#i imagine this was written by maglor
polutrope · 2 years
I cannot believe that no matter how many times I re-read passages in the Silm, I still notice things I had not before. This isn't an entirely serious meta because I'm overthinking. And I'm sure someone somewhere has noticed this before, but:
It never actually says that the Silmaril burned Maglor's hand(s). It's logical to assume that the pain he couldn't endure was the same as Maedhros', but in reading this through about eight times in a row I realised that's not actually what is says. I've been transferring Maedhros' whole experience onto Maglor. Perhaps sensibly but, hmm.
It also doesn't say that Maglor perceived that the oath was vain. Which provides interesting interpretive loopholes.
But the jewel burned the hand of Maedhros in pain unbearable; and he perceived that it was as Eonwe had said, and that his right thereto had become void, and that the oath was vain. [...]
And it is told of Maglor that he could not endure the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him ... Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath
(There's also interesting stuff to be mused upon regarding the fact that Maglor's fate is signalled as a rumour - "it is told" - but Maedhros' is not, but that's beside the point.)
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theneverfadinglands · 29 days
Heraldic devices; Fëanorions
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Maedhros: It was quite a challenge to design Maedhros' device. He is the heir and therefore it must show, but it also have to contain his personality. Which I always interpreted as more elegant and simple, neat. I wanted to incorporate the motif of rose. Since I connect Maedhros (and Nerdanel) to roses. I wanted to incorporate both the star of Fëanor and rose of Nerdanel.
I. the first picture shows the device of Maitimo as he used in Valinor
II. Maedhros after Fëanor's death, high king of the Noldor in Beleriand. Used briefly of course. I believe it was designed by Maglor and he used it during Maedhros captivity. Maglor was not thrilled to be a king and so I can imagine he would use Maedhros' a lot. It has 16 points, just as Finwë's heraldic device.
III. Maedhros after his abdication, lord of Himring.. a lot of point for a lord, right? Fingolfin had 8 as well.
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I. Makalaurë, I remember holly leaves were mentioned in Return to Aman (written by @cycas ). Since then they stuck in my head as Maglor's heraldic device. Of course they are golden. Picking themes for Maglor was not hard at all. The red circles are supposed to signify the berries of holly.
II. Maglor after Maedhros' capture. I am not sure if he was crowned the high king of the Noldor or not. He is not listed anywhere as one, it seems to me he managed to escape the kingship. After Maedhros' rescue, the golden circle was reduced in size as to not touch the sides. Maglor used this device in Beleriand and never used the Valinorean one again.
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Celegorm, I was a little unsure what to choose, but it have not took me a long time to pick silver pine cone. I could not find any suitable animal-related theme, everything looked wuite ridiculous. I suppose even this look a little ridiculous. I was also unsure if I should go all the way and use the green or pick someting more inline with his siblings. However, Celegorm is odd one in the group really. He is Fëanor's third son and still deserve distinct design, not to be confused with any other. 4 points obviously, his device follows the conventional rules.
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Caranthir, oh Caranthir, I always have a problem with him. Caranthir is the one I do not know much about. I do not have headcanons about him, I just do not know. I could not pick anything personal for him and there are not informations about him. We know Celegorm, Amrod and Amras were hunters, Maedhros is the heir, Maglor is golden and musician, who is Caranthir? He is known for his temper, the dark Finwë.
I chose dark moody colours and many many stars. Instead of one central star he has 7 of them. His device is wuite formal. Of course the reason is that I did not know what to do with him. Yet what is the in-story reason? Maybe he used to have different device in Valinor, but began to use this one in Beleriand. He must have some very good reason to slap so many stars in. Maybe because he managed the trade, he used this neutral, formal and very "Fëanor's son" screaming device?
I think that his Valinorean device might have some moths. Moths are suitable dark and moody.
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Curufin, it was not hard to design. I wanted his device to be similar to Fëanor's, yet it shall not outshine Maedhros. Technically the device break rules as there are 8 sides touching, but Curufin was never a king. I think the yellow can be ignored as a "point." After all the same motif is featured in Maedhros'. I wanted to reapeat the Maedhros theme, because although he is the oldest, Curufin is most similar to his father.
For Curufin I had chosen gems as symbols. I think diamnods are very fitting for him. I had it on my mind the entire time from the beginning. The question was only where I am going to place them. I think the inspiration by Fëanor is also clear. I am not sure how Curufin felt about it later... he is always Atarinkë.
I have to do Celebrimbor too, but I think he had more than one device.
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Amrod and Amras, I went a little wild with them. They are the youngest and therefore can have some fun. As such I chose more creative devices. Red maple for Amrod (because aesthetic, not really for the meaning) and oak for Amras. Oak is in many cultures regarded as the kingly tree. I think the devices are both similar enough and different enough to denote their relationship as twins while maintaining separate identities. Honestly Amros' device and Maglor's kingly Beleriand device are my favorites.
I would like to do Fingolfinwean and Finarfinwean devices as well, but I am not sure I'll have enough creativity in me.
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erendur · 5 days
Maedhros needs a hug.
I think we all agree (well, most of us at least), that Maedhros needs a hug, at the very least.
So I was thinking, what if he was adopted by a group of lesser fire spirits after he threw himself in the chasm (I could bet good money on the fact that a fanfic has already been written based on that idea, but am too lazy to check).
The chasm he threw himself in is probably a major, big-ass one - he’s a Fëanorian after all, I think he would leave in style. So there were bound to be at least a few lesser fire spirits hanging out there, with not much to do. Corrupted evil spirits have plenty to do, what with torturing people, murdering them or creating monsters, but the non-corrupted ones probably have plenty of time on their hands.
So suddenly, there's this gorgeous Elf throwing himself in their chasm. And they’re super thrilled, because the Ainu of Valinor get plenty of pretty elves hanging around them, but the lesser spirits of Middle-Earth, not so much. Plus, when they get closer, they notice that it’s not just any Elf, but a Fëanorian, a super-fiery one, one they’ve probably sneakily had a look at when he was in his Father’s forge at some point (I’m convinced fire spirits regularly sneaked into Fëanor’s forge fire to have a good look at him and his family of fiery hotties).
