. I’d rather not pry into other people's business, unlike you.” Jack sent me a small glare as I heard Michiko whisper about him owning her money. I went back to peacefully drinking tea until Mary walked in, casually complaining about something I had no interest in. “AND NEXT THING I KNOW, I AM GETTING SHOT BY TWO PUTAIN DE FLARE GUNS!” Mary cursed. Angry at what just happened to her while throwing her glass shards across the room, breaking a window in front of me. 
“Mary, Darling calm down please we don’t need to have 10 more broken windows like yesterday” I sigh while holding my forehead, too annoyed and stressed to deal with her at the moment. Mary shot me a glare. “You cannot tell me what to do! I am a Queen and you are a mere peasant compared to me!” Mary spat as she started to grab her shoe before throwing it at me but I merely dodged it in a second. “Mary I am not a peasant. Don’t forget how I was a Dukel.” I explained. Mary scoffed and stomped out of the room like usual. As I watched her leave I contemplated throwing my teacup at her. 
“How dare you!?” Mary screamed as loud as she could. Making the ground feel like it shook beneath me as I realized that I had messed up. I stood up as fast as I could before running out of the room, jumping through the broken window she had created with her broken shard and headed for the roof. Mary cursed loudly at me from the Library room as I sigh knowing she would never dare follow me to the roof. 
While sitting on the roof, I peered into a window on the survivors side of the manor only to see a room that was recently vacant, filled with clothing and bedsheets. On top of what appeared to be fresh bed sheets laid a survivor with h/l h/c hair sleeping peacefully. Even from a distance I could tell that this must be the new survivor Jack was trying to get to know. I grew interested in who this person was so I headed back down to the dining room where everyone was to try and find Jack. With just enough luck I found him talking to Robbie and Yima trying to teach them to stop stealing the cookies that Yidrah made for everyone. 
“Jack!” I called out to him causing him to turn his head towards me but soon shot a glare at my face. “What do you want, George Washington?” He said quite aggressively in a teasing way as I sighed and motioned for him to follow me outside, “I want to know more about the new survivor you were speaking of.” After saying that Jack quickly shot up from his chair, dragging me outside with a bright smile, “I’ll tell you everything I know!” He exclaimed. I softly smiled as Jack explained to me that the new survivor was none other than y/n. I felt something pounding in my chest the moment he spoke their name. A strange feeling in my stomach. Was this what people meant when they said there were butterflies in their stomach. Wait, no… That isn’t it, the word is flustered. 
I glanced out the nearest window that I could see to try and figure out if I could see their room from where I was. “Dang it…” I mumbled under my breath as I couldn’t see their room so I quickly ran up to my room, leaving Jack confused on what was happening. I slammed open my window to see if I could see across the yard to the survivors manor, to their room. Surely enough I could see them, sitting on a chair that was quite comfortable to what they’ve mentioned in my past life. Reading one of their favorite books, a soft smile as their eyes filled with excitement with each word they read as if they haven’t read the same book for the one millionth time. I softly smiled at what they were doing before they looked up at me, making eye contact for a second as I jumped back panicky. Falling on the floor hard as I covered my face with my hands, praying, wishing, hoping. They didn’t really see me.
 “Joseph are you o-... Kay-?” Mary asked as she had barged into my room, seeing how pathetic I was now. Stuck on the ground as it felt like something was paralyzing me as my face felt like it was on fire that needed to be put out. Mary suddenly grew a large grin, that I knew wasn’t a good thing as she walked over to the window I was just at and waved to y/n. I panicked more, pulling on her legs for her to get down but she wouldn’t budge. “Mary get down!!”
“Calm down lover boy, if you pull me down they’ll worry” Mary said between her teeth as she was smiling. “I see you have a little crush on y/n hm?” Mary said as I knew she was teasing me. I wouldn’t let her tease me but I was too vulnerable not to be as I sat in the corner of the room and nodded. Mary looked over to me, shocked at how I was acting as she left the window and crotched in front of me. “Joseph… You actually like something other than me?” Mary said in an offended tone. 
I panicked again as she started to pout and made this whole situation worse for my mind but then I realized that I could calm down. Having her focus on herself would make her forget me staring at y/n and everything would be ok. Until she randomly stopped talking and started to walk out. Before she closed the door she smirked darkly at me and said, “Also,” she started as she leaned against the door frame, “Don’t forget you have a match with Y/N~” I started to panic again before hearing her evil laughter echo through the empty halls of the manor.
The Match: y/n’s pov
My first ever match. When I tell you I could feel my heart drop to my stomach, I mean it. I only agreed to this whole chaotic game thinking it was all some stupid joke, but it turns out it wasn’t. I was matched with Eli, Emily and Emma. Emma was trying to convince me that it would all turn out ok if I stuck with her or Emily but what was all about to happen couldn’t settle down in the back of my brain. I started to have a slight panic attack which is when Eli touched my shoulder and told me, “It’ll be ok y/n, you’ll do great.” with a soft smile which soon made me happy and calm down. Little did I know, a certain photographer had seen everything that had just occurred. 
Joseph’s Pov
Mary´s words hadn't left my head all morning. As soon as the match began I felt a bead of sweat run down my forehead, until I spotted the worst thing possible. A certain Seer was putting his hands on something that was not his. I quickly activated my camera world and quickly incopacitated the Seer´s mirror image. It was strange for I did not terrorshock the Seer and yet he went down in one hit. That is when I realized how tightly of a grip I had on my sword. I knew I was upset but.. Why was I this upset? 
Something felt off but oddly enough it felt right. It felt as though I should be happy the Seer went down in one single hit. As I chaired the mirror image, my camera world collapsed leaving the Seer downed in some place on the map. As the camera world disappeared I could see a trail of blood that came from the Seer. Following it before it disappeared I see Y/N healing him as fast as they could with him helping them. Seeing that in front of my eyes made me mad yet happy and in love to know that Y/N cared about others. As I slowly approached them I mumbled, “I’m sorry my love” before terror shocking them. A loud, painful scream leaving their soft, light peach lips as I immediately regret it. Wanting to hold them close to my body but I couldn’t as I knew I had a job.
I picked up the Seer as I placed him down in a nearby chair, wanting him to get sent back already so I could have Y/N all to myself. As I glance over to where Y/N was before, they weren’t there. I started to panic as I looked all around for them before running off to search for them. 
Y/N’s Pov
Emily had told me she made a plan with Emma as Joseph was looking for me. Emily had helped me over to a huge rock before healing me as fast as I’ve ever seen someone heal. Emily stood up and told me to run across the map to the cipher behind the wall that was in my sight. I nodded to show I understood as I started to run as fast as I could. Scared to get caught as Emily glanced over at Emma and gave her a thumbs up to signal it was time for phase two. 
Emma smiled widely as she took off running to the rocket chair, letting Eli go before Joseph ran over to them and tried to hit Emma since Eli had run towards me. Emma was teasing the hunter behind the pallet she had knocked over before Joseph destroyed it and Emma knew she was in trouble. Emma started to run fast as Emily jumped in and took Emma’s spot, getting hit by the hunter before grabbing Emma’s hand and hid with her behind a large wall.
