#i hope you all enjoyed it nonetheless!
hellsite-detective · 4 months
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Hi detective!! Since you were able to find the post I wanted last time I came here again to see if you could locate this post for me??
also referred to as:
"this was a pretty simple case. i went on down to the Search Bar and asked Google for the phrase "five nights at freddys" comin' from this particular address and i was handed the post i was lookin' for instantly. i was able to file it away no problem."
here you are! your post! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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possamble · 3 months
Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: ダンジョン飯 | Dungeon Meshi | Delicious in Dungeon
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Marcille Donato/Falin Touden
Hunched over the stove, wrapped in one of her embroidered shawls, Marcille stares at Falin between unruly strands of long hair. It’s funny. Kabru had called Marcille’s stunned face “owlish,” once, but Falin disagrees — owls are birds of prey. Hunters. Marcille’s eyes aren’t wide like an owl scanning for a kill, they’re wide like a startled prey animal desperately keeping still in the face of a predator. 
One part of Falin wants to leave and never make Marcille look at her like that again. The other part wants to cross the distance across the small room, grab this skittish creature by her delicate little waist and—
Falin looks away. 
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sunlightdrop · 2 years
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Happy 12th Anniversary, Tangled! ( 11. 24. 2010 ) ♡
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yellowdevilkitten · 11 months
This is for the lovely @a-little-unsteddie hope this was what you were wanting!
“No, no way Chris.” Eddie starts his monologue the same way he’s been starting his monologues lately. Eddie knew Chrissy was a troublemaker that’s what made them best friends in the first place. So he doesn’t really know what he could’ve expected when Chrissy asked him to be her maid of honor(he’s honored really!) but it definitely wasn’t to come get a manipedi with the rest of the bridesmaids. Why does she need a manipedi anyways, her nails are looking great as ever(acrylic with tiny gemstones a light purple-ish color).
“Why not? You paint your nails. What's so wrong with somebody painting yours for you? Plus you get a free massage out of it.” She agrees, clearly done with the conversation they’ve been having for the past thirty minutes.
 Eddie doesn’t hate the idea of of getting a manipedi he just prefers to do his nails himself and honestly he’s offended that chrissy doesn’t think he’s capable of his nails turning out nice and neat(he isn’t he gets too impatient and they typically turn out smudge, chipped, and smushed). The part that he isn’t going to enjoy is all the gossip and don’t get him wrong he loves gossip but he doesn’t enjoy listening to middle aged women gossip about how much they hate their husbands.
 He also knows that the bridesmaids and Chrissy are all going to gossip but he’s heard all that gossip before, plus he knows he’s not going to be able to sit still for X amount of time. So Eddie going to go get a manipedi is a bad idea for many reasons but chrissy doesn’t seem to be budging and he knows it’s her wedding and she knows that he’s going to say yes either way and him denying is all for good fun. 
He lets out a dramatic and long sigh before ending the conversation. “Fine, I’ll go.” He puts his hands up in a surrender after he says that so Chrissy knows he’s serious. Her answering smile is everything Eddie needs to know this is a great idea. 
— The day of the wedding Eddie and the girls are all squished into a car to be pampered(which Chrissy forgot to inform him that they’d also be getting their hair styled, she knows how he feels about his hair, the rat). Which leads them to their last stop, The nail salon which doesn’t look as ominous as he thought. 
He’s squished in the middle between jenna and Molly who is talking enthusiastically over him about some guy name Carl(gag carl was one of the hair stylist doing kelly’s hair he kept making creepy comments about kelly’s hair he honestly doesn't know how jenna and molly can even look at him and see someone worth dating). Eddie doesn’t even realize they have parked too cought up in his thoughts about Carl. 
“Alright you guys ready?” Chrissy asks before opening her car door. 
“Don’t really have a choice.” he mumbles under his breath waiting for the girls to get out of the car so he can. 
Once they walk into the salon Eddie’s immediately hit by the smell of nail polish. Before he can register anything other than the overwhelming smell of polish he hears a admittedly handsome voice call out,
“hi, do you have a booking with us?” 
“Uhm-” Eddie starts before Chrissy cuts him off. “Yes we do, it should be under Chrissy Cunningham.” 
The guy, which Eddie realizes has a nametag on that says ‘steve’, walks up to the front desk to type into the computer and he nods his head that Eddie takes to mean he found the name. 
“Okay, it says here everyone is getting a manipedi is that correct?” Hot guy, Steve, double checks. 
“Mhm, expect I’m getting acrylics done too.” Chrissy corrects. 
“Great you ladies and gentleman,” he winks at Eddie, “Can take a seat at those six pedicure chairs after you pick out your colors.” 
He’s off before Eddie can get a word in, Chrissy taps on his arm and he turns toward her. She has a knowing look on her face and he shakes his head no. She shrugs and drags him over to the colors. 
Eddie’s amaze at Steve for being able to keep up with all the bitchiness of the girls. Of course Eddie’s not paying that much attention because he’s holding his hand. Nobody told him a hot guy was going to hold his hands for about twenty minutes and he hasn’t even got the polish on yet. If he knew this he would be getting his nails done regularly. 
Even the strong smell of nail polish is bearable with Steve holding his hands. The only disappointing part is that it means nothing, which is a shame really, Eddie can see it now him and Steve could have a life together too bad this is a nail salon and chrissy is about to get married maybe he’d have time to flirt.
 He doesn’t realize he’s squirming in his seat until Steve says, “Relax your hands.” He’s
 pretty sure his face burns red when he says that. 
“It’s okay, it happens all the time.” Steve reassures, which doesn’t really calm Eddie’s nerves but he still tries. 
He looks around the salon to see Kelly talking her nail tech’s ear off and the poor girl is trying her best to keep up. Eddie also realizes that right next to Steve is a girl who isn’t doing any nails but is just chilling there. He also realizes that Steve and the girl are talking together, he worries that maybe the girl is Steve's girlfriend. 
