#i just have logistic questions
do you think they give you additional segments of cord to tie onto the end of your necklace whenever it gets full so you have more space incrementally, or do they give you the longest fucking string of your life day one of exillium and you’re just supposed to use that until you leave and look really silly. 6 feet of cord and 1 bead…
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valiantvillain · 10 months
So this may just be me being totally naive about how D&D handles vampires but...does Astarion still have, like, bodily functions? Because unless it's mentioned in some banter I've yet to find in-game it never seems to get mentioned and all my Tavs have questions they're too afraid to ask.
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"Don’t get me wrong, it’s cute that you all think you’re the heroes of this little adventure, but -- you’re not. You’re bandits. You’re the bad guys. And I... am the goddamn hero."
Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)
- Everyone’s favorite jackass.
- Generic tabby shorthair.
- Large, stocky- big chest, thin waist. Huge front paws.
- Notched right ear.
- Three clasps on mask (two on brow, one on chin). Mask works like a second skin, perfectly capable of movement + emoting
- Heterochromatic (blue/green)
- Harness usually has at least two guns/knives with it. Leg harness ft. shield- left arm has his wrist laser.
- Usually has at least a little blood on him.
A.I Jack:
- No real difference besides the fact that he’s a hologram now.
- Still an asshole
- Doesn’t emit a glow, but never shaded even in the dark.
- Despite being capable of hovering around, usually walks.
- Eyes glow yellow when controlling Rhys’s cybernetics/Hyperion tech.
Jack (unmasked):
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- V-shaped scar begins at left corner of mouth, crosses the middle of his left eye, passes corner of right eye and stops at right corner of mouth.
- Scar glows a faint blue in dim light. Acts like a branding scar- hurts like a bitch.
- Left eye entirely blind, vision poor in right. Exposed teeth + gums on left side of mouth (not shown)
- Scruffy chin
- Never goes without mask (cybernetics within give him better vision + protect scar/damaged mouth and teeth).
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skaruresonic · 8 days
...you do realize you can blow a huge hole in the "Gerald based Shadow's design on the Super Sonic figure in the Hidden Palace mural" theory by saying it would still fit even if Gerald had based Shadow's design on the Eggman figure, right?
Not to mention, he had no good reason to believe it concerned the Chaos Emeralds as a whole when only the Master Emerald was depicted.
I emphasize this because the only thing we know which links every area of Gerald's research, which the games have confirmed, are the Chaos Emeralds.
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Even assuming he saw the mural in person (which is in and of itself a big assumption due to the logistics involved in even getting to Hidden Palace; couldn't he have simply read about it instead, like how he read research papers about the Emeralds?)...
...what if he had committed the mistake of misinterpreting the mural? What if the Super Sonic figure as depicted by the echidnas had turned out to be a force for destruction like Perfect Chaos?
Considering how fastidious he once was about creating anything that could be turned into a weapon of mass destruction, it strikes me as vaguely OOC to assume he looked at the Super Sonic figure and went "yep, he's the good guy. let's use him as a base for our highly clandestine, difficult, resource-expensive, morally dubious immortality research"
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anaalnathrakhs · 22 days
love this part of my life where the things that are difficult but challenging and good for me are things i can stop and skip and halfass, but the things that are difficult and painful and pointless are the things i have to live with no matter what
#school and home life are too much to handle so i skip school#because i cant kick my parents out#and appartments cost money#and i dont have a car to sleep in#i could maybe try to dig up my old childhood tent but that brings a whole host of logistic questions + im scared and it's difficult#anyway. it's fine. it's cool. i just have to hold on until i graduate high shcool and then ?????#find a way to live without my parents money OR scholarships#all for some nebulous end goal of having a job (the only field i'm interested in and good at offers two options:#to become an academic#or to become a freelancer#i do not have the fortitude to be an academic and being a freelancer is convoluted and pays like shit)#i might've spent 24h without my parents occasionally if i spent the night at a friend's place once or twice recently#but besides that the last time i've gone 48h without my parents was when the mental health center organised a week camp uhhhh...#two summers ago#incredibly good for my mental health as you can see#god i remember like... years ago. around 13yo maybe or 14. a guy. i dont know if he was a mental health professional or like social cases#but anyway he told me ''you're too afraid to be away from mommy and daddy'' and it made me want to rip his eyes out#several other people have implied or suggested that too over the years and it's just#am i too dependant on my parents? yes. will it be difficult to take my independance? yes.#does it means i don't both rationally recognize and feel that this is really fucking unhealthy and hindering for me#on top of being unpleasant?#FUCK NO#i want out my guy. there's just not many opportunities for an already mentally ill teenager#now that i'm eighteen i have to grapple with the logistical problems of the money needed and how to continue my education#and im sure a billion more if i start searching a little more seriously#perhaps i should kill myself that way i don't cost anyone any more money#broadcasting my misery#vent
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shootingstarpilot · 5 months
fucking hell.
