#i just like separating/categorizing things idk lol
addictivewhispering · 10 months
i wish i could be one of those people that keeps all of their interests on one account but unfortunately i am wired a bit differently so i have 7 active twitter accounts and 2 tumblr blogs and each of them has its own designated purpose
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dizzycloudzzz · 5 months
Disunited AU
Luz's goal is to travel to Titan's head cause the only other portal back home is there (PS: she spawned at Titan's feet ☠️)
Changing something in the history and politics of the Boiling Islands (Boiling Country???)
Okay, in parts, after Belos created the Coven System to categorize magic, he saw that people were still tempted by the wild one, so he decided to plant the seed of ✨prejudice✨ among the covens, so - for example -, a person of Potion magic would not wanna hang out with a person of Bardic magic and there would be no mixture
Everyone accepted this man in power and literally all he had to promise was that he would end diversity lol at least he kept his promise
It worked so well that now people from different covens were starting to HATE each other (the majority) and couldn't stand being in the same place, including coven leaders
So they suggested the idea of ​​having specific areas on the Islands where only people from a certain coven could live and work and study and stuff only with their equals ☠️
(I found just this image of the entire Titan and edited to use as an example, with the covens' colors indicating the places where they dispersed 👇)
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So, the Islands are disunited, this has been a time ago
Anyone who born in any part of Titan was obliged to follow the path of magic that belongs to that place (like, getting the coven's sigil when they're just a baby, no choice allowed, something like that) if your parent(s) had you in the Titan's legs - for another example -, CONGRATULATIONS, you will do Abomination magic for the rest of your life!!!
Look at the map 🗺️:
Emperor's Coven: Head and Horns (inside the skull is the... secret 🤫)
Abominations Coven: Legs (rich part - the thigh - and poor part - the lower leg - separated by the knees, who belong to another coven. the industry is here, sell and buy what you can, small and big businesses. all the cheap entertainment you could want. big city and cyberpunk vibes)
Plant Coven: Feet (cause it's what steps on the grass. thank them for the oxygen. beautiful forest, beautiful people with beautiful culture and a beautiful language. they invented alternative healing methods and have a much more sustainable lifestyle, they don't buy, they MAKE. their festivals rock, BTW)
Healing Coven: Chest (cause I find it poetic to refer to a healed heart and, idk, cardiology? come here to be healed and mistreated by healers if you are from another coven. the best schools and colleges are here, some covens risk sending their children to come and study here in full-time. there's a LOT of kids - and teens -, the parents didn't have much to do ☠️. there are cool museums and libraries and all the nerd things)
Potions Coven: Hip (has a "free pass" to visit all areas of the Islands cause they are exporters of potions... with a delivery app. most people here are workaholics or sitcom families, sometimes both, sometimes neither. not a fun fact at all: some cool inventors were born here and let's ignore the fact that their projects were stolen by the Emperor to him spread the news across the Islands, YEAH BELOS YOU CERTAINLY INVENTED THE SCROLL VERY THANK YOU)
Bard Coven: Hands (cause hands play instruments and all. this place is wonderful to live, THERE'S SAFETY, MUSIC, BASIC SANITATION, DID I ALREADY SAY MUSIC? well, except for people who don't have the slightest musical aptitude and were bullied by children in the school choir but are still forced to live here - totally random example. they take deep-rooted traditions a little too seriously, but many revolutionists live[d] here)
Construction Coven: Arms (💪. Emperor's workforce, some other states need them sometimes too. laws are not really followed, fight for your job and your life. they're planning a coup d'état but don't tell anyone. here are the mountains and the slums, I DUNNO WHAT THE HELL MASON IS DOING WITH THE PEOPLE'S MONEY BUT SOMETHING WRONG ISN'T RIGHT)
Illusion Coven: Knees and elbows (body joints. they're important to avoid war crimes between the Bardo state and the Construction state - the first covens to initiate the disunity at the time it all started, cause the Construction people wanted to keep the area in Titan's hands, since "they did the manual work" - separating them and also separating the proletariat of the Abomination state from the bourgeoisie.)
Oracle Coven: Neck (has many vertebrates - discreet delivery men - that connects the head - the head of the state - with the torso - the healing coven treatment he needs cause he's old -, supports the weight of the head - the weight of the government's lies - and protects the nerves that carry sensory - the Oracle have spies everywhere that carry information - from the brain down to the rest of the body, in addition, the neck is highly flexible and allows the head to turn and flex in all directions - they do the opposite process, take what they know about other states to the Emperor)
Beast Keeping Coven: Belly (agro-industry, agroforestry, agro is everything. a lot of farms and palismen and history and wild life. the kind of place where everyone knows everyone. Eberwolf is currently a very good governor)
Luz will bring them all back together and not ironically lower the prejudice percentage to 0%, EVEN IF IT'S ONE BY ONE, trust this human girl and her charisma, she'll open everyone's minds
I'll tell more later, xoxo 💖
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my-strange-attraction · 7 months
Man people really do be straw-manning you and then interpreting all of your arguments in the worst faith possible and acting like that makes them So Smart And Correct. I’m sorry you gotta deal with all these bozos with zero reading comprehension or critical thinking skills. Just wanna add because it’s been seriously bothering me and I don’t remember you ever bringing it up: one of the core tenets of the original op’s post that you responded to was basically ‘this identity is bad because I’m a lesbian and those people aren’t lesbians in the exact same way as me so they’re hurting the lesbian community because I don’t want to see them when they don’t share all of my experiences and (gasp!) talk about men and their relationship to men sometimes because *I* don’t want to hear about men’ and I just. Idk man if that’s what his argument boils down to its kind of a shitty argument. Even ignoring all of the terf rhetoric (which you correctly pointed out) I can’t even begin to understand why someone would want to be in a queer community where everyone fits into neat little boxes and everyone with your label experiences their orientation exactly like you. Aren’t they forgetting that the whole point of the queer community is that larger society attempted to put us in boxes we didn’t want to be in and categorize us into labels and lifestyles we didn’t want? Why would someone ever parrot the actions of our oppressors and do that to other queer people, when they know what it feels like? I can’t even fathom being that selfish and closed minded
>your argument is chock full of straight up lies  Love how this was said in response to your rebuttal of an argument that CONTAINED ITS OWN “STRAIGHT UP LIES”!! Like pot meet kettle lol. Specifically referring to that one bit that was like “uwu bi women tried really hard on purpose to distance themselves from the lesbian community” because that is straight up not what happened!! I haven’t said anything yet but it’s been bothering me for a while and that one ask has so much fucking Audacity that I couldn’t stop myself from Pointing It Out this time. Ahistorical bullshit and they’re accusing YOU of lying. The audacity of it all I can’t
Anyway these guys are just mad that bi lesbians get more bitches than they EVER will. I heart bi lesbians I love you bi lesbians I hope y’all stay winning mwah <3
I'm assuming these are all from the same person because of the timing? If not, sorry for not doing separate responses.
Yeah, this whole thing has been pretty frustrating to be honest. In a way it's even worse than actual terfs, because these are people who are philosophically not that different than I am, and if we met in real life we probably wouldn't even know that we disagree. I mean, I do talk sometimes about label anarchy with some of my friends, but we have to be close and you have to get me in a philosophical mood. It's really frustrating to be openly disrespected as a person for one opinion that, though it does happen to be really important to me, doesn't come up in my everyday life (or, likely, theirs either).
The whole pronoun thing really got to me too. I KNOW they were just strawmanning, and I KNOW it wasn't really a valid critique of anything I said, but the suggestion that I would even consider purposely using the wrong pronouns for someone is upsetting. I don't think he even noticed before an anon pointed it out as a way to invalidate my argument. I don't think it upset him (or the anon) as much as the anon said it did. I still apologized though because I'm not going to not apologize for using the wrong pronouns.
Also I know jack shit about history because it doesn't stay in my break but yeah actually I do remember reading about that! That's crazy, I can't believe they called me a liar when they don't know their history. I mean, I don't either, but at least I'm honest about it.
Thanks so much for sending these messages! Not gonna lie, I was going a bit crazy with all this and the only anons I was getting until now have been the hate ones that I've shared and a few hate ones that I just outright deleted. I know people agree with me because I've seen the likes on my posts, but it's nice to have someone defending me as well, so thank you <3
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You're so sweet to matty about the ghetto gaggers thing all things considered 😅 i don't think critiquing racism and racist fetishes is kink shaming and racism doesn't become okay just because someone gets off on it. You seem a little nervous to critique it so I just wanted to come in here and say it's okay if you're not cool with that whole thing<3 no one is gonna think you're bad or shaming or anything 🫶 (also not trying to start shit about matty i still want that man in my guts every day of the week and twice on sunday)
Thanks for the encouragement. But, I’m not sure it’s that. Like, I don’t know if I’m nervous to critique Matty. I’m usually fine doing so, when I think it warrants criticism. It’s more that racialized “kink” isn’t a subject that I have given much thought to. I’m also not a black woman. (I’m Arab American but also find the designated ‘white’ label for us middle eastern folks kinda fucked up since it was solidified by a 70s court case that wanted Jesus to be white, lmao. That’s a whole separate issue.) so, I’m can’t speak on it with confidence, you know? If I’m gonna call someone out, I better have thought it through. And there were enough problematic jokes made in that pod that I WOULD call him out on, but this one didn’t come from him.
