#i hope you feel better soon anna!
minbinchan · 1 year
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soft felix for @happysmilebtr ♡​
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a new life is born | s.r. x fem!reader
“congratulations mom and dad, it’s a healthy baby girl.” the doctor confirmed for both of you while the nurses worked to clean your new born. your skin was sweaty, baby hairs stuck to your forehead, legs were shaky from being bent for the past hour. you’ve been in the hospital since last night once your contractions started.
but you were a mom now. you birthed a babygirl and you couldn’t be happier with your life. turning your head to the left with a dazed smile, stood spencer with the widest smile you’ve seen on his face to date. “a girl. we have a little girl,” chuckling from glee.
“we have a girl,” he repeated as he leaned forward to kiss your forehead and tuck some of your hair away. “i want her to be just like you,” very confident in the chances of that happening.
spencer shook his head, “for your sake i hope not and for my heart i hope she looks like you.” a gentle finger tracing over your nose, the shape of your lips. “well i only hope she doesn’t get your puppy eyes, it’ll be her one power over both of us.” staring directly into said eyes right now.
“alright, she’s ready for you.” a nurse walked to your right side with your baby, now wearing a pink bow. “would you like to do skin to skin? helps her recognize you through touch. also good for the dad as well.” waiting for either to reply first.
“i’ll go first.” shimming your hospital gown away from your shoulder and chest so there was enough surface area, “i have a feeling i’m gonna fall asleep soon, but i’m gonna hold her until i can keep my eyes open.” holding your hands out to take her then second guessing and getting them in the cradle position but still not sure, “uh, which is better?” asking the nurse who hovered.
“i’d say hands so you can lay her to your chest. cradling is better for later.” nodded and slowly took your baby from the nurse and maneuvered her tiny self so her head was resting on your shoulder. “oh wow,” whispering to yourself. it completely sunk in now, she’s yours.
“i’m a freaking mom,” whispering over her back towards spencer. a slow palm rubbed along her back and quickly her breathing synced with yours, her tiny fists were too cute.
there was a little space on your bed and you called for spencer to join you. he sank down slowly and threw a long arms over your shoulder, his free hand caressing your forearm. “what should we name her? we can’t call her fruits anymore.” whispering beside your ear.
your mouth twisted, “i kinda want to name her after something from literature. like juliet or charlotte. do you have any ideas?” turning his way.
his eyes were focused on the sleeping babe, a little smile quirking a corner of his lips. “maybe annabeth. the combination of anna and elizabeth forms the meaning of god has favored me. and i think that works for us as well, we’ve been favored by having her. also anna can mean beautiful and it’s all because of you.” kissing your temple, his kisses have been never ending the past nine months.
“annabeth… annabeth diana reid. our beautiful gift.” pressing her first kiss of many to her head. “i think it’s your turn now. my eyes are getting heavy.”
spencer nervously started to unbutton his shirt and then slowly you traded off. you watched as spencer stood back up and kept a gently motion to his body wanting her to continue napping. he kept his voice low as he recited facts about anything, knowing she’s gonna love the sound of his voice growing up.
“can you tell us a story?” something you’ll ask spencer from time to time when you needed just a little push into dreamland. “of course, sweetheart. i’ll do my favorite book from childhood, alice in wonderland. once upon a time there was a girl named alice…”
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orphicdreamers-wp · 5 months
Hi! I wanted to send a request for rutger. Reader and rutger are dating and theyre at a frat party. Readers drunk and gets taken advantage of. Rutger finds out and him and some of the other hockey boys (who readers grown close with) take matters into their own hands.
Rescue You — Rutger McGroarty
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Summary: In which you find yourself needing rescued.
Content Warning; Underage drinking(Reader is 20), sexual assault, victim blaming themselves, blood, fighting, protective Rutger & UMich Hockey Boys, 18+ content!!
Pairing: Rutger McGroarty &Reader(Romantic) Umich Hockey players & Reader(platonic)
Notes: I hope this does the request well. I also added a bit of JJ McCarthy bc I love him.
You honestly didn’t even want to be at this party, Rutger and Seamus had practically forced you to come. But nonetheless you put on a cute dress and spent the better part of the night under Rutger’s arm. You had grown bored of watching your boyfriend and his friends play beer pong. You pressed a kiss against Rutger’s cheek, “I’m gonna go grab a drink Rut.” Rutger’s hands snaked around your hips as he pulled you into a kiss that left you speechless, “I’ll be here my love.” Your heart soared as you walked out of the room and heard Rutger’s friends poke at him for being overly affectionate towards you. Which he always was when he had when he was drunk.
You entered the kitchen and began to pour vodka into a solo cup. “Pretty lame party right?” You jumped at the voice, you turned around to find it belonged to a boy in one of your lectures, Logan or Landon was his name. You smiled sheepishly, “Could definitely be better.” He grinned at this, as a sinking feeling overcame you, “I’m Landon by the way. Your in my intro to gender in media lecture right?” You nodded, “I think so, I’m Y/N.” He grinned as he grabbed a beer, “A pretty name for a pretty girl.”
Your stomach churned at his words, “Ha thanks.” He had his arm on the cabinet above your head, “You look like you could use something strong. Come on, I have fireball in my room.” You stomach sank, but you’d been drinking beer while observing your boyfriend for most of the night so your judgment was impaired as you agreed and followed him to his room. Your drunken state seemed to poise an opportunity for him. He shut his bedroom door before leading you to the bed. As you sat down you saw the look in his eyes darken as he leaned forward, further and further until his body weight was on top of you. He was easily 6’5 and potentially double your body weight so you had no way of moving.
Anna, Seamus’s girlfriend furrowed an eyebrow as she searched the house for you. She turned to Rutger, “McGroarty, where’s your girl?” Rutger furrowed an eyebrow, “I’m not sure. She said something about going to get a drink.” Anna furrowed an eyebrow as she got up to find you. Landon had both of your hands pinned down with a harsh grip. You had your back to the door, the door creaked open and you heard Anna’s voice, “Sorry, shit my bad, wait Y/N?” She would have recognized the lacy black mini dress on your body, she made it. “Your seriously cheating on Rutger when he’s downstairs?”
Landon was panicking and pulled up his pants and hurried out of the room. Once you realized he was gone from the room you broke into sobs. Anna rushed to your side, she reached out to pull you into a hug when you flinched and your tears streamed down your face, “Anna, don’t tell him.” Anna looked at the bruises forming on your wrists and her jaw clenched, “Okay, honey I won’t tell Rutger but you should.” You sniffled, “He wouldn’t be able to look at me the same. I’m scared Anna.” Anna sniffled, “Can I hug you Y/N?” You nodded through your tears and melted into your friends arms.
You finally calmed down enough to go downstairs with Anna. Rutger, Luca, Seamus, Ethan, Mark and Adam were all still playing beer pong. The game was quickly abandoned as soon as Rutger got a glimpse of your tearstained cheeks and bloodshot eyes. He was immediately heading for you, “Baby, what happened?” You pulled back from him slightly, “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have been drinking so much.” Luca’s jaw clenched, he put two and two together.
Jazz, Luca’s girlfriend shook her head, “No, you didn’t do anything wrong sweetie.” Rutger’s hands found their way into a ball, “Who did it? I need you to tell me who did this to you.” You let out a small sob, “His name’s Landon. I don’t know anything else.” Adam’s jaw tensed, “Dark hair? Big guy?” You nodded as Anna held you into a warm embrace. Adam turned to his brother, “I’ll be back.” He walked out of the room, “McCarthy!” JJ’s head shot up from the redhead he was doing a body shot off of, “What’s up bro?”
Adam scoffed, “Where’s your boy Landon?” JJ shrugged, “Last I saw him he was headed out back. Why?” Adam clenched his fist, “He just took advantage of my boys girl. I’m about to kick his ass.” JJ shot up, feeling anger course through his veins, “He did what?” Suddenly you were left standing with Anna and Jazz on either side of you. The drinking game long forgotten as your boyfriend and his teammates stormed outside. You insisted on following them.
The minute the backdoor opened, the entire feeling of the backyard changed. Landon was sat on a lawn chair with a perky blonde on his lap. JJ approached the pair and looked at the girl, “If I were you I’d move.” The girl took one look at JJ and got up, sensing the blonde football player was serious. Landon glared at his teammate, “Man I was working my magic here.” JJ scoffed, “I really don’t give a damn dude. Your such a piece of shit.” Landon scoffed and began to speak only to be cut off by Rutger punching him in the face.
Landon barely stumbled and went to retract his fist only to be punched in the face from the opposite side by Luca, “Don’t even try it bitch.” Mark came from behind pulling Landon around and punching him so hard Landon fell to the ground. Landon looked to JJ for assistance, “Bro your not gonna help me out?” JJ crossed his arms, “Not when you take advantage of a drunk girl under the same roof as me. I’m not defending you. You did it yourself.” Landon scoffed, “That’s what this is about? That bitch?” Rutger could have sworn he was seeing red as he pulled his hand back and repeated hit Landon in the face. Only stopping when he saw blood on his hands and saw the horrified look in your eyes. He scoffed, “Expect a appointment with your coach and the dean.” He walked away from him and towards you, “Y/N baby I am so so sorry.” You felt your body give way as you leaned into your boyfriend’s arms.
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headkiss · 11 months
Hi Anna, I'm a huge fan of your Steve writings:)) How about Steve x introvert!reader where they have a painting date night at one of their homes?🫶
hiii thank you so much!!! i hope u like it!! | 0.7k so fluffy
Steve is a romantic to the bone. When you first met him, he would’ve denied it to make himself cooler, but now, he wears it around you like a badge of honor.
He’s also ridiculously understanding.
Work today had been a lot, the bakery on main unusually busy with only two of you working. Not to mention you’d been working the front counter, when you’d much rather be in the kitchen making cookies and frosting cupcakes.
Drained is one way to put the way you’re feeling, the battery for socializing running lower and lower until it’s basically empty by the time you’re home.
Steve calls you like he knows exactly when you’ll be getting into your room, and you pick up despite your tiredness. There’ll always be room for him, you think.
“Hey, angel,” his voice loosens your tight muscles just a bit. “We still good for tonight?”
Back to him being a romantic, Steve insists that you go on at least one date a week, and it’s something that goes to show how much he cares about you and your relationship. He also calls you beforehand to check if you’re up to it every time.
You wince a little as you answer, feeling guilty for being tired and for wanting to stay in. “Would it be okay if we didn’t? I’m so sorry, work was a lot and-”
“None of that,” he cuts you off, “how about you just come here? Just me and you?”
“Thank you, Steve. I’ll be there in a bit, okay?”
“See you soon.”
Soon is the time it takes for a shower, getting dressed in sweats, and the drive over to his place. As you step out of your car, you worry that he had something special planned for today’s date, that you ruined that, but his beaming smile when he opens the door is enough to erase your worries.
“Hi,” he says, tossing an arm over your shoulders and tilting his head to push a kiss into your hair. “You okay?”
“Better now.”
Your arms wrap themselves around his waist, and though it’s awkward to walk through the house this way, neither of you make a move to pull away.
Steve leads you into the dining room, and your eyes well up just a little (maybe a lot) at what you see. He’s got a tarp laid over the table, two canvases set up on small easels right next to each other, and paint and brushes scattered over the table. Such a romantic.
“I thought maybe we could have our date here instead,” he tells you, rocking on his feet. Steve knows you better than anyone, and he knows that it can take a lot for you to be in social settings for a long time. He doesn’t care; the most important part to him is spending time with you, anyway.
So, he’s had some ideas for at home dates saved up for you. By the way your arms squeeze him tighter and you murmur his name, all delicate and surprised, he feels pretty good about it.
“Where did you get all of this? It’s barely been an hour since you called.”
“A magician never reveals his secrets.”
You lean up and kiss his cheek, the words ‘thank you’ pushed into his skin.
“Well,” he starts, his cheeks warming at your affection, “you wanna paint something?”
It’s easy to get into the swing of things, dollops of paint squeezed out onto the tarp to use, cups of muddled water used to clean your brushes, and the sort of ease you’ve only ever felt around Steve.
You don’t know how he seems to understand exactly what you need without saying anything, how he accepts every bit of you without complaint, but you’re eternally thankful for it nonetheless.
He knows you the best, and he loves you the way only he could. In this big, huge way that’s in everything he does, even the way he paints the tip of your nose pink.
By the end of the painting session, you’re left giggling at Steve’s piece of art that looks like something a proud parent would put on their fridge.
“Whatever,” he says, fighting a smile at the brightness in your eyes and the laugh you’re hiding behind your hand. “It’s called abstract. Guess you just don’t have the eye for it.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah,” he cups your cheek in his warm palm, rubbing away a splotch of paint—one that he probably put there—with his thumb.
Your long shift feels ages away, long forgotten and replaced by paint stains on your clothes, a mess that neither of you can be bothered to clean up, and the all-encompassing feeling of being with Steve, of being known and loved by him.
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justmystyles · 10 months
hi so i have a request!! i’m going thru a bit of a rough time lately, and i was wondering if you could do a fic where reader is scared she’s going to relapse and harry comes home and helps her emotionally a lil bit? thank you so much, i’m so so so so sorry if this is too much
Road to Recovery
read my other work here!
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
*i say it's a plus size reader, but it is not something that i focus on explicitly in my fics, because your size should not define you. it will only come up if it comes into the story organically.*
word count: 2.1k
warnings: mentions of eating disorders and bullying.
summary: after reading some negative comments about yourself, you nearly spiral back into old habits. you try to keep it from Harry, but he finds out and confronts you about it.
a/n: thank yo so much for reaching out, my friend. i am so sorry that you're going through a rough patch right now. i'm thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way. i am here for anything you may need, and i hope that this fic helps bring you come comfort. you didn't specify what kind of relapse, so i took some liberties.
tags: @abby8694 @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @likeapplejuicenpeach @lilfreakjez @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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Stepping out of the car now ;)
As soon as you see the text from Harry, you grab the remote and switch on E!, waiting for him to come up on screen. 
It was the night of the Grammy awards, and Harry was about to walk the red carpet. The two of you had been seeing each other for a few months, but because of Harry’s desire to keep his personal life to himself, and your discomfort being in the spotlight, you both agreed that you would watch from the hotel, and he would come straight back to you after the show so the two of you could have your own private after-party.
Harry had stopped for a brief interview, you were pretty sure it was only because he knew you were watching, before continuing down the carpet and heading inside. You watched and listened as the interviewer gushed to him about his album, and wished him luck on his nominations. They then cut to the panelist who were raving about the suit he had worn, that you had helped him select. 
Once they had moved on, you pulled out your phone and headed to social media to see what the fans were saying. It was great that the talking heads liked it, but you knew that the opinions of his fans were the most important. You scrolled through comments full of praise, loving the suit, the cut, his hair, and just overall thirsting for your boyfriend. Even though you weren’t public with your relationship, it still felt good to know that you had something, or rather someone, that so many other people wanted. 
Then, another tweet caught your eye. 
See, they’re obviously not together. She would be there. 
Even though Harry didn’t speak openly about your relationship, there had been plenty of paparazzi and fan pictures of the two of you out and about, causing the inevitable speculation. You knew for your own sanity you should just move on, but you couldn’t help but click on it, and read some of the replies. 