I’m imagining a kind of Monthy Python’s Holy Grail’s Castle Anthrax situation there : they all jump on his fëa as fast as they can, to make sure he doesn’t escape towards Mandos’s halls or any funny business like that, and of course Maedhros doesn’t put up much of a fight given that :
He’s super tired, even in disembodied fëa form ;
He very much does NOT want to go to Mando and, as far as he had planned ahead, was determined to give him the slip. He’s already been imprisoned once, thank you very much, he’s not doing it again.
So when Mandos finally comes looking for him, the fire spirits hide him in under a fire blanket and pile of throw pillows or whatever the equivalent would be in a fiery chasm, put on their most innocent look, and say they’ve seen nothing.
“An Elf ? Why would there be an Elf in a fire chasm ? We haven’t seen any Elves around here. And even if we had, they’d been gone by now. In this direction, yes, over there. Nothing to see here, no Sir, certainly no murderous fiery Elf.”
Mandos doesn’t press the matter too much, because he’s got a group of Avari Elves that have eaten poison berries to take care of, and he already feels the start of a headache coming.
Maedhros spends the next age or so being absolutely pampered by the fire spirits, who can’t believe their luck. They braid his fëa hair and make him fiery buttered crumpets. They chill on the fiery sofa and they make him laugh by telling mean jokes about the water spirits and making funny impersonations of Ulmö. I’m picturing an Odysseus/Calypso situation there. He’s having a nice time. He’s got no one to manage, he’s not in charge of any siblings, he’s got no hopeless war to fight and no Oath to fulfil. He can finally relax with his fire spirit pals.
Eventually, someone spills the beans to Mandos. Of course, it’s a water spirit. They’ve been eyeing Maglor for an age, holding their breath as he gets closer and closer to the water, hoping - surely, this time he’ll go in !- but he never does, so since they can’t get their hot pet Elf, it’s unfair that the other ones do.
Mandos decides to kill two birds with one stone on this one, and sends Fingon to get him. He’s been trying to get rid of Fingon for almost as soon as he’d arrived - “You did a magical rescue ! Manwë sent you his eagle ! You waged a war against Evil ! You died a heroe’s death ! You have nothing to do here !” - but Fingon has always stubbornly refused to be reembodied until Maedhros had at least arrived. He’s got five other Fëanorians plus a bunch of their followers who also refuse for the same reason. He thinks he’s finally got a solution.
So by the time Fingon arrives in the fiery chasm, Maedhros has chilled and relaxed enough that he is able to consider the whole atone for his sins in Mandos in a more sanguine way. It will be mostly fine. He did some terrible things. He won’t be tortured. He’ll be ok. Fingon will be there. So he only puts up the bare minimum of a fuss before following Finno.
“I can’t go back, I’m an accursed kinslayer. Everybody there reviles me. There is no hell so profound that is sufficient to punish the tenth part of my sins…” (He has spent hundred of years hanging out with Maglor, who has some serious Drama-Queen tendencies, and also came up with that last line before Marguerite de Navarre).
“Come on, Mae, not everyone reviles you, there are many people who are waiting for you there, and you’ll get reembodied eventually…”
“Do not insist, dear friend, I am the most accursed of the accursed, I’ll never finish atoning for my sins, I'll be cast aside, universally hated, like I deserve…”
“Maitimo Nelyafinwë ! Stop it this instant ! You’re going to Mandos now, and you’re going to be reembodied, and you’ll give a kiss to your Mom you’ve been waiting for you all this time !”
So he leaves, much to the chagrin of the fire spirits. Well, at least, they all had a good time.
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thelordofgifs · 5 months
Notes on the Care of the Tormented, ed. Elrond Half-elven
Written for @silmarillionepistolary day 3!
Rating: T
Relationships: Maglor & Maedhros, Maglor & Elrond
Words: 4k
I have hesitated a long time over transcribing this old collection of documents, and having them bound together as a pamphlet; but the library at Imladris is well-understood to be the finest East of the Sea, and I do not wish to deprive it of any lore. A point of pride, perhaps. So I have had two copies made, one for our own collection and one for that of the library at Fornost Erain — for I would not have it said that the Eldar hoard their knowledge, and leave Men to labour in the dark.
The library at Amon Ereb was nothing to marvel at, but it was there, in the uneasy days of my youth, that I first came across these notes. They had been written by Maglor son of Fëanor at varying points over the course of the First Age, and were altogether a rather disorganised collection; but I found myself drawn to them the very first time I read them, for the care that had been taken in their composition, and in their preservation through defeat after defeat and flight after flight. Maglor was no healer, certainly not by the time I knew him: his hands had been bloodied too many times for that gift to have lingered, if ever he had it. But all the same, he paid great attention to the care of Maedhros his brother — there was no other Maedhros would permit to touch him, or speak to him when he had an episode.
It would have been easy to conclude that Maglor did it all on instinct, watching them. So I was struck, on first finding these notes, by how much of his practice he had documented. The sons of Fëanor were all diligent record-keepers — ironic, many would claim, considering how much lore was lost in Menegroth beneath their marauding swords, and again at the Havens of Sirion. But none of them seemed to trust to the infallible memories of the Eldar, judging by the contents of even that much-depleted library at Amon Ereb. Still at times I wondered for whom exactly Maglor had written the notes — I do not doubt that he referred to them often himself, but I could never make out whether he had had any other audience in mind. Did he imagine that Maedhros might survive him, and dwell with another? I know not.
[Keep reading on AO3]
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wilwarin-wilwa · 11 months
have the urge to ask about your thoughts on maedhros, particular or otherwise
*vibrating with giddiness* where do i even start!!!!
it's no wonder that he's a fan-favorite. it's not just about him being good-looking and tragic (because that applies to most of the characters haha) but it's about how well-written and compelling his arc is. it's the embodiment of this part of the doom of mandos: "to evil end shall all things turn that they begin well".
from the moment he ALONE refuses to burn the ships to the time he ALONE searches for elurid and elurin, he stands out among his brothers as The Good Feanorion. his defining characteristic throughout almost the entirety of the silmarillion is that he tries to be an honorable person, to do things the right way, to fix what his father broke and minimize the harm of the oath. he holds on to that determination for so long, but despite his best efforts, he fails and fails and fails.