I’m just thinking out loud here, so lmk what y’all think! About the think thing, I mean. I think that it’s a tad fucked up for a white guy to be into “black women on white men” shit because I’m instantly thinking “why specifically black women? Are you exoticizing and fetishizing blackness”? Isn’t that kind of dehumanizing? Especially if it’s kinky stuff that includes a lot of physical pain (listen, I’m gonna be too much on the internet and confess that I am myself a submissive and a masochist, so I am not judging anyone who wants that shit)? At the same time, saying no to that kind of thing categorically sounds like I’m saying black women should not participate in BDSM sex films cuz they’re racist. That seems extreme to me. (Setting aside the fact that the adult film industry is itself problematic for sooo many reasons).
Then it gets even more dicey cuz what if you’re in an interracial couple. It’s normal to want the adult films that you consume to reflect your reality. You find your partner sexy doesn’t mean that you exclusively find all people of their race sexy.
I guess I’m saying I find white men who have a “black woman fetish” suspect but I think the issue is more nuanced than that and it’s hard to split hairs and make generalizations about the whole category. I’m not comfortable saying this specific type of kink shouldn’t exist at all. But I am comfortable saying that I got my eyes on you and I’m suspicious of you if you’re a white man who’s into it, lol.
NOW, back to Matty….he didn’t make the joke himself. It was the co-host. It COULD BE that the cohost simply said it to be provocative and gross. Given that a lot of the jokes that they made, both the hosts AND Matty, were racist and gross. Maybe he wasn’t thinking about Matty’s relatively recent breakup with Twigs. But maybe he was. I don’t know. But that’s hardly a situation that we can debate. So, I find it iffy.
As for the lyric “cumming to her lookalikes.” Maybe that’s what he had in mind, idk? But he probably would’ve said the same thing if she weren’t black? He’d just be watching women people porn and find someone who looks like his ex and jack off to that instead? That line is up for interpretation. I will admit that I might be biased, simply because POTB is one of my fav 1975 tracks. And, I do think that Matty has a way of making the complex crude as a rhetorical style. He does it all the time. “Eating stuff off of motorbikes” and “he would get him cooked animals” and “you took a picture of your salad and put it on the internet”
If he has said “eating stuff from delivery” the line wouldn’t be as BRUTAL, you know? Or if he has said “the internet would get him food through the click of a button” it’s not gonna hit the same way that “cooked animals” does. Or “you uploaded a picture of your meal to Instagram” not the same effect as “put it on the internet” so, the line “cumming to her lookalikes” could just mean he’s watching porn and thinking of her. Or he’s sleeping with people who look like her cuz he can’t have her. I’m not gonna take issue with that line just cuz of the way it’s phrased. But that’s just MY way of thinking about it. I respect everyone’s right to interpret things differently and I will not tell someone what they should pr shouldn’t be offended by.
Does any of this make sense? Yeah, let me know if I’m insane please lmao
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turnleftaticela · 1 year
End of year questions
I want to do all of these so
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To be honest I’ve hardly listened to anything that came out this year. Even from the bands I like. I’ve just been completely off the map. I had no idea King’s X reunited this year ??? And Björk put out a new album?? Also King Gizzard put out like 3 more albums than I realized ??? So yeah idk
I’ve listened relatively regularly to exactly 3 albums that came out this year: Hellfire by black midi, Elseware OR: Eating the Snack Fantastic by Halisca, and Short Shitty Songs by Tiger Castle. So all of those
Well the Manics. Obviously
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I don’t watch movies and I certainly don’t watch new movies
I don’t watch TV either. Best I can do is that I got into It’s Always Sunny this year
Dunno specifically but I got really into Trixie & Katya this year so I guess smth from UNHhhh
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Literally could not tell you
Wii Party
I think probably September
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I’ve cried almost every day since April about Nicky and Richey
Keep making music, unlock more secrets of the universe
It’s all been such a blur I’m not sure who I actually met this year vs who I’ve been mutuals with for years but just started talking to this year
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It was actually the best birthday I’ve ever had :) For the first time since I can remember I actually asked for things I wanted and didn’t feel guilty at all about getting them or celebrating :) And somehow I ate an entire cheesecake in a week and didn’t die
Does rereading A Separate Peace count
Being too quick to mentally categorize people and events into a slightly faulty system I devised
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I look better now - less afraid
3. I am a lot of things but a person who remembers what they eat is not one of them
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Putting real music out, putting other stuff out, getting closer to achieving my goals
Lol. Lolol. Hahaha. Where the fuck do I even begin. I learned that soulmates are real
Pretty much nothing but we do have Christmas lights out now
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I didn’t go anywhere this year. The studio
Just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s the worst thing you’ve ever done but you’ll realize that eventually
I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions
I refined some of my old ones. My favorites are Til and Trasek - bitch and bastard
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
(same person again) Honestly considering how low the bar is it's not that hard to be a good foster/adoptive parent.
If you don't want to read this, that's completely fair! But idk, here's some opinions and stuff from someone who grew up surrounded by the system.
First I'd like to say, even if you don't read the below, that I think you you'd make a good parent, but I of course don't know you personally lol. But you wanting to learn about the system and seeking out opinions from actual adoptees show that you're already wayyyy better than quite a few adoptive parents out there already.
(the rest. Sorry it's long, I don't know if it came off but I'm excited to see someone who respects the experiences of adoptees when considering adoption! Good luck with whatever path you choose, I wish you well)
Firstly, consider the kid's background. Is it an open or closed adoption? Why were they put up for adoption? For me (and all my foster siblings) we were put up for adoption because it wasn't safe to keep living with our birth parents. My case was.. more severe than most (had my birth parents family (who weren't put in jail lol) known where I was they could've kidnapped/killed/etc me) but for a lot of people it isn't that extreme.
But that's a HUGE thing to consider if you go the paid adoption route vs the foster-care route. Understand why the kid was put up for adoption, check if they are legally an orphan or not (I was, so my social worker didn't have pressure to actually see if things were going well. who would they tell, my parents? multiple people failed that role).
Consider how different things about the kid might change how their social worker treats them. Did you get a kid quickly, or did it take time? Did the birth parents willingly give the kid up, or will you possibly have to considering going to court for custody in the future? (for me, they called up a few different families and gave me to whoever got to the hospital fast enough lol. but I've heard some social workers go through background checks to see if the potential adoptive parent is good enough)
Then after all that consider how that will affect the kid. Did they have support as a baby? Were they abused? Some kids will act out, and some will withdraw. If a kid is acting out try talking to them on their level, it can be so easy to feel like you don't have a place to belong, especially if kids at school pick on them/make fun of them for being adopted.
But remember if a kid withdraws or acts ""good/easy"" you should still check up on them. Sometimes when you're in the system you fight for what you have without realizing you don't have to be perfect because you won't be kicked out for crying or having an opinion or inconveniencing someone sometimes.
Basically, remember the kid doesn't exist just to be your kid, they have their own life that they've lived outside of yours and that will impact them. Even if it was only for a few years. Be kind, be understanding, don't let them take advantage of you, and get them help if they need it.
When race comes into play, don't be a jerk. Don't make fun of their skin tone or make comments on how they look inhumane because of it. Don't talk about how obvious it is that they aren't related to anyone/not part of the family. Be open and talk about it and encourage connection with any cultures (if that applies). If their genetics/ancestory are unknown be open to discussions that can come from that. The kid might view themself as separate because of it, but that's nothing to do with you. It's hard figuring out your position when it comes to embracing ancestoral culture when you're adopted, and even more so when no one hears you out or when you have none of that information.
Also, (it's difficult to categorize this since my adoptive parents didn't let me stay in contact with any of my foster siblings/birth family and it's not the most common thing [foster from adoption is less spoken about than paid adoption or open adoption]) but like. Depending on your experience with the system, I'd say that being adopted makes you part of an exclusive minority. Sure, it's super diverse because everyone's experience with the system is different, but there's a core shared experience of abandonment and adaption that we all share, especially us that were orphaned to be put in the system.
Just, accept this with whatever kid you may adopt. They will have experiences you will (possibly? idk your life) never have. They will form their world view based on these experiences. Perhaps giving them the oportunity to meet other adoptees when they're older can help them understand and connect with other people and feel understood. I don't know if such programs exist, they don't where I live, but it's important I think. Just like how it's difficult to explain to cis folks what it's like to not be cis, it can be difficult to talk to non-adoptees what it's like to be adopted.
