#i just wanna show my absolute power trio
boringmarinn · 2 years
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bathtubbbbbbbbb · 2 months
Some predictions/speculations of varying grounds about Arcane season 2 that have been rattling around in my head for a while — I thought I’d share them just for fun & as sorta a bingo card cus at least some of ‘em surely will end up true in some way, shape, or form.
Sky or the Hexcore that absorbed Sky becomes Blitzcrank.
The Last Drop becomes a base of operations for the enforcers — Caitlyn will parallel Silco & Vi will parallel Jinx.
Caitlyn starts smoking.
We get a scene that parallels Mel’s flashback in season 1 where in Jinx takes the place of the Princess Ambessa kills, except Jinx is spared & there’s consequences.
Sevika & Viktor team up post Sevika teaming up with Jinx.
A scene with Viktor that parallels the “you don’t wanna threaten the guy that pours the drinks” scene, except “pours the drinks” is replaced with “fixes everyone’s mechanical & cybernetic augments” or something along those lines anyway — Huck makes a reappearance, Mel & Jayce play the roles of the 2 traders that didn’t honor their word.
Jayce & Viktor strangling scene parallel.
Some Little red Riding Hood vibes with Vi & Warwick — Jinx is going to be the Huntsman.
Some big parallels between Viktor & Caitlyn, & Silco.
Jayce is a lonely sad sack & his & Vi’s arks are going to parallel each other — I feel they’re gonna be ops at the start of the season but by the end of it be reluctant besties.
Caitlyn’s going to find Vi’s archived incident reports from Stillwater & see a photo of the guys face Vi caved in & really rethinks her “despite it all good heart”, I feel Jayce may be involved with this, maybe he’s the one that initially finds the files or goes looking for them then shows Cait — anyway angst will ensue.
The animation for Ekko’s time travel stuff is is gonna be absolutely awesome.
Ekko is gonna get kicked outta the firelights for simping over Jinx.
Heimerdinger in a Scooby Doo-esc way is revealed to be the narrative villain all along. Yippe!
Jinx’s punts Heimerdinger.
I guess Singed will probably be there being creepy — maybe his daughter is that robo ballerina chick from fnaf who knows.
Aaannd, that’s where I’m gonna end it.
{Edit cus I forgot a couple}
Vi is going to get a spinal injury & will get a back/torso brace similar to that of Viktor’s, reminiscent of the corset she wears in her league design.
After Vi is done being an emo pit fighter she’s gonna bleach her hair to get all the black dye out of it — if you look at her original concept design for LoL it looks like she has partially bleached hair.
Jinx & Vi’s mom is going to be revealed to have been a brothel worker.
Mel & Jinx are going to have opposite parallel arks — Jinx gains influence & power while Mel loses it, it’s revealed to the audience how actually naive & out of her depth Mel actually is while it’s concreted that Jinx is a genius & only bounces back stronger under pressure.
In act 1 a temporary trio is formed between Vi, Viktor & the big shield enforcer guy we see in the trailer that’s likely from the under-city — I feel visually they’re such a strong parallel to Vi, Mylo, & Claggor, & like personality wise too — I can see Vik having a secret lock picking skill, & shield dude gives gentle giant vibes (from like that 1 clip we see of him looking sympathetic over Caitlyn’s shoulder while she’s obviously going through some emotional turmoil).
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thatstonedwriter · 1 month
˚₊‧🍄[ Hangin' with The Boys ]🍃˚₊‧
◉ Synopsis; how the Boys spend their time off (with you)
◉ CW; potential spoilers for seasons 1-3, substance use (and abuse), swearing
◉ A/n- aight my first piece for the Boys- went with something tame to ease myself into writing for this insane show- wtf am I doing
◉ feat; Butcher, Hughie, Frenchie, M.M, Kimiko
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Moments of peace are few and far between when you're hunting and killing Supes. When you're not being thrown out windows and being threatened by the world's most powerful entities, free time with the Boys is definitely a special treat
The bastard he is, Butcher spends any free time he's got smoking, drinking, and antagonizing the others- just for a laugh. Butcher will always try to sneak off to a bar or some back room- but ever since you joined the crew, he's had a hard time shaking you off. Always following diligently- or maybe just to be an annoyance- Butcher is almost never free of you- or your attempts to get him to socialize. Forced proximity and a lot of patience were crucial to Butcher finally caving and allowing you to join him for a drink one day. At first, it’s quiet- not uncomfortably so, with the usual ruckus in the room over serving as odd but comforting background noise. Any conversation that does take place is likely started by Butcher insulting you. That goes for every other conversation that follows, too. You’re either a Butcher enabler or you help pull him back. Maybe it depends on the day- either way, your partnership comes at the expense of the others’ sanity. Pranks, insults, and drinks/cigs galore- the two of you go through the “recreational supplies” faster than Frenchie.
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I really, really hope you like (or can at least tolerate) Billy Joel because that’s all Hughie wants to have playing in the background while the two of you talk. Of course, feel free to introduce new shit- he’s flexible (but lbr, this dude just wants Billy Joel). When you’re not being forced to listen to “We Didn’t Start the Fire” for the millionth time, the two of you are playing card games, sneaking off to arcades and movies, and even possibly going to visit Hughie’s dad or Annie. Whether you’re on the train, the couch, or (M.M forbid) laying on the disgusting floor, you and Hughie are damn-near always sharing earbuds to listen to music. Hughie would really enjoy just people watching with you. Seeing people live normal lives, happy and (relatively) safe- it makes him believe he could have that one day, ideally with his friends and family- that includes you. The playful/nerdy banter between you two is considered to be the most wholesome part of the crew.
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Frenchie I wanna get high w you please- ahem- Yeah Frenchie likes to do a lot of drugs- but he won’t be offended if you decline. Usually, Kimiko and Frenchie come as a pair, so with you, they’re a happy trio! Together, you and Frenchie will request songs for Kimiko to play on the keyboard, the three of you will dance to whatever is playing on Kimiko’s iPod, you and Frenchie learn/practice Kimiko’s sign language, you and Kimiko entertain Frenchie’s high shenanigans (and pull him back when he goes too far)- basically any and everything you can do, you do together. Hope you have space in your brain for two more languages because alongside Kimiko’s SL, Serge would absolutely die if you learned any French- even you just learning the basics would melt his heart. Frenchie often encourages you and Kimiko to sneak out with him to go on “dates” (lowkey thruple coded) to small, hole-in-the-wall bars and restaurants. He’s for sure going to ask your opinions on chemistry or whatever the fuck while he’s making/studying bombs. He’s not miffed if you don’t know or can’t answer- often times he’s talking to himself anyways- but any feedback is always appreciated.
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M.M would really appreciate a grounding presence in the crew- and that’s exactly what you helped provide. You helped balance the ratio of crazy to insane within the group, and for that, M.M is eternally grateful. Often times, while he’s cleaning/organizing equipment, you’ll keep him company. This often turns into M.M opening up about his family, OCD, concerns he has about the Boys, etc. He’s a firm believer in hard work, discipline and learning so you won’t just be standing around while you talk and listen- oh no, he’s showing you the way- the proper way- to clean the weapons, disinfect the counters, organize the shelves- hell, he’ll even ration out some supplies so he can teach you some first aid/sutures. It’ll probably be a while before you get through to M.M’s softer side, but it’s totally worth it to get there. M.M wants the best for his crew, and though it’s tough love, the rigorous lessons are all taught in hopes of you being able to protect yourself (and keep the hideout tidy).
