#i just be running through this game taking screenshots
coralhoneyrose · 3 months
Why Chrom Fire Emblem is The Husband of All Time: An Essay
SO. There was a screenshot going around of a reddit thread asking about how Chrom has managed to maintain such lasting popularity as a Fire Emblem husband even 6 years after Awakening came out. Given how beloved he still is another 5+ years later, I could not resist taking the opportunity to talk about just what I think makes him so great and endears him to players.
Character Introduction:
Let’s start out the same way Awakening does—with Chrom’s in-game introduction. This is one of the immediate ways Chrom sets himself apart. The game boots up and before anything else happens, Chrom is there expressing his unshakable faith in the player character. You take down the Bad Guy™ together, he turns and gives you this wide, puppy-ish smile and then you push him out of the way to take the hit from an oncoming spell in his stead. Right away you know this is someone your player character cares about deeply—and clearly that care is returned, because he’s immediately running over to make sure Robin’s alright.
Of course, as we all know, things go south very quickly after that. But as the cinematic plays out, and you proceed to watch yourself stab him in the chest, the *first* thing he does, the very first words out of his mouth are: “this is not your fault”. Chrom has just been completely blind-sided and arguably betrayed by his best friend, possibly his spouse, and his immediate instinct is to absolve Robin of guilt. He is literally more concerned about Robin blaming themselves for what happened than about his own imminent death. That alone tells you so, SO much about the depth of their relationship. It tells you both how deeply Chrom cares and how well Chrom knows Robin too. And not only that, but his final request, the ONE and only thing he asks of Robin before dying is that they will promise him they will escape from this place. In his last moments, his single “selfish” wish is for Robin to assure him that they will do what they can to survive. Chrom’s final request is for Robin to give him the comfort and peace of mind he can only obtain through the assurance that even though he won’t get out of there himself, Robin will. He just wants to be able to die believing they’ll take care of themselves and be alright—and knows them well enough to realize that unless he makes them promise, they likely won’t.
AND THEN. And then!!!! You jump cut to Robin waking up in the field with all the sunshine and Chrom’s smiling down with the softest expression and his ridiculously blue eyes. He lifts Robin up by the hand and pulls them right up to his face (because he has no concept of personal space, apparently) and OUUuuggh.
Those scenes in direct sequence make me so insane. You get Chrom’s life ending with Robin immediately followed by Robin’s life starting anew with Chrom. Chrom’s unwavering faith in them and his eagerness to extend his hand and bridge the gap between them from the moment they meet until his last breath. The warmth and kindness and love that Chrom treats Robin with is communicated so effectively in the first few MINUTES of the game it honestly makes me feel unwell. Showing how profoundly Chrom cares for Robin immediately endears him to the player. And he only gives you more reasons to love him as the game goes on.
There can be a tendency in some corners of fandom to simplify Chrom to just being either a generic prince charming type character or a lovable himbo. I’m not here to police how other people enjoy him, but I will say that those characterizations fail to get at some of the aspects of his personality I find most compelling.
Chrom is deceptively nuanced. While there are certainly ways in which he aligns very closely with the standard jrpg protagonist, I suspect that a lot of his enduring popularity is the result of the ways he deviates from it too. He is brave and loyal and cares deeply for his friends, yes. He has profound conviction in his ideals and strives to do the right thing, as is typical for that archetype…but what makes Chrom so lovable is his determination to keep trying to be good in spite of the ways it does not come easily to him.
We see this in the Valm arc, when he’s struggling to reconcile his own beliefs about justice with his sister’s ideals for peace. We hear echoes of it when he talks about the horrors the Ylissean people endured at his father’s hand and how despite that, he has never been able to understand how Emmeryn forgave them for the cruelty they once directed her way. He has so much admiration for his older sister’s ideals despite the fact that peace is not his first instinct. 
When Emmeryn first sacrifices herself, Chrom is consumed with grief and rage, and it takes some time for him to understand why she made the decision she did. “Peace above all else” is just not how he’s programmed to operate…yet he wants it to be. If you count the drama CDs as canon, then that serves as another excellent example as well—where the message of his sister’s sacrifice is so lost on him that his first instinct is to respond to it with violence and prejudice and hatred directed at the very people she sought to reach out to. For a moment there, we see him veer from the person he wants to be towards what we as the player can only assume is the person his father left him afraid that he would become.
And yet he finds his way back. He stumbles, he lashes out, but his love for his friends and fear of losing more of those he holds dear is able to help him course correct.
I love that tug-of-war in him. I love that we get glimpses of the darker paths he could have gone down and that there are tangible consequences for his mistakes. Early in the game, we see Chrom lose control of his temper and how Gangrel and Aversa are able to take advantage of that to officially declare war on Ylisse. Chrom later tells Gangrel that were he alone, he can imagine losing himself in that need for vengeance but reiterates that it’s love that is able to keep him from succumbing to that.
And it’s not only that he’s able to stop himself from being horrible—his losses are the catalyst for him coming into his own as a leader. He’s able to pick himself up and hold himself together to see their troops through the rest of the war. And he manages that despite the fact that in the course of mere days, he lost both his home and his most important person and has been freshly saddled with the duty of ruling an entire country. That’s…a lot. And really goes a long way in demonstrating Chrom’s incredible strength of character and conviction. We get some wonderful moments of vulnerability where he confesses to being riddled with doubts about his own capabilities and worthiness, but in spite of that, he is still determined to try to be the person that Ylisse needs him to be.
All of this leads me right into another wonderful aspect of Chrom’s personality, which is that he is just…so driven by emotion. He feels DEEPLY, and while the narrative definitely uses that as a way to hurt him and force him to grow at times, something that really stands out to me about Chrom is how the story isn’t here to send a message that it’s wrong for him to be that way. Chrom’s big feelings are one of his greatest strengths in addition to his greatest weakness—they’re what saves his life and ultimately Robin’s too, if you go the sacrifice ending route.
And ya know what? I honestly think that’s such a breath of fresh air. I love how much he does NOT embody the emotional disconnectedness that you see pushed a lot of times with stereotypical masculinity. I love that he is the hero, and he's gallant, and very traditionally "manly" in a lot of senses…AND that he's also very emotional and guided by his heart. If you’re playing with f!Robin then you wind up with a really refreshing inversion of gender stereotypes from that: in which Chrom is the emotional decision maker and Robin is the more calculating and logic driven of the two.
Beyond his big heart, I can’t talk about what’s so charming about Chrom’s personality without touching on the ways he embodies a certain level of gap moe as well. Chrom is so stern and serious, as well as quite charismatic when he’s speaking from a place of passion. But on the flip side of that, we get to see him as an absolute bumbling mess when he’s out of his element. He’s easily embarrassed / flustered, self-conscious about his appearance, and often socially awkward where romance is involved. While these traits may seem of minor importance compared to the whole rant above, I think they’re really important for humanizing and rounding him out.
There are lots of other nuances to his characterization that go a long way in fleshing him out too. Despite being a prince, Chrom is blunt and completely unmindful of formalities. That, along with his impulsivity, definitely gets him into trouble sometimes. He’s melodramatic and blisteringly sincere. He’s a little bit clumsy and doesn’t know his own strength. He has a dry sense of humor and can be surprisingly funny. He’s optimistic and trusting—not due to naivete or stupidity but because he has decided that giving people chances and believing the best of them is an important value to him and one that is worth embodying in how he lives his life. 
Lucina’s presence in the story and his immediate and complete acceptance of her is an extremely effective way of demonstrating what an incredible father he is too. Honestly, he just has really wonderful relationships and deep admiration for a lot of the women in his life and that absolutely earns him points in my book (and I suspect in many others’ as well). When you look at all of that together, I don’t think it’s hard to understand why he’s so beloved.
Slightly less serious note here, but I think it warrants discussion regardless because character design absolutely contributes to player’s feelings about and interpretation of a game’s cast members.
And Chrom is…well, he’s eye candy, honestly. He’s got the nice, exposed arm, the messy blue hair, the completely nonsensical outfit he somehow manages to look handsome in anyway (his questionable sense of fashion is a charm point, okay?). Add in the square jaw and the surprisingly long eyelashes and he’s just. He’s very pretty. Idk what to tell you. Bonus points for the summer scramble cg where he has the most inexplicably flat butt of all time. And I really do believe that some of the oddities of Chrom’s design lend memorability to him and go a long way in setting him apart from other lords in the series with similar design concepts. The insistent asymmetry across many of his outfits, the fact he’s showing a little skin, idk it just WORKS. Chrom is hot, I don’t make the rules.
Relationship with Robin / the Player Character:
Last but not least, I want to talk about Chrom’s relationship with Robin.
I touched on some of this in his character introduction already, but Chrom is just…the biggest Robin stan. If Robin has only one fan then that is Chrom. If Robin has no fans it’s because Chrom is bleeding out on the floor with lightning in his gut. 
He just has such deep respect and admiration for them. He values Robin’s opinion and insight and thinks so highly of them and their ideas, often serving as an enabler in many cases (setting the boats on fire, the volcano, etc.). Chrom’s faith in Robin is SO unshakable that when his daughter tells him that Robin is going to be magically controlled and forced to murder him, his response is, “That won’t happen because Robin and I love each other so much that everything will somehow be okay. No, I will not elaborate.” And ya know what? He was RIGHT. Their bond DOES wind up being so strong that it’s able to change fate. The narrative is quite literally validating his slightly ridiculous insistence that him and Robin just care about each other The Most of Anyone Ever. He is Robin’s biggest advocate from the moment they meet when he defends them from Frederick’s suspicions all the way to the game’s close when he either assures Robin that their life was worth preserving or, as in the case of the sacrifice ending, that he will spend the rest of his own life searching for them until they return.
Honestly the fact that Chrom was willing to potentially risk dooming the whole world to the fell dragon’s awakening 1,000 years down the line just so he doesn’t have to lose his comfort tactician is WILD. For the game’s hero to literally say “we don’t have to defeat this evil for good, the people of the future can figure it out” JUST so he can keep Robin is absolutely unhinged behavior and I love it. I think it’s incredibly humanizing that he’s a little bit selfish about the people who are most important to him…that despite his willingness to sacrifice himself or run headfirst into danger, he draws the line at losing Robin because he’s already lost his most important person once and he’s not going to let it happen again. Chrom and Robin absolutely come across as a little codependent and a lot obsessed with each other and personally I wouldn’t have it any other way.
