#i just need to bury my face in someone's shoulder everyday for at least 15 min
official-weasley · 3 years
Dealing with Everything - (The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley AU)
Warnings: grief with a wholesome ending 💙
Word count: 3,508
Characters: Charlie Weasley and my OC Nova from TICW which you can find here
“Mum, I don't know how to thank you enough for staying with us this past month.” I placed two cups on the kitchen table and gestured for my mum to join me.
“No need to thank me. You both lost loved ones in the battle, you need time to process everything and recover.” Mum stood up, careful not to wake Aoede who was peacefully sleeping on the sofa.
“Mhm.” I hummed and sat down as my mum joined me.
“I know I ask you every day but how are you? And please try saying something else than you being fine. Aoede is sleeping so you have no excuse not to talk about your feelings.”
“Honestly, I don't know how to deal with it.” I felt tears gathering in my eyes. “I never thought I would have to attend a funeral of one of my closest friends while we're still in our twenties. And then seeing Charlie so down, not being his cheerful self, sleeping most of the time and eating a meal per day and even that has to be forced. And then there's her,” I nodded to where Aoede was sleeping, “it is so unfair to her for her parents being so absent. She deserves all the love and attention and I know she misses spending time with her dad and I...” I took a deep breath. “...I just force a smile and hug her as much as I can but it's not fair to her. I just...I can't help it, mum, I...”
“Shhh.” Mum pulled me in a hug as tears started running down my face. “It's okay, sweetheart. It's reasonable for you to feel this way and trust me, Aoede is too young to notice that you are hiding your emotions. I have been with you every day since you came back and you are doing great with her.”
“Really?” I sniffed.
“You will have enough time to love her as you think she deserves to be loved and I admire you for being so strong and laughing and having a good time with her.” Mum bestowed me with a small smile.
“She's the only thing that makes me smile every day.”
“Give it time, sweetheart. You will heal.” She brushed her fingers through my hair.
“I know. It's just...it's so hard. I can't even explain what happened to me when I saw Nymphadora like that and then all those thoughts about Teddy losing both his parents and thinking that the same thing could happen to Aoede, it completely destroyed me.” I buried my face in my hands.
“She was one of your best friends, Nova. It's only natural.” Mum tried calming me down.
“And the worst part is is that it wasn't as painful when dad died and I feel so guilty for that.”
I bit my tongue when I said that. I didn't mean to ever say it out loud, especially not in front of mum but it has been eating me alive.
“Nova, you were 14 when you lost your dad. We process death in a different way at that age and you said it yourself that now looking back you would react differently than you did and you didn't lose anyone else close to you until now and you're 25 years old now. You see things differently. You said you cried your eyes out and 5 minutes after that you went to find Harry to see how he was doing while you were falling apart yourself. When your dad died you didn't even know how you got to the Burrow that's how wrapped up in your grief you were.”
“I guess,” I shrugged my shoulders, “we were never close but I had this need to tell him that everything will be okay.”
“You have that after your dad.” Mum smiled at me. “He also put others first no matter how down he was.”
“Well, I have to be strong for my daughter and I have to be there for Charlie. Yes, losing Tonks has been hard and I know I won't be over it any time soon but Charlie lost a brother and I feel so helpless.” A new set of tears ran down my cheeks, me looking at the stairs that lead to the upper floor.
“I know how grateful you were when Charlie was by your side when your dad passed away, just remember what he did back then. You two are so similar and nobody knows him as you do. I am sure you will find a way to comfort him.”
“I will think of something,” I said absentmindedly.
“And while you do, I will be here for you both and help you around the house and with your beautiful baby girl.”
“Thank you, mum.” I sniffed and she pulled me into a tight hug.
“I told you to stop thanking me. Now that the war is over and I can retire, I can finally make up for all the lost time that I couldn't spend with you.” She smiled at me.
“Well, we love having you around and we have more than enough room so you are welcome to stay for as long as you want to.”
“Does Charlie still have nightmares?” Mum whispered after a minute.
“Yeah, he wakes up at least once per night. It's either Fred or Tonks.” I said, not even trying to hide the concern in my voice.
Ever since we came back Charlie has been having nightmares every night about his brother and our friend being killed or in a situation where he couldn't help them. Even if he denies it, I know he is trying to blame himself for what happened. Perhaps not so much for Tonks as for Fred, but the guilt is there.
“Can you watch over Aoede so I can go and check on Charlie? Perhaps I'll have more luck getting him downstairs for lunch for a change.” I said after a few minutes of us both sipping our tea in silence.
“Of course.”
“Char.” I gently knocked on the door of our bedroom.
“I'm awake.” I heard him say in a husky voice.
“Hi.” I smiled at him, happy to see him sit on the bed instead of lay in it. “What are you doing?”
“I am going through the family album.” He tapped on the bed for me to sit next to him.
I sat down and he turned the pages to get back at the beginning.
“Look, it's me and Bill when we were 3 and 5.” Charlie gave out a small chuckle.
“You two had the same haircut?” I giggled.
Arthur gave him the photo album when we moved to Romania and every time Charlie felt homesick we went through these pictures together. I have seen these photos so many times but I was so happy that Charlie was willing to speak and share it with me right now that I pretended I was seeing them for the first time.
“Hey, don't judge. We were adorable.” Charlie nudged me with his elbow.
“And here is us making cookies. And seeing Percy for the first time. And, oh, look! It's Freddie and Georgie's first birthday.” Charlie tilted his head, thinking I wouldn't be able to see that a tear marked his right cheek.
“It's okay to cry, Charlie,” I said in a whisper.
“I just can't stop, Nova. I am trying to get back on my feet. I want to get out of this room and go back to my everyday life. I want to play with our daughter and hear her giggle and I want to help you around the house. I am so useless and I just lay around all day feeling sorry for myself.” He closed the album and buried his head in my shoulder, sobbing.
“Hey, hey. First of all, you are not useless. I know you don't see it but I am not doing the best either. I don't know what I would do if my mum wouldn't be here to help us and you don't need to worry about the house. It can be a complete mess for all I care if it meant you would get better. Char, you lost a brother, how else are you supposed to feel?” I pressed him harder against my chest, neither of us wanting to let go.
“I just don't know what to do with all this pain. I have never had to deal with death before. How do you do it?” He loosened the grip around me just a little bit and looked up at me with his eyes red and puffy.
“Well, I have learned that talking about your feelings helps. It also feels good to cry and get a big, tight hug.” I pressed my forehead to his and smiled softly.
“It is also very nice when Aoede tells you one of her adventure stories. Honestly, I have no idea who she got such a vivid imagination from.” I smirked.
“Really?” Charlie chuckled. “I would take a wild guess that it's after us since we're both such daydreamers. But it's probably from her uncle Percy.”
“Yeah, probably.” We laughed together for the first time in a month.
“What time is it?” Charlie asked after us being embraced in silence for 15 minutes.
“It's going to be 2 I think,” I whispered.
“Oh, it's Aoede's nap time.”
“She'll wake up soon and I can bring her upstairs if you want.” I couldn't help but grin at him.
I was so proud of him for being so strong and coping with everything as he is. I was just happy that he was willing to talk about his feelings to me and telling me the truth about how he feels.
“No. I'll come downstairs.” He kissed me before getting up and walking to the closet.
“Do we have any plans for lunch yet?” He asked as he pulled a shirt over his head.
“No. I wanted to ask you if you were craving something just that I could make you eat anything.” I answered truthfully.
“I am sorry I have been so stubborn about it.” He bowed his head, sitting back next to me.
“Stop apologizing, Charles. All your behavior is completely normal for someone who is mourning.” I ran my fingers through his hair.
“Could you pull it up in a bun for me? I love when you do it.” He shook his head a bit, making his curly locks fly everywhere.
“It would be my pleasure.” I smiled and reached with my hand to the nightstand where he had a hair tie.
“So, why did you ask what we are having for lunch? What would you like?” I asked as I was trying to comb his hair with my fingers.
“Pancakes.” I felt his body vibrate in a giggle.
“Want to make them together?” I suggested with the biggest smile on my face.
Pancakes weren't only a tradition in our household on Sundays but they were our favorite comfort food too.
“You read my mind, love.” Charlie turned around and kissed me tenderly.
We both looked at the door when we heard Aoede giggle.
“Right on time.” Charlie clapped his hands together excited to spend some time with his daughter.
“I know you are happy to get out of bed and spend some time with us but just know that you don't have to force it if you feel it would do you better just being wrapped in a blanket and sleep all day. Know that we are not mad, we just want you to be okay.” I helped him get up and we started toward the door.
“I know. Thank you for giving me time and I don't know how I will feel tomorrow but right now I want to spend some time with my family.” He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back – I missed his smile so much.
He made us stop halfway downstairs.
“Also, I am thinking of going to see George tomorrow or maybe the day after that. We both lost a brother but he lost a twin and I haven't talked to him at all since...you know.”
“Okay, whatever you have to do.” I entwined our fingers and squeezed them together.
“Also, how are you dealing with everything? I am sorry for being such a lousy husband. I didn't ask you once since we came back.” Tears started gathering in his eyes again.
“I told you to stop apologizing and I am doing okay.” I shrugged and gestured for us to continue walking downstairs.
“Which is Nova language for I have to be strong for you and I don't care how I feel.” He raised his eyebrows at me, extending his arm to reach the wall so I couldn't walk past him.
“No, really, I am okay.”
“Stop lying to me, love. We promised to each other to always share our feelings no matter how bad they are, so stop pretending I don't know you better than that.
“I don't want to talk about it right now.” I blinked a few times, trying to hold in the tears, avoiding Charlie's gaze.
“It's a beautiful day outside. We can ask your mum if she would be willing to go for a walk with Aoede and we can have a proper cuddle session on the sofa and talk it out?” Charlie suggested.
“I think that's a brilliant idea.”
We both turned our heads to my mum who was smiling at us at the bottom of the stairs.
“Mum, Charlie suggested we make pancakes for lunch. Is that okay with you?” I brushed the tear that ran down my cheek and started walking downstairs again.
“Pancakes?!” I heard Aoede jump off the sofa and her little feet running toward us.
“What do you say, Pumpkin? Want to help daddy make pancakes?” Charlie's face lit up when he saw her and picked her up at once, placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Yes, please!” Aoede started clapping excitedly and pointed to the kitchen.
I sat down at the kitchen table along with my mum and watched them make a mess out of the place while making pancakes. One egg smashed on the floor and the flour was everywhere but nobody cared because of how much fun those two were having. Aoede was giggling so much that she hardly had the time to breathe and I heard Charlie genuinely laugh for the first time in a month.
After we were all too full to walk as Charlie and Aoede made way too much pancake dough, we all settled down on the sofa where Aoede fell asleep in Charlie's lap within minutes.
When she woke up my mum took her for a walk as we asked her to and as Charlie promised me, we stayed on the sofa, cuddled, and cried our eyes out while talking about how we feel and miss the people we lost.
I felt so much better talking to him and finding out how he is. I was so afraid for him just being in our bedroom all the time but I was patient and I hoped he would get better with time and as he said, we don't know how we will feel tomorrow, but today was a very good day for both of us.
I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door of George's apartment. I didn't know what I was going to say to him. I was more mentally preparing myself to see in what state he is.
I have been a mess for the past month and even though Fred was my brother I didn't see him as often as George did and I definitely wasn't as close to him as he was. Those two were inseparable since they were born.
I felt the need as an older brother to see how he was doing and see if I could help him in any regard.
I wrote to Bill this morning, inviting him and Fleur to visit us in Romania and I wrote to my mum that she could expect us next week. I wasn't all there yet – not even close, but I was good enough to see my family and be a proper husband to Nova and a father to Aoede.
“Charlie, what are you doing here?” George's eyes widened when he opened the door.
“I came to visit you if that's okay.” I smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck.
“Of course it is!” He pulled me in a hug so tight that it took my breath away but I didn't care that I couldn't breathe – it warmed my heart that he was so happy to see me. “Come in, come in!”
“Want some tea or something sweet?” He asked the second he closed the door behind us.
“Tea is fine, thank you.”
“Are you visiting mum and dad or Bill?” He gestured for me to sit down.
“I am only here to see you,” I answered honestly.
“Oh.” He let the word escape his mouth.
“I, uh, I haven't been doing well so I wanted to see how you are doing.” I took the cookie he offered me without asking why he has a full basket of them.
“I'm doing as good as someone can when they lose a brother.” He forced a smile. “Have been baking a lot, thus the cookies. Tell me what you think of them.”
“They are actually really good,” I said with my mouth full, “I had no idea you could bake.”
“Yeah, they are? Neither did I to be honest.” He sat down next to me, waiting for the water to boil.
“Are you alone all the time?” I couldn't hide the concern in my voice.
“Have been at the Burrow for a week but honestly being around mum is kind of depressing. I mean I understand, we are all a bit messed up but it's just not the environment I need right now. Bill visits me a lot and so does Ron. Ginny stayed with me for a week a few days ago and Angelina comes to hang out here and there.”
“How are the others? We are going to visit mum and dad soon but I have completely isolated myself.” I shook my head, I wasn't proud of it.
“I think we are all about the same.” George shrugged his shoulders and I saw that he wasn't keen on talking about our family.
“Should I even ask how you are?” I whispered.
“I miss him so much, Charlie. I feel like a part of me is gone. All our hard work, everything we did together, it's just memories now. I know it's going to be better with time but it's just so hard to think that this feeling inside my chest – the emptiness of him no longer being with us – will ever go away, you know. I never had to deal with something like this, especially not...” He stopped talking when his voice broke and stood up to finish making the tea.
“Me neither but I have some experience when Nova's dad passed away. You know how hard it was for her and if I have learned anything from her is that being patient with yourself, giving yourself time, and talking about it when you feel like it, is what makes it better. I wish there was a spell to make the feelings you have go away but despite being wizards, we are still only human and we have to deal with it the natural way.”
“I know. I just wish I could've been there with him, protect him, perhaps take his place or just be able to say goodbye if nothing else.” George released his tears, staring into his teacup.
“I wish the same but know that whatever you wanted to tell him, he knows.” I stood up and lifted his chin for him to look me in the eyes and hugged him.
“Thank you for taking the time and seeing me. It means more than I could ever say.” He returned the hug.
“If you have too much time on your hands, you can come and visit us in Romania. Spend some time with us. Bond with Aoede a little. Her laugh is contagious and honestly the best for mending your heart. And she loves to help and cook so perhaps you two could make a mess out of the kitchen together and make cookies.” I giggled.
“Truth be told, that sounds like exactly what I need.” He sniffed and gently pulled away.
“You are welcome anytime, brother.” I smiled at him and returned to my seat.
“How about you spend the night here and we go tomorrow?” He smiled back. “Oh, you know what never mind, you probably have other plans.” He hurried to say, his ears turning pink.
“Not at all,” I tapped him twice on the back, “you are definitely coming to Romania with me tomorrow.”
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Keanu Reeves x Reader (A/n- This is the end, though I feel like its not the end that everyone’s been anticipating, but I’ve had it planned for almost two months.) Chapter Summary- Y/n and Daniel make a decision about their marriage and a reunion with Keanu isn’t a easy as anyone thought it would be.
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
Warnings- Some angst
Chapter 17
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Their house sits at the top of a winding, nearly two mile long, cobblestone driveway, manned at the front by an impressive gate. Yet, even from upstairs in their shared bedroom, she can hear the hum of his car after the creek of the wrought iron. 
For a minute, Y/n just sits on the bed, not really affected by his presence, before standing to greet him downstairs. On her way to the grand stairs, she passes another bedroom, the door has been left ajar and inside, a small boy plays with the electric train set that his grandparents brought from their last trip to London, just a month ago. Ryan. He adores it, at least for now, he has so many that his affections towards his toys barely last a week. He isn’t spoiled though, at least his parents don’t think so, but their opinions might be subjective. 
Y/n’s fingers ghost the smooth, varnished wooden railing as she descends to the first floor, journeying towards the foyer. By the time she gets there, Daniel has already shoved off his jacket and is now taking off his shoes. Y/n smiles lightly as he does it; at first, when they’d started living together, it had been hard for her to get used to switching shoes upon entering the house, but Daniel had grown up with the custom, and she’d eventually gotten into it for him.
At the sight of her, he straightens up, barely smiling as he starts towards her, “‘Evening,” Daniel greets quietly, pecking her at the corner of her lips. Not directly on them, he hardly ever kisses her there anymore.
“How was work?” Y/n trails behind him, following her husband to his home office, where he usually drops his stuff off before dinner. When he turns to her, for the first time, Y/n notices the faintest hint of a lipstick stain right under his jaw. It’s funny because that’s not even her preferred color. 
“Good,” he says, leaning on the edge of his desk, folding his arms across his broad chest, “I know what you’re going to say,” his face falls, “And I just want you to know that I’m sorry.”
“Yeah,” Y/n chuckles humorlessly, “I’m sorry too. I’ve been thinking,” she moistens her lips, raising her hand to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Y/n doesn’t know why she’s so nervous about bringing it up, it’s what’s best for them. Blinking away the stinging in her eyes, “We need to.....” she couldn’t even finish the sentence, her father would be so disappointed if he was still he around, and her mother is going to be pissed when they tell her. 
“Yeah,” Daniel nods slowly, “I’ll call the lawyers tomorrow,” when Y/n bends her head, swiping at her eyes, her agreement unspoken. “I really am sorry,” Daniel says in some kind of throw attempt to make the ruins of their marriage better, “I never meant-”
“Do you love her?” Y/n glances up at him. She loves him, but for some reason, the idea of having a failed marriage at thirty hurts more than losing him. Maybe it’ll be better if she knows that they're leaving so they can find what makes them happy.
Daniel hesitates before smiling, “I think so. Y/n, she’s.....she’s amazing.”
Offering him a watery smile, Y/n nods again, thinking about how she told the only man that she loved that they couldn’t be together, “That’s good, that’s really good.”
“Thanks,” thinking for a minute, he starts speaking again, “Maybe you could call-”
“Mommy!” Y/n jumps at Ryan calling out to her as he runs into the room, obviously intent on finding his mother, though, as he skids into the room, spotting Daniel, his little face lights up as he runs towards his father, “Daddy! You’re home!”
“I am bud,” effortlessly, Daniel lifts Ryan into his arms, “Missed you all day,” he pecks Ryan’s cheek and Y/n smiles, glad that he isn’t old enough to reject his parents affections. At a first glance, they look alike.....in a generic sort of way.
Daniel is a good father.
7Turning to her, Ryan frowns, “Why are you crying mommy?”
Sniffling, Y/n quickly tries to right herself, this isn’t how she wants him to find out, “It’s nothing baby,” Y/n approaches them a the desk, the loose, cuffed sleeves of her cable knit sweater fall over her wrists as she brings her hands to Ryan’s face, placing a kiss on his forehead, “I just love you so, so much that it makes me so happy, I cry.”
“And daddy too?” Ryan looks hopeful, as if telling her that he needs confirmation.
“Yeah baby,” she breaths, her words almost choked, “And daddy too.” It’s not a lie, not really. 
She loves his daddy too.
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He didn’t know why she’d called, but Keanu had gone. He’d always go.
Her office looked different from the last time he saw it, though, Keanu had never spent a lot of time there anyway. There were pictures; a few of her and Daniel and others of a child who seemed strangely familiar. The thought nagged him, but Keanu tried to ignore it. The colors were lighter too, and he could tell that she’d redecorated recently.
When Keanu heard the door open behind him, he stood from the sofa she had tucked away in the corner of the room. She looked different, but still somehow the same. Six years. Six years since she’d chosen Daniel, since she’d told him that she’d always love him, but her responsibilities came first, since Y/n became the one that got away. Keanu had dated since then, but halfheartedly so and nothing seemed to stick. He’d always find himself measuring women to her; they didn’t just look or feel different, but they could never make him feel what Y/n had, not even close.
“Hi,” she smiled, her voice quiet. For a minute, words escaped him. They hadn’t stood face to face like that since she was all decked off in white. Even then with tears in her eyes, she had this young, free look about her. But that day, in her office, Y/n looked the part that she’d assumed; president of a company, wife, mother. 
Keanu swallowed tightly, not knowing if he should keep his distance or reach out to hug her, “Hey.”
Awkwardly, Y/n eventually leaned in, pulling Keanu into a lingering hug, her heels affording her the opportunity to bury her face in his neck, inhaling his scent; cologne, cigarettes and pleasurably familiar. She’d missed him, and there so much she had to say, so much that she’d kept from him. “Thank you for coming,” she breathed standing on her toes so her lips could be close to his ear.
“I was surprised when I got your call,” out of the blue, a couple nights prior when he was just leaving his sister’s place after dinner. Keanu hadn’t told anyone that he was going to see Y/n, hell, he didn’t even know if he was actually going until he parked his bike in the underground parking lot of where she worked.
Instead of saying anything on the matter, Y/n just pecked his cheek as she pulled away, “Can I get you something? Coffee, water, stiff drink?”
“I’m fine thanks,” following Y/n’s lead, they sat on the plush sofa, turned to each other, their knees close, almost touching; her smooth bare one nearly against his jean clad one. 
“Alright,” Y/n wrung her fingers in her lap, her pastel manicured nails standing out against the dark burgundy of her stylish dress, “How have you been?”
“I’m fine,” Keanu observed her, wondering what could make her so nervous and too anxious himself to be coy about it, “What am I doing here Y/n?”
Sighing loudly, Y/n began to speak, though overcome with hesitation, she stood, passing a hand over her chest, down her stomach before dropping it to her side. “Daniel and I are getting divorced,” she finally managed all at once, “He’s in love with this woman.....she’s a engineer at his firm or something,” Y/n waved her hand absently, “I guess it doesn’t really matter.”
Standing abruptly, Keanu met Y/n at the center of the room, gently placing his hands on her shoulders, trying to still her nervous movements, “I’m so sorry,” he frowned, “Are you okay?”
“Actually, I am,” she smiled up at him, but Y/n still seemed unsure. What was she expecting, calling Keanu there? That they’d just go back to the way things were. Life wasn’t that easy. “It’s been coming for a long time, and it’s good that he’s found someone that he really loves, he deserves it.”
Moistening his lips, Keanu’s palms slid down Y/n’s arms, so he could take her fingers in his, finally understanding why she called him there. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that though. Keanu had spent the past six years wishing for one more moment, but now that it was there, he wasn’t sure if it could be chalked up to all he’d made himself believe it to be. There were too many factors involved. “So do you,” he finally offered.
“I know,” Y/n met his gaze through her long lashes, “That’s why I called you.”
Pulling his hands out of hers, Keanu turned to face Y/n’s desk, running a hand through his tousled hair, “So you wouldn’t have to be alone?”
“What?” Y/n scoffed, “No, of course not. Because I should have chosen you at the beginning. Because if i’d married you, stayed with you, fought for us, I wouldn’t be in this mess. Because I’ve thought of you everyday since then, because it took Daniel one mistake and six years in a marriage that wasn’t meant to be to find the woman that he loves, but I’ve known who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with even before I started one with him. I was stupid for letting that happen Keanu, and I’m so, so sorry.”
Sighing heavily, Keanu still stood with his back to her, about to respond when his eyes fell once again on a picture of the little boy. Still, he got the odd, possibly misplaced feeling of familiarity, like Keanu had seen him before, but not really. Looking at the picture, he had this overwhelming, though completely irrational, sense that they knew each other. Shaking his head, Keanu swiped up the picture, forgetting about their conversation, bringing it closer to his face, “This is your son?”
“Yeah,” Y/n breathed, swallowing tightly as she watched Keanu put the pieces together, “He’s six.”
“Six?” Keanu mirrored, raising his brows, “You must have gotten pregnant pretty quickly after the wedding.”
Clearing her throat, Y/n stepped to his side, looking at the picture too. Everyone who’d met them liked to say that Ryan resembled Daniel, but if they’d met Keanu....”It was before, actually. I found out on our honeymoon.”
“Oh,” the little sound left his lips in the form of a quiet mumble. “Is he Daniel’s?” The question was tentative, as if he were afraid to ask it, though Y/n suspected that he already knew the answer.
Overcome with emotion, Y/n’s voice got caught in her throat, “No,” she admitted, for the very first time, out loud. How Y/n had kept him from Keanu for all that time was still a surprise to her. The truth was, that ever since she’d found out, Y/n didn’t believe for one second that the baby was Daniel’s. And when Ryan was born, Daniel knew too, but instead of causing a row, he’d accepted it, pushed past his hurt and raised Ryan as his own. He was a good father. He really was, but in the back of her mind, Y/n always wondered what it would have been like to parent alongside Keanu.
“Does Daniel know?” Keanu’s shoulders slumped and it felt like his life was changing in an instant. One morning spent in her office and suddenly, he was a father. 
“Yes,” placing a hand on his arm, Y/n kept her eyes trained on the picture, “He’s so much like you, intuitive, sensitive, intelligent, strong and his hair is always a mess.”
For the briefest second, Keanu chuckled at the comment. Though, his expression quickly morphed into seriousness once again, “Why didn’t you say something? You could have called.”
By then, Y/n thought it was best to put some space between them, “And say what? ‘Hey Ke, I know I married someone else, but I just found out that I’m pregnant and I think it’s yours’?” Y/n shook her head, “Is that what you wanted?”
Putting the picture back where it belonged, “It would have been better than not knowing at all.” Keanu no longer seemed sympathetic. Instead, he was angry, and worst yet, hurt. “Y/n,” his voice broke, tears in his eyes, “He’s my son.”
