#i haven't done requests in a hot minute
A prompt for you — 30, with Erica saying that to one of the adults (instinct tells me Robin or Steve, but honestly anyone would be interesting, like Jonathan or Argyle, idk I trust you!) I think because she’s younger there can be some moments where she feels left out of stuff about the kids (different classes, interests, etc.) so she turns to the rest of her friend group instead :))
“Can I sit here? The other tables are full.”
Robin looks up. Erica Sinclair is at the high school for the middle school's field trip, which is meant to show the kids that high school isn't all that bad, even though all the kids that are actually worried about it just see all the stuff they're worried about in person.
Like the cafeteria.
"Uh, yeah Erica, here," Robin says as she moves her pile of books out of the way. She sitting with some other marching band kids but not really sitting with anyone. Annie and Benji are both out sick and Carla has been increasingly hostile to anyone within hitting distance because of her p.o.s. boyfriend Daniel, who's also notably at the far end of the table.
Erica's wearing a dress and belt combo that reminds Robin of something Nancy would wear and she smiles to herself. Erica puts up a good front-- better than a lot of people's. But Robin would know the nervous glances and self-conscious tugs at her clothing even if they hadn't survived a Russian elevator together.
"You realizing High School can suck ass yet?"
Eric huffs and smiles out of the corner of her mouth, just like Lucas does when he's being wry during a campaign.
"Well, I walked past two different kids getting shoved into lockers, and one idiot already tried to trip me."
Robin opens her mouth, frowning, but Erica keeps going before she can ask where the teacher escorts had been.
"I saw he had toilet paper stuck to his shoe though, and I didn't say anything."
Robin barks out a laugh and remembers how young Erica is despite everything.
"Tina not here with you?"
"Tina thought she could win a trivia competition against me. She thought wrong. Now we're at a mutual impasse."
"Ah, I see," Robin says around a smile and a spoonful of applesauce.
"Well, you better eat before they take you guys on leg two of the tour-- the gyms."
Robin waves her spoon of applesauce in the air with a little ghostly 'oooooh' and a waggle of her eyebrows. Erica laughs at her and it's worth it.
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luveline · 6 months
I absolutely love love love the way you write!! I was wondering if you could write a Hotch x reader where their relationship is pretty new and reader gets unexpectedly pregnant and is worried about telling Hotch since they haven't talked about having kids and it's just a lot of fluff when Hotch finds out ! Thank you :) <3
ty for requesting!! hotch receives some unexpected news, but he loves you, and he’s happy to prove it. pregnant!reader, 1.5k
Oh fuck, you think, pins and needles in your hands you can’t shake. Oh, fuck. 
Aaron’s car pulls into the parking lot outside of the doctor’s office, fifty metres away, forty, less. You have about twenty seconds to think of what to tell him, and to conjure a lie he’ll believe. You’re a bad liar when it comes to him. 
You’ve thought of him fondly as a human lie detector since you met, apparently because you’ve never needed to lie to him before. As soon as you open the passenger door, he’s concerned. You hadn’t allowed him time to get out first. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, frowning. 
“Can you give me a few minutes to think about it?” you ask. 
He clears his expression quickly, which would be impressive if you weren’t nauseous beyond words. “Sure.” His eyes soften. “I missed you.” 
He’s been away for a few days, and you'd thought it was great timing for him to come home just after your appointment, but now you’re not so sure. Regardless, he leans across the console and kisses the corner of your lips. 
You lean down under his touch. The pins and needles fade ever so slightly. 
Aaron looks good, you realise, despite the racing heart in your chest. It’s funny how you can think of two things at once, how you can struggle to put together what you have to tell him, and still acknowledge how sharply handsome he looks in his suit and tie. He must’ve been in the office before he picked you up. 
“I missed you too,” you say finally. “Really.” 
He squeezes your arm. 
Aaron turns onto the road out of the doctor’s office lot, past sparse greenery and into the city street that will lead to his apartment. “Is my place okay, or do you need to go home?” 
You aren’t sure. What if he doesn’t even want you there when you tell him? Panic flits through you and, evidently, across your face —Aaron catches it from a sideways glance and takes the first left into a quieter street. He parks as soon as he can. 
“What’s wrong, honey? You look like you’re waiting for me to yell at you,” he says. His brows pinch, eyes dark as always but not without tenderness as he turns in his seat towards you. 
“Please don’t be mad at me. I swear– I mean, I–” You stop. “Please don’t be mad.” 
There’s a pause. “I’m not going to be mad at you,” he says. He looks like he’s guessing the problem. You want to tell him before he can figure it out wrong.
“The doctor just told me I’m pregnant,” you admit, watching his face. When he doesn’t react, you stare down at your hands. You have no idea what to do.  “Almost four weeks pregnant. Aaron, I…” A hot flush rushes down your face. 
Aaron shakes his head. 
“I’m not mad. There’s no need to panic.” He speaks with deliberate slowness. You’ve heard him talk this way before, on the rare occasion where you’re upset and he’s been there to see it. 
“I would never try to trap you–”
“Okay,” he interrupts. You aren’t sure he’s ever done that, not once since you met. “I think you’ve just had very big news, and you’re panicking, but I need you to know that I’m not against you right now.” He holds your gaze. 
Your eyes water. 
“I’m gonna get out and come around, okay?” he says quietly. 
“Okay.” You sound pathetic to your own ears, like your voice is air squeezed tight from your chest. 
Aaron climbs out of the driver's side and walks around the bonnet. You can’t watch him. You’re still not looking when he opens your door, bending to touch your cheek. 
You turn into him. He takes it as permission to hold your face, giving you a quick once over before he kisses your cheek. “It’s okay,” he murmurs, “it’s okay.” More kisses, three then four, a fifth pressed to the softest high point. 
You lean into him, immediately read for what you need, his arms wrapping around you and hugging you close. Maybe he’s right, you were panicking rather hard, and it’s not as though he’s given you reason to believe he’d react badly to the news, just, what man wants to hear from his partner of barely five months that she’s pregnant? 
You suppose you don’t have to continue the pregnancy. Then you panic worse, because you’re not sure what you want, turning rigidly stiff in his embrace. 
“It’s okay,” he says softly, “I love you, you know.” 
It isn’t the first time he’s told you but you’re not used to hearing it, either. It’s reassurance you needed. Just as quickly as you stiffened, you relax. 
He feels it. “I love you,” he says again, “and I’m so happy.” 
“What?” you ask, pulling your face back from his chest. 
“With you. This is the happiest I’ve been in a long, long time.” 
“You want me to have the baby?” 
He blinks. “Honey, I want you to do whatever you want.” You smile at him softly. He cups your face in both hands, his thumbs at the corners of your smile and pressing mildly into your skin. “It’s soon, isn’t it? But I do love you, I don’t say that lightly, and so I’d love for you to have a baby.” 
“Are you surprised by that?” 
“You really love me that much?” 
“I want a life with you,” he confesses. How terribly sincere a thing to say, stooped under the car roof, trying to stop you from crying into his palms. 
You don’t know if you want a baby just yet, but you have time to think about it, and a clearly supportive partner. He waits for what he’s said to sink in, rubbing semi-circles into your cheek, dotting a kiss heavy with affection into the skin just shy of his index finger and the corner of your eye. “That’s a cruel surprise, for you to have been told alone. I’m sorry you were by yourself. If I’d known…” 
“If I’d known I would’ve made you go with me,” you promise. 
“Do you feel alright? I suppose we know why you were craving Dora’s so badly a few nights ago,” he says. 
He sounds achingly in love with you. You’ve never heard him so gentle, not even the first time he took you home. 
“I love you too,” you say. 
“I know.” He hugs you, a rare smile brushing your cheeks as he leans down and in. “Can you answer me? Do you feel okay? Hayley was sick to her stomach the whole nine months.” 
“She was? Are you kidding?” You baulk wondering if that’s what’s in store for you. 
“Not kidding. Sorry. Not that you have to… well. You’re not feeling sick, are you?” 
“I feel better now,” you say honestly. 
He rubs your back, big rough lines full of fondness. “Okay, good. I’m gonna get back in, okay? So you can think about things at home. What do you think, is that alright? We’ll order something to eat and you can take your time.” 
“No, no–” You grab him tight. He can’t leave. 
Aaron laughs and hugs you tighter. You spend a long few minutes like that settling, no tears shed, just trying to catch up to yourself without panicking again. It could be nice to be pregnant. It could be an early start on your life with him, there’d be nothing wrong with that. You’d live together with Jack, you’d get to wake up beside him everyday. You’d love that, you’d love to be with him, you and him and your babies. But it’s not that simple. 
Aaron’s right though, you have time to think. In the meantime, he loves you. 
“I can take a few days off.” 
“What?” You laugh. “Have you ever had a day off in your life?” 
“No, but I should start. I will. No matter what you choose.” 
He tips your head back for a chaste, adoring kiss. You can feel it in every millimetre of pressure, and the way he chucks under your chin with his thumb as he stands. 
He goes to shut your door, but doubles back for another hug. “I’m so lucky to have you. I love you.” He seems surprised he’s said it, though not regretful, laughing sheepishly as he pulls away. “I’m very sorry for putting you in this position unexpectedly.” 
It’ll be alright, ‘cos he loves you. You manage a short laugh. “Well, it’s okay. I’m just glad you’re not mad.” 
“It never even crossed my mind.” He closes your door, walking back around to the driver's side to take you home. 
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hii, I‘ve already made two requests and you‘ve written them so so beautifully <33 Your work is really amazing and I think I would consider you one of my favorite blogs💞💞 I do have one more idea :)
Reader and Jason are in a relationship, yet they don’t know about his vigilante identity. Reader works the night shift as a barista.
One night, the café gets robbed during reader’s shift, but Jason isn’t there to take care of the robber since he went on patrol only later, meaning the GCPD is the first on the scene.
When Red Hood passes the café and see’s all the police lights, his heart drops. He comes to check up on reader, but they’re so shaken up that jason scares them.
It’s all fluffy in the end, and perhaps Red Hood reveals his identity 😚
Hi, nonnie! Thank you! ~1.8k words
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There was a gun to your face about ten minutes ago. Well, it might have been ten minutes ago, you're not exactly sure how long it was now. The idea of time seemed to phase out when two masked robbers stormed into the little Café you worked at.
Who even robs a coffee shop? You had maybe thirty dollars in the till, everyone uses cards or just taps their phones anyway. That point didn't seem to get across to the men as they waved their pistols in your face and shot off rounds into the air.
You showed them the safe, and a few hundred dollars seemed to calm them down. They took the money, took your wallet and phone. But none of that stopped them from shoving you to the ground as they ran off. You just sat there– dazed, scared, and overwhelmed– until a patrol car from the GCPD and an ambulance rushed to park outside.
No one was hurt, maybe some bruises from being pushed around, but you and the two unfortunate people who wanted coffee half past midnight were more than a little shaken up.
You stumble through the questions the cops ask you and let the paramedics guide you to sit on the back of the ambulance. They drape a shock blanket over your shoulders as you murmur about needing to call your boyfriend.
Someone presses a hot drink into your hands, and you barely register the quiet conversations over this being the fourth small business to get robbed this week. Your eyes only leave the spot in the distance you're fixated on when gasps resonate throughout the air. Your gaze shifts up, and your breath leaves your lungs. Red Hood. Red Hood is stalking towards you like lives depend on it, avoiding the medics and cops that try to talk to him, to get his attention.
You're proud of the fact that you don't flinch when his gloved hand meets your face, carefully tilting your chin up to observe your face. His body is rigid, you can tell something's wrong even through the muddled, shocked state of your mind.
He's crowding over you, a barrier between you and the rest of Gotham. You know he's a vigilante, you know that he helps. But the moment frays the last of your nerves and tears fill your eyes.
You just want to go home. You just want to feel safe. You want your phone back and you want to call your boyfriend and have him make everything okay again.
Red Hod freezes and you can audibly hear his breath hitching. His fingers twitch against your skin before dropping, but he doesn't step away, "Sorry. I'm sorry– Did I– are you hurt?"
That only makes you want to cry harder. He's apologizing to you. This stranger hasn't done anything, but check if you're okay, and you're crying all because he looks big and a little scary. You shake your head, trying to find the words to apologize back, that you don't know why you're crying.
You shift back, even if there's no room to go anywhere. Your heart is pounding and you're scared even if you shouldn't be because there was a gun to your face and you could have died and the man that smells like gunpowder and leather can't fix that.
His head doesn't move, you know his eyes haven't left your face. You don't know why. He doesn't gain anything from lifting his hand to catch the tear that spills down your face. "You're okay. You're safe," he murmurs, steady and full of promise, "tell me what you need. Let me make it better." He says your name, says it softly and gently and damn near yearning.
"I need– I want my phone. I want to call you boyfriend," You answer shakily, blinking back the rest of your tears and trying to figure out why a vigilante knows your name.
His head turns, presumably looking for your phone, "Is it still inside the Café?"
You shake your head, voice heavy with emotion, "It– they stole it."
"They?" He questions, mask tilting back towards you.
"The robbers?" You answer weakly, Isn't that why he's here? To get information? To catch them?
His hand finally leaves your face, and you exhale softly in relief, "I'll take care of it."
He wavers in front of you. Another thing that doesn't make sense. You don't get another word out before he's disappeared into the shadows.
Your shoulders slump. You're so tired and so, so drained, and not even the hot drink in your hands is making you feel more in your body.
Someone calls your name. Jason. You stand up on shaky legs, nearly spilling the cup in an attempt to put it down quickly. Jason's here. You don't care why or how, but he's here. He has you wrapped up against his chest and face buried in your hair before the cops can even try to stop him.
He says your name over and over into your hair, and you try to ignore the way your tears stain his shirt. "I've got you, you're okay. You're okay, baby. Promise. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you," he murmurs, arms tightening around you.
He feels safe. He smells like– he smells like leather and gunpowder. He's big and warm and a barrier between you and the rest of the world. And it all clicks.
"Let's get you home," he says softly, gently, so careful with a voice full of yearning and love. You recognize it. And you know.
