#i just think it really couldve been better in a few places
bunnys-lil-hideout · 7 months
hi this is basically my part 2 of my post about being a small selfship blog
that post was met with a good amount of small blogs being happy about what i had written, meanwhile there was a handful of blogs that still expressed being upset that they were so small despite the work they'd put into their stuff.
i should preface by saying, even though i've had posts get over 300+ notes, and i have over 100+ followers, im really not a big blog, and i do seriously mean that.
yes, my posts about selfship scenarios and positivity do get a good amount of notes, and lots of the tags are very positive and fun to read. but if you do look through my blog, you'll notice those are the only posts that get any attention. all my posts about my personal selfships barely get notes, i barely get any asks even when doing ask games, and i've even tried participating in those "reblog with your f/o and i'll assign them this!" posts and i dont think i've ever gotten a reply.
and yeah, the last one at least has bothered me a bit, and i wish i couldve been part of the fun, but i'll be honest— when i made my selfship blog, i literally made it to be my own corner where i can go gushy gooey crazy over my fictional men. and those posts i made about general selfshipping scenarios and such, those were me just throwing ideas at the walls so i had a place to put them and maybe a few people could see it and feel a lil better. i never intend for my stuff to get a lot of attention because honestly, i'm used to it, so my expectations are always extremely low, and i'm rarely ever upset about it not working out.
but i know for some people, that's not the same for them, and that's completely fair. they work hard on what they make, either through writing, through artwork, comics, animation, even just putting down their thoughts. its natural to have that part of you that wants to be seen and appreciated for what you made, even if it is self-indulgent and not a lot of people will relate to it.
and i am sorry to all of you who are in that boat, feeling like what you made isnt good enough because not many noticed it, that you don't have people asking about your f/os or s/is, that anything you made with love isn't getting that same response. i know it's hard, and honestly i wish i knew what i could say that would help you to feel better. but please just know that you're really not alone, and just because you aren't seen doesn't mean you aren't good enough for this community.
honestly the best advice i could try to give is that you still have a corner for where you can freely express your love for the characters that bring you happiness, and even if you don't have much of an audience, i think it's worth remembering that your f/os are your #1 supporters through and through, no matter what type of attention you get. they're happy that you love to talk about them, draw them, gush about them, even if no one sees it. they're happy that you've dedicated a space just about them.
and even if you don't get much notice out of it, please remember that you still deserve a place to feel safe and free.
it's going to be okay. i promise. please take care of yourself. its what your f/os would want, i'm sure.
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basil-does-arttt · 3 months
Devil May Cry 2. The pimple-faced teenager of the series, widely regarded as the worst game in the franchise.
While yes i agree with this viewpoint to some degree, and i think all the jokes about it being the worst one are funny... i honestly dont think the game is THAT bad. In fact, i think people give it too much shit.
Ill start out by saying this: no, the game isnt amazing. Its under-developed, rushed, and in no way is it up to the same standard as the other 4 games. Im not saying its this perfect game, but its not as horrible as some make it out to be.
Ive played through the game on the original PS2 version and the remastered version, and although im yet to complete Lucia's campaign, i can confidently say the game is mediocre at worst really.
First the gameplay: Boring? Yes. Definitely. Do you like standing in one place and shooting everything for 15 minutes untill it drops dead? This is the game for you. But you dont have to do that, it just happens to be the easiest option because the controls are so jank. I spent (some) time myself learning the combos, turns out it depends on the way you angle the joystick, and once you get the hang of it, its not that difficult to S rank combat encounters at all. Its annoying, but not impossible, and the combos can honestly look pretty cool imo.
The movement is also another thing, the dodge animation takes way too long to perform but i do like the forward dash. Its a nice alternative to using stinger as a makeshift movement dash, i wish they kept it for furture versions of Dante. (Yes i know theres the trickster dash, but he doesn't do a flip)
I also really love the flying mechanic with aerial heart, and the different kinds of core thingies you could combine as a whole. A unique feature that kinda got combined into other things in Dante's design.
A few of the bosses, if they had been fleshed out and maybe balanced a bit better, could've been just amazing too. Furiataurus for example. One boss i feel was done well though was The Despair Embodied, and although you can just stand around and shoot it to death like everything else, you do actually have to put effort in to not get hit and die. (Trismalga is also kinda in that boat too, a well(ish) done fight you actually have to put effort into, but i personally didn't like it.)
Next, level design: You have to admit they did some cool things with the level design. *some*. The whole "grungy city" vibe is something i found very interesting, and the trippy purple iteration of lower town was, while infuriating to navigate thanks to the camera and graphics (esp on the ps2 version), was actually quite neat. I also really liked the clock tower in Lucia's campaign.
And also, the music. Can i just say, i think dmc 2's soundtrack is my favorite one out of all 5 games. The ambient background tracks are almost dreamy, especially Lucia's ones, the boss themes honestly go hard and the piano track that's repeated throughout the whole soundtrack just sounds good. If you take anything away from this post, its that you should listen to the soundtrack. (I reccomend the tracks "Unholy Relics", "Cry for the Moon", and "Shoot the Works")
The character designs are another thing i think they did well in this game. In my humble opinion, Dante's dmc 2 style is the best looking one in the whole series. Lucia also looks quite cool, her devil trigger form especially.
The characters themselves, Dante especially, need work, but might i remind you the developers were rushed when making this game. They didn't have enough time to do everything they wanted to do, 6 months before the game was supposed to release they didn't even have it in working condition. It was only thanks to Itsuno stepping in as the director that we got this game in the first place, and all he could do was salvage what the team had already created and get it in a releasable state before launch.
If only they had a bit more time (and maybe resources), dmc 2 couldve been quite the cool game. Though, on that note, if it werent for dmc 2's catastrophic faliure and Itsuno's prompt pestering for a sequel so the franchise didn't die outright, we wouldn't have gotten dmc 3. Though i think Capcom would've made a 3rd game regardless of the scenario.
All in all, i dont think dmc 2 is that horrible of a game. If you have the remaster collection, or even the original PS2 version, at least try it. Give it a go, play through the first few missions and kill one or two of the bosses.
Don't take it seriously, just have fun and enjoy the game in all its janky half-finished glory. If you look at dmc 2 that way, i think you'll enjoy it a whole lot more.
Or dont. Yknow, its your choice.
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dailyblorboposting · 8 months
IM BACK GANG!! been working on this for a few days and didnt wanna post it during the strike
@ectobio made some sprites the other day of if jade and rose's god tier outfits matched their colors schemes, and then @gay-frog-search-history asked about the beta kids.... so voila! my personal designs for the characters in their Color-matched God Tiers
and their regular god tiers below the cut :3 (also I did switch Jade from Mind to Life, because the Mind colors fit Jane a bit better, hope that's ok)
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im really happy with how these turned out
also june egbert wins forever
have some thoughts on these:
Jade as Witch of Life is pretty fine I think... No Space Player basically guarantees a failed game but we dont worry about the actual mechanics of the game this is just for funsies. besides, life should be able to find a frog anyways, frogs are living!
Rose Seer of Rage is actually so interesting to me. Light relates to her motifs a lot, but I can brute force some rage symbolism relatively easily. She is very angry inside, her whole "destroying her session" showed that... inch resting...
Jane Maid of Mind mightve kept a lot of the dramatic pre-retcon shit from happening- she'd be "meant" to keep her friends minds taken care of, she probably couldve prevented lots of relationship issues with this. But Brain Ghost Dirk likely wouldnt exist lol.
Dirk Prince of Light is very similar to Eridan Prince of Hope. And i got confused in the comments of the og post leave me alone theyre both yellow. But still, Light is basically Fortune. Lack of Fortune? Too Much Fortune? VERY fun to think about!!!
Roxy Rogue of Heart! That's Nepeta's! Her role in the group already fits a Heart player well (though maybe a Blood player better) but she would gain a lot more individuality and agency that I think she could benefit from as a character. Void players have it rough :pensive:
Jake Page of Doom is pretty based actually. Page is one of the most powerful classes iirc and Hope and Doom are opposites so, functionally he'd be very similar. Again, Brain Ghost Dirk wouldn't exist but maybe there'd be a doomed timeline Dirk to take his place...
Anyway that's all! Normal daily posting begins again btw!!
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genderless-naper · 2 years
a gift for you
bangchan (skz) x gf!reader
synopsis: he got you a gift so you dont feel alone
lowercase intended !
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chan has been spending much more time away than he’d like to admit. in between producing, practice, and other scheduling it wasn’t like you had room to complain to him. he came home late and left early the next day.
although you tried your best not to let it get to you, he knew. he knew that you started to feel distant. he knew you were feeling less happy. he knew you were losing sleep trying to stay awake for him. he knew and it made him feel terrible. he explained to his members whats been happening between you two after they cornered him into confessing why he was acting so weird lately. all he had to say for himself was that he ‘doesn’t know what to do to make it up to you’
half of the members looked mad at him for treating you this way, while the other half looked at him with pity. minho shook his head and replied, “she cant be in a relationship with someone who’s never there”
“i tried to make time for her but i cant. our schedules are too different”
minho just looked at chan like he was the dumbest boyfriend in the whole world. he easily couldve been considered it.
