#i have to wait for my gf or she will throw a fit
fragilecapric0rnn · 4 months
"my captain is not my dad, but he might as well be"
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Charlie: "Vaggie?"
Vaggie: "Yeah, Charlie?"
Charlie: "Holding hands like this is really really nice, as usual, especially after a desperate fight for our lives, so this isn't a complaint or anything-"
Charie: "-but I think your hand... is leaking??"
Vaggie: "That's blood, sweetie."
Niffty: "I like blood!"
Charlie: "That's a LOT of blood?"
Vaggie: "Yeah. It happens when someone impales your hand to the floor with your own spear, and you want the spear back."
Angel Dust: "Only you, Vaggironi."
Vaggie: "It still works. See?"
Charlie: "GaH- don't SQUEEZE IT!!!"
Niffty: (gigling) "Eww~"
Cherri Bomb: "Wow, someone put this girl in a slasher film."
Husk: "Fuck! It fucking squirted all over my fur!"
Angel Dust: "Ooh-"
Husk: "Not one. Shitty. Word."
Charlie: "SHIT!"
Husk: "That one doesn't count."
Charlie: "Fuck, shit- why is it still bleeding? The battle was hours ago! Shouldn't it be closed up by now!?"
Vaggie: "It might not ever, really. Heavenly steel and whatever."
Niffty: (peering through hole in vaggie's hand) "Oooooh~"
Charlie: "But it has to heal! It's- Niffty stop that- it's your HAND!"
Vaggie: "It's still attached so no big deal."
Charlie: "No big- Vaggie, there's a HOLE in you that I could stick my FINGER in!"
Angel Dust: "Just one? Wow, tight fit."
Vaggie: "Could've been worse."
Charlie: "WORSE-!?"
Cherri Bomb: "Angie, if they hear you and you get yourself killed on top of Pentious today, I'm gonna ugly cry and smear my running makeup and snot all over your stupid corpse."
Charlie: "- and you didn't even TELL ME I was putting a death grip on an open wound!"
Angel Dust: "That's so rude."
Vaggie: "The pressure was helping slow the bleeding anyway."
Husk: "Fucks of a feather fuck up together."
Angel Dust: "Aww Husky, would ya cry over me too-?"
Vaggie: "It's fine."
Husk: "Fuck you."
Charlie: "This is NOT fine!!"
Vaggie: (smiling at gf) "It doesn't hurt that much, babe, but I can wrap it up if you want."
Charlie: "No, I'll do it."
Charlie: (sighs)
Charlie: "...not like it's the first time I've gotten here too late, and only been able to bandage you up AFTER she's already hurt you..."
Vaggie: "Charlie..."
Charlie: "Nope! No angst right now- bandaging! I'll be gentle, okay?"
Angel Dust: "That's what she s-"
Angel Dust: "-OW CHERRI watch it with the elbows will ya!? That rib's BROKEN!"
Husk: "So's your fucking brain, dumbass."
Cherri Bomb: "He doesn't have one."
Charlie: "Well does anyone have a NON-BLOODSTAINED bit of cloth I can use for-?"
Niffty: (soaked in blood) "No~"
Charlie: "-AGUH NIFFTY! Stop looking through her hole like that!"
Angel Dust: "...."
Cherri Dust: "For the love of yourself, don't."
Angel Dust: "......I've got nothin'."
Husk: "Thank FUCK."
Vaggie: "Hey look, when I flex my hand the stab wound blinks."
Angel Dust: "Wait actually I'm gonna throw up."
Cherri Bomb: "An open bodily hole you DON'T like? Today really is just full of miracles..."
Vaggie: "I can make it talk." (holds up hand to gf) "Hi sweetie."
Charlie: "...."
Vaggie: ".... Sorry. I think I've lost a lot of blood."
Charlie: "Then let me blindfold and or gag your stab wound, before someone faints-"
Angel Dust: (THUD)
Charlie: "-just like that, great."
Cherri Bomb: "HA, oh that's priceless! Another fallen angel!"
Husk: "Why didn't you fucking catch him."
Cherri Bomb: "What am I, his boyfriend? You catch him!"
Husk: "I'm not that loser's boyfriend!"
Charlie: "Yet."
Vaggie: "Wait guys, pause the ship war-"
Vaggie: "GUYS."
Vaggie: "Where's Niffty?"
Everyone: "........."
Everyone: (looks down at angel dust's unconscious body)
Niffty: (Squished) (one arm sticking out) (thumbs up)
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shaunamilfman · 3 months
Being Jackie Taylor's controversially young gf
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pairing: jackie taylor x reader note: let me be delusional lmaoo
definitely broke up a semi-serious relationship with a man she'd been dating for a year or so when she realized she would have to spend the rest of her life with that guy. In my mind she got really drunk one night at a sorority party and had an “oh, shit” moment and avoided him for two weeks before breaking up with him. 
i see Jackie as a news anchor. honestly, I think it would really fit her. always struck me as a morning person.
meets you at a coffee shop that she has to rush into at the crack of dawn before work. she's so fucking happy and in a good mood that it puts you off at first. like seriously, it's like 6 AM, why is she smiling??
Jackie immediately takes a liking to you. starts going out of her way to stop by whenever you're working, even though it's five minutes out of her way and she likes the coffee at the other shop better. 
she's so flirty, incessantly even. she derives so much pleasure from making you nervous. even with all the flirting she does, she doesn't seriously expect you to reciprocate her interest. she's immediately stunned and a little unsure when she realizes you wrote a flirty comment on her cup, because don't you realize how old she is? 
comes back in the next day and mentions it and is immediately flattered when you just shrug and hand her the usual before she can even order it. Jackie's so flustered by your attention that she leaves without paying. runs back ten minutes later and practically throws the money at you before sprinting back to work. 
Jackie really likes the fact that you don't know who she is. i mean, who watches the news anymore?? 
you finally catch a clip of her as the anchor and realize what she does. she gets so shy when you tease her about it. asking her for her autograph as a joke and she's tripping over herself and bright red
god, she's never like this but you just make her so nervous sometimes. makes her feel like a kid again and she never thought she'd like that. 
doesn't even cross her mind to be embarrassed or hesitant about dating someone half her age. starts talking about your college classes and one of her friends is like “oh, it's good they're going back to college at their age” and Jackie's just like “oh no, they went straight out of highschool 🥰.” doesn't even notice the way their jaw dropped as they're doing the math. 
worries constantly about how you perceive her. she seems so charismatic and confident that you wouldn't think she would be so insecure, but it's constantly on her mind. she's not embarrassed about you at all but she keeps waiting for the day that you realize she's too ‘old’ ever since someone pointed that out to her for the first time. 
tries way too hard to seem hip and cool. she spent hours researching how to use modern slang correctly even though she already mostly had it down. 
over the moon whenever you reference liking something from the 90s. she'll talk your fucking ear off about it if you let her. 
Jackie values your validation a lot less than she would've at 18, but she still really needs to be the center of your attention. one off comment from you can really have her off kilter for the rest of the day even if you didn't mean it. Jackie's more chill about it now, but she still has a desperate need to be liked. 
she gets so jealous when it comes to people your own age. there's so many spaces you’re in that she really just can't enter due to her age and it drives her crazy thinking about all the people who might be able to relate to you better or on a different level. 
such a reality TV fan. has you on the couch for days getting caught up on all 12 seasons of her favorite show before the new season airs. you just know she's got the best snacks though. 
ridiculously supportive of every little thing you do. if it has a competition attached, trust that she will be in the front row with your picture on a t-shirt. People definitely think she's your mom with how extra she is about it, but she doesn't even care. the crowd audibly gasps when she kisses you afterward, but she doesn't notice as she's too busy hyping you up about getting fifth place.
most considerate gift giver on the planet, I swear. she only gets better with age. it's so sweet and thoughtful that you almost tear up every time. 
won't lie about her age but also won't correct other people. your friends are like “what is she, thirty???” in disbelief when they meet for the first time and Jackie's ass is just like “... yes. that's it.” 
world’s most expensive makeup collection, i swear. it’s so expansive that you're almost in awe the first time you see it. entire shelves dedicated solely to it
sometimes when you get bored sitting outside the shower listening to Jackie yap you start googling the prices of things just to feel something. what do you mean that skin cream was $250???
Offers to give you a tour as an excuse to get you into her room. You’re looking around her one-story house like 🤔. You’re not sure there’s a single room in this house you can’t see from the living room, but you’re not stupid enough to give up that chance.
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will1ams0n · 1 year
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Tease - Leah Williamson
Summary - On holiday in Ibiza with your GF Leah Williamson and some friends. You have needs, and she wants to make your day as uncomfortable as possible…
Warning - Leah Williamson being an actual tease, sexual tension, sexual references, beginner tumblr writer post…
You knew she knew what she was doing, and you knew that she was aware that you knew she knew. She’d been teasing you from first thing this morning.
The sun had woken you softly, coming through the open curtains as you lay next to your girlfriend who was only in boxers and a sports bra due to the heat, you however forever liking the comfort of pyjamas were in an old Arsenal training vest of hers and some old shorts. Her arm was haphazardly flung over your waist, and our legs were entwined. It was hot though, incredibly hot. The weather, as well as the sexual tension of the position whenever she’d shift her leg.
You wanted to free yourself from her grasp, longing for a cold shower to clear your mind of the racing thoughts, as well as to try and lower your temperature. You were going out today to a late breakfast with some friends, before heading to the beach together, and lastly getting hammered at a club, mostly just enjoying the time off from football and any other working commitments.
As you tried to untangle yourself her grip fastened and she pulled you back into her. Your bodies once again fitting together perfectly. You should have known she was already awake, she loved to enjoy morning cuddles. But also the ever shifting leg position should have given it away, she was teasing you.
“No” her voice said lowly, nuzzling into your neck before peppering kisses there. “Stay” she commanded and you just giggled at the feeling of her breath on your neck. She was a softy when she wanted to be, as hard as she tried to present herself, she was whipped for you. A total simp. And you loved every minute of it.
“Baby, we need to get up. Keira and Alex will be waiting for us” I said, turning around and pushing myself up onto my elbows and leaning over her. The heat of Ibiza had gotten to her also, and parts of her gorgeous blonde hair had stuck to her slightly sweaty face so I pushed them away, before kissing her briefly, watching her eyes flutter close,
“You don’t look too bad on the top you know” she just smirked in response, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of mischief and lust, I rolled my eyes laughing slightly, before she wrapped one leg around my waist and flipped us over. Her now hovering over me. The mischief gone from her eyes, only lust remaining. “But you look so much better under me” she whispers into my ear as she started her assault on my neck.
