#i hope you enjoy tho uwu
roscgarden · 20 days
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what's your phone wallpaper: an illustration i found on pinterest !! it's of lil cats with an array of strawberries/strawberry desserts !! i changed it for spring <3 last song you listened to: GOODIES x WORST BEHAVIOR MIX by MERKY on soundcloud ( was jamming while i planted pumpkins in DDLV ) currenly reading: the housemaid by frieda mcfadden !! ( a rec from @multi-royalty !! ) last movie: the happening ( 2008 ) (( a buddy watch also with maddie LMAOO )) last show: bridgerton ( rewatch & season 3 part 1 let's fucking goooo ) what are you wearing right now?: an oversized graphic tee w/ sublime on it & jean shorts bc i have yet to change into comfy clothes since i've been home how tall are you?: 12ft 5'6 piercings / tattoos?: standard lobe, second lobes, daith & septum // no tattoos yet bc i'm boring & indecisive :// glasses / contacts: nope!! last thing you ate?: salted caramel choco chip cookie that my irl made favourite colour: purple, pink, & viridian green current obsession: disney dreamlight valley, playing dbd with friends, going out & getting fro yo, getting back into reading, bridgerton, & childhood movies !! do you have a crush right now?: ew no. favourite fictional character: umm so many ?? penelope f.eatherington/l.ady whistlesdown, addie larue, lara croft, max guevara, eloise b.ridgerton etc etc etc .... we'd be here all day. last place you travelled: to one of the larger cities in my state LMAOO went on a shopping spree :'))
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TAGGED BY : no one i stole it from the dash >:)) <33 TAGGING : all of you who'd like to participate !! i genuinely love doing these & reading about my moots
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koolades-world · 2 months
Hihihihi, in case ya remember me, im the Pain-sensitive anon, and in case i will request again remember me as BigS, because my requests are as big as my S, but enough about that.
Poor you, so many requests. Drink water, be stronger that those 637181 requests, don't let them kill you!!!
But im here to torture you with another one~
So i have an album with 3814 Asmodeus screenshots(I FKIN LOVE MY BOYFRIEND!!!), and i had an idea "dam, if Asmo became real, it would be very hard to explain why i have 4k pics with him... " So here is request!
Brothers, finding out that MC's new hyperfixation is... them?
Apparently MC is neurodivergent or something like that, and as many neurodivergent ppl, they have a hyperfixation! They just randomly becoming very interested in something specific and collect stuff with it, talk with everyone about it, and remember every single detail about it! Like Levi with TSL.
But one day, brothers realise that MC stopped talking about their past fixation and was less interested with it. They think that "Oh, they probably just found something new!". But one day, they take MC's phone just to find that... They have a giant album in their gallery that is dedicated only to him????
The album has every photo he posted on Devilgram, every photo that he send MC, some unique photos that MC shooted themselves, even some chat screenshots with times when he said something cute to them! They even was photographing thigs that "reminds of him". Like some cheeseburger with "Beel vibes", Blue flower that "Looks like Luci" or gorgeous mannequin that "feels like Asmo".
If its someone like Asmo, he would also notice thta MC started buying their fanclub's merch! Like "Asmo lover #1" shirt or "Lucifer best man!!"cup(Luci is very popular, he probably also has some fanclubs! i hate this guy tho)
I think Levi and Mammon would die from embarrassment. Asmo would die out of happiness and Satan with Luci will try to pretend like thay never saw that. and idk about other ones. :P
I think that would make a cute fluff and a very scary situation if it was real uwu
Thats all
Have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
-BigS aka.AlgophobicDude
hey! great to hear from you again :)
haha thank you! been slowly knocking out requests one at a time and let me tell you it's a lot more fun than it might look haha
i wrote this while wearing a pink cowboy hat. i just wanted to share that
you got it! enjoy!!
Mc with a hyperfixation on the brothers
is this a human thing?
he's happy to indulge you as long as you're not too loud about it out in public
especially please don't share those pictures with anyone, like mammon. he will sell those, especially the ones he only intends for you. please
he's happy you don't hate him, actually. you make this old man very happy haha
he would never tell you, but he's also got a photo album dedicated to you
also has a note on his D.D.D. full of all the things he never said to you but hopes to be brave enough to one day to tell you
he doesn't tell you he's got that though, not in a million years
he really loves that you're hyperfixated on him because that just means you care about him just as much as he cares about you
as expected, he's very flustered
he knows what it's like to have a little blorbo and he would give anything to be able to see them daily in person and live with them
he's over the moon once he realizes this and despite his embarrassment, he pushed through to spend more time with you
he's so dedicated <3
he's probably the most puzzled
he's always learning new things about humans even when he thought he knew everything
he knows and trusts you so from time to time, he'll take a picture with you in mind that he knows will remind you of him
all in all, he does think it's a little strange but won't stop you since he's never seen you happier
like they said, you're literally about to become the number one member of his fanclub!
lucky for you, once he finds your asmo photo album, he's feeding into your hyperfixation
you get lots of exclusive privileges, such as early morning selfies and all his merch for free, including prototypes
he's always ready to pose for a picture for you. every side is his good side!
he's a little confused but he's happy to make you happy
he listened to you talk about your hyperfixations the most beside levi so he's quick to pick up on this shift
to make you happy, he decides to make a handmade adult bib just for you haha and at first he's a little sad but then he finds it while digging for your snack stash
you've never worn it once because it's hanging in your closet next to your fancy outfits <3
you what? is his initial reaction
from the outside, it seems like it doesn't bother him or that he could care less
but, on the inside, he's elated since he thought after how he tricked you, you'd never want to be close to him again
now, you're the very thing that makes you excited to wake up every morning by his side
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alieinthemorning · 8 months
A Familiar Touch [Leona Kingscholar]
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Content: Touch-Starved, Fluff, Emotional Hurt and Comfort, Soft Leona Kingscholar
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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How long had it been since someone had run a brush  through his hair? Gently undoing each and every knot and tangle. Who hummed a tune that was different from the one from before, yet familiar all the same.
He felt like a cub again, and honestly?
He didn't like what feelings that dredged up.
However, he also couldn't bare to remove himself from such bliss.
Call him selfish, he didn't care.
Chartreuse eyes open to find your own closed, a soft smile gracing your features with the sunlight from the open blinds of his balcony haloing you.
You were beautiful.
"Sounds like you're thinking pretty hard there." Your voice cut through his thoughts.
He was glad that your hands were in his hair and not on his face because he couldn't keep himself from flushing.
He sighed, tail thumping against the sheets. "You're imaginin' things."
"Sure, sure..." You paused, then asked. "Are you thinking about home?"
He froze.
Seven, you were too perceptive for your own good.
And he had already confirmed your suspicions by freezing up like damn prey.
He pulled himself up, showing you his back (putting up some kind of wall between the two you).
You placed a hand on his back, however, completely disregarding his weak attempt at closing you off.
"Talk to me."
His eyes slid close as his body leaned forward. Elbows on his knees and head in his hands. Your body followed him.
"When I was little my mother would always brush my hair before bed. She would take her time and hum this little tune and just..." He trailed off, losing himself in the feelings of those memories.
He didn't like thinking of is ma. It brought up too much to the surface. Too much that he refused to sort through.
Too much about her.
Too much about his father.
Too much about his brother.
Too much about how much he has lost.
"Leona." One again, you pull him from that headspace. "I hope I'm not over stepping but..."
"I'm so happy that I'm you trust me with things like this."
He released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "'Course I trust you with this.'
"I love you."
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Guess who's feeling better from the Big Ick?
It's me (i've been up for 3 hours lmao)!
Anyway, this took forever and I didn't end up using the other two requested traits of: short and bubbly, but hey we got touch-starved (did we tho?????)
We got something nice and soft and that's all that matters uwu
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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helpimhyperfixating · 8 months
Kinktober Day 9: Stripping - Jotaro x Reader
Kinktober Masterlist
So sorry this is late. Hectic week and then some difficult stuffs make it hard to write. But I now had time and drive to write so I bring you some horny again. And given its 3am, that means it’s my birthday UwU
So enjoy, and I’m gonna try to write tomorrow (on my actual birthday, not still-awake-at-3am-birthday, to catch up on the days I missed! No promises tho, just hope ;3 Have a great day!!
CW: fem!reader, strip-tease/stripping, praise, brief masturbation
Word Count: 1461
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Walking into Jotaro’s office, you placed a hand on your cheek as you looked at him, seeing him bent over his desk, writing slowly. His pen was pressing deep into the paper, making his handwriting smudgier than normal.
All of that, paired with the cold mug of tea on his desk were indication enough - he was exhausted. Yet no matter how often you tried to get him to take a break, coaxing him with food, drinks, a massage even, he wouldn’t come out.
So, you’d decided to take a more drastic measure.
Walking into his office, Jotaro briefly looked up, humming to acknowledge your presence before he went back to the paper before him.
The two of you had no problem in hanging around each other while working. More often than not, Jotaro liked it a lot, even if he didn’t explicitly say it. If one of you needed quiet, you’d simply say. But given that Jotaro hadn’t, you took that as a sign to continue your plan.
Walking around the desk standing in the middle of the room, you moved to stand in front of the window, right in your husband’s view.
Once more, Jotaro briefly looked up, seeing you stand there just looking outside and thought not much of it, focusing back on the paper where the words had started swimming in front of his eyes.