“if you cant be with her physically then give her something so she knows youre always with her”
chan was more confused by this than the times he tried to film tiktok videos with the members
“but she has everything she ever needs, what could i give her?”
minho rolled his eyes, “if she had everything she needed we wouldnt even have this conversation. you need to figure this out on your own. you know her the better than we do”
for the next few days chan pondered on what to give you. he spent hours in his studio on amazon rather than producing trying to find a perfect gift. soon he realized he was running behind schedule and needed to leave for a skzoo photoshoot.
when he arrived he set you lots of pictures. pictures of the members, of the plushies, of the shoot set, and more random things. he always sent you pictures wherever he was. he was happy for you to see them but that quickly changed when you left his message on opened without a response. he was hesitant to send one last picture.
he sent a picture a picture of him with a lifesize wolf chan plushie along with a message, “please dont be mad, you’ll make wolf chan and channie sad” you giggled at his immaturity. you liked his selfie and responded to his text, “im not mad chan, i got busy doing the laundry” he called you once he was done with his part of the shoot. you were happy to finally be talking with your beloved boyfriend.
“you know chan, wolfchan looks strangely like you a lot. i mean look at his dimples! and his little curled piece of hair. theyre just like yours!” chan smiled at your thoughtfulness and asked, “do you really think he looks like me?”
“of course, you two are like twins” in the distant you hear chan’s name being called and so you ushered him to get back to the shoot. he wanted to say no but you already bid your goodbye and hung up.
all the members got a gift basket of their represented skzoo. chan stared at the wolfchan in his basket and instantly remembered your comments on their resemblance. he decided to take the basket home to you once the shoot was done.
he ran into the bedroom and pulled you into a tight hug, “i got you something special!” you raised your brow curiously, “is it that basket?” he replied with a nod and quickly sat you on the edge of the bed. he placed the basket on your lap and sat on the floor in front of you all while smiling from ear to ear, dimples exposed. he ushered you to open and look at everything.
“okay okay chill, im opening it channie!” you giggled and ruffled his hair to calm him down. you took out the wolfchan, and chan took it from you and peppered it in kisses. he handed it back while his grin widened, “there, now you’ll always have a part of me with you y/n!” you could’ve practically melted by how cute he was being. you nodded and hugged the wolfchan tight while showering chan in thank yous and kisses.
you never spent your days alone after that. where ever you went wolfchan went as well. when you missed chan you would talk to wolfchan. he was always there for you and warmed your heart.
oftentimes chan would come home from the studio just to see you tucked away in bed hugging the mini-version of himself tight to your cheek while you were fast asleep. he was glad that you appreciated it as much as he appreciates you🖤
ahh wolfchan is such a cutie patootie. i finally got mines today and i love him so much ahh. everything abt him brings me mega serotonin vibes
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iapislazuli · 8 months
my ultimate take on spottedleaf's heart is that I don't think hard topics are necessarily out of place in a children's story. unfortunately, many children will go through some bad shit in their lives. warrior cats already has really hard topics in it like imperialism, prejudice, murder, war, miscarriage, bullying, domestic abuse, and cheating, just to name a few. of course... it doesn't handle many of these well, because warrior cats is just... Like That, as we know. but in a hypothetical world where warrior cats approaches all of these tough topics with respect and care, i think that showing a creepy, predatory relationship like the one between spottedpaw and thistleclaw could actually be beneficial for young readers. spottedleaf's heart couldve been a story telling children "hey, if an adult acts like this to you, TELL SOMEBODY! IT'S NOT OKAY!" i think it couldve helped young readers in terrible, awful situations, to see a character going through what's happening to them, and to be told "this isn't okay. it doesn't matter who an adult is, if they are hurting you, it's not right, and you deserve to be safe. and if an adult ever acts like this, you should tell somebody you trust." i think that's like... a fine thing to tell kids, i don't consider that inappropriate. an alternate telling of spottedleaf's heart where bluefur, thrushpelt, sunstar, featherwhisker, adderfang, swiftbreeze, or any other adult in Spottedpaw's life sees what's happening to her and helps her, lets her know that it's not her fault? i think even if the topic is tough, that wouldve been a much better outcome for the story, and would be much more of a constructive message to give young readers who are going to relate to the protagonist who's their age. overall i just think the biggest issue is in execution and framing, making the overall message "spottedleaf was so foolish to fall in love with thistleclaw!!" instead of "spottedleaf was a victim of grooming, it's thistleclaw's fault for behaving inappropriately and hurting her because he's an adult"
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
aita for killing a child for attention?
my (17?m, im sorry, im not sure) mom has never wanted me because im worthless and stupid. my dad never really cared about me either and i never really saw him
i dont have any friends. my mom and dad are all i have. but i was never going to make them proud, so a few years back i realised the only way for my mom to pay attention to me was to make her angry at me instead. so i ruined her room and stole her things to upset her. it didnt work, so i started killing animals for a while. that didnt work either, so i killed a child (12?)
i think the child didnt deserve it. im not good with children because of bad memories, but the child probably deserved to live more than i did, and wouldve had a bright future, unlike me. im not smart or strong or interesting, and all i did was be a disappointment. so, i dont know if i was right to kill the child, and i dont know if id do it again if i had a second chance. but nothing else was working. i really cant think of what else i couldve done
i dont think it was a mistake. it cant have been a mistake, because the only other option was to give up. and if i didnt kill that child, i wouldnt have come to another dimension and met my new best friend (who is my new mom now and is also a murderer) (shes 16) (i think shes using me but im okay with it). i cant imagine what i would be doing right now if i just gave up and accepted everything
i think im probably the asshole because i killed a human being for selfish reasons, but i also think im justified because i had no choice, and im in a much better place now because i did it
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g0dtier · 9 months
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the list that makes me and @dentist-brainsurgeon mortal enemies from now on i guess
extremely lengthy explanations under the cut:
i actually think the S+A tier speak for themselves?
S tier: the goats. im aware its full of third versions but they just happen to be extremely good and added some insane shit to already solid base games (ok diamond and pearl werent solid but the foundation was there). replayability is insane for these.
A tier: the Oh Fuck Yeah games. not in any particular order actually. hgss is absolutely the best remake of all, only held back by the few inherent flaws of the Johto region and by not emulating Crystal enough. as much as i like bw, reverting back to only one region of pokemon never sat right by me, but it's been a while since ive played it, and nowadays i make much more of an effort to try out all new mons. so i could change my mind on this.
i liked usum more than sun/moon, if only for the post game. replayability isnt as high because of the cutscenes every 3 steps, and rotom dex is annoying as shit. aside from that, insanely solid story & postgame imo. red/blue and gold/silver are brimming with weird places in their regions and are chock full of in game lore and legends, which i really like. the ruins of alph & pokemon tower are some of the best locations theyve ever made imo
B tier is the "good but couldve been better" tier. lets go is insane for shiny hunting, but it stops at that imo. the new rival is garbo. sun and moon are good, but the postgame + alola in general is just lacking enough in these games that they dont reach A tier for me. loveeed the island challenges tho. alola itself has just such a good vibe. you really feel like its about community rather than competition. legends arceus couldve been insanely good, but i have never felt as ripped out of a pokemon game as i did when i walked through that cave in the coronet region and started seeing stray pixels around my character. which wasnt a one time thing btw this happens to anyones game & every time as far as ive seen. its gonna sound dramatic but this combined with other graphics glitches made it so clear i was playing a game that it just took me out of the adventure entirely. this is where the graphics glitches really started, and they havent stopped since.
C tier: yellow is just kinda there? i dont care for starter pikachu. i want to, but it gets killed when breathed at, so. idk. the gimmick doesnt work that well for me. sword and shield introduced some insane mons that i love and i want to call it solid real bad, but the story was hot garbage even for pokemon standards, and while the wild area was a great idea, the execution was lacking & because what i assume is a time crunch, the towns were boring as shit as well. diamond & pearl are mediocre to bad, with a great story and mediocre to bad execution, and i shouldve put oras in the :( tier, but the postgame is worth it.
actually im gonna rant about oras. i was so hyped for it but, just, ugh. if youre gonna turn a 2d vague not-specified-what-a-character-is-doing-or-feeling player character to 3d, at least do it correctly. 2d sprites where someone can fill in the blanks not seen on screen but hinted at in text (ie expressions, actions like handing someone something) work infinitely better than 3d sprites who show it badly. also still suffers from the desaturation curse that the 3ds games suffer from. postgame was dope, though. shame the mega latis are ugly as shit.
