#i just feel it when i don't see emojis 🥺
wabbit-bunny95 · 5 months
I know I'm just old at nearly 29 whole years old but seeing my perhaps over use of emojis online Vs everyone elses distinct lack of them really makes me feel it 😭
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maxlarens · 3 months
I got a lot to say so it might be long,
starting with, thank you for the Charles smau and the Lando fic <3
it took me time to choose an emoji lol but I've been doing an internship and time goes by way too quickly, but I decided to go for the strawberry one 🍓
and since you said you wanted to write for driver! reader, and that she was very intense about driving, maybe you can write something about her racing while she's sick/not feeling well but she still wins the race
woo hi again!!! literally no big deal! i hope ur internship is going well, it’s awesome that you’re doing one!! but yeah literally real life is always the priority as much as i’d also like to spend all my time on here lol. but anyway yay the strawberry is super cute 🍓🥺
and YES lol driver!reader is consuming my thoughts right now. i have other things i should be writing instead of this but i smashed this out in a few days😭 i decided not to make it a win because i have a thing brewing for driver!readers first win and i didn’t want to use up all my ideas for that. anyway!!! as usual thank u for the ask and pls enjoyyy 🤗
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OP: extraordinary machine
pairing(s): oscar piastri x mercedes driver!reader
summary: you push yourself to your limits. (also sorry i simply don't know enough technical terms about racing for this to be fully accurate but i hope it works)
word count: 3.4k+
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Here is a fact— you’ve got a fever of 39.4 degrees.
Here is another, indisputable fact— you’re racing in Imola today.
The fever had come on overnight after a persistent tickle in your throat all weekend. A mildly sore throat had turned rapidly to a snotty nose, full body chills and sweat pouring off you like you’d just run a marathon. You’re wearing a puffer jacket over your racing suit and it’s twenty-nine degrees out. You feel freezing, you feel delirious, and you’re eating Sour Patch Kids by the handful to keep the sugar rush going. Your race engineer, Rachel, keeps telling you that it’s okay if you can’t race. George can step in, I promise. You keep telling her I’m fine. I’m fine. I can race. But the expression on her face says she doesn’t believe you.
You’re telling practically everyone who’ll listen that you’re getting in that fucking car today. Rachel, George, your mum who keeps calling. Lewis keeps looking at you like you’re about to keel over and die and you want to scream at him you did this! Brazil 2015. You had a fever. You got on the podium. If I can’t do this and you can, what does that mean? But you don’t because that’s your 39.4-degree fever talking and this isn’t about being better than Lewis. It’s about knowing without a doubt that you can still get in that car and race your ass off.
Your phone keeps buzzing with texts from Susie that reassure you that you’d be disappointing no one at all if you had to let George take over this race. You’re not letting down women everywhere and you’re not letting down the team. I know Susie, you keep saying, but I’m still racing.
You know you’ve got to convince Toto when Rachel starts a hurried conversation with George and he starts grabbing his fireproofs like it’s a sure thing he’ll be driving in your place. Bundled up in your coat like it’s the middle of winter, you stomp over to Toto’s office and barge in.
“I’m racing,” you tell him without any preamble.
His head snaps to look at you, expression only mildly surprised— not that you would even notice if you didn’t spend so much time around him. He gives you a once over, eyes lingering pointedly on your jacket and then he raises his eyebrows, “It is twenty-nine degrees outside.”
You suck your teeth in frustration, “I know. The car will be hot. I can race.”
He frowns.
You plead, “Toto. Do not take me out of that car. I can do this.”
He shakes his head, “I can see you sweating from here. You’re not well.”
You shake your head frantically, ignoring how your vision starts spinning, “Let me race. If I fuck up you can put George in the car for Monaco. If I fuck up you can even replace me. I don’t care. Just let me drive today.”
Toto’s face pinches in the way it does when he’s considering something, you can see cogs turning in his head as he evaluates what you’ve said and decides if he should listen to it.
He sighs, “I am not putting that kind of ultimatum on you,” your heart stutters and stops in your chest, and you hold your breath, “Okay. Against my better judgement, I will let you race today.”
You let out an audible breath, it edges out into a sob that makes your aching body curl into itself. You press the heels of your palms into your eyes for a moment to suppress the urge to give in to your fever. It would be easier to give up, it would be easier to let George take your seat for the race so you could crawl into bed and cry the fever out. But none of this has ever been easy for you. You’ve fought tooth and nail to get here, you won’t forfeit a race and let people say you took the easy way out.
You look up. Toto looks concerned.
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“You won’t.”
You practically stumble onto the asphalt before the national anthem, passing your coat off to Rachel while your trainer wipes your forehead with a towel as if you’ve just finished a full-body workout. Your shoulders feel tense, you can’t stand up straight without shuddering so you’re hunched over awkwardly hoping it doesn’t come off looking too strange.
People are still milling about, setting things up while the drivers assemble. You don’t really notice on account of the fever state you’re in, but you end up standing between the McLaren boys. You must brush against Oscar because he looks down at you, eyebrows furrowed, mouth set in a line and his eyes wide like a puppy dog. You get lost in them a little— because of the fever. Definitely.
“Dude,” Oscar says to you, “You’re really hot.”
On your other side, Lando breaks into a fit of laughter. You frown, your brain trying the puzzle through the sentence. You feel foggy, your eyes feel heavy. You need more Sour Patch Kids, or a shot of espresso, or five Red Bulls. Max could swing it for you.
Oscar leans past you and swats at Lando’s shoulder, “She’s burning up, stupid.”
Lando’s laughter pauses, and he says seriously, “Oh shit.”
Suddenly, you’re being twisted around and you’re wincing at the contact on your shoulder that makes it ache even more. Lando puts a hand on your forehead and then immediately rips it away.
“Eugh. You’re sweaty.”
The back of Oscar’s hand replaces it. You twist away, brushing it off.
“You’ve got a fever,” he tells you, his voice thick with concern for you, “Have you told anyone? Does Toto know? Lewis?”
Instead of answering you press a hand over your eyes and crack your neck, trying to work through some of the stiffness in your back. You roll your shoulders and stand up as straight as possible, pushing through that aching, sickly feeling that runs through your whole body. When you finally drag your hand from your face— a thin sheen of sweat coming with it— Oscar is staring at you with a deep-set frown on his mouth. At his shoulder, Lando looks at you with a markedly less severe, but still concerned, expression.
“I’m fine, Oscar,” you insist.
You’re not. He knows you’re not. It doesn’t matter, you don’t want to seem weak. Not barely thirty minutes before the race. You can’t have either of them thinking you’d be easy for an overtake or that you’ll back out of a fight first. Off the track, fine— you’ve been vulnerable and honest with both of them at times. On the track is a different story. This is Formula One. You’re not here to make friends. They are not here to make friends.
“Mm,” Oscar hums, “Pretty sure you’re not.”
“You’re sweating bullets,” Lando adds, “Can see it from here.”
Something white-hot and pissed off flares up your spine. Oscar is not this kind of person, even on track; but the suspicion that he’s just trying to eliminate you as competition rises anyway. You think it because if the situation were flipped, you’d be weighing the pros and cons of having a sick driver on the track. Their weaknesses, what it means if they’re distracted. It doesn’t make you a good person, but you’re already pretty sure you aren’t one.
“I am fine,” you bite.
Oscar’s expression drops. Into something not quite offended… accepting, maybe? Resigned? It closes off to you, is what you mean. That’s fine, you’re trying to close yourself off to him. You’re re-drawing a line that you’ve been crossing without a thought for at least two years now. You’re not here to make googly eyes at Oscar and let him put his hand on your fever-ridden forehead and have him reprimand out-of-line, so-called professionals for you. You’re here to get in that car every Sunday and put your life on the line for a shiny trophy and fucking glory. Even if you’ve got a fever. Even if you’ve got a weird crush on Oscar Piastri.
“I’m racing,” you add in a different tone, feeling as if you’ve been a bit harsh on a well-meaning Oscar, even if you mean what you’re thinking.
Oscar nods, and says, “Okay,” in a way that really means, ‘If you say so, then it is’.
In the car, on the tarmac, sitting in your starting grid position, you’re shitting bricks.
Your cheeks are squeezed tight into your helmet, you can feel sweat, slick and soaking through your balaclava. Your arms hurt, your legs hurt, your ass hurts where it’s pressed into the seat. You’re not crying, but your mouth— hidden away by your helmet— is open like you’re about to. Set into a grimace that you breathe raggedly out of. Toto says something over the radio before the lights go out, you don’t hear it. You’re too busy regretting how earnestly you’d begged him to let you race. It would have been better if George had taken over. It might have been better if you’d passed out during the national anthem so you really had no choice but to sit it out. No one could say you weren’t committed to this sport if that had happened. They’d have plenty to say about women and their weak constitutions though.
You’re on autopilot when the lights go out. One second you’re freaking out like it’s your first time in a car, the next second everything is fading into background noise and you’re fighting a Ferrari and a McLaren for your original grid position. Twenty of you tear down the straight to turn two and you find yourself slotting easily into what you think is P4. Ferrari— not the same one— in front of you. Your mirrors reveal the McLaren behind you. It’s Oscar, you’re sure. You can tell by the way he sticks to your ass. Every nudge of the car you make he makes with you.
You press the radio button, “That Piastri behind?”
Crackle, “Yeah.”
“Knew it. He’s up my butt, Rach.”
“Okay. Go faster then. Not sure what to tell you.”
You make a face. You weren’t looking for sarky advice, you were trying to commiserate. You press the button and make a vaguely mocking neh-neh noise that gets a laugh and then radio silence because you’re supposed to be fucking concentrating. Which, okay, fair.
You press the throttle, done with trying to manage your tyres for the moment and taking Rachel’s comment as permission. You tear away from Oscar, stopping his fight to overtake you through the chicane in its tracks. You start slowly gaining on the Ferrari in front of you, its red rear wing growing closer and closer.
“Sainz in front?” you ask, already knowing the answer.
“Yup,” Rachel confirms before rattling off some lap times when you ask for them.
By lap thirty-something, you’re on Sainz’s ass like Oscar was on yours. You’re fighting him through every chicane, threatening him on the straights and generally behaving in a way that you know for a fact is putting him on edge. But Carlos isn’t giving up P3 without a fight.
A safety car goes out around lap forty, and you pit. Everyone ahead of you does as well. Oscar doesn’t, Oscar is lucky to have gone in earlier. Rachel tells you he’d made up four places after being forced to box for some tyre issue. You feel a strange mix of pride and jealousy swirl in your chest as you all file into a discordant line behind the safety car.
Verstappen leads the pack, as per usual. Then Oscar, Sainz and you. Leclerc is behind you, then Lando. You’re in P4, right where you started and right where you’ve been fucking sitting the entire race so far. twenty-five laps to at least make it onto the podium. Then you’ll be happy. Or not quite happy, you’d need pole for that. Content. You’d be content.
Max starts weaving. The safety car goes off and Max keeps you all ready and waiting until the exact millisecond that he decides the race can properly begin again. You hate when he does this— you know that’s exactly why. Eventually, finally, he gets going.
You have to run defence like crazy for a few laps to keep Leclerc behind you until everything is warmed up. The gap widens as you drive. At some point, you stop worrying about the Monégasque so much and focus your attention on car fifty-five like your life depends on it. The laps fly by as time ticks on. Twenty-five to go, twenty, fifteen, ten. You’re back on Sainz’s rear wheel, a gap of 0.2 to 0.3 that’s been consistent throughout this last stretch of the race. You’re watching him like a hawk, waiting for the smallest slip-up to take advantage of. Somewhere you can push, somewhere he’s weak. It’s hard— he’s covering all his bases. Not giving you an inch so you can’t take a mile.
You’re closing in on sixty-four laps— with only three to go— when he gives you that fucking inch. It’s in the first chicane. His wheel locks up, and he jerks the car slightly the wrong way, something like that. You get in his space and you push and he backs out first. You press down on the throttle and rocket past him, shouting FUCK! FUCK YES! to yourself.
P3. P3. God, you hope it’s P3.
You press the talk button, “Rach?”
“Yes, P3,” she barks, “Fucking, focus. Three laps to go.”