“Fuck. Le-“ I started before I got caught off by a moan escaping from my throat, and I involuntarily grabbed the back of her head, keeping her close, not wanting her to stop, but knowing in my mind we shouldn’t be starting something that we didn’t have time to finish.
Leah on the other hand was not phased, and did certainly not seem worried about the jam packed day as her hand trailed up my leg, and under my shirt before reaching their intended destination. My breath hitching as her hand brushed over my breasts.
“Baby, please” I moaned out, grabbed her face in my hands and pulling her lips onto mine in a passionate kiss. Expressing everything I want to say and ask her to do to me in it.
I shut my eyes, throwing my head back ever so slightly, and pulling her face back so she could continue her assault on my neck, when I felt her knee come into contact with my core, she shifted a few times, causing silent gasps to fall my mouth, I wanted more. I needed more. But before I could do anything about it she’d jumped off of me and was stretching widely. Letting out a huge yawn.
Now my eyes shot to the smug looking blonde who was ignoring my glare on her back as she chose her outfit for the day, as if nothing had happened, as if she was totally innocent.
“What you thinking baby” she asked turning around, showing me her black bikini, that would not cover enough skin to help my ever growing need for her touch, her taunting tone was clear,
“I’m thinking why the fuck did you stop?” I huffed, sitting up and shuffling towards her to sit at the end of the bed and she walked in between my legs, using her finger to lift my my chin,
“Because a beautiful woman reminded me that we couldn’t be late for our friends this morning” she smirked, pecking me quickly, before admiring my flushed face and lust filled eyes, “you might want to take a cold shower though” she winked, before heading back to look through her clothes. Damn her, and damn me for mentioning rushing this morning.
I grumbled, muttering complaints and annoyances at the blonde as I got up, to which she only chuckled and made the bed whilst I headed through to the shower. The coldness was refreshing at least, it was calming, however the blonde that came into the bathroom half way through, and checked me out was not. She clearly enjoyed stripping and putting on her bikini right in front of, her eyes on mine, and it did absolutely nothing to the butterflies in my lower half.
“Baby please, stop this” I whined at her, and she just laughed leaving the room. Today was going to be a long day.
Feedback is appreciated. I don’t know how to do the ask thingy haha, and how you guys could beat communicate with me. I’m learning haha. I managed to create a master list. I was very proud of that achievement to be honest haha. Again thank you for baring with me whilst I learn.
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cieloclercs · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a social media fic with nando where his gf/fiancé/wife comes to the paddock for the first time after they had their second child? And like the photographers are all oveeeer reader cuz of the cuteness and the other drivers are just soo happy nando found his person and started a family and just overload cuteness from the media and the fans and stuff like that 😊(ps: can you make the reader 10-12 years younger than alonso? I’m a sucker for a good age gap!) btw, looooove your writing and smau’s!! Have a good day 🫶🏻
home is where the heart is — fernando alonso
genre. social media au pairing. fernando alonso x reader warnings. swearing
author’s note. hello anon! i wasn’t entirely sure if you meant first time after having their second child or first time ever, but i’ve gone with the latter so i hope you like it! also there isn’t a direct reference to the age gap in here sorry :( you can still imagine it that way though because that was my thought process when i was making this <3
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liked by formulaupdates and 2,367 others
f1wags Fernando Alonso and his longtime girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N spotted in the paddock for the first time! Y/N has just given birth to their second child, María! What an adorable family 😍
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username you’re telling me i’ve been waiting to meet the mystery that is Y/N for YEARS and then she turns up with TWO WHOLE CHILDREN IM GOING TO IMPLODE
username i can’t believe the mystery girlfriend nando’s been hoarding is THIS HOT
username he knows we’ll fight him for her 🤭
username what the FUCK
username two kids?? daddy alonso’s been busy 😳
username STOP 😭😭
username he’s officially a dilf now 🥳🥳🥳
username carmen and maría are so cuteeee 🥹🥹
username i knowwww 😭 and girl dad nando is SERVING
username look at how he’s got carmen on his shoulders AHHH 🦋🦋🦋
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2h ago
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liked by yourusername and 65,736 others
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial Home race week with mis ángeles ❤️ So glad to have my three greatest loves with me for this special race. Y/N, Carmen y María, os quiero a todos más de lo que puedo decir 💗 / I love you all more than I can ever say. See you in Canada!
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username i was NOT prepared to cry today
username stop because this is SO SIGNIFICANT as well?? like before y/n fernando was single for so long and now he’s finally found his person 🥹🥹🥹 i’m not crying u are
username i’m pretty sure ur crying
username don’t EXPOSE me
lancestroll it was so lovely to see y/n and the girls! hope you bring them to the paddock again soon 🤍
yourusername i think carmen would throw a fit of we didn’t 😅 how does canada sound?
lancestroll see you there! 😁
fernandoalo_oficial Do I get a say in this?
yourusername the girls will miss you if you go without us 🥲
fernandoalo_oficial Just the girls? 🤨
yourusername ok maybe i’ll miss you too 😉
username not y/n and nando flirting on main 🫣
lewishamilton So happy for you mate ❤️ Give Y/N and the girls my love x
*fernandoalo_oficial and yourusername liked this comment
fernandoalo_oficial ❤️
carlossainz55 the most beautiful couple 🤍 me alegro mucho por vosotros / so happy for you guys
yourusername gracias carlos ☺️ come visit soon, carmen and maría miss their favourite uncle!
carlossainz55 on my way as we speak
landonorris favourite uncle? am i a joke to you?
maxverstappen1 excuse me i think that title belongs to me 🤨
lancestroll not a chance. i’m their favourite
yourusername boys there’s no need to fight! you can share the title 😌
fernandoalo_oficial Lando is their favourite
username nando really said fuck it let’s cause some chaos 😭
maxverstappen1 beyond happy for you guys (even though i should be the girls’ favourite uncle)
fernandoalo_oficial Keep dreaming, Max!
username yeah you’ve already won enough titles, let the others have this one!
*yourusername liked this comment
username i still want to know how they kept this secret for so long 😭
landonorris i deserve a medal for not telling anyone tbh.
astonmartinf1 We’ll be seeing the full Alonso family around our garage again soon, hopefully? 👀
yourusername keep my boyfriend’s car fighting for podiums and then we’ll talk!
username iconic.
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captainwans · 6 months
AM ERA PT. II (smau)
arabella series!
pairing: alex turner x fem! actress! reader
summary: the fans can’t get enough of their relationship and share their thoughts and feelings on the arabella mv, including a “new” discovery on y/n’s side from the comments.
timeline: 2014
note: layout / format by the beautiful @ithinkimokeei <3
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Liked by zendaya, yourbestfriend and others
yourinstagram 🤍🖤
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username babe yourinstagram just posted
username SHES A GODESS
username live love laugh y/n
breanahelders the woman you are 😩😍
yourinstagram you’re my woman 😙
matthelders didn’t know we shared her
breanahelders matthelders babe not now
username matt is so funny i love him
username oh no 🧎🏾‍♀️ what’s happening to me
mileskane looking beautiful love ❤️
yourinstagram ❤️😙
username i was waiting for miles to roast her
username no bc me too 😭😭
yourbestfriend holy mama i’m so gay 😳
officialelizabetholsen so real 😩
username the women in the comments ✨😌💅🏼
username alex doesn’t even have ig and if he had i know he be barking at how hot his gf is 😫
matthelders trust me he is barking
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Liked by imsebastianstan, elsapataky and others
yourinstagram a little bts ✨ (📷: wife breana)
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username my parents looks so hot
username i’m loving this new theme of hers!
username same!! i love how it matches the am
username the mv was so sexy idk if i wanted to look at alex or y/n
yourbestfriend nah i was looking at y/n the whole time who tf is alex?!! 🤨
username and you’re so iconic for that sis
username the content we’re getting lately is just immaculate keep going queen
username literally two of my worlds colliding
username y/n & arctic monkeys fans 🤝
username oh to be arabella
username *oh to be y/n
username what i also loved about the mv was that they put some clips from the arabella movie
username y/n am era > alex am era
matthelders who said she was YOUR wife?
yourinstagram me, myself & i 😌
breanahelders what she said 🤩 matthelders go get the divorce papers
username LMAO
username this is so gold i love this trio
matthelders i’m telling alex 😡
username um hello is no one gonna talk about them KISSING in the mv??!
username i was literally waiting for that comment!!!
username their kiss is living in my head rent free ✨✨✨🤩🤩🤩🤩
username i still haven’t recovered from that
username forever jealous
username he was kissing me y’all
username sorry boo but that was me
username if alex had ig i would’ve asked him if her lips tasted like the galaxy’s edge
username and if he kissed the color of a constellation falling into place
username and asking him if his days end best when this sunset gets itself
mileskane username he’s sitting beside me and he confirmed that her lips did taste like the galaxy’s edge 😳 🌌
username gripping my hair, sliding against the wall, sobbing, crying, throwing fits—ALEX
username i love this comment section sm
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Liked by officialelizabetholsen, madisonbeer and others
yourinstagram vogue ✨🤍
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vogue always a pleasure to have you 💋
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username y/n y/l/n is such an icon.
username new era new y/n
breanahelders those LEGS 😫
yourinstagram open for you ;)
matthelders can you two take this somewhere else pls 😒
mileskane dang matthelders you just lost your girl
yourbestfriend don’t blame him
matthelders 💀💀 yourbestfriend
matthelders just signed the divorce papers 😞 i can never win
breanahelders matthelders babe don’t take this personally it’s not you
yourbestfriend matthelders it is actually you
matthelders yourbestfriend you can eat my foot
username lmao y/bsf/n
username i can’t with them
username poor matt 😭😭
username y/n’s comment section is a comedy show 😭😂
username i love how breana and y/n are so gay for each other
username i mean look at them i want them both
username literally need her so bad 😫
username ugh she’s everything
rosiehw remind me why you’re not a model? 🤤
yourinstagram i could never 😫
yourbestfriend *you could i mean vs 👀
username lmao yourbestfriend
username no but seriously
username idk if i wanna be her or be with her
username ok alex i get it now 😫
username since no one has mentioned it is anyone else forgetting that i bet you look good on the dance floor was also about y/n
username context pls
username wait REALLY? EXPLAIN
username that’s not true—is it??
