#i just sit here and watch them pop around their cage
tblsomedoodles · 8 months
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an abridged summary of how i ended up with two bitty guinea pigs
(the long version is several days long, and involved an entire emotional rollercoaster that no one wants to hear. long story short, i got the pigs and they are perfect in every way)
anyways! they're named Murry and Perry (Left to right in first doodle lol) (i haven't wanted to pester them very much while they're adjusting so i don't have any good pictures otherwise i'd share b/c i don't think i did them justice. they are very spikey and their colors are a lot more mixed, especially Perry's.) and i love them so damn much and i haven't even had them half a day yet.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Tears IV
Alexia Putellas x Child!Reader
Summary: You and Fluffles
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It's not often that people come around to the house.
Most of the time, it's you and Mami.
But today it's you, Mami and some of her teammates.
Mami usually does team bonding at their houses when you're away with Abuela and Tia Alba but today she's been convinced to open the house to them.
They're as quiet as a group of football players can be, having been lectured by Alexia at training today about being respectful of your needs if they're going to be invading the house together.
It's after dinner that they arrive. It's late, not enough for you to be in bed but late enough for you to have already had your night time bath and be in your pyjamas.
You hide away most of the time in your bedroom, just drawing but you pop out occasionally to show Mami what you've created.
The living room is loud with chatter and the tv has been commandeered by Jana and Bruna to play FIFA while everyone else watches and yells out tactics to try to help.
You're sitting on Mami's lap when suddenly everything gets a bit overwhelming and your skin becomes itchy with unease. You go tense, locking up all of your muscles at once until you're frozen like a statue.
Mami notices instantly, slipping your ear defenders on and lightly tap you off her lap. "Go and get Fluffles, pequeñita," She says.
You shake your head, still completely stiff. You glance around the room at where the girls are still watching the screen.
"No one's going to judge you for needing Fluffles," Mami says," I think you're in need of some Fluffles cuddles."
You sniffle and reach for her hand, tugging on it so she comes with you.
"Alright, pequeñita," She says," Let's go and get Fluffles."
You tug out at the collar of your pyjama shirt. You don't like how to feels against your skin and Mami tugs it off you. The air is a bit colder now but it feels nice on your heated skin and you can finally relax when Mami heads into Fluffles' room and unlocks her cage.
Fluffles leaps out of her cage instantly, darting around the room briefly before she leaps into your waiting arms. Her little hands press against your shoulder as you push your face into her soft fur.
Mami got your Fluffles last year for your birthday and she was your favourite thing in the whole world. She was so soft and little and she always made you feel so much better when you held her.
"Do you want to stay in here?" Mami asks," Or should we go back to the living room?"
You think it over for a moment, content with just holding Fluffles against you as she grunts softly against you.
"I take Fluffles with me?"
"Of course," Mami says," I'll even warm you up some milk. Do you want to go back out to the others?"
You nod. "With Fluffles."
It's nosier in the lounge than in Fluffles' room but you've got your ear defenders and your Fluffles so things are getting better.
Mami returns you to your spot on her lap as she sits on the sofa again.
Fluffles rests against you as you take big, deep breaths like Mami taught you to.
"I told you it would be a good idea," Irene says to Alexia when she notices," Pets are always good for kids."
Alexia rolls her eyes. "Oh yes because you can definitely compare your dog and son with my daughter and her chinchilla."
Paredes shrugs. "But I was right. They're cute together."
"They're not cute together when Alba lets it free to roam around the house without permission. I've had to put wrappings around all the wires."
Paredes holds her hands up. "Hey, I said get another dog. You're the one that gave her the chinchilla."
"She loves it," Alexia replies," It helps with her issues. It's the fur I think. If she could take it everywhere with her, she would. I think she wants another one too."
Paredes laughs. "Good luck with that."
Fluffles shifts in your arms until she's buried in the crook of your elbow, falling asleep quickly as you hold her.
Your whole body relaxes as Fluffles does and Mami very gently moves your ear defenders to rest against your neck.
"Do you still want your milk, pequeñita?"
You nod and she very carefully sits you on the sofa while she goes off to the kitchen.
With Mami gone, it's just you and Fluffles and you give her lots of little kisses as she naps.
Keira slides in next to you and very carefully points at Fluffles. "Who's this?"
"Fluffles," You answer," Mami got me her for my birthday last year."
"That's nice. What kind of animal is she?"
"A chinchilla. She's very soft."
"That's nice," Keira says," Does she live in your room?"
You shake your head. "Lives in the spare room so she has lots of room to play."
"That's cool. Is she your best friend?"
You nod. "Her and Mami."
"Her and Mami what?" Mami asks as she returns.
"My best friends," You reply," You and Fluffles." You think for a moment. "And Teeny."
"You're so sweet, pequeñita," Mami coos, layering kisses over your face," You're my best friend too."
You're sat on her lap again quickly and Mami holds your sippy cup of warm milk for you to drink out of.
The noise of the rest of the team has quietened down now because someone's put on a movie to watch. It's an adult movie so it's pretty boring and once you're done with your milk, you shift to get more comfy on Mami's lap.
Her fingers card through your hair before gently drawing circles on your belly. It's nice and relaxing and Fluffles soft weight in your arms is just perfect.
"Alright you lot," Alexia says," Come on, out."
"Aw, Ale!" Mapi complains," Why?"
Alexia glances down at you. "Because my pequeñita needs to go to bed now. You just being here has tired her out!"
Mapi laughs. "See, Ingrid? I'm good at getting babies to sleep when it's late!"
Ingrid rolls her eyes. "Not a chance, Mapi! Teeny's bedtime is the perfect bedtime for her. I'm not changing it."
The girls all stream out promptly after that and Alexia is left to get you and Fluffles settled in bed. She returns Fluffles to her cage and lifts your limp body up into her arms.
She bypasses your bedroom entirely and tucks you nice and safe into her bed, sliding in next to you.
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Where Am I?*Part Two
Pairing: modern!f!reader x (to be determined...) Ubbe, Ivar, Sigurd, Hviserks, Bjorn
Series Summary: After falling head first the reader wakes up face to face with a group of strangely dressed men who look eerily like the vikings she studies
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Word count: 3026
Part one here
Masterlist Here
Warnings: time travel being possible, getting chased by vikings, imprisonment
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The only thing that was stopping you from going insane so far was Ivar. He’d stayed true to his word and brought you bread and meat later that night which you devoured in seconds, suddenly realising how hungry you were. However, he also brought you mead which was a welcome blessing. But Ivar couldn’t leave it there. He had practically a thousand questions.
You did your best to answer them, but you didn’t exactly have all the wars and political events from the early Viking age to your time memorised to be able to answer them. The company however was refreshing. You’d been in this cage for three days now. Well, that’s what he told you anyway.
Ivar had visited you at least three times a day so far. Ubbe stopped by each day, sometimes with either of the other brothers, but always with a small hunk of bread and soup.
“Here,” he told you this morning as he passed it through the bars though this time, he was alone. He sighed as he watched you take it. “Will you tell me your name?” you had yet to speak to any of the other brothers and Ivar was determined to keep your conversations a secret it seems. “Do you understand me?” Ubbe asked as you bit into the bread.
He pointed to himself, “Ubbe,” he said, jabbing his chest. “My name is Ubbe. What is,” he pointed at you, “yours?”
“Ubbe,” you said pointing at him. he looked shocked that you could speak which made it hard for you not to chuckle, but you supposed that wouldn’t please him.
“Yes,” he smiled, pointing at himself again, “Ubbe. You?” he pointed at you again. You finally decided to give in and tell him your name, “What an unusual name,” he murmured before someone began to call for him. Aslaug you thought. She hadn’t visited you once since your last meeting, but you were oddly grateful for that. “I go now,” he said pointing to himself then the door. “You stay here. I will be back,” he went to leave but paused to add, “We don’t want to hurt you, but we can’t let you go. Not just yet,”
As if you could leave, you wanted to say but you bit your tongue. You weren’t sure how much time had passed between Ubbe leaving and Ivar creeping into the room, but you were grateful to see him, nonetheless.
This time he brought you chicken which was a welcomed gift. “How old are you?” he asked as you ate the food. You told him as you finished the meat, sitting the bone in the bowl. You grimaced however as you moved. “Are you okay? did someone hurt you?” he asked, an anger flaring behind his eyes.
You tried to calm it quickly, “No. only Ubbe visits with food but he never stays long. it just hurts sitting still for so long. my back aches,”
Ivar nodded, seemingly processing and debating something in his mind, “I could let you out,” he offered, though quickly adding, “but you cannot leave. If you do, they will find you. but I could let you move around,”
“Really?” you said desperately, clinging to the bars, “Oh Ivar even just 10 minutes to stretch my legs would do me the wonder of good,”
Ivars eyes narrowed for a moment as he eyed you up and down, “I will let you out,” he finally decided, “but don’t be fooled. I may be a cripple, but I am not dumb,”
“Of course, you’re not dumb Ivar,” you said, honestly a bit shocked by how casually he called himself that.
He nodded, cautiously moving to unlatch the cage. You waited until he shuffled back to let yourself out. You sighed as you stood up, stretching and hearing your joints pop as you did so. “That feels amazing,” you sighed, moving your legs around. “Thank you, Ivar,”
When he visited now, he would let you out during it, staying for longer each time so you could relax your legs. Two more days passed before Ragnar would return. The news came while Ivar was visiting you.
“Ivar! Where are you?” you heard Aslaug call out.
“Go!” he whispers yelled at you, urging you to get back in the cage. You did so quickly, shutting the door, “I’ll be back,” he said, rushing to the door to find his mother before she found him.
However, as the door shut behind him you realised. He hadn’t locked it.
At least an hour had passed, and he still had not returned. The cage lay unlocked. You listened carefully for any noises outside but there was none. Your eyes fell to where your bags sat in the corner. Carefully you opened the cage and crept out.
You padded over to the front door, your legs still feeling stiff as you did so. Pushing it open slightly you peered out. You barely stepped outside as you surveyed the area. You were in a hut on what looked like the near outskirts of town. There were a few other huts around, all bigger than this one, however no one else was here.
Behind you was a forest thick with trees, in front of you was a cliff edge where you could see the classic Viking style boats sailing in. you knew if you went left and followed the path you’d likely end up at the docks or somewhere else populated with Vikings.
You crept back inside and quickly grabbed your bag and opened it. just from going through it quickly you realised it hadn’t been touched. Perhaps they’d been too frightened of what it was to attempt it. you quickly zipped your backpack and put it over your shoulders. You grabbed your guitar bag and put the long strap over your shoulder before creeping back out the hut.
Now that you had stretched your legs there was no way you could go back in that god forsaken cage. Instead, you decided to take the risk and try the forest again. Maybe somehow, you’d trip and hit your head hard enough to snap out of this hellish nightmare.
However, as you went through the woods you realised just how tired your body was from sitting in one position for so long plus the sun was beginning to set. After walking for what you guessed was half an hour you decided to take a break for the night by a small lake you found. You dumped your bags on the ground and sat down on the dirt and sighed a breath of relief. You were free, for now at least.
Ubbe’s pov.
“It’s a good thing fathers back,” he said to his brother Hvitserk who raised an eyebrow at him, “That girl. We can’t keep her like that much longer,” he sighed as he watched his mother talk with his father presumably about the girl judging by their concerned faces.
“She’ll be fine brother,” Sigurd said, “For all we know she’s a witch,”
“I don’t think she is,” Hvitserk said making them both look at him questioningly, “If she was a witch wouldn’t she have well done something to us by now? Or escaped?”
“You all worry too much,” Ivar sighed, and it was hard for Ubbe not to roll his eyes. A random girl in strange clothing shows up out of nowhere not knowing their language and with some weird bag contraption and of course the youngest brother is not even slightly afraid.
Their debates however were quickly ended when Aslaug walked over, “Go fetch the girl. Bring her our home,” she said, her eyes flicking between Ubbe and Hvitserk, “and be discreet about it,” she added in a whisper, “we do not need these men to worry,”
There was only one slight problem, “Where the fuck is she!?”
“Fuck Sigurd was right!”
Both boys sprinted back to the mass gathering of celebrating raiders bragging to all the women and their panic did not go unnoticed, “Mother,” Hvitserk panted as he reached where she stood with Ragnar and Bjorn, “She’s gone. The girl is gone,”
“Who’s gone?” Bjorn asked, his eyes flicking between the group, “What happened while I was away?”
Your pov
You sat beside the small fire you’d managed to create and mentally thanked yourself for buying a lighter that day, so you didn’t have to rub sticks together. you had also gone through your back and found some sweets you had bought. However, you only let yourself half a couple to ration them out however you did gulp down the water you had.
Your phone however was still acting up so to entertain yourself you decided to take out your guitar and strum a couple songs quietly, singing under your breath. However even that got boring. Your stomach also began to growl so you decided to eat one of the granola bars you’d pact. Thank god you’d time travelled on a day you’d actually been prepared you laughed to yourself.
Eventually you’d even tried to skip stones to pass the time but that also grew tiresome. Soon you were sat in front of the fire, bored out your mind, flicking your lighter on and off.
Ubbe pov
“We should just grab her,” Sigurd whispered to Ubbe and Hvitserk as the three stared at the girl through the trees.
Ubbe was honestly half disappointed she hadn’t run further away all things considered. However, he was glad to be the one that had found her. “Okay,” he said, nodding his head as he tried to think of the best way to do it since last time you had outrun them for an embarrassingly long time. “On the count of- “
“Wait,” Hvitserk said, flying his arm across his brother’s chest to stop them, “What is she doing?” he said before all three boys jumped back, “Is she holding fire?”
“I think she’s creating it,” Sigurd whispered, his eyes growing wide, “I’m not getting burned to death by a witch!” he whispers yelled at them.
Ubbe felt his blood run cold. “Its okay,” he said quietly, knowing full well it was not okay that their prisoner had escaped and could now control fire, “Sigurd go run and get father and once we have back up, we will grab her. we will stay watch,”
“Can I go instead- “Hvitserk tried to ask but Ubbe shot him a glare. Hvitserk nodded before turning to Sigurd, “Well hurry up then!” he whispers yelled at him before his eyes turned to glue themselves back onto the prisoner who was now turning fire off and on in her hand.
Ivar’s pov
He didn’t know what was worse. The fact he’d accidentally let you escape or the fact he didn’t think you would have run. Now he was sat with his father, mother and older brother who know all anxiously waited in the great hall for his other brothers to hopefully return with you.
Bjorn had wanted to send out multiple search parties, but Aslaug had convinced him and Ragnar to try keep this as quiet as possible, so they only told the highest-ranking men. However, that was clearly going to change by the way Sigurd sprinted into the room.
“We found her,” he panted, “but there’s a problem,” he announced which made everyone in the hall stop their chatter.
“Well, what is it?” Bjorn asked, standing from his chair. “What has she done?”
Ragnar had been sat back in his chair the whole time, not fully believing this girl could be some kind of threat. That was until Sigurd spoke, “We found her holding fire,” several gasps came from around the room.
“What do you mean holding fire?” Ragnar asked, sitting up suddenly, “What did you see?”
“She was making fire appear in her hand. We saw it with our own eyes,”
“Where is she? Take me to her,”
Your pov
By now it was dark, and the fire was still burning pretty well considering you’d never done one before. you’d decided however to stash the lighter back in your bag since you weren’t going to figure out how to light one from scratch anytime soon. Now you were laying down a foot or so from the fire with your eyes shut.
Even though the whole situation was absolutely terrifying there was something oddly peaceful about this moment. You could hear owls hooting and the wind grazing through the leaves and a crackling fire. It was calm and serene. The only reason you even sat up was to stop yourself from being lulled asleep.
