#i havent really voiced any of this to her but needed to talk about it somewhere!!
keroppingg · 9 months
Ahhh it's my birthday tomorrow and my mum has bought all but one of my presents from sites like temu and shein 🫠 and I feel like I can't really say anything or risk seeming ungrateful and entitled
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f1nalboys · 1 year
Come Inside - Chad Meeks-Martin
Chad Meeks-Martin x Fem!AFAB!Reader
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hi guys. this is the fic that was giving me a massive amount of brain rot today!!! i dreamt this (yeah im lucky i know thank you) and havent been able to stop thinking about it since <3 shout out to tatianna (@castieltrash1) for reading it and doing some editing for me, she is the loml and u all need to follow her NEOW! (in fact, she has a charlie from scream 4 fic in the works and its DELICIOUS.) anyways hope u all enjoy this :3
WARNINGS: nsfw, first time sex, dub-con except not really?, chad begs to fuck the reader, male manipulator core, 'just the tip' turns into the full thing, unprotected sex, oral (afab and amab recieving,) dirty talk, praise, slight body worship, slight corruption, slight convincing so again, dub con to be safe, high/drunk sex, reader is more high than chad but neither are drunk but they drank if that makes sense, friends to lovers, im just in love with him you guys! reader wears a dress, chad calls reader good girl and pretty girl. actually proofread bc tati is a saving grace angel lady. <3
You feel him before you hear him. You’re at the bar, nursing your first drink of the night, trying to ignore the dull thud the music was giving you when suddenly there’s a large hand placed on the small of your back. “Can I get another beer?” Chad asks the bartender and you feel yourself relax at the sound of his voice, goosebumps rising on the exposed flesh of your arms as his thumb absentmindedly runs up and down. “Hey.” He tilts his head at you a bit. “Nice earrings.”
“Hi. I could say the same to you.” You look up at him and grin, matching his own wide and easy smile. Chad’s standing right beside you, toned body pressed against yours and you don’t know if it’s on purpose or just due to the crowd. “You having fun?” you ask as the bartender hands him the beer bottle. Chad takes a sip from it, looking down at you, grinning against the glass when he notices you watching the way his lips curve against the opening.
It was no secret in the group that you had a crush on Chad. It was hard not to have one on him; he was kind, funny, handsome as hell, and he always seemed to know just the right thing to say. “Now I am,” he teases and you roll your eyes, turning away from him to hide your grin. Just like that. “I’m getting fuckin’ bored though. Too many people. How about you? You find any lucky guys, Y/N?”
“Lucky guys?”
“You know, to take home?” He wiggles his eyebrows for added effect when you look back up at him. “I’m trying to ask if you’re gonna fuck someone tonight.” You nearly choke on your drink and he laughs, deep in his chest, and his hand which was still on your back begins to rub soothing circles. His hands are rough and calloused from his time playing football and they’re so big, with long thick fingers, and suddenly you’re shaking your head in an attempt to get the image of him using them on you, wherever he sees fit, out of your mind. “I take that as a no, then?”
You snort, shaking your head. “Yeah, no, not fucking anyone tonight,” you say, taking another sip of your drink and sighing. “And now my drink’s empty, the music here is too god damn loud, and you’re right, there’s too many fucking people here!” Shaking your head, you dig into the small clutch you had with you, fishing out a few dollar bills and placing them on the bar counter. “I think I’m gonna head out.”
“Can I walk you home?” Chad asks, finally removing his hand from your back as you slide out of the bar stool. Your eyebrows narrow in confusion. You had one drink, were the furthest from being drunk you had been in your entire college career, in fact, and you only lived five minutes down the road. “C’mon,” he says, shrugging his broad shoulders and flashing you that fucking smile that always made your knees weak. “It’s late, I just wanna make sure you get home alright.” 
You pretend to think on it, letting out a small ‘hmm’ noise as you tap a finger to your chin. “Fine, but you have to come inside and sober up a bit before you leave.” Chad’s smile doesn’t go away at your request. In fact, it seems to grow. He takes out his wallet and places a few bills beside yours, grabbing the bartender's attention and letting them know you both had paid off your tabs before holding his arm out for you to grab. You do so with a shy smile, trying to ignore the feeling of him under your fingertips, or how close you were to him, or how he kept looking down at you with a smile, or even how his eyes kept darting to your lips. Everything he did seemed to be a deliberate attempt to get you worked up and it always fucking worked.
He leads you out of the club with ease and before you know it you’re out on the New York street. “Which way?” he asks and you nod to the right, following beside him at a slow pace. It was a nice night, a cool breeze helping to offset the hot air that had permeated the city during the day, and the lights and noises of the city still awake helped set you at ease. “You really weren’t having fun in there, were you?”
“Why do you ask?” 
“Because we got out here and you relaxed like you had just gotten out of a fight or flight situation.” He laughs and you smile at the sound. Chad was always grinning, always smiling, but he had been through some tough shit. You used to wonder how he was able to keep this positive attitude but then decided to let it go and try not to dwell on it too much. 
“It was just… too much, you know? Lots of people, lights, that music-”
“I just think you’re old.” You elbow him in the side and he grins. “You are! You sound like my mom.” Chad sniffles and places his free hand on his back, slowing down to an almost complete stop, speaking with a crotchety old-lady voice. “Back in my day, we went to the sock hop! We were pulled by a horse and buggy, not these cars! Your music is too loud, Chady-kins, turn it down!”
You both fall into a fit of laughter, picking back up the original pace you had set. “Chady-kins? Oh, I’m so stealing that.” He shakes his head at you and you giggle, leaning further into his grip. “I mean it! And I’m telling your mom you called her old.” 
You stop walking, finally outside of your apartment building. “Too far,” he says, his smile dropping ever so slightly when you let go of his arm in favor of typing in your door code. “Am I still invited in?” he asks and you look over at him. He’s leaning against the old brick building, the lights of the restaurant across the street bouncing off of his skin and his smile and his eyes and you’re nodding, face burning hot. “Yeah?” His voice is deeper than it was just a moment before and it makes you swallow heavily.
All you can do is nod. 
“Good. M’glad. You know I’m not drunk though, right?” he says as you two walk into your apartment building. He lets you go first, leading the way, but you can feel his eyes on your ass each time you move. You not-so-subtly sway your hips as you walk and you swear you hear him suck in a breath. “Only had a beer and a half before we left, so, no real need to sober up.”
“I’m not drunk either. You can still hang out for a bit, though, if you want?” He hums in agreement and then you’re at your apartment, digging through your purse for your keys. “It’s a little messy in here,” you say sheepishly as you open the door, revealing the mess you had left behind in your attempt at getting ready to go out. Chad just laughs, kicking his shoes off at the door and locking it behind him. “I couldn’t figure out what to wear.”
Your heels are finally off and you hurry around, picking up the pile of clothes you had left on your bed and floor, shoving them in your closet and hamper. “Well I’d say you landed on something good,” Chad says from the kitchen, his voice muffled as he bends down and peers into your fridge. “Because you look fucking hot.” You squeak out a thank you and busy yourself at your desk, fixing up the few items you had left out and trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. 
“What are you doing?” you ask, poking your head over and seeing Chad in the living room. He turns around and holds up the ashtray you had left on your coffee table, an unsmoked blunt still on it. “You wanna smoke?” you ask and he nods. “Go ahead. You want something to drink?”
“Water’s fine. You’re not gonna smoke with me?”
“I don’t know,” you say, passing by him as you head into the kitchen to grab two water bottles for the both of you. “I get sorta… weird when I smoke.”
“Weird? Weird how?” Chad asks and you hear the sound of your lighter sparking as he sits back on your small couch with a groan. “Do you, like, talk about conspiracies or some shit? Because I’ve smoked with Mindy before and it’s either that or her talking about whatever girl she’s in love with that day.” You chuckle, face heating up as you turn around and see him on the couch. He’s sitting with his legs spread and you realize instantly how well-fitted his jeans are, tight around his thighs. His head is back on the couch looking up, eyes closed as he takes another hit. Smoke plumes around him in a lazy rolling fog. 
You nudge him with the bottle and he takes it with a thank you. Sitting down beside him, you tuck your legs up, knees pressed against his thigh. God, his thigh. You look away from them, opening up your own bottle of water and taking a few slow sips, the image of you riding his thigh, his hands on your hips, building in your mind. 
“So? How weird is weird?” Chad questions, holding the blunt out to you. You consider it for a second, eyes flicking between it and his face which was turned towards you. You couldn’t tell Chad that the ‘weird’ you got was different from what he was imagining. You didn’t spout off conspiracies about the government, or get paranoid. You got horny, and being around him would only make that ‘weirdness’ worse. The days alone when you would smoke, you’d find yourself in bed, hand between your legs, moaning his name. “C’mon.” 
It’s all the encouragement you need and you pluck it from his fingers and settle back into the faux leather of your couch. “There you go,” he says, taking the time to let his eyes drag down your body while you’re taking a hit.
The dress you wore fit you great, tight against your body, the color complimenting your skin tone. He hadn’t been able to take his eyes off of you since he saw you tonight from across the bar, nursing his drink for ten minutes before Mindy had shoved him towards you, telling him that if he didn’t make a move on you she would on his behalf. And now here he was, smoking with you, so close on the couch that he could practically feel your pulse under his skin. He wanted you so badly and everything that came with it, the good and the bad. 
The two of you pass the blunt back and forth a few times, talking about nothing in between, but you were being affected far more than Chad was. “Are you even inhaling?” you ask with a giggle, passing it back to Chad. He rolls his eyes, taking a large hit in order to prove that he was. “Alright, alright. Show off,” you mutter, blinking heavily. “How come it’s hitting me harder than you?” you whine, shaking your head when he offers the blunt back to you. “I can barely even think straight. M’all… fuzzy.”
“I’m cooler than you, duh,” Chad says with ease, taking a hit and waiting for your laughter to die down before blowing the smoke into your face. You let him, blinking, pupils wide. He thinks you look pretty normally, but he thinks you look beautiful like this. He leans over and places the roach onto the ashtray, sighing as he leans back, his left hand resting on your thigh. You swallow heavily, your vision fuzzy. Your dress had ridden up quite a bit now and his hand was so warm against your flesh. He’s looking at you with such an intense look it has you squirming, face hot when he laughs at you. “I wanna kiss you.”
You blink, sure you misheard him. “What?”
“I wanna kiss you. Like,” he laughs, shaking his head slightly. His brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the lamplight, the whites of his eyes red, pupils blown out. “So fucking bad.” His other hand, the one that had been resting on his thigh, comes up and he places it on your cheek. His thumb runs along your cheek, catching the corner of your mouth. His touch is gentle but everything is so intense still, your skin feeling like it’s on fire, burning against his own. “Can I? Please?”
You nod, closing your eyes when he grins and leans in. The kiss is slow, each movement of his lips done with a purpose. His hand drags from your cheek to the base of your neck, pushing you into his kiss, his touch, just a bit more. You follow his lead with ease, mind too hazy to try and take over. 
He pulls away for a moment to catch his breath, staring into your eyes. “Fuck,” he mutters and he’s kissing you again, harder this time, sloppy. His tongue is slipping inside your mouth and you let out a soft moan, his hand on your thigh dragging upwards, pushing past the fabric. “So fucking hot,” He mutters against your lips, and then you can feel the top of his fingers brush against your underwear, right over your hips, and you’re pushing his hand away gently. “What? You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m… I’m okay.” He’s still looking at you, hands dropping to his sides, and he looks worried. You can tell he’s wracking his brain for what he did, if he had gone too far somehow. “I’m a virgin.” You blurt it out and squeeze your eyes shut, embarrassed. When you had felt his fingers up your skirt it had hit you that if it continued he’d be touching you, that you want him to touch you, but that you weren’t sure if he’d want to.
“So?” Your eyes pop open. Chad is staring at you with a kind smile, dimple evident on his cheek, and you feel your face heat up. “I mean, I’m okay with it if you are, you know?” His hand’s on your leg again, fingers dragging up and down your thigh slowly. “Are you nervous about it?”
“I didn’t know if you’d be alright with it.”
“Well, I am. Besides, wouldn’t it be good to lose it to me?”
“What do you mean?”
Chad’s smile grows and he leans in, lips close to yours. You close your eyes, waiting for him to kiss you. “You know me, right?” You hum. You want him to kiss you again. “You trust me too, right?” Another hum and this time you're leaning in a little bit, a whine stuck in your throat when he pulls away. “Then you should know that I’d make you feel good. I’d take my time when I touch you,” His hand is up your dress again and your body jerks involuntarily into his touch. “That I’d take good care of you and your virgin pussy.” 
He brushes his fingers up your inner thigh and your legs spread instantly, giving him room. He grins at the sight of you, eyes closed, disheveled, breathing hard, legs spread and hand gripping his forearm. “Please?” you ask and then he’s kissing you, finally, and his fingers are brushing against your clothed clit. You keen into his touch, whining into his lips, but he doesn’t stop. 
His fingers begin to rub slow circles against you, a good amount of pressure, and it feels so different from when you touch yourself thinking of him. Maybe it’s the weed, maybe it’s the fact that this is happening, but everything is almost too much. You’re surrounded by him in every way possible, his very being filling your own body, replacing your own needs. All you want is for him to feel good, for him to moan, for him to gasp at each press of your hand against him, for him to be begging for more without even realizing he’s doing it. 
You want to make him feel as good as he’s making you feel.
“More?” Chad asks, parroting your own words back to you with a smile, taking his lips away from your own, his fingers speeding up. His nose is brushing against your neck before he’s kissing it, biting down against your pulse gently, soothing it with his tongue. “Bet you’re close aren’t you, Y/N?” His voice is right there in your ear, breath hot against your skin, but you can barely focus on that. “C’mon, be good for me and cum, okay? Please? Fuck, need you to cum so bad, baby.”