Knowing Emma, Emily and Eli were safe made me feel better but didn’t help with what had just happened as I started to decode the cipher machine that was in front of me the best I could before I messed up and started to panic.I looked around to see if anyone was around as I remembered what Eli said, “Whenever you mess up make sure to go hide somewhere but somewhere where you can watch him go to the cipher and leave completely” which is what I did. I looked around for something to hide in but I couldn’t find a good hiding spot other than a tall, bright orange, rusted locker. I opened it quickly and climbed inside as I heard heavy footsteps slowly approach. 
Through the bars of the locker, I saw Joseph look around, wearing a small glare. I quickly covered my mouth so I wouldn't make any noise. There was a small knock on the door before the door to the locker flew open. I tumbled out of the locker and began to fall until a strong pair of arms caught me. “There you are, mon chéri.~” The photographer cooed. I began to struggle out of his grip as he picked me up instead of using the balloons like I saw him do to Eli. “Put me down!” I scream as I had my eyes closed, too scared to look up at the photographer. 
“Now why would I do that Y/N? I thought you would remember me by now” He spoke into my ear as it sent shivers down my spine. I shook my head as I looked up at him, “Why would I remember someone like you” I asked which I soon regret. Anger and hatred filled Joseph's eyes as he dropped me somewhere where we both knew no one would find as he sat down in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. “Do you not remember?... Me?” He asked in hope I would say yes but I shook my head from left to right. Nothing coming to mind until he said his name, “Joseph Desaulniers? Does this name not ring a bell..?” 
My eyes widen as wide as they have before as I try to stand up and back away before I feel a shooting pain go up from my back to my head. Falling back onto the ground, holding my head as he pulled me to his lap as he had a soft smile. “Don’t try to move you’ll hurt yourself mon chéri” I sigh softly out of pain as he was holding me like I was his child. No, as I was his wife which confused me but I didn’t move because I didn’t want to get hurt.
“Let me go Joseph…” I mumbled as he shook his head fast, “Can’t do that, you're mine and you know this so tell me… Why did you run away and disappear?” I sat there in silence as I looked up at him. “I don’t know… I wanted freedom from everything. No one cared about me-” I started before he interrupted and said, “I cared about you, I was going to ask you to marry me you know. But you ran away before I could do so…” I gave Joseph a small glare. “And I would have declined. I didn't nor do I now love you. You were always busy with the other woman and men at the dances. I love Claude, not you. Claude was there for me, not you. You never made time for me. You treated me like a child!” I spat as I crossed my arms and looked away from him. 
“I always made ti-” He started but I didn’t let him finish. “Don’t you even dare say you made time for me and never treated me like a child because you did and you know it! I ran away because no one cared or noticed! I bet no one even went on a search for little old me!!” By Joseph’s silence I could tell that I was right. No one came looking for me so what even was the point to stay here. When I tried to stand up Joseph stopped me  and shook his head from left to right showing that he didn’t want me to go. Holding me softly against his body I closed my eyes with a soft sigh leaving my lips. “You died so what was the point?”
“The point was that you could have told me.” Joseph closed his eyes too as he started to braid my hair carefully like he used to. “You never listened.”
“If you told me that it was this bad I would have, I’m sorry for never spending time with you and I’ll fix that if you give me another chance.” he started, trying to get me to give him a second chance but it was too late. We were both trapped in this new game and he had one job, kill me and send me back to the manor as for mine was to doge him and escape with my teammates. “Joseph I can’t give you another chance. You know what situation we´re in and if I ever wanted too I wouldn't because I’m done with being ignored. You need to understand that.”
Joseph’s eyes darkened. “Listen, I am trying my best to be nice here mon chéri.” He said in almost a threatening tone. He began to yank my hair while braiding it. “And alas, my dear brother Claude had passed away after you left.” I noticed his eyes soften at the mention of Claude´s name. “He..died..?” I could feel my heart shatter into thousands of pieces. The only person who paid attention to me and saw me for me was dead. 
“Even if Claude were alive,” Joseph continued, “you wouldn't like him anymore. After your disappearance, he changed. He had become more rude and hostile.” I looked up at the photographer who was now fixing the bow in his hair. “Claude would never. You’re nothing but a dirty liar!” I shouted at the photographer. Just then, an alarm rang through the map. The last cipher had been popped. I quickly shot up from Joseph’s grip, running towards the exit gate but almost falling in the process. I could feel Joseph’s glare burn the back of my head as he chased after me. I luckily made it to the exit gate where Eli was as he ran over to me and began to try to open the gate. The gate wouldn't budge. My only escape from this chaos wouldn't let me leave. Joseph stuck Eli hard with his sword before walking off with Eli in the balloons. Making sure to step on Eli’s back hard as he walked away from me. “If I can’t have you,no one can.”
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Ring Size
[X] Based off this post
"Dude, give me your hand." Dean grabs Sam's hand and holds it.
"What? What are you doing, Dean?" Sam bitchfaced at him but let Dean hold his hand and then twine their fingers together.
Dean dropped Sam's huge hand and groaned. "No! Your hand is too big!"
Sam blinked at him confused as he closed the book he was reading on the table before turning to look at his brother. "Did you hit your head? What year is it?"
"Shut up, Sammy. I'm trying to do an important experiment."
"And what's that? How to bother your brother in less than a minute?"
"Yeah, I heard you're good at that so I came for advice," Dean said before he hit Sam on the shoulder with his own book. "I'm being serious! I need help."
"What else is new?" Sam joked and then laughed as Dean hit him again. "Okay. Okay, what do you need help with?"
Dean sighed and looked down at the floor as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, "I need to know Cas's ring size."
"What? Why?"
Dean gave his brother his own bithchface, "What do you think, dumbass?"
Sam stared at him for a second before it finally clicked. His expression changed from excitement to teasing real quick, "Wait, you serious? You're thinking of proposing to Cas?"
"Shhh," Dean said loudly and looked around the library to make sure Cas wasn't around before he nodded. "Yeah, I think so."
"Wow, never thought you would be picking out wedding rings."
"Yeah, well, me neither and now I don't know what I should be doing."
"But why did you want to hold my hand?"
"Oh, I thought maybe if I find someone who feels like Cas hand then they would have the same ring size! Smart huh?" Dean proudly grins while Sam shakes his head as he rolls his eyes. "What? It's not like I can just bring it up in casual conversation!"
Sam shrugs, "I guess you're right."
Dean then spends a few days holding different people's hands. He would even go up to random strangers that kind of resembled Cas hand and explain what he was doing so he can hold their hands. Dean has been holding Cas hand for 6 years now so he knows how it should feel.
"That guy looks like he has Dad's hand." Jack pointed at their waiter who was waking them to their table. And damn, Jack was right but Cas is with them so he can't just go up to the man and ask to hold his hand.
"And here's your table." The waiter said as he motioned towards the booth.
Dean panicked a little and held his hand out towards him and said a quick, "Thanks for your service."
The man blinked at him in surprise and slowly took Dean's hand to shake it. "Oh, um, you're...welcome?"
Dean didn't even answer as he stared at the man in awe because this dude was the closest to Cas hand he has found in five days. But how was he to talk to him alone to explain what he was doing?
Dean looked towards Jack and nodded. Jack beamed a smile back at Dean while Cas was staring at both of them with narrowed eyes and scrunched up eyebrows.