Seeing him go back to slaving away, you smirked softly, turning your back to the man once more as you then slowly slid your jacket off your shoulders, purposely making it drop to the floor with a ‘fwump’.
Confused, Jotaro looked up, only for his eyes to widen slightly when he saw you bending over, showing him your ass, so so tight in your jeans. His mouth dropping open just a little bit, he licked his bottom lip before blinking and looking back down, going back to scribbling to the best of his ability.
Having heard the pregnant pause of pen on paper, you had to suppress a sly chuckle, standing up straight once more.
Pausing for just a second, you then kept going, starting to slowly unbutton your blouse. Beginning with loosening the top three, it allowed you to slide the soft material from your shoulders, making it bunch by your elbows.
You knew that for Jotaro, he was now able to see part of the new lingerie you’d bought, wearing it for the first time tonight.
Part of you was expecting the man to kick you out. To be done with your antics and stop it to a halt before you could go any further. But instead, as you continued to unbutton your blouse, you heard the telltale sound of a pen being put down.
Taking in a little breath for confidence, you opened up your blouse completely before letting it slip to the floor as well.
As it quietly fell down, you turned around to see Jotaro fully staring at your ass, his eyes flickering up to your face once you turned.
“Got your attention now, do I?” You whispered, though you held a kind smile, Jotaro taking in a deep breath as he leaned back in his chair, clasping his hands together on his lap.
“Well, it’s a rather difficult thing to ignore if you’re doing it right in front of me.”
Smiling, your gaze was half-lidded as you stepped up to his desk, reaching forward and grabbing his papers, gently putting them aside before you leaned onto the desk, your arms supporting yourself and pushing your chest up.
Uncrossing his legs, Jotaro looked at you, his eyes switching between your face and cleavage a few times before he mirrored your position, leaning forward. “You’re a minx.” He hummed before placing his hand on the back of your neck, slightly pulling you in as he placed his lips on yours, bringing you into a lazy but sensual kiss, his tongue immediately exploring your mouth.
Humming in delight, you then felt his free right hand move up to fondle your breast over the bra, a little noise of approval leaving the man.
“This is new.” He murmured against your lips, not breaking the kiss as he kept your head pulled to his, the other hand gently caressing and squeezing across your chest.
“You like it?” You giggled softly into the kiss, earning a hum from Jotaro before he pulled back, panting softly.
“Come here.” He patted his lap but you shook your head no with a sly smirk, causing a frown to mar the raven’s face, clearly not happy as you moved away from his desk.
Before he could say anything however, you rounded his desk, stopping beside him.
Getting the que, he pushed his chair back, giving you room to squeeze in and sit down on the desk.
Sitting higher than him now, the feeling shot to your head as you tilted your head, lifting your legs up and placing them on his chair on either side of his thigh.
“Can you help me, darling?” You whispered, smirking at him as you then looked down at your pants.
Narrowing his eyes ever so slightly, Jotaro then rolled his chair forward, coincidentally causing your legs to spread wider, giving him plenty of room to get in between.
Reaching up, he grabbed the waistband of your pants, popping the button open before he moved to grasp your fly, only for you to stop him. “Not like that.” You warned, a teasing smile on your face while Jotaro looked at you, his eyes almost screaming at you to dare to go on with this.
After being married to him for so long however, it didn’t have the effect it did on most people. And so, Jotaro leaned in.
Placing his head between your thighs, the man held onto the juncture where your leg met your hip, holding you still while he leaned down and took your zipper between his teeth, slowly pulling it down until your pants were completely open.
“Good boy. Now sit back and enjoy.” You chuckled the moment he opened your pants, pushing him back a bit.
Annoyed, Jotaro did just that, leaning back in his chair while one hand went down, palming his crotch through his pants.
Briefly, you thought about stopping him, but decided against it. You were doing all of this to get him to stop with work. Might as well enjoy himself.
So, instead, you lay back on his desk and pushed a hand into your pants, smiling as a little groan left the man at the sight.
Letting your fingers dance through your folds, you smeared your arousal over your fingers, moving them to your clit where you began to rub soft circles, making you sigh out in pleasure, a sound that had Jotaro breathe out loudly, palming himself harder.
Whining softly as you kept rubbing, you then pulled away, biting your lip to keep yourself from whimpering as you instead grabbed the hem of your pants and lifted your hips; your legs still planted on either side of Jotaro’s chair, caging him in and giving him ample view of you pushing your hips into the air.
“God, keep going. Good girl.” The man groaned softly, rubbing your ankle for a few seconds before his hands went to his belts, undoing them quickly and allowing his erection to bob free.
Wrapping his hand around it, he groaned softly, watching you take off your pants as you pulled them off the gorgeous, meaty expanse of your legs, giving him full view of the lingerie set you were wearing.
Sea green and transparant, it hugged your body perfectly. Not to even mention the lingerie held a flower pattern breaking up the transparency, placed strategically to perfectly hide just those aspects he particularly wanted to see, teasing him as the rest of the fabric was see-through.
His eyes rover over your body as he helped you pull the pants off your ankle with his free hand, shifting his hips as he groaned, jerking off to the sight of you.
“God, you knew exactly what I needed.” He huffed and you smirked, sitting up and making sure to keep your legs spread wide, leaning forward to him as you sat on the edge of his desk, pushing your chest towards him.
“I know even more of what you need.” You whispered, your face centimeters away from yours, making Jotaro move his hand up, holding your throat gently.
“I look forward to it.” And with that, he pulled you down for a kiss before pulling your body down into his lap, his hands quickly working to undo the lacy bra you wore.
Your panties would soon be gone too, but at least Jotaro’s work would be forgotten for tonight.
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wickjump · 9 days
i never get asks about what friendships or familial dynamics i like or headcanon so i’m uhh doing that now cuz i can
farm and sci!!!! sprouted from a convo i had ages ago with someone. shipping it is ok i guess but just not for me and i like to see them as friends.
reaper and ink are familial 2 me. i have a whole au where ink takes reaper in as his son………they’re parental child dynamic to me….. i could talk about them all day if prompted by some1.
LUST AND KILLER. ink and killer. reaper and lust. reaper and killer (depends on interpretation). reaper lust ink and killer. i think they’d all be good friends.either as a group or one on one. but i like them a lot. plus lust deserves a friend who doesn’t have ulterior motives and reaper deserves dynamics with characters outside geno my god
ccino and therapy sans. they’re okay as a ship even tho i don’t think about them too much. but i really like them as close friends. like a lot. i think ccino deserves a friend who is also a therapist instead of a boyfriend who is satan incarnate sometimes. maybe throw in sci there.they can all be besties
swapfell, fellswap, and fellswap gold.i think they’re all besties and they deserve to be besties.
outer fell classic swap and sometimes horror.”but you ship some of them-“ yeah but like stfu this is about friendship. and they’re friends to me. this is poetax’s fault btw… classic swap and fell especially though.they’re all besties i prommy you
swap and blueberry (as in the uwu child version of swap) are so so so father son to me and you can pry this from my cold dead paws. and this isn’t about ship but since i like lustblue (lust x swap, NOT lust x blueberry) i like to think lust would be his other dad. and ink dream and error would be familial to him too. not uncles or fathers or family friends but something else and it works for them. they’re one big happy family please believe me please please pl
fresh and epic.i’ve talked about them in a ship context before but i just want them to interact at all. and i think they’d be super good friends but nobody talks about them???? wtf!!!! evil…..
ccino and reaper. best buds 100%. reaper likes coffee and ccino makes him coffee.please….i want them 2 be best buds pleas.e..
classic sans and swap papyrus would be best buds 100% and swap sans and classic papyrus as well. but i also like the swap fell and classic papyri too in a friend group,,,sigh papyruses are so underrated!!!!! no attention wtf
this one is like. sorta canon if you squint but i wanna mention it anyway.cross and chara ar brothers n best buds once they sort their trauma out please believe me. they get frustrated and mad at each other all the time and don’t see eye to eye and have backstabbed each other plenty of times but they care about each other like brothers in a sense and would defend each other’s name i think..they are traumatized individually and neither r evil i’ll stand by this forever and ever and ever
swap and cross are best bros absolutely. best friends ever. they are LITERALYL both swaps!!!!!jakei draws them hanging out too a good few times and i like that…
xpapyrus should get to be buddies with fell swap and classic papyrus now that i think about it. cause jakei drew a comic of that and i really liked it. adding that here
OK THIS IS GETTING LONG ending it here now. hope you enjoyed this wickramble i sure did
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99liners · 1 year
I missed you a lot here 💜 good to see you back!
I've been struggling with insomnia for a while now and I keep searching for soft ASMR or drabbles to fall asleep.
I have a soft taetaeme req (☠️) yeah I'll choose the most unusual genre of man to make you write fluffy drabble for me.
Kaiho!Jungkook (oops 🥹)
I want this inhuman to be like a human even if it's for a short span of time.
maybe could you write a fluffy drabble of him being all soft for her, back hugging her in the shower while she brushes her teeth half asleep with closed eyes but she woke up just to cook for him (even tho it's a sunday)
and he kisses her and maybe rewards her with sum intense oral uwu. You obviously do add and enhance according to your ideas.
