#i just cant believe this is something that is so hard to grasp for some people
delightfuldevin · 1 year
It sucks how much people genuinely think that supporting something in a fictional context is the same as supporting that thing in real life :((
Like, do you people really truly believe that fictional characters are in any way equivalent to real life people? Do you understand how absolutely ridiculous that sounds?
“But they’re minors/siblings/victims/etc!” NO THEY’RE NOT. They are a figment of someone’s imagination that can have literally any traits you want them to cause fiction is something made to be manipulated for our viewing pleasure. That’s why AUs are a thing. That’s why headcanons are a thing. Cause fiction is meant to be manipulated for you to enjoy! You can’t have headcanons for a real life person. Because real people are not the same as fictional people. At least, I hope you don’t treat real people like they are fictional characters.
“But why would you want to ship [insert thing here]? It’s gross!” Okay, and? It isn’t hurting any actual real person, and it could even be helping someone who is using this to cope with their own trauma! And no, your personal discomfort is not a reason to completely delete content cause you can easily just block the tag/the creator and never see it. It is your responsibility to curate your own experience and if you are incapable of doing that, it is your responsibility to stay out of fandom spaces until you are mature enough to do so. It is not the responsibility of everyone else in the world to cater to your specific needs. You shouldn’t expect every single person to have the exact same needs as you and the exact same ways of coping with said needs.
“But groomers will use this thing to manipulate vulnerable people!” Indeed, that does happen. But it is not the fault of the person who made the content. It is always, and I mean always, the fault of the groomer themself. By saying “I was groomed by this content” you take away the responsibility of the actual groomer who did it. Don’t absolve them of their crime because of what they used for the crime. No matter what, it was always their fault and the responsibility of that is on their shoulders. Even if that content didn’t exist, they would’ve found some other way to groom you because that is simply who they chose to be and that is the unfortunate and sad truth.
It is completely okay to be uncomfortable with something! Grossed out even! Or something can be literally triggering for you. That is okay! And if someone doesn’t tag their content properly and it gets to you, you have every right to be mad about that! But that does not mean the person who made the content needs to delete what they made. You just have to block them so that you’ll never see their content again. You don’t even have to engage with them. That’s the beauty of the internet! We’re all strangers and once someone is blocked, it’s as if they never even existed! You’ll never meet them irl or be forced to interact with them. They are dead to you.
Also side note, but helpful information! When you block someone on Tumblr, their posts can still end up on your dash if someone else reblogs from them. Idk if Tumblr has changed this in the few years I’ve been gone, but a way around that is to add their blog name to your filtered content! That way, even if someone else reblogs from them, it’ll still be hidden from you :D
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konigsblog · 8 months
know that you brought up simon as a actual rapist i cant stop seeing it
simon who's sensitised to rape after taking part in attempted rape, helping out his buddy. :(
he thinks there's nothing morally wrong with what he's doing. simon believes he deserves it, considering his role in society. a man should always get what he pleases and desires; what he longs for. simon's eyes wander your body, smoking a cigarette held between his two thick, gloves fingers. the black balaclava shields his face, giving him a threatening appearance, one that'll have you shuddering, your breath caught in your throat.
you're drunk, lightheaded, clearly having too much to drink. poor thing, you probably need some rest, but simon's hungry and perverse gaze wanders, his thick and hard cock stiffening in his boxers. gloved hands grasp at your waist abruptly, covering your mouth with a large palm, silencing your screams as he drags you further into the alleyway, darkness consuming you as you're thrown to the cold, wet concrete.
you're weak; defenceless and weak, benefitting the large, looming man, a man you don't recognise – at least at first. simon's cock springs free from the tight confines of his boxers, smacking against his bare and muscular abdomen as he pulls his shirt up, pushing inside your folds painfully. it's all agony, your screams silenced by his cooes, a pathetic attempt to coddle and soothe you from the fear. he doesn't like to cause fear — he already does that enough — he rather just... desires and believes he has the right to a selfish act; an inhumane and dirty, filthy act.
his hand covers your mouth, feeling your slit swell around his thick, lengthy cock, prodding against your gummy cervix with each thrust. your screams fall, quietening down as he pushes inside, too drunk to plead for mercy anymore. simon feels his stomach tighten with shame and guilt, the feeling of wrongness. something is nagging at him, that this is wrong — but god, if it's so wrong, why does it feel so fucking good?
control is his power, having power is everything to simon. how else is he supposed to look at you, as your superior? recognising you as the woman he took advantage of brutally and disgustingly.
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vixzwrites · 1 year
Mattheo Riddle: prince/princess treatment headcannons
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a/n: ever since i said that mattheo would call his s/o prince/princess, i cant stop think about the constant prince/princess treatment he would give you. so heres some headcannons i believe fit this. and thank you for all the support on my last post too ❤️
possible tw: smoking, drinking, after care mentions at the very bottom
- biggest prince/princess treatment guy in hogwarts and isnt afraid to show it
- if he spots your shoelace is untied, he grasps your hand directing you to the nearest seat (whether thats a wall or an actual chair)
- after hes finished tying your shoelace, he'll look up at you with smug grin and take your hand once again to help you up from your newly found seat
- would definitely just do your homework for you, i mean he's pretty much a genius so it isn't hard for him. copies his and just changes the topic or something and boom just like that no more homework for the rest of the week meaning more time to spend with him.
- would carry your bag for you too or if you're using a handbag or something probably just puts it in his own bag to avoid the teasing from his friends
- never uses your actual name, always a pet name or a stupid nickname he came up with and ofc he uses princess/prince at any given chance
- goes without saying but will hit anyone for you even if their loud chewing was all that was bothering you
- your friends are being bothered by a guy, you dont really know and your worried. dont worry he's got his eye on them for you (even if he finds your friend extremely annoying) he just wants to see you happy tbh
- not really about princess/prince treatment but will for sure be your personal bodyguard. you're at a common room party and have gotten a bit too drunk to realise what is happening. he's right behind you with one hand on the small of your back, guiding you through the crowded people to get you to bed.
- again not really a prince/princess treatment headcannon but he'd never let you leave his side. you're going to hogsmeade? hes coming too. worried about walking alone to class? he'll arrive late to his class (like he wasn't already was going to tbh). you're sat next to him potions without you even realising. he's already dragged you to the seat next to him.
- if you smoke, he would light them for you (and then share them with you ofc)
- you had just painted your nails or got a fresh set of acrylics on and you dont want to ruin them by doing certain things, so he does them for you
- washes your hair and helps you change if you've had a partically bad day or are just exhausted in general.
- going back to the nails, if youre struggling to open something like a lolly pop, he's already got his hands on it and opening it for you. might even sneak a bite of your food before handing it back just to tease you.
- when his friends make fun of him for stuff like this, he just sends them a warning glare and they usually shut up. no one makes fun of his princess/prince
- aftercare king!!! runs you a bath, cleans you up, does your skincare for you, lets you wear his clothes, cuddles (he'll never admit this to anyone not even you but really likes when you scratch his head or back)
this turned into abit of dating headcannons more then a prince/princess treatment but oh well. hope you enjoyed :)
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HI ITS ME gvxzggsgjfh ok look this is. i know this is a weird one it is SO specific and so obviously something i should just write myself if i want it👏but👏but👏BUT i decided to shoot my shot when a perfect chance has arisenderised for you to pick and choose from anything you like AND in any form, and to see if this one maybe by any chance just so happens to spark anything fun in u too xD
ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo RANDOM EVENT ROLL D20 mc gets bitten by a werewoof or some other kind of "contagious" monster species (....cant really think of anything else other than vampirs, now that i say it) but WAIT THERES MORE because. what if mc insisted that they dont want any potential existent cures, they just wanna stay monstery >:3 JVDTHGLN who's considering it, who would absolutely go in the "its either me or this" direction, who's enthusiastic🤣 this is silly as hell but in the case it sparks joy id love to hear ur any and all thoughts because this idea has been haunting me for forever lmao honestly the best way ive imagined it is like one of your own selfinsert pieces youve posted before where its just all of them together bickering heeheehee💘💕🩷💞💖
love u have fun!!
