#i hope i don't have a panic attack from being in such a small space for so long
skynecraft · 2 months
sooo nervous about getting the MRI tomorrow :(
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buckyalpine · 9 months
Ex!Bucky fluff
I’m about to break hearts rn but I’ll mend it with a mini life saver. I promise. I was in a silly goofy mood for angst but I can't just leave the ending like that.
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut, trying to regulate his breathing while practicing the grounding methods you had taught him, your soft voice guiding him through his panic attack.
"Tell me what you see around you"
"I-I see the curtains, the coffee table, the bookshelf- uh- the couch" You nodded, encouraging him to continue while his glassy eyes flicked around the living room. He looked at all the things you had hand picked for the space when you moved in together; the empty box he used as a shelter finally became a home after he met you.
"How about something you can smell"
"I-I can smell the laundry detergent on the blanket" It was Bucky's favorite scent because it smelled like lavender and lavender smelled like home. Home was you.
"What else my love" You cooed, "What can you touch"
"The pillow- it feels soft" Bucky's fingers dug into the sofa as he stayed frozen in place but he knew how soft the couch cushions were. After all you had picked them because you were obsessed with how plush they were.
"What is something that's real"
“You’re here with me”
"Oh, Jamie"
"You're always here" Bucky's voice cracked with emotion, the tears he had been holding in falling down his cheeks and staining his Henley.
You smiled sadly, shaking your head.
"I'm not, baby" Your voice was a gentle whisper, wishing you could reach out to cup his scruffy cheek, wiping the steady stream of tears that continued to pour down his face "But I wish I was"
Now I had planned on stopping here, insinuating reader had died. however if you don't stand for that, you may continue to read below.
Bucky couldn't take it.
6 months.
6 months he'd gone without you, hoping one day it would get easier but the day never came. He hoped the guilt of breaking your heart would balance with the fact that you'd be safer without him but not having you by his side was worse than any kind of torture he'd endured. He didn't think he was worthy of your love but now here he was, craving it more than ever.
He thought his love for you would make him selfless enough to carry on alone just to keep you out of harms way but his walls were crumbling further each day.
He needed you so bad.
He wanted to be selfish.
For his luck, you hadn't gone far. He'd made sure to keep tabs on you long after you left, anxiety eating him alive on days where you did something differently from your routine. Even if you were not together, he'd make sure you were protected.
You put away your groceries for the week, shuffling around the tiny apartment you'd moved back into 6 months ago, going through the motions as if your heart hadn't been split into two. No amount of convincing allowed him to believe he deserved you. You shook away that train of thought, a gentle knock at the door breaking you away from the small kitchenette.
You hesitated, debating on reaching for the knife you had hidden under the cupboard, something Bucky had taught you when he insisted on also teaching you self defense. The gentle knocking continued as you unlocked the handle without undoing the chain, gasping when you opened the door.
There he was.
The man you still cried over each night.
The man who still owned your entire heart.
The man who you adored with your entire being to the end of the earth and back. You shakily undid the chain, letting him inside, still too shocked to say anything.
"M'sorry" His voice came out a broken whisper, bottom lip already trembling seeing you wrapped up in a hoodie he thought had lost. "I'm sorry darling"
You didn't realize you'd broken down into tears until you felt him wrap you up, hugging you tightly to his chest, his own emotions overwhelming him.
"Please don't cry" Bucky wept into your hair as he clung onto you, rocking you in his strong arms, "Please baby, not over me, don't cry angel"
"I-I-al-already-c-cried-so-much" You choked and hiccupped between sobs, clinging onto Bucky harder as if he'd disappear into thin air the same way he did each night when you woke up from your dreams. The bed would feel cold and empty, the room too quiet and your heart all alone. "I'll-cr-y-if-I-w-want-t-to"
You let out a shaky huff, your brows knitted together into a pouty frown, trying hard to be angry with him, angry at the fact that he didn't allow you to love him the way he deserved, angry that he pushed you away instead of trying to workout a different solution. Bucky couldn't help but let out a wet chuckle between sniffles, giving you a soft squeeze and tilting your face up to peck your bottom lip which had been jutting out.
"I never want you to cry again love, I'll never make that mistake again" He swore, looking deeply into your eyes, cradling your head against where his heart was hammering against his chest. "Never again sweetheart, I'm so sorry I pushed you away baby, I can't do this without you, I love you so much"
You whimpered at his words, allowing him to lift you up, your legs moving on their own to wrap around his waist, burying your face into the crook of his neck. Bucky carried you all the way back and straight to the bedroom. He wanted nothing more than to hold and cuddle you, craving more with each passing minute until he was as close as he could possibly be. He stayed inside you, smiling against your sweat slicked skin, not bothering to pull out once the entire night.
"I'm finally home" He whispered against your skin, pressing soft kisses to your cheeks while you looked at him quizzically, giggling at his lips continues to dance across your lips, "It's not home without you"
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captainlunaxmen · 5 months
My Safe Space
Eddie Munson x reader x Steve Harrington
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: something bad happens after a party, but tou don't want to make your boyfriends worry.
Warnings: mention of rape, slight panic attack.
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Having two boyfriends sounds like fun, right?
Yeah... it is. Most of the time.
For example, double the cuddles, double the attention and double the fun too.
But it also mean double the effort in not making them worry.
I've been with Eddie 'the freak' for almost 4 years, then Steve came along too. This three way relationship is still new for them, so they're still trying to figure their 'side' of the relationship out, but it's going well so far.
The most evident thing they have in common is that they both care a lot about me and worry for the smallest thing, which is sweet, but sometimes it makes it hard for me.
Like tonight.
Steve's parents are away for the summer, apparently, so Eddie and I will stay with him as he offered.
I just came back from a party I was with Nancy. She left at some point with Jonathan so I just spent most of the time with some journal friends from school before walking to Steve's.
That's when I run into Jason and his friends...
I try not to make any noise as I enter Steve's house, hoping both him and Eddie are already asleep.
I try to keep my breath steady, but my body refuses and just keeps shaking.
I take off my torn jacket amd torn thighs and throw them in the garbage.
The lights are out so maybe they really are asleep. So I slowly walk upstairs to check in the bedroom.
I find them laying in the bed, holding hands with a small empty space between them, for me probably. They always insist on me being in the middle so they 'can protect me better' as they always put it.
I sadly smile and just head to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.
I take a deep, shaky breath and just fall on the floor letting out a sob I held back since that.
I just cry for what felt like an eternity. When I feel like I have no tears left, I stand up and get in front of the sink.
I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror.
It definitely looks like I've been crying.
I take a deep breath and then I heard the doorknob being moved, that makes me jump a little.
"Sweetheart, is that you?"
"Yeah" I quickly say, hoping he doesn't notice the tremble in my voice.
"You just got back?" He sounds sleepy.
"Yeah" I say, quickly again.
"You had fun?"
"Are you okay?" He starts to get worried.
"Yeah" I curse myself for repeating the same thing... with the same tone... not suspicious at all.
"Can I come in, sweetheart?" He asks, trying again to open the door.
I take a deep breath, swallowing down a sob threatening to escape.
"I'll be out in a second, love" I tell him.
"I'll be here" he tells me.
I quickly check myself again in the mirror. It looks like I'm tired now. Which is true. Maybe I can make it believable.
I take another deep breath, once again and unlock the bathroom door and step out. I find Steve leaning on the opposite wall.
Once he looks up to me he immediately opens his arms to hug me.
I unconsciously tense at the contact.
He notices.
"Hey.. you alright?" He lets me go to look at my face.
"Yeah.. uh... I'm just tired" I say with a forced smile.
"Are you su-"
"Yes, Steve. I'm just tired. Danced a lot with Nance" I try to chuckle to make the story more believable.
"Okay... okay" he's not convinced, I can tell. "Come to bed?"
"I'll make myself a tea first." I tell him "you go, don't worry."
"I can keep you company" he offers "Eddie's just completely gone. He won't notice to be alone for a few minutes"
"Oh.. no, no, love. Please you look already asleep" I try to joke "go to bed, I'll be there in a few."
"Are you sure you're okay?" He tries again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to avoid a headache tomorrow morning"
"Okay.. but if you need anything, anything, call me" he kisses my cheeks and I start to walk downstairs again.
I didn't lie, I'm gonna make some tea, but I have no intention in getting in bed with them.
Not tonight. Not after what happened.
I slept on the couch. Even if 'slept' is not the correct word to use, it would implie I actually got to sleep.
I get up pretty early and decide to make breakfast for Eddie and Steve.
After a while I hear footsteps coming downstairs.
"Good morning, my darling" Eddie greets me.
"Morning, my love"
He immediately comes to hug me from behind and I, once again, unconsciously tense up.
"What's wrong?" He immediately ask.
"Nothing" I smile to make it more convincing.
"Yeah, she did the same with me when she got back from the party" Steve explains as he comes into view.
"Is something wrong, love?" Eddie asks again.
I open my mouth to answer him, but Steve cuts me off.
"She didn't even sleep in the bed with us tonight"
"I did" I try to convince them.
"No, you did not" Steve says, using a sweet tone. "What happened, sweetheart?"
"Nothing" I say with a nervous laugh. "I mean I'm probably just a little stressed for, you know, the project with that journal course I told you about. It's probably that. Don't worry your pretty little heads"
Eddie goes to take my hand and I instinctively flinch away.
"It's not some stupid project the problem here." He states, concern evident in his voice.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Steve comes closer, but not too much.
"N-nothing... I... I'm just... uh..." my eyes start watering, I blink the tears away as much as possible "I'm just stressed. Nothing bad happened."
I get back at making the pancakes mixture avoiding their eyes.
"Y/n... we... we just want to help" Eddie tells me. I hate hearing his voice breaking like this.
I sigh shaking my head.
"At least tell us what we can do to make you feel better. Anything." Steve too tries.
"We just want to take care of you"
We just wanna take care of you.
Those words...
I uncontrollably start to cry again, falling on the floor hugging myself, Steve and Eddie are quick to kneel next to me. Careful not to touch me.
"Sweetheart, it's okay. We're here"
"Yeah, nothing's gonna happen."
They try to touch me again and I let them this time.
"Is it okay if we hold you, princess?" Eddie asks.
I slightly nod, still avoiding their eyes.
Carefully, Eddie wrap his arms around me, rubbing my arms to calm me down, while gently rubs my knees.
I take a deep breath and reach out to grab their hands, holding then tight.
"I... I was walking back from the party." I start.
"You don't have to tell us if you're not ready yet, my love" Eddie reassures me.
I just nod but I keep speaking.
"I was walking because I let Nancy go home with Jonathan. I stayed at... at the party for a little longer... chatting with some friends... then.." I let out a sob and Eddie and Steve's hands draw circles on mine reassuringly.
"It's okay, Sweetheart. We're here" Steve softly says.
"Then... while I was walking home I... uh... I... I heard a car... stopping not far from where I was... I didn't think much of it at first... then... uh.. then" I take a deep, shaky breath "then I heard Jason's voice. He was calling me. Next thing I know is... is that I.. was.. I was completely surrounded by his friends. They... they were... they uh.. started to calling me names... and then... then...fuck" I cry again, sobbing violently, Eddie holds me closer and Steve kisses my hand.
"Fuck... I just... I can still feel their hands... all over me... I... " I just cry.
"Sshh, my love. You're okay. We won't let it happen again. We promise" Eddie whispers to me.
"We're so sorry, Sweetheart. So sorry. We shouldn't have let you go alone"
I shake my head.
"It wasn't your fault. Please... don't.. don't blame yourself." I ask.
"Help me get her to the couch" Steve asks Eddie who slowly move his arms away from me to help me stand up, on shaky legs.
They lead me to the couch and let me sit, then they kneel in front of me.
"I'm sorry.." I barely whisper.
"What for, my love? You didn't do anything wrong. You hear me? It wasn't your fault" Eddie firmly tells me holding one of my hands as Steve gently stroke the other one.
"I made you worry..."
"So what? We worry all the time for you, sweetheart. It's not a surprise" Steve jokes to enlighten the mood a bit.
"Yeah, I mean, you remember when you were staying with me at Christmas?" Eddie asks and I nod "I woke up and you weren't next to me. I almost freaked out then I heard the shower." He chuckles turning to look at Steve "turned out she was taking a shower"
Steve laughs at that and I do too.
"See? We're always gonna worry about you. We love you" Steve kisses my hand.
I notice I'm not shaking anymore, so I smile at them and bring their hands to my mouth and kiss them.
"How do you feel?" Eddie asks sitting next to me, Steve does the same.
"Better... thank you" I say leaning my head on his shoulder, letting him hug me.
"Good, now... you stay here with her and I" Steve stands up "have to make a little visit"
"What?" I ask alarmed.
"Not a chance, Harrington. You'll only get your ass kicked. I'll go" Eddie stands up too "Where's your bat?"
"What? No! You two are staying here" I firmly say, standing up.
"Why?" They ask at the same time.
"Because..." I say.
"Because...?" Eddie asks.
"There's... there's no need" I say looking down at my feet.
"No need? Love, they hurt you... we... fuck. We can't let them get away with it." Steve comes to me rubbing my arms.
"He's right. At least let us talk to Hopper" Eddie suggests. "Please"
"I... I don't... "I stutter and Steve only holds me.
"We'll be with you the entire time. We promise, my love." Eddie reassures me.
"Can... can we do it... later... not now, please?" I ask, my eye watering up once again.
"Sure, love. Whenever you're ready." Steve kisses my head.
"How about breakfast then?" Eddie gently grabs my hand leading me back to the kitchen.
I move to get back to the pancakes mixture, but Eddie stops me.
"I got it, my darling" he tells me.
"I can still use my hands, Eddie" I tell him rolling my eyes playfully.
"I know. That doesn't mean I can't spoil my girl" he winks.
I feel Steve coming up behind me, hugging me and resting his chin on my shoulder.
"He's right, you know. Plus you can't stop us from spoiling you, sweetheart." He kisses my cheek.
"I love you." I say, slightly embarrassed from their attention.
"Aaww look at her. She still gets all shy with us" Steve jokes.
"Still not use to have two guys at your feet, love?" Eddie sweetly smirks.
"Shut up" I say.
"Yeah stop teasing my girl, Munson" Steve jokingly accuses Eddie.
"Your girl? Man, we're all together here. Key word: share" Eddie replies.
"Okay, okay, while you two fight I'll go change and... yeah.. throw these clothes away." I half smile and the nod checking if I'm actually okay, once they're convinced Steve lets me go and kisses my cheek and so does Eddie.
"Be quick, or Harrington here will eat everything" he jokes.
Steve looks at him in disbelief.
They keep bickering and joking all while Eddie finishes making breakfast and I walk upstairs.
I finally feel safe again.
I feel stupid for not telling them right away, they would probably tell me that no, I'm not stupid, but still.
They're my safe place, always.
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kukekakuningaskris · 15 days
SSOL, Bojan, and wishful thinking
aka thoughts on Sunny Side of London and a different view than what the band paints it as - a long ramble that resembles an analysis.
So SSOL has been described by the band as a song that captures and describes their concerts, and that the Sunny Side of London is not a real, physical space and rather something that represents their fandom as well as their concerts. Thus it is seen as a fun upbeat song, meant to raise your mood and feel included in something - to feel as if you are part of something fun. I, however, have a different interpretation of the lyrics.
Since London is known for its bad weather and rain, the title Sunny Side of London feels like it is referencing something that doesn't exist. Something you dream of and wish for, but don't actually have. In this regard, the lyrics are wishful. The lyrics wish for a place in which everyone can be as free as a dove, in which your money, sexuality, gender, skin colour or religion don't matter. Wishing for equality and for a place in which all that matters is your happiness and love for others. Looking at this from the perspective of a wishful dream, the lyrics turn sombre, as if painfully aware that this is not real and the place they yearn for does not exist. The lyrics wish for a sunny London and a beautiful day. But only wish, because it is not real, and is impossible to achieve. Or, like a sunny day in London, could be achieved for just small moments before it's all gone again, and what's left is a depressing and unaccepting place,in which you are not free. A representation of reality.
Additionally, the lyrics are often read and understood as being about the audience the band has - the fans that come to their shows. However, I think that the lyrics are about Bojan himself, much like Barve Oceana is written about himself. In 2021, Bojan said that during their concerts he is free as a bird because he is surrounded by friends who know him well, so he doesn't have to be ashamed of anything. This correlates to the lyrics of SSOL that are about hugging your best friend, being as free as a dove, and nothing except happiness and love mattering. In the same interview he said that when he is on stage he never feels like he doesn't belong or that he doesn't know what he is doing there. That is to say, the stage was a safe place for him - his own sunny side of London.
When looking at the recently shared image of the early version of SSOL lyrics, it seems like Bojan himself is even more present in the song than in the final lyrics. Overall, these lyrics are more personal to the band. The earlier version uses a lot of 'we' and 'us', while the published lyrics only use 'you'. This shows that while the finished song is aimed toward the listener, the first versions also included the band itself in the people who were at the sunny side of London. With lines like "It's a place for people like me and you / So if you feel like joining us too" it is clear that this is Bojan himself speaking, and he is also looking for the sunny side of London.
