#i just think it'd be cool and it would piss off so many people which would be really funny
anpiels · 5 months
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saw the early concept of Mio with the Pneuma core and realized Na'el's outfit already has the green accent color and it would've made the transition to Alpha's Ontos core way smoother... don't text </3
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sakuraharuno156 · 1 year
Hi! So while normally I don't indulge in anti... I can't help it, it's fun XD People are so sensitive about some things, but anyway... I'm on board with you since I realized later in life that yeah, Sakura is absolutely brilliant and Hinata is... SO not. I can't say I enjoy her character one bit anymore after she's done nothing but disappoint me. BUT! What I wanted to let you know was something else that kinda pisses me off.
Now we know that it's obvious that Studio Bones and the animators have this insane and somewhat misogynistic favoritism towards Hinata (because's quiet, submissive and kind), given how much to flanderize Sakura's temper to make her look like that's all she is.
Well I think even whoever made the video games favor Hinata too. I used to play this old-ass game called Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2. Very old lol but there were some joke/unique versions of characters.
Example: "Sealed Orochimaru" in reference to how he couldn't use any jutsu thanks to 3rd Hokage's Seal. And "Nine Tailed Naruto" with Naruto as the Nine Tailed Fox.
And then there's "Byakugan Hinata" I'm not kidding you, they have this... badass version of Hinata who is a competent fighter, has a strong disposition and seems to actually care about her status as a Hyuga. Even though in canon there hasn't been a single moment where Hinata's shown to be competent in fighting (she hasn't won a single battle in combat), strong (any bold moment was just so she could look cool in front of Naruto) or given a damn about her clan or her status given that she spends every moment on panels or screen gushing and thinking about Naruto.
Now here I am thinking... how pathetic is that?
That the creators of this game made up such a farfetched and dare I say fanfic-ed version of Hinata that you can find in any badly written fiction where Hinata is suddenly a badass when she's shown repeatedly in canon that she is NOT.
Hinata is no badass. She just isn't. I thought she had potential once upon a time, and then the fillers (which aren't canon) go out of their way to make her look badass when in canon, she isn't.
So it's not just the anime, the games were guilty of this too.
Okay I'm so sorry this got long lol, but I just thought it'd be neat to tell you this because it's a game many have forgotten because it IS pretty old lol. But... looking back on it, it disappoints me.
Sakura is the true badass female of Naruto. That's a fact.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with being an anti, as long as you are anti-fictional character and not anti-real preson, then you are good! 💕
So let me welcome you to the datk side, and let's go.
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(BTW we clarified that it was supposed to say "studio pierrot", a mix-up, it happens ❤️)
100% true and the worst part is that they don't see they do her an injustice.
Like studio pierrot made Hinata a healer:
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But when it mattered she couldn't do anything, because she can't heal, so she looks just stupid.
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Neji is dying? Better let him die. People are dying all around during war? Better not heal them because why would she? 🤷‍♀️
They made her meet Naruto when they were children in The Last:
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But then Naruto at 12yo calls her a "weirdo" or in that translation "a freak who won'teven look me in the eye"?
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They make it seem like "she was always there for Naruto", but when Naruto is thinking about his first bonds she's nowhere to be found?
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And I tried to like Hinata too, I even talked about it here, so i understand, but she's such an awfull character to be shown to younger audience that it's painful.
She's selfish and rude, her whole life revolves around a boy, her whole ambition is to be with Naruto and to cook and clean for him.
And now to the games, I had to Google it, because I haven't played it, but:
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This is another injustice towards her, because it hypes her character out to be strong and hype her potential just to leave her weak and without accomplishing a thing.
And don't get me wrong, I know that games are supposed to allow the player to decide who wins and who loses based on players skills, but...
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That game came out in 2004, by then the manga was at the end of OG Naruto, so looking at how the games are trying to portray her, we (as viewers or players) can assume that she will be strong someday, and yet she never was.
We were led to believe that her father will see her as strong and with "great potential", but Hanabi is still the one that will be the head of Hyuga clan, and Neji was the one who is the strongest (and we know it, it was stated).
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"Surpassing the main branch" and "For the brilliant blood of the Hyuga to be flowing within a child who cannot become an heir what natural talent".
And then, Hiashi that had pure hatred (or at least the thought about them as a less than/slaves to main family) towards the branch PREFERRED TO TRAIN NEJI AND HINATA WAS THERE TO BRING THE TEA.
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It's pure embarrassment. 🤷‍♀️
It's an injustice to her character and I'M THE ONE WHO IS SAYING THIS, WHEN I HATE HER GUTS 🤷‍♀️
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fractured-shield · 4 months
Hiiiiii! I would like to request a rambling about your WIP. Anything you've been wanting to talk about?? Yeah, I want to hear about that!!
omg hi!!!! hm okay let me see. i've been in the middle of redrafting the entire thing for the past few months so i am full of a multitude of very disorganized thoughts. i think i'll talk about my mc's mother bc i recently had so many good ideas about her (you can see her here)
things to know about Leithe. she's 5'5". I've spelled her name about half a dozen different ways through my drafts. she's really bad at lying. she's pan. i associate her with sunflowers and yellow chrysanthemums.
she was the child of lesser nobles in Ngelorim (one of 3 kingdoms that was later abandoned) and despite socially really not needing to do anything of the sort, she was a very outspoken peace advocate and proponent of strengthening the Alliance to include non-elves. (in this setting, elves aren't really like...better in any way? they just live a long time, and humans think they're sort of cowards and unreliable, due to the whole "abandoning kingdoms after magic eco-warfare caused a mass soil degradation speedrun" thing, which is remembered with a lot less nuance by human oral retellings.)
she was coppersmith (?) by hobby. that's very specific so idk for sure but she made jewelry of some variety and was like. passably decent at it. just for fun. she was halfway decent with a sword, I'm thinking maybe like a light sabre/rapier, again just for fun and because she liked staying active and like. queer woman's fixation on swords and all that.