“Robbie, I can’t just ask that I’m at work.” 
“Please, you’ve flirted at work before, dingus.” Robbie(?) responses with a flippant hand. ‘Oh great’ Eddie thinks of course he’s trying to flirt with one of the girls. What else was Eddie supposed to expect? They are all like Carl. It’s pretty disappointing to learn that this guy is just like the rest. 
“Is this the polish you picked out?” oh Steve’s talking to him again, ew is that butterflies in his stomach. He should not be getting butterflies for this straight guy. 
“Yeah.” Eddie says but it comes out as more of a question. 
“Great, it's a lovely color.” Steve replies with a gorgeous smile. Eddie wouldn’t have picked the color if it wasn’t for chrissy it’s a black with hints of purple to match his suit. 
The other bridesmaids are also wearing purple to match Chrissy’s light yellow dress. Chrissy is having a nature theme wedding so her braid is wearing greens and blues. He smiles remembering when he helped chrissy pick out her dress it matches her ring which is a gold butterfly. 
He watches as Steve paints his nails in silence until Steve speaks up. “So what brings you guys into the salon?” 
“Oh, my best friend, Chrissy is getting married and she wanted us all to get manipedis together.” Eddie answers with a small smile. He can’t believe that Chrissy is getting married. It feels just like yesterday since they met. 
“That’s lovely, you got a date to bring with you?” He questions. Eddie’s face burns red for what feels like the tenth time because he does not in fact have a date.
 If he did he’d probably not be blushing everytime he remembers that Steve is holding his hands. Because that’s the most intimate thing ever(how does Chrissy deal with doing this every month?)! Eddie might combust if he thinks about Steve holding his hands one more time. 
“No, no I do not.” Eddie answers with a shake of his head and accidentally moves his hand. “Shit, shit, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s fine you’ve been doing it the whole time.” Steve shrugs. That just serves to make Eddie blush harder, why hadn’t he asked Eddie to stop? Any other person would’ve gotten pissed by now. 
“Annnnd you’re done.” The girl calls from Steve’s shoulder. He sees Steve shoot her a glare. 
“Well technically you aren’t done, you still have to dry.” Steve points where the rest of the girls minus chrissy are talking with their hands under a table. He nods before standing up(he tries to be mindful of his nails). 
Once everyone’s nails are done it’s time to check out. Eddie mentally prepares himself for the price of the treatment. Molly and Danielle are both looking at their nails and gossiping about some boy named David at work. Chrissy is talking to her nail tech, which he believes his name is Win, short for Winston. Jenna and Kelly are talking to the girl next to Steve, who he believes goes by Robbie. Eddie’s just standing by the desk waiting for one of them to check them out. 
“Alright, are you guys ready?” Eddie startles when he hears Steve’s voice from behind him. 
“Uh- yes.” He says, sounding unsure. 
“How are you paying?” Steve questions with an encouraging smile. 
“Split payment, hey Chris it’s split payment six way even, right?” Eddie shouts hoping to catch her attention. 
“Yes, yes.” She waves him off with a cheeky smirk. 
“You heard the lady.” He smirks at Steve. 
“I put it all on separate payments. If you want to start, you can put your card in the reader.” Steve grins. 
Eddie pays for his then Jenna, Kelly, Danielle, Molly, and then Chrissy. Before they walk out Steve hands him a piece of folded paper that has the nail salon and the number to call. 
Before he walks into the venue for Chrissy to get married off he unfolds the paper and realizes it reads, ‘I enjoyed holding your hands hoping I can hold your hands for a different reason  -Steve’ with his number to call him. 
Eddie smiles to himself and folds the paper and puts it in his breast pocket before walking into the venue because first he needs to watch his best friend get married. 
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afoxysunny · 10 months
I hate that peppers are technically fruit so count these as spite fueled creations
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At home all over Fructera's shores - the Pepper Crabs!
Looking for something actually fruit-y?
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fowlblue · 2 months
In an Avatar AU what elements do you think the Fowl family would bend?
I lean towards fire for both of the Artemises (is there a proper plural for Artemis?) due to how ambitious they can be but the potential for if Senior was a water bender does sound interesting. Not quite sure what the rest would be besides Butler being an earth bender
I personally like the Fowls generally being a waterbending family, for two reasons- 1. they aren’t explosive individuals, they’re generally very methodical, and 2. I feel like firebending is the ‘obvious choice’ for ‘villains’, and it’s just a little too easy to me. I feel it just suits Tim and Angeline more to be waterbenders (+ with Tim being a waterbender you can have some truly delicious angst with him struggling to bend after nearly drowning when the Fowl Star sank).
Though I personally like Artemis not being able to bend at all, focusing instead on using technology where bending is usually employed. It sets him apart, illustrates his genius… and I just like the idea of him tinkering with things.
Both Butler and Juliet would be earthbenders, though I could see Butler bending steel far better than regular earth, and Juliet bending earth easier than steel (perhaps even primarily crystals?)
The People would likely be all sorts of benders, I think. All of the elements would be useful in Haven.
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As someone who wakes up spooning her blankest I'm curious what would HW Aemond do if Lady Tully was like that? Let's say they sleep with pillows in between but somehow she managed to throw them or roll over them and now Aemond is the little spoon. I think he would hold it over Lady Tully's head in a 'you love me too' way but then again he doesn't talk much and everytime he talks he says wrong things so...
How We Can Fit
Pairing: THW!Aemond x Reader;
Warnings: surprisingly... none? Some usage of strong language, but that should be all
Author's Note: Okay, I was planning to reply to this in my usual 3-4 sentences answer. BUT my mind kept thinking about this while in class, so have this sort of one-shot headcanon piece (?) that could have plausably happened in the "Harshest Winters" universe!
