#i just want a small thing i can take to the library without back pain
abluescarfonwaston · 11 months
Me: Hey Google what's a good computer for someone just getting into digital art
me: I really just wanted something small I could write on and maybe draw with sometimes.
Me: I just want one step up from pokemon art academy on the DS...
Me: okay well that is a nice feature
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soarrenbluejay · 7 months
Since I’ve been encouraged to actually share my funny little blorbo ideas here’s another one gang;
Danny moves to Gotham on scholarship for engineering, because the Fentons may be infamous but they’re also insanely brilliant and besides both he and Jazz are showing every sign of embarrassed child of a super genius syndrome, so while the bats are keeping a close eye on him Just In Case, duke is also thinking of introducing him to the Our Parents Are Maniacs But Anyway club maybe after the first month or so.
Gotham does not go for standard dorm living bc of his ‘condition’ and lack of wanting to constantly spook/gaslight a roommate. Besides, living with two small children is a dorm sounds like a disaster in action.
So Danny signs up as a mechanic in Crime Alley, buys himself a teeny weensy lil apartment and Makes It Work. He has been all year after showing up with a de aged Dani and Dan in Amnity after all, and that had gone,,, fine? (The entire town, observing how Danny had been getting increasingly more uncomfortable around his godfather prior to the cloning incident, then just dropped off the face of the earth for several months, the first two weeks stuck in Vlad’s basement enduring horrors and the next Too Many desperately fapping around in the Ghost Zone to get everything handled. All the clones live, all 13 of them. Bunch of them are stuck in the Ghost Zone due to constant need for ectoplasm, but eh, plenty of Zone born never leave, so. One, in the future, apprentices under a green warrior lady on Pandora’s suggestion, another is working in the Eternal Library with Ghost Writer, etc etc. so Danny eventually came back to Amnity with one small child under each arm very obviously traumatized by Somethingn with vlad and doesn’t like being alone with him,,, or touched without warning,, and immediately and passionately proclaims the kids his but struggles to explain how or why,, look some very reasonable assumptions are drawn okay. So the town does the very reasonable thing and does the midwestern equivilant of excommunicating Vlad, except it’s a lot more run him out with pitchforks vibes since he’s the Mayor. Anyway)
He is immediately loved, because while non Gothamites are usually more of a pain than they’re worth, everyone in a while someone even from out of town will just fit in so nicely it’s uncanny for everyone involved. Addams family vibes, it’s referred to as ‘making it home’, just personal hc. He is protective of all the kids playing in the parks and street girls that can totally take care of themselves on their corners but find it HILARIOUS when he just tackles a dick like a wild animal full force no warning. He can fix anything it seems, but refuses to work with weapons. Reasonable enough, people get twitchy about gangs sometimes. Danny mentions being not against Hood or anything, but he’s not going to work for him, littles to take care of and all, but had past experience with ‘Dora and that inheritance mess with her brother he was being a real prick about’ so everyone assumes it’s the equivilant of him having Done His Time and being plenty good for a life time and respects it as long as none of that petty midwestern small town hotshots bring any of that shit over here. And they don’t, because said individuals are on the other side of the mortal veil, so happy day.
See I really love deaged!Dan because he’s just a grumpy lil guy. But he’s also killed millions. He’s so protective of his loved ones, but held back by blending in and also being Smol that it comes off more bitey kitten than anything else. Dani, of course, is a terror, so she fits right in with the crowd.
And sorry gang, but a bunch of kids on their own in Gotham in a poor side of the city just isn’t going to get any attention: that’s just business as usual really. What first gets attention on Danny is not his ‘condition’ or being mistaken for a meta (which he legally probs has an argument for even without the gene bc like these bitches don’t know how metaism works anyway so) or alien (I’m 90% sure he’d be covered by the alien protection act by virtue of being half ‘not from earth’), but because Danny despite best efforts is a Weird Guy.
He grew up in what could only be described as a low level villain level and spent most of high school dealing with smack downs and spiritual invasion. He’s never really processed that any of that is not in fact Normal. Also, he’s capable of making Anything if given the insides of a toaster, blender and alarm clock, and could probably rewrite the circuits of the apartment blindfolded and improve them 1000% even if it ABSOLUTELY would not be up to code.
And sure, things slip every once in a while, bits of spectral ice here, small floating incident there, but everyone just Minds Their Buisness ya know? You really gunna mess with the guy that personally ensured that when your car got flattened by a fight with Killer Croc, you were still able to get in to work the next day by some wizardry? Really?
But Gotham is a city so cursed it’s probably in the exponents countwise, so of course there is a) a flourishing community of magic users and assorted supernatural weirdos and b) a whole lot of shit for Mega Overpowered Ghost King Danny to idly pick at day to day in order to help with his protecting other Obsession. Gotham has plenty of heroes, but by god do they need the spiritual equivilant of an electrician/priest.
Still, Danny, as a baby ancient under a facet of Kronos and KING OF THE DEAD is like, way, way out of their scope to be able to grok, so it mostly just comes off as you know, a family of banshees or something. When asked, Danny very haltingly says he was briefly dead but then revived, which neatly explains his Weird Ass aura and makes it SPECTACULARLY AWKWARD to ask further about. So everyone nods politely, and goes back to their lives after double checking no nefarious bullshit was being pulled.
Then, of course, Vlad finally tracks them down. The whole neighborhood is altered in short order because he doesn’t bother trying to hide being a Rich Bitch or how he’s sneering down his nose at people on the sidewalk. Every connects the dots when Danny paniks. Dani and Dan’s daycare are staffed with some extra, very buff set of hands within the hour. Jerry, Hood’s third in command, personally shows up to the garage Danny is working at to talk things out with him bc he knows he does t like the deal with this stuff due to past unspecified circumstances but well, they guys had already started fucking with him, you see. Stole his tires, spray painted the windows, pickpocketed him blind, and when he retreated tipped off the police to the drugs they’d planted in the glove box.
Danny might not have been born in Gotham, but he was one of them. And the Alley takes care of it own.
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starogeorgina · 9 days
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Paring: Jacaerys Targaryen x reader
Warnings: Swearing, smut
“His heart beats for blood. Blood and fire.”
Jacaerys stares at his betrothed from across the room, watching as she mumbles to herself while flicking through the same book he’s seen her read many times, her heavy-looking eyes often fixated on the same page for a long period of time. He was informed the library and Sept were the only places she would visit outside her private chambers since Aemond killed his brother.
The last time Jace’s family were all together, in King’s landing, King Viserys declared his youngest daughter and eldest grandson were to be wed, with the intention of mending the rift between House Targaryen once and for all.
But that wasn’t what happened.
His betrothed was visibly happy and very vocal about how excited she was to start planning the wedding with his mother. Then his grandsire died, his mother’s throne was usurped, and his unborn sister died. Since returning from Winterfell Jacaerys, the princess hasn’t even glanced in his direction; she was avoiding him, which stung. Jace had never felt so alone; he always had Lucerys by his side before. Perhaps the princess was hiding herself away out of fear of being treated badly for what her brothers, mother, and grandsire had done to his family.
Not that he thought of her any differently; if anything, the young prince pitted her.
Jacaerys watches her for a few moments longer then decides it’s best to leave the princess be; no point in disturbing someone who is seeking isolation.
You stop making alterations to the tunic you were embroidering when you hear the door to the chambers you were currently occupying being opened; without looking back, you know who it is. When the footsteps don’t go any further than the doorway, you start threading the needle again.
Every corner you turn, you feel dark eyes burning a hole into you. Nothing that you could say would undo the pain inflicted already. Your mind begins to wonder again, and you don’t notice Jace moving until he’s sitting next to you at the wooden desk. He was looking directly at you, but you avoided meeting his gaze.
“My Prince.”
He takes a sharp intake of breath, “I hold no ill will towards you.”
The funeral for Lucerys was held earlier that day, just before the sun began to set. You watched from afar as Rhaenyra crumpled to pieces, and the rest of her family sobbed, mourning the loss of such a sweet boy. It would have been wrong for you to join them when someone you cared for dearly caused them so much pain.
“How can you not? My twin is the reason you won’t get to see Luke again.”
Jacaerys says nothing to your response. What could he say? You sit in silence, watching Jace’s finger trace over the outline of a dragon on the tunic. “It’s unfinished; it was meant to be a gift for after the wedding.”
A small smile pulls on his lips. “It’s Vermax.”
Regardless of the awful things that had happened, you wanted to remain on Dragonstone but doubted you’d be able to stay long. You were nothing but a reminder of what Aemond had done.
“What’s on your mind?”
You finally looked up and met his eyes, which are glossy from holding back tears. In comparison, your own issues seem minuscule, but you share what’s bothering you anyway. “I don’t want to go back home.”
“This is your home.”
“I’m afraid.”
Giving you a sympathetic look, Jace uses the pad of his thumb to rub circles on the back of your hand. Comforting touches weren’t something you were familiar with, but you liked the warmth coming from his hand.
“You’re safe inside these walls. I won’t let anybody come in here and hurt you.”
“I’m afraid of Dae—”
You’re cut off when there’s a knock at the door and Rhaenyra’s handmaiden, Elinda, walks into the room. You expected Jace to remove his thumb, but instead he squeezed your hand.
Elinda greets you both, “Princess, the queen wishes to speak with you.”
Staring into Rhaenyra's eyes was like staring down a dragon. Her fury was evident the moment you entered her quarters; you had seen Daemon storming in the opposite direction and presumed he had something to do with the queen's foul mood. You were thankful when she went to stand by the window.
“I believe my son was in your bedchamber when I sent for you. Is that correct?”
“No, I mean—“ you begin to stumble over your words. “Yes, he was there, Prince Jacaerys came to speak with me.”
“Nothing that could have waited until the morrow, I’m sure.”
Her expression was hard to read. Although she didn’t say anything else, you felt the need to explain further. “I told him I didn’t want to go back to King's Landing, and he told me this was my home. He said, I'm safe here.”
“Why would you believe any differently?”
“Nowhere is safe.”
Rhaenyra uncrosses her arms, her expression softening. “Nobody under my rule will harm you, but I must share this with you.”
Elinda hands you a scroll. Confused, you take it from her, “I don’t understand why someone would write to me.”
You open it nervously and read it. Your lips parted slightly; Rhaenyra asks what it says, but you’re unable to answer her. Elinda looks at it and lets out a small gasp, “It’s from Aegon. He’s demanding the princess return to King’s Landing at once.”
You take the scroll and toss it into the fireplace. “It may have my brother’s signature, but that is my grandsire and mother talking.”
“Elinda, leave us for a moment.” Rhaenyra lets out a frustrated sigh. When it’s just the two of you, she asks, “Do you wish to stay here, on Dragonstone?”
“Yes,” you say, taking a step towards her. “I understand if you want me to leave, but please don’t make me go back to them.”
Seeing the desperation in your eyes, she nods. “We may not be close, but you are my youngest sister. I know you are innocent.”
“I miss Helaena and her sweet children.” You begin to sob, “I was so quick to leave with you for Dragonstone that I never went and saw father before I left. I never said goodbye to him.”
“Neither of us knew what would happen.” Rhaenyra caresses your cheek in a motherly manner. “Jacaerys is right, you are safe here.”
Dragonstone was much darker and colder than what you were used to; your hair always feels damp even when it’s dry. You found the sounds of waves crashing around the island comforting.
But not as comforting as being held by Jacaerys.
You expected the prince to have returned to his own quarters, but he was waiting on you to return. You were sitting on the edge of the table with your legs dangling over the edge, Jacaerys forehead pressed against your own while he held you close.
The both of you were lonely, hurt, and scared.
“Won’t you get in trouble for being here so late?”
“We will be married soon,” Jacaerys says, stepping back. “Will we share a room when we are married?”
“I was told that women only lay with their husbands for a couple of nights a month, but everyone who I know who does it seems unhappy. Would you want us to always share a bedchamber?”
Smiling, you peck him on the lips. “Sorry, that was inappropriate of me.”
“It’s okay.” He closes his eyes. “I hope the war ends soon so my mother can sit on her throne, and you can be my wife.”
You chuckle slightly. “As happy as I am to be your wife, I’m scared for our wedding night. My mother told me sex is painful for a woman.”
“It’s not always.”
“Wait, have you...” You don’t finish the question; the thought of him bedding someone else made you feel sick.
“No, but my stepfather is Daemon Targaryen,” he chuckles. “He always told me it was important for everyone involved to feel pleasure.”
“I was just told to grip the sheets while waiting for it to be over and that only men feel good.”
