#and it makes me so happy i start tearing up
alvojake · 3 days
Until Forever | P.JS
↳ this is an add on to this fic here!! you do not have to read it to read this one, but it would make more sense if you do!!
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「pairing」 : fiance!jay x fem!reader 「word count」 : 5k
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「synopsis」 : it's father's day and you and your daughter make a secret plan to surprise jay with a nice dinner to come home; however, neither of you had expected him to return home early, but it doesn't change much. jay is just happy to have his little family together for a special day.
「genre」 : fluff... like tooth-rotting fluff, dad!jay
「warnings」 : kissing, mentions of pregnancy, petnames (baby, babe, princess, love, baby girl, bug, sweets...), down bad jay, minor cussing, lmk if I missed anything!
「notes」 : this is something I wanted to write for a while, and well, I couldn't think of a better time than fathers day! I loved writing my first dad Jay fic, so making an add-on to it actually makes me really happy, but I hope you enjoy it. happy father's day to those who celebrate and to those who don't well... I'm your daddy now hehe
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The warm summer sun was shining through the small kitchen window above the sink as you and Minji stood at the counter with mixed cake batter. The young girl was standing on her little stool next to you, trying to crack an egg, but she couldn't, which caused her to start getting frustrated. She just wanted to help you bake a cake for Jay for Father’s Day, but she had been struggling to crack the same egg for a few minutes, and you didn’t want to interrupt her. However, when Minji goes to throw it down, you intervene and take the egg from her little hands.
“You can’t throw the egg, love,” You laugh softly, cracking the egg and dumping the inside contents into the bowl with the other ingredients.
Minji pouts as she watches you mix the batter, her hands holding onto the countertop. She is amazed by how easy it was for you to crack the other egg before putting it into the bowl as well.
“Why is it so hard for me to crack the egg, mama?” She asked, eyes tearing away from the bowl to look up at you as a smile tugged on the corner of your lips. Even after two years of her calling you that it never ceased to make you smile, loving to hear the words fall from her lips.
You dusted your hands off with a rag before turning to face the little girl. Starting to bend down, you realized that you couldn’t go down as far as you once used to with the baby bump that had formed on your stomach. Getting comfortable with one hand gripping the countertop edge, you opened your mouth to speak to the little girl, but she was quick to interrupt, panic on her face.
“No, mama, stand up. You’re going to squish, sissy!” She exclaimed, her eyes moving from your face down to your swollen belly. You couldn’t help but laugh at how worried she was.
“Min, the baby is okay, I promise.” You smile at her softly before dusting some of the flour off of her shirt. Now, how about I finish up with the cake so we can get it in the oven? Then we can decorate it while I start dinner, okay?” A smile grew on the little girl’s face as she nodded her head, excited to make the cake look pretty for her daddy.
Patting her head softly, you pull yourself back to your feet with a huff, grab the bowl, and whisk to finish mixing. Minji watched with intrigued eyes, not saying much as you made sure there weren’t any clumps left in the batter before grabbing the cake pan.
Spray the pan with cooking spray to make sure the cake won’t stick to the sides when you try to get it out. Then grab the bowl and start pouring the batter inside. Once all of the batter was scraped out of the bowl, reach over Minji and sit it inside the sink, then grab the cake pan.
“Stay right here, Min, I don’t want you to get burnt.” You instruct the young girl, and she tilts her head quizzically before muttering a small ‘Okay, mama.’ After making sure that she was going to stay in her spot, you walk over to the preheated oven and open the door before sliding the pan in. When it was fully inside, you closed the door and set the timer. Dusting your hands off once more you looked back at Minji who was still watching you with curious eyes, you looked at the clock. 
Jay shouldn’t be home until later in the evening, so the two of you should have more than enough time to decorate the cake and finish cooking dinner before he returns.
After the cake was done baking in the oven and fully cooled off you and Minji started to decorate it. You covered the entirety of the cake in frosting before grabbing a variety of sprinkles, decorative icing, and edible flowers to lay them before Minji so she could decorate.
“Alright, sweets, figure out what you wanna use while I finish off the frosting.” You pat down a few strands of her hair before turning back to the cake and grabbing the spatula.
Minji leans down until her chin rests on the counter, watching as you smooth out the frosting. Her eyes then fall onto your belly, and a small pout forms on her lips.
“How much longer is sissy going to be in there?” Minji asks as she lightly pokes your belly, resulting in a soft kick from the baby that was growing inside of your womb. You smile softly, setting the spatula down to cup the small girl’s face, brushing some stray frosting off of her face with your thumb.
“She still has a few more months until she gets here, Min,” you tell her with a smile, moving your hand from her face but not looking away.
Minji’s bottom lip jutted out, “Why can’t she come sooner?”
“Well, if she were to come now, she would be really sick, and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” You watched with a fond gleam in your eyes as the little girl shook her head violently, slight panic forming in her eyes.
“No! I want her to be healthy, so I can play with her.” She exclaims, causing you to laugh softly, shaking your head. You then tell her that she will have to wait just a little bit longer after she’s born to play, which results in the young child sighing before yet another pout forms on her lips.
The both of you then go back to decorating the cake, talking about anything the girl could think of or humming a tune that has been stuck in your head.
However, after a few moments of not hearing a peep from Minji you looked over at her, seeing a troubled look on her face. Stopping what you were doing so you could turn all of your attention to her, “What’s wrong, bug?”
The moment that Minji turned her head, allowing her teary eyes to meet yours. Seeing the tears that were pooling along her waterline made your heart lurch. You reach out to cup her small cheek in your palm, thumb wiping a stray tear that had broken free.
“Are you and Daddy going to forget about me when sissy gets here?” Her voice shook as her bottom lip trembled, making your heart hurt. The last thing you wanted was for her to feel like you or Jay would forget about her when the baby got here.
“Aww baby,” You cooed softly, crouching down once more despite the discomfort so you were at eye level with her. Reaching out, you tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, looking at her with such fondness, “We’re not going to forget about you, even after the baby gets here.” You offer her a small smile, tilting your head slightly. “She’s going to need a lot of attention, but your dad and I will never forget about you, no matter what.”
Minji sniffles and wipes her face with the back of her hand before holding out her other hand, her tiny pinky sticking up. " You promise?” she asks.
You couldn’t help but laugh softly as you wrapped your own pinky around her’s, “I promise.” The both of you seal the word as the pads of your thumbs meet.
Unbeknownst to the both of you Jay stood in the doorway of the kitchen, arms crossed loosely over his chest as he watched the two of you go back to decorating the cake. His eyes gleamed with adoration that if anyone had been looking in from the outside they would say that he quite literally had stars shining in his eyes. One would say that he was lovesick, the other would say he was a fool, but Jay didn’t care. If loving his fiance and children made him a love-sick fool, then so be it.
He watched the two of you discuss where to put the small edible flowers on the cake for a few more moments until he finally pushed himself off of the door frame. Walking further into the room, he watched his footsteps so the floorboards wouldn’t make too much noise.
“How are my favorite girls?” His voice filled the room, causing both you and Minji to jump. Turning around quickly, with your hand over your heart, you looked at Jay with wide eyes. He wasn’t supposed to be home until later.
Minji looks over at her dad with a huge smile on her lips before jumping from the stool, almost tripping, scaring the life out of you and Jay. However, she catches herself before making a beeline for Jay.
“Daddy!” She screamed as she ran into Jay’s awaiting arms, wrapping her arms tightly around Jay’s neck as he wrapped his around her smaller body. When he picked her up, Minji started to giggle, burying her face in Jay’s neck.
“How was your day princess?” Jay asked the small girl as she pulled away to look at him with wide, twinkling eyes. She starts to tell him about all of the stuff that you and her had been doing all day causing a smile to spread on your lips, watching the two of them. “Have you been listening to your mama?” Jay pokes her belly causing Minji to burst out in a fit of giggles before nodding her head and looking over at you just as you started to walk towards them.
A silly smile spread on Jay’s lips as he watched you waddle over to the two of them, your hand lying softly on the top of your baby bump. It still baffles him to this day that you have given him a second chance, even if it has been three years since then. Now he’ll get to call you his wife soon and you’re carrying his child. He will probably forever wonder whether or not this was all some dream, but if it was, he hoped it was one that he would never wake up from.
“She’s been good, she’s always good, Jay.” You smile softly as he wraps his arm around your waist the moment you’re within arm's reach.
“I’m just worried about leaving her alone with you right now,” He tells you, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head as you wrap your arm around his torso. You rolled your eyes playfully before looking up to meet his gaze.
“I’m seven months pregnant, Jay, not handicapped.” 
“I know, but I’m still gonna worry regardless.” He stared down at you, taking in your features. The way your hair that was pulled back into a messy bun was starting to come undone resulting in a few stray pieces falling and framing your face. The small specks of frosting that somehow got onto your cheeks, then your pretty pink lips that were coated in a thin layer of lip gloss. Noticing his gaze, you reached up to move a strand of hair that had fallen out of place, snapping him out of his little trance. Smiling softly, he leans down to kiss the top of your head once more.
Minji started poking his shoulder, trying to gain his attention, “Daddy, guess what?” Jay turned his attention back to his daughter as she smiled widely at him, her small body shaking in excitement. “We made a cake for you!” She exclaimed, pointing over at the unfinished cake that still sat on the counter.
Smiling, you looked over at her before moving to meet Jay’s gaze once more as he looked over. “It’s not done yet; we weren’t expecting you to be back so soon.”
“Ah well,” Jay chuckled, tightening his hold on the both of you, “I managed to get boss to let me off early so I could spend the rest of the day with my favorite girls.”
His words made your heart twist. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, but just hearing how he would much rather spend every waking second of the day with you and Minji made you realize that you truly had picked the best man alive.
Minji wiggles her way out of Jay’s arms before grabbing his hand and dragging him over to where the cake was, leaving you to stand there and watch with a fond smile. The young girl went on to explain everything about what the cake looked like and how she wanted to decorate it for him. She then looked up at him, her face as bright as the sun saying that she hopes that he likes it when she finishes it.
“I love it already, Min.” He promised, patting the top of her head before she climbed back onto her stool to finish decorating.
You watch for a moment long before turning and walking over to the stove to finish cooking dinner. Noticing movement from the corner of his eye Jay looks over at you, seeing you pick up the ladle, your other hand propped on your hip. 
With one last pat to his daughter's head, he makes his way over to you, grabbing the ladle from your hand, causing you to look up at him.
“I’ve got it, bug; you should help Min finish the cake.” He looked at you with a soft smile, but you knew that arguing with him would just be useless, so you just shook your head, a smile pulling on the corner of your lips. Moving out of the way you allow him to take your previous stance, but you don’t move very far, eyes still on Jay, watching as he gets back into his element.
Seeing that you hadn’t gone anywhere and still stood in the same place Jay turned his head slightly before reaching a hand out to lay his palm flat on your swollen belly. His thumb rubs your skin soothingly through the fabric of your shirt as you move your hand to lay it on top of his, the light gleaming off of the diamond that laid on your ring finger.
Pulling your attention away from your hands, you let your eyes trail up until they met his, searching his orbs as the light reflected off of them. You had always loved his eyes. They always seemed dark at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they were a shade of your favorite chocolate, a beautiful color in your eyes.
“Thank you.” Jay breaks the silence; however, his words just leave you staring at him confused. You open your lips, asking what he meant and he just smiles sweetly, his gaze full of such love that it leaves you weak in the knees. “I am beyond thankful for you, bug; you’re always there for Minji and me. Thankful for everything that you have done for us. And I will forever be thankful that you gave me another chance because now I have the family that I’ve always thought about.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, hoping to keep the tears that had pooled in your eyes at bay. His words made your heart flutter, beating against your ribs in such a manner that you were sure that your face was red. Your hand moved faster than your brain, smacking his chest softly with a playful glare adorning your face.
“Stop trying to make me cry, asshole.” You grumbled lowly, not wanting Minji to hear you.
Jay couldn’t help but laugh before laying the ladle down so he could turn and engulf your smaller body in his arm, pulling you as close as he could with your pregnant belly in the way.
He presses a kiss to your forehead with a smile, “I’m sorry, love.”
Just then, a loud crash was heard throughout the whole kitchen, causing you to jump in Jay’s arms. Small curses left your lips, causing him to chuckle. Before the two of you looked over at the little girl, who was looking down at the fallen bowl with wide eyes, the spatula not too far from it. There were small specks of frosting all over her face and a few bigger splotches around her mouth and chin.
“Whoops.” As soon as the word fell from Minji’s lips, both you and Jay burst out laughing, the little girl not too far behind you.
The two of you then separated, moving towards Minji to help clean her up. “I’ve got her,” you told Jay. He was quick to grab your upper arm, ready to protest, but you turned and pressed the pads of your fingers to his lips, shushing him. "You just cook dinner; I’ve got her.”
Jay grabbed your wrist, pulling your fingers away from his mouth before placing a gentle kiss on the skin of your palm, muttering a small ‘okay’ before releasing his hold.
He watches as you walk over to the sink to grab a clean rag from the drawer next to it before wetting it with warm water. You then turn to the little girl as she tilts her face towards you, already knowing what was coming.
“So, did you like the frosting?” You teased her, gently wiping the leftover frosting from her cheeks. 
Minji giggled but nodded her head nonetheless, “I did! It was really sweet, though.” The girl exclaimed with a tight-lipped smile as you wiped down her chin.
Once her face was completely wiped off, you moved to pick up the bowl off the ground, but Minji was quick to hop off the stool, shouting that she’d got it. A sweet, wide smile spread on your lips as you watched her scoop up the bowl and spatula in her arms before turning and handing them to you.
Jay watched from the side with an adoring gleam in his eyes, knowing that Minji was already going to be a great big sister despite the almost six year difference.
“Thank you, love.” You thanked the child as you took the dishes from her outstretched arms and placed them in the sink to wash later.
The two of you then go back to decorating the cake—well, more like Minji is decorating it, and you’re just there to supervise so she doesn't make too big of a mess while Jay finishes dinner. The only sound filling the comfortable space around the three of you was the soft tunes that Jay was humming.
After dinner was done Jay gathered all of the dishes, ignoring your protests for him to let you do it. Realizing you weren’t going to win this fight, you just opted to help him clean them, which even took a bit of convincing. Finally giving in, Jay allowed you to dry the dishes off before placing them back in the cabinet. Even Minji found a way to help by standing next to Jay and pointing out all of the spots that he missed on some of the dishes, causing you to laugh softly as Jay faked a shocked expression every time.
He’d do anything if it meant that a smile would fall on either of his girls' faces.
Once the dishes were finally done, Minji started to hop around the dining table with a huge smile on her face. She then came to a halt in front of you, grabbing your hand and looking up to meet your awaiting eyes.
“Can we get the cake and presents out now?” she asked hurriedly, gently swinging your arm, causing you to chuckle and nod. However, Jay looked at you with wide, shocked eyes.
“You didn’t have to get me anything; being with the three of you is more than enough.”
You roll your eyes softly, “No, I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. Plus, Min has been excited to get you something.” You tell him, and the little girl by your side starts to nod her head violently, causing you to let out a small laugh. " Plus, it is your special day after all.”
Jay relented with a sigh, knowing that he wouldn’t be winning this fight, definitely not with the excited look that adorned his little girl’s face. So he sat down at the table, watching as the two of you walked out of the room, returning a few minutes later with the gifts in hand.
Coming back to the table, you took Minji's gift and set them both down on the table in front of Jay. Minji then clung to your side, her head resting on the side of your tummy, eyes on her dad as he thanked both of you.
Jay grabs the gift from Minji first, pulling out the stuffing paper and reaching inside. A wide smile pulls on his lips as he pulls out a cute coffee mug that was littered with little doodles that Minji had scribbled on them. Jay took a few moments to inspect every drawing on the cup, seeing butterflies, puppies, her name, as well as both yours and Jay’s names, as well as a bunch of other random doodles. With a stupid smile on his lips, he sat the cup down before grabbing the homemade card that she had made for him. He once again took his time reading it, relishing in the way that despite Minji being only five her spelling and handwriting were amazing.
When he was done reading the card, he sat it down next to the cup before turning to look over at Minji, who still had a hold of your hand, eyes on him. Jay held a hand out for the small child, and she rushed over to him without an ounce of hesitation, wrapping her arms around him.
“Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!” She exclaimed, resting her chin on his chest and looking up at him with a toothy grin.
“Thank you, baby girl.” He returned her goofy smile before pressing a kiss on her forehead, causing her eyes to flutter close, but the smile never left her lips. 
Once Jay pulled away from her, Minji climbed onto his lap, quickly getting comfortable before looking over at you. Walking over, you place your hand on the back of Jay’s chair, watching as Jay reaches forward, grabbing the other small gift bag. 
Jay throws a quick glance at you when he pulls a small ring box out, his eyebrows furrowed. He has a small feeling that he already knows what it is, or, well, more along the lines of what it could be. Your lips curl inward, trying to fight off the smile as you usher him to open it.
Opening the small box, Jay’s eyes go wide as he sees a ring sitting inside. However, it wasn’t just any ring. No, it was the right that he had been contemplating getting a few months back but decided not to. He was sure that you didn’t know about it, knowing how you are when he refuses to buy anything for himself, so how did you find out?