The Arcana Drabble: MC transforms into a "monster"
In the spirit of things, I though a long drabble/short oneshot would work best to keep the madness going XD
Asra's getting stuck in their "one focus and one focus only" mode and right now that focus is making sure you're okay. He'll decide how he feels later, which isn't being helped at all because Julian keeps calling on him to help him slow down the process and get you to think about this a little more. However, it's hard to tell what exactly Julian wants your decision to be because in between him trying to get Asra to make you think about it some more, he's having all kinds of medical epiphanies about how your anatomy is adjusting to the new monster form:
"MC, let's think about some more, shall we? I'm sure Asra agrees with me - don't you, Asra? Asr - oh, whats this?! Your finger's joints are rapidly adjusting to accommodate for - I need a pen and paper -"
"Right here, Ilya." It's Portia's dismissive tone as she digs a small notebook and pencil out of her pocket that keeps you grounded. Not for long, though, because she can't wait to see what happens next. "Accommodate for what, anyways? Are you growing another joint?? Are you going to get claws??? Talons???? Show me!"
Between Julian jotting down unintelligible notes while he studies your elbow's range of motion, Portia's excited exclamations, and Asra's attempt at soothing touch as they rub your shoulders and ask how you're feeling, it's a miracle you can notice Muriel's quiet mumble in the background. He's clearly overwhelmed and very concerned that the physically-altering substance in general got to your brain first, making you so seemingly okay with turning into a monster.
"MC, do you remember your name? Do you need to take a nap? You don't have to be okay with this -"
"I believe this may warrant far more than a nap to recover from." Nadia's doing her best to keep Lucio calm, holding him back from tackling you much like she might grasp a leash. You can practically see the headache building behind her eyes. "We have yet to determine what the extent of this transformation is and therefore whether our dear MC is even capable of fully agreeing to the current process. MC, darling, did the source of this transformation give you any indication of what the end result would be?"
You'd try to respond, but Lucio's excited yelling is too noisy to shout over. He's fumbling at the fastenings on his cape, distracted by your ongoing changes, and very annoyed at Nadia's interference.
"Where did it go? I want to see if it can give me powers too - OW! Dammit, Noddy, I'm trying to help here! You're keeping me from finding the monster and getting it to give me cool - I mean, getting it to tell us more about what's happening! Don't you want that? Don't you want to help MC, Noddy?! Let me go -"
It's with a loud RIP and subsequent "that was velvet, you know!" that Lucio finally breaks free and sprints off in the direction of your new monster friend. You can feel yourself slowly settling in to your new form as the process shows signs of slowing and reaching completion.
Nadia's facepalming. Portia's looking at you with eyes shining in wonder. Julian's still trying to nag Asra into reversing this as he takes notes. The magician in question is still ignoring him as they ask you how you feel for the nth time. Muriel's eyeing the nearby closet in hopes of taking a nap and waking up to it all being a dream. Lucio's a distant, spiky golden speck at this point.
Faust is quietly trying to sneak her knife into your hand, for crimes.
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theshiftingwitch · 17 days
hello! i have some questions :)
im aware that i have to “ignore the 3D and persist in my imagination”, but for me that’s a lot easier said than done. for the past 2 or 3 days ive been really good with robotically affirming, and whenever i get an intrusive thought like “i can’t manifest”, i just repeat “i can” and get back to my affirmations, i think that’s ignoring the 3D, but that’s as far as i can get right now.
something that im manifesting right now is for my mother to change her ways and become a better person and parent, how do i ignore the 3D and believe in my imagination that easily if she is just attacking me all day? it’s hard. i don’t really understand…
also, i cant really understand the concept of “4D/our imagination is our true reality” and that’s what we have to believe in. ive known about manifestation for years now, but this is relatively new to me, im not sure how i can really get that down, because i can’t really grasp it.
any help that you can give is lovely and greatly appreciated! thank you for your help! 😊
When we say that imagination is our true reality, we mean that everything that ever existed was once nothing but pure imagination. Before inventing cars, they were nothing but imagination that was brought to life. The internet existed only in imagination before translating into 3D reality. Best selling books were nothing but scenarios in the author's imagination, then became a tangible object in the 3D.
Everything starts in your imagination, so that is the true reality. With conscious choices and persistence, that reality is brought through to the 3d, and that is manifesting.
I understand that in your case it is hard to persist while constantly getting triggered. The only thing you have to understand is that the 3d is currently reflecting the old story back to you. How many days, months or years did you sit in your room and complain in your head about how awful your mother is treating you? That is the story that is being played out now. And as is known with LOA, you have to change your inner world so that the mirror (3d) starts reflecting a new reality to you.
You're doing great. Not only did you notice the pattern that was harming you, you also took a conscious decision to change it, and you're sticking with that decision by affirming daily. That is a lot more than most people do, and you're guaranteed success.
So what yo do now? Keep affirming. If visualization works for you, imagine a new life with a kind, supportive mom. If scripting is better for you, write about your daily life now that your family is everything you have ever wanted them to be. The point is to stay in that state of having your desires fulfilled. As for when the 3d is not conforming immediately, just watch it. It's an old movie playing out, and in a few minutes, the movie you want is going to Start. Will you throw the remote at the TV and break the screen because your desired movie took a few minutes longer to start? No! You'll wait because it's only a few moments. Make some popcorn, get a drink, bake some cookies... The old movie has no effect on you, it's just a story playing on the screen that you don't even have to pay attention to. (If the scene is triggering you, walk away from the TV and remember the new movie you're excited about, it's coming soon)
I hope that helps you understand, and if you have any more questions, my inbox is always open ✨
Happy manifesting ❤️
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enden-k · 1 year
Hear me out idk this is just a lil something but what if. What if eremite Kaveh was still interested in architecture and art but he had no one to really show it to that would enjoy it of the same amount. So he has just some doodles or something and one day Alhaitham stumbles across them
thats actually what i had already planned !
(im so sorry im rambling again gosh i cant stop it)
kaveh still kept the things he and his father had on them when they traveled to the desert, like his research notes and journal. the journal contains drawings of his mother that his father always kept with him and kaveh (he always was interested in architecture and arts like his mom since he grew up still the same until the accident happened) rlly admires his mothers works and kept drawing, in the same sketchbook she had gifted him as a kid and that was on him on this trip to the desert
when haitham finds it completely by accident and flips through it, theres many sketches and drawings that clearly show kavehs growth and talent; a lot of sketches of his parents (there is uncertainty in his lines that make up their facial features, as if he no longer remembers their faces so clearly anymore), sketches of his home and views (that he still remembered), constellations he had seen and that his father had taught him (since he was a rtawahist scholar) with little notes on their names and meanings in the script of the desert (the eremites must have taught him), some eremites dancing and eating together (perhaps the ones that took him in and he grew up with as family), sketches of designs to improve their camp for more comfort and protection from the desert, some pretty patterns he must have seen in ruins or on travelers clothes and he found inspiring or beautiful enough to memorize in his book, several sketches of three desert foxes playing together, jumping around, sleeping, etc (are those his pets? there are names written underneath), flowers and lots of birds, aether and paimon napping at the campfire .........
there are a lot of sketches of him. him reading, him sleeping, him smiling. a page dedicated to his eyes (the note underneath says i cant grasp his gaze, the way he observes and looks at things. the way he looks at me. i dont want to forget it) unlike most of the others, those sketches seem to be completely from kavehs imagination and without direct reference bc haitham doesnt remember seeing him draw even once; he probably must draw at night when hes guarding the camp
kaveh gets extremely embarrassed when he notices haitham looking through his sketchbook and refuses to look or talk to him until haitham blurts out how beautiful his sketches are. he may not be quite the artsy person but even he is impressed and kaveh feels his words and interest are genuine and then he shows him the rest of the book (carefully hiding the haitham sketches), telling him a little about each sketch and its story, what he remembers of his parents, his home, how he always was interested in art and design just like his mom, that he kept drawing and loves fiddling with the puzzles and machines scattered all over the desert, building and improving the camps while still keeping an eye on aesthetics (its kind of cute of him in all his hard works to still watch that the fabrics match)...
(that night haitham dreams of taking kaveh home with him, to show him all the sights he believes he would love and sketch down, to give him the chance to pursue this kind of academic path if he wished to,.....to fulfill any of his wishes that was possible for him to grant, as the acting grand sage of the sumeru akademiya; as the man that is deeply in love)
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loser-jpg · 3 months
hi im back in the fuckin building again UR LAST PIECE JUST MADE ME TOO INSANE IM SORRY let me know if youre getting overwhelmed w requests i will give you a break sobs :(( (i say when ive only sent two,,, is that ridiculous. idk. JUST CHECKING)
but i was thinking about idia (SURPRISE. I KNOW.) with someone (a crush? friend? s/o? YOU PICK IDK) who has a hard time grasping technology? like,,, if theres something that tells you to scan your card they somehow CANNOT figure out how and where to scan their card for the LIFE OF THEM. or if a website is trying to prompt them to click on certain things they cant find them at ALL and just end up laughing at their own incompetence. this totally isnt me btw.
it can be headcanons or a drabble/oneshot like last time? whichever is easier for you <3 !!!