"What-?" Cas started but Jack stood up.
"I forgot something in the car! Cas, come get it with me?" Jack pulled on Cas arm as Cas struggles to slide out of the booth.
"What? What did you forget that can't wait?" Cas said as Jack dragged him out the front door.
Dean then turned back and smiled at the waiter who pulled his hand away. reasonable to look so creeped out.
"Sorry about that," Dean started. "That was my Kid and his Dad."
"Oh?" The waiter said clearly uncomfortable but Dean had to ask.
"Sorry this is gonna sound weird but I wanna propose to his Dad, you know that dreamy guy."
"Congratulations? Are you guys still eating or-?"
"Oh yeah! Yeah for sure and I'll give you a big tip if you can just tell me your ring size."
"Your hand is the same size as his and I can't just ask him for his ring size cause that would make it obvious!" Dean laughed as the man stared at him in a mix of horror and confusion. Dean then just blinks at the man and with a desperate voice says, "Please?"
Dean ended up giving the man a Benjamin for the ring size.
When Cas and Jack walked back in Cas was already lecturing the poor kid about using his strength to pull on him. Cas takes a seat next to Dean and Dean pulls Cas close to kiss his cheek.
Cas turns to smile at him as he leans against Dean's side, "You okay?"
Dean nods, "Peachy."
The next day Jack and Sam go with Dean to the jewelers to pick out the ring. Dean was gonna make a big sappy proposal like in the movies but as soon as he had the ring he couldn't stop himself from popping the question.
"I know it's just a stupid human concept and technically I'm dead and you...well you don't even exist in a legal sort of way...but Cas," Dean gets in one knee right in the middle of the garage where Cas was waiting for them to get home. Dean's voice was shaky as he held the ring out towards Cas, who came in complaining about the washer machine. "My angel, I know we are already stuck together for...well for forever but marry me? Marry me and be mine for the rest of whatever days we have."
Cas was staring at him with watery blue eyes, his tears making his eyes look like an overfilled lake. The only reassurance Dean had was Cas small smile playing on his lips but still no answer.
"Dad," Jack whispered after a few seconds of silence. "You're supposed to say yes."
"Oh!" Cas said as he nodded. "Yes! Yes, Dean, I'll love to marry you."
Dean sighed in relief and fell back on his ass as he relaxed, "Oh fuck, you scared the shit out of me, Cas."
"Did you really doubt I would say no to you, Dean?" Cas laughed and Dean grinned up at his boyfriend, no fiance.
"No, but still, you know how to make a man wait."
"Look who's talking," Cas said as he held out his hand in front of Dean's face. "Is that not for me?"
"Oh yeah!" Dean scrambled back on one knee and held his breath as he slid the ring on Cas finger. Dean heard Sam and Jack sigh in relief along with him when it fits. "Bless you, Josh."
"Josh?" Cas asked confused.
Dean sat up and took Cas face between his hands. "Long story, Babe."
"Oh well we have time-" Cas was interrupted by Dean kissing him. Cas was clearly jealous and Dean thought it was cute that Cas believed anybody else compared to him. He already got to call the best human/angel/hunter his boyfriend and soon he gets to call him his husband.
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Rules of Engagement: Smushing Faces
A bell chimes beside them as the front door creaks open, dragging Axel and Roxas’ clouded minds back to a different feverish kiss at the top of a clock tower. For a moment they can feel the deafening clanging of a much larger bell vibrating through them, shaking their strong bodies like leaves in a rainstorm. 
They slowly separate at the thump of heavy footsteps a few feet away and the neutral, slightly weary grunt that follows as Aeleus catches sight of them lip-locked. Aeleus does an about face and clomps away, toward the designated shelf where Axel and Roxas set aside materials made for the scientists and guards of the Radiant Garden castle.
Roxas carefully shifts himself into a more socially appropriate position on Axel’s lap, and after a minute watching Aeleus loading items into his arms to heft out to his cart parked out front, Roxas pipes up, “Do you need help with those, man?”
Aeleus glances back to them warily, his lip lifting slightly upward at the more tender sight of Axel gently kissing the top of Roxas’ head as Roxas tangles their fingers together in an unnecessarily intricate knot. 
“Not just yet, Master Roxas,” Aeleus rumbles in his deep bass, brushing his gloves together to release ashy residue from the crate he’s just shifted. “Go about your business. I’ll let you know.” 
“Go about your business,” Axel echoes, as Aeleus returns to his. He turns his own attention back to Roxas, and chuckles, shaking his head. “Aeleus cracks me up.” 
Roxas blinks, miffed. “I don’t think he was trying to be funny…”    
“You haven’t known him as long as I have,” Axel argues airily. He shrugs when Roxas looks unconvinced and reaches for the bag of jalapeño poppers as Roxas sweeps it away, amusement and exasperation narrowing his eyes. 
“Dude, your hands are filthy.”
“Ordinarily, I’d take that as a compliment,” Axel replies and offers an insinuating smirk which sinks into a pout, “but I’m starving.” Roxas snorts, but continues to hold the bag out of reach, as if this could actually stop Axel, who has nearly twice his wingspan.   
“Hm.” Axel contemplates his palms, blackened with ash and metal, until he catches hold of a better idea. “Well, then, Roxas, I guess you’re just going to have to feed me or get up.” He pats Roxas’ thigh, all deceptively heavy, compact muscle, and Roxas groans in reply, clearly unwilling to move after his long morning skateboarding through half the kingdom running errands. 
“Mine aren’t much better.” Roxas frowns, glancing at his own skin, sooty and damp from Axel’s palms, clothes, sweat. After thinking for a second, he stretches them out over the floor and mumbles, “Water.” A light spray appears from the ether to rinse them clean.
Axel hums, head cocking. “Now do the spell for soap.”
Roxas makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat and then shakes the bag again emphatically. “Shut up, or I won’t feed you.”
It’s Axel’s turn to sound strangled, but then he pantomimes zipping his trap until Roxas nods, unloading a pair of bottles from a tote bag Aerith had helped him hand-sew in one of their classes, and handing them off to Axel to open, before lifting one of the heavenly smelling crescent wrapped rolls from the bag and brushing off the flaky, buttery crumbs. 
Axel’s brows rise as he twists the metal caps off the bottles and leans in to sniff them. “You didn’t manage to get…?”
Roxas twists his head in the negative, smile wistful. “Cream soda. But Elrena made it herself.” 
“Ah,” Axel nods seriously, as he pockets the bottle caps, “so it’s probably poisoned cream soda.”     
“C’mon,” Roxas chides, with that blink and you miss it smile, nudging him with his shoulder, “Elrena’s so nice now.” 
“I know. Maybe I’m a hypocrite, but it creeps me out.” Axel smiles back, conspiratorial, gesturing with both hands despite the bottles. “Keep waiting for her to snap.” He watches Roxas steal the first bite of the jalapeño popper and his tongue fumbles, volume rising, “Babe, you might not want to take that big a bite of—”
Roxas meets Axel’s gaze in a steady, playful challenge, starts to chew, and then his face contorts. “Aw, fug! Ax’l—!” His hands start flailing, eyes beginning to water. “My mouff’s on fyre!” 