:( tier: garbage, im so sorry. SV's only redeeming factor is the area zero story. there is nothing else in the game that held my attention. fuck the star team, fuck the big pokemon quests, fuck the towns where you cant talk to anyone or find anything interesting or walk into a house and where every shop looks the game. fuck stores not even having an interior anymore. fuck this larger but emptier and stripped down world full of graphical glitches. fuck the weak ass gyms, fuck geeta, and fuck terrastalizing most of all. i will die for Koraidon & the professor fight fucking ruled but that's all the game had to it for me. do any of yall remember the gym leaders besides like, iono and the snowboard man? no you dont, stop lying to me. gen I put more life into lavender town by making a npc reference some ghost hand on your shoulder than SV does for any town, and they only had black and white 32mb cartridges or whatever to work with. for fucking shame gamefreak. give your devs some time to make a halfway functioning game.
firered and leafgreen do nothing new. i will not discuss the sevii islands. what the fuck even was that. boring. same with brilliant diamond and shining pearl. theyre lower than diamond and pearl because why the fuck did they not decide to remake platinum. what the hell was their damage. seriously platinum was RIGHT there. i caught a full odds shiny ghastly in that game and i still dont care about it.
X&Y suffers from. everything.
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g0thsoojin · 1 month
im actually sad about this, because i know that reality is that i cannot move country and be in a new place where i have no safety (money in my account and support system besides him). i know that i cant do that. i dont even know how im realistically gonna be able to move city and do so without my mother. so even if i WANT him and WANT to be in a relationship with him... what he needs is something irl and consistent. and i cant do that. i just cant. it would be my first relationship and it would be such a huge step. if i have a relationship i need to enter it slowly and start slow and go slow and maybe move in together after several years. so even if i want to be with him... what i need and what he needs is so different and even if we love eo that wont be enough... i know this realistically. even if i dream and fantasize about throwing away my fears and just being brave and getting on a plane (after first getting a job and save up some money) and go stay with him. i wish i could. i wish i had gotten to have a normal life. but my world is so small, i've lived in the same room for 25 years. i've only been outside of my own city 3 times. i dont know how to let go of a life i've lived for 25yrs and have smth new. smth that cant be just to try out (bc hes at a different stage in life than me, so being togeyher for a few years and then go separate ways wouldnt be what he needs). but it isnt only him bc im scared of just choosing a city and a university to go to. i dont want to leave this place, this life that has been the exact same for 25yrs. but i also dont wanna stay bc its killing me.
anyway what i was originally gonna say was that even if i WANT to be w him i also know whats realistic and not. and therefore even if i was jealous i wanted him to find someone and fall in love hopefully and be with that person. i want him to be happy and to want to live. bc his life lust is just dwindling and i dont want that. i really dont. i'd rather have him be happy with someone who can give him what he needs in real life and not only want to the way all i can do is dream abt. so i wanted it to work for him. and it pains me that it didnt. truly. i still want to have hope that he'll unexpectedly meet someone or reconnect bc i want him to feel the love through a relationship as he needs.
all of this is just so frustrating bc i love him. he's all (besides my mom) i care about. like actually... maybe smth bad psychologically happened but yeah all i care about is him :// limerance? idk but its my reality. only him up here and in my heart... so i want him to be happy but i cant give him what he needs bc of my fear. i want him to be happy but i cant make someone else fall in love with him even if i wish i could.
i regret being so childish and unloading my insecurities on him when i found out he was talkinng tk someone. but i wish he wouldve just told me so i couldve adapted to it and not suddenly see it on his blog. i think i couldve handled it better then. but yeah im still embarrassed and regretful bc i seemed like nothing but a jealous girl who wished him bad. and thats not true at all. i eas just scared hed forget me. but honestly a part of me would be ok with that as long as he was happy and ok and wanted to be alive. i love him sm i dont want him to feel abandoned and unloved or alone. so im sad that it didnt work the way he wanted to ... i wish i could make the universe give him good stuff bc i dont want to see him this way. so i very much regret telling him things that made it seem like i didnt want him to have those good things :((
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blackberrypicking · 5 months
malignant couldve been soooo good but the script and dialogue and music and sound design and pacing and acting were all so so so bad ...... i think either it needed a big actor attached to it or it needed to nail down its concept a lot better for me to have enjoyed it because some of the stuff like the main twist* & the body horror stuff were really very cool in theory but. well of course a movie can span multiple (sub)genres but it was so all over the place that nothing clicked. idk i really liked barbarian and so many people said if you like barbarian you'll like malignant but i was disappointed. maybe it wouldve been better in theaters or with friends but im not even sure. and it wasnt even scary or particularly gross or exciting!!
*a lot of reviews i read said they guessed it—i didn't but i was close enough however i don't think guessing a twist is a dealbreaker if the movie is actually good
i also wish gabriel had been framed more as a hurt and scared and neglected child rather than just being the weird evil thing that's always been weird & evil!!! i mean he was getting revenge because he had been betrayed but it was framed as though he was doing it because he was just The Villain and not because something MADE him the way he is which is how most writing should work. any actual good writing was so undercut by the desire to be A Cool Movie. and the controlling electricity thing also could have been interesting to me but it was such a forced plot device (also just a personal thing but ties into the bad acting and lack of thematic clarity—gabriel's voice was really stupid). and i dont hate movies that are just a fun slasher or whatever but this NEEDED more concrete themes to be good. and like i said it was all over the place like personally i don't want a body horror slasher psychological family drama that starts off like it's going to be paranormal and ends like an action movie... well it had a few good moments but overall it was like. a 2/5 star movie
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quodekash · 2 years
Why The Entire Harry Potter Epilogue Sucks
most of this has definitely already been said before but I have Thoughts™️ and I need to get them all out in one place. also warning this is very long because my thoughts are big and i talk too much 
first, the overall problems (and everything im gonna talk about is the author’s fault cos she wrote it, but this part is more directly her fault so this section could also just be called Me Hating A Bigot): 
Why did she make them all end up with their high school sweethearts? just to satisfy the shippers? i mean i dont entirely hate it that much, like its fine, book hinny actually have chemistry and i can imagine book romione going through a lot of bumps in their relationship but smoothing it out and figuring it out after a few years. and yeah they’ve all been through a lot together, and that creates a really tight bond between two or more people, but the point still stands. (my point being: high school relationships are stupid and pointless. (if you want to debate me on this, go ahead. try and change my mind. (this is genuine, i want to hear your reasons and give you my reasons, debates are fun)))
Draco’s wife. Why. Like, i have absolutely nothing against Astoria Greengrass, I’m sure she’s lovely (we never meet her other than like maybe in Cursed Child at some point? but i read that once and am electing to ignore it forever so lets imagine i never said that). it’s not even a problem with how the author made him marry a woman even tho he’s very much a gay man, it’s the problem that he didn’t get the redemption he very much deserved. he had like two or three shining moments. and even then they weren’t so much shining, more... glistening like sweat. but she couldve tried so much harder with him. she wouldnt even have to change the plot of the books at all. just make him marry... not a pureblood. dont make this character have to continue the legacy of purebredness that he almost definitely despises. instead, let him marry a muggle. or a muggleborn. or a half-blood chosen one who defeated the dark lord with draco’s own wand. or just anyone that isnt a pureblood, cos we dont know much about it, but we can only assume that it was an arranged marriage and neither of them actually wanted it, they were just doing it for the sake of their families. which sucks. and also all the purebloods are already related so just... dont make the incest continue, no one wants it. 
the names of the kids... i dont like it. well, most of it. naming your kids after your dead parents? that’s fine. it could be a little confusing at times, but they’re nice names and its sentimental. and james’ middle name? i have no problem with it. james sirius potter is a perfect naming choice. definitely not a PREfect naming choice, but absolutely a PERfect naming choice.  -and lily luna potter has a ring to it. and i know luna is important, and i know we love luna. but it couldn’t have been like... lily molly potter, so that ginny’s side of the family could be part of it? it couldn’t have been lily minerva potter, to honour the greatest character of the series? it couldn’t have been... other names i cant think of that wouldve been better than lily luna? but overall i dont hate the name lily luna that much, i can deal with it. -as for hugo and rose, as far as i know they dont have middle names? but i just want to know where the names come from. were they just names that they picked out that Felt Right? cos if so i have absolutely no problems with that. it may be that theyre hermione’s parents names? (speaking of which did she ever get to take them back from australia? adding on to that, did her parents know they were from britain when she erased their memories? cos i highly doubt they wouldve magically gotten aussie accents and their voices wouldve stood out pretty clearly, so would they just be Very British but think they’re perfect bogans and never understand why people look at them funny?) But i dont think it is cos ive always assumed that hermione’s mums name is jean cos it’s hermione’s middle name. also i did some extensive research (*cough* a quick google search *cough*) and the name Rose means flower, femininity, that kind of thing, which is sweet, and Hugo means mind or intellect or something like that, which reflects hermione being smart. so those make sense. -but then we get to albus severus. i love the character, he is pure and must be protected. however, the name... no. harry decided to name his kid (the middle child, aka literally the most overlooked one, so there’s the neglected feelings that generally come from being a middle child there already) after two dead guys. “but egg”, you may be thinking, “james sirius was named after two dead guys, too.” Ah, very astute, dear reader, but you’re missing two crucial pieces of information: james and sirius were excellent people who positively affected harry’s life in a lot of ways. Albus and Severus, on the other hand, were people who: emotionally manipulated him, abused him, hated him, raised him as a pig for slaughter, one of them killed the other, and they were both old and sad cos their loved one is gone forever. great idea to name your kid after that. so smart, hazza. absolutely genius. 