(also also, if you're getting paid to help care for a kid, actually buy them clothes or school supplies. I get that going to the lost and found for mittens and school supplies is helpful, but like, getting old clothes from foster kids who got it from other foster kids sometimes gets to be a bit much lol. Recycling is good, but when kids at school can tell there's something weird going on, you could be damaging the possibly already difficult process of making friends for the kid. Kids can be cruel, and adoption is still used as the butt of a lot of jokes. When you're young and in the system sometimes the only way your peers will understand is that "your parents didn't want you" or "you're not an equal".)
sorry for taking so long to respond, this is just a lot and ive been kinda busy. I did read it the day you sent the ask though haha.
OK SO: holy shit, thank you so much! This is perfect, and gives me tons of leads to follow later on. I'm not planning on adopting any time soon (i'm still in college, don't have a career, wayyyy too young and immature lmao. I’ll prolly need to go through a lot of therapy before I try to raise a kid) but it's always good to have this here for the future.
Also like, I consider the kids of adoption probably the BEST people to go to for adoption advice. There were a lot of things I hadn’t considered the traumatic nature of before I started listening to adoptees, because they’d just been really normalized to me (examples include changing the kids given name, even if they’re a baby, and not allowing the kid any contact with birth parents. I just assumed those were like, the normal state of affairs. And they kind of are? But I didn’t realize how Truly Fucked that was until I started paying attention to what adoptees said)
A bit proud to have considered some of the things here already, but I'm making a mental note of the ones I hadn't thought of. 
Most of your notes on race were things I’d already considered, being a mixed kid who’s mom would make/get weird remarks. But I do appreciate your frankness around the subject of race & cultural heritage. I know I personally would have felt more connected to my blackness if my mom had mad any effort at all to get us connected to black people in our community. So, that’s something I try to be considerate of.
I think one of the ideas that’s been most impactful when thinking about raising kids in the future, for me at least, has been to remember that I’m not just raising a “kid” I’m raising a Whole Ass Human Being. Who is NOT going to be like me. No matter if I adopt them or birth them or what.
ANYWAY enough rambling!
I’m really really thankful for this insight :D
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itsjustascarecrow · 2 months
lol just so i'm not adding more tags onto that least fave horror genre poll, i'm gonna throw some more thoughts under a readmore b/c i have a lot of feelings about it for some reason, lmao
initially i was just gonna point out that zombies also wasn't on the list, unless op was categorizing them under something else?? but considering all the others i noticed weren't present (folk, spacial, and creature feature; also anthology if you wanna count that, but it's more of a format), i figure it was merely a case of like the limitations of that kind of post like only having so many options. i've also seen people make the argument that zombies isn't really a genre, just a type of creature; same w/ like all these vampire and frankstein themed films we've been getting this past year or so. so idk if universal monsters would be it's own subgenre separate from something like a standard creature feature (i.e. jaws, the godzilla films, any sort of man vs. beast type movie), vs. like. idk, do people consider the predator and alien films slashers??? i think that may be the case w/ like the leprechaun and puppetmaster series, for example; it's not a singular masked killer, but it's someone/thing(s) killing people off until we're left w/ a final girl of some description. alien is sci-fi horror, sure, but most slasher series tend to have at least the one obligatory "in space" installment, so i guess?? one can argue alien just does that from the start and never leaves. and setting goes back and forth w/ predator, but that's even more so a slasher-type set up, so. idk, some of these definitely start to get too muddled where it may just come down to personal interpretation (like i was just posting about re-animator earlier today and just thought to myself it's technically a sci-fi zombie movie, lmao). some may have an objective answer, but part of me wants to play devil's advocate and leave it open.
speaking of, devil/possession films were also absent from the list; i tend to steer away from them mostly b/c of the religious aspect. partly it's overplayed, partly i just don't care for it. when evil lurks was a fantastic break from form by removing that element, but it may be just about the only example i can think of that does possession through infection as opposed to some kind of demon. in any case, would've been interesting to see where that would've placed; my guess would be either very high or very low. given that gothic was the lowest, my assumption is that maybe people just like the aesthetic?? esp when taking a tumblr audience into account, lol.
body horror being second surprised me; maybe people just think it's gross? which tbf was why i almost picked that, but then i had two thoughts about it: 1) it's another blind spot for me (and what little i have seen i liked) so didn't feel like a good enough reason, and 2) as someone who's gnc, picking it would've felt like some sort of betrayal, lmao. like i've not undergone any surgeries or hrt, anything like that, but still lol, felt almost hypocritical (and again esp given that this is a tumblr audience being polled). of course the works of cronenberg are prob what first come to mind for most people, which sure, he's not for everyone; i'll even admit that the ulterior motives and themes he tries to tackle kind of go over my head at first, but i think i just need to take more time w/ it. b/c at a base level, when i finally watched videdrome for the first time a couple weeks ago, i was enthralled by the actual body horror elements when i was actually seeing them instead of just imagining it based on reputation. same w/ og hellraiser; that shit is gnarly, so yeah, if you're at all squeamish, you're not gonna have a good time. but if you're desensitized and willing to explore the why of what's going on, it can be fascinating. or, if nothing else just enjoying the incredible practical effects (here's looking at you, the shunting scene from society).
and i was a lil surprised fantasy wasn't higher up b/c it seems like people who do watch them end up hating it, but it's prob something not a lot even know about or have seen. or, my other speculation is perhaps people just think it's too campy, too childish, too goofy, somewhere in that vein like too close to comedy where it can be really hit or miss. again, i'll mention the leprechaun series b/c while that has supernatural/slasher elements, it's specifically a fantastical creature (or a version of one) at the helm. but realistically, it really is most likely a case of people not having enough experience/examples of it to give it a vote as compared to anything else.
another i almost went with was psychological; person i rb'ed from said they're boring which i can understand. the only real argument i have can honestly be said for any of these but like if it's done well, then they're plenty fun and interesting. but given nowadays most examples tend to fall into "elevated horror," it seems divisive. personally, i just take it on a case-by-case situation; some i like, some i don't. again, same can be said for all these genres. as a side note, i wonder if op of the poll considers giallo under this umbrella; i tend to like most giallo films but, i'm also a sucker for a lot of 70s horror when those were more popular. i recently watched berberian sound studio which was a 2014 sort of homage to 70s giallo, and yes it was slow, not particularly scary/not a lot of big scares or very bloody, and ended somewhat abruptly w/o explaining much. but i fucking loved it; can't pinpoint why exactly, and i could see why a lot of the reviews said they were so bored w/ it. thrillers/psych horror is a weird one b/c they can end up being predictable and/or drag on a bit, so idk, maybe i'm just more forgiving. plus i can see why it's more appealing to those who hate slashers, etc., and how that same reason is why others don't like it.
ultimately, i figure no matter how many subgenres you throw in there, slashers will always end up the least fave. personally, i've enjoyed most of the ones i've bothered to watch (b/c there's plenty i've just not cared to bother with), but i understand it's considered schlock to casual and hardcore fans alike, esp the older stuff when it was way more abundant. and i guess one can argue it technically hasn't gotten much better at its core, like technically the kills (the how and who) are more diverse, but it's the overall setup/plot that people feel is just way too overdone at this point. which is fair. it feels like a staple of horror as a whole, even tho it's not where the genre got its start, but it's clearly given way to stuff like the torture porn years of the 20-oughts that really turned people away from horror as a whole. my first instinct is to say i'm not too familiar w/ neo-slashers to make the comparison, but that could just be a term for any slasher made after a certain year, idk. if anything, i think as much as some may complain it's just the same thing over and over again, clearly the formula still works.
basically all of this to say i can see the arguments for and against for each subgenre and now i would love to see a more in-depth poll (or perhaps multiple, more specified polls) reach a wider horror audience.
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safyresky · 3 months
Real talk, is ao3 better? Should I remove my story from ffnet and post it on ao3 instead to get better traction?
Honestly, it's really hard to say! I certainly don't have a definitive answer for you. Personally I think the whole ao3/ff dot net situation is very much up to each user's personal preferences, so I'll share my thoughts and maybe that'll help you make a decision that you're happy with?
I will say, that though I am crossposting, I am NOT going to be taking down my stories from ff dot net. Unless I make them original work and then have to bc LEGALITIES or whatever, lol.
See, the thing is people do still use ff dot net! And a lot of stories exist there that don't exist on ao3! And a lot of people don't use ao3! That's why I keep mine up there and have been updating on both platforms as best as I can :)
In terms of which is BETTER, that all depends on user experience, lol. For posting, I'm finding that I really like ao3! I'm a HUGE FAN of how the update interface works--the separation of Notes from the actual text, the tagging system, and how easy it is to pop in and edit post-posting a new fic/chapter/whatever :)
For reading, while ao3 is easier on the eyes and has 0 ads, I have a very hard time dealing with the huge amount of filters. ESPECIALLY since the sections for media also include the crossovers. I like the ff dot net separates the crossovers from the regular non-crossover fic automatically!