IF YOU DO WRITE THIS THANK YOU ILY BUT IF YOU DONT I STILL LOVE U AND THANK YOU RAHHHHH <3 i hope leona gets his ass over to u and gives you a hug and kiss.
Idias reaction to someone who has a hard time with tech would differ greatly depending on who you are to him. If your just some pleb he's making fun of you for not understanding something so basic to him. "Ha, I knew you were a noob but this is just hilarious." I can see that shit eating grin of his now.
If you're a friend he's still giving you a hard time, but he's also helping you out to try and teach you and get you to understand. Still is kinda rude about it though, he finds it so easy he can't understand how people mess it up. "How do you not know how to do this? *sigh* What you do is..." He then either explains it perfectly, or explains it as though you somehow know tech language while being bad at using tech. You're going to have to ask him to dumb it down for you.
If he has a crush on you but the two of you aren't dating, he's pushing away the urge to jokingly poke fun at you as much as possible, while also jumping at the chance to help you. He'd be all nervous at first though (he got that crush only social anxiety). "Ah, you're having trouble? Here, let me help." He shows you how to do whatever you were struggling with rather than just telling you that time. Secretly hopes you still have trouble so he can help again.
If the two of you were dating he's definitely all together lost hope at getting you to understand tech at that point. He's just doing anything tech related for you without trying to help you learn LMAO. Fully believe he'd get comfortable with someone he's in a relationship with and would lose a lot of nervousness and be able to act more like himself around them. He's poking fun at your incompetence but only so long as you understand it's a joke. "You still can't do this stuff? Ha, you're hopeless, aren't you."
And if you're someone he doesn't like he's bringing your idiocy up at any chance :D
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kennesis07 · 1 year
My mistakes and advice with learning LOA 💭
With the amount of time that has passed with me learning law of assumption, there’s NO WAY I wouldn’t make mistakes along the way, especially coming from a place of insecurity and desperation. A lot of people discovering LOA nowadays, so I thought it would be nice to share my tips and advice on the matter so people won’t end up like me when I was learning!
Let’s set the record straight, it does not matter how you manifest! The law isn’t a one size fit all thing. You can repeat the same phrase 1 million times; you can just decide; you can visualize; you can script; you can do a 55x5 method; hell I don’t care if you spin around 3 times and do a hand stand! Do whatever makes YOU feel comfortable and gets you in the wish fulfilled and stop flipping between techniques! I personally love visualizing, inner conversations, and affirmineg.
What I mean is that you CANNOT be saying “SP is so happy with me!” one moment and then 5 minutes later you’re complaining about SP is always ignoring you and looking at other people. Like what are you talking about; Didnt you JUST said you had your SP?! Stop flipping between having your desire and not! You either have you desire or not you make that choice now!
It’s hard to grasp if you’re just learning but your 4D (or Imagination) is the only reality. I may make a separate post on this, but pretty much everything comes from YOU, not something in the 3D. Everything you see in the 3D is not your true self or reality (even your physical body). That’s why I and many others say to focus on your inner man- aka YOUR 4D. If you’re not changing yourself, don’t come crying to me or others when you haven’t gotten a text back from SP.
The main premise of manifesting is to fulfill yourself IN IMAGINATION not kicking your feet around wondering how or when it’s gonna happen. I know a lot of y’all are impatient and what you’re desires now and believe me I’m naturally impatient, but CHILL. It’s gonna happens, it will happen, and it HAS to happen. Thats law. Don’t worry about time because it doesn’t exist. What you need to be focused on is having it in imagination.
Tbh, you need to be applying what you know more than you scrolling thru loa accounts. Im not saying it’s wrong to look at threads, but the reason I’m saying this is that everyone who uses loa has a different opinion and a different way of manifesting. Some people might believe that Self Concept is the most important thing while others might not. In the end it’ll just leave you more confused and you searching for more answers. Discipline yourself with applying instead of trying to find “the key to manifesting” will be more beneficial to you!
With that I might add on to this as I learn more about LOA and get more epiphanies, but until then I hope this will be useful to you all!
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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norman-fucking-reedus · 5 months
Is it 4am and should I be asleep? Yes. Am I instead just reading the asks sent to people about you and being highly concerned yet amused by that anon who's spewing all the hate? Also yes. Like seriously, it's actually kinda sad that they're trying so hard to hate on you by grasping at literal straws and making up lies to back up their stories. Like, babe, at least make it believable by first doing some research and getting your facts straight 💀
Don't let the haters get you down, boo (not that you are. I'm cackling at your replies to the situation lmao.) Continue giving grown ass men black eyes as the anon says you do and own that tag of yours. And do it with the grace of the queen you are 👏
this whole situation is just so funny to me the fact that majority of these asks have to be coming from grown ass adults KILLS me like can you go worry abt your bills or something 💀
I hope they’re mad as HELL in their little discord server lmao, no way ppl actually thought spewing bs hate abt me would get a rise out of me… IM THE BIGGEST HATER YOU CANT OUTDO THE DOER ‼️
tbh I’m really not surprised by this type of behavior at all, considering the spooky place that Tumblr has always been theres always gonna be snakes lurking somewhere and theres really nothing you can do abt it, and I know that just reading hateful things can make some people super uncomfortable which is why its always been my go to response to make humor out of literally everything bc at the end of the day shit really is just that fucking funny 💀💀 like I ADORE YOU GUYS for defending me, but it really does take a lot to get under my skin
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traffic-light-eyes · 1 year
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Supernatural au ninja! A quick sketch of heights and all that!
Au tidbits and character reasoning under the cut
Lloyd is self-explanatory. His heritage is already Oni, so I just made him more oni-presenting. I imagine that his dad, Garmadon, is completely oni presenting - like the series. This would mean the whole four armed shebang and all that. I want to play into the whole shape-shifting part of being an oni as well. Perhaps he often hides his oni parts because he is reminded of his father, whom I believe left him alone with Misako, alone (who is human, who doesnt know how to raise an oni, who cant protect him, cant teach him, cantcantcant). After a long while living with Misako, who had grown bitter raising such an "evil" child, he ran away. Maybe at around the same age as he was in s1. The ninja found him and raised him - not as a human but as a supernatural, an oni. I think in this au, the ninjas are hiding out someplace. Because of Lloyd's shape-shifting ability, he would often be the one to go on supply runs for food, clothing, etc. The others are terrified of letting their little brother out into the wild by himself, but they don't really have a choice. He often takes form as a pre-teen/teen so people dome question him when he goes into stores by himself. Perhaps he started feeling like he was more useful older, so he stayed that form. The others resent that but can't convince him otherwise. (He doesn't want them to leave him. He's useful so useful he can help, please)
Nya is the second youngest and is, well, water. I think the s14 was a really good supernatural base for her. She's fluid water like the series, but she certainly has a better grasp on her body, seeing as she lived like that since birth. When she gets surprised or shocked, she might make a splash or melt her form unconsciously, though. She's very touch starved. I think her and Kai's parents were hunted or something of the likes, and she never saw them again. She lived her entire life with her brother, who is her complete elemental opposite. When she was younger and woke from nightmares terrified, she sought out her brother. She wanted so badly the comfort and warm embrace of her family, but she couldn't touch him without hurting him. The first time she accidently brushed against him was when her parents were still around- she reached out towards him as a baby and her body splashed happily towards him. She still remembers his scream and the days following it when he couldn't use his left hand. She works hard on her mechs and other devices so someday she'll find a way to protect him from water. Somehow, she'll find it. That day will be the happiest day of her life, when she can give her lovely older brother a nice, tearful hug.