Those last three laps of Imola are some of the hardest of your life. Defending against Carlos is a task, of course, but it’s not even that. The sickness starts to creep back into your awareness as the adrenaline that had hit its peak during the overtake starts to subside. Two laps to go and you’re remembering the fever again. The sweat soaking your hair and streaking down the back of your neck. Your whole body is on fire and it aches everywhere. It feels like someone has taken a sledgehammer to the inside of your skull. You want so badly to close your eyes and drift away to sleep, but the car is flying through the air demanding your attention with the way it thuds against the track. You’ve got one lap to go and Carlos is on you like white on rice. You can’t afford to make a mistake until you’re firmly over that finish line.
So you don’t. You grit your teeth and you refuse.
Carlos is downright reckless in the last chicane, he tries to bait you by moving to one side and pushing but you’re not going to fall for something like that even if you’re near delirious from the 39.4-degree fever. Though surely it’s higher now, the car temp can’t be helping. You hardly realise you’ve crossed the finish line because you’re thinking so hard about how lightheaded you feel. On instinct, you slow down to a safe speed as Oscar’s McLaren enters your vision, but you think your toes have pins and needles and there’s some feeling tingling up into your shoulders. You blink hard and take a long sip of water so you can make it to the pits before your head starts to spin.
Crackle, “Where are you going? That was P3.”
“Huh?” you realise you’re following the other drivers instead of heading into the pits where you’re supposed to go, “Shit. Sorry.”
You edge back as carefully as you can, avoiding other cars that pass by, lucky you’ve not overshot too far so you can turn into the pits and park your car in front of the P3 sign without going around the entire track. That would be embarrassing. Or that would be more embarrassing than how disgusting you’re going to look when you take your helmet and balaclava off.
Toto, Rachel and a few of your engineers are there to meet you at the barricade when you clamber out of the car, unsteady on your feet. Rachel’s eyebrows are furrowed as she tries her best to smile at you, trying to put on a brave face even though you can tell she’s concerned you’re going to keel over. You brace yourself with a hand against the gate and tear your helmet off, then your balaclava. You’ve never been so fast to put a cap on your head, trying to cover the sweaty mess that is your hair right now.
“That was phenomenal work,” Rachel says, reaching to put a hand on your burning hot bicep, “You look fucking terrible, though.”
You suck in a ragged breath and you nod in agreement, trying to keep the black tinging your vision from taking over completely. 
“Get her something to drink,” you hear Toto bark, though it comes to your ears, muffled and staticky.
You’re fine. You’re fine. Until you’re not and your sweaty hand is slipping against the guardrail and your vision is fading into darkness and you’re falling face first into a metal railing. And, and, someone’s got their arm around your middle and you’re not on the ground with your face in the asphalt. You blink, hot tears— from what you assume is exhaustion— burning your eyelids. The arm around your middle is covered in something orange and black… Oscar. It’s Oscar who’s got you propped up, held firm into his body so your legs don’t collapse underneath you. The two of you sway and stumble for a second as you gain your footing back, your vision returning to normal, the buzzing in your ears going away.
“You’re good,” he breathes, “I’ve got you.”
You ignore the shiver that runs down your spine, you attribute it to your current state.
You remember the cameras that are on all of you right now. You try not to look panicked as you step away from him. You try to do it calmly and not frantically like you so want to. Toto has some electrolyte drink held out right in your face and you take it, chugging half of it straight away while you swivel around to face Oscar. You nod, feeling slightly better, but gripping the guardrail tight so as not to repeat earlier.
“Thanks,” you try a smile, but it’s just turning into a grimace because you feel like shit.
Oscar shakes his head, “Don’t mention it.”
“Great driving out there.”
His eyebrow goes up, touching the curl of his hair that peeks out from his cap.
“You’re kidding?” he says, tone laced with amusement.
You frown, which is much easier, “No. You drove great.”
He makes a face like ‘yes, obviously’, but somehow does it in a humble and endearing way that you find you like a little too much. It leaves you confused as to his point.
“No,” he scoffs, “Okay, yes. What I mean is that you just got P3 with a raging fever.”
You purse your lips, countering, “You don’t know I have a fever.”
His tongue darts out to wet his top lip, hiding the small smile that threatens on his face.
He shrugs, “Bit obvious, unfortunately.”
You roll your eyes. You think what he means is it’s a bit obvious because you look like absolute death. There’s probably sweat rolling off you in buckets, your cap is jammed on your head and your hair is probably sticking out at crazy angles. There were dark circles under your eyes before you left for the track this morning, they’re probably ten times worse now. He might also mean it’s obvious from the way your skin is burning hot, like touching a radiator in the middle of winter. Or, perhaps, the way you’d passed out into his arms a few minutes earlier.
You suck your teeth, “Well. I told you I was racing today.”
Oscar nods, biting the inside of his lip, “Yeah. You did.”
There’s more that neither of you are saying. A conversation that you’re trying desperately to have with prolonged eye contact, small little smiles and breaths out through the nose. You think it might be ‘I’m proud of you’ or ‘You’re very impressive and I’m going a little bit crazy about it’. That’s how you feel at least, somewhere in between the fever chills and the urge you’re suppressing to curl into a ball on the tarmac. This is okay, you think. You don’t have to be Oscar’s sworn enemy just because you’re both chasing the win. You can let him worry about you, but make sure he understands he can’t stop you from taking the things that you want. You can say things that mean other things and Oscar can smile at you like it’s something private for just the two of you.
You can be happy with that. Or not quite happy. Content.
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🏎️ song inspo (fiona apple my Beloved) -> https://open.spotify.com/track/5h9Iek7Hp9wayRt7fBp7Ab?si=9PnuH5CDSC-qTurLPGiTwg
💫 fill out this form if you want to be added to my tag list: @clowngirlsstuff @leclercsluvs @c-losur3 @mael1pastry @papayamusha @mvk1ma
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astrologylunadream · 5 months
What Type of Lover Would They Be? 💌🍓🖤 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream❤️ This is a reading on your person and the type of lover they are/would be like with you!👀💋 hope you find your message🌸
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸❤️
Pile 1🍫
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Pile 2🥛
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Pile 3🥀
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Pile 4🍓
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💌
Pile 1🍫
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Sign energy: Unexpected, Activity, Soft spot, Energy, Hold, Lilith, Chiron, Libra, Gemini, 1st house, Vertex,🎶💃👿🤵‍♂️
👤Your person's energy: Oh my pile 1 your person is fiesty😂😂 There is a lot of passion and energy to this pile, I know this is about your person but I am also getting some fire energy from you guys🙈🔥 Some of you could be aries, leo or sagittarius placements in your charts, my pile 1's are so irresistible!!🥰 Now this person has a lot energy physically, I feel like they can do a lot without getting burnt out, probably can work out often. On their own this person can be forward and a little impulsive but they also have a very gentle side.🥹🩷 This person tends to be direct in their thinking, for some lf you this person curses a lot😂🤬 Physically they have a certain charm about them, because they can look mean yet soft and sweet at the same time?? It just kinda comes off as hot tbh😂😭 Oh and prominent signs in their chart are Libra, Gemini, and Aries. They have a mars mercury feel to them, they could talk fast or bluntly. They do have an unexpected dark side to them, maybe they have a soft image but then they're a devil in disguise omg😈 Nothing bad but, they have another vibe to them that's really passionate and aggressive even?? Maybe they have a bit of a resting b*tch face but you think it's so cute😆 Oh hold on I'm just getting something, you guys may see this person as the love of your life, you're soft for them🥺💞💋 Other people may think they're bad news but in your eyes they're literally the sweetest thing ever.🤭🌸 This connection could be on hold for some of you, there is some sort of barrier between physical touch with this person right now for some sudden reason. Maybe someone is into healing music? Music could be healing for this person. You like the way this person thinks, they're like a cute little devil to you.😂 They may look really adorable to you when they're angry, some of my pile 1's want to marry this person💍💕 They could be toned/strong physically, random but their hand grip is very strong? Like they can open a jar or crush things with their hand?😂🫣 You may be able to spot them easily by their hands. Honestly this is just so cute🥰
🌹What type of lover they are with you: Target, Winter, Remedy, Listen, Unafraid, 11th house, Sun, 3rd house, Sagittarius, Saturn,🎱🩲🤬🫐 Lol wtf are these emojis help- Umm so your person would be the type of lover that's like a best friend, they might would want to be friends first before getting into the relationship with you.🙃 Despite their forward approach to communication, when it comes to you they would be the BEST listener omg this is so sweet😭💖 Like they would be all ears for whatever you have to say💬 it's just so cute because it really felt like they're the type to cut people off easily when they talk and not take time to listen but PILE 1 when it comes to you they will never interrupt you🥺💕💞 They are naturally a very fun type of lover with you, they would be brave and daring in their attempts to win you over😆 Like they are not afraid to make any bold moves or mistakes.💪😎 In a relationship with you, they are like the shining sun keeping you warm in the cold winter. They may try to befriend your friends, and talk about how lucky they are to have you🤭 Your person would be giving sibling, best friend and lover energy all at once. But as childish and bright as they may act with you, they are also a very dominant type.😳❤️‍🔥⛓️ So like one minute they're joking with you and then the next they're choking with you (if you know what I mean!!🥵) Yeah also they're the kind of lover that's very handsy in a relationship with you, they may always wanna have their hand on your shoulder or other places😭 They might be a little reckless around you, simply because they get all bright and excited when they're with you🥹💖 But they are also the kind to take you seriously when needed, like they would really commit🫶 They may be the kind to tell dirty jokes with you, just throwing it out there to get your reply🫣 So basically they can be really fun and silly but also hot af with you😭⁉️ I see them smirking all the time and nudging you, as your lover they would get very intense when you two are alone❤️‍🔥⛓️ Also they may love arguing with you then suddenly making out with you??😳 AHH Yeah I can definitely see that for your person, they're the sweet and funny type but can be dominant and aggressive with you if you want it😈😰😭
💌Messages from your person: What happened? Let's take our time, I wish I could control it, Someone will love you, It's all real (Omg yess pile 1 it's reaaal🥰) Extra cards: Spell, Mean, Submissive, Mutable, Skill (Some of you may be mutable signs, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius✨️ I love this connection you two have it's really something special🌹)
Haha this pile was A LOT omg!!😂🩷 Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🥰❤️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the chocolate emoji~🍫 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸🌹💌
Pile 2🥛
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Sign energy: Tea, Twin flame, Imagination, Darling, Rebellion, 3rd house, Vertex, 5th house, 9th house, 11th house,🤗🪸🥠🫧
👤Your person's energy: Ah they're very attractive aren't they?? Some of my pile 2's have a lot of fantasies about this person🥺💭 This may be a twin flame/soulmate connection to you, they feel like your soul twin🩷 You may interact with this person through social media/online, I am getting lots of mirrored energy. Prominent Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius in their chart.✨️ I feel like this person makes you very happy, you just want to hug them😢💖 I am getting water energy from some of my pile 2's, especially neptune placements.🔱💕 This connection feels fateful to you guys, maybe you've even been manifesting this person?🙏 Tea may be significant, also for some of you this person could be from a different culture or background than you. They could also have a thirst for traveling to other countries.✈️ Maybe their beliefs are a bit rebellious? They desire to befriend people of different countries and ethnicities. They have a charming bright aura and smile made of sunshine, also you are friends with this person or want to be!!🥺🩷 This person may have a unique way of speaking or communicating with others, some people may find it strange but you find is intriguing.💬✨️ For physical appearance, maybe unique hair. They are giving an eccentric and creative vibe, they may be into unusual music or art. They have strange tastes for some of you, a lot of manifestation from this pile. If you're manifesting this person just know it's working!!🥰 The fortune cookie emoji is very promising, there is the working of fate for this connection. Soulmate/twin flame vibes take what resonates~💞
🌹What type of lover they are with you: Daily, Situation, Inactivity, Benefits, Feminine, Aries, Earth, Chiron, Sagittarius, Air,🕸🧖‍♀️🦥🧊 Okay interesting so the first thing I'm noticing with your person is that they are the type of lover to do considerably feminine activities with you, like going shopping or pampering yourselves.💅🛍💖 They may be very helpful if you two ever trave to another country, maybe they speak a language well? And you can benefit from that with your person🤭💫 You may also have many travel benefits and opportunities when you're with them, as well as learning new things. I can see that your person is the type to go pretty fast into the relationship with you, they might just start dating you kind of out of nowhere that's the vibe I'm getting from your person lol😂 They may try to take really good care of themselves, wear expensive clothes and look good just for you✨️💗🥺 There is this energy, like they may be really worried about having a relationship come to a stop or just die so like they try to do as much as they can to keep you interested every day😭 They are a bit clingy, so they are the type to have their arm around you a lot.👀💕 Some of my pile 2's this is a very feminine person when in a relationship with you, they may act as the feminine in the relationship.♀️ I do see you two doing a lot of sweet activities together, self care is something you both share.💝🪞🧼 You two could get caught up in some petty fights sometimes, but then they just hug you and cuddle you making it hard to stay mad at them🥹🙊 I can see this person being protective of you. They may enjoy buying you products for you to use, like nice bathroom products✨️🧴 Wow it's like this person knows you so well because they are into similar things, also, they may like to touch your thighs a lot. I can see them wanting to grab your leg often when you two are dating.😭😨💞 For those who this is a masculine they have a lot of understanding and respect for you guys🥺 Like they are not afraid to seem less masculine by sharing the things you love, like if it's what pile 2 wants it doesn't matter to me <3 I'm just getting such soft and sweet masculine vibes for those, this could be a sort of relationship that just happens somehow. Like situationship kinda thing.🤯 For some of you this person may be a little jealous of you?? There is some competitive energy here. Ohh but you guys make such a cute couple, like a very feminine one.😘💞💅 I can just see you two buying cute clothes and spending time doing your favorite things together!!