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Jason knows your shift ends in forty-seven minutes. But patrol has been slow tonight, and he's going to walk you home even if it wasn't. So why not show up a little early and keep you company? Spoiler seemed eager enough to cover his territory for a few hours, anyway.
He'll go back out after he sees you home safe and watches you fall asleep. Jason's idly trying to decide if you're going to be too tired to shower with him, when the flashing lights outside the Café catch his attention.
He thinks his heart might have stopped. He doesn't even think to call Oracle or text you, he just knows his feet hit the pavement and he's running.
There's only one ambulance, only one cop car. His eyes dart. Where are you. Where are you?
He's barreling towards you as soon as he finds you. He doesn't have a plan. Doesn't need one until he knows you're safe. "Move," he snaps at the medic that tries to stop him, never stopping his path towards you.
His hand is tilting your head up before he even considers the possibility that it's a bad idea, that he's just a stranger in a mask armed to the teeth with knives and guns.
He can't help himself. He needs to touch you, needs to ground himself and make sure you're not hurt. He doesn't manage to get his words out before you're tearing up.
Jason's heart breaks at the sight, bile rising in his throat. He removes his hand, even if every instinct he has goes against it. He thinks he chokes out an apology, but he's too busy looking at every inch of you for injuries.
You shake your head and a piece of his soul shatters. He reaches up to wipe your tears, as if he could do anything else, "You're okay. You're safe," he murmurs, and wills it to be true, "tell me what you need. Let me make it better." He wants it to be better. He wants your tears to stop and the tension to leave your body and the anxiety to disappear from your eyes.
"I need– I want my phone. I want to call you boyfriend," You answer, and he wants to drop to his knees when your voice shakes.
Your phone. He can do that. His eyes dart from you, looking for the familiar phone case, "Is it still inside the Café?"
"It– they stole it," You answer and his focus snaps back to you.
"They?" He questions, doing his best to keep the anger from dripping into his voice, to bite back the threats on his tongue for whoever scared you.
"The robbers?" You answer weakly. Robbers. Robbers. Robbers did this. He files that away for once you're home, once he knows you feel safe.
He pulls his hand from your face reluctantly, "I'll take care of it." Jason doesn't want to step away from you. All he really wants is to wrap you up against him and promise everything will be better. But you don't need Red Hood. You need Jason Todd.
He forces himself away from you, moves faster than he should, struggling to shed his armor and mask. He drops his guns to the roof, anything recognizable left in a pile for someone else to deal with.
He's back on the ground and rushing back to you. He says your name. You look up at him and he sees the relief flood your face.
Jason catches you when you step towards him, arms wrapping around you to keep you close.
He whispers promises against your skin, tightening his grip on you. He can feel you crying. It makes concern and anger and the overwhelming desire to protect you twists in his stomach, "Let's get you home."
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Jason– Red Hood– talks to the police for you. Insists that there's no more questions for you to answer as he hooks his arm firmly around your waist. He guides you home. You barely process a word he says.
All you can really focus on, as you watch him unlock the apartment door, is that he's Red Hood. How did you miss it? Why didn't you know?
You feel disoriented. But Jason's perfect, exactly what you need in the moment. He doesn't ask you questions, doesn't press or make you move too fast as he helps you change. He nods and gets you water when you say you don't want to shower, that you're not hungry.
He lets you curl against his chest and he kisses the crown of your head when you finally crawl into bed, "I was scared," You admit quietly into his skin.
"They'll never scare you again," he promises. Your stomach swoops. It's the truth. You know it's fact. They'll never scare you again. They'll never scare anyone again. He'll make sure of it.
You fall asleep to his comforting whispers and vows, the feel of his fingers tracing your skin. When you wake up, he's still next to you, still holding you flush against him. Your wallet and phone sit on the nightstand next to your bed. Neither of you mention it as the sun begins to shine on the familiar leather jacket folded over your chair. Neither of you mention it, later, when the news reports that two bodies were found in Gotham Harbor.
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honey-on-your-tongue · 11 months
COMING UP BABY,(I come as quick when I heard you doing kinkotber requests sooooo yYEA)
Miguel O’Hara x goodgirl!reader
KINK: hunting predator kink, overstimulation,and an slight breeding kink (idk 😃 i remember reading something like this so yea,where Miguel has an kink that he enjoys playing the predator,loves to see reader in fear,it make him “excited” 😏,loved to see reader so hopeless,so pitiful,and so vulnerable)
IDK IM SO SORRY IF IT BADLY EXPAINED 😭😭😭 BUT happy kinkobter ✌️✌️🫶🫶
Kinktober Day Four: Predator
Kinktober Masterlist
Miguel O'Hara x female reader
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You heart races in your chest. You can hear it in your ears, can feel your lungs expanding with each quickened breath.
You're shaking slightly, hiding in an old, abandoned building behind what used to be some sort of desk.
You hear him walk into the room, heavy footsteps slow and quiet. His breathing is heavy, a rough, almost animalistic grunt leaving him.
You shudder where you hide, closing your eyes, trembling as he moves around the room.
Miguel knows you're here. He can hear your rapid breaths, can sense your racing heart. And he smells you. He can smell your fear and your arousal, making his own spike.
He takes a deep inhale, already knowing where you're hiding, but knowing that the more he scares you, the sweeter it'll be when he catches you.
His claws are out, his fangs at the ready. He can't help it. You drive him crazy.
He'd been a little reluctant the first time you two had done this little predator/prey role, thinking he'd scare you off. Instead, he was surprised and delighted to find how much you enjoyed it.
He walks closer to where you are, the smell of your fear growing, making his cock even harder. He stalks closer, laughing softly, darkly.
“I don't know why you bother hiding,” he says, voice low. “Did you forget I can smell you?”
You shudder, eyes popping open. He laughs again and leans over the desk slowly, smirking, those red eyes dark and sharp as he finds you crouched into a tiny ball.
“Perdiste, princesa,” he says thickly. You lost, princess.
He grabs you, pulling you to him. You gasp as he sets you down on the desk, moving to stand between your legs.
His claws dig into your hips slightly, a silent warning: you better not think about running right now.
He kisses you messily, eager, his mouth moving down your jaw, your neck. He bites you, relishing in the way you squirm beneath him. “Shh, princesa, ni siquiera empezamos.” We haven't even started.
He fucks you over and over, his cock buried so deep inside you that the thick head presses against your cervix. He keeps going even as you shake from your fourth or fifth orgasm.
“Miguel!” you whine. “Miguel!” It's the only word you know anymore. He's truly fucked you dumb.
“Shh, ya sé, princesa,” (I know) he says in your ear, fucking you hard and fast, barely resisting the urge to sink his fangs into your neck. “I'm almost done with you, baby. Just gimme a minute longer, hm? Gimme a chance to fill you up.”
You moan, trembling underneath him as another orgasm overcomes you. “Ahh!”
“I'm gonna give you a baby, princesa,” he says. “Do you want that? Do you wanna be full of my baby?” He chuckles against your ear. “Qué bonita te vas a ver con mi bebé adentro de ti.” You're gonna look so pretty with my baby in you.
He comes inside of you, delivering his thick, hot load deep in your cunt. You mewl lowly at the feel.
He kisses the tip of your nose, then your lips. He keeps his cock buried deep in you. He hopes, truly..he gets you pregnant. There's nothing he'd like more than to give you a child.
@yagirlheree @sukioyakio @obi-mom-kenobi @celestia80s @manlikemilesmyguy @zaunsin @naniiiii12 @everlastlady @avatar-lover @siidmm @dhollandhs @spikedhe4rt @missing2socks @itzraven101 @miguelspookiebear @mochikomochisoft @sunset-euphoria @kishibeswh0re @m4dyy @icreatedthisat317am @keiva1000 @jakescumdump @ravisinghs-wife @tengens4th--wife @oceancerulean @pookiesmookie69 @juwandiko @aisyakirmann @ninebluehearts @vampireluvvr @saturnstringz @4imhry @iheartlinds @pigeonmama @eyweveng @braverthanthenewworld @livingwithinyou @switchiest @httpstoyosi @lyn-soso @6thhokageswife @normsdaughter-alt @thel0velykey190 @tojibreedingme @icouldntthinkofanythingclever
*if you want me to add you to my Miguel taglist, comment or send me a message <3
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exhaslo · 8 months
not sure if your requests are still open but i'll throw mines in
a spider woman reader who's like Miguel's right hand person in the spider society, they're pretty prideful and have an ego (already in a relationship with him) one day she has to go on an anomaly mission, comes back but completely avoids everyone including him, turns out she got hit with some sex pollen and was too embarrassed to say anything and miguel still helps treat it 👌🏻👀
I'm going to officially open up my requests back soon, I just have a few more of these that were submitted to get done before I openly accept more requests!
But, ayeeeeeee haven't had a sex pollen one in a hot minute!
Warning: MINORS DNI, smut, fingering, overstimulation, begging, sex pollen
"Stop....smirking," You said with a small whimper.
This was the most embarrassing moment in your life. At least right now it was. You were laying against a soft bed inside one of the spare rooms in the Spider Society, legs spread wide as your loving boyfriend decided to torment you. Miguel was enjoying this far more than he should.
"But (Y/N), it's so nice seeing you so submissive," He cooed against your ear, his talons tearing apart what little fabric you had left on,
"D-Don't....get used to....it," You cried out a soft moan, trembling towards the cold air hitting your cunt. Miguel lazily licked your bottom lip,
"You asked me to help, baby, so I'm helping...just slowly."
You shuddered, arching your back to try and get his touch. This was so embarrassing. You had never let Miguel see you this desperate. The two of you were always competing in your relationship with him, but this time...you had to cave.
A few hours before this surprise event, you were sitting beside Miguel, helping him file some anomaly reports. Everyone assumed that you were his right hand woman-which you were-but you were also his girlfriend.
The two of you were still unsure of how dating between the multiverse would work, but it was impossible to keep the two of you away from one another. You were just as stubborn as he was and when you wanted something...you went to get it.
You had pride. You may have a bit of an ego, but Miguel loved that about you. He would get riled up whenever you bickered with him. It brought some spark to the relationship whenever the two of you tried to see who would cave first.
Sometimes it was you.
Sometimes Miguel.
Whoever the victory was got to take control of the night. You never wanted to admit it, but Miguel was a fucking god in bed. You would not hesitate to bend over for him, but at the same time, you would. You didn't want to admit that you liked him taking control.
"(Y/N)," Miguel hummed as his watch went off. You leaned your head back into his,
"Which big bad is it?"
"A Green Goblin," Miguel sighed. You got up and put the paperwork aside, "Be careful. It's on one of those Earths with no humans."
"Oh, fun." You said with a smirk and leaned down to peck Miguel's lips, "I'll have some peace and quiet for a bit."
"Sure. Be careful,"
"I always am."
You were fucked. You were so fucking fucked. Yes, you had managed to complete the mission and capture the Green Goblin, but the cost? That bastard sent you flying into a field of strange flowers, whose pollen was now soaking your panties.
You tried to chase some relief before returning, but your fingers were not enough. You had made yourself cum twice, but you still needed more. Hurrying back to the Spider Society, you knew that you could hide in one of the spare rooms.
If masturbating wasn't going to fix this, then you needed to stay under a cold shower.
Passing by everyone, you hurried to the rooms. You couldn't afford to let anyone find out. Gasping, you spotted Miguel heading your way. Your pussy clenched as you thought about his dick railing you. His hard cock fitting so perfectly inside your desperate cunt.
"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Miguel asked. You shuddered lowly,
"Fine," Your voice cracked.
"No, you-"
"I-I'm fine!"
You were biting the inside of your cheek as you rushed off. Your body was burning up and being so close to Miguel almost made you pounce on him. This was horrible. You didn't want Miguel to see you like this.
Finally entering the room, you laid on the bed and screamed into the pillow. You needed to take a cold shower, but you wanted to relieve some of this pain first. Thinking about Miguel's dick inside you only made your symptoms worse!
"Hah~ Ah, Miguel...fuck..." You cried, furiously rubbing your clit, "F-Fuck...I...I need...m-more."
"(Y/N)? What's going on?!" Miguel quickly shut the door as he hurried to your side.
You cussed, laying on your back as you continued to rub your clit. Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you made eye contact with Miguel.
"I-I got hit with...some pollen. Miguel, fuck...I-I ah~ can't do this by myself!" You cried, unable to take the pain.
"Ay dios mio (My god), (Y/N), you have to let me know shit like this. I'm here to help you, damnit."
You whimpered as Miguel removed your hands, replacing them with his. Your body jolted forward, moaning louder as you felt his thick digits pump into your wet velvet walls. Your pussy sounded so slutty as Miguel pumped into you.
"M-Mig, r-right there!"
"I've heard about the sex pollen. Never seen the effects up close," Miguel hummed, watching you cum against his fingers alone, "It's nice seeing you like this."
"Stop....smirking," You said with a small whimper.
"But (Y/N), it's so nice seeing you so submissive," He cooed against your ear, his talons tearing apart what little fabric you had left on,
"D-Don't....get used to....it," You cried out a soft moan, trembling towards the cold air hitting your cunt. Miguel lazily licked your bottom lip,
"You asked me to help, baby, so I'm helping...just slowly."
You cried and squirmed as Miguel rubbed the tip of his dick against your cunt. You shuddered and cried, begging him to just fuck you already. His dick was coated in your juices and you were ready to have him coat your insides white.
"M-Miguel, please...please, please, fuck me!" You kept begging. Miguel held your hips, pushing his dick in slowly,
"I'm never going to hear such sweet begs again, am I?" He asked, resting his dick inside your tight walls, "You took me in so well,"
"M-Move, please! It hurts."
Miguel frowned as he stroked your cheek and pulled you in for a kiss. His hips started to sway into yours, finally giving you what you wanted.
"Just let me know when it goes away," Miguel whispered.
You whimpered and moaned as you held onto your boyfriend. His thick dick pounding your fleshy core. Your vision was blurring as your body kept cumming from pleasure. Your core still burning, begging to be filled to the brim.
With each thrust, you felt you body jolt. No matter how deep and rough Miguel was hitting, you still wanted more. The bedsheets below you were stained in your juices as you kept crying for him. Your body trembling from the overwhelming pleasure.