This takes a more depressing turn when considering when the lyrics were written. The song was written in August of 2023, less than a month after the concert during which Bojan suffered a panic attack. He has later said that since the incident the stage hasn't felt as comfortable to him, and that he has lost his safe space. Paired with the idea of the sunny side of London being something unreachable and wishful thinking, it seems as if the lyrics are mourning the loss of the safe space Bojan had. The lyrics are hopeful, aggressively so, as if trying to find a place of freedom while knowing that it is just a dream, and that the reality is much harsher. It seems like Bojan was trying to dream up a place in which he would feel safe and accepted, since in reality he had lost that.
In conclusion, reading the lyrics of the song as if the sunny side of London was something that didn't exist, the lyrics seem depressing, as if knowing such a good and accepting place could never exist. It also reveals Bojan's struggle with trying to feel comfortable on a stage again, since the lyrics seem to be for (if not about) himself.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 3 months
Lost and Found ♧ | 3.
Leon S. Kennedy x reader (ft. Ashford Graham)
《A/N》: FINALLY THE LAST PART!! I really like how this one turned out. You can definitely tell that my writing has improved if you look at the first parts lol. I do plan on remastering parts 1 & 2 just to clean every up a little! Enjoy <3
~ Fi 🐝
《Warnings》: mild panic attack, PTSD, mentions of Raccoon City, R and Leon being huge fucking geeks/nerds (I love them) LADY the bernese mountain doggy <33 + Dot, the convenience store cashier.
《Word count》: 5.9k
Part 1 ♧ Part 2 ♧ Part 3 ♧
This series is a quick read with only a little over 10k words in total :)
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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The little bar hangout you had with Leon lifted your spirits beyond expectations. It had felt so good to see him again, not within your stressful line of work or distant and painful memories, but in normal surroundings, just like it used to be.
Despite the high emotional tension that lingered after you'd returned his police badge to him, the night lightened the heavy weight that rested on your soul, making it that much easier to get out of bed in the morning.
You'd now left your little apartment on more occasions, not only when you had to. When taking Lady out for her walks, you'd stop by a local Cafe and enjoy a warm drink or frequent the little antique shop that had always caught your eye. It felt like a fresh breath of air, a new start to a life you didn't think you'd be capable of having.
It's not like everything was magically fixed, not even Leon had such power, but things were better. And right now, better was more than enough for you. Certain things changed in your living space as well.
You'd open a curtain or two, and finally put up the new mirror you bought. Even things as little as letting the sun into your living room had improved your overall well being.
And there was someone that was ecstatic that you were doing better. Lady had really been your lifeline the past few years. She gave you a reason to keep going, to not give up and maybe even let the small flame of hope in your heart burn without extinguishing it immediately. She was your best friend, really, always keeping you company and distracting you if you ever got lost in your head.
She'd always be there if you woke up from a bad nightmare, by your side in the blink of an eye. Lady would whine and nudge at you with her nose or lick your cheeks that were tear stained from yet another excruciating replay of that night. She'd cuddle close to you and lay her head on your chest, something that helped you steady your frantic breaths.
In return, you did everything in your power to make her life as best as you could. She deserved that and so much more in your eyes. Dogs really were a blessing.
"I don't know when he's getting here, Deedee. I'm sorry." You cooed at your wiggly pup. She'd pace around the living room and sit in front of your door with her beloved stuffie tucked between her teeth. Lady looked back at you with big eyes and whined, though the wagging of her tail never stopped.
"C'mere. Come on." You softly called for her, patting the spot next to you on the couch. Lady trotted over, the quiet 'pat pat' of her paws on the floor accompanying her until she reached you and jumped onto the sofa. She laid her head in your lap and looked up at you expectantly.
"You're excited, huh? S'not often we get visitors. We'll just have to wait a little bit longer, okay-"
You were cut off by the sound of your doorbell. Lady perked up and let out a hearty bark before she was sprinting to the door.
"Alright, alright, calm down, sweet girl." You chuckled, leaving your cozy spot on the couch and taking a peak through the peephole. A smile etched onto your face when you spotted that familiar head of blonde hair and those lovely blue eyes. He was swaying slightly, hands in his pockets. He looked quite nervous. It cut into your heart just a little, knowing that the comfortable atmosphere that you two had around you was gone after everything that had happened.
To an extent, you were basically strangers, and you needed to start from scratch, building a new friendship. Both of you have changed, to no surprise, so what was, will never be again, though you were certain that you still fit together like you used to. Or at least that was what the ever growing sprout of hope inside you told you.
"Leon." You smiled gently when you opened the door, being met with a kind smile of his own.
"Hi." He replied softly, pulling you into a hug. You melted into eachother, craving that familiar and comfortable touch. "I missed you." He mumbled, followed by a relieved sigh.
"I missed you too, blondie," you giggled softly,
"has work been hard on you lately?"
Leon chuckled as he pulled away, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"How do you always know?" You gave him a nonchalant shrug with a small grin before stepping aside, beckoning him into your home. Lady was sitting by your feet with her tongue out and a wagging tail, waiting to finally meet this guest you'd been talking about for weeks. There was a smile on his face as he stepped onto your doormat and knelt down, holding his hand out for your pup to sniff.
"Hi there, Lady. I'm Leon." He spoke softly as you watched in awe, your heart beating faster at his gentleness. Leon's gentleness was nothing new to you, but you've missed it after Raccoon City. You craved it, that soft and warm tone that never failed to make any worries fade away.
Seeing him being so soft with your dog was a bittersweet sting in your chest when you realized you wanted him to be that gentle with you again. Lady nudge her wet nose against his palm a few times before the wagging of her tail picked up, gentle drumming against your leg, before she surged forward and whined, excitedly sticking her face wherever she could.
Leon shifted his weight backwards a little so Lady wouldn't tackle him and he laughed and cooed at her, petting her face and scratching behind her ears.
"Such a sweet girl, huh? Who's a good girl? You've been keeping her safe and happy for me?" He leaned in closer for the last phrase, as if telling her a secret and he chuckled when he was met with a series of barks and huffs.
"She's absolutely infatuated with you." You smirked, your arms crossing in front of your chest. 'And so am I' you tried not to entertain the thought for too long, but every refusal you made about loving Leon, really loving Leon, slowly drifted away, letting your shoulders slightly slack and just feel the warmth of your love for him in your heart.
So what if you were in love with him? It wasn't hard to fall for him, but instead of tripping and stumbling forward a little, you fell off the highest mountain peak and landed straight on your face. But who could blame you, with that cute smile, those ocean blue eyes and a heart so pure it hurt. You'd think about it more later, maybe talk to Ashley about it, too. Right now, you wanted to keep the promise you made in the bar and enjoy an evening with your best friend. A measly attempt to feel normal again. To forget all the things you've seen, to feel whole again.
There always was a lingering darkness that shuddered through you, and it only seemed to be bearable when you were with Leon. You imagined what it would be like to live with him and Lady, to share a bed and wake up every morning with him, with that lingering cloud of gloom getting smaller day by day.
The sound of Leon's voice slammed that drawer of dreams and fantasies shut and snapped you back into the moment. He softly called your name, a worried crease between his brows. "Hey, are you alright?"
"Yeah, sorry, I just kinda... space out sometimes." You chuckled awkwardly. He cracked a small smile. "I get that. You're not alone." He said quietly, placing a firm hand on your shoulder while his other was scratching your pup's head.
Lady was whining quietly, her stuffed toy hanging from her mouth, upset at the lack of attention she was getting from Leon.
"Neither are you." You spoke gently, but with a sincere firmness. Leon's hand slid down your arm until it reached the faint scar on your forearm. He took your arm into his hands and drew circles into the skin surrounding your scar.
The gesture made the butterflies in your stomach flutter uncontrollably and you cursed them in your mind for making your cheeks heat up.
"How's your arm, hm?"
"It's good, all healed. It doesn't hurt, it's just... hard to look at some days." You gave him a tight lipped smile.
"Scars make you a survivor. You made it out of that shithole with your life, and that's one hell of a thing to do."
"I hope you talk that kindly to yourself, too."
Leon's head tipped forward slightly, exhaling sharply before swinging one of his arms over your shoulders.
"I don't know about you but I'm starving. And if I remember correctly, I was promised cuddles." He grinned, making you roll your eyes with a smile.
"I don't have much in the fridge but we can go to the convenience store right around the corner, they have decent hot dogs."
Lady perked up and barked at the mention of hot dogs.
"Hot dogs it is, then." Leon grinned, petting Lady again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The walk to the little convenience store was quiet and pleasant, making casual small talk about your daily life and any hobbies that you'd both spend time on outside of work. Lady was happily walking on her leash between you and Leon, him being on the side closer to the road, of course.
He insisted, and there was no arguing with him. Not that you wanted to, but he couldn't know that, so you feigned push back until you 'relented' with a sigh, and you walked on with Leon having a triumphant smirk on his face.
Lady was excitedly looking around at all the colorful light up signs and street lamps. You never took her out this late, you never felt safe enough to do so, but with Leon by your side you've never felt safer.
There was a quiet splat sound as you stepped through a puddle, courtesy of a downpour earlier in the day.
You could spot the familiar sign of the store further down the street when Leon spoke up.
"What movie did you pick?" A small grin crept onto your face at his question.
"You know how you're such a big fan of the Lord of the Rings hexalogy?"
"Yeah..." his furrowed brows and the hesitancy in his voice almost made you chuckle.
"And you know how they made the books into movies a couple of years ago?"
"Wait, don't tell me-"
"Well," you interrupted him as his eyes widened, "I happen to have the entire trilogy at home. Extended editions. I figured we could watch the first one." You smiled, watching the light in his eyes grow.
"Are you serious?" He chuckled breathlessly.
"God, you're the best best friend."
"Right back at you, Lee."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The little bell attached to the top of the door frame jingled as you stepped inside, Leon and Lady in tow. Leon's eyes fell on the short, elderly woman that was seated behind the counter, glasses on the tip of her nose with a pencil in hand, seemingly solving a crossword puzzle or perhaps Sodoku.
She wore a pink cardigan, and there were a few rollers hidden in her short silver curls. She glared over the top of her glasses at the ring of the bell, but her forming scowl was replaced by a bright smile when she spotted your kind face. Leon smiled just a little at the observation.
Apparently, you had the habit of carving yourself a spot in others' hearts no matter how cold or grumpy they were.
"Why, hello, dear! It's so nice to see you. You've brought Lady, too, I presume?" She chuckled, being met with a proud bark from your dog.
The woman slightly stretched upwards to take a look at your pup that was hidden behind the counter and she wiggled her manicured hand in Lady's direction, a form of greeting, before she rummaged through a drawer, pulling out a treat. Lady tapped her paws on the linoleum floor excitedly, waiting for her to throw the treat. She did with a soft giggle, clapping when Lady caught it.
"Good to see you, too, Dot." You smiled, scratching Lady's cheek.
"And who's this, hm?" She gave you a smirk before letting her gaze run over Leon,
"have you finally got yourself a boyfriend? Oh, I thought the day would never come!" She sighed excitedly.
"Rude." You grumbled underneath your breath. Before you could answer her, Leon took the reigns of the conversation.
"I'm Leon, her best friend. Nice to meet you." He said with a kind smile, holding out his hand for Dot to shake. She glared suspiciously at his hand but decided to take it in the end.
"Best friend, huh? How come I've never seen you before? God help me if I find out you're only pretending to be her friend so you can take her to bed and break her heart like the rest of your generation-" she pointed a finger at Leon accusingly, stretching forward as much as she could, though never reaching for enough to jab at his chest.
"Dot, Dot!" You scolded with a small chuckled, taking her wrist and tugging it back at her side.
"He's not like that, I promise." You said gently, watching as Dot still glared at Leon.
"Ma'am, I can assure you, I have no intention of ever breaking her heart." He chuckled, placing a hand over his heart.
Dot sank back into her chair.
"Good." She said firmly.
"We lost touch a couple of years ago due to some... unfortunate circumstances in the town we lived in," Leon glanced at you briefly, "but we recently found eachother again on a work trip."
He explained, watching as Dot's judgemental facade slowly crumbled.
"Oh, alright. I suppose you do look like a nice boy." She relented with a sigh, making Leon grin.
"Quite handsome, too." She pondered before turning in your direction, "it's a shame he isn't your boyfriend, you know."
"What? You can't be alone forever. You've known him a longtime. Most boys are either pretty or decent, not both. He's the exception, it seems. Are you just going to waste that?"
You sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of your nose. You knew very well that Leon was smiling bashfully with a blush on his cheeks. He never knew how to deal with compliments.
"Dot. We've been over this so many times. And can you please not talk about him like he isn't here??" You whisper-yelled the last part, feeling a heat crawl up your spine when Leon chuckled.
"Fine, don't take my advice then." She brushed you off, turning to Leon.
"Maybe you should take her to bed-"
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You waved Dot goodbye, stepping into the cool chill of the night with some snacks you'd bought in your bag and the only thing warming your hands being that delectable looking hot dog.
You sat down on a nearby bench, Lady sitting patiently at your feet while you fed her a couple bits of the sausage.
"These are pretty good for convenience store hot dogs." Leon's voice came muffled from beside you, when you turned your head you broke into laughter seeing him basically inhale that hot dog.
"What? I'm hungry." He defended himself, still muffled and obstructed as he chewed on the bun. You took another bite of your hot dog and chuckled as Leon licked his fingers.
Your laughter was contagious to Leon, he couldn't help when the familiar rumble of laughter surged through his chest.
You sat giggling and laughing on that bench for a while, no real reason or purpose for your laughter other than the person beside you, a feeling the both of you had longed for for as long as you can remember.
The laughing didn't stop on your way home, watching fondly as Leon continously threw a stick for Lady who darted off before returning with said stick. The empty streets echoed of excited barks and heartfelt laughter.
And that carefree feeling that made you breath without a heavy weight on your chest was something you wanted to cling on for as long as you could.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon's eyes were glued to your TV as he attentively watched as the scenes of The Fellowship of the Ring ran across the screen.
The bright and lovely beginning of the movie with all the green hills and the Hobbithole made tears of joy sit on his lashline as he talked about how surreal it was to see the world he'd read of and imagined so many times before. Lady was asleep with her head in Leon's lap while he gently petted her, like it was second nature to him, his other arm resting on the back of the couch.
You watched as the colorful light of the movie ran over the handsome features of his profile.
Your mind drifted to a multitude of different scenarios. What if he was your boyfriend? Is that something he'd want? Is that something you'd want? That answer came to you quicker than you'd like to admit. You wouldn't mind if you were dating. No, you wanted to date him. You wondered, what if he had similar thoughts about you? Or were you just as foolish as the last times and end up having to pick the shards of your heart off the ground?
But how nice it would be.
Your own little life with Lady and Leon, your own little family. Your heart yearned for it, you could feel that aching pull in your chest. Before you knew it, the credits were rolling and you snapped out of your somewhat embarrassing daydreams.
You rested your chin on his shoulder.
"So, what did you think?" You asked softly. Leon smiled before trying to start a sentence a couple of times but failing.
"I... it was incredible. S'like my childhood came to life. I mean, it did every time I read the books, but... this is different. Thank you." He said quietly, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
"Anything for you."
It slipped out before you could stop it. But instead of taking it back in a scramble of haphazardly formulated excuses, you let it linger.
You let it linger between the two of you, reveling in the warmth of it. Leon's arm slowly slipped from the back of the couch, settling heavy on your shoulders.
You let out a quiet sighed and subconsciously shuffled yourself closer to him to the point where your noses were almost brushing against one another.
"I'm so glad that I have you. Life's only been getting better since you came back into my life, it's like... all the color returned." He whispered, drawing circles into the back of your neck, sending both a searing hot feeling and a chill up your spine.
You could feel his warm breath on your face, and his blue eyes had never shone this bright.
You inched closer with half lidded eyes, enveloped and dazed by his embrace, his touch, his warmth.
Your lips brushed for a mere second before a loud bark from Lady snapped the both of you out of it, and you scrambled away from each other. You were pressed to the other end of the couch with burning cheeks as you kept your gaze away from Leon.
Lady whine and tilted her head, nudging her toy closer to Leon.
"You... you want to play?" He asked gently, a hint of disappointment tarnishing his tone. He got his confirmation with yet another bark and a wagging tail.
"M'sorry, but it's late. I should.." he cleared his throat and briefly glanced at you, making you whip your head away, "I should go home."
Lady whimpered sadly but Leon just gave her a few consolation pets before he got up from the couch.
You followed behind him, being the good host you were, seeing him out the door. The tension that hung in the air was thick and uncomfortable. Instead of the usual warm hug, you opted for an awkward wave. And with a stumbled promise of calling you in the coming days, Leon was out the door.
When you heard the click of the lock, you slid down onto the floor, back pressed against the door as you groaned, laying your face in your hands.
Your cheeks were a raging inferno by this point, and your pounding heart didn't exactly help either. There were so many things going on in your head at once. It felt like your brain was about to explode.
You wanted to cry and yell in frustration for having such a perfect moment ruined, but there was slight relief because were you ready for a change that big? Were you ready to never have your newly built friendship with Leon be the same again? All these unanswered questions were making your head spin.
You felt Lady's wet nose nudge at your hands and you pulled your head back, letting it fall back against the door with a soft thump. You sighed and closed your eyes.
"I love you, DeeDee, but what the hell was that?" You glanced at her, your voice being laced with nothing but defeat.
