#i hope she learns to accept this silly silly little guy when he wakes up though
petr1kov · 5 months
i just saw an interaction between nemesis and melinoë where they are talking about hypnos and melinoë says that she thinks he looks beautiful and wise even asleep, like a true child of nyx. so nemesis is like 'sure. i want to be around you when you see him wake up btw :))' and melinoë is like 'aww thanks :D' which can only be the set-up of a future joke
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
Moments Levi shared with his beloved baby daughter- Kutchel
aka Levi giving all his 💕Uwu's💕 to his baby girl
It's Levi's day off, and even though he tries his hardest not to look it, he's eager to run back home. He's determined to not waste a second of being off duty.
He's missed his family- you and your calming presence. The stability that he falls into at merely being in the same vicinity as you, is difficult to resist-even for a man like Levi.
Your gentleness somehow meshes well with your child's rowdiness, always laughing and wreaking havoc in the house. He wants to hold his baby brat, even if she'll try to pull his hair out for it.
So he hurries back home, but of course, he has to get past your little guard first. Standing with his cloak still in his arms, Levi craned his neck down to stare at the tiny creature sitting on the floor, blocking his path to his beloved wife. Said creature, wearing a blue dress, is his adorable one year old daughter.
The baby doesn't bother to spare him a glance, too busy babbling as she plays with her blocks. Levi's fine with it, it took him a while but he's learned to accept that babies don't care about, well, anything.
He ponders lifting her up and cradling her in his arms for a cuddle. But, considering the ferociousness with which his daughter is bashing two blocks together, he decides that he values his ability to hear.
Kneeling down, he sets his cloak on the floor and sits in front of her, waiting to be noticed. Kutchel looks at him, her big black eyes innocently blinking at him. She shoves a block into her mouth and gurgles, recognising him.
"Do I have your approval to go to your mom now?"
"Ba da guuu"
"Is that a yes or a no?"
More random babbling. Tiny hands busy themselves with trying to crawl away, so Levi pats her on the head and gets up to go to his wife. He doesn't notice his baby pausing mid crawl to pout at him, wanting him to stick close.
He also doesn't see her little face cutely scrunch up, thinking of ways to stop him and bring one of her favourite humans back to her.
Levi freezes, his heart immediately melting. He can't stop himself from turning back to his child, not when she calls out for him like that.
He cradles her in his arms, unaware that you're watching from the kitchen door, committing the sight to memory.
You've been with Levi for so long now-so much of your life has been spent with this wonderful man and you have no regrets whatsoever.
You do, however, have secrets. Not serious ones, but pure ones. Small, precious memories you've kept to yourself. They're you're little secrets- events that you look back on with fondness.
Events Levi doesn't know you saw happen.
You remember, when you were exhausted from giving birth, how lovingly Levi talked to your newborn daughter.
'Hey brat, you better keep it down now. Your mom just fell asleep- don't yawn. You're already not listening to me-'
He thought you were asleep. If it weren't for your stitches, you would have giggled and alerted him to the fact that you were listening.
You remember all those times you were never woken up by Kutchel crying-because Levi would wake up before you.
'Go to sleep.'
'I said; Go. To. Sleep. Don't smile at me-- hey stop laughing-'
You caught on to it very randomly, and the memory warmed your heart to this day.
Levi often had silly little conversations with baby Kutchel, when he thought you weren't in hearing range.
'Yes this is the right way-no what do you mean I can't fold shirts like this-you're pouting you obviously don't agree.'
'Kid- I don't know why you like Eren so much-but this works because he can be an unpaid babysitter-no? Fine, I guess I can pay him a little. Okay fine, I'll pay him more then a little.'
'Do you like this dress? Me neither. How about this one-these socks are awful why the hell do you have these-'
'Yes tea is better then coffee. Coffee is for soulless creatures like Mikasa-Hey, don't cry dammit, why do you have to like the brat that glares at me so much huh? You tiny traitor.'
'So I'm taking you to that military ball tommorow-and I expect you to cry enough that I have an excuse to leave. You cry, I leave and then you get as much milk as you want. We good? Good. Don't tell your mother.'
'You threw up on that military police soldier-I'm proud of you brat. Now, let's aim for throwing up on Erwin. Or at least trying to rip his eyebrows out. I feel like the rumour of them being fake might be true.'
'I know you can't talk much, but make a vow to me that you will, never, ever say yes to anything your Aunt Hange asks of you. Trust me, it's for you own good.'
'Kutchel- stop that-I will pay you to stay still. Here, here's all the money I have, which isn't much. Take it and stay still- why the hell are you still wiggling, you need to put your socks on dammit-'
And so much more. It warmed your heart to think of how beautifully he had bonded with her from the start. And you can only be glad you get to see their entire journey together.
Levi is a man who values cleanliness above all things-he's made sure his house is so clean that all the rooms are sparkling. Despite having a baby in the house, who had recently learned how to walk and subsequently wreak havoc everywhere she wants to, he still tries his hardest to stick to those standards.
So that's why, here he is, pathetically trying to wash clothes, with a clingy toddler who has made it her life's mission to ruin his life. How is she doing this, one would ask. Well, making sure that he can't even put the damn clothes in the basket was one.
'Kutchel-no-stop it, give that back.'
Levi's a little ashamed of himself, just his hands moving to grab his swords are usually enough to strike fear into the heart of his enemies. Yet, here they are, incapable of winning a tug of war with his one year old brat.
He's really, really glad that Hanji can't see him right now.
He manages to get the shirt out of Kutchel's strong grip, causing her to pout and flail her arms with a whine. Levi refuses to give in and snatches the next piece of clothing before she can. He gives her a stern look.
With that, he dumps it in the basket. Kutchel doesn't appreciate it, sitting down and pouting at him cutely. It doesn't last long, because she busies herself with the clothes again. At least she isn't snatching them from his hands this time, and only picking on the clean pile.
He gets up to get some more detergent, smiling to himself at the sound of happy gurgles. Once he comes back, he catches sight of Kutchel, and nearly drops all the powder.
His child is exactly where he had left her, except she's now wearing his Survey Corps cloak. Her black hair, much like his own, is messy and the hood is too big for her tiny head. She looks up at him, and smiles in the face of his horror. On one hand, it's pretty damn cute. On the other hand-
'Oh hell no-'
He starts to take the cloak off of her, ignoring her cries of indignation. His child won't have anything to do with the Survey Corps. Ever.
Too bad 15 year old Kutchel Ackerman had every intention of stealing his title from him- but that's a story for another time.
Levi has self control. Plenty of it, actually. One could easily argue that, after Erwin, he's one of the most composed individuals in the military.
He's dealt with all sorts of people-rude, snobbish, arrogant bastards who think they stand a chance against him. His expression never waivers, even as he insults them to the point their ancestors are crying in the graves.
But what's happening right now, it makes him lose his precious self control. His face, so used to being that of an expressionless grumpy old man, is scrunched up in anger. Levi does not like what's happening.
Not one bit.
Levi can deal with people trash talking him, he never falters despite all the accurate short jokes. He can deal with people bashing Erwin without flinching-because even he's wanted to kill the man once and can't really blame others for wanting to do so as well.
However, what Levi can't deal with in a calm and rational manner, is -
'The fuck did you just say?'
'I said, your daughter is just a dumb brat.'
Yeah, this Military Police Senior Officer is dying today. Levi hopes Erwin is ready to deal with an irate Nile
'Shut the fuck up-I'm the only one who gets to call her a dumb brat.'
The Officer moves to speak again but Levi silences him with a soul burning glare. Levi turns to his brat. Kutchel is sitting on the carpet, wearing a tiny, cute red dress you had bought for her on sale. She's surrounded by numerous toys, gifted by his comrades.
The baby pauses in her play time, which is chewing a stuffed bear, and turns to look at her papa. The officer looks confused.
'If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.'
There's a pause in the room. The officer looks surprised, although he thinks Levi just proved his point. Kutchel looks to be only a few months old and Levi has just monotonously stated a sentence that is usually sung. There was no way the brat would actuall-
Kutchel squealed in delight, pressing her hands together slowly. Once she notices her papas approval, she starts clapping happily.
Levi smirks, while the officer sweat drops.
'See that, bitch? No' dumb brat' does that at 9 months old.'
Of course, Levi still had to beat the guy up a little after that. No one picks on his baby but him.
'Eat it.'
Levi pushed the spoon towards Kutchel, who refused to open her mouth.
He had seated her on the table, ditching the highchair. A bib was secured around her neck, and the brat was clearly hungry.
Except since she had eaten three bites, she refused to eat more. Levi was slowly getting more and more frustrated.
'What's your problem? I know you're hungry.'
Kutchel stared at him sadly, and his irritation thawed at the sight. His child was usually pretty well behaved when it came to food. She usually liked eating fruits and vegetables, but for some reason, kept rejecting her baby food.
Levi frowned, before deciding to taste it himself. Maybe if he ate one in front of her, she would want to eat it too-
Levi paused.
He slowly ate, resisting the urge to throw up. He grimaced and awkwardly avoided eye contact with Kutchel, feeling sheepish all of a sudden.
There was judgement in her eyes- something he couldn't blame her for.
The hell sort of crap had they been feeing her? It tasted awful. No wonder she wouldn't eat it.
Sighing, Levi shoved the bowl full of food-that-must-not-be-named away. He lifted Kutchel into his arms.
His brat pouted slightly, her small arms wrapping around his neck. Poor kid was hungry, as evidenced by her discontent expression.
Levi smiled at her lightly, tucking her head into he crook of his neck.
'Sorry Kutchel-let's go to the bakery and get some pastries. And when we get back, I'll even mix some chocolate in your milk. Just don't tell your mother okay.'
A/N: Heyooo. Just randomly thought of Levi being a dad and this came to mind. These are actually only some of the moments I thought of, I have plenty more in mind. Maybe I'll write those out too. Hope y'all enjoyed this! ❇️
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intoanothermind · 4 years
Stand Tall - Reggie
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Word Count: 7.8k
- Reggie x reader
Synopsis: your younger sister joins a band of ghosts, but she’s not the only one who can see them. You’ve seen them since you were a child.
Flying Solo - Reggie imagine
Akai Ito - Reggie imagine (soulmate au)
Bright - Luke imagine
I took a deep breath and smiled before leaving the taxi. A month with many projects and exams in college made me spend a lot of time away from my family. When that happened, I used to spend time with a friend who lived closer to campus. But now that I didn’t have to worry so much for a few more weeks until the next round of tests, I can finally take a breath and enjoy some family time between classes. I smiled discreetly at the elderly woman who was always across the street, watching her daughter. She flashed a huge smile back at me before disappearing.
“Papa?“ I asked out loud, opening the door.
I heard a noise coming from the kitchen and Dad appeared already coming towards me with a huge smile. “Mi hija! How was the tests? When will there be more?”
“Are you already trying to kick me out again?“ I laughed, accepting his tight hug. “Don’t worry, I have one more month before the final exams for the semester. Where are Carlos and Julie?”
"Carlos is still in school and Julie is rehearsing in the studio.”
My smile widened and a weight lifted from my chest. I was happy that Julie finally got back to connecting with the music after mom died. It wasn’t easy for any of us, but it was especially difficult for her. When Flynn told me on one of the last calls about Julie - two years younger than me - playing again and even joining a band, I was really happy. I could always count on my sister’s best friend to keep me informed in the smallest details.
“So is she really playing again? I will leave my things in my room and go and talk to her. ”
“No, no. Let me take your backpack, go and see your sister.”
“Gracias, papa.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went out again through the door to go around the house and get to the studio installed in the garage.
I heard music coming from inside, but I frowned when I heard several instruments and male voices mixed with my sister’s. The song was already over when I opened the door. Julie was talking to three boys that I had never seen in my life before. A tall, blond man had drumsticks in his hand and rolled them in the air. One with brown hair in a cap was talking to my sister with a twinkle in his eye. But the one who caught my attention the most was the pale, black-haired boy who was playing with a bass a little further away. Was that the band? I didn’t even know that Julie could talk to cute boys without stuttering.
“Am I interrupting something? I can come back later.”
The boys opened their eyes wide and looked at Julie as she turned to me a little scared and with a awkward smile on her lips.
“Y/N, hi! I didn’t know you were going to get home today! ”
I looked at her with a frown. She was acting stranger than usual.
"Yes, you did, Julie, I told you last week and called dad yesterday.”
She widened her eyes even more when she noticed my expression.
“Why don’t we go to your room then and you tell me how is college? Have you done many articles? Did you pass the exams?”
Julie walked past me and headed for the gate, ignoring the boys completely.
“Okay, this is getting weird. Jules, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”
The blonde let the stick fall on his face, the cap choked and the cute guy let the bass out of tune when he let his fingers fall. All of them, including Julie, looked at me with wide eyes.
“Can she see us?" the boy in the cap asked when Julie returned to his side.
"Why wouldn’t I see you?" I looked into the eyes of the three of them and that’s when I noticed the aura around them, a little blurry, an aura that I learned to recognize after a few years. “Sure, Julie and the phantoms. You are ghosts ”
"That was quick." commented the cute bass player.
“First the band’s name makes it kinda obvious. Second, Jules wasn’t the first person in the family to talk to ghosts.”
"Y/N…” Julie looked at me with an emotion in her eyes that I couldn’t figure out. "Does that mean grandma was really at the house when we were younger?“
I smiled a little sadly. Our parents were always understandable and tried to help us with everything, but when I said I talked to grandma, even after a year after her death, they had to take me to therapy. After a while, I simply learned to lie to Dr. Turner and say that I no longer saw the dead, I just made imaginary friends.
“Yes, but I haven’t seen her in years. Ms. Elliot, however, is still in the garden across the street watching over her daughter.”
"This is so cool!" exclaimed the man in the cap, approaching.
“Another lifer seeing us? Yeah!" the blonde smiled, also approaching along with the bassist.
Julie took my arm before I could introduce myself. "Y/N… Mom…?”
The weight on my shoulders returned and I sighed before I smiled at her, holding her hand in mine.
“She stayed here just long enough to ask me to look after you, dad and Carlos and say that she loved us very much.”
For a second I thought Julie would let the tears fall, but then she took a deep breath and passed her hand under her eyes to compose herself.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“You still need to introduce me to your cute friends. I thought you couldn’t talk to pretty boys without being ashamed.”
The bassist broke into a silly smile and patted the blonde on the shoulder. "She said that we are cute and pretty.“
"Reggie…” The blonde shook his head before turning to me. “Sorry about… him. I’m Alex and these are Reggie and Luke.”
The past few days have been… a little bit strange. Well, for starters my subjects, despite having relaxed a little, I still have work to do. And while I’m at home, it’s difficult to organize hours of study and free time with taking care of three teenage ghosts. Julie was right - watching three kids who seemed to share the same brain cell is harder than it looks.
“Aren’t you going to give yourself a break?”
I was startled to see dad behind me, almost knocking over the glass that was still in my hand.
“The plan was to come and drink water and take my five-minute break.”
Dad made a face. “Good luck in studies, mi hija, but don’t forget to take a few more breaks. We don’t want you to fry that smart mind, do we? ”
I broke into a faint smile when Dad placed a kiss on my forehead before walking away. I sighed, getting ready for a few more hours of reading before heading up the stairs again to my room. When I got there, however, I stopped at the portal and went in quickly to close the door.
“What are you doing here?" I asked in whispers to the ghosts that were scattered around my room.
Alex was sitting on a purple puff next to the desk where Luke was sitting in the chair that usually sits opposite her. He had his head thrown behind, looking bored. Reggie was lying on the left side of my bed, looking tired.
"Julie kicked us out of her room." explained Luke, getting up and heading for my bookcase.
"Please don’t kick us out either." Reggie said with puppy eyes that he knew I couldn’t resist.
"Luke, stop messing with Y/N’s stuff!" scolded Alex and that’s when I realized that Luke was looking through one of the books he picked up on the shelf.
"It’s alright. Feel free to borrow any book you like.” I assured him, going to sit on the right side of the bed, where most of my stuff was spread out. "And you can stay, just don’t make too much noise, I need to study.”
“What do you study?" asked Alex.
"How long have you been studying?" asked Reggie and I laughed.
"I’m in my first year of journalism.”
“Nice." said Luke, sitting back in his chair and concentrating on the book.
"Well, now I need to concentrate." I said, lifting Reggie’s head that was on top of one of the printed articles I needed to read. I put his head back on the pillow and fluffed some of his black hair, hoping it looked like just a casual movement.
"Wow, what did you just do?!" Alex exclaimed, sitting upright on the puff.
"What did I do?" I asked with wide eyes and a racing heart at the possibility that he noticed.
"You touched him!”
“You really did!" exclaimed Reggie, holding my hand again.
"Oh, that." I sighed, relieved. “I always managed to touch ghosts. That’s why it took me so long to discover that I was the only one who saw them. ”
Luke and Alex remained wide-eyed, but Reggie just lay down again and put my hand back in his hair.
"I liked.”
While I fiddled with Reggie’s black hair with one hand, I used the other to lift the text up to my face to hide my red cheeks from the other boys. Gradually I ended up distracting myself, fiddling with Reggie’s hair as I read the text and made markings and notes. When my eyes started to weigh and my vision was blurred even with the glasses, I decided it was time to sleep. It wouldn’t do any good to try to study tired because my brain wouldn’t absorb it. I looked around when I realized that the boys had been silent for far too long. They were all asleep. Alex was huddled on the puff, Luke was hunched over the open book and Reggie’s head was bent toward my hand.
I smiled. They really looked adorable that way. I set my stuff down on the night-stand and stood up carefully so as not to wake Reggie. I lifted his head slightly to put a pillow under it. I took blankets from the closet and covered all three, remembering to take the book out from under Luke and marking the page he stopped with a piece of paper and left it beside him. I left the room trying to make as little noise as possible. I crossed the hall and sighed with relief when I saw that Julie was still awake.
“Hi sis." I whispered, getting her attention.
Julie looked up from her cell phone and smiled at me. She looked ready to go to sleep.
I broke into a smile. "Can I sleep here with you today?“
"Usually I’m the one to go to your room to ask for it." she laughed.
"Well, turns out that today my room is infested with ghosts.”
She snorted. "They are getting too loose.“
"I don’t really care." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I wouldn’t have minded sleeping there as well, but Reg took up much of the space in the bed and it would be weird.”
Julie giggled and looked at me with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
“Shut up!" I said warningly before she could say anything. "I don’t want to hear a comment about that.”
“Okay, okay." she raised her hands in surrender before moving to one side of the bed and lifting the bedspread inviting me to join her.
As soon as we settled down I watched my younger sister’s serene face.
"I’m glad you met them." I said quietly. "They do you good.”
“They do." she sighed. “And I’m glad you met them, too. They seem to like you. ”
I like them too." I said smiling slightly. “Although I don’t play like you do, I like to know that I also made friends with them. I also like to think that they will be here to take care of you when dad or I aren’t around. ”
"But I will always need my older sister around." she said quickly. "Besides, you made a promise to mom.”
I laughed lightly.
“That I did it and I intend to keep it, Jules.”
I approached her and hugged her. We sleep in that same position.
I arrived at the band’s presentation site with Julie and went straight to meet Flynn. She looked anxious.
“Am I too late?” Asked Julie, taking the backpack off her back.
“Too early.” Replied Flynn. "Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi, Flynn! Glad we got there early. Distracting tía y Carlos while Julie went down the window was not as easy as it seems.” I commented, laughing to remember how I needed to distract our brother with a little ghost story.
The next performance was announced and the audience applauded as we watched Carrie take the stage in a shiny silver outfit and pink wig. I opened my eyes wide, trying to keep my face from turning into a frown.
“I never thought she was going to take this little group forward." I commented.
"I envy that you finished school before you had to see this." replied Flynn, tossing the braids over his shoulder.
“Hope you all came to have a great time.” Carrie said from the stage and put on reflective glasses, also pink.
“Dirty Candy? How’d she get on the list?” asked Julie.
“Her daddy probably made a call.” replied Flynn, pursing his lips. "I like this! Pretty flower.” she pointed to the vest that Julie wore and I realized I recognized it.
"Thanks. It’s dahlia. My mom’s favourite.”
Carrie started to sing and four other girls also came on stage. I raised my eyebrows, wondering how I got to a Barbie pop show. I felt the air stirring around me and noticed that Luke and Reggie appeared on one side and Alex on the other, all paying attention to Carrie. Alex, however, looked a little uneasy and I held back the smile when I realized why.
“Alex." I whispered, trying not to get too much attention from the people around me. "Go on, I know you want to.”
I didn’t even got an answer. He just disappeared from my side and appeared on stage among the girls. Julie looked at us behind her and Reggie shrugged while I just smiled. Alex looked confused for two seconds before he started dancing behind Carrie. In the chorus, he disappeared from the stage and appeared again beside me, slamming his fist on mine discreetly in greeting.
“You having fun out there?” asked Julie
Alex coughed a little, trying to hide it. "It’s not my fault. It’s my, hm… It’s my feet.”
“Yeah." Julie replied, raising her eyebrow. Reggie and Luke, on my other side, just looked at Alex smiling.
“Put me back in, coach.”He said before disappearing to the stage again.
“Oh, it’s the guys.” Julie explained to Flynn when she turned to us, confused.
"Alex is dancing with the girls and is so much better than Carrie." I detailed it a little more, making her laugh when imagining the scene. "My boy is rocking up there." I commented with a bit of drama, laying my head on Reggie’s shoulder without caring about people watching me interact with the air. "I so wish I could have that on video.”
“You look like a mom." commented Reggie, laughing.
"What can I say, the three of you just make me so proud." I joked, wiping my eyes as if I were drying a tear. But Reggie looked at me with a strange twinkle in his eye, but before I could ask anything, the song ended and we turned to the stage in time to see Alex doing a little jumping around saying something about blushing.
He came up beside me again, trying to hide it. “Hey. I was just… I was just doing that for you guys.”
I patted him on the shoulder in support while Reggie said, playfully. “Yeah, you can stop smiling now.“
“I’m not gonna lie. That was… kind of good.” Julie said and I clicked my tongue.
"Wow, Jules, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one in the band." I ignored the boys’ protests on hearing this. “The good part of the presentation nobody else could see, unfortunately.”
“Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much.” replied Flynn.
Carrie and the other girls got off the stage and came towards us.
"Hi, girls. Um, isn’t it past your bedtime?”She said to my sister and her friend.
“Now I remember.”
“If you’re looking for Nick, he didn’t come.”Carrie continued on to Julie, who simply stepped forward confidently.
“That’s not why I’m here.“
As if waiting for a cue, the presenter introduced the band. But as Julie and the Fat Ones. I couldn’t help laughing at the face Luke made.
"Really?” asked Alex, with a grimace.
"Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks.” Luke tried to apologize.
"Next time, Alex will sign up." I said, trying to look casual.
Julie passed Carrie’s group straight to the stage. The expression on Carrie’s face was priceless when she walked away from us. Flynn left shortly after to turn on the projector - just for the sake of effect. Julie sat down in front of the keyboard and said the correct name for the band.
"Good luck, boys." I said, holding Reggie’s hand quickly and discreetly before going after Flynn.
The lighting focused on Julie and I felt my heart fill with pride. It was the first time I had seen my sister perform after mom died and I knew it was worth the punishment dad would give me if he found out that I helped her escape from home. When she started to sing, I accompanied the music by whispering softly through my teeth. After watching the rehearsals so much, Finally Free's lyrics stuck to my mind and as the notes went up I felt the music reverberating in my body. When the boys appeared on stage playing and people in the audience stood up, I felt like jumping for joy.
It was great to see people enjoying their work. It didn’t matter if they think they’re holograms - they’ve got a second chance to do what they love and to see them there at ease and full of energy is comforting. All four played with their soul and their stage chemistry was incredible. Especially from Julie and Luke. I didn’t need that Flynn me whispering over there they’re into to each other - the intensity of the look when sharing the microphone was obvious. Alex and Reggie also noticed the exchange of looks they had. What really shocked me, however, was when shortly after Reggie turned to me and winked at me. I choked on the lyrics I whispered to accompany Julie and did my best to keep my cheek from blushing. Flynn obviously noticed and laughed at me. The song ended, the boys disappeared again and the audience gasped.
“Thank you, we are Julie and the Phantoms. Tell your friends.”Julie said goodbye and got off the stage. I couldn’t help laughing when I noticed how she took Reggie’s phrase.
"Let’s meet them at the counter." I called Flynn, who quickly put the projector in his backpack and followed me.
Julie came to find us and quickly hugged Flynn.
“You were incredible!”Flynn said.
I soon hugged Julie too.
“Yeah, we were.”I heard Reggie behind me and turned to see him standing next to Alex and Luke, who were sitting at the counter.
"If it weren’t weird, I would give you a hug now." I said to them, trying to look discreet. "I loved the presentation!”
“I’ll charge you for my hug later." said Alex, making the boys laugh.
"Okay." I assured you.
"Hey!" interrupted Luke, pointing to someone behind us. “Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming this way.”
“She looks all business.”Commented Alex when we saw a woman with curly hair and a suit coming towards us.
“Wait, who should do the talking?” asked Reggie.
So cute, but also so dork.
“Okay, Julie. Julie.” he corrected himself.
“You got this.” Encouraged Luke.
"I can help you with it if needed." I whispered to Julie just before the woman arrived and offered Julie a hand.
"Hi, I’m Andi Parker, and I would- ”
“Julie. Y/N. ” a voice behind the woman took our attention.
It was dad.
“Shit." I swore under my breath.
Whenever I had some free time I went down to the garage to watch the band rehearsal. It was amazing the connection they had and how they gave their soul to the music. Julie and Luke singing together with everything they had, Reggie focused on his bass and Alex moving his head to the beat of his drums. It was an incredible sight, but also one that always squeezed my heart to the point that I needed to go back to my room before they finished a song to prevent the lump in my throat from dissolving into tears. I always wanted to have that connection that mom and Julie had with music, but I was never able to play anything and I certainly didn’t know how to sing. And now not only has she reconnected with mom in a way that I could never do, but she has also found something in common with three amazing boys.