Jace’s lips ghost your own, his breath warm on your face. “Have you ever felt pleasure before?”
“Yes… kind of, have you.”
Jacaerys cheeks flush red as he nods.
“I touched myself once, but I didn’t put my fingers inside.”
“Why not?”
“It’s a sin for a woman to touch themselves for desire. I went to the sept immediately afterwards and didn’t do it again.”
“Sweet girl,” Jace kisses your cheek. “I’ll never touch you anymore than you want me to.”
You hug again, but this time Jace’s head is pressed against the side of your neck. You still like that in a comfortable silence until you feel him lightly kissing your neck. He pauses waiting for your reaction; a moan slips from your mouth, and you tighten your grip, going around Jace’s back, encouraging him. “Do it again, please.”
Jacaerys starts kissing up your neck until he reaches your jawline. Lifting his head, your noses brush together, “Can I make you feel good now?”
You take Jacaerys hand and guide it underneath your skirts, helping him find the sensitive spot that brings you such pleasure.
“Oh fuck!”
Jace shushes you with a kiss, “We need to be quiet.”
You hold onto his shoulders tightly as he rubs circles on your clit until you climax.
Smiling Jacaerys kisses you again, “It’s late; we should get some rest; the morrow will come soon enough.”
“Can you stay a little longer?”
He takes your hand and helps you off the table. “Yes, but I’ll need to go before the handmaidens come in the morning.”
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thedensworld · 12 days
Location App | C.Hs
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Pairing: Vernon x reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: You finally found the right function of the share location apps
Vernon isn’t a man of many words—he’s a man of action. He doesn’t tell you to quit your job at the event organizing company or give up your dreams of becoming a writer. Instead, he quietly hands you an allowance and pays for a writing course, making it clear that he's got your back. He even takes it a step further by personally checking in on your progress almost every day, making sure you're staying on track.
When it comes to food, Vernon doesn’t bother asking about your favorite dishes. He just brings everything you could possibly want to the table. You might crave vanilla ice cream tonight, but he’s already stocked up on both vanilla and chocolate for tomorrow’s cravings, always anticipating your needs before you even voice them. And each time, your heart swells with gratitude for the way he cares for you.
Vernon isn’t one to hang out much, either. Even when he does go out twice a week to catch up with his friends, he never stays long—two hours at most before he's back home. Without missing a beat, he slips into your arms, eager to share everything about his day, all while showering you with the little tokens of affection he picked up for you along the way.
“What’s wrong?” Vernon’s voice breaks through your thoughts, his brows furrowed in concern.
You blink at him, raising your eyebrows in surprise. “Why do you ask?”
“You seem restless. Are you in pain?” he asks, his eyes searching yours.
Every time he instinctively picks up on how you’re feeling or goes out of his way to make your life easier, you find yourself wanting to kiss him right then and there, overwhelmed by how effortlessly amazing he is as a boyfriend.
“What’s this?” you asked Vernon as he showed you an app he had just installed on your phone.
“It’s a shared location app. I’ll always know where you are, and you’ll know my location anytime you open it,” he explained, his tone casual.
Ever since you joined a writing course last year, you’ve started attending small gatherings with fellow authors, usually at libraries or cozy cafes.
“Since you’ve been going out more without me, I just want to make sure I know where you are,” Vernon added, his eyes glancing at yours for a reaction.
“You could always just text me,” you pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
“I know,” he replied, “but sometimes it’s better if you can have your day off without feeling the need to update me constantly. You should have fun and not worry about checking in.”
In the beginning, you found yourself using the app frequently, but after a few months, it slipped your mind. You could barely remember where the app was on your phone. Vernon, on the other hand, kept checking it now and then, making sure you were safe when you weren’t together. He never intruded but would casually ask about your day, subtly referencing the places you’d visited.
“How do you know?!” you exclaimed one afternoon when Vernon asked what you were doing at the flower shop near his work. You hadn’t mentioned anything because you were preparing a surprise for him.
“I saw your location this afternoon. I was surprised to see you so close by,” he admitted with a soft chuckle.
You grinned and pulled out a bouquet of flowers you had arranged just for him. “My friends and I attended a flower arrangement event, and I got these for you!”
His face softened, and he leaned in to kiss you. “Thanks, babe. I was actually planning to drop by and see you, but things got crazy at work. These are beautiful—thank you.”
With a warm smile, he kissed you again, and the simple moment of shared affection made you realize how much thought he put into even the smallest aspects of your relationship.
"Hey babe, I see you’re at the convenience store. Can you grab me a tampon and some sweets?" you called him, feeling curious after checking his location and noticing he was near her apartment.
“Yeah, I’m actually about to head over to see you and pick up your monthly essentials,” he replied smoothly.
"Babe, are you near the snack aisle? Could you grab me some chips, too?"
"Alright, love. Anything else?" he asked with a smile in his voice.
"A milkshake, please? Hehe."
"Snacks and a milkshake coming right up," he said, humoring your request.
“Wait, you’re at Kimbap Heaven? Can you swing by the pet shop two doors down? Kiwi hasn’t been eating her regular dry food!” you called after you found out he was out around Hongdae.
"Send me a list of everything you want me to grab, and I’ll get it done," he said, always efficient and patient.
You smiled, feeling so lucky to have someone who knew how to make even the smallest errands feel like an act of love.
As the days went by, you found yourself checking Vernon's location more and more. It became almost a habit. Whenever you craved something or needed him to pick up something, you'd open the app, locate him, and call him with your requests.
One evening, you were lying on the couch when you checked the app and noticed Vernon was at the grocery store. Without hesitation, you grabbed your phone and dialed him.
“Babe, can you pick up some ice cream? And maybe a few packs of those cookies I love?” you asked casually.
“Already got the cookies in the cart, but I’ll grab the ice cream for you now,” he replied, used to your requests by this point.
A few days later, you noticed him at the mall. Your mind immediately went to that cute hoodie you’d been eyeing. You picked up the phone again.
“Hey, babe, I see you’re at the mall. Could you stop by that clothing store and see if they have the hoodie I wanted in stock?”
“Sure, love. I’m already near that area. I’ll check it out.”
It became a little routine—wherever Vernon went, you’d check his location and call him to ask for favors. He never complained, always happy to run the errands or pick up whatever you needed. You loved how he made you feel so taken care of, and he seemed to enjoy it too, never missing a beat.
"Where is he?" you muttered, surprised when you couldn’t find Vernon’s location on the app. His profile was completely offline, leaving only yours visible on the map. You had texted him earlier, letting him know you’d be out with a friend, but that was over three hours ago, and he still hadn’t replied.
You didn’t want to call him. After all, you’d been asking for his help a lot through the location app lately. Maybe he had turned it off intentionally because he was busy, you thought, trying not to overthink it.
Just as you were about to distract yourself, the sound of your door unlocking caught your attention. Kiwi, your cat, sprinted toward the door, her sixth sense alerting her that only one person could be invading her territory—Vernon. Sure enough, he stepped in, holding Kiwi in one arm and a paper bag from your favorite bakery in the other.
You let out a squeal of excitement. "How did you know I wanted this?" you exclaimed, rushing over to grab the bag from his hands.
Vernon smiled warmly. "I saw your Instagram story where you said you missed the cake. I checked around and found a branch that still had some, so I picked one up for you."
Your heart melted on the spot. In a fit of affection, you scooped Kiwi from his arms and said, “Kiwi, listen carefully—Chwe Vernon is your only father. If anyone else claims they’re your dad, they’re lying!”
Vernon burst out laughing at your playful words, but then your mind drifted back to his location being turned off. Your smile faded into a pout as you looked at him.
“I couldn’t see your location today,” you told him, a little hint of disappointment in your voice.
“Ah, yeah, I turned it off,” he replied casually. “Why?”
“If I’d known you were on your way here, I would’ve asked you to grab some tissues,” you said, half-jokingly.
Vernon chuckled. "Tissues? I actually got you some in the car, i accidentally left them. I figured you were running low, so I picked some up yesterday."
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Really? Thank you! You always think of everything.”
He smiled softly, stepping closer. “Honestly, I like surprising you like this, getting what you need or want before you ask. That’s why I turned off my location today. It feels more special.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, feeling even more grateful for his thoughtful nature. He always managed to find ways to care for you in his own quiet, yet deeply meaningful, way.
"You want to get married, babe?" you asked playfully, your voice full of gratitude as you grinned up at Vernon. He let out a laugh, clearly amused by your sudden question.
“You want to marry me because of this?” he asked, his eyebrows raised in disbelief.
“Of course!” you exclaimed, holding up the bakery bag. “This is amazing! You shouldn’t underestimate your thoughtfulness and how considerate you are. It’s everything I could want.”
He chuckled again, shaking his head. “Alright, then,” he said, leaning in closer with a mischievous smile. “Let’s get married.”
Your heart fluttered, and for a moment, you both stood there, the playful banter hanging in the air. But behind the jokes, you couldn’t help but feel the warmth of what he’d just said linger, making the moment even sweeter.
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luveline · 11 months
maybe miguel with shy spider girl who never holds eye contact with him and he calls her to is office alone for info and she’s just a mess? idk 😭😭
“Miguel wants to see you.” 
You smile at Peter B. Parker. It is not a natural nor authentic smile. “Sorry,” you say, “what?” 
“Miguel, the big guy! He wants to see you. You reported that weird bubble on 265, right?” Peter’s chewing on gum obnoxiously, seemingly unwise to your panic. Mayday giggles in his arms. “He wants your opinion.” 
“I've never spoken to him.” 
Peter laughs jovially as Mayday climbs up his front and almost topples down the back of him. “He's a nice guy, you'll like him. Hey, you want some gum?” 
You take a stick of gum but don't chew it, the strip of Juicy Fruit powdering your fingers as you ride the elevator up to Miguel's laboratory. You barely know where it is, only that it's in a general direction of which you've never walked in. You haunt the dorms and the library rather than the workshops, content in your quiet life (as quiet as it can be, considering). Every step you take down the red lit hall to his lab is brimming with the want to turn back. 
There's a platform set on the floor decorated by computers. You can't tell what's holographic and what's physical, but Miguel O'Hara is undeniably solid. His shoulders alone look thick as a tree trunk where he stands in the midst of it all. 
You know it will be less painful to just… say hello. You put your Juicy Fruit in your pocket and clear your throat quietly. 
“Mr. O'Hara?” 
He waves his hand at you without looking. “Miguel is better. Come here.” 
You struggle up onto his raised laboratory. Would it have hurt to build a step? 
“Spider-Girl from earth 1421. Yes?” 
“Y/N,” you say. “Yeah, that's me.” 
He looks up at that, like your name is a curse word, or a surprise. You meet his eyes for as long as you're able to before your gaze crawls to his chest. 
“And you saw the distension on 265?” 
“Distension… um, you mean when the air looked like it was bubbling?” 
“What were you doing when it started? Just give me a run down.” 
You clasp your hands together tightly. You feel silly in your suit because somebody convinced you that it was okay to wear stuff on top, so now you're in this big silly hoodie while Miguel stands waiting in his officials. You'd always thought it was nanotechnology, but closer it seems more like a fabric with chameleon technology, or—
“What were you doing when it started?” he asks again, softer now. “You're not in trouble, I just need to get a sense of what happened.”  
“I know, I– we were there to– to–” You wince. “To capture an anomaly, Doc Ock 83.” Your hands start to tremble, you're so nervous. “But we had a hard time finding him, he wasn't doing much, and the– bubble started not long after getting there.” 
“Was it a precursor to anything? Did something significant happen after it began?” 
“Um–” You can't think. What happened? You'd been standing on the street between the last reported sighting of the anomaly with your small team. You're a competent bunch but you only ever get called in for the weak guys, and you weren't sure what to do when things got weird. “I'm sorry, I don't know.” You peek at him, worried he's going to snap at you. 
“Just take some time to think about it.” 
He smiles —Miguel smiles at you, a juxtaposition to every rumour you've ever heard about him— and takes a step toward you, gesturing at your hoodie. You freeze up, worse when his fingertips point at the hem of it. 
“Do you have your drone?” 
You flush a hundred degrees hot and pull your hoodie up your chest to click the panel of your drone where it dents over your heart. It breaks free, flying up into the air above your head on automatic. Miguel grabs it out of the air and takes it over to his computer, where he syncs the sim and looks through your recordings. He isn't so cruel as to play them without permission, deferring back to you.
You raise your hand and tap the file. 
It starts with you talking to yourself. “There's no… what alley was he…” You scrub forward to the middle of the video, just before the distension begins. “Hey, do you see that?” you ask your teammates.