However, as you did you felt your blood run cold at the sight of two Viking men with a sack and a rope creeping towards you. “Fuck!” you tried to scramble to your feet but as you tried to run you felt one grab your wrist and a bag was forced over your head.
You weren’t sure where they were taking you or why they felt the need to tie your hands together in front of you, but you knew one thing. This couldn’t be good.
You weren’t sure how far you had walked but you knew your legs hurt and they men forcing you along did not slow down even when you would trip and almost fall. Without a warning the bag was ripped off your head and one of the men grabbed your shoulders tightly to stop you from running.
Your eyes went wide when they met with the bright blue eyes of Ragnar Lothbrok. Surely you had went insane. “Who are you?” he asked, stepping closer to examine you better, “What are you?” he asked as your eyes quickly scanned the room.
It looked like some kind of village hall, and it was filled with the most terrifying looking Vikings you had ever seen in your life. Which to be fair was very few till now. However, your eyes soon caught another blue pairs gaze. “Ivar,” you whispered, “Help me please Ivar tell them I didn’t do anything,” you soon began to beg when you noticed every single man in the room had their hand on the hilt of their weapons.
“How do you know my son?” Ragnar yelled, stepping closer, “Who sent you here?”
“No one I swear I haven’t done anything please,” your voice grew higher, and your eyes looked around the room in a craze. Soon they fell on the other three brothers who were now looking at Ivar with very concerned looks. “You said you didn’t want to hurt me,” you pleaded to Ubbe who’s eyes grew somehow wider than your own.
“I don’t,” he said, stepping forward making Bjorn glare at him. Bjorn, you suddenly realised, as in Bjorn ironside aka someone you really did not want glaring at you right now, “Father please. she hasn’t done anything,”
“She was holding fire,” Bjorn spat at his brother as Ragnar stepped back from you as if in some kind of internal debate.
Your face however scrunched up in confusion, something Ragnar seemed to take note of, “No I wasn’t!” you protested, searching for some kind of explanation when it suddenly clicked, “It was a lighter. I was using a lighter I swear I didn’t hold fire it was just a lighter,”
Silence fell across the room as Ragnar turned to look at you, “What is a lighter?”
You sighed. How the hell where you supposed to explain this without sounding like a witch? “It’s a device where I’m from that produces a flame but that’s all. It isn’t dangerous,”
You weren’t sure if they believed you. Ragnar stepped back to speak to his eldest son who whispered something in his ear while his eyes were fixed on you. Ragnar nodded before stepping forward again, “Show us this ‘lighter’,” he said.
“Its in my bag. I don’t know where it is,” you said just as one of the men behind you shoved the bag into your hands as quickly as possible. You wanted to roll your eyes but decided now wasn’t the best time. you crouched down with the bag and tried to unzip it as quickly as possible with your hands tied together.
Ragnar however took a step away from you as you searched in the bag. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you and finally you found it and stood back up. “See?” you said, flicking the flame on making them all jump back. You took your finger off the button so it would go away making them gasp, “Here. You try,” you offered it to Ragnar.
He went to reach for it, ignoring his wives protests as he took the plastic into his hand. “What do I do?” he said, looking the thing over.
“Press that down,” you tried to reach to show him, but he flinched from your touch, “Sorry,” you mumbled.
Ragnar narrowed his eyes at you before turning his attention back to the lighter. He took a deep breath and pushed it down. The flame sparked. The men in the room gasped, Ragnar jumped making the flame disappear, but a smile found its way onto his face. He tried it again, “Did the gods give you it?” Aslaug called over to you.
“No,” you said as you looked to her, now feeling more confident in your speech, “but where I’m from we have lots of things like this,”
“Is it magic?” a random man called out.
“No,” you said as Ragnar continued to play with the lighter before passing it to Bjorn. “I don’t have magic,” you were tempted to point out that magic wasn’t real but at this point who knew what was real, “it’s just science,”
Before anyone could question what that was Ragnar finally decided to speak after Bjorn had just burnt his finger trying to test if the flame was real, “Untie her hands,” he said and another man, Floki you somehow recognised, tried to protest but Ragnar spoke again, “You are no longer our prisoner but a guest. The gods have sent you to us and it is high time we showed you our hospitality,”
Part three
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t4tsnowstormjrwi · 1 month
Ah, rats!
Lint and Troy find three rats that were dumped by an old owner. Troy insists that he doesn't want to keep them, but he cannot resist the love of the rats.
fuck it post 670 word lintroller fic at 3am. there is probably grammar/spelling mistakes but im too tired to care right now. will probably post this to ao3 some other time
“Lint, broski, we can’t keep those things. Those are freakin’ rats!”
“But they’ll freeze out there, it’s too cold! We can send ‘em back to a pet store later, man.”
Troy doesn’t have time to protest before Lint is already out the door and rushing to a pet store to get supplies. He takes a seat next to the small cardboard box, because what else is there to do? And suddenly a small gray head pops out of it, making him jump. Black, beady eyes staring back at him. It’s kind of freaking him out.
Lint mentioned there being multiple of them in there, so Troy takes a peek in the box to see what they all look like. And there sit three little rats. A  gray one with a white snout, which he’d already seen, an albino one, and a dark brown one with white feet. They’re all huddled together in a corner trying to keep warm, and the white one looks scared.
Troy blinks, and before he can even do anything, he feels the claws of a rat running up his arm and onto his shoulders. And it feels so cold. So cold. He feels bad for these small animals, they’ve been out there for who knows how long, just trying to keep warm. How could someone do this? They seem so sweet, why would someone want to give that up? He feels the rat sniffing his ear. He sees in the corner of his eye that it’s that little brown rat. Troy sees a bit of himself when he looks at that rat, when he felt it running up his arm so quickly, it’s like when he’s steamsledding. And hey, that gray one there sort of reminds him of a steamsled! And that tiny little albino rat, it’s white like a cloud. Like cloudspire. And Troy thinks those are great names. Troy Jr., Steamsled, and Cloudspire. They could just call him Cloud for short. But it’s not like they’re gonna keep these rats, anyway.
Some time later, Lint comes home with a small cage, it’ll be temporary, and some rat food. When they walk through the door, he’s shocked to see that Troy, who said that he couldn’t care less about these rats, was covered in them. The brown rat on his right shoulder, the gray one on his left, and the albino one hesitantly crawling onto his hand.
“I thought you hated rats, man!” Lint called out from the doorway.
“I do, broski, but Troy Jr. here climbed up on my shoulder super quickly and the other two followed him out! And I couldn’t just put ‘em back, man, they’re cold and I’m freaking, like, warmer than them, or something. So they wanted to keep warm!” Troy defended himself, although it’s very clear that at the very least, he doesn’t hate these rats.
Lint stifles a laugh. They don't think they’ll be getting rid of these three any time soon, considering Troy’s already named them.
And he was right! A few days later they were returning the small cage to the pet store and replacing it with a larger one fit for three wonderful rats. They got more supplies, more toys for the rats, and soon they’d both forgotten about the fact that they were going to give these rats up. Every morning and night, Troy just watches the rats eat their food. He likes the sound they make. He likes to watch the way they act around each other. He likes seeing Troy Jr. lay on top of Steamsled, he likes watching those two fight while Cloud sneaks up and steals whatever they’re fighting over. Even if he hates most rats, these ones surely have a place in his heart.
It’s always just been Troy and Lint, but now it’s not just them. It’s Troy and Lint, and Troy Jr., Steamsled, and Cloud. Neither of them even know if rodents are allowed in the apartment, but neither of them care either. It’s all worth it.
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bihanspookies · 8 months
If you’re willing to do requests: MK1 Earthrealm Champions with a reader who’s a vigilante assassin?
Helll yeah bruudddeerrr, let’s get it
I’m writing it as them finding out what you do 🧐
Johnny Cage
• You saw how he reacted to Liu Kang, Bi Han and Kuai Liang showing up at his front step. He didn’t believe diddly squat until he saw magical shit up close and personal. You think he’d be a little more open to finding out you’re a vigilante assassin but—
• When he first finds out of course he’s in disbelief, he’s standing there with his hands on his hips and looking at you like 🤨
• He’s known you for YEARS how could he have not known this?
• Honestly though he finds it hot.
• Brains, beauty AND deadly?? Sign him tf up.
• Now he knows for sure to not mess with you.
“Wait wait wait so you’re saying that was you who took that guy out? Get outta here.” He waves a hand dismissively at you, using his other hand to take a sip of his drink. You both had been drinking the night away casually, swapping random stories when you had let it slip about your little ‘side job’.
“It’s true Johnny, not quite sure how I can prove it you but,” You shrug, downing the rest of your drink and popping one of the table snacks into your mouth. Johnny can only look at you, lips parted in suspicion as he tries to process the information you just told him.
“So the—?”
“And the guy—?”
“….Fucking amazing.”
• He isn’t quite sure how to handle it tbh. One on hand he understands wanting to punish those that deserve it but on the other he doesn’t like that you’re putting yourself in danger, no matter how good you say you are.
• He knew something was up with you the more he got to know you. How you’d seem more tired on certain days, bruises that were way too severe from just a simple sparring session, or how you’d suddenly take interest in someone from Kenshi’s past.
• He got extra worried when he saw you snooping through his office one day, filing through some old papers before claiming that you were ‘looking for something else’.
• He followed you one night, using Sento to guide him with ease throughout the city. It was late, raining, and he was starting to get frustrated the longer he tailed you.
• Finally he feels you stop, slipping quietly into a building from the fire escape. He’s not too far behind, climbing up and through the window just in time to see you slice open the neck of some poor unsuspecting man.
• He jumps down and makes his way to you, ready to tear you a new one until he sees that it’s someone from his yazuka days.
“The hell are you doing??” He hisses your name, Sento clutched tight in his tattooed hands as he approaches. He glances down at the bloody body on the floor, muffled gurgled sounds of his former enemy choking on his blood.
“The hell are you doing here?” You retort back, wiping your blade clean with your shirt and tucking it back into its sheath.
Kenshi doesn’t know what to say, too stunned at just witnessing you murder someone without even batting an eye. You can see the gears turning in his head and decide to let him in on your secret other life. You’ve known him for years, you can trust him.
“Vigilante… assassin?” He doesn’t like how the words taste on his tongue, grimacing at he tries to connect them and you together despite what he just witnessed.
You had walked and talked, disposing of the body as you did so and soon you find yourselves sitting on top of another building.
For the first time in a while you feel nervous, fiddling with your nails as you watch him soak in this new information.
“I just… be careful alright? I don’t like it but I can’t stop you.”
Kung Lao
• Like Johnny he also doesn’t believe you at first, claiming that you’re just making shit up to have a one up on him.
• You know that scene in the incredibles when Helen spins around in the chair waiting for Bob and she’s like “is this rubble 🤨.” That’s Kung Lao when you come home late one night covered in blood and debris.
• He’s immediately on you, asking where the hell you’ve been while also questioning why you look like you just came out of the Koliseum.
• Usually you’re so careful when coming back, slipping in and out like a snake but this particular job had nearly gone wrong so you’d been a little reckless when coming back inside your home.
• Knowing there was no way out of this one, you sat him down and started to explain everything. It’s a good thing Kung Lao didn’t play poker because his poker face was absolutely awful. His facial features showing exactly what he was feeling in the moment.
• When you finished, he was silent for a few moments before letting out a chuckle. He gave a look of ‘really?’ And you could only sit there and watch him try to soak up everything you said.
“So you’re a sort of crime fighting assassin? Please, you insult me.” He crosses his arms over his chest, eyebrow raised and a bit of a smug smirk on his lips. You can only huff, rolling your eyes and shaking your head at him.
“Lao it’s true, I don’t know what else you want me to tell you.”
His smile slowly dies off his lips, noticing your posture and the lack of humor in your voice. You’ve never been one to lie to him so why start now? It starts to lock into place when previous instances start to pop into head and suddenly he’s sitting up straighter in his chair.
“You’re… really going out and doing these things?”
Instead of answering you turn and lift your shirt up, showcasing the gash on your lower back that was caked with dry blood. He hisses, running his fingertips across the top before pulling back and lowering your shirt.
“Not quite sure I believe you yet but let’s get you cleaned up first.”
When he finally does accept what you do, he’s very excited to have you fight along his side, wanting to low key turn any fight you do into a competition even more now.
• You know that face he did when Kitana said that she heard he has a crush on her. Yeah that’s him when he finds out.
• At first he’s stuck processing it, because he never thought that you of all people would do that.
• But the more he thinks about it the more he’s impressed and although he wishes that you would leave that stuff to the law, he knows what it’s like to having to take matters into your own hands.
• He admires you for being able to go out and just take someone out with no thoughts about it whatsoever.
• But also he can’t help but worry every time you disappear because now he knows what you’re truly up to. He knows you can take care of yourself but still.
• It’s late at night when he catches you slipping out, softly calling out your name to stop you.
“Another job?”
You nod, no expression whatsoever as you linger by the window. Your gloved hand taps silently against the frame, wanting to reassure Raiden that you’d be fine but truthfully these things could go either way and you didn’t want to give him the false hope.
He only gives a singular nod, crossing his arms over his chest as he takes in your appearance.
“May the Elder Gods protect you.”
And he bows and smiles, a barely noticeable one but it’s enough to have you feeling confident and excited to come back home to him.
“I will.”
He watches as you hop out the window, feeling a sense of odd pride swirl in his heart.
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kikiwooo · 1 year
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𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅....𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕.
notes: gn! flying squirrel reader. I'm just fuckin' around.
don't fucking heart the post, I want fucking reblogs and comments and yes idc that I'm being rude.
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Reincarnated as a flying squirrel is honestly pure luck. Those guys are pretty flexible and being small makes them fit into nearly everywhere. I'm not even mentioning being able to glide.
Finding you was a surprise to König, you just came out of the thin air and landed on his chest. He was on a mission and trying to not get shot, which is pretty hard when there's such a cute distraction on his chest.
When the mission is over, the giant just ran towards to Horangi and showed you onto his face,,, which didn't help since Horangi was too busy catching his breath. When he finally got a good look at the creature in the König's hands " It's a wild animal we can't keep it. Leave them where you found them "
Due to two pair of puppy eyes from König and you, Horangi decides to let you stay, a big mistage really they are about to get addicted. König takes it upon himself to look after you, constantly feeding you little treats here and there and just watches with heart eyes how quickly you gobble them up in just mere seconds. Horangi warns him to not feed you too much but at the end of the day König would stuff your cheeks so much that they'd look they could pop off any time.
Horangi got you a cage for your size and it's just sitting there not used at all, reasons; 1) you never liked the cage even if it's full of rich thingies 2) you always sleep with them at nights 3) König always wants you by his side even if Horangi put you to your cage forcefully, König would find a way to get you out without Horangi noticing him sneaking you out.
Another reason why König keeps you with him is that you shut down his anxiety very quickly, Horangi never says something about that and is actually very grateful that you're there to make König focus. Your fur feels so nice to touch.
They both have pockets that you can hop in them anytime. Mainly Horangi though because he is very carefully with you, König too but sometimes he gets a bit too excited and ends up hurting you a little unintentionally, it's all good since he quickly apologies smothering you with kisses.
You sometimes sneak under König's hood and just stay here,,, whilst watching Horangi searching all over the place turning everything upside down to find you. König keeps his gremlin voice at minimum or never open his mouth to shout smthbg in German to not to scare his love ( he actually calls you that go ask him ), whenever he gets pinned to the ground or the wall his enemy will find themselves in front of a very furious squirrel. Squirrels can be dangerous if provoken, do be careful.
Now...imagine when König decides to mess with you, play fighting basically. His fingers can alone trap you under his palms " So tiny so cute! " [ also he takes his hood when it's just the two of you so ], when he goes for your nose for a kiss, suddenly there's a whole ass human beneath him( what was the name of the disney film agushsh I can't remember ). Both of you staring at each other wide eyes and flushed cheeks.