At those times, when the tightness in my heart was too strong, I would lock myself in the bedroom, in the most absolute silence. I took out my notebook with notes. When I was younger, I used to try to at least compose a song, but after a while it became notes for a story. Music and books have always been my passions and if I couldn’t go on with one, why not try the other? Not that I would ever get the courage to publish something, but I liked to imagine that I would have some material for that.
"What are you doing?”
I let out a scream that certainly didn’t make me proud. I turned and realized that Reggie had appeared beside me on the bed - completely thrown on the mattress and with his arms behind his head. I tried to control my heart a little to respond.
“I thought you had a rehearsal.”
“I thought you were there watching us. When we took a break and didn’t see you there, I came to see how you were.” he shrugged, as if it was nothing much. "What are you doing?“
"Just a few thrown ideas." I replied, trying to sneak up on the notebook, but Reggie took it out of my hands before I could do it.
"This is for a book, isn’t it?" he asked, in a serious tone that I never saw him using. I just nodded. “Y/N, this is incredible! It makes me want to read. ”
I laughed softly, before asking. "Are you serious?”
“Yes! Why don’t you try to publish something? ”
I scratched the back of the neck, a little uncomfortable. "Well, I never thought I was going to be talented at anything.”
“How so?" he sat up, tilting his head so that I could look into his blue eyes. I was breathless for a moment.
“I really wanted to know how to make music, but when I realized I couldn’t do it, I tried to create stories where I could. But I never even thought it would be worth publishing. ”
“I think you should try. I would definitely read it. ” he said, opening a beautiful crooked smile. "Why do you do journalism when you could try to be a writer?”
“Because while I don’t have neither the material nor the courage, I can write other people’s real stories." I replied, taking my notebook back from his hands. I turned around to put the notebook and pen in my hand back on the night-stand. "What do you think about watching a movie?" I suggested .
"Yes! There are a lot of things that I still need to catch up to.” Reggie commented, lying back on the bed and making himself comfortable.
I tried not to blush as I got up to get my laptop. “We can see the Star Wars movies that you haven’t seen. We can skip the scene where Han Solo dies, no problem, I’ve seen them a couple times.”
"Would you do that for me?" he had a childlike gleam in his eye that made me laugh a little.
"Move over.”
We settled next to each other on the bed. I put the first movie on the laptop in my lap and we started the marathon. I barely noticed when I fell asleep on Reggie’s shoulder.
A few days later I was lying on the couch trying to complete a story that I had to deliver in two days. Reggie was sitting next to my dad at the table in the other room and none of them seemed to have noticed me there in the next room. I even thought about getting up to concentrate on the room, but I loved how Reggie tried to interact with dad. It was funny - and very cute. Alex came up and started talking to Reggie too. But when I heard Carlos’ voice, things became really interesting. I remained lying down, but I paid more attention to the conversation when Carlos commented about the house being haunted by ghosts who had a dream, but that dream was interrupted by a tragic accident.
“Our house is being haunted by a very talented… chef. ”I could hear the boys’ sigh of relief, but I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing.
“Looks like someone fell asleep watching Ghosts Hunters and Chopped.“
I had to hold my laughter even more when Carlos started talking about a sauce recipe and Reggie commenting that he was like my dad. I made a face at the thought that I liked a guy who said he looked like my dad. It wasn’t very difficult for my little brother to convince dad to make the French dip - it’s not like he doesn’t like food.
I lifted my head and realized that Dad closed his laptop and left. I prepared to do the same when I heard Alex and Reggie’s conversation.
"I will miss them.”
“I hope you’re not thinking about looking for someone else’s garage." I joked, but feeling tight in my chest.
They both started, looking at me wide-eyed as I approached the table.
"Y/N… hey…” Reggie tried to hide it, but I could see in their eyes that something was bothering them.
But I knew they weren’t going to tell me, so I needed to find out another way. I would have to do an investigation. I’m glad I had some sources between the ghosts.
“Well, I need to go out for an interview with a source." It wasn’t quite a lie. "Don’t do anything stupid, boys.”
I squeezed Alex’s shoulder lightly and leaned down to kiss Reggie’s cheek before leaving. I left the house so quickly that I didn’t have to worry about hiding my burning cheeks. I also didn’t notice their reaction. I was on a mission to find my favourite skater.
When I returned home, I could almost feel the tears stubbornly leaving. But I swallowed the tears, because I needed to talk to Julie about what to do. I wasn’t even sure if she already knew about the boys’ situation or not, but we couldn’t leave them suffering like that. I couldn’t leave them suffering that way. I looked for it in the garage first. If my sister wasn’t there, at least I would have a chance to talk to them.
“Someone once told me that you don’t ask for permission. You book gigs by doing.”Julie was saying when I showed up at the half-open gate.
The boys were lying on the couch and on the floor, looking depressed, while Julie was standing in front of them, as if giving a lecture. Alex had the drumsticks in his hands and Reggie was hugging his bass.
“That was me.”Reggie said with a little smile on his face.
“No, it wasn’t.” denied Julie and Luke.
“Yes, it was.” Reggie grunted, looking down.
"This isn’t over.” continued Julie, ignoring him. “We were brought together for a reason. To help each other.”
“Yeah, but like Luke said… People don’t just play at the Orpheum because they want to.”Said Alex.
“People don’t.” I said, drawing their attention. “But ghosts do.“
Julie turned a little scared to me. From the look she gave me, I think my expression showed all the sadness I was feeling.
"All you need is to haunt them in a different way." I suggested, taking a deep breath to control my emotions. “In a few days Panic! At The Disco will play with a not very famous band that will arrive here almost at the last minute because they will be doing a show in Las Vegas. You just need to make sure that they don’t arrive on time and that you’re the best option.”
For a few seconds they were processing this and I used it as my cue to get out of there before they saw my tears pooling in my eyes. I couldn’t afford to be selfish. They needed to make the move before the only option left for them is to join Caleb. I heard Reggie’s voice calling me, but I ignored him and continued on my way to the house. But even before I crossed the space between the gate and the stone path to the smaller gate, I felt a hand pulling on my wrist.
"Y/N…” Reggie said quietly looking at me with those blue eyes full of emotion. “I don’t like it when you cry. I’m sorry.“
I laughed softly. I hadn’t realized that some tears had came out.
"No need to apologize. I understand that you need to do this. It’s just…” I took a deep breath, trying not to choke. “It hurts to think that I will have to lose someone else. Especially someone who has become so important to me. I mean, the three of you have become very important to me.”
"You have become very important to us too." Reggie said, still holding my hand. “You have become important to me. I’ll miss you.”
I didn’t think before throwing my arms around his shoulders and hugging him tightly against me. He tensed for a few moments before hugging my waist with the same intensity. And we stayed there, saying nothing, just enjoying what could be our last hug.
“Reggie, we have to think of a plan!" we heard Luke shouting from the garage and Alex scolding him saying something about giving up a little space.
I took a deep breath before letting go of his comforting embrace. I placed a kiss on her pale cheek, this time longer than the one from earlier.
"Go. They need you.”
Reggie opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly turned and went home with tears streaming down my cheeks.
I was quite nervous as we waited to find out if the plan had worked. But while I just waited sitting on the sofa in the garage, with the occasional twitch in my leg, Julie was in front of me pacing and making my nerves worse.
"Julie, I love you, but stop walking before I need to tie you to the couch!" I exclaimed.
"Sorry, I’m nervous." she said, continuing to pace.
"I know! And it’s making me nervous!”
The boys suddenly appeared in front of us and Julie went into an outbreak, asking so many questions at once that I almost couldn’t keep up.
“That’s a lot of questions!” exclaimed Reggie, interrupting her. “Luke, do you wanna take this one?”
“Take a seat.” instructed Luke.
“Finally." I mumbled, pulling Julie by the arm to sit next to me.
“It’s fine, everything is fine.” continued Luke, approaching the low table in front of us and leaning on it with the other boys.
“Yeah. You should be getting a call right .. now!” said Alex, taking an effect break and pointing the boys at Julie’s cell phone on the table. But the screen remained off. After a few uncomfortable seconds, with me trying to keep from laughing at Alex’s disappointed face, he tried again. “Okay. Right… Now!”
The phone finally rang and Julie screamed.
“Nailed it.” said Alex, holding out his hand for Luke and Reggie to touch.
But Julie didn’t answer. "Answer it, Jules!" I shouted along with the boys.
She put it on speaker.
“Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood.”
That’s when one of the best scenes I’ve ever seen started. Julie jumped on the couch, almost stepping on me, while Alex jumped across the table towards the armchair and Reggie and Luke celebrated with a strange dance. Julie opened her arms when the woman spoke again and everyone stopped like statues watching her pick up her cell phone. And while Julie jumped on the table to answer Tasha, Alex jumped into the arms of the boys, who held him in the air.
“I’m swimming!” exclaimed Alex, waving his arms, and that’s when I let out a loud laugh.
The boys put Alex on the floor and Reggie came over to me. I looked at her confused, until he took my hands and pulled me until I was on my feet. A second later, I was in his tight embrace. He even got up and spun me around. I just prayed that he couldn’t hear my heartbeat. When my feet returned to the ground, I noticed that Alex and Luke were watching us. I motioned for them to join us and joined them in a group hug.
“I missed hugs." Alex commented when we parted.
"Own, you can always ask me for hugs, you big baby." I said, hugging him tight again. He hugged me with the same intensity.
I noticed, over Alex’s shoulder, Julie looking at us with a smile on her face. I smiled at her when I pulled myself out of Alex’s arms and went over to her, squeezing her in a hug too.
"I’m so proud of you, Jules." I whispered softly in his ear.
Her only answer was to tighten me more in her embrace.
I stayed with Julie in the dressing room the entire time. We were both nervous, but we managed to calm down a little when Flynn arrived after preparing some effects on the projector. But nothing came out of my head that the boys could be in trouble to take so long to show up.
"Y/N, you’re starting to make me nervous, too." said Flynn, and only then did I realize I was pacing up and down in front of the couch, just like Julie had done that morning.
"Sorry, it’s just…” I tried to explain, forcing myself to sit on the couch and stay still.
“We understand." said Flynn, holding my hand.
"I just wish that today wasn’t their last night here." I sighed, propping myself up and elbows on my knees and letting all the weight fall on my shoulders.
"Y/N." Julie called me and waited for me to look her in the eye before continuing. "You like Reggie, don’t you?”
I gave a sad smile and nodded, unable to find my voice.
“Called it!" exclaimed Flynn, pointing at me and making us laugh a little. "The Molina family seems to have a thing for ghosts, it’s impressive.”
Julie rolled her eyes, but ignored it. "You should talk to him before they cross over.“
"And are you going to talk to Luke about your feelings?" Flynn muttered and I pointed out to her nodding in agreement.
"I wanted to talk to Reggie about it, so as not to carry that regret the rest of my life, but… I’m afraid of the reaction.”
“He likes you.”
“Totally." agreed Flynn.
I sighed. "I need him to have a little more time then so that I can say something.”
Julie opened her eyes wide and got up from the couch to take my place walking back and forth.
“Now you broke your sister.”
We heard a knock on the door and the technician called Julie, saying it was time for her to enter the stage.
But the boys had not yet appeared.
“Just a second.”Julie shouted at the door and approached us. "Something’s wrong. The boys were getting those jolts pretty bad as I was leaving. And they wouldn’t stand me up again.”
I sniffed, following her thought. I felt paralysed.
“They must have run out of time.“
“I’m so sorry, Jules.” murmured Flynn.
“They didn’t cross over.”Continued Julie, but I felt like everything around me was fading. "They’re gone. And I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
I couldn’t help a sob that escaped my lips. I saw Flynn getting up and hugging Julie, but then the technician shouted at her again and the two of them ran out the door. However, I couldn’t do anything, just stand there, paralysed. My thoughts hammered in my mind, but I could only think that those three boys were gone forever without having the opportunity to make the passage. Those goofs that won me and my sister over and made a huge difference in our lives. And we would never see him again.
“Y/N. Y/N! ” it took me a while to notice Flynn shaking my shoulders. I had to blink a few times to see her through tears. "Julie ran to the alley behind Orpheum, you need to talk to her.“
"I… I…” I took a deep breath. Even though I wanted to just break up there, I couldn’t. My sister needed me. "Okay, okay.“
I got up and followed Flynn’s instructions as to where Julie had run. I opened the side doors and found her crying in the middle of the alley with a flower in her hand. A dahlia. Mom’s favourite.
"Jules." I whispered as I approached. She stood up for me, a little scared, but a second later she threw herself into my arms and hugged me tightly, as if only that hug kept her from collapsing. I held her even tighter against me. “Breathe, sweetie. Julie, I think you should sing.”
She released me a little and looked at me confused. I dried her tears a little - mine - before speaking.
“It would be a beautiful tribute to mom and boys. They lived, died and continued the life of ghosts through music. They would like that. That’s what I would do if I had your talent.”
“Thank you, Y/N. Really." said Julie, smiling a little before hugging again and entering.
But I didn’t go straight in. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down so that I was emotional enough to hear her singing without the boys. When I went in again and joined Flynn next to the coach near the stage, Julie finished a speech and sat down in front of the keyboard to begin. I already felt my heart squeeze again when she started the first chords. The song approached the first chorus and I took a deep breath, murmuring the words between my lips. It was when Alex’s drums came up that I felt my heart stop. A few seconds later Reggie appeared in a red and black suit playing his bass. I felt a sob tear through my throat and put my hand over my mouth. I felt Flynn holding my free hand and hugging me to the side, as if she knew I needed that support to keep me standing.
Luke started to appear, but he was fading and coming back. I opened my eyes wide, worried, but then he came back singing and he didn’t disappear again and I could only smile and cry, excited. Alex sang a few lines and Reggie followed shortly after. I didn’t take my eyes off him, absorbing him as much as I could before he disappeared again. Our eyes met and he winked at me, opening his smile wider and I smiled back. It didn’t matter if I didn’t have time to tell him everything I needed. He was there, on that stage, together with his friends, his family, fulfilling the dream that he cannot fulfil while he was alive. My heart broke when they finished playing and the boys were gone, but the shadow of a smile remained on my lips knowing that they crossed and could rest in peace.
Dad, Carlos and Julie were walking home in front of me. They sang the chorus of Stand Tall excitedly, but as much as I wanted to participate in that moment with them, I couldn’t. I wasn’t as strong as Julie and she realized that I wasn’t well, as she always pulled dad’s attention back to them when he tried to get me to join them.
“You and your phantoms were unbelievable tonight.”Dad said when we stopped on the porch.
"I’m going up to my room, I have a headache." I made some excuse when I passed them. However, I made sure to stop in front of Julie and hug her tight. “You were incredible, Jules. I’m so proud.”
“What is it with her?" I could hear Carlos asking as I opened the door.
"Leave her be, Carlos." I hear Julie responding in a light tone of voice as I enter and leave them outside still. "She had a rough day.”
I locked myself in my room and quickly changed my clothes for a sweatshirt set before throwing myself on the bed. I stared at the ceiling, trying to keep the tears that continued to fall, but it seemed impossible. Now that I was alone, it felt like a whirlwind of emotions was falling upon me. I don’t know how much time I spent in that catatonic state before I heard a noise inside the room. It was the same noise as when the boys teleported. I sat up quickly, looking around hopefully. My heart almost stopped when I saw Reggie still in his red suit shyly approaching the bed.
“Reg?" my voice failed, as did my line of reasoning.
I was dreaming. There was no other explanation.
"Hi, Y/N." he waved his hand in that cute way that only he knew how to do. But I was still paralysed, looking at him with wide eyes. He started to speak nervously. “Well, it seems that playing at the Orpheum wasn’t our unfinished business, so the boys and I disappeared into the garage to let you and Julie think we had crossed over, but then she went into the garage and tried to get us to Caleb’s club. But of course we weren’t going, so she managed to hug Luke, he started to shine, we started to shine when we hugged them too and Julie said that you were here alone and practically-”
I hardly understood a word he said. But it helped my brain to understand that it wasn’t just my imagination. I interrupted him before I could finish speaking. I just jumped out of bed, took his face in my hands and kissed him. It was as if all the weight in the world came off my shoulders and I could melt right there. I didn’t care that he was a ghost, I didn’t care that Caleb could go after them, I didn’t care that they would one day have to find out what their unfinished business was and needed to cross over to the other side and I cared even less that my tears were mixed with his. All I cared about at that moment was the feel of his lips against mine and his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.
I just leaned away when I needed air.
"That was nice." he commented in a thin, choked voice. I realized that he still had his eyes closed and I smiled at the expression he had on his face. "Can we do this again?”
I laughed softly before pulling him back in for another kiss. I was lost in his smell, his taste and his touch. I hardly noticed the teleportation noise in the room again.
“Y/N, we came here to… Wow!”
Reggie and I walked away again and saw Alex and Luke near my closet, both blushing and embarrassed.
“Really, guys?" Reggie asked, not only keeping his arms around my waist but pulling me even closer. "Right now?”
“We came to see how you were doing, but you look busy." said Luke, scratching the back of his neck. I was struggling to keep myself from laughing.
"We’ll be back later." said Alex simply, taking Luke’s arm and making them both disappear quickly.
I looked back at Reggie, who was already looking at me with a silly smile on his face.
"Where were we?" I asked with a mischievous smile on my lips as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and played with a few strands of his hair.
"I think you can remind me." he said, leaning over and kissing me again.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Emerald Eyes
Summary: After Lily Evans kisses him, James needs help to figure out what to do in that situation. And who better to help him and Sirius with relationship issues if not his dad?
Notes: I was reading @startanewdream's fanfic Exist Song (For Film) when she wrote about a song that spoke of emerald eyes.
I remembered the song Claudia by Finneas, and needed to write about Jily's first kiss, and somehow get Fleamont involved.
I don't think I've ever read a fanfic where he helps James and Sirius with relationship issues, so I wrote it! I know James only becomes prefect in seventh year, but I needed him to become sixth, to make sense of the story.
sue me
James was fine about just being friends with Lily, really, he was up for it and he liked being friends with her. Of course, he still thought about kissing her and, dammit, sometimes dreamed of her with her clothes off and couldn't look her in the eye for the next three days. But overall, he was fine with his old crush.
Everything was fine, it was just a crush, he would get over it.
He liked other girls over the last few years, liked hanging out with them, kissing them, and there was one muggle girl that James really thought was going to be something more serious - he even lost his virginity to her. But things didn't go as it should and life went on. Sirius comforted him that his crush on Lily was probably because he idealized her in a way that it was now difficult for him to like other girls, but that James needed to let go of the 'what ifs' and move on.
James tried, he swears he did.
But when Lily Evans kissed him on the train back to King Cross, after a prefect meeting where James was trying not to sleep, things completely fell apart for him.
When he got back to his friends, James felt very lost, and Remus even asked if he was alright, but all James could do was nod and touch his lips in fear that the feeling of Evans' soft, sweet lips would go away and he realized it was a dream.
As much as he had dreamed very hot things about Lily, they never kissed, so James wasn't prepared for it at all, he was just imagining it was supposed to be good. But it wasn't just good, it was stupidly good.
So good that he spent all the traveling hours remembering. And when they arrived at the station, he could only think of meeting Lily to say that he thought he was in love. Was this possible?
"Mate?" Sirius asked, following him out of the wagon. '’Did something happen at the meeting?'’
"No, I-" James saw her, which automatically made him forget all the words his parents had taught him, suddenly his brain shutting down and only caring about one thing; Lily Evans.
James didn't know what to do, if he was going to talk to her or not, if he waved, if he called her, if he shouted for everyone to hear that she kissed him… James wanted there to be a manual on how to deal with this situation, because he felt so lost and it was stupid.
There was no time to do anything however, the students were hurrying to leave and pushed James who had been standing in the middle of the corridor, while Lily blushed and smiled awkwardly, giving the boys a wave and then getting off the train.
Should that mean something? Why didn't she talk to him?!
''Come on James, I want to go home.'' Peter complained, making him wake up from his reverie and follow them outside, knowing Sirius was watching him with the eyes of an eagle, and that probably Remus too, but very more discreet.
After they said their goodbyes and headed off to find his parents, Sirius whispered, never bending over or making it sound like he was whispering, "You kissed her, didn't you?"
"She did it." James swallowed, still completely shocked. "Best kiss of my life, I must say."
"Fuck, James." Sirius shook his head, walking faster and accepting Euphemia's hug as James greeted his dad with a longing hug.
"Are you two okay?" Monti asked, a hand in James' hair and an all-too-knowing look that made him think his dad had heard, by some miracle, what Sirius had said. Fleamont always seemed to know everything.
"Yes, perfect." Sirius smiled. ‘’Right, James?’’
‘’Yes, more perfect than this impossible.’’
That night, after Euphemia left for the annual florist dinner she always went to, Fleamont called James and Sirius down to the dungeons, where he had finished brewing another beer. James knew his dad wasn't an idiot and he knew the two of them had already been drinking in hiding there on several occasions, but he liked that they were now considered old enough to be able to go there without having to dodge.
"So, how were things at school this year?" his dad asked, pouring some beer into each of their glasses, sitting on the wooden bench he and Sirius had helped to assemble last summer. "Any news?" Fleamont lingered at James, but then smiled at Sirius and glared at him too.
"Yeah, I think I'm liking someone," Sirius said, and then looked at the glass of beer in front of him on the pine table.
''You think? How can this be? Either you are, or you aren't.” Fleamont didn't seem to judge him, that gentle smile that had James spilling so much of his secrets over the past few years to his dad for help.
"She's a little complicated," Sirius ran a hand through his hair, taking a sip of his beer. ‘’ She says she doesn't want anything, but then she gets mad when I talk to another girl? I don't know, I like her, I just don't know how… you know?’’
"No." James didn't know how Sirius still hadn't learned to never do that to his dad. Fleamont would never say what he thought you meant, even if he was sure what it was, he would always make you talk.
‘’How to tell her.’’ It was funny and almost frightening how Sirius looked like someone else when he arrived at his house. There he didn't have to pretend anything or be an asshole to draw attention, his parents were always willing to listen to him, just like they did with James and that's probably why he always seemed very comfortable telling things to Fleamont, like now.
"Well, I think you two are friends at least?" Sirius nodded. ‘’So, be honest with her. What do you have to lose?''
‘’Her friendship? Humiliate me? Do you hate me, Monti?’’
"Sirius, don't talk like that," Fleamont stood up, a little slower than he used to when James was younger, but still quick for a man of nearly sixty. "When I told Mia I liked her," He floated a pot of potato chips off the top of one of the cupboards, like he did after James had behaved himself and helped him clean the yard. ‘’I felt like I might pass out at any moment, I was in a cold sweat… We were in front of her house, at night, after I took her on a date,’’
''I hope you were respectful Monti, I don't want to be disappointed in you when I found out you took her to a dodgy bar.'' Sirius joked, making James laugh along with him, knowing he'd just done it to make himself feel less nervous.
Sirius did this whenever someone was paying attention to him and actually treating him as an equal, James had noticed this over the years.
"Of course not, we went to a fair near her house," Fleamont sat back down, putting a portion of the potatoes into a smaller pot. ''Anyway, at the end of the night, I knew I needed to tell her that I loved her, which today I think was a silly thing, because I didn't even know what love was yet,'' He shrugged, a smile on his face. "I was young and Mia was, and still is, the most beautiful woman I've ever met, I felt I couldn't let her go without knowing it."
"She said she liked you too?" James asked, and for the first time he was interested in that story. His dad looked at him with that look that said he knew exactly why James was paying attention, but he didn't say anything.
"No, and it made me very angry and humiliated." He glanced at Sirius, who raised his eyebrows as if proving a point. ''But I wasn't fair to her, Mia was just being truthful, but I was too young to understand that sometimes things just don't happen at the right time... A few weeks later, I met her at a family dinner and we talked, and she said she didn't love me, but she liked me.'' He shrugged. "I think she loves me these days, I mean we're married and we have a family." Sirius chuckled.
"How did you know she was the right one?" James asked, looking at his half-finished beer. "I mean, let's assume," Monti nodded, paying attention to what he said as if it were the most interesting thing. ‘’If you had dated other people and so did she, how would you know she was the right person?’’
“Hm… wouldn't know, son.” Fleamont shrugged, pouring himself more beer. ‘’And I didn't know then either. Just happened.''
"I asked Hestia out," Sirius admitted, and not even James knew it, so he turned his head to his friend with an almost incriminating look, but it was gone as soon as he saw the annoyed smile on his lips. ‘’But she didn't want to go, so… I guess she's ashamed of me? I don't know, she's really smart and a good girl, I don't think she wants to be seen with a guy like me.”
“A guy like you?” Fleamont grabbed some chips.
"Monti, no need to pretend you don't know," Sirius rolled his eyes. "I don't have a good family, and you've had to sign a lot of letters because of my detentions."
‘’Hm… yeah, you're right about the detentions, but the family? Sirius, you are not a reflection of your parents' mistakes. Maybe she doesn't want to go out with you right now, and maybe, most likely, you aren't even the problem at all. Who can guarantee us that she… Hestia, right? That Hestia isn't going through a difficult time where she doesn't really know how to deal with this sort of thing, and just needs some time? You're not always the villain in the story, son, actually you never were.'' Sirius looked like he wanted to deny it, James noticed how his brow furrowed, but it eased as Fleamont pushed the pot of chips towards him, a fatherly smile at the lips that seemed to make Sirius' beast fall back to the ground like a trained dog.