“I know,” Y/n put her fingers over her quivering lips, salty tears blurring her vision, “But Daniel is a good father.”
“I could have been a good father!” When Keanu’s voice rose, Y/n jumped.
Clenching and unclenching her jaw. Y/n folded her arms across her chest, “You think I don’t know that?” Her words were strained with emotion and she could feel everything that she’d felt over the past six years, since she’d let Keanu go, coming back to her in a rush, “I know you’d be a good father, a great one! But I had to do what was right; I’d just gotten married, everyone was just looking to us to have a baby and-”
“And what? That was an easy fix? God,” he breathed, ranking his fingers through his hair, Keanu turned to lean on the desk. He didn’t look at her, instead scrubbing his hands over his face before folding his arms and looking towards the door. Y/n understood why he was mad; if someone told her that she had a secret kid somewhere, she would be too. But she just needed him to see that, at that time, she thought it was best. Y/n couldn’t have complicated her brand new marriage by telling everyone that the baby wasn’t Daniel’s, his parents; two people that had accepted her as one of their own, who absolutely adored Y/n, would have been heartbroken.
“No, it wasn’t,” Y/n hastily swiped under her eyes, shifting her weight to her left leg, “But everyone already believed it. I know it was wrong, and I thought about calling you everyday after he was born, but I knew that if you saw him, you’d fall just as deep in love with him as I did,” quietly, she sobbed, “And I wouldn’t have been able to let you go either. I’m so sorry,” her voice broke again, thick with pain, “Keanu, I’m so, so sorry.”
Sighing heavily, he glanced at her for a minute, so much going through his mind. The last time he saw Y/n, she was wearing a wedding dress, but wasn’t getting married to him. If only he’d known then; he’d have begged her to leave Daniel, make her any promise in the world, just to have her leave that reception with him. He’d have gotten on his knees and begged her to marry him. He’d have done anything to be a part of their lives, to make sure that they were a family.
But Keanu had no clue and his ignorance had cost him so much. First cry, first steps, his first word, six birthdays and everything in between. The sheer pain of everything that he didn’t know was crushing him and he had the desperate urge to make up for it, “Can I meet him?”
“Ke,” Y/n swallowed tightly, “He thinks that Daniel is his father, I can’t confuse him like that.”
“I’m not asking you to tell him,” he reasoned, “I just want to meet him, please.”
Mulling on it for a moment, Y/n eventually nodded, “Okay, yeah, you can meet him.”
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After a long conversation about why mommy and daddy could no longer live together, Daniel had packed up most of his stuff and temporarily moved into one of his parents’ ritzy apartments in the city. It had been three months since they filed for divorce and one month since Y/n had told Keanu that Ryan was actually his son. They’d only had brief exchanges since then, most of them awkward and tense.
Initially, things had been hard; figuring out a working schedule that would ensure that Ryan could spend time with both Y/n and Daniel, trying to find steady ground with their own parents and finally, trying to make sure that Ryan was okay in the midst of all of it. Needless to say, Y/n hadn’t had the time to set up a time for Keanu to meet Ryan.
Though, after things had settled, Y/n had finally submitted into organizing an afternoon where Keanu would come over to her place in Beverly Hills, just a few streets over from where Y/n lived when they’d first met. She had discussed Ryan meeting Keanu with Daniel, and while at first, he’d been reluctant to let it happen, he had eventually given in.
When the day came, a warm Saturday in June, Y/n had sat Ryan down in the living room, interrupting his screen time to explain that she was having someone over that she’d like him to meet. Easing the tablet out of his hand, Y/n set it next to her on the plush sofa, drawing his attention, “Ry,” she smiled faintly, “Remember I said I had a friend I wanted you to meet?”
“Yeah,” he nodded vigorously, “You said he was coming over today.”
“That’s right, he’s gonna be here any minute now,” she ruffled his hair, “And if you two get along, he might come around more often. But that doesn’t mean you have to pretend to like him for me.”
“Is he your boyfriend?” Ryan tilted his head, and Y/n chuckled at his question, “Because it’s okay if he is, daddy said it's okay for you two to be happy, even if it's with other people.”
Though the words left his lips with ease, Ryan still seemed a little uneased by the thought of new people in his parents’ lives. She couldn’t blame him, it couldn’t have been easy to come to term with the fact that they weren’t together anymore, especially when he couldn’t really see the reason for their split. The saving grace was that Y/n and Daniel had been civil through it all; no loud fights or vindictive comments. They still spoke highly of each other to their son and when Daniel had let Ryan meet his girlfriend, it had been a quiet affair and he had reminded him that she was in no way meant to replace his mother. 
“He’s not,” Y/n’s smile faltered, reminded of the current tension between her and Keanu, “I know it’s been difficult to adjust, and lots of things are changing, but you know you can always talk to mommy if something’s bothering you, right?”
“Yeah,” he nodded again, and just then, a housekeeper came in, whispering in Y/n’s ear that Keanu was just outside of the room. Mustering up a smile that she hoped didn’t seem nervous, Y/n told her to bring him in. 
Y/n stood as he entered the room, and before they could even greet each other, Keanu’s eyes fell on Ryan, who was still sitting on the couch. “You’re early,” Y/n was the one to speak first,
“I was too anxious to wait,” he smiled sheepishly, “This must be Ryan,” he waved to him, and shy and a little startled without further warning, Ryan slunk behind his mother, fistfuls of her powder blue chiffon  blouse scrunched up his fingers. He’d always been like that around new people; it had taken him nearly a year to warm up to his babysitter and when he started school, it had been the same.
Reaching behind herself, Y/n’s affectionately ruffled his soft, dark hair, chuckling quietly, “Sweetheart, Keanu’s here to meet you, don’t you want to say hello?” He didn’t respond, but Y/n felt him shake his head in a silent ‘no’. Turning back to Keanu, she inhaled quietly, “He’s a little shy, so it might take him a while to warm up.”
“Its fine,” Keanu assured her. Inside though, he was disappointed that his own son seemed afraid of him, but Keanu firmly reminded himself that Ryan still knew Daniel as his father, and that for all intents and purposes, he was just a stranger in the boy’s home. “You know, Ryan,” Keanu spoke even as Ryan continued hiding behind his mother, “You mom mentioned that you like motorcycles, so I brought you something,” Keanu gently shook a blue gift bag with white crepe sticking out decoratively.
“Look baby,” Y/n turned slowly, lowering herself so she and Ryan could be eye to eye, her grip on his fragile feeling shoulders firm but loving, “Keanu brought you something, don’t you want to see what it is? And thank him for bringing you a present?”
“I guess so,” he mumbled, his eyes trained on the carpeted floor.
“Thank you,” Y/n kissed his cheek, rocking back on her heel afterwards to allow him some space to approach Keanu.
Keanu grinned as he handed over the bag, and slowly, Ryan fished out its contents. Finally when he produced a remote controlled motorbike, his features lit up enough to match Keanu’s broad expectant smile, “This is so cool!” Fiddling with for a moment, Ryan deposited it on the coffee table nearby, throwing his arms around Keanu’s neck, “Thank you!” Though shocked at first, Keanu quickly reciprocated, holding Ryan close. 
Y/n was surprised by his excitement and ready display of affection; he’d never been like that with anyone outside of their family. Maybe deep down he knew, the thought was troubling. Still, Y/n, smiled despite herself, and then, more than ever, she longed to know what it would have been like if Keanu were the one raising Ryan with her. 
“Mommy?” He broke her thoughts, looking up at her hopefully, “Can we play with it outside? Please?”
After a moment of hesitation, Y/n submitted, “Why not?” For another minute, she thought of accompanying them, but quickly thought better of the idea. She trusted Keanu, and if she wanted any sort of relationship to be built between him and Ryan organically, she’d have to give them space. And moreover, if she ever wanted Keanu to trust her again, the least she could do was prove that she trusted him, “Why don’t you take Keanu out back, you can show him your playground and you can play with your new toy there, sounds good?” Nodding his agreement, Ryan was already eagerly taking Keanu’s hand, urging him down the hallway, “And stay away from the pool okay?” When Ryan didn’t seem to pay any mind to her, she called out to Keanu instead, “Keep a close eye on him, please?”
“Uh,” Keanu turned back to her, wide, giddy grin painting his face, still walking along with Ryan, “Yeah of course.”
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From her home office upstairs, Y/n watched as Keanu and Ryan played in his fenced off, outdoor play area, sending the toy around the parameter and between the swing set and slides. Ryan seemed to be mostly in control of the toy, though Keanu was kneeling next to him, showing him things on the remote and at times, saying something that would make Ryan laugh. Occasionally, she’d take a lengthy sip from her glass of white wine, the crisp coolness calming her nerves; she knew that Keanu wouldn’t let it slip that he was actually Ryan’s father, but a part of her was still scared that it would somehow get out. 
She really had thought of calling Keanu after Ryan was born, hell, she’d wanted to call the very day that she was sat in the beach house in Fiji, pregnancy test in her shaking hands, two pink lines telling her fate; not just a newly wed, but also a young mother. His words from the night of her rehearsal dinner had been easily recalled in that moment, he’d always be with her. Y/n had chuckled at that, just realizing that he was right, he would always be with her, if not literally, in the life they’d created together. 
Y/n had spectated from the window for most of Keanu and Ryan’s play date, though, after a while, she’d decided to give them some privacy and went on to tend to her paperwork. Slowly, she worked though the pile of her desk, along with responding to some emails awaiting attention on her laptop, punctuating her session with slow sips of wine. 
After a few hours, another housekeeper poked her head into her office, letting Y/n know that dinner was almost ready and that Keanu and Ryan had come in. Excited to hear things from their perspective, Y/n shoved the top of her computer closed and jogged down the stairs, only gaining some composure when she entered the living room, scrubbing her delicate hands on the soft fabric of her cream pants, “So,” she sat on the sofa opposing the one that Keanu and Ryan had stationed themselves on, “Did you guys have fun?” 
“We did!” Ryan was nearly bouncing in his spot, proceeding to ramble on about all the cool tricks that Keanu had taught him with the toy. "And mommy, he has real motorcycles, he says we can come see them, can we mommy?"
"I uhhh….." Y/n glanced at Keanu, looking for confirmation.
For the first time since he'd gotten there, he directed a genuine, though faint smile to her, "I'd love for you two to stop by the shop."
Nodding slowly, Y/n knew that they'd have to spend some more time together before she'd make up her mind and take Ryan to Arch. 
Sitting across from them like that, Y/n could see almost every similarity shared between them. Of course, Ryan had learned mannerisms and traits from Daniel, but still, there were subtle things that transcended physical likenesses, they were they both got animated when they spoke, fidgeted with their fingers in quieter moments and there was even a shared adventurous spirit. 
When Ryan spoke again, his question wasn't directed to her, though she still listened in. He was turned to Keanu, eyes bright and pleading, "My mom's taking me to the zoo next Saturday. Can you come, please," he stressed.
Keanu wanted to say yes, he really did and Y/n could see it written on his face. But he certainly wasn't going to intrude on their time unless she'd permitted it. They were barely speaking after all. "Honey," Y/n gently intervened, "We don't even know if he's busy. I'll talk it over with him and we'll see, okay?" Ryan seemed a little deflated, taking her answer as a no. "Why don't you go wash up for dinner and I'll meet you there?" Nodding and then quickly hugging Keanu as a goodbye, Ryan scurried out of the living room.
As Y/n stood, Keanu did too, "Would you like to join us?" She offered, secretly hoping he'd say yes.
"I shouldn't," stuffing his hands into his pockets, Keanu shuffled his feet, the sound muffled by the carpet, "I have a meeting in the morning and then a couple errands to run. So I guess I should get going."
Y/n's smile faltered and she hugged herself, offering to walk Keanu to the door, "Okay." The silence was tense and the only thing filling it was their shoes softly thudding against the shiny marble floor. Though, when they neared the foyer, Y/n tentatively broke it, "You should come with us, on Saturday, if you have the time. We’re going to see the new Bengal cubs, Ryan’s been wanting to go since they talked about them on T.V,” she chuckled quietly. “I know it probably doesn’t matter, but I’d like for you to come with.”
“It does matter,” Keanu assured as they reached the front door. Y/n made no move to open it and Keanu no longer appeared to be in a hurry. In fact, he seemed to have a change of heart, or at the very least, interested starting the path to amends. Reaching between them, he took a loose hold on her fingers, “I think I’d like to tag along, you can text me the details.”
“Okay, great,” Y/n beamed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d smiled at a man like that, maybe during her last days with Keanu, years ago. When her smile softened a bit, Y/n looked down at their joined hands. If only he knew how much she’d missed him. As hard as Y/n had tried, she couldn’t love Daniel, at least, not half as much as she still loved Keanu. “I’m sorry,” moisture gathered in her eyes, “About everything, about not trying harder for us, about Ryan.” Even if they’d met, it would never be the same as having Keanu raise him, he might never know the truth. 
“I’ve been thinking a lot,” Keanu cleared his throat, his nerves, fighting to get the better of him. He’d rehearsed the words in his head for an entire week, and had longed for a moment alone with Y/n, though, now that it had arrived, he was scared as hell. “About us,” he eventually clarified, “What happened that night hurt, finding out about Ryan the way I did was even worse, but I’m starting to understand why you did things like that. And I don’t want to be mad at you anymore; miss you Y/n, I have ever since that night.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Y/n managed, and as a tear trickled down her cheek, Keanu raised his hand to brush it away with his thumb, “I still love you Keanu,” her breathy words were music to his ears, he hadn’t expected her to say them, even if his heart knew they were true. 
“I know,” he mumbled, stepping closer. Y/n was propped up against the wall, near the coat rack at the front door, “I still love you too, I never stopped.” Moistening his lips, Keanu took a deep breath, unconsciously leaning into her. One touch, lips on lips, was all it took for the fire to be reignited. Though, maybe it had never been completely doused, and the embers of flames still burning had just found fuel. 
Y/n’s hands found Keanu’s back, her nails sinking into the leather of his jacket, She stood on her toes, longing to get closer, trying to close six years worth of distance and Keanu gathered Y/n in his arms, snaking them around her waist and holding her steady and flush against his body. Their lips moved in unison and he could taste her tears and vaguely hear her sobbed breaths which were muffled by their endearment. His tongue roamed her mouth, recognizing her taste instantly and longing for more. How had he even gone six years without it?
Even when they broke, Y/n and Keanu still stood close, “I brought you something,” his voice was gravely from their lengthy kiss, and his words no louder than a whisper, “Here,” he reached into his pocket, getting out a necklace that Y/n recognized almost instantly, her eyes brightening a a faint smile curving her lips.
“This is…..” She looked down at the pendant in her small palm, silver with detailed workings and meticulously placed pearls. It was the one they had seen in Greece, their very first night together, when they were drunk and stumbling along the mostly empty scenic streets. That must have been what he was trying to give her on the night of her wedding reception, when she’d put an end to things, breaking both their hearts. “You kept it,” she mused sorrowfully.
“I’d keep it forever if it meant I’d someday have a chance of giving it to you,” Keanu pushed Y/n’s fingers closed around the necklace, the precious metal cool in her grip, “I don’t know if you’re ready for what I have to give you yet, but I’m willing to wait because you’re worth it Y/n.”
How could she have ever let him go?
“Thank you,” Y/n leaned up to kiss Keanu again, her free hand tangling in his soft hair, humming at the warmth of his palms on her waist.
“I should get going before Ryan catches me making out with his mom,” Keanu chuckled. Finally, Y/n opened the door, “I’ll see you on Saturday,” he waved, jogging down the front steps, rummaging through his pockets for his keys, his Porsche parked in her driveway.
“Actually,” Y/n came to lean on the door frame, folding her arms, “Daniel has Ryan on Wednesday night, you could see me then.”
Keanu’s lips split into a wide, expectant, grin, “Are you sure?”
“I am,” Y/n giggled, for a minute feeling like the girl she was when she and Keanu first met; giddy, excited and eager to be thrilled by his touch.
“Okay,” Keanu nodded, “I’ll pick you up at eight.”
“Okay, goodnight Keanu,” she waved as he bid her goodnight in return, getting into his car, rounding the circular patch of greenery at the center of her cobblestone driveway, headed towards the gate. Only when Y/n could no longer see his car did she shut the door, finally giving the necklace a scrutinizing glace. It really was the same necklace from Greece, though, when she turned it over, Y/n smiled wistfully at the engraving there, tears clouding her gaze and her heart swelling with love. 
For the girl who has everything, The least I can give you is my heart. It’s yours forever -K
Turning, Y/n leaned against the door, putting on the necklace. She hooked the clasp and the circular pendant fell in the valley of her cleavage, moving to clutch it tightly as Y/n’s head lolled back against the door, still smiling giddily feeling exactly the way she’d felt when they were together before everything became confusing and out of their control. Before she’d made the mistake of marrying the wrong man and before she’d created someone that she loved above everything else in the world. When she was just a girl with her entire life ahead of her and looking for control in places where she had none. When Keanu was her safe place and the love of her life.
He still was, and Y/n was beyond grateful to have a second chance with him. They could make it work that time, it would take time, but if what had just happened was any indication, there was no amount of time that could weather what Y/n and Keanu shared.
It had taken them a lot to get there, but she’d always have his heart, and he’d always have hers.
Tagging- @harrisongslimited​  @paanchu786​  @a-really-bi-girl​  @baphometwolf666 @sdaff2   @green-forest-dreams @weird-civilian @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi​
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sad-boy-mono · 4 years
High school casualties
Chapter 1/?
Word count-1,779 
Masterpost with Ao3 link
Damien sat at his desk, the typing on his keyboard slowly coming to a stop as he finally finished the essay he had been working on for the past few hours. He looked at the bright screen of his laptop and quickly skimmed the concluding paragraph. Satisfied with his work, he closed his device and sunk into his chair as he let out an exasperated sigh. His bed looked more inviting than ever.
Damien, enjoying this new found sense of relaxation, threw off his glasses and rubbed his strained eyes so intensely that colorful dots and random patterns began to flood his eyelids. His head ache pounding harder than it had been over the past few weeks, but hey, at least he finally finished that essay.
Once his eyes felt somewhat hydrated again, he pulled himself out of the old office chair he had been sitting in. He stretched his stiff body, joints popping loudly.
Pretty sure that wasn’t there when I started, Damien thought to himself as he saw the sun peak up from behind his curtains of his window, What time is it anyways?
Damien scanned the area for his phone, spotting it buried under a small stack of papers and sticky notes, as well as some gum wrappers. He grabbed it and turned it on, hissing at the sudden brightness. Letting his eyes re-adjust to the light, he checked the time. It was almost 5:30.
Well I’m only gonna get 2 hours of sleep if I go to bed now, Damien thought to himself as he made his way to his bed, but ya know, it’s gonna be fine. Maybe I can convince my brain it’s only 3! Ya hear that ya dumb stupid brain, it’s only 3 in the morning! Not 5:30! You’re gonna be fine! Everything is fiiiiiiiiiine.
As the delusional teen concluded his thought, he collapsed into bed, falling asleep within moments of his face hitting the pillow. School was going to be rough that day.
Yo sorry but Damien REALLY can’t come to the phone right now, so try texting like a normal person
Shayne let out an audible sigh. He had already texted his friend that he was waiting for him outside, like he did everyday. At this point, Shayne was ready to barge into Damien’s house and see if he was dead or not.
Ok if he doesn’t answer this time, I’m gonna murder him. Shayne thought, as he began to call again.
Damien’s eyes slowly opened to the sound of a barely familiar ringtone. No one ever called him, let alone at this hour. But without even thinking to check the caller ID, he answered. It was probably important if it was at this hour. Or one committed spam caller.
“Hello?” Damien answered groggily, sleep heavy in his voice.
“Dude where are you? I’ve been waiting for you for the past 15 minutes!” Shayne said, pacing up and down the old wooden porch that lead up to Damien’s house.
Shit, Damien sprung out of his bed so fast his head hurt (Even more then it already did) and he became slightly dizzy. He already started looking around for his clothes, “Uh-yeah sorry! I’ll be out there soon!”
“Ok hurry up, or we’ll be late!” Shayne said hanging up the phone and forcefully putting it back in his pocket with a huff, continuing his pacing.
Damien took a look at his phone and winced. Not only from 8 missed messages and 1 missed call from Shayne. Or the fact it was 8:16 and he had to be at school at 8:40 and didn’t have a car. But his headache was worse than ever. Maybe it was the lack of sleep that made it worse, or the sudden blinding light of his phone; either way, he was not having a good time.
Damien fumbled around his room, putting on whatever clean clothes he had, not really caring if it would look good in the end. He stuck a piece of gum in his mouth to substitute brushing his teeth and began the search for his backpack.
About 5 minutes later Damien was fumbling out the door, adjusting the beanie that seemed haphazardly put on at the last minute, still putting stuff in his bag and his shoes half on.
“Let’s go.” Shayne said, not even bothering to let Damien fully out the door before he started walking off.
“Dude wait up!” Damien said forcing on his untied shoe. “Look, I’m sorry I kept you waiting. I slept through my alarms.”
“Yeah it’s fine, but- Holy- Dude you look like shit!” Shayne said, actually getting a look at Damien.
“Thanks, I feel like shit.”
“What happened?” Shayne asked. It looks like you got hit by a fucking truck
“Well Shayne, that’s exactly what happened!” Damien joked punctuated his statement with finger guns and a yawn.
“What?” Shayne asked.
“No, I’m just kidding. I was up all night working on homework.”
“Oh, um, alright then, why didn’t you work on it earlier? Dude are you ok?”
“Shayne, buddy, don’t worry about it, everything is fine, totally fine,” Damien said, in an ominously cheerful tone. “Let’s just get to school and meet up with Court.”
“Finally! There are my BOYS!” Courtney exclaimed as Damien and Shayne approached the main entrance of the school where Courtney was waiting for them. “What took you 2 so long?” She asked and wrapped her arms around both of their shoulders.
“Well someone,” Shayne rolled his eyes towards Damien and punched his shoulder slightly, “worked on his homework all night and slept through his alarms!”
“Yeah Shayne, why would you do that!” Damien said, crossing his arms
“Wha- ME!” Shayne spat, taking a small step back. And Courtney, with her arm still around him, stumbled back as well.
“Yeah you!”
“You son of a bi-”
“Ok enough,” Courtney cut them off after regaining her balance, “save the arguments for later, we’re gonna be late! And Damien,” Courtney dropped her arms from the boy’s shoulders and dug into her bag. Then after a moment or two, handed Damien a travel mug, “drink this, it’s coffee. Not exactly the way you drink it but hopefully that’ll wake you up a bit”
“Mmmmmmm, bean juice.” Damien mumbled and took a drink.
“You can have the rest, you look like you need it much more than I do.” Courtney said. Damien gasped in mock offense.
“What doth thy meaneth? Art thou saying I looketh like shit?” Damien said dramatically, lazy hand jesters included.
“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying.” She deadpanned and began walking into the school, Shayne and Damien following.
“So what where you working on last night then?” Shayne asked.
“Yeah what was so important that you worked on it for so long it sucked the soul of you?” Courtney asked, once again wrapping her arms around her boys as they walked.
“That essay for Mr. Hecox’s class I was telling y’all about a few weeks ago.” Damien confessed.
God he really put it off for that long? Damn is he okay?
“Yeah Shayne I’m fine. I’ve just had this awful headache for the past few weeks and I wanted to work on it when it went away, but it didn’t.” Damien looked and saw confusion clear on both of his friend’s faces. “What?”
Shayne glanced at Damien, then Courtney, trying to figure out how Damien heard him.
“Um, yeah no it’s nothing. Just… never mind.” Shayne gave a confused glanced at Courtney, who gave one right back.
“What, what’re y’all looking at?”
“Oh uh, it’s nothing, just drink your coffee. This is our class anyways so we gotta shut up now.” Courtney pointed at the door, patting Damien’s arm and dropping her own arms from the boy’s shoulders.
“Oh- alright then.” Damien mumbled to himself and walked in with his friends.
They made it in the class by 8:45. So yeah, they were late. But by the looks of the empty desk right by the door, so was their teacher.
“Oh looks like we don’t have to shut up now.” Shayne said.
“Damn all that stress for nothing!” Damien sighed.
“Well, let’s just relax and chat then! Like Shayne said, we don’t gotta shut up just yet.” Courtney said, walking to her desk, the boys once again following her.
The three slid into their desks, Shayne sitting to Damien’s right and Courtney in front of Damien. They began chatting with each-other and a few people around them. Well, two of them were chatting. Damien was silent, resting his head on his desk. He may as well exploit this time to get a little more sleep, or just zone the fuck out. Either way he was resting up to the best of his ability. Trying to make the pounding in his head go away.
“-ien? Hello~ Earth to Damien~” Shayne said, gently rocking his sleeping friend.
“Wha-,”Damien hummed, glancing around at the classroom, hearing it quiet down.
“Sorry to interrupt your nap, but Mrs. Whittle’s here.” Shayne said with a sympathetic smile, then turned around to face the front.
Damien began to sit up reluctantly. He dug through his bag and got out the materials that his teacher listed on the board. Looks like they didn’t need much. Which Damien won’t complain about, the less work he has to do today the better.
“Alright class, why don’t you guys take a seat! I’ve got all my bearings so we can finally start!” Mrs. Whittle unlocked her computer. “Ok attendance, you guys know the drill!”
