#i just love the idea of lena being free!
pan-de-queer · 1 year
another day to use the last 15 mins i'm allowed (health-wise) to be awake on a weekday to think about the supercorp ph uni au [1 2]
thinking of how lena might join actual protests (slowly and just the Major ones) bc of kara and lillian finds out and is abso-fucking-lutely furious. she flies all the way to the philippines with the intention of dragging lena home but lena's two steps ahead. she's already changed her tuition payment from the luthor accounts to a student loan.
she's been working part time for a local lab (under recommendation from her professors instead of her family name, for once) and moving whatever money she could get from whatever lionel and lex had left or given her into investments and some small properties. she moved out of the place lillian had originally bought her and was living in a tiny apartment with a girl named sam and sam's two-year-old daughter, ruby.
by the time lillian arrives to try and bring her back home, she's practically financially free of the luthor chain. the only thing holding her back is the duty she used to feel for the people who raised her. but now? now lena has a family. she has sam and ruby, her roommates who force her to relax and watch reruns of batibot and sineskwela with them. jack, her fellow international student and favorite science partner who helped her sort her finances. brainy, her co-worker from ust who continuously betters and challenges her. alex, who, somehow, became her drinking buddy and confidante. nia, kara's underclassman who introduced her to the bahaghari organization. and kara, her best friend. her favorite person. the woman who stood next to her when lillian yelled and yelled and yelled in her twisted effort to get her to go back home.
but lena finds that she is home. the philippines has given her more than metropolis or the luthors have ever bothered to offer.
a family.
lena knows where she belongs now, and she won't let anyone take that away from her.
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m0nsterqzzz · 2 months
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(wife) Natasha Romanoff x reader
word count: 1.8 k
- Snow Day -
summary - snow days with your wife and kids
a/n - ahhhhhh i love snow and natasha.
The moment Natasha jumps on top of you at 7am is the moment you decide to divorce her. 
Not seriously, but you did threaten to as she shook your body and practically screamed, “It’s snowing detka!” You opened one eye and sure enough, there was ice frost covering the outside of your bedroom windows and you could see snow covering the trees. 
“That’s nice honey. Now go back to bed.” She shakes her head, jumping off the bed and yelling as loud as she can- which is pretty fucking loud if you didn’t know-, “Kids! It’s snowing!”
Just like Natasha, your kids love the snow more than anything. Probably more than they love you. It's a few seconds before the cheering begins, and then your oldest sons come running into your room and jump onto the bed. “Wake up! Wake up!” Lev, the oldest, practically screams in your face, and then Andy- short for Anthony-, the middle child, lays his whole body weight on top of you. He’s fourteen years old, only two years younger than his older brother and eight years older than their little sister, but after years of working out with Natasha, he’s very strong and putting his whole body weight on top of you means basically cutting off your ability to breathe.
The sound of little footsteps entering the room makes you all stop, and Lena, your six year old daughter and youngest child, enters the room with her stuffed monkey in hand and crawls into the bed next to you. She loves the snow, but she also loves sleep just like you.
“Come here принцесса.” Lev mutters, grabbing his little sister from the bed and holding her in his arms. Her big brothers are her protectors, and if you and Natasha aren’t there to treat her like a princess, her brothers are.
“You wanna build a snowman little spider?” Andy asks, tickling her stomach as a method of waking her up. She giggles, a tired grin taking over her face as she looks out the window. “Snow day?” “Snow day Lena.” She nods, suddenly much more awake as she climbs out of his arms and back onto the bed. You think she's coming back to cuddle with you, but you should know by the devilish grin on her face- one very similar to your wifes- that is not true. She stands up on the bed, then lets her small body free fall onto yours. Was naming her after your sister in law (the one that totally did this shit to you a few months ago) a good idea? Probably not.
And that's how you ended up gathering up all the scarfs in the house, which only turned out to be 4. Luckily, one of them was really long so you and Natasha can share it once you get outside. While the kids are in their rooms putting on thousands of layers, Natasha is in a tank top and leggings like she's about to go out on a run in the summertime. “Natalia. Where is your sweater? Sorry I meant, where are your sweaters? Plural because it’s fudging freezing outside.” 
She shrugs, continuing to make six cups of hot chocolate despite it being 7 in the morning. You chuckle. “The kids only need one cup each Nat.” She nods, looking down at the cups with a nervous smile. “I know…..three of these are for me.”
You grab a few sweaters for her, forcing her to put them on and then standing in front of her holding in a laugh at the now balloon shaped form of your wife. “You look um….you look amazing honey.” She can't see you considering the beanie going down to her nose and scarf up to about the same place but she can hear you searching through your pockets for your phone. “I know what you’re doing! Do I look stupid to you detka?”
“Yes….and this is going on the Avengers Christmas card.” You snap the photo, running away from her when she begins waddling towards you. 
You go stand out on the porch with her, waiting for your kids to come out and join you in the cold. Why they love the freezing temperatures will always be a mystery to you. When they come out, each kid is handed one cup of hot chocolate that they pull down their scarves to chug. They boy’s aren't too big as they’ve grown a lot over the years since you bought the pieces of fabric, but the new one you bought for Lena when winter season started is practically covering her whole head and Natasha has to pull it down in order to see the little girl's bright smile.
You take your seat at one of the rocking chairs you and your wife bought for your wrap around porch, piling several blankets over your lap and watching with a smile as the kids- that's including Natasha- run out into the chilly forest. When Lev was two years old and you had first adopted the few month old baby Andy, Natasha retired from her job as an Avenger and bought you and your kids a large piece of property and a big house. The land is filled with trees that kids spend evenings placing hide and seek in, and in the summer they go horseback riding with their mom. Natasha takes care of all the animals that live around the property and in the barn, and you spend days doing whatever you wish whether it's helping her or staying inside the house relaxing with the kids.
A snowball flies past your head, and you look up to glare at your wife. “Hey! Why are you looking at me? Look at them!” The redhead points to the kids, who stare at her bewilderment. “You know what? Fuck this.” You mutter, removing the blankets from your lap and running out into the snow. You form a snowball, hiding with your kids behind a stack of hay that Natasha left out the other day. Your wife was an Avenger, a spy, and a shield agent. That's all true. But you live with her. It’s not too hard to pick up on her habits. 
You can hear her crunchy footprints coming up behind the hay, but the kids have already formed even more snowballs so you hold up three fingers, slowly putting each on down until you have zero left. They all jump up, practically yelling war cries as they hit their mother with snowball after snowball. You take this chance to run into the forest nearby, hiding behind a tree with several snowballs in hand.
Once they run out of snowballs and the laughter dies down a bit, you sneak out from behind the tree and begin throwing the snow at the back of your wife. The children laugh, but she turns to you with a devil-like grin and you instantly know you’re in deep shit. “Okay Nat….Nat….our kids are watching. They can't see me go like this.” You dramatically tell her, only bringing more giggles out of your kids. 
“Get her mom!” Lev cheers, and your eyes widen as you look at him in mock offense. 
“Whose side are you on kid?” You ask. He shrugs, holding up another snowball and throwing it at Natasha's head.
“Neither. Every man for themselves!” He sprints into the forest, Andy close behind him and Lena standing out in the open with no snowballs in hand. 
Natasha grins at her, opening her arms for a hug. “Come here and give me a hug, little spider.” The six year old narrows her eyes at the Russian woman before sprinting after her brothers, but Natasha is already forming four snowballs when the little girl gets to the edge of the tree line.
You watch with a grimace as your wife throws each snowball at the back of the little girl, and the force of the snow makes Lena fall face first into a pile of coldness. You smack Natasha’s arm. “Natalia! She’s six years old!”
The redhead just laughs, turning her back to the forest as she grins at you. “She's my daughter. She can handle a couple snowballs to the face.” While she was defending letting her child get hypothermia, Lev and Andy were sneaking up behind her, each with a large pile of snow in their arms.
“Um….Nat-” You start with a giggle, but it's too late and the boys are lifting up the piles to drop them on top of her head. It breaks over her head, falling down in front and behind her like snow and leaving it all over her head and shoulders. “That was for Lena!” Andy yells and then they take back off to the forest, Natasha not far behind.
A few hours later, you watch as Natasha and the kids come back out of the forest, and then plop down in the snow with erratic breathing. You get up from your seat on the porch, walking onto the cold field and then laying down in it right next to your wife.
It's silent for a few minutes, but then the sound of shuffling begins. You look to your side to see Natasha moving her arms and legs, forming an angel looking shape in the snow. You all spread out a little before copying her movements. So that's what you guys do for like three minutes, before standing up and admiring your guy’s work. There are five different sized angels in the snow, the perfect replicas of you and your family.
“Mama. I’m cold.” With a small smile, Nat grabs her by her under arms and hoists her up on her shoulders. 
“I think that calls for more hot cocoa.” “Tasha-” You go to tell her that they’ve already had too much sugar and that Lena is practically shaking due to a sugar high, but she’s making her way into the house with the boys trailing behind her before you can say anything. You chuckle to yourself, following after them.
She’s already grabbing the packets of cocoa powder once you get inside, and the boys settle themselves on the couch as you snatch them from her. She groans, sending you her best pout. You've been married to her for a very long time though and rarely fall for that anymore. “No. They can have something else.” The redhead widens her eyes, trying to put on a puppy dog's face that has you laughing harder than you ever had.
“Fine.” You’re not going to tell her that the only reason you said yes is because Lena was doing the face too. The little girls were much cuter. They cheer, beginning to heat up some milk to put in the hot drink as you go sit down on the couch with your boys. 
Natasha and Lena join you guys, the older of the two sitting behind you on the couch so you can lay your back on her chest, and the boys let their little sister choose a movie which is why you end up watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Your wife isn’t focused on the movie though. She’s admiring you, how you chuckle at the funny parts as your eyes sparkle with joy.
Snow days are her favorite thing, but it’ll never compare to you.
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ratboyvince · 2 months
The Magnus Protocol - Glitch theory
In light of the current theory/assumption that in The Magnus Protocol, the audio glitches when the characters lie, I’ve been re listening!! And I’m going to be using this post and others to explore what this means for our beloved characters
The glitches aren’t on the transcript, sometimes there will be a direction like (uncertain) or (unconvincing), but thats the best i can do you for, otherwise you will have to take my word
First though, quick clarifications: what exactly is a lie in this context? - this is fairly obvious but i am including it for the avoidance of any doubt what i have gathered is that, in this theory we are assuming a lie is a character saying something they KNOW is not true in attempt to wilfully deceive someone
It is NOT:
A joke, or sarcasm
Believing something but being wrong
Finally, a lot of the lies i have so far are ones that are known to known to be untrue, what i will do is have a list of the blatant lies SO FAR to make my point, to work as support for the theory on this post then leave out any following ones to avoid making it excessively long.
The rest of them will be under the cut and more on a thread, sorted by episode. If i miss any, feel free to say!!
BLATANT LIES (theory support)
Teddy: Colin was just saying how much of a BLAST he’s having (GLITCH) isn’t that right?
Lena: oh really.
Colin: Aye, sure (GLITCH)
Teddy: And how he’d love to take the after party to the Pub (GLITCH)
Gwen: Sam? You okay?
Sam: um. Yeah. (GLITCH)
Sam: cinnamon swirl. Please. (GLITCH)
Gwen: Wait. Did you get me a coffee?
Sam: yeah. (GLITCH)
Celia: Sorry, sorry, there was an emergency at home (GLITCH)
EPISODES 1-11 (where applicable) UNDER THE CUT
Episode 1
Teddy: Nahh, we’ll stay in touch, right?
Alice: Course…(GLITCH)
Alice either did not intend to keep in touch with Teddy, or genuinely just does not believe they will.
* saying she’ll miss him was NOT a lie, so it’s probably the latter
Episode 3
Sam: right, right i get it. Consider me *scared straight* (GLITCH)
He wasn’t taking Alice seriously, underestimating how serious it actually was (maybe even as light payback for her not taking him seriously)
Episode 5
Lena: I am certain that if he finds his current assignment unmanageable he can request assistance (GLITCH) or resign, of course…
She knows what the deal is with Central IT (whatever “the deal” may be), and just refuses to help. Maybe even sets up a little hostility between Lena and Colin?
Episode 7
Alice: listen, if you need to step out for some air-
Celia: no, I’m fine, really (GLITCH)
Celia was infact, not fine, probably because she recognised Chester’s voice as Jon “The Archivist” Sims himself and she’s freaked out
Episode 8
Gertrude: well I’m…sorry, but I don’t think gerry can help you. (GLITCH)
Gerry: -And then i left
Sam: and that’s all?
Gerry: Yeah I’m afraid so! (GLITCH)
Gertrude and Gerry know more than they’re letting on, and intentionally not sharing.
*Gerry not remembering most of it being true, means that while he’s probably leaving something out, there’s more he genuinely is lost on
Sam: I…may have given you a quick google
Celia: then…yeah. I’m doing a favour for Georgie. (GLITCH)
She Is Not Doing A Favour For Georgie - the research (teleportation, time travel, different universes) is more personal!
Episode 11
Sam: you keep glancing at the door
Alice: ah. It’s nothing (GLITCH)
Alice: it’ll be nothing! I’m just jumpy (GLITCH)
Alice is dismissing her anxiety following the trip to the institute.
Alice: “What have I told you about thinking?“
Sam: “Don’t.”
Alice: “That’s right.” (GLITCH)
Probably meaning that Alice is starting to doubt her own ideas, but is just pushing that uncertainty away because that’s what she does and she’s still more comfortable in ignorance, even if she doesn’t think it’s exactly RIGHT to ignore.