Gasping as you felt Miguel fill you with his cum, you whimpered for more. Miguel placed you on your knees, pressing your face into the pillow as he railed you from behind. Your hands curled into fists as you tried not to pass out.
"Mig~ Mig! More!" You kept crying out.
You were losing count of how many times you cam. You were losing count of how many times Miguel's dick hit your cervix. All you felt was how hot and wet your insides were. The numbing feeling of his dick pounding into your horny pussy.
"Mhm~ Ah~"
You were a babbling mess, whimpering and moaning to each thrust. Right now, you didn't care about your pride. All you cared about what Miguel filling you up. Gasping, you felt your body burst once more as a cooling feeling washed over you.
"Fuck, hn, (Y/N)!" Miguel grunted as he slapped himself at a rougher pace.
"Ah~" You felt some of your senses return as you felt him cum inside you once more.
Panting heavily, you tried to say something, but your voice was cracked. Shuddering, you moaned as Miguel continued his rough thrusts. The sex pollen had finally wore off, but your body was so sensitive and fucked out that you didn't want to stop.
After another few rounds, you were spent. You body laid against the bed, exhausted and weak. Miguel went to start a bath and returned for you, picking you up with ease. You just leaned against him, whimpering at the slightest touch.
"Shh, it's going to be a while until you're good." Miguel warned as he placed you in the bath with him, "Next time this happens, you need to come straight to me."
"...No...next time." You whispered tiredly. Miguel just chuckled in response,
"I know, I know. You won't get caught in this again," He hummed, kissing your head in response, "Sex pollen or not, I'll happily fuck you into submission."
You weren't going to argue this time. Not when you were already exhausted. Closing your eyes, you decided to let Miguel take care of you tonight. He deserved it for having to deal with your issue. Scoffing quietly, you also deserved to relax after being railed who knows how many times.
"Analyze....the pollen...I'm going...to need revenge."
You just pouted, slowly falling asleep against him. Miguel was never going to let you live this down. He enjoyed it too much and you were not going to get the pollen yourself.
Guess you'll just have to take this loss.
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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hughesyodaddy43 · 5 months
Pizza solves everything ⎸ L.H
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pairings: bf! Luke x fem!reader. Platonic!Ethan Edwards and Mark Estapa x reader Genre: fluff warnings: angst?,mentions of cheating, stressed reader, exam season synopsis: Lukes girlfriend gets worked up over finals. Ethan and Mark attempt to make her feel better. requested?: yes word count: 3.1k authors note: I am not from America so i don't know how exams and schooling work over there, i hope this still makes sense. i gave reader a nickname, 'missy' and will probably use that name for future Luke fics.
You groan as you type on your computer, sitting at your desk with mindless tv playing in the background. You currently live in a tiny apartment with your best friend, Ethan. It's a two bedroom and can only really house two people before feeling cramped. However it is right next to Umich and is far more convenient than living in the dorms. 
You only started living with Ethan last year, after your previous roommate moved out and you needed someone to share utilities with. Seeming as though Luke was leaving for New Jersey and Ethan never left your house anyway - it seemed only logical that he started paying rent.
Having a boyfriend in the NHL is both a blessing and a curse, the blessing being the fact that your hot boyfriend is in the NHL and the curse being that everyone else thinks he is hot too. 
You never were the jealous type, or at least not before you saw all the girls that crowded Luke when he went to parties. Something in you cringed when you saw how awkward he got when denying girls, it was common that you'd have to step in otherwise that man would have just stood there like a statue the entire encounter. It wasn't like he would ever cheat on you, you were confident that he wouldn't. However when your hair is fitted to a much darker shade then the girls he interacts with, it's hard to not think about him wanting a more ‘conventional’ Hockey Girlfriend. 
Luke is always first to tell you he doesn't care about that stuff and you believe him, but when you haven't called him in days, sometimes weeks, it gets less easy to control the unsettling feelings.
Everytime you call with Luke, it's always cut short, whether it’s Ethan banging on your door at 11 o’clock  for a ‘late night snack’ or Jack barging in to argue with Luke about something, you never get to talk about what you're really feeling. 
Because of the distance and lack of communication, the relationship has been a bit strained, it's not like you could tell if luke felt the same since he's too busy sleeping or playing hockey to communicate that with you. You were so proud of Luke, no doubt about it, however something in you boiled when he only ever mentioned hockey during the ten minute phone calls.
Since the last phone call you had with him, you've only really exchanged small text messages every couple hours. It was upsetting that you couldn't talk to your boyfriend about everything going on but it was also a nice way to get away so you can finish up and focus on all the upcoming exams.
You had your next one tomorrow and really needed to knuckle down and get studying for it. You've managed to get what you needed done for tonight so you thought you'd call Luke for a final call before bed.
After wriggling comfortably against your pillows, you lean against your head board. bringing your phone up close to your ear, you press the dial on luke's contact  listening closely to the ringing sound on the other end.
Your breath hitches as you hear Lukes voice on the other end, only this time it was his voicemail. You take one last deep breath before shutting your phone off and sinking into your pillows. 
Your phone vibrates on your nightstand and you view a message from your best friend and biggest hater, Ethan.
House rat: the team got too much pizza, if you're still up I can bring you some?
House rat : Silence speaks volumes missy 
Pissy missy : no. i'm just asleep
Pissy missy : You're disturbing my slumber 
House rat: oh well pizza is good for your soul. Mark is coming too ;)
Pissy missy: Fuck.
You sigh and put your phone back down, wiping your eyes, you sit up against the headboard once again and pull your computer onto your lap, Resuming your place in your essay.
“MISSY  COME HERE GIRL” Ethan calls out from the front door, walking towards your room in long strides. He bursts through the door with a box of pizza in his hand and makes his way to sit at the end of your bed, Mark slowly entering behind him. Mark moves to sit further on the bed, next to Ethan, pulling out a piece of pizza from the box.
“How are you?” Mark asks as he stuffs his face with the crust.
You sigh, reaching to rip a piece of pizza from the rest, bringing it up close to your lips
“Been okay, I guess” you take a bite, avoiding eye contact with the two boys in front of you “are you sure? You've seemed a bit distant'' Mark asks “im fine.” you say, taking another big bite of the saucy crust “are you sur-” “I'm fine so quit asking” you yell, adding an edge of venom to your words. Taking the boys by surprise “wow, someones a bit extra pissy tonight” Ethan adds. 
That's when something in your throat tightens, you feel yourself bubbling over. You don't understand why, your whole nickname stems from the fact that you get pissy from time to time but it feels like that was the last straw.
Tears begin filling your eyes, vision goes blurry as you feel your cheeks burn up. Sniffles are heard as the boys go silent before you. Tears drip onto the final bite of your pizza.
“Im-sorry-i-just-so-stressed-and-upset-and-luke-hasnt-been-talking-to-me-and-i-miss-him-and-i-think-hes-gonna-breakup-with-me-and-im-just-so-sad-and-i-dont-mean-to-be-mean-but-im-just-so-angry” you hurry through muffled sobs as your eyes go red and your sinuses block up.
“Woah hey hey, Missy i didn't mean to make you upset.” Ethan says , leaning forward to meet your eyes
“Yeah, talk to us..but a bit slower please” Mark says softly, careful to not make you cry again.
You take a deep breath, lifting your head up to see the two young hockey boys worried faces, your lip quivers slightly as you breathe in and out, ready to spill out what has been hurting you.
“I don't know, I'm just so stressed with these exams and I think I'm gonna do fine but I'm just scared.” you start, trying to get one problem out at a time 
“I know for a fact that you'll do fine in your exams and assignments” Ethan comforts “yeah! you're like the smartest person i know!” Mark chimes
“Thanks.. It's not just that tho” you say, sniffling a bit as tears continue down your face and onto your swollen lips, the taste of salt sinks into your mouth. The Hockey players stay silent, waiting patiently for you to continue. 
“Luke and I haven't really been talking and I think he wants to break up.”
 The boys share a knowing glance but say nothing. 
“And you know i've seen all the girls jack brings home, the pretty blonde girls i mean what if luke met one of them and they fell in love” you say, growing more and more hysterical as each thought processes through your head.
Logically you new Luke would never cheat but with your emotions running high you couldnt help but think that  Luke had fucked the entire female poplutation of new jersey ranging from 18-25 by now.
“And all he every talks about when we do call is stupid fucking hockey” you rise your voice slightly before looking at the boys 
“no offence” you add, placing your hands in your lap and finishing your pizza
 “ he didn't even answer my call tonight” you finish, the last sentence being muffled as you swallow your food. 
To your surprise the boys stay silent and stare at each other with Ethan looking down at his phone then back up at mark then sharing a look back to you.
“OMG SO HE IS GONNA BREAK UP WITH ME” you scream, tears streaming down your face harder 
“WHAT NO NO NO” the boys choir, eyes wide.
“Then why are you looking at eachother like that? And who the fuck are you messaging at 12o’clock at night???” you yell pointing towards ethan. 
“No-no one” ethan adds, throwing his phone away to the end of the bed.
Mark moves to sit next to you, throwing an awkward arm around you in a comforting embrace 
“missy, he's probably not gonna break up with you'' Mark adds 
“PROBABLY??” you cry 
“NONO he means he is NOT going to break up with you” Ethan interjects, throwing a pointed look at Mark “oh yeah sorry that's what i meant” Mark stuttered
You groan loudly as your head flys back onto your pillows, you bury yourself into your blanket
“Okayyy so you're tired so we're gonna get outta here” Ethan says, dragging the pizza off your bed with Mark sliding off behind him.
“Good night, Missy'' Mark says, patting your head, peeking out slightly 
“Good night!!” Ethan yells from the kitchen with a mouthful of pizza.
You wake up to the blaring sound of your alarm, you look at your phone that reads ‘7 am’ and still you have no response from Luke. You sigh and remove yourself from your bed, making your way towards the shared bathroom you have with Ethan. 
You walk down the hall and pass Mark who is sleeping soundly on the couch, you continue walking and stop by  Ethan's room, you peer in to see him sprawled out on his bed, keeping note that you should keep quiet as you get ready so you don't wake the two up prematurely.
You take time in your shower to clear your mind, enjoying the warm hug as the water runs down your back and soothes your sore neck. You recite in your head that everything will be okay and to just focus on your exam first, then worry about whatever bullshit Luke is pulling.you finish your shower and get dressed in warm attire. You pair your favourite long sleeve shirt with your fav baggy sweats and continue on with your hair and makeup. Finishing up, you leave the bathroom and are met with the inviting smell of fresh breakfast.
Walking down the hallway you are met with Mark and Ethan who have both woken up and are now stuffing their faces with every breakfast food you own.
“Good morning” you say, giggling slightly 
“Morning” Mark says, eyes still drawn to the tv 
“Heyy, do you want a bagel?” Ethan asks, walking over towards you “you're gonna need some brain food” he adds 
“Maybe not, i'm too nervous to eat right now” you say
“Hmm, are you sure? What about I make you one for later?” he asks
“Maybe next time” you say as you turn on your heels back to your room, rummaging through your cupboard you find a comfy hoodie to throw over your body to keep you warm and toasty throughout your exam. You pack up your bag and walk back out into the kitchen. You then return back to your room, retrieving your charging phone. 
“Missy, do you need a ride?” Ethan asks 
“Nah, the walk will be nice for me, good way to clear my head” you add, walking back out of your room. 
You grab your bag and sling it over your shoulders 
“Thank you by the way, for last night” you add looking back towards Ethan and Mark 
“No problemo, i'm sure you'll feel better soon” Mark says, turning his head to give you a cheeky wink 
You giggle a bit as You look back at ethan confusion still evident in your face 
“Don't listen to him, he's weird” Ethan adds as he walks towards you to give you a pat on the back “you'll do great” 
“Thank you” you say as you move out the door and towards school.
The timer blares through the room as everyone stands , making their way towards the teachers desk to send off their papers. You sit there for a minute, staring down at your paper, revising everything you wrote down. The girl beside you nudges you out of your trance as she waits for you to stand up and hand you paper i with her. All you can do is quietly walk your way down the daring stares that lead to the front of the class. You hand in your work with a deep breath and make your way back to your previous seat, ready to go home and eat your feelings. 
“How do you think you went?” the girl beside you asks as you both walk out of the room,
“Um i think i did okay, passable i hope” you responde 
“I'm sure you did great, you wrote a lot more than i did”
“Hmm how do you think you went?” you ask 
“Good.. i hope”
“You did good, i know it”
“Thanks, missy. I was gonna ask before but how's everything going with Luke? Are you gonna see him soon?” she asks
“Maybe, idk. We haven't been talking too much recently”
“Aww thats a shame well i hope all goes well”
“Yeah, thanks”
“Bye missy” she exits the conversation, making her way over to her next class 
“Bye” you add, thankful that this was the only class you had scheduled for the day.
The walk home was calming , the cold breeze blowing on your face created a refreshing cooling to your hot body as you walked through the campus, passing a couple friends and saying hi briefly before separating.
You make your way to your apartment, trudging up the stairs in a final burst of energy. Unlocking the door you walk into your heated apartment, looking down as you remove your bag, take off your hoodie and hang your keys up, not making note of the tall figure sitting on the bar stools next to your kitchen. 
You turn around and are met with Luke - your boyfriend. The man who you love. The man who's been ignoring you. 
“Hey baby” he says, standing up to walk towards you
You take a step back, anger and confusion plastered on your face 
“Well at least you have the courtesy to do it in person” you say, crossing your arms over your body, sliding your sleeves over your knuckles.
Luke looms over at you, he stares in confusion, trying to read your emotions.
“What are you talking about?” 
Your gaze leaves the floor and meets his, anger bubbling inside your stomach 
“You wanna break up?” you say bluntly, mono toned and unnatural 
“What?? No ??Why would you think that?” Luke argues, voice becoming higher and his breath itching slightly at the information that his girlfriend thinks he drove 9 and a half hours just  to break up with her.
“Are you serious? No call? no text? no nothing, not even a stupid instagram reel and you think my mind wouldn’t wander to that?” you say, stepping forward at each word, announcing your words with a spit of fury.