she met idhren at some stuffy social event, where she was speaking about a probably-unpopular political stance. at the time, he was serving on the council in Linador (one of the other 3 kingdoms) as a mediator, or...maybe he was already on the larger Alliance council I need to redo the timeline. and he was immediately just so impressed because, you know, she didn't have to be saying any of that, it wasn't popular, but she didn't care. so naturally he Did Not Fucking Talk To Her. at least not on purpose. later that night he went outside for some fresh air (introvert social battery on 0%) and ran into her. and they hit it off, kind of bonded over people seeing only surface-level things about them. she was pissed off about only being seen as a pretty face and nobody listening to her words, and he was uncomfortable with the unwanted attention of people always pointing out his foreign Fairalmin accent.
they eventually became pretty close friends. don't worry about the timeline. hundred years or so lmao. a very "he fell first, she fell harder" type thing: he kind of always saw her as like a safe person, someone he enjoyed being around and who was entirely captivating as an aside, but he was perfectly content to leave it at that and never mention it. she'd only seen him as like, very serious in a quiet melancholy sort of way, sort of demure and whatever, and vaguely knew he'd been a low-ranking military officer before a council mediator, but at some point saw him sparring and in armor and was just like. "oh. ok cool. im very normal about this. fuck." i made a post of her with the "babygirl your enormous eyebags and just barely noticeable tremor have captivated me" meme and like. yeah.
at that point he was on the Alliance war-council thing I mentioned, and in a...well I hesitate to call it a relationship, with the general/warmaster leading it all. worked closely under him, they'd both experienced similar losses they hadn't really healed from, the warmaster wanted a purely physical distraction from the stress of war/his partner's death. again, Idhren was perfectly content to ignore his own feelings of wanting something more, but finally he did have to break it off just for his own sanity. honestly, he and Leithe (who were sort of figuring out their feelings by then) would've been okay with a casual poly thing if it'd been on the table.
anyways, in the war's aftermath they became a couple in earnest. at some point Therien (my mc) was born. she's a weird little fucker lmao i love her dearly. when Therien was 12, Leithe was part of some peace convoy during a nearby kingdom's civil war, and was killed when they were attacked.
idhren was like "oh my god i am not mentally stable enough to be responsible for raising a child in a healthy environment she needs to stay with my friend for a few years while I get through this" which like, not a great option, but the guy had been launched full force back into half-healed trauma response suicidal ideation so I can't blame him. my first book begins 5 years later, when Therien meets her father again and gets the chance to come home, right on the edge of another war, and gets to learn a lot about her parents on top of the usual teenage uncertainties.
(also thank you for letting me ramble about this it was very fun lol, I'm going to spend time reading up on your wip posts so I can ask questions about them as soon as I have a chance <3)
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dilfdoctordoom · 1 year
If you had the chance to fix some comic storylines that you thought were bad or a waste of potential which ones would it be.
I'm taking this as an excuse to tell you how I would rewrite every GOTG run barring 2008 and 2020.
I think this run would've been. so fucking cool. if original sin dropped the bombshell that the Peter Quill we've been following this whole time is the Peter Quill of the Cancerverse and 616 Pete is still trapped in the Cancerverse with Rich.
It'd do a lot to explain the wonky characterization-- and it'd give the Guardians themselves a clear-cut mission. the 2013 kind of meanders a lot with no clear goal, so it'd benefit from a straightforward "save x from y" type of mission.
Peter & Rocket's friendship would be a big focus here; I think if Pete was replaced, Rocket would be one of the first to pick up on it
Plus, Adam could show up <3
Extrapolating the Wanted arc into something more- by this point in the GOTG comics, they've pissed off every major empire (Kree in Black Vortex, Shi'ar in TOJG, Spartax by Peter's existence, Badoon by Gamora's existence, etc) and it'd be fun if it was just... every galactic empire is gunning for their heads & they've got to keep up the whole guarding the galaxy through that.
I'd have Cammi come back in this, like if we've gotta have her with the Ravagers then fine, she's there to take them in 'cause she's pissed that they never found & she got stuck with Arcade.
It gives Drax some limelight & focuses on how he navigates being a father
Nebula as the main villain, having the Graces as arc long bad guys for the team to fight. Neb obviously has her 616 personality & is in this for the bounty - but Gamora can take it personally due to the drama with the Graces
All New All Different/2018
Magus as the main villain this seems so obvious to me
I'd keep the Infinity Wars stuff, just in a way that makes sense. Gamora is working with Magus to get her soul back because he's also got a part of him stuck in there
It's all a scheme by Magus & Goddess to escape Soul World; Goddess has shown to be able to brainwash Gamora before, so we can put that on that
I'd also not. downplay the Ultron side of things. Conquest was fucking traumatizing for this team
Gamora's past with the Phalanx would also work well with the Magus/Goddess thing; maybe she's got it in her head that if she gets her soul back, she'll have purpose again
Mantis would be there for the Ultron side of things
I would work Phyla's resurrection in there somehow. 616 Phyla, specifically, like I don't think anything fancy needs to be done at all, Thanos has been resurrected so many times it'd be simple to say Oblivion brought her back to combat Magus&Goddess
Can work the Groot stuff into the themes of Soul & Trauma like... Groot died in Conquest, he was lit on fire, and grew back as a little stump. So the Groots are killing worlds... but it's always worlds that Ultron was going to target & it's a fucked form of mercy
In stories that focus primarily on Thanos & the Universal Church of Truth as the antagonists, I would simply not make it the Peter Quill show & instead let Gamora & Warlock take the lead
If Starmora has to happen, I'd have Peter's arc be more about trust & how to keep it, contrasting with Gamora's arc of learning to give second chances after people hurt her
I'd also. address how Adamora broke up, like delve into why, bring in Atleza in at least a mention, etc
I'd keep Grootfall as some kind of corrupting force in the Manifold Territories but not as the reason they're there
I'd use the whole "the Manifold Territories are from beyond the known universe" and have Peter be the one insisting they go. Have him aware of the risk this could pose to teammates (maybe have it have something to do with damaged souls-- Gamora's & Drax's are healed after Infinity Wars, etc, but Groot is still vulnerable from the Gardener) but he does not care because if it's beyond the known universe, it's beyond the sun
He's trying desperately to get back to Morinus
Mantis has brainwashed the others into coming & it becomes an inverse of GOTG2008; instead of Peter doing all of this for altruistic reasons, it's because he wants to go home
Continuing to inverse 2008 - show how the GOTG have changed each other through their refusal to kill Groot. Peter shot Warlock; now, years later, he can't do that to Groot. Being a Guardian has changed him
Like show the positive & negative effects that the Guardians have had on everyone
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mono-socke · 2 months
soft asks to get to know people
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
I ddon't really know if you want to know only specific ones or like,, everything?? but I'm bored so uhh, have all answers
'Ain't no man Manhattan' (Anthony Rapp) or 'Party Hat' (Eric William Morris and Lauren Marcus)
Hotzenplotz. Specifically the 2006 version)
I don't really like candles, but my favourite scent overall is probably,, freshly baked things (??)
