#i have to use ''load save''; pick a DIFFERENT character and then in that save i can load my actual file
jewishquarians · 2 years
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plutosoda · 29 days
how i make character models* in paint3d
*they are not models. you cannot rig them. but for simplicity i will call them this. also this guy is the example ⬇️
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so. paint3d is very jank and not actually that good But it is fun to mess around with and for getting that early 2000s computer game effect for things. this program crashes and lags a lot especially when making more detailed stuff like this so. throughout this Please save your project periodically. I have lost so much to not doing this
if your computer isn't that great it's best to keep the quality setting at it's lowest. these models aren't really that detailed so it doesn't make a huge difference anyways LOL
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when you open p3d you start with a blank 2d canvas. if you've Never used the program before i recommend fucking around with 3d view + making 3d shapes for a bit. make a Thing. like just some random object. it does not have to be good it's just to get used to how the controls work (because it is different between my mouse and drawing tablet and im not going into that here LOL). the biggest positive about p3d is how user intuitive it is compared to.yknow. blender when you're done with the Thing and u want to start with your character go back to the 2d canvas/2d view for sketching time
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you could probably do this in another program but. i find it easier to just do it here. i keep these pretty simple and try to keep depth in mind
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then go to canvas and make the background transparent. and then switch to 3d view to start making the base for the model on top of the sketch
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at this point i don't use the 3d doodle shapes yet because they are finnicky as hell. the preset ones are a bit easier to control and move around so they're nicer for the planning part. what shapes you use depends on your character but my guy here is very circles and round so its just a sphere and some cylinders
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make sure you're in 3d view and checking the pose from every angle ! if ur guy looks like a roblox avatar without the assets loaded fully then that is ideal. once you're happy with the pose it's Sculpting Time
where you choose to start is up to you but i usually get the head out of the way bc it tends to be the most complicated thing.
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this is my best friend forever. the sharp edge is helpful for stuff like metal and whatnot though so i use them both.
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for stuff like hair and fur i find its easier to make a bunch of small shapes and then connect them instead of trying to do it all in one go
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^better examples with fluffier guys
this part is pretty much just personal preference for how you want your model to look though. just keep adding Stuff until it looks alright. also reminder to be saving your work bc this is when it gets really annoying if p3d crashes
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finished head. jus keep addin stuff. copy and paste is a godsend btw.
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puffier jacket. also connecting the limbs. just keep addin stuff.
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these take a few hours .finished limbs. pretend the backpack is there i forgot to get a progress shot of it
now it is time for the objectively best part which is painting the guy. switch back to the 2d brush but stay in 3d view and start Coloring . i only really use the watercolor brush for shading/gradients and the marker one for lines but this part is also personal preference.
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watercolor brush for the blue gradient and marker for the face .
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i would Not do this in 2d art but i like adding a white gradient to pastel colors like with the hair here. it compliments the soft shapes well i think. to quote a friend it Looks Gummy
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my silly highlights.
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almost done with the creature. also mentioning that there are different textures for objects that you can change when picking their base color. the zipper is metal so it gets to be shinier.
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theres also different lighting/filters to mess around with + you can doodle on the transparent canvas still.
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save ur guy as a image and/or a turnaround gif/video/whatevar u want . and thas it! you can also mess with the model more for different poses and expressions (although this is super laggy bc it has to render a bunch of shapes at this point)
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go make some CREACHURES !!
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sparklecarehospital · 7 months
I mentioned this a while back I'm pretty sure, but just a reminder that once V4 is over, the site will be under maintenance for a while as I implement the site revamp. It won't be immediately that day, but it'll be relatively soon after. The volume ends on the 1st, so if you aren't caught up you should get caught up before then. There will be a Google drive archive of pages that I'll put together for people to access while the site is offline but it won't be possible to put content warnings on any of the pages on Google drive, which is why I recommend catching up as soon as possible (and I don't recommend reading for the first time through the Google drive archive for this reason either.)
I promise that every majorly requested feature over the years plus many more accessibility options will be included in this update. The mobile reading experience will be LOADS better with a new mobile layout that's easier to use and you won't have to zoom in on everything, content warnings will be customizable (YOU CAN PICK THE CATEGORIES OF WHAT CONTENT YOU WANT TO FILTER) and even entirely optional (YOU CAN DISABLE THE WARNINGS ALTOGETHER) the saturation toggler will be improved by miles and replaced with a slider AND you will be able to set the saturation the first time you ever open the (new) site to keep new readers from immediately getting blinded by the colors when they open it. Archive page will have images, there will even be a "transcript archive" that gives you the option to read the entire comic in text form if you need that. THERE WILL BE MORE CHARACTERS ON THE CAST PAGE!!!!!!!! You will be able to bookmark and save your place in the comic and go back to it later. Pages will be easier to find as you're actively reading with "thumbnail galleries" on the comic pages that show you smaller versions of pages that you can scroll through and click to jump further. There will be an option to put the pagination buttons above and below the page or both. Typing in a page number for a volume on the url bar will redirect you to the right page without needing to know which specific update it's in. All of this stuff is confirmed, if not already fully coded (several of these are coded already) will still be there on launch. I will note that some parts of the site are a bit different (the mobile site looks pretty different in order to make it more useable) the core functionalities that you're used to won't be different. I promise this update will be worth the wait and work it will take.
I don't know how long the site will be offline for because it's going to be so much work, but I'll try to set it up as quick as I can without rushing anything at risk of major bugs.
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aspoonofsugar · 7 months
Hi! Can you analyse "More Than Anything" from HH?
Sure! More Than Anything is actually my favourite song of season 1! It is so sweet and very loaded thematically and character-wise!
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I have briefly talked about it in this meta, but here it comes a deeper analysis!
More Than Anything has two main themes that come together in Lucifer and Charlie's relationship:
The father-daughter bond is rooted in both. Specifically, they express love through dreams. Or if you prefer, they dream of love.
This is explored in the first two stanzas.
Firstly, Lucifer explains that his dreams were broken:
You didn't know that when I tried this all before My dreams were too hard to defend And in the end, I won't lose it all again
And that Charlie is now the only dream left, which is why he will protect her:
Now you're the only thing worth fighting for More than anything, more than anything I'll shelter and adore you more than anything
Charlie replies that it was Lucifer who inspired her dreams:
So in the end, it's the view I had of you That showed me dreams can be worth fighting for
And adds that her dream is for her people to be safe:
More than anything, more than anything I need to save my people more than anything
So, father and daughter are the opposite and the same.
On the one hand Lucifer believes fighting for dreams isn't worth it (my dreams were too hard to defend). On the other hand Charlie insists that it is (dreams can be worth fighting for). At the same time, Lucifer dreams of protecting (loving) Charlie, whereas Charlie dreams of protecting (loving) all her people. Desperation and microchosm vs hope and macrochosm. This is the root of Lucifer and Charlie's foiling at the beginning of the song. How does this juxtaposition develop? Let's go deeper by exploring some imagery present in the song.
More Than Anything uses a light/shadow motif to express the two main themes:
Love (1): lights and shadows comment Lucifer and Charlie's bond. They both have been hiding parts of themselves (shadow), but throughout the song they show their true selves (light)
Dreams (2): light is a metaphor of dreams and of how the characters relate to them
1- More than Anything starts with Lucifer and Charlie distant and in the shadows.
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They are repressing a lot and have no idea who the other is. Still, as the song goes on, they get to understand each other:
All that I'm hopin',now that my eyes are open Is that we can start again, not be pulled apart again 'Cause in the end, you are part of who I am
And in the end they embrace in the light.
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What is initially in the shadow comes to light. So, Lucifer and Charlie see each other for who they are.
2- Lucifer mentions his past dreams and summons light. However, he throws it away because he has given up on his ideals:
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Charlie hurries to pick the light up, just like she is pursuing Lucifer's discarded beliefs with her Hazbin Hotel project. Still, Lucifer stops her and holds her hands. His daughter is his new dream and he is ready to throw everything away, if he can protect her.
This resolution is highlighted in the next sequence:
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Lucifer remembers the Elders of Heaven attacking him, then he imagines their weapons pointed at Charlie. Out of fear he drags her away. What's interesting is that Charlie is targeted when she stands in the light, while the moment Lucifer pulls her to safety, she steps into the shadows. The meaning is clear. Lucifer fears that if Charlie takes the spotlight, she will attract Heaven's anger. So, he wants her hidden and sheltered in the shadows. Just like a child. This is why his hug is sweet, but also suffocating:
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Charlie wants a different kind of love. She needs the father who inspired her with dreams and stories. Specifically, Charlie remembers a light show Lucifer put up for her on the spot:
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This scene is key and it combines the light/shadow symbolism with another motif.
In their flashback, Lucifer tells Charlie a fairy tale by using light as a medium. The story itself is pretty obvious:
I never dreamed of so much happiness when I was the Ugly Duckling!
A little duck swims in a pool of water, but suddenly grows into a beautiful swan. Lucifer's Ugly Duckling is a metaphor of his situation, as the swan has six seraphim wings and shines at the centre of the universe. Specifically, Lucifer's fairy tale is the inversion of his own story.
Lucifer used to be a beautiful seraphim, but fell from Heaven and lost his family (the angels). He is now stuck in Hell, as a little duck:
Lucifer: Now presenting… the magic-tastical back flipping rubber duck! Haha! That spits fire!
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Oh look! Lucifer himself is a magic-tastical duck, who spits fire :P
So, his fairy tale gives a happy ending to his own tragedy. It is a wish. A dream. It indirectly shows how Lucifer has been handling pain and misery by creating. It also suggests that Lucifer puts himself at the centre of his dreams. He is the ugly duckling.
At the same time, Charlie's narration tells us about herself and how she sees her father.
When I was young, I didn't really know you at all I always felt so small But I hеard your stories and I was enthralled Thе tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly Imagining it could be me
First of all, Charlie states she never knew who her father was. It is implied Lucifer kept his distance because of depression:
Charlie: We just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something.
This is highlighted in Charlie's memory too, as Lucifer appears in a dark study room. Not only that, but he is in the spotlight, while Charlie is in the shadow, which is a metaphor of how she felt distant from him:
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Still, Lucifer embraces little Charlie and shows her some light. He reveals a caring and idealistic self that Charlie is initially unaware of. And this version of Lucifer inspires his daughter.
This affirms that Lucifer's dreams aren't useless. Sure, they are left unfulfilled, but they still motivate Charlie. They are why Charlie is who she is. Moreover, Charlie is enchanted by a simple story, not a big manifestation of power. It isn't a theme park or a circus or human free will. It is a short fairy tale Lucifer comes up with in a matter of seconds. No matter how small, a dream always touches dreamers.
Secondly, Charlie sees herself as the protagonist of the story. She wants to be at the centre of her father's universe and to make him proud. Well, Charlie is going to do exactly this. She is Lucifer's dream. She will fulfill his ambitions. She is turning into a beautiful swan.