And then there’s his love confession to Robin. GOd...
I think that’s the most flustered Chrom appears in any content in the entire game…and it’s because he treasures their friendship so deeply that he is petrified about messing it up or saying the wrong thing. I love that he goes into their S support dead set on NOT telling Robin what is going on but the second he realizes that Robin is under the impression he doesn’t care about them or like spending time with them anymore he is so horrified and desperate to correct that line of thinking that he blurts out the full love confession on the spot.
He’s SO earnest throughout the whole thing, but then at the end he hits you with the whole “this is the best day of my life”, and the “You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side. Together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world, just you and me” (thank you Matt Mercer for your services), and the cg image of him staring right at Robin with what are basically heart eyes and. I just. There were no survivors.
That’s not even their only proposal / love confession scene either! The fact that the game gives us an entirely separate alternate proposal that’s more serious in tone is the icing on the cake. How many ships out there can say that they get not one but TWO canon proposals that are both that good? Truly no one is doing it like chrobin.
Closing Remarks:
Chrom is a well written and nuanced character who struggles and grows over the course of the story while always remaining true to himself and his ideals. His intense and unending trust, admiration, and love of Robin endears him to the player from the moment the game begins all the way to its conclusion. He is kind and good while still being fundamentally flawed (and it doesn’t hurt that he’s very handsome to boot). Bearing all that in mind, while the message of Awakening may be that nothing is inevitable, Chrom’s conceit and execution were always going to lead to MANY of those who play the game coming to love him and pick him as Robin’s husband…and there may be no greater evidence of that then the fact I’m out here writing all of this eleven years after the game’s release.
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yawnderu · 4 months
Bimbo reader getting into Roblox and playing those fashion/roleplay games with the most slay avatar and ropes Simon into it. Simon uses the funniest shitpost avatars and runs around trolling
aka this!! : https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0iiqNtOH36/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
You've been spending the last two hours browsing the store, looking for items to customize your character perfectly while Simon is sitting on the opposite side of the couch, his laptop propped on his lap. You've heard a few chuckles escape him for the past hour, though he always says it's because the kids in the game are arguing.
“I think I'm almost done.” You can't help being giddy about it as you add the last accessories to your avatar, looking at it from all angles and taking a few screenshots, waiting for Simon to load into the mini-game you opened.
“Si, look!” You say excitedly when you see his name pop up on the notifications, making your avatar look around and trying to find him. Your loud shriek of pure horror rings through the flat when a spider-like creature with a dented face jumps right in your face, almost making you drop the laptop. You can feel Simon's shoulders shake as he tries to hold in his laughter, only able to let a few chuckles out at your reaction.
“That was you?” You ask in disbelief, a smile on your lips when you see how happy and relaxed he looks despite the horrible scare he just gave you. You see his avatar jump up and down in front of you, trying to get your attention. He only stops when you make your avatar crouch, circling around his.
“... Jesus Christ.” The mild disgust and disbelief on your tone makes him laugh, running off to scare other players while you chase him around and try to take screenshots to show Johnny and Gaz the horrors you're forced to deal with.
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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theropegoat · 11 months
My partner showed me a screenshot of a post that I can’t find now about how “something something critical roles fans are passionate because you have to be to watch that much content.”
And you are right. You absolutely have to be passionate to sit through all of critical role. Critical Role is an immensely long piece of media. It’s absolutely stupidly long. You can’t be a casual viewer of critical role. Not really. You’ll just fall behind.
How long exactly are we talking, surely not that long? Like there’s some pretty long shoes out there.
Greys anatomy is often cited as a very long show and it is at 272.5 ish hours of total run time it takes a lot to get through! Not even close.
The Simpsons? To this day the longest running cartoon out there? Actually even shorter at about 247 hours.
Ok well let’s talk Anime. There’s shows like Naruto that are long and then become “new” shows that are also long. Well to watch Naruto, Naruto: Shippuden and Boruto in total you come to about 342 hours. Thats 14.5 days over two weeks of straight content.
Then there’s the known giant. One Piece. The show every me rips on for just how fucking massive it is. The one that has been pumping out season after season for nearing a quarter of a century. 420 hours and 48 minutes. seventeen and a half days of pure content. Hour after hour. We have to be getting close right?
Let’s break this down.
Critical Role is long, it’s been running a long time, and there’s tons of bonus content.
Let’s talk the most conservative version of “All of Critical Role” every episode of the three seasons of critical role thus far. Gameplay only. Skipping the intro, announcements, ad reads and the middle break of every single episode.
You’re looking at a run time of 1075 hours and 22 minutes just game time. (44 Days or 6.4 Weeks)
With all those announcements, skits, fan art and ads? 1244 hours and 56 minutes (51.8 days or 7.4 weeks)
If you’re including their excellent mini series? Exandria unlimited itself adds about 58 hours. Plus there’s oneshots revisiting characters, spin offs, sponsored and non sponsored play of other TTRPG games like Undeadwood. Total of 1517 hours 56 minutes (63.2 Days, 9 weeks)
You could watch One Piece twice before finishing the most charitable version of “all” of critical role and three times in the most extensive option.
Even looking up podcasts the longest I could find of the ones I know about My Brother My Brother and Me clocks in somewhere in the vicinity of 637 hours.
Conclusion: It’s long. And there is no casual critical role fan.
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socialistexan · 2 months
So I went through some of the list of "posts flagged for explicit content" on my blog, here are some of the things I found (I have screenshots, but I won't post them because I don't want to be nuked)
A video of my dog playing in the snow for the first time
A jar of hot sauce with just words on it
Multiple screenshots of ads that have run on tumblr
A comic about taking a nap with you're dog
The cover art for the Sonic and Garfield video game double pack
A list of the line of succession in 2017 when we thought maybe Trump might be removed from office
A Congressional district map of Texas
A dog sitting in a seat on a train
A photo of two women dressed similarly sitting at a dog in a restaurant (I think Panera?)
There's more but I got exhausted.
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pixiesfz · 2 months
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teammates k.c
plot: you vowed never to date a teammate every again.
warning: suggestive, sorry Courtney Nevin I love you
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You swore you would never date a teammate again.
At first you opened your arms to the idea, your heart exploded when your crush kissed you at your game at the under 17’s World Cup.
You remembered Courtney’s smirk when you backed away with fluttery eyes and blushed cheeks.
You didn’t know the heartbreak it would cause you months later.
“Courtney we only see eachother at camps I- I don’t think I can do the long distance anymore” you sobbed to the blonde girl who sat on the bed next to you.
Courtney stayed silent, looking down at her feet.
“Please say something” you begged, leaning over to grab her hand.
“I slept with someone” she blurted out and you quickly pulled your hands away, your mind ran a thousand miles per hour.
You stayed silent as she was now the one who was begging from a sound out of your mouth.
“With who?”
“Just some random girl- I swear it didn’t mean anything I swear” she talked but you jumped off the bed.
“Courtney I need you to stay away from me right now, or for a while” you muttered, walking back to the door.
But it was too late you had slammed the door shut, making your way to your and Mary’s shared room.
You swore never to date a teammate again.
You had met Kerstin through Mary, constantly having to deal with the girl FaceTiming her Man City friend. “Fowler let your friend sleep” she laughed as it was clear you were trying to sleep in the background.
“Please listen to her Mary I told Kyra I would sit next to her in the bus and she won’t let me sleep”
You heard the Dutch woman’s laugh in the other end as Mary huffed.
During many camps after that you were invited into the FaceTimes, sometimes even talking to Kerstin yourself whilst Mary’s in the bathroom or running errands.
You found your cheeks blushing one time after a game, you were talking to Kirsten as Mary was washing her hair for the teams dinner tonight.
“I took Inspiration from you” she smirked “oh how?” You asked and she lifted her arm
You tried not to draw your eyes to the veins that popped out but you couldn’t help yourself. “Look a number three, inspired by your hatrick” she laughed and you rolled your head back “what is it you Australians say…you’re a gun!” She cheered and you blushed, too embarrassed to see the notification that Kirstin had taken a screenshot at the interaction.
Mary walked into the room with her hair wrapped up in a towel “looking fancy” you stated and panned the phone to her “nice Fowler, looking scrumptious” the Dutch girl laughed and you joined.
“if you guys are ganging up on me now I wonder what it’s going to be like when y/n joins city” Mary sighed and Kerstin gasped “your joining city?” She asked and you nodded your head “signed a contract not that long ago, so surprise?”
You were welcomed to City with open arms from all the girls Alanna taking you under her wing as she felt protective over you.
After all she was the one who caught you crying in the hallway after Courtney had told you she cheated, your eyes filled up with so much tears you could barely see.
“How’s Manchester treating you?” Allan’s asked as you sat with her and Leila, a Spaniard you had grown close with.
“Good I’m enjoying my time here everyone is so nice”
Whilst the three of you sat in the corner Jill cornered Kerstin who was ‘subtly’ looking at you from the other side of the room.
“You like her” Jill piped up and Kerstin jumped “nuekan!” She whisper yelled and Jill smirked “no I don’t” she denied.
“Yes you do”
“No I don’t”
“Yes you do”
“Yes I do”
Jill smiled triumphantly and clapped her hands together “then ask her out” Jill encouraged
“Ask who out?”
The two Dutch girls widened their eyes at Mary who had innocently jumped in on their conversation “uhm” Kerstin started and Jill looked around.
The two spoke at the same time and Mary’s eyes widened as she turned to her friend and hit her “why did you tell Jill before me” she said as Kerstin pulled away “ow stop” she said as Jill laughed and turned to Mary, pulling her away from her friend.
“So” Jill trailed off “do you know what y/n thinks of Kerstin?” She asked and Mary’s face fell and with that so did Kerstins “oh my god” she groaned.
‘I’m so stupid’ she thought but Mary grabbed her arm “It’s not that she doesn’t but it’s just that she doesn’t date teammates, she’s very big on it” Mary said and Jill shrugged “why?”
“Well when we were younger her and Courtney dated during Matilda’s camps and well when Courtney moved to Leicester and y/n stayed in Melbourne well…” she trailed off
“It’s easy for a couple to break up cause of long distance” Kerstin said as she thought of couples she knew “it wasn’t just the long distance, Courtney cheated on her and it really hurt her, so she’s vowed ever since” Mary said and the two girls nodded “oh” was all Kerstin said as she looked over to where you sat.