Miguel leans forward. He's standing very, very close to you, and he talks quietly so as not to overcloud the sound on screen, “Here. Does this jog your memory?” he asks. 
You look away from him again. But, now he's asked, and now you've seen it, there was something unfamiliar. “After it appeared, the anomaly changed. Doc Ock didn't look like himself. I thought I was seeing things, but here–” You rewind the video and point at the outline of Doc Ock against the bubble. “See? He's different. He looks paler.” 
Miguel glares at the screen in concentration. Your comparison must impress him, though it doesn't solve the problem. “Alright,” he says as he copies the file from your drone. You summon it back to your heart. “The next time one of these is reported, I want you to come with me.” 
“Oh. Why?” 
“Because six people went to that dimension and only one of them flagged this. You have a sharp eye. When you deign to use them.” 
You bring your gaze up in a rush, “I– I'm just nervous–” 
“I know.” He smiles at you again, not at all the prey versus predator grin you'd imagined, but a more private smile as though you're sharing a joke. He looks at once like a normal man. Is he flirting with you? “Keep your communicator on, hm? I'll call for you.” 
“Okay.” You don't know what to do, so you offer him a smile of your own. “See you then.” 
He chuckles into himself as though he knows something you don't. “See you, nerviosa.” 
You wouldn't need to know Spanish to know he's teasing you. 
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wonijin · 1 year
how newjeans act when they have a crush
TAGS: headcanons. pure fluff. set in highschool.
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• lowkey highkey a chicken
• her crush was so obvious even the school janitor knows. her eyes practically shoots hearts at the sight of you. her face lights up like a child opening presents when you're in the same vicinity as her
• one of the prettiest girl in the school but when you talk to her she turns to the lamest of losers
• can act a little more normal when she's around friends. but when its just the two of you, her steps are a little slower and she's a little more hyperaware of her surroundings. but her smile is undoubtedly wider and everything about her just glows.
• she just smiles at you like a fool, sometimes she forgets to even breath. you can run your mouth but she's too busy daydreaming for your words to register in her mush of a mind
• but she tries to recover by inviting you on study dates sessions. where you both never really study and just end up getting kicked out of the library.
• her friends were quick to get tired of the pinning. the secret glances and the fleeting touches were so painful to watch they had to intervene.
you sit idly at the swings, staring at the families and couple around you. the sun paints the park in orange glow. hearing footsteps behind you, you turn around to meet minji's eyes.
"hey," she greets as she sits beside you. "what did you want to meet up for?" she asks you and she looks so cute with one of her eyebrows raised and her lips in a small smile.
you furrow your eyebrows at her. "i was about to ask the same thing. you're the one who gave me a note saying you have something to tell me." you reach to your left pocket to take out a yellow note.
she watches you cautiously, her gut already forming a hunch. she could see it from a mile away. but its too late.
minji takes a note that looks similar to yours out of her back pocket. she watches your face attentively, witnessing how the gears on your mind twisted and turned before the realization dawning on you. she averts her eyes shyly.
"guess we got played, huh?" you smile bashfully. and minji's lips turned upward automatically.
suddenly, her face turned blank and at the corner of your eye you see her fists clench on her lap. she didn't look serious or nervous, just blank and frozen. yet, her eyes bore into your soul.
in her mind, minji thinks its far too late to turn back. there's no point in doing so even if she can anyway. you were here and she was in front of you. only a fool would let a chance like this go to waste. minji is a coward but she is no fool.
"i like you."
• she would throw herself off a cliff before confessing her feelings. no, not because she's scared to be rejected. but she wants you to be the one to confess.
• flirts with you every opportunity she gets. and if there isn't any she makes one. her day cannot be over without seeing your blushing face.
• every time she compliments you its paired with a hug or a kiss in the cheek just to show she means it with all her heart
• then she teases you for being so flustered because she's cheeky.
• always touching you one way or another. whether it be linking your pinky fingers or leaning her head on your shoulder. you name it.
• hanni would be doing everything in the book apart from confessing. she doesn't mind how long it takes, she'll get you to confess to her.
• however, she does drop hints to speed things up. like making you sit through thousand of rom-coms. and when one of the protagonists profess their undying love, she always wonders how being confessed to feels like.
you sit at the couch with hanni curled up beside you. the two of you were wrapped in a fluffy blanket while the empty bowl of popcorn is nestled between hanni's arms. you don't know it but hanni doesn't move to place the bowl to the coffee table because she fears that moving an inch would make you remove your arms around her.
a familiar scene comes onscreen. you know this part, it's the scene where the main characters confess their feeling to each other. "we've watched this so many times. i can literally recite this scene word for word," you keep your gazed fixed on the screen.
"really? say it to me then," hanni's reply came natural, like she practiced saying that line a thousand times. your head snapped to the girl beside you to find her already waiting for your eyes.
"let's see it then," she challenges. her smirk ever widening. you yield.
"i love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. i love that it takes you an hour-and-a-half to order a sandwich." you recite the first two lines with the help of the actual movie, turning to it every time you forget a word.
your gaze fell to hanni one more time, and the lines came naturally flooding at the top of your head. yet, the words got stuck on your throat for a moment as you see her watch you with a fond smile. "i .. i love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like i'm nuts."
"i love that when I spend a day with you, i can still smell your perfume on my clothes," your smile fell slowly word by word. your heart skipped at the realization that the words, no matter how unoriginal, came straight from your heart.
hanni looks at you, overjoyed. her heart swells at every syllable that leaves your lips. she'd hang every star in the sky just for you.
"and i love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night," you finish. and only then did you realize how close your faces are.
a silent second pass consisting of the sound of the forgotten movie in the background.
"i meant it. every word," you confess.
"took you long enough"
• she's the first one to realize her crush on you. because she's that in tune with her emotions
• dani tries to make it obvious. and in hindsight it is.
• she leaves cute notes at your locker filled with pink hearts. that asks about your day, or reminds you to eat and never lets you forget to take care of yourself
• miss marsh makes time to talk to you everyday, going out of her to meet you no matter how inconvenient the situation is to her. her class might be at the other end of the school but she'd still show up to bring you a cup of coffee or tea.
• but you still don't notice any of her advances. and its starting to frustrate her.
• but could she blame you? she is friends with the whole school. it was only natural to think you were of her many close friends who she enjoys the company of
danielle walks besides you. you glance at her for a moment and god she is so bright. the sweetest. she shines as radiant like no other. and the best part is she's right beside you.
"thank you for always walking me. you're such a nice friend," you think at how she's been nothing but nice ever since you've met her. an angel.
you look back towards danielle to see her frowning at you like you just cursed at her. "what's wrong, dani?" you ask a bit worried at her sudden mood change.
"a...friend,"she mumbles the word to herself in disgust. her eyes on fixated on the ground.
"yeah? im glad you consider me close enough of a friend. i mean you have so many friends,bi just think im lucky," you say like its so obvious. and danielle finally meets your eyes, they held disappointment.
you were denser than she thought. or were you just deliberately looking the other way. her minds is breaking in two thinking of all the reasons why you still have not caught on to her intentions yet.
"i didn't think you were this oblivious," she says straight to your face and you were about to take offense when you realized you had no idea of what she's complaining about.
"well, why don't you stop sulking and tell me what the problem is so we can fix it, dani," you wait for her response eagerly. what has made sweet danielle so irritated. you ensure revenge on anything anyone that dares to harm precious dan-
"its you."
"what did i do?" your words came out like a cry, putting your hand on your heart dramatically in shock.
"you're too stupid to realize i like you."
• poor girl never realized she had a crush on you.
• everything just came natural. she didn't think of you as a friend yet the thought of being your lover never crossed her mind either. and she never stopped to think what that meant
• she never missed your presence because she tries to follow you everywhere. although she resembles more like a lost puppy rather than a shadow.
• before everyone knew it, she was acting like your girlfriend. all the while she is still unaware of her own feelings.
• one day, she just start sitting with you during lunch. and from that day forward, you both eat together. sometimes in comforting silence, other times in quiet chatter.
• she didn't even notice she was waiting outside your classes just to walk you to your next.
• haerin needed the words of others to finally know what she's been feeling
"here. let me pay," you took your wallet out you pocket and opened it. suddenly, haerin placed her hand on top of yours.
"no. i was the one who invited you," her hand snatched the bill quickly. and when you tried to reach get it out of her palms, she puts it out of your reach.
thankfully, night time meant there were only a few people in the cafe. but that doesn't mean your little squabble didn't get their attention though.
"nope," your hand pulls her arm back gently. "come on, give me that."
"come get it then, shortie," she laughs at your attempts. haerin's heart jump as you try to get closer and closer. your hands brushed with her for a second, her skin tingling where your touch met hers.
"look, why don't we just split the bill?" you relent, you knew haerin too well to know she'd never hand that booklet over even if you attempt a thousand times.
"give up already?" she teases but she puts the bill down. and you take this chance to grab it and run to the cashier, handing her your money swiftly.
"come on, that's so unfair," haerin complained as she walked over to you, admitting defeat. she would've run to chase you but a part of her wanted to see the victorious smile adorning your face.
"shut up, loser," you stuck your tongue out. you look back towards the cashier who is looking at the both of you with a small smile. "oh to be young and in love again."
"oh- uh- we're not, actually we're...yeah," you fumble, making the old woman in front of you laugh.
"oh, i know." she smiles at you mysteriously like she knows something you don't. she hands you the receipt and you bow at her one last time before exiting the cafe.
you look behind you to see haerin deep in her thoughts. "hey don't mind what she sa-"
haerin puts a finger on her lips, "shush, i'm thinking." you roll your eyes playfully at her but still giving her silence like she wanted.
haerin's thoughts drift from the little ache she tries her hardest to ignore when you're away to the way her heart drums in her ear when you're near.
everything felt like a puzzle finally coming to place. well, she would've come to this conclusion on her own but she was too occupied pinning over you to notice. she wasn't shocked, more like "aha!"
haerin's hand caught your wrist to stop you from walking. the moonlight illuminating your confused face. she looks at you, chill and cool as ever. as if she'd let her voice waiver at a time like this.
she says in the steadiest voice like the words were as natural as uttering her own name, "i think i like you."
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frenziedfireworks · 1 year
Scribner's Desk
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Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary : You and your boyfriend wait for Scribner to leave. Sebastian has other ideas to get back at the old woman.
CW : SMUT, f!reader, 18+ Characters, daddy kink/princess, degrading/praising, oral/fingering (f!receiving), orgasm denial, fucking in the library, breeding kink & creampie
A/N : I swear I write more than just smut for Seb.. I have so many things in the works. T-T
Sebastian and you had a habit of sneaking into the library at night for as long as you could remember. Hell, your first memory of him was the day he took the blow for you against Scribner. Now, Scribner was not as fond of these memories or said escapades.. She had even stayed later than usual in attempts to catch the two of you. Not that it worked. 
“I think she’s given up.” Sebastian whispered to you from the bottom of the stairs, grinning as Scribner walked off. You were surprised the old woman could even stay up till one am. 
“She’s dedicated, if anything. I’ll give her that.” You murmured. Sebastian hummed as his arm reached around your waist and turned you to face him. His hand brushed against your cheek and he leaned in for a kiss. 
“You look so good right now.” The freckled man said between breaths, his lips sucking at any flesh he could find. Your body heated at the compliment and your hands buried in his hair. His tongue rolled over the spots he left along your neck, soothing the small pain.
“Look at you. Letting me mark you up in the library. Such a naughty girl.” Your moan only seemed to egg him on, the palm of his hand wrapping around your throat.
“I wanna fuck you on Scribner’s desk.” He grunted and you swore your eyes popped out of your head.
A small ‘ok’ left your mouth before you knew and he yanked you into his hold. His footsteps were harsh as he slammed you against the desk and waved the door to lock.
“Don’t worry darling, I won’t let Scribner watch as I demolish you.” Sebastian’s crude laugh filled your core with desire and you bucked back into him. His groans were delicious and the friction of his erection was even better.
“Seb-” A harsh scream left your mouth without warning as his hand smacked against your ass.
“Don’t you get hasty. I want to enjoy my time.” His arm rubbed your core against him and his head fell against your shoulder.
“I bet you’re fucking soaked. Let’s see.” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice as his hands undid your trousers and ghosted towards your cunt. Your body shook as his fingers finally made way to where you needed him the most.
“Oh princess, you are. Is this all for me?” He teased as his digit pressed further against your ruined bloomers. 
“Y-Yes. All for you.”