username he confirmed it during an interview years ago why are y’all so clueless
username but he didn’t mention her name tho?? only that it was a “popular actress”
yourbestfriend username put two and two together sis 😭
username yourbestfriend lmao do you think y/n knows
yourbestfriend username knowing her dumb ass i don’t think so
username did y’all forget that y/n filmed a movie back in 2005 in sheffield 👀 yeah
username there you have it
username it all makes sense
username i thought we all knew that 😭
username in conclusion they were meant to be sorry i don’t make the rules
pinned comment 📌 yourinstagram how come when i look for any information my only source is you guys (not that i’m complaining tho)
yourbestfriend bc you’re so so fucking clueless that’s why babe
yourfriend 😭😭😭
mileskane how did we go from y/n’s legs to i bet you look good on the dance floor?
username wtf is going on???
katiee_cook_ i’ve given up at this point
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cybrsan · 1 year
Can I request a smut with dom Seonghwa with prompts 106 and 107. He’s a ceo and while at work his gf suddenly decides to visit him. She realizes he’s busy so in order to get his attention she makes him jealous by flirting with Hwa’s coworker and he gets angry and then they end up fucking 😋
Prompts: 106. "I'm going to fuck you until you forget that asshole's name." + 107. "Bend over the desk, love." Pairing: CEO!Seonghwa x F!Reader Genre: Smut Word Count: 1.6k Tags/warnings: Possessiveness, unsafe sex, semi-public sex, jealous sex, creampie, spanking, subtle sir kink
Rules for requesting can be found here and my masterlist can be found here.
“Mr. Park is busy at the moment. You can take a seat in the waiting room, and I’ll call for you when he’s ready.” 
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, counting backward from 5. It is taking all of your willpower not to throw a tantrum like a spoiled child. It has already been a rough day, and all you want is to enjoy your lunch with your boyfriend. Yet, here you are, essentially being told to go to the back of the metaphorical line. It is for this reason that you’ve never liked Seunghee—she knows who you are, yet she still insists on giving you the runaround. 
“He and I have a lunch date scheduled. If you would just call up to him, I’m sure—” 
“I’m sorry, but he’s in a meeting. You can take a seat and wait for him, or I can have him call you at his earliest convenience.” 
“You know what? No. I’m heading up to his office, and if you have a problem with that, you can call security. But have fun explaining that to Mr. Park.”
She gapes at you as you walk away, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. You find a sick kind of satisfaction in it and, to further rub salt in the wound, give her a dainty wave and smile as the elevator doors close. You head all the way up to the 19th floor and are fully prepared to wait in Seonghwa’s office until he’s free, expecting that he would be in one of the conference rooms. However, to your surprise, he’s already in his office—but not alone. 
One of the most beautiful women you have ever seen sits across from him, her image reflected in the abstract mirror hanging behind his desk. Her long, dark hair cascades in rivulets down her back, her lips both similar in shape and color to a peach. Her eyes are foxlike, sharp and alluring, intense even through the reflection. You bristle with envy, though you try not to make it a habit to compare yourself to others.
Then there’s Seonghwa. He looks as stunning as ever, every detail of his appearance meticulously perfected despite his long work day. His dark hair sweeps across his forehead, each strand seeming to fall effortlessly into place in a way that accentuates his beauty. The dark blue suit you helped him pick out hugs his torso nicely, just form-fitting enough to show off his best features. His slender hands are folded on the desk in front of him, mere centimeters away from her dainty, well-manicured ones. And, god, those big, brown doe eyes of his that you love so much are watching her so intently. 
You know that she is probably the representative of a company that wants to merge or some up-and-coming actress that is looking for representation. You know that Seonghwa is just doing his job and that he has a bad habit of looking at everyone with stars in his eyes. But, despite yourself, you can’t fight back the jealousy that you feel. So, indulging in one of your own bad habits, you sidestep his office and head into his CMO’s office instead. The two offices are connected only by a glass window and the blinds are currently open, so you know that he will be able to see you. 
Surely enough, he notices you not long after Minho does, and both of their eyes widen in surprise. Unlike Minho, however, he has a meeting to focus on and quickly returns his focus to the woman.
“Y/N!” Minho says, getting up to greet you. “What a pleasant surprise. Are you here to see Seonghwa?” 
He holds out his hand, but you move forward and hug him instead. There’s nothing about it he would find odd—it’s quick, friendly, not unusual for a greeting. Yet you know, and Seonghwa knows, there’s more to it than that. Speaking of your boyfriend, he must have noticed your movement out of the corner of his vision if his stiff posture is any indication. You watch with satisfaction as he tongues the inside of his cheek, knowing he tends to do that whenever he’s upset. 
“Hey, Minho. I was, but he seems busy at the moment. Have you eaten yet? I’m not in the mood to eat alone.” 
“I was just about to go on my lunch break, so your timing couldn’t have been any more perfect. Please, join me.” 
He pulls out a seat for you—what a gentleman—before quickly excusing himself to the kitchens so he can grab his own food. You make yourself comfortable, clearing some room on his desk, and are just about to start eating when you hear the door to his office open. 
“That was fast,” you say without looking up. “What do you have to eat?” 
“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” 
You jump in your seat, taken aback as you expected to hear Minho’s voice. Instead, you’re met with a frustrated Seonghwa, his tone laced with annoyance. He strides over to you and spins your chair around so that you’re forced to look up at him. 
Grabbing your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, he continues, “Well? I thought you were here for me, but apparently, I was mistaken.” 
You shake yourself out of his grasp, standing up to fix the imbalance of power. “I was, but it looks like you were busy. Funny how you didn’t mention anything about a meeting this morning.” 
“You’re jealous? Is that it? So the first thing you do is turn to one of my coworkers, one of my friends, for attention.” His eyes darken and he moves forward, forcing you to back up until the back of your legs hit Minho’s desk. “What, exactly, were you hoping to get out of this?” 
Before you can answer, someone clears their throat. The two of you turn to face a confused Minho standing in the doorway, a fork in one hand and his food in the other. “Oh, Hwa, will you be joining us for lunch?” 
“Sorry, but I was promised a lunch date. Why don’t you go eat in the cafeteria with the others?” 
Minho narrows his eyes, obviously catching onto the fact that Seonghwa wants him to vacate his office. “Sure… Just eat in your own office, if you don’t mind.” The hint is almost as subtle as Seonghwa’s, but it’s there. 
“Of course. I’ll talk to you later.” 
With a nod, Minho walks away, leaving you and Seonghwa with total privacy. Without sparing you a glance, Seonghwa turns and heads into his own office.
“Bring the food,” he says. “Or don’t. I don’t think we’ll have time to eat anyway.” 
His words send a jolt straight to your core, the hidden promise of what’s to come enough to excite you. You grab the food only to haphazardly discard it on one of the chairs in Seonghwa’s room. You watch as he grabs the remote control for the blinds and closes them so that the two of you will be hidden from any prying eyes. Then, he sits at his desk, crossing one leg over the other as he looks at you expectantly. When you make no move to do anything, he sighs.
“Bend over the desk, love, before I lose my patience.” 
You immediately do as he asks, not minding the way the various stationary supplies littering his desk press into you uncomfortably. You know that if you make a mess of his desk, you’ll only receive more of a punishment. Your dress rides up your thighs, and Seonghwa stands, pushing it up further so that the whole of your ass is exposed to him. He rubs the skin gently, caressing it with his palms, before bringing one of his hands down with a resounding smack. Your body ricochets forward with the force, and you bite back a moan, watching as some of his papers flutter to the ground. 
“Is this what you wanted? To be punished like the little slut you are?” He smacks you again, and this time you can’t help the strangled noise that escapes your lips. “Flirting with another man right in front of me, just because I was meeting with a woman.” He tsks. “She’s the owner of a perfume company, by the way. She wants to make a signature scent for the movie we just released that has gained a bit of a cult following—she thinks it is a good mutual investment.” 
You look back at him, cheek pressed to the hardwood of his desk, your words a bit muffled due to the position. “I would barely call a hug flirting.” 
“I don’t care what you would call it—I’m going to fuck you until you forget that asshole’s name. And if you talk back to me one more time, you can expect a lot worse than a spanking.” 
His threat is enough to shut you up. “Okay, sir.” 
“Oh, now you’re obedient? All pliant and ready for me to use you?”
He lovingly trails a hand down your spine, his light touch enough to make you squirm. “Good.” 
Next thing you know, he’s grabbing your hips with a bruising force, plowing into you from behind, panting into your ear about how you belong to him and only him. All you can do is whine and moan, barely able to grasp reality except to cry over how good he’s making you feel. He brings you to the edge again and again, not caring about how overstimulated you get as he chases his own pleasure. He comes inside you and doesn’t allow you to do anything about the mess; instead, he helps you slip back into your thong and orders you to keep it inside of you until you get home. 
The walk out of his building is awkward, to say the least.
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froggibus · 2 years
Valentine's Day HCs - Ashe, Brigitte, D.VA, Kiriko, Mercy, Widowmaker
Includes: Ashe, Brigitte, D.Va, Kiriko, Mercy and Widowmaker
Summary: what your OW gf would do for you for Valentine's day
CW: gn! reader, fluff, just some cutesy hcs of what your OW s/o would do for Valentine's, some allusion to the lore
pt2 of my valentine's day content for you guys! i was up til 3 trying to finish these but kinda gave up ngl and went to bed but i mostly finished up!