Of course, this is a LITTLE pet peeve of mine lol and the first thing I do in any category when searching for fic is filter OUT crossovers, and then the more intense M rated tag-esque stuff that I personally am not a fan of (though some people do like that and that's a-okay! What's gr8 about ao3 is that there's no like, ban on what you can write. It's not censored, that's the word I'm looking for! Another pro to ao3 if you wanna write some nitty-gritty angst or dark fic or what have you). Quite frankly, the amount of tags and filters going on is gr8 for stories and curating your reading experience! Lots of text just hurts my eyes, but I've been adjusting!
In terms of traction, ao3 may have a better platform for a wider audience. For starters, their stats aren't broken right now, so that's a pro! ff dot nets legacy stats are broken, so hits haven't been showing up, though comments and updates are coming through--just not the e-mails if you've opted out. Which they automatically do now bc of a gnarly spam problem the last few years. And the comment system is a lot more robust than ff dot net's PM replies and the like.
Overall, ao3 is easier to use and offers more in terms of categorizing your fics! I'd recommend posting to ao3 100% :). I know that my older fics won't get as many numbers as they did on ff dot net and that's okay! i keep them up on there for those that prefer it still over ao3, and for me to go back and see the reviews and the like.
If you do decide to take everything down from ff dot net, save save save! Backup the stories you have, download them, and take snapshots of any reviews you like, bc once they're gone, they're gone, and idk about you, but I LOVE going back and reading the reviews I have over on ff dot net!
tl;dr: both sites have their merits; ao3 has way more staff, and more opportunities for engagement, as well as easier layouts for posting and commenting. FF dot net isn't going anywhere, but has a much smaller staff and has changed some things about notifications, so definitely double check your e-mail settings. If you take stuff down from ff dot net, save your work first! And any reviews you're fond of, too!
But overall, deffs try ao3 before jumping ship. It may not work for everyone; I avoided it for YEARS bc it was hard for me to get used to and it has been a VERY slow crawl for myself in learning how it works, but BOY is it hella customizable and easy to use and I like it!!!
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raganandhersurveys · 10 months
6/26/23~ 5000 question survey(401-500) {CXX}
401. Some say that high school is the best time of your life. Was that true for you?
~hmmm i wouldn’t necessarily say it was the best part of my life but i definitely see where people get that from. i liked high school a lot and overall i look back on it with fond memories 
402. What do you find yourself encouraging others to try?
~styles i think would fit them. there are a lot of people that refuse to wear certain things because they think they look bad in it but honestly, i see the opposite; i think trying new clothing is really cool 
403. Which is better: Mel Brooks or Woody Allen?
~i’m not super familiar with either 
404. When was the last time you were up all night?
~i rarely stay up all night but a few weeks ago i stayed up late watching movies 
405. __ is life. The rest is just details. Fill in the blank. 
~that is a lot for me to wrap my head around lmmfao 
406. Are people too complex and different to be categorized? 
~yes; also morally i don’t agree with that 
407. Is it good to have pride in your own race or does that separate people from each other because it makes them think of everyone else as 'outsiders'?
~you can be proud of who you are and still love people who are different than you. i really wish people would grasp that concept. we are literally all humans and no one is better than anyone else 
408. What fictional story would you like to live through? 
~i watch and read such dark shit i don’t think i would ever choose something that i’m super into. but going to hogwarts would be pretty cool
409. Are cats or dogs smarter? 
~depends on the task at hand 
410. Have you ever guessed someone's password and broken into their diary?
~yes but like not to look in it. when i was a kid everyone’s password diary password was their crush's birthdate LMMFAO so it was really just to see if i was right 
411. What teacher, if any, has effected you the most in your life?
~i think one reason i never like hated school was because i had a lot of good teachers throughout it. i had the same english teacher for junior and senior year and i adored her. i also loved my sophomore history teacher and my 7th grade english teacher. all of those people wrote my teacher recommendations for college and wrote me like super sweet messages in my yearbooks 
412. Are you more easily bored or excited?
~excited haha
413. What's the bravest or most daring thing you have ever done? 
~this was the first thing to come to my mind lmao; when i went to summer camp when i was like 12 i volunteered to climb the super super high out door rock climbing wall that was in the woods; it had just opened and I was the first girl to make it to the top :) that made me feel really good 
 414. "What's the point of robbery when nothing is worth taking?" (- Adam Ant) 
~the thrill? 
 415. If your man or woman served you breakfast in bed as a treat what would you want?
~hmmm chocolate chip waffles and iced coffee
416. What do you do only when you are upset? 
~hug a stuffed animal lol lol 
 417. What's the oddest CD in your collection?
~i don’t really think i have CD collection anymore 
418. What's the best diary name you ever saw?
~hmm idk 
419. What would your friends be surprised to learn about you?
~i actually like having some alone time lmao
420. Who owes you an apology?
~i don’t wanna go there LMAO
421. Who deserves an apology from you?
~i hope no one right now 
422. How would you like to treat your kids differently from the way your parents treated you? 
~yes and no; i love my parents but i don’t feel like i can be open with them about things. i want my kids to feel like if something is ever wrong they can come to me. i never felt like i could depend on my mom ever so i definitely want my kids to feel like they can depend on me 
423. Which do you like best: 60's, 70's or 80's fashion? 
~ooooh alll of it but the 70′s especially 
424. What is the worst pick up line ever used on you?
~idk i haven’t experienced that in a long time 
425. Of the following, which word best describes you: inventive, kinetic (energetic), light-hearted, mature
426. Do you own a record player? Do you use it? 
~my dad does and i use his when i’m at home but i don’t own one personally 
427. How easily do you make friends?
~pretty easy i guess but i keep my circle small and tight so i find that a lot of people don’t really wanna get to that point 
428. What is the difference between having character and being a character?
~having character is being unique and having a good personality overall where as i think being a character means you’re funny
429. Are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch? 
~a poisonous dart frog :) or a great white shark 
430. Do you care about your weight?
~only mine and i obsess over it 
431. Did you/will you go to the prom? 
~nooooooo plz don’t get me started I was a covid highschool victim :(((((((((( i have vowed to give my children the most for prom one day just so i can vicariously live through them LMAO
432. Have you ever wanted to date twins?
~lol no 
433. What one thing would you change about high school if you could?
~i would have embraced who i really was more; i was trying to be someone i wasn’t for sooooo long. i also would have tried harder my senior year
434. If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
~will attach to you if too close
435. Are you artistic and creative?
436. What were you (probably) doing on this date last year?
~i cheated and looked at my snapchat memories. i went to tj.maxx with my best friend 
437. What are you obsessed with? 
~my boyfriend 
438. What was the last compliment you received? 
~”you’re gonna be a great mom one day” 
439. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 
~i have one sister
440. Who would you like to be alone with right now? 
~my boyfriend LMAO
441. Do you push people away when you really want them to come closer?
~not usually 
442. Is a prenuptial agreement necessary or does it take the romance and trust out of marriage? 
~i think that is a choice that others shouldn’t have an opinion on LOL. if for example i married jacob i trust him and know he is good with money so i wouldn’t get one. but i don’t think it takes the romance out of a relationship if you choose to get one
443. Do you lie your way out of things? 
~not usually
444. Are you better at talking or listening?
~i’ve been told i’m a good listener
445. What will only happen to you once in this lifetime? 
~graduating highschool 
446. Know of any conspiracy theories you think might be credible? 
~the government LMAO not tryna be that person but like i know there is so much bs 
447 What are the most beautiful words that have ever been spoken to you?
~anything my grandma has said 
448. If it were legal would you own a human slave (race unimportant)? 
449. Have you ever read your own writing at a poetry reading? 
~i have not
 450. What is one simple thing that gives you the happy shivers?
 ~thinking about future plans i have 
451. What do you do for exercise? 
~depends on the day. tomorrow i want to do some core exercises so i’ll just use the machines at the gym that help with that and do some yoga mat workouts 
452. Would you rather have a strict teacher with a sense of humor or a lenient teacher that doesn't teach?
~strict teacher with a sense of humor; anything is better than a teacher that doesn't teach 
453. If you ever have a baby what might you want to name it? 
~depends! i have a whole list of baby names LMAO. but my top for boy names is ryder and for girls juliette.
454. If you won free tickets to a concert from a radio show and had to choose between Inxs, Poison, Blondie and Moby, which would you choose? 
~blondie is the only one of those i’m familiar with 
455. Are you a good cook?
~i’m ok ig 
 456. Do you prefer when things come with no assembly required, even if they are a bit more expensive? 
~i guess so 
457. Start a sentence with the words: what if
~what if i was rich 
458. Are you more spontaneous and unpredictable or loyal and routine?
~i think you can be spontaneous and loyal LMAO
 459. What is the highest number you can count to in your head? 
~maybe a million
 460. How do you go about losing weight? 
~i workout :) i try to eat healthy but that doesn’t happen often lol
461. Do you have street smarts?
~probably not
462. Do you have a lot of common sense?
~i’d like to think so
463. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
~strawberry or cookie dough or reeces 
 464. What's your favorite movie that involves dancing?
~dirty dancing
 465. Would you ever want to become a guest on a talk show? If yes what would the show's theme be?
~if i had an interesting enough life to warrant being on one lmao
466. Do you like the way you look naked?
~i’m fine with it LMAO
467. Have you ever dissected an animal?
~at school :/
468. Who do you know who is brilliant?
~quite a few. jacob’s mom is super smart 
469. Who do you know who is dull? 
~i can’t think of someone specifically
470. Do you ever think about time travel? 
~yes! i would love to do it
471. What is one interesting fact you know?
~i can’t really think of one rn
472. Do you talk to yourself? 
~oh my god all the time
 Do you talk to your pets?