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lupismaris · 8 months
If anyone has a spare thought/fuck to give please toss it my way I'm treading the delicate path of sorting out the possible (absolutely likely) fuck ups of a former colleague and explaining to their supervisor that they allowed said fuck ups to continue for far longer than they needed to all for the sake of not wanting to ask questions
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sanstropfremir · 8 months
if eric nam asked you instead of mark lee which 5 idols, out of any idols, you could put together to form a supergroup, who would they be?
taemin ten chen kyungsoo sungkyu EASY. would the group be a mess? absolutely. but would the music be insane? also absolutely.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
Just read Harrow the Ninth. I was rooting for someone to stab God so I could use your "in God we thrust" post to make a joke about it (thrust as in sword thrust. we are killing God), but it turned out that there was, in fact, the other kind of thrusting in God.
(I mean, possibly. Depends on who was topping whom)
woo! I hope you're enjoying the series--I certainly did. evidenced by my literally doing a whole group project about it
and DON'T WORRY! There's 2 entire other books! surely someone will stab Jod. Mercy would've if she'd had a knife, probably. so many people who love weapons hate that man
but yeah, after reading the series I can see now why tlt fandom loved my in god we thrust we are NOT trusting we are fucking god post. find it here if you haven't seen it
(also, in the few fics I've read, Jod does NOT seem to be topping. so. there's that)
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Still bothered by Azazel possessing a reaper. How tf did you do that, old man.
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Out of pure curiosity’s sake, logistically would Jellicle Cats be pregnant for the more realistic 2-ish months that actual cats are, or would they be more like the human 9-ish months, or somewhere in between?
(One thing you have to know about me is that I will put so much unnecessary time and thought and energy into a potential throwaway line, and if that doesn’t describe me as a person idk what will)
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quatregats · 6 months
Concept for a hilarious and extremely chaotic but also excellent 2024 language goal: Watch Goenkale and Pobol y Cwm simultaneously
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electriccenturies · 6 months
Okay, so the other day I was talking about how there's two "detransition" subreddits, right? One that's unfortunately full of never-transitioned transphobes, and one that has practically zero detrans people because it so aggressively prioritizes the feelings of trans people over the feelings of detrans people (for a long time they didn't even have any detrans mods, if that gives you a clue of why this subreddit exists in the first place).
I can't really handle either of them these days, so I usually just Avoid, but some people on twitter were making fun of a post on the second ("good") one, and I really had something to say to the OP so I went and replied... and I think it's SO. TELLING. that of the replies, mine was the only one from a detransitioned person... and mine was also the only one the OP responded to (and said it was helpful).
I say this all to point out how strange and sick it is that hurting, questioning trans people get pointed to this "good" and "virtuous" resource that WILL NOT HELP THEM AT ALL, and does not even have the primary goal of helping them! It certainly happened to me.