You were roomed with Mary for your first away game as your international teammate now was on edge from keeping Kerstins secret from you.
“You and Kerstin are close” she spoke up and you blushed, thankfully you were facing away from your friend so she couldn’t see the small smile that erupted on your face.
“I guess” you shrugged and Mary nodded “I know you vowed off dating-“
“Mary” you warned her and she groaned “I know but Kerstin isn’t like that”
“Yeah well I thought Courtney wasn’t like that either” you defended and Mary dropped her head “look” you started “if we weren’t teammates and there was no chance of having a weird team dynamic after we break up sure yes I would take her on a date” you shrugged
“I mean she’s nice, really cute, makes me laugh aswell as laughs at my jokes and has the tattoos that I’m attracted to and sure she would probably make a good girlfriend and-“ you stopped talking as you looked up to your fellow Aussie who was grinning ear to ear.
“I like her” you realised
“You like her a lot” Mary sang out and you slapped her.
You didn’t know what to do with your newfound information. Everytime Kerstin came up to you at trainings or at games you blushed and ran away like a little school girl.
“Y/n/n what’s up?” she asked you one day as she ran behind you “oh nothing” you trailed “any weekend plans?” She asked shakily as you both stopped.
You could lie and say no just incase she wanted to hang out but you found yourself wanting to hang out with her, by yourself…with nobody else there.
“None at the moment why?” You asked with a smile and the girl blushed “we should go out for coffee or lunch or something” she said and your breath hitched “or we could not-“
“I’d like that actually” you smiled and the Dutch girl nodded “great”
And with no thought your mouth betrayed you.
“Sounds like a date”
And you ran off.
The weekend came and you found yourself with Kerstin walking through a couple of clothe stores before you went out.
You couldn’t lie and say you didn’t like the way how Kirsten’s body would press behind you when you looked at a top for too long.
“That would great on you” she mumbled, her breath hitting your neck due to the height difference.
The top was nice and you were looking for your size until and idea popped into your head.
You turned your body to her, faces inches apart “how about we buy a piece of clothing for eachother and wear it out”
“wear it to our date?” She asked and you smiled, nodding and dropping your head to hide your blush.
“Okay but the top I like for you is near so close your eyes” she said with a grin as you did so “you pick yours then I pick mine I saw something at the start that is perfect”
Kerstin tried to be quick as she picked up a flowy top near where you stood, she remembered how your eyes lingered on it when you walked in.
“Okay I’m done” she announced before you smiled, a jump in your step as you made your way to a sweater vest that you knew that she would like and you knew she would look hot in.
“Okay I’m done too” you said and the Dutch girl laughed “alright let’s go pay and then get changed because we are already five minutes late to our reservation”
Getting changed you tried to ignore the way your heart was racing when she picked out the top that you secretly hoped that she would.
Kerstin stepped out with a grin “Love it” she smiled and lifted up her arms to flex as you laughed but secretly admired.
You both sat down and ate, Kerstin offering to pay as she invited you out. “Well next time I’m paying” you told her
“Next time?” Kerstin asked and you sheepishly nodded “yeah”.
It wasn’t until your next international camp that your teammates buckled down on you.
“No love life in Manchester?” Kyra teased as you smiled and you blushed, ignoring the stare on your face from a certain blonde.
“She would tell me” Alanna boasted and Mary choked on her food “no she would not” Caitlin told her “Yeah Lani if I was y/n I wouldn’t want you Interrogating my new girl” Mackenzie laughed.
“Well is there?” Charli asked with a grin and you shook your head as a ‘no’ but your facial expressions betrayed you.
“I have to approve!”
“Aight everyone off her” Mary laughed before Steph quirked her eyebrow “you know” she stated and Mary shrugged “Well I’m the one who has to leave our room whenever she comes over” she groaned and you laughed from your spot.
“So does she follow you for all your matches?” Teagan asked and you nodded “you could say that”.
You laid on top of Kerstin, straddling her hips as you kissed down her neck “you know people are starting to catch on” you smiled, lifting your head up to press a kiss to her lips.
“So let them I don’t care” she mumbled “you’re just saying that cause you’re enjoying me right now.
“I have a pretty girl on top of me what else is there to ask for?”
“The FA cup?” You perked up as you both laughed.
“I’m just happy I finally got my own room this camp” you tutted “also my team knows I’m seeing someone but they don’t know who”
“Even Courtney?” Kerstin asked and you nodded. You saw hunger creep into your soon to be girlfriend’s eyes as you talked about your ex.
“I don’t like that your with her for the week” she said, her grip tightening on your hips.
“Then why don’t we show her that I’m taken” you smirked , leaning back down and kissing Kerstin.
You moaned in pleasure as she moved her lips down your neck, sucking hard on certain parts, knowing when to stop so they wouldn’t show up for your Matilda’s game.
You decided that you liked it when Kerstin was jealous.
You broke away as Both your hands went to the ends of your top, trying to take it off before knocking was heard at your door.
“Y/n!” Little Harper Gorrys voice yelled out as you rolled off Kerstin pulling your top back down “ow” you cursed and threw a blanket over Kerstins body who was silently laughing at your fall.
Opening the door you looked down to Harper who was smiling “you make weird noises in your sleep” she giggled and you nodded “where’s your mum?” You asked and she pointed down the hallway where you saw Katrina talking to Allanna who was on the phone.
“There you are Harps” Katrina smiled and walked over to you where Harper put her hands out for her “go to mama” you coed as Allanna got off the phone.
“Hey you and Kerstin are close yeah?” she asked and you nodded “yes” you nodded, panic laced in your voice as the said girl was hidden underneath a blanket metres away.
“Jill called said she’s not at the hotel they’re staying at” she said “oh” you mumbled, trying to look around your room to see if there was a clear body on your bed.
But a gasp was heard.
Katrina had her hand to her face and the running footsteps of both Kyra and Mary were heard as they went to your room.
“You have a hickey!”
“I know who you y/n is seeing!”
The mother daughter duo spoke at the same time as all eyes returned on you.
“Did your girlfriend follow you to Netherland for one game?” Alanna asked as Katrina laughed.
“That’s who you’re seeing?” She asked, putting the pieces together and you sheepishly nodded.
“Who?” Alanna asked, still confused as your nerves rose but a hand grabbed onto your back for comfort.
“Jeez Lani you’ve suffered one too many concussions in your life”
she latched onto your waist and placed her head on your shoulder “surprise?”
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tau1tvec · 3 months
Some tips for The Sims 3 Buy/Build
Install LazyDuchess’ Smooth Patch to alleviate lag, esp in Buy/Build and CAS.
Keep your CC merged and organized, esp your patterns, this will also alleviate a lotta lag across all modes.
When building on community lots, or any lot rlly, avoid going to the edit world menu, and just put testingcheats enabled into the cheat window, then shift+click the ground of the lot to enter Buy/Build mode. This makes leaving it to save a lot easier, with less “preparing” screens to possibly get hung up in.
Lower your settings, you don’t need any adjacent lots loaded, and you certainly don’t need super water on either. You can always switch these back on when you’re done.
While you’re at it, remove your HQ mod, and turn off your Reshade/Gshade preset, or at least turn off your depth shaders. I only ever turn on my depth shaders when I’m taking screenshots for better fps while playing. The DoF shader esp requires a lotta resources your game could be using to simulate all those 78 townie sims instead.
Save as… vs Save, I Save as… at least every third save. It’s also just good habit to keep backups.
When using the CASt tool, set down everything you plan to CASt first, then switch to a category like the wall tool to avoid eventual lag and drag when using it a lot. Love yourself. You don’t have to suffer using CASt tool in an overpopulated category like misc deco.
Utilize the clone option through testing cheats to duplicate already CASted objects, it’ll keep your design just like the dropper tool, but it’s a lot less time consuming, I promise.
Don’t be afraid to use the swatch save tool for objects you use often, esp community lot objects, as it helps to keep your aesthetic consistent. I also keep all of my favorite streetlamps, benches, and public trash bins etc in a convenient custom collection folder to speed up the process of doing multiple lots in one sitting. These handy tools are there, use them.
The issue with custom counters. They mess up sometimes, if you can’t recolor it suddenly, here’s how to fix that. Now if you can’t place down a cupboard suddenly, even though nothing’s in the way, and you’ve got moveobjects on activated, try putting it on the wall a tile over, and then try adding it to your desired spot again. Lastly if you set down counters or cupboards at a corner, and it messes up the textures, but you can still recolor it, you could do what the video I linked above does, or you could simply pull out the CASt tool, and switch it back to any of its original swatches and click the check, then feel free to recolor it as you want.
Railings will also do the “can’t recolor” trick too, but this is a simple fix, just delete it, and replace it, and you’re good.
“Oh no, I switched between buy and build mode, and now my catalogue won’t load, and I can’t click on anything at all!” Don’t panic, hit F2 and/or F3 on your keyboard, these are shortcuts for switching between them, and if you’re lucky it’ll load properly again. Should you get the bug where you load a category and it’s somehow empty, don’t fret, just click on a different category and this should fix it. Then if you get the bug where all the objects you put down disappear suddenly, sorry your game is haunted. Call an exorcist, or just reload, they might reappear if you do.
Tbh, if you run into any kind of major bugs, it’s likely a sign to either save immediately or just restart your game. These only ever show up when you’ve been at it a while ( at least for me ), therefore starting fresh wouldn’t hurt. Probably also wouldn’t hurt to check whether you might’ve installed something the game didn’t agree with by running Dashboard, or put it through the ol’ Save Cleaner.
Honorable Mention: Keep an eye on the texture sizes and poly counts of objects. I know it’s tempting to build these ultra hyperrealistic lots with clutter at every inch, but unless you’re just doing it for screenshots, or for your story, or using it very sparingly, it is not by any means recommended purely for gameplay. This is just the truth when it comes to any Sims game. You don’t want lag, or max memory crashes, or save errors? The Sims 3 is a 32bit game, that’s almost old enough to drive, be easy on it.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
idk if this is really boring but could you do a leah x alessia x reader where r isn’t a footballer but has to do some charity football match for work or whatever (u can work out the details idk😭) & her gfs get competitive over teaching r how to play and prepping her for the game then they go support her at the match and r does really good IDK feel free to ignore if that’s rubbish lmfao
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psa; just because i write this does not mean i ship these two irl! offence and defence II a.russo & l.williamson
you looked up from your book with a hum to meet alessia's raised eyebrow, leahs head in your lap as she lay down on the sofa dead asleep. "what is this?" your girlfriend questioned, turning her phone to face you as your eyes widened.