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liillyliilly · 2 months
Go-Go Dancer
kenji sato x reader words; 1737 synopsis; she's an unattainable go-go dancer, he's just a baseball player.
Neon gold lights. Thigh highs and swinging hips with dangling belly-dancing chains. Midnight answers desiring to be claimed. Nothing can go wrong in Las Vegas, even if only for a night of faked immortality and shaken resolve.
Kenji Sato can’t help it if he has a sweet tooth for just one girl that he has to fly out every month for.
He tried asking if she’d fly out to him once but she just licked her cherry lollipop, rolled her eyes, and gave him a flat, “No.”
Sitting on a long, L-shaped couch, he crosses his legs, uncrosses them, and then crosses them again repeatedly. A glass of sugary cocktail is glittering blue and green. His black button up is undone, exposing his chest and the beginnings of his abdomen. Dressy suit pants clash with the snake-skin shoes he wears.
It is a mixture of business and pleasure. Baseball would always be the official reason he visited Vegas. He took up an assistant coach position for a team here, for the off season from his position at the Yomiuri Giants.
But he was never out at the ballpit later than ten at night, he came here instead.
Here was where his little go-go dancer was.
She laughs the most, out of all the dancers. Probably due to the amount of candy she eats when she dances. Suckers, licorice, chocolate pieces, sour gummies. Anything that she could have, she’d consume. It was her schtick, her selling point. After fifteen minutes of dancing at a time, she sit on the edge of the stage, chewing candy and kicking her feet as people tried to talk to her. She’d playfully shake her head and wiggle her finger, turning her head around to cheer for her friend who was dancing.
He liked that she did go-go dancing, it was light-hearted, energetic and bubbly. It wasn’t always purely to satiate his craving to see her in skimpy get-ups, but instead to see her having genuine fun spinning around and running her hands from her shoulders to her hips to her knees. If he was in a rut, he’d just need to watch her throw her head back and giggle when another dancer would tug on her arm so they could tango a little.
After the show was when they could be alone, sitting in a nook in the club.
Neither of them wants to talk first. Neither will talk first. He slides a stick of gum across the counter, and she starts to chew it. Blowing a hot pink bubble in his direction, he pops it with his pointer finger. The laugh in response causes her shoulders to shift from the way happiness crawls up from her lungs to her mouth.
“Thanks for the gum.”
“Thanks for the dance. You know I can pay my own entry fee right?” He leans into her, and she pushes him back a little with her hand. She always covered his payment when he would come to see her.
Kenji calls over a waiter and orders some glasses of water, and a plate of chicken nuggets.
“Oh! And some house salad, you know I like the way you make it Petey!” She grins at the waiter who nods his head and adds it to his sheet of paper. Kenji waves him off.
The blaring music keeps going, and the flashing lights give him a slight migraine. When he rubs his temple to relieve the pressure, she uses her hand to cup his face and uses her thumb to replace his hand easing away the headache.
“Your boyfriend doing good?”
“Hm, he’s alright. He’s getting boring now.” She slides closer to him, and Kenji rests a hand on her thigh. The sheer nude fishnets an abrasive texture under his fingers.
Kenji tilts his head forward a little, invading her personal space. “I’m not boring, am I?”
“No. But you’re always so safe, so clean, so pristine.” She mutters a little, brushing her lips against his cheek. He liked it when she spoke in threes. “I like it when you’re a little messy.”
She kisses him, and he kisses back. He moves a hand behind her neck, pushing her into him. She curls her fingers through his soft black hair, appreciating the slight cage of gel he put into his finger. Running her fingers through the fringe broke the shell and his flyaways were back and ticking her face again and she hummed into the kiss.
He goes down, kissing her jaw hotly, leaving wet traces of his mouth along her skin. The sounds she makes become his melody- he wants it as the ringtone in his phone. She wiggles her hips a little and he pulls her onto him.
Pushing the table away a little, she slots between the counter and his chest. He keeps a hand on her neck, bringing his other hand to press the small of her back, forcing her to get nearer.
In a tease, she eases her stance from her knees that lifted her up. Firmly, her hips are on top of his. She bites his neck as she rolls her hips over his, barely missing the heat between his legs. He groans and lets his head lull on top of the built in couch.
He’s shivering a little, trying to keep his hips from stuttering or his stomach from tightening.
The waiter comes back and sets the food onto the table with an awkward chuckle, Kenji just slides his credit card across the table and huffs.
Once he can put his card back into his wallet, he tries to go back to kissing her on the mouth. But she’s already crawling off of him and eating a bite of croutons, with a single piece of lettuce.
Kenji snickers, getting a drink of his water, letting his attention go to how she watches his Adam’s Apple bob with the swallowing he does.
He bites the head off of his chicken nugget, dinosaur shaped.
“Don’t get too messy, okay?” She pouts at him and he nods.
Once the food is clear, water is drunk, and shirts smoothed out. She tries to say goodbye.
“Same time next month yeah?” She twists a loose strap from her top, a leather piece that’s attached by clasps to just dangle against her torso.
Kenji grabs the strap and pulls her into him. The entrance has people trying to scooch around them to get in, so Kenji brings the pair of them out of the club to stand by the bored bodyguard. She’s tracing shapes on his stomach with her fingernail, and it tickles him. So once he makes a disapproving noise, she rests her hand flat on his chest.
“I’ll be back in two months, I have more work in the next few weeks.”
She clicks her tongue, not looking at him. “You’re going to forget all about me Jiji.”
The nickname was silly, but he liked it more than he’d ever care to admit.
How could he ever forget his go-go dancer?
Two months later, he feels stung. She’s sitting in someone else’s lap. When she sees him, and knows she’s been caught she clambers out of the girl’s lap, leaving the girl hot faced and with glossy, puffed, bright purple lips.
He does the only thing he can see as reasonable, leaning against a corner wall. She bounds up to him and tries to explain, tries to find a way to describe why she didn’t respond to any of his texts in the last week.
She tugs on his hair a little, trying to demand his attention.
She had to admit that while Kenji had her pressed up against the wall, he was kind of hot. But him being hot didn’t empty out the fuel that she wanted to add to his delicious anger that was radiating off of him like steam from soup.
Leaning against the wall, she pouted, sticking out her bottom lip. “All this anger, and just because of a little tug on your hair?” Kenji pressed his lips into a thin line, there was a prominent vein protruding from his neck, and his ears were so red she thought they were comparable to a strawberry. She wanted to see how much further he was willing to go.
“How pathetic.” She spat out. Trying to escape his hold on her against the wall.
In an instant his lips were against hers. Smashing pressure against her lips, his hands went straight to cupping her ass, his chest and hers pushed together before he lifted her up. Taking the hint, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Maybe she should have felt more shame for making out with Kenji in the middle of the day in a barely empty club that was playing house music.
But what's the fun in that?
Sloppy wet kisses trailed from her mouth to her jaw to her neck. He kissed her like a man starved of his last meal while on death row. He kissed like she was going to disappear in an instant. He moved to rest her body against the window ledge, laying her down on her back as he hovered over her.
Tugging her loose t-shirt off, leaving her in a strappy blue costume bandeau, he tainted her skin by kissing her torso and chest in every part where she had exposed skin. His hands went to hold her thighs down against the ridge of the ledge. Looking up at her with hooded eyes, Kenji bit down hard on her neck. When she let out a moan at the pleasurable pain, he spoke up.
“Look who’s pathetic now.”
She hugs him. And he keeps his face in her neck, letting his breath catch up to him. His panting leaves condensation on her skin. They’re in his hotel room and under the thin white sheets.
There was no being blase about her, no nonchalance left in his body for her.
“There’s go-go dancing in Tokyo.”
“I know.”
“Just a thought.”
“I know.”
After that night, they never see each other again. She had moved out to New York, and deleted his number. He tried to find her, but none of her past co-workers would expose her contact information or new address. There was nothing much he could do but mourn the loss and move on.
Nothing more than a fling with a go-go dancer.
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writethrough · 2 years
How to Mistakenly Summon An Ancient Being & Keep Him
(Morpheus x Female Reader)
Synopsis: You're an insomniac and have exhausted all other avenues to help you sleep except one. What happens when that one brings you the King of Dreams?
Warnings: Language (only one f*** was given), mutual pining, inability to sleep
Word Count: 3299
A/N: I'm super pumped to share this one! Though, I do think I could've upped the pining a bit more. Let me know what you think!
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Nothing you tried worked. No amount of meditation, sleepy time tea, or melatonin kept you asleep. Your doctor had prescribed you sleeping pills, which worked for a few weeks, but the drowsiness and headaches made you stop taking them.
You had been scrolling through your social media when an ad for some spirituality website popped up. All the words were a blur except “help” and “sleep.” You clicked on it before you could think about viruses. That led you through site after site. Some hawked overpriced sleeping potions that sent up all of your red flags, and others touted crystals for pleasant dreams and to ward off nightmares, but it was a ritual that caught your attention.
It was simple enough. A few herbs you already had in your kitchen, a candle, and some sigils that took you much longer to draw than they should have. All you had to do was say the words at midnight and hope your prayer would be answered. The worst that could happen was already happening to you. It's not like you could get less sleep.
When the clock ticked to 12 AM, you lit the candle and recited the spell three times.
You waited. You weren’t sure what you were waiting for—heavy eyelids, relaxation, the inability to keep your head up. However, you never expected to hear a deep voice behind you.
“You humans never change," he growled. It was more than a glare he pinned you with; it was that of a beast, ready to devour.
It happened so quickly.
He and Lucienne were in the library, combing through books when he felt a tugging from the top of his spine. It brought him back to that day over a century ago. He couldn’t let that happen again.
“Lucienne!” he called as sand swirled around him.
“My lord?” Lucienne could only watch in horror.
Before either could do anything more, he had been transported into a bedroom. A woman sat facing away from him, and all of his anger honed in on her.
He would commit atrocities sooner than sit in another cage. And you were about to discover just how far he would go.
The man before you blended into the shadows cast by the moon. He seemed to encompass everything within the darkness, but you knew he couldn’t; he was just a man—one that appeared without explanation.
You steeled yourself. Slowly rising, never taking your eyes away.
“Who the hell are you, and how did you get in here?” you asked, impressed that your voice came out relatively steady.
The man’s jaw clenched, but he stayed silent. If anything, this angered you more than frightened you.
“You need to leave before I call the police,” you said. You would call the cops regardless, but he didn’t need to know.
This made his eyes narrow.
“You wish me to leave?” he asked as if he were trying to decipher the words.
“Yeah, people typically don’t like it when strange men just pop up in their bedroom,” you snapped. Why was he looking at you like you were the crazy one?
“You summoned me, human,” he said.
You straightened, taken off guard. “I summoned you? You're out of your mind. I did not summ—” Then it clicked. The ritual. Could that be what he was talking about? You pointed to the candle. “Is this what you mean?”
He nodded slowly. His posture seemed to relax a little.
You glanced between him and your tools.
“I don’t understand,” you said. “It was just supposed to help me fall asleep. Not bring me a…what exactly are you?”
He ignored your question for one of his own. “May I see the incantation?”
You grabbed your laptop from the floor and showed him the lines. After a moment of contemplation, he exhaled a deep, exhausted breath.
“Truly, did you not know this was to summon me?”
You shook your head. “I promise. I…I just wanted to sleep.”
How were you going to do that now? And what were you going to do about the man you supposedly summoned from who knows where?
“I can help with that,” he said. “This ritual may not be what you thought, but it will do as you wished.” He leveled you with his gaze. “My name is Morpheus. I am the King of Dreams.”
You were…different, he had decided. Neither good nor bad, just something other.
You said this was an accident and that you hadn’t expected the ritual to work. Morpheus saw the desperation in your eyes—the need for a solution to a problem out of your control. Perhaps it was that familiarity that made him want to help you.
And no matter how much he tried to convince himself otherwise, there was an instinct that told him he could trust you.
You had just summoned the fucking Sandman. You weren’t sure if you wanted to praise or curse the off-the-wall website you found the ritual on. No, you wanted to finally have a continuous eight hours of rest.
“Okay, so how does this work?” you asked, maybe a tad too excited.
“Lie on the bed and close your eyes. This will only take a moment,” he said.
In any other situation, you would react very differently, but now that Morpheus seemed to have relaxed, you felt you could trust him. At the least, you could trust him to do as he claimed. 
After taking your position, Morpheus stood over you, a small pouch in one hand as he poured it over into the other.
“Morpheus,” you said before he could continue.
He only glanced at you in response.
“I’m sorry,” you paused. “For making you come here against your will.” He was borderline hostile when he arrived, but when you explained everything, he calmed. There had to be a story there. “And thank you for this.”
His lips twitched in a blink-and-miss-it moment.
“Sweet dreams,” he said and sprinkled the sand into your eyes.
The next night, Morpheus waited for you in the Dreaming. After helping you fall asleep, he grew more curious about you. What caused your insomnia? How could a human be so honest? And what made him believe you in the first place?
Though time passed differently in the Dreaming, he knew when you should’ve been sleeping. When you didn’t come, he brushed it off as having missed you. Though that wasn’t possible.
The night after, you still had not shown. By the third night, he had a strange sense of concern. Were you alright? Have you not slept at all since you met? He was determined to find out.
It was nearly 7 PM when he knocked on your door. He thought it best not to repeat his initial arrival. His eyes narrowed when you answered, dark circles gracing your under eyes. 
“Morpheus? What are you doing here?”
He slipped past you. “You have not been sleeping.”
“Not true. I slept for a few hours,” you said, sitting on your couch and indicating the space beside you.
“Not well,” he said, following. “You haven’t visited my realm.”
You stayed quiet, pulling your cardigan tighter around you.
“Why did you not call for me?” You had the means to; if you had not been sleeping, there was no reason for you not to summon him.
“That’s not fair to you,” you said. “And I wasn’t about to bother you again, especially because it seemed to affect you.”
He was silent. You took his feelings into account even though it was to your detriment.
You were not as selfish as other humans. It made him want to help you all the more.
“Think nothing of it.” He pulled out his pouch. “You must rest. Now, lie back for me.”
You nodded, evidently not having the energy to argue.
You waited to feel the gentle taps to your eyelids the sand made. When they didn’t come, you opened your eyes only to find yourself on a cobblestone path in a village. Stands were set up with various foods, craftsmanship, and jewelry. Some merchants were human, but others were humanoid with animal features. A few had skin swirled like galaxies or solid green or even wings. It was all so vibrant, so alive.
“Welcome to the Dreaming.” Morpheus stood next to you, carefully watching your reaction.
His realm. So, he had put you to sleep.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face as you spotted baby dragons, of all things, playing with young children.
You laughed in disbelief. “I’d tell you to pinch me, but I know I’m dreaming.”
A hand was placed on your back as he led you forward.
“There’s much to see,” he said.
A few creatures bowed to him as you passed. And it reminded you that he was indeed a king.
“How long have you been the King of Dreams,” you asked, slipping your hands into your pockets.
“Since the beginning of time,” he said.
You stopped, as did he, and you looked him over. You shook your head slightly before moving again.
“I’m not sure if I can even fathom that,” you said, a wave of naivety washing over you.
“Do not dwell on it. It’s best not to.” He paused. “May I ask you something?”
“Of course.” You looked at him expectantly.
“How long have you had difficulty sleeping?”
You shrugged. “Feels longer than it actually is. It's like one day, my brain decided it would never turn off, not fully. I get some rest here and there, but the best sleep I’ve ever had was the night we met.”
He took a moment to think this over. What he said next shocked you.
“Then I shall put you to sleep every night."
Your eyes widened as your cheeks heated up. Did Morpheus not realize how that sounded? A being as old as time itself surely knew every way that could be taken.
“That’s-That’s really not necessary, Morpheus. I’m sure you have more important things to do than make sure I sleep.”