“19 years later” means, if you do the maths, the epilogue is set in 2016. surely some things would change. like, would they still use a steam engine train? would there be too many people (gotta love overpopulation), so would the place to get on the train (or whatever mode of transport it would be by then) change to fit everyone? why don’t we see queer couples in the background? why isnt there any mention of phones? i just- i have questions, okay? i mean, i guess the book came out 9 years before 2016. but some of these things were still in play in 2007 and it feels like pollution and overpopulation and queer people and smartphones just dont exist i guess. 
this is a very small one but i would also like to know how draco and harry and ron all happened to have a child go to school in the same year. like yeah, it happens, but sometimes its like a year or two apart. but nope, they all must’ve f***ed their wives on the same night i guess (i know that’s not how it works, but STILL) 
related to the point about it being 2016, but there wasn’t any deamus???? just a tiny mention would’ve been fine. just so that queer readers dont feel so alone. so that queer readers can feel like they’re actually part of this world, that they can feel included and loved, which are the major themes of the series. all we wouldve needed is “Harry saw Dean and Seamus, holding hands and waving goodbye to a little crying girl leaning out of the train window. Seamus tried to conjure a handkerchief to clean her face, but it set itself on fire as soon as he tried, and the girl laughed through her tears.” Or even just that first sentence wouldve been okay. or even a third or fourth sentence where dean sighs into his hand to hide his smile, shaking his head, and either stamps out the fire with his foot or uses aguamenti to put it out but misses and Seamus frowns at him as droplets of water fall down his face and cling to his eyelashes and dean smiles lovingly and kneels down to mock dean’s height and uses the end of his sleeve to wipe off the water and their daughter is laughing really joyously and the train starts to take off but she’s still laughing and smiling and she waves at her weirdo dads until she cant see them again and im sorry im getting carried away, basically what im trying to say here is just one sentence wouldve been all we needed just to feel included 
ron being an auror makes sense i dont mind that. 
but hermione. why is she in magical law enforcement. i know she cares about justice, but she absolutely would not enjoy sitting behind a desk, she would rather being there, out in the world, helping others because she can, not because it’s her job. she should be a teacher, whether at a muggle school or magical school, i dont flipping care, but she enjoys sharing her knowledge with harry and ron and literally everyone, and that’s what a teacher does. plus, she really looks up to mcgonagall, so you’d think she’d want to be like her: a teacher. and hermione LITERALLY SAYS, out loud, in the books, to rufus scrimgeour, that she doesn’t want a job at the ministry, “i want to make some good in the world”, but then that is just scrapped, never thought about again, and she becomes the flipping minister. she couldve even been an auror, she wouldve been a BOSS at figuring out the target’s next move and how to fight them and bring justice (and i am aware it sounds like im describing her as a batman-like superhero, i dont care, MAYBE HERMIONE IS BATMAN, OKAY?), and working with ron, they would’ve been UNSTOPPABLE. hermione couldve worked at flipin flourish and blotts, she could’ve become the new librarian at hogwarts. i know neither of those are making good in the world, but she wouldve been surrounded by books ALL DAY. honestly she couldve worked with dragons with charlie in romania and it still wouldve been better than stuck behind a desk at the ministry 
i love ginny as a quidditch player, that one is excellent and perfect and i cant think of anything better. 
like. lupin was great. but harry taught a whole bunch of teenagers - at the same time - to conjure patronuses within a couple of lessons, when it took lupin months to teach harry. (granted, harry was depressed and was both trying to learn the charm and going against a boggart-dementor, so they’re both impressive, but still)
he taught them heaps of spells he’d only learnt the previous year while practicing for the third task, and only out of books, which is really bloody impressive.
and, again, he could conjure a patronus at thirteen years old, when most wizards cant their entire lives.
and he taught them the only useful thing lockhart (kind of) taught him: expelliarmus.
as for moody’s/barty crouch jr’s classes, we dont know anything about them other than the first one where he did the unforgivable curses on spiders, and that other one where he put the imperious curse on the students. and harry just wouldnt morally do any one of those things so he technically didn’t beat those classes but also he did because harry didn’t perform illegal curses on his students, so. 
idk about quirrel cos i have no clue what he actually taught them (WHAT WAS THE DEAL WITH THAT REPTILE IN THE MOVIES? (was it a lizard? iguana?? i think it was an iguana but idk)), but he literally bested every single one of the teachers he’d previously had for five years in a couple of months. 
also he really enjoyed teaching. he found himself subconsciously planning lessons. he gave them things to improve on, started small and got bigger, gave encouragement, made sure everyone was included, and so many other things i just cant think of right now. and those are all awesome teacher traits. he would’ve loved being a teacher, would’ve loved helping kids reached their full potential.
and thats why he shouldve been a teacher, but heres why he shouldnt have been an auror: hes not invincible. the only person who couldnt kill him at all was voldemort. if voldey had let one of his death eaters step in and cast the spell, harry couldn’t have done anything, he wouldve actually died that time and voldemort wouldve won. and that still applies in the future. and harry’s gonna be fighting dark wizards just about every day. and guess what? he’s the owner of the elder wand. and book harry didnt break it. no no, book harry was sure he’d die a natural death and the wand would lose its power. and im not saying i want harry to die on work, im saying he was pretty reckless because he could get killed by dark wizards (aka people wanting to start their own cult similar to death eaters; death eaters on the run; death eaters put in azkaban who manage to escape; etc etc) on any given day and then they would have the elder wand and it would all turn to sludge.
but also if he couldn’t have taught dada, then surely he couldve at least been a quidditch player like ginny. that would be so much fun. their team would be basically unstoppable, having a bad*ss married couple working together.
just dont have him as an auror, please, im begging you, it doesnt work
and neville being herbology professor is perfect, end of story. 
okay and now specific moments 
some things that bother me are: albus not wanting to be slytherin, and james making fun of him for maybe possibly being sorted in slytherin. like, shouldnt the problems between the houses have been resolved?? it’s been 19 years since the war people, lets finally resolve some conflict here, pick up the pace guys. but not only that, albus’ fear of slytherin and james’ apparent dislike of slytherin tells us that harry hasn’t told them that slytherins can be good and that all the stereotypes of slytherin aren’t true for everyone and kggkfjgkjgkjfgj
harry hears percy talking about broomstick regulations and is glad to not have the excuse to stop and chat. i dont like that. why doesn’t he want to say hi? percy isnt that bad. i know he’s annoying at times but broomstick regulations would be important, and wouldn’t harry be at least slightly interested in it because quidditch and flying??? 
it sounds like ron’s saying he only recently passed his drivers test. he’d had 19 years. why did it take him that long. this one isnt big it just bothers me a little bit 
why did draco nod ‘curtley’? curtley means rude briefly according to google. that doesnt feel right after everything that’s happened. like, harry literally destroyed the darkest wizard of all time, holding what had previously been draco’s wand. surely that makes some kind of connection. and the trio saved dracos life twice in one day, and saving someone’s life is a literal huge deal, it creates this unspoken bond between you. literally the only reason harry ron and hermione are friends is because harry and ron saved hermione’s life. and saving dracos life, someone who, up until then, they hate? and there’s no mention of any kind of bond or unspoken alliance or anything? they just... go on hating each other? and draco didnt sell them out to his family. which basically means draco saved their lives (BEFORE they saved his), so again theres that connection, that bond, where is it? SURELY it wouldnt be a rude nod?? couldn’t it be an awkward smile? a friendly wink (that could have a double meaning *cough*drarry*cough*)? there would sruely be some kind of connection over the 19 years, like i dont believe that they have never met draco’s child before, i dont believe that the trio and draco havent caught up at some point to say thank you or go out for coffee or whatever functional adults do in their daily lives. 