💌Messages from your person: So what, I like the pain, Just say the word, I'm in trouble, Don't waste your time (For some of you this person feels like a situation won't work out, they may be having negative thoughts about this connection😢 It could be a sort of masochistic view on the relationship, like they want things to go wrong for their suffering. This person may have a lot of emotional wounds, also they could feel they aren't good enough for you like "just give up on me" kinda thing🥺💔) Extra cards: Protection, True, Indecision, Slow, Trial and error (Ohh but it's true that they wanna protect and heal you guys, but they're just really confused, like they feel so slow and can't make up their mind right now!!😫💗)
Wow I didn't expect all that🤯 Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🥰❤️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the milk emoji~🥛 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸🌹💌
Pile 3🥀
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Sign energy: North node, Learn, Locked, Good, Hard, Water, North node, 7th house, 2nd house, 1st house,🪃❤️😁🔗
👤Your person's energy: Ooh lovers energies in this pile!! OH MY this could be someone you are meant to be with💖 Signs for them are Libra, Taurus, Aries.. Venus placements! Oh also water signs. They could have a pretty voice, very clear and nice.🗣✨️ Some of my pile 3's will come in contact with this person soon, most likely a phsyical encounter soon!!🤗 This is a romantic option for you guys, you may consider this person to be the love of your life.💐 You feel very connected to this person, romantically this person may be committed to you in some way.💍🩷 This could be a twin flame/soulmate connection for some, there is a lot of love and attraction to this person.🥰 North node came out twice I just realized, so there could be a lot happening really soon or in the future with this person? Actually that's very promising, this is a very loving and sweet person.🥺💕 They could be a water rising, also may have soft skin. This could be someone who always comes back to you or always will, because they are linked to you in some way. It's like no matter what they will always be connected to you guys💗🔗😱 Definitely romantic feelings for this person, my pile 3's are in love with them omggg🥺 You could be dead set on marrying this person. Also you may be possessive over this person, like you want them to be yours only.💞 Ugh I can just feel so much love and need for this person, you guys are so soft for them😭 I also feel like some of my pile 3's are actually already in a relationship with this person, but not all. This person is very physically attractive, they could have venus on their rising too.🫢💋 People may consider them a good kisser? Lol dunno why that's coming through, they may have very kissable lips. Something about this person is heavy, they feel very grounded and calm. You may learn a lot from this person or the other way around they may learn a lot from you, I see a lot of growth in this person.🩷 Their physical appearance is coming through a lot, I feel like you guys just can't control yourselves around this person like you just wanna touch them so bad LMAO👐😭 Something is definitely going to happen soon with this person, lol there is just so much romantic energy thrown in my face with this one you guys love is written all over this person😂 You are also very excited about them, they make you all giddy and cute💗
🌹What type of lover they are with you: Lack, Risk, Rest, Emotional, Affection, 5th house, Eros, 3rd house, Pisces, 4th house,❤️‍🔥🪐🛎🕹 Ohhh pile 3 this gooood😍❤️ This person as a lover is passionate, romantic and caring. They will want to play and have fun with you, very teasing and charming🩷 The relationship is filled with love and attraction, they're the type to shower you with compliments and tell you how attractive you are to them🌹💖 They are very affectionate as your lover!! The type to embrace you lovingly and kiss you as much as you'd like🥺💋 They're such a flirt with you, but it's so genuine??😭 Like it literally comes from their heart and it just pours out of them how much they love you.❤️ Now this person may conceal these feelings or restrict themselves from affection towards you, they could feel it is immature or irresponsible to indulge in that as the please. (But they really want to😩) The beginning of the relationship might would start out very difficult for them to show their love, because they would be denying it. But as your lover this person would eventually let loose and give in to all the many desires they keep locked away because guess what, they can't control themselves with you🤪🙈❤️‍🔥 They are really a wild and passionate lover with you, so romantic it's crazy. The type to cuddle you tight and rest with you, taking naps with you aw🥺💞 But also they talk a lot with you, like they won't shut up or stop flirting with you😂 Persistent af. They also want to control you and have fun with you like you're their toy🥵 Also they enjoy teasing and playing all sorts of little games with you. They're the type to make you feel loved and comfortable then suddenly they pin you down and catch you by surprise😭🔞 I won't go into everything but they definitely are a very VERY passionate lover with you. Like they want to turn on a lot, very risky with you. But also emotionally attached to you, they are really sweet but also really naughty.😳❤️‍🔥 You guys are connected on a soul level, they get so hot with you oml. Oh my pile 3 they are really into you as a lover, also they're very entertaining and love your attention.👑 The dynamic you guys have is literally everything😭 They are a lover that would desire you, treat you so good, and spoil you. Warm hugs and hot kisses, also they would commit to you. Like they only see you omg, you are the object of their affections.😍❤️❤️❤️
💌Messages from your person: Anything please, I'll do, How do you think I feel? We're compatible, You make me nervous (Omg your person knows you two are like 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Also they're down for anything but also hella nervous about you🥺💞) Extra cards: Dominant, Catch, Orange, Fake smile, Tangled (Yeah they want to catch you and tie you up and much much more that I won't go into...!!!😭🔞)
This pile got crazy!! Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🥰❤️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the rose petals emoji~🥀 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸🌹💌
Pile 4🍓
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Sign energy: Demeanor, View, Sight, Deep, First date, 9th house, Pisces, 11th house, Water, Eros,🛸🥳🍋😎
👤Your person's energy: You guys may view this person from social media/online, a lot of my pile 4's are not present in this person's life, they could be at a distance right now.🥲 For some of you this is an online dating thing or you could be manifesting to date this person.🙏💗 They're really cool omg, they have a unique and exotic charm about them. They could be from overseas or abroad, or have traveled a lot.✈️✨️ Some of you keep a check on this person through divinity or spiritual sources. They are knowledgeable and kind, signs in their chart could be Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, and water placements.🥰💫 You have a deep admiration for this person, you may look up to them. They have a vibe about them, really unlike any other.🩷 You may have dreams of this person or that is where you see them often. This feels like someone very far away, they feel like an alien on another planet to you. That is their energy.👽🤔 Perhaps you feel very different than this person in some ways, they are mentally very attractive.💭 Some of you could be friends with this person, or they just seem like they would make a good friend. They are creative and have good ideas, you support their imagination.💡💖 This person is very fun and bright, but I'm also getting this swag about them. Eccentric and hot??😂 They just have such a fresh vibe about them, also they could have a water sign as their 9th house. Some of you watch this person from a distance like online, you may look at their page often but remain unseen.🤫 They could be a bit of a rebel, like they dyed their hair or dress different than how they were told. Something about them is just different, and you really like that about them omg🥰
🌹What type of lover they are with you: More, Doctor, Uranus, Uniqueness, Hot, 5th house, Virgo, 1st house, Mercury, 6th house, 🔚🌇🗒🏍 Lol this person's gonna get handsy with you guys- OMG so they would treat you really special, unlike anyone else.🔥 They are the type to keep wanting more more more😭😭😭 They can't get enough of you as your lover, the attractive just grows. The way they talk to you as your lover is very different than how they usually talk, like it speeds up and things get really hot🤯❤️‍🔥 They think of you a lot, also I keep getting  freaky vibes so.. uh... you know what that means😳�� They may want to take care of you, and mantain a healthy lifestyle in a relationship with you.🥗🩷 But also when you two are together, they feel like they can finally be themselves😇 Like they can be as weird and nonconforming as they wanna be. They feel like you won't judge them, there is a lot of communication from this person as your lover. They will talk a lot with you, the kind to talk about all sorts of random things💬😂💖 In a relationship with you, this person is witty and entertaining. Like you will never get bored with their conversations🩷 They might overthink about you though, especially if they think of something they shouldnt😳👿 I can see them writing down every detail and quirk about you they love😇 They would find you so fascinating, because to them you would make them feel not so strange. Aw they would feel so accepted by you as your lover, you heal them really.🥺💞 They are the type to touch you a lot, this could be very often😳 They could like holding hands with you, also holding your waist. For some of you I can imagine you guys start dating online first, but only some.🤳🩷👀 Also they're the type of lover that loves taking selfies of you two together😍 Also just taking photos of you in general would be their favorite hobby~ Oh and uh... filiming whatever else they find interesting😳🔞 They are the kind to tell you "you're perfect" or "you look so hot" while you're just like eating chips and watching tv lmaooo also like when you're just talking about your playlist or something they just start making out with you at the most unexpected times HELP😂🥵 Like they wouldn't even give you a warning they are an unpredictable lover to say the least, but it's hot.❤️‍🔥
💌Messages from your person: I would hurt whoever hurts you, You can't control me, You can do it, I wanna steal your kiss, You know I love you (OHH pile 4 you better knowww🥵🥵🥵) Extra cards: Inspiration, King, Sugar, Unhealthy, Waist (They have some crazy fantasy about you guys oml🔞 Didn't I say they would wanna grab your waist? Well it's here oml that energy is raging that's all I'm gonna say😭)
Okayy that was fun!! thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🥰❤️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the strawberry emoji~🍓 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸🌹💌
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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robinbuckleysfringe · 7 months
you are in love.
tom blyth social media au
pairings: Jacob Elordi x reader, Tom Blyth x reader
warnings: implied/accused cheating
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
2 months later
*yninstagram has posted*
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liked by tomblyth, jacobelordi, zendaya, joshandresrivera and others
yninstagram bringing in the new year with some sun ⛱️☀️🌊
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rachelzegler happy new year love 💕
↪️ yninstagram happy new year rach 💕💕
tomblyth the sun and beach look good on you ❤️
↪️ yninstagram ❤️
hunterschafer gorgeous 😍
↪️ yninstagram says you 😍😍😍
user who's the guy in the first pic?
↪️ user I was thinking Jacob but she usually tags him so idk
↪️ user maybe it's Tom?? she's replied to him with hearts the last few posts
user y/n and Jacob have been quiet on social media. are they still together??
↪️ user I thought so but after her not tagging him in this l'm not so sure
↪️ user also he normally comments on her posts but he's only liked this one
user how's she so pretty???
user wish I was you so badly
user can't wait to see what this year brings you!!!
*tomblyth has posted*
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liked by yninstagram, hunterschafer, rachelzegler and others
tomblyth 🏖☀️🍹
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yninstagram the sun and beach look good on you 😉
*tomblyth liked this comment*
↪️ user not y/n commenting the same thing Tom commented on her post!!
↪️ user did you see he liked her comment? and the wink emoji??!! 💀💀
user omg who's the girl in the first pic??
↪️ user she looks a bit like y/n. but it could be anyone. he didn't tag who it is
↪️ user truee. y/n's post looks like she was in a similar place and neither of them tagged who they were with
↪️ user isn't she dating Jacob Elordi tho?