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romanoffsbish · 11 months
Sabotage is a Girl’s Best Friend
Yelena Belova x F!R | Wanda x Natasha
Request (I lost it, but it was a simple / easy to remember- Jealous Yelena who sabotages every date R has until she’s caught) | WC: 3,959
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Yelena quirked a brow at you as you waltzed into her room, having slammed her door into the wall to emphasize your frustrations, you fell back onto her occupied bed and groaned, "That was the third failed date this month!"
"Maybe love isn't in your future Y/N Y/L/N."
"No, it is. I just think you're finding the duds."
Natasha looked down at you with a smirk, it was almost as if she knew something you didn't, but you knew there was no point asking. Because the redhead did know, but she would never say it to you for her little sister's sake.
She knows what it's like to have to learn how to be a human being again, to develop deep feelings like the ones Yelena so clearly has for you. It's not too far off from her agonizingly slow love story with Wanda. However, the witch was aware of her feelings the whole time.
You're oblivious. Painfully so. Watching you two together is entertainment for the couple.
Wanda's almost always ready to meddle, but the redhead always stops her. She knows that Yelena would hopelessly ruin things if forced into it too soon. Which would be a real shame, because Natasha was rooting for you wholly; Yelena was good at keeping you, the resident klutz, safe, and you softened Yelena's heart.
The blonde deserved to have someone she could be care free with, and that loved her.
Natasha knew you loved her, so, as soon as you left the room she began to harass her sister.
"Yelena, you can't keep doing this to her."
Yelena sighed, hands over her face in shame. "I have no other choice." Her shoulders shook as she held back a sob. "I can't lose her when I haven't even had a chance to have her yet."
"Then make a move," Nat urged, her hand tight as it squeezed her shoulder encouragingly. "I hate seeing her so dejected, you're going to give her a complex. Tell her the truth, then the both of you can have the happy ending you deserve."
Yelena scoffed, "Y/N deserves better Natalia."
"You are plenty enough Lena," Natasha sighed.
"Not for her." Yelena shook her head with a hoarse sob, and so the redhead pulled her into a tearful hug. "Y/N loves you just the same, and would be crushed to hear you say that."
You wiped away the tears, nodding towards the closed door in agreement as you heard them. A bittersweet smile overtook your face as you took determined steps towards your bedroom.
If she wouldn't make the damn move, then you would have to. Starting by catching her in the midst of sabotaging yet another date. One you'll have set up for the both of you after she hopefully confesses instead of running away.
Natasha left her sister's room half an hour later after she got Yelena to lay down as she sobbed. Putting the broken blonde to sleep, and letting the redhead make her way to your room fast. Part of her was relieved you'd eavesdropped, but the other part was ready to pummel you.
When she finally found you she was even more frustrated, ready to go off on you until you turned to her with a smile and reddened eyes.
"I was thinking I'd ask Tony to rent me the entire arcade," you murmured over the pen that was now in your mouth. Natasha smirked as she stared down at your long list of ideas.
"The Kraft Factory Tour, is that even a thing?"
You shrugged your shoulders and giggled, "I'm an Avenger, I'm sure they'd make it happen."
Your easy laughter made the redhead hopeful, but she still felt a protectiveness for Yelena. So, Natasha abruptly caught you by the chin, her eyes hardened as she peered into yours. You gave her time to figure out your intentions, and once she did you felt her finger tap your nose.
"You leave the date to me," she grinned, "It'll make Wanda so happy to help, and it gives you time to plan your monologue, make it good."
A week went by, giving the blonde false hope that you'd given up. Sadly she wasn't that lucky, so now Yelena paced the floor of the elevator as it slowly descended the many floors. How you kept finding people was truly of no shock to her. You were perfect, so much so that she knew that one day she'd lose you for good. To the one smart person who fought back, who saw through her bluff and to your worth.
It honestly upset her every time they ran out of the bathroom with their tails between their legs. Forfeiting a chance with you was a sin.
This time you were going to a rage room, it didn't seem like much of your thing, but she just assumed your partner (to never be) picked.
As the blonde exited the elevator she was in a hurry, which is why Tony should've known to steer clear of her path, but he stood in it.
"Belova, just the person I was looking for." She rolled her eyes, and attempted to walk by, but he mistakenly stopped her with a hand on her wrist. She spun their bodies and slammed him into a wall. "Speak your words, don't touch."
Tony stuttered, "W-we have a mission."
"I am off the clock," was her quick, dry reply before she left the building in a focused stride.
The brilliant idiot had cost her time, something she couldn't afford to lose any of while trying to stop you, once again, from falling in love. It was growing exhausting, your constant flow of dates never seemed to cease. They always gave her an uneasy feeling, but this time it was only heightened by the revelation that Sarah, your old mission partner from your shield days, had asked you out. The pre-established connection was anxiety inducing. What if she is the one?
That was preposterous... Yelena was the one.
Even if you didn't understand that yet, she knew that one day she'd have the courage to tell you. It was the only destiny she banked on.
Once she made it outside of the compound she wasted no time climbing onto her tricked out bike, weaving through traffic with ease as she raced to get to you. She parked a lot away then sprinted into the building to find you and the brunette with the pretty smile, and doe eyes wrapped up in a reminiscent embrace. Her heart sank, but she didn't let it stop her.
As if fate was on her side the woman excused herself from your chat, and headed off towards what she could only assume to be the restroom. It was the easiest rendezvous spot Yelena had come to find out with every date she'd foiled.
Yelena made her way there fast, her heart on the verge of exploding as she wondered if Sarah would finally be the one to fight back. Not that she'd win, the blonde hadn't taken things to the next level with her threats, but she was willing to do anything for your love.
"Listen up," she didn't waste time as she began her speech before the door even full opened. A frown overtook her face though when she waltzed in to find her sister's girlfriend on the counter instead, wearing a playful smirk.
"I'm listening Belova." Natasha took her sisters silent glaring as a warning, so she emerged from the shadows of the large stall and took the liberty of locking the door before the blonde could bolt. The clicking of metal made the blonde turn to shoot the glare her sister's way instead, it was basically heatless. Yelena was masking the hurt from the betrayal, she was beyond terrified that the plan set in motion here was to prevent her from stopping you.
"Move out of the way Natalia!" She growled, her fists flexed, and the redhead rolled her eyes. Yelena hated not being taken seriously so she resorted to slamming her into the door. "If she and Sarah leave here together I will never speak to you again. This isn't fair to do!"
"Yeah, you're right Lena, it isn't!" She scoffed and pushed her sister backwards. The blonde caught herself before falling to the ground and raised her fist, ready to deliver a punch that was halted by swirls of red tickling her skin.
"Let me go Wanda Maximoff, or so help me..."
Wanda cut her off, "If you two would stop the bickering then you'd know that's exactly why we're here. To help you to get your love."
Yelena narrowed her eyes at the smug smirk on her sister's face. Natasha knew just how to push her sister's buttons, but never in a way that would be truly damaging. It felt justified to her to scare the blonde, to show her that her childish behavior would fail her eventually.
"How will I get my love if you've trapped me?"
"Are you truly incapable of figuring it out?" Wanda groaned as she flitted around the space to prepare her station. "Y/N figured you out."
"N-no, I-I was so careful." Yelena's teeth pierced the skin of her lip as the anxiety began to consume her. "Who the hell told her?!"
Natasha pulled her into a hug, her hands ran down the younger girls back as she let her sob into the fabric overlaying her chest. Then as the sobbing ceased Natasha spoke: "You did."
"I did no such thing!" Yelena pulled back, her defenses even higher at the crazy insinuation. "Don't be crazy. I would never say anything."
"She heard us last week," Natasha fed her the obvious information, "I guess I didn't wait long enough for her to leave before I scolded you."
Yelena was once again ready to annihilate her sister, but Wanda yanked her into a chair, and magically bound her to the seat. "The point isn't to place blame, but it's instead to rejoice that the cats out of the bag, and to get you ready for the date. Save the simmering rage for the rooms full of priceless antiques." Wanda pouted at the thought of the old televisions being smashed to pieces, and for the first time the sisters were in sync with their eye rolls.
"Moya lyubov', are you serious?" Natasha couldn't stop from laughing. "Deadly." The look Wanda sent her lovers way stopped it.
"Seriously?" Yelena wasn't afraid of Wanda. "It's all just junk witchy. We're in the new ages. Like, did you know you could make mac and cheese in a cup now? How revolutionary."
Wanda slapped the both of them upside their heads with the flick of her red shaded hand. Wanda ignored their grumbles in protest as she pulled a stunning outfit from a garment bag. It was fancy enough for the dinner Wanda had booked later, but practical for the rage room you two wouldn't budge on. "Go change before the clock strikes 12 and your princess bails."
Yelena looked to Natasha, eyes wide as she processed the reality. Her fingers consequently turned white as she squeezed the hanger, and the redhead took a step forward so she could press her forehead to hers. "Y/N's waiting for you Yelena, she's not going to reject you."
"How do you figure? What if she only agreed to this so that she could yell at me?" Natasha chuckled softly, "Because, she asked her friend who is engaged to play the part tonight, and she picked this dingy place with you in mind."
Yelena fiddled with her hands as she was escorted to the massive gymnasium. "Breathe," Natasha whispered, then before she could she was briskly shoved into the lions den. It was a massive space, the biggest room they'd rented out to people actually, and she was enamored.
In the corner stood an attendant who was patiently waiting for her to meet him by a door. Her eyes flitted around the room to find a wide variety of things to break, along with weapons to use for the objective. If not for you waiting on her as well she would've kept her pace leisurely, but she quickly made her way over.
"Welcome ma'am," he greeted with a fake smile, she could empathize as that's how she approached most people at the compound.
"I am not old enough to be a ma'am," she said, her tone nothing short of menacing, and then her glowering expression fell into a smile at the sound of your distant laughter. She didn't even pay him anymore attention as she followed the sound to a room full of various white suits.
"Glad you'd graced me with your presence Belova, I was starting to think I was stood up."
Yelena smirked. "You are." You rolled your eyes, but contradicted your gesture with the casual slip of your hand into hers as the man walked in to give the both of you the spiel.
It was comical really, the barely legal boy-man was informing two highly trained Avengers how to be careful with their chosen weaponry. He'd been prepared to tell you about the ways in which you should hold a sledgehammer as you swing it when the blonde decided to tell him how she's broken many bones with them.
He left in a rush after that, and wished you both a good time. Yelena cackled as she put on the suit, meanwhile you only shook your head.
Once the two of you were alone, and the humor had faded the vibe suddenly became tense. So without a moment's hesitation you led the way back into the destruction zone and began to shatter things with a wooden baseball bat.
Yelena followed your lead, using the previously mentioned sledgehammer to destroy a line of white, old-timey washers and dryers. Both of your minds were running wild with worst case scenarios, and with each slam of your weapon into something that shattered they'd settle.
After about ten minutes of grunting and swinging it was you who finally broke the silence that Yelena found a bit too comforting. When the wood hitting the floor echoed through the space she gently set her weapon against the wall and slowly walked over to you.
You met her halfway, leaning onto a beaten up box-tv with your arms crossed. "Why did you never just tell me Lena? I-I would've waited."
"I didn't understand until it was too late," she admitted softly, you could hear the emotion she was desperately trying to suppress. "You went out with Darcy, and when it didn't work I was elated. Then there was Carol, who left the next day for space, but seeing her flirting was enough to make me want to throttle her."
"Everything there was just a fling. I wanted to ask you out, but every time love was brought up you cringed and mocked the concept. So, I started to try dating seriously considering it was my only remaining option. Then I just thought with every failed attempt that maybe I was the problem, just simply undesirable."
"No, don't say that, you're the most desirable!"
"I don't get it though Lena," you smiled sadly, "You could have anyone you want. Why me?"
Yelena frowned, something she'd never done with you stood in front of her before. Normally she couldn't help but to smile, but your words of self doubt wounded her greatly. In all the time she spent worrying she wasn't enough for you, she never considered you would be in the same boat as her. "Why not you Y/N?"
"Do you know how many gorgeous people would kill to date you Yelena? The line would be out the door, and yet you settle for me."
She shook her head and threw a hand in the air to hush you. "Don't do that. I do not ever settle. I win. This is no different. You are one of those gorgeous women, you are the most perfect."
You chuckled humorlessly, "I'm far from it."
"You are blind," the blonde snapped, she swung the bat and sent a few glass bottles into the wall before she dropped it and walked up to you with a few glass plates in her hand now.
"Comparing yourself to a world full of people who couldn't even catch my attention. They are all nothing when held up next to you." Yelena held up a gorgeous black plate adorned with fancy gold trimming, and beside it a boring white plate with faded floral printing. Then she smirked as the latter shattered into tiny pieces.
Yelena set the fancy dish to the side then she brought your hand to her lips for a sweet kiss. "In a world full of ugly, you are the beauty; If my line is out the door, then it's safe to say that yours has to be around the globe. Which makes sense with all the dates I've had to crash."
"You didn't have to," you teased with a short laugh to follow. "I would've said no if I knew you wanted me the same way I did you."
Yelena's mouth fell open, nothing but splutters left as her tongue practically fell limp. She was a trained spy, with Natasha at her side this whole time screaming of your reciprocation, but she still felt bamboozled at the revelation.
"I knew I loved you ever since I saw you at that charity drive," Yelena confessed with a shake in her tone that usually isn't there. "When you helped that legless toddler find her furrever friend in that little calico kitty that matched."
You narrowed your eyes playfully, "Yeah?"
Yelena nodded without hesitation, it was your genuine intention that had her fall into the pits of the unknown. At the time she took it to be envy, but then she saw you go on a date with Darcy and she quickly realized the truth as she met and befriended the green eyed monster.
"I win then," you challenged, "I loved you so much earlier than that." Yelena shook her head and groaned, "Please don't say at first sight, that's just illogical." You giggled, then pondered allowed, "What about second?"