You thought he was going to ignore you. He seemed to do that whenever he believed it suited him. Instead, his eyes held a certain glint to them.
“You should not question the Lord of Nightmares. And in his own kingdom no less.”
Was he…teasing you? The flutter in your stomach made you believe it.
“I can’t ask you to do that,” you mumbled. “I don’t want you to waste your time on me.”
You were so focused on your shoes that you missed the passing look on his face.
“Then it is fortunate I offered,” he said softly.
You met his gaze, ready to argue, but he stopped you.
“And only I may decide what is wasteful of my own time. You, (Y/N), can never be.”
Since that night, Morpheus had given you peaceful slumbers. Weeks passed, and his visits grew longer. He arrived when you prepared dinner. Though he didn’t often eat, he was keen to assist you in preparing it. You caught him taking a dish out of the oven once without mits. He was holding the pan before you could stop him, but his features showed no sign of pain. In domestic times like these, you forgot that he wasn’t human.
He stood chopping an onion while you combined ingredients in a bowl discussing your favorite films.
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen it,” you said.
He tried to hide his smile as he slid the onions into the bowl.
“I do have a realm to oversee,” he said pointedly.
“Evidently.” You gestured to where he was, in your kitchen, clearly not in the Dreaming.
His eyes turned bright.
“Perhaps tonight you will finally meet one of my nightmares,” he said, voice dipping as if he was serious.
You tilted your head and pursed your lips in thought.
“No, I don’t think I will,” you said, setting the bowl aside.
“And why is that?”
“Because you’re too nice.” You had to lift your chin to meet his eyes.
He had always been kind to you. It wasn’t just him putting you to sleep. It was his thoughtfulness and how deeply he cared for his people.
Morpheus hadn’t told you everything that happened to him prior to your meeting, but you gathered enough to know it had nearly broken him. The fact that he let you in at all spoke volumes. You hoped he knew how much he meant to you.
You may only be human, but you’d protect him with your entire being.
He had captured your heart quickly, and you wished you weren’t obvious enough for him to see it.
Morpheus reread the page for the fourth time, and its contents still failed to penetrate. Last night he had been with you making dinner. Now, all he could think about was your smile, the way your eyes lit up, and how he wanted to hold you and keep you from every wretched thing you had encountered yesterday and since you’d met.
He closed the book and stood. You were working today, which meant you wouldn’t be home, which meant he couldn’t see you until dinner tonight.
It frustrated him. He would provide you with whatever you desired—you need only ask. It was old-fashioned, but he didn’t want to be away from you. The moment you told him he could leave, it was as if something pulled him toward you. You were special. You guided him through obstacles he thought he had overcome long ago.
You became his comfort, and he hoped he had become yours. And tonight, he would tell you as much, and hopefully, you would accept him.
You had just gotten home from possibly the longest day of your life. Every minor inconvenience had culminated in the pounding in your head. But it was finally over, and soon enough, you and Morpheus would be relaxing on the couch watching a show he should’ve seen by now.
Changing into something comfortable, you entered the kitchen to pull the dinner ingredients out when there was a tapping at your window.
Matthew waited, tilting his head in that raven way.
“Hey, Matthew,” you said, letting him in.
He flew to the back of your armchair after swooping to scoop a mouthful of gummy worms you kept in a bowl just for him. The perks of being a magical raven.
“Hey (Y/N),” he said around his food. He continued after swallowing. “The boss is running late, but he’ll be here soon.”
You nodded. Sometimes this happened. Though Morpheus’ definition of late usually meant twenty minutes or so.
“His work is much more important than cutting vegetables,” you said, taking a seat.
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you saw the look on his face,” he said. “He looked ready to cry or smite someone.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Those seem like two very opposite ends of the spectrum.”
“Not when he does it. I’m talking this full constipated gloss over his face,” Matthew said.
You let out a laugh. “Still, I can believe the smiting, but the crying? Never. Especially not over something as silly as helping me with dinner.”
“Are you kidding? He doesn’t say it, but that’s the highlight of his day! There’s always this pep in his step when he’s about to come here.” He paused. “Well, about as much pep as you can imagine him giving.”
You blushed. Was Morpheus really that excited about something so small?
Matthew had gone down a bit of a ramble, but the last thing he said snatched your attention.
“...I mean, he’s basically in love with you, so it’s no surprise.”
“Who’s in love with me?”
“Dream,” Matthew said as if you hadn’t been listening.
“No, he’s not.” You shook your head.
“Yeah, he is.”
“On what planet would an Endless love me of all people?” He was lying. He had to be. There was no way Morpheus returned your feelings.
“This one!” Matthew said, exasperated.
You weren’t sure if you could breathe or not. It felt like you were, but why couldn’t you inhale completely?
“Are you being serious?” you asked, trying to hide the hope in your voice.
“I wouldn’t lie to you about something like this,” he said softly.
You nodded. “Okay, so what do I do now?”
There was a familiar knock on your door. You both looked toward it.
“Do what’s gonna make you happy,” he said, then left out from where he came.
Okay, you could do this. It was just Morpheus. Standing outside your place, waiting for you to let him in after you found out he apparently loved you. Do you pretend not to know? Should you come out with it? You loved Matthew, but shit, you wished he didn’t talk so much.
First things first, you had to open the door.
“Morpheus.” You smiled, hopefully not too big.
“Hello (Y/N),” he said, pulling a bouquet of flowers from behind him. “For you.”
You gave him a soft smile. “What’s the occasion?”
He seemed to hesitate a moment. “I simply wanted to.”
“They’re beautiful. Thank you.” You turned to the kitchen to search for a vase, hiding your widening smile.
“I sent Matthew earlier. Is he not here?” Morpheus asked, having followed you.
“Just left.” Do what’s gonna make you happy. “He actually told me something he probably shouldn’t have.”
“And that is?” He waited patiently but sensed your reluctance. “Unless I should be kept in the dark as well.”
“No,” you breathed. “No, it was kind of about you.”
He regarded you carefully. “...Has whatever he told you made you uncomfortable in my presence?”
Your eyes widened. “No! Never.” You supposed the only way to say this was to just come out with it. “He told me that you…well, he told me that you love me.”
He had clearly not expected that response. And you wondered if he had ever told Matthew about his feelings or if the bird was only guessing.
“It’s true,” he said. “That’s the occasion.”
“The flowers. I was going to tell you tonight,” he said.
A thought occurred to you, and the corner of your mouth turned up.
“Then tell me,” you said, taking a step closer.
Morpheus seemed to be taken aback but recovered just as quickly. His jaw clenched, and he met your eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered. “It grows with each passing day.”
You found one of his hands with yours. His touch kept you grounded. You needed that with how it felt like you’d float away any second.
“I love you, too.” You beamed, happier than you had ever been.
His eyes were soft, and they became the slightest bit hooded.
“May I kiss you?”
Your response was to lift your chin and capture his lips with yours.
It was like you were on fire. And yet your heart somehow calmed.
This was right—his hands on your waist, yours resting on his chest. Each press of his lips reinforced everything since you met. Trust, safety, comfort, and now love.
You had to be the one to pull away for breath.
His thumb grazed your cheek as he examined your features.
How was it possible for someone to be so captivating?
You wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your head in the crook of his neck.
“Not even in my wildest dreams did I think you would love me,” you said, ecstatic that you were wrong.
He hummed. “It’s fortunate that I create dreams then.”
You pulled away enough to look at him. “Very fortunate.”
He leaned down for another kiss, a slow, deep peck. It burned all the way to your toes.
“I love you,” you mumbled against his lips.
He pulled you closer, intent on showing you.
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stickytrigger69 · 6 months
ooo could we get a thing with subby tfp starscream being kind of a brat with a mech reader? i imagine his wings are sensitive, so reader rubs them while he teases his spike at screamer’s entrance, that kinda thing,,, throw a “good boy” in there too please? thank you!!!
TFP Starscream x Mech Reader
Mech reader
Submissive Starscream, Dominant Reader
NSFW, minors dni
(A/N) I accidentally posted before I even started, so I did start it but then my phone turned off and lost all of the fucking progress, I feel like that picture of pepe pulling at his eyelids. (yes I wrote it all while at work)
"The audacity! How dare he!" Staracream grumbles, pacing back and forth like a caged mechanimal, "He can't do that to me, be that way with ME?! of all mechs on the ship." His small servos wave around in the air, the even smaller object in his servo makes you a little nervous. You've been watching him for the past 5 minutes, at the least, trying to make sure he doesn't hurt himself in the middle of his hissy fit.
"Darling?" You try getting his attention.
"I'm his most valuable, his second hand mech." He stomps past you, then turns on his heel to go back around.
"Darling, sweetspark." You speak softly and affectionately, you know hes frustrated so you're treading as lightly as possible.
"Ugghhh, it's not fair!!" He cries and turns to face you, throwing the object in your direction. Without thinking, you swat it away before it can touch you, and within seconds, you're standing in front of him, his wrist in your large servo. "Ah, let go of me!" He starts pulling against you, but you don't budge.
"No, you're misbehaving." You say simply, looking at him voidly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw it at you, I'm just so-" He scrambles to apologize.
"Frustrated, I know darling, but," you grab his chin and make him look in your optics, "That's no excuse for your bad behavior. I think you need to be punished." You peck his derma gently. He shivers, and that's all you need to begin picking him up and pulling him flush to your frame. A deep kiss has him relax, and a smack to his faceplate alerts him again of the trouble he's in.
"But I..." You shush him, making him gasp and swallow his words.
"If you're a good boy, I'll be nice." You promise, which makes his optics sparkle almost. "Will you be a good boy for me?" He nods. "Then show me, baby." You set him down, and without another word or thought, he gets on his knees and prods gently at your panel until it opens. Your spike has begun to pressurize, but not completely, so when he starts touching you and licking and sucking and nipping at it, the brighter the biolights glow, and the bigger it pressurizes. You let him do his job until you hear his panel pop as well. "Alright, come here."
He stands in front of you for a deep kiss. You start fiddling with his wings, rubbing and circling the bumps and crevices, occasionally making him moan into your mouth. He grinds his hips forward, valve aching for your spike and dripping with sweet fluid. "Please." He pleads between a kiss
"Please, what baby boy?" You ask, tugging and pinching lightly at his sensitive wings.
With a moan, he answers breathlessly, "Frag me already, please, Daddy." He grinds his hips into the air again. With one thought in your processor, you lay him on the berth. His servos hold onto your neck, playing with the cables while you stare at him. Admiring your beautiful mate. With a servo on the side of his faceplate and the other on his wing, you start prodding the head of your spike at his entrance.
"You're so beautiful, my good boy." With a sweet kiss, you thrust fast and hard into his tight valve. He moans into the kiss again, this time louder. "Good boy." You sit up on your knees and look down at him. He already looks spent, but there's so much more ahead of him. Your left servo takes hold of his throat, and you start pounding unto his valve. He holds his legs up for you like you've taught him. "Such a good boy." You grunt and groan into the air. His valve is so tight and wet.
After a few hours of non-stop fragging, you sit at the edge of the berth, Starscream lying in the middle of it, sprawled out. Transfluid pooling out from his valve. You're reading more mission briefs. At least you had the chance to clear your processor before you had work to do. You stand, stretch, and sigh. You look down at your lover, so soft and sweet, misunderstood and mistreated. It makes your tanks churn and spark ignite.
Starscream wakes up to incessant pings. He sits up clean and refreshed, oh he needed that spike more than he thought, but the more he thinks, the more he wants. His panel pops open again, "Scrap!"
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corroded-hellfire · 2 months
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Prompt Day 14: And the Winner Is...
Word Count: 1000
Rating: T
Pairing: Hellcheer
CW: Language
Summary: It's time for a new generation to take on the talent show at Hawkins Middle School
Song is Mr. Brightside by The Killers
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The auditorium at Hawkins Middle looks smaller than Eddie remembered it as he and Chrissy step inside. Though, he had been smaller the last time that he was here for his own talent show in the eighth grade. 
“We are not sitting front and center,” Chrissy says to Eddie, shaking her head. “I won’t do to her what my mom did to me. Stressed the hell out of me to see her there.”
“I remember Wayne sat over here,” Eddie responds, nodding his head towards the right of the auditorium. That night sticks out in Eddie’s mind for a few reasons, but one of the best was seeing the proud smile on Wayne’s face after the original Corroded Coffin’s very first performance. 
“Here is good,” Chrissy agrees, and the two of them take seats right of center, a few rows back. 
The auditorium hasn’t changed much since Eddie went here, a fact he learns as he looks around the smaller-than-remembered space. But something does catch his eye that makes him smile. He taps his wife’s shoulder twice and points up to the catwalk where the two of them bumped into one another over twenty years ago. 
“Think Em is up there looking for us?” Eddie asks.
Chrissy laughs. “I can’t see her dragging her precious darling up there with her. And I doubt she’s going to let it leave her sight.”
Emily Munson’s new purple guitar is the light of her life. Eddie thinks she might even love it more than he loved his Sweetheart back in the day. Honestly, he’s surprised he hasn’t looked into Em’s room and seen the guitar tucked in bed next to her while she sleeps. 
“Her precious darling has a name,” Eddie teases. 
“I am not calling that thing ‘Cobain.’”
“Says the woman who named her car,” Eddie goads.
Chrissy pouts and looks up at her husband.
“Don’t bring Roxy into this.”
Eddie laughs and wraps his arm around his wife’s shoulders. 
The lights in the auditorium dim and the principal steps onstage.
“Welcome to the 2004 Hawkins Middle School talent show! I am Principal Newman and I’m so glad that you could join us this evening to witness the extraordinary talent our students have.”
The first few acts are entertaining enough—for a middle school show. Everyone in the audience knows they’re really sitting through everything else until the student they came here for is on. Finally, that time arrives for the Munson’s. 
“Please put your hands together for Guitarfly!”
Matching proud grins grace both Eddie and Chrissy’s faces as the curtains part to reveal their daughter and three of her friends.
Emily stands at the microphone, Cobain ready to go as she adjusts the strap over her shoulder. The young Munson’s dark curly bangs are held to each side by a glittery butterfly clip and a touch of eyeliner makes her blue eyes pop—makeup and eye color both courtesy of mom. Emily is wearing a black Corroded Coffin shirt that’s been cut and altered to hang off the shoulders of her small frame. Her denim skirt is layered over cropped red leggings, trimmed with lace at mid-calf. Her black high tops complete the look as she takes her place center stage. 
The drummer counts them off and Emily licks over her lips right before she puts her pick to the strings and leans in towards the microphone. 
Comin' out of my cage and I've been doin' just fine
Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
Eddie watches his daughter in awe. He knows he never looked half as cool as she does on that stage. Pride threatens to choke the emotional father as he sees she’s having an absolute ball. 
Turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibi
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside
He didn’t care that no other act got a standing ovation, when the song ends, Eddie jumps up and applauds. So is everyone else in the auditorium, but his cheering means the most to the teen girl behind the microphone. 
After the final acts, the judges—a teacher, assistant principal, and a lunch lady—converge to discuss the results. 
Eddie knows it’s just a middle school talent show, but he wants this for his daughter so badly. If the judges couldn’t see how talented Emily and her friends are, then Eddie thinks they need to get some sense knocked into them. 
Once the results are in, Principal Newman comes back onstage with the name of the winners on an index card. Eddie slips his hand into Chrissy’s, and she can’t help but smile to herself at how nervous he is for their daughter. The epitome of a doting father if there ever was one. 
“And the winner is…Guitarfly!”
Eddie’s ass is out of his seat before the principal can even finish saying the name of the band.
“That’s my girl!” Eddie cheers.
Emily takes the trophy from the assistant principal and looks over to her parents in the crowd. The louder Eddie applauds, the redder her face becomes. She gives them a small wave before she and her friends lift the trophy up in the air. There’s another smattering of applause and Principal Newman thanks everyone for coming. 