↪️ y/nupdates can 2 friends not just go on holiday together without making it romantic?? let them have their privacy about who they hang out with
*yninstagram and tomblyth liked this comment*
↪️ user it's just odd is all. Y/N and Jacob haven't posted anything together since their premieres and then both Tom and Y/N post holiday pics with mystery people??
↪️ user like @/ynupdates said, just let them have their privacy. they don't owe you any info about who they choose to go on holiday with
*comments on this post have been limited*
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e!news after a speculation about the split between Saltburn star Jacob Elordi and Hunger Games actress YN L/N, Elordi has been spotted out with what seems like his new girlfriend. Neither actor has confirmed or denied the split, so we can only wonder what is truly going on between the stars. Is the relationship over, or is something else going on?
user not them implying Jacob's cheating on y/n-
↪️ user they've not said anything about them breaking up so maybe he is
user omg poor y/n, can only imagine what she's feeling over these photos
user she's low-key been flirting with Tom in her comments anyway, so what if her and Jacob broke up??
↪️ user can 2 co stars not be close friends??
↪️ user not if their commenting "❤️"s under every post
↪️ user y/n literally uses heart emojis with everyone. so what's your point??
user this makes me think y/n was defo not on holiday with Jacob
user he's defo cheating on y/n
↪️ user he's fumbled big time. imagine cheating on someone as gorgeous as her
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y/nupdates rachel posted this cute photo of y/n and tom to her story before quickly deleting it. seems like the pair are becoming quite close
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user ship them omg!! look how cute they are
↪️ user for real!!! 🥺🥺
user I want what they have!!! 🥰🥰🥰
user thought she's dating Jacob, no?
↪️ user didn't he just cheat on her?
user clearly Rachel took down the picture cause y/n and Tom are having a secret affair. I mean, just look at them
↪️ user she doesn't deserve Jacob
user omg so is she cheating with Tom??
↪️ user probs cheated when they went on that secret holiday together
↪️ user they never said they went together??
↪️ user it's so obvious they did tho
*comments on this post have been limited*
seemed like you guys enjoyed part 1, so here's part 2.
again, feedback is welcome. just remember to keep it kind xx
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ultrone · 1 year
can you write hcs for how shauna, jackie, natalie and lottie would act in a relationship with reader when:
being jealous:
being angry:
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how would gf shauna, jackie, nat and lottie react when jealous, simping, and angry.
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when shauna gets jealous, she gets instantly defensive, acting without thinking first. she’ll prolly stand in the way of whoever's flirting with you and tell them to get the fuck away, as if everyone in the world knew you that the two of you were dating. she's fr not afraid of making a scene, since she's used to making it everyone’s problem whenever she's angry.
i can also see her frequently getting jealous of other people you talk to just because she’s insecure. she’ll probably get upset and question you a lot, so u’d have to give her lots of reassurance to make her feel better.
when simping, she stares at you a lot—whether it is with longing eyes or with in-love eyes, you’ll frequently notice her big brown eyes gazing deeply at you. she writes you tons of love notes and writes about you on her journal—she also has an entire journal dedicated to you, where she makes collages with pictures of you and other things she likes that remind her of you. she has lots of pictures of the two of you on her wall. she also cooks for you a lot.
shauna has a complex way of dealing with her emotions, so i guess it really depends on what she's angry about. usually tho, she tends to bottle up her feelings, getting angrier and angrier until she bursts—and when she bursts, she bursts. the moment shauna reaches her limit, she'll raise her voice at you and say anything she thinks will hurt you, the more it hurts you the better. It isn't until one of you leaves the room that she instantly cools down and regrets it. she'll then proceed to look like this emoji “🥺” and overthink the whole interaction until she finally gets the courage to apologize to u.
when jackie gets jealous, she doesn't say it directly, but she does everything she can to get your attention—mostly in negative ways tbh. she would never cheat on you, but i can see her using other people to make you feel jealous or insecure so that you go chase after her. for example, if someone's clearly flirting with her, she won't back away or anything, she'll slightly lead them on until you notice that someone else is giving her attention and u go do something about it.
when simping, she's all giggly and flirty. she twirls her hair and bites her lip with a smile while looking at you. she also does little things to annoy you but in a playful/flirty way, like grabbing the tv remote, changing the movie and being like “omg, were you watching that? hehe 😳🤭”
when angry, she goes away dramatically but expects you to go after her. for example, if she's angry because you fucked up in some type of way, she'd avoid you but expect you to go chase her—and the moment u apologize, she'd immediately forgive you and be like 🥺😔 i missed u 😊
if she doesn’t do that, then she'll straight up tell you everything she feels, but won't insult you at all. even if she's mad at something you did, she’ll look more indignated and disappointed rather than resentful or angry. after dropping the weight off her shoulders, if you don't say sorry right away, she'll then avoid you until you genuinely apologize to her and cuddle her or sum.
when nat gets jealous, she gets visibly angry and possessive. if someone's flirting with you, she'll wrap her arm around your shoulders and say something like "they're taken, you can leave now." if the person doesn’t listen tho, she’ll tell them to fuck off and won’t leave your side for the entire day.
when simping, she's very cute but subtle. she isn’t the best at showering you with gifts and affection, but she'll do little gestures to make you happy, like taking you out to eat, making you playlists, driving you around the city at night, or sitting at the top of her van to smoke together. you'll also notice that she wants to be with you all the time, even if you're just sitting around doing nothing.
when she’s angry, she'll get visibly angry but try to contain herself so that she doesn't hurt you. an angry 'fuck you' might come out of her mouth, but that's the worst she'll say before she walks away to cool down. she'll always apologize for whatever she said to you during the argument after y'all talk about it tho, even if it wasn't that bad.
when lottie gets jealous, she gets annoyed and protective. if someone's flirting with you, she'll stand in the way and softly push you back with one of her arms in a protective manner while she tells the person to go away. she wouldn’t be straight up mean or impulsively aggressive though, she'd just be serious & confident abt it. if the person doesn't listen though, she’ll get annoyed and say something like, “i said they’re with me, are you deaf?”
when simping, lottie is the biggest spoiler ever. she'll put you on the highest pedestal and do everything for you. she'll always bring you up as a topic of conversation when talking to anyone else. whatever you want or like she’ll get it for you, no matter how hard it is. she'll also give you lots of physical affection, specially cuddles and soft caresses—like massaging your scalp or running her hand through your back while you lay down on her chest.
lottie has good control over her emotions, so usually when she gets angry, she avoids you until her anger cools down and she's ready to talk—the reason being that she doesn't wanna burst out and hurt you. she'll then either talk to you or wait for you to reach out to her.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
I know you’re already super busy and booked but if you can, Munseong Kim/Ji Yeonwoo fluff and headcanons would be cool. There is little to none on them, please pace yourself I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.
Hmmm. Let's do... texting habits (ish). And sorry I included my cuties Wangguk and Taehoon too 😊
HTF texting habits hc: Munseong, Yeonwoo, Wangguk, Taehoon
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Munseong is a pretty cool and reserved guy, and that shows with his texting habits
He keeps it short and to the point, not a lot of emojis and everything comes across a little deadpan with his replies.
However, he is extremely fast respond back to you and usually within the minute... even if it doesn't warrant a response he'll at least send back a 😄 Sweet boy doesn't want to leave you hanging!
And if he's late to text back (by his standards), he'll always apologise even though you've explained a million times it's fine and you know he's doing his own thing.
Don't expect any memes, or him to react with anything apart from confusion. But you can always expect a good morning or good night.
Whenever he's feeling a bit down, he will read over your old messages and imagine your smile and your face lighting up on the other side.
...Or just call you to hear your voice.
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Yeonwoo always makes time for texting you even with his hectic study schedule.
Thinks of it as a little treat, something to look forward to after frying his brain for the last couple hours.
He's always a bit contrite for his late replies too but it doesn't deter you with your double, triple, quadruple+ texting. It brightens his day seeing your name pop up on his phone, even if there are 10+ messages waiting.
Once his study schedule chills out and he makes more time for Kyokushin, he also makes more time for you!
Anything that pops into his head that he thinks you'll like, or that he thinks of saying, he'll just come right out with it.
More often than not it's a cute cat/dog meme or silly fluffy pics.
Occasionally it'll be blurred selfies of him during training. Just a lil hi and a way to say he's thinking of you.
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Ah, another pretty reserved one.
Wangguk uses emojis more than you would expect, and is pretty cute with them to be honest. Adds them to provide a bit more context and depth with his responses because he knows how dry he can sound 🥺
Keeps his messages pretty short unless there's something that he is passionate about then he'll just ramble and send a full on essay. Punctuated with another follow up message to say sorry. It's pretty goddamn cute tbh.
Sends you a LOT of pictures. Innocent ones that is. Pictures tell a thousand words and he loves his photography.
Pics to say good morning, good night, thinking of you, thought you would like this. Usually Wangguk isn't in them, which makes any selfies even more special.
Also loves when you respond back in kind, sending him snaps of your day and just you.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, is extremely clued up with memes or anything slightly unhinged thanks to Gyeoul and her sense of humour. Will send on any to you that makes him chuckle.
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Listen if Taehoon wants your attention, he'll let you know. That includes messages and calls at 4am just to fuck with you. Especially when he hears your exasperated sigh and groggy voice. Or even an angry reply to "GO TF TO SLEEP!!" It will never not be funny to him. Maybe that's on you for continuing to respond and pick up all the time.
Cute good morning, good night texts? No chance.
Although he is very good at letting you know where he is, what he's up to. And expects similar from you. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just wants to know you're safe. A hangover from Dowoon.
And this bastard is also pretty leisurely with his responses. You can be having a full on conversation, responses back within the minute then he leaves you on read for hours.
However, if you do the same then expect a call "why the fuck aren't you answering me." If you miss that, then expect an annoyed Taehoon on your doorstep.
Again, another hangover from Dowoon. His mind just goes to the worst case scenarios.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Hi ! Here cottage life with Lilia and the Knight of Dawn as Silver mom in the past Anon (I think I will need to find myself an smiley-)
First, thank you ! I'm happy this idea please you and other people 😊
But yes this OT3 is so so cute- My brain run free for it since then.
The relationship those three have...it's just melting my heart 🥹 The perfect trio. Lilia is a bit jalous that the first baby isn't from him -bat boi have his pride- but he just love Silver so much it doesn't matter much 🥺 Little funny fact about Lilia/Knight bromance: before Silver birth, him and the Knight (need to find a proper surname for him-) had a discussion. Like they didn't know who was the father between them, they had a unique way to deal with it: after the baby birth- when who is the father will be more clear- the guy that isn't the bio dad would name the baby. So no one would felt left away from the family.
Lilia blessed the baby at birth, and like in Chapter 5, the baby hair turned white. So Silver's name was back like that 😂
So much things about them...like, rumors runs fast thanks to the forest fairies. But the little family -except when Lilia is called to the castle- don't go often outside to not scare any fairy. So...one day, a toddler Silver ran away to the famous "Castle" were "Dada Lilia" was kept against his will by "This cruel brat of a Princess who want him to "babysit" (Something really cruel and scary from Dada Lilia word-). So Meleanor first encounter with Lilia rumored "son" was this child -monkey- pleading her to -politely- give his Dada Lilia back.
And this is only some funny story 😭 The guilt our time traveler could felt is also interresting. Silver was born and will grow up way before what he was supposed to do. Did this child is -will be- even the same Silver she knew ? And he will never met Sebek in this life. Will this child will be ressentful ? What kind of right does she have to change history -fate- like that ? What will happen if she dissapear, like she came- and go back to her time ? What will happen to her new found family, her husbands, her child ?
But a single giggle of her lovely silver haired baby is enough to make her worries dissapear in a smile. How scary it is, to be so happy at the point you fear the day it will be end.
(References: Fanfic, Ask 1, Ask 2)
Hello Cottage Life Anonie 🌻🌺💚
I’m labeling you Cottage Life Anonie until you find a emoji or nickname you prefer ☺️🌺 please feel free to choose whichever that makes you comfortable and happy.
Anonie you have no idea how happy I was when I saw you in my inbox, I was already kicking my feet in excitement ☺️🌺
Hehehe my evil plan of getting more people to like this OT3 is working 😈🙌 lolol I’m really happy that you and others like it. It makes me happy and I’m glad I can share these thoughts with others who like it too.