Axel’s brows furrow with concern, as he lifts his hand to Roxas’ mouth, though he can’t quite subdue his smirk. “You’ve never eaten a jalapeño before, have you, darlin’?” 
Roxas spits the food into Axel’s outstretched palm without hesitation, and then Axel lifts one of the bottles to Roxas’ mouth, and tips it back. 
Roxas’ pink cheeks fade, the tension pinching his nose lessening as he chugs it down. Axel finds himself distracted by the muscles in Roxas’ neck working, swallowing, and the dribbles of frothy white foam spilling slowly out the sides of his mouth. As Roxas starts to cough, Axel scolds his mind for going somewhere indecent, and fumbles to help him right the bottle without dropping his own.
Axel sticks the unchewed half a jalapeño popper that had been in his boyfriend’s mouth into his own to free his ash-stained hand, and uses it to better support Roxas, who is leaning forward, cringing in disapproval through a minor coughing spasm. 
Which, Axel thinks, is a bit unfair, considering Roxas is the one with liquid sugar dripping tantalizingly down his face.   
“Ugh.” Roxas rubs at the liquid dripping down his jawline, as Axel chews, and the spices set his own mouth pleasantly ablaze. “How can you eat that?”
“If I was afraid of your germs, Roxas,” Axel leans in, tone dropping into an intimate hiss, before his tongue stretches to lap at a drip Roxas missed. “I wouldn’t have had my tongue down your throat two minutes ago.” 
Roxas shuts his eyes, works his jaw, and presses his fingertips to Axel’s cheek, hand twitching as if unsure whether to pull him closer or push him off, as the sting of spice from Axel’s tongue hits his skin. “I me’n’ the jalapeños,” he mumbles, too breathy to quite pull off indignant, neck arching just a bit as Axel’s tongue traces cream soda further down his jawline. “They’re definitely poisoned.” 
There’s a bang of metal on metal as Aeleus works across the room, and Axel snickers, kissing Roxas’ cheek one last time before pulling away. “They’re an acquired taste. And, speaking of poison, there’s definitely booze in this.” He lifts the remaining bottle of cream soda to his lips, and Roxas watches, head shaking. 
“I knew they’d be spicy. I like spicy, but,” Roxas winces, his own tongue sticking out, “blegh. They’re like if Firaga was a pastry. Yeah,” he glances at the cream soda bottle, remembering the way Elrena had winked at him and told him to have fun when she handed them over, “I don’t know how she got away with it, but,” he tilts the bottle and watches the amber content slosh, “this has to be, like, half rum.” 
“You didn’t think we were the only ones opening dark corridors when we’re not supposed to, did you, Roxas? Where there’s a will—” Axel’s nose crinkles, laughing as Roxas takes another swig. “Whoa, you just chugged half a bottle. Slow down there, buddy.”
“Trying to get the taste out of my mouff…”
Roxas has downed the entire bottle of soda before Axel finally persuades him it’s not a form of manslaughter to feed him the other half of the first jalapeño popper. Axel chews with exaggerated relish, Roxas watching with a mix of awe, disgust, and apprehension.    
“So, you got stuck talking to Xemnas earlier, huh?” Axel asks around another bite. “Yeah.” Roxas brushes crumbs from the back of his hand and the collar of Axel’s tunic. “I think I accidentally agreed to Org family brunch next week.” He pulls another pained face. “You have to help me get out of it. Isa will ask me if I’ve been applying myself.” 
Axel chuckles. “You have been applying yourself. Ansem said our science project showed ‘great promise.’ That’s scientist speak for ‘fucking awesome.’” He rubs Roxas’ lower back in attempt to ease his concerns. “And Xemnas gave you full marks for your book report comparing The Lord of the Flies to current events in Neverland.”
“I know,” Roxas frowns and sets his bottle on the bench beside him with a clink, “but when Isa asks, I go brain-dead.” 
“He has that effect on people,” Axel jabs fondly. “But don’t forget, he’s taking a few classes too. Xemnas didn’t teach his employee of the month everything.” Roxas scowls, though it seems directed inward. “Talking about my education makes him so serious. He’s easier to talk to over frisbee or construction work or guitar lessons with Demy.” He shrugs. “I know he means well.” 
“Hm.” Axel glances to the blur of the fire in the hearth in thought, swishing his palm to bring the blazes down as the heat of the jalapeños spreads through his throat. He swallows. “I’ll see what I can do. We did just have them over for dinner. Speaking of,” he fixes his eyes on Roxas again, “what the hell did you talk about? Xemnas just talked our ears off two days ago.” Roxas rolls his eyes. “You know Xemnas. Everything.” He shifts his hand over the bottle at his side, murmurs again, and it starts to fill with water. “First, he talked about Isa and what a good job he’s doing with HR and Staffing for the Restoration Committee and managing our community service hours, which, by the way, we’re Thursday…” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I pissed Leon off at the market yesterday when I got the last avocado, so I hope you’re ready for some hard labor.”
Roxas gives an exaggerated sigh and tries to cuff Axel’s shoulder. Axel dodges, catching Roxas’ hand in his wrist, and leaning to press his lips to Roxas’ temple. 
“So, we talked about Isa, for, like, fifteen minutes straight,” Roxas continues, as if uninterrupted, twining their fingers together with one hand and sipping his rum and sugar flavored water with the other. 
“Well,” Axel considers evenly, “he and Isa are smushing face.”
Water spurts from Roxas’ nose and it takes him a moment to collect himself. He knows Isa and Xemnas are definitely and officially together, but out in public, they seem convinced that anything more than wrapping their arms around each other or standing with their shoulders touching is reprehensible PDA. Xemnas had pecked Isa on the cheek during dinner and Roxas’ jaw had about dropped open.  
When Roxas has collected himself, he continues again, “Then I made the mistake of asking what he’s got planned for the next issue of The Radiant Garden Gazette.” “Oh, Roxas,” Axel cringes sympathetically, “you didn’t.” Roxas sets down his drink and begins ticking articles off on his fingers, “He’s doing a review of Elrena’s tavern, updates on Xigbar’s appeal, a feature with Jiminy about some of the therapy techniques he’s using with us former Org members, an ‘illuminating’ critique of Leon’s work on the street lamps, or lack thereof… Oh! And he wants us to help with the tavern food reviews as our ELA assignment for the week. ‘Dishing on the dishes,’ I think he called it. Anyway, he’ll text us the details.”
“Gees,” Axel whistles, “he didn’t spare any of the details.”
“I think he’s just excited.” Roxas shrugs. They can talk trash, but they both read Xemnas’ paper together the day it comes out and revel in the drama for weeks after. “We all know how much work he puts into it.” 
“He makes sure of that,” Axel bemoans, grin betraying his amusement. “He let you get a word in edgewise?” “Oh. Yeah.” Roxas winces, pushes back his bangs. He likes people, but making lengthy conversation is not his cup of tea, and Xemnas doesn’t accept one-word answers without a fight. 
“He asked how we’re settling into the apartment and how our other classes are going. Then he asked if we’d heard about Aeleus and Dilan’s engagement. Then he asked if business has picked up, and if I like having Ven as my sponsor. Then,” Roxas leans in, growing more animated, “he asked if it’s true that your Sponsor of Light, Riku, thinks you and I should break up, and if I really told him he should go fuck himse—” 
To Roxas’ disappointment, Axel cuts off his blood-thirsty grin with a swipe of his hand, “Whoa there, Rox, back it up. Aeleus and Dilan got engaged?” 