"where did you find that less?" you sighed, the snap of your book closing causing leahs eyes to flutter open as she mumbled something incoherent and rolled over, burying her face in your stomach.
"its all over your companies social media, i hardly had to go looking." alessia holding up a screenshot of a poster for an upcoming charity football day ran by the company you worked for. "i'm not doing it anyway so it doesn't matter." you rolled your eyes.
"and why not?" alessia scoffed, locking her phone and crossing her arms. "because football is your thing, not mine." you gestured between your two blonde lovers and back to yourself. "babe its for charity!" alessia pointed out and you groaned, knowing now she'd latched on there wasn't a chance she'd let it go.
"i'll still go and help out with the fundraising and the event itself, i'm just not playing." you chuckled, leah pulling her face out of your hoodie with a tired scowl. "shut up!" the blonde grumbled tiredly, fixing the two of you with a glare, annoyed at the interruption to her afternoon snooze.
"sorry lee." you apologized softly, running a hand through her hair and kissing her forehead. "no you'll wanna be awake for this, get up!" alessia smacked the back of her legs, taking a seat on the opposite end of the lounge as leah groaned.
"leave her be and drop it alessia!" you warned the striker with a firm look who only poked at the back of leahs legs repeatedly until she finally sat up with a huff. "what?" she spat toward the other blonde with an unimpressed glare as the girl handed her the phone.
"so?" leah questioned, not quite putting things together still half asleep. "she's refusing to play." alessia spoke about you as if you weren't even there as leah paused for a moment, cogs turning until it clicked.
"you're playing." she rounded on you, handing alessia back her phone and rubbing at her eyes, face still a little puffy as you exhaled deeply.
"no i am not, please just let it go!" you pleaded, your puppy dog eyes which normally worked a charm to get you whatever you wanted not working for you this time as both your girlfriends stared on unfazed.
"suddenly i feel a cramp coming on. oh this might be fatal!" you groaned, clutching your hamstring with a dramatic cry of pain, a smile tugging at alessia's lips as leahs remained pursed into a thin line.
"guess you better rest it tonight then, we start training tomorrow." "what!"
"come on love, training time." leah clapped the moment the three of you returned from a run as you groaned, laying down on the floor in protest.
you'd hardly ran far, only enough to keep the girls legs warm on their day off, but kicking a ball around your backyard was the last thing you felt like doing.
"i'll just watch some football games, study them. that's fine!" you waved her off as alessia watched on amused after chugging a glass of water.
"no you won't. you're dating two professional footballers babe this is our area of expertise. let us help you!" leah loomed over you, holding out her hands to help you up, wiggling her fingers impatiently.
"i didn't ask for help, thank you though." you slapped her hand in a lazy high five before they slumped back to your sides. "baby." leah now addressed alessia who raised an eyebrow. leah only clicked her fingers, pointing to you and striding off outside.
"hi gorgeous." alessia grinned down at you, blonde hair tied back in a messy bun as she chewed on gum, a habit which stressed you out to no end when she'd do it while playing or exercising.
"fine." you gave in with a sigh, knowing what came next as you held your arms up straight. alessia grabbed your wrists, hauling your body up and over her shoulder, walking the two of you out to the backyard.
"first lesson. kicking!" leah announced as alessia placed you down on your feet, leaving it to leah as she sat down on your back steps, leaning back on her elbows and watching on with a toothy grin of amusement.
"okay babe. kick the ball!" leah ordered, placing it down by your feet as you glared at her, poking the ball with your toe as it dribbled a mere thirty centimeters and stopped. "the more you fight us on it, the longer we spend out here." leah warned, tapping the ball back as it returned to your feet.
"kick it." she repeated as you wound up, this time booting it with all your force as it went sailing up and over the back fence. "oh we lost the ball...what a shame!" you shrugged, turning on heel and trying to return inside as alessia grabbed the back of your shorts.
with a shake of her head she pushed you gently back toward leah who'd already returned with another ball. "you're gonna make a perfect striker with that right foot baby." alessia smiled happily causing leah to scoff.
"she's gonna be an even better defender with that power in her kicks." leah rebutted with her hands on her hips. "okay my loves lets not-" you tried to intervene, knowing all too well where this was headed, cut off before you could even finish.
"striker." "defender." "striker!" "defender!" "she's playing offence leah!" "she'll be playing defence alessia!"
you gave up at that point as their bickering erupted, alessia jumping to her feet as you rolled your eyes and headed inside. you gave your boss a quick call, updating you were in fact available to play and wincing at he announced the only position left.
"baby you ran off." alessia appeared as you'd hung up, leah not far behind. "no! the two of you started arguing like children, so i took a leave of absence." you quipped, staring them both down as they smiled guiltily.
"doesn't matter anyway, there was only one position left." you sighed, both your girlfriends staring at you eagerly awaiting your answer. "well?" leah pushed impatiently as alessia shoved her with a look.
"okay baby we're gonna start slow. lee will throw it and you'll just catch it." alessia instructed as you exhaled but nodded, readying yourself.
"see? easy love." leah smiled happily as you caught the ball, repeating the activity for a while, leah starting to throw in different directions causing you to have to move to catch it.
"now we move onto kicking and saving." you'd moved in front of the small goal which took permanent residence in your backyard. "go easy!" you warned nervously, having seen many a time just how powerful alessia could kick.
"ready?" you nodded, readying yourself as the blonde took a step back, boots hitting the ball with a thud as it came sailing toward your head and you darted out of the way.
"you're supposed to stop it not avoid it babe!" alessia lectured as you fixed her with a glare. "i will stop it when you don't kick it at my head!" you growled, booting the ball at her as hard as you could as she was now the one to dart away.
"stop laughing!" you turned your glare on leah now whose chuckles ceased, holding her hands up.
"okay! i think that's enough for today."
"baby think fast!" you barely had time to lift your head before alessia's trainer came flying at you, smacking you in the side of the face as leah choked on her mouthful of food beside you.
"alessia mia teresa!" you yelled, the blonde sprinting out of the room as you hauled her shoe after her. "something funny?" you challenged your other girlfriend, her smile dropping as she shook her head and you huffed, moving to the sink to wash your dishes.
"why are you so grumpy this morning my girl?" leahs arms wound round you from behind, her chin resting on your shoulder.
"why do you think? all week the two of you have been throwing things at me, kicking stuff at me, hitting me with shoes and fruit and books!" you scowled, trying to push her body away from you but the taller girl held on tightly.
"it was part of training! and hey you caught most of it...the last couple of days." leah winced at the memory, her and alessia perhaps a little too passionate in their mission to mold you into the best goalkeeper they could.
"well i didn't ask to be trained!" you reminded firmly, placing your dishes in the drying rack and shoving leah away. "i am not a dog." you warned her seriously, poking at her chest and turning, barreling right into someone else's.
"good morning i love you?" alessia tried, holding your body tightly to hers with a guilty smile, ducking her head to repeatedly kiss the side of her face where she'd assaulted you with her shoe.
"you're lucky i love you too."
"baby! you did so so so so good." you laughed as alessia picked you up in a bear hug, spinning you around for a minute before leah whined it was her turn, tugging you into her body and peppering your face with kisses, mumbling how proud she was.
"okay okay i am still at a work event." you gently pushed her off, face flushed bright red both from the game you'd just won and the showering of pda.
"-then when you did the dive??" alessia gasped, the three of you now sat in her car and on your way back to your shared home. "yeah love where did you learn to dive like that?" leah asked, leaning forward with a curious frown.
"watched a bunch of videos of mary. i told you if you just left me be to study i'd have been fine! instead of assaulting me with a barrage of household objects all weeks." you rolled your eyes playfully, alessia squeezing your leg with a smile, other hand on the steering wheel.
"well we're exceptionally proud of you baby girl." leah beamed, pinching your cheek before kissing it, dropping back into her seat. "good! because do not expect that ever again, god i don't know how you do that every weekend i am exhausted." you groaned tiredly.
"not too tired i hope love, we still have to celebrate you." alessia smiled suggestively, meeting leahs eyes in her rear view mirror as the eldest blonde leaned forward again, placing a few gentle kisses to your neck.
"yeah baby, gonna make you feel like a winner. our winner!"
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lucrezianoin · 8 months
"Say please" Astarion's reaction - Goblin party vs Tiefling party (well done vs good boy)
Here we go, I need to analyze the party proposal from Astarion. So, if you do not get Astarion to proposition before the party he will do so at the party (if you have high enough approval). But the way he does it is OH SO different, and I think it might gives some clues on him and in general how he regards Tav/Dark Urge (which I will call Tav from now on).
Look, I played as female one and male the other, I don't think that gender is the reason for any difference here.
First of all, how to get to the party:
Goblin party: it is the evil choice. Not only you kill refugees, but you also ally yourself with the Absolute (which is the thing you are trying to hide from and attacked you). Your companions will react like this is the evil choice (Gale will threaten to leave, Wyll and Karlach leave, Lae'zel cares little, Shadowheart pretends not to care but she drinks herself into a stupor, and Astarion well, I will talk about it in this post)
The tiefling party: It is the good choice. Even the atmosphere of the party is better, there is music, dancing etc. You defeat the goblins, you save the day.
So, to start, to make sure I take everything in consideration, these were my approval scores with Astarion: 41 (identified by the game as High) at the goblin party (evil choice) vs 38 (medium) at the tiefling party (good choice).
OKAY HERE WE GO. So at the party, the scene will be different. I will post screenshots too, but if you want to see these two scenes back to back: first is the "evil one", and the second one is the "good one":
I will focus on three things:
The "say please" moment + "what"
the fact that you can tell him good boy in the good run, but not in the evil one (and how he reacts)
The general way Astarion acts
"SAY PLEASE" -> good boy vs well done
So in the above video you can check "say please" for evil choice at 2:01, and for good choice at 0:22.
So in the evil version we flirt and then when we refuse to go to bed with him (everything is so much more direct), we can ask "Say please". His reaction is a short, almost annoyed "What." The intonation sounds so flat, indignant.