Dandelions (I'm not a big fan of flowers in general (well, they do look really cool and planting them is awesome, but I don't want to recieve bouquets as a gift), but they're fine)
My best friend(s), for sure
uhhh, let me think. physically: 1 my eyes look pretty cool (the pupils at least), 2 I have like,, kinda talented hands,, I guess?? 3 I have very expressive eyes and eyebrows and it's fun to watch myself act emotions sometimes. non-physically: I can draw pretty well (in my opinion) 2 I can accomplish/finish stuff pretty quickly if I actually want to, 3 I have a very good memory
very nervous about tagging people but like,, everyone who interacts with my blog or me in general regularly
Music. or being aggressive (to no one directly, more to myself about some topic that pisses me off) for a few minutes to let out energy
Summer vacation and watching Dear Evan Hansen in october
Watching some sort of musical/play together and talking about it afterwards
Kinda tired and warm, but pretty okay overall
Idrk. Chocolate, I guess??
The Big Bang Theory (I always watched it when I was younger, so I suppose it has something to do with nostalgia, and because I still like most characters)
(oh this is one of those messages usually sent around on what's app, but since the ask is anon I can't do that)
Fairy Lights, but with other themes,, like,, bat ones for halloween (if that makes sense)
Of course I do. I don't really buy any for myself anymore, but I still have a few from when I was younger and I don't think I'll get rid of them anytime soon
My friends and their happiness (as sappy as that sounds)
Getting a proper sleep rhythm /hj (tbh, I'm not sure. being able to stand on stage more probably. it's really fun but there are barely any options for that around here)
Don't just fucking sit there in silence and complain. That's not how it works.
Please tell me you stayed in contact with the other three.
A purple plaid shirt to wear opened over t-shirts (idk why either, it just looks cool and I like purple)
Playing with literally anything my hands can grab
It's not really something physical, and if it were, it'd just be a handwritten card with some sort of inside joke. I think the best thing people can tell me is that I'm inspiring them to do something (or stuff like that)
I don't watch that many movies, but I think 'Fak ju Göthe' would be fun
Good old SQUIP or Lucas Gray (or David. Depends)
With close friends, hugs. With others, both are relatively the same
Having cats running around me (I grew up with cats around me constantly, I'm pretty used to that)
Well uh,, now you know a bit about me?? I guess?? Do with this information as you want
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madamscream · 6 months
My typical way of experiencing... well, everything, if we're honest... is to avoid having any expectations. It's something I learned how to do, and I stick to it pretty well. While it was originally mostly a bulwark against a chaotic childhood making my lil autistic ass have to figure out how to do without any sort of routine, the most profound effect it has these days is drastically increasing my enjoyment of media.
The only time I find myself disappointed with something, in that sense, is when they do something that it literally would have been better to have done nothing at all. Solmare has managed to do this a few times.
And YET. Here I am. I think so much about Obey Me that I can't help but speculate, and I've gone and got my hopes up because I've realized that there are some really fucking cool things they could do. I'm feverish, so this might get long... gunna put it under a cut.
So. I started playing the OG Obey Me about a year and a half ago. The fourth season either came out right as I started, or was already out. I never was really effected by the wait time for the next season drop, and the limbo that left fans in, so I get that my perspective is different than most.
But my perspective is this: they had a cool story with some neat concepts, both story-wise meta game stuff, but the game play was so ass it could barely be called game play, the balancing is insane (I've scraped through the main story using countless glow sticks but most of the extra lessons are still beyond me will full teams of lvl 100+ cards), and they'd written themselves into several corners they didn't know how to get out of.
Then they released Nightbringer. It has it's issues, sure, but as a game? I enjoy it about 1000% more than OG. The story is one of being thrown back in time and trying to find your way home, which we managed last chapter. On April 13th, the game will have been out one year. I think that's when they'll drop the next season but...
It would be so wildly cool if they also merged the games. The MC's just returned to the timeline from OG, supposedly, though hadn't Solomon suggested that... y'know, everyone had noticed you disappearing? OG is at it's end of life. It's pretty clear they're going to shut it down at some point. I want, so so so badly, for 4/13 to hit, a massive update to be available, and the entirety of OG's story line to have been ported to NB. I want the accounts to merge together. I want to have all my cards and I want there to be a new Nightmare chapter with all the old cards from OG and I want the plot moving forward to be a mess of scrambled timeline shit, trying to figure out who NB is, and stress. From a game dev perspective, they have the chance to do something so so wildly awesome and I KNOW they won't. I KNOW I'm going to be disappointed. But FUCK it'd be cool...
I have so many ideas on how it could be done... and I'm well aware it'd probably piss a lot of people off still, but people are pissed off anyways. I think it'd make more people happy than it did angry.
And I know some people don't like Ruri-tunes but like... at least it's a game. I'm no huge fan of rhythm games tbh. I honestly hated them before Ruri-tunes, but I disliked the dance battles so much that I've started liking rhythm games more just because it was suck an upgrade imo
Anyways. That's the end of my rant. I want them to do meta shit that ties into their story basically. Thank you for coming to Mal's fever talk.