Yelena tried to remember what day it could've been, but she was stumped. "You were new, and practically attached at Natasha's hip. If anyone even tried to get close you'd glare."
Yelena hummed, she didn't doubt you at all.
"Well, it was the middle of the night when I found you in the kitchen. You looked so sad, and for a moment I could feel this pull. Fate decided it best to let me slip only seconds later, and it was in the moment that you caught me, as I sorta fell for you, that I knew you were it."
"Oh," Yelena felt her entire body warm at the sweet origin story for your emerging story. "Yeah," you giggled before throwing yourself into her body, she initially stiffened, but in a blink she was pulling you even closer to her.
For a moment the room was silent, the two of you felt the serenity deep in your bones. Then, in true Yelena fashion she had to interrupt it. "By the way, I don't need people to kill for me, I can do it by myself, and for you of course."
"Oh goodness me baby, I will never tire of your humorous little quips." Yelena wanted to say she was being serious, her words weren't intended as a joke, but she decided to settle into the joy you felt, plus, her heart was too busy hammering at your chosen endearment.
Your session wasn't over yet, but there wasn't any anger left to latch onto, so you took her hand and escorted her to the changing room. Both of you helped the other out of the plastic suits, then on your way out you thanked the couple who helped you plan it all, and tossed the redhead her sister's keys. "Don't—."
"Don't crash the bike, I know... I can't believe you'd even say such a thing to me." Yelena went to rebuttal, but you pulled her away before the sisters could bicker—again. 
The rest of the night was a dream, the two of you skipped out on the fancy dinner after only seeing food she'd never tried before. Yelena was a picky eater, and by that notion, if there were no chicken tenders on the menu (there weren't), then you could count her out.
She'd frowned initially, but gulped down her budding resentment for your sake. But you knew the girl like the back of your hand, so without a word you left a hundred on the table as a tip for the inconvenience, then grabbed her hand. "W-where are we going dorogoy?"
You spun around to face her with a bright smile after hearing the slip of a Russian pet name. It nearly sent the woman to her knees to have you that close, she wondered if you were like her own kryptonite. She didn't fully get the nerdy references Peter made, but she still tried.
"We are going to McDonald's." Yelena looked ecstatic for all of two seconds, then she pouted thinking she ruined the night. "I'm sorry."
"Yelena, this night belongs to us. Not Wanda, nor Natasha, it's about what we enjoy. You'd have likely barfed if I let you sacrifice your tastebuds for the sake of my own. Plus, I hate the ambiance of these sorts of restaurants."
Yelena nodded in understanding, the lack of lighting made it near impossible for her to even see the menu full of options she didn't favor. It made gawking at you near impossible as well.
"McDonald's is so much better, they have a play center, there's options for all, and most importantly I can actually see you smile."
"I can still eat here if you want Y/N," she tried, but to her delight you'd playfully shook your head and then caught her completely off guard. You'd leaned forward to peck her cheek, you felt as her lips turned as you lingered, then you both felt your stomach's swarming joyfully.
When you once again tried to walk away you were stopped by a hand on your wrist that seamlessly moved to your waist. Yelena held your gaze for a long moment, then as she found no hesitation from you she leaned forward and it was as if all of her worries disappeared.
Under the dimly lit streetlights in the barren parking lot the blonde felt her heart mend. As your lips perfectly slotted between her own, and your body melted beneath the pads of her fingertips it was as if the world rewarded her.
A lifetime of pain endured led her to this moment, with your body pressed against the door of your car. She reasoned it was all worth it for this kiss that signified a beginning.
One that everyone knew to be long overdue.
"You ready to go eat moya lyubov'?" Natasha whispered against the nosy witches cheek as she nuzzled against her affectionately from behind. "The dinner reservation expire soon."
Wanda watched as Yelena's hand began to wander, and suddenly the matchmaker trance was upended. "Let's go Natty bear, I want some caviar, this day has officially drained me."
Natasha bit back her snark in favor of not sleeping on the couch, her neck had yet to recover from the last time. She resided with silence, even if they both knew the only thing to be significantly drained tonight is her wallet...
At least the card she gave to Yelena was Tony's.
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petrapalerno · 5 months
✨Free Monster & Alien Smut✨
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Hi, I'm Petra Palerno and write filthy otherworldly smut. I mostly dabble in novels but have recently decided to give erotic shorts a try here and on my patreon.
Pretty much all content on this blog is NSFW. Minors do not engage. For TW/CW check individual stories.
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✨Submitting to the Alien Barbarian
You sign up for an Alien breeding program, and the fact that they're brutal barbarians is icing on the cake.
TW/CW: rough consensual sex, primal play, knotting, breeding, aliens, dominance/submission, blood play, spanking, pregnancy, overstimulation, anal play, gagging and violence.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Like my writing? Support me but reading my other works!
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✨Love on the Korlyan Moon
My current patreon serial---new chapters posted on Fridays!
A bubble babe is unknowingly dropped into a mysterious ocean by the Deenz transport ship. Lena, a tattoo artist from the twin cities, is sure she's going to die as the bubble she's in sinks deeper and deeper. She's rescued by Kitaico, a color shifting tentacled alien, and unknowingly takes his mating venom. She must cycle through heats all while trying to resist her attraction to Kitaico.
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✨All I Wanted Was Sushi but I got Abducted By Aliens Instead*
Book #1 in the Bubble Babes Series
Opal is trying her best in the Midwest after the sudden death of her parents. Everything comes to a crashing halt as she's abducted by aliens and forced to work as a human dancer for extraterrestrial enjoyment. A chance encounter with an alien prince while stuck in a traffic jam might just change the trajectory of Opal's new life in space.
✨All I Wanted Was To Become A Scientist But Now I've Got An Alien Boyfriend*
Book #2 in the Bubble Babes Series
“Sometimes I think it would have been easier if I hadn’t accepted the free shower at the hot alien’s apartment.”
For the past few years, my life has kind of blown. On Earth, I dedicated my entire existence to science, even if my peers dismissed me as a pretty face. When I got abducted by aliens, I was forced to dance in a bubble for extra-terrestrial enjoyment.
I can’t get anyone to take me seriously even in space.
When I escaped by crashing my alien captor’s bus, Gra’eth saved me from drowning and even offered me a place to stay. He keeps telling people I’m his mate, even though I keep telling him the human word for what we are is roommates, but he refuses to say it that way. Sometimes I can’t tell if he’s being sarcastic or serious—and for my very literal neurodivergent brain, that’s a big problem.
I never expected to have to save Jessy, and I certainly never expected for this strange human to be my mate. Her idea of fun would be to take apart my data pad only to see if she could put it back together again, which sounds like torture to me.
I’ve convinced her to stay in my apartment as what she calls a roommate. The mating bond won’t let me let her leave, but humans can’t even feel it. I don’t know how to keep things friendly when just the smell of her hair is enough to send me into a mating frenzy.
I don’t want to make her uncomfortable, but I can’t keep fighting the pull of this bond. This little speckled human will be the death of me.
✨All I Wanted Was a Glass of Vino but an Alien Duke Kidnapped Me Instead *
Book #3 in the Bubble Babes Series
The Bubble Babe series continues in this standalone novel. 
Will an aquatic alien duke be able to reconcile the fact that his fated mate is a small, mouthy, human woman who can't swim? Will that human be able to love him despite his scars and the fact that he's keeping her captive? 
The reality of being a mob boss' daughter is anything but glamorous, despite what one might think. In the absence of true freedom, my only companion was my loyal dog, Bruno. When he passed, I felt like my life had hit rock bottom. But when aliens abducted me from my pity party in a local wine bar, I realized how wrong I was. As if things couldn't get any worse, I woke up in an alien duke's closet, forced to rely on a giant alien pleasure toy as my only means of defense. All I know is that the gaudy duke can’t stand me…and the feeling is mutual.
Throughout my dukedom, I have dedicated myself to restoring the fi'len species to their natural aquatic habitats. How in the goddess's name am I supposed to do that when this human is my mate? Despite her mouthiness, the tiny human cannot swim. Did that stop me from stealing her cryopod from a crashed ship and locking it in my closet? Absolutely not. I also didn’t expect her to wake up and demand answers, either. But I can’t expect my people to look at me to lead if a human stands beside me, despite how much my body burns for hers. The dilemma arises: should I prioritize the goddess's wishes or grant her the freedom she deserves, joining the other human refugees?
This erotic alien romance is part 3 of the Bubble Babes series. It can be read as either a standalone or as a continuation of earlier books. This book features a 5’2” plus sized Italian-American female male character and a 7’6” aquatic alien duke as the male main character. Tropes include Kidnapping, size difference, enemies to loves, reformed playboy, alien romance, fated mates, and forced proximity. This full-length novel (67K words) ends with a HEA.
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rustingcat · 9 months
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Kara loved weddings.
It was a great opportunity to celebrate love, with food and dancing and touching speeches. She especially loved weddings that included people she loved. Being surrounded by their friends, celebrating the reunion of two people she loved so much and clearly love each other more than anything was a touching event.
They included both earth traditions along side Nalturian and Coluhan traditions to make a truly unique and special ceremony.
The machine was not yet ready, but Kara promised them it would be by the time they both decide to bring a child. If they chose to of course. But they would be working on Brainy biological problems, so he would be completely free from the future and free from any family responsibilities.
She made sure to reassure them both, yet she had her doubts on her chances. It was eating her from the inside. She felt like she was lying, but she tried her best to ignore those feelings to allow herself to fully enjoy the weddings.
A lot of food, some dancing and making silly faces with Esme later, Kara found herself sitting in a corner, observing the party from the side. Kryptonian ceremonies, not that they were not special in any way, were not about love, they were about finding your perfect partner. She could never remember a time her parents showed any romantic interest in each other. Then again, she was thirteen when she left, yet she could clearly see the way her aunts and uncles were acting towards each other. Romanticism and sex were not really important to a species that procreated asexualy, so most often than not your partner for life would be someone you would get along with and would bring out the best in you, like a best friend that in rare cases developed to something more. 
She wondered if she would've been matched with Lena. She hoped she would have. On Krypton their ceremony would be a big affair, considering they both come from big houses. Kara would create the perfect bracelet for Lena, sturdy and strong like her determination and will, shiny and intricate like her beauty and grace, and colours… she'd have to check if the Luthors had any colour associated with them. A representative from all of Krypton's important houses would be there. Rao's light would shine brightly on them as they recite the Holy prayers, then after thanking a lot of people they would go to their new house and plan their future together.
On earth of course it would've been a whole different ordeal. Kara wondered if they'd combine traditions like Nia and Brainy, they probably would, wouldn't they? Combine human and Kryptonian traditions along with Lena's Catholic side and the Danvers Jewish traditions. A plethora of cultures to celebrate their happy union with only the people they really love surrounding them. Kara would make sure they'd had all their favourite foods regardless of tradition. It would've been the best party, that's for sure. Maybe it's not a bad idea, they do get along great and bring out the best in each other like all the Kryptonians ideals. But humans have other ideals. They sure do love each other, but their relationship is not romantic. Would it mean that Kara would stand in Lena's way to find true love?
"Hey you." She heard Lena's voice approaching. "Are you okay? Lena asked, taking a seat opposite to her on the table.
"No, yeah. I mean I'm okay." She smiled back at her best friend. Unsure why she found the task so challenging all of a sudden. "Just thinking." She quickly added. "I promise I don't have a habit of sulking at weddings."
"Want to share what's on your mind?" Lena asked gently.
Kara thought for a moment, unsure what to say. "Are you happy?" She asked eventually.
"Yes. Are you happy?"
She chuckled. "I am. Kara, are you really sitting here in the corner pondering the state of my happiness?" Lena arched an eyebrow.
"Yes? I mean, you're my friend Lena, and I want you to be happy, you know that right?"
Lena chuckled again and studied her with a confused look for a moment before getting up. "Well, if you want to keep my happiness at full power, I can't have my best friend sulking in the corner." She reached out a hand towards Kara. "Come on, they were just about to bring out the desserts." 
Kara smiled and reached out for Lena's hand.
It may have been a selfish thought, but Kara wished she could just marry Lena.
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chaotic-super · 4 months
The Vampire Woman - Chapter 26
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As it turns out, sharing privileged information about vampires is a dangerous affair.
None of them could have expected this, not when they’re in Lena’s apartment, one of the safest places on the planet, and none of them know how someone has managed to get to them.
As soon as Sam had opened her mouth to start answering some of Kara’s questions after she had woken up, something hit them. Lena, Sam and Kara keel over, their hands clutching their ears in an attempt to block out the agonizing noise attacking them.
Kara drops to her knees, the least experienced with her advanced hearing, thus unable to try and cut off the incessant high-pitched ringing that is assaulting her from seemingly every angle.
Soon enough, the noise turns to words, or rather, one word.
The way one single word can make a vampire’s already cold blood turn to ice is horrifying, terrifying, and everything in between.
Lena and Sam’s eyes lock onto each other as the noise stops, freeing them from the prison of pain they’ve found themselves unexpectantly trapped in. For the most part, Kara is just trying to catch her breath, stunned by what just happened and barely holding herself together as the fear catches up with her, her brain processing that she was just in a considerable amount of pain, and now she’s not.
“What the fuck?” Sam had just about curled over out of the chair she was sitting in when it happened, and now, she leans back, making a conscious effort to rid herself of the tension that wound up around every muscle in her body.
Seeing Sam compose herself and ease the strain out of her stiff shoulders, neck and spine, Lena follows suit. With the tightness there, she almost wonders if she got rigor mortis a few centuries too late.
“We need to move somewhere else, somewhere safer.” Lena pants out, barely catching her breath.
“Like where?”
“I’m not going to say, clearly, we’re being listened to,” Lena says, not bothering to lower her voice. It won’t do any of them any good.