Still grinning from ear to ear, Eddie turns to Chrissy as they stand up and move to leave the auditorium. 
“How did we get the coolest daughter ever?” Eddie asks as he holds the door open for his wife.
“Because she has the coolest parents ever,” Chrissy answers. 
“Hell yeah,” Eddie says and slings an arm around her shoulders as they make their way towards the exit. “A rockstar and a cheerleader? There was no way this kid wasn’t going to be fucking awesome.”
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sparrowrye · 7 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A2 part 4
Synopsis: It’s been over a year since we were brought under Alastor’s watchful eye. We’ve unlocked our Demonic powers, discovered our own talents, and began building the Safe Haven with Charlie and co. Alastor seems increasingly interested in the power we hold as one and intends to use it properly.
Previous part
Part 4: forever tied
Whispers filled my ears. They turned into moans, morphed into wails, and pierced my eardrums with screams. The terrified faces circled me and their cloudy claws passed through my body. I couldn't breathe and my entire body was frozen in place. I couldn't move.
Striker's yellow eyes popped open. His smile emerged and glinted in the light. He wrapped his claws around my throat and a horrible collection of wails escaped his open jaws as they came down on my face.
I shot up with a yell. I clutched my chest as my eyes scanned the dim room. Everything was so still that I could see the dust drifting to the floor. There was nothing and no one here. My heart was still pounding in my ears as I stretched out my magic sense. Alastor was already downstairs but it had felt like he had been in my room only moments ago.
I let out a sigh and fell back into my bed. I had been having a ski load nightmare every now and then. It was making me concerned that I was having repeated dreams now.
I stretched in an effort to release the adrenaline. That's when I noticed a plate on the bedside table with three small cubes of meat. My mouth immediately started to water but I hesitated. He had been in my room. Why did he leave them, though? What was in them? Another mind drug of some kind? Something else?
I couldn't resist though and, sitting up, I ate one of the cubes and got myself ready for the day. When nothing happened, aside from the satisfying feeling of my cravings disappearing, I ate the other two. I found Husker in the kitchen and asked about the plate. He shrugged and also found it odd that Alastor had left them for me.
It took only two days for me to realize Alastor was putting distance between us. Training sessions stopped and he wouldn't try to touch me. It actually became rare for us to be in the same room. Had I worn him out? Was something about to happen? Was he keeping his distance to see if I would chase after him for that rush of energy when we touched?
Regardless of his reasons, I was happy to have a break from him. My chest felt lighter and I found myself spending more and more time in the Safe Haven. I would help where I could but most of the time I just watched everything and everyone. Vivian, our teacher, had a schedule for the children that allowed them time inside learning and outside playing. When we spoke, she had mentioned how surprised she was that she needed to teach them social skills and basic things about our world. I reminded her that most of them could only remember being trapped in cages and only allowed out when they had to fight. Manners weren't a thing.
Fights were still a common thing among the young children. The teenagers were able to ignore that instinct, for the most part, but the younger ones were not used to settling their problems with words rather than fists. When I first began watching the lessons, I thought Vivian would need help stopping these fights. Though it took only seconds for her to pull them apart and sit them back in their seats. She was a kind, quiet woman but she didn't play around when it came to these petty fights. As good as I was at stopping the older folks fight, she was fantastic at preventing most of them before they happened.
Althea was much like me in the observing and watching aspect. She sat on the steps to her hut and watched the construction. We had been fortunate enough that most injuries were minor but every now and then someone would get sick and a few others would follow. She was able to keep the sickness from spreading and made them feel better by the next day. I noticed her hair was turning a bright green at her roots, telling me that she had a different hair color hiding underneath the black dye.
The Safe Haven was now called the Hazbin Haven, serving as a tribute and show of respect for Charlie's hotel. The princess was all over the place, seemingly never still or resting. I caught Vaggie having to forcefully pull her away from a project to make her sleep.
Alastor brought the journalist, Spencer, to the haven to take a picture of what had been built already. The man kept himself as small as possible as he walked beside Alastor. It wasn't until a few minutes after they had been talking that Spencer seemed to stand taller and had a genuine smile on his face. What were they talking about?
It wasn't until Spencer started taking pictures with an old camera that I finally figured out why Alastor was talking to him so much. They had a common interest - old technology. Alastor brought him back to his old print shop once he had finished. From how long he was taking, I could guess he was making sure everything in the article was perfect.
As the days went on, I found myself spending more and more time with Althea and Vivian. I ate dinner with everyone in the grand hall but usually sat with the two women instead of Charlie's group. Husker made it a point to have breakfast with me every morning after my comment awhile back. It felt good to spend time with just him again.
A meeting with Charlie revealed that we had far more humans than Demons at the haven. She failed at recruiting more of the overpopulated Demons from Hell. No one wanted anything to do with the Radio Demon. It didn't make sense, though, considering that they were more likely to be murdered if they didn't belong to the haven that the princess of Hell was running.
So Charlie started paying close attention to social media and the news. She would listen for the scheduled executions for Demons and ask me to go with her to save them. These publicized executions had disappeared on this side of the continent but was still a wide practice elsewhere.
I should've known our luck would run out soon.
Charlie teleported us just outside a city. We scouted the buildings to find where the Demons were being held until their execution. It was well past midnight and very dark with a new moon. They were scheduled to die in four hours.
I waited on the roof with Charlie as Vaggie and a few others went into the jailhouse. My senses were on high alert and something in the air felt off. For a big city, it was awfully quiet. Usually cities this big had officers walking through the streets.
"Something's wrong," I said to Charlie. I stretched out my magic sense to Husker and the others but they seemed fine. They were still moving around and no fear was emitting from anyone.
Husker opened the door and a collection of officers had the entrance circled in an instant. Their guns cocked and the tips pointed right at his chest. Half the group was already outside but not a single gun went off yet.
I wasn't going to let it. I ran across the roof and glided into the center of the circle. I casted a huge gust of wind right as I landed, throwing everyone off their feet. I whipped my wings up and back so the dust dispersed faster. I looked and felt bigger, my shadow covering the bewildered faces. I noticed a few of them escaped down the closest street.
"Fire!" the captain yelled. I curled my claws inward and the tips of their rifles bent upwards. Some of them backfired painfully. The group began to disperse as the captain screamed and ordered them to stand their ground.
I slowly paced towards the captain. He dropped his rifle and pulled a smaller one from his hip. I casted it out of his grip with a flick of my fingers. I needed only to take a few more steps before he ran down a street after his men.
I noticed onlookers from the surrounding buildings. Many of them had their phones out recording me. I really hoped this wouldn't do more damage than good.
When I turned on my heels to face the group, I noticed a look of awe on some of their faces. There was a mix of various horns, tails, feathers, fur, and more. I stayed in my Demon form as I approached the group. Husker and I touched claws before he took the lead down the street. I brought up the rear, helping an injured mother carrying a newborn baby. Was this city really going to kill a baby?
Charlie was ecstatic about having more Demons around. Althea had her hands full healing pressing injuries from when they had been forcefully taken and imprisoned.
I kept my distance and watched from afar, content on the flat roof of one of the new buildings. Some of the current residents had woken up from the commotion and came out to see what was happening. Many of the current Demons came to meet the newcomers, happy to have more people like themselves.
My ear twitched at the sound of Alastor's shadow work. I remained in my sitting position and listened to the tap of his boots and cane. His presence was around my shields but not up against it like usual.
"Something on your mind?" His radio filter buzzed in my ear.
"Just thinking." I pulled one leg up to rest my chin on it.
I was silent for a moment. "We're trying to help people but it's our fault for them needing it in the first place."
"What do you mean?" I heard him shift his feet to look at me completely.
"If we hadn't made a broadcast about Demon-kind, they might still be okay to live their life without fear."
"They would have to hide their true nature their entire life. What life is that to live?"
"Better than being hunted by everyone and forced to live somewhere else." I scratched at a spot near my foot.
"You ought to spend more time with Charlie," he said, "She talks endlessly about how happy some folks are. You seem to always be involved in the disputes."
I stretched my hearing to listen to the conversations. The mother I had been helping was thanking Charlie repeatedly. The others were talking to current residents about believing they would never see the light of day again. They were actually happy?
"You seem to be distant lately," I ventured, changing the subject. I kept my eyes focused on the group instead of his sharp smile.
"Does that bother you?" He cocked his head to the side.
"It's out of character for you. Is there a reason?"
"Not in particular." He rubbed his claws together. "Rosie has been asking of you. She wants to see you again."
"That would be nice." I heard little whispers and tilted my head to look up at him.
"Hm?" He caught my quick turn.
"Nothing. Thought I heard something." I continued to watch the group from afar. It took me a minute before I realized Alastor was in my head again. I hadn't felt him push through my shields. He was just a cool presence almost blending with mine.
Surprising myself, I let my own presence become more mailable and smaller, allowing him to cover entirely and meld with me. I followed his magic trail and wound my way into his own mindscape. Well, it wasn't his mindscape—more like his memories.
I could see him and Spencer bent over the first article. Then I could see him watching me and Husker from the upstairs window. It faded to him and Rosie talking in her store. I could hear this conversation plain as day, as if he was also visiting it and letting it play out.
I felt my heart drop in my stomach. He did have a reason for keeping his distance. He had started his plan to 'treat me nicely' so I would actually care about him. It jumped to previous conversations with Rosie and if my mouth was working, it was hanging open.
He was trying to strengthen our connection so he could test out its abilities and limits. He didn't actually want to have a connection, he just wanted me to be at his level enough to make it strong. It was all a trick, all manipulation. I wasn't hurt or surprised. I knew he was a manipulative freak but it made me angry.
My distaste wobbled the connection. I was harshly thrown back to my own mind and the back of my head hit the edge of the roof.
"Don't ever do that again!" he snapped. He was bent forward and his knees locked. His antlers had stretched out as his eyes darkened to the red dials.
As he stood up I shoved him back with my legs. He stumbled and his tentacles came up to pin my legs to the roof. He dusted off his chest where I had pushed him and stalked towards me.
"You won't succeed!" I yelled, making him pause. "I'll make sure you never taste the feeling of our power. I'm not a tool to be used."
"You are a headache," he hissed, curling a red claw near my face.
"I'm not the one manipulating someone for my own benefit."
"If you actually worked with me this would be easier for both of us."
I sliced my claws through his tentacles and they faded into shadows. We both stood up simultaneously. "Have you forgotten how you started this? How you kidnapped me, how you treated me, how you drugged me." I was expecting him to take a step back as I advanced but he didn't. I let myself grow slightly bigger so I was almost at his eye level. "You invade my personal space and my mind. Why would I want to work with you?"
His smile didn't fade, his eyes narrowing and his presence wrapping around me. This one felt hot and heavy, dangerously claustrophobic. He said, "I have been incredibly patient and kind with you." I scoffed, taking a step back to put distance again. "I could have you back in a cage in a dark basement. No one would ever know where you were and no one would ever come looking. You'd be trapped down there for eternity. Yet I have not done that. I have provided you with a bed, clothes, food, and recently an incredible amount of freedom. If our fates were not tied, you would not be alive."
"But we are." I used my Human form and slowly stepped toward him. "Our souls are forever tied. We may even be powerful together, but unless you can treat me with even just the basic amount of respect, nothing will come of it." My legs were dangersouly close to visibly shaking and my palms were wet with sweat. I felt like I was dangling myself over the jaws of a bear trap, not sure when or if I will fall into it.
My airways started to close. I fought against his magic to reopen them but he was much stronger. I collapsed to my knees as the lack of oxygen took all my energy. I tried so hard to just breathe. He couldn't kill me but this was dangerous.
"Your lack of respect towards me does not warrant more on my end." He stepped close so his boots almost touched my hands. I fell onto my elbows and eventually my back. The corners of my vision were getting darker, zoning in on his terrifying face. "I'm the one in control. Until you've reached my level, which I expect to take centuries, that fact will always remain."
My airways opened up just enough for me to get a little more oxygen. I rolled onto my elbows in an effort to stand, though it was in vain. He bent down and pulled my chin up so I was forced to look him in the eyes.
"You are mine for eternity." The venom in his voice wasn't as sharp but the threat was still there. "This will work in my favor one way or another. I'm gracing you with the opportunity to choose how in which that happens." He let go of my face and my airways opened. I sucked in the sweet, cold air as he disappeared into the shadows.
I thought I had this handled.
Author's Note:
Ooooooh to have Alastor say 'you are mine for eternity' :P
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yokohamapound · 1 year
Myshka - Fyodor Dostoevsky x Reader
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I can't believe this is my first Fyodor piece, but here we go... This is silly but the idea wouldn't leave my head for an April Fool's fic.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
He’s nothing but a silhouette. A wall of screens rises up before him, glaring like suns in the dim room. Information flickers across them in a constant, incomprehensible screed. You couldn’t read them even if you wanted to. 
He sits with his back to you, a ragged outline of darkness against the wall of brightness. A fur hat and fur-trimmed collar, only moving every now and then to look at this screen or that, his hands dancing across the keyboard like a concert pianist. You can’t see his face, but his hands are pale, long-fingered, moving almost with minds of their own, independent of each other. 
“I can feel your eyes on me.”
His voice is deeper than one would expect, from such a pretty face. Though he faces away from you now, you remember it well—sharp, delicate features, pale skin, shadowed violet eyes. The thought of being pinned under that stare again makes you shiver. 
You don’t know who he is, or what he wants with you. Just that he swept into your life, plucked you off the street, and here you are. 
Trapped, tense, waiting to discover your fate. Destiny hangs over you like the sword of Damocles. 
So far, all he seems to do is work, tapping away at his keyboard and humming to himself. Others come and go—a man in a black cloak, a jester in white who likes to poke at you and gibber nonsense—but no one seems to have a use for you yet. 
“Nothing to say, myshka?” 
His voice floats over to you, taunting. He insists on speaking to you, even though you don’t—can’t—respond. What would you even say? If you opened your mouth, all that would come out is a frightened squeak. 
It isn’t all bad. You’re given food and drink, somewhere to sleep. Whatever your purpose in this man’s grand design, it doesn’t seem one of suffering. He will keep you alive for as long as he needs you. 
Your silence finally seems to get to him. He turns in his chair, the flickering screens painting his features with uncertain blue-white light. 
Frozen, huddled, you watch him as he regards you in turn. A smile tugs at his mouth, an amused noise bubbling up from in his throat. Oh, you do seem to amuse him. Why is beyond you. Nothing you’ve done is remotely funny. Perhaps he simply enjoys your helplessness. 
“Look at you,” he hums, rising to his feet. “Still so frightened of me?”
His footsteps seem to echo through the cavernous room as he approaches you, picking his way easily between the wires that trail everywhere like vines.  He bends down to get a better look at you, his locks of dark hair shifting around his face as he tilts his head. 
Long, pale fingers reach for you and you cringe backward. The man lets out a low sound, seeming almost…disappointed. But that cannot be right. You know he takes satisfaction in tormenting you. Otherwise, why would you be here?
“Do I not give you everything you need, myshka?” he asks. “Are you hungry? Is that it?”
Freedom! you want to scream. Release me from this cage—
Suddenly, a head of white hair pops around the door frame, long braid swinging. The jester wears a grin like a carnival mask, his eyes crinkled with sadistic amusement. 
“Are you still trying to play with that pet mouse of yours?” he scoffs. “Just give it a morsel of cheese.”
Fyodor looks down at the cage housing the little mouse he plucked off the streets on a whim. Beady black eyes glare at him through the bars, tiny pink paws curled into miniature fists.
And here he thought the creature was warming up to him.