Jay is a satyr. I don't know why. He gives the crafty, bubbly personality that I imagine a satyr would have. Unlike most of his friends, he had been raised by completely human parents. One day, Ed and Edna found a small boy bundled in worn cloth crying in the forest next to their scrap yard. They couldn't help but take him in and give him love, no matter how furry his legs. Of course, they didn't exactly know how to care for him, so they made due with reading all about goats and myths and horse-hoof care in their local library and then some. The librarian had learnt to set aside those types of books when someone donated some so she could give them to the nice elderly couple who so eagerly love mythology. Jay grew up and prospered around the many, many scraps so he can be his creative self. His scrapyard was his forest, the machines he made were his nymphs and furry friends. The Walkers let him use whatever he wanted for his endeavors, but they did get quite worried when they saw a bite mark in a piece of metal. When he met Cole, who adores music, he immediately made himself instruments and they both made a quaint little "band." They play a strange combination of folk, rock, and classical. They don't know how it works but it does. He gets emotional often and the ninja cheer him up by either letting him play music, rant about starfarer, or get him a "forbidden" snack. Do not let him near the wooden pencils oh my gosh he eats them so quickly no one knows how he does it but you look away for one second and he's halfway through the pencil and it's wood and- JAY DONT EAT THE TABLE WE EAT ON THAT
Kai, the fire boy, the perpetual older brother. He grew up too fast, taking care of Nya and working hard to put food on the table. He learned that the world is unkind far too quickly. He did small jobs for everyone to get money and tried to improve his smithing skills. When he realized their parents' emergency money stash started to deplete and his unsteady income wasn't funding much more than the occasional oatmeal, he started looking into underground or supernatural fighting. He, at the ripe age of 14, had become one of the most feared supernatural fighters in the ring. He came home battered and bruised to his little sister - stop worrying so much, lil' sis! I'm fine! You know how clumsy I am with the hammer haha - and cooked food and helped her study - yes it is very important to study! You don't want to end up like me, do you? You need a degree. When he got older and saw a little oni kid running away from some digustingrevoltinghowdareyouhurthimimgoingtokillyou people, his big brother instincts told him to help. So, he did. He brought him back home to his little sister and their little family got bigger. Next came Cole, then Jay and Zane. His family got bigger and bigger and the responsibilities heavier and heavier. He had to protect them, it was his job, he cannot let anything hurt them, it was his job, he does the dirty work for them, it was his job. When Cole found out about his tendencies to put everyone else above himself when they were running away from hunters and Kai tried to sacrifice himself, he was not happy. They had a nice, long chat that ended in Kai promising to delegate his responsibilities and relaxing a bit. He's reminded that he isn't the only older brother anymore. His family can take care of themselves, yes. He's still needed, loved, important, but they are responsible. They can protect themselves. He can finally, finally lower his hands and release his fighting stance. He can sink into the relaxing domestic lifestyle that they were able to live in.
Cole is a werewolf- big, beefy, and protective. He didn't have the big brother instincts like Kai, no, but he certainly had the burning need to take care of his family. If Zane was the mom friend, Cole was the dad. He thinks it has something to do with his horrible relationship with his dad, so he wants to be better. His dad abandoned him when Cole started presenting more were-like. Lou could excuse the strange sharper teeth, the large pointy ears, and the love of the moon. But when he came home one day to a half-teen boy, half-wolf with the snout to complete it, he exiled Cole. He knew his dear Lily wasn't human, he knew. Well, he knew in theory. She had told him, but she was aware of the stipulations around it. So, she made sure he was never home when the reality reared its ugly head. She died before she could show him the real her. Lou thought something was so horribly wrong with his son. He was a monster, a freak- Lily was never like this, never destructive, always so sweet, kind, perfect. This wasn't his son. So, he kicked Cole out with the clothes on his back. Of course, Cole couldn't take any of the belongings in his room- Lou would wait until the real Cole came home. This boy was an imposter. He couldn't be his son. Cole left and had to scrounge around for food, dumpster to dumpster, person to person, begging pleading for scraps. Kai was on a walk with Lloyd, taking him to go get the newest issue of Starfarer, hood over his blazing hair and amber eyes when he caught sight of a beast in an alley. He paused. He hid Lloyd behind him as he walked closer to the animal. Kai was surprised to find out that it wasn't an animal, but a malnourished, frightened werewolf clinging tightly to a half-empty days old McDonald's bag are those bugs crawling over that burger or is he crazy. Cole was brought back to the little family and he became more of himself. Stronger, faster, filled with unbridled rage and unwilting kindness. Where Kai might directly bring his family somewhere they enjoyed or bought them their favorite treat, or where Zane might keep their teacup full or bake them a cake for a small accomplishment, Cole would be a steady rock of support for his family. If anyone needed a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, or an ear to listen, he was always the one they would go to. He could be drawing or reading and his ear might twitch and seconds later he would walk and find the sad soul that he could just feel needed him. They don't know if that's a werewolf thing or a Cole thing.
Zane is still a robot, just less human looking. His face is full of pixels and moves just like those cool mask thingies. His creator, his father, had sort of a Frankestein "I can do it so I'll do it moment," even if it wasn't exactly right. He stole parts and scraps around the world and had thought that he had created a working artificial human, but Zane didn't start up. He found that he could not start without a proper heart - a human heart. So - in the name of science - he dug his first grave. It was of a young teen named Zane, who died just a few weeks prior. He stole the heart and placed it into his machine, hoping for his new creation to work perfectly as his assistant. Zane worked. He woke up, confused, scared, whereamiwhoamiwhatamipleasehelpwhatsgoingonmomdadwhereareyou and was promptly shut down again due to his emotional tendencies. To stop this malfunction, Dr. Julien wired Zane's heart to power his body, not his mind. Which... worked? He was a living doll- he listened obediently to his maker. Dr. Julien's fatal mistake was trying to make another. He was caught trying to dig into another grave and taken away by authorities. Without Dr. Julien, Zane was stuck in the lab by himself for years before someone found him. This someone was a curious and lost Jay. He had left Ed and Edna because hunters came knocking on their door. He was told to run. He did. He found this cute little house in the middle of the woods and knocked on it. When no one answered, he tried the door and it opened. He looked around and found a hidden basement, of which the young satyr curiously explored. He found a basically falling apart Zane sitting in the corner, unresponsive. He noticed how much pain he was in and decided to do something about it. He fixed the wiring to Zane's heart and they had a nice conversation, mostly comforting Zane and informing him of his humanity and how yes be deserves to live no he is not an abomination stop Zane please stop messing with your heart latch don't do that pleasepleaseplease. A while later, they decided to leave the house together. They wanted to find others like them and they were able to do that when they saw a watery girl inside the ocean throwing a frisbee, a young horned boy making a sand castle, a man made of fire fanning himself, and a hairy man runningrunningrunning for the frisbee very happily. The fire one spotted them and noticed their unnaturalness and called them over, not before alerting his family to stay back and looking over to Cole to take Lloyd someplace farther back. Jay and Zane explained their situation and Kai happily let them stay with them, though he did watch Jay when he made those googly eyes -they're not googly eyes! Yes, I believe they are, Jay. My database says that when-- SHUDDUP!!!- at his sister.
And so, the family became, well, a family. All six of the unlikely nonhumans friends, together. Fighting, protecting and loving through the harsh (untrue) words and comfortable moments that any family goes through.
Thank you for reading this <3 I have a bit of ninja brainrot right now and I finished making this post/art in like 2 hours
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I still cant believe you and your wack fans found a twitter account posting gross art that used tags specific to that wack fetish in a way that made it very clear what the art was going to be, then clicked on the blurred image anyway and acted all shocked. You then proceeded to SHARE THE LINK TO THE ART. you were legit like "smh i cant believe this guy would post something so depraved in a public space" despite the fact you exposed a much larger audience to it than the twitter account would have ever gotten. I would have literally never seen any of that shit if your stupid ass didn't post the link. I would have gone my whole life never seeing it because i dont actively search "necrophilic feral art" on twitter.
Im not going to debate the actual ethicality of agro's art, but from your perspective: if you genuinely thought the content was harmful why did you share it???
I wonder if theres a term for this type of blunder. Theres definitely "dead dove: do not open" and "👀girl what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament" elements at play here, but i wonder if theres a term for when internet people share niche disturbing content only to accomplish exposing the content to a larger audience and not actually do any "justice".
Anon I don’t have a twitter, did not visit his twitter, did not link his twitter, and just reblogged a few screen shots that showed his posts and heavily censored pictures of his art. I explicitly avoided any call out that posted the uncensored versions because I didn’t want anyone to have to actually look at the graphic material themselves.
And I only saw it in the first place because people linked me a call out post made by someone who has me blocked and doesn’t even like my blog lol.