James thought of Lily, the things he'd witnessed over the past few months and how she seemed to be dealing with a lot more than that these past few days. He still remembered how sad she looked when she read a letter that had come to her from her mum. James didn't ask what was written, of course, but he tried to make her smile for the rest of the day and during their patrol, hating that her brow was so furrowed.
The war was getting worse, a lot of people were dying, and the mini death eaters were really putting into practice what they had been learning in the last few years. It was frustrating, to say the least, that Dumbledore did nothing to stop sixteen-year-olds from getting their arms marked by Voldemort.
He wished he could help her, not just because now that spark of feeling inside his chest had become a scorch of acres and would leave a huge footprint inside him, but because James really cared about her before anything else.
"Dad, um…" James began, not quite sure how to speak, or what. ‘’Can we install a muggle phone?’’
"Of course," Fleamont smiled, just as he had smiled at Sirius. ‘’And you son, how was school?’’
‘’Well, I… Nothing too important but… it was a good year. There haven't been a lot of detentions this year, so I think it's a win.” He joked, just because it was a little weird talking about it with his dad.
"But he wanted to be dating," Sirius nudged, pouring more beer into his glass.
“Oh, is that that muggle girl?” Fleamont at least looked away, spending more time than necessary picking out some chips to eat. James mentally thanked him.
"No, and Sirius doesn't know what he's talking about." James rolled his eyes, wanting to push him off the stool. ‘’I decided that this year I will dedicate myself to studies.’’
"Oh James, you don't have to lie to your old man so much like that, it's okay, your mum isn't here so come on, tell me, what can I help you with?"
"It's her again, Monti," Sirius reveals, as if he doesn't say much.
James wanted to kill him now.
‘’Evans? Oh, son, are we still in it? When will I meet her? I'm starting to imagine you guys invented her because it's been almost five years since I first heard her name and never saw her.” Sirius and his dad laugh together, watching James blush like a fool. ‘’What happened this time? I thought you had raised a white flag for her… Is it because of her that you want to install the phone?’’
‘’It's just… She has family issues, and I think she's going to be alone this vacation since Marlene has traveled and Hestia too, so… I just thought about trying to call her. She gave me her phone number before classes ended, and I think it might cheer her up, I don't know, we're friends and I don't want to-’’
‘’Mate, you kissed her today, what kind of friendship is this?’’
''I wasn't the one who kissed her, she was the one who came at me, and for Merlin's sake, can't you shut up?!'' Fleamont doesn't intervene in the boys' discussion, seeming to enjoy it, and James almost took back everything he said and ran to his room to hide under the covers, but his dad seemed to notice this and became serious again.
"James," he said, in a warning tone but still with the shadow of a smile on his face. "It's kind of you to worry about her like that, anyway, but I think Sirius is right, I don't believe there are friendships where people kiss."
‘'She didn't even talk to me about it later, she just… ran away, leaving me alone. I don't think she even wanted to do that or I’m a bad kisser.'’
‘’It is a possibility, for sure,’’
"Even more if we think you ate that plum candy before the meeting, which smells disgusting." Sirius grimaced.
"But, you even said, she's having problems at home, and like I told Sirius, it's not all about you. She probably doesn't know what to do or say either, and is afraid of ruining the friendship… The best thing to do is ask her what it means, but knowing that maybe the answer will hurt you. It's a risk you take.” James nodded, looking at the beer kegs near the wall, and then down to his own glass again. "We'll install the phone and you'll call her, maybe that doesn't encourage Sirius to be less fearful and send Hestia a letter." Fleamont smiled. "There's nothing to lose, for either of you, just tell them how you feel."
''Haha! He would die before he did that, you know what he did last month?’’ James grinned vengefully, dodging Sirius' hand that tried to cover his mouth as his dad laughed at them both.
"Potter, just do it."
"Padfoot, what if she curses me-"
''She is not going.''
‘’ But she can. ’’
‘’Call her for fucking sake!’’
"Quiet or my mum will listen, and she doesn't need to know we can swear." James took a deep breath, the crumpled paper in his hands trembling as he noted the number written there, then looked at the buttons on the phone.
The man who came to install it had explained to them how it worked, but James was so nervous he'd forgotten all about it.
"Just dial!" Sirius cried for the umpteenth time, sitting beside him in the armchair, a Muggle magazine in his hands.
"Mum will kill you if she sees this." James pointed at the five women in bikinis, in very indecent positions for a rock magazine.
''Shut up Potter, and call her or I'll do it.'’ James huffed, rolling his eyes and looking at the numbers again.
Okay, he could do that.
Yes, just do it, James.
"Hello?" Evans' sweet voice sounded from the other end, it didn't sound much like her, it was a little more harsh and hurt than James used to hear, but it was definitely her. He tried to picture her by the phone, probably wearing a T-shirt from some muggle band he didn't know but would try to learn about just to impress her.
"Hello… Lily?"
“James?” Her voice radiated happiness then, as if she were grinning from ear to ear. His stomach turned over. ''Is that you?''
"Yes, yes it's me." Sirius chuckled softly, patting him on the shoulder and walking out of the room, probably so James would feel more comfortable being a lovesick fool. ''How are you?''
‘’I'm fine, I… how did you call me? Did you buy a phone?
"It was something my dad had wanted for a long time, so it was pretty easy to convince him." James grinned. “I just called to…um…just to say I like you, Evans. I really like it, and maybe you don't feel that way, and I know things aren't easy, but I really care about you, and if you don't… like me, that's fine, I'll understand. But ever since you kissed me I… I keep thinking about you, and I keep thinking about kissing you again, so I called just to tell you that… I like you a lot, Lily.'' James took a deep breath, feeling as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders.
Lily took a while to speak, which made him a little, very, nervous, and James even considered hanging up the phone and never using it again, but he remembered what his dad had said about listening to what she had to say and not rush.
"I…I like you too, James." He could hear her smile, even though her voice was a little quieter now. "I can't stop thinking about you and our kiss, either." His cheeks would tear. ‘’And… would you like to go out with me? For a date?’’
"Evans, I think if you asked me to jump off a bridge right now, I would." She laughed, one of the most beautiful sounds James had ever heard in his life. ''Yes I do.''
‘’Great, I… I need to turn it off now because Petunia is taking a shower and if I take too long the water will be cold and she won't leave me alone anymore, but-’’
"I'll call you later," James said before she even asked. He didn't lie when he said he would do anything for her, and if that meant talking to her on the phone overnight, he would. It was so much better than a letter, it took less time, and there was also the fact that he could hear her voice. It couldn't be better. "See you later, Lily."
"See you, James."
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youarejesting · 3 years
Hope in the sheets.9
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Beta: N/A Pairing: Hoseok x Reader Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Soft boy, Fluff, SMUT, Friends2Lovers, Words: 4.2k
Summary: You held many titles: his neighbor, colleague, wing-man… well, more likely a wing-woman, yet most importantly, you were his best friend. You had been friends since you were born. Between the two of you, you were younger; barely, but he never let you forget it. He always seemed to ruffle your hair and tease you, which could get rather annoying but he made up for it by treating you to things.
What if a drunken one night stand between you and your best friend Hoseok leads to more complicated situations? Your reckless twenties are cut short as you find yourself suddenly responsible for something a little more.
Warning: Implied sex, pregnancy, implied reader has baby.
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Waking up every morning beside his childhood friend, his most trusted confidant, former neighbor, and the woman he was utterly in love with, was always the most amazing thing. When the two of you had confessed your feelings to one another in the darkness, solidifying the moment with the best sex Hoseok had ever had. Well, that was even better.
Brushing a few strands of hair out of your face he admired just how beautiful you were. Memories of the two of you flooding back; at your school prom when Hoseok had been too nervous to tell you how he felt. Whilst the two of you were in college and you kissed him during a drinking game. When you both applied for jobs at the amusement park and the two of you swore that if neither of you got accepted then neither of you wanted to work there.  The times you would knock on his door when your shower stopped working, or the time you both spent tickets to go to Yoongi’s performance across the country and spent the rest of the month without any electricity. He thought you looked so beautiful in candlelight.
There were so many moments he told himself that he should tell you how he felt but he repressed it, unsure how or if your relationship would change. What you had going was good and he would rather spend his life by your side watching you smile than a second away.
It had been hell without you in his life. You had been slowly pulling away from him since you found out about the pregnancy. He felt it the day you moved out, he had knocked on your door and almost had a breakdown. Even that wasn’t as bad as your fight, when he found out you had lied it was like the ultimate rejection. 
It was like you didn’t want him to be a part of any of this, that you would rather erase him from your life and pretend the baby wasn’t his. He felt rejected and he reacted badly, he drove and cried, he drank and waited for any excuse to bring you back. He said some nasty things in an effort to remove the hurt from him, to target it somewhere else but seeing you cry only made him hurt worse.
It was after all this that he grew even more depressed, the thought that it was over, your friendship, the bond you shared that spanned over years shattered into pieces. All he could think about was apologizing and begging for you to let him stay, as a friend, as a father, even as a servant, he was desperate.
You were his oxytocin and he was addicted. He never felt love or happiness when you were gone. Stirring he leaned over to pepper kisses over your cheeks the fear in his chest that last night's actions might be classified as a late-night compulsive activity. Like dying your hair and cutting bangs, something you know you shouldn’t but you do because you can’t help it.
“Good morning, Lil darling,” he said, taking a slow breath as you stretched as if preparing for the worst. He prayed that your eyes would fall on him with love and not disgust. 
“Hi,” your face split into a wide grin and you buried your face in your little hands.
“Hey, what are you shy for?” he said, picking up on your playful and giddy mood.
“We had sex.” You snickered into your palms and he tried to pry your arms free. “Wait no, I am not ready to look at you.”
“Was it bad, love?” Hoseok whispered quietly hoping that you didn’t regret it. If you did, he would play it cool, take it like a gentleman, and move on as just your friend.
“No, it was nice…” you said peeking through your fingers, “and you were really good”
“I was good?” He grinned, “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“No, I really had a good time.”
“No buts, I was just going to ask if perhaps you might want to do it again sometime.”
Hoseok’s smile was so wide his lips pulled up until they were shaped like a heart, “Whenever you would like.” He kissed your palms and slid the blankets down making you grab for them.
“Hey Woah, I am naked!” You scolded him.
“I know silly, I want to say good morning to my baby.” He gave you a face as if he was trying to challenge you to a fight, not a real one, the silly kind with tickles. “Plus I saw this beautiful body last night.”
He pulled the blanket down and your hands covered your bare chest, he giggled and exposed your rounded tummy and leaned down whispering something you couldn’t hear and he planted multiple kisses to the fullness until the baby kicked back against his lips. He looked offended, his face down turning as if he was about to cry and he held his chin turning to you.
“Hobi got kicked! Baby doesn’t like Hobi!” You were cackling. Hoseok knew how much you loved his aegyo and how much it made you laugh. Your laugh made his heart flutter and you shot out of bed, all thoughts of nudity out the window.
“I have to go pee. You can’t make me laugh like that Hobi, I am pregnant!” you accused and shut the bathroom door behind you.
The two of you ended up showering together, hands wandering each other's bodies some more. “I wish I wasn’t huge, it would be easier to have sex and I would feel a lot sexier.”
“I am sorry you feel that you aren’t sexy but I disagree, Lil darling, I think you are the most captivating being in my life before you were pregnant, while you are pregnant, and when you have the baby too.”
“Come on Hobi, the class is going to start,” you arrived and took a seat on a bright yellow mat and Hoseok sat behind you pulling you back into his chest. He peppered your jawline with kisses making you laugh.
“Welcome back, Mummies and Daddies.” The woman walked in, her light green polo with a stalk on the front and the company logo. She looked happy to see you two again. Smiling at how affectionate you two had become. “How are we all today, let’s go around the room and talk about what's been happening?”
Hoseok was diligently learning how to bathe and dress and hold the baby, he was doing really well and you felt the tears fall before you knew it. “What is wrong mummy?” The woman knelt beside me.
“I just, I was doing this on my own and I was so scared, but seeing Hobi doing so well, I just felt like this weight had been lifted and I am so proud and I love him so much.” Your voice was distorted by the strain of trying to hold back your sobs.
“Do you hear that, Mummy Hope says she was scared about having to do everything on her own but when she saw Daddy Hope doing well it lifted a weight off her shoulders. Let's all take a moment to understand that every mummy gets scared. Do you get scared Mummies? Do any daddies feel out of place?”
“I felt kind of out of place at the beginning but knowing that I could provide some sort of comfort and relief to my partner, I will try my best.” The young man spoke honestly for a moment and smiled at his partner.
“Thank you so much, Daddy Mogi,” The woman said. “It is nice to let each other know how much you appreciate their contribution. I am sure Mummy Mogi and Daddy Hope feel really happy to have such wonderful partners.”
Hoseok nodded, crawling over and kissing you softly. “You don’t have to do everything alone. I am going to be there. We got this.”
The night ended with a weak juice and cheesecake slice, you watched Hoseok talking with the other dads happily. “He really adores you, it’s cute,” the woman from the blue mat smiled. She and her partner chose the name kimchi.
“I think I remember you saying you were both friends when you first came here.” You blushed, filling them in on the story. They loved the gossip and were so happy you two had found each other. 
“Not long now.” the instructor smiled looking at your belly. “I have a few little activity sheets here, just fun things you and your partner might enjoy.”
Friday came around and the two of you arrived at ‘Jin and Tonic’ for pizza night and stayed for some dancing. You ordered a cold lemonade at the bar, in a baby doll dress that did nothing to hide your voluptuous figure. You didn’t notice all the men staring but Hoseok sure did. He was excited that the gang was all back together. He loved this little family all of you had made and the new additions were well welcomed.
“Who is this Yummy mummy at the bar?” Hoseok slid up to the bar beside you, “I will have what she's having.”
“One lemonade coming right up,” Jimin said, disengaging from his longing gaze at Taehyung, who sat across the bar trying to appear nonchalant, but the guy couldn’t even drink alcohol without cringing and gagging. He was currently nursing a Fanta, watching Jimin from behind his bangs.
“How are you and Taehyung going?” You asked Jimin. “Did he come over for the photoshoot?”
“He did and we didn’t do anything, he took pictures and I was naked but he kept telling me he didn’t want me to do anything for free as he respected my business and wanted to support me.” Jimin sighed, “I work two jobs and I don’t want him to pay. Do I look like I need support?”
You could practically see Jimin stomp his foot along with the pout on his lips, “I think your ass needs some support, and Taehyung’s hands are big enough to do the job.”
Jimin giggled, “doesn’t he just.”
“Perhaps you need to ask Taehyung on a date?” You suggested. “He might be nervous because he is showing interest but you aren’t. He might think you only see him as a sugar daddy.”
“As in I, Park Jimin, go up to that god of a man and ask him if he would go on a date with me?” He said shocked.
“I am saying you, Jimin Eubegene Wolfgang Park the Third, go ask him to go on a date.”
“Oooh… she used your full name, be scared. She is a mum now!” Seokjin laughed, the high pitch sound filling the bar area.
“That’s not my name.” Jimin pouted again
“Mum has spoken, go ask the poor boy out, he is desperate,” Yoongi muttered wiping his face on a cool towel handed to him by Jin, who also gave him an ice-cold lemonade. “I have to get back soon but I will let this remix finish.”
The group watched intrigued by the confident sugar baby, becoming timid and nervous as he walked over to his admirer. You couldn’t hear anything but you saw Taehyung smile making a gesture like he was taking photos and describing something with an animated expression and a grin.
Jimin walked back a pout on his lips and once back he let out a sigh and you felt bad for the poor boy, but you could understand Taehyung's hesitance. “Give it some time, there will be a moment where he can no longer refuse. His feelings will grow too strong and he will come for you.”
“I am ready to give everything up for him, I am ride or die, right now.” Jimin whined, “have you just looked at someone and thought, this is the one, they are my soulmate.”
“Everyday,” Hoseok smiled at you and you blushed but nodded.
“I am going to go to the bathroom.” You slid off the barstool rubbing your back and slowly shuffled along the edge of the room escorted by Hoseok who kept a keen eye out for any trouble, not wanting you to get bumped too hard on your journey. He also helped your travel by stopping any unsolicited hands from rubbing your belly.
“You good?” Hoseok asked outside the bathrooms, concern in his eyes because he couldn’t accompany you inside.
“I can take care of this part myself, trust me I have done this a thousand times.” You kissed him and went to take care of your lemonade strained bladder. It seemed the sugar and cool temperature had your baby kicking a little stronger and if you didn’t go now one wrong move and you would not make it. Ah, the joys of pregnancy.
Sitting down you felt your stomach tense. It was mild, nothing excruciating, perhaps you had sat down wrong, you didn’t want a repeat of the Braxton hicks situation. Taking note of the time you marked it in your app and went to wash your hands. You smiled, feeling a small sense of pride at the feeling of being more mature.
It wasn’t uncommon before you were pregnant to be in these bathrooms and unable to see, the feeling of being out of control scary, exhilarating, and a little addictive. You were much happier now, you felt physically stronger, you felt like you had started organizing your life prioritizing your health.
It was funny. You were out of your mind scared at the idea of having a baby, petrified of what was to come, but you were feeling like somehow it was your turning point to do something with your life to get everything on track. You had goals that you had not only worked towards but had accomplished and that feeling lasted longer and gave more gratification than one night of alcohol-induced numbness and two days of recovery.
Waddling out to Hoseok you grinned shyly at him, something about the way he was standing under the soft glowing lights looking at his phone with a soft smile. Walking closer you looked at the screen seeing your sleeping face. He was kissing your nose, you would have scolded him for taking an embarrassing picture but you both looked so cute.
“Lil darling,” He smiled down at you, “I care about you more than anything in this world.”
“I love you Hobi, kiss me.” He tilted your head up delicately by the chin and kissed you slowly. You were mid-kiss when you pulled back, struck with an extreme craving. “Can we sit in Seokjin’s office and order a fried chicken? I’m hungry.”
The two of you giggled before running behind the counter to Seokjin’s office as he scolded, “YA! You two keep it clean, I know how you got pregnant and I don’t want any repeats in my office.”
Your laughter rang through the hall past the storage rooms and into the small office where you two both sat on the couch sighing in relief. Needing a seat with proper back support, you were aching so badly. “Lay down love.” 
Hoseok let you lay your head on his lap and he slowly combed his fingers through the soft strands they had grown a lot since being pregnant. You had been considering a cut to keep it more manageable with a newborn.
You felt your stomach tighten, logging it into your app, you noticed it was thirty minutes from the first which wasn’t cause for alarm just yet. The conversation was slow as Hoseok began ordering a half and half of fried chicken, he was just talking about random things at work. 
“Move in with me.” Your voice was definite and Hoseok stopped ordering and grinned. “I want you to live with me.”
“Really, you want me to live with you?” He seemed surprised and you wondered if there was something you didn’t take into account, had you jumped in too quickly.
“You already stay over every night.” You reasoned, “saves bus fares back and forth and my place is closer to your work than yours.”
“I work from home at the moment because I wasn’t quite sure when to take paternity leave.” He whispered gently, his smile made him look so soft. “You want me to move in Lil darling?”
“Of course, I love you Hobi.”
“Am I moving in?” He giggled excitedly and you sat up equally excited by his contagious laughter, “I am going to wake up to your pretty face every day.”
The food arrived and you used Jin's toilet quickly, stepping out confused. You were excited for Chicken but you were wondering if you might actually be going into early labor. You made sure to pay more attention to your body and when another cramp took over your stomach you marked it on your app. This one felt as mild as the last but it had come a few minutes quicker than the last.
Your instructor told you to relax and keep calm in this stage to conserve your energy and you were going to follow her guidance. The contractions were pretty consistent in the pattern but didn’t quite grow intense or come any quicker.
The two of you cleaned up the food mess, you would have already headed home but Yoongi was going to drop you home that night with some meals he and Jin had made for you. Hoseok pulled you to his chest and the two of you slept to the muffled bass from the dance floor. It was quite peaceful. You fell asleep stirring only slightly to the tightening of your stomach. It was one particular contraction that made you gasp and sit up. You checked the time and marked it on the app.
You had slept and failed to record all your contractions. You were trying to breathe through the tight feeling rubbing the circumference of your stomach and pacing slowly.
“Is something wrong?” Hoseok mumbled sitting up and looking at you, “do you have a pain in the tummy, is the baby okay?”
“I have been having contractions for a while, but you know the lady said to relax and eat to preserve energy and so I wasn’t worried but this one was a little stronger, I just have to wait and see the timing between the contractions to see if we do anything yet.” He stepped behind you, holding your belly in his hands and taking the weight relieving the stress on your back. 
“She said when the contractions last for 45-60 seconds and they are 3-5 minutes apart that is active labor.” Hoseok had been paying attention in class and it warmed your heart. “They said if you go too early you will be sent back home to wait for the labor to progress.”
Hoseok swayed you both gently and you laid your head back on his shoulder, he could tell you were nervous and he began singing low in his ear the vibrations of his chest were enough to make you relax. It was as you relaxed than another contraction occurred. Looking at the app they were about ten minutes apart and you were sure this was it.
“Would you like to go now?” Hoseok said worriedly, kissing your neck and hugging you a little tighter.
“No, but we should probably get the hospital bag.” You mumbled, “I don’t want you to leave though.”
“Text Taehyung and get him in here.” You nodded, texting the young man and smiling as he cautiously entered. “Hey Taehyung, can you do us a favor?”
“Uh, I don’t make adult films, but you could probably get Jungkook if you were persuasive. He has some good quality video cameras.” Taehyung said nervously, the two of you laughed as you swayed gently.
“No, we were wondering if you were interested in going to my house and picking up my hospital bag. You have a license don’t you?”
“Yeah, I do.” He spoke, eyeing you up and down for signs you were going to pop out a baby. “What does it look like?”
“It is one bag just inside the front door that looks like this,” Hoseok said as you showed him a picture on your phone and he nodded, commenting on the cute star pattern on the bag. “You might have to ask Jimin about stealing his keys.”
“Oh and Taehyung about Jimin, he really likes you, really likes you and well he wants to try dating without the sugar baby business. He wants to date you without money.” You were stepping in hoping to help Taehyung realize how much he loved Jimin and how much Jimin loved him. The two were both too scared to admit it, reminding you of how things were with Hoseok before you both confessed. “He has been upset that you have been refusing to see him. Have a think about your feelings and when you are sure you know what you want, then let him know.”
It was a whole lot of waiting and feeling uncomfortable, there wasn’t really anything you could do but wait. Taehyung returned with your bag and you waited, chatting together for half an hour before deciding to use Seokjin’s laptop to watch movies in hopes of passing the time.
The music stopped and you realized it was one in the morning and time for lockout. “You looked at the app that was tracking your contractions and as you logged the next contraction you saw the words at the top change from early labor to active labor. The three of you abandoned ‘Meet the Robinsons’ and headed down the hall back to the bar area.
The place cleared out pretty quick, designated drivers carrying away their drunk friends. Namjoon and Jungkook helped lead out any reluctant frequenters and gave them a friendly good night.
“Hey Yoongi, I was wondering instead of dropping me off at home, you could drop me off at the hospital. I have been in labor for about seven hours now and well I think it is time I go as things seem to be picking up.” Yoongi and Jungkook, who had both been packing up the sound system, looked shocked. Jin threw down the cloth and raced over, 
“Pack the van we are going,” he called and began gathering everyone and locking up. There was a shout from the bathrooms that made you jump for a second. “JIMIN EGGPLANT HUBERT WHAT IN GOD’S NAME ARE YOU DOING?”
“I am cleaning up vomit and I told you that isn’t my name.” You could hear the pout in his tone before a shout, Jin walked out with Jimin over his shoulder. “Hyung put me down. Don’t you damage these goods!”
Hoseok playfully smacked Jimin’s behind as he passed by receiving a growl, “Hey! The exchange rate for a butt slap is a pair of Chanel earrings Hoseokie. Hands off what you can’t afford.”
“We haven’t got time, the baby is coming!” Jin screeched.
“I thought you said the baby was coming, it’s been 3 hours?” Jimin sighed, flipping through his third trashy magazine from four April’s ago. “I am not working tomorrow if the bar smells like vomit.”
Jungkook was asleep leaning against Namjoon with Namjoon’s coat wrapped around him. Everyone was bored and Jin and Yoongi went for coffee. Taehyung was trying to stay awake and talk to Jimin, but he kept falling asleep. He grew restless in his half woke state and took Jimin's hand in his before promptly falling asleep.
Throwing the magazine aside, Jimin crossed one leg over the other resting his head on his hand and elbow on his knee turning slightly to gaze at the sleeping Taehyung.
“Why didn't she want me to go in?” Hoseok said, worried about hearing your small cry of pain “I want to help her, I want to be there”
“You have to respect her decision. I watched my niece come into the world in the back of my brother's car and I cannot look my sister-in-law in the face again. I think that's when I started dating guys for a while,” Yoongi laughed, “It will scar you. You would be so worried to touch y/n if you saw her give birth and you would beat yourself up over her being in pain. You would be a sobbing mess. We know you Hobi, it’s best you stay out here.”
There was a lot of noise from the birthing suite and Jungkook woke up looking nervously around, before the piercing cry of a newborn filling the halls, and the boys stood up hugging Hoseok who had broken down into tears. They slapped his back cheering and the nurse came out shushing them.
“It’s four in the morning, try to keep it down.”
“How is she? How is Y/n?” Jin asked as Hoseok was unable to articulate anything clinging to him and sobbing.
“She is very good, a very strong young woman. She had a little baby girl, if you give her a moment to clean up and settle the baby you can all go in for a quick visit, and then you will all have to go home as visiting hours have long since been over.” she smiled at them all before patting Hoseok’s back “Congratulations.”