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hxhhasmysoul · 1 year
Well, it is true sukuna is evil ( and a piece of shit, but I love his expressions) but he is a delicious sin XD everything about him is quite delicious XD Anyway XD
I am happy some more people find my probably failed reading comprehension of yorozu's gift ruining sukuna, a good idea XD thank you, I just like some stuff like and to torture characters XD
Yes! I am excited about them too! It seems it will be bangers XD there is so many possibilities of what the plan could be that this talk would be endless XD
Maki could jump on Sukuna, but maybe they have some kind sequence to fight him, not saying yuuji and Hiromi will die necessarily, just maybe a down time.
Or maybe she will help Kinji?
But I do agree that yuuji pisses sukuna off for many reasons and would be interesting to see what he can do against sukuna, not just ability wise, but also psychological wise!
I was also thinking that, maybe Yuji could switch bodies with sukuna and then kill sukuna on his body? Might be a stretch, but it's a possibility. But that would mean that yuji would have no body to go back to so either him or megumi would die? Idk... just ideas XD
Also I wonder what will happen to poor megumi, boy needs a break and a big hug XD
I have list of issues with the whole gojo situation tbh, I am mostly confused and I this point with so much discussion around him, I got tired and confused XD his relationship with megumi is one of the things that leaves me a bit bitter and confused.
I see, I thought the same thing, it doesn't make sense for ke jaku to switch bodies right now.
Gojo techniques is cool and all, but it doesn't have the reach Geto's have. It would also make everything uo until now a big ass waste of time.
But I do think that they should dispose of gojo's body the right way, just in case XD and everyone else who might die tbh.
I got the feeling that while kenjaku is not much of a fighter, he is really good at it as if he does not quite enjoy fighting, just does it to keep doing whatever he is doing at the moment.
And he has a lot of experience too which helps tons against the "baby" jujutsu XD
It's very fun to chat with you! I don't feel judged and I am glad to have someone to hear me out and just chat. No fandom bs XD
Thank you!
Thank you for your asks, it's fun to speculate.
It'd've been fun if Yorozu's gift was a double edged sword. I reread 237 and it's said there that the weapon is her gift, I forgot about it because I forgot to read the chapter in order after the leaks. I love the leaks but they are fragmented and it messes with my understanding and memory.
I'm sure Maki will be brought in at some point but it's hard to say in which fight, she'd be an asset in any of the fights.
If I had to bet on some body swapping action with Yuuji's soul powers, I honestly would see him more switching himself into Megumi's body and getting Megumi into his own. One that's not transformed into a 4 armed behemoth, one that would likely be easier to reform. And like Sukuna can't be left unsupervised in a separate body. Sukuna needs a jailer and Yuuji is the only one who knows how to do that.
I've discussed Gojou so much recently that seeing him irks me at this point XD So I get you.
Also yeah, Kenjaku isn't one to choose a physical fight as a way to win but they will fight if they have to, and they do have skills.
And lastly I'm always happy to chat with fellow Sukuna enjoyers. He's an awful man with a hot 4-armed body and 2 lovely sexy smiles. I really like him as a thirst object but also as an antagonist. He has a fun personality for an antagonist.
I'm really curious for more Yuuji and Sukuna interactions, I really want to see Yuuji getting under his skin, messing with his beliefs and his self-image. He's done so much emotional and psychological damage to Yuuji, yet at the same time Yuuji never yielded to Sukuna, never cowered, never admired him. It'd be funny to see Sukuna yield. See Yuuji prove once and for all that his soul is stronger in every respect.
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coffee-in-veins · 1 year
I know that such a collaboration is far fetched, but what do you think about Dead by Daylight x Darkest Dungeon? I think it'd be cool, but has some issues holding it back. For one, I struggle to pick characters for it. DD has many characters that would fit in dbd, but I can't place my finger on the one.
hello hello! thanks for your ask!
i am genuinely happy to receive any asks, so i'm very sorry that i'm so slow with those lately ^^’
i'm not too familiar with Dead by Daylight if I'm honest, so most of what i'm saying is based on a few videos and a bit of reading. hope you don't mind.
i think the thing would heavily depend on who are 'survivors' and who are 'killers'. if we go with the most obvious route, we get heroes/adventurers locked in the level with DD monsters as the killers. which i think can be a genuinely fun spin on the game - on DD, that is. i'd suck at it as much as i suck in any quick paced action shooter, most likely, but i'd at least try it, for sure.
this way, almost every hero can be incorporated as a survivor, maybe with a slight spin on the experience. like, for example:
vestal can heal a grave wound (once every 6 minutes maybe? i dunno how quick or slow a round is to balance this);
houndmaster can see killer through walls or maybe where he walked because of his dog's nose;
bounty hunter can stun;
crusader can stun (but worse than bh) and heal (but worse than vestal);
leper is slower but can self-heal and is harder to carry for the killers;
highwayman leaves less scrapes and marks while running (or maybe even none at all?) and is overall quieter;
flagellant is annoying to carry, and gets his team a full heal from being impaled on hook once per game;
something like that, dunno. like i said, i don't play DbD, so i can't quite tell ^^'
if we go for killers, the Thing from the Stars feels downright broken in such an environment and can be visually stunning, but lore-wise it's very passive and just wanders around instead of actively hunting people. for that, we can look no further than the Fanatic. hunting people is kinda his job description.
the much more cracked and funny spin, tho, i think would've been to play as a monster and try to get out from heroes who were hunting you. imagine playing as a poor bone bonker and trying to run away from a pissed off crusader with a holy lance at a ready. sheer terror! hehe
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alacarhelsng · 1 year
A New Lease on Life
His hands felt like a collection of cramping muscles by the time he stepped away from the keyboard. The pain radiating up his arm as he did his best to massage the aching muscles did absolutely nothing to help his rising temper. Why was he even helping this piss-poor collection of mid and high-bloods. It would have been easier to watch the fallout and make deals with the carrion feeders that would inevitably show up afterwards. Of course then he wouldn't have the best life broker in his pocket, which he was willing to do almost anything for. Even risk the chance of the sun rising while he traveled just so he can be there before the "not a rainbow drinker" returned. Today was already off to a wonderful start.