She probably couldn’t find a dress to fit her fat ass. 
I told you guys they were just friends. He can do so much better than her! 
Before long, you could feel the hot wet sensation of tears streaming down your cheeks. This was why you shouldn’t have looked. While most of Harry’s fans were good people, and practiced what he preached by treating people with kindness, there was a faction that were just plain mean. Maybe it was jealousy that they couldn’t be in your position, maybe it was their own issues and insecurities, maybe it was all of the above. Whatever it was, it hurt. Especially because of your past. 
Growing up was a tough time for you, you were the biggest girl in your class, and your peers wouldn’t let you forget it. During the summer break going into your senior year, you decided you wanted to go out of high school with a bang, so you began your weight loss journey. It started out perfectly fine, you joined a gym and watched what you ate, cutting out fast food, and halving your typical portions of sweets. 
Things were going well, and you lost quite a bit of weight in the first few months. When you returned to school in the fall, you received compliments from students and teachers alike, telling you how good you looked. The compliments made you feel really good, and encouraged you on your journey.
And then you hit your plateau. 
It’s a common occurrence when someone starts changing their activity and eating habits. The weight comes off easily at first, your body is adjusting to major changes. The increased activity changes your metabolism and calories burn off easier. However, as your body acclimates to your new lifestyle, it slows down the changes. When you noticed the numbers on the scale moving less, if at all, and the compliments dying down, you wanted so badly to get back to that place. You resorted to drastic, and unhealthy changes. 
You began by doubling up on your workouts, going to the gym for an hour before school, and then another hour after. Then, you cut back even further on your food; it started by skipping breakfast, telling your parents you would just grab something on the way to school; and then the other meals quickly followed. 
You would tell your parents that you were still full from the lunch that you didn’t eat, or that you had gone out to eat with friends after school, but they started to catch on quickly. They began monitoring you and making sure you were eating, and that’s when the binging and purging began. Sure, they could sit there and make sure you cleaned your plate, but they couldn’t follow you around all the time to make sure you kept the food down. 
You were able to keep that up for a few weeks, but eventually they caught on, and after an emotional confrontation you agreed to seek treatment. They didn’t want you to miss out on your senior year, so they found you an outpatient facility that was able to work around your schedule. You got set up with a healthy eating plan, which caused a lot of the weight that you had lost to come back. But with the help of some really great doctors, you learned to be okay with that. Okay with you. 
Then you started dating one of the biggest stars in the world. 
You had told Harry about your past pretty early on into your relationship. He was even more supportive and sweet about it than you expected him to be, and that’s saying a lot. He would make sure you were eating, but not baby you about it. When he would go for a run or workout, he would invite you along, supporting your decision whether or not you joined him. And when you had the conversation about keeping your relationship private, he made sure you understood that it had nothing to do with you, and he was so happy and proud to have you as his girlfriend. 
But pictures started getting out, and the internet started speculating and talking about you. Harry and his team were the first to see it, and he knew what kind of damage this could do to you. When he sat you down to talk to you about what was going on, he couldn’t help but break down into tears, blaming himself for everything that they were saying. You comforted him and assured him that it wasn’t his fault. That you had dealt with bullies your whole life, and there wasn’t much damage a few faceless, nameless avatars on a screen could do to you. You had always been really good at pretending to be stronger than you were. 
Without thinking, you moved to the phone that was on the end table and called down to the kitchen, ordering an obscene amount of food. None of it healthy. You cried as you waited for it to be delivered, calming down enough to answer the door and accept the food. The bellboy laid everything out on one of the tables for you before accepting your tip and going on his way. 
You looked at everything laid out in front of you, cheeseburgers, pizza, french fries, cakes, ice creams, you ordered it all. Sure, you would indulge from time to time, but always responsibly. You hadn’t gorged yourself like this for years. 
Your mind was racing, it was like a scene in a movie, there was a devil on one shoulder telling you to just go for it. If all these people were going to comment on you, you might as well give them something to comment about. On the other shoulder, an angel reminding you that you’d been doing so well for so long. That those people on the internet didn’t matter. What you think matters, what Harry thinks matters. 
You collapse into a nearby chair, breaking out into sobs. Angry with yourself for folding so easily after being so strong for so long. The angel wins, and you don’t eat any of it. Instead, you decide to clear it all out and hide the evidence before Harry gets back. You don’t like keeping things from him, but you didn’t do it, so he would just get upset and worried over nothing. 
A few days later, you and Harry are relaxing in his London home when he excuses himself to take a call from Jeff. When he returned, he had a worried look on his face. 
“Everything okay?” You asked. 
He took a seat beside you, running a hand through his hair. “I’m not sure.” He looked at you, his expression serious. “I need to ask you something, and I want an honest answer. You’re not in trouble. I just want to know.” 
You furrowed your brow. “Okay.” 
“The night of the Grammys, did you order a bunch of room service?” 
“Oh,” your voice is quiet as you slouch down. “I uh… yeah, I might have ordered a couple of things.” 
“Y/N, Jeff saw the itemized bill. It wasn’t just a couple of things.” He grabbed your hands. “I’m not mad, baby but if something’s going on I want to know so I can help you.” 
You let out a shuttered breath before your tears began to fall. Harry immediately wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, letting you cry. He knew this was an important conversation, so he was willing to take as much time as you needed. 
Eventually, you had calmed yourself enough to speak. You pulled back, looking down at your hands, which were sitting in your lap. “I didn’t eat it, I had a moment of weakness and almost relapsed, but I couldn’t go through with it.” Your gaze flicked up to Harry’s quickly, and you could see the tears pooling in his eyes.  
“Baby, you should have called me. You know I would have been back there in a heartbeat.” 
“I know you would have,” you said. “But you were busy, I didn’t want to bother you.” 
A pained look flashed in his eyes. “You’re never a bother, you come before anything else. Especially if you’re hurting that much.” He placed his index finger under your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his. “Can I ask what triggered you?” 
“I was looking through social media, I wanted to see what everyone was saying about your outfit, and I may have stumbled across a couple of comments about me that weren’t very nice.” 
“Oh Y/N,” Harry pulled you close once again, kissing the top of your head. “I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.” 
“No, it’s not.” You say sternly as you pull back. “And that’s why I didn’t tell you. Because I knew you’d blame yourself.” You place one hand on his cheek. “You don’t have any control over other people. And yes, they talk about me because I’m with you, but I’d rather have people talking about me and have you then have nobody talking about me, but also not have you.” 
“I understand.” Harry says with a nod. “But if we’re going to work, you can’t keep stuff like this from me. I want to be there for you for everything good and bad. I love you so much Y/N, I would do anything for you.” 
“I know.” 
“Then let me in, tell me when this stuff is going through your mind and let me be there to help you however I can.” You nod quietly. “Promise?” You nod again. “Words baby, I need your words.” 
“I promise.” 
He smiled softly and pulled you in for a lingering kiss. “Good. Now what do you want to do? Do you want to talk to someone?”
You stop for a minute, knowing that as hard as you’d been pushing them away, those feelings were still inside of you waiting to bubble up to the surface. “Yeah, I think I do.”
“Okay, then we’re going to find you someone.” He said with determination in his voice. “And I want to talk to them too.” You look at him curiously. “I’m not going to sit in with you all the time, but I would like to sit in for a session or two, just so I can learn how to best support you.” 
“Harry… that’s –”
“Is it okay?” He asks cautiously. “I don’t have to if it would make you uncomfortable.” 
You silence him by crashing your lips against his. You are so overwhelmed by his love for you, he wants to do whatever he can to help you, you’re his priority. You know that you will likely be fighting this battle for the rest of your life, but it makes it so much more bearable to know that you’re not fighting it alone. 
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plussizefantasia · 21 days
Horrible People
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Tony Stark x Plus Size!f!Reader
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Cyberbullying, allusions to a panic attack
Request: i just noticed you wrote for marvel and better off you wrote for tony. I was hoping you could write me a story about tony meeting a bigger girl and starting to date her and he finds out someone made fun of her in the tabloids and she gets insecure but he makes her feel positive again? it would mean alot really.
@lilacprincessofrecovery Happy Birthday! I wrote this really fast for you so I hope you enjoy it! Have a great day lovely!
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Never in your life did you think you’d be walking the carpet at the MET Gala. Never mind the fact that tickets were 75k each and that was more than you made in a year, you weren’t on any kind of list that might’ve warranted an invitation. But Tony was.
Your wonderful and loving boyfriend of a year, Tony Stark, was definitely the kind of person that got an invite to the most exclusive event of the year. And because he loved you and knew that this was something you’d enjoy, he’d told his assistant to send an RSVP to Anna and to reach out to any designers who wanted to work with him. 
The process of getting fitted for your dress was a unique one, Tony wanted you to be comfortable so he had asked the designer to meet with the two of you at his home in Malibu. That meant that you were wildly uncomfortable, standing in a mockup of a dress that was more luxurious and ostentatious than anything you owned, but at least you were doing it in your living room. The entire process from consultation to fitting to actually getting ready the day of was about six months, you had no idea that it took that long to get this kind of thing ready but you weren’t exactly surprised.
Tony had insisted that the two of you get ready in the same hotel room, mostly so that he could shower you in compliments all day.
“Look at you Pretty Girl, you look gorgeous.”
“Damn Baby, that color looks really good on you.”
“Are you sure we have to go? I could spend all night staring at you and have way more fun.” That one earned him a glare from you followed by, “Tony… I’ve been getting ready for three hours already. We’re going.” 
Tony’s compliments really worked though, you felt amazing and the nerves that you had woken up with had dissipated at his relentless teasing and flirting throughout the day. Alas, they came back with a vengeance when it was time to actually leave for the carpet. Tony had escorted you down to the lobby where the two of you were told to wait while Happy and the rest of the security team established a path through the mix of fans and paparazzi that were crowded in front of the hotel entrance. When you were given the go-ahead, Tony placed his hand in the middle of your back and curled you into his side. He took measured but quick steps to get you into the car as soon as possible, not stopping for a picture or autographs even if the crowd was yelling for his attention.
Once you were seated in the back of the black town car, Tony kissed the back of your hand. 
“That was the worst of it, Darling, from now everything will be smooth sailing.”
You didn’t know how he thought that walking up a long ass flight of stairs in the most elaborate dress you’ve ever worn while being blinded by flashes of cameras could be considered ‘smooth sailing’ but you knew that with Tony by your side nothing could really go that wrong. 
Stepping out of the car and into the entrance of the event was like stepping into another world, people a lot more famous than you were everywhere, all dressed to the nines and laughing while talking to each other.
Tony’s hand in yours was grounding, and so was the little kiss that he gently placed on the side of your head, being mindful of the time and energy that went into your hair and makeup for the evening.
Eventually, it was your turn to walk the carpet. You were being lectured by a woman in a simpler black dress with a headset. Telling you that you had to walk fast enough to keep pace but not too fast that you run into the person ahead of you. She told you that everyone had time to stop for one interview and no time to dilly dally or you’d throw off the rhythm of the whole event.
You tried your best to make sure that no terror was showing on your face when you and Tony took your first steps out of the corral and onto the carpet. Immediately you were blinded by flashes and had to stop yourself from flinching. Meanwhile Tony looked like he was in his element, posing effortlessly in his themed suit all while never removing his hand from your body. 
He subtly pushed you forward and made eye contact with you the man you didn’t move forward. He raised an eyebrow at you, “you okay?” His expression asked.
He leaned closer to you and whispered with his face turned away from the cameras, “One word and we go home, no questions asked.” 
The warmth that spread across your face was thankfully covered thanks to the masterful makeup that had been applied. Tony’s words did the trick though. And with much more confidence than you had just moments before you stepped forward and saunter to the next spot that you had been told to go stand at.
A smirk spread across Tony’s face and he followed your lead, strutting along behind you and cheesing for the cameras. 
After that, it really was smooth sailing. You and Tony took pictures together and apart, you walked the carpet flawlessly and he couldn’t have been prouder. You had a great evening, and you met some people that you five years ago would’ve screamed cried, and thrown up at the prospect of meeting let alone having an actual conversation with. 
Once the main event had died down and most of the attendees were either heading home or to some after-party or another you and Tony had decided to call it quits as well, after all, he might’ve been a billionaire genius ex-playboy philanthropist but you were a normal human being and needed to be at work the day after. 
The two of you were still immaculately dressed when he leaned over in the car with his signature mischievous grin, “Hey Pretty Girl, are you hungry?”
“What?” You laughed in reply
“Are you hungry?” He asked again his smirk not faltering.
“We can order room services when we get back to the hotel, Tony.”
“Or Sweetheart, hear me out. We could go get burgers. I know this great hole-in-the-wall spot and it’s only five minutes away.”
“Tony, neither of us is exactly dressed for hole-in-the-wall right now.”
“Who cares? I don’t, I’m hungry and I want to share a burger with my amazing and sexy girlfriend and a great place that I know. The only thing keeping me from doing that is her being hesitant.”
“You're being pushy you know that? But sure, let’s go get burgers.”
“Happy, change the course please, let’s go to Mc’Rory’s for a burger and a drink,” Tony called up to his forehead of security who had assigned himself and your driver for the evening.
“Want to stop at the hotel first boss?” Happy raised a single brow and made eye contact with Tony through the rearview mirror.
“Nope, just head straight there we’re hungry.”
“Oh-Kay.” Happy replied. 
The place was a literal hole in the wall, after the space needed for the kitchen where there was only room for two tables, and You and Tony took up one while you waited for your orders to be done, Happy was sitting at the other, also waiting for his food but wanting to give the two of you some space.
“So Honey, did you have fun?” Tony asked
“I don’t know if fun is the word but I had a good time, I definitely don’t want to come back though.”
“Why not? I get invited every year I just have never had a reason to go before now.”
“What new and compelling reason did you have for this year?” You chuckled.
“I had a gorgeous date to go with who I wanted to show off.” He looked into your eyes and you were once again struck with how much love you had for this man and how much love he had for you. The world had not been kind to Tony Stark but you would spend the rest of your life trying to make it up to him.
“Well shucks, I guess I had a pretty swell date too.” 
“You sound like you’ve been spending too much time with Mr. Righteous and his Boy Wonder.”
“I wouldn’t say that Bucky is Boy Wonder more like a broodier and more cyborg version of Steve.”
“And why are we talking about those dinosaurs?”
“You brought them up!”
“And now I’m changing the topic, did you get a chance to read through the article I sent you the other day?” 
The two of you continued talking until your orders were placed at the table between the two of you. At which point both of you realized that it had been something like nine hours since either of you had anything decent or filling to eat and the conversation ended while you both pretty much inhaled your dinner.
You must’ve looked like quite the pair. Both of you dressed the way you were, in corresponding outfits covered in flora and fauna motifs while devoting a burger in a red booth. It was defined top ten on your surrealist moments' lists which has gotten significantly longer since you started dating Tony, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Your night ended very similarly to how it started. With Tony showering you with compliments in a hotel room, only this time you weren’t getting all dolled up. This time you were barefaced with your hair mussed up and comfy pjs covering your body. It made your heart flutter that Tony still thought you were beautiful even when you were dressed down to your most basic. There was no makeup trickery or shapewear smoothing your body at that moment, just you and all your imperfections, and Tony looked at them and saw nothing but beauty. 