‘dont try to turn them against each other before they’ve even started school.’ YES GOOD EXCELLENT GOOD JOB HERMIONE- ‘dont get too friendly with him tho. granddad weasley would never forgive you if u married a pureblood’ nO. do NOT imply that there’s going to be a romance. this is the fault of the author and also of ron. you should almost never ship people in real life (with few exceptions. like jokes with friends. or larry. or if theyre already a couple.), and ESPECIALLY not LITERAL CHILDREN! being an embarrassing parent talking to your teenage child about their crush or significant other? that’s fine. mortifying in the moment for the child, but funny to look back on. implying that your ELEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD who was probably told about sex and hormones like three weeks ago, is going to MARRY another ELEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD whom they have NEVER INTERACTED WITH is absolutely NOT FINE. and also DO NOT say that your father is NEVER GOING TO FORGIVE THE CHILD. it might seem funny, but this kind of thing could stick with the child forever and, if their hormones do end up making them fall for this other child in the end, they might be terrified of telling their family and might want to keep any potential relationship a secret and that could eat up at them completely and it could result in repression and depression and a whole bunch of mental health problems that wouldve been avoided if ron had just ✨shut his mouth✨. it wouldve been better to say something like ‘“you’re right, sorry”, said ron. but unable to help himself, he leant down and added in a whisper, “we’re counting on you though, Rosie. the family honour rests on your shoulders. but no pressure.” he stood up, grinning, and winked at his daughter.’ 
i have no problems with teddy and victoire. nor do i have any problems with james’ reaction. nor do i have any problems with what the adults say and what the children say in response to that, i actually like this part. 
‘he checked the battered old watch that had once been fabian prewett’s’ IMOKAYIMFINEYOURECRYINGNOTMEHAHA 
why is it that both with james and albus, their mother kisses them and their father hugs them? why didn’t ginny get a hug? why couldn’t harry kiss his sons goodbye? bloody stereotypes and raising boys as people who cant show emotion and affection and not letting fathers be intimate with their sons because showing compassion isnt “manly”. it makes me angry. 
yOu WeRe NaMeD aFtEr TwO hEaDmAsTeRs AnD oNe oF tHeM wAs A sLyThEriN aNd hE wAs BrAvE HARRY I LOVE YOU BUT THATS NOT WHAT ALBUS NEEDED IN THAT MOMENT. he doesnt care about these dead dudes he’s named after. he doesn’t need to know that slytherins can be brave sometimes like a gryffindor. he doesn’t need to know only one example of a slytherin being a “good person”, especially not when it’s an abusive person who is a terrible example in this situation. what albus needs is reassurance. comfort. “albus, whoever you are and whatever house youre put in, we will still love you and support you. slytherin house is not inherently bad. none of the houses are inherently good or bad. people arent inherently good or bad. it’s almost impossible to fit someone into a box of “good person” or “bad person”, because people are complex. there are always reasons behind our actions. and those are only things that are good or bad. our decisions make us who we are.” thats so much better than a couple of sentences of 'i mean you can choose i guess. cos obviously we want you in gryffindor. but like it doesnt really matter. not that much. also youre named after a manipulative gryffindor and an abusive slytherin so have fun with that, k bye see you at christmas’ 
basically the author sucks and i need to sleep more
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kr1llz · 2 years
i dont know how to ask questions. but i now need to know everything about this au. any little scrap will do i just NEEDDDDD INFORMATIONNNNN
[sharp inhale] hi. fucking beams you
okay quick note: this is literally something thats been in my head for like 2 or 3 days if you see consistency issues ignore them bless. also for consistency purposes shadow has a higher concentration of chaos energy (bc i dont think this is ever said in any games but is just kinda implied)
the basic premise is that maria and shadow both survived the raid on the ARK and survived the fall to earth
Maria does still get injured and, in an attempt to heal her injuries, is able to use his own chaos energy to not only heal her, but more or less reverse the effects of NIDS at the cost of keeping his black arms traits completely at bay
additionally this extreme concentration effectively ruins his regulators, causing his issues with his black arms traits to be worse than they couldve been
With the reversal of her disease, Maria's lifespan and aging process is uh. kinda messed up, extending it by a pretty significant amount by making her aging process much slower
they go into hiding best they can and the 50 year timeskip that takes place in sa2 instead becomes time where they try and figure out 1. how the world works and 2. more about their past bc they were both kept in the dark about things while on the ARK (basically wtf was going on with shadows creation and why did GUN attack in the first place)
on the other hand, shadow experiences some mutations (third eye, sharper claws, increased amount of red quills/fur) and is more prone to violent episodes
these episodes are especially bad during their first few years on mobius but after awhile hes able to keep these episodes at bay much much better
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i also lied when i said i wouldnt post the art this entire post is the entire au as of right now so heres their (still kinda wip) modern designs
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this is where i havent thought things out as well but uhh BASICALLY maria hears about tails and how hes a genius and goes "huh. maybe this guy can help us but i have no clue on how to contact him"
this is also where things are very muddy but more or less shadow and sonic accidentally meet, maria finds them about to beat the shit out of eachother and offers sonic a meal as an apology
during this she tells shadow about tails and sonic goes "oh hey thats my brother :D" and there is no way to describe how they react in text so heres a doodle
as an agent for GUN, rouge is more or less the only true key they have to figuring everything out, so they have tails contact her (sonic and tails arent friends with her but its tails he has his ways) and she agrees to help them and uncover their past through some good ol spy work against gun, but says that theres a hefty price behind this work, that price being the chaos emeralds (this is her idea of being absurd and telling them that theres no way in hell she would do the job without being payed shittons of money) but they go "ok lol"
sonic tells tails about shadow and maria and how they want his help, and tails agrees
he does scans on the both of them and tells them exactly what happened to them all that time ago (marias disease being reversed, shadows glorified hormone imbalance) but says that he cant help with much else because he just. doesnt know enough about either of their conditions to really give any solid insight or advice but knows someone who might . this is where rouge comes in :}
this is where things kinda leave off bc like i said i thought of this like. three days ago LOL
right around this time the black arms invasion starts and through a series of events that i also havent thought out yet shadow gets like. partially assimilated into the hivemind
he still has his own conscious thoughts but cant control his actions, making him a threat
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arcsin27 · 2 years
tbh i think the uhhhh situation with chris pratt's performance in the mario movie trailer is two issues combined
like others have said, hes not really trying to do a mario voice. black is doing a bowser voice, ive heard that key is doing a bit of a toad voice (i dont know what he sounds like regularly, im taking people at their word), but pratt is just speaking as himself. i usually dont care about that sort of thing, ive defended at least two voice actors for not doing unique voices, but this is different because i just dont think it fits. i believe that, even if mario hasnt been a global icon for the last few decades and hadnt had one single voice actor that entire time (in games at least), i think many people would agree that the voice pratt uses just doesn't really fit the design of a chubby mustached plumber (though maybe thats a bit presumptuous). i dont know what voices pratt is capable of doing, but im sure something else couldve worked better
i dont think pratt is solely to blame for this, if at all. i dont know all that much about the professional moviemaking system and industry, but i know that a lot goes into every little thing. for example, there are directors of course. maybe pratt wanted to do a voice but the directors didnt like it? who knows. and in my opinion, the casting director is also part responsible for this. from the beginning, pretty much everyone agreed that pratt sounds nothing like mario, hes a totally out there casting decision, etc. the other characters castings also had the feel of just going for whatever celebrity they could, but they still seemed to work! black as bowser, day as luigi... ive seen the edits and animations, theyre oddly fitting! so its just odd that they casted pratt, who sounds nothing like mario...
sorry this is super incoherent. i didnt feel like doing proper punctuation, i forgot some actors first names and didnt feel like googling, and my thoughts are just all over the place lmfao. i doubt my points even relate to the main topic at all ("they cast pratt for mario the casting director sucks" *proceeds to gush that the cast is well picked*)
also, even if we're all a little confused and upset, i really hope pratt himself doesnt get much hate. like i said, hes not the only person responsible for how a character sounds in a final release, and itd just be a dick move to bully a guy for doing his job and most likely trying his absolute best at said job. after all, in the interviews he keeps talking about how much he loved mario as a kid and how happy he is to have the role! i refuse to believe hes not putting in effort, it just may not be in the way we had hoped
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 years
Idk if you've talked about it before but what's Ethan and Jensen relationship like in your HC?
i really havent talked about it ngl (aka this is going to be long af)
jensen respects ethans professional opinions, but i think some of that started to fade when he came to edenbrook and actually got to work with him. his sour demeanor towards colleagues, the occasional outbursts about work, the clear favoritism in the competition—jensen didnt appreciate any of it. they're already working in one of the most stressful careers out there, and ethans inability to work with the majority of his colleagues was a big problem for jensen. even though the favoritism was towards jensen, that was another thing that he felt had no place in a professional space. there were good moments, yes, but ethan was the definition of Too Much for jensen.
listen, jensen isnt a ray of sunshine either, but he tries, especially in the beginning. yes, interns are interns, but most of them are still trying their best under a lot of pressure. jensen wouldnt ask to give them a pass, of course, but a little compassion goes a long way. he would never tell ethan to change—its none of his business, frankly—but keeping the unnecessarily annoyed and bothered comments to himself would be appreciated (theres a big difference between thinking something and saying it).