“Gonna-” Is all you get out before he’s biting down onto your neck again and pressing down hard onto your clit and then you’re cumming, nails digging into his arm, a moan stuck in your throat. “F-fuck, Chad, shit!” His fingers don’t slow down for a second but he’s moving off of you, pushing your dress up your body and pulling your underwear down in one fell swoop. 
He shoves your legs apart and you take a second to catch your breath, looking down at him as he slides down the length of the couch. His eyes are glued to your pussy, fingers swiping through your folds and popping them into his mouth with a groan. “Taste so fucking good, so sweet,” he says, prodding at your hole with his middle finger, looking up at you. “Can I taste you?”
You nod, heart hammering out of your chest, and watch as he leans in, breathing in deep, eyes fluttering closed. As his tongue flicks over your clit he pushes his finger inside you slowly, just to the first knuckle, and your hip bucks at the intrusion, forcing his thick finger deeper inside you. 
“Relax, it’s okay,” he soothes, watching your eyes squeeze at the feeling. His fingers were thick, stretching you out with just one, and his tongue kept moving, swirling around your clit and sending shockwaves up your body. You try to focus on relaxing your body and when he feels you do so he pushes his finger in all the way. “There you go, good girl,” he coos, spitting onto his finger as he begins to pump it inside you. 
Chad is moving slowly, finger pumping in and out at a snail's pace, tongue moving even slower somehow. It almost hurts how slow he’s going and you know it’s to prepare you, to make you want him more than you already did. He wanted you drunk on his touch. “Faster,” you gasp and you can feel him laugh against you. “More, please, Chad?” You feel another finger press at your hole and you could cry, your body begging for more. 
The stretch is only a little painful, his tongue helping to soothe the ache. You can feel the knot in your stomach growing with each quickening pump of his finger, each swirl of his tongue, and you swear you see stars when he scissors his fingers inside you. One of your hands grabs onto his head, pulling his head in closer to your cunt, hips rocking up to meet his fingers and tongue, grinding against him. 
You cum without warning, your cry caught in your throat when he pushes in a third finger. It was too much. Your brain was still fuzzy from smoking and everything he was doing to you was heightened. You could feel every taste bud on his tongue as he flicked it against your clit, every groove in his fingers as they pumped inside you.��
“Ok, ok, too much,” you get out and he stops, finally pulling away from you. His fingers are coated in your cum and you watch through heavy-lidded eyes as he sucks on one of his fingers, groaning at the taste of you, before holding his other two fingers out for you. They press against your lips and your mouth parts, tongue sticking out, and you wrap your lips around them as he pushes them inside. 
“Don’t you taste good?” he asks with a grin, leaning over you, his free hand resting on the arm of the couch beside your head. You hum, swirling your tongue around his digits. Your hands begin to fiddle with his belt, tugging at it, and he grins. “Wanna suck my cock, that it?” You nod, his fingers still inside your mouth, pressing down on your tongue. “Yeah, I bet you do. Bet you’ve thought all about my cock inside your pretty mouth haven’t you? Fuck, you’re so pretty, you know that?”
You grin, running your hand down his face, mimicking what he had done to you earlier, thumb brushing against the corner of his lips.“You’re pretty,” you say, compliment muffled by his fingers in your mouth, and he gives you a soft laugh, his head falling to hide his grin. He finally pulls his fingers out of your mouth, a small string of saliva connecting them to your lips. “Wanna touch you,” you whine, going back to working on his belt. 
“Whatever you want, baby,” he says, leaning back and shoving his jeans down. He leans backward on the couch, jeans tossed onto the floor, his cock straining against his underwear. You’re practically salivating by the time you are leaning over him, placing soft kisses over the fabric of his underwear, looking up at him through your lashes. “Hey, I didn’t tease you,” he says with a sigh, eyelids heavy with lust at the feeling. He had been hard since he kissed you and the taste of you was still lingering on his tongue and he swears it‘s fucking him up more than the weed did. 
You finally tug at his underwear, pulling them down just enough to pull his cock out. He grabs your wrist, turning your hand palm up and spitting in it, giving you a wink before leaning back, arms behind his head as he enjoys the show. “I’ve never…” you say, suddenly nervous. It was clear to you that Chad had experience in this regard with how easily he had made you cum and you were beginning to worry that you were in over your head, too nervous and inexperienced and high to make sure you did alright.
“That’s alright,” he says, giving you a soft smile, one that instantly quells your anxiety. “Just take your time with it, okay? There’s plenty of time for me to teach you, okay, pretty girl?” You nod, wrapping your spit-slick hand around his cock and he hisses, head tilting back as you begin to stroke him. You start off slow, tightening your grip at the base of his cock and loosening it when you get to the top, swiping your thumb over the tip. “Fu-uck,” he says, tripping over his words with a laugh and a thick swallow. “You sure you’ve never done this before? Feels fucking amazing, Y/N.” 
Leaning down, you keep your eyes on him as you lick over the tip of his cock, collecting the bead of precum there and swallowing it. He groans and you can feel him throb under your hand. You flatten your tongue and lick from the base of his cock up to the tip, following the prominent vein he had, and his hips buck at the feeling. This is exactly how you wanted him; his eyebrows scrunched together, eyes struggling to stay open at the feeling of you, him fucking into your fist with an eagerness he couldn’t control. You were making him feel good and fuck, it went straight to your cunt. 
You don’t try to take all of him in your mouth. It was like he said; there would be plenty of time for him to train your throat, just like he had always dreamt of. You keep your hand on him, moving at the same pace, and you take the tip of his cock in your mouth, swallowing around it. He was big, bigger than any toy you had used before at the very least, and when you take him a bit further down he bucks his hips, plunging his cock down your throat. You gag and pull off of him and he’s apologizing.
“Sh-shit, sorry! Sorry, Y/N, just, fuck, your throat felt so good, couldn’t help it. C’mere.” He pulls you in for a kiss and you know he’s sorry but even if he wasn’t you wouldn’t care. It hits you then, while his tongue is down your throat and his hand is cupping your cheek, that you’d let him do anything to you and that you’d thank him for it. “Can I fuck you?” he asks, pulling away from your lips and resting his forehead on yours. 
“I don’t know…” you start, chewing on your bottom lip. “You’re big… it’s gonna hurt.”
“How about just the tip, then? If you want more we’ll keep going, if not, that’s fine.” You ponder the offer for a second. He told you he’d take care of you, that he’d take his time, make sure it felt good for you. “Don’t you trust me, baby?” You do trust him. You know him, just like he said. You nod and he smiles. “Good girl. Okay, let's go to the bed, yeah? I’ll get you out of this sexy fucking dress and I’ll make sure you feel good, alright baby?”
He helps you stand and keeps kissing you, unzipping your dress as he moves you through the apartment, pulling your straps down. The dress is pulled off of you a second before your knees hit the back of the bed and you’re both falling onto it, giggling. “Hi,” you say, hands on his shoulders. He grins.
“Hi.” Chad stands, pulling his shirt off and tugging his underwear off, tossing both somewhere behind him. You both take a moment to stare at the other, nervous giggles leaving your lips. You had dreamt of this moment dozens of times before, had cum to it just as often, and now it was happening and it was somehow better than what you had ever thought up. “Look at you,” he says, hands dragging up your legs to your chest and back down again. He’s slotted in between your legs and you whine, wrapping one leg around him and pulling him in closer. “Use your words.”
It’s the first time he was really telling you to do something and you swallow heavily. “Please, Chad, can you?”
“Can I what?”
“Can you fuck me? Please? I want you to take my virginity so badly, I need it, please? I’ve thought about it so much, wanted it for so long.” You’re whining now, begging, and you swear you can feel the tears begin to fill your eyes. He’s smiling down at you and his eyes are so dark you’re not sure how much of his iris is left. Your legs spread for him when he nods and you watch with bated breath as he grabs ahold of his cock, spitting on it, before swiping up your slit.
He groans at the feeling. “So wet, baby. Bet your pussy will let me just slide right in.” He pushes the head of his cock in slowly and you gasp, tears filling your eyes at the stretch. It felt good but it hurt and you can feel him rocking his hips ever so slightly, pulling out and pushing back in, never going too far inside you. His hands are on your thighs, digging into your flesh, and you’re overwhelmed again. 
The two of you stay like this a moment, the head of his cock pushed inside, your cunt clenching around him desperately. When he leans down over you, resting his forearms beside your head, he pushes in just a bit more and you whimper at the feeling. Chad wipes a stray tear off of your cheek and kisses you, short soft kisses in an effort to distract you from the pain and him from the overwhelming urge to push all the way in.
“Can I move more?” he whispers against your lips and you shake your head a little, too fuzzy to really think about it. “Please?” he whines, nuzzling into your neck. “Don’t I feel good, baby? Doesn’t my cock feel good inside you?”
“It does-”
“It’ll feel even better all the way inside.” His voice sounds so desperate and now he’s rocking his hips further, plunging another inch inside you and you moan because he’s right, it does feel good. The burn and pain of the stretch have gone away, giving way to pleasure. You want more, you want him, you just don’t know how to say it. “Please, baby, fuck. Your cunt feels so good, so fucking tight and wet and fuckin’ perfect for me. Let me fuck you, god, I need it so bad. Don’t you trust me? You know I’ll take care of you, right?”
You nod, babble out some response close to ‘yes, please, more,’ and then he’s pushing all the way inside, hips snapping forwards. You yelp at the intrusion, caught off guard by how full you feel, and then he’s thanking you over and over and over again as he sets a brutal pace. Chad’s weight is fully on you, his arms wrapping around you to pull you even closer to him. He can’t get enough of your skin against his, of the noises you make, of the way your pussy clenches around him and pulls him in closer, milking his cock. 
“Thank you, oh fuck, thank you, Y/N. Christ, so tight.” His voice is cracking, raising an octave as he begins to lose himself in the feeling of you around him. The pain of his thrusts is quickly overtaken by the pleasure and you’re moaning, wrapping your legs around his hips, driving him deeper inside you. You both could die happy like this. “So close, fuck, how am I so close already?” He’s talking more to himself than you at this point and that’s okay because you’re too focused on the building pleasure in your gut to care. 
The position you’re in has his pelvis grinding against your clit with each thrust and you swear your mind melts just a little bit more each time he fucks into you. “Please, please, please,” you say and you’re not sure what you’re pleading for but all you know is you don’t want him to fucking stop. You’re right there on the edge, can feel it through your entire body, and then Chad is moaning your name loudly and you feel him cum inside you, hips flush against yours.
You cum at the feeling of him filling you and he whines, hips rocking as you pulse around him. He’s sensitive, his head swimming, and the two of you stay like that for a moment, his head in your neck and your arms and legs wrapped around him. “So good,” he finally says, pulling his head back to look at you, his eyebrows stitching together. “You okay? M’sorry, I got carried away, I didn’t even ask-”
“It’s alright,” you say, running your hands up and down his back. You can feel him shiver underneath your touch. “I liked it.”
“Yeah?” he teases, kissing you on the lips a few times, biting down on your bottom lip as he pulls back. “Wanna do it again?”
You gasp as his hips begin to move again, the squelch of your cunt and his cum being fucked back into you filling the room. “Y-you wanna go again? Already?” He nods, hand snaking down in between you two, pressing against your sensitive clit and grinning when you whine. “If you can handle it.” You nod despite not knowing if you could; he grins. “My good girl, right? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you cum till you’re stupid. You’ll look so pretty when you’re dumb on my cock, won’t you?”
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hiii i’m sorry i actually can’t remember if i sent this before or not😭could you maybe write smth with eddie getting an innocent reader high for the first time? <3
(hi angel !! u havent sent this before so <33 hope u enjoy!! *sorry if this kinda sucks i wrote it at like three am KDSJF)) (also i wrote about her smoking for the first time but i didnt touch much on her getting high really.. if u want me to write just that lmk!!)
✧˚₊‧ 🧸 ✧˚₊‧
eddie originally invited u over to his trailer because he mentioned how he was failing math and needed ur help studying. of course, you complied, wanting to help him (and spend time with him as youve had a crush on him for months) (and of course he didnt actually want ur help studying, he just used that as an excuse to hangout with u as he has had a crush on u for a good two years).
but now, after helping him study for a good hour, he declared he needed a break. this break included him playing some of the most intense music youve ever heard posing as 'background music' whilst he smoked a rolled blunt.
he asked you if u were comfortable with him smoking in the same room as you, and because u were a curious creature (never being around any sort of drug), you nodded, saying you were fine with it.
eddie thought you were odd, in a good way of course. god, he wanted you so badly..but he didnt want to scare you off. he knew how sensitive you were to certain things. so when you sat right down in front of him as he smoked, staring at him with gloriously curious doe eyes, watching him take a drag from his joint--he was surprised to say the very least.
eddie watches the way youre eyeing the joint between his plush lips as he inhales, eyes squinting slightly as he looks at you sitting across from him on his bed; kneeling on his mattress--hands folded in your lap politely n ur eyes full of wonder but hesitancy as u chew on ur lower lip. you watch the metalhead blow the smoke from his mouth, an arm behind his head as he lies back against his pillows.
"you wanna try?" he asks, holding the joint out to you as he blows the smoke up in the air. he can feel the way your eyes trace his movements.
you giggle nervously, flustered. "o-oh, uhm, i dunno.. 've never tried such things before!"
thats something else eddie loved about you.
when you got shy you talked like some sort of disney princess.
he smirks, amused. his eyes are half lidded n red as he swipes his tongue along the fat of his bottom lip.