Your pup laid down beside you and looked at you apologetically and let out a soft whine. You cracked a small, soft smile and stroked her head.
"It's okay. I guess. I don't know. I need to sleep on it." You said quietly, followed by a sigh.
You retreated to your bedroom, tossing and turning. You spent most of the night staring at your ceiling or watching Lady take gentle breaths beside you.
Sleep didn't come easily to you that night. Though, you were lucky sleep came to you at all.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon let his head hit the steering wheel of his car with a sigh. He was finally so close to expressing his feelings for you without having to actually say it when it was all ripped away from him.
"Lady is lucky she's cute." He mumbled, starting the car and driving off to his home.
The growing frustration in his chest didn't go away as he drove on, to his dismay. He laid awake all night, staring at the empty side of his bed, imagining what it would be like if you were there.
If his bed wouldn't feel so cold anymore, despite his thick blanket.
He wanted nothing more than to hold you, to kiss you, to love you. Leon was certain you'd died that day. He remembered his cracked voice after screaming for you until he was dragged away.
The emtpiness in his heart when it sunk in that he had failed to save you and would now have to live with the overwhelming guilt of your loss.
The day you two crossed paths in that Spanish village, Leon swore to himself that he would do anything in his power to never feel like that again. He wouldn't lose you this time. Not again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
"I don't know what to do! It was so awkward." You sighed frustratedly, pulling at your hair.
"You guys almost kissed! A kiss is a two-sided thing. Usually. He's totally into you, too." Ashley beamed through the phone.
Your contact with Leon had been kept to a minimum these past few weeks. You didn't know how to even start a conversion now.
It was just that embarrassing and awkward almost-kiss moment running on loop in your mind whenever you thought of him.
"I just... I don't know. He might be? I mean, I want him to be... but I've been wrong before and I don't think I could handle getting my heart broken by him." You spoke, albeit somewhat dazed as you seemed to be lost in your thoughts.
"I think you should talk to him. I know it's awkward and uncomfortable, but it's only gonna get worse if you two keep avoiding each other like this." Ashley said softly, making you sigh and drag a hand down your face.
Not talking to Leon was eating you from the inside. You'd missed him terribly, but the thought of having to look him in the eyes after that incident made your skin crawl.
You looked outside of your window, the moonlit streets littered with bright neon signs reminded you of that you spent with him and Lady.
If talking to him meant you would experience something like that again and feel that intoxicating euphoria that was freedom and peace all over, you'd swallow your nerves and the twisting churn in your stomach and do it.
"I suppose.. you're right. It feels different now, you know? I guess now that I look back I've been in love with him for a while. Saying it out loud just... makes it real." You laughed half-heartedly, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
Lady was laying by your feet as you petted her absent-mindedly.
"It'll all work out, I promise! You gotta have more faith in yourself. You're a real catch." She giggled, making you crack a lopsided smile.
"Thanks, Ash. I'll... I'll talk to him. Soon. I'm... really tired right now, I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, no problem. Keep me updated!"
"I will, Bye-Bye." You chuckled.
"Talk soon!"
You let out a heavy sigh when the noise of the ended phone call hit your ears.
"What a mess, huh?" You asked Lady, smiling slightly when she gave you an affirmative huff.
Your thoughts were running wild, but you were exhausted. So, despite your brain screaming at you, you eventually fell asleep, a weird dread settling in your stomach as your eyes shut.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Your limbs felt leaden, your mind slowly waking up but your body refusing to as tears nipped at your lashline. Your muscles ached and quiet sobs slipped past your lips as the horrific pictures of that night ran behind your eyelids like a movie on a screen.
The blanket that would usually soothe your anxiety with its weight suddenly felt too heavy, all too much like the rubble you were buried under after the building collapsed on top of you. You could feel the sharp edges of concrete and rebar digging and cutting into your skin all over again. Your throat felt dry, just like when you breathed in all the dust and debris back then.
Your sobs grew louder, and they turned into pathetic wails as the memories continued to flood your mind. Still, your legs and arms refused to move, your breaths turning shallow as panic set in. All you could do was lay there like a wounded animal, trapped in the literal nightmare that were your memories.
Your door opened slightly, and Lady came rushing in, alarmed by your cries. She jumped up onto the bed and licked at your cheeks before nudging your arm with her nose. Your fingers twitched, and you gathered all your strength before you reached over to your nightstand and felt for your phone, all while Lady whimpered beside you.
You sagged back onto the bed once you've had a steady grasp on your cell. With trembling fingers, you clumsily tapped at the screen, hoping you'd somehow call Leon. Lady laid her head on your chest, hoping to help steady your breathing.
Sobs tore through you when that familiar pain in your chest set in, the one you felt when you thought Leon had you left you behind. You were angry and hurt, ready to chew him out the second you'd find him in all this mess.
But once you got out and ran from all the resident evil, and all you found was his bloodied badge, your anger evaporated and all that was left was the heart wrenching pain of having lost your best friend.
You grew frustrated with yourself when your numb fingers refused to his the right button, but eventually you managed to click on Leon's contact and your panic was soothed just a tiny bit when you hit the call button.
You cried through the rings of the phone, mentally begging for him to pick up. It was the middle of the night. You were all alone, but you hoped he'd pick up.
You felt like you were dying, the pain in your chest, the heaviness in your limbs, the lack of oxygen caused by your hurried breaths making you light headed.
"Please, please, please..." You sobbed, your hands shaking. A particular unpleasant wail left your throat when it went straight to his voice-mail. Lady softly barked at you, beckoning you to try again.
You could see the worry when you glanced down into ber big brown eyes. You tried again, feeling exhausted as all the crying and fast breathing sucked the strength from you. This time, he picked up at the first ring, making you sob in relief.
"It's the middle of the night, what- hey, hey, what's going on, are you okay?" His voice made the ache in your chest lessen, and you could even muster up the tiniest smile.
"L-Leon...'" You forced out between sobs and hiccups.
"What happened? Where are you?" He asked firmly, a rustling sound in the background.
"N-need you... please.."
"I'm coming, okay? Just breathe for me." There was worry and panic in his voice, but he kept it soft and soothing for you to help you calm down. You slightly nodded your head.
"Yeah, y-yeah, okay-" your trembling hand accidentally hit the red button, ending the called. Your arm gave out and your phone fell onto your bed, just out of reach.
The crying had drained more of your energy than you thought and you weeped as your phone lit up again and again, Leon calling you. You watched for what felt like forever as he called you continously and all you could do was watch with no strength left to move.
Lady whimpered and pushed your phone closer to you, but you couldn't even lift your finger to pick up.
You've never felt so helpless and pathetic in your life.
So, you continued sobbing as the memories still wouldn't stop as you waited for Leon, feeling a pouding headache setting in already.
Finally, after what felt like some excruciating hours to you, you heard your front door click. You thanked all of the gods above that you'd exchanged spare keys with Leon. Lady jumped off the bed and barked, running towards the front door.
"Where is she?" Leon heaved urgently, following your dog who pulled at his sleeve, leading him to you. His heart shattered at the sight of you. Red and puffy eyes with heavy bags under them, cracked lips, and a heaving chest.
Your complexion looked all wrong, as if you were sick, and to be honest, you did look like you were about to pass out any second.
He rushed to your side, pulling you close to him and slowly rubbing circles on your chest to help you get more air into your lungs.
Leon's jacket was shrugged off, same with his boots and he climbed in next to you and sat you upright. You felt so weak, like your bones were made of jelly, so you awkwardly slumped against him.
"What's going on with you?" He asked softy, gently wiping away your tears.
"Nightmare.. Raccoon City..." Your sobbing picked back up when you uttered the name of your once beloved city, and Leon swallowed thickly.
"I-I thought that you-you left me again.." You wailed, grabbing onto his shirt. Leon pulled you closer with tears glistening in his eyes and a deep ache in his heart.
"I never left you... I would've never ever left you. They made me, dragged me away, and I couldn't... I couldn't go back for you." His voice cracked halfway through, and you gently shifted your head back to look at him.
The heart broken look in his blue eyes almost made your own shatter. You pulled yourself up and into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight hug. His arms tightened around you as he buried his face in your neck, rubbing between your shoulder blades to help you breathe deeper.
You cried in each other's arms, mourning the loss of the normal life you had before the incident and the pain of having been apart for 6 years. Lady watched from the foot of the bed, visibly relaxing as your sobs lessened. You pulled back and took his face in your hands, wiping his tears away. Leon melted into your touch, and the crease between his brows softened ever so slightly. You sniffled and took a deep breath.
"I love you. And not like a best friend. I'm in love with you, Leon Kennedy." His eyes shot open at your words and his jaw slacked slightly.
"I've loved you for so long it hurts. I was terrified, so I never said anything but when I thought I lost you I regretted never telling you. I love you so much." You sighed, stroking his cheek.
If you had any tears left to cry, you would be a mess right now. Or at least, more of a mess than you already were
"I just... you're the only one who... who can make it better, you know? Make it hurt less."
Leon's shocked eyes softened, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. You searched for anyhing; hatred, disgust, joy, reciprocation, anything.
"A-And it's fine if you don't feel the same but-"
You were cut off by Leon connecting your lips in a kiss so soft it made a tear roll down your cheek as you leaned into him. Cupping the back of your neck, he gently pulled you in closer in and sighed against your lips.
"I love you too. I never stopped, even when I thought you were gone. You... you make it hurt less, too." He spoke softly, a lopsided grin on his face. You chuckled softly and hugged him again, burning the feeling of his touch into your mind. Leon rested his forehead against yours and stole a few soft pecks from you.
"Will you stay?" You asked in a whisper, suddenly being hit with a wave of sleepiness.
"I'll always stay. Always, I promise." He said softly, kissing the tip of your nose. You smiled hazily and slowly slid down the headboard, dragging Leon with you under the covers. You realxed into his embrace, your face nuzzled against his chest as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Lady, who had watched the whole thing with a slowly wagging tail, crawled up the bed between the two of you and nudged her nose against Leon's cheek repeatedly. He giggled, albeit with an exhausted undertone.
"I guess you finally have a Dad, DeeDee." You said quietly, earning a small huff from your pup and one last kiss from Leon along with an amused chuckle before you drifted off to pleasant dreams for the first time in years. He soothed your mind and kept all the bad memories away.
Your love acting like a shield, protecting you from nightmares. You'd been wandering in the dark for years, searching for all the pieces of yourself that you lost that night.
You were lost once, but with Leon, you were found again.
More Leon works here 💫
I have a lil something planned for 500 followers (we're almost there it's crazy!!) And it may involve my obsession with Victorian England, Bloodborne and AC Syndicate 👀
《Tag list》: (lmk if you wanna be added) @vampkennedy @k-fallingstar @dmitriene @valkyrurx
73 notes · View notes
fairysluna · 1 year
NOT THE BEST IDEA — Modern!AU | Part 3
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MASTERLIST | Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: the aftermath of the fight is making you feel like your old self again. Cregan noticed something is wrong and decides to do something to cheer you up, however things don't go as planned as an unwanted guest arrives.
Tags/TW: angst, smut (p in v, kinda public sex bc they are in open space) and fluff, mentions of panic attacks, emotional instability and emotional attachment, manipulation, aegon being oblivious but cute.
Author's Note: not gonna lie, I did struggle writing this part bc my mind wasn't working lmao, but I hope you like this either way. big credits to the anons who sent their ideas !! I didn't proof read it so, sorry if there's mistakes
Word Count: 6.4k
Tag List: @immyowndefender @bellameshipper @mysticgothicgirl @aemondswifeisme @issshhh @serrhaewin @loglady00 @melsunshine @izzy-the-ginger @champomiel @iiamthehybrid @ghostheartbeat
Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!!
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Cregan hissed when he felt the little piece of cotton brushing against the cut on his cheekbone. You tried your best to clean the wound, getting rid of the dried blood while your mind was so lost in your thoughts that you barely heard him complaining about the slight pain he felt with each touch.
Your mind was now a mess, and it was quite hard to hide that aspect from Cregan, who was carefully looking at your lost eyes, knowing that you were drowning in your own thoughts and knowing that you were replaying the prior scene over and over again. It was quite impossible for him to wonder whether your feelings towards him have changed now that you saw Aemond after a long time, his own insecurities and your reactions towards the situation made him doubt himself.
He tried not to think about it, but you were so quiet, so lost in the memories that once tormented you. Cregan tried to give you space for you to talk first and whenever you felt comfortable enough to do it, but the anxiety was eating him alive, taking the best of him. After a while, the silence was starting to bother him, it managed to feel too loud inside his head.
Once he finally decided to speak, his voice came out as dubious and insecure, a bit lower than he expected, "How are you feeling?"
His question seemed to have woken you up from the trance you were in, because your lost stare suddenly moved away from his wound to reach his eyes. You looked down at him with a small, tiny smile that flickered and trembled, showing your restlessness quite clearly.
"I should be the one asking that," you joked, trying to make you feel like yourself again, and not as a wandering body with a lost mind.
However, your words did not seem to amuse Cregan, who remained serious as he spoke again,
"I'm talking about Aemond," he added. Your hands stopped their movements and your whole body went still. The tension in your shoulders was visible to the man in front of you, who immediately noticed the nervousness in your body language. "What are you feeling about Aemond now?" He asked again.
"I'm feeling nothing, Cregan," you replied, without hesitation.
"It didn't seem like nothing a few seconds ago," he accused you, using an odd tone that you have never heard in him before, which made you feel uneasy, "were you thinking about him?"
You scoffed, "what? you're telling me you're jealous now?"
"He was staring at you the whole time!" He exclaimed, pointing it out as if it was obvious, "eating you with his eyes like a creep."
"That's nonsense," you scoffed, shaking your head.
"Nonsense?" he repeated, offended.
"Whatever happened between Aemond and me is in the past, I can assure you that," you tried to go back to what you were doing, but Cregan leaned back as a sign that the conversation was not over yet. You pressed your lips, starting to lose your patience, "he has a girlfriend, Cregan."
"Well, if he has a girlfriend I guess he was willing to cheat on her with you," he spoke mockingly, almost in a bitter tone, "he told me that with just a few minutes alone with you he will have you eating from the palm of his hand again."
The shock came over your body as you took a step back. Your eyes widened as your brows furrowed with confusion and bewilderment; you blinked a couple times, slowly shaking your head.
"What are you talking about?" you questioned incredulously.
"I told him to stop looking at you, to stop being so obsessed and creepy... and he beat me up because of it."
"We're talking about the man that a year ago made me have a mental breakdown because he did not love me back," you raised your voice, trying to convince him… and yourself, "why would he fight you over me when he was very clear when he told me he did not love me anymore?"
"He's jealous, y/n."
"It's been almost two years, Cregan," you sighed, "I'm sure Aemond has no feelings for me anymore."
"But do you have feelings for him?"
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, "now you're being stupid."
"Answer the question."
"Are you serious?" you asked surprised.
"Yes, I am serious," he stood up, and immediately you looked up at his face, "do you still have feelings for him?"
"Of course I don't!" You said loudly, as if raising your voice would make the words carve into his brain.
He took a small pause, as if he was thinking whether to say the next question or to just stay silent. The first option seemed to have won.
"Do you love me?"
His words made you tilt your head, as if he was asking something so obviously stupid that it didn't even need an answer. You saw how he regretted asking that in the same instant his words left his mouth; he blushed. You left the cotton and the pomade on the nightstand and cupped his face between your hands. You caressed his cheeks while you directly stared at his beautiful brown eyes, you stood on your tiptoes trying to reach his lips and leave a soft kiss on them. Cregan sighed, closing his eyes and burying his face on your neck.
"I love you." you whispered, stroking his hair as his arms wrapped around your waist. "Aemond is my past now, I promise you that."
"I know, I'm sorry. I was stupid," he muttered against you, holding you close, "I love you too."
You sighed, stroking his thick brown hair as he caressed your waist. You could feel the insecurity in his voice which made you feel guilty, thinking that there might have been some reaction that had given him the impression of you still having feelings for Aemond. And that wasn't the truth at all.
As you have told your boyfriend, Aemond was now long forgotten. However, it was a bit shocking for you to learn all the things that he had said to Cregan, and the reason why their fight started in the first place. You have thought everything had begun because of their past, thinking that Cregan may have said something that might upset him.
Aemond was a very patient person. He was collected and calm, always trying to avoid big problems. That's why it was a big surprise for everyone, including you, seeing him act so… feral. It was uncommon for him to react in that way. Perhaps he had troubles with his girlfriend and that caused him to be in a bad mood. Perhaps seeing Cregan after many years had affected him somehow. There must've been an explanation for his sudden and violent behavior, but him having feelings for you was not an option you would believe to be true.
Later that night, while Cregan was peacefully sleeping between your arms with his head on your chest and your hand on his hair, you started to do what you tried to avoid; you thought about Aemond. The questions and doubts in your mind resulted in a sleepless night in which you spent the darkest hours staring at the ceiling, hearing your boyfriend's calm breathing and soft snoring.
You did not understand it. When you saw him you were certain that you felt nothing for him, not even a small tinkle on your gut, but why are you still awake thinking about him now?
It was two in the morning when your phone started to vibrate. You frowned, curious to know who is calling you at this hour, and you stretched your arm to reach for it before the noise could wake up Cregan. You saw it was an unknown number, which you would usually ignore, but now you felt the need to pick up. So you did.