You’re reaching very hard to try to catch me in a “ohoho you MUST have LIKED that stuff or you would’ve never FOUND IT” as though Agro and I didn’t have a previous falling out that made it relevant enough that my followers kept sending me receipts. I don’t know how or why the pit bull blog found all of that. You’d have to ask them, not me, because my answer is that I received some ten asks within an hour about it as soon as the post made by someone I’m not affiliated with was circulating.
Idk, anon. You’re grasping at straws on this one. I have also never gone to twitter and searched “necrophilic feral art”. I doubt the pit bull blog did either, Agro has promoted his nsfw twitter in his main account in the past. I think that just might be a more likely explanation for people finding it and being disturbed by what he posted since they could have followed his main for normal furry and warrior cats art.
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fapper · 2 months
My thoughts on buddhism and experience with monks and shamans
Its hard trying to lock in to buddhism when i used to go to the monastery and u have to pay money just to talk to a monk and they recommend u certain seeds to buy and they recommend u sooo many like 5-7 different types of seeds/ incense and you have to buy them individually etc its a whole business i cant explain it really well but ik for sure its not supposed to be like this like… but im gonna look past what it has become today
One time my family brought a monk home when i was peak depressed like in 2016 i was anorexic and cutting and i didnt wanna engage in that tomfoolery so i was just laying in bed wallowing in sadness and when i finally got up and walked passed that monk he told my parents that my soul is dead LMAOOOO. Oh also before this monk came to our house i was shit talking him so bad and i was jst complaining to my family abt how we believe in shit like this and when the monk came over the first thing he did was call for me and said shes been badmouthing a lot ❤️ ight like that was a little scary but i still dont believe in #monks
Shamans are fake i think. My uncle is a shaman and i think hes full of bullshit 💀💀💀💀 its kinda silly and the whole ritual that they do is scary and theyre loud asf drumming that thing they use to connect with ghosts or WHATEVERRR the only 1 truthful thing a shaman said about me was that i live inside my mind a lot which is insanely true but then again. I cant get myself to believe in that nonsense
What i really like about buddhism is the art and the monasteries. Like ive been to the different monasteries across the country and theyre all very beautiful and the monsters are so detailed like its such eye candy. Theres one piece at the monastery near my home that has a huuge painting of hell/ heaven on a humans body and it is sooo beautiful i remember staring at it for 30 minutes and each time i would catch smaller and new details.
An example of this is below, i mean. You gotta be off something to draw something like this idk 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 its so insanely beautiful to me tho even though this is a monster
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Overall im gonna really look into the history bc ik my family has been buddhists especially my grandma rip so maybe i need some sort of spirituality to guide me in life bc the atheist life is so boring like i need to be delusional about something to give me that passion in life idk. We’ll see man im just gonna start with wikipedia articles to get a grasp and then probably move onto asking my family etc . 💀💀💀 #boredAndUnemployed moment
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hi, i hope its okay if i vent here cause i know shits been rough for you lately (wishing you the best btw, which ik simply saying that doesnt magically make things better but hope yk what i mean)
i sent an asks a few months ago about having empathy for someone for the first time and really struggling to come to terms with it, how to deal with new overwhelming emotions and the like (i believe i also mentioned them being in an abusive situation at the time, which was a whole other complicated feeling to empathize with someones pain and to take it internally on levels i had never experienced or was capable of fathoming before in my entire life)
currently struggling with that person again, they left their original abusive situation but have entered a new complex one, as this person isnt intentionally shitty but they're rich, white passing and extremely privileged and out of touch, like truly they don't grasp my friends trauma and why it makes things hard for them (friend has gone through severe abuse and childhood trauma, neglect and homelessness just to say the light ones, its truly awful what they've been through) despite having some trauma of their own and i truly fucking despise them with my entire being
my friend is abusing alcohol and debating killing themselves due to this person dangling ending their relationship over my friends head --- (which is another thing thats complex and hurting, my friend never told me they were dating which like they totally dont have to obviously!! but they continuously insisted to me they were only friends, before suddenly revealing through a screenshot of their partners text that they were together, which they did with their previous abuser so like having it happen twice was icky feeling for some reason despite the fact ik they don't owe me that information at all, i dont care they hid it i just feel hurt and confused if i had done something to warrant not being trusted with that information but thats a whole other can of worms) --- due to them struggling to do something the person wants, because my friend has trauma what the person is requesting is hard and my friends explained why its hard and hurts them, they've thrown up daily from the stress and this person knows that but somehow doesnt grasp why its causing my friend such distress
i feel utterly suffocated by the entire situation and its put my life on full stop because i cant just leave my friend to deal with this themselves, but theres nothing i can say or do that can help them because they're deeply in love and won't break up with their partner even though the stress is physically ruining them. i feel hopeless and unable to do anything, i encourage them to talk to me because really i wanna be there for them but i feel so scared all the time that somethings gonna happen to them which makes me need to listen even more because their other friend is horribly abusive and contributed to their trauma, so i don't wanna leave my friend alone. i don't know how to deal with empathizing with their pain and not being able to stop it feels like its killing me cause now im also throwing up multiple times a day, genuinely debating drug relapse to cope with it all and i can't sleep properly anymore and only sleep on specific 4 hour intervals throughout the day next to my phone so i can be on constant standby for the friend and i know its not healthy and if they knew it was like this they'd never tell me whats wrong again (which i really dont want i truly honest to god wanna be there for them), i feel like no matter how i go about it theres no winning in this situation and honestly i wanna die from it all which sounds so silly cause my friend is going through SO much worse and here i am going waaah this hurts me!! i just eugh, i don't know what to do. which i guess i know what to do, but i don't wanna do any of it i've never cared about someone like i care about them and the thought of leaving them to sort it out themselves feels like the end of the world, even though i know they're also a sociopath and don't feel empathy towards me which is also a new shitty feeling cause now i know how people feel around me. this is exhausting i don't know how people with empathy deal with it especially you kat!! if i remember correctly you mentioned being very empathetic, it's amazing you're able to handle having empathy and running a blog where people often dump stuff in your inbox (which uh is the very same thing im doing now, sorry!) ok i got it all out of my system i'm gonna go take a nap and hope the problem is solved tomorrow (it wont be but a bitch can hope!!) thank you for being a space where i could word vomit my brain out, i really hope things get better for you and that your eye gets sorted out <3
No matter how unwell your friend is, you're allowed to have boundaries and limits. And while I get the desire to be there and do everything you can because you care about your friend, you will not be able to continue pouring from an empty vessel. This is not a sustainable situation. You neglecting yourself and not sleeping and getting physically ill and wanting to die is not an acceptable consequence of your friend being in a toxic relationship without being able to change their situation. I know you didn't ask for advice, but I strongly encourage you to establish some boundaries here and stand by them. You do not lose your right to have boundaries when a loved one is mentally unwell and if you do not prioritize your own mental well-being, you will not be able to continue being there for you friend
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thewitcheswitch89 · 3 months
The Witches Image
Papa Emeritus IV - Part 8
( I had to change the Style of writing...hope you dont mind :)
you can also read on:
Min Heyoka (@TheWitcheswitch89) - Wattpad
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Copia sighed "And do you want to go through with this exorcism?"
"No! Papa!", you said and looked at him. "Please tell me that there is another way ?"
Copia smiled reassuringly at you, hoping to ease your concerns. "Don't worry Sister , we will find a way to help you." He said . but he felt a little bit of fear. this situation was serious.
"I will let you know when i talked to the papas!", he said.
Copia could tell that you were still scared, and he wanted to do something to comfort you. He thought for a moment, tapping his fingers on the desk. "Sister Lia, may I ask you a question?"
"Yes papa", you nodded.  
Copia looked into your eyes, his gaze soft and caring. "May I have your hand?" He reached out his hand toward you. You looked at him in surprise. But gave him your hand
Copia gently took your hand in his, his grasp was firm but not too tight. He could feel how nervous you were, your hand was trembling slightly.  You looked down at your hand in his. His touch was warm and comforting. He gave your hand a light squeeze, trying to reassure you.
"I want you to trust me, alright?", he said his tone gentle and calm
You nooded. "Yes Papa" was all you could say.
Copia smiled, gently rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand.
 "Good. That's good." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I need to ask you some questions. Some might be uncomfortable but I need you to honestly answer them, alright?"
You sighed. There already had been to much questions but you nodded.
Copia smiled slightly, appreciating your willingness to answer his questions.