"c'mon.." his voice is playful. "'see the way ur eyein' it, princess.. i'll help you through it, dont worry." eddie takes a small drag from the end of his blunt once more.
fuck, hes so high. and horny. high and horny. maybe not the greatest combo when the girl he's liked for years is sitting right in front of him looking so..soft and beautiful.
does ur skin always glow this vibrantly?
"i just--'ve never done stuff like this. what if i act funny?" your lips form into a pout, concern lacing in ur features.
why did you have to be so cute and irresistable?
"'s okay, angel. promise i wont judge..could never judge a sweet girl like you," his praise makes you preen as you blush. "c'mon, come sit next to me, ill talk ya through it, mk?"
you nod, butterflies fluttering in ur tummy. besides the heavy smell of weed, eddie smelled so yummy to you. he was addicting to be around.
you sat next to him on his bed, pulling ur skirt down a bit as you get comfortable.
"now, just put ur lips around the end and inhale, okay? u might cough a bit but it'll go away," eddie brings the lit joint to ur glossed lips as ur eyes round with inexperience. the metalhead maintains eye contact with u as u inhale sharply, immediately bending forward and coughing as he pats ur back. "'s okay, princess, ur okay.." his ringed fingers rub ur back as u struggle to breathe.
a few seconds pass and u feel better. ur head is light but heavy.
"wanna try again? should've probably told u to inhale slowly..forget u dont know much about this stuff." he tucks a loose strand of hair behind ur ear and u feel ur heart speed.
u nod. "yes, please!"
eddie smiles gently at your eagerness. "alright, sweet girl, remember..nice n easy, okay? inhale gently and slowly."
you nod a bit as he brings the joint to ur lips. his left hand rubs up and down your right arm comfortingly. that act alone makes the butterflies that once only fluttered inside ur belly swirl into a storm.
eddie watches ur lips as u inhale slowly.
"good, baby.. nice n easy, okay? doin' so good.." his voice is so soft and gentle as he tenderly squeezes ur arm as u blow the smoke from ur lips.
u giggle when done, clapping excitedly before you're hit with a wave of tranquility.
eddie smiles. "u okay, honey?"
u smile back.
u were more than okay.
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veeisgayasf · 1 year
Hello hello :) first of all love ur work! But i see u are looking for a smutty prompt hehe. Two words: KITCHEN SEX. Pls!! I havent seen it anywhere, u can do whatever u want whit it i just need larissa or reader to be fucked on a kitchen counter.
Culinary Skills Larissa Weems x Reader
Authors Note: Anon, thank you so much for your kind words and for this request! This was by far the quickest I've written a fic. I sat down and it just flowed out. I really hope you like it!
(Apologies for any grammar or punctuation errors.)
Warnings: Minors DNI! NSFW, SMUT, lesbian sex, fingering, oral sex, praise kink (if you squint), strong language.
Word Count: 1800
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You invited Larissa over after an extremely stressful day at work. She hadn’t expected you to actually make her dinner, instead she figured you would order take-out and you two would just cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie while you ate. She was pleasantly surprised when she showed up to the smell of stir-fry lingering in the air.
The both of you sat at the table, enjoying the food you prepared, talking about the craziness of the day. The conversation turned lighthearted and comical. Larissa cackled at your impression of Wednesday’s deadpan. The laughter filled the dining room, smiles painted on both of your faces.
When there was not a single morsel left on either plate, you got up to take the dishes to the kitchen. Larissa followed you making a fuss over you trying to clean when you had just cooked. You reluctantly gave in and allowed her to wash the dishes. It gave you the chance to make the icing for the cake you had baked for dessert.
“Y/N, what on earth are you making now?” Larissa asked, her hands still soapy from finishing up the last of the dishes. “Well, you really can’t have a good cake without icing now can you?” You quipped with a cheesy grin, grabbing a bowl from the cabinet. “Oh my lord, this is too much! You should be relaxing!” Her voice was high pitched and caused you to laugh. “I am relaxing. I enjoy cooking and baking, it's calming to me.” You said, walking over to grab a whisk out of your utensil container. You pulled heavy cream out of the refrigerator and powdered sugar from another cabinet. 
“Well… okay, I guess I can’t argue with you if it’s something you truly enjoy.” Larissa walked over to the counter next to you, leaning up against it, and watched you begin to furiously whisk heavy cream in the bowl. Her gaze falling to your hands and how skilled you were with the whisk. She knew you could cook, but never got to actually watch you in your element. You were completely focused on the task at hand and, oddly enough, it caused a warmth to travel to Larissa’s core. 
“Hey, will you hand me the powdered sugar, please?” You pointed to the bag sitting next to where Larissa was leaning. She passed it to you, completely enamored by the fact that you were mixing this all by hand. Out of your peripheral vision, you could see Larissa hoist herself up to sit on the counter. Her legs dangling over, the tips of her toes touching the linoleum. She let both legs part slightly causing a burning desire to course through your entire body.
Finally done mixing, you placed the bowl on the island counter behind you, tossing the whisk in the sink. When you turned around, Larissa still sat atop the counter. Several thoughts flew into your head at that exact moment. You knew you wouldn’t finish icing the cake with Larissa sitting there like that. You had another dessert in mind.
Larissa stared at you with a slight confusion. “Decide not to make the dessert after all?” She asked with a little giggle in her voice. “No, I decided on a different type of dessert.” You stated, heat settling behind your navel and a wetness between your legs. At first, Larissa didn’t really understand but quickly caught on when she saw your pupils dilate and your breaths quicken. “Oh… that kind of dessert.” Larissa barely got the sentence out of her mouth before you rushed forward, crashing your lips into hers with a bruising kiss. 
She spread her legs wider allowing you to bring your body flush with hers, fingers threading their way into your hair. The kiss was full of passion and lust as you swiped your tongue along her lower lip, eliciting a deep moan from the woman. She opened her mouth slightly allowing your tongue to dance along hers. You placed both hands on her thighs, trailing your fingers up and down, causing Larissa to shiver. You were the one to finally break the kiss, and she whined loudly as soon as you did.
“Take these off.” You demanded, pulling at Larissa’s pants. She tried stepping down off the counter, but you shook your head. She didn’t protest, only began fumbling with the button. She finally got it undone as you helped her peel them off, throwing them to the floor. She sat on the counter in black lace underwear. The sight of her long bare legs caused your own underwear to become completely soaked. 
Quickly returning your hands to her thighs, you trailed your nails all the way down to her knees and back up, dangerously close to where she desired them the most. Every time you got closer, Larissa would push her hips up just for you to trail your fingers back down towards her knees. She groaned loudly, “Please, Y/N, I need you.” The desperation in her voice only spurred you on further.
“Desperate, are we?” You teased, your fingers hooking into the hem of the thin material. “Tell me, Larissa. Tell me how desperate you are for me.” She whined, wrapping her hands around your neck and her legs around your waist, pulling you in closer. “So-s-so desperate. I need you. I need you deep inside me, Y/N!” She almost moaned, pupils completely blown. She lunged forward, trying to kiss you only for you to pull back slightly. 
“Nuh uh, I want to hear you beg. I want you to be a complete and utter mess before I devour you.” Your words elicited a loud whimper from the woman in front of you. “Fuck, please, Y/N! I’m b-begging you!!!” Larissa basically yelled. 
“Good girl. So good for me.” The praise making Larissa whine and whimper more, her legs pulling you closer. You leaned in, kissing the woman, tongue exploring every part of her mouth. Larissa kept her hands around your neck as you placed one on the side of her cheek and the other over her clothed sex, making the woman gasp and moan loudly at the sudden contact.
Her hips bucked forward trying to gain any friction they could. You rewarded her by bringing two fingers to her clit, still clothed. You circled the sensitive bundle as you began kissing along her jawline down to her pulse point. She hissed as you bit down, fingers gripping your neck tighter.
Finally, you slipped your fingers under the fabric allowing them to trail through her slick folds up to her clit again. Larissa let out a yelp “Oh gods yes!” You lazily circled the bud, trailing your tongue along her collar bone. Getting impatient with the shirt that was covering her, Larissa leaned slightly forward pulling it up and off, tossing it to the side. To your surprise, she was braless.
You wasted no time lavishing her chest with your tongue, stopping at a hardened nipple. Taking it into your mouth, you swirled your tongue around it lightly biting down, once again causing Larissa to hiss. You did the same to the other nipple, not wanting to leave it neglected.
You made your way down the expanse of her abdomen, kissing and trailing your tongue the entire way. You only stopped at the elastic of her ruined underwear. Kneeling, you placed both hands on either side of her hips, pulling the garment off. You let out a long moan at the sight of her glistening folds. Unable to resist, you slid your tongue up her inner thigh, tasting the juices that flowed down.
“Mm, Jesus baby, you’re so wet for me.” You sighed out, the woman above you resting her head on the cabinet door, body shaking in anticipation, mumbling incoherently.
You spent a little more time teasing along her thighs before finally swiping your tongue through her slick folds. Larissa cried out, hands flying down to rest in your hair, her heels on your back. You continued swirling your tongue up and back down, then circling her sensitive clit. The moans became louder as you quickened the pace.
Larissa was already extremely close to her first orgasm. Gripping her thighs, you slipped your tongue as far inside of her as you could. This is all it took to send her over the edge. Larissa let out a strangled cry, hands tightening in your hair. You didn’t stop, only moved back up to her clit, sucking the overly sensitive bud into your mouth.
Larissa writhed above you, crying out and moaning. “Y/N… g-god, Y/N..” Her words were broken and desperate. She screamed when you suddenly slid two fingers deep inside her, curling them slightly as you pulled them back hitting the soft spongy spot that drove her absolutely wild. 
“B-baby, I’m already s-so close!” She cried out, walls already constricting around your fingers. You pumped them in and out faster, building a rhythm. The moans above you louder and louder. 
The coil tightened behind Larissa’s navel and threatened to snap, but she held on a little longer. It wasn’t until you swiped her clit with the flat of your tongue while still pumping inside of her did it fully snap. She came with a screaming cry, your name falling from her lips over and over.
You lapped every bit of juice that flowed out of the woman, letting her ride out the orgasm. Breathless and overly sensitive, Larissa almost jumped off the counter top when you swiped your tongue through her folds one last time. You stood quickly, allowing Larissa to go limp in your grasp.
“It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Let's get you to the chair.” You held on to her as you reached for one of the chairs close by. She only nodded her head in a post ecstasy daze. She sat down, still holding onto your neck. 
“I’m going to grab you a water, Larissa. Give me one second and I will be right back.” You kissed her on the forehead before turning to grab a water bottle out of the fridge. Quickly making your way back, you kneeled in front of her handing her the bottle. 
She smiled, looking at you with a sleepy mischievous grin on her face. “So, did you enjoy your dessert, darling?” She asked, making you laugh loudly. “Oh, you bet your ass I did. Best damn dessert on the face of this planet.” You replied, leaning forward to wrap your arms around her waist, resting your chin on her knees. 
“Hmm, well once I gain my strength, I believe I would definitely like to indulge in a little dessert myself.” You only grinned, knowing Larissa was about to have you completely spent before this night was over.
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acesofspadess · 11 months
This Is The Voice
a/n: everyone needs some more Niall
summary: you're the mega mentor, and Niall doesn't know that
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“This is the last knockouts ill ever get to coach and im really excited because our mega mentor this season is one of the greatest singers and people of all time.”
“Shes a legend in the industry.”
“She is an EGOT”
“So the mega mentor this season is……… Y/N L/N! Or Horan to Niall”
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“Well this like a full circle moment for me. You were here as Adams advisor in the first season and now you are mega mentor in my last season.” blake looked down at 29 year old you who was reminiscing. “What does that say about our relationship.”
“That whenever you're here I lose.” you laughed at him as he shook his head. “You let yourself lose to an 18 year old Blake.” his eyes widdend at that, “Oh man, i forgot you were only 18. I feel so old. And now your married too.” he shook his not wanting to think about it any more.
“You still havent seen Niall yet?” Kelly and you had a moment to chat before the artist came in. “no and I feel so bad. I've been super slow on my answers to his text. I just want to hold him.”
I've know Y/N since she was around 18, we got to perform together in Vegas almost 12 years ago.
“Im so glad it's Blake’s last season. Hes just had a very good vibe.” Kelly filled you on some behind the scenes.
“Oh thats good, he really can be a pain sometimes.
And I've also been able to work with her and tour with her and learn from her. Shes so young and has taught a lot of artist with singing and being on stage. I love that all these artist are gonna get that same experience today.
There was a knock on your dressing room door and you opened it to see Chance. “Y/N!” He cheered as he opened his arms up for a hug. You laughed and thanks the heavens you werent wearing heavy makeup as he was wearing white. 
Y/N… shes a legend in the industry. Grammy award winning artist.
“And when was the last time i saw you?” you laughed at his question. “Probably Grammy’s 2020…?” he shook his head, “how could i foget miss album of the year.
Her being a top tier artist for so long and having so many experiences is something that we could all grow from. 
After Chance had run down his artist for you, you waited for them to come in and laughed at whispers you heard. “Well hello there, I love your hair.” you told Nariella whose hair was similar to your ginger colour. “I actually got the idea from you.” you both laughed and whispered an ‘i like you already’. 
I just think its so amazing for her to be here and represent black women and girls. Shes definitely someone i look up to.
It was finally time to see your love. Niall was supposed to be meeting Riley… but you didnt let that happen. You were facing the camera, your back facing the direction Niall would walk through. 
“Riley Tate-”
You turned around at the sound of his voice and he immediately stopped talking. “Hi love.” you  were smiling so hard at his reaction to seeing you before he scooped you up in a hug and twirled youn around.
“Why are you here- wait. Your da mega mentor?” his accent was thicker because of the surprise and you loved it. 