6 hours later and he found himself sitting against a stone wall, hiding from the blistering death of the sun in shade that was hardly habitable. Harvey had come to check on him when he first arrived, having sprinted a good distance to avoid incineration and left a heaving panting mess because of it. He was offered something cool to drink and never addressed again which was more than fine by Alucar, even if all it left him to talk to was a dead girl. The body of said girl being held somewhere nearby presumably but her wrecked carcass was of little concern to him. What peaked his interest was the spirit that was gliding about leaving behind threads of ethereal force that he could and would pull on when the time came. To most people she would register as maybe a draft at most. Some would be able to see her as the wraith she was but he was different. What he saw was her, wraith and the threads of life that held her in this world. Threads of many colors clung to her and drifted away into ephemeral wisps of glitter. Most of the strands that clung to her where pitch and scarlet leaving him to believe that bringing her back would be a terrible mistake. Though on the off chance that he was making an unfair assumption....
"You know, your quads are going through a lot for you. They are even willing to make a deal with the devil all for your sake, isn't that heartwarming?" The way she focused on him was somewhat surprising, it was almost as if she had knew he could see her this whole time.
"I only have one quad and he's not here. What are you talking about, deal with the devil? What are you doing?"
"OH? Vladir is a drunken mess, Harvey is barely keeping up with niceties and Bea is killing someone just for you. I must have made an assumption."
"Oh Vladdy...Poor man's lost without me. Killing for me isn't new, though it's new that it'd be Harv's moirail. Why?"
"That has to do with the first question you asked, you see they made a deal with the Devil. And I am that devil."
"Devil this, devil that. You've got a big ego don't you, little man?"
"When you come from nothing and Ego is a lot to have, though I suppose you know a lot about egos. Seeing as yours put you here in the first place."
"My ego isn't what put me here, that'd be a bullet. At least pretend to know the story, dick."
"Oh dear, I seem to have upset the dead assassin, tell me. How did you fuck up that badly?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, little red?"
"Not at all little miss botched, I was simply being polite to the dead."
"If that's your polite, I fear for any of your quads."
"I suppose you would know how to treat your quads with the only one being a drunken mess because of you? A token role model you must be."
"Must be nice to think you can control your quads even after death."
"Must be nice to hide behind your failure by being dead."
"Everyone dies eventually. That's how life works."
"Then you have a poor grasp of life."
"Oh good you're insane. You could have saved us both this conversation if you started with that."
"I may be insane but you'll soon understand what I meant and I hope you don't condemn your friends for their actions."
"Yeah I'm not talking to you anymore." Which was fine by him, she was beginning to get under his skin. His first instinct about bringing back the bratty assassin was probably correct and he was gonna regret it, but he was gonna to make her suffer on the way back just as much.
Fittingly he began here the heavy footfalls of the beast that kept Bea's company. And just like that his body had been delivered to him.
"Here's your body, you better follow through."
"I will I will." He dismissed her with a wave of the hand and made his way over to the body that was still warm from being outside, or having been recently alive. It didn't matter as much as the rapidly degrading strands of life that were melting away from this woman's body. If it had none the transfer would be risky at best and final at worst. This was acceptable, even if it wouldn't hurt as much as he would have like still....
His hand snapped out and grasped ahold of seemingly nothing. To his eyes though, now a full burning red that engulfed them from tip to tip, he was grasping onto the phantom threads connected to the aggravating specter. She cried out first in shock and then rage and violence as he began to drag her towards the corpse. The shriek, as he began cutting into her very soul with her own thread of life, intensified until even Bea and Harvey could hear the unholy sound reverbing throughout the cave. The threads ate into Alucar's hands causing gashes and cuts to appear as if on their own and the pain that shot through him wasn't much better. Though the smile on his face was, as the ghost had so nicely described, insane while he dragged the struggling spirit closing and closing bit by bit until finally the cave was silent.
"Congratulations!" Alucar spoke in a much too cheery tone, typing a phantom bow onto her chest. "Welcome to your new lease on life."
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tewwor-moving · 4 months
🎰 for the vibes!!!! if u want a category i'd love the marked :)
muse sampling & plots (accepting) ! please specify a at least 1 category listed on my muse roster ( the marked, harborview, hanuel's inn, supernatural, crime, mythology, misc. / testing, fantasy ) — not restricted to just romantic connections.
pulling a small aside here since they're all from the same org. any variation of supernatural themes is pretty straight forward. just stay off the 'bad creature' radar and the marked won't tack jesper on their 'to kill' list. and depending on the circumstances / character, they might even seek his aid.
soothsayer — promise this was actually pulled by random and not because you said her concept was kickass ( my fingers are maybe crossed ). also, i'll go by verses that i could see any of these characters can fit into. modern, if there's ever a chance he's anywhere near a court, she'll probably be there. or she could also have her hand in some similar criminal connections that might know of her precognitive capabilities ( though, i think it'd be fun to front it as just really deep superstition ). any variation of fantasy / royalty to really lean into her powers, especially if hierarchy's involved. will be upfront and say if there's any want for a mother figure connection, she's your gal. but in a very stern asian mother sort of way with backhanded advice and too much peeled fruit and the most random presents because they were a great deal.
ari — hiiiiii klepto bestie who loves a good bet. not too sure where luck lands on their side, but they love to neg people on. fun fact about their power, ari's able to summon anything and anyone. so the instance of being pulled into another universe is always an option! and so is.... being chased by the 2 creatures that are bound to them. which, they don't have complete control over so.. they're sorry in advance. can also be jammed into modern and fantasy verses.
seojun — who wants a crime funcle? think he's more fitting for a modern setting with or without outright supernatural elements. does have the penchant to adopt pseudo nieces and nephew and anything in between. is typically encouraging! but would not... encourage the gambling ( he's had to pry himself away from mahjong one too many times with super deep holes in his pockets.... )
litho — ah. the bitch. look, he's so versatile in the way that he has two things he's good at. foraging papers and doing cool stuff with ink. could've crossed paths fighting off some ugly dugly monster. could've pissed him off really easily, but i keep shoving him back into random interactions. could've done a tattoo or two — even remove some! i can fit him into any verse tbh.
ricochet — oh. the actual terror of the marked that everyone's ok with dying. i don't.... have much for him? besides being a menace to everyone unintentionally. he gets triggered into aggression easily. doesn't say much. purposely gets himself beat so he can return the favor twofold. heavy on the retrograde amnesia. can also.... probably work something out in most verses.
saul, as a bonus — pretty much going to regurgitate the same connections as above, but with the sick addition of having a personal guardian :o) that.. may or may not rob their host's consciousness just to get the job done when it comes to external dangers :o)) literally any verse works since they've existed for so, so long. extremely sour personality. can come in fun lil' critter forms and terrifying eldritch ones!