Lucifer's arc starts when he understands this:
I've been dyin' to find out who you are I've been waiting, wanting the same thing Looks like the apple doesn't fall far Took you a while I've missed that smile
The King of Hell has been stuck in his own head, consumed by his depression. This is why he is initially alone and surrounded by mediocre rubber ducks. He can't create anything new because he is too focused on himself. The moment he opens his eyes and looks at Charlie, he finds hope again:
I'll support your dream, whatever lies in store And who could ask for more?
Charlie is his new dream, so he should do his best to help her become who she has the potential to be.
When Charlie is a child, Lucifer tells her a story, where he himself is the protagonist. Now that Charlie is an adult, Lucifer must accept Charlie is the protagonist of her own story. And he must help turning this story into reality. This will be his greatest creation. A duckling becoming a swan. A daughter growing-up.
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This frame has Lucifer:
Use his light again
Spread his wings
He starts the song by throwing his light away, but ends it by summoning a bigger and brighter torch. Similarly, he starts the episode making rubber ducks out of depression, but ends it with beautiful swan wings.
This metamorphosis happens because Lucifer isn't putting himself at the centre of the universe anymore. Rather, Charlie is his universe.
Lucifer creates a pocket-dimension, which is a bigger version of the fairy-tale of the flashback and has Charlie be its protagonist. He has her play with water, like the little duckling:
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And has her fly at the centre of the scene like the swan:
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In this scene, he gives her the spotlight, both in how he exits the frame and in how he has the light follow her. Charlie is the swan shining brightly at the centre of Lucifer's world (the circus).
More Than Anything starts with Lucifer desperate and focused on the microchosm. It ends with him finding hope in Charlie, who becomes the key to a bigger and more beautiful reality.
Lucifer's biggest success is that he gave birth to Charlie and showed her the light (dreams), even when he himself felt engulfed by the darkness (hell).
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demifiendcruithne · 25 days
today on digital devil saga 2 is criminally under-researched (aka crui is a nerd about a 20 year old game)
so i finally got the impulse/opportunity to test out something i've been suspecting for a while but have never seen any documentation on: dds2 has some form of STAB* mechanic with elemental spells for playable characters, based on their associated element (the one they resist + the one their unique gun combos use)
*for non-pokemon folk: STAB == same-type attack bonus. so for example, a chimecho (psychic type pokemon) using extrasensory (psychic type move) will deal more damage than a non-psychic-type pokemon with the same special attack against the same target
i have more tests i intend to make when i have spoons (i'm just grinding mantras for the superboss and noticed it while fighting wild narasimha because that hecker disables my berserker ring), but so far i've tested with my three active characters fulfilling the following:
are fighting the exact same narasimha who has no elemental weakness/resistance/etc (savestates were used and run multiple times; the rng is not fixed until a move is actually used, so i could get multiple data points quickly by making a new savestate every time i loaded it to advance the rng)
have 99 magic
are level 99
have no elemental boost or amp skills equipped
have no rings equipped that may affect damage, outside of boosting magic stat to 99 for consistency
use two different dynes; one of their associated element, and one not. the former consistently did more, and with repeated runs i cannot write it off as damage range.
under cut: many images; by virtue of being in endgame, these will have some spoilers for endgame in plain sight. if you're reading this and haven't gotten to the final dungeon, i highly recommend you go do that and come back later. once you've reached the final dungeon, you're safe to check it out.
(but seriously - i can't stop you, but i highly recommend actually. playing this game first. it's great)
if you're reading this, you've either gotten to the final dungeon or don't care about spoilers; in case of the latter, i'll do a quick explanation of our last party member momentarily. i have been a little misleading because they are. very much a BIG spoiler. but first - gale resists force, and does more damage with zandyne than bufudyne; likewise argilla with earth/teradyne/ziodyne.
(bufudyne was a random pick for gale because i had only five for omoikane reasons, but in hindsight it was a good one...)
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now - for those unaware, this last party member's name is seraph. they're a fusion of two other party members both of said party members were associated with/resisted ice, and i'm near-certain that they also got the boost to bufu spells (i can check this at some point, i have a backup save right before endgame) the same way gale and argilla do.
but what's seraph's elemental affinities? no weaknesses, no resistances. so what does this mean here?
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extra screenshots because the first agidyne was a high roll - literally the highest i've seen on a non-stab unboosted dyne against a narasimha. yet it's still clearly estranged from gale's zandyne and argilla's teradyne.
the other part? seraph's bufudyne does the same as gale's, and the same as argilla's ziodyne and their own agidyne, the same as expected without stab.
i'm not sure what else to say about this thus far besides putting a list of further tests to do eventually / get proper data for:
100s of attempts so it can be statistically analysed better. easy to code the data collection into seraph (my helper program, named after this seraph because. yeah), possibly more difficult to analyse but my partner got me into this game he can deal with the consequences (being asked to do data stuff) :v
including cielo and heat as well, probably after i beat satan and grind them up as a victory lap (in the mantras sense not the internment facility sense)
earlier save reloads for data for serph, sera, and roland - i doubt they'd be any different, but regardless
other elemental spells - both the basic and -la levels, the ma-s, the maxed out mantra ones, and the dances. is the boost approximately consistent?
does it affect combos? i believe it doesn't, same as amp skills and the like (and because i feel like i would have noticed by now), but will get data for both participants initiating
does it affect items? i feel like that's unlikely, but worth trying
is there a 'reverse-stab' for someone's weakness? i don't think so, but i'll get the data for free and if there's a trend i just got to test the ailment damagers for cielo
likewise, is the elemental boost innate like the gun combo elements? almost certainly. but it would be funny if equipping x resist made your x do more damage. and also not really that helpful?
does seraph get a boost on almighty? my first instinct would be yes, purely because of seraph's gun combo doing almighty damage; it's near-useless if you got reincarnate but still worth checking. and if so, does ragnarok behave differently from megido+/last word?
on that note, does seraph resist almighty? i... wouldn't be surprised - status only says no weakness, not no resistance, but almighty resistance tends to be invisible anyway (looking at you, devil survivor 2 that shows everything else) (you're fine just using as an example)
that would be a lot harder to test but if i get a party of seraph / someone with dragon ring / someone else with all maxed stats and just find something with megido+
anything else i might have forgotten
if you hack pyriphlegethon onto heat does it do more damage. i don't think i can test this one but i would. honestly be curious
but yeah. this is pretty cool, maybe i'll check for it in dds1 as well. if anyone else checks any of this out and makes a writeup or anything please ping me i have autistic hyperfocused on jrpg mechanics for over two decades :v
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darkfictionjude · 3 months
📜 ➡️ 🔍 ⤵️
Hello! It's been a while since I last played We Wretched Creatures, and I instinctively hovered to the left expecting to find the back button, only to realize…it wasn't there 🙉.
Personally, I rely on it to save on save slots. I use the saves at the beginning of new episodes, for critical choices or events. The back button is when I want to see how a character reacts to a different dialogue option than what my MC would normally choose, or when I need to backtrack because this time I picked a choice that didn't reflect my character well ( non self-inserting readers will understand ). It's handy for non native speakers and for those who have trouble grasping the real meaning/ intention behind a choice or even for those who restarted the game, breezing through it, picking their usual choices and accidentally end up misclicking another, without the need to redo the episode. For example, when we got to pick a clothing style only the name of the style was listed but the actual clothes were detailed once the style chosen, I didn’t like what I ended up with and I didn’t save for a while before that so I had to restart the chapter.
Without the back button, I find myself saving at flavour/ aesthetic choices like these in addition to the beginning of an episode and at major decisions. However, the limited number of save slots means I resort to unnamed disk saves ( multiple ), which I then have to search for in my countless downloads and try each of them to end up with the one I am looking for ( run game -> load disk save -> downloads pop up -> search for the save -> wrong one -> go back to browser -> load disk save -> downloads pop up -> search for the save -> wrong one ->… ). When I could just “ turn back a page “, now I have to search for that particular page among dozens because no matter what “ the bookmarks “ always end up scattered which honestly makes what was supposed to be a leisure reading feels like a chore.
Believe me when I say horror was the last genre I thought I would end up liking, but playing 💪🥊 WWC 🥊💪 made me realize it wasn’t so bad. I was in literal tears when we had to hide from the white draped mouth blower ( the vivid description of that scene made it incredibly easy to visualize, especially the way the "ghost" breathed. I find that this applies to the whole IF, the words used to describe what's going on are as straightforward as can be, which removes nothing of the horror element. I am also fond of the ads that serve as interludes ). I still randomly get mental images of the cheese rats ? mice ? that spill blood when hurt ( instead of liquified cheese ?! ) and I have never felt more disgusted when I think of cheese. I never thought that reading horror would make me actually feel the fear and enjoy it, but you did, and I still get caught by surprise even with the back button. 
I have been meaning to continue where I left off, but just thinking about the amount of work saving and loading will require I feel discouraged. Please bring back^2 button-kun 🙊💗. Also 👀, Nia is of Algerian🇩🇿 descent ? ( glad to see some representation in IF format ).
So I’ve had this question before and I’ve said the say thing: I’m sorry but I don’t want to do that 😭 it’s a choice I made and there’s nothing I see wrong with it given many ifs have the same thing and no one says anything. I’m a non-native English speaker too so I get it but I can’t think of every problem every player can have, that’s not fair to me.
The very reason I made this choice is for the reason you stated, that there are certain critical choices I want to actually be felt. What’s the point in me making choices that I want to have an impact and not be taken back and someone can just click the back button and undo it? To me that just means the choices don’t matter and that there’s no point in me caring about what I write to get myself and you guys excited because it can be so easily undone. In video games the thrill is sometimes messing up or saving to try again, not clicking back immediately. In books main character make choices that will have consequences. IF blends these two things together. I guess maybe on the other side as a reader, you not understand what I mean but since I put so much work in this already can’t I have it matter in-game? It’s not too much to ask for. Given that I put so much work in (300,000+ words) is it awful for me to ask the readers to be slightly inconvenienced?
I hope I don’t sound offended or angry at you nonnie, I swear I’m not. It’s just when people ask me this I feel they think I did this just be an asshole and not because I had a reason. I’m trying to give my pov. You can dislike the choice but please don’t ask me to undo it because then all it ends up doing is making me feel bad and then I’ll add it against my own wishes and that will motivate me to just stop really caring about what I’m writing if it can so easily be undone and this will be just another IF that gets abandoned
Although for the clothing options I will end a return button like I did for the faking dating side quest countries section.