As she went down the list, Damien noticed quite a few people missing. People he was sure he noticed in the room when he first entered. Damien checked his phone again. It was now 8:57. So their teacher was almost 20 minutes late. It looks like people decided not to wait and just left.
“Alright, got that done!” Mrs. Whittle stood up from her desk and made her way to the board. “Again class, so sorry I was late today. We had an issue with one of the cats this morning and it was not pretty, ended up having to take the lil guy to the Vet but he’ll be ok! But anyways I hope you enjoyed this extra time to chat with your classmates. It works out in the end since today I planned something simple for us to work on today!”
As the class carried on, Damien barley paid attention. It’d be fine though, he would just ask Shayne or Courtney what went on and what he needed to know. It would be fine, this was a simple lesson anyways.
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harleyquinnamiright · 4 years
Crossroad High - Chapter One
also on Wattpad and AO3 Ships: (Eventual) Analogical, Royality, and Dukeceit/Demus Triggers: None that I can think of, please tell me if you’d like me to tag anything!
a/n: I don't know a lot about cheerleading and most of what I'm taking for Patton's cheerleading stuff is my fencing experience. Since it's a winter sport I didn't think it'd be fitting of Patton so. sorry for messing anything up there.
Remus Sanders is not a happy camper. After spending the entire summer at his Aunt and Uncle's house where all he could do was chores and school work, he gets one day to be at home. One day off before school starts again with the exact same day to day schedule as his so-called vacation. It would be bad enough having to do chores, having to do them while your guardians sit around and just tell you to be a different person is horrendous.
“HONEY! I’M HOME!” He chirped loudly the second he slammed opened the door, successfully scaring someone if the sound of something crashing had anything to say about it. He smirked to himself as he grabbed the door, seeing no dent in the wall, and kicking it back into place. His camo duffel bag that was slung across his shoulder was the only thing that he went to his Uncle’s house that he came back with, so he felt very smug waltzing into his kitchen. Even his wardrobe he wasn’t able to keep completely, though he was still wearing an outfit he had been able to hide by burying it. It was covered in dirt, but that never mattered to him. It was a black Billie Eilish shirt of her with her green hair, a pair of dark purple fishnets, and black ripped baggy jeans.
“You’re home.” Remus’ mother said with a sarcastic smile as she watched Remus walk into the kitchen. She was leant over the sink, a broken plate clearly having been just broken below her. Remus mentally high-fived himself. “You’re still doing makeup.” She said after a moment of silence, not trying to hide her disgust. Remus’ smirk turned into a smile as he remembered the loud purple eyeshadow and cat-eye he put on this morning.
“I am here. And yes, makeup is still on my face.” Remus smiled brightly, leaving the two standing in silence. “Welp. Bye!” He screamed the last word just to see if he could shock her again. It didn’t work, but it was worth a try. Walking to and up the stairs, it wasn’t surprising nothing changed. Whenever he left something seemed to change so it was a bit refreshing to see that the decor had left the same. No one else seemed to be in the house, which was a bit strange, but he didn’t note anything as he was glad to be home.
He almost screamed the second he opened his bedroom door. He didn’t actually scream, but he goddamn he wanted to. Everything that made his room his was gone. There wasn’t even a dresser anymore. His clothes he left were folded neatly on a silver shelving unit that looked like it belonged in a cafeteria, and there was no longer a mirror or desk. Half of the clothes there weren’t even his, or weren’t when he left, and he could tell that from the doorway. There wasn’t a trace of makeup and the walls had gone from his favorite neon green to a hospital white.
Not screaming, not thinking, he threw his bag at the bed that now had a sporty blue bedding instead of the green and purple octopus quilt he had specially commissioned, and climbed out his window. The roof below his room wasn't very strong but he walked on it enough to know where to step to get to the lattice and climb down relatively safely. He still wasn’t really thinking, but he got to his family's garage pretty easily.
Before he knew what he was doing he was holding a baseball bat above his mother’s favorite car. The only thing that made him stop and start to think was the garage opening to show his Dad's car. Knowing he wasn’t visible yet, he threw the bat half-hazerdly towards the corner and left the room garage towards the door facing his backyard, not really rushing, but still very much fuming.
Seeing someone climb down the side of what seems to be their own house is not an everyday occurrence. Though, being in Roseville is not an everyday occurence for Janus Glass, so it’s not like he can actually speak about it. He couldn’t stop staring as he watched the interesting boy across the street climbing, but it was clear the other didn’t notice him. From what Janus could make out the other boy had white hair or white in his hair and was wearing clothes very different then from what Janus knew.
“Jay!” Janus heard, turning to see his Dad waving excitedly from the new house. It was a two bedroom house that was way bigger than it should have been, but the fact they could now afford it was amazing, and something neither of them had considered before.
J walked up to his front door and looked around, his dad running up the porch stairs excitedly. Neither of them had much time considering the fact that J had to get to the school soon for a tour, but it was nice to look around a house you never thought you’d actually get.
“What time was your school thingy again?” His dad shouted, now far inside the house.
“2:23,” J lied, wanting to be at the school early and liking the way the time sounded better. He looked around the living room which was connected to the front door briefly for a clock, coming up empty, but already spotting where one could go.
“So 2:30 or 3:00?” His dad responded, knowing his son's language.
“Former.” J responded, trying to visualize the rest of the room and decorations, a lot of which he and his father had already agreed on, but imaging again with different decor was nice.
“We, my boy, are going to be late.” His father said running down the stairs, walking quickly back into the car.
“What?” J asked deadpan as he followed him.
The two got into the car in silence, Janus half worrying about being late, half trying to imagine what the school would look like. Both thoughts got cut off by his Dad's car stopping shortly in front of a boy with sunglasses and a brown leather jacket. The boy looked up from his phone, gave the both of them a half dirty look before backing out of the way of the car. The two drove away with nothing but a look at each other. The rest of the car ride didn’t leave a lot of room for thought, being filled with Queen. Janus and his dad only got through two songs before arriving at the bland looking building that tomorrow would officially be Janus’s new school. The back of the building was boring at least, a solid wall of grey brick. The front had more sectioning off and was painted different quotes and pictures representing pride in the school and town, though not distracting from the statue in the middle of the front courtyard.
“Well look at that! This place looks fun! Am I dropping you off or should I know where your classes are? What are we doing?” Janu’s dad asked excitedly, clapping loudly once.
Janus totally didn’t flinch. He didn’t. Chad still looked apologetic. “You’re just dropping me off, Dad.” Janus replied, nodding to himself. The word dad made Chad light up as he unlocked the car. Despite the fact that Janus had gotten comfortable calling Chad Dad long ago, the fact he did made the other very happy.
“Text me when the tour is over! I’ll see what we can do about milkshakes afterwards, yeah?” Chad continued to smile brightly, not matching Janus’ low energy at all.
“Sure. Bye.” Janus was once again deadpan though trying not to be rude as he turned away from his father and towards the front entrance of Crossroad High. This was going to be a fun year.
Roman should not have shown up 15 minutes early. It wasn’t a good idea when he left the house for the 10 minute drive, and it wasn’t a good idea when he got to the building. The front door was open by the time he got there, but there were no people around for what seemed like miles. The back parking lot full of cars, but it always was, and there never seemed to be any people.
The fifteen minutes wasn’t hard to fill when there was finally silence to think. In a house filled with the fights about Remus coming soon or Logan just needing people to know they were wrong, it was very hard to think. Sitting on the floor was also very nice. The silence was nice until there was a random voice behind him.
“Hey.” The voice was quiet, but it was still there.
“Hi.” Roman responded, turning around, instantly glad he spoke before looking as he looked at the others face. He seemed to have heterochromia of the eyes, one being almost yellow, the other a tawny brown. Also, half his face was covered in burns that looked so organized it looked like a waffle iron was pressed to his face.
“So. I, um, I assumed you were, a, my tour guide? If not, sorry for bothering you?” The other said cautiously, his voice rasping slightly, dragging out his s’s, going from somewhat deadpan to panicked in his time talking.
“Oh, yeah, no, yeah! I’m your tour guide! I’m Roman! Hello!” Roman said with a princely flourish as he stood up from his place on the floor, wiping his hips slightly.
“Greeeaaaaaat.” Janus nodded slowly as he drew out the word. “I’m Janus, with a u-s. Did you want the schedule I had or are we going around the whole school? or..?”
“We could do either! I wasn’t given a lot of strict instruction so I think we can do whatever. I was told you and I had the exact same classes, hence why I’m the one showing you around, so. Yeah.” Roman explained, smiling awkwardly. “That’s the front door.” He said after a second of Janus just staring at him.
“Math.” Janus seemed to force the word from his throat, for some reason not being able to speak. His face also had a slight tinge to his face that could have been blushing, from his burn scars, or because of the school lighting.
“Math. Yes. We have Algebra first. That starts upstairs. We go from here, down all the way to the middle school blocks, then use the left staircase, go all the way up, and the second door is the Algebra room. It sounds a little more complicated than it is.” Roman explained, pointing at the path he was talking about as he started walking.
“Middle school blocks?” Janus said a little easier as it was clear Roman would be able to hold most of the conversation for the day.
“Yes, the middle school isn’t really connected but it used to be. The 9th graders have to sometimes come here for elective classes because sometimes. I took a theater class that could only be held in this auditorium so me and my class walked here everyday from the upper lot.” Roman explained, smiling accomplished while talking about theater, obviously passionate about the subject.
“Oh, so you’re also a freshman?” Janus asked, surprised, his face turning confused again in the middle of his sentence.
“Yes, I have an older brother and again, theater class, so I am quite acquainted with the building.” Roman once again explained, turning to open the door but searching Janus’ face for reactions. There wasn’t much of any.
Janus nodded when he realized Roman was expecting someone and continued nodding throughout the rest of the tour. The school was broken up into wings so it was pretty easy to navigate. By 3:30 there was only one place left for Roman to show Janus.
Cheerleading practice was rewarding but it was hard. A lot of people seemed to think it was easy, Patton at first included, but wow was it hard work. Not even mentioning the exercise before and after actually practicing things specifically for cheerleaders.
“Pat! We were all going to the movies later today, wondering if you’d like to come?” Regina, the head cheerleader, asked him cheerily.
“I’d love to! Should we meet in your locker room or mine?” Patton asked, already knowing the invitation was going to be revoked.
“Oh. Um. We kind of have to leave now.” Regina smiled apologetically, though she started tensing a tad.
“Oh, alright, then I guess I’ll see you next time!” Patton waves as he was the first one walking away, not pointing out several of the girls preferred to change too, and that many probably invited were already walking towards the school. Or that it was the fourth time they had invited him only to not revoke that when he reminded them he used a different dressing room.
It’s not like he was the only male cheerleader, he was just the only one who didn’t try out and get in in kindergarten. He joined in first grade, never thinking he was out of the loop. He didn’t even realize he was until 6th grade, when he and the three other male cheerleaders were chosen for the main twelve cheerers who were picked for competitions.
Suffice to say, thinking you’re alone in the locker room then hearing voices is pretty scary.
“And this is our last stop of the day! These are the locker roooo--- HI PATTON.” Roman, a boy Patton knew from theater class announced loudly upon seeing Patton. Patton laughed slightly, unsure of the loud reaction seeing as he was still fully in uniform and wasn’t doing anything he thought would cause such a thing.
The boy next to him waved slightly after a sec, looking at Roman strangely.
“Heyyy, Rodrick?” Patton asked unsurely, smiling brightly.
“Ro, uh, Roman.” Roman answered, though his tone was very questioning.
“Alright, hi Roman! And hi, you! I’m not sure we’ve ever met before! I’m Patton!” Patton waved more enthusiastically.
“Janus. With an u-n. It’s nice to meet you, Patton.” Janus nodded, smirking slightly on the side of his face that wasn’t burned. Patton was unsure if he wanted to ask but he was sure he wanted to know whatever or whoever was behind that sooner or later.
“Well. This seems a little awkward.” Patton said, closing his locker, deciding not to change out of uniform today. “I know why I’m here. Can I ask why you two are here?”
“I’m starting this school tomorrow and I needed a tour around.” Janus explained easily, drawing out the s, though his voice seemed like an emotion Patton couldn’t place.
“Oh. That’s fun. When walking in I think I heard you,” He paused and pointed softly at Roman, “say that this was the last stop? If that’s true, would you guys want to hang out? I’m a bit bored.” He finished, smiling and scrunching his nose, hoping it didn’t sound like he wanted to take over their day.
“That’d be nice. I’m also new to town so finding where to hang out would be, well, nice. Heh.” Janus answered after it was clear Roman was going to do no such thing. He stood there smiling like a polite cat, nodding continuously.
“Awesome! Let’s go!” Patton turned around, giving Roman a polite smile as to ask if he was coming. Roman just kept nodding. “Alright.” Patton shrugged, and started walking out the field to the back parking lot.
Logan knew, for sure, that school didn’t start until tomorrow. He did. Then again, his brain never officially decided school was over, therefore he was in the clear of deciding he was overworking himself. It wasn’t like he was starting freshman year over again, he was going to school as a sophomore. He didn’t know why, but it seemed like this year was going to be important. Or dangerous. It’s school, who knows.
He was startled out of his thoughts about scheduling when his phone started playing Fergalicous. “Babes, you better not be hunched over your desk.” Logan’s friend, Remy, said after Logan answered the phone.
“I’m not hunching.” Logan answered honestly, pressing up his glasses.
“Working counts as hunching hun.” Remy paused to slurp his coffee, “Also I’m at your front door.” Remy said, sipping again.
“Of course you are.” Logan rolled his eyes fondly as he walked downstairs. He had earlier heard a crash of some kind of already figured his younger brother had been home and had probably left by now. Logan didn’t support what his parents had done to Remus’ room but since he didn’t stop anything he wasn’t sure he wanted to talk to Remus yet.
“Why was your brother climbing down the side of your house?” Remy asked as soon as Logan opened the door, confirming his suspicions of Remus being gone. His mother was now also nowhere to be found but she typically didn’t mind Remy being over.
“Probably because our parents completely cleared out his room after sending them to our Uncles.” Logan answered, walking upstairs, trusting Remy to shut the door and follow him up the stairs.
“That a quote?” Remy asked scandalously, obviously wanting more information.
“Not directly. Here’s what was said,” Logan started as soon as he closed his bedroom door. Talking with Remy was always fun, he was trustworthy, and truly the only one who appreciated gossip as much as Logan.
The fact that Remy was only not in Roseville for a week did not stop him from having a world of new information from where he was and Roseville. Logan didn’t have as much info as the other but he had plenty and he had plenty of new information on people to walk into sophomore year. —-
When Virgil got home, he genuinely did not know what day it was or when it was. He knew it was dark. It’s not like he was gone for long but when the sky gets dark around 6:00 you can lose track of how long you’re outside. The only reason he left in the first place was because his mother's boyfriend Derrick was coming over and Derrick didn’t particularly like him. He didn’t ask him to leave but while he was there it was clear he didn’t want Virgil there. In his own home. Virgil didn’t mean to fall asleep in a public park and get driven home by a cop with no clock in the car whatsoever.
“Honey! Oh my gosh I was so worried!” His mother said, hugging him tightly the second she opened the door. He tensed and squirmed but she didn’t care. Despite the fact they were still semi outside, Virgil knew Derrick wasn’t home based on his mother's closeness.
When she finally let him go, before he was able to say anything, she glanced at something and suddenly got a hard look in her eye. “Sweety, you have school in two hours. None of your chores are done. I’ll let you know when you have time to change.” She was swaying slightly and her eyes showed she clearly wasn’t all there, but when was she ever.
Virgil just nodded, not like his mother was in front of him anymore. She was probably going back to sleep herself, but Vee couldn’t bring himself to care. He didn’t know how long he slept and still doesn’t know an exact time, but he just plugged his phone in before getting to work on chores. He had no idea why he needed to change but then again his mother did care about what others thought about him. In public at least.
His mother never called him to get changed but luckily he set an alarm his phone was loud enough to alert him of. He didn’t really have time to fully change what he was wearing so he just grabbed the first sweater he saw and the backpack with all his summer work in it. He was dressed fine, an intentionally ripped dark purple shirt and distressed black jeans, the sweater being a favorite and one he worked to fix when broken many times. He heard the bus coming before he saw it and he didn’t get a second to breathe until he was sitting in the seat directly behind the driver. He realized he left his headphones home way too late, but tried to comfort himself by knowing there wouldn’t be time throughout the day to listen to them. It was the first day of freshman year, after all.
taglist (ask to be added or removed): @fandomfan315 @dragon-hair @a-long-suffering-artist @aleiimm @sadgayisme @falsehoodx @jessibbb @notveryglittery @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @izzyfandoms
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andimack-crack · 4 years
A christ-mack story: Andi Mack
read part one here
read part two here
Part 3: Merry little crisis
[Word count 1910]
Cyrus POV
Everybody was sat in the park me, Andi, Buffy, Jonah, T.J and Marty all squished onto one park bench drinking hot chocolate Andi was filling us in on the drama going on at home.
"It's just Bex is so nervous all the time and she's also very emotional feeling sick and tired I hope she's not coming down with something I'd hate to catch it." She rambled
I turned my head a little towards Jonah who sat quietly staring off with a blank face I could tell he wasn't really listening I waved a hand in front of him and he came alive
"Are you alright JB?"
"Y-yeah I-i mean look" he pointed over to an old looking man on the street who was clearly homeless he was begging for cash Jonah looked really sad and somewhat guilty.
"I didn't have a house not that long ago but at least I had family somewhere to live I mean food wasn't good but I was able to kind of continue life but the feeling never leaves you" he closed his eyes taking a deep breath I put a hand on his back
"Now that it's over and I see people that are still going through it... I don't know it feels like I'm not entitled to what I have" by now the conversations everybody else was having had stopped we were all listening to him.
"Jonah you are more than entitled your family went through so much  hardship these past few months you've been dealing with a lot of personal demons yourself you don't have to feel guilty" I reassured he nodded sighing
"Yeah I know I just feel like I should be doing something" he looked at his lap
"Jonah remember when we gave away all those clothes that mint chip threw away?" Andi said
"You mean do I remember going to jail my parents getting really mad at me and doing 72 hours of community service yeah I remember" we all laughed a little
"Yeah well we knew that it was wrong to just throw away those clothes and you know it's wrong that millions of people are sleeping rough on the streets" Andi explained
"It's even worse considering it's winter and Christmas" Buffy said sadly
"But the question is what are you going to do about it" I said Jonah started thinking and his face lit up all of a sudden
"I... I think I have an idea" he smiled
"Hold up... you guys went to jail?!" T.J and Marty said simultaneously in shock we all giggled.
Bex's POV
"Thanks for meeting me I was really hoping you would" Gabriel commented sitting opposite me in a cafe outside of town. He looked worse than when I left him like he hadn't slept or been around good people
"Yeah well just know I'm not doing this for you I'm doing for me" I said trying to keep my self together "I want to know why you emotionally abused me when you knew I was vulnerable because I had just left my home and my daughter"
"H-how is she?" He said awkwardly
"No don't you dare talk about her you don't get to I just want to know if it was me or-"
"No it wasn't please don't raise your voice" he said cutting me off "I... I was under a lot of pressure you really wanted to get out of Shadyside I didn't have money I had to work I always tired needed a drink"
"You can't use that as an excuse I felt like shit everyday when I was with you too the point where I'd do anything to avoid you" I was turning red and tears where stinging in my eyes
"I-i know I was awful b-but I wanna fix things you see I'm in a bit of debt with some old friends and I was thinking you could give me a loan and-"
"Seriously" I yelled standing up "You got back in touch with me to ask for money. I should of known you haven't changed stay away from me and my family if I ever see you again I'll go to the police"
I stormed out the cafe getting on my motorcycle to get back to cloud ten I should of never trusted him the tears fell from eyes but I smiled to myself I've been wanting to stand up to him for years I finally did it.
Jonah's POV
"Jonah where are you taking us?" Marty groaned impatiently
"You'll see" I had an idea of how I could help people that where sleeping rough how we could all help we reached a small shelter on the far side of town.
"We're here" I gestured as we all stepped inside
"What is this place?" Buffy questioned
"It's a food bank I went too a lot the people are really great here they listened to me and when I felt like I couldn't take much more of it there would always be someone here to calm me down"
"That's really sweet but why are all here?" T.J said confused 
"To volunteer I spoke to someone and they said they don't get enough people during the holidays to help out with handing out food, clean clothes  or just talking to them"
"If it'll make you happy Jo I'll do it" Cyrus said patting my shoulder 
"It's for a good cause I think we should all do it" Andi said.
"Can I help you guy- oh hello Jonah how's the new apartment?" A tall brown haired woman said walking up too us
"The apartments nice  things are a lot better now"
"Glad to hear it" I swivelled round to my friends
"Guys this is Carla she runs this whole operation during the holidays" 
"Nice to meet you all" She said shaking there hands one by one
"We are all here to volunteer" I said smiling brightly 
"We'll do anything you want" Buffy said her hand interlocked with Marty's
"Oh well that's lovely I need some people to pick up an apron and dish up food and I need some people to go out and find a few people to give clothes too and invite them in too eat" She said checking her list
"We're on it" She smiled and walked away to check something else 
"Me, Buffy and Andi will be on kitchen duty maybe you guys and can go out and find some people" Cyrus ordered 
"Sounds like a plan" I said happily
Bex's POV
I got back home later in the day thinking about what happened with Gabriel less and less I had more important things to think about some news I needed to share with the family. Bowie was sitting on the couch looking a little upset nearly angry.
"Hey... is something the matter?" 
"I went to cloud 10 to ask if you wanted something to eat you weren't there"
"I was out getting some products I needed" I quickly said as a cover story
"Oh okay that's weird because your friend Gabriel came by earlier" Uh oh
"Look Bowie I can explain..."
"What is there to explain Bex you lied to me... I'll ask again who is Gabriel?"
"Bowie I didn't tell you the truth to protect you he's not important I swear" I said taking his hands but he snatched them away
"Protect me from what?" 
"I-I" The words on my mouth died  I couldn't tell him. He picked up his keys and jacket
"Where are you going?" I demanded to know 
"Out" with that he slammed the door.
I just buried my face in my hands in defeat I have to make this right and I knew exactly how too. That is if Bowie give me a chance to speak to him.
Jonah POV
Marty, T.J and I managed to gather some people we found sleeping rough there were way more people than you would expect actually but I'm just really happy we were able to help out. By now we had given everybody some hot food and we were going round giving out clean clothes and blankets they also offered showers I handed this younger looking man a warm tracksuit and a thick coat he took it gratefully trying to smile but it was more like a grimace I pulled up a chair to talk to him.
"Hello I'm Jonah what's your name?" I said sticking my hand out he shook it
"I-I'm Tyler y-you're awfully young to be working here how old are You?"
"I'm 15 but a volunteer so are my friends" I said gesturing at them
"O-oh yeah the tall blonde one wouldn't stop following me until I agreeded to come here" I smirked
"Sorry about that how old are you? if it's okay to ask"
"I-im 20 in a few days and before you ask I've been homeless for two years" he said visibly embarrassed
"Wow um... how come i-I'm only asking to try and fix things don't answer if you don't want too-"
"I got into an argument with my mom after my dad died I-i blamed her and started doing dumb things and I... really wanted to go out of town for a weekend and she said if I go I might as well not bother coming back" his lip quivered I felt horrible
"Well parent say a lot of things they don't mean but they love us unconditionally it's Christmas almost your birthday call your mom" I said putting a hand on his but he took it away
"I can't I don't have my phone" I quickly took out mine
"If you know her number call her on my phone" Tyler was hesitant but he took the phone and dialed her number
"H-hello...hi yes mommy it's me...I-I miss you too" he choked out he stood up to go talk to her.
"You did a good thing Jonah" Carla said walking up behind me "Tyler came by a few months back no one could get him to talk to his mom"
"Well it was obvious he missed her it was probably just pride getting in the way" he came back tears still falling from his eyes he pulled me into a tight hug
"T-thank you Jonah" he said handing my phone back
"What did she say?"
"She's gonna come out here and we can go back home for Christmas" he smiled
"There's a bed here for you to sleep on tonight or at least until she gets here I'll show you" Carla said leading him away.
I joined the rest of my friends who were huddled together smiling.
"So Jonah how do you feel now?" Buffy said
"Good really good like I made a difference"
"Were all happy for you and this did feel great reminds us to give back during the holidays" Cyrus said.
We were interrupted by Andi's phone buzzing
"Hello... mom slow down...really oh okay" she hung up "I gotta go there's am emergency apparently" we all said goodbye and she left abruptly.
Whatever happens to having a peaceful holiday?
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elektra-world · 4 years
The Wrath Part 3
↳ღ—— [Scenario: The Wrath Part 3]
Summary: Another surprise weigh in yields some unwelcome results and a member must pay the price when Mr. Park isn’t happy with what he sees. 
Warnings: This part is a bit darker and does include some “minor” physical and verbal abuse.
Requests are open so if you want a certain scenario with a member or the group, feel free to shoot me an ask and I’ll try my best to respond when I can.
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It has been two weeks since the girls comeback and Loca had been doing surprisingly well. It reached number 13 on gaon digital charts while another one of their songs from the EP - freesm - reached number 15 after Lisa from blackpink did a dance cover. The company was buzzing with excitement and the girls were riding a high. They were finally starting to make a name for themselves and all the hard work was starting to pay off. 
Unfortunately, all that excitement would soon come to a halt on the dreaded day of weigh in.  