"Alright. I need you to tell me if you told anyone else about these nightmares ? i mean other s then Sister Imperator?“, he asked.
"No!" you shook your head
"Good." He said softly he believed you. "Now, tell me, have you been experiencing any other strange things lately. other than the nightmares?"
"No!" you said. "I told you about the srcatches on my shoulder that it looks like Liliths symbol !"
"I see." He said, his voice quiet and serious. "Has anything else happened that you didn't tell me about?"
"No!" , you looked at him. His touch and his eyes on you, where almost to much.
Copia nodded. But he still had so many questions. He squeezed your hand gently reassuringly. "Alright. ."
"I will talk to the other Papas. like I told you!", copia said.
Copia let go of  your hand, and leaned back in his chair. Imidiatly you felt the loss, and you craved his touch again.  He ran a hand through his hair, a look of intense thought on his face.
"Alright... I'll talk to the other papas." He repeated. Copia didn't know how the other papas would respond to this, but he hoped they would have some sort of advice.
You smiled at him and wiped your tears away. Taking a deep breath.
Copia noticed you wiping away your tears and smiled. He felt a pang of sympathy for you.
"Don't worry. We will figure this out." He assured you, his tone soft and gentle.
You looked at him a moment to long . "Thank you Papa!", you whispered.
Copia noticed your lingering gaze on him and felt a flutter in his chest. He quickly pushed the feeling away, trying to remain focused on the task at hand.
 "You're welcome," he said, attempting to keep his voice even.
"So what do you want me to do now? I cant just sit around and wait!",, you said triying to get your composure back.
Copia sighed, rubbing his forehead in thought. He knew you were right. Sitting around and waiting wouldn't help anything. "You're right," he said, "But I'm not sure what else can be done until I talk to the other papas. Just... just rest, okay?"
"I cant just rest Papa!" you said, shaking your head.
Copia understood your frustration. He knew you wanted to do something, anything, to make this situation better.
"I know it's hard, but you have to be patient," he said, his tone soothing but stern. "Let me talk to the other papas and we'll see what they have to say. In the meantime, try to relax, alright?"
You felt a sense of urgency, like you had to do something, anything. It was like a fire lit within you, burning fiercely. Research. Maybe you could look into the history of Lilith, see if you could find something that could help.
"I could do some resaerch myself?", you said.
Copia looked at you, his expression serious: "Are you sure? It could be dangerous to look into these things on your own... "
"Why would it?", you said, getting a little annoyed.
Copia sighed and leaned forward in his chair, resting his forearms on his desk.
 "Because, my dear...", he began, his tone serious. "...dealing with... supernatural entities, especially as someone inexperienced as yourself,  can be dangerous. you could find yourself in over your head very easily."
"OK!", you said. But you knew the next thing you would do was researching on your laptop. You looked at him. "So you will tell me when you talked to the other Papas ok?"
Copia nodded. "Of course," he replied. "As soon as I talk to the other papas, I'll let you know what they say."
You nodded . "Thank you ", you looked  at him and blushed slightly.
Copia noticed the blush on your cheeks and felt his heart skip a beat. He smiled softly, feeling a strange sensation in his chest. He tried to keep his calm demeanor, but he could feel a flutter of nervousness in his stomach.
"You're welcome," he said, his voice low and gentle.
"Ok so...!", you said and shifted in your chair.
Copia chuckled quietly, understanding that you wanted to leave. He leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips.
 "Alright, you can go now. Just... be careful, alright? Don't do anything reckless.", he said.
You nodded . "Goodbye Papa!" you said leaving the office and copia alone .
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seldomscilence16 · 1 year
Voltron in "The Little Mermaid" part one!
Hello all! A little late but heres a short part of a short piece For Julance and Lances Birthday (cause I take forever to do anything and it wasnt ready in May :/). I really loved the Live action, by far the best out of them all, so heavy inspiration pulled from that one- as well as some spoilers with song references and scenes ect so warned- but I also pulled from the cartoon and musical a bit and just mashed a lot of randomness together!
Now I'd like to thank @paracosm299 for reading this and helping out in the brainstorming process! They were a huge help, and as always a humungus support! Love you!
I'd also like to thank @autisticlancemcclain @awhoreintheory and @mothmanavenue ! The first two for answering my asks and moth for beautiful art making me fall in love with a ship used in this fic. And for just being overall amazing, keeping my love for Voltron alive and giving so many people reasons to smile!
Anyway, enjoy part one of this little fic! I will try to get the other parts out soon (im planning for 3 to give me easy goals 🤞).
The ocean was abuzz with commotion and far too many visitors, all oozing with the need to please the Emperor. Lance had far better things to be doing, though his father would attest, and he found himself swimming farther and farther from the noise. Which wasnt odd of course, Lance could be found on the outskirts of Alteaica more often than not.
"I could've sworn it was around here somewhere..." Coran, an older creature and Lances Best friend, indulged Lances curiosity the most.
He didnt know much of the man, despite how often his rambles and odds and ends left Lances head spinning, but the mystery of him intrigued the merman. He was a bit of an outcast, kept out of the public eye as much as possible like he knew something Lance didnt. And he did, know a lot that is, places and history and things from a time before Lance came to be and further. Allura chided Coran for being a bad influence, but her heart never seemed in it, Lance had seen her far off stare as she listened to a ramble far too much to believe she didnt too know more than she said.
"Oh!" They pass farther than typically allowed, and Lance sees the reason why.
Below lays a wrecked ship, one Lance has yet to explore.
"Come on Coran!"
"You know this reminds me of..."
Lance listens idly to Corans tale, scanning the area carefully as they decend to where the boat rests on the sea floor. He thinks of the storm that would have caused this, thinks of the lives of the humans on board, wonders how many of them made it home. The Emperor would scoff at him, berate him for sharing a caring thought towards the very beings were endanger their waters. But as they drift into the wreck, and his eyes catch on every little detail, he cant help but think they are so much more.
"...And then Alfor sneezes and the whole colony popped, completely vanished, I still wonder what happened to those little quiznakers, they stole my snacks..." For an Octopus, Lance can help but think his face shows perfect contempt for whatever those creatures were.
Its not the first time Coran has spoken of this Alfor, nor of creatures Lance has never heard of, using words he long since has grown accustomed to figure out with the context given. He hears every story, and watches the expressions his friends take, and hurts to know that they too hold pain in their hearts, for something Lance is not allowed to grasp for whatever reason. So instead he distracts, with human curiousities and questions and weaved tales of his own. Coran loves his inquisitive nature, Romelle finds humor where she can and has something that shines in her eyes when he puts something together- he'd put anything together, fix anything, if only to see them all happy- and Allura acts aloof at times, but she loves learning and new things and arguing with Romelle until they both laugh so hard it hurts.
So even for a moment, these human things, bring them together. Things that may or may not be true, that raise so many questions that he hopes and prays to one day find the answers to. He'll collect it all, in the hopes of a future where he can be free to do something with the whirlpool of thoughts inside him. To go, to learn, to enjoy, to explore, to know.
He sticks another object in his bag, Coran dangling from it with one arm as most of the others search the floor,
"I do wonder why the sharks like these ships, never had a clear conversation with one you see, even the evolved ones, their heads seem to be in the foam sometimes, never know what theyre thinking." Coran picks up a piece of ship, examines it, then throws it already looking for something new, his query seemingly random but somehow something Lance too wondered about.
"Well, if I was like my father, I'd say they're trying to figure out how these ships work so they can better take them down." Lance rolls his eyes at this, fingers skimming over a depiction of a human. "But maybe they just like how it looks, its pretty interesting after all."
Lance had met a couple sharks in his day, he found them pretty interesting actually, but he understood how hard it was for them to find food now-a-days. And when youre always moving, they must be starving, so he respected them, gave them a good distance.
Much like with his interest in humans, Lance understood that he couldnt interact with them. For all Sendaks hate, Lance was not stupid enough to believe that he wouldnt be attacked if he did something wrong. With sharks, you could find a few that didnt want to kill you. Humans too, Lance was almost positive there had to be some that wouldn't find him a monster... there had to be.
He startles when he catches movement out of his peripheral, turning to find a large mirror. His expression is tight, and he's quick to smooth it out, he needed to be more careful with what he let his face show.
"Oh, and whats that?" He follows Corans gaze to see, what looked to Lance, a mini trident.