Thank you for your kind words on the game itself though, I tried my best to have the ROs have background not that common and I’m so happy people liked the morgue scene I was really doubting it’s potential when I wrote it 💜
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ixloom819 · 1 year
My Undertale AU: Yantale
I have a pretty good guess of what you’re thinking based on the title: “Oh boy, it’s going to be one of those AUs where Sans is a yandere for Y/N or an OC”. And honestly, no hate on those AUs. But this AU is a bit different.
Basically, it’s the same as Undertale, but there are certain choices/routes you can do to make different characters platonic yanderes for Frisk.
Interest begins when he tries to SAVE/LOAD/RESET and can’t. If you do 5 Neutral routes in a row with very different actions/results, Flowey will wrap himself around you and merge his DETERMINATION with yours, staying with you through RESETS and killing anyone you try to befriend. Pacifist Routes cannot happen. The only way to get out of this route is to do a Genocide, use your LV to disconnect and kill Flowey, and destroy the timeline. You’re the most interesting thing to happen here in a long time; how could anyone pass up this opportunity?
Interest begins when you come to his house. If you are nice to him through the Ruins and Waterfall and win the Thundersnail race, he will stop you from leaving his house. During this route, he will try to guilt-trip you into staying willingly by emphasizing his loneliness. You’re the nicest person he’s met in a while, why can’t you just stay with him?
Interest begins when you call her Mom. If you are nice to Toriel, call her Mom, wear the Faded Ribbon and Toy Knife, and run away from her during the fight, she will destroy the exit of the Ruins and successfully keep you there. She will see you as another child she needs to protect (and she is also projecting you as her kids).
Interest begins when you ask him for help on a puzzle. If you are nice to him, ask him for help on the head puzzle, and are defeated by him three times, he will make the cage inescapable. He will tell Undyne that the human got past him and go on a date/hangout with you. You are his first and only friend, and you need his help; you can’t leave!
Interest begins when you help Monster Kid. If you are nice to everyone, help Monster Kid, give her water, and help her get home (Yantale exclusive option), then she will force you to stay at her house and train you to become a part of the Royal Guard. You proved to her that not all humans are bad and you have the guts and kindness to help the monsters and be a great guard!
Interest begins when you exit the Ruins. If you are nice to Alphys and follow her back after she tells you the truth, she will thank you for being with her even though she lied. She’ll show you the True Lab and tell you everything she did. If you are still nice to her, she will lock you up in her lab to keep her secret safe. If you are mean to her, she will threaten to off herself if you don’t stay and keep her secret. You’re just so cool and accept her even when she’s lied to you; maybe you’re the answer to her problems.
Interest starts when you pay for a pastry. If you buy one of her items, spend all your money while fighting her, and bought something from the Spiders in the Ruins, she will keep you trapped in her cave and help her cook. There aren’t many people in the Underground as generous as you; can’t have you wasting that on anyone else.
Interest starts when the player finishes the quiz. If you pick the most dramatic results and play up the audience during the Mettaton EX fight, he will stop the fight and forcefully make you his costar. You have a knack at the spotlight, it would be a shame to waste such talent.
Interest starts when you wear the Heart Locket and Worn Dagger. If you wear Chara’s items, refuse to fight, and die 10 times, Asgore will stop fighting and forcefully adopt you (he sees his children in you). It’s clear you mean no harm, so it’s fine to keep you here.
Interest starts when you wear the Heart Locket and Worn Dagger. If you wear these items, forgive and hug him, Asriel will become too attached to let you go and keep you trapped and use the SOULs to maintain his form. The only way to get out of this is to kill Asriel (releasing the souls), RESET, and do a Genocide route (another Pacifist will make him trap you quicker and takes longer to gain his trust and kill him).
Interest starts when you take his side instead of Papyrus’. If you accept his invitations, buy all his stuff, and go back to Snowdin after the Judgement Hall, he’ll be convinced that you decided to stay in the Underground because of him and be a bodyguard, not letting anyone but Papyrus hang out with you. If you RESET or continue, he’ll trap you in his workshop. If you do a Genocide route directly afterwards, Sans will believe it was to get rid of everyone else and be sad, happy, and guilty about being happy, and he won’t fight you (he’ll just keep you there). The only way to get out of this route is to complete a Genocide and destroy the timeline.
As usual, I don’t mind if you use my AU, just please credit me. Also, send me what you make! I’d love to see it.
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ask-monster-men · 4 months
Jaakobah is doing things to me. He's so uncomfortably uncanny with his presentation and voice... and yet hes so hot to me.
How would he structure his deal differently with the reader character? It sounds like he'd rather bind their soul to him or keep them close physically as a trophy/plaything rather than just take it to sell to someone else
You hit it right on the head with that one, good job anon 👏
Your completely right, he doesn't love people he loves to OWN people. He gets sexual gratification out of it as for some reason owning things and people (mostly humans) really gets him going.
He's a manipulator and ropes people into his web of lies and abuse by promising them everything they want and then stripping them of everything they had leaving only him and them.
He doesn't just own people in the sense that he has them chained up but they could escape and never see him again-no no he owns their soul, their soul becomes part of his making him not only more powerful but more greedy for control. Depending on how much control he has over you (how much of you soul you give away to him) He can control simple things in you're body such as temperature or white blood cell count...these simple things can and will have horrific effects on you, he uses it as punishment or just when and whenever he's bored.
God forbid your one of his favourites.
If he realises you find him hot he's gonna use it against you, he'll play along and play nice or dirty if that helps. He'll keep a hand on your back or bring you gifts, affectionate words ANYTHING to get you to relinquish control over your own soul.
He'll rip apart those bitchy fuckers who bullied you when you where kids or he'll leave a scratch card on you parents door that wins them millions, he will do anything that floats your boat and he will do it with that deep and attractive accent, his body will move in away that compliment yours to real you in closer and closer.
Once your soul is his well its easier if I just write it.
He had been so kind to you, giving you gifts here and there and words of encouragement and hell he even saved your poor old parents from the load sharks, the police are still picking parts of them out of the floorboards.
You had grown up with the tales of beats and demons twisting poor people to give up their souls but Jaakobah had told you that giving a soul is the most intimate thing a supernatural being and human could do, that it's a sacred ritual that binds and tethers two beings together...he framed it to sound so pleasant...like marriage..and he had been so so good too you the least you could do is give him something you didn't think it was worth any value, I mean what could he do with a soul anyways?.
But there you two where, you where standing opersit him twiddling your thumbs together with nervousness burning your sense of self apart, he looked down at you he knew exactly what you where about to give him and he buried the malicious emotion of greed as so his face wouldn't switch to it with a ding.
"Mmm everything alright doll?" Doll, a nickname he gave you that you thought was just a cutey couple thing but you had no idea how accurate the name was. He spoke with fake concern lacing his voice, he bended down a little to reach you- his hight was quite intimidating and completely towered over even the tallest humans.
You looked up at him and smiled "I wanna do it... my soul I want to bind it with yours" binding was the only word you where told but in reality he would own and engulf your soul into his like a barracuda and a little clown fish.
His face twirled round with a bell like ring to a happy one, he stretched out his hand and hummed a laugh, he acted like you had just proposed to him and honestly you felt like you just had.
"Just shake my hand, shake it and anything you could ever want shall be yours" his words were intoxicating, you never had shook a hand so fast in your life a smile as bright as the sun placed itself neatly on your face until...his face, it spun around and around at a speed you haven't seen, it only lasted a few seconds until his face landed on a horrid face..it was evil and full of malicious intent, the floorboards started to dance as lights and smoke from under them poured out and he laughed
"Hmhmhmhm yess....yessss" the walls started to pound as a snake quickly shot out from behind him and wrapped around your two hands, preventing you from running away as it quickly sunk its teeth into you wrist, he only laughed harder in your face as he suddenly spun you around and let go of you to fall onto the ground, the snake curlled up and turned into ash.
You looked around in horror trying to comprehend what the hell was going on but suddenly Jaakobah plunged his hand into you chest and pulled out your heart but ehen you went to reach for your chest it felt fine
"you've got what you wanted"
He said the floorboards and walls still pounding as if there was an angry mob pounding to get it, he then stood at full height before he opened up his robe thing on tucked your soul away...suddenly you felt less like a whole inside you had just been excavated. A chain wrapped around your neck and it glowed in greens and pink sealing your fate.
"And you've lost what you had."
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Birthday Preference: Peter Parker x Reader , Tom Holland x Reader , Harrison Osterfield x Reader , Freddy Carter x Reader , Kaz Brekker x Reader , Jesper Fahey x Reader , Cardan Greenbriar x Reader , Austin Butler x Reader , Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
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Description: blurbs and moodboards for each character/person on how you’d celebrate your birthday with them and how they’d celebrate their birthday with you.
Warnings: some slightly suggestive content I suppose
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Peter Parker
Your birthday
Peter would go out of his way to ensure you had the best day! While he didn’t have a lot of money to spend on the day, he’d have saved up a decent amount to get you a gift and treats. He’d have purchased the item you’d had your eye on in the store window for nearly a month. He’d get pizza from either his work or your guys’ favorite place and teasingly put candles in it since it couldn’t decide on your favorite cake flavor.
His birthday
You’d of course make/buy him a spider man cake as an inside joke since only you knew his secret identity now. He’d be thrilled but also embarrassed by it. You got him a dog as you had seen him researching local rescues and animal shelters and researching which type of dog was the most protective. Little did you know that he was doing so in hopes to get you guys one to protect you when he was on patrol or otherwise not able to do so himself. But he adored the fact you knew him so well and picked the perfect dog. Plus it took a lot of pressure off him trying to do it alone.
Peter Parker Navigation/Masterlist
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Tom Holland
Your birthday
Tom would want to spoil you everyday but especially on your birthday. As a result, you two agreed that you were okay spoiling the other on special days like birthdays and anniversaries. So, Tom would take you to an early dinner at your favorite restaurant. When you got back home, he’d secretly had Harry help him set up a surprise party for you. Your closest friends and family were invited and Tom had purchased an insane amount of decorations. After the party, he refused to let you help clean up and drew a relaxing bath for you while he cleaned up. Then you two would fall asleep cuddling in bed.
His birthday
As mentioned, you’d reached a compromise with Tom that you could spoil him on his birthday. As such, you bought him the best gift you could think of, even if it was a bit pricier than you would normally spend on such an item. You knew he had been working too hard lately so you arranged a relaxing night. You’d reserved a private theater for you and him to watch the latest blockbuster he wanted to see. Then you snuck out to a privately reserved rooftop bar for some food and drinks. After that, you arranged for Tom’s family to do a video call with him since they couldn’t meet until the week after. Once the call ended, Tom held you tightly as you went to sleep.
Tom Holland Navigation/Masterlist
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Harrison Osterfield
Your birthday
We know Harrison likes to be extravagant and enjoys taking care of his loved ones. So, your birthday with him would be no different! He’d throw a large high end party with champagne, glitter, loads of friends, and your favorite cake. If you drink you’d likely end up needing him to carry you to bed that night after the party. If you don’t drink, Harrison would sense you becoming tired and conclude the party; joining you in bed to read for a bit before sleeping.
