#i headcanon remus and sirius being this gentle and dumb
I won’t be ok with myself unless I share this with everyone.
Not Anothe Band Au - TheLovelyZee
now shut up and read this beautiful fic because I loved it and you’ll love it and it’s everything I’ve ever wanted and-
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bchanslvr · 3 years
ok i’m sorry for this, i’m in a hurt/comfort mood but what about a blurb or headcanon about comforting harry after sirius dies. i’m prepared to cry 🥺💖
𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
pairing - harry potter x fem!reader
words - 1, 194
warnings - sooooo much angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, character death, please let me know if i missed any tw!!
a/n - the title is inspired by the song itself 'I wanna be yours' by Arctic Monkeys. and i hope i made you cry like you requested! <3 Also I went wayy past a small blurb, I couldn’t help myself.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Oh how you wished everything could change. How you wished the world wasn’t so cruel. If not for you. For your boyfriend.
"EXPELLIARMUS!," the shout echoed through the hollow room, the sound now deflated by other curses, shouts, the sound of wind whipping through the air as people fought for their lives.
"NICE ONE JAMES!," yelled an old but gentle voice through the crowd. You couldn’t see from where you were, blocking yet another spell from one of the death-eaters as you shielded yourself from further hexes. But you knew things were getting quiet dark and gruesome up above near the veil. The hundred year old arch, crumbling from years of damage and ageing, a soft blanket of cold nothingness floating in the middle. A beautiful but dangerous fate. "AVADA KEDAVARA!," a shrilly, pyshco voice of a female broke through the tender walls of a heart. At the note of a unforgivable, everyone’s gaze altered. No. No. This-this can’t be happening. NO! Everyone seemed to freeze in utter horror and shock as they watched Sirius Black fall through the veil. A hand they saw, reaching out for the last time, as if to feel the world one last time before he vanished. Gone. Completely gone like a speck of dust on a windy day. Your gaped at the scene for no longer a second before switching to him. Oh how you wanted to run to him, and hold him in your arms as you whispered everything will be okay. But your feet apparently were content being glued to the floor as you watched the next few minutes pass by. Remus rushed over to Harry as he held him back, his body struggling to hold the teenage boy in his arms as he screamed in frustration and pain. It was the most heart-breaking thing you’ve witnessed in your life, your heart clenching even more tightly as your mind kept shouting like a broken record that he was your boyfriend, your lover that was suffering, what the hell are you doing? get up there and help him! But yet you stayed there, dumb-folded as you tried to process what happened. Your mind too slow to comprehend the last few minutes of Dumbledore and Voldemort’s fight, that your Harry, your sweet, loving, Harry, tried to crucio Bellatrix, the hands of your best friend Hermione Granger wrapping around your shoulders as she clung onto Tonks as you three apparated away. - A soft knocking filled the empty hallway of Grimrauld Place, the emptiness getting to you as you knocked again but the thought of what was inside making you whisper a: "Can I come in?" Silence. A soft yet broken voice replied with a gentle, "Yes". The ancient door creaked open loudly as you entered, the room inside filled with a blank kind of sadness. You eyes gently washed over the room as you took in the sight of what was on the bed.
Harry...You thought sympathetically as you saw him wrapped in an old black hoodie, curled up in a ball, holding onto something with tears in his eyes as he shivered on the old bed. "Do you want me to stay or leave?," you asked, wise enough to think about Harry’s tender emotions. "No don’t leave! Please stay...," he blurted. Your heart stung more as you watched his eyes glaze over at you, tears starting to prickle again. But you will be having none of that as you walked towards the bed. You motioned your hands towards him to move over a bit so you can adjust yourself against the headboard. He got up immediately(tho with a clumsy grip)as you gently reached out your hand to him, knowing more than ever to be precise and gentle with your movements at a time like this. He crawled over to you, dropping what seemed to be a letter as he moved closer to you. You spread your legs widely, motioning for him to get in between, which he did, gently resting his head on your breasts, his arms hanging onto your shirt tightly as his legs curved into you. Due to the close proximity of each other’s body, you got to hear his stuttered breathing and gentle beat of his heart. Tears spilled down his red cheeks like a fountain as he tried to get closer to you, as if he wanted to be inside you. Your own e/c eyes starting to prickle with hushed tears at seeing your lover in just a depressing stage. But you had to be the strong one here. Harry needed you right now, he’s depending on you to make him feel better. So you softly wrapped your arms around his shaking figure, your chin resting atop his hair, one of your arms coming up to comb gently through his soft locks. He broke down completely after that, such a small gesture bringing him so much comfort and love. He