"Hello?" you answer in a whisper.
In the other line you could hear an uneven breathing that was a bit creepy, perhaps it was a sign that told you to hang up the phone, but you didn't. Instead, you eyed Cregan who was still soundly sleeping between your arms, you sighed.
"Hello?" you repeated, a bit louder this time.
No one answered again. You were about to hang up when you finally heard something. Although you wish you hadn't heard it at all.
"I miss you, y/n."
And then, the call ended. You froze, almost throwing your phone across the room due to the panic you felt. Your breathing became faster, and your heart was beating so fast you thought it would explode. You saw your phone, now showing a picture of you and Helaena in fourth grade as the hour showed up on the screen.
3.42 am.
You moved again, placing your phone back on the nightstand with a quick movement that managed to wake up Cregan. He blinked a couple times, yawning as he stretched his body, and looked at you with worry in his eyes.
"Are you okay, love?" his raspy voice reached your ears as a soft touch. It brought some peace to your endless turmoil.
You slightly nodded, trying to remain calm even though you were visibly shaking. Luckily for you, Cregan was too sleepy to notice it.
"Yes, I'm- I'm fine…" you whispered, "I just had a bad dream."
Gods, how you wish it was just that; a bad dream.
"Come here," he muttered, slowly shifting his position until he wrapped his arms around your frame, holding you close to his body, "I'm here, okay? Wake me up if you have another nightmare."
You rested your head on his chest, feeling his warmth surrounding your shaky body. He kissed your forehead before whispering a small 'I love yous' and falling asleep once again. It took you some time to close your eyes, still hearing that voice that you knew too well. Those four words that made you want to fade into the air.
Your body curled up against Cregan, hugging him tightly, trying to hold him close to you as if that would be enough to erase Aemond's voice from your mind; but it wasn't. The only thing on your mind were curses directed to that silver haired man that once ruined your life, and who seems eager to keep messing with you.
The next few days were a blur in your mind. Aemond once again managed to keep you away almost every night as your mind was so confused to the extent that you barely have been able to be intimate with Cregan.
Of course he would never pressure you to do anything, but you knew him, and you were able to see the disappointment whenever he would kiss your neck and you would stop him, coming up with some excuse that might not be completely convincing.
He thought you needed a break from everything, you were working too hard, and he knew this whole situation with Aemond had put you in a complicated situation that had brought a lot of stress in your life. That's why he spoke to Helaena and they both started to plan a surprise visit to the lake house of Helaena's parents over the weekend.
At first it would be only you and him, but Aegon was around when they planned this little vacation, and he insisted he wanted to go too. Cregan did not have the heart to deny him, and so he also invited Helaena. That's how a romantic escape turned into an excuse to drink.
When Cregan gave you the news you couldn't help but feel so bad; he has been trying to make you feel better while your mind was still being invaded by Aemond and that call. You accepted it without hesitation, feeling too guilty to even try and think about rejecting the idea.
Friday came and Cregan, Helaena and you were in his car, driving towards the destination. Aegon had left on Thursday night in his own car. The trip was fun enough to make you think about something else, Cregan's hand was caressing your thigh during the whole ride, squeezing it every now and then as you cheerfully spoke and laughed with Helaena. He would glance at you, glad to see you laugh and look better. Your smile gave him the sign that he was doing the right thing, that this was an excellent idea.
A few minutes later, they arrived at the Lake House. Cregan parked his car beside Aegon's and the three of you started to take your backpacks to the inside of the enormous house. Helaena called for Aegon, and you heard footsteps going down the stairs. All of you turned, expecting to see the eldest brother of Helaena, but it wasn’t him.
It was Aemond.
You and Cregan stood still in your places as the smug grin on Aemond’s face appeared, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. Your heart stopped for a second, your breathing became heavier and your mind felt dizzy and blurry. Seeing him, standing there in the middle of the stairs, in this house which once was the biggest witness of the love and desire you used to hold for each other; you felt as if you were about to faint.
Helaena immediately looked at your direction, looking paler than she usually is. Her hands covering her ears as a sign of distress, her eyes were wide and full of surprise. You felt Cregan’s hand grabbing your waist tightly, as if he was trying to keep you by his side as Aemond started to speak
"It's been a while since we haven't reunited in this house," he pointed out, "now, we bought some things to make pizza for lunch, who's hungry?"
A dead silence was present in the room. His boldness was so shamelessly showing that you could not simply believe this was actually happening. His mere presence was enough to make you feel the urge to cry, no out of sadness but out of rage. You hated him for what he was doing to you, you were raging; your face almost turning red.
The silence was interrupted when Aegon walked down the stairs wearing his swimsuit and his face white with sunscreen. He was smiling widely, happy to see you all but oblivious of the tension that was currently in the room.
"You finally are here!" he happily said up, hugging you first. Cregan barely let you go of his grip, keeping you close, "I brought Aemond too, I thought we should do this like the old times, remember?"
"Aegon…" Helaena whispered, shaking her head as a sign that told him that something was not right.
Aegon frowned, "why those serious faces? Did you two fight on the way here?" Those words seemed to have amused Aemond, who shamelessly smiled widely, "come on guys, don't be such a bummer, we need to leave our differences aside to cheer this pretty lady up!" He grabbed your hand and kissed it gently.
For the first time, Cregan acted jealous towards Aegon, pulling you closer to him in a subtle movement that only you noticed.
"Helaena, y/n, why don't you chop the vegetables while we prepare the dough for the-"
"Excuse me, I'll go to the room first," you interrupted him, walking towards the stairs and bravely walking past Aemond.
Your perfume left a trail that he breathed in, closing his eyes and enjoying your scent; so delicious, sweet, showing the innocence you once had when you first started your relationship with him. He took a deep breath and smiled slightly. Cregan soon followed you, and he purposely pushed Aemond's shoulder with his when he walked by his side.
Once you entered the room, you started to breath fast and unsteady, you tried to collect yourself before you had a panic attack that would certainly ruin everything. You were pacing back and forth around the room that was designated to you by Alicent the first time you came to the house when you were ten.
So many memories were flooding you, especially once you saw the bed, which was the same bed where Aemond took your virginity. You wanted to cry, to escape, everywhere you looked in that house was a memory of your disastrous relationship with him, you really wished to run away. Jumping out of the widow was not the best idea, and going back to the entrance either. You started crying once you felt the thick and comforting arms of your sweet boyfriend wrapping you as you looked out of the window.
He started to kiss your temple, holding you close as you silently wept.
"I'm so sorry, my love…" he whispered, "If I had known he was going to be here I wouldn't have brought you here."
You turned around, only to bury your face on his chest. He was quick to stroke your hair, swinging you softly from one side to another, soothing you and making you feel somehow safe.
"I won't let him get close to you, I swear it,” he promised you, “if I see him putting one hand in your body I'm going to break his bones." he cupped your face, wiping your tears with his thumbs as he kissed your forehead, "you're safe with me, you know that, right?"
You hiccuped, nodding.
"And you know I love you so, so much, right?" You sobbed.
Cregan smiled, his soft haze staring down at you with devotion and genuine love, "of course, my love… and I love you too."
He brushed his nose against yours, still caressing your wet cheeks when the door was open suddenly. Helaena walked in with her face filled with regret and angst. Your gaze softened and you slowly pulled away from Cregan.
"I'm so sorry, guys…" Helaena whined, "I didn't know he was coming, when I called Aegon this morning he didn't say anything, I'm truly sorry, Cregan… I'm sorry-"
"No need to apologize, Hel," he told her, "it's not your fault. It's Aegon's," he muttered, obviously pissed.
"No," you quickly said, "he doesn't know what happened between me and Aemond… no one knows, just you and Helaena."
"Well, what do we do now?" The blonde girl asked, "should we stay here?"
Cregan shrugged, "it's y/n’s decision. We can ignore him for the weekend or we can grab our stuff and just leave."
You looked at Helaena,
"What do you think?" you asked her.
"Do what you think it's best for you, no one will be mad at you for it."
Your pride took the best of you. Your logic was simple; if you leave now, it would mean that Aemond had managed to intimidate you, which was obviously his purpose. It would mean that his mission of ruining your romantic escapade with Cregan was successful.You would not give him the pleasure of it. The power of screwing and messing with you again.
Your decision was simple; you just shook your head.
“We’re staying.”
A few hours later, when you had already eaten a delicious pizza made by Aegon, you decided to go and spend some time in the pool. Aegon was sunbathing, with a bottle of beer on his hand; Helaena was sitting at the border of the pool, with her legs on the water, and Aemond was reading some book while he laid on the pool chairs.
You and Cregan came out of the house grabbing hands and laughing. Aemond rolled his eyes trying to focus on his reading, but your chuckles were too loud to ignore.
You sat on the chair that was further from Aemond, Cregan sat in front of you and his huge back was on display for you. You smiled slightly once you saw some scratches on it, and you couldn’t help but blush as you grabbed the sunscreen and started to spread a layer of it on Cregan’s back.
Aemond was looking at your direction with a bitter look that no one seemed to notice, not even you.
Your hands were rubbing on Cregan’s back so delicately that it made him hum on many occasions. You would occasionally lean forward just to leave soft kisses on his soft skin.
“The sunscreen burns,” he said between breathy chuckles.
“You have a lot of scratches on your back,” you replied, with a tone that came out as worried. You were not able to see his face, but you know there was a wide smirk on it.
He leaned back a little, enough to get closer to you, “don’t act so innocent, love, you know very well why they are there.”
Aemond was able to hear those words, and he just stood up from his chair, walking inside the house. You looked at him, following his steps until he disappeared from your sight. You rolled your eyes as you kept covering your boyfriend’s back with soft caresses and small kisses.
Aemond’s torment continued as you both kept giving each other public displays of attention. It never stopped, it seemed to him that you were doing all of this on purpose. His ego made him think that you were doing this to make him jealous.
You spent the day hanging from Cregan's arms, kissing him and hugging him at each opportunity you have. It was not something unusual between you two; Cregan knew how touch deprived you were in your past relationship, especially because Aemond never gave you any kind of affection when you were in public, just small hugs and soft pats on your back.
Cregan wanted to show you how loved you were by him, which is why he always makes sure to give you all the things that Aemond never provided you. And he wasn't going to lie; he loved how annoyed Aemond would look whenever he wraps his arms around you. Cregan knew you were his now, and he loved to show how happy you were to the man that once had made you miserable.
Now the night arrived, you were around a small bonfire in the backyard. Cregan was talking with Aegon while you were braiding Helaena's hair. Aemond was nowhere to be seen, but you preferred it that way.
In some part of the evening you walked back inside the house, towards the kitchen. You were looking for ice in the fridge when you felt a presence behind your back. At first you thought it was Cregan, but when you sensed that familiar scent, you realized it was actually Aemond.
You turned around almost instantly, and the rage you felt this morning came back to your body.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, moving away from him.
"This is my kitchen," he shrugged.
You tilted your head, "No, why are you here?"
"Aegon invited me."
"Stop this, Aemond, I'm serious," you spoke harshly.
"I don't know what you mean, love," he put extra emphasis in that last word.
It made you shrink in your own place, and a weird sensation was installed in your gut. You did not like the way he said that, you immediately knew he had double intentions, and that only made you even more scared.
Aemond used to have a lot of power over you, the idea of him regaining that power made you feel frightened.
"The call at 2 am?" You reminded him, "Your sudden appearance here? You're telling me it was all a coincidence?"
He looked down at you, smirking as he remained silent for a few seconds while he looked around the kitchen.
"Do you remember this kitchen?" He asked, completely ignoring your prior words, "Because I remember it… I remember how soft your skin felt, the way I had to kiss you because you were being so loud, remember?" With each word he stepped closer and closer to you, making you feel small, and weak. "It was right here… in this counter."
Your cheeks flushed with his words, and you forced yourself to look away.
"Whatever you're trying to do, stop it right now, Aemond."
"I made you mine in almost every room of this house," he said softly, lifting his hand to touch your cheek. You just froze and your bottom lip started to shake, "including that bed where your boyfriend will sleep so soundly tonight."
"Stop bothering me, stop bothering us, please," you weakly said, at the verge of tears.
"That call… Why did you answer it in the first place?"
"It- it was an unknown number," you replied with a shaky voice.
Aemond's smirk became wider as he heard your words, "I've known you for years, my sweet y/n… you never pick up calls from unknown numbers," he chuckled softly, his thumb caressing your quivering lip, "you knew it was me, didn't you?"
You grabbed his hand, pushing it away from you. He hummed in disappointment.
"Stop it," you begged, "you're being mean."
"You told me to move on, you broke up with me, why are you doing this?" you sighed, wiping the tears that started to fall down your rosy cheeks, "do you- dou you think I'm your fucking dog? That I'm going to run to your side every time you whistle? Fuck you, Aemond," you spat.
He cupped your face, forcing you to stare at his face. A sob escaped from your lips, your heart aching and beating so fast that you thought it would explode.
"I miss you, y/n," he muttered, leaning closer to your face. His tight grip makes it impossible to escape from his touch, "I want you back- I will have you back."
You pouted as your vision became blurry with tears, you shook your head, you needed to get out of the situation, but your body wasn't able to move.
"Stop this… please," you begged.
Aemond let go of your face, and kissed your forehead. A touch that felt so cold and odd, which left you with an overwhelming and indescribable feeling in your gut.
"You look so pretty when you beg me, my love."
He left the kitchen, and then you could breathe properly once again. You leaned over the counter, taking deep breaths until you could feel your heartbeats returning to their normal speed. Your body was still shaking, but at least you finally stopped crying.
Staying here with Aemond around was a terrible idea. You regret your decision, and now you wished you could turn back time to leave this goddamn house as soon as you found out he was here too. But it was too late.
"Here you are…" you heard a soft voice. You lifted your face and Cregan's eyes softened with the sight of you, "I thought you were in the bathroom."
He walked towards you, and cupped your face with a gentle touch, so different from Aemond's. You felt relieved when he did that, feeling his comforting embrace giving the peace you were craving for.
Cregan kissed you, so softly, so delicately. His hands caressing your skin with such devotion that made you melt in his arms.
While Aemond always made a mess out of you, Cregan was the one who always brought calmness to you. You loved him so much.
"Are you okay, baby?" he asked you with that sweet tone of his that you so deeply adored.
You couldn't bring yourself to lie to him, "Not really…" you whispered, putting your hands on his chest, "can we go somewhere else? Just the two of us?"
"Of course…" he replied without hesitation, "we can go to the lake, does that sound nice?"
You nodded, "it sounds perfect."
He kissed you one last time before grabbing your hand, leading you towards the door. A part of you felt guilty because you were leaving without letting Helaena know, but she will know you're safe. She knows you're with Cregan.
He lit up the flashlight of his phone and illuminated the dark path in front of you both. You were guiding him throughout the trees and bushes, until the moonlight pointed at your final destination. The lake looked even more gorgeous at night, as the moon was reflected on the calm waters. The sound of crickets and owls was the only thing you were able to hear; it was so peaceful and quiet, you both loved it.
You felt the calmness of your surroundings, the view, the sound of the place and Cregan's presence and embrace was enough to make you relax. Your body was no longer tense, and your jaw was unclenched. You took a big, deep breath, and you smiled at your sweet and loving boyfriend.
He smiled back,
"Better?" he spoke softly.
"Way better."
He held you in his arms, resting his chin on the top of your head. You looked at the calm water and the urge to submerge your body in it was very tempting. Cregan seemed to have read your mind, for he started to get rid of his shirt, and then he unbuckled his pants.
You couldn't help but chuckle, "what are you doing?"
"Let's go for a swim… I know you want to," he said as he got rid of his jeans.
You bit your lip, "I didn't bring my swimsuit."
"You don't need one," he winked at you, before pulling down his underwear along with his pants.
"Oh, Gods…"
You felt the blush running to your cheeks as you saw him standing in front of you fully naked, you haven't been able to stop drooling over him. You covered your face for a couple minutes before looking around, just to make sure you were truly alone, and then you imitated his action.
After a few seconds, your clothes were folded in the grass right next to Cregan's, and he was holding your hand as he guided you towards the lake.
A small chuckle left your lips as you felt the cold water touching your feet. It gave you chills, the water was freezing cold, which made you shake and giggle.
When he saw you struggling, he let out a small breathy laugh. In a quick and sudden movement, he grabbed your thighs, lifting you up and forcing you to wrap your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist. You sweetly smiled at him as you pressed your chest against his and hid your face on the crook of his neck.
Your warmth being so close to him was enough to arouse him. It's been days since the last time he touched you, and he was already starting to feel the absence of your lustful touch against his body. However, he tried to brush away the desire, because he didn't want you to pressure you. He would just wait.
Once the water reached your upper body, you laughed softly. Cregan was still holding you tight, hugging your waist as he kissed your shoulder. You were trembling due to the cold water.
"It's so cold, I'm freezing," you said as you shivered, still pressing yourself into his wide chest.
"It's okay, I'll keep you warm," he murmured, stroking your lower back.
You leaned back as he wrapped his big hands around your waist, swinging your body from one side to another. Your legs were still attached to his hips as your arms spreaded in the water. Cregan's eyes were fixed on your shape; the way you looked so peaceful with your eyes closed and under the dim moonlight, the way your hair was floating making you look ethereal and surreal.