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greyfacade · 6 months
More asks incoming!!! 2 and 12 for noelle, 9 for sun and/or moon? :^]
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Noelle is such a great kid. I think its cool that she enjoys horror even though she's afraid of a lot of things.
(I find that relatable! I also love horror but also get spooked easily!)
Heck when it comes to being afraid, the fact she tries to appreciate creatures she's scared of too is really admirable. The fact she will give Maus a chance even though they're terrifying to her! I wish I could be that brave when it comes to spiders! Ack!
I think its a good trait to have though, to try to see the good in people/things that we're even scared of. Sometimes it turns out they're not scary at all!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I think Noelle is a lot tougher than even she knows, yes, even without ice magic.
But on a different note, I think Noelle might be a bit of an internet fandom nerd! I could imagine her enjoying cosplay and gaming conventions, maybe even dragging Susie and Kris along? I think Susie would like it too, but she might be a bit awkward about it... but maybe she'd be okay if Noelle and Kris went too.
I can also imagine her reading game magazines and coming up with game theories. I wonder if she'd like FNAF? Heh. I can imagine her playing Slender when it came out.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Probably not in my current condition, I'm incredibly ill, so I don't think many could room with me in my current state.
As for when I'm well.... uhhh.... Okay so, somewhat?
Sun, Moon and I have the same nervous cleaning habit. I hate to admit it but I'm obsessively fussy about my surroundings, not necessarily because it has to be perfect, if anything, theres something very chill and relaxing about a cluttered area, especially blanket and clothing piles, or bundles of wires and screws. But I worry about my things getting ruined, so I'm constantly tidying them, moving them, and repairing them. I'm also just, really fidgety (and I ironically break things because of it.) So I guess we'd be on the same page in that regard, and may only annoy each other when getting in to each others space, or arguing over where something should go.
BUT there is an exception... I hate water. More specifically, GREASY water. Which means, I won't touch the dishes unless I HAVE TO. Its so gross. I hate doing them, if I go to Hell, it'll be full of dishes. (Not fond of cleaning the bathroom either.) But I can imagine them hating me for leaving it off; like really really getting annoyed with me.
Neither would probably mind most of my other habits though, I generally keep quiet and to myself. Moon would probably get pissed at me for my poor sleep habits, and they'd probably both have something to say about my constant computer usage. They might like gaming with me though? Or doing crafts?
As for me I'd probably find their extroversion to be a bit intimidating, their actors and Id be too shy to be apart of their shenanigans. And while I appreciate honesty, their bluntness might bother me at times. I also get nervous around kids, so I'd be very anti visiting-Daycare-at-opening-hours. Sorry Sun/Moon.
Oh wow this got long... whoops. But uh, yeah I think we could get along. It'd take work, but I think we'd be alright as roomies.
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e1-bi · 3 years
and yes, I'm aware this blog is Jojo but I just needed to share this...
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Yeah, FNAF Security Breach is amazing but why is nobody talking about Gregory looking like that? I'm concerned about why Freddy thought it was a good idea to let the 12-year-old sassy gremlin child even drive the car. He looks like he's going to murder your entire family... and he will if he wanted to.
Gregory with an actual gun, though? Yeah, the first thing he'll probably do is shoot the Map S.T.A.F.F Bot. As mentioned before, he said,
"Ugh! I hate that thing!" (or as my "amazing" memory says so)
Gregory does not like it. Especially when he ran into the Map S.T.A.F.F Bot and whipped it off. Making the creepy, chaotic face we see above.
Second, I think it'd be Chica. Counting how many times you see her around. She's all over the place and the first enemy you encounter and interact with. Chica already got folded by Gregory. But I don't think it'll really stop her, she got crushed by the trash compacter. Voicebox taken. Got her beak crushed by Gregory. And she still stands. But after he messes her up, I think the gun will come in handy by that period. She's immune to a ton of things. But if it was the originals then they will immediately get broken.
Third, it'll be little Music Man. Or at least Gregory tries. It's not possible. It moves in a zig-zag when outside the vents. And inside the vents, it goes in a circle. And it moves rapidly. He'll only waste ammo. But it's worth the shot.
Fourth(or third), Roxanne. You see her more than Montgomery, or Monty. Because of her speed, I think it'd be a little harder when you're running from her and you have to reload, that takes time. But it's definitely possible, far from impossible. Because of her narcissism and the way she thinks, she'll underestimate Gregory. Gregory is a clever, chaotic child. And when he's devoted to something he'll do it. He's not a pussy. But once you shoot her, she'll have a mental breakdown. Again, narcissism. At the start of the game, you see Roxanne talking to herself. Hyping herself up. Basically, being a narcissist. And, one of her quotes is,
"I bet I'm your favourite?"
Obviously, it's not true. But when you hear her talking to the mirror, she says,
"Everybody loves you."
She's hyping herself up. Basically saying how everything about her IS perfect. And you hear Roxanne crying when you get far enough in the game. Everything about her has to be perfect. It's a narcissistic thought but it's clear that she thinks that way.
Fifth, Monty. Monty is strong and clearly has anger issues. So I don't think it'll be possible. He'll hurt Gregory, and I'm pretty sure that's his intention throughout the game when he gets more pissed off. In the Boss Battle, I think Monty will harm Gregory. Again, anger issues. But he's not ALLOWED to. So at first, he restrains himself when he doesn't catch Gregory. Going around the middle, I bet it's harder to restrain himself. And at the end, he just snaps, I'm assuming. Again, anger issues.