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fancy spells that show the truth
Ominis Gaunt x GN!Hufflepuff!Reader (MC from game = Eliza Fig, Gryffindor) part five of the fancy series - [ToC]
Summary: The group of wayward students arrives to help- but causes problems along the way. (So I wasn’t planning on making Eliza an evil-type but the story goes as it does i guess. Hope no one got to attached to her)
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You shot your head upward at the sounds of spells being cast, looking across the way through a bit of forest to see lights flashing back and forth, a multitude of colours. Reds and greens pop out mostly, and you sit there holding your breath. This could be it.
“It’s them!” Marcus calls out, running up to his boss. Having sat here long enough, you eventually got a look around. You were currently put aside from the rest of the encampment, close to ‘The Boss’s tent. He seemed annoyed at his entire party and set up his tent- the largest tent- away from the rest of the group. Not trusting them, he also had set up the creature cage nearby, with a table and campfire in the centre of the area. You currently sat among a group of five fwoopers, one of them a lime green colour that slept in the middle of the huddle. The gleaming silver keys to the cage hung on Ed’s belt, who was leaning against a tree nearby after being ordered to watch over the cage.
“But why!” Ed had complained loudly, huffing and crossing his arms. “You finally gave me my own crew and it includes Marcus and now you want me to- to watch over a cage of creatures-”
“I want you to babysit the child you decided to kidnap, actually,” The boss had sneered, glaring at the man you had once thought was the leader. “I’m certainly not going to sit out here watching them, that sounds exhausting. I have boss duties to attend to. Sales to be had, people to talk to, you know how it is.” The boss waved his hand in a dismissive manner, and you wondered if he actually did anything for the encampment besides being absolutely horrid to everyone.
“Fine, okay,” Ed agrees, too easily in your opinion. The boss seems to agree as he narrows his eyes, taking a step closer to the poacher.
“And there will be no pawning this job off to Marcus. I can’t stand that man.” With a slump of his shoulders, Ed agrees quietly. It seemed that had been his plan after all.
“Who is what?” The boss barked, leaning against the table in the centre with some assortment of papers spread out across it. At one point the wind had blown, and the boss had drawn a dagger from his hip and jammed it into the table to hold one of them down.
“The-” Marcus was breathing heavily, leaning down to rest his hands against his knees. “The attackers! It’s the kid! The student!” Two sets of eyes immediately look at you before looking back to Marcus, the boss straightening up.
“What are you talking about Marcus? Spit it out.”
“It’s the kid! That defeated Ranrok! The one that goes around spewing Unforgivables at us constantly!”
“Oh fuck this,” The boss spits out, then spins on his heels and immediately disappears. The air surrounding this area was quiet, only interrupted by sounds of battle just enough away that neither man felt threatened, yet. Ed and Marcus meet eyes, the latter seeming scared and curling in on himself.
“What do we do?”
“What the hell do you think we do? We fight back!”
“But it’s her!” Marcus pleaded, walking closer to Ed and grabbing his arm. “Look, I don’t want to die, Ed. Just unlock the cage, I’m sure they’re here for the kid.” Neither looked at you as they discussed your fate, and your eyes constantly wandered back toward the flashing lights through the trees. If you paid close attention, it almost seemed like it was getting closer.
“We’re not cowards, Marcus. If we fight and win, we can take over this operation. Fuck the boss, he ran! What do you think the rest of them will think?”
“The rest of them will be dead, Ed! Just like us!” His yell was surprising, having seemed like he was afraid of confrontation. Though honestly, out of everyone here, you probably felt the most for him. He just wanted friends, to fit in, and everyone condemned him for being ‘annoying.’ You hoped he could find better friends- and maybe a better profession. Maybe an actual profession.
“Petrificus Totalus!” A familiar voice called out and Marcus suddenly became as stiff as a board and fell sideways. You immediately jump up- as much as you were able, so really you were just standing on your knees- and clutch at the bars to push yourself further. You could just barely see him.
“Ominis!” He paused and you watched him heaving in a breath. Beside him, two more people ran forward- Poppy and Sebastian. They both called out spells, aiming toward Ed, who had jumped away and was trying to use the trees as cover.
“Y/N?” Ominis called out, taking a few steps forward as if unaware of the flashing of spells careening so close to his head. “Y/N?! Call out again, I can’t find you!”
“Ominis, I’m over here!” He immediately spun in your direction, his wand pulsing with red as he ran toward your voice. You could see a healthy flush across his face- and maybe right now wasn’t exactly the time to be checking him out, but c’mon. He’s literally saving your life right now. A healthy appreciation is warranted. “Over here Ominis! I’m in a- a cage right now.”
Ominis finally slowed his approach as he got closer, his eyebrows furrowing together tightly, his expression pinching into annoyance. “I know you’re here,” Ominis muttered, and you could barely hear him over the sounds of spells being flung around. It seemed the rest of the poachers had apparated nearby, hiding among the trees nearby Ed. Marcus still laid still on the ground nearby, but you could see his eyes frantically looking around as much as possible. Other students had filtered into the area- Natty and Garreth, and- wait. Wasn’t that the new fifth year- or perhaps, ‘used to be’ the new fifth year? What was her name again, Eliza Fig? Her smirk was cruel, and she muttered her spells under her breath, but the lights that sprung from her crooked wand were green.
“I know you’re here, but I can’t see you,” Ominis continued, drawing your attention back to him. “I can see like- a big box?”
“It’s a cage, Ominis. It’s likely enchanted, wards weaved into the bars.” Ominis began to nod, coming closer with his hand stretched outward. He found one of the bars, wrapping his hand firmly around it, serious expression in place. You raise a hand to place atop his, thankful for the contact, and you watch as Ominis’ breathing stutters, his huff of a breath as he finally falls to his knees in front of the cage, in front of you.
“I was so scared, Y/N. When you didn’t get back to your common room-”
“You were waiting for me at my common room?”
“Well, yeah, Y/N. I never want you mad at me.” Ominis’ voice was low, but he was close enough this time that you could hear him clearly. “I thought we agreed you wouldn’t go to the forbidden forest on your own anymore.”
“I didn’t realize I was going there, by the time I noticed I thought a quick brush would’ve been fine,” You were speaking quickly, your eyes constantly scanning the area behind Ominis for any sign of hostility aimed at him. Why he would turn his back to an active battlefield, you didn’t know. You were gearing up to berate him about it when you heard Eliza call out in a wicked, gleeful voice.
“Crucio!” You felt Ominis immediately tense under your hands, and you tighten your grip on him, glaring at the Gryffindor across from you. Sebastian immediately stomps over, throwing a hand down against her wand hand to make her drop the spell, immediately muttering something at her with an angry expression. You couldn’t hear him, however, you heard her reply.
“What’s it matter? They’re only poachers, they deserve it.”
“Where’s the lock, Y/N?” Ominis’ voice was deep, heavy with something you couldn’t quite place. You take his hand holding the wand, moving it before removing your hand from the current cross-section it was at to a closer one, taking his hand and dragging it the rest of the way. One there you tap his wand against the keyhole, muttering under your breath. Your eyes never leave the form of Eliza Fig.
“You choose interesting company, Ominis.”
“I did not choose her. She forced herself along, and the rest of your friends are apparently enamoured by her.” Ominis muttered angrily, tapping the lock and muttering Alohomora under his breath. It took three tries of him doing this and Ominis progressively grew antsier as it wouldn’t work. Finally, the lock clicks open loudly and the gate just barely swings outward. Ominis audibly sighs in relief, reaching forward to take hold of the gate and pull it wide open. You take initiative, rushing out of the cage and crushing Ominis in a hug.
“Thank you for coming for me.”
“Always, Y/N.” He immediately wrapped his own arms around your midsection, pulling you close and squeezing you. He holds you close for a long moment, in no hurry to release you- and you the same. Your arms were wrapped around his shoulders, face buried into his neck. You weren’t sure how long, exactly, the two of you stood there, but it did take a long minute before you realized that silence surrounded you. You lifted your gaze and saw the fighting has stopped, the colourful flashing of spells having ceased and all of the poachers were nowhere to be seen. Your friends stood around awkwardly, most watching you, and Eliza had a long smirk on her face that you wished you could hex away.
“It’s safe now,” Sebastian calls out, glaring toward Eliza before jogging over to close the distance. He places a hand on one of your arms as they were wrapped around Ominis, trying to gently smile for you. “Glad we got to you in time.”
You heard a mumbling against your neck from Ominis. Sebastian furrows his brow in confusion, unable to make out the grumbling tones, but you could’ve sworn you heard him say, “Go away.” You bit your lip to hold back a giggle, tightening your hold on Ominis and placing your chin on his shoulder.
“Thank you for coming.” You grin cheekily at him, your eyes dancing between all of your friends before landing back on Sebastian. “You didn’t have to.”
“What are you talking about? Of course I did.” Sebastian scoffs, crossing his arms with a self-satisfied smirk. “If I hadn’t helped you out, I wouldn’t hear the end of it from Ominis. Or Poppy.” You felt your chest shaking in a laugh, looking between Poppy and him a few times before raising your eyebrows. It was still dark outside, but you could’ve sworn you’d seen Sebastian’s cheeks grow dark at your nonverbal insinuation.
“Let’s get going,” Ominis finally spoke, pulling away from you mostly, but leaving one arm wrapped around your midsection, pressing his side against yours. He faces the rest of the group, void of the emotions that seemed so vibrant to you earlier. “We don’t want anyone reporting us missing.”
“Yeah, Merlin forbid,” Eliza mumbles under her breath, raising a hand to inspect her nails. You grit your teeth at this, narrowing your eyes at her.
“Why are you here, anyway?” You asked, then watched as Natty raised her eyebrows and took a few steps to get closer to the huddle of students forming, stepping up right next to Eliza. Eliza, instead, stands her ground but raises her eyes toward you, sizing you up. She drops her hand to place it on her hip, tilting her head.
“I’m sorry, who are you again?”
“They’re the student we literally came here to save, Eliza,” Ominis responded, venom spewing from his voice.
“Hey, hey, what’s with all the hostility?” Natty steps into the middle, holding her hands out on either side. She looks to Eliza and they seem to have a small conversation with their eyes before Natty turns her back to her, facing you and Ominis. “She literally came here to help, what’s the problem with that?”
“I’m sorry that I don’t enjoy being rescued by someone who would willingly- and joyfully, might I add- use Crucio on a person.” You watch Natty’s eyebrows furrow, her head tilting in confusion. There was no way she hadn’t seen that… right?
“I’m with Y/N on this one,” Ominis mumbled, tightening his hold on you. Natty’s face crumbles slightly, her head shaking from side to side. She turns around to face Eliza, a question clear on her face, though she still voices it.
“What they’re saying can’t be true, can it?” Eliza looks away, biting her lip and refusing to meet Natty’s gaze. Natty takes a step forward, raising a hand toward her. She looked to be in the middle of saying something but was interrupted by a shout.
“Crucio!” The green bolt flew from behind you and Ominis, aimed directly at where Eliza stood. Except Natty had taken two steps forward instead of one, and the green bolt hit her back instead. Her screams were horrid, haunting, and she fell to her knees and curled up in pain. You and Ominis spun around, him with his wand held outward and pulsing, and you with your eyes wide, looking for danger. You could just barely see one-half of Ed’s face behind a nearby tree, very close to where the spell was originating from.
“No!” Eliza called out, and you spun back around in time to see her on the floor in front of Natty, shaking her head quickly. The Gryffindor then jumped up, snarling in the direction of the spell. Taking a few steps forward, she lifts that crooked wand- the sight of which was beginning to shoot fear through you- and aims it toward the trees. “Avada-”
She was interrupted when, once again, Sebastian strode forward and slammed his hand down on her wand. She snarled at him, raising a hand to throw a punch, and you spun around at the sound of another voice.
“Depulso!” You see Garreth not five feet from you, standing at the entrance to the cage you had been in and pointing toward the trees as well. The green light that had been aimed at Natty fades away and everyone hears a pained grunt, followed by the sound of something slamming against wood, the wood cracking.
“I’m defenceless here,” You mumble, causing Ominis to pull you close and wrap himself around you like a personal shield. You didn’t want that- of course, you’d never want Ominis hurt- so you begin to pull away until you hear Poppy’s soft voice right next to you.
“I have your bag, Y/N.” Ominis finally releases his grip on you, his eyes flying wildly from side to side as if trying to see anything that could hurt the group of you. You take one step closer to Poppy, reaching forward to take the bookbag. “I put your wand in there too. You must’ve dropped it when they nabbed you.”
“Yeah, they petrified me. I dropped my wand, I don’t even know where it rolled to. They didn’t think to look for it until we got to camp. It wasn’t on me so they couldn’t take it.” You immediately flipped open your bag, pushing past the scattered fwooper treats and reaching down the side to pull out your wand from where it rolled to. Sighing in relief, you shoot Poppy a grin. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Not to rain on this charming parade,” Garreth finally intones, stretching his arms out to either side to herd the three of you closer to the rest of the group. “But this forest is creepy, I hate spiders and there are spiderwebs everywhere, and we just got attacked by a stray poacher. I say we do like what was originally suggested and get out of here. The arguments can wait until we’re in Hogwarts.”
Eliza wandered back over to Natty, helping her up as the two mumbled to each other. Poppy sticks close to your side that wasn’t plastered to Ominis, and Sebastian- walking with blood running down his nose- walks on Ominis’ other side. Garreth sighs and, with a shake of his head, walks lonely between the two formed groups.
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“So what the hell was that, Eliza?”
Your group had only just made it through the Hogwarts gates, not even halfway through the courtyard to the castle before Sebastian finally spoke up. It made sense that he would be the first to break, he never was very patient. But Eliza had been quietly carrying Natty along the path with nary a word, although that only seemed to ramp up the antsiness between the rest of the group. Even Garreth began to lag behind, walking closer to your group than the two women ahead of you.
“What was what?”
You shook your head, aggravated that someone so smart would pretend to be dumb. Ominis tightened his hold on you, halting your movements and turning you to face him. You complied, looking into Ominis’ milky eyes as he keeps his head bowed toward you. He was obviously listening, wanting to know how this would resolve, but it seemed almost like he didn’t want you involved. Was there something more to this than you realized?
“You know damn well what was what,” Sebastian spat out, and you tilted your head in confusion. He could have a temper for sure, but you’ve never heard him sound so nasty.
“I’m sure I don’t know-”
“Like hell,” Sebastian growled, and you almost instinctively moved to calm him down, but you stayed in place with Ominis’ gentle insistence. You turn to see Sebastian taking a step closer to Eliza, who had also stopped. Eliza sat Natty down on the edge of the fountain, turning to sneer back at Sebastian. Garreth had ended his walk sooner, ending up closer to your group than the argument. He had an arm wrapped around Poppy currently, pulling her into his chest- almost like shielding her from the fight. With how she held her hands close to her face, it seemed she needed it. “You told me you would stop.”
“I never said that,” Eliza growled, taking her own step toward Sebastian. “You told me that you thought we should stop. I never agreed with you, I just let you go.”
“Let me go?” Sebastian scoffs, laughing with astonishment. “So you’re telling me all this time? You’ve been practising Unforgivables after everything-”
“Fuck you, Sebastian! You’re the one who left me!”
“I never left you! I tried to be friends!” Sebastian yelled back, anger mixed with something foreign colouring his tone. “You were the one who pushed me away! But I get it now,” He laughs again, the normally jovial sound now tinged with something bitter, and he continues with a quieter voice, “I do, I really get it now. You kept going, you kept up the research.”
Eliza remained quiet, her sneer slowly transforming into a stoic expression. Garreth began walking Poppy slowly toward Hogwarts, and you couldn’t blame them. You’d talk to Poppy later about the whole ordeal. But you stayed, you waited with Ominis. Sebastian was his best friend, and he even seemed to know what this whole argument was about. You also couldn’t help your curiosity.