I did this while on the 30min ride back home, so don't really consider this a full on fanfic? More like a little snippet into what could have been idk :"))
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Sometimes he wishes he got to you first. What would have been then?
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And so cruel morning arrives, stirring Aemond awake, as would a mother’s gentle hand. Golden threads of daybreak light thread themselves into his silver hair, falling like a hailing echo down her calming face, giving her the image of naught else but a flaming Goddess.
His eye widens at the proximity between them. His right hand twitches in alienated bliss. Almost immediately, he stops his movements – his breathing – all in the hopes of not waking her up.
He trails his stare over her lips, slightly parted in their merry sleep, and over her plump cheeks, marred slightly red by the blissfulness of her dreaming.
His heart is hammering out of his chest, for he can feel her limbs entangled with his, holding him closer yet to her heaving form.
For but a moment, the calls of blasphemy and duty pull him away from the glorious sight before him. It was past dawn, and he had a war to win.
Still his heart broke upon thinking of leaving her unintentional embrace.
Perhaps he could stay in bed some more.
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Two, mayhaps three hours passed.
In her tender slumber, the girl’s hands remained snaked around the Targaryen’s lean chest. Her chin was plopped above his head, leaving a very conflicted Aemond to wrestle underneath her bosom, and hold her gently by the nape of her neck, and small of her back.
A low purr almost escaped his lips, as her tiny heartbeats reached his contempted ears.
But all good things must come to an end. And his perfect morning stopped abruptly, as his Lady took in a deep breath, and slowly tried to rouse from their entangled sheets.
“Mmm…” She sighed into the warm pillows, “... Jace?”
All his blood that had gone to his crotch, now left for his ears. Aemond pursed his lips tightly in response to her sleepy question, and only drove his head further into her neck. If he closed his eye fast enough, then maybe…
A near-horrified shriek parted from her downturned mouth, and the woman made haste to rise from her resting place, peeling her warm body off of Aemond’s.
This had not been the right approach, she chastised herself relentlessly, whilst biting on her lower lip. If he wasn't already awake before her, he most certainly was now.
Her cheeks were set ablaze, both embarrassed and offended, as she noticed the separating wall she’d made between them… discarded away, on the Prince’s half of the wide bed.
“I know you’re awake, you know.” The woman hushed to the Targaryen, while crossing her arms over her aching chest. “Pretending to be asleep is beneath you.”
“As were you, My Lady, whilst coddled up to me.” The older man mused to himself, and whistled lowly, while his voice oozed out with confidence – although his lilac orb had strayed away, glimmering with a look akin to a growing discomfort.
“Should I assume your desperation to blossom from feeling cold at night? … Or, on the contrary, for feeling too hot near me?” A taciturn smirk pulled at his lips. “I should be very happy to help relieve you. With either affliction of the two.”
The Lady’s face turned sour, and her nose scrunched up at his advances. “I should find myself in ample heat, Prince Aemond, thank you. Do not worry yourself to touch me further.”
Familiar anger swirled dangerously inside his purple hue, and the Prince Protector of the Realm took a deep breath to soothe his nerves.
“Ungrateful wench.” He hissed through his gritted teeth. “You act like a bitch in heat, trying to seduce me, and then you pull away?”
Her mouth slouched open at his cutting words. “Excuse you?” She almost spat out in a low churl, “As if it wasn’t you who removed our barrier sometime along the night.” His irking remarks had brushed off any reminders of her mellow sleep. “Honour me by answering this, my Prince – between the two of us, who’s acting more like the bitch in heat?”
(Y/N) didn’t think Aemond was capable of blushing – but as she gave him a haughty glare, one that he couldn’t look away from, his face turned of a violent hue.
She had a point. He had removed the pillows that kept his body away from her, and did encourage her movements throughout his sleepless night.
Wordlessly, he scowled, starting to regret sleeping in with her.
“Do not flatter yourself, My Lady. You are no better than any maid I can find at any brothel.” His body burned with shame at his own words, and yet he couldn’t stop the flow that followed. “Hmm, but dare I even compare you to one?” His mouth contorted to a painful scowl, “At least there I should be able to rise up their skirts and see what’s underneath. Go as far as to pay two silvers for a real maiden, too.”
Long and hard had he awaited her next reply, but to no avail. After a quick quirk of her brow, the woman had turned around, getting off the bed and gathering the pillows from the cold floor.
“You won’t say anything? Do you care so little for your honour?”
“I care not what you think of it. And I certainly have no reason to prove myself to you.”
“Aeveris ābra.” He growled at her lack of interest. “Skoro syt līs ao qrimbrōzagon issa sīr?”
Still fuming with dissatisfaction, the young Prince slid out of the bed and began putting on his leather pants. His ire had reached peaks of no return, but he would be damned if he ever tormented the girl further.
His words had done nothing to aid him. His countenance, even less. There was no point in him staying in her presence any longer.
As he put on the last reminder of his clothes, the King Regent of the Seven Kingdoms made four wide steps towards the big, oak doors.
“I shall return later. We’ll dine together, as we do every night.”
Her silent treatment broke him from the inside out. He would apologize to her, when the time was right.
The ridiculous thought put an end to his automatic movements.
… Since when does he feel the need to do that?
Since he dared to love her, came his bitter reply.
His hand reached for the door, but her voice rang out through the wide chamber.
“Nyke dōmrī daor naejot naevlor iksum. Olvie less ao.”
Hearing her proud and crystal words, Aemond allowed a stilling smile to grace his lips.
"Nyke ȳdra daor jaelagon naejot naviras ao. Dōrī ao." He corrected her as he stepped away.
"Fret not, there is plenty of time for me to teach you."
… If only he’d gotten to her first.
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“Aeveris ābra.” = Vile woman.