His birthday
Again, this boy can be very down to earth but also loves luxury things. So, if you two were away from home for his filming or other work projects, you’d celebrate in a more down to earth way. You’d still do the traditional birthday things like cake, candles, presents, etc. but then you’d find a relaxing location for lunch and just enjoy each other’s company. If you were home, you’d usually have a calm day like that on/around his birthday depending on how it landed. But since his birthday always landed on a US holiday, you also would have a party and on the tv you’d have it showing a feed to 4th of July celebrations in America so that you could watch the fireworks.
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Freddy Carter
Your birthday
Freddy would take you on a trip, likely just a small getaway for the two of you to a cute nearby destination. You’d spend the day doing your favorite activities and he’d of course take tons of photos of you on your birthday. It would be a nice and calming day where you got to simply enjoy life.
His birthday
Freddy didn’t have many birthday parties growing up, not big ones anyways. He used to be very shy and reserved, only coming out of his shell around those he knew very well. So, now that he’d gotten much more comfortable around others, especially his costars, you would hold an annual birthday party.
You wanted him to be able to experience a traditional birthday party where he could be his outgoing and carefree self around his loved ones and friends. You opted for him to take the night off from taking photos, instead using his Polaroid yourself to document the night. He of course would steal the camera a few times to get photos of you and you with him.
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Kaz Brekker (a bit long as backstory is needed to keep is as close to cannon as possible)
Your birthday
After Jordie, Kaz never cared for birthdays. He just treated them like every other day. However, when Inej noticed how personally you took it even before you and Kaz started dating, she lectured him on trying a little harder.
The wraith of course knew of Kaz’s hidden (even to himself at times) feelings towards you, so it was easy to get him to act more appropriately on your birthday.
He still wasn’t great at it, but the next year he at least addressed it; which he did each year since.
The year after that, you also found that a “mysterious and unknown” person left a small gift for you in your room. It was of course an item you’d been gazing at but hadn’t thought he’d noticed.
By the time you two became an unofficial couple, he’d taken to not only acknowledging your birthday and finally signing his name on the birthday gift, but also dedicating time to spend with just you.
Usually it would be in his office/room, but it was one of the rare times he’d leave his work alone and just be in the moment.
Once he was okay with labeling your relationship, he decided to tell you that as a gift in a way on your birthday.
As time went on, Kaz continued to try to make you see how much he cared about you and that your birthday was important to him because it was the reason you existed at all.
His birthday
Kaz never really celebrated his birthday. Even before his traumatic childhood, his family didn’t have a ton of time or money.
And now, the thought of the day often brought more memories of Jordie and how it was wrong for Kaz to celebrate a birthday when his brother couldn’t.
Therefore, when you entered his life and tried to find out his birthday he became very frustrated and tried to shut you out even more. He knew you were trying to be kind, but he didn’t feel he deserved it; nor was he sure he wanted it as it implied you cared for him which would put you in danger.
However, you were good at getting information, hence your whole role in the crows and in his life. So, you soon tracked it down, but never told anyone. If they knew, no one showed it.
You would often take food to Kaz’s office unprompted because he never took time to eat. So, you knew it wouldn’t look suspicious to do it on the day you now knew to be his birthday. As such, you made him a standard plate of dinner and departed from Your friend group for the night.
However, you first entered your room. You grabbed a small piece of cake you picked up from a bakery on the other side of Ketterdam very early that morning.
You didn’t want to push it by getting him a real gift right away, instead waiting to see how he responded to this. You then walked to his office, using your boot to knock softly since you had your hands full.
Kaz already knew it was you so he promptly signaled for you to enter.
He nodded appreciatively at you as you set the standard dinner plate on his desk as you always did.
While he hadn’t seen the other plate still in your hand yet, he sensed your nerves so he peered up from his notes in question.
He of course knew what day it was, but no one else should, so he was startled when he saw the cake in your hand.
Kaz glanced up to look into your eyes as he held a stoic expression but slightly raised his eyebrow to alert you to his thoughts.
You gave him a soft smile, “I was at the bakery… and umm.. the lady said it was on sale… so I got us all some for dessert”.
Kaz pressed his lips together as he steepled his hands together over his notes.
He sensed you were lying but he wasn’t sure if that was because you were lying or because part of him hopped you were.
Hating he already showed vulnerability in you having caught him off guard with the cake, he nodded again and allowed you to set it on his desk.
“Actually eat tonight Brekker” you teased as you exited his room.
When Kaz went to put the dishes in the kitchen, Nina stopped him.
“Two plates?” She glared, “and that one looks like it had something sweet on it. Did you eat my last waffle?! I was saving that!”
Kaz rolled his eyes, “I did not eat your precious waffle Zenik”.
“Then why the two plates hmm?” She interrogated.
Kaz groaned, stepping around her swiftly, “y/n brought me the dessert as well”.
“Dessert?” Nina gasped, spinning around to follow him.
“What dessert?!” She asked, offended she didn’t get any.
Kaz halted but didn’t turn around for a few seconds.
When he did, he asked, “You did not have dessert?”.
Nina crossed her arms over her chest, “no. There was no dessert. What game are you playing?”
Kaz’s eyes flickered to the stairway where y/n was standing with inej likely saying Goodnight.
He felt his lips curl slightly into what his body intended as a way to hide his desire to smile but likely appeared as a smirk.
He wasn’t sure why he was smiling, after all he doesn’t celebrate his birthday.
Perhaps you didn’t know, but he still felt smug over the idea that you’d only gotten him cake.
Plus, he knew given your skill, and the timing of it, that his earlier suspensions were likely true; you knew it was his birthday.
As vulnerable as he expected to feel at realizing that, he actually felt almost pleased.
You knew and yet you didn’t make him talk about it, question him on why he hadn’t told anyone, and you clearly understood he didn’t want to make a big deal of it.
He couldn’t express how much that meant to him, to have someone understand him so well and so effortlessly.
Kaz saw Inej smirk before muttering something to y/n but he didn’t look away.
Instead, he watched as your eyes scanned the room until they landed on him.
He relaxed into a faint smirk and nodded again.
You smiled widely and nodded back before giving him a small wave as you excused yourself for the night.
To say Kaz was up late that night wouldn’t be unheard of.
But he wasn’t working, instead he was thinking about what all of it meant and how to proceed.
Yet, in his traditional Kaz way of handling things, after the nonverbal acknowledgment between you two that night before you went to bed, he chose to act as if nothing happened.
However, the next year, he found another slice of cake on his desk; this time with a candle in it.
When you entered later you see if he’d eaten, he smirked and nodded towards the plate.
“You don’t need to talk about it. But I know what today is, and celebration or not, everyone deserves cake” you shrugged.
Since then, before and during your relationship, you and Kaz celebrated his birthday with full acknowledgement of the day (between you two at least).
The others still had no idea, and kaz preferred it that way.
In fact he was pleased that it had been you out of everyone who could’ve figured it out.
It also helped him explain to you a few years later why he hadn’t celebrated before.
And you guys worked together to help him accept that while he didn’t have to, he could celebrate his birthday still and that Jordie would’ve wanted him to.
As time went on, the celebration remained solely between you two and you took extreme precautions to protect his secret while still getting things back to his room to celebrate.
Over time you’d reached a point where instead of a slice of cake and a single candle, you’d been able to have him comfortable with a full (mini since it was just the two of you but still) cake and enough candles for his age.
He even soon let you get him a true gift on that day of the year; reluctantly of course, as he didn’t feel he needed any but knew it made you feel better to give him one.
He soon grew to not despise his birthday but instead cherish the alone time you two had on that day each year.
It was a type of domestic bliss he never expected to have, much less enjoy.
And he knew he never would have had it been anyone else but you.
Kaz Brekker Navigation/Masterlist
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Jesper Fahey
Your birthday
Jesper rarely stepped away from the tables, let alone on a consistent basis. However, for your birthday he routinely took a break from gambling.
Although it wouldn’t last more than a day; you both knew that. He still dedicated that day to you, refusing to let the pull of the cards and kruge distract him from celebrating one of his favorite days; the day you were born.
He knew how much you loved his rings and clothes and loved how they looked on you.
But he didn’t feel it was enough to gift you something he already owned. So, he instead bought a matching set of your favorites of his for you.
If there were no heist coming up, he’d try to make a trip to Noyvi Zem with you. You didn’t have any family left but he did and Colm had taken you in as a daughter.
He’d often have a cake and birthday gifts ready when you two arrived.
If that wasn’t an option, he’d gauge your current mood and decide between throwing a party with the crows or having a private date night. Regardless of how it was spent, he made sure to show you how much he cared about the day and you.
His birthday
Jesper always spent at least part of his birthday gambling. However, now that you two were together, you offered to join him.
He was more than thrilled to not be alone, and even better, to have you keeping him company.
You would try a few rounds but unlike your boyfriend, you knew when to stop. You still stayed, now option to solely be his good luck charm.
Or so he called you, regardless of the outcome. To be fair, he was better when you were there, his desire to impress you making him notice more of the other patrons’ tells.
But even if he lost the hand, he would kiss your cheek as you sat on his thigh, his arms around you.
When you joked about you no longer being his good luck charm, he’d scoff and pull you closer to his chest, peppering kisses all over your face.
“You will always be my good luck charm beautiful. Just look at you, you’re glowing” he’d coo into your ear as he waited for the next round.
When you were able to pull him from the tables, you would guide him to the slat. You managed to get the others to help decorate while Jesper was out with you.
He’d of course drink far too much but he had the best night and hardly ever left your side despite his drunken behavior.
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Cardan Greenbriar
Your birthday
Cardan was not accustomed to celebrating birthdays given that residents of Elfhame normally lived far too long to have a reason. However, Cardan would never turn down the opportunity for a party.
Nor would he ever ignore the chance to spoil you, especially when custom dictated you couldn’t refuse the gifts.
So, when he was informed about the traditions surrounding birthdays, he went overboard.
He would throw a large party, wanting you to realize just how many people cared about you.
He’d have the staff decorate the whole castle, but often would go over and adjust things himself as he saw fit.
Cardan ensured your favorite foods and drinks, both from Elfhame and the human world, were present at the party.
After the party, he would guide you (blindfolded) to the library where he had arranged all of your gifts; over ninety-percent from him.
He would lean into the lounge chair as he watched you open each gift; explaining the ones not found in Elfhame.
Cardan would be overly thrilled to see how much you loved the personal gifts and letters he gave you.
However, despite having a great day, it wouldn’t end there.
He was not done maximizing his ability to spoil you.
Cardan drew a bath for the two of you and spend the evening reminding you how beautiful he found you.
His birthday
We all know Cardan loves a party, so while he was not used to celebrating his birthday, he wouldn’t resist your request to celebrate it.