OW Men Ver. + Valentine's 2023 Masterlist
acts like she’s Too Cool™️ for Valentine’s Day 
but on the inside she’s secretly making a big deal of it cause all she really wants is to make you happy and show how much she loves you!!
definitely gets Bob’s help to get everything and set it all up
she’s so nonchalant about it that you’re shocked when she shows up at your place with a bouquet of flowers 
“get your jacket, I got somethin to show you.”
you reluctantly follow her out, pleasantly surprised that she came through for you
she takes you back to her place where her and Bob have practically completely redecorated 
there’s sweet smelling candles lining every flat surface, rose petals across the floor and hearts hanging from the ceiling
waiting for the two of you at the coffee table are dishes of all your favorite snacks
she definitely had Bob make you chocolate covered strawberries 
she feeds them to you too with this cute little blush across her cheeks and nose
also there’s champagne
fruity bubbly pink champagne that she seems to have endless bottles of 
and when you’re all warm and giggly and drunk, cuddled up in her arms, she lets her tough exterior drop 
“oh sweet pea, i think you’re gonna be the death of me”
she’s so nervous!!!
like she really wants this to go good and show you how much she appreciates you, but she doesn’t really know how
probably makes the mistake of asking her dad and Reinhardt for advice 
and after Reinhardt suggests “a really big hammer” she decides to go her own way with it
spends days tinkering in her workshop to make something for you
of course Mitzi is purring and rolling all over her tools while she’s trying to build 
accidentally ignored you because she’s so caught up in her work
she finishes it just in time for Valentine’s Day
you plan on surprising her for Valentines so you’re surprised when she shows up with a little box for you
she’s practically vibrating while she waits for you to open it 
when you do, you see it’s metal figurines of the two of you on your first date 
the sheer amount of detail in it makes you gasp
there’s a plaque on the front that says “The Moment I Knew I Loved You”
you look up at her with big teary eyes and throw your arms around her 
she hugs you super tightly 
“so you like it, right? Cause I was worried it was too much or not enough and I just—I really wanted this to go good for us.”
she’s such a dork she probably plans out this whole day for the two of you together 
she’s kinda nervous taking you out in case she gets mobbed by paparazzi 
but she really wants to show you a good time so she sets her fear aside
takes you to the shops downtown to get  cute matching pyjamas for your sleepover tonight 
you guys stop to get hotteoks for a snack too!! 
they’re one of her favorite snacks so you treat her to one 
then you guys head to the grocery store to pick up some snacks and drinks for the night 
queue Hana stocking up on Mountain Dew (but she gets the Spark kind to fit into the Valentine’s Day theme)
you guys get home and build a little pillow and blanket Fort on the floor with all your snacks and stuff
Hana turns on her console and the two of you end up playing games together 
definitely some sort of cutesy two player game where you guys can work as a team 
and even if you make mistakes, Hana just kisses your cheek and carries you through
“so, how was this for Valentine’s Day? Did I win?” 
she is definitely the type to want to do something for Valentine’s  
but gets so busy with work and crime fighting that she just forgets 
so she plans a date for the two of you at the last minute 
gets you a box of gourmet donuts from her favorite shop and heads over to your house on her bike
she was kinda nervous to ask you to be her Valentine cause she’s never really had one
plus she’s worried what she’s planned won’t be enough
but all of that melts away when she picks you up and sees your smile at the cute little fox donuts she gives you
she doesn’t let on what she has planned, but she has her bike waiting outside with an extra helmet for you
she actually takes you all the way across town to a karaoke/ramen bar!
they’re doing a Valentine’s Special for karaoke where its duets only, and it only takes a second of your girlfriend making puppy dog eyes at you to get you up on the stage
she surprises you by choosing one of your favorite duet songs and having near perfect choreography
her dancing and singing is just so fun and cute that it’s infectious and you start trying to dance with her
even if you stumble a bit she still thinks its adorable
also everyone in the restaurant loves you guys
after that, you guys have a few drinks and some yummy ramen before she surprises you with a promise ring
its just a simple silver band with a blue jewel (like the colour of her fox) engraved into it
“I know it’s not much…but I wanted you to always have a piece of me with you. I have the fox spirit to guide me, so I thought maybe you could have something to guide you.”
she’s a busy, busy woman, but she’ll fight to have time off so she can spend it with you 
very traditional as far as her dates go, but that doesn’t mean boring by any means
she’s super organized too, so she’ll plan everything ahead of time to make sure it all goes off without a hitch
definitely splurges and gets you a box of super yummy Swiss chocolates 
I feel like she would definitely get you some sort of jewellery too, like a necklace with wings or something 
she has a dinner reservation at a super romantic, intimate restaurant 
she leaves you a cute little gift bag on your bed for when you get home, and its just a super nice outfit for you to wear out
you’re super excited for what she has planned, and that only gets better when she comes to pick you up
she’s wearing a silky black slip dress and heals, dressed to the absolute nines
honestly she looks good enough to eat
you guys take a cab to the restaurant so you can thoroughly enjoy it and actually drink
Angela picks out a delicious red wine for the two of you to share over dinner
she definitely holds your hand across the table and runs her thumbs over them
the food is amazing and you guys have just a little too much wine over dinner
Angela holds her alcohol well though and manages to tough it out until you get home 
she wanted to surprise you with gifts, but didn’t want to do it in public so she could actually enjoy your reaction to them
probably the one night of the year she lets herself get a little more kinky in bed too lol
“How was it, darling? I wanted to give you a date you deserve.”
she hasn’t celebrated a single Valentine’s Day since before Gerard died 
he was the only person she ever had any desire to celebrate with, and because of what Talon did to her, she never had a chance again
until she meets you of course
she probably doesn’t celebrate it with you until you’ve been together for a while either
but when she’s ready, she wants to go all out 
she makes reservations at the best restaurant in France (and spares no expense)
she picks you up in a limo, the back filled with candy hearts and kisses, with a fridge stocked with rosé and champagne 
she pours you a glass when you get in, her eyes taking you in
“you look stunning, my love.”
by the time you get to the restaurant, you’re a little tipsy and completely flustered
she orders for you, getting you her favorite dish (and it’s quite possibly the most delicious thing you’ve had in your whole life)
she definitely splits dessert with you too
she feeds you little spoonfuls 
takes you back to her place for the night and shows you her favorite movie as a girl
“thank you for tonight, mon amour. you are the warmth of my life.”
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percervall · 11 months
since we talked about it, I would love to know which f1 drivers you think would fit the 1989 vault tracks and why? 💕✨
I love this question so much. You know me and my love for lists
A read more, because boy do I have Thoughts™
This song reminds me of Lewis, there's more reasons as to why but specifically this line
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
There's an undercurrent of the male character in the song being wealthy, being into fashion
But if I’m all dressed up They might as well be lookin' at us And if they call me a slut You know it might be worth it for once
And then there's the play on words with "And if I'm gonna be drunk / Might as well be drunk in love". Him having a 0% tequila brand just somehow fits this narrative
Say Don't Go
This just fits Daniel:
I've known it from the very start We’re a shot in the darkest dark Oh no, oh no, I'm unarmed The waiting is a sadness Fading into madness Oh no, oh no, it won't stop
There's something about him in that last season at McLaren that fits the tone of this song. I just instantly have this visual of him trying but failing to offer her what she needs from him because he has nothing left to give; McLaren throwing him to the lions every single race weekend has left him a shadow of his former self. Yeah, this one hurt
Now That We Don't Talk
Oh, this song has Lando written all over it.
You went to a party I heard from everybody You part the crowd like the Red Sea Don't even get me started Did you get anxious though On the way home? I guess I'll never, ever know Now that we don't talk
Lando, with his love for DJ'ing, who gets so in his own head about how things are going, who constantly blames himself and doubts his achievements whenever a race doesn't go according to plan, but then also walks through the paddock with some truly bde. Yeah, this is so him
Suburban Legends
Now, when I first read the lyrics my immediate thought was Daniel:
We were born to be national treasures When you told me we'd get back together And you kissed me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever
There's something cheeky about it, something smug. Which then also lead to, and this was your thinking Ives, Seb. Sebastian is Formula 1's national treasure and that man is such a tease. So the former RedBull teammates can share this one
Is It Over Now?
Oh, I love this song. There's some truly clever song writing in this. Anyway. I digress.
This song? This is Charles, it fits him so well
Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later I see your profile and your smile on unsuspecting waiters You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor You search in every maiden's bed for somethin' greater, baby
Charles has this disarming aura, he is so charmingly beautiful, and I like to think of him as being somewhat of a romantic -or at least romanticising the idea of love. However, that man has a type and that is "my gf's bff": If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her / Your new girl is my clone
Bonus: Bad Blood (ft Kendrick Lamar)
You can pry this out of my cold, dead hands but this is the song that perfectly describes the relationship between every no2 driver and RB/Horner, but more specifically Mark Webber and RB/Sebastian Vettel:
'Cause, baby, now we got bad blood You know it used to be mad love So take a look what you've done 'Cause, baby, now we got bad blood, hey Now we got problems And I don't think we can solve them You made a really deep cut And, baby, now we got bad blood, hey
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk asajs 😂
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twobluejeans · 1 year
I'm devastated because my first one just got deleted before I even had a chance to send it and it had many paragraphs... Anyways I will write it again 😭
I think her favorite ex was fabien considering back to december but atj and ben barnes is on the list too 👀
Charlotte & Selena and her hanging out together??? ICONIC. I love when women get messy tbh. We need more cuntresses in this bad world.
Dupe might trying to act unbothered but we know (everyone tbh) she's shaking, crying, vomiting, banging her head against the door every night (as well as charles) because at the end of the day she was also a fan and imagine getting in a feud with your fav when you also know you will inevitably lose at some point 🤭 she's just trying stall everyone atp.
Charles is making me ???? more in every update because my brother in Christ (I don't believe in anything tbh) why don't you say or do anything???? You fumbled THE bad bitch, lost most of your friends, made public enemy #1 in a few months and still no comment from your side? Not even a single one? Are they keeping you hostage because it's weird now??? Even your mother still liking and commenting on your ex gf's pictures (especially the one where she debuted her revenge era) your brother is still in contact with her... I know he realized what a big mistake he did but it's too late now. Cry about it honestly.
I hope lando will push him into barriers or something but considering it's ferrari it won't be that hard. I think the new season hasn't begin yet in this au so I have an idea: when she get a new boo, upgraded one, they should get invite by some team in the new season. And just imagine... They are walking through the paddock or etc, being THE iconic couple, and dupe and her bf just sees them... I know one of them or both of them wouldn't shut up and and her new boo just defends her while being the biggest simp??? He's like "I know my gf doesn't need protection from anyone but I will be damned if I let her ex bf who's gonna throw up in a second and her dupe to talk shit about her.." so in short : SHE NEEDS A SIMP.
So let's get into the new boo discussion 👀. One thing my mother (taylor) taught me is that you should never get back with your ex because you tried to work it out once and it didn't work, who's gonna say it will work the second time? Yes you can make up and be friends with them again but I don't think getting back together with one of her exes is what she needs right now. IMO she needs someone entirely new and will be the biggest simp for her. But you need to make a survey or smth for potential new bf options because girl everyone has an idea and all of it makes sense 😭😭
Michael b. jordan would be perfect tbh. Their age is similar, he's def a upgrade, I see the potential. But I don't think he fits with the pretty girl friend x obsessed boy friend trope tho. Still it's your choice so imma just put it out there 👀
Cillian murhpy while is an amazing man he wouldn't do drama... Though his dry tone and dry insults would probably make charles cry so it's a plus. But I don't think she would go out with someone who's older than her father tbh 😭 at least not after dicaprio now we know...