and then the third kinslaying happens and maglor has a mom-said-it's-my-turn-on-the-moral-compass moment and it's like the last remnant of goodness in maedhros has been snuffed out. he has no more hope or willpower left in him. and it is SO !! because there used to be so much of it in him!!! but he's the one who willingly lets go of it. he becomes convinced that everything good he ever did was in vain (i want to shake him by the shoulders and tell him that it is NOT) so there's no point in trying anymore. it pains me that he thought it impossible that eru could release them from the oath or that their crimes could ever be forgiven. his despair became his downfall, and that ties in well with the recurring theme of hope in tolkien's works.
i'm not sure if you might be referring to this post of mine but here you go anyway: i like to imagine a scene in which maglor snaps at maedhros after the second-kinslaying. he resents maedhros for agreeing to it and letting it happen in the first place, and he resents maedhros for leaving him to deal with the aftermath of it (e.g. burying the dead) while maedhros himself goes on his hopeless search for dior's children. i guess it was a moment of weakness for maglor in which the combination of guilt, grief, horror, and anger overwhelms him, and he takes it out on the nearest target. he can't take it out on celegorm, who came up with the idea, because celegorm is dead. and i think that after the third kinslaying, maedhros envies maglor. he envies maglor for being able to save elrond and elros (unlike his own failure to save their uncles) and he envies maglor's ability to still experience hope and compassion. but the only reason maglor still has those things is because he wasn't the one trying and trying and trying and experiencing soul-crushing failure every time.
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
Ok so I’m rotating ideas about elves and mythology and decided to drop some ramblings in your ask box because of all the wonderful theatre-related thoughts you’ve been sharing!! The thing is that the silm is a mythology right. Like it’s written in that style, and the heroes of LoTR and the later Ages in general are always explicitly looking back to the stories of the First Age (see: Aragorn wanting to cosplay Beren and Lúthien with Arwen). But what were the myths, the cultural stories, of the Elves of the First Age? In Tirion what were the stories that Maglor might write a play retelling or subverting, that Elemmírë might make a new song about, that Míriel might have woven into a tapestry? All cultures have ancient myths – but these characters are a) living at the very dawn of the world, and b) are all going to become mythological figures themselves! It makes me a bit insane. My thoughts are that they told a lot of stories about the war the Valar made on Melkor, and also about Cuivienen and the awakening of the elves, but honestly I don’t KNOW. What do you think? (No pressure to answer this is very random I realise) ❤️❤️
NO I love these thoughts!!! My thoughts generally go along the same vein as yours in terms of the general themes of elven myths. Here are some possibilities I imagine:
Whichever continent the elves in question are not seeing is often the center of the stories. The Sindar and Avari in middle-earth myth-make a lot about the lands in the west; the Eldar in Valinor myth-make about middle-earth. Since we're talking about Elemmírë, Míriel, and Maglor I'll stick to the latter.
I imagine there's aways the pervasive idea of secret Ainur no one has discovered yet. No matter how many times the Valar go "no we promise we're all here in Valinor, there's no other Valar left" there's 100% an elf somewhere going "have you heard about the Vala of bogs? yeah they live in middle earth and they're in charge of all the bogs there and if you aren't careful you'll be stuck serving in their bog court"
Not to mention elves who know Aulë and have heard that his people sleep under the earth, waiting for their time to awake. I'm sure for some elves tell it as simply that, but over time another pervasive myth develops -- stories of great dwarven kingdoms under the earth, kingdoms they're barred from seeing, stories of seven great dwarven kings, each much like Aule in face, each possessing a specific sort of magic.
Imin, Tata, Enel, etc! Not only do we canonically get them as a counting story, I imagine their fates are also something that ends up being talked about? They do not seem like they ever ended up in Valinor -- what happened to them? I feel like elven stories can tend to go along the lines of "and then he turned into a tree" or "he still dwells by the sea where he was born" or "he fell into the cracks of the mountains during the war and became one with the earth."
Myth as a way to explore cultural taboos! Elves coming to Valinor, a land with no pain or crime, with the shadows of war and suffering behind them -- I imagine they must explore taboo and pain through storytelling. What happens to an elf that leaves his wife for another? What happens to an elf who poisons her sister? I imagine there's some gruesome/creepy stories that come out there, but are told with a naïveté to the actual truth of what violence looks like. Something along the lines of "and then the servants of Melkor hacked the elven king into bits, so his wife had to go looking for each piece of him in every corner of the world and sew them back together"
The sea!! Must I say more. The elves emerged from the sea, and they long for it -- yet they cannot go too far into the waves without drowning, and they do not know what lurks under the waves. I imagine myths centering around sea-creatures, around the souls of the drowned, around elves (mer-elves?) who never left the sea and make their kingdoms underneath the waters, etc.
Just some ideas!! If anyone else wants to contribute headcanons for early elf myths to his post, please do!
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❝ "Come, Mulkhêrînim, and do not be shy. The Elf-prince is yours to use tonight, for this is how the Lord rewards his loyal subjects." ❞
⊱ Prompt: Pillory/stocks, free use ⊱ Pairing: Númenórean cultists x Maglor, Mairon ⊱ Synopsis: Mairon captures Maglor and brings him to the Temple of Melkor as a gift to his loyal followers. ⊱ Featuring: The Cult of Melkor is also a deranged sex cult now because Mairon said so, references to past Angbang ⊱ Warnings: Non-con, ritualistic gang rape, sadism & voyeurism (on Mairon's part in particular), the prompts by themselves
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆: Another one for @tolkienpinupcalendar's Dead Dove December; we're nearing the end (one more regular chapter that I have already written plus a bonus fic I'm currently working on).
Mulkhêrînim - (Adûnaic) - Children of Melkor. Thought it would be a lovely way for Mairon to address them like that as an ultimate affront against Eru. Translation by me with the help of this dictionary (because in the Tolkien fandom even the nasty porn needs linguistics!)
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"I have a special gift for you today, oh faithful Mulkhêrînim." 
His loyal cultists mumbled among themselves when Mairon presented them with the exquisite treat he had captured. 
At first glance, it appeared to be yet another captive, like the innumerable amount he had caught in the service of his lord – a dark-haired man, albeit handsome by incarnate standards, was kneeling on the dais in front of the altar, his head and hands secured by a hastily erected pillory, naked save for a flimsy loin cloth. 
The more perceptive among Mairon's followers, however, had already noticed what made this one special: The pair of pointed ears sticking out from the mess that was his hair, almost defiantly announcing his identity as one of Ilúvatar's immortal children. 