“Oh.” Roxas blinks a couple times. “Yeah! He told me I should tell you about that, but then he said, never mind, you were probably the first to know, because something about a ring.” They pass a couple seconds in steady silence, each waiting for the other to offer some kind of explanation. “Honestly, he kind of lost me, but he sounded pretty excited, so…” Roxas shrugs, open handed, earnest, “I think it’s probably a good thing.”  
Axel mouths something wordlessly, his brows nearing his hairline, and then glances around the shop for Aeleus, who is no longer in it. 
Roxas makes an agitated sound, and Axel finds his voice. 
“The ring was—the ring was an engagement ring?”
“I mean,” Roxas tilts his head, wondering what he’s missing, “that’s what Xemnas called it. Why? What’s...” 
Axel starts fumbling to put down the bottle and paper bag in his hands, so Roxas scooches off of his lap, starts to tuck the lunch items into his tote, and watches his slightly frantic, but grinning boyfriend with a growing frown. “Are you... okay?”
“Aeleus?” Axel calls, leaning half his frame out the window until he spots the man, loading armfuls of enormous iron hammers into his cart with ease. At the commotion, Aeleus brushes off his palms and steps their way. “Aeleus?” Axel calls more emphatically, yelling and waving for the man a few yards off. “That ring I made for Dilan, that was your engagement ring?” 
Axel continues repeating his question as Aeleus walks up. By the time he arrives, and Roxas has joined Axel in leaning most of his body out the window to observe, Axel is a little breathless. 
“I think,” Aeleus’ boots stop with a heavy thud, and his arms cross, contemplating them, “perhaps what you’re trying to say to me is ‘congratulations’?” 
“Yeah,” Axel pantomimes tossing confetti, flickering white sparks rising from his fingertips, and sweeps them away in quick succession. “I mean congratulations, obviously, but…” Aeleus offers a rare quirk of his mouth that’s as close to a smile as Axel has ever seen him get, and then nods. “Thank you, Lea.” Both Aeleus and Axel turn to Roxas, Aeleus’ expression blank and expectant, Axel with one brow quirked, as if he’s surprised Roxas hasn’t done something, though Roxas can’t think what. 
“Congratulations?” Roxas echoes carefully. “Xemnas says this is very big and exciting news.” 
“Er,” Aeleus’ eyes narrow, another glimmer of an almost-smile appearing, as his chin juts in a nod, “yes. Quite.” He waits another beat and when Roxas doesn’t continue, glances to Axel and back. “Thank you, Master Roxas.”
Axel frowns, his jade eyes shifting, raking over Roxas’ face. Unsure what to think, he swiftly tucks his boyfriend under his arm, ruffling his hair to stifle his objections as he turns back to Aeleus, “He’s so surprised he doesn’t know what to say! He’s just found out. We’re over the moon for you both. Really.”
With a huff, Roxas pushes his way out from Axel’s solid grip and hoists himself up to sit on the window frame and glare at him. 
Axel is oblivious, his frantic smile spreading into something more mocking. “So, have you lovebirds started making plans yet? Dates, colors, locales, flowers… bachelor parties?” Axel winks, and Roxas’ intestines attempt to turn themselves inside out.
Aeleus’ frown starts to slip into more of a glower, and Axel leans back, hands up in self-defense, expression softening. “Kidding… I’m kidding. You do you. No rush, obviously. It’s just been a decade since I’ve seen a real Radiant Garden wedding… I mean. Fuck.” He glances up to the faint puffs of clouds, and crosses his ankles, lost in a memory. “Gods,” he mutters, shaking it off, and catching sight of Roxas, before turning back to the groom-to-be. “And Roxas, here, he’s never seen one… I mean, I can’t believe you didn’t tell us! Look at Roxas, he’s speechless.” Axel gestures to him.
“Uh… yeah.” Roxas crosses his arms, nose wrinkling like he can still taste the jalapeño in the corners of his mouth. “I’m speechless.” 
Aeleus offers his tiny, wry smile again. “I imagine Dilan thought you might read between the lines when he made such a specific request.”
Axel nods, arms crossing as he considers this. “I did think it was odd that he wanted to start accessorizing at his age…”
Axel ignores Aeleus’ displeased harrumph, and continues, “This does make more sense. I just wish he had told me.” Axel gestures toward Aeleus’ left hand, and he lifts his trunk-like arm to reveal a simple gold band on one of his beefy digits with a single twist in the metal. “I could have made something with, ya know, a little more pizzazz.” Axel’s fingertips release another round of sparks. 
Aeleus nods, thoughtful as well, considering Axel’s erratic, spiked hair and the smudge on his cheek like his old tattoo, and recalling a distant memory of a child sitting in the sunny town square of Radiant Garden painting grinning flames on his frisbees and flicking paint at his friends when they offered critique. “Perhaps ‘pizzazz’ was what he was trying to avoid? I rather appreciate it as is.”
Axel, who is in the process of hoisting himself up to sit in the window frame beside Roxas finds his foot slipping as he tries to process these words, and he sits harder than he means to, landing on his ass with a thud. “Ah…” Axel blinks as the cloud of ash around him fades off, and frowns at the waiting Aeleus, who’s chuckling at his missteps, a strange, deep, melodic sound. 
 “Maybe,” Axel offers generously. “Whatever floats your boat, I guess.” He rotates his wrist, making sure his hard landing didn’t do any real damage. “Oh!” he glances up abruptly, as Aeleus’ laughter tapers off. “Uh, but congratulations, all the same!” Again, he spares Roxas a side glance, but he remains silent, brow furrowed, watching them carefully.  
“Thank you…” Aeleus nods, sparing Roxas a curious look as well, before glancing over his shoulder to the cart he was loading to take to the castle. “Although, I’d rather you both had heard it from us than from Xemnas… Perhaps I ought to go and tell some of the others… before the news hits publication, so to speak.” He motions back the way he had come and takes a step back toward the road. 
“Yeah, of course, man. Leave your cart here, we’ll take care of it. This is a big deal! I’m sure the scientists will understand if the equipment’s a day late.” Axel nods enthusiastically until his neck feels a little sore. 
 Aeleus nods once in reply and then bids them a final farewell and starts off in the direction of the central town square. As he steps off, Axel calling well wishes to his back, he swears he sees the man’s lips stretch into a full, genuine, toothy smile, and in the distance, he thinks he hears the large man begin to whistle a jaunty tune.
Roxas, silent and still, watches from beside him, the breeze pulling at his bangs, but Roxas does not smile.   
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crimsonheart01 · 5 years
Next Lifetime (Remus Lupin x OC) Snippet
I’m on a romantic kick and I wanted to share this with y’all. I hope it warms your hearts as much as it did mine while I wrote it. 