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Happy trio part 2! Nobody expected the quiet, intimidating Kimiko to enjoy music and art as much as she does. You and Frenchie are her biggest fans and supporters, and often show her new music to listen to- if you’re lucky, you can get some pirated versions of old cartoons to watch together. Kimiko loves dancing and listening to/playing music- and since you and Frenchie usually indulge her, that’s what you spend a lot of your time doing. The others call it goofing off- you three call it a healthy dose of fun. When Frenchie is out, Kimiko spends a lot of time teaching you her SL so that you can talk without Frenchie being the translator. Sure, typing on the phone is easier, but being able to have secret conversations with your friends is so much better, don’t you think? Talking shit about the others right in front of them is a treasured experience you, Kimiko and Frenchie share.
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bluginkgo · 10 months
The ending of season 1 is a pretty common topic right now. Of course, many theories have been said so here I am adding my own jumbled mess of thoughts and probably repeating what other, smarter, people have already said.
Spoilers, duh
The main question I actually kinda wanna take a dive into is why destroy earth?
A parasite on a usual timeline, tries to take over its host and use the host to produce more parasites to infect others. Ok, that's fine. But if absolute solver is like a parasite- which is what it seems to be almost like- why destroy earth? Yes, we saw what it did to the Elliot mansion. That must have been only just the beginning and a small taste of what it's capable.
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So by the parasitic definition, it should try to find more hosts and more zombie drones to expand its reign. But does that really require to make earth into what N saw?
The first time I saw this theory it was pitched by LoreDrone on youtube- they do amazing theories and explanations. Go take a look, they explain it much better than I can. But basically they said that perhaps the true form of the absolute solver isn't this:
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Or this:
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And definetly not this:
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But instead is a black hole AKA this:
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That once the parasitic like nature finally takes complete control of the planet, it will do this and create a black hole.
The insane amount of times absolute solver has referred (or others have) to black holes is crazy. The most direct being: "The Solver of the Absolute Fabric. The void. The exponential end."
Sound familiar? Yeah, sounds like a black hole. It would actually explain some random things that we see throughout the show.
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Like the two black holes that slowly float away after Uzi and N defeat eldrich J.
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And not to mention all of the black holes that are seen in drawings both from Nori and others in eps 4 and 6.
There is an issue here though. The small creatures that we see for eldrich J, the corrupted core plus the small head that was projecting Khan's dead body only have a small impact and therefore produce little black holes. Uzi was able to create- although accidently- black holes throughout Dead End. All of which could not take full form as the first time, she passes out and thus the black hole form disintegrates. And the second time was when N chopped off her arm.
This all means that the absolute solver needs more solver drones like Cyn to create a large enough black hole to take its final form.
Here's the kicker though.
Why send disassembly drones to the planet then? We get a direct quote from Liam himself saying that spoilers! The humans didn't make the disassembly drones- which pretty much leaves Cyn to be the one that made them, and that's pretty true seeing as she was already making prototypes in the library basement in ep 5.
Copper 9 and many other planets (when Tessa explained) were studying absolute solver and trying to use its powers. "But all they did was spread it." Sounds like a perfect plan for the absolute solver, right? Spread the parasites and its hive mind/cloud based nature to overtake galaxies! So then... why send disassembly drones to Copper 9? The main hub where two very powerful solver drones, by the looks of it, that have huge potential! Nori and Yeva.
And both killed by disassembly drones. Sounds counterproductive, doesn't it?
"J, relay hand. Cyn's orders."
"Step 1: Clear drop zone of life and construct spires. Step 2..."
"Enter labs with this symbol."
Ladies and gentlemen, here we are. Idk if it's a commonly accepted theory or take, but I'm on this boat and I will proudly burn down with it.
Cyn is on our side.
Tessa (although she's very sketch) and J are trying to figure out why Cyn sent disassembly drones to other exo-planets. It is also Cyn's administration that's blocking absolute solver from completely corrupting our trio. It was also Cyn that ordered the eradication of all worker drones. We see that many of these worker drones are... by all technicality and for the most part aside from some odd balls- are correctly disposed of. Their bodies are ripped apart, devoured of their oil and cannot reboot as a zombie drone.
If Cyn was completely corrupted by absolute solver, she'd send the disassembly drones to perhaps kill the worker drones to increase the rate of zombie drones to wake up with the absolute solver string in them- just like seen with Cyn. But no. The entire spire is constructed of corpses in pieces.
Now as for my take on the ending (and let me tell you, I bet you I'm 100% wrong and this will probably not happen) I think our trio will beat whatever the f*ck is in Cabin Fever labs and team up with Cyn to then go to other planets and save them from absolute solver. A rather optimistic uptake, I know. But I'm also for a lot of the more bittersweet and not so happy ending theories that are out there.
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I saw it from @villainsrule2018 for the first time. That this image may be Copper 9 by the end of the season. I absolutely love the idea that we might lose Copper 9 but perhaps save other planets. But I have another take on this. This is earth. We've lost earth already, and off to the side we have Copper 9's moons, implying Copper 9 is its next target.
As per usual, there's plenty of holes and inconsistencies in my theories and ramblings. Feel free to expand or go against this, I love hearing other theories on how season 1 will end. ^_^
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prumanoenjoyer · 5 months
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Doing this thing because I got blorbos on my mind
A - Current OTPs/OT3s etc.
It may not come as a surprise but I am absolutely rotting on PruMano at all times and have been doing so for basically a year now. It's beginning to melt into my personality and nothing can be done about it. Whenever I'm released from the iron grip of PruMano rotting I enjoy GerIta and FrUk like the normie that I am. The BTT are definitely getting together for threesomes when they're all single and I like them as well.
B - Pairing I initially didn't consider
This might shock you after reading the first bit but. PruMano. See I'm not new to this circus, I first watched Hetalia in 2015 but focused mostly on the Nordic 5 with SuFin and DenNor. This was before PruAus 9/11 (Hima suddenly announcing they're cousins) so I think I was on the PruAus rot.
Other than that I got a friend who I dragged into this hellhole (you know who you are) who has infected me with Frain and TurFra. I have some Thoughts about TurPru but uhh. let's leave that for now.
C - Ships I never liked and never will like
All the ones where there is an unbalanced power dynamic (age gaps, having interacted when one was a child and the other way older etc, former colonies and oppressive states, having a relationship that implies being related etc). I am a seasoned hater of these and I do my best to block anyone who as much as reblogs it. I do not care if it's "just fiction" you guys are weird and not in a good way xoxo
D - Ships I just can't get myself to like
Due to the aforementioned PruMano rot I just don't feel seriously interested in any other pairings I fear. Nothing against PruCan or LietPru for example, I am just so rotted on PruMano that it doesn't make me feel anything lol
E - My crack contributions
I may just be the only person who has even considered TurPru and I have done it in the most unbearable fujoshi way possible </3
Other than that I'm helping out with spreading unrequited GerFra, Frain and TurFra which I do also enjoy on the side.
F - Longest I've been in a fandom
I wanna say this one?? Not actively so, I jumped ship to other things such as Love Live and JJBA in early 2019ish (Love Live even earlier in 2017), but even during my longer breaks from Hetalia I've always ended up rewatching it at some point or posting about it.
G - First OTP
For Hetalia it's definitely been GerIta from day one. Do I even need to say anything? To me they're canon.
H - Favorite way of consuming fandom stuff
It's mostly anime series and TV shows I'd say, I do sometimes read but am a bit too busy to properly sit down and do so.
I - Has Tumblr made me dislike fandoms
I think it would take less time to list the fandoms Tumblr HASN'T made me dislike tbh. I try to keep a tight knit circle for my own sanity and rarely interact with the fandom part of stuff apart from my own and my friend's contributions. Highly recommended btw.
J - Fandoms I didn't notice until Tumblr
To be honest I'm not really browsing Tumblr at all. I like to upload here because the image quality is way better than on Instagram. I suppose I highly associate some fandoms with this site (Undertale for example)?