Henry cavill is so respectful tho he doesn't do drama too 😭 we need someone who will get messy without a fear and and being a simp without a doubt.
Also what about skarsgard brothers 👀 bill has a dry sense of humour and style too but alexander would troll the shit out charles so... Tho alexander is older than nando 😭😭
Anyways I can't wait for the next update, I don't why but I'm so invested in this story like you have no idea omg.
wait this is so thought out. you made some really valid points too😭
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Hellish Hallows Song #3:
Character cover: King Virtual
Notice: Some parts of the lyrics will be rewritten by me to fit his theme better, so don't expect it to be the same. Thank you. ^^
*Virtual Boy powers on*
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King Virtual: 🎵Here you are, coming from afar, through the stars wit no glimpse of devoir. Drenched in carmesi, isn't all of this bizarre?
BF: *He sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵Dragged right underneath somewhere familiar, yet able to breathe stranded away from your own world. Don't you fret, stay a bit, see what beholds.🎵
King Virtual: 🎵I grant you invitation to my castle, let all your blood flow with voltage. Take your stand and bow to me in my kingdom of carnage!🎵
King Virtual: 🎵I'll be the ruler, no need to fear it's not like you have a voice but to stay here no matter if what lives or what it does, we're both phantoms facing eye to eye.🎵
BF: *Sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵Left, right, many directions, contorting to what makes my perfection, bring the the halocaust, break from the silence, cherish the screams, kill the dreams of the dence in distress.🎵
BF: *Sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵Who's the king in the mirror? Standing right beside "Anyone there?" (GF: 🎵Anyone there?) The ambience fills the air with figmentations glaring with such a stare.🎵
BF: *Sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵There's no death here to compare🎵
King Virtual: 🎵Eerie faces in the corner or do your eyes deceive? Hallucinations are your disaster. Oh, is there any pill to relive?🎵
BF: *Sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵The alarm sounds making you bound, keep on searching deeper into the underground? What's there to be found? All your hopes, throw them in the fire it burns up anyways. Burning in terror when you're dragged to hell's highway!🎵
BF: *Sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵Fierce sirens coming from the dungeon, where's the light that guided you? After all you left her in that cage your reunion is overdue.🎵
BF: *He sings here*
King Virtual: What's the matter boy? Don't you recognize your own girlfriend?
GF: *She screams as she disappeared as death is inevitable*
*King Virtual transformed into GF*
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GF (King Virtual): 🎵Left me stranded in the water!🎵
GF (King Virtual): 🎵Thought you were my avenger. Slash and gash my tainted heart, you were the villain from the very start, leave me and rust away, all I ever was, was just an ashtray.🎵
BF: *He sings as he is broken with real loss, fear and woe*
GF (King Virtual): 🎵Even in perdition🎵
BF: *Sings here in fear*
GF (King Virtual): 🎵Your damsels hatreds an everlasting LEGION!🎵
*King Virtual transformed back to himself*
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King Virtual: 🎵How lovely, what an execution, hard to join the torture in the distance? Now she's one of the bodies underneath the bridge, where you left her, love's a ripped out stitch.
BF: *He sing in fear and confusion*
King Virtual: 🎵This sword I weild on your skin, I'll watch as your blood drips in, I'll slit your throat and watch you choke, as your sight gets lost in crimson smoke.🎵
BF: *Sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵Parasites are crawling around rapidly, let me tear them out. Power down, begin the autopsy, the cyanides making your heart start to draught.🎵
BF: *Sings here*
BF: *He sings*
BF: *Sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵Here you are coming from afar from the stars, now stained with deep red scars.🎵
BF: * Sings here*
King Virtual: 🎵Drenched in carmesi, isn't all bizarre?🎵
King Virtual: 🎵Dragged right underneath where you can longer dream or breathe what's there left, it's only me.🎵
BF: *Sings here the final time*
King Virtual: 🎵Give it up, it's too late your locked in gates.🎵
King Virtual: 🎵You and your own pathetic fears, lost in your own suffocation. I hope you enjoyed your time here in my Kingdom of Carnation!🎵
Based off of:
Paranoia With Lyrics | Mario's Madness V2 | Synth V Cover
Original Lyrics written by: Luke Goji
Rewritten Lyrics by: mrxcreepypastamadness (Me)
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shipcestuous-two · 16 days
ShipCestFan's IRL Observations – Episode 2
Hey, Shipcestuous. ShipCestFan here. Back with Episode 2 (lol) of my “ShipCestFan’s IRL Observations” for Ship-two.
In episode 1, I told about the cestship between my ex-gf, “Jill” and her grandfather, “Jack” back in my college days in the late 80s. I’d like to stay with Jill’s family and, now, talk about the “vibe” I got from my gf’s mom and what I observed between her mother and Jill’s older brother. Let’s call mom and bro “Jane” and “John”, respectively. Again this happened in the late 80s so about 30 plus years ago.
So Jill and I dated for about 18 months. In that time, we took a week-long spring break trip to visit her mom and brother. Jill’s childhood home was about a 3 hour drive past grandma/grandpa’s house I mentioned in the first story. We showed up at Jill’s childhood home on a Friday night, ready to spend what I thought was a relaxing week with my gf, her mom and her brother.
But my cestship goggles soon started to fog up from what I was observing throughout the week. lol  The first thing I noticed was how smokin hot Jill’s 40-something mom, Jane, was. The second thing I noticed, as MILF Jane gave me a tour of her home, was that it was a very nice home… VERY nice…grand even. I immediately concluded that Jill had played down her lifestyle, and they were (unlike me) upper-middle class, if not upper class. The third thing I noticed was that her mom was smokin’ hot! Oh, wait, I mentioned that already. LOL
Seriously, through the week, I also noticed how big brother seemed to have a fascination or obsession with his sister’s ass – my girlfriend’s plump, apple-bottom behind. He was constantly joking about it or even complimenting it like “ass that can stop traffic”, I remember. And to which my girlfriend would just giggle in appreciation as she gauged my reaction? It was weird. And while I had already started shipping in my mind, this was happening IRL, so I was thrown a bit off-guard. It was almost surreal and left me speechless most times.
So night one. We arrived late, around 10PM IIRC, and we were exhausted. We headed to my girlfriend’s old bedroom where we settled in. We were relaxing on top of the bed when in strolls mom to “catch up”. She had changed into her “sleepwear” so she was braless and wearing only panties and a t-shirt. The tee just barely covered her hips and butt and as Jane slide onto the bed and shuffled around while conversing with us, the tee kept riding up to her hips. And mom’s efforts to keep covered were kind of feeble.
Now, as much of a romantic shipper that I am, back then, I was still a hormone-raging 20-something guy. So catching glimpses of this MILF’s bare thighs, occasional butt cheeks and even glimpses into her Venus of Delta, while other stuff was “jiggling”, resulted in a bit of a… “situation” for me. Oh, and did I mention the “oversized” t-shirt she was wearing was “your brother’s tee”, as she told Jill. Mmmkay.
My main concern was that my girlfriend would notice me ogling her mom and throw a fit. Well, my gf did notice but she was far from upset, teasing me mercilessly after her mom left, for getting aroused by her mom. I was speechless that she was making light of it rather than getting upset. The flirting and sexual banter seemed really easy for my gf… and for her mom. And the fact that they were so easy with it around each other made my shipper goggles fog up greatly!
On first full day there, we chilled out. I remember sitting with my gf and going through photo albums. We came to a picture of voluptuous, big-bosomed mom just a few years earlier clad in a bikini with drink in hand and giving the camera a sultry (if not drunk) gaze. Without much emotion, my gf chuckled and mentioned the photo was from… “the party that ended my parents’ marriage.” An explanation followed.
So as I mentioned, they seemed upper class, and their home was part of a subdivision of luxury homes sitting in a brick-wall, gated community where nearly every home had an in-ground pool. So with that in mind, the story that followed the photo was that apparently, my GF’s parents divorced after dad discovered bikini-clad mom in the poolhouse (shed really) getting it on with their son’s 20-something guitar teacher during the party. Apparently, mom blamed the alcohol but dad was having none of it and split… divorcing.
What this revelation revealed to me was that (1) mom liked young-adult, hunky men. And (2)… with dad moving out, I realized that mom was left alone in her grand home with only her hunky son, seeing how their daughter – my girlfriend – was away at college with me. John, Jill’s brother and Jane’s son – was living at home and commuting to a state university near their metro area. So he was living at home with mom… just the two of them. She liked young adult men; he seemed to be attracted to his sister, and their mom looked just like his sister, maybe hotter.
Most people wouldn’t think anything of this living arrangement. But us shippers go there. Our shipper-goggles make us acutely aware of nuances that may create cestship situations, and IMHO, this one with mom and son was definitely one. But I had not yet seen anything weird between mom and son…that is until day 3 into the vacation.
Remember, the mom and son were living by themselves in the home; mom liked young hunky men; son had flirted with my girlfriend, his sister, so he was obviously not opposed to cestships, and thirdly, neither mom nor son were in a relationship or really dating. It was the perfect storm for a cestship between mom and son to develop, IMO.
On the third night, I got my slight evidence between mom and son. The 4 of us were watching a movie in the living room, and Jane (mom) and John (son) got into a jokingly verbal spat over the plot. The debate turned into a playful wrestling match between the two. And right there in the middle of the expansive, carpeted living room and in front of me and their daughter/sister, mom and son wrestled playfully until son cried uncle with mom straddling his groin and pinning his hands to the floor. No big deal right? No…that is if it wasn’t for the obvious arousal in the two.
When they were through and separated, both were disheveled, out of breath… and VISIBLY aroused. And when I say visibly, I mean very obvious… in mom and in son. And mom had just been atop that big ol’ lump in her son’s groin. And most weirdly, I got the impression this wasn’t the first time mom and son had rough-housed. If they were in a sexual cestship, maybe that’s how it began? The whole act had seemed… done before.