But if it's Gregory we're talking about, yes, he will shoot Monty. Because he's a more recent animatronic, his body and endoskeleton will be stronger. Bonnie broke down and they replaced him with Monty. You don't see him in parts & services but I think they threw him out. In the messages, they talk about replacing Bonnie with Monty because of the fame and money their receiving BECAUSE they did that. Meaning, they quickly fixed another animatronic up but more beefed up than the others. And replaced Bonnie. So it'll take multiple shots to take him out.
Sixth, probably Vanny. But because of her glitchiness and such, it's impossible. Like, seriously impossible. Your vision glitches out when she's near you. You could barely see her. Yes, you can shoot her when she's far away. But with her glitchiness, the bullet would probably glitch out. Which will be very cool for detail yet very frustrating for the player.
And the people he took mercy on...
First, it's Freddy. Everyone knows this by now. Freddy is the himbo father, of course not! Gregory will never.
Second, Vanessa. Because she's human. It's illegal and that'll be a homicide. But, I'm a 50/50 with this one. All of this happened because Vanessa is chasing him. If Gregory shoots Vanessa, I don't think he'll give two shits. Either way, if she dies or not. Gregory probably doesn't want to get arrested and hunted down by the police. If it was legal then he will shoot Vanessa. Plus, Vanessa was kind of a dick to Freddy so Gregory will probably get mad.
Third, huge Music Man. No words. But for the people who say he will, no he won't. Music Man is huge and nothing will barely happen to him. Gregory can't hit a weak spot if he has multiple hands and legs. It'll just add a hole and Music Man will get furious and just unalive Gregory. Plus Music Man's place as HOLES in it. He can just crawl into one and be fine.
Fourth, Sundrop. Why would you ever want to shoot Sundrop? He's harmless! You monster! He only bans you for breaking his ONE rule. That's respectable. He lets you do anything, just don't break his ONE rule. Plus, he just wants to have fun with you. He's so gentle with you too. Why would you ever want to hurt him? But because of Moondrop, it's understandable. But if you hurt Moondrop, you hurt Sundrop. So Gregory can't shoot Moondrop. But he will if he could've.
The moral of the story is, don't fuck with Gregory. Just don't. He can and will fold you. Even if he looks innocent. But there's nothing innocent about the picture above. Looks like he came from hell, more powerful than the lord of hell itself.
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For the ask game: 🥸
🥸 - Did Staged Finale negatively impact Punz/Tommy's character arc?
I'd say it negatively affected Dream's character arc far more than those two! Punz had potential character development and depth removed- with him being willing to take lesser payment for the work of the truly desperate, those he has a soft spot for, and being willing to betray his main contractor if he thought it was right- and him just being the same completely amoral mercenary who cares only about money, him just being another pawn. The issue with Tommy is that it removes any sense of hope or freedom from his story, makes it seem like his abuser will always have power over him, and makes it impossible to ever trust any victory he has over Dream ever again. But those are like, issues with potentially losing out on depth with one and pretty massive but still subtextual issues with another. These aren't an immediately apparent flaw.
With Dream, though? This raises so many questions, and not in a good mystery way, in a why the fuck was this decision made way. Because, whoo boy, does this muddle season 2. Because, like, what reasons were there for Exile and destroying L'Manberg if he was just gonna get himself thrown in jail anyway? What was the point of pushing further after Tommy was already perfectly obedient, moulding him into distrusting everyone around him but Dream, conditioning him into codependence, if he wasn't even planning to use that? Only sheer cruelty? That's even less depth than before. Why did he destroy L'Manberg if it wasn't going to be a threat to him? Again, just pettiness and cruelty? Why did he get a favour from Techno he wouldn't be able to redeem? Or was the plan just to get him out all along? Then the whole prison scheme was an overly elaborate mess that wasted valuable resources on something that could have been achieved in so many easier and less risky ways, and that makes Dream look like more of an idiot than a non-staged finale ever could.
And, if it was planned, why was so much of it in Sam's hands? We know Sam was never in on the plan at all, so why was he the one to suggest the prison? Why was he the warden, and not, say, Punz? It was Dream's prison, he could have done that. Placing such an important variable on someone who's not in the know and is completely unpredictable and untrustworthy is the most idiotic fucking decision ever. And Dream knew Sam was friends with Tommy! He had to keep him away in Exile! Why pass over the keys to your life to someone who will very much have a grudge against you. And it's not like Punz wouldn't be seen as trustworthy, he organised the damn thing! The only explanation I can think of is that he intentionally engineered a scenario where he'd be mistreated for sympathy, which would not only be a massively skeevy uncomfortable and victim blamey plotline, but it'd also be dumb. What if Sam snapped and killed him? And why wouldn't he be able to fake mistreatment with someone more trustworthy?
And it's just. Explanation hasn't come in six months. I've lost hope of this ever making sense. I don't want to accept that Dream's a complete and utter incompetent schemer who goes for big cool seeming plans without giving a shit about what'll happen as a response and who trusts people he knows would be pissed off by his actions and wings it so bad he nearly permanently died without the intervention of someone unrelated to the plot, but what other explanation is there?
(And no, Dream being sooooo hypercompetent it just goes over everyone's heads isn't an answer, just a cop-out).
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Ok to dissect the harry potter fanfiction. How about the whole "harry potter has a long lost relative" I know some fics do try to make this work but ...Harry wouldnt forgive if he finds out he has a long lost sister or bro...or would he?
Well, remember that these fics are usually written for a common reason. That reason, generally, is to fix Harry's life. The author didn't like how he grew up with the Dursleys so he's given a new long lost relative (usually a wizard/witch) who can tell him all about magic and better prepare him for the wizarding world (whether this is to make him dark!Harry, gray!Harry, or more magically competent!Harry is up to the author in question).
What I'm getting at is that people don't introduce OCs for no reason and in this case it's almost always to develop a certain kind of fic.
If it's a long-lost sibling then usually we're in the realm of WBWL and the author wants to shame the new OC as much as possible for not being the true BWL. Those fics are revenge fantasies and we're meant to hate the new place holder character, or, if not them, then certainly Dumbledore, Harry's parents, or whoever mistook the OC child for the BWL.
If you're asking how I would go about this/how I think this would go.