Kara is still on her knees, her eyes firmly fixed on the carpet, her mind reeling. Her panic, anxiety and fear are scuttling around under her skin like a thousand tiny bugs burrowed away inside her. It makes her itch but she can’t seem to make herself move; she doesn’t have the energy after that.
Alex rushes to her side. She and Ruby were giving the three of them some space by sitting in the kitchen while the vampires and hybrid have their discussion, but upon hearing the pained gasps and grunts, they gave up on their stations in favour of making a beeline for their loved ones.
Dropping down before her sister, Alex’s hands brace along Kara’s jaw, cradling her head in her soft, worried embrace. “Kara? Kara, are you ok?”
Kara nods weakly against her palms, very obviously not ok.
“We can’t go anywhere yet, it’s too light out. What do we do?” Sam asks, her eyes darting between Lena and Ruby. “If it’s not safe here, I don’t want Ruby here. Maybe you can get Frank or Jess to come and get her so we can send her somewhere she’ll be better protected.”
“Sam, nothing is going to happen to her. We all know that a hundred vampires could break in here right now and nothing could come remotely close to hurting her because we would rip them to shreds if we had to. Besides, for us to be heard, that means another vampire knows where we are, and they must be strong. However, no vampire can walk in the light of day unscathed.”
Sam shakes her head before pointing at Kara, raising an eyebrow at Lena.
“No, a hybrid wouldn’t have enough power to hear us from the ground, and there’s no way they’re inside the building; the security is too tight. I built this place, and I have safeguards in place to prevent outside ears from listening in. I have no idea how they got around it, but I need to figure out how they did it so I can stop it from happening again.
Alex manages to shuffle Kara up and get her on the couch. It’s clear she’s not doing well, and while she’s doing her best to remain stony-faced, unshed tears are making her eyes glisten and her clenched jaw gives away just how disturbed she is by what just happened.
Her breathing is ragged; Lena can hear it clear as day, and her hands are clenched into fists atop her knees. Lena reaches out to unclasp it, hoping to relax her somewhat, but she tears herself away, stretching her back out until it clicks and shrinking in on herself.
“Kara?” Alex tries again, and seeing the way Kara winces at the sound of her sister’s voice, Lena realizes what’s happening.
“She’s overwhelmed. I fear the audio attack we’ve just faced may have momentarily tipped her over the edge. There are headphones on the nightstand in my room. They’re noise cancelling and should help her regain her senses once again, would you mind fetching them for her?”
Lena barely gets her question out before Alex is on her way to get them. She’s grateful to be given a task, something to do to make her feel useful because, quite frankly, she hasn’t got a fucking clue what just happened. All she knows is that they’re being listened to and that means she has to be careful with what she’s saying. Given that she doesn’t know what is classified as dangerous, she’s opting to say as little as possible.
She grabs the headphones and rushes back to the living room to fit them over Kara’s head, ignoring the blonde’s hands as she reaches out to take them from her. Once they’re firmly in place, she tucks a few stray curls out of her face and sits beside her, her brow furrowed in worry.
“I don’t have a clue what is going on but I need answers as to what just happened and I need to know that you’ve got a plan.” She stares into Lena’s eyes for a brief moment before moving over to lock eyes on the chestnut brown ones of the other vampire, who has her daughter tucked beneath her arm protectively, the younger girl’s head resting against her arm.
“You’ll have to let me figure that one out for myself before I can answer that, Alex.” Lena huffs, annoyed that she’s out of the loop. If there’s one thing she hates more than being threatened by a mysterious voice that is paired with the audio equivalent of being stabbed in the ears repeatedly, it’s not knowing something. Lena has to figure this out.
Lena’s senses are going crazy as she ushers everyone into the back of Frank’s car, and she has no doubt that Sam is just as on edge as she is.
They have been waiting all day for the chance to leave, waiting for the sun to go down just enough for them to get out of the apartment and get to L-Corp. At least there, they’ll know they’re safe. The only problem with that is their relative certainty that the person who sent them that message is a vampire too, a strong one at that. That means they could show up at any time, and all they can do is cross their fingers and hope they can get to L-Corp without meeting them.
“Frank, don’t dawdle. Take the fastest route and be on guard. If you see anything suspicious, you must let us know.”
“Of course, Ms Luthor.” Frank drones, his foot hitting the gas pedal before they’ve even had a chance to put their seatbelts on.
A horn sounds from behind them as they cut off some poor soul who’s probably on their way home from work. Kara flinches at the sound, and Lena pulls her into her side more firmly before making sure the cups of the headphones are over her ears properly. “Keep them on. You’ll be on edge for a while so it’s best to leave them on until we at least get where we’re going.”
Kara presses herself into Lena’s side more firmly, taking comfort in the tight grip she has around her shoulders. It’s steadying and makes her feel like nothing can touch her. Her right hand reaches over to grab Alex’s, who looks just about ready to jump into Sam’s lap with how wide her eyes are, constantly searching for the threat they can’t see. The only reason she hasn’t already done it is because Ruby is huddled so tightly to Sam already, Kara’s certain.
Frank makes the judgment call not to take the fastest route but the most populated, figuring that if someone or something is after them, then it’s best he uses the public as their safety blanket. No vampire wants to be exposed to the world, and no vampire is going to risk attacking them on Main Street, he’s pretty sure of that. Not unless the vampire is dumb or overly cocky anyway.
Lena takes note of Frank’s choice but doesn’t say anything. She understands why he did it, but she would still prefer it if he followed her instructions. Fighting over it now isn’t going to help anyone though. It’s already tough keeping everything moving smoothly when they’re all on edge. If she makes a fuss about it, that will scare everyone even more.
Closing her eyes, Lena listens out for any sound that could be coming from someone who wants to hurt them, her ears working overtime to try and find footsteps that aren’t matched by a heartbeat or the telltale sound of some supervillain cackling malevolently in some dark, abandoned building.
Frank pulls up around the side of L-Corp, bringing them to the same side door that Kara was first brought through by him long ago when Lena had him bring her to her. This time, nobody needs to get threatened by a gun to go inside, although Kara wishes she had one stuffed in the waistband of her pants so she could whip it out like she’s in an action movie and get her revenge on Frank.
They all scuttle through the door, their heads swivelling as they duck inside, trying their best to spot anyone down the alley.
The door clangs shut behind them, but none of them lose any tension from their shoulders. None of them release the breath they’re holding. Something doesn’t feel right.
“Everyone get down to the lab,” Lena demands, her ears straining to find anyone who isn’t meant to be here and coming up empty. Diving for her phone, she calls up the new head of security, someone she hired after Vasquez was murdered. She’s not sure if she likes her just yet but doesn’t get any negative feelings from her. “Ms Lane, I want a full head count and a list of everyone in the building please. Anyone who isn’t security is to be taken to the second-floor conference room. Once I’ve reviewed the list and checked on the staff, I’ll decide on further steps.”
“Of course, Ms Luthor. Is there anything you’d like me to prepare for?”
“Just be ready. We might have to move fast.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Lena shuts the lab door behind them firmly before heading straight for the safe room. “I know it’s not your favourite place in the world, but please just go in here for now. I’m not sure what’s happening, but I’ll be able to handle it better knowing you’re safe.” She swings the door open and gestures inside.
Ruby is the first to pass through the door after a not-so-gentle nudge from her mom and Alex is right behind her, quickly followed by Frank.
“You too,” Lena says softly, squeezing Kara’s hand. “You’ll be more protected from an audio attack in there, and I’ll feel better knowing there’s someone powerful in there to protect Ruby. I know Sam will too.”
“I will,” Sam confirms.
“Is Jess still here?” Kara asks, backing into the room. “Are you going to bring her down here?”
Lena’s eyes widen. “Oh shit. Sam, can you go and get her? I imagine she’s either already been rounded into the conference room or at her desk.”
Sam takes a second to enter the safe room, duck down to press a kiss to her daughter’s forehead, and then whisper a gentle reassurance to her before she darts off up the stairs, much quicker than the humans in the room were expecting, all of them left shell shocked by the causal display of power.
Kara moves into the room and waits just inside the door. “She should be back in just a moment, right? No point in shutting the door until Jess is here.”
Lena nods but looks around nervously. “I guess so, but it’d still make me feel better.”
“We all saw how quickly Sam just ran off, she’ll be back in no time.”
“They’ll be longer than you think. The day Jess lets anyone make her move that quick is the day a janitor is mopping up her puke from every step in the stairwell. It’ll be like a breadcrumb trail, except it’s just the regurgitated sub she had for lunch.”
Kara pinches the bridge of her nose between her fingers, wincing as she tries not to picture that. “Yep, thanks for that.”
“You’re welcome,” Lena smiles playfully, although it doesn’t feel completely genuine, the unease in her eyes overtaking the brief moment of joy.
“It’ll be ok.” Kara tries reassuring her but knows her thunderous heart is giving her away. She almost died the last time they were in a situation like this. Now someone else is threatening them, and she’s got to somehow not freak out.
Sam comes barging down the stairs at full speed, practically throwing Jess into the saferoom before barging Lena into there too before she slams the door shut behind them, locking them all in.
“What are you doing?” Lena exclaims.
“Shut up.” Sam commands, barely glancing back at the group, which now includes a very green-looking Jess. “They’re here.”
“What?” Lena whispers, almost inaudibly.
Not a moment later, a long, deep scratch can be heard from the other side of the door, trailing across it with a noise that makes them all raise their shoulders up in an attempt to protect their ears.
Alex notices Ruby quivering against the back wall and tucks her arm around the girl, noting how she immediately clutches her arms around her waist and buries her head into her chest.
Jess takes the other side of Ruby, joining in on the impromptu hug, a familiar figure for her to draw comfort from.
Frank just huddles in the corner, his necklace pulled out from under his shirt, the little cross held tightly between his clenched hands as he mouths the words to a prayer that won’t protect him.
“I hear you.” A dark voice sing-songs from outside. “I can hear your fear.”
Lena turns to everyone, a finger pressed to her lips to warn everyone to be quiet.
“If you think this adorable little room will protect you, you’re wrong. I know who you’re hiding in there. I know what you’re hiding in there. A beat. “Hybrid.”
Kara’s eyes are so wide she’s confident they might just roll right out of her head. Her hands clutch at the headphones, and to stop herself from accidentally breaking them, she shoves them back onto her head, regretting ever taking them off when they got down here.
Lena holds her hands out to her, holding her palms out flat to reassure her that everything is fine. She’s not going to let anyone hurt her.
“Give me the creature and I’ll leave. Nobody has to get hurt here.”
A snarl rips itself free from Lena’s throat, her protective side coming out in spades as she thinks about what someone could possibly do to Kara. Obviously, whatever she is planning isn’t good. Nobody who has good intentions with someone calls them a ‘creature.’
“Ah, so someone in there has a pair of balls. I like that, and I’d recognize that sound anywhere. You made that sound back when we first met too. So feisty, Ms Luthor.” A sinister laugh travels through the door, muffled by the metal but no less terrifying. “Or should I say, Lenetta Kieran? I bet you don’t even remember; you low-levels never do.”
Lena’s lip curls dangerously. She knows that was her name. Her first name. It’s changed many times across the centuries, often whenever she moved from city to city, or even across the minimal number of countries she’s been to, but that’s one she’ll never forget.
Only one person she met during that time was a vampire too. One person who definitely shouldn’t be here. Someone that she was sure died so long ago. Someone who paid the ultimate price for their crimes but apparently managed to duck beneath Death’s scythe.
“You know me, don’t you, Lena?” The voice taunts, and all of a sudden, Lena is back in her chambers in England. She’s human again, her last moments of being a normal person. The final moment before her life is robbed of her.
Lena’s hand moves without her consent, reaching forward to open the door.
Sam grabs her wrist, fighting against her, shocked by the amount of strength Lena is using to reach forward. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
“Open the door for me, Lena. You know you want to.”
Kara wraps her arms around Lena from behind, trapping her arms at her side as much as she can, knowing full well that this isn’t a fight she can win. Lena has to resist for them to win this battle.
Sam clings to her wrist, a flame burning deep inside her. She won’t let her do this, not when Ruby’s safety depends on it.
“Don’t make me stop you, Lena.”
“Lena, open the door.”
Lena feels as though something has nestled deep into her brain, changing the wiring and drawing her closer to the person on the other side of the door, pulling her like they’re magnets attracting. She has the desire to resist it but also feels like her wants are not her own. A part of her wants nothing more than to open the door while her logical brain screams at her that it’s a trap.
“Lena, don’t,” Kara mutters in her ear, her arms pressing deep into her stomach as she pulls back on her. Her warmth is steadying against her back and helps guide Lena through the fog.
“I won’t,” Lena says, her tone lacking its usual bite. “You might as well go, you can’t hurt us in here and we’re not handing anyone over to you.”
A cackling laugh travels through the thick metal of the door. “Interesting. You’re stronger than I imagined you to be. Nowhere near strong enough, but you’ve got a little bit of bite to your bark. I like that.”
“Just go!”
“I can’t do that. Give me the hybrid and I won’t harm the humans you’re hiding. That’s the deal. I can smell them. I can smell you all. You have three…no, four. There are four humans in there, two vampires and the hybrid. One in seven isn’t a bad loss. Hand it over.”
Kara bites her lip and winces as nails once again scratch against the door, causing an obvious amount of damage. The door won’t hold forever. Lena made this one of the safest places on the planet, yet here they are, sitting piglets as the big bad wolf slowly taunts them as she blows their house down. “Maybe I should just—”
“Absolutely not.” Lena cuts her off, turning around in her arms and taking her muscled arms in her hands, holding her tightly as though she’s about to open the door after begging her not to do it just moments before. “You’re not doing that. We’re fine, we’re safe in here.”