K - Say something nice about someone
You should all go like and subscribe to fruktual on Instagram for more FrUk and Frainposting
L - Say something nice about a mid character
Lithuania I'm sure you are way more interesting than I give you credit for and I care about you the most out of the Baltic Trio (which I honestly forget exists at times)
M - Something nice about a ship I don't like
I'd honestly rather pull a tooth out than say a single word of praise for things such as UsUk or Spamano 🤢🤢🤢🤢 And that's on periodt!
N - Things I wish to see more of in the fandom
More PruMano please please please please please pl
O - Song that reminds me of a ship
Til There Was You by The Beatles makes me think of GerIta, as well as Kingdom Come by Red Velvet
As for PruMano it would be Tales Of Great Ulysses by Cream because I had that on repeat writing my Ancient Rome PruMano AU lol
P - New AU
I'm working on/will be working on a Frankenstein PruMano AU where Gilbert is a much more empathic Victor Frankenstein and Lovino is too traumatized from dying and being resurrected to be out killing people. Look forward to that...
Q - Ship I've abandoned and why
PruAus because Hima came in with a warhammer and bludgeoned it to the cousinzone R.I.P </3
R - Pairing I think no one else ships
Again with TurPru, I seriously wonder whether it's been considered at all. Most likely not.
S - Personal headcanon
Okay more or less true I guess if you bother to read the source material but Gilbert is just a silly loser guy. Like, he's a total himbo. I love him and need to gnaw on him.
T - Headcanons I'll die defending
That Gilbert and Lovino who share a passion for chivalry and knights would definitely go visit museums and LARPing events such as medieval weeks and whatnot. Just warms my cold little heart <3
U - 5 faves from 5 different fandoms
Oh boy. Forgive me for what I'm about to share.
(Hetalia) Gilbert Beilschmidt
(JJBA) Dio Brando
(Madoka) Kyouko Sakura
(Love Live) Yoshiko Tsushima
(Gakkou Gurashi or School Live) Kurumi Ebisuzawa
V - 3 OTPs from different fandoms
(Hetalia) PruMano (shocker, I know)
(Madoka) HomuMado
(Love Live) YohaRiko
W - 5 ships ft 5 kinks for said ship
So obviously gonna skip over the ones featuring minors.
PruMano - Verbal degradation, sadism, masochism, somewhat fear aspect, leaving marks
I do also just think they love each other and have normal sex and that's fine too, but I did write a fanfic where the abovementioned happens
X - My top 5 babygirls
1. Gilbert, I bully him a lot but don't you ever seriously say something mean about him because I will be so sad </3
2. Lovino, he's a flawed man and some of you are MEAN to him for having it rough
3. Rome, some people who haven't read source material claim there's some favoritism going on, he does visit Lovino as well okay? The allegations are canonically false!
4. Ludwig, I think most of us agree he's a good person but for the rare few who claim he's "verbally abusive". Go outside and touch grass no he isn't. GerIta has always been them antagonizing one another, the battlefield is even or perhaps even in Feliciano's favor. Ludwig will never be able to escape the nightmare and I don't think Feli wants him to. They're bound together forever and love it.
5. Roderich, gets slack for various Chibitalia related things, does not deserve it at all, it's all whining and he and Feli are on good terms in modern times. Relax.
Y - Fandoms in-law
My current close friends are into Baldurs Gate 3, Watch Dogs, Dishonored, Evillous Chronicles (Vocaloid), Utena and more. But these are the primary blorbo shows in-law.
Z - Rambling time
Okay if you've gotten this far down I admire your attention span lol thanks. I don't really have all that much to say that is concrete and comprehensible but I am thinking of PruMano and of warm days by the Mediterranean Sea and skies later lit in vivid shades of red and orange as the hot sun sets and the cities come to life. I am also thinking about them cuddling, which I do quite a lot.
Anyway that was all for me bye
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aoizaraka · 2 years
ɢᴏᴏᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ!☽
PART 1 TOMAN CAPTAINS x Toman's Best Friend!Extremely Flexible!reader [ 🄰🅄🅃🄷🄾🅁'🅂 🄽🄾🅃🄴 ] reader will be identified as female, but I will try my best to post a gn ver.
pls give suggestions on the characters I should do for part 2!
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MANJIRO SANO <𝙢𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙮 - very impressed with your flexibility and will ask you how far you could go without breaking your bones to see how flexible you are. - most likely will try to imitate it thinking it was easy considering how easy you made it look like (dumbass ngl lmaoo) but will probably hurt himself so you'll have to be the one to stop him from doing that if mother Kenny (Draken) isn't there.
-He met you because the place where you took your Gymnastics was near his Grandfather's dojo. He was just walking around till he saw you, beating up some bully that everyone in his neighbourhood was talking about
-he was absolutely impressed. he then went up to you and proceeded to talk with you like you didn't just beat up a guy 4x your size
-days passed and he hanged around you often. he even introduced you to Emma, Senju, Shinichiro, and Mikey's friends.
-then you guys met Draken, then started hanging out alot more as a trio
-when Toman was formed, you didn't accept his invitation to join them despite how powerful you were. But you did usually fight people alongside them and often hung around them which made it seem like you were a member.
-Mikey considers you as one of his closest friends, and is clingy around you. He is fully aware of your strength which makes him awe at you. He justs worry that you'll leave him like the others did. But at the same time, he justs wanna have fun with you and Draken.
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-he is grateful for you whenever he's not around and Mikey's doing random shit, he always counts on you.
-his opinion on you though-- he thinks your a capable, strong person.
-since Mikey met you before he met Draken, he somewhat respects you yet treats you like a good friend nonetheless.
-onetime when you guys were fighting someone, he saw your flexibility for the first time.. he was shocked ngl.. (in a somehow somewhat good way) shocked to the point he couldn't focus on his opponent anymore.
-yep, he knows what being flexible and what flexibility means but doesn't really care about it until he saw you kick some guy with your leg as high as you could.
-he wouldn't hide how impressed he is, in fact, he would say it was cool tbh
-if you guys would fight together, (or you and mikey or just all three) it would be legendary like Wakasa and Benkei.
-think about it though, if you all three fought together-- Mikey and Draken's strength with your Flexibility and fighting skills, yall would traumatize whoever you're fighting.
-he would ask you for some women advice so he would know what to do when talking to Emma.
-he loves your calm personality and will vent how annoying Mikey is to you.
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-like Draken, he loves your calm personality and was impressed when he saw your flexibility. But at the same time, he cant help but worry(?)..
-due to your calm energy, he introduced you to his younger sisters because he knew you weren't gonna act chaotic. Which he was right about, his sisters did like you alot.
-you both are the chillest people which makes you guys one of my preferred favorite duo.
-you don't necessarily hang out THAT much but you guys rarely do. You do converse though when you see each other at Toman meetings.
-asks you if you're okay and if it hurts, worrying when he saw you randomly doing a split on the floor when he comes to your place to give you back something you forgot while babysitting his sisters. (that was the first time he saw your flexibility.)
-like the other captains and vice captains and the Toman member's in general, he has respect for you because you are one of the friends of Mikey and Draken, but treats you friendly as well.
-Mitsuya thinks you're a good person even if you don't show much emotion.
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-like Mikey, he is curious how flexible you are.
-I can imagine him watching you fight because it amuses him how you beat people so easily.
-this is unnecessary to say but I can't help myself, but one time you were just walking around like a normal person would do until seeing some guy burn a car right in front of your eyes. Turns out that guy was Baji.
-when he did notice you, he didn't really care. Until you told him you could give him a new match box (or whatever you call it) because you noticed his matches were running out.
-he then decided you were a cool person.
-like Mitsuya, he doesn't hang around you much unless you guys are fighting other people together or both in a Toman meeting.