“I did call and I did text” Luke defends, hands slapping against his sides.
“Barely, Luke we only called for ten minutes a week and all you talked about was stupid hockey and I love hockey but that's all you would talk about. And not to mention the dry messages I mean we barely even talked like normal people, just robots with no love for each other.” you rant on, eyes feeling heavy as tears glistened in your sockets, afraid to let them fall you do your best to blink them away before luke notices.
“Missy” Luke whispers, snaking his hands to your forearms 
“I was only trying to give you space, I knew you would get stressed with your upcoming finals so I wanted to give you as much time as you needed to study. I didn't mean to be dry and unloving towards you” his voice was soothing and calm, his fingers brushing lightly on your clothed arms.
“Well it was a dumb decision” you grumble, earning a snicker from luke 
“yeah , it was and I'm sorry.” he agrees 
“So why are you here then? If you aren't gonna break up with me?”
“I was planning to come down after your finals were finished, I was originally driving in tomorrow but Ethan messaged me last night telling me to come early” 
“Oh. so that's why they were acting weird” you say, reciting the events of last night in your head.
“Yeah, Do you know why he said that?” 
“Well i was a bit emotional last night, i was crying while stuffing my face with pizza” you laugh looking back up at luke.
“Oh my, so is that why Ethan sent me 43  messages at midnight?” Luke adds, smiling to himself before pulling up his phone to show you the absurdly concerning amount of texts from the boy.
“I'll take it that Ethan and Mark were not very good at comforting you?” he says, sitting back down on the bar stool and pulling you to stand in between his legs 
“They weren't too bad , maybe not the best tho” you say, giggling slightly at the situation 
Silence fills the room for a bit before luke speaks up 
“I'm sorry I caused you so much stress, I love you and I wouldn't trade you for the world. Maybe I should try and talk to you more and not just about hockey, hm?” he speaks, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear 
“Yes please” you smile before leaning in to give him a deep kiss. You both pull away before going back in for a warm and comforting hug, swaying slightly.
“I don't know about you but i'm starving, do you wanna go get some food?” Luke asks, speaking into the crook of your neck 
“mhm, exams make me hungry and that breakfast bar Ethan snuck into my bag wasn't very filling” you add, moving so you can look at Luke once more, placing a delicate kiss on his lips 
“About Ethan, should I talk to him about how pizza doesn't solve every problem?” 
You giggle at his comment, staring softly into his muddy blue eyes before being interrupted by Ethan opening his door 
“PIZZA SOLVES EVERYTHING” he shouts just before slamming his bedroom door closed.
“He's been home this whole time?” I ask Luke 
“Who do you think let me in?” Luke chimes, smirking down at you.
wriggling out of his arms its not long till you're pulled back by a  gentle hand on your wrist 
“Wait, I  gotta ask how your exam went” Luke asks, hands sneaking around my waist and resting on my lower back.
“It went okay, i didn't give up so that's good” i say, shrugging.
“Mhm good, never give up” he says, finishing his comment by  patting my head.
Silence is left between us once again, eyes frowning as he tries to read my expression 
“I missed you, Lukey. Don't pull that shit again”
“I missed you too, and judging by how angry you were when you came home i definitely won't” he says as we both make our way out the door and down the stairs.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 5 months
May I request, from the cuddle prompts, of you feel so inspired:
- Feeling the rumble of their chest when they talk while cuddling
- Needing their cuddles even though they have something else to do
With Tech! Haven't asked for him in a while and I think we could all use some Tech fluff right about now.
(If you get a bunch of asks for the same Clone or just feel a pull towards another clone, feel free to change it. 😘)
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A/N: REBEL MY LOVE! Thank you for this! I’ve never written Tech before, and I was a bit intimidated, so I hope I’ve done justice to our boy. Also, you get two prompts for the price of one 🩵
Pairing: Tech x Reader (GN; reader is shorter than Tech but not otherwise described, aside from having a rough morning and a tendency to keep things bottled up)
Rating: T (but as always, minors DNI)
Wordcount: 789
Warnings and tags: fluff, cuddles, Star Wars swearing, adult language
Summary: You swear to the Maker, if ONE MORE THING goes wrong today, you’re going to lose your mind. Tech has an exceptional idea for how to help.
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“Dank farrik,” you muttered under your breath.
The kriffing durang fruit you’d planned on turning into muffins had gone off. It smelled like death itself, and you gagged as you tossed it into the trash compactor. With a sigh, you glanced at your chronometer and winced.
Late. Kark. 
You snatched up your cup of caf as your brain raced to think of an alternative breakfast that you could pull together in a hurry before your scheduled holocomm. Not that Omega or the Batch really needed you to cook breakfast for them, but Benduday morning muffins had become something of a tradition, and you really, really didn’t want to see the matching disappointment in Omega and Wrecker’s eyes when you told them they would need to fend for themselves that day.
Maybe Shep has some extra—
“MOTHERKRIFFER!” you exclaimed, cutting off your own train of thought as the lid on your mug popped loose and you doused yourself in hot caf.
A quiet rustle sounded from the front of the Marauder as Tech slid out from beneath the control console and sat up to watch you, setting aside his hydrospanner. With supreme effort, you managed to keep your eye from twitching as you braced yourself for a well-deserved lecture on your language.
“Is everything all right?” he asked instead.
“Peachy,” you grumbled, grabbing a towel to wipe off your shirt in disgust.
He rose quietly and approached. “I do not believe you.”
“What gave it away?” you snapped, flinging the towel into the sink with a frankly unnecessary level of force.
“You are upset. Given the relatively minor nature of the incident, I deduce that something else is bothering you. Do you wish to discuss it?”
“Not really.”
“Astonishing,” he said dryly. 
“The kriff is that supposed to mean?” you demanded.
“Merely that I have observed that you often prefer not to discuss your struggles, though I hope none of us have ever made you feel as though you should not speak freely when something is troubling you.”
You blinked, too surprised to be offended at his earlier sarcasm. “You have?”
Well… shit.
“It’s nothing,” you lied. Tech made no response, but he didn’t bother to hide his skepticism. “Fine. It’s a bunch of tiny somethings that have all piled up on top of each other, and nothing is going the way I had planned, and I’m hungry, damn it, and now I have to think of something to cook for breakfast, except I have no kriffing caf left to make my brain work, and I have no other fruit to make muffins, so Wrecker and Omega are going to give me the tooka eyes, and I have a stupid holocomm that I’m expecting at literally any minute, and I don’t even want to talk to them, but I feel like I have to, and I swear to the Maker, if ONE more thing goes wrong, I’m going to lose my ever-loving mind!”
You grabbed the towel and began to scrub the sink furiously, desperate to focus on something other than the conversation that you very much didn’t want to have. After a few seconds, though, you felt a weight on your shoulder. You turned to see Tech’s hand resting there, and for a moment you were so shocked that you stopped scrubbing. He was not usually one to initiate physical contact, and you had always tried to respect his boundaries.
“Tech?” you asked uncertainly.
“I have observed that you often seem to find comfort in Wrecker and Omega's hugs when you are upset. As Wrecker and Omega are not currently present, I would like to offer my own.”
“Are you sure?” you inquired, dumbfounded. “Aren't you busy with the repairs from Omega’s last flight lesson?”
“It can wait,” he replied. “Unless you would prefer not—”
His sentence cut off abruptly as you crashed into him, burying your face against his chest and wrapping your arms around his waist. His arms closed around your shoulders, and he held your head in one hand. You slumped against him, turning your head so you could breathe.
“Thank you,” you murmured.
“You are welcome,” he replied, the rumble of his voice vibrating against your ear as you rested your cheek against his chest. “I do not wish you to feel as though you must face all your struggles alone. Even the tiny ones.”
Just then, your comlink chimed with the dreaded holocomm.
“Do you wish to answer that?” he asked.
“Not really,” you admitted, “but I probably should.”
“May I propose an alternative course of action?”
“Propose away,” you replied.
“Remain with me, like this, and forget the holocomm,” he replied.
“You know what?” you asked. “That's an exceptional proposition. I accept.”
Want to request a ficlet? Check out this list of prompts!
More Bad Batch fics: Hunter fluff; Hunter spice; Crosshair hurt comfort; Crosshair fluff
@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49
@anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @marierg @idontgetanysleep
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist
@cw80831 @kimiheartblade @flyiingsly @lightwise @swcowgal
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @yve-barr
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heavyhitterheaux · 5 months
Aurora's Awakening (Slight NSFW)
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: It's your first time at the Met Gala, and the nervousness is getting to you. Luckily, you have an amazing husband who does his best to get you to relax and enjoy yourself
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by a gorgeous anon 😘💕
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You were nervously bouncing your leg up and down while Julissa was doing your hair when you felt Jack's soft touch as he placed a hand on top of your thigh in an attempt to get you to stop.
“Yes?” You answered but still looking down at your feet and fidgeting with your nails.
“Baby girl, look at me.”
Glancing up at Jack, he gave you a small smile before leaning down to kiss your nose.
“Everything is going to be fine. You're freaking yourself out for nothing.”
“Nothing!? You call the Met Gala NOTHING!?”
“It's your first one. If anything, I would think that you would be excited.” Julissa said as she looked at Jack and shrugged.
“I am excited, but nervous.” You quietly confessed as Julissa moved to curl the other side of your hair.
“You'll be with me the entire time, my love. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.” Jack replied as he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it.
"What if I fall walking up the steps?"
“Like I said, you have nothing to worry about. I'll be holding onto you the entire time. Besides, I'll catch you if you do."
“They won't invite me back."
"Babe, I don't think if you fall it disqualifies you from going next year." Jack answered as he let out a small laugh because of how ridiculous you were being.
"Stranger things have happened."
“Okay, all done and you better not sweat out these curls with how ridiculous you’re being.” Julissa said as she was separating a few of them.
“Only person sweating out those curls is going to be me.” Jack responded as he wiggled his eyebrows and you couldn't help but to laugh.
“Jack, if you mess up my work before the two of you get back to this hotel, I will personally kick your pale white ass.”
“Damn, Julissa! You've been around my wife too long.”
“No, you and your wife are always getting into some nonsense and she calls me to come and fix her hair and makeup because you have messed it up!”
“I…. Have you seen what my wife looks like? Can you blame me? She needs to be in the museum.”
“Jack, get out so she can get dressed.” She quickly said while ignoring his question.
“Why? Nothing I haven't seen before.”
“Clearly, you two have three children. Now OUT! You need to get dressed yourself!”
“It's literally going to take me ten minutes.”
“Baby, go ahead and I'll see you when I'm done.” You said as you were quietly laughing at their bickering.
“Can I get a kiss first or is Julissa about to bite my head off about that too?”
“Look, Harlow. This curling iron is still hot, don't make me use it.”
“Violent. Just like my wife.”
“Smush, come get your kiss so we can hurry up and leave.”
“Don't mind if I do.” He answered as he leaned forward to meet your lips with his.
“I need another one for strength.”
“One more and that's it until I'm ready.”
“Not you putting me on a restriction.”
Jack was patiently waiting on the couch playing with Butterscotch as he waited for you to get dressed. Thirty minutes passed before he heard Julissa's voice behind him.
“Okay prince charming, turn around and look at your princess.” Jack heard Julissa say as you came out as his jaw was now on the floor. The first thing he did was go over to you and lean down for a kiss.
“My princess looks absolutely beautiful. That dress is definitely coming off later tonight.”
“Behave! But if I knew you were gonna look this good, the Gala would have had to wait.” You added while looking at him up and down and biting your lip.
“And yet you're telling me to behave. You need to take your own advice, Mrs. Harlow.”
“Not my fault you look so good.” You replied while reaching up for another kiss.
“Can I bring Butterscotch on the carpet with us?”
“Babe, she's been moody all day and she tried to bite the lady at the front desk earlier. It's a hard no.” You answered while picking her up since you noticed she was at your feet.
“She was just nervous.”
“That makes two of us, but no. If I fall, more than likely you'll make sure she's okay first.”
“I would do no such thing!”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” You asked as you continued playing with her.
“A little bit of both.”
The two of you had just arrived at the Gala and were standing at the entrance. Now seeing the steps in person, made you even more nervous. Sensing this, Jack tightly squeezed your hand.
“Remember, just hold onto me. You'll be fine. You ready?”
Nodding your head in response because you didn't trust your voice to work because of how nervous you were, the two of you began posing for pictures and starting to make your way up the steps.
When the two of you were halfway, Jack let go of your hand and you sure enough began to panic.
“Babe, what are you doing!?”
“Relax, baby. I want you to get a few pics by yourself since it's your first one and so you can show off your dress. I'll be over here to the left of you. And then we'll go inside. We're almost done.” Jack said as he kissed your forehead and fluffed out your dress for you for the picture.
“Take your time, okay? I'll still help you when you go up the steps, but when you pose for pics I'll step away.”
“Okay. You promise?”
“I promise, baby. I got you.”
You were finally able to take a breath when the two of you were inside and the steps were out of the way.
“See, baby? It wasn't that bad and you didn't fall. Like I would ever let anything happen to you.”
“I know you wouldn't, but these seven inch heels are nothing to play with.”
“Promise me to keep them on later. Definitely one of my favorite pairs on you.”
“Your wish is my command.” You whispered against his lips before kissing him.
The two of you were socializing with everyone there and you were nursing some type of alcohol that you forgot the name of, when Jack noticed that you still looked uncomfortable and was wondering what might have been bothering you.
“Baby, come here for a second.”
Setting your glass down, you followed Jack around the corner and he quickly led the two of you into the bathroom. Once inside, you instantly recognized it as the one that they take the infamous selfies in.
“What's going on with you? Are you okay?”
“I just feel so out of place.” You quietly confessed and Jack looked at you confused. He was somewhat hurt by your response because that couldn't have been further from the truth.
“Baby, you deserve to be here, just like anyone else. I don't like when you talk about yourself like that. So it stops now. You've worked just as hard if not more than anyone else.”
Jack simply picked you up and placed you on the counter before he kissed you and then started kissing down your neck.
“You need to relax and I know just how to do it.” He whispered in your ear and he placed your hand on his length to see how hard he was.