All six members of DIVIN3 stood side by side with their hands clasped behind their backs, heads lowered as the CEO and Mr. Park whispered to each other a few feet away. The tension in the air was thick - enough to suffocate someone, really - and the results were not good.
Mr. Park strolled up to the most nervous member of all - Jenna - and let out a long, exasperated sigh. “How did you manage to gain 5 kilograms in two weeks? The diet we had outlined for all of you would have prevented that if you had been following it.” 
Jenna bites her lip hard and bows her head. “I’m sorry Manager." She whispered, too ashamed to explain herself. 
“No, it’s fine because it’s not your fault.” Mr. Park tutted and turned on his heel to walk to the end of the line where Sora stood. Her heart was racing as the manager stared her down while shaking his head.
“It’s not your fault because your leader here was supposed to keep an eye on all of you but it appears she failed at doing so.”
Sora felt the sting of tears forming in her eyes and she looked up, preparing an apology for failing everybody but she didn’t get a chance to open her mouth, because what happened next happened so fast she didn’t get the chance to utter a word.
There was a loud crack followed by a pained squeal and it wasn’t until the burning of her cheek that Sora realized what had happened. Her members gasped. Yua - who was standing next to her - grabbed her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze while she shot the dirtiest look at the manager. It took all her self-control not to say and do unspeakable things to the man before her.
“Jihoon? Are you an idiot? You’re angry because the girls let themselves go and don’t look as pretty yet you leave an ugly mark on her face?” Mr. Ho motions to Sora, who’s holding back tears, a red welt forming on her cheek now.
“Makeup will cover it up just fine.” The Manager snaps back. The two clearly knew each other quite well, with how informally they talked to each other.
“That’s if you,” he turns back to Sora and points at her, “can do something right for once and make sure to cover it up everyday. You really don’t want to cause a scandal for your group, do you?”
Sora sniffles and shakes her head. “No, Mr. Park.” 
“Good.” He smiles hearing that before stepping back and checking his watch. “We will be taking full control of your bank accounts from now on and locks will be placed on the cupboards in your dorm. I don’t understand why they let you spend your funds so freely but that will end immediately seeing as how none of you have the proper self-discipline or respect for your bodies. You are idols and looking good for fans is a must. They want to see beautiful ladies performing, not dancing cows.”
Yua bit her cheek hard enough to draw blood. She wanted so badly to speak up - to tell this new manager to go jump off a cliff - but she knew if she did, one of her members would be punished, and there was no way she’d do something that could get one of the other girls hurt.
“Due to your leaders negligence, you will be spending an extra four hours here practicing all of your latest choreography. As you may or may not remember, we are planning a small tour and you need to be at your best so that you don’t make the company look bad. Is that understood?” His voice is so condescending it makes the girls sick.
“Understood, Mr. Park.” The girls murmured weakly. 
The CEO and Manager left for the time being, leaving the girls to begin warming up while they waited for the choreographer. Today was suppose to be their off day - the next two days would be spent practicing and recording more music show performances, along with preparing for appearances on a couple variety shows.
“Are you okay, Unnie?” Jenna whimpers as she timidly looks to the leader.
Sora nods and smiles, “I’m fine,”  she reassured the younger girl. Her face throbbed and was so warm to the touch but she would get used to it. 
“I’m sorry.” Jenna's eyes were teary and her lip quivered as she tried hard to hold back the sob that threatened to come out. She reached out for Sora - like a child desperate for the comfort of a parent. 
“Don’t you dare be sorry you wild thing.” Sora was stern when she said this, bringing Jenna in for a tight hug. “You didn’t do anything wrong, okay? He’s a mad man. Nobody here did anything wrong.” Sora took a few deep breaths to settle her nerves. “Let us warm up and get through this practice.” 
(Four Hours Later, Back At The Dorms)
The girls were tired, sweaty and famished. As soon as they walked through the door and into the kitchen, they saw the locks on the cabinets and a chorus of groans rang throughout the small kitchen. Chanri ran a hand through her hair and turned on her heel to head for the bathroom to shower  but gasped when she spotted a fruit basket on the table, next to it another basket of assorted breads and cheese. The other girls joined her, eyeing the food wearily.
“Oh my god! It’s like heaven!” She moans and picks up the card attached and reading it outloud.  ‘I am so sorry girls. I am working on fixing things, please be patient and keep your heads held high.  - kang yuri ♥️’
Finally some hope - the girls did have somebody on their side. CEO Yuri was a bit strict but caring and dedicated - nothing like her cousin. Though she had her cards stacked up against her and it would take a lot of careful planning before she could finally set things right for the company and the girls. 
“She’s still around!” D.UH sighs with relief. The CEO hadn’t shown her face too much the last month and the girls had wondered what happened to her. It was a huge relief for them all to know at least one of the “top dogs” of Starpunch was around and would have their back.
Sora made sure all the girls got a good portion of the food before excusing herself.  “Where are you going? Aren’t you going to eat too?” Kay asked mid-bite. 
“Just save me some. I’m going to take a shower because I feel gross.” She smiled and dismissed herself, quickly jogging up the stairs despite her legs being sore and feeling rubbery. 
As soon as she entered her room, she collapsed on the bed and immediately began to cry, hand rubbing her cheek that was red and tender from the slap earlier that day. She buried her face in her pillow and let out a pained sob, questioning whether she really had what it took to be a good leader and to be a good idol. It always felt like she was never good enough and all she did was let people down. So much weight was on her shoulders and there were times when she wasn’t sure she could hold it all anymore.
“Oppa...” She whimpered to herself, grabbing her phone and debating on calling Seven. It was a toss up between calling or not. He was busy and she didn’t want to worry him and cause more trouble for her group...but she craved some sort of comfort, and hearing his voice or seeing his face - especially that adorable smile of his - soothed her no matter what the circumstance was.
It was a horrible internal struggle Sora faced these days because she didn’t want to be too needy or clingy - it made her feel like a nuisance and slightly pathetic. What kind of leader was she if she constantly relied on others to help keep her shit together? 
With another pathetic whimper, she put her headphones in and curled up into a ball, choosing to stare at the wall for however long it took for the music to take her away to a better place.
To Be Continued...
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BTS Reaction: Their s.o is a struggling actress
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Why do I always get carried away with Jungkook’s 😅
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Namjoon knew you had a big audition today and he was anxiously awaiting your arrival home to tell him how it went. He had seen you practice and knew that there was no way they wouldn’t cast you for the part. When you got home he could see the dejected look on your face and his gaze softened. 
“Oh, baby I’m so sorry come here.” He pulls you into a tight hug and he can feel his shirt start to dampen with your tears.
“Maybe I should just give up on being an actress. No one is every going to want to cast me so what’s the point.” He pulls away from you and cups your face in his hands.
“Don’t say that y/n. You can’t give up. You just need to keep trying. Someone will recognize the talent and ambition I see in you everyday. It’s just going to take some time. But I’ll be here to support you every step of the way.” 
You pull away from his chest and place a kiss to his cheek. 
“Thank you Joon. It really helps knowing that even if I don’t make get the part I want, I’ll still have you supporting me every step of the way.”
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Jin knew you had an audition today. He was away on tour but as soon as he figured your audition would be done he called you, but you didn’t answer. He left you a voicemail before he went on stage. When he was done with his performance and saw that there still wasn’t a message from you he became worried. He tried to call you but again, no answer. He decided to send you a text instead.
Y/n. I’m worried about you please call me. Love you. 
Seeing that message from Jin made you feel guilty for ignoring him so you called him.
“Y/n! What’s going on, are you okay? How was your audition?” 
“I didn’t get the part Jin but can we please not talk about it? I don’t feel like being more sad than I already am.”
“Oh, honey I am so sorry. Want me to keep your mind off of it?”
“Please..” After this he goes into a long and in depth description of how their show went. He tells you everything and you find yourself smiling listening to him talk about the other members and his fans in such a positive way. 
“You know y/n, I know things seem hard right now but just know I am always here for you. Whenever you need me okay? I’m only a phone call away. And I’m really proud of you for not giving up on your dream.”
“Jin... Thank you. It means a lot to me to know I at least have one person who will be there to support me no matter what.”
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Yoongi can tell you are getting frustrated with your dream of becoming an actress. He’s heard you sigh at least 15 times in the past 2 minutes while you were checking your email looking for callbacks. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your shoulders and places a kiss to your temple.
“Everything okay, love?” You sigh again.
“No Yoongi. Every time I audition I never hear anything back. How am I supposed to improve or know what I am doing wrong when no one will even reach out to me? Even just a simple ‘You were terrible’ is better than just nothing at all.” He turns your computer chair around and presses a quick peck to your lips.
“People suck jagi it’s the way of the world. But you can’t give up. You need to just work even harder so when you do make it big you can shove it in those asshole’s faces.” His words cheer you up and even cause a smile to form on your face.
“You’re right Yoongi. I should just put myself back out there until someone finally appreciates me and then I am going to write a letter to every one of these casting directors that never called me back and you know what the letter is going to say?” He chuckles softly at you.
“What, sweetheart?”
“Nothing. It’s just going to be a photo of me flipping them all off.” You feel Yoongi shaking with laughter as he’s hugging you close to him. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
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During your struggles Hoseok is your little ray of sunshine being positive and encouraging you even when you feel like you are ready to give up on your dreams. 
He is always looking for new opportunities for you and even asks some of the Big Hit staff to keep there eye out for auditions for you as well. He doesn’t like to use his status to help you achieve your dreams, and neither do you. But you are grateful that he is trying to help you while respecting your wishes.
Whenever you get frustrated he is right there to keep you pushing on through.
“It’s okay honey. Another opportunity will come around soon! People need to quit sleeping on my baby’s talent!” He offers to watch you practice your lines before you audition and gives you little tips and pointers along the way.
“Thank you Hobi. I think this audition is going to go really well thanks to your help.” He kisses you on your forehead before you step out of the car to head to your audition.
“You’re welcome jagi! Knock em’ dead! Especially if they don’t call you back again!”
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Jimin found you curled up in bed and he knew that something must have went wrong with the open casting call you went to. He walks quietly closes the door behind him and snuggles under the covers with you. He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into the back of your neck and places a kiss there. You turn around and face him and he can tell you’ve been crying. He carefully cups your cheek and places a soft kiss to your lips.
“What happened, angel?”
“They didn’t even give me a chance to audition. Told me I didn’t have ‘the right look’ for the part. What the fuck does that even mean?” Jimin furrows his brows and places another kiss to your forehead. 
“I have no clue y/n. That’s seriously the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You have the right look for any part you’re absolutely beautiful.” 
“Yeah well apparently the acting world doesn’t seem to think so.”
“Well then the acting world can just go screw itself. You’re gorgeous. You’re talented. You have the potential to be one of the greatest actor’s this world has ever seen. And if they can’t see that then they weren’t even worth your time.” 
“You’re right Jimin. I know you are it’s just hard.” You bury your chest in his chest and he trails his fingers up and down your back to soothe you.
“I know it’s hard y/n but trust me you’ll get there. If anyone can make it in the acting world it’s you. I know you won’t give up.”
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Taehyung knows you’ve been feeling really down lately due to your struggles of trying to get a foot into the acting industry. Having acted in a drama before he offers you all of the help he possibly can. He rehearses your lines with you, gives you tips and pointers to improve. He even contacts some of the people that worked on Hwarang to see if they know of any more auditions you can attend. You are so thankful for everything he is doing for you. 
“Tae.. Seriously I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. I actually just got a callback for one of the auditions last week!” Taehyung is currently on tour so you’re talking to him through video chat. When you tell him this he drops the phone and you hear him squealing with happiness. 
“Oh sorry I dropped you!” He picks the phone up and kisses the camera. “I’m so happy for y/n, that’s amazing. I am so ridiculously proud of you. I told you if you kept at it someone would call you back eventually. My love is going to be a movie star!”
“Tae it’s just a callback, it doesn’t mean I am guaranteed a part.” Your reality check doesn’t phase him one bit.
“I don’t care. When I get back we’re celebrating. I’m taking you out to a nice dinner whether you get the part or not.”
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You had been feeling really sad and had been in a bad mood for the past week due to your career as a struggling actor. He wanted to do anything he could to cheer you up and keep your mind off of your sadness. He came into the bedroom and saw you mindlessly scrolling through your social media. 
“Yeah, Kook?” 
“I’m really craving ramen can you go pick me some up from my favorite restaurant pleeease?”
“Jungkook that place is like 30 minutes away.” He pouts at you and looks at you with those big doe eyes of his and you can’t say no.
“Okay, okay gosh don’t look at me like that.” He perks up and smiles widely at you. 
“Thank you jagi! Don’t forget to order something for you too.” He says with a quick peck to your cheek.
While you are gone he gets to work setting up the apartment. He makes a blanket fort in the living and hangs fairy lights inside of it. He brings a bunch of snacks and drinks and a mountain of pillows and places them inside the fort. When you walk through the front door you almost drop the takeout containers on the floor in shock.
“Kook? What did you do?”
“I wanted to cheer you up since you’ve been so sad lately. I asked you to get ramen so we could have our favorite meal together. And I made this fort so you can have a safe and happy place to come to when you’re feeling stressed. I know things are hard right now y/n but, just know that I am here for you and I love you okay?” You can’t help but start crying at his sweet gesture. He makes grabby hands at you and you rush over into his arms. 
“Thank you Jungkook. You’re seriously the best boyfriend ever I love you.”
A gentle kiss is placed to the top of your head as you hear him murmur that he loves you too, so so much. 
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cptnsantiago · 5 years
stars (they make me wonder where you are)
summary: Rosa doesn’t remember much - meetings with lawyers, Jake being buried next to Amy, Charles screaming in grief, Holt sobbing whilst holding Kevin. Rosa does remember moving into her two best friends apartment when she is appointed the guardian to their child. 
read on ao3 / major character death
“Hey it’s me! Your daddy-o!” Jake’s hold on his phone is shaky, but his happiness evident. “So it’s November 23rd, 4:38 in the morning and your mom has been experiencing contractions for about 3 hours!”
Jake turns his phone slightly to include Amy in the frame, who looks uncomfortable but happy sitting up in their bed. “How are you feeling Ames!?”
“Well she’s definitely on her way.” Amy’s hands are resting low on her stomach, and she cringes with a smile as another contraction begins. “It’s really not that bad, you know since I can- ah!”
Amy breathes deeply for another 15 seconds before she relaxes. “You know because I can still talk during them.”
“Okay babe, whatever you say.”
“It’s your dad again with birth update!” Jake sighs happily, “It is 0700 and contractions are about 12 minutes apart so still too early to go to the hospital but we’re walking around the apartment trying to move it along.”
“Jake do you really need to this?” Amy whines, “We’ve had no sleep and I’m uncomfortable and in pain.”
The camera quickly faces the floor but doesn’t stop recording, “I thought it might be fun to look back one day, but I can stop if you want me to.”
There’s silence for a moment before Amy agrees to let him do it. “So how are you feeling Ames?”
“I feel like I need you to come out of me much quicker please.” Amy says directly into the camera, as if talking to her daughter.
Luna Santiago-Peralta is put in the care of Rosa Diaz when she is only 5 weeks old.
It was written in their will. If anything were to happen to them, the care of their daughter would be passed to her godmother.
Karen found her son peacefully asleep with Luna screaming in his arms, but he doesn’t respond. Jake is a heavy sleeper, but with the baby right in his arms he should at least stir. Karen then notices how pale and unmoving her son is.
She rushes to his side, take his cold wrist and checking for any sign for a pulse. Any sign of life. Her arms rush to grab her granddaughter as her chest constricts and her spare hand shakes as she goes to call someone - anyone .
It’s a blur of tears from there and she’s trying to calm down Luna but she is screaming like she’s never heard a baby scream before. It’s not long before Captain Holt appears with Rosa who both falter at the sight of Jake and Karen sobbing holding a screaming baby.
Rosa doesn’t remember much - meetings with lawyers, Jake being buried next to Amy, Charles screaming in grief, Holt sobbing whilst holding Kevin. Rosa does remember moving into her two best friends apartment when she is appointed the guardian to their child.
She feels her chest tighten at the sight of the photos of Jake and Amy scattered around the apartment, the die hard posters and knitted quilts made by Amy. “I don’t know how to do this, Luna. But I will do my best to make sure you know how much they love you.”
She remembers when she gets the call from Karen, telling her the autopsy revealed that Jake had died of broken heart syndrome. A real thing. Rosa had heard of it before - the stress of grief so bad for some that it affects the heart. In short, his death had been preventable, but no one could get Jake to talk to them.
The first time she ventures into Jake and Amy’s room, Luna is almost 3 months old. Rosa had taken to sleeping on the couch, too afraid to change anything about the apartment. Every single person that visits understands.
It’s when Gina suggests they finally move in together when she finally goes inside. “I want her to grow up here, like they intended.”
“I know.” Gina takes her hand, squeezing lightly. “There’s a spare room, so Iggy can have her own room. I know it’s going to be hard… But we can’t keep it all the same. They can’t expect that.”
“They would want us to make it our own.”
Gina has Iggy and Luna out for a walk, and so Rosa spends her time alone to empty out some of Jake and Amy’s things out of her (their) room. She is controlling her emotions better as of late, so clearing out Amy’s clothes and putting them away to be donated doesn’t make her cry.
Halfway through Jake’s clothing, she notices an envelope fall out. His messy handwriting looks shakier than she remembers, and it has two words. For Luna . Rosa’s hands begin shaking as she carefully rips the letter open.
Dear Luna,
I hope no one has to give you this letter. But as you know, your mom died shortly after you were born but she bled out too quickly during surgery and passed away.
Your birthday is simultaneously one of the brightest and darkest days I’ve ever experienced. I’ve been separated from your mom before. Undercover mission, Florida, prison. I hope I can make these stories lighthearted for you one day. Right now, I can’t see anything but darkness.
I don’t sleep, I can’t eat and I can’t even bring myself to talk. And I usually talk a lot. The only thing I can do is keep you alive. You are the only thing keeping my heart beating. I can feel my body giving out. I have heart palpitations and pains every day. I want to stay alive for you I do, my baby, but I don’t know how to survive without my Amy. She was everything to me, such a badass and so loving.
I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world as well as your mom. If you are reading this and it means I’ve died - don’t think this means I love you any less. I love you so fucking much.
I’m sorry. I am really trying to keep myself moving, living. I don’t want you to grow up without your parents. You’ve already lost your mom and you don’t deserve to lose the both of us. I’m trying so hard and I love you so much. I’m so sorry if you can’t understand my pain and I’m sorry for bringing you this pain. I just need you to understand that we love you to the ends of this earth.
Forever your dad,
Rosa is furious. Jake knew he was dying. He told no one. The tears are hot on her cheeks and she hears the front door open, the sound of Iggy telling a story to Luna echoing through the apartment.
Gina notices her girlfriend crying, and sends her daughter off to go play before joining Rosa in their bedroom. “Rosa, what’s wrong?” Gina’s wiping the tears off her cheeks, desperately searching her eyes.
“Jake fucking knew he was dying.” Rosa’s voice is strained, and Gina sees her knuckles go white as she grips the letter in her hand.
It doesn’t take Gina long to read the letter, and Rosa’s heart breaks all over again as she reads it and tears roll down her face. “He abandoned her, Gina, the last thing he ever wanted to do. That’s exactly what he did.” Rosa growls stomping to the other side of the room.
“No!” Gina scoffs, “There’s no way he really knew he was dying.”
“ I’m having heart palpitations and pains everyday ! He fucking knew and he told no one!” Rosa wants to scream, the grief and disbelief too overwhelming.
“Try to think how he was feeling! There was no way it was easy to lose his fucking wife right after they had a baby!”
“It’s not fair to Luna! His duty was to be there for his daughter, not to join his wife in the ground!” Rosa is breathing heavily, and she doesn’t think her heart could break any further.
“How would you feel if I died, Rosa?” Gina holds both of her arms still and their eyes connect, “I know I would feel like the world is ending. I would feel like I’m dying! I don’t think he genuinely thought he was about to die. I think he was just trying to get his feelings into words since he felt like he could talk to no one!”
“Luna can never find this.” Rosa shakes her head, wiping the remaining tears off her face.
“It’s for her. She has the right to read it when she’s old enough.”
This time it’s Amy holding the phone. “Hola mi amor, it’s your mama. It’s 9:15 and your dad has fallen asleep on me.” Amy quickly shows Jake snoring on her shoulder on the couch, “He thought we could pass time by rewatching Die Hard for the 1001st time and he passed out.”
Amy yawns, “I can’t really sleep when the contractions are just over 10 minutes apart but I try to close my eyes. I’m glad he can get some sleep since he’ll be driving.”
Jake’s eyes flutter open, and slowly he registers that she’s filming. “Oh update time! What time is it?”
“9:17 now.” Amy tells him, “I’ve already done the basic update.”
“Sorry that I fell asleep.” Jake yawns, stretching.
“I can forgive you but I’m not sure Bruce Willis will…”
They only have family over for Luna’s first birthday. Family being her grandparents and their squad. No one really knows how to go about the day. There’s a cake for Luna, and a framed photo of Jake and Amy at their wedding displayed next to it.
Luna is dressed in a dark blue dress with black tights and there’s a dark bow in her unruly curly hair. Rosa had tried to tame it for photos but the whole day was stressing her out so much that she has to stop in order to catch her breath.
Her smile is so bright and unknowing of the events that happened a year earlier. She waddles around the apartment and giggles when Victor makes silly noises.
Rosa has to wipe her eyes of the tears that escape when Luna waddles over yelling, “Mamamamamaa!”
She spots everyone at different points of the day crying. It’s all so fresh but their life has to move on so they can give Luna the best chance she can get. They take photos and sing happy birthday. Luna smashes into the cake and squeals as she throws it everywhere and puts very little into her mouth.
After giving her a bath and having her fall asleep in Gina’s arms, she’s finally in her cot. The adults all give toasts to Jake and Amy, and reminisce on their favourite memories. Gina holds her hand through it all, just as she had been all year.
From the moment Rosa had custody over Luna, she made sure every night she told a story about her parents. Whether it was about their relationship, or a individual story or a whole group story. Sometimes when she had to work late, Gina would take over but her stories always involved herself.
“Roro, can you tell me the dress story again?” Luna asks, crawling into her bed.
“Sure can,” Rosa turns on the bedside nightlight and sits on her bed. “Your mom just became a sergeant and she didn’t want to be judged for looking for a wedding dress, but I caught on, so I forced her to take a break to try on dresses.”
At 5 years old, she has told this story so many times already - it’s her favourite and still Luna takes her bunny and holds it close to her chest as she devotes all her attention to Rosa. “But then when she was wearing the dress, a bad guy was running from the law so your mom leaps over the couch and chases the bad guy down and leaps over all these obstacles - then finally, she tackles him down and takes the sash she’s wearing and restrains him.”
“And then you catch up with her and you’re like ‘damn sarge!’” Luna giggles, her eyes crinkling just like her mothers.
“What is the very important lesson from this?” Rosa asks.
“The lesson is that I should never care what other might think of me, and that women can do everything!” Luna repeats this confidently every time, yawning.
“You are so smart, I love you.” Rosa smooths the curly hair down as she kisses her forehead, “and so does Sergeant Bunny.”
“I love you mommy Roro.”
At 6 years old, Charles introduces Luna to her favourite movie - Zootopia. She has Sergeant Bunny near her at all times, as it was something her parents bought her when they found out about her. The few times they almost lost it are the few times Luna had real meltdowns.
Charles always makes sure that he babysits every few weeks so that Rosa and Gina can have a break. This particular night, Iggy is sleeping over at her friends so it’s just Charles and Luna. After they’ve eaten dinner and Luna is in her pyjamas, Charles puts on the movie. Anything to do with cops, she always pays intense attention to. She dances, her curls bounce and her smile is as wide as Jake’s and her eyes bright like Amy.
His heart physically hurts every time he thinks how much like Luna is like her parents. Her personality and looks. She takes games very seriously, when she’s interested in something her focus becomes so serious her eyebrow crinkle the same way Amy’s did.
“I want to be a police woman like mommy and you and grandpa Holt!” Her goofy smile fades slightly, “And like mama and daddy!”
“Yeah? Why do you want to be a police woman?” Charles asks, trying to keep his emotions intact.
“I wanna save the world and catch the bad guys!” Her smile returns quickly, “Mom says mama and daddy were real good superheros!”
“They were. Have you been told the story of the bet where their love story began?” Charles heart clenches again at how her eyes sparkle.
“YES! They bet who could arrest more baddies and daddy won so he took her on the worst date ever but it was really a good date!” Luna knows just about every story possible about her parents. She sits back down and continues to pay attention to the movie.
Once it’s finished, Charles notices that Luna has gone quiet which is very uncharacteristic of her (just like Jake). “Are you tired, Luna?”
“No.” Luna mumbles, “I wish I could meet my mama and daddy. My friends at school know their moms and dads.”
“Not everyone knows their mommies and daddies.” Charles assures her.
“There are others like me?” Luna’s eyes are desperate to know more.
“Niko doesn’t know his birth mommy. I raised him with Aunt Genny.”
“Really?” Her chin wobbles, “Does it ever make him sad?”
“Sometimes, but when that happens we just remind him how loved he is and that we’re here for him. The same goes for you Lulu.” Charles pulls her in for a hug, “Your mama and daddy loved you so much and are always in your heart.”