-he doesn't care but finds it interesting you flexible you were.
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-he is respectful to any one of the president's friends.
-you looked.. somewhat intimidating at first when he saw you, but when he got to talk to you he realized you were a calm, collected person.
-that, he admired.
-then when he saw you fight for the first time, applying your skills in gymnastics.
-"your bones didn't cut in half or something?"
-"no?? tf"
-I get a feeling you guys both like cats...
-one time, you both bumped into each other while heading over to some cat cafe.
-"[ LAST NAME ]-San? What are you doing here 😮😮😮"
-"no what are u doing here"🤨🤨
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ɴᴏᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴏғʀᴇᴀᴅ
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪs ʙʟᴏɢ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ᴛᴏ @aoizaraka . ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴏʀ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ/ʀᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ.
ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ © 2022
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anarcheamor · 11 months
So I Wanna Talk Vodou in Castlevania: Nocturne But First...
We gotta talk about Magic in Castlevania as a whole. The problem though is that there's not much new to say that one can't grasp from watching the show and being exposed to other media which includes magic (which is like what? 99% of all fantasy fiction?). The show doesn't go out of its way to explain anything about how magic works but then again what is there that needs explaining? Pretty brown lady does some finger stuff and something goes boom or sparky, a couple of guys can raise the dead, something something levitating sword, something something magic portals, something something something something magic exists, just deal with it. What seems to be of interest to the show is how magic is used by each character and what that says about them, their roles in the story, and their arcs.
Sypha, for example, is the powerhouse of the main trio boasting the most diverse and deadliest set of abilities since her magic consists of control over fire, water/ice, and lighting. This has led her to be key to some of the team's wins over various vampires, creatures, or even humans. While Trevor may struggle with one enemy, she could be handling several at once. This dynamic is most evident during the fight with Dracula as Daddy Drac could handle his son and a Belmont but Sypha was a wildcard that he knew he would have trouble. Even if you can argue that by herself she could never beat Dracula, her presence was the edge that the trio needed. But what does that say about her? She's adventure- loving, brave, and her knowledge as a speaker gives her insight where Trevor's experience and Alucard's vampiric and scientific knowledge might fail them. However, none of this is more important, I think, than her role as the "heart" of the team. Trevor and Alucard are cynics held back by their respective familial traumas to see the world for what it is, she provides optimism and love for life and humanity that both lacked and this aspect of her character enabled them to think in ways they weren't able to before. Like her magic, she's able to take the elements of those she loves and make them into something more powerful than what they seem capable of. Get it?
You can basically extend this analysis to most of the cast. Nothing entirely too deep either for people whose hobbies involve over-thinking about the stuff they watch. You see, my thing is magic in most fiction isn't really... magic and that has some bad implications for Annette's Vodou in Nocturne. Why? Because it's basically just science when physics is weird and wonky. That's not even off brand for it either, we all know that one quote about advanced enough science being indistinguishable from magic but even before this quote some Italian guy name Giovanni Pico della Mirandola said that magic was the practical application of natural science. The video I reblogged of the guy moving a crowd of bugs from the light in his yard to the streetlight is absolutely magical... but pretty easy to explain using bug psychology. Hell some scientists go out of their way to find miracles from various faiths (mainly Christian though) and try to explain them just for funsies (or apologetics) to stretch the limits of what science can explain and what it can't. This is all well and good for a view of magic that is centered around the idea of it being manipulation of phenomena but it kind of runs against other perspectives that see magic and adjacent activities as more than just phenomena. Take, for example, the existence of deities. If there is a fire god, what is fire magic? Does the magic come from the god? Do you need to have a special connection with the god to do the magic? Is it possible to become a fire god if you're powerful enough or is there something more to the title? What separates what the god does from the magic a human performs? If not a god, what about a fire spirit? Is there a difference between a spirit and a god? Do spirits take on the form of the element itself or are they separate from it? Notice how me adding in the element of a conscious thinking entity now muddies the waters a bit. Now what would be a simple "application of science" is now a question of relationships between two persons.
Let's apply this back to Sypha. Sypha's magic is manipulation of fire, lighting, and water. Assuming that elemental spirits/deities exist, how did she acquire such skills? Does she pray to them, bargain with them, worship them? Is there a ritual involved that she has to perform? It's a bit of a headscratcher if we think on it but I don't believe that she's dealing with any external entities with her magic and I'm certain the writers intended for her magic to be as straight-forward as it appears. And notice how the other magic in the show fit a similar simplistic "mold"? Alchemy and Forgemastery are basically in the same "do a thing then a thing happens" territory that Sypha's elemental kinesis fits in. But just like how adding in a "second party" into the mix of the magic throws a kink in how we're supposed to perceive Sypha's magic, doing so for Alchemy and Forgemastery does the same. In fact, Alchemy stops being Alchemy the moment you start adding in cosmic beings because it practically ruins the point of alchemical work. So in a world where all the magic is connected together by a common "science-y" theme to it all that's supposed to enable us to shut off our brains and just accept said magic without explanation because we trust that there is one, how do you fit magic where entities are a part of how everything works? And when the magic you're introducing is from a faith that's been demonized to hell and back, how do you make it fit into your world with good representation? Well, for Nocturne, the answer is not terribly but not all that good either...
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raayllum · 1 year
you don’t have to answer this if its too discoursey but i’m too afraid to say it off anon cause I don’t wanna get yelled at, but I am not the biggest fan of emperor/king Callum fics, mainly since it feels out of character for me (since he feels more connected to magic than he does royalty as a whole, he’s only the crown prince because he & Ez don’t have any family left to take up that role)
and also because to me, as a black person, it feels really weird that it just sidelines Ezran, they always just kill him off for no reason except to put the white person in a position of power
Its okay as a concept, i suppose, say Ezran feels like he can’t bear the responsibility at his age, so Callum takes up the mantle, but it just feels Weird to me, and maybe I’m reaching but it does feel like there’s a hint of racism going on even if its not exactly the author’s intention
So back in like 2020 in the months following S3, Regent Amaya became a popular headcanon in the Janaya corner of the fandom (because they wanted to have to interact Politically with Janai rather than just personally? I don't know) and it never sat right with me for similar reasons. (Cue people complaining in S4 that Janay's plotline was more Janai centric than Amaya centric. Mmhm.)
Because here's the thing (and I've said this before) while Callum is not white (he is mixed, he's half Asian and half white) he is lighter skinned than his brother and I do understand why people think he's white at first glance (more discussion/perspectives on Callum's race in this tag) and Ezran very clearly is not, and it's also very clear how that can affect them sometimes fandom wise. Of the five like main Main characters (although that list is 100% expanding in S4), Ezran is one of two main characters of colour (bonus core protagonist points alongside his brother) and he is the only darker skinned character of colour, comparatively in the trio.
There are other reasons I think as well about why Ezran doesn't have as much fandom made about him (he's the youngest in the cast, most of the fandom is older; he's not part of a main ship, etc) but race absolutely affects a lot of the critique he (and Harrow) get as kings. I have seen people with their full chest go "I hate TDP's monarchy, they're such bad kings Viren was right" because their issue isn't at its core the monarchy, it's that their white fave's bloodline wasn't the one on the throne for once.
Also talking about race is never discoursey IMO so always feel free to drop stuff in my inbox about it. (I'll happily take getting yelled at for it, it's way easier to bear as a white person & it doesn't happen as often as a result.)
Since 2016, we've seen this mini trend of casts having one Black character, usually a boy who's a best friend of the protagonist, get routinely sidelined. Lucas had to carry Stranger Things on his back (although I think it's gotten better? Idk for sure I stopped watching the show after s2 for unrelated reasons), Finn from Star Wars deserved so much better (and I left the SW fandom bc the racism was so bad and he was my favourite after just six months), Bow from She-Ra got virtually nothing, and Gus from The Owl House actually did.