You crawled into the large bed and waited for him to turn off the lights and join you. He played down only seconds after you and pulled you so that you were halfway on top of him, your head tucked nicely into the dip of his neck.
“I really love you, you know that?” You whispered into the dark of the room.
“I love you too, so much Angel.”
The two of you fell asleep within minutes.
The next morning you were awoken to the buzzing of your phone against the wood of the nightstand, Tony’s phone vibrating just as viciously on his side of the bed. 
You figured that it was pictures of the two of you groom last night and opened your phone to see all the high-quality images that were being posted everywhere of the two of you on the carpet. And you weren’t wrong, the images blowing up were of the two of you and they were from last night but they weren’t on the carpet. Apparently you and Tony had been pretty lax in your observation skills last night or you would’ve noticed the person taking your pictures outside of the burger joint. Because there it was, all over your phone. Pictures of you and Tony still in your fancy outfits pigging out on burgers with various captions, each more vicious than the last. 
The one that really caught you off guard was on some celeb gossip page, “Tony Stark takes unknown to Met Gala: he can do better” It wasn’t the worst one there was by far. There were all kinds of ribs being made about your size, about the way you ate, about everything. It wasn’t until someone said the words that were always floating around in the back of your mind out loud that you really began to fall apart. 
It was your gasping breaths that woke Tony up. He noticed you sitting upright in the bed next to him, phone in hand and tears streaming down your face.
“Woah, woah baby what’s going on? What’s wrong?!” He shot up too, getting on your level. You only handed him the phone unable to get any words out.
He looked briefly at the images across the screen at first not seeing the problem. It was a cute picture, very ‘the two of you’ to be dressed up and eating burgers in a dive like that but when he read the caption he saw red. 
Your choked sob brought him back from the brink of rage but he filed the feeling away for later, he’d track down whoever had written the nasty words, the cameraman, the publisher. Anyone and everyone involved in making you cry would be paying for it later.
He pulled you into his arms and winced when you started to cry harder. As much as he wanted to get to the bottom of it you weren’t in a place to talk yet. He just had to take care of you until you were. 
It was difficult marching the two of you out of bed without letting go of you but he managed, all the while smoothing a hand up and down your back and whispering praises into your head.
“Doing so good Pretty Girl, breathe, yeah just like that.”
“It’s gonna be okay, we’ll talk in a little bit.”
“Thats it, you’re doing so well.”
He guided you to the shower and turned the water to a warm temperature, not wanting to force you to feel anything too harsh at the moment.
Slowly and step by step he walked through your morning routine, washing your hair for you and helping you with your face routine. 
When he looked into your eyes and saw a daft tenderness he knew that you were going to be okay, the both of you. 
Even if he knew that it would make you upset he knew that the two of you needed to talk about everything, getting it out into the open was the only way that it wouldn’t come back to bite you later. 
“Okay, Darling. I’m going to go get breakfast for us, you take your time getting dressed and when I come back we can eat and talk okay?”
You nodded, “Okay.” He hated how he could still hear the sadness in your voice but he pushed a kiss to your lips and grabbed his phone before making his exit. All you heard as he left was Tony on the phone, “Hap- I got a job for you” and the door was closed.
You let yourself breathe for just a moment longer before moving to do as Tony said, and getting dressed before sitting back down in the middle of the bed. You didn’t dare pick your phone back up, just sitting in silence until he walked back through the door holding a brown bag.
“I got breakfast burritos from that brunch place down the street okay?”
“Yeah. Sounds good.” You didn’t think you’d actually be able to eat anything.  
There was a slightly tense silence between the two of you for a few moments as Tony gave you your food and then sat down across from you with his.
“I’m sorry” you both blurted out at the same time.
“Woah, sweetheart what are you sorry for?”
“I don’t know… for not being enough, for being too much. Take your pick.” 
“Okay none of that pretty girl, you are none of those things you are just right, you are absolutely perfect let’s get that straight right now.”
“But- you saw-“
“Nug-uh what I saw was some random person who doesn’t know either of us, spewing hate behind a screen. I saw horrible people being horrible for no reason and that is not your fault Baby.”
“I’m still sorry, I saw how mad you were, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“You didn’t make me upset at all Babe, none of how I was feeling this morning was your fault okay? None of it.”
“Well- wait. Did you say you were sorry? Why the hell are you sorry?”
“I should’ve been watching better last night. I was just so focused on you and how relaxed I was feeling with you that I didn’t notice that asshole following us or taking our picture.”
“Tony. Thousands of people took our picture yesterday, you couldn’t have protected me even if you wanted to. I wanted to go remember?”
“You said you had a good time last night. Do you feel any different now?” The question caught you off guard. 
“Well-no. I still had a really good time. I always have a good time when we’re together.”
“Then why does it matter what strangers on the internet think of us?”
“I mean- don’t you care that people think-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there. The answer is no. I don’t care what people think, not anymore. Not since I met you. You have this uncanny ability to make me feel like nobody in the world but us matters.”
“What if they’re right though?” You asked in a quiet voice.
“Right about what Baby?”
“What if you can do better? What if one day you wake up and realize that you’re settling.”
“There is not a universe out there where me being with you is settling. You’re it for me Sweetheart. You're all I’ve got, the light of my life. The yin to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly, the wasabi to my peas.”
“You made that last one up.” You let out a soft laugh.
“Doesn’t make it any less true.”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”
You both smiled stupidly at each other.
“Hey Tony?” You asked.
“Yeah, Pretty Girl?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, and so do they.”
You’re face adopted a look of confusion as Tony handed you his phone. On his screen was a couple of pictures he had posted of the two of you from yesterday. Pictures of you getting ready. Of you making stupid faces at him while getting your hair done, of the two of you in the back of the car on the way to the Gala, and one of the most beautiful pictures you’ve ever seen of yourself. 
It’s a wide shot of the two of you, you’d just started walking up the stairs and Tony is two steps below you. In the photo, you’re looking back at him and have this gorgeous smile spread across your lips. Tony stands underneath you, adoration clear in his eyes as he reaches a hand up to meet your outstretched one.
It isn’t the beautiful pictures that catch your eyes though, it’s the millions of comments that the post has.
“Omg slay.”
“Get you someone who looks at you the way Tony looks at this goddess right here.”
“She looks so happy.
“They look so good together.”
“I can’t tell if I want to be here or want to be with her.”
That last one makes you laugh and you look up from the phone to see Tony looking at you with a soft smile on his face.
“So. Are we going back next year, if so I need to start looking for a designer that can one up this.”
“I’ll go anywhere with you as long as you keep looking at me like that.” You toss his phone back to him.
“I’ll look at you like that until the day I die, Gorgeous. You deserve it.”
“Yeah, I kinda do.” 
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
hiiiiii I hope you have a amazing day,
I was wondering how the Aew boys react if someone try to use you against them like during the matches with them or in backstage with them busy with a other match ( like the attacker interrupt the match to show you being attacked) , I hope this makes sense 😭
i gotchuuuuu sweetheartttt
AEW Stars React To: You Being Attacked by Their Opponents
Pairings: Kenny Omega X Reader, Ricky Starks X Reader, Hook X Reader, Darius Martin X Reader, Nick Wayne X Reader, Daniel Garcia X Reader, Eddie Kingston X Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Supreme Speaks: Thanks to anon for this request (YALL KEEP EM COMING), this was really fun and a little bit different than how I typically post these. please know that you are loved and appreciated
Warnings: ANGST and fluff but ANGST, GIFS are NOT mine, not proofread
Taglist: @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @wwenhlimagines @eddie-kingstons-wifey @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @sheinthatfandom
**Every person has their own backstory (in a wrestling world where I am a fantastic booker/producer) and the person who attacked them are in ()**
Eddie Kingston (BCC)
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This happened during Eddie’s match against Christian Cage
Eddie didn’t want you out there in fear that Christian might rizz you up (or even Luchasurus no judgment)
So as he’s about to finish the match; the titantron shows up with you on the floor as Wheeler Yuta and Claudio tower over you
Eddie goes berserk; he no longer cares about the match; fuck the match
He leaves the match to rush to your aid with a kendo stick; whacking and cursing anyone who dares get in the way
He gets to you and hits Claudio and Wheeler as they run away; he holds you with so much care and curses himself out too
“Fuck Claudio and his Yorkie bitch! Fuck, I should have kept an eye on you doll. I’m sorry, it’s my fault”
Legit feels bad about the situation (it almost reduces him to tears) as you are put in an ambulance
Looks at Mox and says “You betta pray that she’s okay or Renee won’t be able to recognize her husband”
Darius Martin (Kingdom)
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Okay hear me out; the Kingdom attacks you and then throws you on stage during Darius’ match to distract him
He looks at Action Andretti and Matt Sydal as they tell him to check on you; Darius goes with you backstage as doctors check on you
He’s silent….which is unusual and almost unsettling for you; he’s really taking everything to heart and is angrily simmering
“I’m so sorry that they dragged you into my mess, but I promise I will fix this”
He really feels remorseful about everything and certainly disappointed with himself that he allowed this to happen
Next week; he comes out with a chair and whoops ass
But I think he would go so far to the point where Andretti and Matt have to come out and say stop
He calms down and sits with you backstage for the rest of the show (he prolly will never take his eyes off you again)
Hook (Jack Perry)
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Mans is fucking up everyone in sight
Bad enough that Jack took his title and refused to give him a rematch; so Hook is wrestling a jobber
As Hook has his opponent in the Redrum; Jack pops up on the screen with Anna Jay who is just choking you out (wish it was me)
Hook keeps the submission on long enough for the bell to ring before zooming backstage; just as Anna and Jack getaway
He is livid and starts throwing people left and right until he realizes that you are still on the ground
I think he feels exposed at the fact you were attacked cause he really does care about you
He helps you up and is visibly upset; vows to get revenge but then has a better idea
Two weeks later; he returns with you in tow and you two start WHOOPING THOSE TRICKS (to the point where the FTW championship is on the line in a tag team match; ex Edge and Kelly Kelly vs Dolph Ziggler and Laycool)
Nick Wayne (Swerve)
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He honestly doesn’t know what to think (and what he did to deserve Swerve hating him so much)
I feel like as soon as he sees your unconscious self on the screen, he would immediately dash backstage (like Eddie)
He would run up to your body “Y/N! Are you okay?” Before getting attacked by Swerve and AR Fox; who would then be run off by Best Friends
As he falls to the ground and when he wakes up, Nick would think that he’s a failure (DESPITE NOTHING IS HIS FAULT)
It would really take you constantly reassuring him that he was fine and nothing is his fault
“Yeah sure, but if I can’t protect you from attacks; then what kind of a man and wrestler am I?”
Like Darius, Nick would never allow you to leave his sight
Not until he ended this feud with Swerve
Kenny Omega (Will Ospreay)
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Kenny would be that person who would just fill his mind continuously
During his match against Jon Moxley (sorry), The United Empire shows up with you about to go through a table
He turns his attention as Jon rolls him up and wins; Kenny immediately runs to the back
The Bucks attack the group and you are dropped on the floor (not through the table); you have no injuries
As he approaches backstage, mans is worried and anxiety has filled his body
Subconsciously declares war with Opsreay and will allow guilt to take over his mind
“I swear to you that Ospreay, that son of a bitch, will pay for this shit. And he will literally pay for your therapy (bitch take the free therapy plz)”
So much to the point where he’s not smiling anymore and treats every match like a deathmatch
Tbh, as long as Will shows up, Kenny will attack him without fail
Ricky Starks (CM Punk/The Factory)
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OKAY LISTEN TO ME I believe that CM Punk would do some fucked up shit (as a true heel)
So during after Ricky’s match on Collision (who hasn’t seen you all night), Punk would show the footage of you being attacked by The Factory
But then he would say; “but that was earlier tonight”
And then BAM Punk attacks Ricky from behind and leaves him the ring
Ricky is upset at himself for not recognizing that you were missing all night and mad that he allowed Punk to attack him and you
Immediately checks on you and apologizes profusely
“I’m so sorry; I should have noticed, I should have made sure you were beside me-” “Ricky, you have been saying I’m sorry for the past hour” “Because I am!”
Would cut a vicious promo on Punk that embarrassed and angered him at the same time
Vows to get his revenge and starts it by attacking Punk
Daniel Garcia (Chris Jericho)
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Danny is on the verge of leaving the JAS due to differences and Chris’ power trips, and you are his escape from it all
Chris knows this and tries to use it to his advantage; he tries to talk to you about Danny and keeping him in the JAS
To which you disagree and say it’s his decision; to which he got angry….and to which he may or may not have hit you with the baseball bat (CAUSE HE’S A JACKASS)
All of this was shown during Daniel and Sammy’s tag team match; Danny immediately jumped down from the apron (essentially leaving Sammy hanging) and ran to the back
He would be so angry that he would quit the JAS right then and there
Time skip, you were okay; when Danny told you the news, you were happy but you wouldn’t show it to him, asking him if he was sure
“Y/N, your safety, and well-being is more important to me than Jericho’s trash ass club. And it always will be.”
The following weeks are filled with confrontations until Daniel joins the BCC (who are not complete assholes in this universe)
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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daddy-deathslinger · 4 months
Hi - it's the anon "who asks for thick s/o carrying killers by mistake!" I love your post about them and I like to see one for Anna, Evan, and Max if you like!
Hi there! Here's a little something I came up with, hope ya like!
The Huntress/Anna with a buff s/o
Anna is a strong, big woman, and she knows it.
You’re even bigger and stronger than she is, and this confuses her a bit at times.
She’s supposed to be the big, intimidating huntress, but next to you she sometimes feels small. Not that this bothers her too much, she knows her strengths and she knows yours.
For example, you are an excellent friend to your fellow survivors, always helping them and carrying them if need be. 
Anna admires that about you, but soon she’s about to get even more confused.
One time during a trial, she whips out her best hatchets, the ones that usually make the survivors so disoriented when hit, that they can mess up almost anything.
She does well in the trial, as always when using the best hatchets, but soon things are about to change for her.
Scouting for a hurt survivor, she thinks she hears them moaning and whining behind a bush, so she goes there. She readies her hatchet, sneaks around the bush… 
 “Что происходит?!”
She is being lifted up by someone, or something! Carried away, like a little child!
She looks around in utter confusion, and sees… you. You appear to notice her too.
“Anna! Holy shit!” you exclaim and instantly drop her on the ground.
The two of you just stand there and stare at each other, then you start stuttering out apologies.
But Anna just stares at you, mesmerised by your strength. Then, a smile cracks on her lips and she starts laughing.
She laughs like you’ve never heard her laugh before, and it sure is a contagious laugh.
The Trapper/Evan MacMillan with a buff s/o
You know Evan is a proud man, he has always been a strong one and he’s very buff.
So when he started dating you, he had some things to get used to. You being stronger than him, for one.
He doesn’t seem to have let it hurt his pride too much, though. You know he loves you with all his heart.
One trial, you notice Evan has some fancier bear traps out. They stink something terrible, and you’re guessing he has oiled them with something to give them better grip. You make sure not to step into any, and tell your survivor friends to be extra careful this trial.
That being said, you still see someone trying to disable a trap in the cornfield. 
You also feel your heart racing, the killer is near! 