For those of you who may not know, this is from a full-length fic I’ve been writing. It’s a time travel fic, focussing on Remus Lupin and an OC I created name Gisele. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it, or even publish it, but sometimes beautiful moments like this are written and I want to share them <3 
Face casts:  - Remus Lupin = Andrew Garfield - Gisele Dubois = Astrid Berges-Frisbey
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Playlist: Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli
“Pardon the way that I stare There's nothing else to compare The sight of you leaves me weak There are no words left to speak But if you feel like I feel Please let me know that is real You're just too good to be true I can't take my eyes off you” Can’t Take My Eyes Off You – Frankie Valli She could feel his eyes on her wherever she went. It made her chuckle. He’d never admit it, but he was as possessive as a dog with a bone. He rarely let her out of his sight when he was afforded the option. She continued to glide around the tent, refusing to give him even an ounce of attention. She knew it riled him up. He wanted all of her attention, all the time. She enjoyed denying him. It always brought the wolf to the surface. He’d growl and huff and she’d laughed, and he’d pout until she kissed him. 
Knowing full well he was getting close to the huffing stage, she deliberately stopped to speak with Lily’s parents. The only muggles in attendance. They were lovely people. She found their fascination with magic riveting. She reminded them that muggles had a bit of their own magic. She pointed out the history of astrology. It may have started with wizarding kind, it managed to filter down into muggle everyday life. The uses were fairly different, but that didn’t mean there were some parallels. Chuckling at their shocked expressions, she carried on with them, talking about telescopes and being able to see the planets. 
Remus circled around the tent, stopping every now and then by another attendee wanting his attention. He purposely positioned himself, each time, in a spot where he’d have a clear visual of Gisele. He knew she was ignoring him, and he’d be damned if he let her off easy. There was no doubt in his mind that she’d win this round like she did all others, but he would make it difficult for her. See how long she could hold out.
He spotted the twinkle in her eye as she laughed at whatever comment Lily’s father made, and despite his prowl, he softened. She was beautiful. In every way. Her gentle demeanour always calling out to those around her. Her aura calming. He stopped his pursuit and stood still, watching her. He sighed to himself, realizing how badly he’d lost. Regardless if she knew or not. He didn’t want to play the game anymore.
All he wanted was her. To hold her. To kiss her. To love her. His stare was noticed by her companions and they pointed at him over her shoulder. With a slight turn, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and met his gaze. He gave her a warm smile. The expression reflecting what he felt. As if she sensed the change in his behaviour, she cast her eyes over in his direction. The light hit her gaze in such a way that he saw the fond glimmer shine. His smile grew, only for her.
Their eyes locked and the connection between them was palpable. He watched as she lifted her hand to politely interject into the conversation, she was a part of. She kept her gaze burning on his, and he arched a brow, the suggestive thoughts he had filling his expression. He caught her smirk, catching on to what he was thinking.
“Excusez-moi,” She grinned, facing her companions, “It seems my attention is needed elsewhere.”
Lily’s mother looked up and followed to where Gisele’s line of sight was focused on. Understanding the heated moment between the woman and the man across the tent, she chuckled.
“It would seem so,” She commented, “He’s very sweet on you.”
Gisele scrunched up her nose in affection, “Yes, he very much is. A mutual feeling, I suspect.”
The three of them laughed, and she watched as the couple before her twined their fingers together. Love was definitely in the air. Giving her final farewell, she spun around, her dressing swirling around her ankles.
Time slowed to a stop as he watched her spin around. The light hitting her and causing her to shimmer in the low glow. Heavenly. Her hair cascaded down, over her shoulder, reaching down to her lower back. A small split caused by her arm, halving her hair between her back and front. The colour of her dress reflecting in the soft lighting under the tent. The fairy lights, charmed to fly around, managed to capture the pure essence of her being.
His mouth dried, as she looked up at him, from across the dance floor. Her lips turned up in an affectionate smile. His lungs deflated and he instantly forgot how to breathe. She was it. The one. As the realization clicked into place, he felt as though he’d always known. She was his and he was hers. Equally belonging to one another. There would never be anyone who fit him quite like she did.
She took a step towards him and the room buzzed back to life around him. He felt the urgency of the moment. He needed to tell her. How had he never realized before this moment was beyond him? He should’ve known since the second he laid eyes on her. The scent of her wafted through the air, carried on the summer breeze. He breathed in, filling his lungs with as much air as he could manage.
He moved forward, his legs carrying him towards her before his mind could muddle through his affections. He found her in the centre of the floor. Reaching out for her waist and dragging her the last few centimetres between them. She allowed herself to be tugged along, draping one arm around his shoulders and resting her other hand on his upper chest.
She looked up at him, still a bit shorter than him, even in her heels. He stared down at her. All of his emotions caught in his throat. Her eyebrows creased in confusion at his gaze. She attempted to pull back, but he held her firmly in place and shook his head. He could see the questions in her expression, and he grinned. Mischievous and happy. Elated.
She arched an eyebrow, knowing what that smile usually meant. Except, this time, she was wrong.
“I love you.” He declared; his voice quiet but clear.
He heard her small intake of breath. Her gasp. She searched his face, looking for any hesitation in his announcement. He showed her how certain he was. No doubt, no uncertainty, no question. He knew what he felt, and he felt it with his entire being. Finding her confirmation, her smile stretched wide.
Creeping up onto her tiptoes, she leaned in closer, her lips ghosting against his as she spoke, “And I you, Remus.”
She pressed forward, her lips against his. He kissed her back with a heat he’d never experienced before. Pulling back he grinned. He lifted her off the ground and spun. She clung to him as they whipped around. He laughed out loud, exhilarated at what they admitted. Love. Something he never thought he’d find. Something he felt he never deserved. He found it. Or rather, she found him.
She laughed along with him. Finding comfort in his newfound freedom. He stopped, gently bringing her back down to the ground. Her heels clicked as they met the floor.
“I love you,” He said, smiling. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Reaching up, she palmed the back of his head and tugged his face towards her. She pressed their foreheads together as she took a moment to catch her breath. 
“I love you too.” She murmured, opening her eyes to find his wolf staring back at her.
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lulu-zodiac · 4 years
Summary: Dean shares a Christmas tradition with Cas.
My second piece for @galaxycastiel and @jellydeans Destiel December 2020 challenge, written for day 7′s prompt: “Peppermint”. I had so much fun writing this, and would love to know any thoughts on it as I’m still quite nervous about posting! <3 (Also, if you want to be added to my tag list for fics, pls let me know! If you prefer to read on ao3, you can find it here)
There’s a little red tin in the glove compartment of the impala, and when Cas picks it up, he can feel the way it’s scratched and dented with age.
“What’s this?”
Dean glances over, and something unreadable passes across his face. It reminds Cas of how he looks when Sam talks about their childhood, nostalgic and complicated – not happiness, but something close. “Where’d you find that?”
“It was just in here with your Dad’s old phone, under the map,” Cas replies, turning it over interestedly in his hands. There’s a faded image on the front he can’t quite make out, worn green and silver and gold. The colours of Dean’s eyes, as he looks at Cas in the half-light of the unfolding road. “What is it?”
“It used to have peppermints in it,” Dean says, looking back to the road. There’s a wistful kind of sadness in his gaze, but a slight smile playing across his mouth. “Sammy begged Dad to buy it at some gas station when he was, I don’t know, maybe four. He didn’t even like peppermints, he just liked the Christmas tree on the front of the tin, wouldn’t shut up about it. It was filled with those red and white striped candy canes, you know the ones?”