There was plenty of alcohol, Elfhame delicacies, expensive decorations, an Alice in Wonderland themed treat table, and tons of guests.
He ignored most of them however, instead focusing on spending his night with his love.
Not caring that the guests were watching their king closely, Cardan would drag you onto the dance floor of the ballroom.
He began slow dancing with you, even though it did not match the music.
However, the music soon quickly changed to a slower beat as Cardan rested his head on your shoulder.
After the party you let Cardan open his gifts, him sometimes having to have your help understanding what some of them were since your human friends had sent them.
Just when he thought he’d opened them all he watched you slide a wrapped rectangular item across the bed to him.
He delicately -despite his drunken state- opened the gift as he sensed it was more important than the others.
Cardan gasped and his eyes watered as he looked down at a near-mint condition hardcover copy of Alice in Wonderland, “it’s beautiful y/n”.
You grinned and snuggled into his side, “it’s a first edition. Signed too”.
Cardan smiled and opened the cover, seeing the first edition stamp and the author’s signature.
He softly set it next to his bed, turning to pull you closer, “you spoil me too much”.
You knew he couldn’t lie, so he must’ve truly felt that way but you giggled and shook your head, “my beloved, I do no such thing. But, I’m not done”.
Cardan kept his arm around your waist as he watched you reach for your nightstand where another wrapped rectangle rested.
“My queen, you’ve already-“ he began, for the first time feeling as though he didn’t need anything more.
“Shh” you smiled, “or I’ll stop letting you spoil me on my birthday “.
Cardan immediately shut his lips tightly, making you laugh.
You leaned over, giving him a kiss until his lips were no longer in a dramatically thin line.
“Open it “ you said, placing the last gift on his lap.
He squeezed your hip and softly opened the item.
“It’s a collector’s edition” you grinned as Cardan’s eyes flickered over the unique coloring and design on this copy of his favorite book.
After carefully putting the books away, he made sure to show you how much he appreciated you and all you did for him that day.
Cardan Greenbriar Navigation/Masterlist
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Austin Butler
Your birthday
Austin knew you didn’t get to have big parties growing up. So he took great care in planning extravagant parties for your birthday.
He would ensure it wasn’t tacky but instead tailored to your personality and likes.
He purchased your favorite champagne and invited as many of your friends as he could contact.
He’d rented out a nearby hotel to use their event hall for the night.
Without telling you why, he had you get dressed up and head out with him for the night.
When he saw the glee in your eyes when you learned of the surprise party, Austin knew he did well.
As the night went on, he noticed you had grown tired and excused the two of you.
He took her home, helping you wash the glitter out of your hair before tucking you into bed.
After he shut the house down, he cuddled into bed next to you, holding you tightly as you went to sleep.
His birthday
Austin was known for liking nice/fancier things and you knew his birthday was no exception.
However, he rarely had the time to make plans to celebrate given his work schedule.
So, you took it upon yourself to plan it.
You worked with his agent to ensure everything went smoothly and worked with Austin’s schedule.
He knew you were working on this as you often asked his opinions on the guest list or decorations.
Austin was very appreciative as he desired a nice night to relax and have fun but couldn’t make time to plan it.
The night went incredibly well and Austin couldn’t be happier.
Watching you dance while wearing the dress you knew was his favorite on you, Austin decided it was time to leave.
He made his way across the party and whispered to you that you guys needed to leave.
You weren’t sure why at first, but once you made it home Austin more than showed you why he needed to be alone with you.
Austin Butler Navigation/Masterlist
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Nikolai Lantsov
Your birthday
Nikolai took every measure to make sure you had a wonderful birthday.
He enlisted all of his staff to take care of cleaning the palace top to bottom, making the guest rooms ready for company to stay in, trimming the gardens and sweeping the outdoor pathways.
Nikolai himself decorated while you slept in.
When he knew you’d be waking, he brought a tray of your favorite foods to you in bed.
“Good morning and happy birthday my dearest girl” he greeted, bending to kiss your forehead.
You whines as he pulled back, grabbing at his dress shirt and pulling him closer.
You smiled as you pressed your lips on his, his hand resting on your cheek.
“Morning” you breathed, taking a moment to smell the delicious food he’d brought.
Nikolai chuckled, fixing his shirt, “I’ve seen to it that the library is empty. So, when you’re done with breakfast, it is all yours. No David, no students, all yours”.
You beamed at him with excitement, “really?! Thank you Kolya! Will you be joining me?”
“It would be an honor” he smirked, “now eat”.
“You don’t have any meetings or con-“ you asked but he stopped you with a soft kiss.
“Not today y/n/n” he promised, grabbing your hand.
“Nik, no way Zoya is okay with you rescheduling” you teased, taking a bite of your breakfast.
He laughed and shook his head, his gorgeous hair moving swiftly from the action, “I didn’t reschedule, I reserved the day off”.
You blushed, pulling his hand to make him sit next to you, “I love you”.
He smiled, brushing hair from your eyes, “I love you too moya tsaritsa”.
Nikolai in fact did join you as you rummaged through the library for any books you hadn’t gotten the chance to read yet.
However, he was distracted by his nerves about the party.
He was hoping the party would also serve to get you more comfortable with the palace and your position in it.
Nikolai wasn’t unaware that this role was new to you, but he was always looking for ways to help ease the transition.
He was hopeful that tonight would allow you to relax and find joy in a more public room of the palace, enjoying yourself even while around the kingdom’s subjects.
Fortunately for him, despite your own nerves when learning of his planned event, you did enjoy yourself.
“Thank you for tonight my korol” you grinned, kissing his hand as was the appropriate ending to the night given your new status in the palace.
Nikolai smirked and snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a proper kiss.
He laughed as your eyes widened as you pulled away and silently glanced around the room of guests, “I know lapushka, but this is our home, and I do not intend to behave differently within it; regardless of who is present”.
You blushed as your smile grew, burying your head in his chest.
Nikolai brushed your hair with his fingers, “happy birthday milaya, Ne koroleva!” (Happy birthday sweet girl, Long love the queen)
His birthday
You knew that his new title as king limited Nikolai’s chances to tailor as Sturmhond and enjoy the privateer side of him.
So, you made sure that he got that chance for at least a week each year, whatever week his birthday landed on.
He’d been resistant at first, fearful Ravkans would connect his disappearance with Sturmhond.
But when Zoya agreed with you that the citizens likely expected their King to be absent around a date such as his birthday, he agreed.
He still had his doubts about what his subjects would think, but he could never say no to you.
Much less when you were trying to do something for him.
Plus, he desperately needed time away from the palace and the pressures of being king.
He profusely thanked you as the two of you boarded the Volkvolny, both tailored as your privateer personas now.
You kissed his cheek, ruffling his now colored hair.
He rolled his eyes playfully, pulling you to him by your waist, “enjoying yourself?”
You giggled and shrugged, “I haven’t seen you like this in awhile is all koja “.
Nikolai blushed, the way he always did, tailored or not, when you complimented him.
“Hmm liking the tailored look more?” He teased.
You smacked his chest, “of course not, knock it off. You know better than that!”
Nikolai smirked his signature Sturmhond smirk but pressed his lips to the top of your head, “we should get out there love, I need to make sure we don’t crash”
You laughed and followed him out from his cabin on the ship and onto the main deck, watching as he directed the crew and adjusted the ship’s trajectory.
When he finished he smiled and waved you over, his arms wrapping around you tightly, “I needed this darling, thank you”.
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Tags: @theslayerofthevampires @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifey @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny @natswife-marvelicious @emmymaehereeeeee @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @brekkershadowsinger
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astraysimp · 11 months
Matching Halloween costumes with Skz :Maknae line 🤭
Warnings:fluffy, gn!reader(if i make boo boos I'm sorry:(((), if this is poo...also sorry it's 1am 😭😭
Han Jisung:
Here's the backstory, you and jisung have known and been best friends for YEARS...I'm talking preschool days. So...matching costumes have been a longstanding tradition between the two of you, your first matching costumes being bumblebees (you two indeed went around "stinging" people and buzzing). Since you and Jisung were now dating and have been for the past two years(which you somehow hid from almost everyone) it meant the costumes meant even more. The costumes were great, a full bee suit(minus the face,) it was black and yellowed striped of course, with a plastic stinger on the butt, white wings on the back and to top it off little antenna headbands 🥹. Evert year was something new, one of you picking costumes or deciding on a costume together . Which lead to this...
Jisung loves anime-demon slayer, Naruto, one piece, my hero academia-you name it and he's seen it. You on the other hand were not the biggest fan, and naturally he'd wanted to dress as anime characters. He'd been scrolling the internet looking for perfect costumes , and when I say scrolling I mean, looking at all the websites he could , checking amazon, Etsy, costume stores, THE WHOLE 9 YARDS.
"Sungie, do we really have to be anime characters this year?" You had whined to him for what seemed like the 100th time. "Yah, buggie of course we do! Come ooonnn , I'll find us the cutest costumes , please please please. Pleassseee for your sungieeeee pleaaasseeee." Jisung had pouted, jutting his lower lip out and batting his big eyes at you, as he laid across your lap. "Aissshhh, sungie I don't even know who these characters are," you'd protested back and you pinched his cheeks." B-but it's special for meeeee AND you picked our costumes last year, buggie!" Indeed, you did:deciding to dress up as Mario and princess peach , because you were his princess and he was always there to save you-just like Mario. Anywaysss, y/n sighed in defeat as you knew they knew Jisung would win this battle "yah you better find us really cute costumes then,hm?" They'd playfully argued, with a gentle boop to his nose. At which, Jisung giggled and clapped his hands, his endearing heart shaped smile coming into full view,"waahhh of course. Only the cutest for my baby, my princess, my buggie, my pookie wookie," he'd pulled his phone out which (unsurprisingly) had about 10 different anime couple costumes loaded.
Jisung pouted and held his phone out to you," buggie boo, who should we be? Bulma and goku.....or.....maki and okkutso yuta...shinji and rei!?" He'd peered up at you, a pout still adorning his face. " sungie...I love you but I don't know who any of those characters are, bubba. As long as you're happy ,I'm happy." You'd admonished, looking down at the puffy cheeked boy in your lap. "Mmmm....maki and okkutso it is!" He giggled , placing the order for your costumes on his phone.
Lee Felix:
This would be your first Halloween with felix, having only been dating for 6 months. So, you knew you'd wanted costumes to be special. You both wanted something cute, that would fit with your personalities, yet also be silly. It'd taken a little convincing to get him to agree. You'd argued the costumes would match your personalities amazing yet also suit your relationship. The costumes being anger and joy from Inside Out-felix being joy and y/n being anger.