473. Do you believe that humankind has a future in space (will we live there some day)? 
~i think so
474. Would you rather wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty or more delicate outfits? 
~i don’t tend to get my clothes too dirty. so i’m good with either. i like wearing delicate things to bed because it makes me feel cute 
475. How do you 'live life to the fullest'? 
~i’m working on that LMAO
476. Are you sloppy or a neat freak?
~i’m pretty neat
477. Would you rather have a trunk full of nickels or half a trunk full of dimes?
478. What is the worst mistake you've ever made? 
~i try to not dwell on that and frankly idek what i would say
 479. Are you in good health? 
\ 480. Are you patriotic? 
~yes :)
Let's play fact or crap. Is it a fact? Or is it crap?: 481-500 481. 
The greenhouse effect is bad for your health~ fact
 482. There are about as many molecules of air in one breath as there are hairs on your head~ fact
483. The Miss America pageant started out as a contest in which people decorated wheel chairs and one chair was judged the prettiest~ crap
 484. To remove a tattoo a physician can place a small balloon under the skin, which is inflated so that the tattooed skin gradually stretches. Then they cut the stretched skin away~ i feel like crap but i wouldn’t be surprised if it was true
 485. Cock fighting is a sexual sport~ crap
486. It is the warmest time of the day during the hour that the sun is the highest in the sky~ fact
487. Certain scientists specialize in studying cow farts~ fact; aren’t they bad for the planet
488. The brilliant colors (reds, oranges, yellows) across the sky that we get from sunsets are caused mainly by pollution~ i feel like that’s fact :(
 489. In Grimm's original fairy tale, Rapunzel is pregnant~ fact? 
 490. Dracula was the first movie about a vampire~ fact
491. The inventors of Corn Flakes, the Kellogg brothers, ran a school for delinquent youth~ fact; that is one of those things that is so random that i remember hearing in a documentary
 492. "Kemo Sabe" means "soggy shrub" in Navajo~ crap
493. Sir Thomas Crapper invented the toilet~ crap haha
494. The Earl of Sandwich invented the Sandwich~ fact. 
495. Some Chinese alchemists were trying to invent an immortality medicine and accidentally invented gunpowder instead~ that sounds right
 496. The human body is made of about 99% water~ i don’t think it’s that much so crap
497. Bubble gum contains rubber~ crap
 498 This survey to the zero power = 0~ fact 
499. Most lipstick contains fish scales~ crap
500. There are 86401 seconds in day~ fact
0 notes
Fixing Unity's Animation System
Idk if there's a big game dev community on tumblr or not, but I want to talk about this, so I'm gonna lol
The problem with Unity's animation system becomes obvious as soon as you try to do anything more complicated than "idle, walk, run, jump". Trying to add attacks or more complicated form of transitions becomes absolute hell. And no small part of this I attribute to the fact that it's a state machine.
(I think state machines are shoe-horned into game development anyhow, but that's a topic for another post)
So, I went out to create a new system that better fit my needs. I managed to categorize nearly all of my animations into three separate groups: cross fades, snaps, and cinematics.
Cross fades are animations that play continuously under some kind of condition, like idling, walking, running, falling, swimming, etc. etc. The important part of cross fades is that they don't have a predetermined end (ie. they're meant to seamlessly loop).
Snap animations are animations that do have a predetermined end, like attacks, dodges, emotes, etc.
Cinematics are, well, cinematics. I was mainly thinking cut scenes, but there's probably other uses for them as well.
And what about animations that don't fit perfectly into one of these groups? Well, I added support for specialized behaviors as well. I'm not certain exactly what these would do, but I made an abstract class these scripts can derive from with an `ExecuteSpecializedBehavior()` function to be called. (I think it's better to build in support for these kinds of things right now, even if I can't see a use for them.) this also isn't, like, an asset. I'll provide the scripts, but I'm not, like, claiming to own the code or the process or anything like that lol (or offering support for bugs). feel free to use/modify it however you want.
(This got waaaay longer than I intended it to, so I'm going to put the rest under a keep reading)
This `ChangeAnimation()` function is at the core of the entire system:
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I had originally wrote out exactly what each of the variables not defined in the function did, but I think it'd be easier to just share them in a photo
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Some things to note: It'd be possible to get rid of 'defaultClip' with something like 'animations[0]', but I didn't want to force myself to remember that the first thing in the list needed to be the default animation (as well, it prevents things from getting messed up if the order of the list somehow changes).
'AnimationName' and 'TransitionType' (which I've renamed to 'AnimationType' in the script, I'm just too lazy to retake the screenshot. I'll refer to it here as 'TransitionType' for clarity) are (clearly, probably) enums. I realize that an enum isn't the best type for 'AnimationName', but I felt that the ease of writing 'AnimationName.Idle' in a script was worth the extra effort of adding each animation to the enum.
I partially blame this on Unity, as there is (as far as I know), no way to play an animation via script except with it's name (which is a string, ofc). I thought of several ways I could've implement this, including consts or a static class, but I felt like an enum had the fewest downsides relative to its upsides (consts would require a reference to a class, and a static class would've been more annoying to implement inside the `AnimationWrapper` class)
I could've coded something that would've handled it better, but this seemed like the easiest way that's also fairly robust and is supported by default inside Unity.
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'OnSnapAnimationEnd' is called via Unity's built-in animation event system. I tried really hard to make it so I didn't have to use it because I find it absolutely awful (supplying an function name by a string?!). But, unfortunately, Unity's way of adding them by via code is broken (because of course it is), so the workaround I came up with was to create one function that is called via the event which invokes another event that is far easier to subscribe to. (Plus, some extra functionality for the snap animations, which I covered above.)
The 'AnimationWrapper' class supplies both information about the animation (the actual clip, it's AnimationName, and its TransitionType), clip functionality (cross fade times and offsets), as well as a field to supply custom behaviors.
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I don't know why it's low res, but oh well
And that's most of it. There are two extra functions ('OverrideCurrentAnimationSnap' and 'OverrideCurrentAnimationCrossfade') that I didn't supply photos of, but that's because I feel like just mentioning them clearly conveys their purpose. I plan on adding one for cinematics, as well, but since that part of the system isn't finished, I didn't see a purpose in adding it.
Normally I don't share my code because I don't feel like I've done anything innovative, but with this, I think it's good. It's not the most robust of animation systems, but it supports my needs and - imao - is so. much. easier. to use than Unity's built-in system.
Letting each script handle calling the animations they need is so much easier than getting a reference to the animator, getting a reference to a parameter, setting it up inside the script, setting it up inside the animation editor, defining all the transition, etc. etc.'Letting each script handle calling the animations they need is so much easier than getting a reference to the animator, getting a reference to a parameter, setting it up inside the script, setting it up inside the animation editor, defining all the transition, etc. etc.