“After everything that happened,” Sebastian continued, his voice a low growl now, “After having to perform the cruciatus curse on me. I thought you would stop, I thought-”
“You thought wrong,” Eliza interrupted, her voice cruel. It was silent for a moment, crickets chirping in the background. When Eliza opened her mouth once more, ready to spout out some sort of excuse or reasoning, she was interrupted by weak coughing. She spun quickly and rushed to Natty’s side, kneeling down and placing a hand on Natty’s knee.
Natty flinches away violently, scooting away from Eliza on the fountain with wide eyes. You watch in trepidation as Eliza’s shoulders fall, followed by her head.
“Stay away from me,” Natty coughs out, scooting away again before stumbling and falling onto the ground. You take a step forward to help, Ominis’ hands falling away from your hips and letting you. You stop yourself, though, once Eliza stands and takes a step toward her as well. “I didn’t want to believe it. There was so much-” A wracking cough interrupts her sentence, and at this point you rush forward. You help Natty to sit up straight, letting her rest her back against you as you hold her. “It was too loud, out there during the battle. I didn’t hear it. I saw the green flashes but wanted to fool myself into believing it was the poachers.”
“Every time.” She coughs again and you tighten your hold on her, reaching a hand up to push a stray, thick lock of hair away from her sweaty forehead. “Every time we’ve gone out together, I saw those flashes. That colour. You were doing it every time, weren’t you? Casting Unforgivables like they were any other spell.”
“Yes.” You widened your eyes in surprise, turning quickly and locking eyes with Eliza. She couldn’t seem to meet Natty’s eyes, but she glared into yours like she could will herself to trade places with you. You were surprised at her blatant honesty. Especially knowing how Natty would react to it. Predictably, Natty’s voice was cold as she glared at Eliza.
“You’re worse than them. Worse than the poachers. Worse than the bandits from Uagadou.” Natty begins to push herself up, and you help until she’s fully stood. You watch as pain wracks through her body in waves, the after-effects of Crucio, but you drop your hands away once she’s standing stable. You could tell she needed to do this, needed to show independence and strength when facing someone she used to consider a good friend. The castle grounds were quiet for an extended time before Natty finally huffed, shaking her head. “I’m ashamed to share a house with you. Just stay away from me.”
Natty stomps away, toward the doors that Garreth and Poppy had disappeared through earlier. You stood there frozen, wondering what exactly you inserted yourself into. Turning slowly to face Ominis, you’re taken off guard at how close Eliza was to you. You widened your eyes as she took another two steps closer to you until only a few feet separated the both of you.
“Don’t think this is over,” Eliza harshly whispered toward you, a sneer lighting up her face. “If you hadn’t been stupid and vulnerable then this would’ve never happened.”
“This isn’t their fault, Eliza.” Sebastian’s voice interrupted the harsh words, and you quickly glanced with worried eyes to Sebastian a few paces away, who held his arm out to hold Ominis back. Ominis looked livid, both hands on Sebastian’s arms were squeezing with visible effort, but he remained in place as Sebastian wanted.
“I don’t give a flying fuck,” Eliza spat, reaching a hand out to grasp hold of the front of your robes, pulling you in closer. “Your idiotic actions took Natty away from me. Turned Garreth and Poppy away from me.”
“I think those were your own actions,” You mumbled back, raising your eyebrows. She was scary as hell, but you weren’t to blame for anything. “You were the only one flinging the un-”
You were cut off abruptly as you were pushed to the ground, Eliza pulling her wand and kneeling down on top of you, pressing the tip against your neck. “Shut the fuck up-”
“Y/N!” You look over toward Ominis, watching Sebastian fully holding him back now. He was struggling, Ominis was insistent on breaking free. You couldn’t even smile at him to calm him, so you tried to clear your throat and raise your voice for him to hear.
“Everything’s okay Ominis. It’s fine.” You watched his struggle lessen some, but he still angrily pushed against Sebastian’s arms. “Just a little cuddle session. You can be next.” Eliza’s scoff takes your attention once more, meeting hazardous eyes.
“You’re so pathetic. No wonder I didn’t know you existed until tonight.” She stood up once more, pocketing her wand. “You better stay out of my way, Hufflepuff.”
“Fuck you, Eliza,” Ominis called out, hatred lacing his voice. “Stay the fuck away from them.” He finally broke away from Sebastian- not for lack of trying on Seb’s part- and ran toward you on the ground. Eliza took a few steps back, turning to face all three of you as if realizing her back had been turned against potential threats. Ominis’ hands on you were a welcome treat as he assured himself you were fine, then pulled you up from your laid-out position.
“Seems we have the same idea then, Ominis.” You turned to meet her eyes after those words but were struck short when she wasn’t there. She had disappeared, and you turned questioning eyes toward Sebastian.
“She apparated. We’re alone.” He added on the last part for Ominis’ benefit most likely, and you let yourself finally relax in Ominis’ arms. “I’m sorry I let her come along, Ominis.”
“You didn’t,” He mumbled, pulling you closer to him. You let your head rest on his chest, closing your eyes to hear his heartbeat. “She had everyone else fooled, just like she fooled you in fifth year. But it’s fine now, they’ve seen her true colours.”
You didn’t hear a reply from Sebastian aside from a sigh. It was quiet for a longer time and you opened your eyes to see Sebastian approach slowly and sit cross-legged next to the two of you. Eventually he spoke, keeping his eyes on the stars above. “Perhaps sitting out here isn’t the best idea. Wouldn’t want to get detention.”
“We could spend the detention together, at least.” This was your suggestion, a smirk forming on your face as you stared at Sebastian, resting against Ominis.
“We’re just studying for our Astronomy class, that’s all,” Ominis mumbles, pulling you closer before he mimics Sebastian, raising his face to the sky. You laugh, shaking your head at him. “They look very pretty tonight.”
“You’ve never seen stars before in your life, Ominis,” Sebastian muttered, but you were pleased to hear a return to his jovial tone.
“I’ve been told they’re the same every night.”
“They are,” You affirm, sitting up further to be able to look at his face again. He really did have the prettiest face, his gaunt features highlighted by the half-moon’s light.
“So then if they were pretty two weeks ago, I’m sure they’re still pretty now.”
“Who said they were pretty two weeks ago?” Sebastian asks with a laugh, plucking grass between his fingers before throwing the handful back down and repeating the process.
“Y/N.” Sebastian raises his eyebrows toward you, a slow smirk forming on his face.
“Don’t give me that look, Sallow. We were actually studying for Astronomy that night.”
“Sure you were,” Sebastian mumbled, earning an elbow to his side from Ominis. “Well! With that,” Sebastian throws his hands down onto his knees, a loud slap echoing around the trio. “I’m tired.” That was the only goodbye you received as Sebastian stood and made his way inside. The night was quiet around you, silent aside from the insects buzzing and owls hooting in the distance. You both waited for the sound of the great door closing before speaking.
“So,” You begin, taking in the way the moonlight played against Ominis’ cheekbones. “I should probably get back to my common room at some point.”
You felt his hands tighten around you before he slowly, gently begins to pull you closer. You knew you could easily back away from this if you wanted, this wasn’t a forceful movement at all. But you wanted this, wanted him, and you didn’t care how much this action showed the heart on your sleeve. You gave in, laying against him once more.
“I don’t want to let you go tonight,” Ominis muttered against your hair, dropping his head to curl around you. His voice wavered, full of emotion. “I feel like I almost lost you and I-” He doesn’t continue his sentence, leaving whatever he had meant hanging in the air between you.
“What are you going to do, sneak me into the Slytherin rooms?” You giggle, shaking your head against him. You lifted your gaze to see him, watching a scrunchy type look cross his face.
“Maybe another night, but not tonight. I don’t want to be around those boys- I don’t want to be around anyone else but you tonight.” You breathed in deeply, hoping to calm the butterflies that scurried at those words.
“Then, what are we to do?”
“I know a place.”
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(8) 730 days: teal blue
Myoui Mina x reader
Part of the series: Palette
Previous chapter: (7) 942 days: auburn brown
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730 days.
“Get in loser, we’re going shopping,” Ryujin shouted embarrassingly loud in the early morning of the half-empty streets of Seoul, with Karina sitting in the passenger seat of her car.
“It’s five a.m., Ryujin.” You mumbled, hair wild and still in your tank top and shorts.
Just five minutes ago, Karina had called you, insisting on meeting her downstairs for an "emergency." Little did you expect to be cornered by the couple and dragged into their car during the early hours of dawn.
"So? It's never too early to start the day," Ryujin retorted, pushing her sunglasses onto her head and giving you a sly smirk.
Defeated, you shook your head. Leave it to Ryujin to have spontaneous plans out of the blue, and now, with Karina, it meant double trouble.
“Fine. Let me change and tell Haerin.” you said, turning around.
"Here," Haerin suddenly popped out of nowhere, startling you.
The younger girl was already dressed in a simple T-shirt and shorts, sporting sunglasses and flip-flops. She held two large duffle bags, a cat cage, and an inflatable yellow duck floating circle. It was quite a bizarre sight.
You quickly reached over to take the things from her, amazed at how she managed to carry the heavy load without getting crushed.
"Great!" Ryujin started her car. "Get in. I asked Haerin to pack for you."
As you sat in the backseat with Haerin, searching through the duffle bags for something to change into, you asked, "Where are we going anyway?"
Annoyed, you huffed when the three of them ignored you. "What's the special occasion?"
Ryujin drove while humming to herself, occasionally reaching over to kiss Karina's hand. Haerin, on the other hand, opened the cat cage and cuddled Jennifer.
The adorable brown kitten that Mina had found months ago had officially become Haerin's new best friend. Haerin would take the kitten everywhere on a leash, and it often sat on her shoulders. Despite being a male, Haerin had named the cat Jennifer. But then again, this was Haerin we were talking about.
After a quiet twenty-minute drive, Ryujin pulled into the parking lot near JYP's dorms. Confusion washed over you until you spotted the brunette who owned your heart, patiently waiting at the curb, also clutching a bag.
Mina was dressed in a short black skirt and one of the teal blue hoodies she had borrowed from you during those nights of binge-watching movies with you and Haerin. Your heart fluttered at how effortlessly beautiful she looked, and how your hoodie seemed to fit her better than it did on you.
"Hey," she greeted you with a warm smile as she climbed into the car, with Haerin seated between you.
Despite spending a lot of time with Mina and growing closer since you brought Jennifer home, you still struggled to act normal around the enchanting brown-eyed beauty. The late-night talks and random texts throughout the day only deepened your feelings for her, but you knew Mina saw you solely as a friend.
Hey, hot-stuff," Karina reached back to high-five Mina. "Glad you could join us."
"Anything for the birthday girl," Mina winked at you, finally providing an answer to why you were all crammed into Ryujin's car.
Realization dawned upon you, and you pulled down your sleeves to check your tattoo.
730 days.
You were officially twenty-three, with only two years left.
Time had passed swiftly and stealthily, like an abandoned open shutter in the night, steadily erasing the trails of constellations until they became a blur of light. Mina remained the focus of your camera, and your life revolved around the nights gone and the nights yet to come, all centered around her.
After a quick breakfast stop (Ryujin insisted that traveling on an empty stomach was a big no-no), the five of you continued toward an unknown destination. Exhausted from staying up late to finish the painting you had been working on ever since you regained your color sight, you had accidentally dozed off during the long drive. Meanwhile, the girls chatted about upcoming projects, the world tour, and Haerin's school life, unaware of your fatigue.
Mina couldn't resist stealing glances at you as you nodded off. She was intrigued by every aspect of you, from your appearance to your inner thoughts. She adored how you always made an effort to put others at ease, how you patiently waited for her to gather her thoughts, and how you cared for Haerin like an older sister.
Since meeting you, she found herself unconsciously drawn to you, craving your company throughout each day. The bond she shared with you was pure and genuine. You would spend nights talking about everything under the sun, and you were always the first person she could confide in. With just a single look, you understood her, sensing when something was bothering her. It was as if the two of you were... soulmates.
The dark-haired beauty suspected that you might be her soulmate, but she never mustered the courage to ask you. Mina didn't mind if you were indeed her soulmate; in fact, she would be relieved that it wasn't someone with whom she could never truly connect. However, she was unsure of her feelings for you. She had never felt this way about another girl before, yet thoughts of you consumed her every waking moment.
After a four-hour journey, the car finally came to a stop at Guryongpo Beach. Mina had proposed to take you to the beach for a two-day trip as a surprise, and Ryujin and Karina quickly agreed. You had always been obsessed with the ocean, and would used to spend your summer breaks with Ryujin surfing at the beach when you were young.
Mina knew how much you missed your home, and how much you missed the ocean.
She let out a giggle at the sight of you sleeping, mouth agape and blonde strands of hair cascading across your face. The rest of the girls had excitedly exited the car to stretch their legs and run toward the sandy beach, leaving Mina deep in thought and you completely oblivious to the world around you.
You looked younger when you were sleeping, with your features relaxed and carefree. Mina inched closer, unable to resist studying your face up close. She had never been this near to you, and an overwhelming desire surged within her, urging her to reach out and trace her fingers gently along your cute nose and smooth out the crease between your eyebrows.
Summoning her courage, the idol extended her fingertips slowly. It had always confused and even pained her that you would withdraw or keep your distance whenever she initiated physical contact. She knew you weren't a touchy person, yet you had no problems about hugging Haerin or leaning your head on the shoulders of the couple when you were tired. You could even tolerate Nayeon's overly affectionate cheek kisses (Mina's stomach churned at the thought of Nayeon's lips on your cheeks), but the slightest brush against Mina would cause you to recoil.
It felt as if you were concealing something from her or that the mere idea of touching her unsettled you. The notion that you might despise her gnawed at Mina's heart, but she couldn't complain about it since you were nothing more than friends.
She hesitated, her fingertip hovering mere millimeters from your face, apprehensive about crossing boundaries. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she mustered the courage to gently brush away the strands of hair obscuring your features and tenderly caress your cheek.
The moment her fingertips made contact with your skin, an electric current coursed through her body, shaking her frame, causing her to instinctively retract her hand in shock. A fleeting pain surged through her tattoo, vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.
You continued to sleep, blissfully unaware, your breath deep and tranquil as if all worries had vanished from your world. Meanwhile, Mina stared at you in shock. She released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding and felt an unfamiliar sense of relief wash over her, the first since she had gotten her tattoo. A tingling sensation traveled down her spine, and her heart fluttered as she continued to caress your face. Whatever she felt, she knew deep down that what she felt for you had surpassed mere friendship.
Your eyes fluttered open, gradually adjusting to the soft waves of sensation that danced across your face, as if a myriad of tiny ants were delicately traversing your cheeks. It took a moment for your vision to focus, but when it finally did, you found yourself nearly falling off the backseat of the car in sheer astonishment. Hovering above you was Mina's ethereal presence, framed by a halo of sunlight streaming in from the window.
Shit. Shit. Shit. A surge of panic coursed through you. You sat up abruptly, instinctively pulling away from the idol who had come into contact with your skin. The realization struck you like a lightning bolt—she knew.
Mina could see the panic and fear in your eyes as you stared at her, a whirlwind of thoughts running through your mind. Your knuckles turned white from gripping your legs tightly, and it seemed as though you were about to cry.
“I-“ You blinked back tears, “I’m sorry.”
Mina reached out to hold your hands, but you instinctively withdrew them, creating a visible distance between the two of you.
“What are you sorry for?” She frowned.
"For being your soulmate." You hastily wiped away the tears with the back of your hand. "I promise I won't do anything. I'll even leave if my presence makes you uncomfortable—"
She hurriedly shook her head and interjected, “Stop.”
“Sorry.” You whispered, your face hidden behind your sleeves.
“Well, I’m not.” Mina managed to grab your hands away from your face and held them tightly, not letting go.