“Skoro syt līs ao qrimbrōzagon issa sīr?” = Why must you curse me so?
“Nyke dōmrī daor naejot naevlor iksum. Olvie less ao.” = (in a VERY broken High Valyrian) I never meant to tempt anyone. Much less you.
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Yeah, Aemond is kinda dumb when it comes to romance <3
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chortlebot · 9 months
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bugtober day 10: cameo :3
mean bug girls my beloved!!
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neptunes-blue · 4 months
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short summary: Vincent Krawczyk graduates from Illinois’s Naval Hospital Corps School after first enlisting on the 8th of December, 1941
warnings: implied child neglect (sort of?), sailors get drunk and slip off chairs
(Main) characters: Vincent Krawczyk (oc), Terence Flynn (oc)
word count: 1.8k words
notes: this is like. The only time ever I will post my writing… if it disappears tomorrow I have succumbed to my shame and deleted this 😔. I had to format this on my iPad with no idea how any of this works…. Also if you see spelling/grammar mistakes no you didn’t I was too scared to share this to a friend to proofread ☹️ (looks at the ‘art blog’ in my bio hmmmm)
Grant me, oh Lord, for the coming events;
Enough knowledge to cope and some plain common sense. Be at our side on those nightly patrols; And be merciful judging our vulnerable souls. Make my hands steady and as sure as a rock; when the others go down with a wound or in shock. Let me be close, when they bleed in the mud; With a tourniquet handy to save precious blood. Here in the jungle, the enemy near; Even the corpsman can't offer much lightness and cheer. Just help me, oh Lord, to save lives when I can; Because even out there is merit in man.
If it's Your will, make casualties light; And don't let any die in the murderous night. These are my friends I'm trying to save; They are frightened at times, but You know they are brave. Let me not fail when they need so much; But to help me serve with a compassionate touch. Lord, I'm no hero—my job is to heal; And I want You to know Just how helpless I feel. Bring us back safely to camp with dawn; For too many of us are already gone.
Lord bless my friends If that's part of your plan; And go with us tonight, when we go out again.
— Navy Hospital Corpsman’s prayer 
When Vincent was 5, he woke up in his home to nothing.
When he tried to focus on where he imagined the hallway, there was nothing but black. And from the kitchen he heard a faint drip and nothing more. 
It’s hard to recall a memory in the muffling black dark. It’s more of a feeling really, cold icy dread that travels down your spine and keeps you at a standstill. 
Vincent still remembers how his body— much smaller in his youth, chattering with fear on the dusty couch. Too scared to call out for his parents.
10 years later, he’d brought up the memory at the dining table and was flattened by his father’s admittance to a fuzzy memory where he forgets to take him off the couch and into bed.
Currently, Vinny is 19 and fumbling with the neckerchief of his dress blues. His brow knotted while Terence Flynn shined his shoes.
“Vinny, how in hell are you gon’ take care of your wife? 20 and you can’t tie your own kerchief?”
Krawczyk swivels to face Flynn like you would in drill. His face in a crooked smile.
“20 in a week actually. I thought I told you yesterday that I was 20 next week.” He says in a voice dripping with a very matter-of-fact tone, a crooked grin plastered on his face.
“I’m gonna start praying for your future wife.” Flynn half-snorts, rolling his eyes. 
Vincent listens to Terence’s back click as he stretches, taking a ‘well deserved’ break from his shoe-shining; it was a lousy attempt to seem presentable and handsome for graduation. Terence Flynn, mousey-faced and dark-haired tucking away at least some of his antics for today.
Vincent had complimented how nicely Flynn’s chevrons were stitched once. Terence had flushed red and muttered ashamed that his mother had sewn them on for him.
Within each stitch a gentle kiss of a mothers love tucked under the dark fabric of the Navy’s pride— that’s what Vincent imagined anyways. He had responded with a quiet ‘oh’ and looked at his own chevrons that still had stitches leaking from the edges of blue fabric. 
Krawczyk tried to stare back into the mirror and ignore the eruptions of jealousy that burst across his face.
Men dressed neatly in their Navy dress blues begin to leave barracks, putting away shaving kits and slicking their hair back with their caps in hand.
Terence whistles and clicks his tongue, already standing at the door out of barracks. 
Vincent glanced at Terence and then back at himself in the mirror before quickly scampering after his friend. Finally figuring out the intricacies of his neckerchief while his shoes hit the plywood floor.
Vincent's rowing team had been best in Missouri, he was the best batter in baseball, captain of the swimming team, and one of the top boxers in school. 
It didn't count for much, all his trophies and awards were in a box underneath his bed. 
Krawczyk wouldn't know until after his enlistment had ended that his parents had pawned his gold medals off when he'd left for the Navy. Vincent would understand when he came back. Forgiving, sweet, war-torn Vincent who would believe his family was going through tough times.
His photos remained in the box however– the same crooked grin even as his face matured. Collecting an inch of dust.
The winter wind had calmed to a soft breeze (thank the lord) and Chief took to the stand saying speeches Krawczyk seemed to block out with his anticipation.
Rows of navy men with their chests puffed out with the boyish pride that never left them even as men. Preparing to leave for war with the promise to serve and a prayer for survival. 
Thomas Murray, a tall, gawky man with blue eyes and blonde hair had been a surgeon before all of this; Chance Henderson always wanted to be a doctor who and thought this was the quickest a cheapest way to get there; shy Samuel Davis who blushed easily and hated using the communal showers was plain kind-hearted and liked the idea of helping wounded; Dayton Bishop was smart and steady-handed, he was suited to the role of a corpsman with square eyes and a handsome jaw.
Terence had smirked at Vincent when he told him he joined up because he thought it’d make him popular with the ladies. 
Vinny had roared with laughter, telling him that he’d, ‘never even get a nice girl to look his way’.  