“What? How-”
You let out a laugh, hand moving to his shoulder, “Babe, you have a bad habit of not closing tabs when you’re done with them.”
Jay just chuckles with a small chuckle, “Yeah, you’re right.” He agreed before looking back down at the ring when he noticed how antsy Minji was in his lap. Asking if something was the matter she just shook her head before pointing to the piece of jewelry and telling him to look at the inside. 
Confused, he takes the piece of jewelry out of the case before inspecting it. His eyes then go wide when he realizes that there are names inscribed on the inside of the band. Minji and Joonhee. Both of his little girls’ names.
“I knew how much you wanted something with the girls’ names on it, so when I saw the ring, I found a perfect solution.” You smiled sweetly at him as he looked up at you with literal stars shining in his eyes, making your heart flutter.
“Thank you, baby.” He spoke softly, biting back tears, but then he realized that he hadn’t seen your name with the girls’. “But where’s your name?”
You shook your head, telling him that you weren’t sure about adding your name, so you decided not to. Jay waved it off before saying that he’d go within the next few days to add your name.
“I want all of my girls’ names on there. Especially my wife and mother of my children.” His voice was sweet along with his words which easily brought tears to your eyes. You had wondered what you had done in your past life for you to deserve such a caring man like Jay.
You weren’t able to hold your tears this time resulting in them starting to fall down your cheeks.
“God dammit, Jay, I told you not to make me cry.” You curse him, trying to wipe the tears from your face, but it proves pointless as more just replaced the ones you had wiped away.
Jay chuckles softly before laying the ring back inside the box and grabbing Minji to pick her up once more. Hoisting the little girl on his hip as he stood, he wrapped his other arm around you, pulling your body into his, creating a small group hug.
“I love you both so so much.” He whispered, inhaling through his nose to keep his own tears at bay before pressing a kiss to Minji’s forehead. The little girl squealed with giggles, smiling at Jay when he pulled before leaning forward and pressing a kiss of her own on his cheek.
“I love you too, Jay, so much.” You responded to him as his eyes fell back on yours.
He leaned down, sealing your lips with his in a soft, gentle kiss, his hand on your jaw, angling your face for better access. After a few moments, the both of you pulled away with smiles adorning both of your faces.
Then you remembered the cake, quickly wiped the remaining tears from your cheeks, and smiled brightly at both Jay and Minji.
“Alright, who wants cake?” As soon as those words fell from your lips, Minji exclaimed loudly that she did, wiggling in Jay’s arms, causing you both to burst out laughing once more.
When the three of you were done with the cake, you all settled in the living room. You were lying between Jay’s legs, your back pressed against his chest, while Minji was curled up in your lap, using your baby bump as a pillow while the three of you watched movies.
It wasn’t too long before Minji fell asleep on your lap, her arms hanging loosely at her side while her face was smooshed against your belly. You cooed softly, brushed the hair out of her face watching her sleep for a few moments until a yawn tore through your lips.
“I think it’s time to call it a night; what do you say, bug?” Jay asked softly, his lips pressed against the back of your head.
Before you could even speak, you were cut off by a yawn answering Jay’s question. Laughing softly he maneuvered his way out from behind you so he could pick the sleeping child up.
“Noooo…” Minji whined sleepily as Jay pulled her from your lap, but as soon as her head laid on Jay’s shoulder, she was out once more.
Both of you laughed quietly before you moved to get off the couch, but Jay was quick to hold his hand out. Smiling up at him, you placed your smaller hand in him, allowing him to hoist you to your feet with little to no struggle.
You thanked him before the three of you made your way to Minji’s room to settle her before making it back to your room.
Settling down in bed, Jay reaches over to lay his hand on top of your baby bump once more. However, this time, the baby kicks, causing the both of you to laugh softly. He then leans over, capturing your lips in a soft, lingering kiss. Your hand finds his cheek, thumb brushing his skin gently, realizing his warmth.
Pulling away, he lays his forehead against yours, breathing softly through his nose, “Thank you, again, for everything.” He thanked you for the nth time that night causing you to giggle softly before reaching forward to cup his face in both hands, kissing him once more.
“I would do anything and everything for you Jay,” You smiled as he sealed your lips in yet another kiss, all of his love and adoration seeping out as he kissed you deeply this time.
Pulling away, he moved down to your belly, fingers caressing the skin that was peeking out from the bottom of your, well, his shirt. You watched with soft eyes as he placed gentle kisses on the curve of your stomach.
“Don’t keep your mom up all night, alright.” He whispered against your skin, causing a silly smile to spread on your lips as you ran your fingers through his hair.
The two of you lay down after turning the lights off. Jay’s arm wrapped around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest. He then kissed your shoulder, trailing his lips up until he got to your ear.
“I don’t know how I became the luckiest man on earth, but I will never take it for granted.” He whispered softly, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. “I promise that I will do whatever it takes to make sure you and our daughters are taken care of.” He then kissed the top of your head, “I love you so much, baby,”
You mumbled a soft ‘I love you too,’ sleep already consuming your mind as you were encased in Jay’s warmth.
“Good night, my love.” He whispered as you closed your eyes, falling asleep with your hand lying over his.
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
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itsagoodluckkiss · 2 days
Hi, I wanted to make a request about Luffy x female reader. The reader is feminine but clumsy, emotionally-reserved, unexperienced and kind-hearted. Smart and funny, with a soft spot for Luffy. . As for the plot, "she fell first, but he fell harder", slice of life with a little angst would be perfect. I'm desperate for fanfiction about first experience in everything kinda stuff. I'm not a minor, so it would be very good to see some sensual and awkward smut. I would be glad to read anything you'll write about Luffy x female!reader and I hope that you liked my request (^o^)/ sorry for bad english
It's Okay ~ Luffy x F!Reader
First of all, thank you for being my first request, you made me really happy and I'm really sorry for the really long wait, we had a really rough couple of months. Also, it's the first smut I've ever written so read this with patience. English is not my first language either and I'm sorry for any mistakes. Anyways, I had fun writing this, I hope you'll like it, lots of love!
Words: +3k
Warnings: hurt/comfort, op spoilers, ptsd, mentions of character death, comfort sex, smut with plot, oral (f!receiving), virginity loss (both), unprotected sex, cockwarming, fluffy ending kinda?, no use of Y/N
Quiet days on The Thousand Sunny were as rare as mythical zoans. Not only because of dangerous encounters but also because of how calm the whole crew was today. Even your walking ray of sunshine captain was not as wild as usual. But you couldn’t really complain as you could focus on your task in silence.
The tailor of the crew, responsible of sewing, stitching and mending every piece of fabric on the ship. And that included the sails. Strong winds the night before managed a large tear and the next island was a couple of days away. So you had a job to do. Standing on a rope ladder, you effortlessly worked through the sails with elegance. Every piece of fabric in your home deserved care, as you’d always say when you mended the torn up clothes of your crew mates.
You were proud you could provide your family with loved and cared clothes and everything else they needed, top priority along with the dream of becoming the best tailor the seas had ever seen. Your mind wandered away to the smile of your captain every time you placed the fixed straw hat you came to love so much on his head, while you automatically repaired the sail. But your gracefulness started and ended at the needle in your hand.
Looking away into the sea for one second resulted in you prickling your finger. The sudden feeling caused you to lose your step and balance and you yelped as you fell from the ladder, expecting a hard fall and a trip to Chopper’s infirmary. But the land never came, arms wrapping around your frame, drawing you to somebody’s embrace. In fear, you wrapped yourself around your savior’s waist like a koala, your flower patterned dress coming up slightly. Your face went to the crook of his neck for one second, immediately recognizing who it was, and you raised your head to look at him in embarrassment.
“Hi there!”
“Luffy, thank you, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s alright. Was on my way to check if you needed help. Guess I was right.” he said laughing.
You smiled and hugged him tightly as he put you down on the deck. You were embarrassed, part of it because of your own clumsiness, another part because of the way Luffy’s hands lingered on your waist before letting you go.
“Are you almost done? Picked up a new card game from the last island and I want to play with you.”
“Oh, ah, I, I still have some, some work to do...?”
You didn’t. You also didn’t know why you said that. You said a lot of stupid stuff lately. You loved spending time with your captain, especially when you knew there wouldn’t be a crazy fight following you in a few hours. Falling in love with his brown eyes, his goofy and brave personality and his loyalty to his friends was the reason you said yes to joining the Straw Hats after you helped them save Robin in Ennies Lobby.
But ever since you returned to Sabaody, it’s gotten harder to contain the feelings for your first love. The other night while you two were keeping watch and talking about things you loved, an “I love you” escaped your lips without thinking, proceeding to an inept attempt to cover it by saying how you loved he is such a loyal friend. You felt the blush rushing to your cheeks as you looked again on his face and noticed something you were seeing more and more these days. His trademark smile was reduced to a small upward line and in his eyes there was a gleam of sadness. You couldn’t have that.
“It’s fine, I’ll see you around later I guess-”
“On another note, I can always finish it later. Let’s go play, Captain!”
And you grabbed his arm, running like a child playing chase across the deck toward Nami’s tangerine trees, laughing as you tripped on your two left feet, Luffy holding you upwards and laughing in the process, always there to catch you.
The ship was in motion, light rain falling from the night sky as Luffy found himself walking aimlessly on the empty deck. His black hair tousled, his straw hat dangling from the string around his neck, his posture slumped, trying to find some sort of relief in the breeze that hit his face. His trembling hands grip the railing, his gaze lost towards the vast ocean, unable to back focus on anything but his most recent nightmare. Memories of Ace's death spreading, like poison in his veins, once again. He tried to steady his breathing but failed as hot tears run down his cheeks, silent sobs leaving his body, trying not to wake up his crew. He hadn’t talked to anyone about Marineford. There was no reason for his friends to see him in that weakened state. He could tell that everyone felt guilty because they weren’t there for him, he didn’t want to feed that ugly feeling inside them.
You felt restless, worry prickling your skin like a hundred needles at once. Sleep wouldn’t do you a favor so you hoped off bed to get some fresh air on the deck and some moments of peace to think. Luffy’s sad eyes lingered in your thoughts. You couldn’t help but think about how much he had changed since you first met. You remembered the scrawny, eager, brave boy he was. Now his hair was longer and spikier, and he looked stronger than ever before, he was almost a man. Despite his carefree looks, a lot had changed about him. Yes, he was still as eager and resilient and determinated as ever, yet more mature, as much as maturity applied to him. And that big scar across his chest was the only testament of the fight he gave alone two years ago, as he hadn't talked to any of you about it. Not that he had to. You all knew you would wholeheartedly give him the support in any form he’d need. You’d do what you knew best. Take care of the people you loved. And from the moment you joined the crew, you knew your heart belonged to the straw hat captain.
You spotted Luffy in the front of the ship. It was unusual for him to be up and alone this late at night. Your eyes filled with concern, you walked closer to him as you noticed the trembling in his form, worry rising in your chest. Your hand caressing his shoulder slightly, you didn’t want to scare him or make him feel worse.
"Luffy?" you asked softly, voice barely audible over the wind.
Luffy wiped his tear streaked face quickly and tried to control his heavy breathing, wanting to be like his usual self, even if he knew it was too late for acting.
He took a deep breath trying to hold it all in. He was the one that was supposed to help people through their crying and problems, to protect them. He couldn’t protect his friends in Sabaody, he couldn’t save his brother. He swore he’d never let anything like those things happen again. He didn’t want to be seen as weak. Not again. Not in front of his crew. Not in front of you.
“It’s okay, Luffy.”
His eyes met yours, a warm and safe gaze, always inviting and full of love, ready to be a place of comfort and joy to anyone that needed it. You wrapped your arms around his shoulder and back, taking him in a comforting embrace. His arms went immediately around you, his face buried in the crook of your neck as silent sobs left him once again. He hugged you tightly, hyperventilating as he let every last feeling of grief and pain out. You felt your eyes well too, the pain your favorite person carried alone enough to make you want to scream.
“It’s okay… you’re okay… it wasn’t your fault…”
“I couldn’t… I thought you… were all dead… and… I was right there… I couldn’t save him… he left… in my arms… it should have been me!”
Your heart ached listening to Luffy's sobs, tears running down your face as well. You pulled back slightly, cupping his face in your hands, and looked into his red, puffy eyes.
“Listen to me! Don’t say that again, ever! We all know you’d never let us down. You did everything you could, Luffy, you always do, and it’s enough for us." You said, voice shaking, carrying all the sincerity in the world. "And you always were there for him. You gave everything you had! He loved you so much and you saved him because you showed him how loved and cherished he was! You're still doing everything you can to keep his memory alive. That's what he would want! Don’t do this to yourself, please.”
You wiped the tears off his face and squeezed his cheeks like you usually did when you shared food and laughs together, managing to drag out a small smile from the boy.
“How about we go grab some tea and biscuits from the kitchen before Sanji comes down from his watch and go to my room?” you suggested, knowing Luffy would never say no to food.
“It’s on!”
Stealth wasn’t your strongest suit as you somehow always managed to hit on something. And with Luffy beside you, havoc was almost always certain. Getting out of the kitchen as fast as you could, before Sanji’s yells could reach you, you run into the ship, down to your handicraft’s room. The warmth of the cabin enveloped Luffy, feeling a little more like his usual self now, as he took in the room. That’s were all your great works laid, with needles, threads and sewing machines all over the place. From clothes and blankets to large embroideries hanging from the walls. You laid a soft, fluffy blanket on the ground to sit on. You sipped your scolding tea as Luffy munched on a cookie, taking in your works.
“I don’t know how you can make beautiful things like these.”
“I’ve practiced it a lot. And I love it. I’m glad you like it, Captain.”
You smiled widely, gaining a toothy grin from him.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For always being here.”
You were thinking your next words for a moment before moving the cups and plate from the blanket, taking his shoulders gently as you both laid on the ground, your eyes looking at each other, taking his hand into yours.
“It's alright to not be fine, you know… I'll always be here for you, no matter what.”
“It’s… I’m not thinking about it most of the time… I just have nightmares… it’s hard sometimes.”
“And that’s completely logical, Luffy, you’ve been through hell! I collapsed when I heard the news and couldn’t be with you. I would have run to you if I could. I love you so much and I’m sorry I wasn’t there and…”
You were the one tearing up now, cheeks red from embarrassment as the words slipped through your mouth without thinking. You knew Luffy would be shattered when you heard about Ace. The only thing you wanted was to hug him until you pulled all his pieces back together. He met your gaze. Luffy was never interested in romance. He didn’t thought he needed it. Until he met you and for the first time, he wanted someone to join his crew not only because he wanted them as a friend and they’d be a great addition, but because he felt something different, something he couldn’t quite understand. The only thing he knew was that he loved you a little differently than the rest of his friends. It was his turn to brush the tears off your face now and you melted from his touch. You tried to speak but before you could, his hand, warm and slightly trembling, cup your cheek. His lips pressed into yours, just for a moment, before drawing back only inches from your face.
“I think I love you too.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, heart pounding against your ribs. Never had you thought you’d hear those words from Luffy. Of course, you knew he loved everyone in the crew, but this felt different. You felt like you would burst into flames as you blushed even more.
“You, you do?!”
“Yeah… you’re sweet and strong… always by my side… you’re very important to me…”
You let out a gasp of surprise as you hugged him tightly and crushed your lips into his clumsily, both of you laughing at your enthusiasm. Small, sweet kisses evolved into longer, more passionately ones and soon you were underneath him, his hands caressing your thigh beneath your dress, your hands slowly pushing his vest off of him.
“Are you okay?”
“I am, you?”
“Me too.”
Soon, your clothes landed somewhere else in the room as you felt him caressing your skin everywhere and you gasped into the kiss, him taking advantage of your parted lips to push his tongue into your mouth, tangling it messily with yours. His lips travelled down your neck and lower, soon to be between your legs. A feeling of self-consciousness crept over you as you closed your legs and he smiled up at you as he caressed your thigh.
“Hey, it’s okay, we can stop if you want.”
“No, I want this, I’ve just… never do this before…”
“Neither do I. We’ll find it together. But I want you to be comfortable. You can stop me if you don’t feel okay.”
You smile down at him and relaxed a bit, allowing him to spread your legs and start kissing the inside of your thighs. It felt so good to share another experience with him, and his touch was gentler than you thought it would be. He positioned your thighs on his shoulders and before you could react, his mouth was on you, his tongue licking a stripe before latching onto your clit. Your head fell back immediately as a choked out moan slipped through your mouth, one hand flying to his hair, pulling on his locks gently as the other grasped the blanket beneath you. His eyes were on you, his look was magnetic and focused on the task of making you feel good. A finger circling your tight hole, it pushed inside you slowly as he sucked on your clit, making you whimper from the pleasurable feeling. The stretching inside you new and welcomed, a combination of his mouth and a second finger breaching in has your orgasm approaching faster than you expected. He curled his fingers upwards, hitting repeatedly a spot you had never reached before on your own and it pushed you over the edge unexpectedly. He smiles against you as small moans left your mouth, your whole body shaking, your head spinning.
Coming down from your high, he crawls back on top of you and kisses you passionately, your tongues intertwining. You can taste yourself through the kiss, and it makes you long for more. He breaks the kiss and smiles down at you.
“How was that?”
