#i just wasnt gonna miss my excuse to make. this
muzzleroars · 1 year
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happy valentine’s day!!!!!!!!!!! 💘💘💌💖💝💝💖💖💌💌💘
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strawbearydreams · 1 month
#so ive never really done a vent post like this on here (or anywhere for that matter)#so idrk how this is gonna go but ig im gonna try it anyway cause idrk what else to do at this point lmao#look. listen. i know. i know *logically* that if i did die or disappear or whatever i know people would miss me#i know people would be sad and heartbroken and i know people care about me listen. i *know*#but i just. i cant help but think that everything would be better if i just. wasnt here#like. i just feel like such a burden to everyone around me. like i feel like i make everyones life actively worse#especially my dad#god he deserves so much better than me#i treat him so fucking badly like. all he asks of me is to keep my spaces clean and i just fucking. dont#i let the shit and the garbage pile up until hes overwhelmed cause i cant fucking bring myself to do simple fucking human tasks#cause of my fucking adhd or whatever#even though thats just an excuse#i should be able to do these things! i should be able to function like a normal human being!#i should be able to keep up with my hygiene and my chores and my school and work responsibilities!#but i cant! i fucking cant!#god im so fucking tired im fighting. im so tired of trying over and over and over again all for it to not fucking matter in the end#cause im right back where i fucking started#god all of this is just a shitty excuse to continue being a shit fucking human being#i dont even feel human anymore lol i feel *less* than human#god i wish i was less than human. i wish i was a fucking dog or something#that way i wouldnt have to worry about this bullshit world#that says a lot about me huh#im gonna end it there#ignore this pls#vent#tw vent
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sun-stricken · 4 months
Avatar knew nothing about devil slayers so Gray decides to do more research on his own (his previous research was stopped because of the mission)(AU Julia didn’t follow him and make them share a house). When ft gets back together he decides to ask Levy if the council had any information, but gets nothing. He asks Freed and even goes to saber to ask Rufus. Nothing.
On one of their missions together, Rogue asks how Gray is doing, because Rufus had mentioned he had visited. This prompts Gardel to remember Levy asking him if he remembers the council having any information about devil slayers. Laxus remembers a comment from Freed about his frustration towards lack of information about rarer types of magic. Together (mainly Wendy and Rogue) they put together that maybe Gray isn’t as sure about his magic as he seems.
No one’s heard of it + received from his reanimated father + had for only a year + not his original magic + played it up in a dark guild + absorbed a curse = lost and confused fledgling devil slayer. But just to be sure, they have a period of ‘Gray watch’ to try and confirm their suspicions. Gray watch= subtle (or unsubtle depending on the slayer) watching and questions. Gray’s probably confused, but it’s fairy tail so he’s not too concerned (plus the dragons have done weird things before).
Bonus: Gray being jealous of the slayers all having each other and hanging out, but with their weird behaviour starts to believe he’s dodged a bullet.
Thoughts? Would love to hear your ideas
firstly, anon, thank you for giving me an excuse to talk abt Gray + Dragon slayers again, second, im gonna take this and run
i love the idea of the dragons being protective/taking Gray under their wing so to speak, and i love the idea of them scrambling to try and help him in some way even more
Rogue, even though he technically set off everything, actually didnt know much other than what he observed himself, when Rufus told him Gray stopped by but didnt stay to chat with him or Sting (or Frosch!) he tried to ‘subtly’ interrogate Rufus
Rufus figured out what he was doing and shut him down, saying to ask Gray himself and that it wasnt his business to tell
Although, Rogue also saw Rufus carrying a book on different slayer magic types so he hazarded a couple guesses
When he does set it all off its like their collective braincell goes into overdrive
they dont all figure it put right away, its post mission that they discuss what they know
‘Gray Watch’ as you so beautifully put it, is their clumsy attempt at sussing out info and to help him
Gray noticed something was up fairly quick because, while they were trying, subtly isnt exactly their forte
he first noticed because Natsu was actively trying to get closer and the conversations he started didnt end up in fights
At first when all the questions started he just thought they were curious because he was another slayer, and when most of their questions ended in his lack of answers he thoight they would just stop and go back to normal but they didnt
They just kept coming, if they were asking questions they were giving advice, or even complimenting his new magic and how fast he figured it out
While the Dragons think hes totally lost and confused, he isnt really, Grays used to having to adapt quickly and at least it was ice devil slayer magic, he gets the big picture and the dynamics of it but he just doesnt know what the hell it is? and why isnt there any information on it?
Gray ends up convinced theyre all infected with some sort of virus, a virus that apparently makes them really social, with.. just him? (hes still working on the theory)
Their advice is kinda a hit or miss, they only know the stuff they found out pertaining to Dragon Slayers, and they assume what works for them will work for him too, sometimes it does but a lot of the time it doesnt
Dragon and Devil slayer magic, while under the same subtype of magic, are very different, but they dont have the resources to know that outright
other tidbits my brain came up with
Dragon slayers specifically have a naturally high metabolism and appetite
they assume thats its the same for Gray, Natsu told Mira to start adding extras to his plate when he eats at the guild, and also started offering the snacks he eats during the day
Gajeel would try to inconspicuously ask Levy abt dif slayer type and she happily did even though she knew exactly what was doing
Sting started to pester Rufus for any info on Devil Slayers constantly, while Rogue actually looked himself, they actually went to magic experts and various libraries around town and on jobs when they took them out of town
got a whole lot of nothing
When someone or Gray said anything about Devil Slayers you could literally hear their brains working in overtime while they listened
they probably took notes or something
Wendy would often ask Gray how he was doing with his new physical and mental changes and give tips on what she does when she got overwhelmed with all the sudden alterations to her person, which really confused him bc he hadnt noticed much actually changing about himself
Anything Laxus figured out himself he would relay to Freed to tell Gray, hes gotta keep up his persona hes got goin on yk?
Slayers in general have heightened senses AND emotions
Dragon Slayers, and slayers in general but its most extreme/prominent in the Dragons, have highly protective tendencies.
Devil Slayers have slight possessive traits and jealousy issues, again, slayers in general have this but its more prominent in Devil Slayers,
that being said, Gray being a slayer now means he wanted to spend more time with the others so he didnt try to stop the uptake in attention they were giving him. But since they had the plan to help him they were also spending a lot of time together, which in turn made him feel jealous and upset as if they were ignoring him
But as time went on and the dragons were getting more desperate for info Gray started believing that they were all crazy or sick
actual pictures of the Dragons trying to solve Gray
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sorry its short! i didnt want to keep you waiting any longer🙏
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voidwritesstuff · 4 months
Long Way To The Truth
Cw:misgendering (accidental).
Summary: Lucas makes it to Colorado and helps a young kid with their identity.
->chapter 4: Colorado.
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By Next morning he was already in Colorado, as he has breakfast in a small cafeteria, he thinks back on last night. In hindsight,he feels like he just pulled a Wheeler and acted as the guidance counselor of three 20 Year olds. And it didnt bother him one bit.
For lunch, he stops at a small family owned restaurant. Its really quaint with its ochre colored walls, the plants growing from the pots placed infront of the blue framed Windows.
He steps through the double Doors made of some dark brown wood, and the smell of spicy,home made food greets him. He relaxes a little, Rolling Back one of his shoulders instintctually to then take off his army baseball cap.
As he joins the line,he sees a young kid going out to take the trash that Belongs to the stablishment. They have long dyed purple hair in box braids, tied up by a yellow and white bandana, they drag the heavy trash bag as they walk down one of the back area halls, the door to said Hall is Open which is why Lucas can see the kid.
--Thanks son!--Says a male voice from the kitchen. The kid seems to scowl and mutter something under their breath before resuming their walk.
Lucas orders once its his turn, as he eats hes contempt to watch the news since hes written down his entry of the day during breakfast. The news show how in a few months,a New ship was going to be comissioned by Mayer, the SS Thanatos.
"Kind of an edgy name,isnt it " he thinks,munching down on his chili. The spiciness of it all Burning his tongue,but he doesnt seem to care." Though, its interesting,why would mayer comission a New ship? What are they bringing?".
Hes quick to Scribble down his thoughts on his Journal in a small spot between his Many little doodles he had done during a particular terrible traffic jam on the way here.
--Ive told him so Many fucking times-- he hears the kid from before say-- its not- its not son,goddamnit-- Lucas perks up at the voice,filled with anger and sadness. Theres this look in their eyes of feeling misunderstood.