You start running towards the survivor stupid enough to try and disarm the trap, ready to stop them in the act before Evan shows up.
Your heart beats faster, Evan is almost here!
Without wasting a moment, you swoop up the survivor in your arms and run away into the cornfield with them, hoping Evan didn’t see them tinkering with his trap.
A loud grunt is heard, and you wonder if it’s Jeff that you’ve picked up…
“Evan!” you shriek in surprise, staring up into the white mask and the irritated eyes behind it.
“Don’t mind me, just trying to set my traps!” he mutters as you quickly put him down. 
Blindness traps. Of course.
The Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr. with a buff s/o
You’ve dated Max for a while now. He’s a very sweet and charming character, although a bit quiet at times. But you don’t mind.
In trials however, he’s very focused on his task. Whoever comes in his way, suffers the consequences of doing so.
One trial, not so long ago, something else came in his way. Or, someone particular.
It started out as a trial like any other, people getting hurt, generators getting done. 
Then, you suddenly noticed someone hunched over in the cornfield. It must have been David or Jeff, by the looks of it.
They seemed distressed, hurt even. You knew your task was to help out your fellow survivors, so you quickly ran towards the person.
“Hey, don’t worry, I got you!” you whispered, swiftly lifting up the survivor in your arms. 
You hadn’t heard the chainsaw in a while, so you got a bit nervous that Max was coming your way, silently. You quickly made your way through the cornfield, with the survivor safe in your arms.
You thought it was a bit quiet, and when you eventually looked down on who actually was in your arms, you gasped.
He just looked up at you, confused, a bit embarrassed. He didn’t say anything, why hadn’t he pointed out your big mistake here?
“Max, honey, I’m so sorry!” you stuttered, putting him down on the ground again.
Max just glanced at you, looking very embarrassed now. He grunted something that you didn’t really hear, and then started his chainsaw.
And off he went, to a completely different direction. 
You smiled shyly to yourself, feeling a bit stupid for embarrassing him like that. Oh well, you would make it up with cuddles later.
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alevicke · 9 months
Killers getting sick x gn!reader
- Huntress, Ghostface, Spirit and Shape -
No TWs needed as long as I'm concerned, but Danny is a bitch
(I'm sorry for any mistakes! English isn't my native language and I'm not used to writing because I feel too embarrassed of my English. I hope you still like it and enjoy it 🙏)
**Anna ( The Huntress)**
At first, she tries to ignore it
It starts with her coughing and sneezing sometimes but like, it's the forest, it could be a bit of dust annoying her
But it just keeps increasing
And God is she stubborn, she doesn't want to pay attention to it. She is busy, she has things to do, killing survivors and practicing throwing hatches won't be done all on its own
You can see it's getting worse
She's probably getting fever
But it doesn't matter how much you insist she doesn't want to listen to you
That's until she can't even throw and axe due to how much she's coughing and sneezing. Her nose is stuffed so badly
That's when she stops being a wolf and becomes your puppy
She apologizes for not listening to you
Please don't be too hard on her
You know she's stubborn and she's used to showing she's strong and not showing weaknesses
She had to survive through so much after all
But now she's your whiny puppy and wants your attention
Please, be by her side
Even if she doesn't like taking off her mask, she trusts you enough to do it
I mean, she doesn't want to sneeze on the mask and ruin it
But she always keeps an eye on it
She wants your attention so much now
Your hugs, your kisses, your pets
She's not used to showing she's weak but she knows she can trust you
Although she'll still be careful that others do not know her codnition
Some people (Danny) might get annoyed and try to take advantage of the situation when they normally could not go against her
Once she gets better she'll still be clingy appreciating everything you did for her
Although you may be the one getting sick now after being around a sneezing Anna the whole time...
**Danny (Ghostface)**
You know? Danny is not really that mindful
He's kind of annoying and childish sometimes
The first time he sneezed in a cleenex he literally looked for you, paper in hand
The other times he sneezes he's being an annoying bitch and won't even cover his mouth
He might even directly point at you just to mess with you and laugh at you
That's until he realizes he was getting sick and it wasn't just normal sneezing
"Oh fuck"
Yeah, he finally realizes he was sneezing on you while being sick and could have gotten you sick as well
He's so goddamn dramatic as soon as he has a tiny bit of fever
"Oh god, oh Lord. OH ENTITY. I think I'm dying S/O. That's it. I'm done. I'm fucked up. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!"
He barely even has a fever. His nose is stuffed and that's about it
Every time he coughs he tries to make it sound even worse than the clown
He's so loud
And you just KNOW he wants your attention
If he doesn't get it that way he'll start calling you
"Baby... Sweetheart... Honey... Please... Sweetie... I need you... PLEASE..."
Please, go. The names will get even chessier
"My sweet baby... My cute angel... Light of my life..."
You actually wonder if he's just messing with you
"My sweet spicy Pumpking Starbuck's Coffee..."
Ok Danny fuck off
He finally grabs your attention and is a whiny baby the whole time about pain, sneezes and everything
When he finally recovers he'll be bragging around that he didn't even "notice" that he was sick
Nope, so brave, all on his own. Yeap
He'll still appreciate you and will thank you in private
But he thinks he has an status and appearance to maintain (no one actually gives a shit about him)
**Rin (The Spirit)**
It started as a few normal sneezes
Uhmm, weird. She doesn't usually sneeze
At least not more than once
She still decides to go to the trial like nothing
But it's easy to spot there is something wrong
She cannot keep up with the survivors as good as she usually can
They of course take advantage of that and rush the generators and throw some pallets on her
She takes even longer than usual to recover from the pallet and flashlights make her even more blind
She struggles and covers her face and head after the flashligh
She can feel her head starts to hurt and you can sense her behaviour is being off and weird
If you're in the trial you can offer yourself as the only sacrifice although she would rather not doing it
You can insist though, you don't want the entity punishing her when you can feel something is wrong
If she accepts she'll be gentle (I mean, as gently as you can be hooking someone like a dead pig meat)
Once you two are alone, you put your hand in her forehead to feel her temperature raised
She will complain that she's fine but she's smart, she knows she isn't
She just wants you to go away so she doesn't get you sick as well
If you keep insisting she will let you take care of her
But don't expect her to request nor call you if she needs something. She's too worried of annoying you
So please, visit her often to see how she is going
She will appreciate your help so much, really, a lot
And also your company. She feels so lonely
Still she will ask you not to get too close to avoid getting sick
She would feel awful if you do
No kisses nor hugs while she's sick! 100% forbidden
But as soon as she recovers she'll make up for all those hugs and kisses missed and will bath you in them 💖
**Michael Myers (The Shape)**
The unfeeling rock. Not a sound, not a noise, not a word
Wait, was that a sneeze?
Oh shit it was
You didn't ever hear a word from him, besides grunts and growls this is probably the first time you hear a different sound from him
Oh, he coughed
As exciting as it could be to hear new interactions and voices from your boyfriend, you know something's terrible wrong
This guy can easily tank any illness on his own, he's too proud and solitary
His health is also on spot, so he NEVER gets sick
But once he does... Shit's gonna get real
Out of all the killers, he gets the sickest of them all
Some of them could argue that he gets worse than even Plague sometimes
He will stay in bed and not request your help but he actually does need some help
His fever is high, he's trembling and his nose is stuffed
Getting is mask off will be the hardest job you'll ever have in your life, I promise
And still, you probably won't even manage to take it off completely, just enough to encoder his lips and nose
And good luck keeping this guy in bed. He will try to get up for absolutely everything
He hates standing in bed and standing still when it's not about stalking someone. The patience he has just disappears
He'll be an absolute mess in bed but you taking care of him truly helps him 💖
He won't say it, but once he's healed, you can notice he's following you around like a puppy a lot more
He becomes way more overprotective and expect to have his hand all the time in your shoulder or back
He cannot thank you vocally but you can feel his appreciation through these kinds of actions
And oh Entity have mercy in the poor soul who dares to mistreat you while he's with you
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042502 · 11 days
☆༉ — CHRIS STURNIOLO. The Unwritten Rule.
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about. Everyone knows the rule, don't fall in love with your best friend's boyfriend.
author's note. This is the chapter 6, I hope it sounds interesting to you. My first language is not English. masterlis!
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Anna's house is quiet and empty, and I stand hesitantly in the kitchen as I check her messages.
Anna's house seems normal enough. Anna drops things on the floor, his mother leaves half-eaten cans of peppermint candy that she always has with her everywhere. But I still haven't felt comfortable here.
I don't think Anna will either, but I feel even more uncomfortable than usual. I can't believe Chris is coming. I can't believe I'm here. Why did I agree to this?
Because I want to see it.
I'm not here for Anna, I'm here for me and I'm a horrible friend.
I can't help it. I still want to see it.
Anna threw her cell phone on the table with some anger, clearly she wants me to ask her what's going on. So I do it.
"What's happening?"
"The usual, mom is working late and dad doesn't call," she rolls her eyes and sighs frustrated. "Why do my parents hate me?"
"They don't hate you" This talk again? "Your mom is... she is what she is, and your dad is not always far away if it seems that there will be something else legal."
"There is always something else legal" it seems obvious to me. I'm like this bone that he and mom fight to get. Sometimes I think it could be a dog or a vase and they would still act exactly the same." I look away." “I would be lying if I said it wasn’t true.”
"They know you're not a dog or a vase" I'm not lying. I think Anna's parents know she exists and that she is their daughter.
I just don't think any of them care, it's not important to them, like it should be and I know it's really hard for her.
I walk over to where she is standing and put my arms around her to hug her. “You are better than them.”
"You think?"
"I would never treat my son like they do, when I have my children, I will make him love me more than anything."
"You shouldn't have to make them love you, Anna. They always will."
"No, sometimes you have to make people love you."
"You can't make someone love you" I laugh.
"Of course you can. Just know what they want it to be and eventually they will" basically manipulation...
"That's... horrible, I mean, but the look on Anna's face was a mix of rage and helplessness. "And what about being yourself?
"Tell me, what's so good about that?" He looks at me seriously. "Look at you for a second, you're small and quiet, so guys never notice about you. That's because they're stupid and only think about looks and things, of course, but still."
"Okay" I remove my arms from around her and return to my seat.
"Don't be sad" I bite the inside of my cheek. "It will be different in time, I'm sure of that. Besides, your parents love you in a crazy awesome way, and you know I love you. If I could have a sister, it would totally be you, but I like to think that we are already sisters. You do not believe it?"
"Yes" Does she try to soften it with a friendly comment every time she says something hurtful to me? but what I really wonder is if there are sisters where one feels like she is the shadow of the other. Yes there is a girl with a sister who sometimes makes her feel like nothing. In that case it would be Anna and me.
"Oh shit, Chris will be here soon" he changes the subject. "Will you wait down here and let him come in for me? I have to go get ready."
"But you look good" I admit that, if I wanted to see Chris, but I didn't want to be alone with him, not yet.
"I have to be Perfect" she smiles. "All you have to do is talk to him for a few minutes.
"Okay, don't talk. Just do homework with him. You can do that right? We're going to do homework tonight anyway."
"Anna" I repeat, but she ran up the stairs.
"You are the best, you are great Adi!" He yelled at me as I went upstairs.
I grab my notes and look for a place to sit waiting for Chris.
I ended up sitting at the kitchen table, and when the doorbell rings I jump. I go to open the door knowing that I would meet Chris.
"This is new, I always have to ring the bell more than once before..." he finally looked at me and smiled "Ada, hello."
"Hey," he greeted, looking at the ground. "Anna is upstairs getting ready. She will be with us in a few minutes.
"Well," he runs his hand through his hair, combing it back. I could see how the strands of hair were messy. Jamás lo observó tanto, But I've been waiting and regretting that he shouldn't see me here and now he blushes, I want to touch him so much that my stomach is boiling and shaking because of it, my fingers tremble.
"We should sit down" I spoke at the same time he said 'Do you want to sit down?', we both sat down, we smiled at each other at that.
It's Chris, it's just Chris. I can do this, I've known him forever and we're friends, he's dating my best friend. I have to do this, be normal. Stop looking at him so much, stop wanting him Ada.
He pointed to the room in which no one in Anna's house ever sits, and cocked his head.
"I'm really a little scared about that room."
"Me too," I admit, still smiling openly at each other. I can't seem to stop smiling, and he seems happy, like he's glad to be here. I could reach out my hand and touch his. He's so close, I could just touch his hand and slide my fingers up his arm so he'd lean toward me and...
"I'm coming down!" Anna shouted.
Of course, he's happy because he's here for his girlfriend. What were you thinking, Ada?
I walk towards the living room, blinking several times to avoid the tears that burned my eyes, I hear his footsteps behind me.
I sit on the reclining sofa, so he and Anna can sit together, so then they can say 'Ah, my books, I have to go get them', go to the kitchen and avoid seeing them. I will come back and be clean in heart and mind, I swear, I just need a second or two.
In the kitchen, I gather my things and then head over to the refrigerator, resting my head against it. Then I had some cans of grapes and a beer for myself.
I'm calm, I'm relaxed. This will turn out fine.
Although I know it won't be like that.
Silence falls when I give him his soda, a silence I am familiar with, a silence I know. I look at him and notice that he casts his gaze into the distance as if he were looking at me, his throat passing saliva. Anna finally comes down. When she does it I'm sure she must see how hard I try not to look at Chris and how hard he tries not to look at me.
Taking a sip of my beer, my throat feels closed making it harder to pass the intoxicating liquid.
"Hello," he greets us both. "That's what you say when someone comes in, you know that? Why so silence?"
“me” Chris clears his throat “Is that the only beer?” ask.
"That's progress," Anna smiles. "Just for that you earned a kiss!" I notice how Anna leans towards Chris.
But the moment Anna intended to join her lips with Chris's, he stood up and Anna froze.
"I'm going to get a beer," his voice was firm, I rarely heard him speak that way.
"I'm going with you," Anna is quick to say.
"Okay, I'll be right back" then I see him walk past me and into the kitchen.
"Hurry up!" Anna's voice sounded bubbly. “Did you see it? Did you see that?" She approached me, whispering irritably.
"I'm sorry" I wasn't saying it because of what she believed, I was saying it because I regretted kissing Chris, but not that much.
"Don't do it, I'll fix this myself," she stretched her lips and walked into the kitchen.
A few seconds later he heard some sounds, her voice being soft and Chris's voice calm. Followed by a long silence.
Silence of kisses.
I left my beer. I see Chris return, his gaze connects with mine and I notice that in his hand he was holding a can of beer like mine.
"I like this more than grapes," he had something in his eyes, something that made me take a breath.
"Me too, obviously," I responded almost obligatorily, looking at my notes.
"I know" then I look up and see him smile at me. Damn it Chris don't make it so obvious.
Where the hell was Anna? Why does it take so long in the kitchen?
"Did you start reading history?" he asks me, like he's trying to make this all normal, but he knows it's not, it's not normal at all.
"No, I don't have it yet," I replied. "Did Anna call you last night?" I opened my eyes wide looking at him. “The things that happened, I didn't think would happen. But I'm serious..."
"Why are you two looking at each other so intensely?" Then my best friend appears, my gaze almost unwillingly moves away from his and looks at Anna. She was standing in the doorway looking at us. "And Ada I was only gone for a few minutes. Did you think I was gone?" true I called her.