Sebastian seemed to like that answer as his finger slipped through your folds and probed at your hole. Your hands gripped at the wood of the desk, desperate for anything to hold onto. You felt Sebastian shuffle behind you and almost screamed as you felt his hands yank your panties down. His breath tickled at your core and it was taking everything in you not to buck into his face. 
“What a good girl. I can see your hips twitching. You need daddy’s help?” Sebastian cooed and leaned even closer. His fingers teased at your nub a few times, getting a few mewls out of you before he moved in. His tongue swept over your folds and teased at your pulse. He was always like this at first - a big fat tease before he drove himself up the wall. You didn’t mind it though, you would take anything he was willing to give. 
“Oh baby you taste so good. Making a mess on my face.” Sebastian groaned as he pulled your legs even further apart and speared his tongue into you. Your moans only picked up as continued his brutal pace and brought you closer and closer. 
“I’m so close Seb-” Your words stopped as he slowly pulled back and licked his lips. That bastard.
“Why did you stop?!” Your eyes flared at the loss of an orgasm and he just cackled.
“Oh princess.. You didn’t think I was going to let you come on my tongue, right? You’re only made to take my cock.” His hand slammed against your ass and you squealed. You were impatient and rutted your ass against him. You received another slap to the ass in retaliation. 
“Would you give me one second? I can’t even zip my pants down because you’re such a cock hungry whore.” 
The words made your body ache, watching from over your shoulder as his cock slapped out of his briefs. The sight alone made your mouth drool. His tip was red and weeping. Precum dripped down across the shaft, enhancing your view of a thick vein.  Part of you wanted to get on your knees and let him face fuck you but you were too desperate. You needed him.
“You like the view sweetheart?” Sebastian grinned as he lined himself up and tapped his cock against your folds. His teases continued as he humped the outside of your cunt.
“So fucking wet. Tell me what you want.” His hand yanked at your hair and forced you to look at him.
“I need you to fuck me.” 
“You need who to fuck you?” He questioned and you whimpered.
“I need you to fuck me daddy.” You batted your eyelashes, doing your best to be his pretty and obedient girl.
“That’s what I fucking thought. Only daddy can fill you up like this.” Sebastian’s cock sank into you and it felt like bliss. The stretch of his girthy member was always painfully satisfying. 
“Mmmh~” You moaned out and Sebastian took the hint. His grip on your hips was almost as rough as his thrusts and his mouth never truly stopped.
“Fucking take it. Look at your pussy get ruined.” Your head was pushed down to where the two of you connected and you clenched. Your eyes took in the fast pace of his cock ramming in and out, covered in slick. 
It wasn’t long before you were a ragdoll in his hold, his hands yanking at your scalp to pull you into him. His cock pistoned violently and you could feel the stutters in his form. He was as close as you were.
“So close.” You howled as you felt a rather harsh tug to your hair. Your body clenched around his cock in anticipation.
“Fucking cum. Cum with me while I fill you full.” Sebastian’s voice and pace faltered as your eyes rolled back and you gripped him like a vice. Your body jolted as white ribbons of cum filled you and Sebastian’s profanities flew past his lips. The two of you laid against the desk for quite a while, catching your breath.
“So much for Scribner’s plan to ruin our fun. If anything I think I have to thank her.” Sebastian laughed as he pulled out and winked at you. You only groaned at the snarky response and began to redress. 
“You’re so full of it.” 
“And you’re so full of me.” Sebastian retorted and your jaw dropped. You weren’t surprised but you had to admit that it was a good one.
“Wow. Nice one.” You guffawed and the boy leaned in to place a kiss on your lips.
“Thanks babe. I’ll be here all night.”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 months
Science experiment reader please? The angst is feeding my soul 🥹💛
Jason let you settle back in on the couch and left you in the library, still rubbing his sternum and clearing his throat.
But you stifled a groan. Now that you were awake, you were awake. And you would be until your brain decided it was time to sleep. Worst. Parting gift. Ever. You didn't dream unless it was nightmares and you couldn't sleep more than an hour or two at a time. Cycling between being practical narcolepsy and no sleep at all. Walk it was, then.
At least that wasn't super demanding and if you stuck to your path it would take you somewhere you could scream and cry to your heart's content- maybe if you wore your self out you could pass out for a while in your hammock out there.
So. You go in search of Alfred to let him know you were leaving- the last thing you wanted was a panicked search party looking for you in the little clearing you made. You didn't doubt people knew where it was. They ran trainings in the woods all the time. People rambled out there all the time. But, everyone pretended they didn't know about it, and you appreciated it. It was small. Tucked back in a gap in the old growth, where there was a sliver of sky. But the trees still damped the noise and you felt far enough from people to feel... free. Even if it wasn't really true. There were still other emotions at the edges of it all.
"That was a short sleep," The butler observed, frowning slightly.
"Yeah," you sigh. "It's just like that sometimes." You knew you could probably say Jason had woke you up. He'd get in trouble. But- he got himself in enough trouble without your help. And being petty wouldn't really keep you off his radar, where you wanted to be. "I figured I'd go on a walk."
"The fresh air would probably do you some good," he hummed. "I'll prepare snacks. And ice water."
"Alfred, today is your day off I can always grab-"
He waved away your concerns easily and smiled slightly, "Humor me,. I like to feel useful."
You huff, half smiling and shake your head. "Thank you."
"My pleasure," he said, "now on with it. Go find a book to smuggle out, I'm sure there's a nice sunny spot somewhere." And when you give him one of your rare actual smiles, he figures, a few minutes of putting junk food in your plastic Zoltar lunch box and water in a metal container with green sparkles is worth it.
Especially when you come back later. Green sparkly knapsack slung over your shoulder- probably holding a blanket and a book or two. Whatever solace you found out there, he hoped it was enough to make the pain easier to bear.
Bruce paced and watched the clock glancing at Alfred, "When did she leave?"
"Not long after noon, Master Bruce," the Butler said, not bothering to conceal his concern.
"How did she seem?" he asked.
"Tired," Alfred recalled, "But in good spirits. She took her knapsack. I gave her a few snacks and some water. I assumed she was simply going to find some quiet spot in the woods to read. When she hadn't come back by dinner I thought she might have fallen asleep."
"So," Dick said, "She's probably not lost or hurt. She probably knows exactly where she is."
"Probably," Tim said. "The trick would be getting back in the dark without a flashlight."
Bruce scrubbed his hand over his face. When he'd left you you'd been dozing off in the house. Having finally hit the right balance of quiet and comfort in your brain to be able to rest. "I'll go and-"
"Or you could go," Dick said, pointing at the Bat signal visible out the window.
"Damn," Bruce sighed. "Dick You'll have to go." Not just anyone could go. Especially not if you were asleep. It had to be someone you knew. And if you were in the woods- if they had to go get you from there... well. You were going to need gentle handling. And Dick would be able to do it.
Dick nodded and stood up. Watching Bruce and Tim leave to get ready to go. "Alfred, is Jason around?"
"Master Todd is unaware of this currently, I believe," he said.
"Can you keep him that way?"
"I can try."
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sooo I have this idea, for Sam Winchester where (gn) reader does something stupid (up 2 u) and Sam gets rlly mad and they don’t talk for a while, but Dean and them are still in contact and go on hunt together every once in a while. Sam finds out (reader gets srsly injured) and you can end it how you see fit!
.⋆。Risks and Rewards。⋆.
Sam Winchester x plus size reader
You take risks on hunts, it’s what you do but this time, the risk was greater than the reward
Warnings: gn reader, injuries, angst, arguments, hunt gone wrong, bleeding out, reader is called beautiful, mutual pining, deathbed confessions, major character death, still a happy ending tho (you’ll see)
WC: 2k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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“I can’t believe you!” Sam’s voice partially shook the very foundation of the safe house you had just barely made it back to. “I can’t believe you would do something so fucking stupid!” His hair is sticking up in a million different directions as a combination of dried blood and utter frustration.
“If it wasn’t for what I did, you both would be dead by now!” You shouted back but winced as you pulled at the hastily done stitches on your side. Dean’s arm, which was the only thing keeping you upright, tightened around your waist.
“Can we save this for later, maybe when we’re not all exhausted and hurt?”
“No!” You and Sam retorted at the same time. 
“There were way too many fucking vamps for you to handle alone, it was easy pickings for them!” Dean attempted to guide you to the single bedroom at the back of the cabin but you shook him off with a glare. “I did what either one of you would have done in that situation.”
Sam breathed heavily through his nose, the vein in his forehead bulging with anger. “You turned yourself into bait! You had no plan, no weapons, and no backup. You’re lucky that Dean got to his machete in time.” 
“I had it handled!” Pain ricocheted through your body as you tried to stay standing without any support and you felt the hot trickle of blood leak down onto your hip. 
“You were impaled!” 
“I was fine! I had them right where I wanted them.”
“So you wanted three vamps to be practically dogpiled on top of you while you bled out?” The question was rhetorical but you answered anyway.
“Yes! Three vamps on me meant that you both only had to deal with one each. It’s basic fucking math Samuel.” 
“You fucking-“
“Alright that’s enough!” Dean finally interjected. “It’s been a long hard day and we’re all a bit wound up. We can have a more rational conversation in the morning once we’ve all gotten some rest. So Sam, go clean yourself up and I’ll get some food ready. And you-“ He turned to you with a harsh look. “-You go sit down cause it looks like you’re about to pass out.”
Sam’s jaw clenched and his eyes flicked to you but he quickly looked away. “Fine.” He grumbled and stomped off to the bathroom, his duffle bag in hand. You flinched when the door slammed shut. Dean gingerly cupped your face like a father would to their child and wiped away a tear you hadn’t noticed rolling down your cheek.
“He didn’t mean it, he just got scared.” You scoffed.
“Go make your food Dean.” You knew you were being unnecessarily harsh to your friend but you were still too angry and hurt to act rationally. He sighed and stepped back.
He pointed to the couch. “Sit, I’ll take a look at those stitches when I’m done.” But as Dean turned away to the kitchen, you didn’t go to the couch, instead you grabbed your car keys from the side table and quietly hobbled out the door.
When Sam had finally finished his shower and redressed in clean clothes, he was considerably calmer. He knew you were right, that they needed a distraction to kill all those vamps but when he saw you- metal pipe through your side with three huge vampires trying to get a bite at you, his heart stopped. 
Sighing, he looked at his reflection in the small mirror above the sink. Your blood that had covered his hands was washed away but he could still feel it staining his skin. He had been on the edge of tears as he stitched you up in the back seat of his brother’s car but those tears had evaporated into anger when you doubled down on your actions.
You were reckless and stupid and gone.
Sam stepped back into the main room of the cabin and immediately noticed there was one less person. The wide open door to the bedroom showed that it was empty and with Dean in the kitchen, there was nowhere else you could be. “Dean, where are they?”
His brother immediately froze, gaze darting to the couch before looking out the window and seeing that your car was conveniently gone. “Son of a bitch.”
It was the silence that was killing you. You could hear everything, the few animals that scurried around in the forest that surrounded you, the wind rustling the leaves in the branches overhead, the sound of your blood as it poured from the huge slash in your abdomen.
You knew no help was coming because you were alone.
You couldn’t feel the pain anymore and you supposed you were grateful for that. “At least it’s a clear night.” You murmured to yourself as you turned your gaze upwards to look at the stars. It was dumb to go hunt a wendigo alone but you were still mad and you had a point to prove. Although, since you hadn’t talked to him in nearly three months, Sam wouldn’t actually know that you won the argument but it was enough for you to prove him wrong without him knowing.
But now, now you want to be wrong. You would give anything to hear his voice just one more time, even if it was because he was yelling at you. 
It took all of your remaining strength to reach into your pocket for your phone, praying that it wasn’t cracked as you switched it back on. The bright screen illuminated your face. There was a text from Dean and one from Garth that obscured the photo in the background, the photo of you and your boys at the Grand Canyon.
With trembling fingers, you scrolled to Sam’s contact, his name surrounded by childish hearts like you were a middle schooler with a crush. His photo was one you took in secret, a candid shot of him reading a massive book. He was hunched over and his brown hair uncombed but his eyes shone in the dim light of the Bunker’s library. You hesitated over the call button.
The ringing of your phone overpowered all other sounds in the forest and you were grateful for the reprieve from the quiet. “Sam’s phone.” Dean’s voice echoed through the small clearing, slightly broken and muffled because of the poor cell service.
“Hey Dee.” You smiled, biting back a whimper of pain as you spoke. 
“Hey kid! It’s been a minute, you ok?” There was a brief pause as you summoned up the courage to lie to one of your closest friends.