TDP, thankfully, does not fall into that trend (having more than like 1-2 Black characters in general also helps a great deal, JC) and I now no longer watch every season like a hawk to ensure that it won't, because I trust that it won't.
So. King Callum AUs. The first thing is that you're right, Callum isn't that interested in politics. While he has a mind for politics (he immediately realizes what the egg could mean globally) he's not motivated by them. In 1x06 he gets pissed & fed up because Rayla insists on giving him only the political reasonings for why she's travelling with them and not stealing the egg, and it's not enough (he wants the personal reasons). His Tales of Xadia bio reaffirms this, stating outright that he's "beholden to [his] inner circle, not some silly kingdom" in spite of being Crown Prince. I think in some ways if Callum was left alone as King, regent Amaya would be more likely, not less, even if Callum might resist out of a grief fuelled desperate "I have to do this" at first. Being King is genuinely liberating for Ezran in ways it'll just never be for his brother, thematically / personality wise
And Callum being king because Ezran died is, IMO, unnecessary and actually more restrictive for both of their characters. If you want Callum grieving but away from the throne off adventuring with Rayla in an angsty AU, you can just have him think Ez is dead and achieve the same aims. If you want Callum on the throne, you can just have him do it out of love/loyalty for his baby brother. Otherwise, Ezran actually being dead leaves Callum solely grieving and stranded away from magic (his true calling, or the temptation of dark magic). But if Callum becomes regent to try and shield his baby brother, it leaves a lot more for them to grow, disagree on and develop, etc. Just a lot more avenues. How I think this would go (honouring Ezran's role to play and how I think their dynamic would realistically develop with this addition) here.
Being aware of what does or doesn't displace a character can be tricky, but I always think of it in regards to "do you take something another character has earned and give it to another character with little consequence," killing a character off when it wouldn't change that much to keep them alive and just tweak other things (like the above), or "are you taking the challenge one character has set before them and giving it unequivocally to another".
For example I've thought about "is my theory of Callum sacrificing/handing over the Key of Aaravos for Rayla's life displacing him" but it's not, in my eyes, bc 1) all the repercussions that come from that action is still something he has to deal with, 2) he'd have a vested interest and arc in reclaiming the cube, 3) it highlights the tragedy of Callum regaining his agency from brainwashing and still being forced into Aaravos' tragedy, 4) still leaves Callum perfectly free and motivated to uncover the secrets of the key himself beforehand, it just won't end well for him. And if Callum was having big conflicts with Ezran RN, I'd probably swap in Ez as a possibility for who he'd hand the key over for too
Last but not least I do wonder if Callum will even remain his brother's High Mage. The symbolism of a brother on either side of the Border has always felt fitting to me, and I think Claudia would make a great high mage to Ez if/when she gets redeemed / she'll want to stick close to her brother. Now that Callum has Ibis' staff, I wonder if that'll also eventually include having Ibis' post, especially now that Soren has stepped up in S4 to really be Ez's protector (and Cal and Ez would still write letters all the time, of course <3 Ez checking in on him through his link with Zym).
But yeah I think if Callum did continue to be in a political role beyond high mage, he'd be best suited to be one of Ezran's top generals, and that would take its own interesting toll on Ezran's psyche
Anyway this is probs longer than you were expecting but thank you for sharing your perspective! It's something I think the bulk of the fandom has noticed and it's always good to look at areas of like, perhaps more casual than outright racism when it comes to characters of colour, and how we have a responsiblity to examine those areas when exploring things, even just in fanon
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cosmic-ships · 4 months
If you could take kylo to any video game world of your choosing where would you go & what would be some of the things you're most excited to show him/ do together??
It's like "Kylo honey you thought your force powers were awesome? Check this shit out!" and then I'd introduce him to the trio~ (Delsin, Fetch, and Eugene!) ......GASP bad karma Delsin meeting Kylo and wanting to shake Kylo's hand but is SHOCKED when he realizes he can't take Kylo's powers bwahahaa Poor spider monkey lol
anyways if I fell into that world with Kylo I would instantly gain my ISS abilities >:3c ...hm if Kylo was actually from that universe I wonder what type of powers he'd have...I mean he uses the force but I wanan give him an element... HANG ON GONNA CHECK He'd be a ....oh SHIT He's be like me! Glass/Wire conduit! O_O
I would use my powers to gift him a pretty glass rose sculpture >//> I feel like he would absolutely love kicking the shit out of DUP.
"Why are we doing this?"
"'cause they wanna see me and my friends dead"
[lightsaber activates] "say no more."
ehehehe :3c
Th reason I didn't say Fallout is because jesus fuck the BoS would be on his ass for his lightsaber, the institute would want to disect him, raiders would just want to have him on their side! MY BOY WOULD NOT KNOW A MOMENTS PEACE! not that there is much peace there BUT YOU GET IT LMAO
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frankiebirds · 4 months
started binging criminal minds, i was gutted when elle left & now watching the next couple of s2 episodes i really felt her absence. especially in 'the last word' when a women has to pretend to be dead so they can catch one of the serial killers (they so needed to have a frank convo about making elle relieve her trauma + this couldve been a great intro to that). i read your post, i agree it did make sense why elle left considering her background as a sexual offence specialist & what she says to reid but i found the writing lacking. her exit felt rushed + not final bc she only really shared scenes with hotch. also she also seems the type to not wanna give up the bau bc that would mean the fisher king wins + is a determined person so it would've been better to see her slow realisation she cant do the job she desperately wanted in s1. also the fact her relationships with the rest of the team + their reactions weren't fully explored is annoying since she was quite friendly with everyone particularly close to morgan, reid even gideon. especially since gideon inadvertently caused her get shot as he didnt want to follow the rules then said elle would understand?? so a confrontation w gideon similar to the one w hotchner wouldve been nice. i miss morgan's fun bantery friendship with elle in the later eps when she wasn't there to partner up with him (idk they seemed to be a go to partnership to me) & the elle/morgan/reid trio is sorely missed. ive largely enjoyed everything so far (just finished 2x09) but i wish they'd more deeply explore the characters' history. like the inclusion of reids mom was interesting & really liked how garcia respected reids privacy to keep her illness a secret. it was a missed opportunity i felt not to see elle & morgan not bonding over losing their cop dads or hotch and gideon talking about fatherhood when hotch is missing out on his babys key milestones (ik there was that bit in s1 when hotch tells gideon to get in touch w his son but more of those moments wouldve been nice). whilst i feel the team all like each other and there's some interesting/fun friendships (reid&gideon , garcia&morgan etc) id be nice to have some downtime scenes showcasing them as a makeshift found family (sorry i love that trope & c'mon they spend more time with each other than with their acc families). anyway sorry for the long rant this show is eating at my brain lord my brain mass will be equivalent to a pea by the time i finish this show. <3
thats fair and i get what you mean! there are definitely moments when i felt elle's absence and there are definitely things about her leaving that i would change if i had the power—i absolutely agree that the reactions from the rest of the team to her leaving and the actions leading up to it were sorely lacking, and a slower realisation that she cant do the job anymore would have been very cool to see, although i think the latter was less due to writing problems and more to the fact that elle left the show because lola glaudini chose to leave (ie they couldn't write a fully fleshed out leaving arc for elle because it was driven by out-of-show events and therefore not planned/they had limited time to execute it). the lack of reaction from the team is a writing problem though, so again i very much agree with that!
i hope you enjoy the rest of the show and get some of your wishes, and if you dont, you can find some good fics to fulfill them <3
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Hi lol
My name is Sharksa Shivers or Tiff, whatever, either works lol and i am migrating here now. I still have a twitter (i am not calling it X, fuck that lol, you know it's a twitter) The muskrat has been fucking up alot of shit over there so uhhhhhh might as well make another page online so people can find me cuz idk how long a burning building can stay standing so yknow...