I mean to work with Y/N L/N the queen of pop… im getting goose bumps thinking about it now, its just amazing being in her presence 
Thats your wife Niall
Say it again 
“Well now that your here i was going to ask you if you wanted to come to a golf course with me.” Niall had his head on her shoulder and he could feel the laugh that came from her at his words.
Shes an absolute legend, and she teaches me something everyday, i cant wait for her to teach my team.
“Alright love, Gina, shes really shy, reminds me of you when you came to write for the band.”
Niall laughed his beautiful laugh as you hid your face in your hands. “Don't remind me.”
“You might have to tell her to speak up.” you nodded at the information and were ready to see her. “And then she sings, and a different person comes out, a lot like you.” you cooed at his comparison seeing how much Gina meant to Niall.
“Now Kates kinda got the jazzy, Amy Winehouse-y vibe.” you ‘oo’ed’ at the information. “Lets see what they got.”
You watched as they walked around the corner and saw them subtly freak out at seeing you. You got up from your seat with the help of Niall(not that you needed it but he always held his hand out for you).
“Look who ive got!” Niall cheered from behind you as the girls gave you hugs.
I saw the ginger hair and Niall leaning on her and was like- please… ITS Y/N”
“How are you?” you asked hugging them both.
I was not expecting Y/N to be in the room with Niall. I was very starstruck.”
“Im gonna sing ‘somebody that i used to know’,” Gina shared her song and you marvelled at the softness of her voice. “Im very close to my dad, and he was a DJ and that was a song he always loved.”
“Thats beautiful Gina truly.”
Listening too her sing brought chills to your skin. 
You cheered as she finished and let Niall say what you know hes been holding in.  “And that sass that youve got this week.” Niall admired with a little laugh. “Really?” you loved how she went from this marvellous singer to this soft spoken girl. “I wasnt expecting that.” Gina thanked Niall before she looked at you and you shook your head.
“You gave me chills seriously, the only thing is ‘for lack of better wording’ understanding your words.” you watched as she took the advice and applauded her silently knowing if you were in her possician you would have certainly started crying.
“Yeah keep those words separate. Its very easy to go-” and you watched as he broke off his words in example. “You know what I mean. So give your self a bit of space.”
“I like that bub. I like that a lot.” 
You listened to him sing the words slowly and closed you eyes in sereness. “That staccato.” you pitched in. “her first audition to right now,” he looked at you threading his fingers with yours, “completley diffrent person.” you laughed softly squeezing his had. “I was just like you when i started, you can ask him.” he kissed your temple lightly in admiration, “she still is. Cant give her a compliment without her hiding away. Huh, beautiful?” you did as he knew you would and tucked your face into his neck. “See.” 
You turned your head to watch Gina and Kate play fight as theu swapped places. “I really wish you guys liked each other.” you joked sitting up properly. “I know so much hatred in here.” Niall joked back with you adjusting in his seat. “Its just awful.” Niall lost it, throwing his head back in laughter, letting you hear his laugh again. That would always be your favourite song. 
“Ooh we've got a guitar.” you saw the shaped guitar and immediately fell in love. “Its my baby.” Kate spoke. “Gonna have to get me self one just like that,” you all laughed before Niall looked at the gap between your seats and pulled your seat closer to his. You grabbed his hand and kissed it before looking back up at Kate. “what song are gonna sing love.” you asked as Niall sat back in his seat. “Im singing ‘Call Me’ by Blondie.”
“Oh lets hear it.” 
Kate had the stage presence of a lifetime. “Very good!” you clapped proudly. “Thank you.” you smiled as Niall began to speak. “My favourite parts are when its chilled.” You agreed with him softly as he continued to speak. “Dont stay with the-” Niall sang in a high pitch for example and you nodde your head. “Towards the end it gets a bit crashy for me. I wonder if there's a way of toning it down?” he looked to you for advice. “Tone down the crashing for more like ‘TOMS’ or something like that?” you offered and he took it. “Yeah so we can offer some more jazziness.” he agreed while drumming in the air, “you wanna come back up Gina?” You smiled widely hearing the softness and joy in his voice when he talked to her. “Im thrilled to pieces. I asked a really close friend of mine when were younger, who is now very successful, what is the best piece of advice you can give me. He said ‘have fun’. So i hope your having fun and getting to meet people that youll remain friends with forever.”
You watched Gina and Kate turn to each other and you hugged yourself. “Awwe that makes me so happy.” Niall grabbed your hand and held it in the air. “And one day you might marry them.” you all laughed before Niall spoke up again. “You're the best ladies.” you watched as they walked away and Niall rested his head on shoulder again. “I love you. You're amazing.”
“I love you too Ni.”
Niall taglist:
@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner
@luxiorchive @maeflowers653
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snailyman · 11 months
surprised that i havent seen any posts about how the rescue base camp is Autism Central
so many of the castaways have fun little quirks and they are Very Normal about their interests, hence why they dropped everything to go to a mystery planet in the hopes of discovering things about their Specific Field Of Study
Outside of just listing every castaway's special interest, specific highlights are:
Bernard - Has a distinct speaking style that implies poor volume control. Seems to not pick up on social cues (entirely unaware that Santi doesn't like him), might be poor at communicating tone himself. Invented a meal-in-a-cup one time, and is also a picky eater, so he probably has sensory issues.
Pitunia - I'm certain that at one point, she only gave me one (1) line (she started telling me more about her Onion Theories later on), telling me to go away so she could study the onion.
Komo - Makes comments about being bad at conversation and making eye contact - her dialogue is written with a pretty flat/monotone tone of voice. Talks a lot about her study of water. Not Even Subtle.
Twyla - Talks about being overwhelmed by the environment. Seems to prefer theory to practical work, mostly because she hates to get dirty.
Kit - Loves to talk about geology!! Uses cute themed terms like "oh pebbles". Needs to be super thorough and exhaustive with his papers, so he submits them a bit slowly... he also frequently apologises for when he starts to infodump :(
François - He wants to be friends with plants.......... the trait of, like, relating to/preferring the company of non-human things......
Sheeba - Is very dedicated when she decides to do something, and seems to be pretty insistent on doing things the way she thinks is correct, sometimes to the point of (self-perceived) pushiness.
Keesh - Infodumps about geology to Kaia. Likes planning and scheduling, and struggles when her plans are disrupted. Enjoys Kaia's company while "quietly working"/not really interacting (parallel play type behaviour).
Chowder - So absorbed in his real-estate work, he rushes into dangerous locales, and works through the entire night, but misses social cues (expected his other workers to have the same work ethic until he was informed otherwise).
Molly - Uses personal language that doesn't have an obvious meaning (describes things as POPping a lot), makes "weird" content but doesn't get why it's perceived that way. Seems to follow trends without entirely understanding them.
Beaux - Super dedicated to acting. Needs real life experience to fully get into a role - maybe either a perfectionism thing (he needs to get every detail right), or that he struggles to imagine things.
Grace - Speaks in her own whimsical way. Mentions not doing well with noisy environments. Much prefers to be in her own environment in space.
Horatio - I dunno it's just vibes.
Bonus ADHD haver Kaia - spaces out frequently, forgets tasks and struggles to work on things long-term, has poor impulse control, struggles with planning ahead and with studying more complex subjects.
i wonder what else other players might have picked up on :)
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kvthgok · 11 months
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Surprise? | Miguel O’Hara x Teen Spider Reader (Platonic)
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Warnings- none
Summary - Durning a mission you get hurt and try to hide your injury from Miguel
Side note - IM SO SRRY YALL THAT I HAVENT BEEN POSTING LATELY 😭🙏. SOMEWHAT PROOFREAD BTWWWW (ALSO to those who did request ideas I DID read them and am currently writing them 🤍🤍)
It was like any other day in the spider society. Fighting and sending anomalies back to their earths. But things had taken a slight little turn.
You had asked Miguel if you could tag along on a mission with him. It had token some convincing but half of it was just you begging. Miguel didn’t really like the thought of you going on actual tricky missions. He would normally send you on missions to catch the anomalies of the week. But not serious dangerous ones, especially the new anomaly Spot.
As you and Miguel were standing on a building Miguel was going over emergency plans.“Okay kid if anything goes downhill and you open a portal back to HQ immediately. I’ll be fine and finish up the mission myself.” Miguel looked at you trying to reassure you that he would be fine if you needed to leave.
Miguel sighed and then looked at the mission in front of you. “Ok you ready?” He asked you. His tone shifted back to a bit more stern and serious.
Yup!” You Said putting on my mask
The two of guys both put on your mask then swung off the building to the chaos down there.
Skip time after fight (cuz I’m to lazy & suck dookie at writing fight scenes🤭)
Miguel had met back up with you and was checking to make sure you were alright.
“You alright kid?” Miguel said having a tiny hint of concern in his voice.
He was about to say something else but stopped himself. He didn’t want to seem to over protective.
“The mission was a success. Good job kid.” Miguel said instead with a slight proud smile
He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah you alright kid? You didn’t get injured out there right?” He didn’t look too concerned but he had that same small hint of worry in his voice.
“Mhm yeah im fine.” I Said with a Small smile.
You had lied. Your hand was hurting like a bitch. The anomaly had stomped on it while fighting. You only lied to Miguel so he didn’t have to worry. Your lie seemed to work though.
Skip few days
These past days Miguel has noticed you had been laying off one of your hands and questioned you one night about it.
“Kid remember that time on the mission when you told me you weren’t hurt?” Miguel asked with a neutral expression.
“Yeah..why?” You said trying to act normal.
Miguel sighed and looked at you for a few seconds. “Don’t try to act like your normal. I’m not that stupid. Show me your injured hand.” Miguel’s tone had shifted back to being stern.
You still tried to act like you didn’t know what he was talking about.
He sighed out of annoyance and called out for Lyla telling her to scan you. She did find something. Your hurt hand.
Miguel was more annoyed then anything at this point. He had known you were lying to him this whole time. “So your telling me you’ve kept this injury hidden for a few days and didn’t tell me?” Miguel asked you while looking annoyed.
You nervously smiled not knowing what to say, “Surprise?”
He had a pissed off look on his face as he looked down at you, “Your not funny.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you had an injured hand when we got back to headquarters. I could’ve done something about it.” Miguel said with a stern tone.
“I didn’t want to you worry that’s why I didn’t say anything about it.” I said scratching my head looking down
Miguel looked at you for a few seconds. You could tell he was trying not to lash out. He sighed a bit and then spoke. “The next time you have an injury like this tell me please. This injury could’ve gotten a lot worse if you kept quite and let it fester for long periods of time.” Miguel spoke with a gentle tone even though he was pissed.
Miguel looked down at you once more. He could see that you had learned from this mistake. “I get it you didn’t want me to worry. Just don’t make that mistake again.” Miguel said looking a little less annoyed about this.
“Sorry Miguel” I Said in a low tone
“Its alright kid but next time just tell me. I want to make sure your always safe alright.” Miguel spoke with his eyes looking slightly softer and less stern.
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Hi ^^
I saw your most recent post, so I’m here to make a request! I couldn’t find a request info page so I hope that this is general enough. Could you do the hashiras comforting a s/o who often doesn’t sleep well and/or suffers from a lot of nightmares? My sleep schedule is utterly wrecked rn :,)
Also remember to drink water <3
I had to do some research but i managed! :D
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Hashira x Insomniac!Reader Headcanons
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He would definately wake up in the middle of the night in your shared bed that accommodates Tengen and his other three wives
You definately all sleep together and you like to cuddle with the girls whenever you can since they're your wives too
You're sweating and shifting around in your sleep awkwardly and the guy can't help but voice a little "ah-" as he sees you kìck the sheets away
Within the next five minutes your devoted husband and wives are doting on you and getting you some water to drink while gently waking you up
Obviously he gives you a relaxing massage because it wouldn't be very flamboyant of him not to
When he notices your sleep pattern deteriorating over the next few days he starts becoming very protective of you, kind of like a glorified guard dog
He's understanding though, and lets you use some of his makeup to cover the dark circles in order to look "more flamboyant!" And you appreciate the gesture. He knows when to help you with your problem and not to reprimand you for something out of your control
He definately makes tea with the other wives to help you sleep better
When you're tired on the way back from a mission he is more than willing to give you a piggyback ride, and his firm grip on your leg is enough to assure you that you're safe and won't fall
He absolutely refuses to bother you when you actually do manage to sleep, guarding you like always and making sure that you get every ounce of sleep that you can
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He would most definately watch in silence as one night you stay up through the entire night, confronting you about it when he gets really concerned
Sleepless nights aren't uncommon in their profession sometimes, but your bags look bad and you look like you just rolled out of the grave
His concern looks more like anger and confusion, but you manage to talk it out with him, and the second he realises that you've been having nightmare after nightmare has him reeling
How come he didn't know about this before? How come you didn't tell him? What happened?