“Luffy, it was… amazing. How did you know-”
“Didn’t. Just did what felt right. Are you okay to continue?”
You nodded eagerly and he grinned at you, his lips back on yours again. Your hand sneaks between your bodies to grab his dick, gently pumping him up and down, bringing him close to your folds. He moans into the kiss and swats your hand away, gliding himself between your now soaked pussy, his tip touching your clit every time, sending small jolts of pleasure down your spine. He breaks the kiss, his face only inches apart from yours, staring into your eyes.
“You’re sure?”, he whispered.
“Yes captain, please…”
A shiver run through his body as he hears your plead, and he moves his tip against your entrance, pushing in. A small gasp escape you and a sharp hiss leaves his mouth as he slowly slides into you, his movements awkward but gentle, the feeling of your warmth around him making him slightly tremble as he bottoms out. It felt slightly uncomfortable for you at first but the pain you expected to feel was nowhere to be found. His lips were on your neck, nibbling and sucking gently while his arms roamed your body, trying to make you relax as he stayed still, waiting for you to adjust to him. A few moments passed and your hand cupped his chin, bringing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss.
“Feels better now?”
“Yes, Luffy… please, move…”
He smiled down at you and placed another soft kiss on your lips as he began to move, taking it slow and tender, setting a rhythm that made you gasp, the pleasure spreading over you. One of his hands on yours, intertwining your fingers as the other grabbed your thigh to keep you against him, his forehead on yours, eyes closed as you both relished the feeling of your bodies pressed together. His speed picked up slightly as he finds a steady rhythm and you moan his name, your legs wrapping around his waist to keep him close. He smiles widely and kisses you deeply, his tongue exploring your mouth, your fingers running through his hair, gently tugging at his dark locks.
One hand gripped your thigh rougher now, pushing it upwards, the shift in position allowing him to go deeper, the other sneaking between your bodies to rub at your clit. Your face buries in the crook of his neck, trying to choke down your moans, the knot in your stomach tightening as his thrusts grow faster and sloppier, you feel that he’s close too.
Your lips connect again in a messy kiss and your back arches as you come undone, crying out through the kiss, your nails dragging down his back. He breaks the kiss, his lips trailing down your jaw and neck, his hands grab your hips to drag you to him as he fucks you through your high, his hips stuttering, feeling your walls squeezing him tight, pushing him over the edge with you.
You stay like this for a while, hands wrapped around each other, his face buried in the crook of your neck, savoring the moment. He places a tender kiss on your cheek and turns to face you, his head on your shoulder.
“How do you feel?”
“I feel… wonderful…” you say with a sigh as you smile up at him. His hand caressing you cheek, he placed another sweet kiss before stretching his hand to grab another blanket nearby, covering the both of you. He then lies flat on top of you again, his arms wrapping around you, and closes his eyes, still inside you.
“Luff, we…”
“Can’t move, I feel snuggly right now.”
You laugh softly as you hug him back, feeling his breath slow down as he slowly falls asleep, your eyelids getting heavy as well, a content smile playing on your lips.
“Goodnight dummy…”
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heartysworld · 24 hours
Family Tradition || Lando Norris x Reader
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A/N: Honestly, I don't even know where this idea cake from I've been feeling nostalgic recently and I thought back to when I myself watched a wildlife documentary and it made me feel bad for the poor babies. Also please know that this hasn't been proofread yet so it's possible to have a mistake here and there!
Hopefully you enjoy this one, feedback and reblogs are deeply appreciated!
W. C.: 1k+
"Baby look at him, he's so cute!" You exclaimed, looking at the tiny creature that sat at the palm of your hand.
Next you, Lando was just as smitten with the baby turtle in his hand. You could see the tender look of his eyes as his pointer finger went over the shell of the tiny creature whose fins moved in all possible directions.
" How do you know it's a him? For all we know it could be a she!" Your fiance said with a small laugh.
"Call it female intuition.''
"Okay everyone, it's time to get these little guys back to their natural habitat. On 3, everyone can release their baby turtle and we're going to move back a bit so that they have the space they need to craw towards the water!" One of the men responsible for the release of the baby turtles explained while everyone got ready.
All this began as a silly joke between you and Lando about a year ago when you watched a documentary about sea turtles and the hardship the newly hatched babies face when it's time for them to go into the water.
When Lando came home from the gym to find you crying like a baby in front of the TV he couldn't help but laugh when he heard the reason for your tears.
" Oh baby come here." He said as his arms embraced you in a warm hug, the aroma of his freshly applied cologne invading your senses.
"Look at them! They're so sweet and tint and most of them won't even get a change to feel the water!" You continued, sobbing like a baby. " I wish I could do something to help them." You added just as another sob escaped your mouth.
Your then boyfriend felt bad even though he had to fault for the emotions that you were going through. One of his hands ce up to your cheeks, wiping away the falling tears with a tender touch and followed by a gentle kiss on your temple.
"Look at me, baby. I know that's something we can't prevent. But how about this, one day I promise you that we'll go to one of those palces where they help baby turtles find their way to their home. What do you say?" Lando asked, his chin coming to rest atop your head while you nuzzled your face closer to his chest.
"Really? You'd do that for me?" You asked, your voice a bit unclear due to Lando's sweatshirt being in the way. You felt him nod before both his hands took a gold of your face, making you look him in the eyes.
" I'd do whatever I can to make you happy, baby. You should know this by now. Or should I be worried?" He asked playfully, making you swat at his chest for what he just said.
Ever since that day the topic of doing what he promised always somehow found its way in your conversations. That's also how it came to be Lando's present for you after your engagement. A trip to a resort in Bali, but not just any resort but one that specifically offers the chance for those interested to volunteer on the process of releasing baby turtles in the ocean.
"Come on little guy, it's time to go home." You said as you watched the baby turtle crawl off your hand and slowly start swatting at the sand that surrounded it. Meanwhile Lando watched your expression and the reactions that followed, having already released his baby turtle.
A small tear fell down your check and he wasted no time pulling you close to him go provide you with the comfort you needed during such an emotional moment.
"Don't worry Lan, this time these are happy tears." You murmured close to his chest while his hands caressed your soft hair.
" That's all I need to know,baby. Your happiness is what matters most." He said as he felt a sense of pride bloom inside his chest. He was happy to finally be able to do something he knew would make you truly happy and content. A small thank you for all the support and sacrifices you've made to remain by his side during the time you've been together.
"Maybe we can make this a family tradition. You know...come here one day with our children and do this all over again." He suggested, making a small smile appear on your lips as the thought of him being a father and you a mother, sharing such a precious moment with your family, popped up in your mind.
" I like the way you think baby. I like it a lot." You said, patting his chest as he let out a quiet laugh.
Who would've thought sobbing over a wildlife documentary would lead to the appearance of an unique and memorable family tradition for decades to come.
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Feel free to send any requests through my asks!
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rafecameroninterlude · 22 hours
hi angel! i love your work so much and fell in love with bambi!reader, so i was hoping you could write something for me ^_^
can you pls pls pls write bambi!reader comforting rafe after he gets into it with ward? i feel like she’d know exactly how to comfort himmm (pure fluff pls, i read too much smut lmaooo)
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warnings: ward cameron, arguing, shouting, a little bit of physical violence, poor rafe who deserves so much better, mention of murder (i’m not referencing peterkin), fluff, soft petting, words of affirmation
a/n: aww bambi!reader has been getting so much love, it makes my heart happy to know that you enjoy the works that she’s in <3
“you had one job, rafe.. one!” ward had been shouting at rafe for nearly an hour already, his face flush with anger. “you really have a way of fucking things up, huh? i should put a caution sign on your forehead.” rafe’s fist clenched as he listened to his father, trying his best to ignore the sinking feeling in his chest with every word that ward spat.
“i already told you that i couldn’t close out the business accounts and wire the money to a different one. apparently i’m not next in line to own cameron development anymore. ‘you know something about that?” rafe was in disbelief when he had to find out from a service representative that his own father took him off of the family business, something that he worked hard all these years for in order to prove he was worthy of running.
ward froze. he had forgotten about that. “were you ever gonna tell me, or were you just gonna be a coward about it?” rafe stood up, towering over his father with that crazy look in his eyes. “what you forgot to do before you faked your own death instead of facing your problems like a man, was take my name off of the inheritance of tanneyhill.” he laughed, “i own this shit now.” rafe stepped closer, backing ward into the wall. “get out of my house.” ward was seething, his hand coming up to fist rafe’s shirt.
“your house? i’m the one who worked like a dog to get us here.” ward said through gritted teeth, shoving rafe in his chest. rafe stumbled, scoffing out a laugh as he then pushed his father. “worked like a dog to get us here but you were more than willing to leave me here while you start a new life in fuckin’ guatemala.” rafe fought to keep his emotions at bay.
“leave. and don’t ever come back.” ward’s chest was rising and falling, both him and rafe glaring at one another. “you’re cut off. good luck keeping up with this place on your own.” ward smiled bitterly. “cut off?” rafe narrowed his eyes, “i’ve been cut off, dad. i haven’t used a cent of yours since i was nineteen. all this time i’ve been making money my own way, and a lot of it too. ‘seems like your old man brain forgot about that.” rafe nudged ward as he walked past, his father following him out of the master bedroom.
“i’m leaving. when i come back i want you out of here,” rafe grabbed his truck keys, his skin on fire as he looked up the staircase, “and by the way, asshole, i’m not by myself. i got the prettiest girl on the island on my arm everywhere i go.” ward watched as his son walked out the front door. rafe was seeing red the whole time he drove to your house, cursing under his breath as he recalled his father’s words.
“the fucking nerve that guy has.” he punched the steering wheel, nostrils flaring as tears pricked at his eyes. he was the only one who was there to take care of things when ward was ‘gone’. even going as far as committing crimes so his father wouldn’t face any kind of scrutiny. yet, there he was telling him that he was a fuck up.
rafe spent the next five minutes mumbling to himself, his hands shaking as he parked outside your driveway. you were curled up on the porch swing, an open book in your lap when he walked up the stone path. all it took was one look at your boyfriend to have you scrambling up from your seat, eager to soothe him in any way you can. “oh, ray, what’s wrong?” you guided him inside, locking the door shut before both of you made your way up to your room.
“it’s ward. he came back just to tell me shit about not closing the bank accounts under cameron development.” you knew all about rafe’s conflict with his father. from the way he favored everyone else over his eldest, to the constant nagging and insults. sitting rafe down on the edge of your bed, you couldn’t help the way your heart sunk at the sight of defeat in his shoulders, his eyes void of any emotion.
slipping his shoes off, you took your usual seat in his lap, stroking the outline of his jaw as he vented. “i’ll never be good enough for him. i killed for him goddamit, and what do i get in return? ‘i should put a caution sign on your forehead.’ rafe imitated ward’s voice from earlier. you blinked, pecking his cheek. “you’re an amazing son, rafe. shame on him for not recognizing that.” rafe stared up at you, his heart beating wildly in his chest.
you were the only one that looked at him with pure adoration, the only one who made him feel like he had a purpose. “i think you’re amazing, rafe. you don’t sit around, waiting to get things done, you’re so helpful, and so, so kind— to me.” he chuckled at the clarification, rubbing a large hand over your knee. “you think so?” he leaned his head against your chest, your arms coming up to hold him. “i know so.” you sighed, breathing in his scent.
“wanna be little spoon tonight?” your voice alone made him relax, his eyes fluttering shut.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 hours
hormonal hunch
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words: 800
warnings: pregnancy, fluff, established relationship
rafe isn't sure what to do at first. he thought you were sleeping, so he was extra quiet when walking around the room, undressing from the day and changing into pajamas, which were actually just basketball shorts and an old tee.
he was about to climb into bed when he noticed that although your face was pressed into the pillow, your shoulders were shaking slightly, soft noises coming from you.
“baby?” rafe asks softly.
you don't respond, but he hears your sniffles, clearly trying to quiet yourself and calm down.
“oh, baby.” rafe says softly, climbing quickly into bed and wrapping his arms around you, holding you tight. “what's wrong?”
“i-i don't know.” you sob louder, not trying to keep it private anymore.
“you don't know? what happened? did someone do something?” rafe can feel his heartbeat getting quicker, waiting to find out what he needs to do to make you happy again, to get that smile that he loves so much back on your face.
“i just-” you turn over and rafes heart breaks, your eyes red and tears falling down your cheeks. “i just started crying and i feel so bad and i don't know.”
“that's okay.” rafe says, pulling you into his chest. “sometimes you just need to cry.”
“you never just need to cry!” you argue back. 
“yes i do, baby.” rafe presses a kiss to the top of your head. “i just don't let you see it because i need to be strong for you.”
“oh, that just makes me wanna cry more!” you whine, tears falling harder.
“okay, okay, shh.” rafe begins to rock back and forth, letting you cry and leave tear marks and snot on his shirt until you eventually slow down and stop, breathing returning to normal.
“baby?” rafe whispers, thinking you might be asleep, but you pick your head up, a sheepish look on your face.
“i-im sorry.” you quickly wipe your face. “i just um… i just um couldn't stop crying.”
“it happens, okay?” rafe tugs you back in close, needing to feel you against him, still needing to cradle you in his arms. “as long as nothing happened…”
“no, no.” you shake your head. “just been feeling weird lately. probably hormones or something.”
“yeah… hormones.”
rafe minds reels and as the days go by, he keeps a close eye on you, even more than normal. 
he monitors everything from your mood swings, which have suddenly increased, to everything you eat, including weird concoctions he's never seen you put together before.
“can i… can i talk to you honey?” rafe asks one night.
“mhm.” you nod, sitting down on the bed, figuring you can finish your skincare and the last step in your nighttime routine after whatever rafe has to say.
“i… i really think you might be pregnant.”
your eyes widen, not expecting those words to come out of his mouth as he quickly continues. “with the mood swings, the occasional sickness, i just… i really think it could explain some things.”
“i… i haven't gotten my period.” you suddenly realize, placing a hand on your stomach.
“i know.” rafe grins softly. he's always been able to easily keep track just based on how you behave. 
“so-” he pulls something out of the bedside table drawer and hands it to you. “i thought you should take a pregnancy test. ill be right here with you and then… we can decide.”
“decide what?” you look up in confusion, before quickly realizing. “oh.”
“i-” rafe feels foolish for a moment, nervous and unlike his normal self, but he looks at you, glowing you, and he knows what to do. “i want to keep it. i love our life together. i love you. i want a baby with you.”
“you do?” you question, tears instantly welling up in your eyes. 
“of course. you'd be the best mom. there's no one else id want to do this with other than you. i know we are young and aren't married yet but… i really want this.”
“i do to.” you launch yourself across the bed, hugging rafe tightly.
“i love you.” you whisper to him, burying your head in his neck as a couple tears of pure happiness slip out.
“please.” rafe pulls you away. “please go and take the test, i need to know.”
“oh my god, yeah.” you take the test into the bathroom, peeing on the stick before placing it on the counter to wait.
“five minutes.” rafe is just as nervous waiting as you are, he just displays it differently. you sit down on the bed, staring at nothing, while he paces the room, needing to move, glancing constantly at the bathroom and the clock.
“should be time.” rafe says, frowning when you jolt at his words, so lost in your own head.
“yeah, yeah.” you nod, letting rafe grip your hand tightly, knowing he needs the physical connection as you stand and walk into the bathroom.
“you look.” you urge rafe.
rafe nods, then gulps, then turns the stick over to reveal two blue lines. you can tell everything by his reaction, the way his eyes light up as he turns to you.
“oh my god, we're pregnant!” you whisper-scream, wrapping your arms around rafes shoulders as he lifts you, instantly carrying you back to bed.
sfw taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @ladyinbl00d @ethanthequeefqueen
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swarvey · 3 days
how they would propose | sdv bachelors x g/n!reader | part two
-> summary: in game, the farmer is always the one to present the mermaid's pendant to their lover — what if it was the other way around?
pt. 1
a/n: here are the rest of the boys! i'll do the bachelorettes next, i might do all of them in one post. sorry for the slow updates y'all <3
wants it to be a completely special, private moment between the two of you
he knows how prone he is to getting overly anxious about moments like this, so he prepares months beforehand
if there is one thing in life he refuses to mess up, it's his proposal to you
and what's more flawless than tying everything back to the start?
harvey smiles as he watches your eyes grow big, following the sun as it steadily heads for the horizon. the hot air balloon rises into the sky slowly, to his relief — a little extra time to prepare never hurts.
a couple seasons ago, on a rainy, fall day, harvey had told you he had some errands to run before heading down to the beach. he'd been slightly shocked to actually see the old mariner standing there in the rain, despite the speculations that had always circled around town. despite the fact he was apparently a ghost, he had actually been patient with harvey, answering all of his questions with wisdom and guidance.
after nearly two hours of standing under his umbrella, harvey had finally made up his mind, handing a small bag of coins to the old mariner in exchange for the pendant.
"took ya long enough," the older man huffed as he handed the necklace over.
now, harvey waits until the air balloon is higher up in the sky before gently reaching for your hand. you look at him, a small smile on your lips.
"are you enjoying this as much as the first time i brought you up here?" he asks sweetly.
"maybe a little more," you admit, looking over the side again. "i was a bit nervous coming up here in the first place, you know, and seeing you all stiff and anxious didn't help."