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Just in case tho- twatter: https://twitter.com/Sharksa_Shivers Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ02ooJ9RYKAV9uIUQum1Gg Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/sharksa-shivers (ima be honest lads, i ain't reposting every art ever on here so check my DA for my full art gallary lol. All my art garbo is there lol)
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I'm p friendly but snarky and sometimes i got no chill but cuz of anxiety, that will probably be reeled in alot but i'd love to talk and make some more internet friends cuz i'm a lonely motherfucker, that'd be nice lol... Guess i will be trying to learn how this site works cuz i have no clue lol...Never had a tumblr before so uhhhhh yeah lol... Also i like to swear and say fuck and be edgy so uhhhh hopefully you're alright with self end life jokes and uhhhhh other stuff like that cuz otherwiseeeeeee you probs wanna head on out lmaoooo If you decide to show up and be a lil shit, i will not hesitate to use that block button lololol...Also if you decide to take my sfw art as weird fetish shit cuz i've had that prob on DA, that will absolutely earn you a block. Also peeps that make me uncomfy in general/spambots also will get hit with the blocc. I'll talk to anybody usually but if you wanna be rude, i'll probs block you if you decide to do that lol. Just be a normalass person and we won't have any issues. Do not start shit with me about my interests plz, i just want happy brain chemicals for like 5 minutes fdhjkfdjhfdhdf plz, lordt
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--- Kidnapped revolves around The Trio, a team of 3 demon fighters in training. Consisting of Sharky Sharkson, Max Bone and Kristy Miller, these 3 teenagers work towards the goal of defeating a genocidal immortal cult leader shadowdemon known as Demon Drop whenever he comes back from an alternative dimension. Training The Trio, powerful fire mer Orange Hair does her best to provide The Trio with the skills and resources they need to take down Demon Drop when he returns...Why is it called Kidnapped then? Because Orange Hair kidnapped Kristy to make this team happen and that's when our story begins, with Kristy having to come to terms with all of this...
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Roomies --- Skylar is a loud and asshole-y chameleon with dreams of becoming a musician. Axel is a very nerdy and nice dog dude whos trying his best to live a good life. Together, these 2 are polar opposites and roommates...Maybe even something more in the future if Axel can figure out his true feelings for Skylar over time. These 2 get into quite alot of shenaigans and have to deal with whatever life throws at them both.
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(Note: Roomies is my side series and it's undergoing some major needed work over time. It's probably not gonna be updated a ton as a result but i am working on it on and off whenever i get more inspired lol.)
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Plz tag art as #KidnappedSeriesFanart or #RoomiesSeriesFanart if you wanna give me fanart or something to...Or tag me, whatever, i'd love to see it!!! (am not expecting but people have wanted to a few times and i'm cool af with that as long as you aren't...Yknow, gross and whatever lol...)
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ALSO!!!! Just cuz i post dialog stuff/rambling stuff from/about Kidnapped/Roomies doesn't mean they will be in the final projects...But it doesn't mean it won't make it in either lol so take it with a grain of salt. I needa share more stuff to get any sort of audience imo sooooooooo ima share these cuz these get the points across more then random artpieces in my mind so yeah lol... EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE KEEP IN MIND...
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Ik fandoms are a big thing here sooooooo here's some stuff i'm super into lol: -Regular Show (hyperfixation atm) (Also simp king Mordecai is my fave character, argue with the wall lmaooooooo) -Owl House -Steven Universe -Final Space -Tangled The Series -Amphibia (less so after the finale tho, ngl, oof) -Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss (both lol) -If it's animated, i'm probably gonna be super into it lmao, i don't watch alotta live action stuff, i'm sorry oof X-X
Will say tho, i probably won't interact much other then like...Maybe an opinion here or there or just...Sharing art i like lol, i ain't lookin for drama or fights, plz no, i do not need it over silly cartoon shows that make my brain make seratonin juices lol
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Other shiz i like: -Hiveswap (Homestuck too but Hiveswap moreso ngl lol) -Castle Swimmer -BIG into Elemental rn, we'll see how long that sticks lol -Mystery Flesh Pit National Park (fave internet story, god, i love the cosmic abomination, horror pit lol) -If it is shark/ocean/mer related, yes i want to see it, give it to me NOW... -Roblox (fave games are Tornado Alley Ultimate and Royale High atm lol but i play other stuff at points)
Uhhhhhrm, will update more later lolololol
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If you needa contact me, hmu lol (tho i am usually easier to reach later in the day/at night tbh...Ima lil night owl buttttttt sometimes i do have to get up earlier so yknow, i could surprise ya... XD
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Dividers are NOT MINE; Go check out cafekitsune for these, they got some really pretty ones lol Link to the galaxy banners: https://www.tumblr.com/cafekitsune/727305515676418048/%F0%9D%90%8F%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%8D-%F0%9D%90%81%F0%9D%90%80%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%84%F0%9D%90%91%F0%9D%90%92-galaxy
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Commissions? Nope, not atm. Idk if i will ever do those tbh lol... Art trades? Depends on the timing but hmu and we'll see!! Usually I'll say yes cuz it's p fun lol. (I would prefer to know the person/be mutuals tho so i am not doing free art for Johnny Mcrando yknow?) Gift art? I am always open to peeps making art for me so you can if you want. On my end, depends lol...Maybe if i'm up for it. Do you ever do fanart? I would do so much Regular Show fanart if my brain was not fried 24/7 with Kidnapped stuff so...dfhjfdhjfdhfd I wouldn't follow me for the hopes of that alas but perhaps someday, i have done it before!! :p When tf you gonna upload you twat?? Whenever i have stuff, do not stress me plz, i beg lol. I do gotta draw, it keeps my mental health stable but also uhhhhhhhhh it's done when it's done babycakes uwu
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
2, 17, 18 and 25
most of these are gonna be for the eclipse bc that's my prominent fandom rn, but we'll see if any other fandoms jump out skjdfhdsf
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
this is a great question bc so many fics for the eclipse and the fandom in general get it wrong so this is me metaphorically grabbing everyone by the shoulders and gently shaking them
akk is a top you guys, i'm so sorry, i know you don't wanna hear it, but aye is such a power bottom it's not even funny. i know you wanna believe dom = top and sub = bottom but that's just not how it works and it's not how they work. that tumblr post that's like call my man lettuce the way he's a sub topping is aye to akk like idk how to make this any clearer -
that being said, the one and only exception to this rule that i allow is sarah's business or pleasure fic and that's cause it works with the power dynamic of the workplace, thank you for coming to my tedtalk
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
immediately lying bc this is about not me, but the fact that there aren't any yok/original male character fics out there where the oc looks suspiciously like khaotung is actually crazy to me, especially with all the not me-esque promo with firstkhao lately, like i fr gotta do everything myself around here 🙄 and NO i don't mean yok/ayan, but there also aren't enough of those fics
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
THE PREFECT TRIO!!! also wat in general, but the three of them as a group fr. guys i need more friendship fics and posts, like their group dynamic is genuinely one of my favorites i've ever seen on a show. like their rule about resolving an issue the same day so they're not mad at each other?? i love it sm, and that scene by the water with the three of them in the os2 ep had me fully in tears, like yall dont understand they mean sm to me, give them more love
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
in general it's people being mad/hating thua for the ep11 incident, but the last week it's so many people thinking akkayan, specifically aye, was out of character in the os2 eps. like guys i promise you they weren't, you just don't get them, lets move on
send me a number to choose violence with!