He's definately angry with himself but you don't understand why, it's just some bad sleep
Rest assured he is cuddling you closer every night, holding you close to him and letting you trace your fingers along his scars until you fall asleep
He also doesn't mention the teas and the hot water bottle that he got for you
And apparrently he doesn't know shit about the stuffed animal that appared on the bed a day after you told him
On days where the exhaustion gets especially bad and you collapse, he takes off his jacket and wraps you in it, his eyebrows furrowing in concern while he holds you up bridal style, ready to carry you to bed now and reprimand you for being reckless later
As you're asleep and there's noone there to bare witness, he lets his head rest on your shoulder, letting your perfume run through his nose and nuzzling your neck like an affectionate cat would headbutt it's owner
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When she wakes up to find you with your head nestled into her breasts and your eyes open, complimanted by dark bags, she's immediately fawning and worrying about you
She's so adorable. She's got heart eyes for you and everything
She would definately pet and stroke your hair like you're some kind of cat and would pull you closer to coddle you
Any time she sees that you're up late despite being tired or in need of a break she comes up behind you and cuddles her chest to your back, pressing her arms around you and resting her chin on your shoulder
Confesses her love to you every ten seconds becaise she's obsessed with her lover, and puts you to bed on a regular basis after that
Of course she tucks you in as well
She makes the bed around you, lets you relax, and leaves to make you tea, and it makes your soul sing
She absolutely adores you, and is willing to remind you of that by letting you use her lap like a pillow and putting little braids in your hair
This happens out in the open as well, if you're in need of a quick power-nap, and on a few occasions she's shown Shinobu the cute braids she does, and lets her teach her even more styles to use on your hair
As a result of this you've acquired many a butterfly themed hair clip or band, and their serene, but somehow simultaneously mischievous smiles are one of your favourite sights to wake up to now
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He is absolutely infatuated with you
When you start developing strange and worrying sleeping habits he is incredibly quick to catch on and recognise the problem
The man is very transparrent about his worry for you no matter how strong you are or how well you can take care of yourself
He doesn't even mind how stubborn you are in regards to talking about it because he knows that if something was seriously wrong you would tell him without a doubt
But when he's giving you soft praise and passionate cuddles and kisses after waking you up from a particularly harsh night terror, you're all the more grateful to have him supporting you
Would definately rub your back in small circles and put effort into giving you a relaxing massage to help relieve muscle pain and tension
As you both sit in the dark it still does nothing to hide his beaming smile that he still directs to you, and you suddenly feel that much better, despite having been worried about inconveniencing or annoying him with your problems
He's there with you to support and help you out when you get flashbacks or especially triggering dreams, holding you with strong and sturdy arms and stroking your hair
And when you end up curling up in his lap in exhaustion, he only smiles and puts out the light, braiding your hair while he watches over you
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When you admit to him that you've had trouble sleeping, he is initially very confused
He really does try his best not to zone out as you talk to him though, which is something you always appreciate from him. He shows that he's at least trying to keep up
As you speak he stares straight into your soul, though, which is always a little unnerving, but he's an absolutely amazing listener and drops everything for you once he realises something is wrong. Even if it does take about three to five working days for him to realise anything
With that being said, it does take a while for your words to actually dawn on him
I'm talking, like, the next day
Now it makes sense why you've been coming to bed late and waking up even later
When he fully processes the fact that he might be able to actually help you, he's putting less caffeine in your teas and going on more expeditions to hunt demons in order to successfully tire you out
That idea was courtesy of Shinobu, whom he'd asked for help
He usually doesn't really talk to any of the other Hashiras if he doesn't have to, but he went out of his comfort zone just for you
When you both end up asleep together he cuddles into your chest, using your breasts as pillows and curling up around you like a tired cat
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Although he's blind, he still notices the difference in your movement and the altered way that you shift your weight around him, almost as if you feel like you're heavier
He's pretty quick to pick up on the sloppy movement and the exhaustion tugging at your limbs just from your aura, and immediately there are tears running down his face as he cries for you, praying for your wellbeing
On the plus side, his mountain-like form is the perfect resting place when you want a quick nap
His muscles are huge, but not as rock hard as you would think they are until he flexes, making them the perfect resting spot for your head
Improvised cushion
You're not sure whether he's crying because you just called him a cushion, or because he's happy that you're comfortable, but for the sake of your sanity, you assume it's the latter
He's as cuddly as a teddy bear and the second you wake up from a nightmare you immediately know that you're safe because he's got his arms wrapped around you, dwarfing you in comparison
He stays up with you sometimes if you're really strugggling to get to sleep because he doesn't want you to be alone
and when you stay awake through an entire night he pulls you aside and lets you doze off in the safety of his arms. He radiates warmth as well, and he considers it a beautiful boding moment when you sleep on him
He thinks that when you sleep on him, you're letting him be in control when you're at your most vulnerable, and he cries every time he thinks about it
He cries for you when you tell him about your nightmares as well, showing you his sympathy through his tears and resting your foreheads together
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He tries not to make you aware of how much he cares for you because it's a little embarrassing for him, but he notices immidiately when something is off about you
The first time the nightmares really affect you that badly you look a mess in the morning, your hair is greasy and knotted and your eyes are drooping shut, circled by dark bags
He listens a little more intently to you that day and hangs around a little longer, his touches lingering longer as well as he debates on whether to talk to you about it or not.
The next time it happens he is significantly worried and ends up questioning you with the same monotonous voice, yet with a tinge of worry to it
As he pries every last detail from you, he makes the decision to stay with you and help so that you don't feel so exhausted and worn to the bone anymore
It works like a charm because he's strict about your diet and your excorcise habits that aren't helping you. No more coffee or lounging around for you broke your heart
He cuddles tight when you sleep though, and even his snake curls up around you both as you feel his firm grip on you even in your sleep
He provides you with a back massage as he lays next to you when you start to drift off, and when you wake up the next day he rests his forehead against yours as if to say good morning
There is no way that any one else knows about this because he refuses to tell anyone and cusses them out with a sneer if they make any comments
He does like to sit in the trees with your back against his chest though, and he uses this opportunity to let you vent about your nightmares
He might not have a lot of advice to give you, and he seems relatively apathetic on the outside, but he lets you know he cares with his small gestures of affection and the occasional "i love you" when he feels it hasn't been said enough
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He starts to get very cuddly as soon as he notices you starting to get fidgety
Every time you let out an especially loud whimper or you start moving a little too much, he's quick to wrap his arms around your waist and hoist you up
You'll be kicking and crying and all of a sudden he's no longer spooning you, he's sitting up on the bed with you in his lap, cuddled against him
He always likes to put his hand against the back of your head and push it into his chest, letting you cry into his arms and not saying a word except for a whispered "'s okay. I love you"
He holds your hand in your sleep and tries not to wake you up, instead opting to try soothing your nightmare so that you don't end up sleep deprived
Blue eyes stay trained on your now relaxed expression as he basically pets you, that same longing stare on his face but with just a touch more love and adoration in his eyes
All this big baby wants is to hold you
And he sleeps like an absolute baby when he's with you
He's also probably started noticing that you've been having strange sleeping habits before you did yourself
He's already gone to Shinobu for advice since if anyone knew about this kind of thing it would probably be her
He doesn't like to let her know that he's following her advice to the T, but she already knows. He can't hide from her. She'll do anything to protect you two
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Her expression barely even faulters as you admit to her that you've been experiencing sleep problems lately
She only gives you a serene, sympathetic smile, staying awefully quiet
"Oh, i see..."
In reality she's just thinking over in great detail every single thing she could possibly do to help you out
Is a hundred percent making you drinks with sleep stimulants and feeding you medicine with your food, herbal teas are served to you every day for the next week and you can't help but sweatdrop as she provides you with every kind of drug or medicine possible that could help you sleep easier
Is she stying to knock out a horse?? Damn those teas are strong-...
She lets you talk to her about your nightmares, which have already started to impact your daily life in the form of flashbacks and paranoia. She's an amazing listener
She is more than willing to sing to you and oh. my. god.
Her voice puts you right to sleep sometimes
She's often seen sitting at the butterfly estate on the decking with you next to her, your head resting on her shoulder and her head resting on top of yours
Obviously she's playing with your hair like you're some kind of dress up doll - you would have to use all ten fingers and probably some of your toes to count the amount of times you've woken up with a new hairstyle or some kind of butterfly accessory in your hair
You wouldn't have it any other way, though. Who wouldn't want to wake up feeling glam??
When you take a nap on her chest she will always tease you after
"are they soft?" "you sure looked comfortable"
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thisfanisgonesorry · 1 year
handcuffed - jim hopper
you REALLY dont wanna get arrested right now.
cw/tags: DUBCON. DUBCON FOR DAYS. uhh, very bdsm-y, obvious power dynamics, degradation kink, handcuffs, obviously. timeline debatable, age difference but thats what makes it hot!, he spits in y/ns mouth. cums in her panties if thats a kink? what would i call that? y/n is canonically a bit of a slut but thats okay! mutual pining if u squint.. maybe enough lore for multiple parts. hopper is lowkey a prick whoop whoop.
havent posted in a while but i wrote this (shitty) gem from a few weeks ago.
Surely, this would be a good day. Surely.
Well, that is what I was thinking before I was sprinting down the road, trying my best to avoid the cops. Needless to say, now I’m restrained by an all-too-familiar chief of police and he’s hauling ass to his cop car, which would now be 50 or so feet from where I’m currently standing.
I’m trying to break free so I can sprint in another direction and pray to god it works. Maybe into the woods, break line of sight. We’re by the backroads, so there’s not a lot of people, though maybe losing face in a crowd would be what I need.
I seemed to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I was near Billy’s shithole of a house, just when the cops showed up, and of course, they had to assume I was to blame. Now, at a worse place at a worse time, I’m harshly pressed into the hood of Jim’s car, and he’s struggling to keep my arms in place to put them into a pair of handcuffs. His body is tightly holding me into place, but god damn, I am not getting arrested right now.
“Let me go, Hopper!” I shout, trying to pull my arms out of his grip so I can use them to push him off. I try to move any of my limbs in any direction as an attempt to get him off me.
“Stop struggling.” He says, as he meets my face, feeling the stubble of his moustache brush my ear. I freeze for a moment; before continuing anyway.
“I wasn’t even at that stupid Hargrove’s house! You already arrested all of the assholes there, why are you harassing me!”
He lets out a few grunt, and then I hear a click and feel cold metal around my wrists, so I struggle more as he tries to stand us both up, still pressed against him as he tries to not let me escape him.
“Get the fuck off me, Jim.”
“Watch it.” He breathes out, “You’re about to get us both into somethin’ you don’t wanna get into.”
“I don’t wanna get arrested by some pig! Not over some shit I didn’t do!”
He finally brought some distance between us as he turned me around, looking at me face to face, though still trying to keep me in place with a hand firmly on my shoulder. I was trying to analyse the situation, there was one, semi-large, semi-hard, glaring problem.
Maybe all that struggling was not the wisest idea I could’ve had.
“Are you hard right now?” I said, with a bitter taste on my tongue, deciding to get rid of that taste by spitting right in his face.
“I told you to stop struggling.” He said through gritted teeth as he wiped the saliva with the back of his hand. “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.” He gestured towards the backseat.
“What? This, or you?”
“Get in the fucking car, Y/n.”
“I didn’t do anything. I’m telling the truth this time, promise!” He began to shove me, before I tried to intervene once again, desperation levels rising to a shameful amount. “Hey! Hey! Maybe we can work something out!”
“I’m taking you in and if you don’t stop talking, I’ll find some way to shut you up.” He seemed unphased despite the half-mast tent in his pants. He glared at me, speaking sternly. “And don’t fucking spit at me again.”
“I’m not friends with Billy, I’m sober as a judge here, Hop!” I furrowed my eyebrows, “Plus, it’s not like you can walk into the station with a boner, can you? Or are you willing to bet it’ll go away by then?”
“You’re right. I can’t. I know what you’re implying, I also can’t..” He hesitated for a moment. “..Act on it with someone under my custody.”
He could sense the sardonic attitude behind my voice. “Why not?”
“Don’t play that game with me.” He said, pushing me again towards the backseat, though I crashed into the side-mirror of his car, letting out a moan of pain which made him, and his buddy, a bit more rash.
“Help me, help you?” I said with a fake grin, trying to push his buttons, either as a tease or a genuine way to get into his pants. “C’mon, what d’ya got to lose?”
“My job.”
“I won’t tell no one. C’mon, I’ll help you out and you can think about letting innocent ol’ me go, how’s that?”
Is it bad that through the numerous times Chief Hopper has thrown me in jail, I’ve always thought, ‘might as well go out with a bang, right?’, he’d been on my ass for years, either for underage drinking or hanging around pot, he’d find some way to get me in handcuffs. I was old enough to do both of those now, and for once, I was completely innocent.
“If you’re so innocent, why’d you run?”
“Look, I was just at the wrong place, wrong time. I saw sirens comin’ at me, what d’ya think I’m gonna do?” I could feel the tension; sexual or not, it was thick in the air. He was clearly sexually frustrated, and look at him, of course he would be. Sure, he was hot, but it’s not like the chief of police gets many weekends.
“I’ve heard you use that excuse before.”
“I’m telling the truth here! What have I got to lose? You’re hard and I’d fuck you to get out this time. I’m not sitting in a drunk tank with Billy!”
“Why’d you run?”
“Fine! I got pot on me! But it’s not from Billy!”
“Where?” He said sternly, trying to pull it off me. I didn’t want to admit it was in my bra, so I tried to avoid eye contact. “Where.” He repeated, louder.
“It’s in my bra..” I said, still avoiding eye contact. He looked at the buttons to my white and green shirt, deciding if he should or not. I rolled my eyes at him, almost to urge him to just hurry up and get on with it.
He quickly began unbuttoning the shirt, it was probably not his best choice, but once it was unbuttoned, he tugged it out of my jeans and tried to push it as best he could off my torso. He took in the view for a moment, but only a moment.
“Left side.” He raised his large hands to put his hand on my right; “MY left.”
Granted, I hadn’t exactly prepared for this moment, so my bra was an off-skin tone, and wasn’t exactly ‘sexy’. He put his hand in the cup of my bra, feeling it for a moment, his fingers grazing my nipple, before he pulled his hand away, with a small baggie of mix in his hands.
“Look, I wasn’t actually doing anything wrong, okay?.. I’ll do anything, I just.. Please don’t bust me for this.”
He looked at the bag, and he exhaled sharply, you could see the cogs turning in his brain, like clockwork, deciding. Weighing his options, even.
“Anything?” He spoke almost silently.