He uses a delicate hand to pick up the object, inspecting it with wide eyes,
"I dont know, but its wonderful. I bet Romelle has an idea." Lance smiles at Coran, glancing around once more for a last sweep, when the mirror catches his attention once again.
This time however, it is not his own reflection he sees.
Rows of teeth, pale skin, and small but focused eyes. The shark is through the side of the boat before Lance can get out any sound of warning. Hes pulling Coran out of the way, the shark dead set on them, destroying the things in its way to try and keep up.
Lance should have knows this wreck would be called for. Should have searched better, before entering what could be- and obviously was- the territory of a predator.
Every turn they take, every time Lance is sure they've lost him, sharp teeth and splintered ship come from behind or the side or in front and they have to make another hard turn, and he trying to hold on to his bag- where Coran has secured himself tightly so as not to effect Lances mobility- but as they finally exit the interior of the wreck, the shark is bursting out behind them and Lance swears he has a grip but then its gone.
He swims backwards, eyes frantically scanning to locate the Octopus, but the Shark has found him first, heading towards the sea floor. Hes comoflauged against the bag, but a trail of blood follows it, giving away his position.
"Coran!" A quick decision, a half formed plan, has him shoving a container of some sort, watching it hit the Shark who thankfully turns his attention to the larger prey. Lance darts into the ship once more, watching the shark come for him, jaw opened wide, closer..
The mirror shatters, and the shark becomes stuck in the outer frame.
Heart in his throat from where hes pressed against the inner walls across from said mirror, Lance waits only a moment to ensure hes stuck before darting towards the sea floor. The trail of blood has dispersed- and gods Lance hoped it wasnt serious- but his bag has an extra divet in the sand beside it.
"Coran! Are you alright?"
The orange and blues of his friend slowly return, one arm crossed over his body below his eyes as usual, and his seven others still intact. A small scratch on his head has already stopped bleeding, and Lance breathes a sigh of relief, quickly scooping up his friend, absently grabbing his bag, and swimming away from the wreck. It'd be best to be gone before the Shark made his way free.
Sendak casts a steady look around the crowded room, today's meeting was an important one, gathering the leaders of the seven seas to discuss important matters once a year. That brat should be here, this was one of their most important times, he should be drifting about the room like a ditz and gathering info for him. One job and the useless boy couldnt even do that. He taps his trident once and waits, eye never stopping its steady search.
"You summoned, your Majesty?" Her voice comes from above, the ghost crab gliding down to land on the rock of his throne.
"Where," he pauses to level her with the full strength of his glare, "is the boy?"
To her credit, she appears unfazed by his glare,
"I reminded him of the meeting this morning-"
"I did not ask of this morning." Sendak cuts in, voice low as he once again eyes the room, "find him."
Shes quiet for a moment, "yes, your majesty."
It wasnt hard to find Lance really, Allura practically had a sixth sense for it. Though all she really had to do was go where you werent supposed to, and you'd happen upon the boy. So of course she finds him talking with Romelle, past the territories border, and far closer to the surface than allowed. Still, with Coran's many tentacles latched around Lances arm and Romelle chattering away about whatever it is shes holding, Alluras heart swells with a fondness she cant- or rather doesnt want to- fight.
"Lonce!" She makes her way up to the rock Romelle stands on, eying the human curiousities for only a moment- things change up there so quickly- before leveling the three with a look. "Do you recall what day it is? That thing I told you this morning?"
The way Lances eyes widen- with fear, so much, too much- has her heart hurting.
"The night of the coral moon! Oh gods! Im late! Sorry Romelle! I gotta go!"
Coran has Lances bag and a grip on the rock in the next moment, just in time to brace for Lance's departure. The three watch him go, faces as glum as their animal selfs can accomplish.
"Hows the plan coming?" Allura asks after the (waves by his departure currents what are they called?) calm.
"They are simply waiting for the right moment, and for Haggar to make her move." Coran responds, one of his many arms laying across his face so another can stroke it awkwardly.
"Lets hope we dont have to wait long." Alluras tone is grave, eyes trained on the trail of a young merman, who has no idea what path was laid before him.
Lance was screwed this time for sure.
The Coral Moon gathering was one of the most important tasks Lance had. With so many mers in one place, it was his job to gather any and every bit of information he could, anything that may get his father ahead. It had been the only thing talked about over the past few movements, and the main reason Lance had decided to take a break this morning before the big event... until he lost track of time.
He had succesfully snuck into his room to drape himself in fancy shiny- unnecassary and gaudy, not even tasteful- decorations and such. Anything to make him look like a dumb accessory to the Emporer and be underestimated- though Lance was underestimated even by the man who knew he was more than decor. Sneaking into the event would be a problem though, Lance figured it'd be better to simply act as if he arrived late on purpose, to swim in like a ditz and lazily make his way about the room- anything to delay addressing his Father- and hopefully hear something worth while along the way.
Though worthwhile was relative, and Lance was less of a snitch than his Father trained him to be, but also very good at pretending to be one. The Emperor claimed to see through Lance, and for some things he could- though Lance thinks he simply assumes and who is he to deny the accusations really? But for things like this, Lance had been told by a few that he was an excellent story weaver, and really, thats all gossip was anyway. So long as it pleased Sendak- father, Emperor- it didn't matter.
So long as he could save the lives of a few at the expense of his own safety, it was worth it.
His entrance is met with varying emotions.
By those who follow the Emperor and hang on to his every word, he is greeted with sneers at best, and lascivious leers at worst.
By those who fear him or are simply biding their time, looks of pity or spite. Lance expertly appears non-chalant, like his head is in the sand rather than processing everything fast enough to make his head ache. Most of it was minor gossip, a few idle threats, comments on the food, current events and the likes, but Lance could make that all work.
As he glides closer to the end of the gathering space, he feels a hard stare that he had to stop himself from tensing at. He cant help but drift slower, to delay the inevitable, but he can only stall for so long. He bows to his father and takes his place beside him, swallowing thickly he waits with baited breath.
"Why are you late." The question is barely that, with how much force he puts into the quiet utterance.
"Shipwrecks are off limits for a reason."
Lance doesnt know HOW he knows, if it was a guess or if he had more spies than Lance originally thought. For all Lance knew, the shark from this morning could have been in on it. Given, then he'd also know about Coran, and since he never mentions the man, Lance figures its probably a guess. According to Allura, hes pretty predictable like that.
"I was just scouting it out, trying to learn something." Half truths.
"On the most important day of the year, you decide to indulge your human obsession? Are you trying to make me angry?" Lance could tell the crowded room wouldnt keep his father from yelling if they kept this up.
"No Father, I was only-"
"We will talk about this later."
Lance is dismissed as quick as he was addressed to begin with, and the minute the Emperors back is turned to meet with the 'generals' of the other seas, Lance is swimming for his grotto as quick as his tail will take him. If hes in for a punishment anyway, he may as well enjoy his freedom for even a moment.
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spookfished · 1 year
big media roundup (july edition)
hellooo again welcome to my media roundup, where i talk about things i read/watched/played this month! (…and by last month i mean AN ENTIRE MONTH AGO. WOOPS in my defense i got sick [better now]) in july i downloaded tachij2k, which im going to be shilling forever as the best way to read manga on android (apk on github here) this also means that ive been reading like, a Lot of manga lol so i split books + comics into two.