jensens job wasnt to make him pleasant, personable, or likable for his colleagues, and it never will be. ethan was cold, obnoxious, and honestly pretty rude in the beginning, to the point where jensen never wanted to get to know him better. sure, he could get through a day of work with him, but he needed time outside of it to find him tolerable for the next. he never expected him to become nice overnight, but for someone so smart, he would think he'd know better, more conducive ways to turning out good doctors.
also, on a more personal level, jensen couldnt relate to him in any way. ethans hobbies are coffee and the opera, neither of which jensen is interested in nor are they casual/cheap things available to people living on a budget. jensen grew up with the least amount of money you can, and was damn lucky to even get to college or all the way through high school, and ethans lifestyle in no way leaves room for that. if they wouldve talked more im sure they couldve related on some level with ethans mom leaving, but both of their stubbornness put together was never going to let that happen.
on some level, ethan also made jensen uncomfortable with that. i cant think of a time throughout the books where jensen ever wouldve felt safe talking to ethan about how he grew up. maybe a vague couple comments when ethans mom came around, but not the extent of true, valuable details. another piece of my hc is that, during the competition when landry was sabotaging mc, he dragged up a few articles from when jensen was arrested when he was younger and sent them to ethan. ethan showed them to harper and they called jensen in to practically interrogate him about it and why he "hid them" in his application. they didnt bother looking into it more than that where they wouldve seen that it had been sealed. it put jensen off severly because they immediately assumed the worst of him.
some of its jensens fault, some of its ethans, but either way they never click as well as many mcs do. i actually think ethan really liked jensen once he got over the initial mistrust just from him being an intern, but by then he had already spoiled any chance at them being friends. (i havent really decided if ethan was ever romantically interested in jensen, but im not ruling it out)
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un-pearable · 2 years
I HAVE RETURNED WITH SEASON 11 THOUGHTS. yes. i finally stopped what was a completely unprompted several week long procrastination for no reason at all.
ok first things first: not a fan of the 11 minute episode format!!!! i want my b plots back!!!!!!! its not fine but whatever i'll survive. number two this season was a little all over the place and definitely couldve benefited from being two separate seasons just because the first and second halves are so entirely disconnected from each other but its not the end of the world.
it is now time to talk about one of my most favorite things about ninjago ever: namely, the COMPLETELY INCOMPREHENSIBLE TIMELINE. following in the footsteps of the last writers, whoever has taken the reigns this season has carried on the age old tradition of sticking dates onto the ninjago timeline that make it more convoluted than beforehand. its wonderful. its delightful. i dont think ive ever seen a messier timeline in any piece of media in my entire life. the timeline was broken from the literal beginning between lloyd's existence & wu's flashback to garmadon getting banished to the underworld or whatever and it Just Got Worse. (no for real that entire thing is so terribly funny its like. ok garmadon got banished to the underworld when they were both presumably young adults maybe (???) so logically lloyd had to have been born sometime around there but when we meet him lloyd is probably like somewhere from 8-13 years old and wu and garmadon and misako are Very Old. and its just. so funny. its so funny. THAT ASIDE)
so back to the latest edits to the timeline. evil snake lady claims that wu betrayed her thousands of years ago. so wu is thousands of years old, but is also presumably somewhere around kai and nya's parents' ages given that they all seemed to be young adults at the time. which was also in ancient ninjago times and also like 50 years ago max. does it make sense? no of course not its the ninjago timeline. it gets even better though, because we are now introduced to the concept that ��� allegedly. there was a tenuous peace that existed for millenia between the serpentine and humans pre-wu & garmadon almost screwing that over so bad. and we can reasonably assume that the serpentine were created along with the rest of ninjago, so …… did the fsm just create garmadon & wu a few thousand years after chilling out in ninjago for a while? who knows. least of all me.
actually speaking of the first spinjitzu master i want to complain for a minute because i hate this guy. frankly i dont think he was a very good dad. i dont even think he was a mediocre dad. in fact i think he was a pretty crappy parent. like. like okay evidence number one: look at his children. the amount of mental illness there is unreal. you cannot look at wu and garmadon and tell me that the fsm was any sort of decent at parenting. like… ok im 99.9% sure they did not have a mom, which would imply that the fsm created them himself. which would FURTHER imply that, for some completely and entirely incomprehensible reason, he gave garmadon mostly (??? im still really unclear on this but we've gone through that) oni blood and wu mostly (??? see above) dragon blood. instead of, yknow, giving them half and half. to get more clear: he specifically screwed over garmadon for no reason. also it should be noted that even after wu and garmadon have found out that the evil snake lady is evil and 10000% intends to use spinjitzu to kill everybody they still dont tell the fsm about any of it because they fear his reaction more than they do the consequences of this. they go behind his back and use an expressly forbidden technique to clean up this mess because, again, they fear his reaction more than any of the other consequences. i do not think he was a good parent at all.
back in like season 2 garmadon says that wu was always the fsm's favorite and honestly i believe it given whatever the heck is going on with their blood, but its quite unfortunate that even the favored son still got massively screwed over by the fsm because said fsm SUCKS and is a TERRIBLE PARENT. like at some undefined point prior to the anacondrai drama the fsm just up and leaves for no reason in particular and like. wow. the guy really did just make one of his sons evil by default and then when it got worse he ditched and and dumped the responsibility of cleaning that up onto his younger son, thereby forcing him to send his brother to hell and traumatizing him for life. okay. thanks first spinjitzu master. and if that wasnt enough he then drops back in 50000 years later to try to drag lloyd off to who knows where and then immediately ditches again. his entire lineage is just mental illness: the family. i dont think that the fsm was like. actively trying to be an atrocious parent or anything but i do firmly believe he was grossly neglecting his duties as a father and was in general incredibly distant and unhelpful and probably spent more time getting mad at his children than anything else. tldr i hate the first spinjitzu master. i hate him so much.
anyways lets talk about wu for a minute while we're on the topic. i think its incredibly interesting that he wanted to 1) turn himself into snake lady whose name escapes me at the moment despite the fact that its pretty clear she wouldnt have stopped at just getting back at him and 2) go by himself to save zane when he had absolutely no way of getting home and knew it. frankly i would not be surprised if there was some amount of suicidal ideation / martyr complex going on there. in other news i am SO delighted 1) we got a garmadon and wu flashback. huge win for tumblr user iratusmus and 2) wu got to be the bad influence this time because that is so terribly funny. i think wu should want to do things he's not allowed to do more often. i support it. also, tangentially related: i know john mulaney is cancelled now or whatever but this is really just wu in a nutshell
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and since i've already mentioned him, lets go ahead and talk about zane for a minute. i am…….. honestly incredibly disappointed with ice emperor zane like. the biggest problem here is that they didnt really do anything interesting with it - its never really relevant that its zane specifically who has become the ice emperor outside of 1) elemental power and 2) so that we can turn him to our side. like… it doesnt really have any connection to his past or even like. okay earlier in the season while lloyd, nya, and zane are trying to steal the other forbidden scroll of spinjitzu (im going to talk about that briefly in a second but we'll hold off on it for a minute) they come across a mirror that shows the onlooker's worst fears - lloyd's is becoming lord garmadon, nya's is failure/never amounting to anything in life, and zane's is losing his humanity. so you'd think that in an arc where zane gets corrupted they'd try it play into that but…. no. because even if the ninjago writers are new, it wouldnt be ninjago if we didn't set up a million concepts that couldve been really interesting if they had been properly explored and then we drop all of that to take the most boring route humanly possible. thank you, ninjago writers.
brief commentary on the forbidden scrolls of spinjitzu: i am SO confused on 1) why the fsm wrote them down. like bestie if you, specifically, are the one who forbade this, WHY ARE YOU WRITING IT DOWN!!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU 2) how sticking them on a staff gives you an incredible amount of power. not even like. reading it or something. doing what it says on the writing. just the concept of holding it gives you power. hello ? 3) why it can banish people to the never realm if used in a certain way. they didnt even try to explain this one at all and im so confused about it. also, if it can banish people to the never realm, why cant it transport people across other realms? many questions, no answers.
ok back to this season's villains: lets talk about SNAKE LADY! in all honesty i dont have that much to say shes kinda a mid villain but at least shes a girlboss so i'll take what i can get. motivations are kind of lacking but whatever. i do really wish the writers would commit on whether or not its valid to be racist to serpentine. as a general rule im very much against demonizing an entire species/race/family as a result of "youre the children of [x] so you are born horrible and anybody who treats you poorly because of that is right" bc it reeks of racism and is incredibly supportive of unfounded prejudice and so on and so forth but like. ok if youre going to do that. the least you can do is STICK WITH IT!!!!!!! its literally like "ohhh the serpentine are evil" "ohhhhh condemning all the serpentine by virtue of their blood is actually kind of racist!" "ohhhhhh wu was so stupid for trusting that snake he shouldve been racist from the start" MAKE UP YOUR MIND. PLEASE. im not asking for much.
i also didnt like how they kind of tried to give zane's power to nya its like. ….. ok look i get it we've all watched atla if you can control water logically you should be able to control ice. HOWEVER. since you have decided that these are two separate elements you need to KEEP it that way because otherwise whats the point of having zane's power if nya is just going to take it. they didnt quite go that far but they were sort of angling for it and i dont like it. please give the women something of their own to do instead of just taking each other's (see: pixal becoming samurai x (actually unrelated but technically shouldnt it be ronin x given that nya/pixal dont serve a feudal master) instead of making up her own thing to do) or taking the men's (whatever the heck was going on this season with nya and ice). but whatever.
miscellaneous thoughts
akita is cool i support wolfgirls. i dont really have any deeper thoughts on her than this but i would like to see her again
didnt like how they brought back the giant hairy eyeball for a useless filler episode and had pixal beat it completely by herself, thereby cheapening the entirety of season 5 (or whatever season it was)
and. of course. this wouldnt be a proper season 11 review if i didnt talk about the literal most important part of the entire thing. that is right.