“Are you sure?” He said, “I’m serious.”
I hesitated for a moment, before simply nodding, and he let out a shaky sigh before grabbing my face, he was still rightfully so, very angry at me, so he firmly pried my mouth open.
“Swallow it.” He spoke sternly before spitting in my mouth.
I swallowed it immediately, “Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.”
It took me by surprise how quick the tables had turnt, and his breath shook, and he quickly opened the backseat door, pushing me towards it, though I still stood upright. He had full control, so it seems he wasn’t just going to bend me over and fuck me. At least, not right away.
He pressed his mouth on mine, one hand holding me in place by the waist and the other holding onto the roof of the car. Slowly, he moved his hands down, playing with my belt until he could tug down my jeans so they rested around my knees.
“Hop, c’mon.” I breathed, pulling away though his mouth chased mine slightly. He peaked down, eyeing white panties with a small bow on the elastic.
He pulled away fully, then fiddled with the belt of his own pants, before unbuttoning them and leaving it open like that. I tried to open my legs for him though I was restricted, he pressed our clothed crotches together, a sigh escaping him as he did.
“Can you.. unbutton your shirt?” I asked, a little more timid than I would’ve liked. He gave a short nod, before unbuttoning his shirt so I had a decent view. He was fit, though obviously rockin’ a bit of a dad bod. A good amount of hair and honestly, I could be mad about the last screw I might have for a while, yet I’m not.
“You’re pathetic.”
“Please.” I responded softly, leaning towards him though he simply pulled away. He seemed proud of himself, devolving me into almost begging for it, yet also unsatisfied. “Sir? Please?”
“You’re so smart, such a fast learner.” He said, though it somehow sounded like he was degrading me, and yet, it was driving me crazy.
“I.. I want to touch you.”
“I’m not falling for that.”
“C’mon, Hop. Don’t tease me.” I pleaded with him, and it must’ve worked.
Almost like a switch went off; it was quick, but not harsh, he turned me around and bent me over the back seat.
“Beg for it.”
“I’m not begging for it.”
He took a fist of my hair and pushed my face into the seat, speaking sternly. “Don’t act like you’re not a slut. I’ve heard the stories. Beg.”
“Shit, please.” He pushed my face further; “Please, sir, please!”
“For such a fast learner, you’d think you’d know how to keep out of trouble.” He said, alongside rustling of fabric, I assume pulling your pants down with only one hand isn’t easy. “Last time. Were you at Hargroves or not?”
This was probably the most evil form of interrogation.
“No! I swear it, I hate his guts; him, and his shitty weed. What do I gain from lying to you right now!”
“You do whatever you can to get your kicks out of me. I know you get around. The amount of drunk-tank ramblings about the vixen behaviour you get up to, who knows, this is just another way to fuck with me.”
“Tough talk coming from you.”
“Quit acting like a brat.” He snarled, “You want this, you need this.”
“I don’t.” I lied, and he could tell.
“So if I just pulled up my pants and undid those handcuffs, you wouldn’t kneel and beg about how you need me? I see how you look at me.”
Shit. He played into exactly what I meant and he’s still got me caught.
“No, I mean, yes, I dunno!” I cried with urgency.
“Say you don’t want me to fuck you.”
“I want you to fuck me, Jim, please.”
“Exactly. Look how wet you are.”
He pulled down my panties, soaked beyond any chance of denial, or even dignity I could possibly have left. He shakily breathed, lining himself up to my entrance to only grind against the slickness, teasing.
“Jim, please, I’ll be good, please. I’ll stop getting into trouble, just—”
Almost like a heaven-sent miracle, he began slowly pushing himself deeper, one hand the chain of the handcuffs, and the other still tightly in my hair.
“Oh, shit.” He groaned, bottoming out in a smooth movement.
He began at a slow pace, just to feel the way he felt as he moved. It wasn’t fast enough to build any pleasure.
“Faster, my god.” The pace was agonisingly slow.
“I bet you like it rough, huh?” His grip on my hair tightened, almost stinging.
“Shut up—”
“The rumours are right, aren’t they?” He grunted.
“No, ‘m a good girl.” I panted, “I’ll be your good girl.”
“Are you? How long have you wanted to fuck me?”
“If I tell you, will you fuck me like you mean it?” I pleaded, “C’mon, fuck me real hard, please — I’m good for it.”
He rolled his eyes and began thrusting, the sound of wet slapping sound quietly echoing through the woods.
“You really are just a slut, look at you.” He laughed, letting go of my hair and reaching around and grabbing my throat, pulling me upright. “Answer my question.”
“So long, Jim, I’ve wanted to fuck you for so long.”
“Yeah? Is that why you’re such a little bitch? Why you’re on my nerves all. the. fucking. time?”
“Yeah, ‘m sorry, please.”
“Stop getting into so much fucking trouble.” He cursed, finally letting go of the loose chokehold and grabbing both hips to fuck into me harder, though completely stopping instead.. “All this so I’ll fuck you? Huh?”
“Yes! I’m better than the other dumb whores you fuck, god, shit.”
“Yeah? You want me all to yourself? Say it.”
“I want you, now fucking move!”
He began thrusting again, I went limp and slumped over, he was groaning and only now beginning to lose his composure. I was drooling over the carseat, my eyes were rolling back into my skull, all over some stupid cop with an amazing dick.
“Y’re so nice aren’t you, you’re so good, you’re gonna let me cum right? ‘m your good girl, please, touch my clit, ‘m so close, please, you’ll let me—”
“Look at you, so needy.” He panted, reaching down to toy with my clit. “God, I’m so close, you’re gonna make me cum.”
“Please!” I began chanting as I unwound on him, “Oh, fuck, I’m—”
I clenched around him and felt the rush of the orgasm hit me like a wave, he shuddered and kept fucking into me until my orgasm rode out.
“Feels so good, y’so good..” I mumbled tiredly, feeling him pull his still-hard cock out. “What? What are you doing?”
“I’m not cumming inside you.” He said, stroking his cock to completion.
“Please. Want your cum, please.” I mumbled into the carseat.
“Fine, I’m gonna..” He groaned in annoyance though it could also pass as pleasure.
“Thank you, sir.”
He kept jerking himself off, “Ugh, Y/n, fuck, I’m—” He grunted as he came on the panties still bunched around my knees.
“Can you.. help me.. get dressed?” I mumbled. He sighed, pulling up my panties and jeans before rolling me over to do up the button and zip. “I can feel your cum, s’warm.”
“Yeah. It is.” He sighed, buttoning up the tshirt and scooting me into the car fully.
He got into the driver’s seat and began turning on the car, talking into his walkie talkie about something or other. “Are you goin’ to take me home?”
“No, Y/n. I have to take you to the station for the pot.”
I groaned tiredly. “Oh, fuck off, Hopper.”
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triptuckers · 9 months
lost and found - ezra bridger
Request: nope Pairing:  ezra bridger x jedi!reader Summary:  along with the remainder of the ghost crew and ahsoka, you're trying to find ezra Warnings:  HEAVY SPOILERS FOR AHSOKA S1!!! im warning u dont read this if u havent seen all of it yet Word count:  1.1K A/N: I survived the war (im posting fics again) but at what cost (brainrot has taken over)
your music is blaring through the speakers of your ship as you're working. though your ship isn't in need of any repairs, you're always finding new modifications and additions to upgrade it. at this rate, it's unrecognisable as the ship you once got from a sketchy dealer on an outer rim planet.
working on your ship is also a way to distract yourself. when you're focused on working with your hands, your mind doesn't wander off.
it doesn't wander off to hera and jacen aboard the ghost. it doesn't wander off to sabine and ahsoka on her T-6 shuttle. but mostly, it doesn't wander off to ezra. you try not to think about the fact hera is on an unauthorised mission, that you haven't heard from sabine and ahsoka in a while which is unlike them, and that you feel like you're not even a little bit closer to finding ezra.
even though you haven't seen him for years, you refuse to believe he's gone. you tell yourself you would simply know if he didn't make it. before you lost him, the two of you shared a strong bond in the force. you figured if something had happened to him, you would have felt it.
but after all of these years, it's hard to hold on to hope. you really want to. but at some point logic has to take over.
though recently, hope has sparked in you yet again. with the map ahsoka found, the chances of finding ezra have increased. you are optimistic again.
but the search hasn't been without danger. even now, you're worried.
which is why you're working on your ship. otherwise you'd just pace around or stare off into the distance with your mind running around in circles getting lost in the "what ifs".
a faint beeping sounds pulls you out of your thoughts. you get up from your position underneath one of the main consoles and get your comm.
'general syndulla for commander y/l/n.' comes hera's voice.
'go for commander y/l/n.' you say.
'hey y/n, where are you right now?'
'just working on my ship in the main hangar back on base.'
'new modifications again?'
'yeah, yeah, I know. "a good ship doesn't need modifications." well, I like them. the ghost could use some upgrades as well, you know.'
'no thank you, my ship is perfectly fine.'
you chuckle as you wipe your hands on your pants.
'have you heard from sabine and ahsoka yet?' you say. 'and when are you coming home from this unauthorised mission?'
'sabine and ahsoka are alright, we're actually on our way now. and we have some news regarding ezra.' says hera.
'you have news on ezra?' you say, unable to hide the relief in your voice. 'do you know how to find him? or where he is? is he okay?'
'we'll talk about it in person. we should be arriving soon.' says hera.
'I'll wait for you.'
'see you soon.'
hera disconnects her comm, leaving you alone with the music again. your mind is racing. they have news on ezra. you knew it, he's still out there somewhere. you're sure of it.
you quickly put the panel of the main console back and tidy up your tools. just as you pause your music and exit your ship, you see the ghost and ahsoka's T-6 shuttle getting closer to the hangar.
you anxiously await them, watching as they carefully land. the shuttle door opens and sabine and ahsoka come out of it.
sabine smiles as you half walk, half run up to them and pull them both into a hug.
'I'm so glad you guys are safe.' you say. 'it scared the shit out of me when I couldn't contact you.'
'we're alright.' says ahsoka, patting you on the back.
you pull back to look at them. they both look tired, but other than that they seem fine. sabine has a twinkle in her eyes and smile on her face.
'what is it?' you say. 'do you know something about ezra?'
'yeah.' says sabine. 'but hera should tell you.'
she points to the ghost, where hera has just exited the ship. jacen follows her, but is looking over his shoulder and talking to someone. at first, you assume it's merely chopper.
but as they walk further down, you see it's not chopper at all. it's a young man. he's wearing colourful robes and has a beard and curly hair.
it doesn't matter he's older than he is in your memories. it doesn't matter he still has the same eyes and the same scar on his cheek. it doesn't matter something in the force tugs on you so strongly, as if it has found its home.
none of it matters, because you would know him anywhere, in any universe, no matter who you are.
ezra. your ezra. talking with jacen as if nothing had ever happened. he's here, he's alive.
a sob escapes your mouth as you take off.
'ezra!' you yell.
you don't even bother to hide the tears as they stream down your cheeks. after all this time, he's finally here.
for a brief second you see his smile before you crash into him. you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in his neck, holding him impossibly close. you're never going to let him go.
words fail you as you just cry into his shoulder.
you feel ezra's arms around your back and get lost in the feeling. it's all so painfully familiar, as if no time had passed at all. yet you know everything has happened since the last time you saw him.
you slightly pull away to look at him.
ezra is smiling at you just like he did all those years ago. though he's older, he's still the same. still the same kid you met on the streets of lothal.
you reach out and brush a finger over the scar on his cheek.
'you're here.' you say breathlessly.
'I am.' he says.
you'd heard his voice in your dreams and memories and the recording sabine still has. but this is different. it means everything and more to you.
'you're as beautiful as the day I lost you.' you whisper.
'I dreamed of this day.' says ezra. 'thought about all the things I would say to you. it all seemed so simple. but now? I have no idea. nothing seems like the right thing to say.'
'but it is simple.' you say. 'I love you.'
ezra smiles even brighter. 'I love you too.' he says. 'I always knew I would see you again. we have a lot of catching up to do.'
you smile as ezra leans in and kisses your forehead. you'd finally found each other again.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Max/Marit
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thewertsearch · 8 months
Ask Comp 19/10
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That's true - we don't know for sure that Trollian can fully emulate Sburb's surveillance capabilities.
If the trolls were sufficiently motivated, though, they wouldn't actually need to. Sollux could probably hack one of the kids' computers, to gain access to their Sburb viewport - although if he did, he wouldn't need a camera to snoop on their messages.
Is there a paranoia Aspect? I think I've finally found my calling.
anonymous asked: heya! ive just finished re-reading your ENtIRE liveblog and i to send asks about some stuff but i waited to finish so im sendind everything at once! (im gonna send stuff in a bunch of small asks so cat can stop just one instead of the whole thing in case of accidental spoilers) (aslo hi cat!) (also its ninnoy, havent sent an ask in a while but i changed my pfp to something slightly more spoilery so im in anon now) [...] the jade pen pal thing, do you have any new theories on who it could be?
None! I'm sure that it's someone derived from Grandpa Harley, but everything else is a mystery.
I have no particular theories about who he is, how he knows Jade, where he got his hands on so many endgame weapons, or why he's got such an antiquated accent if he's watching movies from the 80s. I assume time travel is involved, but that doesn't really narrow anything down in a comic like this. He (she? they?) is a complete enigma, and I'll just have to wait to learn more.