He watches them walk away and outside the restaurant through that Hall they went down earlier. Theres a slight suspicion in his mind as to what the kids discontent had to do with, bit he knows its none of his business.
"This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud"
As the News didnt show anything interesting after a while, the owner changed the channel to MTV. Where Bon jovi's "its my life" was playing.
Lucas drums along to the rythm of the song as he walks out of the restaurant. He gets approached by the owner of the restaurant,tall,dark skin and warm brown eyes, he looks worried.
--Hey,Sir. Excuse me- have you seen my son? His-their name is Juniper-- he asked,cleaning his sweaty hands on his apron-- about yay high,purple hair?
It takes him a moment to pinpoint the kid as he puts on his army baseball cap-- uh yeah, why?
--Hes been missing and he hasnt been replying to my calls-- he explains-- he seemed a little annoyed and I wanted to ask him where he was
Always the Smart one, the ex soldier nodds-- yeah,saw 'im by the parkin' lot-- he replied ,gesturing to the opposite side of where the kid had actually gone. The Dad runs away in a panic, and he takes that opportunity to go the actual way the kid left.
He knows he shouldnt have lied,but from experience he knew that sometimes parents would make things worse. And it looks like Wheeler rubbed off of on him because hes on his way to adopt yet another child.
Now that the owner wasnt there,nobody paid him any attention as he snuck into the Hall that the kid left through, it leads down an empty sort of backyard. Theres a small half broken concrete wall that seemed to be the wall that acted as a barrier to a previous,smaller, Back yard and the outside world.
Through the cracks and missing chunks of the wall,he can spot a set of purple hair blowing in the passing breeze. He sighs inwardly and tries to channel Wheeler as he leans on the Fallen wall and says.
--Yer dad's lookin' for ya
The kid gets startled, throwing a small pebble sized Chunk of Fallen wall towards him. He barely ducks out of the way and adds-- nice aim
--Who are you and what do you want?--The kid asks, pressing their knees against their chest. Their locks fall to cover half of their face since the bandana is no longer restricting them.
--'m the guy who told yer dad to go the other way so he didnt piss you off further
The kid looks at him and then looks away, growling-- good. I wouldve ripped his face off.
--Can I at least ask whats pissin' you off before I leave you alone? You look like yer either gonna hurl a piece of debrie at yer old Man or break down cryin'
--You wouldnt get it-- they reply,looking away
--kid, you'd be surprised at the ammount of shit ive seen. Try me
The kid sighs loudly and gets ready to throw another pebble sized chunk. But its not at Lucas, he throws it at a nearby tree stumpt And misses it by an INCH.
--So...so i dont really feel like a boy,or- or a girl-- they start, grabbing another pebble-- I asked my folks recently if they could use well- gender neutral words for me- but they Keep forgetting, especially my dad
"It's my life, it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive"
God,how loud was the TV? He could hear it all the way from here.
Lucas nodds,folding his arms over his chest-- n 'm guessing thats what pissed you off?
They nodd-- its not that hard-- They followed up-- and it hurts when they dont do it- I call 'em ma and pa but they cant use the words I like?
--I get that kiddo-- he replied,looking at the tree stumpt,littered with previous atrempts of hitting it. His eyes narrow as he calculates the distance between them and the stumpt.-- parents can take a while to accept New things 'bout their kids
--How would you know?--his companion asked, throwing the pebble and missing,again,by an inch.
--well,kid-- the ex soldier grabs a pebble and throws it at the stumpt, hitting it dead in the middle--im Bisexual,and a soldier with PTSD,from a family of soldiers who also had....issues . So I'd get it
When the kid sees Lucas hit the stumpt,they look up at him and ask-- HOW DID YOU DO THAT?
he chuckled-- permission to approach?
--Uh,permission granted--They followed along with the joke,a small excited smile.
Lucas sits with them and grabs another pebble,handing it over. Now up close he can see that their eyes are puffy and a little red,and he softens his gaze-- keep your pulse steady-- he starts,showing them how to fix their aim.
His companion tries again and they hit the stumpt dead in the centre. They look all happy and they smile wide.
--Yknow,your old Man worried about you. Even corrected himself when he messed up your pronouns. -- the ex soldier added as the kid tried again.
--did...did he?--They ask,Setting down the pebble.
--Yup, do you go by juniper?
They nodd enthusiastically-- he even remembered my name?
Juniper smiled and stood up, all happy and with a Pep in their step. Lucas noticed the bon jovi black shirt and raised an eyebrow internally. They tie their yellow and white bandana around their purple hair and dust off their black shirt, they flap their hands a little.
--'m gonna talk to him-- they said,walking past Lucas.
--Hey kid, just one thing. Tell yer dad that it makes you feel bad when he doesnt use the right words. Otherwise he wouldntve known I think, but also know that not all parents Will understand New things
The kid puts their hands inside their pockets-- and what If he doesnt understand?
--Well...-- he trails off and points to the air,as if hes pointing at the music hanging on the breeze.
"It's my life
My heart is like the open highway
Like Frankie said I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life"
--I dont like the idea of my dad not understanding though-- Juniper adds, looking a little concerned. Their eyes go to the entrance of the Hall that they came out of.
--i understand but ive realized that well, if it makes you happy then its worth it. Parents be damned-- Lucas stands up,holding Back a wince as his back stings a little. But he manages and leans on the wall-- hell,im drivin' all the way from Florida to Washington
--Why would you do that?--his companion asked-- thats kinda weird --Theres a brief silence and they add-- right,because it makes you happy
--'m tellin' you this cuz when I was your age,I wouldve liked to know that i dont--he makes a pause,hands going to the dogtags around his neck-- that I dont need other peoples approval to be enough.
Juniper nodds,to then perk up as they hear their dad calling out for them-- thanks -- they reply, glancing Back at the ex soldier-- hey by the way,if you go all around over there-- he points at to where Lucas' Back is facing-- youll come out the other way. Just so my dad doesnt think anything weird if he sees you with me
He nodds-- ten four,much obliged-- he tips the visor of his cap like a cowboy would, making the kid laugh at his slight weirdness before leaving for the restaurant.
Lucas goes back to his van through the way the kid told him, and just as he hops into his vehicle, through the outside mirror he sees Juniper and their dad talking. The kid seems dead serious as they talk to their old Man,who nodds and gives them a big hug.
--There we go,happy thoughts kid-- he mutters,seeing a little of his past in the way the father and the kid hug things out. Whenever he would get into dumb arguments with Wheeler,they'd talk it out and hug it out.
He clears his throat,Trying to not get sappy this early in the day,and so he continued his merry way through Colorado.
Switching the radio on, he hears.
"This is for the ones who stood their ground
It's for Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake
Luck, it ain't enough, you've got to make your own breaks"
But as he drives he notices something in the rearview mirror,a black SUV following along a few cars away. He squints and decides to take an alternative Route he had mapped for ocassions like this.
Thankfully,he does lose them and by nightfall, he stays on a small inconspicuous motel on the outskirts of the state of Utah. Keeping an eye out on his van and resting in between watches
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Hello I was wondering if we can get a part 2 the platonic surgeon dabi after reader arrives home and wondering why they're parents are being arrested or while they are still in dabi's office what was those little purple gummies are(melatonin gummies)
Platonic Yandere Surgeon Dabi pt 2
You folded the blanket neatly, completing making up the hospital bed. It was your last day here, you were gonna be discharged. And although Dr Dabi was insistent on keeping you for longer than 3 days, you were just as stubborn, promising you'd return to be more pain in his ass.
"Here are your things!" The nurse handed you the little belonging you'd brought along. Even though Dr Dabi had made sure that the entire hospital staff knew to treat you like a V.V.I.P patient, you had already charmed most of them on your own. I mean, there's no such thing as a perfect patient, but god did you come close to it. Always saying thank you, apologising when you'd need their help with basic things, cooperating with them when they'd change your IVs and bandages.
"Are you sure you don't need a wheelchair, sweetie?" The nurse asked once more, bringing the wheelchair inside your room again.
You smiled and shook your head. "No, thank you-"
"I don't remember telling you to give Miss Y/n the choice, Nurse Sophie." Dabi said, walking in with an irritated look on his face, his eye bags making him look angrier than usual.
The poor nurse stammered. "I- I just-" but Dabi didn't bother listening to her explanation, snatching the wheelchair from her and bring it to you.
You crossed your arms. "No. I'm fine walking on my own."
"Your stitches haven't healed yet, your ribs are still bruised. I don't need you getting another internal bleeding or passing out in my hospital."