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rayofsunas · 4 years
valentines | diluc [3]
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A/n: good evening everyone!! I know this story is kinda a slow start to things, but dw reader is actually in this chapter lol. my plan is too write one more part, which would be the finale :) let me know how you guys are liking the series so far <33 I feel like Diluc is sooooo ooc, sawwy... AND I also can’t remember if the Dawn Winery is Diluc’s home, but pretend it is for this if it isn’t- anyways, enjoy and stay safe!!
Summary: the ever so stoic diluc thought he was being secretive when sending anonymous letters and gifts to you during the week of valentine’s day but turns out everyone in mondstadt knew it was him, though thankfully had tight enough lips to not spill the beans to you. kaeya is of no help, so you go seeking answers yourself.
Parings: Diluc/Fem! Reader (for my other mini-series, there will be some gn ones!)
Warnings: valentines (yes, I’m late, shoot me), fluff, Diluc and Kaeya have a mother (the only reason this is a warning, is cause she’s a mood and I love her), swearing
Word count: 4.5k (I’m so proud and happy with this chapter :))
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The letters were vague at first and you usually received them early in the morning, at first there was one. But now there was more than one letter, sometimes Cecilia flowers and even little gifts in a delicately wrapped box along with them. You assumed the writer was a serious night owl to have prepared this all and had sent them when you were asleep, leaving them as a sort of gift for you to wake up to in the morning. 
Though, originally, when you received the first handful of letters, you were creeped out, nervous for obvious reasons.
Who was this stranger sending letters of unworthy praise and admiration? Was their identity that much in danger, to have to be anonymous? And without an address as well... 
The more you read his or her letters, you learned that over four days, they were no threat. They couldn’t have been. Whoever they were, most likely was a young teen, caught in the webs of affection for the very first time, nervous to dip their toes into confrontation out of fear of being rejected. 
But the more you scanned the letters at night, reading them over like a series of detective novels, searching for any kind of clue, you realized this person was far too intelligent, smooth, and straight to the point, to be any kind of lovesick teen. That scenario, that possibility wasn’t possible in your mind. 
The only thing that made them seem like a confused teen was the fact that they sounded lost within their feelings, although straight to the point it was hard to decipher exactly what they were saying. Their words were often hidden behind a thick wall of glass; you could see them, but it was hard to grasp exactly what they were, the true meaning of it all. 
Was his or her adoration for you, really, truly love?
Was praising your skill too small of a thing to feel completely doused in love over?
You were never too sure. 
letter one.
I know this may seem odd, coming from a stranger. But I can assure you I am not a creep of any kind. I can’t help but say, I admire your skills in battle; you’re a force to be reckoned with. Please accept these Cecilia’s, I hope they aren’t too much nor are you allergic.
Best wishes.
This was the very first letter you received. Something you solely took for another Knight who you unknowingly, until now, of course, caught the attention of. You assumed that they were just praising you because they wished to be like you, of course, you accepted it with open arms. Praise for such a low profiled Knight felt nice.
letter two.
Hello. I realized I never specified an address for you to possibly reply to my letters with. It completely slipped my mind, my apologies. If it isn’t too much of a hassle, you could leave your letters at Barbatos’ Statue and I could do so as well. I also realized that sending letters to your home may seem... very weird and unsettling. I am sincerely sorry, my intentions weren’t to scare you. I am no creep, I can assure you we are acquaintances. Though, I would prefer to keep my identity hidden for right now. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes. 
This letter was completely apologetic, its entire body and being were sincere you could tell. Yes, you would agree, the letters sent directly to your home were unsettling. But if they were an acquaintance and they had no ill intentions, you had no reason to panic. 
letter three.
I received your letter and I’m very glad to hear you’re no longer panicked or creeped out. Those were never my intentions... I appreciate your willingness to communicate with me. It’s very kind and understanding of you. Also, to answer your question, I am a man. I hope that does not disappoint you... Looking forward to your next letter. 
Best wishes.
You were happy to finally figure out more of who this anonymous person was, and knowing they were a man helped you learn more about who they could be. The list of suspects you were acquainted and or friends with, decreased significantly. You didn’t have many guy friends or acquaintances. You could only name a handful. Was he even amongst that handful? People had different meanings of friends and acquaintances after all...
letter four.
I know this may seem too early, we’ve only been properly conversing for a day or two. But, I would like to say you’re one of a kind and I found myself lost for words when writing to you. I hope you’re faring well. Please stay safe. I heard there was a pretty nasty bar fight last night that transitioned into a bloodbath in the streets. Lots of people are upset right now, politics I assume... Nonetheless, stay safe. 
Best wishes.
He was right. You weren’t cleared for such information, but you had heard talk from some of your fellow Knights that there was a pretty bad bar fight that carried out into the streets late last night. Multiple people had ended up in the dungeons, some still walked the streets whispering their opinions on an ancient conspiracy, though, you were unsure of what that exactly meant. 
Poison, sicknesses, and night terrors were a few of the most talked-about stressors for the fight. Who was to tell which ones were true though, if any. You assumed the truth was riddled in there somewhere though, it had to of been. Rumors often stemmed from an over extreme truth. 
What an unfortunate thing to hear, especially the week of Valentine's day. A week of love, already filled with a bitter hatred, not a good start. Thankfully, you had the letters, they kept you hopeful. The other person on the receiving end could also feel hopeful, so you hoped. You just hoped the situation wasn’t the start of something worse brewing.
Sadly, you weren’t cleared to investigate like you had heard Captain Kaeya was; despite how curious and nosy you were. Unfortunately, you were stuck with paperwork and training the younger Knights; you enjoyed the latter. But those were your duties this week, you couldn’t afford to stray from them. 
Hopefully, your anonymous admirer was alright and well. 
You hated to admit it. But over the last five days, you had become smitten. Some say, love at first sight, was impossible, a silly tale told to hopeless romantics who would believe anything. For someone who was not one of those people easy to fall in love with, truthfully, you were starting to believe the tales.
This anonymous man was so kind, well versed with words, so well versed that they moved mountains. You know for sure they had moved your heart. He wasn't willing to share a simple thing; his name. But he’d practically told you his life story, thrown it into your palms easily. Though vague, it was enough to help you understand him better and feel ultimately closer.
You’d learned he was a well-known guy, and as much as he accepted and loved the attention sometimes, it was tiring and draining the majority of the time. He’d said he was a protector of Mondstadt, someone who deeply cared for the townspeople and they're well beings. He’d make any deal, cross any sea, walk through hell with his head held high, just to protect them. He was also a brother, though never specified if he was older or younger, you assumed he was older when he said that he had a very annoying brother; only an older sibling could understand another's annoyance caused by a younger sibling. You could blame personal experience from your time around the younger Knights. You felt like an older sister to a lot of them without that older mentor figure. They weren’t all annoying, but they could share similar qualities at times when they didn't pay attention or learn paperwork completion formats.  
A name came to mind as he shared his vague life story. 
Kaeya Alberich. 
He was all of those things, except maybe for the last one. You knew Kaeya and Master Diluc were brothers, very close in age, but they weren’t blood-related, so twins were off the table; one was older than the other. Something was telling you it was the more flirtatious brother. He was the more outgoing of the two, spontaneous, he would surely be one behind the letters, right? But then wouldn’t he just approach you like normal? Hmmm. Maybe not. He did like to act mysterious, but maybe he was scared of rejection, who knows with Captain Kaeya. He was very hard to read. You couldn’t even tell half the time if he truly meant what he’d say when flirting with you or if he was just saying those things to tease you, maybe even make someone else jealous. 
You were curious, so you decided to approach him. Corner the Captain and demand an answer. He’d have to give you one, you wouldn’t leave his side. So that’s what you did, after your duties had finished around five in the afternoon, you waited outside the Knights headquarters. Hopefully, you’d catch him going in and out sometime soon, it was growing late. 
It was nearing six-thirty when you were getting ready to leave headquarters. Thinking, maybe this could wait tomorrow until you could catch the Captain at a reasonable time. But then he came strutting out of headquarters, his uncovered eye glistening with mischief, a smirk plastered on his handsome face. 
“Captain Kaeya, a word?” You interjected stepping in front of the man, stopping him from bounding down the steps deeper into the city. 
His face broke out in a grin, “Ah, Y/n! Nice to see you again, miss me did you?” 
“Not hardly, Captain.” You said, hoping you wouldn’t get in trouble for practically back-talking your superior. Your own Captain would never let you hear the end of it, the blonde man was a strict one. 
“You wound me,” The cryo user feigned pain. You could only chuckle nervously. “So, what is it you wanted to see me for?”
Your face heated up, burning like fire. “I have a question.”
“Shoot.” He said, hand going to rest sassily on his hip. 
“Are you the one writing me letters?” 
He laughed, sending waves of embarrassment through you. It shouldn’t have but now you felt stupid. Even if you held no romantic feelings for the Captain, he was way out of your league. He probably knew that. 
“Me? You flatter me!”
“No... I mean it,” You stated. “Is it you?”
His face turned serious. “Sadly, not.”
You huffed, heart, dropping to the floor. “Damn it,” You muttered, moving to sit on the stone steps of the Knights headquarters. Kaeya stayed standing, shadow blanketing over you, oddly silent. No flirtatious rebuttal, nothing, just silence. Odd. 
“You know something I don’t, I know you do.” You said, head hanging low. He laughed again. So, you were right.
“Of course, beautiful, I know a lot of things you don’t.” He taunted, eye dripping in mischief. 
“Very funny, Captain.” This wasn’t very funny, not at all. You weren’t laughing.
Suddenly, the Captain spoke up, “Speak to Diluc, I’m sure he knows, he has a very keen eye.”
Master Diluc? Wine tycoon Diluc? What did he have to do with this? He was always off doing his own thing, was it possible he knew anything at all?
“Master Diluc?”
“That’s what I said, yes.”
“You think he’d know who this person is?” You wondered. 
“Like I, he knows about lots of things, one being people.”
“Captain, I don’t like games, please just tell me.” You pleaded, eyes meeting his singular visible one. 
“When you beg, it’s cute,” He said catching you off guard. “See Diluc, he’ll know.” With that, he turned around and began walking off. 
“Wait!” You abruptly stood. “Do you know where I can find him?” 
“Dawn Winery.” You nearly froze on the spot. 
Dawn Winery? Wasn’t that Master Diluc’s residence? You possibly couldn’t, not at this hour either. Archons no...
“I’m sorry,” You hurriedly followed after the retreating figure. “I can’t possibly go there at this hour.”
“And why not?”
“Umm, Captain obvious, it seems inappropriate! People would think I’m going for other intentions!” Oh, if news got out that you went to Master Diluc’s residence late in the afternoon, and people assumed you had other intentions, this would surely be the end of you.
“But you’re not and you know that,” He said. “Are you always such a rule follower and strung up? Archons, you’re Diluc, but a girl version...” He commented.
He did have a point, but if someone saw a young woman entering the Dawn Winery of a bachelor late in the afternoon, suspicion would rise. It’s very conspicuous.
“Yes but-”
“Toodles, beautiful!” You stood still like a statue of ice, heart racing. 
Against better judgment, you ended up making the short walk to the Dawn Winery. You were hesitant to knock on the large doors though. Scared shitless, beyond nervous, only thinking what would others think? What would Master Diluc think? He’d probably shut the door on your face, leaving you like a frazzled idiot.
You probably stood pacing outside for fifteen minutes, before mustering up the courage to knock on the door. But you never got the chance, because you saw a woman with brown hair and a few gray strands peeking out of one of the first-floor windows. She had a small smile on her delicate face as she watched you. How long had she been there for...?
Your heart dropped the minute you’d been caught pacing, leaving you standing frozen. Eventually, the woman disappeared from the window, leaving you confused. But then the door whipped open with a gentle force and there she stood. 
She was a taller, slender woman with broad shoulders, wearing a simple dark green blouse black pants, black heeled boots with golden vine details were on her feet, making her even taller. If it weren’t for the gentle smile she gave you, she would’ve looked terrifying. 
“I saw you pacing outside for a while, I figured you’d muster up the courage to knock eventually.” She said without introduction.
Oh my... was this Master Diluc and Kaeya’s mother... She didn’t look like either of them, but who knows. You wanted to die, that’s for sure.
“I’m so sorry Miss,” You apologized. “I was just-”
“No worries!” She cheered, hands clasping tightly together. “Which one of my boys are you here for?”
So, she was their mother? Oh my... You shouldn’t have come like this, no not now. 
“Master Diluc...” You whispered nervously. Her smile only brightened, she was happy to hear that. 
“Ah I see, are his girlfriend?” Your chest wanted to explode.
“What?! No! I just, have a question for him...” You practically shrunk under her grey steel gaze and for that, began backing away from the intimidating, yet a kind woman. You were hoping to put some distance in between you two, but she moved along with you. “It’s not of importance to be here so late, I just- Kaeya sent me here and-”
“Ah I see, that one is trouble, I’m sorry you had to deal with him...” She seemed visibly distressed by the mention of the Cavalry Captain. You could relate. 
“It’s no problem, ma’am.” You reassured.
“Are you a Knight?” She suddenly asked, still no proper introduction. 
You nodded your head, her smile widened and brightened. 
“A respectable woman you are,” She praised. “And you’re beautiful? If one of my boys don’t marry you right now-” She carried on, you nearly choked on your saliva. “I’m sorry, I get carried away sometimes, I forgot to introduce myself!”
“My name is Victoria.” Finally, you thought. A name to fit her face. 
“Are you the boys' mother?” You suddenly asked. Manners, you reminded yourself. Remember to have manners and keep your curiosity to yourself. 
“Archons no!” She announced loudly, you jumped. “I’m a family friend of Diluc’s mother. You see, the boys were quite young when she passed, and they needed someone to help look after them, Master Crepus was quite a busy man. I stepped up and became a mother figure.”
“Ahh, I see,” You nodded. “I salute you for being able to help raise such gentlemen, must’ve been hard...” 
She laughed, “Not entirely, at first yes, but then it came naturally,”
“Where are my manners!” She suddenly exclaimed, grabbing your hand. “Come in! Diluc will be arriving soon, he’s out taking care of business.” With that, she dragged you into the mansion. 
The door slammed with a loud bang, and Victoria began walking through the downstairs level, almost excitedly. 
“Oh, um, thank you, ma’am.” You bowed your head in respect, watching confusedly as she disappeared into a hallway, before returning with a bottle of wine. 
“A drink?” She offered, showing off a bottle of wine, that just so happened to be the Ragnvindr’s specialty. 
“No, thank you, ma’am. I’m afraid I have an early morning tomorrow, a hangover would be a troubling start to my day.”
“Very good decision.” She praised, scrambling out of the room to look for what you assumed was a glass for her wine, leaving you once again alone. 
Glancing around the main entrance, you were left staring at very few portraits on the wall, framed maps, and personal memorabilia. One thing that stood out to you the most, a black insignia with a star and white skull, a Pirate insignia...
“A pirate insignia?” You whispered to yourself, confused. Captain Kaeya always told stories of pirates, his grandfather being one specifically. You always assumed he was lying... He wasn't. Maybe you should take back your disbelief in him. 
“That’s mine,” Victoria announced proudly, making herself known again. You jumped, startled, before turning to face the beautiful woman. She returned with a glass-like you thought she would and nearly emptied the entire wine bottle into it, cherry red contents filling to the brim.
You retract your statement about Captain Kaeya, he was still a fibber. 
“You were a pirate?” You asked, astonishment bubbling in your chest. You had so many questions for her, you secretly hoped Diluc would take even longer, just so you could listen to her stories. 
Victoria hummed, plopping onto a cherry red armchair, you still stood. 
”Badass...” You whispered to yourself, taking a seat on the nearby loveseat. 
”Thank you.” She beamed. 
“In my younger years of course. I haven’t been on a Pirate ship in a while. I haven’t seen my crew in years, either...” She reminisced. 
“You can’t be a day over thirty-five,” She smiled at your praise. “Why did you give it up? Being a Pirate, though uncertain at times, seems like loads of fun, filled with adventure.” She shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. 
“The boys lost their mother around the ages of eleven or twelve and I had just returned from months at sea,” She began. “They had run away from home to get into mischief when they met me at the gates; I think they’d been cooped at home for a while, they were grieving still....”
“Kaeya was excited to see my crew return home, infatuated with our stories. He clung to me for hours, with so many questions. Diluc on the other hand was just happy to finally not be bothered by his little brother,” 
Little brother? Kaeya? Wait did that mean-
“Master Crepus found them after he’d come searching, they’d been missing for hours and he was worried for obvious reasons. He attempted to take them home, Diluc was willing, Kaeya though clung to me. So, Master Crepus offered me a slower-paced life, looking after the boys and help keep them in check,” She continued, a smile on her face. “I agreed. They looked like they had gone through a lot and needed a mother figure. I was more than happy to look after them, I’d never had kids.” She ended her story there, swishing the red contents in her cup. 
“I guess that's the answer to your question,” 
“I was busy being a mother.” You smiled. Her story was inspiring, she was filled with pride despite leaving something she enjoyed behind, you could tell.
Leaning forward in your seat, you admitted, “You’re very admirable, I admire your drive to raise the boys. You’re an amazing woman and mother.”
“Thank you,” She blushed. “There is no perfect woman, no perfect mother, but your admiration for me is very telling, you share my qualities. If I’m as amazing as you say, you’d be an equally amazing mother to your own children.” Your face warmed at her compliment. 
“I’ve never thought about having children before... But, thank you.” She nodded, raising her glass in salute, before throwing the contents into the back of her throat. 
“A young girl such as yourself, curious, strong, loyal- You should accompany me one day if I ever find myself returning to swashbuckling adventures,”
“You’d be a great second mate.” The brunette admitted, sharp eyebrows wiggling with excitement. Was she hinting, no, offering for you to join her?
“I’m flattered. But I’m not so sure it would be right of a Knight to suddenly turn into a Pirate,” You giggled, she joined in. “No offense.”
“None was taken, sweetheart! I can understand. A Pirate would never think to become a Knight,” She explained. “Two different worlds, different rules, loyalties, and such.” 
The silence was deafening, but you had so many questions for the woman. Would she ever return to swashbuckling? Had she ever had any cool encounters? Did she feel like a badass? Archons, so many questions, very little time. 
“I believe I never caught your name, how rude and selfish of me.’ What’s your name beautiful?”
“Y/n Y/l/n, ma’am.” You said proudly. 
She smiled, “A pretty name for a pretty girl.” She praised, steel-gray eyes glistening like the stars. 
The door closing loudly caught your attention immediately, you stiffened on the spot. 
Master Diluc...
“Oh!” Victoria exclaimed, standing to her feet. “Diluc has arrived, my my, we talked for a long time,” Retreating towards the door, all you could hear were her heeled boots thumping against the wooden floorboards, matching the thumps of your beating heart surely. You watched uncomfortably as she helped the wine tycoon shrug his jacket off, poking fun at him every now and then. You could see by the way he tried to brush her off that he was flustered, he still hadn't seen you though, Victoria was persistent in her pestering; a mother's love, am I right?
“Diluc,” she started, voice echoing and bouncing off into the walls, traveling into the living room. “A beautiful, intelligent woman is here to see you. She says it’s not of importance, but with a woman of her beauty and admiration, you’ll make this the most important day in your life!” With that, her boots moving could be heard again and she was suddenly in the living room, a huge smile on her face, standing behind the loveseat you were sitting uncomfortably in. 
Another pair of boots could be heard, a heavier set this time, a jingling was heard as well, maybe keys? You weren’t sure... 
“Mother-” The tall man shut his mouth immediately as soon as he’d set his eyes on your figure. “Oh,” He approached, continuously looking between Victoria and you, probably wondering what the hell was going on.
“Miss Y/n,” He bowed his head respectively, though you were confused. You should be doing that instead, he was your superior in more ways than one. Standing to your feet, nearly tripping as well, you decided to greet him the same way, remembering your manners in your starstruck state. You couldn’t tell if it was from Victoria's story or the fact that Master Diluc was standing in front of you. Probably both. “W-what’re you doing here?” Master Diluc a stuttering mess? What an uncharacteristically shocking sight...
A slap sounded throughout the room, Victoria’s hand making contact with Diluc’s shoulder, ushering him forward, that’s what it was. “Diluc stop stuttering! Why are you suddenly flustered, huh?!” She exclaimed loudly, her son just stared at her embarrassed. Face turning shades of red. You giggled to yourself quietly.
“Sorry!” Her hands waved out in front of you, various gold dangling bracelets and chains on her wrists making a jingling sound. “I should be going now,” Te brunette then turned to you, taking your hands in her slender ones. “After talking to this eye-opening Knight, I think I should write to a few of my old comrades.” You smiled happily, hands squeezing hers gently. She was staring at you with pride as a mother would to their daughter. 
“Goodnight Y/n. I hope to see you again soon,” She waved you off, moving towards the stairs. “Come find me when you’re ready to leave behind those Knightly duties and join me for a voyage at sea, I’d love to show you my ship one day.” She beamed.
You nodded, seriously considering her offer. You hoped you as well would see her again, rather sooner than later. She was great company. You loved her deafening presence, an admirable woman she was. “Good night, ma’am.”  
As soon as she was gone up the stairs, Diluc awkwardly turned to face you. 
”She asked you to join her on her voyages I see.” He stated, trying to spark conversation. You nodded, fingers fiddling.
“Ya know, I’m considering that offer. It sounds fun.” You teased with a shrug, voice filled with sincerity. 
Master Diluc sent you a soft smile, “Yes. Life at sea does sound quite tiring, but I’m sure the adventures are worth it.”
Another deafening silence, Diluc looked like he wanted to say something.
“Can I get you anything? Wine, tea, juice...”
Not that though... You couldn’t help but giggle at the last part, he blushed. 
“Maybe next time, I’d love to be graced with your mother's presence again, maybe hear a few stories.”
“I’m sure she’d love that. Mother has many to tell.” He admitted with a proud smile,
You couldn’t wait to hear those stories truthfully, so entranced. You had never faced adventures quite like Victoria, never had even considered it, now you were though. Curse Victoria and her entrancement, though not literally, you held too much admiration for the woman to ever wish ill on her. 
”So, what can I do for you?” Diluc suddenly asked.
”Oh right!” You were left flustered. So wrapped up in your conversation, you had completely forgotten what you had come here for. Archons, what the hell.
“I had a question, but-”
You paused. 
Diluc’s eyebrows raised. “Yes?” He seemed to be hanging onto your every word. He was waiting for an answer for a long time. It seems he’d have to wait even longer...
“...I seemed to have forgotten.”
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@gladly-olus​ , @kyquu , @craptainlou , @mintydump , @chscklvr , @irisxiel , @minh0ree , @whatishappinesswhatislove , @rrintarou , @sorenthousand , @cvsmix , @nonniechan ,
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3.7.21, rayofsunas
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werenotadulting · 3 years
Routine Procedure - Finale
Author's note - Hope you enjoyed!
Part 7 - Kate
If you'd asked her, Kate wouldn't have been able to tell what exactly had gotten her interested in it.
Maybe it was the idea of the power dynamic. She had always been one of those girls labeled as 'bossy' growing up, which was a misogynistic way of saying that she wasn't afraid to speak up and speak her mind.
Or maybe it was the subversion of expectations of a traditional relationship that did it for her. The idea that she was the one in control, the one making all the decisions.
Maybe it was the fact that it was so taboo and kinky that appealed to her. It didnt really matter, whatever the reason.
Kate was into being a Mommy Domme, and Kate found nothing hotter than having a diapered little bitch boy to call her own.
The ultimate fantasy was teaching the boy to love and trust his diapers. Make him associate orgasming with wet diapers and diaper changes. Create a leaking "accident" in public so he learns that while thicker diapers might increase the risk of being noticed, they save you from the embarrassment of wet pants.
Of course, she had considered bringing up her desires to Mike, but based off of past experiences, she didn't want to chance it. Mike was just too perfect of a guy to risk blowing it like that.
She had always been the dominant one in bed, with Mike eagerly submitting to her every whim, so she knew they were sexually compatible. It had never gone past light bondage though, and Kate was starting to get an itch that handcuffs and blindfolds just wouldn't scratch.
It had come up entirely by chance, one day while she was scrolling through an obscure ABDL forum.
The post read: "Biomedical engineer here, and I think I've figured out a way to induce instant, semi-permanent incontinence."
The post was over 3 days old, and only had two comments on it. The first was from a mod, basically saying to take everyone's posts with a grain of salt. The second was from the OP, about 24 hours after the original post.
"I know it sounds like a fantasy, but I'm pretty confident it will work. I've had a career in medical devices for the last 8 years, specializing in the urology space. I don't want to get too deep into the details on here, so just PM me of you're interested."
Kate rolled her eyes.
Everyone in this community is so hooked on the 'I want to be instantly incontinent' thing, and all it ever ends up being is some silly fap content, she thought to herself.
"You know what, let's feed the troll and see what bites," she muttered.
Liv2DomU: ok spill, what's your magical method?
PrinceOfPadding: this for you, or someone else?
Liv: hypothetically, let's say it's for a boyfriend
Prince: Ahh okay. Very interesting. Well, like I said, I've worked in med device for awhile, and I've recently started my own company. I primarily work in the urology space, catheters, scopes, that kind of stuff.
Liv: hmm hate to break it to u bud, but catheters kinda already exist
Prince: oh sure, catheters exist, but my idea is to bridge the catheter world with the stent world
Liv: sounds idk...sketchy? illegal?
As she read more, Kate was beginning to think that this guy might not be as full of crap as she had initially thought. He had his own start-up, which had already launched a Foley catheter to the market. It was all above-board and legit.
Prince: so, for the aspiring incontinent-person-to-be, the ring is positioned with a catheter, and stays in place once the Foley is removed. Then overtime, probably a month at minimum, depending on the chemical makeup and customer desire, the ring breaks down and is naturally absorbed into the body. And they all sign a consent form saying they accept the risks of such a procedure.
Liv: so then once it's dissolved they are back to being being able to control their bladder?