“Babe, anyone can walk in at any moment.”
“Shit, I would have taken you on the steps so you know that is the last thing I care about.” He answered while reaching under your dress.
You let out a small laugh when you noticed that he was having a bit of difficulty with it.
"Now I know for a fact it never takes me this long to find your pussy so what the actual fuck? How many damn layers are you WEARING? You know I need to have easy access!”
“It's not that many!”
“Lies you tell! I've been searching for forty days and forty nights. Oh, there we are. Spread your legs for me, baby.”
“Make this quick. I don't want anyone to walk in on us.”
“Can't make it too quick. You know I always take my time while I'm with you.” Jack responded as he placed his fingers in your mouth for you to suck before he moved your thong to the side and inserted them.
“Make sure you don't mess up my hair. Julissa will kill you.”
All Jack did was roll his eyes in response before continuing to pleasure you.
You had simply covered your mouth with your hand and grabbed onto Jack's arm in the hopes of keeping yourself quiet. It became ten times harder when you felt him slowly slide into you.
Jack heard your soft whimpers and kissed you as he increased his pace.
“My princess is taking me so well. I can't wait until later when I know we won't be interrupted.”
“Mmm, babe. Right there. Stay right there.”
“Right here?”
“You sure?” He playfully asked as he softly bit down on your neck and began to suck on the same spot.
“Baby, stop teasing me and hurry up.”
“I love teasing you because I know when that orgasm hits, it'll be ten times harder.”
That familiar feeling in your stomach was building and you knew that you were close. Jack's movements were getting sloppier, so it was only a matter of time before you both hit your peak.
Hitting you like a ton of bricks, you were holding onto Jack's shoulders and he captured you into a kiss in the hopes of muffling your moans.
Jack was still tightly holding onto you as you were coming down from your high and you winced once you felt him slowly slide out of you.
As you were trying to regulate your breathing, the door to the bathroom flew open and in came Zendaya with Bruna hot on her trail.
“I know I put my mascara somewhere in…… Y/N!? Why are you breathing so…. Nevermind.” Zendaya said as Bruna was behind her trying not to laugh.
“Umm….” You started to say, but she just waved you off.
“I should have known that you two would disappear and go in here sooner or later.” Bruna added while Jack simply shrugged.
“She was having first Met Gala jitters so being the amazing husband I am, I helped her relax.”
“Yeah, helped her a little too much. Jack move so I can fix her eyelash because you about damn near knocked it clean off her face.” Zendaya said as she pushed him out the way with you laughing and began to fix it.
“All I was instructed to do was not mess up her hair!”
“He popped your Met Gala cherry and took you on the bathroom sink. Have to admit that's a hell of a way to go. And Jack, wipe Y/N's lipstick off you so that we can take a selfie. I'm not letting the two of you out of my sight for the rest of the night. Now I see what Urban was talking about.”
“I’d do it again too.” Jack whispered and Zendaya rolled her eyes as Bruna was still laughing.
“I'm surprised you two didn't do it on the steps.”
“Not to worry, it's on our bucket list.”
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libraryofgage · 11 months
Steddie PJO AU Part One
One (1) person asked for this, and it was only after I told them I'd had an idea, so, like, fuck it we ball.
The parents of the various kids will be revealed as the series goes on, but I'll look forward to your guesses along the way!
Also, I haven't read the books in a hot fucking minute, but the trailer has had me in a chokehold. This is written more for fun than anything else, so just shut off your brain and enjoy the ride without thinking about accuracy. You'll love it, I promise!
As always, if you see any typos no you didn't ;)
With a low, frustrated growl, Eddie tears a page out of his notebook, crumples it into a ball, and throws it on the floor of his tent. All he gets for his troubles is another page of lyrics underneath the first that fail to actually do what he wants. "Fucking shit prophecy," he mutters, tearing that page out, too.
It hits the ground right as Chrissy pokes her head into the tent. She watches it bounce once before settling on the ground. "How's the songwriting?" she jokes, letting the tent's flap fall shut behind her.
"Bad," Eddie says, dropping the notebook and standing. He glares at the paper balls and kicks one away. "Just as bad as the prophecy itself."
"Aww, it's not that bad," Chrissy says, walking a little closer and playfully punching Eddie's arm. Her smile is bright enough to make Eddie feel like he needs sunglasses, and that isn't even because Chrissy's father is Apollo. That's just all her. "At least your prophecy doesn't promise, you know, horrible death."
Eddie scoffs, turning to look at Chrissy as he gestures at his Def Leppard shirt and torn jeans and chunky rings and general metalhead vibe. "Do I look like someone who should be getting that prophecy?" he asks.
He doesn't wait for her to answer before scrunching his face and reciting in a high, mocking voice, "You shall witness an unfair fight between land and sky where feathers with great reluctance fly. And as the sun is shining bright, you shall be swaying in the moon's sweet light."
By the time he's done, he's clasped his hands and held them up to his face with an exaggerated doe-eyed expression. Eddie drops it the moment he finishes, his nose scrunching in disgust as he rolls his eyes. "I have a reputation to uphold, Chrissy."
She doesn't take his complaints seriously. Instead, Chrissy rolls her eyes and sits on the edge of Eddie's cot. "Sure, sure, you're too cool for anything good to happen to you. Still, you might be better off if you didn't try turning that prophecy into something angry."
Eddie huffs, kicks another paper ball, and drops to a crouch next to the cot. After a few seconds, he begrudgingly admits, "Yeah, maybe."
Chrissy sympathetically pats his head, her touch warm and light, and smiles at him. "In other news, we've got another retrieval request for you," she says.
"Oh, boy, work."
"C'mon, you enjoy them," Chrissy says, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a folded piece of paper. "A cyclops sighted some demigod kids running around with, well, she wasn't sure if he was also a demigod or not. But they won't be safe long when they're clustered together like that, so, go bring 'em back."
She passes Eddie the piece of paper and watches as he unfolds it and frowns at the two words written there: "Athens, Tennessee."
"Are you kidding me? That's so cliche," Eddie says.
"Yeah, but at least it's not California or something."
"Thank fuck for small miracles," Eddie mutters, folding up the paper again and shoving it into his pocket.
Looks like he's got packing to do.
The sun is shining, birds are tweeting, and a cool wind is blowing across the park. Steve lets out a slow breath, his shoulders starting to relax as he leans against a tree and watches Will and Lucas lay out a few blankets, Mike and Dustin get into an argument about the scale proportions of the Parthenon, and Max, Erica, and El throw a frisbee between them.
It's been a long month, one that seemed to be filled with more running and near-death experiences than they're used to. And they're used to a lot of running and near-death experiences.
So, taking a day to just relax in the park sounded great when El suggested it, but Steve had still hesitated. Who knows what could find them if they linger in a park too long. When he voiced these concerns, the kids just banded together to convince Steve, and he relented when they compromised on him bringing the nail bat along.
"Steve, do you wanna lay down?" Lucas asks, gesturing to the blankets. Will is already there, stretched out and smiling up at a rainbow stretching across the sky.
Steve joins them, pulls a Bluetooth speaker out of one of the backpacks holding the blankets down, and connects his phone. Music starts playing, and he sprawls across a blanket, pillowing his head on his arms and taking in the sunshine. "You know, this is nice," he says.
"Yeah. We should do this more often," Will whispers, nearly drowned out by the grass rustling in the breeze.
Between the breeze and the music, Steve starts to drift off, his breathing evening out as his mind wanders. He's half asleep when he hears Dustin shout, "It's a fucking one-to-one asshole!"
His words are quickly followed by Mike shouting back, "Who gives a shit?!"
Steve sighs and adds his own voice to the mix. "Stop fighting!"
"Yeah, guys, stop fighting," Max says, and Steve can imagine her tongue sticking out at them as he hears Erica snort.
"Oh, fuck you," Dustin shoots back.
"That's it!" Steve announces, sitting up and glaring at the kids. "Get over here."
His voice leaves no room for argument, and he'd feel bad at how the kids deflate if he didn't already know they're all menaces. Once he's got all seven kids on the blankets, he sighs and says, "Look, guys, let's not fight. How about we all just sit here for a bit, enjoy the breeze, and then we'll go get lunch."
The kids glance at each other, a silent conversation that Steve barely follows passing between them before Mike nods. "Yeah, sure, I guess."
"Great, now, just re--"
"Oh, how cute!"
The sudden, saccharine voice sets Steve's entire body on edge. He slowly looks over his shoulder, staring at the middle-aged woman smiling down at them. Something about her is familiarly off, but he tries to give her the benefit of the doubt. So, Steve flashes a charming smile and asks, "Hi, can I help you with something?"
The woman's smile turns a little sharp, and she shakes her head. "Oh, no, I just had to commend you on your ability to round up these kids like that," she explains.
Steve hums and pushes himself up, keeping a hold on his bat so he can rest the end on the ground and lean on it. He feels more than sees the kids start to shift until they're behind him. "Well, thanks. Did you want advice or something on caring for your own kids?" he asks.
She laughs, short and grating on Steve's ears, and then tilts her head not unlike a bird. "No, no. It's just impressive that you've managed to keep them alive for so long," she says, her voice distorting and becoming shriller as she speaks.
Yep. There it is.
"Wow, that's even faster than usual," Lucas says.
He's right, which just makes Steve even more upset. Can he not get more than fifteen minutes of peace? Can he not just lay back and enjoy the sunshine without worrying about some monster coming after his kids? Can he not fucking relax for once?
Steve feels the frustration build and build in his chest, crackling through him until he's ready to burst, and he stands up straighter. "I'll give you one warning," he says, his voice low as he watches feathers sprout from the woman's skin. "You walk away right now, and I won't beat the shit out of you."
The woman, who seems to be mostly bird by now and is probably a harpy, just laughs again, like Steve's told her the funniest joke she's ever heard. "You? Defeat me?" she asks, her eyes roaming over Steve before she laughs again. "I am worse than your nightmares. I have eaten more demigods than you can count. I have feasted on their screams and crunched their bones between my teeth, and I look forward to doing the same with these children. What could a lone son of some lesser god possibly do to stop me?"
From behind him, Steve hears a few of the kids inhale sharply, an almost sympathetic sound. "Well, she's done it now," Erica says.
"Yes. Steve is going to kill her," El agrees, her voice soft and brushing against Steve's ears like a tiny snake.
And yeah, they're right. Maybe Steve would have just beaten her unconscious and then gotten the hell out of dodge, but now she's threatened his kids. She's lost any chance at mercy from him.
With a twirl of his bat and a vicious grin, Steve rolls his shoulders back and says, "Wanna find out, overgrown chicken?" he asks.
He doesn't even bother waiting for an answer before swinging his bat, the nails dragging across the harpy's chest and ripping a shriek from her. Now that Steve is thinking about it, violence is also a great way to relieve stress, and he's certainly not going to look a gift harpy in the mouth.
If you'd like to be tagged in future parts, just let me know!
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fruitysnackys · 1 year
𝕟𝕤𝕗𝕨 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖
ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼𝕊: 𝕊𝕞𝕦𝕥 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 𝟛 ;-;
𝕥𝕣𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧 𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕞𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕚𝕤𝕟'𝕥 𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕠𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕀 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕚𝕥.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟠𝟘𝟟
ℂ𝕎: 𝕊𝕞𝕦𝕥 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕦𝕥. 𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕒 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕣 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕕𝕟𝕚, 𝕀'𝕞 𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕒𝕥 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥.
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You didn't know how you got in this position and at the moment you don't really care. All you can think about is the pleasure you are feeling. Rough hands hold your wrists together behind your back, pulling you up against his chest. Eyes glossy from the overstimulation you have endured.
"C'mon darling, be good for me and cum one more time. I know you can do it."
He says as the sound of hips meeting ass fill part of the room. The squelch of previous cum making obscene noises. It dribbles down the back and inside of your thighs with every thrust he makes. His free hand coming up to rest on your neck placing the perfect amount of pressure to make you feel dizzy and make sure you stay lucid enough to tap out if needed. You clench around him at the feeling.
"Ah, you like being choked by me? Don't you?"
He asks in a almost condescending tone as his pace picks up. Your vision going slightly hazy as you feel your release coming. Your chests heaves up and down with every breath you struggle to do.
"Is my darling close? Are they about to cum all over the bed?"
He asks as he moves his head to your neck, leaving hickeys in his wake as he goes from shoulder to shoulder. Knowing that if you don't respond he'll stop right before you can cum like he's done so many times before.
You barely manage to make a sound other then moans. Your legs squeeze together as you approach the edge, tightening around him. The slight twitch of his cock tells you he's getting there as well. He removes his hands from your neck and wrists, instead choosing to push you face down onto the mattress. One of his hands grips your hips the other pushes your head into the pillow.
"Good, now be quiet."
He says as he pushes your head into the pillow just a bit more. Just a bit longer before he buries himself into your heat and lets his cum spill into you. You cum onto the sheets while milking his cock for all it can give. He helps you ride out your release with slow but deep thrusts.
"How are you feeling? Did I do too much?"
He asks, gently pulling out as you slump onto the mattress. As you try to catch your breath you give him a thumbs up. Letting out a chuckle he lovingly rubs your hips.
"I'll take that as a sign you're feeling good."
You rub your face onto the pillow with a sigh.
"Can you go run a bath, I feel sticky inside and out."
He just lets out a small laugh at your request before walking to the bathroom but not without giving you a sweet kiss first.
"I'll put in your favorite bubble bath as well."
"The strawberry one?"
"Yes, the strawberry one. You deserve it after being so good for me."
"Thank you." You say with a tired smile as you start to sit up, wincing slightly at the sore feeling. You wait a few minutes, hearing the water running in the background as the tub fills up. Soon he comes back and picks you up before bringing you to the bathroom and sitting you on the toilet while he fingers his cum out of you so you don't get a belly ache later.
"What show do you want to watch later?" He asks as he pulls his fingers out and lifts you into the hot tub before stepping in behind you. Both of you letting out relaxed sighs as the hot water sooths your sore muscles. "Ancient Aliens? We haven't seen the new episode yet."