Anyhow, even if this is just me shouting into the void, it made me happy to talk about it, so /shrug
Link to script
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itsjustsun · 2 years
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So wassup. This conversation idk if it’s because of summer or what, but the conversational piece I’m gonna share my perspective on dating especially young and why I feel it’s different when you’re older. I’ve been listening to so many ppl experiences and I don’t share mine often very private about my love life not hiding just I keep that shit to myself I’m not too flashy with anything. This is the thing we are young right…like hella young and why the hell do we make life so much harder for ourselves. Push through life really traumatizing ourselves by our own mindsets abs the way we choose to live our life especially out of commitment. Learning I’m a hermit by nature and that’s what brings me peace allowed me to see how we psychologically communicate our bound which is loneliness becoming a natural attention seekers. Seeking for a warped reality of what being one is and that is
Love. Being young right you’re so curious about everything including yourself right. A lot of us haven’t got the experience of being young especially culturally because if you’re culturally different than what American culture was bread to be then you’re level of awareness & experience in life differs…right which means far more advanced because you’ve experience duality like rich to poor when in reality some ppl never experience having to be economically worried due to having a fall back. Leaves them weak. All of these things we experience becomes categorized by race, gender, ethnicity, preferences, then politics and a long dragged out list of things. So what I learned is a lot of us in reality been adults since like 13 a lot of coming of age shedding of innocence, crying even more if the child lacked protection right. So a lot of us by 18/19 was living lives like our 25 year old peers taking care of ourselves. So yes by the time a young in reach their 20s, they’re working, they’re growing in life, etc just because of the investments. Then at an early age they’ve become the bachelor or the bachelorette. Attracts a lot of attention lowkey everyone wants them and no one too much can have them or let alone get them for longer than a day. I mean everyone is throwing themselves at them. Some of the most learning experiences is through the relationships you have through life and that young person may want to see what’s something about even for a little & wander at times until life settles down in a way. Life settles the fuck down and then they do lol. That’s why I feel it’s dumb to be out here tripping and calling it love because it’s the crushing stage and you become obsessive. Connections have a level of sacredness to it that we must sometimes cater to the sacredness. No matter what the connection is you’re supposed to be feel safe right. There’s a level off effort that goes into that and how can you fall in love with a guy who didn’t put in any effort. And it takes a second sometimes to identify if it’s sacred or not that makes it a bond you know. You don’t just stop living. So what does the bachelor/ette do until they find their match they experience life? Understanding that building together is still building even when separate but you got so the work on your own too just learn and discern. Learn and discern. Understand the bachelor gone do what the bachelor gone do & so is the bachelorette, but when that not gets tied it’s tied. So just let dudes be dudes and women be women & kinda you’re kinda the reason he only wanna 🍆and leave, it’s not rolanda’s fault for the fact your a man child or a lil slutty can’t keep ya 🍆 in your pants and it’s not Jamal fault you took care of his ass now you going through it even if he flat out showed you & told you multiple times I don’t want you. It takes me one time to not feel wanted or uncomfortable to be out. There’s a certain way you gotta learn to treat yourself your self I’m not expecting someone to come in my life and live up to this standard no when you’re dealing with me I have standards, but at the end of the day I owe myself the respect and to be honest & integral when your having dealings with anything in life work, love, family just life you know. Move with integrity put down the mask. You’re really schooling a mf man you better learn to put ‘em in a classroom remember you stepping into my territory this is how we move around here sit down let me teach you something play with that ass keep enticed, but then start giving out the assignments and it’s cute ones too simple start real small you it’s a certain a person likes to be treated right it’s a certain way don’t give it all up, give a tad and vice versa. Like let’s check this off and then check this off okay i wanna do this let’s see if they pass.
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Little by little. Damn throw all the fun you can have away by boom it’s all just out there right away. It creates a false bond you know because it’s based off an perspective that doesn’t see complexity yet. A bond is built by uncovering you know you gotta allow things to just unfold 1st. It’s about the treatment. Trust my dad and I are kinda estranged, but one thing for sure he always made sure I knew my worth in a way just by how he spoke to me and handled me and my mother too so I know how I should be handled then from my own experiences I know what I want don’t gotta look for it it just comes to you. if you know me fr fr you know I don’t play with nobody. I give you a chance and once you fucked me over I’ve learned my lesson to one not expect the worse, but be open to all possibilities until it’s shown. I’m just sayin know your worth, know what’s worth your time and know that you deserve a good time. That homebody shit cute, but you deserve to see beautiful shit too and experience beautiful shit and go out to brunch the homies or yourself, go on. God ain’t give you life not to be one with the animals & nature, Cute walk or picnic get some fruit, a good book, and fucking frisbee or football ooooo okay a game of fucking football bro sounds lovely I haven’t played in soooooo long. So we all our lives to get it together be fucking prudes, but have fun. Bro. Go out view museums . I really wanna view the scad museum. I may schedule to do that or try to. Anybody wanna come hmu. Road-trips hella road-trips . You deserve it
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All I’m all when it comes to life having fun man. Don’t let that shit break you and grow a backbone so every time you get some truth you don’t cry. You know. It’s okay to feel, but it’s too weird choosing to be sad when you can choose to be happy. I know that’s what I do and what I spend my life on. How many people go through it and you’ll never know because they never live in that you gotta stop living in your sorrow. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and if you take action on everything you want and love life will fall in to place. I understanding wanting to feel love and only knowing how to express it in one way because it’s sad to not know how to say I need to feel this or want to orrrr just general I don’t know no other way because your messed up rn. Unavailable as hell and at the end of the day you can’t be mad at an unavailable person anymore. Why are you so available? Go through life experience what you have to experience establish yourself learn what loving looks like by loving you right and have fun with the opportunity of building friendships, relationships, business partners you never know. Don’t read into too much or you’ll get your feelings hurt because of being generally naive. You know until there’s a firm groundwork of communication that goes on before you get into anything right so just allowing yourself to vibe. know what you want. Don’t settle. Keep that aura bright.
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You know just focus on yourself, drink that water, be your young beautiful vibrant self, have fun stay unproblematic, mind the business that pays you and know stay focused.Purify yourself. So let your peers purify themselves with the shenanigans they get into. We all come from the same fuck shit excuse my language , but no fr so we no what toxic mindsets & habits we gotta stop overindulging in & I come into your life to help Lmaoo jk. No fr though I know what I’m supposed to be doing. Try to stay grounded and safe don’t get caught up in the hype be weary of your surroundings. remember the end goal my guy remember that shit. Stability, happiness, and peace. Be cool about because honestly I’m a coo dude I don’t even trip Lmaoo I just peep what I gotta peep then gracefully bounce out. Don’t gotta cause so much noise. Etc. just do you. Set some goals for yourself. 🥀
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-Sun. I’m out stop letting these dudes stressing you out bro it’s so peaceful when you just fall back just wait for god to just drop a person off like here ya go!!! Lol it comes outta nowhere. I’ve been hearing ppls stories and that’s why I feel I’m blessed with hermit stories of the very few times I have gave men or women had a few experiences lol access to me. Not many ppl can say they had me or that they even know me because truth is only a few really know who I am and even them didn’t really get to know me fr. we got life shit to stress about foundations to build let that shit go. Understand that your actions shape your life you still have a life outside of marriage it’s called your own. So ttyl.
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genderisareligion · 1 year
Recently told I have “tunnel vision” regarding my current world view. Lol. Probably because this person knows I’m a “TERF.” I really should change this url but the joke has a point that I still think should be said: “gender” probably works best where it belongs in languages like Spanish and not universally applied to the entire human species which has too much variation to try and categorize like that
When I tag my reblogs with things like “kill all pornographers” I’m aware that technically the word “pornographer” would include those people like couples who gladly film themselves fucking and post it and consent every time they do it. Do those people deserve to be dead for that? Nope. My point is that the rape crisis happening in and often because of porn is such an extreme crisis, to me on the ground here watching women right and left be traumatized by it, that I personally would rather the entire industry go away or at least go away until all it consists of is the privileged minority who really genuinely want to make sex on film their job. Never going to be my thing but go off I guess. My point is that men who get off on the pain and humiliation of women and children and feel no remorse are sociopathic and subhuman and should be separated from the rest of us normal people for our safety. Whether it be by death or prison or isolation on island somewhere lol I don’t care I just want people to wake the fuck up to how little the severely porn addicted and the billionaires churning this content out care about humanity.
When I say “kill all pornographers” I’m reflecting the amount of hatred men are showing us when they all but say “kill all women” in their porn. No, that’s not the message in all of it. But it is in enough (snuff porn is an entire genre) and there are enough enablers and those willing to turn a blind eye that it exists at all, and sue me for thinking it shouldn’t because it’s dangerous when there are real women dying constantly at the hands of men in real life, why do y’all need to watch it on a loop online too?
Like sorry for not being desensitized to women in pain? How is that “tunnel visioned”? I’m a former watcher of this shit because I thought being closeted was reason enough that I should just ignore the horrific shit I was constantly scrolling past and just get mine. That’s why I get on this and another blog and shit on the porn industry constantly. I’m no prude and I can speak from experience. I did all the rationalizing and the “she must be fine it can’t be real.” Then I did the research about how often it is real and critically thought about it all and made the decision to be openly critical of it. I know technically sometimes she really is fine. I’m wildly concerned about all the women who are paid to lie about being fine.
One of my favorite books is the S.C.U.M. Manifesto because so many people refuse to believe it was satire. When I say “Valerie Solanas was right” do I mean that her misandrist society exactly as she wrote it should be instituted tomorrow? Nope. She was right about how painful it would be for men to imagine themselves in our shoes for a day. They hate that book and KAM sentiment because they know they’re lucky as shit the tables aren’t turned and being afraid of a woman isn’t manly. She was right that people would take her literally and ignore the meaning, which as I read it was that something urgently needs to be done about male violence against females and the culture that upholds it.
Is it “tunnel visioned” of me to say sexism is defined as the oppression of males against females? Am I saying that I think females are incapable of mistreating males? LOL no. I’ve mistreated males. Females have often mistreated me. I am fully aware of all of these things and aware that there is a much worse pattern of male on female violence than there is the reverse. The FBI crime statistics on rape agree with me.