"But I'm fine-"
"You either leave in the wheelchair, or you don't leave at all. I won't sign your discharge papers." Dabi said with a serious face, waiting for you to challenge him.
The nurse could only look between you two, sensing the tension, wondering who'd relent.
It was you.
"Ugh fine!" You said, plopping yourself in the chair. "You just want to embarrass me every chance you get, don't you?"
Dabi rolled his eyes and smiled. "Yeah, that's the big plan." He rolled you out of your room and down to the exit.
"Why are we in the parking?" You don't remember owning a car or bringing your bicycle.
"I'm driving you home."
"Why? I could just get a cab."
"I don't trust you or the cab. You'd probably hop out of it to save money."
"Hey! I'm not that poor!" You huffed. "Besides, I'd call a friend to pick me up."
Dabi wheeled you towards his BMW. "Look, I'll sleep better knowing you got home safe."
You sighed. "Fine, but you're gonna get some morphine."
"Acne cream? I'd make a couple of bucks selling that to kids at school."
Dabi face palmed. "Fine, whatever."
"What the fuck?" You hopped out of the car as soon as your house came into view. Why were there cop cars outside of your house?
"Y/n, stop-!" Dabi called from behind, but you ran ahead, finally stopping when the cops prevented you from going any further.
"That's my house! What's going on here?!"
One of the lead investigators walked ahead. "Are you miss Y/n L/n?"
"I- yes."
"Ma'am, we've received a report about child neglect and abuse-"
"T-thats not true!" You said, trying to come up with an excuse. "Who even gave you that report?!"
"Anonymous tip. But between you and me kid, it's probably a relative or one of your neighbours." The cop said, before looking back at the house. Just then your parents were being dragged out of the house. Your alcoholic father had was being pulled by 2 cops as he yelled obscenities at them, while your mother quietly wept as a cop lead her towards the police car.
"Mom!" You slipped past the cops and towards your mother, who cried when she saw you.
"Y/n! You're alive! I- I thought he'd killed you-"
"Mom! Shh! Don't say a word to the police! Not without a lawyer! I'll get you out of there!" You promised her. Your mother wasnt a bad person, she just never was able to defend you from your father.
You looked at your father, who'd now somehow managed to get away from the cops and made a run for you, tackling you to the ground. He began choking you.
"You bitch! This is all your fault!" He was close to crushing your windpipe, but the cops pulled him off you.
You could only cry as you watched them taken away. Dabi walked over to you, taking off his jacket and putting it around you, before pulling you up.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" He asked, but you only wept. What the fuck are you supposed to do now.
The lead investigator walked over to you. "Listen kid, your parents are gonna spend the night at the station where they're gonna be interrogated. You probably won't see them until they get a court date. You got somewhere to stay there until then?"
You stopped crying and nodded. "Yeah, I'll stay at my aunts."
"Need me to drive you?"
"I'll take her." Dabi told the cop, who only took his card before leaving.
You remained silent as Dabi drove you towards the address you'd gave him. But the location he'd came to, it was an abandoned house.
"Thanks for the ride." You said, about to leave the car but Dabi pulled you back in.
"There is no aunt, is there?"
"No." You didn't have it in you to lie anymore. "But I've spent a lot of nights at this abandoned house many times. I'll be fine."
"Are you out of your mind? Do you know the type of people that could get in there and what they'd do to you?"
"I'll be fine-"
"No, you won't." He began turning the car. around. "I'm taking you to my place-"
You slammed your hands on the dashboard. "I SAID I'LL BE FINE!" You yelled, before finally breaking down.
Dabi unbuckled himself and pulled you into a hug. "Shhh, come on. I'm sorry, okay? I just- I can't leave you here. If something happened to you, I'd- I'd never forgive myself."
"Why... do you care?" You whispered.
Dabi shrugged. "Dont you know it by now? You're my favourite pain in the ass." You chuckled.
"Still, I can't go to your house. I just- I cant, okay? It's weird, and you've already done enough for me."
Dabi sighed. "Alright. How about I take you back to the hospital then? You could stay in my office, crash on the couch for the night?"
You nodded. Dabi began driving back towards the hospital, and halfway through the drive, he saw you on browsing on your phone.
"What are you looking for?"
"To get my mom out."
Dabi didn't say anything after that, preferring to remain silent instead of pointing out that she deserves to be in jail. You're enough wounded emotionally as it is.
Dabi had gone to bring you a pillow and a blanket. His office was pretty big and minimilast interior, and it didn't look like he brought in a lot of people in here.
You honestly don't know how to thank him. He's gone above and beyond to help you, and not just tonight. Your medical bills that he always waived off, saying the hospital pays for them because they have a programme that takes cases on like yours. But deep down, you knew it was his pocket all your bills were being paid for.
"Y/n." You looked over to the door where Dabi stood, along with a man in a fine suit. "This is my boyfriend, Keigo Takami."
You stood up and shook his hand. "Its very nice to meet you."
"Likewise, kid." The blonde smiled.
"Y/n, he's a lawyer." Oh no. "Before you say no, at least tell him the whole story, maybe he can just consult you or refer you to a suitable lawyer."
You closed your eyes and thought for a bit. That's the thing, isn't it? Dr Dabi, he's always willing to help you, and that's why you can't turn him down when he offers more help because it feels... rude.
After 30 minutes, you'd told everything to Keigo. You'd explained that your father was an alcoholic and that's why he beat up often. Your mother got beat up by him too, but she was far too in love with him to ever stand up against him. Over time, it took a toll on her mentally and thus she never had it in her to leave your father. You'd grown up used to it, and you only had a year if school left before you left for college and you would take your mother with you.
"I see." Keigo nodded. "Can I be honest with you?"
"Chances of your parents getting out of jail are not good. Especially, since the police actually saw your father attack you."
"I don't care about my father. I need to get my mother out. She's not the abuser here, she's the victim!"
"She might be, but still, the prosecution will charge her with child neglect. And when they present it to the jury, no matter how much the lawyers say that your mother was the victim here, they'll pin it that she's mentally ill, thus unfit to become a mother. And then you'll be sent to foster care." Keigo said, watching the colour drain out of your face.
"But- but- if she gets a good lawyer, we might have a fighting chance! I'll- I'll even testify!"
"Your parents can't afford a good lawyer, hun. And the lawyer the state will give them, don't give a rats ass about cases like these." He said, his face solemn as you began tearing up. Keigo never liked being the bearer of bad news, but the truth always hurts.
You sniffled. "What... what can I do?"
"In my experience, the judge usually rules in the favour of the prosecuters. But... if you allow me to represent your mother, I might be able to help." Keigo said, before pulling out his card and handing it to you. "I have a firm, so I'll have enough resources to help your mom out. So, what's your decision?"
Your mouth was agape in surprise. You looked at Keigo, and then at Dabi who was leaving against the wall with his hands shoved in his pockets, a lazy smile on his face.
"I- I can't." You looked down. "Thank you for everything you've done so far, but I can't accept this." You stood up and began walking towards the door. There's a limit to someone's kindness, and you do not want to take anymore than you already have.
"You might never see your mother again, Y/n." Those words, those goddamn words stopped you dead in your tracks. Dabi and Keigo watched as your shoulders began to tremble, and Keigo nodded at Dabi, who pulled you back inside, letting you cry into his shoulder.
Keigo sighed, pouring you a glass of water. "I know my words are harsh, but I need to give wakeup calls to my clients. If you really do want to save your mother, I'm the best shot you've got."
"I know you don't like accepting help, but you need to put your pride aside for this one, Y/n." Dabi said, pushing the glass to your lips. You calmed down and nodded.
"Fine, but- but I need you to write down your fees for this case right now." You gave him his card back, flipping it over so he'd write a number.
Keigo shook his head. "My firm does pro bonos-"
"No, Im not accepting charity. You're either gonna write me a number or I'll look for another lawyer." You said, lips pursed and determined look in your eyes. You won't relent.
Keigo and Dabi shared a look. Keigo sighed and pulled out his pen from his coat pocket, and wrote down a figure. From the number of zeroes in it, you knew it was a real fee, albeit a discounted one.
"You can pay this amount whenever you want, but I have 1 condition." You looked at him. "Until your mother is out, you're gonna live with us."
"That's non negotiable. Take it or leave it." Keigo said, crossing his legs and looking at you with a serious face. He was not going to compromise on this. You looked at Dabi for help, but he shook his head. "Come on, it'll be good for all of us. I won't have to worry about you hurting yourself and Keigo can be in constant contact with you about your mother's case."