Flynn had tried to counter him, reminding Vinny that he had a girl— ‘A girl that left him’, he had responded with. Flynn wanted to argue but Vincent turned the topic too quick.
‘Colours, present arms!’
Vincent was beaming. 
The whole thing felt like his High School graduation but fancier. And if it wasn’t an important ceremony he wouldn’t have stopped himself from laughing but, he’d be lying through bared, grinning teeth that he wasn’t pouring over with pride. 
He (rather excitedly) stepped onto the stage, shaking hands with the CPO and then to the SCPO who passed him his graduation paper. Vincent was only able to glance at his name ‘Vincent Phillip Krawczyk’ scrawled in the middle of the paper before he had to ‘calmly and mild-manneredly’ walk across the stage.
"I solemnly pledge myself.”
"I solemnly pledge myself…” The bright faced men echoed. 
“Before God and these witnesses.”
“Before God and these witnesses.”
“To practice faithfully all of my duties.”
“To practice faithfully all of my duties.”
“As a member of the Hospital Corps.”
“As a member of the Hospital Corps…”
The band marched out soon after the Corpsman Pledge, Anchors Aweigh cutting through the dewy morning air and sending out that good ol’ Navy pride. Vincent could’ve sworn he saw Terence’s eyes water as he muttered the lyrics under his breath.
Flynn roared, hopping from bar stool to bar stool— hand on heart while the other swung a bottle of beer. 
Davis was bright red, with 7 drinks too many he had joined Terence in his performance. Vincent clapped, repeating Terence and Davis’ “So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y!”, despite not having even one drop of alcohol that evening. The rowdy sailors had scared off most of the other bar patrons. Dayton sat smartly as ever, Murray was playing craps with the increasingly drunker Chance and the other boys— Mark, Jones, Sutton, Kidd, Freeman, West, Patrick… were either pink-faced and whooping or challenging the other to another game, drink, or bet.
“Y’know, back in my home-place, Missouri I used to drink like there wasn’t a God!” 
“Anchors aweigh my boys! ANCHORS AWEIGHH!”
Dayton didn’t seem to be really paying attention to Krawczyk’s yammering.
“My pal, Nate, he drank beer like it wasn’t a Wednesday afternoon. Never trust a usual mild-mannered Missouri man, we might all seem pleasant but as soon as he gets a drink too many he’ll sock you right in the face if you even mention his favourite sport team’s rival team— I nearly got socked in the face for it once, can you believe it?” 
Vinny bursts into laughter, not really taking note that Dayton didn’t join in.
"Farewell to foreign shores, we sail at break of day-ay-AY-AY!”
“You’re not drinking.”
Vincent perks up when Dayton speaks.
“Yeah— yeah, no, I'm not a drinker," Vinny shrugs. "Christian, I keep it to special occasions." He finishes, grinning.
“Uhuh. Isn’t this a special occasion?”
“Someone has to be sober enough to hold caps when you all retch whiskey in the bathroom.”
Dayton shrugs, swirling his brandy on the rocks.
“Drink to the foam, until we meet once more! Here's wishing you a happy voyage HOME!”
And with the end of the second verse, Flynn missed the barstool he was jumping to by a foot and cracked his head on the side of the counter.
The sand was soft at Nunn beach.  
Vinny liked beaches, he liked the waves, how the seawater dried on his arms and left white salt stains on his skin. He even liked nursing his good friend after slamming his own face into a bench, who now had a rapidly growing lump above his right brow.
The sun had sunk halfway under the ocean, sending out stretching wands of orange light that sparked crashing waves yellow. It turned his and Flynn’s faces amber and made his bruise just slightly more obvious. 
“Finally put those corpsman skills to good use.”
Vincent was grinning— Terence was not. 
He reached into his wrinkled blues, pulling a silver rosary over his head, careful to not bump his tender lump. Terence cleared his throat, trying to clear the shame in his voice. 
“My gal got it for me but you know uh. We broke up”
“She left you.”
“We broke up!” He insisted, with a huff. Flynn turned from Vincent and admired the carving of Christ. Hanging by his hands on the silver cross, intricate swirls that seemed to grow from his hollow body and border the cross he was strung across. It seemed to glimmer white in the setting sun.
“Take it. A parting gift. Or an apology— I don't care. Or really believe in that crap anymore anyways”
“Don't call it crap.”
Vincent tenderly accepted the gift from his friend, thumbing the cross.
“Tell me a story, Vince.” Terence’s voice was flat, eyes glued onto the horizon instead of his friend.
“Well. Once me and my pal Nate thought it'd be funny to throw rocks at the school greenhouse.”
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pochapal · 9 months
happy october 5, 1986 (+37)!
i do not have a full writeup done yet because i have been busy with starting my phd and contracting diseases and surviving horrors and rotating abstract concepts in my mind etc etc etc but what i do have is a hot off the press raw and rough preview of the chapter 14 writeup to share with you all in order to celebrate umineko day in some form regardless.
so, on this day of slaughter i am sharing with you a small slice of my writeup: the 3rd and 4th twilights that could have been had chapter 14 decided not to go crazy go stupid with it. i hope this is a tasty appetizer to satiate everybody as i continue to work on bringing the full writeup to completion.
happy umineko day and thanks to everyone for supporting the liveblog so far! <3
[...] This leads you to an immediate conclusion: Kanon dying in the basement boiler room was not part of the plan. Or, not part of the Witch Narrative at least. His death marks a point where this scheme has totally gone off the rails, and Genji’s script has been rendered worthless. The presentation of the death is obfuscated, but the truth beneath it is that something went deeply wrong that shouldn’t have.