ALsO WHEREs YOUR sONAs? we havent seen them in so long im afraid sahlle might have actueally died of meteor strike (joking of course) also have you realized that "sally" and "cat" are both one letter of from a valid kid name? you could lend her one of your "L"s
I've actually been workshopping some Quest stuff for Sahlee this week! I suppose I'd need to figure out her Title first, though, and for that, I'd need to get a more solid idea of her personality, and how her experiences on Alternia have shaped her.
in one of your last posts you seemed to imply that the multiverse exists inside the timeline, but ive always read it as the opposite, the timeline inside the universe that would explain why the trolls can pick any time from the humans universe to talk to them but cant have private conversations with their own futute/past selves, its not an inherent part of trollian, they are just outside the human timeline (the memos are still trollian being time fucky) dont know if that makes any difference but its a thought also i realize the tag may be unecessary due to my quirk, but its too late to stop now
(NOTE: quirk omitted for readability, but the substitutions are [t -> 7, s -> 2] - sort of a variant of Sollux's quirk. I actually don't think we've seen any quirks which add a 7, so the voice here is distinct from any trolls we've seen so far. I like it!)
Originally, my assumption was that each timeline contained a duplicate of the entire multiverse. Doomed timelines don't seem to let you communicate with other universes/dimensions, though, so they don't need to contain other sectors of reality. I'm currently of the opinion that doomed timelines only contain an instance of the dimension they were doomed in. The only timeline which contains the entire multiverse is the Alpha.
This mechanic keeps doomed timelines simple, but in-universe, I don't know why it exists. Much like the Alpha itself, it's a mystery I can only speculate about.
has the shipping chart been updated since the last time we saw it? also you (at some point) said that equius<>feferi was a controversial ship so i had to go back to check the notes and i was the only person i found talkig about it so i guess im the whole controversy? if thats the case i would like to thank you for recognizing me as the equius<>feferi number 1 hater (all jokes of course)
I got a few skeptical asks about Equius<>Feferi, but you're the only one who discussed it on the post itself. I guess by some measures, you are the most dedicated hater, because your hate was posted publicly! 🤣
I could make one or two changes, but I don't want to post a new chart until the kids meet the trolls in person, hopefully at the end of the Act!
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The Scratch, naturally - but I'm also looking forward to seeing exactly how WV was Exiled. He's currently on Skaia, and Jack has lost interest in him, so who's actually sending him through the portal?
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Tavros is barely a presence on the Land he's ostensibly the hero of, and all of his actions are being dictated by a third party who can physically control his body. This third party does not acknowledge or respect Tavros's own desires, effectively forcing him to play the game in a way that she personally approves of.
She claims it will make him stronger.
@bladekindeyewear submitted: That was a long, thorough, and fantastic response! It's fascinating seeing your opinion on these things-- and I'm glad to see that considering the questions we've given you seems to have made you more paranoid. But I'm just not entirely sure you're paranoid ENOUGH. Not yet. Much like how you just found that "BREEZE" quote in your Breath research, back at around the time you've now reached in the comic, we had dozens of theory-miners combing back through everything that had been said and shown in Homestuck, over and over again, searching for anything we might have missed that might have been of some importance. [...] So, uh….. how do I put this… Would you prefer to strictly handle that sort of thing all by yourself, as you've said? Which I'd agree is still the best way that you should keep to, for the most part? Or would you mind if I gave you just a CRUMB of an example, only one? A tiny bit of text that we in the theory community only found at about the time you've reached in the comic, even though it was more than a thousand pages earlier?
Shit, this is such a dilemma. I'm honestly really torn.
See, I'd probably find old fandom theories absolutely fascinating to analyze. I'd love to know how closely my ideas align with those of the early Homestuck fandom, and whether I'm saying anything really out-of-pocket. My analysis of Sollux's ~ATH script was apparently an original theory, and it's honestly one my proudest moments.
But that's also sort of the problem, isn't it? If I dive too deeply into other people's fan theories, they'll start to affect my own - and if I'm introduced to a really compelling fan theory, it could end up replacing any homegrown theories that I could have developed in lieu of it. If someone had send me a well-reasoned ~ATH theory before I did my own analysis, I'd probably have been less motivated to make the analysis in the first place. After all, many of my questions would already have been answered by a clever theory I just read.
People are free to send me their own off-the-cuff opinions on what's happening in the comic, or their own takes on any meta I write. I get a lot of asks like that, and they're some of my favorites. There are also asks which spoil a little too much, but I'm still interested in their takes, so Cat's saving them for later. We don't really delete asks - we just delay the ones that aren't necessarily appropriate for a blind liveblog.
Obviously there's a fine line here, and whether a given ask is a theory or just an opinion is a little subjective - but in my opinion, the influence that asks and submissions have had on my analysis has been relatively minor. I don't think many of my theories have been spawned from an ask, or killed by one.
This is a little different, though, because it's part of a theory that was crowdsourced over several years. It doesn't sound like something that could be inferred by an individual, so I'm not sure if it's something an individual liveblogger should necessarily know about? If I start crowdsourcing my analysis, my theories will be less Wertsearch and more fandom consensus, and I don't think I'd enjoy that as much.
I really want to know, but I think I'll enjoy the liveblog more if I don't. When I finish the comic, I'll gleefully analyze any fan theory that anyone sends me - but for now, I'll just have to wonder, and come up with theories of my own!
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Yeah, we've really been getting into it with Vriska lately. I've enjoyed trying to explain and predict her actions, and I'm glad people don't think I'm going overboard when trying to analyze her.
When a character does something interesting, I don't like to move on until I have a theory about why they did it. Sure, it may be refuted later, but it needs to be something that's consistent with what I currently know about their personality.
Vriska takes a particularly long time to puzzle out in this way. Her motivations are derived from a complex web (lol) of factors, including Scratch, Spidermom, her rivalry with Terezi, her horrendous relationship with Tavros, classism, teenage hormones, quadrant politics, highblood society and the Alternian culture of violence. They all inform her decisions, and any combination of them could have been the catalyst for the latest Vriska Incident.
I want characters to make sense to me, and Vriska is written to deliberately challenge my attempt to achieve this. Her meta is fun to write, so I'm glad it's also fun to read!
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bridgyrose · 3 months
If you've seen Hazbin Hotel - Emily and Charlie have a girls night that may or may not upset Vaggie... a lot.
(Yes, I have seen Hazbin Hotel, so I hope you enjoy this little drabble)
Vaggie paused as she watched Charlie do her makeup, trying to think if there was anything she was missing. It wasnt an anniversary, that still wasnt for a few months. Though she was certain it wasnt any sort of event for the hotel, otherwise Charlie would be making a bigger fuss about how everything looked. No, this was something different. 
“So,” Vaggie started. “What’s the occasion?” 
Charlie finished putting on her make up and started to brush her hair again. “Well, remember when we went to Heaven to try to stop the exterminations and get them onboard with our hotel?” 
“Why do I feel like I’m not going to like this?” 
“Emily invited me back up for a girl’s night.” 
“Wait, what!?” Vaggie made her way over to Charlie, not quite sure she heard her correctly. “Why would you want to go back up to Heaven?” 
“Because I think Emily will be a great friend to have,” Charlie answered as she finished brushing her hair. “And… I think she really does believe that our idea can work. So if being friends with her means making an ally up there, then I dont see why I shouldnt hang out with her.” 
Vaggie sighed and sat down, watching Charlie as she finished getting ready for her girl’s night. “Then you shouldnt go alone. Someone should go with you-” 
“I cant bring Alastor, Angel, or Husk for a girl’s night, Nifty is a bit too… and you… if I take you up there, then who’ll watch the hotel while I’m gone?” 
“Since your dad is sticking around with us, I figured he could.” 
“You remember what happened the last time we left him and Alastor alone, right?” Charlie gave a small smile as she finished up. “Besides, you’re the only one I trust to keep the hotel running while I’m gone. And its only for a night, I’ll be back by morning.” 
“Wait, cant we talk about this before you go?” Vaggie asked as a portal to heaven opened up next to Charlie, standing up and putting a hand on her shoulder. “I really dont want you to go alone.” 
“I promise, I’ll be fine.” 
Vaggie sighed as she felt Charlie kiss her forehead and rush into the portal. She watched the portal close, still a bit upset at her girlfriend for rushing off on her own and without telling her about it. It wasnt like her to keep something like this a secret, and if she wasnt going to accept any help to keep safe, then she was going to take things into her own hands. 
Vaggie quickly rushed out of Charlie’s room and started to make her way to Alistor’s, already running through her head how to get this favor without making a deal with him. When she reached his room, she knocked on the door, blood nearly freezing as she heard his voice. 
“Come in!” Alastor said, his voice almost a bit too cheerful. “I’ve been waiting for you, my dear.” 
Vaggie took a deep breath as she walked in. “Alastor, I need you-” 
“I know exactly why you’re here.” Alastor pulled away from his microphone and smiled at Vaggie. “And I can give you exactly what you want. For a price.” 
“I’m not here to make a deal, I just need a portal to Heaven. And I know you know a few people who can make that happen.” 
“And if not for a deal, then what do you plan to use for payment?” 
Vaggie paused for a moment, then smirked. “If you know why I’m here, then you know that Charlie’s in Heaven. And since you made a deal with her for a favor you still havent asked of her, I know that you’ll get me a portal to Heaven so I can keep her safe. Otherwise, if something happens to her, you lose that favor.” 
Alastor’s smile slowly lowered to as close to a frown as he’d let it, glaring at her. “Fine, but only so Charlie can make good on our deal.” He turned to look out his tower once more, his smile coming back. “Though, I’m sure Charlie wont like you following her if she didnt tell you that she was going there in the first place. If I’m going to get you a portal to Heaven, then we’re going to need to make you look less like you.” 
Vaggie hesitated for a moment as she watched Alastor’s shadow start to grow and a green glow started to come across the room. “A-and… what exactly do you have in mind?” 
“Oh dont worry my dear, this will only hurt for a second.”
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marymary-diva17 · 9 months
date night (Modern au )
Jake x reader x neytiri
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Date night were a thing the trio had done even before, they had become married or even stated a family of their own. As date nights had allowed the couple to be away from home and enjoy each other company. Lately your wife and husband have been busy with work for date nights, had been placed on pause until they are on slow rate at work. you were hoping that a date night with them to enjoy your time with them, and act like a couple inside or outside of the home.
Y/n " oh it Friday it seems like this week went by fast" you were in the master bedroom with your husband and wife, as they were getting ready for work and you were getting ready for your day.
Jake " oh yes and I don't have that much work to do this Friday, and the recruits have been give a long weekend"
y/n " that good Jake you have been doing alot of work this week"
neytiri " well i don't have that much patients coming in today ever since my mom started hiring more people, and the internship program had started as well"
y/n " that good I'm happy for you both it been a while since you all had Friday that was not filled with so much work"
Jake " oh yes it has been so long work had started pilling up this month, that it seems like I didn't notice that much"
y/n " hey we all have months like that honey" you soon kissed Jake check making him smile.
????? " mama or mommy I need help" tuk voice can be heard through out the house and it seemed like she really needed help at the moment.
neytiri " I can go I just need to ....."
y/n " no I got it you have to get ready for work I will go help her" you soon kissed neytiri as well as you soon leave the room to go, help tuk leaving Jake and neytiri together.
Jake " when was the last time we had a date night"
neytiri " umm it was ... oh no we havent been on one this whole month"
Jake " I thought that was correct and it seems like y/n hadn't brought it up as we were always busy with work, and we mostly go on date nights on Friday or Saturday"
Neytiri " hey why don't we do one tonight it will be a good thing we will have some time awya from home, and we can enjoy our time with her and reconnect as a couple"
Jake " that will be good" while you were helping tuk Jake had went to downstairs and saw neteyam getting his bag ready for school.
Jake " hey son"
neteyam " hey dad"
Jake " look I need a favor from you I, mom, and mama are going out for a date night and I was wondering if you will babysit for us"
kiri " date night with mama"
lo'ak " cool" soon Jake had seen kiri and loak shown themselves as they were now all looking at him.
Jake " yes I and your mom have been busy with work that we noticed, we haven't been on date night with your mama for whole month"
neteyam " sure I will babysit"
lo'ak " hey we don't need a babysitter anymore we are older now"
kiri "I think dad I talking about tuk not you"
Jake " we'll yes but neteyam will be changer tonight I will give you money for pizza and any other appetizers with soda, if you all will keep the home clean and watch your sister"
the kids " deal"
lo'ak " because we all know you and mom are never going to get a lay like mama ever again"
Jake " hey who thinks that"
the kids " everyone"
Jake " fair point so tonight when you get you mom to say yes I will give you the money, to get food so we have that covered so mama doesn't worry"
lo'ak " we got you dad no need to worry" Jake soon smile at this three older kids, he soon told neytiri that got the kids covered for tonight now they just need to ask you.
later that day
Jake " hey we are home"
y/n " welcome back how was everyone day"
the kids " good"
y/n " that what I love to here"
neytiri " hey love we will love to talk with you about something"
y/n " sure"
Jake " look we realize we haven't been on date with you lately, and we have planed a date night with you"
y/n " really I know you two were busy with work"
neytiri " yes and we are sorry we saw it now, but now we wish to go on date with you tonight to restaurant and have a night out"
y/n " I will love that"
Jake " good and you don't have to worry about the kids we got them covered "
y/n " oh"
lo'ak " yes mama don't worry dad gave us money for pizza and anything else we want, and don't worry we already agree on a pizza so no fighting"
kiri " we talk with each other during our break and tuk recess"
tuk " I got to pick cheeses breaksticks with garlic ones as well" you soon laugh happy to see the kids seem to have everything planned.
kiri " we are even going to watch movies as well so we are good on entertainment"
neteyam " we promise no horror movies like last time we learn our lesson"
y/n " good"
neytiri " date night starts at 7:00 pm tonight"
y/n " okay I can't wait" so the kids had order the pizza and everything else and had I dropped off at home before you all left for the date.
y/n " remember the house rules"
the kids " yes mama" you soon nodded your head soon saying goodbye to the kids as you soon left the home, with your husband and wife. The trio soon reached the restaurant and got their table and started enjoying their night.