“Not forever.” The voice singsongs. “How long do you think it’ll take for me to get through this door? A few minutes? An hour? A day? I can wait you out. I have nothing but time.”
“Are you a vampire?” Lena asks, unsure if she actually wants to know the answer, but in a much better state of mind than she was before, clearly the woman has stopped controlling her for now.
“You could say that.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Telling me.” Lena smiles through the darkness, pulling out her phone and tapping the screen with her fingers faster than the flap of a hummingbird's wings. She then shoves it back in her pocket and presses Kara’s headphones against her ears more firmly. “Sam, Kara, this is going to hurt. I’m so sorry.”
The loudest, most ear-piercing ringing booms through the entire building, ten times worse than the audio attack they suffered at the hands of the mysterious woman and strong enough that it knocks not only the vampires to the floor but also causes the humans to cover their ears. It’s not enough to hurt them, but it’s not comfortable.
They hear a piercing scream on the other side of the door, demonic sounding undertones to it reaching forth and battering the lab. They hear the faint smashing sound as beakers and test tubes shatter from the mixture of the scream and Lena’s defence system.
It pauses, and all goes silent.
They relax against the floor, loosening their stiff limbs from their foetal positions. Lena swallows harshly. “It’ll just keep going. The system will take short breaks every so often. It’s random too. It gives anyone affected a chance to leave. I’ll leave it on for as long as necessary. We can endure longer than you. We’re more protected in here than you are out there. We have the upper hand. Get out while you can.”
The noise starts up again, and Kara cries out in anguish, the least able to deal with it out of all of them. Lena knows that, at least she does when she’s not also being assaulted by the noise. She just hopes that the woman doesn’t call their bluff. If she does, they really are screwed.
They tighten back up into their foetal positions, their hands covering their ears, and their eyes slam shut.
Another scream from outside the door.
“We can do this all day if we have to. We’re not opening the door.” Lena pants. “Give it up.”
“You can’t win.”
“Why do you want her so badly that you are willing to endure this pain?”
“I’m not. I’ll be back, don’t worry. I’ll find you again, not that it will be difficult; your name’s on the building.”
The door slams.
The screeching starts up again, and as much as Lena wants to text security and have them shut off the noise, she can’t make herself move at all through the assault. They have to wait for the next break in the noise.
It does come eventually, but it feels like it takes an eternity. As soon as it stops, Lena dives for her phone and submits the order. It’s over for now. If she’s really gone, that is.
They all unravel from their positions, slowly sitting up.
“Is everyone alright?” Sam asks, her eyes pinned on her daughter. “Ruby?”
“I’m ok, mom. Is she gone?”
Sam turns her ear to the door, listening for the woman.
“She’s gone.”
“Are you sure?” Alex asks, her eyebrows furrowed and fear written across every inch of her face.
Lena wraps her arms around Kara’s shaking body. “We’re certain. I think you should stay here while Sam and I go out there and secure the building properly. We’ll come and get you once we’re sure that’s done.”
Nobody puts up a fight. Nobody wants to leave their little sanctuary, fear still coursing through their veins and taking over them.
Kara is still shaking over an hour later and it has everyone worried about her. She’s sure it’s just adrenaline, but Lena and Alex have forced her to lie down on a gurney—a new one. Lillian really did a number on the last one when she escaped from being bound to it.
“I’m ok.”
“I’m sure you are, but you’ve been through a lot today, and you were practically tortured by not only her but also my defence system. We believe we only got one over on her today because a person like that doesn’t think that people below them can have similar ideas to them. I installed the frequency emitters after the Lillian thing. I wanted to be sure that I have something to rid the building of vampires should the need arise.”
“Smart.” Kara shifts, moving to take the headphones off.
Lena gently bats her hands away, keeping them in place and instead connecting them up to her phone and offering it to her so she can play some music instead. “Find something relaxing, maybe try to rest for a while. Even if you can’t sleep, you should just try to relax your body and close your eyes.”
“What about you?”
“I have work to do.”
“You should at least take half an hour to yourself, maybe sit down and try meditating or something. You can’t think if your head is everywhere at once.”
Lena leans down and presses her lips to Kara’s forehead softly. “I’ll be fine. I’ll rest once my work is done.”
Kara sighs. She already knows she’s not winning this one right now, so she turns her head until she spots Jess. “Hey! Can you make sure she rests soon, Jess?”
“You got it.” Jess gives her a thumbs up, pausing her sweeping to do so before going right back to cleaning up the broken glass.
“Thanks,” Kara calls out as she settles back down, turning on some soft music and trying not to think about how there are six people milling about the room around her.
Lena shakes her head at her softly, amused but also slightly annoyed by her actions. This woman is something else. Even after suffering through something that is definitely traumatic, she’s still trying to make sure she’s looked after too. If she could blush, she would be beet red.
“She’s not so bad,” Frank admits from his place on a random stool near to where Lena is standing.
“She’s not bad at all, and I’m just happy she didn’t try to have you kicked out of the room before she settled down.”
Frank hums softly. “She doesn’t like me very much.”
“That’s the understatement of the century.”
“I stand by what I did.”
“I know you do, but you cannot deny that what you did traumatized her deeply, just as my actions did the same to her. Our relationship has flourished since then, but it has not come without its trials and tribulations, of which I’m certain are not completely finished.”
Frank nods slowly. “I know what I did. I know what harm I caused. I know it’s not rational that I dislike her for not wanting to help you that day; she had every right and reason to refuse, but I care about you. I’ve been your driver for years, and you’re like family to me.”
Lena looks down, forcing herself to hide the tiny smile the old man just forced onto her face. “You’re like my family too. I just…can you try and get along with her? She’s lost a lot because of me and having you guys at odds just adds unease into her life that she shouldn’t have to deal with.”
“As you wish.” Frank nods. “I’ll be nice to her.”
“Thank you, that’s all I ask.” Lena squeezes his arm gently. “Now, why don’t you go and get Jess to find you somewhere to lie down too? You can call your family and let them know you’ll be home late and try to relax. At your age, you have to take it easy after something like what happened today.”
“Cheeky madam. I’ll be fine, but I suppose I should let Mandy know.” Frank grins at her before standing up and shuffling over to Jess, who eases the broom down before leading him upstairs so he can rest and call his wife.
She moves to her station where she was working on the synthetic blood, eager to see if any of her experiments she was working on have garnered any results, but her cold, unbeating heart shatters as she takes in the sight of it all strewn across the station and ground broken, her notes ripped to shreds. Whoever that woman was, she doesn’t want her to be working on this, and if she could tell what the experiment was just from her notes and the experiments, then she’s smart. Smarter than Lena would like her to be.
“What’s wrong?” Sam and Alex both wander over to come and look over her shoulder.
“Oh crap,” Alex mutters. “Is that the artificial blood experiments?”
“Yep, I guess this means I’ve got to start all them over again. Fuck. At least I remember what was in the notes, so I don’t have to start completely from scratch.”
Sam squeezes her shoulder reassuringly. “I’m sorry, Lena.”
“Me too, but it’s not the end of the world.” She ducks her head. “I’d rather it just be this than any of you.”
Sam nods. “Me too. Need a hand cleaning up?”
“No, I’m good. Why don’t you and Ruby go and hang out in my office? Ruby can nap there if she wants to. I’ve got this covered.”
“Translation: you want us to scarper so you can try and make sense of everything that happened.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “Yes, that. Now scram.”
“You’ve got it.” Sam turns on her heel and eases Ruby up from where she’s sitting to take her upstairs and away from here.
“Oh, and Sam?”
“There’s another safe room in my office; use it if you have to.”
Sam nods at her one last time with a reassuring smile before the mother-daughter duo leave the lab, leaving only Lena, Alex and Kara.
Alex finds a box of gloves nearby, washes her hands and snaps a pair on before helping Lena clear up the mess left all over the place.
“You don’t have to.”
Alex shrugs, not stopping for even a second. “I know, I want to. You protected us today and this is what I can do to thank you. I don’t know what that woman wants with my sister, but I know you’re not going to let her do anything either, not to Kara.”
Lena’s lips quirk up. “That’s true. I won’t let anyone hurt Kara. However, I do have to figure out who that woman is. She had a hold on me that I’ve never felt before, and I need to know exactly how and why she was able to do it.”
“That sounds smart.”
“It means I won’t be able to work on my artificial blood project though. I can’t do both, but I need to.” Lena sighs. “If I don’t work on the blood, the supply will run low again.  I can’t risk becoming as starving as I was when I met Kara. If I work on that and put the research into this woman on the backburner then I’m opening us up to an attack. What do I do?”
“You’re a billionaire, right?”
Lena frowns, pausing to look over at Alex in confusion. “Yes, why?”
“Just pay someone to do it.” She shrugs. “You have a load of scientists in this building during the day. Just get a few to work on the blood.”
“But I can’t let anyone know I’m a vampire. That’s the problem.” Lena shakes her head.
“Do you really think only vampires need blood?” Alex laughs, amused. “The hospital is always in need of donations. Believe me, I would know.”
Lena’s eyes grow wide. “Oh, shit. I forgot you’re a doctor. How are you having so much time off?”
“They’ve been trying to get me to take my vacation time for years. So has Kara for that matter.”
“Sounds like something Kara would do,” Lena admits.
“Yeah, but as much as I like resting. I love the feeling of helping people and saving lives. Sometimes, I like to work with patients, and sometimes I do lab testing. I love it.”
Just like that, a metaphorical lightbulb shines brightly over Lena’s head. “Lab work, you say?”
“Lab testing. It’s different.”
“But you’re familiar with bloodwork?”
“No. Nope. Not going to happen. No.” Alex shakes her head. “I like my work at the hospital.”
“And you can still do that, I will just have you come here and also be part of the team working on this.”
Alex sighs. “How big would the team be?”
Alex’s eyebrows raise so high they almost merge with her hairline. “Are you nuts? Only two people?”
“Me and you.”
“Definitely not. The hospital needs the extra help with the testing, so I won’t stop doing that.”
“I’ll start up an initiative to train and send some more people their way then. That means you’ll have time to come over and help.”
Alex shakes her head at Lena. “Why do you want me so bad?”
Lena ducks her head, shuffling her feet against some broken glass. “Surprisingly, I trust you and know I can speak openly around you. I don’t have that a lot of the time and I’ve never had the opportunity to work with anyone in the lab on something so personal. I’d like to know how it feels to work with a friend.”
“We’re friends?”
Lena clears her throat. “Not to make it weird or anything. I just…you’re my girlfriend’s sister, but I also kind of like you. You’re not bad for a human.”
Alex smirks at her, her hip propped against the nearest surface. “You’re not too bad for a vampire, I suppose. You should definitely roll out that initiative for the hospital.”
“You’ll do it?” Lena’s head snaps up. “Really?”
“I’ll think about it, but helping the hospital is a great way to inspire me to agree.”
Lena grins. “I look forward to working with you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and clean, then we can get some of these experiments going again and you can rewrite those notes.”
Lena lifts a few of the ripped sheets of paper and tries to jigsaw them together. “Do you think that if we get some tape—”
“Rewrite them.” Alex cuts her off. “You’re going to be a pain to work with. I can see it now.”
Lena smiles up at her smugly. “Yep, but you can’t back out now.”
“Of course I can.” Alex disagrees.
“Nope, because I’m going to tell Kara you said yes, and you can’t say no to Kara. That would be like kicking a puppy.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Alex glares at her.
“Probably not, but it’s a good threat.”
Alex’s shoulders slump. She hates that she actually kind of likes Lena now. She still gets the odd spark of rage when she thinks about Lena back when she first met Kara and the harm she caused her, but seeing the pair so lovey-dovey and the way Kara grins when Lena’s around has done wonders for making her come around to the vampire woman.
“I hate you.”
“I know.”
They silently keep cleaning, Lena getting tired part way through and using her speed to run through the rest of the lab quickly.
Alex shakes her head at her, but it doesn’t last as her eyes focus on her sleeping sister. “Promise me you’ll focus on that woman. I’ll handle the blood; you just keep her safe.”
“I’ll do my best. I promise.”
“Thank you. That’s all I needed to hear.”
“Just for the record though, I’m not leaving the blood just to you. I trust you, but not enough for you to do it alone.” Lena bumps her shoulder into Alex’s, almost sending the redhead flying.
Read the next chapter early on Patreon here!
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louroth · 1 year
It’s been a few days since I found Ouroboros and I… I just can’t stop thinking about it! 🥹I’d be going about my day and randomly start wondering what will happen next?? 👀 Who is the traitor?? What will they find?? Will Id ever be tangible again without armour?? The world you have created is truly unique and My GOD, the writing! I can’t remember crying so much over feelings I can’t really relate to irl. And I’ve been bawling my eyes out, reading scenes I've already read three times before! (you story might have broken me a little 🤣i love it!) And of course I have completely fallen in love with L, hook, line and sinker, wrapped around pinky, will burn down the whole damned world for them. No celestials, vicars or whatnot will stop my phlegmatic healer MC turned choleric on a warpath!
A certain line that really hurt and had me freeze for a moment like WHAT HAVE YOU SAID MC?? but it's kinda true tho... in the game made me wonder, and sorry if this has been asked before, I did scour the archive for more L content 😂, how would L react if MC died instead of them? Would they have ever retired like MC? Or would L still be with the hunters, or on their own, still searching? Would they have made the deal with Lena for answers?
Feel free to ignore if it’s too spoilery or anything! 🤗And sorry for the long message! I mostly just wanted to send you and your absolutely spectacular masterpiece IF some virtual love and admiration! Hope you have a wonderful week! 💞 *goes back to daydreaming of Leith every 10 minutes*
🥹 this ask is everything to me and I want to frame it. Thank you so much for your kind words & all the cool ideas you have!! OOF how I love the idea of swapping the hunters and L's positions. And instead of answering it (because I think they would act differently for every person that imagines it, because of how L is built as a character) I propose a playthrough where you ACTUALLY swap their spots in the story. Looks, name and everything.