And again, just like in the bedroom on night one, my girlfriend seemed unfazed by her mom and her brother’s behavior with each other; she seemed unfazed by her mother and her brother’s arousal. My girlfriend had a big smile on her face, chuckling as if the wrestling match was natural and just a playful event that had just taken place – boners and pokies aside, I guess? Mmmkay.
The morning after the wrestling match lol, I got up early as I was/am an early-bird. I was fixing coffee when mom appeared from her bedroom, fresh from a shower and sporting a long, purple, terry-cloth robe. I got the distinct feeling she was naked underneath; her hair still wet and matted to her temples. Her master bedroom was on the main floor with an en suite bathroom while Jill and John’s bedrooms were one floor above where they were still asleep. Hell, brother and sister could have been screwing as mom and I chatted in the kitchen for all I knew! LOL
So my GF’s MILF mom and I sat at the kitchenette table and conversed about school, her daughter and life in general. I remember she crossed her legs and the robe slipped away, and she made no effort to cover her delicious, exposed thighs. I was reminded of her t-shirt show on night one. Then at one point, I got brave and asked mom about the cheating incident? She repeated her denial but then craftly turned it on me, asking me if I had a question specifically? I remember not having one and shrugging, just wondering if it was true? Her response was something akin to, “do you want it to be true?” Mmmkay.
Um…er…. was my girlfriend’s mom hitting on me? I was, after all, a hunky, young man like the guitar instructor and her son. But like I’ve mentioned, I was young, naive and still in denial that these kinds of things (like MILFs hitting on young men) really happened beyond movies and porn. LOL So I laughed nervously and when she noticed my discomfort, she pulled back and changed the subject. But today, after decades of observations and experiences, I am absolutely convinced mom was strongly… “suggesting”.
For years afterwards, I was flabbergasted that she would screw over her daughter like that. But as the years turned into decades, and my shipper-goggles have gotten stronger, I wonder now if she believed her daughter would not have minded? And I now wonder if Jill really would have cared? Maybe she’d even have gotten off on it considering how amused she was on night one when too-short-tee-wearing mom aroused me? Oh, if only I had the courage and insight back then that I have today! LOL
That night of day 4, Jill, her brother, John, and I went out to a dance club. The drinking age in 1987ish was still state-regulated and 19 where we were located. We had a blast, either all 3 of us dancing together or Jill taking turns with each of us. But there were several times where my gf’s dancing with her brother bordered on quite suggestive. But the drive home was really telling.
On the drive home we were all 3 feeling good (but not drunk). Being the guest, I had relinquished the front seats to the siblings and was in the backseat conversing with both of them. And minutes into the 20 minute drive home, my gf turned in the front seat with the excuse to look at both her brother and me in the backseat while conversing. But she turned to point her short, pleated skirt toward her brother, giving him an unobstructed downskirt view.
For nearly 20 minutes, I watched my girlfriend tease her brother. As we made conversation, I watched her “unknowingly” (read: intentionally) parting her knees repeatedly, and her brother frantically glancing between the road and the downskirt provided. And once again, I couldn’t help feel like this wasn’t the first time that hey had engaged in this… back-n-forth teasing/game.
Either they were in a cestship, already, and found it arousing to tease in front of me? Or, they were enjoying the game between each other. Remember, my girlfriend knew I was open-minded to taboo and cestship, so it wouldn’t have surprised me if she was slowly trying to gauge me with my tolerance level around her mom and around her brother.
Regardless, it was still very surreal, especially because my girlfriend was very turned on when we got home, which led to the two of us messing around after we had said goodnight. And so of course, you know where this shipper’s mind went, right? Who was on my girlfriend’s mind, really? Mmmkay.
The week came to a close with another interesting moment. On Friday night, big bro went out with his friends. My girlfriend, her mom and I hit the home-bar and mom’s hot tub which was indoors as part of a sun-room. After quite a few margaritas, we were, all, feeling good. And bikini-clad mom was again flirting with me and again, my gf seemed unfazed by it – a huge smile across her face.
At one point, I actually wondered if something was going to transpire among the 3 of us when mom and daughter slid on either side of me. But it was just more merciless teasing. Nothing further happened, maybe because I lacked Testicular Fortitude to make something happen? As I said, if only I had the courage back then that I have now! LOL
I left my girlfriend’s home at the end of that week with more questions than answers. Had my girlfriend’s acceptance of a consensual cestship with her grandpa made the taboo less threatening for her, and so she had maybe also gotten into a cestship with her brother? Or maybe, she and her brother had been in a cestship first which led to her also getting involved with her grandfather?
If her brother was in a cestship with his sister, did that make it easier for him to move into a cestship with mom after sis left for college? Or did mom initiate a cestship with her son which gave him the courage to ship his sister?
And what about my girlfriend and her mom? As I said, they seemed VERY at ease with each other’s sexual banter and teasing. And my girlfriend had admitted to fantasizing being with another woman. As a shipper (and I think most shippers), my mind immediately went to the possibility that my girlfriend (1) seemed open to cestships and (2) fantasized about women, so…. maybe, maybe, maybe? LOL
The relationship between Jill and me turned sour shortly after our return, and then we ended things. So I never got answers to my questions. But what I observed in our relationship and that week are still questions I ponder today, particularly around how do cestships really start? The whole experience with Jill, her mom, her brother and her grandpa only increased my extreme curiosity about cestships that continues to this day. And that curiosity has led to a lot more observations, so stay tuned.
Until the next episode…
Wow, you certainly saw many things that would make a person wonder. It sounds pretty fair that you were asking yourself the questions that you were asking. Especially given what you already knew about your girlfriend and her grandfather.
I’ve read about families like this, lol, but it sounds like you actually encountered a real one. Incredible. 
Thanks so much for sharing!
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writers-ex · 2 years
ugly sweater weather
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word count: 1.5k
gf!ryujin x fem!reader
warnings: ugly sweaters, reader is a horrible knitter, teasing, strip tease/lingeire surprise, christmas puns :)
enjoy @musicblissworld~
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"but babe its tradition!" crossing her arms ryujin looks at you with an annoyed look. grabbing her arm you tug on it softly giving her pleading eyes. "please!! i made this, especially for you, do you remember how long it took me? all those trips to the craft store to buy yarn? the constant sore wrists? sleepless nights?" holding up the item in question you quiver your lower lip as a final straw, ryujin's shoulders slump in defeat as she takes what you're holding up. 
"fine...but only for today and you're definitely on santa's naughty list this year! i mean this sweater is criminal?" grumbling the last part to herself she heads to your shared bedroom to change for the day's activities. as you finish cooking some gingerbread-shaped french toast you hear footsteps enter the kitchen, turning around you almost drop the plate in awe.
"...whatever i'll just tell them my girlfriend is color blind and knitted this in the dark surely-OW?!" rubbing her arm ryujin whines trying to escape from your grasp. "why did you pinch me?"
"hmph! you deserve it, just for that no french toast for you." letting go of her you head to the table to take her plate causing her to chase after you with a lost look.
"hmph! you deserve it, just for that no french toast for you." letting go of her you head to the table to take her plate causing her to chase after you with a lost look.
"no no i'm sorry love, my angel, my miss claus. you're the best knitter in the world and i'll wear anything you make me with pride. even if it means i have to change my name and wear sunglasses so no one-OW!!! i'm joking geeze stop with the pinching you're not the grinch!" kissing your cheek ryujin steals her food back and tries to scarf it down before you had any time to react.
eventually you both make it out of the house to begin your errands for the day. ryujin was in charge of buying the wrapping paper and decorations while you went to buy the groceries. you were supposed to meet back at the town square after dropping the things off at home to buy your gifts for your families and each other. finishing everything in light speed you see your girlfriend on her phone waiting on a bench nearby, running over you throw your arms around her neck and kiss her face multiple times. 
"guess who~"
smiling she turns around and kisses your lips. “i wonder who?” turning around she smiles brightly at you. “all done with getting our dinner ready?"
"yes ma'am, and you're done looking cute in that sweater?" rolling her eyes she gets up and takes your hand.
"shut up, i got laughed at by a little kid and one lady asked me i needed money. babe i'm sorry but i'm confiscating your needles when we get home. we'll leave the knitting to your mom ok?" pouting you nod dejectedly as she strokes your cheek. "but hey let's buy everyone's gifts who knows maybe we'll find matching sweaters to take a picture together later? how does that sound?" ears perking up at the idea your small nod makes ryujin squeeze your hand in return. "perfect, nutmeg is on me today."
after window shopping in little shops and kiosks all over town, you both managed to buy everyone's gifts yet there was no sign of matching sweaters that fit up to your standards.
"jin they have to be super ugly! that's the whole point of wearing them!!" shaking her head ryujin stays quiet as you continue to rant to her.
"you know what? we'll just order them off esty or something, right now you look like you need something sweet to calm down, i'll be right back ok?" walking toward the food stalls you take a seat nearby and wait for her to return. scanning the area you spot a shop you hadn't entered and decide to browse while you wait, getting closer you see that it was a lingerie shop full of themed underwear sets on sale for the season. looking around you settle on a cute matching set for you and ryujin in hopes of this making up for the ugly sweater you made her. 
walking out of the store you fail to realize ryujin watching you leave said store that she may or may not have gone to buy your lingerie before your previous birthdays. seeing you clutch the bag tightly in your hands she chuckles as you stuff it inside one of the gift bags you're holding. pretending as if nothing had happened you see ryujin holding a box of donuts and cheer as she comes closer. 
"they're for after dinner missy. now carry this box and i'll handle the gifts ok?" 
"yes dear~" kissing your handsome girlfriend on the cheek you lead the way back to your apartment. placing everything down ryujin gets to cooking dinner while you start wrapping everyone's presents. occasionally glancing at you she sees the mystery bag and your embarrassed look as you try to check if she's watching you. 
"i-i'm going to take a shower!!" quickly standing up you 'hide' the bag from her sight and book it to your bathroom. having an idea of what you were planning ryujin decides to play it dumb and wait to see what'll happen. putting on the underwear you smile at how the red complimented your skin making you look sexier than ever for your girlfriend, ryujin was going to be in a surprise for sure. covering it up with your black pjs shorts and an oversized hoodie you finish cooking for ryujin while she heads to shower and manage to plate everything as she comes out. chatting about your purchases and the reaction everyone will have after receiving your gifts you feel time slow as you wonder when would be the right time to show her. eyeing her chest multiple times it comes to the point where she grabs your chin and makes you look her in the eye. 