sobbed silently, clutching onto you like a lifeline as he released his pent-up emotions. Your heart ached for the fragile boy on you, damning whoever was listening for doing something so mean and cruel. Hasn’t he had enough already?!? You reasoned in your head as you held him tighter. You made out some words through his heart-wrecking sobs, such as "I-I’m so sorry-", "Why?", "Hurts so much-". After those lines, you made it your goal to protect him from now on. Who cares what other things? He was your Harry after all, and if you wanted to protect him and take care of him because no one gives a damn about his feeling, then you will. His sobs lowered a spectacular amount as you kept cooing soft words in his ear, a gentle reassurance that he was not alone, that he needent be sorry for something he didn’t even do, just those 3 words, I love you, soothing those rips in his heart, your words stitching the large gash inside inside him back together. You could tell he was becoming tired, he must of been mourning the loss of his godfather all day, the darkness of a pitch black sky taking over the shining blue, the moon creeping up slowly, replacing the hot-blazing warmth of the sun with a gentle, cool shine. His eyelids drooped slowly after fighting so long to keep them open, your fingers tugging on his hair gently till you heard the quieted, soft snores of the man you love. You let a small smile of love graze your lips as your own eyelids fluttered. Your mind taking you away to a dreamland where everything was perfect and filled with only love, happiness and Harry. Both your bodies warming against each other as you rested in peace. And if Remus and Tonks came in the middle of the night to check up on you both, and if they smiled with watery eyes at the beautiful image you and Harry created because you both reminded them so much of Lilly and James.
Then they did. And so did you, as your arms instinctively tightened against the delicate sleeping body on you because it was your world tonight. And it was filled with only love, happiness and Harry.
At least if only for tonight...
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist - @dearseungie @hey-there-angels [just send an ask or a comment to be added or removed :]
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Bret you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Peter Pettigrew!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
We were so happy to see your application in our inbox! Your application shone with your amazing writing and the thought that you’ve put into Peter. It’s been a joy to see him before -- and it’s going to be amazing seeing how you develop him further Your para sample was a joy to read -- especially how you delved into Peter’s mindset and how he views the world so differently from the rest of the Marauders -- and even starting with your reason for choosing him as a second character, it was clear that you had a handle on how tragic his story can be and how isolated Peter feels. 
application beneath the cut
Bret, Twenty Five, EST. She/Her.
7/10. I plan on dividing my threads between days, so a few on each character depending on what amount of muse I have. I think I could do a lot between the two characters because of all of the time I’ve accumulated this summer. And even if my girlfriend has my computer for work, I’ve rebooted hers so I’ll just use this ole piece of dust.
*removed for privacy
Originally it was through a member, but I’ve been here for ages!
Arabella Figg. Before this roleplay I was obsessed with her homely nature, and how willing she was to protect Harry. Plus, her love for kneazles definitely is equal to mine with kittens. But now that I play her, and I’ve fleshed her out, I’m realizing how much she truly is like me. Of course that comes with playing her, but it doesn’t matter. I identify with her so, so much.  
Peter Pettigrew
Dane DeHaan
Peter Pettigrew is an insanely under appreciated character that deserves to be explored.
Aside from his involvement with the Marauders, his defection from the Order during the first war, and his involvement in the second, we don’t know much about him. Introverted, clumsy, and not very clever - those are the few traits the books give him. But what draws me to his character is that there is much more to him beneath the surface that has yet to be touched. I don’t believe that Peter is as cowardly as people make him to be, but I also don’t believe he is incredibly intelligent. I think he’s a hoarder, he’s exhausted, and he’s not very friendly to strangers.
Hogwarts, in my opinion, was a difficult time for him and after graduation he was lost and grasping to find a niche he belonged to. That isolation is a small fragment of the reason that he joined the Death Eaters, though reluctantly. They didn’t accept him but they made him feel important. Enough so that he was willing to pretend his friends no longer mattered, though the three were always nagging at the corners of his brain. Peter is a character who needs people to guide him, comfort him, and make him feel special.
He’s a young boy in the midst of a war, barely out of school, and confused about his life path. The decisions he makes are rash and thoughtless, all because he’s just a teenager, and they all come to bite him later in life. I want to explore his descent into the Death Eaters and becoming a spy, his relationships, and his entire life now that the war is at a climax.
Peter/Chemistry. He/Him.