Prince: that's the theory, yes
Liv: theory?
Prince: well, dissolvable stent technology present state takes like 18 months to break down, and the manufacturing of it is patented and kept under lock and key
Liv: so basically all you have to offer is a catheter lol
Prince: well no. I've got some good leads on dissolvable compounds, but I've got to do trials of the rings first to see if it would even work. I've promised free diapers for the first few months if people sign up, but it's been hard to get subjects
Liv: so these trial rings wouldn't dissolve?
Prince: nope
Liv: meaning my hypothetical boyfriend would be....?
Prince: permanently diaper dependent, yeah
In the end Kate was curious enough that she was willing to hear the guy out.
He'd asked for a mailing address and her phone number. The first was to send proof that his company was real, and the second was just to keep in contact should she decide to proceed.
It all made sense, at least in theory. Foley catheters were safe, provided they were inserted by a trained healthcare professional. A normal person would get a normal catheter just like everyone else. But an ABDL would be signing up for what was essentially an intentionally faulty catheter.
Assuming they knew they were willingly signing up for it.
When asked about 'accidental' ring implants, Prince had basically said, hey, people really need to learn to read the fine print.
I walked out to the mailbox. I've been expecting test results back from the scan I'd had a few weeks back. Opening up the box, I noticed a large envelope with my hospital's address on the front.
About time, I thought, grabbing the envelope and the rest of the mail.
I walked back into the house, where Kate was making herself a cup of tea.
"Anything good in the mail?" she asked, taking a sip from her mug.
I listed them aloud as I started to flip though the mail, "Looks like some junk mail, an internet bill, a brochure for some UroVention medical thing, and last but not least, my test results."
I dropped the rest of the mail on the counter and started to open up my scan results. As I was reading, Kate walked over and began sorting through the other mail.
"Oh good, they said it's benign, but they're still worried about the location. They're recommending removal, just to be on the safe side."
"Removal for something benign? That sounds odd, but whatever," Kate said, tucking something into her back pocket.
"I'm not too worried. It sounds like it should be a pretty routine procedure."
Part 8 - Mike
I sat down on the couch, my diaper squishing underneath me. Kate had taken to putting two stuffers in my diaper, even though these Tykables could already hold a lot. The warm, comforting feeling of my wet diaper started to turn me on, just like it did every time I realized how wet I was or if I was about to get a change. Not that I could do anything about it, though.
I flipped open the laptop and signed in. It would probably be a good hour before Kate got back from the store. Apparently I was being downgraded from sippy cups to bottles.
Once logged in, I noticed that the screen was still up to the site where Kate had last been. It was another diaper order, this time a case of Megamaxes. I felt my cheeks start to heat up, seeing that Kate had chosen the pink color for the whole case.
I opened up a private window, and navigated to KinkLink. My profile on here was pretty bare. It always had been, just containing my age, gender, and some basic interests. I hadn't even bothered to post a picture when I set it up. I preferred to look at other people's profiles rather than post things of my own.
I was always intrigued by people's locations and how close they were to where I lived. One such person who I came back to check the posts of daily was a mommy domme, who it happened lived in my town. Her first posts, from nearly three years ago, were what had first caught my attention.
'Every night I dream about finding my perfect diaper slut. He will wake up to me rubbing his thick, soggy padding, the little bedwetter that I turned him into.'
'Picture this: You, in a wet diaper and nothing else. Me, in my black lingerie with a strap on. Do I have any volunteers?'
'Have no doubt, if you date me, it's diapers forever. There's no "only at home" or "but my parents are coming over". Maybe I'll just find a way to make you incontinent. Then you won't have an excuse.'
And then there were the pictures. She never would show her face, but she didn't need to.. She wasn't lying about the black lingerie. It left very little to the imagination. Then the next picture, where the bra came off, and she was just in her lacy panties, her pierced nipples and tattoos on display. Maybe it was the octopus tattoo on her arm, my favorite animal, that made her stick out to me.
But there was one post that I always came back to and was entranced by. It was a picture of her holding an ABU Kiddo, right below her breasts. She wasn't wearing any clothing.
'Aww baby, did you wet the bed? I think we should probably put you in some protection.'
I stood in line at the coffee shop. It wasn't too busy for a Tuesday at 9 a.m., only two people were ahead of me. As the first person in line got her coffee and the second lady stepped up to place her order, I checked my phone. Still a half hour before I needed to be at work, I had some time to sit and enjoy my drink. I got my usual and went off to a booth in the corner.
"Excuse me, but do you happen to know what the Wi-Fi password is here?"
I looked up to see the woman who had been in front of me in line.
"Oh um, yeah it's....oh I think they just changed it. Try 'PINTO'. They always pick some sort of bean, I think they find it amusing, but it's never a coffee bean..." I trailed off.
She smiled, "Oh thank you so much, yeah I'll try that."
My mouth fell open is shock.
"I uhhh...I like your tattoo," I said. "They're my, um, favorite animal."
"Oh mine too! Isn't the octopus, like, the coolest animal?"
"D-definitely. Hey, would you like to sit with me? I'm just hanging out while I wait for work. My name is Mike by the way."
"That sounds really nice. Thank you, Mike. I'm Kate."
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chidoroki · 3 years
TPN - “Dreams Come True”
What better way to cheer up the TPN fandom after the second season’s final episode than with the special exhibition chapter finally being fully translated. I caught glimpses of a few pages here and there over the past couple months but seeing all the children live happily together in the human world in their own little village that they made close to Emma and Alex warms my heart. Of course I would’ve loved if we got to see more of the GP Resistance (because the anime denied us of them) but following the GF kids around the world as they experience their dreams is fair enough. We started the series alongside them so might as well finish strong with them too. I really loved seeing everyone grow up but no matter how old they get or how much time passes, I’ll probably never get used to seeing Emma without her iconic “63194.” It’s a bittersweet feeling for me, but her smiles bring me so much joy and I’m beyond happy that she accepted everyone into her life as they accepted her without her memories.
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I haven’t a clue on how much time passed since everyone found Emma in ch181 to now, but seeing her call out everyone’s names is a little detail that I love so much considering she had no idea who anyone was at first. Trying to remember 60+ names doesn’t seem like an easy task to me. No doubt I was just as shocked as our girl upon learning these mere children bought a goddamn plane! We learn in a couple pages that it’s because of Norman’s company that they can afford it, but still, he’s like 15 or 16 now? He’s still a child! And I’m impressed! Not only at him, but that Oliver and Violet became pilots as well! It’s especially cute when you remember that Lucas gave Oliver a little toy plane during their time at Goldy Pond.
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Speaking of GP, is it just me or does Emma’s current outfit resemble her GP one just a little bit? Sure we have no idea what color scheme this one has but come on, the short jacket, the dark shirt and jeans.. just imagine it! Jemima, Yvette, Alicia and Mark remade Gillian’s original GP outfit sometime before the Grace Field Raid arc (ch137 extra page) so I don’t doubt they could’ve done the same for Emma. Of course that’s just me being completely hopeful and missing the Goldy Pond arc to death but yeah! I’m also so happy to see Chris up and moving again! Seeing him wake up briefly in ch181 was nice but this is so much better. I imagine he and Emma have a lot to catch up on in terms of stories, with him being unconscious since ch105 and Emma not remembering anything.
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But here we go, the original 15 escapees plus Norman, Phil, Sherry, I believe I saw Carol somewhere and a couple other random kiddos ready to see the entire world. They get to accomplish so much.. and in a single day too I believe? At least that’s what Phil and Alicia say a bit later about everyone’s wishes, but aahh what a lucky bunch. Hell, I’ll say we’re lucky readers too to be able to see such a great story. Can’t thank Shirai and Demizu enough y’all. I wish we got to see more of Alex though. He’s such a kind soul but I’m sure he’ll be just fine staying behind with everyone else.
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This entire page where we learn about Norman as a CEO is gold. I still can’t believe this child successfully built up an entire multipurpose company not only to help their search for Emma but also because he didn’t want to live off the Ratri clan. I wish I knew about this last week when writing out Norman’s birthday post because hell yeah this deserves some praise! AND he managed to graduate school as well during all that! Well, by skipping grades which totally makes sense. I mean, if he managed to pass all the Grace Field and Lambda tests effortlessly I’m sure normal human world school was a piece of cake for him. Holy shit dude, keep on impressing me why don’t ya. Not only him but Nigel and Sonya too! I’m not surprised that Vincent helped out but I’m glad those two got a tiny moment to shine as well! Ray is another obvious choice when it comes to helping Norman, as they’re best friends and he’s always been good with machines.. but boy, I can’t take you seriously when you’re just sitting there unamused and eating chips! Hahah I love him so much! And the fact he replies to Norman’s idea with just a simple “kay” is an eternal mood.
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Okay boys aside, can we talk about our fabulous girls now? Because oh my god, they’re so darn beautiful! They’re more fashionable than I’ll ever be and it’s so cute how they drag Emma along to take advantage of the 3-for-1 deal. But our girl pulls off that sporty look so well! (r.i.p. goldy pond outfit ver2.0). I’m not at all surprised that Nat wanted to go see the opera. That's perfect for him and I’d like to think the anime did something similar with that one shot we see of him in the human world. We don’t see him in a theater like this but to me it looks like he’s on the streets of Broadway? At least that’s the vibe I get from it. I’m sure there was something music related on one of those signs.
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I can’t get over how adorable all the children look and how happy they are fulfilling their wishes, even if some of them aren’t as extravagant as others. Like eating a fluffy pancake and a ton of ice cream? We can do that whenever we want. But for these kids, it means everything and they absolutely deserve to experience such simple joys like that after all the harsh nonsense they’ve been through. I also love how Ray continues to be such a great older brother by still looking out for them too. The fact he remains completely unfazed by the haunted house is perfect. This boy has been haunted by his own nightmares and demons his entire life, there’s no way a couple of lousy jump scares are gonna spook him. Though I do find it funny that Alicia and Rossi still manage to get scared while Yvette is having the time of her life. I can’t help but laugh at Thoma’s “Shirai face” as well.
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I find it interesting that out of all the different kinds of exhibits they could’ve shown us while Rossi visits a museum, they give us dinosaurs.. like that seems so silly to me. Y’all have seen several demons in your young lives already and yet dinosaurs manage to amaze you too? God these kids are precious. And then our boy Phil finally gets to see and ride a train! Just look how happy he is! The poor kid can’t even sit still he’s so darn excited and I can’t help but smile with him! Thankfully the anime showed us this too.
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We eventually get to Ray’s wish and guys.. oh my fucking god. Tell me that this is not the absolute best and prettiest smile we get to see from him!! It honestly leaves me speechless okay? Ray never imagined he would ever get to see the outside world, let alone live past the age of 12, and yet here he is, seeing such a beautiful sight such as this, right in front of him instead of from inside a book. You can’t believe how happy and proud of him I am right now. Did you see how ecstatic I was when the anime kept Isabella alive? Multiply that feeling by ten and there ya go. That’s my level of happiness upon seeing my favorite boy smile like THAT! AAHHH!! That panel is gonna live rent free in my head until the end of time. I can’t get over how damn perfect it is. His smile is so pure and how he looks like he’s in complete awe is beautiful. He’s about to burst into tears and I swear I might do the same because I’m making myself emotional over this fantastic boy. Someone hold me.
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No seriously, hold me because we’re about to get into some angst as we move onto to Emma’s wish. We all know that ever since 2039 her one dream was to ride a giraffe once they got outside, so here we are, about ten years later and the animals in question are within reach. Our girl should be totally excited, right? Ha, not quite.
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That wish was something the old Emma wanted, but since demon god had to be such a bastard, this Emma doesn’t know what to think, let alone what to even feel. She hasn’t experienced the same hardships as her family. She hasn’t gone through hell and back while holding onto that one wish that would make all the suffering worth it. The amount of joy everyone else felt upon living out their dreams, she wonders if she would be able to feel it too.
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They brought her here to make her happy, but is this truly want she wants as well? This is old Emma’s wish after all. What about her and what she wants? Could this wish make her just as happy as her old self? She knows her family is only trying to help, but seeing her doubt herself does a number on my heart. Even without her memories, she’s still the same Emma deep down, as she doesn’t want to disappoint her family. She spends so much time worrying about living up to her family’s expectations, to try and be that Emma they all love so dearly.
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Little does she know that she acts the exact same as usual, almost as if nothing has changed when she finally expresses how much she wants to ride a giraffe. And that’s great considering when they first arrived at the giraffes, no on had even mentioned riding them. She came across that feeling all on her own and everyone else can’t help but laugh and feel relieved. Her mind may have forgotten but her heart remembers everything. There is no “old Emma” and “new Emma” to her family, just “Emma” and words can’t express how wholesome that is because they love her regardless. All that matters to them is Emma’s happiness because if anyone deserves to feel and experience that, it’s her.
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I just made myself tear up, damn it. I started this series with season one okay? I heard about this precious girl’s dream within the first minute of the first episode and here I am, a little bit over two years later, finally reading about it coming true and seeing that bright as hell smile on her face. Do you know how amazing it is to come full circle like that? My heart feels so full right now. I’m beyond proud of her and love her to death. Say what you want but I believe this to be the true manga ending in my eyes.
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(damn this series for always getting me emotional)
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
The (Mis)Adventures of Kal and Moose - New Year, New Tricks
Genre: Fan Fiction
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Warnings: Fluffy NYE In
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: Happy 2021! Shall we start this year off with some Kal and Moose? 
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Henry Cavill Master List
“Henry,” You call glancing around his kitchen, “where did you put the mushrooms and broccoli?”
“I left it on the table, beside the noodles.” Calling back, he flipped through the television channels trying to find something to watch.
“Are you sure?” Picking up containers of open Chinese food, your brow furrows. Beside the noddles is a container of wontons,  stir fry, and egg rolls. No mushrooms and broccoli. “I don't see it,” You pout when he walks into the kitchen to prove you wrong.
“It's right...” Henry paused about to point at the take away container. “I swear, I left it right there.”
Beside you, nails click on the floor, Moose is dancing excitedly eyeing the table of food. His blue eyes sparkling with that all too familiar doggy pride.
“Moose,” You glance down at the dog, stretching he wags his tail and boofs. “You know that is my favourite,” You chide the dog, shaking your head in jest at your furry companion.
Under the table, the tell tale sounds of Kal snacking reach Henry's ears. Rolling his eyes, he sighs. He should have known better than to leave that much food unattended. These two dogs were worse than putting small children together.
“I don't think this was Moose's doing.” Leaning over to look under the table at Kal. With the evidence on his face and paws, the black and white Akita rests with the container under his nose. Licking out the remainder, he looks up at his human. “Kal!”
“Oh Bear,” You groan, trying to hide a laugh at the big dog.
Quite satisfied with his meal and himself, Kal shuffles around slowly crawling out from his hiding spot. Pausing a  moment to lick Moose's face, he burps and continues on to the living room with his friend in tow. The two were somehow always on a roll, especially when together. Grumbling about how Kal has had no manner as of late, Henry sits his plate beside yours.
“Here,” Henry began to put his portion on your plate, “have mine.”
“You don't have to share.” You laugh at the situation, leave it to your dogs to eat three quarters of a large vegetable dish. “It's fine, really.”
“I don't mind.” Henry shrugs. “I ordered it for you, I'd be kind of a dick if I didn't let you have any.”
“I'm not arguing this, am I?”
“You can try, but it will be useless. Consider that your warning.” Chuckling, Henry fills the empty spot on his plate with more noodles.
“Thanks,” You accept the offer, grabbing the bottle of beer that you'd sat down earlier and followed Henry to the living room.
“You Mister,” Henry tutted at Kal, “need to learn some manners. Since when have I ever allowed stealing from the table?”
“It was probably done with Moose's encouragement.” You laugh rolling your eyes when Moose attempted to join you on the couch, when he heard his name. “Down, please.” You gesture to the floor. Like a good boy, Moose sinks to his haunches on the floor, intently watching your fork.
“I didn't know what else to watch, is this okay?” Henry gestures to the screen. You were more than happy to watch The Hobbit, it was a solid go to, when you were unsure of what else to watch.
On the floor at your feet, Kal and Moose laid with hopes of dropped food or plates being sat down, unattended and ripe for their taking. An end of an egg roll was passed down, Moose being the lucky recipient, while Kal looked betrayed by his own human. How dare Henry give the other dog the tidbit. Moose may be his best friend, but it didn't mean Kal had to like or agree to sharing Chinese take away with him.
Crunching on the crispy treat, Moose smacked his lips in a loud fashion. Making Kal watch the act for a long as possible. Slouching and whimpering, Kal laid his head on your thigh glancing at your nearly empty plate. Conveniently forgetting about his mushroom and broccoli dish.
“Here ya go, bear.” You smile and slide him a fried wonton. Happily crunching his own treat, Kal licked his lips and whimpered again. You swear you could see him pouting, when you told him it was all gone.
Engrossed in the movie, Henry sat with his feet kicked up on the small coffee table – his mother would smack him if she saw that – enjoying the quiet New Year's Eve in. When he'd called you on Boxing Day asking if you wanted to spend New Year's Eve together, you happily agreed. Even if it was a quiet night in of four, including the two dogs.  There was no pressure. Showing up in your favourite comfy wear was expected and welcomed, as Henry had also been in his. No crowds, but still enough food and beer to feed a small one.
“Nearly midnight.” Henry checked his watch, looking over at you.
“So it is.” You nod and smile. Stifling a yawn, “If I make it.”  
“I could make some coffee.” Henry shifted around. Preparing to stand if you said Yes.
“No, it's fine. If I doze, wake me?”
“If I am still awake, sure.” He laughed softly. Kal standing and stretching, coming to his human for a pat. “We should probably let these guys out, just in case we do fall asleep.”
“Good idea.” You pause the movie, stretching slowly and standing. Calling to Moose, you follow Henry to the back door. Allowing the dogs to bound out into the small garden for a break. “Once we hit midnight, are you going to walk me home? I need that dark haired man to cross the threshold first,” You chuckle at the superstition.
“It only works if it's well after midnight.” Henry furrowed his brow, snickering. “I'd have to do it in the morning, or there is no luck.”
“So, you're going to let me walk home alone?” You tease, knowing that Henry would never.
“No, I was thinking that you and Moose could stay here. Why rush home? Hot date waiting?” He teased, calling the dogs back in.
“No,” You shake your head, feeling like a teenager defending a teasing over a non-existent crush. Grabbing another beer, you follow the dogs into the living room. Flopping down on the couch, you scoot over for Henry to sit.
“Ah,” Henry continued to tease. “Then we are in for the night? Unless you suggest we run out into the street, at midnight, finding the first person we can and planting a big one on them. You know, since you believe in superstitions.”
“I don't understand the whole kiss thing.” Rolling your eyes, you snuggle down onto the couch beside Henry.
“Are you saying that you don't like PDA?” His laugh is deep.
“I'm saying that I don't understand why people kiss strangers at midnight.” You stretch your leg, scratching Moose with your foot. “You're usually my midnight kiss, aren't ya.”
“Kal is mine.” Henry's laugh booms.
“I've had Kal kisses, they're pretty hard to beat.” Giggles taking over. More than once Kal has attacked your face in a frenzy of slobbery dog kisses.
Because you've never kissed me.
Henry wanted to kick himself, never had he thought about saying such a thing to you. Oh god. You would slap him silly and never come back, if you heard that thought. What kind of person said that to their best friend Clearing his throat, Henry shifted in his spot on the couch, “He does have some charming moves.”
“Like someone else I know,” You lean forward, Henry scooting a little closer. Perhaps this wasn't an entire bust. His heart skipped with anticipation. “Moose, Kal.” You call beckoning the dogs onto the couch. “Yes, you two are such charming gentlemen.” cooing over the dogs, who have invaded the couch you laugh when Moose decides to snuggle in and begin licking Henry's face.
“Moose,” Henry groaned pretending to push the dog away, his laughter giving him away. “C'mon mate.” He gently wrestled the dog from his sneak attack.
“Moose, down.” You giggle, ruffling the fur around Kal's neck. “You can't kiss him yet, it's not even midnight.”
Quirking his brow, Henry sighed as Moose finally gave in. Snuggling up to Henry's side instead. “I thought you didn't believe in midnight kisses.”
“I don't believe in kissing strangers, but Moose isn't a stranger.” You shrug, biting you lip to hide the smirk. “And technically, neither are you and I.”
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kazuharem · 4 years
"Forever and Always” ↠ [FLUFF]
Genre: Drabble, Fluff, tiniest bit of angst
Pairing: Lucien x MC (Female)
Description: Lucien’s wedding day. That’s it
Summary: The happiest day of Lucien’s life.
Word Count: 2,008
Author’s Note: You guys requested for me to make Lucien happy and-
Oops my fingers slipped. So here’s happy Lucien 😊
Also, happy birthday to the love of my life. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever loved a 2D man as much as I do him, but here I am... ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ *puts on clown makeup*
Happy Birthday Lucien! 💜
[DISCLAIMER] I do not own the pictures, characters, or song. The only thing I own is the plot.
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You're the first face that I see And the last thing I think about You're the reason that I'm alive You're what I can't live without
You never give up When I'm falling apart Your arms are always open wide And you're quick to forgive When I make a mistake You love me in the blink of an eye
I don't deserve your love But you give it to me anyway Can't get enough You're everything I need And when I walk away You take off running and come right after me It's what you do And I don't deserve you
You're the light inside my eyes You give me a reason to keep trying You give me more than I could dream And you bring me to my knees You bring me to my knees
Your heart is gold and how am I the one That you've chosen to love I still can't believe that you're right next to me After all that I've done
I don't deserve a chance like this I don't deserve a love that gives me everything You're everything I want
“Don’t Deserve You” - Plumb
A figure in a light gray tuxedo examined his reflection silently as he adjusted his tie. He studied his fully dressed self in the mirror, making sure that not even a hair was out of place. When the man was finally satisfied, he met his reflection fully. Lavender met lavender. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
Lucien exhaled. He had never seen such a myriad of expressions on his face before. Apprehension, nervousness, happiness, and perhaps just a touch of excitement. Lucien smiled wryly. He looked like a fool stupidly in love.
What a seemingly absurd concept. Something he had never believed in. Until now. Until her.
He gazed at himself, eyes glimmering with faint excitement and he chuckled. “What have you become?” He asked himself quietly. “Look at you…believing in some crazy concept.” The tone in his voice was deprecating.
He could never imagine it. A beautiful woman in a white dress walking down the aisle. A pair of rings. Vows that spoke of forever. A companion for a lifetime. The sort of things he had never dared to want for himself.
And why should he?
Lucien had always been alone and quite frankly; it was easier this way. Doing the things he wanted to accomplish by himself. No one to argue with him. No one to get in his way. The research that spoke of advancement for the human race. Ever since the tender age of seven, he has always done things on his own. It was something he was familiar with, loneliness accepted as his way of life, and he was content to live with that fact.
Until he met her.
What was supposed to be a mere task of awakening the Queen’s powers morphed into cozy movie nights on his couch. Running for shelter from a surprise rainstorm. Sunny afternoons filled with delighted laughter. The anticipation of having someone wait for him.
Before long, she had replaced the emptiness inside him with a warmth that spread throughout him, spouting feelings of blossoming love that she had carefully sowed within him.
Lucien had found himself opening up to her. He had found himself wanting to know every little detail that made her so unique in his world.
And then there were the colors.
He had been thoroughly dazzled when he could see the prismatic colors of a rainbow for the first time. She had brought color into his bleak black-and-white world, something he had previously thought impossible. But she had accomplished the impossible. She had shown him a brand new world. And it was absolutely beautiful.
She had gone against his expectations. Gone against his point of view that humans were weak and only the strongest got to evolve. She had stood up to him, while holding her own ground.
Even after he had betrayed her, even after all the things he had done as Ares, she was still willing to welcome him into her arms. She was still able to see his side of things and yet, still loved him.
He remembered the moment she had stood up to him, defiant and strong.
“I wouldn’t. If I had the gift of prophecy and knew all kinds of secrets and knowledge…if I had faith to move mountains, but didn’t have love… Then none of it would count for anything. Even if the light’s source is put out, I’d still try to keep my own shining. No matter how difficult, or how dark it gets. Or how foolish or ridiculous.”
He could hear those very words.
“Silly girl,” Lucien murmured as he recalled the memory.
They had gone through all sorts of trials and tribulations and now they were here, at the cusp of a future Lucien had never thought he would achieve in this lifetime. But she had made it all possible.
After Black Swan had no more, there was one evening she had fallen asleep in his arms. And as Lucien gazed at the peacefully slumbering girl, he was struck with a desperate need to keep her in his arms, to want her to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up and the last thing he sees before going to sleep. The urge consumed him, until it was the only thing he could think of.
The next day, he had impulsively stepped into a jewelry shop. When he set his sights upon a pearlescent stone which scattered rainbows when met with light, he knew. That very night, he had knelt before her and asked her to spend the rest of her life with him.
Was he selfish?
Lucien frowned, and the face in the mirror mimicked him, brow scrunching up with distaste.
Don’t be foolish, Ares, look at all you have done. Do you think you deserve such happiness?
A voice, poisonous yet alluring, pricked at the back of his mind.
He watched himself as his hand curled slowly into a fist. Did he? Did he deserve to live this happy and loving life?
That is nothing but a distant pipedream, and you know it, the voice sneered. It taunted him, reminded him of all his faults.
His fist shook as his mouth parted, letting out a silent cry of pain.
Selfish. Foolish Ares. To think you are deserving of happiness-
A sudden knock at the door interrupted the drowning tirade.
And then-
Her voice, like a blessed rainstorm after a long drought, washed away the lingering traces of the poisonous voice.
“C-come in,” Lucien cleared his throat.
The door swung up open gently and all the toxic thoughts were immediately wiped from Lucien’s mind.