His curious eyes wandered around your body, now looking at your neck, your collarbones -which still have those little maroon marks that he left behind-, and your pebbled nipples. The low temperature was causing you shivers in your body, and the way your body reacted was a clear proof of it.
Your eyes opened once you heard a sharp breath coming from him, and you found his dark eyes staring back at you with desire. You sit back up, placing your hands on his shoulders as you teased him by brushing your nose against his. After tortuous days, you finally felt the need to have him again. To feel his touch, so delicate and careful.
After feeling Aemond's roughness, you needed Cregan's gentleness.
Next thing you knew, your lips were pressed against his kissing him slowly and softly. He did not waste the time, and soon he was kissing you back, swirling his tongue against you as he sighed. You hummed in response, cupping his face as he tightened the grip on your waist. Everything felt so calm, there were only you two, the sound of your wet and slow kiss joined the sounds of the nocturnal nature around you.
Your hips started to move against his hardening length, and his hands soon reached your rear in order to control your movements as you rubbed yourself against him, stealing a loud moan from his lips. This action only made him more desperate for you, and he deepened the kiss as a proof of his neediness for your touch. He was devouring your lips as a starved man while his groans and your moans would be silenced by each other's mouths. He couldn't get enough of your sweet taste.
His hands left your arse to reach your breasts, fondling the soft skin and nipping your pebbled nipples.
"I've missed your body so fucking much…" he confessed between the kiss, "I need you so bad."
His last words came out as a slight whine that made you hum. Your fingers soon find their way to his thick brown hair, tangling your digits between his soft locks and pulling it softly as he leaned his head back. Your lips attacked his neck with wet kisses, and his hands squeezed your breasts making you whimper.
"They won't come near," you told him, your voice already showing how much you desired him, "No one will see, no one will hear."
"Go on," he growled, searching for your lips to kiss you again, "tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you," his hands went back to your arse, pressing you against his hardened length. You moaned against his lips, "come on, baby, say it."
You quickly succumbed to his words,
"Fuck me, please…" you begged in a sigh.
That was enough for Cregan to lift your body and align himself with your tight entrance. You were both so desperate for each other that you didn't even take the time to adjust to his big size as you would usually do. Your hips started to move against his hard thrusts while the water surrounding your bodies splashed and moved.
"Oh, fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good," he groaned, feeling your tight walls squeezing him so nicely, "so good for me… that's it."
His low and deep voice praising you had you moaning loudly, forcing you to close your eyes as he filled you so well. Cregan's face was buried on your neck, as he gripped your hips controlling your movements while you rode him, going up and down on his shaft. He was so deep inside you, touching every sweet spot that would make you shake and drool. Suddenly the coldness of the water was nothing compared to the heat of your lustful bodies begging for each other.
"Mhm…" you whimpered, "it feels so good, so, so good."
Cregan sighed, hearing your whiny voice made him twitch inside of you.
"Yeah?" he said in a teasing way while a subtle side smile was decorating his beautiful face.
"Yes… so good."
He trapped your lips in an erotic wet kiss that was far from being soft now. His tongue clicked against yours while he was touching every single part of your body. You both were so lost in the pleasure, in the feeling your bodies would experience while rubbing against each other.
You both were so blinded by the lust of the moment that none of you noticed a pair of eyes watching. Eyes that were filled with wrath, jealousy and contempt.
Aemond looked away, unable to keep watching that tortuous scene. He leaned his back against a tree as he looked at the dark night sky, his stare blurred with hatred. He was hearing you, your moans, whines and dirty words were too loud for him to ignore. They made him furious, blinded with rage.
He was the one that used to provoke you to make those sweet sounds, the one that had you shaking and squirming under his harsh touch. The only one who knew your body so perfectly, and the only one who could provide you with what you need without you even asking for it.
Under his resentful eyes, Cregan was just a distraction; a plaything you use to entertain yourself in your path back to him. At the end of the day, you will always belong to him.
At that moment, Aemond decided that he had to get rid of Cregan. He could not bear the idea of another man taking what he claimed first; your body, especially when that man was Cregan fucking Stark, the one who always took everything from him. Now he added you to the list, and Aemond will not allow it.
He had to get him out of his way.
Aemond left almost immediately, not wanting to hear this profanity any longer. He walked away from the lake, clenching his fists and his jaw as his scheming started.
Meanwhile, you were just coming down from your orgasm when you heard some leaves crackling in the distance. You quickly moved your head, looking around searching for the source of the sound.
"What is it?" Cregsn asked with his raspy voice.
"I heard something," you said, looking back at his face.
"It was probably just the wind, love…" he tried to play down the situation, soothing you with his comforting voice, "would you like to go back to the house?"
You looked around one more time before turning your head back at him. You shook your head before pecking his lips.
"No, let's stay here a little longer."
Cregan kissed you again, and before you noticed, he started to move his hips again, making you moan with surprise and blurring your mind.
"Gods…" you chuckled, "you're insatiable, aren't you?"
He grunted, smirking as he pushed deeper, "You're too fucking irresistible, baby."
As he started to thrust against you, you looked around one last time, just to be sure. You tried to focus on the pleasure that your boyfriend was giving you, but you couldn't help being creeped out; you could've sworn you saw a shadow moving between the trees, but that was probably just your mind playing tricks with you…
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kawaiianimekitten · 1 year
Obey me x MC/reader
He scares you/ accidentally-ish makes you fear him
Pt 1 of Lucifer
Warnings: anxiety attack, angst
Note: this will be a hurt comfort, but this part is only the hurt. I didn't expect it to be so long. I hope to do the comfort part soon, when I do I'll link it here. I also plan on doing all the brothers.
Pt 2 here
(2nd person)
You go into Lucifer's office with some tea, a snack, and some papers for him. He's been in his office all day, like usual, but hasn't even came out to eat or talk to you. So, you thought he was probably stressed and hungry. Plus, you found some papers he forgot. You were just trying to be helpful.
You set everything down on an open space on his desk and go over to him and give him a hug from behind, careful to not get in the way of his work.
He hums, acknowledging your presence.
You give him a small kiss on the cheek then go to sit on the couch in his office, picking up one of the books Satan lets you keep in there to entertain yourself during times like these.
After a few chapters, though, your phone starts going off. You panic for a moment cuz you thought you silenced it, and you forgot where you set it down.
Lucifer glares over at you as you clumsily find your phone to silence it.
"The hell are you doing MC?" Lucifer's voice deep and cold.
You find your phone and silence it quickly. "Hehe, oops, sorry, I really thought I silenced it."
His glare gets colder as he stands up and walks over to you.
If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under; and with the look in his eyes, you think you might end up there anyways. You've seen that look in his eyes before. Never directed twords you, though.
"MC. You know how much work I have to get done, yet you can't seem to stop bothering me. First you come in here, breaking my consideration, with things that are distractions, then you decide to look over my shoulder and distract me by being so close, and now you decide to break my consideration again. If I had the time currently, I'd give you a lecture, but I don't." His voice raising little by little as he gets closer, finally blocking you in once his statement is finished.
How he's looking at you and boxing you in makes you feel like cornered pray. Yet you try to stand your ground, cuz you don't want him to think it's ok to speak to you that way. "Y-You say it as if I ment to." You stand up, crossing your arms and look him dead in the eyes, shaking a little cuz damn that look is terrifying- "I was just trying to be helpful. I knew you were stressed, so I brought you some tea. You hadn't eaten, so I brought you some food. You left some papers lying on the kitchen counter this morning, so I grabbed them so no one would ruin them. I was careful to not get in the way of your arms or sight while hugging you and I thought my phone was silenced. I get that you're stressed right now, but I was trying to help, so I would appreciate it if you would take a deep breath and loose that attitude because I refuse to be treated this way."
He now looks amused. Not in the good way though. This change has you even more on edge than before.
"Ha! 'helping'. You aren't helping. You can help by leaving me alone." He slowly backs you up into a corner. "I don't need your so called 'help'; and I don't need you. You are just a human. A nuisance. You can't tell me how to act, especially not when you're so weak and useless."
By now you're trapped in a corner, with Lucifer in his demon form speaking so loud you think the whole house could hear.
(first person: MC/reader)
"L-Lucifer, p-please step back a bit." It's getting so overwhelming. I don't want him to think it's ok to act like this, but I just needa get out of here. If I don't leave, I might end up dead again.
He gets even closer, his face only inches away. "Or else what. You're just a human. If it weren't for Lord Diavolo, I would've killed you and given the bones to Cerberus by now."
His words hurt. A lot. I try to hold myself together, not wanting him to know he's getting to me.
I shove him out of the way and start walking twords the door, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back. "Who give you permission to leave?!" He yelled. The tears spill over and I can't control my breathing anymore. I don't feel like I'm getting enough air. Everything is starting to feel fuzzy.
"what's happenin in 'ere?" Mammon pops is head through the door.
"What's with all the yelling, I was napping" Belphie comes in, rubbing his eyes.
"And I'm trying to read." Satan says right after.
They all freeze for a moment when they see what's happening.
Then they all rush over, taking Lucifer's hand off my wrist and moving me away from him.
As soon as I'm out of his grasp, though, I curl up, into myself, covering my ears with my hands. There's a jumble of words, but I'm not able to decipher them right now.
Someone picks me up, I'm guessing it's probably Beel.
Everything is just a blur. I end up on the couch, curled into Beels side and Asmo frantically worrying about me and talking about how 'all this stress is gonna make him break out' or something like that.
Beel holds me close, and it's the perfect amount of pressure to be comforting but not suffocating. It definitely helps calm me down quite a bit. My breathing isn't quite back to normal and I still have tears running down my face. After a moment Belphie comes in and lays down on the couch with his head on my lap, wrapping his arms around me. I gently rub my hands through Belphies soft hair.
The mixture of Beel holding me, Belphie with his head on my lap, and giggling at Asmo being Asmo, all has helped me calm down.
I'm still pretty shaken up, but all that has taken a lot out of me. I yawn and cuddle closer to Beel and lay my hand on Belphies head while closing my eyes, just listening to Asmo.
I wake up with Beel still holding me and Belphie in my lap. Asmo and Mammon are now sitting on the floor, Mammon clinging to my leg and Asmo is right in front of me, sitting on a cushion. Satan is sitting on the edge of the couch reading a book. Levi is also here now, leaning on the leg opposite to Mammon, playing on his switch.
"You hungry?" I look over to Satan and see he's lowered his book and looking at me. I nod and he gets up and goes to the kitchen. He comes back with a big bowl of popcorn and some water. "You needa hyradte as well. Beel, don't eat it all, MC needs food too." I giggle at Beel, who already had a handful of popcorn.
"As you say MC, 'hydrate or die stright'" Asmo smiles at me.
I giggle, replying. "Well, I can't have that, now can I?" Before drinking some water.
As much as I'm scared to bring it up, I have to ask. I've been putting it off for 7 episodes and it's starting to get late, meaning everyone will start heading to bed soon.
"H-Hey... What happened with Lucifer? And where is he? I haven't seen him since I woke up."
Everyone goes silent, making my nerves spike again.
"Obviously in his office. Where else would he be?" Belphie groggily replies. "And since you're up, run your hands through my hair again, already." I do as requested.
"You don't have to worry about anyone being hurt, if that's what you're concerned about." Satan says.
"Mhm, we just played an uno reverse on him and give him a lecture." Mammon says, smiling, happy with himself.
Everyone heads off to their room after a few more episodes and it's now down to me and the twins.
"Wanna sleep in our room tonight?" Beel asks.
"I'd like that, if it's ok with you both..." I don't want to intrude or be a bother, but I would feel more comfortable not being alone right now.
Beel picks me up and puts me over one shoulder before putting up Belphie over the other one.
Once in the room, we all pile onto a bed. Beel has me laying on my back with his arms around me, while Belphie's using my stomach as a pillow. Surprisingly, I fall asleep fast.
I don't usually write first person, so I hope I did ok. I hope you liked reading this, and I hope you have a good day
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I never wanted this, but maybe it's not such a bad thing part 2 (Preath x Reader)
Part 1
Hope you enjoy :)
Words: 3.2k
Ash had been waiting for me when the elevator finally opened. I had fallen into her arms, not moving for a good 5 minutes as I calmed down. Christen and Tobin were already gone when I pulled myself away from Ash. I hung out with Ash and the kids for an hour or so, trying to forget about the elevator. My mind kept going back to Christen and Tobin. Despite everything that had happened so far, they had helped me through the elevator without a second thought. I had meant what I said about getting to know them before making any decisions. I was quick to dismiss them at first, but they were right, I didn't even give them a chance. From what I had seen they were amazing, people that I could actually see myself having real feelings for if I gave it a chance. It was a terrifying thought, but something I found myself wanting to do regardless. 
I decided the first step was to thank them so I made my way to their room, knocked and waited anxiously until Christen answered the door. "Hey Y/n, everything okay?"
"Um I just wanted to thank you guys, for distracting me in the elevator. I know we haven't had the best start and that's my fault, but I appreciate you guys helping me regardless. It's been months since I've had a panic attack and I'm really glad it didn't get that far. So thank you."
"Any time Y/n, do you want to come in? We're thinking about watching a movie."
I followed Christen into the room, standing awkwardly when I realised there was only one bed and nothing else to sit on. After a few seconds, I sat down on the floor, legs crossed. They offered for me to sit on the bed, but right now it was more comfortable to have a bit of space between us. We made small talk while they tried to find a movie. It was a bit awkward at first, but as time went on, I started to relax and actually enjoy talking with them. 
Tobin cleared her throat a little while later, "In the elevator, you said that you don't do well in confined spaces anymore, what happened? You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable."
This was something I had hoped they wouldn't bring up. When I had said, I had hoped they wouldn't notice that I had indicated something happened. It wasn't something I really liked talking about as it brought back memories that were preferred buried. Although, I didn't feel as uncomfortable with the thought of telling them as I expected to. After a few seconds of internal debate, I decided to just answer. Might as well start the process of getting to know them now. 
"I was a marine. We were out on a routine mission, the guys got out to do a sweep while I stayed in the truck. We uh we were ambushed. The truck was flipped, I ended up trapped by myself for a long time until rescue came. My guys were injured, they weren't able to help. I got over the fear of being in a car pretty quickly, but the fear of being trapped never went away. My military career ended then as well."
"I'm sorry Y/n, I can't imagine how hard that must have been."
"It was, but I'm mostly okay now. I struggled a lot after that, PTSD, nightmares, drinking, but Ali and Ash really helped me get through it. I don't think I would have made it without them."
It became an almost nightly routine from then. I would sit on the floor of their room while we talked and properly got to know each other. Sometimes we would watch a movie or play a board game, most of the time we would just talk. It wasn't necessarily deep conversation, occasionally it was. Most of the time it was just getting to know each other, talking about our lives, interests, hobbies, that sort of thing. 
I admit it was nice, just talking to them. My feelings were starting to grow the more time I spent with them. I started getting excited at the thought of seeing them, butterflies would erupt when I saw them, heard their voice or they touched me. When they touched me, it felt like I was on fire, yet at the same time I felt calm, comfortable, more relaxed than I had in a long time. I was starting to want more, to really try being with them. The idea still scared me, though I was starting to think maybe that wasn't such a bad thing, that it was something I could work through with them. 
Instead of rushing into it, I decided to give it a bit more time so I could be sure, so I didn't change my mind later and break their hearts again. Though I did decide on doing something nice for them. A date of sorts without calling it a date. 
"Do you want to get dinner with me? Well a picnic, it's a beautiful night. I was going to go to the beach by myself, but I was hoping maybe you would join me?"
Christen smiled widely, "I would like that."
Tobin took a second, but smiled, "I would too."
I hadn't originally planned for a picnic, therefore I had nothing prepared. They were going to meet me in the lobby in half an hour. I knew that the team dinner would be getting set up so I decided to try my luck. The chef let me pack some stuff I knew they liked into containers. Then I practically ran to the store down the road to pick up some wine and fruit for dessert. I tried not to let the nerves rise too high. We got along and it was just dinner so there was nothing to worry about. That fact that dinner wasn't anything special added to the nerves. What if they thought I didn't actually care?
"So I'll be honest, a picnic wasn't actually in the plans. It just kinda came out so the food is just the team dinner and fruit."
"It doesn't matter to us Y/n, this is perfect. Is that wine?"
"Uh yeah, I hope I remembered correctly what type you like. Plastic cups for obvious reasons."
Christen sent a soft smile my way, hand resting on my arm. There was no way she couldn't tell how nervous I was, "You did, how about we sit down?"
We spent hours on the beach, watching the stars, talking and laughing a lot. Our conversations flowed easily like they did in the hotel room, but it seemed different somehow. They were a little more personal, deeper than previously. We talked more about our fears and what we might want in a relationship. 
I found myself with my head in Christens lap, her fingers running through my hair as I played with Tobin's fingers. The realisation hit me suddenly. There was no doubt left in my mind that I wanted to be with them. I wanted this, I wanted them. They were being so patient with me, waiting for me to make the move, to decide what I wanted. I didn't want to wait anymore.
After abruptly sitting up and facing their concerned faces, I took a deep breath and spoke before the courage went away, "I never wanted any part of this soulmate stuff. It was ridiculous to me, but the more I get to know you, the less I can deny the feelings I have for you both. I don't even think it's necessarily the soulmate thing. You two are kind, caring, patient, amazing in ways I never expected. I want to try this with you, be with you as you know girlfriends. If you might want to that is?"