"you can hardly blame me!" he laughs. "my fear of heights is deathly, i only did it because you were there with me."
"yeah? and how about now?"
"well, nothing's changed, has it?" he squeezes your hand, looking down at your intertwined fingers. "you're still here."
"i am."
when his eyes meet yours again, he feels warmth bloom across his chest — the setting sunlight seems to make you glow, and he suddenly feels unstoppable.
you squint at him, trying to read his face. "you know," you start softly, "you have the same look on your face as you did back then."
"i do?"
"yeah, you do." you pause, watching as his other hand reaches for his pocket. "harvey, are you—"
"y/n," he interrupts, "that day, when the two of us were up here for the first time, i felt something i never did before — i felt brave, strong. i never thought i was capable of feeling that way, but you proved me wrong, as you always seem to do, and i can only hope i make you feel at least somewhat the same way." he inhales deeply, feeling his face burn red as he takes out his hand from this pocket and opens his fist, the mermaid's pendant gleaming in the light.
"harvey," you breathe, rendered speechless as your eyes widen even more than before.
"you mean the world to me and more, honey," he says quietly, and you can hear the tears he's holding back. "i promise i will do everything in my power to make you as happy as you've made me, so please . . .
"will you marry me?"
after a beat, you let go of his hand, and harvey's heart drops.
then, you grab the necklace and pull it over your head, watching as it shines against your neck.
"yes, harvey," you answer, smiling widely up at him. "the answer has always been a yes."
tears finally fall from his face as he gently kisses you, resting his forehead against yours before pulling you to his chest.
"thank you," he whispers. "i promise, i won't let you down."
you laugh. "this isn't a business contact, you know."
"i know, i know, it's just . . ." he grabs your hand again, pressing a firm kiss on the back of it. "you've already done so much for me, dear," he says, the sun finally dipping beneath the mountains.
"it's time for me to return the favor."
bought it like a week ago since it happened to be raining and he was on the beach
i mean, you'll say yes, right? there's no reason for you not to. so why should he be nervous? he's not nervous at all. not one bit.
at least, that's what he keeps telling himself as he keeps scheduling a bunch of dates with you, thinking there'll be a moment during one of them when he'll make his move
(the moment has yet to come, by the way)
sam slaps his face sharply as he paces around his room, continuously glancing at the clock. he honestly can't believe the pendant is still in the small pouch his mom gave him and not around your neck — her scolds after he returned home with the necklace still in his hands for the fifth time rings in his ears.
"sam, this is an important moment in both of your lives!" she had said, hands sternly placed on her hips. "you can't keep making these plans, just to avoid them at the last second because you're scared. you need to go show them how much you love them, properly!"
he shivers. his mom rarely ever yells at him, so he knows she must have been serious. how was i supposed to know proposing would be this scary?
after realizing he was due to meet you in a few minutes, sam rushedly left his home, heading towards the park where he told you to meet him. he smiles as he sees you sitting on the swing, but before he can get a word out, you're standing up and walking to him, face scrunched in worry.
"sam, is everything alright?" you ask, fidgeting with your fingers. "i've been thinking about it, and you've been worrying me a bit."
"worrying? why?" he grabs the sides of your arms gently, tilting his head. "did i . . . do something wrong?"
"i mean, no?" you shake your head slightly, sighing. "it's just, you've been asking to do so many things, which is great! this just isn't what we normally do. i'm a little worried you're not telling me something."
"wh-what?" he stutters, huffing and shrugging his shoulders. "honestly, sweetheart, i have no idea what you're talking about, really. i mean, do i seem like the type to hide something from you?"
you stare at him blankly for a moment. then, you deflate, a twinge of sadness in your eyes.
"are you breaking up with me?" you question quietly. "is that what this is? because i'd really rather you not drag it on like this, sam—"
"whoa, whoa, what?! break up with you? are you crazy?" he half-shouts, his own heart breaking that he made you think that. "baby, no, i would never."
"i don't know what to think!" you exclaim, a sudden emotion taking over your voice. "you've been acting so odd recently, i didn't know what to think."
he shakes his head, letting out a deep sigh. guess this is what i get for not listening to mom.
"here, why don't i just show you?"
trying his best to keep his hands from shaking, sam reaches into his back pocket, holding up the small pouch in front of you.
"you see, i, uh, have been trying to figure out the right way to give you this," he finally admits, running his other hand through his hair nervously. "every time we went out together, i thought i would figure it out, but i guess i couldn't. i'm sorry for worrying you, y/n, i really am — i hope you can forgive me, though, or else i seriously have no idea what i'll do with this."
you open your mouth to question him once more, but before you can ask, he opens the pouch and lets the mermaid's pendant fall into the palm of his hand.
"i love you so, so much, honey, more than my words can describe," he rushes passionately, voice determined as he bends his head down and lifts the pendant up. "all i know is, being with you makes everything feel new again. like, the music we listen to, the places we go, the food we eat, everything is better when i do it with you. if i'm being honest, i'm not a hundred percent sure what comes after this, but i do know that i think we'll be okay, as long as we're together." keeping his head down, mainly to hide his flushed face, sam lifts the necklace even higher. "i guess what i'm asking is, will you marry me, y/n?"
sam feels your hand cup his chin to tip his face back up, revealing to him your watery eyes and pink cheeks.
"of course i'll marry you, sam, that's all you had to ask," you say, laughing lightly.
he stands up straight suddenly, whooping and throwing his arms in the air before picking you up and spinning you around. after putting you down, he hastily puts the pendant around your neck and kisses you, feeling your hand entangle itself in his hair as he pulls you close.
"you're such a dork," you tease after pulling away. "what were you so nervous about?"
"what were you so nervous about?" he fires back, crossing his arms and raising a brow. "did you seriously think i would break up with you?"
"like you gave me a reason to believe otherwise! when have we ever gone on dates for an entire week straight? we usually just sit in your room!"
"hey, we do more stuff than that!"
you look at each other in annoyance for a moment before bursting into laughter. unbeknownst to the two of you, abigail and sebastian had seen the whole thing as they were passing by, looking at each other in amusement as they continue toward the town.
"they sound like a married couple already," seb grumbles, and abigail laughs.
"just shows they were meant to be."
similar to harvey, he wants his proposal to be for your eyes only, so he decides to do it while the two of you are alone at the lake near his house
determined to do the whole thing by himself, but his mom ends up seeing the jewelry in his room
got the pendant the last summer, it’s the start of spring now
(he’s spent every night since then falling asleep with it in his hands)
sebastian waits for you anxiously near the edge of the water, looking at the pendant in his hand. part of him still can’t believe this is his reality — someone like him, getting married? he scoffs, covering the jewelry with his fist and looking out towards the lake. the water shines under the moonlight, soothing his heart just a bit.
just like that, his sense of peace is gone, blood rushing to his face as he turns to greet you. he smiles softly; you’re wearing one of the coats he gave you since it didn’t end up fitting him properly. he always thought you’ve looked good in his clothes.
“hey,” he greets, hugging you to his side and pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “how was your day?”
“a bit busy,” you sigh, melting into his arm. “spring always jumps on me before i know it.” he hums, subconsciously pulling you closer as he plans out his next words. “how about you? everything okay?”
“hm? yeah, ‘course,” he replies, the necklace clutched tightly in his hand. “just . . . couldn’t sleep that well, is all.”
“why? are you feeling okay?” you ask worriedly, turning to face him.
“stop worrying.” he pokes your forehead, pushing you lightly. he huffs a laugh at your frown. “i had some stuff on my mind.”
“like what?”
like his mom’s advice. seb chews his lip as he quickly thinks back to what his mom had said after finding the necklace lying on his desk.
“this is a serious decision, seb,” she’d said, sitting with him in his room. “you’re sure you want this?”
“of course i am,” he’d retorted sharply. he’s always been a bit defensive over you. “why wouldn’t i?”
she’d sighed, smiling at him warmly. “that’s not what i meant. i’m over the moon about this, i am, i just want to make sure you understand what marriage means.” she paused, lightly placing a hand over his. he’d let her, just that once. “promise me you won’t treat it lightly, okay? they deserve the world, you know that.”
seb smiles slightly. though he’ll never admit it, he’s glad his mom spoke to him.
“about you, actually,” he replies. “i’ve been thinking about you a lot recently.”
“oh yeah? am i that hard to resist?” you say jokingly.
he rolls his eyes, but doesn’t disagree. instead, he calmly shows you the necklace in his hand, silently reading your reaction. your eyes widen, darting between the pendant and his face.
“i’ve never met anyone like you, y/n,” he finally says, swallowing thickly after hearing how shaky his voice has gotten. “you know it’s never been easy for me to open up to people, but it never really felt that way with you. you always seem to know what to say, no matter what i talk to you about. i mean, seriously, i don’t really get it still, but i do know it would be stupid of me to let someone like you go.”
“as if i were going anywhere,” you say, voice watery and quiet.
he gently grabs one of your hands, intertwining your fingers.
“well, now i know i’ve got you all to myself,” he replies amusedly. “i’ll take that as a yes?”
laughing, you lightly push him away. “you didn’t even ask me!”
“fine, fine— y/n, will you do me the highest honors and stay by my side for the rest of—“
“alright, stop, stop! you ass.” he laughs as you smack his arm, feigning hurt before grinning. “i could say no, you know.”
“yeah, sure you could, sweetheart.” he places the necklace around you and uses it to pull you to him once more, wrapping an arm around you to kiss you lovingly, the moon brightly shining down on the two of you, as if it approves.
“i’m sure you could.”
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worldofkuro · 2 days
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXVIII
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Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I enjoyed this chapter. Everything is going smoothly for your couple... Right? This chapter is a little longer than usual, I hope you will enjoy it.
You knocked at your parent’s door, hugging your mother when she opened the door for you. It’s been two days since you found out you were pregnant and you didn’t know how to announce it to your parents. So, you just decided to go to them and tell them the news just like that.
She smiled at you as she went into the living room, asking about your day. You bit your lips, you couldn’t help but feel giddy as you watch her talk about her week. You didn’t know how to tell her you were pregnant with your first child. You observed your mother who had gotten older. She was still beaming with her energy but you could tell she wasn’t as strong as before. How did she feel when she got pregnant with you? Was she afraid? Excited?
“ Are you okay, sweetie?” your mother asked you, placing her hand on your knee, looking at you with a worried gaze.
“ Well… yes, yes, I’m okay. I was just wondering, how did you feel when you discovered you were pregnant with me ?” you asked, tilting your head.
She laughed behind her hand with a nostalgic smile. 
“ Oh, it was… beautifully chaotic. Your father was working on a farm and I was helping him. He worked there so he could have money to move to the city. I think I fainted because of the heat and he carried me to a doctor. How chevarious of him. The doctor then said I was pregnant and your father fainted. “ your mother smiled as you laughed, surprised. You knew your father loved you, but he was always shy with his affection. So imagining him fainting because your mother was pregnant was kind of cute.
“ Feeling you growing inside my belly was… indescribable. It was only you and me. We were one… It was… yes, indescribable.” She smiled softly at you. “ That’s why seeing you all grow up and married is always… Well, it’s always making me nostalgic.” 
“ Mom, I’m pregnant.” 
You stared, smiling softly as your mother gasped, standing up so quickly you were scared she would stumble over the couch. 
“ Are you joking? Baby, are you joking with me right now?” she asked, her voice shaking with emotions as tears were beginning to gather in her eyes. You bit your lips before nodding, standing up slowly. 
“ I’m ten weeks pregnant.” you whispered, feeling your voice shake thanks to the emotions that were beginning to choke you. 
Your mother squealed before hugging you, screaming in delight. You laughed, hugging her back and looked toward the stairs as you heard someone running toward you. You wiped the tears from your cheeks before your mother cupped your face between her hands and kissed your nose with such fondness you felt like you were a little girl once more.
“ What is going on?” asked your father, looking at you and your mother with a worried expression. Your mother stepped back, giggling as she wiped the tears from her own cheeks.
“ Everything is fine, I’m just pregnant, dad.”
“ Oh lord, I was afraid you were hurt or– Pregnant?” he shouted, jerking his head toward you with his eyes wide open. You chuckled as he started to stutter. “ What do you mean, pregnant? You.. How?”
You rolled your eyes with a happy smile. Your father could be so cute sometimes. Was he still thinking you were a little girl? You were married, and pregnant, you were a grown up woman. 
Your father hugged you carefully, stroking your hair while mumbling how his sweet little baby was having her own baby. You closed your eyes, letting your parents hug you. It felt good to feel like a little girl once in a while. Your father forced you to sit down before your mother ran toward the kitchen to give you something to eat and drink.
You turned your head toward your father who seemed very worried, his hand squeezing yours.
“ My little girl… I’m happy for you, truly. But please, be careful, we still didn’t find anything on the serial killer.”
You looked at him, your face never showed any sign of weakness. You wondered how he would react if he knew you were the one he was after. Well, your father was getting old now, so he couldn’t really do this difficult case, but he was still in the police. You knew John was after the serial killer, who was Alastor and you, but you knew he didn’t have any clues. 
“ We know they don’t target women.” you smiled at him but he frowned. You squinted your eyes at him, it seemed like he knew something you didn't know yet. “ Dad..?”
“ I don’t want to put stress on you, even more now that you are pregnant but… We found the serial killer’s new victim, a woman.”
You freeze. It was impossible. You and Alastor didn’t kill women, You focused on men, only. You didn’t kill this one.
“ What do you mean..?”
“ She had her left eye taken off and a smile carved on her face.”
You frowned. You always took the right eye, never the left one. Someone was trying to copy your murders… But why?
“ But, the killer only killed men so far. Why would they change their usual routine?”
“ I don’t know. John thinks this murder was made by a copycat.  He said he could feel something was different.”
You nodded, looking at your hands. Well, you didn’t expect John to be the one who would see the truth but you didn’t know if this was good news. You didn’t know if Alastor knew about it, you had to see him. You didn’t know what you should do, was it good for you to let this copycat run free so if they messed up, they would be the one getting arrested… 
You stayed with your parents all day, waiting for Alastor to come pick you up. Once your father slapped him on the back, congratulating him for your pregnancy you both left the family’s house. You waited for Alastor to start driving before opening your mouth.
“ Did you know about the woman who was killed ?” you turned your head toward your husband.
“ Yes, dear. I just learned it today. What are your thoughts?” he took one of your hands in his hand before kissing the back of it, his eyes still on the road. 
“ I… I don’t know? I think it would be nice to let them be caught and not us but… Someone using our title and killing innocent people is making me angry. Furthermore, what if they knew we were the killer of all the previous victims? What if they knew more than they let on?” you bit your lips, looking at Alastor with a new determination. “ We need to find them.”
“ Finding a stalker, finding a copycat, life is always entertaining with you my love!” Laughed Alastor with an excited smile. “ I went to the crime scene this morning, guess who invited me?” he looked at you, beaming at your confused look. “ The one and only John Felleur ! It seemed like his cousin, Alice’s husband, forced him to work with me to find the serial killer.”
“ Wait, why would Trey want you to work with John?”
“ Well, from what I heard, he wants this killer to be found as soon as possible. And he told John I could be useful to trap the murderer.”
“ And how is that possible?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“ With my radio, dear! This copycat must want to be like us because they want to be the star of the show~! They want people to think about them, the radio to talk about them, and the world to know about their evil deeds.”
“ But, we are the real serial killer…” you were so confused.
“ Exactly, dear, so if I play my cards right, they would want to have a real name for themselves and so they would look for us, to get rid of us.” He smirked as he parked in front of your house. “ And then, we will kill them. Or send them to the police, I’m still not sure.”
Alastor held the door open for you, kissing your forehead, whispering sweet nothing that made your body relaxed. You both walked home, Alastor already going into the kitchen as you walked into the room that would be for your first child. You looked around with a soft smile. Soon, you will hold your baby in your arms… You walked toward your own bedroom and laid on the bed. You took Eamon in your arms with a happy smile.
“ What do you think they are going to be, Eamon, a boy or a girl?” you whispered against the plushie’ fur. You looked at the deer, stroking the red fur with a little smile. 
Being a family.. You never really thought about it, in your head you already had your own family. Of course, they were your parents, aunts and uncles but there was also Alastor and Alice. Since childhood they have been in your life and encouraged you in every goal you had, no matter how twisted they were.
Now, in less than eight months, you would see someone who was the perfect mix of yourself and Alastor. Someone you would love even before they gave you anything, before they gave one thought about you, you would love them.
“ Dearest, wake up, dinner is served.”
You opened your eyes, looking at Alastor who was smiling at you, stroking your cheek with so much care you felt butterflies in your belly.  You sat up and placed Eamon on its usual place before walking down in the living room, smiling as you smell Alastor’s cooking.
“ You are spoiling me.”
He laughed before you both began to eat. You talked about your daily lives, about the baby, mostly you. Alastor would look at you as you blablated about the baby, so excited to meet them. Alastor was just smiling, nodding at your words. You wondered if he was telling the truth about his feelings about the baby… Was he not as excited as you?
After dinner, you went into Alastor’s office and sat on his chair. You looked at his books with curiosity and watched as your shadow pointed a book on a shelf. You took it and smiled when you saw it was a voodoo’s book.
“ What do you want me to read?”