She walked into the room and the sight of her made Lucien’s entire being swell with a familiar warmth that he’s learned to associate with her.
She was breathtaking. And she looked the epitome of a dream Lucien didn’t dare dream. Didn’t dare hope for. But all the same, had desperately searched for.
“You-” Lucien exhaled and walked slowly towards her. “You are beautiful…” there was wonder laced in his voice. Her cheeks reddened prettily at his words. “You are so beautiful…” he whispered in awe.
He could feel the corners of his eyes prick.
He doesn’t deserve this, doesn’t deserve her.
But that did not stop him from wanting to.
“The photographer is waiting for us to take our pictures before the ceremony,” She fidgeted nervously as she smiled shyly, and Lucien’s heart nearly threw itself against his chest at the sight. She finally looked him in the eye and tilted her head curiously. “Are you ready?”
Lucien did not speak, couldn’t speak as he tugged her gently into his arms.
“Lucien?” She asked, voice slightly muffled by his shoulder.
“Shhh…” he murmured, and his voice is raw, thick with unspoken emotion. He buried his nose into her hair, inhaling her familiar scent. “Let’s just-stay like this for a little bit…” His shoulders began to tremble, and she belatedly realized that Lucien was crying.
“Lucien-” she struggled to turn to look at him, but he firmly kept her head tucked under his chin.
The sight of her in the white wedding dress evoked faint memories that he thought he had long forgotten. The feeling of his mother’s hand as she petted him, calling him “My Little Prince.” The pooling of his father’s big lab coat around Lucien’s tiny frame as he read voraciously through a textbook, undoubtedly much too advanced for a five-year-old. Lucien remembered his father looking on proudly. He remembered the warm afternoons of relaxing in the park when his parents took the day off to spend with him.
Lucien remembered being loved.
He sucked in a shaky breath as he pressed soft kisses against the crown of her head. “Thank you,” he breathed, his words a gentle puff of air.
She didn’t question him and only wrapped her arms around him. Lucien felt warm all over.
The couple stayed in that position for several moments until Lucien broke away slightly, “Shall we?” He asked, “Isn’t the photographer waiting?”
She huffed at him and he smiled, tweaking her nose gently. Lucien pulled her close, his hands naturally finding purchase on her waist as he led her out the door. They walked down the path where weeping wisteria hung above their heads, creating a lilac, perfumed shelter.
Lucien could see their photographer waiting in the distance.
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He suddenly stopped and grabbed her wrist, spinning her into his arms.
“Lucien! People are waiting for us!” She cried out with surprise.
“They can wait a little longer,” Lucien declared, a hint of mischievous creeping into his voice. “It’s our wedding, after all.”
She pouted at him and Lucien grinned broadly. “I have something I want to say. And I want only you to hear these words,” Lucien started quietly, the teasing tone easing into one that was more serious.
She nodded and Lucien could see the blind trust and unconditional love in those beautiful eyes.
He took a deep breath, “When it comes to you, I seem to have planned many beginnings, but I can never predict the endings,” Lucien began, and her eyes widened.
Somewhere, a photographer was holding his camera anxiously, as he looked around for any sign of the couple.
Somewhere, a group of guests were sitting in confusion, wondering when the ceremony was going to begin.
Somewhere, a certain CEO was looking at his watch impatiently, brows furrowed in annoyance.
Somewhere, a certain police officer was bouncing his leg in anxiety, secretly wondering if anything had happened to the bride.
Somewhere, a certain idol was waiting restlessly on stage, ready to give the happy couple a wedding performance.
But all these people did not matter to Lucien as he continued.
“I purposely tried to distance myself from you. It’s not that you did anything wrong. It was…safer. For you. Before I met you, I disliked the idea of having a companion. We all have our own destinations, and if I had to match my steps with anyone else’s, I’d walk much slower. But as I walked my path alone, every time I turned around…I’d always find that you had caught up with me. This time is no different. You’re the only one in the world whom I’d gladly turn around for. Or…you’re the only one who could catch up to me and remain by my side. You are the first person I want to see in the morning and the last at night. Thank you for bringing color into my world. Thank you for loving me. I promise to keep you safe, to keep you happy. I promise I will take your love to give me hope, give me joy, and make me a better man. So, from now on, I’ll never let go.”
Lucien paused, gazing into her now watery eyes. He leaned in closer until their noses touched and their breaths mingled.
“I love you, forever and always.”
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
The companion fic to his birthday karma “Cozy Day” will be coming soon!
I love this man so much, y’all don’t understand the amount of love I have for him, okay 😌 Paper Games, let my mans be happy for once pls
For more of my work: 📖
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Student Council President Sakura
When Naruto let go of that pitch, Sakura knew their school had won. She hugged Hinata who was also overjoyed, and she turned to her side to give Sasuke a high five then she realized he was still not back.
As she moved along the bleachers, she rallied her schoolmates to give a resounding yell routine. Disappearing within the noise, she moved along the halls below the benches, and there she found the group.
When the fist made contact with her face, she almost blacked out. The pain came rushing in after a few seconds of numbness, her sight a complete blur, a slight disorientation, and her hearing muffled. The scuffle played out before her as her eyes refocused, Sasuke kicking and punching the goons on the stomach, but it seemed she got it wrong when Kakashi’s eyes drifted to her as a pair of glaring daggers.
His one foot was on the wrist of the guy who punched her. When the blood finally dripped from her broken nostrils, Kakashi broke the guy’s hand, thankfully echoed by the screams from the bleachers. “You’ll get expulsion and multiple restraining orders just for the hell of it.”
While Kakashi called the security, Sasuke went to Sakura’s side with a mix of an irritated but worried look on his face. Ah, he was wondering why.
“I’m okay,” she tried to say despite receiving no question, but the words came out wrong. Oh my gods, are my teeth broken? How embarrassing?
As if summoned by her thoughts, he stood before them right after the guards took away the passed-out bullies. “Let’s get you two to the clinic.”
“I can’t call Naruto. I left my bag with Hinata,” she tried to say again but the words were coming out jumbled like I con kor Nar-u-o…I re ma ba wi Hina-a…
Kakashi was trying not to laugh as she communicated with Sasuke who was on the other bed, being checked by a doctor with curtains drawn. The school clinic recommended them to go directly to the hospital.
“He would have to wait for our congratulations,” Sasuke replied.
“I see you wincing in pain, young man. That’s a broken rib right there,” the doctor noted from the other side. When the curtains were swept to the side, Sakura saw her raven-haired classmate clutching at his side. When his eyes opened to find hers, he glanced away and let go of his pained expression.
“Ms. Haruno, I will be referring you to our plastics. Would be a waste if your student council president loses her pretty face.” The doctor tapped Kakashi’s shoulder as she walked out of their ward.
“Thanks, Nohara,” he called out after her.
Sakura deduced he was friends with the doctor, but she could ask him that some other time. She looked a bit older than the Math teacher so they might not be together. Regardless, shouldn’t she be more engrossed of having a crooked nose in front of Kakashi than his personal love life? When he turned her attention to her finally, she instinctively covered her face with her hands.
“Sakura, you should tilt your head upwards, just a little bit. You had a nosebleed earlier, didn’t you?” She did what he said, but gods, this was so embarrassing. She tried to look at him through her fingers, and his beauty mark moved as he chuckled. Ugh, why is he so perfect?
His phone suddenly pinged, and he took a moment to read the message. “Hmm. I need to leave and go explain things to the board. Nohara might advise bed rest and school leave for at most three weeks so get well soon, all right?” Then, he turned to Sasuke. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
Sakura wondered if she should ask a favor from Kakashi. Asking him to stay was a tad too much, and asking him to contact the council would be too irresponsible. Maybe she could sneak out after his exit and find a way to contact the council. She should also call Naruto – second on the task list. He would be devastated without their congratulations.
A hand on her head stopped her thoughts. “Stop thinking at hundred miles per second, and rest. I will take care of the council and inform Uzumaki of your situation. I assume you three are friends?”
“No.” “Yes.” Sasuke and Sakura answered respectively.
Kakashi smiled, finding amusement in their dynamics. “See you soon.”
“Shi yo,” she muttered through her broken nose, unaware of her fingers already fidgeting the rubber band on her wrist.
She was back in the hospital the following week. While Sasuke was advised to be confined, she was sent for home care. The mandated rest did not even last a day because she needed to show up to her shifts in the café and showed up she did in some elaborate mask to cover her bandaged nose and a sketchpad for conversations. To appease the constant nag and flood of messages from her councilmates, she stopped showing up in school for three days and turned the tables on them by doing all the nagging and demanding daily updates.
On the fourth day, she was up and running through the school halls to reach the board inquisition in time. She gladly accepted an annoyed litany of precautions and reminders from Kakashi.
“I never thought you could be this stubborn, Sakura.” He was visibly exasperated. “I can’t tail you every time and remind you that you’re injured.”
But you could. “I’m sorry, Sensei. I promise to not push myself so hard for the next days.” Sakura gave him a peace sign which he jokingly waved away.
“Pull your energy back, like 60 percent of it.” He patted her head softly, like an adult would to an unreasonable kid, and never have she felt more insulted. “If only I could take care of you.”
Like a babysitter would? She immediately put distance between them, feeling angry for no reason, and she stormed off, leaving him clueless in the middle of the hallway about her sudden rigid behavior.
Now she was back in the hospital after a week of mild recuperation. When she went to check on Sasuke, she found him asleep, probably from the sedatives. It amused her that even in slumbers, his brows would furrow, yet a part of her worried that there must be something looping him in nightmares. She left her presence with a basket of fruits and a medium-sized carton of tomato juice which Naruto mentioned was his favorite. Several juice boxes of the same flavor were stacked on the other side of his bed and a plastic bag filled with instant ramen bowls. She would ask the maintenance staff later to take out the trash.
When she finally reached the door of Dr. Aki Nohara, her assistant gestured for her to wait for a while outside. She figured she can loiter in Sasuke’s room and have one of the nurses get her until she heard Kakashi’s voice inside the room.
“I know you literally accelerated throughout school, but you need to act more like your age.” Her doctor scolded her teacher like an old friend. She was aware of her eavesdropping, but she hoped to learn more of his life. “I’m saying you should visit Rin.”
“Does she miss me?” It was and wasn’t his voice. She didn’t hear his usual nonchalance when he blurted out those words. Ah, a weird ache was forming in her chest.
“Do you even need to ask that from me when the answer is already so obvious?”
“Hmm. I’m just not ready….yet.”
“Well get on with it and put a ring on her finger or others will!”
Ah, her sensei was apparently planning to get married? So he had someone after all, someone named Rin. Sakura felt the room crowd her in, almost suffocating her, and she accidentally bumped into a passing staff and a tray cart of medical supplies.
Her small disturbance brought the occupants outside the room. “Ah, Ms. Haruno, you may come in now. You look pale, dear.”
Kakashi waved at her, his teacher persona already up in arms, then he turned to Dr. Aki. “Your medical advice for my heart is noted, but not now, maybe in the far, far, far future.”
Dr. Aki tsked at him. “Off you go Hatake. I have a patient waiting. Oh thank heavens, the color is returning to your face.”
He’s not marrying her……yet. Would it be silly to think I have a chance?
A whole two weeks have gone in secluded rooms – a week alone in a hospital room because of Itachi’s connections and another week alone cooped up in his apartment. He got radio silence from his brother, and he almost wished he gave him an earful of insults instead – many of which should have called out his cowardice, especially when the clash had an avoidable casualty. He looked so stupid next to cool Kakashi, Kakashi who was only five years older than them, Kakashi who smoked and read with baseball playing on the background, Kakashi who took on all four people at once with no scratch on his body, Kakashi with his silver hair being friends with doctors and bigshots, Kakashi with his beauty mark laughing at Sakura.
If there was any further downside to this, that was also the angry flood of texts he got from Naruto the night of the game, and then nothing. He was too drugged with sedatives he didn’t have the right mind to reply and process them. He was too drugged to wake up with a clear mind even. He didn’t bother to text or call back. Whatever, whatever, whatever. He took a look again at his phone, checked the time, found no new messages, and put it back on his side table.
His past self would have enjoyed this momentary social isolation, but he couldn’t help the nagging feeling of missing company however, he can’t bring himself to admit this aloud.
The next time he opened his eyes, he scrambled out of bed in panic and cold sweat. Someone was incessantly ringing his doorbell. When his eyes tried to find the clock, he found that it was already eight in the evening. He was sure he wasn’t expecting any guests tonight.
He trudged on to his door and mustered some strength to look through the peephole. Blue irises looked back at him, moved away a few steps, and struck a pose with a pink-haired girl with bandages still on her nose. The door never opened so quickly during the length of his stay.
“Are you stalkers or something?” were the first words he spat.
“Dr. Aki Nohara said it’s okay to visit you now!” Naruto whined. “And Sakura brought food!”
Sakura presented several paper bags. “It was Naruto’s idea actually. He nagged me for a week.”
“Yeah and I couldn’t understand her in the first few days,” the blonde said, rather straightforwardly.
Sasuke held back the urge to slap his hand on his forehead, but he moved to the side as he allowed them to venture inside his apartment. On second thought, did he put his underwear on the laundry basket?
“We figured you didn’t have dinner yet,” Sakura told him as she laid out the food containers on the dining table. “Mind if we use your utensils?”
“I forgot to say please make yourself at home,” Sasuke snapped sarcastically.
“Eeew, you’re still in your pajamas.” Naruto made a face at him while he opened his fridge and scoured for water and fruit juices. “That makes the two of us who didn’t shower!”
“You idiot. I showered this morning.” Nevertheless, Sasuke sat on the seat beside Sakura, allowing her to give him a bowl of ramen and some serving of okonomiyaki. A large platter of takoyaki was placed in the center of the table, first to be consumed by impatient hands and hungry mouths. Sakura had one hell of an appetite and fast metabolism to boot.
“Anyway, congratulations idiot,” he said while munching on the last piece of takoyaki. “Aren’t you supposed to travel to Fukuoka for the semis?”
“Yeah, next week! It doesn’t start until next month, but Captain Haru said we need to train,” Naruto replied as he proceeded to open a bowl of instant ramen. “The board also granted us exemption from exams. My brains are saved.”
“Your training camp really coincided with the school field trip,” Sakura noted. “Maybe we could visit you in between?”
“That would be the best!” Naruto grinned sheepishly, but Sasuke swore there was a tinge of red in his cheeks.
Finally rid of all food and dishes, the three lounged around in his living room, browsing titles in Netflix – Sakura wanted gore, crime, and horror while Naruto wanted adventure and fantasy films.
“What genre do you want, Sasuke?” Sakura asked. She was in possession of the remote and was seated on the other end of the couch. Naruto was on the floor with an open packet of chips and soda.
“And if I said romance?” he chided, weirdly enough to catch them offguard, but Sakura landed on the Twilight series and pressed play without second thoughts. “I was joking.”
“And it’s now starting,” she said back.
“How long are you gonna stay here?” He lost track of time – not the first instance this happened but the first occurrence without the burden of something heavy. “It’s past midnight.”
“I thought I was slow but you’re actually slower,” Naruto teased. “We’re staying over, grumpy.”
“I would love for a vampire to bite me,” Sakura quipped out of context.
Sasuke figured he didn’t have the energy to refute their uninvited sleepover at his unit. By the time New Moon played on screen, Naruto was sleeping on the floor with his mouth hanging wide open, and Sakura was lying fully on the couch, her feet stretched out on his lap. He slid out of this awkward entanglement and strode quietly to his drawers where he took out spare blankets to cover them with. On his bedside table, his phone lit up with a message notification.
Happy birthday, Sasuke. – Itachi
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yyparkq · 4 years
characters: park sungjin x reader
word count: ~3.2k
summary: park sungjin is almost a perfect boyfriend for you...until he abruptly starts being emotionally withdrawn from you a few months into your relationship.
genre: fluff, smut
tw: mentions of anxiety, unprotected sex, slightly toxic relationship
requested by @parksungjinsfan
a/n: had tons of fun writing this really warm and cozy sungjin, thank you for the request!! tbh, i always see him as someone i’d be comfortable to share everything that’s on my mind. and i feel like he’s one of the very few people who will never judge you for your stupid mistakes but is also someone who needs to be taken care of. im blabbering too much. enjoy the story! :)
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There was nothing special on the day you first met Park Sungjin. Like any other normal college student, you were able to find yourself a small circle you can trust and have fun with. Because of them, you have encountered the seemingly quiet and mysterious guy from the engineering class. He was best friends with the guy your close friend, Erin, was dating.
If first impressions last, like how they say it does, you’re fairly sure you would barely get more acquainted with a Park Sungjin. Unlike you, Sungjin is more reserved with a constant hang of serious air around him, like the type of person who barely laughs when someone makes a joke in front of him. He doesn’t always hang out with a lot of people but when he does, he’s always got an earphone dangling in one of his ears as if saying he’s only halfway present. He dresses neatly albeit casually—oftentimes in a plaid or button-down shirt and faded jeans with his dark, wavy hair falling shortly before his dark brown eyes.
He’s a pretty decent guy but not really the type you see yourself to be dating. But when you accidentally met him at the movie house alone and decided to grab dinner after, you two hit it off so smoothly. Turns out you both share the love for the book that was recently adapted onto the big screen. You two talked over dinner nonstop about the movie, how it varies against the book, the great and bad parts that were changed, the cast that played the role, the cinematography, the lines. Your exchange that night was nothing but informative and honestly, you craved more to be with him after that night so you asked him to hang out with you again. Sungjin already had a perfect proposal to invite you the second time if you didn’t ask. His mind worked extra hard trying to keep up with the conversation with you while thinking about how to ask you out for the second time at the back of his mind.
It was a ticket to an international classical play that he had up his sleeves which you gladly accepted.
One impromptu date was followed by a few more. After classes, you will meet over snacks or spend time in the library, reading and studying together. On weekends, you will try to watch movies you find interesting or go to museums.
You dating each other has not been a complete secret from your friends and you’re glad at how supportive they are to your new relationship.  Somehow, you learned that Sungjin is actually an easy-going person, he talks and laughs a lot when he’s comfortable with the people he’s with. He’s knowledgable and he knows how to listen and strike up a healthy argument when needed even though sometimes he could be a little awkward and even seem standoffish.
Your friends think that your relationship is pure and innocent—almost platonic as one could say—but they couldn’t be any more wrong. Yes, you and Sungjin maintain a totally discreet relationship when you’re in public and with friends. It’s not like you have to tell anyone but you laugh inside when some of your friends ask about the status of your sex life. You never responded to such questions positively, not too comfortable in sharing such intimate details about your life with anyone, and somehow it painted an idea in their heads that you and Sungjin have never had sex yet.
The thing is, you two are fairly active in that regard. There is an unbelievably strong bond between you and Sungjin after the first date that is almost impossible for either of you to resist.
It was after the third date when you first give in to your desire. After spending time looking at ancient monarch artifacts and roaming around the museum, you were met with heavy rains the moment you stepped out of the museum building. Being in the middle of the summer, neither of you had attempted to check the weather that day for any sign of impending downpour that day. Your thin, white button-down shirt styled as a dress stuck to your skin as you both ran for his car across the parking lot, rendering your clothes almost transparent the moment you climbed into the passenger seat. The sight of you being wet and in close proximity with Sungjin didn’t help him control himself either.
“Would you like to come over to my place?” he asked coolly after giving you his spare jacket from the backseat to cover yourself. Even with his imaginations going wild, he’s still a gentleman in your eyes.
“Sure,” you nodded, well aware of what’s about to come next. It could be seen as taking things too fast but frankly, you didn’t care. You wanted this and it seemed like he did too.
You blushed when he flashed you that warm smile that reached his eyes before starting the car and driving away.
Sungjin refused to let you go home that night until you practically cannot walk. He fucked you senseless until you’re almost out of your wits, one orgasm after another until you’re quivering uncontrollably.
It has been five months since you started dating. Everything’s going pretty well in your relationship except that you are in no exception for fights and misunderstandings. Everyone says it’s normal in every relationship but for you who has barely had a serious relationship like what you currently have with Sungjin, it’s a foreign feeling trying to make amends with someone you’re romantically involved with and had to choose the next move.
This is the first major fight with him. The last five months of dating have been wonderful until weeks ago when you noticed that your boyfriend started withdrawing himself from you, physically and emotionally. This stressed you out though you still tried your best to be there for him. Whenever you two are alone, you couldn’t really talk to him about anything for more than five minutes. His mind obviously wandering off and he never realizes it when you stop mid-sentence until you’re parting ways. Whenever you try to ask what’s been bothering him, he just easily dismisses it off, saying he’s tired and he lacks sleep—which is also why you tried to limit your meetings after classes and dates, thinking it would help him a bit to spare a few more hours to rest. This side of Sungjin is completely new to you as you’ve known him for being so straightforward in telling what he thinks or feels and is usually logical with his actions. The fact that he no longer shares what’s bothering him makes you think of a hundred different reasons for being cold towards you.
Has he had enough of you? Did he realize you were too plain and boring for his liking? Were you not good in bed? Did he find someone else?
The blood on your face drained at the thought of Sungjin going out with some other girl. But you can’t stop him if that’s what he wants, can you? You can’t tell him how to feel. Of all the things, to be an obsessive girlfriend is one you’re dreading the most and after all the sacrifices and adjustments you made to try to help him with whatever burden he’s lifting, you’re determined to let him find the answers to his troubles himself. It’s not that you no longer want to help him, you love him too much, after all, but how can you help someone who refuses to help himself?
“Sweetie, have you tried talking to him again lately?” your friend, Yejin asked.
You glared at her and disappointment crossed your face. Has she really been listening to ask that question?
“No, I mean, I thought the last real conversation you had personally was like, what, almost two weeks ago? Did you try seeing him after class again after that?”
The three of you sat at your usual place in the coffee shop when your class was canceled by the professor to attend some personal matters.
Shaking your head, you reached for your cup and took a sip before answering. “I haven’t. He kept saying he’s tired and needs sleep so I gave him time to rest. And it’s been four days of merely receiving a text message from him. He won’t text me unless I text him first. I have no idea what’s happening to him,” you looked at Erin’s direction. “Did JB say anything?”
“That motherfucker doesn’t tell me any of his friends’ business, Y/N, but let me see if I can get anything.”
Even your friends who got closer to your boyfriend can’t think of him as someone who would cheat or be entertained by other girls. After a whole hour at the coffee shop trying to guess the possible reasons for Sungjin’s actions,  they suggested a silly plan of making him jealous to see how he responds when you’re on the brink of being taken away from him.
You did not like the idea. It was ridiculous and manipulative. You’re no longer in high school.  
“Come on, that could be a wake-up call for him. Just think of it as a social experiment and you’ll be fine,” Yejin tried to persuade you.
Ridiculously scary. Deep down, you’re also scared of how he will react to this plan. What if the situation worsens instead of getting better? He could just not talk to you again forever and you'll be dwelling in your own pain alone because of a stupid idea. But doing something is better than sulking and doing nothing, right? You’re young, and when you’re young, you can be stupid for free.
So you agreed and you started planning your own little scheme with your friends, hoping not to cause any further damage to your entire relationship.
For days, Erin made up stories about a guy from your class who is making a move on you and told her boyfriend about the plan to make Sungjin jealous. When JB said his best friend interrogated him about the innocent guy, she knew the plan will be going well so she came up with another without telling you.
As a celebration for the nearing end of the finals, your seniors decided to throw a grand party. Such parties should be considered a tradition already since almost everyone finds an excuse to get wasted after studying hard for the whole semester. You’re not one to miss such a celebration, especially when you ever really party during after the hell week.
Overhearing JB’s conversations with his girlfriend about some dude lurking around you has brought him back to his senses. For the last couple of days, he contemplated and reflected on his attitude towards you. He’s been a jerk to you lately and frankly, he didn’t know how to approach you again after that. He’s been too occupied in his own head that he forgot he actually has you now, someone who’s more than willing to share his troubles. Before he knew it, he was dashing through his car to the party where Yejin told him you’d be.
You came to the party to try to not overthink the problem between you and Sungjin. After surviving the finals week with emotional baggage, you know you deserve some booze to celebrate walking out of at least one thing alive. the last thing you hear about your little scheme with your friends is that Sungjin fired questions to JB. But he didn’t talk to you after that. Thankfully, you were also too busy to worry about your grades and it’s been a great distraction so far. Now that the finals are over, you’ll be damned again.
Sungjin found you scooping from a large tub of ice cream from the kitchen, bottles of beer and half-filled party cups surrounding you in the little space. There is a guy beside you laughing at the way you’re trying to scoop a frozen solid treat using a regular spoon. You’re too focused on what you’re doing that you didn’t see him come right in front of you.
To your surprise, Sungjin snatched the tub out of grasp and grabbed your hand. You needed a second to process what just happened but you are elated to see your boyfriend after nearly three weeks.
You let Sungjin pull you but were shocked when the guy beside you grabbed on your other wrist. What the hell? You didn’t even know his name. You saw Sungjin squint at the nameless guy and you immediately yanked away from him, wincing at the sudden jerk of your own hand immediately after.
Sungjin kept you to his chest as he waded through the sea of drunk people. All the while, you kept looking at his face. It felt months since you’ve been this close to him and at that moment, you were just ready to feed on whatever excuse he could say. He could lie to your face at that moment and you’d still be happy to welcome him back into your arms.
Merely a few feet from his car, you stopped walking and tugged on his arm. You slowly closed the distance between you two and encircled your arms around his shoulders when he turned to look at you.
Sungjin looked at your face closely, noticing you’ve lost some weight by the way the dimple on your left poked your cheek a bit deeper than the last time he saw you. His hands automatically found their way at your sides.
“I miss you so much,” you whispered while searching his eyes.