Felix being joy just made sense- he's a walking ball of sunshine 🥹 spreading happiness and warmth wherever he goes. Y/n on the other hand, a little hot headed, and has a temper, that can only be calmed by a certain Aussie. So, there you two were , Halloween night, in your cute little costumes, hosting your party.
Felix felt adorable, even though he won't admit it. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you to the photo station , insisting you had pictures taken. Him wearing his yellow shirt with blue flowers, yellow pants to match, standing next to the love of his life, you. "Aaahhh smile baby! My little anger ball." He'd teased as you posed looking mad. So you did exactly that, how could you not be happy when you had a ball of sunshine standing next to you?" Bobokie, say cheese, sunshine!" *click* "what pose should we do next ?" He'd asked you , trying to think something up before the camera clicked again. "Hm....how about something silly, sunshine," y/n had pondered at her boyfriend, arm hugging his midsection. If silly was what y/n wanted, that's what they'd get. So...Felix crossed his eyes , putting his hands up by his head as to look like rays of light while y/n pouted, cheeks puffed out, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed over their chest...then *click
The couple had one picture left to take....and y/n had been thinking about what pose they should do, completely not hearing what Felix had been saying. "Y/n? Baby, do you have an idea? The photographer is getting the camera ready." He looked down at y/n, arm around their shoulder, eyes filled with love. Y/n looked up at Felix, suddenly snapped out of their thoughts. "Oh, sorry baby! Just was thinking of a pose," they'd mumbled out to him, sheepishly blushing for zoning out. Felix had never felt so in love, all he could do was lovingly cradle his lovers cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to their forehead and let out a low laugh."it's okay my love." He'd whisper against their forehead before resting his forehead against theirs. So engrossed in their moment, neither Felix nor y/n heard the soft click of the camera, the photographer deciding to capture that moment, the two of them looking into each others eyes so full of love, foreheads resting on one another's, as Felix hand cradled their cheek, soft love filled smiles on both of their faces ...it was picture perfect
Kim seungmin:
If Seungmin was anything it was a menace. So, when he got a partner, the menace level was doubled. You see, some couple go for cheesy costumes like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some do cute like Cinderella and Prince Charming. But , you and Seungmin? No...you went the menace route. You both deciding to be Tiffany and Chucky.
You two were dedicated! Y/n bought special effects makeup, wigs and everything else needed to perfect the look. The night of the Halloween party would be interesting...but getting ready would be worse...
They both had their outfits on, y/n fully done up. They already had the wig on , makeup-thinly drawn on eyebrows, black lipstick and dark eyeshadow- and contacts in. On the other hand ...Seungmin only had his outfit ,wig and contacts on-that was easy."Yah! Seungminnie...stay still! I need to do the fake scars!" They'd whined , straddling their boyfriend, trying to apply the cosmetic scar decals to his face. "It's cold," Seungmin would protest, trying to push their hands away. "Yah! Just stay still, all I need to do is put the scars on , add the little bit of redness and add the staples. It's not going to take long!" They'd argue back, not budging from the lap of their fidgeting boyfriend. "Waahhhhh noooo. This is enough!" Seungmin would whine, shaking his head," yah! Kim seungmin! This was your idea! Stay still...or no kisses!" That was his breaking point ....no kisses? That was going too far . " okay okay...fine. I'll stay still but ...you owe me 10 kisses for threatening to take them away from me." He'd deadpanned. "Yeah yeah yeah, now let me finish."
Yang Jeongin:
Jeongin was new to relationships...but if there was one thing he wasn't new to...it was being a fashion icon. That meant whatever costumes you wore... had to be fashionable, at least fashionable enough for him. That's what lead you to the costume store...
"Yah...they all look...cheap!" Jeongin exclaimed, as you had been walking down the aisle of costumes. "Innie....they're not exactly supposed to look super expensive...you wear them once." Y/n had conceded, running their spare hand along his arm. "Yeah but still....the material is so....cheap...and the costumes are expensive!" He'd rebutted , gliding his hand along a clown costume. "Ssshhhh, innie it's okayyyyyyy." They whined , letting go of his hand briefly , only to wrap both arms around his midsection. "This looks cute , hm?" Y/n suggested , pointing to a bar or and Ken costume.
"It's cute....and still fashionable innie?" They smiled up at him as he pulled the costumes from the shelf. "Yeah...I think we'd pull them off...should we try them on?" Jeongin wondered, resting his cheek on the top of their head, feeling the movement of them nodding. Off to the fitting rooms they went...pulling the articles of clothing out of the bags. Y/n slipped into the pink vest and flared pants, accompanied by stars on the back pockets with a silver sparkly cowboy hat. Doing a once over in the mirror, they smiled and peeked their head out of the door..."innie...you ready?"
"I'm ready!" They'd heard him say, before hearing the door to his fitting room open. "Wwwaahhh so handsome!!!" Y/n exclaimed , clapping their hands, looking at jeongin. "Does it look okay?y/nnie?" He shyly asked, Reaching out to hold their hand. "You look amazing, my fashionista," y/n cooed, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "How do I look? Do I make a cute barbie?" They giggled and spun around , still holding his hands. Suddenly, Jeongin had pulled y/n to him, squishing their cheeks together. "Yyaahhh, you make a perfect barbie. You'd make a perfect anything. My baby, my y/nnie!" He'd giggled and pressed kisses to your face. Giggling, y/n leaned back and nodded." Okay so...barbie and Ken it is! Now , let's change and buy these so we can go eat! I'm craving cheese tteokbeokki!" Nodding his head, Jeongin let them go, and back into his fitting room he went...he never thought he'd be into matching costumes...but with his y/nnie..Jeongin was down to do anything
~~hi besties! This is part 2 of matching costumes with Skz! I hope you enjoyed it!🩷🩷
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whinlatter · 1 year
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author's note | chapter 3: nocturnal 🌙
here is the author's note for chapter 3, with a few short reflections on writing, headcanons, fic recs (and a tiny sneak peek of chapter four). for an explanation of why i'm inflicting these author's notes on you see here!
✨ spoilers for this chapter below the cut (and a tiny sneak peek of chapter 4…) ✨
thank you for reading the third chapter of beasts! this chapter follows ginny’s first (proper) day back at hogwarts after the war, from morning til night. we have some familiar faces back with us, as well as a couple of new ones. lot to talk about - let's get stuck in...
[ nocturnal, adjective: being active or happening at night rather than during the day:of the night, or relating to the night ]
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thanks to @pebblysand @evesaintyves and @takearisk-ao3 for their extremely helpful suggestions on introducing and sketching out O.Cs. and thank you to @incalculablepower on TTB for clarifying what did or did not happen with ginny’s OWLs!
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writing notes and headcanons:
on canon references (or: back to the prisoner of azkaban): i’m having so much fun pilfering and borrowing my favourite tropes or moments in canon and sort of interpolating them into the vibes of certain scenes for this fic. for this chapter, the book i kept going back to for this chapter was PoA. this is the book we see ginny the least in, save for a brief intro in diagon alley and her traumatic experience with the dementor on the train, where she and the trio all meet remus, but we know, for her, it’s the aftermath year of her deeply traumatic first year. it only seemed right to do PoA here, as we find ginny, again, starting a new aftermath year now that the war is won. there are references to PoA throughout - remus’ DADA lessons, obviously the hippogriffs and the care of magical creatures lessons, but also werewolves, dementors, the press, and the beginnings of criminal trials. with the opening scene i was trying to do a call-back to the opening of PoA, which begins with harry in the middle of the night, writing in bed, quill between his teeth, worried about getting ink on the sheets, receiving the daily prophet clipping and letters from his friends. two soulmates mimicking each other i die i die. (also time-turning because you know ya girl loves a flashback)
on letters: letters, writing, handwriting, reading between the lines: these are really crucial in canon - there’s often a romance and magic to them, and they serve a rich way of characters connecting across distance and time (lily potter’s little wave to her son through her letter Gs!) as we know, though, writing to others is canonically also a loaded theme, fraught with risk and danger and secrets, the threat of interception. ginny more than most has reason to feel wary when she picks up a pen. expect lots more letters and refections on this in future chapters…
on the camera and the nimbus: when i one day put out the summer ‘98 fic that i write and re-write and scrap every so often, you’ll get the story of how harry and ginny come to possess these two items - but for now, i’m keeping hush, you're going to have to forgive me trust me
on head boys and head girls: as we see in this chapter, hermione and justin finch-fletchley are the first postwar heads of school. these are symbolic appointments as well as reflections of the staff and governors' faith in them - two muggleborns, both plainly bearing the scars of their, very different, wartime experiences. there’s been some super interesting discussion about this (here and here) and although i don’t think hermione should be head girl, i think she would be, in ways that make for an interesting arc for her. stay tuned on this...
on lavender: i just don’t think she’s dead, i’m sorry 🥲 it’s just too brutal for her to have died and her only plot service to be ron’s clingy ex! my girl was a proud DA member and fought in the battle and deserves a chance at having a meaningful life after her injuries ok
on ginny and mcgonagall: i strongly suspect ‘forgot to brake, sorry professor’ was not the first time these two gryffindor ladies clashed. i assure you, in this fic, it will not be the last.
on professor graves: i’ve always been so so so fascinated by the department of mysteries and the unspeakables, and so introducing a former dept of mysteries guy to take the defence class - already a tricky posting, especially after the students have had a year being taught how to do dark magic by death eaters - seemed really compelling, especially as we play with some of the themes about beasts and the darker parts of a person's nature. stay tuned for more prof graves action...
on ginny and remus: we have only tiny hints that ginny and remus have some kind of friendship that harry doesn’t really see in canon - the poa interaction, moments in ootp where remus stays with ginny and the twins on the night bus (ofc he’s also living at grimmauld with ginny and her family in that book, too); ginny’s closeness to tonks; and that fantastic moment in DH where remus vouches for ginny to her parents and persuades molly and arthur to let ginny stay in the room of requirement during the battle, so she’ll know what’s going on. i’m absolutely not the first one to suspect remus lupin might see something of himself and try and look out for ginny in her second year, but i am loving thinking through their dynamic here, and the idea of remus and hagrid also having their own existing friendship and rapport
on little women: fraught, fiercely loving sisterhood, matriarchs, writing, war… hermione just had to be rereading little women, didn’t she?
on siegfried sassoon and the death bed: i know it’s extremely pretentious wanky of me to start with a poem but one of my favourite favourite books is pat barker’s regeneration, which is about soldiers at a scottish convalescent home suffering with PTSD during the first world war (it’s a fictionalised account of real people, including sassoon the war poet, who were patients at craiglockhart during the war). there are lots of themes and dynamics in that novel that i’m shamelessly trying to play with here, strongly recommend a read, and i’m also just a massive huge sassoon fan and this is one of two of his poems that i keep coming back to for this fic. (graves is actually a reference to robert graves, the poet and classicist, who appears as a character in regeneration). the vibes are very much this!