The shadow was showing its claws before pointing to the book, and seemed excited. You tilted your head but opened the book and flipped the page each time your shadow moved its hand. It beamed at you when you flipped a page and saw a spell in front of you.
“ Voodoo’s doll..?”
“ A Voodoo’s doll reflects the targeted person because an intimate aspect of the person is attached to it, often with the use of pins. Contrary to much popular assumption, the pins are not usually used to inflict harm on a person. Strands of hair or pieces of paper with the name of the person are most commonly used. The best ingredient is, of course, blood, but be careful, you need to be powerful enough to bind the target’s blood to the doll. If you do it badly, the person could feel something is targeting it and attack back.. ”
You looked at your shadow which was smiling down at you, buzzing with excitation. You closed the book, your shadow losing its smile.
“ Well… That’s great, but we don’t have anything to bind our aggressor. Nothing from the woman nor from the man. But, it was interesting, thank you.” You smiled at your shadow which facepalmed itself. 
How rude. 
You crossed your arms on your chest, frowning. You weren’t an expert in voodoo, you were still surprised you could do everything you were doing, so your shadow better not judge you. You looked at it, as it was showing you its hand and making a gesture like he was slapping someone. What in the..?
“ You want to slap them..?” you asked, trying to understand what your shadow wanted. It buzzed with anger when it saw you didn’t understand it. It did the same gesture, toward you and almost touched you. “ Hey! Don’t be violent!” You shouted, sitting on Alastor’s chair.
You looked as Alastor’s shadow came into the room and looked at your shadow which seemed depressed. You felt sorry but you didn’t understand!
“ I’m sorry.. I just… Don’t understand…” you sighed.
Alastor’s shadow touched yours and then walked toward you and opened the book to the Voodoo’s doll’s page. It put its finger on a word, tapping it eagerly.
“ We don’t have their blood ! We were the one–” you stopped talking, staring at your shadow which beamed at you, showing you its finger once more, making the gesture to slap someone.
You remembered. It wasn’t slapping someone, like you believe it. It was clawing at someone. Before running away, your shadow clawed at the man’s face… Did your shadow have some of his blood on itself ? 
You stood up so quickly, Alastor’s shadow flinched before smiling like a madman at you. You walked toward your shadow and looked at its fingers. There was nothing until you could see something red dripping down from its form. 
“ Alastor !”
You turned your head toward the door, hearing him walk toward you. He opened the door, raising an eyebrow with a knowing smirk. 
“ Dearest?”
“ Do you think you could create a Voodoo’s doll?” you asked him, feeling excitement swirling in your belly. He tilted his head before looking at his shadow which seemed to be explaining to him everything that happened. Was Alastor able to talk with his shadow…? Why couldn’t you..?
“ Oh, interesting…” Alastor purred, walking toward you and your shadow which was still buzzing with excitement. He took the book from your hands and looked at your shadow with a wicked smile. “ Let’s get to work.”
You nodded, smiling widely at him. Alastor opened a secret door, behind a fake shelf, and you walked into the room. You and your husband managed it so you could train your power, but mostly for Alastor. He was the one who needed this space so if he wanted to make a spell, like the one he was going to do, he needed a … safeplace.
“ How are you going to make one..?”
“Most of them are filled with soft cotton that is bendable. The pins must be sharp so they can easily pierce the doll, without any effort. This shows how the  targeted person is weak and very manipulatable.I should use moss… But, cotton, straw and old rags could also be used. There is far less rigidity in its materiality, however, many items of the doll are specific to the spirit to be invoked. The color, for instance, can help attract a certain desired spirit, as the food arranged around the doll can.” he said, working on the doll while explaining everything to you.
You always loved that about Alastor. He knew so many things and yet he never made you feel like an idiot. He would always explain everything to you, no matter the subjects. He would never sigh because you didn't understand. He would just explain again. He would make a wonderful dad to your child…
“ You are going to invoke another spirit..?” you frowned. Was it a good idea? You didn’t want Alastor to be sick once more.
“ Yes, but not something… Very powerful. I’m just going to have a spirit tail the man, so we can see where he lives.” he smirked, looking at the ceiling with an excited glint in his eyes. “ If I can hurt him the way he hurted you, I might let myself get tempted.” 
You crossed your arms on your chest, frowning.
“ He was supposed to be my prey.”
“ What is yours is mine, and what is mine is yours, isn’t it, dear?” he chuckled when he felt your lips on his cheek. 
“ You are lucky I love you.” you mumbled against his skin.
“ I know.”
You looked at him as he turned your face so he could kiss you on the cheek. You smiled before sitting on a chair and entertained the two shadows which were bored. You sang a song, making them dance with each other until Alastor’s shadow crushed your shadow’s foot and then they ran somewhere in the house, bantering as always. 
You yawned, stretching yourself. It was getting late…
You turned your head toward Alastor who was still working on the doll. You pouted, you wanted to go to sleep but not without your husband… You closed your eyes, waiting for Alastor to finish.
“ Perfect.”
You opened your eyes, your mind still blurry from sleep. You looked at Alastor who was standing, the doll against the wall. You called your shadow at your side, which immediately did what you just told. Alastor held his hand toward you and you looked at your shadow which put the blood on the doll, snickering as it did so.
You watched as Alastor began to call on a spirit. You could see Kalfu behind Alastor, watching the scene with an amused smile. You couldn't hear anything when Alastor was calling for the spirit, was Papa Legba censoring the name of the spirit so you wouldn’t be tempted to call upon it? You saw a red light swirling around the doll before going inside of it. You gasped as you saw a monstrous owl looking at Alastor with a wide smile. 
The spirit was crouching on the desk, next to the doll. It had big fangs, so big it seemed like the spirit couldn’t close its mouth because of it. You could see saliva drooling from its mouth, its eyes never leaving Alastor’s form. Feathers were all around its body, it really looked like an owl… a Terrific owl. Its eyes were all black, not a single glint of life was inside it… What did Alastor invoke..?
“ A pleasure to have you, you shall be rewarded if you do your job.” Alastor said, never being bothered from the hideous creature in front of him. “ Find the person who owns this blood. Tell me everything about it, and then, I shall kill him, and give you all of the man to you.”
You shivered as the spirit made an inhuman noise. You were used to spirits which looked like humans, your shadow, Baron Samedi, Kalfu and Papa Legba. It was the first time you really saw a spirit which looked like… a monster. 
The owl opened its wing before flying through the ceiling. You looked at your husband who was smirking at the doll. He took it in his hand and laughed.
“ You are mine.” he spat, staring at the doll with madness and fury. You watched as Kalfu vanished and Alastor looked at you with his red eyes. “ Hah, dear. We are going to find him.” he sighed in bliss.
“ I’m… I’m worried, Alastor. You know you can count on me, right?”
“ I have known this since our childhood, dear.” He tilted his head at your words. He took one lock of your hair before kissing it affectionately. His eyes dived into yours with sincerity and mad affection. “ Why? Are you doubting my trust in you?”
“ It’s just.. I feel useless in times like this.”
“ How are you useless? You are the one who told me to make a Voodoo’s doll with the blood your shadow collected. Where are you useless, my love?” He smirked at you. You smiled at him.
“ It’s just… You know, for you, I would give all of myself to the devil–”
You gasped as Alastor took you by the throat, pinning you against the wall with a smile so big it looked inhuman, his shadow behind him taking more place in the room, taking away the light from the room. You looked at Alastor’s red eyes which were shining with pure madness. He squeezed your throat with one hand while the other one was stroking your cheek.
“ Don’t say that. Don’t say you would give yourself to someone else but me.” he said, his breath hitting your lips. You felt lightheaded when his grip on your throat tightened. You felt warm in your belly. How you loved him, him and his madness. “ I would fight the devil to keep you by my side. Angels, devils, who cares.” he spat.
You nodded, clinging at him, breathing hardly. You knew Alastor knew how to kill, so he knew how to play with your body without giving any real harm to it. 
You kissed him, watching as even with your lips against his, his eyes were still dead staring at you, like he was waiting for you to say something. You closed your eyes, moving your lips against his, giving all of your love for him in this kiss. 
“ I’m sorry…I’m yours…”
You felt his body relaxed and the grip on your throat lessened. You opened your eyes and looked at your husband whose eyes were their usual brown color. He stared at you, still smiling but he was less tense.
“ Of course you are, dearest. Running away right now would be pointless.” he smirked at you before kissing you once more. You hummed against his lips, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He tapped your thighs, making you jump, wrapping your legs around his waist. He left the room and walked you toward your bedroom. You were so exhausted you fell asleep as soon as Alastor laid you on the bed.
You woke up in the night. You didn’t know why but you were having a bad feeling. You looked at the clock and saw it was almost 3am. You groaned, wanting to sleep again but you couldn’t… You looked at Alastor who was sleeping against you. He looked so peaceful.. 
You smiled, stroking his cheeks. 
You looked at Eamon and frown when you saw his was illuminated in a reddish, greenish color. You stood up from the bed and took your plushie. What was going on..? You turned toward Alastor and almost shouted when you saw him, standing in front of you. 
“ Alastor.. You scared me.” you smiled at him. He didn't answer so you showed him Eamon. “ Is it normal?”
You squealed as Alastor tugged you on the bed and sat on your thighs. You giggled, was he in need of attention? He took the knife from under his pillow and turned his face toward you. 
“ I’m not really in the mood for … knife play.. Let’s cuddles?” you opened your arms for him with a big smile. You looked at him as he raised the knife and then you noticed it.
His eyes were closed.
You screamed his name when you saw him so close to stabbing you. 
Your shadow jumped on him, pulling him off you. You quickly left the bed as Alastor was struggling against your shadow. You were panting, backing up from the bed. Was he a somnambulist and you never noticed it? Maybe he was having a nightmare..?
But this hypothesis flew out of the window when you saw Alastor’s shadow jumping on him, trying to pin him on the bed. What was going on?
“ Alastor, my love, talk to me..! Wake up!” you screamed, feeling so lost and scared. You walked toward him and took his hand with yours. You looked as Alastor opened his eyes, finally he was waking up…
Or not.
His eyes looked gold. Long gone were his chocolate eyes that you loved so much. He was staring at you with gold eyes. 
You stepped back, your eyes turning red.
It wasn’t your Alastor.
“ Don’t make me hurt you, please.” you whispered as you were already telekinesising some object in your room.  You watched as Alastor managed to struggle from the two shadows, his gaze set on you. You moved the pillows and cover toward him, but he quickly avoided it, running toward you.
You created a shield around Alastor, blocking him with your power. He was snarling at you, looking around, trying to find an escape. You stared at him, you didn't want to hurt him… You truly didn’t want to hurt him but how could you wake him up…
You turned your head toward Eamon which was still glowing. Maybe using the bound…? You quickly took Eamon as Alastor was hitting your shield with his fist, making himself bleed for his own strength. 
You squeezed Eamon against your chest and closed your eyes. You needed to stay calm. If not, you wouldn’t be able to do anything.
You felt your soul detached itself from your body. You looked around you and saw Alastor, but you could also see something attaching itself to him. You couldn’t make out what it was but it was controlling him. You watched as the red thread was still connecting you and your husband.  You moved toward the creature which opened its wings, snarling at you. 
Oh no, not today.
You used your telekinesis to try to pull it off from your husband. You could see Alastor groaning in pain, falling to his knees. You then used Eamon, you didn’t really know how, but you were asking him to help you, and then, the red thread began to glow and you saw Alastor’s eyes turned brown for a few seconds.  The creature hissed in pain, and then you saw with horror that the creature was trying to make Alastor hurted himself. He was taking the knife and dug it in his thigh, still controlled by the monster. 
You felt a fury you didn’t know you could feel in this form. With a scream you manage to call on your power and project the creature from Alastor, out of your shield. You needed to kill it now! But as you moved toward it, it vanished.
You came back into your body without wanting to. You fell to your knees, gasping for air. Eamon wasn’t shining anymore.. You looked at Alastor who was looking at his hands with anger and confusion. He was losing a lot of blood…
You crawled toward him and asked him to take off his pants. He looked at you frowning.
“ You won’t heal me.”
“ You don’t have a choice… Hurry up…” you gasped. He looked at you and then at his wounds that seemed too deep to not be dangerous. He cursed before taking off his pants. You looked at the wounds before licking the injury, your tongue sliding against the blood pouring from his cut.
You winced when you felt a pain on your thigh, you already knew. Alastor’s wound was being transferred to you. You kept licking until his thight was as good as new. Alastor took you in his arms, his whole body shaking while your thigh was bleeding. Was he scared? You looked as both of your shadows were looking at you, frowning.
“ Are you okay, Alastor..?”
“ Kalfu!” Alastor shouted. You turned your head toward Kalfu that was sitting next to you, looking at your bloody thigh with a smirk even if the wound was already cured. “ You knew it was going to happen, didn’t you?” Alastor asked with a furious smile.
“ Of course! You were so full of yourself ! Making a voodoo’s doll against an opponent that maybe was using an angel’s power!” Kalfu laughed, looking at the both of you with a mocking gaze. “ You really used a weak spirit, thinking the spell wouldn’t turn against you, didn't you? Well, you learned something new tonight, Alastor.” Kalfu laughed once more, mocking you without hiding himself. “ But I must say, little missy did wonderful. You felt something was wrong before Alastor was possessed.” 
You frowned. So that was really what happened. But how could you be awake before it happened..?
“ That’s Legba’s portégée for you.” Kaflu spat with anger but envy. “ But you always were connected to energy around you, so it isn’t very surprising.” He said, looking at Eamon.
You looked at Alastor who was biting his lips, making it bleed. Without thinking you lick his wound while he was trying to speak to Kalfu.
“ They aren’t working with an angel, and you knew it.”
“ That’s my protégée for you!” Kalfu clapped in his eyes with pride. “ Indeed, they aren’t working with an angel…”
You looked at Alastor, feeling your lips bleeding a little because of the cut. You touched his face, making sure he was looking at you.
“ Are you okay?”
Alastor’s body relaxed a little as his eyes fell into yours. He sighed before kissing your forehead.
“ Did I hurt you, my love?” You shook your head. “ I’m sorry.. I didn’t expect them to be… this skilled.” he said.
“ Who are they working with? Kalfu?” you looked at the spirit with a death stare. You really didn’t know if you could trust him, he seemed to enjoy putting Alastor in difficult situations..
“ Oh no, I wouldn’t want to work with them. I already have Alastor!” Kalfu laughed at your stare. “ They are working with a powerful being, someone who used to be God’s favorite!”
You blinked. 
“ They are working with Samael.” Alastor said, in the quiet room. “ But he is known as Lucifer.”
Lucifer? Lucifer? Lucifer, as one of the most powerful angels before he fell to Hell? This Lucifer?
“ But… how.. How could we win against… Lucifer? Lucifer… Are you really sure?” you asked, looking at Alastor once more.
“ Yes, that is why we found a lamb in the abandoned building. That was a sacrificial lamb. And from what I saw, the woman was also a sacrifice for him. A catholic virgin woman.”
“ But.. But, they were… holding a Bible..” you were so confused, you felt a headache coming.
“ Yes, it was the Bible cover, but the book in itself is not. Trust me, before they managed to get the spirit and possess me, I managed to see where they were. And trust me, they won’t live another week.” You felt him grab you tighter. “ How dare they… Making me attack you…I'll tear out their heart and force them to eat it.”
You felt anger inside you, your shadow snarling with fury. Alastor knew where they were, it was now just a question of time.  Kalfu vanished and Alastor took you to bed and checked your thigh.
“ I’m okay, my love.” You smiled at him.
“ You … You were amazing. Using the Eamon to make me come back…” he kissed your inner thigh, closing his eyes when he felt your hand in his hair. “ How could I let this happen…”
“ Alastor… I’m not mad at you.” You tugged him toward you, laying on the bed and placing his head against your chest. “ I made a vow to always be there for you, to protect you or heal you if needed… Don’t worry.”
“ Aren’t you scared we will fight two people who had asked for power from Lucifer, the fallen angel?” he asked you.
You looked at the ceiling. All you knew from Lucifer was that he was a fallen archangel who was banished from Heaven after attempting a failed rebellion against his father, being sent to Hell as its new ruler. You sighed, you fought against many opponents, you would win this one too.
You slid your hand on your belly and smiled. Yes, you would win.
“ I’m not scared. We are going to win. We are fighting against humans, we will win.”
“ Alright, I will tell you were with me all night.”
You hugged Alice. You told her you knew where the stalkers were and you were going to kill them tonight. She said she would be your alibi which you were grateful for. Alastor was sitting on the sofa, looking at Alice.
“ Where is your husband ? He will see we weren’t with you.”
“ Oh, he went into a business affair, he is going to come back in two days.” She smiled at you. “ Don’t worry, our alibi is safe.” She winked at you, making you smile. You asked if everything was going smoothly with her husband which she replied with a smile. “ Oh, perfectly! He knows everything about me~ I feel like I’ve known him for so long! Even if there is no romantic love involved.”
You looked at her belly, smiling.
“ So, did you find a name?”
She beamed at you, taking your hand in hers.
“ Oh, yes, I found it and Alyzée accepted it. I need to tell my husband but he doesn’t have his say.” She said with a big smile. “ I wrote the name in this envelope, I shall tell you the name when you come back.”