Cas nods, watches the moving December colours play across Dean’s features.
“Well, that year we were stuck in here all Christmas day while Dad was wrapping up a hunt. Sammy was old enough to know it was Christmas, so it kind of sucked. But I got Sammy singing Christmas songs and we drew stupid snowmen cartoons on the windows, and it was okay, we passed the time. Dad was gone so long we ended up eating most of the candy canes while we were waiting, but Sammy insisted on saving the last one for Dad. He still hero-worshipped Dad at that point, even though Dad was barely a father to him – was barely even there, to see Sammy growing up” Dean breaks off momentarily, shakes his head like he’s trying to surface from deep water. Cas notes the set of Dean’s jaw, the way his knuckles are white around the wheel, resists the urge to reach out, soften them.
“Sam knows how much you did now, Dean,” he says, instead, into the quiet.  
Dean makes a dismissive sound, carries on as though Cas hasn’t spoken at all, but the tension in his hands is less strained; “Anyway, when Dad finally came back that night he was only a little beat up, in a good mood for once. He tried to take us for some real food, but everywhere was closed by that time so we just sat in here together and Dad broke the last candy cane into three for us to share,” Dean glances at the box Cas is still holding. It feels warm in Cas’s hands now, the mental heating up in his palms as he listens to the story, as though it’s slowly coming alive. “It was one of the better Christmases, actually. Dad refilled the box with them each December, handed them out to me and Sammy when we’d been driving all night. It was one of the few traditions we ever had,” he shrugs, adjusts his grip self-consciously on the wheel, “Stupid, really,” he adds, in that way he has of diminishing anything personal he says, “It’s probably empty now.”
Obligingly, Cas opens the box. It is empty, save a couple of crumpled silver wrappers, but it smells of ghostly peppermint. Cas sniffs, imagines little Dean and Sam sitting in the impala alone on Christmas day. His chest aches at the thought of Dean trying to distract Sam, keep him happy and amused while Dean was probably afraid. “I’ve never tried peppermint,” he tells Dean, inhaling again and trying to figure out the scent. It’s sharp, clean, a little powdery. Like dusty snow. “What’s it like?” he asks, curiously.
“Hard to describe to anyone who hasn’t tasted it,” Dean says, “Like most things. It’s – sweet. Kind of makes the inside of your mouth feel cold when you inhale.”
Cas looks at him, watches the lights of the road reflect in his green gaze.
“Hey, we can get some, if you want,” Dean says, nodding towards the road, “There’s a gas station just up ahead, I wouldn’t mind stopping to stretch my legs anyway.”
“I would like that,” Cas smiles at the thought of getting to taste a little piece of Dean’s history, watches as the lights get brighter and the car slows, pulling into the empty gas station.
Outside, it’s cold, the dark biting at Cas’s skin as he waits for Dean to return from the kiosk. He leans against the cool, smooth metal of the impala, stares skywards for a while. It’s cloudy, the sky is swollen with snow. Cas likes not being able to see the heavens, sometimes. On days like this, earth is full enough of wonder all by itself. The greasy spill of gas station lights on frozen concrete, a little metal box of memories in his pocket, Dean’s footsteps echoing through the quiet towards him. The lights of heaven could never compare.
“Here,” Dean’s nose is pink from the cold, eyes bright as he leans back against the car beside Cas, hands him a paper packet. “Peppermint candy canes. Go on, knock yourself out.” He sticks his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket and stares up at the sky, like Cas had been moments before. Cas wonders whether Dean is comforted by the blankness too, or if he aches for the far-distant twinkling lights and their warmth, so long absent from his own life.
“Will you have one too?” Cas asks, peering into the bag and tentatively drawing out one of the striped candies before handing it back to Dean.
“Why not?” Dean’s fingers are warm against Cas’s for a moment, rough with calluses, and then there’s nothing again. He pulls out a candy and stuffs the paper bag into his pocket, begins unwrapping the little umbrella-shaped stick. “I can’t remember the last time I had one of these, you know. Probably the Christmas before Sam went off to college.” He puts the candy between his lips, sucks. Cas suddenly has to catch his breath, cold and startling in his lungs. “Hey, what are you waiting for?” Dean is looking at Cas, lips red and plump around the candy, eyes bright in the cold air.
“Oh,” Cas looks down at his own untouched candy, brings it up to his mouth and sucks experimentally. “It’s like… toothpaste,” he frowns at Dean, letting the cool, clean taste fill his mouth. He sucks again, slower, trying to get a sense of the flavour. “It’s quite nice.”
Dean’s cheeks are pink with the cold now too. “Uh – yeah, it is, I guess.” He’s looking at Cas intently in the muted lights of the deserted gas station, with an expression that is familiar yet unreadable and makes Cas feel warm even in the cold.
“This is what Christmas tasted like to you?” Cas sucks the candy again, looks at Dean.
“Once, I suppose so,” Dean sounds distracted, but his tone doesn’t match the intent focus in his gaze as he looks at Cas. The cold has made his cheeks flush darker still, and the light is muted enough that only an arc of green is visible around the black of his pupils.
“It does make my mouth feel cold,” Cas observes, with interest. He sucks the candy further into his mouth and pulls it out with a pop, feeling the cool cleanness of the air being pulled between his lips. Dean clears his throat slightly. “I haven’t encountered any other food that has this effect,” Cas licks slowly at the tip of the candy, and is aware of Dean inhaling sharply, “Do you know what causes it?”
“I don’t,” Dean’s voice is slightly hoarser than usual.
“Very interesting,” Cas contemplates, licking the tip of the candy again with a swirl of his tongue. Dean makes a stifled sound, and Cas looks up with a frown. “Don’t you want yours?” he asks, eyeing Dean’s uneaten candy, “Or do you only enjoy them when you can eat them with Sam? I’m sorry, I know I can’t provide that part of the tradition for you.”
“Sam isn’t the only person I can have good memories with, Cas. This can be a new tradition, okay?” Dean says, and he’s glowing, so beautiful here in the cold all lit up. “But,” he pauses, swallowing, “You’re right, I’m not sure I want mine.”
“You don’t?” Cas frowns, worriedly. He pulls his own candy away from his mouth.
The colour is high on Dean’s cheeks as he shakes his head, “No. I think I’d rather have yours, actually.” And before Cas can say anything, Dean’s lips are suddenly on his, soft and warm, so warm in the cold air. Cas feels as though he’s been holding his breath for years and is suddenly able to breathe. It’s wonderful, the heat of Dean’s mouth against his, the slick of his tongue twining with Cas’s, tasting of peppermint and making something hot curl deep in Cas’s stomach. His hands are cupping Cas’s face, rough skin, tender touch. Cas is breathing hard when Dean pulls back, both of their breath clouding the December air between them. “Tastes better on you,” Dean grins, and it’s a beautiful thing, tentative and free here in the cold without heaven watching.
Cas reaches out and grabs the lapels of Dean’s leather jacket, pulls him in again. This time it’s harder, urgent, Dean’s breath coming in stifled gasps into Cas’s mouth as Cas presses him back against the impala, sinks into the heat of Dean’s mouth, the warm, hard line of Dean’s body, pliant under him. He can taste the desperation on Dean’s tongue along with the peppermint, and he chases it, deepening the kiss until Dean is groaning against him, clutching at Cas’s coat. Cas thinks he might be making noises too, but he can’t think about anything except Dean, here at last in all the ways he should be, warm and real. Oblivion.