You thought about it, before nodding. "Okay, but you're gonna treat my mom like a real client, right? Draw up the paper work and stuff, and you'll put this fee in it too."
Keigo smiled. "Of course, and I'll put in my condition in as well. You're gonna sign it tomorrow, okay?"
"Good. Now that it's settled-" Keigo yawned and stretched his arms. "-let's go home! I'm tired as hell, Dabi!"
Dabi rolled his eyes and began pulling you out of the room. "You stayed home all day. How are you tired?"
You laughed as the duo continued to bicker, and it was a sound that you fell asleep to in their car. Dabi and Keigo hushed when they saw your peaceful face, and they both shared a look before grinning like Cheshire cats.
Keigo was the one who tipped off the cops about your parents, and he was buddies with the lead investigator, which is why he told them to let go of your father and attack you, so that everyone had witnessed that. He did all this to please Dabi, and now that he'd met you, he saw why Dabi wanted to adopt you.
And tomorrow, you're gonna sign the document that makes you theirs forever. After all, you did agree to stay with them until your mother comes out of jail.
Now Keigo has just gotta make sure that she never does.
The devil is in the details.
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roseworth · 11 months
As one of the most Rose Wilson blogs (excellent taste) what r ur thoughts on the first issue of her Knight Terrors ?
my biggest thoughts on it are just that its not very interesting </3 there are a few things i dont like about it (the lack of lili 😔 but ill circle back to that in a sec) but overall ?? it just didnt really do a lot. theres not a lot to dislike but theres also not a lot to like
but i can excuse the fact that theres not a lot in it given that this is the first time rose is getting the spotlight in like 15 years so not a lot of people are gonna know anything about her backstory so they had to make it accessible to people that dont know her. and i get that
like batman's knight terrors tie-in could delve a lot deeper into his backstory and feelings bc. its batman. everyone knows batman. he has arguably the most famous backstory in western media. but not everyone knows ravager so they had to make it very new reader friendly and i understand that, especially since her biggest trauma (getting drugged by slade) isnt even canon right now (😔) and her other big trauma (her mom dying) is a little more complicated than the story they wanted to tell (mostly because. wade.)
but i wish they had gone a little deeper into like. her feelings. being trapped in a nightmare that you have to escape from is one of my favorite tropes ever so i was soooooooo excited when this book was announced, but it just,, didnt really do anything. there was so much that could've been done with rose protecting and subsequently being betrayed by her younger self, not to mention the whole idea of slade hunting her down. but they didnt really use it? i was hoping for more like,,,, character exploration. but it didnt really deliver
on the other hand though. this one was def trying to do more of a plot than some of the others. like for example the jason & tim one has the basic plot of "theyre in a nightmare" but other than that its really just being used as a way to make them go through their fears n give them some character exploration (side note i wish they had been given two separate ones but thats a whole other post) whereas the ravager one is talking about murder man using rose as a conduit and trying to get into the waking world and making it like. a story instead of just introspection. so it definitely felt like the first issue was setting a lot up for more that will (hopefully) happen in issue two.
anyways back to her mom. again part of the reason that it would be so hard to incorporate lili into the story is that the circumstances surrounding her death would mean reintroducing the story from 30 years ago where she died, which slade wasnt there for so they couldnt wring out her daddy issues, and the fact that its only brought up like. 3 times ever again after that make it hard to reference her. not to mention deathstroke 2016 sort of retconned it that slade murdered her ????? then that was also never brought up again. so once again i understand that it would be very complicated to bring her into the story, not to mention if she showed up she would show up just to die 3 seconds later so i cant be.. too mad.
HOWEVER. they taunted me by mentioning her one (1) time then bringing up the foster parents instead. it seems like it's sort of working toward bringing her pre-52 origin back. but the foster parents were the worst part of her pre 52 origin. and also as my roommate (who hasnt read a lot of rose) pointed out, the foster parents are a deep cut. they showed up for like 3 pages 20 years ago then died and were literally never brought up again (not even a passing mention) until now. and while the story doesnt hinge on knowing who they are, i feel like theres definitely a feeling that youre missing something when you dont know the parents. so the fact that they were there at all seems really weird to me given the fact that im trying to excuse the fact that lili wasnt there. idk. its just hard to understand why brisson chose to put them there instead of lili, who had a major impact on rose's life and her death is the whole reason rose even joined slade at all. at least to me, the fact that lili wasnt there was extremely noticeable and felt wrong (not to mention the "i grew up in a brothel not a foster home" line is kinda iffy to me but maybe im reading too much into it). im still hoping she'll show up in the second issue, especially since they did specifically mention her in the first issue so maybe thats setting her up to show up in nightmare form later (<-delusional)
ok i think thats all my thoughts for now. tldr: its fine, it doesnt have a lot necessarily with it given the fact that rose isnt a well known character so they couldnt dive too deep into her character, but i felt like it wasnt really trying to do anything and it wasnt interesting. the only real problem was the fact that her mom wasnt there. but mostly im willing to wait until the second half before im too harsh on the book
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borathae · 2 months
chapter 1
“Thank you good sir” i havent seen this in a serious manner in a long time, and laughed cuz it sounded like 1890s memes 😭 im sorry
pulls the door open with ease. NO WAY I PUSHED AN PULL DOOR BYE U DIDNT HAVE TO ATTACK SOME OF US LIKE THAT 😭 violence i will be meditating
“I’ve been a student here for quite some time actually” this sits at the same table as "how long have you been 17? a while"
oh it was jooniebug WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT A DICK 😭😭
“At least I don’t look like a stoner from the seventies” JIN STOP, HOBI U LOOK AMAZING
funky what is funky why is funky when is funky where is funky how is funky who is funky
what is she studying to have history and human anatomy together?/srs. ooh literature with different stuff for minor
boi i havent heard the word coolio in a decade, the last time probably while reading ff in 2014
oh my god its the bad boy. is it yoongi? YES I WAS RIGHT
4 HOUR LECTURE ON ONE TOPIC?? BOI I WOULD HAVE DIED AND RESURRECTED IN THAT TIME. i have 2 hour lectures with 5 minute after an hour and its amazing
"No reason really”, *plays why u always lying meme
Hoseok agrees with a quirk of his perfectly styled eyebrow. YES HIS EYEBORWS ARE HOT AS FUCK
ofc kook is a sports major
rest of the Alpha dirt”, damn hoseok really got beef with them
status from royal blood? eww hoseok is slay for that *me acting like i wasnt being a thot while reading yoongi, tae, kook drabbles/oneshots
“Dear lord, give me strength”, jin and joon with bangtan
JIMIN WTF U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIL FLUFF BEAN *bitch stop u knew how they were in the beninging(yes i misspelled for the meme) YES KICKING IN THE SHIN SUPREMACY
what is a hacky sack? i found out its a game? but what is he exactly studying lol?
also its the way she is making friends and talking to people LIKE SHE SPOKE WORDS YALL could never be me, sure i would have asked someone to help me to my classes but i wouldnt be talking after that, would have said im busy even though im not
if you would excuse me, but you’re quite weird, BYE IM LEAVING THE EARTH THIS IS THE 2ND TIME IM EMBARRASSED you can find me in 134340 business days, where i will be rotting under my blankie bye
“Perfect, now that everyone is welcomed accordingly. an example of when theater theaters in the most theater form
It leaves you wondering what he meant with that. u know what he meant by that, this is where you do the whole twilight thing
“I feel I just witnessed a man high on three different drugs theatre kids in a nutshell (apparently people on tumblr are either gay, english major or a theatre kid, and i sent the meme to my friends, guess what they said................... "looks like you fit all three category" our schools dont have it, but im apparently a theatre kid to them 😭)
How is he walking that quietly you walk with your entire feet, part by part, like in those "special" shoes ads, that helps in reducing sound. slow yet quick
“well, that is indeed a predicament.” oof so elegant, classy, AND RUDE (there 2seok, happy?)