Well, first, I think the second child would also be dumped on the Dursley's doorstep. It'd raise too many questions if the kid was sent somewhere else and the baby everyone wants (Harry) disappears into the ether. Yes, Dumbledore could claim it's for Harry's protection and that the other child should grow up in a normal home but--that home is unlikely to be one Dumbledore approves of/has any control over. Best to just send them both to the Dursleys.
If the kid was sent somewhere else then, yes, I imagine Harry would be extremely resentful. Here is a sibling he didn't know he had, who never came for him despite knowing his existence, who lives this perfect life with this perfect family (bonus points if they're raised by someone like the Malfoys who Harry disapproves of), and now they have the gall to want to talk pleasantly with Harry. It doesn't matter that the kid had 0 agency in any of this, that they had no means of reaching Harry if they even wanted to, held against them forever.
Harry would treat this pseudo sibling like shit and be even more pissed off when pseudo sibling gives up or cools on Harry.
If they grew up together, I imagine Harry angsts much about being the boy who lived and how sibling doesn't understand. Sibling admits they don't but that doesn't mollify Harry. Harry's misadventures may or may not get sibling killed, which causes Harry much angst.
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crumble-cookii · 3 years
uhhh slight spoilers for CRK episodes 11-12, and mention of g0re, vi0lence, d3ath/murd3r, and maybe c4nnibalism(dragon eat cookie, dragon also kinda cookie? does that count enough??), lmk if I need to put more warnings up!! <3
I plan to make my own little comic thing for it later, maybe tomorrow, but basically
so yknow how Pitaya was like kinda in control of the HB kingdom for a while because big strong f you dragon can do what they want? and we also know they have some slight anger issues and are pretty violent and lash out easily?
how many people are we thinking they killed in their time in power? they got sharp teefs which can easily rip out someone's throat, do you ever think they just straight ate someone? maybe singed them? gutted them with their claws? something similar??
as far as I know this never happened, but I haven't actually finished the story for the episodes myself(watched the cutscenes though, couldnt help it, oops) so idk if it's ever referenced that this happened, but like. idk, it's just smth to think about I guess?
just, how many cookies pissed Pitaya off enough that they either wound up dead or with some kind of severe scarring? I feel, even with all their lashing out, they know better than to attack Jungle and Royal Berry, but I wonder if they ever ended up threatening the two, or maybe even just some light damage which wouldn't scar, like just a really forceful hit or maybe a light cut
what would Holly think when she finally returns? would anyone ever tell her? would she already know? would she just literally kill Pitaya for it? or like, if they were able to get away first, set hunting parties? would she even pursue that far, or just wait until they come around again to stain her hands in dragons blood? would they even come back after that, knowing they've pissed off one of the only people who could defeat them? oh and ESPECIALLY if it goes the route of them hurting Royal Berry even a little bit
idk, I've just had this idea brewing in my head for a lil bit, and I think it'd be really cool to go into :D
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incarnateirony · 3 years
Oh MAN it's refreshing to tell someone to get fucked that got WAY too up their own ass about people wanting them for their connections.
Like no. If you're being a personal douche you're being a personal douche. Look how much your connections don't matter to me! [click] BYE
fuck that shit I ain't got time for your catty two talking bullshit
that's your shit man, you keep that shit, don't bring me your bullshit
Oh. You're actually just being a giant dick. Wow, yeah, 100% not worth it.
Amazing the people that can hold their shit, and can't. 4 years talking to one person in a capacity, they're cool. Here's business, do with it what you want.
One motherfucker gets attention for like half a year and they just-- jesus christ.
"U just want me for my connections" says the person I was fucking defending since before she had connections, including to the people she's apparently listening to now, and went so far as to delete them bitching about her so she wouldn't get their feelings hurt but FUCKING SURE
actually I've asked you for one possible consideration in however long I've known you and been kind to you, or built and catered spaces to you, or gave requested space to you, and that one query nothing that actually provides *me* back with return, and I already told you I contacted 18 others, please deflate your fucking skull.
Like CUTTING the cord felt good but god DAMN if that doesn't piss me off as a general sentiment. Who the fuck are you I could email the reps the fucking same and already did it's like calling going "hey bob you work at burger king right there's apparently a toy recall do u think u can let ur boss know" "U JUST WANT ME FOR MY CONNECTIONS" fucking hell bob calm down it's burger king there's like 20 other employees i already asked amanda through ted chill you were just the letter B, I was asking how your day was but you just went fucking wild what the FUCK like CLEARLY you got some deeper shit going on whether it's about me or your own shit but that ain't my shit so please flush it
If I wanted your fucking connections I'd have fluffed you and told you whatever the fuck you wanted.
I wanted the person I considered a friend, or at least friendly. That person apparently either doesn't exist anymore or never did, unclear which. Whoever this person is? IDK. I don't care if they know the queen of fucking england. That's a blocked bitch.
Things I would directly gain from:
posting videos and getting traction into eternity rageposting and clickbait about Lineage (as opposed to a single general cumulative video hoping to reach as many people to prevent harm as possible -- at BEST there may be one more because another ex-actor explicitly just reached out to me after Clay and Tim sent the first vid to them, and wants to share their part of the story too but idgaf if it's their channel I boost or what we'll work it out like damn adults)
Things I would not directly gain from:
Lineage disappearing because they received a C&D and stopped hurting people, making further conversation about them null and fucking void and rendering a fuckton of my own content over the last few YEARS inert. (TAW, CA, Lineage, whatever)
The convo was basically this (stripped of contextual clues and given replacements)
"Hey uh, someone's stealing out of your boss' register and overcharging customers"
"Meh he won't mind."
"It's not a lot they're just skimming"
"I--disagree? Maybe mention it to him? Actually nm I already got to it don't worry like one of the other contacts will probably work out, how's your day?"
"...???? To keep someone else from stealing??? bro why are you even on this i said don't worry it'd nbd"
"????????????????? THE FUCK?"
like are you mad I DIDNT need to ask
No manipulative is sending people to spam my inbox and talk self conflicting circles when I block you or imply I'll be to blame for self harm or spirals THAT'S manipulative shit. I hit block and suddenly it's not that I needed them, they're asking me to unblock? WHO NEEDS WHO AND IS USING WHO. Sort your shit out then get back to me.
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