“We were just waiting for you,” I shake my head. “You should sit on the couch.”
"You mean with my own boyfriend?" Chris rolled his eyes. Did he like her saying that? “Are you ready to pay attention to me now?” He sits next to Chris and kisses him.
I concentrate on looking at my history book and open it. I'm not even on the right page, but I didn't care about that. What really matters is not looking at Anna and Chris kissing.
I try not to wonder what he was going to tell me before Anna interrupted, I try not to think about how his mouth feels.
He looked up and Anna was looking bad, but her eyes were worried, Chris isn't kissing her, he's opening his own history book. He gives me a look and then looks away.
"We should get started," he tells his girlfriend.
"I should have known that Ada here would manage to embarrass you and put you in 'studious boy' mode. Ada, you really owe me for taking away my real boyfriend.
"Yes," I held that history book tightly in my hands. "I know I do."
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author's note. If you want to be part of the taglist leave a comment below and I will add you. Thanks for reading, remember to like, share with your friends and leave a nice comment ^^
taglist. @l34n @jetaimevous @jnkvivi @loveyoumatthewbernard @d1tzy-bl0nde @laxbabe131147 @slut4chriss @dontellaf1lms @surniolozzzprincess @sturnlova @inlovewithchriss @whicked-hazlatwhore @mattsgirlsblog @nsjsnshey @always-reading @y-s-a-p @h3arts4harry
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lorelei-lilyprincess · 6 months
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Sorry, I'm late... I've been trying to reminisce all memories throughout the passing decade since the launch of #FROZEN. 
In 2013, I was in Japan and had ZERO interest in Disney at that moment. Then I began to see my Thai artist friends started drawing these sisters. I was like who were these cuties? What are these blond beauty-red head lovers' chemistry here? LOL! My friends told me "GREAT STUFF FROM DISNEY. DON'T YOU DARE EVER MISS IT!!!" 
In Japan, they launched many months behind the rest of the world due to the translation process. It's a true AGONY to wait. I saw all the spoilers flooding the internet all those time. All I know was they're sisters who very much lovey-dovey for each other. 
It's 14.3.2014, the first time I watch a movie at a theatre in Japan. The very first round of the show. And that's it, I fell for them. I was obsessed, I continued to watch them in the theatre for one whole week. 
Such a fresh concept and idea from Disney. Anna and Elsa are sure so shiny and lovey-dovey as my friends told me. I can see how the fandoms grew, hundreds of fictions, illustrations, comics all over the places within months. Although this concept is not new at all compared to Japanese comics and animes, when it's "DISNEY" who made it happened, it's become phenomenal and more universal.
Anyway, thanks to Disney's FROZEN for making a big change in my life as well. I met tons of fans who are so kind and passionate in my artworks since I entered the fandom. They've been very supportive till this very day. That's the time when I started to feel like, I finally found something the I worth living for. 
Thank you all followers who love my Elsa and Anna drawings, for liking, sharing, and buying my illusts and comics, and giving me lots of donation that I was able to get a Wacom Cintiq, new MacStudio, and stuffs I needed for making my arts. Also many thanks for some fans from overseas who send me FROZEN goodies from time to time. I've been blessed to meet all lovely people around the world. Thank you so much for all the love you gave me.
p.s. Sorry that this year I've been not very active on my FROZEN parody comics and commissions. However, I've been feeling much better lately so I hope I can finish something for you guys soon. :)
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minbinchan · 1 year
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sleepy hyunjin for @jinniebit ♡
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umm, i've always been too shy to ask for a request for my favorite orv character, but i guess it's now or never i think. If it's not too much trouble, could you make a yandere yoo joonghyuk x regressor reader? (I've never seen someone write a yandere yjh And I always thought yjh has a lot of material to cover if he was a yandere, it can be any kind of scenario or headcanons of what a yandere yoo joonghyuk would be like for his reader/s/o, I hope that this could be understood because I'm not very good at English and I'm still practicing. ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙( my first language its Spanish maybe it's for that 😭, sorry if this request sounds weird or something) (btw reader can be fem or gn I don't mind (ノ´∀`*)
awh im so happy you got the courage to request hehe your english is amazing!! <33
yandere yjh x regressor reader
Yjh's pov
Regressing over and over again... tiring...so tiring. But you by my side with our memories, we'll be able to get through this together. Oh how i love you so. I can't imaging life without you. Please don't leave me. You cant leave me.
Your pov
I open my eyes to see the train again. I'm tired of this all.
[kill one or more living organisms]
i stared at the blue screen blankly. Why me? My eyes dulled at the sight of everyone panicking. you should all be hoping you die soon, the future holds only living hell. i hung my head low. That man...That wretched man. why must he come to me? A pipe was swung at my head as a passenger tried to kill me. It hurt. a lot. but what hurt more was knowing that he would always find me. I closed my eyes.
[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. I suppose dying on the train isn't too bad.
[kill one or more living organisms]
A pipe was swung at my head as a passenger tried to kill me.
[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. This is nice. my new home. Without him. I wonder how he must feel.
[you have died]
[you have died]
[you have died]
[you have died]
..............[you have died]
.............[you have died]
.........[you have died]
..............[you have died]
............[you have died]..........[you have died].........[you have died]
I open my eyes to see the train again. But. Its different. Someone's shadow covers my body. I look up to find the man who gave me hell.
"You shouldn't have done all that. Do you know what I've had to do to regress to you?" A tightening grip on my wrist. It seems those days, weeks, months, regressing in the first scenario are over. My gaze meets his. I feel fear for the first time in a while. This man...is a man of few words. He speaks through actions. These actions are violence.
He sighed. "Will you fucking reply? I'm not talking to a brick wall here am i?" I stare at him blankly. I see. He's grown increasingly less patient. What can you really expect from a man like him. "Sorry." Now that i am in his view, I must not make him mad. Of course im scared but...i'm used to this behavior of his. somewhat similar to a child of sorts. "Sorry? Is that what you fucking call this?" He grabbed a fist full of my hair. I wince in pain. "I-I missed you love." That always gets him. He let go of my hair and hugged me. "I'm sorry [name]...you made me do this."
"Yes this is my fault. I'm sorry." A stab though his abdomen wounded him. I watched as he died. If only i could do this every times. Passing the first scenario and the constellation sponsor, i focused on rallying the allies he once had.
anna croft. i liked her. after all, an enemy of an enemy is a friend. but now i am well aware that she'd sacrifice me too if it meant achieving her goal. I must play my cards well.
ah. it seems i have fainted. i look out he window. is this the infamous demon realm? A man strides through the door.
No..it cant be! I-I killed him! Fuck! did something go wrong? "Are you feeling better dear? it was troubling to turn you into a demon but it was definitely worth it." He smiled sickeningly sweetly at me. Demon? What-What does he mean by that? I felt the top of my head but in place of where some hair should be was a pair of horns instead. "What did you do to me?.." I started to cry. I though- I thought i had escaped him! That I could be free and happy once more. Why? What went wrong?
"Ah you must be concerned of my well being! How kind of you to do so after stabbing me." I noticed the cold heavy metal chains that were connected to the bed frame. He slowly un chained the bed and chained it to himself.
I became...some sort of pet of his. Asmodeus, the demon king, was certainly amused. Turns out he had helped the vile creature in coming back to life rather than regressing. And for some reason, I couldn't die.
"I love you, [name]." He kissed my forehead goodnight. "See how happy we are? why did you want to stop me? stop us? I hope you have reflected on yourself..." He smiled at me, petting my head softly.
This really is hell.
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fire-emblem-drabbles · 4 months
Pairing: Zelgius x Reader
Prompt: The summoner is in really bad depression slump; Zelgius tries to offer his help.
Description: You didn't want to talk to anyone-- let alone be seen by them. But when someone begins to knock incessantly at your door, you're left with no choice but to open it for them.
Rating: sfw
Conant Warning: Depression (talk of, depictions of, the whole fic is about it really), some mild self deprecation. Ask to tag
Word Count: 1399
Notes: Hi, this is a repost! I reread the original. and it was bad. even though I claimed to have already edited it. Gross. But, this was originally one of the first fics I posted to this blog, so I hope you enjoy this updated version of it <3
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There was an incessant knocking at the door. It rang, loud and clear through your empty chambers. You let out a small groan, turning towards the door to give it a dirty look. “I already told you, please leave me alone.” You didn’t care to know who was at the door; your bets were on Sharena, or perhaps even Anna (you would loathe to see Alfonse there) but no matter who it was, you didn’t want to see them.
Whoever it was, they were wasting their time anyways. You weren’t worth the effort, and certainly, not worth their time or kindness. Given how things were around here, something urgent would push you out of inaction soon enough anyways...
Still, the knocking on your door remain. Polite, but firm. Whoever was there wasn’t going away with one halfhearted call, it seemed. You merely pull the comforter of your bed up closer, frowning now at the door as you consider all the mistakes and failures, made in the Order’s name. They deserved a better Summoner, a better tactician… Someone who could actually live up to the title of ‘Legendary Summoner.’ Despite your thoughts, though, the knocking remains, though perhaps a little louder. The hard rapts hitting your door making you sit up.
“Please, just go away. Don’t you understand the meaning of ‘alone’?” You call out again, rolling out of bed to finally answer the door. Your clothes were rumpled and your hair surely a mess from staying in bed far too long, but maybe if whoever was at the door saw the bags under your eyes they would reconsider bothering you. If they even spoke when you opened the door, considered they hadn’t even bothered to name themselves as they knocked.
At the next pause in the knocking, you answer the door.
“Zelgius...” Before him, you felt small. Your face with his armor, kept in perfect condition, only to look to his features-- put together and stern, but with obvious worry as he takes you in. You probably look as much the mess as you feel. You suddenly feel a little naked, despite being somewhat dressed. You don’t think he had ever seen you without your cloak. “What uh, what brings you here? Is it urgent?” You awkwardly look away from his perfect, pretty face, looking back to your darkend room, to the glowing shape of Breidablik on your desk.
“Summoner…” Your title leaves him in a small breath. Even Zelgius, known to hide his emotions rather well, can’t hide his shock at seeing you like this. “Commander Anna… along with Alfonse, and Sharena, have said you refuse to leave your chambers. Why?” At least he was candid, carefully taking in your pitiful form and surely trying to figure the best way to approach this.
“You know why.” You speak softly, still refusing to look his way. It’s not like he didn’t know. Not like it wasn’t the Order of Hero’s favorite rumor. Slowly, you opened the door wider to allow him in. If he wanted to try and help you, then he could try. Your problems could be his for a few minutes if he truly wanted.
“… You know I'm not used to this sort of thing.” He begins, entering into your dark room, having to duck under your door frame. The first thing he does is open the drawn curtains to let the light in, an action that has your turning away.
“I know.” You answer with a small groan, rubbing your tired eyes to try and get use to the sudden light. “I am curious, though,” You look his way as your eyes finally adjust. “What made you… want to do this yourself? There are plenty of heroes who are probably better at comforting people than you.” You also aren’t sure you want him to be the one to do this. He was a general, after all. Not really known for being kind…
“I’m aware.” Zelgius remains quiet a moment, watching you intently. You swear you can hear the cogs turning in his mind. “But.. I do not think they care as much as I do.” His answer shocks you, enough so that you find your mouth opening a little. It’s not as if you thought he hated you, more so that you thought you were rather… on neutral terms with him. That he cared, so much so to admit it to you and come down to try and get you out of this depressed stupor, brings a sort of warmth to you that you haven’t felt in a while.
“Well, its kind of you to take time out of your day to check on me, but really I’d rather deal with this myself.” You turn away from him, and his kindness. “I’d rather people not know I can get like this, in fact.” You add, sitting back on your bed and grabbing at your blanket. Zelgius takes the seat at your desk, pulling it out to face you. You didn’t know how to feel, seeing him sit down and watch your, waiting for you to finish. That he wanted to be here, even when you were still trying to push him away. “I can’t bare to think what everyone would think of me, seeing how I fail them… how I let my depression, just, take over and…” You shake your head, not willing to finish that thought and sighing instead.
“It is a disability, is it not?” Zelgius’s voice calls your attention. “Not quite like a broken arm or bleeding wound but… debilitating all the same. Should you not take the steps to take care of it like one would any physical ailment?” His question is simple, as if it were obvious. Perhaps to him, it was. Still, the thought causes you to pause and consider it a moment.
“I understand where you’re coming from, but I…” You grow quiet as you see a frown cross his features.
“It’s not a burden to rely on others.” His voice, his deep timbre, takes on a soft tone. “Your allies and friends have your back. And I,” He pauses, taking a deep breath. His vibrant green eyes close, only to open and focus on you with a renewed vigor. “I want to be there to support you as well. Tell me how I can help you through this.” Your heart can’t help but pick up at his words, embarrassment flooding through you as you see how sincere he is.
“Zelgius...” You pause, unsure if you should let on just how touched you are. How much it meant to you that he was doing this. “Honestly… I don’t really know what will help me.” You admit softly, finding it hard to look to his face. “But, it means a lot hearing how much you care!” Your next words come out rushed and loud as you see his features fall a moment. Still flustered, you continue. “That you’re trying to help at all, and that your here with me now.” Your turn to take a deep breath, to offer a smile that probably hasn’t genuinely met your lips in a few weeks.
“If you don’t mind and if its not a big deal…” You feel shy all the sudden, like a school girl with a crush. “But if you’re willing to just stay and listen to me? That could be nice….” You trail off, trying your best to read the look on his face. It could be nice, to have some to shoulder your burdens with. To maybe for once, let someone in.
“It would be by my honor to do so, Summoner.” His answer is quick, and certain, causing your heartbeat to pick up once more. He holds a gentle, armored hand to his chest and smiles, just for you. “Whatever you need of me, it is my pleasure to help you.”
“Zelgius…” You can’t help but speak his name, smile reaching your lips as tears prick your eyes. “Thank you. For everything.” You wish you had the courage to tell him how much this really meant to you. But for now, this would have to do. Maybe sometime soon, when you were feeling more yourself (with his help, no less), you would be able to find the right words to say. But in this precious moment, where you can’t help but smile, that will have to suffice.
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finkinthisfrew · 9 months
Anything (Pt.26)
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cw: excessive drinking, sexual trauma
Chapter 26
I tossed Matty's keys along with the pint of Haagen Daz I'd grabbed from the corner shop onto the kitchen island. Shrugging off Matty's suit jacket, which was too big for me, I walked into Matty's bedroom to change out of my evening attire and into his favourite hoodie- my new evening ritual. I'd been spending every night here since he left. I didn't care that it made the commute to my studio longer, I was just happy that I had even a little slice of Matty while I was gone- even if it did break my heart every time I went to sleep to see the bed empty and Matty-less.
It was Sunday night, four days after Matty left, and I had just come home from meeting up with Carly and a few of her friends at a bar. I had a nice time and honestly, I welcomed the distraction, but I didn't stay long- watching them slowly get drunk reminded me too much of what I was worried might be going on with Matty, and it hurt my heart too much to think about whether he was drunk right now too. I decided to go home and eat my feelings while watching some trashy reality tv before bed.
Just as I was settling into the couch with the remote and my ice cream, my phone buzzed. I picked it up to find it was a text from George.