your voice actually comes out squeaky. girl mine would have came quiet yet squeaky way before 😭
let’s get the 1860 one.” IS SHE THAT SPECIAL?? WHATS GOING ON AAAH
Seokjin actually answers him with a quiet “yeah!” OFC HE WOULD DO THAT
If you died here tonight EXACTLY U GONNA DIE BYE GIRL, YOU WILL (NOT) BE MISSED jk jk lol
ig kook is scared of girls *eww that was cringe bye Maybe he just needed to take a really urgent shit OH MY GOD PLS😭😭 this is going to stay in my mind forever, everytime i see him running im gonna think of this no doubt
“exactly, that is the reason. He is really shy.” aww such a shy lil bean OK BUT IK THATS NOT THE REASON *inserts suspicious hobi eyes
you must have the crispiest oxygen sounds like an indian water ad, that said "more of oxygen " Arrey yaar h2o water has not turned into h2o2 toxic hydrogen peroxide 😭
i love ur descriptions, they are very picturable and i love the vibes. it is soo good, i could smell the place? the seats, library, just the university smell, restaurant. it was great. i dont think my words do any justice lol
I think this is like a universal human experience to push a few pull doors lmaooa
questions over question mhmhmmhm
oh it was jooniebug WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT A DICK 😭😭
what is she studying to have history and human anatomy together?/srs. ooh literature with different stuff for minor
honestly? i gotta be honest with you, don't think too deeply about the logistics of her studies. i chose her courses for the sake of plot and nothing else LMAOAO
boi i havent heard the word coolio in a decade, the last time probably while reading ff in 2014
coolio still slaps like 10/10 word (also you see how I made them using "outdated" words wink wink almost as if they were from a different time wink wink)
oh my god its the bad boy. is it yoongi? YES I WAS RIGHT
Hoseok agrees with a quirk of his perfectly styled eyebrow. YES HIS EYEBORWS ARE HOT AS FUCK
ofc kook is a sports major
djjfja thinking back, it makes no sense for him to also study JFJDAFJ (you'll understand it later fasdjfj)
JIMIN WTF U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIL FLUFF BEAN *bitch stop u knew how they were in the beninging(yes i misspelled for the meme) YES KICKING IN THE SHIN SUPREMACY
HAHHHAHAH he may have tricked you fadjfjas
what is a hacky sack? i found out its a game? but what is he exactly studying lol?
yes it's a game fakdsfka in theory he studies dance PLEASE don't think too much about the logistic I literally just went with vibes
also its the way she is making friends and talking to people LIKE SHE SPOKE WORDS YALL could never be me, sure i would have asked someone to help me to my classes but i wouldnt be talking after that, would have said im busy even though im not
i get both sides like i would want to make friends but would be too scared that they would hate me FADJFJ if people like 2seok talked to me though? helloooooo :)
if you would excuse me, but you’re quite weird, BYE IM LEAVING THE EARTH THIS IS THE 2ND TIME IM EMBARRASSED you can find me in 134340 business days, where i will be rotting under my blankie bye
hahahahhaha this part is actually so embarassing bHAHAHHAHAHAH
“I feel I just witnessed a man high on three different drugs theatre kids in a nutshell (apparently people on tumblr are either gay, english major or a theatre kid, and i sent the meme to my friends, guess what they said................... "looks like you fit all three category" our schools dont have it, but im apparently a theatre kid to them 😭)
i don't get the hate on theater kids, all I see is people who don't fit into the "societal norm" and are therefore labelled as weird losers. we don't have stuff like "theater kid" or "sports kid" in Austria either becuse school is solely there to study not to offer clubs but I still never understood the weird hatered some clubs get in America jfdjfa
ig kook is scared of girls *eww that was cringe bye Maybe he just needed to take a really urgent shit OH MY GOD PLS😭😭 this is going to stay in my mind forever, everytime i see him running im gonna think of this no doubt
as for now it seems like he is ooooh 👀
“exactly, that is the reason. He is really shy.” aww such a shy lil bean OK BUT IK THATS NOT THE REASON *inserts suspicious hobi eyes
i love ur descriptions, they are very picturable and i love the vibes. it is soo good, i could smell the place? the seats, library, just the university smell, restaurant. it was great. i dont think my words do any justice lol
OMGG THANK YOU!! gosh this is actually such a big compliment :( I'm so happy to know that I managed to really make you exprience the place gaaah thank you for this review heheh 💜💜
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sleepingnova · 9 months
Okay so to make up for the fact that I have like a million drafts, but I haven't posted in like months, here. Take this snippet.
It was a regular day, you and Peter are in World History, waiting for lunch. The teacher talks on and on about the difference between the paleolithic and neolithic eras. Peter's hand continuously moves across his notebook, writing down and absorbing information. He jolts suddenly, going unnoticed by everyone, before grabbing his phone and typing on his phone under the desk.
"Something's worng. I don't know what it is, but it's something." He texts you, your phone dinging and the teacher turning around, trying to catch you.  Before your instructor is able to reprimand you, the bell rings, granting you freedom..for 45 minutes.
"Ms. Y/n, next time I see or hear a phone, I'm going to take it. As for today, here." Your teacher says, handing you a detention slip. You groan and leave the room, Peter, Ned, and MJ waiting for you, ready to walk to lunch.
"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll see you guys at the table." Peter makes up an excuse as he walks quickly the opposite direction down the hallway.
"What's with him?" MJ asks, turning to look at you, but you're nowhere to be found as the both of them turn on circles, trying to find you. You're fairly tall for your age, so it shouldn't be that hard to find you...right?
Meanwhile, the avengers are dealing with a colossal threat. Some "villain of the week", but for some reason, it's worse than last week. Barton fights it off one of the goons and falls back, trying his best not to fall off of the roof. He gets slammed off the edge, flirting with death as he hangs from the room of the building.
"Uh guys? Not to be a downer, but I don't have any more arrows..I'm also hanging on to the edge of the building." He breathes through the comms, earning radio silence from the rest of them.
"Wow, so enthusiastic guys, am I right?" He remarks, earning a warbled sound from Stark.
"Your arrows are retractable.. I made them that way so that this doesn't happen. What the– how in the everloving fuck–" He asks, earning a comment of "language," from cap.
The person he's fighting notices him dangling from the edge of the building, smirking at him as he harshly steps on Clint's fingers, causing him to groan deeply in pain. As he retracted his foot to slam it back down, Clint's hands slip and he starts to plummet, time stilling as he falls.
"Shit, shit!" He sharply gasps as he falls, silently bracing himself for his death.
"I got him!" Tony notifies the group, flying towards the falling Hawkeye at remarkable speed. His suit subtly grasps Clint's fingertips, missing by a fraction of a second. Everything goes silent for a split second as Clint falls, seemingly falling faster, his body just mere feet from hitting the ground.
"Got you!" You interject the deafening silence, catching him and swinging down towards the ground. Clint opens his eyes, hearing the child like voice, half expecting to see Peter, but seeing you instead.
"What the hell? Where'd you come from??" He breathes out a breath he wasnt aware he was keeping in when his feet softly touch the ground.
"Don't worry about it!" You and Peter say in unison, giving each other a glance through your suits.
"Aren't y'all supposed to be in class?!" Tony's surprised shock catches everyone's attention.
"We have lunch right now, it's fine." Peter interjects, trying to ease his mentor's nerves.
"Also, I can't come to the lab after school today, I have detention." You say, breaking the silence. The other avengers look at you in shock.
"What? How the hell?" Tony sputters, obviously shocked by this information.
"My teacher heard my phone go off so he gave me detention. It's fine, I don't mind it's not too bad." You shrug, nudging Peter.
Natasha and Bruce walk up to the group, eyes widening at the fact that you two aren't in class.
"I'll take care of this guy." You say, breaking the stunned silence, swinging up onto the building, crouching low to find the bad guy. You hear Steve and Bruce's voices in your comms telling you to come back, because it's dangerous.
After a while of dancing around with the enemy, you eventually get them pinned and taken care of. You duck behind a building and a bunch of rocks and crushed rubble to change out of your suit.
When you walk back to the group, Tony rolls his eyes and scoffs. "I'm taking both of your suits. Hand them over."
Peter steps back, almost as if he was coming to a realization.
"We have 10 minutes. Run." Peter says, getting ready to swing as you start to sprint back towards your school, he picks you up by the waist, swinging back towards the school. 
"Sorry!" Comes from both of you as you both swing away, eventually coming to a stop at the school. Cutting through your school's courtyard and sneaking back through the halls, you both go and grab your hidden backpacks and change to cover up and scars or messed up elements before walking outside towards your table.
"Where the hell were you guys? I looked up and you were gone." Ned says, pointing at you. Mj comes back from the cafeteria, her eyebrows raised at Peter. "Must have been quite the shit. All the lines are closed man."
(He ended up confiscating both suits later that day. Because you got detention, he came to your house.)
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me everyday because endgame:
the avengers is...it just is... I have so much to say bro. I can't 😭☠️
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inflammatory · 8 months
YAAAWWWW time for a maia win. AS on that AD until it GDPs i know your grade is gonna be inelastically good
1 who is the first artist you remember loving?