In his coat pocket, he can feel the outline of the little peppermint tin where their heartbeats edge closer to each other. He smiles against Dean’s mouth, loves that he’ll never be able to taste peppermint without remembering this; the shine of Dean’s eyes in the muted December lights, the heat of their bodies pressed together, the sky frozen and empty overhead, a blank canvas for their own stars.
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lovehugsandcandy · 5 years
Damn you @client-327​ I’m supposed to be sleeping! Based off this post (I’m not 100% familiar with the idea but I hope I got it close enough).
(swearing, suggestiveness after the cut)
Ellie thought that soulmate tattoos were utter nonsense.
The romantic part of her, hidden deep away beneath her studies and her future, dreamed of someone saying those words to her, those eight words, those nine syllables. As long as she could remember, she had been curious. When would she hear them? Who would they be? And where was she, that she was so notably, obviously out of place?
But the words. They did not give off the best first impression. Riya thought they were rude and it sounded like someone was being flip with her; as her best friend, she was disappointed, convinced that Ellie’s soulmate should never be rude or rough. They gossiped about someone endlessly kind and patient and gentle. The words suggested otherwise.
Her father was also cautious, warning her of boys whose smart mouths belied dark intentions. Ellie had zero experience with boys but knew that her dad would have been wary regardless of who her soulmate was, even with the sweetest of first words.
Her mother was the only one who had faith, who encouraged her to trust in the fates and keep an open mind. Her mom thought it sounded like she would finally have someone to care of her, to watch out for her when she was lost. After her mother died, she took special.comfort in it, tracing the flowing script on her forearm with careful fingers, patiently waiting and wondering if her mother was right.
But when the night finally came, when she finally heard those words, a mocking jeer across an asphalt lot when she was painfully out of her element, then Ellie knew the truth.
This was not the romance of her secret dreams. At all.
For all her mom’s hopes, it turned out that this soulmate stuff was all just nonsense. Because there was no way in hell this boy was hers.
“So where’s your tattoo?” Ellie watched Colt as he drove to her driver’s test. While she appreciated the ride, she still knew there had to be a mistake. This couldn’t be the person tied to her for life. Maybe the fates thought they belonged together, but her future would not see them as a couple, she would guarantee it. 
He barely glanced over, long fingers drumming a steady beat on the steering wheel. “Right on my ass.” He shrugged.
“Oh my God, that’s awful! That is like one place I wouldn’t want it and...” She trailed off as she caught sight of his smirk. “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”
He shrugged again as he weaved through the LA traffic.
“That’s not exactly the nicest way to interact with your soulmate.”
He stared her down. “I never said you were my-”
“I saw how you looked at me. ‘Who wants to know’ is inked on you somewhere.”
“I don’t know what mine says.” The smirk was back. “It’s on my ass. Can’t see it.”
She rolled her eyes. “I don’t know why I bother with you.” For not the first time, she wished that Logan was more of a jerk, that it was him who said those words to her.
“Because you believe in that soulmate nonsense?”
She crossed her arms and slunk down into the seat, gazing at the scenery passing by. “Maybe I wanted to...”
Ellie gasped for air, still clutching Colt's hand as she shook the Pacific off her face. It was exhilarating, their weightless plunge and the sudden splash, and she couldn't stop the laughter. "I can't believe we did that!"
“I didn't know you had it in you.”
She flushed underneath his assessing gaze. "So where's your tattoo?" She had watched Colt strip through lowered lashes, for research purposes only. She solely wanted to see where her words were inked on his skin. The broad shoulders and defined muscles were a pleasant surprise but she still couldn't see the words, even when he was clad in just his boxers.
He pulled her closer, their fingers still twined. "I told you, it's on my-"
"You liar." She watched the salt water trailing down his face and swallowed as a droplet slid right over his plush lips.
"You just want me to show you."
His gaze was intense, a heated smolder that made the ocean water feel cold, as if nothing could compare with the fire in his eyes. She felt herself being drawn closer. "You wish."
He had just managed to whisper ‘maybe,’ the ghost of two syllables against her skin, and then his lips were on hers, hungry and demanding. She couldn’t stop the moan as he pulled her closer, bodies intertwining as the water lapped at their skin.
And even though they had already jumped off the cliff, Ellie felt like she was still falling.
“That’s where your tattoo is?!?” Ellie managed to eke out before the giggled forced their way through her throat. “There?” She traced the words surrounding his hip bone, a careful, delicate script that was at odds with the corded muscles that surrounded it.
Colt’s head dropped against the pillow. “Weren’t you in the middle of something?”
“But....” She tried to breathe, but the laughter made it hard. “It’s so pretty!”
“That’s it.” He narrowed his eyes and reached down to pulled her to his chest. “I can’t have my soulmate laughing at me while I’m naked.” With that, he rolled them both so he was on top of her, caging her in against the bed.
The laughter died in her throat as every inch of her burned, every single place their skin met setting off sparks in her spine. She bit her lips and smirked as Colt’s eyes were drawn to the move of her mouth. “What are you going to do about it?”
“This.” Callused fingers traced the tattoo on her arm as he moved down her body, lips following the trail of heat his fingers left. And when he reached his destination, she gave a silent thank you for tattoos and soulmates.
And then she wasn’t silent anymore.
Ellie dropped her bag on the floor of the library with a sigh. She had one more test to take until she could finally fly back to LA but she needed to cram. At least her favorite desk was available, hidden in the corner where no one could see her but she had a clear view of the front desk, able to watch her classmates milling in and out.
She could tell who the soulmates were, wandering in holding hands, hearts in their eyes and love written in ink. It made her chest ache. She hadn’t spoken to Colt in months. He was in hiding and she was here and everything hurt. Careful fingers traced the black lines on her arm; the motion was less comforting than normal.
She had just finished highlighting her notes when movement at the door caught her eye. Right in the main foyer, there was a very familiar leather jacket, worn by a very familiar figure, with a very familiar tattoo hidden underneath layers of clothes.
She gasped and was off her feet before she could think, staring at his back. She was afraid to blink, terrified that he would vanish, just disappear into thin air as if this were a dream. 
When she was a few feet behind him, she couldn’t stop the words from coming out of her mouth. “Looks like you’re in the wrong place, sweetheart.”
He turned, mouth dropping open at the sight of her before he recovered. “Who wants to know?” 
She beamed and ran into his arms. As their lips met, she thought that maybe she actually believed in this soulmate nonsense after all.
Perma @desiree-0816 @leelee10898 @emichelle 
ROD @omgjasminesimone @mskaneko
@deimosensblog @alegria1580  @choicesarehard @thefarrari @moonlit-girl-wonder @going-down-downtown@soniadotalves@jolietmaraud @choicesgremlin @flowerpowell@poeticscolt @brightpinkpeppercorn @zaira-oh-zaira @umiumichan @akrenich @sibella-plays-choices​  @maxwellsquidsuit  @liamzigmichael4ever​ @octobereighth @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction
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