Hey Anna, do you have a minute to talk on the phone?
My heart stopped. I'd never known George to be anything but cheeky with me. There was no way this could be good news. I immediately responded telling him yes, and my phone rang seconds later. I took a deep, calming breath, then answered.
"Hey, George, what's up?" I asked, pushing around the softened ice cream with my spoon nervously. I so hoped this wasn't what I thought it was about.
"Hey, Anna. Sorry, it's not too late for you, is it?" George asked, nervousness lacing his voice.
"No, not at all. Is everything okay? You sound worried," I asked, bracing myself for the inevitable as I set my ice cream down on the coffee table.
"Well, yes and no... Have you been talking to Matty much?" he asked. He knew the answer. His question only made me more scared of what was to come.
"Kind of..." I began. I watched the condensation from my ice cream bead and drip onto the coffee table as I reflected on the past few days.
Matty and I hadn't been talking as much as I thought we would have. We talked on the phone once a day, always in the early afternoon- morning for him. Our call was my favourite part of the day, getting to talk to him, laugh with him, flirt with him- even just sit in silence with him. I love his company more than anything. I could tell it was his favourite part of the day too- we didn't need to say it to each other, though it always made me uneasy going to bed not being able to check in with him or to know how he was doing. That drunk phone call on our first day apart left me feeling uneasy...
We'd talk for a couple of hours, and I'd always feel better as soon as we started talking, but by the time we had to end the call, Matty's mood would darken. Naturally, we both would get sad, but his sadness felt like something more than just that. His energy would become heavy- it filled the room. I tried asking if we could talk in the evening before I headed to bed but he told me there wouldn't be time. I wanted to believe him, I really did, but something felt off. Once our calls ended, he felt further away than ever, and I was really struggling with coping. The only thing getting me through this was knowing that I'd be seeing him on Wednesday.
I took a deep breath, then sighed. 
"We talk every day when he wakes up in the morning, but never at any other time. He rarely responds to my texts throughout the day... I know you guys are super busy, but I've been a bit worried about how distant he's been... I get the feeling that... Well, something just feels off," I admitted.
George was silent on the other end.
"What's wrong, George?" I asked, my heart rate spiking.
"Would you at all consider coming earlier?" George asked timidly. 
Panic officially set in for me. "Wha-" I managed before George quickly cut me off.
"He's safe!" He clarified before I could catastrophize any further. "Matty just... he hasn't been doing well and I don't want to worry you, but I think he could really use your company right now."
"What happened," I tensed. I could hear my blood pumping in my ears. My hands began to shake.
"I'm not sure if he's mentioned this at all but... he's been drinking non-stop every day since we left for tour, and I'm worried he might... I'm just really worried about him," he finished candidly. "I really don't want to make you panic, but I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it was serious," George reasoned.
"George, of course I'll come," I said immediately, both incredibly worried and also relieved to be getting an update on Matty's well-being. "Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it more than you know," I said, my heart surging. I was so grateful for George, and even though I was more worried than ever about Matty, I was comforted by George's call, thankful to know that Matty had him.
"I know you do, Anna. And Thank you," George said earnestly. "When's the earliest you could come? We're in Brazil right now- Rio de Janeiro. There's a flight that leaves tomorrow morning at 10:00 am your time, I could buy you the ticket right now."
I looked at the clock. I had less than 9 hours to get home, pack, and get to the airport in time to get through customs and security. He could've asked me to leave right now with nothing but my passport and I would have done it. Nothing mattered more than Matty right now.
"Book the ticket. I'll start packing," I said without hesitation, immediately getting up off the couch to put my shoes on and get home to pack.
"Anna?" George said hesitantly amidst the noise of me gathering my things. I paused to listen. "I really mean it. Thank you," he said meaningfully.
"Thank you, George. Thank you so much," I said, overwhelmed with emotion, trying not to cry for what would be the billionth time this week.
George cleared his throat, his own emotions overflowing on his end of the phone. "Send me your email address and passport info and I'll book your ticket right away. Text me when you leave and land- I'll have a car come pick you up from the airport." I nodded at him, forgetting he couldn't see me, half distracted as I shoved my feet into my shoes.
"And Anna?" He added, getting my attention.
"Yes, George?" I asked.
He paused for a moment. "Love you."
"Love you too, George," I said with a small smile. I meant it. Our friendship had bloomed so quickly these last couple of weeks, but I genuinely felt closer to him than most of my friends back home.
After we hung up, I practically ran back to my flat, haphazardly packing whatever clothes and toiletries I could find while checking my flight status as well as responding to texts from George. We decided we wouldn't tell Matty I was coming early. We hoped that if I saw him in his current state, things would click for him, and then maybe, just maybe, he'd realize just how detrimental his self-medicating was.
I tried to sleep for the few hours before I was meant to get in the car George had booked for me, but I couldn't fall asleep- I was too anxious about getting stuck in traffic and missing my flight. I didn't want to leave anything to chance so instead, I got up and called a taxi, texting George to cancel the car. I arrived at the airport extra early, which I thought would ease my nerves a bit, but I was wrong- although I'm not sure there was anything that would ease my nerves at this point. Anything apart from being in Matty's arms again. 
My flight was delayed by an hour and a half, which only made me more anxious. If the flight left any later, I'd miss the show- I cursed the universe.
I was sitting by my gate, waiting for my section to be called for boarding when I realized that in a few hours, Matty would be calling me and I'd have no excuse as to why I wouldn't be answering. I frantically wrote him a text message.
Hi baby. I'm writing to you from my computer- my phone broke last night and it's at the shop getting serviced right now, so I won't be able to call you today. I'll be at the studio all day but I'll text you later, okay? I love you so much and miss you more than ever &lt;3
I felt bad lying to him, but his response made me feel worse.
I love you somuch andi miss you darlingg talk soon xxxxxxx
He didn't seem to care, nor did he notice I was texting him at such an early hour for me. He was so clearly drunk. My chest caved as my heart broke.
I hadn't given myself time to actually process what George had told me until now. My sneaking suspicions had been right. His excuses may have been true, but he was also just too drunk to call me, and he was hiding it from me. My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach. I couldn't help but feel disappointed and hurt, knowing that he was prioritizing drinking over me. I knew it wasn't that simple, but I couldn't help but feel that way.
I sat down in my window seat near the front of the plane, grateful that George had splurged on a first-class ticket. I'd never flown this long of a flight before, nor had I ever flown first class. 
Luckily no one sat next to me, saved from having to watch my knees bounce and fingers tap anxiously for the next several hours. Across the aisle from me sat an elderly couple, an old man and a woman wearing matching wedding bands. I watched as the man held the woman's hand for takeoff, whispering something in her ear as she took deep audible breaths. He cracked a joke and she laughed, nervously, but looked at him with such deep love. I couldn't see his eyes, but I could tell he was looking back at her with the same love. It was both so touching and heartwrenching. It was too hard to watch. I turned and stared out the window instead.
The next 12 hours were pure agony. I was on my way to Matty, but not fast enough. I couldn't be patient anymore. I'd already missed him so much, and now his best friend was calling me to let me know that he needed me... needed me enough to fly across the world last minute. I couldn't let myself think about how bad things must be for him to ask that of me. I tried turning on a movie to distract myself, but it was pointless- I couldn't focus. The entire flight was an internal battle of not imagining the worst that could be happening with Matty right now. Even feeling the wheels landing on the tarmac wasn't relief enough for me. I had a sneaking suspicion I wouldn't feel that relief until I was back in his arms, smelling his warm comforting scent, and hearing the familiar, soothing sound of his heart beating behind his chest.
The second the seatbelt sign turned off, I turned on my phone to text George. I didn't care that I hadn't thought ahead to get an international phone plan. I'd figure that out later. This was more important, even if it cost me a fortune. I texted George, telling him I arrived safely. As I exited the airport in Rio de Janeiro I was met by a small man in a suit holding a sign that read 'Miss A. Cole'. I practically sprinted towards him, greeting him kindly but quickly, too antsy to see the love of my life to waste another second.
The car ride, though short, didn't feel short enough. We arrived at the venue, just a few minutes before the concert was supposed to start. Some fans were still milling about outside, so I was taken to a back entrance where security escorted me in quickly. I was ushered swiftly through several winding corridors before ending up in the backstage part of the stadium where I was led up a set of stairs to a dark corner just off-stage. I was wearing all black like George had instructed me to, so that I'd blend in with the rest of the stage crew and not bring any attention to myself. Neither of us thought it would make that big of a difference since Matty would likely be too drunk to notice me, but we didn't want to risk him seeing me and running offstage and ruining the show for the fans.
I could see the whole stage, as well as the jam-packed venue where a sea of jittering and excited fans waited anxiously, chatting, laughing, and yelling. Thousands of girls stood there, smiling giddily, waiting eagerly to see The 1975. But not as eagerly as me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. Then, my heart stopped.
There he was, standing across from me at the other end of the stage with the rest of the band. He was dressed smartly in a suit and tie, his hair slicked back with a few curls expertly styled to hang casually across his forehead. He was cleanshaven and put together, but behind the slick outfit and hairdo was a broken man. I'd never seen him look so terrible. I'm sure they tried to cover it up with makeup, but I could see, even from where I stood, the giant bags under his eyes- his skin puffy and sullen. His eyes lacked their usual spark, and his shoulders drooped in a way that didn't suit him. I'd only ever known him to be confident- I felt like I was staring at a ghost.
George, standing behind him, locked eyes with me, giving me a subtle nod. Then, as they stepped onto the stage, the crowd erupted into a deafening cheer, and the show began.
I don't even know how to explain what I witnessed. I felt like I experienced the full spectrum of emotion that night. Overwhelmingly, I was blown away. Despite his terrible state, Matty was absolutely incredible- he surpassed every expectation I had by a mile. His voice rang through the building, reverberating in my heart. He sang with such emotion- performed with such energy, it was captivating. I was completely blown away. I'd never seen so much pure talent expressed in one show before. 
I'd also never seen someone drink so much.
He went through three bottles of wine on stage, as well as a whole pack of cigarettes. I didn't know he'd started smoking again... He tripped multiple times, hung limp on various pieces of furniture and bandmates, and hopped on precarious monitors which shook below him as he belted with tears running down his face. I cycled through feeling scared, angry, sad, impressed, happy, in love, in awe, nervous, and pretty much every other emotion you could think of.
By the end of the show, Matty was stumbling across the stage, slurring the lyrics of the last song. At one point he tripped and fell- luckily onto a couch. Once he fell, he just continued to lay there as he finished the song. I almost couldn't watch anymore.
The last chord of the song rang out and the whole band walked to the front of the stage, Adam helping Matty up from the couch. I could see him and George hold Matty up so he wouldn't fall over as they bowed.
As they walked off stage, I scrambled to the backstage area.
As I scurried down the stairs, I looked up to see Matty standing paused, staring at me in disbelief from the other set of stairs.
"Anna?" He said, his face screwed into a look of confusion. He blinked his eyes, hard, then rubbed them with his hands. "Anna?" he repeated, as his brow unfurrowed, replaced by a look of desperate relief as his eyes brimmed with tears.
I nodded my head with a small, hopeful smile as tears filled my own eyes. He shook his head as he burst into tears, stumbling a step toward me.
I ran to him, straight into his outstretched arms, and suddenly nothing else mattered. Not the article, not us struggling with being apart, not him being intoxicated... None of it mattered because I was in his arms again. Everything was right again. It felt like two magnets clicking together finally after having been held apart by two very exhausted arms.
"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Matty whispered in my ear through tears, his breath shuddering.
"No, baby, you're not. I'm here," I whispered back. I was so happy I couldn't contain my smile.
"Please don't wake me up," he whispered, sniffling loudly. "I don't want to wake up again." His chest shook as he cried into my shoulder, holding me even tighter.
I squeezed him back as tightly as I could, burrowing my face into his chest. Amidst the cigarettes, the sweat, and the alcohol, I could faintly smell his smell. My favourite smell in the world. He was here. Just barely, but my Matty was here, and the relief I felt was immeasurable.
"I missed you so much, Matty," I said quietly, pulling away from him to look up at his face with a watery smile. He beamed back at me through brimming eyes, his sullen face now filled with vibrancy. The rest of the band waved quietly hello to me, leaving the backstage area to give us some privacy. George hung back, but at a distance.
"I can't believe you're here," Matty smiled at me as he shook his head. His breath stunk of alcohol.
I smiled back at him, wrinkling my nose slightly at the smell. "You're a bit drunk, aren't you?" I said to him gently as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"No... Well, a little. Why, would you like some? Oh let's get you drunk! Has anyone got any wine? We need some wine over here!" Matty started saying loudly to the stage crew that milled about, gesturing drunkenly at me with a smile, suddenly happy, his tears stopped.
"No no, I'm alright. I don't want a drink," I started to say, not wanting Matty to get his hands on another bottle.
"Why?" Matty asked, turning back to look at me with confusion. Then his face broke into panic, "Why not? Are you leaving? Please don't leave. Oh Anna please don't leave, I can't take it again, please don't make me do that again..." his shoulders started to shake as he burst into tears again, clutching at the back of my shirt.
I pulled him back into me, cradling his head in my neck. "Shhh, no baby, I'm not going anywhere. I came early to surprise you. I missed you too much," I said soothingly, my voice wobbling as I struggled to take in the state of him.
His tears began to soak through my shirt. "I can't do that again. I can't..." Matty choked as I braced myself against his weight. My heart broke for him.
"Let's go back to your hotel room. Okay, baby?" I said softly. Matty didn't answer, he just nodded his head in my shoulder. I made eye contact with George who walked over to us.
"Let's get you to bed, my boy," George said encouragingly, patting Matty on the back as he looked up to see who was talking to him. George pulled him off me gently, turning him in the direction of the exit. Disorientated, Matty stumbled forward, putting his arm around my shoulder. I couldn't hold up his weight on my own, my knees buckling from his weight. George swiftly took one of Matty's arms and slung it over his shoulder, and together we walked him out of the stadium to the green room where Ross took over for me. Matty protested, but he was too drunk to do much about it. I was so grateful to Ross at that moment. As I watched them help Matty into the van, Adam put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I turned around to look at him, and at that moment, my walls broke down completely and I began to sob quietly. Adam pulled me into his arms gently.
"I'm sorry, Anna..." he said quietly to me. He didn't have to say anything else. We knew what was going on and neither of us knew how to fix it. He was so kind to comfort me when I knew that he'd been dealing with this for days already. He rubbed my back compassionately in silence as I cried.
"Anna? Where's Anna? Where is she?" I heard a panicked voice yelling from the van.
I took a deep breath, pulling myself together as Adam wiped away my tears for me. He smiled an apologetic smile at me. I smiled back at him with thanks, then swiftly turned and hopped into the backseat of the van and into Matty's searching arms.
"I'm here, baby," I said soothingly.
"I was scared you were gone again," Matty said, his hands shaking as they held me tightly, and I shook my head in response, nuzzling my head into his chest as the rest of the band piled in.
We all forced water bottle after water bottle onto Matty on the ride to the hotel. Every time he'd finish a bottle, someone would hide it and then claim "Matty, you haven't drank any water tonight!" then hand him another bottle. He was too drunk to realize what was happening. Someone found a protein bar and stuffed it into his hand, which he ate without complaint. I was so grateful for the group effort to sober Matty up.