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tutyayilmazz · 2 years
so, MÅNESKIN in torino
first off I'm so grateful that i got to see them again, 10 months after verona 🥺 they are beasts on the stage, everything they play goes a thousand times harder live and their energy reaches every corner of the room (apparently expect the people in my row who literally sat through most of the show?? they only really stood up for zitti e buoni and coraline etc. which are of course highlights but i don't understand how can you sit through such a high energy LOUD AF gig. my feet were aching from 2 days of sightseeing and still i jumped to my feet the moment they started)
don't wanna sleep is PERFECT to start the show, i was waiting so much to hear it live and it's amazing and the red curtain drop is so cool
when they play zitti e buoni it's like being transported back to may 2021 and first discovering them, that song will always be special
own my mind is one of my english favorites from rush and for good reason, the heavier instrumentation is excellent
coraline is a fucking journey no matter how many times you listen to it, what a song, so glad to hear it live again
baby said is definitely deserving its rising attention, so fun to dance along to
bla bla bla is obviously made for the stage and it does work i looove the ending and damiano was crowdsurfing during the last "ha ha haha haha ha"s, looked so fun
i'm so glad they kept in nome del padre on the setlist, the final instrumentals are some of my absolute favorite things the power trio plays!! ❤️
as much as for the complaints about beggin from both sides it's hard to imagine they'll ever not play it considering how enjoyable it is with a whole crowd dancing, i don't ever listen to it but live it does the job I'm afraid
even a song that i don't have much special liking of like timezone is absolutely ROARING live
for your love live my beloved <3 though i gotta say thomas's solo in verona was better, felt more psychedelic than the one here
then a new intro to gasoline and FIIIRE though at first it seemed like damiano's microphone was trying and failing to light up but it did during the middle
they did the acoustic torna a casa and vent'anni they also did in verona and as beautiful as they are like that, it also makes me wish they were the "full" versions instead 🙈
same for amandoti but i DEFINITELY wasn't expecting them to play it so i appreciate it very much
intros with ethan and vic <333
and IWBYS live is the fun thing in the world honestly, that jumping on damiano's count is an incredible energy 🤩
la fineee it felt like the first time i was listening to it in the middle of the night and having those feelings wash over me
feel is also way more harder live and interactive with damiano having us "practice" the daaa-da-da-da-da-duh at first
AND MARK CHAPMAN AAAAH i love this so fucking much I'm so happy they played it, it's a culmination of all their prowess imo 😍 i have no idea what thomas was doing with his mouth but it was amazing
i wanna be a kool kid on stage so bad too 😭 it looked so much fun though there weren't too many people. fortunately no one was shoving a phone into their faces and it's just amazing to see vic surrounded by all these girls everyone having the time of their life
the 5 min solo thomas does before the loneliest is INCREDIBLE i would kiss his hands for it. also the ending ofc though i still think that solo works better for le parole lontane, either way just wonderful music 🥰
and IWBYS to close off 😭 I'm already missing it ❤‍🩹
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I'm definitely going to regret this post, but Lugia, is not the leader of the Kantonian birds. THAT IS A MOVIE EXPERIENCE.
Ingame, Lugia has no relation to Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres hence it shouldn't count as a Trio Master.
Indirectly yes the cause of the Legendary Beasts was done by the storm it caused by mistake on that lightning strike, but Lugia must've felt horrible after that and feels responsible to not interact near humans.
" It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong." - Pokemon Gold dex description.
but here's an interesting description " It has an incredible ability to calm raging storms. It is said that Lugia appears when storms start." - Crystal.
A few theories I've seen being thrown around before was that " Lugia did it as an accident." or " Lugia and Ho-Oh fought one another."
People even stating that Lugia is dangerous and unpredictable but it really shouldn't be treated as such.
But notice how the people of Ecruteak City doesn't necessarily blame Lugia? Let alone mention it? Only on a few occasions where it does get mentioned or referred it doesn't seem as negative. Yes they may assume or call it fierce or strong but it's not it's being seen by players as a destructive force, yes the Dex descriptions made it that way, but its not in the story.
Meaning they knew what really happened as it was written down at the time. The Pokedex just write what it "see's or was written" reminder, computers are not always smart and sometimes copy paste the same information but gets it wrong.
in the animation for Pokemon Evolutions Episode 7, explaining some details.
Ho-oh guardian of the skies, roosts on the Bell Tower.
Lugia Guardian of the Seas, roosts on the Brass Tower *then* / now is the Burned Tower.
A lightning storm disturbed Lugia, the lightning struck the tower thus causing a fire. Lugia had attempted to blow away the flames but it would've spread, thus Lugia wanted the rain. The flames was extinguished. Lugia had left, in the morning hiding in the Whirl Islands. Awaiting for the day it returns to Ecruteak City.
Lugia being seen here, is shown as it did absolutely nothing to the tower Lugia was mostly resting and then suddenly alarmed by a storm thus it was a call to action.
I think it only left because it still feels grief about the 3 animals in the tower, yes the Beasts are still in the Tower as a reminder of their past that once was they seem to be guardians to both the Bell and Burned Towers after Ho-Oh ressurrected them to be Entei, Raikou and Suicune.
So really Lugia should be considered the indirect start of the Legendary beasts, while Ho-Oh is the one who brought them back.
If we ever get a Legends Johto, let us at least worship both Lugia and Ho-Oh, and explore their towers. Maybe let us pay tribute to them like oh my god let us even visit Celebi's shrine, let us leave offerings, if we leave enough offerings to Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Celebi what if we have a chance to create a traditional dance for all 3. I know I'm throwing Celebi into this, but I don't know I just wanna see a Celebi traditional dance. Lugia has the waves with silver feathers, Ho-Oh has autumn leaves. Celebi should have maybe a sparkly diamond with maybe cyan leaves theme like effect to represent that it's a Time Pokemon Guardian of the Forest.
It's not a Third Legendary, as it's a Mythical but Celebi should be represented with Lugia and Ho-Oh. Showing us that Lugia is not the cause, but the guardian that didn't manage to stop a storm that happened suddenly. The storm was an inconvenience Lugia was not the one to blame.
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weirdo-autumn · 1 year
Okay so I've been thinking whether or not to post something about this medieval au a friend and I made up a while ago and to just, ramble. A lot. So here I am- sick at home ( been sick for the past few days actually and it sucks) and wanting to talk about it, right now, at this moment
( note this may contain spoilers for some of the show like s2 and such so uh uh, yeah- )
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Ignoring my handwriting- it may be harder to read because of the brush I used, which I use for my sketches before linart, but BASICALLY those are just little notes I wanted to add in for absolutely no reason but did anyway-
Okayso, months ago ( possibly a YEAR ago I think- ) I found some old character designs of the main characters on this show ( if you wanna know what the link is or just want some pictures, I will GLADLY show you if you want!!! THEY'RE SO COOL!!! ) , by Beatrice Blue, the art directior of the show, her art is SO PRETTY BTW- and she was testing a cardboard mask with Wolfboy so I was like, that'd be fun, and thought it looked really really cool and I did the thing, BUT later on in the au it would change to the usual one since the cardboard one would somehow get ruined or something, and his mom would gift him that one. And Wolfboy basically bumps into Xandra and Sprout becsuse Xandra quiet literally threw her shield at him ( he is SAFE btw ) and becsuse he can SEE them, Sprout's like " can we take him with us? " and Xandra instantly turned the idea down, but they bickered on for a while amd Wolfboy is just kinda standing there, Processing what situation he got himself into, he just wanted to save the little cloud- Xandra says yes after a whilebut man does she feel BETRAYED
Okay now about Xandra and Sprout, Sprout is a prince but also not a prince, his family is like a bunch of well-known farmer nobles snd Xandra is like a guard to said family, mostly Sprout, he wears a ( fake ) crown and cape, just because, kinda like Xandra, who would be way more guarded and protective than in the actual show, because she is kinda like a guardian spryte already but not YET yet, just guard of a noble farmer family, I totally forgot to add her little gem that would change into a shield on her but but she has that tooheh. Prince but also not a prince and a guard who is slso not a guard that is their whole thing in this auHAHA, who are also have a sibling relationship, cheering one another on and comforting each other AND ALSO SPROUT HAS THESE HEALING POWERS I ALMOST FORGOT, sometimes he and Xandra practice in their freetime, fighting off disarrays or healing, snd helping each other as they do so, and when Wolfboy comes around and find out he can control the wisps like sprytes all THREE OF THEM practice their fighting/healings skills and such, my friend came up with this idea btw!!!