"Is that an Elf?" one of the cultists gasped, pointing at the helpless prisoner. 
"Indeed it is, very good," Mairon purred and stood next to the Elf in question to almost tenderly pull his hair out of the way to show them off. "But not any Elf; I have captured one of royal blood." 
The whispering among his followers intensified, and he savoured the tension before the anxiously awaited revelation. 
"Meet Prince Makalaurë, also known as Maglor, the last living son of Fëanor!"
Laughing and jeering erupted from the crowd, their faces changing from curious to ravenous within seconds. Maglor, however, remained quiet, merely pressing his lips together and hardening his gaze. 
I suppose his dear brother told him what happens to those who talk back, Mairon thought with a pleased smirk. 
"Our minstrel's lonely wanderings have finally come to an end, so that he may grace us with his presence instead," he declared with a grand gesture, smugness bleeding into his tone like black ink dripping into water. 
"Will he be a sacrifice to the Lord?" a younger cultist asked. 
Mairon laughed. Oh, Melkor would be delighted to witness this scene; he could practically hear his gleeful laughter echoing through the temple from beyond the circles of the world, could see his eyes gleaming with dark amusement, could feel his joy – but he swiftly tore himself away from his memories and imagination, lest he be distracted for too long. 
"Perhaps he will be in time," he drawled, "though for now he shall serve you." 
His mortal followers, while loyal and so very eager to attain the immortality he had promised, didn't seem to grasp the meaning of his words, looking up at him expectantly. None had the courage to ask. Mairon suppressed a sigh of exasperation and the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose and stepped aside so they could properly admire Maglor's scantily clad form.
"Have you never dreamed of getting a taste of what we will conquer? Of enjoying the pleasures of immortal flesh?" He chuckled. "Such rare blood is too precious to spill with haste, would you not agree? After all..." 
In one swift movement, Mairon raked his claw-like golden nails down Maglor's back, drawing blood and eliciting a piercing scream. 
"He has such a beautiful voice, for which he is renowned to this day. What a waste it would be to not enjoy his illustrious company..." 
Murmurs of agreement rose within the crowd, and a few cultists came closer, looking up at their high priest as they waited for permission. Mairon stepped back to make space for his followers and beckoned them with an elegant wave of his hands, causing the golden bangles on his arm to clink and tinkle. 
"Come, Mulkhêrînim, and do not be shy. The Elf-prince is yours to use tonight, for this is how the Lord rewards his loyal subjects." 
A heady mix of lust and greed filled the room, and he inhaled it eagerly, a warm shudder going through him. He was going to enjoy this spectacle greatly. 
Had he caught any other Elf, he would have to be worried that their fëa would all too soon flee to Mandos, unable to endure such violation, but the Fëanorion's ill-fated oath would keep him chained to his hröa. 
Robes billowing behind him as if moved by an unseen tempest of malice, Mairon strutted around the altar and leapt onto the lap of Melkor's statue with feline grace, taking a seat like a king would sit on a throne. 
"Do you see that, precious? Almost like home," he whispered to the statue and pressed a reverent kiss onto the cold marble hand, exactly where his ring would have been. 
Maglor didn't scream when his loin cloth was torn off him, nor when greedy hands explored his body and fondled him like a common whore. He didn't grace his captors with any pleas or protests. Only when one cultist knelt behind him and forced his cock inside, he finally cried out. 
Mairon smiled. Awaken their lust, and they are reduced to mere animals, as you taught me yourself. 
The scene unfolding in front of him was chaotic, erratic and filthy, just like Melkor would have loved it. The Man's coupling with their Elven captive was frenzied and hasty, gripping his hips with his knuckles white, chasing his pleasure. Maglor himself was soon silenced – in spite of his wonderful voice and the lovely sound of his screams – by another cultist forcing his mouth open to shove his cock down his throat.
"Let's see what else he can do with that talented tongue of his," another commented on the act, followed by raucous laughter. 
Mairon considered chastising them for not appreciating the beauty of a voice trembling with pain and despair, but instead kept a serene expression as if it had been an amusing statement. He couldn't quite fault them for it; after all, mortals were ever so impatient, and their new toy had many of them to satisfy. 
Whenever one finished inside of him, another would take their place. A young initiate was sent to retrieve some oil for additional lubrication and returned with a pitcher containing the very same sacred oil that was used in their ritual sacrifices – another thing too entertaining to be irked by, and thus Mairon remained silent, smiling and nodding along whenever one of his followers looked up at him for encouragement. 
"Let us see if they can break him, precious," he whispered to the statue. 
Maglor's head hung low whenever no one held it in place, though he had little room to move. The pillory kept him upright even as knees gave in, and seed had begun leaking out of him and down his thighs. Mairon was delighted to see droplets of red marring creamy white and caught the distinct scent of blood. Still, it didn't stop his followers from using their new toy like wild beasts mounting one another during mating season. Some also opted to help themselves before or after their turn, spilling onto whichever part of Maglor they could reach. 
Mairon hadn't paid attention to the passage of time, but he estimated a few hours had passed when they were finally done with the Noldorin prince, readjusting their robes and withdrawing from him while glancing up at their master. Abandoning his comfortable seat on the statue – though most unwillingly – he stepped closer to survey the results. 
Despite no longer being gagged, Maglor was eerily silent. His entire form was stained with viscous white, his face in particular, his lips were swollen, his legs trembling, his hole loose and leaking. 
Mairon graced his followers with a bright, pleased smile as if they had done him a great kindness and placed his fingertips together. 
"Well done, Mulkhêrînim. Our Lord shall look down upon you with benevolence and grant his favour to those who stand against his enemies." 
Maglor let out a small snort, yet the spark of rebellion was short-lived when Mairon backhanded him across the face with graceful elegance that belied the force of his blow. 
"Now take our guest to the King's dungeons and make accommodations worthy of a prince." 
The sweet smile on his face then twisted, showing sharp teeth, and his voice darkened as he added, "And make sure he cannot escape, lest you wish to invoke our Lord's wrath." 