“Yeah- yeah I’m good. Do you think you could get Sam for me? I wanted to talk to him.” 
“Course. Hey Sammy, phone for you!” Dean shouted and you could vaguely hear Sam yelling back at him ‘stop answering my phone jerk!’. There was a brief scuffle and then a new voice, one that immediately soothed the burn of your injuries and set your soul at ease.
“Hi.” He said as Dean retorted with a fond ‘bitch’. There was a thud and then the line went quiet for a second. “Sorry, you know how Dean is.”
You chuckled and blood dripped down from the corner of your lips. “Yeah I do.” There was a beat, an awkward silence falling over you. “Hey Sam-“
“I’m sorry.” He interrupted you. “You were right, and I’m sorry for yelling at you, you just really scared me. I don’t want to lose you, I lo-,” his voice became thick and he cleared his throat, “You’re important to me and I want to keep you safe.”
Your eyelids fluttered as tears began to build along your waterline. “I’m sorry too, I was being reckless, I just thought it was our best bet.” You tried to readjust your body on the cold ground but hissed as pain exploded through your stomach.
“Are you- fuck are you hurt?” The panic in Sam’s voice was like being doused in cold water. Suddenly the blissful fog you were floating in, that was undoubtedly shock, drifted away and everything crashed back into you.
“No no I’m fine.” You attempted to calmly reply but it came out as more of a sob. 
“Where are you?” You could hear the jingling of keys and thundering footsteps. You laughed tearfully.
“Nowhere you could get to in time. Just talk to me please, I want to hear your voice one more time.” The sounds stopped but he didn’t speak again. “Please Sam, do this one last thing for me.” 
He took in a shuddery breath. “Don’t do this. Tell me where you are.” His voice wavered and you knew he was close to tears.
“Tell me.” 
“You fucker.” You huffed. “Montana, Custer National Park. Don’t know my exact coordinates.” Your legs were cold, far colder than they should have been considering it was August.
“Keep talking to me.” He spoke into the phone and then turned and yelled into the Bunker, calling for his brother and Cas. “C’mon let me hear your beautiful voice.”
“You think my voice is beautiful?” Your heart jumped even as you felt it slowing down.
“I think all of you is beautiful.” Tears rolled down your temples, wetting the dirt beneath your head. You sniffled and clutched your phone even tighter.
“You’re beautiful too. Most beautiful man 've ever met.” Your words started to slur together but you kept talking, just like he asked. You would do anything he asked. “Got those big hazel eyes nd nice hair. Never told you but you made me nervous when we first met. You were so big and you were frowning but then you smiled and I knew.”
“What did you know?” You smiled.
“I knew that I was gonna fall in love with you. And I did. Sam-“
“No. No.” He cut you off again. “You don’t get to tell me that, not now. Not when I’m not there with you to tell you that I feel the same. You can say it when we get you home safe.”
“Sam, I’m not gonna last that long.”
“You will.” He firmly replied. “You have to.”
“Ok, then I won’t tell you how meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me and I also won’t say that you became my home.” Blackness curled around the end of your vision, and the stars slowly began to disappear. “Why can’t I see the stars anymore?”
“Don’t you dare close your eyes!” Sam screamed but his voice began to fade away as the darkness settled over you.
“I’m sorry Sam.” Your eyes shut as a bright light appeared before you.
The first thing Sam was aware of was the smell of pine. It was so achingly nostalgic, he couldn’t help but smile. The raging river beneath his feet provided just enough ambient sound to disguise the familiar purr of an engine.
“You certainly took your time getting here Winchester.”
You looked just like he remembered you, from your hair down to the smallest details on your skin. Dean stood next to you, arm thrown over your shoulder as he laughed.
“He was always the slow one.” Sam just smiled and embraced his older brother, holding him as tightly as he could. Dean cupped the back of his head before letting him go with a teary smile. “You did it Sammy.”
They pulled away from each other and Dean gestured to you. “Go on, they’ve been waiting for a long time.” 
Sam approached you slowly, his smile growing wider with each step. You looked away bashfully. “I know we didn’t end off on a great note and my death was ever so slightly dramatic so you can be mad at me all you want.”
His big hands cupped your wide hips, pulling your attention back to him. “Tell me.” Your eyes sparkled under the setting sun.
“I love you Sam.” And as he kissed you for the first time, everything clicked into place and you both realised that maybe the risk of hunting was definitely worth the reward.
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sparrowrye · 7 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, part 24
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes. Though it looks like we have a couple secrets of our own.
Previous part
Part 24: fulfillment
"There needs to be a central place," Charlie paced around the small map lying on the library floor. "Somewhere for everyone to hang out and share feelings and meet each other."
Husker and I sat on one of the window seats with a drink in hand. He had alcohol and I had tea. The hot summer days brought heavy rain in most of the afternoons, either cooling things off or making everything hot and muggy. Fortunately, today was a cool day.
Alastor stood in the corner between me and the fireplace. Since the start of this project only two days ago, he had been increasingly annoying and bothersome. He always had some snide, rude, or sarcastic remark to make to anyone and everyone. When it came to me, he was always putting a hand on my shoulder. Each and every time I pushed it off.
"What about just one big hall? Meals and other activities can be held there, too." Vaggie was just as smiley as Charlie. If I had to guess, they had been bored out of their minds for decades since their hotel went under.
To my great dismay, I had been outvoted for location of the Safe Haven. We were going to build it from the ground up in the field and forest right outside the house. Alastor had casted a smug smile, one without teeth, in my direction when the decision had been made. It infuriated me.
Later, when the sun had sunk into the ocean, I was told there would be two more people arriving shortly. They were residents of Charlie's hotel long ago and apparently jumped at the chance to help her again.
She greeted the Demons at the back door and brought them into the library. One of them was a huge black snake with red eyes dotted across his skin. He wore a black hat and had long fangs poking out of his sweet smile.
The other one had four arms and a pair of legs. I thought he was a woman until he spoke and introduced himself otherwise. Husker had immediately stood beside him and the new Demon wrapped his arm around his shoulders. Husker had never told me about him before.
My veins suddenly tightened. 
Oh no. 
I asked if anyone wanted anything to eat or drink and hurried into the kitchen. I used my tail to move the one door closed, quietly, and leaned on the counter. I clutched at my chest and tried to push the feeling down. I had forgotten to hunt this morning since Charlie had practically dragged me out of bed and downstairs to plan.
"Everything alright?" Alastor's condescending tone reached my ears.
"Never better," I said through gritted teeth. I took a deep breath and grabbed mugs from the cabinet. "And no, I don't need you."
"I didn't ask."
I casted a glare up at him. I used magic to heat the kettle faster and poured hot drinks for four Demons, knowing Husker wouldn't take anything other than alcohol. I brought the drinks into the library and set them in the desk. They were all in heated discussion and I realized just then how good of friends they were with each other. I suddenly felt very out of place.
I silently disappeared and fled the house. I shifted into my Dragon and hunted through the forest for any critters. I needed something to make the pain stop.
It ended up being a bat. I sat under a large tree to stay out of the rain and sunk my teeth into its skin. No matter how much of it I drank and ate, the satisfaction grew worse. It was almost as if my body had grown immune to this type of blood.
I made my way back to the house. Once the planning for the Safe Haven was finished, I needed to convince Charlie to let the first inhabitants be the children from the ring fights. I could get what I needed in the skirmish.
Alastor was waiting just inside the front door. "Did it suffice?"
"Leave me alone." I went back into the library feeling itchy all over. Even my blood felt itchy. At least the sharp pain was gone and it was just an annoying thorn in my back.
I was quiet for the remainder of the night for the most part. I let the group do their own thing and only offered my input when no one could decide on something. Alastor perched himself on one of the chairs in the corner and was also relatively quiet. He pushed my shields a few times as if to remind me he was there.
Building began the very next day. Alastor, Husker, and I spent the morning casting the water into the ocean and drying up the earth. Apparently all Demons hated rain, execept for me. Fortunately, the sun came out and helped speed up the process.
The group from last night came back ready to build. My heart stopped when I saw the King of Hell walking down in front of them. Alastor's eyes locked on the small man and static gurgled in his throat. It took all of three seconds before the two of them were at each other's throat. No one could tell me why they hated each other.
The group had decided to focus on creating basic housing 'huts', food gardens, and a common space for the newcomers to use. Once we had more people, the easier it would be to truly build the city. Charlie seemed to have a certain vision for it and some of her sketches looked interesting. She was incorporating a lot of nature into the layout. I couldn't say that I hated it. I had lived on concrete most of my life and being close to nature in the past year was really nice.
The basic layout followed most of what today's cities followed: brick and stone. She was already accounting for lots of inhabitants so the building had at least two layers to them. Everything had lots of windows to allow as much sunlight in as possible. It made sense since, even in the summer time, all the Demons wore long sleeves and pants. Husker and I were the odd ones out who were always sweating and complaining of the heat.
Alastor didn't do much to help the group. He stayed on the porch and simply watched from afar. Lucifer helped by magically spawning the material into existence but even he didn't do much to actually build anything. The rest of us used bits of magic to build the basic huts and the 'grand hall', as Charlie put it.
It felt good to have something physical to do. It was also refreshing to be around people other than Alastor and Husker. I didn't really say much, content with being silent and observant. They all seemed like really good friends and I even noticed Husker was especially close with Angel.
Everything was going fine for the most part. The huts were made from basic wood dug deep into the ground. There was a glass wall at the front where a curtain could be pulled across at night for privacy. Each one held four beds. They would soon be filled with ex-ring fighters.
Everything was going fine...until it wasn't.
We were nailing in one of the boards on the side of the hut when Angel nicked one of his arms on a nail. He pressed at the wound and dropped the hammer. My eyes widened as the smell reached my nose.
Oh no.
My feet were bolted to the ground and my hands hung still in the air. My Demon side came out as the smell only strengthened when he pulled his hand away. My veins tightened and breathing became really hard. Everything hurt. Husker was too busy tending to him to notice my state.
I breathed out through my nose and held my breath. I squeezed my eyes shut and took the to the sky in my Dragon form. I wanted to turn around so bad. I wanted to taste his sweet blood. It had been so long since I last had Demon's blood and he was so close to me. But I couldn't. That wasn't me. I wasn't a Demon like that.
But boy did Demon's blood taste sweet.
My mind started to hurt. I flew deep into the forest and landed in a cold river. I tried covering myself in the freezing water but it did nothing to rid the feeling. My eyes scanned the scenery for life, finally landing on a deer. I ran and caught it within seconds, tearing apart it's fresh and drinking it's blood.
It did nothing.
I shifted to my Demon form and tried again. No amount of blood or flesh eased the agony. It was so painful everywhere, inside and out. I needed to breathe, to think, to be normal. I needed blood other than an animal's.
I looked at the dead animal in front of me. My claws up to my elbows were covered in blood and the fronts of my pants were soaked with it. The poor creature had died for nothing.
Pain surged through me again. I curled inward and fell on my back. It felt like my body was eating itself from the inside. I crawled over to the water and looked at my reflection. My horns were obvious and blood was smeared across my face. I looked like a real Demon.
I dunked my head into the river and rubbed it off. It took several tries before most of it had finally come off my skin. My shirt and pants would need to be thrown out.
"This is very unbecoming of you." My head jerked up to see Alastor standing a few paces from me, cane in hand.
"What the hell do you want?" I snapped. I dried my face with the clean part of my shirt. I was afraid to stand in case it made the pain pulse again.
"To ensure my soulmate doesn't die because of her stubbornness and stupidity."
"I'm not stupid."
"You have waited so long and let yourself reach such a painful state because you couldn't set your ego and morals aside."
"You're one to talk about ego." Another pulse ran through my body. I curled further into myself as nausea took hold of me. I dug my hands into the earth and let out a strangled yell. I just needed it all to stop.
"All you had to do was ask." His cane tapped the rocks as he stepped near me. He knelt down and held out his hand. A piece of red meat sat on brown paper in his palm. He used his claw to poke it so blood dripped out.
Hunger and pain threw me off balance. I clung to the grass as my world began to tilt wildly to one side. My breathing came out in long, hard gasps. My head felt cloudy and I couldn't think straight. All I could focus on was the sweet smell of the blood in his hand.
I reached for it but he held it up. "Ah ah, you have to ask me first."
"What?" I choked.
"If you want this pain to go away, you have to ask me for this simple antidote."
"I'm not...you're...you can't..." I gagged as the pain worsened. I put a hand into the cold water but it did nothing to wake me up. "P-please..."
"Please what?"