A knight of dawn x reader x lilia vanrouge pairing has so much potential and routes that I’m just thrilled at all the possibilities 💞💞
Lilia being jealous of the first child not being his is adorable. I can just see him make that face that says he’s pouting but denying it 😂 but he adores Silver so much and he’s also your child, so how could he no love him? Baby Silver with his glittering eyes and you just being so loving with him is perfect.
I adore that agreement Knight and Lilia had about naming the child. It’s so sweet and smart! And another way to include the mutual partner! No one is left out and everyone is loved 🥹 it’s so sweet!! (We need a name for Dawny, I hope we get one for him in twst 🙏)
Oh oh Anonie! Now that you mention the hair color change, some theorize (because of the sprite) that the upper layers of Knight’s hair is blond and the bottom layers are silver!! So if that’s the case, Lilia just turned Silver’s hair fully silver which is also what Dawny has on his lower tresses so this bromance keeps getting sweeter and the connection is still there 🥹
Absjsjshs tiny Baby Silver just toddling away to the castle to save his Dada Lilia like a true knight in shining armor!!! That’s so freaking adorable 🥹💞😭 I can imagine that the little fairies that love Silver and love mischief helped teleport him to the castle where he meets Meleanor and Lilia. You have this sweet child asking so nicely and the Queen’s heart just melts (she also adores his bravery). Meleanor then tries to smite Lilia because of the “bratty” comments 🤣🤣
Now I can imagine Meleanor require a weekly dinner with everyone, she can see Baby Silver, and if malleus is hatched, he can have a playmate. She can also meet the Knight and the Reader (not on the battlefield for once). It’s awkward at first but nothing that time and Silver’s bubbly laughter can’t fix 🥹💞
There’s so many angst potentials! Ahhhh the guilt of the time traveler wife. Silver not growing up with Sebek, not living in the same timeline ( would his friend be mama zigvolt in this case? 🤔).
Would wife tell the husbands about her situation? What happened in her timeline? I feel like if they knew they would understand, and their hearts would ache from the sacrifices she made to have them be happy. 🥹😭
I want to focus a little bit on the if she ever went back to the present, well, this new present that’s the same yet so different. I feel like if YN did go back she would at first be devastated once she realizes she’s back and what she lost. But but but, we have powerful fairies on our side. 👏🙌
I believe in this case, with the help of Meleanor and Lilia (maybe even Levan? He’s smart so he might know more about it). They would put both Silver and The Knight of Dawn to sleep until they are reunited with YN 🥹💚
So, this would solve a few problems actually! Sebek would be in the picture again, and we have Malleus and his parents, and of course, we have Lilia too.
Lilia could be waiting for YN at the spot she said she was teleported from the first time and they could have their reunion before waking the other two. 🥹💞💞 The reunion would be so sweet between the four. Lilia was waiting but at least he had his sister and baby malleus and the rest of his family and friends while he waited. He can go to that cottage and relive memories and remind himself of his loves.
The way this OT3 AU has a grip on me 😭💞💚
Anonie, Anonie, I am shaking you.
“How scary it is, to be so happy at the point you fear the day it will be end.” This line!! This line!! Oh my heart. 😭💞💞
Thank you for sending this in Anonie 💚🌺, ahhh I’m enjoying this so much and my mind is whirling with so many possibilities. You’re my partner in crime now ☺️🌺
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yandere-yearnings · 1 month
How would Dice (or your other ocs if you prefer) would reaction to a reader that does pebbling as a love language. Like they just come to him, put a rock in his hand and say “it reminded me of you!” with a huge smile.
You don’t have to answer if you don’t feel like it!
(Also I love your writing so muuuuch, like your stories are so beautifully written. It shows that you put a lot of care into them ❤️)
nonnie this is such an adorable ask, thank you for sending it in❗❗ i will absolutely be answering!! also using the word beautiful to describe my stories honestly has me tearing up, i'm so grateful and happy you think that way, really😭🩷 i'm glad you like my writing, thank you for acknowledging my efforts🥺👉👈 your sign-off is so cute btw, i didn't even know there was an emoji like that before this😩💕
Dice would be surprised the first time around, although he doesn't show it. He comes across many unexpected situations in his life, so usually he's always prepared — poker face perfected from all his time running the casino. When you bound up to him and drop a jagged looking rock into his hand, his expression is the closest thing to confusion anyone has ever seen on him. It reminds you of him? He assumes you're teasing, so he doesn't really respond.
When closing time rolls around and the last staff members trickle out the door, Dice sits at the bar, pours himself some whiskey neat, and has a staredown with your unforeseen gift. He couldn't see himself in it at all, and perhaps that was why it was so strangely endearing. He takes it home with him, and it goes in a glass box to display on his mantel.
Over time, as you give him more and more things, Dice realises that you're not trying to be patronising in the slightest. Every small trinket you place in his palm holds your sincere feelings and thoughts of him, and then it becomes something he looks forward to. Slowly, he even starts to pick up the habit himself; the return home after a business trip is always followed by him leaving you a little keychain or something of the like, where he knows you'll find it. He never gives them to you directly, since he's still a bit stiff with showing his affection.
Don't take too long in finding him his next present, okay? He's waiting and it'll only be a few days before Dice starts to believe you've forgotten about him — and for your sake, upsetting him is the last thing you'd want to do.
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socialfakes · 2 months
crossing enemy lines -connor bedard-
part 8: bonus content!
nhl players x platonic hughes sister
connor bedard x hughes sister
series masterlist
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Liked by jamie.drysdale, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes and 308,116 others
y/nhughes | from the vault 😂😉 tagged: trevorzegras
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trevorzegras how? | trevorzegras wait, better question. why? | y/nhughes because i know you have one of me so i thought i'd even the playing field a little bit | trevorzegras but i never posted yours 😂
jamie.drysdale so glad you posted this 😂 brightened my day | y/nhughes thanks for the idea jamie 😉 | trevorzegras you're a traitor 😲 | jamie.drysdale IT WAS NOT MY IDEA | jackhughes i distinctly remember you telling my sister to post this 😂 | jamie.drysdale okay stop lying. i never said that | lhughes_06 yup. i remember that too 🤔 | trevorzegras wow. that's heartbreaking | jamie.drysdale I NEVER SAID THAT
user12 why are y'all getting mad at jamie for telling y/n to post it when she's the one who took the picture in the first place 😂 | jamie.drysdale thank you!!! | y/nhughes jamie is just a common enemy at this point. not much i can do 🤷🏻‍♀️ | jamie.drysdale 🥺🥺🥺 | y/nhughes OH NO!!! I'M SORRY JAMIE. I LOVE YOU ❤❤❤ | jamie.drysdale it's okay. you are forgiven | trevorzegras what the hell is going on
user3 this picture is funny enough on its own but the comment section triples the funny factor 😂😂😂 | y/nhughes you had to emphasize that with 3 emojis? 😊 | user3 yes ma'am
jackhughes i actually remember this night. the first one to pass out and start drooling always gets their picture taken 😂 | y/nhughes yeah and if they snore loud, it gets posted online for all the fans to see 😈 | lhughes_06 so glad it wasn't me this time 😅 | _quinnhughes it's never me | trevorzegras i hate all 4 of you 😐 | jackhughes there's no way you hate y/n. especially not with the way you were talking about her like 4 hours ago on the phone | trevorzegras JACK!!! | y/nhughes wait what?!?!? 😱😱 | _connorbedard don't blame you trevor. she's perfect | _connorbedard i mean...WAIT WHAT?!?!?😱😠
user6 how is he so cute when he's sleeping?
user4 the cutest player | y/nhughes false 🙅🏻‍♀️ | jackhughes 'tis i | lhughes_06 no jack. 'tis i | _quinnhughes y'all are clearly not thinking straight. it's me | y/nhughes wrong, more wrong and most wrong | y/nhughes it's clearly nicohischier | nicohischier ❤ | _connorbedard 👀👀
user11 the hughes siblings bring chaos to our world and i am 100% here for it 😂
user8 have you ever thought of dating trevor? | y/nhughes honestly, not gonna lie about it. yes i have thought about dating trevor but that's ancient history at this point | trevorzegras why didn't you tell me? could've treated you like a princess 😂 | y/nhughes sorry trev ❤ i do love you (just not in that way) & i'm in a relationship where he treats me like a queen 😊 | _connorbedard 😊❤
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Liked by _quinnhughes, _connorbedard, jackhughes and 493,281 others
y/nhughes | my two favorite human beings at the all-star game ❤ tagged: _connorbedard, _quinnhughes
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_connorbedard endless amount of love for you ❤
trevorzegras thought i was your favorite 😔
jackhughes thought you didn't have a favorite sibling 🤨 | y/nhughes i don't...
lhughes_06 well then...guess you don't want that coffee mug that says 'greatest sister ever' | y/nhughes but i am the greatest sister ever 🥺🥺 | lhughes_06 .....yeah you are. can't put you at fault because you have preferences | _quinnhughes don't be jealous lukey 😉
_quinnhughes i love you y/n ❤
jamie.drysdale they're only your favorites because one's your brother & the other one is your boyfriend, right? 🥺 | y/nhughes of course. you're my favorite outside of those 2 ❤ | trevorzegras dude | calemakar wait....thought i was your favorite 🥺 | y/nhughes wait, cale. you are my absolute favorite!! top tier best friend. that means you're above quinn and connor ❤
jackhughes feel like i should point out that i was at the all-star game too 😔 | y/nhughes yes but you didn't play | jackhughes well neither did connor but you still posted him 😂 | _connorbedard guess she just loves me more 🤷🏻‍♂️ | y/nhughes he's my boyfriend so i gotta post him occasionally jack | jackhughes i would like some appreciation once in a while too 🥺 | y/nhughes okay fine. would it make you feel better if i came to visit you and made you your favorite meal? | jackhughes ooh yes please ❤
user12 oh they're both so cute
user7 i don't know who i like more
user14 the one in the blue looks pretty hot 😏 | _quinnhughes thank you 😊 | y/nhughes the one in the red is hotter 😉
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Liked by y/nhughes, calemakar, _connorbedard and 672,414 others
trevorzegras | i hope you enjoy this payback 😂😊 tagged: y/nhughes
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y/nhughes i hope you enjoy hell 😐🙄 | trevorzegras oh i will 😉
jackhughes the only time i enjoy her company | y/nhughes hey fuck you jack
calemakar so cute when she's sleeping 😊 | y/nhughes bitch i'm always cute | calemakar that is true 😏
_connorbedard whose room did you fall asleep in? | y/nhughes luke's | lhughes_06 only because her room is a disaster 😂
_quinnhughes as much as i appreciate embarrassing pictures of my sister, i'm more curious as to why you decided to go into the room while she was sleeping and take her picture 🤨😂 | jackhughes yeah me too | lhughes_06 explain yourself zegras | y/nhughes yeah trevor. explain yourself | trevorzegras why do i have to explain myself when y/n did the same thing not too long ago 😂
colecaufield i will take the blame for this one. it was my idea for him to get his 'revenge' | y/nhughes you are immediately forgiven ❤🥺 | trevorzegras what the heck dude
user3 i love this friendship more than anything 😂
user12 original shipper of hughgras 😂 | y/nhughes 🤨🤨🤨 | user12 you and trevor....hugh(es) and (ze)gras | y/nhughes oh okay....but no. sorry sweetie
calemakar i realize that you always sleep in this position 😂 | _quinnhughes wait... 🤨🤨 | calemakar well she does come to visit me quite often 😂
_connorbedard my love ❤ | _connorbedard gorgeous in any position really 😉😏 | y/nhughes 🤫😊 | jackhughes no...🙈 | lhughes_06 take it back 🙉 | _quinnhughes why did i have to read that 👀🙈
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691
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knific · 7 months
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hi im john! or zero. i'm a LEESBO and i draw stuff : also im multifandom and i switch interests almost monthly. if you follow me for one thing you might not get that.
i'm fifteen and from the southeast of asia. i can speak different languages but i only prefer being spoken to in english lol!
also we MIGHT be mutuals. this isn't my main blog and that was actually a mistake because i didn't know how to use tumblr by the time. if you see you're being followed by some user called epicflowpow then I guess we're mutuals :') that's my main blog that im inactive on! lol! it's hard to explain
i have bad memory don't expect me to remember anything personal like ur birthday,
i make sex jokes sometimes ok if ur not comfortable lmk and ill stop,
i post what i want, i might post blood, gore, etc. anything i post may be triggering, if you don't like it block me! the only form of censoring you'll get is the tags so get ready to mute a few (ex: cw blood, cw knife, cw suicide)
my social skills suck.. you can try to talk to me but i get very nervous when talking privately and i might say things i don't mean
i am sometimes rude but it's just for fun lol i don't actually mean it,
i don't reaalyyy use tonetags but ill use them when my wording starts to sound a little serious
uhhh i make homophobic jokes because it's FUNNY. im actually a person of the bacon community though so yeah.
i like to cuss my faves out. i will say very very mean stuff about them and I won't state whether it's positive or negative. if you don't like that then you should probably not read the tags sometimes
i ironically use emojis like 😂🥺🥹😜 etc
dni: i don't have a dni because people are gonna interacr with me anyways. ill block whoever makes me feel uncomfortable and who not (pr/shipp*rs are not exceptions lol ALL will be blocked)
also i do requests! here are like. rules for my requests n stuff:
i think im most likely to do EVERY request you guys give me, so go crazy! i just won't do it quickly. because im not an art machine
i do any reqs, but i will less likely do/will put for last the oc requests lol :)
okay when I said any reqs i lied: just don't request me taco x pickle loll it's for the sake of some of my mutuals :) i can still draw them hanging out but it won't be tagged as ship or implied ship
i also do any fandom but again i will less likely do fandoms im not in lol
uhh. if im uncomfortable with a ship in particular ill just ignore your req don't bother sending it again or im gonna give you a beating
complicated styled characters are ok but if you wanna give me a first good impression don't send them or you're literally breaking my fingers physically
also comics scare me if you request those too you're also breaking my fingers (it's not prohibited though you can send them but ill cry)
0 art: for my art
0 ask: for asks
0 req: art requests!