Much love
Evie 🧚🏻‍♀️
opus kaiho, drabble number 3 / tatemae series 建前:
pairing: detective!jeon jeongguk x trophy!wife reader genre: fluff, smut, marriage!au, age-gap!au (7 years). words: 3.375. (cmon guys, it's been long established that i am incapable of understanding the meaning of the word 'drabble'.) warnings: i suck at fluff so brace yourselves for the second-hand embarrassment lmao, showering together, smexy times, eating out, fingering, pussy licking, orgasm (f), kaiho!jjk accidentally walks through a portal and becomes soft for a night ahaha, js. original one-shot: kaiho part of: tatemae; 建前 — a bts series a/n: i am sorry love that you are having sleeping issues. i have had insomnia since middle school now and at this point i have just given up on having a sleeping routine. i really hope you can return back to your rhythm very soon! i had to physically restrain myself from writing angst ahahah xD also, if it feels like jk is not that great at pleasuring his wife, it's intentional because although i wanted to make it super fluffy for you but kaiho!jk gotta stay true to his character to some degree uwu. hope you enjoy! <3
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jeongguk unlocked the front door with the personal key attached to his car keys and his desk-locker key from work. his head coming in contact with the material of the door briefly while his hands manoeuvred the lock to finally open the door as he let out a soft sigh.
he hates summers, it is brutal. while the world is enjoying summer breaks, he is working double shifts due to the sheer number of officers submitting requests for vacations.
bam greeted his owner at the doorway, sniffing jeongguk's pant legs while his tail wagged. he can always smell the faint traces of the police labrador retriever dog from his owner's work clothes.
"there's my good boy," a smile appeared on jeongguk's otherwise tired face as he scratched bam's head affectionately.
the detective made his way inside the house, with bam on his tail, taking off his jacket and discarding it on the kitchen countertop. he was expecting to see you in the kitchen, given you usually are arranging dinner at this time. finding the space empty, he meant to walk away to the bedroom but noticed two boxes of chocolate wrapped in a ribbon. they looked like they were about to melt so jeongguk stored them in the refrigerator before finally making his way to the bedroom.
taking off his department badge, he kept it away on the nightstand but owing to his carelessness, the badge fell to the floor in the narrow space between the bed and the nightstand. he would have picked it up but his mind was preoccupied with the sound of the shower running. barely unbuttoning his shirt, jeongguk pushed open the bathroom door with a soft nudge of his feet.
there you were, taking a cold shower to fight the summer. you were facing the shower, just letting it wash away the heat while some pop song blasted through your mobile that you had propped somehow to prevent it from touching the water.
jeongguk walked in through the crack in the shower curtains with his work trousers still on, "hey baby," his hands slowly wrapped around your waist, closing in a wrap with one hand on top of the other right above your belly button.
you wringed the water from your hair, which trailed down jeongguk's chest, before turning to him, "hi," a lump in your throat from the inactivity. it has been way too hot these days and you refuse to go out anywhere, only ever stepping out if it is an utmost necessity.
(the game of 'do i absolutely need this?' 'is it absolutely necessary for survival?' playing way too often on your mind)
earlier in the afternoon you noticed that bam's dog food had finished so you made a trip to the local supermarket with bam. you love shopping with him, because although he is a ray of sunshine but a doberman still scares the shit out of people so the annoying salesmen stationed at almost every other aisle these days with their free samples never approach you; an all-in-all peaceful shopping trip.
while you were checking out the items, at the cashier counter there were boxes of chocolates stacked with the tag 'buy 1 get 1!'. you cannot recall seeing your husband eating sugary food as much, he mostly eats meals at home and you do not really keep track of what he eats while he is at work. you would not necessarily call him a dessert person. so the debate went on for a while before you finally got one box and checked it out too. you are not sure why you bought them but you just wanted to get your husband some chocolates? what is so wrong with it? why can't you just get your husband some chocolates? :/
"you are taking an early shower today," your husband mentioned from behind you, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder, letting the shower water run over him.
"gguk, it's 1am," you mumbled, your hands coming down to rest atop his. unspoken, your bodies started swaying slightly to the tune of the song blasting through your phone as a slow song came on the shuffle.
for a brief moment he stopped moving but then continued the motion, "right. i am sorry, it's been so tiring these days. i've lost track of time. did you have dinner?"
"no." you replied with bated breath, a part of you was waiting for him to initiate something. i mean given his past nature, isn't it a given that this is going to lead to sex?
but your husband lives to surprise you. his hands never unclasped from your waist, but instead stayed firmly in place.
"you don't need to wait for me if i'm late," his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your body wash.
"it's not fun eating alone," you finally released the tension, letting your figure slump back on his.
"mhm," humming, jeongguk closed his eyes.
"hey hey hey," your sprinkled some water on his face watching him scrunch his nose up which made you chuckle, "i know you are going to fall asleep. let's go eat."
"noooo," there was a whiny tone in his voice, as he only tightened his grip when you tried to break free.
"you need to eat, don't you have duty in the morning?"
"i am going to set fire to that precinct, every time i finish some paperwork, another pile of files just get dumped on my desk."
"wow, any other pyromaniac tendencies that i should know of?"
"please let's just stay like this, just for a while," jeongguk turned you around to face him this time, to stare into your eyes as intently as he had on your wedding day while reciting his vows.
"you'll catch a cold, sick gguk is a whiny little complaining brat," you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck, your bare chest coming in contact with his.
"i don't care," he kept swaying with you, his hold around you comforting as his arms enveloped you whole like a warm shawl.
"we shouldn't waste water," you suggested once more.
"i don't care," he reiterated again. there was not a single ounce of annoyance in his voice, he seemed at peace with his face nuzzling into your neck again.
a few moments passed before you reached your hand behind your back to turn the knob off, "i got you chocolates."
"huh? why?" again, he was not annoyed, just genuinely surprised.
"what do you mean why? i can't get my husband some chocolates?!" you pulled away from the embrace, your hands propped on his chest, the vein in your forehead pulsing; ready to throw hands.
"whoa whoa whoa, baby, calm down."
"no tell me why! why can't i just get you chocolates? what's so wrong in that?" you glared daggers at him.
"you..." jeongguk let a soft chuckle, "you are so tiny and cute."
"i got you chocolates and you are going to eat them."
"won't say i'm much fond of them but i guess it won't hurt to try."
"yes, you're going to eat them and smile and say 'thank you my dear wife, you're the best. what would i possibly do without you'"
"is that so?"
"yes and then-"
he cut you off this time, "and then i will return the favour and maybe eat you out for the dessert after dessert."
you hit his chest laughing before finally breaking free of the embrace this time, "wash up, i will get dinner ready."
"where are the chocolates?" you asked as you walked into the bedroom after warming up the dinner.
jeongguk was sprawled across the bed, his eyelids drooping down with sleep, the water from his semi-wet hair being soaked by the pillow cover, "i put them in the fridge," he yawned mid-sentence.
"well, the food's ready. let's go."
"you take out the chocolates and i will be there."
humming, you walked out to the kitchen and opened the fridge door but did not find the box anywhere. rummaging around the vegetables tray and behind the other tupperware boxes, you opened the freezer door just to be sure and lo and behold, he had put it in the freezer over the ice tray and now the packet was frozen and sticking to the ice tray.
"jeon jeongguk!" you speed-walked to the bedroom only to find him fast asleep, soft snores filling the silence in the room.
next morning:
pressing on the volume up button, you quieted down the alarm blaring like a war horn on a beautiful sunday morning at 05:00. your husband gets early day offs on sundays but he has to clock into work early too.
putting on a headband to keep your hair away from the face, you walked to the washroom by muscle memory as your eyes were half-lidded from sleep. you reckoned if you had fallen asleep again, you might not be able to wake up on time so you pushed yourself off the bed. you squeezed the toothpaste tube on the bristles of your toothbrush, unsure if it indeed was the toothpaste or your facewash, you started brushing. your rhythm faltered every now and then as you kept falling asleep doing the mundane routine.
most mornings you wake up about half an hour before jeongguk has to leave for work. he is not a picky eater and eats whatever you put on a plate in front of him. actually, most mornings he is done making sandwiches by the time you wake up to make him something. you both then enjoy the sandwich he made as you see him off to work.
since he went to sleep last night on an empty stomach (and so did you, missy), you wanted to make him a heavy breakfast, something more than just two pieces of bread.
halfway through, you heard your alarm again and your eyes shot open. you must have snoozed your alarm instead of dismissing it and five minutes later it blared again. your brain must have lagged from the sleep because by the time you finally decided that 'oh hey i should turn off the alarm before jeongguk wakes up,' jeongguk already had woken up and appeared behind you.
"morning," he mumbled before walking inside to use the toilet.
you finally finished washing up and pat dry your face with the towel by the time your husband walked out, his eyes all scrunched up, his hand scratching an itch on his belly.
"why are you up so early?"
"to make breakfast for you," you said walking into the bedroom.
"i don't leave for like more than two hours, let's go back to sleep."
"i know," you hummed, fixing your hair.
before he could protest further and albeit successfully convince you to come back to bed, you walked to the kitchen and got the breakfast started.
you served two bowls of naengmyeon and galbitang before returning to the cooking station to finish the last dish which you mean to pack for his lunch at work.
by the time you turned the stove off after giving it a last stir, the bibimbap was perfectly cooked. still standing there meaning to clean up, you felt jeongguk sneaking up behind you, hugging you close. this movement and position are slowly feeling so familiar to you; you can get used to this.