I was big into of monsters and men as a kid in addition to all the usual tumblr grunge suspects. If we go back even earlier to like 8 years old my vocaloid girlies <33333
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Thats IA and gumi (i wasnt into miku because she wasnt like so #me . I was already developing the alternative agenda at 8. I mean i liked her and rin and len just fine but these two were like THE ones for me). Okay ovviously theyre not “artists” but i wasnt deliberately looking for who made what song i just liked their looks and sound and the type of music people made them sing. Wait im gonna use this as an excuse to link stuff
THIS ia track (six trillion years and one night story) is still a really good blend of traditional japanese scales and jpop intensity and was exactly the kind of grimdark headbanger kid me liked. The part that goes If this world could just be me and you and if everyone else would just disappear. that part will get me eternally. Also i realised i probably also liked these two because theyve actually got pretty realistic voices. Childhood blues by gumi has a really nice video with art that i used to be obsessed with
This is really a tangent but also i thought about vocaloid producers that i liked also and seriously neru was huge for suicidecore rock songs . Shockingly his stuff that i like is actually kind of recent like 2017? But in my opinion it was easier to get into specific vocaloid artists as a kid cause they had videos on youtube and violent beats so you could binge a whole discography as an easily bored young person . Anyway neru stuff is typically steeped in that Japanese high school melancholia, you know, school uniforms, blank expressions, desks flying everywhere. I really liked this one its pertinent for when youre in your very early preteens/teens and you dont like doing homework and youre convinced youre an evil and wicked human being
3 who is the artist you put on to make you smile?
LOVEEEE dominic fike and always gets me in a good mood. His songs have palpable swag even in purely audio format. Quality cuts that havent failed to improve my mood yet
4 which song rips your heart out?
Oh rips heart out is a very specific feeling and i kind of want to say erm that part in legally blonde from legally blonde the musical when she says some girls fight hard some face the trial some girls were just meant to smile. All my other sad songs are more of an ache kind of feel. Actually wait forget i said the legally blonde answer i dont listen to musicals ssshhhhhh its actually bye bye darling by børns now because i slammed back so many plays of it when my dog died
I mean like
Goodbye to the paperback age / I'll miss your touch
To flip you, crease you, lay underneath you, fall asleep to / Bye-bye darling I'll miss you so much
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berryunho · 1 year
HONGJOONGISM JHRSEH I LOVE THAT NAME it sounds better than something like ateezism tbh cromerism mmmmmm no mmm halazism LMFAOOOOOOO no that sounds like a disease
to the anon that said they'd fold for san and joong.. ME TOO ITS OKAY (this is why san should NOT be killed off, i'll make a ppt for u with all the reasons why)
and abt korea, i'm sure u'll be fine!! i bet when it's over u won't even want to leave bc u had so much fun, fr. also, i hope ur week has been really good <3
-san anon
i took this ask as an excuse to tell a very random story that got super long SORRY BUT HI KDJLFAKDJFLASDF
HONGJOONGISMDLKF;JSADFJ ITS SO FUNNY LIKE PLS IMAGINE IF SCIENTOLOGY WAS CALLED LAYFAYETTISM OR IF BRANCH DAVIDIAN 7TH DAY ADVENTISM sheesh WAS BENJAMINISM OR THE PEOPLES TEMPLE WAS JIMISM LSKDFJL;ASDJFL;KS no cult leaders cant make it that obvious that they're just power-hungry maniacs (as i type this i realize the religion i was raised in [lutheranism] follows this and im . ANYWAYS)
anyways i dont even know what it was in this ask that originally made me have to tell the story that i just typed idk my brain does things sometimes but take this story:
on january 31 2022 i saw ateez in la and i was barricade and as part of my outfit i made a little captains patch out of an old pair of jeans and ~200 swarovski crystals i got on clearance at a craft store and pinned it on my che-- hold on here's a picture
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i dont ... precisely remember why i made it but it took hours (distinctly remember watching the entire original star wars trilogy) and i had to use tweezers and there was super glue everywhere but as you can see it was EXTREMELY shiny like i wasnt planning on it but it mustve been eye catching af bc hj ........ im delusional this is delusion never mind BUT yall see this too or ?
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that look has inspired so much inside of me its unnatural like if i hadnt already been writing him as a cult leader the idea wouldve been born in that moment bc i literally wouldve got on my knees for him instantly
anyways yes please feel free to make me a ppt i would very much like to see the pleading and begging im just like hj that way <3333 which isnt to say san is or isnt going to die or not die of course i merely would giggle ;AKSJSDFLSJDAFL
BUT YEAH YOU'RE RIGHT my parents are convinced that im never coming back already LKSJDFLSKFJDSKDLF but i will . im gonna miss cheese itz and smiling at strangers too much . but korea also has yunho like 75% of the time so ... hmmmmmmmm wait . JLASKDFJ;SDJF jk
ANYWAYS SORRY FOR RAMBLING %(#)$*(*)(#*$ THANK YOUUU my week was mostly just me working but it was okay hehehe i hope you're welllll <3333
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
im gonna be a little harsh, please excuse me in advance. im not really into ships, though i like jikook and jihope interactions (i see jihope purely as strong friendship, as for jikook... i have some doubts, they dont really look like brothers, well, not always; jimin is sure to have a soft spot for jk - always had - and jk sometimes looks... obsessed with jimin?). i used to love yoonmin some time ago (not just as close friends but i smelt smth romantic between them), but 3 or 4 years ago they "died". i dont know what exactly happened between them but it even seemed to me that they hated each other. now they are just ok.
so now about the topic i want to elaborate on. jungkook and jimin. jungkook and taehyung.
we've seen taehyung posted a lot of stuff about him and jk and i have an opinion he did it on purpose. as if he wanted to boost his popularity? no hate there - each celebrity does smth like this - but he did it with clear aim. he knows what ship is most popular in the fandom and he knows that majority of taekookers are tae-biased. so he went and did it. probably - if his relationship with jenny is true - to camouflage it.
now about jungkook. he didn't talk about taehyung much but he mentioned jimin a lot. no, A LOT. probably he doesnt approve taekook or he just understands that tae's efforts are pretty much enough. though i thank him for being such a supporter for jimin (i thought that was only about support, not some jikook boost), now as i've seen his photos i have this strange feeling... was it also on purpose? it just doesnt go OK in my mind. whether it wasnt him who chose the outfit (questions to company then?) or he just did the same thing taehyung did. i mean: what can be more earthshaking then pressing on one of the most popular ships? and we know that (UNFORTUNATELY) today's fandom is more about shipping members with each other than about their music.
all in all, i have a feeling now both jk and taehyung are up to smth not really healthy. im very jimin-biased and i dont like what's happening now. everything jk and tae do have some consequences for jimin and most of them are bad.
what do you think? if we talk about these things not from romantic side (ex awwww jk misses jimin so much he wants us to know they are together kyaaaa blabla), but from antiromantic/business reality.
sorry for mistakes, english not my first language and i practiced it about 5 years ago ahah
Hi anon,
I understand what you are saying because the concept photos are a hard thing for me to understand as well and that's coming from someone who think jikook is together and a hardcore Jimin fan.
If we take out the jikook lens and are completely objective, none of this makes sense.
We now know that Jk told the stylist what he wanted to wear and was specific with things such as mud in the pants.
If we were to look at it from a business point, we can say that Jk copied Jimin because Jimin's concepts and album were cohesive and successful. By emulating what Jimin did, he would attract attention and people would be interested to know if his music is also somewhat related to Jimin therefore he increases numbers.
But also, would the "outside world" really notice the similarities? Or is that a thing that only solos, hardcore fans, and shippers notice?
If we look at this from a jikooker point of view, we can say they thought of this together and they are trying to tell the world that Jk and Jimin's journey was together.
But then the same question arises, would the "outside world" really notice the similarities? Or is that a thing that only solos, hardcore fans, and shippers notice?
I think Jungkook doesn't get anything out of either scenario other than approval from jikookers. And we know Tae has done things, on a much much smaller scale to get approval from taekookers. I don't think it's fair to compare because it is one thing to name drop on a 2 minute live and another to do an official photoshoot.
Since I believe jikook is together, I don't think that Jk is doing this to hurt Jimin although his actions, such as fans service, have resulted in hate for Jimin. But I see why people who don't ship jikook are apprehensive about Jk.
Ultimately, we probably will never know why this was done. The only person who could ever explain this would be Jimin and I doubt he will.
If this continues, and Jimin also does this with his next music, then we can conclude that this is more of a pattern since it would be both showing us something instead of just Jungkook.