“Were they with me when I stole a cookie from the jar when I wasn’t supposed to?” A guilty grin forms on her face.
“Yes and they love you unconditionally. Your mama would tell you not to do it again, but then your daddy would sneak you another cookie.” Charles laughs softly, “For every moment you need them, they will be with you.”
“It is 10:49 and we are officially going to the hospital!” Jake jumps, giddy, “Care to tell us why?”
“Contractions are 7 minutes apart, much stronger and my water broke about 10 minutes ago.” Amy is panting as she walks up behind him, “I can’t wait to walk a few feet without being out of breath.”
“I never thought I would be more fit than Amy freakin’ Santiago!”
“I have a human baby in me I think that makes me more fit in every way possible.” Jake cracks up at this and Amy is poking her tongue out at him and he kisses her nose in response.
“You are completely right. I love you.”
Luna is 8 and a half when her moms finally get married. Rosa had proposed years earlier, but kept putting it off. She always said she wanted to focus on raising Luna well but always promised Gina that it would happen. They don’t begin planning until she asks them why they aren’t married like all the other parents of her friends.
“It’s complicated…” Rosa begins.
“Is it?” Gina rolls her eyes, “Let’s just do it. Nothing flashy.”
“But it’s your wedding it has to be flashy!” Rosa argues with a pout.
“You guys are all I need to have the perfect wedding.” Gina says with a soft smile, her eyes drifting to one of the pictures of Jake and Amy on their wedding day.
Rosa finally agrees to a simple wedding, and it’s only a month later and she’s braiding Luna’s hair getting her ready to be the flower girl. “Do you have a cool line to say mommy?” She asks as she hops off the stool.
“I don’t know if I can beat ‘your butt is da bomb’, but I can definitely try. I’m not as big of a dork as your parents were!” Rosa giggles, smoothing her own curls as she checks herself in the mirror.
“So not true! I hear you saying cute things to mom all the time!!” She squeals, “You are my everything Gina! What would I do without you my love!”
“You are a little rascal!” Rosa is smiling so wide she might entirely fall apart.
“I learn from the master, GINA LINETTI!” Luna puffs her chest and juts her chin up, pulling off a perfect Amy Santiago power pose.
“Can’t argue with that.”
In the end, Rosa can’t think of anything genius and hilarious to say to express how much she loves Gina. But she is able to show a whole different soft side that her family hasn’t seen before, and she believes that softness was brought out by none other than Luna.
“I can’t wait to spend every day for the rest of my life loving you. Loving you, Iggy and Luna.”
“Why haven’t we ever done a Halloween heist?” Luna asks, dropping her school bag on the floor as she enters their apartment.
“Hey Luna, my day was good. How are you?” Rosa raises her eyebrows at her, amused with the lack of greeting.
“Yeah yeah, I’m good now please answer my question.” She sits next to her mom at the table, determined to get the answer out of her.
“Um, well, it never felt right, without Jake and Amy.” Rosa looks down at her hands, “I had you to focus on, we all had families at this point and it hurt thinking of competing without them bickering.”
“I think we should start them again!” Luna tells her, bouncing in her seat. “I know everything about the past Halloween heists and I can fight to defend mama and dad’s titles! Everyone says I’m just like them so I think we can make it work!!”
“I don’t know, it’s a bit different for all of us.” Rosa tells her sternly, her tone warning her to drop it.
“They wouldn’t want you to stop enjoying that part of your life! It was tradition for 8 years! I think it’s a good way to honour their memory-”
“Drop it Luna!” She rarely raises her voice with Luna, only in moments like this where she is so like her parents and the stubbornness is overwhelming.
“NO! I DON’T WANT TO DROP IT!” Luna screams, her frown so deep and it looks like she’s about to have a meltdown.
“What is going on?” Gina rushes into the room, eyes concerned as she looks at her wife and Luna.
“I want to do a Halloween heist to defend my parents title!” Luna stands up and moves closer to Gina, “I think it’s a great idea to honour them but Rosa keeps saying no!”
“Excuse me?” Rosa falters at hearing her name.
“YOU AREN’T MY MOM! GINA ISN’T MY MOM!” Luna wipes the hot tears falling on her face, “I don’t know my mom and dad. I just want to know them but I can’t so I want to do this heist!”
Both Rosa and Gina are crying at this point, speechless at their daughters pain. No one speaks for what feels like hours, but Luna wipes her cheeks again. “Can I go see grandpa Holt?” She asks, her arms folding her and building up her walls. “I’ve got some hard math homework.”
“Baby, you can’t run away from your feelings.” Gina walks closer but Luna steps back, her arms tightening around herself.
“Please do I have permission to run away to grandpa Holt for a night?” Luna hiccups, avoiding all eye contact. Rosa makes the call and it’s not long before Holt is there, taking her bag with pyjamas and change of clothes for school the next day.
“I will make sure she goes to bed at the appropriate time and is at school on time.” Holt tells them with a nod of understanding.
“I love you Rosa and Gina.” Luna mumbles with a wave.
Luna remains silent whilst she completes her homework with Holt’s help, and throughout dinner where she barely eats her plain rice. They are watching Zootopia on the couch when Holt asks, “May I ask why you and Rosa fought?”
“No.” Luna’s eyebrows knit together, trying to focus on the movie in front of them.
“Talking about it tends to help you sort out your emotions.”
“Tell that to Rosa.” Luna still keeps her eyes on the television for a few moments. “I want to do a Halloween heist.”
“Oh…” Holt can feel her tense as his tone. “It’s been a long time.”
“I get that it makes everyone sad to do it without my mom and dad but… I don’t know them and I want to feel like I do. I know they loved me, I know they are with me always - it’s been drilled into me for forever but I still have no way of connecting to them. It’s not fair that you have so much with them and I get nothing!” Luna lets the tears fall freely again, her breath shaking as she speaks.
“It is completely unfair.” Holt agrees, his arm wrapping around her shoulder, “And I believe it would be a brilliant to begin the heists again.”
“Really?” Her eyes sparkle as she turns to him, “I was trying to tell mom that it would be a good way to honour them. And so that I can defend their titles!”
“It’s wonderful, and it will be hard for us but I think I can convince them as the only two time winner.”
“My dad is the only two time winner! Bill had the real belt at midnight so it means he won the heist! And also because that’s when he asked mama to marry him!!” Luna defends fiercely.
“I guess I can concede defeat after 12 years…” Holt chuckles, “You will do well at defending their title.”
Luna gives him a tight hug, “Thank you thank you thank you!”
Come Halloween, Luna is dressed as a mummy and is in the centre of the bullpen holding the statue at midnight. “I WIN! THE SANTIAGO-PERALTA LEGACY LIVES ON! SUCK IT!” She squeals, jumping on the spot.
The entire squad surrounds her and repeats, very happily, “Luna Santiago-Peralta is an amazing human slash genius!”
At that, Luna runs up to Rosa and wraps her in a tight hug. “I love you mom.”
“11:26 and we are settled in our room!” Jake voice is loud and unexpected since they are in a hospital. “Contractions are getting closer and more painful for your mom but she’s still on the no medication headset.”
In the background you can hear Amy groan and the camera suddenly faces up to the ceiling, but you can hear Jake coaching Amy through the contraction, telling her how amazing she’s doing and there’s still a short time until Jake picks up his phone again and begins talking again. “Luna, I’m going to take this moment to tell you how badass your mom is.
This wonderful woman here has just spent the past 9 or so months growing you - sacrificing her body and her sleep so that you can be as strong as you can be. I can’t express how much I admire her! She is the strongest woman I know and if you grow up to be like her I will be the proudest man on earth. Except love ninja turtles and Die Hard like me - then you can be the ultimate human slash genius- OH AMES, I can’t wait to introduce her to Halloween heists. This year we teamed up and your mom pretended to be in labour so we could steal the championship wand - Aunt Rosa ended up kicking our ass though. That’s a story for another time. Anything you want to add Amy?”
“Please don’t let her be obsessed with Die Hard, I will be outnumbered in movie nights!” Amy pouts, “I love you Luna, but please, I’ve heard enough about it to last me a lifetime.”
Amy is smiling at Jake, so he knows she doesn’t mean it. “She’s lying, she loves Die Hard as much as I do now!” His eyes are wide and he’s nodding with a silly grin on his face, “You can love whatever movies you want Luna, we will still love you the same!”
Luna convinces Iggy to let her watch Die Hard while their moms were out on date night.
“I’m all caught up on my homework for the next two weeks and I’ve finished my reading for the night, Iggy, please!” She whines on the couch, “It’s my dad's favourite movie but mom said I can’t watch it yet but I want to!”
“Ugh fine, don’t be such a big nerd about it.” She rolls her eyes before finding the movie on Netflix, “You’re only 14 so if I get in trouble you’re going down.”
“Yeah yeah whatever now be QUIET.” Luna sits on the edge of her seat as the movie begins, her attention devoted entirely to the screen. Two hours later and Luna is on the floor, right in front of the TV and looking gobsmacked. “That. Was. Awesome.”
“It’s not that great.” Iggy puts her book down to laugh at her little sister, “Don’t make me watch the next one please.”
“There are like 5, Loony.”
“THERE’S 5 MOVIES I HAVE SO MUCH TO CATCH UP ON!” Luna grabs the remote and clicks on the next one.
“I’m going to bed, have fun nerd.”
Gina and Rosa come home around 11 to find Luna fast asleep, snoring peacefully as explosions played in the background. “I’m having flashbacks to childhood.” Gina snorts, “I want to be mad that she didn’t listen but she is Jake’s kid.”
“Die Hard is in her blood.” Rosa laughs as she kneels next to Luna, “Hey baby.”
Luna’s eyes flutter open at the feeling of a hand brushing through her curls, but when realising it’s her mom her eyes widened and she sat up quickly. “Heeeeyyyy moms! How was your night? I don’t know what this violent movie is on my screen right now!” Rosa rolls her eyes at her daughter trying to deflect.
“You are so your dad,” Luna blushes and looks at her hands, “And you shouldn’t have watched it without permission but I understand why you did.”
“I’m sorry.” Luna shrugs, “I’ve got Harry Potter to connect with mama and I just wanted to see what dad was so obsessed with.”
“That’s completely understandable.” Gina wraps her up in a side hug, “He probably would have made you watch it much earlier even though it would have been so inappropriate.”
“I like to think Amy might have prevented it for a few years.” Rosa laughs, “She loved Die Hard too, I never heard her admit it out loud.”
“Do you miss them?” Luna asks quietly.
“Constantly. Especially when you make that face when you love something, it’s such an Amy expression and then you behave so much like Jake when you get focused. You’re a giant nerd like the both of them.” Gina tells her, a fond smile on her face.
“I’m always thinking of how they would love the cases I’m getting, and if I struggle I try to think like they would.” Rosa follows, “They’re always with us, especially in you.”
“Have you started planning your Quinceañera, my dear?” Camila asks at dinner one evening, months before her 15th birthday.
“Um, I don’t actually want to have one.” Luna frowns slightly, “They’re really backwards and all, and I know it’s a tradition but…”
“Oh…” Camila frowns, “I just thought… Do you want to see Amy’s photos?”
“Camila, if she doesn’t want to do it you need to respect that.” Rosa intervenes.
“No I would love to see the photos.” Luna brightens as her abuela take out a binder full of photos from Amy’s quinceañera. In the photos she can see how similar they look, except her own hair was more wild and curly like her dad. The dress she is wearing has a white sparkly bodice with soft pink tulle.
The photo with her abuelo, who had died when she was only 3 years old, is what she can’t take her eyes off.  It’s during their father daughter dance, and she is beaming at whatever her father seems to be saying. She then closes her eyes, trying to imagine her quinceañera if her parents were still alive. What her father daughter dance might be like with her dad?
Luna says she doesn’t want to have a quinceañera because its old fashioned and lame - but the real reason is so much more. Rosa has been the greatest mother, as has Gina, and the entirety of her parents old squad - but she wants to have her parents there but they can’t . They’re gone forever, no matter how much people tell her they are always inside her.
“I still have her dress in the attic. Amy always told me she wanted her own daughter to wear it to her own quinceañera.” Camila says fondly.
“Really?” Luna has tears in her eyes, and she grips on her abuela’s hand.
“Yes, and I don’t want you to think I’m pressuring you to do it. It’s just an open suggestion.”
“Here we are, it’s 1:06 in the afternoon. Mom is a solid 7cm dilated and very very excited to get you out of her body!” Jake announces with a grin. He turns the camera around so that it shows Amy on her purple birthing ball. “When I say she’s excited I mean she’s desperate - but it’s the same sentiment.”
“Luna is very welcome to hurry up.” Amy groans, “She’s gonna see this video and think I hate her.”
“Noooo you’re just in pain, Ames. I’m sure our child isn’t a cold hearted snake!”
“I will love her even if she’s a bitch. I will have to reprimand her for it though.”
“Don’t be a bitch, dear Luna. Listen to your mother now!” This time when Amy groans again, Jake doesn’t drop his phone but moves to support her with her face still in frame.
There are tears rolling down her face as the peak of the contraction hits her, and her groan grows louder. She sniffles when it’s over, and Jake gets the both of them in frame again. “See your mom is a total badass. I love her so much.”
Amy grins down at her husband and chastely kisses him, “I love you so much.”
Every birthday they make sure to visit their graves. Since Luna could remember, she has always taken this time to update them on the major events in her life - when she lost her first tooth, her first straight A report card. This time she has her hair and makeup ready to go to her quinceañera but she didn’t get in her dress so that they could make the trip before her big party.
Rosa joins her for the first 10 minutes, but then goes to wait in the car so she can have her moment alone.
Amy Santiago-Peralta                              Jacob Santiago-Peralta
Sept. 17 1983 - Nov. 23 2022              June. 14 1981 - Jan. 1 2023
  Daughter. Wife. Mother.              Son. Husband. Father. Die Hard fanatic.
Luna sits on the grass and takes a deep breath. “Hi.
Sooo, I’m in high school now! So far so good, people aren’t so awful as movies depict it. So far I’m on track for having straight As this semester. Mo-Rosa says you guys would be so proud of that - that I’ve become a giant nerd like you two.
My best friend, her name is Lauren, really likes Die Hard like we do - obsessed with any old action movie really. I always make sure I tell her everything wrong with the way the women are treated and she calls me a nerd but in the way Gina does. So it sounds kind of mean but she has so much heart.
Um, I saw photos of you with bangs mom, so I got bangs. Oof it was a bad idea - but that’s because my hair is too curly I think. I also had my first kiss this year. It was weird, his name was Luke and he was okay but said he wasn’t that interested in me. I’m not too bothered by it but I feel like it’s something you tell your parents. I didn’t tell Rosa or Gina - I felt too uncomfortable.
Um, I miss you. Or the idea of you, since I don’t have any real memory of you. But it sucks that you aren’t here for my quinceañera - but I’m doing it for you mom, I got your dress altered to fit me and it looks great.
R-Rosa said she’s going to do the father daughter dance - because fuck gender roles right? Sorry, Rosa tells me not to swear and I definitely shouldn’t right in front of you. I just want you here.
I need to save my makeup, so I guess that’s it from me for now. But I hope you’re watching tonight, because it would make me really happy to know you’re there.”
Luna doesn’t say anything in the ride to the venue, only a vague nod if when her mom asks if she had a nice chat with them. Before either of them leaves the car, Rosa turns to her and takes her hand. “I’m so proud of you, Luna.” There are tears on her cheeks, and she doesn’t try to hide them. “I love you.”
“I love you mom.” Luna’s chin quivers intensely, but she doesn’t let herself cry - not yet.
She lasts a long without crying - she gets through hugs from her entire family and speeches. But then they announce it’s time for her dance with Rosa, and hear breath becomes shorter. When her mom wraps her arms around her, she can feel herself relax. They don’t have a proper dance ready, they just begin to sway.
We know full well there's just time
So is it wrong to dance this line?
If your heart was full of love
Could you give it up?
It doesn’t take long before her shoulders are quaking and Rosa’s grip tighten, Luna can hear her sniffling as well as the piano takes over.
'Cause what about, what about angels
They will come, they will go and make us special
Don't give me up
Don't give me up
She can hear Rosa audibly crying as much as she is now, and not a moment later she feels her other moms hands wrapping around them. Then it’s uncle Charles, uncle Terry and grandpa Holt. Luna sways with them all, and she’s pretty sure everyone in the room is likely crying but in this moment she feels her parents more than ever.
She manages to look up at Rosa and whisper shakily, “They’re here.”
It's not about, not about angels
“It’s 5:30 in the evening and you have been here in the world for about an hour and a half now. Born at 4:06 to be exact and you weigh in at around 6 pounds and 19 inches long. Your mom is doing great, in pain but she’s such a champion. I will never stop telling you how powerful she is and if you ever disobey her I won’t stop her showing her wrath. Also because I’m terrified of it.”
Jake moves so that Amy and Luna appear in the frame with him, “Look at us - a happy little family!”
Amy’s face quickly scrunches up as she begins to cry. “We have a baby Jake!”
“What did you think you were growing in you for 9 months, Ames?” Jake laughs, joining her on the bed.
“Various fruits and vegetables of course!” She giggles, “I’m just so happy, babe.”
“Me too. I can’t wait to watch her grow up with you.”
Jake kisses her softly, stroking Luna’s head lightly before they both look at the camera like they’re taking a family photo.
Luna is 17 years old when she finds the video her dad made of the day she was born. She had been working on an entrance essay for college when she got bored and went looking at photos on her moms laptop. She had scrolled until until she saw a folder she had never seen before.
She opens it and sees photos she seen before - photos of her moments after she was born, screaming on her mother’s chest as her mother glows. Photos of her with Jake and photos with her with Amy - and then the both of them beaming as one of them holds her.
What she hasn’t seen before is the the 4 minute and 13 second video. Her heart pounds as her father’s goofy smile appears on screen.
Luna has been to therapy - parents dying hours and months after you are born can have a lasting affect - and she has worked through most of her emotions about not knowing them. She still has her moments of missing them intensely, and that usually falls on holidays or her birthday.
So she doesn’t really expect the flood of tears that break once she hears the line ‘ I will love her even if she’s a bitch. ’ She’s really laughing at her parents being weird but the tears don’t stop falling and her heart truly aches.
Of course she has seen an abundance of videos and photos of her parents of through their partnership, friendship and then relationship before. There was something completely groundbreaking seeing them talk about her and them moving with her there even if for a short time.
The video has been over for a few minutes, paused on them both looking at her with love written in their features. She still can’t stop her tears and it’s then that her mom shows up.
“Alright which little son of a bitch am I fighting?” She growls immediately, protective mode in full force. When she joins Luna on the couch and sees what she has open, she softens. “Talk to me, Luna.”
“I don’t know what to say that I haven’t said before.” Luna hiccups, shaking her head. “I have this moment with them, it’s all I have. I wish I had… a chance to… to have one conversation with them now. I want to hear them say they love me and that they’re proud. Everyone tells me they are but I want to hear it from them.
And you and Gina have been such great moms to me and I feel so bad for wanting them so badly. But I also know I have the right to feel like this and it all just hurts.”
“We would never feel like you don’t appreciate us because you want your parents. We want them back. But that doesn’t change my love for you either.” Rosa grips her hands tightly, “Your parents and you have changed my life like I never expected.”
The last thing Luna remembers is falling asleep with Rosa as she told her the best stories of her parents once again. Now she’s in what seems to be a park, surrounded by bright green trees and a lake in the corner. The sun is shining on the lake and she’s in such a deep trance that she doesn’t hear her name being called until there’s a hand on her shoulder and she jumps. Turning around, she stumbles a few steps back at the sight of her mother and her father close by - soft smiles on both their faces.
“Hi Luna.” Amy’s eyes seem to be filling with tears and her voice is cracking with emotion.
“Mom? Dad?” Luna has to take a few deep breaths as she tries to process what was seeing in front of her. “Is this some freaky Harry Potter resurrection stone dream shit?” She finally manages to get out, tears are leaking out of her parents eyes as they laugh.
“Probably.  Ames, this is so cool right? It’s our baby.” Jake gestures at Luna, awe shining off him brighter than the sun.
A sob escapes as she jumps to embrace them and she doesn’t care if she’s dreaming because they feel so real in the moment. “I can’t believe this.”
Their arms are tightly wrapped around her and they spend what feels like eternity just holding each other and crying. “I’m so sorry, mi amor.” Amy pulls back and holds her at arms length to look into her eyes.
“Don’t be sorry! This wasn’t in your control.” Luna shakes her head, “I know you didn’t want to leave me.”
“It doesn’t change how bad we feel that you only got to know us through others.” Jake adds, “We love you so much, and we’ve always been with you.”
“I know that.” Luna nods fiercely, tears continuing to fall like a waterfall.
“We are so proud of the young woman you have become.” Amy tells her.
“Everyone tells me how much I’m like the both of you.” Luna beams, “They all did their part to tell me about you.”
“Did Charles cover the love story? I’d say he’s the best at telling it besides myself.” Jake quips, and she feels so enlightened. It’s everything she wants in a dream.
“He has made sure I know and that my expectations are at an extremely unrealistic level.” She replies, like they’ve joked around her whole life.
“Thank them for us.” Amy requests softly, “Everyone who has helped you - but especially Rosa. It was so much to ask but she raised you with no questions asked and we couldn’t be more thankful for that.”
“She’s been great to me.” Luna agrees, “I might not have had you but I was always loved.”
“A few more things, while we still have time. One; good job on defending us in the Halloween heist. Two; you rocked those bangs girl I don’t care what you say. Three; I’m so proud that you love Die Hard.” Jake is counting on his fingers, and he’s thinking of a fourth when Amy interrupts.
“Also you’ve been so good in school, and you’re so kind to your peers. Luna, we can’t possibly express how proud we are.”
Luna once again buries herself into a hug with the both of them, and they’re all mumbling how much they love each other. It’s warm and she’s never felt a happiness this intense.
The sun grows brighter and brighter until she opens her eyes and she’s back in her home, her head against Rosa’s legs and tears staining her cheeks. They’re gone again but she can still feel their arms and their love surrounding her.
They’re gone again, but she’s okay.