Peter is a closeted bisexual. He believes that homosexuality is immoral because that was what his father pressed whenever he asked about other boys. When he was younger he was envious of their looks and their nature, and sometimes he found envy turning to lust. But always he would remind himself that to be attracted to boys would make his father furious and suddenly Peter would throw himself at girls. And their rejection made him isolated and scared, and the cycle would begin again. Now that his father is dead and his mother hasn’t spoken to him, Peter is more liable to give in to temptation. But as of now the war matters more than sex or love, both of which he has never tasted.
001. Honeydukes is the only place that Peter truly misses from his Hogsmeade trips. Lemon drops, peppermint sticks, chocolate frogs, and Bertie Botts. He remembers the trips through snow and falling leaves and warm cobblestone. His memory is flooded with laughter and giving and the gentle touch of a friend. Honeydukes was never just a shop of sweets and childhood happiness, it was the one place that had never been tainted by a bad Professor or embarrassing moment. He clings to it dearly even after others have forgotten.
002. After his father died, his mother stopped responding to his letters. It had come as a surprise for Peter to find his owls returned empty handed because he considered himself to have been rather close with his mom. Now he continues to write her in the hopes that she will come back to him, but in the meantime it has inspired him to find work and make a living. He wants to impress her should she find her way back into his life.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
“Invisibility. I want to be a fly on the wall sometimes. Rats aren’t small enough to hide forever and my friends already know what I look like, y'know? I only want a potion that wears off after a few hours, but nothing disgusting. I bloody want one that tastes like peppermint, or coffee, or something sweet. And it would be smooth and work without pain. Just invisibility without any strings. I wouldn’t name it! Otherwise people would find out and they’d steal it from me. I’d never want that.”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
“I have to pick one person? Remus has always been the nicest towards me…as an individual. But I would like everyone there. Sirius and James, too, though they’d make jokes about me being a bloody coward. And I am, alright? I don’t want to go ink the Forbidden Forest at night. I never have. As for what I’d bring…whatever James needed me to. I could only imagine we’re going in there for one of his schemes, or Sirius’ pranks. I’d just have whatever they need.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
“What to do, when to do it. I used to believe I was independent but I’ve never been, not really. I’ve always needed someone to guide me. I just bloody wish I was normal, like my mates. I can barely take care of myself and they’re having full lives.”
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
“That I’m dumb. People always assume that because my marks were bad, that I’m stupid. Well, I am. But they’re not allowed to say it, right? I need to hold some dignity. Only my mates can say it because they’re just taking the piss. It’s normal. Other people saying it will make me…Merlin, I’m not bloody violent. Not really. I won’t do anything…I just don’t want them to say it.”
The world was black, and white, and smelled of mud.
Peter felt the lasting tug of freedom as he scuttled down the corridor and felt the coolness of stone beneath his paw pads. The soft clack of long nails were the only sound invading the heavy silence of the air, but he was sure no human would think twice about it. Another old house settling into its foundation, creating creepy noises in its wake. He was just another sound to the people in that room, he was just another creature lost among the hundreds of things surviving in the towering building.
A sharp left and he found himself face to face with a slightly ajar door, the wood warped from years of deprivation and unable to close entirely. He could see the splinters that would catch in his amber fur and embed in the flesh of his back, but this was for the greater good and he would manage through the pain. It was nothing in comparison to what his mates had done previously on their own missions, or what he would be asked to do in the future.
Who would he be spying on next?
The thought stopped him, and Peter felt his heart thundering in his chest. The Order trusted him but they didn’t give him the incentive that he wanted. It wasn’t enough to fight for equality and justice, it wasn’t enough to get a pat on the back when he didn’t completely fuck something up. He wanted real pride, and danger, and the sweet taste of adrenaline. But the thought of his friends had him questioning what had gone wrong in his childhood to make him okay with betrayal. Would he ever truly be happy? What if it came down to murder, or a duel, or looking at James and telling him you were never meant to be good?
He forced himself to move and slid under the door, refraining from eliciting a noise as the splinters tore into his back. Later he would ask Remus to pluck them out and he would smile and pretend that the mission went beautifully. Later he would tell them that he hadn’t thought twice about eavesdropping on the Death Eaters.
Later he would lie and give them false information.
His human form was uncomfortable and awkward as he emerged from his rat body. The group would be in the next room, but he had chosen to come as an Animagus to avoid being seen until that moment. A silver mask was affixed to his face but it made breathing impossibly difficult and he ached to take it off. This wasn’t him, his head screamed. This was not Peter Pettigrew of the Order who followed his mates around every day.
This boy was nothing like that child, and he doubted he’d ever be allowed to go back.
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