Though, I can only imagine the fear and hatred and absolute agony L would go through, especially with the latest chapters. In my head, they haven't stopped grieving- it has become a part of them. They are changed, lonely, and can barely hold themselves together, no matter how much time passes. The hunter, whether lover or friend, was their person, the one they latched onto and just never let go, and still haven't. Even if the chance of them being alive is slim, they would go on this mission like a terminator with a singular goal, to find them or die trying.
I can't believe I haven't done a swapped playthrough before myself, or even thought of it! You have really given me something to chew on, and a fun experience for when I have to read through the demo for the millionth time again. Thank you :>
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supercorphypes · 2 months
The Value of Love by @autisticlenaluthor
Read the fic here.
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First of all, I would like to state that I'm always such a fan of Lex having kids. It would be all the sweeter still in these AUs if Lex were alive or out of prison, so he and I could raise the Luthor heir to be the best weapon possible. But I digress.
As it is, Lena having to take care of Lex's child would be such a bad idea. Can you imagine the havoc she would wreak on their lives? Her little boxes only go so far, and she never uses them to their full potential. You'd think I had trained her to withstand better.
Ooo, Miss Danvers the elementary school teacher. How the mighty have fallen.
Miss Danvers is already rambling on about how My Granddaughter, Lori needs to show her work when she's busy with her equations. Please. If I were teaching Lori, this little girl would be truly challenged, and yet instead she's forced to waste away under Danvers' teaching.
I have one (Okay maybe I have multiple) criticism about Lena's parenting. What kind of parent tells their child they love them without them first earning the affection!? Is Lena out of her mind?
Surely this Miss Danvers has better things to do than give My Granddaughter her college work. And besides that, shouldn't Miss Danvers already have her degree? What's the point of getting Lori to correct your answers for no point value?
I don't get it.
Why my husband's spawn is so concerned about Lori getting lost in a park is beyond me. Free yourself of the burden of raising greatness, Lena. Leave her to me.
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WHY IS MISS DANVERS COMING UP TO MY DAUGHTER AND GRANDDAUGHTER IN THE PARK? Does she have NOTHING better to do than bother the Luthor girls? Please.
Lori was right to be suspicious of Miss Danvers and Lena talking to each other, and that's all I will say about that.
For now.
And another thing-- why does Lena find her peace with socializing with a ten year old? Is that as high as her intelligence, and conversational skills can manage? I paid for those Cotillion lessons, and for what.
She's such a disgrace.
Oh no. Oh, oh no. Lena and Lori are discussing My Prized Child. Lex-- Lori's father. Surely Lena knows better than to besmirch the Luthor name by disgracing him with her beliefs.
Apparently not.
Okay, and now Lionel's bastard has not only managed to make My Granddaughter cry, leave work early (all things considered) and she agreed to a "coffee get together" with Miss Danvers, who she has been suspiciously calling Kara for some time now.
This just keeps getting better and better.
As the kids of this generation (Perhaps even Lori) would say, "smh"
Wait. A. Goddamn. Minute.
Lena takes medication for anxiety? Depression? That ratbastard. Next, she'll send Lori to a therapist. God, what I would do to her....
In all seriousness, go read this fic right now!
Oh joy, now the teenage-pregnancy CFO is here. Woopity doo.
Between this and the insightful conversations with "Kara" and her adopted sister, Alex, I'm going to be sick.
Ruby Arias does not deserve the honor of being My Granddaughter's first friend. Sigh. How the mighty have fallen.
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The ninth chapter ended on quite the cliffhanger.
I do believe I know who's coming onto the scene, dear scrappylittlegleek. And all I have to say about it is:
Fucking Finally
If Lena Walsh, or whatever her original last name was, thinks she can get away with keeping Lex's child from Me she has another thing coming to her.
And that's final!
My God, does this vapid blonde ever go away?
I'm aware this is a "Super" Corp fic but let's put more emphasis on the "Corp" part. As in LuthorCorp. It deserves more attention than Lena is giving it. Big Sigh.
Ugh, I don't think I'm going to win this custody battle, assuming the writer has anything to say about it. Pity, I would have molded Lori into something truly great.
Instead she will have to waste away with Lena.
kArA DAnvERs yoU arE My HerO
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And now, to make everything ✨even better✨ my daughter is sending Lori to a therapist. God, what kind of madness is this? Everyone knows you're supposed to suffer silently.
Oh yay! I'm back in action. Let's get this show on the road- Lori, you're coming with me. Lena, my lawyers will see you in hell.
Or not. God, why must all SuperCorp writers insist on portraying me as weak? Should have just had one of my men grab the child.
At least the one good thing about this is that "beloved Kara" already has a date. No more messing around with the brats!
Careful Lena, one more denial and you might end up in the Nile.
Can't wait to break out of jail and bring Lori with me. Sigh. Her potential---
Why is Lena kissing the Danvers teacher?
Why - also - is she complaining about how I weaned her off of her teddy bear? She was four! Plenty old enough to be without.
I hate this. This is godawful. Why oh why do I continue reading this?
I'm holding out hope that I break out of jail with Lex at my side.
End of the story, and yet....
I didn't break free.
What a disappointing end.
In all seriousness, go read this fic right now!
Feel free to recommend fics to me here!
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marinawolf · 1 year
I have an idea that kind of incorporates 2 of your other prompts, a hauntingly, devastatingly gorgeous trifecta if you will for us and SuperCorp. Glasses, freckles, and dimples!
love this! thanks for the request. this one made me feel all soft and happy. I hope you like it. here you go:
Her Lena (Supercorp)
by marinawolf
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Kara flew through the night sky with an air of exhaustion hanging heavy around her. Her cape billowed behind her as she left behind the chaos and danger of her life as Supergirl. She had just faced a grueling battle against a team of bank robbers armed with alien technology. It had taken all her strength and determination to defeat them. When Kara had defeated them, the leader had vowed in a screeching promise to destroy everything Supergirl held dear. Kara knew that it was an empty threat, a desperate declaration from a man who knew he had nothing left. But a small part of her always worried- being Supergirl was amazing, but she had to stay hidden to protect those she loved. To keep them from being targeted by her enemies. Kara let her fears overwhelm her for a few moments, but quickly dismissed them.
Now, her mind was focused on one thing—home.
As she landed gracefully on Lena Luthor's penthouse balcony, Kara couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over her. It had been a long night, and all she desired was the comfort and solace of being with Lena. She pushed open the balcony door, her heart fluttering with anticipation.
There Lena sat, curled up on the couch, a blanket draped over her legs and a book in her hands. The soft light from the reading lamp highlighted the gentle curve of her face, shining a spotlight on the gorgeous freckles that adorned her skin. Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face with a softness that stole Kara's breath away. Lena's glasses rested lightly on the bridge of her nose, a sight that always stirred something deep within Kara's heart. The combination of glasses, freckles, and dimples always sent Kara's heart into a frenzy.
She looked like the picture of concentration but Kara knew that Lena was only partially present, her mind wandering elsewhere.
Still, Kara couldn't help but admire Lena in this moment—the freckles that adorned her skin, usually hidden beneath a mask of makeup during the day. They were a secret shared only between them, a constellation that only Kara knew how to follow.
This Lena, with her freckles exposed and her glasses adorning her face, was a Lena reserved solely for her. During the day, Lena wore a different mask, hiding her true self from the world. Her glasses were a secret, and she rarely bestowed her captivating smile upon anyone. But here, in the sanctuary of their home, Lena was free to be herself, her true self, for Kara's eyes only.
Lena's piercing blue-green eyes were focused on the pages, but Kara could see the hint of distraction in her gaze. The way she nervously bit on the skin of her thumb spoke volumes, a nervous tic that Kara had always noticed.
As if sensing Kara's presence, Lena looked up from her book, her eyes lighting up and her shoulders sagging with relief. A smile graced her lips, revealing the dimple that never failed to make Kara's heart skip a beat. "Kara, you're home. I was so worried," Lena said, her voice filled with genuine concern.
Kara's heart ached with a mixture of love and longing. Lena's smile, her dimple, were a cure to Kara's soul. She closed the distance between them, unable to resist the pull of Lena's presence. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, and Kara let herself melt into Lena's arms.
Kara lay in the quiet darkness of Lena's bedroom, Lena's arms around her, and a soft glow from the moon filtering through the curtains. Her thoughts drifted, carried by the weight of her love for Lena and the overwhelming fear that accompanied it. She traced the outline of Lena's sleeping form beside her, her fingers gently grazing over Lena's shoulder.
Lena, her love, her girlfriend in secrecy. The mere thought of being with Lena filled Kara with an indescribable joy, a happiness that radiated from deep within her soul. She considered herself the luckiest person in the world to have found someone like Lena, someone who understood her in ways no one else could.
But there was always a shadow, a lingering doubt that threatened to cloud Kara's heart. Being Supergirl meant having enemies, adversaries who would stop at nothing to hurt her, to undermine the peace she fought so hard to protect. And Lena, sweet Lena, would be the perfect target. The thought of losing Lena, of seeing her caught in the crossfire of her dual life, was a pain that cut deeper than any kryptonite.
Yet, Kara couldn't help but marvel at Lena's strength. Behind those captivating blue-green eyes and that serene smile, there lay a fierce determination, a resilience that astounded Kara. Lena had faced her fair share of darkness and emerged stronger, her spirit unyielding.
And when Kara nestled in Lena's arms, she felt an overwhelming sense of safety—a haven amidst the chaos of her world. Lena's touch was gentle yet powerful, as if she could shield Kara from any harm that dared approach. In those moments, Kara shed the weight of her responsibilities, allowing herself to be vulnerable, to find solace in Lena's embrace.
It was an incredible paradox—the invincible Supergirl finding refuge in the arms of the woman she loved. In Lena's presence, Kara didn't have to be strong all the time. She could let go, release the burdens that weighed upon her. Lena was her sanctuary, the anchor that grounded her in a reality beyond the cape and the symbol emblazoned on her chest.
As she pressed a soft kiss to Lena's temple, Kara whispered a silent prayer to whatever forces governed their lives, thanking them for Lena. Her Lena.
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dudewotheck · 1 year
Ever see those videos of people being goofy and they get their fingers stuck in a cart or basket in a store and need the fire department or employees’ help? Kara gets her fingers stuck, Lena can’t science Kara’s fingers out, and it becomes a big spectacle to free Kara’s fingers but Lena stills loves her
hope this makes u chuckle friend. omg. thank u for the prompt
It’s a thursday night, and they’re strolling along the waterfront hand-in-hand, enjoying the crisp air and each other’s company. Soon enough they’ve reached the statue that Lena had unveiled years ago, moonlight glittering off of it as they walk up to the base.
“I still can’t believe this exists. Gosh, it’s just, ginormous - “ Kara exclaims, gazing up at the giant metal likeness of her.
“Hm. Doesn’t come close to capturing your beauty, though.” Lena replies, squeezing her hand extra tight.
Kara shies away, smile on her face, observing how the moonlight passes through the holes at the base, scattering little circles of across the ground. Strange, did it always have those? Kara runs her hand over it. Sticks her pointer finger impulsively into one of the holes. Swiss cheese statue. Nice.
“C’mon, we should head back.” She hears Lena say, which is true, it’s getting late and-
Huh. Her finger isn’t budging. She yanks at it a couple times before she feels Lena pull at the hand she’s holding. “Babe? Are you - oh.”
She keeps yanking as she turns with an expression of confusion to Lena. “It’s not - my finger, it’s stuck, how is it stuck -“ With the force that she’s using, the metal should have already bent by now, freeing her. And yet, here she is, still yanking her hand with increasing desperation.
“It’s Nth metal, Kara. Why the hell did you stick your finger in-“
Her blood runs cold for a second, and pauses her attempts to free herself. “It’s what?! Oh no, oh crap, oh rao -“ She doesn’t like being stuck. Any time that it’s happened, it’s usually paired with her life being endangered. Not a good feeling.
“Hold on, it’s okay, hold on.” Lena releases her hand, walking away a few steps and taking a deep, steadying breath. “Okay. I can’t - I haven’t worked with it personally all that much, I’m not aware of how it-“
Lena’s voice starts to fade away as she attempts to ground herself and not completely freak out. She sees a couple of people walking in the distance, and oh, crap, what if someone recognizes her while she’s stuck in her own stupid statue because she was stupid enough to stick her finger in it and-
“- freeze breath. Kara?” She snaps her gaze back to her wife. “Did you hear me? I know it has a lot of weird properties, but cold usually makes metal contract. Try that maybe?”
Okay. Freeze breath, good idea. Kara nods, bending down and stealthily puffing out cold air over the general area. She yanks. Nothing.
She’s this close to pulling it straight out of the ground.
Lena sighs. “Figures.” There’s a different group of people walking their way now, and one if them is looking directly at her. Oh, rao.
After about a half an hour, Kara’s taken about a dozen pictures involving herself casually perched up against the statue, hiding her predicament with success so far, and Lena is making a defeated phone call to Alex.
“Hey, can you come down to the Kara statue with the most industrial lube you can - Alex, I’m being serious - Yes, lube. Industrial - Please hurry. You’ll understand when you get here.”
20 minutes and a few more pictures later, Alex shows up, and upon taking in the scene, along with Lena’s exasperation and Kara’s puppy-dog face of embarrassment, laughs harder than she has in months.
Kara is freed within the next minute.
Later that night, Lena can’t help but tease. “Y’know, I could just imagine the headlines, Supergirl Fingers Herself -“ A pillow hits her straight in the face.