I don't think I answered your question lol because there is not really an answer!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 2 years
well hello anyone who is actually on tumblr and hasnt forgotten about me. ive been offline for a year or so, had personal issues in my life, and also started high school so i wanted to focus on that. life update:
- im in 10th grade now :)) high school isnt that bad and there actually isnt as much fights as there was in past years. also im in a lot of advanced classes now
- i got new friends, and dumped my old ones(they were toxic)
- got into some new fandoms(call of duty, genshin[sorta i barely tolerate some people, I just try to play the game without interacting with the fandom], tmnt[i’ve always loved it], and others that I can't rlly think about rn
- got my working permit today :D after new years I'm gonna look for a job
- well I figured out I'm trans now (f-t-m), after years of question my gender and making excuses, I'm also pansexual :)
- the name I want my legal name to be is kaisen(kai is just a nickname and I dont use j anymore)
- body image stuff, sucks to suck but I'm trying everyday, slowly
- i actually have a girlfriend, we have been together for 3 months, and known each other for around 1 or 2 years. We are long distance(she lives in another country), time zones suck, but we make it work. We also met on genshin, so i guess i owe the game for that.
- im teaching myself how to draw, and also have been reading a lot of books lately
- family life isnt the best, im not gonna elaborate, but i just try to ignore it
it seems like a dream with how i acted a year ago. i seemed way more immature than what i do act now. i was so innocent i guess you could say, and i guess you could also say that i was just figuring myself out. and as im sitting in my bed, listening to The Neighborhood, im reminiscing. i do miss the friends that i had before i dropped them, and i really wish that i didnt push everyone away whenever i was in a depressive episode, but its the past. if i cant get over the past i’ll never be able to move on into the future. im just so glad that past me could get that experience of exploring themselves and meeting new people. also i was very very cringey i realize now, i feel like i was acting a sort of way to get recognition from people.
well anyways i dont think i’ll be writing anything anytime soon, i dont feel the passion i used to back then. maybe someday, but not today, and not the next. also thank you for 300 followers, that might not seem alot compared to other people, but it is for me. also thank you for all the support with the dsmp stuff even tho i stopped writing about them. i rlly didnt expect my stuff to blow up like that :))
well signing off:
kaisen(kai), have a fantastic day/night 😊
(ps: ive never deleted tumblr, and i was reading fanfics on here, i just was being lazy and didnt feel like responding to messages and updating my profile 😉 so to all the people who commented on my posts, i wasnt ignoring u, im too tired and my brain cells are the equivalent of 1 at the moment, but i’ll try to respond)
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ryugujitr · 2 years
Goodmorning or afternoon, evening or g'night.
In this week's bulletin of "What the actual FUCK", we will discuss;
'Photoshop? Nope, but I'mma teach u anyway'
Laughing at drama queens is 🤡bad🤡
Feminism vs Opinions
I ain't yo ma'
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OH OH AND THEN- while the chaos is at full blast this girl is just; 'LeT heR sPeaK atleast LISTEN TO MISS FIRST'
This hoe- had been distracting and barfing out useless comments since the class started- says 'So *snifFs* we CanT evEn aSk questioNs *forces a fake sob* 🤡🥲
the lecturer is just: WHY ARE U LAUGHING AT HER
Like bruh...she is lying. I am laughing at her AUDACITY OF DERAILING THE CLASS AND PRETENDING TO ACT LIKE SHE CARES AND YOUR STUPIDITY. But kay I guess ....
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Someone comes up to me and asks "Are you a feminist?"
And your boi was literally looking for her STUDENT ID SHE LOST AGAIN, n i was like "Why."
"because you're so confident and strong headed- im glad to see young women who are opinionated enough to take a stand even if they are in the wrong."
Mind you, if my hand wasn't in my bag it would've been down that bitch's throat. AND she is younger than me too and HAD NEVER CONVERSED WITH ME BEFORE, EVER. EVEN IF IM WRONG? THE DEBATE WASNT EVEN A DEBATE I WAS ASKED ABOUT MY OPINION N I GAVE IT TO THE LECTURER WHO AGREED EITH ME AND IT HIT ME-
To this day, a WOMAN'S OPINION- only shows she's a FEMINIST- bc an opinion is something ONLY A MAN CAN HOLD. Since, you know...FEMALES aren't humans .....
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Finally, we planned on complaining about the lecturer's LACK OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT OUR DEGREE YET HER AUDACITY TO TEACH. SO- I was like, I ain't complaining cause ya'll gonna back out.
And yesterday, as I walked out of The cafeteria after discovering INFLATION IS A BITCH- this random girl comes to me and is just:
🤡- Hey bestie what happened for the complaint?
🫥: Idk
🤡- GoD yOu're so Usless you Have ONE JOB, AREN'T yOu lIke onE of ThoSe smaRt Kids?
🫥: smart I am, your mother, I am not.
If i could, i would've socked her in the face too, but their were too many witnesses.😏🧐
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💗❣️So, that concludes our second week's therapy session.❣️💗
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(i had to put readmore so ppl wouldnt have to scroll endlessly)
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nah cuz that stanky ass bitch asked u “WhY aRe YoU lAuGhIng” i wouldve sent a chair flying in her face bc girl nobody paid your dumbass to be here, it aint nobody’s fault but yours that you got stuck teachin shit you dont even know about like nobody did that for you but yourself
ALSO - WHOS THE HOE THAT SAID YOU’RE USELESS FOR NOT DOIN THE JOB SHE KEPT COMPLAININ ABOUT? also legitimately what the actual fuck was that person thinking when asking if you’re a feminist…….. why.
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perhaps the kugelblitz or general apocalypse would have been a good idea here. some people just make this world a terrible place, as IF WE DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH ALREADY FOR FUCKS SAKE YKNOW??? TOTALLY NOT MHMMM
And thank you for stopping by and checking up bestie, i am also having a rather horrific start of my last year of this bullshit jungle circus school.
first of all; EVERYONE IS ATTACKING US FROM EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN DIRECTION ABOUT TESTS, STUDYING AND CHOOSING WHICH HIGH SCHOOL TO GO TO (as if last year wasnt fuckin plenty enough of stress), TEN TIMES WORSE BECAUSE ITS OUR LAST YEAR AND “we’re mature, we’re older, we should be smarter and wiser”………. RIGHT.
second of all - we miraculously have a new student in our shitty class (GIRLIE YOU COULDVE PICKED ANY OTHER FUCKIN CLASS, WHY THIS ONE FILLED WITH IDIOTS???) which is weird, not in a rude way but like…… transferring last year to another school seems more stressful than trying to find a needle in a haystack within one hour, considering 1. you dont know anyone or anything here now 2. you barely have friends and 3. the grading system is entirely diff and fucked way more than your past school so idk how this girl is going to make it but im gonna try look out for her from the shadows and help when i can.
fourth of all, the teachers are twats- worse than ever before. they’re harassing us from every direction because its our last year, we have to behave, we have to study, keep in line - BUT LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT, IM NOT DOING THAT. THE NEXT TIME SOMEONE DARES SPEAK TO ME IN A WAY I DONT LIKE IM SOCKING THEM IN THE FACE, DRAGGING THEM OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL BY THEIR WIG AND BANGING THEIR HEAD AGAINST THE RAILS UNTIL THEY GET A. CONCUSSION. IM NOT HAVING IT.