You say with a sigh as hiss hands massage your berry scented shampoo into the hair on your scalp, making sure it lathers nicely. You lean into his touch with a content sigh. He rinses your hair out thoroughly before applying conditioner to the ends of your hair.
"Sure, we can cuddle as we watch."
He says as he puts your hair up in a clip to let the conditioner sit as he gently cleans your body making sure to be gentle around sore spots before he starts cleaning himself.
"Do you want me to set any specific sleepwear out for you?"
"Just the soft hoodie and shorts."
You say he rinses your hair out as he drains the tub. Taking the detachable showerhead and cleaning you two off a bit more. He carries you into the bedroom after drying off and pulls your sleepwear out of the closet and hands it to you. After changing the sheets and getting all changed and comfy in your bed, He puts on Ancient Aliens as you both drift to sleep with murmurs of sweet nothings.
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𝕀 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝔸𝕟𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝔸𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕀 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕕𝕚𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕥.
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mytheoristavenue · 1 month
Hi hi!!! I'm here to pop into your inbox to remind you about the office part 2 thingy :3 (i absolutely adore your writing by the way, nobody else writes for those 3 as well as u do <3)
Thanks for reminding me!
MHA Fumikage Tokoyami 🍋 - Step Into My Office
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Summary: As requested, you meet Tokoyami in his office, hoping he wasn't about to fire you.
Warnings: Office sex, mean!Tokoyami, rough sex, slight manipulation, use of his alias, unprotected sex, AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 1.4K
You waited on the other side of the door, heart hammering in your chest. You'd stood there for nearly ten minutes at this point, trying to gather your courage, staring down a gold nameplate that read 'Tsukuyomi'. With a final, very deep breath, you raised your fist to knock, only to be startled out of the idea by your boss bellowing from the inside. "I haven't got all day."
You quickly scurried in, shutting the door behind you, nervously grooming yourself as you collected your bearings. "M-My apologies, sir." You squeaked, drawing closer. "Y-You wanted to see me?"
"You may not be aware of this, but I am an incredibly busy man." The crow scolded, hands folded neatly under his beak, elbows propped on the desk. "If I offer you my time, I'd advise against wasting it."
"O-Of course, sir," You bowed your head shamefully. "I-It won't happen again."
"I hope not," He nodded to the visitor's chair in front of his desk. sternly. "Sit." You do as he asked, swallowing dryly.
"Have I done something wrong, sir?" You asked, voice trembling as you peered up at him.
"Aside from interrupting me time and time again? No," He answered, beady vermillion eyes narrowing on you as if you were a field mouse. "As a matter of fact, the other heroes in this agency and I have been talking and..." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his beak. "As much as it pains me to admit, we agree you deserve a reward for your hard work."
You can't contain the smile that cracks across your face, eyes sparkling with awe at his attempt at praise. "R-Really, what is it?"
For the first time, he smiled- no, smirked at you. His expression was predatory and devious, but you tried to push down how uneasy it made you. You were finally being recognized for your dedication to the agency and you couldn't be happier.
"My, aren't you eager?" He teased, tilting his head back, motioning for you to come over to him. "You may have the others convinced you're an angel sent from above to organize their lives for meager pay," He cooed, rolling his desk chair back and pulling you by the hips in front of him, slowly turning you to face the other way. "But I am not so easily swayed."
You couldn't even find the words to reply, not that he would have allowed you to speak over him anyway. Your face glowed red like a cattle branding iron and felt just as hot as he continued, one palm flat on the small of your back, giving you a gentle forward nudge. You pressed your hands to the desk, leaning over in as modestly as you could.
"That being said, if you were able to convince me that you have this agency's best interest at heart, I might be inclined to give the final vote in favor of your new contract." He hinted, eyes darkening as he surveyed the doughy surface of the backs of your thighs, trailing the seem that ran up the legs of your pantyhose. "Which of course, would include a handsome raise and a very nice benefit package. But the choice is inevitably yours. Your position here is not in jeopardy if you decline."
You finally nodded shyly, just once. "W-What would I need to do to convince you?"
"Just like that, perfect," Tsukuyomi sighed, hand still pressed to the small of your back, easing you up and down. He felt so powerful, sitting in his big leather office chair, watching his secretary do all the work for him. Your knees trembled and the muscles in your thighs burned from the odd angle, but you did as you were told, sitting fully into his lap before dragging yourself into a near stand. You repeated this workout for what felt like millennia, but you couldn't deny that it was worth your while.
The crow marveled at the sight of you, back arched, straining to keep up with his command, pencil skirt pushed up your back. Your dark gray pantyhose now had an obscene hole, only big enough for him to fit through and your panties were unceremoniously pushed to the side, leaving little to catch the fallout. "Good girl, you certainly deserve a raise, don't you?" He cooed, head tilted back in ecstasy as you rode him from the comfort of his chain.
You nodded with a pitiful whine, only to feel a sharp smack to your rump which you were sure left a tight fishnet pattern on your skin thanks to your pantyhose. "Go on then, tell me you deserve that raise. You want it, don't you?" He ordered, his palm lingering on your backside, caressing it, as if to soothe the sting.
"I-I..." you whimpered, tears pricking your eyes as drool dripped down your chin. "I-I deserve a raise..."
"Oh, you don't sound very sure of yourself," He feigns ignorance, sighing. "I don't think I can in good conscience sign off on a reward you don't feel you deserve."
"I-I do...deserve it." You argued weakly, knees buckling a bit from the strain they were under.
"Then convince me," He encouraged, smacking your behind again, but not near as hard as this time. "Say: 'I deserve a damned raise, Tsukoyomi, sir!'" He ordered, taking the initiative to pull you down onto him to penetrate you even deeper.
"I-I can't say that..." You refused meekly, dipping your head against the desk momentarily, only to be straightened again by his harsh actions.
"Need I remind you that this is all for your benefit?" He asked, his breath hitching a bit when he bottomed out entirely, not that you noticed. "It brings me no pleasure to have to spend even more money on your labor. Now, do you want that raise, or not?"
"I-I do-!" You whined, throwing your head back, only to have the hero catch a fistful of your hair.
"Then say it!" He demanded, shifting up to stand, pounding into you hatefully as his chair rolled away behind him. "Say it or the offer is off the table, I won't wait for you to decide what you want!"
You finally snapped, feeling your cervix begin to bruise, melting into the desk, coating his paperwork with drool and smudged makeup. "I-I deserve a damn raise, Tsukuyomi!" You shouted, tears streaming down your cheeks. "I-I deserve so much more than what I make for putting up with you all! I deserve a six-figure salary just for putting up with you alone!"
Tsukuyomi's eyes darkened as he let out a low chuckle, incredibly aroused by your outburst. "That's right, tell me all about it, Feather," He huffed, finally convinced as he watched you work yourself silly on his cock. "You've got a hard job, don't you? Keeping up with three pro heroes all by yourself?" You nodded, moaning a confirmative hum. "And I'm just awful to you, aren't I?"
"T-Terrible..." Admit ina mousy tone, nearly braindead from how he was treating you.
"Let's start over, shall we? I w-want to turn over a new leaf, be a better boss." He chuckled, feeling his high crescendo begin to build. "Why don't we start with twenty-five percent pay raise, along with 401K, vision a-and- a-ahhh..." He trailed off, beginning to lose himself. "M-Medical insurance..."
You gritted your teeth as the knot in your tummy pulled tight and tighter. Suddenly you smirked weakly. "A-And dental?"
Your boss was taken aback to be sure, halting for a moment before gripping your hips tightly, bracing himself. "Let me cum inside?" He proposed with a devious smirk which only widened as you nodded, messed bun bouncing with the motion. "Deal."
"I'll draw up the paperwork this afternoon," Tsukuyomi said sternly, clearing his throat and smoothing his costume out, watching you do the same with your office attire. "I will have to have another meeting with Tentacole and Tail-Man to discuss the negotiation."
You nodded with a serene smile, shifting awkwardly, thighs glued together. "Thank you, Tsukuyomi, sir," You began tidying up his desk as if nothing had ever happened, taking his coffee mug as you turned to leave. "I'll bring you a fresh cup of coffee."
"Thank you." He nodded, an air of professionalism surrounding him.
"Sir?" You asked before you got to the door, still squirming uncomfortably. "May I be granted an extended lunch? I'd like to go home to change." The way he smirked at your request made you incredibly uneasy.
"Permission denied."
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Request from @witheringpain - Could you make a headcanon of how all the autobots/decepticons would react if you died in a war (G1) ?
Will do 🫡🫡🫡
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Sorry this is so late but I’ve got so much going on I’ve ended up going through my requests at a snails pace lol.
I haven't done transformers requests in 3-4 years so hello pls don't beat me up over this but here we go anyway:
Warnings: Character Death (Reader), Heavy Descriptions Of Gore And Violence, Themes Of Grieving And Depression
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Autobots: (This is mostly Optimus-centred but I included most of the Autobots reactions because this first part was already too long to repeat for each separate character – I’ve also made it platonic)
Also PLEASE keep in mind that I’ve only seen short clips of G1, which is why I don’t write for them often, so the characters may seem a little OOC – if they are I apologise but it’s the best I could do
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Ooooh boy, they’re not gonna like that
Let’s say you’re Optimus’s bestie (along with the other autobots ofc)
And let’s keep in mind that G1 Optimus is not as calm/ level headed as TFP Optimus and not as ‘death/kill/angry/rage’ as Bayverse Optimus
So he’s not gonna go round on the battle field murdering left right and centre
But he’s also not gonna just stand there
He’s more likely to turn towards the loud gunshot behind him and watch as your body hits the ground and take a moment
Like it’s not gonna click instantly
He probably thinks you’ve been shot in the leg and he waits a second for you to scream or writhe around in pain
But then your body lops to the side and he sees your eyes frozen wide in shock, with a gaping bullet hole still sizzling and steaming away in the middle of your forehead
And when I say it hits them all
It hits them
Optimus sort of just stumbles for a moment cuz he can feel every part of himself short-circuit
He also thought his audio receptors had stopped working
But no
It’s the battlefield
It’s dead silent
Everyone seems to have just stopped
He can’t see (cuz he literally cannot take his eyes off your body) but Prowl and Ratchet are nearest
And they’re desperate to run to him but the fact that he’s so still
Ratchet doesn’t dare go near you for a hot minute because it’s not normal for Optimus to be still for that long.
Prowl’s too busy trying to see who shot you, and eventually he spies the steaming barrel of the gun from across the field and he’s instantly seeing red
The decepticon that owns said gun doesn’t look any better
You can practically hear him from how much he’s shaking
Eventually, the dead silence is broken
“What did you do?”
It’s Megatron
He might be Optimus’s sworn enemy
But he knows when to not cross a line
As in murder Optimus’s closest friend
Megatron only murmured it since he was only frozen in place a few metres away
But it was loud enough to break whatever spell Optimus was under
Both decepticons watched in terror as Optimus’s head snapped towards them, his optics wide and glowing brighter than ever
And you know what’s even worse?
His face guard is gone
Sheathed away and full face on display
Now, let’s clarify that you, are the only person in the existence of ever, to know what he looks like under the mask
And the fact that everyone can see his full face right now shows exactly how out of control his emotions are right now
He’s heaving, he’s shaking, and there’s coolant streaming down his face because guess what cybertronians can cry
In his millions of years fighting wars, Megatron can’t recall a time he’s ever seen such despair on a bots face
Let alone on Optimus
The sounding of creaking metal brings everyone’s attention back on Optimus
And it takes a moment for everyone to realise where the noise is coming from but soon enough they watch as his servo tightens even more around his axe, the creaking noise becoming louder
And all of a sudden everyone’s like:
Oh shit
The decepticon that shot you is like
Shit shit shit shit
And Megatron accepts he’s gonna be a Con down after today because looking at the state that Prime is in he knows it’s not worth it
He looks to the Con who is pleading for help with his eyes and just shrugs
“I think you’re on your own now :)”
Megatron along with everyone else takes a step back as Optimus begins to move
He’s not running, no
Just walking
His optics not moving from the con in front of him as he strides over.
Eventually the con drops his gun with a cry and frantically runs into the woods behind him
But Optimus keeps his speed at walking pace
Which is even more terrifying
Megatron just moves aside raising his hands in surrender as he passes
Because a heaving, blank-faced, mask-less Optimus unconsciously dragging a weapon behind him is not something he wants to try and pester right now
Soon Optimus disappears into the woods after the Con
And everyone remains silent and unmoving as they listen
Pedesteps every now and again are heard from within the trees
Minutes pass and no one is yet to move, too occupied with straining their audials for a noise
Though it isn’t long until everyone flinches as a terrified shriek rips through the air, causing the birds to scatter
A string of frantic pleads of help follow
Until they are replaced with screams as loud clangs of metal on metal are heard
But soon the screams are drowned out by the clangs and soon enough the sounds of the Con are no more
But the clanging doesn’t stop
It just keeps going in a steady rhythm
Until one final loud smash reverberates through the air
And it is silent once again
Everyone else takes this as their cue
Megatron instantly transforms and takes off
And it isn’t long before the rest of the Decepticons follow, leaving the Autobots to themselves
The following silence is soon broken as Ratchet finally moves towards your body
Wiping the coolant that won’t seem to stop streaming down his face, he kneels down to scoop your lifeless form into his arms
Prowl drags himself over to you both, his pedes never feeling so heavy
With a dark solemn look on his faceplates, he stares at your corpse in the medics arms
After a moment, he slowly lifts his servo towards your face, where your face is still frozen in a terrified expression
And as gently as he can, he takes two digits and places them above your optic lids before sliding them closed
That seemed to be a tipping point for Ratchet as he broke down in heaving sobs
His frame trembling as he tried to keeps both himself and you balanced as everyone around looked at him in both surprise and pity
This is a first because Ratchet is probably the least likely to react so emotionally to death
He been witnessing it almost every day for the past few million years after all
But you were someone special
Someone he thought would be the last person to die so suddenly
Someone he thought he would have time to save, and time to grieve
But that’s what war does
It has no mercy with anyone
No matter who someone is and how special they are
And Ratchet thought he had come to terms with that idea
But the scene he gave showed everyone he hadn’t quite accepted it fully
Prowl wanted to break down too
He wanted to scream into the heavens and beyond, cursing out those who took you from them but also hoping you could hear him
A sign to show that you were still here with them
But he knew it would prove useless
And with Ratchet gone too far into his own mind
He knew it was his turn to be the level headed one
Now wasn’t the time to flip tables and punch walls
He didn’t want to show his emotional instability in front of the others
So he joined Ratchet by his side, a servo slowly soothing up and down the medic’s trembling back struts.