We all walked into the hotel lobby together discreetly, shielding any prying eyes from Matty's drunken stumbling. We said our farewells to each other in the elevator as we stepped out onto our floor. George escorted us to Matty's room, wishing us sweet dreams and a good night's rest. As we hugged goodnight, George whispered in my ear, "Text me if you need anything- anything at all. I'll keep my ringer on tonight." My heart surged with thanks.
As I shut the door behind us I was hit with the stench of stale cigarette smoke. I walked over to the window and pulled it all the way open, greeted with a fresh breeze of ocean air. As I took in a deep breath of the cool air, I heard the distant sound of Matty throwing up in the bathroom. At least he was getting it out of his system... 
I hurried into the bathroom to find him pulling himself up from the floor. I helped him up, sitting him down on the edge of the bathtub. I found his toothbrush, loading some toothpaste onto it before putting it in his mouth which he allowed without protest. I scrubbed his teeth gently and thoroughly, then handed him a cup of water to gargle with. He obliged, then spat back into the cup and looked up to smile at me lovingly. He was absolutely beaming. I smiled back at him, sadly. He pushed himself up off the edge of the tub, bracing himself against me, then slung his arm around my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek in thanks. He started to pull us out of the bathroom, but I gently stopped him.
"Let's take a shower first," I proposed with a smile, walking us over to the shower.
"I'm tired of standing," Matty moaned, his eyes half shut.
"That's okay. You sit in the tub and I'll wash you," I said as I unbuttoned his shirt. He tried to help me but his fingers couldn't work the buttons, so he let me do them on my own while he hummed the familiar melody of 'My Girl' to me. My heart filled with optimism as I looked up at him, his smile so genuine and pure. He leaned in to kiss me on my forehead. I sighed. Even completely drunk, he was a kind and caring gentleman. It made everything feel a little less sad.
Once we got him undressed he hobbled into the tub, plopping himself down on the floor, hanging his head between his legs sleepily. I quickly undressed myself and hopped into the shower. I lathered his hair, then scrubbed his body down with soap, rinsing everything off carefully so as to not get any suds in his eyes. He may have been asleep throughout all of it, I'm not quite sure.
Once we were done, I wiped him down gently with a towel and helped him back to the bed where he lay down. I stood naked next to the bed, wringing my hair out with a towel as he turned his head and looked up at me drowsily, his mouth curling up into a smile.
"I missed that sexy body of yours," he said, still slurring his words slightly.
I smiled hesitantly at him, feeling a bit uncomfortable. I turned around to find my suitcase so I could get some pyjamas. I started to pull on a t-shirt and he protested.
"Don't hide yourself away, c'mere," he said, unable to lift his head from the bed. He reached his hand out. I felt my heart rate spike as I started to feel a bit panicked.
"Please don't say that, Matty," I said quietly, staring at his now flopped-over hand. He didn't notice.
"Look at my sexy girlfriend. Isn't she so sexy? God, I wanna fuck you..." he said, his eyes half-shut. "I wanna take you home and fuck the shit out of you, you're so gorgeous. What do you say we get out of here? I wanna make you feel good," He said, his body limp, not even realizing we were home for the night, he was too drunk. 
My body began to shiver from panic. "We are home for the night, Matty. I don't want to have sex right now. I just want to go to sleep, okay?" I said trying to keep my voice even, worried about how he might respond. I mentally noted where my phone was in the room in case I needed to call George.
"Okay, whatever you like," Matty said sweetly, unphased by my rejection. "I can't wait to go to sleep together," he said preciously, a dreamy smile on his face. "I love sleeping with you. You're such a good cuddler. You fit so perfectly."
My panic subsided, relief sweeping over my body. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my breathing, and walked over to the bed, climbing in under the covers.
I wanted to cry so badly. I felt shaken by his blunt desire for sex, and I was struggling with feeling okay with seeing him in this state. It felt like too much to handle, but I pushed my thoughts aside, unwilling to let them get to me now. I needed to stay strong for him.
I had to help Matty get under the covers, but eventually, he was laying with his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his damp hair and he hummed a sound of pleasure in response.
"I missed you so much, Anna," he said, his voice barely slurring now, but his eyes shut completely.
"I missed you too, Matty," I said sadly. I felt like I still missed him, his regular self still so far away from me.
"You're so beautiful. I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world," Matty said drowsily with a smile on his lips. "Anna, I'm so happy right now. You make me so happy. I can't wait to get married to you. Let's go get married now," he said, almost asleep.
"Of course, baby. Right now. Whatever you want," I said softly as I tucked a damp curl behind his ear.
He didn't respond, instead emitting a soft snore.
Finally, I let my tears fall.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
southern delicacy — RIO x OC x ARMAN MORALES
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A/N: I’m going through my list (If i don't give up and redirect the writing to something else lmao! I’m always changing just like the seasons Chile!), so hang on for the ride if you’re up with me! GIFS DO NOT belong to me! Also if you’re into r&b: stream Jai’Len’s album which this was inspired by along with Anna Nicole Smith’s documentary on Netflix + any other celeb documentary—and mystery documentaries that’s out there basically & I can’t wait to see Donna Summer’s soon so anyways!! Feels like the wrong choice of words to say, I hope you enjoy this but…
“One sip of this southern drank and you’ll definitely want another round,” Sahra laughs which is then echoed by the camera crew as she sits in her chair gathering the waves of hair to rest down her shoulder, “but only I get the say so if you deserve another glass." The producer asks, "Is it safe to say Rio and Arman received that chance?" A playful glint shined through her deep brown eyes for a moment as she says, "Question them in a few years to see if they're still talkin' about me honey."
Somali-American Model, Actress, and niece of Business Mogul Omar Elmi: Tissa Sahra Elmi known professionally as SAHRA who's been reported missing since April 18th 2023 is now pressumed dead as of May 8th 2023.
She was 33 years old.
SAHRA was born Tissa Sahra Elmi on July 30th, 1989 in Dahlonega, Georgia to Somali-born Maxamed, a Otolaryngologist and Tanya (nee. Wells) Elmi, a former meteorologist. She was the only child the two shared together and had two older half siblings from each parent. Elmi was later raised in Atlanta, Georgia around the age of three years old since both of her parents found better job oppournities and a better sense of a environment for Elmi to grow up in.
Maxamed often says that he knew Sahra would be special from the first moment she learned how to walk, "She made a show out of taking her first steps, chubby knees buckling but still holding strong. She enjoyed the praise she got from her mother and I. From then on, with everything that she did, she got a kick out of it."
Elmi started out in children beauty pageant’s at local malls at the young age of eight, winning most of her competitions and not taking the ones she lost to heart. Her mother recalls the first one Elmi lost, holding her breath as she waited for the sign of defeat to appear on her daughter's face up on stage...but it never came. "I'm not worried, mommy. I still have time to show them better," was what the then ten year old said as her mother embraced her on their walk back to the car.
"She was too damn smart but confident for her own good," Tanya laughs.
From there Elmi gained the attention of a fashion recruiter, which Tanya was reluctant to get in contact with, "You cant just trust anybody, especially with your child," She says recalling the day the woman handed her a business card. Soon Elmi got the chance of doing photoshoots, runways, and soon had a agency that wanted to work with her full-time at just sixteen years old. Once she signed, her fame was just beginning and seemed to be on-going once it became knowlegde of who her uncle was.
"I was respected enough for people to be aware that I wouldn't take any wrong doings brought to my family, especially a young woman who was coming up in this industry. I love my neice dearly and always wanted what's best for her but I knew I wouldn't always be around." Omar Elmi tells the camera, his words holding just enough weight of what the reality was like for young people growing up in the limelight.
SAHRA found success in the modeling world after finding her place in a agency and spoke out against the colorism and weight restrictions placed on women of color.
Eighteen soon to be nineteen year old Sahra once spoke at a 2008 fashion event, “What I’m speaking on shouldn’t be viewed as a controversy, it’s f—king human decency to let women showcase exactly who they are with no limit to their shades and sizes. I’m physically changing as I step into my adulthood and was dropped once certain designers found out my exact measurements, like how boring is that? I’m too plus sized for you because I’m not shaped like a pogo stick? This is my body and I’m doing you a favor showing how a high-end outfit looks on a body like mine, so it’s their lost. If they keep messing with me I’ll build my own agency, for women, for all people who know what it’s like. see how they like that taste, huh?”
Once she stepped into her twenties she gained her first ever supporting role in a No. 1 box office Drama/Romance film, “The Southern Gothic Hour.”
“I plan on telling as many stories as I can for as long as I live.” A twenty-one year old Sahra beams as she walks the red carpet in a floaty pastel dress, hurrying to get inside to the movie award show.
Elmi kept very busy after her first movie role, continuing her modeling career and was on the cover of vogue magazine, vogue Arabia, and Vogue Italia, for three months straight. She later went on to star in three sitcoms before working on her second major film. By then another controversy was brought on surrounding the Somali actress.
“Aren’t you embarrassed that by being involved with two men at the same time is going to ruin the image you’re building for yourself?” The paparazzi intervene as they follow a twenty-five year old Sahra to the airport.
She stops short after that question, turning to the flashing cameras, “that’s just a piece of my life that you’re dyin’ to tell the world while I’m just living in it. Living in my life with two gentlemen who want to spend time with me and reciprocate some love in return. We understand the nature of the relationship and that’s what matters. Not you or anybody else. I’m having fun in love and what are you doing? Chasing me down to throw some dirt on…well it looks like you failed, aren’t you embarrassed?”
Both Rio and Arman knew not to trust the headlines, especially once they got involved with a public figure but the both of them had a feeling that there was some truth this
Arman was the one to reach out to Rio first, unsure if this information was even true. It wasn't in his nature to keep up with the tabloids-even when he was involved with Tissa-SAHRA (as the world knew her) but it was his wife, Nadia who brought it to his attention, with a tablet in her hands.
He tried to brush it off as fake news but once his own phone started to blow up with tweets and phone calls requesting for comments...Arman found his breathing to suddenly be weak and got to his feet, pacing the outline of the mosaic pool with his phone pressed tightly to his ear.
"Yeah," Rio answered after what felt like the thirteenth ring, sounding as if he was on the move.
"What the fuck is she playing at?" Was the first thing that flew out of Arman's lips.
Rio paused, "Well hello to you too, Mr. Morales."
"Now's not the time for your bullshit either, Rio. Have you talked to her before she disappeared? Is this some big scheme: faking her death just to keep the universe talking? To get us talking? I told her once before she shouldn't play around like that."
"Nah, man it's true. At least the whole presumed part, in their eyes.”
Now was not the time to be vague.
"What?" Arman questioned, "If you're the reason why she’s gone asswipe, just say that—
"Whoa, what we're not gonna do is put this on me when your hands aren’t exactly clean either. You clocked out not too long ago to be with your wife instead. Now you’re here on my line asking about another woman."
"You and I both know she wasn't just that." Arman held the skin in between his brows, "...just tell it to me straight, what do you know and how do we take care of it?"
Sahra was twenty-four when she met Rio first in the summer time, out in the Oak Bluffs where her and her family were vacationing at her uncle's estate that Rio ended up doing business with.
Sahra knew of him through some chatter her uncle talked about over dinner, he liked to inform everyone of all kinds of guests that would be in attendance to this extravagant event but all Sahra cared about was getting dressed up and flirting her way through the night until she got bored and headed out to the beach.
She never expected a conversation about Cape Town to get her connected with Rio.
Never expected him to the type of man who enjoyed going out on dates
and that man sure knew how to plan the most romantic dates.
It felt natural with him and on the oak bluffs was the best kind of privacy Sahra could ask for.
Sure Rio’s seen Sahra’s debut film and instantly recognized her at her uncle’s event but it’s not like he was on some fanboy shit.
He kept that quiet and it only became knowledge once they were friendly.
“I admire everything that you do and are, don’t ever let anybody disrupt that—not even me.” Rio told her as the lounged on the sand, one night, perched on his elbow, focused only on her while Sahra stared out at the sparkling navy ocean.
Amusement was in her eyes as he lightly gripped her chin to face him, “Are you gonna kiss me now, Christopher?”
Rio smirked, long-lash brimmed eyes shifting from her mouth to her eyes, “don’t mind if I do, reina.”
Three months in a beachy but peaceful town surely sounded overkill to Sahra—well it used to in her teen years but it seemed to be everlasting with Rio around.
He departed the island a week before Sahra said her, “see you later’s,” to her family and returned to the stage which happens to be the device you’re probably holding in your hand right now
. Of course she kept her stories updated here and there
But never placed her time with Rio out there!
(She thought about it, posting a intimate moment on her more…raw and uncut insta that she kept on private and only allowed 30k+ to follow her on. Mostly it was just for her friends and close family members that she hung out with but soon supporters came across it. So on private it had to go—you don’t want to know the amount that sat in the pending section let’s just say that)
Why would she ever do that when she wasn’t sure if this was strictly casual or not? It’s like not she heard much from him anyways with him in Detroit and her going back and forth between New York and Georgia.
It’s wasn’t until early October that she went to Vegas to celebrate a friend’s birthday at this well-known club, where she met another business man who went by the name of Arman.
He immediately approached her and her friends, ensuring that they were having a good time and made sure their drinks were placed on his tab—only if Sahra got on the dance floor with him.
Sahra didn’t know what it was with these business men but they always seemed to be somewhere lingering.
“Do you own this place?” Sahra asked, already taking his warm hand as he helped her down from the stool.
“Just cut a deal with the previous owner, so in short terms: soon.”
Literally meaning cut— it’s was a whole bloody mess but Arman always cleans up well and Sahra certainly didn’t need to know the details, considering this is their first time meeting!
“We love a man about his business.” Sahra stated, “Congratulations, Arman.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. I have a feeling that means something coming from you.” Arman let the woman lead him to the dance floor.
She smiled at him over her shoulder, “don’t thank me yet. There’s still plenty of world out there to take over.”
“So, are you telling me you’re a taker?” Arman whispered down into her ear, one hand wrapped around her torso while she sunk into him, arm tossed up and over his shoulder.
“Maybe, it all depends on how this planet chooses to treat me.” Sahra spoke as they began to move in sync to the beat, her back pressed directly to his front.
She remembers how comfortable she felt in his arms that night. How the scratch of his facial hair touched the brown skin of her neck and how tender his hold on her was.
“How do you plan to treat me?” She asked and she could feel him smile from above.
“Like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
And that granted him a kiss so good, he was a bit weak in the knees.
Arman had to stabilize himself on her despite him engulfing her with his slightly taller frame.
She let him. And found that she often enjoyed the weight of Arman over her body.
Her friends were disappointed that she didn’t go home with Arman but she did take his number and there were others that took pictures and videos that circulated the internet
Which was also brought to a certain summer fling’s attention…
Her phone rings as she’s outside the club, her group of friends drunkly screaming a mashup of Tinashe’s, “2 on” and Beyoncé’s, “Drunk in love” she wasn’t sure how they managed to do that but it didn’t sound half bad as they all waited for a Uber.
“Tell my stand-in he shouldn’t bother waiting on your call since I should be the first one you dial.” Rio’s smooth slightly raspy voice was heard as Sahra plugged her other ear to hear him better.