"who is going to eat all this?" he asked softly, placing soft kisses along the side of your neckline.
"you are," you asserted, wiping away the spills from the stovetop.
"but then what about my dessert?"
"the chocolates?"
"no, you."
your head had a whiplash with the way you turned to him.
"what? you thought i was rambling last night? i remember everything i say, baby."
"you have to go to work," shrugging, you casually mentioned the time restraint.
"it's worth to be late 'cause of that."
"get ready," elbowing him in the belly, you tried to pus him away but jeongguk was unrelenting today.
his lips were already on your soft spot, his tongue darting out to allow soft kittenish licks — you held your place but what definitely pushed you over the edge was his hand, wrapped around your lower stomach, slowly creeping down, his palm taking shape to sculpt your mound. the moment his hand came in touch with the sensitive bundle of nerves down there, your spine bent over — almost in routinely motion to such ministrations — giving way for your ass to attach snuggly and poke into his crotch area.
"your body is so soft and sensitive to my touch," your husband mentioned from behind you. he took a step back and helped guide you to the kitchen countertop on the other side of the cooking station, urging you — with soft touches and gestures of his hands to get on top of the counter. you did as he bid, getting on your knees on the counter, your ankles slightly falling off the edge but were firmly supported by jeongguk's hands which crept up the satin slip dress. it already barely covered your asscheeks, all he had to do was push it up by a few inches and he had a clear view of your panties.
"so delicious," he hummed, more to himself, as he lowered himself to come face to face with your heat. his hands which crept up to your hips moved towards the hem of your panties — hooking his fingers on either side, he slid the material down to your bent knees. a single string of arousal connected to the crotch of your panties stretched, extended to its limit and broke into thin air following that movement. jeongguk licked his lips, the corners of his mouth watering at the sight in front of him — he is hungry, both literally and figuratively.
he let his fingers massage your clitoral hood, the thin flap of skin moving in a rhythmic motion, sending incomplete jolts throughout your body. feeling the bit of arousal now on the pad of his fingers, jeongguk used his index fingers to hold the flaps open to expose the tiny nub of flesh full of nerve endings to the open air. it felt both cold and hot at the same time, making your toes twitch.
it felt like eternity but in reality it had been only mere seconds before jeongguk's tongue protruded out and flicked against your little nub, slowly at first before picking up a steady tempo — stimulating that tight bundle of nerves as they let out tension, becoming putty at your husband's expense. all this time, you held your lips tautly together, only letting escape soft hums of affirmation; 'nnngh' 'mmhm'. one of your palms was connected flat out to the marble top while the other was curled at the edge, holding on to the cold surface to maintain your balance.
jeongguk touched your vulva with the base of his tongue and slowly moved his head upwards from the bottom of your vagina to the top till the tip of his tongue passed over your clitoris. he repeated the motion a few times, breaking contact every time he reached the top and then starting over from the bottom till he started feeling the arousal now leak out on his tongue. to cover as much of your vagina, he kept his tongue relaxed, wide and flat, letting his head and neck muscles do the work while his tongue stayed unmoving. (the secret to that killer jawline.) he was able to maintain the pace for a few moments before speeding up his ministrations.
a soft 'ah' left your lips, finally verbalizing your moaning but much like female masturbation, speed only takes you over to the edge but does not bring about that much needed final release. looking forward, you glanced at the clock in the dining hall which read 06:59 and your husband has to leave by 07:30 for duty. letting your upper body lower down to the cold marble — your nipples becoming hard and sticking out in a painful stance — you let your dominant hand reach down to that little bundle of nerves and started massaging it, accompanying jeongguk's movements.
"yes, just like that," you almost regretted moaning that out because your husband quickened up his pace. you made a mental note to tell him later that just like that does not mean speed up, it always means keep that steady motion.
bursting away those thought bubbles, you let yourself drown in the overstimulation, feeling yourself reaching that edge.
"let it go baby, let me taste it all," he lapped his tongue at the arousal, making sinful noises echo throughout the walls. this time when he started over, you did not feel his tongue on your vagina next but his lips as he sucked up your clit — sucking and releasing.
"fuck," your toes curled up, eyes closed shut as your fingers picked up speed as well.
"mine mine mine, yes," he let a slap on your right asscheek.
just a bit more of his growing unsteady ministrations along with your fingers working that coiled nub and you came undone on his tongue, finally letting your upper body completely flat on the countertop, your lungs taking in the air.
jeongguk took a quick shower and got dressed, trying to hurry up as he was going to be late.
"well what about the breakfast? i made all that for you!"
"pack it all, i will eat in the precinct."
"no you wont, i know your team will eat the most of it."
"i promise i will eat it."
"well you better, i am your wife and i made that food for you." you pointed your index finger and tapped at his chest.
"well of course you are my wife and yes that food is for me. now hurry up, baby," he gently spanked your left asscheek this time, making it even from earlier, after finishing buttoning up his shirt. you rolled your eyes walking out to the kitchen to pack the food.
jam-packing all of the food into bento boxes, you finished with keeping the box of chocolates on top of the insulated carry-on lunch bag.
jeongguk, now completely clad in his uniform, came out and took the bag from you in a hurry. well, it was 07:47 already so he was late, "bye," pecking your lips, he walked out.
after the door closed behind him, you took out last night's dinner and put it in the oven to warm it up since you still haven't eaten anything and just packed away all of the breakfast.
it hadn't even been ten minutes when you heard your phone ringing.
"hey, what's up?"
"i left my badge at home."
"where is it?"
"i think i put it on the nightstand."
you were already in the bedroom looking for the badge by the time he mentioned it, "nope, it's not here."
"then i don't know woman, i need it."
"men," you rolled your eyes before cutting the call.
after finishing your breakfast and retrieving the badge with the help of bam, you walked into your husband's precinct with the badge in your hand when you noticed the team gathered around jeongguk's table.
making your way over, the smell of food wafted your nostrils and you watched as the team relished the breakfast while your husband had maybe bit of it.
minjun turned after swallowing the last spoonful of the bibimbap, "oh mrs jeon, thank you so much for the breakfast. it's great!"
you gave him a close-lipped smile, blinking a few too many times before turning to your husband who took a visible gulp.
after the crowd in front of your dispersed you slammed the badge down on his table and meant to walk away, but jeongguk got a hold of your wrist.
"look i saved the chocolates for myself."
"ahha? you mean the one that i see in yoona's hand?"
jeongguk stared down at his desk in panic, his eyes searching for the box of chocolates that he had kept aside to eat later, "those sneaky bastards."
"i am never cooking for you again, jeon jeongguk."
feedback is deeply appreciated. ✨
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- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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crehador · 2 months
brother crab's winter 2024 parting thoughts: majo to yajuu
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ok so first
banging beginning and banging finale to this season, the show as a whole as some really fascinating worldbuilding (the most fascinating of which we only got to in the final minutes of the final episode) so i really hope we get another season sooner or later
the middle was a little less memorable to me but at no point did i feel overly disappointed or bored, it wasn't always outstanding but it was consistently enjoyable and entertaining to me
but now back to guideau
GUIDEAUUUUUUUUU WHAT A CHARACTER!!! i will be using his pronouns interchangeably bc it is what she deserves uwu (tho tbh i do not think guideau would ever give a single fuck about pronouns and that is a huge part of what i love about them)
it's almost a shame that one of my favorite guideau scenes only came in the last episode, he's pissed at a witch who fed her some stew that she can't stop thinking about and wanting more of
so she confronts the witch all like "UNDO THE SPELL YOU PUT ON ME" and the guy he's traveling with has to gently explain to them like "guideau... do you think you maybe just... liked the soup..."