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Thanks for reading! ♡
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doodle-pops · 1 year
How do you think the elves would react if their s/o were an animal magnet? Like they're just sitting there and boom animals that are nearby just come to them and stare like "give me pets, I demand love". Imagine you're having a picnic and a whole squad of squirrels and birds just be there waiting for being loved 😂😂
a/n: I remember eunoiaastralwings and I had discussed this with Celegorm and his daughter. It was a nightmare and a blessing for him :)
Amazed by your ability to naturally attract animals from all over to interact peacefully with you. Sometimes, the both of you are lazing about and a few birds would swoop in or a squirrel would climb in. On mornings, they would see deer or bears outside waiting for you to greet them. It's worse when you see a dog or cat, it's quite the opposite and it's you running off the play with them. It still doesn't stop the dog or cat from giving you their affection. For them, it's a joy seeing you interact with nature. “Can you teach me how to get animals to like me so much?”
Jealous and hates whenever those little critters show up to steal your attention. They were on a date with you and those little birds or squirrels have the audacity to reshift your focus and pry you away from them. It's one sight, all dates indoors to avoid you giving all those animals your attention. It would happen so easily, it would take you some time to realise their jealousy. “Did you move our dates indoors because you're jealous of the deers?” “What? No, of course not!” “Okay, if you say so...” It's written all over their face.
They are relaxed as they observe you in your natural environment. You are at peace which means they're at peace. Loving how kind and gentle you are with the animals, feeding and chatting away with them. Some would even go as far as to lay their heads on your lap, completely at peace around you. It's a mixture of adoration when they see you in your element and a tiny bit of annoyance because they're trying to spend time with you. “You're like an animal deity or something? They all flock to you like a beacon...you can even ask them to give us privacy.”
CELEGORM, AMROD, Amras, Galdor, BELEG, Maeglin, ELROHIR, Elrond
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whovianofmidgard · 19 days
Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗
1) Light Touched
It's dear to my heart 'cos I've been working on it for a long time (started writing the draft of the first chapters a year ago) and I'm finally close to the finish line! It's also fun writing how Elwing, Eärendil, Maglor and Maedhros change because of the Silmarils and how they use their new abilities.
2) Hoofbeats In His Heart's Rythm
Horse Girl Maglor! It was a fun character study to write and explore his relationship with horses from baby Mags to Lord of the Gap and settling into the Third Age.
3) The Wedding of Morgoth
I like Norse Mythology and I like Silm. Put it together and we get the retelling of Thor dressing up as a bride to get Mjöllnir back, but this time it's Maedhros wearing the wedding dress to scam the Silmarils from Morgoth, with Maglor taking Loki's speaking role and Sauron is there to cause problems. It's funny and I'm proud of coming up with this in the first place.
4) Stomp the Music, Dance the Wine
This was the first fic for Maedhros and Maglor week that I came up with. A happy little Kidnap fam fic where I took elements of my Hungarian heritage and incorporated into Amon Ereb's culture, from the fashion I dress Maglor and Maedhros in, to the dancing while stomping grapes and the musical instruments I name drop.
5) Losgar Unburnt
I origionally intended this to remain a one-shot, but all the positive feedback has made my imagination working and now I'm planning multiple follow up fics for it and even have a WIP in the works. Time-travel fix-its are popular when it comes to AUs, and the fic has the twist of the PoV character (Maglor) reacting to things happening that the time traveller (Maedhros) does.
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mrthology · 16 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
Sorry for taking so long to get to this, and thank you so much, my dear!
Of Sea Salt and Laments
Rated G, gen, ft Legolas, Gimli, and Maglor
Before sailing to Valinor after the death of Aragorn in the Fourth Age, Gimli and a sea-longing wracked Legolas meet a stranger wandering the shores of Middle Earth, drowning in grief and loss over deeds done in ages past.
Bless the Children, Give them Triumph Now
Rated T, gen, Thalia focused and her interactions with others
Thalia Grace has seen and faced much in her life. She'd seen her mother drive herself mad for love, her brother disappear without a trace, monsters beyond most people's wildest imaginations, and so much more. She had not expected it to be so hard to live in peace.
Long Ago, That Current Caught Us
Rated M, Apollo/Icarus, Percy/Apollo, Percy & Annabeth, Percy & Ariadne
Or, in another life, Percy was Icarus, the boy who flew too close to the sun. Apollo is still the same.
Rated M, Kassandra/Apollo, Percy/Apollo, Percy & Will, etc. (mind the archive warnings). Written with my darling wife @ashilrak
Or, when Apollo cursed Kassandra before the Trojan War, it didn’t go as planned. Now, millennia later, Apollo and Kassandra are still stuck in an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Percy Jackson doesn’t know why people keep calling him Kassandra, or why he’s plagued by memories; all he knows is that he didn’t want to be a demigod.
The Burden of Our Mortal Misery
Rated M, Percy/Dionysus, Percy & Poseidon
Percy had left something of himself down in Tartarus, and he didn’t think he’d ever get it back. He wasn’t sure he wanted to.
I think my mind randomly changes on my favourites, but I love these ones! Thank you again!!
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glorf1ndel · 5 months
Not to bombard the Silm fandom with Taylor Swift, but "The Albatross" from her latest album was written about Elwing. Not really, but the song is ideal for her character.
Read the lyrics through the prism of Elwing being a descendant of Lúthien, and people being wary of her because of it: Wise men once said/ "One bad seed kills the garden"/ "One less temptress/ One less dagger to sharpen."
Read them through the perspective of Maedhros and Maglor at the Third Kinslaying: She's the death you chose/ You're in terrible danger.
Read them imagining Elrond and Elros losing their parents: You were sleeping soundly/ When they dragged you from your bed/ And I tried to warn you about them.
Read them imagining Elwing and Eärendil reuniting and holding the Silmaril: I'm the albatross/ I swept in at the rescue/ The devil that you know/ Looks now more like an angel.
Make no mistake; this song is about Elwing now. Read the lyrics considering how she's a contentious character in the fandom. Did you know? She's the albatross/ she is here to destroy you.
Full lyrics below!