Sahra laughed, “Aw, should I be flattered that you’re watching me all the way out here? What? Are you actually our Uber driver tonight? The phone works both ways, i was starting to think you lost my number.”
“Even if I did, it’s not like me to forget something so significant. I’ll be seeing you next week, brunch on me. And if I hear that you entertained that pushing forty looking cornball, it’s gonna be a problem.”
Sahra was left with a dial tone and a snicker at that.
No man gets to tell her what to do, especially a man who wasn’t her boyfriend.
It was also thrilling to wonder what Rio was gonna do if she went “against” him.
Sahra was a free woman whether Rio liked it or not. It was funny that he was keeping up with her although they haven’t talked in almost two months.
So the next day she went out to dinner with Arman a few hours before her flight back to the east coast.
Arman wasn’t pushing forty. He was only seven years older than Sahra and she was grown, it wasn’t a issue or concern for her. She figured she would end up being with someone older than her anyways.
Rio was four years older than her and you never saw her cracking on his years around the sun…but how did he get access to Arman so quickly when Sahra just met him?
“Business men”
Her interactions with Arman seemed to get more publicized than her relationship with Rio (they were smooth criminals with it, literally 1 out of the 2 but you already knew that) and it didn’t bother Rio—at the start.
It was adrenaline inducing, fiery, and lust filled with Rio. He quickly became a lover and his jealousy definitely showed. He didn’t want Sahra to even think about Arman with his hands and tongue all over her body
making sure to leave his marks that the makeup artists had to rely on photo editors to completely remove them before they were fresh off the press.
Sure Arman was the question mark in the public eye but Rio knew what it was behind closed doors.
The paps didn’t have much information to go off of in the first place since they all lived on different sides of the map but Rio didn’t mind taking flights to be laid up with Sahra.
Yet it was never discussed what they were, although it felt obvious on his part.
Until he decided to pop up and find Arman there in NY, fixing himself a whiskey in Sahra’s kitchen.
“Uh uh,” Rio was ready to put a bullet right in this man’s chest, “think you missed the exit to the club, about three miles back.”
Arman huffed, “Don’t think so, Rio. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”
He already didn’t like this dude and it only amplified with the way he said his name so freely.
“It damn sure ain’t here, man.” Rio’s eyes were in slits at how comfortable Arman was in this Manhattan condo.
Arman raised his hands at the space around them, smug as he raised his glass, “I’m sorry but I’d have to disagree.”
Before Rio could say anything else, the slapping of slippers entered the white and nude modern kitchen. His eyes remained locked on Arman, itching to punch that smile right off his face, while some arms circled around his waist along with a chin pressing into his shoulder.
“You made it,” Sahra’s soft voice announced as Rio finally turned to her to press their lips together, eyes shooting back to Arman’s as he tried to slip his tongue into her mouth.
Arman tilted his head to the side, simply analyzing but expression remained neutral.
Sahra stepped back with a squeeze of Rio’s sides, “No need to show off, you both know what I like and it’s not a competition.”
“I’mma need some clarification, Reina. What’s the bozo in the tight blouse doing here during our quality time? I thought that was squashed.” Rio jabbed his thumb at Arman who rolled his eyes.
Arman muttered, “it’s clear communication isn’t the strong suit on your side of the relationship. She wanted us both here to propose the bright idea of us being a trio.”
“I’m not letting this dude anywhere near my shit, that’s for you only. You know that.” Rio was firm with his response and wasn’t sure what Sahra was on at this point.
This would turn out to be false once he revealed his attraction to a certain preppy busty strawberry blonde a little down the timeline of their soon to be poly relationship but—just make that a side note if you will!
“Listen it’s just a thought since I’m actually getting tired of having the both of you as my sides—
“Your what?” Arman immediately furrowed his brows, which clearly irked his nerves just as Rio felt that familiar itch to start knocking shit over.
Sahra raised her hands in surrender, “whew! Sorry honey bee’s, wrong choice of words. There isn’t a third option or anything like that, I’m just sayin’ I’m with the both of you majority of the time and I know you men are smart enough to figure that I wasn’t going behind your back about it—
“Well that’s a lie because I told you from the jump I wasn’t feelin’ him.” Rio told Sahra, who let out a sigh.
Arman barked, “The names Arman. My name, learn it and use it. Properly.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Rio sized him up with a shove of his hands into his pockets, unfazed.
Sahra let out a low whistle at the rising tension in the room before saying, “okay just hear me out—there’s already been some talk about Arman and I. Slowly it’s back on the rise on the gossip blogs and channels since he’s been here for about a week now but we’re been sorta careful. Half of my heart feels extremely tied with his and then there’s the other side that wants to be around yours Rio. So it just makes sense to at least see what you two think about being in a relationship with me at the same time. It’ll be a union.”
Arman’s eyes shot back to Rio’s at this, brows raised. It was clear she’s been thinking about this for some time and the fact that he’s already been here for a week probably listening to her tell him this, didn’t sit right with Rio.
“I don’t think your part-time lover likes me enough to share.” Arman informed Sahra, hand going up to caress her back.
Rio raked his teeth over his bottom lip in frustration, “don’t speak for me.”
“Well, what do you think?” Sahra asked, curiosity in her eyes.
Rio expressed, “I think that you want the best of both worlds with no regards for anybody’s feelings. The glimpses that you’re showing the world with Arman ain’t reality, it’s got to matter behind closed doors too. What we have is much better than that, just us two.”
“I know that the both of you are different but love me in just the right way that I need and want. I’m picking the both of you to love back at the same time, my hearts big enough to do so, so just let me show you.” Sahra declared, allowing Rio to hold her stare for what felt like a lifetime.
He was always trying to figure her out and spoke with his eyes quite a lot. He knew he adored Sahra but how much of this was an act? He couldn’t be too judgmental since he was often calculated himself but not with his heart.
“How do you feel about this?” Rio kept his eyes on Sahra as he aimed his question at Arman—it’s not like he cared about this random guy’s perspective but he wanted a sense first-hand on what his relationship was like with Sahra since he threw a jab at them earlier.
Arman kept his hand on Sahra’s back, “we don’t have to like each other but I know a good thing when I see it. We absolutely don’t have to be in a romantic relationship with each other but we can respect each other for Tissy—Sahra. I’ll do just about anything to make her happy and if this is what she wants…fine.”
“I knew you were soft,” Rio smirked, “she’s got that effect on you…but not me. I need a few days to get my head around this bullshit so enjoy your time together or not. I may be back.”
“Christopher,” Sahra called out to him feeling her heart race, “don’t waste this moment because of your ego.”
He paused, “my time’s never wasted on you.” Was all that he said before his exit.
And that was the first time Sahra shed a tear in a very long time.
It was Arman’s job to cheer her up while Rio took what was his lengthy leave of absence.
Arman was always in tune with his emotions, had enough compassion but Sahra knew Arman had a touch of a dark side as well. She sensed it when he would hide his cut up knuckles or when he was snappy on the phone with people that worked for him.
Sure she had her diva moments but that didn’t mean she was nasty to any of her employees.
Yet they both have two very different professions.
Which is why she heard her publicist out who weighed the cons of going public on her relationship with both Rio and Arman.
That’s right, the tatted man eventually came around because he also wanted to be part of Sahra’s happiness.
Although the downfall of the relationship felt timely, Sahra was surprisingly still friendly or rather had a love and hate relationship with Rio.
At least enough for him to do what the damn detectives couldn’t.
On the other hand, The relationship turned sour between Sahra and Arman once he began to get tired of constantly being in the flashing lights.
That was a shock to Rio since he knew he was the flashiest one out of the two of them but Rio would never compare himself to him. Fuck him.
Rio was better at keeping his cool in the public eye while Arman started to disconnect.
He found Arman engaging with another woman, a pretty Argentine girl named Nadia who looked like a model herself—yet she was no Sahra—who seemed loving towards Arman at the club.
Rio wasn’t gonna put his shit on blast, especially since he knew how hurt Sahra had been when he revealed that he did have some attraction towards Elizabeth but didn’t act on those feelings.
Here Arman was, acting on his feelings. It was evident that the touches were intimate and it would explain why he was distant so Rio checked Arman about it one night when Sahra was out with her girls.
Which resulted in them getting into each others faces about it.
“Did you cheat?”
“That’s not your damn business!”
Loud and defensive. Dead giveaway.
“I think it is. Be honest, what you thought this was going to be, fizzled out for you much too fast. You need to Tell her instead of being a liar.”
“Oh so you can get the award of being the best partner? As if you aren’t still around the soccer mom that you probably have wet dreams about like some sort of prize? You’re no better than me.”
“Wrong, I know I am. But at least I don’t lie to my girl’s face.”
“Fuck you, big whoop!”
“You got twenty-four hours to come clean.”
“Or what?”
“It’ll come out eventually and then your ass is gonna be done for.”
Arman battled with himself on his side of the condo and knew after the breakfast he prepared that he would tell Sahra.
He was shocked to find Rio not in the home, that the man actually granted them some privacy.
Rio was usually not one for Patience.
When Rio returned, Arman was gone, hopefully on a flight to Vegas and Sahra was seated on the couch staring out the large window behind it.
“You knew, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I did.” Sahra whispered before turning to Rio with wet eyes.
He dropped the duffle bag on the floor, pulled his hood down and plopped down beside her, hand resting on her thigh. “I’m here and I adore you.”
Sahra laid her head in his lap as he straightened out on the couch giving her shoulder a squeeze, “I love you too.”
“And I’ll never let anyone hurt you again.” His fingers following the swoops of her edges, soothing her.
She closed her eyes, not believing that this time.
“Why are you two choosing to speak out now when you’ve been quiet during this entire investigation?” A producer asks the two men sitting side by side.
Rio licks his bottom lips, hands clasped together, “it’s better to set the story straight instead of people constantly picking the narrative.”
“What narrative is that?”
“That Sahra is this or that or the notion that we contributed to all of this happening. When we also knew her better than anyone behind closed doors.” Rio informed.
Arman was side-eyeing the man, which the camera picked up on, “I actually didn’t want to do this interview because it’s common knowledge that disingenuous people like to be exploitative on people in the public eye. Sure Tissy loved what she did but to victim blame is insane.”
“She shouldn’t be some tragic story. Especially when we only know bits and pieces.” Rio stated.
Flashes of a ransacked home, believed to be Sahra’s are shown on screen along with some black and white footage of Sahra being led down a hallway by a hooded figure, object pointed directly at her spine, to a airport with a woman with the same physique—hair gone or either stuffed underneath a cap and with shades on stood at the front desk with a hand gripping the back of her neck, to finally a news clip of the supposed flight reportedly missing off the coast and later some airplane wreckage was found in a desert that cannot be located on a map.
“What do you mean by that?”
“She always talked about a place in South Africa with Rio,” Arman started as he glanced over at the brooding man, “we’re still hopeful since they didn’t officially retrieve a body.”
“Don’t you believe that’s giving false hope to not only yourselves but her fans, especially when her family already processed this? It’s been over ten days.” The producer had clear confusion in their voice.
Rio lifted his shoulders, “we’re not trying to do that at all but I know neglect when i see it. It’s easier just to come to a quick conclusion especially when it comes to Black, Latin, Indigenous, Asian and other people of color right?”
“So you believe there’s negligence on the department’s part?”
“Without a doubt,” Arman answered, “Tissy was supposed to be on vacation the week she went missing…why are we getting footage of her disappearing two days after when she was supposed to be on a flight? Was she held up in that condo for those two days before someone took her to the airport?”
The producer was intrigued at their viewpoint, “they arrested the guy they suspected to be stalking her: Oliver Dumouchel who created one of the most well known fan pages about her. He was said to have engaged with her on the early hours she was leaving for her flight. Could it be him that forced on her on that flight?”
This Rio and Arman already knew. Getting their hands stained themselves as they snatched Oliver off the streets and beat him down to get some answers. He ended up telling them what sounded completely different from what he previously told the detectives. Yes he did manage to get up to the top floor on the early hours of April 16th but he left out the part where he had a scuffle with Sahra in the hallway. He did assault her with a vase, hitting her over the head with it and he left with a bloody nose, scared some residents would call the police. Where was the footage on that?
“So you think he switched her off with someone else? That doesn’t exactly make sense since he was found dead yesterday—apparent suicide.” Rio informed as the other crew had hushed whispers that filled the room.
“Was he the only one running that page?”
Arman confirmed, “Yes.”
“Listen we don’t want to feed into the conspiracy bullshit that’s out there but Sahra always knew how to take care of herself.” Arman said, “she always knew how to pick herself up after feeling what needs to be felt.”
“You’d know that better than anyone.” Rio jabbed.
Arman cleared his throat, resting his elbows against the arms of the chairs, “We love her and just want her to be okay. If it all got to be too much and she wanted to tap out then fine but no one should be able to make that choice for her in such a violent unanswered way.”
Rio dipped his head, a little slouched in his chair, “we’re doing our part in getting some answers, trust that. We won’t elaborate more but hopefully Sahra’s out there safe and relishing the thought that we still care about her wellbeing.”
[Some time in March 2022…]
[Detroit, MI]
Sahra is seen standing in front of a hooded Rio, dressed in loungewear as they hold a conversation with Rio leaning back against his G-Wagon. The conversation is hushed but it’s evident it turns serious as the previous smirk on the taller but thin framed man’s face went away the second Sahra is face to face with him.
The shutters from the cameras are going haywire since they’re used to only seeing Sahra out with Arman more than Rio. Her head turns, hand going up to block the bit of hazy sun that greets her skin. She turns back to Rio whispering something to him, in which he barely glances at the paparazzi before moving to open the backseat, revealing a fluffy white goldendoodle ready to leap from the car.
Rio interrupts, one hand going out to bury into the dog’s fur, keeping them still while the other hand waiting for the leash Sahra’s holding to hook onto the dog before handing it back over to the woman. She wraps the leash around her fist just as Rio places a kiss on her cheek then moves to climb into the car.
Sahra leaves the driveway first, now waving as the paparazzi begin to fire away questions.
“How are you doing today, Sahra? Rio buy you that dog?”
She breaths out a laugh, “nope. This is Amnati, “Nati” for short by the way. She’s my new baby. Rio was actually babysitting for me until I arrived back on his side of town.”
“Speaking of babies are you planning on having any with your two partners?”
“Arman is no longer in the equation, come on keep up with me now.” Sahra teases, making one of the paps appear sheepish.
The other laughs as they toss in, “but you’re still holding up well and got the part of this brand new upcoming thriller film, congrats. Any details you can tell us?”
Sahra spins walking backwards down the sidewalk now, a small smile on her lips as she says, “think of the film ‘when a stranger calls,’ but make is jordan peele if you will and that’s all I’m gonna say on that without getting replaced/fired.”
The paparazzi laugh, “that sounds pretty interesting, we’ll be sure to see it.”
“no one would ever dare to replace you!” The other says while Sahra coos and fans her hand at them.
Sahra then says, “you’ve got the right attitude about that! I might just be a lot, but we gon’ be alright, darling.”
She winks at the camera before sending them a wave and glanced down at Nati who barks up at her with her tail wagging, encouraging the shaggy dog to set off into a jog down and around the street, away from prying eyes and everyone’s view.
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Continue along with my spring anthology series here.
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