"Please..." I started to drool as I struggled to push myself to my elbows. Everything took thrice the effort. I didn't want to ask him but it was so close. All I had to do was ask. That's it. "Can...can I have it?"
"What was that, dear?" He put a hand up to his ear condescendingly.
"Can I have it?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Of course, darling." He held out the meat and I snatched it from his grasp. My teeth pierced the sweet flesh and the blood soothed every ache and pain in my body. It felt so satisfying as it slipped down my throat and warmed my body.
My head cleared and my muscles relaxed as I swallowed it. I let out a heavy sigh and laid down. I craved more but it had satisfied what I needed. I felt calm.
"Come, darling, let's make you presentable."
Author's Note:
OoooOoOOoh I liked this one a lot. Also, would y'all be interested in the Spotify playlist I listen to when I write this story?
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k-slla · 9 months
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Happy holidays everybody! 🤍
A/N: This will fill the "Ultimatum" square for @jacklesversebingo
Word count: 3k / GIF from Pinterest
Warnings: angst, language, mentions of abuse, fluff
My Masterlist
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You and Dean didn't say a word to each other for the whole ride back to the Bunker. This hunt today was a total disaster. 
As usual, Dean’s protectiveness and stubbornness had almost cost you your lives. And you know that he simply can't help it if he cares or worries too much about those close to him. Dean would do anything, give everything for the safety of his loved ones, even his own damned life if needed to. But sometimes it made you feel like he was incapable of trusting you enough to finish a hunt successfully on your own. He needed to stay beside you at all times. You felt like you never had any breathing room when working with him, and if anything, it only made you two more vulnerable.
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You snuck a quick look at Dean in the driver seat. You let your eyes run over his soft brown hair that was now tousled, and small cuts and bruises which were covering most of his face and neck. His eyebrows were creased in concentration, his eyes were zeroed in on the road and his clenched jaw gave away the anger, you knew he was feeling inside. 
Both of you got injured today, you more than him, and neither wanted to take the blame for that. Tonight his focus was mostly on protecting you and you knew things would have to change from now on. 
You bit the inside of your cheek and looked outside of the passenger window. You had many things running through your mind that you would've loved to say to him, but decided against it. You knew, it would only rile him up even more, and you hoped that maybe, even if just for tonight, you could go to bed without fighting with him. So it felt better to stay quiet. 
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When he parked the Baby, you got out of the car and grabbed your bag from the backseat. This time you didn’t wait up on Dean as usual, but marched straight out of the garage. “Hey, wait up! Y/N!” You heard him calling after you, and you knew what was coming, but you really didn't want to fight with him tonight. Dean still caught up on you in the library before you could disappear into your room. 
“Y/N, for the love of god, wait up.” You heard him stomping after you. You stopped at the hallway that led to your bedrooms. 
“What the hell was that in there? You almost got yourself killed tonight!” He snapped at you and threw his bag onto the floor. “I told you not to go in there alone. Why is it always so hard for you to listen to me?"
You wanted so badly to give him a piece of your mind, but you knew if both of you got angry again, talking things through definitely wouldn’t work out tonight. You tried to remain calm when you replied. “Dean, calm down, alright? There's no need to dissect every little thing about every single hunt we go to. Yes, I got hurt, but I'm fine, everything’s good. Let's just leave it at that.”
The look on his face was far from calm. “No, Y/N, we’re going to talk about this!” You saw his look soften just a little, but it might as well could've been your imagination. “And don't tell me to calm down. Not after you've gotten hurt.” You were exhausted and on the verge of crying already. “Dean, I am okay! Can I just go to bed?” You tried to calm him down. “Yeah, you're fine..” he scoffed. You took a deep breath as you knew he wouldn't drop it. “That shoulder I had to pop back for you, really shows that you are FINE!” He didn't seem to notice how you flinched at the way he yelled the last part. It brought back some painful memories for you. Those, you hadn't yet told him about. “Dean, I'm not dealing with you tonight. Goodnight.” You said through your teeth and quickly turned away from him to hide the tears that had started to run down your cheeks and walked towards your room. 
“Are you really marching away right now like a five year old?” he asked behind you. 
“Yes, I’m walking away like a five year old, because if I stay, we’re going to say things we would both regret later.” You said and left him standing there, knowing he wouldn’t dare to follow you. 
Sam came out of his room, when he heard you yelling again. ”Hey, guys. What's wrong?” he asked worriedly. You were not in the mood for lectures from him too, so you ignored his question and entered your room close to his. You leaned against the wall, letting out a shaky breath. You were tired of everything that's always followed you and Dean home after hunts. That shouldn't be okay. All you wanted was just some room to breathe, not him shadowing you at every step. Backup was important on a hunt, but this was getting ridiculous. Sam asked something from Dean and you heard him cursing like a bloody sailor, before saying to Sam: “Y/N almost got herself killed tonight on my watch.” 
You dropped your bag on the bed and tramped back out there. “On your watch? Really, Dean?” You asked in disbelief and walked past them back into the library. “I am not a fucking child, that you or Sam take with you on a hunt in turns to babysit me.” 
“Right now, I’m not convinced, ‘cause you act like a fucking baby right now. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn't even be standing here right now.” Dean replied. 
“Actually, Dean, if it weren't for you, flying into the room, guns blazing, we wouldn't have been in that situation so just shut it. Stop lecturing me about taking risks. You're not the right person for that.” 
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You had a feeling like this argument tonight was a make it or break it for you. Too many times have you two started arguing after hunts because Dean wasn’t happy how it went down. You hoped that he'd stop ignoring you, when you said you're fine. So far you got blamed for not listening to him when you got hurt somehow on a hunt. You were even wondering how Sam put up with the yelling that always followed you two home. But he knew well enough to stay out of your way. You always made up after chewing each other out first. But tonight it felt different.
You walked towards him, seething anger fueling you on, pointing at him shakily. “You do NOT control me and I do NOT need you to protect me. I am more than capable of taking care of myself.” Dean rolled his eyes at you, but you decided to ignore it. You were trembling from insomnia and anger, but luckily you had forgotten the pain caused by your shoulder for a minute. 
Your eyes were brimmed with tears as you continued. Dean clenched his jaw, but let you speak without interrupting. “I am not letting anyone tell me what to do. Not anymore. For so many years, we have had this same argument over and over. I've had enough with it and I am done with you trampling all over me after every hunt, Dean, because I didn't listen to you or got hurt “on your watch”. So I want you to listen to me now..” You looked up to him and steadied your breathing before continuing. “If you wish to still have me in your life in the future, you better suck up whatever it is you want to say to me right now and find a way to start trusting me. Because if you can't do that, then I am out. I can't be in this relationship with you, if there's no mutual trust between us.” 
“Y/N, what are you saying right now?” his brows furrowed in confusion. “Oh, please don't play dumb with me. I have no energy left to be dealing with this bullshit of you blaming me every time we come back from a hunt.” 
“So you're lashing out on me right now because I care about you too much? Because I don't want to see you get hurt? Or killed?” He was yelling again.
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You knew this would go too far tonight, but for some reason you found it too hard to stop now. Everything you've kept in just exploded, and you know that you're probably going to hurt him the way it's going, but maybe it's best for you to get it out. Maybe you've just had enough of letting your feelings eat you up from the inside. 
“This is not it, Dean! This is not because you care too much. This is about trusting me! You don't trust me. You are controlling me. You act exactly like my Dad. I can't go on like this.” You were pacing around the library, feeling like if you'd stop, your legs would give out. Until it finally made sense to you why you really are this way. 
Well, yes, Dean had his part in this, but he wasn't the main reason. Every insecurity and doubt you had about yourself was there because of your father. How he forced you to hunt after your brother died. The thing is, Miles actually wanted to be a hunter. You on the other hand couldn't wait to finish high school and go to college. Your dream was to have a normal life out of hunting and that was robbed from you by your father.
“I just..I can't deal with you.” You whispered and turned on your heels to go to your room. You slammed the door harder than you had anticipated. 
You laid in your bed, thinking how messed up you really were. It had been years already when you'd last seen your father and still a mere memory of him haunts you to this day. For all you knew, he could be dead already. 
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After giving you some time to calm down, Dean gently knocked on the door and you heard him ask quietly through it: “Darling, can I please come in? We need to tie up your shoulder.” 
“Yeah.” You replied so quietly, you weren't even sure if he heard you. Dean stepped into your room without another word. You sat on the edge of the bed so he'd have more room to move around you. Both of you stayed quiet while he used one of your scarfs to tie your shoulder. It had started to hurt again and Dean must've known that. He pulled some painkillers out of his back pocket and handed them over to you. “Hold on, I'll grab you some water.” You took the pills and looked up to him for the first time since he came to your room. “Thank you.” You said quietly and he gave you a half-smile. “No need to thank me, sweetheart.” 
You sat there a few minutes, waiting for his return. You heard the boys talking to each other, but couldn't exactly make out their words. A second later, Dean came back with a glass of water. He handed you the glass and sat down at the opposite end of the bed.
“What happened out there?” You felt his gaze burning into your skin, but didn't look up at him. “Y/N, how can you think that I don't trust you?” He sounded hurt and you hated knowing that you caused it. 
“Because why else would you jump at my throat every time we get home from hunting? You're acting like I can't make decisions for myself.” 
"This is not because I don't trust you, Sweetie. I trust you with all my life and I know for sure that Sam feels the same. You are one badass woman, do you even know that? And of course I know that you can take care of yourself, but I still want to protect you, because I just can't stand the thought of losing you. You're all I have.”
“Not true, you have Sam.” He stared at you with a slightly annoyed look on his face. “That's not what I meant and you know it.”
He moved to sit next to you on the bed and took your hand. “Can you tell me please, what's this really about? Is it really only because of the fights we have? I’m sorry that I'm always the one to start them, I really am.” 
You noticed how your cheeks were wet from tears again. “But I promise I'll stop the blaming and yelling and everything, please just...” Dean wiped your tears away and turned you to face him completely. “This is something else, I know it. I want to know what's going on inside your head right now. Talk to me, honey.” 
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You could tell from his look that he really was sorry. And while Dean wasn't usually one to press you to talk, you knew that at some point truth would have to come out anyway, better to get this over then.
“That's what my Dad always used to say. “I'm doing this to protect you”.” Your voice was quivering when you spoke. “Every time I wanted to leave them, he locked me up in my room. Sometimes not even letting me go to school. I never wanted to be a hunter. But my brother did and after he died on a job, everything got even worse for me. He started to physically and verbally abuse me when I didn't listen to him or refused to go on a hunt with him. Mostly it was just pulling my hair, occasionally hitting or calling me a skank, ‘cause he thought I only wanted to go to school to sleep around with everyone. But then he started drinking and it only worsened when I got older...he got more brutal.” You took a deep breath. 
Deep, very deep inside, you wanted to think that your Dad wasn't actually a bad man. That he was just not meant to be a father. He really wanted to help the people, who didn't know about the dangers and monsters that lurked in the darkness. “They don't know what's out there. We are the ones who must help them.” These words were etched into your brain. His priority was saving the world, you and Miles were always coming second to that. But this didn't justify the way he used to abuse you. “He crushed my dreams and turned me into a hunter. And I’m going to hate him for that forever.” 
You turned to hide your face from his shocked look. This was the first time you talked about your father openly to Dean. Or to anyone for that matter. And it really opened up old wounds that you had almost forgotten about. You took a look at him and saw that his eyes were full of rage. 
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“Dean, I really meant what I said before. I’m done with the fighting. You have to start trusting me, when we're working together. Otherwise I’ll go and I will not look back. Because after every single fight, I go to bed crying because you make me feel like I'm 15 and in my father's house again. I go to bed blaming myself for everything that went wrong. And when I finally can fall asleep, it comes with knowing that you are right and I am careless, all because of him. And I know you don't do this intentionally, you just didn't know about it, but I can't take it anymore.”
Dean took a deep calming breath before talking, and you had a feeling that he was using all of his willpower not to freak out again. “Why haven't you told me about this before?” His voice was quiet, almost whispering.
You let silence linger for a moment, to catch your breath before continuing.
“I'm sorry. I've just tried so hard to forget everything regarding my past, but now I know it's not possible. My past will always stick with me, and if nothing will change for us, then…What are we even doing?”
You looked back at Dean, teary eyed and almost afraid of his reaction. You knew deep inside that you’d never have to be afraid of him, but coming clean with all your past and father, you actually feared that he'd get up and leave. That he'd leave you behind with all your emotional baggage. He gently ran his thumb over your cheek, catching a falling teardrop with it.
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“What would you like to do instead?” he asked quietly. 
“You said you didn’t want to become a hunter. What was your dream then?”