This is a bold claim I’m making, but I also think I have enough proof in the story to substantiate it. I think, going by everything, the next incident following the deaths of Eva and Hideyoshi was to involve the basement in one form or another. I also think that this was being prepared in parallel with the Second Twilight – Genji and Nanjo leave the kitchen at the same time as Kanon and Kumasawa, but the two men don’t reach the scene until after Kanon has already unlocked the room and Eva and Hideyoshi have been found dead with the stakes in their skulls. Enough time to, say, take a trip down to the basement and set some dominoes in motion.
As to what I think was part of the Witch Narrative, I think everything was on track right up until the moment Kanon set foot in the basement. The foul smell filling the hallway was almost certainly set in motion by Genji and/or Nanjo (perhaps by turning on the boiler while Eva and Hideyoshi were being found in order to time it to make the smell the strongest at the perfect time – this may also have precluded moving Kinzo’s body there depending on where he was before now). Kanon acting bizarrely freaked out was part of the plan. As was Kumasawa screaming about hearing a noise, and the two of them breaking off from the group to rush ahead to investigate. Everything falls apart when Kanon sets foot in the basement and Beatrice shows up and he dies.
So what was the intended plan in the basement involving Kinzo? I think, if I were to hazard a guess based off pre-existing patterns, the boiler room in the basement was going to be used as another locked room, this time featuring Kinzo. I think this would have been a play in two acts. The first act would have Kanon and Kumasawa chase the noise to the basement and “find” the head’s ring on the ground. The family would search the boiler room and find the back door exit locked up, and no sign of Kinzo anywhere in sight (there would be efforts taken to keep anyone from investigating the boiler). The ring alone on the ground in an empty room would stand in for the Third Twilight – Kinzo is without his headship and authority, so it must therefore fall to everyone to praise Beatrice’s noble name in his stead. Dissatisfied and creeped out, everyone leaves the basement – the back door is locked from the inside, and the front door locked with a key placed in Natsuhi’s possession.
From here, this would likely have led to another discussion chapter about how the ring got there. The setup of the scene would be enough that Battler would question whether or not a nineteenth person placed the ring there, or if Kinzo himself actually dropped it there as part of some other ploy. The servants would be questioned and swear up and down there was nobody else in the basement when they entered. The sound would be discussed, as would the impossibility that anybody known to be alive could make that noise. The conversation would then turn to Kinzo as the likely suspect and Natsuhi, who’s been complicit in covering up Kinzo’s death for some time already, would start sweating as this truth grows closer to being uncovered. It’s up in the air as to whether or not the servants would help or hinder Natsuhi here, but I think it’s likely Battler would have started to think on Eva’s words from earlier. More fuel on the Natsuhi culprit fire that she can’t fight because she can’t admit to knowing what he knows. Maria would then laugh and go witchmode and say to everyone that this is obviously Beatrice manipulating things with her magic, and boom, scene.
Something would then happen in the next chapter to turn attention back to the boiler room. Perhaps the smell grows stronger. Perhaps the conversation about Kinzo grows to a fever pitch. Perhaps a servant fakes hearing another noise from the basement. Whatever the case, we would return to the boiler room a second time. There would be a point made of showing Natsuhi pulling out the only key to the boiler room and everyone stepping inside to find Kinzo’s body on the floor, burned up with an icepick stake in his forehead. The inner lock for the back door would still be set. Genji and Nanjo would confirm the body’s identity via the polydactyly. Somehow, Kinzo’s dead body appeared in the middle of a perfectly locked room.
Likely there would then be discussions of who could have killed Kinzo, given that at the time of his “death” everyone was yet again together (minus Kanon/Genji slipping in and out of the parlor to get food and drinks). The assumption would be that Kinzo was alive in there all along, and then killed himself for some reason – contradicted by the fact that if he launched himself into the boiler, how did he drag himself back out into the middle of the floor? The mystery would stump Battler, because the only major solution would be to assume a nineteenth person was also already hiding in the locked basement, and killed Kinzo and displayed the corpse, but Battler would chessboard himself out of leaning on that option. Out of options and stumped, we would stay at another stalemate where there’s no proof that Beatrice exists, but no way that the surviving humans could have set up this scene (there are of course ways, such as a back door that wasn’t really locked or a second key/master key with which to return to the boiler room and set things up, but nobody will think of them). The horrors would escalate. The Witch Narrative would persist. And so on. And so on.
This scenario, believable as it is, never came to happen. Instead we got what we got, and we need to figure out why. Why did Kinzo show up like this? Why did Kanon die, despite all known logic and reasoning stating that the contrary would be ideal? Why are things speeding up at such an exponential rate? What on earth is actually going on?
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desnas · 1 year
!! (For the ask meme!)
okay i just want to start off by saying i'm so deeply sorry this took me so long to reply too (we're in the process of a move so i've been sooo busy. also have adhd brain worms)
from this ask prompt!
i was originally going to do this for signe, because she's one of my oldest ocs but i've had taro on the mind lightly and it's all consuming so i just know for a fact that i need to talk about them here
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this is taro! any prns are fine (they/she/he/fae/faer)
they are my main pathfinder: wrath of the righteous knight commander, and a druidic feyspeaker half-elf from the mwangi expanse!
they follow the green faith while simultaneously worshipping desna / shimye-magalla, and they have an animal companion, a large elk named moyobi! their best friend and noble steed...
spotify | pinterest
more under the cut to keep this from clogging up folks' dashes :)c
cw for disease/plague/sickness/cancer!
so taro doesn't quite have a full name. taro amalathea is what i have so far, but i've been trying to decide on their last name for months now. i figure it will come to me when it's ready lol, so far nothing's sounded right
that aside, taro is a very colorful and vibrant person. they aren't ashamed of who they are! they are wholly devoted to nature and the restoration of golarion, the planet they live on.