This person specifically was posting about how they want to dress feminine all of a sudden and are starting to think that they just feel too fat to be pretty, not actually that they don't want that... and if I hadn't happened to see other people being mean about it, the only advice this person struggling with body image would have gotten would be to "embrace femininity" by waxing, wearing makeup, and dressing for their body... which is not actually addressing what they're saying!
Instead of what they actually WANTED to be told, which was that those feelings have nothing to do with gender, so dressing differently, or trying to be seen as pretty, will never solve them.
This isn't about me or any other detransitioner being in the right place at the right time, though — it's about the fact that I *don't* like to go on this subreddit, and neither do any detrans people I know who have feelings more Complicated than just "I'm glad I tried it". There's few opportunities for our knowledge to mix. That is why there need to be real, facilitated detrans support groups — preferably irl — where people can discuss (unfortunately) taboo ideas like mental illness causing dysphoria, and the possibility that some of us (unconsciously) transitioned as a coping mechanism.
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genderfluid-druid · 1 year
dropping thoughts like laundry into the aromanticism washing machine and watching them spin. taking little notes in a fancy journal titled "greyro??" and crossing them out, but then going back and scribbling an addendum. holding up an extravagant glass beaker full of a cool bubbling potion and peering at it through safety glasses that say "mind the amatonormativity!"
#i think there are two layers of questioning to deal with#the first layer is easier to see and that's the trauma-related layer#the second layer has been going stealth for years and is more intrinsic#the second layer *could* have been a contributing factor toward the first#so anyway the question is. as i work through the trauma and have the support of a therapist to deal with the first layer#does the second layer become an issue. or is there only the first and it's just worked itself deep enough that it now feels intrinsic#the thing is i do get crushes and i do yearn and i can't remember a time when i didn't crave the idea of a relationship#so that should be that right? not aro. at least not intrinsically.#but why did i always end up losing interest in the relationship once i had it#was it really just because i wasn't dating people i actively chose#honestly maybe. there *was* B. i don't know how much longer that might've continued if logistics hadn't put an end to it#and M....... M is a tricky one. because even though i left that relationship by my own choice. i kind of had to in order to not want to die#the thruple vibes with K were just so utterly rancid and M was just so incapable of doing anything to make it better#so yeah. maybe that one could've continued indefinitely IF two to three of the people involved had been#a leeeeetle more mature and well adjusted. maybe. but desire for a relationship was not the issue.#so okay. maybe im NOT aro. maybe i just have shitty taste in men. you know? that's a distinct possibility.#okay. so now on the other hand. let's look at how happy and enlightened I've felt since starting to *use* the aro label#cuz it actually is fantastic. the freedom to just feel love and affection for anyone I'm close to and not have to worry about#it being taken in a way i don't intend. that's great i love that#and not feeling any pressure to find The One? rocks. good shit. i can just let whatever relationships be what they're gonna be#and not have to fret over assigning a label and structures and expectations. hot shit.#(honestly it's helping me understand where M was coming from in a way that would've been. you know. pretty useful six years ago.)#i don't wanna lock myself in a relationship with friend E but it's great hanging out with her on a regular basis#cuz that's the amount of affection i feel for her. enough to chill and watch Owl House. not enough to be in each others' space all the time#(god idk if I'll ever want to be around anyone all the time ever again. that is a LOT for my limited batteries)#idk how physical affection fits into this yet. that area is still under development#but like. if my friends were cool with it and i knew they wouldn't take it too seriously then YES i would probably kiss almost any of them#and i THINK that's true and not me telling myself something i think I'm supposed to believe? i THINK.#'s always the possibility that i just very badly want to be kissed and my brain is looking to make that happen in a way that isn't scary#ah shit that’s 30 tags. i’ve done it again.
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famderfries · 2 years
Hey guys literally cannot stop doodling myself im sorry
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fortune-maiden · 1 year
is... is the King’s Avatar novel getting a Russian release?
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