You looked up at the ceiling, smiling to yourself. “You're going to think it's stupid.” You wiped the tears from your eyes. Dean jumped to defend himself. “No, I'm not. Whatever it is, it's probably something cool.” Looking down at Dean again, you felt all of the heavy feelings in the room slowly dissolve. 
“I wanted to be an archeologist.” Dean couldn’t hold in his laughter. 
“Don’t laugh!” You nudged him slightly with your shoulder. “I told you, you'd think this is stupid.” You couldn't help but smile too. “I was eight or nine when I saw the Mummy for the first time, I got interested in history after that. Especially in Egyptian history. Thinking that one day, I'll be the one digging under some undiscovered pyramid. But that’s all that it was, a dream.” You looked sadly at him. “That’s not stupid, babe, it sounds like an awesome job.” Dean smiled back at you. Both of you stayed quiet, and you were thinking of what would come next for you and Dean.
“Y/N, please listen to me. I love you. And I'll do my best to be worthy of you. You can count on it. You didn't deserve that kind of treatment from your father and you definitely don't deserve it from me. I am so sorry about everything you've been through.” He looked into your eyes that were all red and puffy from crying and exhaustion. “Sucks for you, princess, but you're stuck with me.” Dean leaned in and kissed you slowly and softly, before carefully pulling you closer to him. “Sleep now, I'm not going anywhere.” The kiss on top of your head was the last thing you remembered, before falling asleep in his arms.
Tags💕: @jackles010378 @cevansbaby-dove @alternativeprincess94 @deanwinchestersgirl87
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kadeeesworld · 1 year
Mc getting angry at Lucifer
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(Angst with a happy ending)
“This really is idiotic mc honestly”
“Idiotic!? Idiotic how, how are my feelings idiotic!”
“I am not saying that your feelings are idiotic mc I’m saying that the way your acting is, it’s idiotic and immature”
“I’ve had this planned out for weeks I even told you about almost every day I even told you this morning and what did you say “I know Mc I’ll be there.” That’s what you told me”
“And you know what, I waited, and I waited and waited and you never came I looked stupid Lucifer”
“I apologize mc truly allow me to make it up to you I can-“
“No I don’t want you to make it up to me because I don’t care anymore- LUCIFER I DON’T I’M TIRED!”
“Im tired of waiting, I’m tired of waiting for you to be ready for me- to make time for me I’m tired of waiting for you to realize that I’m here and I have feelings too.”
You hadn’t noticed but he did, your tears sliding slowly down your face falling beneath you.
Truth was you really loved him, but you were truly tired of being second to any and everything else.
“I’m going to walk out now Lucifer do not follow me I want to be by myself, please”
You went and sat in the library of the house no book in hand you just sat and stared at whatever your eye caught.
“He stood you up again?”
You looked up to see-
“Yes he did and it really sucks”
“Diavolo called a last minute meeting and he had to go”
“He couldn’t have called and told me that instead of having me sit there and think he was gonna come”
“I’m usually not one to run to his rescue or take his side but I know that Lucifer truly had planned to eat diner with you tonight”
“I usually also don’t take up for him and I know loving someone like Lucifer isn’t easy and maybe over time it will be and maybe not, but Rome wasn’t built in a day Mc and just like this love it wasn’t easy.”
“It burned in one…Rome I mean, it burned in a day”
“That it did”
“So what will you do, are you going to just let him go then?”
The truth was you didn’t really know what you wanted to do but you had hope for something that maybe this time he would do something different even just a little, even just this once.
“I don’t know Satan but I just want him to love me like I love him”
You got up and left, you went back to your room you closed your door, you sat on your bed and you cried, cried like a baby because this feeling this pain you have it really fucking sucks and you hate it.
You don’t know how long you laid there but after a while your tears dried up and it was quiet.
You hear a knock at your door.
“Mc, it’s me can we talk”
It’s the man of the hour.
“Hell no, go away”
“Mc I want to apologize properly please open the door”
Begging is not becoming of the mighty Lucifer.
Against your better judgement you opened to door, and he finally saw your face he felt like his heart broke right then and there, “𝐨𝐡 𝐌𝐜, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞“
“I was wrong for what I did to you today, I was well aware that we had dinner tonight and yet I stood you up without so much as a phone call, for that Mc I’m sorry”
For a moment you thought you’d died and came back to life because did Lucifer THEE LUCIFER just apologize and admit he was wrong? Had Jesus just come back?
“No Mc Jesus is not here”
“How’d you know I was thinking about Jesus are you reading my mind?”
He chuckled at that
“No Mc I’m not I just know things about you, I know how you think and most importantly I know how you feel especially in this moment and I also know I messed up and if you’d allow me I want to make it up to you”
Well how in the hell could you say no to that.
“Your apology better be epic”
“I don’t know about epic but it’s an apology nonetheless”
He holds out his hand to you and you take it.
He leads you down the hallway back to his room and inside you see a small round table with a white cloth over it, topped with a candle and two dinner plates with a human friendly cursed record playing in the background.
“Lucifer, when did you-
He grabbed your face with such delicate hands and kisses your lips
“Satan came to me a bit after you left and had a few choice words for me that he will definitely be hung from the ceiling for but above all else everything he said was true, I have been neglecting you Mc I was too caught up in my work to see it and it is unforgivable, I just hope you forgive me anyway”
Well after he did all this, pulled out all the stops just to make up for this super shitty night, how could you not?
“I’ll forgive you after this dinner”
You smiled for the first time tonight and it felt good and it was because of him.
You loved him after all and everybody makes mistakes.
“May I have this dance Mc”
He reaches out his hand to you once again
“You may”
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but after it was finished it was truly something beyond words, Rome like love takes time and you both had all the time in the world.
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boxofbonesfic · 7 months
"why am i even bothering to write and post anything at all?"
"ngl that makes me not want to post anymore lmfao"
Because you have people reading???? Like tf? I'm not trying to be rude, but while you are lamenting over racist people not reading your work (as are other writers that I follow) don't forget about the people who do engage, read, comment, send ask, gently requesting updates to stories because writers get pissed off if updates are demanded, and champion your writing. Some of us actively searched for black writers and stories.
I understand wanting a lot of engagements, I do, but I'm starting to feel shafted as a reader who is doing all the things these writers ask for and yet read these posts in which the writers threatened to quit writing fics because there's only 100 notes. Have you looked through the notes? Do you not see familiar usernames over and over again? So it's not many of us, and that is truly unfortunate, but the group is loyal. Stray words and so many others have already left.
Just like you're feeling unappreciated as a writer, I'm feeling unappreciated as a reader because yall (poc writers) essentially tell me there is nothing more that I can do to make you feel wanted enough to stay.
I'm sorry you feel like this, but the reality is that we're black. Whether in real life or digital, this is how the world treats us. We will have to work harder for less. It shouldn't be like this, but life aint been fair to us for centuries now. I do what you ask, so I ask that you focus on the small group of us that follow your writing through.
…i’m sorry that people sending me racist asks effects me? i’m human, too? i’m a person too? like i’m not made of stone, people being cruel to me does hurt me, it does leave lasting effects on my mental health? i didn’t threaten to quit writing, i talked about how that ask, combined with my ever decreasing engagement made me feel.
of course i look through my notes. conversely, do you see me responding to comments? asks? i’ve posted several times now about trying to commit to a more regular update schedule, about finishing my outstanding work. have you not seen any of that? i’m not leaving, but am i not allowed to speak on my experience? i’ve been back a week, and i’m already getting racist anons.
chastising me for being human and feeling a way when people are cruel to me is not how you get consistent updates, nor is it how you encourage me to stick it out. just because that’s the reality doesn’t make it right, and it doesn’t make it easier as a black content creator. i’m trying to be here, to update consistently, to be the change i want to see, but it is fucking hard, it is painful, and i’m sorry that you don’t like hearing that. feel free to follow my library blog to avoid it, i only reblog updates and new work there.
we have a saying in Jamaica: “pressure bust pipe”. i’m sorry black authors have been dropping like flies, but we are people. how much are we supposed to take without saying anything? i really don’t know what else to say other than that i’m trying.
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kryptid-writes · 1 year
Chapter 10 - Alone Again
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With Castiel missing, the boys go out to search for their angel, leaving Y/N alone again.
TW: This chapter briefly discusses alcoholism
“Exorciza… exorcizamus… te omnis….” I slur out, butchering the Latin words far worse than usual, which I’m surprised is even possible, interrupted by the occasional hiccup. “Omnis.. immand… immundus, Ugh!” I groan in frustration, slumping my head onto the library table, the cool wood contrasting with my flushed face. I’ve spent all night rehearsing this damned incantation, never getting past the first few lines.
“How the hell does Sam do this?” I growl, staring down at my nearly empty glass of Jack Daniels Whiskey. I swirl the fancy glass cup of booze, the rigid sound of glass grinds against the wood that’s polish had begun to erode long ago. The clear amber liquid whirls in lazy circles, something I could personally relate too. No matter where my lonely life takes me, I always circle back to the sweet relief of alcohol, the one thing I can always rely on. Some people say life is better through a sober lens. I call bullshit, anyone who makes it through this place without a buzz is doing it wrong. Between the argument with Dean, Sam’s growing doubt, and Castiel up and vanishing, this is all I have left.
I down the last bit of whiskey, the familiar burn soothing my nerves. I stare down at my empty glass in distaste and carelessly slide it across the table. It hits a discarded book a few feet away and tips over, a single remaining drop falling from the cup.
I just want to go home. The message repeats in my head over and over. But then again, I don't really have a home to return to, do I?
Like it usually does, the whiskey catches up with me. My mind becomes foggy, my blood warm and fuzzy. I slump over, pressing my upper body flat against the table. The wood painfully cuts into my ribcage, but I'm too tired to care. The world spins around me and I close my eyes to fight off the impending dizziness and nausea, slowly slipping into a comforting slumber.
The blade bites into his skin, leaving fresh slices along his arms. Trickles of red race down his skin, joining the dry streaks of blood that came before. The wounds heal within seconds, even still he groans in pain.
He struggles in the rusty metal chair he’s chained too. The silver chains dripping with oil clang together in resistance. A small ring of fire surrounds him, the white flames remaining an unrelenting burn. He sits along the edge of the circle, the toes of his black dress shoes licked by the roaring fire. His feet fidget, pushing as far back as the restraints allow, desperately trying to escape the unforgiving heat. The stench of burning leather and thick black smoke fills the air.
Lucifer stands menacingly just out of reach, his shoulders back and head held high. The long knife he holds drips with blood, staining the grimey concrete below.
Castiel's clothes are covered in blood, oil, and burn holes. He breathes in heavy, ragged breaths. His ocean blue eyes lull to the ceiling. It seems they’ve been at it for hours.
Lucifer grabs a fistful of Castiel’s unkempt hair, violently yanking his head as far back as the chair would allow. “Now, tell me where you’re hiding her,” Lucifer hisses, menacingly twirling the angel blade in his hand. 
“Go to Hell!” Castiel spits, grinding his teeth.
“Been there, done that,” he replies, looking rather bored. He crouches down to Castiel’s level, innocently gazing into his half lidded eyes. “I grow tired of these games brother,” Lucifer sighs, before plunging the blade deep into his shoulder.
Castiel lets out a strangled cry as Lucifer twists the knife. The sickening sound of flesh churning bounces off the confined walls. Blood trickles out of the laceration, staining his beloved tan trenchcoat a dark crimson shade.
“WHERE IS SHE!” He demands, his irises glow a bright red with passion, illuminating the immediate surroundings of the room.
“The Winchesters are coming, and you of all people know what they’re capable of.” Castiel laughs like a man that has lost his sanity.
Lucifer is not amused. “Let them come.” He stands, drawing the blade from the broken angel's shoulder and wipes the blood off onto his worn denim jeans. “I, for one, am looking forward to slaughtering them. I’ll make it slow and painful. I’ll take pleasure in watching the life drain from their pitiful eyes,” he coos, a deranged smile tugging at his lips.
“Y/N.” A big hand gently shakes my shoulder from behind. “Y/N!”
I jolt awake in a state of panic and fall out of my chair, smacking the hard ground below me that will surely leave a bruise on my hips. My heart races so fast that it feels like it could beat out of my chest any moment. “What the fuck Sam!” I yell confused, as I get my bearings and push myself to my feet.
“Sorry.” He puts his hands up defensively. “It’s just you were murmuring and shaking in your sleep, I figured you were having a nightmare.” He looks at me, concerned, trying to read my expression.