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inkedroplets · 5 months
For the writers game, I just have to talk about the vigilante training Lena had with the amazons! This whole part lives rent-free in my mind! Vigilante Lena as a whole is just one of my favourite concepts, but I just adore her all training time and specifically this part. Have I told you how much I love this fic? Because I really really do.
I'm so so glad you like it so much. It was such a silly fun idea I had that grew into something much bigger than I expected. I think if I knew how much I loved how Diana unofficially adopted Lena I would have had her spent more time on Themyscira. Which is why I was so happy I had an excuse for her to return. And then there's what's being written for the sequel...
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
That Fuzzy Feeling
Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Maria Hill x Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova x Beer 🍺
Warning: Red Room(Associated Trauma)
Request - ✅ | 4,058 Words
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"Good morning Y/N/N, would you like some pancakes?" Kate, Yelena's roommate, greeted you with a bright smile and the offer of breakfast as soon as you entered the kitchen.
There it was again... That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, almost always followed up by your heart fluttering... It always happened when Kate was just as much as nearby, and when she talked to you it was made worse. Your body treated her like she was an enemy, but all your training told you the girl was harmless, or, harmless to the likes of you.
"I promise that I made them and not Yelena...," you smiled in amusement but said nothing., "Ha ha Kate Bishop, you are just so funny..." Yelena bites back, then she grabs your attention with a shake of your shoulder., "Would you like to go with me to the store? Apparently the archer here thinks 'Annie's' is the same as Kraft, if I wanted to eat healthy I'd have a salad, not a tainted bowl of my beloved mac and cheese.," you nodded, then returned to your room to get changed, you had no intention of leaving today, but the idea of being alone with Kate made you feel clammy.
Kate sighed defeatedly as you left the room., "Why won't she even look at me?," Yelena sent her an uncharacteristically soft smile., "Give her time Kate, this is all new to her, and it'll take time for her to be comfortable with you.," Kate deadpanned., "It's been six months Lena, and it just makes no sense because we were fine the first few months. I just miss her is all."
Yelena nods in understanding, she has a feeling for what's going on with you, but she doesn't want to even mutter a word to the archer until she works with you first. It's clear as day to her that Kate's completely fallen for you, and if she is as good a spy as she knows herself to be she knows you're in the exact same boat, but with the extra baggage that growing up in the red room brings along you were likely lost.
"Y/N, can you grab a tomato? Kate wanted an apple, but I think she needs to learn a lesson.," Yelena asked you while stood in front of the dessert table, and you reluctantly did as she asked, but you also grabbed the apple too. Yelena smirked to herself when she saw you try to hide the apple on the cart when you thought she was distracted., "Thank you Y/N/N, now, after we finish up here we're meeting Tasha and Maria for lunch okay?," you nodded as per usual, but this time with a soft smile, and Yelena found herself slightly offended.
She finds and saves you, but Natasha is still somehow your favorite...
"Lena, can I ask you something?," the assassin nearly swerved when you used your voice for the first time that morning, you were always a woman of little words, and she's not sure if that's genuinely who you were, or if it's still a byproduct of being free for the first time ever., "Of course, ask away...," you swallow down your fear, and just ask., "What's love like?"
"Oh look, we're here!," she shrieks, feeling bad as she watches your shoulders deflate, but this is exactly why she brought you to her sister., "It's good too, because you can ask that to the experts.," she jests, and points to the lovebirds who were engaged in a soft embrace as they awaited your arrival, and you found yourself settling into this entirely too confusing state of longing for something so incredibly foreign.
When you exited the car you saw Natasha pull back from Maria, and she yanked a thrashing Yelena into a tight hug, then you smiled when she turned to you with her arms wide open, and left you the choice of entering the embrace. For her you walked right into it, relishing in the safety that always came from the elder widow., "Tasha and I ordered waters for the table.," Maria subtly greeted, and you reluctantly pulled back to smile over at her, then in a shocking turn of events you reached out to her for a hug, and she smiled widely over your shoulder at her wife giving her a thumbs up.
Yeah, Yelena know she chose the right people...
Natasha watched you curiously when you looked over the menu at the Korean BBQ., "What do you want for the first round honey?," you looked to her puzzled., "You guys can choose, it's okay.," Yelena slapped your back., "No cyka, pick one thing from each menu, then we'll each pick something, it's how it works.," Natasha narrowed her eyes at her sister, then with a gentle touch she lowered your menu., "What Yelena was trying to say was, it's okay for you to make the decision for the table, no one's picky, and we'll all get a chance to order."
Maria then further explained the concept of the restaurant to you, and only after a thorough description did you feel comfortable ordering., "Uh, the bulgogi, garlic chicken, potstickers, and the cheese corn all look kinda good.," Yelena didn't show it outright, but she was beyond proud of you for taking the initiative to order your selection when the waitress came.
The longer you all sat their munching away the more the women got to see you visibly relaxing; you went from staring at your empty glass to politely requesting more water, you laughed openly over smiling when the sisters continued to throw jabs at one another, and when Maria finally asked you about what it's been like to be out now, you genuinely spoke up about it and Natasha was quick to focus on you.
"Um. Well, It's just been super strange is all. It's like I've seen all of this stuff through movies my whole life. To feel all these new things, and most for the very first time, it just all feels so wrong, but also right in a way, and I don't know what any of it means, and I freeze up whenever it becomes too much, and that even feels wrong. It's almost like I'm an alien.," you quickly paused as the waitress settled a new grill down for the table, awkwardly smiling up at her as you'd known not what else to do after she just saw your clearly panicked state.
Natasha's hands were quick to link with yours., "Oh honey, I know a bit about how you feel, when I got out of the red room I hadn't a clue how to exist either, if not for Clint Barton I'd still likely be a distant shell of a person too.," her gentle touch and smile helped you calm., "It's okay to be confused, life is already hard enough, adding on a lifetime worth of trauma would make anyone wary. This is the first time you've been made to make your own decisions, it's almost harder than it was being controlled. There's so much more pressure, you don't even know what could mess it all up—that's scary."
"Yeah, most people, like Kate Bishop don't understand the importance of decisions.," Yelena cuts her sister off, and Natasha smirks when she sees the steady rolling of your eyes, the personality you'd been hiding shining through makes her heart hopeful for you.
"However, once you stop fighting the freedom, and you start making even the simplest of choices, like you did tonight, it gets easier." Natasha finishes her thoughts, then she leans back, slipping her hands from yours to take a drink, then you watch as one instinctively links with her wife's on the table while the other goes to pick at her plate., "How did you get here?," Maria squeezes her wife's hand, then she clears her throat, and you shift to stare at her. 
"This." Maria gestures playfully between their bodies., "Was not easy, this one here trusted me about as far as she could throw me.," you chuckled along with the woman, then you watched the couple share a sweet moment of silent admiration., "Natasha joined shield, and as Yelena would say, I was incredibly whipped. She was just special, her outright stoicism was what actually made me so persistent to get to know her, and it's what kept her so resistant."
"Cautious.," Natasha politely disagrees with her wife's choice of words., "Yes, forgive me, cautious, either way she wouldn't even spare me more than the necessary moments of interaction. Even a polite 'How are you,' received a deadpan and monotonous 'good.' After a long while I began to realize that it might not be me specifically, as she was a lot softer with Barton, and corresponding agents but more so it was my title that left her so cautious of me."
"So, I began to experiment, and though Fury was against my methods I'd started running to work in my street clothes, and I would time my arrival perfectly to meet her at the coffee cart.,"  You catch the remembrance in the redheads eyes., "Yes, my perfect little stalker.," Natasha then dreamily teases, and you can just feel the love radiating off of the delightful couple., "Watch it...," she warns, "Anyways, I would catch her eyes on me more when I was out of my uniform, on the third day she even smiled at me, and I just knew I was onto something."
"This is disgusting, I'm going to get a beer, do you want one?," Yelena whispers into your ear, but you shake your head and shove her away., "By the end of the week I knew I was right, my authority over her was the problem, so I had her transferred from being directly beneath me, then come Monday I beat her to the cart, so when she got there I handed her the cup, and she just stared at me like it was a test.,"
"What exactly was I meant to do?," Natasha asks with her hands thrown about, "Trust me!," Natasha scoffs, "In your dreams.," Maria pouts, then grumbles., "You mean my reality right?!" Their silly bickering had you rerouting your gaze to the meat sizzling on the grill, and after a few moments Natasha settled back into her seat with a huff., "After she tentatively took the glass from my hands I was straightforward, I'd told her she no longer worked for me, and that I'd really like to go out with her. She narrowed her eyes at me, took a long swig of the drink, then handed it back to me with a stupid smirk."
Natasha smirks as her wife sits beside her with a massive pout at the memory., "I said: 'get my coffee order right next time, then I'll consider letting.' Before I promptly walked away, and left her there rather confused.," Maria sighs., "Turns out I had accidentally handed her my cup, and I only even realized as the bitter sip assaulted my tastebuds."
Their story was cute, and it helped some, but it didn't do much for your understanding of love. Natasha caught on immediately as a deep confusion still swirled beneath your eyes., "Listen Y/N/N, love is a constant battle, nothing good is ever easy to come by, and this took a long time, because even with her being able to court me, it still took years for me to trust that she was a permanent figure, and learn to love her in a way that was real, and wasn't heavily influenced by rom com movies."
"Who is it then?," You freeze up when Maria calls you out, and Natasha is quick to reroute., "How about you tell us what you're feeling. Talking it out might help you to understand."
"I'm not really sure... I feel sick when she's around, almost like I can't breathe if she's too close to me.," The lovers share a knowing look., "My stomach gets all twisted, and my tongue follows, I can't even speak to her anymore. Which is weird cause we used to talk a lot, but then she started to cuddle up to me, her hand would always be on my arm when we spoke, and slowly I felt this weird pit in my stomach."
"Like she was a threat?," you violently nod along to Natasha's question while gulping your water down, sparing Lena a glance when she sits back down., "Yes! Just like that, but she's not, at least not to me, she's like a puppy.," Yelena snorts, nearly spraying the table with her beer, and you freeze up, curious if you'd said something wrong, and Natasha now wishes she'd had this whole conversation with you all alone.
"Well, congratulations Y/N, you're in love.," you grimace at the reality of the situation., "Really? Why is it so painful? Seems odd.," Yelena settles a hand to your shoulder, staring deeply into your eyes., "Because everything is pain! Love, Life, Loss—the three L's of pain."
"You're drunk...," Natasha concludes, then snatches her beer from her hands to finish off what she now needs to continue sitting here., "Love is not painless Y/N/N, and falling is scary, but I promise with the right person by your side you'll find it is worth it all, and if she truly is a puppy like you say then you've got the best chance possible, those types love hard."
"Thank you Tasha, and Maria...," the couple smile warmly at you, then you notice the way the redheads lips upturn., "Of course honey, now, I just need you to make one more decision for the table before you go home to get your girl, yeah?," You nod and quirk a brow., "Who pays for lunch? Maria or Yelena?"
"Get out of my car! I'm still so mad at you...," you flinched at her tone, and she quickly softens her face., "Sorry Lena, they were just so nice, and they helped, plus you made so much money on your last hit.," Yelena shushed you., "Fine, all is forgiven, I'll be back in a week, call Natasha if you need anything, but also maybe just ask Kate, because that puppy is down bad." Your eyes widen at her blatant call out, and you are right back to nodding., "Good luck Y/N."
When you finally convinced yourself to enter the apartment you were quick to smile at the sight of the up and coming Avenger dancing. With a pair of big headphones on she was jumping around the living room in a cat onesie, and dusting the entirety of the furniture. Kate however shrieked when she turned around to find you were actively watching her cleaning, "Oh my gosh, no, I-I thought I was alone.,"
As embarrassed as she was Kate couldn't help but to smile widely as you broke out into a fit of bellyaching laughter, literally your hand was clutching at your abdomen., "Stop it...," she whined out dramatically, and that somehow only made it all funnier to you., "It's not that funny...," she huffs, and it's truly adorable when she pouts at you with her arms crossed. It's honestly hard to take her seriously with the large, fluffy cat ears, and the dangling tail.
"Sorry, it's not funny..." You eventually choke out, your face returning to a state of stoicism, but as soon as her eyes meet yours you both break out laughing again, and she throws the duster at you., "Fine… It’s a little bit funny.,” You nod with a shy smile, too consumed with the need to calm your breathing down to even mutter a response, and after everything settles the awkward energy slowly seeps back in.
“Here’s your apple.,” Kate softly smiles at you, because it’s just a win that you’re actually talking to her, and your belly swarms with what you now know to call ‘butterflies,’ at the sight., “Thank you Y/N/N.” You nod again your throat now beyond dry, and Kate lightly frowns., “Would you like to watch a move with me?” She shouts from the kitchen, catching you just before you could make your escape down the hall, and you decide in the moment that there’s no harm in starting off your with a movie, so you quietly make the trip over to the couch.
Kate silently cheered when she peered around the corner to see you sat in wait for her, and she made quick moves to settle beside you with a bowl of popcorn, she pulled up a horror film, then threw a blanket over the both of your legs. You tensed, but then the screams of the first protagonists victim had worked to sooth you. Kate’s head fell to your shoulder about halfway through the movie, and you felt that familiar pit forming in your belly, and when her hand casually laid over your thigh under the blanket you nearly jumped off the couch. The brunette was none the wiser to your fast beating heart, and you were at least thankful for that.
Kate was beaming internally, it’d been so long since you last let her this close, she didn’t know exactly who to thank, but she knew Yelena did something, and would be receiving a hug for it. Once the movie ended you’d both been stuck in your heads, so when the ad for the next film popped up you were jumping up off the couch., “I’m tired.,” Kate sat her fallen body back up, then looked up to you with sorrowful eyes., “Yeah… Goodnight Y/N.,” and your heart was effectively breaking when she brushed passed.