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reading list for chapter 3
on epistolary fiction and letter-writing (esp. harry/ginny):
castles by @pebblysand warm front by flagpoles (@jiilys) enough of both by @takearisk-ao3
on harry calling ginny ‘gin’: 
you’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know by @hiinnys (AO3)
on postwar ron and ginny:
hide-and-seek by stuckwithminusharry
on postwar hermione:
Failure by @floreatcastellumposts
on mcgonagall:
Autumn is a Time of Change by wasureneba
on hannah abbott: 
naive: in defense of hannah abbott by dirgewithoutmusic
on remus and food: 
It’s just what you do to get by by anonymous for remus lupin fest 2023
songs from the playlist particularly for this chapter:
dismantle by peter sandberg | september - instrumental by sparky deathcap | this is how we walk on the moon by arthur russell | tommy's tarbukas by alasdair fraser | sinnerman by nina simone | lonesome am i by missisipi john hurt
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plus a very short sneak peek of chapter four... 🧹
‘Right,’ she says. ‘You can all put your brooms down over there.’ Thirty blank faces stare back at her. ‘You know,’ she says, raising her eyebrows, ‘an important part of being on a Quidditch team is following direction.’
🦉 thoughts & questions? ask me anything!
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lunatic-pudge · 4 days
Duke Nukem General (and Relationship) Headcanons
Hey, gang, I'm deviating from Postal and TF2 for a sec and giving a little bit of attention to Duke Nukem. Seeing so much Dude x Duke fanart has started to make me grow a thing for Duke. I'm still learning about the franchise and the character so my interpretation of him might be a little OOC. These are general headcanons and some relationship stuff. Gott work on my Duke Nukem skills. If you enjoy these and want more, feel free to hit up my comments (or ask box) and I'll gladly deliver. And, as always, I'm dutifully working on my Postal and TF2 requests. I'm gonna have some posted before the month is over. And if you wanna request Postal or TF2 stuff, you are always more than welcome to! I enjoy getting asks. :D
-Duke is such a goofy guy to me. This macho guy that' jacked, kills aliens, saves the world, and is "totally straight". Yeah, I'm starting this off by saying that I aggressively refuse to believe that this man is only into women. This man is RADIATING pansexual energy. Originally, I was gonna say he's bi, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that he really wouldn't care about gender.
-But that also extends to, he does not understand these things. The type of person to be like, "What's a nonbinary?" and even when you explain it to him, he still doesn't really get it but goes along with it. (This might also just be me craving himbo Duke) He's the hero we need in these bleak times, frfr
-He's such an interesting guy. Like Dude, Duke has a very extensive knowledge on weapons, even alien weaponry, and is very adaptable when switching weapons out. Even though this man is a himbo to me, he's way more smarter than what you'd expect. Having military knowledge and even knowing about differing types of aliens (and how to kill them obviously). Sometimes it's scary with how much he knows about these things
-Autism be damned, my boy knows how to work a grill. It's a shocker that this man is actually talented in the culinary department. It's impressive. Duke can make even the nastiest of things edible. If you have food allergies or sensitivities, it'll take a bit for him but he'll learns to cater to your dietary needs. He's very big on spicy and savory foods. Not really a sweets person. Tending to avoid sweets and only having them as a rare treat (he's got a physique to hold up here). He's not someone who's gonna tell you what foods you need to eat but will encourage you to stay on a more healthier diet. He's very health conscious
-Very big on working out and staying in shape. He would like it of you joined in with him on it but is understandable if you are unable to. I can also see him just flat out using you as a weight. Doesn't matter what your size is, you WILL be picked up by him.
-His love language is definitely physical touch and gift giving. Man is loaded with cash and won't hesitate to spoil you. Taking you out on lavish dates and getting you anything that little heart of yours desires. He also loves having you cuddled up in his side. Duke's a big guy, if you ask, he will carry you around. And since he's very into physical affection, expect some PDA from this guy as well. He'll usually have an arm wrapped around your waist and won't hesitate to give you a big ol' smooch or even a hug.
-Again, Duke is a goofy guy, he's always finding ways to tease you or to get you to laugh. He's a good guy with a good heart. He wants what's best for you and can be rather overprotective at times. He doesn't like people trying to hit on his partner. He know he has nothing to worry about, just finds it annoying that someone thinks they can take you away from him. Good luck trying to keep him from kicking some ass though. He can be hard to convince to turn the other cheek and ignore the offender
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blazehedgehog · 10 months
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I'm not normally one of those "boy I hope somebody got fired for that blunder" but the new Fortnite locker menu is maybe the worst UI I've experienced in ten years.
The way it used to work: you'd build a loadout of your Fortnite skin. This meant picking a character outfit, a backbling, pickaxe, glider, and skydiving trail. You would also pick a wrap for all of your guns, associated emotes, music, loading screens, and banner icons. You would then save all of these to a slot in your "locker" and Epic would even sell locker presets in the shop from famous streamers and the like.
So for example, here's my "Gorgon Freeman" locker preset as of two days ago, featuring the Demogorgon from Stranger Things:
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Everything all in one place. Simple to understand! You had 100 locker presets for Battle Royale mode, and another, separate 100 locker presets for the Tower Defense Save the World campaign mode.
What you see at the top of this post is the new system they've introduced for Chapter 5, launching today. Which is that they have now broken Outfit (backbling, pickaxe, glider, and skydiving trail), Wraps, Emotes, and Lobby settings (music, loading screens, and banner icons) out into their own, separate lockers.
So if I were to load the "Gorgon Freeman" character locker, I would not get his emotes, wraps, or lobby settings. I have to load those all separately from each other. All those settings are still here, mind you. I have locker presets named "Gorgon Freeman" in all of those individual categories now, because they automatically converted my old lockers to the new separated system.
But for the sake of argument, let's say the "Gorgon Freeman" preset is like, near the bottom of the preset list. It's like slot 75 out of 100. So I have to scroll down 75 slots in the character list (+75), scroll another 75 slots down in the emotes list (+150), scroll another 75 slots down in the wraps list (+225), and scroll another 75 slots down in the lobby list (+300) just to get this guy fully loaded the way it used to work 48 hours ago with a single slot for everything.
It doesn't stop there. Epic also combined all the locker presets from Save the World and Battle Royale, so technically there's 200 locker slots now for the entire game, which is good, but there's no fast and easy way for me to go in and delete all the duplicate lockers I mirrored between BR and STW. So I have lots and lots of useless cruft.
If you consider that technically Outfits, Emotes, Wraps and Lobby are their own separate lockers now, plus instruments (for the new Rock Band mode), "Jam Tracks" (songs for Rock Band), cars (for the new racing mode), there's something like 1100 locker slots, 800 of which are accessible from the core Fortnite experience. Confused yet?
The menus for creating a new locker preset are also just generally awful. None of the menus feel like they were built with speed in mind. In the old Fortnite, there were tons of shortcut buttons to make everything fast and easy. There are zero shortcut buttons in the new locker menu, meaning lots of slow, tedious, manual scrolling through menus and options and sub-options.
It either feels like an unfinished beta or like it was designed by a person who has absolutely no sense or care for making this fast and easy to use. I'm hoping the former, because I can't believe somebody thinks this is comfortably usable. Setting up cosmetics in this game now feels like trudging through mud.
I'm also suuuuper not on board with this chapter, but maybe that's another post. They made everything a lot slower and heavier and more complicated. It feels like it's way more deliberately trying to bite PUBG (or I guess Warzone)'s style now.
They may as well have put a completely different game out today and are still trying to call it Fortnite.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
K’s ‘65 Away From 2.5k’ Holiday BINGO Challenge!
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I hope y’all don’t mind that I’m starting this milestone celebration a bit early … I’ve had this challenge in mind for a while now and knew that I wanted to start it today (Dec. 1st). Then I realized how close I am to 2.5k, so I figured ‘why not make it a celebration too?’ So here we are.
I’m going to put the details of the challenge below the cut so that this post doesn’t get super long. Before you go check it out (and I hope you do) I wanted to thank you SO MUCH for helping this blog reach 2.5k followers. To achieve that in less than a year of having this account is crazy, and it’s all thanks to you. 💕
Alright…go check out the challenge now!!! (Please)
You can read stories written for the challenge HERE.
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So you’ve decided to check out the challenge…thank you so, so much!!
The rules of it are pretty simple. At the bottom of this post, I’ve got a BINGO board that is loaded with different tropes, genres, settings and ‘must includes’ that you will use to create a story. I’ve picked these because they’re my personal faves, and they’re choices that I’ve seen in many stories on here. And since the holidays are now officially upon us, I figured I’d get us in the spirit with some fesitve choices.
If you’ve not played BINGO before, you need to either fill in 4 squares across or down (I’d shy away from going diagonal because there isn’t all 4 criteria present…4 corners is an option though) and then use those 4 choices in one story. Remember…ALL 4 must be included to get BINGO!
Want to try and get BINGO? All you need to do is either send me a 🎁 in my ask box, or comment 🎁 on this post, and I’ll add you to a PARTICIPANT LIST where all of the stories will eventually be posted.
You don’t need to tell me what choices you’re using right away…save that surprise for the fic that you’ll post (but please tell your readers the 4/the line that you chose when you post the story - maybe add it in an author’s note)
Any character from Peaky Blinders is free game for this challenge, and you’re more than welcome to use an OC or pairing from the show if you feel more comfortable with doing so instead of writing an ‘x reader’.
It is completely fine if you want to include mature (NSFW) content, but if you do…make sure that there are warnings and that you tag it properly.
This celebration will run from today (Dec. 1st) until January 1st, 2023, which is when I’d like for all of the stories to be posted (becuase we’re celebrating the holidays) … BUT if things happen to get a little hectic for you and you still really want to join, you’re still more than welcome to post after the deadline.
Please make sure that you tag me in the story when you post it!! - you can use the hashtag too, but it’s not required.
Now that all of the boring stuff is out of the way (and I hope you’re still with me)…let’s take a look at the board:
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Important: you’ll notice a * at the end of the box that says Christmas Morning/Christmas Eve. I’ve included that in case you wanted to use that line of choices but would rather use New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Morning instead, OR if you want to use that line of choices, but the character you want to write it with doesn’t celebrate Christmas…or you personally don’t celebrate Christmas.
An example of a possible combination for a fic would be: ‘we’re just friends’, ‘a holiday party’, ‘fluff’, ‘must include: a kiss’ … just in case anyone was confused.
I really hope that y’all would want to participate in this challenge…I’ve been waiting anxiously to share the idea with you, and I think it could be a fun way to celebrate the holidays.
Please don’t hesitate to message me if you have any questions!!