"um baby girl my eyes are up here unless you're thinking of something else?" smirking she waits until your flustered expression calms down and you've collected your thoughts. tugging at the end of her sweater you into her eyes challenging her silently.
"jin you know how i wanted to find us something to match for the holidays...well i found something and wanted to see what you thought." tilting her head she nods.
"sure thing let's have a fashion show in the living room." getting up she puts both of your dishes in the sink while you close your blinds and make sure the door is locked (just in case) before standing in the center of the area. sitting on the couch ryujin sits with her legs open as she lays back relaxed. "so where is the sweater?" playing with the string of your shorts you shake your head.
"a-actually jin...it's something different..." slipping your shorts off her eyes widen as you take off the hoodie and reveal what was underneath. sitting upright she scoots closer to get a better look at you. "i-i got us m-matching underwear w-well two pairs this red one and a really cute white patterned one but i felt like you would want to see this one first." hiding your hands behind your back you blush pink at the reveal. "sooo what do you think?" taking a moment to study the way the fabric barely hugged your body she feels herself get wet at the thought of all the things you could do together while wearing or rather not wearing this. moving her hands to touch your stomach trailing them down to cup your ass she pulls you close to bury her head in between your boobs. groaning she gives you a light squeeze and lets out a heavy breath.
"oh you're definitely on santa's naughty list now." mumbling against your chest ryujin pulls back and looks up at your face. "i love it babe, in fact, i love it so much that i think its time you sit on my lap and tell santa what you want for christmas this year or at least tonight." patting her lap she grabs your waist to place you against her. trailing her fingers up your bare thigh lingering near the waistband of your panty she whispers against your ear. "i'm feeling a bit chilly princess why don't we warm each other up in bed?" shivering at the nickname you nod and feel yourself swept into her arms locking lips all the way to bed.
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector's Edition: Scully's Arcadian Birthday
Arcadia takes place around Scully's birthday-- so how, exactly, did that unfold? These fics cover different takes on that birthday: some celebrated before the case, others talked about on the case, and still others that weren't acknowledged at all.
Loose chronological order below~
@mappingthexfiles/Apostrophic’s Arcadia
""But, Mulder. Some people want this. Some people want normal. This kind of normal.”
She knew he would glance up at that. She had readied her face. He tried to read it, trying to see if she meant herself. He did not think she did. He was never quite sure.
Mulder said, “That’s my point. The ones that don’t, they don’t fit in.” The kitchen was quiet around them. The whole neighborhood quiet this time of night. “Maybe the Klines didn’t fit in.”
She said, “Like you and me.”
He hesitated. He said, “Like me.” Hedging his bets.
The look on Scully’s face was thoughtful, nothing else. He waited her out as she thought that one over. Or, he thought that’s what she thought over, until she said, looking at him, “I’m not so sure the Schroeders fit either.""
Mulder is nervous about being fake married, confessing to his gf Scully over her birthday dinner. She contemplates his thoughts on truth, reality, and projection; giving him great banter and insight throughout their stay.
@atths–twice​’s (Ao3, Alt. Ao3, FFN) A Life Without Regrets
""...his mother was right. Sometimes those we care about do hurt us most. He had hurt Scully and he needed to fix it. He needed to show her. This upcoming case might be what they needed to get back to who they were.
Or, they just might kill each other.""
Mulder's mother is happy to have a little "oops" Valentine's Dinner with him; but she gently pushes him to center his focus on Scully. He considers this while celebrating at Scully's birthday dinner.
@agentwhalesong/sadandangstyagent’s (Ao3) Too Carried Away
""Happy birthday, Scully,” he said cheerfully, throwing the file her way across the desk.
She caught it before it fell to the floor and looked at him in a mix of annoyance and amusement.
“I’m impressed you remembered. I mean, it hasn’t been four years yet since the last one.”
“Well, I’ve been trying to keep track of important dates since then. I remembered it last year, too.”
He cracked a sunflower seed between his teeth, and she smiled in spite of herself.
“So, all a girl had to do was almost die for you to pay attention to her, huh?""
Mulder and Scully's almost moment (during their couple "rehearsal") is squashed when Diana pops in. Scully realizes she needs to establish some distance for the case.
@lotsoforangesoutside/@lotzzoforangezoutside‘s (Ao3)
The Fox Mulder Show
""Did you think we’d be celebrating your birthday in San Diego this year?”
She shook her head. “No, and I don’t want to.”
“Is Bill in town?”
“Nope, I don’t think so, but I can call Mom and find out.""
“We can go see Tara and Matthew, and light a candle for Emily?” She nodded in his arms and he kissed her cheek. “We’ll do the birthday thing when the case is over?”
Mulder and Scully are dating; and Mulder is HIGHLY suspicious of Skinner's motives by assigning them this case. Scully suggests they play into the stereotypes.
@nnyyssssaa/dksfwm’s (Alt. Ao3) Episode: Arcadia (Ao3)
""This… isn’t new. Just unfamiliar enough to make them apprehensive. Not uncomfortable. But their senses are heightened, both fully aware, of what they’re doing. She’s not welcoming him with open arms, but she’s not going to push him away, either. Maybe it’s the exhaustion. The fact that he looks so soft, inviting, with his towel-dried spiked hair, gray cotton T-shirt, flannel pajama bottoms. It’s making any argument against incredibly difficult, near impossible.
Two can play at this game, apparently. Round 2, Fox Mulder.""
Scully softens from her mild score keeping when Mulder gifts her a pair of Samantha's earrings. He hadn't forgotten; and she's touched.
 @cock-holliday/biggyyeehaw's Fictober 2022 - Chapter 6 (Ao3)
""I wanted to give it to you earlier, but things got a little…busy,” he laughed with a quirk of his brow.
Mulder handed Scully a folded up piece of paper.
It wasn’t what Scully expected. She assumed by now he meant for her birthday, though he had given no indication all day that he had remembered. In all honesty she forgot a bit too. Today had been busy. Now that he was bringing it up, a piece of paper seemed comical.""
Scully is suspicious of Mulder's spa gift; and realizes he thought she'd wanted to be far, far away from him. She assures that she just needed space, not permanent distance.
Penny Sycamore’s Nightmare on Autumn Terrace
""Maybe it was the geography, this was their first time back to San Diego since...well, since. It wouldn't have been his first choice for a field assignment (or his seventeenth, for that matter), but this was their first chance back at the X-Files, and they couldn't afford to be picky. He had thought, or at least hoped, that Scully understood that. Or was it the fact that he had ignored her birthday? No, she should be used to that by now. He would make it up to her eventually, but San Diego just didn't seem like the right time or place for a celebration.
Maybe she just didn't want to be seen in public with him, and if he were honest with himself, he could hardly blame her. It wasn't that long ago he was playing kissy-face with Diana. And although he and Scully had pretty much gotten past all that, the thought of any kind of display of affection, whether simulated or genuine might be more than Scully was ready for. ""
Mulder wonders why Scully has been distant the whole case. In a late-night confession, she opens up about post Monday nightmares, earning his respect for her courage (and thanks that she hadn't despised him for not bringing up her birthday.)
thenonexisting's life is just a game
""As seriously as she had tried to take it, Mulder seemed to be like a kid in a candy shop, finding any excuse to poke her buttons in front of the neighbours, touching and cuddling and whispering at every opportunity. The way he was going, it would only be a matter of time before the other couples at the Falls sussed then out. 
His behaviour was illogical. Foiling their undercover op would not bode well with the Bureau, least not support their reclamation of the x-files, but it was as if he did not care. It frustrated her to no end. Did he not want them back after all? Did Diana’s disappearance make him want distance from pursuing the Truth? Could he no longer be the Believer to her Skeptic so long as his former confidante was MIA?
No, she would not veer back down that path.""
 Mulder and Scully are pushing the boundaries of their relationship; but can't quite iron out their ability to communicate their wants and needs from each other in the wake of One Son... especially because both don't know what those are.
@mldrgrl’s (Ao3) This House is Protected by Neighborhood Watch
""Mulder, I can count on one finger the times you’ve acknowledged my birthday.”
“I didn’t say I acknowledged it, I said I remembered it.”
“Good night, Mulder.”
“1994, we were grounded because of that wild goose chase Deep Throat sent us on,” he said, following her out of the kitchen to the staircase. “I convinced you to go to the Air & Space Museum with me on lunch and you didn’t want to go because you said it was going to snow. I bet you ten bucks we’d be back before the snow started. I bought you a pretzel from the hot dog vender on the corner because you refused to eat a hot dog. There were snowflakes in your hair when we got back, but you wouldn’t take my money.""
Mulder spends each night in Arcadia slowly lowering Scully's walls, revealing more about himself and learning more about her.
@dreamingofscully's (Ao3, WBM) xvii. the star
""The sky turned orange and pink and purple as the sun set over the ocean. Screams of children, the mechanical whirr of rides, and the endless jingle of the concessions surrounded them on all sides. All of that disappeared as he sat next to her, except for the feeling that things were finally getting back to normal. The dizziness from the rollercoaster, from not knowing where things were going between them, fading with the sun.
“Hey Scully, I know I’m a couple days late, but… happy birthday.” He watched her profile, the lights from the midway bouncing off her skin in the dim light. Azure and pink and white, a mesmerizing kaleidoscope. Her eyes shone, facing away from him.
“I thought you forgot,” she said, her voice so quiet he had to lean forward to hear.
“Never, Scully.""
Mulder takes Scully to Sea World after the case as a post-birthday celebration. His consideration allows her to relax slowly back into their yin-yang dynamic.
Defnotmeyo’s (WBM, Alt. WBM) Range Day
""I’m sorry.” Mulder really hasn’t thought further ahead than that, and he bites his lip and looks away.
“What for?”
He shrugs a shoulder and they stay like that, the silence heavy and awkward, for minutes. He can hear his watch tick. Can hear her breathe. Can hear his heart beat.
She moves around so he’s staring back at her, forcing him to make eye contact. “You’re not the target, Mulder. You never have been. Not with me.”
“Maybe I wanna be the target,” he mutters. “Maybe I should be.""
Mulder reflects on his behavior after the case, spurred on by a visit to a random smalltown church. He finds Scully and apologizes for stomping over her feelings. Scully assures him he was never a target.