0 s req: things people draw for me :)
0 reblogs: for reblogs (best muted)
0 txt: me talking
0 talk: me talking w other ppl
0 fave: favourites/saving for later
0 other: other
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Hi!.🥺💔🤲 for the emoji asks, please!
Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
When one of them, usually James, comes up with some silly little bit (first thing that springs to mind is the "stolen diamonds" exchange after Lily buys James the coffee in WATJP) and the other one immediately picks it up and runs with it. It's such a fun little snapshot of compatibility and playfulness, and also one of my favourite ways to push back against an awful headcanon that I have frequently seen bandied about on Tumblr, which is the idea that Lily and James have a parent and child-like dynamic in which she's constantly sighing and rolling her eyes at his silliness. No thank you. Any time I can squeeze in a moment where she doesn't just entertain his mad notions, but actively appreciates and participates, is just...sigh, chef's kiss for me.
Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Probably Filthy Animals, because I came so close to the finish line but let my own self-doubt pull the ending I had planned to shreds, and now with the way I feel about the police being what it is, the idea of them being coppers isn't even enjoyable to me anymore.
Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
James Potter: so you'll know
Remus Lupin: Know what?
James Potter: that she's not upset
Remus Lupin: Lily?
James Potter: yeah
Remus Lupin: You don't really believe that.
James Potter: yeah i do believe it in fact i don't think she ever was
Remus Lupin: I don't know how to respond to that, except to say that I just don't think that's true.
James Potter: no no it is true she's not upset at all, she doesn't care about how i'm doing or how i'm handling this or how it would make me feel to see those photos if she did she wouldn't have let beatrice post them, would she? i'm stuck here dying and she's in paris drinking champagne and eating escargot or whatever and and laughing and posing for photos with a famous actor's arm around her waist as if everything is all so brilliant and that's not what upset people DO
Remus Lupin: That's what a lot of upset people do, mate. To save face.
James Potter: but SHE doesn't do that! not with me
Remus Lupin: Right, but she doesn't really have you at the moment.
James Potter: i'm right here!
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soaplickerrr · 3 months
Stray Love
~ The Date ~
Chapter #4
〉〉 Previous Chapter
〉〉 Next Chapter
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Warnings ~ Fem Reader, Mentions of food.
This is short, all chapters will be short, and the story will overall be short. I'm trying to get used to writing again.
Proofread by @hereforthedrinkss
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You stood there for a few moments longer, savoring the warmth of the kiss Hyunjin had left on your cheek. The entire world seemed to blur around you, leaving you in a dreamlike state until the sharp buzz of your phone brought you back to reality. It was a text from Hyunjin:
-So about that date
A flutter of excitement and nervousness filled you as you quickly replied,
-What about it? Do you not want to go anymore ☹️?
His response came almost immediately,
-NO I WANNA GO!!! It's just, where do you think we can go? I can't get caught with a girl right before our comeback, it's a miracle that they haven't found the cafe I keep going to.. I also can't get caught going to your apartment either, so how about you come to the dorms? 😸
You smirked at his use of the cat emoji and replied with a skeptical
Hyunjin's next message was swift, almost frantic,
-NOT LIKE THAT!! You can come over, we’ll be in my room, we’ll get to know each other and I’ll order food! Chan hyung knows, but the others don't. But it’s okay! It'll just be me and you! Better bonding in private, with no people around to see who I am!
You teased back with,
-That's even creepier, watch you say 'Wanna eat ramen?' next 😒.
Hyunjin, ever the quick-witted one, responded,
-Well DO YOU??? Wanna eat ramen 😏?? JK JK JK JKKKKKK… Just please consider it, for both your safety and mine 🥺🥺
Rolling your eyes, you replied,
-Send that emoji again and there will be no date. But I'll consider it, pinky promise!
His enthusiasm practically burst through your screen with his reply,
The next day was rough. The cafe was unusually busy, and to top it off, the number of ignoring and rejections you received from customers left you feeling disheartened. After your shift, you went home and took a long, hot shower, thinking about Hyunjin's request the entire time. The steam and solitude helped clear your mind, and by the time you stepped out, you had made your decision. Yes.
You quickly dressed and texted Hyunjin,
-Yes, I’ll go over, just when?
His reply was instantaneous, filled with joy,
Smiling at his exuberance, you responded,
-Tomorrow? Are you sure?
His confidence was unwavering,
-YES. 100%!!
You continued,
-Fine, send me your address and give me a dress code so I don’t show up looking horrible at an IDOL’S dorm.
Hyunjin quickly sent you the address and clicked the video call button,
he texted.
You couldn't help but chuckle at how open he was becoming. You answered the call, and the two of you talked for a while, discussing your date. Both of you were flustered but equally excited. You talked about outfits and laughed over the anticipation, and before you knew it, it was nearly 1 AM. You decided it was time to hang up, wishing each other "Goodnight ❤️" before drifting off to sleep with happy thoughts.
You woke up the next morning at 9:19 AM, the thought of the date bringing a smile to your face. You took a shower, ate breakfast, and brushed your teeth, all the while trying to quell the butterflies in your stomach. Then, you attacked your closet, creating an absolute mess as you searched for the perfect outfit. Hyunjin had assured you that you’d look amazing in anything, but you wanted to look your best. You finally settled on something flattering and looked at the clock: 10:49
Rushing, you did your hair, impressed at the outcome in such a short time. You sprayed on some sweet-smelling perfume and applied a simple makeup look, aiming for cute and effortless. Grabbing your keys, you stuffed them into your jacket pocket and set off, walking to Hyunjin's dorm. It was a pleasant 20-minute walk, and the weather was just right, ensuring you'd arrive looking and feeling fresh.
At 11:29, you reached the address and knocked on the door Hyunjin had specified. Almost immediately, you heard the quick patter of feet rushing to the door. Hyunjin opened it excitedly, pulling you into a long, warm hug. His enthusiasm was infectious, and you couldn't help but smile as you gently kissed his cheek. He froze for a second, surprised, before grabbing your hand and guiding you inside.
You shyly looked down, avoiding the curious stares of 3RACHA. The reality of being in the same space as the members of Stray Kids was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. Hyunjin led you to his room and closed the door behind you. The first words out of your mouth were, “Holy shit, I’m in the same space as 3RACHA.”
Hyunjin quickly protested with a playful pout, “Hey! What about me?!”
You giggled at his reaction. "Well, you’re included too, obviously. But I’m just a little starstruck."
He rolled his eyes, feigning exasperation, "Fine, I'll forgive you this time. Come on, sit down, make yourself comfortable."
You sat on his bed, feeling a bit surreal about the whole situation. Hyunjin sat beside you, close enough that your knees touched.
"So, this is where you live, huh?" you asked, looking around his room. It was tidy, yet personal, with little decorations and items that reflected his personality.
"Yeah, this is my sanctuary," he said with a smile, watching you take everything in. "It’s nice to have you here."
You nodded, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity settling in. "I’m glad to be here."
Hyunjin reached out and took your hand, intertwining your fingers. "I’ve been looking forward to this. To just spending time together, without any other people around."
You squeezed his hand gently. "Me too. It’s nice to just be ourselves."
He looked into your eyes, his expression serious yet tender. "I hope you know how much this means to me. You being here, giving us a chance."
You felt your heart swell at his words. "It means a lot to me too, Hyunjin."
He smiled, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Good. Now, what do you want to do first? We have the whole day."
You laughed, feeling the excitement bubble up again. "Well, you mentioned food. What do you have in mind?"
He grinned, his eyes lighting up. "I was thinking of ordering some takeout. We can have a little picnic right here."
You agreed, and soon enough, you were both browsing through menus on his phone, deciding what to order. Hyunjin was playful and animated, making you laugh with his enthusiastic suggestions.
As you waited for the food to arrive, you talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories and laughter. The awkwardness from earlier melted away, replaced by a growing sense of closeness and comfort.
When the food finally arrived, Hyunjin set up a cozy little picnic on his floor, complete with a blanket and an assortment of delicious dishes. You both sat down, digging in with gusto, enjoying the food and each other’s company.
Between bites, you found yourself sharing more about your life, your dreams, and your fears. Hyunjin listened intently, his eyes never leaving yours, making you feel seen and valued in a way you hadn't felt in a long time.
In return, he opened up about his life as an idol, the pressures and the joys, the loneliness and the exhilaration. His honesty and vulnerability touched you deeply, and you found yourself growing more and more fond of him with each passing moment.
Hours passed in a blur of conversation, laughter, and shared moments. Before you knew it, the sun had started to set, casting a warm glow through the window.
Hyunjin looked at you, his expression soft and content. "Thank you for today. This has been… amazing."
You smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and happiness that you hadn't felt in a long time. "Thank you, Hyunjin. I feel the same way."
As the day drew to a close, you both knew that this was just the beginning. The connection you had formed today was something special, something worth holding onto.
Hyunjin walked you to the door, his hand holding yours firmly but gently. "I’ll see you again soon, right?"
You nodded, your heart full. "Definitely."
He leaned in and kissed your cheek softly, his touch lingering. "Goodnight," he whispered.
"Goodnight, Hyunjin," you replied, smiling up at him.
Just as you were about to step out, he stopped you. "Wait," he said, a hint of concern in his voice. "It's late, and I don't want you walking home alone."
You blinked in surprise. "But it's not that far."
"I know," he replied, already reaching for his phone. "But I’d feel better if I drove you. Let me borrow Chan’s car."
A few moments later, after a brief conversation with Chan, Hyunjin had the keys. He put on a mask and a cap, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention.
"Ready?" Hyunjin asked, adjusting his mask and cap.
You nodded, a warm feeling spreading through you at his concern. "Yeah, let's go."
He led you to Chan's car, opening the passenger door for you before sliding into the driver's seat. As he started the car, he glanced over at you, his eyes crinkling with a smile you could feel even through the mask. The drive was quiet but comfortable, both of you enjoying the companionable silence after such an eventful day.
Before long, you arrived at your apartment. Hyunjin stopped the car and you got out, taking a moment to savor the evening air. You walked around to the driver's side and tapped on the window. He looked up, surprised, and rolled it down.
You leaned in, your heart pounding in your chest. "Thanks for the ride, Hyunjin. And for today," you said softly, reaching out to pull down his mask.
He looked at you, eyes wide with surprise and something else—something tender. Before he could react, you kissed him, your lips landing right at the corner of his mouth. He froze for a second, and then his cheeks flushed a deep crimson.
You giggled at his reaction, feeling a mixture of affection and triumph. "Goodnight, Hyunjin," you whispered, stepping back.