"The Albatross," Taylor Swift
Wise men once said "Wild winds are death to the candle" A rose by any other name is a scandal Cautions issued, he stood Shooting the messengers They tried to warn him about her
Cross your thoughtless heart Only liquor anoints you She's the albatross She is here to destroy you
Wise men once said "One bad seed kills the garden" "One less temptress One less dagger to sharpen" Locked me up in towers But I'd visit in your dreams And they tried to warn you about me
Cross your thoughtless heart Only liquor anoints you She's the albatross She is here to destroy you Devils that you know Raise worse hell than a stranger She's the death you chose You're in terrible danger
And when that sky rains fire on you And you're persona non grata I'll tell you how I've been there too And that none of it matters
Wise men once read fake news And they believed it Jackals raised their hackles You couldn't conceive it You were sleeping soundly When they dragged you from your bed And I tried to warn you about them
So I crossed my thoughtless heart Spread my wings like a parachute I'm the albatross I swept in at the rescue The devil that you know Looks now more like an angel I'm the life you chose And all this terrible danger
So cross your thoughtless heart She's the albatross She is here to destroy you
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polutrope · 9 months
End of Year Fic Recs
Thanks @sallysavestheday for starting this template, and for the tag!
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
This was so hard. I need time for ten more rec lists because I read so much good stuff this year. If you are not on here but I commented on your fic this year, know that I sincerely wanted to put you on here. If you are not here and I didn't comment on your fic this year, please help me find it next year!!
Such a Marriage by DifferentSong (M, 29k, WiP). f!Maedhros/Maglor. Beautiful and unique treatment of these characters and relationship in the years after the second kinslaying. If you’re uncertain about this ship but curious, I highly recommend giving this story a try. 
Droit du Seigneur by destinedatoms (E, 6.4k, WiP). Various elven kings hook up with their mortal vassals. Each chapter is so funny and hot, and features povs from very underwritten female characters. 
Loyalty: A Tale in Three Voices (not rated, 10.1k, WiP) by @grey-gazania. Caranthir, Uldor, Easterling OFC. Compelling story, characters, and incredible worldbuilding following three unique POVs as an alliance is forged between the Easterlings and Feanorians. Great use of first-person. 
Price of Eternity (series) by Encairion (E, 1.83 million, WiP). The novels and stories in this series are not going to be for everyone. They tackle basically every difficult topic you can imagine. They include takes that would probably make some of my mutuals torch the swanships. But Encairion does it all so skillfully. She’s like an artist who has mastered the techniques (i.e., the canon) and then does something radically original that only works because she has that foundation down. Some of her characterisations rewired my brain. I’m still far from done reading the series, but it’s truly a monumental achievement and so worth diving into with an open mind.
Celegorm by @dawnfelagund (reference work). Dawn’s bio of Celegorm for the Silmarillion Writers’ Guild is meticulously researched and engagingly written. Definitely worth a read for any fans of the Fëanorians or just how Tolkien’s characters evolved over the course of the legendarium’s development.
The dining room by @ettelene (T, 8.8k). Ettelene kills it with group scenes and dynamics and this riotous fic about a Feanorian family dinner at Formenos from Celebrimbor’s POV showcases it beautifully. 
Against His Wisdom by @melestasflight (M. 3.7k). Fingon/Fingolfin. A stunning, insightful look at the complexities of this relationship. Melesta handles the nature of the relationship so artfully. As always, their prose is so satisfyingly economical and impactful. I know the pairing may make some wary but I really encourage people to give it a try.
stardrop by @welcomingdisaster (T, 0.7k). Daeron/Maglor. I almost wept when I read this fic because it's so perfect. Lena somehow managed to get everything I love about this ship into 700 words. Doom, deceit, cultural misunderstandings, telling the narrative of your own life, immortality/mortality… if you want to know why I love Daemags, read this. 
As Little as Might be Thought by @imakemywings (T, 2.9k). “Kidnap fam”. Rocky is a master of the argument and this spat between Maedhros and Maglor over the peredhel’s upbringing showcases it. So much characterisation and complicated relationship dynamics packed into this short piece. 
Memories, Like Grains of Sand by @cuarthol (G, 1k). Elrond & Elros. cuarthol wrote some beautiful, complex works this year but this short piece stood out for me. The peredhel twins return to Balar and try to piece together their memories of Sirion. Showcases cuarthol’s talent for little moments of intimacy that will make you cry, not because they are particularly tragic (though they may be), but because they feel so real.
Maglor and Daeron Sing the Blues by Voidflower (G, 5.6k). Maglor and Daeron meet in the Mississippi delta in the 1920s. I want to pour this fic in a crystal glass and sip on it on a rainy evening. Gorgeous prose and deeply satisfying character dynamics. 2018.
Dancing with my punchlines by LiveOakWithMoss (M, 321k). I know this Modern AU is fandom-famous already, but by god there’s a reason. I could not put these dramamonsters down. It was funny, it was touching, and it was spicy. I want to rip this fic open like a bag of chips and shovel it into my mouth in great handfuls. 2016. 
What We May Become by @naryaflame (M, 8.8k). Caranthir/Finrod. Narya’s prose is delectably crisp and sensuous and I just loved reading this well-constructed nonlinear story of a fascinating rarepair. 2020.
The Redemption of Daeron by Rhunedhel (T, 7.3k). Daeron/OFC. I actually just found this and have not actually finished it, but I’ve read the first two chapters and it’s such a beautiful alliterative verse poem (!!) and original story of Daeron among the Avari. 1997.
An Education by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor (M, 49.4k). visitor has some of the most scrumptious, clever prose and most memorable characterisations I have read in the fandom and this first installment of his Elrondverse covering the early years is bursting with peredhel coming-of-age delights. 2021.
Scorched (E, 4.9k). Elrond/Maedhros, Maedhros/Maglor, Elrond & Elros. A psychosexual unfamily drama on Amon Ereb. Really enjoyed the experience of letting this tale unravel as I dipped into the minds of all four characters. 
First Contact (T, 2.7k). Daeron/Maglor. Post-canon (they both sail). Daeron meets Fëanor. It’s a silly bit of sitcom, but also it’s about healing. 
Who By Fire (M, 4.9k). Amrod/Fingolfin. A deep dark dive into the psyches of two hurting men in the early days of Fingolfin in Beleriand. 
If You Are the Healer (E, 4.6k). Maedhros/Maglor. Liege/vassal dynamics and heaps of angst surrounding Maedhros’ decision to abdicate to Fingolfin. It’s fucked up, but they love each other. 
Everlasting Darkness (E, 10.2k). Earendil/Maedhros, Elwing/Maglor (also Elwing/Earendil, Maedhros/Maglor). Canon divergence shitshow where Maedhros and Maglor are released from their oath on condition that they serve Eärendil and Elwing. My first fic of 2023, and it set me careening off the rails. No regrets.