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super saiyan jay.
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so yeah. season couldve been better but honestly super saiyan jay makes up for everything wrong the ninjago writers have ever done
my apologies for the v e r y late reply this weekend was hw hell. but i did learn my favorite heartwrenching fact about neanderthals so :] small wins. absolutely THRILLED to see these in my inbox let's goooo
b-plots how i miss you... hate hate hate that the 11 minute episode is default now in animation, it works well for some shows (having watched all of SU through - yeah it works, but only really well for shows with very specific scopes, and ninjago is nothing BUT vastly outsizing its own scope)... having just finished rewatching s1 all in one sitting holy crap does the b-plot do so much heavy lifting for making the story actually work. s1 is. a mess. but it genuinely does so much better at foreshadowing than i expected and the ability to juggle multiple plot points in a single episode is SUCH a loss for the later seasons... the netflix season chopper curse my beloathed. nothing else to say there we both know we've experienced vld
yes!!! kudos to the team for fuckin it up even worse than archie sonic i love it to bits. we've got time loops we've got alternate realities we've got immortal(ish) old guys with fucky aging and a kid with even fuckier aging and retconned in hereditary superpowers. we've got every possible "what the fuck thats not how that works-" moment imaginable and it's stunning. everything about wu and garmadon's childhood (if you can call the implied thousands of years where they looked like kids/teenagers that) is fascinating to me and i am thrilled to find out how the spinjitzu brothers books fuck it up even more. the bad luck these guys gotta have for all their positive relationships dying out (humans :() and making all their enemies out of psuedo-immortal weirdos who can hold a hell of a grudge.
tangentially related yess obsessed with the FSM's pioneering fatherly shittiness. first dad worst dad. objectively better than if he was an actively good dad or was genuinely trying to harm his kids this is just what happens when god has zero positive role models. or role models at all. and deals with his complex feelings about his heritage with baby creation. idk the way they handle garmadon's morality is utterly deranged and i love to see them repeatedly shoot themselves in the foot trying to justify him being ~evil all along~ this honestly does more to explain why wu is. like that. than anything about garmadon adjfaksd. all this aside using this entire segment as my ref for my never-to-see-the-light-of-day spinjitzu bros fic thank you for having the wu and garmadon thoughts of all time <3
wu and zane.... i will never get over them. as previously mentioned i just finally finished rewatching s1 with Intent and ohhhh boy do i have infinite emotions over them and while 99% of it is extrapolation it is so incredibly sweet how much wu genuinely cared about zane and his lack of memory and how much he tries to comfort him. meanwhile all of that goes over zane's head bc he is. very bad at understanding his + others emotions at the time and most of the stuff wu is trying to help him with either hasn't registered or zane isnt even close to being able to put words to it much less internalize someone else's attempt to help. all this for wu to disappear on the brother acquisition mission for two weeks and come back to him being Completely Fine And Cool Cuz I'm A Robot Master :D. theres no way wu has any idea what a robot is in s1 and im living for it fuck the retcons. man's bewildered and his pseudo son (mark III) is Overcompensating.
my eternal inability to shut up about zane aside. all that to say wu's eagerness to make Terrible decisions in this part? stunning. the squandered potential of the ice emperor? i could complain about this for weeks. and have done so much to my discord friends chagrin. thank you for validating me AND reminding me to be infuriated. i will go read seven fics about it and have equally strong opinions about those (one day i will write the nature v nurture themed zane fic that lives in my brain and only contribute to this problem). uh. where was i going
LITERALLY YEAH?? ive never seen ANYONE bring up the complete nonsense of the staff and it's abilities WHY does it get magic cheatcodes to the ninjago multiverse. why did they not take the chance to make a joke about chima again. the world may never know
serpentine racism... once again the most common of kids media "everyone in this group is Evil bc we need punching bags" consequences and entirely unanswered. the early seasons imply the skulkins just integrated into everyday life and like half the snakes are just chilling... if you can accept the whole ass skeletons why are we still conflicted about pythor girlboss edition. tangentially: i am now obsessed w/ the idea of pixal stealing ronin's identity bc she was being pedantic about the definition of samurai. do it girl dude doesn't stand a chance.
THE ANIME EPISODE.... i have unwittingly entered the orbit of dragon ball fandom and i am SO excited to torture my brother who's a fan with this one it's such. it's so. it's beyond words. i've seen people hate on this and they are SO wrong this is exactly what ninjago has always been. utterly bonkers and doing whatever the hell they want.
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would u ever analyze disloyal order? it is my favorite fob song but much of the verses honestly confuse tf outta me, particularly the second one. lol
of course! ill do that for you now. fun fact: disloyal order is the song that 100% sold me on fob
to begin with the title, it is a reference i am far too young to get and have just figured out after years of puzzling. its a reference to an elite boys club in the flinstones. disloyal order of water buffaloes as a title is just saying "society is made for a certain kind of people to succeed and its fucked up" and that makes all of the lyrics make so much more sense. its been so long.
the prelude describes the persona coming undone, and turning themself into someone elses ideal. trying to do so leaves them feeling empty inside, since this isnt what they want, this is whats expected of them. this fits nicely into the overarching theme of the album, which is [joker voice] society and how it shapes us for better or (more often), for worse. in fact, disloyal order, as an opener, is an introduction on the essay that is folie à deux, painting broad strokes of a lot of what it covers. the prechorus also touches on this, painting the persona as just a single malfunctioning part of a whole intricate system.
the first verse points to the persona waking up, dazed and covered in wounds, and covincing themself this is normal, and that they wouldnt remember it even if they tried. it goes on to talk about them bein arrested, and them needing medical attention, and that theyre certifiably insane, but also taking care to mention how sensational their story is. this verse tells us about the exploitation of sick people, and about people running themselves into the ground for fame or money. they dont need to be sold as a story, they need to be helped as a person.
the second verse gestures to themes of sex and romance. theres a moment where the persona misinterprets something innocuous as an advance (little girl got me staring odd/or is that just a telescopic camera nod). they then goes on to talk about soliciting sex workers– they can only really interpret woman in the context of being attracted to them. one could argue the line "all the rookies leave your badge and your gun on the desk when you leave the room" could be about inexperienced young lovers being told to sit this one out.
and then, the chorus, which asks people to embrace apathy (boycott love) and to stay ignorant and repeat the same old mistakes (detox just to retox). the line "id promise you anything for another shot at life" implies someone promising to fix everything in exchange for another chance. the last two lines, however, i think are most interestingly read from a meta perspective, ie its the band saying 'no one wants to hear celebrities sing about peoples problems'
i think disloyal order points to one of the main problems i have with folie, which is that its way too ambitious. they wanted to do so much, musically and lyrically, gave themselves too little time to do it, did the whole citizens fob thing, they stuffed a lot onto every song, and i think the albums is worse off for it. dont misconstrue me, folie is a beautiful album that explores a lot of ideas in a genuinely thought provoking manner, and musically i think its extremely well put together. truly its an experience of sound. but i think the concepts dont work together in the way they could. lyrically i think its among the weakest fall out boy albums, because unlike ioh, which is specifically about fame, or mania, which is just about mental health, or futct, which is about a specific relationship and the feelings it evoked, this album is about everything, and it gets that across really well sometimes but just as often it gets that across really okay-ly.
like, in this song alone, which summarises the album, we have 3 very distinct themes– exploitation of vulnerable people, sex and relationships, and apathy being exploited for power. theyre definitely connected, but this one album feels like it shouldve been a triptych, or that one of these themes shouldve been dropped completely (i think number 2 wasnt that necessary). i love it, i really do, its genuinely amazing and its a masterpiece and is so worthy of being anyones favorite. this is just my purely technical (as in based in technique and execution) criticism.
consider buying me a ko-fi?