They looked at each other for a second before nodding, each taking one of my hands as wide smiles stretched across their faces, "Of course we do Y/n. We want nothing more."
There was soft music playing in the background as I cleaned up my hotel room. I knew I could get the housekeeping to do it, but I find it therapeutic. Something that came from my military days and stuck. There was knock on the door, Christen waiting on the other side, "What are you up to baby?"
"Cleaning." I replied taking her hand and pulling her into me, "Now dancing."
Christen laughed as she allowed me to guide her around, spinning her around and pulling her back into me. It was like we both froze, staring into each others eyes, "Can I kiss you?"
"You don't have to ask," Christen whispered, leaning in and connecting our lips in a soft, slow kiss. Calmness washed over me, stronger than I had ever felt as I melted into her. I guess it's true what they say, kissing your soulmate is one of the most amazing feelings. It felt right, like the piece I was missing fell back into place as we connected in a way that I had never felt before. 
There was still a piece missing, I knew it was Tobin. I knew we might take a little longer to get here than Christen and I. She was more scared that I was just going to change my mind and decide to leave them, hurting them again. Tobin interacted with me in the same way Christen did, she cuddled with us, joked with me, talked to me. There was a barrier that she kept up though. When we cuddled, she always held Christen, she went on dates with me only when Christen was around as well.
Christen pulled away, leaning her forehead against mine, "What's wrong?"
"I don't want you to think that that kiss wasn't amazing because it was beyond amazing, but I'm thinking about Tobin. I know she's scared, she has every right to be. I'm in this Chris, I just wish I could get her to see that."
"I know. She'll get there Y/n, it might just take a bit of time. Just keep doing what you're doing and you two will be okay."
"Are you okay if I take her out tonight, just the two of us?"
"Of course. I think it'll be good for you guys."
There was a high chance that Tobin would make up an excuse as to why she couldn't make it if she knew the date would be the two of us. So I told her it was the three of us. I hated that I lied to her, but we needed to sort things out, spend time together. I was waiting in the lobby, getting more nervous as time went on. To be honest, I was a little bit scared of how Tobin would react when she found out Christen wasn't coming. Whether it be because I lied to her or because she would have to be around me alone. I hated that I felt that way about my girlfriend. 
I shamelessly watched Tobin walk over to me. She was only wearing simple black jeans and white short sleeved blouse, but she had recently cut her hair and looked amazing. Tobin stopped in front of me, her smile dropping when she noticed Christen was there, "Where's Chris? Isn't she supposed to be here?"
"We knew you probably wouldn't come if you knew it was just me. I'm sorry for lying to you, but I wanted this to just be me and you."
"It's fine."
"You don't have to go out with me if you don't want to. I understand."
"I want to be here Y/n."
I decided to be bold, kissing her cheek quickly. It had happened before, just not when it was only us, "You look beautiful by the way. I really like this new hair cut, it suits you."
A small, but genuine smile appeared, "You look pretty good yourself."
We walked along the street in slightly awkward silence until we reached the park. We had dinner reservations, but I had left time so we could talk before hand. I wasn't good at talking about my feelings. Though I knew we were going to get past this and actually work, then we needed to have an honest conversation about it, about us. To my surprise, Tobin let me lace our fingers together.
"Um I was hoping we could talk," Tobin's face dropped again as she tried to pull her hand away. I tightened my grip slightly, kissing the back of her hand, "Hey, it's nothing bad, I swear. I just think we need to have an honest conversation about us. I know you're scared Tobin, about me deciding that I don't want this and leaving you."
She seemed to relax slightly, "Chris told you?"
"She confirmed it. I understand why you're scared. I know it took me a while to come to terms with meeting my soulmates and figuring out what I wanted. That's in the past, without a doubt, I know what I want. I'm not going anywhere Tobin. I'm in this with you both. I want you both. I know words don't mean much, but please let me prove it to you. To be able to do that, I need you to let me in, even if it's only a little bit right now. I'm with you, I'm here to stay. If you still want me that is?"
"Don't even go there. Of course I want you Y/n. You are amazing and I know things are kind of rough between us, but I don't want you to think I don't want this. I know this is mostly my fault. I'm trying to let go of the fear, I really am, it's just harder than I expected.
"It's not your fault. I know you're trying. I don't expect that fear to go away just like that, but I want to take away the reason for that fear. Make your doubts go away."
Tobin smiled, cuddling up under my arm, "I'll stop pulling away so much, but I need you to push me a bit. I know you won't like that idea, being scared holds me back though. There have been times where I've wanted to do things, but the fear holds me back, it stops me. I don't mean force me, just a little push now and then."
I held her closer, kissing her temple, enjoying the feeling of finally getting to hold her properly. The idea of pushing her, made me uncomfortable. I understood where she was coming from though, I mean fear stopped me from taking the chance with them to begin with, "I guess that could be okay, but you have to tell me if it's too much. I don't want to push you too far."
"Deal, so you and Chris kissed huh? It's pretty great isn't it?"
I laughed loudly, of course Christen had told her, "It was. Chris is amazing. Are you okay with that? Us moving at a different speed to me and you."
"She really is. You guys go at whatever speed is right for you, we'll catch up. I um please don't go further without me though. I know Chris and I have already gone there, but with the three of us that's a big step, we shou-"
"It was never going to happen without you. Those important steps in our relationship happen together, with all of us."
"Thank you. It's weird, being out with out Chris. We've always done everything together. It is nice though, spending some time with you. I think it's what we needed to get out of the limbo we're in."
Things between us were a lot more comfortable after our talk. During dinner we connected in a way we hadn't before. Our conversations flowed easily as I let her in. I had told them somethings about my time in the marines and what happened after, but it was more superficial, a retelling rather than me actually opening up to them about the feelings involved. I knew that opening up would be an important part of progressing our relationship. I also still had nightmares, which I would rather them know before the sleep overs started. Of course Tobin was amazing, she held my hand listening as I talked before reassuring me that they would always be there when I needed them. 
It felt like we had already made progress. Since our conversation, Tobin actively sought my touch. Whether it was lacing our fingers together, wrapping her arms around me or resting them on my hips at the arcade or tucking herself under my arm as we walked along the beach. 
An hour or so later, we just stood outside their hotel room, neither of us making the move to leave. I knew it had to, but I didn't want the night to end. Even though they still made me nervous, when I was around either of them, I was relaxed, happy. It made leaving them hard. 
"Thank you for tonight Y/n. I had a great time."
I kissed her cheek, "Me too Tobes. I'll see you tomorrow?"
Tobin went to open the door, but quickly turned around, cupping my cheek and connecting our lips. There was something about it that made me weak at the knees. Maybe it was the passion behind it. Given our relationship so far, I was slightly surprised by it. Regardless, I reciprocated with just as much passion. I had been waiting for this moment for weeks. Ever since I let in the idea of being with them, my feelings had grown quicker than I could keep up. They were all I could think about most of the time, I wanted to be around them and if I wasn't, I just wanted to talk to them. I was comfortable, I felt safe with them which didn't happen with people often.
She pulled away slowly, smile stretching across her face, "Sorry that was out of no where, I've been thinking about doing that for a long time."
I cupped her cheek, leaving a lingering kiss on her lips, "Don't be, I've been wanting to do that for weeks."
"Things went well then?" Christens voice came from behind us. I wrapped my arm around her, kissing her cheek.
"You could say that. Thank you for being okay with us going out without you, we needed it. You were right Chris, we're going to be okay. We did miss you though."
Christen smiled, pecking both of our lips, "Of course I'm okay with you going out, we don't always have to be the three of us. We're together, but we're going to have different connections, different things we like doing. You have surfing, we have meditation, we all have hiking, and that's okay. I'm glad you had the chance to talk things out."
My fingers were laced with Tobin's as she asked a question that surprised me, "Do you want to come in? I don't think I'm ready for tonight to end yet."
"Neither am I."
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ananiel · 15 days
Hello! I’m so sorry to annoy you, can you do Reader x William Moriarty, where Reader randomly get’s panic attacks, and the first thing to notice is that she sweats?
I’m sorry if this is alot, or this makes you uncomfortable.
Oh, You are not annoying me at all, don't worry, and Yes, i can do that , i hope You will like it!
And please, do not be afraid to ask, there's no reason to!
Genre : hurt/comfort
Headcanons + smaller story
William james moriarty x reader that has panick attacks randomly
- that will hardly be something that he couldn't deal with, better said, not hard at all for him
- he's always been perceptive, so i think that, even if You don't know it yourself, he'll notice that before a panick attack, You would sweat.
- so prepare to have your hand in his at all times to hold it and feel sweat, or to have him, while talking to someone or to You, steal glances from now and then continue talking if all is good
- also i think that he made some preparations, like, "if You don't see me, get up and..." to make sure that even if he is away, You will be good (he's worried, he cares so much about You that he is afraid something would happen while he is away)
- if he does notice sweat, the alarm bells in his hand are ringing, he'll make You sit down, wherever there is space and quiet, and will wrap his arms around You, softly caressing your back and kissing the top of your head, sitting like that for as long as needed, without complaint
- i strongly believe that he made sure to have, if he didn't already, a small towel or something that he could make You wind with it, to help with the passing of it
- also, he'd notice some things that could cause the panick attacks, and would try to avoid them as much as posible.
- if You ever feel guilty that he doesn't really go to balls anymore because he knows they make You uncomfortable, yeah, don't worry, he could be thanking You by kissing your feet from how greatfull he was that the only balls he has to go would be to ensure the Lord of crime work
- another thing it's needed to know is that, he's smart, he probably already read about this things, and probably read so much that he could write his own books, BUT, he Will call a physician after a peculier panick attack that was big, or simply, just to check, because panick attacks can cause difrent things, he wants to know that you are healthy
- even if he, presumly, he could've done the check up himself, he prefered to let a specialist do it, to make sure that nothing is left I turned and that You are fine
Small story :
IT was at a ball held by a noble family that wanted to get back on the noble's list of being famous and generous.
You and William had to go, as there was no way to avoid it without causing drama in the house of lords, so with a groan, You went.
The room was full of people, talking, chatting outside of the ballroom in the balcony over a cigarette or glass of something.
But what caught your attention were the gossiping.
The ladies made snarky, not so quiet remarks at everyone that passed, or, at the women that the noble men came with.
You wanted to make yourself small and to not seem apealing to them, but alas, when your partner is the walking eye candy that he is, it is hard to stay away from their line of discusion
"did You see her?"
"Yes, what does someone like Lord Moriarty see in her"
"i could be a much better fit"
"indeed, not that it is hard to be better than her"
Their words made You sweat.
You knew that the ladies were rude, were bitter for The fact that You had a partner and they didn't, but damn, was it hard not to think of it when they were talking behind You, not even a table away from you. William was nowhere in sight, but You knew he want after a noble, that could be tedius work, and take a long while, there was no way You could just wait for him to return, before he could You would've made a fool out of yourself and him too. Not that he cared, he didn't care at all of it meant that You were safe, but You did.
You got up taking deep breaths and trying to walk to your asigned bedroom, steps wobly as You felt that horrible panick attack come after You.
You tried to take a deep breath again, it stopping in your throath as You felt a pair of hands wrap around Your middle, making You gasp and try to move away.
"it's me, darling, it's me"
Said William, soothingly kissing up and down your neck as he pulled You closer to him
"breath,love, i am here"
You leaned in his touch as he wraps his arms around You more tightly, kissing your forehead.
"let's leave this place, go home, You and me, you're safe now, you're safe, everything is fine"
He gives her hand a gentle squeez as he Kisses her forehead, before interwining his hands with hers and making her sit on his lap untill she calmed down.
Like he always does.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Dating Hope Mikaelson Headcannons
Tumblr media
Making sure she takes breaks from working too hard and think about herself for a period of time when a threat may come along cause she'll overwork herself too much
When you guys met, she froze up and wasn't able to complete a coherent sentence after a good couple of minutes
Helping her through panic attacks or whenever her memories decide to wash through her mind
Being the only one she's comfortable being vulnerable around
You guys sometimes just go out in the woods to let out aggression (you feel bad for the trees whenever you kick them a lot or throw stuff though)
Being ready to attack Alaric every time he brings up her dead parents and uncle to win an argument
^Her also having to literally pull you away before you stab him in creative ways
You both being extremely protective of each other
Cuddling whenever you guys are in bed, no matter what. Even if you have an 'argument' (which would be really small and funnily stupid)
When she gets nightmares, you'd comfort her and cradle her against your chest
Hope and Lizzie either act as mortal enemies or the best of friends, there's no inbetween
^causing lot's of disappointing or confused sighs coming from you and Josie. Literally one minute you'll guys have to stop them from trying to kill eachother and the next you'll be staring at the two of them cuddled together on the couch, scrolling on their phones as if nothing happened
If you're a vampire then you'd show her memories of your past and how you grew up, how different it was I'm the past centuries (being an older vampire and going to the school only becuase you met Hope)
^and maybe knowing her mischievous Uncle Kol for a long time and surprising her with the first thing you do, which is insulting him when she takes you with her to NOLA to meet her family. (The look on everyone's face is priceless from your 'boldness' of talking to an original like that for the first time) - as if that's your first time
Her sometimes acting as if she's 'too badass' for cuddles at night, but then won't stop pouting till you hold her
Helping her through when she lost Hayley, Klaus and Elijah
Hope trying to hold back a laugh every time you guys are currently facing a monster because you insult them multiple times before the fight even begins. Starting with how they dress and ending up with telling them instead of just taking a bit of revenge, try and go for something way better and exciting, getting an insulted facial expression. Every. Time.
Building a blanket fort I your guys' dorm and cuddling while watching movies in it at night
You two should never be alone with the younger students (4-8 year olds) because it turns straight into chaos the moment you're alone
^Alaric learned that the hard way when coming back from a meeting
Sneaking into town together to go to the grill, ordering food, playing darts, and maybe some pool. Acting like normal teenagers for once
Her nuzzling herself into you as much as she can when she gets her period (before she turns)
Baking cookies together, but you quickly kick her out of the baking space so she's just watching because it'll turn into a disaster with her lack of knowledge about kitchen equipment if you don't
Teaching her a very old language so if you want to talk without prying ears, you guys can (you'd be a vamp here)
Dancing in the woods together whenever it's pouring rain
Attempting to make slime together (p.s. it doesn't end well)
Having movie marathons of watching Harry Potter and Marvel
Ranting to each other at the end of the day about people or things that annoyed you guys. Alaric is in the top three of annoyance for both of you
If you could, you guys would stay in bed all day, cuddling
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Ever since the first time I saw Welt in Star Rail this is stuck in my head. Since Welt ended in the star rail universe other people could’ve done the same. Imagine someone from the PE (and can percieve the Honkai energy like the Valks ) who ended up the same way a March 7th (trapped in weird ice) and when they wake up and see Welt they don’t know that Herrschers can be human friendly, since Welt can still use his materialisation powers I assume he’s still got residual Honkai energy and when they feel it they’re like "DIE HERRSCHER !!" Or something like that
Take this however you want, as a request (if you have inspiration) or as a ramble.
A/N: First of all, I absolutely love the way your brain thinks! This is honestly hilarious to think about and so I decided to make a little something with it. I hope you don't mind me making it kinda into a Welt x reader thing!
Content: Enemies to lovers, fluff ending, angst(?)
Featured characters: Welt and some of the other Astral Express members)
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread, so I'm sorry for any mistakes!))
☆《From beyond this world. (Welt x PE!Reader)》☆
You groaned, when bright light hit your eyes, blinding you for a moment. Your head spun, so many thoughts swirling through your head and yet non made sense. What happened? You dared open your eyes once more, the buzzing of many voices finally reaching your ears.
"-Hey, can you hear us?" A voice rang out, yet you couldn't respond just yet and instead just weakly hummed. When your vision finally cleared, you stared up at what seemed to be a wooden ceiling. Where were you...?
"Oh, good, they are awake! Phew, I thought they wouldn't ever wake up!" A pink haired girl next to you sighed, offering you a smile, when you looked at her with furrowed confused eyes. "Where..." You started, yet your voice broke, as though it wasn't used in so long.
This confused you, since the last thing you remember was talking to some colleagues... something exploded... and then... what happened then?
"You're currently the Astral Express. We found you floating through space in a giant block of ice and rescued you. Do you have any injuries or pain?" A red haired woman asked you, yet all you could do was stare. Your brain couldn't process that information at the moment, as it just made no sense to you.
You tried pushing yourself up to sit, the carpeted floor you laid on proving to be quite uncomfortable as time went on. The girl helped you in doing so, a friendly smile always on her face. "There you go... my name is March 7th by the way! And this is Himeko!" She said, quickly showing you how naturally energetic she is. It would've been comforting, if you didn't feel dread course through your veins all of a sudden.
Himeko gave you a small smile and asked you something, but you couldn't hear her over the ringing in your ears. Your eyes were suddenly focused on a man standing behind her, your breathing picking up fast. That man... he had some honkai energy surrounding him. No, not only that... you could feel it clearly all of a sudden... he was a Herrscher.