He blinked, still processing the kiss, then managed to stammer out, "G-goodnight."
With a smile, you turned and walked to your apartment door. You unlocked it, then turned around for one last look. Hyunjin was still watching you, his face half-hidden but his eyes warm and bright. You waved, and he waved back, finally breaking into a shy, wide smile.
You walked inside and closed the door behind you, your heart feeling light and full. Moving to the window, you watched as Hyunjin started the car and drove away, his taillights disappearing into the night.
As you settled in for the evening, you couldn't help but smile. Today had been perfect, and you knew it was just the beginning of something wonderful.
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This feels..not it.
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astrologylunadream · 10 months
How This Connection Feels You vs Them👥🔗♡ (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hii beautiful souls, it's Lunadream. In this reading we will discover how this connection feels for you vs your person. hope you find your message♡🌠
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🖤
Pile 1👥
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Pile 2👟
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Pile 3🛹
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Pile 4🔊
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💤
Pile 1👥
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Sign energy: Mirror, Crave, Bottom, Cope, Turn on, Capricorn, Uranus, 6th house, North node, 9th house, 🤎🙏🦁🤷‍♀️
💭How this connection feels to you: Alright I'm getting some earthy vibes for you guys~ Capricorn, Aquarius, Virgo, and Sagittarius energies, Leo is present aswell and some of you could have Leo in 6th house so Pisces rising possibly. You are focused on the future of this connection, and you want to ensure a solid foundation to keep it growing and continuing. You need freedom this connection in order for your love to expand within it, but you may often feel low priority due to being less involved with your person. Some of my pile 1's are holding on to this connection despite the lack of care from their person.🥺 For most of my pile 1's I'm sensing your person appears more like the dominant one in the connection to you. I feel that you crave knowledge on this connection and want to know everything you can on where it's headed.🔮 I think you have a very carefree approach to this relationship but after a while you started to worry if you aren't engaging enough, and you may feel very insignificant in your person's life. Some of you are praying that you won't be forgotten in this connection, but you are uncertain of what's to come of it. To you, this person seems like a reflection of yourself in some ways especially when it comes to ambitions and goals for the future. I feel you want to experience many things in this connection but you may feel unable to do so.😔
🗨How this connection feels to them: Reflect, Price, Swim, Beauty & the beast, Adorable, Virgo, 5th house, 3rd house, Vertex, Water, 😁💡🏃‍♂️🍎 Okay so for your person's side of this connection, things are going much smoother in their eyes. I'm hearing "things are going swimmingly" Hahah I think they feel positive about where things are going with you guys😂😂 Omg they see you as a reflection of themselves too!!😊 They think you project yourself in a very cute way in the relationship, you could act in a way thay pleases them and they find that very adorable💗 They see beauty in your creativity and hobbies, especially your ideas. From their perspective, communicating with you is the hardest part in this connection, they may feel like they don't know enough about you. For some of you this person's mind is running in circles just trying to wrap their head around this connection with you😂🤣 I think they see things as fun and light energy with you, like a stream of water following it's current. They feel thay everything will just flow as they need to with you.🏞🖤
✉Messages from your person: You went too far, I want your lips on mine, It's immature, You need time, I wish I could read your mind, I can't stop looking at you, Imagine us together, I'll make it up to you (Aww so sweet🥺😔🙏) Extra cards: Greed, Facial expression, Distance, Practical, Self sabotage, Virgo, 12th house, Moon, Gemini, Pluto (Omg they know there's physical distance between you two rn but they can't stop thinking of you day after day😫💙🖤)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌠
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the shadow couple emoji~👥 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤
Pile 2👟
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Sign energy: Unheard, Careless, Explosion, Short, Audience, Juno, Virgo, 10th house, Jupiter, 9th house, 🍷🧊💄👿
💭How this connection feels to you: Ohh you guys have a very mature vibe in this connection, I'm getting hot vibes for sure🙈🖤 You may be short in height or your person makes you feel short LOL, you may not take much care of yourself or indulge in things that aren't necessarily good for you (binges, drinking, partying, ect.😈) You like the wild side of life, and this connection feels carefree and fun at the time and it's exactly the type of connection you seek for a long term commitment aswell (but I don't see most of my pile 2's wanting a committed relationship all that much💍🚫). Virgo, Capricorn and Sagittarius placements, Pisces energy too. You feel a little overlooked in this connection... you may feel left out by your person and it makes you angry if you aren't thought of or considered often. You enjoy the passionate and exciting side of this connection but sometimes you aren't getting that exactly the way you want.😥 You hate being put on the side of this relationship for other things, you may feel your person has to much power over you especially over your mind. You also feel like your person doesn't know you well enough, and sometimes you feel insecure and unheard.💬💔 I feel some of my pile 2's have many options and don't need this connection as badly as others do. Also I think one of the biggest reasons you want this connection with your person is to satisfy your deeper needs and have a good time🖤
🗨How this connection feels to them: Truth, 9th house, Dive, Era, Salty, Sagittarius, Libra, Juno, 5th house, North node, 🧬🙅‍♀️🧸🛩 Ooh okay we have some Sagittarius energy for your person too!! You guys have similarities, Libra and Leo energy too. This connection feels nice and pleasant to them, but they may feel like they aren't being told the truth about things between you. My pile 2's may not be honest about things they know, I'm hearing withdrawing knowledge. Omg pile 2 might know this person is the one but they haven't let them know they felt this way yet!!💞 I think they have a desire to go places with you, they also wanna have fun and let loose around you. The future of this connection feels very spontaneous for your person, they don't know what to expect but they like it that way.🚀🔥 I think romantically speaking your person doesn't know much about your wants and needs in a relationship, and they have no clue what you wanna do with this one😂 As far as your person is concerned, you just wanna keep things casual and not take it too seriously tbh. They feel like taking a leap of in this connection with you and just seeing where it goes, and where this journey takes you both. I don't think they are scared of rejection from my pile 2's, they would probably be very understanding of it. They are chill with whatever you decide to do with this connection and they just wanna explore all the possibilities with you <3
✉Messages from your person: If I had you, We can try, What's wrong? Give me more, I know all of your secrets, You aren't on my level, Meet me in secret, I think you're a great person (You guys are such a ray of sunshine together☀️) Extra cards: Online, Close, Social media, Beloved, Ex lover, 9th house, South node, Leo, Fire, Venus (They wanna keep you close and stay in touch, omg🥺💕)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌠
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the grey emoji~👟 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤
Pile 3🛹
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Sign energy: Hips, Secret admirer, Sidetracked, Restaurant, Change, Pluto, Scorpio, Lilith, Pisces, 10th house, ♉🌏🗡💛
💭How this connection feels to you: Omg you guys have such a trendy vibe so dark and mysterious😎🖤 I'm sensing shadow energy within this pile, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus placements. You view this connection as something deep and emotional, but also beautiful even in all it's darkest parts. To you this connection is always changing and growing to an depths hard to describe, the relationship between you and your person is so powerful and spiritually awakening.🦋🕯 It focuses on your darkest fantasies and aspects about yourself you keep hidden/unknown. You take this connection very seriously, and this could be a secret connection or one you don't let others see. Patience may be killing you in this connection, as you expect change and transformation with your person but you can't keep the waters from crashing onto shore.🌊⛈ You are so used to this connection being a bit chaotic and unpredictable but there is a need for this to be a more still and stable connection. You fantasize about your person a lot and their hips are very attractive to you, also this connection tends to be a distraction from more important matters in your life. This is an all consuming emotional experience for you in this connection.🖤
🗨How this connection feels to them: Eros, Rose, 5th house, College, Admiration, 1st house, 6th house, Aries, Water, 10th house, 🤙🕷🧤☸ So for my pile 3's person, they are seeing things through rose colored lenses I'm hearing, I don't think they tend to fantasize often but rather assume things are better than they are first thing. Your person may have Leo, Aries, Virgo or Capricorn Capricorn placements, They have a very strong energy. I think they jump into things very quickly including this connection, perhaps they didn't think too much of it when they wanted a relationship of some kind with you. This person does admire this connection and it inspires them, could be in creative pursuits or how they present themselves that this connection improves or effects in some way. My pile 3's have a very charismatic person☺💫 They don't get tense or stressed out often, usually laid back and enjoying themselves. At the beginning of this connection, there could have been a love at first sight kind of thing😍 Pretty sure they thought you were hot the second they saw you🔥❤🙈 They may have been overly ambitious with you in the beginning, and tried everything they could to win you over especially by impressing you like by getting a degree fast or showing off their talents/knowledge💪 Lol this person is so tryhard when it comes to this connection, and I'm hearing "your body is like a rose" maybe they think that of you🌹💗💕
✉Messages from your person: You deserve me, You don't have a choice, Ugh, I get lost in your eyes, You better know, I tell my friends about you, We could totally make it, Just listen to me (Ahhh my pile 3's your person really feels this connection with you🥰😍💋) Extra cards: Know, Lean, Sugar, Tears, Frozen, Aquarius, Taurus, Libra, 9th house, Fire
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌠
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the skateboard emoji~🛹 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤
Pile 4🔊
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Sign energy: Big, Marriage, Distance, Wedding, Surface, 3rd house, Mercury, Sagittarius, 2nd house, 11th house, 🦚🌏💢♌
💭How this connection feels to you: So for my pile 4's signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo <3 Yoy may have Sagittarius in 2nd house or Mercury in 3rd.😇 You have a very loving and devoted outlook on this connection with your person, many of you wish to marry them.💍💝 Your person could be a Leo or you desire those traits in them. But there is distance for you in this connection my pile 4's :< I think you feel your person isn't on the same page as you, and they are more focused on themselves. My pile 4's are so in love and devoted to this person but there is a sense of rejection, there could be physical distance between you two or possibly on different sides of the planet.✈ This could be someone from a foreign country, I feel you communicate mostly through social media/online contact. You personally see a solid foundation for a long term partner in this connection but you aren't sure they see from your perspective.💔😓 You have a big investment in this relationship and my pile 4's your dedication is just so sweet!!😭
🗨How this connection feels to them: Foreign, Secret, Mad, Romance, Cold, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius, 🌻🎪😈🌡 Ahh this is definitely someone foreign to you in some way, they could be living in a different country rn. But currently they have some hidden fantasies in this connection, omg like dark ones too🤯🙊 This is a bit of a hot romantic connection for them it makes them crazy with desire and passion😣🥵 But all that aside they feel you are a little distant from them, they low key want more attention and contact from you. They feel as if things have gone cold recently and the flame has burnt out.😞🌬🕯It's as if you don't feel as much as you used to at least to them, this could be because of how far apart you guys are in this connection. This does feel a little like something to hide for them, it could be because of their hidden fantasies and motives. I'm hearing it drives them mad omg they really have so much intense desire for this pile🔥 They want to be your sun and shine brightly for you, It's like the passion is there but then it isn't. They do feel strongly that the romance between you two has become more mundane or not expressive enough. They wish to feel your true passion and devotion, they wanna see the spark in your eyes and the excitement for a mysterious and unpredictable love affair🌹💐💋
✉Messages from your person: I only listen to you, Think highly of yourself, I try harder for you, We finally meet, It's not your fault, We're in trouble, I want to be your ex, You need to know (Omg they want the passion and romance to rise until it crashes and burns for you my pile 4's🥰) Extra cards: Up, Sagittarius, Cinderella, Boundaries, Rumor, Jupiter, Air, Sun, Taurus, 4th house (Wait patiently my pile 4's because your person wants to explore all the possibilities in this connection, you very well may be the one for them♡)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌠
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the speaker emoji~🔊 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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lovelufian · 1 year
How To Be Cute
It's been a while since I have noted ideas for more accurate Fae characters. And yes, you read the title right. I am giving you ideas for a realistic, more-than-meets-the-eye, cute character. Or use it for yourself I don't care, go nuts.
A little more quiet. Cute is not loud. Cute is not always chaotic. Cute is cute even if they just sit on a corner and minding their own business, be it staring at the plants on the sidewalk or gazing at the stars. Cute has glints of innocence in their eyes and is cute even just staring at you.
More than words. If I hear one more person mispronouncing so many words intentionally just to sound cute I may explode. But cute is caring. So voice your concerns. Say those small questions. Let out those naive concerns without screaming them out.