Idk man I’m just sick of “SWERF” and its cousin “TERF” and being told I'm biased or a bigot for wanting something drastic to be done about sexual violence. Dworkin really went the fuck off when she said
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lonely-night · 2 years
feels like I need to clarify something (again):
it is rare for me to multiship, most of the time this never happened. it's just hard for me to like AB and BC at the same time.
but I enjoy both j7 and r7, mostly bc my brain categorizes both separately. like j7 story needs to be strictly just voyager and not mix with st picard and vice versa for r7
so far it's easy to separate these two pairings, right until now lol they finally let seven mentioned janeway in st picard
I've seen some post saying bad things about janeway, idk if they mean it or its just a humor thing... hmm
anyway I won't choose lol
I'll continue love these two pairings in my own way and occasionally create smth from now and then (and no I don't do ot3 so thank you but no 😂)
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denialcity · 2 years
im new to fandom so this might be something obvious but,, is there any difference between tobiizu and izutobi?
welcome to founders hell!!!! 
okay whats interesting is we just had a slight cultural difference thing in the chat. cut for length and idk dis/course adjacent stuff
so I’ll give a westernised asian perspective: 
it’s just shorthand for who tops/ is more “dominant” (the first name is the top). it doesn’t matter to me much personally, sometimes i choose ship names on aesthetic combination/the more common name rather than top/bottom-- i started saying izutobi when i got into fandom bc that was the vibe + i dont like the double i together in tobiizu, but switched to tobiizu bc it was the more common pairing tag. in another fandom i write character A on the bottom like 80% of the time/ it’s a reversible pairing. so like, anything goes. but to some people it REALLY does matter. i have a friend who categorically refuses to read content if character B tops. Like A/B is her OTP but B/A is her nOTP lol.  which is fair, the dynamic tends to be written differently.
it’s why people says sns/ sasunarusasu --> because they couldnt agree on who tops/ it’s shipped reversibly. I think asian side of fandom tends to be stricter about this -- some doujin stores/circles are arranged by who tops/ who bottoms and the reverse is considered a separate ship. 
i think a large part of asian fandom (as far as i’ve experienced it) are okay with letting people like what they like. there’s less gender baggage and dischorse about it than you’d expect. no one is gonna cancel you for getting it wrong, esp if you’re staying english-side  
i’ll hand the mic over to @firecoloredwater for more western fandom side: 
Okay so this starts out similar but like. just similar enough to result in Red and I briefly going ??? at each other when we ran into the differences.
You know that thing where it’s a cliche for straight people to ask gay couples “which of you is the man and which is the woman?” Historically fandom did that, and used the order of ship names to indicate which character was in which role.  Sometimes this mainly described sexual roles, but sometimes it would extend to things like who started the relationship, who has a job vs who stays home and cooks and raises kids, and other ways of sorting the characters into a replica of cliche The Man vs The Woman roles.
The first name is The Man and the second name is The Woman. So TobiIzu=Tobirama is more proactive/in control or on top during sex, and IzuTobi=Izuna is in control/on top.
(I’m uh.  Pretty ehhhhh on the whole thing and its implications re: sexism and queerphobia, so I may not be giving an entirely fair description.  Trying to stick to the most basic facts to avoid that.)
(Also worth noting that anime fandoms in particular were very influenced by Asian fandoms on this topic among others, but I don’t know enough to say exactly how.)
In the last several years English-speaking fandom (at least, that I’m familiar with, there are probably pockets elsewhere that this isn’t true of) is a lot less invested in that distinction, and a lot more aware that relationships are not that strictly divided and partners in most relationships will trade roles depending on the time or context. Or that roles might just not exist. So a lot of people don't bother making the distinction anymore, or only use it to less-explicitly reference what exact scenario we were discussing, without necessarily making implications about the relationship as a whole.
If you look back at fics from, say, ten years ago you’ll find a lot more distinctions being made like that, but if you’re looking at current fics/art it’s less likely to be significant.  So it’s helpful to know, but if you don’t care to make the distinction yourself you probably don’t need to; I tend to use TobiIzu all the time because it sounds better to me and only distinguish when I want to uh. discuss whose dick is going where without actually using those words.
A related phenomenon: when ships involve more than two people, the connected names will sometimes imply which relationships are happening rather than or in addition to the role dynamics.  So in our dt3 ship with Takami, Meguru, and Kawarama, we usually write it as TakaKawaMegu rather than TakaMeguKawa even though it’s (usually) MeguKawa and not KawaMegu, because the ships are Takami/Kawarama and Meguru/Kawarama but not Takami/Meguru.  So Kawarama’s name gets kept in the middle/connected to both of the others.  (Of course in a true triangle situation you’d have to repeat a name, and if there’s a fourth person it gets more complicated... but mainly I mention this as an example that there can be other factors in the order of ship names, so ‘first name is on top’ is a guideline but not a rule, even when the ship name is determined by more than just ‘this sounds best to me.’)
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criticalrolo · 4 years
IDK if you want to actually talk about this more, but my sister identifies as a Bi Lesbian, and the way she describes it is that she is attracted to women and nonbinary people. I think saying that bi people HAVE to be attracted to men is off-base and ignores the nonbinary part of "more than one gender" - and as soon as you include nb people it is no longer mutually exclusive. ALSO fuck terfs getting to take an id away from people cause theyre shitty, I respect the people who id as that more 1/3
2/3 Of course Bi and Lesbians are full identities, but if people find a label like Bi Lesbian useful, not as a watering down but as a way to speak their truth, then I think it should be respected. It doesn't have to be a scale - maybe if anything a modifier? And it certainly doesn't make Bi or Lesbian less of an identity than the split attraction model makes Ace less of a thing. IDK I'd just rather be extremely inclusive over saying that an ID is bad. IDK about the Bipoc tho as Im white
3/3 one final aside, is I've seen it described as an easy way to explain that they are into multiple genders but not into men. And I think if its useful and easily understood, a useful shorthand, then let people use it. Fuck anyone (esp terfs) who apply it to other people, but I think we dont have to conflate all the ways people are awful to queer people with an Identity itself being fucked up. Anyway sorry to ramble right back, and I hope you have a nice night and Ill see you in the cr tag lol
Hey there! So, to address your points, I do want to say first of all that I totally find it admirable that, given the option, you’d rather stray towards overly inclusive as opposed to Not Inclusive Enough. I totally agree with that sentiment, and think that you’re absolutely coming at this from a good angle.
The things I find difficult about the “bi lesbian” label kind of come from your second ask mainly. So the thing is, all sexualities can potentially include nonbinary people. “Nonbinary” is not a separate Third Gender Option, it’s an enormous array of different identities. People can be nonbinary but man or woman-aligned, completely agender, all the genders at once, etc. etc. etc.... basically the format that you’re thinking of conforms the nonbinary experience into an all encompassing “third gender” when in fact it’s a broad spectrum of experiences and identities that can be extremely similar or dissimilar. 
Because yeah... there are nb lesbians out there. Who are attracted to women, and other nb lesbian/bisexual people who identify with being sapphic or wlw. You’re actually talking to one right now ;) My experience with gender is All Over The Place and I’m not very good at defining it right now, but I definitely identify very strongly as a lesbian who is attracted to women/women-aligned people. Gender Is Lesbian for me personally right now lol
The issue comes when, as you said, you start to use “lesbian” as a modifying term. It’s not a modifier. It’s a full term that exclusively means women who are not attracted to men. I know you bring up the split attraction model here, but I’ve found that that is WAY more useful for asexual identities without getting into some of the sticky areas like this one where IDing as something actually is harmful/doesn’t make sense. I know that the term “exclusive” does bring up some bad associations but in this case, that’s because we have terms for people who experience attraction to Women/NB people who ID as sapphic (basically ur NB lesbians/people comfy with calling themselves NB bisexual women) and for people who identify as being attracted to men and women (and man-aligned etc. etc.)
LIke, see how long those descriptions got once I started including some of the many, MANY different experiences of being nonbinary...? Basically there’s just no single way to define Every Nonbinary Person for Every Single Sexuality since it’s such a broad spectrum of experience, which is why a lot of sexualities might sound pretty binary (like defining lesbian as Woman Who Loves Only Women) but in fact is because there’s no way to include every single nonbinary experience and categorize them into a neat little box, you know? 
So from there, you’ve gotta ALSO consider the points I made earlier about how the identity of “bisexual lesbian” also comes across as lesbophobic, biphobic, and transphobic in ways that harm all of those identities instead of bringing them together. Like, obviously your sister is a Valid Human Being, and it feels weird to be saying an identity is NOT valid... but like. Forcing two mutually exclusive identities together (one that explicitly does not include men and one that does) just ends up hurting the people who ID with those identities in the long run, like how I outlined in my other post. Essentially, it takes away from the overall meaning of What It Means To Be A Lesbian and What It Means To Be Bisexual by trying to force the two of them together. They’re different experiences, and that’s something to be celebrated and something to find commonalities over while discussing our differences instead of trying to mash them together, you know? Like there’s a reason why they became defined as separate identities in the first place.