speaking of the guy
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looove his eyes, love the way eyes in general are drawn in this series in fact. also love his voice morikawa-san absolutely killed it and i'm thrilled we will continue to hear him this season in the omegaverse anime (lol but no seriously)
ashaf is overall such a striking character to me, not just in terms of his appearance but his whole demeanor and everything. i feel like we haven't even scratched the surface of who he really is or why he's like that yet, so i hope we get more story to flesh that out
i think ashaf and guideau work so well together as the main pair (not necessarily in a romantic way, bit more on that later) because their personalities are just perfectly complementary. it made the middle... i dunno, detour? to phanora feel a bit, i dunno, just misplaced. i actually really enjoyed phanora and johan too, but their story just felt more like an ova and less like it belonged smack in the middle of this season? anyway
absolutely obsessed with the final scene of the season where ashaf says there's still one thing he wants to teach guideau, and that that's love. LIKE HELLO??? ironically this actually made me ship them romantically less, because i really enjoy the idea of this being a sweeping notion of love. nothing so constrained as romantic love, but love for the world, for others, for soup! and for guideau themself
i would love to see more of this animated because the cast is amazing, but if it doesn't get a continuation i'll definitely pick up the manga (probably once it's finished... hopefully it'll be finished...... we'll see)
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
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℘. flora's notes : i finished this while i was tipsy i hope it's okay-
℘. infos : u can read about ur kins too, this is not necessarily romantic (can be tho:)), female, male, gn reader friendly 💓 if u have ideas for the other jjk characters im down to make a part 2
m.list (bnha version can be found there x)| comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
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℘. as we all know, gojo has no filter, so expect to have to undress with the fitting room's curtain fully opened because "he can hide you with his Greek God body"
℘. brutally honest and doesn't care about your opinion "YOU LOOK LIKE A ROASTED PORK IN THIS LMAO", "I thought mustard yellow was the worst colour on you and then I saw that shit you're wearing", "are u tryna beat my grandma at the wrinkles fashion week ??? get that cardigan outta there"
℘. has to bring his God complex in everything "that looks okay on you, but it would look stunning on me", "nah that's a thing I, ME, MYSELF, would be wearing y/n, stop copying me urgh"
℘. will embarrass you in front of everyone "LOOK AT THIS HOT FINE PIECE OF HUMAN, I'LL PAY YOU TO DATE THEM, THEY'RE KINDA DESPERATE", "Y/N YOUR TEDDY BEAR UNDERWEAR IS SHOWING OOOOH SO CUTE LITTLE SLUTTY BABE" (and this is obviously not true, he just wants to embarrass u)
℘. will post your errands on social media and won't care if you look good on the picture or not as long as HE does, and expect something cringe on the text like "shopping with the ugly best friend (the pretty one is obviously me😏🤭🤪🥰🥵)", "here is a gold digger who takes my money for their clothes UwU💸💸💸💸", "they were wearing teddy bear underwear and EVERYONE saw it 🤣🤣🤣"
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℘. blank. face. it's a painful moment for him, he doesn't give a damn about your outfit as long as he gets to take it off
℘. feel lucky that he isn't grumbling because he really hates shopping and he hates being in public places (sir knows damn well he'd get chopped up if a white haired mf happened to be around too, gojo gives him social anxiety)
℘. but he doesn't say anything either, you just end up talking to yourself. he OCCASIONALLY sighs though which is the only animation you get from him :/
℘. he discreetly peeps through the curtain to see you nAaAaAkEd😨 and then blushes a bit CUZ YOU'RE PERFECT
℘. will let you play model in the living room if he chooses what you two will watch for movie night "mmmh", "looks good"
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℘. "DAAAAMN YOU'RE LOOKING FINE", "how are you still single seriously, I'd die for you". he's a simp for you, even just as a friend. HE'S SO SUPPORTIVE PLEASE
℘. best shopping buddy literally, he'll be honest and will try his best to sound polite and not mean
℘. AND HIS PICKS ARE SO GOOD, I HEADCANON THAT YUUJI HAS PINTEREST, he's like you're own personal shopper
℘. and he's always so enthusiastic about going shopping, he's just a pleasure to have around
℘. he 100% makes fun of people tho- but you learnt to love it and now you do it with him
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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amypihcs · 8 months
HELLO! Hello, my friends, i'm not dead, only the academic year started again!
Without further ado, LET'S BEGIN!
Our darling Watson starts with a disclaimer
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Publishing years later (MUCH MANY YEARS LATER THAN IF THIS THING HAD HAPPENED IN 1898, I MEAN!), altering MANY things, in the vague hope Lestrade won't have a stroke. Uhm. Promising.
Well, it starts with our handsome gentlemen back from a walk!
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Just a nice, mental health, relaxing, refreshing w- WHAT'S THAT THING THEEEERE???
Milverton. No offence to shits, but he is a true shit. At least according to Holmes. And he'll pass again at 6:30 PM. URGH!
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Holmes HATES snakes. He DETESTS them. He hates Milverton JUST as much, and yeah...
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PRETTY CLEAR. Holmes HATES blackmailers, and Milverton the most of all of them.
And... Watson. You're more clever and have seem much more than that...
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I find myself here quoting Alessandro Manzoni. That's the exact situation (@mostvaliantandmostpround, hope you appreciate the spot of italian literature my beloved). Holmes and Watson both know why the victims are not hitting back. Their society is PARTICULARLY unforgiving. Holmes has just a case of the kind.
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Here's the bastard. No surprise at Holmes refusing to shake his hand. He doesn't respect Milverton in the SLIGHTEST. and how to find fault in it. I also do praise Granada once again
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Fenomenal casting. They just got the bastard right!
Back to the letter.
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OF COURSE Watson is discreet. He is PERFECT UWU. shut up Milverton. They discuss of the case, with Holmes being very annoyed and mortified and overall IN A MOOD. Obviously. for good reason too. then to the core of the thing.
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Oh, HOLMES. I do get what you mean, they should JUST talk. But HUMANS.
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He's ENJOYING IT, THE BASTARD. I do get why Holmes feels the way he does.
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Well, OF COURSE. This scene hits a lot. This man LOVES HIS JOB. He genuinely LIKES making people SUFFER.
Well, Holmes, DO try it.
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Unfortunately nop, my dear Watson. You might bonk someone else over the head (i get the feeling tho.)
Bastard's out, Holmes reflecting.
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We'll see it all in the next letter! Good luck to Holmes with his disguise!
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nerdycanible1 · 1 year
Hello my lovelies. Happy holidays!!
Sorry for being a bit late with your Christmas present but here I have a drawing of Lin Beifong!! I hope y’all like it!! Took me roughly 4.5 hours to complete it so I hope y’all like it.
I’m sure if we’re in any discord groups together, you’ve already heard about my evil Lin, but if you haven’t, oop- owo I won’t say anymore yet skdksjkdjskdjksjdksj
Anyways here, have a Lin Beifong. And below the line, you could read some HC’s about Linny and the holidays 🥺
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Here are some hc’s I have for holiday Lin!
Lin is the type of person that would spend a lot of money getting the people she loves, presents for the holidays, but when she receives a rather expensive gift she is ready to murder you for spending that much.
Lin pretends she doesn’t care for the holidays but she does listen to what you want for the holidays. You could be mindlessly be babbling on and on about what you want or what you’ve seen and Lin always makes a mental note on it.
Her first year without Tenzin or her family, Lin had covered so many shifts during the holidays, she was given a new Sato vehicle by everyone helping in and giving it to Lin after the holidays were over. They thanked Lin, gave her a party and said she was the nicest person in the precinct, tho that was before Lin showed them other wise.
During the years, Lin always allowed her men to take the holidays off and would cover their shifts, even if it was beat cop work. She always enjoyed the way her boys perked up hearing they were allowed time off at their work.
Lin would throw a party for the people that worked during the holidays, she’d always have food ready for her men, drinks, holiday themed treats and sometimes even gifts she got for them. The gifts always included either pairs of socks, gift cards for food or even a nice bottle of whiskey.
Her boys adored Lin and knew under her hard, cold exterior she was nice and very thoughtful. It became a tradition to fill Lin’s office up with random stuff every year. One year it was fancy coats, the next turtle ducks, and so on and so forth. Though the year of the turtle ducks had to be their favorite it because Lin chased the little ducklings around making sure they weren’t squished. They’ve never seen Lin ever hold an animal but that year they saw Lin look so caring for her now new babies.
When Lin would look at her city from the roof tops, her men would take turns checking in on Lin, giving her hot chocolate breaks, snack breaks and even warming her hands up.
When Mako began his job at the precinct, he was confused on why Lin only had them do “paperwork” instead of actual police business. He was even more confused when Lin told him to shut up and party. It wasn’t until later they explained that Lin always threw a party during the holidays for the people that either don’t have families, homes or don’t celebrate the holidays. And when Lin gave Mako not only a nice coat and gloves but also a gift card to one of the best dry cleaners in the city for his scarf to make sure it’s always in good condition and cleaned.
Soon Mako got into the spirit of things at work and he loved his job more. When he and Lin grew closer and he began to see Lin as some sort of mother figure, he one day gave Lin a scarf. Everyone knew Lin would never wear such a thing but were surprised when she wore it. Now Lin and Mako matched and it was a bond.
Lin may not have a family anymore but her men were hers, they were her family and Lin couldn’t be happier.
Alright if you enjoyed that then please let me know in the comments and let me know if you want more! And as for the evil Lin thing I mentioned on top, I’ll let you know more after the holidays!! Thank you and Happy Holidays!
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And here are some sketches!! All art is mine, if repost please credit. Thanks UwU
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fernlessbastard · 5 days
Wow, hi!!! No idea how I missed your return, but it’s good to see you on my dash again! I haven’t touched TNTduo in ages but please excuse me while I go binge your new fic 👀
- Phantom 👻
AYO HI???? Good to hear from ya, mate
Hope you enjoy the smut-angst lasagna which is iutmtm UwU
Also absolutely no pressure but like if you ever feel like coming back to writing them, I'll be there devouring it - no pressure tho, the ccwilliam thing was fucked up so yeah
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izbelross · 2 years
Por la vida que soy libre
Chapter: Prologue
Total chapters: 10
Pairing: Matt Murdock x black widow! reader x Frank Castle soulmate au!
A/N: ¡Hola, Isabel aquí! I finally got the ovaries to actually write something and not only that but post it :D I really hope you enjoy this and that at least I don't unalive myself under the pressure of wanting to keep writing, I will love to know what you think tho and English is not my first language so please excuse the mistakes I could have made.
This work will be a multichapter one. It wont be longer than 10 chapters. I hope.
Warnings: angst ( i think all of my works have angst fuck) / fluff and fluff / enemies to friends to lovers (kinda) / violence, torture ( not that graphic) / character death / happy ending / drama
Summary: everyone is born with a soulmate (a/n: wouldn't that be mental?) Soulmates can hear their thoughts since childhood, some others up until they're older. This connection only becomes stable when soulmates meet, but as it can be nourished to bloom into something solid it can also be stopped. Soulmates come with a free choice, you don't die without them, you can learn to live with the one of your choice, free will no matter what. Although those who chose their destined ones can coincide in one thing: "You could never regret it".