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acciopjm · 5 years
AO3 Fics
Strike ~ read
⁂ ~ really need to read
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 ⇢ Bon Voyage ~ Yoongi was meant to be taking the trip of a lifetime with his boyfriend. But now he's in Paris, alone and miserable. That is, until he collides - quite literally - with one Park Jimin. ~ 47951
 ⇢ Gangsters Love Better ~ As the leader of a gang Yoongi is busy a lot; killing, stealing and smuggling is a lot of hard work to do after all. But there is still some room for a beloved pet, and who would suit better into this role than Jimin...? A deep whisper, so close to his ear, that Jimin couldn't hear anything else growled into his senses; "I don't need any protection baby-boy." ~ 61032 (22/22) (ft. Jikook, Namjin)
 ⇢ Only breathing ~ As a drug lord, Yoongi knows the rules: -you don't ask questions; -whatever the client wants, you sell it; -you don't do loans; -you don't fall in love with a customer's whore. Yoongi knows the rules. And because he knows them he also knows when he's about to break one. ~ 26461
 ⇢ I'm Glad You're My First (First for Everything) ~ Jimin wasn’t a prude, he just liked saving his firsts for everything for someone special. And, that special someone was Min Yoongi. ~ 12840 
 ⇢ Beauty in all forms ~ When Jimin hit an art block he really didn't expect a grumpy florist to be the answer to his problem. ~ flower shop, tattoo parlor, fluff, smut ~ 4738 
 ⇢ i'm outside the door (invite me in) ~ neighbour au where jimin is adorable and clueless and yoongi is grumpy with a kitten who is in love with jimin ~ neighbour!au ~ 4707 (👥)
 ⇢ Just Checking ~ Jimin and Yoongi just really, really love each other.(aka just yoongi and jimin being domestic and fluffy and cheesy) ~ nursery teacher!jimin, journalist!yoongi, fluff ~ 4933
 ⇢ light me up (i'll keep you warm) ~ He’s already taking a deep breath when he hears someone twisting the doorknob. “Jung Hoseok, I have a bone to pick with you, you absolute asshole,” he starts.It is not Jung Hoseok.Definitely not.Min Yoongi.Jimin coughs awkwardly into his fist. “Hello,” he finishes.(In which Jimin has a crush, yells a lot, and maybe falls into like.) ~ 13154
 ⇢ pretty (odd) ~ in which min yoongi is a librarian and he happens to fall deeply in love with park jimin, the regular who's in love with literature just a little too much. ~ College/University, Librarylibrarian!Yoongi, english major!jimin ~ 11813 (📚)
 ⇢ Under the Mistletoe ~ Thanks to Kim Taehyung and his big mouth, Jimin finds himself snowed in on Christmas for the very first time. The problem is: he’s at a cabin in the middle of nowhere with Min Yoongi.What could possibly go wrong? ~ 12057
 ⇢ I’m Here with You ~ When Jimin kisses Yoongi, he keeps it soft and mellow with pecks that go as soon as they arrive. All he can think about is how much he loves Jimin, and these days, it’s really the only thing on his mind anymore. He’s made a home out of Jimin, and he lives there everyday without ever wanting to leave.Or, Yoongi and Jimin place their forevers in each other with sweet kisses, soft embraces, and whispered promises. ~ 13196 (💚)
 ⇢ Give it to me slow (then wash away) ~ Jimin has worked in the Blood Brothel for a long time, he's had his fair share of clients, knows how to do his job and what to expect from his customers. That's why it is to him a shock when he gets a boner from being bitten by one of their new clients, Yoongi. ~ vampire au ~ 33331 (💉)
 ⇢ Boyfriend Tag ~ “Normally I post dance routines and the occasional tag or challenge video and I know I haven’t posted in a while so I am here to make it up to you all. Yoongi lost a bet sooooo we are here with the highly requested, boyfriend tag!!” Jimin yelled making Yoongi wince and lean away from him. “Are you ready?” Jimin asked bringing his attention to Yoongi. “You better not get a thing wrong,” He warned pointing a finger at Yoongi. ~ 51598 (15/15) (💚) ⁂
 ⇢ Cotton Candy  ~ "He could get used to sitting next to Yoongi like this. To have him around. To have the band around. To smile and feel happy. To see Yoongi sitting in front of an instrument and having him play just for him.'If this was my happy ending,' Jimin thinks, resisting the urge to lean his head on Yoongi's shoulder, 'if I wasn't who I am, I'd just let you have me whenever you want. You could have me anytime.'"As spring turns into summer, school band Cotton Candy unexpectedly loses its singer and the members are forced to look for a new vocalist. Six boys find one in the form of the promiscuous pink haired boy Park Jimin who makes a home in their hearts and finally finds a place he belongs. ~ 239518 (25/25)
 ⇢ Craigslist Date ~ Min Yoongi's family are judgmental and unsupportive of his lifestyle and his mother won't stop nagging him about how he's still single. When he finds Park Jimin on Craigslist offering to pose as someone's fake date to mess with their family, Yoongi can't help himself. What starts as a prank on Yoongi's family turns into something more when the two of them quickly develop feelings for each other. Will Yoongi, who doesn't know how to handle feelings, let his chance at love slip away, or will he go after the silver-haired boy and hold onto him forever? ~ 48845 (13/13) (💧)
 ⇢ Weight of Playing with Fire ~ "He's walking this way, grab my ass!""But mine's coming this way too, grab my hand!"Or the one where Yoongi and Jimin fake-date to make their unrequited love(s) jealous. ~ 48862 (35/35) (💧)
⇢ Bite Me, Scratch Me, Lick Me Better ~ Jimin yawns, smiling at the feeling of warm sun against his face. He had a pleasant dream. He thinks. He remembers the feelings it gave him, but can't recall a single thing about it. He sighs, and unconsciously pets the cat on his lap, only to freeze because when he opens his eyes he's not petting a cat-- he's petting Yoongi. ~ 68926 (26/26)
⇢ What's Up, Buttercup ~ Jimin meets Yoongi, the grumpy buttercup fairy, and proceeds to worm his way into his heart. ~ 14305 (4/4)
⇢ Impractical Magic ~ Jimin needs to shadow a real witch for his creative writing assignment. Min Yoongi is just about the worst witch he's ever met. ~ 16801 (3/3)
⇢ The Devil's Mistress ~ Yoongi is Captain of the pirate ship, the Devil's Mistress, and he and his crew are racing against time to find a famous buried treasure, always one step behind and losing it to another rival ship. To gain the upper hand, Yoongi kidnaps a silver-haired beauty who is rumored to be a creature of great power. He isn't expecting to fall in love on the way. ~ 16473
⇢ Paper Chase ~ Jimin thought that joining a fraternity would be all parties and fun. He hadn’t anticipated falling for his cute roommate, Yoongi. ~ 15089 (3/3)
⇢ Sexy Mochi ~ Yoongi’s never really understood why it’s a stereotypical thing for alphas to have some obsession with omega’s necks. He’d always thought that was kind of weird and just some macho ‘make your mate submit by biting their throat’ thing until he’s alone in the kitchen with Park Jimin and his damn shirt falls down his damn shoulder. ~ 8281
⇢ Barbershop Romance ~ Jimin's impromptu visit to a salon called SUGA turns out to be more interesting than he expected. Way more interesting. ~ 13164
⇢ Barbershop Love ~ Jimin has never taken his best friend’s jokes about his alleged praise kink seriously, because that’s all they are and ever will be. Jokes. They’re stupid jokes that Taehyung makes at his expense to see the shy Jimin turn into a blushing, embarrassed mess of stuttering protests and meek curses. They’re only jokes, and they’re so stupid.Or at least Jimin has always thought so, but then his hairdresser boyfriend asks him to pose as a model for his winter collection, and Jimin realises that there might the teeniest, tiniest bit of truth to Taehyung’s persistent teasing. ~ 22153
⇢ Coffee and Honey ~ "-Hyung...- Hoseok sighs -You are as intimidating as a pink marshmallow. -That's the fucking point! -Yoongi literally bangs his head on the table -He IS a pink marshmallow."In which Yoongi has insomnia, cannot for the love of God socialize, and Jimin is the way too cheerful and, oh, so downright gorgeus barista who works in a nocturnal coffe shop. ~ 7290
⇢ 7 Minutes in Heaven ~ “It’s a fusion game. The person who spins the bottle gets to ask the person it landed on truth or dare, and if that person doesn’t want to answer or do the dare then they either take a shot or take off an article of clothing,” Jin says like he’s proud of improvising such a fantastic game. “I’m not playing that,” Yoongi says. “Hyung, don’t be a party pooper, are you scared we’ll learn your secrets?” Hoseok asks and Namjoon ah’s dramatically. Yoongi shakes his head and puts his tongue in his cheek before he smiles at their antics, pushing Namjoon over closer to Jin so that he can sit down. “Please, hyung, it sounds like fun!” Jungkook says. “It’s my birthday.” ~ 8487
⇢ Winter Blues ~ Yoongi is turned into a cat by a sorceress, and novice witch Jimin finds him and takes him home. ~ 14685 (3/3)
⇢ Gotta Be Fate (if We're Under the Covers) ~ Jimin is excited to just sleep for a day and maybe catch up on some tv shows at the hotel.That is, until they get to the new hotel they’re staying at, and he gets handed a room key that’s the same as Yoongi’s. Meaning, he and Yoongi will share a room and worse, he and Yoongi will have to share a bed.“Why do I have to share with Yoongi-hyung?” Jimin complains. He’s managed to avoid it this whole trip which is really in his best interest if he wants to keep his raging heart boner for him hidden. ~ 7895
⇢ Warm Mr. Wolfie ~ Jimin's late aunt left him a cabin last year, and he still hasn't been by so he takes time off to spend the holiday season there. Little does he know he'll meet a wolf on his hike behind the cabin, a wolf that will change form in front of him and claim to be his mate. ~ 7973
⇢ oil, lube, service ~ "Unless you know what a ‘rear oil change’ is? I mean, what the hell are they going to oil, my tires?” Jimin laughs at the ridiculousness. “Oh, I don’t know, but that sounds kind of kinky, 'changing your rear oil.' It sounds like the mechanic is preparing you for buttsex.”“Tae!” Jimin complains.AKA The mechanic AU where Park Jimin thinks Min Yoongi is overcharging him for car maintenance, but he's really not, cue Yoonmin falling in love. ~ 53313 (10/10)
⇢ soundtracks ~ What Yoongi doesn’t say is this: "If only you knew, Park Jimin. Every song I write, and all the words I have to give, will always be yours."(Or, Yoongi is a famous underground rapper from simple beginnings and Jimin is his hip-hop hating, exceedingly rich boyfriend). ~ 38877
⇢ Aeonian ~ In the year 1304 A.D., tensions between the Vampires and the Lycans are at an all time high. Min Yoongi is the Captain of the Death Dealers and the most elite of the Vampires' protectors. Over the long years of his life, Yoongi has grown unemotional and apathetic, no longer interested in feeling emotions. When the human nobles come to visit, Yoongi meets Park Jimin, the youngest son of a baron, and his whole life changes. Suddenly Jimin is the most important thing in his world, and Yoongi will do anything to protect him. ~ 54422 (3/3)
 ⇢ The Songbird and the Sea ~ In a world where dominance of the sea is an endless battle between pirates and mariners, Park Jimin is content living in his little village on a small, uninteresting island by the eastern mainland. He wants nothing to do with the bloodshed of good and evil, the heartless killing of both innocents and condemned, the constant establishment and disruption of order. What he wants is peace, to live his life in the same town he was born in, to spend his days in the beautiful forest, and to use the powers of his Blessed Rune to nurture the home he loves so dearly.But when his island is attacked by pirates, Jimin will have no other choice than to do as they command and leave all thoughts of peace behind in favor of boarding the Agust, a pirate ship captained by the infamous Min Yoongi, Black Fox of the East. ~ pirate!au, slow burn, enemies to lovers!au ~ 255878 (34/34)
 ⇢ Look My Way ~ It all started when Yoongi read his own name and the word 'cute' written in the same sentence on the wall of the boys' bathroom.But he kind of liked the way his name looked in the stranger's handwriting. ~ high school!au, fluff, crack ~ 5362
 ⇢ love is not a coincidence (it's fate) ~ Thirteen years into their friendship, and Yoongi finally realises that he's in love with his best friend. ~ high school!au, fluff ~ 10,694
 ⇢ thrill me, chill me, fulfil me ~ Yoongi is actually doing pretty well, thanks.Or he is until Jimin tosses himself in Jungkook's lap and breathes out toucha-toucha-touch me into the microphone pinned to his shirt front, looking right into the audio booth, and then Yoongi has to swallow and try not to cry out of sheer sexual frustration. Or, Jimin plays the lead in Rocky Horror, and Yoongi suffers. ~ college!au, musical theatre!au ~ 7465
 ⇢ maybe i hate you can be our always ~ When Yoongi thinks about it, really gives it genuine thought, it's possible that Park Jimin isn't the worst person in the world. (Or, Yoongi and Jimin get off on the wrong foot.) ~ enemies to lovers!au, college!au, slow burn ~ 35,919
 ⇢ Lil' Meow Meow ~ Jimin nods his head, biting his lip to prevent the giddy smile from showing on his face. With careful movements, he pockets the paper like a fragile piece of treasure, and he glances up at Yoongi through his eyelashes with a shy smile. “T-thank you, the flowers are really pretty.”Yoongi visibly preens at the compliment, chest puffing out subtly. “Anything for the pretty baby boy.”or: Jimin meets Yoongi, a straightforward and confident alpha cat hybrid, and proceeds to fall in love. ~ hybrid!au, college!au ~ 25,320
 ⇢ Pepsi Cola ~ “OK, fine, I’ll tell you one thing,” Jimin sighed as he shifted on the seat, his shoulder rubbing against the underside of his chin. “We’re going to a place that just opened this weekend, a really fun place.”“Fun place?” Yoongi repeated before making a noise under his breath. “A fun place in Seoul? Is that even real?”“Uhuh, we’re going to that new ‘roller skating rink’ that opened in Gangnam-gu,” the younger man explained, dropping the English words out of nowhere and surprising him. “You heard about it, right?”“‘Rollo…su…ting’?” he said, slurring the English words rather heavily and struggling with the last part of the funny word.“Yoongi, you do know what roller skating is; don’t you?” Jimin asked, his expression showing that he was trying his hardest to not laugh at him. “Surely you know what it is?”A.K.A. that oneshot in which Jimin's kisses taste like Pepsi, Yoongi can't pronounce the word 'disco' and everything is soft™ ~ fluff ~ 26,669 (1)
 ⇢ Queens ~ “Yoongi doesn’t know what bowling is,” Jimin said out of the corner of his mouth, that smirk reappearing on his face again.“Hey, I know what balling is!” Yoongi argued indignantly, turning to give him a faüx glare. When his friend raised his eyebrows, imploring him to explain, he quickly added. “It involves a ball, so, there.”A.K.A. that oneshot in which Jimin has to explain what bowling and pizza is, Yoongi keeps getting gutter balls and everything is still soft™ ~ fluff ~ 33,123 (2)
 ⇢ Hang On, Baby! ~ “OK, first, I need to tell you this. I thought about this date all week long, OK? I mean, all week long and that’s not a joke, Jiminie.”“Hmm, Yoongi,” Jimin said around his slushie straw, his lips lifting up into a smile. “That’s cute.”“Huh?” Yoongi hummed, lifting his eyebrows as he did. But his boyfriend just carried on sipping at his drink, which meant that he should continue explaining. So, he shifted on the wall and tried to think of the right words to say. “Well, you put a lot of thought into the first two dates, so, that meant that I needed to do something special too. But, I ain’t in Gangnam-gu, and it’s hard to find out about all of these new cool places to visit, yeah? And Seodaemun-gu is pretty much dead of an evening, which meant that I really had to think to find the right place. That’s when it hit me.”“What hit you, Yoongi?”“Something special, somewhere special, there’s only one place in this district like that,” he stated, before quickly adding. “The arcade, Jiminie: Electrozone.”A.K.A. that oneshot in which Yoongi is highly competitive whilst playing Galaga, Jimin bets kisses, and everything is soft like always™ ~ fluff ~ 32,333 (3)
 ⇢ So Kiss Me ~ Min Yoongi is stressed out. Park Jimin is stressed out. They're all stressed out.A.K.A. - the College!AU that nobody asked for. ~ college!au ~ 52,246 (1) 
 ⇢ Make A Move (Before I Make A Move) ~ Yoongi thought that taking Jimin down into Gyeonggi-do for spring break was a great idea. Jimin thought talking Yoongi into staying in a love motel for the night was a great idea.A.K.A. - the Road Trip!AU that nobody asked for. ~ college!au, road trip!au ~ 49,372
 ⇢ i'll be a gentleman ('cause i'll be your boyfriend) ~ Yoongi isn’t an easy man to surprise, but kisses out of the blue and sudden boyfriend proposals can do the job. ~ college!au, fake dating!au, fluff, smut ~ 21,020
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 ⇢ my youth is yours ~ “What did you say your name was?” says Yoongi, after an eternity of awkward silence.“Jeongguk,” says Jeongguk. “Um. My name is Jeon Jeongguk. I’m a freshman.”“Oh,” says Yoongi. “Fucking hell.”(In which Jeon Jeongguk goes to college, makes some friends, and learns he’s got a lot of growing to do.) ~ 24957
 ⇢ The Art of Lost Stars ~ "You were supposed to come five hours ago."Jungkook sighed, handing Yoongi a couple bills. "I know, time got away from me.""Away from you, my ass. You're lucky I didn't walk out on the kid.""I'm sorry, thank you."Yoongi scoffed, looking through the money. "Your kid is upstairs asleep," he pocketed the money. "She kept asking where he dad was."Jungkook licked his lips, wiping his palms on his pants. He never knew why he got so nervous around Yoongi.Maybe it was the tattoos spread all over his arms, the piercings on his lip and eyebrow, or the fact that Jungkook had the biggest boner in the world. ~ 53557 (24/24)
 ⇢ Cerulean and Malachite ~ Ever since Jungkook could listen, he’d been watching. Watching the streets, the crowds, watching the people pour on and off the trains. Jungkook had watched for the flash of color that was said to indicate the instant when one found their Soulmate. Under normal circumstances, in everyday life, an aura would be invisible to the eye; but when two Soulmates found each other, it was said that they would see the color of each others’ auras. Jungkook spent his entire life with his eyes wide open, searching around him, waiting; watching and waiting. Jungkook became impressively good at observation. ~ soulmate, pianist!yoongi, college au ~ 16144
 ⇢ Sneeze once; I hate you. Sneeze twice; we're doomed ~ Jeon Jeongguk used to imagine himself being brave and confident in front of his soulmate. It wasn't until he realised that his soulmate is a gorgeous (and serious-looking) man dressed in all-black that he started to doubt the whole soulmate thing altogether.-Soulmate AU in which you sneeze at the same time as your soulmate. No exceptions. You have a flu? Your soulmate sneezes it all out with you. Your nose itches? Your soulmate finds out through experience. ~ soulmate au, college au ~ 13528 
 ⇢ Love and Basketball ~ Jungkook and Yoongi are the star players on their high school basketball teams. They also cannot stand each other.What if one night changes that all? ~ basketball!au, high school!au, enemies to lovers!au ~ 44,197 (16/16)
 ⇢ By Your Side ~ Yoongi and Jungkook deal with the hardships of a long distance relationship. ~ basketball!au, college!au, high school!au, angst, long distance!au, fluff (sequel to above) ~ 34,388 (12/12)
 ⇢ take me out (we're going down) ~ There are a lot of things that Jungkook expected from his junior year of college. General stress. Student debt.He did not expect to be hit by a car.It’s going well. ~ fluff, humour, college!au ~ 20,202
 ⇢ these hallowed halls ~ “Bowtruckles,” Yoongi announces with grandeur, “Can suck my dick.”The Hufflepuff table is next to the Slytherins; Hoseok looks over and winks, along with Jimin’s second-year friend (Taesung? Taehyung?) but a group of girls giggle, and one of the Hufflepuff prefects rolls his eyes, piecrust stuck to his chin.“Just because the bowtruckles can suck your dick doesn’t mean they will,” says Gerry. “Bowtruckles have caused me so much emotional damage in the last hour that they should suck my dick just to make up for it.”Or, Yoongi goes to Hogwarts, and meets Jeongguk, and grows up. ~ hogwarts!au, friends to lovers!au, slow burn ~ 70,601
 ⇢ with a bang (stunted plants can bloom) ~ namjoon [1:12] so you met jimin and taes roommate last night yoongi [1:15] …...yeah namjoon [1:15] met him real good yoongi [1:16] oh my god 
or what not to do when you find yourself falling for the guy you almost slept with but then didn’t because he turned out to be your friends’ roommate: a guide by min yoongi ~ college!au, humour, fluff ~ 24,450
 ⇢ hey, i like you a lot (not clickbait) ~ “why does yoongi-hyung hate me,” jungkook mumbles. “we’re still on that?” jimin raises his eyebrows. “he doesn’t hate you. he just doesn’t like being in front of a camera.” (jungkook is the only one yoongi won't film with and it just really bothers jungkook for some reason.) ~ office!au, humour, fluff, friends to lovers ~ 5873
 ⇢ You Stir up a McFlurry in My Heart ~ Jungkook is completely and utterly screwed the moment he develops a crush on the voice behind the McDonald’s Drive Thru speaker. ~ food service!au ~ 7985
 ⇢ 그 손을 내밀어줘, Save Me ~ That’s when Min Yoongi, self-declared ‘simple man’, turned the corner onto his street, mid-yawn, his breath escaping with a small squeak he’d never admit he made, when he collided into another body, and his ‘simple man’ life was thrown into chaos.In which Jungkook is angry, nearly a high school drop out, and alone, and Yoongi is an adult who is struggling, and somehow, they find someone to save them in each other. ~ angst, fluff, slow burn ~ 54,113 (15/15)
 ⇢ The Best of Me, 나 너밖에 없지 ~ Three weeks. It had been three weeks since the performance, two weeks since he and Jungkook had that silly little Romeo and Juliet talk. Silly and dumb, maybe, but the thought still made Yoongi smile, even in his groggy, half-asleep state. Nothing had really changed, per say, nothing except for the kissing. God, the kissing… Jungkook kissed, for all his inexperience, like he was trying to make up for lost time.Jungkook was still a little shit, Yoongi still indulged him. Days were long, nights were longer, and Yoongi loved Jungkook with more ardor than he’d ever thought possible. It was a pity he didn't seem to be what Jungkook needed. ~ fluff, angst, college!au, slow burn (sequel to above) ~ 65,937 (12/12)
 ⇢ The Sound of Winter ~ Yoongi has a lot on his plate, but when his pack discovers a small pup in their territory, he finds that he's about to have a lot more. ~ werewolf!au, angst, slow burn ~ 39,583 (5/5)
 ⇢ I know I'll fall in love with you, baby ~ The soulmate/soulbond au where Yoongi is part of a famous rap duo and Jungkook is his diligent fanboy, they meet at a fansign and things escalate from there (alt. Yoongi didn’t sign up for this) ~ soulmate!au, rapper!yg, fanboy!jk, fluff, angst ~ 31,461 (5/5)
 ⇢ ride out the storm with you ~ babysitting a field operative who probably has the shittiest measure of danger is definitely not a part of yoongi's job description. but that's what he still ends up doing half the time, anyway. ~ secret agent!au, slow burn ~ 26,528
 ⇢ watercolor ~ It’s a man, he realizes, his hair a muted shade of mint, like the pebbles that rest at the bottom of the water fountain outside of Taehyung’s dorm. He’s not the tallest, but people seem to give him space, so he’s easy to observe, despite his black on black outfit, a t-shirt tucked into tight denim. ~ tattoo!au ~ 18,655
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 ⇢ lost + found ~ Yoongi adopts a stray puppy that broke into his apartment in the middle of the night. Probably the best/worst decision of his life. ~ 406218 (61/61)
 ⇢ I Write Songs About Your Stupid Anecdotes ~ Taehyung keeps singing Spanish songs while Yoongi is trying to tutor his students. Jimin keeps "forgetting" his keys at Jungkook's apartment. Namjoon won't forgive Seokjin and Hoseok is the glue of all these six idiots.Or the 'listen i know we've been best friends for years but i'm trying to tell you that i'm in love with you so will you fucking stop singing spanish songs' au that no one asked for. ~ 30744 (20/20)
 ⇢ Settle Down and Let Me Know If You'll Stay ~ "I can grant you three, no wait it's four. Four wishes! Just say the word!""What?"Or the one where Taehyung is a genie who found himself in the company of a drunk with a wicked personality and can't help but want to make him happy. ~ 49658 (34/34)
 ⇢ The Nearness of You ~ Taehyung is a black cat hybrid in a magical world that detests his kind. When Yoongi, a student studying the Magical Arts, performs a spell to summon a witch's familiar, he unknowingly grants Taehyung the opportunity for freedom and love he's long been denied. ~ 10107 (2/2)
 ⇢ Will You B Minor? ~ “Hey baby, my brass isn’t the only thing that’s upright.”“Goddamnit, Kim Taehyung.”In which Taehyung is full of useless music-related pickup lines and Yoongi is too confused, too awkward, and too smitten with a certain Saxophonist. (A story with one too many midnight serenades, Americano’s, hungover misunderstandings, exploding washing machines, and that one little snore Yoongi does in his sleep that makes Taehyung want to catapult himself into space for No Apparent Reason.) ~ bffs!taekook, fluff, brass!au ~ 19,364 (2/2)
 ⇢ feelings you provide ~ Feeling a little daring, Taehyung slips the ring on his finger. He’s not expecting it to fit, he knows that part of the victorious appeal of this jewellery is it was designed to fit only Yoongi, but instead it slips over the knuckle of his ring finger like a glove. taehyung borrows one of the SUGA diamond rings when he needs a comfort object ~ canon verse!au ~ 3157
 ⇢ you’re my golden hour ~ Yoongi is taking a photography class because it's a required elective. Kim Taehyung is: 1. the best photographer in the class, and 2. The Most Beautiful Person In The Entire World. ~ college!au ~ 4259
 ⇢ disappearing act done poorly ~ Taehyung goes through a break-up and decides to 'cope' with his feelings by going to the cinema each night to watch the same film; Yoongi is a tired cinema employee but somehow manages to put up with Taehyung. ~ college!au ~ 13,574 (2/2) 
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 ⇢ At 4 O'clock, I'll Stay ~ “I hate him so much, Yoongi, I'm thinking of saying he has rats in his stupid bar just to get rid of him!" "Well, what did he do?" "He said that I was the best soccer player and shouldn't talk shit about myself!"Or the one where Taehyung goes to Jimin's bar to talk bad about his latest soccer matches and Jimin waters down his drinks by "accident." ~ 35897 (22/22)
 ⇢ summer, winter, spring (i'm falling for you) ~ The school starts to take notice of Jimin.Taehyung has always noticed. ~ friends to lovers!au, high school!au, fluff, slow burn ~ 41,786 (4/4)
 ⇢ it's your heart i wanna live (& sleep) in ~ The first time Jimin sleeps over at Taehyung's, it's an emergency. The other times after? That's a different story. ~ college!au, fluff, crack ~ 22,658 
 ⇢ true love's kiss ~ "Taehyung needs kisses!" Jungkook yells. Everyone in the Great Hall turns to look at them. Taehyung is suddenly glad he's fallen off his chair, because hiding under the table has never been more convenient. "He needs True Love's Kiss to lift his curse! Or he'll turn into a Squib!""Merlin," Taehyung whimpers, clutching Jimin's leg. "Merlin help me." (in which taehyung accidentally drinks a potion that looks like pumpkin juice, loses his magic and finds true love in his bestest best friend.or: in which jimin lifts a curse, falls in love with his bestest best friend and makes some bad, followed by some really good, decisions.) ~ hogwarts!au, friends to lovers!au ~ 19,711 (6/6)