In the good version, his flirting is much more subtle (as in, Tav is not completely on the same page), his "What?" definitely has a not of surprise and is much softer. I cannot tell if it is a good surprise or a bad one, but the general sense of it is more sensual?
The note from the devs is that he never had to be in this position (asking someone please for sex) so he is surprised. Interestingly, this note does not exist for the goblin party, only for the tiefling one.
Just look at his face:
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He does seem more collected in the second one, maybe like he is keeping his flirty mask more secure on himself. There is definitely a smile, but with him it is hard to get if it is his mask, or him being positively surprised. BUT what we can say is that the mask slip in the first version, and he is much more annoyed.
I also noticed that the way he is animated to say PLEASE IS DIFFERENT. Top row: evil choice vs bottom row good choice
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The first pic of both rows is his face immediately after the roll, when he starts to say please, one is definitely... not super happy about it, the other seems surprised. But the ending result is similar... still, the evil choice one has him in a much more seductive movement, that thing he does where he lowers his head and looks up so his eyes are half lidded? He does that a lot in act 1 seduction, where he is trying to sell you the fantasy.
The note from the dev was "through gritted teeth" so I do not think he is happy in any of the two choices.
Now, in reply to his please, you also have different options, which for me are the most interesting one:
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(also in general the good version has more close ups to the characters faces for some reason)
In the evil one you can tell him "Well done! I will see you tonight" and in the good one you can tell him "Good boy! Let's get together tonight".
I THINK this is the focal point of why that "please" scene is so different. In the evil playthrough he saw you killing innocents, having little to no empathy, siding with, well, basically the villains. Your "say please" is more likely to come from a position of needing power over him than a fun flirting line. You literally slaughtered children, and now you are telling him to "Say please". He also could be surprised because he thought he was more of an equal to you? And the "well done" sounds very military-like. Yes, you did, just like I told you to, now get on with it.
In the good playthrough, instead, you have saved innocents, he even calls himself a hero and he is surprised to be on the hero side. Up till now, you have mostly done a very good deed out of the kindness of your heart. Asking him to "say please" would be cruel unless it is... kinky? FLIRTING? I think because of who Tav is the choice to ask him has to end up in the playful seduction category instead of the "I want you to grovel" category. His reaction is maybe surprised because that is unexpected, to hear you ask that after you have been so kind, but it is still firmly in the realm of sexy times. You don't tell him "well done", you tell him "GOOD BOY". That is definitely in the realm of sexy times much much more, and kinda gives a different sense to the scene.
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Just look at the difference between these two faces!! It is the same line, but in one case he is a bit closed off, in the other his face is so much more open. I can almost read... hope?? Because you are a good person?
General attitude
The thing is, it could also just mean that he is THAT good. I still think the "what" is a slip of his mask, but in general the way he acts could be just tailored for who you want and who you are. So of course, if you are good and kind you would probably be manipulated more easily by puppy easy and open looks, so the second option would work better on that Tav.
Or simply, he is already changing?? He is seeing that there is a different way to live and not being killed.
In general, the way he flirts with Tav is also quite different:
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In one case (first one, evil) he is more direct. He is not beating around the bush, he asks you what happens next and you can literally tell him "well, I will sleep with you".
In the good version, he is much more elaborate, and even your choice to ask him to sleep together is much less direct ("quality time").
In general, I think what DorianDarkstar @doriandarkstar (twitter account) (WHO HAS SO MANY GOOD INSIGHTS ON ASTARION and is often subjected to my endless posts) said in reply to me mentioning the scene makes the most sense:
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Also, I just wanted to add the two Tav faces:
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No idea if this is just a difference of drow vs tiefling, but my drow (evil choices) is much more annoyed and confrontational!
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joeys-babe · 5 months
Joey B Imagines: Birthday Boy
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Summary: December 10th, Joe’s 27th birthday spent with you and your twin boys.
Warnings: Fluff, *he's not injured!!*
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
December 10th, 2023
Joe had awoken in bed by himself this morning to his surprise. He had expected you, his wife, to be waking him with smooches all over his face but your side of the bed was empty.
He rolled over to grab his phone off his nightstand when the setup sitting on it made him smile. Every year since you and Joe got together in high school when you guys were 16 and 17, on Joe’s birthday you'd get him white roses. The number of them would be the age he was turning that day. There they were, 27 white roses in a vase.
Realizing there was a card and a gift bag propped up next to it, Joe leaned up in bed and picked up the card first.
Happy Birthday, Joey!
Gosh, how are you 27?! You're getting old babe. JKJK. I just wanted to tell you that I’m so happy to share another birthday with you, this is the 11th one that we've celebrated together and I hope I've made every year better than the last. 26 was such a year for you, and I'm proud to say I was by your side for all of it. Cheers to another year of getting to show you how much I love you. You're my husband, my rock, my happiness, my high school sweetheart, and most importantly my best friend. I love you more than words can explain, Joey Shiesty.
To my nerdy, quirky, antisocial, video game, Kid Cudi-obsessed boy, Happy 27th birthday.
Love, your y/n.
Joe didn't realize tears were streaming down his cheeks till he put the card down and saw a wet spot on the blanket on his lap. He quickly composed himself and grabbed the gift bag.
Pulling the contents out of the bag, he felt his eyes well up again when he realized it was a photo album.
It was white leather and on the front in gold font, it simply read “Us.”
Joe flipped to the first page and it had a song lyric quoted.
“When they wanna see how true love should be, they'll just look at us.”
Flipping the page again, it was a collage of pictures of you and him as high school lovebirds. A picture of him picking you up after a win while you were in your cheer uniform, one of you two sitting next to each other at lunch just smiling from ear to ear, you and him sitting in the back of one of his friend's truck while at a drive-in movie, a pic of you two at senior prom, and finally one of you guys graduating.
Joe flipped the page and wasn't at all surprised to see it was the Ohio State era of his life. Since Joe was a year older than you, you were stuck in Athens still when Joe was a freshman at OSU. Long distance sucked, but you guys made it work, and multiple pictures were showcasing that. You took screenshots of you and Joe's face timing that he had never seen before. There was a lovesick look in his eye that made Joe giggle knowing he's still just as infatuated with you. His favorite picture was the one of him lying on top of you in his dorm bed, you were running your fingers through his mullet as you cuddled him.
The LSU page made Joe’s heart warm, so many pictures of you standing to the side and smiling at him just so proud of everything he had accomplished during his time there. There was one slightly spicy photo that made Joe do a double take. That was the first photo you had ever sent him with the intention of turning him on. While Joe was out doing something with the team after winning the national championship you put nothing on but his letterman jacket and the “Big Dick Joe” that he had.
The next few pages only made Joe smile get bigger.
In order it was him getting drafted, the 2022 AFC Championship win + engagement, the wedding, finding out I was pregnant, the gender reveal, the boy's arrival, and everything in between.
When the last few pages were empty for more memories Joe shut the book and put it off to the side. He again had to compose himself and wipe his eyes after the emotional walk through memory lane, you guys had been through so much together and Joe couldn't a picture his life without you.
Joe was about to text you but as soon as he went to grab his phone you were walking into the bedroom. Truthfully you had been downstairs listening to him secretly through the baby monitor you had put up in the bedroom. You had heard him wrestle around in the sheets before sniffles were heard. After it went quiet for a bit you went upstairs and watched him through the cracked bedroom door as he wiped his eyes.
You walked towards the bed with a stack of pumpkin-flavored pancakes topped with candles singing Happy Birthday as Joe wore a huge grin.
After you were finished singing, Joe blew out the candles and you placed the plate on his lap.
“G’morning, Joey. Happy Birthday, my love. - you
He pulled you into a hug and squeezed you so tight.
“I love you so much, y/n.” - Joe
You rubbed his back and kissed him after you pulled away, his arms still around your waist.
“What did you wish for when you blew out your candles?” - you
“Can't tell you, you know it wouldn't come true if I did.” - Joe
“You're no fun.” - you
“I'm just kidding, baby. I actually didn't make a wish.” - joe
“What why? Did I not give you enough time to? I'm sor-” - you
“No. You gave me plenty of time. I just don't have anything to wish for. I have everything I could ever want or need so there's no need for me to wish for something. I have a beautiful amazing wife, perfect twin boys, a good career…” - Joe
You stared at him dumbfounded, wondering how you were ever able to bag this sweet man.
“You’re gonna make me cry.” - you sniffled
“C’mere.” - Joe opened his arms to you
Immediately in his embrace, Joe held the back of your head and kissed your temple.
“I've already cried twice.” - Joe giggled
“Awe Joey. Okay enough sappy stuff, you eat your birthday breakfast while I go clean the kitchen up.” - you pulled away from him and headed for the door when he stopped you
“Wait don't go! I'll help you clean later, can you stay with me right now?” - Joe
You smiled sweetly at him before waking back over to the bed and getting under the covers with him.
Joe turned on Spongebob and ate his pancakes, a few minutes in you heard little feet in the hallway before knocks on the door could be heard.
“Mommy? Daddy?” - Tyson
“You can come in, Ty!” - Joe
The twins happily opened the door and toddled over to the bed. You lifted them onto the bed and they sat with their backs against the footboard.
Tyson giggled as he jokingly got his hand under the covers and tickled Joe’s foot. Joe played along with it for a little bit, loving the sound of his son’s laugh before he started fighting back.
“Do you boys remember what today is?” - you
“Uhm… no momma.” - Miles
“It's someone's birthday!” - you
Tyson and Miles looked at each other for a second before they gasped at the same time and yelled out the answer in unison.
“Daddy’s!” - The twins yelled
“Mhm! Remember what you guys made yesterday?” - you
The boys nodded and you instructed them to go retrieve what they made from their room.
Joe gave you a skeptical raised eyebrow look, but you just leaned in and kissed him while you still had the chance.
It wasn't long till you could hear those little feet again and Tyson and Miles were running back into the bedroom. They handed Joe a few pieces of paper after he put his empty plate on his nightstand.
Tyson drew a picture of him, his daddy, and his uncles passing football at the practice fields.
Miles drew a picture of him and Joe playing with Hot Wheels tracks.
The drawings had Joe feeling a different form of bliss, his heart warmed to an insane level as he looked at the little details in his boys’ drawings.