But when you are raised like a puppet of violence, your free will in every aspect of your life seems to have never existed. Along with your chance of meeting the ones destined for you.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·
When you were little, you remembered every time your mom and dad will cackle out of nowhere or share secret looks when you where excited. Sometimes they would stare at each other with a certain glint right before they attacked you with kisses or loving hugs.
They had a connection you could almost touch if you but tried to reach it and it was so, so magical to witness.
As a five year old it was your first contact with the "weird" things of this planet. Your mom told you about this magic, with the simplicity of those who have time to explain it in the years to come and along your dad, they really thought they had enough time to tell you all about soulmates.
Turns out the clock was already ticking against them.
It happened at your childhood during a Christmas morning. The tree was incredible big for your little stature and the fairy lights that were around your living room made it seem like you where in a kingdom of princesses and knights in golden armour.
The king and the queen were watching you, their little princess, swelling of childlike happiness with every present you opened.
At the fourth discarded wrapping the lights of your home went out, making you cry and your mom to pick you up while your father made the first mistake of the night. He opened the curtain just to take a little peek. What you remember after that where just glimpses of what could have been or could have not.
Glass shattering, your mom screaming, white blinding lights, one more enraged scream and then... then nothing.
When you woke up you where surrounded by other girls, some a little older than you.
You cried, cried so hard until your throat was raw and this time there where no warm arms to pick you up or soft voices with loving looks. You were alone and confused and so tired.
Without your parents suspecting it your future was settled and every thought of a soulmate wouldn't be touched up until you arrived at your new jail. And even then, there was no much to hope from it.
With the passing years and as you became a Widow you tried to find yourself in the middle of women who were trained for the same as you: lying, killing, surviving. Hating.
You didn't let your ward down during the missions and the only kind of friendship you knew was the weird interactions you had with Natasha and Yelena –who seemed to sometimes hate their guts out– you could catalogue them as family and as the only ones who shared their memories with you and you with them. So, you decided that, yes, you could do it, you could trust them.
First it was Nat, the oldest of the three. She told you about a woman's voice speaking in her mind. At the beginning she thought was going crazy. Nat didn't even know if she should trust her or not and decided to confide in you.
This voice belonged to a beautiful name. "You don't get it dipshits, her voice is so soothing and calm and oh, so relaxing, she appeases me and is so gentle and lulling" she told you, Yelena and you shared a look. "You just said the same thing six times Natalia" when she didn't reply to the absurd name you always called her when she was being a pain in the ass, Yelena and you knew that Yes, indeed, she is fucked.
At first, this voice thought that Nat was joking with her when she told her that she never heard such a thing as a soulmate before. To say that the girls voice was confused and hurt was an understatement, but she was patient and alongside her — even though was harder— Natasha learned from her too.
You and Yelena really thought that Nat was going crazy.
"I tell you Romanoff, every day you worry me a little more." You said, teasing and concern stressing in your voice. "First it was you blaming me for your lost set of pocket knives from El Cairo and now this... how did you described it? Honey like, softly woman voice?"
"Do not forget the "Heavenly and sexy like" Yelena joined your teasing.
Even if you two enjoyed the talks, something that was the only normality you ever lived, you couldn't shake the feeling that it was indeed not normal for someone to hear out of the blue a voice.
"Perhaps, she is starting to develop the first symptoms." Natasha looked at both of you unamused. She let you two talk and bicker, she knew by experience that with her talking it would only get worse.
"Ah, yes. A very sad illness if may I say so, many people in here seem to have it." you added, Yelena send you a very much sad puppy eyes kinda look.
"You two are insufferable." the red head said while rolling her eyes and getting ready for the last chores of the day: moping the bathroom floor.
"When are you gonna tell the Master about it anyways?" asked Yelena while trying to squish the mop with her bare hands.
It was a simple question. Every decision you all made, without doubt, had to be supervised by the Master of the place. Your mentor. It was a conditioned thinking that you all learned since childhood and now even now almost in adulthood you had to make sure to let her know every little aspect. The Master had a schedule for your health status: the food you ate, the time of training, sleeping, practice, hell even the period and bath. You all learned that it really wasn't necessary to let your Master know when and where, but you had to if you didn't want to get punished for your lack of communication.
That's why even if you all had to obey and inform everything Natasha felt, this was hers, it was her voice, it was her friend. Her soulmate. No one in the jail seem to know about soulmates, not Yelena or you, not her other fellow widows. And Natasha wanted to keep it that way.
"I will not."
The conversation died there and for at least two weeks Nat kept talking with her soulmate and she told you and Yelena that it was warmer inside her, in her chest, that her mind wasn't clouded as before. And it was beautiful, a beautiful sight seeing Nat brighten after a tough mission.
You and your blonde sister agreed that whatever kind of madness was in Nat's head it was a beautiful sight to witness.
The third month though, everything went to shit. Natasha was going to have her birthday, and like every year, with every birthday between you three, you managed to get new weaponry for each other. Something that had relevance from your missions. Nat was supposedly turning seventeen, a year away from the graduation and she was scared. You all were.
As you were changing in your room from your last mission –with Nat's birthday present hidden in your stuff– Yelena burst in the four simple walls that was your bedroom, door slamming so hard against the grey concrete that it almost tore apart the door handle. You were about to scream some obscenity to her but the terrified look on her eyes stopped you.
"Natasha is on the med bay." That was enough for you two to run directly to see her. Your own tiredness didn't matter as well as your injuries, all of it was now in second place.
As you approached, the screams and pledges of Natasha promising, no, swearing death to all those who dare touch her became more and more loud.
"Romanoff!" If Nat was enraged, she became livid at the sight of Yelena bursting into the room only to be stopped by electro shocks directly on her head.
"Let her fucking go!" you got into action before Yelena's unconscious body touched the ground and managed to knock at least three of the massive guards that were trying to retain you and take Yelena.
The room became chaos between Natasha screams and your grunts of pain with every punch that got to you. But the fight was lost when a lighting pierced your skull and your body was immobilised as well.
They managed to tie Nat and they hoisted your body to a table seemingly like you sister's.
"The soulmates are something dangerous that cannot be taken to consideration." Your Master spoke. From you peripheral Nat was struggling against the restraints, but the sedative they gave her was already making effect. "You are made for the greatness of our nation and nothing more. You belong to us. Your mind. Your thoughts. Your emotions. Your death."
Your clothes were discarded and substituted by a hospital gown. The cold warmed your bones and drops of sweat formed in your forehead. She knows about soulmates, she knows about Nat's Soulmate.
You wondered what was Natasha thinking, what was her soulmate listening to, telling her. Was she saying goodbye? Was she trying to calm her down?
"We are going to fix you. We will make you to perfection. Our perfect girls." from the corner of your eye you watched as the Master was looking at Yelena. "Today is the day you will graduate from being apprentice and you will become Masters. You will become Black Widows."
Your Master looked around and you let out an strangled sound. Your very soul was screaming and in the bottom of your mind something deep and cold was pushing.
You barely felt the pinching on your left arm and the mask with sedative covering your nose and mouth. The heaviness in your lungs didn't help with tears that ran freely across your cheeks and the wailings of Yelena were thrumming around your mind.
A black tunnel started to form in your eyes and the voices got muffled. Again that pushing feeling pulled from some corner deep inside your mind, like screaming, pleading.
Before you lost consciousness you could swear that they were voices screaming around you in agony.
Matt knew that his soulmate was out there, and like him was waiting.
When his father explained to him the concept of someone else being able to hear his thoughts, it frightened him. It felt wrong, him as a child couldn't really comprehend why will someone be okay with that? It was a total injustice! Not that child Matt knew very well about justice to talk about it, but the idea was totally mental.
His father just laughed at him with a bloody nose and hissing at every pad Matt gave him with the cotton ball.
After he lost his eyesight he became wary of the world. He became angry with his father for his choices and when he lost his father, he became angry with himself. With the men that killed his dad. With the world.
The idea of a soulmate didn't even crossed his mind. Not when he became an orphan and not when he started the training with Stick. He was angry and tired as hell. He didn't really give a shit for something he couldn't fully understand.
But his world started changing through a lot of suffering and consideration, some broken bones and bleeding noses and the nagging memory of his father taking the choice he believed in at the end, the justice is blind after all. And like that, slowly, it changed. First with his objectives in life.
His bitterness for the last years morphed with the more he became more like himself. With the freedom he found alongside the hearing, the new kind of sight he had, the enhanced abilities he got. And then came the voice of a man asking him nicely to shut the fuck up so I can get some sleep.
At that time he had already met Foggy and their shared dreams to become avocados at law made the friendship blossom. Matt didn't even need to hear his heartbeat to know the passion Foggy carried with him. The rightness he was unconsciously searching for.
One of those study nights until three in the morning the voice of a very tired and annoyed man came into his mind and he was so startled that he took a swing with his cane hitting Foggy on the temple and crashing the only lamp they could afford against the window.
"Matt! What the actual fuck!" Groaned Foggy while checking for no signs of blood in his head.
"I heard a man's voice just..."
"Really dear Matty, shut up or I'll do something that most likely will keep ya awake for the entire fucking year."
"Did you hear...!"