Now, about Seth ( a character that later comes up in S2, love her ), I'm honestly still thinking more about this au but I'll give what I have- I think it would be interesting if Seth was one of Nyx's guards, and she would be secretly watching the trio from really dark corners where she wouldn't be seen because is she was.... Chaos. But anyway Seth would basically be ALMOST caught every now and then but becsuse she can use her hair to sorta make her invisible, she's mostly not seen, she would give any important information/updates to Nyx since she is her queen, the one she has to listen to, BUT Seth doesn't trust her. At all, Seth is only doing what is told because for her safety, she doesn't want to get hurt like who wouldn't.
I like to think that the Spryte Relam is, instead of the Everything "factory", it would be a CASTLE, and the Spryte Elders would be like kings and queens of said castle, along with the Disarray Relam- in the show, Nyx is known to be the queen of that relam since she was trapped there for years, she has her own guards, nobles, people etc... The Spryte Relam is kinda like that but the factory is now a castle filled with labs, dorms, rooms, portal DOORS instead of the usual portals that would lead to the human relam, and that's pretty much all I have, for NOW. I may have more ideas later on who knows
I have this whole drawing planned based on this au, it's a redrsw but as of this moment I'm getting a totally different idea ohmygod ( update, I have TWO now )
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, whether you read this WHOLEEEE thing or not, thank you ^^ I do wanna post more on here but everytime I say that I disappear like I never even did, but it's true, I wanna post and talk on here more somehowhehe
Thank you again for reading my rambling, have a good day/afternoon/evening/night :D
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
Moe Violence: or How I Struck the Jidaigeki Goldmine
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I lost a close friend recently. A really close one and it was the kind of sudden bolt from the blue that’s really just fate waking up and deciding to kick you in the teeth. He liked old Western movies and was enough of a film buff to know how much back-and-forth there was with samurai cinema. So we had a lot of fun talking about movies. Made me want to finally get through a stack of films I’ve dug up on archive.org. Liking what I like, I think this binge has helped get a lot of clarity on where we started with looking at Lady Snowblood & Red Swallow Oyuki. (Oh...by the way. I plum forgot Snowblood’s auntie/confidant type figure was named Okiku. Always has a basket of yellow mums outside her door)
Started with checking out a trio of films the absolutely wonderful Junko Miyazono did after Red Swallow. Series is called Tales of the Poison Seductress; Hannya Ohyaku, Quick-Draw Okatsu, & Okatsu the Fugitive. They’re all standalone, caution though they’re very violent. SA is a factor too but from what I’ve seen most of the scenes may drag but try to keep it not too graphic. I say that as someone pretty turned off but “losing her virtue” is a threat hanging around frequently in these and there’s a torture element. This is 60s/70s Japanese Grindhouse cinema, the type of thing that inspired gory directors like Quentin Tarantino. It ain’t for everyone and that’s why I wanna gush about it here. What I’m getting more and more though is that pinning our beloved Okiku to one jidaigeki reference is a fool’s errand. My dears, she’s an ode to an entire subgenre!
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Let’s not split hairs over the specific category of Toei films and slightly different ones with a female lead. The term I see used is “Pinky Violence.” Pinky coming from having female leads and being very sexually charged affairs. Toei needed to do something to compete with more Western movies making it over, so they opted for shock value and the way they went for it ended up giving us a pretty feminist genre. Not to say these were all jidaigeki which means “period drama.” There were a lot of modern ones I have yet to dive into heavily. Before Lady Snowblood Meiko Kaji gave us a really fun looking 6-part series called Stray Cat Rock for a great example. Machine guns, motorcycles, and LSD. They look awesome and check this aesthetic! I’m in love.
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That knowledge does make me think of Nami and the early design with a missing arm. Jojo’s Stone Ocean as well while we’re at it. There’s also a fair number of Yakuza movies that fall sorta in between like the Red Peony Gambler (Hibotan Bakuto) series. It’s all a little nebulous if you want to get into the weeds. There’s a few different styles from a few different studios but make no mistake. These were popular movies in Japan. Big studios like Toei were churning them out as B movies to maintain relevance. Compete with television and Hollywood’s resources.  
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Know what isn’t nebulous? Yeah...the hallmarks of the genre are big things we see out of Okiku’s role in Wano. The otherwise perfect lady with some little hook that means she isn’t “marriage material.” The whole arc of showing she can kick as much ass as any man but always reminding you of the lady playing the part. A big, big shared element is this core theme of taking down corrupt officials who abuse their power. Urashima the Yokozuna is exactly the type of guy who’d end up a villain in these. Sticking up for humble villagers, looking out for other women and children. Being the collateral damage of “great” men’s ambitions is what we tend to see over traditional fare like say, reinstalling a dynasty. I love the running theme of these being so much more local in scope. And Kiku gets that modern twist of her being trans for the “excuse.” I adore that in contrast to anime trends of needing to make an excuse for the deviance. My dead sister was the favorite, I went silly due to trauma, etc. This trope and trend of subversion is a big reason I love the mistaken bride idea. 
The more of these I see, and I’m friggin hooked these days, the more I see little bits and bobs that feel like they may have shaped our beautiful flower of Wano. And others! She’s a little more than a simple homage though. We do see the violence part pretty well for One Piece. Kiku gets the shit beaten out of her on Onigashima and it is gory by this manga’s standards. That’s where the modernization seems to be though. We tone down the sexuality for cute. Which isn’t that off base, the archetype in historical settings typically does have that innocent and sweet side. One Piece just isn’t the type of series you’re going to actually see things like making good on Tama’s intro of fleeing from being sold to the red light district. Even if it didn’t make it in the proper story, Kiku & Izo’s origin does flirt with that kind of content more than the series usually would. Hell, we do get Holdem torturing Tama and the series just fades to black on a similar spot for Tsuru. 
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Wano made this genre feel familiar already. Snowblood loves it some anachronic storytelling, Red Peony sets up and ends films with a non-diagetic theatrical framing. Ohyaku uses a big simpleton to bust out of a prison camp. Speaking of, can I please get someone whipping a hair stick like a dart? That’s my favorite little signature from the Red Peony. Oryu in those is a fun protagonist played by Junko Fuji. That’s one of the more accessible series, less graphic than One Piece so far, and she plays with gender as a theme more. Proclaims to be a man but we always see deep down she’s still a lady that wishes she could have married the honest merchant’s son. Oh...and almost all of these ladies are total daddy’s girls like Kiku acts towards Kin. That whole series gets its own because there’s eight of them and they’re soooo good. 
Eiichiro Oda is a great writer and worldbuilder...but he’s actually pretty derivative. One Piece doesn’t break ground as much as refine the dominant genre when it started, even Rurouni Kenshin was more subversive for shonen. The more I see of these though, the more I see Oda just being this big kid who thought these old movies were so cool and couldn’t wait to rip into his samurai gang. Of course one of em if gonna be a little Junko Miyazono/Meiko Kaji being a fierce strong-willed lady of war. These movies are classic cool!
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