“I love them, boys. Thank you.” - Joe croaked
“You welcome!” - Tyson beamed
“Dada? You sad?” - Miles
“No, Daddy’s really happy.” - Joe
“But you cryin'…” - Miles
“He’s crying happy tears buddy, really happy tears.” - Joe
“Oh… okay!” - Miles
“You guys should go play. Mommy and Daddy are gonna clean up before Gramps and Grammy come.” - you
When the boys left the room you turned to Joe who was still crying. You softly kissed his cheek and wiped his tears off of his cheeks.
“You okay, baby?” - you
“Never been better. This is the best feeling.” - Joe
“Good. They worked hard on those. Come follow me downstairs. I have something cool to show you.” - you
“You gonna give me my 27 birthday spankings? Or is that later?” - joe
You laughed as you pulled him out of bed and shoved him into the closet, asking without words for him to put clothes on since he was only in boxers.
He returned in sweatpants and a T-shirt and followed you downstairs.
“Is the cool thing you have to show me a sink full of dishes? Or do I have to unload the dishwasher?” - Joe
“You’re exempt from those chores today since you are the birthday boy. But no, I’m giving you one of your gifts now.” - you
Joe smiled and I told him to close his eyes as we started walking into the kitchen. He did as you said and you took his hands in yours to guide him to where the setup on the counter was. You smiled at the secret camera you had recording and dropped Joe’s hands.
Telling him to open his eyes, Joe looked around rather confused but when he looked down at the counter his eyes went as wide as saucers.
There was a positive Clearblue test next to the same onesie you showed Joe when you found out you were pregnant with the twins.
You watched Joe’s eyes start to water as his chin started quivering, causing your own eyes to get misty as you smiled at him.
“You’re pregnant?” - Joe grinned
“Mhm.” - you smiled as tears dripped down your face
Immediately his arms were around you, lifting you and spinning you around as he cried into your neck.
“We’re having another baby!” - Joe cried
When he put you down, Joe picked up the pregnancy test with shaky hands and fell against the counter with his head buried in his arms. He was so overcome with emotion.
“Are you happy?” - you rubbed his back
Joe stood up abruptly and nodded vigorously.
“I've never been so happy. What if we have a girl, y/n? I could be a girl dad.” - Joe cried again
“Oh baby.” - you pulled him into your arms
Joe hugged you so tight but was now trying not to put pressure on your stomach now that he was aware his baby was in there.
“I love you so much, y/n. You and our family are the best things to have ever happened to me. I can't believe we're having another baby.” - Joe
“I love you and our babies so much. I can't believe it either, I'm so excited.” - you
“How long have you known? Well about the baby?” - Joe
“Not too long, found out a couple of days ago and thought I'd wait till today.” - you
Joe nodded and leaned down to be level with your stomach. It hasn't gotten bigger yet but Joe didn't care, his baby was still in there.
“Hey, baby. It's your daddy. Me and your momma already love you so much. We can't wait to meet you.” - Joe
“I have an ultrasound next week. Think you can go?” - you
“For sure. I'll make it happen.” - Joe
The rest of the day Joe couldn't keep his hands off of you, always making sure you weren't farther than arm's length away from him.
Robin asked what was up later at dinner when you rejected your usual favorite wine that she and Jimmy had brought.
You and Joe were ecstatic to tell his parents about Baby Burrow #3 coming next fall and they were just as happy finding out about their next grandkid.
That night after dinner, dessert (pumpkin pie of course), and putting the boys to sleep, Joe and I were lying in bed talking about everything baby.
“y/n, you know, I've only been 27 for a day but I feel like it's going to be the best year yet.” - Joe
“You think so?” - you
“I know so because I’m gonna spend it with you, our boys, and baby Burrow.” - Joe
You had a strange feeling that Joe was right, but also an overwhelming feeling of love washed over you. How'd you get so lucky with Joe?
Authors note: happy bday Joey B!
there was a birthday imagine request in my messages so here you go!
hope you enjoyed! 💕
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
would you still love me if i was a worm?
ive always wanted to manufacture a situation where andrew gets to ask neil this bc i just think he deserves to be a ridiculous bf who seeks validation in silly, petty ways <3 and i think I’ve finally got something — it’s def silly but that’s the point lmfao
Andrew wakes when Neil gets up to pee.
“Sorry,” Neil whispers, brushing his knuckles against the back of Andrew’s hand as he slips out of their bed.
Andrew doesn’t bother trying to fall back asleep immediately. He’ll just wake up again when Neil returns. Instead, he pulls his phone from under the pillow and scrolls through iFunny, staring blearily at memes that do not live up to the app’s name and fighting sleep.
By the time Neil gets back, Andrew has lost the ability to move his heavy thumb, his eyes drooping as he stares at a pixelated screenshot of a screenshot of a Tweet posted to Facebook. Neil takes the phone out of his lax grip, turning off the screen and shoving it back under the pillows.
“Go to sleep,” Neil whispers. Andrew opens one eye to glare at him. He would still be sleeping if Neil hadn’t chugged a whole can of seltzer water right before bed and damned them both. Unfortunately for Andrew, the act of looking at Neil in his rumpled, tired state only makes his chest go tight in that angry, riotous way that only Neil can inspire in him. He shifts closer to Neil, pushing at his shoulder until Neil gets the message and rolls onto his side. Andrew presses up against Neil’s back, shoving his face into his bedhead and inhaling deeply. One arm wraps tightly around Neil’s waist, the other wiggles underneath the pillow they now share. Andrew throws a knee over Neil’s thigh for good measure. Neil sighs happily, resting his palm over the back of Andrew’s hand where it rests on his chest.
The lure of sleep threatens to pull him back under, but the meme he’d been staring at is still burned into the backs of his eyelids.
“Hey,” Andrew murmurs into Neil’s hair. Neil hums in acknowledgment. “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Neil stiffens for a second, and it takes a beat for Andrew to register that they don’t really use that word. They talked about it once, a few years ago. Neither of them have anything against it, but agreed it felt shallow. Andrew thinks the word sometimes, when his brain is too lazy to be specific about what exactly Neil stirs in him. It doesn’t really matter. It’s just a word. He presses a kiss to Neil’s shoulder, and Neil relaxes immediately.
“I don’t know,” Neil says. “Why would you be a worm? How would I even know who you were?”
“You’re supposed to say yes,” Andrew says, squeezing in reprimand. “That your feelings for me transcend species.”
“Okay, well, mine don’t,” Neil says. “Worms are gross.”
In a flash of irritation, Andrew releases Neil and rolls back to his own side of the bed.
“Andrew,” Neil says, sitting up. “You can’t seriously be upset about this.”
“I can do whatever I want,” Andrew says.
“I mean, yeah,” Neil says, interrupted by a yawn. “But you’re not a worm. And I do love you.”
Andrew wrinkles his nose, flopping onto his back. “That’s gross.”
Neil huffs. He reaches a hand toward Andrew, waiting for Andrew to roll his eyes and nod before running his fingers through Andrew’s hair.
“It’s true,” Neil says. “And also based on reality.”
“Whatever,” Andrew says, he catches Neil’s wrist and tugs. “Come here.”
They resume their earlier position. When they finally settle, the slow, steady rhythm of Neil’s chest rising and falling has Andrew’s consciousness slipping. He jolts a bit when Neil speaks again.
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Yes,” Andrew says, even though Neil is so annoying that Andrew should squeeze him until he pops.
“What would that even look like?” Neil asks. “Would you kiss my worm body?”
“I’d put you in a little worm enclosure,” Andrew murmurs, eyes closed. “I’d get you good worm food and toys, and keep you in a room where you could see Exy games on TV.“
“Oh,” Neil says. “That’s really nice, actually.”
“I’d do that too,” Neil says, yawning again. “But different. I’ll think about it more tomorrow.”
Andrew doesn’t really care anymore. He’s warm, and he’s human, he’s holding a warm and human Neil. Sleep finally pulls him back under.
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snaccpopstudios · 5 months
Long time, no see, Tumblr!
Hello Everyone! It’s been a while, and we’re so sorry about the silence on our blog! But we have some big, important updates to share with you all. The entire team has been extremely busy with both personal, real-life responsibilities and with game production! On top of this, we have also had a big change in management and production, so we’ve been getting a handle on that at the same time.
I’ll start this by stating that I’m Tobias (he/him), the new social media and community manager, and I’ll be bringing this update to you all! And, all Patreon links provided (minus the ones near the end) are public posts, so you don’t need to be subscribed to a tier to view them, but you still need to be 18+! Now, this goes a bit back, so get a warm drink and get comfy to read this big post because if you haven’t been on the Twitter or Patreon, you’ve missed quite a lot (which is on us entirely! We’re sorry again!) In September 2023, we released a few screenshots on our Patreon showing off some script revisions for the demo of “Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack.” (read them + the update more in detail here!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-jack-90099502) As stated in that post, “A lot of grammatical errors, run-on sentences, etc.. are also being combed out in favor of: - Content that foreshadows future events in the game - Content that is easier to read - And content that more clearly portrays the rules, lore, and restrictions of the supernatural/horror elements in this world
Additionally, more content in general, will be added. Not a substantial amount, but enough to flesh out scenes and make things make more sense now that the world/game has been almost completely outlined.” This post was met with a lot of confusion, as SDJ fans mentioned that they feared the game was being toned down from its original concept. And while our re-writes do actively remove dialogue that unintentionally may be perceived as dubious consent or pressuring the player into sexual/romantic choices, there are no intentions to remove yandere/horror content! We cleared this all up in another Patreon post; a small QnA (here’s that one, again, more in detail!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/q-yandere-is-to-91034309). 
You may be saying “But Tobias! On the Kickstarter, it said there was soft, dubious consent!” And yes, that is true. However, as stated in the 2nd link provided, Our publisher at the time, Project Enso, originally put that warning up. Sauce (they/them) was not happy with that, but PE properly explained that people who were uncomfortable with the infamous "No Route" hadn't had that warning, and thus felt surprised.
This twitter post was the beginning of Sauce’s quest to remove that warning. (https://x.com/SunnyDayJack/status/1560782320533118976?s=20)
[Disclaimer: PE had nothing to do with the writing of the content. They just had to do what was safest!]