Anyway, this is probably too long but I hope you can see where I’m coming from here. I’m obviously not going to tell your sister How To Identify, but there’s my thoughts some points you might want to consider showing her while she’s figuring out her identity, you know? So yeah, that’s all I’ve got. Hope you have a good day, and get hyped for the CR episode tonight!! <3
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douwatahima · 3 years
Turns out I have some more feelings about the manga I finished yesterday. Not naming it so this doesn’t end up in the tags. Please don’t read this, lol. The fourteen year old version of me jumped out.
I think the thing that bugged me most about this last stretch of DN Angel is how much it felt like Yukiru Sugisaki was just...done with the whole thing. Like everything felt very rushed towards a specific, easy conclusion that didn't address a lot of the interesting pieces she had previously laid down.
Like, I remember reading those last few chapters before the eight year long hiatus and HOLY SHIT there was so much! The Dark/Risa relationship all of a sudden becomes an actual threat, not just to Daisuke/Riku, but to Daisuke himself! Satoshi completely lets his guard down around Daisuke, trusting that the person he loves will make this huge sacrifice for him, and when Daisuke refuses he POINTS A GUN TO HIS OWN HEAD. AND THEN WHEN HE GETS CAUGHT HE GOES OFF INTO THE FOREST WITH. THE. GUN!!! AND THEN!!!! RIKU FINDS OUT DAISUKE IS DARK!!!!!!!! IT'S WILD AS FUCK!!!!!!!!
And then we come back and a lot of this is immediately dealt with in a comedic fashion and we just move on. Dark and Daisuke don't talk about that Risa interaction. No one goes after Satoshi. Daisuke comes up with some excuse and Riku is satiated for now.
Then we got the whole dream circus arc. Which was honestly alright. I enjoyed Daisuke coming to terms with the fact that he cannot separate himself from Dark. They are one and the same, for better or worse. And honestly, at first I thought this arc was going to lead us somewhere interesting. Because if Daisuke and Dark now understand that they are a package deal, how do they deal with the whole Riku and Risa thing???? (The answer is they basically don't but I'll get there). I was 100% ready to love this arc and then they did...the thing and I...
Okay, look. Full disclosure, I've been a DN Angel fan since I was like, fourteen. It is linked to me in a way that can only happen when you're obsessed with something at the height of your awkward teen years. And the thing that continues to be my favourite part of the whole story is the relationship between Satoshi and Daisuke. They were my number one ship, not just at fourteen, but...honestly probably through all of my teen years. Like, remember when people used to make jokes on this website about someone asking about your otp and you pull out your binder of reasons? I literally made a Satodai binder. That's not a joke. They were it for me.
And, don't get me wrong, there was never a point where I honestly thought the manga was gonna have Daisuke leave Riku and end up with Satoshi. I dreamed about it, but didn't honestly expect it. BUT I loved the way the manga addressed Satoshi's feelings for Daisuke. This is someone who Satoshi treasures above all others. The person who makes him believe the world can be better. The person he would do ANYTHING for. Like, Satoshi LOVES him.
Which is why it's so frustrating to me that Yukiru Sugisaki decided it would be better for Satoshi to have a two second dream about Risa that changes all of his feelings instantaneously. Like, I'm not here to shit on Satoshi/Risa fans, and I'm happy y'all got your ship. Honestly. But, the two of them have barely spoken before this and then Satoshi has a dream and literally says, "oh I guess my feelings have changed now" like...two volumes before the end! AND THEN THEY DON'T EVEN TALK UNTIL THE VERY END OF THE SERIES. FOR WHAT????
It honestly just read to me as, the mangaka wanted to end the series and Satoshi continuing to be into Daisuke was too emotionally complicated to quickly wrap up so he loves Risa now. And hey, that clears up the whole Dark/Risa thing, right? I'll get to that.
ANYWAY, so then we jump into an elongated story about some past Niwa/Hikari drama which would've been fun if I hadn't been growing more and more confused as I noticed how few chapters were left and we were STILL ON THIS. Like, I love when DN Angel gives us fun new characters to talk about. Hell, the Freedert arc and the Argentine arc are two of my favourites. But, when you only have a limited amount of time...It just felt like this was something Yukiru Sugisaki was maybe sitting on for awhile so she didn't want to skip it, but she also wanted to finish the story as soon as possible so the ending comes IMMEDIATELY after which makes this whole arc feel...weird. Like...we could've spent our last few chapters on the characters we know and love but...instead...
Then we get to the endgame. So, quick poll, do we think the mangaka already had this ending in mind before the anime came out or do we think she decided to do the anime ending because she had no idea how to finish the story. I'm really not sure, but either way it felt soooo anticlimactic given that we've had the anime ending for almost 20 years. Like...what was I waiting around for if you were just gonna do the same thing????? And look, I honestly never finished the anime because I couldn't stand the way they chose to characterize some of my favourite characters (most notably Satoshi and Risa) and I'd read what the ending was and hated it lol. But I digress.
The thing about the ending that gets me most is that it all comes on so fast. Like, you wanna do the anime ending? Okay. Don't love the idea, but okay. BUT it all happens in like... 2-3 chapters. Like, all of a sudden the Black Wings is sucking up power from the artwork and, oh no, here comes Krad ready wreck shop. And then we, randomly at THE END OF THE MANGA find out Satoshi's adopted Dad is actually his real Dad and also he's a piece of artwork which makes Satoshi half a piece of artwork???? Why are you telling us this now???? Then Satoshi and Daisuke seal Dark and Krad into the Black Wings the end. Like...????? That's it?????
Okay, so the story's done but where does it leave our favourite characters???
Daisuke and Riku have figured their shit out and are...presumably going to do long distance??? Idk, they never really address whether they're staying together or not as far as I can remember???? Like, this is the relationship I thought we would get the most closure on but ?????????
Risa just gets to be sad for awhile I guess. It's honestly so infuriating to me that we got this awesome moment before the hiatus where Dark asked Risa if she would love him no matter what and she says yes with her WHOLE CHEST and that's enough for Dark to almost, like, take over Daisuke's body permanently. Like, her love for Dark is as real as Riku's love for Daisuke but she's not allowed to have a happy ending like her sister. She gets to see Dark one last time where he kisses her and hopes she'll always be his best girl and then he flies off into the night while she begs him not to leave. Then, she gets to cry in the street, trying to remember him while everyone else is forgetting. Well, at least she has Satoshi, right????
But like, we don't even know if she likes Satoshi that way. There's been...no indication that she does as far as I know. And as he's hugging her, Satoshi is having these thoughts hoping she'll be able to remember Dark because he knows how meaningful he is to her. So their ending is LITERALLY Risa gets to be horribly heartbroken and Satoshi gets to pine for someone else who, at this point, doesn't love him back.
Like, once again not to shit on Satoshi/Risa fans but...is this the ending y'all wanted????? Because as someone who stans them both this just felt horrible. It reads as a feeble attempt to "pair the spares" (since in the story the mangaka wanted to tell, neither of them could be with who they originally loved) but, like, even then this is the saddest way to do that. OH! And once again, if Risa is moving, ARE THEY EVEN GOING TO BE TOGETHER????? Like, what are we supposed to get from this what is the REASON??????
And then there's Dark and Krad being stuck in the Black Wings for eternity. The biggest reason I didn't like this ending in the anime. Like, look. I get that you have to end your manga somehow. BUT if your plan was to reunite Dark and Krad in this way I don't understand why you would write a whole interaction, mere chapters before, having Dark say that that's the LAST thing he wants to do. HE SAYS THAT THEY AREN'T THE SAME ANYMORE AND THAT HE DOESN'T WANT TO RETURN TO HIM. AND THEN HE'S FORCED TO DO JUST THAT. FOR. WHAT?????
Like, Dark isn't a villain. He's one of our main protagonists and has been this whole time. I get that in stories sometimes characters have sad endings. (I've already argued that I think both Satoshi and Risa's endings were bittersweet at best). But to have Dark say mere chapters before it happens that he categorically DOES NOT want to rejoin Krad and then force him to do just that feels like such a needlessly cruel thing to do to this character we're meant to love.
Once again, it just felt so much like Yukiru Sugisaki wanted to end the series as quickly as possible. I get her wanting to come back to it; she's kinda notorious for not finishing things so I get the impulse to just drive through and get at least one story done. But, it felt like so many things were skipped over or changed just because it made getting to the end goal easier and less complicated. Not addressing some of the cool shit she laid down before the hiatus, completely morphing Satoshi's feelings in a dream, writing off Risa's feelings for Dark, telling us all of the Satoshi backstory stuff at the last goddamn minute, giving Dark his worst nightmare as an ending, so many of these things done just to move things along towards a specific end goal as fast as possible.
Honestly, there's a part of me that wishes she hadn't come back and finished it at all. I was happy enough with the ending I had written in my head and would've preferred it to what we ended up getting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Anyway, to anyone who actually read this (and a part of me hopes no one does lmao) thanks for listening to me ramble. And if you're a Satoshi/Risa fan, uh, sorry I hated on your ship lol. You're cool.
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