“ Why be overdramatic for a name?” Alastor asked, raising an eyebrow with a mocking smile. “ Just tell her you didn’t find anything so you want to buy time.”
“ I’m the one being overdramatic? Do you hear yourself on the radio, Alastor?” She spat at him, giving him the middle finger.
You smiled at the scene in front of you. You couldn’t wait, will your child be friends with Alice’s child? You hoped it would turn out this way. Alastor would roll his eyes but you were sure he would like to see his child play with Alice’s. 
But before this happy ending, you needed to kill the one threatening your story. 
You stood up, Alastor doing the same and all of you walked toward the door. Alice hugged you strongly.
“ Please, be careful. Promise me, you will come back.”
You smiled at her. Alastor was smirking at her, full of himself like you liked it.
“ We will be back, don’t worry.”
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos
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szasfuckingwife · 3 days
thinking about widowed!reader struggling after Johnny’s untimely death. And trust me when I say it was really untimely.
You’d nearly saved up enough money to move from your (not-too-bad) high end apartment to a countryside house, You were days away from your 3rd year anniversary and then there was the whole daughter situation.
As in, the daughter you both raised. The very same daughter he promised he’d return too after this mission.
It almost makes you chuckle. Especially when watching his video logs. Some of them he’s just talking to himself, same old Johnny talking about how the clouds seem slightly greyer for a day in June. Or one where he’s sat on the balcony of your old apartment sipping a latte.
Then you find the one of him after you told him you were pregnant. It’s clear that it was midnight, the sky looks pitch black, you had to have been asleep. You hold your breath as you see him adjust the camera and sit on the toilet seat.
“Where do I even start?” He says to the lens, his thick accent echoing through the bathroom. Johnny’s eyes look a bit teary but he clears his throat anyway.
“Y/N’s just told me some news. Some life changing news actually..” He sighs. “And you know, I’m happy. Who wouldn’t be, it’s a great thing.”
He continued, “But I’m scared. I’m not worthy of her, let alone a baby. I dunno…The kid may hate me. I’m gonna be away on these crap missions, away from their mum…It’ll be rough.”
You watch as he lets out a tired groan. He’s so beautiful, the thought crosses your mind. You’ve never not been lost in his eyes, “I hope it’s a girl. Too many lads in our family. I’ll be breaking a curse. And I know Y/n will be a great mum. That’s what soothes me.”
A tear escapes your eye before the next video plays automatically. The clip shows Johnny with your baby girl on his chest. Moments of caring for her after the premature birth flashes in your mind as you watch him stroke her back.
She’s sleeping snug on his chest as he records her. “She sleeps like her mum.” He whispers, making sure the bass in his voice doesn’t wake her up. Johnny was thoughtful like that. “So peaceful, aren’t you, bonnie?”
He places a kiss on her forehead which causes her to stir lightly, “No no no! Don’t wake up…If your mum knew you weren’t in your crib because of me, she’ll kill me.”
But much to Johnny’s dismay, his baby girl begins to cry and it is loud. A laugh escapes your lips as the video ends abruptly.
A couple of more videos play, one from your daughter’s first birthday, to him secretly filming the engagement ring next to you whilst you were sleeping to honeymoon vlogs. It felt like a trip down memory lane.
But then a particular video began to play.
It was the Cyprus holiday. You remember that day because your daughter begged to go one the beach as you were leaving the next day to return to the UK. Even more bittersweet as Johnny left for another mission when you returned.
The video starts and Johnny is sat on the sand in his trunks, sun glasses resting on his head, “My girls are playing in the water and I am far too tired to join them.”
“Daddy! Look!” Her angelic, tiny voice shouts and Johnny turns the camera to her. Swiftly, she picks up a bucket of water and splashes it on Johnny’s toes. “You devil! Come here you-”
The sound of Johnny’s teasing along with your child’s giggles earns another tear. But you don’t notice it. You smile.
And then Johnny sits back down and points the camera at you, who is also in the water. Against the blushing sky, your silhouette is immediately the focus of the video.
“My beautiful wife…She’s so pretty..” He sighs. The compliments earns a smile from your lips.
“Look at that ass. Wow, that’s all me!” He chuckles, and so do you. “We might have a second one on the way sooner rather than later.”
Your husband turns the camera back to him, “Well, bye for now, I’m gonna go spend time with my family.”
The camera is propped up against some object as Johnny runs up to you and picks you up, peppering you with kisses before his daughter begs for her dad to prop her on his shoulders.
From another pair of eyes, they’d see the perfect family, or the goal. But your eyes won’t ever be the same after seeing his autopsy, his funeral, his badge.
But you smile regardless. Because he’s there.
He always will be.
“Hey, dad…” She whispers, staring at the grey headstone. The tulips rests next to his name as the sun shines down on her. It’s quiet, like how mornings with her did used to be.
She hasn’t visited his grave in years, not coming to terms with him really being gone. But with her wedding quickly approaching, all that was on her mind was some one on one time with her daddy.
“You would like him, dad. He’s great. Mum loves him because he can cook..” A chuckle leaves her lips, “Mum says that his carbonara may be a little better than yours but…I never trued yours so I can’t compare…”
Her voice dies down as she continues. The absence of memories is what really gets to her. She should have had father days, she should of had christmases with him, she should’ve had her father/daughter dance for her wedding.
But she’ll never have that.
“Uncle Riley and Uncle Price like him…took them a while. It was a lot of questions..” She smiles reminiscing on the nearly 5hr sit down they had with her fiancé.
Unbeknownst to her, a tear left her eye. She stroked the headstone and sighed, “I’ll start to visit more, I promise. I just can’t…”
The steadiness of her voice breaks as a mini sob erupts from her, “I don’t like seeing you like this. I miss you so much, daddy.”
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i remember seeing a tiktok/reel of a woman with stones that were made from her dads ashes and it made me tear up
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ericshoney · 3 days
Accident~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You loved to colour anything but accidentally ruin one of Nick's Space Camp designs.
Warnings: shouting, crying, angst with a happy ending
You were a very tame three year old. You never really got into trouble, sometimes loud, but never troublesome. You also loved being close to your brothers and loved being in LA with them, which is where you are right now.
You sat at the table colouring some pictures that Chris got you, your brothers were filming a stream in Matt's room but said if you needed anything to get them, as your parents had gone out for a bit to explore LA.
You then saw a piece of paper, which you thought was free to use, so you grabbed it and started drawing all over it, not realising it was a new design for Space Camp.
"Hey kiddo!" Chris exclaimed, as he walked in, closely followed by Nick and Matt.
"Hi! Look!" You replied just as cheery, showing him the pictures you coloured.
"Look amazing, sweetheart." Matt said, softly kissing your forehead.
"Then I draw this!" You added, showing them the drawing you did.
"That looks coo-" Nick began, but froze as he saw the designs on the back.
He quickly took the piece of paper from you and looked, seeing you had drawn all over his new designs for his meeting in a week.
"You not like?" You questioned.
"These are my new Space Camp designs." He said.
"Can't you actually use your brain for once kid! Look at what you've done!" He shouted.
"Hey calm down, she didn't know." Matt said.
"Of course she did! It's obvious these are new designs!" Nick responded.
"You always mess up! Always gotta colour something! This was for a new line and you completely ruined it!" He continued.
You frowned and felt tears in your eyes, none of your brothers had shouted at you before.
"I sorry." You said quietly.
"Dude, back off." Chris said, tugging the eldest back.
You ran to Matt's room since it was the closest and curled up on his bed, crying into the pillows. Both Matt and Chris looked at Nick.
"Bro, she's three." Chris said, disappointed with his brother.
"She ruined something big for me." Nick tried to defend, but the guilt was already setting in.
"She couldn't tell. You also left it out for anyone to use, what if I accidentally wrote a list on it?" Matt called.
"I....I fucked up, didn't I?" Nick asked, both Chris and Matt nodded.
"Yeah dude, again, she's three. She can't always tell what's right and wrong." Chris answered.
"You go cool down and we'll calm her, then you talk to her when your ready to apologise." Matt said.
Nick nodded and went to cool down in his room for a bit. An hour later you had calmed down, not crying anymore as you sat with Chris and Matt watching Looney Tunes. There was a soft knock on the door and Nick poked his head in.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
Matt nodded as you curled up to Chris more, scared he would shout again. Nick frowned and came over, kneeling on the floor.
"Hey sweetheart, I'm really sorry for shouting at you. I didn't mean it and I'm sorry I scared you." He apologised.
"Accident." You mumbled.
"I know, kiddo, it was an accident and I was a horrible big brother by shouting and blaming you for something you didn't fully understand. I got you something as a sorry." He said.
Nick then pulled out a Taz stuffed animal. You smiled as you reached for it, making him smile a bit.
"Thank you." You whispered.
"Your welcome and I'm sorry again." He replied.
You smiled and hugged the eldest triplet, making Matt and Chris smile, knowing things are okay now.
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dootznbootz · 2 days
Odysseus always trusted Penelope. He was ordered to lie to her and it hurt him to do so. Penelope was distrustful of this stranger until she had absolute solid proof.
There are way too many people talking about how "Odysseus lies to Penelope. What a prick!" and it makes me sad/mad as that's not the case at all
The whole "Odysseus usually always has a reason to lie" maybe upcoming essay aside, He was literally commanded by Athena to not tell anyone. And it was with Penelope that he had the hardest time keeping up the act with. Not only because she's smart af and figured him out almost immediately (that essay coming soon too) but because he was trying to keep himself from crying with her.
I think people forget that he is disguised to look like someone else completely. If a random man claimed to be your missing husband, wouldn't you be scared/freaked out?
Anyways, the 3 most important people in his life are Penelope, Telemachus, and Laertes. He lies to all three.
Telemachus: Lied by letting Eumaeus answer him and still under the orders from Athena, did not cry or reveal himself until Athena allowed him to. (I read it as him being in shock. Last time he saw him, Telemachus' hand could only wrap around one finger and now he's as big as him. a bit shocking to say the least)
Laertes: He teared up seeing him but still was a little shit.
Penelope: He was trying so hard to keep from crying, tried to noodle his way out of lying to her, Under Athena's orders. still couldn't help but basically flirt with her.
Also to get this outta the way: No, it wasn't a matter of trust. He is shown to trust her right away. As this happens even before he gets the chance to speak with Penelope.
Staunch Odysseus glowed with joy to hear all this— his wife's trickery luring gifts from her suitors now, enchanting their hearts with suave seductive words but all the while with something else in mind.
(Book 18, Fagles)
If Odysseus does not trust her, why is he so happy to see her "flirt" with the suitors? It's because he KNOWS what she's doing and knows she doesn't actually want them. If he didn't trust her, he would be upset by this.
Now for the "it hurt to lie to her" bit.
Athena's command:
"Tell not a single person in the palace, man or woman, that you are back from your wanderings; but endure all vexations in silence and submit yourself to the indignities that will be put upon you.'
(Book 13, Rieu)
If you are my son—truly of our blood—                                            let no one hear Odysseus is back home. Don’t let Laertes know or the swineherd, or the slaves, or Penelope herself.
(Book 16, Johnston)
And the people he did reveal himself to, he only did so after being given permission by Athena.
Athene spoke to him. 'The time has come,' she said, 'royal son of Laertes, Odysseus of the nimble wits, to let Telemachus into your secret, so that the pair of you may plot the downfall and death of the Suitors and then make your way to the famous city. [...]
(Book 15, Rieu)
He talks to Telemachus before talking to Penelope.
I’ll stay here, so I can stir the servants even more— and your mother. As she laments, she’ll ask for each and every detail.”
(Book 19, Johnston)
Odysseus is already sweating about having to lie to her
The next part would honestly be me just inserting almost ALL the text for this so I'll go into a summary. It's all in Book 19.
Penelope asks him where he's from. And instead of answering, it's a tsunami of compliments. Calling her flawless. Comparing her to a king. etc, etc,
Probably because he couldn't help himself and had to babble about how wonderful she is Who wouldn't? before finally ending with "Please don't ask me where I'm from. It makes me sad."
Penelope, probably overwhelmed by his praise, immediately goes into how "her beauty left with her husband. It did not. And where did you say you were from again?"
"Fine! I'm from Crete..."
And we all know that as soon as she starts crying, after a lovely description of how her tears "melted", he talks about how hard it was for Odysseus to hold in his OWN tears. Lying to her and unable to comfort her was painful for him! As he did not want to!
Lord Odysseus in his heart felt great pity for his grieving wife,                                 but he held his eyes steady between his eyelids, like horn or iron, and he kept up his deceit and concealed his tears.
(Book 19, Johnston)
Even with him revealing himself to Euryclea, when she cried out to Penelope, Athena made sure she didn't hear! It's most likely that he wouldn't be able to tell her even if he wanted.
She spoke, and her eyes glanced over at Penelope, anxious to tell her that her husband had come home. But Penelope could not see her face or notice, for Athena had diverted her attention.
(Book 19, Johnston)
He desperately wanted to be with her again. Literally daydreaming about it!
Then Dawn appeared on her golden throne. As she wept, lord Odysseus heard her and lost himself in thought. To his heart she seemed to know him and was standing beside his head.
(book 20, Johnston)
Clearly doesn't trust her. /sarcasm
It's PENELOPE that has trouble trusting him. And rightfully so! While she was very certain that was her husband, there was so much going on and of course, she's cautious! He looked like an elderly stranger at first, why is he hiding from her? He somehow took out all those men with only a little help, Athena isn't telling her anything, Helen was kidnapped and she did not want that to possibly happen to her too, etc.
He even understands her cautiousness to be reasonable.
As she spoke, lord Odysseus, who had borne so much, smiled and immediately spoke to Telemachus— his words had wings:   “Telemachus, let your mother test me in these halls. She will soon possess more certain knowledge. Right now I’m filthy, with disgusting clothing on my body. That’s why she rejects me and will not say I am Odysseus. [...]
(Book 23, Johnston)
He even trusted her completely to take care of everything while he was gone before. And he does again when he wakes up and goes to see his father. Telling her about how she too wise to need instruction
Odysseus (and Penelope as well) is well-known for his cunning tricks and how his loyalties are often blurred but one thing that is for sure about him is that he trusts and is loyal to Penelope full-heartedly. He spent every day missing her and their son and wanting to go home to her. The only moment we see his trust in her waver is during the Treebed scene, (which is what she wanted to test).
They are "like-minded". 😭
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bird-inacage · 1 day
Love Sea: The Price of Love (Tongrak & Mut's Backstories)
"Love is just a figment of our imagination." We were given more clues to both Tongrak and Mut's backstories in Episode 2 and how this has impacted their attitudes to love. There are crossovers starting to take shape, so here I am trying to connect some of those dots.
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EP2: FLASHBACKS | History Repeating Itself
In Tongrak's flashbacks, we see two memories. One of him as a child where his parents Liw and Jak are fighting. His father demands that his mother pay him to stay. From the dialogue alone, I'm speculating if this is a man who married for wealth. If his father's driving force in the marriage had been monetary gain and greed - then 'love' for his family meant very little to him.
The next is of teenage Tongrak and his sister Kongkwan. It seems his sister was abandoned by her boyfriend, due to her unexpected pregnancy. In the case of both his mother and sister, love proved to be a fickle thing. So much so that a man could walk away from his unborn child, or abandon his family. Love was never enough.
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So what is the price you pay for a shot at love, and is it worth it? Love brings ruin. It brings disappointment and unhappiness. Love doesn't guarantee stability or loyalty. So as Tongrak watches on, the very idea of love feels like a sham. An elaborate lie we have all bought into. "Yes, it's something we make up," Tongrak says, because he hasn't seen evidence to prove any different.
"If you don't want to end up like me...don't fall in love with anyone" his mother warns. A cautionary tale. Don't fall in love. Because love leads to nothing good. Do not make the same mistake.
EP3: PREVIEW | Embrace the Fantasy
In Episode 3's preview, Mut is eager to show Tongrak that he is capable of experiencing love. (I believe Tongrak is already starting to, which is why his mother's advice is haunting him. He's afraid he's falling into the same trap). Mut is being considerate of Tongrak's mental aversion to the idea by making his proposal feel low entry.
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'If you think love is imaginary, then let's pretend. Why not indulge in that fantasy? We'll play make-believe whilst we're on the island.' (The implication being this isn't for real yet, so there's no need to panic). Mut is inviting Tongrak to focus only on the now and not the after. The island will be their bubble, suspended from the threat of reality for the timebeing. What Mut is hoping for is that Tongrak will come to change his mind on love through that process. That the feelings they experience whilst playing house can be transferred to real life. If it's easier to consider love within the confines of fantasy, then let's start there and see where it takes us.
We've seen Tongrak use his money to get what he wants. Money has the power to tether a man to his family, and equally it had the means to tear his family apart. "I'm not possessive of you but once I've paid you, you're mine." It's no surprise that Tongrak would see money as a means to exert control and as a bargaining chip.
In their NC scene, Tongrak repeatedly says "How much do I need to pay you to sleep with me?" By that point, Mut clearly didn't need money to be the deciding factor. He was plenty invested. But if it's easier for Tongrak to use money as a pretence for bargaining Mut's time, then Mut seems all too happy to oblige.