Now, you may have noticed that at the beginning of this post, I mentioned a big change in management. In a post made on Patreon in late October 2023, we got introduced to our new Director, Biscuit (she/her)! She’s previously made devlogs on the Patreon, but she’s since been made the Head of Operations for SnaccPop! These are big and important posts, so I really recommend reading them (as well as the previous posts I’ve linked) in their entirety on the Patreon! - Status Update: New leadership, steps moving forward, future of SnaccPop: https://www.patreon.com/posts/status-update-of-91558879 - Q&A: Project Enso departure, AphroDesia, Deadlines and more: https://www.patreon.com/posts/q-project-enso-91850042
But the main points of these two posts above are, 
Sauce will no longer be taking a management role at SnaccPop anymore. Instead, they will take a much necessary backstep to focus solely on creating art and supporting the studio through their continuous work.
The studio has Biscuit as its front-facing figure, but she will be helped out by Perrie (she/her, our current Voice Acting director), Nana (she/her, our current Art director), and other individuals who are key to keeping the content going smoothly at a decent pace. 
SWWSDJ is no longer being released as a full game in November 2024, and is now having Episodic Releases! (Acts 1, 2, 3, and 4)
The Patreon rewards will remain entirely the same. Sauce, as it has been said before, will keep working with us all the way!
Some of you may be wondering what happened with Project Enso and why we parted ways with them, you can read their parting message here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/official-from-92484578
We want to say thank you to Project Enso for all the great work they did for us, however, we believe this decision is the best next step forward to make Sunny Day Jack as best of a game as it can be.
Now, onto some fun stuff! Speed round!
An AphroDesia Game?! The customer is always right! But that doesn't mean that they're necessarily pleasant to deal with…   Available to our $10+ Patreon supporters, you can play a demo of the upcoming mini dating-sim featuring our beloved cutie-pie, TMon, called “ConciUrges.” Featuring 4 endings, two of which are NSFW!
Bachelor of the Month is back! We’re introducing our new icy, and first plus-sized bachelor for the month of December, Jacob Frost (who’s voice has yet to be revealed, but his look has been!) He’s draped out in front of a cozy fireplace, waiting for you to get to know him for $5+~
Another SDJ Demo? You betcha! We understand that there's been lots and lots of content for Sunny Day Jack, and that includes multiple demos that we've released in the past. However, we want to release one last demo. One that includes our new artstyle and script changes that reflect our ideology much more clearly so there aren't any doubts as we move into the future. The release date is TBD!
WE'RE HIRING!! Are you an 18+ NSFW writer and/or an audio engineer? Then you're the person(s) for us! Apply for the position(s) on the Patreon post or the Twitter post!  THE POSISTION IS ONLY FOR THOSE 18+. PROOF OF AGE WILL BE REQUIRED.
Project: DramaBoy As stated in the above linked posts in #5 (more in detail on the Patreon link!) We’re starting up a new project, Project: DramaBoy! As an explanation to non-paying patrons who may have missed our upload of our first teaser (Impish BF Surprises You on Christmas),  we'll be looking to release (hopefully) weekly NSFW and SFW POV Boyfriend audios! Sometimes they'll include characters you know and love-- such as Jambee or Sunny Day Jack. However-- sometimes, they'll include interesting beta concepts voiced by the same VAs from our mainstay projects! Read all about it and see the SLIVER of the list of BFs we’re planning to bring you at https://www.patreon.com/posts/project-dramaboy-94652067 (available to read for free!)
That's all for this update! We know it's lengthy and long overdue, so thank you for your continued support and for taking the time to read! ^_^
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upsidedownsmore · 3 months
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ENTRIES CLOSED, reblogs turned off, thank you everyone for entering and sharing your wonderful works!!
A compilation of every entry piece can be found here!
The winner is @mugbearerscorner and the information has been confirmed in DMs!!
Roll proof:
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A link to the full spreadsheet of entries can be found here!
I'm so so grateful to all the people who participated in this event!! I'm so happy with how well it turned out and I'm so so thankful to be able to host it!!! Love you all!! :) :) :)
* Provided by Digital Extremes! Info about the prime access here.
To enter, simply reblog with your art of ANY warframe giving a thumbs up!
Giveaway entries will close on FEBRUARY 10TH at 10:00pm CST
The post for the above drawing (with reference screenshot and wips) can be found here.
This is not a contest! The winner will be decided entirely randomly, image quality will have no effect on chances of winning! Make whatever you can in any medium you want! (This can also include 3D mediums! The only thing I'm not including is unedited game screenshots/captura, though edited might be okay). Everyone can draw regardless of how good you think your own skills are!
Please submit your own drawing(s)!! Only one is necessary but you can make more if you want of course! Do not use any AI generation tools for your entry.
When reblogging it might be a good idea to enter some text either in the post or in the tags! It turns out reblogs with just an image and nothing else might not show up under the original post, which means I might miss your submission!
Only one entry per person, you will not get more entries for additional reblogs and/or drawings.
The goal of this is for the community to have a fun little gallery of warframe thumb ups in the reblogs, but again don't stress over how "good" your drawing is! As long as you have fun and submit something vaguely in line with the prompt you're good! (such as a wave instead of a thumbs up or an operator instead of a warframe, etc. Up to you how closely you want to follow the prompt!)
You DO NOT need to engage with me in any other way (likes, follows, etc.) to enter, just a reblog with a drawing loosely following the prompt!
This giveaway will only run here on Tumblr due to issues with bots and impersonation on Twitter. The issue of course is that the only way to submit images under a single post on Tumblr is through reblogs, but please know that I do not intend this to be a means of promotion. If people could submit images in the replies I would gladly take that option! If this post gets taken down I will look into other giveaway options.
As this is my first giveaway as a Warframe creator please let me know if I've made any mistakes!
Here are some example drawings that would all work, but of course whatever you want to make shouldn't be limited to this!
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Inspired by @ritens, I will be assigning one unique number per individual and then throwing them into the random number generator on random.org. After the entries close and I roll the winner, I will update this post with the winner's name and a message saying that the giveaway is closed. Reblogs will also be turned off once the giveaway is closed, as I am only using reblogs as means of congregating drawing submissions under one post during the giveaway period.
Whoever's number get's chosen will be contacted via DMs here on Tumblr, so please make sure your DMs are open! I will be asking for your Warframe IGN and platform so DE can give send over your prize! If you have cross-save linked or merged then please tell me, though I will also be asking in DMs as well. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours or no longer wants the prime access pack, then I will roll a new winner with the same method but with the previous winner(s) number(s) taken out of the pool.
Topmost drawing without giveaway text:
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Anyways good luck and most importantly have fun!!
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bastila-s · 17 days
Baldurs Gate 3 High Quality Screenshot Tutorial 2.0
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Hi everyone, I decided I wanted to make a more specific and slightly more in-depth tutorial on how I take screenshots in Baldur's Gate 3. For this tutorial, you will need ReShade and Otis_INF'S Photomode Mod. If you do not want to download these for whatever reason, my older tutorial covers alternative ways to get some nice screenshots.
1. ReShade (skip if you already have ReShade downloaded)
For this step, you're going to want to download ReShade. ReShade is important to this tutorial as it's going to allow you to take screenshots of your game in higher resolutions. To do this, find a ReShade preset you like on the Nexus. (You can find lots of them by just typing in "reshade" in the search bar). From there, most mod authors will explain how to download ReShade in their mod description and get it working for your game.
Once you successfully have Reshade installed, a bar of text will appear at the top of your screen, prompting you to press 'home.' This will put you through a mini-tutorial if just installed it.
2. Photomode Mod
For this mod, you'll need to subscribe to a patreon to get access. Installing it is really simple, just unzip the zip file and put its contents in a folder, then run the tool once you have BG3 running.
Personally, I choose to re-map all the controls to different keys on my keyboard as I find it makes it much, much easier for me to use. Specifically, I re-map the movement, camera tilt, and starting the photomode controls. FOV is also really important to pay attention to, so make sure you like the controls for that as well.
Make sure to test the camera mod to make sure it's working before moving on to the next step.
3. High Resolution Screenshots (Hotsampling)
Hotsampling simply means that we're going to briefly make our game run in a resolution much higher than what we usually would, which often times means your game window will end up looking huge and run off your screen.
To do this, we need to make sure a few things are in place before trying to hotsample, or the screenshot won't be captured properly.
Go through this checklist to ensure hotsampling will work:
• If you have more than one monitor, you have to make sure your monitor is set to show only on one screen. (This setting is found in Displays on Windows)
• Make sure BG3 is set to borderless windowed mode
• In ReShade, go to the settings tab. Ensure you have a key set up for taking screenshots, and that you know the folder your screenshots will be saved to. It's essential to use ReShade to take screenshots, nothing else will work. Use ReShade's screenshot key.
Once you make sure you have the above done, go to the photomode mod, and click on the hotsampling tab. From here, you can change the resolution of your game. Typically, I take my screenshots in 3,840x2,160 or 5,760x3,240 if I want a very clear image. Those are just 2x and 3x my monitor's resolution (1920x1080), so you can adjust if your monitor is different. Once your chosen resolution is set, your BG3 window will likely run way off your screen and potentially make your computer lag. (This means it's working). Make sure your BG3 window is active, then hit the screenshot key you set earlier in ReShade. This screenshot should now appear in the folder that's set for screenshots in ReShade. (It typically defaults to the folder where your game is installed).
4. Extra fine-tuning
There are a couple of ways to enhance screenshots in BG3 even further.
The first way is through using ICGS Depth of field. This tool will allow your sceenshots to minic depth of field the same way cameras IRL can do it it—it makes for some beautiful screenshots, and I'm seriously impressed by how well it replicates that look. The author gives a tutorial on how to get it working—I know it seems complicated, but follow it step-by-step and play around, it'll come to you very soon!
The other tool that I just found recently is Relight for ReShade. This tool allows you to add some lighting on a character, which I thought was so cool. Here's a tutorial for this, too.
5. Post-Processing
This step is entirely up to your own creativity, but I just thought I'd share Photopea as a good, free software (that you don't even need to download) to help you edit your photos. It basically works exactly like photoshop!
Ok that's it for all but I think I will continue to update this post and add to it whenever I find anything helpful :)
& Thank you to all the wonderful mod authors out there for creating all this software and allowing us to take beautiful images, it makes me so happy !!
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Celebration: Joe Burrow Imagine
Summary: Joe wins the AFC North and you two get to celebrate
Warnings: Fluff, Smut (18+), BJs, smoking
Word Count: 1,050
Note: Feel free to leave requests!