Sungjin leaned forward and kissed you feverishly. He guided you on your back until you are leaning toward his parked car. He pressed his body against you and you continued kissing until you both needed to gasp for some air. After resting for a few seconds, he began nipping and sucking on the sensitive area on your neck.
Proper communication be damned—you need him to touch you and you need it as soon as possible. You squirmed beneath him to try to close your legs when you felt wetness pooling in your panties but Sungjin’s left leg was pressed between your thighs.
He understood what you’re trying to do and immediately pressed a thigh against your core, amused to feel your wetness even through the material of your panties. His cock twitched inside his pants.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry,” he repeated as he embraced you tightly and kissed your temple before opening the door and letting you inside his car drove away.
Sungjin's hands quickly reached for the zipper of your dress, letting it pool around your feet, as soon as you reached inside his apartment. In an instant, his mouth was back against yours. He lifted both your thighs to circle his hips and your arms circled his broad shoulders for support.
You felt his hard shaft poking your entrance and you reached down to undo the fastening of his pants, pulling the waistband down just enough to free his throbbing cock.
Sungjin hissed when you grabbed his cock and spread the leaking precum over his tip. “Shit-”
You bobbed your hand up and down his length until you felt being laid down on the mattress, your boyfriend hovering over you.
He bucked his hips lightly to your touch and buried his head on your shoulders, to suppress his sinful moans.
You felt his body shake and he peeled himself off of you. “Baby, stop.”
Sungjin lifted his body and kissed the side of your head before reaching out to remove your soaked panties. He kissed and occasionally nipped the inside of your thighs before nudging the tip of his nose along your slit.
“Fuck, Sungjin stop tea—” you shrieked and were cut short when he licked a stip between your folds. Your hands immediately found purchase at his hair, tugging at it every time he licked your core and sucked on your clit.
“Language, baby,” he groaned hoarsely before inserting a finger into you. He continued his ministrations to your core, adding a second and third finger shortly after. “Need to stretch you up a bit more, baby. Damn, you got tighter without my cock deep inside you huh.”
You tried to stop Sungjin’s hands when you felt your release nearing. But he didn’t budge. He even picked up the pace and encouraged you to let go.
“Are you cumming, baby?”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded, unable to stitch words at the pleasure of having him between your thighs again.
“Words, baby. Use your words. Did you miss this? My hands and cock working on your pussy?”
“Sungjin—fuck, yes, I missed you and your cock inside me” you breathed and struggled to look him in the eye. “I missed you fucking me after classes.”
The memories of Sungjin fucking you in the most boring places brought you easily over the edge. In a few seconds, you are shaking uncontrollably and you felt your juices streaming out of your core deliciously.
Sungjin smirked as he leered at your pussy leaking out of cum. His hands didn’t cease its movements and continued to fuck you with his hands. Your whole body is almost quivering.
When he sensed you’re nearing your second orgasm, he grabbed his cock and positioned himself at your entrance. He coated himself with your juices before slowly pushing inside of you.
You stiffen for a short moment, trying to adjust to his size, and then slightly rolled your hips.
“I love you,” Sungjin whispered against your ear. “I love you, Y/N,” he repeated, this time against your lips, before bottoming out and sheathing himself inside you again.
You cried out in pleasure as he started to thrust into you harder and chased your orgasm.
Sungjin remained sheathed inside you even after shooting his load, his cock warming itself pretty nicely inside your pussy as he cuddled you on the bed.
Neither of you attempted to strike a conversation. You were not sure about him but the activity rendered you rather tired. A sound sleep while being cuddled would be much appreciated at that moment. Until you heard Sungjin sigh loudly. You looked over at him and saw his eyes being distant again.
“You have that look again,” you started slowly. You propped yourself in one arm, looked at him with adoration, and stroke his cheek. “Babe, you don’t have to tell me everything all at once. But please, don’t push me away. I love you and it’s hard for me to see you suffer on your own.”
He was fazed by the sadness in your voice. How could he ever deserve a girl like you? The last thing he wanted is to disappoint and burden you with his own problems and he thought at first he’s been doing a great job with it.  
Sungjin took a deep breath. He reached for your hand on his cheek and kissed it, bringing your torso against his once again. All the major problems that took the most space in his mind were spilled. He told you the pressure his family is bestowing upon him with the graduation and board exams around the corner and also their expectations for him to continue the business his father started.
You listened to his troubles. At that moment you knew you just needed to understand him, to try to perceive things in his shoes.
Sungjin isn’t the type of person who openly shares every little trouble he has as he’s afraid to burden other people. He believes everyone already has problems of their own and own demons to fight and dumping his worries could just add to that. But, oddly enough, hearing himself talk about it kind of helped to look at the situation again and evaluate his feelings and actions. As he continued to tell you his worries, he realized that it isn’t so bad to share the burden with your most trusted person.
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aloysiavirgata · 4 years
In The Gale
Title: In The Gale
Author: Aloysia Virgata
Rating: PG
Category: MSR
Author's Notes: For @perplexistan, who asked and helped me make it better. This is shortly after settling into the Unremarkable House. I tried making sense of their legal status, but it’s simply impossible and I gave up.
Our heroes quote from Melville, Shakespeare, Sagan, Baudrillard, and (Emily) Dickens.
Because I know that time is always time And place is always and only place And what is actual is actual only for one time And only for one place I rejoice that things are as they are and I renounce the blessed face And renounce the voice Because I cannot hope to turn again Consequently I rejoice, having to construct something Upon which to rejoice
And pray to God to have mercy upon us And pray that I may forget These matters that with myself I too much discuss Too much explain Because I do not hope to turn again Let these words answer For what is done, not to be done again May the judgement not be too heavy upon us
Because these wings are no longer wings to fly But merely vans to beat the air The air which is now thoroughly small and dry Smaller and dryer than the will Teach us to care and not to care Teach us to sit still.
T.S. Eliot, Ash Wednesday
She recites The Raven to herself on the drive in, lists all the state capitals in alphabetical order, and goes through the periodic table. Her body fizzes like a shaken soda, tiny anxious bubbles rising through her blood. They’ve done so much for this, called in so many favors. Mulder put his book on hold for a month, quizzing her with dog-eared notecards. 
“Immediate treatment of myocardial infarction,” he’d call, and she’d say “MONA TASS.”
She feels a pang for the simplicity of the other life, the hiding one, where she just had to ring up cigarettes and herbal Viagra at gas stations.
She’s the new girl at the cafeteria table, awkward and alone. Mulder had prepared her a lunch like it’s the first day of school, and she stares at it, wishing for an appetite.
From the corner of her eye she sees two colleagues - an MRI tech and an obstetrician, she thinks - talking softly and glancing over. Scully thinks she hears “FBI,” and she looks up and smiles, uncertain.
They blink at her, look away.
Ybarra comes around the corner, gliding in his cassock like a disapproving ghost. “Dr. Scully,” he says, in his pinched voice.
She smiles thinly. “Father Ybarra.”
“Nurse Mossing was looking for the chart for Mrs. Sullivan. Imagine my surprise when I found it in Room 314 instead of Room 413. That’s a potential HIPAA violation, Dr. Scully. That’s a federal law.”
Scully curls her hand so that her nails dig into her skin. “I’m so sorry,” she says. “Father Ybarra, please forg-”
He holds up his palm. “It won’t happen again,” he says, and glides onward.
Scully closes her eyes and leans against the wall. She breathes through her nose until the ringing in her ears stops.
She wants to collapse into his arms and cry when she gets home, but that would be giving in. It would be letting them down.
“How’d it go?” he asks. He’s wearing basketball shorts and a Knicks shirt, a five o’clock shadow.
She smiles brightly. “It was good. Learning curve, but good. I think Father Ybarra might be a tough nut to crack, is all.”
Mulder rubs his cowlicked hair. “Put your feet up, Scully, since you won’t wear sensible shoes.”
She does, and accepts the glass of wine he holds out. “Thanks. I’ll sleep well tonight, anyway. There are miles of hallways.”
He sits next to her on the couch. “I wrote a few pages,” he says. “I deleted a bunch, but I think there was a multi-paragraph net gain.”
“I’m glad you’re able to stop focusing on my stuff now,” she says. “Both back in the saddle.”
“Go team.”
She clinks her glass against his. She drinks her wine too fast.
Ybarra had come in during her rounds that morning and startled her into knocking a metal bedpan onto the floor. Scully thinks the reverberations of that sound will follow her to the grave.
She’s now in the chapel, tucked into a back pew. She’s been staring at the small altar, at the stained glass windows flanking the crucifix. The Blessed Virgin smiles beatifically down at her, a wretched sinner.
Scully laces her fingers on the back of the pew in front of her and bows her head against them. “Please,” she whispers. “Please.”
Mulder wakes her with tea and eggs. “You haven’t been eating,” he says, brow furrowed. 
She rubs her eyes, yawning. “What?”
He sits next to her on the bed, sets the plate and mug on her night table. “You just push your food around your plate, you hardly talk when you get home. What’s going on, Scully?”
She sits up, looking at his worried face. He’s sun-browned and tousled, beautiful, with a mouth that still makes her weak in the knees. “Nothing. It’s just a lot to jump back into.”
“I’m sure it is. And I still want to help you with it.” He pulls the flash cards from his pocket, touches her wrist with his other hand. “Let’s see - causes of upper zone pulmonary fibrosis?”
She looks at the ceiling, back at him. “I don’t need help.”
Mulder blinks, stung. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. You just don’t need to hover over me. You have your own things to work on. Work on your book, patch up your henhouse. ” Her voice sounds snappish to her own ears.
His changeable eyes, now mossy green, darken. He chews his bottom lip, nodding slowly. “I thought you were one of my ‘things.’ Sorry to bother you.” He rises, walks downstairs.
“Mulder,” she whispers.
The tea goes down fine. Scully tries to eat the eggs but feels bile rise in her throat. She flushes them down the toilet instead of leaving them behind, because that is love.
She arrives at the nurses’ station on the second floor with three dozen donuts and two cardboard boxes of coffee. She deposits them on the desk. “Good morning, Annabel,” she says.
“Anneliese,” the woman says.
Scully nods, walks away.
He slides his hand up her pajama top, tracing circles on her ribs, sliding his fingers around to her breasts. He kisses the back of her neck. “Scully,” he whispers, his breath warm and ticklish in her ear.
She wants to pretend to wake up, to turn towards him and lose herself in his body. She wants to tell him everything, to be held and loved and petted and reassured. She wants him to remind her that she once stared down Congress, that some backwater priest and his prickly staff should be a joke to her. She wants them to laugh together at these silly, petty people.
But she can’t, she can’t disappoint him. He’s been so proud of her.
Scully stays still, breathes evenly until his hands move away and she’s alone again.
Her car rattles over the driveway, through shimmering waves of heat that rise from the crisping grass. It is the kind of late July afternoon where the sun is a hazy white ball in the west, and clouds of gnats are a permanent feature of the landscape. 
Scully parks, avoiding a puddle in which a peacock is standing. Mulder has recently become enamored of yard fowl. She narrows her eyes at it while opening the car door. 
“Good boy, Kevin,” she calls to it, wary.
Scully picks her way over the gravel in her thin heels. The peacock mews an alarm as she approaches, but doesn’t charge. She lets herself inside, shuts the heat and sun and wildlife outside. The house smells of coffee and microwave popcorn.
She walks into Mulder’s office and finds him hunched at his desk, typing. “Hey,” she says, and drops a kiss on his head. There’s a sketch of Baphomet taped to his monitor, her worn flash cards atop a tome about Raëlism.
He turns in his chair. He puts his arms around her hips. “Hey.” 
“Kevin behaved himself,” she offers.
“You two will be friends yet, you’ll see.”
She peers at the computer. “You get a lot done today?”
Mulder shrugs. “Eh, a bit. Waiting on a few emails, and I had to run that tubing to drain the sump down into the woods. Ate up most of the afternoon.”
Scully shakes her head in admiration. “I don’t know how you manage all the multitasking.”
“Well, the book helps me avoid the house, and the house helps me avoid the book. It’s a perfect system. That Ybarra guy still riding your ass?”
She chews her lip. “No,” she lies. “I think we’re okay now.”
“Good,” he says. “I’d hate to have to beat up a priest.”
Scully gazes at herself in the empty locker room. She looks thin and tired, and her hair is frizzing up, even pulled back like this. All her makeup has sweated off except for smudged crescents of mascara. Her bra is the color of a Band-Aid, her underwear white and sensible. Between the two is the hard white rose of her gunshot scar, like a second navel, an artifact of a second birth. It is numb when she touches it, indifferent. There are no stretch marks from William, a tale missing from the anthology of her skin. She unhooks her bra, lets it slide down to the damp floor. Scully turns to observe her body in profile. The scar is gone this way, the tattoo hidden as well, and she smooths her hands along her ribs. Her breasts seem out of place to her when they are unbound, frivolous somehow. Vestigial. 
She looks away.
The hospital is labyrinthine, having been constructed of various additions when funds allowed. There are dead ends, pointless staircases, and a mysterious storage closet filled with old televisions. She makes little maps on notepaper. 
“So where did you work before this?” an orthopedic surgeon asks her.
A diner in Wyoming. 
“I was out West for a while,” she says.
A week in, and Mulder has made a cake to celebrate. A bouquet of Kevin’s shed tail feathers ornaments the table.
An offering, Mulder calls it, tickling her chin with one.
A week down, she thinks, and blows out the candle. She wonders when she’ll stop counting the time.
Shy, he gives her a chapter to read. It’s good, and she tells him so. It’s very good. She hears his voice in her head when she reads it, his passion. She loves the esoterica tucked into his gyri and sulci.
“Your prose was never this clear in your reports,” she remarks. 
“Hey if you can’t blind them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”
Scully laughs. “You want to read a few medical reports?”
He looks at her, suddenly serious. “Yeah,” he says. “I would. It would be nice to hear about your day for once.”
She wonders if love is the weapon that lets them wound so casually.
“You’re late,” Ybarra says softly. 
She doesn’t explain that she’d somehow ended up at the TV closet again, that the room numbering system in this hospital had been designed by nihilists, that the nursing student had Dermabonded her glove to a patient’s forehead.
She lowers her eyes like she did at Catholic school. She promises to do better.
“What’s going on?” Mulder asks her for what feels like the hundredth time. “Talk to me, Scully.”
She presses her hands to her face for a moment, drops them to her sides. “Nothing,” she says again, frustrating them both. “I’m tired. It’s a hard schedule.”
He places a throw pillow on his lap and pats it. “Come here,” he says. “Please.”
She acquiesces, curling on her side with her back to him. He runs his fingers through her hair, traces the Fibonacci spirals of her ear. She wants to relax, to melt into his touch. She indulges in a Mulderesque conspiracy theory that the hospital microdoses the water with tetanus toxin to keep everyone rigid and tense.
Scully gazes at the windows, at the hard white light of summer streaming in. The curtains are blue with an arabesque pattern, and they looked very chic in the store. She wonders now if they seem desperate in this odd little house. She thinks of Meg March, dressed up in borrowed finery at the Moffats’ ball.
Scully clomps up the steps to the porch and kicks her rain boots off next to the umbrella stand. It contains four umbrellas and a gnarled hickory limb that Mulder claims is going to be polished into a fine walking stick one of these days. She goes into the house and is dismayed to find it stale and stifling and dark. Dust motes waft in Brownian motion through shafts of sunlight, undirected by fans or air conditioning. 
“Mulder,” she calls, and there is silence.
She twists her hair into a bun as she pads upstairs, old wood satiny under her bare feet. She pushes open the bedroom door, and the air is hot and still. 
“Mulder?” She needs his help with her zipper, but there is no reply.
She wrestles herself out of her silk sheath, sticky and irritating, and lets it puddle on the floor. Her bra follows. She feels guilty, as Mulder has turned out to be a surprisingly diligent housekeeper. His office is filled with perilous stacks of home improvement books and arcane journals about lake monsters, the walls papered with clippings and blurry photographs, but he seems able to quarantine his own entropy.
She is trying to do the same.
Scully pulls on soft cotton pajama shorts, a gray tank top imbued with the compressive powers of Lycra. She uses lotion to rub away the mascara beneath her eyes. She goes downstairs and out the back door, shielding her eyes against the piercing sunlight. A mosquito whines at her ear and she pinches it out of the air.
“Still got those reflexes, kid,” Mulder says from somewhere off to her left. 
She turns and sees him crouched next to the hulking green block of the transformer. “All the lights are off, and the house feels like a rainforest. I take it you’ve had an eventful day?”
He sighs. “Not really. Well, not the event I was hoping for, which is the power coming back on. There was a pretty heavy thunderstorm around one and that’s when the electricity blew.”
She sits on the bottom step, knees drawn up. She likes to watch him working, a side of him they’re both still learning about. There was never much call for home maintenance at Hegal Place, or living out of cash-only motels. “You call the power company?”
He huffs. “Yeah, they told me they had no reported outages and the power should be fine. I explained that I was trying to report an outage and that it definitely was not fine and she promised someone would be here between tomorrow and eventually.”
Scully smiles. “And that’s why you’re out here toying with death?”
“Not much else to do, really. Can’t write with the power out.” Mulder sits back on his heels and shrugs. “You, uh, have a good day?”
She hadn’t. “Yep. Starting to feel like part of the team.”
“Good. You need to get your career standards as high as your standards for men,” he says, getting to his feet.
“Oh, well, that’s an obviously unattainable bar.”
“Obviously.” He sits next to her on the step. “You wear that to work? You know I think bras are a tool of the patriarchy and you shouldn’t bother, but I’m just surprised Our Lady of Perpetual Shame takes such a liberal view.”
She laughs a little. “I figured as long as I tossed a lab coat over it, I’d look like a real doctor. It worked when I was a kid.”
“Hey, that’s what I did with my badge half the time. Listen, Scully. The house is pretty tropical. You want to bunk up in a hotel until they get the power sorted out?”
Scully thinks about the convenience it would afford. Maids and room service and maybe a pool, depending. But she is tired of hotels, even nice ones. She is tired of polite signs that remind her that the pillows and towels and hairdryers aren’t hers, the tiny toiletries an indicator of her temporary status. She is tired of living out of suitcases and dressers that made her clothes smell strange, tired of running from her own life.  She wants to be home.
“Nah,” she says. “We’ll manage.”
Mulder looks surprised, but doesn’t question it. “I’ll call Lowe’s about getting a generator delivered tomorrow. We ought to have one anyway out here.”
She’d always had a vague idea that Mulder had money - it was the only explanation for his complete disinterest in it. But when they’d come back, when they’d talked to his lawyers, she'd been staggered. The Vineyard house alone explained his casual international jaunts. They can have things now, endless things, and there is something frantic in her that wants to spend the money. Bingeing chocolate bunnies after Lent.
Mulder peels his shirt off, wadding it into a limp ball. He tosses it so that it hooks over the doorknob. “Still got it,” he says. He preens.
“Does the NBA realize the tremendous talent they’re missing out on?” she asks. “Do they even know that, at this very moment, a six foot tall middle aged white man is out here flinging his clothing a distance of several feet?”
He snuggles up to her, wrapping his sweaty arms around her shoulders. 
“Ugh,” she says, and pushes at him. “Mulder, you’re disgusting and it’s a thousand degrees out here.”  
“Hoping that cold, cold heart of yours might cool me off.” She sniffs disdainfully, and he releases her. “Scully, how do you feel about bees?”
“We have a history, bees and I,” she observes, tapping the back of her neck.
Mulder curls his hand over the scar, kneads the muscles there. “Well, these wouldn’t be fancy bees.”
“Hmmm,” she says. “I’m not inherently opposed. Why do you want bees, Mulder?”
He shrugs. “I’m getting older, and I’ve got to consider funeral plans. The last one didn’t really go as expected, so I thought maybe I’d mellify myself this time.”
She nods. “Makes sense. I mean, of course, there’s no actual proof that mellification actually occurred, but that’s never stopped you.”
“I also like honey,” he adds. “And bees are good for the planet.”
“Honey often contains botulism spores,” she remarks. “Botulinum toxin is the most lethal toxin known, and it’s estimated that as little as 40 grams of it would be enough to kill everyone on earth.” She doesn’t say you shouldn’t give it to babies, that she sweetened her smoothies with dates and maple syrup so that -
“Well, nobody better piss off my bee army and me,” he says darkly. 
“Everybody eventually pisses you off. Mulder, is that old tent in the shed still? We could sleep in that tonight.”
He shakes his head. “Heavy mildew and dry rot, so I threw it out. We could sleep out here if you want, though. We’ve got that big air mattress.”
“Let’s do that,” she says. “We can put it on the porch. Tell you what - you get stuff together, and I’ll even make dinner.” Scully doesn’t like cooking, but she wants to create order, to complete a finite task. She can be domesticated again, like a lost house cat finally returned to a hearth.
“We having eggs or peanut butter?” he asks, smirky.
“I’d hate to spoil the surprise,” she snips, and goes back into their sauna of a house. 
In the kitchen, she stands in front of the open fridge, letting the delicious leftover cold soak into her skin. She’ll deal with the spoiled food later. Eggs had, actually, been her plan but it’s just too hot. The stove doesn’t work, and she doesn’t have the fortitude to turn the grill on. She finds some leftover shrimp pasta that Mulder has made, some vegetables, and assembles it all into a passable salad.
There, she thinks, pleased. I’d pay twelve bucks for that somewhere. She uses her foot to scratch a mosquito bite on her calf.
Her skin is clammy, hair stringy and damp from sweat. Maybe they should just go to a hotel after all. Perhaps she should stop ascribing symbolism to every damn thing and enjoy herself once in a while. But she thinks of packing, of driving, of unpacking and somehow it’s all too much and her eyes start to fill and her sinuses sting.
Scully pinches her wrist until it passes, feeling weak and hating the weakness in herself. It’s the heat, it’s the exhaustion, it’s the heavy mental load. She considers going outside for a dip in the pond, but suspects the water will be unpleasantly warm. Instead, she drags herself back upstairs for a cold shower.
She sits on the edge of the bed, weary, and stares at a framed picture of a sea turtle on the far wall. If she lets her eyes drift out of focus, it looks like it’s swimming. She tips her head back for a better angle, watches it float across her vision. It slips away then, into the black of the deep waters.
She startles awake when he touches her shoulder, gasps.
“Jesus,” Mulder says, and sits next to her. “Bad dream?”
Scully sits up, dazed. “What? No, was I asleep?”
“You’ve been out cold for over an hour, but I wanted to make sure you got some food. Water at least, it’s too hot up here.”
She blinks, confused. “I don’t remember,” she says. Peering to her right reveals night outside.
Mulder holds a hand out and she grasps it, letting him pull her to her feet. She wavers and he steadies her, arm about her shoulders. 
“I just need some water,” she says, defensive.
He guides her down the stairs and out the front door onto the porch. The air outside is substantially cooler, a light breeze kissing her face. She settles into a chair, stares deep into the felty dark. She still can’t remember falling asleep. 
Mulder hands her a water bottle from the little table and she rolls it between her palms, the plastic crinkling. “Hey, I thought you were setting up the air mattress out here,” she says.
“No air flow behind the wall,” he replies. “Drink that up like a good girl and I’ll show you what we’ve got.”
Scully obeys and feels better. The water tastes stale, but it’s cool and wet. “Maybe you should have my job,” she says, looking up. “Caring for live people is so much work.”
“Everybody eventually pisses me off,” he reminds her. “Come on, Doc.”
She follows him down the steps and around the side of the house. Their property is vast and feral, pocked with mole burrows and rabbit nests. The floodlights are out with the power, and the house is nearly swallowed up by the vast night. Scully glances up at the Milky Way, at the waxing moon, and marvels again at the sky they have out here. We are star stuff, she thinks.
“Moonstruck?” Mulder asks.
“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars.”
“As long as you can tell a hawk from a handsaw,” he says, and tugs her along.
She follows him to the back of the house and then stops, smiling. Mulder has hammered some old two-by-fours into a frame, draped the structure in white bedsheets. Inside, the air mattress is piled with sofa pillows. Outside, camping lanterns, candles, and two strands of solar lights make it into a kind of fairy circle.
“Mulder,” she says, delighted. “This is ridiculous.”
“Indian Guide saves the day,” he says.
“Your architecture badge is definitely more impressive than your fire badge,” she says, walking over to the little tent. He’s brought her salad inside, and there is a cooler packed with ice and water bottles. Cans of bug spray sit at the flap. She crawls inside, suddenly ravenous. 
Mulder joins her on the mattress, which bounces in response. “Remember my water bed?”
She laughs, piling food on a plate for each of them. “What a swinging bachelor you were.”
She remembers the water bed fondly, the leather couch and the fish and the postage-stamp bathroom in his apartment. It shouldn’t hurt still, but it does. She knew herself there, her place on the map. She eats her salad, wistful for Chinese food and beer at that battered coffee table.
“Scully,” he says.
“Just middle-aged nostalgia, I suppose,” she murmurs.
He reaches out to take her hand. “You’re scarcely middle aged.”
She smiles, squeezes his fingers. “If you go by life experience, we’re both about two hundred years old.”
“Like those Galapagos tortoises. But you need to tell me what’s going on at work. You won’t disappoint me.”
It can be very disagreeable to live with a profiler.
Scully drops his hand. She bites at the fleshy part of her thumb. This is real, she thinks. This place. It is not down in any map; true places never are. She can only deflect for so long, and her armor is rusting away. “I’m afraid,” she whispers, then chances a look at his face.
His eyes are soft, searching. “Why?”
She shakes her head. “I don’t know, I don’t…” Her sinuses sting again and she presses her palms hard into her eyes. “Please.”
Mulder’s hand on her back, in endless, gentle figure eights. He pulls the elastic from her hair and lets it tumble down to her shoulders. He shifts so that her back is to him, his long legs on either side of her body.
“Mulder, what -”
“Shhhh,” he says, and gathers the hair at the crown of her head. “It’s not a real sleepover if you don’t get your hair French braided.”