He noted that Optimus still hadn’t returned from the woods
But that wasn’t who he was concerned about at the moment
As if on cue, three sets of bouncing footsteps along with energised voices were heard as they got nearer
Everyone tensed at the sound, and slowly turned towards the outstretch of cliff nearby where the voices owners would soon be revealed
Prowl left Ratchet’s side after one last reassuring pat, leaving the now slightly calmer bot to cradle you
Turning the corner, he was met with two bright sets of yellow and one red
Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had returned from their reconnaissance, playing and shoving at each other joyously after a seemingly successful mission, ready to hear what had become of the fight they missed
Though that all halted when they caught sight of a silent Prowl who was suspiciously not scolding them for returning so late
Coming to a stop, they eyed him, Sideswipe talking first:
“We just saw Megatron and his goons flying away! Did you flip enough tables to scare them off or something?”
That set the three of them into another fit of giggles
But coming to a stop again at the sight of Prowls door wings not springing up in frustration like they usually do
“Say Prowl, what’s got your tailpipe in a twist?” Sunstreaker piped up
Prowl opened his mouth, and got exactly one vowel out before going silent again. He did this several times before eventually giving up.
Ok this was different
Prowl always has something to reply with
“What happened.” Demanded Bumblebee
Despite being a joyous bot, Bumblebee knew when it was time to be serious, and Prowl being lost for words meant that only the worst could have happened
Prowl tried to reply again, but his voice box betrayed him for a second time
Without a second thought Bumblebee strode ahead, brushing aside Prowls outstretched servo and rounded the corner
At a first glance all he could see was every bot crowded around something, but when he called out they all parted to reveal something he wished he could never see
A pained cry of despair echoed throughout the forested valley, and Sideswipe and Sunstreaker didn’t hesitate for a second as they sprinted around the corner to their friend with Prowl hot on their heels
The sight before them was the one thing they never wanted
Bumblebee was being held back as he tried to reach for whatever Ratchet had in his arms, howling and crying out as he stretched his arm as far as he could
The two bots rushed to try and help the others in restraining him, but both stumbled in shock as they caught sight of your lifeless corpse
Soon the bots had to be divided as they wrestled the three young bots that were wailing in anguish for their friend
Bumblebee had given up at this point, his head on Prowls shoulder as he stared at you with a glazed unmoving expression
The twins were worse off, crying and screaming in everyone’s faces until their voice boxes gave out, demanding what had happened and why they weren’t able to save you, why Ratchet wasn’t able to save you, but all the bots and the medic could do was look down to not make any further eye contact.
Not long after the screaming match another set of footsteps were heard getting nearer, and a hush fell over everyone, including the twins after pleas from the others, as they all stared at the silhouette emerging from the foliage
As the bot moved into the sunlight, everyone’s optics widened at the sight
Optimus had returned, but he was barely recognisable
You could still tell it was him
But his paintjob was almost unidentifiable
Blue and red peeked through the streaks and smears of pink and magenta, the energon from the unlucky con splattered all over his frame
The worst parts were on his axe and up his arms, his paintjob covered almost entirely with energon still dripping from those areas along with chunks of metal that slowly slid down his frame, looking suspiciously similar to the con’s paintjob
The most horrifying part, though, was his axe
Which looked like it had come straight out of a horror movie
Through the energon and bits of metal that covered the blades, one half seemed to have bent, the blade curving in a way that would fit a cybertronians head shape after hitting it with the force of a mountain
Which is probably what happened
It’s also probably what made that extra load bang at the end
But no one really cared about that
They were too busy trying to figure out what Optimus would do next
Which was a bit difficult considering he was just standing there not saying a word and just staring ahead into the distance
A beat passed before shuffling was heard and Bumblebee broke away from Prowls embrace and rushed towards the Prime
Despite everyone wanting to stop him, they were too scared of going near Optimus at this point
Reaching Optimus, Bumblebee threw himself around him, not caring about the height difference
This seemed to bring Prime out of his trance, half lidded optics looking down at the smaller bot
Though it wasn’t long before Optimus gently pried Bumblebee’s servos away, holding them in his own
The bots watched albeit tense as the taller bot stared down at his smaller companion
All it took was for Bee to look up whilst blinking back tears of coolant for Optimus to drop his axe with a clang and scoop him into his arms, their helms buried into each other’s neck cables, and Bumblebee’s sobbing started up again
After a minute, they pulled away from each other, and Bee tried to say something through the hiccupping of his voice box, but the Prime stopped him with a servo on his shoulder and a small smile that was far from reaching his optics
Which everyone could see since he had yet to re-engage his mask
But they made sure not to bring it up
Soon Optimus was back on his pedes and picking up his axe, gently leading Bumblebee back to the group
Reaching Ratchet, he placed a servo on his shoulder
“Let’s get them back to the ship old friend."
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Decepticons: (This one’s a bit shorter I’m afraid – I struggled with coming up with anything for anyone else so this is more headcanon-y)
Warnings: Character Death (AKA YOU), Heavy Descriptions of Gore, Themes of Grieving and Depression.
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Now with the decepticons it can be a little different
Depending on what kind of relationship you’ve formed and with who
The Autobots are all tight knit in some way
Whereas with the cons
You could’ve been working with them for eons
But if you’re just another soldier that has been recruited
Then those higher up aren’t gonna bat an optic
They might notice your posts being replaced
But that’s it
If you’re higher ranking and have formed some type of relationship with them
Then things are going to go down differently
Soundwave would be inconsolable for a while
The only ones allowed near him were his minicons
Who would scuttle out his berthroom to grab some energon for their robodad, before quickly disappearing back into the dark room
He wouldn’t come out until Megatron demanded entry
And the minocons along with a few others would wait around the corner in the corridor
Tying to get within earshot but failing nonetheless
Megatron then walked out, not bothering with the troops who scattered as soon as he appeared
It would be another day before Soundwave would emerge
But he wouldn’t answer anyone about how he was
He simply got on with his tasks as he did before
Overworking so much that he would have to be dragged to recharge
Life would resume as normal
But during his weekly spying sessions through the security cameras
Starscream would note the pauses the quiet con would take
Each time in the exact same spot
Standing in front of the doors to the comms room where you had worked
Staring in as if he was looking for you to spring out on him
But you never did
Speaking of Starscream
It’s a bit of a 50/50 with him
You could be any rank
And considering how desperate he is to overthrow Megatron and lead the Decepticons
There’s a chance that he could be so obsessed and caught up in his scheming
That he just doesn’t have the spare time to get to know you or basically care about you in any way
But if we went with the other half
And you were someone he had befriended and roped into his overthrowing plans
Then your death would throw him off track big time
It would take him forever to comprehend the fact that the one con he could trust properly on his ship was in pieces that were now drifting somewhere through space
To the other cons he was just being himself after your death
So just annoying
Complaining how he now had to figure out how to achieve the tasks he had set you for universal dominance as well as his own
But the heaving sobs and wails that echoed through the ships corridors late at night said otherwise
Ravage made the unlucky mistake of walking in on Starscream as he curled up underneath his desk
Though not much time was spent inside as Ravage high tailed it out of there, narrowly dodging something being thrown as the seeker screamed for them to get out
Skywarp and Thundercracker had a hard time as well
Feeling the immense grief flowing through the bond of their trine mate’s spark as they watched him brush you off as just another accomplice in front of everyone else
Onto boss man
Megatron would practically explode
He would be throwing himself into every battle and every autobot he can get his servos on
The one commander, apart from soundwave, he could trust with his life
In a puff of smoke
More like an explosion
AKA you were blasted to smithereens before he could pull you free from the collapsing power reactor
He would be frozen in place, your decapitated servo still grasped in his own
Bits of wiring and armour plating surrounding him on the floor
Along with the pink flames of your energon that had ignited as it hit the burning debris
He doesn’t quite remember what happened next
All he could recall were flashes of the bodies of other autobots as he tore them apart
And he found himself sat in the medbay, glaring unfocused at the metal floor
And now, in his berth room eons later, he still finds himself staring at the floor
Feeling as useless as the glass case that sat upon his shelf
Where a single servo laid, refusing to rust
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Thank you so much for reading! I will reopen requests at some point, but for now, I'll be posting what I've already written. See you soon!
Do not repost
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24hlevi · 7 months
suki (atla) x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: how the first kiss went with suki
warnings: language
so new obsession is the live action atla. have i seen the original? nope but i will start it. am i in love with all the characters? YES. requests are open for anyone from the live action!
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"you're such an idiot."
"just because you've done this for years and i haven't doesn't mean i'm an idiot."
"well, when you keep failing yes, you're an idiot."
you scoffed, standing up straight and dusting off your shirt. "you're a bully."
"bully?" suki questioned, taking a step closer to you. "no, you're just sensitive." she patted your head.
"that's worse than calling me an idiot!" you retorted, smacking her hand away from your head.
"just admit it, you'll never be better than me," she smiled at you.
"i already know that," you rolled your eyes.
"so you do admit it!" her smile grew.
"you cornered me into saying it!" you replied.
"whatever you say," suki said.
you rolled your eyes again and crossed your arms over your chest, pouting slightly. you knew you obviously wouldn't be able to beat a kiyoshi warrior, but she insisted on training you! you were basically forced to spar with her! ending with you on your ass every single time. even when you got close, she still won.
"oh, don't pout, y/n!" suki wrapped her arm over your shoulders. "it's okay."
you refused to look at her, because of your pettiness and because of how close her face was to yours at the current moment. you could feel her hot breath on your cheek, and you felt your own cheeks heat up just at the closeness, praying she wouldn't notice. her gaze remained on you as you held your breath, and her hand gently pressed against your cheek, causing you to finally look at her.
the two of you stared at each other for what felt like hours but was just minutes in reality, and right when you opened your mouth to speak, suki suddenly pulled you into a kiss. your eyes widened when it happened, but you kissed back immediately.
when she pulled away, she let out a quiet giggle at the look on your face. "oh, you must've been waiting for that."
"for a while, yeah," you replied with a nod. "for not kissing anyone you're a great kisser."
"don't get flirty with me now. i can still kick your ass for kissing a kiyoshi warrior," suki said, gently shoving you away by your shoulder.
"you could, but then you wouldn't be able to kiss me again as many times as you want," you smiled.
"as many times as i want?" she challenged.
"oh yeah," you nodded, walking back up to her and wrapping your arms around her waist. you leaned closer as if you were going to kiss her again before pecking her cheek. "good luck on your class, suki," you said before letting go and walking away as other kiyoshi warriors stepped inside the dojo.
"wha- you can't just- y/n!" suki sputtered out, watching you leave the dojo with a wave and bright smile.
the other kiyoshi warriors stared at her and when she realized she quickly cleared her throat and turned away from the door. "okay! let's start!"
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whoreforpeterparker · 2 years
The Unknown
Summary: Peter and reader make out for the first time ;)
Requests are open : )
You and Peter haven't done anything more than kiss but it isn't because you guys don't want to go further its simply hard to find a time to be alone. Peter is always busy with being Spider-man which you don't mind at all but it gets frustrating when all you want to do is make out with him until you get lightheaded. Thats all you think about in class and you were determined that today was the day. 
When you and Pater arrived to his apartment you find out that May isn't home. "What do you wanna do?"Peter ask while opening his bedroom door "umm I don't know maybe watch a movie?" u say while sitting down on his bed and smiling widely. You don't realise that you've been staring at Peter the whole time that the movie has been playing until he laughs and ask "what?" while giving you the dorkiest smile ever you don't answer instead you lean in and kiss him. 
Peter holds your face gently with one hand, the other on your waist you are both smiling into the kiss until you grab and tug at his hair that makes him groan. He kisses you harder moving his hand under your shirt you keep playing with his hair and tugging at it, you love the sounds Peter makes. His hands move to your thighs you whimper when he gets dangerously close to your core.
  Peter pulls you into his lap you moan quietly when you feel him already hard from your actions he takes the opportunity to stick his tongue in your mouth. His hands wander on your lower back instead of where you desperately want him to touch you "Peter" you whisper making him stop his movements to looks at you blushing and panting "touch me". His eyes widen as his blush deepens he kisses you with all his strength and lets his hands wander to your ass you moan and grab the hairs on the back of his neck.
You feel hot and sweaty so you quickly take your shirt of revealing your lace bra Peters eyes go wide and you feel his dick twitch in his pants. "fuck" Peter whispers never taking his eyes off of your tits he's embarrassed of how many times he has imagined you in situations like this that he can't believe that it is happening and how gorgeous you are. 
He moves his kisses to your jaw then neck trying to find your soft spot "fuck Peter right there" you moan when he finds that delicious spot of yours. Peter swears he has never heard anything hotter then your moaning and panting he makes it his mission to get you to make those sounds as many times as he can. He sucks and bites at your spot making you move in his lap you both groan when you rub against his hard dick. He moves his lips to your chest his mouth sucks on the exposed skin of your left boob while his hand fondled with the other." fuck baby feels so good" you say out of breath this was way better than you imagined.
Peter helps you move on his lap you both gasp and moan at the incredible sensation. Peter stops to look at you as you move yourself on him "fuck you're so beautiful" you kiss him in response never stopping your movements the kiss is sloppy and hot your both panting and moaning into each others mouth.
You kiss down his jaw to his neck sucking and licking desperately your hands go under his shirt his skin is hot and sweaty. Peter whimpers and pulls you even closer to him when you find his spot. You move faster in his lap nothing but whimpers and gasps coming from your mouth. 
"Fuck this feels amazing" Peter moans throwing his head back, your hands are all over his chest you feel like you are going to explode any minute but that all stops when you hear the front door open.