Surajtare's Fragments in Time
""She made sure to send him to the living room at night, even though they already shared a bed, and quite professionally, in Kansas. But this was different. She didn't trust him here, or herself, for that matter. She hid her face behind a green witch's mask and her body in a bathrobe, as self-defense. They had been through too much, have gotten too close lately, to be really comfortable with this mission. But she was enjoying herself. She had to admit at least that.""
Scully and Mulder work through their S6 relationship, which includes a pit stop in Arcadia.
Anne Haynes's (Gossamer) 12 Tales of Christmas
""I lay my head back against the car seat and close my eyes. "Honestly, I don't know why I would rather be with you than anyone else, Mulder. I only know that I do. That it's non-negotiable."
He is silent in reply. The quiet stretches out like something tangible between us. After a moment, I open my eyes and look at him.
I see him blink--once, twice. A single tear slides down his cheek and splashes against the front of his sweater, leaving a faint dark spot. He ignores it. No other tears join the one that fell.
But my heart shatters anyway.""
Mulder is hamming up the suffering saint act to his gf Scully; but he sobers when they run into the still-interested detective from Emily's case. Scully is shocked he gives her leeway; and her loyalty and love shock and awe him.
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rrxnjun · 2 years
it does fit him kinda but i also just can't imagine him just teaching someone maybe i just don't know awsten enough🫡WAIT HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD ABOUT THAT???? but this is my new fav fact about them wow🥹 wahhh tommy does deserve everything he is a savior for real🫡 my minecraft addiction is unhealthy istg i don't think i will ever be able to get out of the phase at this point it's a lifestyle ngl 🤣🥲but i'm glad to hear that u also had a minecraft phase it's just such a fun game!! ohhh i never really got into sideman but they seem very funny that's for sure!!! tbh the first time i ever heard of alex will and memeulous was through probs wilbur but i listend to their podcast in quarantine and they were very funny tbh so i understand the chokehold!!!
I DID SEE SO MANY CLIPS FROM IT IM AO EXCITED FOR THE ALBUM I CANT WAIT!!! NINGNINGS SOLO WAS SO GOOD SHE IS JUST SO AMAZING EVERYTHING WISE ITS CRAZYYY and i'm going to be very upset if the solo songs do not make it to the album they will hear from my lawyers for sure!
take ur time with it u have the all the time in the world to listen to her! my fav song from her is definitely you're here that's the thing, it's like the cutest song ever but i also really love apple cider those two would probably be my favs and also sunny day as well!!!
WE LITERALLY ARE 🫢 it has never really happened to me before as well so i'm very surprised! I LOVE THE DIRVER ERA DUDEEE🥹 SO SAME LOVE THE MAN SO MUCH i will always be thankful for austin and ally for introducing me to the amazing man ross lynch is🫡 i listened to wallows and they are pretty good definitely will listen to them more however nothing dethroned scrawny for me so i'm staying with my basic as hell fav song🫡 BAEKHYUN HOWEVER I FOUND ONE OF MY NEW FAV ARISTS I THINK!!! amusement park is just so me core i love it so much!! claiming it as my song hihi! but the whole ep was🤌🤌🤌(i still believe in u beating him one day!!!)
lovely neighbor!!! hi!!🤭i think i knew that u were slovak but i kinda forgot:( HOWEVER I MIGHT ACTUALLY VISIT SLOVAKIA IN LIKE 2 WEEKS OR SO!! VERY EXCITED TO SEE THE COUNTRY!🥳(or more like the one city we will be visiting)
LMAO probably most likely it would be similar but i actually want to see them and like properly throw jisung up in the air like i still think about that every time i see jisung!! u portrayed it so well my lord!!!! oh my the renjun bathtub pics inspiring it just makes it even more perfect my god!!! THE LAST SCENE IS JUST SO SUPER GREAT IM VERY GLAD UR INNER JOHN GREEN PULLED THROUGH XD I LOVE IT WHEN MEN ARE SIMPS ITS SO RARE BUT I LOVE IIIT🫡 i wrote it right after i read it and my emotions were all over the place it showed very much i think xd AND THAT IS CRAZY WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT PLAYINGGGG (liebestraum anon💕💕)
no thats so valid i couldnt imagine him being a guitar teacher either LMAO. and tommy deserves the world for that song alone AHAH also i understand the minecraft lifestyle the other day i wanted to download it too but it didnt work and i am not paying for that game so i just gave up after a while lmaoo. sidemen are funny sometimes but sometimes they also miss w their humor so take it as you will AHAHA. i didnt listen to the eboys podcast if u mean that one!! i am not a podcast girlie tbh i dont enjoy listening to people talk jfkdals but their videos were honestly my favs. also i sometimes still watch george memelous drinking vids where they watch terrible movies because i just think that is peak comedy
MY GIRLFRIEND NINGNING DID SO WELL the solo is stuck in my brain i NEED A STUDIO VERSION ASAP. i honestly never really stanned any girlgroups but aespa have such a chokehold on me istg- my friend said its only bc theyre the girl version of nct sound-wise and i was like :D ok then.
no bc when austin and ally aired i was fundamentaly changed as a human. everything about ross lynch was just- DFJKA i even watched the teen beach movie like three times because i had such a crush on him LMAO. i wasnt really ever big on r5 (however i still have some of their songs in my playlist) but the driver era are sososo good. scrawny is so good!!! i think my fav from wallows (at least atm) is definitely wish me luck. it has such a good sound and the lyrics are honestly sososo good ugh. YES CLAIM AMUSEMENT PARK!!! ITS ONE OF MY FAV SONGS EVER AHHH i personally claim bambi because it's my nickname irl and when he came out w the song i lost my shit so hard i made it my whole entire personality. (thank u for believing in me. rather than beating hyuck i now fantasize about us going to a baekhyun concert together in my dreams<3)
THANK U TO INTRODUCING ME TO HUNGARIAN MUSIC!! i really have nothing against trying songs in diff languages if thats what you were afraid of!! i really enjoyed all of the songs they were so vibey<33 your music taste>>> AHAHA ITS OKAY IF U FORGOT IM SLOVAK i mean i dont really talk abt it here as much?? on my main tho,,, i dont shut up about the fact i even shitpost in slovak sometimes bc i just can. slovak music recs are hard for me to give bc i dont listen to slovak music much?? and the ones i do listen to i would get clowned for in slovakia bc they are just objectively not good songs but theyre my guilty pleasure AHAHA but if you really do wanna listen to some i recommend my by yael (it was in my top 10 on spotify wrapped last year LMAO), vďaka ti by yael and puerto (which is a badbunny cover lmao but listen to the ver on youtube and not spotify bc the spotify one sucks ass), valeriya by samey (THIS is a guilty pleasure for sure. the rap is weird but the lyrics are beautiful), staré časy by medial banana, káva by medial banana, záverečná by iné kafe, nad prahou by zoči voči and včera som miloval by fishing strip (for some good slovak punk rock<3) ALSO WHICH CITY ARE U VISITING (if u wanna tell me ofc)
the renjun bathtub pics....altered my brain chemistry so much iykwim. like i knew my man was hot but i didnt know he could get THIS hot. AHAHA MEN BEING SIMPS IS RARE BUT SO FUCKING GOOD thats why i even started my series in the first place the original title was the simp diaries bc its all about men being simps AHAHAHA
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lovey-dovey-dulcie · 8 days
Official-ish introduction!
Waaah hellooooo. This is @dulciedeleche's selfship blog! This blog may or may not be more active than my main lol we'll see
I don't have a lot of things to say so I shall list off my f/os. Iiiii don't really have a way to use emojis and I can't really think of any unique tag names so these f/o tags aren't gonna be too fancy oops
Also unless stated otherwise, I am 100% okay with sharing them! If you aren't, though, feel free to block. I won't hold it against you ^^ /gen
Also once again proshit/comshit DNI
f/os under the cut
Main f/os:
P.izze.lle (S.uga.ry S.pire)
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My. darling. wife. And my bi awakening lol. She's my newest f/o but currently at the top bc I'm fixated on her the most and I'm incredibly head over heels. She's gone through a lot, which makes sense considering her source material isn't finished yet, but I still love her all the same and I can't wait for her game to be finished! I will be so normal (I will not be normal)
O.cta.vo (C.aden.ce of H.yru.le)
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Bard hubby bard hubby. A fucking moron but he's my fucking moron. What makes him so much better is that he shares his VA with an M.L.P character. I honestly love this smug purple bitch so much
A.sto.r (Ag.e of C.alami.ty)
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I hate this man. I'm kissing him on his stupid pasty-ass lips. I'm throwing him in a ditch. I love him. It's WEIRDDDD he has quite the lack of a developed character arc and he is far from someone who fits my cutesy aesthetic/tastes or whatever but I just. think he's hot, alright? Have you HEARD his voice?? Duuuuude. I also think it's funny to selfship with him bc of goth bf and girly girl gf. We ARE personifications of a Hot Topic next to Claire's
Sub f/os (is that the right term to use for f/os I don't think about as much?? Eh whatever):
P.epp.ino (P.izz.a T.owe.r)
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Yep, I'm part of the crowd that saw him upon release and wanted his hand in marriage. I too wish to love, cherish and comfort this man. I also have a unique sona for him named Cece. I'll probably show her off at some point soon lol
V.ikto.r (A.rcan.e)
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A friend of mine got me into this show a couple years back. I haven't actually. watched it yet, ahaha, but this guy is her favorite character and he's mine now too. He's a cutie, what can I say?
Mr. O.rang.e (P.izz.a T.owe.r) (rightmost image)
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I'm not sure how or why I have the hots for him, but something about him is very adorable to me and he is MERELY just a concept character
The N.ois.e (P.izz.a T.owe.r)
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Yeah not NEARLY to the extent of everyone else here, partly bc he already has his canon gf, but. he's smoochable to me okay. And also just a silly guy. I love his campaign. I might just have a thing for the gremlins tbh ajfhgajfhghjfskaf
BONUS: Queerplatonic partner:
R.ose.tte (S.uga.ry S.pire)
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P.izz.y has two hands. We're both in a qpr with her and we love her :>
Friends and family:
P.unc.hy (A.nim.al C.rossi.ng) (son)
D.obie (A.nim.al C.rossi.ng) (grandpa)
C.aden.ce (C.ryp.t of the N.ecro.Danc.er) (friend/sister figure)
P.inki.e P.ie (M.L.P) (best friend)
F.lutte.rsh.y (M.L.P) (best friend)
S.tarl.ight G.limm.er (M.L.P) (best friend)
And so there you have it :P
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