"Matt, that's your soulmate!"
"My WHAT?" now, even if Matt knew about this specific detail of life, he never really acknowledged it will happen to him one day. The poor guy was between confessing his sins and making more along the way to heaven, adding a little bit of semester finals and probably in search of a lawyer firm in which he could associate alongside Foggs. All of that barely surviving with almost six cups of coffee a day, and the stress that comes with being him.
"I did warn ya, boy."
To say Matt wasn't in the verge of a mental breakdown after hearing "Everybody" from Backstreet boys on repeat for a month on his head was like telling someone that indeed you don't need lungs to breath while running. His soulmate was a son of a bitch, and he would gladly trade him for whomever wanted to trade someone like the little bitch that now lived rent free on his mind.
It was hard to keep his mind in blank for the time that came knowing Frank. He was a difficult man, with a big purpose in his life. He had interests that where not at all like the ones Matt would suspect his soulmate to have. They were more like each others pain in the ass and they were fine with that.
After all, soulmates can choose who to spend their lives with.
When they talked it was almost to make the other mad, to get a reaction, and it was always out of the blue. Then they would start to bicker without end until one decided that was enough and cut the connection. Matt had to accept that Frank had some charisma behind all of that "glass half empty" thinking and even if he suppressed his emotions he could hint that the times they argued for useless shit like songs the other didn't like or dreams the other had and were bizarre and Matt would tell him that he was an hypocrite, after all "You dream with fucking jello guns that beg you to eat them Frank!" "Well yeah, but my mind doesn't dream with having to choose between a red or pink tie when I am fucking blind, boy!" Where conversations Frank needed to ground him in the reality, that outside of whatever fucking thing he was living, there was some other reality where he could get a future.
It wasn't like they didn't care for each other. It was like they were more soulmates that supported each other and at the same time hated each others guts out but in a friendly manner.
Now for Frank Castle, life was never really easy. He might have been part of the marines and tried to get along with his destined one. But every little thing from of the idealised future he made before shutting his mind off of Matt was heaven compared with what he had to endure from the moment he accepted that everything good would likely be taken from him.
And it all started with his family.
Matt knew of Maria. He would never admit that he was a little bit jealous, but Frank was happy. So, so happy that even Matt started to live his day to day with ease. The conversations had to stop, for the well being of both of them. And they agreed to close the soulmate bound for a time.
They both became invested in their own world, their own goals and achievements. And it wasn't until one December that something made their almost perfect worlds crumble.
It was cold and both of them in their respective places where enjoying a different type of Holidays. Matt was surely coming back from a party where Foggy had told him that he really shouldn't have drank that much but Matt being the stubborn little puppy he was just kept on doing that very thing until Foggy had to drag him back to their shared room.
"You're sush a nice frend Fogs, like you and... yeah..." giggly Matt talked and an amused Foggy listened. "Yeah, I know I'm a great catch Murdock just please, don't puke all over me"
There was really no other problem at hand than the feeling that something was wrong. A so common insistence in the back of Matt's mind that it was weird when he didn't have that permanent shape hunting him. That's the first reason why he didn't notice at first.
The fear was barely kept but it wasn't what got him to wake up from a drunken state. The agonising pain that came after was what took him from the very real moment in his room, laying on the couch.
He swore for a moment he wasn't in his place anymore, his eyes weren't looking at the end of the open living room where he slept but at a messy bloodied room with bodies scattered all around and the smell of black powder. Someone was screaming, begging and Matt knew it was Franks', this wasn't a dream. The emotion was so strong that his mind took him away from his reality, dragging his subconscious to the moment in Frank's life that will shape his entire world from then on.
The moment lasted two minutes before Frank mind shut him out.
Then, hell broke loose.
Months and months after were a chaos for Matt and Frank, between the pain and the unconscious rejection.
The future that Frank had built with Maria became a beautiful dream, a dream he started forgetting the moment his children took their last breath, the moment his wife, his Maria closed her eyes to never open them again. They would never return to him and in his pain, even if Matt would never blame him, he cut the soulmate connection for good.
Matthew Murdock became a hollow of himself, both for the pain that caused the lost of Frank and his own grieving. He got stuck as well in his nightmare when all he could do was remember those times where Frank was a friend on his day to day, when he gave him for granted. Now that was all he could do. Remember.
He went so deep on his own grieve that the hunt for the right people became his exit. The only way he could feel that after all, he could change the world even if it was in the most minimal way. Fisk was one of those.
Destiny has a variety of funny was of showing you the amount of choices you have. All the options can be display in front of you and its up to you if you want to see them, each one of them, or only one or two. But there are always options. Always.
That's why is so curious when Frank and Matt, even after years of being unable to talk to each other, suddenly didn't recognise themselves, not even in front of each other. With an almost kicked to death Matt sitting on front of a furious Frank.
Indeed, destiny has a very curious way of showing the path, for it wasn't at that moment when they figured out they were each others soulmates. Not even when they knew each others names or what they did for a living. Even if that part of their lives was the most important for both of them.
It actually was time after, when their worlds came crashing down for a second time, unbeknownst to them, a third soulmate that hadn't make an act of presence until a very much similar pain got them off guard.
/////////////////////// uwu /////////////////////////////
Now here's a very important detail about soulmates.
As you can see, Matt and Frank minds connection only came up years after they turned 18, Natasha's was there even before turning 17. This all is very confusing sometimes. But the connection is still there, you can feel it, sense it when you meet someone or... you can ignore it even if that One is standing in front of you kissing the breath out your lungs. This is because the soul is not ready.
One can love with all his heart, can be there for you or care for everyone else in a very selfish way. But that doesn't mean the person is ready to meet the One. Sometimes, the time is not right. And that's okay. Because having the chance to choose is what really matters. The fact that you are free to fall in love with someone without really caring if they were made for you or not.
This is a fact that many ignore, that every romantic wants to put aside and say you can't possibly love anybody else but your soulmates. And that's why Matt and Frank where so fucking weirded out and almost had a heart attack when it was your mind opening up to them, begging with your subconsciousness to the ones made for you for help.
Having gone through a very similar scenery, Matt left everything he was doing, a fucking interrogation for god's sake, and ran like never in his life, screaming in his head at Frank.
Murdock! Are you okay?
Frank! What's going on?
They asked at the same time.
Hang on...
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
Maybe some headcanons for how Liu/Sully, Jeff and BEN would be with a doting, sweet and innocent s/o? Only if you're inspired though ❤️
Tysm for the request luv! ^^ ik it took me a while, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless <3
Masterlist: x
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
And creepkinks is coming up next week!!! Hope y’all are as excited as i am <33
Jeff the Killer
Honestly, at first, he‘d be a little... put-off?
He wouldn’t understand why or even how they manage to be so nice all the time—are they trying to get something out of him?
He’d definitely be wary, thinking they have ulterior motives because homeboy does not trust easily
But over time, he’d come accept that it is possible for someone to be as angelic as they are~
He doesn’t know how they’ve managed to survive so long being that sweet & innocent, but he certainly isn’t mad about it
He thinks it’s cute—precious, even—and as he learns to trust them more & more, he becomes increasingly protective of them uwu
He wants to make sure that they keep their innocence at any cost
He gets like this 🤏 close to going full yandere to keep them safe & out of harm’s way ngl
He’s certainly not used to someone doting on him, so at first, he doesn’t really know how to handle the attention
It sometimes overwhelms him & he gets flustered, so he tries to dismiss them
It’s lowkey cute tho?
But it’s not like he doesn’t like the attention; on the contrary, he adores it
It feeds into his massive ego—he just needs to adjust to having another person agree with him that he’s pretty great 😏😘
Overall, things would be off to a rocky start, but once he gets used to how wonderful his little s/o is, he’ll try his damnedest to be a good boyfriend
Which is to say, he won’t be amazing, but he really does try & it’s very sweet to see
He might be an asshole sometimes, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve some lovin <3
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BEN Drowned
Oh, he’s in love~
Baby boy can’t 👏get 👏enough 👏of their attention
He lives for their praise & comfort; they might actually be an angel in his eyes
He straight-up melts whenever they give him affection—to the point where he just wants to be with them all the damn time
He’ll gladly let them baby him as much as they want smdh
He’s too spoiled :”)
Similar to Jeff, he adores how sweet & innocent they are
But, unlike Jeff, instead of growing protective, he’ll inadvertently end up corrupting them :”)
It won’t necessarily be on purpose, it’ll kind of just happen by virtue of BEN being, well, BEN
He can’t deny enjoying being the one that corrupts them tho 😳😳
And in that similar vein of enjoyment, he loves teasing the hell out of them
He just thinks they’re so goddamn cute when they get all bashful >:3c
Like I’ve (probably?) mentioned before, BEN’s big on cuddling, but with an s/o as cute as that, how could he possibly resist keeping his hands off them?
There’s so much physical contact, it’s wild
You can bet movie/video game dates with snacks & blankets are a regular occurrence 😌👌
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Homicidal Lui
Ahh, that poor lil s/o is gonna get whiplash with this manses :”)
Lui, on one hand, is just as sweet & doting as they are—if not even more so
He’s always asking if he can get anything for them, or if he can do anything for them, or how their day went and if they ate and if they want anything, anything at all—and that kind of stuff :>
He tries so goddamn hard to please them, they’re treated better than royalty <3
Boy’s always extremely flattered when they return the sentiment; having someone care for him isn’t too much of a regular occurrence :”)
He has self-esteem issues, so he often tries to over-compensate by putting others before him, and a reversal of those roles can be quite jarring
He’s truly a sweetheart, poor baby 😪💗
Their relationship is almost like,, sickly sweet teens during the honeymoon phase of a relationship kinda vibe
Very lovey-dicey, very obnoxious to the people around them, but very sweet lmfao
Sully though, on the other hand?