 ⇢ Wanna Hear Your Body Talk ~ “What?” he asks, slowly, giving Taehyung a chance to change his mind about what he’s offering.Taehyung doesn’t take it. He probably doesn’t even notice it, because he’s a do first, think later type of person when it comes to his brilliant stoned ideas and Jimin should know better, should stop him, but… well. He doesn’t dare name it even in his own mind but if Taehyung is proposing what he thinks he is, stopping him is the very last thing Jimin wants.“Let’s make out,” Taehyung says, putting the bowl away, sounding ceremonious and completely, absolutely serious. “Prove me wrong.” (Taehyung doesn't believe making out is better than sex, so Jimin takes it upon himself to convince him) ~ college!au ~ 4826
 ⇢ Common Ground ~ Taehyung is rich, a little bit bratty, a lot a bit spoiled, and failing calculus. Jimin works full time, tutors, and is a straight-A student. There's a rulebook somewhere that states very clearly that people like Jimin should never associate with people like Taehyung. But rules are meant to be broken. And opposites always, always attract. ~ college!au, enemies to lovers!au ~ 44,136 (2/2)
 ⇢ Until my last breath ~ "I see colours everytime you speak"- Jimin said in a small murmur, as he hid his face in the curvature of Taehyung's neck - "The most beautiful colours I've ever seen" - he continued, not wanting to look Taehyung in the eyes. His small, delicate hands traveled along his back, carefully feeling the warm mesh that covered his skin."and when you touch me ... when you touch me, I hear the most beautiful melodies." Jimin brushed his nose into Taehyung's warm skin, causing a heavy shiver to run through his body."And what do those melodies sound like?" "It sounds... it sounds like peace"  (Or Jimin finds himself in a situation he has never expected to be in, with the last person he would ever want to). ~ fluff, angst ~ 78,226 (15/15)
 ⇢ to whom it may concern ~ Taehyung believes in soulmates. He believes in soulmates to the moon and back, with the sort of fervor reserved for children and lunatics.Jimin believes in soulmates. He’s just not sure he wants his. ~ fluff, friends to lovers!au ~ 16,351
 ⇢ stay (until your dream holds mine) ~ "It wasn't love at first sight." ~ hybrid!au ~ 5115
 ⇢ now you're lost (lost in the heat of it all) ~ It’s not that Jimin was scared of dog hybrids. He just really really didn’t like them because how could he? Dog hybrids were gross.Kim Taehyung was tall, slim, had gentle but defined features, the most perfect eyebrows Jimin had ever seen and a playful glint in his eyes. But most importantly - he was a dog hybrid. ~ hybrid!au ~ 14,477
 ⇢ various stages of undress ~ in which taehyung has a crush, jimin takes his clothes off, and yoongi must be persuaded. ~ stripper!au ~ 14,820
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 ⇢ Days Are Numbered So Move On ~ Jimin is a spy. Jungkook is training to be one. Hoseok trains the agents to have agility. Seokjin just wants to be Employee of the Month. Namjoon is the leader nobody asked for. Taehyung loves the kids books. And Yoongi is in the wrong occupation.Or the one where Jimin is stuck training the new spies because of his last mission and Jungkook insists on being a nuisance to Jimin. ~ enemies to lovers ~ 34591 (28/28)
 ⇢ It's Still Beautiful How You See the World ~ "Wait, you promised him that if he graduates from high school, you'd date him?"Or the one where Jungkook confesses to Jimin in middle school. Jimin thinks Jungkook is too young to know what "love" is so he promises to date Jungkook after he graduates from high school and starts college. Now that Jungkook has graduated from high school, Jimin starts to back out of their promise. ~ 45550 (32/32)
 ⇢ I Shouldn't Be In Love With You ~ Star soccer player Jeon Jungkook has not spoken once to math nerd Jimin all year. That wouldn't be so strange if not for the fact they used to be best friends. ~ 10409
 ⇢ Home ~ Taking in what he assumed was a stray hybrid dog, Jungkook takes care of Jimin. The cute hybrid has brightened Jungkook's dreary days and warmed his lonely nights and Jungkook learns that he cares a lot for the elder. And Jimin finds that he cares for the younger just as much.The small apartment doesn't feel as empty anymore, now that Jungkook had Jimin to call his home. ~ 26412 (15/15) 
 ⇢ More Than Your Body ~ Jungkook got an assignment to create a documentary about something he can get involved in and in the beginning, he had no idea what to do. However, when he sees Jimin dance, he knows what he wants.Or in which Jungkook is a film student and may or may not be a little obsessed with the silver-haired man he keeps seeing on his way to university. ~ 48670 (5/5) 
 ⇢ All of you, all of me ~ Jungkook felt secure and protected with Jimin, like he could let himself get loose and open up to him without being judged. ~ 11621
 ⇢ The Jeon Family ~ Jungkook is the heir to Korea's biggest mafia group, and Jimin is an innocent employee that catches his eye. ~ 30499 (3/3)
 ⇢ In the Line of Fire ~ For some reason, Jimin was everyone's favorite target. ~ 1212
 ⇢ doubt thou the stars are fire ~ Jeon Jeongguk's got a Reputation™. Park Jimin learns how to not give a shit about it. ~ 3451
 ⇢ my heart is beating (like a jungle drum) ~ "He thinks you're a bully?" "You? Bullying? You're too anti-social to do that." "I know!" Jungkook bemoans. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to him. Jimin thinks Jungkook is bullying him when all he wanted was to give him a cupcake. To apologise. To see him again because he's cute. OR the one with a lot of misunderstandings ~ 3228 
 ⇢ your body is a place to stay ~ In which Jungkook juggles a five-year-old daughter, Jimin the pretty bookstore employee, and coworkers who like to tease him too much. ~ single dad!au, tattoo parlour!au, cafe!au , fluff ~ 8783
 ⇢ who would have thought i'd get you? ~ in which jimin comes over for dinner, and jungkook and seoyeon try to impress. (follow-up to your body is a place to stay) ~ single dad!au, fluff ~ 2527 (sequel to above)
 ⇢ Blow Me Like Your French Horn ~ In which Jimin undergoes a transformation from Cinnamon Roll to Sinnamon Roll and Jeongguk is a little too competitive, a little too tsundere, and a little bit too moony-eyed for his own good.(A tale of red converses, sandpit wrestling, shitty best friends a little too obsessed with playing Cupid, emotional constipation, existential crises, and that one body roll Jimin does that makes Jeongguk re-evaluate his life)“i see that you adore playing your loud ass trumpet at random moments in the middle of the night, well fyi i happen to be a master at the French horn so fuck u i challenge you to a brass off” AU ~ slow burn, friends to lovers!au, fluff ~ 40,219 (8/8)
 ⇢ expensive lips ~ Jungkook goes to Sephora on a mission to get some lipstick. He leaves completely enamored with an employee named jimin. ~ fluff, smut, strangers to lovers!au ~ 12,385
 ⇢ the eyes are the window to the soul (and to the heart) ~ In which Jungkook’s eye colour changes according to his mood, but when Jimin wants to know what the colour ‘pink’ means, Jungkook hesitates. Jungkook doesn’t want to tell him that his eyes turn pink whenever he’s around Jimin because it means love. ~ college!au, fluff, humour ~ 7789
 ⇢ You Broke My Heart (but I broke it myself) ~ Jimin's fiancé has abandoned him on his wedding day, and Jeon Jungkook, Jimin's first love and worst heartbreak, is back. ~ high school!au, angst ~ 19,660 (3/3)
 ⇢ we're not broken just bent ~ “You’ll die,” Jimin hisses and they’re so close now that his perfect illusion is broken. Jungkook can see his dark circles, can see Jimin’s lips, red and raw from biting. “I did almost die in this house once, five years ago,” he whispers, watching as Jimin clenches his jaw but doesn't look away. “I think I can handle more. I’m bigger and stronger now, see?” Jimin holds his gaze for two seconds before it tracks south to move down Jungkook’s body. ~ hogwarts!au, enemies to lovers!au ~ 16,204
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 ⇢ Frooty Loopy ~ "We both reached for the last box of Froot Loops and I don't care that we're both adults I will fight you" AUaka: in which Taehyung fights Jungkook to the death for a box of artificially flavored and colored loops. ~ 30939
 ⇢ Hickory ~ Jungkook should be focused on winning, but his mind's stuck on wondering whether or not this Kim Taehyung guy fucks harder than he hits. ~ 48347
 ⇢ maybe we’re all just fools ~ Jeongguk likes to run. He’s never wanted anyone to run with him before. ~ 52675
 ⇢ change my world (you're the sunlight in my universe) ~ Jungkook is an artist who likes drawing on the cafe's freedom wall. Taehyung sees his drawings, and falls in love.Featuring Jimin as the 100% done wingman, Yoongi as the possessive boyfriend, and Seokjin as the sassy mom. ~ cafe!au, college!au, fluff ~ 6757
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 ⇢ a sugar coated pill and a pick me up ~ As Namjoon stood slightly removed from the scene, bemusedly watching the six-year-olds swarm around his cooler (which he had borrowed from his mom), he didn’t even notice that someone had sidled up next to him until he heard the tiny, but undoubtedly exasperated, huff.He followed the sound, turning his head to the right. A guy was standing there, arms crossed, lips pursed. He let out another huff, louder this time, but only slightly.Namjoon refused to acknowledge him. What the fuck was this guy’s deal? Was he really that bitter that his six-year-old just lost a soccer game for six-year-olds?One more huff from the guy.He was beginning to think this guy’s lips were just perpetually pursed and would simply never, ever unpurse themselves, when he, the guy, finally unpursed his lips to speak.“I just think it’s pretty irresponsible to bring Gatorade to a soccer game for first graders,” he said, huffily, “No offense.”(or: namjin are soccer dads who fall in luv) ~ 25023 (2/2)
 ⇢ It's Gonna Get You In Trouble ~ Kim Namjoon knows he's not the most handsome guy out there. It's just guys talking shit about each other, Jin Hyosang is an asshole, and anything that escapes his mouth is complete bullshit. But it's true though. He's awkward, clumsy, and a complete nerd; no one, not even the most desperate person in the world, will notice him.Kim Seokjin is having none of that. ~ high shcool!au, fluff, humour ~ 6107
 ⇢ play the game ~ Yoongi and Hoseok get paired together for a class project. ~ smut, enemies to lovers!au, high school!au ~ 5148
 ⇢ Decorate Me Prettily ~ Yoongi blankly stares at his left wrist. Another batch of parallel lines decorating his very pale complexion. Another batch of parallel lines over parallel scars. Another batch of parallel lines revealing how his soulmate is feeling as of the moment.or (soulmate au where whatever written/marks you have in your body your soulmate has it too) ~ soulmate!au, self harm ~ 3259
 ⇢ The Philosophy of Special Relativity ~ Hoseok’s tongue is cold as it licks into Yoongi’s mouth, and his lips are slightly sticky, but Yoongi can’t help the way his tongue automatically brushes over Hoseok’s, the way a low moan claws it’s way up his throat. He can taste the sweet, slightly bitter flavour of chocolate over the muted spices from their dinner, and something else – something distinctly Hoseok that makes Yoongi’s knees feel like Jell-O.Or: Hoseok wants Yoongi to eat ice cream. Yoongi just wants to eat Hoseok. ~ eating disorder, smut ~ 5695
 ⇢ Flames just create us (burns don't heal like before) ~ Yoongi is a wolf and Hoseok is a lamb trying to run away from home.(Or: Hoseok is heir to a multi-billion company and Yoongi is the bartender he falls in love with.) ~ heir!hoseok, bartender!yoongi ~ 22,090
 ⇢ no more parties in seoul ~ tittytae: mail me my death certificate pls 
tittytae: i jus accidentally liked Jungkook’s pic from fifty weeks ago
jimin neutron: YES YES YES
tittytae: I UNLIKED IT
tittytae: did i just make it worse
a chatfic where all of bangtan are in university, live to expose one another, and hoseok is a modern day cupid. ~ texting, fwb!taekook ~ 57,455 (yoonmin, taekook, namjin)
0 notes
samwinlover-blog · 7 years
Completely Soulless
Pairing: Sam x Reader  Characters: Sam, Reader, Dean  Warnings: violence, soulless!sam, swearing, all the angst Summary: Sam’s soulless and couldn’t care less about anything or anyone, including his long time girlfriend, the Reader. She’s at her wits end and doesn’t know how much longer she can put up with him.  Tag list: @amanda-teaches @myplaceofthingsilove@evyiione @mogaruke@aliensdeservebetter@27bmm@craving-cas @spnfanficpond​ @amanda-teaches  @myplaceofthingsilove  @spectaculicious@bambinovak @bambinovak@writingthingsisdifficult@padackles2010 @mamaredd123@milkymilky-cocopuff @iwantthedean@zeppo-in-a-trenchcoat @spntrista @d-s-winchester@just-another-busy-fangirl@winchesterprincessbride@waywardjoy@supernaturalyobsessed@whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname@sandlee44@fangirl1802@kittenofdoomage @evyiione @winchestersmut@purgatoan@mogaruke @therewillbeblood @megansescape @taste-of-dean@leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid  @scarlet-soldier-in-an-impala@deathtonormalcy56@wildfirewinchester @notnaturalanahi@jensen-jarpad@impalaimagining@fangirlextraordinaire@itseverythingilike@jesspfly@lovekittykat21@mysteriouslyme81@mrswhozeewhatsis@aiaranradnay@supernatural-jackles@girl-next-door-writes@spnsasha@27bmm@spnfanficpond @amanda-teaches@myplaceofthingsilove@spectaculicious@bambinovak@writingthingsisdifficult@spn-imagines-to-feel@spn-ficfanatic@cleverdame@saxxxology@jensen-jarpad @keepcalmandcarryondean dancingpanda137
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Sam had been soulless for weeks now. He was the complete opposite of the boy you once knew and loved; unfeeling, uncaring- everything the real Sam wasn’t. You hadn’t definitively broken up with him, but the both of you knew it was over, and only one of you cared. So there was this weird tension between you and him, this whisper of what your relationship once had been. Sometimes you’d trick yourself into believing he was the normal Sam. Like when you saw him researching a case, eyebrows furrowed the same way as before. But you knew there wasn’t anything but cold, unrelenting steel behind those beautiful eyes of his. 
Even the little things were different. He never smiled, never laughed- unless it was at someone’s expense-never joked or flirted. Not anymore at least. The two of you used to spend entire days just lying in bed together. Wrestling, cuddling, telling stories- you did it all together. Never getting enough of each other and never wanting those days to end, those were the happiest times of your life. But that was all ruined now. He was gone and had left you to compensate with this unfeeling shell of a person.  
You weren’t the type of person to roll over and accept the new Sam, you weren’t Dean. You were angry, rageful even. You hated seeing him everyday. You hated those few seconds when you forgot he wasn’t your Sam, he was soulless. You hated hunting with him and having to fend for yourself, because he couldn’t care less if you lived or died. You hated the way he looked at you, eyes filled with nothing but lust. He wanted you solely for your body, and would happily use and then discard you if you let him- you vowed never to let him. You hated the way he shamelessly flirted with you, his hands ghosting over your hips and upper thighs. And most of all, you hated arguing with him. The two of you were constantly bickering and fighting, much to Dean’s annoyance. Soulless Sam and you did not get along, to say the least. He often played dirty though, knowing exactly what to say to you. Exactly which insults hit the hardest.
The night you left, he had done exactly that. Mocked and taunted until you couldn’t take it anymore. You had left- abandoning him and Dean, and ended up regretting it every day since. 
You, Sam and Dean had just finished a hunt. A particularly nasty one involving ghouls feeding on families moving into a new apartment complex. Sam had been no joy to work with, as usual. He was impatient, frustrated, just wanting the hunt to be over. Instead of hunting to save people as he had before, you knew Sam only did it for the rush. Killing a monster, taking a life, it was a high even you were guilty of seeking out. And now that Sam was completely driven by his id, all he wanted to do was hunt and kill. 
You were covered in dirt and blood and already in a terrible mood. The small motel the three of you were crammed into coupled with the tension between you and Sam, the powder keg was bound to explode. 
“You seriously almost got us all killed back there, (Y/N)”, Sam addressed you, clearly annoyed. 
“Sorry I put innocent people’s lives before yours, I wouldn’t of have to if you just killed the damn ghouls.”, you retorted, not taking any of his shit tonight. 
“Both of you, cool it.”, Dean interluded, but neither of you heeded his warning. 
“I was outnumbered three to one, you’d have been dead if you were in my position”, Sam pressed on, your face flushed with anger.
“I definitely wouldn’t have because I know a knife from a god damn lamp”, you were yelling now. Hours before, Sam had been cornered by the three ghouls while you and Dean untied and freed the people they’d been holding captive. He stupidly let go of his knife and it was sent flying across the room, he improvised and used the nearest table lighting as a weapon instead. That mistake nearly cost all of your lives, and you weren’t about to let him forget it. 
Sam all but growled in your direction, nose curled up in a snarl and hands balled into fists. 
“You and your god damn feelings, always getting in the way”, he yelled back. 
“My ‘god damn feelings’,” you said, mocking his own voice, “are the only reason you’re still alive!!” 
You were referring to the countless times you’d made the hard decision in order to save his life. He’d always done the same for you too, putting you above others and fighting tooth and nail to save you. But that was before he lost his soul, this Sam wouldn’t bat an eye if you were gutted right in front of him. 
“Please, you know I don’t need you. I never needed you”, Sam yelled again, slightly smiling at the hurt look he saw flash on your face. 
“Shut the hell up, Sam, I’m not in the mood”, you replied while turning your heel to leave, the fight gone from your voice.  
But he saw this, saw how his words impacted you. So he just kept going, “I mean seriously, what was I thinking. I wasted years of my life with you. I mean yeah, you were okay in bed, but all the lovey-dovey crap. It was just that- crap”, he yelled, voice hoarse and unforgiving. 
“Sammy, shut the hell up and walk away”, Dean cut him off when he saw you weren’t going to. 
His insults were getting to you. You’d become immune to almost anything Sam said at this point; but when he insulted your relationship, the people you’d been before he lost his soul, it stung every time. Of course he knew this, and since he had no conscious telling him to stop, he just pressed on. 
“Dean stay out of this, I’m not finished.”, you braced yourself, wishing the motel was more than one room so you could get away from him. 
“I can see you hate me, (Y/N). I see you still have this fantasy that I’ll snap out of it or something- magically become the person I was before. But I don’t want to be him again, I wont do it. He was weak and pathetic.”, he emphasized the insults hurled at his old self, just to spite you. And with a rush of anger you found your fist connecting with his jaw. You heard a loud crunch and knew you had hit your target. 
Sam was on you in an instant, hands at your throat and pressing you against the wall. 
“Sam! Hey!”, Dean’s voice echoed off the dingy walls of the motel. He was clawing at his brother fiercely, so were you. But you weren’t trying to get Sam off of you, you were trying to hurt him back. You punched his cheeks, his lip, his eyes. You found bruises and cuts quickly forming all over his face. But his hands were still around your throat, squeezing hard. 
With a grunt and a yell, Dean finally managed to get Sam off you. You began gasping and grabbing your neck, breathing deeply and still not getting enough oxygen. Minutes later, when the burn had almost left your lungs and Sam had gotten an icepack for his face, you decided you were going to leave. 
“What the hell you two?! Can’t you get along for one god damn day, I mean come on”, Dean yelled at both you and Sam. But you didn’t care, his words barely registered to you, you’d already made up your mind. 
Yes, it would kill you to leave Dean. But you couldn’t do it anymore. You couldn’t deal with seeing the man you’d once loved so, so deeply become this soulless monster. You knew you were going to hate yourself for giving up when Sam had never given up on you. But you also knew you were at your breaking point.  
You decided to tell Dean first, Sam wouldn’t care. 
“Dean,” you said, lips pursed and arms crossed. His eyebrows pressed together, he could read you like a book and knew what you were planning on doing. 
“Tonight?”, he asked. The look on his face almost broke your heart. He was so sad for you, so sad for what Sam had become and for what you’d become from seeing him like that everyday. You also saw betrayal, that was the worst part. Although he’d never admit it, you knew he felt abandoned. Which you were, abandoning him, and you’d hate yourself for it. 
You nodded, “Dean I can’t anymore, I...I can’t”, you let out a breath. 
“Okay, come here, kid”, he pulled you into a hug. Years of love and friendship were wrapped into the embrace, all the good and the bad and the ugly of your time on the road together. You felt him choking back tears, but you couldn’t hold back your own. They came down hot and heavy as you buried your face into his shoulder- knowing you were going to miss him terribly. 
About 15 minutes later, you and Dean had packed your belongings. You had decided to try one last time with Sam, even though you knew it was useless. 
“Sam, I’m leaving.”, you turned towards him, searching desperately for any hint of emotion in his face.
You found none as he responded, “Okay.” 
And that was the moment it happened, when your heart really cleaved in two. He couldn’t care less, and you didn’t know why you ever expected him to. 
“I’m sorry, Sam I can’t do it anymore. I love you, and I know that word means nothing to you right now. But if you ever get your emotions back, ever get your soul back.....” your voice trailed off into a weak sob, “Let me know, and I’ll come running, I promise.” 
But Sam just shrugged, promising in return that it would never happen.
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kookienomster3 · 7 years
I Want The Headline (Pt. 33)
Written By: suga-of-daegu BTS Fanfiction Angst WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Mafia/Gang
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Jungkook took a deep breath in his sleep, mouth shutting. His eyes were still firmly shut as his body slept, no indication that he was cold from the icy breeze crawling along the rooftop. Even pressed between the heater unit and his body, you were feeling the chill. You turned towards him, debating on whether or not to move closer to him.
He would dislike it, right?
You frowned to yourself, gaze lowering to his arms crossed over his chest and legs lying straight down. He wasn’t exactly inviting. At least with Yoongi, he’d sleep on his side, slightly curled; the perfect position for you to squeeze into when you had a nightmare. And whenever you had done so he’d only yawn, resting his head against yours. Jungkook was flat on his back, straight as a board. Tentatively, you slipped your hand into one of his, pulling it away from his chest to try to make room.
His fingers suddenly curled around yours, halting your movement. Eye snapping back up to his face, you saw that Jungkook was quietly staring at you, the sleep seemingly evaporating as he focused on your face. He looked angry, you observed. This was indeed a bad idea. “What are you doing?” He asked hoarsely, gaze dropping to your cold hands. You quickly pulled your hand away, nervously looking at it,
“I-I was..I was trying to lay beside you.” You mumbled. He narrowed his eyes in confusion,
“You already are.” He observed. Shaking your head, you rolled onto your back, pulling the blankets up higher. Jungkook lightly tapped your thigh under the blankets, “What were you really trying to do?” He sighed heavily at your silence, “What’s wrong now?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
“Waking you.” You murmured, “You looked angry when you woke up after I touched you so I’m sorry..I won’t do it again.” He shook his head, crossing his arms once more,
“It’s not you..You…You just can’t wake up thinking that whoever’s waking you only wants to hold your hand.” He explained, “I wasn’t angry that you were waking me up.” Jungkook shifted closer, rolling onto his side and kissing the tip of your shoulder, “Now what did you really want, Jagi?” He rolled his eyes when you shook your head, still refusing to tell him. “I’m awake now.” he complained softly, “At least say something.”
“Can you tell me about your family?” You suddenly whispered, shifting your attention to him. He seemed to know more about your family than you did. It would be nice to know a little more about his. Hovering over you, Jungkook’s face was a couple inches from yours, his teasing expression wiping to a blank stare the moment your question left your lips. He drew back a bit, shrugging.
“My mom died in a fire Jimin started.” He huffed, “I was 11…what more is there to talk about?”
“What was she like?” You tried, “How did your dad die?”
He sent you an odd look, shaking his head, “My dad’s not dead.” Your eyes widened,
“He’s not? Oh, I’m sorry, Jeon. I-I thought..I don’t know what I thought, you just never mentioned him…I thought he died.” Your face flushed in embarrassment and he only ran the pad of his thumb along your cheek, feeling the warm growing there. You brushed his hand aside, embarrassed that you had assumed something so outrageous. “Where is your dad? Do you talk to him? What does he do? Is he in the Mafia too?” He smiled at you, slowly shaking his head,
“No..” He chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand, “No, he’s not in the Mafia, Y/N. He’s..” Jungkook’s laughter quieted, “He’s the mayor.”
“The mayor!?” You exclaimed. Jungkook’s dad was the mayor? The mayor was a graying man and Jungkook was so young, how was that possible? How old was his mother? “Wh- Why are you in the Mafia, then? I don’t..did you two fight after your mother died or something?”
His expression sombered, “No..He was having an affair with my mom when she got pregnant with me..He gave her the side girl special. Apartment on the opposite side of town, paid rent, all that.” He scratched his head, “He didn’t want anyone to know that he was having an affair; none the less a woman 10 years younger than him.” Jungkook waved off your horrified expression, “It’s not that bad, I think…Tae’s dad was fifte-no, twenty. He was twenty years older than his mom.” His face saddened,
“She was 16. Tae said one day in grade school he came home and his dad was there; after being gone since he was born..and his mom was gone. He said he learned everything he knows from his dad, but I never know if he’s proud or ashamed of that…they never got along. A few years back he found his mom. She’s got a husband and kids; she’s a nurse….I don’t know what happened between her and Tae other than she has a restraining order on him now.”
You wrapped your arms around Jungkook, burying your face into his chest, “I’m sorry.” He laughed lightly, rubbing your shoulder.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Why..why didn’t your dad take you in when your mom died? Have you spoken to him since? Wait, does he even know about you?” That would explain why Jungkook was in the Mafia in the first place. Surely the mayor of the city. despite his apparent stain of an affair, would take in his own son? His entire campaign was family focused. There was no way he knew about Jungkook and did nothing.