“I knew you were dating someone else, so I tried to hide it.” You closed your eyes briefly, a mixture of pain and resignation evident in your voice.
“Honestly, I didn’t like him that much.” Mina brought a hand up to your face again, and softly wiped away a lone tear. “My manager thought he was a safe choice.”
"But-" You attempted to speak, only for Mina to quickly place her fingers upon your lips, effectively silencing you.
"I'm glad it's you." Her words hung in the air, laden with a profound sincerity that echoed through your heart.
You stared at the girl in front of you, surreal about how this was actually happening. You had dreamt during hundreds of restless nights of her possibly liking you back. She was so close now, her warm eyes reflecting golden specks of sunlight, delicate laugh lines forming around her eyes, and a cute mole on her nose. Intoxicated by her presence, you found yourself entranced by the floral fragrance that enveloped you in a comforting embrace.
She gave you a dopey smile, her pearly white teeth biting her lower lip, eyes waning in crescent moons. Leaning in, her proximity caused your heart to skip a beat. With closed eyes, you felt the gentle brush of her soft lips against the tip of your nose, followed by another delicate kiss on your own lips. It felt as if fireworks exploded within you, igniting every nerve in your body.
She was like clear water, always serene, her subtle presence having the power to pull you deeper into her teal-blue abyss.
“Happy Birthday, Cho Y/N” Your soulmate whispered, giggling at the sight of your flushed face.
“I- Give me a minute.” you stammered, still seated, your eyes shut tightly, your face aflame with embarrassment. To calm your frenzied heart, you silently counted to a hundred.
When you finally opened your eyes, Mina was still there sitting patiently in front of you, playing with your hands in her lap, smiling contently at you.
“Is this a dream?” You blurted out, embarrassed.
"Oh, this definitely happened," Mina winked at you, exuding confidence at how flustered you were because of her.
"Need another kiss to make sure?"
Before you could muster a witty retort, a resounding knock on the car door behind you startled both of you.
Turning around hastily, you found Haerin's face pressed against the window, her feline eyes locked onto you. Dressed in a striped bathing suit and clutching an inflatable duck, she had an endearing complaint in her muffled voice.
"Can you go swimming with me? Please? Ryujin and Karina unnie are too busy making out and pretending to build sandcastles," the younger blonde pouted, prompting Mina to coo at her cuteness.
"Sure thing, kiddo," you replied, fumbling with the door before stepping out and closing it after Mina. Retrieving your small film camera from your bag, you affectionately patted Haerin's head. "Let's go!"
Haerin squealed with excitement, pulling Mina along as they sprinted toward the ocean. The sight of the two girls running full speed, their voices filled with exhilaration, stumbling over the couple still kissing in the sand, warmed your heart, and you silently wished for this moment to last a little longer.
As if hearing your silent prayer, Mina turned her head to offer you a breathtaking smile. Raising your camera, you captured the scene, etching this memory forever into film and your mind.
The girl who held the palette of your heart, and the girls who added their vibrant hues to your canvas, danced freely in front of the teal-blue ocean.
After spending several hours on the beach, everyone was thoroughly exhausted. It turned out that Haerin didn't know how to swim, a crucial piece of information you discovered when she accidentally slipped out of the inflatable duck ring and nearly drowned. Taking turns, you and Mina patiently taught her how to float, ensuring she didn't venture too far into the deeper waters.
As you lay in the sand in exhaustion with your eyes closed, the warmth of the sun was suddenly blocked by a looming shadow.
Opening your eyes, you saw a group of people hovering over you.
"Happy Birthday, loser!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, drenching you with a bucket of ice-cold water. Spluttering and coughing, you tried to recover from the unexpected deluge while your coworkers and the members of Twice and ITZY burst into laughter. Mina joined in the laughter, patting your back as you struggled to catch your breath.
"Sorry, bro," Hanni teased, snapping a few photos of your soaked face. "This is too good."
"What are you guys doing here?" you managed to cough out, wiping the water from your eyes. "To celebrate your birthday, silly!" Nayeon and Sana enveloped you in a tight hug, nearly squeezing the life out of you and peppering your face with kisses.
Mina subtly pulled you closer, wrapping her arm around your waist, and gently detaching the two enthusiastic girls from you.
"Calm down, Minari, she's all yours," Nayeon chuckled, amused by the flushed expressions on both your faces.
"Come on, let's get the barbecue started!" Karina called from a nearby patio of a seaside hotel, waving her hands excitedly.
The group raced toward the patio, eagerly anticipating the feast. You and Mina trailed behind, your hands intertwined, swinging playfully between you as you made your way there..
The sun had set, and everyone was laughing and drunk from champagne (except Haerin and Hyein) under the string lights of the patio, dancing, and singing loudly. You leaned your back on the patio railing and took a moment to appreciate the scene, grateful to be surrounded by the people you loved.  
“Hey you.” An angelic voice broke through your thoughts.
Mina had changed into a light blue sleeveless dress, her hair adorned with gentle curls from the sea breeze. Her sun-kissed face radiated a natural beauty that captivated you. She held two glasses of champagne, offering one to you.
"Hey." You accepted the glass, meeting her gaze with affection.
"Walk with me?" she asked, a familiar gummy smile gracing her lips as she intertwined her fingers with yours.
You quickly scanned the room to check where Haerin was. The younger girl was imitating everything you did that night, and it was driving you insane. From holding Mina’s hand every time you did to trying to drink champagne whenever she saw you holding a glass, Haerin made sure she got everything down to precision. Thankfully, the younger blonde was dozing off in Yeji and Lia’s lap, with Jennifer curled up on her stomach.
“Let’s go.”
The crescent moon illuminated the tides of the ocean as you walked along the beach barefoot, hand in hand. You always thought that the sea at night looked frightening, changing from light blue to an abyss of black, engulfing everything beneath the midnight tides. But with Mina beside you, you could feel nothing but warmth and comfort.
"I wanted some time alone with you," the idol murmured, holding onto your arm and leading you to a blanket she had prepared in advance.
Mina was nervous. She had come on this trip expecting to celebrate your birthday as close friends, but now her thoughts were consumed by the way you looked at her and the sensation of your lips meeting hers. The fluttering in her stomach felt unfamiliar, but she was willing to explore it.
Being with you was as simple as breathing, and that was all she wanted. Simplicity.
You looked tenderly at her as you sat down on the blanket, eyes shining underneath the moonlight. Sensing her nervousness, you reached out and took her hand, running your thumb gently on the back of her hand, soothing her.
“You okay?”
“Yes,” She swallowed, trying to gather her thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she turned to look at you.
“I think I like you, but I never felt this about a girl before and I don’t know what to do.”
You nodded in understanding, waiting patiently for her to finish.
"I'm scared. You're always on my mind, and I think of you in everything I do. This feeling is so new to me," Mina rambled, exposing the jumble of thoughts within her. "I don't know what steps to take next."
“Hey, it’s okay.” You pulled the shorter girl into your embrace. “We can be anything you want us to be. If it’s a friend you need, I will be your friend.”
Mina shook her head in objection, “I want to be more than friends. I’m just scared.”
“Then we don’t have to label ourselves.” You said gently. You knew that Itinerants didn’t feel the connection as strongly as Waywards do, and if Mina was not ready, you were okay with that. If she was never ready, you would accept her choice, even if it meant you eventually fading away.
“We don’t have to establish the connection, so please don’t worry about it too much.”
"But won't that mean you..." Mina's words trailed off as you silenced her with a quick brush of your lips against hers.
"We'll worry about that later," you whispered.
She blushed and nodded shyly, surprised at your sudden boldness.
Suddenly remembering something, Mina quickly reached for a basket behind you that you failed to notice when you got there. a small cupcake adorned with white icing and colorful sprinkles, along with a single candle.
She lit up the candle and brought it to your face.
Smiling her gummy smile, the idol started to sing the tune to the cliché Birthday song, still somehow managing to take you away with her angelic voice. The light of the candle illuminated her face, and all you could see is her, all you could think about was her.
"Make a wish, Y/N," Mina whispered, her tender brown eyes locking with yours.
Closing your eyes, you blew out the candle, sending a silent wish into the universe.
Curiosity filled the air as Mina asked, "What did you wish for?"
“If I told you, it wouldn’t come true.” You said teasingly.
“You only keep the last one a secret,” Mina whined, eyes widening and pouting.
“Fine.” You relented, “I wished for you to kiss me.”
“Easy.” She responded, her arms encircling your neck as she drew closer, lips meeting yours tenderly. You pulled her onto your lap, wrapping your arms around her delicate waist. The kiss deepened, her lips slightly parted, capturing your bottom lip between hers.
Time seemed to stop as the kiss continued, both of you lost in the exhilaration of the moment. Eventually, you pulled away, catching your breath. Mina let out a soft whine in protest, her lips instinctively following yours, unwilling to let the connection break.
Laughing in joy, you looked at the celestial being in your arms.
She blushed, pupils dilated in excitement, as she hid her burning face in the crook of your neck.
You had wished for more time. You wished for everything to move slower.
You had called out to the fates before you blew the candle,
Please let me keep this piece of happiness for a bit longer.
Mina was home, and you were willing to go to any length to ensure her happiness. You would travel across space just to pick her favorite constellations and navigate vast oceans just to see her smile.
She was the tranquil teal blue waters, and you were the sail without oars, willingly allowing her to take you anywhere she wanted to go.
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A bit more fluff in this chapter! Enjoy :) Feel free to send me some of your thoughts or other requests!
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dandelion-wings · 2 months
💗♥️💛 Noelle x Barbara pls :3c
Thank you for the ask! <3 Sorry this one is late, as well--again, RL kind of popped off. This ended up more dramatic in the set-up than I intended, but, well, I think it works out. XD
Barbara can't do anything in her prison but wait.
She's tried pleading with the Treasure Hoarders, scolding them, even tried, foolishly, to intimidate them. She's tried to bargain--she's healed their leader, so can't they let her go? But while she thinks the two who grabbed her in the first place would be willing to once that job was done, their leader, now that he's on his feet again, is more opportunistic.
*"Do you know how valuable a skilled healer is?"* he'd asked her, looking down at her where she was sitting exhausted in the cage beside the fire, her Vision locked away in a chest, with arrogant eyes. *"There are people who will pay us enough Mora to be set for life. If the Lawrences aren't interested for themselves, they have plenty of noble contacts in Fontaine."*
It's been over two days since she was lured away from the Cathedral by his subordinates' tale of an injured child. *Surely* everyone's realized that she's missing. They're well north of the city by now, nearly at Dornman Port, but Captain Eula patrols this road, doesn't she? And Jean will come after her.
Even if she doesn't, Rosaria will come. As soon as she hears about it. As soon as she comes back from whatever 'work' she said she had on Dragonspine to hear.
Barbara sits in the cage, hidden beneath a tarp tied over it as the wagon it's been loaded into trundles along, and tells herself that rescue will come along at any time now.
She's still surprised to hear a familiar voice speak up somewhere ahead of the wagon. It lurches to a halt as if the horses have been grabbed by some great force, and one of the Treasure Hoarders swears and shouts, "What are you doing?"
"I'm sorry, but this is an official search being conducted by the Ordo Favonius," Noelle says, mild and calm despite the scrambling of the Treasure Hoarders. "I'm looking for a missing person. Have you seen-?"
Before the Hoarders can answer, Barbara, suddenly anxious, shrieks, "*Noelle!* Watch out, they're Treasure Hoarders!"
There's a snarl from one of the men, and more scrabbling as they leap off the wagon. Barbara sits under the tarp with her heart in her throat, unable to see, unable to *help* locked in here and without her Vision, her fingers wound together in her lap. There's the clang of weapons upon weapons, a few explosions, and then, suddenly, the tarp is whipped away, a greatsword slashing through it and the ropes at the same time.
Noelle grabs the wooden bars of the cage door and yanks. There's a lock, one that Barbara hasn't been able to force, but the wood simply gives way beneath Barbara's strength, the door shattering in her hands to be yanked easily off the hinges. As Barbara scrambles out, Noelle grabs for her, simply lifting her up clear of the broken wood and down off the wagon.
"Noelle," Barbara says, her voice choked, and only now realizes that she's started to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm so happy you're here, I just-"
"Don't apologize," Noelle says, soft but fierce, and grabs Barbara's shoulders. She's leaning in, dizzyingly close, and Barbara's heart pounds at the proximity. "All that matters is that you're all right."
"I am," Barbara whispers, and before she can add, 'now that you're here,' Noelle's lips are on hers.
Her mouth is gentle against Barbara's, tentative at first, growing firmer as Barbara kisses back but still slow and patient, drawing it out. Barbara's pounding heart slows, and she finds herself calming under Noelle's attention, with Noelle's arms around her, out here in the open air. She hadn't thought of *this* in all of her fantasies, but it feels unexpectedly right now that it's happening, Noelle's strong body pressed against her own.
Finally, as they're both becoming breathless, Noelle pulls away. "Master Jean will want to know you're all right," she says, stepping back. Barbara resists the urge to chase after her, to continue the embrace. "She's just down the road. We should report in."
"We should," she says, smiling at Noelle.
Even as she turns to lead the way, Noelle takes her hand and squeezes tight. Barbara feels a shivery delight run through her as she squeezes back. This isn't the rescue she'd hoped for--it's better.
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flock-talk · 11 months
I’ve been spending most days at work after a year of working from home and my bird isn’t coping as well with being alone all day. I feel so bad. I don’t know what to do, I try to spend as much time with her as I can and she’s just kinda miserable. She’s got lots of toys to play with while I’m gone but when I come back she’s so angry with me
It's definitely a rough adjustment to have to go through I'm sorry you're going through that.
Birds are very habitual so sudden changes after a year of consistency can be really challenging for them to adjust to.
There's some things you can try to help her but whether or not they do help really varies on the bird
have a reliably consistent leaving routine. practice grabbing your stuff, going in the cage, and stepping out the door in a reliable pattern and always leave them with a fun activity when you go. This can help them feel more confident as the consistency is predictable which helps them feel safer.
desensitize each element of your leaving routine. a bird knows you're gonna vanish second your leaving routine starts, this can cause them to build up a lot of anxiety and stress before you even go which makes it really hard for them to be able to settle and relax when you do actually leave. If you were to take each element of your leaving routine and separate it from meaning that you're immediately leaving it can help put them in to a calmer headspace and be capable of settling and relaxing. This would look like grabbing your keys then sitting down on the couch on your day off. putting on your uniform or shoes and then relaxing for a bit. rehearsing the whole routine and popping back in a second later to watch TV. Make leaving no big deal and not always having to mean super long term.
Have a designated super special going to work treat. This can create some excitement, give them something to look forwards to instead of fixating on how they're about to be left alone.
Some birds need consistent routine through the weekends too- some find it more stressful to have their person home for full days and then suddenly gone the next. In these cases it can be recommended to mimic work day hours on the weekends too. Giving them cage time or quiet time during those hours to help retain a consistent routine.
Practice independent activities. When you are together you can promote more comfort being alone by teaching them how to forage by themselves, enjoy a toy, or otherwise play Near you but not necessarily With you. Toy on the desk while you scroll the web, a nearby perch or stand a short distance away, gradually increasing distances to help them learn to have fun on their own. This not only helps them keep busy when you aren't around which lowers stress but also translates over to their capacity to self-soothe
things like a TV playing, radio, white noise, or window access, or being covered may also influence behaviour here and help them relax in your absence
Id also dedicate some time to assessing that 'angry' you've been noticing. Does she seem distressed and anxious, stressed and panicked, afraid, or overstimulated? all of those things can present as aggression and each would have a different training plan. write down some notes of what's happening, what context it happens in, what you're seeing, and how you're responding along with what does and doesn't seem to cause improvements. From there you can begin to notice a pattern and further help isolate ways to help her!
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