they were born in western mwangi to a bonuwat human mother and an ekujae elven mother (two moms :))
their elven mother was born with an incredibly adventurous spirit, prompting her to leave behind her life among other ekujae-- when she travelled west, she found the bonuwat peoples and fell for taro's other mom-- together, they had a child and began to wander with a desnan caravan around the expanse. this was how taro grew-- on the road with a whacky, ragtag family of people from all over the expanse travelling together with a shared love for desna. for music, art, magic, nature, and beauty, but most of all, dreams.
taro's childhood was incredibly enriching and fulfilling, and she learned much about the world both from her mothers and from the others who partook in communally parenting her. however, an ekujae curse finally caught up with taro's elven mother. a leukodaemon, monster and harbinger of plague and disease, had been following the caravan for years. it wasn't revealed to taro until later that that was the true reason her elven mother left her home. she was cursed to always run, or this monster would catch up with her and end her happy life.
when the leukodaemon came, no one but taro survived. the violent event would stick with taro for the rest of his life. he ran, ran north, taking note that this daemon was following him to resolve unfinished business. taro was only 11 at the time. he remembered a relative; an estranged auntie (sister of his elven mother) who lived in southern avistan around taldor.
and so, he travelled by boat, then by caravan, then by wagon, in a rush to outrun the monster trailing him. he'd finally reached his destination in taldor, reuniting with his kin, only to find that a noblewoman had taken claim of his poor auntie and made her into an indentured servant. taro and their auntie butted heads quite a bit, but an ekujae is always loyal to family. she requested that taro be allowed room and board in exchange for working for this noblewoman, but in turn, the favor would extend their auntie's fees owed to this noblewoman.
a former crusader, ruthless, rich, and permanently injured by the demons, this noblewoman saw potential in taro and decided to recruit them as her assistant. she took them everywhere with her, and overtime they learned battle strategy secondhand by taking notes for their employer. she was not a kind woman, however, and did little to make taro feel like less of an outcast in a village where people knew so little of the mwangi expanse and their culture.
taro found solace in the gardens of the noblewoman's estate, often singing quietly and playing pretend with herself. these gardens were vast and untamed, and taro would get lost in them for hours. one day, she had the misfortune of stepping into a faery circle-- and it was then that the fey stole her name. no one in the village remembered her; not even her auntie. taro stole back into the gardens and adventured into the feywilds to relieve herself of this curse. she was just an adolescent!!! it would seem that her trek would turn into a myriad of riddles and puzzles; but her sharp mind carried her through and eventually taro even managed to charm her way into the favor of a small faery court. from this point, she developed a connection with the fey, and they even granted her her own animal companion; a trained battle-elk who she named moyobi.
when she'd returned to the mortal realm, she'd found that everyone within the village had fallen ill. each illness was different from the other-- some with the pox, some with colds, etc.
after having escaped the leukodaemon for so many years, she knew now that it had caught up and was toying with her life, with the people she cared about. many succumbed to illness and passed, including her very own aunt. so grief stricken, taro turned back to the gardens and hid there to wallow, and to die. it wasn't until desna reached out in taro's sleep with the song of elysium chiming in her ears that taro was pulled from the brink of death.
when she awoke, there was a bushel of berries-- and it was a faerie and servant of desna that told taro one berry could cure any disease. the catch was this-- there was only one berry for each surviving villager. and so, taro returned. they told the village of what they'd found-- and their employer demanded she be given rights to the bush as it was grown on her property. taro remained steadfast and stubborn. they would not let anyone touch the bush until every single villager had been cured, and eventually the whole village revolted against this noblewoman. soon, all the berries were gone and the village had recovered, but it wasn't long before taro found she was sick herself-- breast cancer. we're calling it elfwort. the village felt so indebted to her that they took great care of her. she had a mastectomy, underwent both magical and medicinal treatment, and recovered with desna's blessing.
unfortunately, the leukodaemon was still lurking behind, waiting to wreak more havoc, and taro had to say goodbye to her village. she'd heard rumors of a witch near sarkoris who had a proficiency in both handing out and removing serious curses, and so she travelled north. that was how she found herself there, in kenabres, and became the knight commander of the 5th crusade.
DEEP BREATH. ANYWAYS, SO MUCH BACKSTORY. AND IT'S STILL NOT EVEN FULLY FLESHED OUT. can you tell he's my brain guy. i love him so much. he follows the azata path, the guardians of a realm called elysium; i think truly, deep down, taro craves the freedom to stay in elysium. no other place they've encountered has felt like home as earnestly as elysium has. i'm still playing through wrath of the righteous, so we'll see where their story goes.
but as of right now, they're romancing both arueshalae, a desna-worshipping succubus looking to ascend from her demonic status, and daeran, a posh nobleman with a vety pretty smile.
ferne and i also have an au where their commander, luthais, chose the aeon path (with space and time travel) and created a universe in which, instead of him, he chose taro to take his place as the commander as they are nearly the exact opposite of him. he's... more lawful neutral/evil and taro is very chaotic good. she hates law and order, values goodness and sees the light in others. she loves unconditionally, and can be a bit reckless due to this. her love extends to the entirety of the army, and as someone who has never liked the military, she now views her own crusade as a large family.
regrettably, i don't have much art of taro but here is the full body ref i drew + game screenshots
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sacri1egious · 24 days
i'm sorry for being super inactive lately ; here's a reminder that i love you all && hope all goes well !! <3 i'll try to be active once insecurity stops beating my ass. /lh
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hooved · 1 year
Wrt your poll, I follow you for aesthetic posts, funny posts, and your art! I orginally followed for tf2 posting too but I think both of us have shifted focuses away from that fandom? But the quark posting is endearing to me and it's interesting reading all the little details you notice about him. I haven't watched DS9 at all but I'm becoming progressively more tempted to cuz of your posting 👍
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braceletofteeth · 2 years
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AKK during his 'most handsome man on earth' minutes
— for @srabaskerville
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cryptixotic · 2 years
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Here’s to one more year ! ✨ And many more years of drawing bizarre people and creatures, i hope :-)
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creation-help · 1 year
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[trigger warning for passing mentions of murder... does that count as heavy content?]