Scully blinks. “Since when do you know how to braid hair?”
“Little sister, absent parents. Now stop moving and talk.”
She keeps her head very steady, thinking of her own sister’s deft fingers when their mother was too busy for anything but ponytails. Mulder tugs at another little section of hair. Scully thinks she might be okay if she isn’t looking at him, if she can’t read herself in his eyes.
Moth shadows dance across the white sheet wall, drawn to the flickering candles outside. It fascinates her that they never figure out that fire burns.  “I don’t know how to do this,” she says, and her voice is thick.
“To talk, or to be still?” he says in his Oxford psychologist voice.
She isn’t sure of what she means either. “Yes,” she says, with a hiccupy laugh. “Both.”
“Me too,” he says, slipping his thumb through the strands behind her ear. “I don’t know how to do this.”
She swallows hard. “I just...I’ve always had something to consume me. I had the FBI, we traveled all the time, and then we were running and I thought it was hard but it was so easy to just survive. There were no decisions. I didn’t care about, I don’t know...plates.”
He pauses in his work. “Plates?”
Scully chews at a hangnail, frustrated. “Just things, the things you buy for a house. Long term things. I did with William and then…” she trails off, her chest tight. “I feel like I’m playing a game sometimes, like improv theater. Fox and Dana Build A Home.”
“Fox and Dana?” he repeats. “Surely not.”
“Well, we’re hardly Mulder and Scully anymore, are we?” Her stomach clenches and that’s it, she sees. That’s the fear.
He finishes the braid and fastens the elastic at the end of it. “Of course we are,” he says. “We are who we are.”
She turns to him then, the whispering anxiety back with a roar. “And who is that, Mulder? I was plain old Dana Scully until I met you. And we had this life, this strange and wonderful and terrible life where I was Scully because I was your partner and now that’s over. It’s all nothing.” She’s crying openly now, quietly, and it feels cleansing.
“You’re still my partner,” he says, and his eyes are shining too.
She wipes her nose with a paper napkin. “Am I? At what? I go to work and see patients but I forgot there’s no closure with the living. People get sick and get better and get sick again. It doesn’t end. And this house, the power is always going to go out and the chickens will always be hungry and -“  she stops, feeling hysterical.
“You don’t have to work,” he says softly. “The settlement from the FBI, my inheritance…”
She shakes her head. “You know I have to work.” 
He sighs, rubs her knee. “I know you do. But it doesn’t have to be this. It doesn’t have to drain you.”
He’s right, of course he’s right, but he’s also so terribly wrong that she wonders if he knows her at all. She has to be a doctor for her father, for William. For him. She has to see something through. Scully smooths her hand over the back of her head, feeling the even ridges of the braid. Mulder is so competent with everything he does, so easy with himself. He’ll get his damned bees and become some kind of honey magnate in no time.
“People at the hospital, they ask me what I did before. And I don’t know how to answer. How can I possibly answer that question? I just say I was with the government, but that isn’t really the answer, is it?”
Mulder shrugs. He’s never felt the need to explain himself to people. “It’s true.”
Scully stretches out on her stomach across the mattress, chin on the pillows, watching the moths again. They tumble like acrobats, untethered in the thick air. “There’s this number called Graham’s number, used in Ramsey Theory, which is, well, nevermind. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, it was in the Guinness Book for being the largest specific number used in a proof at the time. And Mulder, this number is so big that writing out all the digits would exceed the bounds of the known universe.”
“Nobody likes a math nerd, Scully.”
She rolls onto her back to glare at him. “Yes they do, they give them Nobel prizes. Anyway. A whole new notation system, Knuth Notation, had to be developed to express these massive numbers. Graham’s Number, Tree(3), et cetera. And I feel like that at times. That there’s this endless amount of vital, inexpressible information inside of me that is so essential but that I have no way to share.”
She blinks a few times, spent by this unburdening.
Mulder stretches out next to her, propped on his side. “You can express it to me,” he says, massaging her temple with his thumb.
Scully closes her eyes. “I feel like a ghost sometimes. How do you do it, Mulder? How do you just keep moving forward without getting lost?”
He sighs. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but you have a tendency to compile people into perfect specimens, then measure yourself against that imaginary standard. It’s the precession of simulacra.”
She looks at him, indignant, then realizes he could be right. “Well,” she says. “It’s possible. But Mulder, is that such a bad thing, to want to hold myself to the highest goals?”
He tugs her onto her side so that she’s facing him, nearly nose to nose. Her lips feel tingly. “Yes,” he says, stroking her hair. “When the goal isn’t attainable. And when it puts everyone else on pedestals where we’re ill equipped to balance. And when it puts you in a constant state of frustration and anxiety. No one is perfect. Not even you.”
“I don’t want to be perfect,” she lies. “And I don’t need you to be either.” That part is true, at least.
He laughs in reply. “Apropos of being Galapagos tortoises, Charles Darwin once said ‘I am very poorly today, and very stupid and hate everybody and everything.’”
“He rode the tortoises,” Scully says, calming. “I can’t defend his methodology.”
“See? You’re better than Charles Darwin.” He kisses her forehead.
“Well,” she says. “Well.”
“Scully, look. You’re not alone here, feeling at sea. I went to the feed store and some guy picked a fight, shoved me pretty hard with his shoulder. And this reflexive part of my brain wanted to grab my badge, stick it in his face, and put him against the wall for assaulting a federal agent. But I ignored it and bought the chicken feed and just headed out. And I felt like, is this who I am now? Some pushover with yard birds and home improvement books?”
“You made a little fast and loose with your authority sometimes,” she says, thinking of Roche. She curves her palm against his cheek, thumbs the fine ridge of his zygomatic bone.
He bumps her nose with his. “You broke into a secret morgue.”
“You made me.” She sniffles, laughs a little. “The good old days.”
“These can be the good days too,” he says. “They can, if we work at it.” He traces her mouth with his finger.
“Okay,” she says. Hope stirs in her, a thing with feathers. “Partners?”
He kisses her, in their small tent, in their ring of light.
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jencsi · 3 years
Let’s Talk- Finn and Russell;
From the very beginning, we get the hint, notion, presence of a deeper connection between Julie Finlay and DB Russell. In Seeing Red, when she hears him, not even having to look and know he’s there during the crime scene reconstruction, just his voice alone makes her roll her eyes, gets her fired up with some sort of passion, anger, emotional reaction. As evidenced from their conversation about the blood spatter case, her resistance to proceed further with him again shows she is not quite over what has happened to them in the past and it makes viewers want to know, what the heck happened? What could this seemingly unbothered hippie like guy have ever done to cross this already sullen yet spirited woman? Despite her futile attempts to deflect him, she cannot help but be drawn to the case, he sought her out after all, he must be desperate. When she retrieves the file he leaves behind and it piques her interest, she gives in, with probably a lot of hemming and hawing off screen, before venturing to CSI for the first time.
That single solitary scene cemented in my brain their dynamic from that day forward. There was no going back for me. Whatever they had in the past, whether that be something romantic, friendly or just work related, my soul ached to know more and even better, my heart yearned to watch them more, to listen, to observe the bantar, the sarcasm, the snark, the sheer and utter pure honesty that comes from their conversations. DB Russell is not trying to trick Finn, he’s not trying to make her figure out some silly puzzle or game, he just wants her expertise and guidance. Once she accepts his offer, her personality begins to shine via her work (Should I wrap it up and take it back to the lab? Took the words right out of my mouth smart ass” “You know me so well” “And you know blood, better than anyone I know”) her bonding with her colleagues, and even better, the little hints at what was between her and Russell back in Seattle.
When we finally do get to see that past revealed, ripped open like a fresh wound, via CSI on Fire, we see the headstrong and overheated Finn on a mission, prove that Tom Cooley is a killer and bring justice to the families of his victims. Of course that journey is not without complications and wild accusations, of course Finn would never kill anyone, that I firmly believe, unless of course it’s to save a friend or colleague (saving Greg from that supposed innocent victim of the Gig Harbor Killer in The Twin Paradox) but Cooley rattles her, gets under her skin in a way different from Russell. In fact it’s Russell warning her to be careful, to go with caution, but her typical rebellious nature of “I’m not listening” pushes her further to the truth and to danger at every turn.
Her tone when speaking to Russell about the discovery of Cooley’s body in his hotel shifts our thinking that maybe she isn’t the same person she was two years ago. If what we are observing right now is the casual cool collected Finn, just how reckless was she in Seattle? She feels the disappointment from Russell in his tone, the way he looks at her, and she hates that, she doesn’t want to disappoint anyone, especially him. His presence in her life since the Seattle days has created this combination of not wanting to let him down or disappoint him mixed with her fierce loyalty to the truth, to the victims and their families, clashing with her exuberant personality.
With CSI on Fire resolved, Finn melts back into a rhythm with her ex-husband, also a component of her former life in Seattle, all seems right between Russell and her, a trademark of their friendship, forgiveness and acceptance.
Looking at their dynamic from the perspective of the actors who portray them, Ted Danson has referred to them as the bickersons, like oil and water, but at the same time, Finn/Elisabeth and her characters intrusiveness helps him do his job better and see things clearly when it comes to cases as well as other aspects of his characters life. Elisabeth meanwhile seemed to enjoy the back and forth dialogue and the testiness of their relationship, she seemed invested in their past in Seattle and wondered where the writers would take that.
In Homecoming, the season 12 finale, we see corruption and problems arise amongst the police force and Russell apologies for seeming to drag Finn into this mess and bringing her there to work but she states that she makes her own decisions and doesn’t seem bothered by the issues until she is thrown into the chaos of it all when she trails Crenshaw and stumbles into the violence they have created around them with the assistance of McKeen and Kimball.
The Finn and Russell dynamic gets tested here when Katie, Russell’s grand daughter is kidnapped and Finn attempts to save her. In the chaos, she sends Katie out into the unknown alone while she does battle with Crenshaw (a violent but epic struggle, major kudos to the stunt work they did here, it felt so real and made me love Finn even more, seeing how far Elisabeth was willing to take this character) Russell is devastated to learn Finn let Katie escape alone but is also distraught knowing both were hurt and in danger. His anger at Finn boils over when she insists she’s fine, how he refers to her as “Finn” on the phone instead of the sweeter Jules we are used to hearing, and when she discusses the case with him in the bedroom where Katie was taken from and he punched the wall, leading to a missed clue. Despite the resentment towards her, they figure out Katie’s whereabouts and stop McKeen from carrying out his plans. We can see and feel Finn’s guilt deep down for her mistakes, even if everything works out, the way she stands holding the phone, the way she looks at Moreno who tries to assure her it will be okay.
At the end of Karma To Burn, Finn and Russell reconcile again, not so much with words but in the way she snaps him out of his fantasy of ever having to use his gun in a real life situation, of how far he was almost pushed to the brink when it comes to saving his work family, not just Katie. His use of the nickname Jules on several occasions, something she claims to hate but also doesn’t, comes back when Barbara inquires if she will stay for dinner. All is well again.
The final blow and perhaps the deepest cut of their relationship occurs with the reopening of the Gig Harbor Killer case. From the get go, we start off with a bang, literally and figuratively. It is Russell who is at the mercy of Winthrop who demands he admit they did not capture the correct killer in order to relinquish Finn from the confines of her bomb invested car. With much reluctance, he admits their mistake and Finn is spared. The hug they share in the parking lot after she is freed breaks me every time and just further adds to the complicated but always present nature of their relationship. The next go around, Maya, Russell’s daughter is targeted, but this time, she is used as bait to try and lure the copycat out to play and be captured. When that fails, Finn unwillingly becomes the next target and once again Russell is thrown for a loop. This time however, there is no mercy, no chance at redemption, Finn is ripped from him violently and with no regard. Worse still, we get to see a tiny bit of his life afterwards, via CSI Cyber, when he observes another coma patient in Hack ER. Avery Ryan takes notice of his demeanor and quietly brings up Finn. Russell’s memories play out in quick flashbacks and we see where his heart belonged the entire time. He speaks of reading to her, hoping she’d wake up, then darkness, never to see her eyes pierce him again, no more bantar, no more snark, no more intrusiveness. The fact that almost a whole year later we get a resolution for Finn and get to see Russell pine for her one last time gives us closure and really showcases how strong this bond was for three and a half years.
I will always wish for a better outcome for Finn, as originally scripted, but somewhere in the chaos of writing and producing, we lost her. I will always be sad we didn’t get to see more of Russell at her bedside waiting for her to wake up. That emotion would have been so raw and real coming from Ted. These characters deserved a proper ending and reunification because it just wasn’t justified to wreck their metaphorical ship that was so strong and sailing along fine before colliding with the iceberg of violence. Nevertheless, this dynamic holds strong in my heart to this day. There are plenty more examples to pull from the show, every time they chatted about cases and made progress just by talking it out, every time they fought about their thought processes and reckless behavior, every soft sweet utterance of “Jules” will forever gut me, weaken me, bring me to my knees, but somehow give me strength. That’s how powerful their relationship was and appeared to me on screen, they were a paradox, love, hate, push, pull, oil and water as Ted stated before, give and take, and boy did they give me so much more than any naysayer could ever attempt to take from me. No matter where anyone stands on the fandom line, so much heart and soul went into Russell and Finn, and when you really sit down and watch and listen with perspective and acceptance, you can see it and feel it. I think that type of power transcends just your typical acting alone, it truly feels real. Give me that dynamic everyday, sign me up. I don’t think I’ll ever be as lucky as I was to witness such greatness on the screen between these two. Good things don’t happen twice, as I have unfortunately learned the hard way over the years, once it’s gone, it’s gone.
But in the heart and soul of Russell and Finn is an incredible ability to keep a stronghold on viewers like me, or maybe not, maybe I’m just crazy, but here were are, years after things have ended and the screen has faded to black.
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Since I don't really enjoy character death fics (I'm an absolute crying mess after reading them😂😭) I request a fluffy fic where, a few months after bumi is born, the gaang get together and they all want to carry bumi after not seeing him for so long😂🤷‍♀️
Character death fics chip away my soul I stg (tho I might just make that fic a coming-home fix since I left Aang’s death kindof dubious👀)
This prompt was a lot more fun than I anticipated lol. I’m still a tad loopy from my fever, so grammar may or may not be optional😅. I hope you enjoy my hot mess madness tho!
(Bestuncle!Sokka? Bestuncle!Sokka😤)
Words: 1,023
“You just had him! It’s my turn! Besides, I’m his favorite.” Sokka bumped his nose with Bumi’s and tickled his tummy with his fingers. Bumi was hardly as big as a loaf of bread, but his laugh was as loud as Appa’s happy-groan-growl. “Isn’t that right, Boom-erang? Yes, it is. Yes, it is~ Ow!”
Bumi didn’t let go of Sokka’s finger even as Sokka stomped his foot and bit his lip to hold back a curse that would have given Katara more than enough reason to end him. Bumi may not have any teeth, but, Spirits, did the kid have some jaw strength.
“That, Snoozles, is called karma.” Toph simultaneously scooped Bumi from under his arms and bumped her hip to Sokka’s; and though the touch seemed light, the Water Tribe warrior left a dent in the wall as he flew from the blow.
(Zuko winced and probed Sokka’s drooling, almost-broken form. Sokka clung to life...but just barely.)
Maternity suited Toph just as beautifully as Katara, and Bumi smiled a supernova when she cradled him in her arms. His grasping hands reached for her face and patted her cheeks to feel the curve of her smile.
“Awwww, look at you, little warrior,” Suki cooed. She offered her fingers for Bumi to latch onto, and his giggle reached crescendo as she wiggled his little fists. “You are absolutely adorable. You’ve grown so much!”
“He’s heavier, too.” Toph frowned. “And a little cold. Hey, Flames-for-Brains—”
Zuko was a shadow at Suki’s shoulder and already curling his hands under Bumi’s bum and back. It had taken him a while to learn how to hold Bumi just right, but now Zuko accepted the transfer with ease.
Bumi froze, looked shocked, and then turned to bury his face in the little sun holding him.
Suki cooed some more. “Looks like you’ve got some best-uncle competition, Sokka.”
Sokka was on his feet in the next second. He looked at Suki like she just grew a third head. “What?!” he cried, his voice cracking like when they were kids. 
They all laughed, Sokka sulked, and none of them thought anything of Sokka’s (or their own) volume until Bumi flinched and sniffled.
Then he started to cry.
And Sokka looked ready to throw himself on a pyre to save his nephew from even one more tear.
“Sokka!” Suki hissed. Zuko looked as ticked as she sounded.
“Oh, nononono, it’s okay Boom-erang. It’s okay. I’m sorry.” Sokka tripped over himself to offer his hands to the babe in a small sign of apology. “It’s okay. Uncle Sokka was just being silly.”
Bumi’s tears thinned to small streams...
...but not before the Avatar tore through the temple to save his crying little world. 
Aang turned the corner at such a high speed and at such a sharp angle that he slid, parallel to the ground, into the adjacent wall. He was shirtless, shoeless, and so flushed with panic that he rearranged his facial anatomy with how wide he made his eyes.
“Bumi?” He fell twice before standing. “Guys, where—What’s Bumi—?”
“Calm down, Twinkletoes. Bumi is fine. Sokka is just a moron.”
“It was an accident!” Sokka pleaded in a whisper.
Aang teleported to Zuko’s side. Bumi turned to his father like a sunflower did to the sun—knowing where he was and grasping for him even though his eyes were closed. 
Once Aang had little Bumi safe in his arms, his world stopped tilting all crooked. His baby boy’s cry was broken by a comforted sound—content—that muted his next whine into a dull whimper. Smacking his lips, Bumi cuddled into the warm safety that held him, but he squirmed when he found no robe to hold onto.
“Shhh, shhh, shhh...It’s okay, Boom-Boom. Daddy’s here. Shhh…” Aang held Bumi high enough so one of his hands could anchor onto his prayer beads. Bumi’s other hand flailed until it found the fingers of Aang’s free hand, and Bumi finally—finally, bless the Spirits—calmed. He almost looked on the verge of sleep. He curled into his father’s chest, bodily hugged Aang’s hand, and gently gnawed his fingers.
Then it was quiet.
Then Toph smacked the back of Sokka’s head.
Then Suki did, too.
“Ow! What was that for?”
They said nothing, but their glares said everything. Zuko walked up, pinched the bridge of his nose, and flicked between Sokka’s eyes.
They all looked over at father and son. Bumi giggled again and held Aang’s finger a little bit tighter.
“There’s that smile,” Aang said. He kissed Bumi’s head and blew a small raspberry that made his son giggle even louder and squirm even more.
Then Aang stopped. 
And Bumi looked at Sokka expectantly.
Then Bumi started to cry.
Suki turned on Sokka. “What did you do?!” she demanded in a whisper that shook the room like a shout.
“I didn’t do anything!”
“I swear, Zuko! I swear!”
Toph smacked the back of Sokka’s head again.
And Bumi…Bumi giggled.
Toph smiled something evil. “I think Bumi thought that was funny.”
Zuko pinched between his eyes and mumbled a dozen different prayers to a dozen different deities. Sokka backed up like he wanted to do the same, especially when Bumi cried again.
“Now, now, come on, guys, let’s not—Come on, Suki, I know at least you can’t…u-um…”
Katara rounded the corner so fast that a wind like a bite-sized hurricane chased in her wake. The way she slid into her brother should have sent Sokka through the wall, but the Spirits Zuko had prayed to cushioned Sokka’s travel through the air by catapulting him among the sacks of flour and grain.
Bumi laughed like he was born to do nothing else but smile. Katara melted, weighed down by a relieved grin, as she vanished and reappeared at Aang’s side.
She kissed her husband and son, gave Bumi one extra just because, and turned to the others like she was a spirit that demanded a blood sacrifice if she were to remain benevolent.
Katara looked to Suki for an answer. Suki shrugged and pointed to Sokka.
...Toph grinned something even more evil than evil.
...Zuko sighed again but with passion and sulked into a corner to alert the mortal coil that everything was about to go to shit.
Sokka paused his struggle of getting free of the grain bags, shivered from the sudden cold rippling through the weave of the universe, and pulled himself out with a plea at the ready.
“Katara, listen, I don’t know what they said, but it’s not—”
The universe was merciful and Katara was all-knowing, but Sokka didn’t know what to think when his sister dragged him by his scruff to an awaiting Aang and a fitful Bumi. 
Then Bumi looked at Sokka expectantly.
And Aang put his baby boy into Sokka’s arms.
Sokka still didn’t know what to do even as Bumi smiled and squirmed, his hands reaching for something.
“I’m sorry, Boom-erang. Uncle Sokka didn’t mean to scare you. He promises not to—Ow!”
Bumi smiled around Sokka’s finger. Spirits, the kid had some jaw strength. 
The world got a little lighter as Sokka’s once impending doom retreated back into the form of his sister. Katara was shoulder-to-shoulder with him and making Bumi smile even wider when she brushed the fine hairs on his head.
“...You’re lucky you’re his favorite,” she whispered. 
Now it was Sokka’s turn to smile, and he couldn’t care less when Bumi gnawed a little harder.
“That’s my little Boom-erang~” he cooed. “I knew you would come back around.”
I’m still trying to get a knack for writing Sokka. He’s the member of the Gaang I struggle the most with idk why. I would have thought he’d be the easiest for me, but nope
(And, yes, that was a shameless Ice Age reference in there lol)
(Also! I’m trying to do these prompts in order (IM NOT IGNORING ANY OF THEM I SWEAR I LOVE AND APPRECIATE THEM ALL DEARLY), so up next: kataang pilot AU!)
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
“A feeling you want to protect”
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Yep. It’s me, again writing about this drama. Nope. I don’t think I’m gonna stop soon. I’m obsessed lmao I ship these two so hard it’s not even funny.  Their chemistry is sooo good, their story is great, and if that wasn’t enough reason to ship them (because I know for some people, it’s not lol), I present to you my arguments (and this was only from ep 6):
1.- The way she just knows when something happened to him and knows what to say/do: 
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A nice parallel where, in the flashback, is Wooyeon who notices a very upset Lee Soo on the street after seeing his parents act like bff’s again. On present day, is Lee Soo the one that goes straight to Wooyeon’s house and tells her he was reminded of her. She doesn’t force anything out of him. She knows not to. If he wanted to say it, he would. She just keeps him company.
I feel like there a lot more flashbacks to come and I like it because they show us their dynamic hasn't changed. My dude has just realized many things too late.
2.- The way they talk honestly and straightforward:
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Is Lee Soo the one to bring out the topic, but Wooyeon tells him CEO confessed to her. She tells him because he is her friend, even after everything that’s happened, they’re friends. But also, she establishes boundaries, and tells him they cannot meet like that anymore, at night, alone and ouch! you can almost feel the shock and pain of Lee Soo. Seongwu you’re doing amazing
3.- The way he tells her how he feels (even if he doesn’t know the word for it):
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“But I realized today. Whenever I was alone, you're there. You were there. That's why i feel like I'll really be alone if you dissapear for good. Yes, I understand why you don't want to see me ever again. I do. But I have to see you."😭💔 
I really liked that you can feel his sincerity, his fear of losing her and his desperation to stop it from happening. It’t hard not to get moved by it. And Wooyeon has mixed emotions about it, of course. From her POV, this guy has messed up with her way too many times. Any person would get tired of that.
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But you can also see how his words affect her, because his words wake up all those hopes and dreams she’s had about him for a decade.
4.- The way he knows when she’s upset and how to put a smile on her face:
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Lee Soo’s idea to make her happy and make her forget she’s upset (at him), is to play games at the arcade with her lmao. could it be that he lets her win? i mean it’s hilarious if he’s this bad, but now I wonder if he’s doing it on purpose  This is such a contrast to CEO last ep, when he took her to dinner and noticed she was distracted and had to asked her what she liked. Can you imagine CEO, all rich and dignified, playing games at the arcade or doing any silly and childish thing with her just to make her smile?
5.- The way they complement each other at work:
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6.- When Lee Soo took her photo, accepted it and kept going:
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I think we will have lots of pics of Wooyeon by the end of the drama lol a book full of her.
7.- The way he makes sure of his feelings by hugging her:
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I liked that he asked for permission. Sure, she didn't know what he was going to do, but he didn't act until she said yes. I liked that little detail.
She goes to buy him medicine, drives him home and he remembers that time she fought at school with her bullies and bought her medicine. He’s in shock! He knows it’s been ten years feeling this way for her. But he was such an idiot! 
8.- The way he asks her out because he knows he has no time to lose: 
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“I'd wait until you come.” I mean, this is true, but Lee Soo has no idea what kind of waiting he’s in for. And how much work is gonna take.
Hahahaha this dude outright wanted her to stood CEO up and he was the one to stood her up not his fault 😂😂😂 Fate is a funny thing, my dude. Also, how much are we betting that they are going to Namsan before the drama ends? 
I like that he realized he had liked Wooyeon for a decade. It was obvious, but it’s nice to get confirmation. Also, he obviously liked her first. She only liked him because of the things he kept on doing for her, which is now confirmed had a special meaning behind (Lee soo just didn't know). Jijoo was right, too. Her friends were right: he liked her since highschool.
If their work date day proved something, is that he knows how to make her happy when she's upset, even with him. I know he has gotten it wrong so many times, and he was an stupid but damaged man running away from feelings and emotions that he didn't know what he felt for her; like I said before, he acted on instinct. And he's gonna pay for that. For not knowing his true feelings. But our heroine is most herself when she’s with him. And he's gonna be his best version to deserve her. I know it. So it’s okay if she goes out with CEO for the next 2, or 4, or even 6 eps (oooff that’d be a hell of an angst journey for Lee Soo). Because our hero needs to learn some things first and unlearn some others. He also needs to go to therapy. There’s a whole journey he needs to go on alone, before he gets together with Wooyeon.
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