Jake " there was another reason who brought you here tonight, as we wish to thank you for taking care of everything around the house while we were busy"
y/n " well you two are busying with work and keep our home, and everything in order I was doing my share to be helpful"
neytiri " well you are helpful enough" neytiri soon grabbed your hand and kissed it making you smile at her, you really did miss these date nights are you are happy they are back. Jake soon kissed your another hand as well making you smile even more, dinner was amazing and brought back many memories of the past.
y/n " this is an amazing date night thank you for inviting me out"
Jake " you are welcome beautiful anything to bring a bright smile to your face"
neytiri " the night is till young and we can enjoy our rime with you before we need to get back home"
y/n " so lets enjoy our night before we are head home" Jake and Neytiri had smiled, the couple soon started walking to enjoying the rest of their night together. Date night was amazing as you had been able to spend time with your husband and wife, even they seem to be happy about having a date with you. The couple was able to reconnect as a couple that night, and it seems to make everyone happy.
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kitty-meowskers · 17 days
scar playlist drop wooooo (will probably add more songs)
lets go through some of the songs!!!! because i am. gay and not okay.
1) Blood // Water - grandson
ok listen. i havent listen to this song in AGESSSS but i came across it again and oh. my god.
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DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN??? first of all: lamb reference. not gonna lie if the vibes were good that couldve been enough for me to throw it in butttt thats not all. THE PRICE OF YOUR GREED IS YOUR SON AND YOUR DAUGHTER???? get me out of here.
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scars whole thing is about how the system 'the shepard' would never free the lambs. it wouldnt bring them any peace or freedom, it wouldnt make their lives easier. the 'look me in my eyes, tell me everthings not fine' implies that he (or the black lamb in his story) knows even if the rest dont want to admit it.
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lmao this is just that hes done with the shepard. hes done with the white lambs accepting it and playing along with the game. he joins the fractsidus!!!! yipeee!!!!
2) Hayloft II - Mother Mother
OHHH boy. okay, i know the og song is about two lovers doing the silly and the father of the girl killing the guy and then the girl goes after her dad but look.
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lets say the lovers are the black lamb and the white lambs. yes im using his story again because theres no way in hell that story wasnt somehow related to him.
the white lambs got 'shot' aka dragged into the shepards game, slaughtered one by one. all while the black lamb (scar) got the blame. ill bet the people tried to kill him but he made it out alive and then he obviously eventually joined the fractsidus.
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hayloft is the white lambs here (yes again. just bear with me). once the shepard ran out of lambs he left, on his way to find a new group excepttttt
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scars had enough.
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the shepard took away his family from him, his people/lambs. therefore 'eye for an eye, a leg for a leg' but it wasnt enough killing the shepard. he couldnt let something like that again (so much rage in him) so now he has this whole extreme and crazy ideology of how the world could be better, how he could make it better.
3) A Lesson In Dramatics - Jhariah
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this is just scar and rover fighting in my head. may the battle scene commence.
4) Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set It Off
do i really need to explain this??? okay ive been sucking at words so far but here we go
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man this whole thing is JUST about him and the shepherd story isnt it? im just gonna be repeating myself again lets continue-
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AHHH ok lets also talk about the way this is said in the song. personally, i think this man has A LOT of 'suppressed' rage. suppressed like that is because it doesnt out as rage necessarily i dont know if i make sense but yeah. he's crazy, but angry isnt something you'll spot at the surface because he hides it away. while the lyrics convey his rage the way he sings it does not necessarily
i have so many thoughts on the other songs too but like. I CANNOT WORD THEM. THE VOICES JUST SCREAM NONSENSE IN MY HEAD AND IM LIKE. YOURE RIGHT. even though i cant explain it..... this was not proof read btw LMAO- i just rambled kind of
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mxashayes10v3 · 7 months
You got it, baby.
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abby x fem!reader
warnings: smut!! no minors/men. sexual topics
lets be 100% real. you and abby never really done anything besides kiss. which was fine !! but one day you and your friends were talking and… “YOUR TELLING ME YOU HAVENT DONE ANYTHING WITH THAT BEAUTIFUL WOMAN.” one of your friends shout at while laughing.
“well i guess not, i mean we’ve kissed.” you hadn’t thought about going any further…well, besides in your dreams. you weren’t very experienced but you kinda sorta new your way around. you were a very shy person and usually didnt wanna talk about such things, knowing abby would tease you. but then you thought about how abby felt about the no sex thing.
you and abby had been together for 5 months now. what if she got bored of you? what of she thought you didn’t like her body? so you finally decided. you were gonna talk about it tonight. no getting scared.
“baby, im home!” abby walked through the front door and dropped her stuff. you ran to her and engulfed her into a big hug. tonight was movie night and you wore her shirt and boxers while abby wore her usual sports bra and pajama pants.
mid way through threw the movie you felt abby’s hand on your thigh, which was usually what happened, but it felt more different today. you glanced up at her, but all you saw was her focused on the tv. you looked away but this continued until abby decided to pause the movie.
“baby, is there somewhere wrong?you seem stressed” you thought about all that you had told yourself today. no going back now. “abby.. do you ever want to do more than just kiss me?” you said while looking away from her, flustered as ever “well, sometimes yea. you know i cant keep my hands off you pretty girl.” she says with a smirk and pulls your face back to look at her “ do you?”
DO YOU? oh my goodness yes. always. its just that… you were so scared you’d do something wrong i mean, you were still a virgin. “uhh yea i think so.” “did you want to?” abby said, still staring at you. you nodded slowly but you could tell that wasn’t gonna be enough for abby. “no baby. i need you to use your voice for me. come on, be a good girl.”
the nickname alone made your stomach twist and turn “abbyyy..” “come on, you got it, baby.” “yes i want to”
abby leaned into a kiss and pulled you onto her lap, her hands slowly moved up you shirt until it was off your body… you had no bra on. abby pulled away to admire you body “mmm fuck baby, i should’ve done this sooner. can i?” she looks at your chest and back at your face. “yes abby, please.” she slowly grabbed one of your breast while she sucked on the other. your eyes rolled back into your eyes, the pleasure was so good. you started to grind into abby, needing that friction. “nuh uhh sweet girl. good girls get what they want when they wait.” “ abby pleasee i need you so bad right now” you said with a pout, and how could she deny such a pretty face? “well then, lets see whats got you so worked up.” abby reached into h̶e̶r̶ your boxers and felt the wetness that was spilling onto your thighs.
“poor baby… has daddy been ignoring this pussy for to long?”
her dirty talk was unbelievable, you never thought abby would be so… perverted.
abby slipped her finger in with ease. “fuck your so tight” her fingers slid in and out while your moans gave her the courage to continue
“mmm daddy! p-please.. right~ there!!” you said while your back arched off the couch. and soon enough you were cumming all over abbys fingers. she let you ride it out until you called for abby, telling her it was too much. abby got you cleaned up and took you to the bed “abby?” “yes, sweet girl?” “thank you.” abby looked at you with adoring eyes. how could she be so lucky. “no baby, thank you.. now go to sleep.” you smiled up at her and leaned in to give her one more kiss “i love you” “ i love you too”
this is my very first smut story!! im very proud of myself.😋 hope you like it!
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 1 month
Sing Yourself to Sleep - Bucky x Y/N - Part Eight - Unfaithful.
Just a short chapter to get me back into the swing of writing. I'm sorry this took so long. Between life and feeling somewhat uninspired, I struggled with this. But i think I know where this story is going now. I'll probably wrap it up in two or three chapters. Feedback is always welcome! Inspired by Rihanna's Unfaithful.
It had been two weeks since their magical weekend in London, where they had both confessed their love in the throws of passion. Since then they hadn't been able to spend much time together. It was quick hellos while passing eachother or the odd two minute conversation in the mess hall. Bucky missed those moments in London where he could hold her. Where he could openly kiss her cheek, wrap his arm around her while walking through the streets. He missed being able to unabashedly stare at her in all her beauty.
Seeing her with Colonel Clarke made his mind angry and his heart ache. Seeing them walk hand in hand to the officers club and watching as the Colonel kissed her made his blood boil and his eyes sting with unshed tears. It should be me. He thought. Its supposed to be me.
It was a Friday night and the party in the officers club was in full swing. Bucky sat in the corner with Buck and DeMarco, printing his whiskey and brooding.
'Whats wrong with you?' Buck questioned.
'Nothing.' he replied without looking up from his glass.
'Bull. You're in a sour mood and have been for days.' Buck looked around to make sure nobody was listening before whispering 'Has something happened with Y/N?'
'No nothings happened. Thats the problem. I havent seen her properly since we came back from London.' Bucky said. He looked like a pouty child, not a grown man. Buck would have laughed if he wasnt worried about his friend.
'Well her and the Colonel just arrived. Why don't you ask her to dance again?'
'Are you really encouraging me?' Bucky questioned. He knew Buck was disapproving of his affair.
'I'm not happy about any of this. But if a dance, just a dance, puts a smile on your beak then go for it.' Buck said, the sterness of his voice clear.
Bucky approached the table where Y/N and the Colonel sat, noticing how close the two sat together with the Colonel's hand on Y/N's lap made him want to punch him.
'Ah Major Egan!' the Colonel said upon noticing him, 'You just cant get enough of dancing with my wife?' he said. Before Bucky could answer he continued 'Well you're just in time, my lovely wife was just starting to get restless, can't have her sitting down too long, she demands to dance!' he laughed.
'Well I am always there for a lady in need.' Bucky held out his hand. 'May I have this dance?'
Y/N looked nervous, she looked between Bucky and the Colonel, before taking Bucky's hand. They walked to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance to the music. Bucky spun Y/N around until her back was against his chest. He took the moment to question her.
'I've barely seen you lately. Whats up?'
Y/N spun back out to face him before he pulled her closer. 'Nothing's up. I just don't want anyone getting suspicious.' She spun back out in a twirl.
'You could at least say you've missed me doll.' Bucky said as she twirled in the opposite direction, once again having her back to his chest.
'Of course I've missed you.' she said. She was looking around making sure nobody was paying too much attention to them. Bertie was talking with some other men, his back to the dancefloor. She tried to twirl herself away from him again, but he held on to her tightly.
'I told you I loved you, and you said it back. And then we get back here and its like it never happened.' Bucky wished he could wisk her off to a quiet corner somewhere to have this conversation, but this was his only opportunity.
Y/N finally broke free of his strong arms. She spun herself out away from him, he quickly pulled her back in. 'Albert knows.' she said in a hushed and panicked tone.
'What?!' Bucky almost gasped. 'How? What did he say? Why hasnt he shot me yet?' Bucky looked in the direction of the Colonel, he looked very calm for someone who's wife was having an affair.
'He hasnt said anything, but he's acting strange. I'm sure he knows.' Y/N replied. She did her best to keep it look like they were dancing and having fun.
'So you're not actually sure he knows?' he breathed a sigh of relief. 'Y/N its fine, he doesnt know. You think he'd let me dance with you? Let me live if he knew?'
'You don't know Albert. He plays the long game. I'm scared he's planning something.' she said, he bottom lip between her teeth.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Colonel Albert Clarke was not a stupid man. Dull, possibly. Maybe a bit old fashioned. But he wasnt stupid. He noticed the difference in Mrs. Y/N Clarke fairly quickly. It wasn't an obvious change, only someone who knew Y/N extremely well, someone who had been married to her for the past five years, would notice. It was the way she was wearing extra perfume these days. The way she seemed to be quickly running out of lipstick. The way she suddenly became so excited to go to the officers club, a place she previously had no real draw to. But mostly, it was her smile. The smile she used to give to him in the early days of their relationship. The smile that showed all of her beautiful sparkly white teeth. The smile that reached all the way to her eyes which made them crease in the corners. She had the ability to bewitch anyone with that beautiful, heart warming smile. He hadn't seen it in a while, perhaps in over a year. But he was seeing it again, pointed at Major John 'Bucky' Egan.
The Major was a nice man, a bit cocky perhaps. But he was a good soldier dedicated to his Country and his men. Even the Colonel could admit he was also handsome. Albert understood while Y/N would be attracted to him. But there was something else to it. He was certain that Y/N had come across many attractive men since their marraige, but he was certain this was the first time she had been unfaithful.
Whatever spell Major Egan had his wife under, Albert was certain he could not compete with it. He was older, not half as attractive, and he didn't have that secret ingreedient that made his wife fall in love with the Major in the first place.
She was definitely in love. She wouldn't have an affair with just anyone. Because despite it all, Albert knew that Y/N was a good woman. Respectible. Kind. She would only do this to him if there was really no other option. He loved his wife. He loved her faults and all. He was and always would be greatful for the love and support she gave to him over the last five years. Which is why when she and Egan went to dance at the club, he looked away. Moved his chair so his back was to the dancefloor. He did his best to engage in ocnversation with the men sitting near him, pretending what was happening behind him wasn't happening at all.
The following morning at the mess hall, Y/N was placing some breakfast muffins on a tray when Bucky came up to her. 'I think you dropped this Mrs. Clarke.'
Y/N spun round and was about to tell him she didnt drop anything. Then she saw the note in his hand. 'Thank you Major.'
It wasn't until she was back in the kitchen that she unfolded the note.
Meet me at our spot. Where we first started marching. 2pm. I'll be waiting. -B
Marching? Keep marching on. Their first conversation. After Curt died, where she encouraged him to keep going. She smiled at the memory, suprised he had remembered. He must know that Albert had a meeting at 2pm. She tucked the note into her bra and carried on serving breakfast. She smiled the who way through the breakfast rush, thinking of Bucky.
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