could you review the design of my ace attorney ocs?
valerie n. toine used to be a rather successful defense attorney (look on the left with the sweater vest), but after losing a case while trying to defend her fiance who goes on to die in prison, she grows cold and bitter. she becomes a prosecutor (look on the right) and plots her revenge against the man who she deems responsible, which of course in the ace attorney universe means trying to murder someone and falsifying evidence while prosecuting the case. i really wanted her to look sort of romantic and lovecore-y overall, as love is a pretty big part of her story, but obviously she has to look well-put-together and somewhat imposing as well. and i wanted her younger self to look, well, younger and more sweet/care-free.
the second one is a bit of a self insert (and doesnt have a proper reference yet), his name is jack tryles, hes a law student who acts as phoenix wrights co-counsel for a while and who val ends up stabbing in an alleyway lol. he survives though, dont worry. being a self insert his design is kind of whatever i think looks cool than anything too based on his character/story, so id appreciate critique on more of a purely visual standpoint for him.
[Again mentioning that I'm not able to comment on anything regarding the Canon text here, as I'm not familiar with the ace attorney games beyond a pretty surface level]
Valerie N. Toine:
Lemme just say I'm very much enjoying the outfit design here, having her be lovecore aesthetically while her main conflict focuses on, ykno, love, is very cool! The fact that she has an engagement(?)/wedding ring in the Before version, while in the After version it's some other nondescript ring? Mwah. Also I just wanna say, the heart shaped buttons on the jacket, in the After version, wonderful detail. Though this all did make me wonder, what if the After version was more themed around like, heartbreak and grim lovecore instead of the positive kind? Not a criticism by any means, just my suggestion for if you wanted to make the change more dramatic (maybe like adding more black, deep red and wine colors, stuff like that). Depends on if you want a more artistic or realistic impression I think! However the After outfit (hair included!) is very good as is :] also I love how, in the small headshot, her hair is in a heart shaped bun.. Mwah. Again.
In my opinion the design has a good balance with not being too simple and not too complex, and despite what I said about the color scheme earlier I think you did great with darkening the colors on the After outfit, while still keeping energy from the first one. The lessening of white is a nice subtle touch, also, great color planning on your part for making the boots (2nd vers) the same color as her bell bottoms (1st vers)! Just a very cohesive well coordinated color scheme across both iterations. The glasses and the bow staying despite everything keeps a good bit of consistency.
I think you succeeded in having her look like someone to not be taken lightly (2nd vers. Obviously), she definitely looks very formal compared to the first version. More.. Angular, ykno? Mostly thanks to the clothes. I feel like maybe I'd also add something to her Person as well, to signify the change? Due to the art style ofc I can't know if you intended her younger self to look physically younger and springier (this is a reference drawing so I'm not judging that at all), but if not I highly encourage that!
Well put together - absolutely!
Imposing - hmm? I'm not saying she doesn't necessarily look imposing - she very well could depending on how she'd be portrayed visually but mostly, from comparing the two versions I moreso get a sense of "Professionalism vs. Chill and casual", and Mature vs. Carefree, ykno? The sharp shapes in her hair do well to further the more serious and imposing image but I feel like there could be a slight bit more, if you want her to look more intimidating. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I can quite put my finger on it. My overall opinion is that the design is Good, it works, it's cohesive, and I really can't reasonably come up with anything I'd seriously think should be changed. For a very subjective personal take, in my taste, I'd probably make it even more - dramatic, cartoony? Exaggerated?? But, that is all up to how you want to portray her. I personally like to get super into designing something unless I'm intending them to look plain or "normal" (human terms), however take this from someone who primarily does surreal or fantasy (and nonhuman) designs, haha. Really, I think this is great, skilled visual design and honestly I wouldn't say I'm extremely good at outfit design myself so, while adjustments or flavor details could be added - she totally doesn't need them! I honestly could've gone on more about the small details that change between the two versions but I'll just cap this off with saying Great work!
Jack Tryles (Can I just say that last name is so tasty in my mouth. Also is it a.. Pun? Like "trials"??)
Definitely a bit more visually busy, and although it could give off a more messy or chaotic impression I kinda like it. If we compare him to Valerie, she really does come off as very put together and composed. Not that he doesn't, though! Just by comparison.
The fullbody outfit has a fun combination of shapes that give it a good amount of visual variance. There is slight asymmetry with the positioning of the pins and other accessories but he still keeps a fairly professional image - just one that's lots more personalised and customised than Valerie.
I would say, maybe the jacket could also have pinstripes like the pants? I find it a small bit inconsistent with only one of them being pure black. It's not a huge deal to me though, and I'm moreso tilting my head at it than finding it a downside. Just makes it seem that the pants and jacket aren't a part of the same set, if you get me? Though that could also work to establish personality more, like many of the other personalized touches. I think for this design, he has just the right amount of accessories! Not too many not too little. I also love that the soles of the shoes are green! The color scheme is minimal, definitely more reserved, but imo it works for what it's trying to be - which is, I assume, a work outfit.
For me personally I think I might wanna break up the large areas of black, it's just on the cusp of being a bit too much of the same color next to each other but you can again take this as a personal comment. It's just what I think would make it more visually appealing, though I do like black! Maybe you could add a lighter tone of green somewhere?
Still, it works, it's interesting enough to look at, can't find much I'd complain about. Although I think the color planning on Valerie is a bit more engaging since there's more variety of different looking things (like with patterns for example) that still fit together. Still, no complaints as I said. I'm also not sure how much I'd feel appropriate commenting on him considering - self insert, which is meant to moreso reflect on you. I will say, they do look like they fit well into the same story so, good work all around in designing them both together :]
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