Not mean. Cute is more than pouts. Cute is more than a small voice screaming into your ear. Cute is caring. Cute is nice. Cute is nice to everyone and will try to correct themselves when they are hating. Cute has a heart and they are not afraid to use it. Cute is not rash and tries their best to never say a dirty word, not because they think it's bad, either they are just not aware of the word, they think it's unnecessary, or both.
Cozy. Let out those plush animals. Warm blanket. Cup of chocolate. Soothing music. ASMR (Well if it suits your fancy). Do this without the intention of showing off. Have a "protocol" ready when you get broken-hearted. Just do it for yourself. Do it alone. Enjoy time alone. Play with pets. Make sure you're always comfortable (not at the expense of others though). Take a break from people if you need to. That is self-care. Self-care is cute.
Gently Unmasked. Tears are not weak and as you don't overdo them, you're fine. When you feel touched by something, show it. If you find something adorable, show it. But I know we as a society has been raised not allowing ourselves to show unmasked/unfiltered emotions in public until it's already a known universal collective experience. Start when you are alone, and keep doing it until it becomes natural to you.
Innocent. Let yourself be oblivious. It's fine if you don't get that someone is flirting you. It's fine if you don't get that innuendo. It's fine if you are what everyone is afraid of, single. It doesn't matter cause you know why? You are happy with life anyway. Contented with friends. Family. Animals, what have you. You live a cozy life, why desire so much for flirting and innuendos from other people?
Contented. Feel enough. Cute does not share the adult desire of wanting everything. Cute is not greedy. Cute shares, even. Cute knows does what they can with what they have and is happy enough about it. Cute doesn't need to envy because they are already happy, and looking forward with another day, and you can see it in the joy and hope in their eyes.
Has an inner child. Do not deny your inner child. Find the most adorable things you can find in life and surround yourself with them (yes it includes bugs if you find bugs interesting). Let your interests wonder. Learn about the things you like. Pursue with your heart.
Wholesome. Cute appreciates wholesome. It's not exclusive though. When cute sees unfamiliar things and innuendos, they are just confused, but never shows ick about it.
Nice beyond cues. Cute doesn't need a cue to be nice. They are decent beyond social cues, and they are kind just because. They do nice things from the heart. And they don't care about the public norm because they are not so aware of it.
Hoping. Hope and innocence run side by side. Once you learn to have hopes you can immediately trigger your innocence. Not everything has to be sad and tragic. Not everyone will hurt you. Not everything you're going to do is going to fail.
Uses ways to convey emotions through messages, but never overdoes it. The only things in emojis that you can use most times are 🥺 and the smiling version of it. Maybe some 🤣 too. The rest is emoticons or kaomojis. But do not overdo them, as it looks unnatural.
Soft but not whiny. Cute is soft and fragile, but doesn't whine all the time. It just minds its own business while looking very "smol" about it. Whining is noisy. Noisy is not cute.
Modestly styled. There's a fine line between being "innocent cute" and "adult cute". We are talking about innocent cute here. Don't show so much skin. Wear cozy and modest clothing. Any color would do, even black, as long as it gives an innocent vibe to your being. Feel yourself in soft fabric shirts and pants/skirts. Wear that adorable little hair ornament you have. Show the flowiness/softness of your hair. Keep the makeup light.
Hygge. Whether or not you know the word for it, enjoying your life within the simple and cozy things and spending time with those you love and those you appreciate is a good thing. It will allow you to feel wholesome and therefore act nicely with the world. Nice is cute.
For me, cute is sctually more of a vibe and personality than anything. The style is just a plus. Also, cute is not and will never be limited to skinny. Skinny does not equal cute and never will, and I will bludgeon whoever says otherwise. Cute is not something with a specific style that you have to do even when you don't like said style. And cute as a personality doesn't revolve around clothing, trinkets, or body types.
I might add more here if I ever remember any else, but for now this will be my list. Enjoy and use as you will.
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starsurface · 7 months
Hcs for Stryker CG (Mk9-MK1 version it don’t matter :3) looking after a baby regressor?- ✨ Thanks again
Of course!! It's kinda both MK1 and MK9?? Mostly 'cause, uh, there's not much of him on either timeline . . .
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Stryker Hcs
🧸 Papa Bear!!!!!
🧸 @autismoplayden got it into my mind that he's a Papa Bear with her Stryker post, so he's a Papa Bear :3 (also why I used this emoji)
🧸 Very protective Papa
🧸 Your his baby!!! He's gotta protect you 🥺
🧸 Not overbearing when it comes to babysitting or playdates, but can be overbearing when you wanna play alone
🧸 He wants to make sure your safe, your his baby, you need to be safe
🧸 You are not allowed to get hurt, not even the littlest scratch or papercut
🧸 He gets bad memories of Kabal getting hurt, and he couldn't dare imagine you getting hurt
🧸 He'll patch you up, kissing your boo-boo when your done
🧸 But your also required to have a thirty minute cuddle afterwards, very protective Papa
🧸 Loves carrying you!!!!
🧸 It's not even to show off his strength, he just really likes holding you <3
🧸 Got you a fake badge so you could play cop with him
🧸 Playing cop with him making fake little scenarios with your stuffies
🧸 He'll roll and army crawl on the ground, making you giggle cause Papa was being funny
🧸 Since your tiny, he'll prop you against some pillows and do more of the work
🧸 Or pick you up and crawl around with you, gotta defeat those bad guys!! >:D
🧸 He'd do the silliest things just to make you laugh
🧸 It's actually very nice to see, since normally he's kinda serious
🧸 He'd find it funny if you stole his hat
🧸 And let you keep it for a bit, you look adorable 🥺
🧸 Favorite CG nicknames are Papa and Bubba
🧸 Ugh, babbling 🥺
🧸 Thinks you're adorable when you babble
🧸 Is really good with nonverbal communication, even if it's just grabby hands
🧸 I feel like he'd know a small bit of asl and would encourage you to use some (like water or hungry)
🧸 Your main babysitters would probably be (good/redeemed) Kabal, Sonya, and Kitana (I can see them as friends)
🧸 Did you know Sonya and Stryker are decent friends, even if it's never really spoken about in the games? (It was really quick in Rebirth, but I love her <3)
🧸 Really good with diaper regressors
🧸 Very patient when you get fussy or upset
🧸 He'll wait for you to calm down before cradling you
🧸 Telling you that there's no reason to get all fussy but your not in any trouble
🧸 But if being naughty, he won't hesitate to sit on the naughty step with you
🧸 Do the crime, serve the time >:(
🧸 A bit strict when it comes to rules (he doesn't want you to get hurt) but will be a bit softer because of how tiny you are
🧸 You can get out of punishment very easily though, a few tears and no pease Papa will make him easily bend
🧸 You get many, many compliments
🧸 He adores praising you, thinks you look adorable when you say a tiny thank you or give him a giggly paci kiss in response
🧸 I can see him really liking to play with slime with you
🧸 I dunno why, but I think he'd really enjoy playing with slime
🧸 Or even playdough!!
🧸 Making playdough food, or buying those old 2000 playdough ice cream machines!!
🧸 . . . You're not allowed to eat either of these, don't even think about it >:(
🧸 Will help you color by guiding your hand, but only if you want
🧸 Ugh, any picture of you and Papa WILL get framed 🥺
🧸 ^ Even if it's a stick figure of you in your favorite color, and him a blue figure
🧸 Absolutely adores baby regressor, but more just adores you
🧸 Your his baby, he's so happy to come home from his long scary days to his sweet little baby
🧸 Favorite nicknames for you are Baby Bear, Little One, Baby Girl/Boy, Sweetheart
🧸 “My Baby” is another one of his favorites <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ngl, Stryker seems so cool, but I know almost nothing of him cause he kinda left in MK9. 👀
Also ngl, kinda like the ship of him and Kabal or him, Kabal, and Kano. (I REALLY LIKE REDEEMED KABAL)
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wolfsetfree-if · 7 months
okay so i have three mcs currently (will probs make three more, so i have two of each wolf type). this will get LONG so. sorry? maybe?
my mainiest main: my gamma boy. he has curly dark brown hair and one brown and one green eye, he's average height and has a lean build, a bit lanky honestly, plus he'd want to wear oversized soft clothes and would probably look skinnier than he actually is. his wolf form has long fur dappled with black and would, in dimmer lighting, probably look totally black, but in the sun i'd imagine the warmer brown would come out. like a little surprise. a kinder egg. lol.
he is currently having A Bad Time. (obviously). in the beginning of captivity, he would have been very jittery and tense and constantly tried to find ways to escape (and we know how that ended, so), but now that hyper-vigilance has taken a toll and he's honestly quite disassociated and numb. very tired, but also can't stop being on guard. he has had no control for so long, but knowing/seeing exactly what was/is happening around him helps a little.
as far as being rescued... he's glad to be free, obviously, but he doesn't trust the pack (even if he's grateful) and doesn't know how to even begin to process his emotions, so he's feeling both overwhelmed and numb at the same time, and can't really believe it really. he has not taken any chances to get closer to the pack (so no pets or cuddling), because any touch sends him into an anxious spiral. plus he's naturally quite introverted and being around people can be overwhelming and tiring, and now that's amplified times a billion. but when he feels a bit calmer and safer, i think he'll honestly like a little bit of cuddling and being petted and might discover that he's a bit touch-starved. he will bond with the pack eventually, though, and enjoy spending time with all of them. he would love to learn how to knit, for example, or help out in the garden or play card games or draw or paint or maybe help the pups with schoolwork. he'd be good at that, i think. he's very patient and actually good at School Stuff (mostly math and science). i think he'll fit into the pack nicely eventually, and one day it will feel like a true home, and a real family... HIS family, and it will probably be the happiest day of his life, when he realizes that.
my second main: my little but actually giant omega. he is actually tall, but he's like. an awkward/skinny/shy/gentle giant, lol. he has blonde hair and brown eyes, and his wolf form (long fur because fluffy and soft!) has white patches. sort of like a cow print. which is very cute.
the captivity... it was just very sad for him, honestly. obviously wearing a collar and being petted like a dog wasn't good or nice, but he's extremely touch-starved and wants to be around people. he's shy, like i said, so he doesn't necessarily want to be in the centre, but he wants to be with family, a pack, and the djinn wasn't that, of course, but it was something other than bare walls and cage bars, yknow? he feels extremely sad and lonely.
then he's so happy and overwhelmed at being rescued and he has latched on to bela very strongly. he takes any chance for pets and feels safe and protected around the alpha (since they're so kind and gentle and welcoming). he loved the pups. he wants to adopt them. he wants to be a full-time nanny for them. he also loved cuddling kesha. they can be cuddle-buddies forever. honestly i can sum him up with this emoji: 🥺
my third: my alpha. a small ball of rage. well. sort of. he's just the teeny tiniest bit shorter than average (if you ask him), but he has that angry chihuahua vibe for sure. he has black hair and intense blue eyes, and is quite muscular. but like athletic more than buff gym-bro. i don't know if a trans mc has had the opportunity to have any surgeries, and if they haven't, he would feel quite dysphoric in human form and wear a binder pretty much 100% of the time (not healthy! bad!) and his wolf form makes him happier, or at least more comfortable. wolves don't have boobs.
as for the captivity... he has been in a perpetual state of rage (well, despair + loneliness + hopelessness, too, but it all manifests as anger because it's easier) for years, and he's not about to stop now. the feeling of being powerless and having any and all autonomy and choice taken from him has been devastating in a way i can't even describe, and he has no coping mechanisms aside from anger and fighting.
being free now is. fuck yeeeeeaaah. fuck the djinns and fuck that cage and fuck his old pack. he's very happy about being out of that stupid cage and away from the djinns but he's very tense around the pack (even if he likes them, so far, mostly), because letting his guard down would mean showing weakness and he's refused to do that for so long, so when he eventually manages to settle a bit and start to process his trauma i think he will really struggle with accepting that the anger was also grief and fear. but he will eventually come to trust and love the pack so much and feel so protective of all of them, because they'll be his real family, and he won't have to be all alone ever again.
mm. well. as i said. very long. hope you enjoyed lol
You have one wolf better than the other I swear. I love how they are all at different stages of acceptance and elaboration of their grief and captivity. And I love how they all have different attachment styles with the pack.
You'll get to experience all the different variations with them!
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