#i hope you step on a lego
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f1-obsessed333 · 1 year
To everyone who booed Max today 💁🏼‍♀️
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pedulum-chronometry · 24 days
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
So I made a post some months back. It was my most popular post for a while, not sure why but, it was. But in light of the new chapter I wanted to bring it back up.
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At the time, this post had shippy connotations and still does but, I want to talk about the bigger part of the post. I’m sure we can all agree that the picture that chapter 370 is painting is far more important than any possible canonicity of a fanon pairing. I got a lot of reblogs on this post talking what I put in tags so I’d like to extend my point.
I saw people talking about how this chapter is boring and not important and I felt disappointed… but I realized why they feel like that. Because this part of the story isn’t relatable to everyone. It’s the same reason people call Deku a bad MC. The same reason most of the western audience reduces Uraraka to just a love interest. The reason why people find it hard to empathize with and understand Touya or Bakugou. They can’t relate and are only here for the fight scenes. Which is fine. We’re all products of our environments and experiences so yea it’s okay to not find a certain plot line relatable but to say that it’s boring and “not important to the story” is saying that you’re unable to make out the bigger meaning and you’re kinda invalidating the real people that have actually experienced persecution.
The biggest conflict in mha arguably is the way people of authority treat others based on their looks, quirks, and talent. And we can take Bakugou and Hawks as examples for why mindless praise and ego strokes at such a young age can be just as bad as being looked down upon and bullied. They’re different experiences but both resulted in toxic mindsets about themselves and changed the mindsets of the people around them as well (the hero commission seeing hawks’ talent and training him to be a warrior essentially [like nagant but her experience started much older], bakugous friends and teachers praising him to the point where his ego inflated and causing the people around him, including his parents, to believe that he’s an untouchable force that never and shouldn’t need help [minus deku, which is where their conflict came from]).
The mutant rebellion is just a more obvious way of telling what’s been going on for the entire story. Which goes back to the tag in my original post:
I think the morals of the story is why it’s [mha] is more attractive towards POC, the lgbt community, those that have been looked down upon for being different, or people that have experienced having expectations they couldn’t reach being thrown on their shoulders…
What’s being explained in this chapter isn’t just some plot device. It’s a moral that’s applicable to real life and you saying it’s not important makes you look like a prick. And it’s not just an issue amongst individuals, it’s an issue highly influenced by celebrities and government officials. Making it a systemic and societal issue, just like it’s being portrayed in mha.
If you can’t relate to anything that’s going on or being said in the recent chapter and you don’t like it, shut the hell up and skip the chapter. Let the people who can relate gain a little bit more respect for Horikoshi for even thinking about addressing an issue this blatantly.
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notdelusionalatall · 2 years
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grandparomeaskblog · 1 year
Carthage fuck you and the elephants you rode in on
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Systems who act like they're better than you just because they don't have many fictives are the weakest link stfu nobody asked /nbh
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Why do people need to be so fucking rude? LOVE sharing something and someone fucking ignoring it. Great times!
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lazyforesight · 1 year
((Me: Goes into the HSR RP tags to find new people to follow.
Also me: Immediately has to block someone spamming the tag with their asks and an RP group that's also spamming the tags.
Seriously why.))
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ionomycin · 9 months
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2023 favorites
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
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req for @shadowgamerhalo! mei and mks tackle hugs are not only fun, they can also be used as a battle attack.
+ plus a little doodle bc the amount of actual hugs in the comic is lacking
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qqueenofhades · 10 months
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bumblebeerror · 4 months
Hey so for all y’all who have never experienced Testosterone Puberty, from someone who experienced Estrogen Puberty first:
Cis Teenage Boys cannot help that they stink. They cannot help being sweaty. They cannot help that their hair is greasy if they don’t have the time or means to shower multiple times a day.
My first puberty was a fucking BREEZE in the “remaining clean, dry, and generally presentable” department besides the period bits. For 3/4 of the time I was going thru puberty, it was totally easy. I barely sweat, I only stank when I had my period and only like blood, my only wardrobe worry was whether I bled thru my undies.
My second puberty on T? Motherfucker I sweat thru shirts, pants, socks, underwear, bandanas, you fucjing name it if it’s on my body I soak it through in a matter of minutes. On a warm day I could require a shower and fresh clothes 3-4 times in order to be presentable in public. My hair gets greasy within a day. My body gets Itchy where I sweat from bacteria that can accumulate and grow unchecked within a day, and makes me stink like BO and yeast. I’m not even safe in winter, motherfucker - whenever it gets remotely wet out my butt is so swampy if I stuck it in the snow I’d come back out with icicles on my ass.
All this to say - I’m expierencing this as an adult, who knows how to remedy itchy irritated skin with antibacterial soap, who knows what fabrics will make me sweat more and which ones will wick sweat away, who knows how and where to apply deodorant and what kinds will irritate my skin, who knows how to minimize the smells I dislike from my body through practice and patience, who is willing to use baby powder to stay more comfortable because I haven’t been teased about how only girls and babies use it.
In short, I say this as someone who’s had a decade longer to learn how to handle these issues - not as a confused and scared kid who’s being mercilessly teased and berated for being sweaty or stinky or using too much Axe Body Spray.
I say this because holy shit. Fucking relax next time you meet a teenage boy who is sweaty or stinky or greasy. Either help him out or refuse to yell at him or tease him for it. It isn’t his fault that he’s a fucking kid, and the most anyone has bothered telling him is to “put on deodorant” “take a shower” or “change your socks” about how to control what’s happening to his body.
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findingoblivion · 7 months
I am so fucking mad.
Full mask off. "I'm not showing you love and support"
What a fucking joke. Trans women are being systematically destroyed and deleted and it's more important to you to come onto a random popular trans girls post and spout All Lives Matter bullshit rhetoric.
Trans women have been abandoned by their brethren. You all never gave a shit in the first place but you clearly don't now.
Trans women will keep leaving this site in droves. We aren't welcome here. You talk about solidarity and how we shouldn't be fighting each other. And I agree! But to do that you need to stand up and speak out about what's happening specifically to trans women. I've seen exactly four people who aren't trans women talk about it. That's pathetic.
Do better. We're not even at the bare minimum level right now. It's not enough.
Stop actively making our lives worse. Stop making it about you. Stop buying in to terf rhetoric.
Support us. Love us. Be friends with us.
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casavanse · 3 months
You genocidal maniacs actually make me sick, 210+ men woman and children died so that 4 terrorists could be “saved”
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more than 90% of what you said here isn't true. Cmon, at least give me something interesting!
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mamawasatesttube · 8 months
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this is so obnoxious im actually wondering if it's a troll but hey. a) never call my work "content" again. b) no writer owes you shit. i don't care how long you have to wait ohh you poor thing. c) if you're lurking on my tumblr for """content""" you know i had final exams and a death in the family to deal with in the last few weeks. d) you didn't even comment on the first chapter i literally could not care less how agonizing the wait was for you uwu.
it takes so much work to write 24,000 words. pulling that off in 7 weeks with a lot of other shit going on, plus writing several other oneshots in the meantime, is a lot! i am a person not just a content-generating machine. can't believe that is something i have to say?
anyway. the point being. get blocked idiot
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