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The last game of the season was at home versus the Ravens which meant you were definitely there. Joe and the team were on a hot streak and you knew this game was big for them. Winning this meant they won the AFC North which meant the tradition of a locker room party and cigars. It was a noon game, so you decided not to pregame and to do your partying after.  For this game you decided to wear black faux leather skirt, an orange v-neck Bengals shirt, and his leather jacket.
You watched as they played their hearts out to win 27-16. All you wanted to do when that timer hit 0:0, the field interviews were done and they were heading to the locker room was run and congratulate him, but you wanted him to enjoy his annual locker-room celebration with the team; which consisted of dancing, music, and LOTS of cigar smoking.. So you waited in the family suite, scrolling on Instagram when you saw a sexy picture of your man with a cigar hanging from his lips.
"Damn," you murmured softly a wetness gather between your legs.
Then some tweets rolled in from /Ben_Baby:
"Live look at the Bengals locker room celebration: QB Joe Burrow, cigar in his left hand, rapping and dancing along to Future at his locker."
"Burrow has been controlling the aux in here."
You couldn't help but laugh at that. Joe was Future lover, that's for sure. You continued scrolling, screenshotting the picture of Joe smoking for later, when a ping rang through the phone.
Burrow ❤️: “Where are you? Come see me.”
You: “In the suite still. I’m on my way.”
So you gathered up your things and headed down to the tunnel outside of the locker room. There he was, patiently waiting with his Deadwood’s Leather Rose cigar in his hand, leaning in the doorway. He looked sexy as ever donning his Conquered AFC North" tee that was almost skin tight. When you reached him, he engulfed you in his muscley arms, kissing your forehead.
"You didn't have to wait in the suite baby," he spoke softly, taking a quick hit off the cigar.
"I just wanted you to have your fun with the team," you paused, nodding towards the locker room where you could hear the bass of the rap music and laughter coming, "We'll have the afternoon to celebrate before celebratory dinner with your family anyway."
"You know I'll always wanna see you..." he paused to lean down and press a kiss to my lips as his free hand slid down my back to rest on my ass, "Especially when you look like this."
He bent down to kiss my neck as he gave my ass a squeeze, "Jeez Joey, can't you behave yourself until we get home?"
"I don't think so," he murmured into my neck as I quite a pap out of the corner of my eye.
I pressed my hands against his chest, causing him to detach from my neck and look at me before I stood on my tip toes to whisper in his ear, "How about you behave yourself here and finish your celebration and then while you drive home you can have your cigar in one hand and my head in your lap...."
A quiet yet audible groan left his slips as he nodded in agreement, "Sounds like heaven babe."
"Perfect. Now you go have your fun. I'm gonna call your mom and set up plans for dinner."
He thanked me and gave me another kiss goodbye before heading back into the locker room.
When Joe and you climbed into his car, his lips immediately attached to yours. Making out for a few minute, you realize he just lit the cigar in his hand. Joe shoots you a smirk before getting the car on the road. His left hand held the cigar while his right hand gripped the steering wheel.
You reached down, palming him through his black slacks, eyes scanning over his face then to his cigar.
“You want to suck me off while I’m smoking my cigar, don’t you?” he asked teasingly, taking another puff.
“Yes please.”
You pause, clipping your hair back before popping his pants button and pulling out his big, hard cock. You note the precum already beading at his pink head. You start by kissing his tip before taking him into your mouth, hand pumping and twisting at his base.
“Fuck,” he breathed out, “You look so damn pretty with my cock in your mouth.
He took another hit off his cigar as his grip on the wheel tightened. The only thing he hated about fulfilling this fantasy of yours was he didn’t have a free hand to grip your hair.
You bob your head up and down, his tip hitting the back of your throat over and over, making him let out a deep guttural moan as you come to a red light. You moan around his cock which sets him off. His hips are bucking up into you, indicating that he’s close, so you speed up your motions just a bit and take him even deeper.
“Fuck, I’m coming!” he groans and he blows out cigar smoke, shooting his load down your throat.
The light turn green as you pick your head up wearing a big grin on your face. You carefully tuck him back in his boxers and rebutton his pants as he continues your drive home. You watch as a fire blazes in his eyes and he takes on last puff of his cigar before putting in out in the car’s ash tray. 
“God baby...”he exhales again, making your smile even wider, “Just wait until we get home. We’re gonna celebrate...hard.”
“MMM perfect. You deserve it.”
When he pulled into the driveway and turned off the car, you didn’t make the move to get out immediately, so you didn’t either. Turning to face you, he leaned over the center counsel and grabbed your jaw with one hand, pressing a long, sensual kiss to your lips.
“I may have won the AFC North twice so far, but being able to call you my girl is one of my biggest accomplishments. I love you,” he confessed sweetly.
“I love you too.”
“Now, let’s go celebrate.”
I hope y’all enjoyed! Leave requests if you have any!
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annamarabella-grumble · 11 months
quick and dirty game review: KILLER FREQUENCY
it's really good!! why?
it's all your favourite 80s/onwards slasher flicks rolled into one
the premise is ropey as hell but it's self-aware enough to know that and make it FUN
the references are gonna be really obvious to horror connoisseurs but tbh for me they were subtle enough that they weren't overpowering the experience; it's not just fanservice held together by gaffer tape and string
there's one (1) jumpscare right at the beginning, so be aware of that, but it didn't send me running for the hills and while i haven't finished the game yet, it's fair to say the rest of the game does not rely on cheap thrills and scares
that said, the fact that there's a crouch mechanic deeply worries me
but still: without giving too much away, you experience the game by manning the radio station and taking calls from people being pursued by a serial killer. there's no narration or visuals, the tension relies entirely on voice acting and sound design -- and i think they did a spectacular job with that
there were so many moments where i (and chat, i was streaming it) was on the edge of my seat
the puzzles are absolutely doable but still really satisfying when you work them out; and there's timers only on some dialogue choices, so you have enough time to work things out in steps -- also makes it easier/more fun to let chat help hehe
when you do fail, you don't feel railroaded or tricked, which is important, though once or twice a lack of information can be a little frustrating because you're just gonna have to go with your gut
the characters have really interesting backstories, i can't wait to find out more 👀
according to the devs, the dialogue and backstories were all written collaboratively across the team, and the game somewhat responds to how well you do in keeping people alive
there's also clues throughout the story so you can try and put it together as you go -- delighted to find out what's the biggest red herring
devs say all players will get a satisfying resolution re: the killer's identity, but players who do well get a more complete picture -- raising the incentive for multiple playthroughs
there's moments of instant karma that are just *chef's kiss*
the environmental storytelling at the radio station ohmygod
is something lgbt happening to Peggy 👀👀
the dialogue choices match up with the tone of what your character actually says, so it's easy to mould his personality a little bit (and the bits where they get creative with punctuation to help convey that tone are really funny)
i'm about halfway through and so far nothing seems overplayed; instead the game just fully commits to the bit without being obnoxious
mechanics are simple: play records, play ad tapes, take calls, and occasionally run through the station for clues
sadly, you can't photocopy your butt
BUT you can shoot hoops from your desk (with paper balls) and the game tracks how many you got
if you're a horror movie or game fan, if this sounds like you'd enjoy it, i can only recommend it! i'm not super good with horror or survival games, but i had an absolute blast with this. here's a couple of screenshots so you can see the aesthetic they're working with:
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it's got that cell-shaded telltale look -- easy on the eyes, colourful. and the carpets. my god
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reodashi · 8 months
How Class 1-A texts
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Warnings - Mentions of spicy scams in one part.
Midoriya - no caps, its not even on purpose. he just forgets to, and this slightly triggers some of his friends.
Iida - Very proper, and doesn't text naturally. He more so gives updates. Like...
'I have just gone on a nice run, the sun is very bright today.'
Bakugo - Many would think he'd be all caps and aggressive... But no. Why would he waste time on the extras? So he often respond with 'K' 'No' 'Yes' or leaves them as read. Depending on the person, he will occasionally threaten them.
Todoroki - Texts normally, but if he's feeling fun he'll add the basic 🙂or🙁 emoji. He does have a habit of leaving people on read... But he means well.
Uraraka - She's 50/50 she'll either text normally, and spell everything correct. Or misspell tons of words on purpose with so many emojis💕❤️🎂😜😝🎉. She also reacts to everyone's texts.
Kirishima - Hypes everyone up, he rarely even talks about himself. He just tries to help everyone else out.
'Bakubro, don't be hard on yourself! You're so manly!'
Denki - He has a meme reaction for every situation. Dad died? Squidward is here, no cookies left? Homer Simpson appeared, ran out of toilet paper? Rupaul just popped up.
Sero - Sends meme reactions, but not as much as Denki. And he weirdly feels bad for unused emojis so he'll send out weird ones.
'Going to 7/11 want anything? 🍽️🍡💴'
Jiro - Doesn't talk much, she keeps it short and simple. She prefers talking through snapchat feeds or in person.
Momo - Starts all of the most used groupchats, but oddly enough rarely talks in them. She's busy, but she'll answer if someone needs help with studying or something.
Tokoyami - Quotes from his favorite movies or books a lot, tries to give advice even if it isn't the best advice. He likes to use 💀 emoji a lot.
Tsu - Sneaky, she takes screenshots of shady moments or makes private group chats to exclude the boys from. She's all for the girlies💅
Ojiro - Just watches the chaos unfold, sometimes comments on Tokoyami's quotes, saying he knows where it's from.
Sato - Sends yummy recipes he learned for people to try out, shares photos of beautiful sunsets, nice dinners, and wholesome quotes he found. Overall wholesome texter.
Aoyama - Takes selfies of himself, and sends them randomly. Like in a middle of a discussion over homework, he just sends a selfie of himself he thought was cute.
Hagakure - Starts heated debates, she nearly made the whole group chat become deleted after she asked if pineapple belongs on pizza. She likes to stir the pot, she makes sure to add a topic that triggers either Bakugo or Aoyama since they get the most heated.
Shoji - Gets brought into conversations a lot, gets hyped up by people randomly. And even started a small meme amongst the group that he was unaware of, he rarely texts in the group chat but everyone always wants him to join.
Koda - Sends game links in the chat just so he could get free gems in the game he's playing due to sharing the link. He also likes to use pet emojis, and share cute photos of his bunny.
Mineta - Was banned several times in the chat, by numerous people. Has to be told multiple times not to fall for p*rn scam ads, also sends game links for free gems.
"What do you guys mean, Anna isn't in my area?"
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