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chimivx · 2 years
the bias room. // kth, myg, jjk.
this came out of nowhere out of me in a half an hour, randomly because of what I posted a few days ago about biases.
pairing: taehyung x reader, yoongi x reader, jungkook x reader, all of you guys together really...
summary: just silliness, BUT THIS COULDVE TAKEN A TURN, you think you have one bias, but that's not the case- and they're all self aware...
word count: 2k (just a bluuuurb)
warnings: none, angry yoongi, cocky tae, silly jk, little insinuations that's it, some swearing... this could be more but I wanted to get it out
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“What’s he doing back here?” A deep, grumbly voice mumbled from behind you while you prepped for dinner, bustling around the kitchen so they wouldn’t spend too much time waiting for you.
“Yoongi,” You sigh heavily, having gone over this with him numerous times.  Pulling the fridge open to grab the butter, you give him a look, “He doesn’t leave, you know that.” The mint haired (just how you liked him) boy pouts, folding his arms across his chest.
“I didn’t sign up for this,” He mutters.  Placing the spatula you were holding carefully on the counter, you turn to face him, offering your hands for him to take.  He simply shakes his head once.  You settle placing your hands on your hips, tapping your foot a couple times, unsure of how else to explain how this arrangement works.
“Yoongi,” You start, his eyes full of hope looking up at you.  Your words didn’t please him, “He’s been here since the very first day… You. Know. That.  That video had me by the throat, then BOOM, here he was!  He doesn’t just go away.”
“Then how come some days it’s just me?  Some days I’m the only one here, and he’s gone!” His eyebrows furrowed, getting defensive of you, “He leaves you, and it’s just me who sticks around. I’m always here, not him.” Dinner was forgotten about.  Stepping forward, you offer your hands again, which he takes gently.
“Shouldn’t that make you feel good?” You ask, voice softening, “You are always here, not him.” You had him for a second, focused solely on you, hanging on every syllable that fell from your lips, but then Taehyung rounded the corner interrupting the moment.
“What’s going on? Dinner? I’m starving,” He says, and the frustrated expression lives on Yoongi’s face once more.  Taehyung reaches between the two of you, placing a hand on your cheek, making sure you looked over at him, then saunters over to the counters checking out what you were putting together.
“Sweeeet,” He sang, “My favorite!” Yoongi drops your hands, crossing his arms again, and storms over to the living room, flopping down on a couch.  Letting out a breath as you watch him, you then turn toward Taehyung who stood before you with his dark black curls covering his eyes (exactly how you liked him).
“Is he pissed again?” He nearly whispers, glancing over your shoulder to get a glimpse of disappointed mint Yoongi.  Watching Taehyung lick his lips, you nod as he looks back over at you.
“Pissed that I’m back, or pissed you changed his look again?” He chuckles, placing a hand around your waist.
“Pissed you’re back,” You whisper, falling under the charm trap.  Taehyung pouts his lips, and clicks his tongue, now towering over you as he steps closer.
“It’s not your fault,” He says, “You can’t help it,” His cocky attitude peeking out, “I looked good on this day,” He gestures to himself dressed in all white, “Y’know I thought Jimin looked better than me, so for that to be the first thing you see and get stuck with me… I’m honored, really.” He starts to grin, as his words make you giggle.  Taking a second to check on Yoongi, you want to shy away as you catch his daggers for eyes glaring at you two.  You felt bad, and a little ashamed.
Taehyung didn’t care, he enjoyed it actually.  When his carefree nature was satisfied with the attention, he left, giving you space, knowing that too much of him was not a good thing.  Addicting, he’d said once, though you shut that down immediately.  Addicting wasn’t it, it was more like an unhealthy attachment… Having him around all the time was almost suffocating in a way.  
Yoongi showed up one day unexpectedly.  You weren’t looking, you weren’t missing Taehyung.  He was here, actually, when Yoongi arrived, the day you discovered Agust D.  That’s how he started, with the dark hair and hard, brooding attitude, but he’s changed many times now since Daechwita dropped.
As often as Taehyung would step out the door, Yoongi never seemed to leave.  He was always here, he was always there for you.  To listen, to give his advice, to spend quiet days with you, letting you know it was okay to rest, and take care of yourself.  Even on days where Taehyung came back around, all you had to do was sneak a peek over your shoulder and Yoongi was there to give you a soft smile and reminder that he wasn’t going anywhere.  No wonder this frustrated him to no end, coming in second to Taehyung, getting called the ‘wrecker’ when in the end it was your fault.
“Yoongi,” Taehyung called over to him.  Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach, unsure of how this was going to go down.  The past few days of them both being around had been tedious, everyone walking on eggshells afraid to speak too much.  You expected Yoongi to just watch from the couch, instead he stood up to your surprise and his appearance changed once again.
With pushed back, ginger hair, dripping in silver jewelry, he adjusted the black t-shirt he was wearing and walked toward you and Taehyung slowly.
“Oh, really,” Tae scoffed, “Changing because you know that’s her actual favorite?” You blush, eyes glued to Yoongi who started to smirk.  This look, this post-concert, V-Live, slightly disheveled look- tore you apart.  From the moment you saw it, you were a melting mess.
“Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Yoongi says in a deep, chilling voice.  Taehyung groans under his breath and changes before you, making Yoongi roll his eyes.  He was no longer in his MOTS:7, ON, era look that he typically always paraded around in, now he donned his opening look for Butter, keeping his dark hair, popping open a button on his shirt, topped off with a lollipop propped between his lips.
“Not sure that tops this,” Yoongi narrowed his eyes, tapping on his chest.  You kept glancing between the two of them like you were watching ping pong, getting nervous as the two stepped closer and closer.
Suddenly, a door swinging open from somewhere in the room catches the attention of all three of you, necks snapping toward the sound of eager feet rushing toward you.
“You’re kidding,” Taehyung mutters.
“Look! Look!” An excited voice was chanting, “They’re brand new!” Yoongi simply laughs.
Jungkook stood before you all, pointing to his feet where he was wearing a ginormous pair of boots proudly.  The innocent grin on his face made you giggle, feeling bashful amongst his cuteness.  Yoongi and Taehyung both look at you, deadpan, watching you blush at the youngest.  Then, as fast as he appeared, he was gone.
“The fuck was that?” Taehyung asks you.
“Feeling jealous?” Yoongi asks him, stepping forward one more time before you place a hand to his chest to hold him back.
“When did he start staying here?” Taehyung keeps his attention on you, ignoring his elder.  Sighing, you shake your head and squeeze your eyes shut.
“I don’t… remember…” You mumble.
“You don’t remember!?” Taehyung tosses his hands out to the side.  Yoongi starts to smile smugly.
“If you were around you’d know,” He teases Taehyung who shoots him a glare.
“And you know?” He retorts. Yoongi nods, confidently, and tells him the story.
It started with Jungkook knocking on the door- occasionally.  It was rare, actually, and only happened once every few weeks.  Come to think of it, you realize Jungkook’s been stopping by for a while now, possibly since the start of Yoongi.  He was endearing, and just innocent, yet so mysterious at times.  The visits didn’t last long, he’d greet you then he’d be on his way.  It was sweet, like an old friend checking in, but then after some time he somehow got a key to the door and started letting himself in.  He was wearing black more often, and the tattoos had started littering his arm.
“Tattoo’s?” Taehyung lifted a brow, glancing down to you where you sheepishly shrugged your shoulders, “You like my look from ON, not surprised, continue.” 
It wasn’t until the Permission to Dance concerts began, where they got new outfits for FAKE LOVE… that’s when Jungkook moved himself and his teal colored hair right in.  Since then he’s been back to his long black hair, and big baggy clothes, sleeves short enough for you to see the art he wore, and not for nothing, the piercing in his lip definitely stirred your stomach a bit.  He didn’t spend much time around, he was flighty, he had other obligations, but he never failed to remind that he was indeed, very much there.
“How’s it feel?” Yoongi teased Taehyung, “You got two that moved in after you.” You expected Tae to snap, or something to happen between them.  Instead, he directs his focus to you.
“Someone asked you recently, right?” He starts, “About your bias?” You nod, slowly, swallowing hard.  Taehyung lifts a hand to gently drag the back of his fingers on your cheek, to which Yoongi slaps his arm away.
“What did you tell them?” Taehyung asks you, swirling his tongue around his lollipop.  You look to Yoongi for half a second, feeling bad, but he knew. “Right here,” Tae snaps his fingers and points to his face.
“V,” You whisper, “I said, V.” Biting his bottom lip with a smirk he nods.
“Of course you did,” His tone switches up, comforting you, “Like a good girl-“
“Aye!” Yoongi swats at his hand that tries to touch you again, “Enough!”
“Guys!” Jungkooks voice rang through the room once more, “Hey!” He hurried right to your side, catching his breath, now with his hair pulled up into a bun wearing light colored contacts and black skinny jeans.
“What am I missing?” He smiles at you, eyeing his friends curiously.
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thank you for reading, I hope you’ve enjoyed this piece! 
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