vita nostra by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko: a metaphysics-ish novel about a girl who is blackmailed into going to a magic school. sort of a subversion where (unlike many magic school books) it basically is all about learning and stuff? im kind of a sucker for books written by married couples i think its really cute and also kind of fascinating... um i sort of disagree with its approach to pedagogy but its also sort of about the blood sweat and tears part of learning,, where i usually quit beforehand LOL. got that eastern european hopeless and drudgery (?) but idk i would definitely recommend
the great believers by rebecca makkai: historical fiction that swaps between an art curator-y guy living through the aids epidemic in chicago and his friend in the present who is trying to reunite w her estranged daughter. i really liked this!! super devastating obviously literally scooped me like a melon. very well researched! i hadnt really grasped like. the sheer terror and paranoia? that happened during the aids epidemic before..... thats my lack of contemp history knowledge but it was good i learned a lot. liked the theme of sort of surviving through tragedy and even after.. and the line drawn between the lost generation (war) and yales own exp (EDIT: found sth i wrote after reading the book which said "people are living their own intricate and mundane stories and then the stories of the world smash straight through them")
assassin of reality (vita nostra sequel): sasha knows what she will become--has embraced it, even. but theres always something that can be lost, and the institute still has a heavy hand over her.<or sth like that??? the reveals of the last book kind of make it a hard act to follow and the book definitely felt a lot more abstract... ik some people complained about the romantic subplots but i feel like it gives stakes and grounds everything else, yk? it gives you a thread to hold onto otherwise i mightve given up LMFAO that being said i did enjoy it :3 wondering if what happened to the authors will change the vibe of the next book... :(
you exist too much by zaina arafat: literary fiction about a bisexual palestinian american woman who struggles with her addiction to unattainable love, which has led her to cheat in several relationships. this book didnt really resonate with me.. um i actually ended up writing like 500 words of review for this but its pretty negative. so if youre interested check it out here https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/970847361775591466/1147613251933306921/image.png
movies/tv: room with a view: a young english girl travels to italy and finds love there--but has to choose between that love and a 'proper' life. ok this was fine. idk it was cute and funny sometimes but didnt leave that much of an impression sorry :T
past lives: two childhood friends reconnect, lose touch, then reconnect again. aughjjj those two silent minutes where they were waiting for her ride were so freaking agonizing. really good acting pretty film i just enjoyed it a lot in general! :3 i didnt like the boyfriend that much at first but the conversation they had in bed made them feel like a real relationship, you know? wish theyd had a 3some though maybe it will happen in past lives 2: paster life. idk its like most of the time we dont grow up to be who we thought wed be or do what we thought wed do... but is that really so bad? cant you still be happy? *clutches my head
nimona (movie): adaptation of the comic above! um this was fine i think i was a little disappointed bc the jokes felt a little overplayed/didnt really land? and i was mentally comparing it to the comic but then rereading i was like oh these jokes dont really hit for me either.. so who am i comparing this to LOL i think it would have meant a lot to me in middle school, so maybe it will mean something to middle schoolers now. also ppl fought really hard for it to be made so i feel like i need to give it more credit. my mutuals meta also made me appreciate it more :3 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/687877902200471552/1126752893312184390/image.png barbie movie: not going to recap the barbie movie sorry. i actually watched this twice it was really fun :3 i wouldnt necessarily say it was a Cultural Milestone or anything but it was cute to see everyone dressed up for the movie.. plus i love velveteen rabbit type storylines. i think ken got the right amount of screentime (its not his movie!) but i loved his dance number and the battle scene :3 and the outfitss idk im not super caught up on the movie scene but it feels like there have been a lot of ugly movies recently. i enjoyed it
the rehearsal: a "reality" show about nathan fielder, who believes that any difficult situation can be rehearsed--and has the budget to put that belief into practice. ok like last year or sth everyone was like omg this show was sooo good but i didnt really get what it was about? but its actually really so interesting.. and the whole blurring between fiction and reality as well as the audience not really knowing which parts are staged and which parts are 'real' is so fun! i was a little bit disappointed when it diverged from the episodic format but that ended up paying off bigtime and was really like idk heartbreaking and funny and all of that. very recommend 👍
video games:
super mario odyssey: (replay)super fucking mario yay!!! in the long run, odyssey didnt have as much like. cultural staying power as botw did (they were both switch launch titles) but its still soooo imaginative and pretty and dense! i love platformers love 2 run and jump.
visual media: he was my brother: psych horror manga about a young girl who tries to grow closer to her recently-deceased brother's partner. omg i had so much fun with this the art is so atmospheric and delightfully creepy...REALLY mind the warnings though. i think i ended up reading all of it in one sitting lmfao
nimona comic (reread): classic villain ballister blackheart is looking for a competent sidekick, but what he gets is nimona, a shapeshifting weirdo kid with secrets. i remember trying to reread this and going wow.... is nimona not as good as i remember? am i old? but it was actually just like early webcomic weirdness nimona is still pretty good! yay :3 i still like the comic better but i respect how they are adapted to their respective mediums and also come from different phases in the og authors life
The story of how I came to know my favourite announcer has a side to her I would have never imagined: oneshot f/f w the premise in the title. whether i write down stuff like this is pretty hit or miss lol and i had to look this one up to rmbr what it was but the art is so cute...simple plot but i enjoyed it :3
crossplay love otaku x punk: romcom where two highschoolers fall in love with the other's crossdressing alter ego (m/m?). i really liked this one actuallyyy its so silly and im also a sucker for love square shenanigans. ok also now that someone else said they think hana/shuumei is endgame so im thinking about it. not the right perspective for this but the crossdressing isnt really overly fetishized or like seen as bad or anything? also ppl make some really funny faces in this
breathless momentum (vol 2+3): r two womanizing musicians find love... in each other!? this is also another one of my favorites :3 the leads are so fun and also music yay music! i really appreciate when a romance is still able to present an interesting story even after the couple has gotten together..
damekoi r: sequel to "please love this useless me," (damekoi is like.. useless passion? i think) which is about a woman in her 30s who spends all her money on her college boyfriend and goes into debt and falls in with her shitty former boss. omg it was soooo cute like i already said its a romance set after the main couple has already gotten together. which is my favorite. but these guys are really fucking weird so they still have a lot of problems. having Another Man who fits michikos type and isnt totally evil come in to destabilize shibata and kurosawas relationship doesnt feel cheap bc their relationship is already not very stable? lol i think the first one is worth checking out if you love pathetic women
mr villains day off: a gag manga about an alien supervillain on his days off. ok this one is pretty much just centered around this fluffy guy who likes to look at pandas but its extremely not very deep but its very cute... i like it... i also like pandas
how do we relationship/so do you want to go out, or (reread): f/f slice of life/drama manga about a girls first lesbian relationship in college. ok this is like "the" yuri manga for me i would recommend it to any fans of femslash its like sort of very realistic feeling? in the way that a relationship can sort of degrade slowly through lack of communication and being different people i think its really great 👍
ichinose familys seven deadly sins: psychological drama. an entire family wakes up with amnesia from a car crash. they dont remember themselves or each other, but pledge to stay together and relearn how to be a family and try to find their memories again. but is it really worth digging up the past...? man this one really goes off the rails. but like in a fun way? has an interesting arc going on rn about like... what allowances do we give, what are we willing to forgive in a stranger vs a family member. pretty interesting!
oshi no ko (catchup): psych thriller about the twin children of a famous idol trying to deal with the legacy she leaves behind. ive been talking about this manga for a while to my friends lol its kind of like riverdale in that its sort of very good, sort of very bad--but overall just super engrossing! which makes sense in a way bc its about the entertainment industry but also about the relationship between an idol and their fan... um not so sure about recent developments though lol. a little bit scared to see where things go
blue period (catchup): a delinquent boy used to going with the flow decides to go to the top art school in japan. yeah blue period is really good. hope this helps 👍lets all never go to art school ever ok ^_^
still sick: f/f about an office lady who finds out her coworker writes and sells yuri doujins (like illustrated fanfiction?) on the side. its a classic! was nice to finally get around to finishing it :3
liar satsuki can see death: thriller about a girl who can see peoples deaths and tries to prevent them--except everyone thinks shes just a liar. ok this is notable bc it has the exact same like adventures and gaybait as shounen but its all girls instead. its good light entertainment! sometimes is um kind of horny for sth about high school girls so ymmv on that one
farming for love: m/m romance about a pharmacist who moves to the country after a bad breakup and meets a ~strong but silent farmer~. pretty average, but fun if youre into that kind of thing! not sure if i would really recommend it lol
chainsaw man 2: set after the events of chainsaw man proper, its an action shounen focusing on asa mitaka, a girl who kinda sucks :3 chainsaw man is so fun yayyy im happy to be reading it again excited to get hit by some more bricks! asa is a wonderful protagonist and fujimoto continues to write comitragedy (?) in a way thats kinda obscene but also very cool 👍rip single father denji
skip and loafer (comic): slice of life about an ambitious but awkward girl who comes from the country to start her high school life in tokyo!!!! and some guy i guess. omg ok this is like the slice of life manga for me rn (the anime is really good! finished recently check it out) its just really warm and nice. autistic girls win always lol truly a comic that makes you feel like there is love in the world
no home: webtoon drama about two guys who are trapped together in a haunted dorm. ok this comic makes me really depressed but its also about people who make each other better despite their best efforts. and also violence and hatred its really really good 👍sad about recent updates though.. i guess maybe the characters werent really meant to be friends in the long term
this took me like two weeks to write and now im in a different state LOL so um if you got to the end...thanks for reading!
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