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fifth of all - i was extremely close to getting into a fight and beating the shit out of a girl (lets call her B for Bitch) from my class. im gonna make one thing clear - i hate liars, despise them to the core. i hung out with B and a couple other two girls at lunch and she began literally speedwalking when one of those two girls told me that B asked her why im hanging out with them randomly. i immediately yelled at her dumbass to stop running from her problems and turn around cuz im not a kindergarten teacher, she stopped in her tracks and i told her if she was so bothered by me she should tell me instead of being a coward and talking shit behind my back. she got extremely uncomfortable and didnt dare even look me in the eye for the rest of the day and tbh she should be glad she didnt.
as expected, im definitely not gonna be anything like allison or klaus this year - i’ll be going on a yelling and beating spree from how annoyed people already get me here. my class absolutely didnt change for the better, when they all grow up im betting my left eye they’ll be living a sad life in this country fr.
anyway, ur homegirl will be alone at lunch in the bathroom listening to tua music and probably scrolling thru media bc whats better than learning tua footloose dance in the school bathrooms 💀💀💀
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overall you and i both are gonna have a tough year it seems, i’ll always be here for therapy sessions tho dearest 😭😭🖤🖤🖤
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lawtistic · 1 year
tier lists uhh woohoo
“who uses emails anymore” me. because i had to email one of these to myself so i could get it on my computer. now here we are
i went a did a shit ton of death note tierlists and now that i have the urge to shit myself i will post them because i need an excuse to post something on my masterlist when i get around to making that
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i know who that manga guy is but i forgot his name and he is funny and sexy despite being present for 2 pages and thats why hes up there
im a certified sidoh hater btw
there is a number of characters i ranked pretty high just because theyre hot (mello [partially], namikawa, gevanni, lidner, nameless manga guy, wedy)
characters (adaptations):
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i didnt watch the 2006 live action because i havent gotten to it, couldnt finish the 2017 netflix version because of the gore, and havent watched the korean musical because i am superstitious and the circumstances of that are triggering so yayyy! so the characters that are on here from those are ones i have seen clips of and feedback and such
and some characters werent on there??? like mikami was in the jdrama and was an important enough character why would u not add him
characters kind of deviate from their og rankings but that is either because i have gotten 8 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours or something stirred in my brain and i was being smart but i no longer remember it
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i probably shouldnt have even ranked the 2006 live action and 2017 netflix ver at all but i probably thought the list was looking pretty empty when  was doing this
theres also a lot missing but those are the main ones so i dont care that much
(i would have personally added the add-ons like L change the worLd, another note, and the video games but like i said those are specific additions. i would have also added the one shot, the c-kira story and a-kira story, as well as the relights, light up the NEW world, differentiated the different versions of the musical but but but its okay. i know im rambling but really i do get it [”make it yourself!” no i already made 1 tierlist for this post and also i havent consumed enough of that media for it to be worth it])
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gonna be honest when it comes to L’s successors (excluding B and A) i feel weird shipping them with anyone else BUT each other
i would have ranked b x a higher if a wasnt a briefly mentioned character with little dynamics or personality talked about, and i havent seen enough collective fanon of them to rank them anywhere other than mid
the first 2 tiers are preeetty closely ranked i just put lawlight in the first one because i consume more of it, also i probably would have moved some of these around (like moving kiyomisa down to ohio) but this is pretty old so thats my excuse (i was also kind of hard on matsulight i am so sorry)
musical songs: 
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i dont hate any of the songs enough to put it in hunchback 2
also i need jarrod spector to sing an english version of the way things are i would cry. i put that in (the cheap, joking version of) my will but i accidentally said the way it ends and since it was an image that has since been plastered on multiple places its too late for me to fix it despite my efforts to correct it so oh well
ones i just genuinely cant remember were put in ohio (alongside the actual ohio songs) so if you see one in there that should definitely be ranked higher or lower that is why
i know a lot of people liked borrowed time but to me its just the simp version of titanium so i dont care that much
if i could rank the individual parts of secrets and lies i would be so grateful because the first part is pretty ohio but the last section is so boobs tier worthy that i just ended up averaging it out
i listen to the way it ends on loop every single morning
character themes:
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this is the tier list i made and since i am very bad at making tier lists there are like 2 useless and unused images and its irritating but tiermaker says i cannot delete them so rip
kira’s theme is my favorite and while i know the three L themes up there are essentially the same thing they are also the same thing and i just put them next to each other
i played mello’s theme c while riding go karts once it was great
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gamerwoo · 1 year
if it wasnt requested a lot yet, aya and aeri content 🤲 though id mostly think theyd tease bang chan about how he hid his imprinting
any excuse for more crossovers <3 so here's their first sleepover after chan and aeri got together 😌
imprinted series mlist
The knock on the door had the couple stopping to stare at each other. Chan silently locked eyes with Aeri before both of them were bolting for the door to answer it first. Aeri, out of excitement and knowing Aya was going to embarrass the ever-loving shit out of Chan, and Chan wanted to beat Aeri there so he could hopefully tolerate the teasing without his mate hearing.
And while he did beat her there, she elbowed her way under his arm when the door opened, ducking to see the girl standing at the door.
And then Chan was bombarded with two high-pitched squeals.
“Ah, here we go...” he sighed, eyes looking up toward the sky like a silent prayer for whoever might be out there listening to just strike him down.
While the two girls were embracing and babbling excitedly about how much they missed each other, Chan figured maybe he could sneak away. Maybe he could slip by them and go back home, or he could go into the house and escape out of a window or something. But as he turned to leave, he heard a sharp, “Hold it!”
He turned around, eyes wide with fear. He wouldn’t dare go against either girl.
Aya was smirking, arms still around around the younger girl as he gold eyes looked up at Chan, “No hello?”
“Hey, Aya...” he said timidly with a smile. “How’s it going? How’s Jeonghan?”
“Fine,” she replied simply before quickly asking, “How’s falling in love with your childhood best friend and hiding it for-fucking-ever going?”
He closed his eyes, nodding slowly, “And there it is...”
“I know, right!” Aeri gushed, pulling away to look down at Aya with wide eyes. “Like, I get I had a boyfriend but maybe say something.”
“Exactly! Look how well Taehyung turned out, idiot!”
“Y’know, I think I need to be getting home,” Chan said quickly, checking the time on his very invisible watch. “It’s been great catching up, Aya--”
“I don’t know, I might fall in love with Aeri and hide my feelings for the next six months until you guys have a fight or something and then steal her away.”
Chan just rolled his eyes, “Very funny.”
“You don’t wanna stay for a bit?” Aeri asked sincerely. “Maybe grab some pizza at least before you leave?”
“Yeah, bring some back for the guys,” Aya insisted. “Lord knows none of you will actually make dinner.”
“You sure?” Chan wondered slowly. “Won’t I be intruding?”
“Dude, we’ve been best friends for years,” Aya scoffed, “and I was friends with your mate for even longer. If you think I’m gonna feel like a third-wheel, you’re wrong.”
“Promise?” Chan asked, a smile slowly widening on his face as Aeri led the way back into the house, past Chan.
“Duh,” Aya snorted as she followed. She reached up to pat his shoulder, a condescending grin on her face. “You’re the third.”
Chan nodded again, looking down at the floor as he closed the door, the girls’ laughter echoing in the small house.
“Yup,” he replied, sounding tired, “I’m well aware.”
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I know this can be a difficult question to answer and not everyone is comfortable with it, so please don’t feel pressured to share more than you’re comfortable with. But how did you come to find out you were a system? What was it like? We’re there any signs before, or was it a total shock? How old was the body?
Asking because my friends are all convinced I have DID and I just can’t accept it and i don’t know what to do if they’re right so I’m looking for comfort in other peoples’ stories.
-a very confused and scared college student
this is gonna be a long post lol im sorry.
excuse the switching between we and i, we're kinda blurry and switchy idk.
before i say anything, i do have to say that we're undiagnosed so we dont have 100% proof but we are fairly certain in our suspicion and have done research before saying anything about this (which i recommend to you too; there's blogs on here that have plenty of papers on DID/OSDD research).
ive always felt like there was something going on that i couldnt explain with other mental health stuff (the dissociation, the missing trauma memories, the feeling that youre seperate people, the emotions that dont fit to how you would react, etc) but the only image i had of DID was what the media told me, so losing time n all that.
i did actually start researching DID/OSDD at one point in our life but that resulted in them trying to talk to me and me being completely overwhelmed by everything which lead to a severe shut down that i still cant quite fully understand.
the body is 24 and thats also the age that i started to explore this somehow. theres definitely systems that know way before that but theres really no age limit to discovering that youre a system.
coming to terms with being a system is a hard thing to do so when i did finally start looking into it and asking myself these questions, i was met with a huge amount of denial and the typical "but i cant be a system, i dont have the symptoms!" while being oblivious to the symptoms i did have that hinted towards it. i wasnt "shocked" persé, i was shocked in the way that i knew i had symptoms but still denied myself the chance of saying "maybe what happened to me really was that bad", if that makes sense.
i am by no means far in this. ive just started therapy and i have been trying to figure things out for a mere 5 months now and i am by no means close to understanding everything. so do take this with a grain of salt. and we have actually had to accept things for like 3 times now because everytime we got overwhelmed, someone came and made us forget things again.
please dont pressure yourself in having to discover this and dont let your friends pressure you either! something like this needs time and you have lots of time and its better to come to an informed and calm decision than doing harm with a rushed decision. just try to research for now and keep an open mind!
also id advice you to look for a professional if you really think this could be a possibility.
i hope i could somehow answer your questions, if you have any more questions, please ask, we're a little "out of it" today so it could be that i forgot to answer something.
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