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If Tongrak's father did leech off his mother's wealth, that would provide an interesting antithesis to Mut. Mut, the teenage runaway from a small island who has paved his way through life with very little. And yet takes full responsibility for himself, and doesn't expect a hand out. He only accepts payment in exchange for his hard work, and he doesn't wallow in self-pity because of this hardship.
I do expect a confrontation between Mut and Rak's father at some point. Jak could claim that Mut is essentially doing the same thing and exploiting Rak for his wealth. That there's no love involved. Thus, playing on Tongrak's fear and insecurity of history repeating itself. Whilst Mut does all he can to assure Tongrak he's anything but.
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Tongrak's father also abandoned him (emotionally and/or physically). Now he has heard Mut share his own backstory about how his father kicked him out and left him to fend for himself, that's going to be a significant point of connection and compassion between them both. They may be on opposite sides of the coin with their upbringing, but they've gone through similar forms of heartache.
You can check out bird-inacage’s BL meta directory for all my other posts around Love Sea.
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starshideurfics · 2 days
Buzzed, Buzzing - part 2
part 1
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Buzzed, Buzzing
JQ, you can’t go dropping TWO horny photoshoots on us in less than a week!
steddie, omegaverse, Buzzed part 2, mdni 🔞
Finally being with Eddie is a dream. At least for the week he’s in town, fully foregoing Steve’s guest room and its comfy mattress.
Instead, it’s a week of Eddie wrapped around Steve each night, skin touching skin, bodies sated in a bone-deep way Steve’s never felt before.
A week of waking up to Eddie’s lips on his neck, to whispers of, “Morning, Puppy,” and sleepy yawns, arms tugging him closer and closer.
A week of Robin saying, “I’m happy for you, truly, but could you try going five minutes without swapping spit?!” only for Eddie to look her dead in the eye and lick whatever part of Steve is closest to his mouth.
A week of Steve floating on a cloud of affection and hormones.
Then Eddie has to leave, head to Chicago and buckle down for long days filming.
Steve mopes their whole last morning, sneaking shirts out of Eddie’s suitcase until the alpha relents and dumps out his dirty laundry. “Put ‘em all in your nest, I can get new shirts.”
Steve purrs, gathers the shirts, and herds Eddie back to his room for a last quickie before Eddie’s Uber arrives.
Being apart sucks. They videochat daily, text constantly, but Steve still misses Eddie every second he’s gone. So, he’s back where he started, mooning over pics on his phone, scenting at Eddie’s boxers as he works three fingers into his aching pussy.
He’s holding out, but Steve is counting down the days until shooting wraps, when Eddie would fly straight to Indy.
Steve’s on his lunch break, typing out a response to Eddie’s latest text as he shove pretzel thins and hummus in his mouth, when his phone starts buzzing.
Robin is calling, from the other end of the building. “Hey, Robbie, need me to get you a coke zero?” he asks instead of saying hello.
“Don’t tell me you got rid of your Munson-stalking web alert, because that’s the only reason I can think of for why you aren’t freaking out!”
He did, not really needing it when he has Eddie checking in with him at least hourly. “What? Robin, I’m texting with Eddie right now, what do you think I missed?”
“Just, look him up; your ADHD gremlin boyfriend probably forgot to mention it!”
Steve opens google, starts typing Eddie’s name and only gets as far as “ED” before autofill finishes it for him.
A new photoshoot and accompanying interview. Steve gets caught by a photo of Eddie eating a peach. It’s such a thirst trap, but it makes Steve smile.
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Besides, there are other notes, but Steve’s scent has always been peach-forward. It might be a coincidence. Steve doesn’t think it is.
He reads the interview; about his current project, lots on the movie coming out next month that filmed a year ago, and his costars including a chill cat.
But right under the peach picture is a question about his personal life, how he stays grounded and connected when he’s constantly moving around for work. 
Eddie starts, as he always does, with Wayne, his friends, his charity work, the arts scholarship he funds.
“The truth is that it’s all for my partner. Like, I want to put good into the world, help kids like me who didn’t have the best start in life, but my focus is on being good enough for him, being the kind of person he can be proud of.” 
The journalist asks him to elaborate.
She writes about Eddie’s smile, the small one where he averts his gaze, emotions too big to share. “I dunno, just that he’s got me beat by a mile—he’s a teacher, middle school, you know, the worst time in a kid’s life. And he loves it!”
More words on Eddie’s laugh and kind eyes.
“So, yeah, the people I love, the people who love me, that’s how I keep my head on straight. That’s what it’s all about, right? Family, friends. Pack.”
Steve’s vision goes blurry on the last little paragraph. He wipes the tears from his eyes and pulls out his phone.
Just read the article! I’ve always been proud of you ❤️
Three little dots appear immediately to show Eddie’s typing, but they disappear and instead Steve’s phone buzzes with a call.
“I forgot that was coming out today! I should have warned you!”
Steve grins. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not, but thank you. And it wasn’t too much? I’m trying to keep my private life private, but if I can’t talk to you, I wanna talk about you. All the time. Because I fucking miss you, Puppy.”
“It’s okay,” Steve reiterates. “I miss you, too. So much. Wish you were here.”
The whine he lets out makes Eddie chuckle, low and dark. “Wish I had you here, could show you how much I miss you. At least you’ve got some new visual aides, but maybe tonight, when I call you could show me… Get your fingers wet for me.”
Steve lets out another breathy whine. “Yeah, want that.” He presses his legs together, tries to tamp down the feelings of desire before he gets too wet at work. “Miss your fingers, though.”
“Good,” Eddie husks. Steve can hear him lick his lips, so he knows Eddie’s nervous. “And it was supposed to be a surprise. But I’ve got the weekend off. My flight gets in at 9 on Friday night.”
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cherriesformatt · 5 hours
first fathers day || matt sturniolo
summary: Matt’s first Father’s Day!
warnings: fluff
a/n: had to do one for Father’s Day since I did Mother’s Day 🤭
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I tired to sneak out of bed so Matt won't wake up. I muted his app on his phone to monitor Noa so she won't wake him up when she will be up. We were back home in LA and it was my turn to make this day special for Matt as he did my mother's day. I made Chris drop off flowers for me this morning and I ordered stuff to make his favorite breakfast. It was all at our doors now. I had like an hour before our daughter will be up so I needed to star cooking. I took groceries and flowers in. I started making fresh french toasts. I cut up fruits and put maple syrup in cute little jar to put it on a tray. I did the bread and put it on the plate and decorated it with some powdered sugar. I got glass of orange juice and put a gift for him next to the plate of food and flowers. I got him new vivienne westwood chain and a ring with Noa’s name on the inside.
I looked at my app to check on Noa and she started to be wiggly in her crib so I knew she was going to be up.
I took the tray up and put it on the bookshelf next to our doors and went in to get Noa.
„Good morning sunshine” I smiled big at her and she smiled too and let go of her pacifier and strated babbling happily.
„Are you going to wake up daddy with kisses? Should we go wake him up? we need to put your cheesy outfit on first” I said and opened her curtains and turned off noise machine.
I took her out and give her kisses on the cheek.
„Oh I know you’re hungry too” I said when she tied to get under my shirt.
„First we need to get ready baby” I said and put her down on the changing table on top of her dresser.
I change her diaper and put on a cute pink „daddy’s princess” outfit on her.
„Oh he’s going to love it” I laughed looking at her and put a little bow on her hair.
„I can’t believe you’re almost one Noa…” I said picking her up again.
„Let’s go to wake up dad with breakfast and than you will get your breakfast”
I walked out to our doors and looked at Matt in bed. He was still sleeping in the same position I left him.
Noa squealed when she saw her dad and wiggled in my arms.
I put her on Matt and laughed when he automatically put arms around her. She sat on his chest and out both of her hands on his face.
I walked back to get the tray and put it on Matt’s nightstand.
„Good morning…” I said sitting next to him.
„Morning….”He smiled finally opening his eyes.
„What a wake up….” He said and sat leaning his back on the bed frame. He kissed Noa’s head.
„Aw honey look at your outfit you’re so cute….” He said and I swear he has tears in his eyes. He is such a softie for her.
„Happy Fathers Day!” I said looking at him and kissed his cheek.
„We made breakfast for you…” I smiled and he looked on the tray.
„Oh… that’s so cute thank you baby” he said.
I took Noa from him so he could eat and said on my side of the bed cross-legged and started feeding her.
„It’s so good… I love when you make homemade French Toast” he said.
I smiled and fixed his hair from his forehand.
„Anything for you… especially today” I said and he smiled and held a fork for me to have some of the toast.
„Have some why didn’t you make a plate for yourself?” He said.
„I don’t know I actually forgot I figured I’ll be feeling Noa anyway”I said.
„and what’s that? You didn’t have to get me anything” he said and opened the gift.
„Oh those are beautiful y/n… thank you” he looked at me and put the ring on and put the gray away and leaned in to give me a kiss.
I kissed him back and Noa slapped his cheek and I laughed.
“Dada you forgot that we have a jealous one in this house” I laughed and Matt did too.
“I love you baby just as much as I do your mama” he kissed her little feet.
We ate together what I made for Matt and talked in bed. Then he went to get ready for the day and we switched so I could get ready.
“Okay… so me and Noa are taking you on a little road trip” I said I already had our bags packed in the car for two days trip.
“What? Where?” He asked.
“I’m not telling you… you will now when we drive anyway” I said.
“ and I invited Nick and Chris to come… they wanted to spend that day with you too” I smiled.
“Okay sounds great I’ll have all my babies” he laughed.
When we were all ready and in the car we picked up Nick and Chris.
“So we have a gift for you….” Chris said looking at Matt.
I looked at him curious because I didn’t know what was it.
“So we know… you have your cool dad car but we thought we update your cool even more” Chris laughed and press a button to the garage doors to open.
“No fucking way….” Matt said looking.
“Did you just got Matt an fing corvette?” I said shocked.
Matt looked at the car and his brothers and smiled.
“Wow… that’s I wouldn’t even think to get that myself but I did mention this car once I can’t believe you guys” he said and hugged them both.
We talked about a little and looked at the cat but than went back in to our car to drive.
Me, Chris and Nick though it’s going to be fun to take Matt and Noa to San Diego Safari Park. Matt loved this place so much and he always wanted to take Noa there so I thought it’s a perfect trip for Father’s Day.
I was so right because seeing Matt showing Noa everything and he was so happy. Nick took so many pictures of us all and me and Chris just ate all the snacks everywhere.
“Look it’s us baby!” Matt said excitedly to Noa showing her a pair of giraffes with a baby giraffe.
“And you’re stupid uncles too” he laughed at two other giraffes fighting.
I think I have a baby fever again because seeing him like that makes me feel things.
We stayed in the glamping area of the park and when we were sitting by the fire when Noa was already sleeping matt took me to seat in his legs.
“ I love you so much this day was perfect… I can’t imagine it better” he kissed my cheek.
“Matt… you deserve everything you’re the best daddy for Noa.. and just the best person in the whole world” I said and hugged him.
“And I can’t fucking believe you got me a whole ass sport car…. Is a car seat gonna fit there?”Matt looked at his brothers and we all laughed.
“What?”he asked looking at as.
“Dude… you’re such a dad” Chris laughed and I just rested my head on his shoulder and smiled.
My everything.
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onlymurphy · 3 days
Save You a Seat
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SPOILERS: Very Minor Whole Cake Island
Happy Father's Day! I adore these two but only time to write a little thing today. I hope you enjoy!
Ever since the birth of your son, Sanji has been struggling with accepting the fact that he's a good dad. His past lingers, and he's terrified he won't be everything his son needs. So, you intervene with the only person Sanji will always listen to. His dad.
Sanji x fem!reader (no y/n)
TW: Mentions of a hard labor, pregnancy
Cross-posted on A03
Request here
“Why is it taking them so long?”
You smile to yourself, continuing your scrubbing of baby bottles and pacifiers.”They’ll be here, dad. Don’t worry.”
The title still makes Zeff perk up a bit as if he’s shocked to hear you say it. It’s been three years since you married Sanji, and Zeff still seems as though he can’t believe that little girl that used to run around his restaurant is now his daughter-in-law. It forces him to look at his own little boy as a man, a husband, and a father. 
You turn the faucet off, turning to smile at the grumpy old chef at your kitchen table. You never thought you’d see Zeff on the Thousand Sunny. You had even started to question that you’d ever see him again, but when an old Marine friend of your dad offered to bring him to a meeting point to surprise Sanji for Father’s Day, you jumped at the opportunity.
He huffs again. “Doesn’t my brat know better than to keep an old man waiting?”
“I thought you told me when you made it out here that you weren’t that old” you remind him, hoping to tease him enough to take his mind off the fact that Sanji is late. “Only an old man when you gotta make Sanji do some work?”
He smiles a bit at your attitude. As much as you used to torture him as a child with your antics, he can’t deny that he’s always had a soft spot for you.
“You know, you’re just as much of a snot-nose little brat as you were when you were small” he replies. “Got a mouth on ya.”
You laugh. “Keeping you on your toes, dad. Keeping you on your toes.”
Before Zeff can respond further with what was surely going to be a bite back at you, you hear excited chatter begin on the deck.
Sanji’s back.
Zeff immediately makes a move to stand up, groaning as he rises and looks toward the door.
You know he’d never admit, but this is the most excited he’s ever been. He hasn’t seen his son in three years. He’s heard so much about your adventures -many dangerous- and hasn’t been able to check to see if his child is okay. You could practically feel the rage radiating off his voice when Sanji got to call him after the events that took place on Totto Island a few years back. Zeff was so angry with Big Mom and Vinsmoke Judge that the two of you had to talk him out of hunting them down himself.
You know it all comes from a place of love. His child was hurt, and there was nothing he could do.
The separation is hard. He missed your relationship with Sanji. He missed your wedding. He missed the birth of your child.
He’s never even met his grandson.
Of course, you’ve sent Zeff a million photos of baby Noah since the boy’s birth. He knows almost everything the baby does from Sanji’s letters, even knows the story of him being named after his uncle, Roronoa Zoro. Sanji has been treating the letters to his dad as a type of journal, telling him all about Noah’s terrifying birth in which Zoro had to deliver the baby alone on the Sunny during a storm. You were stunned at how emotional the letter was, how open Sanji was to his dad about the fear he felt when he finally got to return to the boat and found not a pregnant wife, but a wife and a son. He even admitted that he was the one to suggest the name Noah after Zoro, honoring the baby’s uncle for delivering him safely.
The door to the galley finally opens, tearing you away from your thoughts. Sanji enters with baby Noah bouncing about in his arms. The infant babbles away, drawing all of Sanji’s attention as he doesn’t even notice his own father standing before him.
For just a fleeting moment, you see Zeff staring at his grandson with something in his eyes you’ve never seen. He looks soft, at peace as he watches Noah nibble on Sanji’s fingers, the chef cooing over the mischief of his son.
“Oi” Zeff finally says after a moment of silence. “Don’t you know it’s not polite to ignore your guests?”
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know we had-”
The sentence dies on Sanji’s lips when he sees his dad. He just stares, eyes not blinking as his brain rapidly tries to catch up to the view before him.
You make sure to scoop Noah from Sanji’s arms before he drops the little boy out of shock. He doesn’t even seem to notice when you take the baby. He’s too focused on staring at his dad, mouth slightly agape, hands beginning to shake just a bit.
Zeff smiles that gruff, sweet smile of his. “Happy Father’s Day. That’s a cute kid ya got there.”
Sanji says nothing, just stares the man down as if he’s completely forgotten how to speak. When Sanji doesn’t make a move to approach, Zeff closes the difference between them.
“Brat” the older man mumbles, wrapping his arms around Sanji and pulling your husband into his chest.
Sanji caves instantly. He falls into his dad, body collapsing as a small sob finds its way up from his chest without restriction or shame.
“Look at you” Zeff tells him, his hand coming up to ruffle his son’s hair. “What happened to you lookin’ like a string bean? You look like a man.”
Sanji doesn’t have anything to say. He just clings to the man, holding tight as if one wrong move could rip him away forever. He’s freely crying now. It makes your heart ache just a bit, but you know the tears are a release. Sanji -after all the horrors he’s been through since he left his dad at Baratie- needed something more, the love of a parent to ease some of the pain. You know he too thought he’d never see Zeff again. The relief you can virtually feel coming from the pair is enough to move you to crying yourself.
You feel tears of your own pricking at the corners of your eyes. Noah stirs in your arms, reaching for his dad and beginning to fuss.
Sanji separates himself from Zeff to look back at his own son.
“Noah” he begins, his voice a bit nasally as he recovers from the sobs that were just wracking his body. “Come meet papa.”
Papa. Finally hearing the name used with the man himself right in front of you makes a tear slide down your cheek.
Noah has a grandparent. After showing him photos, pointing to Zeff, and telling him stories, he finally gets to meet his papa.
You approach the men with Noah in your arms. The baby gets increasingly more excited the closer the gets to his dad, but when Zeff waves to him slightly, the baby goes quiet.
You rub his chunky little hand. “It’s okay, Noah. That’s papa, you’ve seen his picture.”
The baby doesn’t seem so sure. He side-eyes his grandfather with an expression that is all Sanji and snuggles against you.
Sanji reaches out to stroke his son’s back. “It’s okay, No. It’s okay.”
“I know you’re tougher than that, eh kid?” Zeff teases, reaching out for the boy. “You’re a pirate after all.”