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Tagging a few people who may be interested: @zablife @cillmequick @raincoffeeandfandoms @shelbydelrey @notyour-valentine @l1-l4 @gypsy-girl-08 @rangerelik @dandelionprints @look-at-the-soul @midnightmagpiemama @evita-shelby @fallatyourfeet @toms-cherry-trees @there-goes-thefighter @moral-terpitude @dearshelby @strayrockette @solomons-finest-rum @mgcllovdrms @huntingingoodwill @teenwolf-theoriginals @pherelesytsia @peakyscillian @peakyswritings @noforkingclue @forgottenpeakywriter @christinasyellowflowers @celticmelody @padfootdaredmetoo @theshelbyclan @vintunnavaa @mythos-writes @dreamlandcreations @jyessaminereads @lilyrachelcassidy
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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wirelychee · 2 months
How I draft long plots
(I was once asked about this topic, and I thought I'd write an actual post about it. I don't know if the person who asked is around anymore, but I decided to post this just in case it might be useful for someone else. 🧡) ***
So, this is just a tiny little understatement, but I have a tendency to write REALLY long stories, and over time I’ve just kind of gravitated towards organizing my writing in a very specific way, and I thought I'd illustrate that process a little bit here (with pictures!).
I really hope that there's at least something useful here for someone! I do want to emphasize that everyone’s writing style/process is unique, and there are no right or wrong answers. In the end, it's best just to try various different things and then pick & mix whichever of them work for you! 😊💛
(I have no idea if anyone ends up reading any of this, but if you do I’d love to hear your thoughts and I’d be happy to answer any questions as well! 🌻)
Note: I originally posted this on my personal blog here, feel free to read or comment wherever you prefer! 🤗
1. Lightweight program for writing
I know a lot of people use google docs to write fanfics, but I personally never use it for any fictional writing (only when necessary for work or other official files). I really just do not vibe with gdocs on any physical, spiritual or virtual level... 😅
Instead I’ve written all of my fics using a very old program called Rough Draft*. The best part about using this type of simple & lightweight software is that I can always have many MANY long text files open in multiple tabs within the program without having any issues with lagging or loading at all. This makes all the different chapters easily accessible and it’s super quick to switch between them (seriously ZERO loading times).
This feature is absolutely necessary for me, since I write SUPER long chapters, and if I’m writing chapter 4 for example, I will always have at least chapters 3 & 5 open at the same time (+ usually many more chapters, or other fics I'm working on). The previous chapter is open so that I can look up specific parts that I might need to reference from it, and to check any details that I might’ve forgotten. The next chapters are usually open, because I often edit/cut parts from the current chapter and move them into future chapters that are still in progress.
Another feature that I use all the time is the "Notepad" tab, which automatically saves as a separate text file. It makes editing feel a lot less stressful, when I can just freely dump every single bit of deleted writing in the little notepad box, knowing that I could still easily dig them up later if I need to.
In this screenshot, you can see the "Pad" tab (a separate file of its own), where I've cut & pasted all the sentences I deleted from that chapter (ahah there's A LOT...).
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(*unfortunately Rough Draft is very old & buggy at this point, so I do recommend finding a newer similar program to use instead. Also, I still have to use html-coding with it as well…)
2. Chapter index
I usually spend A LOT of time making sure the main plot is as easy to follow as possible (without sacrificing any suspension or complexity), because I personally feel like having a clear narrative flow improves reading immersion significantly.
Many of my stories have at least 10+ chapters and to keep track of them all (especially in a way that helps to organize the story into a coherent narrative) I usually make a separate chapter index file for each story I'm writing. That file basically serves as both a plot/chapter overview, and a central place to gather all the various potentially relevant info for the story.
Since I write Multi POV stories, 90% of the time I divide the chapters into different character sections, which honestly helps me to better understand the story as a whole as well. Under the titles or character names I write down basically anything that could be useful for that particular part (snippets of dialogue, research notes, new ideas, possible story changes, references/relations to other characters or events etc).
I decided to use an AtLA fic as an example here, since the notes for that fic look a lot more organized and less spoilery than for most of the other fics. The first pic below is a screenshot of the chapter index file for The Spirit Stone, showing a few chapters that I’ve already posted on ao3.
.....And if all of this looks like I'm making an unnecessary amount of lists, that's because that's exactly what I'm doing lol. 😂 I just genuinely like making neat lists of things! 🧡 I always make sure to also colour-code the different character POVs to make them appear more distinct from each other – and more importantly so that the list is nicer for me to look at heheh :3 (which is obviously very crucial).
(*Sokka got assigned a lovely lilac, bc Katara already had blue and Sokka didn’t have any other canon colour associations 😅)
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Sometimes if I feel like the scene could be more interesting/relevant from a different perspective than I had originally planned, or if it seems like one character POV is becoming too dominant or repeats too many times, I go through these lists and try to figure out in which way I could change or move around the POVs without interrupting the pacing/narrative flow of the main story.
Here’s also an overview of another fic I’m writing (first half of Residually), in which I use the exact same style again for breaking down the different POVs. Like in above pic, I didn’t include any actual chapter notes here either, since they were super spoilery. (The plot & flashbacks in this fic are crazy intertwined, which I suppose is fitting for a story about an omniscient network of fungi lol :3)
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3. Chapter notes
Above screenshots are overviews of multiple chapters, however, like I mentioned I removed the random chapter notes to make the example pictures look cleaner & less spoilery. While the writing is still in process, those individual chapter & POV headings are actually FULL of various notes & scribblings. And usually they look pretty messy too, since I just throw any potentially useful thoughts/ideas/research tidbits into those notes.
Things that I generally add to the chapter notes:
- first a list of potential POVs to figure out which characters should be prominent/are central to this chapter - under the POV headings, the main gist of what a character does or should do at this point in the story - some key conversation snippets/dialogue - important plots points that I need to keep in mind - research info that I want to include in the chapter/is relevant later - connections/references to some other part of the story - reminders of which POVs/sections are still unclear or need more work/edits - possible changes to the chapter/overall plot (if they're crucial changes they'll be accompanied by !!!!! and a red highlighter lol)
Below is a screenshot of (Spirit Stone) chapter 5 notes while it was still a work in progress (from early stages, I added more notes later).
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Also here’s a screenshot of chapter notes for one of the newer fics that I’ve been writing (for Taxi Driver/모범택시, not sure if I’ll ever post it publicly though). I’ve obscured most of the actual text, but this is just to demonstrate that I use this same method all the time, and I write down A LOT of notes in this way, especially in the early stages when planning out a new story.
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4. Major story arcs
I don’t use this kind of index very often, but occasionally I also do lists with notes like this about major story arcs spread over multiple chapters (the below pic is also of Spirit Stone). Sometimes this kind of list can be helpful to write down, or at least think about, if you're worried about dealing with many complex topics that might make you lose sight of the bigger overarching story. It’s enough to write just a few simple sentences about the main plot points/themes that you want to deal with in those specific chapters (but ofc they don’t need to be set in stone, the story can still change drastically even when half-way finished).
I don't usually use this during the first stage of drafting plots, to me this kind of list is mostly there as clarification or reminder about the overall structure/themes/goals of the story.
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5. Writing the chapters  (caution: worst method ever, not recommended 🚫)
So, usually the way I write the actual POV parts of the chapters is basically just writing an overlong rambly block of text (just a SHIT TON of text), with conversations & scenes often in non-linear order, and then painstakingly editing & arranging all of that into something more coherent and smoother to read (this is why it takes me absolutely fucken' forever to edit my stories, WAY longer than the writing itself ahah...). Tbh this process kind of feels like dragging in a big-ass log of wood, and then (like a dumbass) trying to whittle an elaborate sculpture out of it with a flimsy little pocket knife lol. :'))
Is this method a smart way to write? Nope, absolutely not. Is it incredibly ridiculously time-consuming? Oh yes, absolutely. Does it for some frustrating reason work for me? Yeah, unfortunately it does... Do I recommend it? Nope, never, please save yourself and be smarter than me. 🙃 ▫▫▫
Regardless of fandom or whether I’m writing original stories, my basic approach is the same. But like I mentioned before, organizing the chapters in this way was mostly born out of the fact that I usually write Multi POV stories with various alternating characters. Although, I’m sure you could definitely do this kind of categorizing with a single POV character too, if that’s more your kind of thing! :)
Just to reiterate, there are no right or wrong answers or methods. It's always good to try out different things and then eventually you'll find a process that works for you specifically! 😊🧡
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I have a HC that Rocket is ace and while I’m creating my playlist for a series I’m trying to write I found this Metric song that fits the mindset I have for his character so well.
“Gold Guns Girl” from their 2009 album, Fantasies. Starting with quick harsh strums of guitar and and fast drumming, the intensity of instruments flow softer with different tones for lyrics and falls away towards the end before growing louder, bringing a swelling feeling of going out of control. While the song does imply a possible satisfaction from women, the lyrics reiterate how the person is never put at ease by anything. Rocket has been engineered to be highly intelligent, craft and modify weapons and pilot all variations of space craft, but with the aftermath of the tragedy he endured it would affect how he sees the world. Rather than use the determined optimism we briefly saw in Vol 3 exploring his backstory, Rocket, upon escaping High Evolutionary, would gain a sense of paranoia and corrosive anxiety that reaffirms his new belief that he is never safe. One of the first scenes we see of Rocket upon escaping the prison with the newly formed team of the guardians, is him building weapons and a bomb powerful enough to explode a moon. In the second volume, he has set up several types of dangerous traps and gone to the point of planting a speaker in the Milano to disorient the approaching ravagers. His fast paced mind would continuous search for different ways to protect himself and be hyper aware of possible threats.
Most people he encounters underestimate his intelligence and capabilities as he tries to find ways to survive in the unwelcoming systems he passes through. Enemies and temporary allies belittling him in one way or the other, would most likely encourage his feelings of being insufficient as he focuses his efforts to be prepared. He failed to save his first family, and he’s grown to be hyper vigilant in order to scrape by.
“All the gold and the guns in the world (couldn’t get you off)”
“I remember when we we’re gambling to win, everybody else said ‘better luck next time.’”
“Is it ever gonna be enough, is it ever gonna be enough”
“All the toys and the tools in the box (couldn’t get you off)”
“All the noise, all the voices never stop.”
I see the line above as the past voices of his first family haunting him, and the dismissive attitudes towards his strengths degrading his self-esteem.
“Is it ever gonna be enough, more and more, more and more, more and more.”
When the tempo picks up and the phrase repeats, I see Rocket insistently adding more modifications to his gadgets, twisting different mechanisms into place to enhance it’s performance. Stealing resources and crafting makeshift explosives, which switches to a scene where he dumps a fresh load of materials onto the deck of his ship and starts to pick through the most useful. Dismantling a blaster to input additions and improvements and slides parts back into place with ease before setting it down, glaring down at his work. But he checks over his shoulder into the empty cabin space and feels his skin crawl as he turns back to his project to shift yet another piece into place.
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