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willalove75 · 1 year
would you write alci breastfeeding y/n after an exhausting day? something cuter
Absolutely! Thanks so much for the request!💕
Warnings: Breastfeeding (I guess it needs a warning? Idk.)
A/n: This is my first time writing something like this so go easy on me😅😂 ALSO I feel like it's been a HOT minute since I've done a Lady D ask! I've been super slacking lolzzzz sorry💕
Today sucked to say the least. You were helping Alcina with some of her tasks to ease her burden. Normally you don't have a tough time with the things she asks you to do, most of the time you actually enjoy helping her; being able to organize files, help her with paperwork, running errands. But today you were tasked with speaking with the mayor about current events in the village. As one of the four Lords, it was Alcina's responsibility to keep an eye on and maintain a healthy relationship with the village and the village mayor. You had accompanied Alcina to these meetings enough times where Alcina felt you were ready to conduct it on your own. Of course you were nervous, but you felt ready.
The ride there was uncomfortable - uncomfortable being an understatement. Over the winter the roads have deteriorated greatly and haven't been tended to so they were uneven and filled with potholes. You made sure to make note of that and make sure the mayor was aware of the situation and knows he needs to fix it.
It's not that you were dreading this meeting, but the mayor was known for being a bastard. Part of the reason that Alcina always attended these meetings was because of his notorious attitude but he always acted on his best behavior around Alcina - or else he'd run the very real and serious risk of losing a limb, or worse.
When you finally arrived in the village the people walking around slowed and carefully eyed the carriage, expecting Lady Dimitrescu to step out of it. When you stepped out alone most of the villagers went back to whatever they were doing. A few brave - or stupid - villagers decided to voice their opinions of you since the Lady wasn't around. Calling you a traitor or the demon's whore or any other colorful names they could come up with. You ignored them and made your way into the village hall where the mayor's office was.
The meeting sucked, badly. The moment the mayor realized you were alone he was the king of bastards once more. He spoke down to you the entire time, even after reminding him that everything that is said and how it was said at this meeting would be reported back to Lady Dimitrescu. The man was dumber than you thought, since the threat of Lady Dimitrescu wasn't in his immediate vicinity, there might as well be no threat at all.
Everything you brought up to him was mocked. Even things that were seriously wrong with the village he didn't take seriously. The mayor wasn't a big man, but he was definitely taller and bigger than you. Something he used to his advantage when you threatened him with the wrath of your Lady. He practically backed you into a corner while he shouted at you and threatened to put his hands on you. He even made a comment about the kind of lover you must be if you were able to satisfy the Lady and how he would like a taste for himself. It took everything in you to not show fear or cry. No tears fell but you felt them welling up in your eyes and the fear might as well have been radiating off of you as he invaded your space.
After that you gathered your things, thanked him for his time, told him you would be reporting everything back to the Lady and tried your best to keep yourself together until you got into the carriage.
You wanted to stop by one of the shops and pick up Alcina and the girls something and grab something to eat but you were too distraught. The moment the carriage door closed the tears started falling and you knocked on the wall three times to signal the driver to head back to the castle.
The ride home was arguably worse than the ride there. Not only was it just as bumpy as the ride there, but you cried for more than half of the time it took you to get home.
The gates of the castle finally came into view and you've never felt such relief. The carriage barely came to a stop when you jumped out of it - not bothering to wait for the driver to open the door for you.
You were exhausted, angry and still rattled by everything that happened with the mayor. All you wanted was Alcina. You needed her to comfort you, make you feel better, hold you and give you kisses and make all of the bad feelings go away. You needed her to care for you and you desperately hoped she wasn't too busy because it was something you needed now more than ever.
"Good evening." The head maid said as you entered the castle. "How was your trip?"
"It sucked. Do you know where Alcina is?"
"I believe she's in her chambers, she received a phone call."
"Thank you."
You beeline it upstairs to your shared chambers and enter the room, quickly closing the door behind you.
Alcina was sitting at her vanity with the phone receiver to her ear. When she heard the door open she looked in it's direction, when she realized it was you you saw her begin to smile. The moment she realized your distressed state her smile quickly faded and she had a look of concern in her eyes. She turns back towards the mirror and her posture stiffens.
"Yes Mother Miranda, I will keep you informed. I'm sorry Mother Miranda but something came up and I must be going. I understand, I apologize for cutting our incredibly important conversation short but I believe there's a trespasser in the castle I must see to. Thank you Mother Miranda. I will. Goodbye." She hangs up and turns back towards you. "Draga mea, what's wrong? What happened?" Her eyes were wide with worry and you couldn't hold back your tears anymore. You run towards her and she lifts you into her arms and cradles the back of your head. "What happened? Are you hurt? Who did this to you?" You hear the concern in her voice and bury your face into her neck.
"I'm not hurt." You said.
"Who upset you so my love? Did something happen in the village?" You shake your head no. "Please, iubirea mea, tell me what happened."
"The mayor is such a fucking asshole." You cry into her.
"What did he do?" She asks, her voice cold. "Did he hurt you? Did that filthy man thing lay his disgusting hands on you?"
"No." You begin recounting what happened from the moment you left the castle to the moment you left the village hall practically in tears. As you tell her what happened in the mayors office her grip around you tightens. When you tell her that he backed you into a corner and threatened you, that he said that he wanted a taste of you for himself Alcina was shaking with anger.
"That bastard!! How DARE he. How dare he threaten you in such a manner. That man will pay for what he's done." You can feel her heartbeat going berserk inside of her chest and her breath becoming labored. "Don't worry draga, I am going down there right this second and he will regret-"
"No, please don't. Please don't leave." You say as you cry and cling to her dress.
"Draga he has to pay for what he's done-"
"I know but please just stay with me right now. Please. I need you. I don't want to be alone. I just want you right now."
Your confession, your desperate plea for Alcina to stay with you washes over her like a warm summer breeze. The anger that's radiating off of her right now begins to diminish and she takes a deep breath and holds you tight.
"Okay draga. He will be dealt with first thing tomorrow morning. I won't leave you iubirea mea, I promise." She kisses your temple and her lips linger on your skin for a few moments. "What do you need me to do, draga?"
"I don't know."
"Do you want me to care for you? How about a bath and some warm pajamas?" You nod your head into her neck and she smiles and stands with you in her arms.
Alcina prepares a bath and once the water is warm and the tub is full she undresses you and places you in the tub. She washes your hair, massaging your scalp as she rubs the shampoo in and combs through your hair with care after she puts the conditioner in. She washes your body with your favorite soaps from her collection she knows you love. After your bath she wraps you in a giant fluffy towel, dries you off and dresses you in your favorite pajamas.
As she's caring for you, Alcina can feel her breasts starting to fill and then leak a little. The care she's giving you is something that comes so natural to her and her regenerative properties cause her to produce milk every time she acts maternally - towards anyone.
It was something she kept to herself until you found out about it on accident. When she breastfed you for the first time she felt a relief, both physical and emotional. It felt right to her, being able to nurture you in such a way that was so intimate but not sexually. And the physical relief if brought to her breasts could have made her cry. If she went too long without expelling the milk her breasts would ache something terrible.
She did her best to ignore the fullness in her chest as she laid you on her chest and rubbed circles across your back in bed.
Alcina definitely helped you relax, you were way less distraught and upset than you were when you first got back. Now you were just exhausted.
"Is there anything else you need draga mea?" She asks.
You shake your head no and let out a sigh as you melt into her embrace. Just as you feel yourself falling asleep a loud growl rips through your stomach and you suddenly realize how hungry you are.
"Draga did you have dinner?"
"No, I forgot. I was gonna stop and eat something in the village but I was so upset I just wanted to come home."
"Oh draga, let me have a maid bring you something."
"That's okay, I'm not in the mood for eating." You say as your stomach grumbles again.
"Clearly you are hungry, draga mea. You have to eat something." You shrug your shoulders and nuzzle into her neck. The pressure in Alcina's breasts increases at the action and she shifts to make herself more comfortable. She's breastfed you before, but for some reason she's still feels embarrassed each time she suggests it. Even though she knows that it would both feed you and bring you extra comfort. "What if - if you're not up for a proper dinner, do you want me to feed you?"
You can hear the hesitation in her voice, you know how sensitive of a topic this is for her but you love that she suggests it regardless of her hesitation. Nodding your head yes, Alcina kisses you on the head and sits you up in her lap. She reaches behind her back and pulls down the zipper of her dress and slides her arms out of the sleeves. After the fabric pools around her waist she reaches behind her back once more and unclips her bra. She removes her bra and you're face-to-face with her massive, amazing breasts.
"Ready, draga?" She asks and you nod your head.
Alcina cradles you in the crook of her arm and guides her nipple into your mouth. You immediately latch on and begin to suck, warm milk spilling out into your mouth. Alcina sighs from the relief of the pressure and sits back against the headboard. She runs her fingers through your hair and smiles, happy that she is able to care for you in such a way - especially when you needed it so badly.
Warm milk fills your empty belly and you hum in response. You feel Alcina's fingers comb through your hair and you close your eyes, relaxing into her touch as you continue to drink from her breast. The steady flow of milk begins to thin and eventually stops, no matter how much you suck at her hardened nipple.
"Still hungry iubirea mea?" She asks.
"Okay love, one second."
Alcina turns you and cradles you in her other arm and once again guides her nipple into your eager mouth. Latching on again, you continue to drink the steady flow of milk from her breast.
"Good girl, that's it my love. Eat as much as you need. You and I both know I have no issues with shortages." She says and you giggle into her skin as you drink.
The warmth in your belly spreads throughout your body, to your limbs, to your fingers and toes, to your head and your face. With the warmth comes the exhaustion you were feeling earlier and your eyes begin to slowly close.
Alcina notices your suckling getting lighter and lighter before stopping altogether. Looking down at you, she finds you asleep with her nipple still in your mouth and a steam of milk down your cheek. She lightly chuckles before pulling you back and wiping away the milk with her thumb.
The movement and the sensation of her wiping her thumb across your cheek stirs you awake and you look up at her with tired eyes.
"Are you full draga mea?"
"Mhm." You mumble as you nod your head yes.
"Good." She says caressing your face. "Go to sleep iubirea mea."
Alcina moves to lay you on the bed but you cling to her.
"Stay." You say, your voice barely a whisper.
"I will be right back, I promise. I am going to put my nightgown on and get ready for bed and I will be right back. Okay?"
You sleepily nod your head and Alcina lays you on the pillow next to her. She kisses you on the head before pulling the covers over you and getting up and getting herself ready for bed. For all you know it could have been hours or seconds since Alcina said she would be right back. But before you know it you feel the mattress sink under her weight and you feel her strong arms wrap around you, pulling you into her.
"Thank you, Alci. I love you." You mumble.
"Of course iubirea mea. I'd do anything for you draga. Te iubesc mai mult decât luna și stelele. Goodnight my love." She says as her lips graze the shell of your ear. Alcina kisses the soft skin behind your ear and nuzzles you as you cuddle further back into her. (I love you more than the moon and stars.)
Not long after, Alcina hears light snores coming from you. With a full heart and a smile on her face, Alcina falls asleep thinking of who she is going to replace the current mayor with once she's through with him tomorrow morning.
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veryberryjelly · 1 year
☕️ - 18 with theo nott
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𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
18 - softly kissing that place between their neck & shoulder
i decided to combine these two requests x
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your period was never something you were ashamed of.
it wasnt something you could control so it wasnt something you felt you could actually feel ashamed or embarrassed about.
but just because you weren't ashamed about it didnt mean that it was something you went around screaming from the rooftops.
especially not to your boyfriend.
there had been times during your friendship & relationship where you had been a little closed off, and it happened almost every month when your period came.
you would be a bit quieter in group conversations, sit up in your dorm room a lot more and shut a lot of people out.
but this was the first time you had truly pushed everyone away because of how much pain you were truly in.
you had been locked in your dorm for two days at this point with the worst cramps you had ever experienced.
your dorm mates had caught on two days ago and had just told everyone that you were unwell, which meant being left alone for two days.
a lot of the time that was exactly what you wanted, but after two days with almost no interaction, you were starting to miss your boyfriend.
subsequently, your boyfriend was starting to worry.
so after his second class of the day, he decided to go and see you and make sure you were okay.
he found you curled up on your side, your eyes clenched shut and your arms folded over your stomach.
" y/n ?"
your eyes fluttered open at the sound of your boyfriends voice.
" teddy ?" you questioned, moving to sit up on the bed but your cramps ultimately stopped you.
he took the few steps towards your bed, sitting down on the edge of it with his hand instinctively resting on your leg.
" haven't seen you in a couple days, sweetheart. thought i'd check up on you. "
you could feel your eyes burning at his care for you. he skipped his classes to come and see you and make sure you were okay.
" you look quite pale, baby, are you okay ?"
of course you weren't okay. your stomach was absolutely killing you and you were both shivering and sweating.
you shook your head against the pillow.
it wasnt something you were planning on telling theo but it seemed you had no choice.
" 've got my period, teddy. just need to lay in bed for a few days "
" 'm sorry, sweetheart. "
" not your fault...didnt mean to shut you out either.."
he moved closer to you, sitting up by your pillows and brushing your hair behind your ears.
" i get it. but will you let me help you feel a bit better ?"
there was no way in hell you were turning that down, and a soft smile settled on your lips at his offer.
he leant down and pressed a short kiss onto your forehead before standing from the bed and dotting around the room to collect things. when he returned to the bed he had a hoodie, a damp towel and he had taken most of his uniform off.
he eased you up from where you were laying and shed your sweater that had been soaked through with sweat.
after leading you into a warm shower, theo had changed your bed clothes and run down to the kitchen to get you some food and tea.
he had a pair of pyjama shorts & one of his hoodies for you to change into.
the minute you collapsed into bed theo fell down with you, his arms instantly wrapping around your torso, his hands resting over your stomach and basically acting as a hot water bottle.
he buried his head in the crook of your neck, enjoying the way you nestled up against him.
" thank you, no one's ever done something like this for me before "
he pressed a short kiss onto the junction between your shoulder & neck, smiling softly when he felt the goosebumps raising on your leg.
" don't have to thank me for this, baby. want to be there for you when you need me "
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