Upon hearing his grandfather’s voice, Noah reaches for the outstretched hand and gently takes one of Zeff’s fingers in his fist. The chef lights up in a way you’ve never seen. With great care, he strokes the back of the baby’s hand.
“You’re a strong little thing” he compliments the boy. “Gonna be a damn good pirate when you’re a little bigger.”
Noah’s confidence seems to be growing as if he understands his grandpa is complimenting him. He reaches his chunky little arms out, a big smile on his face as he tries to grab at his grandfather.
“Take him” you urge Zeff. “He wants to see his papa.”
Zeff appears hesitant at first, looking to both you and Sanji. Your husband gives him a smile.
“Go ahead” he presses.
Zeff looks to you one more time before reaching for the little baby. You’re happy to hand Noah over, watching with a smile as your son immediately reaches for his grandfather’s face.
Zeff chuckles as the baby tugs and pulls at the braids of his mustache. Noah is giggling up a storm in his grandfather’s arm, swinging his little legs and bobbing about.
“He really likes you” you assure Zeff. “I think he likes your mustache.”
The chef lets out a laugh. Noah laughs right along with him.
“You’ll be big enough someday to have your own mustache, little man.”
You roll your eyes. “Stop talking about him getting big! He’s just our little guy for now.”
Zeff looks to Sanji, now rocking the baby on his hip. “Little Eggplant here sprung up like a goddamned weed. They grow up fast if you’re not watching ‘em.”
Sanji gives a soft, embarrassed smile. You can’t wait to tease him later about the softness of his dad’s words. 
As much as you don’t want to leave this adorable scene, you have to grab a bottle for Noah. You turn, heading toward the cabinet.
“You want to feed him, papa?” You ask, looking at the gentleman over your shoulder.
Your heart almost melts when you watch Zeff kiss the top of Noah’s head and nod. It’s nearly a crime that Zeff didn’t have Sanji as a baby. You know for sure that Sanji’s life would’ve started out with love and care, not the horror he was born into.
You set the baby’s bottle on the stove, letting it warm. You don’t want to let Sanji know that you’re listening, but you can’t help but eavesdrop a little on the men’s conversation.
“He’s something, huh?” Zeff tells your husband. “Good thing he looks like his mother.”
Sanji huffs a bit. “I think the same thing. He looks just like her.”
You pull the bottle from the stove, smiling a bit to yourself. It isn’t true in the slightest that Noah looks like you. He’s all Sanji from his pale hair to his sweet and delicate facial features. He is Sanji’s little boy through and through.
You head around the kitchen counter and hand Zeff the baby’s bottle. “Ever fed a baby before, dad?”
He takes the bottle from you, staring at it oddly as he shakes his head.
Sanji steps in. He grabs the bottle, reaching out to adjust his son in Zeff’s arms.
“Hold his head like this” he directs his father. “And his bottle like this. He’s a good eater, so just hold it steady for him.”
Zeff follows his boy’s directions, Noah immediately taking the bottle into his mouth and settling comfortably back into his grandpa’s arms.
Sanji is smiling ear to ear. You know what he’s thinking in this moment. He never thought in his complicated upbringing that he’d be able to have a family like this. You know from being his best friend in childhood that a wife and children never even crossed his mind. His only example of love had been his own biological parents, and that wasn’t even love. Despite being a hopeless romantic, Sanji didn’t believe in marriage in the slightest until the two of you fell in love. This is everything he’s ever wanted and thought he’d never be able to have.
You place your hands on Zeff’s shoulder, gently guiding him down into a kitchen chair beside you.
“You’re a good dad it looks like, Little Eggplant” Zeff compliments. “Little guy eats good. He’s strong. He’s tough.”
Sanji takes a seat across from his father. “I can’t wait to cook for him when he’s done with milk. I want to teach him how to cook.”
“He’ll be amazing at it” Zeff assures. “He’s my grandson after all.”
All Sanji can do is smile, and you feel the same. You’ve never quite known peace like this. Here you are, in your beautiful home with your beautiful family and your amazing crew. So much has happened to the two of you over the course of your relationship. To have this reward is more than anything you could’ve ever dreamed of.
A knock on the galley door grabs everyone’s attention. You all turn, watching as Luffy’s head pops in.
“I know you guys are having some kinda thing” he begins, only his eyes visible to you through the cracked door. “But I’m really hungry.”
Sanji cooks a special supper for the entire crew and Zeff. The dinner is beautiful. The evening is the most perfect of your life. To see Sanji and Zeff cooking together while you watch with Noah in your arms makes you feel like you’re floating. The rest of the crew is over the moon to be able to meet and see Zeff, and you can tell he’s elated to see the way that they play with Noah. He’s already insanely protective of the little boy, hovering to ensure he never bonks his head or crawls on the rough wood. You hate to think  how difficult it’s going to be when he has to part ways with his grandson.
It’s hard to even get Noah away from him to head to bed. The chef has the itty bitty baby sleeping in his arms, reading to him slowly from his travel log that Nami dug out for him. Noah looks more restful than he ever has. He drools away in his grandfather’s arms with a soft, easy look on his face.
You approach Zeff who now has Noah asleep on his chest. He looks up when reach him.
“I hate to take him, but I have to put him in his crib” you whisper. “You’re free to get him when he cries tonight.”
Zeff smiles softly down at the boy. “Go with you mama, Baby Eggplant.”
You could scream about how adorable the whole scene is, but you settle for a smile so big that it hurts the corners of your mouth.
You lift the baby into your arms, rocking him gently so that he doesn’t fuss. When you’re sure the baby is still softly sleeping, you look back down to Zeff.
“Thank you for watching him so much today” you tell him. “I got a lot done.”
The old man grunts. “Better watch the little man. I’m still looking for a new sous chef since you stole mine.”
You smile. “Will do, old man. You can take Ji back with you when you go.”
Zeff grimaces, looking over to his son who’s arguing over something with Zoro as the two lean over the railing of the ship.
“I’d rather have the baby” Zeff teases. “Won’t give as many customers concussions.”
You just give him a small laugh. “Thank you for coming all the way out here for him, dad. Happy Father’s Day.”
Zeff gives you a soft and genuine smile. “Go put that baby in his crib. His cooking lessons start tomorrow, gotta be rested.”
You turn to your husband, gesturing up toward your bedroom. He abandons his argument immediately and comes to you, stroking Noah’s back. You never thought there’d be anything in this world that could get Sanji away from an argument with his rival, but baby Noah seems to always do just that.
You say goodnight to your crew as quietly as you can manage. Everyone turns to you, smiling and waving as the three of you disappear into your bedroom.
Sanji is sure to shut the door behind you when you reach your room and set Noah down in his little crib. He barely stirs at all, safe and secure in his bed at last.
Your husband walks beside you to wrap his arm around your waist. Together, the two of you lean over the baby’s crib.
“Thank you” he whispers, turning to look at you. “For Zeff. And for Noah. You made me a father.”
You lean up to kiss his cheek. “I’m so glad you enjoyed your day. I know you’ve been kinda going through it lately. I wanted it to be special.”
His face goes sad then as he looks back down to your son. Truth be told, fatherhood has been hard for Sanji. As much as he loves his son, he struggles everyday to believe that he’s a good father. Every little move he makes has to be perfect, and if he messes something up, it bothers him for the rest of the day. You know that his biggest fear is hurting Noah in any way, shape, or form. Your difficult labor was agonizing for him to hear of. He beat himself up for days over the fact that the storm had kept him from witnessing his son being born.
“I love him so much” Sanji muses. “He’s perfect.”
“He really is” you agree with a sigh.
The two of you share a quiet moment staring down at your son, Sanji’s hand slowly rubbing up and down your side.
Eventually, he looks to you. “I’m a good dad.”
The statement takes you back a step. You know this to be fact - Sanji is every kid’s dream father. For him to just say it, however, is wildly out of character for him.
“I know” you assure him. “You’re an amazing father.”
You can tell by the look in his eyes that he so badly wants to reach into the crib and hold his son close, but in true good father fashion, he allows the boy to sleep.
“My dad called me a good dad” he breathes. “He didn’t need to be my dad. He chose to be my dad, and he still says I’m doing a good job when he gave up everything to take care of me.”
You snuggle into Sanji’s side. “He didn’t give up everything when he started taking care of you. That’s when he finally got everything, Sanji.”
You hear your husband sniff. You know the emotions have been flowing hot lately, so you just give him space. He deserves to express himself and not feel like he’s being watched.
So, instead of speaking, you just squeeze his hand and join him in gazing down at your son, his perfect father safe for now in your arms.
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sh1gglypuff · 3 days
Why Do You Cry?
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A short Kenma Kozume x Reader dedicated to every person with a strained relationship with their father for this Father’s Day
Caution, under cut: Depictions of strained relationship with father, depictions of guilt, depictions of trauma
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“Happy Father’s Day to my best friend”
“Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world”
You held your phone tightly in your hand as you scrolled through your friends instagram stories. Why? Why did this day have to exist? You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream and cry and throw your phone across the room.
Kenma was out with his father today, having a lunch with just him. That made you feel even worse. You loved your boyfriend with everything in your heart, you were forever grateful that he had good relationships with both of his parents. You only wanted to see him be cared for. That didn’t stop you from being jealous.
You laid yourself further into the couch, pulling the blanket tighter to your body. You close your eyes and imagined getting a hug. A long and warm hug.
A tear slipped from the corner of your eye. You wanted nothing more than to have had grown up with a dad. You have a father, but not a dad. You wished that you had had that father figure in your life that wiped your tears, that supported you, that didn’t want you to be different, that loved you unconditionally. You closed your eyes tightly.
You open your eyes as you hear the door begin to open.
“I’m home!” Kenma announces. He sees you lying on the couch. You pull the blanket up over your eyes quickly. He crouched next to you, his face inches from yours with the blanket acting as a barrier. “Did you call your dad?” he asks, moving to pull the blanket down to see your face. Your grip remains tight as you shake your head.
Kenma understands, of course he understands. He knows you don’t have a relationship with your dad. He knows this day is hard. “Hey…” he starts. He goes to pull the blanket down and you let him. Your eyes are filled with tears, casting a glass over your eyes as he stares. “Baby…”
You cry, you cry as Kenma pulls you into his chest and strokes your hair. You felt guilty. You felt guilty for not calling your dad. You felt guilty for not having a relationship with your dad when some people’s father’s weren’t even around. Your dad had been there. Not emotionally but he was there. Didn’t that count for something?
You cried as Kenma pulls you up to sit on the couch with you. “Shhh…” he says softly into your hair. “It’s okay baby…” he whispers.
“This is the worst holiday,” you mutter into Kenma’s neck. “It’s not fair. It’s not fair…”
Your hot tears hit Kenma’s skin and his heart aches. “It isn’t fair. You deserve love. You deserve love in the way you wish to receive it. Love without any conditions.” You cry…and cry…and cry. He holds you, whispers words of affirmation and love into your ear.
Kenma holds you until your crying subsides. Kenma was always so gentle with you. “It’s okay to cry…” he reassures you.
The teenager in you hurts. The teenager in you needed to be told this desperately. The child in you is smiling warmly. Everything is so different from when you were young. You eventually stop crying, holding Kenma close to you.
“Do you want me to make you dinner tonight?” Kenma asks you. You nod against his neck. “Just know, I love you unconditionally always. You don’t need to feel guilty for growing up. You don’t need to feel guilty for cutting off your dad. You don’t owe anyone anything. It’s okay. It truly is okay.”
You hold him closer before letting go. You nod towards him, looking into his eyes. “Are you sure?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. More than you’ll ever know.”
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luvvsim · 2 days
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happiness is a butterfly.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ ౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
in which your relationship with heeseung has been falling apart,, and he realizes far too late. (drabble).
⊹ ࣪ ˖ lee heeseung x fem reader ⊹ ࣪ ˖
warnings | angst,, argument, literally zero comfort im so srry guys, idk what else :c not edited, (⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
(a/n) why have i been writing so much angst like hello… anyways last week of school FINALLY then i have a week and a bit off until summer classes start :c </3
1.2k ⋆ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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the city lights of seoul cast a dim glow through the curtains, giving the living room a soft, melancholic hue. you sit on the edge of the couch, your fingers gripping the cushion fabric tightly as you watch heeseung pace back and forth. the tension in the room is unavoidable, a storm brewing between you both that you can no longer hold back.
“i just don’t understand why you can’t see it from my perspective, y/n” heeseung’s voice breaks through the silence, his frustration evident. his normally warm eyes filled with love are now filled with a mix of anger and hurt, emotions that you rarely see in him.
you take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. “it’s not that i don’t see it, hee. it’s just that you never listen to me either. it’s always about your schedule, your fans, your career. what about us? what about me? it’s unfair…”
he stops pacing and turns to face you, his brows furrowed in confusion and disbelief. “are you fucking serious? you think i don’t care about us? everything i do, i do it for us, for our future.”
“do you?” you ask, your voice trembling at the visible anger in his voice. “because it feels like i’m always the one compromising. i’m always the one waiting, always the one understanding. when do you make time for me? you can’t expect me to just sit here silently and take all this.”
heeseung runs a hand through his hair, a gesture you know he does when he’s stressed. “you knew what you were getting into when we started this, i warned you. you knew my life would be demanding and time consuming.”
“i didn’t know it would be this hard,” you whisper, tears welling up in your eyes. “i didn’t know i would feel so lonely even when i’m right here with you.”
the room falls silent, the weight of your words hanging heavily in the air. heeseung looks at you, his hard glare softening as he takes in your expression.
he takes a step closer. “i never wanted you to feel lonely honey, i thought… i thought we were okay.” he says placing his hand on your cheek as you softly take it off, heeseung noticing the gesture as he looks down in shame.
you wipe away a tear, your voice breaking. “we’re not okay, heeseung. we haven’t been for a while, and you know it. i’ve tried to be strong, to support you, but it’s exhausting. i miss you even when you’re right here, i miss the old you, not the heeseung who acts like spending time with me is an obligation.”
heeseung kneels in front of you, taking your hands in his. his touch is warm, familiar, but it doesn’t bring the comfort it used to. “i miss you too baby, i promise I’m still the same heeseung” he says as his voice breaks, his voice barely above a whisper. “i’m so sorry baby, you know i love you.”
you look into his eyes, searching for the sincerity in his words. you see it there, but it’s not enough to mend the damage that has been done in your heart. “missing each other isn’t enough, heeseung. we need more than that. we need to actually be there for each other.”
he squeezes your hands gently, his eyes pleading. “tell me what to do. tell me how to fix this. i don’t want to lose you, i’m not letting you go.” tears brimming in his eyes, desperate.
you sigh, pulling your hands away. “i don’t know if it’s something you can fix hee, i think… i think we need time apart to figure out what we really want and need.”
heeseung’s face falls, the colour draining from his cheeks. “t-time apart? you’re breaking up with me?”
“no,” you say quickly, your heart aching at the sight of his heart broken expression. “i just… i need space to think. we both do. maybe then we can come back and make this work, all we do is argue, heeseung.”
he stands up slowly, his shoulders slumped in defeat. “if that’s what you want.”
“it’s not what i want,” you say, your voice cracking. “but it’s what we need. i love you, heeseung, but love isn’t enough right now.”
he nods, swallowing hard. “i get it. i don’t like it, but i get it.”
you stand as well, wrapping your arms around yourself as if you’re trying to hold yourself together. “i’m sorry it’s come to this.”
heeseung steps forward, hesitating before pulling you into a tight embrace. you cling to him, burying your face in his chest as the tears you’ve been holding back finally fall. he rests his chin on top of your head, his own tears rolling down his cheeks, dampening your hair.
“me too, honey” he whispers. “i’m so sorry.”
you stay like that for what feels like an eternity, holding each other as if it’s the last time as the dim lights of seoul shine down on you. in some ways, it feels like it is the last time you’ll be in each others embrace. when you finally pull away, the distance between you feels even bigger.
heeseung walks you to the door, holding his tears back as his hand lingers on the doorknob. “take care of yourself, okay?”
“you too,” you reply, giving him a small, sad smile. “i hope we can fix this, hee.”
“me too,” he says again, his voice barely audible.
you step outside, before you could walk away you feel a grip on your wrist.
“i love you, i always will.” heeseung whispers.
you give him a broken smile as you pull your arm out of his grasp.
“i love you too..”
you reply as you finally leave the apartment along with the love of your life. the cool night air hitting your tear-streaked face. as you walk away, you can’t help but glance back, seeing heeseung standing in the doorway, watching you go. the sight breaks your heart all over again, you want to run back to him, to be with him forever, but you force yourself to keep walking.
back in the apartment, heeseung closes the door and leans against it, sliding down to the floor. the silence is deafening, the absence of your presence a constant reminder of what he’s lost. he covers his face with his hands, finally letting the sobs he’s been holding back escape.
the record player continues to spin, a melody echoing off the walls of the empty room;
"happiness is a butterfly
try to catch it like every night
it escapes from my hands into moonlight"
his body shakes with his sobs as the song plays on, your favourite song. heeseung realizes that happiness, like a butterfly, is fragile and fleeting. and in that moment, he vows to do whatever it takes to catch it again, to hold onto the love that he wholeheartedly knows he can’t live without.
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© luvvsim
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