Oh boy
Dude teases the hell out of their s/o
He tries to corrupt them any & every way he possibly can
Lui gets so fucking pissed at him for messing with his beloved s/o
He always ends up feeling super bad, like he’s ultimately just a burden on his precious lil s/o
So he needs a good amount of reassurance, which is why someone so gentle & doting is honestly kind of perfect for him :”)
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ryuichirou · 3 months
One ask about Scott Pilgrim and a couple of smaller ones about twst!
Anonymous asked:
That was fem Vil? I thought that was regular Vil in a dress. He would still look beautiful in a dress tho
Yep! And I completely agree, regular Vil would look absolutely wonderful in a dress, and I have no doubt he would wear this one himself given the occasion. I like to think that Vil and fem Vil have pretty much the same wardrobe and taste in clothes lol
Anonymous asked:
the orumal stuff reminds me of this doujin i saw on pixiv once where occasionally Malleus would visit Idia's grave and meet a more and more broken physically Ortho until Ortho doesn't work anymore after some centuries and then he fixed Ortho up and let him sleep forever over the grave with a transparent box barrier and like. the first shipping seeds were planted uwu i'm not a fan of malleus sadly but the dynamic potential is undeniable
Ohhh, this story is so bittersweet and wonderful, I really love this sad yet beautiful connection between them. Of course Malleus would understand.
I hope to stumble upon this doujin one day… or you know...
Anonymous asked:
Ryuichi, you managed to make me finally watch 'Scott Pilgrim Takes Off'. I've been planning on watching the series for a while now but lost interest before i even started. After seeing your 'Toddallace', i decided to give it a try, and oh boi, the series is very well made! The animation is absolutely fantastic and interesting new perspectives on the exes.
The only thing i'm disappointed at is apparently there's not going to be a season 2 :(( The creator  said, "There were no plans or ideas for season 2" and that they poured everything into the first season. He explained that, as in today's landscape shows often get cancelled after a season, leading to fans' disappointment, they preferred to make season 1 self-contained. 
lowkey sad about this :/
Hi Anon! I am very happy you watched it and enjoyed it! <3 I absolutely agree with you, it really is very well-made, and what we liked the most about it is how it feels like a passion project that everyone involved were very excited by, but never took it too seriously. So it’s great that you also had fun with it as a viewer!
I get that it’s unfortunate that we won’t see these idiots in an anime style, and I personally would love to have 5 more seasons where it’s just Julie and Gideon being evil together + Todd stalking Wallace, but at the same time I kind of get why they didn’t want to make it. I think it’s a good thing that they made season 1 self-contained, especially considering how it feels like they already said everything that they wanted to say.
But STILL!! I feel your pain. Where is my Julie-and-Gideon-being-evil + Todd-stalking-Wallace show?
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ghoastixx · 2 years
Hi! I didnt know if you prefer ghost or rider, I like both tho but whichever makes you more happy uwu
And as a fan of the lost boys, beetlejuice(movie ver.), bill and ted excellent adventure(+ bogus journey, face the music)
Personally i would love to do my own writing some day but I kinda wanna see how another writer does it, I dont mind! But Request for (maybe poly) bill and ted x (idk if you write for female reader, its okay if not! GN reader is okay too) reader who is a time traveller themselves and goes to 1986 to see bill and ted?
lmao like they met their future wife/husband THAT LITERALLY CAME FROM THE FUTURE
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Poly Bill and Ted x female time traveler reader
Hello!! I prefer either of those names but thank you so much for being considerate, either or is fine <3 Yes, I do write for female readers as well, and that’s exactly what I will do for this fic. I think it’s super cool that you want to use my writing as an example of your work, that’s super influential to me!!! I tried my best with this fic and I really hope that you enjoy, best of wishes to you and your work!<3 -Ghost
“Ted, my dear friend, I think she’s dead.” That was the first thing you heard him say. It was super bright for some reason.
“Well, is she breathing?” The other one asked, for some reason, you recognized the voice.
“I don’t know Ted.” Wait a minute, Ted was here? Finally you open your eyes to see two blurry figures looking down at you.
“She’s opening her eyes.” You hazily sit up and look at them. Your lovers, except younger. It was them, you knew it had to be. They looked and sounded, even talked like them.
“Bill? Ted? What’s going on.” The two boys looked at each other and then back to you.
“You know our names?” The taller one asked. Okay, hold on, what had happened before you got here, try and remember. Oh! That’s it! Some random guy approached you and started talking about how you needed to go back in time and make sure that you met your husbands as a teenager. That’s what happened. So, what to do now?
“I-, my cousin, yeah my cousin knows you two. I think you go to high school together.”
“Ohhh, that makes sense.” The one with curly blonde hair, Bill, reached his hand out to you, helping you up.
“I’ve never seen you around before?” Quick to make up a lie, you responded.
“I’m a distant relative visiting, I don’t live around here. Anyways, my cousin has showed me yearbooks, I think I saw you two in it.”
“Most excellent, who’s your cousin?” Ted was very interested in finding out who you were, makes sense though. You did just wake up in front of them and state that you recognized them, kind of creepy.
“Her name is Y/N” The boys looked at each other and you could see the lightbulb in their heads go off.
“Yeah, we know Y/N!”
“She is a most excellent babe.”
“Are you two friends with her?” You ask, wondering if they had already knew you at this point.
“I think she’s in our history class. She offers tutoring to us sometimes, our history teacher is most heinous.”
You knew exactly what they were talking about, you had offered to help them pass multiple times, you were crushing on the boys at the time.
“You guys should hang out more, she seems to think you guys are super cool.”
The blonde looked at his taller boyfriend, “she does? Excellent!” They both air guitar at each other, an action that you would eventually learn to love seeing them do.
“Don’t tell Y/N that I ran into you two, she’ll kill me.”
The two nodded in sync.
You said goodbye to the two and parted ways, you sat down and looked at your wedding ring, knowing you had done what you needed to do, a voice comes from behind you. The guy from earlier.
“You ready to go back?”
When you open your eyes again, you’re in your room, in your bed, with your boys. You smile to yourself and think back to the encounter. Ted leans further onto your shoulder lightly snoring, Bill looks up at you.
“Go back to sleep, it’s too early-“
You laugh, quietly as to not wake Ted up.
“Alright, alright. Scoot over.”
Meanwhile back in 1986*
“So, she looked a lot like Y/N.” Ted looked down at Bill.
“Maybe she was from the future, she sounded like her too. Maybe she’s our future wife.”
“That’s the smartest thing you’ve said today, Ted. She was definitely our future wife.”
The two smiled at each other and made their way to their current times Y/N, content with knowing that they’d still be together after everything.
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neutrallyobsessed · 5 months
Clone High S3 Trailer Personal Rundown
>everyone still mad at Joan! apperently 3 months of vacation have passed and she's still not forgiven yay :3 >but why does Joan want to be forgiven tho? well lets say i have my theories but like- no girl, you should double down, think you did nothing wrong and be bitter and resentful and stuff >30♡ >Malcom X/Harriet Tubman?? Joanfucius??? MaryAbe???? im actually more worried about Julius Caesar/Marie Curie, girl really doesnt remember Gandhi :((( >but tis ok, what matter is that Joan and Abe are still very much heterosexually straight and thats epic uwu🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤 >super judgemental cheerleader tryouts lol >skunky poo comes back and i have no strong feelings one way or the other :P >HARRIET GETS SWATTED LMFAO WOOOOOO!!! >bleachers creatures ughughuhbughughubughuhbg (and they better mention that joan used to live under the bleachers!!) >also this?!?!?
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esta cosa bonita cosa preciosa, Juana y Tobi interactuando??? it is mine, MINE!! FOR ME TO ENJOY, My Dearest Joanpher crumb for Yours Truly The One and Only and FIRST Joanpher Queen!!! Unironic! Unapologetic! Unvertebrated! And well, ok y'all can have fun too now, to those who have it as a second choice, last resort, meme ship, guilty pleasure, whatever~~ >Jackie The Ripper is the most excellent idea and parody that I wish I could elaborate more about but we'd be here all day! >Stalin and Mussolini in jail lol (mussolini did have a design in s1 tho) >Cleo being a mean ass bully bitch!!! :DDD (i hope JFK also gets to be a bit of a jerk too, like yknow, in s1??) >dick pic xd >zombie movie parodies are so old that it turns around to being nostalgic so this better be aight but like- i dont think im liking the cementary scenes :/// (except when its Scudworth and Mr B of course) >Scudworth's cringe ass rap being interrupted xd and hellyeah >And finallYYY
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at the end of the day, the only thing that bothered me about the trailer is that the show it really is dropping tomorrow, like as soon the month changes, it's there and available to watch......... and yeah, i guess i do still have time, i could be extra cheeky and drop it January 31st (im considering earlier tho) pero no daaaa boludo NO DAAA but yeah i guess it can be done see you then, then? xdd
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