[Bonus fic under my pseud: Played (E, 12.1k) by disastrousexpense. Maedhros/Maglor, Fingon/Maedhros. Absolutely off-the-rails smut between two asshole brothers in Valinor. It was SO FUN to write.]
Tagging the people tagged already and @curufiin @elentarial @lightqueer @searchingforserendipity25 @ladysternchen @tethysresort if you'd like to share your recs!
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echo-bleu · 8 months
🐉 A lot of figures in the Silm have weird Eldritch powers or possibly biology. Tell us about your headcanons for one.
Thank you!
I don't know that I have properly eldritch headcanons. I love eldritch peredhil fics as much as the next person, but I haven't written any.
I am, however, fascinated by the concept of Singing, especially in a war setting. Just imagine a regiment of elven cavalry descending on you, Maglor at their heads probably, and they're singing and you can just feel the power ripple through the air, through your blood, fighting your very biology, maybe even changing the landscape as they pass. The song battle between Finrod and Sauron is one of my favourite poems by Tolkien and a fave bit of the Silmarillion. I wish I could draw that! But the very nature of Song is that it's not really possible to draw haha.
The use of Song in everyday life also has a lot of potential! Just heating up water by humming a melody, or shaping a piece of metal or stone with your voice, I just love that.
It's pretty much canon that all elves sing, but I've been thinking about my Deaf!Artanis in shine still brighter and how else she might find that kind of power (or how she works without), so stay tuned for that :)
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runawaymun · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @zealouswerewolfcollector @melestasflight & @niennawept - thanks guys!!!!
Under the cut for length.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
43 total. 26 on my reg runawaymun account, and 17 spicy works under spicy_runawaymun.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
466,324. Geez.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just Tolkien. Mostly focusing on early third age and late second age. I used to write for Stargate and Doctor Who but that was like ten years ago.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
To Partake - 842 kudos - Longfic in progress. Elrond/Celebrimbor set in the second age, based loosely off The Rings of Power but it's really gone off the rails now because I didn't like some choices in the show and am trying to fix them haha. Show knowledge is honestly not needed because I stop following it after like the seventh chapter. Mostly an Elrond character study disguised as porn.
And the Stars Shine the Same - 695 kudos - Longfic, complete. a look at early third age Rivendell as told by two kids from proto-Rohan who get adopted into Elrond's family out of harsh and traumatic circumstances.
Beneath a Boundless Sky - 520 kudos - longfic and in progress. Sequel to above. Much wider scope. Dealing with the politics of proto-Rohan and exploring Fram's rise to power, while also keeping a firm focus on Elrond, his relationship with Maglor, and his relationship with his family. Oh yeah, and there's an eldritch monster in the mix (one that isn't Elrond that is!)
A Gown Spun from Starlight - 400 kudos - Thranduil x Reader insert oneshot. Mostly fluff.
Supine - 358 kudos - exploratory kidnap fam multi shot. Mostly Maedhros-centric.
Tinúvion - 289 kudos - Oneshot. Elrond and Sauron meet and hiss at each other and fight over Gil-Galad for 1972 words. Sauron shits his pants. Transitive property Luthien-Elrond.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Sometimes often my spoons are low so I am not always as fast as I like. But I endeavor to respond to everybody!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ohhhhh. Let me think, here. Probably That We Are Still - in which Elrond has a foresight nightmare about Cel's death and they have sex about it, which fixes nothing.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings, because I love happy endings and I've written a good deal of fluff! I think And the Stars Shine the Same has the happiest/most satisfying ending, though. But it's an unfair comparison because it's a longfic. But Never Doubt I Love (Russingon) has a happy/bittersweet ending that's one of my favs. And Equinox (Elrond and Lindir's first meeting) is just pure sugar haha.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I recall, honestly. Hopefully it stays that way. I've gotten one or two slightly homophobic comments but I believe the commenter meant well. It was a weird experience.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I find exploring how characters are sexual really really fascinating. It's like a microcosm of everything -- of their relationships, of their trauma, of their securities and insecurities. It's so interesting and fun! And especially the journeys that characters can take sexually, learning to open up and explore :) it's very rewarding. All of that is over on my spicy account. It's nearly exclusively Celrond but there's a few others in there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written a few, but none on AO3. My favorite was one I wrote a long time ago where SG-1 (Stargate SG-1) got into a tangled up mission with the Eleventh Doctor and River. I also do a lot of daydreaming and play in my free time imagining my OCs from my original works winding up in middle earth. :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had someone offer but if it wound up happening, I wasn't tagged, so I am not sure! But receiving the offer was very nice <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not any of the ones posted to AO3, but @the-commonplace-book and I have collaborated on a lot of work together! I'm always open to collaboration. It's so much fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
CELROND CELROND CELROND. Though Brimbrond is becoming a close contender now!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them, really. I try not to doubt I will finish things and just trust my process. I am a naturally slow writer who's a perfectionist and tends to hop from project to project, which is why I focus myself on one or two longfics at most, and I just let the others percolate in outline form until I finish something. I used to not finish things ever and it drove me crazy, so I try my best to stay focused so that things will always get finished in their due time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Prose. Action and horror. Long character arcs -- especially the unfolding of characters who are recovering from traumatic experiences. I have a pattern haha.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions of settings and characters (I know what they look like in my head and have to actively remind myself that this image isn't downloaded into someone's brain). Politics and schemes. And IMO I am not good at twisty plots. I tend to write pretty linear progressions with few unexpected surprises.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic.
I like peppering individual words here and there, or perhaps small phrases. Pet names, absolutely. But nothing more than that. IMO adding in language can really help ground a story in the worldbuilding.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Funnily enough, Tolkien. When I was a kid I set out to rewrite the entire books just from Merry and Pippin's perspectives. I did not get very far.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I think it's honest to god And the Stars Shine the Same. I am obviously fond of To Partake, but Stars just is in its own special category for me. It came to me at the exact right time in my life when I really needed it. It's a very personal story, and it revived my love of writing and reminded me why I liked doing it.
I am rather late to this and I am not sure who has been tagged and who hasn't, so forgive me if I tag someone who has already done this! But no pressure tags for: @emyn-arnens @jaz-the-bard @lordgrimwing @greyjedijaneite @maglor-my-beloved and whomever else would like to participate!