Tired was an understatement, because as soon as your head hit the pillow you were snoring. The moment of peace was brief though, as not even two hours later were you shooting up off the mattress, hands clutching at your chest as you did your best to regain your composure. The nightmares never got easier, your tears a shining example of just how easily the past still gets to you; the flashes of Dreykov, and all he’d made you do flood your mind as you stumbled down the hallway in route to get some water.
Kate was listening to a soft string of music when you entered the kitchen, a bowl sat in her hands with an array of ingredients before her. She’d been expecting you, respectfully she’d been keeping her distance, but she knew about your nightly routine—you were just on time. Every night between midnight and one in the morning she’d hear you gasp through your shared wall, then she would hear the sink running, and whenever you’d cry yourself to sleep she’d cry too, and so tonight she decided enough was enough, she’d be comforting you.
“I-I’m sorry… I’ll go.,” her stoic resolve melted as soon as she heard you begin stuttering, the pained expression you wore truly hurt her., “Nonsense, please sit… You’re just on time actually, the cookies will be done any minute, and I need your opinion…,” and as if she was using a hypnotizing method of convincing you to stay you sat down, and gratefully took the glass of water she slid your way., “Thanks.”
Kate hummed, not looking to overwhelm you with much talking just yet, and to her total shock it was you who spoke first., “Kate, why are you making cookies at midnight?,” your genuine confusion made her snort., “This is a normal pastime of the distraught American woman.,” your grimace only made her smirk., “This seems so unprogressive, I don’t approve.”
Kate laughed as she went to remove her first batch from the oven, then after the responsible waiting of only two minutes she plated one up for you. Sweet brown eyes bore into yours, the anticipation palpable, so you took the entire cookie into your mouth, you did your best to hide your feelings as you struggled to chew it. It was incredibly dry, but also severely moist in the center, and so the amount of water you’d guzzled down had the woman before you dropping her head to the counter.
“I stand by my earlier words. I don’t approve.,” Kate chuckled defeatedly., “I’m sorry, I just wanted to make you feel better.,” the muttered confession only made your entire body freeze., “It’s just, I don’t know why, but I feel like it’s my job to protect you, even from nightmares.,” her words were almost too much for you, the tenderness she wanted to offer you felt so undeserved after the reminder of your past., “Kate…,” she shook her head, “No!,” her hands settled on your damp cheeks, and when you didn’t flinch away a pang of hope reached her desperate heart., “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.,” you resolved for telling the truth, her forehead now leaned up against yours, you watched her tears fall into your lap., “Then why don’t you talk to me anymore?,” her voice crack shattered your heart, and so you took in a shaky breath, “I-I’m scared Kate.,” She immediately understood, the love she felt for you was beyond scary for her, so she could only now imagine how hard it must be for you.
With a surge of confidence she decided to tackle both of your fears, her hands slipped from your cheeks until they gripped the collar of your shirt, and just as soon as she pulled back she was pulling you in for a bruising kiss. Though you were caught completely off guard you certainly wasted no time in deepening the kiss while shoving her body against the wall by her hips, earning a strangled gasp from her.
Kate felt like she was going to quite literally combust, the way you just handled her left her in a dizzied state, and the possessive hold you had on her while your tongue explored her mouth made her feel complete, as if nothing before she knew the taste of you was ever right, and like her basis of further survival will be totally dependent on your proximity.
When you pulled away to catch your breath she was near to tears, a whimper leaving her lips as the fear settled deep within her that you just got caught up in the moment, but that once you regain your wits you’ll leave her without a word., “Shit… What the hell was I scared for?” Her previously shut eyes opened to find you smiling at her with a new hope in your gaze., “I’m sorry Kate, I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I promise I’m done running away from you.”
“Would you like to sleep with me?,” Kate asked innocently, but the meaning was lost on you., “Oh gosh, no, not like that… It’s not that I don’t want to, because God, do I want to… I just, I don’t want to rush anything with you Y/N/N. You mean too much to me, I-I just wanted to cuddle, I can protect you from the monsters.”
Her ramblings, though rather adorable, were soon cut off by your gentle lips pressing to hers, she sighed at the heavenly feeling, and you chuckled when she tried to chase yours., “Lead the way Bishop.,” and that she did, with your hand perfectly slotted in hers, she drug your buzzing form off to her room.
She dramatically fluffed the pillows., “Welcome to my humble abode, please get comfortable.,” You giggled at her silly little display, then took the right side of her bed while she slipped off into her ensuite to get herself ready for bed. When she returned she saw you nearly asleep, the sight alone had her body warming, and heart fluttering at the prospect you being hers., “Goodnight Y/N/N…,” your arms wrapped around her tightly, and as she nuzzled into you a bit of your consciousness returned., “Kate, are you in the cat onesie again?,” she went to deny it but your hand tugging on the tail left her with no wiggle room., “Yes…,” she groaned when your tired laughter filled her room.
“Aww, don’t be embarrassed my little Katey Kat!,” you sleepily mused., “You know, I think I might’ve preferred it when you didn’t speak…”
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appropriatelystupid · 2 months
Quick Question--what kind of reaction do you think Lillian and Lex would have had to Kara Danvers coming out to the world as Supergirl the way she did at the end of the series (in a timeliness where they are both alive and sparky as ever in prison)?? Like, would Lena get some concerned calls from her dearly deranged brother warning her that her best friend is a liar or from Lillian forbidding her to fall any deeper in love with that Kara girl whom she didn't have a problem with until this precise moment because 'Lena dear, she's the enemy'?
(I just think there's some comedic potential here)
see anon, you say quick question but i’ve been thinking about this for literal weeks…
with lillian i think she’d be the more neutral of the two. it’s hard to get a read on her since we didn’t see much of her post crisis but it seemed like she was less murdery in the new timeline…
(like. among other things they didn’t bother to think about was did she even run cadmus if lex never went to prison??)
i’m gonna say she’d be worried more about lena being taken advantage of than any real anger over learning kara is sg again, largely because of her insistence that lex can’t harm her even tho she’s actively working against him, even if it’s just because she thinks they can eventually draw lena back into the family (remember she doesn’t have her og memories and has no idea what lex had become/done before crisis)
also, as it was, lillian was mostly removed from lex’s final plot. so say the phantoms don’t drag him away and they actually beat him and arrest him, i don’t think lillian would be sent too
(granted she died before the final “battle” so we don’t know really know if she still would’ve backed lex in the end)
so i could see her popping up at lena’s with all this supposed evidence of how kara is using her only to really see and get to know this fully lex-free version of lena and how good she’s doing both on her own and with kara that she eventually begrudgingly comes around and is the most unlikely semi-supportive mother-in-law kara never expected
as for lex, i think he goes full smear campaign against kara
like. i can absolutely see him funding a media competitor to exist solely to dig into every article kara has ever written or even researched or edited to discredit her credibility (especially since lena will continue to make it harder and harder for him to use kryptonite against her)
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lgbtimelords · 4 months
hello!!! for the ask game could i please ask for:
thank you! :D
Hi!!!! Thanks for the ask 🥹
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
(thinking about this question made me realize I'm not big on crossovers 😂) but I'd say send Lena into the wheel of time universe as a new found witch, let's see what happens
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
so from what I understood blorbo is favorite character so obviouSLY KARA ZOR-EL MY BELOVED
"free pass to rant about blorbo opinions" oh honey you've got a big storm coming
I feel like her pain is something that I make sure shows up a lot in my fics (or at least I try to) because I don't feel like that's something that gets explored a lot. (It does get explored but out of 20k sc works, most of them don't even try to if we're honest)
She's like!!!! Extremely smart!!!!!! I do understand the show itself always took Kara's intelligence down to make literally every other character sound smart but she IS SMART ON HER OWN!!!! not only is she number/reasoning smart (miss "we did calculous from the age of four"), she's also visual smart (miss "I remember all of them" thanks to her photographic memory), musical smart (miss voice of an angel etc etc), linguistic smart (miss learned an entire new language as a kid when she was thrown into earth + we know she speaks more than just english) AND people smart (miss convinces someone to put down the gun etc etc). I recently made a fic that made her sound SOOOO stupid it pissed me off like you'd think one of the main characters of a ship being smart would be the norm but apparently it's an idea/headcanon not everyone has 🥴
Also as an specific headcanon that was never mentioned on the show is: I think she'd totally have kids. I know not everyone agrees with that one but my god. That woman has SO much love to give, how can she not want to give that love to children. How can she not want to make sure a little orphan gets the type of love and understanding the Danvers gave to her? When it's completely in her power to be able to give them that. How can she not want to share her culture and her name and her memories with someone that can keep passing on those memories and love? She'd have kids!!!! I'll die on this hill
Also she's a JEALOUS bitch. She really is. She IS. But hear me out. She's not jealous in the horrible possessive way most people are. She's not jealous in the "I don't trust you" way. She's jealous in the "please don't leave me", "please don't abandon me", "I understand I'm not good enough for you but I love you" way. "Please be forever mine" kinda way if you know what I mean
That one post about "calling my lover mine in the way my neighborhood is mine and also everybody else's, mine to tend to, mine to care form mine to love. Mine not like possession but devotion" is soooooo Kara imo, I could write a dissertation about it. She wants her people to be hers, not possessively, but because she wants to keep being able to love them.
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waytooinvested · 4 months
Vengeance, Victory, and Undying Love - pt 6
Chapter 6 of my Supercorp fic in which Lena still creates something called Non Nocere to deal with her broken heart after finding out Supergirl's identity, but this time she gives the name to a different project. A more personal one. And now she’s coming for Supergirl.
This and previous chapters also available to read on Ao3
The kryptonite was ready, and Lena had outdone herself, if she did say so herself. Now she just had to decide how to deliver it.
She strummed her fingers against the desk top, considering her options.
A kryptonite bullet fired from a sniper rifle through Kara’s window?
Use the spare key she still had to get into Kara’s apartment and hide it under her pillow?
Leave it on her doorstep in an Amazon delivery box?
Kryptonite stuffed potsticker?
But no.
The ideas were all either too indirect and risky (what if someone got hurt by mistake? Kryptonite might be harmless to humans, but a bullet was a bullet), or too undignified to be borne (a potsticker? Really?). No. This was and had always been personal, so it was only fitting that Lena should end things the same way. She would look into Kara’s eyes in the moment the kryptonite made contact, and know for sure that it was done. It would be a kind of closure. Catharsis even. The natural end point of all the simulations she’d cycled through over the past weeks.
Now it was decided she would have preferred to go immediately, but she knew better. A Luthor did not just rush in and hope for the best. In life as in chess, you had to think ahead and plan every move out until your trap was laid so perfectly your opponent couldn’t help blundering into it.
‘Checkmate Kara’.
The night she finally chose was an ordinary Tuesday. Kara was alone in her apartment. Alex was asleep in her own home (Lena had made sure) and her other friends were variously out of town or engaged in other plans. Take out had been ordered and delivered several hours before so there was no risk of being disturbed by the inopportune arrival of pizza.
Nothing was going to interrupt them.
Nothing was going to stop Lena from having her moment.
It was time.
Lena knocked on Kara’s door – three quick raps, and then waited, bracing herself against the rush of loss she knew would hit when it opened and the subtle hint of Kara’s-appartment-smell wafted out to greet her. She’d only ever stayed over for the occasional post movie night sleepover, but somehow that scent felt like home far more than the purified air and expensive perfume that greeted her when she opened her own front door.
‘Kara. I hope I didn’t wake you’.
‘No no, not at all. Come in, please! I’m so glad you’re here, I’ve been hoping we could talk. Are you… okay?’
‘To be honest, no, I’m not’.
That was a lie of course. Well, so Lena told herself. Of course she was more than merely okay. All her plans were about to come to fruition. She was almost free...
‘Please, tell me what I can do to help’.
Lena closed her eyes. This was harder than she’d expected it to be, but she couldn’t stop now. Time to inject a little honesty then – Lex had always drummed into her that a good lie was mostly truth, with just the crucial falsehood slipped in amidst the distraction of candour. She hated to take anything from her brother, but she reminded herself that this time it was being used for the good of the world.
‘I just wish… I wish you could have seen past the Luthor name and trusted me’.
True, but calculated to get the response she was looking for.
‘I did. I do. I’m sorry I didn’t always show you that, but I know you’re not your family. I know I can’t take back what happened, but I would do anything to make this right’.
‘Do you mean that?’
‘I do, so much’.
She let out a shaky breath and took a step towards Kara, her fingers inching towards the wrapped bundle in her pocket.
‘Then I have something for you’.
The briefest hesitation and then with a quick, fluid motion she passed the point of no return, and held the pouch out to Kara.
‘Here, take it’.
Kara frowned a little and dipped her head to peer briefly over the rim of her glasses – a gesture Lena now realised was her trying to use her x-ray vision to see the packet’s contents.
‘There’s no point in doing that, it’s lead lined. If you’re trusting me, it has to be for real – no super-cheats’.
‘Right, sorry, habit I guess. I could never resist peaking at my birthday presents before I opened them either’.
Kara took the pouch.
Poor girl.
She was so predictable, in every way but the one that had really mattered.
Time to really sell it.
She smiled at Kara as if they were still friends and what she had brought was simply an order of potstickers (and oh how nearly it had been, albeit not with Kara’s usual choice of filling).
‘Well don’t keep me in suspense, open it!’
And Kara did.
She pulled the drawstrings of the pouch and tipped its contents directly onto her bare palm.
Lena watched closely as the kryptonite made contact with her skin, as her eyes widened in shock and she dropped the small lump of rock noisily to the floor, stepping back from it as if that would make a difference.
But it was too late for that.
It was done.
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