You panicked, your body moving faster than your rapidly spiralling mind, as you attempted to attack him. You grabbed a blade out of your pocket, practically violently throwing yourself at him. All exhaustion and dizziness left you in that moment, your only thought being the elimination of what you considered a pest.
"DIE HERRSCHER!" You screamed, before you were roughly restrained by the others in confusion and panic. A young man you hadn't seen before was struggling to keep you back with March 7th, as you were surprisingly strong. The Herrscher on the otherhand just stared at you in near surprise for a moment, before a flicker of recognition glinted in his eyes.
Sudden exhaustion hit you again pretty fast, your body not used to moving so much anymore, your head lulling forward as you panted weakly. "H-Hey! What are you doing? Calm down!" March yelled in panic, yet stopped, when the man raised his hand to silence her for a moment.
He approached you, leaning down a little to be at eye level with you. You glared into his eyes, fear and anger coursing through you. You couldn't understand any of this. Why were these people defending a vile creature like him? He suddenly raised his cane and gently tapped your forehead, his warm eyes being the last thing you saw, before you eventually passed out.
It had been a month since then. Turns out, that you were in a completely different timeline and galaxy now, far away from any actual Honkai threats. And the Herrscher's name was Welt Yang, a surprising calm and kind man, who was nowhere near the threat you at first perceived him to be.
Luckily, no one questioned your words regarding Welt, mainly because they thought you were just losing it, after being trapped for so long. And so, when everyone was too far away to listen in on you two, Welt told you about everything you didn't know regarding him and Herrschers.
It took you a while to even process the idea of "friendly Herrschers" and you admittedly still didn't trust the man for a couple days at first. But he was surprisingly very understanding and patient, which made you feel nearly guilty for attacking him in the first place.
After spending two weeks on the Astral Express and spending time mostly with him, albeit against your will at first, you actually became closer... nearly friends somehow. It seemed like you had alot more in common than you had initially thought and whilst him having some honkai energy in him did still worry you... you began looking past that quite fast.
How could you not, when he was so nice and gentle with you, quelling your fears and worries, telling you that you had nothing to worry about anymore here. It felt eventually comforting to be close to him. He was technically the only one left from your old world, old life in a way. And you began appreciating him after a month.
Soon enough, you also became apart of the Astral Express and usually kept to Welt's side as somewhat of an assistant, which only drove you two closer.
"How do you like the tea?" Welt hummed, watching you sip on your cup with intent interest. You hummed in satisfaction, a small, content smile on your lips. "I like it, the flavour is new, but good." You said, earning a nod from the man.
You both sat in the comfortable silence in what was Welt's room, your eyes glued to the large windows and the galaxies that passed you by through them. It was relaxing and so comforting to you. So much so, that you didn't notice the fleeting glances the man gave you.
"... I'm sorry for attacking you." You hummed, closing your eyes at the relaxing bliss you felt. Welt chuckled, his eyes never leaving your face. "It's alright, I understand. Hopefully I made a good enough impression for you not to do it again?" He joked lightly, earning an amused chuckled from you now.
"Yeah... you have. I actually love you now-" You stopped yourself, your eyes snapping open in surprise at your own words. Who would've thought, that you'd ever say such words to a Herrscher? You glanced at Welt, who only gave you a soft smile in return, the dim light of his room hiding the faint redness on his cheeks and the tips of his ears, which you still noticed.
He chuckled, his eyes glinting in amusement. "Well, I feel the same about you. I'm glad, that we have so much in common." He said, making you smile and relax. Humming, you raised the cup back to your lips, your eyes glancing back at him teasingly.
"I'm glad too."
A/N: Thank you again Anon for your beautiful thoughts! I hope, I did your idea justice!<33
♡Requests are always appreciated!♡
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tinydefector · 2 months
Hi its me again, feeling a bit in the dumps today so was wondering if you could do any bot of your choice comforting gn!reader after a fight with someone they're close with? Reader thrashed their room and hurt themselves in the progress bcz of the stress and the bot helped them calm themselves down from their panic attack, praises and comforting words.
I had to check your rules if this sort of thing was allowed or not. Srry for the inconveniences!🎀
Worm! You're always welcome ^^, I may have sped off to make this. It'd not as long as I was hoping to make it. I do hope you enjoy it. Make sure to take some time for yourself, and if you're hurt physically, please make sure to see a doctor.
And I don't have a lot of things I won't write, but please take care of yourself
Rung x human reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: mental health, slight injury
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Rung's audials perked up at the sound of chaos emanating from one of the suites. The clattering of objects being hurled and the echoes of raised voices filled the air, causing confusion and concern among the crew. It wasn't long before Skids, with a determined grip on Rung's arm, forcefully dragged him towards the suite's entrance, attempting to explain the situation. “Had a fight or somethin, could over hear em while I was in the vents, but your the best with this kind of situation” Skids states. 
As they neared the suite, the commotion grew louder, the sounds of distress and frustration mingling in the air. It soon became apparent that the source of the disturbance was the human onboard the ship. Rung's spark sank with empathy as he realised that they were having a meltdown, their emotions manifesting in the destruction of their surroundings. The room had become the unfortunate recipient of their turmoil, bearing the brunt of whatever happened.
As they reached the suite's entrance, Rung took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay beyond the doors. With a gentle nod to Skids, Rung stepped forward, his voice soft and reassuring. "Thank you, Skids. I'll take it from here." He approached the door, his spark filled with worry.
Small sobs leave their lips as they curl up into a ball beside their bed blanket wrap around their body. "Go away!" Rung's spark ached as he entered the dimly lit room, his optics adjusting to the smaller space. The sight of the human curled up in a ball beside their bed, their body trembling with sobs, tugged at his empathetic nature.
He took a cautious step forward, mindful not to intrude further into their personal space. Rung's voice was soft and gentle as he spoke, understanding the need to approach with care. "I'm here to help, but only if you want me to be. I won't leave you alone, it seems you have had an eventful night” Rung found a spot nearby to sit, positioning himself at a respectful distance. 
 “Can you list five things you see around you? It could be a pen, a spot on the ceiling, anything in your surroundings” He asks ever so softly, moving closer to them. “ my bed, my blanket. Your optics, my hands and your glowing stuff” they stutter thought sobbed breaths. As Rung adjusted his position to sit on the floor, he noticed the human's need for closer comfort.
 Their head pressed against his chest, seeking companionship and a sense of security. Without hesitation, Rung gently lifted them into his lap, cradling them with a comforting embrace. He carefully wrapped the blanket around them again, he can feel something wet against his leg, as he presses a hand to it and brings it up to his optics for examination. It's blood from their foot, he lets out a shuttered vent as he holds them closer. 
“ four things you can touch or feel.” He states again this time, slowly rocking them back and forth against his chassis his optics flicker down to watch them as he discards his glasses off to the side. “My blanket, your chassis, my foot bleeding, you.” They call out their answers again, They slowly wipe tears from their eyes as they look up into the bright blue glow of rungs eyes and chest. 
“You're doing very well, I'll have a look at your feet soon, I need you to be able to talk to me though, just a few more I promise,Three things you hear. This could be any external sound.?” Rung's tone carried a genuine concern, a sincere desire to be a source of comfort for the human. He knew that sometimes injuries happened when things got too heated. 
“The Ship, my heart, your Voice” they call out, eyes closed as they press closer to him. 
“Two things you can smell.” He asks again, continuing his small line of questions. They take a deep breath trying to smell the amount of mucus that had built up from them crying and their  nose running “ the Polish you use, and WD-40?” They ask almost confused, it makes Rung chuckle. “ yes it's similar, I use ot to make sure my joints don't Cease up, also helps prevent rusting” he replies while running a thumb against their face wiping the tears away. 
“One more my dear, a thing you can taste. What does the inside of your mouth taste like, gum, coffee?” The soft blue glow from his optics and chest served as the only source of light in the dark room, casting a gentle illumination that seemed to envelop them both in a comforting embrace.
“Salt” they take a shaky breath, they have settled down as Rungs cradles them. 
"I'm here with you, my dear. Take your time, allow yourself to breathe. I won't rush you or push you to share more than you're comfortable with. Just know that I'm here to listen, to support you. May I?" He asked while gesturing to their foot. 
They move slightly, letting Rung have a look at the injury, he can see the cuts from glass but they don't seem to have anything stuck in it which is a relief. "Oh my you have done yourself a good one, well get that checked my First-aid” Rung hums, his voice a soothing presence in the room. He lets them move again, they snuggle up close to him again, the soft hum of his spark seems to settle them. 
 "Which one of the bots sent you?" they asked softly, their voice filled with curiosity and vulnerability. Rung's optics dimmed slightly as he gave a small, wry smile. "Ah, the ever-inquisitive mind of yours," he replied, his tone gentle yet laced with a touch of amusement. "It was Skids, my dear. He recognized your distress and sought to provide you with the support you needed." Rung's voice held no judgement or criticism, only a simple acknowledgement of the truth, Skids had been the one to bring him here. 
"I must say, though," Rung continued, his voice filled with warmth, "I'm grateful that Skids got me here quickly” His words carried a genuine sincerity. They lay against Rung, pressed against the centre of his spark chamber watching the dancing blue light. 
"Rung... am, am I a bad person?" they asked, their words filled with uncertainty and self-doubt, the weight of their emotions pressing heavily upon them. Rung could sense their reluctance to delve into the details of what had happened, their desire to shield themselves from the pain it brought. He respected their need for privacy, understanding that some wounds were too raw to be immediately shared.
His optics filled with a mixture of compassion and determination as he responded, his voice gentle but firm. "My dear, no one is inherently good or bad. We all have moments of darkness, moments where we question ourselves and our actions. It's a part of being sentient, What matters is what we choose to do with those moments." Rung's words carried a depth of wisdom.
"You are a complex being, my dear," Rung continued, his voice filled with reassurance. 
As he spoke, Rung gently tightened his hold on them. “Are you feeling up to facing Ratchet or would you rather be one of the other medics?” he asked while pressing his chin to the top of their head. 
They lay there for a moment debating on what to do. "Can... Can you take me to Ratchet? I stepped on and broken glass, I don't think I'll make it there with everyone looking at me" they whimper while clinging to him.
"Of course, my dear," Rung responded softly, his voice filled with kindness and understanding. "I will gladly take you to Ratchet, no more tears now sweetspark."
With utmost care, Rung shifted their position, ensuring they were still cradled securely in his arms. He knew that their injury required attention, and Ratchet was just the medic for it.
"Let us make our way to the medbay," Rung suggested, his voice soothing and supportive. "I will shield you from prying optics as we navigate the ship. Pull the blanket over your head if you need to. " As Rung carefully rose to his pedes, cradling the injured human in his arms, he made sure to shield them from unnecessary attention. With a determined yet gentle stride, he navigated the corridors of the Lost Light. “your stronger than you believe you are my dear and I'm very proud of you” he states while walking 
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confession headcanons with lotor, acxa and allura
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notes: first post on this account, figured I'd start off with something pretty simple tags: friends to lovers, confessions, first kisses, hugs, overall just fluff lmfao, claustrophobia, tight spaces, being locked into a closet word count: 1.5k
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[ lotor ]
okay so first of all Lotor would act one of two ways if he had feelings for you
either he'd be extremely suave around you (and of course a blushing mess the second you acted even close to similar)
or he'd be almost mean? like I feel like he would ignore you if you were someone he really cared about and/or someone he was enemies with
in the latter case its a situation where he doesn't want you knowing
I feel like, if you two went from friends to lovers, it would more be the second option, so we're going to go with that
so you've been noticing for a while that Lotor's been ignoring you for a while
and you're like hey bitch what gives, so you go and ask him why
poor lotor is an absolute mess. he has no clue what to say
cause like obviously he can't say, "Yeah I was ignoring you because you're super hot and I'm in love with you." So he just kinda stands there like 🧍 "How can I help you?"
but now ur like lowkey pissed so you just force answers out of him by like getting super mad
and he's just like 😒 "why do u care?"
hehe you just yell out "Cause I love you fucking idiot."
and then you realize what you just said and storm off lmfao
poor man has a panic attack and then just chases you into the hallway, grabbing you and pinning you against a wall as gently as he can.
"did you... mean that?" lotor forces out, cradling your cheek in his large hand. his cheeks are red, you notice with some satisfaction, and as you revel in this affection after weeks of being starved of it you realize that the likelihood of lotor feeling the same way is really quite large.
so, after working up insane amounts of courage, you go on your tippy toes, guide lotor's head down to a height where you can reach him, and peck him gently on the lips, pulling away quickly, cheeks dusted red. "uh... sorry," you look away, not wanting to make eye contact with him, "If you don't feel the same way... you can just ign-"
"- I do feel the same way," he coughs out, also not meeting your gaze.
Lotor steels himself, then leans down, tilting your head up with his warm hand as he gently meets your lips, deepening the kiss as you smile into it.
After some time he breaks away, smiling.
the man is emotionally stunted but you can fix that *winks*
[ a/n that was shit lmfao he's quite ooc i hope y'all don't mind ]
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[ acxa ]
acxa would be really subtle if she had feelings for you
if you guys go from strangers to lovers, then she'll probably just subtly do things for you
she's going to get a coffee, she'll ask if you want one as well
just the little things
if it's a friends to lovers scenario, she might leave lingering touches along your arms or hands
I feel like her main love language is acts of service, considering she's relatively closed off due to her military history, so she will do more things for you, as I already mentioned. however if she has feelings for you beyond just friendship, she might also cave to your love language as well
physical touch? she's letting you hug her, which leads to ezor teasing her so fucking much because usually acxa will just step back if someone tries something like that
if its gift giving, expect small, practical things likes knives or omnitools. she won't give elaborate gifts all willy-nilly, but she does know what you like for, for example, your birthday
anyway back to the confession (I got a bit off track there lmfao)
so acxa will be realllll subtle, and you'll just be blushing your ass off lmfao
like she'll gently adjust some hair so that it's again behind your ear and you will just go red as a tomato
the issue here is that ACXA IS FUCKING OBLIVIOUS
doesn't notice a thing
this means ezor (best wingman fr) and zethrid (their exhausted gf) have to play cupid and get you two together, because ofc only ezor sees the signs and has to act on them
anyway, the actual confession is relatively simple, because ezor dedicates so much of their time into getting you two into the closet together that zethrid swears she hasn't slept all week
(the sheer amount of failed attempts... is astounding)
so ezor is like, hey, [reader] wanted to meet you here for something top secret and pushes acxa into the closest, meanwhile zethrid just picks you up and drops you inside, closing and locking the door as soon as you two are in there
ofc they're both outside listening in
anyway acxa starts off by trying to break down the door, like the night in shining armor she is, but as soon as she realizes that it's futile she just slumps against the wall and accepts defeat
i mean ofc she knows why ezor is doing this
doesn't mean she has to like it
"so..." you blurt out, awkwardly rubbing the back of your head with your palm. internally, you're panicing at being locked inside a tight space with none other than acxa, the object of your affections, but you hope that you can at least display some composure around her.
you wouldn't want her to think you a complete fool.
acxa raises an eyebrow, "yeah?"
"how are we going to get out of here?" you ask, saying the first thing that comes to mind.
"they'll let us out eventually."
"hopefully. why do you think they locked us in here?" of course you know why the locked you in here. you should never have told ezor about your feelings for acxa, the general always was far too eager to play matchmaker to trust properly with sensitive emotions.
acxa doesn't reply for a while, simply tilting her head at you. she supposes it's now or never. the quicker she confesses the quicker you're both out of here; you've mentioned hating tight spaces before and she doesn't want to inconvenience you any further.
"they locked us in here because of my feelings for you, [reader]."
your eyes widen and your cheeks go red at the implication in her words. "do you-"
"they're romantic, yes, before you ask."
you swallow, "okay. um. I uh-"
"you feel the same way?"
acxa sighs, in relief, and stands. as she steps towards you, you reach a hand out so that she may help you up. yet instead of staying standing up she kneels before you, her face at level with yours. as she takes your face in her warm hands, you smile, and she lends you one in return, right before your lips meet hers. the kiss is warm, nice, gentle, soft. you seperate, but before you can lean back against the wall, she grabs your collar, whispers, "may I?", waits for your nod then clashes your lips against her own, this one much hungrier.
ezor tugs the door open right then, but acxa just keeps kissing you.
[ a/n i am so gay. so. so gay ]
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[ allura ]
so obvious tho
but to everyone but you
again you are both oblivious to each other's blushing messes
"you look really pretty/handsome today," you are SCREAMING
in reply: "may I braid your hair, princess?" allura perishes on the spot and is so unbelievably red the entire time-
coran is, in this case, playing wingman
they're always signed:
- from your sky princess
you only catch on at dinner one evening and you have that AHA! moment right next to coran
oh allura is so embarassed when you just stand up, tug out a letter and point at her while jumping up and down
but coran is smirking so hard lmfao
"you wrote the letters! princess you should have told me in person!" you're overjoyed; she returns your feelings! but why didn't she just tell you?