“He knows.” He stated, “I see him at speeches sometimes when Namjoon hyung wants to sit in on them. He looks at me..that’s about it.” Rubbing his nose, Jungkook shifted his legs, flinching at your cold toes brushing along his shins, “He was there..after the fire department came..He said he couldn’t pick me up with so many people to witness so he told me to wait in an alley across the street..” His arms wrapped around you tightly,
“I waited for three days, then Namjoon forced me to go back to the warehouse. But even then, I went back to that alley the next to wait and he didn’t show, so I left a note telling him I’d wait there from noon to sunset everyday and if he couldn’t get there during that time, I’d be at the warehouse. He..he obviously never showed and I stopped waiting for him.” You felt his lips press against your temple, “I’ve got an older half brother though.” He murmured humorously,
“He’s a police officer. He’s got a wife and two boys; I’m an uncle, Y/N.” He chuckled,“..He arrested me once actually! His oldest son is close to my age…I saw him trying to buy drugs from someone, so I called the police..I stayed around to make sure he didn’t buy anything and ended up getting arrested. He arrested his own brother for looking out for his son! But he doesn’t know me, so I can’t blame him. My stepmom is a housewife, she likes throwing parties.”
“How do you know all this?”
“I used to keep tabs on them.” He admitted, “..They’re my family, I guess..not my real family; not like Namjoon and Tae and everyone else. Namjoon’s done more for me than my mayor dad ever has. And Tae’s more of a brother than Mr Police Captain.”
He kept track of them, you wondered sadly. You felt your eyes water. How could he casually talk about observing a family that he should have been a part of? He could’ve been an officer too. He could have finished highschool and went on to college and been perfectly happy if his father was half the man he should be. Jungkook might’ve been engaged by now with a steady job and a home and real friends. Why didn’t Jeon hate him? “When did you stop keeping track of them?”
“After I met you.”
He grinned at your surprised look, brushing away your tears. Jungkook kissed you quickly, arms drawing you in closer, “You’ve taken up a lot of my time.” He joked. He felt you shiver in his hold and he curled around you, “Do you want to meet them? There’s a speech tomorrow, I think. We can stand in the crowd..He always spots me.”
“No?” He echoed in disbelief. “I want to though…I want him to see you…to see I’m happy.” You shook your head furiously,
“No.” You cried, angrily wiping at your eyes. Why was Jeon trying to show his father he was happy? Jungkook didn’t have to prove anything to that man. The mayor didn’t deserve to know anything of whether Jungkook was happy or not. He didn’t deserve a son like Jeon. “I don’t want to meet or see the man who abandoned you. I regret ever voting for him.” You frowned, holding him tighter, “I’m sorry, Jeon.”
He sighed pleasantly, dabbing at your eyes with the hem of the blanket. While your constant and consistent concern for him made him feel truly loved, he didn’t understand sometimes. He thought you wanted to know about his family? All that talk about his dad wasn’t sad at all compared to his mom, he figured. Jungkook didn’t know his dad.. Yeah, he knew of him, but that personal connection, like he had with his mom, wasn’t there. Talking about his dad was just talking; there was no feeling. There was no need for you to be so upset. There was especially no need for you to feel the need to apologize. “Why do you keep apologizing? What are you sorry for?”
“I’m sorry I can’t fix any of that..your mom, your dad, your nephew, this whole Mafia.” If anyone deserved a happy and carefree life, it was Jungkook. He deserved everything and it crushed your heart that you couldn’t give him any of that. You loved Jeon, but you couldn’t offer him one good thing. You were just you; and you were useless.
Pulling his head down to yours, you kissed him; surprising him with your sudden zeal. Jungkook sighed, quickly taking control. His hand cupped your jaw, holding you still as he tilted his head. You felt his leg press between your thighs as he rolled atop you, the weight of his body pressing into you. He angled your head towards his, switching the position of his mouth.
Your fingers dug into his broad shoulders, toes curling as he rhythmically pressed into you. His hand pulled your shirt up, and you flinched at the winter air seeping under the blanket and stinging your skin. Abruptly shocked from your daze to feel the throbbing of your leg, you pressed a hand against his hip, nudging him back. He propped his weight on his hands and knees, mumbling a curse to himself when he noticed you massaging your thigh. He had forgotten you were still injured and he had just put all his weight on you. What was he thinking?
Well, he knew what he was thinking, but why did he think now was a good time?
Rolling onto the mattress beside you, he placed his hands beside yours, soothingly working his fingers along the muscle. Your fingers intertwined with his as you softly apologized once more, “I’m sorry I can’t make your life better.” He looked at you in disbelief,
“You already have.”
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platinumjeon · 8 years
BTS Reaction - Their child runs on stage
Anonymous said: Reaction when during concert their little child run up on star with tears and saying something like"daddy this song is beatiful,you sing perfect" and starts crying and hugging him and all ARMYS make one sound like "owwwh cute" and kid gets shy🙈
So I’ve decided to just come up with Korean names for each of their kids. I feel like that makes it a little more personalized, rather than just putting Y/K/N. Also, my name is Sarah. I’m American and only know a small amount of Korean, so if I screw up these names somehow...I am so sorry and please politely correct me lol. Enjoy!
I kind of wonder if Taehyung picked those names for his future children because Taekwon sounds like Tae Kwon Do...Taekwon literally means “kick hand”
You were having trouble controlling your three year old, Taekwon, as he toddled around backstage, huge red earphones covering his ears from the noise of the concert. You brought him with often to BTS concerts, because he enjoyed being able to watch his dad, his uncles, and look at all the bright lights. Although normally, he wasn’t this nuts. Jimin’s wife must’ve given Taekwon a Popsicle or something earlier that day, because your kid was bouncing off the walls.
Whenever they preformed Spring Day, it would get everyone onstage emotional. Taekwon knew his dad’s voice - and would always ask you to pick him up and point out Taehyung singing his part in Spring Day. This time was no different, because your baby tugged on your pant leg and threw his arms up.
“Where daddy?” Taekwon asks in his baby voice, his hands gesturing out and his shoulders shrugging. You smile and point at the figure across the stage. Taekwon looks, struggles in your arms before you put him down and turn to grab a water bottle from the cooler on the floor.
As you’re digging in the ice for a cold bottle, you hear a huge chorus of “aww”’s coming from the stage, and the boys laughing. Securing yourself a water bottle and turning around, you glance up and notice that your son is not where you left him - and has run out onto the stage into his dad’s arms. You watched with a hand covering your mouth as Taehyung crouches to catch his son and hoists him up on his hip.
“Your singing is nice!” You hear your son say loudly into Taehyung’s microphone, and laughter rumbles throughout the arena.
“Thanks, buddy. Can you sing a song for us?” Taehyung asks, expecting his son to blurt out the words to Spring Day, but Taekwon begins to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star instead, which makes the entire arena resound with sounds of adoration.
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Twins. You and Suga never expected them in the first place, and it’s been a wild four years with them. Their birthday was soon, and you still remember the day they were born - Min Yoon-Shik first then Min Gi-Dae second.
The twins became more like their dad everyday, and you’d find the sisters singing along to all of BTS’ songs, and would try their hardest to rap alongside their dad in each song. They’d even try to learn the choreography - and while Suga wasn’t all that bad, the girls seemed to have gotten your side of the family: because there wasn’t a dancing bone in your body.
It was BTS’ last concert before they ended their latest tour, and you had decided to take the girls to this one to watch their dad preform. To say the least, the twins were extremely excited and kept their eyes focused on Suga the entire time. They even began copying his lyrics as he rapped them.
At the end of the concert, the boys sang Spring Day and had rose petals raining down on them, and the twins thought it was hilarious. Yoongi looked over to the side of the stage and an instant smile grew on his face at the sight of his baby girls, and he ushered the twins to come out on stage. Yoon-Shik and Gi-Dae looked at each other, then back at you for permission, then ran off onto the bright stage towards their dad.
"Can you teach us the dances for the songs?” Gi-Dae asked as Yoongi hoisted both her and her sister up in each arm. The entire arena sighed in awe, the other boys laughing at how cute Yoongi’s twins were.
“Ask Uncle Hobi for that,” Suga laughed jokingly, then kissed his daughters cheeks before setting them down. “Run along, I’ll see you in a few minutes loves.” He said aloud, before gently giving them little pats on their backs before turning around and thanking ARMY.
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Jihyun was just like his father.
It wasn’t even funny - you swear you had no part in making your son because Jihyun was a spitting image of Jimin. It’s as if someone put Jimin in the copier and spit out Jihyun - all the same features and personality, just a different name, and much younger.
Jimin would often times take Jihyun to the studio because the five-year old loved watching the dance practices. Towards the end, Jimin would grab his son and teach him the moves - and his son would execute them almost perfectly. He was gifted, just like Jimin, and everyone saw it.
“Jihyun, stay here.” You said to your son, who was standing in the middle of the exit to the stage, watching his dad and uncles jump around as they began I Need U. Jihyun didn’t acknowledge your words, but tried his hardest to keep up with the minimal choreography he knew. It was adorable watching him spin around and trip over his feet - but he was better than any other five year old dancer you’ve seen (okay, maybe you were a little biased).
You didn’t realize it until you looked over on the TV screen to see your son just off to the left of the stage, visible to ARMY but behind the boys. Jihyun didn’t notice that he had veered too far onto the stage, and was too busy twirling around and singing along to I Need U to hear the ARMYs cooing.
You watched Jimin spin around when the song was done and lock his eyes on his son, immediately bursting into laughter and walking briskly over to Jihyun. 
“Jihyun, you’re giving everyone a show!” Jimin laughed, scooping up his son and bringing him to the front. The five year old looked miraculously at his father but began to enjoy being on stage with his uncles, who all came over and ruffled his hair.
“I’m gonna be like you one day,” Jihyun said with a bright smile while looking up at his dad. Jimin threw his head back in laughter and appreciation while the ARMYs in the crowd continued to awe. 
“I’m sure you will be, bud.” 
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Just like that - Hokyong was out of your sight and ran right into her dad’s arms. The two year old was the most excitable, energetic kid you had ever come to know, but you’d never trade that for the world. 
When Hokyong saw her dad, she would never hesitate to run over and hug him. It was just Hokyong’s thing - she’d laugh and toddle towards Hoseok with a big, toothy grin on her face. Your husband would just laugh right with her and cuddle his daughter in his arms.
“Look who has joined us today!” J-Hope said brightly into the microphone, glancing at his baby girl as she peered around with her hand stuck in her mouth. “Can you wave, Hokyong?” Her dad said, gently prying the hand out of the baby girl’s mouth.
Hokyong looked out into the crowd then shyly buried her face into her daddy’s shoulder, earning a huge, booming sound of adoration from the fans. The boys just laughed, Jimin coming over and patting your daughter’s back before looking back at you and shooting a thumbs up. You stood at the curtain watching, getting emotional at how perfect your little family was.
“Alright, baby. We have to finish the show, say bye-bye!” J-Hope said, putting the toddler down and grabbing her hand. Hokyong waved to the crowd before J-Hope walked her back to the side of the stage, kissing your lips before handing the baby back to you.
“My perfect girls,” he said, winking, before hoping back to his spot on stage and beginning BS&T.
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Your’s and Jungkook’s daughter had just turned a year old. She’d just began walking as well, and you decided to bring her to the last concert of the tour to celebrate her birthday with all the boys afterwards.
Jungmee was extremely intelligent, but very quiet and reserved. The baby girl had been a daddy’s girl from the beginning - always reaching for Jungkook when she was upset or wanted to be held. It was no surprise that Jungkook was the best dad in the world: he admitted he was nervous at first but seeing him with your baby girl was heart melting.
You sat with your daughter in your lap`as she stared out onto the stage, and from time to time, Jungkook would glance over and wave at you and Jungmee - winking and making silly faces. Finally, towards the end of the concert, you could tell your baby was getting tired. She was crabby, crying and struggling to get out of your arms, but whining when you but her down. 
When you put her down on the floor for what must’ve been the 100th time, you hoped she would somehow fall asleep despite the music echoing around the arena. Jungmee was sobbing now, screaming incoherent words as she had a tantrum right then and there. You sighed and over the course of 15 minutes, you picked her up and rocked her, tried to console her with a bottle and then resorted to just swaying back and forth with her in your arms as she screamed.
Jungkook must’ve noticed, and had watched you struggle to keep Jungmee calm. With a smile playing on his lips, he jogs over and stands in front of you, placing his hands under the arms of your daughter before taking Jungmee into his arms. She stops screaming, of course, but still hiccups as leftover tears roll down her cheeks.
“W-what are you doing?” You stammered.
“I want everyone to sing her happy birthday. It was going to be at the end of the concert, but it looks as if you could use a break..” He said, giving you a little smile as he walked back off onto the stage, looking adorable as he held Jungmee in one arm.
“It’s Jeon Jungmee’s birthday...I think we should sing happy birthday, don’t you think?” Jungkook says, bouncing the now happy, tearless baby girl. The entire arena erupted, singing happy birthday to your little girl. By the time Jungkook came over and handed her back to you with a kiss on the cheek, Jungmee smiled as she drifted off as you held her against your shoulder.
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Namsang was the sweetest baby girl on the earth - except when she threw The Tantrum. Your baby girl wasn’t spoiled - not by you at least, since Namjoon always decided to bring the three year old little presents and toys home - but when Namsang pulled The Tantrum, all hell broke loose.
So the little girl decided to pull The Tantrum at the worst time possible - just as Namjoon kissed both of you and ran out on stage with the boys. Namsang reached out after him as he hopped away, her lip curling into a pout as she began to cry. As the boys were jumping around and dancing to their opening song on stage, you turned your back and tried to bounce your daughter into calming down.
Namsang began to kick and try to pull away, and after 10 minutes of fighting her, you set her down. You sat down in the chair beside the stage and rubbed your hand over your face, already all of your energy spent. This is what was bad about bringing a three year old to a three hour long concert - you never knew what would set off another screaming-fest.
When you opened your eyes again, you didn’t even realize your daughter was gone from your sight. You were just relieved that the screaming stopped - and then noticed that something was missing. Frantically, you searched around, behind curtains, under tables and in the surrounding rooms, until you heard Namjoon talking on stage.
“Namsang! Come here,” Namjoon said, and you turned your attention to the CCTV streaming the concert. The camera was pointed at Namjoon with his arms wide open, crouching down to catch his daughter in his arms. Namsang ran into her dad’s arms, earning louds screams from the fans. 
“Aw, baby girl, what are you upset about?” Namjoon asks, wiping the tears from your daughter’s face with a small chuckle, picking her up and holding her close. 
“I didn’t w-want you to leave, daddy.” Namsang said, sniffling. The other boys covered their mouths to hide their laughter while Namjoon just turned his head and said, “Aw, I’m sorry. But you’re here now, right? You don’t have to worry, baby.”
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There wasn’t a time in your house that nobody was singing. Someone always had a song stuck in their head, and your four year old, Jinhee, was no exception.
Seokjin was constantly teaching her the lyrics to various BTS songs, and she always begged to attend every concert her dad performed at. She loved singing along to I Need U, and Spring Day. Jinhee tried to dance to Not Today, but when she’d trip over her feet, Seokjin would tell her to keep trying her hardest.
Another thing Jinhee did was get emotional. At four years old, you would think she didn’t understand anything her dad and uncles were singing about, but oh man, she did. The little girl would ask what was wrong and why the people they were singing about were leaving in Spring Day.
You had left Jinhee standing at the entrance to the stage while you left to grab a snack from the waiting room. She was usually very obedient, and would listen to you when you told her to stay there. Although, when you walked back Jinhee was not where you had left her. You dropped the fruit snack you had snagged for her and immediately looked out on stage - and saw her running behind all the boys and heading straight for her dad.
“Daddy!” She hiccuped, and there were tears that ran down her cheeks. Seokjin turned around, eyes going wide at the sight of his daughter rushing towards him. He crouched down and held Jinhee in his arms, and you saw him wiping away her tears as he began to talk to her.
“Hey, what are you doing out here? Are you okay?” He asked, concern laced in his voice.
“I-I, the song is sad,” Jinhee cried, burying her face in her dad’s shoulder. Jin closed his eyes and laughed, picking her up and facing the crowd. The entire stadium was a mixture of laughing and cooing, and Jin waved before heading back to the side of the stage to put Jinhee down by you.
“Don’t cry, okay? I love you, stay with mommy.” Seokjin said, kissing his daughter’s forehead before looking at you with a small smile.
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this killed me and I am so sorry it’s so late
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itsluhsbitch · 8 years
2 a.m.
The familiar tone of a facetime call rang from your phone across the room, and you smiled at the name that appeared on the screen before you answered, taking a second to connect.
“baby girl” Sammy smiled seeing your face on his screen.
“hi babe” you smiled, walking over to your bed and laying down.
“how’s my girl?” he asked.
“good. just missing you, but what’s new?”
see, you were at your parents for a small vacation. You lived in L.A. attending the art school of your dreams, and your family lived in Miami. You had a break from school, so you had decided to go home for the month, mostly cause you missed your family so much.
Your parents were glad to have you home, knowing once you finished school you would be staying out there permanently. And they knew how serious you and Sammy were and your parents absolutely adored him, and your little sister had the biggest crush on him, but she was 12, and you were 21, so you weren’t too worried, plus Sammy found it adorable.
You and Sammy had been together nearly 3 years now, and your whole family loved him. So much. He was actually flying out for the last week of your stay a your parents so he could see your family, but also see you. When you had left he had been doing a small tour stopping in only 13 cities along the west coast, so he was gone for 3 weeks before, and now you had to go three more without seeing him, his tour ending three days after you had left.
“awe don’t worry babe, I’ll be there tomorrow!” Sammy smiled, switching the camera to his suitcase he had packed.
“I know! I can’t wait” you smiled, biting your lip.
You and Sammy talked a bit more, just about the plans for the week he was here. Your family wanted to take you guys out to dinner one night, and your dad wanted one afternoon with him reserved to watch the game, and your little sister Raelyn wanted to go to the beach at least once. For a little 12 year old she was surprisingly smart, talking about how she’d get to see his ‘hot bod’ there.
You didn’t care, you just couldn’t wait to be in his presence. You didn’t even go this long without seeing him when he was on tour. You weren’t clingy by any means, you were actually pretty chill and laid back, but it’s been nearly a month since you’ve seen him.
You had set an alarm, because Sammy said his flight was supposed to land at noon, so you set your alarm for 9 so you could get ready and everything and then go get him from the airport.
unfortunately for you, you didn’t wake up to your alarm. In fact, you woke up before it...Raelyn had this habit of always coming into your room and waking you up. Usually she wanted you to help her coordinate her outfit, or sometimes she even wanted you to take her somewhere.
So when you felt someone shaking your arm you were kinda annoyed. You knew she was doing this because she wanted to go with you to the airport, and she always got over excited about stuff like that so she would always wake you up early.
“Rae...Just give me 5 more minutes” you muttered into the pillow, but the shaking didn’t stop.
“Rae” you groaned, turning to finally look at her.
“what?” she asked, a sweet smile on her face.
“just give me like 5 more minutes” you pleaded.
“fine” she rolled her eyes, getting up and walking out of your room.
you laid in bed and couldn’t fall back asleep. You were too excited to finally see Sammy in what felt like ever. 5 minutes later though, Raelyn walked back in and you got out of bed, deciding to shower in your en suite to get ready.
30 minutes later you were out of the shower and had just thrown on an outfit.
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You had walked out into your room taking the towel to your hair to get it dry when the door opened.
You whipped your head towards the door while speaking “don’t you ever kno-Sammy!?” you stopped yourself.
In your doorway was Sammy, a smile plastered on his face.
“hey babe” 
You didn’t even say anything but ran over to him and jumped into his arms.
“what are you doing here?” you muttered into his neck, where you had buried your head.
“I got an early flight. I wanted to surprise you and your dad got me from the airport this morning” he chuckled a bit, walking towards your bed and plopping down on top of you.
You smiled up at him. It didn’t matter that you two had been together for three years. You fell for him harder and harder everyday. You knew that he was the boy that you were going to marry when the time came. You two were crazy for one another, everyone could see it.
“I love you” you muttered.
“I love you too babe” he smiled, leaning down and placing his lips onto yours softly.
Sammy’s been with you now for 3 days, but you feel like you have barely seen him. Of course, he’s been spending time with your family, which you didn’t mind, you found it adorable they all got along so well. You’re just kind of irritated.
You wanted alone time with Sammy. Lately you’ve been feeling rather sexually frusturated. The last time you had had sex was nearly two months ago. You had went to see Sammy on his tour and you two had a quickie before he went on stage, and then after the show you guys had went out for drinks with everyone.
And you planned that tonight you could finally have some alone time. everyone had went out to dinner, and you thought when you got home you two could be alone, but Raelyn and her friend Carson wanted to play apples to apples, which you guys did, because they were practically begging Sammy.
At around 11, you decided you were going to bed, cause clearly you wouldn’t be getting anything tonight, your little sister and her friend had practically stolen your boyfriend.
You said goodnight, to which Sammy said he’d be up in a bit, and you headed off to bed. Putting on one of Sammy’s nebraska tee shirts he gave you a long time ago, and your panties, you laid in bed, and within 15 minutes you were asleep.
you were moaning out his name as he filled you up. It had felt like it had been forever since he had been inside you, and you loved it. It felt so good, him sliding in and out of you slowly. You were close. So close. Clenching around him moaning out his name as his lips captured yours to keep you quiet. you were about to cum
your eyes shot open. Looking around you realized you were dreaming. Of course. Looking beside you you saw the time was 2:05 in the morning. Looking next to you you saw Sammy sleeping.
If you hadn’t been so sexually frusturated the past month and a half, you probably wouldn’t have had that dream. If you weren’t horny earlier, you definitely were now.
Nudging Sammy a bit and muttering his name.
“hmmmm” he hummed into his pillow.
“babe...wake up” you spoke. You didn’t care it was 2 in the morning. You needed it.
A groan was Sammy’s response, but nevertheless he turned and sat up a bit, one eye open and looking at you.
“yes?” he asked.
“I love you” you smiled.
“you didn’t wake me up to tell me you love me...what’s up?” he asked, sitting up fully, his back against the headboard.
“but I do love you” you spoke, crawling over him a bit so you were straddling him. “you know that right?” you asked, your hands on his shoulders as you looked in his eyes.
“of course. I love you too” he muttered, his voice still raspy from just waking up.
You smiled and leaned in and pressed your lips to his. Pecking his lips several times before trailing your kisses along his jaw and making your way to his neck.
“babe...w-what are you doing” he asked, as gave him a little love bite before making your way back to his lips.
“I just love you a lot” you muttered against his skin before your lips were back on his.
Sammy’s hands were on your hips as you started to make out with him, slowly starting to grind on him. Sammy let out a little chuckle and pulled away from the kiss, causing you to look at him.
“you did not wake me up at 2 a.m. because you were in the mood” he laughed, looking at you.
“Sammy” you whined, throwing your head back. “it’s been forever” you admitted when you looked back at him.
“really?” he asked a light chuckle coming from him. “this couldn’t wait until later?”
“Sammy. It’s been over a month. I need you” you spoke, pouting your lip and giving him your puppy dog eyes.
Sammy shook his head and rolled his eyes before wrapping you up in his arms and rolling the two of you over so he was on top of you. Looking into one another’s eyes, he let out a little chuckle before he smashed his lips on yours.
He started to grind into you, feeling the small little bulge he had in his boxers against your core made you 10 times hornier, finally feeling him even if it was through clothes.
Both of you were turned on. Sammy didn’t realize how bad he had wanted, or needed you actually. In a matter of minutes you were left in just Sammy’s old shirt, and he was naked, laying back on your bed as you crawled back up to him, licking your lips with a satisfied smiled on your face.
“god, I forgot how good you were at that” he let out a little laugh as you moved to straddle him. You smiled at him as you hovered above his cock, reaching down, ready to remove your shirt.
“no...keep it on, you look sexy as fuck in my clothes”
You let go of the shirt and reached down and grabbed Sammy’s dick, aligning the tip with your entrance and slowly sinking down on it, throwing your head back as he filled you up.
You started to rock your hips back and forth, grinding on him slowly. His hands on your waist as he started to guide you, increasing your speed. 
It was passionate, and you loved it. Sex with Sammy always was. He made you feel so good. He pleased you in ways no man ever had before.
You had started to ‘bounce’ on him, your pace quickening, and the sound of your guys’ skin hitting filling the room. You bit your lip to hold in your moans, but they still fell from your throat. 
Sammy flipped the two of you over, you looking up at him now as he pounded into you. Pushing your shirt up just enough to expose your boobs, watching them with each thrust as they bounced up and down.
Your back arched up off the mattress as you bit your lip. You wanted to scream out his name. You were so close.
Sammy was grunting with each thrust, getting sloppier and you let out a loud moan, Sammy’s eyes going wide, realizing it was 2:30 in the morning, and you had nearly screamed.
Sammy reached down, running his finger against your lip, you opening up and him slipping a finger into your mouth, you immediately sucking on it. Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head.
You clenched around Sammy, knowing you were close. Sammy removed his finger and reached down and started rubbing your clit as he thrusted into you.
You moaned out as you came, your body convulsing and you seeing stars. Sammy rode out your high as he got closer to his. You knew he was close as he started to get sloppier, and he had also sorta fallen on top of you and was moaning into your ear.
You started talking to him as he tried to reach his release.
“Sammy” you whined in his ear “please cum in me” you muttered.
Sammy let out an almost growl in your ear, losing his control he bit down on your shoulder as he came, filling you up.
Riding out his high, he rolled off you with a huff.
“god” he breathed out. “you were right” he let out a little chuckle.
“right” you let out a little giggle, snuggling into him, and pecking his lips.
"I’m not even mad you woke me up at 2 am for that” Sammy laughed, wrapping his arms around you and the two of you falling asleep.
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