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imakemywings · 5 months
Having read your wonderful takes, I would like to know something. How would you write Elwing's reunion with M&M in Valinor? Or with Elrond (with the popular fanon of supposedly bringing M to the land)? I've read many takes/fics that tackle that and while I am in no way policing how people should write these characters, its a bit alarming the way Elwing is written so much as a hysterical bitch which is then used as a gotcha moment for feanorian apologists to say M&M were the rightful people to raised E&E because she is acting like that. Or have Elrond defend the oath against Elwing when she gives M&M grief for it. I feel like these all give great disservice to all of their characters but idk. I would like to know your own thoughts/headcanons about it.
Well I expect you know I love Elwing, so I'm going to lean towards a sympathetic take on her and a generally positive take on her relationship with her children, but I actually haven't considered much my own take on that reunion.
I feel like there are a lot of ways it could go.
A teary, big hugs "we missed each other so much" kind of thing scratches a particular itch for me and it really is a very lovely, sweet scene. It feels very cathartic considering how much was taken from them and how much time they might have had together that they lost.
A more awkward one where they are really glad to see each other but don't really know what to say also tracks for me. Elwing last saw Elrond when he was a little boy, and it would be reasonable that she's not sure how to treat him as an adult (in a sense, he's really a stranger to her now). Similarly, Elrond doesn't know his mother at all--the mom that you "know" as a little kid is usually a fair bit removed from the mom you know as an adult.
A delayed reunion also makes sense to me. One where Elwing holds back from seeking Elrond out, because she isn't sure if he wants to see her and/or trying to give him space for other reunions (such as with Celebrian) without having to deal with his mom as well; or where Elrond maybe has to gather himself a bit before seeking her out. There's a lot of feeling that's surely built up around their final days together so that would be a bit emotionally intimidating to tackle.
I could even take a slightly more standoffish reunion where Elrond, because Elwing is more myth and legend than mother to him at this point, isn't even sure what he wants from her, if anything, and it maybe takes some getting to know her before he realizes he wants her to be a part of his life again.
(Semi-related, I enjoy the idea of Elwing developing a relationship with Celebrian while they wait for Elrond to join them in Eldamar)
Even if you h/c Elrond with a very positive relationship with Maglor, it's clear through LotR that he very much still views Earendil and Elwing as his parents, which suggests to me there is still strong positive feeling there, even if their initial reunion also harbors some awkward or stilted feelings. And just for me, personally, I want that to be a positive and loving relationship because I think both Elwing and Elrond deserve that. They were robbed of having a relationship through most of Elrond's childhood and adolescence; they deserve to get to have a relationship with each other now.
As for any reunion between Elwing and the Feanorians I suppose my thought would be: There isn't one. I don't think Elwing would ever want to see any of them again for any reason, and my personal feelings for her are that she never forgives them.
Assuming Elrond was still fostering a relationship with Maglor, I don't think he would ever try to bring those two together unless Elwing proposed it, because he would be aware of how traumatizing it would be for her to see him again (having had to grow up with the guy himself). I absolutely cannot imagine Elrond defending the Feanorians to Elwing, except possibly to share some of the less terrible things they did while he was under their care. I don't think Elrond would find the oath justifiable, let alone try to defend it to other people. He can love Maglor and still think he was in the wrong.
I also honestly don't think Maglor would view himself as the "rightful" parent of Elrond, especially by the time he gets back to Valinor: I think he is well aware of what he stole from both of them and he would want Elrond to take the opportunity to finally have that relationship with Elwing (Maglor has his own mommy to repair relations with as well, after all).
Under the cut I'm putting some of my favorite "Elwing and Elrond reunion" fics!
The Myth Hanging Heavy Over You by stormfallen - 1.1k - Elrond asks about his mother, in 100-word drabbles.
Stained Glass by @polutrope - 400 - Elrond meets his mother.
Joy is a Bird, a Fragile Thing by estuarie - 1k - Elrond comes to Aman and meets someone who has been lost to him.
The One with All the Birds by clothono - 46.5k - Elwing and Nerdanel in Valinor in the Fourth Age; a story about children coming home.
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A letter from Fingon to Maedhros
My darling Maitimo,
I would first like to thank you for the ribbons you sent in the post. I’ve braided them in of course, you know I can never have enough shiny things, but I can’t help but wish you were here to do it with me. The sensation of your fingers stroking my hair is just one of the innumerable things I find myself missing at present. Have you grown your hair out again I wonder?
Needless to say, you would be the most beautiful person I have ever seen either way, but I do find myself thinking of the summer when it reached down to your hips. Perhaps that is just selfish thoughts talking, for you see when it was that length it made it very much easier to braid which gives me such an excellent excuse to spend an hour running my fingers through it.
I think of you so very often, you know. I will restrain myself from talking about such thoughts in too much detail at present as I can picture the very shade of red you would turn and then your brothers may ask questions. Though possibly what I have written so far has already flushed your cheeks as bright as your hair, it scarcely ever took much.
I think about you whenever I visit the library because I see some old book I remember you telling me about in a way that somehow makes it interesting. I think about you whenever I hear certain songs because I know that if you were here I could coax you into dancing with me while no one’s looking. I think about how much I’d like to hold your hand in mine every second of the day. I want to fall asleep with my head on your chest, I want to hold you in my arms.
I feel that if I could kiss you again I would be as invincible as you always seemed to believe I was. I could right a poem about those lips. In fact, I could write one poem for every inch of your body, though I fear they would be absolutely appalling. You could write me some poetry of your own, you know, then we could both be appalling poets together. It would absolutely break Maglor, I think, to see his beloved language abused so cruelly, though then again if he’s reading our correspondence I imagine he’s already broken enough.
Well I think I will finish by simply reminding you, if you somehow avoided grasping it in the rest of my letter, that I love you. I love you so much. That’s the important part of my rambling. A general summary of things.
For as long as I breath and beyond I will remain,
Your Fingon
This letter was found in a stack of papers locked in a safe in what is believed to have been Maedhros’ bedroom. The stack was long and appeared to contain years of correspondence, some dating back to the Years of the Trees. They were bundled together in golden ribbons and a single lock of dark hair was tied on top of them. They are believed to be entirely separate to the correspondence between the Crown Prince and the Lord of Himring, as none contain a mention of the crown. Nonetheless it provides an interesting angle on the degree of friendship between the two of them, for they seem very close.
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