“Oh, uh, thanks?” The scenes of my nightmare plays over in my head, a sinking feeling washes over me as I remember what Lucifer is doing to Castiel at this very moment. “Ugh,” I groan, the hangover hitting me full force. I rub my temples to soothe the headache pounding against my skull and squint, the lights suddenly too bright.
“Fun night?” Dean quips, a sly smile tugging at his lips.
I roll my eyes, in no mood for his condescending jokes.
Sam picks up a green duffle bag that sits at his feet, slinging it over his shoulder. He brushes his long locks of hair out of his face, looking around the room for anything he might have missed.
Dean sits at the other end of the table, polishing an angel blade. 
I grimace at the realization that it’s my blood that stains the white, and now red, towel in his hands. A twinge of guilt pangs in my stomach, recalling my actions two nights ago. “Where are you going?” I croak out, my throat unpleasantly dry. 
“To find Cas,” Dean replies, not taking his eyes off the blade.
“What?” I sit up in my chair, suddenly feeling a sense of panic. 
“We have a lead,” Sam replies. “We heard word from a hunter that he may have been spotted questioning people around Chillicothe, Ohio.”
“You won't find him there,” I confess, my tone suddenly serious.
Both Sam and Dean stop what they’re doing, turning their undivided attention towards me.
“You got something you want to share?” Dean asks in an angry tone, slamming the angel blade onto the table with a loud clang.
“Lucifer has him and… he’s not doing well.”
Dean's expression drops from angry to concerned, morphing into vengeful.
“Y/N,” Sam steps in front of me. “I need you to tell us everything you know.” He looks me in the eye, giving me a pleading look.
“He’s being held captive in some sort of dungeon.” I swallow down the lump in my throat. “Lucifer’s torturing him with an angel blade and he’s surrounded by a small ring of fire.”
“Holy fire,” Sam says to Dean.
“Anything else?” Dean seethed.
“He wants to know where I am.”
Sam and Dean exchange looks. Sam tilts his head slightly, raising his brows in question.
Dean nods his head and grabs the blade, tucking it away in his leather jacket. “Let’s go get our angel,” he says, heading to the exit.
“You don’t even know where he is!” I yell, trying my best to get them to stay. Tears well in my eyes as I remember what Lucifer plans to do to them.
“Then we’ll figure it out,” Sam replies, turning away from me and trailing behind Dean.
“Wait!” I run and grab onto Dean's hand. “Take me with you, I can help!” I plead, meeting his eyes with a desperate look.
Dean thinks for a second, his face turning cold as stone. “You’d just slow us down.” He rips his hand away and walks out the door.
Sam gives me a sorrowful look, before following his brother.
And just like that, they’re gone.
I sink to the floor, devastated, no longer able to contain my tears. I've never felt so alone.

Series Masterlist
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Tags: @roseblue373
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Going buckwild at the way Hilda The Series portrays adulthood and loneliness. Kaisa has no one to go to to ask for help getting the due book back, even though all it would take was someone she could minimally ask to knock on an elderly lady’s door and ask for a favour; she’s in the library after hours, is shown to have no allies aside from the woman who raised her and who she lost contact with. Johanna is only ever seen working or caring for Hilda, and her lack of a life aside from those two activities is pointed out by her own daughter when she thinks that this is going so far as to affect their relationship. The bell keeper lives alone in a small cabin on the edge of town, barely within city limits and away from everyone, a house barely even inhabitable and clearly only a place to sleep and eat. He works a solitary job and he’s the only one in the town still working it, meaning he’s probably overworked and forced to pull inhumanly long shifts. Victoria hyperfocused so hard on her projects that whatever friends she had before - and she must have had some from college time at least - lost contact with her, and she never made any other connections in Trolberg, anything that would tie her to the city and it’s inhabitants and make it so it wasn’t worth it to live by herself at the top of a hill. Even when that was over, she still chose to isolate herself somewhere abandoned and keep what was essentially another machine she’d built as her source of company, something she could understand and control instead of an unpredictable human being. Gerda works a job she likes but is shown to be disregarded by the person she works the most around, her abilities and intellect thrown aside for the good of someone she has to bear because of a hierarchy she was forced to accept in order to keep working. She’s appreciated by the town, but other than the main characters, we don’t see anyone paying her any mind when they don’t need something from her.
Meanwhile no kid has ever been alone in Trolberg. The mean kids are a group, the good kids are a group, even the gloomy teenage girls are a group. One of nightmare inducing entities, but a group nonetheless. All children in that world seem to operate on a ‘no man left behind’ code, looking out for each other even if they aren’t exactly fans of one another, helping even grown ups without asking why and working together. And this logic seems to extend to the adults who work around children too; especially the Raven Leader, who we see that through the children works as a vital part of the community and a way through which it comes together.
This isn’t very articulate but do you see the point? Do you see how clever that is? That a show about growing up has these themes? You can be magical, kind, strong, intelligent, competent, but none of that will make you truly happy if you don’t keep the most important thing from childhood? If you don’t keep your friendships, your bonds, something to tie you down to your reality and your community? The adults in the show all made their choices, and it’s okay to want to be alone, we all need it and some more than others (this is coming from someone who needs it a lot), but isolating yourself completely is the one thing that will make growing pains truly painful. I’m just so emotional over it. It’s so subtle and so clever considering the whole Mountain King plot that Hilda is willing to change species because she feels detached from her main relationships and surroundings. I love this show so much.
#Hilda meta#Kaisa isolated herself because of insecurity. Johanna did it because of duty (keeping herself and a daughter afloat seemingly by her own)#the bell keeper did it (apparently) because of a lack of interest#AND being overworked. that’s so important to mention#actually scratch that. I bet being overworked is the MAIN reason. imagine keeping patrol day and night I wouldn’t talk to anyone either#Victoria did it because of passion#Gerda did it unwillingly as a result of the system she was working for#I could mention so many other people too#Tildy doing it because of hopelessness after the two people she loved failed to reach out to her#Abigail because she convinced herself she couldn’t go back home#the midnight giant because he made one sole person his whole world and his species had to leave#the trolls because of the consequences of colonialism sparking internal conflict#it’s lonely. lonely all around.#the only group of adults that seem to be doing fine are the elves#which are. you guessed it. a tightly knit community#and paperwork or no paperwork they all work for the well-being of their society as a whole#growing up doesn’t have to be lonely. growing up doesn’t have to be lonely.#but God it can be. and its something you have to fight against because it’s so easy to get caught in the tide#the more I grow the more things I find in Hilda to relate to#the show seems to age with us this is fantastic#Hilda the series#hilda netflix#johanna hilda#kaisa hilda#Victoria Van gale#the bell keeper hilda
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skulls-soul · 1 year
Luigi being parental gives me life it’s just so cute so here’s some ideas that I think Luigi would do
I don’t know if you guys have seen that Tumblr post about how the Kooplings would make baby alligator noises but I want you to know that I have 100% adopted that head cannon cause it is too cute not to
So imagine with me Luigi and Junior are in the library because Luigi was there hanging out and Junior decided to join him since he had nothing else to do 
Everything is fine and dandy but then suddenly luigi hears a loud slam and then Junior crying out Luigi of course very quickly makes his way towards Junior asking him what’s wrong
Junior Merli points at a book that seems to be quite a hefty size and then points at a shelf that is just out of Junior‘s reach Luigi immediately puts the puzzle of the pieces together
Poor Junior was just merely trying to get a book, but it ended up falling on his head instead. Luigi will ask Junior if he could take a look while gently moving Junior‘s hand away from the top of his head where he assumes the wound is. after checking to see if it’s bleeding and realizing that it isn’t logically there’s nothing that Luigi can do to relieve the physical pain but that doesn’t stop Luigi from saying a small nursery rhyme
“pain pain go away don’t come back another day” while saying this Luigi will rub the top of Junior‘s head and then very dramatically act out a motion of throwing something away. that something being the pain after that Luigi will then blow on the wound
Once Junior stops giggling Luigi asks if he feels any better Junior simply nods in response
I imagine that Junior would then tell his siblings and his dad about what Luigi did saying that “he magicked my Ouchi away ” this ultimately leads to Bowser going to Luigi by the end of the day asking if he knows any magic
Luigi would say that no he doesn’t why do you ask once Luigi finds out that Junior was the one who told his dad that he knows healing magic he simply laughs saying that no that’s just an old nursery rhyme that my aunt used to do for me and Mario whenever we got a couple of cuts and bumps.
(bowser of course thinks that’s absolutely adorable but would probably keep that to himself)  also another thing that would happen is that juniors siblings will probably still think that Luigi can actually do magic and would go to him for small wounds like scratches or bumps and Luigi would do the same thing that he did for Junior although he now carries a small first aid kit with him wherever he goes just in case it needs a little bit more than his Italian touch
Also I imagine one day Bowser would have the same thing happen to him in where something falls on his head and The kooplings Witnessing this Would immediately drag bowser to Luigi asking Luigi to do his magic
And Luigi without hesitation because he’s done this so many times before only merely asking what happened before he continues to quietly say the nursery rhyme in the little Toon that it comes in and blows on the spot where the pain is
It’s only once Luigi was done with the whole ritual in where he realizes what he’s doing and once the realization hits he’ll very quickly take his hand away from the top of Bowser’s head looking away blushing like the tomatoes he uses when he makes him and Mario pasta
by some miracle he manages to say “feel better?“
Bowser just stares at Luigi while his brain is currently trying to process all that is happening
Now depending on whether or not Bowser and Luigi are thing(aka in a relationship) is what happens next
if they’re not a thing Bowser is probably going to be like oh my goodness that was absolutely adorable I mean not adorable what am I saying this is Mario’s brother I’m talking about he can’t be adorable I won’t allow it?!? 
Following those Train of thoughts he’ll then look away and notice that his kids are patiently waiting for an answer the younger ones have a worried look while the older ones have a Knowing smirk bowser then says that he’s doing better and as quietly as he could possibly go he’ll mumble a thank you to Luigi and if Luigi wasn’t paying attention he would’ve missed it thankfully though, he was.
Luigi will when Bury his face deeper into the book he was reading earlier (before the kids dragged bowser over) not wanting to look at bowser when he says it’s no problem.
IF THEY ARE A THING  bowser would definitely take this opportunity to flirt he would look at Junior saying you know what son I think you’re right then he’ll look back at Luigi to say it seems green bean does know some magic this would cause Luigi to bury himself in the book he’s reading waving a hand at Bowser telling him to stop your being silly I don’t know any magic
With either of these options it could lead up to the same results and that’s a couple of weeks later  Luigi would be in the kitchen cooking for the youngest kooplings junior, Larry, Morton and wendy a small snack .
 The kids were merely just roughhousing when one of them bumped into a counter  causing something to fall and hit Luigi‘s head he didn’t think nothing of it merely just running away the pain saying in Italian how “that’s gonna bruise”
He looked at the kids and noticed that they were all looking at him really worried he very quickly lifted his hands up saying that he was all right but that seem to only make things worse because in doing so a small triple of blood went down his face the kids all start to panic and start to cry/chirp? Luigi tried his best to calm the kids down but to no avail
Bowser hearing several of his kids calling for him he very quickly makes his way to where the noises are.
he passed through the doors asking “what’s wrong?!? what happened?!?” when he noticed all the kids surrounding Luigi
Junior looked at Bowser and pointed up at Luigi saying that they’re sorry and they didn’t mean to. It was only once Bowser looked at Luigi that he noticed a small triple of blood. it was nothing too serious just a bump with a tiny cut
Bowser sighs relieved that the kids were ok  bowser makes his way towards the kids picking up Junior saying I’m sure you didn’t mean to and I’m sure Greanie knows that too you’re not gonna get in trouble so don’t worry about it, all of you.
Bowser assumed that the kids were crying because they were afraid of getting in trouble but when they all shake their heads Bowser just tilted his in confusion. that was when Wendy muscled out between sobs “but he’s still hurt and that they don’t know how to heal him”
An idea sparks in Bowser‘s head and he places a hand on Luigi‘s head rubbing it gently saying the same thing that Luigi has done over and over again for him and his kids “pain pain go away don’t come back another day”  finishing it off by gently blowing where the wound is
There feel any better? Bowser would ask Luigi and Luigi in return will shyly look at the kids not wanting to look up at Bowser and say “Yep much better”
(Note: so y’all remember that post I made in where to celebrate getting like I shit ton of subs I asked y’all to pick a number for 1 to something well…. this is draft Number 3…..so sorry it took so long to (the person who picked the number sorry I forgot who it was and looking back will take some time so until the this will be here) I hope your happy with what ya got
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