"I was scared you didn't feel the same way, love," allura replies.
you hands down leap towards her, hugging her so hard that she has to tell you to losen your grip a bit, lest you strangle her and you just cover her face in kisses. as you realize what you're doing though you jump away and blush hard, "sorry, I should have asked."
she shuts you up by tugging you back onto her lap and kissing you softly. "It is not an issue, my love."
you legitimately short circuit.
meanwhile the paladins: 😃 what the fuck 😃
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cr: @humanitieswalkingredflag 2022 - by reading this you are agreeing to the following - this is my content and you will not copy it to any other websites - I do not own any of the characters, however I do own the work I write - I do not profit off of this content
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buckleyx · 2 years
Hi love! Can i request a romantic Eddie Diaz x gn!reader fic where they are helping him take care of Christopher in the recent episode(s)? Ignore if it you don't get an ideas or feel comfortable with the request! :)
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The GIF I used is not mine! All credit goes to the owner!
Author’s note: ow hello my darling anonymous human! Thank you so much for requesting. I absolutely loved the idea! I hope its what you had in mind, I had a lot of fun writing it. It kinda takes place durning Eddie's outbursts but instead of Chris calling Buck, he calls you :) enjoy!!! <33
Eddie Diaz x gender!neutral reader
Warnings: Heartbroken Eddie, mentions of outbursts, angst
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"Are you comfortable?" You asked softly, tucking Christopher further in.
"Yes." He whispered, holding his hands above the space themed blankets. It was a rough day for the boy. Having to call help on your own father is never easy. Especially when you aren't used to ever seeing him like that. You were the first he called. Broken walls and messed up furniture greeted you when you entered Eddie's room. A place that you once knew as tidy and neat was now gone. Your own broken boyfriend sitting on the ground. Not being able to say a word.
It was all the anger he builded up. The news about his old colleagues, taking temporary leave of the 118, having to be put behind a desk. You didn't necessarily blame him for his outburst, you just wished he talked to you sooner.
"Goodnight Chris." You smiled, placing the children's book further on his bedside table. "Try getting some sleep."
It wasn't the first time you stayed the night. So Christopher didn't raise any questions with why you tucked him in and not Eddie. You were a big part in his life now, and Chris really only saw that as the most positive thing ever. It was different then with Anna. He saw you more as a parent, someone who truly loves Eddie and wants to share their future with him. This was more real.
You said your final goodnights, answering some more questions from Chris before going to find Eddie. He was sitting on the couch, deep in thought, one hand was messily placed in his hair as the other holded the cup of coffee you made him.
You walked further in the leaving room, silenty sitting down next to him. He sat up straight, rubbing his eyes, trying his best to wipe away the wet stains on his cheecks.
"Is Chris alright?" He asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence. You rubbed your hand on his back in small circular motions, slowing moving up to play with his hair.
"He's worried about you." You answered honestly.
"He shouldn't have seen that. He shouldn't had to be the on to call you."
"Hey Eddie. Chris will survive." You reassured him. "But I think it still would be best to talk to him tomorrow. He got quite a scare."
"I know." His eyes shifted from yours. Like he was ashamed of you seeing him like this. "I'm sorry."
"You need help, Eddie. This can't go on. The panic attacks, the outbursts, it's all eating you away." Your hands cupped his cheeks. "Please don't shut me out. Not this time. Please Eddie, allow me to help you."
"You've got nothing to be sorry about." You took his chin, so his eyes remained on yours. Tears danced in his eyes. Your heart broke seeing him like this. So fragile. So broken.
My requests are open! :)
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911 Taglist: @roseelone @skz-enhypen @sydneysaldana @bxbyyyjocelyn @teenwolfgirl90 @barzy90
Main Taglist: @onlinevampire1898 @reality1escaping @musicsavedme98 @zombiedixon89 @ladamari68 @angelofbowersgangwifey @incendiotriaaa  @embon  @pansexualmommamess @mykookieme-blog @sluttyreader  @fairyhope028 @alexxavicry @alexloveskili @one-sweet-gubler @attackonnat  @strangersomeone @ahookedheroespureheart
Let me know if you want to be added for future work! <3
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lunamadhatter99 · 2 years
My safe place
Summary: something bad happens after a party, but you don't want to make your two boyfriends worry.
Warning: mention of rape, slight panic attack.
I got this idea for a little while... and I wanted to write something for both Steve and Eddie. Hope you like it😅 ❤️
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Having two boyfriends sounds like fun, right?
Yeah... it is. Most of the time.
For example, double the cuddles, double the attention and double the fun too.
But it also mean double the effort in not making them worry.
I've been with Eddie 'the freak' for almost 4 years, then Steve came along too. This three way relationship is still new for them, so they're still trying to figure their 'side' of the relationship out, but it's going well so far.
The most evident thing they have in common is that they both care a lot about me and worry for the smallest thing, which is sweet, but sometimes it makes it hard for me.
Like tonight.
Steve's parents are away for the summer, apparently, so Eddie and I will stay with him as he offered.
I just came back from a party I was with Nancy. She left at some point with Jonathan so I just spent most of the time with some journal friends from school before walking to Steve's.
That's when I run into Jason and his friends...
I try not to make any noise as I enter Steve's house, hoping both him and Eddie are already asleep.
I try to keep my breath steady, but my body refuses and just keeps shaking.
I take off my torn jacket amd torn thighs and throw them in the garbage.
The lights are out so maybe they really are asleep. So I slowly walk upstairs to check in the bedroom.
I find them laying in the bed, holding hands with a small empty space between them, for me probably. They always insist on me being in the middle so they 'can protect me better' as they always put it.
I sadly smile and just head to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.
I take a deep, shaky breath and just fall on the floor letting out a sob I held back since that.
I just cry for what felt like an eternity. When I feel like I have no tears left, I stand up and get in front of the sink.
I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror.
It definitely looks like I've been crying.
I take a deep breath and then I heard the doorknob being moved, that makes me jump a little.
"Sweetheart, is that you?"
"Yeah" I quickly say, hoping he doesn't notice the tremble in my voice.
"You just got back?" He sounds sleepy.
"Yeah" I say, quickly again.
"You had fun?"
"Are you okay?" He starts to get worried.
"Yeah" I curse myself for repeating the same thing... with the same tone... not suspicious at all.
"Can I come in, sweetheart?" He asks, trying again to open the door.
I take a deep breath, swallowing down a sob threatening to escape.
"I'll be out in a second, love" I tell him.
"I'll be here" he tells me.
I quickly check myself again in the mirror. It looks like I'm tired now. Which is true. Maybe I can make it believable.
I take another deep breath, once again and unlock the bathroom door and step out. I find Steve leaning on the opposite wall.
Once he looks up to me he immediately opens his arms to hug me.
I unconsciously tense at the contact.
He notices.
"Hey.. you alright?" He lets me go to look at my face.
"Yeah.. uh... I'm just tired" I say with a forced smile.
"Are you su-"
"Yes, Steve. I'm just tired. Danced a lot with Nance" I try to chuckle to make the story more believable.
"Okay... okay" he's not convinced, I can tell. "Come to bed?"
"I'll make myself a tea first." I tell him "you go, don't worry."
"I can keep you company" he offers "Eddie's just completely gone. He won't notice to be alone for a few minutes"
"Oh.. no, no, love. Please you look already asleep" I try to joke "go to bed, I'll be there in a few."
"Are you sure you're okay?" He tries again.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to avoid a headache tomorrow morning"
"Okay.. but if you need anything, anything, call me" he kisses my cheeks and I start to walk downstairs again.
I didn't lie, I'm gonna make some tea, but I have no intention in getting in bed with them.
Not tonight. Not after what happened.
I slept on the couch. Even if 'slept' is not the correct word to use, it would implie I actually got to sleep.
I get up pretty early and decide to make breakfast for Eddie and Steve.
After a while I hear footsteps coming downstairs.
"Good morning, my darling" Eddie greets me.
"Morning, my love"
He immediately comes to hug me from behind and I, once again, unconsciously tense up.
"What's wrong?" He immediately ask.
"Nothing" I smile to make it more convincing.
"Yeah, she did the same with me when she got back from the party" Steve explains as he comes into view.
"Is something wrong, love?" Eddie asks again. 
I open my mouth to answer him, but Steve cuts me off.
"She didn't even sleep in the bed with us tonight"
"I did" I try to convince them. 
"No, you did not" Steve says, using a sweet tone. "What happened, sweetheart?"
"Nothing" I say with a nervous laugh. "I mean I'm probably just a little stressed for, you know, the project with that journal course I told you about. It's probably that. Don't worry your pretty little heads"
Eddie goes to take my hand and I instinctively flinch away.
"It's not some stupid project the problem here." He states, concern evident in his voice.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Steve comes closer, but not too much.
"N-nothing... I... I'm just... uh..." my eyes start watering, I blink the tears away as much as possible "I'm just stressed. Nothing bad happened."
I get back at making the pancakes mixture avoiding their eyes.
"Y/n... we... we just want to help" Eddie tells me. I hate hearing his voice breaking like this.
I sigh shaking my head.
"At least tell us what we can do to make you feel better. Anything." Steve too tries.
"We just want to take care of you"
We just wanna take care of you.
Those words...
I uncontrollably start to cry again, falling on the floor hugging myself, Steve and Eddie are quick to kneel next to me. Careful not to touch me.
"Sweetheart, it's okay. We're here"
"Yeah, nothing's gonna happen."
They try to touch me again and I let them this time.
"Is it okay if we hold you, princess?" Eddie asks.
I slightly nod, still avoiding their eyes.
Carefully, Eddie wrap his arms around me, rubbing my arms to calm me down, while gently rubs my knees.
I take a deep breath and reach out to grab their hands, holding then tight.
"I... I was walking back from the party." I start.
"You don't have to tell us if you're not ready yet, my love" Eddie reassures me.
I just nod but I keep speaking. 
"I was walking because I let Nancy go home with Jonathan. I stayed at... at the party for a little longer... chatting with some friends... then.." I let out a sob and Eddie and Steve's hands draw circles on mine reassuringly.
"It's okay, Sweetheart. We're here" Steve softly says.
"Then... while I was walking home I... uh... I... I heard a car... stopping not far from where I was... I didn't think much of it at first... then... uh.. then" I take a deep, shaky breath "then I heard Jason's voice. He was calling me. Next thing I know is... is that I.. was.. I was completely surrounded by his friends. They... they were... they uh.. started to calling me names... and then... then...fuck" I cry again, sobbing violently, Eddie holds me closer and Steve kisses my hand.
"Fuck... I just... I can still feel their hands... all over me... I... " I just cry.
"Sshh, my love. You're okay. We won't let it happen again. We promise" Eddie whispers to me.
"We're so sorry, Sweetheart. So sorry. We shouldn't have let you go alone"
I shake my head.
"It wasn't your fault. Please... don't.. don't blame yourself." I ask.
"Help me get her to the couch" Steve asks Eddie who slowly move his arms away from me to help me stand up, on shaky legs.
They lead me to the couch and let me sit, then they kneel in front of me.
"I'm sorry.." I barely whisper.
"What for, my love? You didn't do anything wrong. You hear me? It wasn't your fault" Eddie firmly tells me holding one of my hands as Steve gently stroke the other one.
"I made you worry..."
"So what? We worry all the time for you, sweetheart. It's not a surprise" Steve jokes to enlighten the mood a bit.
"Yeah, I mean, you remember when you were staying with me at Christmas?" Eddie asks and I nod "I woke up and you weren't next to me. I almost freaked out then I heard the shower." He chuckles turning to look at Steve "turned out she was simply taking a shower"
Steve laughs at that and I do too.
"See? We're always gonna worry about you. We love you" Steve kisses my hand.
I notice I'm not shaking anymore, so I smile at them and bring their hands to my mouth and kiss them.
"How do you feel?" Eddie asks sitting next to me, Steve does the same.
"Better... thank you" I say leaning my head on his shoulder, letting him hug me.
"Good, now... you stay here with her and I" Steve stands up "have to make a little visit"
"What?" I ask alarmed. 
"Not a chance, Harrington. You'll only get your ass kicked... again. I'll go" Eddie stands up too "Where's your bat?"
"What? No! You two are staying here" I firmly say, standing up. 
"Why?" They ask at the same time.
"Because..." I say.
"Because...?" Eddie asks.
"There's... there's no need" I say looking down at my feet.
"No need? Love, they hurt you... we... fuck. We can't let them get away with it." Steve comes to me rubbing my arms.
"He's right. At least let us talk to Hopper" Eddie suggests. "Please"
"I... I don't... "I stutter and Steve only holds me.
"We'll be with you the entire time. We promise, my love." Eddie reassures me.
"Can... can we do it... later... not now, please?" I ask, my eye watering up once again.
"Sure, love. Whenever you're ready." Steve kisses my head.
"How about breakfast then?" Eddie gently grabs my hand leading me back to the kitchen. 
I move to get back to the pancakes mixture, but Eddie stops me.
"I got it, my darling" he tells me.
"I can still use my hands, Eddie" I tell him rolling my eyes playfully. 
"I know. That doesn't mean I can't spoil my girl" he winks.
I feel Steve coming up behind me, hugging me and resting his chin on my shoulder. 
"He's right, you know. Plus you can't stop us from spoiling you, sweetheart, that'sour only purpose." He kisses my cheek.
"I love you." I say, slightly embarrassed from their attention. 
"Aaww look at her. She still gets all shy with us" Steve jokes.
"Still not use to have two guys at your feet, love?" Eddie sweetly smirks.
"Shut up" I say. 
"Yeah stop teasing my girl, Munson" Steve jokingly accuses Eddie.
"Your girl? Man, we're all together here. Key word: share" Eddie replies. 
"Okay, okay, while you two fight I'll go change and... yeah.. throw these clothes away." I half smile and they nod checking if I'm actually okay, once they're convinced Steve lets me go and kisses my cheek and so does Eddie.
"Be quick, or Harrington here will eat everything" he jokes.
Steve looks at him in disbelief.
They keep bickering and joking all while Eddie finishes making breakfast and I walk upstairs.
I finally feel safe again.
I feel stupid for not telling them right away, they would probably tell me that no, I'm not stupid, but still.
They're my safe place, always. 
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dreamsnails · 9 months
Hi! Im kinda new to tumblr and asking fanfic requests so please let me know if im doing something wrong! So I have a request for a sal fisher x GN reader (preferably headcanons but if you'd be more comfortable doing a oneshot that's also completely fine!) Where the reader doesn't really have any friends and has pretty extreme social anxiety? Like, they have hard time speaking in front of people they just met and get really fidgety and even sometimes have panic attacks? And they just really want to have friends and they get really mad at themself for not being able to keep or start friendships. Again sorry if I've made a mistake with requesting!
Oh boy, this one hits oddly close to home. I actually wrote (but then scrapped) a whole vent fic about Sal comforting someone (me specifically but I formatted it to be for anyone) who had a really rough day and is now thinking about every little embarrassing thing to ever happen to them but they don't know how to process or vent those emotions by themselves. I might go back and try to finish that and post it later if you're interested in fluff content like that, but for now here are my headcanons for this specific situation. I really hope you like them.
In Public:
He’s always holding your hand. He makes sure to gently rub his thumb over the top of your hand, especially when he notices your warning signs. 
He never ever speaks over you, even if you’re taking a while to say what you mean.
He always invites you to hang out with his friends if he’s going to. If you don’t want to he won’t try to push you.
He will 100% complain about your order at a restaurant for you, but if you’re worried about causing a scene he always orders something you like for himself so you can switch if they mess up your food.
He carries little fidgets like small fidget cubes and magnetic beads in his pocket so you can have something to focus on when you’re overwhelmed or overstimulated. 
He comforts you and praises you quietly and away from people after you interact with receptionists or cashiers or strangers, especially if you feel you had a particularly bad interaction. He understands how much extra energy it takes you to communicate with others.
He understands if you can’t find the energy to do those things, too. He’ll talk for you if you ask him to and he would never criticize you for not being able to speak to someone. He’s proud of you for wanting to try regardless of if you succeed or not. 
He immediately removes you from crowded areas if you happen to have a panic attack in a public space. He’ll comfort you in whichever way you need. He has an arsenal of tools that you both brainstormed together to help you recover, and he’ll let you decide if you want to go home or continue in public after you do. 
He goes to your doctor’s appointments with you for moral support. 
In Private:
He will hold you forever if you will it. 
He will also give you plenty of space if you're overstimulated by too much physical contact.
RESPECTS. YOUR. BOUNDARIES. He NEVER pushes you when you're not comfortable with something-- from him touching you, to you not wanting to go somewhere, to you not feeling comfortable speaking to him at a particular moment. He knows you need patience and compassion and he gives you ALL of it.
He gave you his cellphone number, his dad’s number, his landline number, and Larry’s cellphone number so you can reach him no matter what when you need him.
He lets you borrow his shirts so that you have a part of him to comfort you when he can’t be around and he rotates them so they always smell like him. 
He writes you little notes about how much he loves you and how proud of you he is and hides them around your room when he visits for you to find later.
He’ll cater to your every need if you have an especially hard day at work or school. He’ll come over and build you a blanket fort, get you your favorite drink, and play your favorite games with you until you feel better.
When you become upset with yourself for struggling to talk to people and relate to people, he is always there to remind you about all of the amazing things he loves about you. He also lets you know how much he and his friends enjoy hanging out with you, and that they are your friends no matter what other people think about you.
If a friendship of yours falls out, he’s the first to remind you that you tried your best and that all relationships take two to last. There are people who love and care about you just the way you are, like him, Larry, and Ash (and your family, if you have a good relationship with them). Everything will be okay.
Even if it feels like nobody in the world cares about you, he will, no matter what. 
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